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Document 52003PC0418

    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles

    /* COM/2003/0418 final - COD 2003/0153 */


    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles /* COM/2003/0418 final - COD 2003/0153 */

    Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (presented by the Commission)

    (Recast version)



    This proposal for a directive is the second stage of the recasting of Council Directive 70/156/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers. Once adopted, it will repeal and replace Directive 70/156/EEC.

    Since 1970, Directive 70/156/EEC has been the main legal instrument available to the European Community to implement the single market in the automobile sector. In a little over a quarter of a century, the single market has become an 'inevitable' reality, not only for passenger cars but also for motorcycles and mopeds [1]. To a large extent, agricultural tractors [2] also benefit from access to the internal market and most agricultural vehicles will shortly be included in this process thanks to the adoption of a new directive. Until now, commercial vehicles [3] have benefited only partially from the internal market. This has been by means of the type-approval of systems such as braking.

    [1] The latter are covered by the framework Directive 92/61/EEC of 30 June 1992, OJ L 225, 10.8.1992, p. 72.

    [2] Agricultural tractors are covered by the framework Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974, OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10.

    [3] Light duty vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes), trucks, trailers, semi-trailers, buses and coaches.

    The Commission now believes that the time has come to take a further step forward and extend the principles hitherto developed for other categories of vehicles to include commercial vehicles as well.

    Over time, Directive 70/156/EEC has undergone more than 18 amendments necessary to adapt it to a sector which is in a permanent state of flux. Consequently, it needs to be made more readable by being recast, now that the European Community is about to embrace new members, and in the light of the fact that a major global agreement [4] on the establishing of international technical regulations has been concluded in Geneva.

    [4] Agreement concerning the Establishing of Global Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles of 25 June 1998.

    The first stage of the recasting entails consolidating the technical annexes to Directive 70/156/EEC in the form of a Commission directive; the second stage is a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council which will recast the legislative provisions of that directive in their entirety.

    The technical annexes to Directive 70/156/EEC have just been consolidated into a single document, which not only provides a synopsis of all the administrative and technical provisions governing type-approval procedures, but also lays down a set of specific measures for commercial vehicles.

    This proposal incorporates most of the existing legislative provisions in a reworked form and puts in place the legislative instruments that are essential in order for the approval procedure to be extended to all categories of commercial vehicles; this procedure could be operational as early as 2007. It should be noted that Community type-approval has been compulsory for passenger cars from 1 January 1998, and for motorcycles and mopeds since 17 June 1999.

    Besides all the technical aspects mentioned above, the proposed directive would lay down the necessary provisions concerning the introduction of a new 'split-level' approach to the regulatory work. If this approach is introduced, it can be assumed that the adoption of very complex pieces of legislation would be facilitated. Recent experiences have indeed shown that the inclusion of detailed, advanced technical provisions alongside the essential features in a single directive risks slowing down the adoption procedures.

    Consequently, while it is for the European Parliament and the Council to decide on the essential requirements of a regulatory act, it is proposed that the Commission, assisted by a regulatory committee [5], be entrusted with establishing the detailed technical provisions and practical implementation measures.

    [5] IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLES 5 AND 8 OF COUNCIL DECISION 1999/468/EC, OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, P. 23.


    The Directive is based on Article 95 of the Treaty establishing the European Community and on the principle of total harmonisation, the purpose of which is to replace national laws and procedures that are liable to create barriers to the free movement of goods by a single, binding set of Community rules and a single approval procedure.


    Since the 1920s, when the automotive sector began to industrialise, government authorities have adopted national regulations laying down construction standards for motor vehicles, directed essentially at aspects of safety in use and signalling - audible warnings, lighting, etc.

    Most of the major industrialised nations at that time already had an industry that was more than able to meet local needs. Given the protectionist ideas then in vogue, there was no obvious advantage in drawing up common standards; on the contrary, the whole purpose of standards was to serve national economic interests. At the end of the Second World War, the destruction of the means of production set in motion an opening-up of markets. The lack of harmonisation in the area of construction standards was bound to create technical barriers to the importation of vehicles [6]. This situation lasted until the end of the sixties.

    [6] There are many examples illustrating such a situation.

    In 1958, in Geneva, the countries which had founded the European Economic Community were amongst the first to conclude the first international agreement aimed at developing international rules for the approval of certain components intended for the motor vehicle sector [7]. The principle of mutual recognition of approval markings affixed to components, approval certificates issued by governments and inspection by independent testing laboratories was regarded by the contracting parties as the best guarantee of compliance with contractual obligations. This agreement has since given rise to over 100 UN/ECE Regulations, which have enabled spectacular progress to be made in the motor vehicle sector.

    [7] Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts of 20 March 1958.

    Building on this momentum, the six founding members of the European Economic Community set themselves the target of gradually eliminating all technical barriers to trade between Member States, by developing an approach based on the work done in Geneva and concentrating on motor vehicles rather than their components, the main objective being to increase the safety of vehicles in use and to protect vehicle occupants in collisions, while at the same time respecting the environment.

    The appropriate legal framework was adopted in February 1970 in the form of Council Directive 70/156/EEC, which enabled the essential legal instruments to be put in place in order to frame the appropriate regulations. Two separate Directives were published as part of this process: the Directive on the permissible sound level of motor vehicles [8] and the Directive on measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles [9].

    [8] Directive 70/157/EEC, OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 16.

    [9] Directive 70/220/EEC, OJ L 76, 6.4.1970, p. 1.

    Over 50 directives were subsequently adopted as part of this process.

    Initially, the legislation provided only for optional implementation of Community rules, a situation which was to persist until 1992, when the Commission decided to adopt a policy of replacing national regulations by binding Community rules. The passenger car sector was the first to be tackled. Member States immediately subscribed to this idea, seeing it as a more effective means of reducing the steadily increasing number of road victims.

    Thus, Council Directive 92/53/EEC of 18 June 1992 [10] fundamentally amended Directive 70/156/EEC by introducing mandatory Community type-approval for passenger cars from 1 January 1996 in respect of new types placed on the market, and from 1 January 1998 for passenger cars covered by earlier national type-approval.

    [10] OJ L 225, 10.8.1992, p. 1.

    Commission Directive 98/14/EC of 6 February 1998 [11] introduced specific technical provisions for the type-approval of particular passenger cars; it also made it possible for all the technical information essential for type-approval to be consolidated in a single computerised document, which was easier to use and which suited both the manufacturers and the administrative authorities.

    [11] OJ L 91, 25.3.1998, p. 1.

    Lastly, Commission Directive 20001/116/EC of 20 December 2001 [12], which embodies the first phase of the recasting, has put in place the necessary technical provisions to make type-approval for commercial vehicles operational.

    [12] OJ L 18, 21.1.2002, p. 1.

    As stated in the preamble, this proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council will repeal Directive 70/156/EEC. This will result in a more consistent, better-structured text, which will be very much to the advantage of manufacturers, Member States and candidate countries.


    The principles of 'subsidiarity' and 'proportionality' enshrined in Article 5 of the Treaty have been taken into account. The objective of this Directive, namely the elimination of barriers to trade within the Community through the application of EC vehicle type-approval for motor vehicles and their equipment, cannot properly be attained by the Member States on account of the scale and impact of the action proposed in the automotive sector and may therefore be attained more effectively at Community level. This Directive does not go beyond what is necessary to reach that objective.


    5.1. Position of the Member States

    Member States' experts have been informed of the content of this proposal on a number of occasions via the Commission's Consultative Group, the Motor Vehicle Working Group - MVWG - which is made up of representatives of the Member States, the industry and non-governmental organisations.

    In preparing its proposal, the Commission took account of the work done by the OTA [13] working party, which contributed actively to drafting the technical annexes to this Directive and made numerous pertinent recommendations as regards the reworking of the articles. To a large extent, the Commission also took into account the work of the TAAM [14] working party, which brought to the Commission's attention a number of practical interpretation issues relating to the application of the existing framework directive.

    [13] Operationality of Type-Approval.

    [14] Type-Approval Authorities Meeting, a working party that has met twice a year since the beginning of the 1990s.

    The majority of government experts support the proposal. Some expressed reservations about how the directive should be applied to the type-approval of commercial vehicles - i.e. whether it should be optional or compulsory. Some argued that only minimal benefit for road safety or the environment could be expected from compulsory enforcement but that there would be an increased cost to manufacturers. Others supported the compulsory enforcement of the directive, but recommended a sufficiently long lead-time between optional and compulsory application. In any case, it is worth pointing out here that Directive 70/156/EEC has been compulsory for all passenger cars since 1998.

    5.2. Impact of the industry

    The impact of the automotive industry is enormous. The table below shows the quantitative long-term forecasts for the automotive industry. In terms of vehicles produced within Western Europe, there is no sign whatsoever of stagnation.

    It is expected that the number of commercial vehicles in Western Europe will increase accordingly, from 24 829 000 vehicles in 2000 to 32 867 000 in 2014.


    5.3. Position of the industry

    The automotive industry has been involved from the earliest stages of discussion and has been an important contributor to developing the concept of multi-stage type-approval procedures. Industry is generally supportive of the Commission's proposal, provided a sufficiently long lead-time is built in to allow all manufacturers, including body-builders, to comply with the requirements on type-approval.


    6.1. General

    While the main objective of the legislation enacted since 1970 has been to bring about the single market, the road safety aspects have always been considered and the legislator has sought to guarantee, by means of construction standards based on sound scientific and technical knowledge, that all road users enjoy the highest possible level of safety, while ensuring protection of the environment.

    Quite naturally, the main lines of approach which were adopted in 1970 when drawing up the framework directive are still to be found in this draft. They coexist however with fully new concepts :

    - the directive is based on total harmonisation, which means that Community type-approval procedures will be compulsory and will replace the national requirements with which they have coexisted until now. There will be a long transitional period to enable all manufacturers in the new sectors concerned to adapt gradually to the new procedures;

    - as before, the Directive includes legal and administrative provisions for the type-approval of systems such as braking system, components such as tyres, and separate technical units such as lateral protection, in line with the separate directives;

    - the procedures will continue to authorise type-approval of a complete vehicle by combining the separate type-approvals issued for its constituent systems, components and technical units, even when partial type-approvals have been carried out in various Member States;

    - instead of using the separate directives, type-approval of a complete vehicle can be based on the international regulations resulting from the 1958 Agreement [15], which are regarded as alternatives to the European Directives implementing Council Decision 97/836/EC [16] of 27 November 1997;

    [15] Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions.

    [16] OJ L 346, 17.12.1997, p. 78.

    - a new method of type-approval - known as multi-stage type-approval - has been introduced in order to bring the situation into line with the manufacture of commercial vehicles. Naturally, vehicles for which the manufacturer assembles the chassis and bodywork can be type-approved using the time-honoured procedure, as is currently the case for passenger cars. The multi-stage procedure generally comprises two stages: in the first stage, the initial manufacturer carries out type-approval of a chassis - whether or not it is fitted with a cab - comprising the power unit, wheels, suspension, brakes, etc., and an EC type-approval certificate is issued; in the second stage, the second manufacturer, generally a body-builder, assembles the bodywork and then presents the vehicle thus completed for type-approval;

    - passenger cars built in small series, which were not previously subject to the harmonised Community type-approval procedure, will now be included in the Community system under a flexible procedure. Formerly, these types of vehicles could be granted derogations on a discretionary basis by the Member States, provided they were registered in their territory. This situation was deemed to run counter to the principles of the internal market. Technical provisions were therefore drafted in order to codify the permitted derogations from the separate directives, which naturally still apply. The technical services and approval authorities will be able to verify a vehicle's conformity by means of simplified tests or by comparison with tests carried out on similar vehicles, without there being a need to undergo the entire type-approval procedure. In order to avoid abuse of these flexible arrangements, the Commission proposes to place strict limits on the number of vehicles that are likely to benefit from these provisions; the proposed figures have been chosen mainly by examining the production figures of European manufacturers of exclusive cars or of sports cars;

    - at the request of Member States wishing nevertheless to maintain a simplified procedure allowing the approval of very small quantities of passenger cars, the possibility still remains of approving small series of 50 vehicles a year on a purely national basis, i.e. restricted to the territory of the Member State granting the approval;

    - commercial vehicles will also be able to follow a European small-series procedure similar to that applied to passenger cars. However, more experience in the application of the complete procedures is needed before deciding on exactly how much latitude can be permitted. The case of commercial vehicles will therefore be dealt with at a later date; in the meantime, Member States may continue to apply their national rules to a limited number of vehicles according to the category to which they belong;

    - the Commission has endorsed the opinion of those Member States wishing to include in the directive the individual approval of vehicles, known as the individual approval procedure. The practical arrangements will be laid down in a separate annex after consultation with the usual partners. This procedure will be applicable to the approval of vehicles following the multi-stage system.

    The implementation of the principles set out in this Directive will significantly simplify type-approval operations for manufacturers; it will mean that only one Member State needs to type-approve the vehicle in order for all vehicles of this type to be able to be registered throughout the Community solely on the basis of their certificate of conformity.

    Experience gained with passenger cars suggests that the transparency of these operations will also be guaranteed in the case of commercial vehicles.

    Safeguard clauses are included to enable Member States, either at the time of type-approval or on registration, to refuse vehicles which, although they comply with all of the directives applicable, might prove dangerous for road safety. This principle has also been extended to cover environmental issues.

    The principle of type-approval is vindicated by the manner in which motor vehicle manufacture is organised. Manufacturers in possession of a type-approval certificate have to issue a certificate of conformity for each vehicle manufactured, guaranteeing that it conforms to the type-approved type. In multi-stage manufacturing, each manufacturer involved in the manufacturing process has to complete the part of the certificate which corresponds to his particular stage.

    Finally, one of the fundamental features of the type-approval system is the certainty that the manufacturer has a permanent system for supervising conformity of production. Each authority involved in the type-approval process must regularly verify that the manufacturer has complied with his obligations, is carrying out checks and is taking the necessary measures to rectify the situation in cases where deficiencies are found.

    6.2. Content of the proposal

    6.2.1. General administrative provisions (Chapters I to VII)

    Articles 1 to 18 set out the general provisions relating to the type-approval process, including the submission of requests, amendment of applications, and granting or withdrawal of type-approval by Member States, regardless of the nature of type-approval or the category of vehicle.

    Appropriate provisions cover the putting into service and registration of vehicles. In this respect, it has been deemed necessary to take account of the fact that vehicles, although complying with all applicable directives at the time of their production, may not have been registered by the date on which stricter requirements entered into force. The procedure referred to in Article 26 permits the registration of a limited number of vehicles, either calculated on grounds of a given percentage of the registration figures during the previous year, or restricted to those vehicles produced during a specified period preceding the date of enforcement of the stricter requirements.

    Particular attention has been paid to Article 17 dealing with the certificate of conformity. This document is one of the cornerstones of the edifice. Its purpose is to enable the authority responsible for registration to verify that every vehicle meets the legal requirements in force in the European Community before it is put into service.

    6.2.2. Conformity of production (Article 11 and Annex X)

    The system of Community type-approval is based on the principle that a competent authority approves a vehicle type or a component type after verification and testing of representative prototypes by competent and independent technical services.

    The system as a whole is only credible if the manufacturer can demonstrate to the authorities that he is manufacturing each individual vehicle or component in conformity with the approved type. Although the certificate of conformity and/or the approval mark is undeniably a statement of conformity, it is the regular checks organised in the manufacturing premises which nonetheless remain the decisive factor guaranteeing confidence in the system.

    Under the procedure put in place the approval authorities have to 'audit' the manufacturer according to the procedures defined below. These measures are of two types:

    - before being allowed to issue any type-approval, the competent authority must ensure that the manufacturer has an internal monitoring system enabling him to detect deficiencies in conformity and to take all necessary measures in order to remedy them. The competent authority delegates power to a technical service which has the necessary qualifications to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the system put in place by the manufacturer;

    - throughout the production process, the competent authority or its technical service regularly monitors the operations carried out by the manufacturer so as to ensure that each vehicle or component conforms to the approved type. Where necessary, the authority may take sample vehicles or components in order to carry out its own tests, if it believes that the checks carried out by the manufacturer do not provide adequate guarantees.

    6.2.3. Exemptions for new technologies or new concepts (Chapter VIII)

    It is a well-known fact that the automotive industry is one of the most innovative. New technical concepts are sometimes launched on the market well before it has been possible to adapt the existing legislation to new situations. Moreover, for certain types of vehicles because of certain innovative features, it is even impossible to comply with all Community rules.

    Thus, to meet these particular needs, provisions of the framework directive and of separate directives may be exempted, subject to approval by the Commission, assisted by a technical committee comprising experts from the Member States.

    However, in order not to delay the launching of new technologies or new concepts, the approval authority may issue a provisional EC type-approval without being obliged to await the decision, provided it is restricted in validity to the territory of the Member State where the vehicles concerned are launched. Afterwards, when the exemption is approved at Community level, the EC type-approval will be extended to normal validity.

    6.2.4. Vehicles produced in small series (Chapter IX)

    Passenger cars built in small series can be type-approved at Community level as soon as the directive has entered into force. A specific annex lays down all the exemptions that are allowed. The concept of the European small-series procedure is based on a simplified administrative process, and not on a lowering of the safety or environmental aspects; the manufacturer may demonstrate, in a limited number of cases, compliance with the requirements of a regulatory instrument by himself producing evidence or test reports, subject to the agreement of the approval authority. The latter maintains the right to decide to entrust the testing to its own technical service.

    Similar procedures will be implemented as regards other categories of vehicles but at a later stage. For the time being, due to the fact that the EC whole-vehicle type-approval has applied solely to passenger cars, the only available expertise relates to those particular vehicles. Vehicles belonging to other categories of vehicles produced in small series are therefore still covered by a non-harmonised procedure;

    For passenger cars produced in a very limited quantity (a maximum of 50 vehicles a year), Member States are allowed to grant discretionary derogations from the normal procedure; in such a case, the approval will be valid only for the territory of the Member State granting the approval.

    6.2.5. Individual approvals (Chapter X)

    Similarly to what has been done for small-series production, administrative provisions based on the granting of exemptions allow the approval of particular vehicles on an individual basis. However, due to the need to develop appropriate rules at Community level, this opportunity is still restricted in validity to the territory of the Member State that grants the approval. Provisions will be harmonised within the Member States in a later stage in order to allow the free movement of those vehicles.

    Almost 95% of commercial vehicles belonging to category N2 and N3 are chassis-cab, sold as such to road transport operators; these incomplete vehicles need, for completion, the addition of a superstructure (body-building) on the chassis as well as several additional fittings - lateral protection, anti-spray devices, etc. The approval procedure that has to be followed is the multi-stage procedure. It is a characteristic feature in the commercial vehicle business that superstructures and equipment are adapted to the needs of the road transport operators; consequently, production cannot be envisaged in a similar way to the production of passenger cars. To accommodate these particularities, the multi-stage approval system must be covered by the individual approval procedure, which should provide the necessary flexibility in order to avoid delays and excessive costs at the body-building stage.

    6.2.6. Non-conformity with the approved type and notification of decisions (Chapter XII)

    As already noted, the type-approval procedure as a whole is only credible if the manufacturer can demonstrate to the authorities that he is manufacturing each vehicle or component in conformity with the approved type. The initial assessment and regular audits of the existing control of conformity plans are performed by or on behalf of the approval authority.

    Articles 28 and 29 define failure to conform to the approved type and the remedies and action to be undertaken to restore conformity, while Article 29 establishes how to notify any decision taken in application of Article 28.

    6.2.7. Acceptance of equivalent regulations (Chapter XIII)

    Community type-approval is essentially based on conformity with over 50 separate directives that have been adopted since 1970. However, the intention is that such type-approval should be possible on the basis of rules deemed to be equivalent by virtue of multilateral or bilateral agreements between the Community and non-member countries. These criteria are part of Community policy on external trade.

    When this proposal was being drawn up, the Commission gave thorough consideration to the impact of the work in progress in Geneva on its own legislative measures following the accession by the Community on 27 November 1997 to the revised 1958 United Nations Agreement [17]. It therefore decided to accept, without any further action, any amendment made to the Geneva Regulations to which the Community was a party, once the technical committee had given its opinion.

    [17] Council Decision of 27 November 1997, OJ L 346, 17.12.1997, p. 78.

    Similarly, when the European Community accedes to a new UN/ECE Regulation, and provided that the Council, in formulating its decision, empowers the Commission accordingly, the Commission may - after consulting Member States and informing the European Parliament - include that regulation in the list of regulatory measures that are required at the time of type-approval by simply stating the category of vehicle concerned and the date of application. For this purpose, a third part is added to Annex IV, which has to be updated regularly.

    6.2.8. Provision of technical information (Chapter XIV)

    A number of separate directives recommend that the manufacturer should provide specific information on the operation of safety devices, e.g. child seats. The Commission believes that the nature of the obligations on the manufacturer needs to be specified in the framework directive.

    It is also important that information intended for the public should not be at variance with the provisions of the separate directives. There have been cases of advertising which presents, in a tendentious way, certain information which could have a decisive influence on the consumer's choice at the time of purchasing a vehicle and thus may mislead consumers.

    Experience has shown that non-original equipment manufacturers (non-OEM) sometimes have insuperable difficulties in gathering all the necessary technical information to design components or separate technical units intended for the after-sales market. Provisions are therefore laid down in Article 35 to allow these manufacturers access to technical information, including the vehicle-manufacturers' drawings. The information is restricted to that required to type-approve parts in accordance with the relevant separate directives.

    6.2.9. Implementation measures and amendments to a directive - committee procedure (Chapter XV)

    The Directive provides for the Commission to take steps to implement a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council for which it has received a mandate under Article 211 of the Treaty.

    It will be possible, if the need arises, to amend the technical annexes of any directive referring to the framework directive in the light of the advance of scientific and technical knowledge, so as to adapt to new situations. The automotive industry is one of the most innovative, and it is important that the provisions covered by type-approval should be able to be adapted quickly where the interest of the users so demands. The procedure adopted is in line with Council Decision 1999/468/EC [18] which provides for assistance from a 'Technical Committee' made up of experts from the Member States.

    [18] OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.

    6.2.10. Notification of approval authorities and technical services (Chapter XVI)

    Confidence in the type-approval system derives not only from the impartiality of the competent authorities but also from the independence and expertise of the technical services. Consequently, Member States will only be allowed to entrust type-approval testing and checks to bodies which have the necessary skilled personnel and suitable equipment. Similarly, evaluations of quality systems and checks necessary to ensure conformity of production will only be entrusted to bodies specialised in the inspection and assessment of quality systems. EN and ISO quality standards will be used as a reference.

    Under the directive, the departments in question are notified officially not only to the Commission but also to the Member States, so as to ensure the transparency of the process.

    Manufacturers are not authorised to carry out type-approval tests themselves. This is permitted only in a number of exceptional cases where, for example, very expensive testing installations are needed and/or endurance or life tests have to be carried out; in this very small number of cases, the manufacturer is allowed to draw up a test report under the supervision of the competent authority.

    Technical services are allowed to carry out testing in the manufacturer's facilities, for example, for braking tests which require tracks several kilometres long. The technical services performing such testing must comply with the relevant international standards.

    6.2.11. Transitional provisions, enforcement, entry into force (Chapter XVII)

    To ensure that the Directive fully plays its role, the Commission is proposing that its provisions be transposed by the Member States 12 months after its adoption and implemented from that date.

    Type-approval will continue to be compulsory for passenger cars and will gradually become compulsory for the other categories of vehicle. In cases where type-approval can be granted nationally, transitional provisions have been included to enable Member States to meet their obligations.

    In line with the industry's wishes, the provisions on type-approval procedures will initially be implemented on an optional basis as soon as the Member States have transposed the directive into their national legislation.

    It is planned that type-approval be implemented on a compulsory basis as from 1 January 2007 but in successive stages, allowing sufficiently long transitional periods so that administrations are not overwhelmed by a flood of type-approval applications all submitted on the same date. Similarly, in order to allow industry to adapt its current production to the new requirements, a two-year transitional period has been allowed, as is customary in this domain.

    The proposed timetable for the different categories of vehicles is as follows:


    6.3. Annexes

    6.3.1. General

    The annexes have been taken over from Directive 2001/116/EC, which result from the consolidation of the various amendments brought over time to Directive 70/156/EEC.

    They have been slightly amended with a view to aligning them with the newly added articles. These amendments are highlighted to make them easier to identify.

    Besides that, three new annexes have been added:

    - Annex XVI which contains the timetable for the enforcement of the type-approval process in respect of all categories of vehicles;

    - Annex XVII which establishes the necessary link between the repealed directives, their transposition date and the present directive;

    - Annex XVIII which contains a correlation table with the previous Articles of Directive 70/156/EEC, as consolidated by Directive 92/53/EC and amended by Directive 98/14/EC.

    Finally, three new appendices specify the impact of Annex IV, Annex VI and Annex VII. The appendix relating to Annex IV contains the requirements concerning the EC type-approval of vehicles belonging to the category M1, produced in small series. The second one relates to Annex VI and constitutes the list of separate Directives and UN/ECE Regulations with which the vehicle complies, while the third concerns the model of the EC type-approval mark which, while already included in some separate Directives, has never been incorporated in the framework Directive.

    6.3.2. Annexes I and III

    Annex I is the compilation of the full set of information contained in the 56 separate directives listed in Annex IV. It is also the complete list of information for the purposes of vehicle type-approval. A manufacturer must provide an approval authority with a sub-set of this complete list as appropriate, with a view to obtaining a whole vehicle type approval, when he does not want to obtain an approval in accordance with the full set of separate Directives listed in Annex IV. Annex III, on the other hand, contains the necessary particulars that are required to type-approve the vehicle when all systems approvals are available.

    It is worth noting that the complete information package is to be circulated to all approval authorities of the Member States as an attachment to the EC type-approval certificate, regardless of which approval procedure the manufacturer may have chosen (step-by-step, single-step or mixed).

    6.3.3. Annex II

    Annex II contains all the useful definitions necessary in the context of the whole vehicle type-approval. It includes general definitions of categories of vehicles, (similar to those used in the UN/ECE 1958 Agreement) and more specific definitions requested by the EC legislation.

    The essential aspects to be used to define a new type of vehicle are described in Section B, allowing manufacturers and type-approval authorities to determine without doubt when a new approval has to be assigned to a vehicle type.

    Lastly, Section C includes the definitions of a type of bodywork that are necessary for the classification of vehicles in relation to their design features or seating position arrangements.

    6.3.4. Annexes IV and XI

    Annex IV contains an exhaustive list of the requirements for granting a type-approval in respect of all categories of vehicles. It is subdivided into three parts.

    - Part I relates to the vehicle approval itself and provides a list of 56 separate, compulsory directives ranging from braking systems to tail pipe emissions, etc., 48 of which concern category M1 vehicles, 41 category N1 vehicles, 43 category N2 vehicles and 21 category O4 vehicles.

    - Part II is the list of the UN/ECE Regulations to which the Community has adhered as a Contracting Party to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for which there exists a corresponding EC Directive, while Part III covers the same Regulations for which there exists no equivalent Directive.

    A new appendix has been added to Annex IV, which provides for the specific requirements for the type-approval of vehicles belonging to category M1 produced in small series. Four levels of decision are provided for, e.g. full compliance with the EC requirements (letter X), licence given to a manufacturer to demonstrate that his vehicle type fulfils the main provisions of a Directive (letter C) and so on.

    Annex XI, similarly to Annex IV, provides for specific requirements in respect of special vehicles. Four appendices include all the variations permitted with respect to the complete list of Annex IV. The specific vehicles concerned are motor-caravans, ambulances, hearses, armoured vehicles, special purpose vehicles and mobile cranes.

    6.3.5. Annexes V and XIV

    Annex V is a kind of vade mecum that gives instructions to approval authorities about how to manage the whole vehicle type-approval procedures in the case of complete vehicles, while Annex XIV does the same for the multi-stage approval procedure.

    6.3.6. Annexes VI, VIII and IX

    Annex VI shows the template of the EC type-approval certificate to be used. The same certificate template has to be used when the authority is granting approvals restricted to its territory, except that the heading may not bear the words 'EC type-approval certificate'.

    An appendix has been added to Annex VI, indicating the status of amendments to directives or regulations with which the vehicle complies, when the manufacturer does not apply for the complete set of system approvals.

    Annex VIII contains a summary table showing all the environmental performances of a vehicle which has been granted EC type-approval, while the various templates of the certificate of conformity in respect of the categories of vehicles are shown in Annex IX.

    6.3.7. Annex VII

    This annex gives all the necessary information to type-approval authorities about the implementation of the approval numbering system.

    6.3.8. Annex X

    The procedures to be followed in respect of the conformity of production survey are described in the three sections of Annex X.

    Section 1 sets out the procedure of initial assessment, which seeks to ensure that, before applying for any EC type-approval, a manufacturer has implemented control systems in respect of the conformity of production in each factory plant concerned.

    Section 2 contains provisions with respect to product conformity arrangements in order to ensure that the manufacturer will effectively and efficiently control the production.

    The continued verification arrangements, described in Section 3, provides provisions for periodical inspections to be conducted by the competent authority to verify that the manufacturer continues to perform the controls as agreed.

