Strasbourg, 17.10.2023

COM(2023) 638 final


Commission work programme 2024

Delivering today and preparing for tomorrow

1.Delivering today and preparing for tomorrow

‘Together, we have shown that when Europe is bold, it gets things done. And our work is far from over, so let’s stand together. Let’s deliver today and prepare for tomorrow.’ European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, State of the Union speech, 13 September 2023.

Next June, Europeans will take part in the continent’s biggest democratic exercise. Among the more than 400 million people eligible to vote for the new European Parliament will be many young people who are exercising their democratic rights for the first time – including, in five Member States, 16- and 17-year-olds.

The results will set Europe on its path for the subsequent five years and beyond, with the election coming at a crucial juncture in Europe’s history.

We are faced with a number of epoch-making challenges and opportunities. From the climate and biodiversity crises to the digital revolution and artificial intelligence; from Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine to the ensuing energy price and cost of living crises; from migration to ensuring economic growth and competitiveness.

At the start of the mandate, this Commission laid out an ambitious agenda for a stronger and more resilient Union. We committed to bold action to be the first climate-neutral continent and preserve Europe’s natural environment, to lead the way towards a human-centred and innovative digital transition, to boost our economy while ensuring social fairness, inclusion and prosperity, to reinforce our responsible global leadership, to protect our citizens and our values, and to nurture and strengthen our democracy.

The world is a very different place compared to 2019, however. As a Union, we have had to react and adapt in the face of unprecedented challenges, remaining united in our responses and refusing to back away from delivering on our ambitions.

We have accelerated the twin green and digital transitions, put in place the landmark NextGenerationEU, strengthened the EU’s role as a global leader and promoted the values that lie at the heart of our societies, such as democracy and the rule of law. Through our Economic Security Strategy, we seek to reap the benefits of the EU’s economic openness, while minimising risks arising from increased geopolitical tensions and accelerated technological shifts.

The clock is now ticking on our work to finalise the remaining key legislative proposals presented by this Commission to ensure that citizens and businesses can take full advantage of our policy actions. To this end, in the coming months, the Commission will support the European Parliament and the Council in their efforts to reach agreement on pending legislative proposals.

To allow sufficient focus for this task, and with most of the necessary legislative framework promised under this mandate already in place, this work programme contains a limited number of new initiatives that deliver on existing commitments or respond to emerging challenges.

The EU’s economy has continued to show resilience despite the challenges we have faced supported by our efforts to strengthen our energy security, a resilient labour market and the easing of supply constraints.

The European Green Deal, our world-leading effort to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss and Europe’s growth agenda, remains a central part of the Commission’s work. While the main focus is now on implementation, we are coming forward still this year with proposals on the protection of animals during transport, preventing microplastic pollution, improving forest monitoring and a mobility package. We will also maintain our efforts to set the course towards a human-centred, sustainable and more prosperous digital future with the Digital Decade.

NextGenerationEU will remain key to ensuring secure, affordable and clean supplies of energy, the competitiveness of European industry, social and territorial cohesion and the transition to a net-zero, circular and nature-positive economy. The Commission will support all Member States in accelerating the implementation of their recovery and resilience plans, in line with the country-specific recommendations under the European Semester, including their REPowerEU chapters. Early next year we will present an interim evaluation on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

To promote more jobs and investments in Europe we will also continue work to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy while keeping energy prices under control, to ensure supplies of key strategic commodities such as critical raw materials and clean hydrogen, and to reduce administrative burden, in particular in relation to reporting in line with our strategy to boost the EU’s long-term competitiveness.

At the same time, we need to finish building an economic governance framework fit for the challenges ahead. This means finding agreement on the Commission’s proposals on reforming governance rules and strengthening debt sustainability and on promoting sustainable and inclusive growth through reforms and investment.

Together with the Belgian Presidency, the Commission will convene a Social Partner Summit in Val Duchesse to discuss the challenges facing our labour markets, workers and businesses, including from skills and labour shortages, and artificial intelligence.

The challenges over the past years have underlined the strengths and capabilities of our Union. But they have pushed the EU budget to the point of exhaustion despite its in-built flexibilities and extensive reprogramming. To counter this, we tabled a proposal to reinforce the long-term EU budget to be able to address the most imminent needs, which provides for a targeted increase in EU spending to deepen our support for Ukraine, finance our action on migration, bolster the Union’s capacity to respond to heightened economic and geopolitical instabilities, humanitarian crises and natural disasters, and boost investments in strategic technologies to foster long-term competitiveness.

In line with the negotiations on the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027, we put forward an adjusted proposal for new own resources to help finance the repayment of NextGenerationEU borrowing.

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum remains the structural response the EU needs to tackle migration challenges in the future. Its adoption is a key priority as work needs to start already next year to prepare for its swift implementation.

With the brave resistance of the Ukrainian people against the invading Russian forces continuing unabated, the EU will not waver in its solidarity with Ukraine. So far, the Union and its Member States have provided, in a Team Europe approach, EUR 82 billion in total support, including humanitarian aid, military equipment and training, material goods for civilian use, including generators, school buses, medical items and evacuations, rebuilding cities in a high-quality, sustainable and inclusive way, help for children and to rehabilitate damaged schools, and economic support. This support is provided in coordination with our international partners within the Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine launched in January 2023 following a decision of G7 leaders. The Commission hosts the secretariat of the platform that facilitates close coordination among international donors and financial organisations and ensures coherent, transparent, and accountable support.

The EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes have helped Ukraine export over 57 million tonnes of agricultural goods and almost 45 million tonnes of non-agricultural products, and import goods the country needs. Through the Joint Coordination Platform, the Commission will spare no efforts to facilitate the timely and stable delivery of Ukrainian agricultural products to global markets.

The Commission condemns Russia’s decision to terminate the Black Sea grain initiative and will continue to support all efforts to mitigate security and safety risks to shipping in the Black Sea. The Council adopted the Commission’s proposal to extend the temporary protection for people fleeing Russia’s aggression against Ukraine until 3 March 2025. Together with the CARE and FAST-CARE initiatives, this will provide certainty and support for more than 4 million persons enjoying protection across the EU.

The EU also adopted in record time several emergency initiatives during the course of 2022 to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis on industry and households.

Finally, to underscore the EU’s commitment to stand by Ukraine as long as is necessary, we will create a facility to provide support to Ukraine to the tune of up to EUR 50 billion in the period 2024-2027. This funding will cater for Ukraine's immediate needs, as well as bolstering its recovery, and supporting its modernisation on its path towards EU membership.

Together with our international partners, we have taken steps to ensure war crimes committed in Ukraine by Russia are punished and that Russia compensates for the damage it has done. The International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine has started its operations in The Hague and will be key to investigating these horrific acts and facilitating the building of cases for future trials. We will leave no stone unturned to hold those responsible to account. And we are continuing work on the possible use of proceeds from seized Russian assets for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

The Union must prepare for its successful enlargement in order to foster long-term peace and stability in Europe. We will work closely with our partners as they prepare for this momentous step, including opening the Commission’s Rule of Law Reports to those accession countries who get up to speed even faster.

The EU also needs to be ready. The Commission will put forward a Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews to see how each policy would be affected by a larger Union and how the European institutions would work.

We will continue to engage with countries and regions around the world, in particular in Africa, to address global challenges and strengthen multilateral governance and rules-based international cooperation.

In all our actions we remain committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its sustainable development goals will remain at the heart of our policies 1 and better regulation agenda 2 .

2.Better Regulation, implementation and enforcement of EU law

2.1.Better regulation, burden reduction and rationalisation of reporting requirements

Reducing administrative burdens is crucial to maintaining the competitiveness of European businesses. That’s why the Commission’s long-term competitiveness Communication 3 set a target of reducing burdens associated with reporting requirements by 25%, without undermining policy objectives. This will rationalise and streamline such requirements, which have a disproportionate impact on businesses, including SMEs and micro-companies, and administrations, and ensure they fulfil their intended purpose.

To achieve this goal, the Commission has adopted legislation, including to reform the Union Customs Code, which will create a single EU interface and facilitate data re-use. Together, these measures will bring about around EUR 2 billion in cost savings. In addition, the proposed revision of the Regulation on European statistics, reducing the number of surveys and increasing the use of automated and simplified processes, will bring cost savings – including for SMEs – of an estimated EUR 450 million. With this work programme, the Commission is putting forward additional rationalisation proposals 4 to reduce administrative burden without lowering social, safety, consumer protection, environmental or economic standards. They will streamline reporting requirements that are of limited use, for example by consolidating overlapping obligations, reducing the number of businesses concerned and increasing digitalisation.

To allow stakeholders time to adapt to new requirements, we will postpone the deadline for adoption of the sector-specific European sustainability reporting standards. The Commission will adjust the thresholds of the accounting Directive so that more than a million companies are expected to benefit from reduced reporting requirements, and review the benchmark Regulation, including to exempt administrators of smaller benchmarks, which account for 90% of the population, while still ensuring a high degree of consumer and investor protection. The Commission also proposes to facilitate data sharing between autorities overseeing the financial sector and avoid duplicative reporting. The Commission is promoting the timely agreement and widespread implementation of a common form of electronic format for posted worker declarations. Complemented by work to make available a multilingual portal, the Commission aims to allow companies to submit posting declarations digitally in their own language, for all Member States who decide to make use of this tool.

Under the second notice on taxonomy reporting, which guides the interpretation of disclosures regarding taxonomy, we will clarify that no assessment is needed from undertakings for activities that are not material to their business and where they lack evidence or data to prove compliance with the technical screening criteria of the EU Taxonomy. The removal of certain disclosure obligations related to alternative dispute resolution cases and replacing the online dispute resolution platform will bring overall benefits for businesses of around EUR 630 million per year.

Proposals will also cover marketing standards for fishery products, plant health, transport, agriculture and spatial infrastructure monitoring. The Commission will work with the co-legislators to preserve the leanness of reporting requirements, as long as the objectives and the purpose of the legislation are not put at risk. For example, for the proposed Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, the Commission will support the proportionate application of the requirements, in particular in areas such as the role of groups, with a view to ensuring efficiency and avoiding unnecessary burden.

For the industrial emissions portal Regulation, the Commission is committed to accelerating digitalisation and further streamlining reporting requirements. With the revision of the coordination of social security framework, the Commission will continue to support the co-legislators to find effective and workable solutions that protect workers and facilitate cross-border activities in the internal market. Moreover, the digital Europe programme is available to fund initiatives by Member States to provide simple technical reporting means, such as a single-entry point for the reporting of cybersecurity incidents in the framework of the Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive). 

