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Document 32013R1308

    Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007

    OJ L 347, 20/12/2013, p. 671–854 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document In force: This act has been changed. Current consolidated version: 13/05/2024




    Official Journal of the European Union

    L 347/671


    of 17 December 2013

    establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular the first subparagraph of Article 42 and Article 43(2) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

    After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,

    Having regard to the opinion of the Court of Auditors (1),

    Having regard to the opinions of the European Economic and Social Committee (2),

    Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (3),

    Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (4),



    The Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled "The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future" sets out potential challenges, objectives and orientations for the Common Agricultural Policy ("the CAP") after 2013. In the light of the debate on that Communication, the CAP should be reformed with effect from 1 January 2014. That reform should cover all the main instruments of the CAP, including Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (5). In view of the scope of the reform, it is appropriate to repeal that Regulation and to replace it with a new regulation on the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products. The reform should also, as far as possible, harmonise, streamline and simplify the provisions, particularly those covering more than one agricultural sector, including by ensuring that non-essential elements of measures may be adopted by the Commission by way of delegated acts.


    This Regulation should contain all the basic elements of the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products.


    This Regulation should apply to all agricultural products listed in Annex I to the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (together, "the Treaties") in order to ensure the existence of a common organisation of the market for all such products, as required by Article 40(1) TFEU.


    It should be clarified that Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (6) and the provisions adopted pursuant to it should in principle apply to the measures set out in this Regulation. In particular, Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 lays down provisions guaranteeing compliance with obligations laid down by provisions relating to the CAP, including checks and the application of administrative measures and administrative penalties in case of non-compliance, and rules related to the lodging and releasing of securities and the recovery of undue payments.


    Pursuant to Article 43(3) TFEU, the Council is to adopt measures on fixing prices, levies, aid and quantitative limitations. In the interest of clarity, where Article 43(3) TFEU applies, this Regulation should explicitly refer to the fact that measures will be adopted by the Council on that legal basis.


    In order to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of this Regulation, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 TFEU should be delegated to the Commission. It is of particular importance that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level. The Commission, when preparing and drawing up delegated acts, should ensure a simultaneous, timely and appropriate transmission of relevant documents to the European Parliament and to the Council.


    Certain definitions concerning certain sectors should be set out in this Regulation. In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the rice sector, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of amending the definitions concerning the rice sector to the extent necessary to update them in the light of market developments.


    This Regulation refers to the description of products and contains references to the headings or subheadings of the combined nomenclature. Amendments to the Common Customs Tariff nomenclature may necessitate consequential technical adjustments to this Regulation. In order to take into account such amendments, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of making the necessary technical adjustments. In the interests of clarity and simplicity, Council Regulation (EEC) No 234/79 (7), which currently provides for such a power, should be repealed and the power integrated into this Regulation.


    Marketing years should be fixed for cereals, rice, sugar, dried fodder, seeds, wine, olive oil and table olives, flax and hemp, fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, bananas, milk and milk products, and silkworms, and adapted as far as possible to the biological production cycles of each of those products.


    In order to stabilise the markets and to ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, a differentiated system of market support for the different sectors has been developed and direct support schemes have been introduced, taking into account the different needs in each of these sectors on the one hand and the interdependence between different sectors on the other. Those measures take the form of public intervention or the payment of aid for private storage. There continues to be a need to maintain market support measures whilst streamlining and simplifying them.


    Union scales for the classification, identification and presentation of carcasses in the beef and veal, pigmeat and sheepmeat and goatmeat sectors should be fixed for the purpose of recording prices and applying the intervention arrangements in those sectors. Moreover, such Union scales pursue the objective of improving market transparency.


    For the sake of clarity and transparency, the provisions on public intervention should be made subject to a common structure, whilst maintaining the policy pursued in each sector. For that purpose, it is appropriate to distinguish between reference thresholds and intervention prices and to define the latter. In doing so, it is particularly important to clarify that only intervention prices for public intervention correspond to the applied administered prices referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 8 of Annex 3 to the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (i.e. market price support). In this context, it should be understood that market intervention can take the form of public intervention, as well as of other forms of intervention that do not use ex-ante established price indications.


    As appropriate to each sector concerned in the light of the practice and experience under previous common organisations of the markets (CMOs), the system of public intervention should be available during certain periods of the year and should, during those periods, either be open on a permanent basis or be opened depending on market prices.


    Public intervention price should consist of a fixed price for certain quantities for some products and in other cases should depend on tendering, reflecting the practice and experience under previous CMOs.


    This Regulation should provide for the possibility of disposal of products bought in public intervention. Such measures should be taken in a way that avoids market disturbances and that ensures equal access to goods and equal treatment of purchasers.


    The existing scheme for food distribution to the most deprived in the Union adopted under the CAP should be the subject of a separate Regulation adopted to reflect the social cohesion objectives of that scheme. Provision should nevertheless be made in this Regulation to allow for the disposal of products held in public intervention by making them available for use in that scheme.


    To achieve the aim of balancing the market and stabilising the market prices, it may be necessary to grant aid for private storage of specific agricultural products. In order to provide for market transparency, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down the conditions under which it may decide to grant private storage aid, taking into account the market situation.


    In order to ensure that products bought in under public intervention or subject to aid for private storage are suitable for long-term storage and are of sound, fair and marketable quality, and in order to take into account the specific characteristics of the different sectors for the purposes of ensuring the cost-effective operation of public intervention and private storage, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down the requirements and conditions to be met by those products concerning their quality and eligibility, in addition to the requirements laid down in this Regulation.


    In order to take account of the specific characteristics of the cereals and paddy rice sectors, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down the quality criteria as regards buying-in and sales of those products.


    In order to ensure appropriate storage capacity and the efficiency of the public intervention system in terms of cost-effectiveness, distribution and access for operators, and in order to maintain the quality of products bought in under public intervention for their disposal at the end of the storage period, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the requirements to be fulfilled by storage places for all products subject to public intervention, rules on the storage of products inside and outside the Member State responsible for them and their treatment as regards customs duties and any other amounts to be granted or levied under the CAP.


    In order to ensure that private storage has the desired effect on the market, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of rules and conditions applicable where the quantity stored is lower than the contracted quantity; the conditions for granting an advance payment; and the conditions applicable to the re-marketing and disposal of products covered by private storage contracts.


    In order to ensure the proper functioning of the public intervention and private storage systems, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of providing for the use of tendering procedures, and laying down additional conditions to be fulfilled by operators and a requirement for them to lodge a security.


    In order to take account of technical developments and of the needs of the beef and veal, pigmeat and sheepmeat and goatmeat sectors, as well as of the need to standardise the presentation of the different products for the purposes of improving market transparency, price recording and the application of the market intervention measures, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of adapting and updating Union scales for the classification of carcasses in those sectors, as well as in respect of laying down certain related additional provisions and derogations.


    The consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as of milk and milk products by school children should be encouraged with a view to durably increasing the share of those products in the diets of children at the stage when their eating habits are being formed, thereby contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the CAP in particular stabilising markets and ensuring the availability of both current and future supplies. Union aid to finance or co-finance the supply to children in educational establishments of such products should therefore be promoted.


    In order to ensure a sound budgetary management of the Union school fruit and vegetables scheme and school milk scheme, appropriate provisions for each one should be established. Union aid should not be used to replace funding for any existing national school fruit and vegetables schemes and school milk schemes. In the light of budgetary constraints, Member States should nonetheless be able to replace their financial contribution to those schemes with contributions from the private sector. In order to make their school fruit and vegetables schemes effective, accompanying measures may be necessary for which they should be allowed to grant national aid. Member States participating in the schemes should publicise the subsiding role of the Union aid.


    In order to promote the healthy eating habits of children and to ensure that the aid is targeted at children in regular attendance at educational establishments administered or recognised by Member States, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the school fruit and vegetables scheme concerning the additional criteria related to the targeting of aid, the approval and selection of aid applicants and the drawing-up of national or regional strategies and on accompanying measures.


    In order to ensure the efficient and targeted use of Union funds, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the school fruit and vegetables scheme concerning the method for reallocating aid between Member States on the basis of requests for aid applications received, the costs eligible for Union aid, including the possibility of fixing an overall ceiling for such costs, and the obligation for Member States to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their school fruit and vegetables schemes.


    In order to promote awareness of the school fruit and vegetables scheme, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of requiring participating Member States with a school fruit and vegetables scheme to publicise the subsidising role of the Union aid.


    In order to take into account the evolution in consumption patterns for dairy products, the innovations and developments on the dairy products market, the availability of products on the different markets of the Union and nutritional aspects, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the school milk scheme in respect of the products that are eligible for the scheme, the Member States' national or regional strategies, including accompanying measures where applicable, and the monitoring and evaluation of the scheme.


    In order to ensure that the appropriate beneficiaries and applicants qualify for Union aid and that it is used efficiently and effectively, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the rules on the beneficiaries and applicants eligible for the aid, the requirement for applicants to be approved by Member States, and the use of dairy products in the preparation of meals in educational establishments.


    In order to ensure that aid applicants respect their obligations, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the requirement to lodge a security where an advance of aid is paid.


    In order to promote awareness of the school milk scheme, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the conditions in accordance with which Member States are to publicise their participation in that scheme and the fact that it is subsidised by the Union.


    In order to ensure that the aid is reflected in the price of the products, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the establishment of price monitoring under the school milk scheme.


    Union financing is required to encourage recognised producer organisations, associations of producer organisations or interbranch organisations to draw up work programmes for the purpose of improving the production and marketing of olive oil and table olives. In that context, this Regulation should provide for Union support to be allocated in accordance with the priorities given to the activities undertaken within the respective work programmes. However, co-financing should be reduced in order to improve the efficiency of such programmes.


    In order to ensure the efficient and effective use of the Union aid granted to producer organisations, associations of producer organisations or interbranch organisations in the olive oil and table olives sector and in order to improve the production quality of olive oil and table olives, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the specific measures that can be financed by the Union aid and the activities and costs that cannot be so financed; the minimum allocation of Union financing to specific areas; the requirement to lodge a security; and the criteria to be taken into account by Member States in the selection and approval of work programmes.


    This Regulation should make a distinction between fruit and vegetables on the one hand, comprising fruit and vegetables for direct consumption and fruit and vegetables intended for processing, and processed fruit and vegetables on the other hand. Rules on operational funds, operational programmes and Union financial assistance should only apply to the first category, and both types of fruit and vegetables within that category should be treated in a similar way.


    The production of fruit and vegetables is unpredictable and the products are perishable. Even limited surpluses can significantly disturb the market. Therefore, measures for crisis management should be established and those measures should continue to be integrated into operational programmes.


    The production and marketing of fruit and vegetables should fully take into account environmental concerns, including cultivation practices, management of waste materials and disposal of products withdrawn from the market, in particular as regards protection of water quality, maintenance of biodiversity and the upkeep of the countryside.


    Support for setting up producer groups should be provided for all sectors in all Member States under rural development policy. The specific support in the fruit and vegetables sector should therefore be discontinued.


    In order to give producer organisations and their associations in the fruit and vegetables sector greater responsibility for their financial decisions and to direct the public resources assigned to them towards future requirements, terms should be set out for the use of those resources. Joint financing of operational funds set up by producer organisations and their associations is an appropriate solution. Additional scope for financing should be permitted in particular cases. Operational funds should only be used to finance operational programmes in the fruit and vegetables sector. In order to control Union expenditure, there should be a cap on assistance granted to producer organisations and their associations that establish operational funds.


    In regions where the organisation of production in the fruit and vegetables sector is weak, granting of additional national financial contributions should be allowed. In the case of Member States which are at a particular disadvantage with regard to structures, such contributions should be reimbursed by the Union.


    In order to ensure an efficient, targeted and sustainable support of producer organisations and their associations in the fruit and vegetables sector, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of operational funds and operational programmes, the national framework and national strategy for operational programmes concerning the obligation to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the national framework and the national strategies; Union financial assistance; crisis prevention and management measures; and national financial assistance.


    It is important to provide for support measures in the wine sector which strengthen competitive structures. While those measures should be defined and financed by the Union, it should be left to Member States to select an appropriate set of measures to meet the needs of their regional bodies, taking into account their particularities, where necessary, as well as integrate them into national support programmes. Member States should be responsible for the implementation of such programmes.


    One key measure eligible for national support programmes should be the promotion and marketing of Union wines. Support for innovation can increase the marketability and competitiveness of Union grapevine products. Restructuring and conversion activities should continue to be covered on account of their positive structural effects on the wine sector. Support should also be available for investments in the wine sector which are geared towards improving the economic performance of the enterprises. Support for by-product distillation should be a measure available to Member States which desire to use such an instrument to ensure the quality of wine, while protecting the environment.


    Preventive instruments such as harvest insurance, mutual funds and green harvesting should be eligible for support under the wine support programmes so as to encourage a responsible approach to crisis situations.


    The provisions on support to vine-growers by way of allocation of payment entitlements as decided by Member States were made definitive from the financial year 2015 under Article 103n of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and subject to the conditions set out in that provision.


    In order to ensure that Member States' wine support programmes meet their objectives and that there is an efficient and effective use of the Union funds, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of: rules on the responsibility for expenditure between the date of receipt by the Commission of the support programmes and modifications to support programmes, and their date of applicability; rules on the content of support programmes and the expenditure, administrative and personnel costs and operations that may be included in Member States' support programmes and the conditions for, and the possibility to make, payments through intermediaries in the case of support for harvest insurance; rules on the requirement to lodge a security where an advance payment is made; rules on the use of certain terms; rules on the fixing of a ceiling for expenditure on the replanting of vineyards for health or phytosanitary reasons; rules on the avoidance of double funding of projects; rules under which producers are to withdraw the by-products of winemaking, and on exceptions to that obligation in order to avoid additional administrative burden, and rules for the voluntary certification of distillers; and rules allowing Member States to establish conditions for the proper functioning of support measures.


    Beekeeping is characterised by the diversity of production conditions and yields and the dispersion and variety of economic operators, both at the production and marketing stages. Moreover, in view of the increasing incidence on bee health of certain types of hive invasions, and in particular of the spread of varroasis in several Member States in recent years and the problems which that disease causes to honey production, action by the Union continues to be necessary as varroasis cannot be completely eradicated and is to be treated with approved products. Given such circumstances, and in order to improve the production and marketing of apiculture products in the Union, national programmes for the sector should be drawn up every three years with a view to improving the general conditions for the production and marketing of apiculture products. Those national programmes should be partly financed by the Union.


    The measures which may be included in the apiculture programmes should be specified. In order to ensure that the Union aid scheme is adapted to the latest developments and that the measures covered are effective in improving the general conditions for the production and marketing of apiculture products, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of updating the list of measures, by adapting existing measures or adding new measures.


    In order to ensure the effective and efficient use of Union funds for apiculture, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the avoidance of double funding between Member States' apiculture programmes and rural development programmes and the basis of the allocation of the Union's financial contribution to each participating Member State.


    In accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 (8), the hops area payment was decoupled from 1 January 2010. In order to allow the hop producer organisations to continue their activities as before, a specific provision should be made for equivalent amounts to be used in the Member State concerned for the same activities. In order to ensure that the aids finance the aims of producer organisations, as set out in this Regulation, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of aid applications, rules on eligible hop areas and the calculation of aids.


    Union aid for silkworm rearing should be decoupled and integrated into the direct payments system following the approach taken for aids in other sectors.


    The aid for Union-produced skimmed milk and skimmed-milk powder intended for use as a feedingstuff and for processing into casein and caseinates has not proved effective in supporting the market and should therefore be discontinued, along with the rules concerning the use of casein and caseinates in the manufacture of cheese.


    The decision to end the transitional prohibition on planting vines at Union level is justified by the attainment of the main objectives of the reform of the Union wine market organisation in 2008, in particular by the end of the long-standing structural surplus of wine production and the progressive improvement of competitiveness and market orientation of the wine sector in the Union. Such positive developments have resulted from a marked decrease of vine areas across the Union, the exit of less competitive producers and the phasing-out of certain market support measures removing the incentive for investments without economic viability. The reduction of supply capacity and the support for structural measures and promotion of wine exports have enabled a better adaptation to decreasing demand at Union level, resulting from a progressive decrease in consumption in traditional wine-producing Member States.


    However, the perspectives of progressive growth of demand at world market level provide an incentive to increase supply capacity, and therefore to plant new vines, over the next decade. While the key objective of increasing the competitiveness of the Union wine sector should be pursued in order not to lose market share in the world market, an excessively rapid increase in new vine plantings in response to forecasted development in international demand may lead again to a situation of excessive supply capacity in the medium-term, with possible social and environmental effects in specific wine production areas. In order to ensure an orderly growth of vine plantings during the period between 2016 and 2030, a new system for the management of vine plantings should be established at Union level, in the form of a scheme of authorisations for vine plantings.


    Under this new system, authorisations for vine plantings may be granted without a cost being charged to producers, and should expire after three years if they are not used. This would contribute to the swift and direct use of the authorisations by the wine producers to whom they are granted, thereby avoiding speculation.


    The growth of new vine plantings should be framed by a safeguard mechanism at Union level based on the obligation for Member States, on an annual basis, to make available authorisations for new plantings representing 1 % of the planted vine areas, while allowing for certain flexibility in order to respond to the specific circumstances of each Member State. Member States should be able to decide whether to make available smaller areas at national or regional levels, including at the level of areas eligible for specific protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory reasons, while ensuring the limitations imposed are above 0 % and are not overrestrictive in relation to the objectives pursued.


    In order to guarantee that authorisations are granted in a non-discriminatory manner, certain criteria should be laid down, and in particular where the total number of hectares made available by the authorisations offered by Member States is exceeded by the total number of hectares requested in the applications submitted by producers.


