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Document C:2017:278A:FULL

    Official Journal of the European Union, CA 278, 22 August 2017

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    ISSN 1977-091X

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 278A

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 60
    22 August 2017

    Notice No




    V   Announcements




    European Commission

    2017/C 278 A/01

    Single Resolution Board — Vacancy notice — Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions — COM/2017/20023




    V Announcements


    European Commission



    Official Journal of the European Union

    CA 278/1

    Single Resolution Board

    Vacancy notice

    Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions


    (2017/C 278 A/01)


    The Single Resolution Board

    The Single Resolution Board (SRB) is the European resolution authority and the second pillar of the Banking Union. It works in close cooperation with the national resolution authorities of participating Member States — together forming the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) — the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) in particular. It contributes to safeguarding financial stability.

    Its mission is to ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks with minimum impact on the real economy and on public finances of the participating Member States and beyond. Therefore, the SRB is granted with specific tasks and responsibilities to prepare for and carry out the resolution of banks that are failing or likely to fail.

    The SRB is also responsible for managing the Single Resolution Fund, as established by the SRM Regulation, to ensure that medium-term funding support is available while a bank is being restructured and/or resolved.

    The SRB is a self-financed agency of the European Union.

    The vacancy

    The European Commission, in consultation with the SRB, is organising a selection procedure for a Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions. The place of employment will be Brussels (Belgium), where the SRB has its seat.

    The successful candidate will take up her/his duties:


    as a voting Member of the SRB decision-making bodies — the Board in its Plenary Session and the Executive Session; and


    as Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions in the SRB.

    As a voting Member of the Board in its Plenary Session and Executive Session she/he will contribute actively to the fulfilment of the Board’s tasks and responsibilities, in accordance with the mandate awarded by the SRM Regulation.

    In addition, the successful candidate in her/his capacity of Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions will be in charge of one of the three Directorates for Resolution Planning and Decisions. In particular, the successful candidate will:

    manage day-to-day work of the Directorate and ensure its smooth and effective functioning, which will also include a close cooperation with other business areas of the SRB, in particular, with the other two Resolution Directorates,

    lead and steer the preparation of the resolution plans of the entities that fall within the Directorate’s responsibilities,

    lead and steer the preparation of actions and, if necessary, resolution decisions on the entities that fall within the Directorate’s responsibilities,

    manage cooperation with national resolution authorities falling within the Directorate’s responsibilities,

    oversee and manage the overall cooperation with the ECB in the context of works between the Internal Resolution Teams and the Joint Supervisory Teams for entities falling within the Directorate’s responsibilities,

    contribute, as member of the SRB’s senior management, to determining the SRB’s policies and mission,

    coordinate work programming at Directorate level, set objectives and determine priorities in the framework of the SRB’s overall strategic planning,

    coordinate the work of the units comprising the Directorate, motivate and support the middle management in attaining their objectives and realising them and their staff members’ potential,

    target the achievement of the Directorate’s objectives, according to required deadlines and quality standards, and monitor and evaluate the progress,

    ensure smooth cooperation and communication with other Board Members/Directors and Directorates,

    promote positive practices towards the Directorate’s internal and external stakeholders, and

    liaise and maintain relations with the EU institutions and bodies and any other public authority and private entity on matters within her/his Directorate’s responsibilities.

    The successful candidate will report to the Chair of the SRB on her/his individual contributions as the Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions.

    Eligibility criteria

    Candidates must fulfil the following formal criteria by the closing date for applications:

    Nationality: be a national of a Member State of the European Union,

    University degree or diploma:

    have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies, attested by a diploma, where the normal period of university education is four years or more, or

    have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies, attested by a diploma, and appropriate professional experience of at least 1 year, where the normal period of university education is at least 3 years (this 1 year’s professional experience cannot be included in the postgraduate professional experience required below),

    Professional experience: have at least 20 years postgraduate professional experience acquired after the qualification referred to above was obtained, of which at least 10 years in areas relevant to the supervision, restructuring or resolution of financial institutions and the regulation of financial markets (1),

    Senior management experience: at least 5 years of professional experience in leading an organisation in a senior executive position (2), and

    Languages: have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of at least another official language of the European Union (3). Selection panels may verify during the interview(s) whether applicants comply with the requirement of a satisfactory knowledge of another official EU language. This could include part of the interview being conducted in this other language.

