ISSN 1725-5198

Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali

ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea


European flag  

Edizzjoni bil-Malti

Informazzjoni u Avviżi

Volum 48
25 ta' Awwissu 2005

Avviż Nru




I   (Informazzjoni)




SESSJONI 2004 — 2005


L-Erbgħa, 1 ta' Diċembru 2004

2005/C /1




Tkomplija tas-sessjoni

Stqarrija mill-President

Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel

Dokumenti mressqa

Testi ta' ftehim mgħoddija mill-Kunsill

Trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet

Kompożizzjoni tal-gruppi politiċi

Kompożizzjoni tal-kumitati u d-delegazzjonijiet


Sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna (dibattitu)

Perspettivi Finanzjarji (interpellanza orali b'dibattitu)

EU-Russja Summit (dibattitu)

Diskorsi qosra dwar kwestjonijiet ta' importanza politika

Ġurnata Mondjali tal-Aids (dibattitu)

Passaporti taċ-ċittadini ta' l-Unjoni * (dibattitu)

Futbol ġo l-Unjoni Ewropea (dibattitu)

Użu aktar sikur ta' l-Internet u ta' teknoloġiji online ġodda ***I (dibattitu)

Ftehim UE/San Marino (tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul) * — Ftehim UE/Monako (tassazzjoni ta' riservi fuq id-dħul) * (dibattitu)

Aġenda għas-seduta ta' wara

Għeluq tas-seduta






Il-Ħamis, 2 ta' Diċembru 2004

2005/C /2




Ftuħ tas-Seduta

Dokumenti mressqa

Kompożizzjoni tal-Parlament

Rapport annwali tal-Qorti ta' l-Awdituri — 2003 (dibattitu)

Sitwazzjoni fil-Kolombja (dibattitu)

Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel

Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet

Abbozz tal-baġit ta' retifika 10/2004 (Regola 110a) (votazzjoni)

Ftehim UE/ San Marino (tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul) * (Regola 110a) (votazzjoni)

Ftehim UE/Monako (tassazzjoni ta' riservi fuq id-dħul) * (Regola 110a) (votazzjoni)

Użu aktar sikur ta' l-Internet u ta' teknoloġiji online ġodda ***I (votazzjoni)

Passaporti taċ-ċittadini ta' l-Unjoni * (votazzjoni)

Sitwazzjoni fl'Ukraina (votazzjoni)

Perspettivi Finanzjarji (votazzjoni)

Ġurnata Mondjali tal-Aids (votazzjoni)

Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot

Korrezzjonijiet ta' voti

Summit bejn l-UE u r-Russja (dati ta' l-għeluq biex jiġu mressqa l-emendi u l-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet)

Avviż tal-pożizzjonijiet komuni tal-Kunsill

Kompożizzjoni tal-kumitati

Dati għas-seduti li jmiss

Approvazzjoni tat-testi adottati waqt is-seduta

Aġġornament tas-sessjoni







TEXTS ADOPTED (Għalissa dawn it-testi m'humiex disponibbli bil-Malti)


P6_TA(2004)0069Draft amending budget No 10/2004European Parliament resolution on draft amending budget No 10/2004 of the European Union for the financial year 2004 (Section III — Commission) (15179/2004 — C6-0209/2004 — 2004/2223(BUD))


P6_TA(2004)0070EC-San Marino Agreement (taxation of savings income) *European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of San Marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (COM(2004)0643 — C6-0172/2004 — 2004/0241(CNS))


P6_TA(2004)0071EC-Monaco Agreement (taxation of savings income) *European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Principality of Monaco providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (COM(2004)0733 — C6-0202/2004 — 2004/0264(CNS))


P6_TA(2004)0072Safer use of the Internet and new online technologies ***IEuropean Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual Community programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies (COM(2004)0091 — C5-0132/2004 — 2004/0023(COD))


P6_TC1-COD(2004)0023Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 2 December 2004 with a view to the adoption of Decision No .../2005/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies








P6_TA(2004)0073EU citizens' passports *European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on standards for security features and biometrics in EU citizens' passports (COM(2004)0116 — C5-0101/2004 — 2004/0039(CNS))


P6_TA(2004)0074Situation in UkraineEuropean Parliament resolution on Ukraine


P6_TA(2004)0075Financial PerspectiveEuropean Parliament resolution on the financial perspective with a view to the European Council meeting in December 2004


P6_TA(2004)0076World AIDS DayEuropean Parliament resolution on World AIDS Day




(1)   Din il-Ħarġa Speċjali bil-Malti hija ppubblikata bil-lingwi uffiċjali ta’ l-istituzzjonijiet ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea fil-ĠU C 208 E.



I (Informazzjoni)


SESSJONI 2004 — 2005

L-Erbgħa, 1 ta' Diċembru 2004



Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea

C NaN/1


(2005/C 208 E/01)




1.   Tkomplija tas-sessjoni

Ħin tal-ftuħ tas-seduta: 15.05.

2.   Stqarrija mill-President

Il-President għamel stqarrija u semma:

is-sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna, li se tiġi diskussa waqt is-seduta plenarja aktar tard wara nofsinhar (Punt 57 ta' l-Aġenda). Huwa ta merħba fil-gallerija uffiċjali lid-delegazzjoni immexxija mis-Sur Tarasyuk. Huwa ħabbar li laqgħa straordinarja tal-Kumitat AFET se ssir fil-5 pm dak inhar, u li se jieħu sehem fiha s-Sur Tarasyuk;

li kien propju l-ewwel anniversarju ta' laqgħa f'Ġinevra bejn rappreżentanti tas-soċjetà ċivili Palestinjana u dik Iżraeljana. L-għan tal-laqgħa kien li tiġi stabbilita strateġija ta' koeżistenza paċifika. Huwa ta merħba fil-gallerija uffiċjali liż-żewġ protagonisti prinċipali tal-ftehim, Naomi Chazan u Ali Rashid;

li madwar id-dinja qed titfakkar il-Ġurnata Dinjija ta' l-AIDS — li hija wkoll fuq l-aġenda għas-seduta ta' dik il-ġurnata (Punt 53 ta' l-Aġenda) u enfassiżża s-serjetà tas-sitwazzjoni.

3.   Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel

Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański għarraf li hu kien preżenti għas-seduta tal-18.11.2004 iżda ismu ma kienx imniżżel fir-reġistru ta' l-attendenza.

Korrezzjoni tal-vot:

Data tas-seduta: 17.11.2004

Kuba — B6-0156/2004

riżoluzzjoni (test sħiħ)

favur: Ingeborg Gräßle

Data tas-seduta: 18.11.2004

Elezzjoni tal-Kummissjoni — RC-B6-0151/2004

riżoluzzjoni (test sħiħ)

favur: Mauro Zani


Erratum fil-minuti tas-seduta tat-18 ta' Novembru 2004:

L-ewwel paragrafu tal-punt 13 jinqara hekk:

Fuq talba tal-Grupp PPE-DE, il-Parlament irratifika l-ħatriet li ġejjin:

Kumitat JURI: Bert Doorn jieħu post Alfredo Antoniozzi

Kumitat LIBE: Alfredo Antoniozzi jieħu post Giuseppe Gargani

(jibqa' l-istess)


Il-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel ġew approvati.

4.   Dokumenti mressqa

Id-dokumenti hawn taħt imsemmija ġew imressqa:


mill-Kunsill u l-Kummissjoni

Proposta għal regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u l-Kunsill fuq il-Fond ta' l-Iżvilupp Reġjonali Ewropew (COM(2004)0495 — C6-0089/2004 — 2004/0167(COD)).


responsabbli: REGI


Proposta għal direttiva tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill dwar aċċess mis-suq għas-servizzi portwali (COM(2004)0654 — C6-0147/2004 — 2004/0240(COD)).


responsabbli: TRAN

opinjoni: ECON, EMPL, IMCO

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC33/2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)0715 — C6-0191/2004 — 2004/2244(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC56/2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)1332 — C6-0192/2004 — 2004/2245(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC65/2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)1341 — C6-0193/2004 — 2004/2246(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC66/2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)1394 — C6-0194/2004 — 2004/2247(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC67/2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)1395 — C6-0195/2004 — 2004/2248(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC68/2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)1396 — C6-0196/2004 — 2004/2249(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill li jistabilixxi pjan ta' bini mill-ġdid tal-provvista tal-ħalibatt għal Greenland fil-qafas ta' ħidma ta' l-Organizzazzjoni tas-Sajd fl-Atlantiku tal-Majjistral (COM (2004)0640 — C6-0197/2004 — 2004/0229(CNS)).


responsabbli: PECH

opinjoni: ENVI

Abbozz ta' Deċiżjoni Kwadra dwar iż-żamma ta' data pproċessata u maħżuna b'konnessjoni maddispożizzjoni dwar is-servizzi jew data ta' mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni elettroniċi disponibbli għallpubbliku fuq networks ta' mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni pubbliċi għall-għan ta' prevenzjoni, investigazzjoni, kxif u prosekuzzjoni ta' reati u offiżi kriminali li jinkludu t-terroriżmu (08958/2004 — C6-0198/2004 — 2004/0813(CNS)).


responsabbli: LIBE

opinjoni: ITRE

Proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill li jemenda r-Regolamenti (KEE) Nru 3906/1989, ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 1267/1999, ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 1268/1999 u r-Regolament (KE) Nru 2666/2000, sabiex jiġi kkunsidrat l-istat tal-kandidatura tal-Kroazja (COM(2004)0732 — C6-0199/2004 — 2004/0260(CNS)).


responsabbli: AFET

opinjoni: INTA, REGI, AGRI

Proposta emendata għal Direttiva tal-Kunsill dwar standards minimi dwar il-proċeduri fl-Istati Membri għall-għoti u l-irtirar ta' l-istatus ta' refuġjat (14203/2004 — C6-0200/2004 — 2000/0238(CNS)).


responsabbli: LIBE

opinjoni: AFET, BUDG, JURI, FEMM

Proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill li tikkunsidra miżuri speċifiċi għal agrikoltura f'reġjuni remoti ta' l-Unjoni (COM(2004)0687 — C6-0201/2004 — 2004/0247(CNS)).


responsabbli: AGRI

opinjoni: INTA, BUDG, REGI

Proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni tal-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-Prinċipat ta' Monaco li jipprovdi miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk imressqa fid-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/EC tat-3 ta' Ġunju 2003 dwar tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul fil-forma ta' pagamenti ta' imgħaxx (COM(2004)0733 — C6-0202/2004 — 2004/0264(CNS)).


responsabbli: ECON

Proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi il-Kulleġġ tal-Pulizija Ewropew (CEPOL) bħala korp ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea(COM(2004)0623 — C6-0203/2004 - 2004/0215(CNS)).


responsabbli: LIBE

opinjoni: BUDG

Proposta għal trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC70/2004 — Sezzjoni III — Kummissjoni (SEC(2004)1458 — C6-0204/2004 — 2004/2251(GBD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill u l-Kummissjoni dwar il-konklużjoni ta' Protokoll Addizzjonali għall-Ftehim Ewropew li jistabbilixxi assoċjazzjoni bejn il-Komunitajiet Ewropej u l-Istati Membri tagħhom, min naħa waħda, u r-Rumanija, min naħa l-oħra, biex jikkunsidra l-Adeżjoni tar-Repubblika Ċeka, tar-Repubblika ta' l-Estonja, tar-Repubblika ta' Ċipru, tar-Repubblika tal-Latvja, tar-Repubblika tal-Litwanja, tar-Repubblika ta' l-Ungerija, tar-Repubblika ta' Malta, tar-Repubblika tal-Polonja, tar-Repubblika tas-Slovenja, u tar-Repubblika tas-Slovakkja ma' l-Unjoni Ewropea (13165/2004 — C6-0206/2004 — 2004/0814(AVC)).


responsabbli: AFET

opinjoni: INTA

Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni dwar il-konklużjoni tal-Protokoll Addizzjonali għall-Ftehim Ewropew li jistabbilixxi assoċjazzjoni bejn il-Komunitajiet Ewropej u l-Istati Membri tagħhom, min naħa waħda, u r-Repubblika tal-Bulgarija, min naħa l-oħra, biex jikkunsidra l-adeżjoni tar-Repubblika Ċeka, tar-Repubblika ta' l-Estonja, tar-Repubblika ta' Ċipru, tar-Repubblika tal-Latvja, tar-Repubblika tal-Litwanja, tar-Repubblika ta' l-Ungerija, tar-Repubblika ta' Malta, tar-Repubblika tal-Polonja, tar-Repubblika tas-Slovenja, u tar-Repubblika tas-Slovakkja ma' l-Unjoni Ewropea (13163/2004 — C6-0207/2004 — 2004/0815(AVC)).


responsabbli: AFET

opinjoni: INTA

Abbozz ta' baġit emendat Nru 10 għas-sena finanzjarja 2004 — Taqsima III — Kummissjoni (15179/2004 — C6-0209/2004 — 2004/2223(BUD)).


responsabbli: BUDG

opinjoni: REGI, AGRI

Konvenzjoni Ewropea: kont tad-dħul u ta' l-infiq u stqarrija finanzjarja — Sena finanzjarja 2003 (SGS4/07099 — C6-0210/2004 — 2004/2177(AVC)).


responsabbli: CONT


mill-kumitati parlamentari



***I Rapport dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropewu tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi programm tal-Komunità mifrux fuq bosta snin dwar il-promozzjoni ta' aktar sigurtà flużu ta' l-Internetu teknoloġiji ġodda online (COM(2004)0091 — C5-0132/2004 — 2004/0023(COD)) — Kumitat dwar il-Libertajiet Ċivili, l-Ġustizzja u l-Affarijiet Intern

Rapporteur: Mastenbroek Edith (A6-0033/2004).

* Rapport dwar il-proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill li jemenda r-Regolament (EC) Nru 1257/1999 dwar appoġġ għal żvilupp rurali mill-Fond tal-Gwida u tal-Garanzija Agrikola Ewropea (EAGGF) (COM(2004)0652 — C6-0162/2004 — 2004/0234(CNS)) — Kumitat għall-Agrikoltura

Rapporteur: Joseph Daul (A6-0034/2004).

* Rapport dwar il-proposta għal direttiva tal-Kunsill li temenda d-Direttiva 87/328/EEC li tirrigwarda il-ħażna tas-semen ta' annimali bovini intiż għal kummerċ intra-Komunitarju (COM(2004)0563 — C6-0117/2004 — 2004/0188(CNS)) — Kumitat għall-Agrikoltura

Rapporteur: Joseph Daul (A6-0035/2004).

* Rapport dwar il-proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill li temenda r-Regolament (EC) Nru 1782/2003 li tistabbilixxi regoli komuni għal skemi ta' appoġġ dirett taħt il-politika agrikola komuni u tistabbilixxi ċerti skemi ta' appoġġ għal bdiewa u r-Regolament (EC) Nru 1788/2003 li jistabblixxi sisa fis-settur tal-ħalib u tal-prodotti tal-ħalib (COM(2004)0710 — C6-0170/2004 — 2004/0253(CNS)) — Kumitat għall-Agrikoltura

Rapporteur: Joseph Daul (A6-0036/2004).

* Rapport dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni tal-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-Konfederazzjoni Svizzera fil-qasam ta' l-istatistika (COM(2004)0645 — C6-0175/2004 — 2004/0227(CNS)) — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji

Rapporteur: Pervenche Berès (A6-0038/2004).