    The granting of authorisations to producers grubbing up an existing vine area should be automatic upon submission of an application and independently of the safeguard mechanism for new plantings, since it does not contribute to the overall increase of vine areas. In specific areas eligible for the production of wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, Member States should have the possibility of restricting the granting of such authorisations for replantings on the basis of recommendations of recognised and representative professional organisations.


    This new scheme of authorisations for vine plantings should not apply to Member States not applying the Union transitional planting rights regime and should be optional for those Member States where, although the planting rights apply, the vine planting area is below a certain threshold.


    Transitional provisions should be laid down in order to ensure a smooth transition from the former planting rights regime to the new scheme, in particular in order to avoid excessive plantings before the start of the new scheme. Member States should have a certain flexibility to decide on the deadline for the submission of requests for conversion of planting rights into authorisations from 31 December 2015 to 31 December 2020.


    In order to ensure a harmonised and effective implementation of the new scheme of authorisations for vine plantings, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the conditions for the exemption of certain vine plantings from the scheme, the rules relating to the eligibility and priority criteria, the addition of eligibility and priority criteria, the co-existence of vines to be grubbed up with newly planted vines, and the grounds on which Member States may restrict the granting of authorisations for replantings.


    The control of non-authorised plantings should be carried out effectively in order to ensure the compliance with the rules for the new scheme.


    The application of standards for the marketing of agricultural products can contribute to improving the economic conditions for the production and marketing and the quality of such products. The application of such standards is therefore in the interest of producers, traders and consumers.


    Following the Communication from the Commission on agricultural product quality policy and subsequent debates, it is appropriate to maintain marketing standards by sectors or products, in order to take into account the expectations of consumers and to contribute to the improvement of the economic conditions for the production and marketing of agricultural products and their quality.


    Provisions of a horizontal nature should be established for marketing standards.


    Marketing standards should be divided between obligatory rules for specific sectors or products and optional reserved terms to be established on a sectoral or product basis.


    Marketing standards should, in principle, apply to all agricultural products concerned that are marketed in the Union.


    The sectors and products for which marketing standards may apply should be listed in this Regulation. However, in order to take account of the expectations of consumers and of the need to improve the quality of agricultural products and the economic conditions for their production and marketing, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of amending that list, subject to strict conditions.


    In order to take account of the expectations of consumers and to improve the economic conditions for the production and marketing as well as the quality of certain agricultural products, and in order to adapt to constantly changing market conditions, evolving consumer demands, and developments in relevant international standards, and in order to avoid creating obstacles to product innovation, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of adopting marketing standards by sectors or products, at all stages of the marketing, as well as derogations and exemptions from such standards. The marketing standards should take into account, inter alia, the natural and essential characteristics of the products concerned, thereby avoiding causing substantial changes in the ordinary composition of the product concerned. Moreover, the marketing standards should take into account the possible risk of consumers being misled, as a result of their expectations and perceptions. Any derogation or exemptions from the standards should not entail additional costs which should be borne solely by farmers.


    Marketing standards should apply to enable the market to be easily supplied with products of a standardised and satisfactory quality, and in particular should relate to technical definitions, classification, presentation, marking and labelling, packaging, production method, conservation, storage, transport, related administrative documents, certification and time limits, restrictions of use and disposal.


    Taking into account the interest of producers in communicating the product and farming characteristics, and the interest of consumers in receiving adequate and transparent product information, it should be possible to determine the place of farming and/or the place of origin, on a case-by-case basis at the appropriate geographical level, while taking into account the specific characteristics of some sectors, in particular concerning processed agricultural products.


    Special rules should be provided in respect of products imported from third countries provided that national provisions in force in third countries justify derogations from the marketing standards and their equivalence to Union legislation is guaranteed. It is also appropriate to lay down rules relating to the application of the marketing standards applicable to the products exported from the Union.


    Products of the fruit and vegetables sector intended to be sold fresh to the consumer should be marketed only if they are sound, fair and of marketable quality and if the country of origin is indicated. In order to ensure the proper application of that requirement and to take into account certain specific situations, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of specific derogations from that requirement.


    A quality policy should be followed throughout the Union by applying a certification procedure for products of the hops sector and by prohibiting the marketing of those products for which a certificate has not been issued. In order to ensure the proper application of that requirement and to take into account certain specific situations, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of measures derogating from that requirement in order to satisfy the trade requirements of certain third countries or for products intended for special uses.


    For certain sectors and products, definitions, designations and sales descriptions are important elements for determining the conditions of competition. Therefore, it is appropriate to lay down definitions, designations and sales descriptions for those sectors and/or products, which should only be used in the Union for the marketing of products which comply with the corresponding requirements.


    In order to adapt the definitions and sales descriptions for certain products to needs resulting from evolving consumer demands, technical progress or the need for product innovation, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of modifications, derogations or exemptions to definitions and sales descriptions.


    In order to ensure that operators and Member States have a clear and proper understanding of the definitions and sales descriptions laid down for certain sectors, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the rules on their specification and application.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of each product or sector, the different marketing stages, the technical conditions, any possible considerable practical difficulty, and also the accuracy and repeatability of the methods of analysis, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission concerning tolerance for one or more specific standards in excess of which the entire batch of products should be considered not to respect the standard.


    Certain oenological practices and restrictions for the production of wine should be determined, in particular as regards coupage and the use of certain types of grape must, grape juice and fresh grapes originating in third countries. In order to meet international standards, for further oenological practices, the Commission should take into account the oenological practices recommended by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).


    Rules should be laid down for the classification of wine grape varieties, according to which Member States producing more than 50 000 hectolitres per year should continue to be responsible for classifying the wine grape varieties from which wine may be made on their territories. Certain wine grape varieties should be excluded.


    Member States should be able to maintain or adopt certain national rules on quality levels as regards spreadable fats.


    For the wine sector, Member States should be allowed to limit or to exclude the use of certain oenological practices, should be allowed to keep more stringent restrictions for wines produced in their territory, and should allow the experimental use of unauthorised oenological practices.


    In order to ensure the correct and transparent application of national rules for certain products and sectors as regards marketing standards, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of establishing conditions for the application of such marketing standards, as well as the conditions for the holding, circulation and use of the products obtained from experimental practices.


    In addition to marketing standards, optional quality terms should be established in order to ensure that terms describing specific product characteristics, or farming or processing attributes are not misused in the market place and can be relied on by consumers to identify different qualities of product. In the light of the objectives of the present Regulation, and in the interest of clarity, existing optional quality terms should be listed in this Regulation.


    Member States should be allowed to lay down rules concerning the disposal of wine products not complying with the requirements of this Regulation. In order to ensure the correct and transparent application of national rules concerning wine products, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of establishing conditions for the use of wine products not complying with the requirements of this Regulation.


    In order to take into account the situation in the market and developments in marketing standards and in international standards, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of reserving an additional optional reserved term and laying down the conditions for its use, amending the conditions of use of an optional reserved term and cancelling an optional reserved term.


    In order to take into account the characteristics of certain sectors and consumer expectations, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down further details on the requirements for the introduction of an additional reserved term.


    In order to ensure that products described by means of optional reserved terms conform to the applicable conditions of use, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down additional rules on the use of optional reserved terms.


    In order to take account of the specific characteristics of trade between the Union and certain third countries and the special character of certain agricultural products, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission concerning the conditions under which imported products are considered to have an equivalent level of conformity to the Union requirements concerning marketing standards, and which allow for measures derogating from the rules that products are to be marketed in the Union only in accordance with such standards and the rules relating to the application of the marketing standards to products exported from the Union.


    Provisions concerning wine should be applied in the light of the international agreements concluded in accordance with the TFEU.


    The concept of quality wines in the Union is based, inter alia, on the specific characteristics attributable to the wine's geographical origin. Such wines are identified for consumers through protected designations of origin and geographical indications. In order to allow for a transparent and more elaborate framework underpinning the claim by the products concerned to be of quality, a system should be established in which applications for a designation of origin or a geographical indication are examined in line with the approach followed by the Union's horizontal quality policy applicable to foodstuffs other than wine and spirits, set out in Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (9).


    In order to preserve the particular quality characteristics of wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, Member States should be allowed to apply more stringent rules.


    To qualify for protection in the Union, designations of origin and geographical indications for wine should be recognised and registered at the Union level in accordance with procedural rules laid down by the Commission.


    Protection should be open to designations of origin and geographical indications of third countries where they are protected in their country of origin.


    The registration procedure should enable any natural or legal person having a legitimate interest in a Member State or a third country to exercise their rights by notifying their objections.


    Registered designations of origin and geographical indications should be protected against uses which take advantage of the reputation enjoyed by complying products. So as to promote fair competition and not to mislead consumers, that protection should also extend to products and services not covered by this Regulation, including those not found in Annex I to the Treaties.


    In order to take into account existing labelling practices, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of permitting the use of a name of a wine grape variety which contains or consists of a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the production in the demarcated geographical area, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down the additional criteria for the demarcation of the geographical area, and the restrictions and derogations concerning the production in the demarcated geographical area.


    In order to ensure product quality and traceability, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the conditions under which product specifications may include additional requirements.


    In order to ensure the protection of the legitimate rights or interests of producers and operators, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the type of applicant that may apply for the protection of a designation of origin or geographical indication; the conditions to be followed in respect of an application for the protection of a designation of origin or geographical indication, scrutiny by the Commission, the objection procedure, and procedures for amendment, cancellation and conversion of protected designations of origin or protected geographical indication. That empowerment should also cover: the conditions applicable to trans-border applications; the conditions for applications relating to geographical areas in a third country; the date from which protection or an amendment to a protection applies; and the conditions relating to amendments to product specifications.


    In order to ensure an adequate level of protection, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of restrictions regarding the protected name.


    In order to ensure that economic operators and competent authorities are not unduly affected by the application of this Regulation to wine names which have been granted protection prior to 1 August 2009, or for which an application for protection has been made prior to that date, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down transitional rules concerning such wine names, wines placed on the market or labelled before a specific date, and amendments to the product specifications.


    Certain terms are traditionally used in the Union to convey information to consumers about the particularities and the quality of wines, complementing the information conveyed by protected designations of origin and geographical indications. In order to ensure the working of the internal market and fair competition and to avoid consumers being misled, those traditional terms should be eligible for protection in the Union.


    In order to ensure an adequate level of protection, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the language and the spelling of a traditional term to be protected.


    In order to ensure the protection of the legitimate rights of producers and operators, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the type of applicants that may apply for the protection of a traditional term; the conditions of validity of an application for recognition of a traditional term; the grounds for objecting to the proposed protection of a traditional term; the scope of the protection, including the relationship with trade marks, protected traditional terms, protected designations of origin or geographical indications, homonyms, or certain wine grape names; the grounds for the cancellation of a traditional term; the date of submission of an application or a request; and the procedures to be followed in respect of an application for the protection of a traditional term, including scrutiny by the Commission, the objection procedure and the procedures on cancellation and modification.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics in trade between the Union and certain third countries, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the conditions under which traditional terms may be used on products from third countries and providing for related derogations.


    The description, designation and presentation of products of the wine sector covered by this Regulation can have significant effects on their marketability. Differences between the laws of Member States on the labelling of products of the wine sector may impede the smooth functioning of the internal market. Rules should therefore be laid down which take into account the legitimate interests of consumers and producers. For this reason, it is appropriate to provide for Union rules on labelling and presentation.


    In order to ensure compliance with existing labelling practices, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of laying down the exceptional circumstances in which it is justified to omit reference to the terms "protected designation of origin" or "protected geographical indication".


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the wine sector, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the presentation and use of labelling particulars other than those provided for in this Regulation; certain compulsory and optional particulars; and presentation.


    In order to ensure the protection of the legitimate interests of operators, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of temporary labelling and presentation of wines bearing a designation of origin or a geographical indication where that designation of origin or geographical indication fulfils the necessary requirements.


    In order to ensure that economic operators are not prejudiced, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of transitional provisions as regards wine placed on the market and labelled in accordance with the relevant rules applying before 1 August 2009.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics in trade in wine sector products between the Union and certain third countries, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the derogations from the rules on labelling and presentation as regards products to be exported where required by the law of the third country concerned.


    Specific instruments will still be needed after the end of the quota system to ensure a fair balance of rights and obligations between sugar undertakings and sugar beet growers. Therefore, the standard provisions governing written agreements within the trade concluded between them should be established.


    The 2006 reform of the sugar regime introduced far-reaching changes to the Union sugar sector. In order to enable sugar beet growers to complete their adaptation to the new market situation and to the increased market orientation of the sector, the present system of sugar quotas should be extended until it is abolished at the end of the 2016/2017 marketing year.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the sugar sector, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of updating the technical definitions concerning the sugar sector; updating the purchase terms for beet laid down in this Regulation; and further rules on the determination of gross weight, tare and sugar content of sugar delivered to an undertaking, and on sugar pulp.


    Recent experience has demonstrated the need for specific measures to ensure a sufficient supply of sugar to the Union market during the remaining period of sugar quotas.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the sugar sector and to ensure that the interests of all parties are duly taken into account, and given the need to prevent any disturbance of the market, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of: purchase terms and delivery contracts; updating the purchase terms for beet laid down in this Regulation; and the criteria to be applied by the sugar undertakings when allocating among beet sellers the quantities of beet to be covered by pre-sowing delivery contracts.


    In order to take account of technical developments, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of establishing a list of products for the production of which industrial sugar, industrial isoglucose or industrial inulin syrup may be used.


    In order to ensure that approved undertakings producing or processing sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup comply with their obligations, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the granting and the withdrawal of approval for such undertakings, as well as the criteria for administrative penalties.


    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the sugar sector and to ensure that the interests of all parties are duly taken into account, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the meaning of terms for the operation of the quota system and the conditions governing sales to outermost regions.


    In order to ensure that the growers are closely associated with a decision to carry forward a certain quantity of production, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of carry-forward of sugar.


    For a better management of wine-growing potential, Member States should communicate to the Commission an inventory of their production potential based on the vineyard register. To encourage Member States to communicate the inventory, support for restructuring and conversion should be limited to those Member States which have communicated the inventory.


    In order to facilitate the monitoring and the verification of the production potential by Member States, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the content of the vineyard register and exemptions.


    In order to provide for a satisfactory level of traceability of the products concerned, in particular in the interest of consumer protection, it should be a requirement for all the wine sector products covered by this Regulation to have an accompanying document when circulating within the Union.


    In order to facilitate the transport of wine products and the verification thereof by Member States, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of rules: on the accompanying document and its use; on the conditions under which an accompanying document is to be regarded as certifying protected designations of origin or geographical indications; on an obligation to keep a register and on its use; on specifying who shall keep a register and on exemptions from the obligation to keep a register; as well as on the operations to be included in the register.


    In the absence of Union legislation on formalised, written contracts, Member States may, under national contract law, decide to make the use of such contracts compulsory, provided that, in doing so, Union law is respected, and in particular that the proper functioning of the internal market and the common market organisation is respected. Given the diversity of situations across the Union, and in the interests of subsidiarity, such a decision should remain with Member States. However, in the milk and milk products sector, to ensure appropriate minimum standards for such contracts and the proper functioning of the internal market and the common market organisation, some basic conditions for the use of such contracts should be laid down at the Union level. All such basic conditions should be freely negotiated. Since some dairy co-operatives possibly have rules with similar effect in their statutes, they should, in the interests of simplicity, be exempted from the requirement to enter into a contract. In order to strengthen the effectiveness of such system of contracts, Member States should decide whether they should also apply where intermediate parties collect milk from farmers to deliver to processors.


    In order to ensure the viable development of production and a resulting fair standard of living for dairy farmers, their bargaining power vis-à-vis processors should be strengthened, which should result in a fairer distribution of added value along the supply chain. In order to attain those CAP objectives, a provision should be adopted pursuant to Article 42 and Article 43(2) TFEU to allow producer organisations constituted by dairy farmers or their associations to collectively negotiate with a dairy contract terms, including price, for some or all of their members' raw milk production. In order to maintain effective competition on the dairy market, this possibility should be subject to appropriate quantitative limits. In order not to undermine the effective functioning of cooperatives, and for the sake of clarity, it should be specified that, when a farmer's membership of a cooperative entails an obligation, in respect of all or a part of that farmer's milk production, to deliver raw milk, the conditions of which are set out in the cooperative's statutes or in the rules and decisions based thereon, those conditions should not be the subject of negotiations through a producer organisation.


    In view of the importance of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, notably for vulnerable rural regions, and in order to ensure the value-added and to maintain the quality of, in particular, cheeses benefiting from protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, and in view of the coming expiration of the milk quota system, Member States should be allowed to apply rules to regulate the entire supply of such cheese produced in the defined geographical area at the request of an interbranch organisation, a producer organisation or a group as defined in Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012. Such a request should be supported by a large majority of milk producers representing a large majority of the volume of milk used for that cheese and, in the case of interbranch organisations and groups, it should be supported by a large majority of cheese producers representing a large majority of the production of that cheese.


    In order to follow developments in the market, the Commission needs timely information on volumes of raw milk delivered. Therefore, provision should be made to ensure that the first purchaser communicates such information to Member States on a regular basis and that the Member State notifies the Commission thereof.


    Producer organisations and their associations can play useful roles in concentrating supply, in improving the marketing, planning and adjusting of production to demand, optimising production costs and stabilising producer prices, carrying out research, promoting best practices and providing technical assistance, managing by-products and risk management tools available to their members, thereby contributing to strengthening the position of producers in the food chain.


    Interbranch organisations can play an important part in allowing dialogue between actors in the supply chain, and in promoting best practices and market transparency.