    There is no age limit.

    Selection criteria

    Candidates should have:

    a deep knowledge of the banking and financial sector,

    thorough experience in one or more of the following domains: supervision, restructuring or resolution of financial institutions, regulation of financial markets,

    an outstanding sense of leadership and experience in working in a multicultural environment,

    the ability to develop and implement a strategic vision,

    proven ability to take and implement decisions, both at strategic and operational level,

    experience in successfully leading large teams with multidisciplinary (and, ideally, multicultural) backgrounds at a senior management level and in motivating staff to achieve high levels of performance,

    excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills,

    excellent negotiating skills and ability to build sound working relationships with high-level representatives of relevant stakeholders,

    an excellent command of English as it is the working language of the SRB.

    Knowledge of the EU institutions and EU decision-making processes, as well as experience in other European and international processes of relevance to the activities of the Board would be an distinctive asset.

    Independence and declaration of interests

    Members of the Board, in its plenary and executive session must act independently and only in the Union’s interest and may neither seek nor take instructions from the institutions or bodies of the European Union, any Member State government or any other public or private body.

    Once appointed for the function of Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions, she/he will be a full-time professional and may not hold any other office at national, Union or international level.

    She/he will be required to submit before appointment:

    a declaration of commitment to act independently in the public interest, and

    a declaration in respect of any interests which might be considered prejudicial to the candidate’s independence.

    Candidates must confirm their willingness to do so in their application (4). When appointed the Board Member will be subject to the Code of Conduct, and as Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions subject to the code of ethics and good administrative behaviour for staff of the SRB.



    The European Commission, in consultation with the SRB, sets up a selection panel which assesses all applications. Candidates who are considered to possess the most suitable profile for the function of Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions will be called to an interview with this selection panel.


    Following these interviews, the selection panel draws up a first list of candidates, based on their merits and the selection criteria set out in the vacancy notice. These candidates can be invited for further interviews with the European Commission’s Consultative Committee on Appointments (CCA). Prior to this interview, they will go through an assessment centre run by external recruitment consultants.


    The CCA adopts a shortlist. These candidates will be invited for an interview with one or more Members of the European Commission.


    On the basis of the outcome of this selection process, and after hearing the Board, in its plenary session, the European Commission adopts a shortlist of suitable candidates for the function of Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions. This shortlist is transmitted to the European Parliament for approval; at the same time, the Council of the European Union is informed.

    For functional reasons and to complete the selection procedure as quickly as possible in the interest of the applicants as well as that of the institution, the European Commission carries out this selection procedure in English only. It will ensure that no undue advantage is given to native speakers of this language.


    The European Commission shall then submit a proposal for the appointment of Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions to the European Parliament for approval.

    Following approval of that proposal, the Council adopts an implementing decision to appoint the Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions. The Council acts by qualified majority.

    Candidates may be required to undergo further interviews and/or tests in addition to those indicated above.

    This call for applications is the basis on which the European Commission’s proposal for the appointment of the Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions to the European Parliament will be established. Inclusion on the shortlist to be transmitted to the European Parliament or in the proposal for appointment is no guarantee of appointment. Candidates should note that the shortlist could become public once it has been adopted by the European Commission.

    Equal opportunities

    The European Union institutions apply a policy of equal opportunities and accept applications without discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.

    Conditions of employment

    The Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions is appointed for a non-renewable period of 5 years.