    6.3.9. Annex XII

    This annex determines the limits licensed for production in small series and registration of end-of-series vehicles, which, being in stock at the time of the enforcement of new requirements, cannot be modified to comply with these new requirements.

    6.3.10. Annexes XIII and XV

    Annex XIII gives the template of the form to be used for the circulation of information between Member States in respect of systems, components and separate technical units approvals each of them has granted.

    The template of the certificate to be used in the case of multi-stage approval for which the base vehicle did not receive an EC whole vehicle approval is shown in Annex XV.

    6.3.11. Annex XVI

    This new Annex contains the timetable for the enforcement of the EC type-approval procedure:

    - the first column relates to the application on an optional basis, 12 months after the date of adoption of the proposed directive,

    - the second column relates to the implementation on a compulsory basis in respect of new types of vehicles,

    - the third column relates to the implementation for existing types of vehicles, taking account of a two-year transitional period to allow industry to adapt its production to new requirements.


    The Commission takes the view that the new directive it is proposing will make the administrative provisions and regulations in force clearer for all partners - be they manufacturers, Member States, candidate countries, approval authorities or technical services, in order to make Community type-approval operational for the various categories of vehicles and their components.

    Moreover, by broadening the scope to include commercial vehicles, the directive will contribute measurably to the completion of the internal market in a sector in which the three major economic powers [19] produce 40 million vehicles per year - over 40% of which are from Western Europe alone - and which is showing no signs of slowing down.

    [19] Western Europe, North America and Japan.

    Replacing national approval procedures by a Community system based on harmonised technical requirements will, without any doubt, speed up and simplify all the administrative formalities that precede vehicle registration.

    The Commission also believes that harmonisation of the requirements applicable to vehicles built in small series, initially in the case of passenger cars, will allow smaller manufacturers to gain access to the single market, while achieving a level of safety that matches or even exceeds previous levels.

    Lastly, the Commission feels that the introduction of a 'split-level' approach to the regulatory work will help facilitate the adoption of future legislation in the automotive sector.

    ê 70/156/EEC (adapted)

    Ö Proposal for a Õ


    on the approval of motor vehicles and their trailersÖ , and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles Õ

    Ö (Text with EEA relevance) Õ


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article Ö 95 Õ thereof , Õ

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [20] , Õ

    [20] OJ C

    Having regard to the Opinion of the Ö European Õ Economic and Social Committee [21] , Õ

    [21] OJ No C 48, 16.4.1969, p. 14.

    Ö Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty [22], Õ

    [22] OJ C

    Ö Whereas: Õ

    ò new

    (1) Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970, on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers [23], has been substantially amended several times. Since further amendments are to be made, it should be recast in the interests of clarity.

    [23] OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Regulation No 807/2003 (OJ L 122, 16.5.2003, p. 36).

    (2) For the purposes of the establishment and operation of the internal market of the Community, it is appropriate to replace the Member States' approval systems with a Community approval procedure based on the principle of total harmonisation.

    (3) The technical requirements applicable to systems, components, separate technical units and vehicles should be harmonised and specified in separate directives. Those directives should primarily seek to ensure a high level of road safety, health protection, environmental protection, energy efficiency and protection against unauthorised use.

    (4) Council Directive 92/53/EEC [24] limited application of the Community whole vehicle type-approval procedure to the vehicle category M1 but, in order to complete the internal market and to ensure that it functions properly, the scope of the present Directive should cover all categories of vehicles, enabling manufacturers to benefit from the advantages of the internal market by means of the Community type-approval.

    [24] OJ L 225, 10.8.1992, p. 1.

    (5) In order to enable manufacturers to adapt to the new harmonised procedures, a sufficient lead-time should be allowed before Community whole vehicle type-approval becomes compulsory for vehicles belonging to categories other than M1 that are built in one stage. A longer lead-time is required for vehicles of categories other than M1 that require a multi-stage approval, since that procedure will involve body-builders, who will need to gain sufficient experience in that field so that the necessary procedures can be implemented properly.

    (6) Until now, manufacturers who produce vehicles in small series have been partially excluded from the benefits of the internal market. Experience has shown that road safety and protection of the environment could be significantly improved if small series vehicles were totally integrated into the Community whole vehicle type-approval system, starting with category M1.

    (7) In order to prevent abuse, any simplified procedure for small series vehicles should be restricted to cases of very limited production; it is therefore necessary to define more precisely the concept of small series in terms of the number of vehicles produced.

    (8) It is important to lay down measures enabling vehicles to be approved on an individual basis, in order to allow sufficient flexibility in the multi-stage approval system; however, pending the establishment of harmonised, specific Community provisions, Member States should continue to be allowed to grant individual approvals in accordance with their national rules.

    (9) Pending application of the Community whole vehicle type-approval procedures to categories of vehicles other than M1, Member States should be allowed to continue to grant vehicle type-approvals on a national basis, and transitional provisions should be laid down accordingly.

    (10) By Council Decision 97/836/EC [25], the Community has acceded to the Agreement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted to and/or used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions ('Revised 1958 Agreement'). Consequently, UN/ECE regulations to which the Community accedes, in application of that Decision, and amendments to UN/ECE regulations to which the Community has already acceded should be incorporated within the Community vehicle type-approval procedure either as alternatives to separate directives or as supplementary requirements; it is therefore appropriate to set out provisions in the present Directive to facilitate their effective application.

    [25] OJ L 346, 17.12.1997, p. 78.

    (11) In order to ensure that the procedure for monitoring conformity of production, which is one of the cornerstones of the Community type-approval system, has been correctly implemented and functions properly, manufacturers should be regularly checked by the competent authority or by an appropriately qualified technical service appointed for that purpose.

    (12) It is important that manufacturers supply relevant information to vehicle owners in order to prevent misuse of safety devices. It is appropriate to include provisions thereon in this Directive.

    (13) It is also important for equipment manufacturers to have access to certain information that is available only from the vehicle manufacturer, that is to say, the technical information, including drawings, required for the development of parts for the after-sales market.

    (14) With the aim of simplifying and accelerating the procedure, the Commission should be entrusted with the task of adopting measures implementing the separate directives as well as measures for adapting the annexes to this Directive and those of the separate directives to the development of scientific and technical knowledge.

    (15) The measures necessary for the implementation of this Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission [26].

    [26] OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.

    (16) Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely the achievement of the internal market through the introduction of a compulsory system of Community type-approval for all categories of vehicles, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can, therefore, by reason of the scale of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary for that purpose.

    (17) The obligation to transpose this Directive into national law should be confined to those provisions which represent a substantive change as compared with the earlier Directives. The obligation to transpose the provisions which are unchanged arises under the earlier Directives.

    (18) This Directive should be without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of the Directives set out in Annex XVII, Part B,

    ê 70/156/EEC (adapted)


    Ö chapter i Õ

    Ö general provisions Õ

    ò new

    Article 1

    Subject matter

    This Directive lays down the administrative provisions and general technical requirements for approval of all new vehicles within its scope and of the systems, components and separate technical units intended for those vehicles, with a view to facilitating their registration, sale and entry into service within the Community.

    Specific technical requirements shall be laid down in application of this Directive in separate directives, adopted in accordance with Article 95 of the Treaty, the exhaustive list of which is set out in Annex IV to this Directive.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    Article Ö 2 Õ


    Ö 1. Õ This Directive applies to the type-approval of Ö Õ vehicles ð designed and constructed ï in one or more stages ð for use on the road; ï, and of systems, components and separate technical units designed and constructed for such vehicles .

    ð It also applies to the individual approval of such vehicles. ï2. This Directive Õ does not apply to ð the type-approval or individual approval of the following vehicles ï:

    ð (a) agricultural or forestry tractors, as defined in Council Directive 74/150/EEC [27], and trailers designed and constructed specifically to be towed by them; ï

    [27] OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10.

    (b) quadricycles Ö as defined in Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and Council [28]; Õ

    [28] OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1.

    ò new

    (c) vehicles designed and constructed for use principally on construction sites or in quarries, port or airport facilities;(d) armoured vehicles designed and constructed for use by the army, civil defence and forces responsible for maintaining public order;

    (e) mobile machinery;

    (f) tracked vehicles;

    (g) vehicles intended exclusively for racing on roads;

    (h) prototypes of vehicles used on the road under the responsibility of a manufacturer to perform a specific test programme.

    3. The vehicles referred to in points (g) and (h) of paragraph 2 may be approved on an individual basis only for the specific purpose for which they have been designed and constructed.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    Article Ö 3 Õ


    For the purposeÖ s Õ of this Directive ð and of the directives listed in Annex IV, save as otherwise provided therein: ï

    (1) 'type-approval' means the procedure whereby a Member State certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit satisfies the relevant Ö administrative provisions and Õ technical requirements Ö ; Õ

    ò new

    (2) 'national type-approval' means a type-approval procedure laid down by the national law of a Member State, the validity of such approval being restricted to the territory of that Member State;

    (3) 'EC type-approval' means the procedure whereby a Member State certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and technical requirements of this Directive and of the separate directives and/or UN/ECE regulations listed in Annex IV or XI;

    (4) 'individual approval' means the procedure whereby a Member State certifies that a particular vehicle satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and technical requirements;

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    (5) 'multi-stage type-approval' means the procedure whereby one or more Member States certify that, depending on the state of completion, an incomplete or completed Ö type of Õ vehicle satisfies the relevant Ö administrative provisions and Õ technical requirements of this Directive ; Õ

    ò new

    (6) 'step-by-step approval procedure' means a vehicle approval procedure consisting in the step-by-step collection of the whole set of EC type-approval certificates for the systems, components and separate technical units relating to the vehicle, and which leads, at the final stage, to the approval of the whole vehicle;

    (7) 'single-step approval procedure' means a procedure consisting in the approval of a vehicle as a whole by means of a single operation;

    (8) 'mixed approval procedure' means a step-by-step approval procedure for which one or more system approvals are achieved during the final stage of the approval of the whole vehicle, without it being necessary to issue the EC type-approval certificates for those systems;

    (9) 'motor vehicle' means any power-driven vehicle which is moved by its own means, having at least four wheels, being complete, completed or incomplete, with a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/h;

    (10) 'trailer' means any non-self-propelled vehicle which is designed and constructed to be towed by a motor vehicle;

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    (11) 'vehicle' means any motor vehicle or its trailer ; Õ

    ò new

    (12) 'hybrid motor vehicle' means any motor vehicle fitted, in order to ensure its propulsion, with at least an internal combustion engine and an electrical engine;

    (13) 'mobile machinery' means any self-propelled vehicle which is designed and constructed specifically to perform work off the road or to perform specific work in agriculture or forestry and which, because of its construction characteristics, is not suitable for carrying passengers or for transporting goods. Machinery mounted on a motor vehicle chassis shall not be considered as mobile machinery;

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    (14) Ö 'type of vehicle' means vehicles of a particular category which do not differ in at least the essential respects specified in Annex II, Section B. A type of vehicle may contain variants and versions as defined in Annex II, Section B; Õ(15) 'base vehicle' means any ð complete or ï incomplete vehicle which is ð used at the initial ï stage of Ö a Õ multi-stage type-approval process ; Õ

    (16) 'incomplete vehicle' means any vehicle which Ö must undergo at least one further stage of Õ completion in order to meet the relevant technical requirements of this Directive ; Õ

    (17) 'completed vehicle' means a vehicle, resulting from the process of multi-stage type-approval, which meets the relevant technical requirements of this Directive ; Õ

    ò new

    (18) 'complete vehicle' means any vehicle which need not be completed in order to meet the relevant technical requirements of this Directive;

    (19) 'end-of-series vehicle' means any vehicle that is part of a stock which cannot be registered or sold or entered into service owing to the entry into force of new technical requirements which, by virtue of its design, it cannot satisfy;

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    (20) 'system' means ð a set of devices combined to perform a specific function in a vehicle; ï

    (21) 'component' means a device, intended to be part of a vehicle, which may be type-approved independently of a vehicle ; Õ

    (22) 'separate technical unit' means a device, intended to be part of a vehicle, which may be type-approved separately but only in relation to one or more specified types of vehicleÖ Õ ; Õ

    (23) 'manufacturer' means the Ö natural or legal Õ person responsible for the Ö design and Õ construction of Ö a Õ vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit ð with a view to placing it on the market under the name or make of that person or any natural or legal person who has designed and constructed a vehicle for his own use; ï

    ò new

    (24) 'manufacturer's representative' means any natural or legal person established in the Community who is duly appointed by the manufacturer to represent him before the competent authority and to act on his behalf in matters covered by this Directive, and where reference is made to the term 'manufacturer', it must be understood as indicating either the manufacturer or his representative;

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    (25) 'approval authority' means the authority of a Member State Ö with competence Õ for all aspects of Ö the Õ approval of a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit Ö or of the individual approval of a vehicle; Õ Ö for issuing Õ andÖ , Õ if appropriate , Õ withdrawÖ ing Õ approval certificates ; Õ Ö for acting Õ as the contact point Ö for Õ the approval authorities of other Member StatesÖ ; Õ and for verifying the manufacturer's Ö arrangements for the Õ conformity of production ; Õ

    (26) 'technical service' means Ö an Õ organisation or body appointed Ö by the approval authority of a Member State Õ as a testing laboratory to carry out testsÖ , Õ or as a conformity assessment body to carry out ð the initial assessment and other ï tests or inspections, Ö it being possible for Õ the approval authority itself Ö to carry out those functions Õ ð provided that its competence is properly documented; ï

    ò new

    (27) 'type-approval certificate' means the document whereby the approval authority officially certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit is approved;

    (28) 'EC type-approval certificate' means the certificate set out in Annex VI to this Directive or in the corresponding annex to a separate directive, the communication form set out in the relevant Annex to one of the UN/ECE Regulations listed in Annex IV, Part II or Part III, being deemed to be equivalent thereto;

    (29) 'individual approval certificate' means the document whereby the approval authority or a duly appointed delegate officially certifies that a particular vehicle is approved;

    (30) 'certificate of conformity' means the document set out in Annex IX, issued by the manufacturer and certifying that a vehicle belonging to the series of the type approved in accordance with this Directive complies with all applicable separate directives and UN/ECE regulations at the time of its production and stating that it may be registered or put into service in the Member States without any additional inspection, it being permissible to use the certificate of conformity for the purposes of registration;

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    (31) 'information document' means the document set out in Annex I or Annex III to this DirectiveÖ , Õ or Ö in Õ the corresponding a Õnnex to a separate directiveÖ , Õ that prescribes the information to be supplied by an applicant, ð it being permissible to supply the information document in the form of an electronic file; ï

    (32) 'information folder' means the Ö complete Õ folderÖ , including the information document, Õ fileð , ï data, drawings, photographs, Ö and so on, Õ supplied by the applicantÖ , Õ ð it being permissible to supply the information folder in the form of an electronic file; ï

    (33) 'information package' means the information folder Ö accompanied by the Õ test reports Ö and all Õ other documents Ö added by Õ the technical service or Ö by Õ the approval authority to the information folder in the course of carrying out their functions ð , it being permissible to supply the information package in the form of an electronic file; ï

    (34) 'index to the information package' means the document list ing Õ the contents of the information packageÖ , Õ suitably numbered or otherwise marked Ö so as Õ to identify Ö clearly Õ all Ö the Õ pages , the format of that document being such as to present a record of the successive steps in the management of the EC type-approval, in particular the dates of the revisions and updating. ï

    ò new

    chapter ii

    general obligations

    Article 4

    Obligations of the Member States

    1. The Member States shall ensure that manufacturers applying for approval comply with their obligations under this Directive.

    2. The Member States shall approve only such vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units as satisfy the requirements of this Directive.

    3. The Member States shall register or permit the sale or entry into service only of such vehicles, components and separate technical units as satisfy the requirements of this Directive.

    4. The Member States shall establish or appoint the authorities competent in matters concerning approval, and notify such establishment or appointment in accordance with Article 38.

    Article 5

    Obligations of the manufacturers

    1. The manufacturer is responsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the approval process and for ensuring conformity of production, whether or not the manufacturer is directly involved in all stages of the construction of a vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit.

    2. In the case of multi-stage type-approval, each manufacturer is responsible for the approval and conformity of production of the systems, components or separate technical units added at the stage of vehicle completion handled by him.

    The manufacturer who modifies components or systems already approved at earlier stages shall be responsible for the approval and conformity of production of those components and systems.

    3. For the purposes of this Directive, a manufacturer established outside the Community shall appoint a representative established in the Community to represent him before the approval authority.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö chapter iii Õ

    Ö ec type-approval procedures Õ

    Ö Article 6 Õ

    Ö Procedures to be followed for the EC type-approval of vehicles Õ

    ò new

    1. The manufacturer may choose one of the following procedures:

    (a) step-by-step approval;

    (b) single-step approval;

    (c) mixed approval.

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new Ö 2 Õ. AÖ n a Õpplication for ð step-by-step ï approval shall Ö consist in the Õ information folder containing the information required Ö under Õ Annex III and Ö shall be accompanied Õ by the Ö complete set of EC type- Õapproval certificates Ö required pursuant to Õ each of the applicable separate d Õirectives Ö or UN/ECE Regulations listed Õ in AnnexÖ es Õ IV or XI Ö . In the case of the EC type-approval of a Õ system Ö or Õ separate technical unitÖ , pursuant to the applicable Õ separate d ÕirectiveÖ s or UN/ECE Regulations, Õ the approval authority Ö shall have access to the related information package until such time as Õ the approval is either issued or refused.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new Ö 3 Õ. A Õn application ð for single-step approval ï shall Ö consist in the Õ information folder containing the relevant information required Ö under Õ Annex IÖ , Õ in relation to the separate d Õirectives Ö or UN/ECE Regulations Õ specified in Annex IV or XI and, where applicable, Ö in Õ Part II of Annex III.

    Ö 4 Õ. In the case of ð a mixed approval procedure, the approval authority may exempt a manufacturer from the obligation to produce one or more EC system type-approval certificates, provided that the information folder is supplemented by the particulars, specified in Annex I, required for the approval of those systems during the vehicle approval phase, in which case each of the EC type-approval certificates thus waived shall be replaced by a test report. ï

    Ö 5. Without prejudice to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, the following information shall be supplied for the purposes of Õ multi-stage type-approval :

    Ö (a) Õ at the first stage Ö , Õ those parts of the information folder and the Ö EC type- Õapproval certificates required for a complete vehicle which are relevant to the state of completion of the base vehicleÖ ; Õ

    Ö (b) Õ at the second and subsequent stagesÖ , Õ those parts of the information folder and the Ö EC type- Õapproval certificates which are relevant to the current stage of constructionÖ , together with Õ a copy of the Ö EC type- Õapproval certificate for the incomplete vehicle issued at the Ö preceding Õ stage of Ö construction Õ; in addition, the manufacturer shall supply full details of Ö any Õ changes Ö or Õ additions Ö that he has made Õ to the incomplete vehicle.

    Ö 6 Õ. T Õhe manufacturer Ö shall submit the application Õ to the approval authorityÖ . Only one application may be submitted in respect of a particular type of vehicle and it may be submitted in only one Õ Member State.

    A separate application shall be submitted for each type to be approved.

    ò new

    7. The approval authority may, by reasoned request, call upon the manufacturer to supply any additional information needed to enable a decision to be taken on what tests are required or to facilitate the execution of those tests.

    8. The manufacturer shall make available to the approval authority as many vehicles as are necessary to enable the type-approval procedure to be conducted satisfactorily.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö Article 7 Õ

    Ö Procedure to be followed for the EC type-approval of systems, components or separate technical units Õ

    Ö 1. The manufacturer shall submit the application to the approval authority. Only one application may be submitted in respect of a particular type of system, component or separate technical unit and it may be submitted in only one Member State. A separate application shall be submitted for each type to be approved. Õ

    Ö 2. The application shall be accompanied by the information folder, the content of which is specified in the separate directives. Õ

    ò new

    3. The approval authority may, by reasoned request, call upon the manufacturer to supply any additional information needed to enable a decision to be taken on what tests are required or to facilitate the execution of those tests.

    4. The manufacturer shall make available to the approval authority as many vehicles, components or separate technical units as are required under the relevant separate directives for the performance of the required tests.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö chapter iv Õ

    Ö conduct of the ec type-approval procedures Õ

    Ö Article 8 Õ

    Ö General provisions Õ

    ò new

    1. The Member States may not grant any EC type-approval without first ensuring that the procedures referred to in Article 11 have been duly and satisfactorily implemented.

    2. The Member States shall grant EC type-approvals in accordance with Articles 9 and 10.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    Ö 3. If a Member State finds that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit, albeit in conformity with the required provisions, presents a serious risk to road safety Õ ð or seriously harms the environment or, in the context of the prevention of waste from vehicles, seriously harms public health ï, Ö it may refuse to grant EC type-approval. In this case, it shall immediately send the other Member States and the Commission a detailed file explaining the reasons for its decision Õ ð and setting out the evidence for its findings. ï

    Ö 4. EC type-approval certificates shall be numbered in accordance with the method described in Annex VII. Õ

    Ö 5. The approval authority shall, Õ ð within 20 working days, ï Ö send to the approval authorities of the other Member States a copy of the EC vehicle type-approval certificate, together with the attachments, for each type of vehicle which it has approved. Õ ð The hard copy may be replaced by an electronic file, provided that it is authenticated by means of an electronic signature or equivalent. ï

    Ö 6. The approval authority shall Õ ð inform without delay ï Ö the approval authorities of the other Member States of its refusal or withdrawal of any vehicle approval Õ ð , together with the reasons for its decision. ï

    Ö 7. The approval authority shall send Õ ð at three-monthly intervals ï Ö to the approval authorities of the other Member States a list of the system, component or separate technical unit EC type-approvals it has granted, Õ ð amended, ï Ö refused to grant or withdrawn during the preceding period. That list shall contain the particulars specified in Annex XIII. Õ

    Ö 8. If so requested by another Member State, the Member State which has granted an EC type-approval shall, Õ ð within 20 working days of receiving that request, ï Ö send a copy of the EC type-approval certificate in question, together with the attachments. Õ ð An electronic file may replace the hard copy. ï

    Ö Article 9 Õ

    Ö Specific provisions concerning vehicles Õ

    1. Ö The Õ Member StateÖ s Õ shall grant Ö an EC approval in respect of Õ:

    (a) Ö a Õ type

    Ö of Õ vehicle which conformÖ s Õ to the particulars in the information folder and which meetÖ s Õ the technical requirements Ö specified by Õ the relevant separate d Õirectives Ö or UN/ECE Regulations Õ Ö listed Õ in Annex IV ; Õ

    Ö (b) Õ Ö a type of Õ special-purpose vehicle which conformÖ s Õ to the particulars in the information folder and which meetÖ s Õ the technical requirements Ö specified by Õ the Ö relevant Õ separate d Õirectives Ö or UN/ECE Regulations listed in Õ Annex XI.

    The procedures described in Annex V Ö shall apply. Õ

    Ö 2. The Member States shall grant a Õ multi-stage type-approval Ö in respect of a type of Õ incomplete or completed vehicle which conformÖ s Õ to the particulars in the information folder and which meetÖ s Õ the technical requirements Ö specified by Õ the relevant separate d Õirectives Ö or UN/ECE Regulations listed Õ in AnnexÖ es Õ IV or XIÖ , having regard to Õ the state of completion of the vehicle .

    The procedures described in Annex XIV Ö shall apply. Õ

    Ö 3. In respect of each type of vehicle, the approval authority shall: Õ

    Ö (a) complete all the relevant sections of the EC type-approval certificate, including the test results sheet appended thereto, in accordance with the model set out in Annex VIII; Õ

    Ö (b) compile or verify the index to the information package; Õ

    Ö (c) issue the completed certificate, together with its attachments, to the applicant without delay. Õ

    ò new

    4. In the case of an EC type-approval in relation to which, in accordance with Article 19, Article 21 or Annex XI, restrictions have been imposed as to its validity, or certain provisions of the separate directives have been waived, the EC type-approval certificate shall specify those restrictions or waivers.

    5. Where particulars in the information folder specify provisions for special purpose vehicles as indicated in Annex XI, the EC type-approval certificate shall specify those provisions.

    6. Where the manufacturer chooses the mixed approval procedure, the approval authority shall complete, in Part III of the information document, the model for which is set out in Annex III, the references for the test reports, established by separate directives or UN/ECE Regulations, for which no EC type-approval certificate is available.

    7. Where the manufacturer chooses the single-step approval procedure, the approval authority shall establish the list of applicable separate directives and UN/ECE Regulations, the template of which is shown in Appendix 1 to Annex VI, and append that list to the EC type-approval certificate.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    è1 98/14/EC Art. 1(2) pt. a

    è2 98/14/EC Art. 1(2) pt. b

    Ö Article 10 Õ

    Ö Specific provisions concerning systems, components or separate technical units Õ

    Ö 1. Õ Ö The Member States shall grant an EC Õ type-approval Ö in respect of a system Õ which conformÖ s Õ to the particulars in the information folder and which meetÖ s Õ the technical requirements Ö laid down in Õ è1 the relevant separate d ÕirectiveÖ , Õ as Ö prescribed Õ in Annex IV or XI ç.

    Ö 2. The Member States shall grant a Õ component or separate technical unit Ö EC Õ type-approval Ö in respect Õ of Ö a Õ component or separate technical unit which conformÖ s Õ to the particulars in the information folder and which meetÖ s Õ the technical requirements Ö laid down Õ in è2 the relevant separate d ÕirectiveÖ , Õ as Ö prescribed Õ in Annex IV ç .

    ò new

    3. Where components or separate technical units, whether or not intended for repair, servicing or maintenance, are also covered by a system type-approval with respect to a vehicle, no additional component or separate technical unit approval shall be required unless provided for under the relevant separate directive.

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(2) pt. c (adapted)

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

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    4. Where Ö a Õ component or separate technical unit fulfils its function or offers a specific feature only in conjunction with other parts of the vehicleÖ , thereby making it possible to verify Õ compliance with Ö the Õ requirements only when the component or separate technical unit Ö is operating Õ in conjunction with Ö those Õ other vehicle parts, the scope of the Ö EC Õ type-approval of the component or the separate technical unit must be restricted accordingly. Ö In such cases, Õ t Õhe Ö EC Õ type-approval certificate shall Ö specify Õ any restriction on its use and shall indicate Ö the special Õ conditions Ö for its mounting Õ. Ö When such a component or separate technical unit is fitted by the vehicle manufacturer, compliance with any applicable Õ restrictions Ö on use Õ or conditions Ö for mounting Õ shall be verified at the time Ö when Õ the vehicle Ö is approved Õ.

    Ö Article 11 Õ

    Ö Conformity of production arrangements Õ

    Ö 1. The Member State which grants an EC type-approval shall take the necessary measures in accordance with Annex X to verify, if need be in co-operation with the approval authorities of the other Member States, that adequate arrangements have been made to ensure that production vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units, as the case may be, conform to the approved type. Õ

    Ö 2. The Member State which has granted an EC type-approval shall take the necessary measures in accordance with Annex X in relation to that approval to verify, if need be in co-operation with the approval authorities of the other Member States, that the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 continue to be adequate and that production vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units, as the case may be, continue to conform to the approved type.

    Verification to ensure that products conform to the approved type shall be limited to the procedures set out in Annex X and in those separate directives and UN/ECE Regulations that contain specific requirements. Õ ð To that end, the approval authority of the Member State which has granted the EC type-approval may carry out any of the checks or tests prescribed in any of the separate directives or UN/ECE Regulations listed in Annex IV or Annex XI on samples taken in the premises of the manufacturer, including production facilities. ï

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(3) (adapted)

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    Ö chapter v Õ

    Ö amendments to ec type-approvals Õ

    Ö Article 12 Õ

    Ö General provisions Õ

    1. The Ö manufacturer shall inform without delay the Õ Member State Ö that Õ granted Ö the EC Õtype- approval of any change in the particulars Ö recorded Õ in the information package. Ö That Member State shall decide, in accordance with the rules laid down in this Chapter, which procedure is to be followed. Õ ð Where necessary, the Member State may decide, in agreement with the manufacturer, that a new EC type-approval is to be granted. ï

    2. Ö An Õ application for Ö the Õ amendment of Ö an EC Õ type-approval shall be submitted exclusively to the Member State Ö that Õ granted the original Ö EC type Õ -approval.


    If the Member State finds thatÖ , for the purposes of making Õ an amendmentÖ , fresh inspections or Õ fresh tests Ö are necessary Õ , it shall inform the manufacturer Ö accordingly. The procedures referred to in Articles 13 and 14 shall apply Õ only after the Ö requisite fresh inspections or Õ fresh tests Ö have been successfully carried out Õ.

    Ö Article 13 Õ

    Ö Specific provisions concerning vehicles Õ

    1 Õ . If particulars Ö recorded Õ in the information package have changed, Ö the amendment shall be designated a 'revision'. Õ

    Ö In such cases, Õ the approval authority shall issue Ö the Õ revised pages of the information package as necessary, marking each revised page to show clearly the nature of the change and the date of re-issue . A Õ consolidated, updated version of the information packageÖ , Õ accompanied by a detailed description of the changeÖ s, Õ shall be deemed to meet this requirement.

