

Úradný vestník Európskej únie

C 230/29


zo 14. júna 2017

zaregistrovať Stranu Európskych Socialistov

(Iba anglické znenie je autentické)

(2017/C 230/06)


so zreteľom na Zmluvu o fungovaní Európskej únie,

so zreteľom na nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ, Euratom) č. 1141/2014 z 22. októbra 2014 o štatúte a financovaní európskych politických strán a európskych politických nadácií (1), najmä na jeho článok 9,

so zreteľom na žiadosť prijatú od Strany Európskych Socialistov,



Úrad pre európske politické strany a európske politické nadácie (ďalej len „úrad“) prijal od Strany Európskych Socialistov (ďalej len „žiadateľ“) dňa 12. mája 2017 žiadosť o registráciu ako európska politická strana podľa článku 8 ods. 1 nariadenia (EÚ, Euratom) č. 1141/2014 a dodatočné dokumenty k žiadosti dňa 1. júna 2017,


žiadateľ predložil doklady o tom, že spĺňa podmienky stanovené v článku 3 nariadenia (EÚ, Euratom) č. 1141/2014, vyhlásenie v podobe stanovenej v prílohe k tomuto nariadeniu, ako aj stanovy žiadateľa obsahujúce ustanovenia podľa článku 4 tohto nariadenia,


žiadosť ďalej sprevádza vyhlásenie, ktoré podpísal notár Bernard Dewitte podľa článku 15 ods. 2 nariadenia (EÚ, Euratom) č. 1141/2014, ktoré osvedčuje, že žiadateľ má sídlo v Belgicku a stanovy žiadateľa sú v súlade s príslušnými ustanoveniami vnútroštátnych právnych predpisov,


žiadateľ predložil dodatočné dokumenty v súlade s článkami 1 a 2 delegovaného nariadenia Komisie (EÚ, Euratom) 2015/2401 (2),


na základe článku 9 nariadenia (EÚ, Euratom) č. 1141/2014 úrad žiadosť a predložené podporné dokumenty preskúmal a domnieva sa, že žiadateľ spĺňa podmienky registrácie stanovené v článku 3 nariadenia a stanovy obsahujú ustanovenia požadované v článku 4 tohto nariadenia,


Článok 1

Strana Európskych Socialistov sa týmto registruje ako európska politická strana.

Európsku právnu subjektivitu nadobúda dňom zverejnenia tohto rozhodnutia v Úradnom vestníku Európskej únie.

Článok 2

Toto rozhodnutie nadobúda účinnosť dňom jeho oznámenia.

Článok 3

Toto rozhodnutie je adresované

Strane Európskych Socialistov

Rue Guimard 10-12

1040 Bruxelles/Brussel


V Bruseli 14. júna 2017

Za Úrad pre európske politické strany a európske politické nadácie



(1)  Ú. v. EÚ L 317, 4.11.2014, s. 1.

(2)  Delegované nariadenie Komisie (EÚ, Euratom) 2015/2401 z 2. októbra 2015 o obsahu a fungovaní registra európskych politických strán a nadácií (Ú. v. EÚ L 333, 19.12.2015, s. 50).



PES Statutes

adopted by the 10 PES Congress on 12 June 2015



Article 1


1.1.   An international not-for-profit association is set up under Belgian law under the name ‘Party of European Socialists’, in short and hereafter named ‘PES’, in order to gather together the socialist, social-democratic, labour and democratic progressive parties and organisations within Europe.

1.2.   The PES has an official name in all the official languages of the European Union and of those countries where it has a full member party. These are published as an Annex 2 to these Statutes. Both the full name and the abbreviation may be used indifferently.

Article 2

Legal basis

2.1.   Article 11.4. of the Treaty on European Union recognises that, ‘political parties at European level contribute to forming a European awareness and to expressing the political will of the citizens of the Union.’

2.2.   The PES carries out its activities, pursues its aims and is organised and financed in conformity with the Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and Council of 4 November 2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.

2.3.   The association is governed by Heading III of the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 on not-for-profit associations, international not-for-profit associations or foundations.

2.4.   Standing orders are adopted by the Presidency by qualified majority. They shall be sent to all the members and shall be binding for all members.

Article 3

Object and Aims

3.1.   The object of the PES is to pursue international aims in respect of the principles on which the European Union is based, namely principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and respect for the Rule of Law.

3.2.   The values and principles guiding the PES actions are defined in the PES Declaration of Principles (Annex 1).

3.3   Having regard to the diversity of peoples within Europe and our history, the PES promotes the value of tolerance and specifically condemns racism and xenophobia. It includes in these Statutes, in Annex 3 the declaration ‘For a modern, pluralist and tolerant Europe’ adopted by the 5th PES Congress on 7-8 May 2001 in Berlin.

