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Document 51997IR0253

Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on 'The pan-European dimension of transport policy'

IO C 64, 27.2.1998, p. 67 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)


Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on 'The pan-European dimension of transport policy'

Official Journal C 064 , 27/02/1998 P. 0067

Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on 'The pan-European dimension of transport policy` (98/C 64/11)


having regard to its decision of 11 June 1997 to submit an opinion, pursuant to Article 198c(4) of the Treaty establishing the European Community, on the pan-European dimension of transport policy and to ask Commission 3 (Transport and Communications Networks) to draw up the said opinion;

having regard to the draft opinion adopted by Commission 3 on 25 September 1997 (CdR 253/97 rev.) (rapporteur: Mr Gerd Wartenberg);

having regard to its previous opinions on transport policy, including those on the trans-European transport networks, short-haul journeys by sea, the Green Papers 'fair and efficient pricing in transport and the citizens' network`, the transport policy action programme for 1995-2000, the White Paper 'a strategy for revitalizing the Community's railways` and the proposal on the promotion of sustained and safe mobility;

aware of the preliminary work done by the steering committee of the pan-European transport conferences, especially the final declaration of the pan-European transport conference in Helsinki;

aware of the communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council 'connecting the Union's transport infrastructure networks to its neighbours: towards a cooperative, pan-European transport network policy` (of 23 April 1997);

aware of the report of the European Parliament 'pan-European transport policy` (PE 218.425 of 29 October 1996) and the own-initiative Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on the pan-European transport conference and social dialogue: from Crete to Helsinki (CES 547/96 of 25 April 1996);

aware of Agenda 2000, in which the European Commission describes the construction and extension of the trans-European transport networks as one of the most important tasks of the European Union in the coming years,

adopted the following opinion at its 20th plenary session on 19 and 20 November 1997 (meeting of 20 November).

1. Introduction

The pan-European transport conferences

1) The late 1980s saw borders open across central and eastern Europe. The goal of establishing a single transport market transcending the frontiers of the European Union prompted the European Parliament and the European Commission to hold the first pan-European transport conference in Prague in October 1991. The conference aimed to bring together other international organizations, such as the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, to agree on joint principles to be applied in the future development of pan-European transport policy.

2) The 2nd pan-European transport conference was held in Crete from 14 to 16 March 1994. This conference went further than the principles laid down in the Prague declaration, with the participating countries agreeing on common objectives and strategies for a pan-European transport policy.

3) The Crete conference resolved to monitor the implementation of this fundamental pan-European strategy at regular intervals; to this end, the 3rd pan-European transport conference was held in Helsinki from 23 to 25 June 1997. In Helsinki it was again confirmed that, despite funding difficulties, a pan-European transport system must be put in place as soon as possible to form the backbone of a developing European internal market.

Changed conditions since Crete

4) Since the transport conference in Crete, the EU has welcomed into its ranks three new Member States; further enlargement is set to follow, with the accession of countries from central and eastern Europe. Such developments are not without consequence for the framework of transport policy, since these countries now have to be integrated into the EU's trans-European transport network.

5) However, current budgetary constraints mean that - as the 3rd pan-European transport conference has again shown - the Community will have to find new ways of financing these transport infrastructure plans.

Involvement of the Committee of the Regions

6) Since it was set up in 1994, the Committee of the Regions has issued a whole range of opinions on EU transport policy. In February 1997, the Committee was invited by the European Commission and the European Parliament to participate in the Helsinki Conference.

Previously, the Committee had been excluded from the discussion process. Now, for the first time, it has the opportunity to play an active part in shaping the pan-European transport policy of the future.

7) This also means that the debate on transport policy will be able to reflect the findings of the seminars held jointly by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission on the contribution the European regions and local authorities can make towards promoting an integrated, high-performance and environmentally sound transport system across Europe.

2. A pan-European transport policy: aims, principles and their implementation

8) The Committee of the Regions expressly welcomes the steps, initiated by the European Commission and the European Parliament, to join with the countries of central and eastern Europe, the successor states of the former Soviet Union and the countries of the Mediterranean, to agree on principles and objectives for a pan-European transport policy, thus helping build a balanced transport infrastructure across the continent.

