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SMEs turning environmental challenges into business
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SMEs turning environmental challenges into business
The Green Action Plan for SMEs sets out ways to support green business* developments in Europe to create a sustainable economy and improve the competitiveness of small companies.
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Green Action Plan for SMEs Enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities (COM(2014) 440 final of 2.7.2014)
If SMEs use their resources more efficiently, they can reduce costs and achieve productivity gains. However, small companies are often unable to find the advice and support they need. The Green Action Plan for SMEs presents ways they can be helped to reach their goal.
The Commission identifies several measures. They include:
Some three-quarters of SMEs in the EU have seen their material costs increase over the past 5 years. At least 93 % are trying to be more resource-efficient, but fewer than half (42 %) have seen production costs fall. Hence, the need for clear, practical guidance.
* Green business: one that produces innovative goods or offers innovative services that result in reduced environmental impacts and the use of fewer resources.
last update 28.08.2015