* Rapport dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni tal-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u r-Repubblika ta' San Marino li jipprovdi miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk imressqa f'Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/EC dwar it-tassazzjoni fuq id-dħul mit-tfaddil f'forma ta' pagamenti ta' l-interess (COM(2004)0643 — C6-0172/2004 — 2004/0241(CNS)) — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji

Rapporteur: Jean-Paul Gauzès (A6-0039/2004)

Rapport dwar l-Abbozz li jemenda l-baġit Nru 10/2004 ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea għas-sena finanzjarja 2004 — Taqsima III Kummissjoni (15179/2004 — C6-0209/2004 — 2004/2223(BUD)) — Kumitat ghall-Baġits

Rapporteur: Mulder Jan (A6-0053/2004).




interpellanzi orali (Artikolu 108 tar-Regoli):

Ivo Belet u Doris Pack, f'isem il-Grupp PPE-DE, lill-Kummissjoni, Qafas għall-iżvilupp bilanċjat tal-futbol fl-UE (B6-0133/2004),

Christa Prets, f'isem il-Grupp PSE, lill-Kummissjoni, Żvilupp tal-futbol fl-UE (B6-0134/2004),

Hannu Takkula, f'isem il-Grupp ALDE, lill-Kummissjoni, dwar qafas għall-iżvilupp bilanċjat tal-futbol fl-UE (B6-0135/2004)


dikjarazzjonijiet bil-miktub biex jiddaħħlu fir-Reġistru (Artikolu 116 tar-Regoli):

Robert Evans, Neena Gill, Gérard Onesta, Thomas Mann u Gérard Deprez, dwar il-kommemorazzjonijiet ta' l-20 anniversarju tad-Diżastru tal-Bhopal (0051/2004),

Lydia Schenardi u Marine Le Pen, dwar il-protezzjoni ta' tfal u ta' liġi tal-familja (0052/2004),

Janusz Wojciechowski, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, Czesław Adam Siekierski u Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, jappellaw lill-parlamenti u lill-gvernijiet ta' l-Istati Membri ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea għal irtirar immedjat tat-truppi mill-Iraq (0053/2004),

Lydia Schenardi u Marine Le Pen, dwar id-drittijiet ta' persuni b' diżabbilità (0054/2004).

5.   Testi ta' ftehim mgħoddija mill-Kunsill

Il-Kunsill għadda kopji ċċertifikati tad-dokumenti li ġejjin:

Protokoll għall-ftehim ta' sħubija u kooperazzjoni (APC) li jistabbilixxi sħubija bejn il-Komunitajiet Ewropej u l-Istati Membri tagħhom, min-naħa l-waħda, u l-Ukrajna, min-naħa l-oħra, biex jieħu kont ta' l-adeżjoni tar-Repubblika Ċeka, ir-Repubblika ta' l-Estonja, ir-Repubblika ta' Ċipru, ir-Repubblika tal-Latvja, ir-Repubblika tal-Litwanja, ir-Repubblika ta' l-Ungerija, ir-Repubblika ta' Malta, ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja, ir-Repubblika tas-Slovenja, u r-Repubblika Slovakka ma' l-APC, u jikkonċerna l-aġġustamenti fl-APC,

Protokoll għall-ftehim ta' sħubija u kooperazzjoni li jistabbilixxi sħubija bejn il-Komunitajiet Ewropej u l-Istati Membri tagħhom, min-naħa l-waħda, u r-Repubblika tal-Moldova, min-naħa l-oħra, biex jieħu kont ta' l-adeżjoni tar-Repubblika Ċeka, ir-Repubblika ta' l-Estonja, ir-Repubblika ta' Ċipru, ir-Repubblika tal-Latvja, ir-Repubblika tal-Litwanja, ir-Repubblika ta' l-Ungerija, ir-Repubblika ta' Malta, ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja, ir-Repubblika tas-Slovenja, u r-Repubblika Slovakka ma' l-Unjoni Ewropea.

6.   Trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet

Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC50/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0152/2004 — SEC(2004)1282).

Huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(2,3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.


Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonjiet DEC54/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0171/2004 — SEC(2004)1330).

Wara li innota l-opinjoni tal-Kunsill, huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.


Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC55/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0178/2004 — SEC(2004)1331).

Wara li innota l-opinjoni tal-Kunsill, huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.


Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC57/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0182/2004 — SEC(2004)1333).

Huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.


Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC58/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0184/2004 — SEC(2004)1334).

Wara li innota l-opinjoni tal-Kunsill, huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.


Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC61/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0177/2004 — SEC(2004)1337).

Huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.


Il-Kumitat għall-Baġits ikkunsidra l-proposta ta' trasferiment ta' approprijazzjonijiet DEC70/2004 mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea (C6-0204/2004 — SEC(2004)1458).

Huwa awtorizza t-trasferiment kollu, skond l-Artikolu 24(3) tar-Regolament Finanzjarju tal-25 ta' Ġunju 2002.

7.   Kompożizzjoni tal-gruppi politiċi

Bogdan Golik u Wiesław Stefan Kuc kien ingħaqad mal-Grupp PSE b'seħħmid-data 01.12.2004.

8.   Kompożizzjoni tal-kumitati u d-delegazzjonijiet

B'talba tal-grupp IND/DEM, Hélène Goudin m'għadiex membru tal- IMCO.

9.   Aġenda

L-ordni tas-seduta ġie stabbilit (punt 12 tal-Minuti ta' 15.11.2004) u ġie mqassam corrigendum għall-aġenda (PE 350.854/OJ/COR), li għaliha kien ġew proposti l-modifikazzjonijiet hawn taħt imsemmija:


tneħħija mill-aġenda ta' stqarrijiet dwar is-Summit bejn l-UE u r-Russja (punt 57)

Żieda — wara l-istqarrija dwar l-AIDS — tar-rapport minn Carlos Coelho dwar il-proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill dwar standards fuq karatteristiċi ta' sigurtà u biometrics fil-passaporti taċ-ċittadini tal-UE (LIBE, A6-0028/2004). L-emendi jistgħu jitressqu sa mhux aktar tard mill-4 pm fl-istess ġurnata.

Ir-rapport minn Jan Mulder dwar Abbozz ta' baġit emendat Nru 10/2004 (BUDG, A6-0053/2004) ġie adottat skond l-Artikolu 131 u jitressaq għall-vot matul il-ħin tal-votazzjoni fit-02.12.2004(punt 58).

Dibattitu konġunt dwar żewġ rapporti minn Jean-Paul Gauzès — dwar ftehim li ntlaħaq darbtejn bejn il-KE u San Marino (ECON, A6-0039/2004) u Monaco (ECON, A6-0042/2004) rispettivament, li jikkonċerna it-tassazzjoni fuq id-dħul mit-tfaddil f'forma ta' pagamenti ta' l-interess — ġie miżjud fittmiem ta' l-aġenda ta' nhar l-Erbgħa.

Tkellem Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit f'isem il-Grupp Verts/ALE, li oġġezzjona it-tneħħija ta' l-istqarrijiet dwar is-Summit bejn l-UE u r-Russja mill-aġenda u talab li l-Parlament jesiġi roll-call vote dwar din l-affari.

Il-Parlament irrifjuta il-proposta li jitneħħa l-punt mill-aġenda permezz ta' roll-call vote (Verts/ALE) (104 favur, 130 kontra, 22 astensjonijiet). B'hekk il-punt baqa' fuq l-aġenda.

Korrezzjoni tal-vot:

favur: Zsolt László Becsey, Mario Borghezio, Antonis Samaras, Alexander Stubb

kontra: Véronique De Keyser, David Martin, Borut Pahor

Il-President ħabbar li Nigel Farage kitiblu biex jistaqsieh li, skond Artikolu 132, il-mistoqsijiet orali dwar il-futbol fl-UE (Punt 55 ta' l-aġenda)jiġi mibdul b'mistoqsija orali lill-Kummissjoni bl-approvazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni l-ġdida. Minkejja li l-mistqosija orali tressqet wara l-iskadenza, il-President ħass li, taħt dawn iċċirkostanzi, it-talba xorta trid tiġi indirizzata.

Tkellem Nigel Farage, f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, biex imexxi t-talba.

Tkellmu: dwar it-talba: Maciej Marian Giertych u Hannes Swoboda, fejn dan ta' l-aħħar issuġġerixxa li, wara li tiġi stabbilita l-aġenda, il-Kamra tipporoċedi mill-ewwel għall-istqarrijiet dwar is-sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna.

Il-Parlament irrifjuta t-talba ta' Nigel Farage.


L-ebda tibdil

Il-President stabbilixxa li m'hemm l-ebda oġġezzjonijiet għat-tibdiliet proposti.

B'hekk ġie stabbilit l-ordni tas-seduta.


Skond is-suġġeriment ta' Hannes Swoboda, il-President iddeċieda li jipproċedi mill-ewwel għad-dibattitu dwar is-sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna, qabel ma jittieħdu d-diskorsi ta' minuta dwar affarijiet ta' importanza politika.

10.   Sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna (dibattitu)

Dikjarazzjonjiet tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni: Sitwazzjoni fl-Ukrajna

Atzo Nicolaï (President tal-Kunsill) u Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamlu d-dikjarazzjonijiet.

Tkellmu: Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Martin Schulz, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Bronisław Geremek, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Rebecca Harms, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Francis Wurtz, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, u Filip Adwent, f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM.


Viċi President

Tkellmu: Michał Tomasz Kamiński, f'isem il-grupp UEN, Ryszard Czarnecki, , Elmar Brok, Jan Marinus Wiersma, Cecilia Malmström, Hélène Flautre, Helmuth Markov, Bastiaan Belder, Guntars Krasts, Alessandro Battilocchio, Charles Tannock, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Gra yna Staniszewska, Rolandas Pavilionis, Jerzy Buzek, Giovanni Claudio Fava, Paavo Väyrynen, Tunne Kelam, John Attard-Montalto, Giulietto Chiesa, Armin Laschet, Panagiotis Beglitis, Jelko Kacin, Bogdan Klich, Ari Vatanen, Rihards Pīks, Gunnar Hökmark, Piia-Noora Kauppi u Atzo Nicolaï.


Viċi President

Tkellem Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

Mozzjonijiet għar-riżoluzzjonijiet biex jiġi konkluż id-dibattitu skond l-Artikolu 103 (2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura:

Francis Wurtz, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, (B6-0195/2004),

Cristiana Muscardini, Anna Elzbieta Fotyga, Michał Tomasz Kamiński, Konrad Szymański u Guntars Krasts, f'isem il-grupp UEN, (B6-0196/2004),

Rebecca Harms, Elisabeth Schroedter, Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit, Joost Lagendijk u Angelika Beer, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, (B6-0199/2004),

Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Cecilia Malmström, Bronisław Geremek, Alexander Lambsdorff, Jelko Kacin u Philippe Morillon, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, (B6-0200/2004),

Jan Marinus Wiersma, f'isem il-grupp PSE, (B6-0201/2004),

Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, (B6-0202/2004).

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

Votazzjoni: punt 7.6 tal-Minuti tat-02.12.2004

11.   Perspettivi Finanzjarji (interpellanza orali b'dibattitu)

Interpellanza orali magħmula minn Josep Borrell Fontelles, (B6-0130/2004)

Terence Wynn, flok l-awtur, għamel l-interpellanza orali.

Atzo Nicolaï (President tal-Kunsill) wieġeb għall-interpellanza.

Tkellmu: Reimer Böge, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Anne Elisabet Jensen, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Kathalijne Maria Buitenweg, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Esko Seppänen, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Lars Wohlin, f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Hans-Peter Martin, , Gerardo Galeote Quecedo, Ralf Walter, Kyösti Tapio Virrankoski, Elisabeth Schroedter, Sérgio Ribeiro, Dariusz Maciej Grabowski, Sergej Kozlík, Konstantinos Hatzidakis, Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou, Jan Mulder, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Othmar Karas, Enrico Letta, Valdis Dombrovskis, Tunne Kelam, Antonis Samaras, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, Lambert van Nistelrooij, Czesław Adam Siekierski u Atzo Nicolaï.

Proposta ta' riżoluzzjoni ppreżentata, skond l-Artikolu 108 (5), tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura, fl-aħħar tad-dibattitu.

Josep Borrell Fontelles, f'isem il- Kumitat Temporanju għall-Isfidi Politiċi, (B6-0189/2004).

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

Votazzjoni: punt 7.7 tal-Minuti tat-02.12.2004

12.   EU-Russja Summit (dibattitu)

Dikjarazzjonjiet tal-Kunsill u tal-Kummissjoni: EU-Russja Summit

Atzo Nicolaï (President tal-Kunsill) u Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamlu d-dikjarazzjonijiet.

Tkellem José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Hannes Swoboda, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Cecilia Malmström, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Bart Staes, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Bogusław Rogalski, f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Anna Elzbieta Fotyga, f'isem il-grupp UEN, u Ryszard Czarnecki, .


Viċi President

Tkellem Jacek Protasiewicz, Reino Paasilinna, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Anna Ibrisagic, Vytautas Landsbergis u Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

Għal raġunijiet tekniċi, il-vot dwar il-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet imressaq mhux se jittieħed matul dik il-part-session.

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

13.   Diskorsi qosra dwar kwestjonijiet ta' importanza politika

Il-Membri li ġejjin, li xtaqu jiġbdu l-attenzjoni tal-Parlament lejn kwestjonijiet ta' importanza politika, tkellmu għal minuta skond l-Artikolu 144 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura:

Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, Caroline Lucas, Claude Moraes, Theresa Villiers, David Martin u Ryszard Czarnecki.

14.   Ġurnata Mondjali tal-Aids (dibattitu)

Dikjarazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni: Ġurnata Mondjali tal-Aids

Markos Kyprianou (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamel dikjarazzjoni.

Tkellmu: John Bowis, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Anne Van Lancker, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Holger Krahmer, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Carl Schlyter, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Vittorio Emanuele Agnoletto, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Irena Belohorská, , Richard Seeber, Margrietus van den Berg, Alfonso Andria, Marie-Hélène Aubert, Anders Wijkman, María Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Othmar Karas, Inger Segelström u Markos Kyprianou.

Mozzjonijiet għar-riżoluzzjonijiet biex jiġi konkluż id-dibattitu skond l-Artikolu 103 (2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura:

Alfonso Andria, Vittorio Prodi, Chris Davies, Holger Krahmer, Marios Matsakis, Frédérique Ries u Mojca Drčar Murko, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, (B6-0190/2004),

Vittorio Emanuele Agnoletto, Ilda Figueiredo u Luisa Morgantini, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, (B6-0191/2004),

Anne Van Lancker, Glenys Kinnock, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Margrietus van den Berg u Karin Scheele, f'isem il-grupp PSE, (B6-0192/2004),

Frithjof Schmidt, Marie-Hélène Aubert, Bernat Joan i Marí, Satu Hassi, Carl Schlyter u Marie Anne Isler Béguin, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, (B6-0193/2004),

John Bowis, Richard Seeber, Anders Wijkman u Françoise Grossetête, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, (B6-0194/2004).

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

Votazzjoni: punt 7.8 tal-Minuti tat-02.12.2004

15.   Passaporti taċ-ċittadini ta' l-Unjoni * (dibattitu)

Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Regolament tal-Kunsill li jistabilixxi standards dwar il-karatteristiċi ta' siġurta` u l-elementi biometriċi fil-passaporti taċ-ċittadini ta' l-UE. [COM(2004)0116 — C5-0101/2004 — 2004/0039(CNS)] — Kumitat dwar il-Libertajiet Ċivili, l- ustizzja u l-Affarijiet Interni.

Rapporteur: Carlos Coelho (A6-0028/2004)

Tkellem Franco Frattini (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).


Viċi President

Carlos Coelho ippreżenta r-rapport.

Tkellmu: Michael Cashman, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Alexander Nuno Alvaro, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Tatjana Ždanoka, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Ole Krarup, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Edith Mastenbroek, Sophia in 't Veld u Kyriacos Triantaphyllides.

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

Votazzjoni: punt 7.5 tal-Minuti tat-02.12.2004

16.   Futbol ġo l-Unjoni Ewropea (dibattitu)

Interpellanza orali magħmula minn Ivo Belet u Doris Pack, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DEf'isem il-Grupp EPP-ED, lill-Kummissjoni, Qafas għall-iżvilupp bilanċjat tal-futbol fl-Unjoni Ewropea (B6-0133/2004)

Interpellanza orali magħmula minn, Christa Prets, f'isem il-Grupp PSEf'isem il-grupp PSE, lill-Kummissjoni, dwar l-iżvilupp tal-futbol fl-Unjoni Ewropea (B6-0134/2004)

Interpellanza orali magħmula minn Hannu Takkula, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, lill-Kummissjoni, dwar qafas għall-iżvilupp bilanċjat tal-futbol fl-Unjoni Ewropea (B6-0135/2004)

Ivo Belet għamel l-interpellanza orali (B6-0133/2004).