3.4.   More specifically, to implement our Declaration of Principles, the aims of the PES are:

to strengthen the socialist, social democratic, labour and democratic progressive movement and its values in the Union and throughout Europe;

to contribute to forming a European awareness and to expressing the political will of the citizens of the Union;

to lead the European election campaign for our movement with a common strategy and visibility, a common Manifesto and a common candidate to the European Commission Presidency, elected through an open, transparent and democratic competitive process;

to support each other to win national, regional and local elections. To provide a platform for member parties and organisations to share best practice on campaigning, party organisation and exchange policies and ideas;

to define common policies for the European Union and to influence the decisions of the European institutions;

to promote equality, diversity and equal representation in society in our internal bodies and meetings, especially for women and young people, and to encourage their active participation;

to engage members of PES member parties and organisations in activities of the PES, especially by developing PES activists;

to develop close working relationships between with its member parties and organisations, and PES members holding positions in EU institutions (Council, Commission, Parliament, Committee of the Regions);

to cooperate closely with socialist, social democratic, Labour, and democratic progressive parties from countries that share the common goal of European integration notably with those from neighbouring countries of the European Union;

to promote exchanges and contacts with European trade unions, professional organisations, associations, cooperatives, other representatives of civil society and other socialist and social democratic organisations;

to develop sustainable cooperation with international progressive movements and organisations, in the spirit of international solidarity.

3.5.   The PES may carry out all activities linked directly or indirectly to these aims but does not undertake industrial or commercial transactions and does not seek to procure a profit to its members.

Article 4


4.1.   The Headquarters of the PES is 98, rue du Trône, B-1050 Bruxelles, in the judicial district of Brussels.

4.2.   The Headquarters may be transferred to any other location in the Brussels region by decision of the Presidency by qualified majority (cf. Art. 20.5). The decision must be published in the Annexes of the Belgian Official journal (Moniteur belge).

Article 5


The logo of the Party of European Socialists is a red square with the acronym of the Party (PES) at the top, and the words ‘Socialists and Democrats’ at the bottom in white letters. Official PES documents are also featuring a rose, surrounded by a ring of stars.

Article 6


The association is established for an indefinite duration.



Article 7

Categories of Members:

7.1.   The PES consists of:

full members — full member parties and full member organisations;

associate members — associate parties and associate organisations;

observer members — observer parties, observer organisations and individual members.

7.2.   The PES must consist of at least three full members. Members are legal entities constituted according to the laws and customs of their country of origin. If a member does not possess legal personality according to the laws and customs of its country of origin, it must appoint a natural person to act in the name and on behalf of its organisation.

Article 8

Register of Members

A register of members is published in the Standing Orders of the PES.

Article 9

Admission of Members

9.1.   Socialist International parties in European Union Member States or in states having signed an accession treaty with the European Union, and having had national or European parliamentary representation in one of the past two parliamentary terms, may become full member parties of the PES. Non Socialist International parties respecting these criteria may also become full member parties, following the rules stated in Article 9.9.

9.2.   Political groups constituted in the institutions of the European Union and sectoral organisations of the PES recognised in the present statutes may become full member organisations of the PES.

9.3.   Socialist International parties in countries that are candidates or ‘potential candidates’ for accession to the European Union, or are EFTA Member States, or in countries from the European Neighbourhood Policy with a signed association agreement with the Union, and having had national parliamentary representation in one of the two past parliamentary terms, may become associate parties of the PES. Non Socialist International parties respecting these criteria may also become associate member parties, following the rules stated in Article 9.9.

9.4.   Political groups of European institutions not depending on the European Union and socialist and social-democratic organisations closely linked to the work of the PES may become associate organisations of the PES.

9.5.   Social-democratic, socialist and democratic progressive parties from countries within the European Neighbourhood policy or in the EU Customs Union having close links with the PES may become observer parties of the PES.

9.6.   Socialist, social-democratic and democratic progressive organisations having close links with the PES may become observer organisations of the PES.

9.7.   A member of a political group which is full member of the PES may become individual observer of the PES if she/he is not a member of a PES party.

9.8.   All members of the PES must accept and respect these statutes, and, if applicable, the Standing Orders.

9.9.   All applications for membership of parties and organisations shall be examined on a case by case basis by the Presidency and decided upon by the Congress. In the period between two Congresses, the Presidency may grant provisional memberships to an applicant member, pending the acceptance of the Congress. All applications for membership are voted upon on the basis of a qualified majority, except those from non Socialist International members, which are voted upon on the basis of a superqualified majority (cf. article 20.5). Applications for individual observer membership shall be decided upon by the Presidency by simple majority.

Article 10

Change of name and mergers

10.1.   A member that changes name or merges with another political party/organisation must inform the Presidency.

10.2.   The Presidency shall assess the degree of continuity of the new party/organisation with the PES member and will decide on the confirmation of the membership status. This decision shall be confirmed by the Congress.

10.3.   In case of confirmation of the continuity of the membership status; the member will be considered having accepted the PES decisions applicable to the former member and will be responsible for all its obligations vis-à-vis the PES, including financial.

10.4.   In case of non-confirmation, the new party/organisation may submit a new application for membership.

Article 11

Resignation, Suspension and Exclusion of members

11.1.   Any member may resign from the PES at any time by sending a letter from a duly mandated person addressed to the President or Secretary-General, who shall inform the Presidency and the Congress. The resignation shall come into effect immediately, but the member resigning remains bound by all outstanding debts contracted with the PES until the end of the financial year in which the resignation came into effect.

11.2.   If a member fails to fulfil its financial obligations for two successive financial years, the Presidency may decide to exclude the member, pending the formal decision by a simple majority vote of the Congress.

11.3.   Any member may also be suspended or excluded on the following grounds:

non respect of the statutes or the Standing orders;

non compliance with the criteria for membership.