    Ö 2. A revision shall be designated an 'extension' if, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1: Õ

    Ö (a) further inspections are required; Õ

    Ö (b) any information on the EC type-approval certificate, with the exception of its attachments, has changed; Õ

    Ö (c) new requirements under any of the separate directives or UN/ECE Regulations applicable to the approved vehicle type enter into force. Õ

    Ö In such cases, the approval authority shall issue a revised EC type-approval certificate denoted by an extension number, Õ ð incremented in accordance with the number of successive extensions already granted. ï

    Ö The approval certificate shall show clearly the reason for the extension and the date of re-issue. Õ

    Ö 3. Whenever amended Õ pages or a consolidated, updated version are issued, the index to the information package attached to the approval certificate shall be amended Ö accordingly Õ to show the dates of Ö the most recent extension or revision, Õ or the date of the Ö most recent consolidation of the Õ updated version.

    Ö 4. No amendment to the approval of a type of vehicle shall be required if the new requirements referred to in paragraph 2(c) are, from a technical point of view, irrelevant to that type of vehicle or concern categories of vehicle other than the category to which it belongs. Õ

    Ö Article 14 Õ

    Ö Specific provisions concerning systems, components or separate technical units Õ

    Ö 1. If particulars specified in the information package have changed, the amendment shall be designated a 'revision'. Õ

    Ö In such cases, the approval authority shall issue the revised pages of the information package as necessary, marking each revised page to show clearly the nature of the change and the date of re-issue. A consolidated, updated version of the information package, accompanied by a detailed description of the changes, shall be deemed to meet this requirement. Õ

    Ö 2. The revision shall be designated an 'extension' if, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1: Õ

    Ö (a) further inspections are required; Õ

    Ö (b) any information on the EC type-approval certificate, with the exception of its attachments, has changed; Õ

    Ö (c) new requirements under any of the separate directives or UN/ECE Regulations applicable to the approved system, component or separate technical unit enter into force. Õ

    Ö The approval authority shall issue a revised EC type-approval certificate, denoted by an extension number, Õ ð incremented in accordance with the number of successive extensions already granted. In cases where the amendment is necessitated by the application of paragraph 2(c), the third section of the approval number shall be updated. ï

    Ö The approval certificate shall show clearly the reason for the extension and the date of re-issue. Õ

    Ö 3. Whenever amended pages or a consolidated, updated version are issued, the index to the information package attached to the approval certificate shall be amended accordingly to show the dates of the most recent extension or revision or the date of the most recent consolidation of the updated version. Õ

    Ö Article 15 Õ

    Ö Issue and notification of amendments Õ

    Ö 1. In the case of an extension, the approval authority shall update all relevant sections of the EC type-approval certificate, the attachments thereto, and the index to the information package. Õ ð The updated certificate and its attachments shall be issued to the applicant without delay. ï

    Ö 2. In the case of a revision, the revised documents or the consolidated, updated version, as appropriate, including the revised index to the information package, Õ ð shall be issued by the approval authority to the applicant without delay. ï

    Ö 3. The approval authority shall notify a Õny Ö amendment made to EC type-approvals Õ to Ö the Õ approval authorities Ö of the other Member States in accordance with the procedures referred to in Article 8 Õ .

    Ö chapter vi Õ

    Ö validity of an ec vehicle type-approval Õ

    Ö Article 16 Õ

    Ö Termination of validity Õ

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    1. An EC vehicle type-approval shall cease to be valid in any of the following cases:

    (a) new requirements in any separate directive or UN/ECE Regulation applicable to the approved vehicle enter into force, and it is not possible to update the approval accordingly;

    (b) production of the approved vehicle is definitively discontinued;

    (c) the validity of the approval expires by virtue of a special restriction.

    2. Where only one variant within a type or one version within a variant becomes invalid, the EC vehicle type-approval shall lose validity only in so far as the particular variant or version is concerned.

    3. When production of a particular type of vehicle is definitively discontinued, the manufacturer shall notify the approval authority that granted the EC vehicle type-approval. Upon receiving such notification, that authority shall inform the approval authorities of the other Member States accordingly within 20 working days.

    Article 26 shall apply only to discontinuation in the circumstances referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1 .

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(3) (adapted)

    4 Õ. WÖ ithout prejudice to paragraph 3, in cases w Õhere aÖ n EC Õ vehicle type-approval is Ö due Õ to become invalid , the Ö manufacturer shall notify the Õ approval authority Ö that Õ granted Ö the EC type- ÕapprovalÖ .

    The approval authority Õ shall Ö without delay Õ communicate Ö all relevant information Õ to the approval authorities of the other Member States Ö so as to enable the application, where appropriate, of Article 26. That communication shall specify, in particular, the Õ date Ö of production and Õ the vehicle identification number of the last vehicle produced .

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö chapter vii Õ

    Ö certificate of conformity and markings Õ

    Article Ö 17 Õ

    Certificate of conformity

    1. The manufacturer, in his capacity as the holder of an Ö EC Õ vehicle type-approval, shall Ö deliver Õ a certificate of conformity Ö to Õ accompany each vehicle, whether completeÖ , Õ incomplete Ö or completed, that is Õ manufactured in conformity with the approved vehicle type.

    In the case of an incomplete or completed vehicle , the manufacturer shall complete only those items on side 2 of the certificate of conformity which have been added or changed at the current stage of approval and, if applicable, shall attach to Ö the Õ certificate all certificates of conformity delivered at the previous stages.

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    2. The certificate of conformity shall be drawn up in one of the official languages of the Community.

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(4) (adapted)

    Ö 3. Õ The certificate of conformity shall be Ö designed Õ to prevent forgery. Ö To that end, Õ the paper Ö used shall be Õ protected either by coloured graphics or Ö by a Õ watermark Ö in the form of Õ the manufacturer's identification mark.

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    4. A duplicate of the certificate of conformity may be issued only by the manufacturer. The word "duplicate" must be clearly visible on the face of any duplicate certificate.

    5. The certificate of conformity shall be completed in its entirety and shall not contain restrictions as regards the use of the vehicle other than those provided for in a separate directive or UN/ECE Regulation.

    6. The certificate of conformity for vehicles approved in accordance with Article 19 shall bear the additional statement "sale, entry into service and registration permitted in application of Article 19 of Directive [this Directive......]".

    7. The certificate of conformity, as described in Annex IX, Part I, for vehicles type-approved in accordance with Article 21 shall display in the title thereof the phrase "For complete/completed 1 vehicles type-approved in small series", and in close proximity thereto a sequential number, between 1 and the limit indicated in the table set out in Annex XII, denoting, in respect of each year of production, the position of that vehicle within the production allocated for that year.

    8. The certificate of conformity for vehicles approved in accordance with Article 26 shall, in the case of an end-of-series waiver, bear the additional statement "sale, entry into service and registration permitted in application of Article 26 of Directive [this Directive......]".

    Member States may apply equivalent measures in so far as they enable the number of vehicles to be registered in the framework of that procedure to be effectively monitored.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

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    Ö Article 18 Õ

    Ö EC type-approval mark Õ

    Ö 1 Õ. The manufacturer of a component or separate technical unitð , whether or not it is part of a system, ï shall affix to each component or unit manufactured in conformity with the approved type the Ö EC Õ type-approval markÖ required by the relevant separate Directive Õ . Ö 2. Where no EC type-approval mark is required, the manufacturer shall affix at least: Õ Ö his trade name or trade mark, Õ and Ö the type number and/or an identification number. Õ

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    3. The EC type-approval mark shall be composed in accordance with Appendix 1 to Annex VII.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð newÖ chapter viii Õ

    Ö new technologies or concepts incompatible with separate directives Õ

    Ö Article 19 Õ

    Ö Exemptions for new technologies or new concepts Õ

    Ö 1. The Member States may, on application by the manufacturer, grant an EC type-approval in respect of a type of system, component or separate technical unit that incorporates technologies or concepts which are incompatible with one or more separate directives, subject to authorisation being granted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2). Õ

    Ö 2. Pending the decision as to whether or not authorisation is granted, the Member State may grant Õ ð a provisional approval ï Ö , valid only in its territory, in respect of a type of vehicle covered by the exemption sought, provided that it informs the Commission and the other Member States thereof without delay by means of a file containing the following elements: Õ

    Ö (a) the reasons why the technologies or concepts in question make the system, component or separate technical unit incompatible with the requirements; Õ

    Ö (b) a description of the safety and environmental considerations concerned and the measures taken; Õ

    Ö (c) a description of the tests, including their results, demonstrating that, by comparison with the requirements from which exemption is sought, at least an equivalent level of safety and environmental protection is ensured. Õ

    Ö 3. The Commission shall decide, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2), whether or not to allow the Member State to grant an EC type-approval in respect of that type of vehicle. Õ

    Ö Where appropriate, the decision shall also specify whether its validity is subject to any restrictions, such as time-limits. In all cases, the validity of the approval shall not be less than thirty-six months. Õ

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    If the Commission decides to refuse authorisation, the Member State shall revoke the provisional type-approval referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.4.

    Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not be invoked where a system, component or separate technical unit complies with a UN/ECE Regulation to which the Community has acceded.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

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    Ö Article 20 Õ

    Ö Action required Õ

    Ö 1. Where the Commission finds that there are sound grounds for granting an exemption pursuant to Article 19, it shall immediately take the necessary steps to adapt the separate directives concerned to technological developments, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2). Õ

    Ö 2. As soon as the relevant separate directives have been amended, Õ ð any restriction attaching to the exemption shall be lifted immediately. ï

    Ö Where it is not possible to amend the separate directives, the validity of an exemption may be extended, at the request of the Member State which granted the approval, by another decision adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2). Õ

    Ö chapter ix Õ

    Ö vehicles produced in small series Õ

    ò new

    Article 21

    EC type-approval

    1. At the request of the manufacturer and within the quantitative limits set out in Annex XII, Part A, Section 1, Member States shall grant, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 6(4), an EC type-approval in respect of a type of vehicle which satisfies at least the requirements listed in Annex IV, Part I, Appendix l.

    2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to special purpose vehicles.

    3. EC type-approval certificates shall be numbered in accordance with the method described in Annex VII.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö Article 22 Õ

    Ö National type-approval Õ

    Ö 1. In the case of vehicles produced within the quantitative limits specified in Annex XII, Part A, Section 2, Member States may waive one or more of the provisions of one or more of the separate directives or UN/ECE regulations listed in Annex IV or Annex XI. Õ

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

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    Ö 2. Member States may, in the case of the vehicles referred to in paragraph 1, waive one or more of the provisions of this Directive Õ ð provided that they lay down ï Ö relevant alternative provisions. Õ

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    3. A waiver pursuant to paragraph 1 shall not be granted or maintained if it has, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on any other policy pursued by the Community.

    4. The type-approval certificate shall specify the nature of the waivers granted pursuant to paragraph 1.

    The type-approval certificate, the model for which is set out in Annex VI, shall not bear the heading 'EC vehicle type-approval certificate'. However, type-approval certificates shall be numbered in accordance with the method described in Annex VII.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

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    Ö 5. If the manufacturer so requests, the approval authority shall send Õ ð by registered mail ï Ö a copy of the type-approval certificate and its attachments to the approval authorities of the Member States designated by the manufacturer. Õ

    ð Within 20 working days of receipt ïÖ , such a Member State shall decide whether or not it accepts the type-approval and how many such vehicles may be registered, sold or put into service within its territory. It shall formally communicate that decision to the approval authority referred to in the first subparagraph, Õ ð failing which it shall be deemed to have refused the type-approval. ï

    ò new

    chapter x

    individual approvals

    Article 23

    General provisions

    1. Member States may exempt a particular vehicle from compliance with one or more of the provisions of this Directive or with one or more of the separate directives or UN/ECE regulations listed in Annex IV or XI, provided that they impose comparable national requirements based on those measures which ensure an equivalent level of environmental protection and road safety.

    Member States shall accept any system, component, separate technical unit or incomplete vehicle EC type-approval instead of the relevant national requirements.

    2. The application for individual approval shall be submitted by the manufacturer or by the owner of the vehicle.

    A Member State shall grant an individual approval if the vehicle conforms to the description appended to the application and satisfies the technical requirements applicable.

    The validity of an individual approval shall be restricted to the territory of the Member State that granted the approval.

    The format of the individual approval certificate shall be established on the basis of this Directive and shall contain at least the information necessary to complete the application for registration provided for in Council Directive 1999/37/EC [29]. Individual approval certificates shall not bear the heading 'EC vehicle approval'.

    [29] OJ L 138, 1.6.1999, p. 57.

    An individual approval certificate shall bear the vehicle identification number of the vehicle concerned.

    3. The approval authority may delegate responsibility for issuing individual approvals to a duly accredited representative. The other Member States and the Commission shall be notified thereof in accordance with Article 38.

    Article 24

    Specific provisions

    1. The procedure provided for in Article 23 may apply to a particular vehicle during the successive stages of its completion in accordance with a multi-stage type-approval procedure.

    2. The procedure provided for in Article 23 may not replace an intermediate stage within the normal sequence of a multi-stage type-approval procedure and may not apply for the purposes of obtaining the first-stage approval of a vehicle.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö chapter xi Õ

    Ö registration, sale and entry into service Õ

    Article Ö 25 Õ

    RegistrationÖ , sale Õ and entry into service Ö of vehicles Õ

    1. Ö Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 28 and 29, the Õ Member StateÖ s Õ shall register, Ö and Õ permit the sale or entry into service ofÖ , Õ vehicles only if they are accompanied by a valid certificate of conformity Ö issued in accordance with Article 17 Õ.

    In the case of incomplete vehicles Ö the Õ Member StateÖ s Õ shall permit the sale of such vehicles but may refuse their permanent registration and entry into service Ö for such time as the vehicles remain incomplete Õ.

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    2. Vehicles exempted from the requirement concerning a certificate of conformity may be registered, sold or put into service only if they satisfy the relevant technical requirements of this Directive.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

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    Ö 3. As regards small-series vehicles, the number of vehicles registered, sold or entered into service in the course of a single year shall not exceed the number of units shown in Annex XII, Part A. Õ

    Ö Article 26 Õ

    Ö Registration, sale and entry into service of end-of-series vehicles Õ

    Ö 1. Subject to the limits specified in Annex XII, Section B, and in respect only of a limited period of time, the Member States may register and permit the sale or entry into service of vehicles conforming to a type of vehicle whose EC type-approval is no longer valid. Õ

    Ö The first subparagraph shall apply only to vehicles within the territory of the Community which were covered by a valid EC type-approval at the time of their production, but which had not been registered or put into service before that EC type-approval lost its validity. Õ

    Ö 2. The option under paragraph 1 shall be available, in the case of complete vehicles, for a period of twelve months from the date on which validity of the EC type-approval expired and, in the case of completed vehicles, for a period of eighteen months from that date. Õ

    Ö 3. A manufacturer who wishes to benefit from the opportunity available under paragraph 1 shall submit a request to the competent authority of each Member State concerned by the entry into service of the vehicles in question. The request must specify any technical or economic reasons Õ ð preventing those vehicles from complying with the new technical requirements ï .

    Ö The Member States concerned shall decide, within three months of receiving such a request, whether and in what number to permit the registration of those vehicles within their territory. Õ

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    4. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to vehicles which were covered by a national type-approval but which had not been registered or put into service before that approval ceased to be valid, in application of Article 40, owing to the compulsory enforcement of the EC type-approval procedure.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð newÖ Article 27 Õ

    Ö Sale and entry into service of components and separate technical units Õ Ö 1 Õ. Member StateÖ s Õ shall permit the sale or entry into service of components or separate technical units only if they comply with the requirementÖ s Õ of the relevant separate d Õirectives ð and/or UN/ECE Regulations ï and Ö are properly marked in accordance with Article 18 Õ .

    Ö 2. Compliance with paragraph 1 shall be waived in cases where new components or separate technical units have been exempted from one or more provisions of a separate directive in application of Article 19 Õ ð or are intended for mounting on vehicles covered by exemptions under Articles 21, 22 or 23 ï.Ö 3. Member States shall waive the requirements under paragraph 1 in the case of new components or separate technical units Õ ð which are specifically constructed and designed for new vehicles not covered by this Directive ï.

    Ö chapter xii Õ

    Ö safeguard clauses Õ

    Ö Article 28 Õ

    Ö Vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units in compliance with this Directive Õ

    Ö 1 Õ. If a Member State finds that Ö new Õ vehicles, Ö systems, Õ components or separate technical units Ö , albeit in compliance with the applicable requirements or properly marked, present Õ a serious risk to road safety , ð or seriously harm the environment or, in the context of the prevention of waste from vehicles, seriously harm public health, ï that Ö Member Õ State may, for a maximum period of six months, refuse to register such vehicles or Ö to permit Õ the sale or entry into service in its territory of such vehicles, components or separate technical units. Ö In such cases, the Member State concerned Õ shall Ö immediately Õ notify ð the manufacturer, ï the other Member States and the Commission Ö accordingly Õ, stating the reasons on which its decision is based.

    Ö 2. Õ If the Member State Ö that Õ granted Ö the EC Õ type-approval disputes the risk to road safety ð , public health or the environment ï notified Ö in accordance with paragraph 1, Õ the Member States concerned shall endeavour to settle the dispute. The Commission shall be kept informed and , where necessary, Ö shall Õ hold consultations Ö with a view to Õ reaching a settlement.

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(5) pt. a(ii) (adapted)

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(5) pt. b (adapted)

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    è1 98/14/EC Art. 1(6)

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    è1 ç

    Article Ö 29 Õ

    Ö Vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units not in Õ conformity with the approved type


    If a Member State which has granted Ö an EC Õ type-approval finds that Ö new Õ vehicles, Ö systems, Õ components or separate technical units accompanied by a certificate of conformity or bearing an approval mark do not conform to the type it has approved, it shall take the necessary measuresÖ , including the withdrawal of type-approval, Õ to ensure that production vehicles, Ö systems, Õ components or separate technical units, as the case may be, Ö are brought into conformity with Õ the approved type. The approval authorit y Õ of that Member State shall advise Ö the approval authorities Õ of the other Member States of the measures taken .

    Ö 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, deviations from the particulars in the EC type-approval certificate or the information package shall be deemed to constitute failure to conform to the approved type. Õ

    Ö A vehicle shall not be deemed to deviate from the approved type where tolerances are permitted by the relevant separate directives Õ ð or UN/ECE Regulations ï Ö and those tolerances are respected. Õ

    3. If a Member State demonstrates that Ö new Õ vehicles, components or separate technical units accompanied by a certificate of conformity or bearing an approval mark do not conform to the approved typeÖ , Õ it may Ö ask Õ the Member State which granted the Ö EC Õ type-approval to verify that vehicles, Ö systems, Õ components or separate technical units in production Ö continue to Õ conform to the approved type. Ö On receipt of such a request, the Member State concerned shall take the requisite Õ action as soon as possible and in any case within six months of the date of the request.

    4. The approval authority shall request the Member State which granted Ö the Õ system, component, separate technical unit or incomplete vehicle type-approval to take the necessary action to ensure that vehicles in production Ö are brought back into conformity with Õ the approved type in the following cases:

    (a) EC vehicle Ö Õ type-approval, where the nonÖ - Õconformity of a vehicle Ö is attributable Õ exclusively Ö to Õ the non Ö - Õconformity of a system, component or separate technical unit;

    (b) multi-stage type-approvalÖ , Õ where the nonÖ - Õconformity of a completed vehicle Ö is attributable Õ exclusively Ö to Õ the nonÖ - Õconformity of a system, component or separate technical unit being part of the incomplete vehicle, or of the incomplete vehicle itself.

    Ö On receipt of such a request, the Member State concerned shall take the requisite Õ actionÖ , if necessary in conjunction with the Member State making the request, Õ as soon as possible and in any case within six months of the date of the request. Where a failure to conform is established, the approval authorit y Õ of the Member State which granted the system, component or separate technical unit Ö EC Õ type-approval or the approval of the incomplete vehicle shall take the measures set out in paragraph Ö 1 Õ .

    5. The approval authorities shall inform each other within ð 20 working days ï of any withdrawal of Ö EC Õ type-approval and of the reasons for Ö this Õ .

    6. If the Member State Ö that Õ granted Ö EC Õ type-approval disputes the failure to conform notified to itÖ , Õ the Member States concerned shall endeavour to settle the dispute. The Commission shall be kept informed and , where necessary, Ö shall Õ hold appropriate consultations Ö with a view to Õ reaching a settlement.

    ò new

    Article 30

    Recall of vehicles

    1. A manufacturer who has been granted an EC vehicle type-approval and who, in application of the provisions of a separate directive or in application of Article 8 of Council Directive 92/59/EEC [30], has to operate a recall campaign of vehicles already placed on the market because one or more systems, components or separate technical units fitted to the vehicle, albeit duly approved in accordance with this Directive, presents a serious risk to road safety, public health or environmental protection, shall immediately inform the approval authority that granted the vehicle approval.

    [30] OJ L 228, 11.8.1992, p. 24.

    2. The manufacturer shall propose to the approval authority a set of appropriate remedies to neutralise the risk referred to in paragraph 1. The competent authorities shall ensure that the measures are effectively implemented in their respective territories.

    3. If the measures are considered to be insufficient by the authorities concerned or have not been implemented quickly enough, the approval authority shall withdraw the EC vehicle type-approval. In such cases, it shall notify the manufacturer, the approval authorities of the other Member States and the Commission by registered letter within 20 working days.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    Article Ö 31 Õ

    Notification of decisions and remedies available

    All decisions taken pursuant to the provisions adopted in implementation of this Directive and Ö all decisions Õ refusing or withdrawing Ö EC Õ type-approval, or refusing registration or prohibiting saleÖ s Õ, shall state in detail the reasons on which they are based.

    Any such decision shall be notified to the party concerned who shall, at the same time, be informed of the remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member States and of the time limits allowed for the exercise of such remedies.

    Ö chapter xiii Õ

    Ö equivalent regulations Õ

    Ö Article 32 Õ

    Ö Equivalence with UN/ECE regulations Õ

    Ö 1. The UN/ECE Regulations listed in Part II of Annex IV are recognised as being equivalent to the corresponding separate directives Õ ð if they share the same scope ï.

    Ö The approval authorities of the Member States shall accept approvals granted in accordance with those regulations and, where applicable, the pertaining approval marks, in lieu of the corresponding approvals and approval marks granted in accordance with the equivalent separate directive. Õ

    Ö 2. The UN/ECE regulations shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union Õ .

    ò new

    3. As regards the granting of EC type-approval, the UN/ECE Regulations to which the Community has acceded and which are listed in Annex IV, Parts II and III, to this Directive shall apply to the categories of vehicles listed in the relevant respective columns.

    The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2), adopt the necessary amendments to Annex IV, Parts II and III, in order to include new regulations and their amendments.

    The amendments shall also specify the categories of vehicle to which they apply.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö Article 33 Õ

    Ö Equivalence with other regulations Õ

    Ö The Council may, acting by qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, recognise the equivalence between the conditions or provisions for EC type-approval of systems, components and separate technical units established by this Directive and the procedures established by international regulations or regulations of third countries, in the framework of multilateral or bilateral agreements between the Community and third countries. Õ

    ò new

    chapter xiv

    provision of technical information

    Article 34

    Information intended for users

    1. The manufacturer may not supply any technical information related to the particulars provided for in this Directive or in the separate directives or UN/ECE Regulations listed in Annex IV which diverges from the particulars approved by the Member States.

    2. Where a separate directive makes specific provisions for so doing, the manufacturer shall make available to users all relevant information and necessary instructions describing any special conditions or restrictions attaching to the use of a vehicle, a component or a separate technical unit.

    That information shall be supplied in the official languages of the Community. It shall be provided, in agreement with the approval authority, in an appropriate supporting document, such as the owner's manual or the maintenance book.

    Article 35

    Information intended for manufacturers of components

    1. The vehicle manufacturer shall make available to the manufacturers of components or separate technical units all those particulars including, as the case may be, drawings specifically listed in the annex or appendix to a separate directive that are necessary for EC type-approval of components or separate technical units.

    The vehicle manufacturer may impose a binding agreement on the manufacturers of components or separate technical units to protect the confidentiality of any information that is not in the public domain or that is covered by intellectual property rights.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    Ö 2. The manufacturer of components or separate technical units, in his capacity as the holder of an EC type-approval certificate which, in accordance with Article 10(4), includes restrictions on use Õ ð or special mounting conditions or both, ï Ö shall provide all the detailed information thereon to the vehicle manufacturer. Õ

    ò new

    Where a separate directive makes provision for so doing, the manufacturer of components or separate technical units shall provide, together with the components or separate technical units produced, instructions regarding restrictions on use or special mounting conditions or both.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    Ö chapter xv Õ

    Ö implementation measures and amendments Õ

    Ö Article 36 Õ

    Ö Implementation measures and amendments to this Directive or the separate directives Õ

    ò new

    1. The measures necessary for the implementation of each separate directive shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2) of this Directive and in compliance with the rules laid down in each directive concerned.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new

    2. Amendments Ö to Õ the Annexes to this Directive or Ö to Õ the provisions of the separate Directives Ö listed in Annex IV, Part I, which are necessary to adapt them to the Õ ð development of scientific and technical knowledge ïshall be adopted in accordance with the procedure Ö referred to Õ in Ö Article 37(2) Õ.

    ò new (adapted)

    3. When, in application of Decision 97/836/EC, new UN/ECE Regulations or amendments to existing UN/ECE Regulations to which the Community has acceded are adopted, the Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 37(2), amend the annexes to this Directive accordingly.

    4. Each new separate Directive shall introduce the appropriate amendments to the annexes to this Directive.

    Article 37


    1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee referred to as the 'Technical Committee - Motor Vehicles'(TCMV).

    2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

    The period referred to in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be three months.

    3. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.

    ê 98/14/EC Art. 1(7) (adapted)

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö chapter xvi Õ

    Ö procedures for notification Õ

    Article Ö 38 Õ

    Notification of approval authoritiesÖ , Õ technical services Ö and bodies Õ

    1. The Member States shall notify to the Commission and to the other Member States the names and addresses of:

    Ö (a) Õ the approval authorities and the disciplines for which theÖ y Õ are responsible ; Õ

    Ö (b) Õ the technical services appointed, specifying Ö the Õ test procedures Ö for which Õ each of these services Ö is responsible; Õ

    ò new

    (c) the bodies appointed to assess and monitor on a regular basis the manufacturer's procedures for controlling conformity of production.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    ð new Ö 2. A Õ manufacturer ð or a subcontracting party acting on his behalf ï Ö may Õ not be Ö appointed Õ as a technical service except where Ö a Õ separate d Õirective ð or equivalent UN/ECE Regulation ï makeÖ s Õ express provision Ö to that effect. Õ

    3. T Õhe technical serviceÖ s Õ Ö may Õ use outside equipment, Ö including the manufacturer's test facilities, Õ subject to the agreement of the approval authority.

    Ö 4 Õ. The technical serviceÖ s and bodies referred to in paragraph 1 Õ shall Ö comply with Õ the Ö following Õ standardÖ s with respect to the activities described in paragraph 1: Õ

    ò new

    (a) EN ISO 17025 : 2000 on general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories;

    (b) EN 45004 : 1995 or ISO/IEC 17020 : 1998 on the general criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection as regards their test witnessing activities, tests and checks related to the conformity of production;

    (c) EN 45012 : 1989 or ISO/IEC Guide 62 : 1996 on the general criteria for certification bodies operating quality system certification as regards the management systems implemented by the manufacturer.

    ê 92/53/EEC Art. 1(1) (adapted)

    Ö 5. Õ Third country services may be notified as technical serviceÖ s only Õ in the framework of a bilateral or multilateral agreement between the Community and the third country Ö in question Õ.

    ò new

    chapter xvii

    final provisions

    Article 39

    Transitional provisions

    1. Pending the necessary amendments to this Directive in order to include vehicles not yet covered by this Directive or to complete the administrative and technical provisions regarding type-approval of vehicles other than M1, produced in small series, and to lay down harmonised administrative and technical provisions regarding the individual approval procedure, and pending expiry of the transitional periods provided for in Article 40, Member States shall continue to grant national approvals for those vehicles, provided that such approvals are based on the harmonised technical requirements laid down in this Directive.

    2. On application by the manufacturer or, in the case of individual approval, by the owner of the vehicle and on submission of the information required, the Member State concerned shall complete and issue the type-approval certificate or the individual approval certificate as appropriate. The certificate shall be issued to the applicant.

    With respect to vehicles of the same type, other Member States shall accept a certified true copy as proof that the requisite tests have been carried out.

    3. Where a particular vehicle covered by an individual approval has to be registered in another Member State, that Member State may require, from the approval authority that has issued the individual approval, any additional information stating in detail the nature of the technical requirements satisfied by that particular vehicle.

    4. Pending the harmonisation of registration and taxation systems of the Member States in relation to vehicles covered by this Directive, Member States may use national codes in order to facilitate registration and taxation in their territory. For this purpose, Member States may subdivide the versions shown in Part II of Annex III, provided that the particulars used for the subdivision are expressly stated in the information package or can be derived from it by a simple calculation.Article 40

    Application dates for the EC type-approval

    1. As regards EC type-approval, Member States shall grant EC approval to new types of vehicle from the dates specified in Annex XVI.