    Existing rules on the definition and recognition of producer organisations, their associations, and interbranch organisations should therefore be harmonised, streamlined and extended to provide for possible recognition on request under statutes set out in accordance with this Regulation for certain sectors. In particular, the recognition criteria and statutes of producer organisations should ensure that such bodies are formed on the initiative of producers, and are controlled in accordance with rules enabling the producer members to scrutinise democratically their organisation and its decisions.


    Existing provisions in various sectors, boosting the impact of producer organisations, their associations and interbranch organisations by permitting Member States, under certain conditions, to extend certain rules of such organisations to non-member operators, have proved effective, and should be harmonised, streamlined and extended to all sectors.


    Provision should be made for the possibility of adopting certain measures to facilitate the adjustment of supply to market requirements which may contribute to stabilising the markets and to ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community concerned.


    In order to encourage action by producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and interbranch organisations to facilitate the adjustment of supply to market requirements, with the exception of actions relating to withdrawal from the market, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of: measures improving quality; promoting better organisation of production, processing and marketing; facilitating the recording of market price trends; and permitting the establishment of short and long-term forecasts on the basis of the means of production used.


    In order to improve the operation of the market for wines, Member States should be able to implement decisions taken by interbranch organisations. The scope of such decisions should, however, exclude practices which could distort competition.


    Whereas the use of formalised written contracts in the milk sector is covered by separate provisions, the use of such contracts may also help to reinforce the responsibility of operators in other sectors and to increase their awareness of the need to better take into account the signals of the market, to improve price transmission and to adapt supply to demand, as well as to help to avoid certain unfair commercial practices. In the absence of Union legislation concerning such contracts, Member States may, under national contract law, decide to make the use of such contracts compulsory, provided that, in doing so, Union law is complied with, and in particular that the proper functioning of the internal market and the common market organisation is respected.


    In order to ensure the viable development of production and thus a fair standard of living for producers in the beef and veal and olive oil sectors, as well as for producers of certain arable crops, their bargaining power vis-à-vis downstream operators should be strengthened, thereby resulting in a fairer distribution of added value along the supply chain. To achieve those CAP objectives, recognised producer organisations should be able to negotiate, subject to quantitative limits, the terms of delivery contracts, including prices, for some or all of their members' production, provided that those organisations pursue one or more of the objectives of concentrating supply, the placing on the market of the products produced by its members and optimising production costs, and provided that the pursuit of those objectives leads to the integration of activities and such integration is likely to generate significant efficiencies so that the activities of the producer organisation overall contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU. This could be realised provided that the producer organisation carries out certain specific activities and that these activities are significant in terms of volume of production concerned and in terms of cost of the production and placing of the product on the market.


    In order to ensure the added value, and to maintain the quality of, in particular, cured ham benefitting from a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, Member States should be allowed, subject to strict conditions, to apply rules to regulate the supply of such cured ham, provided that those rules are supported by a large majority of its producers and, where appropriate, by the producers of pigs in the geographical area relating to that ham.


    The obligation to register all supply contracts regarding hops produced in the Union is burdensome and should be discontinued.


    In order to ensure that the objectives and responsibilities of producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and interbranch organisations are clearly defined and to contribute to the effectiveness of their actions without imposing an undue administrative burden and without undermining the principle of freedom of association in particular with regard to non-members of such organisations, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of:

    rules on the specific aims which may, must or must not be pursued by such organisations and associations and, where applicable, should be added to those laid down in this Regulation; the rules of such organisations and associations, the statutes of organisations other than producer organisations, the specific conditions applicable to the statutes of producer organisations in certain sectors, including derogations, the structure, membership period, size democratic accountability and activities of such organisations and associations, as well as the effects deriving from mergers; the conditions for recognition, withdrawal and suspension of recognition, the effects deriving thereof, as well as requirements to take remedial measures in the event of non-respect of the recognition criteria;

    transnational organisations and associations and the rules relating to administrative assistance in the case of transnational cooperation; the sectors subject to Member State authorisation to which outsourcing applies and the conditions and the nature of activities which may be outsourced, and the provision of technical means by organisations or associations; the basis for calculation of minimum volume or value of marketable production of organisations and associations; rules on the calculation of the volume of raw milk covered by negotiations by a producer organisation, the acceptance of members who are not producers, in the case of producer organisations, or who are not producer organisations, in the case of an association of producer organisations;

    the extension of certain rules of the organisations to non-members and the compulsory payment of subscriptions by non-members, including the use and allocation of such payments by those organisations and a list of stricter production rules which may be extended, further requirements as regards representativeness, the economic areas concerned, including Commission scrutiny of their definition, minimum periods during which the rules should be in force before their extension, the persons or organisations to whom the rules or contributions may be applied, and the circumstances in which the Commission may require that the extension of rules or compulsory contributions be refused or withdrawn.


    Monitoring trade flows is primarily a management issue which should be addressed in a flexible way. The decision on the introduction of licence requirements should be made taking account of the need for licences, the need for the management of the markets concerned and, in particular, the need for monitoring the imports or exports of the products in question.


    In order to take into account the international obligations of the Union and the applicable Union social, environmental and animal welfare standards, the need to monitor the evolution of trade and market developments and imports and exports, the need for sound market management and the need to reduce the administrative burden, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the list of the products subject to the presentation of an import or export licence, and the cases and situations where the presentation of an import or export licence is not required.


    In order to provide further elements of the licence system, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of rules on: the rights and obligations deriving from the licence, its legal effects and the cases where a tolerance applies as regards compliance with the obligation to import or export the quantity mentioned in the licence or, where the origin is to be indicated, the issue of an import licence or the release into free circulation being subject to the presentation of a document issued by a third country or an entity certifying inter alia the origin, the authenticity and the quality characteristics of the products; the transfer of the licence or restrictions on its transferability; additional conditions for import licences for hemp and the principle of administrative assistance between Member States to prevent or deal with cases of fraud and irregularities; and the cases and situations where the lodging of a security guaranteeing that the products are imported or exported within the period of validity of the licence is or is not required.


    The essential elements of customs duties applicable to agricultural products reflecting WTO agreements and bilateral agreements are laid down in the Common Customs Tariff. The Commission should be empowered to adopt measures for the detailed calculation of import duties pursuant to those essential elements.


    The entry price system should be maintained for certain products. In order to ensure the efficiency of that system, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of checking the veracity of the declared price of a consignment using a flat-rate import value, and providing for the conditions under which the lodging of a security is required.


    In order to prevent or counteract adverse effects on the Union market which might result from imports of certain agricultural products, imports of such products should be subject to payment of an additional duty, where certain conditions are fulfilled.


    It is appropriate, under certain conditions, to open and administer import tariff quotas resulting from international agreements concluded in accordance with the TFEU or from other Union legal acts. For import tariff quotas, the method of administration adopted should give due weight to the supply requirements of the existing and emerging Union production, processing and consumption markets, in terms of the competitiveness, certainty and continuity of supply, and to the need to safeguard the equilibrium of the market.


    In order to comply with the undertakings contained in the agreements concluded as part of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations concerning tariff quotas for the import, into Spain, of 2 000 000 tonnes of maize and 300 000 tonnes of sorghum and tariff quotas for the import, into Portugal, of 500 000 tonnes of maize, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of establishing the provisions necessary for carrying out the tariff quota imports and, where appropriate, the public storage of the quantities imported by the paying agencies of the Member States concerned.


    In order to ensure fair access to the quantities available and the equal treatment of operators within the tariff quota, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of: determining the conditions and eligibility requirements that an operator has to fulfil to submit an application within the tariff quota; establishing rules on the transfer of rights between operators and, where necessary, the limitations that apply to transfers within the management of the tariff quota; making participation in the tariff quota subject to the lodging of a security; and providing, where necessary, for any particular specific characteristics, requirements or restrictions applicable to the tariff quota as set out in the international agreement or other act concerned.


    Agricultural products may in certain cases benefit from special import treatment in third countries if the products comply with certain specifications and/or price conditions. Administrative cooperation between the authorities in the importing third country and the Union is necessary to ensure the correct application of such a system. To that end, the products should be accompanied by a certificate issued in the Union.


    In order to ensure that products that are exported may benefit from a special treatment on import into a third country if certain conditions are respected, pursuant to international agreements concluded by the Union in accordance with the TFEU, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of requiring the competent authorities of Member States, on request and after appropriate checks, to issue a document certifying that the conditions are met.


    In order to prevent illicit crops from disturbing the market for hemp for fibre, this Regulation should provide for checks on imports of hemp and hemp seed to ensure that such products offer certain guarantees with regard to their tetrahydrocannabinol content. In addition, imports of hemp seed intended for uses other than sowing should continue to be subject to a control system which provides for the importers concerned to be authorised.


    A quality policy is being pursued throughout the Union as regards products of the hops sector. In the case of imported products, the provisions ensuring that only products complying with equivalent minimum quality characteristics are imported should be incorporated in this Regulation. In order to minimise the administrative burden, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the cases in which obligations related to an attestation of equivalence and the labelling of packaging should not apply.


    The Union has concluded several preferential market access arrangements with third countries which allow those countries to export cane sugar to the Union under favourable conditions. The related provisions on the evaluation of the refiners' need for sugar for refining and, subject to certain conditions, the reservation of import licences to specialised users of significant quantities of imported raw cane sugar who are considered to be full-time refiners in the Union, should be maintained for a certain period. In order to ensure that imported sugar for refining is refined in accordance with those requirements, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the use of terms for the operation of import arrangements; the conditions and eligibility requirements that an operator has to fulfil to lodge an application for an import licence, including the lodging of a security, and rules on administrative penalties to be imposed.


    The customs duty system makes it possible to dispense with all other protective measures at the external borders of the Union. The internal market and duty mechanism may, in exceptional circumstances, prove to be inadequate. In such cases, in order not to leave the Union market without defence against the disturbances that might ensue, the Union should be able to take all necessary measures without delay. Such measures should comply with the international commitments of the Union.


    It is appropriate to enable suspension of the use of inward and outward processing arrangements where the Union market is disturbed or is liable to be disturbed by such arrangements.


    Refunds on exports to third countries, based on the difference between prices within the Union and on the world market, and falling within the limits set by the commitments made within the WTO, should be retained as a measure which may cover certain products to which this Regulation applies where the conditions in the internal market are such as those described for exceptional measures. Subsidised exports should be subject to limits in terms of value and quantity, and, without prejudice to the application of exceptional measures, the refund available should be zero.


    Compliance with the limits expressed in terms of value should be ensured at the time when the export refunds are fixed through the monitoring of payments under the rules relating to the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. Monitoring should be facilitated by the compulsory advance fixing of export refunds, while providing for the possibility, in the case of differentiated refunds, of changing the specified destination within a geographical area to which a single export refund rate applies. In the case of a change of destination, the export refund applicable to the actual destination should be paid, with a ceiling on the amount applicable to the destination fixed in advance.


    Compliance with the quantity limits should be ensured by a reliable and effective system of monitoring. To that end, the granting of export refunds should be made subject to an export licence. Export refunds should be granted up to the limits available, depending on the particular situation of each product concerned. Exceptions to that rule should be permitted only for processed products not listed in Annex I to the Treaties, to which volume limits do not apply. Provision should be made for a derogation from the requirement of strict compliance with management rules where exports benefiting from export refunds are not likely to exceed the quantity laid down.


    In the case of the export of live bovine animals, export refunds should be granted and paid only if the provisions established in Union legislation concerning animal welfare, in particular those concerning the protection of animals during transport, are respected.


    In order to ensure the proper functioning of the export refund system, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the requirement to lodge a security guaranteeing the execution of the operator's obligations.


    In order to minimise the administrative burden for operators and authorities, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of setting thresholds below which the obligation to issue or present an export licence may not be required, designating destinations or operations where an exemption from the obligation to present an export licence can be justified, and permitting, in justified situations, export licences to be granted ex-post.


    In order to address practical situations justifying the full or partial eligibility for export refunds, and in order to help operators bridge the period between the application for and the final payment of the export refund, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of rules on: another date for the refund; advance payment of export refunds, including the conditions for the lodging and release of a security; additional proof where doubts exist as to the real destination of products, and the opportunity for re-importation into the customs territory of the Union; destinations treated as exports from the Union, and the inclusion of destinations within the customs territory of the Union eligible for export refunds.


    In order to ensure equal access to export refunds for exporters of products listed in Annex I to the Treaties and of products processed therefrom, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of applying certain rules for agricultural products to products exported in the form of processed goods.


    In order to ensure that products benefiting from export refunds are exported from the customs territory of the Union and to avoid their return to that territory, as well as to minimise the administrative burden for operators in generating and submitting proof that refund products reached a country of destination for differentiated refunds, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of rules on: the time limit by which the exit from the customs territory of the Union must be finalised, including the time for temporary re-entry; the processing that products benefiting from export refunds may undergo during that period; the proof of having reached a destination in order to be eligible for differentiated refunds; the refund thresholds and conditions under which exporters may be exempted from such proof; and conditions for approval of proof, provided by independent third parties, of reaching a destination where differentiated refunds apply.


    In order to encourage exporters to respect animal welfare conditions, and in order to enable the competent authorities to verify correct expenditure of export refunds where this is conditional on respect for animal welfare requirements, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of animal welfare requirements outside the customs territory of the Union, including the use of independent third parties.


    In order to take account of the specific characteristics of the different sectors, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of specific requirements and conditions for operators and of the products eligible for an export refund, and the establishment of coefficients for the purposes of calculating export refunds, taking into account the ageing process of certain spirit drinks obtained from cereals.


    Minimum export prices for flowering bulbs are no longer useful and should be abolished.


    In accordance with Article 42 TFEU, the provisions of the TFEU concerning competition apply to the production of and trade in agricultural products only to the extent determined by Union legislation within the framework of Article 43(2) TFEU and in accordance with the procedure laid down therein.


    In view of the specific characteristics of the agricultural sector and its reliance on the good functioning of the entire food supply chain, including the effective application of competition rules in all related sectors throughout the whole food chain, which can be highly concentrated, special attention should be paid to the application of the competition rules laid down in Article 42 TFEU. To that end, there is a need for close cooperation between the Commission and the competition authorities of Member States. Moreover, guidelines adopted, where appropriate, by the Commission are a suitable instrument to provide guidance to undertakings and other stakeholders concerned.


    It should be provided that the rules on competition relating to the agreements, decisions and practices referred to in Article 101 TFEU and to abuse of a dominant position apply to the production of, and the trade in, agricultural products, provided that their application does not jeopardise the attainment of the objectives of the CAP.


    A special approach should be allowed in the case of farmers' or producer organisations or their associations, the objective of which is the joint production or marketing of agricultural products or the use of joint facilities, unless such joint action excludes competition or jeopardises the attainment of the objectives of Article 39 TFEU.


    Without prejudice to the regulation of supply for certain products, such as cheese and ham benefitting from a protected designation of origin or a protected geographic indication, or wine, which is governed by a specific set of rules, a special approach should be taken as regards certain activities of interbranch organisations on the condition that they do not lead to the partitioning of markets, affect the sound operation of the CMO, distort or eliminate competition, entail the fixing of prices or quotas, or create discrimination.


    The proper functioning of the internal market would be jeopardised by the granting of national aid. Therefore, the provisions of the TFEU concerning State aid should, as a general rule, apply to agricultural products. This notwithstanding, in certain situations exceptions should be allowed. Where such exceptions exist, the Commission should be in a position to draw up a list of existing, new or proposed national aid, to make appropriate observations to Member States and to propose suitable measures.


    The provisions on the grubbing-up premium and certain measures under wine support programmes should not, in themselves, preclude national payments for the same purposes.


    Due to the specific economic situation of the production and marketing of reindeer and reindeer products, Finland and Sweden should continue to grant national payments in that regard.


    In Finland, sugar beet growing is subject to particular geographical and climatic conditions which adversely affect the sector in addition to the general effects of the sugar reform. That Member State should therefore be authorised, on a permanent basis, to make national payments to its sugar beet growers.


    Member States should be able to make national payments in order to co-finance the apiculture measures laid down under this Regulation, as well as to protect of apiaries disadvantaged by structural or natural conditions or subject to economic development programmes, except national payment allocated for production or trade.


    Member States participating in the schemes to improve access to food for children should be able to grant national aid in addition to Union aid for the supply of the products and for certain related costs.


    In order to address justified cases of crisis even after the end of the transitional period, Member States should be able to make national payments for crisis distillation within an overall budgetary limit of 15 % of the respective value of the Member State's relevant yearly budget for its national support programme. Such national payments should be notified to the Commission and approved before being granted.


    Member States should be allowed to continue to make national payments for nuts as currently provided for under Article 120 of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009, in order to cushion the effects of decoupling of the former Union aid scheme for nuts. In the interest of clarity, since that Regulation is to be repealed, those national payments should be provided for in this Regulation.


    Special intervention measures should be provided in order to react efficiently and effectively against threats of market disturbance. The scope of those measures should be defined.


    In order to react efficiently and effectively against threats of market disturbance caused by significant price rises or falls on internal or external markets, or other events and circumstances significantly disturbing or threatening to disturb the market, where that situation, or its effects on the market, is likely to continue or deteriorate, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the measures necessary to address that market situation, while respecting any obligations resulting from international agreements and provided that any other measures available under this Regulation appear to be insufficient, including measures to extend or modify the scope, duration or other aspects of other measures provided for under this Regulation, or provide for export refunds, or suspend import duties, in whole or in part, including for certain quantities or periods, as necessary.


    Restrictions to free circulation resulting from the application of measures intended to combat the spread of animal diseases could cause difficulties on the market in one or more Member States. Experience shows that serious market disturbances such as a significant drop in consumption or in prices may be attributed to a loss in consumer confidence due to public health or animal or plant health risks. In the light of experience, measures attributable to a loss in consumer confidence should be extended to plant products.