11.4.   Suspension of a member on grounds of Article 11.3., subject to terms and conditions, is decided by the Presidency. A suspended member is obliged to uphold its financial obligations to the PES. The suspended member may, at the discretion of the President, be invited to attend meetings of the PES but without voting rights.

11.5.   A suspended member can regain its membership if it complies with the statutes, standing orders and criteria for membership. Such compliance must be formally notified to the Presidency which can decide to lift the suspension. A refusal to lift the suspension by the Presidency can be appealed by the suspended party to the Congress. The appeal cannot take place within 6 months of the decision to suspend.

11.6.   Exclusion of a member on grounds of Article 11.3. is decided by the Congress. The exclusion comes into effect immediately after the decision of the Congress but the excluded member remains bound by all outstanding debts contracted with the PES until the end of the financial year in which the exclusion came into effect.

11.7.   All decisions concerning suspension and exclusion of members are taken by a superqualified majority.

Article 12

Rights and obligations of members

12.1.   Full members participate in the meetings of the PES with the right of expression, the right of initiative and the right to vote.

12.2.   Associate members have the right to attend meetings to which they are invited with the right of expression and the right of initiative, but without the right to vote.

12.3.   Observer members may attend meetings to which they have been invited with the right of expression but without the right of initiative or the right to vote.

Article 13

Our Group in the European Parliament

Our Group, currently known as The Group of the Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, is the parliamentary expression of the PES in the European Parliament.

Article 14

PES Group in the Committee of the Regions

The Group of Party of European Socialists in the Committee of the Regions brings together locally and regionally elected socialists, social democrats, Labour and progressives in the EU political assembly of local and regional representatives.

Article 15

PES Women

The ‘PES Women’ standing committee consists of representatives from all PES members, according to the rights and obligations defined in Article 12 of these statutes. Its mission is to formulate and implement the objectives relating to women's policy within the framework of the PES. It adopts its own ‘Standing Orders’ to specify its functioning.

Article 16


YES is the youth organisation of the PES. It gathers members of the socialist youth organisations of the EU. It elects its bodies and determines its political positions autonomously according to its statutes.

Article 17


The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) is the political foundation affiliated with the PES. It undertakes research, information and training in the fields of political, social legal and economic science, more specifically in their European and international dimension. It elects its bodies according to its statutes.

Article 18

PES activists

All members of PES member parties are automatically members of the PES. Those who wish to be active in the PES can register as PES activists. PES activists must be members of a PES member Party. PES activists can set up city groups. The PES Presidency adopts operating rules for PES activists.



Article 19

Organs of the PES

The aims of the PES will be pursued in the following organs:


Election Congress



Leaders' Conference


Article 20


20.1.   In all the organs of the PES, efforts shall be made to establish the broadest possible measure of agreement following full consultation.

20.2.   Decisions on administrative and organisational matters shall be taken by simple majority of the Presidency, whereby all its members with voting rights have one vote each.

20.3.   Whenever possible, policy decisions shall be taken on the basis of consensus. If a consensus cannot be reached, they shall be taken on the basis of qualified majority.

20.4.   Decisions concerning the admission of Socialist International members are taken by qualified majority. Decisions concerning the admission of non Socialist International members, suspension and exclusion of members, and decisions to change the Statutes are taken by superqualified majority.

20.5.   A qualified majority requires 50 % of weighted votes cast + 1. A superqualified majority requires 75 % of the weighted votes cast +1. Votes shall only take place if at least two-thirds of the full member parties of the PES are present. Votes are cast per member party and organisation. Proxy voting is not permitted.

20.6.   The number of weighted votes per full member party shall be calculated with the following formula:

((% of MPs in National Lower Chamber + number of MEPs) x number of votes of the country in the European Council) rounded upwards.

A table with the above calculation shall be adopted by the Presidency at its first meeting each calendar year.

20.7.   If a full member party declares that it is unable to implement a specific decision taken by qualified majority, it can declare itself not to be bound by such a decision provided it indicates this intention before a vote is taken.



Article 21

Powers of the Congress

21.1.   The Congress is the supreme organ of the PES and lays down the political guidelines of the PES.

21.2.   The PES Congress shall:

elect the President through an open, transparent and democratic competitive process;

confirm the members of the Presidency, as proposed by the Member parties and organisations, from among their senior members;

adopt resolutions and recommendations to parties, the Presidency and its group in the European Parliament;

adopt the report of activity of the PES for the preceding period and on the action programme for the future submitted by the Presidency;

discuss and take note of the report of activity submitted by its group in the European Parliament.

21.3.   By a superqualified or qualified majority (cf. Art. 20.5.) and on a proposal from the Presidency, the Congress shall:

adopt and amend the Statutes of the PES;

decide on the admission and exclusion of members as well as the status of member parties and organisations.

21.4.   Elections at Congresses should take place by secret ballot.

21.5.   Full and associate members may present proposals to, and speak of these before the Congress.

Article 22

Composition of the Congress

22.1.   The PES Congress shall consist of the following delegates with voting rights:

representatives from full member parties, with the following calculation: 1/45th of weighted votes as defined in article 20.6, rounded upwards;

a representative from each National delegation of the Group in the European Parliament;

representatives of the group in the Committee of the Regions, equal to 1/3 of the number of National delegations, rounded upwards;

two representatives from each other full member organisation;

the members of the PES Presidency.

