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Document 62011CO0502

    Uznesenie Súdneho dvora (siedma komora) zo 4. októbra 2012.
    Vivaio dei Molini Azienda Agricola Porro Savoldi proti Autorità per la Vigilanza sui Contratti Pubblici di lavori, servizi e forniture.
    Návrh na začatie prejudiciálneho konania – Consiglio di Stato – Výklad článku 6 smernice Rady 93/37/EHS zo 14. júna 1993 o koordinácii postupov verejného obstarávania prác (Ú. v. ES L 199, s. 54; Mim. vyd. 06/002, s. 163) – Zásada zákazu diskriminácie – Vnútroštátna právna úprava obmedzujúca účasť na verejnom obstarávaní na práce na spoločnosti vykonávajúce obchodnú činnosť a vylučujúca poľnohospodárske podniky zriadené vo forme občianskoprávnej spoločnosti a asimilovaného subjektu („società semplice“).
    Verejné zákazky na práce – Smernica 93/37/EHS – Článok 6 – Zásady rovnosti zaobchádzania a transparentnosti – Prípustnosť právnej úpravy obmedzujúcej účasť na verejnom obstarávaní na spoločnosti vykonávajúce obchodnú činnosť a vylučujúcej občianskoprávne spoločnosti a asimilované subjekty (‚società semplice‘) – Ciele, na ktoré boli založené a ktoré vyplývajú z ich štatútu – Poľnohospodárske podniky.
    Vec C-502/11.

    ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:2012:613

    Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 4 October 2012 — Vivaio dei Molini Azienda Agricola Porro Savoldi

    (Case C-502/11)

    Public works contracts – Directive 93/37/EEC – Article 6 – Principles of equal treatment and openness – Admissibility of rules reserving the right to participate in public tendering procedures to companies engaged in a commercial activity and excluding civil partnerships (società semplici) – Institutional and statutory objectives – Agricultural undertakings

    1.                     Approximation of laws – Procedures for the award of public works contracts – Directive 93/37 – Purpose (Council Directive 93/37) (see para. 31)

    2.                     Approximation of laws – Procedures for the award of public works contracts – Tenderers – National legislation excluding candidates of a certain legal form – Not permissible – Contactor – Notion – Classification not dependent on direct performance with the contractor’s own resources, on its legal status and its systematic presence on the market (Council Directive 93/37) (see paras 32-35)

    3.                     Approximation of laws – Procedures for the award of public works contracts – Directive 93/37 – Exclusion from participation in a contract – Limited nature of the list of causes set out in the first paragraph of Article 24 of the Directive – Power of the Member Stes to provide for other means of exclusion – Conditions (Council Directive 93/37, Art. 24, first para.) (see para 37-42)

    4.                     Approximation of laws – Procedures for the award of public works contracts – Directive 93/37 – Exclusion from participation in a contract – National legislation excluding individual agricultural undertakings engaged in commercial activities in the form of civil partnerships – Not permissible (Council Directive 93/37, Art. 6) (see paras 47-51)


    Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consiglio di Stato – Interpretation of Article 6 of Council Directive 93/37/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts (OJ 1993 L 199, p. 54) – Principle of non-discrimination – National legislation reserving the right to participate in public tendering procedures to companies engaged in a commercial activity and excluding agricultural undertakings in the form of civil partnerships (società semplici).

    Operative part

    European Union law, in particular Article 6 of Council Directive 93/37/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, as amended by Commission Directive 2001/78/EC of 13 September 2001, precludes national legislation, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which prohibits an undertaking such as a civil partnership having the status of ‘contractor’ within the meaning of Directive 93/37 from participating in public procurement procedures solely on the ground of its legal form.