    2. On application by the manufacturer, Member States may grant EC approval to new types of vehicle from the date specified in the second subparagraph of Article 42(1).

    3. Until the dates specified in the fourth column of Annex XVI, Article 25(1) shall not apply to new vehicles for which a national approval has been granted before the dates specified in the third column thereof or for which there was no approval.

    4. As regards motor vehicles, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall apply only to vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine. For the purposes of those provisions, hybrid motor vehicles shall be deemed to be equipped with an internal combustion engine.

    5. This Directive shall not invalidate any EC type-approval granted to vehicles of category M1 before the date specified in the second subparagraph of Article 42(1), nor prevent the extension of such approvals.

    6. As regards the EC approval of new types of systems, components or separate technical units, Member States shall apply this Directive from the date specified in the second subparagraph of Article 42(1).

    This Directive shall not invalidate any EC type-approval granted for systems, components or separate technical units before the date specified in the second subparagraph of Article 42(1), nor prevent the extension of such approvals.

    Article 41


    1. No later than 31 March 2007, the Member States shall inform the Commission concerning the application of the type-approval procedures laid down in the present Directive and, in particular, of the multi-stage process. Where appropriate, the Commission shall propose the amendments deemed necessary to improve the type-approval process.

    2. If appropriate, the Commission may propose the postponement of the application dates referred to in Article 40.


    Article 42


    1. Member States shall adopt and publish, by [......12 months after its entry into force] at the latest, the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table between those provisions and the provisions of this Directive.

    They shall apply those provisions from [......12 months plus one day after its entry into force].

    When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. They shall also include a statement that references in existing laws, regulations and administrative provisions to the directive repealed by this Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made and how that statement is to be formulated.

    2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

    Article 43


    Directive 70/156/EEC, as amended by the acts listed in Annex XVII, Part A, is repealed with effect from [the date set out in the second subparagraph of Article 42(1) of this Directive], without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of the Directives set out in Annex XVII Part B.

    References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex XVIII.

    Article 44

    Entry into force

    This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Article 45


    This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

    Done at Brussels, [...]

    For the European Parliament For the Council

    The President The President [...] [...]

    ê 2001/116/EC

    ð new


    Annex I Complete list of information for the purposes of vehicle EC type-approval

    Annex II Definition of vehicle categories and vehicle types

    Annex III Information document for the purpose of vehicle EC type-approval

    Annex IV List of requirements for the purposes of vehicle EC type-approval

    ð Appendix 1 : ï // ð List of requirements for EC type-approval of vehicles belonging to category M1, produced in small series ï

    Annex V Procedures to be followed during vehicle EC type-approval

    Annex VI EC type-approval certificate

    ð Appendix 1 : ï // ð List of the separate Directives and UN/ECE Regulations to which the type of vehicle complies ï

    Annex VII EC type-approval certificate numbering system

    ð Appendix 1 : ï // ð EC component and separate technical unit type-approval mark ï

    Annex VIII Test results

    Annex IX EC Certificate of conformity

    Annex X Conformity of production procedures

    Annex XI Nature of and provisions for special purpose vehicles

    ð Appendix 1 : ï // ð Motor-caravans, ambulances and hearses ï

    ð Appendix 2 : ï // ð Armoured vehicles ï

    ð Appendix 3 : ï // ð Other special purpose vehicles (including trailer caravans) ï

    ð Appendix 4 : ï // ð Mobile cranes ï

    Annex XII Small series and end-of-series limits

    Annex XIII List of EC type-approvals issued pursuant to separate Directives

    Annex XIV Procedures to be followed during multistage EC type-approval

    ð Appendix 1 : ï // ð Model of the manufacturer's additional plate ï

    Annex XV Certificate of origin of the vehicle - Manufacturer's declaration of base/incomplete vehicle of category other than M1.

    ð Annex XVI Timetable for the enforcement of this directive in respect of type-approval ï

    ð Annex XVII Time-limits for the transposition of the repealed Directives into national laws ï

    ð Annex XVIII Correlation table ï

    ê 2001/116/EC

    ð new

    ANNEX I (a)


    All information documents in this Directive and in separate Directives must consist only of extracts from, and adhere to the item numbering system of, this total list.

    The following information, if applicable, must be supplied in triplicate and include a list of contents. Any drawings must be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4 or on a folder of A4 format. Photographs, if any, must show sufficient detail.

    If the systems, components or separate technical units have electronic controls, information concerning their performance must be supplied.

    (For explanatory notes, please refer to last page of this Annex)

    0. GENERAL

    0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type: Chassis: Bodywork/complete vehicle:

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s) (if available):

    0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle ð /component/separate technical unit (b) (1): ï Chassis: Bodywork/complete vehicle:

    0.3.1. Location of that marking: Chassis: Bodywork/complete vehicle:

    0.4. Category of vehicle (c):

    0.4.1. Classification(s) according to the dangerous goods which the vehicle is intended to transport:

    0.5. Name and address of manufacturer:

    0.6. Location and method of attachment of statutory plates and location of vehicle identification number

    0.6.1. On the chassis:

    0.6.2. On the bodywork:

    0.7. In the case of components and separate technical units, location and method of affixing of the EC approval mark:

    0.8. ð Name(s) and ï address(es) of assembly plant(s):


    1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle:

    1.2. Dimensional drawing of the whole vehicle:

    1.3. Number of axles and wheels:

    1.3.1. Number and position of axles with double wheels:

    1.3.2. Number and position of steered axles:

    1.3.3. Powered axles (number, position, interconnection):

    1.4. Chassis (if any) (overall drawing):

    1.5. Material used for the side-members (d):

    1.6. Position and arrangement of the engine:

    1.7. Driving cab (forward control or bonneted) (z):

    1.8. Hand of drive: left/right (1).

    1.8.1. Vehicle is equipped to be driven in right/left (1) hand traffic.

    1.9. Specify if the motor vehicle is intended to tow semi-trailers or other trailers and, if the trailer is a semi-, drawbar or centre-axle trailer, specify vehicles specially designed for the controlled-temperature carriage of goods:

    2. MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (e) (in kg and mm) (Refer to drawing where applicable)

    2.1. Wheel base(s) (fully loaded) (f):

    2.1.1. In the case of semi-trailers Distance between the axis of the fifth wheel kingpin and the rearmost end of the semi-trailer: Maximum distance between the axis of the fifth wheel kingpin and any point on the front of the semi-trailer: Semi-trailer special wheelbase (as defined in Section of Annex I to Directive 97/27/EC):

    2.2. In the case of semi-trailer towing vehicles

    2.2.1. Fifth wheel lead (maximum and minimum; indicate the permissible values in the case of an incomplete vehicle) (g):

    2.2.2. Maximum height of the fifth wheel (standardised) (h):

    2.3. Axle track(s) and width(s)

    2.3.1. Track of each steered axle (i):

    2.3.2. Track of all other axles (i):

    2.3.3. Width of the widest rear axle:

    2.3.4. Width of the foremost axle (measured at the outermost part of the tyres excluding the bulging of the tyres close to the ground):

    2.4. Range of vehicle dimensions (overall)

    2.4.1. For chassis without bodywork Length (j): Maximum permissible length: Minimum permissible length: Width (k): Maximum permissible width: Minimum permissible width: Height (in running order) (l) (for suspensions adjustable for height, indicate normal running position): Front overhang (m): Approach angle (na): ...... degrees. Rear overhang (n): Departure angle (nb): ...... degrees. Minimum and maximum permissible overhang of the coupling point (nd): Ground clearance (as defined in point 4.5 of Section A of Annex II) Between the axles: Under the front axle(s): Under the rear axle(s): Ramp angle (nc): ...... degrees. Extreme permissible positions of the centre of gravity of the body and/or interior fittings and/or equipment and/or payload:

    2.4.2. For chassis with bodywork Length (j): Length of the loading area: Width (k): Thickness of the walls (in the case of vehicles designed for controlled-temperature carriage of goods): Height (in running order) (l) (for suspensions adjustable for height, indicate normal running position): Front overhang (m): Approach angle (na): ...... degrees. Rear overhang (n): Departure angle (nb): ...... degrees. Minimum and maximum permissible overhang of the coupling point (nd): Ground clearance (as defined in point 4.5 of Section A of Annex II) Between the axles: Under the front axle(s): Under the rear axle(s): Ramp angle (nc): ...... degrees. Extreme permissible positions of the centre of gravity of the payload (in the case of non-uniform load): Position of centre of gravity of the vehicle (M2 and M3) at its technically permissible maximum laden mass in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions:

    2.4.3. For bodywork approved without chassis (vehicles M2 and M3) Length (j): Width (k): Nominal height (in running order) (l) on intended chassis type(s) (for suspensions adjustable for height, indicate normal running position):

    2.5. Mass of the bare chassis (without cab, coolant, oils, fuel, spare wheel, tools and driver):

    2.5.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles:

    2.6. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork and, in the case of a towing vehicle of a category other than M1, with coupling device, if fitted by the manufacturer, in running order, or mass of the chassis or chassis with cab, without bodywork and/or coupling device if the manufacturer does not fit the bodywork and/or coupling device (including liquids, tools, spare wheel, if fitted, and driver and, for buses and coaches, a crew member if there is a crew seat in the vehicle) (o) (maximum and minimum for each variant):

    2.6.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point (maximum and minimum for each variant):

    2.7. Minimum mass of the completed vehicle as stated by the manufacturer, in the case of an incomplete vehicle:

    2.7.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point:

    2.8. Technically permissible maximum laden mass stated by the manufacturer (y) (*):

    2.8.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point (*):

    2.9. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle:

    2.10. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle group:

    2.11. Technically permissible maximum towable mass of the motor vehicle in case of

    2.11.1. Drawbar trailer:

    2.11.2. Semi-trailer:

    2.11.3. Centre-axle trailer: Maximum ratio of the coupling overhang (p) to the wheel base: Maximum V-value: ...... kN.

    2.11.4. Technically permissible maximum mass of the combination (*):

    2.11.5. Vehicle is/is not (1) suitable for towing loads (item 1.2 of Annex II to Directive 77/389/EEC).

    2.11.6. Maximum mass of unbraked trailer:

    2.12. Technically permissible maximum static vertical load/mass on the vehicle's coupling point

    2.12.1. Of the motor vehicle:

    2.12.2. Of the semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer:

    2.12.3. Maximum permissible mass of the coupling device (if not fitted by the manufacturer):

    2.13. Swept path:

    2.14. Engine power/maximum mass ratio: ...... kW/kg.

    2.14.1. Engine power/technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination ratio (as defined in Section 7.10 of Annex I to Directive 97/27/EC): ...... kW/kg.

    2.15. Hill-starting ability (solo vehicle) (+++): ...... %.

    2.16. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible masses (optional: where these values are given, they shall be verified in accordance with the requirements of Annex IV to Directive 97/27/EC):

    2.16.1. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible laden mass (several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.2. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass on each axle and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, intended load on the coupling point stated by the manufacturer if lower than the technically permissible maximum mass on the coupling point (several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.3. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass on each axle group (several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.4. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible towable mass (several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.5. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass of the combination (several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    3. POWER PLANT (q) (In the case of a vehicle that can run either on petrol, diesel, etc., or also in combination with another fuel, items shall be repeated (+)

    3.1. Manufacturer:

    3.1.1. Manufacturer's engine code as marked on the engine:

    3.2. Internal combustion engine

    3.2.1. Specific engine information Working principle: positive ignition/compression ignition, four stroke/two stroke (1) Number and arrangement of cylinders: Bore (r): ...... mm Stroke (r): ...... mm Firing order: Engine capacity (s): ...... cm³ Volumetric compression ratio (2): Drawings of combustion chamber, piston crown and, in the case of positive ignition engines, piston rings: Normal engine idling speed (2): ...... min-1 High engine idling speed (2): ...... min-1 Carbon monoxide content by volume in the exhaust gas with the engine idling (2): ...... % as stated by the manufacturer (positive ignition engines only) Maximum net power (t): ...... kW at ...... min-1 (manufacturer's declared value) Maximum permitted engine speed as prescribed by the manufacturer: ... min-1 Maximum net torque (t): ......Nm at ......min-1 (manufacturer's declared value)

    3.2.2. Fuel: Diesel oil / Petrol / LPG / NG / Ethanol............ (1) RON, leaded: RON, unleaded: Fuel tank inlet: restricted orifice / label (1)

    3.2.3. Fuel tank(s) Service fuel tank(s) Number, capacity, material: Drawing and technical description of the tank(s) with all connections and all lines of the breathing and venting system, locks, valves, fastening devices: Drawing clearly showing the position of the tank(s) in the vehicle: Reserve fuel tank(s) Number, capacity, material: Drawing and technical description of the tank(s) with all connections and all lines of the breathing and venting system, locks, valves, fastening devices: Drawing clearly showing the position of the tank(s) in the vehicle:

    3.2.4. Fuel feed By carburettor(s): yes/no (1) Make(s): Type(s): Number fitted: Adjustments (2)

    >TABLE POSITION> Cold start system: manual/automatic (1) Operating principle(s): Operating limits/settings (1) (2) By fuel injection (compression ignition only): yes/no (1) System description: Working principle: direct injection/pre-chamber/swirl chamber (1) Injection pump Make(s): Type(s): Maximum fuel delivery (1) (2): ...... mm3/stroke or cycle at a pump speed of:.....min-1 or, alternatively, a characteristic diagram: Injection timing (2): Injection advance curve (2): Calibration procedure: test bench/engine (1) Governor Type: Cut-off point Cut-off point under load:...... min-1 Cut-off point without load: ...... min-1 Injection piping Length: ...... mm Internal diameter: ...... mm Injector(s) Make(s): Type(s): Opening pressure (2): ...... kPa or characteristic diagram (2): Cold start system Make(s): Type(s): Description: Auxiliary starting aid Make(s): Type(s): System description: Electronic control unit Make(s): Description of the system: By fuel injection (positive ignition only): yes/no (1) Working principle: intake manifold (single- / multi-point (1)) / direct injection / other (specify) (1) Make(s): Type(s): System description

    >TABLE POSITION> Injectors: opening pressure (2): ...... kPa or characteristic diagram: Injection timing: Cold start system Operating principle(s): Operating limits/settings (1) (2): Feed pump Pressure (2):................ kPa or characteristic diagram (2):

    3.2.5. Electrical system Rated voltage: ...... V, positive/negative ground (1) Generator Type: Nominal output: ...... VA

    3.2.6. Ignition Make(s): Type(s): Working principle: Ignition advance curve (2): Static ignition timing (2): ...... degrees before TDC Contact-point gap (2): ...... mm Dwell-angle (2): ...... degrees

    3.2.7. Cooling system: liquid/air (1) Nominal setting of the engine temperature control mechanism Liquid Nature of liquid: Circulating pump(s): yes/no (1) Characteristics: or Make(s): Type(s): Drive ratio(s): Description of the fan and its drive mechanism: Air Blower: yes/no (1) Characteristics: or Make(s): Type(s): Drive ratio(s):

    3.2.8. Intake system Pressure charger: yes/no (1) Make(s): Type(s): Description of the system (e. g. maximum charge pressure: ...... kPa; wastegate if applicable): Intercooler: yes/no (1) Intake depression at rated engine speed and at 100 % load

    minimum allowable:.......... kPa

    maximum allowable: ..........kPa Description and drawings of inlet pipes and their accessories (plenum chamber, heating device, additional air intakes, etc.): Intake manifold description (include drawings and/or photos): Air filter, drawings: or Make(s): Type(s): Intake silencer, drawings: or Make(s): Type(s):

    3.2.9. Exhaust system Description and/or drawing of the exhaust manifold: Description and/or drawing of the exhaust system: Maximum allowable exhaust back pressure at rated engine speed and at 100 % load: ...... kPa Exhaust silencer(s): For front, centre, rear silencer: construction, type, marking; where relevant for exterior noise: reducing measures in the engine compartment and on the engine: Location of the exhaust outlet: Exhaust silencer containing fibrous materials:

    3.2.10. Minimum cross-sectional areas of inlet and outlet ports:

    3.2.11. Valve timing or equivalent data Maximum lift of valves, angles of opening and closing, or timing details of alternative distribution systems, in relation to dead centres: Reference and/or setting ranges (1):

    3.2.12. Measures taken against air pollution Device for recycling crankcase gases (description and drawings): Additional anti-pollution devices (if any, and if not covered by another heading) Catalytic converter: yes/no (1) Number of catalytic converters and elements: Dimensions, shape and volume of the catalytic converter(s): Type of catalytic action: Total charge of precious metals: Relative concentration: Substrate (structure and material): Cell density: Type of casing for the catalytic converter(s): Location of the catalytic converter(s) (place and reference distance in the exhaust line): Heat shield: yes/no (1) Oxygen sensor: yes/no (1) Type: Location: Control range: Air injection: yes/no (1) Type (pulse air, air pump, etc.): Exhaust gas recirculation: yes/no (1) Characteristics (flow rate, etc.): Evaporative emissions control system: yes/no (1) Detailed description of the devices and their state of tune: Drawing of the evaporative control system: Drawing of the carbon canister: Mass of dry charcoal: ...... grams Schematic drawing of the fuel tank with indication of capacity and material: Drawing of the heat shield between tank and exhaust system: Particulate trap: yes/no (1) Dimensions, shape and capacity of the particulate trap: Type and design of the particulate trap: Location (reference distance in the exhaust line): Method or system of regeneration, description and/or drawing: On-board-diagnostic (OBD) system: yes/no (1) Written description and/or drawing of the MI: List and purpose of all components monitored by the OBD system: Written description (general working principles) for Positive-ignition engines (1) Catalyst monitoring (1): Misfire detection (1): Oxygen sensor monitoring (1): Other components monitored by the OBD system (1): Compression-ignition engines (1) Catalyst monitoring (1): Particulate trap monitoring (1): Electronic fuelling system monitoring (1): Other components monitored by the OBD system (1): Criteria for MI activation (fixed number of driving cycles or statistical method): List of all OBD output codes and formats used (with explanation of each): Other systems (description and operation):

    3.2.13. Location of the absorption coefficient symbol (compression ignition engines only):

    3.2.14. Details of any devices designed to influence fuel economy (if not covered by other items):

    3.2.15. LPG fuelling system: yes/no (1) EC type-approval number according to Directive 70/221/EEC (when the Directive will be amended to cover tanks for gaseous fuels.): Electronic engine management control unit for LPG fuelling Make(s): Type(s): Emission-related adjustment possibilities: Further documentation Description of the safeguarding of the catalyst at switch-over from petrol to LPG or back: System lay-out (electrical connections, vacuum connections compensation hoses, etc.): Drawing of the symbol:

    3.2.16. NG fuelling system: yes/no (1) EC type-approval number according to Directive 70/221/EEC (when the Directive will be amended to cover tanks for gaseous fuels): Electronic engine management control unit for NG fuelling Make(s): Type(s): Emission-related adjustment possibilities: Further documentation Description of the safeguarding of the catalyst at switch-over from petrol to NG or back: System lay-out (electrical connections, vacuum connections compensation hoses, etc.): Drawing of the symbol:

    3.3. Electric motor

    3.3.1. Type (winding, excitation): Maximum hourly output: ...... kW Operating voltage: ...... V

    3.3.2. Battery Number of cells: Mass: ...... kg Capacity: ...... Ah (Amp-hours) Position:

    3.4. Other engines or motors or combinations thereof (particulars regarding the parts of such engines or motors):

    3.5. CO2 emissions/fuel consumption (u) (manufacturer's declared value)

    3.5.1. CO2 mass emissions CO2 mass emissions (urban conditions): ........... g/km CO2 mass emissions (extra-urban conditions): ........... g/km CO2 mass emissions (combined): ........... g/km

    3.5.2. Fuel consumption Fuel consumption (urban conditions): ...... l/100 km / m3/100 km (1) Fuel consumption (extra-urban conditions): ...... l/100 km / m3/100 km (1) Fuel consumption (combined): ...... l/100 km / m3/100 km (1)

    3.6. Temperatures permitted by the manufacturer

    3.6.1. Cooling system Liquid cooling

    Maximum temperature at outlet: ...... K Air cooling Reference point: Maximum temperature at reference point: ...... K

    3.6.2. Maximum outlet temperature of the inlet intercooler: ...... K

    3.6.3. Maximum exhaust temperature at the point in the exhaust pipe(s) adjacent to the outer flange(s) of the exhaust manifold: ...... K

    3.6.4. Fuel temperature

    minimum: ...... K

    maximum: ...... K

    3.6.5. Lubricant temperature

    minimum: .... K

    maximum: ......K

    3.7. Engine-driven equipment

    Maximum permissible power absorbed by the engine-driven equipment as specified in and under the operating conditions of Directive 80/1269/EEC, Annex I, item 5.1.1, at each engine speed as defined in item 4.1 in Annex III to Directive 88/77/EEC

    3.7.1. Idling: ...... kW

    3.7.2. Intermediate: ...... kW

    3.7.3. Rated: ...... kW

    3.8. Lubrication system

    3.8.1. Description of the system Position of lubricant reservoir: Feed system (by pump/injection into intake/mixing with fuel, etc.) (1)

    3.8.2. Lubricating pump Make(s): Type(s):

    3.8.3. Mixture with fuel Percentage:

    3.8.4. Oil cooler: yes/no (1) Drawing(s): or Make(s): Type(s):

    3.9. GAS FUELLED ENGINES (In the case of systems laid-out in a different manner, supply equivalent information).

    3.9.1. Fuel: LPG/NG-H/NG-L/NG-HL (1)

    3.9.2. Pressure regulator(s) or vaporiser/pressure regulator(s) (1) Make(s): Type(s): Number of pressure reduction stages: Pressure in final stage

    minimum: .....kPa

    maximum: ....kPa Number of main adjustment points: . Number of idle adjustment points: EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC:

    3.9.3. Fuelling system: mixing unit / gas injection / liquid injection / direct injection (1) Mixture strength regulation: System description and/or diagram and drawings: EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC:

    3.9.4. Mixing unit Number: Make(s): Type(s): Location: Adjustment possibilities: EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC:

    3.9.5. Inlet manifold injection Injection: single point/multipoint (1) Injection: continuous/simultaneously timed/sequentially timed (1) Injection equipment Make(s): Type(s): Adjustment possibilities: EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC: Supply pump (if applicable) Make(s): Type(s): EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC: Injector(s) Make(s): Type(s): EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC:

    3.9.6. Direct injection Injection pump/pressure regulator (1) Make(s): Type(s): Injection timing: EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC: Injector(s) Make(s): Type(s): Opening pressure or characteristic diagram (2): EC type-approval number according to ..../.../EC:

    3.9.7. Electronic control unit (ECU) Make(s): Type(s): Adjustment possibilities:

    3.9.8. NG fuel-specific equipment Variant 1 (only in the case of approvals of engines for several specific fuel compositions) Fuel composition:

    methane (CH4): basis: ....... %mole min....... %mole max....... %mole

    ethane (C2H6): basis: ....... %mole min. ....... %mole max. ....... %mole

    propane (C3H8): basis: ....... %mole min. %mole max. ....... %mole

    butane (C4H10): basis: ....... %mole min. %mole max. ....... %mole

    C5/C5+: basis: ....... %mole min. ....... %mole max. ....... %mole

    oxygen (O2): basis: ....... %mole min. ....... %mole max. ....... %mole

    inert (N2, He, etc.): basis: ....... %mole min. ....... %mole max. ....... %mole Injector(s) Make(s): Type(s): Others (if applicable): . Fuel temperature

    minimum: ..........................K

    maximum: ..........................K

    at pressure regulator final stage for gas fuelled engines. Fuel pressure

    minimum: ..........................kPa

    maximum: ..........................kPa

    at pressure regulator final stage, NG fuelled gas engines only. Variant 2 (only in the case of approvals for several specific fuel compositions)


    4.1. Drawing of the transmission:

    4.2. Type (mechanical, hydraulic, electric, etc.):

    4.2.1. A brief description of the electrical/electronic components (if any):

    4.3. Moment of inertia of engine flywheel:

    4.3.1. Additional moment of inertia with no gear engaged:

    4.4. Clutch (type):

    4.4.1. Maximum torque conversion:

    4.5. Gearbox

    4.5.1. Type (manual/automatic/CVT (continuously variable transmission)) (1)

    4.5.2. Location relative to the engine:

    4.5.3. Method of control:

    4.6. Gear ratios


    4.7. Maximum vehicle speed (in km/h) (w):

    4.8. Speedometer (in the case of tachograph give approval mark only)

    4.8.1. Method of operation and description of drive mechanism:

    4.8.2. Instrument constant:

    4.8.3. Tolerance of the measuring mechanism (pursuant to item 2.1.3 of Annex II to Directive 75/443/EEC):

    4.8.4. Overall transmission ratio (pursuant to item 2.1.2 of Annex II to Directive 75/443/EEC) or equivalent data:

    4.8.5. Diagram of the speedometer scale or other forms of display:

    4.9. Differential lock: yes/no/optional (1)

    5. AXLES

    5.1. Description of each axle:

    5.2. Make:

    5.3. Type:

    5.4. Position of retractable axle(s):

    5.5. Position of loadable axle(s):


    6.1. Drawing of the suspension arrangements:

    6.2. Type and design of the suspension of each axle or group of axles or wheel:

    6.2.1. Level adjustment: yes/no/optional (1)

    6.2.2. A brief description of the electrical/electronic components (if any):

    6.2.3. Air-suspension for driving axle(s): yes/no (1) Suspension of driving axle(s) equivalent to air-suspension: yes/no (1) Frequency and damping of the oscillation of the sprung mass:

    6.3. Characteristics of the springing parts of the suspension (design, characteristics of the materials and dimensions):

    6.4. Stabilisers: yes/no/optional (1)

    6.5. Shock absorbers: yes/no/optional (1)

    6.6. Tyres and wheels

    6.6.1. Tyre/wheel combination(s) (for tyres indicate size designation, minimum load-capacity index, minimum speed category symbol; for tyres of category Z intended to be fitted on vehicles whose maximum speed exceeds 300 km/h equivalent information shall be provided; for wheels indicate rim size(s) and off-set(s)) Axles Axle 1: Axle 2:

    etc. Spare wheel, if any:

    6.6.2. Upper and lower limits of rolling radii Axle 1: Axle 2:


    6.6.3. Tyre pressure(s) as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer: ...... kPa

    6.6.4. Chain/tyre/wheel combination on the front and/or rear axle that is suitable for the type of vehicle, as recommended by the manufacturer:

    6.6.5. Brief description of temporary use spare unit (if any):


    7.1. Schematic diagram of steered axle(s) showing steering geometry:

    7.2. Transmission and control

    7.2.1. Type of steering transmission (specify for front and rear, if applicable):

    7.2.2. Linkage to wheels (including other than mechanical means; specify for front and rear, if applicable): A brief description of the electrical/electronic components (if any):

    7.2.3. Method of assistance (if any): Method and diagram of operation, make(s) and type(s):

    7.2.4. Diagram of the steering equipment as a whole, showing the position on the vehicle of the various devices influencing its steering behaviour:

    7.2.5. Schematic diagram(s) of the steering control(s):

    7.2.6. Range and method of adjustment (if any), of the steering control:

    7.3. Maximum steering angle of the wheels

    7.3.1. To the right: ...... degrees; number of turns of the steering wheel (or equivalent data):

    7.3.2. To the left: ...... degrees; number of turns of the steering wheel (or equivalent data):

    8. BRAKES The following particulars, including means of identification, where applicable, are to be given:

    8.1. Type and characteristics of the brakes (as defined in Annex I, item 1.6 to Directive 71/320/EEC) with a drawing (e.g. drums or discs, wheels braked, connection to braked wheels, make and type of shoe/pad assemblies and/or linings, effective braking areas, radius of drums, shoes or discs, mass of drums, adjustment devices, relevant parts of the axle(s) and suspension):

    8.2. Operating diagram, description and/or drawing of the following braking systems (as defined in Annex I, item 1.2 to Directive 71/320/EEC) with, for example, transmission and control (construction, adjustment, lever ratios, accessibility of control and its position, ratchet controls in the case of mechanical transmission, characteristics of the main parts of the linkage, cylinders and control pistons, brake cylinders or equivalent components in the case of electrical braking systems)

    8.2.1. Service braking system:

    8.2.2. Secondary braking system:

    8.2.3. Parking braking system:

    8.2.4. Any additional braking system:

    8.2.5. Break-away braking system:

    8.3. Control and transmission of trailer braking systems in vehicles designed to tow a trailer:

    8.4. Vehicle is equipped to tow a trailer with electric/pneumatic/hydraulic (1) service brakes: yes/no (1)

    8.5. Anti-lock braking system: yes/no/optional (1)

    8.5.1. For vehicles with anti-lock systems, description of system operation (including any electronic parts), electric block diagram, hydraulic or pneumatic circuit plan:

    8.6. Calculation and curves according to the Appendix to item of Annex II to Directive 71/320/EEC (or the Appendix to Annex XI, if applicable):

