
Official Journal L 046 , 18/02/2000 P. 0036 - 0040

Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni

Tas- 16 ta’ Frar 2000

Li temenda d-Deċiżjoni 87/257/KEE dwar il-lista ta’ stabbilimenti fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika approvati għall-importazzjoni ta’ laħam frisk lejn il-Kommunità

(notifikat bid-Dokument numru C(2000) 380)

(Test b’rilevanza għaż-ŻEE)



Wara li kkunsidrat t-Trattat li jistabbilixxi l-Kommunità Ewropea;

Wara li kkunsidrat id-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 72/462/KEE tat-12 ta’ Diċembru 1972 dwar il-problemi tal-ispezzjoni tas-saħħa u veterinarji dwar l-importazzjoni tal-annimali taċ-ċanga, tan-nagħaġ, tal-mogħoż, u tal-majjal, laħam frisk, u prodotti tal-laħam minn pajjiżi terzi [1], hekk kif l-aħħar emendata permezz tad-Direttiva 97/79/KE [2], u b’mod partikolari l-Artikoli 4(1) u 18(1) tagħhom,


(1) Lista ta’ stabbilimenti fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika, approvata għall-importazzjoni ta’ laħam frisk fil-Kommunità, tfasslet inizjalment minn Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 87/257/KEE [3], kif l-aħħar emendata mid-Deċiżjoni 1999/301/KE [4]; li l-lista tista’ tiġi emendata f’kull żmien, l-aktar fid-dawl tal-ispezzjonijiet tal-Kommunità li jsiru fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika.

(2) L-Istati Uniti pprovdew garanziji illi l-istabbiliment 244 W, IBP, Waterloo, Iowa, huwa issa kapaċi li jagħmlu eżami tat-trichina tal-laħam tal-majjal skond id-Direttiva tal-Kunsill 77/96/KEE [5], hekk kif l-aħħar emendata permezz tad- Direttiva tal-Kummissjoni 94/54/KE [6].

(3) Il-lista ta’ stabbilimenti għandha tiġi imġedda/konsolidati skond il-bżonn

(4) Il-miżuri provduti f’din id-Deċiżjoni huma skond l-opinjoni tal-Kumitat Permanenti Veterinarju,


Artiklu 1

L-Anness għad-Deċiżjoni 87/257/KEE huwa mibdul bl-Anness ta’ hawnhekk.

Artiklu 2

Din id-Deċiżjoni hija indirizzata lill-Istati Membri.

Magħmula fi Brussel, fis-16 ta’ Frar 2000.


David Byrne

Membru tal-Kummissjoni

[1] ĠU L 24, tat-30.1.1998, p. 31.

[2] ĠU L 302, tal-31.12.1972, p. 28.

[3] ĠU L 117, tal-5.5.199, p. 52.

[4] ĠU L 121, tad-9.5.1987, p. 46.

[5] ĠU L 315, tat-8.12.1994, p. 18.

[6] ĠU L 26, tal-31.1.1977, p. 67.



Lista ta' stabbilimenti fl-Istati Uniti approvat għall-importazzjoni ta' laħam frisk fil-Kommunità

Numru ta' Approvazzjoni | Stabbilimenti/Indirizz | Kategorija | SR |

SL | CP | CS | B | S/G | P | SP |

3 W | Swift & Company, Worthington, MN | x | x | | | | x | | 10 a), T |

53 | American Freezer Services, Norfolk, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

I-113 | US Cold Storage, Philadelphia, PA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

I-149 | C W Storage, Albany, NY | | | x | | | | | 1 |

I-182 | Garden State Cold Storage Inc., Mullica Hill, NJ | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

I-183 | Blue Grass Inspection Service, Philadelphia, PA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

I-195 | Rosenberger's Cold Storage Inc., Hatfield, PA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

244 P | Transcontinental Cold Storage, Perry, IA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

244 W | IBP, Waterloo, IA | x | x | | | | x | | 5, 16, TF, T |

245 L | IBP, Lexington, NE | x | x | | x | | | | 14 |

I-305 | Georgia Ports Authority, Savannah, GA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

320M | Premium Standard Foods, Milan, MO | x | x | | | | x | | T |

I-335 | Service Cold Storage, Miami, FL | | | x | | | | | 1 |

382G | Smithfield Packing Co., Norfolk, VA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

410 | Green Bay Dressed Beef Inc., Green Bay, WI | x | | | x | | | | 10 |

E-713 | Central Nebraska Packing Inc., North Platte, NE | x | x | | | | | x | 15 |