    The exceptional market support measures for beef and veal, milk and milk products, pigmeat, sheepmeat and goatmeat, eggs and poultrymeat should be directly related to health and veterinary measures adopted in order to combat the spread of disease. They should be taken at the request of Member States in order to avoid serious disruption on the markets.


    In order to react effectively to exceptional circumstances, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of extending the list of products, as set out in this Regulation, in respect of which exceptional support measures may be adopted.


    The Commission should be authorised to adopt the necessary measures to solve specific problems in case of emergency.


    Reacting efficiently and effectively against threats of market disturbance may be of particular importance for the milk sector. Similarly, specific problems in case of emergency may arise. It is therefore necessary to emphasise that the adoption by the Commission of the above mentioned measures in case of market disturbance, including market imbalance, or those needed to solve specific problems in case of emergency may address in particular the milk sector.


    In order to respond to periods of severe market imbalance, specific categories of collective actions by private operators may be appropriate, as exceptional measures, in order to stabilise the sectors concerned, subject to precise safeguards, limits and conditions. Where such actions could fall under the scope of Article 101(1) TFEU, the Commission should be able to provide a derogation for a limited period. These actions should however complement Union action in the framework of public intervention and private storage or exceptional measures envisaged by this Regulation, and should not impair the functioning of the internal market.


    It should be possible to require undertakings, Member States or third countries to submit communications for the purposes of applying this Regulation, monitoring, analysing and managing the market in agricultural products, ensuring market transparency and the proper functioning of CAP measures, checking, controlling, monitoring, evaluating and auditing CAP measures, and complying with the requirements laid down in international agreements, including notification requirements under those agreements. In order to ensure a harmonised, streamlined and simplified approach, the Commission should be empowered to adopt the necessary measures regarding communications. In so doing, it should take into account the data needs and synergies between potential data sources.


    In order to ensure the integrity of information systems and the authenticity and legibility of documents and associated data transmitted, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of the nature and type of the information to be notified; the categories of data to be processed and maximum retention periods; the purpose of processing, in particular in the event of the publication of such data and their transfer to third countries; the access rights to the information or information systems made available; and the conditions of publication of the information.


    Union law concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, in particular Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (10) and Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council (11) is applicable.


    The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted and delivered an opinion on 14 December 2011 (12).


    Funds should be transferred from the Reserve for crises in the agricultural sector under the conditions and procedure referred to in Article 24 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 and paragraph 22 of the Interinstitutional 17 December 2013 Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline, cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management (13), and it should be clarified that this Regulation is the applicable basic act.


    In order to ensure the smooth transition from the arrangements provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 to those laid down in this Regulation, the power to adopt certain acts should be delegated to the Commission in respect of establishing the necessary measures, in particular those necessary to protect the acquired rights and legitimate expectations of undertakings.


    The use of urgency procedure when adopting delegated acts under this Regulation should be reserved for exceptional cases where imperative grounds of urgency so require in order to react efficiently and effectively against threats of market disturbance or where market disturbances are occurring. The choice of an urgency procedure should be justified and the cases in which the urgency procedure should be used should be specified.


    In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (14).


    The examination procedure should be used for the adoption of the acts implementing this Regulation given that those acts relate to the CAP as referred to in point (b)(ii) of Article 2(2) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011. However, the advisory procedure should be used for the adoption of the acts implementing this Regulation relating to competition matters given that the advisory procedure is used in general for the adoption of implementing acts in the field of competition law.


    The Commission should adopt immediately applicable implementing acts relating to adopting, amending or revoking Union safeguard measures, to suspending the use of processing or inward or outward processing arrangements, if that is necessary to react immediately to the market situation, and to resolving specific problems, in an emergency, which need to be dealt with immediately, where, in duly justified cases, imperative grounds of urgency so require.


    In respect of certain measures under this Regulation which require swift action or which consist in the mere application of general provisions to specific situations without involving a discretion, the Commission should be empowered to adopt implementing acts without applying Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.


    The Commission should further be empowered to carry out certain administrative or management tasks which do not entail the adoption of delegated or implementing acts.


    This Regulation should provide for certain specific rules concerning Croatia in accordance with the Act of Accession of Croatia (15).


    Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, several measures by sector will expire within a reasonable period following the entry in force of this Regulation. After the repeal of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, the relevant provisions should continue to apply until the end of the schemes concerned.


    Council Regulation (EEC) No 922/72 (16) concerning aid for silkworms for the 1972/1973 rearing year is now obsolete; Regulation (EEC) No 234/79 concerning the procedures for adjusting the Common Customs Tariff nomenclature is superseded by this Regulation; Council Regulation (EC) No 1601/96 (17) concerning aid to hops producers for the 1995 harvest is a temporary measure, which, by its nature, is now obsolete. Council Regulation (EC) No 1037/2001 (18) authorising the offer and delivery of certain imported wines has been superseded by the provisions of the Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on trade in wine adopted by Council Decision 2006/232/EC (19), and is therefore obsolete. In the interests of clarity and legal certainty, those Regulations should be repealed.


    Certain rules in the milk and milk products sector, in particular those concerning contractual relations and negotiations; regulation of the supply of cheese with a protected designation of origin or protected geographical indication; and declarations by first purchasers, producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and interbranch organisations have recently entered into force and remain justified in the current economic circumstances of the dairy market and the structure of the supply chain. They should therefore be applied in that sector for a sufficiently long period (both before and after the abolition of milk quotas) to allow them to have full effect. However, those rules should be temporary in nature and should be subject to review. The Commission should adopt reports on the development of the milk market, covering, in particular, potential incentives to encourage farmers to enter into joint production agreements, the first of which is to be submitted by 30 June 2014, and the second by 31 December 2018,


    PART I


    Article 1


    1.   This Regulation establishes a common organisation of the markets for agricultural products, which means all the products listed in Annex I to the Treaties with the exception of the fishery and aquaculture products as defined in Union legislative acts on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products.

    2.   Agricultural products as defined in paragraph 1 shall be divided into the following sectors as listed in the respective parts of Annex I:


    cereals, Part I;


    rice, Part II;


    sugar, Part III;


    dried fodder, Part IV;


    seeds, Part V;


    hops, Part VI;


    olive oil and table olives, Part VII;


    flax and hemp, Part VIII;


    fruit and vegetables, Part IX;


    processed fruit and vegetable products, Part X;


    bananas, Part XI;


    wine, Part XII;


    live trees and other plants, bulbs, roots and the like, cut flowers and ornamental foliage, Part XIII;


    tobacco, Part XIV;


    beef and veal, Part XV;


    milk and milk products, Part XVI;


    pigmeat, Part XVII;


    sheepmeat and goatmeat, Part XVIII;


    eggs, Part XIX;


    poultrymeat, Part XX;


    ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin, Part XXI;


    apiculture products, Part XXII;


    silkworms, Part XXIII;


    other products, Part XXIV.

    Article 2

    General common agricultural policy (CAP) provisions

    Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 and the provisions adopted pursuant to it shall apply in relation to the measures set out in this Regulation.

    Article 3


    1.   For the purposes of this Regulation, the definitions concerning certain sectors as set out in Annex II shall apply.

    2.   The definitions set out in Section B of Part II of Annex II shall only apply until the end of the 2016/2017 marketing year for sugar.

    3.   The definitions set out in Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013, Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 (20) of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (21) shall apply for the purposes of this Regulation, save as otherwise provided for in this Regulation.

    4.   In order to take into account the specific characteristics of the rice sector, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 amending the definitions concerning the rice sector set out in Part I of Annex II to the extent necessary to update the definitions in the light of market developments.

    5.   For the purposes of this Regulation:


    "less developed regions" means those regions defined as such in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 90(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (22).


    "adverse climatic event which can be assimilated to a natural disaster" means weather conditions such as frost, hail, ice, rain or drought which destroy more than 30 % of the average annual production of a given farmer in the preceding three-year period or a three-year average based on the preceding five-year period, excluding the highest and lowest entry.

    Article 4

    Adjustments to the Common Customs Tariff nomenclature used for agricultural products

    Where necessary in order to take into account amendments to the combined nomenclature, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 adjusting the description of products and references in this Regulation to the headings or subheadings of the combined nomenclature.

    Article 5

    Conversion rates for rice

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts:


    fixing the conversion rates for rice at various stages of processing, the processing costs and the value of by-products;


    adopting all necessary measures regarding the application of conversion rates for rice.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Article 6

    Marketing years

    The following marketing years shall be established:


    1 January to 31 December of a given year for the fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables and banana sectors;


    1 April to 31 March of the following year for the dried fodder and silkworm sectors;


    1 July to 30 June of the following year for:


    the cereals sector;


    the seeds sector;


    the olive oil and table olives sector;


    the flax and hemp sector;


    the milk and milk products sector;


    1 August to 31 July of the following year for the wine sector;


    1 September to 31 August of the following year for the rice sector;


    1 October to 30 September of the following year for the sugar sector.

    Article 7

    Reference thresholds

    1.   The following reference thresholds are fixed:


    as regards the cereals sector, EUR 101,31/tonne, related to the wholesale stage for goods delivered to the warehouse, before unloading;


    as regards paddy rice, EUR 150/tonne for the standard quality as defined in point A of Annex III, related to the wholesale stage for goods delivered to the warehouse, before unloading;


    as regards sugar of standard quality as defined in point B of Annex III, related to unpacked sugar, ex-factory:


    for white sugar: EUR 404,4/tonne;


    for raw sugar: EUR 335,2/tonne;


    as regards the beef and veal sector, EUR 2 224/tonne for carcasses of male bovine animals of conformation/fat cover class R3 as laid down in the Union scale for the classification of carcasses of bovine animals aged eight months or more referred to in point A of Annex IV;


    as regards the milk and milk products sector:


    EUR 246,39 per 100 kg for butter;


    EUR 169,80 per 100 kg for skimmed milk powder;


    as regards pigmeat, EUR 1 509,39/tonne for pig carcasses of a standard quality defined in terms of weight and lean meat content as laid down in the Union scale for the classification of pig carcasses referred to in point B of Annex IV as follows:


    carcasses weighing from 60 to less than 120 kg: class E;


    carcasses weighing from 120 to 180 kg: class R;


    as regards the olive oil sector:


    EUR 1 779/tonne for extra virgin olive oil;


    EUR 1 710/tonne for virgin olive oil;


    EUR 1 524/tonne for lampante olive oil with two degrees of free acidity, this amount being reduced by EUR 36,70/tonne for each additional degree of acidity.

    2.   The reference thresholds provided for in paragraph 1 shall be kept under review by the Commission, taking account of objective criteria, notably developments in production, costs of production (particularly inputs), and market trends. When necessary, the reference thresholds shall be updated in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure in the light of developments in production and markets.






    Public intervention and aid for private storage

    Section 1

    General provisions on public intervention and aid for private storage

    Article 8


    This Chapter lays down rules on market intervention concerning:


    public intervention, where products are bought in by the competent authorities of the Member States and stored by them until disposed of; and


    granting of aid for the storage of products by private operators.

    Article 9

    Origin of eligible products

    Products eligible for buying-in under public intervention or for the granting of aid for private storage shall originate in the Union. In addition, if they come from crops, those crops shall have been harvested in the Union, and if they come from milk, that milk shall have been produced in the Union.

    Article 10

    Union scales for the classification of carcasses

    Union scales for the classification of carcasses shall apply in accordance with, respectively, points A and B of Annex IV in the beef and veal sector as regards carcasses of bovine animals aged eight months or more and in the pigmeat sector as regards pigs other than those that have been used for breeding.

    In the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector, Member States may apply a Union scale for the classification of sheep carcasses in accordance with the rules laid down in point C of Annex IV.

    Section 2

    Public intervention

    Article 11

    Products eligible for public intervention

    Public intervention shall apply in respect of the following products in accordance with the conditions laid down in this Section and any additional requirements and conditions that may be determined by the Commission, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 19 and implementing acts pursuant to Article 20:


    common wheat, durum wheat, barley and maize;


    paddy rice;


    fresh or chilled meat of the beef and veal sector falling within CN codes 0201 10 00 and 0201 20 20 to 0201 20 50;


    butter produced directly and exclusively from pasteurised cream obtained directly and exclusively from cow's milk in an approved undertaking in the Union of a minimum butterfat content, by weight, of 82 % and of a maximum water content, by weight, of 16 %;


    skimmed milk powder of top quality made from cow's milk in an approved undertaking in the Union by the spray process, with a minimum protein content of 34,0 % by weight of the fat free dry matter.

    Article 12

    Public intervention periods

    Public intervention shall be available for:


    common wheat, durum wheat, barley and maize, from 1 November to 31 May;


    paddy rice, from 1 April to 31 July;


    beef and veal, throughout the year;


    butter and skimmed milk powder, from 1 March to 30 September.

    Article 13

    Opening and closing of public intervention

    1.   During the periods referred to in Article 11, public intervention:


    shall be open for common wheat, butter and skimmed milk powder;


    may be opened by the Commission, by means of implementing acts, for durum wheat, barley, maize and paddy rice (including specific varieties or types of paddy rice), if the market situation so requires. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2);


    may be opened for the beef and veal sector by the Commission, by means of implementing acts adopted without applying the procedure referred to in Article 229(2) or (3), if, over a representative period determined pursuant to point (c) of the first paragraph of Article 20 the average market price in a Member State or in a region of a Member State, recorded on the basis of the Union scale for the classification of carcasses of bovine animals referred to in point A of Annex IV, is below 85 % of the reference threshold laid down in point (d) of Article 7(1).

    2.   The Commission may adopt implementing acts closing public intervention for the beef and veal sector where, over a representative period determined pursuant to point (c) of the first paragraph of Article 20, the conditions provided for in point (c) of paragraph 1 of this Article are no longer fulfilled. Those implementing acts shall be adopted without applying the procedure referred to in Article 229(2) or (3).

    Article 14

    Buying-in at a fixed price or tendering

    Where public intervention is open pursuant to Article 13(1), measures on fixing buying-in prices for the products referred to in Article 11 as well as, where applicable, measures on quantitative limitations where buying-in is carried out at a fixed price, shall be taken by the Council in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU.

    Article 15

    Public intervention price

    1.   Public intervention price means:


    the price at which products shall be bought in under public intervention where this is done at a fixed price; or


    the maximum price at which products eligible for public intervention may be bought in where this is done by tendering.

    2.   The measures on fixing the level of the public intervention price, including the amounts of increases and reductions, shall be taken by the Council in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU.

    Article 16

    General principles on disposal from public intervention

    1.   Disposal of products bought in under public intervention shall take place in such a way as to:


    avoid any disturbance of the market,


    ensure equal access to goods and equal treatment of purchasers, and


    be in compliance with the commitments resulting from international agreements concluded in accordance with the TFEU.

    2.   Products bought in under public intervention may be disposed of by making them available for the scheme for food distribution to the most deprived in the Union as set out in the relevant Union legal acts. In such cases, the accounting value of such products shall be at the level of the relevant fixed public intervention price referred to in Article 14(2) of this Regulation.

    3.   Each year the Commission shall publish details of the conditions under which products bought in under public intervention were sold in the previous year.

    Section 3

    Aid for private storage

    Article 17

    Eligible products

    Aid for private storage may be granted in respect of the following products in accordance with the conditions set out in this Section and any further requirements and conditions to be adopted by the Commission, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 18(1) or Article 19 and implementing acts pursuant to Article 18(2) or Article 20:


    white sugar;


    olive oil;


    flax fibre;


    fresh or chilled meat of bovine animals aged eight months or more;


    butter produced from cream obtained directly and exclusively from cow's milk;




    skimmed milk powder made from cow's milk;




    sheepmeat and goatmeat.

    Point (f) of the first paragraph is restricted to cheese benefiting from a protected designation of origin or from a protected geographical indication under Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 that is stored beyond the period of maturation laid down in the product specification for the product referred to in Article 7 of that Regulation and/or a period of maturation that contributes to increasing the value of the cheese.

    Article 18

    Conditions for granting aid

    1.   In order to provide for market transparency, the Commission shall, where necessary, be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down the conditions under which it may decide to grant private storage aid for the products listed in Article 17, taking into account:


    average recorded Union market prices and the reference thresholds and production costs for the products concerned; and/or


    the need to respond in a timely way to a particularly difficult market situation or economic developments having a significant negative impact on the margins in the sector.

    2.   The Commission may adopt implementing acts


    granting private storage aid for the products listed in Article 17, taking into account the conditions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article;


    restricting the granting of private storage aid.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    3.   Measures on fixing the amount of aid for private storage provided for in Article 17 shall be taken by the Council in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU.

    Section 4

    Common provisions on public intervention and aid for private storage

    Article 19

    Delegated powers

    1.   In order to ensure that products bought in under public intervention or subject to aid for private storage are suitable for long-term storage and are of sound, fair and marketable quality, and in order to take into account the specific characteristics of the different sectors for the purposes of ensuring the cost-effective operation of public intervention and private storage, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down the requirements and conditions to be met by those products, in addition to the requirements laid down in this Regulation. Those requirements and conditions shall aim to guarantee, for the products bought in and stored:


    their quality with respect to quality parameters, quality groups, quality grades, categories, product characteristics and age;


    their eligibility with respect to quantities, packaging including labelling, preservation, previous storage contracts, approval of undertakings and the stage of the products to which the public intervention price and the aid for private storage applies.

    2.   In order to take account of the specific characteristics of the cereals and paddy rice sectors, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down the quality criteria as regards both buying-in and sales of common wheat, durum wheat, barley, maize and paddy rice.

