
Official Journal 201 E , 18/08/2005 P. 0083 - 0084


Situation in Cuba

European Parliament resolution on Cuba

The European Parliament,

- having regard to its earlier resolutions on the situation in Cuba and, in particular, its resolution of 22 April 2004 [1],

- having regard to the EU Presidency statements of 26 March and 5 June 2003 concerning the detention of dissidents and members of the opposition in Cuba and concerning the relevant measures adopted unanimously by the European Union,

- having regard to the 16 June 2003 General Affairs Council conclusions,

- having regard to the EU's Common Position 96/697/CFSP on Cuba, which was adopted on 2 December 1996 and which has been periodically updated,

- having regard to its resolution of 28 October 2004 on Guantanamo [2],

- having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas protecting the universality and the indivisibility of human rights (including civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights) is still one of the EU's main objectives,

B. whereas scores of independent journalists, peaceful dissidents and upholders of human rights (members of the democratic opposition and in most cases linked to the Varela project) are still being held in jail in subhuman conditions, and whereas some of them are seriously ill,

C. whereas in June 2003 the European Union decided to impose sanctions on Cuba, following the arrest and imprisonment of 75 dissidents in April and the subsequent summary execution of three hijackers,

D. whereas exercising freedom of expression and freedom of assembly is a fundamental human right,

E. whereas the winner of the European Parliament's 2002 Sakharov Prize — Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas — has been systematically denied the freedom to leave Cuba and to accept the invitations issued by this Parliament and by other EU bodies,

F. whereas in recent weeks the Cuban authorities — in contravention of the basic right to freedom of assembly — have expelled a number of parliamentarians from the EU Member States and also people working for humanitarian organisations who were trying to enter the country with a view to meeting members of the democratic opposition and of the Varela project, in order to demonstrate to them their support and solidarity in the upholding of democratic values,

G. whereas hundreds of prisoners are still being held at the Guantanamo naval base (in violation of the most basic human rights) and having regard to the views which this Parliament has previously expressed on the subject,

1. Calls for the immediate release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience who are being held in the country and once again condemns such detentions, which constitute an attack on the most basic human rights, in particular freedom of expression and freedom of political association;

2. Urges the Council and the Commission to continue to take whatever action is necessary in order to seek the release of the above individuals;

3. Reiterates that the objectives of the European Union's policy towards Cuba continue to be respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, encouragement of a process of transition to a pluralist democracy and a lasting economic recovery aimed at improving the living standards of the Cuban population;

4. Vehemently condemns the Cuban authorities' expulsion of three parliamentarians from the EU Member States and of two representatives of NGOs, and expresses its support for them and for the members of the democratic opposition;

5. Repeats its invitation to the winner of the European Parliament's 2002 Sakharov Prize — Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas — and urges the Cuban authorities to grant him the necessary permits in order to enable him to appear before the Community institutions;

6. Considers that, in such circumstances, the release of all political prisoners, the granting of authorisation to Mr Payá Sardiñas and evidence of significant progress on the island as regards the promotion of democracy and the upholding of human rights and fundamental freedoms are essential conditions for any revision of the European Union's Common Position on Cuba and the measures adopted unanimously on 5 June 2003;

7. Stresses that the current embargo imposed on Cuba by the USA is counterproductive and should be lifted;

8. Stresses that the political future of Cuba must rest on the sole will of its citizens;

9. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission, to Cuba's Government and National Assembly of People's Power, and also to Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas (winner of the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize).

[1] Texts Adopted, P5_TA(2004)0379.

[2] Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2004)0050.
