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Document C2018/090A/01

    Recruitment notice PE/203/S — Director (F/M) (Function group AD, grade 14) — Directorate-General for the Presidency — Directorate for the Plenary

    OJ C 90A, 9.3.2018, p. 1–9 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    CA 90/1


    DIRECTOR (F/M) (Function group AD, grade 14)


    (2018/C 090 A/01)


    1.   Vacant post

    The President of the European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for filling the post of director (AD, grade 14) in the Directorate-General for the Presidency — Directorate for the Plenary, in accordance with Article 29(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union (1) (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Staff Regulations’).

    This selection procedure, which is designed to give the appointing authority a wider choice of candidates, will be conducted at the same time as internal and interinstitutional recruitment procedures.

    Recruitment will be to grade AD 14 (2). The basic salary is EUR 14 303,51 per month. In addition to the basic salary, which is subject to Community tax and exempt from national tax, certain allowances may be payable in circumstances laid down by the Staff Regulations.

    Candidates should note that this post is subject to the mobility policy rules adopted by Parliament’s Bureau on 15 January 2018.

    The post calls for flexibility and frequent contact with people inside and outside Parliament, including Members of the European Parliament. The director will be required to travel frequently between Parliament’s places of work and elsewhere.

    2.   Place of employment

    Brussels. This post may be transferred to one of Parliament’s other places of work.

    3.   Equal opportunities

    The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds, such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

    4.   Job description

    As a senior official, the director will be required to perform the following duties in the light of the guidelines and decisions laid down by the parliamentary authority and the director-general (3):

    ensuring that a large department in Parliament’s Secretariat, comprising several units covering the directorate’s areas of activity, runs smoothly,

    managing, leading, motivating and coordinating teams of staff, optimising the use of the directorate’s resources to provide a high-quality service (organisation, management of human and budget resources, innovation, etc.) in its areas of activity,

    planning the directorate’s activities (setting objectives and drawing up strategies); taking the decisions needed to achieve the objectives set; assessing services provided with a view to ensuring that high standards are maintained,

    advising the director-general, the Secretariat and MEPs in the directorate’s areas of activity;

    cooperating with the other directorates in the Secretariat, representing Parliament and negotiating contracts and agreements in the directorate’s areas of activity,

    managing and seeing through specific projects likely to involve financial responsibilities,

    acting as authorising officer by subdelegation.

    5.   Eligibility

    The selection procedure is open to candidates who meet the following conditions on the closing date for applications:

    (a)   General conditions

    Under Article 28 of the Staff Regulations, candidates must:

    be a national of one of the European Union’s Member States,

    enjoy full rights as a citizen,

    have fulfilled any obligations imposed on them by the laws on military service,

    produce the appropriate character references as to their suitability for the performance of their duties.

    (b)   Specific conditions

    (i)   Qualifications and professional experience required

    A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma, when the normal period of university education is four years or more,


    a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year (4), when the normal period of university education is at least three years.

    At least 12 years’ professional experience gained after obtaining the qualifications referred to above, including at least six years performing managerial duties.

    (ii)   Knowledge required

    Excellent general knowledge of European affairs,

    excellent grasp of internal, national and international political issues,

    excellent knowledge of the Treaties,

    very good understanding of the different cultures represented in the European institutions,

    excellent knowledge of Parliament’s Secretariat, its organisational set-up and environment and the various players involved,

    excellent knowledge of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, legislative procedures and internal rules and working methods,

    excellent knowledge of the Staff Regulations, of how they are to be interpreted and of the rules based on them,

    excellent knowledge of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union and its Rules of Application, and of Parliament’s internal rules and other subordinate provisions,

    very good administrative knowledge (human resources, management, budget, finance, IT, legal issues, etc.),

    excellent knowledge of management techniques.

    (iii)   Knowledge of languages

    Excellent knowledge of one of the European Union's official languages (5) and a very good knowledge of at least one other is required.

    The Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Senior Officials will take knowledge of other official languages of the European Union into account.

    (iv)   Skills required

    A flair for strategy,

    leadership qualities,

    forward-planning skills,

    ability to react appropriately to events,


    communication skills.

    6.   Selection procedure

    To assist the appointing authority in its choice, the Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Senior Officials will draw up a list of candidates and make a recommendation to Parliament’s Bureau as to who should be called for interview. The Bureau will adopt the list, and the Committee will conduct the interviews and submit its final report to the Bureau for a decision. At that stage, the Bureau may interview the candidates.

    7.   Applications

    The deadline for applications is:

    12.00 (noon), Brussels time, on 23 March 2018.

    Candidates are asked to send, by email only, a personal statement in pdf format (marked ‘For the attention of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Recruitment Notice PE/203/S’) and a curriculum vitae (in Europass format (6)), quoting the reference number for the procedure (PE/203/S) in the subject line, to:

    The date and time of dispatch of the email will be taken to be the date and time of submission of the application.

    Scanned documents must be legible.