    8.7. Description and/or drawing of the energy supply (also to be specified for power-assisted braking systems):

    8.7.1. In the case of compressed-air braking systems, working pressure p2 in the pressure reservoir(s):

    8.7.2. In the case of vacuum braking systems, the initial energy level in the reservoir(s):

    8.8. Calculation of the braking system: Determination of the ratio between the total braking forces at the circumference of the wheels and the force applied to the braking control:

    8.9. Brief description of the braking systems (according to item 1.6 of the Addendum to Appendix 1 of Annex IX to Directive 71/320/EEC):

    8.10. If claiming exemptions from the Type I and/or Type II or Type III tests, state the number of the report in accordance with Appendix 2 of Annex VII to Directive 71/320/EEC:

    8.11. Particulars of the type(s) of endurance braking system(s):


    9.1. Type of bodywork:

    9.2. Materials used and methods of construction:

    9.3. Occupant doors, latches and hinges

    9.3.1. Door configuration and number of doors: Dimensions, direction and maximum angle of opening:

    9.3.2. Drawing of latches and hinges and of their position in the doors:

    9.3.3. Technical description of latches and hinges:

    9.3.4. Details (including dimensions) of entrances, steps and necessary handles where applicable:

    9.4. Field of vision (Directive 77/649/EEC)

    9.4.1. Particulars of the primary reference marks in sufficient detail to enable them to be readily identified and the position of each in relation to the others and to the R-point to be verified:

    9.4.2. Drawing(s) or photograph(s) showing the location of component parts within the 180° forward field of vision:

    9.5. Windscreen and other windows

    9.5.1. Windscreen Materials used: Method of mounting: Angle of inclination: EC type-approval number(s):

    ð Windscreen accessories and the position in which they are fitted together with a brief description of any electrical/electronic components involved : ï

    9.5.2. Other windows Materials used: EC type-approval number(s): A brief description of the electrical/electronic components (if any) of the window lifting mechanism:

    9.5.3. Opening roof glazing Materials used: EC type-approval number(s):

    9.5.4. Other glass panes Materials used: EC type-approval number(s):

    9.6. Windscreen wiper(s)

    9.6.1. Detailed technical description (including photographs or drawings):

    9.7. Windscreen washer

    9.7.1. Detailed technical description (including photographs or drawings) or, if approved as separate technical unit, EC type-approval number:

    9.8. Defrosting and demisting

    9.8.1. Detailed technical description (including photographs or drawings):

    9.8.2. Maximum electrical consumption: ...... kW

    9.9. Rear-view mirrors (state for each mirror)

    9.9.1. Make:

    9.9.2. EC type-approval mark:

    9.9.3. Variant:

    9.9.4. Drawing(s) showing the position relative to the vehicle structure:

    9.9.5. Details of the method of attachment including that part of the vehicle structure to which it is attached:

    9.9.6. Optional equipment which may affect the rearward field of vision:

    9.9.7. A brief description of the electronic components (if any) of the adjustment system:

    9.10. Interior fittings

    9.10.1. Interior protection for occupants (Directive 74/60/EEC) Layout drawing or photographs showing the position of the attached sections or views: Photograph or drawing showing the reference line including the exempted area (Annex I, item 2.3.1 to Directive 74/60/EEC): Photographs, drawings and/or an exploded view of the interior fittings, showing the parts in the passenger compartment and the materials used (with the exception of interior rear view mirrors), arrangement of controls, roof and opening roof, backrest, seats and the rear part of seats (Annex I, item 3.2 to Directive 74/60/EEC):

    9.10.2. Arrangement and identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators Photographs and/or drawings of the arrangement of symbols and controls, tell-tales and indicators: Photographs and/or drawings of the identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators and of the vehicle parts mentioned in Directive 78/316/EEC where relevant: Summary table The vehicle is equipped with the following controls, indicators and tell-tales pursuant to Annexes II and III to Directive 78/316/EEC:

    Controls, tell-tales and indicators for which, when fitted, identification is mandatory, and symbols to be used for that purpose


    Controls, tell-tales and indicators for which, when fitted, identification is optional, and symbols which must be used if they are to be identified


    9.10.3. Seats Number: Position and arrangement: Number of seating positions: Seat(s) designated for use only when the vehicle is stationary: Mass: Characteristics: for seats not EC type-approved as components, description and drawings of the seats and their anchorages: the adjustment system: the displacement and locking systems: the seat belt anchorages (if incorporated in the seat structure): the parts of the vehicle used as anchorages: Co-ordinates or drawing of the R-point (x) Driver's seat: All other seating positions: Design torso angle Driver's seat: All other seating positions: Range of seat adjustment Driver's seat: All other seating positions:

    9.10.4. Head restraints Type(s) of head restraints: integrated/detachable/separate (1) EC type-approval number(s), if available: For head restraints not yet approved A detailed description of the head restraint, specifying in particular the nature of the padding material or materials and, where applicable, the position and specifications of the braces and anchorage pieces for the type of seat for which approval is sought: In the case of a "separate" head restraint A detailed description of the structural zone to which the head restraint is intended to be fixed: Dimensional drawings of the characteristic parts of the structure and the head restraint:

    9.10.5. Heating systems for the passenger compartment A brief description of the vehicle type with regard to the heating system if the heating system uses the heat of the engine cooling fluid: A detailed description of the vehicle type with regard to the heating if the cooling air or the exhaust gases of the engine are used as heat source, including layout drawing of the heating system showing its position in the vehicle: layout drawing of the heat exchanger for heating systems using the exhaust gases for heating, or of the parts where the heat exchange takes place (for heating systems using the engine cooling air for heating): sectional drawing of the heat exchanger or the parts respectively where the heat exchange takes place indicating the thickness of the wall, used materials and characteristics of the surface: Specifications shall be given for further important components of the heating system such as, for example, the heater fan, with regard to their method of construction and technical data: Maximum electrical consumption: ...... kW

    9.10.6. Components influencing the behaviour of the steering mechanism in the event of an impact (Directive 74/297/EEC) A detailed description, including photograph(s) and/or drawing(s), of the vehicle type with respect to the structure, the dimensions, the lines and the constituent materials of that part of the vehicle forward of the steering control, including those components designed to contribute to the absorption of energy in the event of an impact against the steering control: Photograph(s) and/or drawing(s) of vehicle components other than those described in as identified by the manufacturer in agreement with the technical service, as contributing to the behaviour of the steering mechanism in case of impact:

    9.10.7. Burning behaviour of materials used in the interior construction of certain categories of motor vehicles (Directive 95/28/EEC) Material(s) used for the interior lining of the roof Component EC type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ...... / ...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness: ...... / ...... mm Material(s) used for the rear and side walls Component type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ...... / ...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness: ...... / ...... mm Material(s) used for the floor Component EC type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ...... / ...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness: ...... / ...... mm Material(s) used for the upholstery of the seats Component EC type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ...... / ...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness: ...... / ...... mm Material(s) used for the heating and ventilation pipes Component EC type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ....../...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness: ...... / Material(s) used for luggage racks Component EC type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ...... / ...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness: ...... / ...... mm Material(s) used for other purposes Intended purposes: Component EC type-approval number(s), if available: For materials not approved Base material(s)/designation: ...... / ...... Composite/single (1) material, number of layers (1): Type of coating (1): Maximum/minimum thickness:.... / .... mm Components approved as complete devices (seats, separation walls, luggage racks, etc.) Component EC type-approval number(s): For the complete device: seat, separation wall, luggage racks, etc. (1)

    9.11. External projections (Directive 74/483/EEC and Directive 92/114/EEC)

    9.11.1. General arrangement (drawing or photographs) indicating the position of the attached sections and views:

    9.11.2. Drawings and/or photographs, for example, and where relevant, of the door and window pillars, air-intake grilles, radiator grille, windscreen wipers, rain gutter channels, handles, slide rails, flaps, door hinges and locks, hooks, eyes, decorative trim, badges, emblems and recesses and any other external projections and parts of the exterior surface which can be regarded as critical (e.g. lighting equipment). If the parts listed in the previous sentence are not critical, for documentation purposes they may be replaced by photographs, accompanied if necessary by dimensional details and/or text:

    9.11.3. Drawings of parts of the external surface in accordance with Annex I, item 6.9.1 to Directive 74/483/EEC:

    9.11.4. Drawing of bumpers:

    9.11.5. Drawing of the floor line:

    9.12. Safety belts and/or other restraint systems

    9.12.1. Number and position of safety belts and restraint systems and seats on which they can be used:

    (L = left-hand side, R = right-hand side, C = centre)


    9.12.2. Nature and position of supplementary restraint systems (indicate yes/no/optional):

    (L = left-hand side, R = right-hand side, C = centre)


    9.12.3. Number and position of safety belt anchorages and proof of compliance with Directive 76/115/EEC, (i.e. EC type-approval number or test report):

    9.12.4. A brief description of the electrical/electronic components (if any):

    9.13. Safety belt anchorages

    9.13.1. Photographs and/or drawings of the bodywork showing the position and dimensions of the actual and the effective anchorages including the R-points:

    9.13.2. Drawings of the belt anchorages and parts of the vehicle structure where they are attached (with the material indication):

    9.13.3. Designation of the types (**) of safety belt authorised for fitting to the anchorages with which the vehicle is equipped:


    9.13.4. Description of a particular type of safety belt where an anchorage is located in the seat backrest or incorporates an energy dissipating device:

    9.14. Space for mounting rear registration plates (give range where appropriate, drawings may be used where applicable)

    9.14.1. Height above road surface, upper edge:

    9.14.2. Height above road surface, lower edge:

    9.14.3. Distance of the centre line from the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle:

    9.14.4. Distance from the left vehicle edge:

    9.14.5. Dimensions (length x width):

    9.14.6. Inclination of the plane to the vertical:

    9.14.7. Angle of visibility in the horizontal plane:

    9.15. Rear underrun protection (Directive 70/221/EEC)

    9.15.0. Presence: yes/no/incomplete (1)

    9.15.1. Drawing of the vehicle parts relevant to the rear underrun protection, i.e. drawing of the vehicle and/or chassis with position and mounting of the widest rear axle, drawing of the mounting and/or fitting of the rear underrun protection. If the underrun protection is not a special device, the drawing must clearly show that the required dimensions are met:

    9.15.2. In case of a special device, full description and/or drawing of the rear underrun protection (including mountings and fittings), or, if approved as separate technical unit, EC type-approval number:

    9.16. Wheel guards (Directive 78/549/EEC)

    9.16.1. Brief description of the vehicle with regard to its wheel guards:

    9.16.2. Detailed drawings of the wheel guards and their position on the vehicle showing the dimensions specified in Figure 1 of Annex I to Directive 78/549/EEC and taking account of the extremes of tyre/wheel combinations:

    9.17. Statutory plates (Directive 76/114/EEC)

    9.17.1. Photographs and/or drawings of the locations of the statutory plates and inscriptions and of the vehicle identification number:

    9.17.2. Photographs and/or drawings of the official part of the plates and inscriptions (completed example with dimensions):

    9.17.3. Photographs and/or drawings of the vehicle identification number (completed example with dimensions):

    9.17.4. Manufacturer's declaration of compliance with the requirement of item 1.1.1 of Annex II to Directive 76/114/EEC The meaning of characters in the second section and, if applicable, in the third section used to comply with the requirements of section 5.3 of ISO Standard 3779 - 1983 shall be explained: If characters in the second section are used to comply with the requirements of section 5.4 of ISO Standard 3779 - 1983 these characters shall be indicated:

    9.18. Suppression of radio interference

    9.18.1. Description and drawings/photographs of the shapes and constituent materials of the part of the body forming the engine compartment and the part of the passenger compartment nearest to it:

    9.18.2. Drawings or photographs of the position of metal components housed in the engine compartment (e.g. heating appliances, spare wheel, air filter, steering mechanism, etc.):

    9.18.3. Table and drawing of radio-interference control equipment:

    9.18.4. Particulars of the nominal value of the direct current resistance, and, in the case of resistive ignition cables, of their nominal resistance per metre:

    9.19. Lateral protection (Directive 89/297/EEC)

    9.19.0. Presence: yes/no/incomplete (1)

    9.19.1. Drawing of the vehicle parts relevant to the lateral protection, i.e. drawing of the vehicle and/or chassis with position and mounting of the axle(s), drawing of the mountings and/or the fittings of lateral protection device(s). If the lateral protection is achieved without lateral protection device(s) the drawing must clearly show that the required dimensions are met:

    9.19.2. In the case of lateral protection device(s), full description and/or drawing of such device(s) (including mountings and fittings) or its/their component EC type-approval number(s):

    9.20. Spray-suppression system (Directive 91/226/EEC)

    9.20.0. Presence: yes/no/incomplete (1)

    9.20.1. Brief description of the vehicle with regard to its spray-suppression system and the constituent components:

    9.20.2. Detailed drawings of the spray-suppression system and its position on the vehicle showing the dimensions specified in the figures in Annex III to Directive 91/226/EEC and taking account of the extremes of tyre/wheel combinations:

    9.20.3. EC type-approval number(s) of spray-suppression device(s), if available:

    9.21. Side-impact resistance. (Directive 96/27/EC)

    9.21.1. A detailed description, including photographs and/or drawings, of the vehicle with respect to the structure, the dimensions, the lines and the constituent materials of the side walls of the passenger compartment (exterior and interior), including specific details of the protection system, where applicable:

    9.22. Front underrun protection

    9.22.1. Drawing of the vehicle parts relevant to the front underrun protection, i.e. drawing of the vehicle and/or chassis with position and mounting and/or fitting of the front underrun protection. If the underrun protection is no special device, the drawing must clearly show that the required dimensions are met:

    9.22.2. In the case of special device, full description and/or drawing of the front underrun protection (including mountings and fittings), or, if approved as a separate technical unit, EC type-approval number:


    10.1. Table of all devices: number, make, model, EC type-approval mark, maximum intensity of main-beam headlamps, colour, tell-tale:

    10.2. Drawing of the position of lighting and light signalling devices:

    10.3. For every lamp and reflector specified in Directive 76/756/EEC supply the following information (in writing and/or by diagram)

    10.3.1. Drawing showing the extent of the illuminating surface:

    10.3.2. Method used for the definition of the apparent surface (paragraph 2.10 of the documents referred to in Annex II to Directive 76/756/EEC, item 1):

    10.3.3. Axis of reference and centre of reference:

    10.3.4. Method of operation of concealable lamps:

    10.3.5. Any specific mounting and wiring provisions:

    10.4. Dipped beam lamps: normal orientation as per paragraph of the documents referred to in Annex II to Directive 76/756/EEC, item 1

    10.4.1. Value of initial adjustment:

    10.4.2. Location of indication:


    10.5. A brief description of electrical/electronic components other than lamps (if any): .........


    11.1. Class and type of the coupling device(s) fitted or to be fitted:

    11.2. Characteristics D, U, S and V of the coupling device(s) fitted or minimal characteristics D, U, S and V of the coupling device(s) to be fitted: ...... daN

    11.3. Instructions for attachment of the coupling type to the vehicle and photographs or drawings of the fixing points at the vehicle as stated by the manufacturer; additional information, if the use of the coupling type is restricted to certain variants or versions of the vehicle type:

    11.4. Information of the fitting of special towing brackets or mounting plates:

    11.5. EC type-approval number(s):


    12.1. Audible warning device(s)

    12.1.1. Location, method of affixing, placement and orientation of the device(s), with dimensions:

    12.1.2. Number of device(s):

    12.1.3. EC type-approval number(s):

    12.1.4. Electrical/pneumatic (1) circuit diagram:

    12.1.5. Rated voltage or pressure:

    12.1.6. Drawing of the mounting device:

    12.2. Devices to prevent unauthorised use of the vehicle

    12.2.1. Protective device A detailed description of the vehicle type with regard to the arrangement and design of the control or of the unit on which the protective device acts: Drawings of the protective device and of its mounting on the vehicle: A technical description of the device: Details of the lock combinations used: Vehicle immobiliser EC type-approval number, if available: For immobilisers not yet approved A detailed technical description of the vehicle immobiliser and of the measures taken against inadvertent activation: The system(s) on which the vehicle immobiliser acts: Number of effective interchangeable codes, if applicable:

    12.2.2. Alarm system (if any) EC type-approval number, if available: For alarm systems not yet approved A detailed description of the alarm system and of the vehicle parts related to the alarm system installed: A list of the main components comprising the alarm system:

    12.2.3. A brief description of the electrical/electronic components (if any):

    12.3. Towing device(s)

    12.3.1. Front: Hook/eye/other (1)

    12.3.2. Rear: Hook/eye/other/none (1)

    12.3.3. Drawing or photograph of the chassis/area of the vehicle body showing the position, construction and mounting of the towing device(s):

    12.4. Details of any non-engine related devices designed to influence fuel consumption (if not covered by other items):

    12.5. Details of any non-engine related devices designed to reduce noise (if not covered by other items):

    12.6. Speed limiters (Directive 92/24/EEC)

    12.6.1. Manufacturer(s):

    12.6.2. Type(s):

    12.6.3. EC type-approval number(s), if available:

    12.6.4. Speed or range of speeds at which the speed limitation may be set: ...... km/h


    13.1. Class of vehicle (Class I, Class II, Class III, Class A, Class B):

    13.1.1. EC type-approval number of bodywork approved as a separate technical unit: ..........

    13.1.2. Chassis types where the EC type-approved bodywork can be installed (manufacturer(s), and types of incomplete vehicle):

    13.2. Area for passengers (m )

    13.2.1. Total (S0):

    13.2.2. Upper deck (S0a) (1):

    13.2.3. Lower deck (S0b) (1):

    13.2.4. For standing passengers (S1):

    13.3. Number of passengers (seated and standing)

    13.3.1. Total (N):

    13.3.2. Upper deck (Na) (1):

    13.3.3. Lower deck (Nb) (1):

    13.4. Number of passengers seated

    13.4.1. Total (A):

    13.4.2. Upper deck (Aa) (1):

    13.4.3. Lower deck (Ab) (1):

    13.5. Number of service doors:

    13.6. Number of emergency exits (doors, windows, escape hatches, intercommunication staircase and half staircase):

    13.6.1. Total:

    13.6.2. Upper deck (1):

    13.6.3. Lower deck (1):

    13.7. Volume of luggage compartments (m³):

    13.8. Area of luggage transportation on the roof (m ):

    13.9. Technical devices facilitating the access to vehicles (e.g. ramp, lifting platform, kneeling system), if fitted:

    13.10. Strength of superstructure

    13.10.1. EC type-approval number, if available:

    13.10.2. For superstructures not yet approved Detailed description of the superstructure of the vehicle type including its dimensions, configuration and constituent materials and its attachment to any chassis frame: Drawings of the vehicle and those parts of its interior arrangement which have an influence on the strength of the superstructure or on the residual space: Position of centre of gravity of the vehicle in running order in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions: Maximum distance between the centre lines of the outboard passenger seats:

    13.11. Points of the Directive [..../.../EC] to be accomplished and demonstrated for this technical unit:


    14.1. Electrical equipment according to Directive 94/55/EC

    14.1.1. Protection against overheating of conductors:

    14.1.2. Type of circuit breaker:

    14.1.3. Type and operation of battery master switch:

    14.1.4. Description and location of safety barrier for tachograph:

    14.1.5. Description of permanently energised installations. Indicate the EN standard applied:

    14.1.6. Construction and protection of electrical installation situated to the rear of the driver's compartment:

    14.2. Prevention of fire risks

    14.2.1. Type of not readily flammable material in the driver's compartment:

    14.2.2. Type of heat shield behind the driver's compartment (if applicable):

    14.2.3. Position and heat protection of engine:

    14.2.4. Position and heat protection of the exhaust system:

    14.2.5. Type and design of the endurance braking systems heat protection:

    14.2.6. Type, design and position of combustion heaters:

    14.3. Special requirements for bodywork, if any, according to Directive 94/55/EC

    14.3.1. Description of measures to comply with the requirements for Type EX/II and Type EX/III vehicles:

    14.3.2. In the case of Type EX/III vehicles, resistance against heat from the outside:

    Explanatory notes

    (*) Please fill in here the upper and lower values for each variant.

    (**) For symbols and marks to be used, see Annex III, items 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 to Directive 77/541/EEC. In the case of "S" type belts, specify the nature of the type(s).

    (***) The information in respect of components need not be given here so long as such information is included in the relevant installation approval certificate.

    (+) Vehicles can be fuelled with both petrol and a gaseous fuel but, where the petrol system is fitted for emergency purposes or starting only and of which the petrol tank cannot contain more than 15 litres of petrol, will be regarded for the test as vehicles which can only run a gaseous fuel.

    (+++) Only for the purpose of definition of off-road vehicles.


    ) Set out in such a way as to make the actual value clear for each technical configuration of the vehicle type.

    (1) Delete where not applicable (there are cases where nothing needs to be deleted when more than one entry is applicable).

    (2) Specify the tolerance.

    (a) If a part has been type-approved, that part need not be described if reference is made to such approval. Similarly, a part need not be described if its construction is clearly apparent from the attached diagrams or drawings. For each item for which drawings or photographs must be attached, give numbers of the corresponding attached documents.

    (b) If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant to describe the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this information document, such characters shall be represented in the documentation by the symbol "?" (e.g. ABC??123??).

    (c) Classified according to the definitions listed in Annex II, Section A.

    (d) If possible, designation according to Euronorm, otherwise give:

    - description of the material,

    - yield point,

    - ultimate tensile stress,

    - elongation (in %),

    - Brinell hardness.

    (e) Where there is one version with a normal cab and another with a sleeper cab, both sets of masses and dimensions are to be stated.

    (f) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.4.

    (g) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.19.2.

    (h) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.20.

    (i) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.5.

    (j) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.1 and for vehicles other than those of category M1: Directive 97/27/EC, Annex I, Section 2.4.1.

    (k) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.2 and for vehicles other than those of category M1: Directive 97/27/EC, Annex I, Section 2.4.2.

    (l) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.3 and for vehicles other than those of category M1: Directive 97/27/EC, Annex I, Section 2.4.3.

    (m) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.6.

    (n) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.7.

    (na) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.10.

    (nb) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.11.

    (nc) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.9.

    (nd) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.18.1.

    (o) The mass of the driver and, if applicable, of the crew member is assessed at 75 kg (subdivided into 68 kg occupant mass and 7 kg luggage mass according to ISO Standard 2416 - 1992), the fuel tank is filled to 90 % and the other liquid containing systems (except those for used water) to 100 % of the capacity specified by the manufacturer.

    (p) "Coupling overhang" is the horizontal distance between the coupling for centre-axle trailers and the centreline of the rear axle(s).

    (q) In the case of non-conventional engines and systems, particulars equivalent to those referred to here shall be supplied by the manufacturer.

    (r) This figure must be rounded off to the nearest tenth of a millimetre.

    (s) This value must be calculated (( = 3,1416) and rounded off to the nearest cm³.

    (t) Determined in accordance with the requirements of Directive 80/1269/EEC.

    (u) Determined in accordance with the requirements of Directive 80/1268/EEC.

    (v) The specified particulars are to be given for any proposed variants.

    (w) A 5 % tolerance is permitted.

    (x) "R-point" or "seating reference point" means a design point defined by the vehicle manufacturer for each seating position and established with respect to the three-dimensional reference system as specified in Annex III to Directive 77/649/EEC.

    (y) For trailers or semi-trailers, and for vehicles coupled with a trailer or a semi-trailer, which exert a significant vertical load on the coupling device or the fifth wheel, this load, divided by standard acceleration of gravity, is included in the maximum technically permissible mass.

    (z) "Forward control" means a configuration in which more than half of the engine length is rearward of the foremost point of the windshield base and the steering wheel hub in the forward quarter of the vehicle length.

    ê 2001/116/EC

    ð new



    Vehicle categories are defined according to the following classification:

    (Where reference is made to "maximum mass" in the following definitions, this means "technically permissible maximum laden mass" as specified in item 2.8 of Annex I.)


    The types of bodywork and codifications pertinent to the vehicles of category M are defined in Part C of this Annex paragraph 1 (vehicles of category M1) and paragraph 2 (vehicles of categories M2 and M3) to be used for the purpose specified in that Part.


    In the case of a towing vehicle designed to be coupled to a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, the mass to be considered for classifying the vehicle is the mass of the tractor vehicle in running order, increased by the mass corresponding to the maximum static vertical load transferred to the tractor vehicle by the semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer and, where applicable, by the maximum mass of the tractor vehicles own load.

    The types of bodywork and codifications pertinent to the vehicles of category N are defined in Part C of this Annex paragraph 3 to be used for the purpose specified in that Part.


    In the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, the maximum mass to be considered for classifying the trailer corresponds to the static vertical load transmitted to the ground by the axle or axles of the semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer when coupled to the towing vehicle and carrying its maximum load.

    The types of bodywork and codifications pertinent to the vehicles of category O are defined in Part C of this Annex paragraph 4 to be used for the purpose specified in that Part.

    4. Off-road vehicles (symbol G)

    4.1. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass not exceeding two tonnes and vehicles in category M1 are considered to be off-road vehicles if they have:

    - at least one front axle and at least one rear axle designed to be driven simultaneously including vehicles where the drive to one axle can be disengaged,

    - at least one differential locking mechanism or at least one mechanism having a similar effect and if they can climb a 30% gradient calculated for a solo vehicle.

    In addition, they must satisfy at least five of the following six requirements:

    - the approach angle must be at least 25 degrees,

    - the departure angle must be at least 20 degrees,

    - the ramp angle must be at least 20 degrees,

    - the ground clearance under the front axle must be at least 180 mm,

    - the ground clearance under the rear axle must be at least 180 mm,

    - the ground clearance between the axles must be at least 200 mm.

    4.2. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass exceeding two tonnes or in category N2, M2 or M3 with a maximum mass not exceeding 12 tonnes are considered to be off-road vehicles either if all their wheels are designed to be driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle can be disengaged, or if the following three requirements are satisfied:

    - at least one front and at least one rear axle are designed to be driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle can be disengaged,

    - there is at least one differential locking mechanism or at least one mechanism having a similar effect,

    - they can climb a 25% gradient calculated for a solo vehicle.

    4.3. Vehicles in category M3 with a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes or in category N3 are to be considered to be off-road vehicles either if the wheels are designed to be driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle can be disengaged, or if the following requirements are satisfied:

    - at least half the wheels are driven,

    - there is at least one differential locking mechanism or at least one mechanism having a similar effect,

    - they can climb a 25% gradient calculated for a solo vehicle,

    - at least four of the following six requirements are satisfied:

    - the approach angle must be at least 25 degrees,

    - the departure angle must be at least 25 degrees,

    - the ramp angle must be at least 25 degrees,

    - the ground clearance under the front axle must be at least 250 mm,

    - the ground clearance between the axles must be at least 300 mm,

    - the ground clearance under the rear axle must be at least 250 mm.

    4.4. Load and checking conditions.

    4.4.1. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass not exceeding two tonnes and vehicles in category M1 must be in running order, namely with coolant fluid, lubricants, fuel, tools, spare-wheel and driver ( see footnote (o) in Annex I).

    4.4.2. Motor vehicles other than those referred to in 4.4.1 must be loaded to the technically permissible maximum mass stated by the manufacturer.

    4.4.3. The ability to climb the required gradients (25% and 30%) is verified by simple calculation. In exceptional cases, however, the technical services may ask for a vehicle of the type concerned to be submitted to it for an actual test.

    4.4.4. When measuring approach and departure angles and ramp angles, no account is taken of underrun protective devices.

    4.5. Definitions and sketches of ground clearance. (For definitions of approach angle, departure angle, ramp angle, see Annex I, footnotes (na), (nb) and (nc)).

    4.5.1. "Ground clearance between the axles" means the shortest distance between the ground plane and the lowest fixed point of the vehicle. Multi-axled bogies are considered to be a single axle.


    4.5.2. "Ground clearance beneath one axle" means the distance beneath the highest point of the arc of a circle passing through the centre of the tyre footprint of the wheels on one axle (the inner wheels in the case of twin tyres) and touching the lowest fixed point of the vehicle between the wheels.

    No rigid part of the vehicle may project to the shaded area of the diagram. Where appropriate, the ground clearance of several axles is indicated in accordance with their arrangement, for example 280/250/250.


    4.6. Combined designation

    Symbol "G" shall be combined with either symbol "M" or "N". For example, a vehicle of category N1 which is suited for off-road use shall be designated as N1G.

    5. "Special purpose vehicle" means a vehicle of category M, N or O for conveying passengers or goods and for performing a special function for which special body arrangements and/or equipment are necessary.

    5.1. "Motor Caravan" means a special purpose M category vehicle constructed to include living accommodation which contains at least the following equipment:

    - seats and table,

    - sleeping accommodation which may be converted from the seats,

    - cooking facilities, and

    - storage facilities.

    This equipment shall be rigidly fixed to the living compartment; however, the table may be designed to be easily removable.

    5.2. "Armoured vehicles" means vehicles intended for the protection of conveyed passengers and/or goods and complying with armour plating anti-bullet requirements.

    5.3. "Ambulances" means motor vehicles of category M intended for the transport of sick or injured people and having special equipment for such purpose.