22.2.   The PES Congress shall also consist of the following delegates without voting rights:

all members of its political groups in the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions not covered by art. 22.1.;

bureau members of other full member organisations;

5 delegates from each associate member;

2 from each observer member.

22.3.   Parties shall elect or nominate delegates no later than two months prior to the Congress. The number of delegates from each party with voting rights shall be laid down in an annex to the internal rules of procedure of the Congress.

22.4.   All delegations must be gender-balanced (i.e. there should not be more than a difference of 1 delegate between the two genders). If a delegation does not respect this rule, its vote to the Congress will be reduced proportionally.

22.5.   The following are also ex-officio delegates, without the right to vote:

the President of the European Parliament if he/she is a PES member;

PES members of the European Commission;

the President of the European Council, if he/she is a PES member;

the President or 1st Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, if he/she is a PES member;

the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe if he/she is a PES member;

the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, if he/she is a PES Member;

the President of the European Security and Defence Assembly, if he/she is a PES member;

the President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly, if he/she is a PES member.

22.6.   The Presidency of the PES may also invite guests to attend the Congress.

Article 23

Meetings of the Congress:

23.1.   The Congress shall be held on a regular basis, twice during each parliamentary term of the European Parliament. The Presidency may also decide to hold an extraordinary Congress.

23.2.   In principle, the Congress shall be held successively in the different Member States of the European Union.

23.3.   The Congress shall be convoked by the Presidency, with at least 6 months' notice. The invitation shall be sent by mail, fax, email or any other written form.

23.4.   The Presidency shall also decide on a timetable for presenting and discussing resolutions and amendments to the statutes to be adopted by the Congress.

Article 24

Decisions of the Congress

The decisions and the documents adopted by the Congress shall be communicated to members of the PES and shall be published on the PES Website.



Article 25

Powers of the Election Congress

25.1.   The Election Congress shall:

elect the PES common Candidate to the European Commission Presidency, through an open, transparent and democratic competitive process;

adopt the PES Manifesto for the European elections.

25.2   Full and associate members may present proposals to, and speak of these before the Election Congress.

Article 26

Composition of the Election Congress

The composition of the Election Congress shall follow the rules laid down in Article 22.

Article 27

Meeting of the Election Congress

27.1.   The Election Congress shall be convened ahead of the European elections.

27.2.   In principles, the Election Congress shall be held successively in the different Member States of the European Union.

27.3.   The Election Congress shall be convoked by the Presidency, with at least a 6 month notice. The invitations shall be sent by mail, fax, email or any written form.

27.4.   The Presidency shall decide on a timetable for the presentation, discussion and adoption of the Manifesto.

Article 28

Decisions of the Elections Congress

The decisions and the Manifesto adopted by the Election Congress shall be communicated to members of the PES and shall be published on the PES website.



Article 29

Powers of the Council

29.1.   The Council shall contribute to the shaping of the PES policy; it shall serve as a platform for strategic discussions.

29.2.   The PES Council can adopt resolutions and recommendations to the member parties and organisations, the Presidency, the Congress and its group in the European Parliament in full respect of the Congress being the supreme organ of the PES.

Article 30

Composition of the Council

30.1.   The PES Council shall consist of the following delegates with voting rights:

representatives of full member parties, representing half of the Congress delegates, as defined in Article 22.1;

representatives of the its group in the European Parliament, equal to 50 % of the number of National delegations, rounded upwards;

representatives of the group of the Committee of the Regions, equal to 1/6 of the number of National delegations, rounded upwards.

one representative from each other full member organisation;

the Members of the Presidency.

30.2.   The PES Council shall also consist of the following delegates without voting rights:

a delegation of its political groups in the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions, equal to 25 % of its members, rounded upwards;

a delegation of the bureau other full member organisations, equal to 25 % of their members, rounded upwards;

2 representatives per associate member;

1 representative per observer member.

30.3.   All delegations must be gender-balanced (i.e. there should not be more than a difference of 1 delegate between the two genders). If a delegation does not respect this rule, its vote to the Council will be reduced proportionally.

30.4.   The following are also ex-officio delegates, without the right to vote:

the President of the European Parliament if he/she is a PES member;

PES members of the European Commission;

the President of the European Council, if he/she is a PES member;

the President or 1st Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, if he/she is a PES member;

the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe if he/she is a PES member;

the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, if he/she is a PES Member.

30.5.   The Presidency of the PES may also invite guests to attend the Council.

Article 31

Meetings of the Council

31.1.   The PES Council shall meet in those calendar years where no Congress nor Election Congress is held.

31.2.   The Council is convoked by the Presidency of the PES, with at least 4 months' notice. The invitation shall be sent by mail, fax, email or any other written form.

31.3.   The Presidency shall also decide on a timetable for presenting and discussing resolutions to be adopted by the Council.

Article 32

Decisions of the Council

The decisions and the documents adopted by the Council shall be communicated to members of the PES and shall be published on the PES Website.



Article 33

Powers of the Presidency

33.1.   The Presidency is the highest organ for the management of the day-to-day business of the PES and for the execution of the tasks as set out by these Statutes.

33.2.   The Presidency shall implement the decisions of the Congress and of the Council and fix the political guidelines of the PES during the period between Congresses and Councils.