    3.   In order to ensure appropriate storage capacity and the efficiency of the public intervention system in terms of cost-effectiveness, distribution and access for operators, and in order to maintain the quality of products bought in under public intervention for their disposal at the end of the storage period, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down:


    the requirements to be fulfilled by storage places for all products subject to public intervention;


    rules on the storage of products inside and outside the Member State responsible for them and for the treatment of such products as regards customs duties and any other amounts to be granted or levied under the CAP.

    4.   In order to ensure that aid for private storage has the desired effect on the market, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down:


    rules and conditions applicable where the quantity stored is lower than the contracted quantity;


    the conditions for granting an advance payment of such aid;


    the conditions under which it may be decided that products covered by private storage contracts may be re-marketed or disposed of.

    5.   In order to ensure the proper functioning of the public intervention and private storage systems, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227:


    providing for the use of tendering procedures guaranteeing equal access to goods and equal treatment of operators;


    laying down the additional conditions to be fulfilled by operators in order to facilitate the effective management and control of the system for Member States and operators;


    laying down the requirement for operators to lodge a security guaranteeing the fulfilment of their obligations.

    6.   In order to take account of technical developments and of the needs of sectors referred to in Article 10, as well as of the need to standardise the presentation of the different products for the purposes of improving market transparency, price recording and the application of the market intervention measures, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227:


    adapting and updating the provisions of Annex IV on the Union scales for the classification, identification and presentation of carcasses;


    laying down supplementary provisions relating to classification, including by qualified classifiers, to grading, including by automated grading techniques, to identification, weighing and marking of carcasses and to the calculation of average Union prices and to the weighting coefficients used in the calculation of those prices;


    laying down, in the beef and veal sector, derogations from provisions and specific derogations which may be granted by Member States to slaughterhouses in which few bovine animals are slaughtered, and additional provisions for the products concerned, including regarding the classes of conformation and fat cover and, in sheepmeat sector, further provisions as regards weight, colour of meat and fat cover and the criteria for the classification of light lambs;


    providing Member States with the authorisation not to apply the grading scale for classification of pig carcasses and the authorisation to use assessment criteria in addition to weight and estimated lean-meat content, or laying down derogations from that scale.

    Article 20

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the measures necessary for the uniform application of this Chapter. Those measures may, in particular, concern the following:


    the costs payable by the operator where products delivered for public intervention do not meet the minimum quality requirements;


    the fixing of minimum storage capacity for intervention storage places;


    the representative periods, markets, and market prices necessary for the application of this Chapter;


    the delivery of the products to be bought in under public intervention, the transport costs to be borne by the offerer, the taking over of the products by paying agencies and the payment;


    the different operations connected with the boning process for the beef and veal sector;


    the practical arrangements for the packaging, marketing and labelling of products;


    the procedures for the approval of undertakings producing butter and skimmed milk powder for the purposes of this Chapter;


    any authorisation of storage outside the territory of the Member State where the products have been bought in and stored;


    the sale or disposal of products bought in under public intervention, regarding, in particular, selling prices, the conditions for removal from storage, the subsequent use or destination of products released, including procedures relating to products made available for use in the scheme referred to in Article 16(2), including transfers between Member States;


    in respect of products bought in under public intervention, the provisions relating to the possibility for Member States to sell, at their own responsibility, small quantities remaining in storage or quantities which may no longer be repackaged or which have deteriorated;


    in respect of private storage, the conclusion and the content of contracts between the competent authority of the Member State and the applicants;


    the placing and keeping of products in private storage and their removal from storage;


    the duration of the private storage period and the provisions according to which such periods, once specified in the contracts, may be curtailed or extended;


    the procedures to be followed for buying-in at a fixed price, including the procedures for, and the amount of, the security to be lodged, or for the granting of aid fixed in advance for private storage;


    the use of tendering procedures, both for public intervention and for private storage, in particular as regards:


    the submission of offers or tenders and the minimum quantity for an application or submission;


    the procedures for, and the amount of, the security to be lodged; and


    the selection of offers ensuring that preference is given to those which are most favourable to the Union whilst permitting that the award of a contract does not necessarily ensue;


    the implementation of Union scales for the classification of beef, pig and sheep carcasses;


    a different presentation of carcasses and half carcasses than the one laid down in point A.IV of Annex IV for the purpose of establishing market prices;


    the corrective factors to be applied by Member States to be used for a different presentation of beef and sheep carcasses where the reference presentation is not used;


    the practical arrangements for the marking of classified carcasses and for the calculation by the Commission of the weighted average Union price for beef, pig and sheep carcasses;


    the authorisation of Member States to provide, with regard to pigs slaughtered in their territory, for a different presentation of pig carcasses than the one laid down in point B.III of Annex IV, if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:


    normal commercial practice in their territory differs from the standard presentation defined in the first subparagraph of point B.III of Annex IV;


    technical requirements warrant it;


    carcasses are dehided in a uniform manner;


    the provisions for the on-thespot review of the application of classification of carcasses in Member States by a Union committee composed of experts from the Commission and experts appointed by Member States in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the classification of carcasses. Those provisions shall provide for the Union to bear the costs resulting from the review activity.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Article 21

    Other implementing powers

    The Commission shall adopt implementing acts in order to authorise Member States to use for lambs of less than 13 kg carcass weight, by way of derogation from point C.III of Annex IV, the following criteria for classification:


    carcass weight;


    colour of meat;


    fat cover.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted without applying the procedure referred to in Article 229(2) or (3).


    Aid schemes

    Section 1

    Schemes to improve access to food

    Article 22

    Target group

    Aid schemes intended to improve the distribution of agricultural products and improving children's eating habits are aimed at children who regularly attend nurseries, pre-schools or primary or secondary-level educational establishments which are administered or recognised by the competent authorities of Member States.

    Subsection 1

    School fruit and vegetables scheme

    Article 23

    Aid for the supply of fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables and banana products to children

    1.   Union aid shall be granted for:


    the supply to children in the educational establishments referred to in Article 22 of products of the fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, and bananas sectors; and


    certain related costs linked to logistics and distribution, equipment, publicity, monitoring, evaluation and accompanying measures.

    2.   Member States wishing to participate in the scheme shall draw up, at national or regional level, a prior strategy for its implementation. They shall also provide for the accompanying measures necessary to make the scheme effective, which may include information on measures for education about healthy eating habits, about local food chains and about combating food wastage.

    3.   When drawing up their strategies, Member States shall draw up a list of products of the fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, and bananas sectors that will be eligible under their respective schemes. This list shall not include products that are listed in Annex V.

    However, in duly justified cases, such as where a Member State wants to ensure a broad assortment of products under its scheme or wants to make its scheme more attractive, its strategy may provide that such products may become eligible if only limited amounts of the substances referred to in that Annex are added.

    Member States shall ensure that their competent health authorities endorse the list of such products that are eligible under their scheme.

    Member States shall choose their products on the basis of objective criteria which may include health and environmental considerations, seasonality, variety or availability of produce, giving priority, as far as practicable, to products originating in the Union, and particularly to local purchasing, local markets, short supply chains or environmental benefits.

    4.   Measures on fixing the Union aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall be taken by the Council in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU.

    5.   The Union aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall be allocated to each Member State on the basis of objective criteria based on their proportion of six- to ten-year old children.

    Member States participating in the scheme shall apply every year for Union aid on the basis of their strategy referred to in paragraph 2.

    Measures on fixing the minimum amount of Union aid for each Member State participating in the scheme and on the indicative and definitive allocations of aid to Member States shall be taken by the Council in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU.

    6.   Union aid provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be used to replace funding for any existing national school fruit schemes providing fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, and bananas or other school distribution schemes that include such products.

    However, if a Member State already has a scheme in place that would be eligible for Union aid under this Article and intends to extend it or make it more effective, including as regards the target group of the scheme, its duration or eligible products, Union aid may be granted provided that the limits set out in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU are respected as regards the proportion of Union aid to the total national contribution. In such a case, the Member State shall indicate in its implementation strategy how it intends to extend its scheme or make it more effective.

    7.   Member States may, in addition to Union aid, grant national aid in accordance with Article 217.

    8.   The Union school fruit and vegetables scheme shall be without prejudice to any separate national school fruit and vegetables schemes which are compatible with Union law.

    9.   The Union may also finance, under Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013, information, monitoring and evaluation measures relating to the school fruit and vegetables scheme, including measures raising public awareness of it, and related networking measures.

    10.   Member States participating in the scheme shall publicise, at the places where the food is distributed, their involvement in the aid scheme and the fact that it is subsidised by the Union.

    Article 24

    Delegated powers

    1.   In order to promote the healthy eating habits of children and to ensure that the aid is aimed at children in the target group referred to in Article 22, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning rules on:


    the additional criteria related to the targeting of aid by Member States;


    the approval and selection of aid applicants by Member States;


    the drawing-up of the national or regional strategies and on accompanying measures.

    2.   In order to ensure the efficient and targeted use of Union funds, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning:


    the method for reallocating the indicative allocation of aid referred to in Article 23(5) between Member States on the basis of requests for aid received;


    the costs in Member States' strategies that are eligible for Union aid and the possibility of fixing an overall ceiling for specific costs;


    the obligation for Member States to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their school fruit and vegetables schemes.

    3.   In order to promote awareness of the scheme, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 requiring Member States with a school fruit and vegetables scheme to publicise the subsidising role of the Union aid.

    Article 25

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the measures necessary for the application of this Subsection, including:


    the information to be contained in Member States' strategies;


    the aid applications and payments;


    the methods of publicising, and networking measures in respect of, the scheme;


    the submission, format and content of monitoring and evaluation reports by Member States participating in the Union school fruit and vegetables scheme.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Subsection 2

    School milk scheme

    Article 26

    Aid for the supply of milk and milk products to children

    1.   Union aid shall be granted for supplying to children in educational establishments referred to in Article 22 certain milk and processed milk products falling within CN codes 0401, 0403, 0404 90 and 0406 or CN code 2202 90.

    2.   From 1 August 2015, Member States, at national or regional level, wishing to participate in the scheme shall have a prior strategy for its implementation. They may also provide for the accompanying measures, which may include information on measures for education about healthy eating habits, about local food chains and about combating food wastage, that are necessary to make the programme effective.

    3.   When drawing up their strategies, Member States shall draw up a list of milk and milk products that will be eligible under their respective schemes, in accordance with the rules adopted by the Commission pursuant to Article 27.

    4.   Except for free distribution of meals to children in educational establishments, Union aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be used to replace funding for any existing national milk and milk products schemes or other school distribution schemes that include milk or milk products. However, if a Member State already has a scheme in place that would be eligible for Union aid under this Article and intends to extend it or make it more effective, including as regards the target group of the scheme, its duration or eligible products, Union aid may be granted. In such a case, the Member State shall indicate in its implementation strategy how it intends to extend its scheme or make it more effective.

    5.   Member States may, in addition to Union aid, grant national aid in accordance with Article 217.

    6.   The Union school milk and milk products scheme shall be without prejudice to any separate national school schemes to encourage the consumption of milk and milk products that are compatible with Union law.

    7.   Measures on fixing the Union aid for all milk and milk products and the maximum quantity eligible for Union aid provided for in paragraph 1 shall be taken by the Council in accordance with Article 43(3) TFEU.

    8.   Member States participating in the scheme shall publicise, at the places where the food is distributed, their involvement in the aid scheme and the fact that it is subsidised by the Union.

    Article 27

    Delegated powers

    1.   In order to take into account the evolution in consumption patterns for dairy products, the innovations and developments on the dairy products market, the availability of products on the different markets of the Union, and nutritional aspects, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 determining:


    the products that are eligible for the scheme, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 26(1) and taking into account nutritional aspects;


    the drawing up of the national or regional strategies by Member States, including accompanying measures where applicable; and


    measures necessary for monitoring and evaluation.

    2.   In order to ensure the efficient and effective use of Union aid, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning:


    rules on the eligibility for the aid of beneficiaries and applicants;


    the requirement for the applicants to be approved by the Member States;


    the use of dairy products benefiting from the aid in the preparation of meals in educational establishments.

    3.   In order to ensure that aid applicants respect their obligations, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning the requirement to lodge a security where an advance of aid is paid.

    4.   In order to promote awareness of the aid scheme, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 specifying the conditions in accordance with which Member States are to publicise their participation in the aid scheme and the fact that it is subsidised by the Union.

    5.   In order to ensure that the aid is reflected in the price at which the products are available under the scheme, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down rules on the establishment of price monitoring under the scheme.

    Article 28

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the measures necessary for the application of this Subsection including on:


    the procedures to ensure the respect of the maximum quantity eligible for the aid;


    the procedures for, and the amount of, the security to be lodged where an advance payment is made;


    the information to be supplied to Member States for approval of applicants, aid applications and payments;


    the methods of publicising the scheme;


    the management of price monitoring pursuant to Article 27(5).

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 2

    Aid in the olive oil and table olives sector

    Article 29

    Programmes to support the olive oil and table olives sector

    1.   The Union shall finance three-year work programmes to be drawn up by producer organisations recognised under Article 152, associations of producer organisations recognised under Article 156 or interbranch organisations recognised under Article 157 in one or more of the following areas:


    market follow-up and management in the olive oil and table olives sector;


    the improvement of the environmental impact of olive cultivation;


    the improvement of the competitiveness of olive cultivation through modernisation;


    the improvement of the production quality of olive oil and table olives;


    the traceability system, the certification and protection of the quality of olive oil and table olives, in particular the monitoring of the quality of olive oils sold to final consumers, under the authority of the national administrations;


    the dissemination of information on measures carried out by producer organisations, associations of producer organisations or interbranch organisations to improve the quality of olive oil and table olives.

    2.   The Union financing of the work programmes referred to in paragraph 1 shall be:


    EUR 11 098 000 per year for Greece;


    EUR 576 000 per year for France; and


    EUR 35 991 000 per year for Italy.

    3.   The maximum Union funding for the work programmes referred to in paragraph 1 shall be equal to the amounts withheld by the Member States. The maximum funding of the eligible cost shall be:


    75 % for activities in the areas referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1;


    75 % for fixed assets investments and 50 % for other activities in the area referred to in point (d) of paragraph 1;


    75 % for the work programmes carried out in at least three third countries or non-producing Member States by recognised organisations referred to in paragraph 1 from at least two producer Member States in the areas referred to in points (e) and (f) of paragraph 1, and 50 % for the other activities in these areas.

    Complementary financing shall be ensured by the Member State up to 50 % of the costs not covered by the Union funding.

    Article 30

    Delegated powers

    In order to ensure the efficient and effective use of the Union aid provided for in Article 29 and in order to improve the production quality of olive oil and table olives, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning:


    in respect of the areas referred to in Article 29(1), the specific measures that can be financed by the Union aid and the activities and costs that cannot be so financed;


    the minimum allocation by Member States of Union financing to specific areas;


    the requirement to lodge a security when an application for approval of a work programme is submitted and where an advance payment of aid is made;


    the criteria to be taken into account by Member States in the selection and approval of work programmes.

    Article 31

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the measures necessary for the application of this Section concerning:


    the implementation of work programmes and amendments to such programmes;


    the payment of aid, including advance payments of aid;


    the procedures for, and the amount of, the security to be lodged when an application for approval of a work programme is submitted and where an advance payment of aid is made.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 3

    Aid in the fruit and vegetables sector

    Article 32

    Operational funds

    1.   Producer organisations in the fruit and vegetables sector and/or their associations may set up an operational fund. The fund shall be financed by:


    financial contributions from:


    members of the producer organisation and/or the producer organisation itself; or


    associations of producer organisations through the members of those associations;


    Union financial assistance, which may be granted to producer organisations, or to their associations where those associations present, manage and implement an operational programme or a partial operational programme, in accordance with the terms and conditions to be adopted by the Commission by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 37 and implementing acts pursuant to Article 38.

    2.   Operational funds shall be used only to finance operational programmes that have been submitted to and approved by Member States.

    Article 33

    Operational programmes

    1.   Operational programmes in the fruit and vegetables sector shall have a minimum duration of three years and a maximum duration of five years. They shall have at least two of the objectives referred to in point (c) of Article 152(1) or two of the following objectives:


    planning of production, including production and consumption forecasting and follow-up;


    improvement of product quality, whether in a fresh or processed form;


    boosting products' commercial value;


    promotion of the products, whether in a fresh or processed form;


    environmental measures, particularly those relating to water, and methods of production respecting the environment, including organic farming;


    crisis prevention and management.

    Operational programmes shall be submitted to the Member States for their approval.

    2.   Associations of producer organisations may also present an entire or partial operational programme composed of measures identified, but not carried out, by member organisations under their operational programmes. The operational programmes of associations of producer organisations shall be subject to the same rules as operational programmes of producer organisations and shall be considered with the operational programmes of member organisations.

    To that end, the Member States shall ensure that:


    measures under operational programmes of an association of producer organisations are entirely financed by contributions of those member organisations of that association and that such funding is collected from the operational funds of those member organisations;


    the measures and their corresponding financial share are identified in the operational programme of each member organisation;


    there is no duplication of funding.

    3.   Crisis prevention and management referred to in point (f) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall be related to avoiding and dealing with crises on the fruit and vegetable markets and shall cover in this context:


    investments making the management of the volumes placed on the market more efficient;


    training measures and exchanges of best practices;


    promotion and communication, whether for prevention or during a crisis period;


    support for the administrative costs of setting up mutual funds;


    replanting of orchards where that is necessary following mandatory grubbing up for health or phytosanitary reasons on the instruction of the Member State competent authority;


    market withdrawal;


    green harvesting or non-harvesting of fruit and vegetables;


    harvest insurance.

