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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

European Parliament Rules of Procedure



Rules of Procedure — 9th parliamentary term


  • They establish the internal organisation and workings of the EU’s only pan-European directly-elected institution. Under Article 232 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the European Parliament has the power to adopt its own Rules of Procedure.
  • The document covers all procedural aspects of parliamentary works.


The rules cover the following aspects of parliamentary life:

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs):

Parliamentary officers

MEPs elect the President, 14 Vice-Presidents and 5 Questors by secret ballot for a term of 2.5 years.

  • The President:
    • has overall direction of the Parliament and its various operations;
    • represents Parliament;
    • ensures observance of the rules and maintains order;
    • opens, suspends and closes sittings, chairs the debates and supervises voting;
    • rules on the admissibility of amendments, of other texts put to the vote and of parliamentary questions; and
    • refers to parliamentary committees matters that concern them.
  • Vice-Presidents have specific responsibilities and replace the President when necessary.
  • Questors are responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs.
  • The Bureau consists of the President and 14 Vice-Presidents. It decides on financial, organisational and administrative matters affecting the Parliament.
  • The Conference of Presidents consists of the President and the Chairs of the political groups (see below). It organises the Parliament’s political work and decides legislative planning.
  • The Conference of Committee Chairs consists of the chairs of all standing and special parliamentary committees. It may make recommendations on committee work and plenary session agendas.
  • The Conference of Delegation Chairs consists of the chairs of all Parliament delegations to parliaments elsewhere in the world. It may make recommendations on the work of delegations.
  • Political groups are formed by MEPs on the basis of their political affinities. A minimum of 23 MEPs, elected in at least a quarter of EU Member States, is required to form a group. They receive financial and administrative support depending on their size.
    • Some MEPs do not belong to a political group. They receive support for their parliamentary activities.
    • Individual MEPs from different political groups may form a cross-party intergroup on specific issues such as animal welfare or public health.

Legislative procedures

In the course of those legislative procedures, Parliament pays specific attention to issues like the respect for fundamental rights, the legal basis, the delegation of legislative powers, the financial compatibility and the respect for subsidiarity.

Own-initiative procedures

In the case of legislative own-initiative reports, Parliament requests the European Commission to submit proposals (Rule 47) or submits proposals in the cases provided for by the Treaties (Rule 46).

Non-legislative reports

Parliament can also prepare non-legislative own-initiative reports on specific subject matters:

  • Constitutional matters, where rules cover the Parliament’s role when the EU’s treaties are amended, a new country joins the EU or an EU Member State decides to leave the EU.
  • Budgetary procedures, where rules cover both the consideration of the annual EU budget and its multiannual financial framework.
  • International agreements, where the Parliament’s approval or opinion is required for international agreements. It may also be consulted on aspects of the EU’s common foreign and security policy.

Relations with other EU institutions and bodies

The Parliament:

Parliamentary questions

MEPs may table written questions to the:

They can also table oral questions, which are followed by a debate, to the Council or the Commission.

Relations with national parliaments

  • Parliament keeps national parliaments regularly informed of its activities. MEPs and national MPs meet occasionally in the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs.

Sessions of Parliament

  • Parliament holds 4-day plenary part-sessions 12 times a year in Strasbourg and additional part-sessions in Brussels.
  • Detailed rules cover issues such as:
    • speaking time;
    • use of languages;
    • distribution of documents;
    • voting.


  • Standing committees prepare Parliament’s decisions at plenary level by submitting reports and other documents in their specific field of competence.
  • Special committees may be established for a given term and a specific subject area.
  • Committees of inquiry may be set up to investigate alleged contraventions of EU law or possible maladministration.

Interparliamentary delegations

Parliament establishes joint committees with national parliaments around the world and cooperates with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.


Any EU citizen may address a petition to Parliament on a matter which comes within the EU’s fields of activity and which affects the petitioner directly.


They entered into force on 2 July 2019.


For the latest iteration of the rules of procedure, see:

For more information, see:


Rules of Procedure — 9th parliamentary term — July 2019 (OJ L 302, 22.11.2019, pp. 1-128)

Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament 9th parliamentary term — June 2020

last update 03.07.2020