The streamlining of reporting requirements is a long-term effort that will require focus for the foreseeable future. Establishing a baseline of reporting requirements, while complex given the breadth of EU legislation and its interaction with national and regional laws, will be crucial to measuring progress. Stakeholders can help in shaping a better understanding of how the reporting requirement landscape affects them. For this reason, we have launched a call for evidence 5 to gather feedback on burdensome reporting requirements. Further consultations with companies, including with the SME envoys network, Member States’ experts and other stakeholders, will be carried out to identify particularly problematic issues and areas to prioritise. The Commission will also appoint an EU SME envoy who will participate in Regulatory Scrutiny Board hearings on initiatives that have a high impact on SMEs. Additionally, the Commission will tackle the burdensome reporting requirements that its Directorates-General have identified with targeted rationalisation plans for 2024 and beyond. We will report on progress made towards the 25% goal in the annual burden surveys, starting with the 2023 edition, to be published next year.

The Commission will put the development of artificial intelligence tools and large language models at the core of this exercise. This will help to identify reporting requirements in EU legislation, based on standardised means, and support in analysing their effect in a certain sector. It will also work on the expansion of the use of e-platforms for collecting and sharing data, such as the Single Digital Gateway, the e-platform established under the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Regulation and the Digital Finance Platform. In addition, the Commission will carry out evaluations and fitness checks to assess how legislation can be simplified and made less burdensome, with an emphasis on identifying further opportunities for rationalising reporting requirements 6 . The evaluations of programmes and funds of the multiannual financial framework, due in 2024, offers another opportunity to assess how to reduce burdens linked to the EU’s financial programmes.

The rationalisation of reporting requirements complements the Commission’s tools for burden reduction. Under the Commission’s regulatory fitness and performance programme (REFIT), all evaluations and revisions look for opportunities to reduce burden, and for all significant proposals, impact assessments are carried out to ensure that benefits outweigh costs. For example, establishing a Head Office Taxation system will simplify rules and cut tax compliance costs for SMEs expanding their operations across borders. The proposal on business in Europe: framework for income taxation (BEFIT) could reduce tax compliance costs for businesses operating in the EU by up to 65%.

In addition, since January 2022, with its ‘one in, one out’ approach, the Commission has presented proposals that are set to provide EUR 7.3 billion more administrative savings than costs 7 . The Fit for Future Platform also advises the Commission on how to reduce burdens in EU law.

2.2.Implementation and enforcement of EU law

For people and businesses in the EU to enjoy the full benefits of our commonly agreed rules, EU law must be implemented and applied in a full, timely and correct manner across the Union. That is why the enforcement of EU law is a priority for this Commission. At this stage in the mandate, we will ensure that even greater attention is given to implementation and enforcement tasks, to make sure that the rules agreed deliver for people and businesses. Addressing implementation challenges when proposals are being developed and offering guidance to Member States are ways to prevent problems at an early stage. To deliver more efficient EU laws, we will thus work together with Member States to avoid placing unnecessary burdens on business and citizens when transposing EU directives into national law. When breaches do occur, the Commission will continue to engage with Member States to remedy the problems swiftly and to act decisively on infringements which obstruct the implementation of important EU policy objectives, or which risk undermining the EU’s values and fundamental freedoms.

To ensure that the enforcement tools at its disposal remain effective, the Commission conducted a stocktaking exercise with Member States in 2022. We are now implementing its findings and recommendations to improve the way the Commission and the Member States ensure enforcement of EU law. We will work closely with the Member States to facilitate the implementation of new legislation through increased support at national level, especially in areas where more efforts may be needed to ensure the timely and correct transposition of directives, and through a more systematic monitoring of the implementation of regulations. We will also continue reinforcing the transparency of the Commission's enforcement actions, with more information and data published in a more user-friendly way. This will help members of the public engage in this process and promote faster compliance by Member States, by highlighting positive achievements and giving credit to best practices, creating at the same time peer pressure concerning unresolved breaches of EU law.

3.Delivery on the six headline ambitions

As mentioned in the State of the Union address, the Commission has delivered on over 90% of the commitments made in the 2019 Political Guidelines of President von der Leyen. In 2024, a dedicated effort by the co-legislators is needed to find agreement on outstanding proposals to bring benefits for Europe’s citizens and businesses.

3.1.A European Green Deal

Born out of the urgency to take action to protect and preserve our planet, the European Green Deal is our growth agenda, proving to the world that modernisation and decarbonisation can go hand in hand. The EU has the world’s most ambitious green transformation plan, with the goals of achieving climate-neutrality, circular economy and a net-zero economy by 2050, as well as preventing environmental degradation, preserving biodiversity and creating a zero pollution environment. In the face of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the Commission acted swiftly to ensure the security of energy supply while strengthening the Union’s commitment to the European Green Deal and increasing our industrial base in clean tech sectors. Fundamental structural changes have been proposed for the electricity and gas markets, as well as new initiatives to spearhead the emergence of green hydrogen markets.

We will continue our efforts to ensure that the green transition is done in a just, smart and inclusive way, leaving nobody and nowhere behind, while also engaging actively with our third country partners including to strengthen green growth. To this end, the Commission will initiate a series of green dialogues in order to fully and directly engage with citizens, as well as clean transition dialogues with industry and social partners. In parallel, the Commission is continuing its preparatory work for the implementation of the future Social Climate Fund, which together with the Just Transition Fund, will support vulnerable citizens, businesses and regions in the transition. The Commission will launch a strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture in the EU, further engaging with farmers, stakeholders in the food chain and citizens, working together on the transition towards sustainable food systems.

Faced with new global threats, the Commission has laid out plans to safeguard food security and reinforce the resilience of food systems in the short and medium term. Through its farm to fork and strategy, it has been delivering on the vision of making the EU food system fair, healthy and environmentally friendly. The strategy also included action to achieve sustainable and resilient fisheries and aquaculture. In parallel, the Commission adopted further measures to build the circular economy, tabled flagship initiatives on protecting biodiversity and restoring damaged ecosystems and presented key proposals under the zero pollution action plan. The EU has also worked on strengthening its disaster resilience, including by doubling the rescEU aerial firefighting fleet and boosting our Civil Protection Mechanism.

The majority of initiatives set out in the 2019 Communication on the European Green Deal have been delivered, and many already agreed into law. It is imperative to swiftly reach agreement on the remaining proposals in order to keep the Union firmly on track towards climate neutrality. This includes the proposals on carbon removals, methane emissions reduction in the energy sector, industrial emissions, the energy performance of buildings, CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles, type-approval of motor vehicles and engines, revision of the rules on the circularity of vehicles, revision of the TEN-T regulation and the greening of freight package, as well as electricity market design, renewable and natural gases and hydrogen. To foster sustainable farming and food security, the proposals on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques and the sustainable use of plant protection products should also be agreed. To bring us closer to a true circular economy we need swift agreement on the ecodesign requirements for sustainable products, waste and packaging, shipment of waste, and the repair of goods. To advance towards zero pollution and to protect and restore our nature, we will need to bring into law the proposals on nature restoration, classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals, air quality, urban wastewater treatment, and surface and groundwater protection.

The Commission will launch the process to establish a 2040 climate target, to keep the EU on course towards climate neutrality by 2050. It will present the European wind power package to accelerate the deployment of wind turbines, improve access to finance and support the international competitiveness of European industry. We will table an initiative on industrial carbon management setting out a strategy for environmentally sustainable carbon capture, utilisation and storage deployment in the EU, considering its importance for reaching carbon neutrality. We will adopt an initiative on water resilience to ensure access to water for citizens, nature and the economy, while also tackling catastrophic flooding and water shortages, as well as an initiative to identify and assess how best to manage climate risks across EU policy areas.

3.2.A Europe fit for the digital age

By making the 2020s the Digital Decade with clear digital targets, the EU and its Member States have set a course to improve digital skills, digitalise administration and businesses, boost research and innovation, close the digital gap and upgrade our digital infrastructure. At the same time, the EU is leading the way in managing the risks of our digital future. With the digital markets act and the digital services act, we have laid strong foundations for making our single market fair, competitive, consumer friendly and safe in the digital realm, especially for children.

Although much has been achieved, efforts are still needed to agree pending key initiatives that will further the digital agenda and strengthen Europe’s resilience. The critical raw materials act will allow Europe to bolster domestic supplies, including through boosting refining and recycling capacities, diversify imports of these crucial materials, and incentivise our industry to better manage supply risks, while remaining competitive. The provisions will build on the strengths of the single market to boost more sustainable and circular practices and will also allow for joint purchasing of raw materials through a dedicated platform. Many of our partners around the world want to work together and develop local industries for processing and refining to strengthen global supply chains of raw materials. This is why the first meeting of the new Critical Raw Materials Club will be convened later this year. We will also adopt a plan on advanced materials for industrial leadership that, together with the Member States, aims to accelerate the development of safe, sustainable and circular advanced materials, and their industrial uptake for the benefit of the green and digital transition.

The net-zero industry act will support Europe’s industry in developing and taking up the innovative and strategic technologies needed in an economy with net-zero emissions, such as wind turbines, heat pumps, solar panels, electrolysers, nuclear technologies as well as CO2 storage. Demand is growing, both in Europe and globally, and we are acting now to ensure European supplies can meet more of this demand.

We also need to make progress on the single market emergency instrument, to help preserve the free movement of goods, services and persons and the availability of vital goods and services in case of future unforeseen disruptions.

The SME relief package, with its revision of the late payments Directive and the tax simplification establishing a head office taxation system, is designed to further support Europe’s small and medium businesses, which are the backbone of our economy. 

The pending proposals on artificial intelligence (AI) are key to the safe and beneficial application of a technology that has been evolving at tremendous speed in recent years. The window of opportunity is narrowing for us to guide this technology responsibly.

Alongside concerted efforts with our international partners to strengthen global AI governance, we will open up our high-performance computers to AI start-ups to facilitate European innovation. Europe’s Copernicus, EGNOS, and Galileo satellite programmes already bring countless benefits to our economy and societies and play a pivotal role in understanding, preparing for and fighting climate change. Additionally, IRIS2 will set up critical infrastructure for secured connectivity, with important defence applications.