Christa Prets għamel l-interpellanza orali (B6-0134/2004).

Hannu Takkula g amel l-interpellanza orali (B6-0135/2004).

Tkellmu: Manolis Mavrommatis, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Nikolaos Sifunakis, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Brian Crowley, f'isem il-grupp UEN, Thomas Mann, Gary Titley, Bernat Joan i Marí, Christopher Beazley, Othmar Karas u Ján Figeľ (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

17.   Użu aktar sikur ta' l-Internet u ta' teknoloġiji online ġodda ***I (dibattitu)

Rapport Proposta ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi programm Komunitarju pluri-annwali biex jippromwovi użu aktar sikur ta' l-Internet u ta' teknoloġiji online ġodda [COM(2004)0091 — C5-0132/2004 — 2004/0023(COD)] — Kumitat dwar il-Libertajiet Ċivili, l-Ġustizzja u l-Affarijiet Interni.

Rapporteur: Edith Mastenbroek (A6-0033/2004)

Tkellem Viviane Reding (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).

Edith Mastenbroek ippreżentat ir-rapport.

Tkellmu: Timothy Kirkhope, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Inger Segelström, f'isem il-grupp PSE, András Gyürk, Claude Moraes, Reino Paasilinna u Viviane Reding.

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

Votazzjoni: punt 7.4 tal-Minuti tat-02.12.2004.

18.   Ftehim UE/San Marino (tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul) * — Ftehim UE/Monako (tassazzjoni ta' riservi fuq id-dħul) * (dibattitu)

Rapport dwar il-proposta ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni ta' Ftehim bejn il-Komunita` Ewropea u r-Republika ta' San Marino li jipprovdi l-miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk previsti fid-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/KE 2003 dwar tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul fil-forma ta' pagamenti ta' imgħaxx [COM(2004)0643 — C6-0172/2004 — 2004/0241(CNS)] — Kumitat dwar l-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji.

Rapporteur: Jean-Paul Gauzès (A6-0039/2004)

Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni ta' Ftehim bejn il-Komunita` Ewropea u l-Prinċipalita` ta' Monako li jipprovdi l-miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk previsti fid-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/KE tat-3 ta' Ġunju 2003 dwar tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul fil-forma ta' pagamenti ta' imgħaxx [COM(2004)0733 — C6-0202/2004 — 2004/0264(CNS)] — Kumitat dwar l-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji.

Rapporteur: Jean-Paul Gauzès (A6-0042/2004)

Jean-Paul Gauzès introduċa r-rapporti.

Tkellmu: Piia-Noora Kauppi, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Gerard Batten, f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, u Laszlo Kovacsz (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

Votazzjoni:punt 7.2 tal-Minuti tat-02.12.2004.

19.   Aġenda għas-seduta ta' wara

L-aġenda tas-sessjoni ta' l-għada ġiet iffinalizzata (dokument “Aġenda” PE 350.854/OJJE).

20.   Għeluq tas-seduta

Is-seduta ngħalqet fil-22.40.

Julian Priestley

Segretarju Ġenerali

Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca




Adamou, Agnoletto, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Antoniozzi, Arnaoutakis, Ashworth, Assis, Atkins, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso González, Baco, Badía i Cutchet, Barsi-Pataky, Batten, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beaupuy, Beazley, Becsey, Beer, Beglitis, Belder, Belet, Belohorská, Bennahmias, Beňová, Berend, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bertinotti, Bielan, Birutis, Blokland, Bobošíková, Böge, Bösch, Bonde, Bonino, Bonsignore, Booth, Borghezio, Borrell Fontelles, Bourlanges, Bowis, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Mihael Brejc, Bresso, Breyer, Březina, Brie, Brunetta, Budreikaitė, Buitenweg, van den Burg, Bushill-Matthews, Busk, Busquin, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Calabuig Rull, Camre, Capoulas Santos, Carlshamre, Carnero González, Carollo, Casa, Casaca, Cashman, Caspary, Castiglione, Catania, Cavada, Cederschiöld, Cercas, Cesa, Chatzimarkakis, Chichester, Chiesa, Chmielewski, Christensen, Chruszcz, Claeys, Clark, Cocilovo, Coelho, Cohn-Bendit, Corbett, Corbey, Cornillet, Correia, António Costa, Paolo Costa, Cottigny, Coûteaux, Cramer, Crowley, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki, Ryszard Czarnecki, D'Alema, Daul, Davies, De Poli, de Brún, Degutis, De Keyser, Del Turco, Demetriou, De Michelis, Deprez, De Rossa, Descamps, Désir, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, De Vits, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dičkutė, Didžiokas, Díez González, Dillen, Dimitrakopoulos, Dionisi, Di Pietro, Dobolyi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Drčar Murko, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duin, Duka-Zólyomi, Duquesne, Ebner, Ehler, Ek, Elles, Esteves, Estrela, Ettl, Jillian Evans, Jonathan Evans, Robert Evans, Falbr, Fatuzzo, Fava, Fazakas, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández Martín, Elisa Ferreira, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Flautre, Florenz, Foglietta, Fontaine, Fotyga, Fourtou, Fraga Estévez, Frassoni, Freitas, Friedrich, Fruteau, Gahler, Gál, Galeote Quecedo, García Pérez, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Gentvilas, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gibault, Giertych, Gill, Gklavakis, Goebbels, Goepel, Golik, Gollnisch, Gomes, Gomolka, Grabowski, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Graça Moura, Grech, Gröner, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Grosch, Grossetête, Gruber, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guidoni, Gurmai, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Hänsch, Hall, Hammerstein Mintz, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Harkin, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Henin, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Honeyball, Hoppenstedt, Horáček, Hortefeux, Howitt, Hudacký, Hudghton, Hughes, Hutchinson, Hybášková, in 't Veld, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jäätteenmäki, Jałowiecki, Janowski, Járóka, Jeggle, Jensen, Joan i Marí, Jöns, Jordan Cizelj, Juknevičienė, Jelko Kacin, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Tunne Kelam, Kilroy-Silk, Kindermann, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klich, Klinz, Knapman, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Kohlíček, Konrad, Korhola, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Kozlík, Krahmer, Krarup, Krasts, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristovskis, Krupa, Kuc, Kudrycka, Kuhne, Kułakowski, Kušķis, Kusstatscher, Kuźmiuk, Lagendijk, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Landsbergis, Lang, Langen, Langendries, Laperrouze, La Russa, Lax, Lechner, Lehideux, Lehne, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, Fernand Le Rachinel, Enrico Letta, Lévai, Janusz Lewandowski, Liberadzki, Libicki, Liotard, Locatelli, Lombardo, López-Istúriz White, Lucas, Ludford, Lulling, Lundgren, Lynne, Maat, Maaten, McAvan, McCarthy, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Madeira, Malmström, Manders, Maňka, Erika Mann, Thomas Mann, Markov, Marques, Martens, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martinez, Martínez Martínez, Masiel, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mastenbroek, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsakis, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Meyer Pleite, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mölzer, Cristobal Montoro Romero, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Morgantini, Morillon, Mote, Mulder, Musacchio, Muscardini, Muscat, Musumeci, Myller, Napoletano, Nassauer, Nattrass, Newton Dunn, Nicholson, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Öger, Olajos, Olbrycht, Ó Neachtain, Onesta, Onyszkiewicz, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Őry, Ouzký, Oviir, Paasilinna, Pack, Borut Pahor, Paleckis, Pálfi, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Pannella, Panzeri, Papadimoulis, Papastamkos, Pavilionis, Peillon, Pęk, Pflüger, Piecyk, Pieper, Pīks, João de Deus Pinheiro, Pinior, Piotrowski, Pirilli, Piskorski, Pistelli, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Prets, Vittorio Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Rapkay, Remek, Resetarits, Reul, Ribeiro, Riera Madurell, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Rizzo, Rogalski, Roithová, Romagnoli, Romeva i Rueda, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Rutowicz, Sacconi, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Salinas García, Salvini, Sánchez Presedo, Santoro, dos Santos, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Savi, Sbarbati, Schapira, Scheele, Schenardi, Schierhuber, Frithjof Schmidt, Ingo Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schroedter, Schulz, Schuth, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Segelström, Seppänen, Siekierski, Sifunakis, Silva Peneda, Sinnott, Skinner, Škottová, Alyn Smith, Sommer, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Spautz, Speroni, Staes, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Šťastný, Stenzel, Sterckx, Stevenson, Stihler, Stockmann, Strejček, Stroz, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Svensson, Swoboda, Szájer, Szejna, Szent-Iványi, Szymański, Tajani, Takkula, Tannock, Tarabella, Tatarella, Thyssen, Titford, Titley, Toia, Toubon, Toussas, Trakatellis, Triantaphyllides, Turmes, Uca, Ulmer, Väyrynen, Vaidere, Vakalis, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vanhecke, Van Hecke, Van Lancker, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Ventre, Verges, Vernola, Villiers, Virrankoski, Vlasák, Vlasto, Voggenhuber, Wallis, Walter, Henri Weber, Manfred Weber, Westlund, Whitehead, Wieland, Wiersma, Wijkman, Wise, Wojciechowski, Wuermeling, Wurtz, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zani, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Ždanoka, Železný, Zimmer, Zingaretti, Zvěřina, Zwiefka



1.   Emenda ta' l-aġenda

Favur: 104

ALDE: Budreikaitė, Duff, Duquesne, Jäätteenmäki, Koch-Mehrin, Lax, Maaten, Malmström, Matsakis, Morillon, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Watson

GUE/NGL: Guidoni, Markov, Rizzo

IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Lundgren, Sinnott

NI: Romagnoli, Rutowicz

PPE-DE: Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Bowis, Brok, Casa, Cesa, Chichester, Chmielewski, Daul, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dover, Duka-Zólyomi, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Fraga Estévez, Galeote Quecedo, Gräßle, Graça Moura, Grossetête, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Kaczmarek, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Koch, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Kuźmiuk, Lewandowski, López-Istúriz White, Maat, McGuinness, Marques, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Nicholson, Olbrycht, Őry, Papastamkos, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Podkański, Poettering, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Rübig, Saïfi, Schnellhardt, Schwab, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Stenzel, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Thyssen, Trakatellis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

PSE: Beglitis, Paleckis, Tzampazi

UEN: Crowley

Kontra: 130

ALDE: Alvaro, Costa Paolo, Deprez, Fourtou, Gibault, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Onyszkiewicz, Ries, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Wallis

GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Figueiredo, Henin, Kaufmann, Liotard, Meijer, Musacchio, Pflüger, Remek, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer

IND/DEM: Bonde, Louis, Salvini, Wohlin, Železný

NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Golik, Kozlík, Masiel, Mote

PPE-DE: Beazley, Gomolka, Saryusz-Wolski, Schöpflin, Tannock, Ulmer

PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, van den Berg, Berger, Bösch, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Goebbels, Grabowska, Haug, Ilves, Jöns, Kindermann, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuhne, Liberadzki, McAvan, Maňka, Mikko, Moraes, Morgan, Napoletano, Piecyk, Pinior, Pittella, Rapkay, Rouček, Sakalas, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Siwiec, Sornosa Martínez, Stihler, Swoboda, Szejna, Tarabella, Titley, Van Lancker, Walter, Whitehead, Wiersma, Wynn, Zingaretti

UEN: Bielan, Janowski, Kamiński, Pavilionis, Szymański

Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Schlyter, Schroedter, Smith, Trüpel, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

Astensjonijiet: 22

GUE/NGL: Flasarová, Kohlíček, Pafilis, Stroz, Toussas

IND/DEM: Adwent, Batten, Booth, Chruszcz, Farage, Giertych, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Titford, Wise

NI: Allister

PPE-DE: Sumberg

Il-Ħamis, 2 ta' Diċembru 2004



Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea

C NaN/16


(2005/C 208 E/02)




1.   Ftuħ tas-Seduta

Ħin tal-ftuħ tas-seduta: 09.05.

2.   Dokumenti mressqa

Id-dokumenti hawn taħt imsemmija ġew imressqa: mill-kumitati parlamentari

* Rapport dwar il-proposta għal deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni tal-Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-Prinċipat ta' Monaco li jipprovdi miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk imressqa f'Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/EC tat-3 ta' Ġunju 2003 dwar tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul fil-forma ta' pagamenti ta' imgħaxx (COM(2004)0733 — C6-0202/2004 — 2004/0264(CNS)) — Kumitat dwar l-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji

Rapporteur: Gauzès Jean-Paul (A6-0042/2004).

3.   Kompożizzjoni tal-Parlament

L-awtoritajiet hongroises kompetenti kienu avżaw dwar il-ħatra ta' Viktória Bernáthné Mohácsi biex jieħu post Gábor Demszky, bħala membru tal-Parlament, b'seħħ mid-data 29.11.2004.

Il-President ġibed l-attenzjoni għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Artikolu 3(5) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura.

4.   Rapport annwali tal-Qorti ta' l-Awdituri — 2003 (dibattitu)

Juan Manuel Fabra Vallés (President tal-Qorti ta' l-Awdituri) ippreżenta ir-rapport annwali tal-Qorti ta' l-Awdituri.

Tkellem Siim Kallas (Viċi President tal-Kummissjoni).

Tkellem Simon Busuttil, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE.


Viċi President

Tkellmu: Szabolcs Fazakas, (President tal-Kumitat CONT), Jan Mulder, f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Bart Staes, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Jeffrey Titford, f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Ashley Mote, , James Elles, Terence Wynn, Kyösti Tapio Virrankoski, Nils Lundgren, Hans-Peter Martin, Albert Jan Maat, Herbert Bösch, Carl Lang, István Pálfi, Inés Ayala Sender, Christofer Fjellner, Paulo Casaca u Neil Parish.

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

5.   Sitwazzjoni fil-Kolombja (dibattitu)

Dikjarazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni: Sitwazzjoni fil-Kolombja

Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) għamel dikjarazzjoni.

Tkellem José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Manuel Medina Ortega, f'isem il-grupp PSE, Alain Lipietz, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Giusto Catania, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, James Hugh Allister, , Fernando Fernández Martín, Giovanni Claudio Fava, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Athanasios Pafilis, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Proinsias De Rossa u José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra li għamel stqarrija personali.

Id-dibattitu ġie magħluq.

(Is-seduta ġiet sospiża fil-10.55 sal ħin tal-votazzjonijiet u tkompliet fil-11.00.)


Viċi President

6.   Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel

Antonis Samaras għarraf li hu kien preżenti iżda ismu ma kienx imniżżel fir-reġistru ta' l-attendenza.

Vot dwar it-tneħħija mill-aġenda ta' l-istqarrijiet dwar is-Summit bejn l-UE u r-Russja (punt 9 ta' Minuti ta' 01.12.2004):

Othmar Karas informa lill-Presidenza li huwa ried jivvota favur.

Marcin Libicki u Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg Marcin Libicki u Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg informaw lill-Presidenza li huma kienu preżenti iżda ma ivvutawx.

Il-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel ġew approvati.

7.   Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet

Dettalji tal-votazzjonijiet (emendi, voti separati u maqsuma, eċċ.) jidhru fl-Anness I tal-Minuti.

7.1.   Abbozz tal-baġit ta' retifika 10/2004 (Regola 131) (votazzjoni)

Rapport dwar l-abbozz tal-baġit ta' retifika nru. 10/2004 ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea għas-sena finanzjarja 2004 — Sezzjoni III: Kummissjoni [15179/2004 — C6-0209/2004 — 2004/2223(BUD)] — Kumitat dwar il-Budgets.

Rapporteur: Jan Mulder (A6-0053/2004)

(Maġġoranza kwalifikata)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 1)


Approvat b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2004)0069)

7.2.   Ftehim UE/ San Marino (tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul) * (Regola 131) (votazzjoni)

Rapport dwar il-proposta ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni ta' Ftehim bejn il-Komunita` Ewropea u r-Republika ta' San Marino li jipprovdi l-miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk previsti fid-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/KE 2003 dwar tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul fil-forma ta' pagamenti ta' imgħaxx [COM(2004) 0643 — C6-0172/2004 — 2004/0241(CNS)] — Kumitat dwar l-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji.