889 A | J.F. O'Neill Packing Co., Omaha, NE | x | x | | x | | | | 14 |

1620 | Quality Pork Processors Inc., Austin, MN | x | | | | | x | | 7, 13 |

E-2018 | Dallas Crow Inc., Kaufman, TX | x | x | | | | | x | 15 |

2508 | The Bruss Company, Chicago, IL | | x | | x | | x | | |

3056 | Termicol Inc., Wallula, WA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3131 | Minnesota Freezer Warehouse Company, Worthington, MN | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3136 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage of Fairmont, Fairmont, MN | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3149 | Milliard Refrigerated Services, Des Moines, IA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3157 | Des Moines Cold Storage Co. Inc., Des Moines, IA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3158 | Freezer Services Inc., Amarillo, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3161 | Monument Distribution Warehouse Inc., Indianapolis, IN | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3170 | Logansport Refrig Services, Logansport, IN | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3190 | American Freezer Services Inc., Fremont, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3198 | Milliard Refrigerated Services, Denison, IA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3215 | Napoleon Warehouse Inc., Napoleon, OH | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3216 | Freezer Services Inc. of Texas, Garden City, KS | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3229 | Iowa Beef Processors Inc., Emporia, KS | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3241 | AMC Warehouses, Grand Prairie, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3245 | United Refrigerated Services, Marshall, MO | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3261 | Rosenberger's Cold Storage Inc., Hatfield, PA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3283 | Industrial Cold Storage, 2625 West 5th St., Jacksonville, FL | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3338 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Iowa City, IA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3363 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Friona, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3396 | Americold, Bettendorf, IA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3397 | Alford Refrigerated Warehouse, Richardson, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3398 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Grand Island, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3407 | Bell Cold Storage, St Paul, MN | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3431 | Texas Cold Storage, Fort Worth, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3447 | Mohawk Cold Storage Division, Wauwatosa, WI | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3475 | Atlas Cold Storage, Green Bay, WI | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3505 | Dakota Cold Storage, Huron, SD | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3535 | Ashland Cold Storage Co., Chicago, IL | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3552 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co. (No 2), Sioux City, IA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3554 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co., Sioux City, IA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3555 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co. (No 5), Sioux City, IA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3573 | Albert Lea Freezer Warehouse Co., Albert Lea, MN | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3610 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Dodge City, KS | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3688 | Newport St Paul Cold Storage, Newport, MN | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3707 | United States Cold Storage Inc., Omaha, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3738 | Artesian Ice and Cold Storage Co., St Joseph, MO | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

3748 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co., Sioux City, IA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3854 | Merchants Refrigerating Co., Vinita Park, MO | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3860 | Central Storage and Warehouse Inc., Eau Claire, WI | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3871 | York Cold Storage Co., York, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3910 | United States Cold Storage, East Peoria, IL | | | x | | | | | 1 |

3942 | Wilkerson Cold Storage, Lubbock, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

4104 | Goldberg & Solovy Foods, 5925 Alcor, CA 90058 | | x | | x | | | | |

4816 | Frontier Game Company, Whiteface, TX | x | x | | x | | | | |

E-7041 | Beltex Corporation, Fort Worth, TX | x | x | | | | | x | 15, 18 |

7271 | Custom Meat Corp., Dallas, TX | | x | | x | x | x | | |

8904 | Bell Cold Storage, St Paul, MN | | | x | | | | | 1 |

8984 | Provimi Veal Corp., Seymour, WI | x | x | | x | | | | 3 |

9400 | Taylor Packing Inc., Wyalusing, PA | x | x | | x | | | | 9 |

13182 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Omaha, NE | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

13225 | Quality Refrigerated Services, Omaha, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

13331 | Millard Processing Services, Omaha, NE (West) | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

13531 | Beef America Operating Co., York, NE | | x | | x | x | x | | |

E-15849 | Cavel International, De Kalb, IL | x | x | | | | | x | 15 |

17054 | RCS/Smithfield Inc., Smithfield, VA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

17068 | US Coldstorage, Cumberton, NC | | | x | | | | | 1 |

17354 | CSW Central Storage & Warehouse Co. Inc., Madison, WI | | | x | | | | | 1 |

17461 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Greeley, CO | | | x | | | | | 1 |

17624 | Wiscold Inc. Rochelle, Rochelle, IL | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

17756 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Sioux City, IA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

17993 | Richmond Cold Storage, 5501 Corrugated Road, Sandston, VA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

18163 | Quality Refrigerated Services, Spencer, IA | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

18265 | Alford Refrigerated Warehouses, Houston, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

18294 | Marshall Cold Store, Marshalltown, IA | | | x | | | | | TF, 1 |

18435 | Carolina Cold Storage, Tar Heel, NC | | | x | | | | | TF, 1 |

18674 | Millard Refrigerated Services, Edwardsville, KS | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

18793 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage, Austin, MN | | | x | | | | | TF, 1 |

18859 | North American Bison Cooperative, New Rockford, ND | x | x | | x | | | | |

18930 | Jacintoport Corp., 16203 Peninsula Blvd, Houston, TX | | | x | | | | | 1 |

18986 | Alford Refrigerated Warehouse, Laporte, TX | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

19086 | Gress Refrigerated Services, Scranton, PA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

19087 | Inter Cities Cold Storage, Inc., Pittston, PA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

19246 | Cloverleaf Cold Storage, Sioux City, IO | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

19288 | United States Cold Storage, PO Box 242, Milford, DE | | | x | | | | | 1 |

19470 | Nordic Warehouse Inc., 403 Commerce Ct., Goldsboro, NC | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

19593 | Ball Packing Inc., Idaho Falls, ID | | | x | | | | | 1 |

19690 | T&T Freezers, 2192 NV Blvd, Vineland, NJ | | | x | | | | | 1 |

19797 | Burris Refrigerated Svcs, Gilbert Rd, Benson, NC | | | x | | | | | 1, TF |

19870 | United States Cold Storage, PO Box 627, Warszaw, NC | | | x | | | | | 1 |

20012 | Lakeway International Food Group LLC, Omaha, NE | | x | | x | | | | |

20190 | Interstate Warehousing, Newport News, VA | | | x | | | | | 1 |

20374 | Quality Refrigerated Services, Omaha, NE | | | x | | | | | 1 |
