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Document 12003TN12/APP/A

ATT li jirrigwarda l-kondizzjonijiet ta' l-adeżjoni tar-Repubblika Ċeka, ir-Repubblika ta' l-Estonja, ir-Repubblika ta' Ċipru, ir-Repubblika tal-Latvja, ir-Repubblika tal-Litwanja, ir-Repubblika ta' l-Ungerija, ir-Repubblika ta' Malta, ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja, ir-Repubblika tas-Slovenja u r-Repubblika tas-Slovakkja u l-aġġustamenti għat-trattati li fuqhom hija stabbilita l-Unjoni Ewropea - Il-lista li hemm referenza għaliha fl-Artikolu 24 ta' l-Att ta' Adeżjoni: il-Polonja - Appendiċi A

OJ C 227E, 23.9.2003, p. 763–1391 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)

Legal status of the document In force


Official Journal C 227 E , 23/09/2003 P. 0762 - 1391
Official Journal L 236 , 23/09/2003 P. 0903 - 0903

Appendiċi A

li hemm referenza għalih fil-Kapitolu 1, punti 4 u 5 ta' l-Anness XII [*]

Il-lista kif provduta mill-Polonja f'lingwa waħda tal-prodotti farmaċewtiċi li għalihom awtorizzazzjoni għall-marketing li nħarġet taħt il-liġi Polakka qabel id-data ta' l-adeżjoni, għandha tibqa' valida sakemm tiġi mġedda b'konformità ma' l-acquis jew sal-31 ta' Diċembru 2008, skond liema tiġi l-ewwel.

Il-presenza fuq din il-lista hija bla ħsara għal jekk il-prodott farmaċewtiku msemmi għandux awtorizzazzjoni għall-marketing bi qbil ma' l-acquis jew le.

Lp. | Commercial name | Chemical constitution | Pharmaceutical form | Strength | Marketing authorisation holder | Date |

1 | 0,9 % Sodium Chloride-BRAUN | Natrii chloridum | Solution for infusion | 9 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 26/04/06 |

2 | 10 % Dekstran 40000 | Dextranum | Solution for infusion | 100 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3 | 26 RANUNCULUS-Dago-med. opryszczka wargowa | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

4 | 27 ABROTANUM-Dagomed trądzik różowaty | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

5 | 28 SULFUR-Dagomed trądzik pospolity | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

6 | 29 HYDROCOTYLE-Dagomed zmiany łuszczycowe | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

9 | 3 TC | Lamivudinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

10 | 3 TC | Lamivudinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7 | 3 TC | Lamivudinum | Syrup | 10 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

8 | 3 TC | Lamivudinum | Syrup | 10 mg/ml | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11 | 30 MEZEREUM-Dagomed nerwobóle, półpasiec | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

12 | 31 THUJA-Dagomed brodawki, kurzajki | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

13 | 32 BELLADONNA-Dagomed wysypki w chorobach zakaźnych u dzieci | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

14 | 324 pojedyncze prep.homeopatyczne wg listy | | | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 31/03/06 |

15 | 33 SECALE-Dagomed miażdżyca naczyń obwodo-wych | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

16 | 34 BARIUM-Dagomed zaburzenia pamięci | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

17 | 35 MAGNESIUM-Dagomed kolki jelitowe | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

18 | 36 RUTA-Dagomed urazy ścięgien i mięśni | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

19 | 37 BRYONIA-Dagomed bóle barkowe i szyjne | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

20 | 38 COLOCYNTHIS-Dagomed rwa kulszowa, lumbago | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

21 | 39 PASSIFLORA-Dagomed nadpobudliwość, bezsenność | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

22 | 40 LUFFA-Dagomed katar sienny | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

23 | 41 MERCURIUS-Dagomed anginy ropne | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

24 | 42 CONIUM-Dagomed stany zapalne migdałków podniebiennych | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

25 | 43 BORAX-Dagomed zapalenia i grzybice jamu ustnej | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

26 | 44 CHAMOMILLA-Dago-med. bolesne ząbkowanie | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

27 | 45 ACIDUM NITRICUM-Dagomed stany zapalne śluzówki | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

28 | 46 ECHINACEA-Dagomed nawracające infekcje | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

29 | 47 THALLIUM-Dagomed wypadanie włosów, łysienie | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

30 | 48 KREOZOTUM-Dagomed upławy | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

31 | 49 VIBURNUM-Dagomed bolesne miesiączki | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

32 | 4XLA | Kwas mlekowy, chloryn sodu | Liquid | for veterinary use | Alcide Corporation USA | 31/12/08 |

33 | 5- Fluorouracyl | Fluorouracilum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

34 | 50 TABACUM-Dagomed uzależnienie nikotynowe | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/12/06 |

35 | 51 Cr-EDTA do wstrzykiwań | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 31/12/08 |

36 | 5-Ala | Methyl aminolevulinate hydrochloride | Cream | 6 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

37 | 5-Fluorouracil-Ebewe, 5-Fluorouracyl-Knoll | Fluorouracilum | Solution for injection, intravenous and intraarterial infusion | 50 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/11/04 |

38 | 6 % Dekstran 70000 | Dextranum | Solution for infusion | 60 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

39 | A 20 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

42 | Abaktal | Pefloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 0.4 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

43 | Abaktal | Pefloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 0.4 g | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

40 | Abaktal | Pefloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 80 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

41 | Abaktal | Pefloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 80 mg/ml | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

44 | Abamitel L.A inj. | Abamectinum | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

45 | Abamitel Plus | Abamectinum + Praziquantelum | Paste | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

46 | Abbocurium | Atracurii besilas | Solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Abbott Laboratoires | 31/05/05 |

47 | Abbofol 1 % | Propofolum | Emulsion for injection and intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Abbott Laboratories | 30/06/04 |

48 | ABBOTAXIM 1 g | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 1 g | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

49 | ABBOTAXIM 2 g | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 2 g | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

50 | ABBOTAXIM 500 mg | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 500 mg | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

51 | ABBOTRIAXON 1 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 1 g | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

52 | ABBOTRIAXON 2 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 2 g | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

53 | ABBOTRIAXON 500 mg | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 500 mg | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

54 | Abbovancomycin | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Abbott France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

55 | Abbovancomycin | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for infusion | 1 g | Abbott France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

56 | Abbovir | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for infusion | 250 mg | Abbott Laboratories | 11/10/06 |

57 | Abbovir | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Abbott Laboratories | 11/10/06 |

58 | ABC-Salbe | | Ointment | | Beiersdorf AG | 31/12/08 |

59 | Abdomilon | | Oral solution | | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 30/04/04 |

60 | ABE — płyn do usuwania odcisków | | Coutanous liquid | | Inco-Veritas S.A. Oddział w Pruszkowie; Celia Zakład Produkcji Kosmetyczno-Farmaceutycznej | 30/10/05 |

61 | Abelcet | Amphotericinum B | Suspension for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/ml | ELAN PHARMA INTERNATIONAL Ltd. | 30/09/07 |

62 | Abropernol | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

63 | Abutol | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

64 | Abutol Long 400 | Acebutololum | Gastro-resistant, prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 12/10/05 |

65 | Acard | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 13/06/06 |

66 | Acatar | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.05 % | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 31/10/05 |

67 | ACC | Acetylcysteinum | Granules for oral solution | 20 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 30/09/05 |

68 | ACC | Acetylcysteinum | Solution for intravenous injection or for respiratory system | 300 mg/3 ml | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

71 | ACC 100 | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 100 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

69 | ACC 100 | Acetylcysteinum | Granules for oral solution | 100 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

70 | ACC 100 | Acetylcysteinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Hexal AG | 15/11/06 |

73 | ACC 200 | Acetylcysteinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

75 | ACC 200 | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

72 | ACC 200 | Acetylcysteinum | Granules for oral solution | 200 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

74 | ACC 200 | Acetylcysteinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Hexal AG | 15/11/06 |

76 | ACC 200 Hot | Acetylcysteinum | Granules for oral solution | 200 mg/3 g | Hexal AG | 5/07/06 |

77 | Acc 300 | Acetylcysteinum | Tablets | 300 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

78 | ACC 600 | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 600 mg | Hexal AG | 6/12/06 |

79 | Acc 600 | Acetylcysteinum | Tablets | 600 mg | HEXAL AG | 6/12/06 |

80 | ACC 600 Hot | Acetylcysteinum | Granules for oral solution | 600 mg/3g | Hexal AG | 5/07/06 |

81 | Acceptin | Tianeptinum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

82 | Accolate | Zafirlukastum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Astra Zeneca UK Ltd. | 29/11/06 |

83 | Accolate | Zafirlukastum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

84 | Accupro 10 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Gödecke AG | 30/06/07 |

85 | Accupro 20 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Gödecke AG | 30/06/07 |

86 | Accupro 40 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Gödecke GmbH | 31/12/08 |

87 | Accupro 5 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Gödecke AG | 30/06/07 |

88 | Accuzide | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 12,5mg + 10mg | Parke-Davis GmbH — Freiburg | 12/10/05 |

89 | Accuzide 20 | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 12,5mg + 20mg | Parke-Davis GmbH — Freiburg | 12/10/05 |

90 | Acebutolol | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

91 | Acebutolol | Acebutololum | Tablets | 200 mg | Merck Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

92 | Acebutolol | Acebutololum | Tablets | 400 mg | Merck Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

93 | Acecor | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | SPA Societa Prodotti Antibiotici SpA | 30/04/04 |

94 | Acecor | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | SPA Societa Prodotti Antibiotici SpA | 26/04/06 |

95 | Acenocoumarol | Acenocoumarolum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

96 | Acenocumarol | Acenocoumarolum | Tablets | 4 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

97 | Acenocumarol WZF | Acenocoumarolum | Tablets | 1 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

98 | Acenol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 300 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/05 |

99 | Acenol cum Coffeino | Caffeinum et natrii benzoas + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/05 |

100 | Acenol Forte | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/01/06 |

101 | Aceprovet | Acetylopromazyny maleinian | Gel | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

102 | Acerin | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Coutanous liquid | | Scan-Anida sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

103 | Acerola | | Buccal tablet | 100 mg | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/12/08 |

104 | Acesan | Acidum acetylosalicylicum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Sun — Farm Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

105 | Acesan | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 30 mg | Sun Farm Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

106 | Acesan | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 50 mg | Sun Farm Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

107 | Acesan | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 75 mg | Sun Farm Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

108 | Acespargin | Acidum asparticum | Tablets | 46 mg K+ | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm", Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

109 | Acetat — Nefro | Calcii acetas | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Salmon Pharma | 31/12/08 |

110 | Acetylocysteine | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

111 | Acetylocysteine | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 600 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

112 | Acevita | | Buccal tablets | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

113 | Acevor | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Help S.A. Pharmaceuticals Attica | 31/12/08 |

114 | Aciclovir | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 0.25 g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

115 | Acicord | Acebutolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

116 | Acicord | Acebutolum | Tablets | 400 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

117 | Acidoflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 29/01/06 |

118 | Acidum e-aminocapronicum | Acidum aminocaproicum | Powder | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

119 | Acidum e-aminocapronicum granulatum | Acidum aminocaproicum | Granules | 50 g/100 g | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

120 | Acidum folicum | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 15 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

121 | Acidum folicum | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

122 | Acidum Folicum | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 0,4 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/11/05 |

123 | Acidum Folicum | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/11/05 |

124 | Acidum Folicum | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 15 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/11/05 |

125 | Acidum Folicum 15 mg | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 15 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

126 | Acidum Folicum 5 mg | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

127 | Acidum phosphoricum complexe nr 5 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

128 | Acidum phosphoricum com-pose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

129 | Acifolik | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 0,4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

130 | Acifungin | Preparat złożony | Coutanous liquid | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

131 | Acifungin forte | Preparat złożony | Coutanous liquid | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

132 | Acix 250 | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for infusion | 250 mg | Hexal AG | 8/02/06 |

133 | Acix 500 | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Hexal AG | 8/02/06 |

134 | Aclotin | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 7/05/06 |

135 | Acne Sulf | | Cutaneous emulsion | 100 mg/g | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

136 | Acnecin | Erythromycinum | Coutanous liquid | 2 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne R i C | 31/12/08 |

137 | Acne-Derm | Acidum azelaicum | Cream | 200 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 23/11/05 |

138 | Acneflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

139 | Acnevulten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 31/08/05 |

140 | Acnosan | Tioxolonum | Coutanous liquid | 5 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

141 | Acodin | Dextromethorphanum | Tablets | 15 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

142 | Acodin 150 | Dexpanthenolum + Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | (50mg + 7,5mg)/5ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

143 | Acodin 300 | Dexpanthenolum + Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | (50mg + 15mg)/5ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

144 | Aconit olej przeciwbólowy | | Oil | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 30/04/07 |

145 | Aconitum comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

146 | Aconitum comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

147 | Aconitum comp. krople do uszu | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

148 | Aconitum compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

149 | Aconitum Pentarkan | | Tablets | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 4/07/06 |

150 | Aconitum/China comp. | | Suppository | 1 g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/04/07 |

151 | Aconitum/China comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

152 | Aconitum-Dagomed 1 grypa | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

153 | Aconitum-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

154 | Aconitum-Homaccord | | Oral drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

155 | Act-HiB | Hemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 10 mcg | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 30/04/05 |

156 | Actifed | Triprolidinum + Dextromethorphanum + Pseudoephedrinum | Syrup | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

157 | Actilyse 10 | Alteplasum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 10 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 15/11/06 |

158 | Actilyse 20 | Alteplasum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 20 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/04/04 |

159 | Actilyse 50 | Alteplasum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 50 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/04/04 |

160 | Activelle | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/11/04 |

161 | Actonel | Risedronatum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Aventis Pharma AB | 14/12/05 |

162 | Actonel | Risedronatum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Aventis Pharma AB | 14/12/05 |

163 | Actos | Pioglitazonum | Tablets | 15 mg | Lilly Spain S.A. | 31/12/08 |

164 | Actos | Pioglitazonum | Tablets | 30 mg | Lilly Spain S.A. | 31/12/08 |

165 | Actrapid HM | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

166 | Actrapid HM | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

167 | Actrapid HM Penfill | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

168 | Actrapid Innolet | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m. | Novo Nordisk A/S | 5/07/06 |

169 | Actrapid MC | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

170 | ACTRAPID MC 100 J.M./Ml | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for subcutanous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

171 | Actrapid NovoLet | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/03/05 |

172 | Acudex | Dextranomerum | Medicated powder | 4 g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

173 | Acular | Ketorolacum trometamolum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

174 | Acurenal | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

175 | Acurenal | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

176 | Acurenal | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

177 | Acyclostad | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | STADApharm GmbH | 17/01/07 |

178 | Acyclovir 200 Stada | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

179 | Acyclovir 400 Stada | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 400 mg | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

180 | Acyclovir 800 Stada | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 800 mg | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

181 | Acyklowir 200 | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/07/05 |

182 | Acyklowir 400 | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 400 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/07/05 |

183 | Acypront | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 24/05/06 |

184 | AD Live Suivax | Szczepionka przeciwko chorobie Aujeszkyego | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fatro | 31/12/08 |

185 | Adalat | Nifedipinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

186 | Adalat Gits 20 | Nifedipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 20 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/05 |

187 | Adalat Gits 30 | Nifedipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 30 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/05 |

188 | Adalat Gits 60 | Nifedipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 60 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/05 |

189 | Adalat pro infusione | Nifedipinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 0.1 mg/ml | Bayer AG | 6/07/05 |

190 | Adalat Retard | Nifedipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 20 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

191 | Adamon SR 100 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | Asta Medica AG | 11/10/06 |

192 | Adamon SR 150 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release capsules | 150 mg | Asta Medica AG | 11/10/06 |

193 | Adamon SR 200 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | Asta Medica AG | 11/10/06 |

194 | Adamon SR 50 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release capsules | 50 mg | Asta Medica AG | 11/10/06 |

195 | Adapalene | Adapalenum | Cream | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

196 | Adapalene | Adapalenum | Gel | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

197 | Adavin | Nicergolinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

198 | Adavin | Nicergolinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

199 | Adavin | Nicergolinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

200 | Adavin | Nicergolinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/01/05 |

201 | Addamel N | | Concentrate for solution for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

202 | Addiphos | Kalii dihydrophosphas + Natrii hydrophosphas + Kalii hydroxydum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | (170,1mg + 133,5mg + 14mg)/ml | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

203 | Additiva Calcium. Musujące tabletki z wapniem | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 0.15 g Ca++ | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

204 | Additiva Ferrum | Ferrosi gluconas | Effervescent tablets | 18 mg Fe++ | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

205 | Additiva Magnesium. Musujące tabletki z magnezem | Magnesii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 0.15 g Mg++ | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

206 | Additiva Multivitamina o smaku owoców tropikalnych | | Effervescent tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

207 | Additiva Multivitamina o smaku pomarańczowym | | Effervescent tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

208 | Additiva Multivitamina z minerałami o smaku mango | | Effervescent tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

209 | Additiva Multivitamina z minerałami o smaku pomarańczowym | | Effervescent tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

210 | Additiva Witamina C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

211 | Additiva Witamina C o smaku cytrynowym | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 1 g | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

212 | Additiva Witamina C o smaku pomarańczowym | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 1 g | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

213 | Adenipravac — ND/IB | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli i syndromowi spadku nieśności | Water — oil emulsion | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 22/11/06 |

214 | Adenocor | Adenosinum | Solution for injection | 3 mg/ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 21/11/05 |

215 | Adenosin-Ebewe | Adenosinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 3 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

216 | Adexor | Trimetazidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/07/05 |

217 | Adiab | Acarbosum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

218 | Adiab | Acarbosum | Tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

219 | Adipobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

220 | Adipobonisol | | Oral solution | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

221 | Adiposan | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

222 | Adiposina | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

223 | Adiposina | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

224 | Adiuretin | Desmopressinum | Nasal drops, solution | 100 mcg/1 ml | Ferring Lečiva a.s. | 31/05/04 |

225 | Adiuretin | Desmopressinum | Solution for injection | 4 mcg/1 ml | Ferring Lečiva a.s. | 31/05/04 |

226 | Adiusol ADE | Retynolu palmitynian, Cholekalcyferol, D,µtokoferolu octan | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem | 31/01/05 |

227 | Adonis Afrodyta | | Coutanous liquid | | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 31/08/05 |

228 | Adrecard | Acebutolum | Film-coated tablets | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

229 | Adriblastina PFS | Doxorubicinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/01/05 |

230 | Adriblastina PFS | Doxorubicinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | Pharmacia Upjohn Pty Ltd. Bentley | 26/11/06 |

232 | Adriblastina RD | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

231 | Adriblastina RD | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

233 | Adrimedac | Doxorubicinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

234 | Adult Meltus Expectorant For Chesty Coughs And Catarrh | Preparat złożony | Liquid | | Seton Healthcare Group | 31/12/08 |

235 | Advantage | Imidakloprid | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

237 | Advantan | Methylprednisoloni aceponas | Cream | 1 mg/g | Schering AG | 30/06/07 |

236 | Advantan | Methylprednisoloni aceponas | Emulsion | 1 mg/g | Schering AG | 30/06/07 |

238 | Advantan | Methylprednisoloni aceponas | Ointment | 1 mg/g | Schering AG | 30/06/07 |

239 | Advera (o smaku czekoladowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

240 | Advera (o smaku pomarańczowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

241 | Advil | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/12/08 |

242 | Advil | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

243 | Advil Cold | Ibuprofenum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/08/04 |

244 | Advil Junior | Ibuprofenum | Oral suspension | 100 mg/5 ml | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

245 | Advil Ultra | Ibuprofenum | Capsules, soft | 200mg | Wyeth Lederle Pharma GmbH | 27/06/07 |

246 | Advocin SP | Danofloksacyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 21/05/04 |

248 | Aerius | Desloratadinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 17/01/07 |

247 | Aerius | Desloratadinum | Syrup | 0,5 mg/ml | Schering — Plough Central East S.A. | 17/01/07 |

249 | AEROBEC Autohaler | Beclomethasonum | Pressurised inhalation | 50 µg/dawkę | 3 M Health Care Limited | 31/12/08 |

250 | AEROBEC Autohaler | Beclomethasonum | Pressurised inhalation | 100 µg/dawkę | 3 M Health Care Limited | 31/12/08 |

251 | AEROBEC Inhaler | Beclomethasonum | Pressurised inhalation | 50 µg/dawkę | 3 M Health Care Limited | 31/12/08 |

252 | AEROBEC Inhaler | Beclomethasonum | Pressurised inhalation | 100 µg/dawkę | 3 M Health Care Limited | 31/12/08 |

253 | Aerosonit | Isosorbidi dinitras | Oromusosal spray, solution | 1.25 mg/dawkę | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

254 | Aerrane | Isofluranum | Liquid for inhalation anaesthesia | | Baxter S.A. | 12/09/07 |

255 | Aescin | Escinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

256 | Aescin | Escinum + Diethylamini salicylas + Heparinum | Gel | (20mg + 50mg + 50 j.m.)g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

257 | Aesciven | Natrii escinas + Diethylamini salicylas | Gel | (1mg + 5mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

258 | Aesculaforce | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Bioforce AG | 17/01/07 |

259 | Aesculan | Aesculinum + Lidocainum | Rectal ointment | (50mg + 5mg)/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

260 | Aesculan | | Suppository | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

261 | Aesculus compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

262 | Aesculus Compositum | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

263 | Aesculus Pentarkan D krople | | Drops | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 19/03/06 |

264 | Aesculus-Dagomed 11 hemoroidy, żylaki | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

265 | Aesculus-Heel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

266 | Aescuven Forte | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Coated tablets | 150 mg | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 30/04/04 |

267 | Aether Aethylicus pro Narcosi | | Liquid for inhalation anaesthesia | | Pronit — Zakłady Tworzyw Sztucznych | 31/01/06 |

268 | Aethoxysklerol 0,5 % | Polidocanolum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Chemische Fabrik Kreussler Co.GmgH | 17/01/07 |

269 | Aethoxysklerol 1 % | Polidocanolum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Chemische Fabrik Kreussler Co.GmgH | 17/01/07 |

270 | Aethoxysklerol 2 % | Polidocanolum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Chemische Fabrik Kreussler Co.GmgH | 17/01/07 |

271 | Aethoxysklerol 3 % | Polidocanolum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | Chemische Fabrik Kreussler Co.GmgH | 17/01/07 |

272 | Aethoxysklerol 4 % | Polidocanolum | Solution for injection | 40 mg/ml | Chemische Fabrik Kreussler Co.GmgH | 17/01/07 |

273 | Aethylum chloratum | Ethylis chloridum | Cutaneous spray | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm", Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

274 | Afecton | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

275 | Afecton | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

276 | Afecton | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

277 | Afecton | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

278 | Afibrozil | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

279 | Aflegan | Ambroxolum | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 7.5 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 23/02/06 |

280 | Afloderm | Aclomethasonum | Cream | | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

281 | Afloderm | Aclomethasonum | Ointment | | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

282 | Aflogistan | | Ointment | | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/12/08 |

283 | Aflogrip | Paracetamolum + Phenylephrinum + Pheniraminum + Calcii carbonas + Acidum ascorbicum | Powder | praparat złożony | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

284 | Aflomag | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | (175mg + 200mg)/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

285 | Aflomag | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | (175mg + 200mg)/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

286 | Aflomag | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | (175mg + 200mg)/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

287 | Aflomag | Aluminii hydroxydum + Magnesii hydroxydum | Buccal tablets | 400 mg + 400 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

288 | Aflothenol | Calcium pantothenicum | Buccal tablets | 120 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

289 | Aflovit | Witaminy | Tablets | | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

290 | Aflubin krople | | | | Richard Bittner | 31/01/06 |

291 | Afobam | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

292 | Afobam | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

293 | Afonilum SR 125 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 125 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/10/04 |

294 | Afonilum SR 250 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 250 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/10/04 |

295 | Afonilum SR 375 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 375 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/10/04 |

296 | Afonilum SR 500 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules, hard | 500 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/08/04 |

298 | Afrin | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Eye drops, solution | 0.25 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/08/04 |

297 | Afrin | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal spray, solution | 500 mcg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

299 | Agalin | Lindanum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

300 | Agapurin | Pentoxifyllinum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

301 | Agapurin Retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

302 | Agapurin 600 Retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 600 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

303 | Agen 10 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

304 | Agen 5 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

305 | Agenerase | Amprenavirum | Capsules, soft | 150 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 29/11/06 |

306 | Agenerase | Amprenavirum | Capsules, soft | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 29/11/06 |

307 | Agenerase | Amprenavirum | Oral solution | 15 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 29/11/06 |

308 | Aggrastat | Tirofibanum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 0.25 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/04/05 |

309 | Agiolax | | Herbal granules | | Madaus AG | 18/07/05 |

310 | Agnucaston | | Drops | | Plantamed Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

311 | Agnucaston, tabletki | | | | Plantamed Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

312 | Agnusol | Agni casti extractum | Oral drops | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 15/03/06 |

313 | Agramelk koncentrat | Acidum lacticum | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Agraria Pharma | 31/12/08 |

314 | Agrimoniae herba | | Herb | | Z.K.Z. FLOS, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

315 | AGRIPPAL — Inaktywowana Szczepionka Przeciw Grypie | Antygeny powierzchniowe wirusów grypy typu:A odpow. Beijing /262/95 (H1N1)B odpow. Beijing /184/93A odpow. Sydney /5/97 (H3N3) | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co, Oddział Szczepionek, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

316 | Agrisept Tabs | Sól sodowa kwasu dihloroizocyjanuronowego | Tablets | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

317 | AGROPYRON comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

318 | AGROPYRON comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

319 | Agryflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 15/01/06 |

320 | Agrypin | Acidum ascorbicum + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg + 50 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

321 | Agufem | Agni casti fructus extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Biofarm Sp. z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 27/09/06 |

322 | Airomir | Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | 3M Medica | 21/06/06 |

323 | Aivlosin FG 50 | aivlozyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Eco Animal Health Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

324 | Ajmafix D.I. | Czynnik IX krzepnięcia | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 200 j.m. + 5 ml rozpuszczalnik + zestaw do sporządzania roztworu i podawania | Instituto Sierova — Ccinogeno Italiano I.S.I. SpA | 31/12/08 |

325 | AJMAFIX D.I. | Czynnik IX krzepnięcia | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 500 j.m.+10 ml rozpuszczalnik + zestaw do sporządzania roztworu i podawania | Instituto Sierova — Ccinogeno Italiano I.S.I. SpA | 31/12/08 |

326 | Ajona amin-o-med | | Toothpaste | | Dr Rudolf Liebe Nachf. GmbH | 31/12/08 |

327 | Ajona Stomaticum | | Concentrate for toothpaste | | Dr Rudolf Liebe Nachf. GmbH | 28/02/04 |

328 | Akatus | Agni casti fructus extractum siccum | Tablets | 50 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

329 | Akindex | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 20 mg/15 ml | Urgo Laboratoires S.A. | 31/12/08 |

330 | Akineton | Biperidenum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 3/07/05 |

331 | Akineton | Biperidenum | Tablets | 2 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/07/04 |

332 | Akineton SR 4 mg | Biperidenum | Prolonged release tablets | 4 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 10/05/06 |

333 | Akipor | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Aujeszky'ego dla świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Rhone Merieux Laboratoire | 31/12/08 |

334 | Akipor 6.3 | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw chorobie Aujeszky'ego | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 21/05/04 |

335 | AKNE | | Liquid | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

336 | Akne — maseczka na skórę twarzy | | Powder | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

337 | AKNE kąpiel parowa do twarzy | | Liquid | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/04/07 |

338 | Aknefug | Estradiolum + Hexachlorophenum | Cutaneous emulsion | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

339 | Aknefug® El | Erythromycinum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/ml | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

340 | Aknefug-Oxid 10 % | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 30/09/05 |

341 | Aknefug-Oxid 3 % | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 30 mg/g (3 %) | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 30/09/05 |

342 | Aknefug-Oxid 5 % | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 30/09/05 |

343 | AKNE-KAPSELN Kapsułki Akne | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

345 | Aknemycin | Erythromycinum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/04 |

344 | Aknemycin | Erythromycinum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/04 |

346 | Aknemycin Plus | Erythromycinum + Tretinoinum | Coutanous liquid | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/05 |

347 | Akneroxid 5 | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 16/04/06 |

348 | Akneroxid L | Benzoylis peroxydum | Coutanous liquid | 40 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 16/05/07 |

349 | Akneżel E | | Gel | 40 mg erytromycyny ; 0,25 mg tretinoiny | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

350 | Akneżel K | | | 10 mg / 1 g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

351 | Aksoderm | Retinolum | Ointment | 400 j.m./g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/01/06 |

352 | Aksoderm Forte | | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

353 | Aktis | Metamizolum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

354 | Aktren | Ibuprofenum | Effervescent granules | 200 mg | Bayer AG | 30/06/04 |

355 | Aktren | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Bayer AG | 30/06/04 |

356 | Akutol | Nitrofuralum | Cutaneous spray | | Aveflor a.s. | 26/04/06 |

357 | Alantan | Allantoinum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

358 | Alantan | Allantoinum + Acidum boricum + Zinci oxydum | Medicated powder | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

359 | Alantan-Plus | Allantoinum + Dexpanthenolum | Cream | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/10/05 |

360 | Alantan-Plus | Allantoinum + Dexpanthenolum | Ointment | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/10/05 |

361 | Alantavit | Allantoinum + Colecalciferolum + Retinolum | Ointment | (10mg + 500 j.m. + 1000j.m.)/g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

362 | Alax | Preparat ziołowy | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

363 | Albadry Plus | Penicylina G prokainowa, Nowobiocyna | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

364 | Albarel | Rilmenidinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/04/05 |

365 | Albentel | Albendazolum | Oral suspension | 400 mg/20 ml | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

366 | Albicansan D5 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

367 | Albicansan D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

368 | Albipen LA | Ampicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 4/05/04 |

369 | Albothyl | Policresulenum | Pessary | 90 mg | Alatana Pharma AG | 30/06/04 |

370 | Albumin 20 % Human Salzarm | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges m.b.H | 31/07/04 |

371 | Albumin 5 % Human | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges m.b.H | 31/07/04 |

372 | Albumina ludzka 5 % | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | ZLB Bioplasma AG | 31/05/05 |

373 | Albumina ludzka 5 % do stosowania dożylnego | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

374 | Albumina ludzka 20 % | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | ZLB Bioplasma AG | 31/05/05 |

375 | Albumoheel S | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

376 | Alcaine | Proxymetacainum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/04/05 |

377 | Alcep | Allii cepae extractum fluidum | Syrup | 949 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

378 | Alcepalan | Allii cepae extractum + Heparinum | Gel | (50mg + 50j.m.)/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/06/06 |

379 | Alchinal | Allii sativi extractum siccum, Echinaceae purpureae herbae extractum siccum | Powder for oral suspension | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

380 | Aldactone | Kalii canrenoas | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

381 | Aldan | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

382 | Aldan | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

383 | Aldara 5 % Krem | Imiquimodum | Cream | 50 mg/g | 3M Medica | 31/05/05 |

384 | Aldecin inhaler | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Schering- Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

385 | Aldizem | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | Alkaloid | 31/07/04 |

386 | Alefos | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 70 mg | Blau — Farma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

387 | Alenato | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 15/11/06 |

388 | Alenato | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 5 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 15/11/06 |

389 | Alendronate | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 5 mg i 10 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

390 | Alendronate Sodium | Acidum alendronicum | Oral capsules | 13,05 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

391 | Aleras | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

392 | Alergeny Diagnostyczne Do Testów Prowokacyjnych | Wyciągi alergenowe | Solution | | Haarlems Alergenen Laboratorium B.V. | 31/12/08 |

393 | Alergeny Diagnostyczne Do Testów Punktowych | Wyciągi alergenowe | Solution | | Haarlems Alergenen Laboratorium B.V. | 30/04/04 |

394 | Alergeny diagnostyczne do testów punktowych | | Solution | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

395 | Alergeny Diagnostyczne Do Testów Śródskórnych | Wyciągi alergenowe | Solution for subcutanous injection | | Haarlems Alergenen Laboratorium B.V. | 31/12/08 |

396 | Alergie HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 4/07/07 |

397 | Alergoftal | Antazolinum + Naphazolinum | Eye drops | | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 31/07/04 |

398 | Aleric | Loratadinum | Syrup | 1mg /ml | US Pharmacia | 24/05/06 |

399 | Aleric | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 24/05/06 |

400 | Alerid | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Medial Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

401 | Alerid | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

402 | Alerzina | Cetirizinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

403 | Alestin | Ebastinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

404 | Aletris-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

405 | Aleve | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 220 mg | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/12/08 |

407 | Alexan | Cytarabinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

408 | Alexan | Cytarabinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

406 | Alexan | Cytarabinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

409 | Alfa- Tocopherol Acetate | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczna S.A. ICN OKTYABR Sankt — Petersburg | 31/12/08 |

410 | Alfadiol, Alphacalcidolum | Alfacalcidolum | Capsules | 0.25 mcg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

411 | Alfadiol, Alphacalcidolum | Alfacalcidolum | Capsules | 1 mcg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

412 | Alfaferone | Interferonum alfa natural | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection or for infusion | 1e+006 j.m/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 23/11/05 |

413 | Alfaferone | | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection or for infusion | 3e+006 j.m/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 23/11/05 |

414 | Alfaferone | | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection or for infusion | 6e+006 j.m/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 23/11/05 |

415 | Alfakalcydol | Alfacalcidolum | Capsules, soft | 0.25 mcg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 12/10/05 |

416 | Alfakalcydol | Alfacalcidolum | Capsules, soft | 1 mcg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 12/10/05 |

417 | Alfan | Paracetamolum | Capsules, soft | 500 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

418 | Algesal | Diethylamini salicylas + Myrtecainum | Cream | (100mg + 10mg)/g | Solvay Pharma — Suresnes Cedex | 31/07/04 |

419 | Alginete | | Tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/06 |

420 | Algophytum | | Capsules | | Herbaxat Laboratoires Z.I. | 31/12/08 |

421 | Algorhin | Preparat złożony | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

422 | Alifar | Allii sativi bulbus extractum fluidum | Oral drops | 414 mg/ml | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy FARKO s.c., Mrocza | 31/12/08 |

423 | Alimentum | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Liquid | | Ross Products Division Abbott laboratories | 11/10/06 |

424 | Aliovital | Alli ativi bulbus maceratio oleosa | Capsules, soft | 270 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 10/05/06 |

425 | Aliovital Forte | Allii sativi bulbus maceratio oleosa | Capsules, soft | 510 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 25/10/06 |

426 | Alistim | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | MEPHA Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

427 | Alistim | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | MEPHA Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

428 | Alistim | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | MEPHA Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

429 | Alitol | | Capsules | 270 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 29/02/04 |

430 | Alitraq | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/09/07 |

431 | Alka-Prim | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Glycinum | Effervescent tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

432 | Alka-Seltzer | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Effervescent tablets | 0.324 g | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

433 | Alkeran | Melphalanum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

434 | Alkeran | Melphalanum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

435 | Alkohol etylowy 70 % skażony chlorheksydyną 0.18 % | | Liquid | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 19/04/07 |

436 | Alkohol fenyloetylowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

437 | Alkohol izopropylowy | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/09/05 |

438 | Allergo — Comod | Timololum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

439 | Allergo Comod | Natrii cromoglicas | Nasal spray, solution | 20 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

440 | Allergocrom | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH& CoKG | 5/07/06 |

441 | Allergocrom | Natrii cromoglicas | Nasal spray, solution | 20 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH | 5/07/06 |

443 | Allergodil | Azelastinum | Eye drops | | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

444 | Allergodil | Azelastinum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

442 | Allergodil | Azelastinum | Nasal spray | 0.1 % | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

445 | Allergovit | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

446 | Allergovit | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

449 | Allertec | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 28/02/06 |

447 | Allertec | Cetirizinum | Oral drops | 10 mg / ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 23/11/05 |

448 | Allertec | Cetirizinum | Syrup | 5 mg/5 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 23/11/05 |

450 | Allfo 20 | Albuminum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | fiolki 10 ml; butelki 100 ml | CSL Limited | 31/12/08 |

451 | Allfo 4 | Albuminum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mg/ml; fiolki 50 ml; butelki 500 ml | CSL Limited | 31/12/08 |

452 | Allicin | | | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

453 | Allimel, miód czosnkowy | | | | Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Prod. — Anal. — Handl. "PROLAB" s.c., Nakło | 31/12/08 |

454 | Alliofil | Allii sativi bulbus + Urticae folium | Film-coated tablets | 200mg + 53,5mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

455 | Alliogal | | Capsules, soft | 350 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 31/07/06 |

456 | Alliogel | Allii sativi extractum + Allantoinum + Troxerutinum | Gel | (100mg + 10mg + 20mg)/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

457 | Alliol | Olejowy wyciąg z czosnku | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

458 | Alliomint | Allii sativi bulbus | Tablets | 300 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

459 | Alliorut | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 28/10/06 |

460 | Allithera | | Capsules | | BIOGAL Pharmaceutical Works Ltd | 31/12/08 |

461 | Allochol | | | | ONP Borszczagowski Zakład Chemiczno Farmaceutyczny, Ukraina | 31/12/08 |

462 | Alloferin | Alcuronii chloridum | Solution for intravenous injection | 5 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

463 | Allopurinol | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 100 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/05/06 |

464 | Alloratio 100 | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

465 | Allupol | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

466 | Almirid | Dihydroergocryptini mesylas | Tablets | 20 mg | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 14/12/05 |

467 | Aloe — Derm N | Aloe arborescens, Neomycini sulphas | Ointment | 30 mg/g + 5 mg/g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

468 | Aloe compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

469 | Aloe leaves extract | | Amp. | | Polypharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

470 | Aloe Vera Tea Tree Liniment | | Ointment | | Australian Aloe Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

471 | Aloe-Dagomed 12 biegunki | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

472 | Aloe-derm | Aloe arborescens folium extractum siccum | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

473 | Alomide | Lodoxamidum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/04/04 |

474 | Alopevac | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla lisów hodowlanych przeciw grzybicy skórnej | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/01/07 |

475 | Alphacalcidolum | Alfacalcidolum | Capsules, soft | 0,001 mg ; 0,00025 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

476 | Alphagan | Brimonidinum | Eye drops, solution | 2 mg/ml | Allergan Inc. | 25/01/06 |

477 | Alpicort | Acidum salicylicum + Prednisolonum | Coutanous liquid | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

478 | Alpicort E | Acidum salicylicum + Estradiolum + Prednisolonum | Coutanous liquid | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

479 | Alplucine Pig Premix | Jozomycyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Virbac | 14/03/05 |

480 | Alplucine Premix | Jozomycyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/08 |

481 | Alplucine SP | Jozomycyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/08 |

482 | Alprax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0,5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

483 | Alprax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

484 | Alprax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 2 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

485 | Alprazomerck 0,25 | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 6/12/06 |

486 | Alprazomerck 0,5 | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 6/12/06 |

487 | Alprazomerck 1,0 | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 6/12/06 |

488 | Alprostapint 20 | Alprostadilum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 20 mcg/ 1 ml | Pint Pharma GmbH | 24/08/05 |

489 | Alprostapint 500 | Alprostadilum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 500 mcg/ 1 ml | Pint Pharma GmbH | 24/08/05 |

490 | Alprox | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Orion Corporation | 30/11/04 |

491 | Alprox | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Orion Corporation | 30/11/04 |

492 | Alpurin | Allopurinol | Tablets | 100 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

494 | Altacet | Aluminii acetotartras | Gel | 10 mg/g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab.. Farm. Michał Oginski | 30/09/05 |

493 | Altacet | Aluminii acetotartras | Tablets | 1 g | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 30/09/05 |

495 | Altagel | Aluminium acetotatratum | Gel | 10mg / 1 g | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

496 | Altalex | | | | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company d.d. | 31/12/08 |

497 | Althagem | Althaeae radix | Syrup | 387 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/07/05 |

498 | Althamel | Althaeae radix | Medicated honey | 212 mg/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 9/08/06 |

499 | Altix | Aluminii acetotartras | Cream | 10 mg/g | Herba Studio Mścisz i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna | 23/11/05 |

500 | Altix | Aluminii acetotartras | Cream | 7.5 mg/g | Herba Studio Mścisz i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna | 23/11/05 |

501 | Altra | Frangulae cortex extractum siccum + Frangulae cortex pulvis | Coated tablets | 120mg + 100mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

504 | Altramet | Cimetidinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

505 | Altramet | Cimetidinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

502 | Altramet | Cimetidinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

503 | Altramet | Cimetidinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

506 | Alugastrin | Dichydroxyaluminii natrii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 340 mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 28/02/06 |

507 | Alugastrin | Dichydroxyaluminii natrii carbonas | Oral suspension | 340mg/5 ml | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 28/02/06 |

509 | Alumag | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | (23mg w przeliczeniu na tlenek glinu + 40,77mg)/ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

508 | Alumag | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Tablets | 200mg +200mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

510 | Alumina-Dagomed 19 zaparcia | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

512 | Alusal | Aluminii hydroxidum | Buccal tablet | 500mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

511 | Alusal | Aluminii hydroxidum | Tablets | 500mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

513 | Alustin | Aluminii chloridum hexahydricum + Oxyquinolinum | Liquid | (200mg + 1mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

514 | Alutard SQ | Alergeny jadów błonoskrzydłych | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Alk-Abello A/S | 30/06/05 |

515 | Alutard SQ | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Alk-Abello A/S | 30/06/05 |

516 | Alutard SQ | Alergeny roztoczy kurzu domowego | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Alk-Abello A/S | 30/06/05 |

517 | Alutard SQ | Alergeny różne — mieszanina | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Alk-Abello A/S | 30/06/05 |

518 | Alutard SQ | Alergeny sierści zwierząt | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Alk-Abello A/S | 30/06/05 |

519 | Alveofact | Surfactantum | Endotracheopulmonary instillation, solution | 50 mg/1,2 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

520 | Alvia zaparcia, syrop | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 14/11/05 |

522 | Alvityl | | Film-coated tablets | | Solvay Pharma Laboratoire | 30/01/05 |

521 | Alvityl | | Syrup | | Solvay Pharma — Suresnes Cedex | 31/07/04 |

523 | Alvogyl | Lidocainum, Eugenol | Gingival paste | | Septodont | 31/12/06 |

524 | Alvogyl | | Dental paste | | Septodont | 31/12/06 |

525 | Alyostal | Alergeny diagnostyczne | Solution | | Stallergenes S.A. | 30/06/05 |

527 | Amantix | Amantadinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/12/08 |

526 | Amantix | Amantadinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/500ml | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/12/08 |

528 | Amarosal | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/12/08 |

529 | Amarosal "d", | | Syrup | | Herbapol, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

530 | Amarum | Preparat ziołowy | Herbal tea | | Naturwaren OHG Dr Peter Theiss | 31/05/04 |

531 | Amaryl 1 | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

532 | Amaryl 2 | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 2 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

533 | Amaryl 3 | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 3 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

534 | Amaryl 4 | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 4 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

535 | Amaryl 6 | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 6 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

536 | AmBisome | Amphotericinum B | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg | Gilead Sciences International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

537 | Ambix Acne Treatment Cream | Benzoylis peroxydum | Cream | 13.5 mg/g | Kato Laboratories Inc. | 31/07/04 |

538 | Ambro, Ambrohexal | Ambroxolum | Effervescent tablets | 30 mg | Hexal AG | 30/04/05 |

539 | Ambrogem | Ambroxolum | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

540 | AMBROGEM Forte | Ambroxolum | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

542 | Ambrohexal | Ambroxolum | Oral solution | 7.5 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 31/03/05 |

541 | Ambrohexal | Ambroxolum | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 7.5 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 31/03/05 |

543 | Ambrohexal | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Hexal AG | 31/03/05 |

544 | Ambrohexal Retard | Ambroxolum | Prolonged release capsules | 75 µg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

545 | Ambrohexal S | Ambroxolum | Oral solution | 15 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 14/02/07 |

546 | Ambroksol | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5 ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 28/02/06 |

547 | Ambroksol | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 30 mg/5 ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 18/07/05 |

548 | Ambroksol | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Sanofi — Biocom Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

549 | Ambroksol | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Byk Mazowia Sp. z o.o., Łyszkowice | 28/02/06 |

550 | Ambrosan | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | PRO. MED. CS. Praha a.s. | 27/06/07 |

551 | Ambrosol | Ambroxolum | Drops | 7.5 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

552 | Ambrosol | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

553 | Ambrosol | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 30 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

554 | Ambroxol | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5ml | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/05 |

555 | Ambroxol | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 30 mg/5ml | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/05 |

556 | Ambroxol Hydrochloride | Ambroxolum | Effervescent tablets | 60 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

557 | Ambroxol, Anavix | Ambroxolum | Syrup for adult | 30 mg/5 ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

558 | Ambroxol, Anavix | Ambroxolum | Syrup for children | 15 mg/5 ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

559 | Ambroxol-ratiopharm 15 | Ambroxolum | Solution for injection | 7.5 mg/ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

560 | Amerscan Dmsa Agen | Acidum dimercaptosuccinicum (DMSA) | Radiopharmaceutical kit | | Nycomed Amersham plc | 31/12/08 |

561 | Amerscan Hepatate II Agent | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | Radiopharmaceutical kit | | Nycomed Amersham plc | 31/12/08 |

562 | Amerscan Pentetate II Agent | Calcium trisodium pentetate | Radiopharmaceutical kit | | Nycomed Imaging AS | 31/12/08 |

563 | Amerscan Stannous Agent | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | Radiopharmaceutical kit | | Nycomed Amersham plc | 31/12/08 |

564 | Amerscan Tm Medronate II Agent | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | Set | | Nycomed Amersham plc | 31/12/08 |

565 | Amertec II | Natrii pertechnetatis (99mTc) fissione formati | Solution | | Nycomed Amersham plc | 31/12/08 |

566 | Amertil | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

567 | Amervac PRRS/A3 | Żywa szczepionka dla świń przeciwko zespołowi rozrodczo oddechowemu świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 18/09/07 |

568 | Amfobase | | Cutaneous emulsion | | Herba Studio Mścisz i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna | 6/06/07 |

569 | Amiginko | Ginkgo bilobae folium extractum siccum | Syrup | 40mg/5 ml | Amilek Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

570 | Amikin | Amikacinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/2 ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

571 | Amikin | Amikacinum | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 250 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

572 | Amikin | Amikacinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 125 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

573 | Amikin | Amikacinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 250 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

574 | AMINI VISNAGA | | Suppository | 2 g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

575 | Aminofenazon | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

576 | Aminofenazon | | | | Polfa Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

577 | Aminofilina | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

578 | Aminofilina | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

579 | Aminofilina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

580 | Aminofilina | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

581 | Aminofilina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

582 | Aminofilina -czopki pediatryczne | Aminophyllinum | Suppository | 100 mg | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

583 | Aminofilina -czopki pediatryczne | Aminophyllinum | Suppository | 50 mg | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

584 | Aminoglutetimid | Aminoglutethimidum | Tablets | 250 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 31/12/05 |

585 | Aminomel 10 E | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

586 | Aminomel 12,5 E | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

587 | Aminomel Nephro | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

588 | Aminomix 1 | Preparat złożony | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 3/06/06 |

589 | Aminophyllinum | Aminophyllinum | Oral drops, solution | 240 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

590 | Aminophyllinum | Aminophyllinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 250 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

591 | Aminophyllinum | Aminophyllinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 25 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/05/04 |

592 | Aminophyllinum | Aminophyllinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 25 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

593 | Aminophyllinum prolongatum | Aminophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 350 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

594 | Aminophyllinum Retard | Aminophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 350 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

595 | Aminoplasmal 10 % E | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

596 | Aminoplasmal 15 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 12/03/06 |

597 | Aminoplasmal 15 % E | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 12/03/06 |

598 | Aminoplasmal Hepa 10 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 30/11/04 |

599 | Aminosteril KE 10 % bez węglowodanów z elektrolitami | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 3/06/06 |

600 | Aminosteril N-Hepa 8 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

601 | Aminoven Infant 10 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 30/04/05 |

602 | Aminoven Infant 6 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 3/06/06 |

603 | Amiokordin | Amiodaronum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

604 | Amiokordin | Amiodaronum | Tablets | 200 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/01/06 |

605 | Amiosten | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Amilek Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

606 | Amiosten | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Amilek Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

607 | Amipar | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Amilek Sp. z o.o | 31/12/08 |

608 | Amitriptylinum | Amitriptylinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

609 | Amitriptylinum | Amitriptylinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

610 | Amitriptylinum | Amitriptylinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

611 | Amitriptylinum | Amitriptylinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

612 | Amitriptylinum 2,5 % | Amitriptylinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

613 | Amitropil | Piracetamum | Syrup | 200 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/06 |

615 | Amizepin | Carbamazepinum | Oral suspension | 100 mg/5ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

614 | Amizepin | Carbamazepinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

616 | Amizepin prolongatum | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 6/07/05 |

617 | Amizepin prolongatum | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 6/07/05 |

618 | Amlocor 10 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

619 | Amlocor 2,5 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

620 | Amlocor 5 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

621 | Amlocor 7,5 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 7,5 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

622 | Amlodipine | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

623 | Amlodipinum | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/01/05 |

624 | Amlodipinum | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/01/05 |

625 | Amlodypine | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

626 | Amlonor | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

627 | Amlonor | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

628 | Amlopin | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/01/05 |

629 | Amlopin | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/01/05 |

630 | Amlopol | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

631 | Amlopol | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

632 | Amlopres — 10 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

633 | Amlopres — 5 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

634 | Amloratio 10 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

635 | Amloratio 5 | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

636 | Amlotens | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

637 | Amlotens | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

638 | Amlovasc | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Filofarm Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

639 | Amlovasc | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Filofarm Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

640 | Amlozek | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

641 | Amlozek | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

642 | Amnowy chlorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

647 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1000 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/05/04 |

648 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 375 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

649 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 625 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

645 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 156 mg/5 ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

646 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 457 mg/5 ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 24/05/06 |

643 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 600 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/05/05 |

644 | Amoksiklav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 1,2 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/05/05 |

650 | Amoksiklav 12,5 % | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 31/12/08 |

651 | Amoksiklav 62,5 % | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 31/12/08 |

652 | Amoksiklav forte | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 312.5 mg/5 ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

653 | Amoksiklav kęsy | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Bolus | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical | 31/12/08 |

654 | Amoksiklav tabletki | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 8/11/05 |

655 | Amoksycylina 60 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 6/06/05 |

656 | Amoksycylina Trójwodna 10 % | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | AniMedica West | 31/12/07 |

657 | Amoksycyliny trójwodzian | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/01/06 |

658 | Amoksymina 15 % L.A. | Amoxiciclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

659 | Amoksywet 60 % | Amoxiciclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

660 | Amoksywet inj. | Amoxiciclinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

661 | Amol | Preparat złożony | Liquid for external use | | Altana Consumer Health GmbH | 29/02/04 |

662 | Amonowy bromek | Ammoni bromidum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

663 | Amonowy bromek | Ammoni bromidum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

664 | Amonowy bromek | Ammoni bromidum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

665 | Amonowy bromek | Ammoni bromidum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

666 | Amonowy bromek | Ammoni bromidum | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 30/11/05 |

667 | Amonowy chlorek | Ammoni bromidum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/03/06 |

668 | Amonowy chlorek | Ammoni bromidum | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/03/06 |

669 | Amonowy chlorek | Ammoni bromidum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

674 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 9/12/06 |

675 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 9/12/06 |

670 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral solution | 375 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

671 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

672 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 9/12/06 |

673 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 9/12/06 |

676 | Amotaks | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 9/12/06 |

677 | Amotaks — Dis | Amoxicilinum | Tablets | 750 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

678 | Amotaks — Dis | Amoxicilinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

679 | Amotaks — Dis | Amoxicilinum | Tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

680 | Amotaks wet. Granulat 50 % | Amoxicillunum | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

681 | Amotaks wet. Granulat 80 % | Amoxicillunum | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

682 | Amotaks wet. Tabletki 200mg | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

683 | Amotaks wet. Tabletki 400mg | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

684 | Amotaks wet. Tabletki 40mg | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

685 | Amoxicilin | Amoxicilinum | Capsules | 250 mg i 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