Major investments in digital networks are needed to meet our Digital Decade targets for 2030. Following the recent exploratory consultation, we will prepare the ground for possible policy and regulatory actions regarding Digital Networks and infrastructure, notably to facilitate cross-border infrastructure operators in the Single Market, accelerate deployment of technologies and attract more capital into networks.

The space industry is gaining in importance for Earth observation and modern connected products and services, as well as for defence and security. The 2023 space strategy for security and defence 8  aims to improve the resilience of the EU’s space infrastructure and space capabilities in support of security and defence, and to promote partnerships for responsible behaviour in outer space. In 2024, we will propose a European space law that will set rules, for example for space traffic management, but also on how we will keep our critical space infrastructure safe. It will be complemented by a strategy on the space data economy to increase the use of space data across economic sectors.

3.3.An economy that works for people

The EU economy has demonstrated resilience in the face of an unprecedented array of crises. It has coped with the socio-economic impacts of both the global COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. However, it faces important challenges to its competitiveness, which will be the subject of the upcoming report by Mario Draghi. By tabling reforms to secure the EU’s long-term economic prosperity and competitiveness while ensuring the full implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, we have strengthened the EU’s unique social market economy.

It is imperative that agreement is reached on pending proposals to deepen our single market, the foundation of the EU’s sustainable competitiveness. In this respect, we need to further advance the Capital Markets Union by agreeing the proposals on insolvency, clearing, the simplification of companies’ access to public capital markets and scaling up insurance companies’ long term investment capacity, as well as take further steps towards a Banking Union with the completion of the crisis management and deposit insurance review. Moreover, we need to agree on the new rules on withholding tax procedures, the proposal to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes and a series of measures to modernise the EU’s Value-Added Tax (VAT) system and make it more resilient to fraud by embracing digitalisation.

Furthermore, we need to advance on the proposal to improve business taxation (BEFIT and transfer pricing) and the comprehensive reform of the EU Customs Union. In the area of digital finance, we need to move forward on the proposals for enhancing rules for payment services and introducing a framework on financial data access (“open finance”), and advance the negotiations on the proposal establishing the legal framework for a digital Euro.

Significant progress has been made in implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights through its action plan and 2030 headline targets. Rules to improve conditions in platform work and a framework for adequate minimum wages have been put forward, while the European Year of Skills has stimulated a broad range of activities to address the urgent skills gaps afflicting several sectors, such as the Cybersecurity Skills Academy, and the Pact for Skills has been set up. Young people’s access to the labour market has been facilitated with the reinforced Youth Guarantee and the upcoming initiative to update our quality framework for traineeships. The European Child Guarantee helps to combat and prevent social exclusion by guaranteeing children effective access to a set of key services, including free education, free healthcare, healthy nutrition and adequate housing.The Commission will continue to support the co-legislators in finding an agreement on the coordination of social security systems.

In response to a legislative own-initiative report by the European Parliament, the Commission will present an initiative on European works councils in 2024.

Following up to the Val Duchesse Summit, we will work with businesses and trade unions to make our labour market more future proof in the light of deep-rooted shifts in technology, society and demography. We will build on the demography toolbox to help activate the entirety of our human capital.

An upcoming initiative will help realise the full benefits of biotechnologies and biomanufacturing, key to the competitiveness and modernisation of EU industry due to their high growth potential and labour productivity.

The Commission will also publish its ninth cohesion report outlining the state of social, economic and territorial cohesion in the EU, taking stock of the actions undertaken in the last years.

3.4.A stronger Europe in the world

On the global stage, we continue to see growing tensions and geopolitical upheaval. The indiscriminate and brutal terrorist attacks against Israel and its people by Hamas directly threaten peace and security in the region and underline the need for renewed efforts to reinvigorate the Middle East Peace Process. Russia, with its war of aggression against Ukraine and its actions within the international fora, continues challenging the foundations of multilateralism and the rules-based international order.

The EU’s military support to Ukraine has opened up critical gaps in the defence stockpiles of Member States. In response, we have supported Member States in strengthening the European defence industry through an instrument for joint procurement (EDIRPA) 9 and a Task Force for Joint Defence Procurement. In addition, we ramped up ammunition production capacity through the act in support of ammunition production (ASAP) 10 . The third Joint Declaration on EU-NATO cooperation 11 expanded our cooperation to new areas critical for security – resilience, emerging and disruptive technologies, defence and space.

We will continue to strengthen and build more resilient connections with the world through our Global Gateway 12 by applying our Team Europe approach. We are implementing sectoral strategies and action plans including the strategy on international energy engagement 13 , the Joint Communication on international ocean governance 14 , the space strategy for security and defence 15 , the update of the EU maritime security strategy 16 , the Joint Communication on a partnership with the Gulf 17 and the new agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean 18 .

We will continue working with the Western Balkans, along with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, in view of their future accession to the Union. We will also maintain our support for the Eastern Partnership and Southern Neighbourhood.

The Union will continue to work on building partnerships with countries and organisations across the globe. In particular, we need to continue our efforts to strengthen our mutually beneficial partnership with Africa, and we will further develop our strategic approach to take it forward with the African Union at the next EU-AU Summit.

The European defence industrial strategy will give further impulse to developing Member States’ defence capabilities, underpinned by a modern and resilient European defence technological and industrial base. We will, in this framework, continue to consolidate the actions for the continuity of the European defence industrial base reinforcement after 2025. In 2024, we will also continue efforts to implement the Strategic Compass 19 to strengthen our defence readiness and make the EU a stronger and more capable security provider. The EU will continue to develop further the toolbox to counter foreign information manipulation and interference, to effectively address malign actions from abroad.

We will continue to defend and promote democracy, human rights, the rule of law and effective multilateralism. We will continue our efforts to protect children affected by armed conflict, notably through presenting the revised EU guidelines. EU solidarity through both humanitarian aid and the Union Civil Protection Mechanism will keep delivering. We will engage constructively with all partners and continue to support the UN Secretary General’s reform agenda, including in preparations for the Summit of the Future in September 2024.

As a global leader and standard setter, we need to accelerate an open and fair trade agenda geared towards competitiveness, resilience and sustainability. We will continue our work to enhance cooperation and trade relations with partners, and will drive global efforts to reform the World Trade Organization. The reviewed trade strategy of the EU promotes an open, sustainable and assertive policy, which supports the green and digital transformations.

We have successfully concluded negotiations on trade agreements with Chile, New Zealand and Kenya. We are also seeking to finalise agreements with Australia, Mexico and Mercosur. The Commission will also continue to push forward negotiations with India and Indonesia, as well as the digital trade agreements with Signapore and the Republic of Korea. EU-US relations have also been strengthened through our work in the Trade and Technology Council. Inspired by this, an EU-India Trade and Technology Council has been launched this year.At the same time, we have strengthened our tools against unfair trade practices, and will act to ensure global competition remains fair. The Commission has therefore launched an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles coming from China.

3.5.Promoting our European way of life

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission started laying the foundations for a European Health Union. This comprises a reinforced health security framework, including the new Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, as well as the pioneering Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and proposals to build the European Health Data Space and reform the pharmaceutical legislation. The EU also adopted the new EU global health strategy 20 to guide its efforts to strengthen healthcare worldwide.

The Commission will continue to support the work on both the legislative and operational strands of managing migration. It is essential that the co-legislators finalise the New Pact on Migration and Asylum 21 by the end of this legislative mandate. In parallel, it is indispensable to continue taking operational action to advance the EU’s collective response to migration challenges, in cooperation with our key partners.

The Commission has also acted to strengthen the four pillars of the EU Security Union Strategy 22 : addressing vulnerabilities, augmenting cybersecurity, fostering law enforcement cooperation and supporting resilience against hybrid threats. This includes initiatives to remove terrorist content online, strengthen the Union’s maritime security, including in the context of the resilience of critical infrastructure and protect the Union’s space assets such as satellites and deter hostile activities in space.

The upcoming Cyber Resilience Act and Cyber Solidarity Act proposal will play a key role in reinforcing cybersecurity, by boosting supply chain security and strengthening solidarity at Union level to better detect, prepare and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents.

As outlined in the sixth Progress Report on the Security Union, agreement is also needed on proposals that will enhance the security of our citizens and effectively fight crime together while upholding our shared fundamental values. This includes the proposals on cyber resilience, the Union Code on governing the movement of persons across borders, automated data exchange for police cooperation (Prüm II), the collection and transfer of advance passenger information, anti-trafficking in human beings, combating child sexual abuse, asset recovery and confiscation, and the definition of criminal offences and penalties.

The action plan on anti-drug trafficking and organised crime, including the European ports alliance, prepares the ground for more effective joint efforts in the fight against organised crime and illegal drug trafficking. The Commission will also propose to modernise the legal framework to fight the smuggling of migrants, to ensure that we have the necessary legal and operational tools to respond to the new modus operandi of smugglers. In addition, the Commission will organise an international conference on fighting people smuggling, considering the need for international cooperation and a strong global alliance in this area.

In higher education, the Commission will propose a blueprint for the future joint European degree, which will contribute to achieving a European Education Area. It will be supported by recommendations on quality assurance in higher education and on attractive academic careers.

3.6.A new push for European democracy

During this mandate, the Commission has attached particular importance to strengthening and revitalising our European democracy. The European democracy action plan has guided our work with its goal to empower citizens and build more resilient democracies across the EU by promoting free and fair elections, strengthening media freedom and countering disinformation. The Conference on the future of Europe was an unprecedented exercise of participatory democracy and allowed us to listen to the views of citizens from across the EU on the future of our Union. With the new generation of citizen panels that we piloted for three key initiatives in 2023 23 , and with more to come next year, we have embedded citizens’ participation even more concretely into our policy-making toolbox. Particular emphasis was placed on engaging with the younger generation who have a crucial role in shaping the future, with one third of the panellists aged between 16 and 25. 

In line with the commitments of President von der Leyen’s Political Guidelines, the Commission has followed up on legislative own-initiative reports of the European Parliament.

A precondition for the democratic functioning of the EU and its Member States is an independent judiciary and respect for the rule of law. Both the annual Rule of Law cycle as well as the Conditionality Mechanism help to ensure this and to safeguard the EU’s financial interests. Significant progress has been made in other crucial areas for our democratic societies. We have come forward with key proposals on the transparency and fairness of the electoral process to the strengthening and safeguarding of rights of different groups in society, and guaranteeing the freedom and independence of journalists in the EU. We continue to work on building our democratic resilience from within and protecting against undue external influences. We now also have a solid legal framework for cross-border judicial cooperation, including on court proceedings and digital communication.