    Support for harvest insurance shall contribute to safeguarding producers' incomes where there are losses as a consequence of natural disasters, adverse climatic events, diseases or pest infestations.

    Insurance contracts shall require that beneficiaries undertake necessary risk prevention measures.

    Crisis prevention and management measures, including any repayment of capital and interest as referred to in the fifth subparagraph, shall not comprise more than one third of the expenditure under the operational programme.

    Producer organisations may take out loans on commercial terms for financing crisis prevention and management measures. In that case, the repayment of the capital and interest on those loans may form part of the operational programme and so may be eligible for Union financial assistance under Article 34. Any specific action under crisis prevention and management may be financed by such loans or directly, or both.

    4.   For the purposes of this Section:


    "green harvesting" means the total harvesting on a given area of unripe non-marketable products which have not been damaged prior to the green harvesting, whether due to climatic reasons, disease or otherwise;


    "non-harvesting" means the termination of the current production cycle on the area concerned where the product is well developed and is of sound, fair and marketable quality. Destruction of products due to a climatic event or disease is not considered as non-harvesting.

    5.   Member States shall ensure that:


    operational programmes include two or more environmental actions; or


    at least 10 % of the expenditure under operational programmes covers environmental actions.

    Environmental actions shall respect the requirements for agri-environment-climate payments laid down in Article 28(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.

    Where at least 80 % of the producer members of a producer organisation are subject to one or more identical agri-environment-climate commitments provided for in Article 28(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, then each one of those commitments shall count as an environmental action as referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph.

    Support for the environmental actions referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall cover additional costs and income foregone resulting from the action.

    6.   Member States shall ensure that investments which increase environmental pressure shall only be permitted in situations where effective safeguards to protect the environment from these pressures are in place.

    Article 34

    Union financial assistance

    1.   The Union financial assistance shall be equal to the amount of the financial contributions referred to in point (a) of Article 32(1) actually paid and limited to 50 % of the actual expenditure incurred.

    2.   The Union financial assistance shall be limited to 4,1 % of the value of the marketed production of each producer organisation or of their association.

    However, in the case of producer organisations, that percentage may be increased to 4,6 % of the value of the marketed production, provided that the amount in excess of 4,1 % of the value of the marketed production is used solely for crisis prevention and management measures.

    In the case of associations of producer organisations, that percentage may be increased to 4,7 % of the value of the marketed production, provided that the amount in excess of 4,1 % of the value of the marketed production is used solely for crisis prevention and management measures implemented by the association of producer organisations on behalf of its members.

    3.   At the request of a producer organisation, the 50 % limit provided for in paragraph 1 shall be increased to 60 % for an operational programme or part of an operational programme satisfying at least one of the following conditions:


    it is submitted by several Union producer organisations operating in different Member States on transnational schemes;


    it is submitted by one or more producer organisations engaged in schemes operated on an interbranch basis;


    it covers solely specific support for the production of organic products covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (23);


    it is the first to be submitted by a recognised producer organisation which is the result of a merger between two recognised producer organisations;


    it is the first to be submitted by a recognised association of producer organisations;


    it is submitted by producer organisations in Member States where producer organisations market less than 20 % of fruit and vegetables production;


    it is submitted by a producer organisation in one of the outermost regions referred to in Article 349 TFEU.

    4.   The 50 % limit provided for in paragraph 1 shall be increased to 100 % in the case of market withdrawals of fruit and vegetables which shall not exceed 5 % of the volume of marketed production of each producer organisation and which are disposed of by way of:


    free distribution to charitable organisations and foundations, approved for that purpose by the Member States, for use in their activities to assist persons whose right to public assistance is recognised in national law, in particular because they lack the necessary means of subsistence; or


    free distribution to any of the following: penal institutions, schools, establishments referred to in Article 22, children's holiday camps, hospitals and old people's homes designated by the Member States, which shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the quantities thus distributed are additional to the quantities normally bought in by such establishments.

    Article 35

    National financial assistance

    1.   In regions of the Member States where the degree of organisation of producers in the fruit and vegetables sector is particularly low, the Commission may adopt implementing acts authorising Member States, at their duly substantiated request, to pay producer organisations national financial assistance equal to a maximum of 80 % of the financial contributions referred to in point (a) of Article 32(1). This assistance shall be additional to the operational fund.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    2.   In regions of the Member States where producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and the producer groups referred to in Article 27 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 market less than 15 % of the value of fruit and vegetable production of those regions, where fruit and vegetable production represents at least 15 % of the total agricultural output of those regions, the national financial assistance referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be reimbursed by the Union at the request of the Member State concerned.

    The Commission shall adopt implementing acts concerning that reimbursement. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Article 36

    National framework and national strategy for operational programmes

    1.   Member States shall establish a national framework containing general conditions relating to the environmental actions referred to in Article 33(5). That framework shall provide, in particular, that such actions are to meet the appropriate requirements of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, in particular those set out in Article 3 thereof.

    Member States shall submit their proposed framework to the Commission which, by means of implementing acts adopted without applying the procedure referred to in Article 229(2) or (3), may within three months of the submission require modifications if it finds that the proposal would not contribute to the achievement of the objectives set out in Article 191 TFEU and in the seventh Union environment action programme. Investments on individual holdings supported by operational programmes shall also respect those objectives.

    2.   Each Member State shall establish a national strategy for sustainable operational programmes in the fruit and vegetable market. Such a strategy shall include:


    an analysis of the situation in terms of strengths and weaknesses and the potential for development;


    justification of the priorities chosen;


    the objectives of operational programmes and instruments, and performance indicators;


    assessment of operational programmes;


    reporting obligations for producer organisations.

    The national strategy shall also integrate the national framework referred to in paragraph 1.

    3.   Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to Member States which have no recognised producer organisations.

    Article 37

    Delegated powers

    In order to ensure an efficient, targeted and sustainable support of producer organisations and their associations in the fruit and vegetables sector, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 establishing rules on:


    operational funds and operational programmes, concerning:


    the estimated amounts, the decisions by producer organisations and their associations on the financial contributions and the use of operational funds;


    the measures, actions, expenditure and administrative and personnel costs to be included or excluded under operational programmes, the modification thereof and the additional requirements to be determined by Member States;


    the avoidance of double funding between operational programmes and rural development programmes;


    operational programmes of associations of producer organisations;


    the specific rules applicable to cases in which associations of producer organisations manage, process, implement and present, wholly or in part, operational programmes;


    the obligation to use common indicators for the purposes of monitoring and evaluation of operational programmes;


    the national framework and national strategy for operational programmes concerning the obligation to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the national frameworks and the national strategies;


    Union financial assistance, concerning:


    the basis for the calculation of Union financial assistance and of the value of the marketed production, referred to in Article 34(2);


    applicable reference periods for the calculation of aid;


    the provision of advance payments and the requirement to lodge a security where an advance payment of aid is made;


    the specific rules applicable to the financing of operational programmes of associations of producer organisations, particularly those relating to the application of the limits provided for in Article 34(2);


    crisis prevention and management measures, concerning:


    the possibility for Member States not to apply one or more crisis prevention and management measures;


    conditions relating to points (a), (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 33(3);


    permissible destinations to be decided by Member States for withdrawn products;


    the maximum level of support for market withdrawals;


    the requirement for prior notifications in case of market withdrawals;


    the basis of the calculation of the volume of marketed production for free distribution referred to in Article 34(4) and the determination of a maximum volume of marketed production in case of withdrawals;


    the requirement to display the Union emblem on packages of products for free distribution;


    the conditions for the recipients of withdrawn products;


    the use of terms for the purposes of this Section;


    the conditions, to be adopted by Member States, relating to green harvesting and non-harvesting;


    harvest insurance;


    mutual funds; and


    the conditions relating to, and the fixing of a ceiling for expenditure on, the replanting of orchards for health or phytosanitary reasons in accordance with point (e) of the first subparagraph of Article 33(3);


    national financial assistance, concerning:


    the degree of organisation of producers;


    the requirement to lodge a security where an advance payment is made;


    the maximum proportion of Union reimbursement of the national financial assistance.

    Article 38

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down measures concerning:


    the management of operational funds;


    the information to be contained in operational programmes, national frameworks and national strategies referred to in Article 36, the submission of operational programmes to Member States, time limits, accompanying documents and approval by Member States;


    the implementation of operational programmes by producer organisations and associations of producer organisations;


    the submission, format and content of monitoring and evaluation reports of national strategies and operational programmes;


    aid applications and payments of aid, including advance and partial payments of aid;


    the practical arrangements for the display of the Union emblem on packages of products for free distribution;


    the respect for marketing standards in case of withdrawals;


    transport, sorting and packaging costs in case of free distribution;


    promotion, communication and training measures in case of crisis prevention and management;


    the implementation of withdrawal operations, green harvesting, non-harvesting and harvest insurance measures;


    the application, authorisation, payment and reimbursement of the national financial assistance;


    the procedures for, and the amount of, the security to be lodged where an advance payment is made.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 4

    Support programmes in the wine sector

    Subsection 1

    General provisions and eligible measures

    Article 39


    This Section lays down the rules governing the attribution of Union funds to Member States and the use of those funds by Member States through five-year national support programmes ("support programmes") to finance specific support measures to assist the wine sector.

    Article 40

    Compatibility and consistency

    1.   Support programmes shall be compatible with Union law and shall be consistent with the activities, policies and priorities of the Union.

    2.   Member States shall be responsible for support programmes and shall ensure that they are internally consistent and that they are drawn up and implemented in an objective manner, taking into account the economic situation of the producers concerned and the need to avoid unjustified unequal treatment of producers.

    3.   No support shall be granted for:


    research projects and measures to support research projects other than those referred to in points (d) and (e) of Article 45(2);


    measures contained in Member States' rural development programmes under Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.

    Article 41

    Submission of support programmes

    1.   Each producer Member State listed in Annex VI shall submit to the Commission a draft five-year support programme containing at least one of the eligible measures set out in Article 38.

    2.   The support measures in the draft support programmes shall be drawn up at the geographical level which the Member State considers most appropriate. The Member State shall consult the competent authorities and organisations at the appropriate territorial level on the draft support programme before submitting it to the Commission.

    3.   Each Member State shall submit a single draft support programme, which may take into account regional particularities.

    4.   Support programmes shall become applicable three months after the submission of the draft support programme to the Commission.

    However, the Commission may adopt implementing acts establishing that the submitted draft support programme does not comply with the rules laid down in this Section, and shall inform the Member State thereof. In such a case, the Member State shall submit a revised draft support programme to the Commission. The revised support programme shall become applicable two months after the submission of the draft revised support programme unless an incompatibility persists, in which case this subparagraph shall apply.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted without applying the procedure referred to in Article 229(2) or (3).

    5.   Paragraph 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to changes in respect of applicable support programmes submitted by Member States.

    Article 42

    Content of support programmes

    Support programmes shall include at least the following elements:


    a detailed description of the measures proposed, as well as their quantified objectives;


    the results of consultations held;


    an appraisal showing the expected technical, economic, environmental and social impact;


    a schedule for implementing the measures;


    a general financing table showing the resources to be deployed and the envisaged indicative allocation of the resources between the measures in accordance with the budgetary limits provided for in Annex VI;


    the criteria and quantitative indicators to be used for monitoring and evaluation as well as the steps taken to ensure that the support programmes are implemented appropriately and effectively; and


    the designation of competent authorities and bodies responsible for implementing the support programme.

    Article 43

    Eligible measures

    Support programmes may contain only one or more of the following measures:


    promotion, in accordance with Article 45;


    restructuring and conversion of vineyards, in accordance with Article 46;


    green harvesting, in accordance with Article 47;


    mutual funds, in accordance with Article 48;


    harvest insurance, in accordance with Article 49;


    investments, in accordance with Article 50;


    innovation in the wine sector, in accordance with Article 51;


    by-product distillation, in accordance with Article 52.

    Article 44

    General rules concerning support programmes

    1.   The available Union funds shall be allocated within the budgetary limits provided for in Annex VI.

    2.   Union support shall only be granted for eligible expenditure incurred after the submission of the relevant draft support programme.

    3.   Member States shall not contribute to the costs of measures financed by the Union under the support programmes.

    Subsection 2

    Specific support measures

    Article 45


    1.   Support under this Article shall cover information or promotion measures concerning Union wines:


    in Member States, with a view to informing consumers about the responsible consumption of wine and about the Union systems covering designations of origin and geographical indications; or


    in third countries, with a view to improving their competitiveness.

    2.   The measures referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall apply to wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication or wines with an indication of the wine grape variety and shall consist only of one or more of the following:


    public relations, promotion or advertisement measures, in particular highlighting the high standards of the Union products, especially in terms of quality, food safety or the environment;


    participation at events, fairs or exhibitions of international importance;


    information campaigns, in particular on the Union systems covering designations of origin, geographical indications and organic production;


    studies of new markets, necessary for the expansion of market outlets;


    studies to evaluate the results of the information and promotion measures.

    3.   The Union contribution to information or promotion measures referred to in paragraph 1 shall not exceed 50 % of the eligible expenditure.

    Article 46

    Restructuring and conversion of vineyards

    1.   The objective of measures relating to the restructuring and conversion of vineyards shall be to increase the competitiveness of wine producers.

    2.   The restructuring and conversion of vineyards shall be supported if Member States submit the inventory of their production potential in accordance with Article 145(3).

    3.   Support for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards, which could also contribute to improving sustainable production systems and the environmental footprint of the wine sector, may only cover one or more of the following activities:


    varietal conversion, including by means of grafting-on;


    relocation of vineyards;


    replanting of vineyards where that is necessary following mandatory grubbing up for health or phytosanitary reasons on the instruction of the Member State competent authority;


    improvements to vineyard management techniques, in particular the introduction of advanced systems of sustainable production.

    The normal renewal of vineyards, which means the replanting of the same parcel of land with the same wine grape variety according to the same system of vine cultivation, when vines have come to the end of their natural life, shall not be supported.

    Member States may lay down further specifications, especially as regards the age of the vineyards replaced.

    4.   Support for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards, including improving vineyard management techniques, may only take the following forms:


    compensation to producers for the loss of revenue due to the implementation of the measure;


    contribution to the costs of restructuring and conversion.

    5.   Compensation to producers for the loss of revenue referred to in point (a) of paragraph 4 may cover up to 100 % of the relevant loss and take one of the following forms:


    notwithstanding Subsection II of Section IVa of Chapter III of Title I of Part II of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 setting out the transitional planting right regime, the permission for old and new vines to coexist until the end of the transitional regime for a maximum period which shall not exceed three years;


    financial compensation.

    6.   The Union contribution to the actual costs of the restructuring and conversion of vineyards shall not exceed 50 %. In less developed regions, the Union contribution to the costs of restructuring and conversion shall not exceed 75 %.

    Article 47

    Green harvesting

    1.   For the purposes of this Article, "green harvesting" means the total destruction or removal of grape bunches while still in their immature stage, thereby reducing the yield of the relevant area to zero.

    Leaving commercial grapes on the plants at the end of the normal production cycle (non-harvesting) shall not be considered to be green harvesting.

    2.   Support for green harvesting shall contribute to restoring the balance of supply and demand in the Union wine market in order to prevent market crises.

    3.   Support for green harvesting may be granted as compensation in the form of a flat rate payment per hectare to be determined by the Member State concerned. The payment shall not exceed 50 % of the sum of the direct costs of the destruction or removal of grape bunches and the loss of revenue related to such destruction or removal.

    4.   The Member State concerned shall establish a system based on objective criteria to ensure that the green harvesting measure does not lead to compensation of individual wine producers in excess of the ceiling fixed in paragraph 3.

    Article 48

    Mutual funds

    1.   Support for the setting up of mutual funds shall provide assistance to producers seeking to insure themselves against market fluctuations.

    2.   Support for the setting up of mutual funds may be granted in the form of temporary and degressive aid to cover the administrative costs of the funds.

    Article 49

    Harvest insurance

    1.   Support for harvest insurance shall contribute to safeguarding producers' incomes where there are losses as a consequence of natural disasters, adverse climatic events, diseases or pest infestations.

    Insurance contracts shall require that beneficiaries undertake necessary risk prevention measures.

    2.   Support for harvest insurance may be granted in the form of a Union financial contribution which shall not exceed:


    80 % of the cost of the insurance premiums paid for by producers for insurance against losses resulting from adverse climatic events which can be assimilated to natural disasters;


    50 % of the cost of the insurance premiums paid for by producers for insurance:


    against losses referred to in point (a) and against other losses caused by adverse climatic events;


    against losses caused by animals, plant diseases or pest infestations.

    3.   Support for harvest insurance may be granted if the insurance payments concerned do not compensate producers for more than 100 % of the income loss suffered, taking into account any compensation the producers may have obtained from other support schemes related to the insured risk.

    4.   Support for harvest insurance shall not distort competition in the insurance market.

    Article 50


    1.   Support may be granted for tangible or intangible investments in processing facilities and winery infrastructure, as well as marketing structures and tools. Those investments shall be intended to improve the overall performance of the enterprise and its adaptation to market demands, as well as to increase its competitiveness, and shall concern the production or marketing of grapevine products referred to in Part II of Annex VII, including with a view to improving energy savings, global energy efficiency and sustainable processes.

    2.   Support under paragraph 1 at its maximum rate:


    shall apply only to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC (24);


    may, in addition, apply to all enterprises for the outermost regions referred to in Article 349 TFEU and the smaller Aegean islands as defined in Article 1(2) of Regulation (EU) No 229/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (25).

    For enterprises not covered by Article 2(1) of Title I of the Annex to Recommendation 2003/361/EC with fewer than 750 employees, or with a turnover of less than EUR 200 million, the maximum aid intensity shall be halved.