It shall draw up recommendations to the Congress concerning general political guidelines and statements of principle, the Statutes of the PES, admission, status and exclusion of members of the PES;

It shall convene the Congress, fix the date and venue and propose the rules of procedure and agenda of the Congress;

It shall convene the Council and set its agenda;

It shall also be empowered to organise special conferences or meetings, nominate rapporteurs and set up committees and working parties, in respect of which it shall appoint the Chairs and secretariat and lay down terms of reference.

33.3.   The Presidency shall, after an open and transparent nomination and consultation process, following the proposal of the President:

elect the Vice-Presidents (maximum 4); and define the tasks and responsibilities of the Vice-President(s). President and Vice-President(s) should be geographically and gender-balanced;

elect the Secretary-General and the Treasurer and, if need be, the Deputy Secretary Generals.

33.4.   The Presidency can also appoint other office holders for specific mandates and, if need be, deputy Secretaries General of the PES.

33.5.   The Presidency shall also:

decide on the length of the mandate of the Vice-presidents, the Secretary-General, the treasurer, the auditors and office holders;

approve the annual accounts and budget and fix the membership fees;

adopt its internal rules of procedure.

Article 34

Composition of the Presidency

34.1.   Members of the PES Presidency with voting rights are:

the President of the PES;

the Vice-President(s) of the PES

the Secretary-General of the PES;

the President of its group in the European Parliament;

one representative from each other full member Party and organisation (as confirmed by the Congress).

34.2.   Members of the Presidency without voting rights are:

one representative of each Associate party (as confirmed by the Congress);

one representative of each Associate organisation (as confirmed by the Congress).

34.3.   The following are also ex-officio members of the Presidency, without the right to vote:

the President of the European Parliament, if s/he is from a PES member party;

one representative from the PES Members of the European Commission.

34.4.   The President may invite guests to attend the Presidency.

34.5.   If a member of the Presidency resigns, its member party or organisation appoints a replacement which shall be confirmed by the Presidency.

Article 35

Meetings of the Presidency

35.1.   The Presidency shall meet as often as necessary, but not less than three times in each calendar year.

35.2.   Meetings shall be convened by the President, or, in his/her absence, a Vice-President.

35.3.   The President may, if necessary, convene additional meetings of the members with voting rights.

35.4.   Upon receipt of a written request from at least 20 % of full members, the President shall convene a meeting of the Presidency within 10 days.

Article 36

Decisions and minutes of the Presidency

The decisions of the Presidency are registered in Minutes. The Minutes shall be adopted by the following meeting of the Presidency and communicated to the members of the Presidency.

Article 37

The President

37.1.   The President, in cooperation with the Vice-Presidents and with the assistance of the Secretariat, shall ensure:

the day-to-day administration of the PES and the preparation of meetings of the Presidency;

the implementation of Presidency decisions and any general or specific instructions given by the Presidency;

liaison between the PES and the parties, the group in the European Parliament and the Socialist International and other international initiatives such as the Progressive Alliance and the Global Progressive Forum;

representation of the PES in any organisation or institution, in particular, the institutions of the European Union, European trade unions, professional organisations, cooperatives and associations.

37.2.   The decisions of the Congress, the Council, the Leaders' Conference and the Presidency are executed by the President of the PES in cooperation with the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General, other office holders of the Presidency and the President of its group in the European Parliament.

37.3.   In case of vacancy of the position of President, an Interim President is appointed by the PES Presidency, with the mandate to fulfil the President's tasks until the following Congress.



Article 38

Powers of the Leaders' Conference

The PES Leaders' Conference may adopt resolutions and recommendations to the member parties and organisations, the Presidency, the Congress and its group in the European Parliament in full respect of the Congress being the supreme organ of the PES.

Article 39

Composition of the Leaders' Conference

39.1.   The Leaders' Conference consists of:

the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General;

PES Heads of Government;

the Leaders of the full member parties;

the Leaders of full member organisations;

the President of the Socialist International;

the President of the European Parliament, if he/she is a PES member;

PES Members of the European Commission, including the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, if he/she is a PES member;

the President of the European Council, if he/she is a PES member;

the President or 1st Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, if he/she is a PES member.

39.2.   Once a year the President shall also invite the Leaders of the Associate Parties and Organisations to a meeting of the Party Leaders' Conference.

39.3.   The President may invite guests to the Leaders' Conference.

Article 40

Meetings of the Leaders' Conference

40.1.   The Party Leaders' Conference should be convened at least twice a year.

40.2.   Meetings shall be convened by the President, or, in his/her absence, a Vice-President.



Article 41

The Secretary-General

41.1.   The Secretary-General, with the assistance of the secretariat, is in charge of the management of the party.

In particular, he/she shall be responsible for:

the implementation of the decisions taken by the statutory bodies;

the management and supervision of the daily activities of the Secretariat;

contacts with member parties and organisations partners;

support to the President, Vice-President(s) and Treasurer;

preparation and organisation of meetings;

finances and the keeping of accounts;

relations with the press and public.

41.2   The Secretary-General has a right of initiative during meetings of the PES concerning the implementation of decisions taken by the PES.

Article 42

The Coordination Team

42.1.   The Secretary-General shall convene meetings of a Coordination Team to discuss the planning, preparation, follow-up and financing of PES activities.

42.2.   The Coordination Team shall consist of one representative from each full member. The Secretary-General may also invite representatives from associate and observer members and other organisations.