2.1. Objectives of pan-European transport policy

9) In common with the European Commission and the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions believes that pan-European transport policy should aim at promoting sustainable, environmentally sound and efficient transport systems which not only meet the social, economic, environmental and safety needs of the citizens of Europe, but also help overcome social and economic disparities between the regions, thus enhancing Europe's competitiveness. In this way, transport policy also helps promote economic and social cohesion in Europe.

10) In addition, the Committee of the Regions gives specific backing to the following objectives of a pan-European transport policy, which are also reflected in the final declaration of Helsinki:

- extension of the single market in the transport sector to cover the whole of Europe, with a view to helping harmonize legal and administrative arrangements and technical standards;

- promotion of competition and liberalization in transport markets in line with the principles of the social market economy;

- facilitating cross-border transport by adapting infrastructure, services and procedural arrangements;

- development of an environmentally sustainable integrated transport network on the basis of cooperation among carriers in different transport modes.

2.2. Principles of pan-European transport policy

11) The Committee of the Regions believes that trans-European transport policy should focus on the four principles: regional orientation, closeness to the citizens, compatibility with the environment and traffic safety.

A transport policy geared to regional needs

12) The Community rightly recognizes and applies the principle of subsidiarity in transport policy. At a pan-European level, comprehensive international, multilateral and national action will be needed to ensure that the transport policy objectives mooted in Crete and confirmed in Helsinki are translated into practice. Involvement of the local authorities, which are responsible for land management and environmental protection, is essential for successful implementation of any pan-European transport policy.

13) For this reason, the Committee of the Regions has repeatedly called for consultation with regional and local authorities at as early a stage of transport planning as possible, with a view to agreeing solutions to any problems arising.

14) Experience, particularly over the past few years, in implementing trans-European transport projects, has shown that transport schemes cannot be realized effectively without the involvement and agreement of the local authorities affected by them. Any efforts Member States may make to speed up the spatial planning and administrative procedures needed at national level for transport projects will be in vain if local and regional government is not comprehensively informed and consulted about such projects at an early stage.

Transport policy close to the general public

15) Any measures taken under a pan-European transport policy geared to achieving sustainable, socially responsible and environmentally sound mobility must gain the acceptance of the wider public. The involvement of local and regional authorities is therefore essential to ensure, in the interests of all the players concerned, that decisions are taken in a way that is at once transparent and close to the citizen.

16) The Committee of the Regions' aim is thus to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to people's interests and expectations as consumers, as transport users and as those whose lives are affected by transport policy planning and decision-making.

An environmentally sound transport policy

17) Given the high level of damage which traffic inflicts on the environment, the Committee of the Regions has repeatedly pointed out that the principle of environmental impact set out in Article 130r of the EC Treaty must be seen as a sine qua non of any pan-European transport policy.

18) The Committee is well aware of the need to square rising levels of traffic, and the growing need for mobility as Europe grows together both economically and socially, with the high standards required in environmental protection.

A transport policy to boost traffic safety

19) Traffic safety is threatened by the continuing increase in road traffic, especially road haulage. It is therefore important to have a safe and reliable transport system to which the entire population has access.

2.3. Areas for action in pan-European transport policy

20) The basic pan-European transport policy package adopted in Helsinki comprises not only objectives and principles, but also a whole range of measures and areas of action for translating them into practice.

21) The Committee of the Regions, following on from the working group set up in Helsinki, would highlight three areas of particular importance: trans-European transport networks, transport modes and intelligent transport systems.

2.3.1. Trans-European transport networks

22) In its opinion on the Community guidelines for establishing a trans-European transport network, the Committee of the Regions has already noted that such networks go a long way to strengthening global competitiveness and act as an engine for growth and employment, while at the same time underpinning Europe's internal cohesion.

Impact of the trans-European network on the regions

23) The Committee of the Regions would point out that the trans-European transport network can only have the desired impact if it operates efficiently. This, in turn, can only be done, however, if the network is as closely linked to existing regional and local transport systems as possible.

24) The Committee of the Regions sees an urgent need to bring together the local authorities concerned to develop strategies which take account of the structure and positioning of public passenger transport centres of communication and the expansion of intermodal transport management.

25) Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the trans-European transport networks can connect smoothly to public local transport systems in large urban areas since these are the main points of departure and arrival for freight and passenger transport.

26) The Committee of the Regions feels that the problem of connecting regional and local systems to trans-European transport networks has been underestimated up to now, and would therefore propose, in future, involving regional and local authorities at an early stage in the planning of trans-European transport infrastructure.