An open and inclusive society needs to guarantee equal rights and protection to all groups in society. That is why the Commission adopted dedicated strategies on children’s rights, gender equality, anti-racism, Roma equality, LGBTIQ equality, the rights of persons with disabilities and victims’ rights. Agreed after 10 years of negotiations, the women on boards Directive will oblige companies to meet clear targets for director positions by mid-2026. This year, we adopted new rules on pay transparency between men and women, strengthening the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work, an important step towards gender equality and closing the gender pay gap. With the recent accession to the Council of Europe’s 2016 Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the EU has sent a strong signal that it is determined to prevent, condemn and fight violence against women and girls in all its forms.

To have the right framework for the European Parliament elections, the Commission will aim to facilitate agreements on the statute and funding of European political parties and the transparency of targeted political advertising. Together with the European Parliament, the Commission has also launched a communication campaign intended to increase the number of mobile EU citizens voting in the 2024 European Parliament elections.

A thriving civil society and free and critical media landscape is the backbone of democratic society, and agreement is needed on the Directive on strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) and the media freedom act.

We also call on co-legislators to find agreement on the proposals for the Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, the victims’ rights Directive, the proposed standards for national equality bodies and the Directive establishing the European disability card and the Next year, we will adopt a Commission Recommendation on the development and strengthening of child protection systems in the Member States and will ensure better use of existing EU tools (legislation, policy measures and funding).

As the digital information space is increasingly influencing the public debate and political decision-making, it is essential to continue the work on fighting disinformation to ensure free and fair exchange of opinions, especially ahead of the European elections.


Over the past four years, the Union has shown its indivisibility and determination to tackle the challenges of our generation, for the generations of tomorrow. We acted together in responding decisively in support of a Europe of freedom, prosperity and peace. We must continue this work and lay down solid foundations for strengthening our Union and preparing for the future.

This Commission will work until the last day of its mandate to address our common challenges. We will provide strong support to the European Parliament and Council to facilitate agreements on remaining key proposals, while tabling the few new initiatives still needed to deliver on our promises and preparing the Union for tomorrow.

A detailed overview of the Commission’s planned work for 2024 is provided in the annexes to this work programme.


      EU Voluntary Review on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


     The sustainable development goals and the ‘do no significant harm' principle have been mainstreamed into the Better Regulation toolbox and the Commission’s policy development to ensure that all legislative proposals contribute to the 2030 sustainable development agenda.


     COM(2023) 168.


     For a detailed overview of initiatives taken since 16 March 2023, taken forward with this work programme or for adoption afterwards, see Annex II.



     See Annex II for a detailed overview of initiatives and proposals.


     2022 Annual Burden survey;


     JOIN(2023) 9.


     COM(2022) 349.


     Regulation (EU) 2023/1525 of 20 July 2023.



     JOIN(2021) 30.


     JOIN(2022) 23.


     JOIN(2022) 28.


     JOIN(2023) 9.


     JOIN(2023) 8.


     JOIN(2022) 13.





     COM(2022) 675.




     COM(2020) 605.


     Food waste, virtual worlds and learning mobility.

Strasbourg, 17.10.2023

COM(2023) 638 final


to the


Commission work programme 2024

Delivering today and preparing for tomorrow

Annex I: New initiatives 1


Policy objective


A European Green Deal


Wind power package

European wind power package (non-legislative, Q4 2023)


2040 climate target

2040 climate target (non-legislative, Q1 2024)


Water resilience

Initiative for water resilience (non-legislative, Q1 2024)

A Europe Fit for the Digital Age


A safe space for the green and digital transition

a)EU space law (legislative, incl. impact assessment, Articles 114 and 191 TFEU, Q1 2024)


b)Strategy on space data economy (non-legislative, Q1 2024)


Artificial intelligence to serve European innovation and competitiveness

Initiative to open up European supercomputer capacity to ethical and responsible artificial intelligence start-ups (legislative and non-legislative, Q1 2024)

An Economy that Works for People


Biotech and biomanufacturing

EU biotech and biomanufacturing initiative (non-legislative, Q1 2024)


Social dialogue

Follow-up to the Val Duchesse summit (Q1/Q2 2024)


Green and digital transition, open strategic autonomy

Advanced materials for industrial leadership (non-legislative, Q1 2024)


European Works Council

Initiative on rules on the European Works Council (legislative or non-legislative, incl. impact assessment, Article 153(2)(b), in conjunction with Article 153(1)(e) TFEU, Q1 2024, responds to Article 225 TFEU resolution P9_TA(2023)0028 ‘Revision of the European Works Councils Directive’)

A Stronger Europe in the World


Strengthening partnerships

Joint Communication on a strengthened partnership with Africa (non-legislative, Q2 2024)


European defence

European defence industrial strategy (legislative and/or non-legislative, Q1 2024)

Promoting our European Way of Life


Fight against migrant smuggling

Update the legal framework and strengthen co-operation to fight the smuggling of migrants (legislative and/or non-legislative, Articles 83(2) and 79(2)(c) TFEU, Q4 2023)


A joint European degree

a)Joint European degree (non-legislative, Q2 2024)


b)Council Recommendation on attractive and sustainable careers in higher education (non-legislative, Articles 165 and 166 TFEU, Q2 2024)


c)Council Recommendation on a European quality assurance and recognition system (non-legislative, Articles 165 and 166 TFEU, Q2 2024)

A New Push for European Democracy


Preparing for enlargement

Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews (non-legislative, Q2 2024)


Child protection

Commission Recommendation on integrated child protection systems (non-legislative, Article 292 TFEU, Q1 2024)

Annex II – Significant proposals and initiatives to rationalise reporting requirements 2

and evaluations and fitness checks

Section A - Proposals and initiatives to rationalise reporting requirements adopted by the Commission since March 2023





Communication on digitalisation in social security coordination: facilitating free movement in the Single Market – COM(2023) 501

The Communication presents measures to digitalise social security coordination procedures to reduce the administrative burden on mobile citizens and businesses operating across borders.


Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2014/59/EU as regards early intervention measures, conditions for resolution and financing of resolution action – COM(2023) 227

The proposal provides for the reduction of the reporting burden for banks and authorities via the removal of certain obligations. The proposal will also facilitate the information sharing between authorities to avoid duplication of reporting by banks.


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/895 of 4 April 2023 for the application of Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to the procedures, formats and templates for the disclosure by insurance and reinsurance undertakings of their report on their solvency and financial condition (Solvency II)

Under the Solvency II Directive, the Commission adopted on 4 April 2023 new Implementing Technical Standards on reporting and disclosures by insurance and reinsurance undertakings that simplify reporting, remove some templates and make it more proportionate.


Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation 223/2009 on European statistics – COM(2023) 402

The proposal provides for the reduction of burden for businesses thanks to increasing use of new sources (digital and administrative) and via digitalisation of secure data exchange platforms. Considerable savings can be envisaged related to decreasing the size of surveys and thus reduction of burden on businesses and citizens. The reduction of burden will affect all sizes of businesses, including SMEs. SMEs will benefit from more and timelier statistics, particularly since they make up the majority of respondents in business surveys.


Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European Union labour market statistics on businesses, repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 and Regulations (EC) No 450/2003 and (EC) No 453/2008 – COM(2023) 459

The proposal will lead to simplifications and improved efficiency while fostering the use of alternative administrative sources and modern digital techniques, including automatically transferring payroll data and web scrapping, which will play a role in mitigating the burden on enterprises in general and SMEs, in particular.


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1472 of 17 July 2023 amending Regulation (EC) No 1055/2008 as regards the frequency with which the Member States supply their quality report on statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment

The Implementing Regulation rationalises reporting obligations through simplification and harmonisation of metadata reports and reduction in frequency for quality reports prepared by all statistical authorities in the European Statistical System (Eurostat, EU Member States, European Free Trade Area and the European system of central banks - ESCB).


Economic Governance Review:

oProposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 – COM(2023) 240;

oProposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1467/97 on speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the excessive deficit procedure – COM(2023) 241;

oProposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 2011/85/EU on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States – COM(2023) 242.

In terms of rationalising reporting requirements, these proposals will replace certain burdensome yearly reporting obligations to the Commission by medium-term fiscal-structural plans and a simple annual progress report.


Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on detergents and surfactants, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 – COM(2023) 217

The proposal will simplify and digitalise reporting requirements, namely with the introduction of a digital product passport and ingredient data sheet for hazardous substances.


Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety of toys and repealing Directive 2009/48/EC – COM(2023) 462

The proposal provides for the digitalisation of reporting and conformity declaration (digital product passport) for toys.


Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area, amending Directive 2012/34/EU and repealing Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 – COM(2023) 443/2

The proposal streamlines reporting obligations and reduces the volume of reporting thanks to a harmonised legal framework for railway capacity and traffic management and the abolition of the rail freight corridors.


Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic – COM(2023) 445/2

The proposal includes digitalisation of documentation requirements as well as the streamlining and digitalisation of the transmission of certain transport data.


Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control - COM(2023) 271

The revision of the port state control Directive is estimated to result in administrative costs savings for the operator, agent or master of a ship eligible for an expanded inspection due to the abolition of the 72-hour advance reporting obligation.


Union Customs Code Reform:

oProposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Union Customs Code and the European Union Customs Authority, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 - COM(2023) 258;

oProposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 as regards the introduction of a simplified tariff treatment for the distance sales of goods and Regulation (EC) No 1186/2009 as regards the elimination of the customs duty relief threshold – COM(2023) 259;

oProposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards VAT rules relating to taxable persons who facilitate distance sales of imported goods and the application of the special scheme for distance sales of goods imported from third territories or third countries and special arrangements for declaration and payment of import VAT – COM(2023) 262.

The proposed reform simplifies and rationalises customs and VAT reporting requirements for traders, for example by reducing the time needed to complete import processes and by providing one single EU interface and facilitating data re-use.


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1451 of 13 July 2023 amending Implementing Regulation 2020/2002 as regards disease notification and the information to be submitted by the Member States for the approval and reporting of compulsory and optional eradication programmes and in applications for disease-free status

The Implementing Regulation related to animal diseases includes the removal of non-essential reporting elements and clarification of certain key definitions.