42.3.   Meetings of the Coordination Team shall take place at least three times in each calendar year.

Article 43

Administrative organ

43.1.   The administrative organ of the PES is composed of the President, the Treasurer and the Secretary-General appointed according to articles 21.2. and 33.3. of the present statutes.

43.2.   The length of their mandate is ruled by articles 23.1. and 33.5. of the present statutes.

43.3.   The Administrative organ presents the annual accounts and the budget to the PES Presidency.



Article 44

Financing of the PES

44.1.   The PES shall be financed by:

the general budget of the EU in conformity with the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding;

membership fees;

contributions from members or other organisations or individuals;


44.2.   Membership fees, contributions and donations come under the conditions and obligations relating to the funding of European political parties established in the EC Regulation referred to in Article 2.2. of the present statutes;

44.3.   Membership fees shall be determined annually by the PES Presidency, based on the weight of each party within the PES as defined in article 20.6.

Member organisations are exempt from subscription.

44.4.   Members of the PES are not entitled to vote or take part in meetings of the PES unless they have paid their annual affiliation fee by the end of the first quarter of the financial year.

Article 45

Financial year

The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

Article 46


The control of the financial situation, of the annual accounts and the certification that the operations stated in the annual accounts are in conformity with the law, the statutes and the financial regulations of the European Union, is entrusted to one or several auditors, nominated by the Presidency from among the members of the Belgian ‘Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprise’.



Article 47

Representation of the PES

47.1.   The PES shall be legitimately represented in all its acts, including legal matters, either by the President or by any other representative acting within the limits of his/her mandate.

47.2.   The Secretary-General may legitimately represent the PES individually in all acts of daily management, including legal matters.

Article 48

Limited liability

48.1.   Members of the PES, members of the Presidency and people in charge of daily management are not bound by the obligations of the PES.

48.2.   The liability of the members of the Presidency or of people charged with the daily management of the PES is limited to the strict fulfilment of their mandate

Article 49

Change of statutes, dissolution and liquidation

49.1.   Amendments to the Statutes may only be tabled by a full member and shall require a superqualified majority (cf. Art. 20.5.) of Congress in order to be adopted, following a proposal from the Presidency.

49.2.   All decisions related to the change of statutes must be submitted to the Belgian Minister of Justice and published in the Annexes of the Belgian Official Journal.

49.3.   If the association is dissolved, the Congress shall decide by simple majority on the disinterested allocation of the net assets of the association after its liquidation.

Annex 1

Article 3.2. of PES Statutes

PES Declaration of principles, adopted by the PES Council on 24 November 2011

Socialism and Social Democracy have a long and proud history of achievement. The welfare state, universal access to education and to health care, and the struggle for fundamental rights have improved the lives of countless individuals and created more equal, just and secure societies. In the 21st century, our movement continues to shape a better future for all.

Freedom, equality, solidarity and justice are our fundamental values. These universal values belong together. Democracy is a prerequisite to their full expression. Combined, our values form our moral compass to build progressive societies in today’s world. These are societies in which individuals do not struggle against each other but work together for the benefit of all. These are thriving, trusting societies which take care of their environment now and as an investment for the future. These are societies in which each and every person is able to create the conditions for his or her emancipation.

Our values are being challenged. People, money, goods, information and ideas travel incessantly. But the reality of deregulated globalization provokes a more fragmented sense of living. Market forces, driven by finance and greed, are annexing huge amounts of power from democratic control. These forces serve the interests of a privileged few. Conservatives and neo-liberals, have deepened economic, geographic and social inequalities, promoting a system of short-termism, easy profits and loose rules that has led to the worst crisis in modern times.

We reject the politics of pessimism that claim that nothing can be done. We reject the language of hate that makes people, and whole communities, scapegoats for the ills in societies. Instead, we work to build inclusive societies and a better future for all. We need a new progressive global agenda to enable the fruits of globalization to benefit all. This is a matter of political choice and responsibility.

Our principles for action


Democracy must prevail in all areas of life to enable citizens to decide. Democracy must be pluralistic, transparent, truly representative of society’s diversity and enable everyone to participate, with an open public sphere, an independent media and free access to internet. Freedom of speech is fundamental to a democratic society.


Strong public authorities all along the democratic chain, from the local, regional and national levels, to the European level of government, are essential. Together, they preserve the public good, guarantee the common interest and promote justice and solidarity in society. Good governance, the rule of law, accountability and transparency are the pillars of strong public authorities.


We want to shape the future so that people regain control over their lives. True freedom means that people are active citizens, not passive consumers, empowered to build societies which have a richness that goes beyond material wealth, so that each individual’s fulfillment is also part of a collective endeavour.


Decent work is the keystone in ensuring people are the architects of their future. Giving back a real meaning, a real value and a real continuity to work in life, is central to ensuring people’s emancipation and sense of pride.


A society based on our values means a new economy that embodies them. Values-driven growth, means that environmental sustainability, human dignity and well being are fundamental to wealth creation. This new economy must foster social progress that raises living standards, secures homes and creates jobs. The public sector plays an essential role in this new economy.


Our politics work to preserve the planet’s resources rather than exhaust them. Environmental sustainability means that we safeguard nature for present and future generations, not only in European cities and countries but across the globe.


Our renewed vision of solidarity is a joint investment in our common future. It means lasting justice and solidarity between generations. It means we preserve the planet, protect the elderly and invest in young people. Access to universal and free education is a cornerstone in ensuring our children and grandchildren have the means for emancipation.