    5.4. "Hearses" means motor vehicles of category M intended for the transport of deceased people and having special equipment for such purpose.

    5.5. "Trailer caravans" see ISO Standard 3833 - 77, term No

    5.6. "Mobile cranes" means a special purpose vehicle of category N3, not fitted for the carriage of goods, provided with a crane whose lifting moment is equal to or higher than 400 kNm.

    5.7. "Other special purpose vehicles" means vehicles as defined in item 5. above with the exception of those mentioned in items 5.1 to 5.6.

    The codifications pertinent to "special purpose vehicles" are defined in Part C of this Annex, paragraph 5 to be used for the purpose specified in that Part.


    1. For the purposes of category M1:

    A "type" shall consist of vehicles which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - the manufacturer,

    - the manufacturer's type designation,

    - essential aspects of construction and design:

    - chassis/floor pan (obvious and fundamental differences),

    - power plant (internal combustion/electric/hybrid).

    "Variant" of a type means vehicles within a type which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - body style (e.g. saloon, hatchback, coupé, convertible, station-wagon, multi-purpose vehicle),

    - power plant:

    - working principle (as in item of Annex III),

    - number and arrangement of cylinders,

    - power differences of more than 30% (the highest is more than 1.3 times the lowest),

    - capacity differences of more than 20% (the highest is more than 1.2 times the lowest),

    - powered axles (number, position, interconnection),

    - steered axles (number and position).

    "Version" of a variant means vehicles, which consist of a combination of items shown in the information package subject to the requirements in Annex VIII.

    Multiple entries of the following parameters may not be combined within one version:

    - technically permissible maximum laden mass,

    - engine capacity,

    - maximum net power,

    - type of gearbox and number of gears,

    - maximum number of seating positions as defined in Annex II C.

    2. For the purpose of categories M2 and M3:

    A "type" shall consist of vehicles which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - the manufacturer,

    - the manufacturer's type designation,

    - category,

    - essential aspects of construction and design:

    - chassis/self-supporting body, single-/double deck, rigid/articulated (obvious and fundamental differences),

    - number of axles,

    - power plant (internal combustion/electric/hybrid),

    "Variant" of a type means vehicles within a type which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - class as defined in Directive ð 2001/85/EC ï "Buses and coaches" (only for complete vehicles),

    - extent of build (e.g. complete/incomplete),

    - power plant:

    - working principle (as in item of Annex III),

    - number and arrangement of cylinders,

    - power differences of more than 50% (the highest is more than 1.5 times the lowest),

    - capacity differences of more than 50% (the highest is more than 1.5 times the lowest),

    - location (front, mid, rear),

    - technically permissible maximum laden mass differences of more than 20% (the highest is more than 1,2 times the lowest),

    - powered axles (number, position, interconnection),

    - steered axles (number and position).

    "Version" of a variant means vehicles, which consist of a combination of items shown in the information package subject to the requirements in Annex VIII.

    3. For the purpose of categories N1, N2 and N3:

    A "type" shall consist of vehicles, which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - the manufacturer,

    - the manufacturer's type designation,

    - category,

    - essential aspects of construction and design:

    - chassis/floor pan (obvious and fundamental differences),

    - number of axles,

    - power plant (internal combustion/electric/hybrid).

    "Variant" of a type means vehicles within a type which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - body structural concept (e.g. platform truck/tipper/tanker/semi-trailer towing vehicle) (only for complete vehicles),

    - extent of build (e.g. complete/incomplete),

    - power plant:

    - working principle (as in item of Annex III),

    - number and arrangement of cylinders,

    - power differences of more than 50% (the highest is more than 1.5 times the lowest),

    - capacity differences of more than 50% (the highest is more than 1.5 times the lowest),

    - technically permissible maximum laden mass differences of more than 20% (the highest is more than 1,2 times the lowest),

    - powered axles (number, position, interconnection),

    - steered axles (number and position),

    "Version" of a variant means vehicles, which consist of a combination of items shown in the information package subject to the requirements in Annex VIII.

    4. For the purpose of categories O1, O2, O3 and O4:

    A "type" shall consist of vehicles which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - the manufacturer,

    - the manufacturer's type designation,

    - category,

    - essential aspects of construction and design:

    - chassis/self supporting body (obvious and fundamental differences),

    - number of axles,

    - drawbar trailer/semi-trailer/centre axle trailer,

    - type of braking system (e.g. unbraked/inertia/power).

    "Variant" of a type means vehicles within a type which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

    - extent of build (e.g. complete/incomplete),

    - body style (e.g. caravans/platform/tanker) (only for complete/completed vehicles),

    - technically permissible maximum laden mass differences of more than 20 % (the highest is more than 1,2 times the lowest),

    - steered axles (number and position).

    "Version" of a variant means vehicles, which consist of a combination of items shown in the information package.

    5. For all categories:

    Full identification of the vehicle just from the designations of type, variant and version must be consistent with a single accurate definition of all the technical characteristics required for the vehicle to be put into service.

    C. DEFINITION OF TYPE OF BODYWORK (only for complete/completed vehicles)

    The type of bodywork in Annex I, Annex III, Part 1, item 9.1 and in Annex IX, item 37 shall be indicated by the following codification:

    1. Passenger cars (M1)

    AA Saloon // ISO Standard 3833 - 1977, term No, but including also vehicles with more than four side windows.

    AB Hatchback // Saloon (AA) with a hatch at the rear end of the vehicle.

    AC Station wagon // ISO Standard 3833 - 1977, term No (estate car)

    AD Coupé // ISO Standard 3833 - 1977, term No

    AE Convertible // ISO Standard 3833 - 1977, term No

    AF Multi-purpose vehicle // Motor vehicle other than those mentioned in AA to AE intended for carrying passengers and their luggage or goods, in a single compartment. However, if such a vehicle meets both of the following conditions:

    (i) the number of seating positions, excluding the driver, is not more than six;

    a "seating position" shall be regarded as existing if the vehicle is provided with "accessible" seat anchorages;

    "accessible" shall mean those anchorages, which can be used. In order to prevent anchorages being "accessible", the manufacturer shall physically obstruct their use, for example by welding over cover plates or by fitting similar permanent fixtures which cannot be removed by use of normally available tools; and

    (ii) P - (M + N x 68) > N x 68


    P = technically permissible maximum laden mass in kg

    M = mass in running order in kg

    N = number of seating positions excluding the driver.

    This vehicle is not considered to be a vehicle of category M1.


    2. Motor vehicles of category M2 or M3

    Vehicles of Class I (see Directive ð 2001/85/EC ï "Buses and Coaches")

    CA Single deck

    CB Double deck

    CC Articulated single deck

    CD Articulated double deck

    CE Low-floor single deck

    CF Low-floor double deck

    CG Articulated low-floor single deck

    CH Articulated low-floor double deck

    Vehicles of Class II (see Directive ð 2001/85/EC ï "Buses and Coaches")

    CI Single deck

    CJ Double deck

    CK Articulated single deck

    CL Articulated double deck

    CM Low-floor single deck

    CN Low-floor double deck

    CO Articulated low-floor single deck

    CP Articulated low-floor double deck

    Vehicles of Class III (see Directive ð 2001/85/EC ï "Buses and Coaches")

    CQ Single deck

    CR Double deck

    CS Articulated single deck

    CT Articulated double deck

    Vehicles of Class A (see Directive ð 2001/85/EC ï "Buses and Coaches")

    CU Single deck

    CV Low-floor single deck

    Vehicles of Class B (see Directive ð 2001/85/EC ï "Buses and Coaches")

    CW Single deck

    3. Motor vehicles of category N


    - However, if a vehicle defined as BB with a technically permissible maximum mass not exceeding 3 500 kg:

    - has more than 6 seating positions excluding the driver


    - meets both of the following conditions: (i) the number of seating positions, excluding the driver, is not more than 6 and (ii) P - (M + N x 68) <= N x 68

    this vehicle is not considered to be a vehicle of category N.

    - However, if a vehicle defined as BA, BB with a technically permissible maximum mass exceeding 3 500 kg, BC or BD meets at least one of the following conditions: i) the number of seating positions, excluding the driver, is more than 8 or ii) P - (M + N x 68) <= N x 68

    this vehicle is not considered to be a vehicle of category N.

    See Part C, item of this Annex for the definitions of "seating positions", P, M and N.

    4. Vehicles of category O


    5. Special purpose vehicles

    SA Motor caravans (See Annex II A item 5.1)

    SB Armoured vehicles (See Annex II A item 5.2)

    SC Ambulances (See Annex II A item 5.3)

    SD Hearses (See Annex II A item 5.4)

    SE Trailer caravans (See Annex II A item 5.5)

    SF Mobile cranes (See Annex II A item 5.6)

    SG Other special purpose vehicles (See Annex II A item 5.7)

    ê 2001/116/EC (adapted)


    (For explanatory notes, please refer to last page of Annex I)

    PART I

    The following information, if applicable, must be supplied in triplicate and include a list of contents. Any drawings must be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4, or on a folder of A4 format. Photographs, if any, must show sufficient detail.

    If the systems, components or separate technical units have electronic controls, information concerning their performance must be supplied.

    A: For Categories M and N

    0. GENERAL

    0.1. Make trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s) (if available):

    0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle (b)

    0.3.1. Location of that marking

    0.4. Category of vehicle (c):

    0.4.1. Classification(s) according to the dangerous goods which the vehicle is intended to transport:.

    0.5. Name and address of manufacturer:.

    0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s):


    1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle:

    1.3. Number of axles and wheels:

    1.3.2. Number and position of steered axles:

    1.3.3. Powered axles (number, position, interconnection):

    1.4. Chassis (if any) (overall drawing):

    1.6. Position and arrangement of the engine:

    1.8. Hand of drive: left/right (1)

    1.8.1. Vehicle is equipped to be driven in right/left (1) hand traffic

    2. MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (e) (in kg and mm)

    (Refer to drawing where applicable)

    2.1. Wheelbase(s) (fully loaded) (f):

    2.3.1. Track of each steered axle (i):

    2.3.2. Track of all other axles (i):

    2.4. Range of vehicle dimensions (overall)

    2.4.2. For chassis with bodywork Length (j): Length of the loading area: Width (k): Thickness of the walls (in the case of vehicles designed for controlled-temperature transport of goods): Height (in running order) (l) (for suspensions adjustable for height, indicate normal running position):

    2.6. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork and, in the case of a towing vehicle of a category other than M1, with coupling device, if fitted by the manufacturer, in running order, or mass of the chassis or chassis with cab, without bodywork and/or coupling device, if the manufacturer does not fit the bodywork and/or coupling device (including liquids, tools, spare wheel, if fitted, and driver and, for buses and coaches, a crew member if there is a crew seat in the vehicle) (o) (maximum and minimum for each variant):

    2.6.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point (maximum and minimum for each variant):

    2.7. Minimum mass of the completed vehicle as stated by the manufacturer, in the case of an incomplete vehicle:

    2.8. Technically permissible maximum laden mass stated by the manufacturer (y) (*):

    2.8.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point (*):

    2.9. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle:

    2.10. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle group:

    2.11. Technically permissible maximum towable mass of the motor vehicle in case of

    2.11.1. Drawbar trailer:

    2.11.2. Semi-trailer:

    2.11.3. Centre-axle trailer:

    2.11.4. Technically permissible maximum mass of the combination:

    2.11.5. Vehicle is/is not (1) suitable for towing loads (item 1.2 of Annex II to Directive 77/389/EEC)

    2.11.6. Maximum mass of unbraked trailer:

    2.12. Technically permissible maximum static vertical load/mass on the vehicle's coupling point

    2.12.1. Of the motor vehicle:

    2.16. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible masses (optional: where these values are given, they shall be verified in accordance with the requirements of Annex IV to Directive 97/27/EC):

    2.16.1. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible laden mass (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.2. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass on each axle and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, intended load on the coupling point stated by the manufacturer if lower than the technically permissible maximum mass on the coupling point (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.3. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass on each axle group (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.4. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible towable mass (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.5. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass of the combination (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    3. POWER PLANT (q) (In the case of a vehicle that can run either on petrol, diesel,..., or also, in combination with another fuel, items shall be repeated (+).

    3.1. Manufacturer:

    3.1.1. Manufacturer's engine code as marked on the engine:

    3.2. Internal combustion engine Working principle: positive ignition/compression ignition, four stroke/two stroke (1) Number and arrangement of cylinders: Engine capacity (s): ...... cm³ Normal engine idling speed (2): ...... min-1 Maximum net power (t): ...... kW at ...... min-1 (manufacturer's declared value) Maximum permitted engine speed as prescribed by the manufacturer: ... min-1

    3.2.2. Fuel: Diesel oil/Petrol/LPG/NG/Ethanol:..................... (1) RON leaded: RON, unleaded:

    3.2.4. Fuel feed By carburettor(s): yes/no (1) By fuel injection (compression ignition only): yes/no (1) Working principle: direct injection/pre-chamber/swirl chamber (1) By fuel injection (positive ignition only): yes/no (1)

    3.2.7. Cooling system: liquid/air (1)

    3.2.8. Intake system Pressure charger: yes/no (1)

    3.2.12. Measures taken against air pollution Additional anti-pollution devices (if any, and if not covered by another heading) Catalytic converter: yes/no (1) Oxygen sensor: yes/no (1) Air injection: yes/no (1) Exhaust gas recirculation: yes/no (1) Evaporative emissions control system: yes/no (1) Particulate trap: yes/no (1) On-board-diagnostic (OBD) system: yes/no (1) Other systems (description and operation):

    3.2.13. Location of the absorption coefficient symbol (compression ignition engines only):

    3.2.15. LPG fuelling system: yes/no (1)

    3.2.16. NG fuelling system: yes/no (1)

    3.3. Electric motor

    3.3.1. Type (winding, excitation): ............ Maximum hourly output: ...... kW Operating voltage: ...... V

    3.3.2. Battery Position:

    3.6.5. Lubricant temperature

    minimum: .... K

    maximum: ...... K


    4.2. Type (mechanical, hydraulic, electric, etc.):

    4.5. Gearbox

    4.5.1. Type (manual/automatic/CVT (continuously variable transmission)) (1)

    4.6. Gear ratios


    4.7. Maximum vehicle speed (in km/h) (w):

    5. AXLES

    5.1. Description of each axle:

    5.2. Make:

    5.3. Type:

    5.4. Position of retractable axle(s):

    5.5. Position of loadable axle(s):


    6.2. Type and design of the suspension of each axle or wheel:

    6.2.1. Level adjustment: yes/no/optional (1)

    6.2.3. Air-suspension for driving axle(s): yes/no (1) Suspension of driving axle equivalent to air-suspension: yes/no (1) Frequency and damping of the oscillation of the sprung mass:

    6.6.1. Tyre/Wheel combination(s) (for tyres indicate size designation, minimum load-capacity index, minimum speed category symbol; for wheels indicate rim size(s) and off-set(s)) Axles Axle 1: Axle 2: etc. Spare wheel, if any:

    6.6.2. Upper and lower limits of rolling radii Axle 1: Axle 2:



    7.2. Transmission and control

    7.2.1. Type of steering transmission (specify for front and rear, if applicable):

    7.2.2. Linkage to wheels (including other than mechanical means; specify for front and rear, if applicable):

    7.2.3. Method of assistance, if any:

    8. BRAKES

    8.5. Anti-lock braking system: yes/no/optional (1)

    8.9. Brief description of the braking systems (according to item 1.6 of the Addendum to Appendix 1 of Annex IX to Directive 71/320/EEC):

    8.11. Particulars of the type(s) of endurance braking system(s):


    9.1. Type of bodywork:

    9.3. Occupant doors, latches and hinges

    9.3.1. Door configuration and number of doors:

    9.10. Interior fittings

    9.10.3. Seats Number: Position and arrangement: Number of seating positions: Seat(s) designated for use only when the vehicle is stationary: Type(s) of head restraints: integrated/detachable/separate (1) Type-approval number(s), if available:

    9.12.2. Nature and position of supplementary restraint systems (indicate yes/no/optional):

    (L = left-hand side, R = right-hand side, C = centre)


    9.17. Statutory plates (Directive 76/114/EEC)

    9.17.1. Photographs and/or drawings of the locations of the statutory plates and inscriptions and of the vehicle identification number:

    9.17.4. Manufacturer's declaration of compliance with the requirement of item 1.1.1 of Annex II to Directive 76/114/EEC The meaning of characters in the second section and, if applicable, in the third section used to comply with the requirements of section 5.3 of ISO Standard 3779 - 1983 shall be explained: If characters in the second section are used to comply with the requirements of section 5.4 of ISO Standard 3779 - 1983, these characters shall be indicated: ..............


    11.1. Class and type of the coupling device(s) fitted or to be fitted:

    11.3. Instructions for attachment of the coupling type to the vehicle and photographs or drawings of the fixing points at the vehicle as stated by the manufacturer; additional information, if the use of the coupling type is restricted to certain variants or versions of the vehicle type:

    11.4. Information of the fitting of special towing brackets or mounting plates:

    11.5. EC Type-approval number(s):


    13.1. Class of vehicle (Class I, Class II, Class III, Class A, Class B):

    13.1.1. Chassis types where the EC type-approved bodywork can be installed (manufacturer(s), and vehicle(s) types):

    13.3. Number of passengers (seated and standing)

    13.3.1. Total (N):

    13.3.2. Upper deck (Na) (1):

    13.3.3. Lower deck (Nb) (1):

    13.4. Number of passengers (seated)

    13.4.1. Total (A):

    13.4.2. Upper deck (Aa) (1):

    13.4.3. Lower deck (Ab) (1):

    B: For category O

    0. GENERAL

    0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type:

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s) (if available):

    0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle (b):

    0.3.1. Location of that marking:

    0.4. Category of vehicle (c):

    0.4.1. Classification(s) according to the dangerous goods which the vehicle is intended to transport:

    0.5. Name and address of manufacturer:

    0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s):


    1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle:

    1.3. Number of axles and wheels:

    1.3.2. Number and position of steered axles:

    1.4. Chassis (if any) (overall drawing):

    2. MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (e) (in kg and mm)

    (Refer to drawing where applicable)

    2.1. Wheelbase(s) (fully loaded) (f):

    2.3.1. Track of each steered axle (i):

    2.3.2. Track of all other axles (i):

    2.4. Range of vehicle dimensions (overall)

    2.4.2. For chassis with bodywork Length (j): Length of the loading area: Width (k): Thickness of the walls (in the case of vehicles designed for controlled-temperature transport of goods): Height (in running order) (l) (for suspension adjustable for height, indicate normal running position):

    2.6. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork and, in the case of a towing vehicle of a category other than M1, with coupling device, if fitted by the manufacturer, in running order, or mass of the chassis or chassis with cab, without bodywork and/or coupling device if the manufacturer does not fit the bodywork and/or coupling device (including liquids, tools, spare wheel, if fitted, and driver and, for buses and coaches, a crew member if there is a crew seat in the vehicle) (o) (maximum and minimum for each variant):

    2.6.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point (maximum and minimum for each variant):

    2.7. Minimum mass of the completed vehicle as stated by the manufacturer, in the case of an incomplete vehicle:

    2.8. Technically permissible maximum laden mass stated by the manufacturer (y) (*):

    2.8.1. Distribution of this mass among the axles, and in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point (*):

    2.9. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle:

    2.10. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle group:

    2.12. Technically permissible maximum static vertical load/mass on the vehicle's coupling point

    2.12.2. Of the semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer:

    2.16. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible masses (optional: where these values are given, they shall be verified in accordance with the requirements of Annex IV to Directive 97/27/EC):

    2.16.1. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible laden mass (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.2. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass on each axle and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, intended load on the coupling point stated by the manufacturer if lower than the technically permissible maximum mass on the coupling point (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.3. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass on each axle group (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.4. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible towable mass (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    2.16.5. Intended registration/in service maximum permissible mass of the combination (Several entries possible for each technical configuration (


    5. AXLES

    5.1. Description of each axle:

    5.2. Make:

    5.3. Type:

    5.4. Position of retractable axle(s):

    5.5. Position of loadable axle(s):


    6.2. Type and design of the suspension of each axle or wheel:

    6.2.1. Level adjustment: yes/no/optional (1)

    6.6.1. Tyre/wheel combination(s) (for tyres indicate size designation, minimum load-capacity index, minimum speed category symbol; for wheels indicate rim size(s) and off-set(s)) Axles Axle 1: Axle 2: etc. Spare wheel, if any:

    6.6.2. Upper and lower limit of rolling radii Axle 1: Axle 2:



    7.2. Transmission and control

    7.2.1. Type of steering transmission (specify for front and rear, if applicable):

    7.2.2. Linkage to the wheels (including other than mechanical means; specify for front and rear, if applicable):

    7.2.3. Method of assistance, if any:

    8. BRAKES

    8.5. Antilock braking system: yes/no/optional (1)

    8.9. Brief description of the braking devices (according to item 1.6 of the addendum to Appendix 1 of Annex IX to Directive 71/320/EEC):


    9.1. Type of bodywork:

    9.17. Statutory plates (Directive 76/114/EEC)

    9.17.1. Photographs and/or drawings of the locations of the statutory plates and inscriptions and of the vehicle identification number:

    9.17.4. Manufacturer's declaration of compliance with the requirement of item 1.1.1 of Annex II to Directive 76/114/EEC The meaning of characters in the second section and, if applicable, in the third section used to comply with the requirements of section 5.3 of ISO Standard 3779 - 1983 shall be explained: If characters in the second section are used to comply with the requirements of section 5.4 of ISO Standard 3779 - 1983 these characters shall be indicated:


    11.1. Class and type of the coupling device(s) fitted or to be fitted:

    11.5. EC Type-approval number(s):


    Matrix showing the permissible combinations into vehicle versions of those items in Part I for which there are multiple entries. For those multiple entry items each entry is denoted by a prefix letter which will be used in this matrix to denote which entry (or entries) from a particular item are applicable to a particular version.

    A separate matrix must be compiled for each variant within the type.

    Multiple entries for which there are no restrictions on their combination within a variant should be listed in the column headed "all".


    This information may be presented in an alternative format or layout so long as the original purpose is fulfilled.

    Each variant and each version must be identified by a numerical code or number consisting of a combination of letters and numbers, which must also be indicated in the certificate of conformity (Annex IX) of the vehicle concerned.

    In the case of (a) variant(s) pursuant to Annex XI or to Ö Article 19 Õ the manufacturer shall assign a special code.


    Separate Directive EC type-approval numbers

    Supply the information required by the following table in respect of the applicable subjects (***) for this vehicle in Annex IV or Annex XI. (All relevant approvals for each subject must be included)



    Position in company:


    ê 2001/116/EC

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    PART I

    List of separate Directives

    (As appropriate, taking account of the scope and latest amendment to each of the separate Directives listed below)


    X Directive applicable.

    (1) Vehicles of this category shall be fitted with an adequate windscreen defrosting and demisting device.

    (2) Vehicles of this category shall be fitted with adequate windscreen washing and wiping devices.

    (3) The requirements of Directive 94/20/EC are only applicable for vehicles equipped with couplings.

    (4) The requirements of Directive 98/91/EC are only applicable when the manufacturer applies for the EC type-approval of a vehicle intended for the transport of dangerous goods.

    (5) In case of LPG or CNG vehicles, pending the adoption of the relevant amendments to Directive 70/221/EEC in order to include LPG and CNG tanks, a vehicle approval according to UN/ECE Regulation 67-01 or 110 is required.

    ò new

    Appendix 1

    List of requirements for EC type-approval of vehicles belonging to the category M1, produced in small series.

    (As appropriate, taking account of the latest amendment to each of the separate directives listed below)


    ê 2001/116/EC


    Where reference is made to a separate Directive, an approval issued under the following Regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (taking account of the scope (1), and the amendment to each of the UN/ECE Regulations listed below) shall be recognised as an alternative to an EC type-approval granted under the relevant separate Directive in the table of Part I.

    These Regulations are the ones to which the Community has adhered as a Contracting Party to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe "Revised 1958 Geneva Agreement" by virtue of Council Decision 97/836/EC, or subsequent Council decisions as referred to in Article 3(3) of that Decision.

    Any further amendment of the UN/ECE Regulations listed below has also to be deemed to be equivalent, subject to the Community decision as referred to in Article 4(2) of Decision 97/836/EC (++).


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    List of the UN/ECE Regulations to which the Community has acceded, which are obligatory for the purpose of EC type-approval


    ê 2001/116/EC



    1. In the case of an application for a whole vehicle type-approval, the EC type-approval authority must:

    (a) verify that all separate Directive EC type-approvals are applicable to the appropriate standard in the relevant separate Directive;

    (b) by reference to the documentation make sure that the vehicle specification(s) and data contained in Part I of the vehicle information document are included in the data in the information packages and/or the approval certificates of the relevant separate Directive approvals; and when an item number in Part I of the information document is not included in the information package of any of the separate Directives, confirm that the relevant part or characteristic conforms to the particulars in the information folder;

    (c) on a selected sample of vehicles from the type to be approved carry out or arrange to be carried out inspections of vehicle parts and systems to verify that the vehicle(s) is/are built in accordance with the relevant data contained in the authenticated information package in respect of all separate Directive EC type-approvals;

    (d) carry out or arrange to be carried out relevant installation checks in respect of separate technical units where applicable;

    (e) carry out or arrange to be carried out necessary checks in respect of the presence of the devices provided for in footnotes (1) and (2) of Part I of Annex IV where applicable.

    2. The number of vehicles to be inspected for the purposes of paragraph 1.c must be sufficient to permit the proper control of the various combinations to be type-approved according to the following criteria:


    3. In the case where no approval certificates for any of the relevant separate Directives are available, the EC type-approval authority must:

    (a) arrange for the necessary tests and checks as required by each of the relevant separate Directives;

    (b) verify that the vehicle conforms to the particulars in the vehicle information folder and that it meets the technical requirements of each of the relevant separate Directives;

    (c) carry out or arrange to be carried out relevant installation checks in respect of separate technical units where applicable;

    (d) carry out or arrange to be carried out necessary checks in respect of the presence of the devices provided for in footnotes (1) and (2) of Part I of Annex IV where applicable.

    ê 2001/116/EC (adapted)

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    Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)


    Stamp of EC type-approval authority

    Communication concerning: // Of a type of:

    - EC type-approval ( [31]) // - complete vehicle (1)

    [31] ) Delete where not applicable.

    - extension of EC type-approval (1) // - completed vehicle (1)

    - refusal of EC type-approval (1) // - incomplete vehicle (1)

    - withdrawal of EC type-approval (1) // - vehicle with complete and incomplete variants (1)

    // - vehicle with completed and incomplete variants (1)

    with regard to Directive 70/156/EEC as last amended by Directive ..../.../EC

    EC type-approval number :

    Reason for extension :


    0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type:

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s) ( [32]):

    [32] ) If not available at the time of granting the type-approval, this item shall be completed at the latest when the vehicle is introduced on the market.

    0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle:

    0.3.1. Location of that marking:

    0.4. Category of vehicle ( [33]):

    [33] ) As defined in Annex II.A.

    0.5. Name and address of manufacturer of the complete vehicle (1): Name and address of manufacturer of the base vehicle (1) ( [34]): Name and address of manufacturer of the latest built stage of the incomplete vehicle (1) (4): Name and address of manufacturer of the completed vehicle (1) (4):

    [34] ) See side 2.

    0.8. Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plant(s):


    The undersigned hereby certifies the accuracy of the manufacturer's description in the attached information document of the vehicle(s) described above ((a) sample(s) having been selected by the EC type-approval authority and submitted by the manufacturer as prototype(s) of the vehicle type) and that the attached test results are applicable to the vehicle type.

    1. For complete and completed vehicles/variants (1):

    The vehicle type meets/does not meet (1) the technical requirements of all the relevant separate Directives as prescribed in Annex IV and Annex XI (1) (4) to Directive 70/156/EEC.

    2. For incomplete vehicles/variants (1):

    The vehicle type meets/does not meet (1) the technical requirements of the separate Directives listed in the table on side 2.

    3. The approval is granted/refused/withdrawn (1).

    4. The approval is granted in accordance with ð Article 19 ï and the validity of the approval is thus limited to dd/mm/yy.

    (Place) (Signature) (Date)

    Attachments: // Information package.

    // Test results (see Annex VIII).

    // Name(s) and specimen(s) of the signature(s) of the person(s) authorised to sign certificates of conformity and a statement of their position in the company.

    NB: If this model is used for type-approval pursuant to ð Articles 19, 21 or 22 ï , it may not bear the heading "EC Vehicle Type-Approval Certificate", except:

    - ð in the case mentioned in Article 19 where the Commission has decided to allow a Member State to grant a type-approval in accordance with this Directive ï

    - ð in the case of vehicles of the category M1, type-approved according to the procedure prescribed in Article 21. ï


    Side 2

    This EC type-approval is, where incomplete and completed vehicles or variants are concerned, based on the approval(s) for incomplete vehicles listed below:

    Stage 1: Manufacturer of the base vehicle: EC Type-approval number: Dated: Applicable to variants: Stage 2: Manufacturer: EC Type-approval number: Dated: Applicable to variants: Stage 3: Manufacturer: EC Type-approval number: Dated: Applicable to variants:

    In the case where the approval includes one or more incomplete variants, list those variants which are complete or completed.