686 | Amoxicilin | Amoxicilinum | Powder for suspension | 250 mg /5 ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

687 | Amoxicilin | Amoxicilinum | Tablets | 1g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

688 | Amoxicillin Trihydrate 11,5 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Bremer Pharma | 31/12/08 |

691 | Amoxicilline | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/06/06 |

689 | Amoxicilline | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 1 g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

690 | Amoxicilline | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 500 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

692 | Amoxicilline pro suspensione | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

693 | Amoxicilline pro suspensione | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

694 | Amoxicillinum 0,5 tab | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biofaktor | 31/12/08 |

695 | Amoxicillinum 1,0 tab | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biofaktor | 31/12/08 |

696 | Amoxicillinum 10 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Sp. z o.o. | 17/04/05 |

697 | Amoxicillinum 80 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Sp. z o.o. | 17/04/05 |

698 | Amoxil | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

699 | Amoxil | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

700 | Amoxinject 15 % | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Bremer Pharma | 31/12/08 |

703 | Amoxiratio Comp | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 125 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

701 | Amoxiratio Comp | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (125 mg + 31 mg)/5 ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

702 | Amoxiratio Comp | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (250 mg + 62,5 mg)/5 ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

704 | Amoxy 100 | Amoxiciclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vet-Pharm | 31/12/08 |

705 | Amoxy 15 % pro inj. | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Eurovet Animal Health | 30/07/06 |

706 | Amoxycillin | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

707 | Amoxycillin 15 WSP | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 30/06/04 |

708 | Amoxycillin 250 | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

709 | Amoxycillin 500 | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

710 | Amoxy-Col WSP | Amoxicillunum + Colistinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 31/12/08 |

711 | Amoxyveto | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | V.M.D. | 31/12/08 |

712 | Amphochol | Fumariae herba extractum spissum | Tablets | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/09/07 |

713 | Amphocil | Amphotericinum | Lyophilisate for solution for infusion | 100 mg | Torrex Pharma GesmbH | 30/04/04 |

714 | Amphocil | Amphotericinum | Lyophilisate for solution for infusion | 50 mg | Torrex Pharma GesmbH | 30/04/04 |

715 | Amphosca a I'orchitine | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

716 | Amphosca a I'ovarine | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

717 | Ampicilin Natrium | Ampicilinum | Substance for intravenous or intravascular injection | 0,5 g | Brinsalov | 31/12/08 |

719 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/12/07 |

720 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | ZAO BRINSALOV A | 31/12/07 |

718 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

721 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

722 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 2 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 14/09/05 |

723 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 250 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/04 |

724 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

725 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/04 |

726 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

727 | Ampicillin | Ampicillinum | Tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

728 | Ampicillin 20 % | Ampicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Bremer Pharma | 31/12/08 |

729 | Ampicillin pro suspensione | Ampicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

730 | Ampiclox L.C. | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillnum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 6/03/05 |

731 | Ampicylina 20 % inj. | Ampicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

732 | Ampiryna | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 325 mg | L.T.York Pharmacal Co. | 31/05/05 |

733 | Ampisur | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillnum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 14/08/05 |

734 | Ampitab 180 mg | Ampicillinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 3/11/05 |

735 | Ampitab 50 mg | Ampicillinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 3/11/05 |

736 | Ampitab Suspension | Ampicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 3/11/05 |

737 | Amprol 12 % | Chlorowodorek amprolium | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

738 | Amprolmix 25 % | Amprolium | Premix | for veterinary use | Merial | 3/07/07 |

739 | Amuril 10 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 23/08/08 |

740 | Amuril 50 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 3/09/04 |

741 | Anacardium-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

742 | Anacardium-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

743 | Anadin | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Pennex Products Co. Inc. | 31/12/06 |

744 | Anadin dla dzieci | Paracetamolum | Buccal tablet | 80 mg | Pennex Products Co. Inc. | 31/12/05 |

746 | Anafranil | Clomipraminum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/09/04 |

747 | Anafranil | Clomipraminum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/09/04 |

745 | Anafranil | Clomipraminum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 12.5 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/09/04 |

748 | Anafranil SR 75 | Clomipraminum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 75 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/09/04 |

749 | Anagallis comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

750 | Anagallis comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

751 | Analget | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum + Propyphenazonum | Tablets | 50mg + 200mg + 200mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/05 |

752 | Analgin | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

753 | Analgin Forte | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

755 | Analgol | Preparat złożony | Gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno Kosmetycznej "Profarm" Sp. z o.o., Lębork | 31/01/06 |

754 | Analgol | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

756 | Analgolan | Methylis salicylas + Camphorum | Ointment | | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

757 | Analux | Phenylephrinum | Eye drops, solution | 1.25 mg/ml | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/04/04 |

758 | Anandron | Nilutamidum | Tablets | 50 mg | Laboratoires Cassenne | 30/06/04 |

759 | Anapran | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 220 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 11/10/06 |

760 | Anapran | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 275 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

761 | Anapran | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 550 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

762 | Anatetan | Szczepionka przeciwtężcowa | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

763 | Anavenol | | Coated tablets | | Lečiva a.s. | 31/07/04 |

764 | Ancotil | Flucytosinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

765 | Ancotil | Flucytosinum | Tablets | 500 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

766 | Ancrusal | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 500 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

767 | Andepin | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

768 | Andepin | Simvastatinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/06 |

769 | Andol C | Acidum acetylosalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 400 mg + 240 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

770 | Andraxan | Flutamidum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Medicom International s.r.o. | 26/09/07 |

771 | Androcur | Cyproteronum | Tablets | 50 mg | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

772 | Androgest | Cyproteronum | Tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

773 | Androstatin | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

774 | Anevit | Preparat złożony | Syrup | | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/10/05 |

775 | Anexate | Flumazenilum | Solution for injection | 100 mcg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

776 | Angi Sept | Preparat złożony | tabletki od bólu gardła | | Naturwaren OhgDr Peter Theiss | 31/12/08 |

777 | Angina comp. krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

778 | Angin-Heel S | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

779 | Angin-Heel SD | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

780 | Anginosep | Cetylpyridini chloridum | Buccal tablets | 2,5 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

781 | Angio-Injeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

782 | Angiopas krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

783 | Aniclindan 75 | Clindamycinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | AniMedica West GmbH | 30/01/06 |

784 | Aniclox | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillnum | Intrauterine stick | for veterinary use | AniMedica West | 24/05/07 |

785 | Anipracit | Praziquantelum | Solution | for veterinary use | AniMedica West | 31/12/08 |

786 | Aniprazol | Prazikwantel, Fenbendazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | AniMedica West | 31/12/08 |

787 | Anipyran | Pyrantelu embonian | Suspension | for veterinary use | AniMedica West | 9/06/05 |

788 | Aniron | Wyciąg wodny zhydrolizowanej wątroby, Siarczan żelazawy, Siarczan manganawy, Chlorek kobaltawy, Siarczek miedziowy | Syrup | for veterinary use | Jelfa | 24/08/04 |

789 | Anlostin | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 28/02/06 |

790 | Anopyrin 30 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 30 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

791 | Anopyrin 100 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

792 | Anopyrin 400 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 0.4 g | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

793 | Antalv | Acidum mefenamicum | Tablets | 20 mg | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

794 | Antares 120 | | Tablets | 120 mg kawa-pironów | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH Gebren | 6/07/05 |

795 | Antaxone | Naltrexonum | Capsules | 10 mg | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

796 | Antaxone | Naltrexonum | Capsules | 50 mg | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

797 | Antaxone | Naltrexonum | Solution for oromucosal use | 50 mg/20 ml | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

798 | Antaxone | Naltrexonum | Solution for oromucosal use | 100 mg/20 ml | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

799 | Anteovin | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Tablets | tabletki białe: levonorgestrel 0,05 mg, etynylestradiol 0,05 mg; tabletki różowe: levonorgestrel 0,125 mg, etynylestradiol 0,05 mg. | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

800 | Anti — Rhesus (D) Immunoglobuline | Immunoblobulinum humanum anti — D | Solution for intramuscular injection | 1000 j.m. | Sanquin, CLB Products Division | 31/12/08 |

801 | Anticoccid | Amprolium | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 24/05/04 |

802 | Anticol | Disulfiramum | Tablets | 500 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

803 | Antidiab | Glipizidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/08/04 |

804 | Antidol 10 | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 10mg + 300mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 15/11/06 |

805 | Antidol 15 | Paracetamolum + Codeinum | Tablets | 500 mg + 15 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

806 | Antidol 20 | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 20mg + 300mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/05 |

807 | Antidol P | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

808 | Antidral | Aluminii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 100 mg/g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

809 | Antigripinol | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum + Chlorphenaminum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg + 200 mg + 7,5 mg | NP. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

810 | Antinervinum | Crataegi tinctura + Lupuli strobili tinctura + Valerianae tinctura | Syrup | | Konwent Zakonu Bonifratrów | 27/09/06 |

811 | Antineuralgiae E | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Ethenzamidum | Tablets | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/04 |

812 | Antineuralgiae K | Acetulsalicylicum acidum, Etoxybenzamidum, Coffeinum | Tablets | 16 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

813 | Antiparasitic Shampoo | Permetryna | Shampoo | for veterinary use | Francodex S.A. | 15/02/06 |

814 | Antiparen | chlorek wapnia, chlorek magnezu, chlorek sodu, glukoza | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

815 | Antirobe 150 mg | Clindamycinum | Capsule | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 25/03/07 |

816 | Antirobe 25 mg | Clindamycinum | Capsule | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 25/03/07 |

817 | Antirobe 75 mg | Clindamycinum | Capsule | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 25/03/07 |

818 | Antisedan | Atipamezolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Orion Corporation | 16/02/05 |

819 | Antistax ® | Vitis viniferae fol. extr. sicc. | Capsules, hard | 180 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

820 | Antithrombin III | Antithrombinum III | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 1000 j.m. antytrombiny III | Baxter AG | 30/11/04 |

821 | Antithrombin III | Antithrombinum III | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 500 j.m. antytrombiny III | Baxter AG | 30/11/04 |

822 | Antithrombin III Grifolos | Antithrombinum III | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 1000 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 14/03/06 |

823 | Antithrombin III Grifolos | Antithrombinum III | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 500 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 14/03/06 |

824 | Anti-Uron | Mesnum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

825 | Antiverm dla koni | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 16/11/04 |

826 | Antiverm dla kotów | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 17/08/05 |

827 | Antiverm dla psów | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 17/05/05 |

828 | Antiverm junior | Pyrantel, febantel | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

829 | Antiverm Maxi plus dla psów | Pyrantel, prazikwantel, febantel | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

830 | Antiverm plus dla kotów | Embonian pyrantelu, prazikwantel | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

831 | Antiverm plus dla psów | Pyrantel, prazikwantel, febantel | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

832 | Antivir | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

833 | Antivir | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

834 | Antotalgin | Phenazonum | Ear drops | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

835 | Antrex | Calcii folinas | Tablets | 15 mg | Orion Corporation | 31/05/04 |

836 | Antycolimix T | Sulfachloropirydazyny sól sodowa, Tripelenaminy chlorowodorek, Trimetoprim | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 17/08/04 |

837 | Antygrypin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | | Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy GALENUS | 30/04/05 |

838 | Antypot | Acidum boricum + Acidum salicylicum | Coutanous powder | | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy FARKO | 31/12/05 |

839 | Antytoksyna błonicza końska | Antitoxinum diphthericum equinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 10000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

840 | Antytoksyna botulinowa wieloważna A+B+E | Botulinum antitoxin | Solution for intramuscular or intravenous injection | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

841 | Antytoksyna jadu żmij | Immunoserum contra venena viperarum europaearum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 500 j.a. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

842 | Antytoksyna tężcowa bydlęca | Antytoksyna tężcowa bydlęca | Solution for intramuscular injection | 3000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

843 | Antytoksyna tężcowa końska | Antitoxinum tetanicum equinum | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 3000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

844 | Antytoksyna tężcowa końska | Antytoksyna tężcowa konska | Solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 10000 j.a. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

845 | Antytoksyna tężcowa końska | Antytoksyna tężcowa konska | Solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 20000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

846 | Antytoksyna tężcowa końska liofilizowana | Tetanus antitoxin | Injection (lyophilisate) | 3000 j.a. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

848 | Anusol | Balsamum peruvianum + Bismuthum oxydum + Zinci oxydum | Ointment | | Gödecke AG | 31/07/04 |

847 | Anusol | Balsamum peruvianum + Bismuthum oxydum + Zinci oxydum | Suppository | | Gödecke AG | 31/07/04 |

849 | Anzatax | Paclitaxelum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 6 mg/ml | FH Faulding & Co. Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

850 | Anzemet 100 | Dolasetronum | Solution for intravenous injection | 100 mg/5ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 5/07/06 |

851 | Anzemet 12,5 | Dolasetronum | Solution for intravenous injection | 12.5 mg/0,625ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 5/07/06 |

852 | Anzemet 200 | Dolasetronum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 5/07/06 |

853 | Anzemet 50 | Dolasetronum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 5/07/06 |

854 | Apadon | Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Labpharm Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

856 | APAP | Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 31/07/04 |

855 | APAP | Paracetamolum | Oral drops, suspension | 100 mg/ml | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 31/07/04 |

857 | Apap | Paracetamolum | Oral suspension | 160 mg/5ml | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

858 | Apap C Plus | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg + 300 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

859 | Apap noc | Diphenhydraminum + Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 4/07/07 |

860 | Apatinac | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 184 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 25/10/06 |

861 | Apemix (poprzednia nazwa: stomamix) | Angelicae radix, Gentianae radix, Absinthii herba | Capsules, hard | 169 mg + 157,5 mg + 113,5 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

862 | Aperisan gel | Salviae folium extractum fluidum | Oromucosal gel | 200 mg/g | Dentinox Gesellschaft fur pharmaceutische Praparate Lenk & Schuppan | 31/01/05 |

863 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

864 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

865 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

866 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

867 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

868 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Microfarm s.c. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe | 31/01/06 |

869 | Aphtin | Natrii tetraboras | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 31/12/05 |

870 | Aphtin | | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Augmed | 30/10/05 |

871 | Aphtin | | Oromucosal solution | 200 mg/g | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. zo.o. | 30/10/05 |

872 | Apiderm — Maść propolisowa | | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Bartpol s.c. Z. Kostrzewski | 30/10/05 |

873 | ApiHelix | | Syrup | 101.9 mg/ 5 ml | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 27/06/07 |

874 | Apilecitan | | | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

875 | Apilepsin | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

876 | Apinorm | | Syrup | | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

877 | Apipropol M | | Ointment | 60 mg/g | Wytwórnia Leków Naturalnych APIHERBA Dr Edward Kałużny | 31/08/05 |

878 | Apipropol R | | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | 100 mg/ml | Wytwórnia Leków Naturalnych APIHERBA Dr Edward Kałużny | 31/08/05 |

879 | Apipulmol | Ammonii chloridum + Guaiacolsulfonatum | Syrup | | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 31/08/05 |

880 | Apipulmol | | Syrup | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/08/05 |

881 | Apirektal | Propolis extractum | Suppository | | Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko-Farmaceutyczne "APIPOL-FARMA" Sp. z o.o., Myślenice | 31/12/08 |

882 | Apis similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

883 | APIS/BELLADONNA | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

884 | Apis/Belladonna cum Mercurio granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

885 | Apis/Belladonna cum Mercurio inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

886 | Apis/Levisticum II granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

887 | Apis/Levisticum II inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

888 | Apis-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

889 | Apis-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

890 | Apitraz | Amitrazum | Bee- hive strip | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

891 | Apitussic | Guaiacolsulfonatum | Syrup | 52 mg/ 5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/08/05 |

892 | Apitussic | | Syrup | 52 mg/5 ml | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

893 | Apivag | Propolis extractum | Pessary | | Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko Farmaceutyczne "APIPOL-FARMA" Sp. z o.o., Myślenice | 31/12/08 |

894 | Apiwarol | Amitrazum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 21/06/04 |

895 | Apiżel | Propolis extractum | Gel | 50 mg/1g | Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko-Farmaceutyczne "APIPOL-FARMA" Sp. z o.o., Myślenice | 31/12/08 |

896 | Aplaket | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Rottapharm S.r.l. | 31/12/08 |

897 | Apo — Carbam | Carbamazepinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

898 | Apo — Diltiaz | Diltiazemum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

899 | Apo — Doxan 1 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

900 | Apo — Doxan 2 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

901 | Apo — Doxan 4 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

902 | Apo — Fluoxetine | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

903 | Apo — Indap | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

904 | Apo — Keto 100 | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

905 | Apo — Keto 50 | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

906 | Apo — Keto SR | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

907 | Apo — Lazid | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

908 | Apo — Lovastatin | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

909 | Apo — Parox 20 | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/12/08 |

910 | Apo-Acyclovir 200 | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Apotex Inc. | 14/02/07 |

911 | Apo-Acyclovir 400 | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 400 mg | Apotex Inc. | 14/02/07 |

912 | Apo-Allopurinol | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

913 | Apo-Amoxi 125 mg/5 ml | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Apotex Inc. | 27/09/06 |

914 | Apo-Amoxi 250 | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/04/04 |

915 | Apo-Amoxi 250 mg/5 ml | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Apotex Inc. | 27/09/06 |

916 | Apo-Amoxi 500 | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/04/04 |

917 | Apo-Atenol 100 | Atenololum | Tablets | 100 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

918 | Apo-Atenol 50 | Atenololum | Tablets | 50 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

919 | Apo-Cefaclor | Cefaclorum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Apotex Inc. | 21/06/06 |

920 | Apo-Clodin | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Apotex Inc. | 17/01/07 |

921 | Apo-Diclo 25 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 25 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

922 | Apo-Diclo 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

923 | Apo-Famo 20 | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 15/11/06 |

924 | Apo-Famo 40 | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Apotex Inc. | 15/11/06 |

925 | Apo-Feno 100 | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 100 mg | Apotex Inc. | 27/09/06 |

926 | Apo-Feno 200M | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 200 mg | Apotex Inc. | 27/09/06 |

927 | Apo-Flutam | Flutamidum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Apotex Inc. | 25/04/07 |

928 | APO-go | Apomorphini hydrochloridum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 10 mg/ml | Forum Products Ltd | 31/07/05 |

929 | APO-go PEN | Apomorphini hydrochloridum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 10 mg/ml | Forum Products Ltd | 31/07/05 |

930 | Apo-ISDN 10 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Tablets | 10 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/07/04 |

931 | Apo-ISDN 5 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Sublingual tablets | 5 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/07/04 |

932 | Apo-Mefen | Acidum mefenamicum | Capsules | 250 mg | Apotex Inc. | 11/11/06 |

933 | Apo-Nadol 40 | Nadololum | Tablets | 40 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

934 | Apo-Nadol 80 | Nadololum | Tablets | 80 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

935 | Apo-Naproxen 125 | Naproxenum | Tablets | 125 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/07/04 |

936 | Apo-Naproxen 250 | Naproxenum | Tablets | 250 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/07/04 |

937 | Apo-Nifed | Nifedipinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

938 | Apo-Pentox 400 SR | Pentoxifyllinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 400 mg | Apotex Inc. | 21/06/06 |

939 | Apo-Piroxicam 10 | Piroxicamum | Capsules | 10 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

940 | Apo-Piroxicam 20 | Piroxicamum | Capsules | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

941 | Apo-Ranitidine 150 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/07/04 |

942 | Apo-Ranitidine 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Apotex Inc. | 31/07/04 |

943 | Apo-Selin | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Apotex Inc. | 6/12/06 |

944 | Apo-Sulfatrim | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 480 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/04/04 |

945 | Apo-Tiapro 200 | Acidum tiaprofenicum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Apotex Inc. | 26/04/06 |

946 | Apo-Tiapro 300 | Acidum tiaprofenicum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Apotex Inc. | 26/04/06 |

947 | Apo-Timol 10 | Timololum | Tablets | 10 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

948 | Apo-Timol 20 | Timololum | Tablets | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

949 | Apo-Timol 5 | Timololum | Tablets | 5 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

950 | Apo-Trifluoperazine 1 | Trifluoperazinum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

951 | Apo-Trifluoperazine 10 | Trifluoperazinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

952 | Apo-Trifluoperazine 2 | Trifluoperazinum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

953 | Apo-Trifluoperazine 20 | Trifluoperazinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

954 | Apo-Trifluoperazine 5 | Trifluoperazinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

955 | Apo-Verap 120 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

956 | Apo-Verap 80 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Apotex Inc. | 30/06/04 |

957 | Appertex | Klazuril | Tablet | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica n.v. | 30/01/06 |

958 | Apralan 100 Premix | Apramycyny siarczan | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 11/03/04 |

959 | Apralan Soluble Powder | Apramycyny siarczan | Powder | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 4/03/04 |

960 | Apranax | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 550 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

961 | Apres 200 | Acebutolum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

962 | Apres 400 | Acebutolum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

963 | Aprofen | Ibuprofenum | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

964 | Aprovel | Irbesartanum | Tablets | 150 mg | Sanofi Pharma BMS SNC | 31/12/08 |

965 | Aprovel | Irbesartanum | Tablets | 300 mg | Sanofi Pharma BMS SNC | 31/12/08 |

966 | Aprovel | Irbesartanum | Tablets | 75 mg | Sanofi Pharma BMS SNC | 31/12/08 |

967 | APS I — sztyft do nosa | | Nasal stick | | Scan-Anida sp. z o.o. | 31/08/05 |

968 | APS II — sztyft do nosa | | Nasal stick | | Scan-Anida sp. z o.o. | 31/08/05 |

969 | Apsik | Oxymetazolum | Nasal drops, solution | 0,05 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

970 | Apsik | Oxymetazolum | Nasal drops, solution | 0,03 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

971 | Apsik | Oxymetazolum | Nasal drops, solution | 0,01 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

972 | Aptovac | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakażeniom układu oddechowego wywoływanym przez Actionobacillus pleuropneumoniae i Pasteurella multocida | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 25/03/07 |

973 | Apydan | Oxcarbazepinum | Tablets | 300 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

974 | Apydan | Oxcarbazepinum | Tablets | 600 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

975 | Aqua Maris | Preparat balneologiczny | Nasal wash | | Jadran Galenshij Laboratenj | 31/12/08 |

976 | Aqua pro iniectione | Aqua pro injectione | Solvent for parenteral use | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

977 | Aqua pro iniectione | Aqua pro injectione | Solvent for parenteral use | | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

978 | Aqua Pro Injectione | Aqua pro injectione | Solvent for parenteral use | | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

979 | Aqua pro injectione | Aqua pro injectione | Solvent for parenteral use | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

980 | Aqua Pro Irrigatione | Aqua | Aqua for rinse | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA Spółka Akcyjna | 30/09/07 |

981 | AQUILINUM comp. | | Amp. | 1 g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

982 | AQUILINUM comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

983 | Aradicator | inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń zawierająca antygeny bordetella bronchiseptica i pasteurella multocida | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

984 | Arava | Leflunomidum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

985 | Arava | Leflunomidum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

986 | Arava | Leflunomidum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

987 | Arcalen | Arnicae et Calendulae inflorescentiae extractum compositum spissum + Aesculinum | Ointment | (20mg + 10mg)/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

988 | Archangelica comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

989 | Arcoxia | Etoricoxibum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

990 | Arcoxia | Etoricoxibum | Film-coated tablets | 90 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

991 | Arcoxia | Etoricoxibum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

992 | Ardinex | Codeinum + Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 30mg + 200mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/04/04 |

993 | Arduan | Pipecuronii bromidum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

994 | Arechin | Chloroquinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

995 | Aredia | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 15 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/01/05 |

996 | Aredia | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 30 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 12/02/06 |

997 | Aredia | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

998 | Aredia | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 90 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

999 | Arfix | | Nasal stick | | P.P.H. "ARF-MED" s.c., Koszalin | 31/12/08 |

1000 | Argentum Complexe Lehning nr 98 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

1001 | Argentum D30/Echinacea D6 aa amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

1002 | ARGENTUM NITRICUM comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1003 | ARGENTUM NITRICUM comp., granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1004 | Argentum nitricum cum Kalio nitrico | | | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów | 14/07/05 |

1005 | ARGENTUM/QUARZ | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1006 | ARGENTUM/QUARZ | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1007 | ARGENTUM/-ROHRZUCKER granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1008 | ARGENTUM/-ROHRZUCKER, ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1009 | Argentum-Dagomed 5 dolegliwości brzuszne | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

1010 | Arginina | Arginini hydrochloridum | Capsules | 500 mg | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 26/04/06 |

1011 | Arginina | L-argininum | Oral powder | 2,0 g ; 4,0 g | Produkcyjno-Handlowe Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków CURTIS HEEALTHCARE Sp. z.o.o. | 26/04/06 |

1012 | Argocytromag | Magnesii hydrocitras | Tablets | 40 mg Mg ++ | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/05 |

1013 | Argogin | | Tablets | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1014 | Argol grip | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | ALBA THYMENT Sp. z o.o., Poznań | 31/12/08 |

1015 | Argol Essenza Balsamica | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid for external use and inhalation | | Alba Thyment | 16/04/06 |

1016 | Argol rheuma | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | ALBA THYMENT Sp. z o.o., Poznań | 31/12/08 |

1017 | Argol® virin | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | ALBA THYMENT Sp. z o.o., Poznań | 31/12/08 |

1019 | Argosulfan | Sulfathiazolum argentum | Cream | 15 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1020 | Argosulfan | Sulfathiazolum argentum | Cream | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1018 | Argosulfan | Sulfathiazolum argentum | Cutaneous spray | 15 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1021 | Argosulfan 2 % | Sulfathiazolum | Cream | 20 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

1022 | Argotussin | Dextromethorphanum | Tablets | 15 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 30/04/05 |

1023 | Argotussin | Dextromethorphanum | Tablets | 5 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 30/04/05 |

1024 | Aricept | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pfizer Bruksela | 31/12/08 |

1025 | Aricept | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Pfizer Bruksela | 31/12/08 |

1026 | Arifon | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/06 |

1027 | Arilin Rapid | Metronidazolum | Pessary | 1000 mg | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

1028 | Arimidex | Anastrozolum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1029 | Arkogelules artichaut | | | | Lab. Arkopharma | 31/12/08 |

1030 | Arkogelules ginseng or ginsatonic | | | | Lab. Arkopharma | 31/12/08 |

1031 | Arkogelules marronnierd'inde | | | | Lab. Arkopharma | 31/12/08 |

1032 | Arlevert | Cinnarizinum + Dimenhydrinatum | Tablets | 20 mg + 40 mg | Henning Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1033 | Armanor | Almitrinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/12/04 |

1034 | Arnica complexe nr 1 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

1035 | Arnica Gel- Żel z arniki | Preparat złożony | Gel for external use | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/04/04 |

1036 | Arnica Ointment | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/04/04 |

1037 | ARNICA/PLUMBUM comp A amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1038 | ARNICA/PLUMBUM comp. A, granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1039 | Arnica-Heel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1040 | Arnica-Heel S | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1041 | Arnical — nalewka do użytku zewnętrznego | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1044 | ARNIKA | | Dressing | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1042 | ARNIKA | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1043 | ARNIKA | | Tincture | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1045 | Arnikaderm | Arnicae extractum spissum + Rosmarini aetheroleum | Ointment | (70 mg + 30 mg)/g | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1046 | Arnisol | Arnicae tinctura + Gallae tinctura + Hippocastani intractum | Coutanous liquid | (730 mg + 91mg + 91mg)/ ml | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1047 | Arnisol | Arnicae tinctura, Gallae tinctura, Hippocastani tinctura | Gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno Kosmetycznej "Profarm" Sp. z o.o., Lębork | 31/12/08 |

1048 | Aromagel | Preparat złożony | Gel fof rub | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

1049 | Aromasin | Exemestanum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/09/05 |

1050 | Aromatol | Preparat złożony | Liquid for external use and inhalation | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

1051 | Aronomag | Magnesii citras | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 18/12/06 |

1052 | Arretin ICN | Tretinoinum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 6/06/07 |

1053 | Arsuraneel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1054 | Artecholin | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1055 | Artecholwex | Preparat ziołowy | Tablets | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1056 | Arteflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

1057 | Artelac | Hypromellosum | Eye drops, solution | 3.2 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 29/11/06 |

1058 | Artemisol | Absinthi et Tanaceti herbae tinctura + Acidum aceticum | Liquid for external use | 873 mg/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

1059 | Arteoptic | Carteololum | Eye drops | 1 % | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/12/08 |

1060 | Arteoptic | Carteololum | Eye drops | 2 % | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/12/08 |

1061 | Arteria-Heel N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1062 | Arthrokehlan "A" D6 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

1063 | Arthrokehlan "U" D6 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

1064 | Arthrotec | Diclofenacum + Misoprostolum | Tablets | | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 31/12/08 |

1065 | Arthrotec Forte | Diclofenacum + Misoprostolum | Tablets | 75mg + 0,2mg | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 31/07/04 |

1066 | Arthryl | Glucosaminum | Powder for oral solution | 1.5 g | Rottapharm S.r.I | 31/12/08 |

1067 | Arthryl | Glucosaminum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 400 mg | Rottapharm S.r.I | 22/02/06 |

1068 | Artrodar | Diacereinum | Capsules | 50 mg | TRB Pharma S.AWn.: Pharm Supply | 31/12/08 |

1069 | Arytmol | | Drops | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1070 | Asa | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 75 mg | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 30/11/05 |

1071 | Asaltec 325 | Acxidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 325 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

1072 | Asasantin Retard | Dipirydamolum + Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Prolonged release capsules | | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1073 | Ascalcin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 300mg + 100mg Ca++ | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

1074 | Ascalcin Plus o smaku cytrynowym | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcium | Effervescent powder | 500mg + 300mg + 200mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 23/11/05 |

1075 | Ascalcin Plus o smaku grejpfrutowym | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcium | Effervescent powder | 500mg + 300mg + 200mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 23/11/05 |

1076 | Ascodan | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Codeinum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

1077 | Ascofer | Ferrosi gluconas | Coated tablets | 200 mg | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/01/05 |

1078 | Ascopir | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder | for veterinary use | VAAs Industria Chimica | 31/12/08 |

1079 | Ascorgem | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/ml | Gemi Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej- Przedstawiciel | 26/04/06 |

1080 | Ascorutical | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/08/05 |

1081 | Ascorutical forte | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcium + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 200mg + 200mg + 50mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 17/01/07 |

1082 | Asentra | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 12/09/07 |

1083 | Asentra | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 12/09/07 |

1084 | Asmag | Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 20 mg Mg ++ | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

1085 | Asmag B | Magnesii hydroaspartas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | 300mg + 0,25mg | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

1086 | Asmag forte | Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 34 mg Mg ++ | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

1087 | Asmanex | Mometasoni furoas | Inhalation powder | 200 µg | Schering — Plough Lobo N.V. | 31/12/08 |

1088 | Asmanex | Mometasoni furoas | Inhalation powder | 400 µg | Schering — Plough Lobo N.V. | 31/12/08 |

1089 | Asopiryna | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/07 |

1090 | Asopiryna S | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 0.3 g | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/07 |

1091 | Asparaginase 10000 medac | Asparaginasum | Powder for solution for intramuscular, intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 10000 j.m | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 6/06/07 |

1092 | Asparaginase 5000 medac | Asparaginasum | Powder for solution for intramuscular, intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 5000 j.m | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 6/06/07 |

1093 | Aspargin | Kalii hydroaspartas + Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/05 |

1094 | Aspargin | Kalii hydroaspartas + Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 54mg K+ ; 17mg Mg++ | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

1095 | Aspargin | Kalii hydroaspartas + Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

1096 | Asparginaum | Asparginasum | Lyophilisate for injection | 10000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1097 | Asparxen | Kalii hydroaspartas + Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 54mg K+; 17mg Mg++ | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 12/10/05 |

1098 | Aspegic 1000 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder for oral solution | 1000 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/04 |

1099 | Aspegic 250 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder for oral solution | 250 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/04 |

1100 | Aspegic 500 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder for oral solution | 500 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/04 |

1101 | Aspi | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 325 mg | US Pharmacia International, Inc. | 31/12/08 |

1102 | Aspicam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 7,5 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1103 | Aspicam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 15 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1104 | Aspicard | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 81 mg | US Pharmacia International, Inc. | 31/12/08 |

1105 | Aspimag | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Magnesii oxidum | Tablets | | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/09/05 |

1107 | Aspirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Effervescent tablets | 0.5 g | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

1106 | Aspirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 500 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

1108 | Aspirin 325 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 325 mg | Bayer SPA | 31/07/05 |

1109 | Aspirin 40 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 40 mg | Bayer AG | 25/01/06 |

1110 | Aspirin C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 400mg + 240mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

1111 | Aspirin Direkt | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Buccal tablets | 500 mg | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

1112 | Aspirin Protect 100 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Bayer AG | 4/10/06 |

1113 | Aspirin Protect 300 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Bayer AG | 4/10/06 |

1114 | Asprocard | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Glycinum | Tablets | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/05/05 |

1115 | Asprocol | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Glycinum | Tablets | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1116 | Assalix ® | Salicis cortex extractum siccum | Coated tablets | 393,24 mg | Bionorica Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1117 | Assimilaid | Preparat złożony | Capsule | | Sunrider Manufacturing L.P., USA | 31/12/08 |

1118 | Astemizol | Astemizolum | Tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

1119 | Astemizol | Astemizolum | Tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1120 | Asthma H | | | | Homoopatisches Laboratorium A.Pfluger | 31/12/08 |

1122 | Astmopent | Orciprenalinum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/03/05 |

1121 | Astmopent | Orciprenalinum | Spray | 0.75 mg/dawkę | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/03/05 |

1123 | Atacand | Candesartanum | Tablets | 16 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/08/04 |

1124 | Atacand | Candesartanum | Tablets | 4 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/08/04 |

1125 | Atacand | Candesartanum | Tablets | 8 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/08/04 |

1128 | Atarax | Hydroxyzinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/09/04 |

1129 | Atarax | Hydroxyzinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/09/04 |

1126 | Atarax | Hydroxyzinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 50 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/09/04 |

1127 | Atarax | Hydroxyzinum | Syrup | 2 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/09/04 |

1130 | Atecortin | Hydrocortisonum + Oxytetracyclinum + Polymyxinum B | Ear and eye drops, suspension | (15mg + 5mg + 1000j.m.)/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

1131 | Atehexal 25 | Atenololum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

1133 | Atenolol | Atenololum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

1134 | Atenolol | Atenololum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

1132 | Atenolol | Atenololum | Tablets | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/02/06 |

1135 | Atenolol | Atenololum | Tablets | 50 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

1136 | Atenolol | Atenololum | Tablets | 25 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

1137 | Atenolol 100 | Atenololum | Tablets | 100 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

1138 | Atenolol 12,5 | Atenololum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | Sun — Farm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1139 | Atenolol 25 | Atenololum | Tablets | 25 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 22/09/05 |

1140 | Atenolol 25 | Atenololum | Tablets | 25 mg | Sun — Farm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1141 | Atenolol 50 | Atenololum | Tablets | 50 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

1142 | Atgam | Immunoglobulina limfocytarna globulina antytymocytom | Solution for intravenous injection | 50 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 30/06/07 |

1143 | ATG-Fresenius S | Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (horse) | Solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mg/ml | Fresenius HemoCare Immune Therapy GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1144 | ATG-Fresenius S | Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (horse) | Solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mg/ml | Fresenius HemoCare Immune Therapy GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1145 | Atlan'tol AV5 | Formaldehyd, glutaraldehyd, isopropanol | Liquid | for veterinary use | Atlan'tol NV | 31/12/08 |

1146 | Atlan'tol Mamelo-1 | dwuglukonian chloroheksydyny, alkohol izopropylowy glicerol | Liquid | for veterinary use | Atlan'tol NV | 31/12/08 |

1147 | Atoris | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1148 | Atoris | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1149 | Atorvastatin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablet | 10 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1151 | Atorvastatin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1152 | Atorvastatin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1150 | Atorvastatin | Atorvastatinum | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1153 | Atorvastatin | Atrovastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1154 | Atorvastin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1155 | Atorvastin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1156 | Atorvastin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1157 | Atorvastin | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1158 | Atorwastatyna | Atorvastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1159 | Atorwastatyna | Atorvastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1161 | Atossa | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

1162 | Atossa | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/06 |

1160 | Atossa | Ondansetronum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 30/04/06 |

1163 | Atrederm 0,025 % | Tocopherolum + Tretinoinum | Coutanous liquid | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1164 | Atrederm 0,05 % | Tocopherolum + Tretinoinum | Coutanous liquid | 0.05 % | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1165 | Atrederm 0,1 % | Tocopherolum + Tretinoinum | Coutanous liquid | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1166 | Atrobac 3 | Szczepionka przeciw różycy i zakaźnemu zanikowemu zapaleniu nosa dla świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 25/11/04 |

1167 | Atrocor | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1168 | Atrocor | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1169 | Atropinum compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1170 | Atropinum Compositum S | | Suppository | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1171 | Atropinum sulfuricum | Atropinum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/12/05 |

1172 | Atropinum sulfuricum | Atropinum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/12/05 |

1173 | Atropinum sulfuricum 1 % | Atropinum | Eye drops, solution | 10 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

1174 | Atropiny siarczan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

1175 | Atropiny siarczan | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

1176 | Atropiny siarczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

1177 | Atropiny siarczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

1178 | Atropiny siarczan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

1179 | Atrovent | Ipratropii bromidum | Nasal spray, solution | 21 mcg/dawkę donosową | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 5/07/06 |

1180 | Atrovent | Ipratropii bromidum | Nasal spray, solution | 42 mcg/dawkę donosową | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 5/07/06 |

1183 | Atrovent | Ipratropii bromidum | Nebuliser solution | 0.25 mg/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/01/05 |

1181 | Atrovent | Ipratropii bromidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 0.02 mg/dawkę | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1182 | Atrovent | Ipratropii bromidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 20 mcg/dawkę | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1184 | Atrovent®N | Ipratropii bromidum | Pressurised inhalation, solution | 20 mcg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1185 | Atrox 10 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1186 | Atrox 20 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1187 | Atrox 40 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1188 | Atrozol | Anastrozolum | Film-coated tablets | 1mg | VIPHARM S.A. Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

1197 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/06/07 |

1198 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 125mg + 250mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1199 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 625mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 11/07/05 |

1200 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 375mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

1190 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 156 mg/5ml | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

1191 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | (31mg + 125mg)/5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1192 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 457 mg/5 ml | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 31/07/04 |

1193 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 200mg + 1g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1194 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 100mg + 500mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1195 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 1,2g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

1196 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 600 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

1189 | Augmentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for suspension | 312.5 mg/5ml | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 31/12/04 |

1201 | AUGMENTIN 2 g + 0,2 g | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection and infusion | 2 g + 0,2 g | SmithKline Beecham | 31/12/08 |

1202 | Aujesyva 6-S | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciwko chorobie Aujeszky'ego | Suspension | for veterinary use | Laboratorios SYVA, S.A. | 14/11/06 |

1203 | Aujinflu Suivax | inaktywowana szczepionka adsorbowana wodorotlenkiem dlinu przeciwko chorbie Aujeszk'y i grypie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fatro | 31/12/08 |

1204 | Aulin | Nimesulidum | Granules for oral suspension | 100 mg | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/05/04 |

1205 | Aulin | Nimesulidum | Tablets | 100 mg | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/05/04 |

1206 | Aurex 20 | Citalopranum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1207 | Aurex 30 | Citalopranum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1208 | Aurex 40 | Citalopranum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1209 | Aurex 60 | Citalopranum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1210 | Aurikan | Prednizolon, Heksamidyna, Tetrakainy chlorowodorek, Lindan | Ear drops | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 9/06/04 |

1211 | Aurofac 100 | Chlortetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Alpharma AS | 30/06/04 |

1212 | Aurofac 100G | chlorowodorek chlortetracykliny | Granules | for veterinary use | Alpharma | 31/12/08 |

1213 | AURONAL 10 mg | Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1214 | AURONAL 2,5 mg | Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1215 | AURONAL 5 mg | Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1216 | Aurorix | Moclobemidum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

1217 | Aurorix | Moclobemidum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

1218 | AURUM comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1219 | AURUM comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1220 | AURUM comp. ung. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1221 | Aurum jodatum Pentarkan H | | Tablets | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 19/03/06 |

1222 | AURUM/BELLADONNA comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1223 | AURUM/BELLADONNA comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1224 | AURUM/REGINA comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1225 | AURUM/REGINA comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1226 | AURUM/STIBIUM/-HYOSCYAMUS amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1227 | AURUM/STIBIUM/-HYOSCYAMUS gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1228 | AURUM/VALERIANA comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1229 | AURUM/VALERIANA comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1230 | Aurumheel N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1231 | Auskipra — GN/A3 | żywa szczepionka dla świń przeciwsko chorbie aujeszky'ego | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

1232 | Avaden — 1 | Estradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

1233 | Avaden — 2 | Estradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

1234 | Avandia | Rosiglitazonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | SmithKline Beecham plc | 14/12/05 |

1235 | Avandia | Rosiglitazonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | SmithKline Beecham plc | 14/12/05 |

1236 | Avandia | Rosiglitazonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | SmithKline Beecham plc | 14/12/05 |

1237 | Avandia | Rosiglitazonum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | SmithKline Beecham plc | 14/12/05 |

1238 | Avatec 15 % | Lazalocidu sól sodowa | Granules | for veterinary use | Alpharma AS | 20/05/04 |

1239 | Avaxim | Hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1240 | Avelox | Moxifloksacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1,6 mg/ml | Bayer AG | 30/11/04 |

1241 | Avelox | Moxifloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Bayer AG | 30/11/04 |

1243 | Avenoc | | Ointment | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 9/01/06 |

1242 | Avenoc | | Suppository | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 9/01/06 |

1244 | Avi Pro Precise | żywa szczepionka przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby fabrycjusza ibd | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

1245 | Aviax | semduramycyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Phibro | 31/12/08 |

1246 | Aviffa-RTI | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy indyków oraz syndromowi wielkiej głowy kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 24/02/05 |

1247 | Avimetronid | Metronidazolum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

1248 | Avimetronid | Metronidazolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 24/05/04 |

1249 | Avinew | Żywa szczepionki dla kur przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 4/06/07 |

1250 | Aviomarin | Dimenhydrinatum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/1 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1251 | Aviomarin | Dimenhydrinatum | Tablets | 50 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/01/05 |

1252 | Aviomarin Mitte | Dimenhydrinatum | Tablets | 25 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1253 | Avioplant | Zingiberis rhizomae | Capsules | 350 mg | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1254 | Avir-tonic | | | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1255 | Avituberculin | Białko tuberkulinowe z przesączu hodowli Mycobacterium avium D4ER | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1256 | Avonex | Interferonum beta-1a | Powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 30 mcg (6 mln j.m.) | Biogen B.V. | 31/01/05 |

1257 | Awirol | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 30/10/05 |

1258 | Awirol | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 23/11/06 |

1259 | Azactam | Aztreonamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 0.5 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

1260 | Azactam | Aztreonamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

1261 | Azadinum | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1262 | Azathioprine | Azathioprinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

1263 | Azathioprine | Azathioprinum | Tablets | 50 mg | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. Bytom | 31/12/05 |

1268 | Azibiot | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1264 | Azibiot | Azithromycinum | Powder for oral suspension | 150 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1265 | Azibiot | Azithromycinum | Powder for oral suspension | 200 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1266 | Azibiot | Azithromycinum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1267 | Azibiot | Azithromycinum | Powder for oral suspension | 500 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1270 | Azimycin | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1271 | Azimycin | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1272 | Azimycin | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1269 | Azimycin | Azithromycinum | Granules for solution | 100mg /5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1273 | Azimycin | | Granules for oral solution | 200 mg /5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1274 | Azitrex | Azitromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Expharm Inc. | 31/12/08 |

1275 | Azitrin | Azithromycinum | Tablets | 125 mg , 250 mg , 500 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

1276 | Azitrox 250 | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

1277 | Azitrox 500 | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

1278 | Azlocillin | Azlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 1 g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

1279 | Azlocillin | Azlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 5 g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

1280 | Azmacort | Triamcinolonum | Spray | 100 mcg/dawkę | Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer Pharmaceuticals Inc. | 31/12/08 |

1281 | Azopt | Brinzolamidum | Eye drops, suspension | 10 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires UK Ltd. | 14/12/05 |

1282 | Azovir | Zidovudinum | Capsules | 100 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 19/04/06 |

1283 | Azovir | Zidovudinum | Capsules | 250 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 19/04/06 |

1284 | Azucalen | | Liquid for irrigation | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1285 | Azulan | Chamomillae anthodium extractum | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1286 | Azulan | Chamomillae anthodium extractum | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

1287 | Azulan | | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1288 | Azupentat — 400 Retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/07/04 |

1289 | Azuseptol | Chamomillae anthodium | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

1290 | Azycyna | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

1291 | Azycyna | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

1292 | Azylid | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1293 | B12 Ankermann | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for injection | 100 mcg/ml | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co.KG | 31/01/05 |

1294 | B12 Ankermann | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for injection | 1000 mcg/ml | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co.KG | 31/01/05 |

1295 | B12 Ankermann | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for injection | 1000 mcg/ml | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co.KG | 31/01/05 |

1296 | Babicum | | Syrup | 320 mg/5ml | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 21/11/06 |

1297 | Babka lanc. Fix | | Herb | | Herbapol — Białostok S.A. | 10/05/06 |

1298 | Baby Orajel | Benzocainum | Oromucosal gel | 75 mg/g | Del Pharmaceuticals INC | 30/04/04 |

1299 | Baclofen | Baclofenum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

1300 | Baclofen | Baclofenum | Tablets | 25 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

1301 | Bacolam | Amoksicillinum + Colistinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Fatro S.p.A. | 30/01/06 |

1302 | Bacolam Injectable | Amoxicillunum + Colistinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fatro S.p.A. | 5/01/06 |

1303 | Bactiflox 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

1304 | Bactiflox 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

1305 | Bactiflox 750 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

1306 | Bactrazol | Trimethoprimum + Sulfamethoxazolum | Oral suspension | | Krakowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1307 | Bactrim | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 96 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

1308 | Bactrim | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Syrup | 240 mg/5ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

1309 | Bactrim | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 480 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

1310 | Bactrim Forte, Bactrim | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 960 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/04 |

1311 | Bactroban | Mupirocinum | Cream | 20 mg/g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 13/10/05 |

1313 | Bactroban | Mupirocinum | Nasal ointment | 20 mg/g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 9/05/05 |

1312 | Bactroban | Mupirocinum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 13/10/05 |

1314 | Badiaga Complexe Nr 47 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

1315 | Baifem | bajkalina | Gel | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1316 | Baikadent | Scutellariae baicalensis radix extractum | Oromucosal gel | 5.77 mg/g | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 15/03/06 |

1317 | Baikaderm | bajkalina, alantoina | Ointment | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1318 | Baikanin | | Capsule, hard | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1319 | Baldex | Theophyllinum + Guaifenesinum | Syrup | (50mg + 30mg)/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

1320 | Baldrian mono | | Coated tablets | 190 mg | Rottendorf Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1321 | Baldriparan | | Coated tablets | | Rottendorf Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1322 | Balneum Hermal | Oleum Sojae | Bath additive | 847.5 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 27/06/06 |

1323 | Balneum Hermal F | Oleum Arachidis + Paraffinum liquidum | Bath additive | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/06 |

1324 | Balneum-Hermal Plus | Oleum Sojae + Polidocanolum | Bath additive | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/04 |

1325 | Balsam peruwiański | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

1326 | Balsam peruwiański | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

1327 | Balsam peruwiański | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

1328 | Balsam peruwiański | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

1329 | Balsam peruwiański | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

1330 | Balsam peruwiański | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

1331 | Balsam Szostakowskiego (Vinilinum) | | Liquid | | ICN POLYPHARM | 31/07/04 |

1332 | Balsam Świątynia Niebios | | Ointment | | Zhonghua Pharmaceuticals Factory | 31/01/05 |

1333 | Balsamum Mentholi Compositum | Methylis salicylas + Mentholum | Ointment | (200mg + 25mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

1334 | Balsolan | Balsamum peruvianum | Ointment | 100 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 10/01/05 |

1335 | Balsolan A | | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1336 | Bals-Sulphur żel | Preparat złożony | Gel | | Sulphur Zdrój Exim — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/05 |

1337 | Bambec | Bambuterolum | Tablets | 10 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 6/09/06 |

1338 | Bambec | Bambuterolum | Tablets | 20 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 6/09/06 |

1339 | Bancid | Praziquantelum | Solution | for veterinary use | CP-Pharma | 31/12/08 |

1340 | Baneocin | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Ointment | (250 j.m. + 5mg)/g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

1341 | Banminth pasta dla koni | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/07 |

1342 | Banminth pasta dla kotów | Embonian pyrantelu | Paste | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

1343 | Banminth pasta dla psów | Embonian pyrantelu | Paste | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

1344 | Barijodeel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1345 | Barium sulfuricum | Barii sulfas | Oral suspension | 1 g/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

1346 | Basiron | Benzoili peroxydum | Gel | | Laboratoires Galderma | 31/12/08 |

1347 | Basiron | Benzoili peroxydum | Gel | | Laboratoires Galderma | 31/12/08 |

1348 | Basiron | Benzoili peroxydum | Gel | | Laboratoires Galderma | 31/12/08 |

1351 | Batrafen | Ciclopiroxum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/04/04 |

1349 | Batrafen | Ciclopiroxum | Cream | 10 mg/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

1350 | Batrafen | Ciclopiroxum | Nail lacquer | 80 mg/g | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 26/07/05 |

1352 | Baycox 2,5 % | Toltrazuril | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 5/05/07 |

1353 | Baycox 5 % | toltrazuril | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1354 | Baycuten | Clotrimazolum + Dexamethasonum | Cream | 1 % + 0,04 % | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

1355 | Baymec | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

1356 | Bayofly Pour-On | Cyflutryna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 5/03/06 |

1357 | Bayovac BRSV + PI3 | Szczepionka dla bydła przeciwko zakażeniom RSV oraz PI3 | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Bayer Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

1358 | Baypamun HK | Preparat immunostymulujący dla psów i kotów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Bayer | 26/01/05 |

1359 | Baypamun P | Preparat immunostymulujący dla koni | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Bayer | 6/02/05 |

1360 | Baypamune | Immunostymulator | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Bayer Niemcy | 30/09/07 |

1361 | Baypen | Mezlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 0.5 g | Bayer AG | 30/04/04 |

1362 | Baypen | Mezlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 2 g | Bayer AG | 30/04/04 |

1363 | Baypen | Mezlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 5 g | Bayer AG | 30/04/04 |

1364 | Baypress | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

1365 | Baytril 0,5 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 30/01/05 |

1366 | Baytril 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 30/01/05 |

1367 | Baytril 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

1368 | Baytril 15 mg | Enrofloxacinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 8/11/05 |

1369 | Baytril 150 mg | Enrofloxacinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 8/11/05 |

1370 | Baytril 2,5 % inj. | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 8/11/05 |

1371 | Baytril 5 % (Baytril 5 % inj.) | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

1372 | Bayvarol | Flumetryna | Bee- hive strip | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 5/03/06 |

1373 | BC 56 | Preparat złożony | Cream | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

1374 | BCG — Medac | Vaccinum BCG | powder and solvent for suspension for intrabladder use | | medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

1375 | Beaphar — obroża dla kota | Tetrachlorwinfos | Collar | for veterinary use | Beaphar BV | 15/05/07 |

1376 | Beaphar — obroża dla psa | Tetrachlorwinfos | Collar | for veterinary use | Beaphar BV | 15/05/07 |

1377 | Bebilon Amino | Dieta eliminacyjna | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 31/12/07 |

1378 | Bebilon BMF | Dodatek do mleka kobiecego | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 31/12/07 |

1380 | Bebilon Nenatal | Prep. odżywczy dla wcześniaków | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 31/12/07 |

1379 | Bebilon Nenatal | Prep. odżywczy dla wcześniaków | Powder diet | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 31/12/08 |

1381 | Bebilon Pepti | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Alimentation liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 31/12/07 |