    Support shall not be granted to enterprises in difficulty within the meaning of the Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty (26).

    3.   The eligible expenditure shall exclude the non-eligible costs referred to in Article 69(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.

    4.   The following maximum aid rates concerning the eligible investment costs shall apply to the Union contribution:


    50 % in less developed regions;


    40 % in regions other than less developed regions;


    75 % in the outermost regions referred to in Article 349 TFEU;


    65 % in the smaller Aegean islands as defined in Article 1(2) of Regulation (EU) No 229/2013.

    5.   Article 71 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 shall apply mutatis mutandis to support referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

    Article 51

    Innovation in the wine sector

    Support may be granted for tangible or intangible investments aimed at the development of new products, processes and technologies concerning the products referred to in Part II of Annex VII. The support shall be intended to increase the marketability and competitiveness of Union grapevine products and may include an element of knowledge transfer. The maximum aid rates concerning the Union contribution to the support provided under this Article shall be the same as those set out in Article 50(4).

    Article 52

    By-product distillation

    1.   Support may be granted for the voluntary or obligatory distillation of by-products of wine making which has been carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down in Section D of Part II of Annex VIII.

    The amount of aid shall be fixed per % volume and per hectolitre of alcohol produced. No aid shall be paid for the volume of alcohol contained in the by-products to be distilled which exceeds 10 % in relation to the volume of alcohol contained in the wine produced.

    2.   The aid shall be paid to distillers that process by-products of winemaking delivered for distillation into raw alcohol with an alcoholic strength of at least 92 % by volume.

    Member States may make the granting of support conditional upon the lodging of a security by the beneficiary.

    3.   The maximum applicable aid levels shall be based on collection and processing costs and shall be fixed by the Commission by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 54.

    4.   The relevant aid shall include a lump-sum amount to compensate for the costs of collection of the by-products of winemaking. That amount shall be transferred from the distiller to the producer, where the relevant costs are borne by the latter.

    5.   The alcohol resulting from the supported distillation referred to in paragraph 1 shall be used exclusively for industrial or energy purposes to avoid distortion of competition.

    Subsection 3

    Procedural provisions

    Article 53

    Delegated powers

    In order to ensure that Member States' wine support programmes meet their objectives and that there is an efficient and effective use of Union funds, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 establishing:


    rules on the responsibility for expenditure between the date of receipt by the Commission of the support programmes and modifications to support programmes, and their date of applicability;


    rules on the content of support programmes and the expenditure, administrative and personnel costs and operations that may be included in Member States' support programmes and the conditions for, and the possibility to make, payments through intermediaries in the case of support for harvest insurance provided for in Article 49;


    rules on the requirement to lodge a security where an advance payment is made;


    rules on the use of terms for the purposes of this Section;


    rules on the fixing of a ceiling for expenditure on the replanting of vineyards for health or phytosanitary reasons in accordance with point (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 46(3);


    rules on the avoidance of double funding between:


    the different operations of a Member State's wine support programme, and


    a Member State's wine support programme and its rural development or promotional programmes;


    rules under which producers are to withdraw the by-products of winemaking, and on exceptions to that obligation in order to avoid additional administrative burden, and rules for the voluntary certification of distillers;


    rules allowing Member States to establish conditions for the proper functioning of support measures in their programmes.

    Article 54

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down measures concerning:


    the submission of the support programmes, the corresponding financial planning and revision of support programmes;


    application, selection and payment procedures;


    the submission, format and content of the reports and evaluations of Member States' support programmes;


    the fixing, by Member States, of the rates of aid for green harvesting and by-product distillation;


    financial management and provisions concerning the application of the support measures by the Member States;


    the procedures for, and the amount of, the security to be lodged where an advance payment is made.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 5

    Aid in the apiculture sector

    Article 55

    National programmes and financing

    1.   With a view to improving general conditions for the production and marketing of apiculture products, Member States may draw up national programmes for the apiculture sector covering a period of three years ("apiculture programmes"). These programmes shall be developed in cooperation with representative organisations in the beekeeping field.

    2.   The Union contribution to the apiculture programmes shall be equivalent to 50 % of the expenditure borne by Member States for those programmes, as approved in accordance with point (c) of the first paragraph of Article 57.

    3.   To be eligible for the Union contribution provided for in paragraph 2, Member States shall carry out a study of the production and marketing structure in the beekeeping sector in their territory.

    4.   The following measures may be included in apiculture programmes:


    technical assistance to beekeepers and beekeepers' organisations;


    combating beehive invaders and diseases, particularly varroasis;


    rationalisation of transhumance;


    measures to support laboratories for the analysis of apiculture products with the aim of helping beekeepers to market and increase the value of their products;


    measures to support the restocking of hives in the Union;


    cooperation with specialised bodies for the implementation of applied research programmes in the field of beekeeping and apiculture products;


    market monitoring;


    enhancement of product quality with a view to exploiting the potential of products on the market.

    Article 56

    Delegated powers

    1.   In order to ensure the effective and efficient use of Union funds for apiculture, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 on:


    the avoidance of double funding between Member States' apiculture programmes and rural development programmes;


    the basis for allocating the Union's financial contribution to each participating Member State, based, inter alia, on the total number of bee hives in the Union.

    2.   In order to ensure that the Union aid scheme is adapted to the latest developments and that the measures covered are effective in improving the general conditions for the production and marketing of apiculture products, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 to update the list of measures referred to in Article 55(4) that may be included in Member States' apiculture programmes, by adding other measures or adapting those measures without deleting any of them. That update of the list of measures shall not affect national programmes adopted prior to the entry into force of the delegated act.

    Article 57

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the measures necessary for the application of this Section concerning:


    the content of national programmes and of the studies carried out by Member States on the production and marketing structure of their beekeeping sectors;


    the procedure for the reallocation of unused funds;


    the approval of apiculture programmes submitted by Member States, including the allocation of the Union's financial contribution to each participating Member State and the maximum level of funding by Member States.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 6

    Aid in the hops sector

    Article 58

    Aid to producer organisations

    1.   The Union shall grant an aid to producer organisations in the hops sector recognised in accordance with Article 152 to finance the pursuit of the aims referred to in points (c)(i), (ii) or (iii) of Article 152(1).

    2.   The Union financing for the aid to producer organisations provided for in paragraph 1 shall be EUR 2 277 000 per year for Germany.

    Article 59

    Delegated powers

    In order to ensure that the aid referred to in Article 58 finances the pursuit of the aims referred to in Article 152, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning:


    aid applications, including rules on deadlines and accompanying documents;


    rules on eligible hop areas and the calculation of the amounts to be paid to each producer organisation.

    Article 60

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the measures necessary for the application of this Section concerning the payment of aid.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).


    Scheme of authorisations for vine plantings

    Article 61


    The scheme of authorisations for vine plantings established in this Chapter shall apply from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2030, with a mid-term review to be undertaken by the Commission to evaluate the operation of the scheme and, if appropriate, make proposals.

    Section 1

    Management of the scheme of authorisations for vine plantings

    Article 62


    1.   Vines of wine grape varieties classified in accordance with Article 81(2) may only be planted or replanted if an authorisation is granted in accordance with Articles 64, 66 and 68 under the conditions laid down in this Chapter.

    2.   Member States shall grant the authorisation referred to in paragraph 1, corresponding to a specific area expressed in hectares, upon submission of an application by producers which complies with objective and non-discriminatory eligibility criteria. Such authorisation shall be granted without a fee being charged to the producers.

    3.   The authorisations referred to in paragraph 1 shall be valid for three years from the date on which they were granted. A producer who has not used an authorisation granted during its period of validity shall be subject to administrative penalties as provided for in Article 89(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013.

    4.   This Chapter shall not apply to the planting or replanting of areas intended for experimental purposes or for graft nurseries, to areas whose wine or vine products are intended solely for the consumption by the wine-grower's household or to areas to be newly planted as a result of compulsory purchases in the public interest under national law.

    Article 63

    Safeguard mechanism for new plantings

    1.   Member States shall make available each year authorisations for new plantings corresponding to 1 % of the total area actually planted with vines in their territory, as measured on 31 July of the previous year.

    2.   Member States may:


    apply at national level a lower percentage than the percentage set out in paragraph 1;


    limit the issuing of authorisations at regional level, for specific areas eligible for the production of wines with a protected designation of origin, for areas eligible for the production of wines with a protected geographical indication, or for areas without a geographical indication.

    3.   Any of the limitations referred to in paragraph 2 shall contribute to an orderly growth of vine plantings, shall be set above 0 %, and shall be justified on one or more of the following specific grounds:


    the need to avoid a well-demonstrated risk of oversupply of wine products in relation to market prospects for those products, not exceeding what is necessary to satisfy this need;


    the need to avoid a well-demonstrated risk of significant devaluation of a particular protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication.

    4.   Member States shall make public any decisions adopted pursuant to paragraph 2, which shall be duly justified. Member States shall notify the Commission forthwith of those decisions and justifications.

    Article 64

    Granting of authorisations for new plantings

    1.   If the total area covered by the eligible applications in a given year does not exceed the area made available by the Member State, all such applications shall be accepted.

    Member States may, for the purpose of this Article, apply one or more of the following objective and non-discriminatory eligibility criteria:


    the applicant shall have an agricultural area which is not smaller than the area for which he requests the authorisation;


    the applicant shall possess adequate occupational skills and competence;


    the application shall not pose a significant risk of misappropriation of the reputation of specific protected designations of origin, which shall be presumed unless the existence of such risk is demonstrated by the public authorities;


    where duly justified, one or more of the criteria referred to in paragraph 2, provided that they are applied in an objective and non-discriminatory manner.

    2.   If the total area covered by the eligible applications referred to in paragraph 1 in a given year exceeds the area made available by the Member State, authorisations shall be granted according to a pro-rata distribution of hectares to all applicants on the basis of the area for which they have requested the authorisation. Such granting may also be partially or completely made according to one or more of the following objective and non-discriminatory priority criteria:


    producers who are setting up vine plantings for the first time, and who are established as the head of the holding (new entrants);


    areas where vineyards contribute to the preservation of the environment;


    areas to be newly planted in the framework of land consolidation projects;


    areas facing natural or other specific constraints;


    the sustainability of projects of development or replantations on the basis of an economic evaluation;


    areas to be newly planted which contribute to increasing the competitiveness at farm holding and regional level;


    projects with the potential to improve the quality of products with geographical indications;


    areas to be newly planted in the framework of increasing the size of small and medium-sized holdings.

    3.   Member States shall make public the criteria referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 that they apply and shall notify them forthwith to the Commission.

    Article 65

    Role of professional organisations

    When applying Article 63(2), a Member State may take into account recommendations presented by recognised professional organisations operating in the wine sector referred to in Articles 152, 156 and 157, of interested groups of producers referred to in Article 95, or of other types of professional organisation recognised on the basis of that Member State's legislation, provided that those recommendations are preceded by an agreement entered into by the relevant representative parties in the reference geographical area.

    The recommendations shall be made for no more than three years.

    Article 66


    1.   Member States shall automatically grant an authorisation to producers who have grubbed up an area planted with vines as from 1 January 2016 and submitted an application. Such authorisation shall correspond to the equivalent of that area in terms of pure crop. The areas covered by such authorisations shall not be counted for the purposes of Article 63.

    2.   Member States may grant the authorisation referred to in paragraph 1 to producers undertaking to grub up an area planted with vines if the grubbing up of the pledged area is carried out at the latest by the end of the fourth year from the date on which new vines have been planted.

    3.   The authorisation referred to in paragraph 1 shall be used on the same holding on which the grubbing up was undertaken. Member States may, in areas eligible for the production of wines with protected designations of origin or protected geographical indications, restrict the replanting, on the basis of a recommendation from a professional organisation in accordance with Article 65, to vines complying with the same protected designation of origin or geographical indication specification as the area grubbed up.

    4.   This Article shall not apply in the case of grubbing up of non-authorised plantings.

    Article 67

    De minimis

    1.   The scheme of authorisations for vine plantings established in this Chapter shall not apply in Member States where the transitional planting right regime established in Subsection II of Section IVa of Chapter III of Title I of Part II of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 did not apply on 31 December 2007.

    2.   Member States to which the regime referred to in paragraph 1 applied on 31 December 2007, and in respect of which the areas currently planted with vines do not exceed 10 000 hectares, may decide not to implement the scheme of authorisations for vine plantings established in this Chapter.

    Article 68

    Transitional provisions

    1.   Planting rights granted to producers in accordance with Article 85h, Article 85i or Article 85k of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 before 31 December 2015 which have not been used by those producers and are still valid by that date may be converted into authorisations under this Chapter as from 1 January 2016.

    Such conversion shall take place upon a request to be submitted by those producers before 31 December 2015. Member States may decide to allow producers to submit such a request to convert rights into authorisations until 31 December 2020.

    2.   Authorisations granted pursuant to paragraph 1 shall have the same period of validity as the planting rights referred to in paragraph 1. If these authorisations are not used, they shall expire at the latest by 31 December 2018, or, where a Member State has taken the decision referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, at the latest by 31 December 2023.

    3.   The areas covered by the authorisations granted pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be not be counted for the purposes of Article 63.

    Article 69

    Delegated powers

    The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning:


    the conditions for the application of the exemption referred to in Article 62(4);


    the rules relating to the criteria referred to in Article 64(1) and (2);


    the addition of criteria to those listed in Article 64(1) and (2);


    the co-existence of vines that the producer has undertaken to grub up with newly planted vines pursuant to Article 66(2);


    the grounds for Member State decisions under Article 66(3).

    Article 70

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the necessary measures in relation to:


    the procedures for granting the authorisations;


    the records to be kept by the Member States and notifications to be sent to the Commission.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 2

    Control of the scheme of authorisations for vine plantings

    Article 71

    Non-authorised plantings

    1.   Producers shall grub up at their own cost areas planted with vines without an authorisation.

    2.   If producers do not grub up within four months from the date on which they are notified of the irregularity, Member States shall ensure the grubbing up of such non-authorised plantings within two years following the expiry of the four-month period. The relevant cost shall be charged to the producers concerned.

    3.   Member States shall communicate to the Commission by 1 March each year the total size of the areas ascertained as planted with vines without an authorisation after 1 January 2016, as well as the areas grubbed up in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2.

    4.   A producer who has not complied with the obligation laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be subject to penalties to be laid down in accordance with Article 64 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013.

    5.   Areas planted with vines without an authorisation shall not benefit from any national or Union support measures.

    Article 72

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down necessary measures setting out the details of the communication requirements that Member States are to comply with, including possible reductions of the budgetary limits provided for in Annex VI in the case of non-compliance.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).




    Rules concerning marketing

    Section 1

    Marketing standards

    Subsection 1

    Introductory provisions

    Article 73


    Without prejudice to any other provisions applicable to agricultural products, as well as to the provisions adopted in the veterinary, phytosanitary and food sectors to ensure that products comply with hygiene and health standards and to protect animal, plant and human health, this Section lays down the rules concerning marketing standards. Those rules shall be divided between obligatory rules and optional reserved terms for agricultural products.

    Subsection 2

    Marketing standards by sectors or products

    Article 74

    General principle

    The products for which marketing standards by sectors or products have been laid down in accordance with this Section may be marketed in the Union only if they conform to those standards.

    Article 75

    Establishment and content

    1.   Marketing standards may apply to one or more of the following sectors and products:


    olive oil and table olives;


    fruit and vegetables;


    processed fruit and vegetable products;




    live plants;






    spreadable fats intended for human consumption;



    2.   In order to take into account the expectations of consumers and to improve the economic conditions for the production and marketing as well as the quality of the agricultural products covered by paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 on marketing standards by sectors or products, at all stages of the marketing, as well as derogations and exemptions from such standards in order to adapt to constantly changing market conditions, to evolving consumer demands, to developments in relevant international standards and to avoid creating obstacles to product innovation.

    3.   Without prejudice to Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (27), the marketing standards referred to in paragraph 1 may cover one or more of the following, to be determined on a sectoral or product basis and based on the characteristics of each sector, the need to regulate the placing on the market and the conditions defined in paragraph 5 of this Article:


    the technical definitions, designation and sales descriptions for sectors other than those set out in Article 78;


    classification criteria such as grading into classes, weight, sizing, age and category;


    the species, plant variety or animal race or the commercial type;


    the presentation, labelling linked to obligatory marketing standards, packaging, rules to be applied in relation to packing centres, marking, year of harvesting and use of specific terms, without prejudice to Articles 92 to 123;


    criteria such as appearance, consistency, conformation, product characteristics and the percentage of water content;


    specific substances used in production, or components or constituents, including their quantitative content, purity and identification;


    the type of farming and production method including oenological practices and advanced systems of sustainable production;


    coupage of must and wine including definitions thereof, blending and restrictions thereof;


    the frequency of collection, delivery, preservation and handling, the conservation method and temperature, storage and transport;


    the place of farming and/or origin, excluding poultrymeat and spreadable fats;


    restrictions as regards the use of certain substances and practices;


    specific use;


    the conditions governing the disposal, the holding, circulation and use of products not in conformity with the marketing standards adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 or with the definitions, designations and sales descriptions as referred to in Article 78, as well as the disposal of by-products.

    4.   In addition to paragraph 1, marketing standards may apply to the wine sector. Points (f), (g), (h), (k) and (m) of paragraph 3 shall apply to that sector.

