Valitse kokeelliset ominaisuudet, joita haluat kokeilla

Tämä asiakirja on ote EUR-Lex-verkkosivustolta

Participation of the Central and Eastern European candidate countries in Community programmes


To establish the general terms and conditions for the participation of the Central and Eastern European candidate countries in Community programmes.


Decisions of the EU-candidate country Association Councils adopting the terms and conditions for the participation of the candidate countries in Community programmes:

Decision of the EU-Hungary Association Council, 18 December 2001 [Official Journal L 46 of 16.02.2002];

Decision of the EU-Slovenia Association Council, 25 January 2002 [Official Journal L 115 of 01.05.2002];

Decision of the EU-Latvia Association Council, 12 February 2002 [Official Journal L 82 of 26.03.2002];

Decision of the EU-Slovakia Association Council, 18 February 2002 [Official Journal L 82 of 26.03.2002];

Decision of the EU-Romania Association Council, 18 February 2002 [Official Journal L 91 of 06.04.2002];

Decision of the EU-Estonia Association Council, 27 February 2002 [Not published in the Official Journal];

Decision of the EU-Poland Association Council, 28 February 2002 [Official Journal L 91 of 06.04.2002];

Decision of the EU-Czech Republic Association Council, 27 March 2002 [Official Journal L 140 of 30.05.2002];

Decision of the EU-Bulgaria Association Council, 5 June 2002 [Not published in the Official Journal];

Decision of the EU-Lithuania Association Council, 18 June 2002 [Official Journal L 280 of 18.10.2002].


The Luxembourg European Council (December 1997) highlighted participation in Community programmes as a way of intensifying the pre-accession strategy for the candidate countries.

As regards the ten candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe, namely Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, participation in Community programmes is already provided for in their respective Europe Agreements. These stipulate that the conditions for participation are determined by specific decisions of the respective Association Councils.

The present decisions thus establish the terms and conditions for the participation of these countries in Community programmes.

These countries may participate in all Community programmes that have been or will be open to them.

Their participation in the programmes will be subject to the same conditions, rules and procedures as those applied to the participants from Member States. Representatives of the candidate countries will be able to act as observers at the meetings of the committees for the programmes to which they are making a financial contribution.

The terms and conditions for the participation of the countries in each Community programme, in particular their financial contribution, are determined by the Commission and the competent authorities in each country.


Dateof entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Decision of the EU-Hungary Association Council



Decision of the EU-Slovenia Association Council



Decision of the EU-Latvia Association Council



Decision of the EU-Slovakia Association Council



Decision of the EU-Romania Association Council



Decision of the EU-Estonia Association Council



Decision of the EU-Poland Association Council



Decision of the EU-Czech Republic Association Council



Decision of the EU-Bulgaria Association Council



Decision of the EU-Lithuania Association Council



4) implementing measures

5) follow-up work

Last updated: 21.10.2002