1382 | Bebilon Pepti 1, Bebilon Pepti | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 31/12/07 |

1383 | Bebilon Pepti 2 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 30/09/05 |

1384 | Bebilon Pepti MCT | Dieta eliminacyjna z MCT | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 30/06/06 |

1385 | Bebilon sojowy 1 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 30/06/07 |

1386 | Bebilon sojowy 2 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 31/03/04 |

1387 | Beclazone EB | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, solution | 100 mcg/dawkę | Norton Waterford Ltd. | 11/10/06 |

1388 | Beclazone EB | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, solution | 250 mcg/dawkę | Norton Waterford Ltd. | 11/10/06 |

1389 | Beclazone EB | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę | Norton Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

1390 | Beclazone EB | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 250 mcg/dawkę | Norton Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

1391 | Beclazone EB | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę | Norton Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

1392 | Beclocort mite | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1393 | Beclocort forte | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 250 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1394 | Beclomet | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę | Orion Corporation | 30/06/04 |

1395 | Beclomet Nasal | Beclometasonum | Nasal spray | 50 mcg/dawkę | Orion Corporation | 30/06/04 |

1396 | Becodisk | Beclometasonum | Inhalation powder | 100 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

1397 | Becodisk | Beclometasonum | Inhalation powder | 200 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

1398 | Beconase | Beclometasonum | Nasal spray, water suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/11/04 |

1399 | Becotide | Beclometasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

1400 | Bedicort | Betamethasonum + Acidum salicylicum | Liquid | 0,5 mg +20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1401 | Bedicort A | Bathametasonum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | preparat złożony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1402 | Bedicort G | Betamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Cream | (0,5mg + 1mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 15/03/06 |

1403 | Bedicort G | Betamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Ointment | (0,5mg + 1mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 15/03/06 |

1404 | Begrivac | Influenza, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for injection | 0.5 ml | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co. | 30/06/07 |

1405 | Bekunis | | Coated tablets | | Roha Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1406 | Belcospira Orale | Collistinum + Spiramycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

1407 | BELLADONNA/CHAMOMILLA | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1408 | Belladonna-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1409 | Belladonna-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1410 | Bellapan | Atropinum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

1411 | Bellergot | Atropinum + Ergotaminum + Phenobarbitalum | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/01/05 |

1412 | Beloderm | Betamethasonum | Cream | 0,5 mg/g | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1413 | Beloderm | Betamethasonum | Ointment | 0,5 mg/g | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1414 | Belogent | Bethamethasonum + Gentamycinum | Cream | | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1415 | Belogent | Bethamethasonum + Gentamycinum | Ointment | | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1417 | Belosalic | Betamethasonum + Acidum salicylicum | Coutanous liquid | (0,5 mg + 30 mg)/g | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1416 | Belosalic | Betamethasonum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | (0,5 mg + 30 mg)/g | Belupo Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1418 | Bemecor | Metildigoxinum | Oral drops, solution | 0.6 mg/1 ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

1419 | Bemecor | Metildigoxinum | Solution for injection | 0.1 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

1420 | Bemecor | Metildigoxinum | Tablets | 0.1 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

1421 | Ben Gay Children's | Camphorum + Mentholum | Ointment | (50mg + 40mg)/g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

1422 | Ben Gay Greaseless/Stainless Ointment | Methylis salicylas + Mentholum | Ointment | (150mg + 100mg)/g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

1423 | Ben Gay Sports Balm | Methylis salicylas + Mentholum | Ointment | (280mg + 100mg)/g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

1424 | Benalapril 10 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 10 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

1425 | Benalapril 20 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 20 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

1426 | Benalapril 5 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

1427 | Benalgin | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Cream | 30 mg/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

1428 | Benalgin | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

1429 | Benalpharm | Coffeinum + Metamizolum natricum + Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/12/08 |

1430 | Benfogamma | Benfothiaminum | Coated tablets | 50 mg | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co.KG | 14/12/05 |

1431 | Benuron | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 1 g | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/03/07 |

1432 | Benuron | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 125 mg | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/01/05 |

1433 | Benuron | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 250 mg | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/01/05 |

1434 | Benuron | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 500 mg | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/04 |

1435 | Benuron | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 200 mg/5ml | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/04 |

1436 | Benuron | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/04/04 |

1437 | Benzacne | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

1438 | Benzacne | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

1439 | Benzapur | Benzoili peroxydum | Cutaneous gel | 50 mg / g | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/01/06 |

1440 | Benzapur | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/06 |

1441 | Benzocainum | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 18/01/06 |

1442 | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/01/06 |

1443 | Benzyna | Benzinum | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 31/12/08 |

1444 | Benzyna | Benzinum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

1445 | Benzyna | Benzinum | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

1446 | Bepanthen | Dexpanthenolum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 30/04/04 |

1447 | Bepanthen | Dexpanthenolum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 30/04/04 |

1448 | Bepanthen Lotion | Dexpanthenolum | Coutanous liquid | 25 mg/g | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 30/04/04 |

1449 | Bepanthen Plus Cream | Chlorhexidinum + Dexpanthenolum | Cream | | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 4/10/06 |

1450 | Bepepsin | Betainii hydrochloridum + Pepsinum | Tablets | 400mg + 100mg | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

1451 | Berberil | Tetryzolinum | Eye drops | 0.5 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 4/07/07 |

1452 | Berberis Complexe Lehning nr 83 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

1453 | BERBERIS E FRUCTIBUS comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1454 | BERBERIS E FRUCTIBUS comp., granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1455 | Berberis Similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

1456 | BERBERIS/PROSTATA comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1457 | BERBERIS/PROSTATA comp., granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1458 | BERBERIS/QUARZ | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1459 | BERBERIS/QUARZ | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1460 | BERBERIS/URTICA URENS | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1461 | BERBERIS/URTICA URENS | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1462 | BERBERIS/UTERUS comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1463 | BERBERIS/UTERUS comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1464 | Berberis-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1465 | Berberis-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1466 | Beriate P 1000 | | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1000 j.m. | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/08/05 |

1467 | Beriate P 250 | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 250 j.m. | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/08/05 |

1468 | Beriate P 500 | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 500 j.m. | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/08/05 |

1469 | Beriplast P | | Set for tissular glue | | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

1470 | Beriplex P/N 250 | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravascular injection and intravascular infusion | 250 j.m. Czynnika IX | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/10/04 |

1471 | Beriplex P/N 500 | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravascular injection and intravascular infusion | 500 j.m. Czynnika IX | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/10/04 |

1472 | Berocca Ca, Mg, Zn | | Effervescent tablets | | Roche Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/10/05 |

1473 | Berocca Ca, Mg, Zn | | Film-coated tablets | | Roche Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/10/05 |

1476 | Berodual | Fenoterolum + Ipratropii bromidum | Nebuliser solution | | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1474 | Berodual | Fenoterolum + Ipratropii bromidum | Pressurised inhalation | (50mcg + 20mcg)/ dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1475 | Berodual | Fenoterolum + Ipratropii bromidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1477 | Berodual N | Fenoterolum + Ipratropii bromidum | Pressurised inhalation, solution | | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 6/12/06 |

1480 | Berotec | Fenoterolum | Inhalation solution | 0.1 % (1 mg/1 ml) | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/10/05 |

1478 | Berotec | Fenoterolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 200mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1479 | Berotec | Fenoterolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 200 mcg/dawkę | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1481 | Berotec N 100 | Fenoterolum | Pressurised inhalation, solution | 100 mcg/dawkę | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 6/11/05 |

1482 | Bestpirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 30 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

1483 | Bestpirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 325 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

1484 | Bestpirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 75 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

1485 | Beta Carotene | Betacarotenum | Capsules, soft | 15 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

1486 | Beta Karoten | Betacarotenum | Capsules | 6 mg | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/07/04 |

1487 | Betabion | Betaxololum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 14/03/07 |

1490 | Betadine | Povidone-iodine | Liquid for hands disinfection | 75 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/03/05 |

1489 | Betadine | Povidone-iodine | Ointment | 100 mg/g | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 28/11/05 |

1488 | Betadine | Povidone-iodine | Pessary | 200 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 23/10/06 |

1491 | Betadine | Povidone-iodine | Solution for external use | 100 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/07/05 |

1493 | Betadrin | Diphenhydraminum + Naphazolinum | Eye drops, solution | (1mg + 0,33mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

1492 | Betadrin | Diphenhydraminum + Naphazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | (1mg + 0,33mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

1494 | Betaferon | Interferonum beta — 1 b | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutanoeus injection | 0,25 mg (8 mln j.m.) | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

1495 | Betaferon | Interferonum beta-1b | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 0.3 mg (9,6 mln j.m.) | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

1496 | Betaghistine Dihydrochloride | Betahistinum | Tablets | 16 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1497 | Betagran | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

1498 | Betahistine Dihyrdochloride | Betahistinum | Tablets | 8 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1499 | Beta-Karoten | Betacarotenum | Tablets | 10 mg | Chance — Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. | 30/06/05 |

1500 | Beta-Karoten + Witamina E | Betacarotenum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 7 mg + 25mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

1501 | Beta-Karoten 25.000 j.m. z witaminami C i E | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Betacarotenum + Tocopherolum | Film-coated tablets | | C.E. Jamieson Co. Ltd | 31/07/04 |

1502 | Beta-Karoten E | Betacarotenum + Tocopherolum | Tablets | | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 31/01/05 |

1503 | Betaklav | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (250 mg + 62,5 mg)/g | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

1504 | Betaklav | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Tablets | 500 mg + 125 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

1505 | BETAKLAV Duo | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Tablets | 875 mg + 125 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

1506 | Betaloc | Metoprololi tartas | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

1507 | Betaloc ZOK 50 | Metoprololum | Controled release tablets | 50 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/12/08 |

1508 | Betaloc ZOK 100 | Metoprololum | Controled release tablets | 100 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/12/07 |

1509 | Betaloc ZOK 200 | Metoprololum | Controled release tablets | 200 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/12/07 |

1510 | Betaloc ZOK 25 | Metoprololum | Controled release tablets | 23,75mg | AstraZeneca AB | 15/11/06 |

1511 | Betamann | Metipranololum | Eye drops, solution | 1 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 30/01/05 |

1512 | Betamann | Metipranololum | Eye drops, solution | 3 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 30/01/05 |

1513 | Betamann 0,3 % Edo | Metipranololum | Eye drops | 3 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann | 31/12/08 |

1514 | Betamox 200 | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

1515 | Betamox 40 | Amoxicillunum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

1516 | Betamox L.A. | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 18/03/04 |

1517 | Betaserc | Betahistinum | Tablets | 16 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 30/11/04 |

1518 | Betaserc | Betahistinum | Tablets | 8 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 16/08/05 |

1519 | Betasol | | Oral solution | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

1519 | Betasol | | Oral solution | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

1520 | Betmaethasone Dipropioniate, Clotrimazolum, Gantamicin Sulfate | Betamethasonum + Clotrimazolum + Gentamicinum | Cream | 0,5 mg, 10mg, 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1521 | Betmaethasone Dipropioniate, Clotrimazolum, Gantamicin Sulfate | Betamethasonum + Clotrimazolum + Gentamicinum | Ointment | 0,5 mg, 10mg, 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1522 | Betnesol | Betamethasonum | Solution for injection | 4 mg/1 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

1523 | Betnovate | Betamethasonum | Cream | 1.22 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1524 | Betnovate | Betamethasonum | Ointment | 1.22 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1525 | Betnovate | Betamethasonum | Solution for haired head skin | 1.22 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1526 | Betnovate C | Betamethasonum + Clioquinolum | Cream | (1.22 mg + 30mg)/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1527 | Betnovate C | Betamethasonum + Clioquinolum | Ointment | (1.22 mg + 30mg)/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1528 | Betnovate N | Betamethasonum + Neomycinum | Cream | (1.22 mg + 5 mg)/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1529 | Betnovate N | Betamethasonum + Neomycinum | Ointment | (1.22 mg + 5 mg)/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/08/04 |

1530 | Betolol | Sotalolum | Tablets | 40 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1531 | Betolol | Sotalolum | Tablets | 80 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1532 | Betoptic 0,5 % | Betaxololum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

1533 | Betoptic S | Betaxololum | Eye drops | 2.5 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

1534 | BETULA/ARNICA comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1535 | BETULA/ARNICA comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1536 | Bezalip retard | Bezafibratum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 400 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

1537 | Bezamidin | Bezafibratum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

1538 | Biafine | | Cutaneous emulsion | | Laboratoire Medix Houdan | 31/12/08 |

1539 | Biflor | | Tablets | 3 mld pałeczek kwasu mlekowego | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

1540 | Bifluorid 12 | | Dental lacquer | | VOCO GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1541 | Bigopest | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i chorobie Gumboro | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

1542 | Bihelminth | prazikwantel, fenbendazol | Tablets | for veterinary use | Riemser | 31/12/08 |

1543 | Biherpan | Heparinum natricum + Zinci sulfas | Gel | (300 j.m. + 10mg)/g | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/05/05 |

1544 | Bilberin | Myrtilli fructus extractum siccum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/07/05 |

1545 | Bilberin | Myrtilli fructus extractum siccum, Betacarotenum | Oral capsules | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/07/05 |

1546 | Biliaroten — fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 31/08/05 |

1547 | Biliepar | Acidum ursodeoxycholicum | Capsules | 0.15 g | Instituto Bioterapico Nazionale (I.BIR.N.) S.R.L. | 31/07/04 |

1548 | Bilobase | Gonkgo bilboae extractum, Cholina, Inositol | Film-coated tablets | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

1549 | Bilobi l forte | Ginkgo bilobae folium extractum siccum | Capsules | 80 mg | KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

1550 | Bilobil | Ginkgo biloba | Capsules | 40 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 29/02/04 |

1551 | Bilocol | Osalmidum | Coated tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

1552 | Bimanol | Deanolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

1553 | Binat | Natrii hydrocarbonas | Tablets | 500 mg | Menagement and Consulting Group | 11/10/06 |

1554 | Binazin | Todralazini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

1555 | Binewgodrop | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli i syndromowi spadku nieśności i chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

1556 | Binewvaxidrop | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i syndromowi spadku nieśności | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 10/05/04 |

1557 | Bio — Sept | Fluorescenian sodu, żółcień metanilowa, formaldehyd | Liquid | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

1558 | Bio Ava | Szczepionka przeciw reowirusowemu zapaleniu stawów dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial Italia SPA s.s. | 31/12/08 |

1559 | Bio Cholera | Szczepionka dla kur i indyków przeciw pasterelozie | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial Italia SPA | 22/05/06 |

1560 | Bio Reo 1 | Szczepionka przeciwko reowirusowemu zapaleniu stawów u kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial Italia SPA s.s. | 31/12/08 |

1561 | Bio Reo 2 | Szczepionka przeciwko reowirusowemu zapaleniu stawów u kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial Italia SPA s.s. | 31/12/08 |

1562 | Bioaron C | Preparat złożony | Syrup | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1563 | Bioascovit | Acidum ascorbicum | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

1564 | Bioaspirinol | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Suppository | 0,500 g | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z.o.o Lublin | 31/12/08 |

1565 | Bioaspirinol | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Suppository | 0,300 g | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z.o.o Lublin | 31/12/08 |

1566 | Biocan B | szczepionka przeciwko boreliozie u psów | Solution | for veterinary use | Bioveta a.s. | 31/12/08 |

1567 | Biocan DHPPi | szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakaźnemu zapaleniu górnych dróg oddechowych, parwowirozie i parainfluenzie psów | Solution | for veterinary use | Bioveta a.s. | 31/12/08 |

1568 | Biocan LR | inaktywowana szczepionka przeciw leptospirozie i wściekliźnie u psów i zwierząt futerkowych | Solution | for veterinary use | Bioveta a.s. | 31/12/08 |

1569 | Biocan R | inaktywowana szczepionka przeciwko wściekliźnie | Solution | for veterinary use | Bioveta a.s. | 31/12/08 |

1570 | Biocardine 900 | Olej z mięśni ryb | Capsules | 900 mg | Scandinavian Laboratories, USA | 31/12/08 |

1571 | Biocefazon | Cefoperazonum | Dry substance for injection and infusion | 0.5 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1572 | Biocefazon | Cefoperazonum | Dry substance for injection and infusion | 1 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1573 | Biocefazon | Cefoperazonum | Dry substance for injection and infusion | 2 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1574 | BIO-COX 120G | Salinomycyny sól sodowa | Premix | for veterinary use | Alpharma AS | 29/06/06 |

1575 | Biodacyna | Amikacinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 125 mg/ml | Instytut Biotechnologii i Antybiotyków | 30/10/05 |

1576 | Biodacyna | Amikacinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 250 mg/ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1577 | Biodacyna ophtalmicum 0,3 % | Amikacinum | Eye drops | 3 mg/ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

1578 | Biodent | | Toothpaste | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/08/05 |

1579 | Biodribin | Cladribinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Instytut Biotechnologii i Antybiotyków | 30/06/07 |

1583 | Biodroxil | Cefadroxilum | Capsules | 500 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

1584 | Biodroxil | Cefadroxilum | Film-coated tablets | 1 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

1580 | Biodroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

1581 | Biodroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

1582 | Biodroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral solution | 500 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

1585 | Biodylon Fortius | Mesulfen | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 30/06/04 |

1586 | Biodylon Mitius | Mesulfen | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 24/05/04 |

1588 | Bioepicyna | Epirubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

1587 | Bioepicyna | Epirubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 mg | Instytut Biotechnologii i Antybiotyków | 31/12/05 |

1589 | Bioestrovet | Kloprostenol | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 9/06/04 |

1590 | Biofast | Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B Sulfatum +Bacitracinum | Ointment | praparat złożony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1591 | Biofazolin | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

1592 | Biofazolin | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

1593 | Biofenak | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 0,100 g | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z.o.o Lublin | 31/12/08 |

1594 | Bioflax | Lini semen | Powder for oral suspension | 4g | Instytut Włókien Naturalnych, Poznań | 31/12/08 |

1595 | Bioflumeq | Flumechina, Węglan sodu bezwodny, laktoza | Granules | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" Sp. z o.o. | 9/06/04 |

1596 | Biofungin | Pvidene-Iodine | Gel | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1600 | Biofuroksym | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 1.5 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1598 | Biofuroksym | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for suspension for intramuscular injection | 250 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1599 | Biofuroksym | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for suspension for intramuscular injection | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1597 | Biofuroksym | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection and for suspension for intramuscular injection | 750 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1601 | Biogal | Boraginis officinalis oleum | Capsules | 350 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 31/12/08 |

1602 | Biogastrin | Bismuthi subcitras | Capsules | 147,8 mg | Multi Pharma Sweden AB | 31/12/08 |

1603 | Bioginko | Ginkgo bilobae extractum sicc., Panax ginseng extractum sicc. | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg + 50 mg | P.T. Indofarma | 31/12/08 |

1604 | Bioglobulina | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/09/05 |

1605 | Biogonadyl 2000 | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 2000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/01/06 |

1606 | Biogonadyl 500 | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 500 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/01/06 |

1607 | Biogonadyl 5000 | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 5000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/01/05 |

1608 | Biohical 120 | Calcii fumaras | Tablets | 120 mg Ca2+ | Farmaceutyczny Zakład Naukowo — Produkcyjny "BIOCHEFA" | 31/12/08 |

1609 | Biohyalan | Natrii hyaluronas | Amp-syringe | 10 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1610 | Biohyalan | Natrii hyaluronas | Solution for articular injection | 10 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1611 | Biohyalaza | Hyaluronidazum | Lyophylisate | 500 j. | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1612 | Biohyalaza | Hyaluronidazum | Lyophylisate | 1000 j. | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1613 | Bioi Q 100 | Olej z mięśni ryb | Capsules | 100 mg | Scandinavian Laboratories, USA | 31/12/08 |

1614 | Bioketan | Ketaminum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

1615 | Biolactin | Prolaktyna świńska | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biochefa | 18/07/04 |

1616 | Biolecitin | Lecytyna, witamina e, olej wiesiołkowy, olej lniany | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1617 | Biolent Forte | Karbaminocholiny chlorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 17/08/04 |

1618 | Biolugol | Kalii iodum + Iodum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 10/06/04 |

1619 | Biomag | Glycinum + Magnesii lactas | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg Mg ++ | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

1620 | Bio-Marek HVT | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw chorobie Mareka | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | FATRO | 18/08/04 |

1621 | Bio-Marek HVT frozen | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka dla piskląt | Suspension | for veterinary use | FATRO | 15/10/04 |

1622 | Biomarine 570 | Samnosi microcephali oleum | Capsules | 570 mg | Scandinavian Laboratories Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

1623 | Biomarine 1140 | Samnosi microcephali oleum | Capsules | 1140 mg | Scandinavian Laboratories Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

1624 | Biomast | Zawiesina drobnoustrojów coryne bacterium uberis | Suspension | for veterinary use | Abiotest | 31/12/08 |

1625 | Biomectin 1 % | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" | 4/01/06 |

1626 | Biometamizol | Metamizolum | Tablet | 0,5 g | BIOMED Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Spółka z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1627 | Biometamizol 0,300 | Metamizolum | Suppository | 0,300 g | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z.o.o Lublin | 31/12/08 |

1628 | Biometamizol 0,750 | Metamizolum | Suppository | 0,750 g | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z.o.o Lublin | 31/12/08 |

1629 | Biomox | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 9/06/04 |

1630 | Biomox 80 | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 9/06/04 |

1631 | Biomutin 10 % premix | Tiamulina | Premix | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

1632 | Biomutin 10 % premix | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Premix | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 23/10/06 |

1633 | Biomutin 20 % inj. | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 20/06/05 |

1634 | Biomutin 45 % pulvis | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 20/06/05 |

1635 | Biomutin ot | Wodorofumaran tiamuliny, oksytetracyklina | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1636 | Biomycyn | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Podwer | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1637 | Biopancreatin 10000 | Pancreatinum | Capsules | 150 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1638 | Biopancreatin 20000 | Pancreatinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1639 | Bioparox | Fusafunginum | Nasal and oromucosal spray | 0.125 mg/dawkę | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/09/04 |

1641 | Bioprazol | Omeprazolum | Capsuels, hard | 20 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 10/05/06 |

1640 | Bioprazol | Omeprazolum | Capsules, hard | 10 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 10/05/06 |

1642 | Bioprost | | Capsules, soft | 160 mg | P.T. Indofarma | 8/02/06 |

1643 | Bioquyl 10 % | Flumechina | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego Spółka Akcyjna | 9/11/05 |

1645 | Bioracef | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 7/06/05 |

1646 | Bioracef | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 7/06/05 |

1647 | Bioracef | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 7/06/05 |

1644 | Bioracef | Cefuroximum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 7/06/05 |

1648 | Bioral H 120 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

1649 | Biorelina WET | Busereliny octan | Solution | for veterinary use | Biochefa | 1/08/04 |

1651 | Biorubina | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 mg | Instytut Biotechnologii i Antybiotyków | 31/12/05 |

1650 | Biorubina | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection and blader infusion | 50 mg | Instytut Biotechnologii i Antybiotyków | 12/10/05 |

1652 | Biosalvit | | Film-coated tablets | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/05 |

1653 | Bio-Sept Forte | Fluoresceina , żółcień metanilowa, aldehyd mrówkowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiebiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

1655 | Bioseryl | Extractum sanquicum | Solution for infusion | 1000 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1654 | Bioseryl | Extractum sanquicum | Vial | 100 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1656 | Biosol 70 % | Neomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1657 | Biosol -M | Neomycyny siarczan, Bromek metyloskopola-miny | Solution | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 4/05/04 |

1658 | Biosotal 160 | Sotalolum | Tablets | 160 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 19/07/05 |

1659 | Biosotal 40 | Sotalolum | Tablets | 40 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 19/07/05 |

1660 | Biosotal 80 | Sotalolum | Tablets | 80 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 19/07/05 |

1661 | Biostate | Czynnik krzepnięcia VIII ludzki | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 500 j.m. | CSL Bioplasma | 31/12/08 |

1662 | Biostate | Czynnik krzepnięcia VIII ludzki | Powder for solution for intravenous injections | 250 j.m. | CSL Bioplasma | 31/12/08 |

1663 | Biosten | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1664 | Biosten | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1665 | Biosteron | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 29/08/07 |

1666 | Biosteron | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 25 mg | LE-AM Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 29/08/07 |

1667 | Biosteron | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 5 mg | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 29/08/07 |

1668 | Biostymina | Aloe arborescens extractum | Solution for injection | 1 ml | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1669 | Biosul Solutio | Sulphadiazinum + Trimethoprimum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1670 | Biosurfact — 100 | Surfactanum | Lyophilisated substance | 100 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1671 | Biosurfact — 5000 | Surfactanum | Lyophilisated substance | 5000 mg | Biofactor Polska | 31/12/08 |

1672 | Biotab | Biotyna, metionina, vitamina b6 | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1673 | Biotaksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1674 | Biotaksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 250 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

1675 | Biotaksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

1676 | Biotox | Deltametryna | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1678 | Biotrakson | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1679 | Biotrakson | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 250 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1680 | Biotrakson | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1677 | Biotrakson | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 2 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1681 | Biotrim solutio | Sulfamerazyna sodowa, trimetoprim | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1682 | Biotrisul | Sulphadiazinum + Trimethoprimum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1683 | Biotrivit se | Witamina a, b1, b2, b6, b12, c, d3, e, k3, wapnia pantotenian, nikotynamid, kwas foliowy, lizyna, metionina, tryptofan, selen | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1684 | Biotropina | Szczepionka wieloważna dla koni, bydła, źrebiąt, cieląt, świń i psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

1686 | Biotum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1687 | Biotum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 250 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

1688 | Biotum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 7/06/05 |

1685 | Biotum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection and for infusion | 2 g | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1689 | Biotyl 200 | Tylozyna zasada | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 18/08/04 |

1690 | Biotyl 50 | Tylozyna zasada, | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 18/08/04 |

1691 | Biotymolol | Timololum | Sublingual tablets | 0,25 mg | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z.o.o Lublin | 31/12/08 |

1692 | BIO-VAC B1 | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fatro S.p.A. | 21/02/06 |

1693 | BIO-VAC ND-IB | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu oraz zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | FATRO | 21/02/05 |

1694 | Bioval | Parachlorometakrezol, Chloroksylenol, Mydło potasowe | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 3/09/04 |

1695 | Biovetalgin | Metamizolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 10/02/04 |

1696 | Biovision | | Capsuels, hard | | P.T. Indofarma | 5/07/06 |

1697 | Biovital | | Coated tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1698 | Biovital | | Oral solution | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1699 | Biovital Dragee 33 | | Coated tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1700 | Biovital Gel (Kinder-Biovital Gel) | | Oral gel | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1701 | Biovital Lecytyna | | Oral solution | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1702 | Biovital N | | Coated tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1703 | Biovital N | | Oral solution | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1704 | Biovital Plus | | Buccal tablet | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1705 | Biovital Spezial mit Lecithin | | Oral solution | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

1706 | Biovitamine | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

1707 | Biowar | Amitrazum | Bee- hive strip | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1708 | Bioxazon | Dexamtehasone isonicotinate | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1709 | Bioxetin | Fluoxetinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 13/10/05 |

1710 | Bioxylin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

1711 | Bipestos | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli i rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

1712 | Bipressin | Reserpinum + Todralazini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 0,2mg + 20mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

1713 | Bi-Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Modified release tablets | 150 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/05/04 |

1714 | Bisac | Bisacodylum | Suppository | 10 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

1715 | Bisac | Bisacodylum | Tablets | 5 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

1717 | Bisacodyl | Bisacodylum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 5 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1716 | Bisacodyl | Bisacodylum | Suppository | 10 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

1718 | Biseko | | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/03/04 |

1719 | Biseptol | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Oral suspension | 240 mg/5ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1720 | Biseptol 120 | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 100mg + 20mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

1721 | Biseptol 480 | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 480 mg/5ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

1722 | Biseptol 480 | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 400mg + 80mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

1723 | Biseptol 960 | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 800mg + 160mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

1724 | Biseptyl | Lincomycinum + Spektinomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Syva | 31/12/08 |

1725 | BISMUTHUM Pentarkan /Ptk nr 16/ | | | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 5/02/05 |

1726 | Bisocard | Bisoproli fumaras | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1727 | Bisocard | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1728 | Bisocard | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1729 | Bisocor 10 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL AG | 26/09/07 |

1730 | Bisocor 5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | HEXAL AG | 26/09/07 |

1731 | Bisodol | Magaldratum + Acidum alginicum + Natrii carbonas | Chewable tablets | 400 mg + 200 mg + 100 mg | Whitehall Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1732 | Bisogamma 10 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

1733 | Bisogamma 5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

1734 | Bisolvan | Bromhexinum | Syrup | 4 mg/5 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1735 | Bisolvon | Bromhexinum | Oral solution and for inhalation | 2 mg/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1736 | Bisolvon | Bromhexinum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1737 | Bisolvon | Bromhexinum | Tablets | 8 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/03/05 |

1738 | Bisoprolol | Bisoprololum | Tablets | 5mg; 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

1739 | BISOPROLOL 10 mg | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1740 | BISOPROLOL 5 mg | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1741 | Bisoprolol Fumarate | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1742 | Bisoprolol Fumarate | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

1743 | Bisopromerck 10 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck dura Gmbh | 31/05/05 |

1744 | Bisopromerck 5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Merck dura Gmbh | 31/05/05 |

1745 | Bisoratio 10 | Bisoprololum | Tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1746 | Bisoratio 5 | Bisoprololum | Tablets | 5 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1747 | BITTER ELIXIR | | Syrup | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1748 | BI-VAC 1o | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli (szczepienie pierwsze) | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fatro S.p.A. | 8/09/05 |

1749 | BI-VAC 2o | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli (szczepienie drugie) | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fatro S.p.A. | 8/09/05 |

1752 | Bivacyn | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Cutaneous powder spray | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

1750 | Bivacyn | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Eye ointment | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

1753 | Bivacyn | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Medicated powder | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

1751 | Bivacyn | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Powder and solvent for eye drops | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

1754 | Bivacyn | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 10/02/04 |

1755 | Bizmutawy azotan zasadowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

1756 | Bizmutawy azotan zasadowy | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

1757 | Bizmutawy azotan zasadowy | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

1758 | Bizmutawy azotan zasadowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

1759 | Bizmutawy azotan zasadowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

1760 | Bizmutawy azotan zasadowy (Bismuthi subnitras) | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 4/03/07 |

1761 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 31/12/05 |

1762 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 31/12/05 |

1763 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/05 |

1764 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/05 |

1765 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

1766 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

1767 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

1768 | Bizmutawy galusan zasadowy | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/05 |

1769 | Bizmutawy węglan zasadowy | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 24/01/05 |

1770 | Bizmutawy węglan zasadowy | | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 24/01/05 |

1771 | Bizmutawy węglan zasadowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/01/05 |

1772 | Bizmutawy węglan zasadowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/01/05 |

1774 | Blastolem | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg | Lemery SA de C.V. | 31/12/04 |

1773 | Blastolem | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg | Lemery SA de C.V. | 31/12/04 |

1775 | Blend-A-Med Junior Cherry | | Dental gel | | Blendax | 31/12/05 |

1776 | Bleocin | Bleomycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 15 mg | Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. | 30/04/05 |

1777 | Blocalcin 60 | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

1778 | Blocalcin 90 Retard | Diltiazemum | Prolonged release tablets | 90 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

1779 | Blok | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

1780 | Blopress | Candesartanum | Tablets | 16 mg | Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

1781 | Blopress | Candesartanum | Tablets | 4 mg | Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

1782 | Blopress | Candesartanum | Tablets | 8 mg | Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

1783 | Blopress Comp Forte | Candensartanum cilexetilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 16 mg + 12,5 mg | Takeda | 31/12/08 |

1784 | Blu-Gard | Kwas dodecylobenzenosulfonowy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Henkel-Ecolab | 31/12/08 |

1785 | Błękit metylenowy | Methylenum coeruleum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/01/05 |

1786 | Błękit metylenowy | Methylenum coeruleum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 9/01/05 |

1787 | Błękit metylenowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 9/01/05 |

1788 | Bobo-Balneosan | | Instant herba tea for external use | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1789 | Bobodent | Chamomillae extractum siccum + Thymi extractum siccum + Lidocainum | Gel | (0,5g + 0,5g +0,5g)/100g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/05 |

1790 | Bobodent AD | Lidocainum + Chamomillae anthodium extr. sic. + Thymi herba extr. sic. | Oromucosal gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

1791 | Bobofen fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1792 | Bobolan | Olejek sosonowy, Olejek eukaliptusowy, Olejek rozmarynowy | Ointment | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1793 | Bobolan | | Ointment | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1794 | Bobolux -Mieszanka ziołowa dla niemowląt i dzieci | | Herbal tea | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/08 |

1795 | Bobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 28/09/05 |

1796 | Bobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

1797 | Boboterm | | Cream | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 16/05/07 |

1798 | Bobotic | Simeticonum | Oral drops | 66.66 mg/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/05/06 |

1799 | Bocheńska lecznicza sól jodowo- bromowa | | Crystilline powder | | Zakład Przeróbki Solanek Jodowo-Bromkowych "Solco" s.c. | 31/01/05 |

1800 | Bodikal | Szczepionka przeciw ospie kur | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Pliva | 20/04/05 |

1801 | Bodymax | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | Dansk Droge A/S | 30/11/04 |

1803 | Bodymax Żeń-szeń | Ginseng radix extracum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Dansk Droge A/S | 27/06/07 |

1802 | Bodymax Żeń-szeń | Ginseng radix extracum siccum | Oral solution | 13 mg/ml | Dansk Droge A/S | 27/06/07 |

1804 | Boldaloin | | Tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

1805 | Boldovera | Aloes extractum siccum + Boldinum + Fumaria officinalis herba | Tablets | 15mg + 1mg + 10mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

1806 | Bolfo — obroża dla kotów i małych psów | propoksur | Collar | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 28/06/04 |

1807 | Bolfo — obroża dla psów | propoksur | Collar | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 28/06/04 |

1808 | Bolfo — puder | Propoksur | Powder | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 28/06/04 |

1809 | Bolfo-Spray | Propoksur | Spray | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 28/06/04 |

1810 | Bolfo-szampon | Propoksur | Shampoo | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 28/06/04 |

1811 | Bolinet | Ibuprofenum | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 27/06/07 |

1812 | Bolinet | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 27/06/07 |

1813 | Boloxen | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 220 mg | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 11/10/06 |

1814 | BOLUS ALBA comp. | | Powder for suspension | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1815 | Bondronat | Acidum ibandronicum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 15/11/06 |

1816 | Bonefos | Acidum clodronicum | Capsules | 400 mg | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

1817 | Bonefos | Acidum clodronicum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mg/ml | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

1818 | Bonefos | Acidum clodronicum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Schering AG | 14/12/05 |

1819 | Bonefos | Acidum clodronicum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Schering AG | 14/12/05 |

1820 | Bonifen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

1821 | Bonine | Meclozinum | Buccal tablets | 25 mg | Pfizer S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1822 | Boracelle 250 | Boraginis officinalis oleum | Capsules | 250 mg | Bio Oil International Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

1823 | Boracelle 500 | Boraginis officinalis oleum | Capsules | 500 mg | Bio Oil International Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

1824 | Borage oil | Boraginis semen oleum | Capsule, soft | 1000 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

1825 | Borage Oil | Boraginis officinalis oleum + Tocopherolum | Capsules | | Power Health Products Ltd. | 29/02/04 |

1826 | BORAGO comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1827 | BORAGO comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1828 | Boragoglandyna 100 | | Capsules | 500 mg | Betuland Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

1829 | Borasol | Acidum boricum | Liquid | 300 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 8/02/06 |

1830 | Borgal 24 % | Sulfadoksyna , Trimetoprim | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 11/03/04 |

1831 | Borowinowa kostka iwonicka | | Compress | | Uzdrowisko Iwonicz — Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

1832 | Botox | Toksyna botulinowa typu A | Powder for solution for intramuscular injection | 100 j.m. | Allergan Pharmaceuticals (Ireland) Limited | 9/07/06 |

1833 | Bovaclox DC | Sól sodowa kloksacyliny, Trójwodzian ampicyliny | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook Laboratories Ltd. | 14/07/07 |

1834 | Bovamast DC | neomycyny siarczan, benzylopenicylina prokainowa, penetamatu jodowodorek | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

1835 | Boviglobin | Gamma-globulina bydlęca 10 % | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przem. Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

1836 | Boviketozin | Siarczan kobaltu, jodek potasu | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1837 | Bovitrichovac II | Szczepionka przeciw grzybicy skórnej bydła | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1838 | Bovituberculin (Bovituberculin AN5) | Białko tuberkulinowe z przesączu hodowli Mycobacterium bovis AN5 | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

1839 | Bóle menstruacyjne HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

1840 | Braunovidon | Povidone-iodine | Ointment | 100 mg/g | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 12/04/06 |

1841 | Bretylate | Bretylii tosilas | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

1842 | Brevibloc | Esmololum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 250 mg/ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1843 | Brevibloc | Esmololum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1844 | Brevoxyl | Benzoili peroxydum | Gel | 4 % | Stiefel Laboratoires | 6/12/06 |

1845 | Brevoxyl | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 40 mg/g | Stiefel Laboratories (UK) Ltd. | 6/12/06 |

1846 | Brietal | Methohexitalum | Powder for solution for injection | 0.5 g | Lilly Pharma Fertigung und Distribution GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

1847 | Brinerdin | Clopamidum + Dihydroergocristinum + Reserpinum | Coated tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

1848 | Brocalcin | Calcii bromolactobionas | Granules | 400 mg/g | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

1849 | Brocalcin | Calcii bromolactobionas | Syrup | 150 mg/g | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

1850 | Brocosin syrop | | | | Heel, Hiszpania | 4/07/06 |

1851 | Brodacid | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum + Dimethylis sulfoxydum | Coutanous liquid | | Inco-Veritas S.A. Oddział w Pruszkowie; Celia Zakład Produkcji Kosmetyczno-Farmaceutycznej | 31/01/05 |

1852 | Bromek amonowy | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 11/12/06 |

1853 | Bromek amonowy | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 11/12/06 |

1854 | Bromek potasu | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/08/06 |

1855 | Bromek potasu | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/08/06 |

1856 | Bromek sodu | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 20/03/06 |

1857 | Bromek sodu | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 20/03/06 |

1858 | Bromek sodu | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 20/03/06 |

1859 | Bromergon | Bromocriptinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

1860 | Bromergon | Bromocriptinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

1861 | Bromhexin | Bromhexinum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 7/05/06 |

1862 | Bromhexin 8 | Bromhexinum | Syrup | 8 mg/10 ml | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH Eitorf | 16/05/07 |

1863 | Bromocorn | Bromocriptinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

1864 | Bronchalis-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1865 | BRONCHI/PLANTAGO comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1866 | BRONCHI/PLANTAGO comp., granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1867 | Bronchial fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

1868 | Bronchialtee 400 | | | | TAD Pharmaceutice | 31/12/08 |

1872 | Bronchicum | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablet | | A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH Rhone-Poulenc Rorer | 29/02/04 |

1869 | Bronchicum | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1870 | Bronchicum | Preparat złożony | Oral drops, solution | | A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH Rhone-Poulenc Rorer | 30/05/05 |

1871 | Bronchicum | Preparat złożony | Syrup | | A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH Rhone-Poulenc Rorer | 29/02/04 |

1873 | Bronchicum Elixir | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer GmbH | 30/05/05 |

1874 | Bronchicum K | Preparat złożony | Drops | | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1875 | Bronchicum N | Thymi extractum fluidum | Syrup | | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1876 | Bronchicum T | Thymi extractum fluidum | Buccal tablet | 0.1 g | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1877 | Bronchitis Vaccine Chick Uni Hol | szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

1878 | Bronchomil | | Syrup | | Masters Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

1879 | Bronchonorm | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1880 | Bronchonorm | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1881 | Bronchopect | Hederae helicis folium extractum | Oral drops, solution | 935 mg/ml | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/03/07 |

1885 | Bronchopront | Ambroxolum | Effervescent tablets | 30 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 31/05/05 |

1883 | Bronchopront | Ambroxolum | Oral drops, solution | 7.5 mg/ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

1882 | Bronchopront | Ambroxolum | Prolonged release capsules | 75 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 31/12/04 |

1884 | Bronchopront | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5 ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

1886 | Bronchosol | Primulae tinctura + Thymi extractum fluidum | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1887 | Bronchosol | Thymi herbae et Primulae radix extractum spissum + Thymolum | Syrup | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 17/01/07 |

1888 | Broncho-Vaxom | | Capsules | 3.5 mg | OM Pharma (dawniej Laboratories OM) | 30/04/04 |

1889 | Broncho-Vaxom | | Capsules | 7 mg | OM Pharma (dawniej Laboratories OM) | 30/04/04 |

1890 | Bronchovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 15/03/06 |

1891 | Bronhelix (poprzednia nazwa: efelix), kapsułki | Hederae helicis folium pulv. | Capsules | 150 mg | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1892 | Bronhikal I | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli u kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 11/02/04 |

1893 | Bronhikal II | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 20/04/05 |

1894 | Bronhopest | Żywa szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur dla kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 20/04/05 |

1895 | Bronhopest B1 | Żywa szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur dla kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 20/04/05 |

1896 | Bronipra ND/IBD | szczepionka dla drobiu przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu oraz zapaleniu torby fabrycjusza | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

1897 | Bronipra-1 | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 24/06/07 |

1898 | Brostagin | Pyridostigminum | Syrup | 60 mg/5 ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

1899 | Brostagin | Pyridostigminum | Tablets | 60 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

1900 | Brulamycin | Tobramycinum | Eye drops | 3 mg/ml | Biogal Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. | 30/01/05 |

1901 | Brulamycin | Tobramycinum | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 40 mg/1 ml | Biogal Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. | 30/11/04 |

1902 | Bryaconeel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1903 | BRYONIA/STANNUM | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1904 | BRYONIA/STANNUM | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

1905 | BSC 6 | Sulfachloropyrazyna sodowa | Powder | for veterinary use | Bremer Pharma | 31/12/08 |

1906 | BSS | | Solution for irrigation | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 31/07/04 |

1907 | BSS Plus | | Solution for irrigation | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/09/04 |

1908 | B-tabs | Multivitamins | Film-coated tablets | | Ferrosan A/S | 21/03/07 |

1909 | Budenofalk | Budesonidum | Gastro-resistant capsules | 3 mg | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 16/05/07 |

1910 | Buderhin, Budesonid | Budesonidum | Nasal spray, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę donosową | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/05 |

1911 | Budesonid Airmax | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1912 | Budesonid Airmax | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder | 200 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1913 | Budesonid Airmax | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder | 400 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

1914 | Budesonid forte | Budesonidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 200 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1915 | Budesonid mite | Budesonidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1916 | Buer Kinder Vitamine+Eisen+Calcium | | Syrup | | Altana Consumer Health GmbH | 31/05/04 |

1917 | Buerlecithin | | Oral solution | | Altana Consumer Health GmbH | 30/06/04 |

1918 | Buflox 150 | Buflomedilum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Hexal AG | 12/06/06 |

1919 | Buflox 300 | Buflomedilum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Hexal AG | 12/06/06 |

1920 | Buflox Retard | Buflomedilum | Prolonged release tablets | 600 mg | Hexal AG | 12/06/06 |

1921 | Bultabs | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Perrigo Co | 31/12/08 |

1922 | Bunondol | Buprenorphinum | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 0.3 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

1923 | Bunondol | Buprenorphinum | Sublingual tablets | 0.2 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

1924 | Bunondol | Buprenorphinum | Sublingual tablets | 0.4 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

1925 | Bupivacainum hydrochloricum 0,25 % | Bupivacainum | Injection | 0.25 % | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

1926 | Bupivacainum hydrochloricum 0,25 % | Bupivacainum | Injection | 0.25 % | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

1927 | Bupivacainum hydrochloricum 0,5 % | Bupivacainum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

1928 | Bur-Cell S — 706+HVT | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw chorobie Mareka i chorobie Gumboro | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial Select Inc. | 6/06/05 |

1929 | Bursaplex | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw chorobie Gumboro | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial Select Inc. | 31/12/08 |

1930 | Buscolysin | Butylscopolaminum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

1934 | Buscopan | Butylscopolaminum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/07/05 |

1933 | Buscopan | Butylscopolaminum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/07/04 |

1931 | Buscopan | Butylscopolaminum | Suppository | 10 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1932 | Buscopan | Butylscopolaminum | Suppository | 7.5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1935 | Buscopan compositum VET | Butyloskopolaminy bromowodorek, Metamizolu sól sodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Boehringer IngelheimVetmedica GmbH | 15/02/06 |

1936 | Buscopan Plus | Hyoscini — N — butylbramidum | Tablets | 10 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

1937 | Buspirone | Buspironum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

1938 | Buspirone | Buspironum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

1939 | Butapirazol | Lidocainum + Phenylbutazonum | Solution for injection | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

1941 | Butapirazol | Phenylbutazonum | Coated tablets | 200mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

1942 | Butapirazol | Phenylbutazonum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1940 | Butapirazol | Phenylbutazonum | Suppository | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

1943 | Butenafinum Hydrochloridum 1 % | Butenafinum | Cream | | UCB Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1944 | BUTINAX Forte | Trimebutini maleas | Tablets | 200 mg | Axcan Pharma Inc. | 31/12/08 |

1945 | Butomidor | Butorfanolu winian | Solution | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma AG | 19/12/06 |

1946 | Butox 50 | Deltametryna | Liquid | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 30/01/06 |

1947 | Butox 7,5 Pour On | Deltametryna | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 30/01/06 |

1948 | Buvasodil | Buflomedilum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 12/06/06 |

1949 | Buvasodil | Buflomedilum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 12/06/06 |

1950 | Buventol Easyhaler | Salbutamolum | Inhalation powder | 200 µg/dawkę | ORION Corporation | 31/12/08 |

1951 | Buventol Esasyhaler | Salbutamolum | Inhalation powder | 100 µg/dawkę | ORION Corporation | 31/12/08 |

1952 | Buxal | Buspironum | Tablets | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1953 | Buxal | Buspironum | Tablets | 5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1954 | Byol | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1955 | Byol | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1956 | Byol H | Bisoprololum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg + 6,25 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1957 | Byol H | Bisoprololum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg + 12,5 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1958 | Byol H | Bisoprololum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg + 25 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1959 | Cabaser | Cabergolinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn SpA | 31/12/08 |

1960 | Cabaser | Cabergolinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn SpA | 31/12/08 |

1961 | Cabaser | Cabergolinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn SpA | 31/12/08 |

1962 | Cactus comp. | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 9/07/07 |

1963 | CACTUS comp. I amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1964 | CACTUS comp. I gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1965 | CACTUS comp. II amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1966 | CACTUS comp. II gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

1967 | Cactus compositum S | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

1968 | Caelyx | Doxorubicinum | Concentrate for infusion | 2mg/ml | Schering — Plough Central East S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1969 | Cai Pan Mint | Menthae piperitae | Ointment | for veterinary use | CAI PAN A/S | 31/12/08 |

1970 | Cal — D — Vita | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Buccal tablets | 400 j.m. D3 + 600 mg Ca2+ | Roche Consumer Health (Worldvide) S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1971 | Cal — D — Vita | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Effervescent tablets | 400 j.m. D3 + 600 mg Ca2+ | Roche Consumer Health (Worldvide) S.A. | 31/12/08 |

1972 | Caladix | | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1973 | Calben | Calcii gluconolactobionas, Calcii lactobionas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2+/5 ml | Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Prod. — Anal. — Handl. "PROLAB" s.c., Nakło | 30/09/07 |

1974 | Calbend | Calcii glukonolactobionas, Calcii lactobionas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2+/5 ml | Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Prod. — Anal. — Handl. "PROLAB" s.c., Nakło | 31/12/08 |

1975 | Calcibone | | Powder for oral suspension | | Biomin a.s. | 26/04/06 |

1976 | CALCICHEW O Smaku Cytrynowym | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablets | 500 mg Ca2+ | Nycomed Pharma A/S | 31/12/08 |

1977 | CALCICHEW/VITAMIN D3 O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Buccal tablets | 500 mg Ca2+, 400 j.m. Wit. D3 | Nycomed Pharma A/S | 31/12/08 |

1978 | CALCIFAR® O Smaku Cytrynowym | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablets | 200 mg Ca2+ | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1979 | CALCIFAR® O Smaku Malinowym | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablets | 200 mg Ca2+ | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1980 | CALCIFAR® O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablets | 200 mg Ca2+ | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1981 | CALCIFAR® O Smaku Truskawkowym | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablets | 200 mg Ca2+ | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

1982 | CALCIGEM O Smaku Agrestowym | Calcium lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca2+ | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1983 | CALCIGEM C O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Calcii lactogluconas + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca2+, 200 mg Ascorbic acid | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1984 | CALCIGEM C O Smaku Agrestowym | Calcii lactogluconas + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca2+, 200 mg Ascorbic acid | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1985 | CALCIGEM C O Smaku Cytrynowym | Calcii lactogluconas + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca2+, 200 mg Ascorbic acid | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1986 | CALCIGEM O Smaku Cytrynowym | Calcium lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca2+ | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1987 | CALCIGEM O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Calcium lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca2+ | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

1988 | Calcigluc | Glukonian wapnia, Glukonian magnezu, Chlorek wapnia, Chlorek magnezu | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

1989 | Calcihexal 50 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 50 j.m./ml | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

1990 | Calcihexal 100 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

1991 | Calcii Borogluconas 25 Inj. | Wapnia glukonian | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 29/06/06 |

1992 | Calcijex | Calcitriolum | Solution for injection | 1 mcg/ml | Abbott Laboratories | 9/08/05 |

1993 | Calcijex | Calcitriolum | Solution for injection | 2 mcg/ml | Abbott Laboratories | 9/08/05 |

1994 | Calcimag | | powder for solution | | Chance — Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. | 6/07/05 |

1995 | Calciphos | Glukonian wapnia, Chlorek magnezu, Glicerynofosforan sodu | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 10/06/04 |

1996 | Calcipiryna | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Calcii carbonas | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

1997 | Calcitonin | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for intramuscular, subcutaneous injection and for intravenous infusion | 50 j.m./1 ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

1998 | Calcitonin | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for intramuscular, subcutaneous injection and for intravenous infusion | 100 j.m./1 ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

1999 | Calcitonin 50 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Liquid for injection | 50 j.m./1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

2001 | Calcitonin 100 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Liquid for injection | 100 j.m./1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

2000 | Calcitonin 100 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray | 100 j.m./dawkę | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2002 | Calcitonin 200 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray | 200 j.m./dawkę | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2003 | Calcitonin 200 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray | 200 j.m./dawkę | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

2004 | Calcium | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas | Syrup | 115 mg Ca++/5 ml | Polfarmex S.A | 30/01/05 |

2005 | Calcium | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas | Syrup | 116 mg Ca++/5 ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 15/10/06 |

2006 | Calcium | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactobionas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2008 | Calcium | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca++ | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2009 | Calcium | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca++ | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2010 | Calcium | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca++ | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2011 | Calcium | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | 117 mg Ca++ | Polfarmex S.A | 30/09/07 |

2012 | Calcium | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | 210 mg Ca++ | Farmaco Sp. z o.o | 31/12/08 |

2007 | Calcium | Calcii lactas gluconas | Oral granules | 52 mg Ca++/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2013 | Calcium | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg Ca++ | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

2014 | CALCIUM — FARMACO Bez Dodatków Smakowych | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 210 Ca2+ | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2015 | CALCIUM — FARMACO O Smaku Cytrynowym | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 210 Ca2+ | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2016 | CALCIUM — FARMACO O Smaku Malinowym | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 210 mg Ca2+ | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2017 | CALCIUM — FARMACO O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 210 Ca2+ | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2018 | Calcium (o smaku bananowym) | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2019 | Calcium (o smaku jeżynowym) | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2020 | Calcium (o smaku truskawkowym) | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2021 | Calcium (o smaku wiśniowym) | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2022 | Calcium 100 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 100 mg Ca++ | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/05 |

2023 | Calcium 1000 Hexal | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg Ca2+ | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2024 | Calcium 200 | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 200 mg Ca++/5g | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 31/12/05 |