Rapporteur: Jean-Paul Gauzès (A6-0039/2004)

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 2)


Approvat b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2004)0070)

7.3.   Ftehim UE/Monako (tassazzjoni ta' riservi fuq id-dħul) * (Regola 131) (votazzjoni)

Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar il-konklużjoni ta' Ftehim bejn il-Komunita` Ewropea u l-Prinċipalita` ta' Monako li jipprovdi l-miżuri ekwivalenti għal dawk previsti fid-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 2003/48/KE tat-3 ta' Ġunju 2003 dwar tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul fil-forma ta' pagamenti ta' imgħaxx [COM(2004)0733 — C6-0202/2004 — 2004/0264(CNS)] — Kumitat dwar l-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji.

Rapporteur: Jean-Paul Gauzès (A6-0042/2004)

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 3)


Approvat b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2004)0071)

7.4.   Użu aktar sikur ta' l-Internet u ta' teknoloġiji online ġodda ***I (votazzjoni)

Rapport Proposta ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li tistabbilixxi programm Komunitarju pluri-annwali biex jippromwovi użu aktar sikur ta' l-Internet u ta' teknoloġiji online ġodda [COM(2004) 0091 — C5-0132/2004 — 2004/0023(COD)] — Kumitat dwar il-Libertajiet Ċivili, l-Ġustizzja u l-Affarijiet Interni.

Rapporteur: Edith Mastenbroek (A6-0033/2004)

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 4)


Approvat bl-emendi (P6_TA(2004)0072)


Approvat (P6_TA(2004)0072)

7.5.   Passaporti taċ-ċittadini ta' l-Unjoni * (votazzjoni)

Rapport dwar il-proposta tal-Kummissjoni għal Regolament tal-Kunsill li jistabilixxi standards dwar il-karatteristiċi ta' siġurta` u l-elementi biometriċi fil-passaporti taċ-ċittadini ta' l-UE. [COM(2004)0116 — C5-0101/2004 — 2004/0039(CNS)] — Kumitat dwar il-Libertajiet Ċivili, l-Ġustizzja u l-Affarijiet Interni.

Rapporteur: Carlos Coelho (A6-0028/2004)

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 5)


Approvat bl-emendi (P6_TA(2004)0073)


Adottat bl-emendi (P6_TA(2004)0073)


Carl Schlyter, f'isem il-Grupp Verts/ALE, talab biex ir-rapport jiġi riferut lura għand il-kumitat skond l-Artikolu 168(2);

Carlos Coelho (rapporteur) u Jean-Louis Bourlanges (Chairman tal-Kumitat LIBE) dwar it-talba.

Il-Parlament irrifjuta t-talba.

7.6.   Sitwazzjoni fl'Ukraina (votazzjoni)

Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0195/2004, B6-0196/2004, B6-0199/2004, B6-0200/2004, B6-0201/2004 u B6-0202/2004

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 6)


(flokB6-0195/2004, B6-0196/2004, B6-0199/2004, B6-0200/2004, B6-0201/2004 u B6-0202/2004:

mresqa minn:

Jacek Emil Saryusz-Wolski, Charles Tannock, Jerzy Buzek, Tunne Kelam, Edward McMillan-Scott u Aldis Kušķis, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE,

Jan Marinus Wiersma, Marek Maciej Siwiec u Toomas Hendrik Ilves, f'isem il-grupp PSE,

Cecilia Malmström u Jelko Kacin, f'isem il-grupp ALDE,

Rebecca Harms, Elisabeth Schroedter, Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit, Joost Lagendijk u Angelika Beer, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE,

André Brie, Jonas Sjöstedt u Vittorio Emanuele Agnoletto, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL,

Cristiana Muscardini, Michał Tomasz Kamiński, Anna Elzbieta Fotyga, Konrad Szymański u Guntars Krasts, f'isem il-grupp UEN

Approvat (P6_TA(2004)0074)


Stanisław Jałowiecki, li ressaq emenda orali għal paragrafu 11, li ġiet miżjuda;

Cecilia Malmström, f'isem il-Grupp ALDE, li ressaq emenda orali għal paragrafu 4, li ġiet miżjuda;

Armin Laschet, f'isem il-Grupp PPE-DE, li ressaq emenda orali biex iħassar premessa M. Din l-emenda ġiet ukoll miżjuda.

7.7.   Perspettivi Finanzjarji (votazzjoni)

Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0189/2004

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 7)


Approvat (P6_TA(2004)0075)

7.8.   Ġurnata Mondjali tal-Aids (votazzjoni)

Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0190/2004, B6-0191/2004, B6-0192/2004, B6-0193/2004 u B6-0194/2004

(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)

(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness I, punt 8)


(flok B6-0190/2004, B6-0191/2004, B6-0192/2004, B6-0193/2004 u B6-0194/2004):

mresqa minn

John Bowis, Richard Seeber, Anders Wijkman u Françoise Grossetête, f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE,

Anne Van Lancker, Glenys Kinnock, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Margrietus van den Berg u Karin Scheele, f'isem il-grupp PSE,

Holger Krahmer, f'isem il-grupp ALDE,

Frithjof Schmidt, Marie-Hélène Aubert, Bernat Joan i Marí, Satu Hassi, Carl Schlyter u Marie Anne Isler Béguin, f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE,

Vittorio Emanuele Agnoletto, Ilda Figueiredo u Luisa Morgantinif'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL

Approvat (P6_TA(2004)0076)

8.   Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot

Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot bil-miktub:

L-ispjegazzjonijiet tal-vot li tressqu skond l-Artikolu 163(3) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura jidhru fir-rapport verbatim ta' din is-seduta.

Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot orali:

Rapport Mastenbroek — A6-0033/2004

Arlene McCarthy

Rapport Coelho — A6-0028/2004

Hynek Fajmon

Sitwazzjoni fl'Ukraina — RC-B6-0195/2004

Bernd Posselt, Luís Queiró

9.   Korrezzjonijiet ta' voti

Il-Membri li ġejjin ressqu korrezzjonijiet ta' voti:

Rapport Gauzès — A6-0042/2004

votazzjoni waħda

favur: John Attard-Montalto, Avril Doyle, Maria da Assunção Esteves, Gunnar Hökmark, Nils Lundgren, Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Georgios Papastamkos, Riccardo Ventre, Lars Wohlin

Rapport Coelho — A6-0028/2004

riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva (ensemble)

favur: John Attard-Montalto

Perspettivi Finanzjarji — B6-0189/2004

emenda 1

favur: Raül Romeva i Rueda

riżoluzzjoni (test sħiħ)

favur: Jean-Claude Fruteau, Erika Mann, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Inger Segelström

María Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco ġibdet l-attenzjoni li hija ħadet sehem fil-votazzjoni dwar ir-rapporti Edith Mastenbroek (A6-0033/2004) u Carlos Coelho (A6-0028/2004).

Gianni De Michelis kien preżenti iżda ma ħax sehem fil-votazzjonijiet fil-bidu tal-ħin tal-votazzjoni.

10.   Summit bejn l-UE u r-Russja (dati ta' l-għeluq biex jiġu mressqa l-emendi u l-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet)

Dawn l-iskadenzi ġew stabiliti::

Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: It-08.12.2004 fis-6 pm

emendamenti u mozzjonijiet konġunti għal riżoluzzjonijiet: It-13.12.2004 fis-7 pm

Il-vot jittieħed nhar il-15.12.2004

11.   Avviż tal-pożizzjonijiet komuni tal-Kunsill

Il-President ħabbar, skond l-Artikolu 57 (1), li rċieva mingħand il-Kunsill il-pożizzjoni komuni li ġejja, flimkien mar-raġunijiet li wassluh biex jadottaha, u kif ukoll il-pożizzjoni tal-Kummissjoni dwar:

Pożizzjoni komuni adottata mill-Kunsill fid-29 ta' Novembru 2004 bil-għan li jiġi adottat Regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li jemenda r-Regolament tal-Kunsill (KEE) Nru. 2913/92 li jistabbilixxi l-Kodiċi Doganali tal-Komunità (12060/2/2004 — C6-0211/2004 — 2003/0167(COD))


responsabbli: IMCO

12.   Kompożizzjoni tal-kumitati

Fuq talba tal-Grupp PPE-DE, il-Parlament irratifika l-ħatra li ġejja:

Kumitat FEMM: Edit Bauer.

13.   Dati għas-seduti li jmiss

Is-seduti li jmiss se jsiru mid-data 13.12.2004 sa 16.12.2004.

14.   Approvazzjoni tat-testi adottati waqt is-seduta

Il-Minuti tas-seduta ta' dakinhar kellhom jiġu ppreżentati lill-Parlament għall-approvazzjoni tiegħu fil-bidu tas-seduta ta' wara, skond l-Artikolu 172(2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura.

Bil-qbil tal-Parlament, it-testi li ġew adottati kellhom jiġumgħoddija minnufih lill-entitajiet imsemmija fihom.

15.   Aġġornament tas-sessjoni

Is-sessjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew ġiet aġġornata.

Is-seduta ngħalqet fil-11.50.

Julian Priestley

Segretarju Ġenerali

Josep Borrell Fontelles




Adamou, Agnoletto, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Arnaoutakis, Ashworth, Assis, Atkins, Attwooll, Aubert, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Baco, Badía i Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Barsi-Pataky, Batten, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beaupuy, Beazley, Becsey, Beer, Beglitis, Belder, Belet, Belohorská, Bennahmias, Beňová, Berend, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bertinotti, Bielan, Birutis, Blokland, Bobošíková, Böge, Bösch, Bonino, Bonsignore, Booth, Borghezio, Borrell Fontelles, Bowis, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Mihael Brejc, Brepoels, Breyer, Brie, Brunetta, Budreikaitė, van Buitenen, Bullmann, van den Burg, Bushill-Matthews, Busquin, Busuttil, Cabrnoch, Camre, Capoulas Santos, Carlshamre, Carnero González, Carollo, Casa, Casaca, Cashman, Caspary, Castex, Castiglione, Catania, Cederschiöld, Cercas, Cesa, Chatzimarkakis, Chichester, Chiesa, Chmielewski, Christensen, Chruszcz, Claeys, Clark, Cocilovo, Coelho, Corbett, Corbey, António Costa, Cottigny, Coûteaux, Cramer, Crowley, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki, D'Alema, Daul, Davies, De Poli, de Brún, Degutis, De Keyser, Del Turco, Demetriou, De Michelis, Demszky, Deprez, De Rossa, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, De Vits, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dičkutė, Didžiokas, Díez González, Dillen, Dimitrakopoulos, Dionisi, Di Pietro, Dobolyi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Douay, Dover, Doyle, Drčar Murko, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duin, Duka-Zólyomi, Duquesne, Ebner, Ek, El Khadraoui, Elles, Esteves, Estrela, Ettl, Jonathan Evans, Robert Evans, Fajmon, Falbr, Farage, Fatuzzo, Fava, Fazakas, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández Martín, Elisa Ferreira, Figueiredo, Fjellner, Flasarová, Florenz, Foglietta, Fontaine, Ford, Fotyga, Fourtou, Fraga Estévez, Frassoni, Freitas, Friedrich, Fruteau, Gahler, Gál, Galeote Quecedo, García Pérez, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Gentvilas, Geremek, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gibault, Giertych, Gill, Gklavakis, Glante, Glattfelder, Goebbels, Goepel, Golik, Gollnisch, Gomolka, Genowefa Grabowska, Grabowski, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Graça Moura, Grech, Gröner, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Grosch, Grossetête, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guidoni, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Guy-Quint, Gyürk, Hänsch, Hall, Hamon, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Henin, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hennis-Plasschaert, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Honeyball, Hoppenstedt, Horáček, Howitt, Hudacký, Hudghton, Hughes, Huhne, Hutchinson, Ibrisagic, Isler Béguin, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jäätteenmäki, Jałowiecki, Janowski, Járóka, Jeggle, Jensen, Joan i Marí, Jöns, Jørgensen, Jonckheer, Jordan Cizelj, Jelko Kacin, Kaczmarek, Kallenbach, Karas, Karatzaferis, Karim, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Tunne Kelam, Kilroy-Silk, Kindermann, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Klinz, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Kohlíček, Konrad, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Kozlík, Krahmer, Krarup, Krasts, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kristovskis, Krupa, Kuc, Kudrycka, Kuhne, Kułakowski, Kusstatscher, Kuźmiuk, Lagendijk, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Landsbergis, Lang, Langen, Langendries, Laperrouze, La Russa, Laschet, Lax, Lechner, Lehideux, Lehne, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, Fernand Le Rachinel, Enrico Letta, Lévai, Janusz Lewandowski, Libicki, Lichtenberger, Liese, Liotard, Lipietz, Locatelli, Lombardo, López-Istúriz White, Louis, Lucas, Ludford, Lulling, Lundgren, Lynne, Maat, Maaten, McAvan, McCarthy, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Madeira, Malmström, Manders, Maňka, Erika Mann, Thomas Mann, Markov, Marques, Martens, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martinez, Martínez Martínez, Masiel, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mastenbroek, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsakis, Matsis, Matsouka, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Meyer Pleite, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mölzer, Cristobal Montoro Romero, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Morgantini, Morillon, Mote, Mulder, Musacchio, Muscat, Musotto, Musumeci, Myller, Napoletano, Nattrass, Newton Dunn, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Olajos, Olbrycht, Ó Neachtain, Onesta, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Őry, Ouzký, Oviir, Paasilinna, Pack, Borut Pahor, Pálfi, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Pannella, Panzeri, Papadimoulis, Parish, Patrie, Pavilionis, Peillon, Pęk, Alojz Peterle, Pflüger, Piecyk, Pieper, Pīks, João de Deus Pinheiro, Pinior, Piotrowski, Pirilli, Piskorski, Pistelli, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Poignant, Polfer, Posselt, Prets, Vittorio Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Rack, Radwan, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Remek, Resetarits, Reul, Ribeiro, Riera Madurell, Riis-Jørgensen, Rizzo, Rocard, Rogalski, Roithová, Romagnoli, Romeva i Rueda, Roszkowski, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Rühle, Rutowicz, Sacconi, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Salinas García, Salvini, Samaras, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Sartori, Savi, Sbarbati, Schapira, Scheele, Schenardi, Schierhuber, Schlyter, Frithjof Schmidt, Pál Schmitt, Ingo Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schroedter, Schulz, Schuth, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Segelström, Seppänen, Siekierski, Sifunakis, Silva Peneda, Sinnott, Skinner, Škottová, Alyn Smith, Sommer, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Spautz, Speroni, Staes, Starkevičiūtė, Šťastný, Stenzel, Sterckx, Stihler, Stockmann, Strejček, Stroz, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Svensson, Swoboda, Szájer, Szejna, Szent-Iványi, Szymański, Tajani, Takkula, Tarabella, Tatarella, Thyssen, Titford, Titley, Toia, Toubon, Toussas, Trakatellis, Triantaphyllides, Turmes, Uca, Ulmer, Väyrynen, Vaidere, Vakalis, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vanhecke, Van Hecke, Van Lancker, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Ventre, Verges, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Villiers, Virrankoski, Vlasto, Voggenhuber, Wagenknecht, Wallis, Walter, Watson, Henri Weber, Manfred Weber, Weiler, Weisgerber, Westlund, Whitehead, Wieland, Wiersma, Wierzejski, Wise, von Wogau, Wohlin, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wuermeling, Wurtz, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zani, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Ždanoka, Zimmer, Zvěřina, Zwiefka



Abbrevjazzjonijiet u simboli








VSI (..., ..., ...)

votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' isem (favur, kontra, astjenew)

VE (..., ..., ...)

votazzjoni elettronika (favur, kontra, astjenew)


vot maqsum


vot separat




emenda ta' kompromess


parti korrispondenti


emenda li tħassar


emendi identiċi








mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni


mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta


vot sigriet

1.   Abozz ta' baġit ta' korrezzjoni Nru 10/ 2004

Rapport: Jan MULDER (A6-0053/2004)