Proposal for a reform of the Union general pharmaceutical legislation:

oProposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down Union procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human use and establishing rules governing the European Medicines Agency, amending Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, Regulation (EC) No 141/2000 and Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 – COM(2023) 193;

oProposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Union code relating to medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/83/EC – COM(2023) 192.

The revised framework includes the removal of certain reporting requirements such as the yearly requirement of developers of medicinal products for rare diseases to submit a report to the European Medicines Agency on the state of development of the medicines for rare diseases or for children; the requirement for Member States to report on national measures to support research, development, availability of medicines for rare diseases or for children; the requirement to provide information for an inventory of therapeutic needs; the requirement for Member States to report on cases where they waived certain manufacturing requirements; the requirement for Member States to report changes made to the list of the authorised medicines subject to medical prescription. It also provides for a reduction of frequency of reporting on audits of pharmacovigilance system.

Section B - Additional proposals and initiatives to rationalise reporting requirements adopted by the Commission alongside the work programme and afterwards  3


Proposal for a Regulation amending:

oRegulation (EU) No 1379/2013 on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and acquaculture products;

oRegulation 167/2013 on the approval and market surveillance of agricultural and forestry vehicles;

oRegulation No 168/2013 on the approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles.

The proposal contains measures that rationalise reporting obligations through:

·Removing certain existing reporting requirements, no longer needed due to overlaps with other legislative measures, on marketing standards for fish products;

·Removing reporting on the application of the type-approval procedures and individual vehicles approvals respectively for agricultural and forestry vehicles and quadricycles. The reporting is no longer necessary following a Commission study from 2022 which concluded that type-approval and individual approval procedures are satisfactory.


Proposal for a Regulation amending:

oRegulation 80/2009 on a Code of Conduct for computerised reservation system;

oRegulation 165/2014 on tachographs in road transport;

oRegulation 996/2010 on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation.

The proposal contains measures to rationalise reporting obligations through:

·Removal of the obligation to submit audited reports of system vendors of computerised reservation systems and of requiring vendors to inform the Commission of the identity of the auditor;

·Replacing the annual report on tachograph fitters and workshops by publication on website with updates as appropriate;

·Removing the obligation to publish annual reports on accident investigations in civil aviation which have become redundant in view of the annual safety review published by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency.


Proposal for a Regulation repealing Regulation 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes

The repeal of the online dispute resolution for consumer disputes Regulation will remove associated reporting requirements, which are no longer needed.


Proposal for a Regulation amending:

oRegulation 1093/2010 establishing the European Bank Authority;

oRegulation 1094/2010 establishing the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority;

oRegulation 1095/2010 establishing the European Securities and Markets Authority;

oRegulation 1092/2010 establishing the European Systemic Risk Board;

oRegulation 2021/523 establishing the InvestEU Programme.

The proposal simplifies reporting requirements through:

·Facilitating data sharing between the European Supervisory Authorities and other financial sector authorities and restraining new reporting requirements. This will promote a more efficient collection of data and avoiding double reporting with a direct benefit to European and national authorities and an indirect benefit for those financial sector entities having to provide information;

·Reducing the frequency of reporting for InvestEU implementing partners from every 6 months to once a year for most elements of the reporting requirements. This will lower the administrative burden on implementing partners, and therefore indirectly on businesses and on SMEs.


Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds

The proposal reduces the scope of the benchmark Regulation by focusing on significant benchmarks. This will provide therefore an immediate relief from organisational and reporting requirements for relevant administrators of benchmarks which are no longer in scope.


Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation 2016/2031 on protective measures against pests of plants

The proposed amendments will reduce the reporting obligation burden through:

·Digitalising reporting from national authorities on multi-annual pests survey results;

·Reducing the frequency of reporting from national authorities related to multi-annual survey programmes;

·Removing reporting which is no longer necessary for national measures taken against certain pests.


Proposal for a Directive amending:

oDirective 2011/24/EU on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare;

oDirective 1999/2/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation;

oDirective 2014/53/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment;

oDirective 2000/14/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.

The proposal will reduce existing reporting obligations through:

·Reducing frequency of Commission reports on patient rights in cross-border healthcare, which will lead to a corresponding reduction of reporting burden for national authorities in Member States;

·Removing annual report on checks carried out in ionising radiation facilities and on checks at the product marketing stage;

·Reducing frequency of reports on radio equipment market surveillance activities;

·Removing the obligation to transmit noise information for outdoor equipment already provided by labelling.


Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2007/2/EC establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)

The proposal will reduce the reporting frequency from annual to biennial for the annual summary report which is prepared by Member States pursuant to Art 21 (2) of the Inspire Directive and containing information on data-sets identified in the Annexes to the Directive such as utility networks, location of production and industrial facilities, etc.


Proposal for a Decision amending:

oCouncil Directive 96/67/EC on access to the ground handling market at Community airports;

oDirective 2009/33/EC on the promotion of clean road transport vehicles in support of low-emission mobility;

oDirective 2022/1999 on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road;

oDirective 2009/12/EC on airport charges.

The proposal provides for the reduction in existing reporting obligations through:

·Reducing the frequency of reporting on airports falling in the scope and different categories of the ground handling Directive;

·Reducing the frequency of reporting under the Directive on the clean-vehicles procured to support the use of low-emission mobility;

·Removing the optional reporting on the total volume of dangerous goods carried by road in the Member States;

·Removing the obligation for Member States to publish the list of the airports subject to the rules on airport charges under the Directive on airport charges and subject to the rules on ground handling services under the Directive on ground handling services.


Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2013/34/EU on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings (Accounting Directive), as amended by Directive 2022/2464 (for the sustainability reporting standards)

The proposal postpones the deadline for the adoption of the sectoral European sustainability reporting standards (currently June 2024) by two years. This will provide an immediate reduction in the reporting burden for in-scope companies, including SMEs.


Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2014/62/EU on the protection of the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting by criminal law

The proposal amends the Directive on the protection of the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting by removing redundant biannual reporting on the number of persons prosecuted and convicted for currency counterfeiting.


Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes

The proposal provides for the reduction of current reporting requirements through:

·Reducing the frequency of activity reports by alternative dispute resolution entities: from one year to two years and one less mandatory item to report i.e. on cooperation of alternative dispute resolution entities within networks of alternative dispute resolution entities;

·Alternative dispute resolution entities will no longer have to communicate to alternative dispute resolution competent authorities on the: assessment of the effectiveness, training provided to their staff and the effectiveness of the alternative dispute resolution procedure offered by the alternative dispute resolution entity; 

·Removing alternative dispute resolution information obligations for traders.  


Commission Delegated Directive amending Directive 2013/34/EU on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings (Accounting Directive), in accordance with Art 3(13) of the same Directive.

The delegated act provides for the adjustment to inflation of the size thresholds for the application of the Accounting Directive, which is expected to result in reduced reporting requirements for a more than one million companies.


Commission Delegated Regulation amending Commission Delegated Regulation 2016/232 of 15 December 2015 supplementing Regulation 1308/2013 with regard to certain aspects of producer cooperation

The delegated act provides for the simplification of notification obligations from Member States regarding their decisions to extend some rules set by certain producer cooperation organisations, on their request, to other operators acting in the same sector and economic area.


Commission Implementing Regulation amending:

oCommission Implementing Regulation 180/2014 of 20 February 2014 laying down rules for the application of Regulation 228/2013 (implementing POSEI);

oCommission Implementing Regulation 181/2014 laying down rules for the application of Regulation 229/2013 (implementing smaller Aegean islands). 

The Implementing Regulation provides for the removal of annual reports on eligible applications received and amounts involved for measures promoting local production in outermost regions and small Aegean islands. The implementing regulation also removes automatic notifications on the approval of the right to use the logo on quality agricultural products specific to the outermost regions.


Commission Implementing Regulation amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/128 of 21 December 2021 laying down rules for the application of Regulation 2021/2116 on paying agencies and other bodies, financial management, clearance of accounts, checks, securities and transparency

The Implementing Regulation provides for the digitalisation of reporting on control plan and measures undertaken to scrutinize transactions under the common agricultural policy.


Commission Implementing Regulation amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1375 laying down specific rules on official controls for Trichinella in meat

The Implementing Regulation provides for the removal of annual reporting on exemptions granted for trichinella examination in controlled housing conditions. 


Commission Implementing Regulation amending 4  Commission Implementing Regulation 999/2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

The Implementing Regulation provides for a reduction in the frequency of reports on national breeding programmes to select for resistance to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.


Commission Implementing Regulation amending Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/2066 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC

The Implementing Regulation reduces the frequency with which operators of the power sector, energy-intensive industries and aviation have to report on improvements to their methodologies for monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, without undermining the necessary comprehensiveness of data.


Commission Implementing Regulation amending 5  Commission Implementing Regulation 2022/92 laying down rules for the application of Directive 2019/883 as regards monitoring data methodologies and the format for reporting passively fished waste

The Implementing Regulation provides for a streamlined reporting with regard to the amount of passively fished waste through reducing the frequency of submissions.


Commission Implementing Decision granting derogations to certain Member States under Regulation 1099/2008

The Implementing Decision grants time-limited derogations from the transmission of certain national statistics for the development of new methodologies, data surveys, IT systems, and access new data sources in the energy area for eight Member States that have requested such derogations.


Review of the Directive 92/106/EEC on combined transport of goods between Member States*

The proposal includes the simplification of procedures, for example through using digital transport data platforms for proof of eligibility for combined transport operations.


Proposal for a Regulation on fisheries statistics*

The new Regulation will repeal existing legislation with the aim of simplifying the data collection needed to produce European fishery statistics.


Implementation of a common form in electronic format to facilitate posted workers declarations*

The digitalisation and establishment of a common form will simplify and facilitate posted workers’ declarations. This administrative simplification would be complemented by development and provision of a multilingual and public interface through which service providers can declare posting of workers, for those Member States which choose to make use of this public interface.


Commission Implementing Regulation amending Implementing Regulation 2020/1070*

The implementing regulation will aim to reduce the frequency of reports on the application of the Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1070 on specifying the characteristics of small-area wireless access points.


Commission Implementing Decision amending Implementing Decision 2014/896 on Seveso III Directive*

For the Seveso III Directive, which provides for the relevant framework on risk management measures to prevent major accidents and to limit their consequence, an implementing decision will set out the 4-year reporting format for communicating information from Member States on implementation, which will streamline and simplify the current reporting obligations provided for in Decision 2014/896/EU.

