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Document 62001CJ0018
Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 22 May 2003. # Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Riitta Korhonen Oy, Arkkitehtitoimisto Pentti Toivanen Oy and Rakennuttajatoimisto Vilho Tervomaa v Varkauden Taitotalo Oy. # Reference for a preliminary ruling: Kilpailuneuvosto - Finland. # Directive 92/50/EEC - Public service contracts - Definition of contracting authority - Body governed by public law - Company set up by a regional or local authority to promote the development of industrial or commercial activities on the territory of that authority. # Case C-18/01.
Sodba Sodišča (peti senat) z dne 22. maja 2003.
Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Riitta Korhonen Oy, Arkkitehtitoimisto Pentti Toivanen Oy in Rakennuttajatoimisto Vilho Tervomaa proti Varkauden Taitotalo Oy.
Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe: Kilpailuneuvosto - Finska.
Zadeva C-18/01.
Sodba Sodišča (peti senat) z dne 22. maja 2003.
Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Riitta Korhonen Oy, Arkkitehtitoimisto Pentti Toivanen Oy in Rakennuttajatoimisto Vilho Tervomaa proti Varkauden Taitotalo Oy.
Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe: Kilpailuneuvosto - Finska.
Zadeva C-18/01.
ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:2003:300
«(Directive 92/50/EEC – Public service contracts – Definition of contracting authority – Body governed by public law – Company set up by a regional or local authority to promote the development of industrial or commercial activities on the territory of that authority)»
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(Art. 234 EC)
(Council Directive 92/50, Art. 1(b), second para.)
22 May 2003(1)
((Directive 92/50/EEC – Public service contracts – Definition of contracting authority – Body governed by public law – Company set up by a regional or local authority to promote the development of industrial or commercial activities on the territory of that authority))
In Case C-18/01, REFERENCE to the Court under Article 234 EC by the Kilpailuneuvosto (Finland) for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending before that court between Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Riitta Korhonen Oy, Arkkitehtitoimisto Pentti Toivanen Oy, Rakennuttajatoimisto Vilho Tervomaaand
Varkauden Taitotalo Oy, on the interpretation of Article 1(b) of Council Directive 92/50/EEC of 18 June 1992 relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts (OJ 1992 L 209, p. 1),THE COURT (Fifth Chamber),,
after considering the written observations submitted on behalf of:
having regard to the Report for the Hearing,
after hearing the oral observations of the Finnish Government and the Commission at the hearing on 16 May 2002,
after hearing the Opinion of the Advocate General at the sitting on 11 July 2002,
gives the following
On those grounds,
THE COURT (Fifth Chamber),
in answer to the questions referred to it by the Kilpailuneuvosto by order of 14 December 2000, hereby rules:
Timmermans |
Edward |
Jann |
von Bahr |
Rosas |
R. Grass |
M. Wathelet |
Registrar |
President of the Fifth Chamber |