2025 | Calcium 200 | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca++/4g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2026 | Calcium 300 | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 300 mg Ca++ | Pharmavit Kft. | 30/06/04 |

2027 | Calcium 300 Lemon | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 300 mg Ca2+/saszetkę | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2028 | Calcium 300 Orange | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 300 mg Ca2+/saszetkę | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2029 | Calcium 500 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg Ca++ | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/05 |

2030 | Calcium 500 | Calcii carbonas + Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 500 mg Ca++ | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2031 | Calcium 500 | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 500 mg Ca++ | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/08 |

2032 | Calcium 500 D | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas + Colecalciferolum | Effervescent powder | 60mg + 500 mg Ca++ + 250 j.m. | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

2033 | Calcium 500 Hexal | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg Ca2+ | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2034 | Calcium 500 Lemon | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 500 mg Ca2+/saszetkę | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2035 | Calcium 500 Orange | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 500 mg Ca2+/saszetkę | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2036 | Calcium Borogluconatum 25 % | Glukonian wapnia, Kwas borowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 28/04/04 |

2037 | CALCIUM C — Farmaco | Calcii lactogluconas, Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 210 mg Ca2+, 210 mg vit. C | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2038 | CALCIUM C — Farmaco | Calcii lactogluconas, Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 210 mg Ca2+, 210 mg vit. C | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2039 | CALCIUM C — Farmaco | Calcii lactogluconas, Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 210 mg Ca2+, 210 mg vit. C | Farmaco Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2040 | Calcium C effervescens | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

2041 | Calcium C o smaku cytrynowym | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 200mg + 200mg Ca++ | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

2042 | Calcium C o smaku pomarańczowym | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 200mg + 200mg Ca++ | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

2043 | Calcium Carbonate , Magnesium Oxide Colecalciferol | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii oxidum + Colecalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | preparat złozony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

2044 | Calcium Carbonicum/Cortex Quercus | | Amp. | 10 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

2045 | CALCIUM CARBONICUM/CORTEX QUERCUS amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2046 | CALCIUM CARBONICUM/CORTEX QUERCUS gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2047 | Calcium C-farmaco | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | 210 mg Ca++ | Farmaco Sp. z o.o | 31/12/08 |

2048 | Calcium chloratum 10 % | Calcii chloridum | Solution for intravenous injection | 100 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/05 |

2049 | Calcium C-Polfarmex (o smaku jeżynowym) | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2050 | Calcium C-Polfarmex (o smaku truskawkowym) | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2051 | Calcium C-Polfarmex (o smaku brzoskwiniowym) | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2052 | Calcium C-Polfarmex (o smaku pomarańczowym) | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

2053 | Calcium Dobesilate | Calcii dobesilas | Gelatin capsules, hard | 500 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 30/11/05 |

2054 | Calcium dobesilate | Calcii dobesilas | Tablets | 250 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 30/11/05 |

2055 | Calcium dobesilate | Calcii dobesilas | Tablets | 250 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/07/05 |

2056 | Calcium dobesilate | Calcii dobesilas | Tablets | 250 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 16/05/07 |

2057 | Calcium effervescens | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 200 mg Ca++/5g | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/01/06 |

2058 | Calcium gluconicum | Calcii gluconas | Tablets | 44.7 mg Ca++ | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/05 |

2059 | Calcium gluconicum | Calcii gluconas | Tablets | 45 mg Ca++ | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

2060 | Calcium Gluconicum | Calcii gluconas | Tablets | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/05 |

2061 | Calcium gluconicum granulatum 25 % | Calcii gluconas | Granules | 89.4 mg Ca++/4g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

2062 | Calcium mix | Wapń fosfor, magnez, żelazo, cynk, mangan, jod, kobalt, miedź | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2063 | Calcium O Smaku Cytrynowym | | Syrup | 114 mg /5 ml | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

2064 | Calcium pantothenicum | Calcii pantothenas | Tablets | 100 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2065 | Calcium pantothenicum | Calcii pantothenas | Tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2066 | Calcium Pliva | Calcii glubionas | Solution for injection | 9 mg Ca++/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

2067 | Calcium Pliva | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent tablets | 177 mg Ca++ | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

2068 | Calcium plus | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 0,24g + 1,6g | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/06 |

2069 | Calcium plus | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 0,24g + 1,6g | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/06 |

2070 | Calcium plus | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 0,24g + 1,6g | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/06 |

2071 | Calcium Resonium | Calcii polystyreni sulfonas | oral powder or for rectal suspension | 1,2g Ca++/15g | Sanofi Winthrop | 17/11/05 |

2072 | Calcium Syrop | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactobionas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

2073 | Calcium-Dagomed 25 odwapnienie kości | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2074 | Calciumfolinat-Ebewe, Calciumfolinat-Knoll | Calcii folinas | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2075 | Calciumfolinat-Ebewe, Calciumfolinat-Knoll | Calcii folinas | Solution for injection | 3 mg/1 ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2076 | Calciumfolinat-Ebewe, Calciumfolinat-Knoll 100 | Calcii folinas | Gelatin capsules, hard | 100 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2077 | Calciumfolinat-Ebewe, Calciumfolinat-Knoll 15 | Calcii folinas | Gelatin capsules, hard | 15 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2078 | Calcium-Polfa 200 | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg Ca++ | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/05 |

2079 | Calcium-Polfa 500 | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 500 mg Ca++ | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/10/05 |

2080 | Calcium-Sandoz + Vitamin C (Lemon) | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii carbonas + Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 1000mg + 260mg Ca++ | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

2081 | Calcium-Sandoz + Vitaminum C (Orange) | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Calcii carbonas + Calcii glubionas | Effervescent tablets | 1000mg + 260mg Ca++ | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

2082 | Calcium-Sandoz Forte | Calcii carbonas + Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg Ca++ | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

2083 | Calcivet | Glukonian wapnia, Chlorek magnezu, Kwas borowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" | 10/01/07 |

2084 | Calcoheel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2085 | Caldetrin | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Oral tablets | 250 mg jonów Ca2+, 200 j.m. wit. D3 | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 12/09/07 |

2086 | Calem | Chlorek wapnia | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2087 | Calem plus | Chlorek wapnia, cytrynian magnezu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2088 | CALENDULA | | Tincture | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

2089 | Calendula | | Ointment | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

2090 | Calendula fix | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2091 | Calendula-Heel S | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2092 | Calendulatonic (poprzednia nazwa: tinctura calendulae) | Calendulae flos extractum fluidum | Liquid | | K.Z.Z. "Herbapol" S.A. w Krakowie | 31/12/08 |

2093 | Calendulin | | Vaginal tablets | 250 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2094 | Calfit | Calcii gluconolactobionicum, Calcii lactobionicum | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2+/5 ml | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2095 | Calfoset | Wapnia glukonian, Wapnia glicerofosforan, Magnezu chlorek | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA d.d. | 29/01/07 |

2096 | Calgam | Calcii pangamas | Coated tablets | 50 mg | Ufimskie Zakłady Witaminowe "UlfaWita" S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2097 | Calgel | Cetylpyridinium + Lidocainum | Gel | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/07 |

2098 | Calidiol | Estradiolum | Nasal spray, liquid | 150 mcg/1 dawkę | Les Laboratoires Servier | 8/02/06 |

2099 | Callous | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | 400 mg/g | SSL International plc | 30/01/05 |

2100 | Calmagluc | Glukonian wapnia , Podfosforyn wapnia , Chlorek magnezu , Glukoza | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 18/09/07 |

2101 | Calmigwal | Glukonian wapnia, mikroelementy | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2102 | Calmina | Lupuli flos extractum siccum + Melissae folium extractum siccum + Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | | Pharbio Medical International AB | 9/08/06 |

2103 | Calmivet | Acepromazyny maleinian | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 29/03/07 |

2104 | Calperos 1000 | Calcii carbonas | Capsules | 400 mg Ca++ | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/03/07 |

2105 | Calperos 500 | Calcii carbonas | Capsules | 200 mg Ca++ | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/03/07 |

2106 | Calpol | Paracetamolum | Drops | 10 % | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2107 | Calpol 125 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 125 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2108 | Calpol 6 Plus (dla dzieci powyżej 6 lat) | Paracetamolum | Suspension | 0.25 g/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/07 |

2109 | Calpol 80 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 80 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 23/11/05 |

2111 | Calpol dla niemowląt i małych dzieci | Paracetamolum | Sugar free and dyeing substance | 0.12 g/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/07 |

2110 | Calpol dla niemowląt i małych dzieci | Paracetamolum | Sugar free suspension | 0.12 g/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/07 |

2112 | Calsynar | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray, solution | 200 j.m./dawkę | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer S.p.A | 31/08/04 |

2113 | Calsynar | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./1 ml | A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH Rhône-Poulenc Rorer | 31/08/04 |

2114 | Caltess | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablets | 750 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2115 | Caltrate 600 | Calcii carbonas | Film-coated tablets | 0.6 g | Wyeth-Lederle | 31/12/07 |

2116 | Caltrate 600 + Witamina D | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | | Lederle Consumer Health Division American Cyanamid Company | 31/12/07 |

2117 | Caltrate Plus | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | Lederle Laboratories Division | 30/11/04 |

2118 | Calvidin | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Buccal tablets | 600 mg Ca2+, 400 j.m. vit. D3 | Rottapharm S.r.l. | 31/12/08 |

2119 | Calypsol | Ketaminum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

2120 | Camesal | Camphorum + Diethylamini salicylas + Mentholum | Gel | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2121 | Camisanin F | Surowica końska zawierająca przeciw ciała przeciw wirusowi nosówki | Antiserum | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2122 | Campholan | | Ointment | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2123 | Campholan D | | Ointment | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2124 | Campi | | Powder | | Uzdrowisko Kopalnia Soli Bochnia Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

2125 | Campral | Acamprosatum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 333 mg | Lipha s.a. | 31/12/08 |

2126 | Campto | Irinotecanum | Concentrate for infusion | 100 mg/5 ml | Aventis Pharma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2127 | Campto | Irinotecanum | Concentrate for infusion | 40 mg/2 ml | Aventis Pharma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2128 | Campy-1 | Szczepionka dl drobiu przeciw salmonellozie drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2129 | Canephron N | | Coated tablets | | Bionorica Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2130 | Canesten | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Bayer AG | 31/05/05 |

2132 | Canesten | Clotrimazolum | Solution for external use | 10 mg/ml | Bayer AG | 31/05/05 |

2131 | Canesten | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal cream | 500 mg/5 g | Bayer AG | 11/10/06 |

2133 | Canesten | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 100 mg | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

2134 | Canesten | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 200 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

2135 | Canesten | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 500 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

2136 | Caniffa | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym i leptospirozie psów | Lyophilisate + liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 10/06/04 |

2137 | Canifos | Wapń, fosfor, sód, potas, magnez, żelazo, miedź, cynk, magnez, białko, tłuszcz | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2138 | Canifos junior | Witamina a, d3, e, metionina, glukonian wapnia, glukonian magnezu, fosforan wapnia | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2139 | Canigen DHA2 | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce i zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/04/04 |

2140 | Canigen DHA2P/L | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parwowirusowej chorobie psów i leptospirozie | Liquid and lyophilisated component | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/04/04 |

2141 | Canigen DHA2PPi/LR | szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce, chorobie rubertha, chorobie parwowirusowej, parainfluenzie, leptospirozie i wściekliźnie | Lyophilisate + liquid component | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/08 |

2142 | Canigen DHPPi | Atenuowana szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parwowirusowej chorobie psów, parainfluenzie | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 22/11/06 |

2143 | Canigen DHPPi/L | Atenuowana szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parwowirusowej chorobie psów, parainfluenzie i leptospirozie | Lyophilisate + liquid | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 22/11/06 |

2144 | Caninsulin | Insulina wieprzowa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

2145 | Caniserin FHPL | Surowica dla psów do biernego uodparniania przeciw nosówce, chorobie Rubartha, parwowirusowej chorobie psów i leptospirozie | Liquid | for veterinary use | Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny | 29/09/05 |

2146 | Canivac 5/Bb | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym wirusem nosówki, adenowirusem, parwowirusem, wirusem parainflunzy typ 2 oraz Bordetella bronchiseptica | Lyophilisate + suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 13/04/06 |

2147 | Canivac 6 | Szczepionka dla psów przeciwko nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym, parwowirozie, parainfluenzie, zakażeniom Bordetella bronchiseptica oraz leptospirozie | Lyophilisate + suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2148 | Canivac FH X | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby psów, mózgu i rdzenia lisów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2149 | Canivac FHP | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, chorobie parwowirusowej psów | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 10/02/04 |

2150 | Canivac L | Szczepionka przeciw leptospirozie psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2151 | Canivac P | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie parwowirusowej psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2152 | Canivac Pi | Szczepionka dla psów i lisów przeciwko parwowirozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2153 | Cantharis comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

2154 | Cantharis comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

2155 | Cantharis compositum S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2156 | Cantharis similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

2157 | Cantharis-Dagomed 13 stany zapalne dróg moczowych | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2158 | Canwerm | Nitroskanat, | Tablet | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 30/06/04 |

2159 | Capastat | Capreomycinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular injections | 1 g | Eli Lilly and Company | 30/04/04 |

2160 | Capillusept | | Shampoo | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

2161 | Capivit A + E forte | Retinolum (vit A) + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j.m. + 150mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2162 | Capivit A + E mite | Retinolum (vit A) + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j.m. + 50mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2163 | Capivit A forte | Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 20000 j.m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 12/10/05 |

2164 | Capivit A mite | Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j,m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 12/10/05 |

2165 | Capivit E 100 | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2166 | Capivit E 200 | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 21/06/06 |

2167 | Capivit E 400 | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 400 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 12/10/05 |

2168 | Capivit® E Naturalny Mite | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 147 mg = 200 j.m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2169 | Capivit® E Naturlany Forte | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 294 mg = 400 j.m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2170 | Capsigel N | Preparat złożony | Cutaneous emulsion | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2171 | Capsiplex | Preparat ziołowy | Ointment | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2172 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2173 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/05 |

2174 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/02/06 |

2175 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 29/06/05 |

2176 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2177 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

2178 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2179 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/05 |

2180 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 50 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2181 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2182 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

2183 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/05 |

2184 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

2185 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

2186 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

2187 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | Merck Generics Limited | 30/04/05 |

2188 | Captopril | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | Merck Generics Limited | 30/04/05 |

2189 | Captopril, Tensiomin | Captoprilum | Tablets | 100 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2190 | Captopril, Tensiomin | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2191 | Captopril, Tensiomin | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2192 | Captopril, Tensiomin | Captoprilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2193 | Captozid | Captoprilum | Tablets | (50 mg+25 mg) | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2194 | Carbachol 3 % | Carbacholum | Eye drops, solution | 30 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2195 | Carbenicillin | Carbenicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2196 | Carbo Compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2197 | Carbo Medicinalis | Carbo medicinalis | Tablets | 300mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2198 | Carbo medicinalis | Węgiel leczniczy | Granules | for veterinary use | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 14/02/05 |

2199 | Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan H | | Tablets | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 19/03/06 |

2200 | Carbo-Hasco | Carbo medicinalis | Tablets | 300 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

2201 | Carboplatin | Carboplatinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn Pty Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

2202 | Carboplatin-Ebewe, Karboplatyna-Knoll | Carboplatinum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/11/04 |

2203 | Cardiactiv | Crataegi inflorescentiae tinctura + Rosmarini folium tinctura | Oral solution | (598mg + 322mg)/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 25/05/05 |

2204 | Cardiacum-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2205 | Cardiamid-Coffein | Coffeinum + Nicethamidum + Strychninum | Oral drops, solution | (100mg + 100mg + 0,25mg)/ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

2206 | Cardiamidum | Nicethamidum | Oral drops, solution | 250 mg/ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

2207 | Cardilopin | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

2208 | Cardilopin | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

2209 | Cardilopin | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

2210 | Cardin 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 22/02/06 |

2211 | Cardin 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 22/02/06 |

2212 | Cardin 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 22/02/06 |

2213 | Cardin 5 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 22/02/06 |

2214 | Cardiobell | Crataegi inflorescentiae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/03/07 |

2215 | Cardiobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/07/05 |

2216 | Cardiobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

2217 | Cardiobonisol | | Oral solution | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/03/06 |

2218 | Cardiodoron comp. krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

2219 | Cardiofil | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Magnesii oxydum | Tablets | | Filofarm Farmaceutyczna Spółdzienia Pracy | 25/01/06 |

2220 | Cardiogran | Preparat ziołowy | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2221 | Cardiol C | | Oral drops, solution | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2222 | Cardiomag | Kalii chloridum + Magnesii oxydum | Tablets | 195 mg K+, 75 mg Mg2+ | Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy ESPEFA | 30/09/07 |

2223 | Cardiomix | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

2224 | Cardionervit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

2225 | Cardionervit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

2226 | Cardiopirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 0.1 g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Colfarm | 30/11/05 |

2227 | Cardiosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2228 | Cardiosorbid | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release capsules | 20 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2229 | Cardiosorbid | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release capsules | 40 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2230 | Cardiotensin 7,5 | Moexiprilum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 30/09/07 |

2231 | Cardiotensin 15 | Moexiprilum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 30/09/07 |

2232 | Cardiotensin Plus 15 | Moeksprilum+ Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2233 | Cardiotensin Plus 7,5 | Moeksprilum+ Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2234 | Cardiotonic | Crataegi tinctura + Valerianae tinctura | Oral solution | (614mg + 309mg)/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 23/11/05 |

2235 | Cardiovex | Preparat ziołowy | Tablets | 240 mg | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 16/05/07 |

2236 | Cardioxane | Dexrazoxanum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Chiron B.V. | 30/06/04 |

2237 | Cardiplant | | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg procjanidyn | Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. | 29/06/05 |

2238 | Cardogard | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Effervescent tablets | 100 mg | Natur Produkt Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2239 | Cardonit prolongatum 40 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 40 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2240 | Cardonit prolongatum 60 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2241 | Cardonit prolongatum 80 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2242 | Cardura | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pfizer GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2243 | Cardura | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Pfizer GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2244 | Cardura | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pfizer GmbH | 30/06/05 |

2245 | Cardura XL | Doxazosinum | Modified release tablets | 4 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/08/04 |

2246 | Cardura XL | Doxazosinum | Modified release tablets | 8 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/08/04 |

2247 | Carduus marianus similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

2248 | CARDUUS MARIANUS/ OXALIS, ampułki- | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2249 | CARDUUS MARIANUS/OXALIS, granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2250 | CARDUUS MARIANUS/-VISCUM MALI comp., amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2251 | CARDUUS MARIANUS/-VISCUM MALI comp., gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2252 | Carident | Framycetinum + Papainum | Ointment | (100mg + 150mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2253 | Carminosol | Preparat złożony | Oral drops | | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2254 | Carminosol | Preparat złożony | Syrup | | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2255 | Carmolis | | Liquid | | Dr. A & L Schmidgall | 30/09/07 |

2256 | Carmolis japanese mint oil | | Oral drops | | Dr. A. & L. Schmidgall | 31/12/08 |

2257 | Carnivit | Levocarnitinum | Powder for oral solution | 250 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 14/12/05 |

2258 | Carnivit | Levocarnitinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 14/12/05 |

2259 | Carofertin | Beta-karoten | Solution | for veterinary use | Werft-Chemie | 13/01/05 |

2260 | Carominthe | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 28/02/06 |

2261 | Carplat | Carboplatinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2262 | Carteol S.R. 1 % | Carteololum | Eye drops, prolonge release | 1 g/100 ml | Laboratoire Chauvin | 31/12/08 |

2263 | Cartilago comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

2264 | Cartilago comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

2265 | CARTILAGO/MANDRAGORA comp | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

2266 | CARTILAGO/MANDRAGORA comp | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

2267 | Cartrophen vet | sody wielosiarczan pentozanu | Solution | for veterinary use | Arthropharm LTD. | 31/12/08 |

2268 | CARUM CARVI | | Suppository | 1 g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

2269 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2270 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 3,125 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2271 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6,25 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2272 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2273 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6,25 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2274 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12,50 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2275 | Carvedilol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2276 | Carvofit fix | Menthae folium + Chamomillae anthodium + Carvi fructus | Herbal tea | | Herbapol — Białostok S.A. | 31/12/07 |

2277 | Casodex | Bicalutamidum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

2278 | Casodex | Bicalutamidum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

2279 | Caspofungin — MSD | Caspofunginum | Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion | 50 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

2280 | Caspofungin — MSD | Caspofunginum | Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion | 70 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

2281 | Caspofungin — MSD | Caspofunginum | Powder for solution form infusion + kit for infusion | 50 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

2282 | Castagnus | Agni casti fructus extractum siccum | Tablets | 45 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 6/07/05 |

2283 | Castifem | | Capsules | | Produkcyjno-Handlowe Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków CURTIS HEEALTHCARE Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2284 | Castomix | Szczepionka do czynnego uodparniania królikw przeciwko krwotocznej bronchopneumonii i myksomatozie | Lyophilisate + suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2285 | Castor equi | | Ointment | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 27/09/07 |

2286 | Cataflam 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 15/09/05 |

2287 | Catalet C | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 2 ml | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/09/05 |

2288 | Catalet D | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 2 ml | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/09/05 |

2289 | Catalet T | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 2 ml | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/09/05 |

2290 | Catalet z pyłku brzozy | Pojedyncze alergoidy | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek "BIOMED" S.A., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

2291 | Catalin | Pirenoxinum | Tablets and solvent for eye drops | 0.75 mg | Senju Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

2292 | Catapresan | Clonidinum | Tablets | 75 mcg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

2293 | Catosal 10 % | Butafosfan, Cyjanokobalamina (witamina B12) | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 30/07/06 |

2294 | CattleMaster BVD-K | Szczepionka przeciw wirusowej biegunce i chorobie błon śluzowych bydła | Liquid | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 30/06/04 |

2295 | Caulophyllum-Dagomed 8 zaburzenia kobiece przed menopauzą | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2296 | Causticum compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2297 | Causticum Compositum | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2298 | Caustinerf deciduous | | Paste | | Septodont | 31/12/05 |

2299 | Caustinerf fort | Lidocainum + Paraldehydum | Paste | (370mg + 460mg)/g | Septodont | 24/07/05 |

2300 | Caveac Vitapest L | Żywa szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 29/09/05 |

2301 | Caverject | Alprostadilum | Dry substance for solution for injection | 10 mcg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2302 | Caverject | Alprostadilum | Dry substance for solution for injection | 20 mcg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2303 | Cavinton | Vinpocetinum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

2304 | Cavinton | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

2305 | Cavinton Forte | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2306 | Cc — Nefro | Calcii carbonas | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Salmon Pharma | 31/12/08 |

2307 | Cealb | Albuminum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Sanguin ClB | 31/12/08 |

2308 | Ceanothus-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

2309 | Ceanothus-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

2310 | Cebiogem | Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

2312 | Cebion | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 0.1 g | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

2313 | Cebion | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 0.1 g | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

2314 | Cebion | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 0.1 g | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

2311 | Cebion | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Oral drops, solution | 0.1 g/1 ml | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

2315 | Cebionmulti | Retinolum + Riboflavinum (vit B2) + Thiaminum (vit B1) | Oral drops, solution | | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

2319 | Ceclor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

2320 | Ceclor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

2316 | Ceclor | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

2318 | Ceclor | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

2317 | Ceclor | Cefaclorum | Granules for suspension | 375 mg/5 ml | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

2321 | Ceclor MR | Cefaclorum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 375 mg | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 1/08/06 |

2322 | Ceclor MR | Cefaclorum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 750 mg | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 1/08/06 |

2323 | Ceclor MR | Cefaclorum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 500 mg | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 1/08/06 |

2324 | Cedax | Ceftibutenum | Capsules | 400 mg | Schering-Plough Italia | 4/08/05 |

2325 | Cedax | Ceftibutenum | Powder for suspension | 36 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Italia | 4/08/05 |

2326 | Ceel | Acidum ascorbicum + Tocopheroli acetas | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg + 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

2327 | Cefabene | Solanum dulcamare extractum | Ointment | 100 mg/g | Cefak KG | 31/12/08 |

2328 | Cefadisiac | | Tablets | | CEFAK KG | 19/07/07 |

2329 | Cefadolor | Guajaci lignum extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Cefak KG | 31/12/08 |

2332 | Cefaleksyna | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 1/03/06 |

2333 | Cefaleksyna | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/09/05 |

2334 | Cefaleksyna | Cefalexinum | Film-coated tablets | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/09/05 |

2330 | Cefaleksyna | Cefalexinum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/09/05 |

2331 | Cefaleksyna | Cefalexinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 1/03/06 |

2335 | Cefaleksyna wet. Proszek 20 % | Cefalexinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

2336 | Cefaleksyna wet. Tabletki 250mg | Cefalexinum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

2337 | Cefaleksyna wet. Tabletki 50mg | Cefalexinum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

2338 | Cefalgin | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum + Propyphenazonum | Tablets | 50mg + 250mg + 150mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2339 | Cefamadar | | Oral drops | | CEFAK KG | 19/07/07 |

2340 | Cefamadar | | Tablets | | CEFAK KG | 19/07/07 |

2341 | Cefamast DC | cefaleksyna, dihydrostreptomycyna | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

2342 | Cefamast LC | cefaleksyna, dihydrostreptomycyna | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

2343 | Cefamezin | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1 g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

2344 | Cefa-Safe | Cefapiryna benzatynowa | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 23/10/06 |

2345 | Cefaseptin 120 | Cefalexinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 30/01/06 |

2346 | Cefaseptin 600 | Cefalexinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 30/01/06 |

2347 | Cefazolin Biochemie 0,5 | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 500 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

2348 | Cefazolin Biochemie 1 | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

2349 | Cefazolin Biochemie 2 | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 2 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

2350 | Cefobid | Cefoperazonum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1 g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

2353 | Cefor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

2354 | Cefor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

2351 | Cefor | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

2352 | Cefor | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

2355 | CEFOTAXIM — MIP 0,5 g | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 500 mg | MIP Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2356 | CEFOTAXIM — MIP 1 g | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 1 g | MIP Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2357 | CEFOTAXIM — MIP 2 g | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 2 g | MIP Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2360 | Cefprozil | Cefprozilum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2361 | Cefprozil | Cefprozilum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2358 | Cefprozil | Cefprozilum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2359 | Cefprozil | Cefprozilum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2362 | Ceftazidime | Ceftrazidinum | Powder for solution for injection | 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2364 | CEFTRIAXON — MIP 1 g | Ceftriaxonum | powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 1 g | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2363 | CEFTRIAXON — MIP 1 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 g | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2365 | CEFTRIAXON — MIP 2 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 2 g | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2366 | CEFTRIAXON TORREX 0,5 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections | 500 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2367 | CEFTRIAXON TORREX 1 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections | 1 g | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2368 | CEFTRIAXON TORREX 2 g | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 2 g | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2369 | Ceftriaxone | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for injection | 1 g i 2 g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2370 | Cefuroxime | Cefuroximum | Powder for injection | 250 mg, 750 mg, 1,5 g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2371 | Cefuroxime Axetil | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2374 | Cefzil | Cefprozilum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 31/12/08 |

2375 | Cefzil | Cefprozilum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 31/12/08 |

2372 | Cefzil | Cefprozilum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 31/12/08 |

2373 | Cefzil | Cefprozilum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 31/12/08 |

2376 | CEK | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/ 5 ml | Hexal AG | 12/10/05 |

2377 | CEK | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/ 5 ml | Hexal AG | 12/10/05 |

2378 | CEK 1000 | Cefaclorum | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | Hexal AG | 9/08/06 |

2379 | CEK 250 | Cefaclorum | Effervescent tablets | 250 mg | Hexal AG | 9/08/06 |

2380 | CEK 500 | Cefaclorum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Hexal AG | 9/08/06 |

2381 | CEK 500 | Cefaclorum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Hexal AG | 9/08/06 |

2382 | Celebrex | Celecoxibum | Capsules | 100 mg | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 31/03/05 |

2383 | Celebrex | Celecoxibum | Capsules | 200 mg | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 31/03/05 |

2384 | Celestone | Betamethasonum | Solution for injection | 4 mg/1 ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

2385 | Celipres 100 | Celiprololum | Tablets | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 27/06/07 |

2386 | Celipres 200 | Celiprololum | Tablets | 200 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 27/06/07 |

2387 | Celipresol | Celiprololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2388 | Celiprol 100 | Celiprololum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

2389 | Celiprol 200 | Celiprololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

2390 | CellCept | Mofetili mycophenolas | Capsules | 250 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/06 |

2393 | CellCept | Mofetili mycophenolas | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/06 |

2392 | CellCept | Mofetili mycophenolas | Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/01/05 |

2391 | Cellcept | Mofetili mycophenolas | Powder for suspension | 1 g/5 ml | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2394 | Cellpest | Szczepionka przeciw klasycznemu pomorowi świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

2395 | Centelderm | | Ointment | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie HERBAPOL S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2396 | Centrophenoxin | Meclofenoxatum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2397 | Centrum | | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/07/04 |

2398 | Centrum Jr + Extra C | | Chewable tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/07/04 |

2399 | Centrum Jr + Extra Calcium | | Chewable tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/07/04 |

2400 | Centrum Junior | | Buccal tablet | | Wyeth-Ayerst Canada | 30/09/05 |

2401 | Centrum Opti | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | Lederle Laboratories Division American Cyanamid Co. | 31/12/08 |

2402 | Centrum Silver | | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Ayerst Canada | 30/04/04 |

2403 | Century Multivitamin | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Omega Rex s.j. | 31/12/08 |

2404 | Ceolat | Dimeticonum | Chewable tablets | 80 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

2405 | Ceolat | Dimeticonum | Chewable tablets | 80 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

2406 | Cepan | Preparat złożony | Cream | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

2407 | Cepasmel | Allii cepae extractum fluidum + Allii sativi extractum fluidum | Syrup | (613mg + 123mg)/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/03/06 |

2408 | Cepastil | Allii cepae extractum fluidum + Allii sativi extractum fluidum | Syrup | (616mg + 123mg)/5ml | Gemi Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej- Przedstawiciel | 31/03/06 |

2409 | Cephalexin | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2410 | Cephalexin | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/04 |

2411 | Cephalexin | Cefalexinum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2412 | Cephalexin | Cefalexinum | Tablets | 1g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2413 | Cephyl | Acetylsalicylicum acidum, Coffeinum, homeopatia | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/08 |

2415 | Cepodem | Cefpodoximum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2416 | Cepodem | Cefpodoximum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2414 | Cepodem | Cefpodoximum | Powder for oral suspension | 40 mg/5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2417 | Ceporex | Cefalexinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central Eastg | 11/08/04 |

2418 | Cepravin Dry Cow | Cefalonium | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 7/12/05 |

2419 | Cerazette | Desogestrelum | Film-coated tablets | 0.075 mg | Organon N.V. | 14/02/07 |

2420 | Cereales Germees TM | | Drops | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

2421 | Cereales germes compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

2422 | CEREBELLUM comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2423 | CEREBELLUM comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2424 | Cerebrolysin | | Solution for injection and for intravenous infusion | 215.2 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/05/05 |

2425 | Cerebrum compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2426 | Cerebrum compositum NM | | Solution for injection | 2,2 ml | Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH | 14/03/07 |

2427 | Cerezyme | | Powder for solution for infusion | 200 j. | Genzyme B.V | 12/10/05 |

2428 | Cerezyme 400 j. | | Powder for solution for infusion | 400 j. | Genzyme B.V | 25/04/07 |

2429 | Cermix | iwermektyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Biopharm | 31/12/08 |

2430 | Cernevit | | Lyophilisate for solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 5/03/06 |

2431 | Ceromangan | Chlorek cerowy, chlorek magnezu, jodek potasu, jodek sodu, jod | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

2432 | Cerosel 50 | Selenu związki | Tablets | 50 mcg | Biochefa Farmaceutyczny Zakład Naukowo-Produkcyjny | 30/01/05 |

2433 | Ceroxim | Cefuroximum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2434 | Ceroxim | Cefuroximum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2435 | Ceroxim | Cefuroximum oxetilum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2436 | Ceroxim | Cefuroximum oxetilum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2437 | Ceroxim | Cefuroximum oxetilum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2438 | Cerubidine | Daunorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection, intravascular infusion | 20 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 30/01/05 |

2439 | Cerutin | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | | Polfarmex S.A | 24/05/06 |

2440 | Cesol | Praziquantelum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

2441 | Cestal Cat | Prazikwantel, pyrantelu embonian | Tablets | for veterinary use | Lavet | 31/12/08 |

2442 | Cestal Plus | Prazikwantel, Pyrantelu embonian, Fenbendazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | Lavet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 12/03/06 |

2445 | CetAlergin | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 8/02/06 |

2443 | CetAlergin | Cetirizinum | Oral drops | 10 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 23/11/05 |

2444 | CetAlergin | Cetirizinum | Syrup | 1 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 23/11/05 |

2446 | Cetebe | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Prolonged release capsules | 500 mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/11/04 |

2447 | Cetiratio | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2448 | Cetirizine Dihydrochloride, Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride | Cetirizinum + Pseudoephedrinum | Capsules | 5 mg, 120 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

2449 | Cetix | | Nasal stick | | Cetix Spólka Przemysłowo- Handlowa z o.o. Koszalin | 30/10/05 |

2450 | Cetix-Plus | | Nasal stick | | Cetix Spólka Przemysłowo- Handlowa z o.o. Koszalin | 30/10/05 |

2451 | Cetolol | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2452 | Cetolol | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2453 | Cetriscabin | Benzyli benzoas + Cetrimonii bromidum | Cutaneous emulsion | (30g + 0,3g)/100g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2454 | Cetrizen | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2455 | Cetrotide | Cetrorelixum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 0.25 mg/ml | Ares- Serono (Europe) Ltd | 31/05/05 |

2456 | Cetrotide | Cetrorelixum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Ares- Serono (Europe) Ltd | 31/05/05 |

2457 | Cevac Bron 120 L | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur. | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 3/11/05 |

2458 | Cevac Gumbo L | Żywa szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 18/09/05 |

2459 | Cevac IBD L | Żywa szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 18/09/05 |

2460 | Cevac ND-IB-EDS-K | Szczepionka dla kur przeciwko zakaźnemu zapalenieu oskrzeli chorobie, chorobie Newcastle i syndromowi spadku niośności | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Ceva | 31/12/08 |

2461 | Cevac New L | szczepionka do aktywnego uodparniania zdrowych kurcząt, broilerów i kur niosek przeciwko chorobie Newcastle | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

2462 | Cevamec 1 % | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 12/03/06 |

2463 | C-Film Lucchini | Nonoxinolum | Contraceptive membrane | 72 mg | Irers-Lee Ltd | 27/04/05 |

2464 | Chakaem | p-chlorophenolum | Liquid | 150 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

2465 | Chamomilen | | Ointment | | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/12/08 |

2466 | Chamomilla similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

2467 | Chelicur | Preparat złożony | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

2468 | CHELIDONIUM | | Capsules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

2469 | Chelidonium compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

2470 | Chelidonium Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2471 | Chelidonium-Dagomed 15 schorzenia wątroby | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2472 | Chelidonium-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2473 | Chenofalk | Acidum chenodeoxycholicum | Capsules | 0.25 g | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

2474 | Chibroxin | Norfloxacinum | Eye drops | 0.3 % | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

2475 | China Complexe Lehning nr 107 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

2476 | China Homaccord S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2477 | China-Homaccord S | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2478 | Chinidinum prolongatum | Chinidinum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2479 | Chinidinum sulfuricum | Chinidinum | Coated tablets | 200 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2480 | Chinidyny siarczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/01/05 |

2481 | Chininy chlorowodorek | Chininum hydrochloricum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/01/05 |

2482 | Chininy chlorowodorek | Chininum hydrochloricum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 14/01/05 |

2483 | Chinoksyzol | Acidum boricum + Oxyquinolinum | Tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/01/06 |

2484 | Chiracaine | Levobupivacainum | Solution for injection or for concentrate for solution for infusion | 7.5 mg/ml | Abbott S.p.A | 11/10/06 |

2485 | Chirocaine | Levobupivacainum | Solution for injection or for concentrate for solution for infusion | 2.5 mg/ml | Abbott S.p.A | 11/10/06 |

2486 | Chirocaine | Levobupivacainum | Solution for injection or for concentrate for solution for infusion | 5 mg/ml | Abbott S.p.A | 11/10/06 |

2487 | Chloralu wodzian | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/03/06 |

2488 | Chloralu wodzian | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/03/06 |

2489 | Chloralu wodzian | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/03/06 |

2490 | Chloralu wodzian | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/03/06 |

2491 | Chloralu wodzian | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

2492 | Chloramfenikol | Chloramphenicolum | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/05/06 |

2493 | Chloramfenikol | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/05/06 |

2494 | Chloramfenikol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/05/06 |

2495 | Chloramfenikol | | | | Pliva Kraków | 31/05/06 |

2496 | Chloramfenikol | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/05/06 |

2498 | Chlorchinaldin | Chlorquinaldolum | Buccal tablet | 2 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2497 | Chlorchinaldin | Chlorquinaldolum | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

2499 | Chlorchinaldin H | Chlorquinaldolum + Hydrocortisonum | Ointment | (30mg + 10mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

2500 | CHLORCHINALDIN O Smaku Czarnej Porzeczki | Chlorquinaldolum | Buccal tablets | 2 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2501 | Chlorek benzalkoniowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 9/04/05 |

2502 | Chlorek miedzi, 64CuCl2 do wstrzykiwań | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/04/05 |

2503 | Chlorek strontu — 89 SrCl2 | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 20/09/06 |

2504 | Chlorheksydyny octan | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/08/05 |

2505 | Chlorocyclinum 3 % | Chlortetracyclinum | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

2506 | Chloropernazinum | Prochlorperazinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Labor Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

2507 | Chlorowodorek Oxybutyniny | Oxybutyninum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

2508 | Chlorowodorek Oxybutyniny | Oxybutyninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

2509 | Chlorpropamid | Chlorpropamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

2510 | Chlorprothixen | Chlorprothixenum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 31/07/04 |

2511 | Chlorprothixen | Chlorprothixenum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 31/07/04 |

2512 | Chlorsuccillin | Suxamethonium | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 200 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2513 | Chlortetracykliny chlorowodorek | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 19/08/05 |

2514 | Cholagoga I | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2515 | Cholagoga II | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2516 | Cholagoga II fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2517 | Cholagoga III | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2518 | Cholagoga III fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2519 | Cholagogum F | Chelidini herba extractum siccum + Curcumae rhizomae extractum siccum | Capsuels, hard | (104-131mg) + 45mg | A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH Rhone-Poulenc Rorer | 31/07/04 |

2520 | Cholagogum N Nattermann | Curcumae radix et Chelidoni herba extr. compositum + Menthae piperitae oleum | Oral drops, solution | (184,6mg + 1,81mg) /ml | A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH Rhone-Poulenc Rorer | 29/02/04 |

2521 | Cholagomix | Chelidonii herba pulv., Teraxcaci radix cum pulv., Absinthii herba pulv. | Capsules, hard | 168,5 mg + 126 mg + 85,5 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2522 | Cholamid | Nicotinyl methylamidum | Tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2523 | Cholamix | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

2524 | Cholavisol | | Oral solution | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2525 | Cholavit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2526 | Cholegran | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

2527 | Choleodoron krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

2528 | Cholerin Triple | szczepionka dla kur, indyków i gęsi przeciw cholerze drobiu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Abic | 31/12/08 |

2529 | Cholesana | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

2530 | Cholesol | | Oral solution | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2531 | Cholesterol | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

2532 | Cholesterol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/10/05 |

2533 | Cholesterol | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

2534 | Cholesterol Complexe Lehning nr 112 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

2535 | Cholestil | Hymecromonum | Tablets | 200 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2536 | Cholestrovit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

2537 | CholiDont S | Cholini salicylas | Toothpaste | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2538 | Cholinex | Cholini salicylas | Lozenge | 150 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

2539 | Cholinex | Cholini salicylas | Lozenge | 150 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 29/03/06 |

2540 | Cholitol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/03/07 |

2541 | Choragon 1500 | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 1500 j.m./ml | Ferring GmbH | 14/12/05 |

2542 | Choragon 5000 | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 5000 j.m./ml | Ferring GmbH | 14/12/05 |

2543 | Chorulon | Gonadotropinum | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

2544 | Chromian sodu Na2CrO4 do wstrzykiwań | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | 0.02 mg/ml | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 31/01/06 |

2545 | Chronocard forte | | Coated tablets | 0.1 g | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2546 | Chrono-Gest | Kronolon | Sponge | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

2547 | Chrypka HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

2548 | Chudeus-Fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 31/01/06 |

2549 | Cialis | Tadalafil | Tablets | 10 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2550 | Cialis | Tadalafil | Tablets | 20 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2551 | Cicaderma | | Ointment | | Laboratoires Boiron | 30/06/05 |

2552 | Cicaderma | | Ointment | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/05 |

2553 | Cicatryl | | Ointment | 10 mg/g | Darcy Laboratories | 31/07/04 |

2554 | CICHORIUM/PANCREAS comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2555 | CICHORIUM/PANCREAS comp., granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2556 | Ciclogen | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

2557 | Ciechociński Ług Leczniczy | | Solution for external use | | Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek — Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe | 31/12/07 |

2558 | Ciechociński Szlam Leczniczy | | Crystilline powder for external use | | Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek — Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe | 31/12/07 |

2559 | Cifloxin | Ciprofloxacinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2560 | Cifloxin | Ciprofloxacinum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2561 | Cifran 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

2562 | Cifran 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

2563 | Cignoderm 0,1 | Acidum salicylicum + Dithranolum | Ointment | (5mg + 1mg)/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

2564 | Cignoderm 0,5 | Acidum salicylicum + Dithranolum | Ointment | (5mg + 5mg)/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

2565 | Cignoderm 1 | Acidum salicylicum + Dithranolum | Ointment | (5mg + 10mg)/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

2566 | Cignoderm 2 | Acidum salicylicum + Dithranolum | Ointment | (5mg + 20mg)/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

2567 | Cilest | Ethinylestradiolum + Norgestimatum | Tablets | 35mcg + 250mcg | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

2568 | Ciloxan | Ciprofloxacinum | Eye drops, solution | 3 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 29/11/06 |

2569 | Cimetidine | Cimetidinum | Solution for infusion and for injection | 100 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

2570 | Cimetidinum | Cimetidinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 29/11/06 |

2571 | Cimetidinum | Cimetidinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2572 | Cimetidinum | Cimetidinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 29/11/06 |

2573 | Cimicifuga complexe nr 21 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

2574 | Cimicifuga-Dagomed 9 zaburzenia kobiece po menopauzie | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2575 | Cimicifuga-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2576 | Cimicifuga-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2577 | Cimolan | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 250 mg/ 5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 23/11/05 |

2578 | Cimolan P | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 125 mg/ 5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 23/11/05 |

2579 | Cina Complexe Nr 55 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

2580 | Cincol | Naphazolinum + Zinci sulfas | Eye drops, solution | (1,0mg + 2,5mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2581 | Cinnabaris-Dagomed 3 stany zapalne atok, katar | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2582 | Cinnamomum-Homaccord N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2583 | Cinnamomum-Homaccord N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2584 | Cinnarizinum | Cinnarizinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2585 | Cinnarizinum | Cinnarizinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2586 | Cinnarizinum | Cinnarizinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2587 | Cinnarizinum | Cinnarizinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 30/09/07 |

2588 | Ciphin | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/07/05 |

2589 | Ciphin 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/07/05 |

2590 | Ciphin 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/07/05 |

2591 | Ciphin 750 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/07/05 |

2593 | Ciprabil | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2594 | Ciprabil | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2592 | Ciprabil | Citalopramum | Oral solution | 2 mg / ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2595 | Cipralex | Escitalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

2596 | Cipralex | Escitalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

2597 | Cipralex | Escitalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

2598 | Cipralex | Escitalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

2599 | Cipramil | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

2600 | Cipramil | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

2604 | Ciprinol | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

2601 | Ciprinol | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/50 ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

2602 | Ciprinol | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/100 ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

2603 | Ciprinol | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

2605 | Ciprinol 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

2606 | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacinum | Ear drops, suspension | | ALCON | 31/12/08 |

2607 | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Bayer AG | 31/05/04 |

2608 | Ciprobay 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/04 |

2609 | Ciprobay 400 | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 400 mg/200ml | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

2610 | Ciprobay 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/04 |

2611 | Ciprobay Uro | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Bayer AG | 12/12/06 |

2613 | Cipronex | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 11/10/06 |

2614 | Cipronex | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/06/06 |

2615 | Cipronex | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/06/06 |

2612 | Cipronex | Ciprofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 4/07/07 |

2616 | Cipropol | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

2617 | Cipropol | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/07 |

2618 | Ciprum | Ciprofloxacinum | Concantrate for solution for infusion | 200 mg/20 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2619 | CIPRUM 250 mg | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2620 | CIPRUM 500 mg | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2621 | CIPRUM 750 mg | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2622 | Circadin ® | Melatoninum | Prolonged release tablets | 2 mg | Neurim Pharmaceuticals EEC Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2623 | Circulo-Injeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2624 | Circulosan fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2625 | Circused | Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Coated tablets | | Roha Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2626 | Cirrus | Cetirizinum + Pseudoefedrinum | Prolonged release tablets | 5 mg + 120 mg | UCB Pharma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2627 | Cirrus | Cetirizinum + Pseudoephedrinum | Capsules | | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/03/04 |

2628 | Cisap | Cisapridum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 8/02/06 |

2629 | Cisap | Cisapridum | Tablets | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 8/02/06 |

2630 | Cisap | Cisapridum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 8/02/06 |

2631 | Cisplatin-Ebewe, Cisplatin-Knoll | Cisplatinum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

2632 | Cisplatinum | Cisplatinum | Vial | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2633 | Cisplatinum | Cisplatinum | Vial | 50 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2634 | Cisplatinum | Cisplatinum | Vial | 25 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2635 | Cisporal | Ciclosporinum | Solution for oromucosal use | 100 mg/ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2636 | Cisporal 100 | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 100 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2637 | Cisporal 25 | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 25 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2638 | Cisporal 50 | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 50 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2639 | Cistus canadensis complexe nr 86 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 4/01/07 |

2640 | Cital | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Biovena Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 9/08/06 |

2641 | Citalec 10 | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

2642 | Citalec 20 | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

2643 | Citalec 40 | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

2644 | Citalopram | Citalopramum | Tablets | 20 mg, 40 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2645 | Citaratio | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2646 | Citocartin 100 | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40mg + 10mcg)/ml | Molteni Dental S.r.I | 31/12/08 |

2647 | Citocartin 200 | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40mg + 5mcg)/ml | Molteni Dental S.r.I | 31/12/08 |

2648 | Citrokehl iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

2649 | Citrokehl krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

2650 | Citrolyt | Acidum citricum + Kalii citras + Natrii citras | Granules for oral solution | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

2651 | Citropepsin | Acidum citricum + Pepsinum | Oral solution | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/06 |

2652 | CITRUS E FRUCTIBUS/CYDONIA E FRUCTIBUS D2/2 amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2653 | Claforan | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 1 g | Laboratories Roussel | 30/04/04 |

2654 | Clamoxyl L.A. | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Inc. | 24/06/07 |

2655 | Clamoxyl Proszek rozpuszczalny | Amoxicillunum | Soluble powder | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 4/03/04 |

2656 | Clamoxyl Tabletki 200 mg | Amoxicillunum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 4/03/04 |

2657 | Clamoxyl Tabletki 40 mg | Amoxicillunum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 4/03/04 |

2658 | Clanohepar | Klanobutin | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2659 | Clarinase | Loratadinum + Pseudoephedrinum | Prolonged release tablets | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 8/04/07 |

2660 | Clarithromycin | Clarithomycinum | Syrup | 125 mg /5ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2661 | Clarithromycin | Clarithomycinum | Tablets | 250 mg, 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2662 | Claritine | Loratadinum | Syrup | 1 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/05 |

2663 | Claritine | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

2664 | Clarix® | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2665 | Clearasil Ultra 10 | Benzoylis peroxydum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 16/04/06 |

2666 | Clemastatinum | Clemastatinum | Syrup | 0,5 ml / 5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

2667 | Clemastatinum | Clemastatinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

2668 | Clemastinum | Clemastinum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2669 | Clemastinum | Clemastinum | Syrup | 0.5 mg/ 5 ml | Aflofarm Farmacia Polska Sp. z o.o. | 27/06/07 |

2670 | Clemastinum | Clemastinum | Syrup | 1 mg/10 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2671 | Clemastinum | Clemastinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

2672 | Clemastinum | Clemastinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

2673 | Clexane | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 100 mg/1 ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 31/12/08 |

2674 | Clexane | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 60 mg/0,6 ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 31/12/08 |

2675 | Clexane | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 80 mg/0,8 ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 31/12/08 |

2676 | Clexane | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injections or for arterial line of dialyzator | 100 mg /1 ml (300mg /3ml) | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 31/12/04 |

2677 | Clexane | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injections or for arterial line of dialyzator | 40 mg/0,4 ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 30/04/04 |

2678 | Clexane | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injections or for arterial line of dialyzator | 20 mg/0,2 ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 30/04/04 |

2679 | Clexane forte | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injections or for arterial line of dialyzator | 120 mg/0,8 ml | Aventis Pharma | 5/07/06 |

2680 | Clexane forte | Enoxaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injections or for arterial line of dialyzator | 150 mg/ml | Aventis Pharma | 5/07/06 |

2681 | Climara-100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 7.6 mg, 100mcg/24h | Schering AG | 31/12/04 |

2682 | Climara-50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 3.8 mg, 50mcg/24h | Schering AG | 31/12/04 |

2683 | Climaxol | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

2684 | Climen | Cyproteronum + Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

2685 | CLINACOX 0,5 % PREMIX | Diklazuril | Premix | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

2686 | Clindacin | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2687 | Clindacne | Clindamycini phosphas | Gel | 10 mg/g | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 6/12/06 |

2688 | Clindasan (Clindamycin Mip) | Clindamycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 150 mg/ml | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2689 | Clindasan 150 (Clindamycin Mip) | Clindamycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2690 | Clindasan 300 (Clindamycin Mip) | Clindamycinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2691 | Clindasan 600 (Clindamycin Mip) | Clindamycinum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2692 | Clindo | Clindamycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 150 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 20/06/07 |

2693 | Clindo 300 | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Hexal AG | 21/03/07 |

2694 | Clinimix N12G 20E | Preparat złożony | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2695 | Clinimix N14G 30E | Preparat złożony | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2696 | Clinimix N17G 35E | Preparat złożony | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2697 | Clinimix N9G 15E | Preparat złożony | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2698 | Clinimix N9G 20E | Preparat złożony | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2699 | Clinofug® D 50 | Doxycyclinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

2700 | ClinOleic 20 % | Oleum Olivae + Oleum Sojae | Emulsion for infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral | 29/08/07 |

2701 | Clinomel N 4-550 | | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 14/12/05 |

2702 | Clinomel N 5-800 | | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 14/12/05 |

2703 | Clinomel N 6-900 | | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 14/12/05 |

2704 | Clinomel N 7-1000 | | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 14/12/05 |

2705 | Clivarin 1432 | Reviparinum natricum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 1432 j.m. AXa/0,25ml | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 20/09/06 |

2706 | CLIVARIN Multi | Reviparinum natricum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 34356 j.m. anty X — a/6 ml | Abbott GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

2707 | Clivarin® 3436 | Reviparinum natricum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 3436 j.m./aXa/0,6 ml | Abbott GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

2708 | Clobederm | Clobetasolum | Cream | 500 mcg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 25/01/06 |

2709 | Clobederm | Clobetasolum | Ointment | 500 mcg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 25/01/06 |

2710 | Clodran 400 | Natrii clodronas | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2711 | Clodran 800 | Natrii clodronas | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2712 | Clonazepamum | Clonazepamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/1 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2713 | Clonazepamum | Clonazepamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2714 | Clonazepamum | Clonazepamum | Tablets | 2 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2715 | Clonistada 0,15 | Clonidinum | Tablets | 0.15 mg | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 30/06/04 |