Section C - Evaluations and fitness checks for 2024





Fitness check of how the polluter pays principle is applied to the environment

The polluter pays principle means polluters bear the cost of measures to prevent, control and remedy pollution and its costs on society. This fitness check will consider how well the principle is applied, including in policy that may have an environmental impact. The scope of the fitness check will cover EU policies that have an impact on the state of the environment whereby natural resources are managed sustainably, and biodiversity is protected including by reducing pollution of air, water and soil. It will consider the application of the polluter pays principle at Member States’ level in the application of EU law and policies, and the application of the polluter pays principle through the EU budget, including the notion of environmentally harmful subsidies. The fitness check will also consider any possibility for the rationalisation of reporting requirements.


Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairness

The Commission announced in the new consumer agenda of 2020 that it will analyse whether additional action is needed to ensure an equal level of fairness online and offline. This fitness check will evaluate whether three horizontal consumer law instruments, the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005/29/EC, the Consumer Rights Directive 2011/83/EU and the Unfair Contract Terms Directive 93/13/EEC of EU consumer protection legislation, ensure a high level of protection in the digital environment. It will examine the adequacy of the existing EU rules in dealing with consumer protection issues such as, but not limited to, online consumer vulnerabilities, dark patterns, personalisation practices, influencer marketing, and subscription contracts. It will also assess whether the existing legal framework would benefit from a targeted strengthening or streamlining, while taking into account and ensuring coherence with other legislation in the digital area. The fitness check will examine the possible scope for any burden reduction, cost savings and simplification, including with regard to reporting requirements.


Evaluation of the Governance Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1999)

The Governance Regulation is geared towards streamlining and rationalising Member States’ reporting obligations across the energy and climate acquis. The evaluation exercise is meant to reveal the efficiency of the provisions of this Regulation so far and explore any possibilities for further rationalisation.  The evaluation may highlight the need to further complete the streamlining as a result of the new energy and climate legislative framework deriving from the Fit for 55 and REPowerEU objectives and ambitions. 


Evaluation of the Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (Directive 2012/19/EU)

The evaluation was announced in the Critical Raw Materials Act. The objectives of EU legislation on waste from electrical and electronic equipment are to protect the environment and human health, contribute to sustainable production and consumption and ensure efficient use of resources through prevention and recovery of waste. With rising consumption of electronics and technological developments, waste electrical and electronic equipment has become one of the fastest growing waste streams in the EU (and globally). The evaluation will take stock of the functioning of the Directive. It will assess whether the objectives are met and the relevance of the Directive, in particular for establishing a circular economy for electrical and electronic equipment, which contributes to the reuse and therefore European Union’s independence of critical raw materials. The evaluation will also explore the possibilities for rationalisation of reporting requirements.


Evaluation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Directive 2008/56/EC)

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires Member States to develop strategies to achieve 'good environmental status' to have clean, healthy and productive seas by 2020. This evaluation will assess the achievements and shortcomings of the framework, and the effectiveness of the marine strategies, including the monitoring, assessment and reporting obligations. It will explore possible room for simplification and administrative burden reduction, in particular by reducing and facilitating Member States reporting, and future streamlining and harmonisation of monitoring requirements and collected data for further use in the Member States assessments. It will also assess the framework relevance in the context of the European Green Deal, more particularly in the light of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030, the zero pollution action plan, the farm to fork strategy (notably in relation to fishing and aquaculture), the sustainable and smart mobility strategy (maritime transport) and clean energy production. The evaluation will look at the Directive’s contribution to these initiatives, as well as the opportunities and challenges they present, with the overall goal of ensuring the EU progresses towards a more effective, harmonised and efficient protection of its seas and oceans, coherent with the Green Deal. In addition, any opportunities for streamlining reporting requirements will be explored.


Evaluation of the Bathing Water Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC)

The evaluation will examine how the Directive has worked, and in particular if it has helped to protect public health and clean water, supplementing national efforts. It will explore various possibilities for simplification and/or improvements (such as streamlining) of the legislation under the requirements of monitoring, quality assessment criteria, reporting but also information/participation of the public. These possibilities include improvement through increased use of technology and simplification by removing requirements that may be unnecessary.


Evaluation of the Nitrates Directive (Directive 91/676/EEC)

The evaluation should assess if the Nitrates Directive remains fit for purpose, if it is in line with the EU environmental and climate ambitions and contributes to a sustainable and resilient agriculture and food security. The evaluation will look at whether, in changing climatic and environmental conditions, the Directive is helping farmers to adapt and increase resilience, whether it is supportive of new agricultural practices, while sufficiently promoting the recycling of nutrients from various sources, including processed manure. The evaluation will also assess how the Directive can contribute to the commitments taken in the Conference of the Parties 15 (COP 15) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to reduce nutrient losses by 50% by 2030. A key objective will also be to investigate the potential for simplification, burden and cost reductions with a focus on increased coherence with other legislation and developments in farm practices and technology (e.g. precision farming, safe use of ReNure products).


Evaluation of the Directive on civil explosives (Directive 2014/28/EU)

The evaluation will assess the performance of the Directive on civil explosives, including the implementing acts. It will look at the sector-specific provisions of the directive, building on the evaluation of the New Legislative Framework provisions. It will also explore the potential synergies between this directive and the Directive on pyrotechnic articles or other Union acts in related sectors. It will assess the potential to simplify, due to digitalisation, the traceability of explosives for civil uses in the context of their cross-border transfer and explore any possibility for streamlining of reporting under the Directive.


Evaluation of the Directive on pyrotechnic articles (Directive 2013/29/EU)

The evaluation will assess the performance of the Directive on pyrotechnic articles, including the implementing acts. It will look at the specific provisions of the Directive, building on the evaluation of the new legislative framework provisions. Based on the implementation of the Directive, the evaluation will also assess potential issues concerning the categorisation of fireworks and aspects related to possibility of introducing stricter national rules for certain types of fireworks. It will assess the potential added value of introducing synergies between this Directive and the Directive on civil explosives or other Union acts in related sectors as well as of streamlining the reporting requirements under the Directive.


Evaluation of the Measuring Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/32/EU)

The evaluation will assess the functioning of the Measuring Instruments Directive. It will examine the scope (product range) of the Directive and the technical requirements for all products included in its scope. It will also focus on the essential requirements and will verify if they are still fit for purpose considering the technological progress and the current state of technology. Evaluation will also address the digital compliance aspects and consider the possibility of simplifying reporting obligations for Member States stemming from the Directive.


Evaluation of the Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive (Directive 2014/31/EU)

The purpose of the evaluation will assess the functioning the Directive. It will examine the scope (product range) of the Directive and the technical requirements for all products included in its scope. It will focus on the essential requirements and will verify if they are still fit for purpose considering the technological progress and the current state of art in technology. Evaluation will also address a question of digital compliance and consider the possibility of simplifying reporting obligations for Member States stemming from the Directive.


Evaluation of the functioning of the Regulation on European standardisation (Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012)

The nature of technical standardisation has changed at national, European and global level in the last decade. The Commission’s standardisation strategy of February 2022 set out the challenges and set of actions for European standardisation in support of EU policy and legislation. The evaluation of the Regulation will assess whether it is still fit for purpose more than ten years after its application. The evaluation will also inform the reflections on the overall future governance of the European standardisation system. In line with the key elements of the Commission 2022 standardisation strategy , the objective of the evaluation is to assess the EU system capability to deliver standards in support of a green, digital and resilient EU Single Market in a timely manner and of global relevance. Based on the implementation experience, the evaluation will cover aspects such as the participation of SMEs and societal stakeholders in standardisation, the procedural rules governing standardisation requests, and the extent to which the EU’s financial support to European standardisation is justified or not, as well as the related simplification and burden reduction potential, including with regard to reporting requirements. The evaluation is expected to assess the costs of standard setting, also at the different stages of the process and for the diverse involved stakeholders, and the possibility of streamlining reporting obligations.


Interim evaluation of the 2021-2027 Connecting Europe Facility (Regulation 2021/1153)

The interim evaluation assesses the progress in achieving the objectives of the programme, the efficiency of the use of resources, and its European added value. It will also look at potential for burden reduction and rationalisation of reporting obligations in the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027.


Interim evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (Regulation 2021/241)

The evaluation on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility will assess to which extent the objectives have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of the resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions, and potential for burden reduction and rationalisation of reporting obligations.


Final evaluation of the 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund (Regulation 1301/2013)

The final evaluation of the 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund will assess to which extent the objectives have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of the resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions, and potential for burden reduction and rationalisation of reporting obligations.


Evaluation of the Directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (Directive 2011/16/EU)

The Directive is a key tool in the fight against tax fraud, evasion and avoidance. This evaluation will examine whether the Directive is fit for purpose, including whether it is effective and efficient. It will particularly look at the potential rationalisation of the reporting obligations arising from the Directive, to inform potential proposals to reduce the reporting burden.