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

vote uniku




2.   Ftehim KE-San Marino (tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul) *

Rapport: Jean-Paul GAUZÈS (A6-0039/2004)


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

vote uniku




3.   Ftehim KE-San Marino (tassazzjoni ta' riżervi fuq id-dħul) *

Rapport: Jean-Paul GAUZÈS (A6-0042/2004)


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

vote uniku



449, 12, 40

Talbiet ta' votazzjoni b'sejħ a ta' l-ismijiet

PPE-DE: vote uniku

4.   Iżjed sigurtà fl-użu ta' l-internet u teknoloġiji ġodda online ***I

Rapport: Edith MASTENBROEK (A6-0033/2004)


Em. nru


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — block vote






art. 6











vot: proposta emendata




vot: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva




5.   Passaporti għal ċittadini ta' l-Unjoni *

Rapport: Carlos COELHO (A6-0028/2004)


Em. nru


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

Proposta għal regolament

Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — block vote







Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — votazzjoni separata





329, 260, 4






art. 1, § 2
















art. 2, § 1, punt (c)







169, 407, 19

rec 2
















rec 8






vot: proposta emendata




Abbozz ta' riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva

Wara l-considerandum 1






vot: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva (flimkien)



471, 118, 6

Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata

PPE-DE: ams. 4 u 19

Talbiet ta' votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet

Verts/ALE votazzjoni finali

GUE/NGL: votazzjoni finali

PPE-DE votazzjoni finali

6.   Ukrajna

Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjon B6-0195/2004, B6-0196/2004, B6-0199/2004, B6-0200/2004, B6-0201/2004 u B6-0202/2004


Em. nru


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

Mozzjoni konġunta għal riżoluzzjoni RC6-0195/2004 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, u UEN)

rec M





emenda orali

Wara § 4





emenda orali

§ 7


test oriġinali




§ 10


test oriġinali












269, 308, 11

§ 11





emenda orali

vot: riżoluzzjoni (flimkien)




mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet tal-gruppi politiċi































Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata

ALDE: § 7

Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma


§ 10

L-1 parti:“jemmen li r-relazzjonijiet ma' l-Ukrajna ... ekonomija tas-suq b'saħħitha”

it-2 parti:“u l-pajjiżtagħhom qed jassumi li bi dritt għandu postu fil-komunità ta' pajjiżi demokratiċi”

it-3 parti:“Ewro-Atlantiku”


Inese VAIDERE iffirmat il-mozzjoni konġunta għal riżoluzzjoni f'isem il-Grupp UEN.

Armin LASCHET ipproponiet emenda orali biex titneħħa il-premessa M.

Grażina STANISZEWSKA ipproponiet l-emenda orali segwenti:

Wara § 4, niżżel il-paragrafu ġdid segwenti:

“jitlob lill-gvern ma jkomplix ipoġġi aktar pressjoni fuq il-medja, spe jalment dik pubblika, sabiex il-poplu ta' l-Ukrajna ikun jista' jirċievi informazzjoni imparzjali u oġġettiva dwar il-kandidati u s-sitwazzjoni politika kurrenti tal-pajjiż,”

Stanisław JAŁOWIECKI ippropona l-emenda orali segwenti:

§ 11

“jitlob lill-Kummissjoni, lill-Kunsill, u lill-Istati Membri qabel ma jkun hemm riżultat sodisfaċenti tas-sitwazzjoni preżenti biex titħaffef l- adozzjoni tal-Pjan ta' Azzjoni għal Ukrajna, biex jieħu sehem fl-implementazzjoni f'waqtha ta' dan il-pjan u biex jinkludi miżuri ġodda immirati lejn it-tisħiħtar-rwol tas-soċjetà ċivili;”

7.   Perspettiva finanzjarja

Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0189/2004


Em. nru


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0189/2004(Kumitat Temporanju)

§ 1






Wara § 1





81, 500, 11

§ 4







test oriġinali




§ 7






vot: riżoluzzjoni (flimkien)



499, 67, 39

Talbiet ta' votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet

GUE/NGL: em 1

IND/DEM: votazzjoni finali

Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata

PPE-DE: § 4

8.   Ġurnata Mondjali ta' l-AIDS

Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0190/2004, B6-0191/2004, B6-0192/2004, B6-0193/2004 u B6-0194/2004


Em. nru


VSI eċċ.


VSI /VE — rimarki

Mozzjoni konġunta għal riżoluzzjoni RC6-0190/2004 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, u GUE/NGL)

Wara § 2





311, 249, 15

Wara § 7












§ 9


test oriġinali




§ 10


test oriġinali




§ 11


test oriġinali




§ 12


test oriġinali




Wara § 15






Wara § 20






§ 22


test oriġinali









306, 272, 4

§ 24











297, 273, 4

§ 25


test oriġinali




rec G


test oriġinali




vot: riżoluzzjoni (flimkien)




Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet tal-gruppi politiċi


























Alfonso Andria, Elspeth Attwooll u Marios Matsakis iffirmaw ukoll il-mozzjoni ghal rizoluzzjoni B6-0190/2004.

Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata

IND/DEM: §§ 10 u 25

UEN: premessa G, §§ 9, 10, 11, 12 u 25

Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma


§ 22

L-1 parti: il-paragrafu sħiħ mingħajr il-kliem “bħal immigranti, ħaddiema li juzaw is-sess fix-xogħol tagħhom, eċċ”

it-2 parti: dawn il-kliem



L-1 parti: il-paragrafu sħiħ mingħajr il-kliem “u partikolarment fuq il-Gvern Taljan”

it-2 parti: dwan il-kliem


am. 2

L-1 parti:“iħeġġeġ lill-industrija tal-farmaċewtiċi Ewropea ... u drogi oħra essenzjali;”

it-2 parti:“iħeġġeġ, per eżempju, Sanofi-Aventis, ... tagħrif speċjali tas-suġġett;”



1.   Rapport Gauzès A6-0042/2004

Favur: 449

ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bonino, Bourlanges, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Costa Paolo, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Di Pietro, Drčar Murko, Duff, Duquesne, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, Huhne, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Polfer, Prodi, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Sbarbati, Schuth, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

GUE/NGL: Brie, McDonald

IND/DEM: Adwent, Belder, Blokland, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Coûteaux, Giertych, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Louis, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Speroni, Wierzejski

NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Resetarits, Rutowicz

PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Atkins, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brejc, Brepoels, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Cabrnoch, Carollo, Casa, Caspary, Cesa, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Daul, De Poli, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dionisi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Galeote Quecedo, Gargani, Gauzès, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Harbour, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kudrycka, Kuźmiuk, Lamassoure, Langen, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Martens, Mato Adrover, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Pálfi, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Schierhuber, Schmitt Pál, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Spautz, Šťastný, Stenzel, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Tajani, Thyssen, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wuermeling, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Badía i Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Bersani, Bösch, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Rossa, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gröner, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Muscat, Napoletano, Paasilinna, Pahor, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Santoro, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Skinner, Stihler, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Van Lancker, Walter, Westlund, Whitehead, Wiersma, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

UEN: Aylward, Didžiokas, Foglietta, Fotyga, Janowski, Kristovskis, La Russa, Ó Neachtain, Pavilionis, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Szymański

Verts/ALE: Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

Kontra: 12

IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Clark, Farage, Knapman, Pęk, Titford, Wise, Železný

NI: Allister, Kilroy-Silk, Mote

Astensjonijiet: 40

GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Pflüger, Remek, Ribeiro, Rizzo, Seppänen, Stroz, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Verges, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

NI: Claeys, Gollnisch, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi

UEN: Camre

Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

2.   Rapport Coelho A6-0028/2004

Favur: 471

ALDE: Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bonino, Bourlanges, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Costa Paolo, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Di Pietro, Duquesne, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in 't Veld, Jensen, Kacin, Koch-Mehrin, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Polfer, Prodi, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Sbarbati, Schuth, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Watson

IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Borghezio, Lundgren, Sinnott, Speroni, Wohlin

NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke

PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brejc, Brepoels, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Carollo, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Cesa, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Daul, De Poli, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dionisi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Galeote Quecedo, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kuźmiuk, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Laschet, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lombardo, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Pálfi, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Schierhuber, Schmitt Pál, Schmitt Ingo, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stenzel, Stevenson, Stubb, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Ventre, Villiers, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wuermeling, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Badía i Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Bösch, Bozkurt, van den Burg, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Costa António, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Duin, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Santoro, dos Santos, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stihler, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Van Lancker, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Whitehead, Wiersma, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foglietta, Fotyga, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, La Russa, Libicki, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pavilionis, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Szymański, Tatarella

Verts/ALE: Cohn-Bendit

Kontra: 118

ALDE: Attwooll, Carlshamre, Chiesa, Davies, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Huhne, Karim, Klinz, Ludford, Lynne, Malmström, Szent-Iványi, Wallis

GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, McDonald, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Remek, Ribeiro, Rizzo, Seppänen, Stroz, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wurtz

IND/DEM: Adwent, Batten, Bonde, Booth, Chruszcz, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Giertych, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Titford, Wierzejski, Wise, Železný

NI: Allister, Kilroy-Silk, Martin Hans-Peter, Mote, Resetarits

PPE-DE: Cabrnoch, Ouzký, Strejček, Zahradil

PSE: Hutchinson

Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, van Buitenen, Buitenweg, Cramer, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

Astensjonijiet: 6

ALDE: Alvaro, Jäätteenmäki, Lambsdorff

NI: Baco, Kozlík

PPE-DE: Škottová

3.   B6-0189/2004 — Perspettivi finanzjarji

Favur: 81

GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guidoni, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, McDonald, Markov, Maštálka, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Remek, Ribeiro, Rizzo, Stroz, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Verges, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

IND/DEM: Adwent, Chruszcz, Giertych, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Wierzejski, Železný

NI: Baco, Belohorská, Czarnecki Ryszard

PPE-DE: Grosch, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Klich

PSE: Gomes, Hamon

UEN: Musumeci

Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Ždanoka

Kontra: 500

ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bonino, Bourlanges, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Costa Paolo, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Di Pietro, Drčar Murko, Duff, Duquesne, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, Huhne, in 't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Polfer, Prodi, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Sbarbati, Schuth, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

GUE/NGL: Liotard, Meijer, Seppänen, Svensson

IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Knapman, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Wise, Wohlin

NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, De Michelis, Dillen, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Resetarits, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke

PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brejc, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Carollo, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Cesa, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Daul, De Poli, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dionisi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Galeote Quecedo, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Hökmark, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kuźmiuk, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Laschet, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, Lombardo, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Schierhuber, Schmitt Pál, Schmitt Ingo, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stenzel, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Ventre, Villiers, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wuermeling, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal

PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Badía i Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bozkurt, van den Burg, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Costa António, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, Del Turco, De Rossa, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Duin, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Hänsch, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pittella, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Santoro, dos Santos, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stihler, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Van Lancker, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Whitehead, Wiersma, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foglietta, Fotyga, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, La Russa, Libicki, Ó Neachtain, Pavilionis, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Szymański, Tatarella

Verts/ALE: Schlyter

Astensjonijiet: 11

ALDE: Bernáthné Mohácsi, Chiesa

GUE/NGL: Henin, Pafilis, Toussas

NI: Kilroy-Silk, Kozlík

PPE-DE: Hatzidakis

Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Lucas, Romeva i Rueda

4.   B6-0189/2004 — Perspettivi finanzjarji

Favur: 499

ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bonino, Bourlanges, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Costa Paolo, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Di Pietro, Drčar Murko, Duff, Duquesne, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, Huhne, in 't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Polfer, Prodi, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Sbarbati, Schuth, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

IND/DEM: Adwent, Chruszcz, Giertych, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Wierzejski

NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Masiel, Rutowicz

PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Brejc, Brepoels, Brunetta, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Carollo, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Cesa, Chmielewski, Coelho, Daul, De Poli, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dionisi, Dombrovskis, Doorn, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Galeote Quecedo, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kuźmiuk, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Laschet, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lombardo, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Schierhuber, Schmitt Pál, Schmitt Ingo, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Silva Peneda, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stenzel, Stubb, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wuermeling, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

PSE: Andersson, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Badía i Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Beňová, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Costa António, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, Del Turco, De Rossa, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Duin, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Santoro, dos Santos, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stihler, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Van Lancker, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Whitehead, Wiersma, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Foglietta, Fotyga, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, La Russa, Libicki, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pavilionis, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Szymański, Tatarella

Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

Kontra: 67

GUE/NGL: Markov, Pafilis, Toussas, Triantaphyllides

IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Wise, Wohlin, Železný

NI: Allister, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kilroy-Silk, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Chichester, Deva, Dover, Evans Jonathan, Harbour, Kirkhope, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Parish, Purvis, Stevenson, Strejček, Sumberg, Van Orden, Villiers, Zahradil

PSE: Fruteau, Mann Erika, Martínez Martínez, Segelström

UEN: Camre

Astensjonijiet: 39

ALDE: Bernáthné Mohácsi, Chiesa

GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, McDonald, Maštálka, Meijer, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Remek, Ribeiro, Rizzo, Seppänen, Stroz, Svensson, Uca, Verges, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

NI: Baco, Kozlík, Resetarits

PPE-DE: Elles

Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Lucas, Schlyter


(Għalissa dawn it-testi m'humiex disponibbli bil-Malti)



Draft amending budget No 10/2004

European Parliament resolution on draft amending budget No 10/2004 of the European Union for the financial year 2004 (Section III — Commission) (15179/2004 — C6-0209/2004 — 2004/2223 (BUD))

The European Parliament,

having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 272(4), penultimate subparagraph thereof,

having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 177 thereof,

having regard to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (1) and in particular Articles 37 and 38 thereof,

having regard to the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2004, as finally adopted on 18 December 2003 (2) and as adjusted in line with the enlargement of the European Union (3),

having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure (4),

having regard to preliminary draft amending budget No 11/2004 of the European Union for the financial year 2004 which the Commission presented on 13 October 2004 (SEC(2004)1234),

having regard to draft amending budget No 10/2004, which the Council established on 29 November 2004 (15179/2004 — C6-0209/2004),

having regard to Rule 69 of and Annex IV to its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets (A6-0053/2004),


whereas, contrary to previous years which saw huge surpluses in Structural Funds payments, PDAB 11 aims at budgeting additional resources of EUR 1 billion,


whereas Council committed itself at the budgetary conciliation of 24 November 2003 to honour any need for additional payments to be made in the Structural Funds,


whereas Member States' payments claims received by the Commission by 31 October 2004 indicate that even more additional resources might be needed than the EUR 1 billion,


Approves draft amending budget No 10/2004 unamended;


Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, and Commission, and the other institutions and bodies concerned.

(1)  OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.

(2)  OJ L 53, 23.2.2004.

(3)  OJ C 105, 30.4.2004, p. 9.

(4)  OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1. Agreement as amended by Decision 2003/429/EC (OJ L 147, 14.6.2003, p. 25).


EC-San Marino Agreement (taxation of savings income) *

European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of San Marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (COM(2004)0643 — C6-0172/2004 — 2004/0241(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

having regard to the proposal for a Council decision (COM(2004)0643) (1),

having regard to the draft Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of San Marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments,

having regard to Article 94, Article 300(2), first subparagraph, and Article 300(4) of the EC Treaty,

having regard to Article 300(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0172/2004),

having regard to Rules 51 and 83(7) of its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A6-0039/2004),


Approves the conclusion of the agreement;


Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission, and the governments and parliaments of the Member States and of the Republic of San Marino.

(1)  Not yet published in OJ.


EC-Monaco Agreement (taxation of savings income) *

European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Principality of Monaco providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (COM(2004)0733 — C6-0202/2004 — 2004/0264(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

having regard to the proposal for a Council decision (COM(2004)0733) (1),

having regard to the draft Agreement between the European Community and the Principality of Monaco providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments,

having regard to Article 94, Article 300(2), first subparagraph, and Article 300(4) of the EC Treaty,

having regard to Article 300(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0202/2004),

having regard to Rules 51 and 83(7) of its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A6-0042/2004),


Approves the conclusion of the agreement;


Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission, and the governments and parliaments of the Member States and of the Principality of Monaco.