2716 | Clopamid | Clopamidum | Tablets | 20 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2717 | Clophelin | Clonidinum | Tablets | 0,075 mg | ORGANICA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2718 | Clopidix | Clopigrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2719 | Clopidogrel | Clopidogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2720 | Clopidogrel | Clopidogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2721 | Clopixol | Zuclopenthixolum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

2722 | Clopixol | Zuclopenthixolum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

2723 | Clopixol-Acuphase | Zuclopenthixolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/1 ml | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

2724 | Clopixol-Depot | Zuclopenthixolum | Solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

2725 | Cloradine | Loratadinum | Oral tablets | 10 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2726 | Cloranxen | Dikalii clorazepas | Tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2727 | Cloranxen | Dikalii clorazepas | Tablets | 5 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2728 | Clostilbegyt | Clomifenum | Tablets | 50 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2729 | Clostriporc Coli | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw kolibakteriozie i zakaźnemu martwicowemu zapaleniu jelit u prosiąt | Suspension | for veterinary use | Impfstoffwerk Dessau-Tornau GmbH | 27/11/05 |

2730 | Clostrivax | Szczepionka dla bydła i owiec przeciwko schorzeniom wywoływanym przez drobnoustroje z rodzaju clostridium | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fatro Włochy | 31/12/08 |

2731 | Clotrimazol | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

2732 | Clotrimazol | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 200 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2733 | Clotrimazol | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 500 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2741 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Coutanous solution | 10 mg/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2734 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 1 % | Przedsiebiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego "CEFARM" | 31/12/08 |

2735 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

2736 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/05/05 |

2737 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

2738 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/08/05 |

2739 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Aflofarm Farmacia Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2740 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Eye ointment | 1 % | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/05 |

2742 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2743 | Clotrimazolum | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/05/05 |

2744 | Clotrimazolum 1 % | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 1 % | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2745 | Cloxa Coli | Sól sowowa Koloksacyliny, Siarczan Kolistyny | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 19/06/05 |

2746 | Cloxa Coli Injector | Sól sowowa Koloksacyliny, Siarczan Kolistyny | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 19/06/05 |

2747 | Cloxacillin benzathine 1000 mg T.S | Cloxacillinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | CP-Pharma | 31/12/08 |

2748 | Cloxamed-TS | Cloxacillinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | aniMedica | 14/06/04 |

2749 | Clozapine 25 | Clozapinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2750 | Clozapine 50 | Clozapinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

2751 | Co — Diovan® | Valsartanum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 160 mg + 25 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

2752 | Co Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules, hard | 30 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

2753 | Coaparin | Heparicum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 5000 j.m. / 0,2 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

2754 | CoAprovel | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Irbesartanum | Tablets | 12,5mg + 150mg | Sanofi Pharma BMS SNC | 31/05/05 |

2755 | CoAprovel | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Irbesartanum | Tablets | 12,5mg +300mg | Sanofi Pharma BMS SNC | 31/05/05 |

2756 | Coaxil | Tianeptinum | Film-coated tablets | 12.5 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/09/05 |

2757 | Cobactan | Cefquinom (siarczan) | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 20/12/06 |

2758 | Cobactan LC | Cefquinom (siarczan) | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 23/10/06 |

2759 | Cobaphos | Sól sodowa a — oksybenzylofosfinianu, cjanokobalamina | Solution | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma | 31/12/08 |

2760 | Cocarboxylasum | Cocarboxylasum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 50 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

2761 | Cocarboxylasum | Cocarboxylasum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

2762 | Cocculine | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

2763 | Cocculus Complexe nr 73 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 4/01/07 |

2764 | Cocculus-Dagomed 21 choroba lokomocyjna | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2765 | Cocculus-Hmaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2766 | Cocculus-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2767 | Cocois | | Ointment | | Bioglan Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

2768 | Cod Liveer Oil | Jecoris Aselii oil | Capsules, soft | 425 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

2769 | Cod Liver Oil | | Capsules | 0.275 g | Power Health Products Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

2770 | Cod Liver Oil | | Capsules | | Lifeplan Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

2771 | Cod Liver Oil Double Strenght | Jecoris Aselli oil | Capsules, soft | 650 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

2772 | Codeinum phosphoricum | Codeinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/05 |

2773 | Codespan forte | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/06 |

2774 | Co-Diovan | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Valsartanum | Film-coated tablets | 80mg + 12,5mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/11/04 |

2775 | Co-Diovan | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Valsartanum | Film-coated tablets | 160mg + 12,5mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 29/03/06 |

2777 | Codipar | Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 27/06/07 |

2776 | Codipar | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2778 | Codipar 250 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

2779 | Codipar 500 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2780 | Codipar Ultra | Paracetamolum + Codeinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg , 10 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2781 | Codipar® Plus | Paracetamolum + Coffeinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 65 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2782 | Coenzym Q 10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 10 mg | Pharmacaps Inc, USA | 31/12/08 |

2783 | Coenzym Q 10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 10 mg | Puritan's Pride Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

2784 | Coenzyme compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2785 | Coffecorn forte | Coffeinum + Ergotaminum | Coated tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 30/01/05 |

2786 | Coffecorn mite | Coffeinum + Ergotaminum | Coated tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

2787 | Coffeinum Natrium benzoicum | Caffeinum et natrii benzoas | Tablets | 200 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 30/11/05 |

2788 | Coffeinum Natrium Benzoicum | | Solution for injection | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2789 | Coffeinum Natrium Benzoicum | Coffeinum + Natrii benzoas | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

2790 | Coffepar | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Marcmed s.c. | 31/03/06 |

2791 | Coffepirine -tabletki od bólu głowy | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | | Marcmed s.c. | 31/12/08 |

2792 | Cofferan | Dekstran żelaza, siarczan miedzi, witamina B12 | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

2793 | Cogiton 10 | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2794 | Cogiton 5 | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2795 | COLCHICUM comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2796 | COLCHICUM comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2797 | COLCHICUM comp. ung. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2798 | Colchicum compositum forte S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2799 | Colchicum compositum medi-um S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2800 | Colchicum compositum mite S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2801 | Colchicum-Dispert | Colchicinum | Coated tablets | 0.5 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

2802 | Coldrex Broncho | Guaifenesinum | Syrup | 100 mg/5ml | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/08/04 |

2803 | Coldrex HotRem o smaku cytrynowym | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum + Phenylephrinum | powder for solution | (70mg + 750mg +10mg)/5g | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/04 |

2804 | Coldrex HotRem o smaku czarnej porzeczki | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum + Phenylephrinum | powder for solution | (70mg + 750mg +10mg)/5g | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/04 |

2805 | Coldrex Laryplus (o smaku cytrynowym) | Benzalkonium + Hexylresorcinolum | Buccal tablet | 1,2mg + 2,5mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/05 |

2806 | Coldrex Laryplus (o smaku czarnej porzeczki) | Benzalkonium + Hexylresorcinolum | Buccal tablet | 1,2mg + 2,5mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 13/09/06 |

2807 | Coldrex MaxGrip o smaku cytrynowym | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum + Phenylephrinum | powder for solution | 40mg + 1000mg + 10mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare Glaxo SmithKline Export Ltd. | 29/08/07 |

2808 | Coldrex Nite | Dextromethorphanum + Paracetamolum + Promethazinum | Syrup | (15mg + 1000mg + 20mg)/20ml | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/11/04 |

2809 | Coldrex Tablets | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/07/04 |

2810 | Colepectin | Pectinum | Granules | 97.7 g/100 g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Colfarm | 31/12/07 |

2811 | Colestid | Colestipolum | Granules for oral suspension | 5 g | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

2812 | Colipate | Collistinum | Paste | for veterinary use | Vorbac | 31/12/08 |

2813 | Coliporc Plus | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw kolibakteriozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Impfstoffwerk Dessau-Tornau GmbH | 12/03/06 |

2814 | Colisol 2400 | Collistinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lavet | 31/12/08 |

2815 | Colisorb | Szczepionka dla świń przeciwko kolibakteriozie prosiąt i różycy | Suspension | for veterinary use | Hoechst Russel | 31/12/08 |

2816 | Colistin | Colistimethatum natricum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 1000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/05 |

2817 | Colistin | Colistimethatum natricum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 500000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/05 |

2818 | Colistin 10 % Meiji | Collistinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Meiji Seika Kaisha | 30/06/04 |

2819 | Colistin 2 % Meiji | Collistinum | Granules | for veterinary use | Meiji Seika Kaisha | 30/06/04 |

2820 | Colisuin CL | szczepionka inaktywowana przeciw zakażeniom e. coli oraz cl. perfringens | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

2822 | Colitan | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 14/02/07 |

2821 | Colitan | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 9/08/06 |

2823 | Colivac S-2 | Szczepionka przeciw kolibakteriozie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

2824 | Colivet | Collistinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 10/02/07 |

2825 | Colnadul | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

2826 | Colocynthis-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2827 | Colocynthis-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

2828 | Colvital | | Tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2829 | Comarol | Diphenhydraminum + Lidocainum | Cream | (20mg + 10mg)/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

2830 | Combi-Ject | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 31/12/08 |

2831 | Combimink P | Szczepionka dla norek przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu jelit, botulizmowi i zakażeniom wywołanym przez Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Suspension | for veterinary use | United Vaccines | 15/05/06 |

2832 | Combivent | Ipratropii bromidum + Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | (0,021mg + 0,12mg)/dawkę | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/04 |

2833 | Combivir | Lamivudinum + Zidovudinum | Film-coated tablets | 150mg + 300mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/10/04 |

2834 | Combivit | Witamina B1, Witamina B2, Witamina B6, Witamina C, Nikotynamid | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

2835 | Combizym | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Film-coated tablets | 220 mg | Sankyo Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

2836 | Combudoron el | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

2837 | Combudoron Maść | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

2838 | Combudoron Płyn do leczenia oparze | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

2839 | Comdiuren | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

2840 | Comdiuren | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 1,5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

2841 | Comfrey Gel — Żel żywokostowy | Preparat złożony | Gel for external use | 80 mg/g | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/04/04 |

2842 | Compleven | | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 25/05/05 |

2843 | Comtan | Entacaponum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

2844 | Concerta | Methylphemidatum | Prolonged release tablets | 18 mg | Janssen — Cilag N.V. | 31/12/08 |

2845 | Concerta | Methylphemidatum | Prolonged release tablets | 36 mg | Janssen — Cilag N.V. | 31/12/08 |

2846 | Concerta | Methylphemidatum | Prolonged release tablets | 54 mg | Janssen — Cilag N.V. | 31/12/08 |

2847 | CONCHAE comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2848 | CONCHAE comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2849 | Conco | Preparat złożony | Gelatin capsules, soft | | Sunrider Manufacturing L.P., USA | 31/12/08 |

2850 | Concor 5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Merck KGaA | 16/11/05 |

2851 | Concor 10 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck KGaA | 16/11/05 |

2852 | CONCOR 10 Plus | Bisoprololum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg + 25 mg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

2853 | CONCOR 5 Plus | Bisoprololum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg + 12,5 mg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

2854 | Concor Cor 1,25 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 1.25 mg | Merck KGaA | 12/10/05 |

2855 | Concor Cor 10 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck KGaA | 12/10/05 |

2856 | Concor Cor 2,5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Merck KGaA | 12/10/05 |

2857 | Concor Cor 3,75 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 3.75 mg | Merck KGaA | 12/10/05 |

2858 | Concor Cor 5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Merck KGaA | 12/10/05 |

2859 | Concor Cor 7,5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | Merck KGaA | 12/10/05 |

2861 | Condral | Chondroitini natrii sulfas | Capsules | 400 mg | SPA Societa Prodotti Antibiotici SpA | 30/06/04 |

2860 | Condral | Chondroitini natrii sulfas | Granules for oral solution | 200 mg/g | SPA Societa Prodotti Antibiotici SpA | 30/06/04 |

2862 | Condrosulf | Sól sodowa siarczanu chondraityny | Granules for oral solution | 800 mg | IBSA Institut Biochemique S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2863 | Condrosulf | Sól sodowa siarczanu chondraityny | Tablets | 800 mg | IBSA Institut Biochemique S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2864 | Condyline | Podophyllotoxinum | Solution for external use | 5 mg/ml | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

2865 | Conium complexe nr 36 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

2866 | Conium similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

2867 | Contac 400 | Chlorpheniraminum + Phenylpropanolaminum | Modified release capsules | 4mg + 50mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/04 |

2868 | Contra infect c tablets | Echinaceae purpureae extract. | Tablets | | Dr Rentschler Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

2869 | Contra infect drops | Echinaceae purpureae extract. | Drops | | Dr Rentschler Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

2870 | Contractubex | | Gel | | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/12/04 |

2871 | Contrangin Rapid | Cetylpirydinum chloridum + Lidocainum | | | Doetsch Grether AG | 31/12/08 |

2872 | Contril | Dextromethorphanum + Guaifenesinum | Syrup | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 21/06/06 |

2873 | Contril | Guaifenesinum + Dextromethrphanium | Capsules, soft | 100 mg + 10 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

2874 | Contril Junior | Guaifenesinum + Dextromethrphani hydrobromidum | Syrup | (50 mg + 5 mg )/5ml | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

2875 | Controloc | Pantoprazolum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 40 mg | Altana Pharma AG | 29/06/05 |

2876 | Controloc 20 | Pantoprazolum | Tablets | 20 mg | Altana Pharma AG | 31/03/05 |

2877 | Controloc 40 | Pantoprazolum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Altana Pharma AG | 26/11/06 |

2878 | Convafort | | Coated tablets | 15.7 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

2879 | Convulex | Acidum valproicum | Capsules | 500 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 30/04/04 |

2880 | Convulex | Acidum valproicum | Syrup | 50 mg/ml | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 30/04/04 |

2881 | Convulex 150 | Acidum valproicum | Capsules | 150 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

2882 | Convulex 300 | Acidum valproicum | Capsules | 300 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

2883 | Coopertix Pour On | Cyhalotryna | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East | 30/06/04 |

2887 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Effervescent tablets | 10 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 12/10/05 |

2888 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Oral suspension | 1 mg/1ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

2889 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Oral suspension | 1 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/04 |

2890 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Oral suspension | 1mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

2884 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Tablets | 10 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/03/04 |

2885 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Tablets | 20 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 12/10/05 |

2886 | Coordinax | Cisapridum | Tablets | 5 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/04 |

2891 | Copaxone | Glatirameri acetas | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 20 mg | Teva pharmaceuticals Ind. Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

2892 | Copegus | Ribavirinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2893 | Cophin 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

2894 | Cor compositum N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2895 | Corangin | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 40 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/03/07 |

2896 | Corangin | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/03/07 |

2898 | Cordafen | Nifedipinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

2897 | Cordafen | Nifedipinum | Oral drops | 20 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

2899 | Cordaflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

2900 | Cordarone | Amiodaronum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/06/04 |

2901 | Cordarone | Amiodaronum | Tablets | 200 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/06/04 |

2902 | Cordipin | Nifedipinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

2903 | Cordipin retard | Nifedipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 20 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

2904 | Corectin 10 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2905 | Corectin 5 | Bisoprololum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2906 | Coreductal MR | Trimetazidinum | Modified release tablets | 35 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2907 | Coretal | Oxprenololum | Tablets | 20 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

2908 | Corifelin | Szczepionka przeciw herpeswirusowym i kaliciwirusowym zakażeniom górnych dróg oddechowych kotów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 21/05/04 |

2909 | Corinfar | Nifedipinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

2910 | Corinfar Retard | Nifedipinum | Prolonged release coated tablets | 20 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/04 |

2911 | Corn | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | 400 mg/g | SSL International plc | 30/01/05 |

2912 | Corn (Washproof) | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | 400 mg/g | SSL International plc | 30/01/05 |

2913 | Corn and Callous | Acidum salicylicum | Coutanous liquid | 125 mg/g | SSL International plc | 30/01/05 |

2914 | Corneregel | Dexpanthenolum | Eye gel | 50 mg/g | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 21/02/06 |

2915 | Corona | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw zakażeniom koronawirusowym | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 28/05/06 |

2916 | Corotrope | Milrinonum | Solution for intravenous injection | 1 mg/ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/01/05 |

2917 | Corpril | Ramiprilum | Capsules | 1,25 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2918 | Corpril | Ramiprilum | Capsules | 2,5 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2919 | Corpril | Ramiprilum | Capsules | 5 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2920 | Cortineff | Fludrocortisonum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

2921 | Cortineff ophtam 0,1 % | Fludrocortisonum | Eye ointment | 1 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

2922 | Corvaton | Molsidominum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/1 ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

2923 | Corvaton | Molsidominum | Tablets | 2 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

2924 | Coryol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 15/03/06 |

2925 | Coryol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 15/03/06 |

2926 | Coryol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6,5 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

2927 | Coryol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6,25 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2928 | Coryol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2929 | Coryol | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2930 | Coryzalia | | Film-coated tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

2931 | Cosmofer | Ferri hydroxidum et dextranum | Solution for injection or infusion | 50 mg Fe3+/ml | Nebo A/S | 31/12/08 |

2932 | Cosopt | Dorzolamidum + Timololum | Eye drops | 20mg + 5mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/10/04 |

2933 | Cosumix Plus 12 % | Sulfachloropirydazyna sodowa , Trimetoprim | Powder | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 6/03/05 |

2934 | Coverex | Perindoprilum erbuminum | Tablets | 4 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/04/05 |

2935 | Coxalgan | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 26/06/07 |

2936 | Coxeton | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2937 | Coxidin 20 % | Monenzyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Biovet Join Company | 31/12/08 |

2939 | Coxin 12,5 | Rofecoxibum | Oral suspension | 12,5 mg / 5 ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2938 | Coxin 12,5 | Rofecoxibum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2941 | Coxin 25 | Rofecoxibum | Oral suspension | 25 mg / 5 ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2940 | Coxin 25 | Rofecoxibum | Tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

2942 | Coxistac 12 % | Salinomycyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Pfizer Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

2943 | Cozaar | Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 8/07/06 |

2944 | Cozaar | Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 8/07/06 |

2945 | Cozar | Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 12,5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

2946 | Cralonin | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2947 | Cralonin | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2948 | Crataegus complexe nr 15 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

2949 | CRATAEGUS/COR comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2950 | CRATAEGUS/COR comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2951 | Crataegus-Dagomed 4 układ krążenia | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

2952 | Crataegus-Heel S | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

2953 | Cratecor | | Tablets | | Planta-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

2954 | Cratesol | Crataegi extractum fluidum | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2955 | Cratifar | Crataegi inflorescentiae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 135 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2956 | Cratifar — plus | Crataegi inflorescentiae extr.sicc + Ginkgo bilobae fol. extr. sicc. | Film-coated tablets | 95 mg + 20 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2957 | Cratinex | | Drops | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

2958 | Cratonic | Ctrataegi inflorescentiae extractum spissum | Film-coated tablets | 124.8 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 14/03/07 |

2959 | Cravisol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

2960 | Cresophene | Dexamethasonum + Thymolum | Liquid | (1,11mg + 50mg)/g | Septodont | 30/04/04 |

2961 | Crestar | Norgestomed | Implant + solution for injection | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

2962 | Crixan (Clabax) | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2963 | Crixan (Clabax) | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

2964 | Crixivan | Indinavirum | Capsuels, hard | 100 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 9/08/06 |

2965 | Crixivan 200 | Indinavirum | Capsules | 200 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/07 |

2966 | Crixivan 333 | Indinavirum | Capsuels, hard | 333 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/05/05 |

2967 | Crixivan 400 | Indinavirum | Capsules | 400 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/07 |

2968 | Cromogen EB | Acidum cromoglicicum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 5 mg/dawkę | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2969 | Cromogen Inhaler | Acidum cromoglicicum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 5 mg/dawkę | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

2971 | Cromohexal | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 31/05/05 |

2972 | Cromohexal | Acidum cromoglicicum | Inhalation solution | 10 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 14/11/05 |

2970 | Cromohexal | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray | 2.8 mg/dawkę donosową | Hexal AG | 30/04/05 |

2973 | Cromohexal® Eko | Natrii cromoglicas | Nasal spray, solution | 20 mg/ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

2974 | Cromolyn | Acidum cromoglicicum | Inhalation powder, capsules | 20 mg | Orion Corporation | 30/06/04 |

2978 | Cromosol | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops | 2 % (0,02 g/ml) | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/05/06 |

2975 | Cromosol | Acidum cromoglicicum | Gargle spray | 40 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 4/12/06 |

2976 | Cromosol | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray | 40 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 4/10/06 |

2977 | Cromosol | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray, solution | 2.6 mg/dawkę donosową | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/04/05 |

2979 | Cropoz | Acidum cromoglicicum | Inhalator areosol, suspension | 5 mg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/04/05 |

2980 | Cropoz G | Acidum cromoglicicum | Powder for oral solution | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2981 | Cropoz N | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray | 2.8 mg/dawkę | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

2982 | Cropoz Plus | Acidum cromoglicicum | Inhalator areosol, suspension | 5 mg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/04/05 |

2983 | Crotamiton | Crotamitonum | Ointment | 100 mg/g | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

2984 | Crotamiton 10 % | Crotamitonum | Coutanous liquid | 100 mg/g | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

2985 | CRP | | Film-coated tablets | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/12/08 |

2986 | Crupodex | Dextranomerum | Medicated powder | | Biogal Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. | 30/11/04 |

2987 | Cruroheel S | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

2988 | Cryomarex Rispens | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

2989 | Cryomarex Rispens + HVT | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

2990 | Cryomarex-HVT | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka dla kurcząt | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 24/08/04 |

2991 | CTC Spray | Chlortetracyclinum | Suspension, spray | for veterinary use | Eurovet Animal Health | 20/04/06 |

2992 | Cunipastivac E | Szczepionka dla królików przeciw pasterelozie | Oil emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 15/01/06 |

2993 | Cunivac | Szczepionka przeciw pomorowi królików | Suspension | for veterinary use | Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny , Zakład Pryszczycy | 31/12/08 |

2994 | Cuprenil | Penicillaminum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

2995 | Cuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Seton Scholl Healtcare | 31/12/08 |

2996 | Cuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Seton Scholl Healtcare | 31/12/08 |

2997 | CUPRUM ACETICUM comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

2998 | Cuprum-Dagomed 23 astma | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

3001 | Curam | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 625 mg | Biochemie GmbH Kundl | 30/09/05 |

3002 | Curam | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg + 250mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/05 |

2999 | Curam | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 156.25 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH Kundl | 30/11/04 |

3000 | Curam | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 312.5 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH Kundl | 30/11/04 |

3003 | Curam | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Film-coated tablets | 875 mg + 125 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3004 | Curantyl N 75 | Dipyridamolum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

3005 | Curatoderm | Tacalcitolum | Cutaneous emulsion | 4,17 µg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

3006 | Curatoderm | Tacalcitolum | Ointment | 4.17 mcg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/07 |

3007 | Curbicin | Sabalis serrulatae fructus extr., Cucurbitae peponis extr. | Tablets | 80mg + 80 mg | Pharbio Medical Sverige AB, Sweden | 31/12/08 |

3008 | Curosurf | Surfactantum | Endotracheopulmonary and bronchi instilation, suspension | 120 mg/1,5 ml | Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

3009 | Curosurf | Surfactantum | Endotracheopulmonary and bronchi instilation, suspension | 240 mg/3 ml | Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

3010 | Cusicrom 4 % | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops | 40 mg/ml | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 31/12/05 |

3011 | Cusimolol 0,25 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 2.5 mg/ml | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3012 | Cusimolol 0,5 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3013 | Cusiviral | Aciclovirum | Eye ointment | 30 mg/g | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3014 | Cutis compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3015 | Cutivate | Fluticasonum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 28/06/05 |

3016 | Cutivate | Fluticasonum | Ointment | 0.05 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 28/06/05 |

3017 | CYCLAMEN Pentarkan /Ptk nr 39/ | | | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 5/02/05 |

3018 | Cyclo 3 Fort | | Capsuels, hard | 150 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 10/05/06 |

3019 | Cyclo-Menorette | Estradiolum + Estriolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | białe: 1 mg estradiolu i 2 mg estriolu; różowe: 1 mg estradiolu, 2 mg estriolu i 0,25 mg levonorgestrelu. | Wyeth Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3020 | Cyclonamine | Etamsylatum | Tablets | 250 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 30/10/05 |

3021 | Cyclonamine 12,5 % | Etamsylatum | Solution for injection | 125 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

3022 | Cycloplatin 150 | Carboplatinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 150 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/03/05 |

3023 | Cycloplatin 200 | Carboplatinum | Powder for solution for injection | 200 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

3024 | Cycloplatin 450 | Carboplatinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/03/05 |

3025 | Cycloplatin 50 | Carboplatinum | Powder for solution for injection | 50 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

3026 | Cycloplatin 50 | Carboplatinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/03/05 |

3027 | Cyclo-Premella 5 | Estrogena coniugata + Medroxyprogesteronum | Film-coated with sugar tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 14/12/05 |

3028 | Cyclo-Progynova | Estradiolum + Norgestrelum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 30/11/04 |

3029 | Cycostat 66 | Robenidyna | Granules | for veterinary use | Alpharma AS | 11/03/04 |

3030 | Cydectin 1 % | Moksydektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge-Animal Health | 19/10/06 |

3031 | Cyflee | Cytioat | Tablet | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge-Animal Health | 27/04/04 |

3032 | Cygro 1 % | Maduramycyna sodowa | Granules | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge-Animal Health | 20/05/04 |

3033 | Cyklosporyna | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3034 | Cymevene | Ganciclovirum | Capsules | 250 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/08 |

3035 | Cymevene | Ganciclovirum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 500 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

3036 | Cynachol | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3037 | Cynacholin | Cynarae herbae extractum fluidum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3038 | Cynacur | Cynarae folium extractum sicc. | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Biocur Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3039 | Cynamus | Cynara scolymus extr. Siccum | Film-coated tablet | 300 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

3040 | Cynara 400 | Cynarae folium extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 400 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3041 | Cynarein | | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3042 | Cynarex | | Tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3043 | Cynku siarczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/08/06 |

3044 | Cynku siarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 24/08/06 |

3045 | Cynku tlenek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 14/01/05 |

3046 | Cynku tlenek | | | | Chema Elektromet, Rzeszów | 14/01/05 |

3047 | Cynku tlenek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 14/01/05 |

3048 | Cynku tlenek | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 14/01/05 |

3049 | Cynku tlenek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 14/01/05 |

3050 | Cynku tlenek | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 14/01/05 |

3051 | Cyprofina | Cyproterini acetas + Ethinyloestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg +35 mikrogramów | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

3052 | Cyrkulavit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

3053 | Cystrin | Oxybutyninum | Tablets | 3 mg | Sanofi — Synthelabo | 31/12/06 |

3054 | Cytarabin | Cytarabinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 100 mg | Grindeks — Public Joint Stock Company | 30/01/05 |

3055 | Cytarabine | Cytarabinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Pharmacia Upjohn Pty Ltd. Bentley | 26/04/06 |

3056 | Cytarabine | Cytarabinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Pharmacia Upjohn Pty Ltd. Bentley | 26/04/06 |

3057 | Cytarabine Therabel | Cytharabinum | Solution | 100 mg/5 ml | Therabel Pharma (Laboratories Thisen) | 31/12/08 |

3058 | CytoGam | Cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin | Intravenous injection | 50 mg/ml | Massachusetts Public Health | 31/12/08 |

3061 | Cytosar | Cytarabinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 100 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3060 | Cytosar | Cytarabinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 0.5 g | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3059 | Cytosar | Cytarabinum | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 1 g | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/01/05 |

3062 | Cytotec | Misoprostolum | Tablets | 200 mcg | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 31/07/04 |

3063 | Cytotect | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 j.m./ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/03/04 |

3064 | Cytoxan | Cyclophosphamidum | Lyophilisate for injection | 2,0 g | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

3065 | Cytribin | Trikalium dicitratobismuthatum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg (w przeliczeniu na tlenek bizmutawy) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

3066 | Czerwona maść miedziana | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

3067 | Czerwony siarczek rtęciowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

3068 | Czopki glicerolowe | | Suppository | 1 g | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 24/08/05 |

3069 | Czopki glicerolowe | | Suppository | 2 g | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 24/08/05 |

3070 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Apipol-Farma, Myślenice | 24/08/05 |

3071 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 24/08/05 |

3072 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Bartpol, Poznań | 24/08/05 |

3073 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 24/08/05 |

3074 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 24/08/05 |

3075 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 24/08/05 |

3076 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 24/08/05 |

3077 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Farimex, Warszawa | 24/08/05 |

3078 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/08/05 |

3079 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Farmjug, Kartuzy | 24/08/05 |

3080 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 24/08/05 |

3081 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów | 24/08/05 |

3082 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 24/08/05 |

3083 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 24/08/05 |

3084 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 24/08/05 |

3085 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 24/08/05 |

3086 | Czopki glicerolowe | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 24/08/05 |

3087 | Czopki Glicerynowe | Glycerolum | Suppository | 0.7 g | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

3088 | Czopki Glicerynowe | Glycerolum | Suppository | 1.4 g | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

3089 | Czopki przeciw hemoroidom | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/07 |

3090 | Czopki przeciw hemoroidom | | | | Bartpol, Poznań | 31/12/07 |

3091 | Czopki przeciw hemoroidom | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/07 |

3092 | Czopki przeciw hemoroidom | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/07 |

3093 | Czopki przeciw hemoroidom (BIOHEMORIL) | | | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 24/01/05 |

3094 | Czopki przeciwskurczowe | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/09/05 |

3095 | Czopki przeciwskurczowe SPAZMOGEN | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

3096 | Czosnek | Allii sativi bulbus pulv. | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | ELANDA Zakład Prod. Środków Farmaceutycznych,B. Kazub, A. Orłowski, Spółka jawna,Rozprza | 31/12/08 |

3097 | Czpoki przeciwskurczowe (BIOSPASMIL) | | | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 30/06/06 |

3098 | Czteroboran sodowy | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/05/05 |

3099 | Czynnik VIII (Metoda M) 1000 | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 1000 j.m. | ZLB Bioplasma AG | 30/06/04 |

3100 | Czynnik VIII (Metoda M) 250 | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 250 j.m. | ZLB Bioplasma AG | 30/06/04 |

3101 | Czynnik VIII (Metoda M) 500 | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 500 j.m. | ZLB Bioplasma AG | 30/06/04 |

3102 | D.T.COQ | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml (1 dawka) | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 21/06/06 |

3103 | D.T.COQ | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 5 ml (10 dawek) | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 21/06/06 |

3104 | Dacarbazin 100 | Dacarbazinum | Powder for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 100 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/01/05 |

3105 | Dacarbazin 200 | Dacarbazinum | Powder for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 200 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/01/05 |

3106 | Dacarbazine | Dacarbazinum | | | Laboratoires Thissen | 31/12/08 |

3107 | Dacrolux | Dextranum + Hypromellosum | Eye drops, solution | | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3108 | Dafalgin codeine | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 6/09/06 |

3111 | Dafnegin | Ciclopiroxum | Liquid for irrigation | 2 mg/ml | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 30/06/04 |

3109 | Dafnegin | Ciclopiroxum | Pessary | 100 mg | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 30/06/04 |

3110 | Dafnegin | Ciclopiroxum | Vaginal cream | 10 mg/g | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 30/06/04 |

3112 | Daivobet® | Calcipotriolum, Bethametasonum | Ointment | (50 µg + 0,5 mg)/g | Leo Pharmaceutical Products Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3115 | Daivonex | Calcipotriolum | Coutanous liquid | 50 mcg/ml | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 6/12/06 |

3113 | Daivonex | Calcipotriolum | Cream | 50 mcg/g | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 6/12/06 |

3114 | Daivonex | Calcipotriolum | Ointment | 50 mcg/g | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 31/03/07 |

3116 | Daktacort | Hydrocortisonum + Miconazoli nitras | Cream | (10mg + 20mg)/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/04 |

3117 | Daktarin | Miconazoli nitras | Cream | 20 mg/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

3118 | Daktarin | Miconazoli nitras | Cream | 20 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/06 |

3120 | Daktarin | Miconazoli nitras | Cutaneous powder spray | 20 mg/g | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 12/10/05 |

3119 | Daktarin | Miconazoli nitras | Medicated powder | 20 mg/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3121 | Daktarin | Miconazolum | Oromucosal gel | 20 mg/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/06 |

3122 | Dalacin | Clindamycinum | Pessary | 100 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 12/10/05 |

3123 | Dalacin | Clindamycinum | Vaginal cream | 20 mg/g | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 30/06/07 |

3125 | Dalacin C | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 150 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

3126 | Dalacin C | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/04 |

3127 | Dalacin C | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 75 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

3124 | Dalacin C | Clindamycinum | Granules for syrup | 75 mg/5 ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/05 |

3128 | Dalacin C | Clindamycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 150 mg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

3130 | Dalacin T | Clindamycinum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3129 | Dalacin T | Clindamycinum | Emulsion for external use | 10 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd, Buckinghamshire | 30/09/04 |

3131 | Dalacin T | Clindamycinum | Gel | 1 % | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 31/12/08 |

3132 | Dalcipran 25 | Milnacipranum | Capsules | 25 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/07/05 |

3133 | Dalcipran 50 | Milnacipranum | Capsules | 50 mg | Synthelabo Group.-Tours | 31/07/05 |

3134 | Daleron | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum | Granules for oral solution | 500 mg + 20 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3135 | Daleron Cold 3 | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3136 | DALERON Junior | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum | Granules for oral solution | 120 mg + 10 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3137 | Dalfaz | Alfuzosinum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 27/09/06 |

3138 | Dalfaz SR5 | Alfuzosinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 5 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/03/04 |

3139 | Dalfaz Uno | Alfuzosinum | Prolonged release tablets | 10 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 6/07/05 |

3140 | Dalmazin | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Fatro Włochy | 31/12/08 |

3141 | Dampiryna | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Chance — Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. | 31/12/08 |

3142 | Danazol | Danazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

3143 | Danazol | Danazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 14/02/07 |

3144 | Danoval | Danazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

3145 | Danoval | Danazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

3146 | Dantrolen | Dantrolenum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 20 mg | Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

3147 | Dapril 10 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Medochemie Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3148 | Dapril 20 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Medochemie Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3149 | Dapril 5 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Medochemie Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3150 | Daraprim | Pyrimethaminum | Tablets | 25 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

3151 | Dardum | Cefoperazonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Lab. It. Biochim. Farm. Co. LISAPHARMA S.p.A. | 30/06/05 |

3153 | Darob | Sotalolum | Film-coated tablets | 160 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 27/09/06 |

3154 | Darob | Sotalolum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 27/09/06 |

3152 | Darob | Sotalolum | Solution for injection | 40 mg/4 ml | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/12/06 |

3155 | Dartelin retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

3156 | Dartelin retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

3157 | Darvalidol | Menthyli valeras | Buccal tablet | 60 mg | Darnica S.A. | 29/09/06 |

3158 | Datscan | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | Solution for injection | 74 MBq/ML | Amersham PLC Amersham Place | 31/12/08 |

3159 | Daunorubicinum | Daunorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 20 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3161 | Davercin | Erythromycinum | Coutanous liquid | 25 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

3162 | Davercin | Erythromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3163 | Davercin | Erythromycinum | Gel | 2.5 % | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3160 | Davercin | Erythromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 150 mg/5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3164 | Debecylina | Benzathini benzylpenicillinum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 1.2e+006 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3165 | Debecylina | Benzathini benzylpenicillinum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 600000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3166 | Debelizyna | Dolichos biflori semen extractum | Paste for oral suspension | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

3167 | Debretin | Trimebutini maleas | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/02/07 |

3169 | Debridat | Trimebutinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Parke-Davis | 7/06/05 |

3168 | Debridat | Trimebutinum | Granules for solution | 7.87 mg/g | Parke-Davis | 11/07/06 |

3170 | Deca-Durabolin | Nandroloni decanoas | Solution for injection | 50 mg/1 ml | Organon N.V. | 30/04/04 |

3171 | Decaldol | Haloperidolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

3172 | DECAMEVIT — Multivitamin | Preparat witaminowy | | | KYIV VITAMIN FACTORY Co | 31/12/08 |

3173 | Decan | Preparat złożony | Concentrate for solution for infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation | 31/12/08 |

3174 | Decapeptyl 0,1 mg | Triptorelinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 0.1 mg/ml | Ferring GmbH | 6/06/07 |

3175 | Decapeptyl 0,5 mg | Triptorelinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 0.5 mg/ml | Ferring GmbH | 6/06/07 |

3176 | Decapeptyl Depot | Triptorelinum | Microgranules and solvent for suspension for intramuscular injection | 3.75 mg | Ferring GmbH | 25/07/05 |

3177 | Decarbazine Therabel 100 | Dacarbazinum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intra-arterial infusion | 100 mg | Therabel Pharma S.A. (Therabel Group) | 8/02/06 |

3178 | Decarbazine Therabel 200 | Dacarbazinum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intra-arterial infusion | 200 mg | Therabel Pharma S.A. (Therabel Group) | 8/02/06 |

3179 | Decarbazinum | Decarbazinum | Powder for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 100 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3180 | Decaris | Levamisolum | Tablets | 150 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

3181 | Decomoton | Karbetocyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier S.A. | 29/03/07 |

3182 | Dectomax | Doramektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/05 |

3183 | Decubitol | Allantoinum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous spray | (0,75mg + 25mg)/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

3184 | Deep freeze | Preparat złożony | Cutaneous spray, solution | | The Mentholatum Company Limited, U.K. | 31/12/08 |

3185 | Deep Freeze | Mentholum | Gel | 20 mg/g | The Mentholatum Company Ltd. | 29/11/06 |

3187 | Deep Heat | | Cream | | The Mentholatum Company Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

3186 | Deep Heat | | Cutaneous spray | | The Mentholatum Company Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

3188 | Deep Relief | Ibuprofenum + Mentholum | Gel | | The Mentholatum Company Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

3189 | Defensor 3 | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie dla psów, kotów, bydła i owiec | Liquid | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 9/06/04 |

3191 | Deflegmin | Ambroxolum | Oral drops | 7.5 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 1/08/05 |

3190 | Deflegmin | Ambroxolum | Prolonged release capsules | 75 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 1/08/05 |

3192 | Deflegmin | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 1/08/05 |

3193 | Degrosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3194 | Degrotex-fix Zioła pobudzające trawienie | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

3195 | Degrovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/08/05 |

3196 | Degrovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

3197 | Dehalid | | Capsules, soft | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 9/08/06 |

3198 | Deksametazon | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/03/07 |

3199 | Dekstran 70000 — 6 % | Dextranum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/01/05 |

3200 | Dekstran 40000 — 10 % | Dextranum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

3201 | Dekstromet | Dekstrometorphanum | Drops | | Amilek Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3202 | Dekstromet | Dekstrometorphanum | Tablets | | Amilek Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3203 | Delacet | Delphinii consolidae tinctura | Coutanous liquid | 834 mg/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

3204 | Delatar | Pix litanthracis | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

3205 | Delfen | Nonoxinolum-9 | Cream | 50 mg/g | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

3206 | Delinen | Preparat złożony | Cream | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

3207 | Delinen A + D | Preparat złożony | Cream | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3208 | Delmuno 2,5 | Ramiprilum + Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg/2,5 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/09/07 |

3209 | Delmuno 5 | Ramiprilum + Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg/5 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/09/07 |

3210 | Delufen | | Drops | | Richard Bittner | 9/09/07 |

3211 | Delvosteron | Proligeston | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

3212 | Dentacin | | Oromucosal solution | | Montefarmaco S.p.A. Milano | 30/11/04 |

3213 | Denticalm | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 31/12/08 |

3215 | Dentinox N | Chamomillae tinctura + Lidocainum | Gingival gel | | Dentinox Gesellschaft fur pharmaceutische Praparate Lenk & Schuppan | 31/05/04 |

3214 | Dentinox N | Chamomillae tinctura + Lidocainum | Gingival solution | | Dentinox Gesellschaft fur pharmaceutische Praparate Lenk & Schuppan | 31/05/04 |

3216 | Dentispray | Benzocainum | Spray | 50 mg/g | Laboratorios Vinas sa | 12/10/05 |

3217 | Dentosept | Preparat ziołowy | Oromucosal solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3218 | Dentosept A | Preparat ziołowy | Oromucosal solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3221 | Depakine | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 30/06/04 |

3219 | Depakine | Acidum valproicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | (400mg) 400 mg/4ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/06/07 |

3220 | Depakine | Acidum valproicum | Syrup | 288.2 mg/5ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 31/12/04 |

3222 | Depakine 200 | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

3223 | Depakine 500 | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

3224 | Depakine Chrono 300 | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 300 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

3225 | Depakine Chrono 300 | Acidum valproicum | Prolonged release tablets | 300 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 30/06/04 |

3226 | Depakine Chrono 500 | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 500 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

3227 | Depakine Chrono 500 | Acidum valproicum | Prolonged release tablets | 500 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 30/06/04 |

3228 | Depakote | Divalproexum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Sanofi — Winthrop | 31/12/08 |

3229 | Depakote | Divalproexum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Sanofi — Winthrop | 31/12/08 |

3230 | Depamide | Valpromidum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/07/04 |

3231 | DE-PAR-VAC | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Derzsyego dla gęsi i kaczek piżmowych | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Ceva-Phylaxia Veterinary Biologicals | 8/04/04 |

3232 | Depedin Veyx | prednizolon, deksametazon | Suspension | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

3233 | Depherelin | D-Phe6 gonadorelina | Solution | for veterinary use | Veyx-Pharma | 12/11/06 |

3234 | Depogeston | Medroxyprogesteronum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 8/05/05 |

3235 | Depo-Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Suspension for injection | 40 mg/1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

3236 | Depo-Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Suspension for injection | 40 mg/1 ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3237 | Depo-Medrol z Lidokainą | Lidocainum + Methylprednisolonum | Suspension for injection | (10mg +40mg)/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3238 | Depo-Medrone V 20mg | Methylprednisolini acetas | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3239 | Depo-Medrone V 40 mg | Methylprednisolonum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3240 | Depomycin | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 27/02/07 |

3241 | Depo-Promone | Medroxyprogesteronum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3242 | Depo-Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Suspension for injection | 150 mg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3243 | Depo-Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Suspension for injection | 50 mg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3244 | Depo-Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 150 mg/1 ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

3245 | Depostat | Gestonoroni caproas | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

3246 | Deprenon | Fluoxetinum | Capsuels, hard | 20 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 24/08/05 |

3247 | Depresol | Hyperici herbae extr. sicc. | Tablets | 100 mg | P.R.P Tymofarm, Jakubów | 31/12/08 |

3248 | Depresol 300 | Hyperici herbae extr. sicc. | Tablets | 300 mg | P.R.P Tymofarm, Jakubów | 31/12/08 |

3249 | Deprestonic | Extr. fluidum ex:, Passiflorae herba, Lupuli strob., Valerianae radix | Oral solution | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3250 | Deprexetin | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3251 | Deprexolet | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

3252 | Deprexolet | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

3253 | Deprim | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/03/07 |

3254 | Deprim forte | Hypericiherbae extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 425 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3255 | Deps | Hyperici herba extractum siccum | Tablets | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3256 | Depulol | Oleum rosmarini + Oleum elcalypti + Balsamum peruvianum | Gel fof rub | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

3257 | Derhotill | | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/01/05 |

3258 | Dermabion | | Film-coated tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

3259 | Dermacorn | Sulfanilamid, Tlenek cynku, Glukonian chlorheksydyny | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 24/05/04 |

3260 | Dermaknel | | Cream | (40mg + 10mg)/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

3261 | Dermatol | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 12/10/05 |

3262 | Dermatol | | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 12/10/05 |

3263 | Dermatol | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 12/10/05 |

3264 | Dermatol | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 12/10/05 |

3265 | Dermatol | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 12/10/05 |

3266 | Dermatol | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 12/10/05 |

3267 | Dermazin | Sulfadiazinum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

3268 | Der-Med | Dinatrii undecylyloxyethylamidosulfosuccinas | Cutaneous emulsion | 30 mcg/g | Permamed Laboratories Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

3269 | Dermestril 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 25 mcg/24 h | Rottapharm S.r.I | 31/12/08 |

3270 | Dermestril 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 50 mcg/24 h | Rottapharm S.r.I | 31/12/08 |

3271 | Dermestril — Septem 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 2,5 mg estradiolu (25 mcg/dawkę) | Rottapharm S.r.l. | 26/09/07 |

3272 | Dermestril — Septem 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 5,0 mg estradiolu (50 mcg/dawkę) | Rottapharm S.r.l. | 26/09/07 |

3273 | Dermestril — Septem 75 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 7,5 mg estradiolu (75 mcg/dawkę) | Rottapharm S.r.l. | 26/09/07 |

3274 | Dermestril 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 100 mcg/24 h | Rottapharm S.r.I | 31/12/08 |

3275 | Dermklobal | Clobetasolum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 29/06/05 |

3276 | Dermklobal | Clobetasolum | Ointment | 0.5 mg/g | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 29/06/05 |

3277 | Dermklobal | Clobetasolum | Solution for haired head skin | 0.5 mg/g | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 29/06/05 |

3278 | Dermo G spray | Gentamycyna, betametazon | Spray | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceuticals | 31/12/08 |

3279 | Dermobonisol | | Coutanous liquid | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

3280 | Dermocin - | Mupirocinum | Cutaneous spray | | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3281 | Dermocin S | Mupirocinum | Gel | 2 % | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3282 | Dermocin W | Mupirocinum | Gel | 2 % | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3283 | Dermodrin | Diphenhydraminum | Medicated powder | 30 mg/g | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Montavit GmbH | 31/10/04 |

3284 | Dermofix | Sertaconazolum | Pessary | 300 mg | Ferrer Internacional S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3285 | Dermogal | Oenotherae oleum + Tocopherolum | Capsule, soft | 490 mg + 10 mg | Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze "GAL" s.c. | 31/12/08 |

3286 | Dermopanten | Dexpanthenolum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 14/12/05 |

3287 | Dermophenazol | Antazolinum + Naphazolinum | Cutaneous spray, solution | (5mg + 0,25mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/02/07 |

3288 | Dermopur | Benzocainum | Liquid powder | 15 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 30/06/05 |

3289 | Dermoretin | Retinolum | Ointment | 800 j./g | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

3290 | Dermosavit | Retinolum | Ointment | 500 j.m./g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

3293 | Dermovate | Clobetasolum | Coutanous liquid | 0.5 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/03/04 |

3291 | Dermovate | Clobetasolum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 9/08/05 |

3292 | Dermovate | Clobetasolum | Ointment | 0.5 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/03/04 |

3294 | Dermovit A | Retinolum | Ointment | 500 j.m./g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

3295 | Dermovit E | Tocopherolum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

3296 | Dermovit F | Vitaminum F | Ointment | 25 mg/g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/12/05 |

3297 | Dernilan | | Ointment | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 26/09/07 |

3298 | Dervac | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Derzsyego dla gęsi i kaczek Barbarie oraz Mullard | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny | 31/12/08 |

3299 | Desferal | Deferoxaminum | Powder for solution for injection | 500 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

3300 | Desin | Jod, Jodek potasowy, Fluoroscenian sodu, Żółcień metanilowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

3301 | Desin Forte | Preparat złożony | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

3302 | Desmopryn | Desmopressinum | Nasal drops | 0,1 mg/ml | TERPOL Przedsiebiorstwo Farmaceutyczne S.A | 31/12/08 |

3303 | Desparin | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 40 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/02/07 |

3304 | Desson | Preparat złożony | Liquid | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/09/05 |

3305 | Detosol | Preparat złożony | Coutanous liquid | | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 12/10/05 |

3306 | Detralex | Diosminum + Hesperydyna | Film-coated tablets | 450mg + 50mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/06/04 |

3307 | Detreomycyna 1 % | Chloramphenicolum | Ointment | 10 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/06/06 |

3308 | Detreomycyna 2 % | Chloramphenicolum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/06/06 |

3309 | Detrusitol | Tolterodinum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Pharmacia AB | 31/08/04 |

3310 | Detrusitol | Tolterodinum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Pharmacia A.B. | 31/08/04 |

3311 | Devisol-25 | Calcifediolum | Oral drops, solution | 0.15 mg/1 ml | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 30/11/05 |

3312 | Dexadent | Dexamethasonum + Framycetinum + Polymyxinum B | Ointment | (10mg + 25mg + 2,5mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

3313 | Dexafort | Deksametazon | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

3314 | Dexagel | Dexamethasonum | Eye gel | 0,985 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann | 31/12/08 |

3315 | Dexamethason | Dexamethasonum | Solution for injection | 4 mg/1 ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

3316 | Dexamethason | Dexamethasonum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

3317 | Dexamethason | Dexamethasonum | Tablets | 500 mcg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

3318 | Dexamethason 0,1 % | Dexamethasonum | Eye drops, suspension | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

3319 | Dexamethasone 0,2 % pro inj. | Dexamethasonum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetimex Animal Health (od 01.01.2001r. Eurovet International) | 23/01/05 |

3320 | Dexamytrex | Dexamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Eye drops | | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 2/02/06 |

3321 | Dexamytrex | Dexamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Eye ointment | | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 2/02/06 |

3322 | Dexapolcort | Dexamethasonum | Cutaneous spray | 0.15 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

3323 | Dexapolcort N | Dexamethasonum + Neomycinum | Cutaneous spray | (150mcg + 750mcg)/ ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/09/05 |

3324 | Dexasone | Fosforanu deksametazonu sól sodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook Lab. | 28/06/04 |

3325 | Dexatussin | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 1 mg/ml | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

3326 | Dexatussin | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 2 mg/ml | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

3327 | Dexaven | Dexamethasonum | Solution for injection | 4 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

3328 | Dexibuprofen | Dexibuprofenum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

3329 | Dexoryl | Gentamycyny siarczan, Tiabendazol, Deksametazon | Ear drops | for veterinary use | Virbac | 17/08/05 |

3330 | Dexprofen 150 | Dexibuprofenum | Tablets | 150 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/06 |

3331 | Dexprofen 300 | Dexibuprofenum | Tablets | 300 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/06 |

3332 | Dexprofen 450 | Dexibuprofenum | Tablets | 450 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/06 |

3333 | Dezorol | Acidum salicylicum + Mentholum + Methenaminum | Coutanous liquid | | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/06 |

3334 | DHC Continus | Dihydrocodeini tartras | Modified release tablets | 120 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 25/10/06 |

3335 | DHC Continus | Dihydrocodeini tartras | Modified release tablets | 60 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 25/10/06 |

3336 | DHC Continus | Dihydrocodeini tartras | Modified release tablets | 90 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 25/10/06 |

3337 | DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone | Capsules | 20 mg | K&K Medicplast | 31/12/08 |

3338 | DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone | Capsules | 50 mg | K&K Medicplast | 31/12/08 |

3339 | DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone | Capsules | 100 mg | K&K Medicplast | 31/12/08 |

3340 | Dhea | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3341 | Dhea | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 25 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3342 | Dhea | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3343 | Dhea | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 25 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3344 | Dhea | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 50 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3345 | Dhea | DHEA | Tablets | 15 mg | Omega Rex s.j. | 31/12/08 |

3346 | Dhea | DHEA | Tablets | 25 mg | Omega Rex s.j. | 31/12/08 |

3347 | Dhea 10 | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Produkcyjno-Handlowe Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków CURTIS HEEALTHCARE Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3348 | Dhea 25 | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 25 mg | Produkcyjno-Handlowe Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków CURTIS HEEALTHCARE Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3349 | DHEA 25 mg | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Hurtownia Farmaceutyczna "Eljot" | 31/12/08 |

3350 | Dhea 50 | Dehydroepiandrosteronum | Tablets | 50 mg | Produkcyjno-Handlowe Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków CURTIS HEEALTHCARE Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3351 | Diaben | Preparat dietetyczny | Liquid | 500 ml, 1000 ml, 1500 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3352 | Diabene | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

3353 | Diabetex-fix Species antidiabeticae | Preparat ziołowy | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

3354 | Diabetin fix | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3355 | Diabetina | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

3356 | Diabetina | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

3357 | Diabetobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej BONIMED, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

3358 | Diabetobonisol | | Oral solution | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej BONIMED, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