    The Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions will be considered on par with the Registrar of the Court of Justice of the European Union as regards emoluments and pensionable age, as laid down in Regulation No 422/67/EEC (5). His/her salary will be based on grade AD 16, step 3, subject to a multiplication factor equal to 101 % of the salary for that grade and step (6). However, he/she will not be subject to a maximum retirement age. For all other employment conditions, the Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants apply by analogy.

    The place of employment is Brussels (Belgium), where the SRB has its seat.


    Please note:

    Before submitting your application, you should carefully check whether you meet all the eligibility criteria, particularly concerning the required types of diploma; professional and managerial experience as well as your linguistic capacity.

    Failure to possess any of these eligibility requirements means an automatic exclusion from the selection procedure.

    Applications should be made via the Internet by going to the website:

    and follow the instructions there concerning the various stages of the procedure. You will have to create a profile before you can enter your application.

    You must have a valid email address. This will be used to identify your registration as well as to remain in contact with you during the different stage of the selection process. Therefore, please keep the European Commission informed about any change in your email address.

    To complete your application, you will need to upload a CV in PDF format and to fill out, online, a letter of motivation (maximum 8 000 characters).

    Once you have finished your online registration, you will receive an electronic mail confirming that your application has been registered. The mail also contains a registration number which will be your reference number in all matters concerning your application.

    If you do not receive a confirmation mail, your application has not been registered!

    Please note that it is not possible to monitor the progress of your application online. You will be contacted directly by the European Commission regarding the status of your application. To facilitate the selection process, all communication with candidates concerning this selection procedure will be in English only.

    If you have a disability that prevents you from registering online, you may submit your application (CV and letter of motivation) on paper by registered mail to the following address: European Commission, Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security, Unit for Executive Staff and CCA Secretariat, SC11 8/35, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË, indicating clearly as a reference: Vacancy Notice Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Planning and Decisions (COM/2017/20023), and postmarked no later than the closing date for registration. All subsequent communication between the Commission and you will be by post. In this case, you must enclose with your application a certificate attesting your disability, issued by a recognised body. You should also set out on a separate sheet of paper any special arrangements you think are needed to make it easier for you to take part in the selection.

    If you require more information and/or encounter technical problems, please send an e-mail to:


    Deadline for applications: 22 September 2017. Online registration will not be possible after 12.00 noon Brussels time.

    It is your responsibility to complete your online registration in time. We strongly advise you not to wait until the last few days before applying, since heavy internet traffic or a fault with your internet connection could lead to the online registration being terminated before you complete it, thereby obliging you to repeat the whole process. Once the deadline for the submission of registrations has passed, you will no longer be able to introduce any data. Late registrations are not accepted.

    The Commission reserves the right to extend the closing date of this vacancy by publication in the Official Journal of the European Union only.

    Important information for applicants

    Applicants are reminded that the work of the selection committees is confidential. It is forbidden for applicants to make direct or indirect contact with members of these committees, or for anybody to do so, on their behalf.

    Protection of personal data

    The Commission and the SRB will ensure that candidates’ personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (7).

    (1)  Professional experience will be counted from the date on which the applicant acquired the minimum qualification for access to the profile in question. Only duly documented professional activities (i.e. remunerated employment or self-employment) are taken into account. Part-time work will be taken into account in proportion to the percentage of full-time hours worked. Periods of education or training and unremunerated traineeships are not taken into account. Fellowships, grant-funded activity and PhDs can be counted as professional experience up to a maximum of 3 years.

    (2)  Candidates are explicitly requested to indicate for each management/leadership position held: (1) the title and role of positions held; (2) the number of staff overseen in these positions; (3) the size of budgets managed; and (4) the number of hierarchical layers above and below them and the number of peers.

    (3)  Regulation No 1 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic Community (OJ P 17, 6.10.1958, p. 385).


    (5) amended by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 904/2012:

    (6)  See Article 66 of Regulation No 31 (EEC), 11 (EAEC), laying down the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community

    (7)  OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1.