A strong and just society is one that instills confidence and inspires trust. To guarantee this trust and confidence, we must ensure that the wealth generated by all is shared fairly. This collective responsibility embodies our conviction that we are stronger when we work together. It also reflects our determination to enable all people to live a dignified life, free of poverty. All members of society are entitled to protection from social risks in life.


We foster a sense of belonging based on a confident inclusion of all and not the fearful exclusion of some. An open and inclusive society values the individual and embraces diversity. This means the same dignity, freedom and equal access to rights, education, culture and public services for all, regardless of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. In this society, religion is separated from the State.


Building on the achievements of the feminist movement, we continue to fight for gender equality. This means that women and men equally share work, share power, share time and share roles, both in the public and in the private realms.


Our shared pride in society guarantees our shared security. A free, peaceful and just society is one in which people are safe as they go about their lives.


International solidarity means our political practice is always outward looking. Our solidarity goes beyond national borders. Ensuring long lasting prosperity, stability and above all, peace requires effective coordination in the international realm based on democracy, mutual respect and human rights.

To put our principles into action in a world of economic, social and cultural interconnection, new progressive politics linking local, regional, national and European levels are needed to regain democratic control. A comprehensive approach to policy making that integrates all levels of governance is the guarantee to making each and every individual’s life more secure in the global, multi-polar age. A progressive, democratic European Union, with solidarity between European people’s and countries, reinforces democratic sovereignty on the national level on one side, and the international on the other.

Our commitment to European integration transcends competition between countries and reflects our determination to oppose the erosion of social rights. It embodies our pledge to build a European Union with lasting common political, social and economic realities, not only provisional cooperation between governments. There can be no political decision making without democratic control, no economic Union without a social Union, and no social Union without a common budget to support investment and reduce inequalities in the European Union. Alongside a political and economic European Union, an integrated Social Europe is crucial to improve the living conditions for citizens, in all countries indiscriminately. Our historical task is to work towards a progressive harmonization within a political Union, making it a tool for justice and emancipation.

A political voice that is truly progressive is needed in Europe. Unified action by the socialist, social democratic, labour and democratic progressive movement in the European Union and throughout Europe, and in cooperation with our partners within civil society and trade unions is required. The Party of European Socialists embodies these principles for action. Together, we will continue our political struggle in the European Union for progressive societies in the 21st century.

Annex 2

Article 1.2. of the Statutes


Партия на европейските социалисти, in Bulgarian


Stranka europskih socijalista, in Croatian


Evropská Strana Sociálně Demokratická, in Czech


De Europæiske Socialdemokraters Parti, in Danish


Partij van de Europese Sociaaldemocraten, in Dutch


Party of European Socialists, in English


Euroopa Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Partei, in Estonian


Euroopan Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, in Finnish


Parti Socialiste Européen, in French


Sozialdemokratische Partei Europas, in German


Ευρωπαϊκό Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα, in Greek


Európai Szocialisták Pártja, in Hungarian


Páirtí na Soisialach um Eoraip, in Irish


Partito del Socialismo Europeo, in Italian


Eiropas Sociâldemokrâtu Partija, in Latvian


Europos Socialdemokratu Partija, in Lithuanian


Parti tas-Socjalisti Ewropej, in Maltese


De Europeiske Sosialdemokraters Parti, in Norwegian


Partia Europejskich Socjalistów, in Polish


Partido Socialista Europeu, in Portuguese


Partidul Socialistilor Europeni, in Romanian


Strana Európskych Socialistov, in Slovakian


Stranka Evropskih Socialdemokratov, in Slovenian


Partido Socialista Europeo, in Spanish


Europeiska Socialdemokraters Parti, in Swedish

Annex 3

Article 3.3. of PES Statutes

‘For a modern, pluralist and tolerant Europe’ declaration adopted by the 5th PES Congress on 7-8 May 2001 in Berlin.

We, the European socialist, social democratic and labour parties, reaffirm democracy, freedom, equality and solidarity as our central political values.

The belief that all humans are of equal worth is fundamental to our vision and our purpose as a movement. We fight racism because it disfigures society at a cost to everyone in it and because it diminishes the human dignity that is everyone’s birthright.

Real justice can only thrive in a society that is open and tolerant. The free expression of different cultures, different faiths, different orientations and different life choices is the basis of an open society. Prejudice, discrimination and intolerance are the enemies of a common European cultural heritage which build its identity not on the membership to a same ethnic group, to a same soil or to a same blood but on sharing the same principles and fundamental rights for people.

The universality of rights in which we believe is not limited by colour or creed. That is why social democrats have led the way with legislation across Europe to oppose discrimination and to ban expressions of race hatred. But there must be more to the creation of a successful multi-ethnic society than measures to combat racism in its overt form. We must also create a positive climate in which all ethnic communities have the full opportunity to contribute their creativity and talents to the societies in which they live. We must reject cultural chauvinism and make it clear that our national and European identities are shared concepts which all communities have a role in helping to shape.

The promotion of tolerance and mutual respect has always been a central objective of social democracy. But it is all the more relevant to the modern world. The global era and the revolution in communications have produced global population movements without parallel in history. Successive waves of immigration have added greatly to Europe’s ethnic and cultural diversity. We do not see this as a threat. It is an asset which has strengthened our economy, enriched our culture and broadened our understanding of the world.