(1)  Not yet published in OJ.


Safer use of the Internet and new online technologies ***I

European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual Community programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies (COM(2004)0091 — C5-0132/2004 — 2004/0023(COD))

(Codecision procedure: first reading)

The European Parliament,

having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2004)0091) (1),

having regard to Articles 251(2) and 153(2) of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C5-0132/2004),

having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Budgets, (A6-0033/2004),


Approves the Commission proposal as amended;


Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text;


Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

(1)  Not yet published in OJ.


Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 2 December 2004 with a view to the adoption of Decision No .../2005/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 153(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (3),

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (4),



Internet penetration and use of new technologies such as mobile phones is still growing considerably in the Community. Alongside this, dangers, especially for children, and abuse of the technologies continue to exist and new dangers and abuses are emerging. In order to encourage the exploitation of the opportunities offered by the Internet and new online technologies, measures are also needed to promote their safer use and protect the end-user from unwanted content.


The “eEurope 2005 Action Plan” (5), developing the Lisbon strategy, aims to stimulate secure services, applications and content based on a widely available broadband infrastructure. Among its objectives are a secure information infrastructure, development, analysis and dissemination of good practices, benchmarking and a co-ordination mechanism for e-policies.


The legislative framework which is being defined at Community level to deal with the challenges of digital content in the Information Society now includes rules related to online services, notably those on unsolicited commercial e-mail in Directive 2002/58/EC  (6) and on important aspects of the liability of intermediary service providers in Directive 2000/31/EC  (7), and recommendations for Member States, the industry and parties concerned and the Commission together with the indicative guidelines of Recommendation 98/560/EC  (8).


There will be a continued need for action both in the area of content potentially harmful to children or unwanted by the end user and in the area of illegal content, in particular child pornography and racist material .


Reaching international agreement on legally binding basic rules is desirable but will not be easily achieved. Even if such agreement is reached, it will not be enough in itself to ensure implementation of the rules or to ensure protection of those at risk.


The Safer Internet Action Plan (9) (1998-2004) has provided Community financing which has successfully encouraged a variety of initiatives and has given European added value. Further funding will help new initiatives to build on the work already accomplished.


Practical measures are still needed to encourage reporting of illegal content to those in a position to deal with it, to encourage assessment of the performance of filter technologies and the benchmarking of these technologies , to spread best practice for codes of conduct embodying generally agreed canons of behaviour, and to inform and educate parents and children on the best way to benefit from the potential of new media in a safe way.


Action at Member State level is essential involving a wide range of actors from national, regional and local government, network operators, parents, teacher and school administrators. The Community can stimulate best practice in Member States by carrying out an orientation role both within the EU and internationally and providing support for European-level benchmarking, networking and applied research.


International co-operation is also essential and can be stimulated, co-ordinated, relayed and implemented by action through the Community networking structures.


The measures that the Commission is empowered to adopt under the implementing powers conferred on it by this Decision are essentially management measures relating to the implementation of a Programme with substantial budgetary implications within the meaning of Article 2(a) of Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (10). Those measures should therefore be adopted in accordance with the management procedure provided for in Article 4 of that Decision .


Complementarity and synergy with related Community initiatives and programmes should be ensured by the Commission , including, inter alia, by taking into account the work performed by other bodies.


This Decision lays down, for the entire duration of the Programme, a financial framework constituting the prime reference, within the meaning of point 33 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure (11), for the budgetary authority during the annual budgetary procedure.


Since the objectives of the proposed actions cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States due to the transnational character of the issues at stake and can, therefore, by reason of the European scope and effects of the actions be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.


This Decision respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Articles 7 and 8 thereof.


Article 1


This Decision establishes a Community programme for the period 2005-2008 to promote safer use of the Internet and new online technologies, particularly for children, and to fight against illegal content and content unwanted by the end user.

The programme shall be known as the “Safer Internet plus” Programme (hereinafter “the Programme ”).

In order to attain the overall aim of the Programme referred to in paragraph 1, the following lines of action will be addressed:


fighting against illegal content,


tackling unwanted and harmful content,


promoting a safer environment



The activities to be carried out under those lines of action are set out in Annex I.

The Programme shall be implemented in accordance with Annex III.

Article 2


1.   Participation in the Programme shall be open to legal entities established in the Member States.

It shall also be open to participation of legal entities established in the candidate countries in accordance with bilateral agreements in existence or to be concluded with those countries.

2.   Participation in the Programme may be opened to legal entities established in EFTA States which are contracting parties to the EEA Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement (12).

3.   Participation in the Programme may be opened, without financial support by the Community under the Programme , to legal entities established in third countries and to international organisations, where such participation contributes effectively to the implementation of the Programme. The decision to allow such participation shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 4(2).

Article 3

Competences of the Commission

1.   The Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the Programme.

2.   The Commission shall draw up a work programme on the basis of this Decision.

3.     In the implementation of the Programme, the Commission shall, in close co-operation with the Member States, ensure that it is generally consistent with and complementary to other relevant Community policies, programmes and actions, in particular the Community research and technological development programmes and the Daphne (13), e Content (14) and Modinis (15) programmes.

4.   The Commission shall act in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 4(2) for the purposes of the following:


adoption and modifications of the work programme;


breakdown of budgetary expenditure;


determination of the criteria and content of calls for proposals, in line with the objectives set out in Article 1;


assessment of the projects proposed following calls for proposals for Community funding where the estimated Community contribution is equal to, or more than, EUR 500 000;


any departure from the rules set out in Annex III;


implementation of measures for evaluating the Programme.

5.   The Commission shall inform the Committee of progress with the implementation of the Programme.

Article 4


1.   The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee .

2.   Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to Article 8 thereof.

The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be three months.

3.   The Committee shall set out its rules of procedure.

Article 5

Monitoring and Evaluation

1.   In order to ensure that Community aid is used efficiently, the Commission shall ensure that actions under this Decision are subject to prior appraisal, follow-up and subsequent evaluation.

2.   The Commission shall monitor the implementation of projects under the Programme. The Commission shall evaluate the manner in which the projects have been carried out and the impact of their implementation in order to assess whether the original objectives have been achieved.

3.   The Commission shall report on the implementation of the action lines referred to in Article 1(2) to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, by mid-2006 at the latest. In this context, the Commission shall report on the consistency of the amount for 2007-2008 with the financial perspective. If applicable, the Commission shall take the necessary steps within the budgetary procedures for 2007-2008 to ensure the consistency of the annual appropriations with the financial perspective.

The Commission shall submit a final evaluation report at the end of the Programme.

4.     The Commission shall forward the results of its quantitative and qualitative evaluations to the European Parliament and the Council together with any appropriate proposals for the amendment of this Decision. The results shall be forwarded before presentation of the draft general budget of the European Union for the years 2007 to 2009 respectively.

Article 6

Financial provisions

1.   The financial framework for the implementation of the Community actions under this Decision for the period from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2008 is hereby set at EUR 45 million, of which EUR 20,05 million is for the period until 31 December 2006.

For the period following 31 December 2006, the amount shall be deemed to be confirmed if it is consistent for this phase with the financial perspective in force for the period commencing in 2007.

The annual appropriations for the period from 2005 to 2008 shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial perspective .

2.   An indicative breakdown of expenditure is given in Annex II.

Article 7

Entry into force

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at ..., on ...

For the European Parliament

The President

For the Council

The President

(1)  OJ C ...

(2)  OJ C ...

(3)  OJ C ...

(4)  Position of the European Parliament of 2 December 2004.

(5)  COM(2002)0263.

(6)  Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications (OJ L 201, 31.7.2002, p. 37).

(7)  Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (OJ L 178, 17.7.2000, p. 1).

(8)  Council Recommendation 98/560/EC of 24 September 1998 on the development of the competitiveness of the European audiovisual and information services industry by promoting national frameworks aimed at achieving a comparable and effective level of protection of minors and human dignity (OJ L 270, 7.10.1998, p. 48).

(9)  Decision No 276/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 January 1999 adopting a Multiannual Community Action Plan on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies by combating illegal and harmful content primarily in the area of the protection of children and minors (OJ L 33, 6.2.1999, p. 1). Decision as last amended by Decision No 787/2004/EC (OJ L 138, 30.4.2004, p. 12) .

(10)  OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.

(11)   OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1. Agreement as amended by Decision 2003/429/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 147, 14.6.2003, p. 25).

(12)   Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 58/2004 of 23 April 2004 amending Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement, on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms (OJ L 277, 26.8.2004, p. 29).

(13)  Decision No 803/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 adopting a programme of Community action (2004 to 2008) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk (the Daphne II programme) (OJ L 143, 30.4.2004, p. 1).

(14)  Council Decision 2001/48/EC of 22 December 2000 adopting a multiannual Community programme to stimulate the development and use of European digital content on the global networks and to promote linguistic diversity in the information society (OJ L 14, 18.1.2001, p. 32). Decision as amended by Decision No .../.../EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of ... (OJ L ...).

(15)  Decision No 2256/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 adopting a multiannual programme (2003-2005) for the monitoring of the eEurope 2005 action plan, dissemination of good practices and the improvement of network and information security (OJ L 336, 23.12.2003, p. 1). Decision as amended by Decision No 787/2004/EC.



1.   Action 1: Fighting against illegal content

Hotlines allow members of the public to report illegal content. They pass the reports on to the appropriate body for action (Internet Service Provider (ISP), police or correspondent hotline). Civilian hotlines complement police hotlines, where these exist. Their role is distinct from that of the law enforcement authorities, since they do not investigate offences or arrest or prosecute offenders. They may constitute centres of expertise providing guidance to ISPs as to what content might be illegal.

The existing hotline network is a unique organisation that would not have been set up without EU funding. As pointed out in the Programme evaluation 2002, the network has been very successful in expanding membership and has an international reach. In order for the hotlines to develop their full potential, it is necessary to ensure Europe-wide coverage and co-operation, and to increase effectiveness through exchange of information, best practice and experience. Community funds should also be used to raise public awareness of the hotlines, thereby making them more effective .

Funding will be provided for hotlines, selected following a call for proposals, to act as nodes of the network and to co-operate with other nodes within the European network of hotlines.

If necessary, telephone help lines could be supported, where children could raise concerns about illegal and harmful content on the Internet.

For the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of hotlines, several indicators should be taken into account. Qualitative and quantitative data should be collected on the establishment and operation of hotlines, the number of national nodes, the geographical coverage in the Member States, the number of reports received, the number and level of experience of staff of the hotlines, the reports forwarded for action to the public authorities and ISPs, and, to the extent available, actions taken as a result, in particular the number and kind of web pages withdrawn by internet service providers as a result of information provided by the hotlines. Those data should be made public if possible and should be forwarded to the competent authorities.

To ensure that the Programme is effective, hotlines are required in all Member States and candidate countries where none currently exists. These new hotlines must be incorporated quickly and effectively into the existing European network of hotlines. Incentives must be given to speed up the process of setting up hotlines. Links between this network and hotlines in third countries (particularly in other European countries where illegal content is hosted and produced) should be promoted, enabling the development of common approaches and transfer of know-how and best practice. In accordance with national legislation, and where appropriate and necessary, mechanisms for co-operation between civilian hotlines and law enforcement authorities must be further improved , including, for example, the development of codes of conduct for such hotlines. Where appropriate, there may be a need for legal and technical training of hotline staff. Active participation by hotlines in networking and cross-border activities will be mandatory.

Hotlines should be linked to Member State initiatives, supported at national level and should be financially viable to ensure continued operation beyond the duration of this Programme . Co-funding is intended for civilian hotlines and therefore will not be provided for hotlines run by the police. Hotlines will make clear to users the difference between their activities and those of public authorities , and will inform them of the existence of alternative ways of reporting illegal content .

In order to achieve maximum impact and effectiveness with available funding, the hotline network must operate as efficiently as possible. This can be best achieved by assigning a co-ordinating node to the network, which will facilitate agreement between the hotlines so as to develop European-level guidelines, working methods and practices which respect the limits of the national laws applying to the individual hotlines.

The co-ordinating node will:

promote the network as a whole, so as to generate its European-level visibility and raise public awareness thereof throughout the European Union, providing e.g. . a single identity and entry point providing simple access to the appropriate national contact ;

take contact with appropriate bodies with a view to completing the network's coverage in the Member States and candidate countries;

improve the operational effectiveness of the network;

draw up best practice guidelines for hotlines and adapt them to new technology;

organise regular exchange of information and experience between hotlines;

provide a pool of expertise for advice and a coaching process for start-up hotlines, particularly in candidate countries;

ensure liaison with hotlines in third countries;

maintain a close working relationship with the awareness co-ordinating node (see point 4 below) to ensure the cohesion and effectiveness of overall Programme operations and so as to increase public awareness of the hotlines;

participate in the Safer Internet Forum and other relevant events, co-ordinating input/feedback from hotlines.

The co-ordinating node will monitor effectiveness of hotlines and collect accurate and meaningful statistics on their operation ( number and type of reports received, action taken and result etc.). These statistics should be comparable across Member States.

The hotline network should ensure coverage and exchange of reports of the major types of illegal content of concern — extending beyond the area of child pornography. Different mechanisms and expertise may be required to deal with other areas such as racist content, which might involve other types of nodes dealing with the different issues. Since the financial and administrative resources of the Programme are limited, not all such nodes would necessarily receive funding, which might have to be concentrated on a reinforced role for the co-ordinating node in these areas .

2.   Action 2: Tackling unwanted and harmful content

In addition to action to fight illegal content at its source, users — responsible adults in the case of minors — may need technical tools. Accessibility to these tools may be promoted in order to empower users to make their own decisions on how to deal with unwanted and harmful content (user empowerment).

Further funding should be provided to increase the information available about performance and effectiveness of filtering software and services so that the user can exercise that choice. User organisations and scientific research institutes can be valuable partners in this effort.

Rating systems and quality labels, in combination with filtering technologies, can help to empower users to select the content they wish to receive and provide European parents and educators with the necessary information to make decisions in accordance with their cultural and linguistic values. Taking account of the results of previous projects, funding could be given to projects which aim to adapt rating systems and quality labels to take account of the convergence of telecommunications, audio-visual media and information technology and to self-regulatory initiatives to back-up the reliability of self-labelling and services to audit the accuracy of self-rating labels. Further work may be also be needed to encourage take-up of rating systems and quality labels by content providers.

It would be desirable to try to take account of the possible effect of new technologies on their safe use by children when they are being developed , instead of trying to deal with any consequences of the new technologies after they have been devised. The safety of the end-user is a criterion to be taken into account along with technical and commercial considerations. One way of doing this would be to foster an exchange of views between child welfare specialists and technical experts. However, it should be taken into account that not every product developed for the online world is intended for use by children.

The Programme will therefore provide funding for technological measures which meet the needs of users and which empower them to limit the amount of unwanted and harmful content which they receive, and to manage unwanted spam that they receive, including:

assessing the effectiveness of available filtering technology and providing this information to the public in a clear, simple way that facilitates comparison ;

facilitating and co-ordinating exchanges of information and best practices on effective enforcement against unwanted and harmful content ;

measures to increase take-up of content rating and quality site labels by content providers and to adapt content rating and labels to take account of the availability of the same content through different delivery mechanisms (convergence);

if necessary, contributing to the accessibility of filter technology notably in languages not adequately covered by the market. Where appropriate, the technologies used should safeguard the right to privacy pursuant to Directives 95/46/EC  (1) and 2002/58/EC.

The use of privacy-enhancing technological measures will be encouraged. Activities under this action will take fully into account the provisions of the forthcoming Council Framework decision on attacks against information systems.

Implementation of this action will be closely co-ordinated with the actions on promoting a safer environment (self-regulatory action) and awareness-raising (informing the public about means of dealing with unwanted and harmful content).