    5.   The marketing standards by sectors or products adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall be established without prejudice to Articles 84 to 88 and Annex IX and shall take into account:


    the specific characteristics of the product concerned;


    the need to ensure the conditions to facilitate the placing of the products on the market;


    the interest of producers to communicate the product and farming characteristics, and the interest of consumers to receive adequate and transparent product information, including the place of farming to be determined on a case-by-case basis at the appropriate geographical level, after conducting an evaluation, in particular, of the costs and administrative burdens for operators and the benefits offered to producers and the end consumer;


    the methods available for determining physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the products;


    the standard recommendations adopted by international bodies;


    the need to preserve the natural and essential characteristics of products and to avoid causing a substantial change in the composition of the product concerned.

    6.   In order to take into account the expectations of consumers and the need to improve the quality and the economic conditions for the production and marketing of agricultural products, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 to modify the list of sectors in paragraph 1. Such delegated acts shall be strictly limited to demonstrated needs resulting from evolving consumer demand, technical progress or the need for product innovation, and shall be subject to a Commission report to the European Parliament and to the Council evaluating, in particular, the needs of the consumer, the costs and administrative burdens for operators, including the impact on the internal market and on international trade, and the benefits offered to producers and to the end consumer.

    Article 76

    Additional requirements for marketing of products in the fruit and vegetables sector

    1.   In addition, where relevant, to the applicable marketing standards referred to in Article 75, products of the fruit and vegetables sector which are intended to be sold fresh to the consumer may only be marketed if they are sound, fair and of marketable quality and if the country of origin is indicated.

    2.   The marketing standards referred to in paragraph 1, as well as any marketing standard applicable to the fruit and vegetables sector laid down in accordance with this subsection, shall apply at all marketing stages including import and export, and may cover quality, categorisation, weight, size, packing, packaging, storage, transport, presentation and marketing.

    3.   The holder of products of the fruit and vegetables sector covered by marketing standards shall not display such products, offer them for sale or deliver or market them in any manner within the Union other than in conformity with those standards and shall be responsible for ensuring such conformity.

    4.   In order to ensure the proper application of requirements set out in paragraph 1 of this Article and to take into account certain specific situations, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning specific derogations to this Article which are necessary for its proper application.

    Article 77

    Certification for hops

    1.   In addition, where relevant, to the applicable marketing standards, products of the hops sector harvested or prepared within the Union shall be subject to a certification procedure under this Article.

    2.   Certificates may be issued only for products having the minimum quality characteristics appropriate to a specific stage of marketing. In the case of hop powder, hop powder with higher lupulin content, extract of hops and mixed hop products, the certificate may only be issued if the alpha acid content of these products is not lower than that of the hops from which they have been prepared.

    3.   The certificates shall at least indicate:


    the place(s) of production of the hops;


    the year(s) of harvesting; and


    the variety or varieties.

    4.   Products of the hops sector may be marketed or exported only if covered by a certificate issued in accordance with this Article.

    In the case of imported products of the hops sector, the attestation provided for in Article 190(2) shall be deemed to be equivalent to that certificate.

    5.   The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down measures derogating from paragraph 4 of this Article:


    in order to satisfy the trade requirements of certain third countries; or


    for products intended for special uses.

    The measures referred to in the first subparagraph shall:


    not prejudice the normal marketing of products for which the certificate has been issued; and


    be accompanied by guarantees intended to avoid any confusion with those products.

    Article 78

    Definitions, designations and sales descriptions for certain sectors and products

    1.   In addition, where relevant, to the applicable marketing standards, the definitions, designations and sales descriptions provided for in Annex VII shall apply to the following sectors or products:


    beef and veal;




    milk and milk products intended for human consumption;






    spreadable fats intended for human consumption; and


    olive oil and table olives.

    2.   The definitions, designations or sales descriptions provided for in Annex VII may be used in the Union only for the marketing of a product which conforms to the corresponding requirements laid down in that Annex.

    3.   The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning the modifications, derogations or exemptions to the definitions and sales descriptions provided for in Annex VII. Those delegated acts shall be strictly limited to demonstrated needs resulting from evolving consumer demand, technical progress or the need for product innovation.

    4.   In order to ensure that operators and Member States have a clear and proper understanding of the definitions and sales descriptions provided for in Annex VII, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning the rules on their specification and application.

    5.   In order to take into account the expectations of consumers and the evolution of the milk products market, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 to specify the milk products in respect of which the animal species from which the milk originates is to be stated, if it is not bovine, and to lay down the necessary rules.

    Article 79


    1.   In order to take into account the specific characteristics of each product or sector, the different marketing stages, the technical conditions, any possible considerable practical difficulty, and also the accuracy and repeatability of the methods of analysis, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 on tolerance for one or more specific standards in excess of which the entire batch of products shall be considered not to respect that standard.

    2.   When adopting the acts referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission shall take into account the need not to alter the intrinsic characteristics of the product and to avoid lowering its quality.

    Article 80

    Oenological practices and methods of analyses

    1.   Only oenological practices authorised in accordance with Annex VIII and provided for in point (g) of Article 75(3) and in Article 83(2) and (3) shall be used in the production and conservation of the products listed in Part II of Annex VII in the Union.

    The first subparagraph shall not apply to:


    grape juice and concentrated grape juice; and


    grape must and concentrated grape must intended for the preparation of grape juice.

    Authorised oenological practices shall only be used for the purposes of ensuring proper vinification, proper preservation or proper refinement of the product.

    Products listed in Part II of Annex VII shall be produced in the Union in accordance with the rules laid down in Annex VIII.

    2.   Products listed in Part II of Annex VII shall not be marketed in the Union if:


    they have undergone unauthorised Union oenological practices;


    they have undergone unauthorised national oenological practices; or


    they do not comply with the rules laid down in Annex VIII.

    The grapevine products which are unmarketable in accordance with the first subparagraph shall be destroyed. By way of derogation from this rule, Member States may authorise the use of certain of such products, the characteristics of which they shall determine, by distilleries or vinegar factories or for industrial purposes, provided that this authorisation does not become an incentive to produce grapevine products by means of unauthorised oenological practices.

    3.   When authorising oenological practices for wine as referred to in point (g) of Article 75(3), the Commission shall:


    take into account the oenological practices and methods of analyses recommended and published by the OIV, as well as the results of experimental use of as-yet unauthorised oenological practices;


    take into account the protection of human health;


    take into account the possible risk of consumers being misled due to their well established perception of the product and their corresponding expectations, having regard to the availability and feasibility of informational means to exclude such risks;


    allow the preservation of the natural and essential characteristics of the wine and not cause a substantial change in the composition of the product concerned;


    ensure an acceptable minimum level of environmental care;


    respect the general rules concerning oenological practices and the rules laid down in Annex VIII.

    4.   In order to ensure the correct treatment of unmarketable wine products, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning rules on the national procedures referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of this Article, and derogations therefrom concerning the withdrawal or destruction of wine products that do not comply with the requirements.

    5.   The Commission shall, where necessary, adopt implementing acts laying down the methods referred to in point (d) of Article 75(5) for products listed in Part II of Annex VII. Those methods shall be based on any relevant methods recommended and published by the OIV, unless they would be ineffective or inappropriate in view of the objective pursued by the Union. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Pending the adoption of such implementing acts, the methods and rules to be used shall be those allowed by the Member State concerned.

    Article 81

    Wine grape varieties

    1.   Products listed in Part II of Annex VII and produced in the Union shall be made from wine grape varieties classifiable in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.

    2.   Subject to paragraph 3, Member States shall classify which wine grape varieties may be planted, replanted or grafted on their territories for the purpose of wine production.

    Only wine grape varieties meeting the following conditions may be classified by Member States:


    the variety concerned belongs to the species Vitis vinifera or comes from a cross between the species Vitis vinifera and other species of the genus Vitis;


    the variety is not one of the following: Noah, Othello, Isabelle, Jacquez, Clinton and Herbemont.

    Where a wine grape variety is deleted from the classification referred to in the first subparagraph, grubbing up of this variety shall take place within 15 years of its deletion.

    3.   Member States whose wine production does not exceed 50 000 hectolitres per wine year, calculated on the basis of the average production during the last five wine years, shall be exempt from the classification obligation provided for in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2.

    However, also in those Member States, only wine grape varieties complying with the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 may be planted, replanted or grafted for the purpose of wine production.

    4.   By way of derogation from the first and third subparagraphs of paragraph 2 and the second subparagraph of paragraph 3, the planting, replanting or grafting of the following wine grape varieties shall be allowed by the Member States for scientific research and experimental purposes:


    wine grape varieties which are not classified, in the case of the Member States other than those referred to in paragraph 3;


    wine grape varieties which do not comply with the second subparagraph of paragraph 2, in the case of the Member States referred to in paragraph 3.

    5.   Areas planted with wine grape varieties for the purpose of wine production planted in breach of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall be grubbed up.

    However, there shall be no obligation to grub up such areas where the relevant production is intended exclusively for consumption by the wine-producer's household.

    Article 82

    Specific use of wine not conforming to the categories listed in Part II of Annex VII

    Except for bottled wine in respect of which there is evidence that bottling was performed before 1 September 1971, wine produced from wine grape varieties listed in the classifications drawn up in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 81(2) but not conforming to one of the categories laid down in Part II of Annex VII shall be used only for consumption by individual wine-producers' households, for the production of wine vinegar or for distillation.

    Article 83

    National rules for certain products and sectors

    1.   Notwithstanding Article 75(2), Member States may adopt or maintain national rules laying down different quality levels for spreadable fats. Such rules shall allow those quality levels to be assessed on the basis of criteria relating, in particular, to the raw materials used, the organoleptic characteristics of the products and their physical and microbiological stability.

    Member States making use of the option provided for in the first subparagraph shall ensure that other Member States' products complying with the criteria laid down by those national rules may, in a non-discriminatory way, use terms which state that those criteria have been complied with.

    2.   Member States may limit or prohibit the use of certain oenological practices and provide for more stringent rules for wines authorised under Union law produced in their territory with a view to reinforcing the preservation of the essential characteristics of wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication and of sparkling wines and liqueur wines.

    3.   Member States may allow the experimental use of unauthorised oenological practices.

    4.   In order to ensure the correct and transparent application of this Article, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 setting out the conditions for the application of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, as well as the conditions for the holding, circulation and use of the products obtained from the experimental practices referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article.

    5.   Member States may only adopt or maintain additional national provisions on products covered by a Union marketing standard if those provisions comply with Union law, in particular the principle of free movement of goods, and subject to Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (28).

    Subsection 3

    Optional reserved terms

    Article 84

    General provision

    A scheme for optional reserved terms by sector or by product shall be established in order to make it easier for producers of agricultural products that have value-adding characteristics or attributes to communicate those characteristics or attributes within the internal market, and in particular to support and complement the specific marketing standards.

    This Subsection shall not apply to wine products referred to in Article 92(1).

    Article 85

    Existing optional reserved terms

    1.   The optional reserved terms covered by this scheme on 20 December 2013 are listed in Annex IX and the conditions of their use shall be laid down pursuant to point (a) of Article 86.

    2.   The optional reserved terms referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall remain in force, subject to any amendment, unless cancelled pursuant to Article 86.

    Article 86

    Reservation, amendment and cancellation of optional reserved terms

    In order to take account of the expectations of consumers, developments in scientific and technical knowledge, the situation in the market and developments in marketing standards and in international standards, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227:


    reserving an additional optional reserved term, laying down its conditions of use;


    amending the conditions of use of an optional reserved term; or


    cancelling an optional reserved term.

    Article 87

    Additional optional reserved terms

    1.   A term shall be eligible to be reserved as an additional optional reserved term only if it fulfils all of the following requirements:


    the term relates to a characteristic of a product or to a farming or processing attribute and relates to a sector or product;


    the use of the term enables clearer communication of the added value of the product by its specific characteristics or farming or processing attributes;


    when the product is placed on the market, the characteristic or attribute referred to in point (a) is identifiable by consumers in several Member States;


    the conditions and use of the term are in conformity with Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (29) or Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011.

    When introducing an additional optional reserved term, the Commission shall take account of any relevant international standard and of the existing reserved terms for the products or sectors involved.

    2.   In order to take the characteristics of certain sectors as well as consumer expectations into account, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down further details on the requirements for the introduction of an additional reserved term, as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

    Article 88

    Restrictions on use of optional reserved terms

    1.   An optional reserved term may only be used to describe products that conform to the applicable conditions of use.

    2.   Member States shall adopt appropriate measures to ensure that product labelling does not give rise to confusion with optional reserved terms.

    3.   In order to ensure that products described by means of optional reserved terms conform to the applicable conditions of use, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 laying down additional rules on the use of optional reserved terms.

    Subsection 4

    Marketing standards related to import and export

    Article 89

    General provisions

    In order to take into account the specific characteristics of trade between the Union and certain third countries and the special character of certain agricultural products, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 concerning:


    the conditions under which imported products are considered to have an equivalent level of conformity to the Union marketing standards and conditions allowing derogation from Article 74; and


    the rules concerning the application of the marketing standards to products exported from the Union.

    Article 90

    Special provisions for the imports of wine

    1.   Save as otherwise provided for in international agreements concluded in accordance with the TFEU, the provisions concerning designation of origin and geographical indications and labelling of wine set out in Section 2 of this Chapter, and the definitions, designations and sales descriptions referred to in Article 78 of this Regulation shall apply to products imported into the Union and falling within CN codes 2009 61, 2009 69 and 2204.

    2.   Save as otherwise provided for in international agreements concluded in accordance with the TFEU, products referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be produced in accordance with oenological practices authorised by the Union pursuant to this Regulation or, prior to the authorisation pursuant to Article 80(3), produced in accordance with oenological practices recommended and published by the OIV.

    3.   The import of the products referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to the presentation of:


    a certificate evincing compliance with the provisions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, drawn up by a competent body, included on a list to be made public by the Commission, in the product's country of origin;


    an analysis report drawn up by a body or department designated by the product's country of origin, if the product is intended for direct human consumption.

    Subsection 5

    Common provisions

    Article 91

    Implementing powers in accordance with the examination procedure

    The Commission may adopt implementing acts:


    establishing the list of milk and milk products referred to in the second paragraph of point 5 of Part III of Annex VII and spreadable fats referred to in point (a) of the sixth paragraph of Section I of Part VII of Annex VII, on the basis of indicative lists of products which Member States regard as corresponding, in their territory, to those provisions and which Member States shall send to the Commission;


    laying down rules for the implementation of the marketing standards by sector or product;


    laying down rules for determining whether products have undergone processes contrary to the authorised oenological practices;


    laying down rules for the methods of analysis for determining the characteristics of products;


    laying down rules for fixing the tolerance level;


    laying down rules for the implementation of the measures referred to in Article 89;


    laying down rules for the identification or registration of the producer and/or the industrial facilities in which the product has been prepared or processed, for the certification procedures and for the commercial documents, accompanying documents and records to be kept.

    Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 229(2).

    Section 2

    Designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional terms in the wine sector

    Subsection 1

    Introductory provisions

    Article 92


    1.   Rules on designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional terms laid down in this Section shall apply to the products referred to in points 1, 3 to 6, 8, 9, 11, 15 and 16 of Part II of Annex VIII.

    2.   The rules referred to in paragraph 1 shall be based on:


    protecting the legitimate interests of consumers and producers;


    ensuring the smooth operation of the internal market in the products concerned; and


    promoting the production of quality products referred to in this Section, whilst allowing national quality policy measures.

    Subsection 2

    Designations of origin and geographical indications

    Article 93


    1.   For the purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:


    "a designation of origin" means the name of a region, a specific place or, in exceptional and duly justifiable cases, a country used to describe a product referred to in Article 92(1) fulfilling the following requirements:


    the quality and characteristics of the product are essentially or exclusively due to a particular geographical environment with its inherent natural and human factors;


    the grapes from which the product is produced come exclusively from that geographical area;


    the production takes place in that geographical area; and


    the product is obtained from vine varieties belonging to Vitis vinifera;


    "a geographical indication" means an indication referring to a region, a specific place or, in exceptional and duly justifiable cases, a country, used to describe a product referred to in Article 92(1) fulfilling the following requirements:


    it possesses a specific quality, reputation or other characteristics attributable to that geographical origin;


    at least 85 % of the grapes used for its production come exclusively from that geographical area;


    its production takes place in that geographical area; and


    it is obtained from vine varieties belonging to Vitis vinifera or a cross between the Vitis vinifera species and other species of the genus Vitis.

    2.   Certain traditionally used names shall constitute a designation of origin where they:


    designate a wine;


    refer to a geographical name;


    fulfil the requirements referred to in points (a)(i) to (iv) of paragraph 1; and


    have undergone the procedure conferring protection on designations of origin and geographical indications laid down in this Subsection.

    3.   Designations of origin and geographical indications, including those relating to geographical areas in third countries, shall be eligible for protection in the Union in accordance with the rules laid down in this Subsection.

    4.   Production as referred to in point (a)(iii) of paragraph 1 shall cover all the operations involved, from the harvesting of the grapes to the completion of the wine-making processes, with the exception of any post-production processes.

    5.   For the purpose of the application of point (b)(ii) of paragraph 1, the maximum 15 % share of grapes which may originate outside the demarcated area shall originate from the Member State or third country in which the demarcated area is situated.

    Article 94

    Applications for protection

    1.   Applications for protection of names as designations of origin or geographical indications shall include a technical file containing:


    the name to be protected;


    the name and address of the applicant;


    a product specification, as referred to in paragraph 2; and


    a single document summarising the product specification referred to in paragraph 2.

    2.   The product specification shall enable interested parties to verify the relevant conditions of production relating to the designation of origin or geographical indication.

    The product specification shall at least consist of:


    the name to be protected;


    a description of the wine or wines:


    in respect of a designation of origin, the principal analytical and organoleptic characteristics;