Annex III: Pending proposals


Full Title


A European Green Deal


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution

COM(2023)645 final
2023/0373 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on circularity requirements for vehicle design and on management of end-of-life vehicles, amending Regulations (EU) 2018/858 and 2019/1020 and repealing Directives 2000/53/EC and 2005/64/EC

COM(2023)451 final
2023/0284 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic

COM(2023)445 final
2023/0265 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway area, amending Directive 2012/34/EU and repealing Regulation (EU) No 913/2010

COM(2023)443 final
2023/0271 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the accounting of greenhouse gas emissions of transport services

COM(2023)441 final
2023/0266 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste

COM(2023)420 final
2023/0234 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on Soil Monitoring and Resilience (Soil Monitoring Law)

COM(2023)416 final
2023/0232 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the production and marketing of forest reproductive material, amending Regulations (EU) 2016/2031 and 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 1999/105/EC (Regulation on forest reproductive material)

COM(2023)415 final
2023/0228 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material in the Union, amending Regulations (EU) 2016/2031, 2017/625 and 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Council Directives 66/401/EEC, 66/402/EEC, 68/193/EEC, 2002/53/EC, 2002/54/EC, 2002/55/EC, 2002/56/EC, 2002/57/EC, 2008/72/EC and 2008/90/EC (Regulation on plant reproductive material)

COM(2023)414 final
2023/0227 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques and their food and feed, and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/625

COM(2023)411 final
2023/0226 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2017/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on mercury as regards dental amalgam and other mercury-added products subject to manufacturing, import and export restrictions

COM(2023)395 final
2023/0272 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2005/35/EC on ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties, including criminal penalties, for pollution offences

COM(2023)273 final
2023/0171 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2009/21/EC on compliance with flag State requirements

COM(2023)272 final
2023/0172 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control

COM(2023)271 final
2023/0165 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2009/18/EC establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector

COM(2023)270 final
2023/0164 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the European Maritime Safety Agency and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002

COM(2023)269 final
2023/0163 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 as regards minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector

COM(2023)256 final
2023/0155 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Directives 2001/110/EC relating to honey, 2001/112/EC relating to fruit juices and certain similar products intended for human consumption, 2001/113/EC relating to fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée intended for human consumption, and 2001/114/EC relating to certain partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption

COM(2023)201 final
2023/0105 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive)

COM(2023)166 final
2023/0085 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common rules promoting the repair of goods and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2394, Directives (EU) 2019/771 and (EU) 2020/1828

COM(2023)155 final
2023/0083 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design

COM(2023)148 final
2023/0077 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market

COM(2023)147 final
2023/0076 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO₂ emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and integrating reporting obligations, and repealing Regulation (EU) 2018/956

COM(2023)88 final
2023/0042 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

COM(2023)63 final
2023/0025 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures

COM(2022)748 final
2022/0432 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904, and repealing Directive 94/62/EC

COM(2022)677 final
2022/0396 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a Union certification framework for carbon removals

COM(2022)672 final
2022/0394 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles, with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7) and repealing Regulations (EC) No 715/2007 and (EC) No 595/2009

COM(2022)586 final
2022/0365 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (recast)

COM(2022)542 final
2022/0347 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning urban wastewater treatment (recast)

COM(2022)541 final
2022/0345 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy, Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration and Directive 2008/105/EC on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy

COM(2022)540 final
2022/0344 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the sustainable use of plant protection products and amending Regulation (EU) 2021/2115

COM(2022)305 final
2022/0196 (COD)




COM(2022)304 final
2022/0195 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on reporting of environmental data from industrial installations and establishing an Industrial Emissions Portal

COM(2022)157 final
2022/0105 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste

COM(2022)156 final
2022/0104 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 305/2011

COM(2022)144 final
2022/0094 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products and repealing Directive 2009/125/EC

COM(2022)142 final
2022/0095 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on European Union geographical indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, and quality schemes for agricultural products, amending Regulations (EU) No 1308/2013, (EU) 2017/1001 and (EU) 2019/787 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012

COM(2022)134 final
2022/0089 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1153 and Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) 1315/2013

COM(2021)812 final
2021/0420 (COD)


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on methane emissions reduction in the energy sector and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/942

COM(2021)805 final
2021/0423 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the internal markets for renewable and natural gases and for hydrogen (recast)

COM(2021)804 final
2021/0424 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common rules for the internal markets in renewable and natural gases and in hydrogen

COM(2021)803 final
2021/0425 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the energy performance of buildings (recast)

COM(2021)802 final
2021/0426 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on shipments of waste and amending Regulations (EU) No 1257/2013 and (EU) No 2020/1056

COM(2021)709 final
2021/0367 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity (recast)

COM(2021)563 final
2021/0213 (CNS)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the implementation of the Single European Sky (recast)

COM(2020)579 final

COM(2013)410 final

2013/0186 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 as regards the capacity of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency to act as Performance Review Body of the Single European Sky

COM(2020)577 final
2020/0264 (COD)


A Europe fit for the Digital Age


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on combating late payment in commercial transactions

COM(2023)533 final
2023/0323 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the safety of toys and repealing Directive 2009/48/EC

COM(2023)462 final
2023/0290 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU)2017/1001

COM(2023)232 final
2023/0133 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products (recast)

COM(2023)231 final
2023/0130 (COD)


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on compulsory licensing for crisis management and amending Regulation (EC) 816/2006

COM(2023)224 final
2023/0129 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the supplementary protection certificate for plant protection products (recast)

COM(2023)223 final
2023/0128 (COD)


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the unitary supplementary protection certificate for plant protection products

COM(2023)221 final
2023/0126 (COD)


Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directives 2009/102/EC and (EU) 2017/1132 as regards further expanding and upgrading the use of digital tools and processes in company law

COM(2023)177 final
2023/0089 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)

COM(2023)161 final
2023/0081 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020

COM(2023)160 final
2023/0079 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on measures to reduce the cost of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks and repealing Directive 2014/61/EU (Gigabit Infrastructure Act)

COM(2023)94 final
2023/0046 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down measures for a high level of public sector interoperability across the Union (Interoperable Europe Act)

COM(2022)720 final
2022/0379 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the legal protection of designs (recast)

COM(2022)667 final
2022/0392 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on Community designs and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 2246/2002

COM(2022)666 final
2022/0391 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AI Liability Directive)

COM(2022)496 final



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on liability for defective products

COM(2022)495 final
2022/0302 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a Single Market emergency instrument and repealing Council Regulation No (EC) 2679/98

COM(2022)459 final
2022/0278 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) 2016/424, (EU) 2016/425, (EU) 2016/426, (EU) 2019/1009 and (EU) No 305/2011 as regards emergency procedures for the conformity assessment, adoption of common specifications and market surveillance due to a Single Market emergency

COM(2022)461 final
2022/0279 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directives 2000/14/EC, 2006/42/EC, 2010/35/EU, 2013/29/EU, 2014/28/EU, 2014/29/EU, 2014/30/EU, 2014/31/EU, 2014/32/EU, 2014/33/EU, 2014/34/EU, 2014/35/EU, 2014/53/EU and 2014/68/EU as regard emergency procedures for the conformity assessment, adoption of common specifications and market surveillance due to a Single Market emergency

COM(2022)462 final
2022/0280 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020

COM(2022)454 final
2022/0272 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on improving working conditions in platform work

COM(2021)762 final
2021/0414 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence act) and amending certain Union legislative acts

COM(2021)206 final
2021/0106 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications and repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications)

COM(2017)10 final
2017/0003 (COD)


An Economy that Works for People


Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT)

COM(2023)532 final
2023/0321 (CNS)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on transfer pricing

COM(2023)529 final
2023/0322 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE establishing a Head Office Tax system for micro, small and medium sized enterprises, and amending Directive 2011/16/EU

COM(2023)528 final
2023/0320 (CNS)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on European cross-border associations

COM(2023)516 final
2023/0315 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) No 1024/2012 and (EU) 2018/1724 as regards the use of the Internal Market Information System and the Single Digital Gateway for the purposes of certain requirements laid down by Directive (EU) .../... of the European Parliament and of the Council on European cross-border associations

COM(2023)515 final
2023/0314 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the establishment of the digital euro

COM(2023)369 final
2023/0212 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the provision of digital euro services by payment services providers incorporated in Member States whose currency is not the euro and amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1230 of the European Parliament and the Council

COM(2023)368 final
2023/0211 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on payment services in the internal market and amending Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010

COM(2023)367 final
2023/0210 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on payment services and electronic money services in the Internal Market amending Directive 98/26/EC and repealing Directives 2015/2366/EU and 2009/110/EC

COM(2023)366 final
2023/0209 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the legal tender of euro banknotes and coins

COM(2023)364 final
2023/0208 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on a framework for Financial Data Access and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) No 1094/2010, (EU) No 1095/2010 and (EU) 2022/2554

COM(2023)360 final
2023/0205 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093 laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027

COM(2023)337 final
2023/0201 (APP)


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on establishing the Ukraine Facility

COM(2023)338 final
2023/0200 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) and amending Directive 2003/87/EC, Regulations (EU) 2021/1058, (EU) 2021/1056, (EU) 2021/1057, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) 2021/1060, (EU) 2021/523, (EU) 2021/695, (EU) 2021/697 and (EU) 2021/241

COM(2023)335 final
2023/0199 (COD)



Amended proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION amending Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 on the system of own resources of the European Union

COM(2023)331 final
2023/0430 (CNS)


Amended proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the methods and procedure for making available the own resources based on the Emissions Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, reallocated profits and the statistical own resource based on company profits and on the measures to meet cash requirements

COM(2023)333 final
2022/0071 (NLE)



Amended proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2021/768 of 30 April 2021 as regards implementing measures for new own resources of the European Union

COM(2023)332 final
2022/0072 (APP)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes

COM(2023)324 final
2023/0187 (CNS)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the transparency and integrity of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) rating activities

COM(2023)314 final
2023/0177 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directives (EU) 2009/65/EC, 2009/138/EC, 2011/61/EU, 2014/65/EU and (EU) 2016/97 as regards the Union retail investor protection rules

COM(2023)279 final
2023/0167 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 as regards the modernisation of the key information document

COM(2023)278 final
2023/0166 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Union Customs Code and the European Union Customs Authority, and repealing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013

COM(2023)258 final
2023/0156 (NLE)



Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 as regards the introduction of a simplified tariff treatment for the distance sales of goods and Regulation (EC) No 1186/2009 as regards the elimination of the customs duty relief threshold

COM(2023)259 final
2023/0157 (NLE)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards VAT rules relating to taxable persons who facilitate distance sales of imported goods and the application of the special scheme for distance sales of goods imported from third territories or third countries and special arrangements for declaration and payment of import VAT

COM(2023)262 final
2023/0158 (CNS)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1466/97

COM(2023)240 final
2023/0138 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EC) No 1467/97 on speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the excessive deficit procedure

COM(2023)241 final
2023/0137 (CNS)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2011/85/EU on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States

COM(2023)242 final
2023/0136 (NLE)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2014/59/EU and Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 as regards certain aspects of the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities

COM(2023)229 final
2023/0113 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2014/49/EU as regards the scope of deposit protection, use of deposit guarantee schemes funds, cross-border cooperation, and transparency

COM(2023)228 final
2023/0115 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2014/59/EU as regards early intervention measures, conditions for resolution and financing of resolution action

COM(2023)227 final
2023/0112 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 as regards early intervention measures, conditions for resolution and funding of resolution action

COM(2023)226 final
2023/0111 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) 2017/1129, (EU) No 596/2014 and (EU) No 600/2014 to make public capital markets in the Union more attractive for companies and to facilitate access to capital for small and medium-sized enterprises