3359 | Diabetofort | | Oral solution | | Dar Natury P.P.H. | 6/06/07 |

3360 | Diabetogran | Preparat ziołowy | Granules | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/01/05 |

3361 | Diabetol | Tolbutamidum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

3362 | Diabetomix | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

3363 | Diabetosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3364 | Diabetosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/06/06 |

3365 | Diabetosol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/09/05 |

3366 | Diabeto-Var | | Instant herbal tea | | Varia — Zakłady Zielarsko-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

3367 | Diabeto-var | | | | Varia, Katowice | 31/01/06 |

3368 | Diabetovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

3369 | Diabetovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

3370 | Diabetussic | Guaiacolsulfonatum | Liquid | 6 g/100 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

3371 | Diabezidum | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 4/12/06 |

3372 | Diabinese | Chlorpropamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

3373 | Diabrezide | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 9/06/05 |

3374 | Diacordin | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 30/08/04 |

3375 | Diacordin 90 Retard | Diltiazemum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 90 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 30/09/07 |

3376 | Diaklat | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 13/09/06 |

3377 | Diane 35 | Cyproteronum + Ethinylestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

3378 | Diaprel | Gliclazidum | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/07/04 |

3379 | Diaprel MR | Gliclazidum | Modified release tablets | 30 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/06 |

3380 | Diarrheel S | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3381 | Diarroten — fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

3382 | Diastabol 100 | Miglitolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/07/05 |

3383 | Diastabol 50 | Miglitolum | Tablets | 50 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/07/05 |

3384 | Diazepam RecTubes | Diazepamum | Rectal solution | 2 mg/ml | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

3385 | Diazepam RecTubes | Diazepamum | Rectal solution | 4 mg/ml | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

3386 | Diazepam-Lipuro | Diazepamum | Emulsion for intravenous or intramuscular injection | 5 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/01/05 |

3387 | Diazerekt | Diazepamum | Rectal infusion | 5 mg/2,5 ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 27/06/07 |

3388 | Diazerekt | Diazepamum | Rectal infusion | 10 mg/2,5 ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 27/06/07 |

3389 | Diazidan | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 25/10/06 |

3390 | Diclac | Diclofenacum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 75 mg/3 ml | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

3391 | Diclac 100 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 100 mg | Hexal AG | 31/07/04 |

3392 | Diclac 150 Duo | Diclofenacum | Modified release tablets | 150 mg | Hexal AG | 4/07/07 |

3393 | Diclac 25 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 25 mg | Hexal AG | 30/06/07 |

3395 | Diclac 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Hexal AG | 31/07/04 |

3394 | Diclac 50 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | Hexal AG | 31/07/04 |

3396 | Diclac 75 Duo | Diclofenacum | Modified release tablets | 75 mg | Hexal AG | 4/07/07 |

3397 | Diclac Lipogel | Diclofenacum | Gel | (1 %) 10 mg/g | Ecosol AG | 31/12/08 |

3398 | Dicloberl 50 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

3399 | Dicloberl retard | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/05/05 |

3400 | Diclobion | Diclofenacum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3401 | DicloDuo | Diclofenacum | Capsules with gastro-resistant, prolonged release pelets | 75 mg | Pharmavit Kft. | 31/12/08 |

3402 | Diclofenac — Ophtha | Diclofenacum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Laboratoires CIBAVISION Foure | 31/12/08 |

3403 | Diclofenac 100 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

3404 | Diclofenac 100 Stada Retard | Diclofenacum | Modified release tablets | 100 mg | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 31/07/04 |

3405 | Diclofenac 25 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 25 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3407 | Diclofenac 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

3408 | Diclofenac 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

3406 | Diclofenac 50 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

3409 | Diclofenac Al 25 | Diclofenacum | Tablets | 25 mg | ALIUD Pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

3410 | Diclofenac Al 50 | Diclofenacum | Tablets | 50 mg | ALIUD Pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

3411 | DICLOFENAC Emulgel | Diclofenacum | Gel | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

3412 | Diclofenac Sodium E/C | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

3413 | Diclofenac Sr 100 | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3414 | Dicloratio | Diclofenacum | Gel | 1 % (0,01 g/1 ml) | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/06/04 |

3415 | Dicloratio | Diclofenacum + Lidocainum | Solution for intramuscular injection | (75mg + 20mg)/2ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/06/04 |

3417 | Dicloratio 25 | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 25 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3416 | Dicloratio 25 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 25 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3418 | Dicloratio 50 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3419 | Dicloratio 100 | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3420 | Dicloratio 50 | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/06/04 |

3421 | Dicloratio Retard 100 | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3422 | Dicloratio Uno | Diclofenacum | Modified release tablets | 150 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/04 |

3425 | Dicloreum | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

3424 | Dicloreum | Diclofenacum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

3423 | Dicloreum | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 100 mg | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

3426 | Dicloreum retard | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

3427 | DICLOTARD 100 mg | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | S.C. Terapia S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3428 | Dicortineff | Fludrocortisonum + Gramicidinum + Neomycinum | Ear and eye drops, suspension | (1mg + 0,025mg + 2,5mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

3429 | Dicortineff | Fludrocortisonum + Gramicidinum + Neomycinum | Eye ointment | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

3430 | Dicortineff -Vet | Neomycinum + Gramicidinum + Fluorokortisonum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zkłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

3431 | Dicural | Difloksacyny chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Veterianria S.A. | 29/06/06 |

3432 | Dicural 100 | Difloksacyny chlorowodorek | Tablet | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 12/07/06 |

3433 | Dicural 15 | Difloksacyny chlorowodorek | Tablet | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 12/07/06 |

3434 | Dicural 50 | Difloksacyny chlorowodorek | Tablet | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 12/07/06 |

3435 | Dietalek | Odżywka | Powder for suspension | | BTL Sp. z o.o. Zakład Enzymów i Peptonów, Łódź | 31/12/08 |

3436 | Diet-scour | Ampicillinum, vitamins, microelements | Powder | for veterinary use | Virbac | 23/11/04 |

3437 | Difadol | Diclofenacum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 75 mg/3 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

3438 | Difadol 0,1 % | Diclofenacum | Eye drops | 1 mg / ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

3439 | Difen — Ud | Diclofenacum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Pharma Stulln GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3440 | Differin | Adapalenum | Cream | 1 mg/g | Laboratoires Galderma S.A. Tour Europlaza | 20/05/04 |

3441 | Differin | Adapalenum | Gel | 1 mg/g | Laboratoires Galderma S.A. Tour Europlaza | 29/06/04 |

3442 | Diflazon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3443 | Diflazon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3444 | Diflazon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3445 | Diflazon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3446 | Diflazon | Fluconazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

3447 | Difloxy 10 % oral | Difloksacyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Lavet | 31/12/08 |

3448 | Diflucan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

3449 | Diflucan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

3450 | Diflucan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

3451 | Diflucan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

3452 | Diflucan | Fluconazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

3453 | Diflucan | Fluconazolum | Syrup | 5 mg/ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

3454 | Difosfen | Dinatrii etidronas | Tablets | 200 mg | Rubio Laboratorios S.A. | 30/11/04 |

3455 | Difrarel 100 | Myrtilli fructus extractum siccum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Laboratoires LERQUIN MEDIOLANUM, Francja | 31/12/08 |

3456 | Diftosec CT | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw ospie ptaków | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 24/05/07 |

3457 | Digesan | | Liquid | | Bittner Richard GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3458 | Digesflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 29/01/06 |

3459 | Digestiol | Cynareae herbae extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 170 mg | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3460 | Digestodoron N krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

3461 | Diges-Tonic | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/08/05 |

3462 | Digestosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3463 | Diglical | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3464 | Digoxin | Digoxinum | Solution for injection | 0.25 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

3465 | Digoxin | Digoxinum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3466 | Digoxin | Digoxinum | Tablets | 250 mcg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

3467 | Digoxin | Digoxinum | Tablets | 250 mcg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

3468 | Dih | Diosminum + Hesperidinum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg + 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

3469 | Dihydralazinum | Dihydralazinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

3470 | Dihydroergotaminum methanosulfonicum | Dihydroergotaminum | Oral solution | 2 mg/g | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

3471 | Dihydroergotaminum tartaricum | Dihydroergotaminum | Tablets | 1 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

3472 | Dihydroergotoxinum aethanosulfonicum | Dihydroergotoxinum | Oral solution | 1 mg/ml | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/12/07 |

3473 | Dihydroergotoxinum aethanosulfonicum | Dihydroergotoxinum | Sublingual tablets | 0.25 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/12/07 |

3474 | Dihydrokodeiny wodorowi-nian | | | | Polfa Kutno | 16/01/06 |

3475 | Dikamfen | Preparat złożony | Liquid | | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

3477 | Diklonat P | Diclofenacum | Gel | 10 mg/g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3476 | Diklonat P | Diclofenacum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 75 mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3478 | DIKLONAT P Forte | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3479 | Diklonat P Rapid | Diclofenacum | Coated tablets | 50 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3480 | Diklonat P Retard | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3481 | Diklozen | Diclofenacum | Gel | 1 % (10 mg/g) | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

3482 | Dilatrend | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/06/07 |

3483 | Dilatrend | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/06/07 |

3484 | Dilatrend | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6.25 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/06/07 |

3485 | Dilocard | Diltiazemum | Prolonged release capsules | 90 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3486 | Dilocard | Diltiazemum | Prolonged release capsules | 120 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3491 | Diltiazem | Diltiazemum | Film-coated, controled release tablets | 120 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3492 | Diltiazem | Diltiazemum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 180 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3487 | Diltiazem | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 30 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

3488 | Diltiazem | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 30 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

3489 | Diltiazem | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

3490 | Diltiazem | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3493 | Diltiazem Retard | Diltiazemum | Film-coated tablets | 90 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3494 | Dilzem | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | Gödecke AG | 31/07/04 |

3495 | Dilzem 120 retard | Diltiazemum | Prolonged release tablets | 120 mg | Parke-Davis GmbH — Freiburg | 30/04/05 |

3496 | Dilzem 180 retard | Diltiazemum | Prolonged release tablets | 180 mg | Parke-Davis GmbH — Freiburg | 30/04/05 |

3497 | Dilzem 25 | Diltiazemum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 25 mg | Gödecke AG | 31/07/04 |

3498 | Dilzem retard | Diltiazemum | Film-coated tablets | 90 mg | Gödecke AG | 31/07/04 |

3499 | Dimetinden | Dimetindenum | Gel | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

3500 | Dindoral | Szczepionka dla indyków i bażantów przeciw krwotocznemu zapaleniu jelit indyków i chorobie marmurkowatej śledziony bażantów. | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 19/07/05 |

3501 | Dinolytic | Dinoprost | Solution | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 18/03/04 |

3502 | Diosmin I Hesperidin | Diosminum + Hesperidinum | Film-coated tablet | 450 mg i 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

3503 | Diosminex | Diosminum + Hesperydynum | Tablets | 450 mg + 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3504 | Diosmynin | Diosminum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Kenay A.G., Częstochowa | 31/12/08 |

3505 | Diovan | Valsartanum | Film-coated tablets | 160 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 14/02/07 |

3506 | Diovan | Valsartanum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 14/02/07 |

3507 | Diovan 160 | Valsartanum | Capsules | 160 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

3508 | Diovan 80 | Valsartanum | Capsules | 80 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

3509 | Dipeptiven | Preparat odżywczy | Solution for parenteral nutrition | 20 g/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/12/07 |

3510 | Diphereline 0,1 mg | Triptorelinum | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 0.1 mg | Ipsen Biotech | 21/06/06 |

3511 | Diphereline S.R. 3,75 | Triptorelinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for prolonged release suspension for intramuscular injection | 3.75 mg | Pharma Biotech- Paris | 31/05/05 |

3512 | Diphereline SR 11.25mg | Triptorelinum | Powder and solvent for prolonged release suspension for intramuscular injection | 11.25 mg | Ipsen Biotech | 9/08/06 |

3513 | Diphergan | Promethazinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

3514 | Diphergan | Promethazinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

3515 | Diphergan | Promethazinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

3516 | Diphergan | Promethazinum | Syrup | 5 mg/5ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

3517 | Diprivan | Propofolum | Emulsion for injection | 10 mg/ml | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

3518 | Diprobase | Chlorocresolum | Cream | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3519 | Diprobase | Podłoże maściowe | Ointment | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3520 | Diprofilina | | | | Pliva Kraków | 14/01/06 |

3521 | Diprogenta | Betamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Cream | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/09/04 |

3522 | Diprogenta | Betamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Ointment | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/09/04 |

3523 | Diprolene | Betamethasonum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 12/06/06 |

3524 | Diprolene | Betamethasonum | Ointment | 0.5 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 12/06/06 |

3525 | Dipromal | Acidum valproicum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

3526 | Diprophos | Betamethasonum | Suspension for injection | 7 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

3527 | Diprophyllinum | Diprophyllinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 25 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/09/05 |

3528 | Diprophyllinum | Diprophyllinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/09/05 |

3529 | Diprophyllinum prolongatum | Diprophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/09/05 |

3530 | Diprophyllinum prolongatum | Diprophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 450 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/09/05 |

3531 | Diprosalic | Acidum salicylicum + Betamethasonum | Ointment | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 28/06/05 |

3532 | Diprosalic | Acidum salicylicum + Betamethasonum | Solution for external use | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 28/06/05 |

3533 | Diprosone | Betamethasonum | Crem for external use | 0.5 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 28/06/05 |

3534 | Diprosone | Betamethasonum | Ointment for external use | 0.5 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 28/06/05 |

3535 | Dirigestran inj. | Gonadorelinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Ferring-Leciva a.s. | 3/08/06 |

3536 | Diroton | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

3537 | Diroton | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 21/06/06 |

3538 | Diroton | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

3539 | Diroton | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

3540 | Disalunil | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 25 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

3541 | DISCI comp. cum Argento ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

3542 | DISCI comp. cum Argento granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

3543 | DISCI comp. Cum Stanno | | Amp. | 1 ml, 10 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

3544 | Disci comp.cum Stanno | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

3545 | Disci/Rhus toxicodendron comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

3546 | DISCI/VISCUM comp. cum Stanno gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

3547 | DISCI/VISCUM comp. cum Stanno amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

3548 | DISCI/VISCUM comp. cum Stanno ung. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

3549 | Disci/Viscum comp.cum Argento | | Suppository | 2g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

3550 | Discus compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3551 | Disflatyl | Simeticonum | Oral drops | 40 mg /1 ml | ICN Switzerland AG | 27/04/05 |

3552 | Disflatyl | Simeticonum | Tablets | 40 mg | ICN Switzerland AG | 31/12/07 |

3553 | Disgren | Triflusalum | Capsules | 300 mg | URIACH (Medagro) | 31/12/08 |

3554 | Disocor | Disopyramidum | Capsules | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

3555 | Disophrol Retard | Dexbrompheniraminum + Pseudoephedrinum | Prolonged release tablets | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

3556 | Dissenten | Loperamidum | Tablets | 2 mg | SPA Societa Prodotti Antibiotici SpA | 30/04/04 |

3557 | Distemink | Atenuowana szczepionka dla norek przeciw nosówce | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | United Vaccines Inc. | 27/09/06 |

3558 | Distrept 25 % | Siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

3561 | Distreptaza | Streptodornasum + Streptokinasum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

3562 | Distreptaza | Streptodornasum + Streptokinasum | Oromucosal tablets (muco-adhesive buccal tablets, sublingual tablets) | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

3559 | Distreptaza | Streptodornasum + Streptokinasum | Suppository | 1250 j.m. + 15000 j..m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

3560 | Distreptaza | Streptodornasum + Streptokinasum | Suppository | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

3563 | Disulfiram | Disulfiramum | Implantation tablets | 100 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

3564 | Dithranol | Dithranolum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/08/06 |

3565 | Dithranol | Dithranolum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 19/03/07 |

3566 | Ditrivet 120 | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Biofaktor Sp. z o.o. | 18/03/04 |

3567 | Ditrivet 480 | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Biofaktor Sp. z o.o. | 18/03/04 |

3568 | Ditropan | Oxybutyninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/06/04 |

3569 | Diuramid | Acetazolamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

3570 | Diurecol | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

3571 | Diurecol | | Instant herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

3572 | Diuresin Sr | Indapamidum | Tablets | 1,5 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3573 | Diuresin Sr | Indapamidum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3574 | Diureticol-fix | | Instant herbal tea | | P.P.H. "Eldex-Medical", Wiry | 31/12/08 |

3575 | Diuroflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/03/05 |

3576 | Diuronis | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

3577 | Diurosept fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3578 | Diurosol | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

3579 | Divascan | Iprazochromum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

3580 | Diverin | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 50 mg/g (5 %) | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 12/10/05 |

3581 | Divigel 0,1 % | Estradiolum | Gel | 0.5 mg/ 0,5 g | Orion Corporation | 30/11/04 |

3582 | Divigel 0,1 % | Estradiolum | Gel | 1 mg/g | Orion Corporation | 30/11/04 |

3583 | Divina | Estradiolum + Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | | Orion Corporation | 19/03/06 |

3584 | Diviseq | Estradiolum + Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | | ORION Corporation | 31/12/08 |

3585 | Dobuject | Dobutaminum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Leiras Oy | 31/07/04 |

3586 | Dobutamine | Dobutaminum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

3587 | Dobutamin-Hexal | Dobutaminum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 250 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

3588 | Dofatrim-Ject | Trimethoprium + Sulphadoxinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Dopharma B.V. | 23/10/06 |

3589 | Dogral | Clopidrogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3590 | Doksy RW | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 2/01/06 |

3591 | Doksycyklina 20 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 13/10/04 |

3592 | Doksycykliny chlorowodorek | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/01/06 |

3593 | Dolargan | Pethidinum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

3594 | Dolargan | Pethidinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

3595 | Dolcontral | Pethidinum | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 50 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

3596 | Dolgit | Ibuprofenum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Dolorgiet Pharmaceuticals | 31/12/06 |

3597 | Dolgit | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Dolorgiet Pharmaceuticals | 17/07/06 |

3598 | Dolicoccil 1000 granulki | | | | DOLISOS SUISSE | 17/08/05 |

3599 | Dolimix bóle pleców | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3600 | Dolimix choroba lokomocyjna | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3601 | Dolimix chrypka | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3602 | Dolimix stomatologiczny | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3603 | Dolimix stres | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3604 | Dolimix trądzik młodzieńczy | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3605 | Dolimix urazy w sporcie | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 9/07/07 |

3606 | Dolimix zapalenie spojówek | | Granules | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 4/07/07 |

3607 | Dolivaxil Influenzinum 9CH mikrogranulki | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 24/01/07 |

3608 | Dolobene | Dimethylis sulfoxydum + Heparinum + Dexpanthenolum | Gel | | ratiopharm GmbH | 15/11/06 |

3609 | Dologran | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Granules | | Dolpes SA Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe | 31/01/06 |

3610 | Dolomit | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

3611 | Dolomit | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

3612 | Dolomit — Granulat | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Granules | (304mg Ca++, 184mg Mg++)/5g | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/01/06 |

3613 | Dolomit o smaku cytrynowym | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Granules | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

3614 | Dolomit o smaku cytrynowym | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. Katowice | 31/01/05 |

3615 | Dolomit o smaku malinowym | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. Katowice | 17/01/07 |

3616 | Dolomit o smaku pomarańczowym | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Granules | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

3617 | Dolomit o smaku pomarańczowym | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. Katowice | 17/01/07 |

3618 | Dolores | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 50mg + 350mg | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 31/03/07 |

3619 | Dolores Extra | | Tablets | 500 mg paracetamol + 1 mg dihydroergotamina winian | Produkcyjno-Handlowe Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków CURTIS HEEALTHCARE Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3620 | Dolovit Multimineral | | Tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/05 |

3621 | Dolovit Natürliche Torula Hefe | | Tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

3622 | Dolovit Vitamin A, E+ Spezieller B-Komplex | | Coated tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

3623 | Dolselwit | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | "HERBAPOL — ŁÓDŹ" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3624 | Doltard | Morphinum | Prolonged release tablets | 10 mg | Nycomed Danmark A/S | 31/12/07 |

3625 | Doltard | Morphinum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Nycomed Danmark A/S | 31/12/07 |

3626 | Doltard | Morphinum | Prolonged release tablets | 30 mg | Nycomed Danmark A/S | 31/12/07 |

3627 | Doltard | Morphinum | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Nycomed Danmark A/S | 31/12/07 |

3628 | Domitor | Medetomidyny chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Orion Corporation | 16/02/05 |

3629 | Domosedan | Detomidyny chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Orion Corporation | 31/12/08 |

3630 | Donep | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg, 10 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

3631 | Donosan | Xylometazolinum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

3632 | Dopamin | Dopaminum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 10 mg/ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

3633 | Dopamin Solvay 200 | Dopaminum | Concentrate for infusions | 200 mg/10 ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals | 31/12/08 |

3634 | Dopaminum hydrochloricum 1 % | Dopaminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

3635 | Dopaminum hydrochloricum 4 % | Dopaminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

3636 | Dopanol | Methyldopum | Tablets | 250 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

3637 | Dopegyt | Methyldopum | Tablets | 250 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

3638 | Dopenizil Hydrochloride | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

3639 | Dopenizil Hydrochloride | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 10mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

3640 | Doppeldip — płyn | Jodofor, alantoina | Liquid | for veterinary use | Avita | 31/12/08 |

3641 | Doppelherz Energovital-Tonik | | Oral solution | | Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co | 30/04/04 |

3642 | Doppelherz Selevit | | Capsules | | Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co | 31/08/04 |

3643 | Doppelherz Vital Kapseln | | Capsules | | Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co | 30/04/04 |

3644 | Dopram V | Doxapram | Solution | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

3645 | Dorado obroża dla kotów | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/04/04 |

3646 | Dorado obroża dla psów | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/04/04 |

3652 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/06 |

3653 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

3654 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/06 |

3655 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

3647 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Injection | 15 mg/3 ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/06 |

3648 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/06 |

3649 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

3650 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

3651 | Dormicum | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/06/07 |

3656 | Dorminal 20 % pro. inj. | Pentobarbital sodu | Solution | for veterinary use | Alfasan International | 31/12/08 |

3657 | Dormiplant | Melissae folium extractum siccum + Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | | Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. | 17/01/07 |

3658 | Dorzopt | Dorzolamidum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

3659 | Dosalid 1200 | Epsiprantel, Pyrantelu embonian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/06/05 |

3660 | Dosalid 300 | Epsiprantel, Pyrantelu embonian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/06/05 |

3661 | Dosano | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3662 | Dosano | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3663 | Dosano | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3664 | Dostinex | Cabergolinum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A (Milano) | 30/04/05 |

3665 | Dotur | Doxycyclinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/06/07 |

3666 | Doustna Szczepionka Przeciw Poliomyelitis | Vaccinum poliomyelitidis vivum | Oral suspension | szczepionka 10 — dawkowa | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3667 | Doustna Szczepionka Przeciw Poliomyelitis | Vaccinum poliomyelitidis vivum | Oral suspension | szczepionka 20 — dawkowa | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3668 | Doxacard 1 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3669 | Doxacard 2 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3670 | Doxacard 4 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3671 | Doxanorm | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 23/11/05 |

3672 | Doxanorm | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 23/11/05 |

3673 | Doxanorm | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 23/11/05 |

3674 | Doxar | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Biovena Pharma Sp z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

3675 | Doxar | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Biovena Pharma Sp z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

3676 | Doxar | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Biovena Pharma Sp z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

3677 | Doxaratio 1 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/06/05 |

3678 | Doxaratio 2 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/06/05 |

3679 | Doxaratio 4 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/06/05 |

3680 | Doxaratio Xl | Doxazosinum | Prolonged release tablets | 4 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3681 | Doxazosin | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3682 | Doxazosin | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3683 | Doxazosin | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3684 | Doxazosini | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg ; 2 mg ; 4 mg ; 8 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

3685 | Doxepin | Doxepinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Aflofarm | 30/10/05 |

3686 | Doxepin | Doxepinum | Capsules | 25 mg | Aflofarm | 30/10/05 |

3687 | Doxepin | Doxepinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3688 | Doxepin | Doxepinum | Capsules | 25 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3689 | Doxepin | Doxepinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3690 | Doxepin 10 | Doxepinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

3691 | Doxepin 25 | Doxepinum | Capsules | 25 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

3692 | Doxium | Calcii dobesilas | Tablets | 250 mg | OM Pharma (dawniej Laboratories OM) | 31/07/04 |

3694 | Doxolem | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 10 mg | Lemery SA de C.V. | 12/10/05 |

3693 | Doxolem | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 mg | Lemery SA de C.V. | 31/12/04 |

3695 | Doxolem | Doxorubicinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection or for slow intraartey infusion or for intrabladder use | 10 mg | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/12/04 |

3696 | Doxolem | Doxorubicinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection or for slow intraartey infusion or for intrabladder use | 50 mg | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/12/04 |

3697 | Doxorubicin | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 mg; 50 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3698 | Doxorubicin — Teva | Doxorubicinum | Injection | 10mg/viol | ABIC For Teva Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3699 | Doxorubicin — Teva | Doxorubicinum | Injection | 50mg/viol | ABIC For Teva Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3700 | Doxorubicin-Ebewe, Doxorubicin-Knoll | Doxorubicinum | Solution for intravenous, intraarterial and intrabladder infusion | 2 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/08/04 |

3701 | Doxy 150 | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetimex Animal Health B.V. | 15/10/04 |

3702 | Doxycyclin — Stada 100 | Doxycyclinum | Tablets | 100 mg | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3703 | Doxycyclin — Stada 200 | Doxycyclinum | Tablets | 200 mg | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3704 | Doxycycline 50 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Dopharmna International B.V. | 9/02/06 |

3705 | Doxycyclinuinum wet. Proszek 20 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

3707 | Doxycyclinum | Doxycyclinum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | Farma Projekt Sp. z o.o. | 29/08/07 |

3706 | Doxycyclinum | Doxycyclinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3708 | Doxycyclinum | Doxycyclinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3709 | Doxycyclinum 20 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Sp. z o.o. | 14/06/05 |

3710 | Doxyhyklan 40 | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lavet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 23/10/06 |

3711 | Doxymina 20 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 25/03/07 |

3712 | Doxyratio M | Doxycyclinum | Tablets | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 21/06/06 |

3713 | Doxyseptin 100 | Doxycyclinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 2/01/06 |

3714 | Doxyseptin 300 | Doxycyclinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 2/01/06 |

3715 | Doxyval 20 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Sogeval Laboratories | 12/03/06 |

3716 | Doxyveto 50S | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | V.M.D. n.v./s.a. | 2/01/06 |

3717 | Doxyvit 100 soluble powder | Chlorowodorek doksycykliny | Powder | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

3718 | Dr theiss coenzym Q10 mit vitamin E | | Capsules | 15 mg + 13 mg | NATURWAREN OHG, Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

3719 | Dr theiss schwedenbitter | | | | Natur Produkt Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3720 | Dr Fischer's Bioplus Vitaltonicum | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Pharmonta; Chem.-Pharm. Laboratories Mag. pharm. Dr. Gernot Fischer | 31/07/04 |

3721 | Dr Fischer's Kinder Bioplus Aktivtonicum | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Pharmonta; Chem.-Pharm. Laboratories Mag. pharm. Dr. Gernot Fischer | 31/07/04 |

3722 | Dr Reckeweg Cineraria Maritima krople do oczu | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 19/12/06 |

3723 | Dr Reckeweg Pulsatilla compositum krople do nosa | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 19/12/06 |

3724 | Dr Reckeweg R1 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3725 | Dr Reckeweg R10 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3726 | Dr Reckeweg R11 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3727 | Dr Reckeweg R12 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3728 | Dr Reckeweg R13 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3729 | Dr Reckeweg R14 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3730 | Dr Reckeweg R16 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3731 | Dr Reckeweg R17 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3732 | Dr Reckeweg R18 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3733 | Dr Reckeweg R19 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3734 | Dr Reckeweg R2 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3735 | Dr Reckeweg R20 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3736 | Dr Reckeweg R21 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3737 | Dr Reckeweg R22 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3738 | Dr Reckeweg R23 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3739 | Dr Reckeweg R24 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3740 | Dr Reckeweg R25 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3741 | Dr Reckeweg R26 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3742 | Dr Reckeweg R27 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3743 | Dr Reckeweg R28 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3744 | Dr Reckeweg R29 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3745 | Dr Reckeweg R3 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3746 | Dr Reckeweg R31 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3747 | Dr Reckeweg R32 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3748 | Dr Reckeweg R33 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3749 | Dr Reckeweg R34 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3750 | Dr Reckeweg R35 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3751 | Dr Reckeweg R36 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3752 | Dr Reckeweg R37 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3753 | Dr Reckeweg R38 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3754 | Dr Reckeweg R39 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3755 | Dr Reckeweg R4 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3756 | Dr Reckeweg R40 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3757 | Dr Reckeweg R41 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3758 | Dr Reckeweg R42 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3759 | Dr Reckeweg R43 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3760 | Dr Reckeweg R44 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3761 | Dr Reckeweg R45 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3762 | Dr Reckeweg R46 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3763 | Dr Reckeweg R47 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3764 | Dr Reckeweg R48 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3765 | Dr Reckeweg R49 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3766 | Dr Reckeweg R5 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3767 | Dr Reckeweg R50 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3768 | Dr Reckeweg R51 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3769 | Dr Reckeweg R52 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3770 | Dr Reckeweg R53 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3771 | Dr Reckeweg R54 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3772 | Dr Reckeweg R55 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3773 | Dr Reckeweg R56 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3774 | Dr Reckeweg R57 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3775 | Dr Reckeweg R58 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3776 | Dr Reckeweg R59 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3777 | Dr Reckeweg R6 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3778 | Dr Reckeweg R60 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3779 | Dr Reckeweg R62 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3780 | Dr Reckeweg R63 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3781 | Dr Reckeweg R64 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3782 | Dr Reckeweg R65 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3783 | Dr Reckeweg R66 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3784 | Dr Reckeweg R67 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3785 | Dr Reckeweg R68 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3786 | Dr Reckeweg R69 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3787 | Dr Reckeweg R7 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3788 | Dr Reckeweg R70 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3789 | Dr Reckeweg R71 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3790 | Dr Reckeweg R72 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3791 | Dr Reckeweg R73 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3792 | Dr Reckeweg R74 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3793 | Dr Reckeweg R75 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3794 | Dr Reckeweg R76 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3795 | Dr Reckeweg R77 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3796 | Dr Reckeweg R78 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3797 | Dr Reckeweg R81 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3798 | Dr Reckeweg R82 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3799 | Dr Reckeweg R83 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3800 | Dr Reckeweg R84 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3801 | Dr Reckeweg R85 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3802 | Dr Reckeweg R86 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3803 | Dr Reckeweg R87 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3804 | Dr Reckeweg R88 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3805 | Dr Reckeweg R89 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3806 | Dr Reckeweg R9 | | | | Pharmaceutische Fabrik Dr Reckeweg | 31/12/07 |

3807 | Dr Theiss Echinacea Kräuter Tropfen | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Naturwaren OHG Dr Peter Theiss | 31/05/04 |

3808 | Dr Vibs Lotion | Preparat ziołowy | Coutanous liquid | | Topchem — Przemysłowo-Handlowa Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3809 | Dr. Reckeweg R30 Atomare Beckeron Maść | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3810 | Dr. Reckeweg R61 Lumbagin Maść | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3811 | Dr. Reckeweg R8 syrop przeciwkaszlowy — Jutussin | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3812 | Dr. Reckeweg R91 krople | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3813 | Dr. Reckeweg R92 krople | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3814 | Dr. Reckeweg R93 krople | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3815 | Dr. Reckeweg R94 Płyn do użytku zewn. | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3816 | Dr. Reckeweg R95 Płyn | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3817 | Dr. Reckeweg Vita-C15 Płyn | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3818 | Dr. Reckeweg Vita-C15 forte Płyn | | | | Dr. Reckeweg | 30/10/05 |

3819 | Driptane | Oxybutyninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Laboratoires Debat | 31/12/08 |

3820 | Dristan | Oxymetazolum | Nasal spray | 15 mg | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3821 | Droncit Inj. | Praziquantelum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

3822 | Droncit Tabl. | Praziquantelum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Bayer | 29/04/04 |

3823 | Drontal | PrazikwantelPyranteluembonian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 7/05/06 |

3824 | Drontal junior | Febantel, Pyrantelu embonian | Suspension | for veterinary use | Bayer | 25/01/04 |

3825 | Drontal Plus | Prazikwantel, Pyrantelu embonian, Febantel | Tablet | for veterinary use | Bayer | 30/01/05 |

3826 | Drontal Plus XL | Prazikwantel, febantel, embonian pyrantelu | Tablets | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

3827 | Droperidol | Droperidolum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

3828 | Droperteel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

3829 | Drosera complexe nr 64 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/08/06 |

3830 | Drosera-Dagomed 2 kaszel | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

3831 | Drosera-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3832 | Drosera-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3833 | Drosetux syrop | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

3834 | Drosol | Droserae herbae extractum siccum | Syrup | | Farmapol | 31/12/08 |

3835 | Droxa | Ibuprofenum + Droverinum | Capsules | 200 mg + 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

3836 | Droxef | Cefadroxilum | Tablets for oral suspension | 1 g | Hexal AG | 24/05/06 |

3837 | Drygen | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for intravenous injection | | Nycomed Amershan Sorin S.R.L. | 25/01/06 |

3838 | D-Szczepionka błonicza adsorbowana na wodorotlenku glinu | D- szczepionka błoniza adsorbowana | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 30 j.m. toksoidu błoniczego | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/08/05 |

3839 | D-Szczepionka błonicza adsorbowana na wodorotlenku glinu | Diphtheria toxoid | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 5 j.m. toksoidu błoniczego (0,5ml — 1 dawka) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/08/05 |

3840 | d-Szczepionka Przeciw Błonicy Adsorbowana | Diphtheria toxoid | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co. | 12/10/05 |

3841 | DTaP Szczepionka SSI | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis | Suspension for intramuscular injection | | Statens Serum Institut | 29/02/04 |

3842 | DTaP-IPV Szczepionka SSI | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis + Poliomyelitis, trivalent, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular injection | | Statens Serum Institut | 31/01/05 |

3843 | DTP + Hib — szczepionka Błoniczo-Tężcowo-Krztuścowa adsorbowana, do szczepienia przypominającego | Suspension | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek BIOMED | 31/12/08 |

3844 | DTP + Hib — szczepionka Błoniczo-Tężcowo-Krztuścowa i rekombinowana szczepionka przeciw Wizw B | | Suspension | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek BIOMED | 31/12/08 |

3845 | DTP + Hib — szczepionka Błoniczo-Tężcowo-Krztuścowa i szczepionka przeciwko Hib | | Lyophilisate and suspension | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek BIOMED | 31/12/08 |

3846 | DTP-Szczepionka błoniczo-tężcowo-krztuścowa adsorbowana | Diphteria toxoid + tetanus toxoid + pertussis | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 40 j.m. toksoidu tężcowego, nie mniej niż 30 j.m. toksoidu błoniczego i 4-12 j.m. zawiesiny Bordatella pertussis (0,5ml — 1 dawka) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/08/05 |

3847 | DT-Szczepionka błoniczo-tężcowa adsorbowana | Diphtheria toxoid + tetanus toxoid | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 30j.m. toksoidu błoniczego i nie mniej niż 40 j.m. toksoidu tężcowego (0,5ml — 1 dawka) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/04/05 |

3848 | DT-Szczepionka błoniczo-tężcowa adsorbowana | Diphtheria toxoid + tetnus toxoid | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 30 j.m. toksoidu błonicego i nie mniej niż 40 j.m. toksoidu tężcowego (10ml — 20 dawek) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/08/05 |

3849 | Duellin 100/10 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

3850 | Duellin 100/25 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

3851 | Duellin 250/25 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

3852 | Dulcamara-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3853 | Dulcamara-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3854 | Dulcolax | Docusatum | Capsules, soft | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

3855 | Dultavax | Vaccinum diphtheriae et tetani adsorbatum, Vaccinum poliomyelitidis inactivatum | Suspension for injection | 0,5 ml (szCZpionka 1 — dawkowa) | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3856 | Duo | Famotidinum + Calcii carbonas + Magnesii hydroxydum | Buccal tablets | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

3857 | Duo | Famotidinum + Calcii carbonas + Magnesii hydroxydum | Film-coated tablets | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

3858 | Duoband Duży Pies | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Francodex | 31/12/08 |

3859 | Duoband Kot | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Francodex S.A. | 21/02/05 |

3860 | Duoband Pies | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Francodex | 31/12/08 |

3861 | Duocycline 10 | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Univet | 10/06/04 |

3862 | Duodenoheel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3863 | Duodrop | Dorzolamidum + Timololum | Eye drops | (20 mg + 5 mg)/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

3864 | Duofilm | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Liquid | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3865 | Duomox | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 1 g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/04/04 |

3866 | Duomox | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 125 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/04/04 |

3867 | Duomox | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/04/04 |

3868 | Duomox | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 375 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/01/05 |

3869 | Duomox | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 500 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/04/04 |

3870 | Duomox | Amoxicillinum | Tablets | 750 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/01/05 |

3871 | Duo-Septol 120 | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 120 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3872 | Duo-Septol 480 | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 480 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

3873 | Duovit | | Film-coated tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 2/11/05 |

3874 | Duowin Contact | Permetryna, Piryproksyfen | Solution | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 2/01/06 |

3875 | Duowin Spray | Permetryna, Piryproksyfen | Solution | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 2/01/06 |

3876 | Duphalac | Lactulosum | Syrup | 667 mg/ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 30/09/04 |

3877 | Duphalac Dry | Lactulosum | Powder | | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 30/04/04 |

3878 | Duphalyte | Preparat zawierający elektrolity, witaminy, aminokwasy i dekstrozę. | Solution | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 28/02/05 |

3880 | Duphaston | Dydrogesteronum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 8/02/06 |

3879 | Duphaston | Dydrogesteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 30/04/04 |

3881 | Duplocillin | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Benzathini benzatylpenicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 21/05/04 |

3882 | Duracef | Cefadroxilum | Capsules | 500 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/04/04 |

3883 | Duracef | Cefadroxilum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/04/04 |

3884 | Duracef | Cefadroxilum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/04/04 |

3885 | Duracef | Cefadroxilum | Powder for oral suspension | 500 mg/5ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/04/04 |

3887 | Duracef | Cefadroxilum | Soluble tablets | 1 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 31/12/08 |

3886 | Duracef | Cefadroxilum | Tablets | 1 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/04/04 |

3888 | Duramune CvK | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom koronawirusowym psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 11/03/04 |

3889 | Duramune Max 10 | Szczepionka dla psów przeciwko nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakażeniu dróg oddechowych wywołanym przez adenowirus typ2 i wirus parainluenzy oraz zakażeniom wywołanym przez koronawirus i parwowirus oraz leptospirozie wywołanej przez L. Canicola, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Grippotyphosa i L. Pomona | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

3890 | Duramune Max 5 | Szczepionka dla psów przeciwko nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakażeniu dróg oddechowych wywołanym przez adenowirus typ2 i wirus parainluenzy oraz zakażeniom wywołanym przez parwowirus | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

3891 | Duramune Max 6 | Szczepionka dla psów przeciwko nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakażeniu dróg oddechowych wywołanym przez adenowirus typ2 i wirus parainluenzy oraz zakażeniom wywołanym przez koronawirus i parwowirus | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

3892 | Duramune Max 9 | Szczepionka dla psów przeciwko nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakażeniu dróg oddechowych wywołanym przez adenowirus typ2 i wirus parainluenzy oraz zakażeniom wywołanym przez parwowirus oraz leptospirozie wywołanej przez L. Canicola, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Grippotyphosa i L. Pomona | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

3893 | Duramune Puppyshot 5 | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parainfluenzie i parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Liquid + lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 29/09/05 |

3894 | Duramune Puppyshot 6 | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym, koronawirusowym, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parainfluenzie i parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Liquid + lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 11/03/04 |

3895 | Duramune Puppyshot 7 | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parainfluenzie i parwowirusowej chorobie psów oraz leptospirozie | Liquid + lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 29/09/05 |

3896 | Duramune Puppyshot 8 | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom wywołanym przez adenowirus typ 2, zakażeniom koronawirusowym, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parainfluenzie i parwowirusowej chorobie psów oraz leptospirozie | Liquid + lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 20/07/05 |

3897 | Duraphat | Natrii fluoridum | Suspension | | Colgate Palmolive GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3898 | Durogesic | Fentanylum | Transdermal pach | 100 mcg/h | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3899 | Durogesic | Fentanylum | Transdermal pach | 25 mcg/h | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3900 | Durogesic | Fentanylum | Transdermal pach | 50 mcg/h | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3901 | Durogesic | Fentanylum | Transdermal pach | 75 mcg/h | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

3902 | Duspatalin | Mebeverinum | Film-coated tablets | 135 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 25/07/05 |

3903 | Duspatalin | Mebeverinum | Suspension | 10 mg/ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/05/04 |

3904 | Duspatalin retard | Mebeverinum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/12/07 |

3905 | Dygeston | Dydrogesteronum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

3906 | Dynabac | Dirithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Lilly S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3907 | Dynamutilin 20 % Inj. | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Solution | for veterinary use | Novartis Produkte Inc. | 15/10/04 |

3908 | Dynamutilin 45 % | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Powder | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 31/01/05 |

3911 | Dynastat | Parecoxibum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 20 mg | Pharmacia Europe EEIG | 31/12/08 |

3912 | Dynastat | Parecoxibum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 40 mg | Pharmacia Europe EEIG | 31/12/08 |

3909 | Dynastat | Parecoxibum | Powder for solution for injection | 20 mg | Pharmacia Europe EEIG | 31/12/08 |

3910 | Dynastat | Parecoxibum | Powder for solution for injection | 40 mg | Pharmacia Europe EEIG | 31/12/08 |

3913 | Dyspepsin(pancreosol- poprzednia nazwa) | | Oral solution | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3914 | Dysport | Botulinum toxin typ A | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 500 j.m. | Ipsen Ltd. | 30/09/07 |

3915 | Dziegcie sosnowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

3916 | Dziegieć sosnowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 14/02/05 |

3917 | Dzień I Noc — na przeziębienie i kaszel | dzień: Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum + Dextromethorphanum, noc: Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum + Dextromethorphanum + Chlorphetaminum | Film-coated tablets | dzień: 500 mg + 30 mg+ 15 mg, noc: 500 mg + 30 mg + 15 mg +2 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3918 | Dzień I Noc — na przeziębienie, gorączkę i katar | dzień: Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum, noc: Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum + Chlorphetaminum | Film-coated tablets | dzień: 500 mg + 30 mg, noc: 500 mg + 30 mg + 2 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3919 | E — Z — CAT | Barii sulfas | Oral suspension | | E — Z — EM Inc. | 31/12/08 |

3920 | E — Z — HD | Barii sulfas | Powder | | E — Z — EM Inc. | 31/12/08 |

3921 | E 45 | Lanolinum anhydricum + Paraffinum liquidum + Paraffinum solidum | Cream | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/08/05 |

3922 | EANOX 10 mg | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3923 | EANOX 5 mg | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3924 | Ebrantil 25 | Urapidilum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Altana Pharma AG | 30/06/04 |

3925 | Echan | | Liquid | | Biocur Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3926 | Echimax | Echinaceae purpureae herba succus | Oral solution | 747 mg/ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/01/05 |

3927 | Echimax | Echinaceae purpureae herba succus | Tablets | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 24/08/05 |

3928 | Echinacea comp. Płyn w atomizerze | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

3929 | Echinacea Complexe Nr 40 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

3930 | Echinacea Compositum Forte SN | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3931 | Echinacea Compositum SN | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

3932 | Echinacea extra | Echinaceae purpureae succus siccum | Oral drops, solution | | Dr Theiss Naturwaren GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3933 | Echinacea Quarz comp. | | Eye drops | 0,5ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

3934 | Echinacea ratiopharm | Echinaceae angustifolia radix extractum siccum | Oral drops, solution | 100.5 mg/ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 29/02/04 |

3935 | Echinacea ratiopharm | Echinaceae angustifolia radix extractum siccum | Tablets | 8 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 29/02/04 |

3936 | ECHINACEA/ARGENTUM ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

3937 | ECHINACEA/ARGENTUM granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 10/03/05 |

3938 | Echinacea/Viscum comp. | | Gel | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

3939 | Echinacin | Echinaceae purpureae herbae succus | Syrup | | MADAUS AG | 31/12/08 |

3940 | Echinacin | Echinaceae purpureae herbae succus | Lozenge | | MADAUS AG | 31/12/08 |

3941 | Echinacin | Echinaceae purpureae herbae succus | Oral solution | | MADAUS AG | 31/12/08 |

3942 | Echinaforce ® | Echinaceae purpureae herbae et radix extractum spissum | Tablets | 5,89 mg + 0,31 mg | Bioforce AG | 31/12/08 |

3944 | Echinapur | Echinaceae purpureae herba extractum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3943 | Echinapur | Echinaceae purpureae herba extractum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

3945 | Echinaratio | | | | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3946 | Echinasal | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 4/12/05 |

3947 | Echinatab | Echinaceae angustifoliae radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

3948 | Echinrba | Echinaceae purpureae herba extractum siccum | Tablets | 100 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

3949 | Ecomectin 1 % | iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Eco Animal Health Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

3950 | Ecomer | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules | 250 mg | Exposan AB | 30/04/04 |

3951 | Econor 1 % premix | Walnemuliny chlorowodorek | Premix | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Austra GmbH | 27/06/05 |

3952 | Econor 10 % premix | Walnemuliny chlorowodorek | Premix | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Austra GmbH | 30/06/05 |

3953 | Econor 50 % premix | Walnemuliny chlorowodorek | Premix | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Austra GmbH | 27/06/05 |

3954 | Eczekan | Deksametazon, Nikotynamid, Pirydoksyny chlorowodorek, DL-metionina | Medicated candy | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 30/06/04 |

3955 | Edex 10 | Alprostadilum | Powder for urethral injection | 10 mcg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3956 | Edex 20 | Alprostadilum | Powder for urethral injection | 20 mcg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3957 | Edex 5 | Alprostadilum | Powder for urethral injection | 5 mcg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

3958 | Edicin | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 500 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/03/07 |

3959 | Edicin | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 1 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/03/07 |

3960 | Ednyt | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

3961 | Ednyt | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

3962 | Ednyt | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

3963 | Ednyt | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

3964 | Edronax | Reboxetinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 12/10/05 |

3965 | Efamast | | Capsules | | Scotia Pharmaceuticals Limited | 31/12/08 |

3966 | Efectin | Venlafaxinum | Tablets | 37.5 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/12/07 |

3967 | Efectin | Venlafaxinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/12/07 |

3968 | Efectin | Venlafaxinum | Tablets | 75 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/12/07 |

3969 | Efectin ER 150 | Venlafaxinum | Prolonged release capsules | 150 mg | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 30/06/05 |

3970 | Efectin Er 37,5 | Venlafaxinum | Capsules | 37,5 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

3971 | Efectin ER 75 | Venlafaxinum | Prolonged release capsules | 75 mg | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 30/06/05 |

3972 | Efedryny chlorowodorek | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

3973 | Efedryny chlorowodorek | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

3974 | Efedryny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

3975 | Efedryny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

3976 | Efedryny chlorowodorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

3977 | Eferox 25 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3978 | Eferox 50 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3979 | Eferox 75 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3980 | Eferox 100 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3981 | Eferox 100 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3982 | Eferox 125 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3983 | Eferox 125 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 125 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3984 | Eferox 150 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3985 | Eferox 150 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 150 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

3986 | Eferox 25 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 25 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

3987 | Eferox 50 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

3988 | Eferox 75 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 75 mcg | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

3995 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | UPSA Laboratoires | 31/03/04 |

3993 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Oral solution | 30 mg/ml | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 24/06/04 |

3989 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 150 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/06/04 |

3990 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 300 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/06/04 |

3991 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 600 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/04/04 |

3992 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 80 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/07/04 |

3994 | Efferalgan | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/03/04 |

3996 | Efferalgan Codeine | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 13/08/06 |

3997 | Efferalgan Forte | Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | Laboratoires UPSA | 26/09/07 |

3998 | Efferalgan Ssabletki | Paracetamolum | Buccal tablets | 500 mg | Laboratoires UPSA | 31/12/08 |

3999 | Efferalgan Vitamin C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/01/05 |

4000 | Effervit calcium | Calcii lactogluconas + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | (200mg Ca + 240mg Vit C)/4g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/01/06 |

4001 | Effortil | Etilefrinum | Oral drops | 7.5 mg/g | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

4002 | Effortil | Etilefrinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

4003 | Effox 10 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 10 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 29/06/05 |

4004 | Effox 10 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 10 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/08/05 |

4005 | Effox 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 20 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

4006 | Effox 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 20 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/08/05 |

4007 | Effox 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 40 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

4008 | Effox 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 40 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/08/05 |

4009 | Effox long | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 50 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

4010 | Effox long | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 50 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 29/06/05 |

4011 | Effox long 50 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 50 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/08/05 |

4012 | Effox long 75 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 75 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 30/06/06 |

4013 | Effydral | Sodu chlorekPotasu chlorekSodu wodorotlenekBezwodny kwas cytrynowyJednowodna lakotzaGlicyna | Effervescent tablet | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 19/12/06 |

4014 | Efloran | Metronidazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

4015 | Efrinol 1 % | Ephedrinum | Nasal drops, solution | 10 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 30/06/05 |

4016 | Efrinol 2 % | Ephedrinum | Nasal drops, solution | 20 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 30/06/05 |

4017 | Efudix | Fluorouracilum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

4018 | Egilok | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 100 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 14/02/07 |

4019 | Egilok | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 25 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 14/02/07 |

4020 | Egilok | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 50 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 14/02/07 |

4021 | Egilok R | Metoprololum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 50 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4022 | Egilok R | Metoprololum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4023 | Egocin 20 % proszek | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4024 | Egocin LA | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4025 | Eisendragees-ratiopharm | Ferrosi sulfas | Coated tablets | 50 mg Fe++ | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/01/05 |

4026 | Ekogal | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules, soft | 300 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 30/10/05 |

4027 | Ekovit | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 30/10/05 |

4028 | Ektifo | Bromfenwinfos | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 7/04/07 |

4029 | Elagan | | Capsules | | Klinge Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4030 | Elancoban 100 Premix | Monenzyna sodowa | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 15/03/04 |

4031 | Elatine | Cisplatinum | Injection | 10 mg | Eli Lilly | 31/12/08 |

4032 | Elektrolitowet | Chlorek sodu, Chlorek potasu, Octan sodu, Siarczan magnezu, Glukoza | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 7/06/04 |

4033 | Elenium | Chlordiazepoxidum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4034 | Elenium | Chlordiazepoxidum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4035 | Elenium | Chlordiazepoxidum | Coated tablets | 5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4036 | Eleuterosol | Eleuterococci radicis extractum fluidum | Oral drops | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 27/09/06 |

4037 | Eleuterosol | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 27/09/06 |

4038 | Eleutonin | Eleutherococci radix pulv. | Capsules, hard | 350 mg | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4039 | Elevit Pronatal | | Film-coated tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd. | 15/11/06 |

4040 | Elidel® | Pimecrolimusum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4041 | Elisol | Sód, potas, wapń, magnez, żelazo, miedź, cynk, mangan, jod, kobalt | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

4042 | Elleste 40 | Estradiolum | Transdermal pach | | Ethical | 31/12/08 |

4043 | Elleste 80 | Estradiolum | Transdermal pach | | Ethical | 31/12/08 |

4044 | Elmetacin | Indometacinum | Spray | 1 % | Sankyo Pharma GmbH — München | 31/12/08 |

4045 | Elmex | | Gel | 12.5 mg fluoru/g | GABA International AG | 30/04/04 |

4046 | Elobin | Ginkgo bilobae extr. sicc., Eleutherococci radix extr. sicc. | Tablets | 48 mg + 59 mg | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4049 | Elocom | Mometasonum | Coutanous liquid | 1 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/01/05 |

4047 | Elocom | Mometasonum | Cream | 1 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

4048 | Elocom | Mometasonum | Ointment | 1 mg/g | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