    Candidates called for interview must produce by the interview date copies or photocopies of supporting documents relating to their studies, professional experience and current responsibilities  (7) . These documents will not be returned.

    Personal data which candidates provide for the purposes of this selection procedure will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 (8).

    (1)  See Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 723/2004 (OJ L 124, 27.4.2004, p. 1) and most recently by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1023/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 amending the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (OJ L 287, 29.10.2013, p. 15).

    (2)  On recruitment the official will be placed in the appropriate step, in accordance with Article 32 of the Staff Regulations.

    (3)  For description of main tasks, see annex.

    (4)  This year of experience will not be taken into account when assessing the professional experience required under the next indent.

    (5)  The official languages of the European Union are as follows: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish.


    (7)  This does not apply to candidates working for the European Parliament on the closing date for applications.

    (8)  OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1.




    (Entity comprising 122 staff, 95 officials, 4 temporary staff, 23 contract staff)

    Managing, coordinating and supervising the units in Directorate A of the Directorate-General for the Presidency;

    Exercising appointing authority powers;

    Managing projects;

    Representing the directorate-general on internal committees and Parliament in interinstitutional forums;

    Acting as authorising officer by subdelegation;

    Overseeing the preparation, and running of and the follow-up to plenary sittings;

    Overseeing the receipt and forwarding of official documents;

    Receiving and distributing European Parliament official mail;

    Overseeing procedures concerning written questions, oral questions, interpellations and Union acts;

    Dealing with all administrative matters concerning Members.


    Producing, overseeing and checking the Verbatim Report of Proceedings in plenary (CRE), which, after linguistic revision, is published the following day in a multilingual (‘Rainbow’) version; checking and inserting written explanations of vote and declarations; publishing the CRE on paper and in electronic form (Epades, Europarl, Register of Documents);

    Compiling in the original language the minutes (PV) of sittings, which, after translation, are made available the following morning in provisional form in all the languages, on paper and in electronic form (Epades, Europarl and Register of Documents); collating the minutes and preparing the definitive version which is published in electronic form in the Official Journal;

    Ensuring that the PV, the CRE and the VOD (‘Video on demand’) are consistent and complementary, by conducting collations, revision and checks. Taking part in the evolutive maintenance and replacement of applications;

    Coordinating with DG TRAD the work of translating the PV and transcribing and revising the CRE; overseeing that work;

    Updating and checking the VOD-CRE index during part-sessions; checking and post-editing the VOD after part-sessions;

    Answering questions from Members, parliamentary assistants, officials and members of the public concerning the PV, the CRE and the VOD; providing training in the PV and CRE applications for the staff of DG TRAD; taking part in in-house and external seminars and training courses;

    Producing, overseeing and checking the CRE of other meetings (Conference of Presidents open to all Members, statement by the European Central Bank to the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), hearings of Commissioners-designate, committees of inquiry). Drawing up in FR, EN and DE the minutes of meetings of the Conference of Presidents open to all Members;

    Overseeing the forwarding of Texts Adopted to their designated recipients.


    Written questions:

    Overseeing written questions (priority and non-priority) to the Commission and Council, the President of the European Council and the Vice-President/High Representative, including the answers and the entering of the relevant data in the Parliamentary Questions (PQ) database;

    Checking the admissibility of PQs, advising authors and ensuring that decisions concerning PQs are taken through the proper channels;

    Checking with Parliament’s research departments to ascertain the background to PQs and whether questions with answers are already available and ensuring that the relevant decisions are taken through the proper channels;

    Major interpellations with debate:

    Overseeing the texts, verifying admissibility, advising authors and ensuring that relevant decisions are taken through the proper channels, updating the PQ database, overseeing the process of drawing up answers and entering questions on the agenda;

    Oral questions:

    Overseeing oral questions with debate to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President/High Representative and updating the PQ database;

    Proposals for Union acts:

    Overseeing the texts, checking admissibility, advising the authors and ensuring that relevant decisions are taken through the proper channels;

    Minor interpellations:

    Overseeing the texts, checking admissibility, advising the authors, ensuring that relevant decisions are taken through the proper channels and overseeing the process of drawing up answers;

    Other tasks:

    Overseeing the development of the IT applications used to deal with written and oral questions and major and minor interpellations; drawing up proposals to improve procedures, including those laid down in the Rules of Procedure; taking part in working groups.