COM(2022)762 final
2022/0411 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on multiple-vote share structures in companies that seek the admission to trading of their shares on an SME growth market

COM(2022)761 final
2022/0406 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2014/65/EU to make public capital markets in the Union more attractive for companies and to facilitate access to capital for small and medium-sized enterprises and repealing Directive 2001/34/EC

COM(2022)760 final
2022/0405 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law

COM(2022)702 final
2022/0408 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directives 2009/65/EU, 2013/36/EU and (EU) 2019/2034 as regards the treatment of concentration risk towards central counterparties and the counterparty risk on centrally cleared derivative transactions

COM(2022)698 final
2022/0404 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 575/2013 and (EU) 2017/1131 as regards measures to mitigate excessive exposures to third-country central counterparties and improve the efficiency of Union clearing markets

COM(2022)697 final
2022/0403 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market

COM(2022)453 final
2022/0269 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union [recast]

COM(2022)223 final
2022/0162 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union

COM(2022)184 final
2022/0125 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937

COM(2022)71 final
2022/0051 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of insurance and reinsurance undertakings and amending Directives 2002/47/EC, 2004/25/EC, 2009/138/EC, (EU) 2017/1132 and Regulations (EU) No 1094/2010 and (EU) No 648/2012

COM(2021)582 final
2021/0296 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2009/138/EC as regards proportionality, quality of supervision, reporting, long-term guarantee measures, macro-prudential tools, sustainability risks, group and cross-border supervision

COM(2021)581 final
2021/0295 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on applying a generalised scheme of tariff preferences and repealing Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council

COM(2021)579 final
2021/0297 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION amending Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 on the system of own resources of the European Union

COM(2021)570 final
2021/0430 (CNS)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down rules to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes and amending Directive 2011/16/EU

COM(2021)565 final
2021/0434 (CNS)


Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the mechanisms to be put in place by the Member States for the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing and repealing Directive (EU) 2015/849

COM(2021)423 final
2021/0250 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) 1094/2010, (EU) 1095/2010

COM(2021)421 final
2021/0240 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing

COM(2021)420 final
2021/0239 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on credit servicers, credit purchasers and the recovery of collateral

COM(2018)135 final
2018/0063 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems and regulation (EC) No 987/2009 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EC) No 883/2004

COM(2016)815 final
2016/0397 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 806/2014 in order to establish a European Deposit Insurance Scheme

COM(2015)586 final
2015/0270 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air

COM(2013)130 final
2013/0072 (COD)


Promoting our European Way of Life


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down Union procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human use and establishing rules governing the European Medicines Agency, amending Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, Regulation (EC) No 141/2000 and Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006

COM(2023)193 final
2023/0131 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the Union code relating to medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/83/EC and Directive 2009/35/EC

COM(2023)192 final
2023/0132 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters

COM(2023)185 final
2023/0093 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the Union-wide effect of certain driving disqualifications

COM(2023)128 final
2023/0055 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on driving licences, amending Directive (EU) 2022/2561 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Directive 2006/126/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EU) No 383/2012

COM(2023)127 final
2023/0053 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive (EU) 2015/413 facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences

COM(2023)126 final
2023/0052 (COD)



Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims

COM(2022)732 final
2022/0426 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL On the collection and transfer of advance passenger information (API) for enhancing and facilitating external border controls, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/817 and Regulation (EU) 2018/1726, and repealing Council Directive 2004/82/EC

COM(2022)729 final
2022/0424 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the definition of criminal offences and penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures

COM(2022)684 final
2022/0398 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on a single application procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a common set of rights for third-country workers legally residing in a Member State (recast)

COM(2022)655 final
2022/0131 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (recast)

COM(2022)650 final
2022/0134 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on import, export and transit measures for firearms, their essential components and ammunition, implementing Article 10 of the United Nations’ Protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UN Firearms Protocol) (recast)

COM(2022)480 final
2022/0288 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on standards of quality and safety for substances of human origin intended for human application and repealing Directives 2002/98/EC and 2004/23/EC

COM(2022)338 final
2022/0216 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on asset recovery and confiscation

COM(2022)245 final
2022/0167 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse

COM(2022)209 final
2022/0155 (COD)




COM(2022)197 final
2022/0140 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2016/399 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders

COM(2021)891 final
2021/0428 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL addressing situations of instrumentalisation in the field of migration and asylum

COM(2021)890 final
2021/0427 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”), amending Council Decisions 2008/615/JHA and 2008/616/JHA and Regulations (EU) 2018/1726, 2019/817 and 2019/818 of the European Parliament and of the Council

COM(2021)784 final
2021/0410 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on measures against transport operators that facilitate or engage in trafficking in persons or smuggling of migrants in relation to illegal entry into the territory of the European Union

COM(2021)753 final



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the establishment of 'Eurodac' for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of [Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person] , for identifying an illegally staying third-country national or stateless person and on requests for the comparison with Eurodac data by Member States' law enforcement authorities and Europol for law enforcement purposes (recast)

COM(2020)614 final

COM(2016)272 final

2016/0132 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL addressing situations of crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum

COM(2020)613 final
2020/0277 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL introducing a screening of third country nationals at the external borders and amending Regulations (EC) No 767/2008, (EU) 2017/2226, (EU) 2018/1240 and (EU) 2019/817

COM(2020)612 final
2020/0278 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a common procedure for international protection in the Union and repealing Directive 2013/32/EU

COM(2020)611 final

COM(2016)467 final

2016/0224 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on asylum and migration management and amending Council Directive (EC) 2003/109 and the proposed Regulation (EU) XXX/XXX [Asylum and Migration Fund]

COM(2020)610 final
2020/0279 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (recast)

COM(2018)634 final
2018/0329 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a Union Resettlement Framework and amending Regulation (EU) No 516/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council

COM(2016)468 final
2016/0225 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection and for the content of the protection granted and amending Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents

COM(2016)466 final
2016/0223 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (recast)

COM(2016)465 final
2016/0222 (COD)


A New Push for European Democracy


Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities

COM(2023)512 final
2023/0311 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA

COM(2023)424 final
2023/0250 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down additional procedural rules relating to the enforcement of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

COM(2023)348 final
2023/0202 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on combating corruption, replacing Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA and the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union and amending Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council

COM(2023)234 final
2023/0135 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment between persons irrespective of their racial or ethnic origin, equal treatment in the field of employment and occupation between persons irrespective of their religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, equal treatment between women and men in matters of social security and in the access to and supply of goods and services, and deleting Article 13 of Directive 2000/43/EC and Article 12 of Directive 2004/113/EC

COM(2022)689 final


Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation, and deleting Article 20 of Directive 2006/54/EC and Article 11 of Directive 2010/41/EU

COM(2022)688 final


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU

COM(2022)457 final


Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on protecting persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings (“Strategic lawsuits against public participation”)

COM(2022)177 final
2022/0117 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on combating violence against women and domestic violence

COM(2022)105 final
2022/0066 (COD)



Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the protection of the environment through criminal law and replacing Directive 2008/99/EC

COM(2021)851 final
2021/0422 (COD)



A more inclusive and protective Europe: extending the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime

COM(2021)777 final


Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations (recast)

COM(2021)734 final
2021/0375 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in municipal elections by Union citizens residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals (recast)

COM(2021)733 final
2021/0373 (CNS)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to vote and stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament for Union citizens residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals (recast)

COM(2021)732 final
2021/0372 (CNS)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the transparency and targeting of political advertising

COM(2021)731 final
2021/0381 (COD)



Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the law applicable to the third-party effects of assignments of claims

COM(2018)96 final
2018/0044 (COD)



Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation

COM(2008)426 final
2008/0140 (CNS)


Annex IV: Withdrawals 6




Reasons for withdrawal

A European Green Deal


COM(2021)74 final
2021/0040 (NLE)

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the International Civil Aviation Organization as regards notification of differences to Annex 6, Part II, to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

Obsolete: Council Decision 2023/746 on establishing the criteria and the procedure for establishing the position to be taken on the European Union’s behalf within the International Civil Aviation Organization as regards the adoption of, or amendments to, international standards and recommended practices, and the notification of differences with respect to adopted international standards has been adopted on 28 March 2023, making this proposal obsolete in this format. It will be resubmitted as an information note.


COM(2020)247 final
2020/0120 (NLE)

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union at the International Civil Aviation Organization as regards notification of differences to Annexes 1 and 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation related to COVID-19 pandemic

Obsolete: the notification of differences was allowed by the International Civil Aviation Organization only until 2022.

An Economy that works for People


COM(2021)569 final
2021/0429 (APP)

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093 laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027

Obsolete: proposal replaced and superseded by Commission proposal COM(2023)337 of 20 June 2023 presented in the framework of the mid-term review of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework.


COM(2017)824 final
2017/0335 (CNS)

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down provisions for strengthening fiscal responsibility and the medium-term budgetary orientation in the Member States

Obsolete: the objective of this proposal is now being pursued through the economic governance review package.

Promoting our European Way of Life


COM(2019)110 final
2019/0060 (NLE)

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina on actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Obsolete: the legal basis on which the proposal was based (Regulation (EU) 2016/1624) was repealed by Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard, making this proposal obsolete.


COM(2018)611 final
2018/0318 (NLE)

Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the conclusion of the status agreement between the European Union and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Obsolete: the legal basis on which the proposal was based (Regulation (EU) 2016/1624) was repealed by Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard, making this proposal obsolete. 

(1)    In this annex, the Commission provides further information, as far as available, on the initiatives included in its work programme, in line with the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-making. This information, which is provided in brackets next to each initiative, is indicative only and subject to change during the preparatory process, notably in view of the outcome of an impact assessment process.
(2)      This annex presents proposals and initiatives adopted by the Commission since March 2023, and additional ones being adopted by the Commission with this work programme or adopted afterwards, which rationalise and streamline EU reporting requirements. The annex also includes upcoming initiatives and the most significant REFIT evaluations and fitness checks that the Commission will undertake in 2024.
(3)  A significant number of proposals are being adopted with the 2024 Commission work programme. Those that will be adopted afterwards are marked with ‘*’.
(4)  The Commission has submitted the draft act to the relevant comitology committee.
(5)  The Commission has submitted the draft act to the relevant comitology committee.
(6)    This list includes pending legislative proposals, which the Commission intends to withdraw within six months