4050 | Elosalic | Mometasoni furoas, Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | | Schering — Plough Central East S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4051 | Elosone | Mometasonum | Cream | 1 mg/g | Blau Farma Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa | 6/06/07 |

4052 | Eltroxin | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

4053 | Eltroxin | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4054 | Eltroxin | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 mcg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

4055 | Eltroxin | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 mcg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4056 | Eluat nadtechnecjanu sodowego 99mTc otrzymany z generatora radionuklidowego 99Mo/99mTc | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 31/12/05 |

4057 | Elvenal | Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Capsuels, hard | 300 mg | Biokraft Pharma | 30/06/04 |

4058 | Emadine 0,05 % | Emedastinum | Eye drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires UK Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

4059 | Emeset — 4 | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4060 | Emeset — 8 | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4061 | EMESET 2 ml | Ondansetronum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4062 | EMESET 4 ml | Ondansetronum | Solution for injection | 4 mg/ml | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4064 | Emetron | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 11/10/06 |

4065 | Emetron | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 11/10/06 |

4063 | Emetron | Ondansetronum | Solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 11/10/06 |

4066 | EMLA | Lidocainum + Prilocainum | Cream | (25mg + 25mg)/g | AstraZeneca AB | 19/10/05 |

4067 | EMLA | Lidocainum + Prilocainum | Pach | (25mg + 25mg)/g | AstraZeneca AB | 31/12/08 |

4068 | Emobina | Terbinafinum | Gel | 10 mg / g | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

4069 | Emochol | Naproxenum | Gel | 100 mg/g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab.. Farm. Michał Oginski | 7/03/07 |

4070 | Emoclot D.I. | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 1000 j.m. | Instituto Sierovaccinogeno Italiana — I.S.I. S.p.A. | 30/04/05 |

4071 | Emoclot D.I. | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 250 j.m. | Instituto Sierovaccinogeno Italiana — I.S.I. S.p.A. | 30/04/05 |

4072 | Emoclot D.I. | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 500 j.m. | Instituto Sierovaccinogeno Italiana — I.S.I. S.p.A. | 30/04/05 |

4073 | Emodiaz | Sulfadiazine silver w stężeniu 10 mg/g | Gel | 10 mg/g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych, Ksawerów k/Łodzi | 31/12/08 |

4074 | Emorect | Hippocastani extractum spissum + Arnicae tinctura | Gel | (40mg + 15mg) /g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab. Farm. Michał Oginski | 23/03/05 |

4075 | Emorect Forte | Hippocastanum extr, Arnica extr, Chamomilla extr, Trannin, Prilocainum | Gel | preparat złożony | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

4076 | Emoton® | Vitex agni casti fructus extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Tentan AG | 31/12/08 |

4077 | Emoxipin | Naproxenum | Gel | 100 mg / g | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

4078 | Emser | Sól Emska | Inhalation solution | | Simens & Co | 31/12/08 |

4079 | Emser | Sól Emska | Nasal spray | | Simens & Co | 31/12/08 |

4080 | Emzok | Metoprololum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 50 mg | IVAX — CR a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4081 | Emzok | Metoprololum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | IVAX — CR a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4082 | Emzok | Metoprololum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | IVAX — CR a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4083 | Enacard 1 mg | Enalaprilu maleinian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

4084 | Enacard 10 mg | Enalaprilum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

4085 | Enacard 2,5 mg | Enalaprilum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

4086 | Enacard 20 mg | Enalaprilum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

4087 | Enacard 5 mg | Enalaprilum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

4088 | Enalapril | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4089 | Enalapril | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4090 | ENALAPRIL — Pane | Enalapilum | Tablets | 5 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4091 | ENALAPRIL — Pane | Enalapilum | Tablets | 10 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4092 | ENALAPRIL — Pane | Enalapilum | Tablets | 20 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4093 | Enalapril — pane | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 2,5 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4094 | Enap | Enalapilum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 26/09/07 |

4095 | Enap | Enalaprilatum | Injection | 1.25 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

4096 | Enap | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

4097 | Enap | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

4098 | Enap | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

4099 | Enap H | Enalaprili maleas + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/04 |

4100 | Enap HL | Enalaprili maleas + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 7/03/07 |

4101 | Enapress | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4102 | Enapress | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4103 | Enapress | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4104 | Enaratio 10 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 5/07/06 |

4105 | Enaratio 20 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 5/07/06 |

4106 | Enaratio 5 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 5/07/06 |

4107 | Enarenal | Enalapilum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4108 | Enarenal | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

4109 | Enarenal | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

4110 | Enarenal | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

4111 | Enatec 10 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Mepha-Pharma AG | 10/05/06 |

4112 | Enatec 20 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | Mepha-Pharma AG | 10/05/06 |

4113 | Enatec 5 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Mepha-Pharma AG | 10/05/06 |

4114 | Enazil 10 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA — Lachema a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4115 | Enazil 20 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 20 mg | PLIVA — Lachema a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4116 | Enazil 5 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 5 mg | PLIVA — Lachema a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4117 | Enbrel | Etanerceptum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 25 mg | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 9/08/06 |

4118 | Encefal-Vac | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego ptaków | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | FATRO S.p.A. | 19/02/06 |

4119 | Encepur Adults | Encephalitis, tick borne immunoglobulin | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1.5 mcg FSME-virus | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co. | 31/12/08 |

4120 | Encepur K | Encephalitis, tick borne immunoglobulin | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.75 mg/0,25 ml | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co. | 21/03/07 |

4121 | Encopirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 325 mg | Perrigo Company | 31/03/07 |

4122 | Encopirin Cardio | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 81 mg | Kato Laboratories Inc. | 31/12/08 |

4123 | Encopirin Cardio 81 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 81 mg | Omega Rex s.c. | 9/08/06 |

4124 | Encortolon | Prednisolonum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

4125 | Encorton | Prednisonum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

4126 | Encorton | Prednisonum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

4127 | Encorton | Prednisonum | Tablets | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

4128 | Encorton | Prednisonum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

4129 | Endivac | Szczepionka dla norek przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu jelit | Suspension | for veterinary use | United Vaccines Inc. | 15/05/06 |

4130 | Endobulin | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml immunoglobuliny G | Baxter AG | 31/03/04 |

4131 | Endofer | Kompleks dekstranu i żelaza | Solution | for veterinary use | Fatro | 25/08/05 |

4132 | Endofer 20 | Kompleks dekstranu i żelaza | Solution | for veterinary use | Fatro | 25/08/05 |

4133 | Endopar PF | Prazikwantel, Fenbendazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | HeinzHaupt | 31/12/08 |

4134 | Endopar Plus | Prazikwantel, Pyrantelu embonian, Oksantelu embonian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Bomac Lab. | 31/12/08 |

4135 | Endopar PP | Prazikwantel, embonian pyrantelu | Paste | for veterinary use | Bomac | 31/12/08 |

4136 | Endopar PPO | Prazikwantel, pyrantel, oksantel | Tablets | for veterinary use | Bomac | 31/12/08 |

4137 | Endoparin | Praziquantelum | Solution | for veterinary use | aniMedica West | 31/12/08 |

4138 | Endopril 10 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4139 | Endopril 20 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4140 | Endopril 5 | Enalapilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4141 | Endosal | Dinatrii edetas | Liquid | 150 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

4142 | Endotelon | Oligomery procyjanidowe | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 150 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 31/03/07 |

4143 | Endoxan — Asta | Cyclophosphamidum | Coated tablets | 50 mg | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

4145 | Endoxan — Asta | Cyclophosphamidum | Powder for solution for injection | 200 mg | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

4144 | Endoxan — Asta | Cyclophosphamidum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 g | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

4146 | Enema | Natrii phosphas + Natrii phosphas (32P) | Solution for rectal infusion | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

4147 | Enerbol 100 | Pyritinolum | Coated tablets | 0.1 g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4148 | Enerbol 200 | Pyritinolum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4149 | Enflocyna Inj. | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 19/05/04 |

4150 | Enflocyna sol. | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 19/05/04 |

4151 | Engemycin 10 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 11/03/04 |

4152 | ENGERIX B | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for injection | 10 mcg/0,5 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

4153 | ENGERIX B | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for injection | 20 mcg/1 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

4154 | Engystol N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

4155 | Enhancin (Ramoclav) | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (125 mg+31,25 mg)/ 5ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4156 | Enhancin (Ramoclav) | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (250 mg+62,5 mg)/ 5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4157 | Enkosaparyna | Enoxaparinum | Amp-syringe | 40 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4158 | Enkosaparyna | Enoxaparinum | Amp-syringe | 60 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4159 | Enkosaparyna | Enoxaparinum | Amp-syringe | 80 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4160 | Enoksaparyna | Enoxaparinum | Amp-syringe | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4161 | Enrich (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 14/03/06 |

4162 | Enrich Plus (o smaku malinowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 10/05/06 |

4163 | Enrich Plus (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 10/05/06 |

4164 | Enrobioflox 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 16/01/05 |

4165 | Enrobioflox 5 % Injectio | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" Sp. z o.o | 14/08/05 |

4166 | Enrobioflox 50 mg tabletki | Enrofloxacinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 14/06/05 |

4167 | Enrocin 10 % oral | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4168 | Enrocin 5 % inj. | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

4169 | Enrofloksacyna 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 8/09/05 |

4170 | Enrofloksacyna 10 % inj. | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 8/09/05 |

4171 | Enrofloksacyna 10 % Płyn | Enrofloxacinum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

4172 | Enrofloxacyna 10 % iniekcja | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

4173 | Enrofloxacyna 5 % iniekcja | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

4174 | Enrofloxan 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Felix Pharma | 31/12/08 |

4175 | Enroxil 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 4/12/06 |

4176 | Enroxil 10 % Oral | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4177 | Enroxil 15 | Enrofloxacinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | KRKA | 14/06/05 |

4178 | Enroxil 150 | Enrofloxacinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | KRKA | 14/06/05 |

4179 | Enroxil 2,5 % | Enrofloxacinum | Liquid | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4180 | Enroxil 5 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 4/12/06 |

4181 | Ensure (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 14/03/06 |

4182 | Ensure (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 30/06/07 |

4183 | Ensure Plus | | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 31/12/08 |

4184 | Ensure Plus (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 14/03/06 |

4185 | Ensure Plus HN | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division - Abbott Laboratories | 29/03/06 |

4186 | Ensure Plus HN (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division - Abbott Laboratories | 29/03/06 |

4187 | Ensure Plus HN (o smaku bananowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Oral solution | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 25/05/05 |

4188 | Ensure Plus HN (o smaku czekoladowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division - Abbott Laboratories | 29/03/06 |

4189 | Ensure Plus HN (o smaku czekoladowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Oral solution | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 29/03/06 |

4190 | Ensure Plus HN (o smaku owoców leśnych) | Preparat odżywczy | Oral solution | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 25/05/05 |

4191 | Ensure Plus HN (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Oral solution | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 25/05/05 |

4192 | Enteramid | Sulfaguanidyna, Sulfadymidyna, Formosulfatiazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

4193 | Enteroferment | Stabilizowane drobnoustroje Lactobacillus sp. | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma | 31/12/08 |

4194 | Enterogast | Neomycyny siarczan, Sulfaguanidyna | Granules | for veterinary use | ZakładyFarmaceutyczne Biowet | 30/06/04 |

4195 | Enterol 250 | Saccharomyces boulardii | Capsules | 250 mg | Laboratoires Biocodex | 31/12/08 |

4196 | Enterol 250 | Saccharomyces boulardii | Powder | 250 mg | Laboratoires Biocodex | 31/12/08 |

4197 | Enterosol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/08/05 |

4198 | Entocort | Budesonidum | Prolonged release capsules, hard | 3 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/08/04 |

4199 | Entreik | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated tablets | 325 mg | LNK International Inc. | 31/12/08 |

4200 | Entreik 81 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 81 mg | LNK International Inc. | 31/03/07 |

4201 | Envit Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Granules | 30 mg/g | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/07/05 |

4202 | Envit Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Tablets | 30 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/07/05 |

4203 | Envit Q10 Plus | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 30 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4204 | Enzaprost F 5 | Dinoprostum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

4205 | Enzian | | Liquid | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

4206 | Epanutin Parenteral | Phenytoinum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/07/04 |

4207 | Epasel | | Capsules | 0.5 g | Pharmarex Development and Trade Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

4208 | Ephedrinum hydrochloricum | Ephedrinum | Solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 25 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 22/02/06 |

4209 | Epilam | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

4210 | Epilam | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

4211 | Epilam | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

4212 | Epilam 100 | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4213 | Epilam 25 | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4214 | Epilam 50 | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4215 | EPIPHYSIS/PLUMBUM ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

4216 | EPIPHYSIS/PLUMBUM granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

4217 | Epistabil | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4218 | Epistabil | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4219 | Epistabil | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4220 | Epogam | | Capsules | | Scotia Pharmaceuticals Limited | 31/12/08 |

4221 | Epoglobin | Epoetinum alfa | Solution for injection | 2000 j.m./ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4222 | Epoglobin | Epoetinum alfa | Solution for injection | 4000 j.m./ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4224 | Epomax | Epoetinum omega | Solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 4000 j.m./1 ml | Fumedica Biopol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4223 | Epomax | Epoetinum omega | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 2000 j.m./1 ml | Fumedica Biopol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4225 | Epox | Erythropoetinum | Solution for intravenous and subcutanous injection | 1000 j.m./0,5ml, 2000 j.m./0,5ml, 2000 j.m./ml, 3000 j.m./0,3ml, 4000 j.m./0,4ml, 4000 j.m./ml, 10000 j.m./ml | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

4226 | Eprex | Epoetinum alfa | Solution for intravenous and subcutaneous injection | 20000 j.m./0,5 ml; 40000 j.m./ml | Cilag AG | 30/01/05 |

4227 | Eprex | Erythropoietinum | Solution for intravenous or subcutaneous injection | 10000 j.m./ml | Cilag AG | 30/01/05 |

4228 | Eprex | Erythropoietinum | Solution for intravenous or subcutaneous injection | 2000 j.m./ml | Cilag AG | 30/01/05 |

4229 | Eprex | Erythropoietinum | Solution for intravenous or subcutaneous injection | 4000 j.m./ml | Cilag AG | 30/01/05 |

4230 | Epril 10 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Hexal AG | 11/10/06 |

4231 | Epril 2,5 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Hexal AG | 17/01/07 |

4232 | Epril 20 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | Hexal AG | 11/10/06 |

4233 | Epril 5 | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Hexal AG | 11/10/06 |

4234 | Eprinex Pour-On | Eprinomektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial | 27/03/05 |

4235 | Equalan | Iwermektyna | Paste | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

4236 | Equantel | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

4237 | Equest 2 % Oral Gel | Moksydektyna | Gel | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Veterinaria S.A. | 30/01/06 |

4238 | Equiffa | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla koni przeciw grypie i wirusowemu ronieniu klaczy | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 2/04/06 |

4239 | Equigrip | Szczepionka przeciw grypie koni | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

4240 | Equilis Equenza T | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla koni przeciwko influenzie koni i tężcowi | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 18/09/07 |

4241 | Equilis Resequin NN Plus | szczepionka do czynnego uodparniania koni i kuców przed klinicznymi objawami infekcji układu oddechowego | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

4242 | Equimax | Iwermektyna, Prazikwantel | Paste | for veterinary use | Virbac do Brasil | 8/05/06 |

4243 | Equipar | iwermektyna, prazikwantel | Paste | for veterinary use | Bomac | 31/12/08 |

4244 | Equoral | Ciclosporinum | Gelatin capsules, soft | 100 mg | IVAX-CT a.s. | 27/06/07 |

4245 | Equoral | Ciclosporinum | Gelatin capsules, soft | 25 mg | IVAX-CT a.s. | 27/06/07 |

4246 | Equoral | Ciclosporinum | Gelatin capsules, soft | 50 mg | IVAX-CT a.s. | 27/06/07 |

4247 | Equoral | Ciclosporinum | Oral solution | 100 mg/ml | IVAX-CT a.s. | 27/06/07 |

4248 | ER BAC PLUS | inaktywowana szczepionka dla świńprzeciwko różycy | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

4249 | Ercefuryl | Nifuroxazidum | Capsules | 200 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/01/05 |

4250 | Ercefuryl | Nifuroxazidum | Oral suspension | 218 mg/5 ml | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/01/05 |

4251 | Eres | bromoheksyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

4252 | Erexan | Sildenafilum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4253 | Erexan | Sildenafilum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4254 | Erexan | Sildenafilum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4255 | Ergo | Mildronatum | Capsules | 250 mg | Public Joint Stock Company "Grindex" | 31/12/08 |

4256 | Ergolaktyna | Bromocriptinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

4257 | Ergotaminum tartaricum | Ergotaminum | Coated tablets | 1 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm", Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

4258 | Erigotheel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4259 | Erka | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethoxybenzamidum | Tablets | 300mg + 50mg + 100mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 21/03/07 |

4260 | Ervevax | Rubella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 1 dawka | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

4261 | Ervevax | Rubella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 dawek | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

4262 | Erysidoron 1 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

4263 | Erysidoron 2 tabletki | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

4264 | Erysorb Parvo | Szczepionka dla świń przeciwko różycy I parwowirozie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Hoechst Russel | 31/12/08 |

4265 | Erythrin Żel | Erythromycinum | Gel | 20 mg / g | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

4268 | Erythromycinum | Erythromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4266 | Erythromycinum | Erythromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4267 | Erythromycinum | Erythromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4269 | Erythromycinum Intravenosum | Erythromycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 300 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4270 | Erythromycinum pro suspensione | Erythromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4271 | Erytromycyna | Erythromycinum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/05/06 |

4272 | Erytromycyna | Erythromycinum | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/05/06 |

4273 | Erytromycyna | Erythromycinum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/05/06 |

4274 | Erytromycyna | Erythromycinum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/05/06 |

4275 | Erytromycyna | Erythromycinum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/05/06 |

4276 | Erytrowet | Erytromycyny rodanek | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 10/05/04 |

4277 | Erytrowet granulat 20 % | Rodanek etyromycyny | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

4278 | Esafosfina | Fructosi — 1,6 — diphosphas | Solution for infusion | 100 ml | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

4279 | Esafosfina 0,5 | Fructosi — 1,6 — diphosphas | Lyophlisated powder | 0,5 g | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

4280 | Esafosfina 5,0 | Fructosi — 1,6 — diphosphas | Lyophlisated powder | 5,0 g | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

4281 | ESB 3 | Sulfaklozyny sól sodowa | Powder | for veterinary use | Novartis Produkte Inc. | 10/02/04 |

4282 | Esbericum | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 71,0-84,0 mg | Scharper & Brümmer GmbH & Co.KG | 31/12/08 |

4283 | Esberitox N | | Oral solution | | Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co. KG | 29/02/04 |

4284 | Esberitox N | | Tablets | | Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co. KG | 29/02/04 |

4285 | Escalar | Preparat ziołowy | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

4286 | Esceven | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 167 mg | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/08/05 |

4287 | Esceven | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum + Heparinum | Gel for external use | (83,5mg + 50 j.m.)/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

4288 | Esceven | Hippocastani semen extractum spissum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/08/05 |

4289 | Esmeron | Rocuronii bromidum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 0.1 g/10 ml | Organon N.V. | 31/12/08 |

4290 | Esmeron | Rocuronii bromidum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 50 mg/5 ml | Organon N.V. | 31/12/08 |

4291 | Espa — Dorm | Zopliconum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 µg | Esparma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4292 | ESPA — LEPSIN 200 Retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Esparma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4293 | ESPA — LEPSIN 400 Retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Esparma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4294 | Esperal | Disulfiramum | Implantatation tablets | 100 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 30/06/04 |

4295 | Espes | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

4296 | Espumil | Dimeticonum | Granules for oromucosal use | 60 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

4297 | Espumisan | Dimeticonum | Capsules | 40 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

4298 | Espumisan | Simeticonum | Oral drops | 40 mg/ml | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

4299 | Espumisan 40 | Simeticonum | Emulsion | 40 mg/5 ml | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/07 |

4301 | Esputicon | Dimeticonum | Capsules | 50 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/05/05 |

4302 | Esputicon | Dimeticonum | Drops | 20 mg/1 kroplę | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 22/11/06 |

4300 | Esputicon | Dimeticonum | Oral granules | 150 mg/5g | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/05/05 |

4303 | Esseliv | Phospholipidum essentiale | Capsuels, hard | 300 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 25/04/07 |

4304 | Essentiale | Phospholipidum essentiale | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Rhone-Poulenc Rorer A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH | 31/07/04 |

4305 | Essentiale forte | Phospholipidum essentiale | Capsules | 300 mg | Rhone-Poulenc Rorer A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH | 31/07/04 |

4306 | Essentiale forte | Phospholipidum essentiale | Capsules | 300 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

4307 | Essiac | | Herbal tea | | Essiac Products Inc. | 31/12/08 |

4308 | Estalis | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Transdermal patch | | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/05 |

4309 | Estalis | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Transdermal patch | | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/05 |

4310 | Estalis Sequi | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Transdermal patch | | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/05 |

4311 | Estazolam | Estazolamum | Tablets | 2 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4312 | Estazolam | Estazolamum | Tablets | 2 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/05 |

4313 | Estazolam | Estazolamum | Tablets | 2 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4314 | Estracomb TTS | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Transdermal patch | | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/01/05 |

4315 | Estracyt | Estramustinum | Capsules | 140 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/05/04 |

4316 | Estracyt | Estramustinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 300 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/05/04 |

4317 | Estraderm MX 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 25 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/03/07 |

4318 | Estraderm MX 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 50 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/03/07 |

4319 | Estraderm MX 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 100 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/03/07 |

4320 | Estraderm TTS 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 25 mcg/24h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

4321 | Estraderm TTS 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 50 mcg/24h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

4322 | Estraderm TTS 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 100 mcg/24h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

4323 | Estradiol | Estradiolum | Cream | 0,01 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4325 | Estradiol | Estradiolum | Gel | 0,06 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4324 | Estradiol | Estradiolum | Tablets | 2 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4326 | Estradiol — Depot | Estradiolum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/1 ml | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

4327 | Estradot 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 100 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 21/03/07 |

4328 | Estradot 37,5 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 37.5 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 21/03/07 |

4329 | Estradot 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 50 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 21/03/07 |

4330 | Estradot 75 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 75 mcg/24 h | Novartis Pharma AG | 21/03/07 |

4331 | Estradot® 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 0,39 mg; 25 µg/dobę | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4332 | Estreva | Estradiolum | Gel | 0.1 % | Theramex Laboratory | 12/09/07 |

4333 | Estrimax | Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4334 | Estring | Estradiolum | Vaginal disc | | PHARMACIA AB | 30/09/07 |

4335 | Estrium 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 8 mg (100 mcg/24h) | Hexal AG | 16/08/04 |

4336 | Estrium 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 2 mg (25 mcg/24h) | Hexal AG | 24/05/06 |

4337 | Estrium 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 4 mg (50 mcg/24h) | Hexal AG | 24/05/06 |

4338 | Estrofem | Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/01/05 |

4339 | Estrofem forte | Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/01/05 |

4340 | Estrofem mite | Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/08/05 |

4341 | Estromikron | Estradiolum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4342 | Estromikron | Estradiolum | Tablets | 1 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4343 | Estromikron | Estradiolum | Tablets | 2 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4344 | Estroplast 40 | Estradiolum | Pach | 40 mcg/24 h | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

4345 | Estroplast 80 | Estradiolum | Pach | 80 mcg/24 h | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

4346 | Estrumate | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering-PloughCentral East Ag | 13/04/06 |

4347 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

4348 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/03/06 |

4349 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/03/06 |

4350 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/03/06 |

4351 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/03/06 |

4352 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 31/03/06 |

4353 | Etakrydyny mleczan | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/03/06 |

4354 | Etakrydyny mleczan (Ethacridini lactas) | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 4/03/07 |

4355 | Etanol 760 g/l | Ethanolum 760 g/l | | | Polmos Wrocław | 24/02/05 |

4356 | Etanol 760g/l | Ethanolum 760 g/l | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 29/09/07 |

4357 | Etanol 760g/l | Ethanolum 760 g/l | | | Gruntpol, Kalisz | 29/09/07 |

4358 | Eter etylowy | | | | Aliachem, Czechy | 9/04/05 |

4359 | Eter etylowy stabil. fenidonem | | | | Lachema, Czechy | 31/12/05 |

4360 | ETER ETYLOWY stabilizowany fenidonem | | | | Slovgal s.r.o. | 31/08/07 |

4361 | Ethambutol | Ethambutolum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4362 | Ethisteron | Ethisteronum | Sublingual tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4363 | Ethylex | Naltrexonum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Aop Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG | 31/12/08 |

4364 | Ethyol | Amifostinum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | USB Farma, Holandia | 21/07/07 |

4365 | Etimonis | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 20 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/09/04 |

4366 | Etimonis | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 40 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/09/04 |

4367 | Etimonis | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 60 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/09/04 |

4368 | Etofina | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethoxybenzamidum | Tablets | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Okoniewscy S.C."VETOS-FARMA" | 10/05/06 |

4369 | Etogesic tbl .150 g | Etodolak | Tablets | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

4370 | Etogesic tbl .300 g | Etodolak | Tablets | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

4371 | Etomar | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethenzamidum | Tablets | | Marcmed s.c. | 31/03/06 |

4372 | Etomedac | Etoposidum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mg/ml | medac Gesellschaft medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

4373 | Etomidate-Lipuro | Etomidatum | Emulsion for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/12/04 |

4374 | ETOPIRYNA Plus Tabletki Od Bólu Głowy | Acidum acetulsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | 450 mg + 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4375 | Etopiryna- tabletki od bólu głowy | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethoxybenzamidum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

4376 | Etopophos | Etoposidum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg | Bristol Myers Squibb Company | 25/04/07 |

4377 | Etoposide | Etoposidum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn Pty Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

4378 | Etoposide | | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 100 mg / 5 ml | VIPHARM S.A. Warszawa | 31/01/05 |

4379 | Etoposide- Pierre Fabre | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/5ml | Pierre Fabre Medicament Idron | 12/10/05 |

4380 | Etoposid-Ebewe, Etoposid-Knoll | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion and for oral use | 100 mg/5 ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4381 | Etoposid-Ebewe, Etoposid-Knoll | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion and for oral use | 200 mg/10 ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4382 | Etoposid-Ebewe, Etoposid-Knoll | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion and for oral use | 400 mg/20 ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4383 | Etoposid-Ebewe, Etoposid-Knoll | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion and for oral use | 50 mg/2,5 ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4384 | Etoposide-Teva | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 20 mg/ml | ABIC TEVA Group | 31/01/05 |

4385 | Etoprexum | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethoxybenzamidum | Tablets | 300 mg + 50 mg + 100 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4386 | Etoprexum Plus | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethoxybenzamidum | Tablets | 500 mg + 50 mg + 100 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4387 | Etoran | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/07 |

4388 | Etoran Extra | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/07 |

4389 | Etoran Max | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/06 |

4390 | Etylefryna | Ethylefrinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

4391 | Etylomorfiny chlorowodorek | | | | Polfa Kutno | 16/01/06 |

4392 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

4393 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

4394 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

4395 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

4396 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

4397 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

4398 | Etylu aminobenzoesan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

4399 | Etylu hydroksybenzoesan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/01/05 |

4400 | Eucalyptosan | Eucalypti oleum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | R.P. Scherer GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

4401 | EUCALYPTUS comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

4402 | EUCALYPTUS comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

4403 | Eucardin | Aminophyllinum + Papaverinum + Phenobarbitalum + Nitroglycerinum | Tablets | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/07 |

4404 | Eucerinum (Euceryna bezwodna) | | Ointment base | | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

4405 | Eucertan | | Ointment base | | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

4406 | Euceryna apteczna | | Ointment base | | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/05/06 |

4407 | Euceryna Bezwodna | Eucerinum anhydricum | Ointment base | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4408 | Euceryna bezwodna | Podłoże maściowe | Ointment base | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

4409 | Euceryna bezwodna | | Ointment base | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4410 | Euceryna bezwodna II | | Ointment base | | Ewa-Anna Wytwórnia Euceryny Farmaceutycznej | 30/04/06 |

4411 | Euceryna bezwodna S | | Ointment base | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 15/03/06 |

4412 | Euclamin | Glibenclamidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

4413 | Euforal | Hyperici extractum sicc. | Gelatin capsules, hard | 75 mg | Krotex Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4414 | Eugenol | | | | Chema-Elektromet, Rzeszów | 31/12/07 |

4415 | Eukaliptiss | | Ointment | | Naturwaren OHG Dr Peter Theiss | 31/05/04 |

4416 | Eupatorium Pentarkan | | Drops | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 19/03/06 |

4417 | Euphorbium comp. SN | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

4418 | Euphorbium Compositum S | | Nasal drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

4419 | Euphorbium compositum SN | | Oral drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

4420 | Euphorium Compositum SN | | Nasal drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

4421 | Euphrasia | | Eye drops | 0,5ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

4422 | Euphrasia complexe nr 115 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 4/01/07 |

4423 | Euphrasia-Dagomed 22 stany zapalne oczu | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

4424 | Euphyllin CR Retard | Theophyllinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 250 mg | Byk Gulden Pharmaceutica | 23/04/06 |

4425 | Euphyllin long | Theophyllinum | Modified release capsules | 300 mg | Altana Pharma AG | 30/11/04 |

4426 | Euphyllin long | Theophyllinum | Modified release capsules, hard | 200 mg | Altana Pharma AG | 30/11/04 |

4428 | Eurespal | Fenspiridum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/12/08 |

4427 | Eurespal | Fenspiridum | Syrup | 2 mg/ml | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/12/08 |

4429 | Eurical L | Szczepionka przeciw leptospirozie , psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 24/05/04 |

4430 | Eurican DHPPI 2 | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym, parwowirusowym oraz zakażeniom wirusem parainfluenzy typ 2 | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 4/02/04 |

4431 | Euro — Collins | | Liquid for organ perfusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

4432 | Euterin | Eleuterococcus senticosus extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 98 mg | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie HERBAPOL S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4433 | Euthyrox 25 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 25 mcg | Merck KGaA | 17/07/06 |

4434 | Euthyrox 50 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 mcg | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

4435 | Euthyrox 100 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

4436 | Euthyrox 125 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 125 mcg | Merck KGaA | 17/07/06 |

4437 | Euthyrox 150 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 150 mcg | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

4438 | Euthyrox 175 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 175 mcg | Merck KGaA | 17/07/06 |

4439 | Euthyrox 200 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 200 mcg | Merck KGaA | 17/07/06 |

4440 | Euthyrox 75 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 75 mcg | Merck KGaA | 17/07/06 |

4441 | Euthyrox N 100 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4442 | Euthyrox N 125 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 125 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4443 | Euthyrox N 150 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 150 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4444 | Euthyrox N 175 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 175 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4445 | Euthyrox N 200 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 200 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4446 | Euthyrox N 25 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 25 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4447 | Euthyrox N 50 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4448 | Euthyrox N 75 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 75 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4449 | Euvax B (dla dorosłych) | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 20 mcg/ 1 ml | LG Chemical Ltd | 12/10/05 |

4450 | Euvax B (dla dorosłych) | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 200 mcg/10 ml | Lg Chemical Ltd Iksan Factory of Chemical Ltd | 12/10/05 |

4451 | Euvax B (dla dzieci) | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 10 mcg/0,5 ml | LG Chemical Ltd | 12/10/05 |

4452 | Euvax B (dla dzieci) | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 100 mcg/5 ml | Lg Chemical Ltd Iksan Factory of Chemical Ltd | 12/10/05 |

4453 | Evana | Agni casti fructus extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 3,2mg — 4,8mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/06/05 |

4454 | Evening primrose oil | Oenotherae paradoxa oleum | Capsules, soft | 500 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

4455 | Evening Primrose Oil | | Capsules | | Power Health Products Ltd. | 29/02/04 |

4456 | Evetsel | Tocopherolum + Natrii selenas | Liquid | for veterinary use | Pliva Kraków | 17/08/04 |

4457 | Evista | Raloxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 30/11/04 |

4458 | Ewit | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 400 mg | Sun-Farm Sp.z o.o. Kołbiel | 14/12/05 |

4462 | Exacyl | Acidum tranexamicum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

4461 | Exacyl | Acidum tranexamicum | Oral solution | 1 g/10 ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

4459 | Exacyl | Acidum tranexamicum | Solution for intravenous injection | 100 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

4460 | Exacyl | Acidum tranexamicum | Solution for intravenous injection | 100 mg/ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/04 |

4463 | Excenel | Ceftiofur sodowy | Powder | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4464 | Excenel RTU | Ceftiofuru chlorowodorek | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 23/10/06 |

4465 | Exelon | Rivastigminum | Capsules | 1.5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4466 | Exelon | Rivastigminum | Capsules | 3 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4467 | Exelon | Rivastigminum | Capsules | 4.5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4468 | Exelon | Rivastigminum | Capsules | 6 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4469 | Exelon | Rivastigminum | Solution for drink | 2 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/04 |

4470 | Exmykehl D3 | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

4471 | Exoderil | Naftifinum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/07/04 |

4472 | Exorex | Pix litanthracis | Cutaneous emulsion | 10 mg | Meyer Zall Laboratoires (Pty) Ltd | 22/02/06 |

4473 | Exosurf | Colfoscerili palmitas | Powder and solvent for endotracheopulmonary instillation, suspension | 108 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

4474 | Expeflos | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/07 |

4475 | Exspot | Permetryna | Liquid | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 4/01/06 |

4476 | Exter | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Rubio Laboratorios S.A. | 16/01/06 |

4477 | Extract aloe | Aloe extractum fluidum | Subcutaneous injection | | Moscow Endocriny Plant | 31/12/08 |

4478 | Extractum Thymi Fluidum | Thymi extractum fluidum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4479 | Extrall-Solutio | | Liquid for external use | 137 mg/ml | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

4480 | Extrall-Unguentum | | Ointment | 150 mg/g | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

4481 | Fabrazyme | Agalsidasum beta | Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion | 35 mg | Genzyme Europe B.V. | 30/09/07 |

4482 | Fagastin 20 | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4483 | Fagastin 40 | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4484 | Faklocyn | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4485 | Faklocyn | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4486 | Falibaryt — Colon | | Powder for suspension | 95.854 g/100 g | Goldham Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4487 | Falibaryt HD | | Powder for suspension | 96.805 g/100 ml | Goldham Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4488 | Falvit | | Coated tablets | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

4489 | Falvit | | Film-coated tablets | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4490 | Falvit M | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4491 | Famidyna | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 29/11/06 |

4492 | Famodin | Famotidinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4493 | Famodin | Famotidinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4494 | Famogast | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

4495 | Famogast | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

4496 | Famosan | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | PRO. MED. C.S., Praha a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4497 | Famosan | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | PRO. MED. C.S., Praha a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4498 | Famotidine | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

4499 | Famulan | | Drops | | Richard Bittner | 9/09/07 |

4500 | Famvir | Famciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4501 | Famvir | Famciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 24/06/06 |

4502 | FANHDI | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1000 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4503 | FANHDI | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 250 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4504 | FANHDI | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 500 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4505 | Fantomalt | | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 30/06/07 |

4506 | Farfaron | Farfarae extractum spissum, Sirupus althaeae | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

4507 | Farfplant | Farfarae folium succus + Plantaginis herba extractum fluidum | Syrup | (296mg + 296mg)/5ml | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 17/01/07 |

4508 | Faringosept | Ambazonum | Tablets | 10 mg | S.C. Terapia S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4509 | Farlutal 250 | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

4510 | Farlutal 500 | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 500 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

4511 | Farmatan | Tanina | Powder | for veterinary use | Tanin Sevnica | 22/11/06 |

4512 | Farmorubicin PFS | Epirubicinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/12/08 |

4513 | Farmorubicin PFS | Epirubicinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 50 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/12/08 |

4515 | Farmorubicin RD | Epirubicinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

4514 | Farmorubicin RD | Epirubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

4516 | Farmox 15 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetimex Animal Health B.V. | 15/11/04 |

4517 | FarrowSure PlusB | inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń do uodparniania zdrowych świń hodowlanych przeciwko zaburzeniom rozrodu | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

4518 | Fastjekt | Epinephrinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 1 mg/ml | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 30/06/07 |

4519 | Fastum | Ketoprofenum | Gel | 2.5 % (25mg/g) | A.Menarini Pharmaceutical Industries Group Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

4520 | Fasturtec | Rasburicasum | Powder and solvent for concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1.5 mg/ml (1,5mg) | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 25/04/07 |

4521 | Fatroximin D.C. | Rifaksimina | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | FATRO | 20/06/05 |

4522 | Fatroximin Intrauterine Foam | Rifaksimina | Vaginal spray | for veterinary use | FATRO | 20/06/05 |

4523 | Fatroximin Topic Spray | Rifaksimina | Spray | for veterinary use | Fatro | 17/07/05 |

4524 | Fatrybanil | Diminazenu aceturan, Fenazon | Solution | for veterinary use | Fatro | 14/08/05 |

4525 | Faxin | Venlafaxinum | Tablets | 75 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4526 | Faxin | Venlafaxinum | Tablets | 37,5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4527 | Febrisan | Paracetamolum + Phenylephrinum + Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | | Byk Roland Polska | 31/12/08 |

4528 | Febrivac 3-Plus | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla norek przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu jelit, botulizmowi i zakażeniom wywoływanym przez Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Impfstoffwerk Dessau-Tornau GmbH | 16/04/07 |

4529 | Febrivac DIST | Atenuowana szczepionka dla norek i fretek przeciwko nosówce | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Impfstoffwerk Dessau-Tornau GmbH | 6/05/07 |

4531 | Febrofen | Ketoprofenum | Gel | 25 mg/g | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4530 | Febrofen | Ketoprofenum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4532 | Feiba Tim 4 Immuno | Coagulation factor VIII (zespół czynnikow krzepnięcia przeciw inhibitorowi cz. VIII — poddany dziłaniu pary) | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 1000 j.m.= 1000 jednostek FEIBA | Baxter AG | 19/05/06 |

4533 | Feiba Tim 4 Immuno | Coagulation factor VIII (zespół czynnikow krzepnięcia przeciw inhibitorowi cz. VIII — poddany dziłaniu pary) | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 500 j.m. + 500 jednostek FEIBA | Baxter AG | 19/05/06 |

4534 | Feksat | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4535 | Feksat | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4536 | Feksat | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 180 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4537 | Feksat Plus | Fexofenadinum | Modified release tablets | 60 mg + 120 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4538 | Fel Tauri Complexe Lehning nr 113 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 2/06/07 |

4540 | Feldene | Piroxicamum | Capsules | 10 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

4541 | Feldene | Piroxicamum | Capsules | 20 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

4543 | Feldene | Piroxicamum | Gel | 5 mg/g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

4542 | Feldene | Piroxicamum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

4539 | Feldene | Piroxicamum | Suppository | 20 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

4544 | Felis 425 | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Capsuels, hard | 425 mg | Biocur Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/04 |

4545 | Felisvac Mc | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kotów przeciw grzybicy skórnej | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 24/07/07 |

4546 | Felixen | Piperis methystici rhizomae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg kawa-pironów | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 25/01/06 |

4547 | Felixen forte | Piperis methystici extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg kawapironów | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4548 | Felocell CVR | Szczepionka dla kotów przeciwko panleukopeni, zakaźnemu zapaleniu jamy nosowej i tchawicy oraz kaliciwirozie | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

4550 | Felodif | Felodipinum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 10 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

4549 | Felodif | Felodipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 5 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

4554 | Feloran | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/06/04 |

4555 | Feloran | Diclofenacum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

4553 | Feloran | Diclofenacum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 25 mg/ml | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/06/04 |

4551 | Feloran | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 25 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/06/04 |

4552 | Feloran | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/06/04 |

4556 | Feloten | Felodipinum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 2,5 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4557 | Feloten | Felodipinum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 5 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4558 | Feloten | Felodipinum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 10 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4559 | Fel-O-Vax 3 | Szczepionka przeciw schorzeniom górnych dróg oddechowych wywołanych przez herpeswirusy, kaliciwirusy oraz wirusy panleukopenii kotów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

4560 | Fel-O-Vax 4 | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kotów przeciw schorzeniom górnych dróg oddechowych wywołanym przez herpeswirusy, kaliciwirusy oraz Chalmydia psitaci, panleukopenii | Liquid | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

4561 | Fel-O-Vax 5 | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kotów przeciw schorzeniom górnych dróg oddechowych wywołanym przez herpeswirusy, kaliciwirusy oraz Chalmydia psitaci, białaczce, panleukopenii | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 4/02/07 |

4562 | Fem 7 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 50 mcg/dobę | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4563 | Fem 7 Combi | Estradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Transdermal patch | 50 µg + 10 µg | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

4564 | Fem Hrt | Norethisteronum + Ethynylestradiolum | Tablets | 1 mg/5 mcg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4565 | FEMACTIVE 1 mg | Oestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

4566 | FEMACTIVE 2 mg | Oestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

4567 | Femactive C | Oestradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg + 1 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

4568 | FEMACTIVE PLUS 1 mg | Oestradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg + 1 mg/1 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

4569 | FEMACTIVE PLUS 2 mg | Oestradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg + 2 mg/1 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

4570 | Femara | Letrozolum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4571 | Femibion | | Film-coated tablets | | Merck KGaA | 14/12/05 |

4572 | Femicur® n capsules | Agni casti fructus extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 4 mg | Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co.KG | 31/12/08 |

4573 | Femigen | Norgestimatum + Ethinylestradiolum | Tablet | 0,25 mg + 0,035 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4574 | Feminatal | | Film-coated tablets | | Merck KGaA | 30/09/05 |

4575 | Feminon N | | | | Cesra-ArzneimittelFabrik GmbH & Co, Niemcy | 14/04/07 |

4576 | Feminon pms(poprzednia nazwa masto-feminon) | Vitex agnus castus extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 4 mg | Cesra — Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

4577 | Feminon-klim(poprzednia nazwa klima-feminon) | Cimicifugae racemosae rhizomae extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 6,5 mg | Cesra — Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

4578 | Feminosan | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4579 | Feminosept fix | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4580 | Femoden | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

4581 | Femoston 1/10 | Estradiolum + Hydrogesteronum | Tablets | 1 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/12/08 |

4582 | Femoston 2/10 | Dydrogesteronum + Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 10mg + 2mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/05/04 |

4583 | Femoston 2/20 | Dydrogesteronum + Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 20mg + 2mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/05/04 |

4584 | Femoston Conti | Estradiolum + Dydrogesteronum | Tablets | | Solvay Pharma B.V. | 29/09/07 |

4585 | Fenacetyna | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

4586 | Fenactil | Chlorpromazinum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4587 | Fenactil | Chlorpromazinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4588 | Fenactil | Chlorpromazinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/06 |

4589 | Fenactil | Chlorpromazinum | Oral drops, solution | 40 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

4590 | Fenactil | Chlorpromazinum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

4591 | Fenactil | Chlorpromazinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 25 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

4592 | Fenalgin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/05 |

4593 | Fenbegran 20 % | Fenbendazol | Granules | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

4594 | Fenbenat proszek 4 % | Fenbendazol 4 % | Powder | for veterinary use | Naturan | 10/08/04 |

4595 | Fenbenat tabletki 0,125 | Fenbendazol | Tablets | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

4596 | Fenbenat tabletki 0,250 | Fenbendazol | Tablets | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

4597 | Fenbendazol żel | Fenbendazol | Gel | for veterinary use | aniMedica | 18/09/07 |

4598 | Fenbesan | Fenbendazol | Powder | for veterinary use | BASF | 31/12/08 |

4599 | Fenbufen | Fenbufenum | Tablets | 300 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

4600 | Fenicort | Prednisolonum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4601 | Fenistil | Dimetindenum | Cutaneous emulsion | 1 mg/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/10/04 |

4605 | Fenistil | Dimetindenum | Gel | 1 mg/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

4603 | Fenistil | Dimetindenum | Oral drops, solution | 1 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

4602 | Fenistil | Dimetindenum | Prolonged release capsules | 4 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/01/05 |

4604 | Fenistil | Dimetindenum | Solution for intravenous injection | 1 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/05 |

4606 | Fenkarol | Fenkarol | Tablets | 25 mg | Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczne Zakłady "Olaines" | 31/12/08 |

4607 | Fenobarbital | | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 24/05/07 |

4608 | Fenobarbital sodowy | | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 24/05/07 |

4609 | Fenol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/05 |

4610 | FENOLIP 250 Retard | Fenofibratum | Prolonged release capsules | 250 mg | Betapharm Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4611 | Fenoratio 100 | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

4612 | Fenoratio Retard | Fenofibratum | Prolonged release capsules | 250 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/03/05 |

4613 | Fenoterol | Fenoterolum | Solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 50 mcg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/01/05 |

4614 | Fenoterol | Fenoterolum | Tablets | 5 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

4615 | Fenovax | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 200 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4616 | Fenspiride | Fenspiridum | Syrup | 2 mg / ml | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 31/12/08 |

4617 | Fentanyl | Fentanylum | Solution for injection | 50 mcg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

4618 | Fentanyl Jannsen | Fentanylum | Solution for injection | 50 mcg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

4619 | Fentanyl Torrex | Fentanylum | Solution for injection | 50 µg/ml, op. 2 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4620 | Fentanyl Torrex | Fentanylum | Solution for injection | 50 µg/ml, op. 10 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4621 | Fenylort ciowy azotan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

4622 | Fenylort ciowy boran | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

4623 | Fenylu salicylan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/05 |

4624 | Fenylu salicylan | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/01/05 |

4625 | Fepress 10 | Felodipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

4626 | Fepress 2,5 | Felodipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 2,5 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

4627 | Fepress 5 | Felodipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 5 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

4628 | Ferplex | Ferri proteinatosuccinas | Granules for oral suspension | 800mg (40 mg Fe+++) | Italfarmaco S.p.A. | 31/01/05 |

4629 | Ferplex | Ferri proteinatosuccinas | Solution for oromucosal use | 800mg/15ml, (40 mg Fe+++/15 ml) | Italfarmaco S.p.A. | 31/01/05 |

4630 | Ferran 100 | Kompleks żelaza z dekstarnem | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 17/07/05 |

4631 | Ferran 200 | Kompleks żelaza z dekstarnem | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 17/07/05 |

4632 | Ferrodex S | Kompleks dekstranu drobnocząsteczkowego z żelazem trójwartościowym | Liquid | for veterinary use | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 10/02/04 |

4633 | Ferro-Duo | Ferrosi sulfas | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 100 mg Fe++ | Schwarz Pharma AG | 20/06/07 |

4634 | Ferroglobin | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Vitabiotics Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4635 | Ferrograd Folic | Acidum folicum + Ferrosi sulfas | Film-coated, slow release tablets | | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4636 | Ferro-Gradumet | Ferrosi sulfas | Modified release tablets | 105 mg Fe++ | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 30/01/05 |

4637 | Ferrovet | Dekstran żelazowy, Dekstran | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farm, Biowet | 31/12/08 |

4638 | Ferrum Complexe Nr 29 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

4639 | Ferrum Lek | Ferri hydroxydum polymaltosum | Buccal tablet | 100 mg | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company d.d. | 31/12/08 |

4640 | Ferrum Lek | Ferri hydroxydum polymaltosum | Syrup | 50 mg/5 ml | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company d.d. | 31/12/08 |

4641 | FERRUM Pentarkan /Ptk nr 45/ | | | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 5/02/05 |

4642 | Ferrum phosphoricum comp. granulki | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

4643 | Ferrum-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4644 | Ferrum-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

4645 | Ferrum-Lek | Ferri hydroxydum polyisomaltosum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 50 mg Fe+++/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

4646 | Fertagyl | Gonadorelinum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

4647 | Fervex | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum + Pheniraminum | Granules for solution | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/06/05 |

4649 | FERVEX Chesty Cough | Ambroxolum | Effervescent tablets | 30 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb Pharmavit | 31/12/08 |

4648 | FERVEX Chesty Cough | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb Pharmavit | 31/12/08 |

4650 | Fervex D | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum + Pheniraminum | Granules for oral solution | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 14/12/05 |

4651 | Fervex Junior | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum + Pheniraminum | Granules for oral solution | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 12/10/05 |

4652 | Feticonazole | Feticonazolum | Cream | 2 % | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4653 | Fevarin | Fluvoxaminum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 30/04/05 |

4654 | Fevarin | Fluvoxaminum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 30/04/05 |

4655 | Fexofenadine | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4656 | Fexofenadine | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 180 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4657 | Fibisol | Preparat złożony | Liquid for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | | Farmak | 31/12/08 |

4658 | Fibranat | Fenofibratum | Capsules, hard | 67 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4659 | Fibranat | Fenofibratum | Capsules, hard | 200 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4660 | Fibro Vein 0,2 % | Natrii tetradecylum sulfas | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | STD Pharmaceutical Products Ltd. | 25/05/05 |

4661 | Fibro Vein 1 % | Natrii tetradecylum sulfas | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | STD Pharmaceutical Products Ltd. | 25/05/05 |

4662 | Fibro Vein 3 % | Natrii tetradecylum sulfas | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | STD Pharmaceutical Products Ltd. | 25/05/05 |

4663 | Fibrolan | Dornasum alfa + Fibrinolysinum | Lyophilisate for cutaneous liquid | | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/07/04 |

4664 | Fibrolan | Dornasum alfa + Fibrinolysinum | Ointment | | Parke-Davis GmbH — Freiburg | 31/07/04 |

4665 | FiBS | | Liquid for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | | OCFZP Biostymulator | 31/12/08 |

4666 | figura 1 | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4667 | figura 2 | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4668 | Filmadine | Acidum lacticum + Glycerolum + Sorbitolum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Hypred | 31/12/08 |

4669 | Filomag B6 | Magnesii hydroaspartas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | 40 mg Mg ++ | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm", Bydgoszcz | 30/06/06 |

4670 | Filumar (poprzednia nazwa: ulmasol) | Ulmariae tinctura | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4671 | Finadyne Solution | Fluniksyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 17/05/05 |

4672 | Finalgel sport | Piroxicamum | Gel | 5 mg/g | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 16/05/07 |

4673 | Finalgon | Nicoboxilum + Nonivamidum | Cream | (10,8mg + 1,7mg)/g | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/07/04 |

4674 | Finalgon | Nicoboxilum + Nonivamidum | Ointment | (25mg + 4mg)/g | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/07/04 |

4675 | Finaride | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4676 | Finasterid | Finasteridum | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4677 | Finasteride | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4678 | Finastid | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

4679 | Fincar | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4680 | Finix | Ibuprofenum + Coffeinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg + 50 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

4681 | Finlepsin | Carbamazepinum | Tablets | 200 mg | AWDpharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

4682 | FINLEPSIN 200 Retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | AWDpharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

4683 | FINLEPSIN 400 Retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | AWDpharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

4684 | Fiolet gencjanowy 0,5 % roztwór spirytusowy | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Liquid | 5 mg/g | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

4685 | First Dose CV | Koronawirus psów NL — 18 | Vaccine for dogs | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/07 |

4686 | Fish oil | Olej rybi | Capsules | 500 mg | BIOGAL Pharmaceutical Works Ltd | 31/12/08 |

4687 | Fitolizyna | | Paste for oral suspension | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4688 | Fito-Mix I | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4689 | Fito-Mix I fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4690 | Fito-Mix II fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4691 | Fito-Mix II mieszanka wykrztuśna | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4692 | Fito-Mix IV fix | Melissae folium + Foeniculu fructus + Anisi fructus | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4693 | Fito-Mix IV mieszanka mlekopędna | Melissae folium + Foeniculu fructus + Anisi fructus | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4694 | Fito-Mix IX fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4695 | Fito-Mix IX mieszanka p-biegunkowa | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4696 | Fito-Mix V mieszanka osłaniająca | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4697 | Fito-Mix VII fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4698 | Fito-Mix VII mieszanka poprawiająca trawienie | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4699 | Fito-Mix VIII fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4700 | Fito-Mix VIII mieszanka p-trądzikowa | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4701 | Fito-Mix X fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4702 | Fito-Mix X mieszanka przeczyszczająca | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4703 | Fito-Mix XI fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4704 | Fito-Mix XI mieszanka p-reumatyczna | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4705 | Fito-Mix XII fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4706 | Fito-Mix XII mieszanka żółciopędna | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4707 | Fito-Mix XIII fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4708 | Fito-Mix XIII mieszanka moczopędna | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4709 | Fito-mix XV | | Herbal tea | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

