01998R0974 — MT — 01.01.2015 — 008.003

Dan it-test hu maħsub purament bħala għodda ta’ dokumentazzjoni u m’għandu l-ebda effett legali. L-istituzzjonijiet tal-Unjoni m'għandhom l-ebda responsabbiltà għall-kontenut tiegħu. Il-verżjonijiet awtentiċi tal-atti rilevanti, inklużi l-preamboli tagħhom, huma dawk ippubblikati fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea u disponibbli f’EUR-Lex. Dawk it-testi uffiċjali huma aċċessibbli direttament permezz tal-links inkorporati f’dan id-dokument



tat-3 Mejju 1998

dwar l-introduzzjoni ta' l-euro

(ĠU L 139 11.5.1998, p. 1)

Emendat bi:



Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali





IR-REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (KE) Nru 2596/2000 tas-27 ta' Novembru 2000

  L 300




COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 2169/2005 of 21 December 2005 (*)

  L 346




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (KE) Nru 1647/2006 tas-7 ta’ Novembru 2006

  L 309




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (KE) Nru 835/2007 ta’ l-10 ta’ Lulju 2007

  L 186




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (KE) Nru 836/2007 ta’ l-10 ta’ Lulju 2007

  L 186




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (KE) Nru 693/2008 tat-8 ta’ Lulju 2008

  L 195




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (UE) Nru 670/2010 tat-13 ta’ Lulju 2010

  L 196




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (UE) Nru 678/2013 tad-9 ta’ Lulju 2013

  L 195




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUNSILL (UE) Nru 827/2014 tat-23 ta' Lulju 2014

  L 228



Ikkoreġut b'


Rettifika, ĠU L 253, 30.9.2017, p.  41  (974/1998)


Dan l-att qatt ma ġie ppubblikat bil-Malti.



tat-3 Mejju 1998

dwar l-introduzzjoni ta' l-euro




Article 1

For the purpose of this Regulation:

(a) “participating Member States” shall mean the Member States listed in the table in the Annex;

(b) “legal instruments” shall mean legislative and statutory provisions, acts of administration, judicial decisions, contracts, unilateral legal acts, payment instruments other than banknotes and coins, and other instruments with legal effect;

(c) “conversion rate” shall mean the irrevocably fixed conversion rate adopted for the currency of each participating Member State by the Council in accordance with the first sentence of Article 123(4) of the Treaty or with paragraph 5 of that Article;

(d) “euro adoption date” shall mean either the date on which the respective Member State enters the third stage under Article 121(3) of the Treaty or the date on which the abrogation of the respective Member State’s derogation under Article 122(2) of the Treaty enters into force, as the case may be;

(e) “cash changeover date” shall mean the date on which euro banknotes and coins acquire the status of legal tender in a given participating Member State;

(f) “euro unit” shall mean the currency unit as referred to in the second sentence of Article 2;

(g) “national currency units” shall mean the units of the currency of a participating Member State, as those units are defined on the day before the adoption of the euro in that Member State;

(h) “transitional period” shall mean a period of three years at the most beginning at 00.00 hours on the euro adoption date and ending at 00.00 hours on the cash changeover date;

(i) “phasing-out period” shall mean a period of one year at the most beginning on the euro adoption date, which can only apply to Member States where the euro adoption date and the cash changeover date fall on the same day;

(j) “redenominate” shall mean changing the unit in which the amount of outstanding debt is stated from a national currency unit to the euro unit, but which does not have through the act of redenomination the effect of altering any other term of the debt, this being a matter subject to relevant national law;

(k) “credit institutions” shall mean credit institutions as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions ( 1 ). For the purpose of this Regulation, the institutions listed in Article 2(3) of that Directive with the exception of post office giro institutions shall not be considered as credit institutions.


Article 1a

The euro adoption date, the cash changeover date, and the phasing-out period, if applicable, for each participating Member State shall be as set out in the Annex.





Article 2

With effect from the respective euro adoption dates, the currency of the participating Member States shall be the euro. The currency unit shall be one euro. One euro shall be divided into one hundred cent.


Artikolu 3

L-Euro għandu jissostitwixxi l-munita ta' l-Istati Membri parteċipanti kollha skond ir-rata tal-konverżjoni.

Artikolu 4

L-euro għandu jkun l-unità tal-kontijiet tal-Bank Ċentrali Europew (BĊE) u tal-banek ċentrali nazzjonali ta' l-Istati Membri parteċipanti.



Artikolu 5

L-Artikoli 6, 7, 8 u 9 għandhom japplikaw matul il-perjodu transitorju.

Artikolu 6

1.  L-euro għandu wkoll jinqasam fl-unitajiet tal-munita nazzjonali skond ir-rati ta' konverżjoni. Kull subdiviżjoni tiegħu għandha tinżamm. Bla ħsara għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' dan ir-Regolament il-liġi monetarja ta' l-Istati Membri parteċipanti għandha tibqa' tapplika.