3.   Action 3: Promoting a safer environment

A fully functioning system of self-regulation is an essential element in limiting the flow of harmful and illegal content. Self-regulation involves a number of components: consultation and appropriate representation of the parties concerned; codes of conduct; national bodies facilitating co-operation at Community level; national evaluation of self-regulation frameworks (2). There is a continuing need for Community work in this area to encourage implementation of codes of conduct by the European Internet and new online technologies industries.

The Safer Internet Forum to be developed in 2004 under the current Safer Internet Action Plan is to become a discussion forum including representatives of industry, law enforcement authorities, policy makers, user organisations (e.g. parent and teacher organisations, child protection groups, consumer protection bodies, civil and digital rights organisations). It will provide a platform for national co-regulatory or self-regulatory bodies to exchange experience. It will also give the opportunity to discuss ways in which industry can contribute to the fight against illegal content.

The Safer Internet Forum will provide a focal point for discussion at expert level and a platform to drive consensus, inputting conclusions, recommendations, guidelines etc. to relevant national and European channels.

The Forum will span all action lines, facilitating discussion and stimulating action relevant to illegal, unwanted and harmful content. Consisting of plenary sessions and , where necessary for specific issues, of working groups with clear objectives and deadlines, it will be a meeting place for actors from all areas — including government agencies and programmes, standards bodies, industry, other services within the European Commission, user organisations (e.g. parent and teacher associations, child protection groups, consumer protection bodies and civil and digital rights organisations ). The Forum will provide an opportunity for people active at national and European level, especially those involved in Member State programmes and initiatives, to exchange views, information and experience. Where appropriate, the Safer Internet Forum should exchange information and cooperate with relevant organisations active in related areas, such as in network and information security.

The Safer Internet Forum will have the specific objectives of:


Stimulating networking of the appropriate structures within Member States and developing links with self-regulatory bodies outside Europe.


Stimulating consensus and self-regulation on issues such as quality rating of web-sites, cross-media content rating, rating and filtering techniques, extending them to new forms of content such as online games and new forms of access such as mobile phones .


Encouraging service providers to draw up codes of conduct on issues such as handling Notice and Take Down procedures in a transparent and conscientious manner, information to users about safer use of Internet and the existence of hotlines for reporting illegal content.


Promoting research into the effectiveness of rating projects and filtering technologies. User organisations and scientific research institutes can be valuable partners in this effort.

Results and findings from ongoing and completed projects co-funded by the Programme will feed into the process. By providing an open platform, it will help to raise levels of awareness and attract the involvement of the candidate states and other countries outside the EU, providing an international arena to address a global problem. The Forum will, therefore, ensure that key associations, such as user organisations (e.g. parent and teacher organisations, child protection groups, consumer protection bodies, civil and digital rights organisations), industries and public bodies are aware of, are consulted on and contribute to safer use initiatives within the EU and internationally.

The Safer Internet Forum will be open to participation of interested parties from outside the EU and candidate countries. International co-operation will be enhanced by a round table linked to the Forum in order to ensure regular dialogue on best practice, codes of conduct, self-regulation and quality ratings. The Commission will ensure that synergies with related fora and similar initiatives are fully exploited.

A call for tenders may be organised in order to provide a secretariat to support the Safer Internet Forum including subject-field experts to suggest themes of study, prepare working papers, moderate discussions and record conclusions.

A further type of activity attracting financial support at EU level could for instance include self-regulatory projects to design cross-border Codes of Conduct. Advice and assistance may be provided so as to ensure co-operation at Community level through networking of the appropriate bodies within Member States and candidate countries and through systematic review and reporting of relevant legal and regulatory issues, to help develop methods of assessment and certification of self-regulation, to provide practical assistance to countries wishing to set up self-regulatory bodies and to expand links with self-regulatory bodies outside Europe.

4.   Action 4: Awareness-raising

Awareness actions should address a range of categories of illegal, unwanted and harmful content (including e.g. content considered unsuitable for children, racism and (xenophobia) and, where appropriate, take into account related issues of consumer protection, data protection, information and network security issues (viruses/spam). They should deal with content distributed over the World Wide Web as well as new forms of interactive information and communication brought about by the rapid deployment of the Internet and mobile telephony (e.g. peer-to-peer services, broadband video, instant messaging, chat-rooms, etc.).

The Commission will continue to take steps to encourage cost-effective means of distribution of information to large numbers of users, notably by using multiplier organisations and electronic dissemination channels so as to reach the intended target groups. The Commission could consider in particular the use of mass media and the distribution of information material to schools and to Internet Cafés.

The Programme will provide support to appropriate bodies which will be selected following an open call for proposals to act as awareness nodes in each Member State and in each candidate country and which will carry out awareness actions and programmes in close co-operation with all relevant actors at national, regional and local levels. European added value will be provided by a co-ordinating node. This will operate in close liaison with nodes to ensure that there is an exchange of best practice.

Bodies seeking to act as awareness nodes will need to show that they have the strong support of national authorities. They should have a clear mandate to educate the public in safer use of the Internet and new media or in media and information literacy, and must have the necessary financial resources to implement that mandate.

Awareness nodes will be expected to:

devise a cohesive, hard-hitting and targeted awareness campaign using the most appropriate media, taking into account best practice and experience in other countries;

establish and maintain a partnership (formal or informal) with key players (government agencies, press and media groups, ISP associations, user organisations, education stakeholders ) and actions in their country relating to safer use of Internet and new media;

promote dialogue and exchange of information notably between stakeholders from the education and technological fields;

where appropriate , co-operate with work in areas related to the Safer Internet plus Programme such as in the wider fields of media and information literacy or consumer protection ;

inform users about European filtering software and services and about hotlines and self-regulation schemes ;

actively co-operate with other national nodes in the European network by exchanging information about best practices, participating in meetings and designing and implementing a European approach, adapted as necessary for national linguistic and cultural preferences;

provide a pool of expertise and technical assistance to start-up awareness nodes (new nodes could be “adopted” by a more experienced node).

To ensure maximum co-operation and effectiveness, a co-ordinating node will be funded to provide logistical and infrastructural support for nodes in each Member State , ensuring European-level visibility, good communication and exchange of experience so that lessons learnt can be applied on an ongoing basis (for instance by adapting awareness material).

The co-ordinating node should:

provide effective communication and exchange of information and best practice within the network;

provide training in safer use of Internet and new technologies for awareness node staff (training for trainers);

provide technical assistance to candidate countries wishing to set up awareness actions;

co-ordinate awareness nodes' provision of expertise and technical assistance to start-up awareness nodes;

propose indicators and manage collection, analysis and exchange of statistical information about awareness-raising activities so as to assess their impact;

provide infrastructure for a single, comprehensive trans-national repository (web portal) of relevant information and awareness and research resources with localised content (or local sub-sites as appropriate) which may include news snippets, articles, monthly newsletter in several languages as well as providing visibility for Forum activities;

expand links with awareness activities outside Europe;

participate in Safer Internet Forum and other relevant events, co-ordinating input/feedback from awareness network.

Research will also be carried out on a comparable basis into the way people, especially children, use new media. Further action at EU level could for instance include support for specific child-friendly Internet services or an award for the best awareness activity of the year.

(1)  Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31). Directive as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1).

(2)  See the indicative guidelines for the implementation, at national level, of a self-regulation framework for the protection of minors and human dignity in on-line audiovisual and information services in Recommendation 98/560/EC.



1) Fighting against illegal content

25-30 %

2) Tackling unwanted and harmful content

10-17 %

3) Promoting a safer environment

8-12 %

4) Awareness-raising

47-51 %




The Commission will implement the Programme in accordance with the technical content specified in Annex I.


The Programme will be executed through indirect action comprising:


shared-cost actions:

Pilot projects and best practice actions. Ad-hoc projects in areas relevant to the Programme , including projects demonstrating best practice or involving innovative uses of existing technology.

Networks: networks bringing together a variety of stakeholders to ensure action throughout the European Union and to facilitate co-ordination activities and transfer of knowledge. They may be linked to best practice actions.

Applied Europe-wide research carried out on a comparable basis into the way people, especially children, use new media.

Community funding will normally not exceed 50% of the cost of the project. Public sector bodies may be reimbursed on the basis of 100% of the additional costs.


accompanying measures:

Accompanying measures will contribute to the implementation of the Programme or the preparation of future activities. Measures devoted to the commercialisation of products, processes or services, marketing activities and sales promotion are excluded;

benchmarking and opinion surveys to produce reliable data on safer use of the Internet and new online technologies for all Member States collected through a comparable methodology;

technical assessment of technologies such as filtering designed to promote safer use of Internet and new online technologies. The assessment will also take into account whether these technologies are privacy-enhancing or not;

studies in support of the Programme and its actions, including self-regulation and the work of the Safer Internet Forum, and the preparation of future activities;

prize competitions for best practice;

exchange of information, conferences, seminars, workshops or other meetings and the management of clustered activities;

dissemination, information and communication activities.


The selection of shared-cost actions will be based on calls for proposals published on the Commission's Internet site in accordance with the financial provisions in force.


Applications for Community support should provide, where appropriate, a financial plan listing all the components of the funding of the projects, including the financial support requested from the Community, and any other requests for or grants of support from other sources.


Accompanying measures will be implemented through calls for tenders in accordance with the financial provisions in force.


EU citizens' passports *

European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on standards for security features and biometrics in EU citizens' passports (COM(2004)0116 — C5-0101/2004 — 2004/0039(CNS))

(Consultation procedure)

The European Parliament,

having regard to the Commission proposal (COM(2004)0116) (1),

having regard to the orientations of the Council as set out in document 15139/2004 which was transmitted to Parliament on 24 November 2004,

having regard to Article 62(2)(a) of the EC Treaty,

having regard to Article 67 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C5-0101/2004),

having regard to the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament,

having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,

having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0028/2004),


Approves the Commission proposal as amended;


Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty;


Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;


Calls for initiation of the conciliation procedure under the Joint Declaration of 4 March 1975 if the Council intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;


Calls on the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;


Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.



Amendment 1

Recital 2

(2) Minimum security standards for passports were introduced by a Resolution of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on 17 October 2000. It is now appropriate to replace and upgrade this Resolution by a Community measure in order to achieve enhanced harmonised security standards for passports to protect against falsification. At the same time biometric elements should be integrated in the passport in order to establish a reliable link between the genuine holder and the document.

(2) Minimum security standards for passports were introduced by a Resolution of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on 17 October 2000. The European Council has decided that it is now appropriate to replace and upgrade this Resolution by a Community measure in order to achieve enhanced harmonised security standards for passports to protect against falsification. At the same time biometric elements should be integrated in the passport in order to establish a reliable link between the genuine holder and the document.

Amendment 2

Recital 2a (new)


(2a) The biometric data in passports should be used only for verifying the authenticity of the document as well as the identity of the holder by means of directly available comparable features when the passport is required to be produced by law.

Amendment 3

Recital 3

(3) The harmonisation of security features and the integration of biometric identifiers is an important step towards the use of new elements in the perspective of future developments at European level, which render the travel document more secure and establish a more reliable link between the holder and the passport as an important contribution to ensuring that it is protected against fraudulent use. The specifications set out in the document No 9303 on machine readable travel documents from the International Civil Aviation Organisation should be taken into account.

(3) The harmonisation of security features and the integration of biometric identifiers is an important step towards the use of new elements in the perspective of future developments at European level, which render the travel document more secure and establish a more reliable link between the holder and the passport as an important contribution to ensuring that it is protected against fraudulent use.

Amendment 4

Recital 7

(7) With regard to the personal data to be processed in the context of the passport, Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data applies. It must be ensured that no further information shall be stored in the passport unless provided for in the regulation, its annex or unless it is mentioned in the relevant travel document.

(7) With regard to the personal data to be processed in the context of the passport, Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data applies. No further information should be stored in the passport.

Amendment 5

Article 1, paragraph 2

2. The passport shall include a storage medium with sufficient capacity , which shall be highly secured and shall contain a facial image. The Member States may also include fingerprints in interoperable formats.

2. The passport shall include a highly secure storage medium with sufficient capacity and the capability of safeguarding the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the data stored. It shall contain a facial image. The Member States may also include fingerprints in interoperable formats. No central database of European Union passports and travel documents containing all EU passport holders' biometric and other data shall be set up.

Amendment 6

Article 2, paragraph 1, introductory part

1. Additional technical specifications for the passport relating to the following shall be established in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(2) :

1. Additional technical specifications for the passport relating to the following shall be established in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5 :

Amendment 7

Article 2, paragraph 1, point (b)


technical specifications for the storage medium of the biometric information and its securisation;


technical specifications for the storage medium of the biometric information and its securisation , in particular to safeguard the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the data and to ensure that they are used in accordance with the purposes as defined in this Regulation ;

Amendment 8

Article 2, paragraph 1a (new)


1a. The storage medium may be used only


by the competent authorities of the Member States for reading, storing, modifying and erasing data, and


by authorised bodies entitled by law to read the data for reading the data.

Amendment 9

Article 3, paragraph 2a (new)


2a. Each Member State shall maintain a register of the competent authorities and authorised bodies referred to in Article 2(1a). It shall communicate that register and, if necessary, regular updates thereof to the Commission, which shall maintain an up-to-date online compilation of the national registers. It shall publish that compilation every year.

Amendment 10

Article 4, paragraph 1

1. Without prejudice to data protection rules, persons to whom the passport is issued shall have the right to verify the personal data contained in the passport and, where appropriate, to ask for any rectifications or erasure to be made.

1. Without prejudice to data protection rules, persons to whom the passport is issued shall have the right to verify the personal data contained in the passport and, where appropriate, to ask for any rectifications or erasure to be made. Any verification, rectification or erasure must be carried out free of charge by the designated national authority.

Amendment 11

Article 4, paragraph 2

2. No information in machine-readable form shall be included in the passport, unless provided for in this Regulation, or its Annex, or unless it is mentioned in the passport.

2. No information in machine-readable form shall be included in the passport, unless provided for in this Regulation, or its Annex, or unless it is mentioned in the passport. No further information shall be included in the passport.

Amendment 12

Article 4, paragraph 2a (new)


2a. The biometric features in passports shall be used only for verifying


the authenticity of the document;


the identity of the holder by means of directly available comparable features when the passport is required to be produced by law.

Amendment 13

Article 4, paragraph 2b (new)


2b. Member States shall regularly forward to the Commission audits of the application of this Regulation based on commonly agreed standards, in particular with regard to the purpose and access limitation rules. They shall also communicate to the Commission any problems they encounter in applying the Regulation and shall exchange good practice with the Commission and between themselves.

Amendment 14

Article 5, paragraph 3a (new)


3a. The Committee shall be assisted by experts appointed by the Working Party set up under Article29 of Directive 95/46/EC.

Amendment 15

Article 5, paragraph 3b (new)


3b. Once the Committee has finalised the additional technical specifications referred to in Article 2(1), the Working Party set up under Article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC shall issue an opinion on the compliance of such specifications with data-protection standards, which shall be forwarded to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission.

Amendment 16

Article 5, paragraph 3c (new)


3c. The Commission shall forward its draft decision on the additional technical specifications referred to in Article2(1) to the European Parliament which may, within a period of three months, adopt a resolution opposing that draft decision.

Amendment 17

Article 5, paragraph 3d (new)


3d. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament of the action which it intends to take in response to the European Parliament's resolution and of its reasons for doing so.

Amendment 18

Article 5, paragraph 3e (new)


3e. The confidentiality of the additional technical specifications referred to in Article 2(1) shall be guaranteed.

Amendment 19

Article 6, paragraph 2

The Member States shall apply this Regulation at the latest one year following the adoption of the measures referred to in Article2. However, the validity of passports already issued shall not be affected.

The application of this Regulation is contingent on the certification by national data protection authorities that they have adequate investigative powers and resources to enforce Directive 95/46/EC in relation to data collected thereunder. The Member States shall apply this Regulation at the latest 18 months following the adoption of the measures referred to in Article 2. However, the validity of passports already issued shall not be affected.

(1)  Not yet published in OJ.