27) In its 1996 annual report on the trans-European networks, the European Commission highlighted the positive impact of transport projects on economic growth and employment in the Community as a whole; few details were given, however, on the impact on growth and employment in the regions.

28) The Committee of the Regions therefore calls on the Commission to look more closely at the impact of the trans-European networks on the regions; this impact may vary considerably from region to region. Specific case studies should thus be undertaken (in border areas, for example, or areas which are structurally weak), with a view to gaining a new understanding of what is involved in a European transport policy geared towards regional needs.

Guaranteeing sustainable mobility

29) A high volume of traffic - particularly transit traffic - is not only the harbinger of economic and social benefits; there is a downside too, in environmental damage and over-congestion on the roads and in the regions concerned, as well as poorer traffic safety.

30) The Committee of the Regions, which supports a pan-European transport policy based on sustainable, safe mobility, backs the strategy of giving priority to the improved, more intelligent use of existing infrastructures before embarking on any new building work. With the help of 'intelligent` transport systems, existing infrastructures can be put to better use, traffic safety improved and excessive strain on the environment avoided. This should involve the increased application of telematics and other state-of-the-art technologies designed to improve cross-border interoperability.

Restructuring and redefining traffic corridors

31) The 2nd pan-European transport conference in Crete defined nine main traffic routes meriting priority treatment in the countries of central and eastern Europe. The corridors defined in Crete were restructured and redefined in Helsinki to reflect changing conditions, by including a tenth corridor (linking the Balkan States).

32) The Committee of the Regions welcomes the approach adopted by the European Commission in its communication Connecting the Union's transport infrastructure network to its neighbours. Priority traffic projects in the EU are subject to criteria laid down in the guidelines on trans-European transport networks. These include financial viability, economic efficiency, operational maturity, environmental soundness and interoperability of traffic projects. The European Commission's approach seeks to bring these selfsame criteria to bear in selecting similar projects in the countries of central and eastern Europe and the other non-member European countries.

33) The Committee of the Regions also backs expanding the trans-European transport network to cover the whole of Europe, as envisaged by the Commission; not only would this help boost links with the EU's neighbours and promote development in structurally weak areas, but it would also be of benefit to society as a whole. Good transport links are a precondition for interregional contact and contribute not only to the economic but also to the democratic and cultural development of neighbouring States.

34) As the EU gears itself up for enlargement, however, priority should indeed be given to integrating the transport networks of the prospective new Member States of central and eastern Europe; this should not however be to the detriment of the still necessary strengthening and extension of the Community's transport infrastructure. The Committee welcomes the process - introduced as part of structured dialogue - for evaluating infrastructure requirements in the countries of central and eastern Europe (TINA - Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment). The aim is to designate, by order of importance, the infrastructure measures which need to be taken in the prospective new Member States.

35) Since it has now become clear that, in itself, the corridor concept developed at Crete does not go far enough in tackling the multifarious problems and needs encountered in some areas of Europe, the Committee of the Regions backs the Commission proposal to expand the corridor scheme into a full-scale transport service project (PETRA - Pan-European Transport Areas). The same selection criteria should be used for this project as for the corridors.

Financing trans-European transport networks

36) The Committee of the Regions agrees with the plan, put forward in the European Commission's communication 'connecting the Union's transport infrastructure network to its neighbours`, for a transport network partnership spanning Europe and involving the Union, governments, the countries concerned, financial institutions and the private sector. The Committee is convinced that, particularly as far as financial arrangements for the trans-European transport networks go, it is essential to establish a stable, credible framework if the private sector is to commit itself financially.

37) The Committee of the Regions therefore expressly welcomes the efforts made by the Commission to join international financial institutions in developing coherent concepts for future financing of trans-European transport corridors and service areas.

38) The Committee of the Regions backs the public-private partnership model as a means of accelerating the growth of trans-European transport networks. It must however be pointed out that the enormous funding requirement for transport infrastructure - even for the priority projects - cannot be met by the private sector alone. The Committee of the Regions would also point out, from a transport policy viewpoint, that the resulting levies needed to re-finance private capital, such as tariffs, road charges and taxes, may cause undesirable switches from one transport mode to another.

39) In general it should be noted that the central and eastern European States should not be given the impression that their transport infrastructure could be renewed exclusively with funds from the European Union. If for no other reason, such expectations must be discouraged in order to ensure that the Community continues to be regarded as a credible partner in pan-European transport policy.