The countries of the European Union, and the countries in the accession process, share a common set of values of freedom, equality and tolerance. We seek to share these values with our neighbours. In particular we will work in the former Yugoslavia to close the past of ethnic hatred and ethnic nationalism. We offer a future to the new democracies of the Western Balkans based on equal rights for all citizens regardless of ethnic identity.

Therefore we reaffirm our support for the Charter of European political parties for a non-racist society and commit ourselves to upholding its principles. In particular, all PES parties adhere to the following principles of good practice and invite other European political families to do the same:

To refrain from any form of political alliance or cooperation at all levels with any political party which incites or attempts to stir up racial or ethnic prejudices and racial hatred.

To strive for fair representation of citizens without distinction of origin at all levels of the parties with a special responsibility for the party leadership to stimulate and support the recruitment of candidates from these groups for political functions as well as membership.

To strive for fair representation and democratic involvement of all ethnic minorities in society and its institutions. Democracy is not the property of the majority and our concept of citizenship is an inclusive one.

Bigotry and racism towards people of different ethnic identities is parent to xenophobia towards the foreigner. Those who cannot come to terms with ethnic diversity at home will be incapable of building a successful, modern Europe. Conversely, we who support pluralism at home are better equipped to forge strong partnerships abroad. We must ensure that political chauvinism and narrow nationalism are consigned to Europe’s past.


Register of PES members

(Article 9 of the PES Statutes)

Memberships are ruled by Chapter II of the PES Statutes

The following Parties and organisations are members of the PES:



Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs – SPÖ (Austria)


Parti Socialiste – PS (Belgium)


Sociaal Progressief Alternatief – sp.a (Belgium)


Bulgarska Sotsialisticheska Partiya – BSP (Bulgaria)


Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske – SDP (Croatia)


Kinima Sosialdemokraton – EDEK (Cyprus)


Ceská strana sociálne demokratická – CSSD (Czech Republic)


Socialdemokratiet – SD (Denmark)


Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond – SDE (Estonia)


Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue – SDP (Finland)


Parti Socialiste – PS (France)


Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands – SPD (Germany)


The Labour Party (Great Britain)


Panellinio Sosialistiko Kinima – PASOK (Greece)


Magyar Szocialista Párt – MSzP (Hungary)


Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt – MSzDP (Hungary)


An Luch Oibre/The Labour Party (Ireland)


Partito Democratico – PD (Italy)


Partito Socialista – PSI (Italy)


Lietuvos Socialdemokratu Partija – LSDP (Lithuania)


Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Arbechterparte – LSAP (Luxembourg)


Partit Laburista – PL (Malta)


Partij van de Arbeid – PvdA (The Netherlands)


Social Democratic and Labour Party – SDLP (Northern Ireland)


Det Norske Arbeiderparti (Norway)


Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej – SLD (Poland)


Unia Pracy – UP (Poland)


Partido Socialista – PS (Portugal)


Partidul Social Democrat – PSD (Romania)


SMER — sociálna demokracia – SMER (Slovakia)


Socialni Demokrati – SD (Slovenia)


Partido Socialista Obrero Español – PSOE (Spain)


Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti – SAP (Sweden)



Political Groups in the EU institutions


Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialist & Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D)


PES Group in the Committee of the Regions


Sectoral organisations of the PES


PES Women


Young Europen Socialists (YES)


Political Foundation


Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)



Parti Socialist e Shqipërisë – PS (Albania)


Socijaldemokratska partija Bosne i Hercegovine – SDP (Bosnia & Herzegovina)


Pariya Bulgarski Socialdemokrati – pBS (Bulgaria)


Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija – SDSM (FYR Macedonia)


Samfylkingin (Iceland)


Sociāldemokrātiskā partija ‘Saskaņa’ – SDPS (Latvia)


Partidului Democrat din Moldova – DP (Moldova)


Demokratska Partija Socijalista Crne Gore – DPS (Montenegro)


Socijaldemokratska Partija Crne Gore – SDP (Montenegro)


Demokratska stranka – DS (Serbia)


Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz/Parti Socialiste Suisse – PS (Switzerland)


Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi – CHP (Turkey)


Halklarin Demokratik Partisi – HDP (Turkey)



Rainbow Rose, the LGBT network in the PES


Progressive Alliance


Socialist Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Socialist Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE


Socialist Internationa



ARF-Dashnaktsutyun – ARF (Armenia)


Partit Socialdemòcrata – PSD (Andorra)


Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi – CTP (Cyprus)


ESDP (Egypt)


Georgian Dream (Georgia)


Israel Labor Party (Israel)


Meretz (Israel)


Latvijas Socialdemokratiska Stradnieky Partija – LSDSP (Latvia)


Fatah (Palestine)


Partito dei Socialisti e dei Democratici – PSD (San Marino)


FDTL-Ettakatol – FDTL (Tunisia)


Union Socialiste del Forces Populaires – USFP (Morocco)



CEE Network for Gender Issues


European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity (EFDS)


European Senior Organisation (ESO)


International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI)


International Social Democratic Union for Education (ISDUE)


International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)


Joint Committee of the Nordic Social Democratic Labour Movement (SAMAK)


Socialist International Women (SIW)


PES Local – Socialist Local Representatives in Europe (1)

Brussels, 25 April 2017.



Party of European Socialists

(1)  Former USLRRE