2.  Fejn fi strument legali issir riferenza għall-unità tal-munita nazzjonali, din ir-riferenza għandha tkun valida daqs li kieku r-riferenza tkun saret għall-unità ta' l-euro skond ir-rati ta' konverżjoni.

Artikolu 7

Is-sostituzzjoni ta' l-euro għall-munita ta' kull Stat Membru parteċipanti ma għandux ikollha fiha nfisha l-effett li tbiddel id-denominazzjoni ta' strumenti legali ezistenti fid-data tas-sostituzzjoni.

Artikolu 8

1.  Atti li għandhom isiru skond strumenti legali li jistipulaw l-użu ta' unità ta' munita nazzjonali jew denominati fiha għandhom isiru f'dik l-unità ta' munita nazzjonali. Atti li jridu jsiru skond strumenti legali li jistipulaw l-użu ta' l-unità ta' l-euro jew denominati fih għandhom isiru f'din l-unità.

2.  Id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-paragrafu 1 huma suġġetti għal dak kollu li l-partijiet ikunu ftiehmu fuqu.

3.  Minkejja d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-paragrafu 1, kull ammont denominat jew fl-unità ta' l-euro jew fl-unità tal-munita nazzjonali ta' Stat Membru parteċipanti partikolari u pagabbli ġewwa dak l-Istat Membru bl-akkreditazzjoni tal-kont tal-kreditur, jista' jitħallas mid-debitur jew fl-unità ta' l-euro jew fl-unità tal-munita nazzjonali. L-ammont għandu jkun akkreditat lill-kont tal-kreditur fid-denominazzjoni tal-kontijiet tiegħu, b'kull konverżjoni tiġi effettwata skond ir-rati ta' konverżjoni.

4.  Minkejja d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-paragrafu 1, kull Stat membru parteċipanti jista' jieħu l-miżuri li jkunu jistgħu jinħtieġu sabiex:

 jiddenomina mill-ġdid fl-unità ta' l-euro dejn għadu mhux imħallas maħruġ mill-gvern ġenerali ta' dan l-Istat Membru, kif definit fis-sistema Europea ta' kontijiet integrati, denominati fl-unità tal-munita korrenti tiegħu u maħruġa skond il-liġijiet tiegħu stess. Jekk Stat Membru ikun ħa miżura bħal din, dawk li joħorġu d-djun jistgħu jiddenominaw mill-ġdid fl-unità ta' l-Euro dejn denominat fl-unità tal-munita ta' dan l-Istat Membru jekk ir-ridenominazzjoni ma tkunx espressament eskluża bit-termini tal-kuntratt; din id-dispożizzjoni għandha tapplika għal dejn maħruġ mill-gvern ġenerali ta' Stat Membru kif ukoll għall-bonds u forom oħra ta' dejn assigurat negozjabbli fis-swieq tal-kapital, u għal strumenti tas-swieq tal-flus, maħruġa minn debituri oħra,

 jgħinu fil-bdil ta' l-unità ta' kontijiet fil-proċeduri ta' operati tagħhom mill-unità tal-munita nazzjonali għall-unità ta' l-euro minn:


(a) swieq għall-kambju regolari, tneħħija u ħlas ta' kull strument imniżżel fil-lista tat-taqsima B ta' l-Anness li jinsab mad-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 93/22/KEE ta' l-10 Mejju 1993 dwar servizzi ta' investiment fil-qasam tas-sigurtajiet ( 2 ) u komoditajiet; u

(b) sistemi għall-kambju regolari, ikklirjar u l-ħlas ta' pagamenti.

5.  Dispożizzjonijiet oħra għajr dawk tal-paragrafu 4 li jimponu l-użu ta' l-unità ta' l-Euro jistgħu jiġu adottati biss mill-Istati Membri parteċipanti skond kull limitu ta' żmien preskritt bil-leġiżlazzjoni tal-Komunità.

6.  Dispożizzjonijiet legali nazzjonali ta' l-Istati Membri parteċipanti li jippermettu jew jimponu netting, set offs jew metodi ta' teknika b'effetti simili għandhom japplikaw għal obbligi monetarji, irrispettivament mid-denominazzjoni tal-munità tagħhom, jekk din id-denominazzjoni tkun fl-unità ta' l-euro jew fl-unità tal-munita nazzjonali, b'kull konverżjoni ssir skond ir-rati ta' konverżjoni.


Article 9

Banknotes and coins denominated in a national currency unit shall retain their status as legal tender within their territorial limits as from the day before the euro adoption date in the participating Member State concerned.


Article 9a

The following shall apply in a Member State with a “phasing-out” period. In legal instruments created during the phasing-out period and to be performed in that Member State, reference may continue to be made to the national currency unit. These references shall be read as references to the euro unit according to the respective conversion rates. Without prejudice to Article 15, the acts performed under these legal instruments shall be performed only in the euro unit. The rounding rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1103/97 shall apply.