2.3.2. Transport modes

Switching transport from the roads to more environmentally sound modes

40) The Committee of the Regions welcomes all the efforts made within the social market economy, and aimed at achieving sustainable mobility, to meet the challenge of rising transport levels by, inter alia, switching from road transport to other, more environmentally sound modes. In the intermodal transport plan for land-based traffic, consideration is being given in particular to promoting the railways, combined transport and the use of internal waterways and coastal shipping.

41) For all this effort, however, the Committee of the Regions is aware that for the foreseeable future and despite the environmental, congestion and safety problems it poses, road transport is set to remain the number-one transport mode for both passengers and freight - and not only for short journeys.

42) Road transport is very adaptable to continually changing transport requirements and conditions. Flexible handling and adaptation to specific transport needs (containers/dimensions) can be achieved for little expense. Investments in vehicles and equipment are low compared to those involved in road transport's main competitor, the railways. The road charges currently levied on lorry traffic, which only cover part of the total cost, are not enough to even out the cost difference in comparison with rail.

43) These current advantages make it difficult to realize the political objective of switching to more environmentally sound transport modes. The Committee of the Regions believes that one way of moving away from road transport would be to promote combined transport; another would be to internalize costs.

44) In the medium term the policy framework for road freight transport must be influenced so as to ensure that combined transport can be made competitive at least over medium distances and that environmental pollution caused by freight transport (exhaust gases, noise and land occupation) can be reduced.

45) Despite considerable difficulties, largely related to the need for additional transhipment, requiring more time and effort, and thus costing more, a network of suitable transhipment points (freight transport centres, harbours, terminals, etc.) should be developed, together with high-performance, economically important routes, in order to reduce the need for additional road traffic infrastructure. The Committee of the Regions therefore calls for the idea of freight freeways to be extended to combined transport, and proposes that a pilot project along these lines be put into practice.

46) In the light of these considerations, the Committee of the Regions feels it is crucial to look at all technical, organizational and financial options available to mitigate the drawbacks of combined transport over road haulage alone.

47) The Committee of the Regions backs the rail reforms proposed in the White Paper 'revitalizing the Community's railways`. This is also a consideration in town and country planning; residential areas should be situated within easy reach of rail links. Speed, frequency and infrastructure must also be adapted to meet user need.

48) The Committee of the Regions believes that the existing European rail network and the services provided by rail companies fail to live up to user aspirations. An example of a model approach would be to establish management firms, in both passenger and freight transport, related to the transport corridors, and with the task of coordinating all activities from starting-point to destination so that each user has to deal with only one interlocutor. Free competition between rail companies would be unaffected by this.

49) The following should also be focal points in any strategy to improve European rail policy:

- splitting operation and routing,

- debt relief for rail companies,

- interoperability and technical harmonization.

50) The Committee of the Regions would stress that rail links to Europe's economic regions must be structured more efficiently. The Committee therefore particularly welcomes the establishment of haulage corridors (freight freeways), and hopes that the studies under way on corridors of this kind will prove that rail haulage can be run economically on the main trans-European routes. The most environmentally friendly mode is coastal shipping, which has the lowest macroeconomic costs and the most capacity available for effecting a radical shift in traffic without requiring costly investment. Where such a step is economically viable and advisable and environmentally sound, transport policy should seek to switch the main traffic flows in Europe to coastal shipping and, by using a terrestrial mode for the short initial and final journey, to open up the hinterland around ports. When projects involving land-based modes are planned as part of trans-European networks to run along coastlines, coastal shipping must always be taken into consideration as a competing mode.

51) As part of moves towards removing existing distortions in competition among the various transport modes, particular attention should be paid to the principle of internalizing the external costs of transport. The way transport modes are used at the moment is based on an appropriation of costs which takes no account of the polluter-pays principle, while overall cost calculations omit certain very relevant factors. A level playing field in cost-calculation makes for honest pricing which, in turn, helps promote moves towards environmentally sound transport modes.

52) In an opinion of the same name, the Committee of the Regions backs the approach put forward by the Commission in its Green Paper 'fair and efficient pricing`, but would point out that, as things stand, no consensus has been reached on exactly what costs are to be included, how these costs are to be apportioned among the players involved and the impact the introduction of fair and efficient prices will have on transport users. Given these facts, the Committee believes that the economic instruments outlined in the green paper should be applied more pragmatically; this could mean, in the first instance, that, in certain sectors, transport users would be asked to make an appropriate contribution to tackling specific problems.