    Complete/completed variant(s):

    List of requirements applicable to the approved incomplete vehicle type or variant (as appropriate, taking account of the scope and latest amendment to each of the separate Directives listed below).


    In the case of special purpose vehicles, exemptions granted or special provisions applied pursuant to Annex XI and exemptions granted pursuant to Article 19 :


    ò new

    Appendix 1

    List of Directives to which the type of vehicle complies

    (to be filled in only in the case of type-approval in accordance with Article 6(3).


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    MODEL B (to be used for system type-approval or vehicle type-approval with regard to a system)

    Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)


    Stamp of EC type-approval authority



    0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer) :

    0.2. Type :

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s) (if available) :

    0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle ( [35]) :

    [35] ) If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant to describe the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this information document, such characters shall be represented in the documentation by the symbol "?" (e.g.. ABC??123??)

    0.3.1. Location of that marking :

    0.4. Category of vehicle ( [36]) :

    [36] ) As defined in Annex II, Section A

    0.5. Name and address of manufacturer :

    0.8. Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plant(s):


    1. Additional information (where applicable) : see Addendum

    2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the tests :

    3. Date of test report :

    4. Number of test report :

    5. Remarks (if any) : see Addendum

    6. Place :

    7. Date :

    8. Signature :




    Attachments: // Information package.

    // Test report.



    Addendum to EC type-approval certificate No...

    1. Additional information

    1.1. [...] :

    1.1.1. [...] :


    2. EC type-approval number of each component or separate technical unit installed on the vehicle type to comply with this Directive

    2.1. [...] :

    3. Remarks

    3.1. [...] :

    ò new

    MODEL C (to be used for component/separate technical unit type-approval)

    Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)


    Stamp of EC type-approval authority



    0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer) :

    0.2. Type :

    0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the component/separate technical unit (1)( [37]) :

    [37] ) If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant to describe the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this information document, such characters shall be represented in the documentation by the symbol "?" (e.g.. ABC??123??)

    0.3.1. Location of that marking :

    0.5. Name and address of manufacturer :

    0.7. In the case of components and separate technical units, location and method of affixing of the EC approval mark :

    0.8. Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plant(s):


    1. Additional information (where applicable) : see Addendum

    2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the tests :

    3. Date of test report :

    4. Number of test report :

    5. Remarks (if any) : see Addendum

    6. Place :

    7. Date :

    8. Signature :



    Attachments: // Information package.

    // Test report.



    Addendum to EC type-approval certificate N°...

    1. Additional information

    1.1. [...] :

    1.1.1. [...] :


    2. Restriction of use of the device (if any)

    2.1. [...] :

    3. Remarks

    3.1. [...] :

    ê 2001/116/EC

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    [38] ) Components and separate technical units shall be marked in accordance with the provisions of the relevant separate Directive.

    1. The EC type-approval number shall consist of four sections for whole vehicle type-approvals and five sections for system, component, and separate technical unit type-approvals as detailed below. In all cases, the sections shall be separated by the "*" character.

    Section 1: The lower case letter "e" followed by the distinguishing number of the Member State issuing the EC type-approval:

    1 for Germany;

    2 for France;

    3 for Italy;

    4 for the Netherlands;

    5 for Sweden;

    6 for Belgium;

    9 for Spain;

    11 for the United Kingdom;

    12 for Austria;

    13 for Luxembourg;

    17 for Finland;

    18 for Denmark;

    21 for Portugal;

    23 for Greece;

    24 for Ireland.

    Section 2: The number of the base Directive.

    Section 3: The number of the latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type- approval.

    - In the case of whole vehicle EC type-approvals, this means the latest Directive amending an Article (or Articles) of Directive ð [this Directive......] ï .

    - ð In the case of EC whole vehicle type-approvals granted in accordance with the procedure described in Article 21, this means the latest directive amending an Article (or Articles) of Directive [this Directive......], except that the two first digits are replaced by the letters KS in block capitals. ï

    - Means the latest Directive containing the actual provisions with which the system, component or technical unit conforms.

    - Should a Directive contain different implementation dates referring to different technical standards, an alphabetical character shall be added to specify to which standard the approval was granted.

    Section 4: A four-digit sequential number (with leading zeros as applicable) for EC Whole vehicle type-approvals, or four or five digits for EC type-approval pursuant to a Separate Directive to denote the base type-approval number. The sequence shall start from 0001 for each base Directive.

    Section 5: A two-digit sequential number (with leading zeros if applicable) to denote the extension. The sequence shall start from 00 for each base approval number.

    2. In the case of an EC type-approval for a whole vehicle, Section 2 shall be omitted.

    ð In the case of a national type-approval granted for vehicles produced in small series pursuant Article 22, Section 2 shall be replaced by the letters NKS in block capitals. ï

    3. On the vehicle's statutory plate(s) only, Section 5 shall be omitted.

    4. Example of the third system approval (with as yet no extension) issued by France to the braking Directive:



    e2*88/77*91/542A*0003*00 in the case of a Directive with two implementation stages A and B.

    5. Example of the second extension to the fourth vehicle type-approval issued by the United Kingdom:


    Directive 98/14/EC being up to now the latest Directive amending the Articles of Directive 70/156/EEC.

    ð 6. Example of an EC whole vehicle type-approval granted to a vehicle produced in small series issued by Luxembourg, pursuant to Article 21: ï

    ð e13*KS[.../...]*0001*00 ï

    ð 7. Example of a national type-approval granted to a vehicle produced in small series issued by the Netherlands, pursuant to Article 22: ï

    ð e4*NKS*0001*00.' ï

    8. Example of the EC type-approval number stamped on the vehicle's statutory plate(s):


    ò new

    Appendix 1

    EC component and separate technical unit type-approval mark

    1. The EC component and separate technical unit type-approval mark shall consist of:

    1.1. a rectangle surrounding the lower-case letter "e" followed by the distinguishing letter(s) or number of the Member State which has granted the EC component or separate technical unit type-approval:


    1.2. In the vicinity of the rectangle the "base approval number" contained in Section 4 of the type-approval number preceded by the two figures indicating the sequence number assigned to the latest major technical amendment to the relevant separate Directive.

    1.3. An additional symbol or symbols located above the rectangle, enabling certain characteristics to be identified. This further information is specified in the relevant separate Directives.

    2. The component or separate technical unit type-approval mark is affixed to the separate technical unit or component in such a way as to be indelible and clearly legible.

    3. An example of a component or separate technical unit type-approval mark is contained in the addendum.

    ò new

    Addendum to appendix 1

    Example of a component type approval mark


    Legend : the above component type-approval was issued by Belgium under number 0004. 01 is a sequential number denoting the level of technical requirements to which this component fulfils The sequential number is attributed in accordance with the relevant separate Directives.

    NB: The additional symbols are not shown on this example.

    ê 2001/116/EC



    (To be completed by the type-approval authority and attached to the vehicle EC type-approval certificate)

    In each case, the information must make clear to which variant and version it is applicable. One version may not have more than one result. However, a combination of several results per version indicating the worst case is permissible. In the latter case, a note shall state that for items marked (*) only worst case results are given.

    1. Results of the sound level tests

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:


    2. Results of the exhaust emission tests

    Base Directive ( [39]):

    [39] ) Where applicable.

    - Directive 70/220/EEC concerning emissions from motor vehicles,

    - Directive 88/77/EEC concerning emissions from engines for use in vehicles,

    - Directive 72/306/EEC concerning diesel smoke.

    2.1. Directive 70/220/EEC concerning emissions from motor vehicles.

    Indicate the latest amending directive applicable to the approval. In case the directive has two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:

    Fuel(s) ( [40])..............................(diesel, petrol, LPG, NG, Bi-fuel: petrol/LPG, Bi-fuel: petrol/NG, ethanol...)

    [40] ) When restrictions for the fuel are applicable, indicate these restrictions (e.g. for natural gas the L-range or the H-range).

    2.1.1. Test type I ( [41]) vehicle emissions in the test cycle after a cold start

    [41] ) Repeat for petrol and gaseous fuel in the case of a vehicle that can run either on petrol or on a gaseous fuel. The vehicles can be fuelled with both petrol and a gaseous fuel but, where the petrol system is fitted for emergency purposes or starting only and of which the petrol tank cannot contain more than 15 litres of petrol will be regarded for the test as vehicles which can only run a gaseous fuel.


    2.1.2. Test type II (3) emissions data required for roadworthiness:

    Type II, low idle test


    Type II, high idle test:


    2.1.3. Result of type III test:..................

    2.1.4. Result of type IV test (evaporative test): .........g/test

    2.1.5. Result of type V test on durability:

    - Durability type: 80 000 km/100 000 km/not applicable (1)

    - Deterioration factor DF: calculated/fixed (1)

    - Value of specification:




    2.1.6. Result of type VI test on emissions by low ambient temperature:


    2.1.7. OBD: yes/no (1)

    2.2. Directive 88/77/EEC concerning emissions from engines for use in vehicles.

    Indicate and latest amending directive applicable to the approval. In case the directive has two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.......................................................................................

    Fuel(s) (2):....................................(diesel, petrol, LPG, NG, ethanol.....)

    2.2.1. Results of the ESC test (1)

    CO : g/kWh

    THC : g/kWh

    NOx : g/kWh

    PT : g/kWh

    2.2.2. Result of the ELR test (1)

    Smoke value :.....m-1

    2.2.3. Result of the ETC test (1)

    CO : g/kWh

    THC : g/kWh (1)

    NMHC: g/kWh (1)

    CH4 : g/kWh (1)

    NOx : g/kWh

    PT : g/kWh (1)

    2.3. Directive 72/306/EEC concerning diesel smoke.

    Indicate the latest amending directive applicable to the approval. In case the directive has two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:................................................................................

    2.3.1. Results of the test under free acceleration


    3. Results of the CO2 emission/fuel consumption tests (1) (3)

    Number of the base Directive and the latest amending Directive applicable to the approval:


    ê 2001/116/EC



    For complete/completed ( [42]) vehicles

    [42] ) Delete where not applicable.

    PART I (Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm), or a folder of A4 format)

    Side 1

    The undersigned: (Full name)

    hereby certifies that the vehicle:

    0.1. Make (Trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type:

    variant ( [43]):

    [43] ) Indicate also the numerical or combined number/letter identification code. This code shall contain not more than 25 or 35 positions for a variant or version respectively.

    version (2):

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s):

    0.4. Category:

    0.5. Name and address of the manufacturer of the base vehicle:

    Name and address of the manufacturer of the latest built stage of the vehicle (1):

    0.6. Location of the statutory plates:

    Vehicle identification number:

    Location of the vehicle identification number on the chassis:

    based upon the type(s) of vehicle described in EC type-approval (1)

    Base Vehicle:


    EC type-approval number:


    Stage 2: Manufacturer:

    EC type-approval number:


    conforms in all respects to the complete/completed (1) type described in

    EC type-approval number:


    The vehicle can be permanently registered without further EC type-approvals in Member States having right/left ( [44]) hand traffic and using metric/imperial ( [45]) units for the speedometer.

    [44] ) Indicate whether the vehicle as manufactured is suitable for use in either right or left-hand traffic or both right and left-hand traffic.

    [45] ) Indicate whether the speedometer fitted has metric or both metric and imperial units.

    (Place) (Date):

    (Signature) (Position)

    Attachments (only applicable to multi-stage vehicle types): Certificate of conformity for each stage.

    Side 2

    For complete or completed vehicles of category M1

    (The values and units indicated below are those given in the EC type-approval documentation of the relevant Directives. In case of conformity of production (COP) tests, the values must be verified according to the methods laid down in the relevant Directives taking into account the COP test tolerances allowed in those Directives.)

    1. Number of axles: ......and wheels: ......

    2. Powered axles:

    3. Wheel base:

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. 2. 3.

    6.1. Length:

    7.1. Width:

    8. Height: ...... mm

    11. Rear overhang: ...... mm

    12.1. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork in running order: ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ..... kg

    14.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ..... kg 2. ...... kg 3. etc.

    14.3. Technically permissible mass on each axle: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. etc.

    16. Maximum permissible roof load: ...... kg

    17. Maximum mass of trailer (braked): ...... kg; (unbraked): ...... kg

    18. Maximum mass of combination: ...... kg

    19.1. Maximum vertical load at the coupling point for a trailer: ...... kg

    20. Engine manufacturer:

    21. Engine code as marked on the engine:

    22. Working principle:

    22.1. Direct injection: yes/no (1)

    23. Number and arrangement of cylinders:

    24. Capacity: ...... cm³

    25. Fuel:

    26. Maximum net power: ...... kW at ...... min-1

    27. Clutch (type):

    28. Gearbox (type):

    29. Gear ratios: 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ......

    30. Final drive ratio:

    32. Tyres and wheels Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ......(for tyres of category Z intended to be fitted on vehicles whose maximum speed exceeds 300 km/h essential tyre characteristics shall be indicated);

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    37. Type of body:

    38. Colour of vehicle ( [46]):

    [46] ) Indicate only the basic colour(s) as follows: white, yellow, orange, red, violet, blue, green, grey, brown or black.

    41. Number and configuration of doors:

    42.1. Number and position of seats:

    43.1. EC type-approval mark of coupling device if fitted:

    44. Maximum speed: ...... km/h .

    45. Sound level

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    Stationary: ...... dB(A) at engine speed: ......min-1

    Drive-by: ...... dB(A)

    46.1. Exhaust emissions ( [47]):

    [47] ) Repeat for petrol and gaseous fuel in the case of a vehicle that can run either on petrol or on a gaseous fuel. The vehicles can be fuelled with both petrol and a gaseous fuel but, where the petrol system is fitted for emergency purposes or starting only and of which the petrol tank cannot contain more than 15 litres of petrol will be regarded for the test as vehicles which can only run a gaseous fuel.

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    1. test procedure:................

    CO: ...... HC: ...... NOx: ...... HC + NOx: ...... Smoke (corrected value of absorption coefficient (m-1)): Particulates: ......

    2. test procedure (if applicable)...........

    CO: ...... NOx: ...... NMHC: ...... THC:.... CH4: ...... Particulates: ......

    46.2. CO2 emissions/fuel consumption (6):

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval: ......


    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s) if applicable:


    50. Remark:

    51. Exemptions:

    Side 2

    For complete or completed vehicles of categories M2 and M3.

    (The values and units indicated below are those given in the type-approval documentation of the relevant Directives. In case of conformity of production tests, the values must be verified according to the methods laid down in the relevant Directives taking into account the conformity of production test tolerances allowed in those Directives).

    1. Number of axles: ...... and wheels: ......

    2. Powered axles: ......

    3. Wheelbase: ...... mm

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. ...... mm 2. ...... mm 3. ...... mm 4. ...... mm

    6.1. Length: ...... mm

    6.3. Distance between the front end of the vehicle and the centre of the coupling device: ...... mm

    7.1. Width: ...... mm

    8. Height: ...... mm

    10.1. Ground area covered by the vehicle: ...... m

    11. Rear overhang: ...... mm

    12.1. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork in running order: ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ...... kg

    14.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    14.4. Technically permissible mass on each axle/axle group: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    16. Maximum permissible roof load: ...... kg

    17. Maximum mass of trailer (braked): ...... kg; (unbraked): ...... kg

    18. Technically permissible maximum laden mass of combination

    19.1. Technically permissible maximum mass on the coupling point of a motor

    20. Engine manufacturer:

    21. Engine code as marked on the engine:

    22. Working principle:

    22.1. Direct injection: yes/no (1)

    23. Number and arrangement of cylinders:

    24. Capacity: ...... cm³

    25. Fuel:

    26. Maximum net power: ...... kW at ...... min-1

    27. Clutch (type):

    28. Gearbox (type):

    29. Gear ratios: 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ......

    30. Final drive ratio: ......

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ...... Axle 4: ......

    33.1. Drive axle(s) fitted with air suspension or equivalent: yes/no (1)

    34. Steering, method of assistance:...................................................

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    36. Pressure in feed line for trailer braking system: ...... bar

    37. Type of body:

    41. Number and configuration of doors:

    42.2. Number of seating places (excluding the driver):

    42.3. Number of standing places:

    43.1. EC type-approval mark of coupling device, if fitted:

    44. Maximum speed: ...... km/h

    45. Sound level

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    Stationary: ...... dB(A) at engine speed ...... min-1

    Drive-by: ...... dB(A)

    46.1. Exhaust emissions (6):

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    1. test procedure:................

    CO: ...... HC: ...... NOx: ...... HC + NOx: ...... Smoke (corrected value of absorption coefficient (m-1)):....Particulates: ......

    2. test procedure (if applicable)...........

    CO: ...... NOx: ...... NMHC: ...... THC:......CH4: ...... Particulates: ......

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s), if applicable:


    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:

    Side 2

    For complete or completed vehicles of categories N1, N2 and N3.

    (The values and units indicated below are those given in the EC type-approval documentation of the relevant Directives. In case of conformity of production tests, the values must be verified according to the methods laid down in the relevant Directives taking into account the conformity of production test tolerances allowed in those Directives).

    1. Number of axles: ...... and wheels: ......

    2. Powered axles: ......

    3. Wheelbase: ...... mm

    4.1. Fifth wheel lead (maximum and minimum in case of an adjustable fifth wheel): ...... mm

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. ...... mm 2. ...... mm 3. ...... mm 4. ...... mm

    6.1. Length: ...... mm

    6.3. Distance between the front end of the vehicle and the centre of the coupling device: ...... mm

    6.5. Length of the loading area: ...... mm

    7.1. Width: ...... mm

    8. Height: ...... mm

    10.2. Ground area covered by the vehicle (N2 and N3 only): ......m

    11. Rear overhang: ...... mm

    12.1. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork in running order: ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ...... kg

    14.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    14.4. Technically permissible mass on each axle/axle group: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    15. Position of retractable or loadable axle(s): ................

    17. Technically permissible maximum towable mass of the motor vehicle in case of

    17.1. Drawbar trailer:

    17.2. Semi-trailer:

    17.3. Centre-axle trailer:

    17.4. Technically permissible maximum mass of trailer (unbraked): ...... kg

    18. Technically permissible maximum laden mass of combination

    19.1. Technically permissible maximum mass on the coupling point of a motor

    20. Engine manufacturer:

    21. Engine code as marked on the engine:

    22. Working principle:

    22.1. Direct injection: yes/no (1)

    23. Number and arrangement of cylinders:

    24. Capacity: ...... cm³

    25. Fuel:

    26. Maximum net power: ...... kW at ...... min-1

    27. Clutch (type):

    28. Gearbox (type):

    29. Gear ratios: 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ......

    30. Final drive ratio:

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ...... Axle 4: ......

    33.1. Drive axle(s) fitted with air suspension or equivalent: yes/no (1)

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    36. Pressure in feed line for trailer braking system: ...... bar

    37. Type of body:

    38. Colour of vehicle (5) (N1 only):

    39. Tank capacity (Tanker vehicle only): ......m³

    40. Maximum crane moment capacity kNm.

    41. Number and configuration of doors:

    42.1. Number and position of seats:

    43.1. EC type-approval mark of coupling device, if fitted:

    44. Maximum speed: ...... km/h

    45. Sound level

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    Stationary: ...... dB(A) at engine speed ...... min-1

    Drive-by: ...... dB(A)

    46.1. Exhaust emissions (6):

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    1. test procedure:................

    CO: ...... HC: ...... NOx: ...... HC + NOx: ...... Smoke (corrected value of absorption coefficient (m-1)):...Particulates: ......

    2. test procedure (if applicable)...........

    CO: ...... NOx: ...... NMHC: ...... CH4: ......Particulates: ......

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s), if applicable:


    48.1. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting dangerous goods: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    48.2. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting certain animals: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:

    Side 2

    For complete or completed vehicles of categories O1, O2, O3 and O4

    1. Number of axles: ...... and wheels: ......

    3. Wheelbase: ...... mm

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. ...... mm 2. ...... mm 3. ...... mm

    6.1. Length: ...... mm

    6.4. Distance between the centre of the coupling device and the rear end of the vehicle: ...... mm

    6.5. Length of the loading area: ...... mm

    7.1. Width: ...... mm

    8. Height: ...... mm

    10.3. Ground area covered by the vehicle (O2, O3 and O4 only): ...... m

    11. Rear overhang: ...... mm

    12.1. Mass of the vehicle with bodywork in running order: ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ...... kg

    14.5. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, mass on the coupling point: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg coupling point: ...... kg

    14.6. Technically permissible mass on each axle/axle group: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, mass on the coupling point: ...... kg

    15. Position of retractable or loadable axle(s): ................

    19.2. For coupling devices of classes B, D, E and H: maximum mass of the towing vehicle (T) or of the vehicle combination (if T < 32 000 kg): ...... kg

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ......

    33.2. Axle(s) fitted with air suspension or equivalent: yes/no (1)

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    37. Type of body:

    39. Tank capacity (Tanker vehicle only): ...... m³

    43.2. Approval mark of coupling device:

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s), if applicable:


    48.1. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting dangerous goods: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    48.2. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting certain animals: yes /class(es): ....../no (1)

    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:



    for incomplete vehicles

    (Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm), or a folder of A4 format)

    Side 1

    The undersigned:

    (Full name)

    hereby certifies that the vehicle:

    0.1. Make (Trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type:

    Variant (2):

    Version (2):

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s) (if available):

    0.4. Category:

    0.5. Name and address of the manufacturer of the base vehicle:

    Name and address of the manufacturer of the latest built stage of the vehicle (1)

    0.6. Location of the statutory plates:

    Vehicle identification number:

    Location of the vehicle identification number on the chassis:

    based upon the type(s) of vehicle described in EC type-approval (1)

    Base Vehicle: Manufacturer:........................................

    EC type-approval number: ........................................

    Dated: ........................................

    Stage 2: Manufacturer: ..................................................................................

    EC type-approval number: ........................................

    Dated: ........................................

    conforms in all respects to the incomplete type described in

    EC type-approval number: ........................................

    Dated: ........................................

    The vehicle cannot be permanently registered without further EC type-approvals.


    (Place) (Date) (Signature) (Position)

    Attachments: Certificate of conformity for each stage.

    Side 2

    For incomplete vehicles of category M1

    (The values and units indicated below are those given in the EC type-approval documentation of the relevant Directives. In case of conformity of production (COP) tests, the values must be verified according to the methods laid down in the relevant Directives taking into account the COP test tolerances allowed in those Directives.)

    1. Number of axles: ......and wheels: ......

    2. Powered axles:

    3. Wheel base:

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. 2. 3. ...... mm

    6.2. Maximum permissible length of the completed vehicle:

    7.2. Maximum permissible width of the completed vehicle:

    9.1. Height of the centre of gravity (c.o.g.):

    9.2. Maximum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle:

    9.3. Minimum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle:

    13.1. Minimum permissible mass of the completed vehicle:

    13.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass:

    14.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg

    14.3. Technically permissible mass on each axle: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg

    16. Maximum permissible roof load:

    17. Maximum mass of trailer (braked): ...... kg (unbraked):

    18. Maximum mass of combination:

    19.1. Maximum vertical load at the coupling point for a trailer: ...... kg

    20. Engine manufacturer:

    21. Engine code as marked on the engine:

    22. Working principle:

    22.1. Direct injection: yes/no (1)

    23. Number and arrangement of cylinders:

    24. Capacity: ......cm3

    25. Fuel:

    26. Maximum net power: ...... kW at ......min-1

    27. Clutch (type):

    28. Gearbox (type):

    29. Gear ratios: 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ......

    30. Final drive ratio:

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ......Axle 2: ......Axle 3: ......

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    41. Number and configuration of doors:

    42.1. Number and position of seats:

    43.1. EC type-approval mark of coupling device, if fitted:

    43.3. Types or classes of coupling devices which can be fitted:

    43.4. Characteristic values (1): D...... / V...... / S...... / U......

    45. Sound level:

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    Stationary: ...... dB(A) at engine speed ...... min-1

    Drive-by: ...... dB(A)

    46.1. Exhaust emissions (6):

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    1. test procedure:................

    CO: ...... HC: ...... NOx: ...... HC + NOx: ...... Smoke (corrected value of absorption coefficient (m-1)): Particulates:......

    2. test procedure (if applicable)...........

    CO: ...... NOx: ...... NMHC: ...... THC:.... CH4: ...... Particulates: ......

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s) if applicable:


    49. Chassis designed for off-road vehicles only: yes/no (1)

    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:

    Side 2

    For incomplete vehicles of categories M2 and M3.

    (The values and units indicated below are those given in the type-approval documentation of the relevant Directives. In case of conformity of production tests, the values must be verified according to the methods laid down in the relevant Directives taking into account the conformity of production test tolerances allowed in those Directives).

    1. Number of axles: ...... and wheels: ......

    2. Powered axles: ......

    3. Wheelbase: ...... mm

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. ...... mm 2. ...... mm 3. ...... mm 4. ...... mm

    6.2. Maximum permissible length of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    6.3. Distance between the front end of the vehicle and the centre of the coupling device: ...... mm

    7.2. Maximum permissible width of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    9.1. Height of the centre of gravity (c.o.g.): ...... mm

    9.2. Maximum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    9.3. Minimum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    12.3. Mass of the bare chassis: ...... kg

    13.1. Minimum permissible mass of the completed vehicle: ...... kg

    13.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ...... kg

    14.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    14.4. Technically permissible mass on each axle/axle group: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    16. Maximum permissible roof load: ...... kg

    17. Maximum mass of trailer (braked): ...... kg; (unbraked): ...... kg

    18. Technically permissible maximum laden mass of combination

    19.1. Technically permissible maximum mass on the coupling point of a motor

    20. Engine manufacturer:

    21. Engine code as marked on the engine:

    22. Working principle:

    22.1. Direct injection: yes/no (1)

    23. Number and arrangement of cylinders:

    24. Capacity: ...... cm³

    25. Fuel:

    26. Maximum net power: ...... kW at ...... min-1

    27. Clutch (type):

    28. Gearbox (type):

    29. Gear ratios: 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ......

    30. Final drive ratio: ......

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ...... Axle 4: ......

    33.1. Drive axle(s) fitted with air suspension or equivalent: yes/no (1)

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    36. Pressure in feed line for trailer braking system: ...... bar

    41. Number and configuration of doors: .............................................................................

    43.1. Approval mark of coupling device, if fitted: ......

    43.3. Types or classes of coupling devices which can be fitted:

    43.4. Characteristic values (1): D...... / V...... / S...... / U......

    45. Sound level:

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:

    Stationary: ...... dB(A) at engine speed ...... min-1

    Drive-by: ...... dB(A)

    46.1. Exhaust emissions (6): ...... Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:

    1. test procedure:

    CO: ...... HC: ...... NOx: ...... HC + NOx: ...... Smoke (corrected value of absorption coefficient (m-1)):...Particulates: ......

    2. test procedure (if applicable)...........

    CO: ...... NOx: ...... NMHC: ...... THC:...... CH4: ...... Particulates: ......

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s), if applicable:


    49. Chassis designed for off-road vehicles only: yes/no (1)

    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:

    Side 2

    For incomplete vehicles of categories N1, N2 and N3.

    (The values and units indicated below are those given in the type-approval documentation of the relevant Directives. In case of conformity of production tests, the values must be verified according to the methods laid down in the relevant Directives taking into account the conformity of production test tolerances allowed in those Directives).

    1. Number of axles: ...... and wheels: ......

    2. Powered axles: ......

    3. Wheelbase: ...... mm

    4.2. Fifth wheel lead for semi-trailer towing vehicle (maximum and minimum): ...... mm

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. ...... mm 2. ...... mm 3. ...... mm 4. ...... mm

    6.2. Maximum permissible length of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    6.3. Distance between the front end of the vehicle and the centre of the coupling device: ...... mm

    7.2. Maximum permissible width of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    9.1. Height of the centre of gravity (c.o.g.): ...... mm

    9.2. Maximum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    9.3. Minimum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    12.3. Mass of the bare chassis: ...... kg

    13.1. Minimum permissible mass of the completed vehicle: ...... kg

    13.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ...... kg

    14.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    14.4. Technically permissible mass on each axle/axle group: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg 4. ...... kg

    15. Position of retractable or loadable axle(s):................

    17. Technically permissible maximum towable mass of the motor vehicle in case of

    17.1. Drawbar trailer:

    17.2. Semi-trailer:

    17.3. Centre-axle trailer: ...............

    17.4. Maximum mass of trailer (unbraked): ...... kg

    18. Maximum mass of combination: ...... kg

    19.1. Maximum vertical load at the coupling point for a trailer: ...... kg

    20. Engine manufacturer:

    21. Engine code as marked on the engine:

    22. Working principle:

    22.1. Direct injection: yes/no (1)

    23. Number and arrangement of cylinders:

    24. Capacity: ...... cm³

    25. Fuel:

    26. Maximum net power: ...... kW at ...... min-1

    27. Clutch (type):

    28. Gearbox (type):

    29. Gear ratios: 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ......

    30. Final drive ratio:

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ...... Axle 4: ......