Situation in Ukraine

European Parliament resolution on Ukraine

The European Parliament,

having regard to its previous resolutions on Ukraine,

having regard, in particular, to its resolution on Ukraine adopted on 28 October 2004 (1),

having regard to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, and Ukraine (2), which entered into force on 1 March 1998,

having regard to European Council Common Strategy 1999/877/CFSP on Ukraine (3), adopted by the European Council in Helsinki on 11 December 1999,

having regard to the Final Statement and Recommendations of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee of 16 and 17 February 2004,

having regard to the Communication from the Commission of 12 May 2004 on the European Neighbourhood Policy (COM(2004)0373),

having regard to the Joint Statement of the European Union-Ukraine Summit of 8 July 2004 in The Hague,

having regard to the statements and the preliminary findings and conclusions of the international election observer mission in Ukraine on both rounds of the presidential election,

having regard to the declaration by the Dutch Presidency on the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine,

having regard to the recent address on Ukraine by the High Representative for the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), Javier Solana, to its Committee on Foreign Affairs,

having regard to the announcement on the final results of the presidential elections in Ukraine by the Central Electoral Commission,

having regard to the proceedings before the Supreme Court of Ukraine on the validity of the second round of the presidential elections,

having regard to the resolution adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament in its special session of 27 November 2004 on the second round of the presidential elections and the ensuing political crisis,

having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure,


whereas the European Neighbourhood Policy recognises Ukraine's European aspirations and the importance of Ukraine as a country with strong historical, cultural and economic links to the Member States of the EU, and whereas a genuine and balanced partnership can only be developed on the basis of shared values with regard, in particular, to democracy, the rule of law and respect for human and civil rights,


whereas Ukrainian society has proved its political maturity and adherence to common European values,


whereas the conditions under which the presidential elections in Ukraine took place were regarded beforehand as a serious test of the state of democracy in the country and of the authorities' adherence to these shared values,


whereas international observers have concluded that the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine was marked by a multitude of serious irregularities and has fallen far short of international standards for democratic elections,


whereas serious allegations have been made that massive fraud has taken place in the counting of votes in favour of the incumbent Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovich, and many indicators point to a confirmation of these allegations,


whereas the Central Electoral Commission has refused to take up these allegations of fraud and has declared Mr Yanukovich as the winner of these elections,


whereas the Ukrainian Supreme Court has suspended the publication of the decision taken by the Central Electoral Commission and is at this moment investigating the validity of the presidential elections,


whereas the Parliament of Ukraine, many representatives of governments and international organisations — including the EU Presidency and the Government of the United States — and many leading national and international politicians have asked for the result of the second round of the elections to be annulled and for a new round of voting to take place at short notice,


whereas the Russian Federation and in particular its President have made great efforts to influence the result of the presidential elections in Ukraine and to secure the victory of one candidate, Mr Yanukovich,


whereas hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens have taken to the streets for more than a week in a massive protest against the manipulation of the elections,


whereas the situation concerning these elections has led to a serious political crisis in Ukraine and even to threats to break up the unity of the country,


whereas the European Union and its Member States have acted promptly by sending mediators and whereas this has prevented the crisis from deepening, bringing the two candidates together around a table to negotiate and defuse tension,


Expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people, whose right freely to elect its president must be recognised and implemented, and not repressed;


Strongly condemns the conditions under which the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine have taken place, as regards both the final stage of the election campaign and the irregularities and apparent fraud during the counting of votes;


Rejects the decision by the Central Electoral Commission under the chairmanship of Serhiy Kivalov to declare Mr Yanukovich as the winner of the presidential elections without having fully considered the validity of the elections and the electoral process and therefore with apparent disregard for the wishes of the people of Ukraine;


Calls on the Ukrainian authorities to annul the second round of the presidential elections and reorganise this second round before the end of this year with the participation of international observers, whilst guaranteeing an open and transparent electoral process in accordance with international democratic standards during both the election campaign and the actual voting and counting of votes, and thoroughly improving the election campaign conditions;


Calls on the Ukrainian government to refrain from exerting any pressure on the media, especially public media, so that the Ukrainian people receive objective and impartial information on the candidates and the current political situation in the country;


Gives its full support to the efforts of the EU High Representative for CFSP, the Lithuanian and Polish Presidents, and the Speaker of the Russian State Duma to come to a peaceful political solution to the crisis in Ukraine, and calls on all those concerned in Ukraine to cooperate in finding such a political solution;


Calls on the Council and the Commission to make it clear to the Ukrainian Government that in no way can the use of violence against peaceful, democratic protest be tolerated and that if this is not adhered to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement will immediately be suspended and sanctions applied;


Calls on all protestors to allow a normal functioning of the Ukraine state organs and to refrain from barricading the main buildings of these organs of the state;


Considers threats of separatism and the partition of Ukraine as unacceptable and expresses its commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine;


Rejects allegations, especially by the Russian President, that, by expressing their support for the Ukrainian people's right to exercise their democratic rights, the European Union and the international community were encouraging violence; stresses at the same time that Russia carries a great responsibility for the situation in Ukraine;


Believes that relations with Ukraine depend on a democratic solution, and pledges its continuing support, assistance and commitment to the Ukrainian people's establishment of a free and open democratic system, their creation of a prosperous market economy and their country's assumption of its rightful place in the community of democratic nations;


Calls on the Commission, the Council and the Member States, in the anticipation of a satisfactory outcome of the present situation, to speed up the adoption of the Action Plan for Ukraine, to engage in the rapid implementation of this plan and to include new measures aimed at strengthening the role of civil society;


Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Parliament and Government of Ukraine, the Parliamentary Assemblies of NATO and the OSCE, the Council of Europe, and the Government and Parliament of the Russian Federation.

(1)  Texts adopted, P6_TA(2004)0046.

(2)  OJ L 49, 19.2.1998, p. 3.

(3)  OJ L 331, 23.12.1999, p. 1. Common Strategy as amended by Common Strategy 2003/897/CFSP of the European Council of 12 December 2003 (OJ L 333, 20.12.2003, p. 96).


Financial Perspective

European Parliament resolution on the financial perspective with a view to the European Council meeting in December 2004

The European Parliament,

having regard to the communications from the European Commission (COM(2004)0101 and COM (2004)0487),

having regard to the EC Treaty, and in particular Article 272 thereof,

having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999, and in particular Article 26 thereof (1),

having regard to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe,

having regard to its question for oral answer with debate O-0067/2004 (B6-0130/2004) to the Council,

having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure,


whereas the current financial perspective will remain in force until the end of the year 2006,


whereas the current financial perspective is part of a global interinstitutional agreement which can only be renewed in a context of mutual confidence between the institutions and on the basis of a joint agreement between the two arms of the budgetary authority,


whereas Article 272 of the EC Treaty provides for the adoption of annual budgets even in the absence of a financial perspective,


whereas it has set up a temporary committee with a mandate to define its political priorities for the future financial perspective both in legislative and budgetary terms,


Confirms its objective of having a “multiannual financial framework for the period after 2006”;


Recalls that the EU Treaty does not lay down any legal obligation to adopt a financial perspective;


Recalls that an agreement between Parliament and the Council is necessary in order to have a financial perspective beyond 2006, as the two institutions are placed on an equal footing;


Stresses that Parliament is not ready to agree on a new financial perspective without a guarantee on the financing of:

policies enabling greater EU integration and cohesion,

Parliament's priorities,

a flexible margin for unforeseen events or needs;


Calls on the European Council to instruct the forthcoming Presidencies to continue the interinstitutional dialogue through regular consultations with Parliament, with a view to ensuring that a successful conclusion is reached on this matter, preferably under the Luxembourgish Presidency;


Insists that the timetable for decision-making procedures should be such as to avoid any breaks in the multiannual programmes and the rate of commitment and payment of appropriations, such as those that occurred at the beginning of the current financial perspective period;


Demands that monthly trialogues be organised to ensure an effective exchange of information on the ongoing internal discussions leading to the respective common positions, including, in due course, on the issue of own resources;


Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission.

(1)  OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1. Agreement as amended by Decision 2003/429/EC (OJ L 147, 14.6.2003, p. 25).


World AIDS Day

European Parliament resolution on World AIDS Day

The European Parliament,

having regard to World AIDS Day on 1 December 2004 and its theme: Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS,

having regard to the Commission Working Paper on a coordinated and integrated approach to combat HIV/AIDS within the European Union and in its neighbourhood,

having regard to the Dublin Declaration of 24 February 2004 on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia,

having regard to the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS of 27 June 2001 and the on-going UNAIDS programme,

having regard to the goal of beginning to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015 set in the Millennium Declaration signed by Heads of State and Government on 8 September 2000,

having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure,


whereas the total number of people living with HIV/AIDS rose in 2004 in every region to reach an estimated level of 40 million; whereas there are ever increasing infection rates among women worldwide,


whereas, in 1997, 41 % of HIV-positive people were women and girls, but today around half of all people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide are women and girls, and in sub-Saharan Africa the figure is 57 %; whereas so far there are 40 million people infected with HIV and approximately 90 % of them are from developing countries,


whereas, in view of the gender inequalities associated with HIV/AIDS, finding vaccines that are available to women and young girls before the onset of sexual behaviour must be a budgetary and political priority; whereas women must be involved in all appropriate clinical research, including vaccine trials,


whereas the proportion of newly reported HIV cases in Western Europe has doubled since 1995, with some of the highest rates of new infections to be found in some of the new Member States and those third countries that share our Eastern border,


whereas increased investment in research and development with a view to more effective therapeutic and preventive medicines is vital to securing the long-term success of anti-HIV/AIDS action,


whereas it is crucial to promote safe sex practices and microbicides, which are considered a promising prevention tool,


whereas sexual and reproductive health rights are intrinsically linked to the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other poverty diseases, and whereas the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in general and those on promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and combating HIV/AIDS in particular will only be achieved if sexual and reproductive health issues are put at the heart of the MDG agenda,


whereas recent UNAID figures also point to increased levels of infection throughout the EU, particularly in the 15 to 25 age group,


whereas pharmaceutical companies must look at ways to reduce prices, since developing countries cannot afford the antiviral drugs available in the industrialised world,


whereas in some countries HIV/AIDS-related costs will soon absorb over half the health budget,


whereas insufficient action against the HIV/AIDS epidemic could result in an unprecedented crisis, in particular in Southern Africa, undermining not only health and development but also national security and political stability in a number of countries,


whereas the WTO General Council has adopted a waiver to Article 31(f) of the TRIPS Agreement allowing WTO members to grant compulsory licences for manufacturing and distribution of patented pharmaceuticals intended for export to third countries with insufficient or no manufacturing capacity in the sector, which should increase the accessibility of low-cost medicines in those countries,


whereas many developing countries will lose the possibility of producing generic medicines with the entry into force of TRIPS rules on 1 January 2005,


Reaffirms the right of every human being to have access to medical care and treatment;


Recalls that if the trend towards ever higher numbers of HIV infections is not reversed, there will be no chance of achieving the overarching Millennium Development Goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 and reducing by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day and suffering from hunger;


Urges the Commission and the Member States to provide the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with a contribution of at least EUR 1 billion on a sustained basis; recalls the commitment of the G8 and the rest of the international community to respect an overall annual expenditure target of between EUR 7 and 10 billion;


Stresses that the strategies needed to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic effectively must include a comprehensive approach to prevention, education, care and treatment and must include the technologies currently in use, expanded access to treatment and the urgent development of vaccines and microbicides;


Is concerned also about the increasing rates of infection in some societies that do, a priori, have full access to all the necessary information about prevention and risk avoidance and in particular in the 15 to 25 age group;


Notes that the international AIDS Vaccine Initiative has drawn attention to the lack of funding from the private sector; calls therefore on private donors to join with the charitable and public sectors to develop vaccines, especially in Africa;


Calls on the EU and its Member States to dramatically increase funding for the development of microbicides, given that conservative estimates suggest that the introduction of even a partially effective microbicide would result in 2,5 million averted cases of HIV over three years, and that an effective microbicide could be developed by the end of the decade with the necessary financial support;


Stresses that access to medicines, including vaccines and diagnostic products, is of crucial importance, and that bringing down the costs of such treatment should be one of the priorities; therefore calls on the pharmaceutical industry to reduce prices;


Urges the European pharmaceutical industry to dedicate a significant part of its resources to antiinfectious medicines and other essential drugs;


Calls on the Commission and the Member States to increase their commitments to research and development for more effective therapeutic and preventive medicines, in order to secure the long-term success of anti-HIV/AIDS action; in particular, calls on the EU and its Member States to mobilise additional funding to facilitate effective partnerships with the pharmaceutical companies for the development of vaccines;


Notes with great interest the recent finding that a relatively cheap antibiotic (co-trimoxazole) has almost halved the rate of AIDS-related deaths in African children; notes that, although the drug does not combat HIV, it is clearly instrumental in preventing secondary infections which kill many HIV-positive children with weakened immunity at an annual cost of just USD 7 to 12 per child compared to USD 300 for the cheapest antiretrovirals;


Regrets that, for many years in the past, prejudiced views in some sectors as regards the use of condoms prevented full and necessary attention being directed against HIV/AIDS;


Calls on the United Nations and its Members to increase dramatically the visibility and prominence of sexual and reproductive health issues during the review of the Millennium Development Goals next year;


Calls on the EU to continue to prioritise sexual and reproductive health issues through funding programmes on family planning, and in particular to influence sexual behaviour through risk-reduction strategies, to educate young people, and especially girls and young women, about STIs and HIV, and to encourage condom usage in combination with other contraceptive methods and combat any misinformation spread on the effectiveness of condoms;


Calls on the Commission to encourage developing countries to restore and develop public services in basic areas such as water access and sanitation, health and education;


Stresses that HIV/AIDS cannot be dealt with in isolation and often goes hand in hand with other diseases such as tuberculosis, Hepatitis C and mental disorders such as depression, and that care and treatment solutions need to be pursued for all these;


Urges the Commission to create specific legislative instruments to encourage R&D on neglected and poverty diseases, and to ensure that the results of the research meet the specific needs of developing countries and contribute towards a swift improvement in the public health situation;


Calls on all involved partners to speed up measures for the authorisation of new drugs and vaccines and to ensure that patients in poorer European countries also have access to treatment at affordable prices;


Regrets the lack of palliative care for those dying of AIDS and urges that palliative care teams be trained and supported;


Welcomes the Commission proposal setting up a uniform framework for issuing compulsory licences authorising production and exportation of cheaper medicines to the eligible countries in need;


Insists on the importance of ensuring that the objective of providing developing countries with affordable medicines is not jeopardised by excessively restrictive or cumbersome procedures or by re-importation into the European Union of pharmaceutical products manufactured under compulsory licences;


Urges developed countries to adopt a waiver on the application of the TRIPS Agreement in this field so as to enable pharmaceutical companies in developing countries to continue to provide generic low-cost medicines;


Urges the Commission to oppose, both at the WTO level and in its bilateral relations, the inclusion by the United States in its bilateral agreements with developing countries of provisions that oblige those countries to renounce the right recognised in the Doha Declaration to use or import generic drugs necessary for the public health of their populations; urges the EU itself to refrain from taking any step in the same direction;


Calls on the EU to develop policies and programmes in this area, and asks the Commission to ensure that increased resources are made available within the Financial Perspective for 2007-2013 to support a significantly scaled up response to HIV/AIDS, including by making a multiannual commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;


Firmly believes that the EU has a significant role to play for both its own citizens and those of third countries in the global fight against the disease; welcomes in this respect the already existing EU funding for research projects, exchanges of best practice and the involvement of NGOs, particularly those best placed to address the specific challenges faced by vulnerable groups such as immigrants, sex workers, etc.;


Welcomes the decision by the UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands to agree to the request from many NGOs to make additional contributions to the Global Fund;


Calls on the EU Member States, and particularly on the Italian Government, to respect their commitment to donate financial resources to the Global Fund and to ensure the continuation of all on-going actions;


Calls on the new Commission to ensure that funding continues to plug the “decency gap” left by the US withdrawal of UNFPA funding, not only in the developing world but also in Eastern Europe and Central Asia;


Welcomes the Commission's statement of 23 November 2004 on the presentation in April 2005 of an action plan to fight AIDS and looks forward to concrete actions;


Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States, the Co-Presidents of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, the WHO, WTO and UNAIDS.