53) The green paper deals exclusively with the external costs of road transport, and thus takes no account of other transport modes. The Committee of the Regions therefore believes it is crucial to develop a similar strategy for other transport modes in order to ensure fair competition.

Airport links

54) The Committee of the Regions has already called for greater attention to be given to the issue of linking regional airports in particular to the trans-European airport network. Airports can only function sustainably if they are effectively linked to other transport modes, in other words to both regional and trans-European road and rail transport networks. Local public transport is of particular importance in this regard, since it has to carry the bulk of the airport-related traffic in addition to normal local and regional traffic. The Committee therefore points out the need for regional and local planning bodies to be involved in designing the nodal points at airports.

55) Furthermore, the Committee of the Regions would ask for more efficient control of the airways at a pan-European level, by, for example, expanding both the geographical and operational scope of Eurocontrol.

Inland waterways, shipping and ports

56) Inland waterways and shipping are natural transport routes; their potential should be exploited more forcefully. The Committee of the Regions regards them as a component of an integrated pan-European transport network.

57) Given the constant increase in traffic in Europe, more transport tasks should be allotted to inland waterways and shipping, as they are particularly compatible with the environment. As the logistics of transport rely increasingly on the use of transport chains, seaports and inland ports can attain their maximum economic utility primarily as a network of nodal points.

58) To achieve the aim of shifting traffic between modes, inland ports and seaports should be developed as interfaces between transport systems and as goods transshipment points in a way which takes account of the need for modern, rapid and inexpensive international transport. This presupposes efficient transshipment plant, good rail and water links and the use of intelligent information systems.

2.3.3. Cooperation in cross-border transport

59) Cross-border transport is one area where an improvement in operational conditions would not go amiss. The Committee of the Regions therefore welcomes the initiatives to simplify transport of this kind. The Committee would stress that cross-border cooperation not only requires agreement at national and international level; close collaboration between the regions and local authorities concerned is also an essential element.

60) Cross-border transport depends on cooperation between local transport services, customs, health authorities and the security forces. Without it, it is impossible to enhance market access; added benefits for the single market are also at risk.

61) Trade relations are constantly on the increase, with a corresponding rise in transit traffic. The latter has been hampered, however, by lack of coordination in policy, finance, organization and technology. The Committee of the Regions therefore recommends harmonizing legislation, administration, border controls, technical standards and safety arrangements.

62) Moves to make border controls more efficient by collating services and breaking down existing barriers must be made in conjunction with regional and local representatives.

2.3.4. Intelligent transport systems

63) The Committee of the Regions welcomes the concept of using intelligent transport systems. It notes the positive example of telematics in urban transport management and recognizes the need to research, and give adequate backing to, transport technologies.

Given the importance of intelligent transport systems, Commission 3 intends to draw up a dedicated opinion on this issue, reflecting the results of the Helsinki consultations.

3. Conclusions

64) The Committee of the Regions welcomes the initiative taken by the European Commission and the European Parliament with a view to reaching agreement with the central and eastern European States, the successor States of the Soviet Union and the Mediterranean States on principles and objectives of a pan-European transport policy.

65) The aim of a pan-European transport policy must be to promote sustainable, environmentally sound and efficient transport systems which will satisfy the economic and social needs of European citizens and make a contribution to the economic and social cohesion of Europe.

66) In the Committee's view a pan-European transport policy must be based in particular on four principles: regional orientation, closeness to the citizen, compatibility with the environment and greater traffic safety. Account should thereby always be taken of the internalization of costs.

67) In the light of the fields of action for a pan-European transport policy dealt with at Helsinki, the following points should be stressed above all, from the viewpoint of the regional and local authorities:

- when planning trans-European transport networks, more attention is to be given to their links with existing regional and local transport systems;

- the Committee of the Regions welcomes the Commission's idea of a transport network partnership to develop feasible models for the funding of European transport projects;

- the Committee of the Regions supports all efforts to create an integrated transport network involving intelligent use of the appropriate transport mode in each case. Particularly important here is promotion of the competitiveness of railways and combined transport.

Brussels, 20 November 1997.

The Chairman of the Committee of the Regions