    33.1. Drive axle(s) fitted with air suspension or equivalent: yes/no (1)

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    36. Pressure in feed line for trailer braking system: ...... bar

    41. Number and configuration of doors:

    42.1. Number and position of seats:

    43.1. EC type-approval mark of coupling device, if fitted:

    43.3. Types or classes of coupling devices which can be fitted:

    43.4. Characteristic values (1): D...... / V...... / S...... / U......

    45. Sound level:

    Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:.............

    Stationary: ...... dB(A) at engine speed ...... min-1

    Drive-by: ...... dB(A)

    46.1. Exhaust emissions (6): Number of the base Directive and latest amending Directive applicable to the EC type-approval. In case of a Directive with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage:

    1. test procedure:

    CO: ...... HC: ...... NOx: ...... HC + NOx: ...... Smoke (corrected value of absorption coefficient (m-1)):...Particulates: ......

    2. test procedure (if applicable)...........

    CO: ...... NOx: ...... NMHC: ......CH4: ......Particulates: ......

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s), if applicable:


    48.1. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting dangerous goods: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    48.2. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting certain animals: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    49. Chassis designed for off-road vehicles only: yes/no (1)

    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:

    Side 2

    For incomplete vehicles of categories O1, O2, O3 and O4

    1. Number of axles: ...... and wheels: ......

    3. Wheelbase: ...... mm

    5. Axle(s) track: 1. ...... mm 2. ...... mm 3. ...... mm

    6.2. Maximum permissible length of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    6.4. Distance between the centre of the coupling device and the rear end of the vehicle: ...... mm

    7.2. Maximum permissible width of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    9.1. Height of the centre of gravity (c.o.g.): ...... mm

    9.2. Maximum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    9.3. Minimum permissible height of the c.o.g. of the completed vehicle: ...... mm

    12.3. Mass of the bare chassis: ...... kg

    13.1. Minimum permissible mass of the completed vehicle: ...... kg

    13.2. Distribution of this mass among the axles: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg

    14.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass: ...... kg

    14.5. Distribution of this mass among the axles and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... kg coupling point: ...... kg

    14.6. Technically permissible mass on each axle/axle group: 1. ...... kg 2. ...... kg 3. ...... and, in the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, load on the coupling point: ...... kg

    15. Position of retractable or loadable axle(s): ................

    19.2. For coupling devices of classes B, D, E and H: maximum mass of the towing vehicle (T) or of the vehicle combination (if T < 32 000 kg): ...... kg

    32. Tyres and wheels: Axle 1: ...... Axle 2: ...... Axle 3: ......

    33.2. Axle(s) fitted with air suspension or equivalent: yes/no (1)

    34. Steering, method of assistance:

    35. Brief description of the braking system:

    43.2. EC type-approval mark of coupling device:

    43.3. Types or classes of coupling devices which can be fitted:

    43.4. Characteristic values (1): D...... / V...... / S...... / U......

    47. Fiscal power or national code number(s), if applicable:


    48.1. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting dangerous goods: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    48.2. EC type-approved according to the design requirements for transporting certain animals: yes/class(es): ....../no (1)

    50. Remarks:

    51. Exemptions:

    ê 2001/116/EC (adapted)

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    ð 0. OBJECTIVES ï

    ð The conformity of production procedure aims to ensure that each vehicle, system, component and technical separate unit is produced and continues to be produced in conformity with its type-approval. ï

    ð Procedures include inseparably, the assessment of quality management systems, referred to below as the initial assessment [48] and verification of the approval subject and product-related controls, and referred to as product conformity arrangements. ï

    [48] ) Guidance on the planning and conduct of assessment is to be found in harmonised standard ISO 10011, Parts 1,2 and 3, 1991.


    1.1. The EC type-approval authority of a Member State must verify, before granting EC type-approval, the existence of satisfactory arrangements and procedures for ensuring effective control so that components, systems, separate technical units or vehicles when in production conform to the approved type.

    1.2. The requirements in point 1.1 shall be verified to the satisfaction of the authority granting EC type-approval.

    That authority shall be satisfied with the initial assessment and the initial product conformity arrangements at section 2 below, taking account, as necessary, of one of the arrangements described at paragraphs 1.2.1 to 1.2.3, or a combination of those arrangements in full or in part as appropriate.

    1.2.1. The actual initial assessment and/or verification of product conformity arrangements ð shall ï be carried out by the EC type-approval authority granting the approval or ð an appointed body acting ï on behalf of the EC type-approval authority. When considering the extent of the initial assessment to be carried out, the EC type-approval authority may take account of available information relating to:

    - the manufacturer's certification described in 1.2.3 below, which has not been qualified or recognised under that paragraph,

    - in the case of component or separate technical unit EC type-approval, quality system assessments performed in the component or separate technical unit manufacturer's premises by vehicle manufacturer(s), according to one or more of the industry sector specifications satisfying the requirements in harmonised standard EN ISO 9002 - 1994, or EN ISO 9001 - 2000 with the permissible exclusion of the requirements related to the concepts of design and development, sub-clause 7.3 "Customer Satisfaction and Continual Improvement".

    1.2.2. The actual initial assessment and/or verification of product conformity arrangements may also be carried out by the EC type-approval authority of another Member State or the ð appointed body ï designated for this purpose by the EC type-approval authority. In that case, the EC type-approval authority of the other Member State shall prepare a statement of compliance outlining the areas and production facilities it has covered as relevant to the product(s) to be EC type-approved and to the Directive according to which these products are to be approved ( [49]). On receiving an application for a compliance statement from the EC type-approval authority of a Member State granting EC type-approval, the EC type-approval authority of another Member State shall send forthwith the statement of compliance or advise that it is not in a position to provide such a statement. The statement of compliance should at least include:

    [49] ) For example, the relevant separate Directive, if the product to be approved is a system, component or technical unit, and Directive 70/156/CEE if it is a whole vehicle.

    Group or company: // (e.g. XYZ Automotive)

    Particular organisation: // (e.g. European Division)

    Plants/Sites: // (e.g. Engine Plant 1 (United Kingdom) Vehicle Plant 2 (Germany))

    Vehicle/Component range: // (e.g. All Category M1 models)

    Areas assessed: // (e.g. Engine assembly, body pressing and assembly, vehicle assembly)

    Documents examined: // (e.g. Company and site quality manual and procedures)

    Assessment: // (e.g. Conducted: 18-30.9.2001) (e.g. Planned monitor visit: March 2002)

    1.2.3. The EC type-approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's suitable certification to harmonised standard EN ISO 9002 - 1994 (whose scope covers the locations of production and product(s) to be approved), or EN ISO 9001 - 2000 with the permissible exclusion of the requirements related to the concepts of design and development, sub-clause 7.3 "Customer Satisfaction and Continual Improvement", or an equivalent harmonised standard as satisfying the initial assessment requirements of point 1.2. The manufacturer must provide details of the certification and undertake to inform the EC type-approval authority of any revisions to its validity or scope.

    1.3. For the purpose of the whole vehicle EC type-approval, the initial assessments carried out for granting of approvals for systems, components and technical units of the vehicle need not be repeated, but shall be completed by an assessment covering the locations and activities relating to the assembly of the whole vehicle not covered by the former assessments.


    2.1. Every vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit approved pursuant to this Directive or a separate Directive must be so manufactured as to conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements of this Directive or a separate Directive contained in the complete list set out in Annex IV or XI.

    2.2. The EC type-approval authority of a Member State, at the time of granting an EC type-approval, must verify the existence of adequate arrangements and documented control plans, to be agreed with the manufacturer for each approval, to carry out at specified intervals those tests or associated checks necessary to verify continued conformity with the approved type including specifically, where applicable, tests specified in the separate Directives.

    2.3. The holder of the EC type-approval must, in particular:

    2.3.1. ensure the existence and application of procedures for effective control of the conformity of products (vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units) to the approved type;

    2.3.2. have access to the testing or other appropriate equipment necessary for checking the conformity to each approved type;

    2.3.3. ensure that test or check results data are recorded and that annexed documents remain available for a period to be determined in agreement with the type-approval authority. This period is not required to exceed 10 years;

    2.3.4. analyse the results of each type of test or check, in order to verify and ensure the stability of the product characteristics, making allowance for variation of an industrial production;

    2.3.5. ensure that for each type of product, at least the checks prescribed in this Directive and the tests prescribed in the applicable separate Directives contained in the complete list set out in Annex IV or XI, are carried out;

    2.3.6. ensure that any set of samples or test pieces, giving evidence of non-conformity in the type of test or check in question gives rise to a further sampling and test or check. All the necessary steps shall be taken to restore conformity of the corresponding production;

    2.3.7. in the case of whole-vehicle EC type-approval, the checks referred to in point 2.3.5 are restricted to those verifying the correct build specification in relation to the approval and especially to the information document laid down in Annex III and the information required for certificates of conformity given in Annex IX to this Directive.


    3.1. The authority which has granted EC type-approval may at any time verify the conformity control methods applied in each production facility.

    3.1.1. The normal arrangements shall be to monitor the continued effectiveness of the procedures established at 1.2 (initial assessment and product conformity) of this Annex. Surveillance activities carried out by a certification body (qualified or recognised as required by paragraph 1.2.3 of this Annex) must be accepted as satisfying the requirements of 3.1.1 with regard to the procedures established at initial assessment (paragraph 1.2.3). The normal frequency of verifications by the EC type-approval authority (other than those at shall be such as to ensure that the relevant controls applied in accordance with Sections 1 and 2 of this Annex are reviewed over a period consistent with the climate of trust established by the type-approval authority.

    3.2. At every review, records of tests or checks and records of production shall be made available to the inspector; in particular, records of those tests or checks documented as required by point 2.2 of this Annex.

    3.3. Where the nature of the test is appropriate, the inspector may select samples at random to be tested in the manufacturer's laboratory (or by the technical service where the separate Directive so provides). The minimum number of samples may be determined according to the results of the manufacturer's own verification.

    3.4. Where the level of control appears unsatisfactory, or when it seems necessary to verify the validity of the tests carried out in application of point 3.2, the inspector must select samples to be sent to the technical service which conducted the EC type-approval tests.


    In cases where unsatisfactory results are found during an inspection or a monitoring review, the EC type-approval authority must ensure that all necessary steps are taken to restore conformity of production as rapidly as possible.

    ê 2001/116/EC

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    Appendix 1

    Motor-Caravans, Ambulances and Hearses


    Appendix 2

    Armoured Vehicles


    Appendix 3

    Other Special Purpose Vehicles (including Trailer Caravans)

    Application of the exemptions is only permitted if the manufacturer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the approval authority that the vehicle, due to the special function, can not meet all the requirements.


    Appendix 4

    Mobile Cranes


    Meaning of letters

    X No exemptions except those specified in the separate Directive.

    N/A This Directive is not applicable to this vehicle (no requirements).

    A Exemption permitted where special purposes make it impossible to fully comply. The manufacturer shall demonstrate this to the satisfaction of the type-approval authority that the vehicle cannot meet the requirements due to its special purpose.

    B Application limited to doors giving access to the seats designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on the road and where the distance between the R point of the seat and the average plane of the door surface, measured perpendicular to the longitudinal medium plane of the vehicle, does not exceed 500 mm.

    C Application limited to that part of the vehicle in front of the rearmost seat designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on the road and also limited to the head impact zone as defined in Directive 74/60/EEC.

    D Application limited to seats designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on the road ð . Seats which are designated for use when the vehicle is travelling on the road must be clearly identified to users either by means of a pictogram or a sign with an appropriate text. ï

    E Front only.

    F Modification to the routing and length of the refuelling duct and re-positioning of the tank inboard is permissible.

    G Requirements according to the category of the base/incomplete vehicle (the chassis of which was used to build the special purpose vehicle). In the case of incomplete/completed vehicles, it is acceptable that the requirements for vehicles of the corresponding category N (based on max. mass) are satisfied.

    H Modification of exhaust system length after the last silencer not exceeding 2 m is permissible without any further test.

    I Application limited to those heating systems not specially designed for habitation purposes.

    J For all window glazing other than driver's cab glazing (windshield and side glasses), the material may be either of safety glass or rigid plastic glazing.

    K Additional panic alarm devices permitted.

    L Application limited to seats designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on the road. At least anchorages for lap belts are required in the rear seating positions ð . Seats which are designated for use when the vehicle is travelling on the road must be clearly identified to users either by means of a pictogram or a sign with an appropriate text. ï

    M Application limited to seats designated for normal use when the vehicle is travelling on the road. At least lap belts are required in all rear seating positions ð . Seats which are designated for use when the vehicle is travelling on the road must be clearly identified to users either by means of a pictogram or a sign with an appropriate text. ï

    N Provided that all mandatory lighting devices are installed and that the geometric visibility is not affected.

    O The vehicle shall be fitted with an adequate system in the front.

    P Application limited to those heating systems not specially designed for habitation purposes. The vehicle shall be fitted with an adequate system in the front.

    Q Modification of exhaust system length after the last silencer not exceeding 2 m is permissible without any further test. An EC type-approval issued to the most representative base vehicle remains valid irrespective of change in the reference weight.

    R Provided that the registration plates of all member states can be mounted and remain visible.

    S The light transmission factor is at least 60%, also the "A" pillar obstruction angle is not more than 10°.

    T Test to be performed only with the complete/completed vehicle. The vehicle can be tested according to Directive 70/157/EEC as last amended by 1999/101/EC. Concerning item of Annex I to Directive 70/157/EEC the following limit values are applicable:

    81 dB(A) for vehicles with an engine power of less than 75 kW

    83 dB(A) for vehicles with an engine power of not less than 75 kW but less than 150 kW

    84 dB(A) for vehicles with an engine power of not less than 150 kW

    U Test to be performed only with the complete/completed vehicle. Vehicles up to 4 axles shall comply with all the requirements laid down by Directive 71/320/EEC. Derogations are admitted for vehicles having more than 4 axles, provided that:

    they are justified by the particular construction

    all the braking performances, related to parking, service and secondary braking laid down by Directive 71/320/EEC are fulfilled.

    V The compliance with Directive 97/68/EC can be accepted.

    Y Provided that all mandatory lighting devices are installed.

    ê 2001/116/EC (adapted)

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    ð 1. The number of units of one type of vehicle to be registered, sold or put into service per year in the Community in application of Article 21 shall not exceed the figures shown below for the vehicle category in question:


    ð 2. The number of units of one type to be registered, sold or put into service per year in one Member State in application of Article 22 shall not exceed the figures shown below for the vehicle category in question: ï








    - ,




    - .






    - .





    - number of axles,




    The maximum number of complete and completed vehicles put into service in each Member State under the procedure "End-of-Series" shall be restricted in one of the following ways to be chosen by the Member State :

    - the maximum number of vehicles of one or more types may, in the case of category M1, not exceed 10% and in the case of all other categories not exceed 30% of the vehicles of all types concerned put into service in that Member State during the previous year. Should 10%, respectively 30%, be less than 100 vehicles, then the Member State may allow the putting into service of a maximum of 100 vehicles;

    - vehicles of any one type shall be restricted to those for which a valid certificate of conformity was issued on or after the date of manufacture and which remained valid for at least three months after its date of issue but subsequently lost its validity because of coming into force of a separate Directive.

    ê 2001/116/EC



    Type-approval authority stamp

    List number:

    Covering the period: to

    The following information in respect of each EC type-approval granted, refused or withdrawn in the above mentioned period must be given:


    EC type-approval number:

    Reason for extension (where applicable):



    Date of issue:

    First date of issue (in the case of extensions):

    ê 2001/116/EC

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    1. GENERAL

    1.1. The satisfactory operation of the process of multi-stage EC type-approval requires joint action by all the manufacturers concerned. To this end approval authorities must ensure, before granting first and subsequent stage approval, that suitable arrangements exist between the relevant manufacturers for the supply and interchange of documents and information such that the completed vehicle type meets the technical requirements of all the relevant separate Directives as prescribed in Annex IV or Annex XI. Such information must include details of relevant system, component and separate technical unit approvals and of vehicle parts which form part of the incomplete vehicle but are not yet approved.

    1.2. EC type-approvals in accordance with this Annex are granted on the basis of the current state of completion of the vehicle type and must incorporate all approvals granted at earlier stages.

    1.3. Each manufacturer in a multi-stage EC type-approval process is responsible for the approval and conformity of production of all systems, components or separate technical units manufactured by him or added by him to the previously built stage. He is not responsible for subjects which have been approved in an earlier stage except in those cases where he modifies relevant parts to an extent that the previously granted approval becomes invalid.


    The type-approval authority must:

    (a) verify that all relevant separate Directive EC type-approvals are applicable to the appropriate standard in the separate Directive;

    (b) ensure that all the relevant data, taking account of the state of completion of the vehicle, is included in the information folder;

    (c) by reference to the documentation make sure that the vehicle specification(s) and data contained in Part I of the vehicle information folder are included in the data in the information packages and/or the approval certificates of the relevant separate Directive EC type-approvals; and in the case of a completed vehicle, where an item number in Part I of the information folder is not included in the information package of any of the separate Directives, confirm that the relevant part of characteristic conforms to the particulars in the information folder;

    (d) on a selected sample of vehicles from the type to be approved carry out or arrange to be carried out inspections of vehicle parts and systems to verify that the vehicle(s) is/are built in accordance with the relevant data contained in the authenticated information package in respect of all relevant separate Directive EC type-approvals;

    (e) carry out or arrange to be carried out relevant installation checks in respect of separate technical units where applicable.

    3. The number of vehicles to be inspected for the purposes of paragraph 2(d) must be sufficient to permit the proper control of the various combinations to be EC type-approved according to the state of completion of the vehicle and the following criteria:

    - engine,

    - gearbox,

    - powered axles (number, position, interconnection),

    - steered axles (number and position),

    - body styles,

    - number of doors,

    - hand of drive,

    - number of seats,

    - level of equipment.


    ð 4.1. Vehicle identification number ï

    ð (a) The identification number of the base vehicle (VIN) prescribed by Directive 76/114/EEC shall be retained during all the subsequent stages of the type-approval process to ensure the "traceability" of the process. ï

    ð (b) However, at the final stage of completion, the manufacturer concerned by this stage may replace, in agreement with the approval authority, the first and second sections of the vehicle identification number by his own vehicle manufacturer code and the vehicle identification code if, and only if, the vehicle has to be registered under his own trade name. In such a case, the complete vehicle identification number of the base vehicle shall not be deleted. ï

    ð 4.2. Additional manufacturer's plate ï

    At the second and subsequent stages, in addition to the statutory plate prescribed by Directive 76/114/EEC, each manufacturer must affix to the vehicle an additional plate the model of which is shown in the appendix to this Annex. This plate must be firmly attached, in a conspicuous and readily accessible position on a part not subject to replacement in use. It must show clearly and indelibly the following information in the order listed:

    - name of the manufacturer,

    - Sections 1, 3 and 4 of the EC type-approval number,

    - the stage of approval,

    - vehicle identification number,

    - maximum permissible laden mass of the vehicle ( [50]),

    [50] a) Only where the value has changed during the current stage of approval.

    - maximum permissible laden mass of the combination (where the vehicle is permitted to tow a trailer) (a),

    - maximum permissible mass on each axle, listed in order from front to rear (a),

    - in the case of a semi-trailer or centre axle trailer, the maximum permitted mass on the coupling device (a).

    Unless otherwise provided for above, the plate must comply with the requirements of Directive 76/114/EEC.


    The example below is given as a guide only.



    Stage 3


    1 500 kg

    2 500 kg

    1 - 700 kg

    2 - 810 kg

    ê 2001/116/EC



    Manufacturer's declaration of base/incomplete vehicle of category other than M1

    Declaration number:

    I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the vehicle as specified below, has been manufactured in our own factory and that it is a newly manufactured vehicle.

    0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):

    0.2. Type of vehicle:

    0.2.1. Commercial name(s):

    0.3. Means of identification of type:

    0.6. Vehicle identification number:

    0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s):

    Moreover, the undersigned declares that the vehicle when delivered complied with the following Directives:


    The present declaration is issued according to the provisions established in Annex XI to this Directive.

    (Place) (Signature) (Date)

    ò new






    TIME-LIMITS FOR THE TRANSPOSITION OF THE REPEALED DIRECTIVES INTO NATIONAL LAWS (Referred to in Article 43) Part A Directive 70/156/EEC and its successive amending acts

    Directives // Comments

    Directive 70/156/EEC [51] //

    [51] OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 1.

    Directive 78/315/EEC [52] //

    [52] OJ L 81, 28.3.1978, p. 1.

    Directive 78/547/EEC [53] //

    [53] OJ L 168, 26.6.1978, p. 39.

    Directive 80/1267/EEC [54] //

    [54] OJ L 375, 31.12.1980, p. 34.

    Directive 87/358/EEC [55] //

    [55] OJ L 192, 11.7.1987, p. 51.

    Directive 87/403/EEC [56] //

    [56] OJ L 220, 8.8.1987, p. 44.

    Directive 92/53/EEC [57] //

    [57] OJ L 225, 10.8.1992, p. 1.

    Directive 93/81/EEC [58] //

    [58] OJ L 264, 23.10.1993, p. 49.

    Directive 95/54/EC [59] // Only Article 3.

    [59] OJ L 266, 8.11.1995, p. 1.

    Directive 96/27/EC [60] // Only Article 3.

    [60] OJ L 169, 8.7.1996, p. 1.

    Directive 96/79/EC [61] // Only Article 3.

    [61] OJ L 18, 21.1.1997, p. 7.

    Directive 97/27/EC [62] // Only Article 8.

    [62] OJ L 233, 25.8.1997, p. 1.

    Directive 98/14/EC [63] //

    [63] OJ L 91, 25.3.1998, p. 1.

    Directive 98/91/EC [64] // Only Article 3.

    [64] OJ L 11, 16.1.1999, p. 25.

    Directive 2000/40/EC [65] // Only Article 4.

    [65] OJ L 203, 10.8.2000, p. 9.

    Directive 2001/92/EC [66] // Only Article 3.

    [66] OJ L 291, 8.11.2001, p. 24.

    Directive 2001/56/EC [67] // Only Article 7.

    [67] OJ L 292, 9.11.2001, p. 21.

    Directive 2001/85/EC [68] // Only Article 4.

    [68] OJ L 42, 13.2.2002, p. 42.

    Directive 2001/116/EC [69] //

    [69] OJ L 18, 21.1.2002, p. 1.

    Regulation (EC) No 807/2003 [70] // Point 2) of Annex III only

    [70] OJ L 122, 16.5.2003, p.36

    PART B Time-limits for transposition into national laws



    ANNEX XVIII Correlation Table (referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 43)

    Directive 70/156/EEC // This Directive

    - // Article 1

    Article 1, first subparagraph // Article 2 (1)

    Article 1, second subparagraph // Article 2 (2) points (a) and (b)

    - // Article 2 (2) points (c) and (h)

    - // Article 2 (3)

    Article 2 // Article 3

    - // Article 4

    - // Article 5

    - // Article 6 (1)

    Article 3 (1) // Article 6 (2)

    Article 3 (2) // Article 6 (3)

    - // Article 6 (4)

    Article 3 (3) // Article 6 (5) points (a) and (b)

    Article 3 (4) // Article 7 (1) and (2)

    Article 3 (5) // Article 6 (6) and Article 7 (1)

    - // Article 6 (7) and (8)

    - // Article 7 (3) and (4)

    Article 4 (1), first subparagraph point (a) // Article 9 (1)

    Article 4 (1), first subparagraph point (b) // Article 9 (2)

    Article 4 (1), first subparagraph point (c) // Article 10 (1)

    Article 4 (1), first subparagraph point (d) // Article 10 (2)

    - // Article 10 (3)

    Article 4 (1), second subparagraph // Article 9 (4)

    Directive 70/156/EEC // This Directive

    Article 4 (1), third subparagraph // Article 9 (5)

    - // Article 9 (6) and (7)

    - // Article 8 (1) and (2)

    Article 4 (2) // Article 8 (3)

    Article 4 (3), first and third sentences // Article 9 (3)

    Article 4 (3), second sentence // Article 8 (4)

    Article 4 (4) // Article 10 (4)

    Article 4 (5) // Article 8 (5) and (6)

    Article 4 (6) // Article 8 (7) and (8)

    Article 5 (1) // Article 12 (1)

    Article 5 (2) // Article 12 (2)

    Article 5 (3), first subparagraph // Article 14 (1)

    Article 5 (3), second subparagraph // Article 14 (3)

    Article 5 (3), third subparagraph // Articles 14 (2), 15 (1) and 15 (2)

    Article 5 (3), fourth subparagraph // Article 12 (3)

    Article 5 (4), first subparagraph // Article 13 (1)

    Article 5 (4), second subparagraph // Article 13 (3) and 15 (2)

    Article 5 (4), third subparagraph // Article 13 (2)

    Article 5 (4), fourth subparagraph, first sentence // Article 12 (3)

    Article 5 (4), fourth subparagraph, second sentence // Article 15 (3)

    Article 5 (5) // Article 16 (4)

    Article 5 (6) // Article 13 (4)

    - // Article 16 (1) to (3)

    Article 6 (1), first subparagraph // Article 17 (1)

    - // Article 17 (2)

    Article 6 (1), second subparagraph // Article 17 (3)

    Directive 70/156/EEC // This Directive

    Article 6 (2) // -

    - // Article 17 (4) to (8)

    Article 6 (3) // Article 18 (1) and (2)

    - // Article 18 (3)

    Article 6 (4) // Article 35 (2), first subparagraph

    - // Article 35 (2), second subparagraph

    Article 7 (1) // Article 25 (1)

    - // Article 25 (2)

    Article 7 (2) // Article 27

    Article 7 (3) // Article 28

    Article 8 (1) // -

    - // Article 21

    Article 8 (2) (a), first sentence // Article 25 (3)

    Article 8 (2) (a), second sentence // -

    Article 8 (2) (a), third to sixth sentence // Article 22 (1), (3) and (5)

    - // Article 22 (2)

    - // Article 22 (4), first subparagraph

    Article 8 (2) (b) (1), first and second subparagraphs // Article 26 (1)

    Article 8 (2) (b) (1), third subparagraph // Article 26 (2)

    Article 8 (2) (b) (2), first and second subparagraphs // Article 26 (3)

    Article 8 (2) (b) (2), third and fourth subparagraphs // -

    - // Article 26 (4)

    Article 8 (2) (c), first subparagraph // Article 19 (1) and (2)

    Article 8 (2) (c), second subparagraph // Article 19 (3), first subparagraph

    Article 8 (2) (c), third subparagraph // -

    Article 8 (2) (c), fourth subparagraph // Article 19 (3), second subparagraph

    - // Article 19 (3), third subparagraph

    Directive 70/156/EEC // This Directive

    - // Article 19 (4)

    Article 8 (2) (c), fifth and sixth subparagraphs // Article 20

    Article 8 (3) // Article 22 (4), second subparagraph

    - // Article 23

    - // Article 24

    Article 9 (1) // Article 33

    Article 9 (2) // Article 32 (1) and (2)

    - // Article 32 (3) and (4)

    Article 10 (1) // Article 11 (1)

    Article 10 (2) // Article 11 (2), first subparagraph, first sentence

    - // Article 11 (2), first subparagraph, second sentence

    Article 11 (1) // Article 29 (2)

    Article 11 (2) // Article 29 (1)

    Article 11 (3) // Article 29 (3)

    Article 11 (4) // Article 29 (4)

    Article 11 (5) // Article 29 (5)

    Article 11 (6) // Article 29 (6)

    - // Article 30

    Article 12, first sentence // Article 31 (1)

    Article 12, second sentence // Article 31 (2)

    - // Article 34

    - // Article 35 (1)

    Article 13 (1) // Article 37 (1)

    - // Article 36 (1)

    Article 13 (2) // Article 36 (2)

    Article 13 (3) // Article 37 (2) and (3)

    Article 13 (4) // Article 36 (4)

    Directive 70/156/EEC // This Directive

    Article 13 (5) // Article 36 (2)

    - // Article 36 ( 3)

    Article 14 (1), first indent // Article 38 (1) (a)

    Article 14 (1), second indent, first sentence // Article 38 (1) (b)

    - // Article 38 (1) (c)

    Article 14 (1), second indent, second sentence // Article 38 (4)

    Article 14 (1), second indent, point (i) // Article 38 (2)

    Article 14 (1), second indent, point (ii) // Article 38 (3)

    Article 14 (2), first subparagraph // -

    Article 14 (2), second subparagraph // Article 38 (5)

    - // Articles 39 to 45

    Annex I // Annex I

    Annex II // Annex II

    Annex III // Annex III

    Annex IV // Annex IV

    - // Annex IV, Appendix 1

    Annex V // Annex V

    Annex VI // Annex VI

    - // Annex VI, Appendix 1

    Annex VII // Annex VII

    - // Annex VII, Appendix 1

    Annex VIII // Annex VIII

    Annex IX // Annex IX

    Annex X // Annex X

    Annex XI // Annex XI

    Annex XII // Annex XII

    Annex XIII // Annex XIII

    Directive 70/156/EEC // This Directive

    Annex XIV // Annex XIV

    Annex XV // Annex XV

    - // Annex XVI

    - // Annex XVII

    - // Annex XVIII