The Member State concerned shall limit the application of the first subparagraph to certain types of legal instrument, or to legal instruments adopted in certain fields.

The Member State concerned may shorten the period.





Article 10

With effect from the respective cash changeover dates, the ECB and the central banks of the participating Member States shall put into circulation banknotes denominated in euro in the participating Member States.

Without prejudice to Article 15, these banknotes denominated in euro shall be the only banknotes which have the status of legal tender in participating Member States.

Article 11

With effect from the respective cash changeover date, the participating Member States shall issue coins denominated in euro or in cent and complying with the denominations and technical specifications which the Council may lay down in accordance with the second sentence of Article 106(2) of the Treaty. Without prejudice to Article 15 and to the provisions of any agreement under Article 111(3) of the Treaty concerning monetary matters, those coins shall be the only coins which have the status of legal tender in participating Member States. Except for the issuing authority and for those persons specifically designated by the national legislation of the issuing Member State, no party shall be obliged to accept more than 50 coins in any single payment.


Artikolu 12

L-Istati Membri parteċipanti kollha għandhom jiżguraw sanzjonijiet kontra l-frodi u l-iffalsifikar ta' karti tal-flus u muniti fl-euro.




Article 13

Articles 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 shall apply with effect from the respective cash changeover date in each participating Member State.

Article 14

Where, in legal instruments existing on the day before the cash changeover date, reference is made to the national currency units, these references shall be read as references to the euro unit according to the respective conversion rates. The rounding rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1103/97 shall apply.


Artikolu 15

1.  Karti ta' flus u muniti denominati fl-unità ta' munita nazzjonali kif imsemmija fl-Artikolu 6(1) għandhom jibqgħu muniti legali ġewwa l-limiti territorjali tagħhom sa sitt xhur ►M2  from the respective cash changeover date ◄ ; dan il-perjodu jista' jitqassar b'liġi nazzjonali.

2.  Kull Stat Membru parteċipanti jista', għal perjodu ta' żmien fiss ta' sa sitt xhur ►M2  from the respective cash changeover date ◄ , jippreskrivi regoli għall-użu ta' karti ta' flus u muniti denominati fl-unità tal-munita nazzjonali kif imsemmi fl-Artikolu 6(1) u jieħdu l-miżuri meħtieġa kollha sabiex jitħaffef l-irtirar tagħhom.


3.  During the period referred to in paragraph 1, credit institutions in participating Member States adopting the euro after 1 January 2002 shall exchange their customers’ banknotes and coins denominated in the national currency unit of that Member State for banknotes and coins in euro, free of charge, up to a ceiling which may be set by national law. Credit institutions may require that notice be given if the amount to be exchanged exceeds a ceiling set by national law or, in the absence of such provisions, by themselves and corresponding to a household amount.

The credit institutions referred to in the first subparagraph shall exchange banknotes and coins denominated in the national currency unit of that Member State of persons other than their customers, free of charge up to a ceiling set by national law or, in the absence of such provisions, by themselves.

National law may limit the obligation under the preceding two subparagraphs to specific types of credit institutions. National law may also extend this obligation upon other persons.


Artikolu 16

Skond il-liġijiet jew prattiċi ta' l-Istati Membri parteċipanti, dawk li rispettivament joħorġu karti ta' flus u muniti għandhom jissoktaw jaċċettaw, minflok l-euro u skond ir-rati ta' konverżjoni, il-karti ta' flus u l-muniti maħruġa minnhom qabel.



Artikolu 17

Dan ir-Regolament għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fl-1 ta' Jannar 1999.

Dan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u jkun direttament applikabbli fl-Istati Membri kollha, skond it-Trattat, bla ħsara għall-Protokolli 11 u 12 u l-Artikolu 109k(1).



Member State

Euro adoption date

Cash changeover date

Member State with a “phasing-out” period


1 January 1999

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002




L-1 ta’ Jannar 2011

L-1 ta’ Jannar 2011




1 January 2001

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002




l-1 ta’ Jannar 2008

l-1 ta’ Jannar 2008




L-1 ta’ Jannar 2014

L-1 ta’ Jannar 2014




1 Jannar 2015

1 Jannar 2015




1 January 1999

1 January 2002




l-1 ta’ Jannar 2008

l-1 ta’ Jannar 2008




1 January 1999

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002



1 January 1999

1 January 2002




1 ta' Jannar 2007

1 ta' Jannar 2007




L-1 ta’ Jannar 2009

L-1 ta’ Jannar 2009




1 January 1999

1 January 2002


( 1 ) OJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2005/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 79, 24.3.2005, p. 9).

( 2 ) ĠU L 141, tal-11.6.1993, p. 27. Direttiva kif emendata bid-Direttiva 95/26/KE tal-Parlament Europew u tal-Kunsill (ĠU L 168, tat-18.7.1995, p. 7).