    Plenary sitting planning and agendas:

    Liaising with the political groups, Members, the other departments in the Secretariat and the other EU institutions and bodies; drawing up the seating plan for the Chamber; preparing the calendar of part-sessions; overseeing and updating the pronunciation guide; drawing up the rotas of Members in the chair and assistants to Members in the chair; answering questions concerning the organisation of the plenary;

    Managing the plenary:

    Preparing the allocation of speaking time, the lists of speakers, one-minute speeches, explanations of vote and announcements by the President, in cooperation with other departments; assisting Members in the chair;

    Preparing sittings files and overseeing the issuing of Chamber access passes;

    Organising elections of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Quaestors and the Ombudsman; organising award ceremonies in plenary and formal sittings;

    Follow-up to part-sessions:

    Dealing with questions about the proceedings of sittings, analysing problems, determining action to be taken in response to interventions, in cooperation with the Office of the President, analysing precedents;

    Compiling part-session statistics (reports, amendments, resolutions, Council and Commission statements, other interventions);

    Notifying non-budgetary texts adopted by Parliament;

    Receiving, dealing with and disseminating information concerning the action taken on texts adopted in plenary;

    Information policy concerning the plenary:

    Updating and overseeing the Plenary website: management in cooperation with DG ITEC; coordination with the departments which supply information; answering all internal and external requests for information and advice;

    Providing information about the activities and organisation of the plenary, in particular in the context of internal and external training courses;

    Internal management:

    Organising specific training courses linked to the needs of the unit, holding internal meetings, updating databases; supervising trainees;

    Other activities:

    Preparing and organising meetings of the Conference of Presidents open to all Members;

    Taking part in working groups (compendium of models, document management, implementing the new Rules of Procedure, IT applications, etc.) and in the development of IT applications (list of speakers, follow-up to acts, ELVIIS, PPMS — management of sittings-related precedents, management of explanations of vote, etc.).


    Preparing voting lists, taking receipt of requests for separate votes, split votes and roll-call votes, briefing and assisting Members in the chair (votes in plenary);

    Verifying, recording, sending for translation and following up amendments and motions for resolutions (official tabling);

    Checking consistency with parliamentary models: provision of advice and verification;

    Providing support and advice to Members, committees, political groups and Parliament staff on all procedural matters;

    Advising the parliamentary committee secretariats and the President of Parliament on all matters concerning admissibility;

    Verifying, recording, sending for translation and following up reports adopted by the parliamentary committees (official tabling);

    Compiling statistics on certain of the activities listed above;

    Taking part in inter-departmental working groups (IT projects, Rules of Procedure, Parliamentary Project Portfolio) and training measures aimed at Members and their assistants, political group staff and the relevant staff of the Secretariat.


    Dealing with Parliament’s official mail and the President’s mail (recording, appraisal and allocation, provision of support to GEDA users in connection with the recording of mail);

    Taking receipt of and forwarding mail sent to Parliament (verification, sorting, recording of packages and registered mail, client support);

    Dealing with outgoing mail (recording and franking);

    Carrying out mail-related budgetary management.



    Carrying out procedural and substantive appraisal, notification, allocation of official parliamentary committee documents for administrative and IT purposes; forwarding details of the announcements to be made in the minutes of the sitting and drawing up new procedures; consulting the other EU institutions, bodies and agencies;


    Taking receipt of, assessing on the basis of admissibility and content-related criteria and recording petitions forwarded to Parliament by EU citizens or residents; liaising with the secretariat of the Committee on Petitions; drawing up the list of petitions which may not be consistent with the provisions of Article 227 TFEU; dealing with referrals to the competent body on lists 1, 3 and 4; publishing in the minutes of the sitting petitions entered in the public register;


    Taking receipt of, checking the conformity of, accepting, recording and making available official documents forwarded by Members, the other EU institutions, bodies and agencies and national parliaments; issuing formal announcements of procedures (minutes) and documents (Europarl);


    Taking receipt and checking the conformity of, accepting and allocating to the parliamentary committee responsible implementing measures concerning the right to information, the right of scrutiny and regulatory procedures with scrutiny, as well as delegated acts and documents concerning meetings of the national experts and FVO missions; forwarding details of the announcements to be made in the minutes of the sitting; liaising within the DIAS network;

    Other activities:

    Updating, monitoring and maintaining the Legislative Observatory (OEIL); taking part in the financial management of the OEIL, in conjunction with the external contractor;

    Taking part in working groups and in the development of IT applications (OEIL, ITER, EPgreffe, petiport, petigreffe).


    Overseeing procedures carried out at the beginning and end of the term of office of MEPs and observers (drafting of notices of resignation and forwarding to the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), preparation of announcements in plenary, provision of information to departments, liaising with the competent national authorities, preparation of files in connection with the verification of the credentials of incoming Members);

    Providing the secretariat of the Advisory Committee on Members’ Conduct (organisation of meetings, preparation of meeting files, action to be taken on decisions of the Committee);

    Taking receipt of and recording requests for waiver of parliamentary immunity (notification of the Member concerned, preparation of the announcement in plenary, forwarding of the file to the JURI committee);

    Dealing with matters relating to the composition of the parliamentary committees and delegations and overseeing the register of intergroups;

    Overseeing the register of Members’ declarations of financial intersts and he register of gifts and invitations to events organised by third parties;

    Dealing with matters relating to Members’ personal data (updating the MEP database to take account of changes to Members’ personal information sheets, i.e. membership of a parliament body or political group, change of address) and their CVs;

    Issuing laissez-passer and attestations, assisting Members in their dealings with the Belgian authorities with a view to obtaining the special identity card (SIC).