4710 | Fito-mix XV fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol", Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

4711 | Fito-mix XVI | Hippocastani semen, Calendulae flos, Sennae folium | Instant herbal tea | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol", Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

4712 | Fito-mix XVI fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

4713 | Fito-mix XVII | Crataegi inflorescentia, Cynarae folium, Allii cepae bulbus | Herbal tea | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

4714 | Fito-mix XVIII | Preparat złożony | Instant herbal tea | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

4715 | Fitoplast | | Pach | | Huangshi Changzheng Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4716 | Fitoprost | Serenoae repens fructus extractum | Capsules | 160 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

4717 | Fitoprost | Serenoae repens extr. | Capsules | 320 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

4718 | Fitoven | Preparat ziołowy | Paste for oral suspension | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

4719 | Fizostygminy salicylan | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

4720 | Fizostygminy salicylan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

4721 | Flamexin | Piroxicamum | Powder for oral solution | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 17/01/07 |

4722 | Flamexin | Piroxicamum | Tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 17/01/07 |

4723 | Flammacerinum | Cerii nitras + Sulfadiazinum | Cream | (10mg + 22mg)/g | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 18/12/06 |

4724 | Flammazine | Sulfadiazinum | Cream | 1 % | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/12/06 |

4725 | Flammazine | Sulfadiazinum argentum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/12/06 |

4726 | Flarex | Fluorometholonum | Eye drops, suspension | 1 % (0,01 g/1 ml) | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 31/01/05 |

4727 | Flatuvit | Preparat ziołowy | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

4728 | Flatuvit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

4729 | Flavacrin | Ethacridini lactas | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Biowet. | 24/05/04 |

4732 | Flavamed | Ambroxolum | Effervescent tablets | 30 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

4733 | Flavamed | Ambroxolum | Effervescent tablets | 60 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

4730 | Flavamed | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5 ml | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

4731 | Flavamed | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

4734 | Flaven | Diosminum | Capsules | 300 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

4735 | Flavobil | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/03/07 |

4736 | Flebogamma iv | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 0.5 g/10 ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4737 | Flebogamma iv | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 10 g/200 ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4738 | Flebogamma iv | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 2.5 g/50 ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4739 | Flebogamma iv | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 5 g/100 ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4740 | Flector Ep Gel | Diclofenacum | Gel | żel | IBSA Institut Biochemique S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4741 | Flector Ep Tissugel | Diclofenacum | Transdermal patch | | IBSA Institut Biochemique S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4742 | Flectron | cypermetryna | Tag | for veterinary use | Cyanamid | 31/12/08 |

4743 | Fleet Phospho Soda | Natrii phosphas + Natrii phosphas | Oral solution | (24,4g + 10,8g)/ 45ml | E.C. De Witt and Company Ltd | 16/05/07 |

4744 | Flegafit | Plantaginis lanceolatae folium+Verbasci flos+Bromhexini hydrochloricum | Syrup | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4745 | Flegamina | Bromhexinum | Oral drops, solution | 2 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4746 | Flegamina | Bromhexinum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4747 | Flegamina | Bromhexinum | Syrup | 4 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

4748 | Flegamina | Bromhexinum | Tablets | 8 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

4749 | Flegamina Mite | Bromhexinum | Syrup | 40 mg/100 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4750 | Flexiderm | Sylimarin phosphotidylcholine complex | Ointment | 10 mg/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 17/02/05 |

4751 | Flixonase | Fluticasonum | Nasal spray, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/09/04 |

4752 | Flixonase Nasule | Fluticasonum | Nasal drops, suspension | 400 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 21/03/07 |

4756 | Flixotide | Fluticasonum | Nebuliser suspension | 0.5 mg/2 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 27/06/07 |

4757 | Flixotide | Fluticasonum | Nebuliser suspension | 2 mg/2 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 27/06/07 |

4753 | Flixotide | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 125 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/11/05 |

4754 | Flixotide | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 250 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/11/05 |

4755 | Flixotide | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/11/05 |

4758 | Flixotide 25 | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 25 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4759 | Flixotide 50 | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4760 | Flixotide 125 | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 125 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4761 | Flixotide 250 | Fluticasonum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 250 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4762 | Flixotide Dysk | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

4763 | Flixotide Dysk | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 250 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

4764 | Flixotide Dysk | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

4765 | Flixotide Dysk | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 500 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

4766 | Flixotide Rotadisk 50 | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4767 | Flixotide Rotadisk 100 | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4768 | Flixotide Rotadisk 250 | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 250 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4769 | Flixotide Rotadisk 500 | Fluticasonum | Inhalation powder | 500 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 23/04/06 |

4770 | Floam | Natrii fluoridum | Fluorine foam for fluorese | 20 mg/g | Germiphene Corporation | 31/08/04 |

4771 | Flocrat tabletki | | | | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp.z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4772 | Flolan | Epoprostenolum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 0,5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

4773 | Flolan | Epoprostenolum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 1,5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

4776 | Flonidan | Loratadinum | Oral suspension | 1 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

4777 | Flonidan | Loratadinum | Oral suspension | 1 mg/ml | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

4774 | Flonidan | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

4775 | Flonidan | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

4778 | Florfenicol 2,5 % płyn | Florfenikol | Liquid | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

4779 | Florfenicol 30 % iniekcja | Florfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

4780 | Floron | Florfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4781 | Floron Oral solution | Florfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4782 | Floron premix | Florfenikol | Premix | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

4783 | Flosept fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/04/06 |

4784 | Flosteron | Betamethasonum | Suspension for injection | 7 mg/1 ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

4785 | Floxal | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 30/11/05 |

4786 | Floxal | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4787 | Floxal | Ofloxacinum | Eye drops | 3 mg/g | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 31/05/04 |

4788 | Floxal | Ofloxacinum | Eye ointment | 3 mg/g | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 31/05/04 |

4789 | Flualgin | Fluniksyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

4790 | Fluanxol | Flupentixolum | Coated tablets | 0.5 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

4791 | Fluanxol | Flupentixolum | Coated tablets | 3 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

4792 | Fluanxol Depot | Flupentixolum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | H. Lundbeck A/S | 30/06/04 |

4793 | Fluarix | Influenza, purified antigen | Suspension for injection | | GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. | 31/12/04 |

4794 | Flubactin 20 % | Flumechina | Solution | for veterinary use | KRKA | 27/06/05 |

4795 | Flubenol 220 mg | Flubendazol | Tablets | for veterinary use | Janssen | 23/06/07 |

4796 | Flubenol 5 % | Flubendazol | Premix | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica | 7/03/05 |

4797 | Flubenol 50 % | flubendazol | Powder | for veterinary use | Janssen | 31/12/08 |

4798 | Flubenol KH | Flubendazol | Paste | for veterinary use | Janssen | 31/12/08 |

4800 | Flucinar | Fluocinoloni acetonidum | Gel | 0.25 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4799 | Flucinar | Fluocinoloni acetonidum | Ointment | 0.25 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4801 | Flucinar N | Fluocinoloni acetonidum + Neomycinum | Cream | (0,25mg + 0,5mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4802 | Flucinar N | Fluocinoloni acetonidum + Neomycinum | Ointment | (0,25mg + 0,5mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

4803 | Flucofungin | Fluconazolum | Capsules, hard | 50 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4804 | Flucofungin | Fluconazolum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4805 | Flucofungin | Fluconazolum | Capsules, hard | 150 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4806 | Flucofungin | Fluconazolum | Capsules, hard | 200 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4807 | Flucofungin | Fluconazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4808 | Flucolvet | FlumechinaKolistyny siarczan | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Sp. z o.o. | 16/10/06 |

4809 | Flucon | Fluorometholonum | Eye drops, suspension | 1 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

4810 | Fluconazol | Fluconazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

4811 | Fluconazol 150 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 7/03/07 |

4812 | Fluconazol 150 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 7/03/07 |

4813 | Fluconazol 50 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 7/03/07 |

4814 | Fluconazol 50 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 7/03/07 |

4815 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4816 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4817 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4818 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Syrup | 50 mg /10 ml | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

4819 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Syrup | 50 mg/10ml | Polfarmex S.A | 14/12/05 |

4820 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/05/05 |

4821 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Tablets | 50 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 14/12/05 |

4822 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Tablets | 50 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

4823 | Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Tablets | 50 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

4824 | Fluconazole 150 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 6/07/05 |

4825 | Fluconazole 50 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 6/07/05 |

4826 | Flucoric | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4827 | Flucoric | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4828 | Flucoric | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4829 | Flucoric | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4830 | Flucozal | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Aegis Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4831 | Flucozal | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Aegis Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4832 | Fludara | Fludarabinum | Powder for solution for injection | 50 mg | Schering AG | 31/03/04 |

4833 | Fludara Oral | Fludarabinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

4835 | Flugalin | Flurbiprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 100mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/06/04 |

4836 | Flugalin | Flurbiprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/06/04 |

4834 | Flugalin | Flurbiprofenum | Transdermal patch | 40 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 29/06/05 |

4837 | Flugalin SR 200 | Flurbiprofenum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/12/08 |

4838 | Fluidosan | Olejek terpentynowy, Nalewka z pieprzu tureckiego, Woda amoniakalna, | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 25/05/04 |

4842 | Fluimucil | Acetylcysteinum | Effervescent tablets | 600 mg | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

4839 | Fluimucil | Acetylcysteinum | Granules | 100 mg | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

4840 | Fluimucil | Acetylcysteinum | Granules | 200 mg | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

4841 | Fluimucil | Acetylcysteinum | Solution for injection and nebuliser solution | 300 mg/3 ml | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

4843 | Fluimucil antidote 20 % | Acetylcysteinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/05/05 |

4844 | Flukiver 5 % inject. | Klozantel | Solution | for veterinary use | Janssen | 11/06/04 |

4845 | Flukonazol | Fluconazolum | Syrup | 5 mg / 1 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

4846 | Flumeqiuna 10 % — roztwór | Flumechina | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetos Farma | 16/05/06 |

4847 | Flumequina 10 % — proszek | Flumechina | Powder | for veterinary use | PFO Vetos Farma | 16/05/06 |

4848 | Flumesol 10 % | Flumechina | Powder | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 14/03/05 |

4849 | Flumesol 5 % | Flumechina | Solution | for veterinary use | Dopharma B.V. | 10/06/07 |

4850 | Flumiquil 50 % | Flumechina | Powder | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

4851 | Flumisol | Flumechina | Solution | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

4852 | Flumycon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4853 | Flumycon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4854 | Flumycon | Fluconazolum | Solution for infusion | 2 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 29/03/06 |

4855 | Flumycon, Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4856 | Flumycon, Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4857 | Flumycon, Fluconazole | Fluconazolum | Syrup | 5 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/05 |

4858 | Flunarizinum | Flunarizinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

4859 | Flunimeg | Fluniksyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 11/02/04 |

4860 | Flunitrazepam | Flunitrazepamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

4861 | Fluocaril Bi-Fluore 180 o smaku malinowym | Natrii fluoridum + Natrii monofluorophosphas | Toothpaste | 1.8 mg fluoru/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

4862 | Fluocaril Bi-Fluore 180 o smaku miętowym | Natrii fluoridum + Natrii monofluorophosphas | Dental gel | 1.8 mg fluoru/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

4863 | Fluocaril Bi-Fluore 250 | Natrii fluoridum + Natrii monofluorophosphas | Toothpaste | 2.5 mg fluoru/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

4864 | Fluogum (o smaku miętowym) | Natrii fluoridum | Chewing gum | 0.25 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/01/05 |

4865 | Fluogum (o smaku owocowym) | Natrii fluoridum | Chewing gum | 0.25 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/01/05 |

4866 | Fluoksetyna | Fluoxetinum | Syrup | 20 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4867 | Fluoksetyna | Fluoxetinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

4868 | Fluoksetyna | Fluoxetinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

4869 | Fluonor | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4870 | Fluoresceina | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 5/09/05 |

4871 | Fluoresceine | Fluoresceinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/07/04 |

4872 | Fluorescite | Fluoresceinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires Inc. | 30/06/04 |

4873 | Fluoridin | | Dental lacquer | | VOCO GmbH | 31/12/07 |

4875 | Fluormex | | Gel | 12.5 mg fluoru/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

4874 | Fluormex | | Liquid | 10 mg fluoru/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

4876 | Fluoro-uracil | Fluorouracilum | Solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

4877 | Fluorouracil 1000 medac | Fluorouracilum | Solution for intravenous injection, intravenous and intraarterial infusion | 50 mg/ml | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 31/03/05 |

4878 | Fluorouracil 500 medac | Fluorouracilum | Solution for intravenous injection, intravenous and intraarterial infusion | 50 mg/ml | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 31/03/05 |

4879 | Fluorouracil 5000 medac | Fluorouracilum | Solution for intravenous injection, intravenous and intraarterial infusion | 50 mg/ml | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 31/03/05 |

4880 | FLUOROURACIL 750 Medac | Fluorouracilum | Solution for intravenous injection, intravenous and intraarterial infusion | 50 mg/1 ml | medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

4881 | Fluorouracil Therabel 250 | Fluorouracilum | Solution for intravenous and intraarterial injection | 250 mg/10ml | Therabel Pharma S.A. (Therabel Group) | 8/02/06 |

4882 | Fluorouracil Therabel 500 | Fluorouracilum | Solution for intravenous and intraarterial injection | 500 mg/10 ml | Therabel Pharma S.A. (Therabel Group) | 8/02/06 |

4883 | Fluorouracil-Teva | Fluorouracilum | Amp. | 250 mg/5 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4884 | Fluorouracil-Teva | Fluorouracilum | Amp. | 500 mg/10 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4888 | Fluorouracil-Teva | Fluorouracilum | Intravenous infusion | 5 g/100 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4885 | Fluorouracil-Teva | Fluorouracilum | Vial | 250 mg/5 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4886 | Fluorouracil-Teva | Fluorouracilum | Vial | 500 mg/10 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4887 | Fluorouracil-Teva | Fluorouracilum | Vial | 1 g/20 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4889 | Fluoro-żel | Natrii fluoridum + Natrii monofluorophosphas | Oromucosal gel | (11mg + 114mg)/g | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 30/10/05 |

4890 | Fluossen | Natrii fluoridum | Coated tablets | 6.78 mg F | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

4891 | Fluoxetin | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

4892 | Fluoxetine | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

4893 | Fluoxetine | Fluoxetinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

4894 | Fluran | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4895 | Flutacan | Flutamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Leiras Oy | 31/12/07 |

4896 | Flutamerck | Flutamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

4897 | Flutamid | Flutamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

4898 | Flutaratio | Flutamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 12/09/07 |

4899 | Flutetrin | Oksytetracyklina, fluniksyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

4900 | Fluvac EHV 4/1Plus | Szczepionka dla koni przeciw zakażeniom górnych dróg oddechowych | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 3/09/04 |

4901 | Fluvac Plus | Szczepionka dla koni przeciw zakażeniom górnych dróg oddechowych | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 3/09/04 |

4902 | Fluviral S/F | Vaccinum influenzae | Suspension for injection | 0,5 ml (szczepionka 1 — dawkowa) | Shire Biologics | 31/12/08 |

4903 | Fluviral S/F | Vaccinum influenzae | Suspension for injection | 0,5 ml (szczepionka 10 — dawkowa) | Shire Biologics | 31/12/08 |

4904 | Fluvirin | Influenza, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular oraz deep subcutaneous injection | 45 mcg HA/0,5 ml | Medeva Pharma Ltd. Leatherhead | 31/12/08 |

4905 | Fluxum | Parnaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 3200 j.m. AXa/0,3ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 26/04/06 |

4906 | Fluxum | Parnaparinum natricum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 6400 j.m. AXa/0,6ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 26/04/06 |

4907 | Fluxum | | Solution for subcutanous injection | 4250 j.m. AXa/0,4 ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 26/04/06 |

4908 | FMC Formacor | Formaldehyd, Zieleń malachitowa, Błękit metylenowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiebiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

4909 | FMC Formacor Forte | Zieleń malachitowa, Błękit metylenowy, Aldehyd mrówkowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiebiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

4910 | Folacid | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 15 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 29/08/07 |

4911 | Folacid | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 29/08/07 |

4912 | Folacid 0,4 | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 0,4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4913 | Folifem | Acidum folicum | Buccal tablet | 0,4 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4914 | Folifort 15 | Acidum folicum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4915 | Folifort 5 | Acidum folicum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4916 | Folik | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 0.4 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

4917 | Folimin 0,4 mg | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 0.4 mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 4/07/07 |

4918 | Folimin 15mg | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 15mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa- Łódż S.A. | 30/09/07 |

4919 | Folimin 4mg | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 4mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa- Łódż S.A. | 30/09/07 |

4920 | Folligon | Gonadotropina z surowicy ciężarnych klaczy | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

4921 | Foradil | Formoterolum | Inhalation powder, capsules | 12 mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

4922 | Foramed | Formoterolum | Capsules | 12 mikrogramów | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

4923 | Forane | Isofluranum | Pressurised inhalation, solution | | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

4924 | Forcan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4925 | Forcan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4926 | Forcan | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

4927 | Forcid Solutab® 125/31,25 | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Tablets | 125 mg + 31,25 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/12/08 |

4928 | Forcid Solutab® 250/62,5 | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Tablets | 250 mg + 62,5 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/12/08 |

4929 | Forcid Solutab® 375/93,75 | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Tablets | 375 mg + 93,75 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/12/08 |

4930 | FORCID SOLUTAB® 500/125 X | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Tablets | 125 mg + 31,25 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/12/08 |

4931 | Forlax | Macrogol, combinations | Powder for oral suspension | | Beaufour Ipsen Pharma | 31/12/08 |

4932 | Formadehyd 40 % | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 9/04/05 |

4933 | Formaldehyd 40 % | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

4934 | Formaldehyd 40 % | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

4935 | Formaldehyd 40 % | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

4936 | Formaldehyd 40 % | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

4937 | Formaldehyd 40 % | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 31/12/08 |

4938 | Formic rufa compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

4939 | Formol | Formoterolum | Inhalation powder, capsule | 10ug | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

4940 | Fort- E -Vite | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 100 j.m | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

4941 | Fortakehl D3 | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

4942 | Fortakehl D5 | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

4943 | Fortalgin C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

4944 | Fortekor 20 | Benazeprilum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 30/06/04 |

4945 | Fortekor 5 | Benazeprilum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 30/06/04 |

4946 | Fortestomachicae(poprzednia nazwa:krople żołądkowe p) | Preparat złożony | Oral drops | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4947 | Fortovase | Saquinavirum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

4948 | Fortral | Pentazocinum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/05 |

4949 | Fortral | Pentazocinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/05 |

4950 | Fortrans | | Powder for oral solution | | Beaufour Ipsen Pharma | 30/06/07 |

4955 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Dry substance for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 1 g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4956 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Dry substance for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 2 g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4957 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Dry substance for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/07 |

4958 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Dry substance for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

4951 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 500 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

4952 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 250 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

4953 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 2 g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

4954 | Fortum | Ceftazidimum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1 g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

4959 | Fortzaar (Hyzaar Forte) | Losartanum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg + 25 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

4960 | Fosamax | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 14/03/07 |

4961 | Fosamax 10 | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 15/07/06 |

4962 | Fosamax 70 | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 70 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 21/06/06 |

4963 | Foscarnet | Foscarnetum | Cream | 2 % | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

4964 | Foscarnet | Foscarnetum | Solution for infusion | 6 g /250 ml | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

4965 | Foscarnet | Foscarnetum | Solution for infusion | 12 g /500 ml | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

4966 | Fostimon | Urofollitropinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intramuscular injection | 75 IU | IBSA Institut Biochemique S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4967 | Fotil | Pilocarpinum + Timololum | Eye drops, solution | (20mg + 5mg)/ml | Santen Oy | 30/06/07 |

4968 | Fotil | Pilocarpinum + Timololum | Eye drops, solution | (20mg + 5mg)/ml | Santen Oy | 30/06/07 |

4969 | Fotil Forte | Pilocarpinum + Timololum | Eye drops, solution | (40mg + 5mg)/ml | Santen Oy | 12/10/05 |

4970 | Fotil Forte | Pilocarpinum + Timololum | Eye drops, solution | (40mg + 5mg)/ml | Santen Oy | 12/10/05 |

4971 | Foxverm | Pyrantelu winian | Syrup | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 29/04/04 |

4973 | Fragmin | Dalteparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 2500 j.m./0,2 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia A.B. | 31/12/08 |

4974 | Fragmin | Dalteparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous, intravascular injection or intravenous infusion | 10000 j.m./1 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4975 | Fragmin | Dalteparinum natricum | Solution for subcutaneous, intravascular injection or intravenous infusion | 10000 j.m./4 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

4972 | Fragmin | Dalteparinum natricum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 5000 j.m./0,2 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia A.B. | 31/12/08 |

4976 | Fragmin | Natrium dalteparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 10000 j.m./0,4 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia A.B. | 27/06/07 |

4977 | Fragmin | Natrium dalteparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 12500 j.m./0,5 ml (antyXa) | Pharmacia A.B. | 27/06/07 |

4978 | Fragmin | Natrium dalteparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 15000 j.m./0,6 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia AB | 27/06/07 |

4979 | Fragmin | Natrium dalteparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 18000 j.m./0,72 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia A.B. | 27/06/07 |

4980 | Fragmin | Natrium dalteparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 7500 j.m./0,3 ml (anty Xa) | Pharmacia & Upjohn AB- Stockholm | 27/06/07 |

4987 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 3800 j.m./0,4 ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 30/06/07 |

4988 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 7600 j.m./0,8 ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 30/06/07 |

4981 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 2850 j.m./0,3 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

4982 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 2850 j.m./0,3 ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

4983 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 5700 j.m./0,6 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

4984 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 5700 j.m./0,6 ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

4985 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 9500 j.m./1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

4986 | Fraxiparine | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 9500 j.m./1 ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

4989 | Fraxiparine Multi | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 142500 j.m. Axa/15ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 31/05/05 |

4990 | Fraxiparine Multi | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 47500 j.m. Axa/5ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 31/05/05 |

4991 | Fraxodi | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 11400 j.m. AXa/0,6ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 6/07/05 |

4992 | Fraxodi | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 15200 j.m. AXa/0,8 ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 6/07/05 |

4993 | Fraxodi | Nadroparinum calcicum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 19000 j.m. AXa/1 ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 6/07/05 |

4994 | Freederm Tar Shampoo | | Shampoo | | Schering-Plough Farma Lda | 31/05/04 |

4995 | Freederm Zinc Shampoo | | Shampoo | | Schering-Plough Farma Lda | 31/05/04 |

4996 | Fresubin Diabetes | | Alimentation liquid | 380 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/12/08 |

4997 | Fresubin HP energy | | Liquid | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/08/04 |

4998 | Fresubin Original Fibre | | Liquid | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 30/06/07 |

4999 | Fresubin original o smaku czekoladowym | | Alimentation liquid | 420 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/12/08 |

5000 | Fresubin original o smaku waniliowym | | Alimentation liquid | 420 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/12/08 |

5001 | Frisium 10 | Clobasamum | Tablets | 10 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

5002 | Fromilid | Clarithromycinum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/08/05 |

5003 | Fromilid 250 | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

5004 | Fromilid 500 | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

5005 | Frontin | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/09/06 |

5006 | Frontin | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/09/06 |

5007 | Frontin | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/09/06 |

5008 | Frontline Spot-On | Fipronil | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 17/10/07 |

5009 | Frontline Spray | Fipronil | Spray | for veterinary use | Merial | 9/06/05 |

5010 | FructiCal 200 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg (200mg Ca++) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/06 |

5012 | FructiCal 200 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg(200mg Ca++) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/06 |

5013 | FructiCal 200 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg(200mg Ca++) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/06 |

5014 | FructiCal 200 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg(200mg Ca++) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/06 |

5011 | FructiCal 200 | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg(200mg Ca++) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/06 |

5015 | FSME-Bulin | Encephalitis, tick borne immunoglobulin (Immunoglobulina przeciw wczesnoletniemu kleszczowemu zapaleniu opon mózgowych i mózgu) | Solution for intramuscular injection | 100 do 170 mg/ml białka ludzkiego ( 90 % gamma globuliny) | Baxter AG | 31/03/04 |

5016 | FSME-Immun Inject | Encephalitis, tick borne immunoglobulin (Vaccinum encephalitidis ixodibus) | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 2-3,5mcg antygenu wirusa kzm | Baxter Vaccine AG | 29/02/04 |

5017 | Ftorafur | Tegafurum | Capsules | 400 mg | Public Joint Stock Company "Grindex" | 31/12/08 |

5018 | Fuchsoral | Szczepionka przeciwko wściekliźnie dla lisów wolno żyjących (blister zatopiony w przynęcie) do podawania doustnego | Suspension | for veterinary use | Impfstoffwerk Dessau-Tornau GmbH | 25/03/07 |

5019 | Fuchsoral | Szczepionka przeciwko wściekliźnie dla lisów wolno żyjących (blister zatopiony w przynęcie) do podawania doustnego | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Spółka z o.o. | 22/11/06 |

5020 | Fucidin | Acidum fusidicum | Cream | 20 mg/g | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 30/06/07 |

5021 | Fucidin | Acidum fusidicum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 30/06/07 |

5024 | Fucidin | Acidum fusidicum | Oral suspension | 50 mg/ml | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 30/06/07 |

5022 | Fucidin | Acidum fusidicum | Powder and solvent for concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 30/06/07 |

5023 | Fucidin | Acidum fusidicum | Tablets | 250 mg | Leo Pharmaceuticals Products | 30/06/07 |

5025 | Fucus Complexe Lehning nr 111 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

5026 | Fucus-Dagomed 17 odchudzanie | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

5027 | Fugerel | Flutamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

5028 | Fulsed | Midazolamum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 1 mg/ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 14/12/05 |

5029 | Fulsed | Midazolamum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 5 mg/ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 14/12/05 |

5030 | Fungiderm | Klotrymazol | Solution | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 21/05/04 |

5031 | Fungidermin | Klotrymazol | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 30/06/05 |

5032 | Fungores | Ketoconazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/04/05 |

5033 | Funlak | Ciclopiroxum | Nail lacquer | 80 mg / g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5034 | Furaginum | Furaginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

5035 | Furaginum | Furaginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Olaińskie Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne "OlainFarm" | 25/05/05 |

5036 | Furamag | Furaginum | Capsules | 50 mg | Olaińskie Zakłady Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczne "OlainFarm" | 31/12/08 |

5037 | Furanef | Furaginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5038 | Furazolidon | Furazolidonum | Oral suspension | 17 mg/5ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5039 | Furorese 250 | Furosemidum | Solution for intravenous injection | 250 mg/250 ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

5040 | Furosemid | Furosemidum | Tablets | 40 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5041 | Furosemidum | Furosemidum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

5042 | Furosemidum | Furosemidum | Tablets | 40 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

5043 | Furosemidum | Furosemidum | Tablets | 40 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5044 | Furox 125 | Furosemidum | Tablets | 125 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

5045 | Furox 20 | Furosemidum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 10 mg/ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

5046 | Furox 40 | Furosemidum | Tablets | 40 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

5047 | Fybogel orange | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Effervescent granules | 3.5 g | Reckitt&Colman Products Limited | 30/06/04 |

5048 | Gabapentin | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 100 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5049 | Gabapentin | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 300 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5050 | Gabapentin | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 400 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5051 | GABAPENTIN 100 mg | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 100 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5052 | GABAPENTIN 300 mg | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 300 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5053 | GABAPENTIN 400 mg | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 400 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5054 | GABAPENTIN 600 mg | Gabapentinum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5055 | GABAPENTIN 800 mg | Gabapentinum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5056 | Gabapentin Torrex | Gabapentin | Capsules | 100 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5057 | Gabapentin Torrex | Gabapentin | Capsules | 300 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5058 | Gabapentin Torrex | Gabapentin | Capsules | 400 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5059 | Gabax | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

5060 | Gabax | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

5061 | Gabax | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 400 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

5062 | Gabbrocol 100 | Paromomycyny siarczan | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetem S.p.A. | 21/02/06 |

5063 | Gabbrocol Injection | Paromomycyny siarczan | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem S.p.A. | 26/02/06 |

5064 | Gabbrostim | Alfaprostol | Solution | for veterinary use | VETEM | 4/03/04 |

5065 | Gabbrovital B Forte | Tiaminy chlorowodorekPirydoksyny chlorowodorekNikotynamid | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem S.p.A. | 21/02/06 |

5066 | Gabitril | Tiagabinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/08 |

5067 | Gabitril | Tiagabinum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/08 |

5068 | Gabitril | Tiagabinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/08 |

5069 | Gadovist 1,0 | Gadobutrolum | Solution for intravenous injection | 604.72 mg/ml | Schering AG | 9/08/06 |

5070 | Galantamine | Galantaminum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5071 | Galantamine | Galantaminum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5072 | Galantamine | Galantaminum | Film-coated tablets | 12 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5073 | Galastop | Kabergolina | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem | 22/10/04 |

5074 | Galenobaza | | Cutaneous emulsion | | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 22/02/06 |

5075 | Galimune SE | Szczepionka przeciwko zakażeniom Salmonella enteritidis dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

5076 | Galium-Heel N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5077 | Galium-Heel N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5078 | Gallemolan forte | | Capsules | | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 31/12/06 |

5079 | Gallimune 201 IBD+REO | Inaktywowana szczepionki dla kur przeciwko zakaźnemu zapalenia torby Fabrycjusza, reowirusowemu zapalenia stawów i pochewek ścięgnowych | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial Italia SPA-SS | 24/05/07 |

5080 | Gallimune 403 ND+IB+IBD+REO | Inaktywowana szczepionki dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapalenia oskrzeli, zakaźnemu zapalenia torby Fabrycjusza, reowirusowemu zapalenia stawów i pochewek ścięgnowych | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial Italia SPA-SS | 24/05/07 |

5081 | Gallium (67ga) Citrate Injection | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

5082 | Gallivac IB 88 | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 22/05/06 |

5083 | Gallivac IBD | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/05/04 |

5084 | Galocard | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 100 mg | Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy GALENUS | 30/04/05 |

5085 | Galomega | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules, soft | 350 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 30/04/05 |

5086 | Galospa | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 40 mg | Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galenus | 10/10/05 |

5087 | Galstena | | Drops | | Richard Bittner | 9/09/07 |

5088 | Gal-Vit | | Capsules | 0.35 g | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 31/12/08 |

5089 | Gambrosol 10 H | Roztwór glukozy i elektrolitów | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 10/04/06 |

5090 | Gambrosol 10 L | Roztwór glukozy i elektrolitów | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 10/04/06 |

5091 | Gambrosol 10 M | Roztwór glukozy i elektrolitów | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 10/04/06 |

5092 | Gambrosol 40 H | | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 31/12/04 |

5093 | Gambrosol 40 L | | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 31/12/04 |

5094 | Gambrosol 40 M | | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 31/12/04 |

5095 | Gambrosol Tri 10 | Preparat złożony | Kit: 3 solution for solution for peritonuem dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 31/12/08 |

5096 | Gambrosol Tri 40 | Preparat złożony | Kit: 3 solution for solution for peritonuem dialysis | | Gambro Lundia AB | 31/12/08 |

5097 | Gamimune N 5 % | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Intravenous injection (solution for infusion) | 50 mg/ml | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/07 |

5098 | Gamimune N 10 % | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Intravenous injection (solution for infusion) | 0.1 g/ml | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/07 |

5099 | Gamma anty D 50 | Anti-D (rh) immunoglobulinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 50 mcg | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/09/05 |

5100 | Gamma anty D 150 | Anti-D (rh) immunoglobulinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 15 mcg | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/09/05 |

5101 | Gamma anty HBs 200 | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 200 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/09/05 |

5102 | Gamma anty HBs 1000 | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 1000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/09/05 |

5103 | Gamma Globulina ludzka | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 150 mg/ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/09/05 |

5104 | Gamma Globulina Ludzka | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 150 mg/ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/09/05 |

5105 | Gammagard S/D | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for intravenous infusion | 0.5 g | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5106 | Gammagard S/D | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for intravenous infusion | 10 g | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5107 | Gammagard S/D | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for intravenous infusion | 2.5 g | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5108 | Gammagard S/D | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for intravenous infusion | 5 g | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5109 | Gamma-Venin P | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 50 mg/ml | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

5110 | Ganadexil Enrofloxacina 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | INVESA | 31/12/08 |

5111 | Ganadexil Enrofloxacina 5 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | INVESA | 31/12/08 |

5112 | Ganadol | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder | for veterinary use | Fatro | 31/12/08 |

5113 | Ganaton | Itopridum | Tablets | 50 mg | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5114 | Ganavit pharmaton | Coffeinum, Guaranae extr. sicc. | Effervescent tablets | 42 mg + 150 mg | Pharmaton S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5116 | Garamycin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for infusion | 40 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

5115 | Garamycin | Gentamicinum | Sponge | 130 mg | Schering-Plough NV/S.A. | 30/04/04 |

5117 | Garasone | Betamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Eye drops | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/07/05 |

5118 | Garasone | Betamethasonum + Gentamicinum | Eye ointment | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 24/01/06 |

5119 | Gardan P | Metamizolum natricum + Propyphenazonum | Tablets | 300mg + 200mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

5120 | Gardopyrin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum, Acidum ascorbicum, Coffeinum | Effervescent tablet | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5121 | Gardovit | Preparat witaminowo — mineralny z dodatkiem korzenia żeńszenia i kofeiny | Effervescent tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5122 | Gargarin | | Powder for gargle solution | | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

5123 | Gargarin | | Powder for gargle solution | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5124 | Gargarisma prophylacticum | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/07 |

5125 | Gargarisma prophylacticum | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/07 |

5126 | Gargarisma prophylacticum | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 31/12/07 |

5127 | Gargarisma prophylacticum | | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 31/12/07 |

5128 | Gargarisma prophylacticum | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/07 |

5129 | Gargarisma prophylacticum | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

5130 | Gargaroten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

5131 | Garlepa | | | | Dr Dunner | 31/12/08 |

5132 | Garmastan | | Ointment | | Protina GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5134 | Gas | Simeticonum | Buccal tablets | 80 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

5133 | Gas | Simeticonum | Capsules | 80 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

5135 | Gasec — 10 Gastrocaps | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | Mepha PL Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5136 | Gasec-20 Gastrocaps | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

5137 | Gasprid | Cisapridum | Tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

5138 | Gasprid | Cisapridum | Tablets | 5 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 26/04/06 |

5139 | Gastal | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

5140 | Gastal | | Buccal tablets | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

5142 | Gastal Max | Ranitidinum hydrochloridum | Effervescent tablets | 75 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5141 | Gastal Max | Ranitidinum hydrochloridum | Tablets | 75 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5144 | Gastal Max Forte | Ranitidinum hydrochloridum | Effervescent tablets | 150 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5143 | Gastal Max Forte | Ranitidinum hydrochloridum | Tablets | 150 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5145 | Gastal O Smaku Miętowym | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Suspension | (900 mg + 600 mg) | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5146 | Gastal O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Suspension | (900 mg + 600 mg )/10 ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5148 | Gastal O Smaku Wiśniowym | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Suspension | (900mg + 600mg)/10 ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5147 | Gastal O Smaku Wiśniowym | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Tablets | 450mg + 300mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5149 | Gastranin | Ranitidinum | Effervescent tablets | 150 mg | NP. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5150 | Gastricumeel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5151 | Gastrimine | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos, Płońsk | 31/12/08 |

5152 | Gastrina | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/04 |

5153 | Gastrina | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/04 |

5154 | Gastrinal | Aluminii natrii dihydroxycarbonas | Buccal tablets | 340 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

5155 | Gastro | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

5156 | Gastrobin | Magnesii silicas | Buccal tablet | 0.5 g | Divapharma-Knufinke Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5157 | Gastrobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 5/07/05 |

5158 | Gastrobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/07/05 |

5159 | Gastrobonisol | | Oral solution | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/03/06 |

5160 | Gastrochol | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5161 | Gastrocynesine | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

5162 | Gastrofan | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 680mg + 80mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 26/06/07 |

5163 | Gastrogalen | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops | | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 27/09/06 |

5164 | Gastrografin | Natrii amidotrizoas | Oral and rectal solution | | Schering AG | 27/09/06 |

5165 | Gastrogran | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

5166 | Gastrogran | | | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 30/10/05 |

5167 | Gastrolit | Sole rehydratacyjne | powder for solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5168 | Gastromal | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | | Polon — Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 8/02/06 |

5169 | Gastronax 10 | Cisapriclum | Tablets | 10 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 26/09/07 |

5170 | Gastronax 5 | Cisapriclum | Tablets | 5 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 26/09/07 |

5171 | Gastronervit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

5172 | Gastronorm | | Buccal tablets | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5173 | Gastronorm | | Suspension | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5174 | Gastro-Pasc krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

5175 | Gastrosan fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5176 | Gastrosil | Simeticonum | Capsules | 40 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5177 | Gastrosil | Simeticonum | Oral drops, emulsion | 66.67 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 15/11/06 |

5178 | Gastrosol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops | | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 17/01/07 |

5179 | Gastrotrombina 10000 | Thrombinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for oral solution | 10000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

5180 | Gastrotrombina 5000 | Thrombinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for oral solution | 5000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

5181 | Gastrovit | Preparat ziołowy | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/06/07 |

5182 | Gastrovit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 30/06/07 |

5183 | Gealcid | Acidum alginicum + Aluminii hydroxidum + Natrii hydrocarbonas | Tablets | 350mg + 100mg + 120mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5184 | Gelafundin | | Solution for intravenous infusion | 30 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/01/05 |

5185 | Gelatum Aluminii phosphorici | Aluminii phosphas | Oral suspension | 45 mg/g | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

5186 | Gelatum Aluminii phosphorici | Aluminii phosphas | Oral suspension | 45 mg/g | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

5187 | Gelatum Aluminii Phosphorici — Forte | Aluminii phosphas | Oral suspension | 90 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "Ziołolek" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5188 | Gelatum Aluminii phosphorici 4,5 % | Aluminii phosphas | Oral suspension | 45 mg/g | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

5189 | Gelofusine | Frakcjonowana sukcynylożelatyna | Solution for infusion | | B.Braun Medical AG | 27/09/06 |

5190 | Gelsemium comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

5191 | Gelsemium comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

5192 | Gelsemium Complexe Nr 70 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

5193 | Gelsemium-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5194 | Gelsemium-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5195 | Gelules de papayer | | Capsules | | Laboratoires des Hautes Synerg. | 31/12/08 |

5196 | Gelules de reine des pres | | | | Laboratoires des Hautes Synerg. | 31/12/08 |

5197 | Gemcitabin | Gemcitabinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 200mg i 1000mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5198 | Gemfibral | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 4/07/06 |

5199 | Gemfibral | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 4/07/06 |

5200 | Gemipar 125 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 125 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

5201 | Gemipar 50 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

5202 | Gemipar 500 | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

5203 | Gemiprom | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

5204 | Gemzar | Gemcitabinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injections | 1 g | Lilly France S.A. | 10/12/06 |

5205 | Gemzar | Gemcitabinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injections | 200 mg | Lilly France S.A. | 10/12/06 |

5206 | Gencjana 2 % roztwór wodny | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/g | Augmed | 31/01/06 |

5207 | Gencydo 0.1 % amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5208 | Gencydo 1 % amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5209 | Gencydo 3 % amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5210 | Gencydo 5 % amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5211 | Gencydo 7 % amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5212 | Gencydo Maść | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5213 | Gencydo Płyn do u ytku zewn. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5214 | Gengraf | Ciclosporinum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 14/03/07 |

5215 | Gengraf | Ciclosporinum | Capsules, hard | 25 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 14/03/07 |

5216 | Gengraf | Ciclosporinum | Capsules, hard | 50 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 14/03/07 |

5217 | Gengraf | Ciclosporinum | Oral solution | 100 mg/ml | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 14/03/07 |

5218 | Genotropin 16 | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 16 j.m. (5,3mg) | Pharmacia A.B. | 3/06/06 |

5219 | Genotropin 36 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous injection | 36 j.m. (12 mg) | Pharmacia A.B. | 31/12/08 |

5221 | Genotropin 4 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 j.m. (1,3mg) | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/06/04 |

5220 | Genotropin 4 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous injection | 4 j.m. (1,3mg) | Pharmacia AB | 31/12/08 |

5222 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 0.6 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5223 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 1.2 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5224 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 1.8 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5225 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 2.4 j.m | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5226 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 3 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5227 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 3.6 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5228 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 4.2 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5229 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 4.8 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5230 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 5.4 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5231 | Genotropin MiniQuick | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 6 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 21/03/07 |

5232 | Gensulin M10 (10/90) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5233 | Gensulin M10 (10/90) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5234 | Gensulin M20 (20/80) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5235 | Gensulin M20 (20/80) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5236 | Gensulin M30 (30/70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5237 | Gensulin M30 (30/70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5238 | Gensulin M30 (30/70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5239 | Gensulin M40 (40/60) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5240 | Gensulin M40 (40/60) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5241 | Gensulin M50 (50/50) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5242 | Gensulin M50 (50/50) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5243 | Gensulin N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5244 | Gensulin N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5245 | Gensulin N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5246 | Gensulin R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5247 | Gensulin R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5248 | Gensulin R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

5249 | Genta 5 % pro.inj. | Gentamicinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetimex | 31/12/08 |

5250 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Eye ointment | 0.3 % | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

5251 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 10 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5252 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 20 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

5253 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 40 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

5254 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 10 mg/1ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

5255 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 20 mg/1ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

5256 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 40 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

5257 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular or intravenous injection | 40 mg/ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/04/04 |

5258 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection and for infusion | 40 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

5259 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Soluble powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company d.d. | 27/06/05 |

5260 | Gentamicin | Gentamicinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company | 10/05/05 |

5261 | Gentamicin 0,3 % | Gentamicinum | Eye drops, solution | 3 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

5262 | Gentamicin 0,3 % | Gentamycyna | Eye drops | | Warszawskie Zkłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5262 | Gentamicin 0,3 % | Gentamycyna | Eye drops | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zkłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5263 | Gentamicin P | Gentamicinum | Solution | | Lek Pharm. and Chemical Company | 31/12/08 |

5263 | Gentamicin P | Gentamicinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lek Pharm. and Chemical Company | 31/12/08 |

5264 | Gentamox | Amoxicillinum + Gentamicinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 16/04/07 |

5265 | Gentamycin | Gentamicinum | Cream | 1 mg/g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/04 |

5267 | Gentamycin | Gentamicinum | Eye ointment | 3 mg/g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

5266 | Gentamycin | Gentamicinum | Ointment | 1 mg/g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/04 |

5268 | Gentamycin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/05 |

5269 | Gentamycin | Gentamicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 40 mg/ml | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/05 |

5270 | Gentamycyna 5 % Inj. | Gentamicinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 19/09/06 |

5271 | Gentamycyny siarczan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

5272 | Gentamycyny siarczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

5273 | Gentamycyny siarczan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

5274 | Gentamytrex | Gentamicinum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 8/05/06 |

5275 | Gentaveto | Gentamicinum | Solution | for veterinary use | VMD | 25/03/07 |

5276 | Genteal | Hypromellosum | Eye drops | 3 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG | 31/12/08 |

5277 | Gentiana comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

5278 | Gentodiar Żel | Gentamicinum | Gel | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 31/12/08 |

5279 | Gentos krople | | | | Richard Bittner | 31/01/06 |

5280 | Geomycin F | Oxytetracyclinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Veterina Animal Health Ltd. | 11/02/04 |

5281 | Geomycin retard | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/09/05 |

5282 | Geotilin P. | Oksytetracyklina, tiamulina | Premix | for veterinary use | Veterina | 31/12/08 |

5283 | Geracep | Allii cepae bulbus | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 23/11/05 |

5284 | Geralen | Methoxsalenum | Capsules | 20 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5285 | Geratam | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Medial Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5286 | Geratam | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 1200 mg | Medial Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5287 | Geriabolen fix. Species geriatricae | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 31/12/06 |

5288 | Geriabolen. Species geriatricae | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 31/12/06 |

5289 | Geriacaps | Allii sativi bulbus + Ginkgo bilobae xtractum siccum | Capsuels, hard | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 14/03/07 |

5290 | Geriasol (na soku wisniowym) | Magnesii gluconas + Magnesii lactoglubionas + Zinci gluconas | Syrup | | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/01/05 |

5291 | Geriasol (na soku z aronii) | Magnesii gluconas + Magnesii lactoglubionas + Zinci gluconas | Syrup | | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/01/05 |

5292 | Geriatrix | | Effervescent tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5293 | Geriavit Pharmaton | Prep. Witaminowy z minerałami, kofeiną i wyciągiem z korzenia żeń — szenia | Capsules | | Pharmaton S.A. | 30/04/04 |

5294 | Geriax | | Tablets | | VITAMEX AB | 31/12/08 |

5295 | Geronpol | Preparat złożony | Capsules, soft | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5296 | Gerovital | | Syrup | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5299 | Gestar | Megestrolum | Suspension | 40 mg / ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5297 | Gestar | Megestrolum | Tablets | 160 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5298 | Gestar | Megestrolum | Tablets | 40 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5300 | Gestavet | Gonadotropinum | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 24/05/07 |

5301 | Gesterol | Megestrolum | Tablets | 40 mg; 160 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5302 | Gestomikron | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5303 | Gestomikron | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5304 | Gevilon | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5305 | Gevilon | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

5306 | Gilucor 160mg | Sotalolum | Tablets | 160 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 9/11/05 |

5307 | Gilucor 80mg | Sotalolum | Tablets | 80 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 9/11/05 |

5308 | Gilurytmal 10 | Ajmalinum | Intravenous injection | 5 mg/ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/03/04 |

5309 | Gincosan | Ginkgo bilobae folium extractum + Ginseng radix extractum | Capsules | | Pharmaton S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5310 | Gingium | | Solution | | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

5311 | Gingium | | Film-coated tablets | | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

5312 | Gingko biloba | | Capsules, hard | 180 mg | Power Health Products Ltd., United Kingdom | 31/12/08 |

5313 | Gingkocard | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5314 | Ginjal | | Film-coated tablets | | Ikong Pharmaceutical Industry Co. | 30/04/04 |

5315 | Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo bilobae extractum siccum + Ginkgo bilobae folium | Capsules, hard | 60 mg + 270 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

5316 | Ginkgobil | Ginkgo bilobae folium extractum siccum | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5317 | Ginkgocard | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5318 | Ginkgofol | Ginkgo biloba extract | Tablets | 40 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

5319 | Ginkgomax | Ginkgo bilobae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Dansk Droge A/S | 31/12/08 |

5320 | Ginkgo-mix | | | | Sp. NOVA, Swarzędz | 31/12/08 |

5321 | Ginkgo-mix plus | | | | Sp. NOVA, Swarzędz | 31/12/08 |

5322 | Ginkoba | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5323 | Ginkocaps | Ginkgo bilobae extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 40 mg | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5324 | Ginkocrategi | Crataegi tinctura + Ginkgo bilobae tinctura | Oral solution | | K.Z.Z. "Herbapol" S.A. w Krakowie | 31/12/08 |

5325 | Ginkofar | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 1/08/06 |

5326 | Ginkofar | Ginkgo bilobae extr. sicc., Ginkgo bilobae tinct. | Oral drops | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5327 | Ginkofar forte | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 27/09/06 |

5328 | Ginkofar® vita-plus | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5329 | Ginkor Fort | Ginkgo biloba, Troxerutinum, Heptaminoli hydrochloridum | Capsules | | Beaufour Ipsen International | 31/12/08 |

5330 | Ginkovital | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Vitamex AB | 30/06/04 |

5331 | Ginsamix | Preparat ziołowy | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 27/09/06 |

5333 | Ginsana G 115 | Ginseng radix extractum spissum | Buccal tablet | 50 mg | Pharmaton S.A. | 30/04/04 |

5332 | Ginsana G 115 | Ginseng radix extractum spissum | Capsules | 0.1 g | Pharmaton S.A. | 30/04/04 |

5334 | Ginsana G 115 | Ginseng radix extractum spissum | Tonik | 9.3 mg/ml | Pharmaton S.A. | 30/04/04 |

5335 | Ginsanal | | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5336 | Ginselin | Ginseng radix extracum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 107.14 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 14/02/07 |

5337 | Ginsencaps | Ginseng radix extractum siccum | Capsule, hard | 50 mg | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5338 | Ginseng compositum N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5339 | Ginseng tonic | | | | Central Pharmaceutical Factory, Wietnam | 31/12/08 |

5340 | Ginsengcha | Ginseng radix extracum siccum | Granules for oral solution | 300 mg/3 g | Yanbion Baidon Shan, Ginseng Company | 30/06/05 |

5341 | Ginsengin 200 | Ginseng radix extractum spissum | Oral solution | 20 mg/ml | The Third Pharmaceutical Manufactory | 25/05/05 |

5342 | Ginsengin 400 | Ginseng radix extractum spissum | Oral solution | 40 mg/ml | Meheco | 25/05/05 |

5343 | Ginsengin 600 | Ginseng radix extractum spissum | Oral solution | 60 mg/ml | Meheco | 25/05/05 |

5344 | Ginsengin C 200 | | Oral solution | | Implad. Cams. Experimental Medicine Factory | 25/05/05 |

5345 | Ginsengpian | | Herb | 2 g/6,67g | Yanbion Baidon Shan, Ginseng Company | 31/08/05 |

5346 | Ginsenicum forte | Ginseng radix extractum fluidum | Oral solution | | NP. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5347 | Ginsenovit | Żeńszeń | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

5348 | Ginsepan | Ginseng radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5350 | Givalex | Hexetidinum + Chlorbutalum + Cholini salicylas | Oromucosal solution | | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

5349 | Givalex | Hexetidinum + Chlorbutalum + Cholini salicylas | Oromucosal spray | | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

5351 | Glamin | Roztwór aminokwasów i dwupeptydów | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/12/08 |

5352 | Glaprost | Terazosinum | Tablets | 1mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5353 | Glaprost | Terazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5354 | Glaprost | Terazosinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5355 | Glaprost | Terazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5356 | Glaveral | Omeprazolum | Film-coated capsules | 20 mg | Help S.A. Pharmaceuticals Attica | 31/12/08 |

5357 | Glazide | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 31/12/08 |

5358 | Gleptosil | Żelazo | Solution | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

5359 | Gletvax 6 | Szczepionka przeciw kolibakteriozie świń i zakaźnemu martwicowemu zapaleniu jelit prosiąt | Suspension | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 18/09/05 |

5360 | Gliatilin | Cholini alphosceras | Capsules | 400 mg | Italfarmaco S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

5361 | Gliatilin 1000 | Cholini alphosceras | Solution for injection | 250 mg/ml | Italfarmaco S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

5362 | Glibenese | Glipizidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

5363 | Glibenese GITS | Glipizidum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 10 mg | Pfizer S.A. — Amboise | 31/12/08 |

5364 | Glibenese GITS | Glipizidum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 5 mg | Pfizer S.A. — Amboise | 31/12/08 |

5365 | Glicerol 86 % | | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 15/01/06 |

5366 | Glicerol 86 % | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 15/01/06 |

5367 | Glicerol 86 % | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 15/01/06 |

5368 | Gliceryna | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 19/01/05 |

5369 | Gliceryna | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 19/01/05 |

5370 | Gliceryna | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 19/01/05 |

5371 | Gliceryna | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 19/01/05 |

5372 | Gliceryna | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/01/05 |

5373 | Gliceryna | | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 19/01/05 |

5374 | Gliceryna | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 19/01/05 |

5375 | Gliceryna | | | | Infarm, Gdynia | 19/01/05 |

5376 | Gliceryna | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 19/01/05 |

5377 | Gliceryna | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 19/01/05 |

5378 | Gliceryna | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/01/05 |

5379 | Gliceryna | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/01/05 |

5380 | Gliceryna | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/01/05 |

5381 | Gliceryna | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/01/05 |

5382 | Gliceryna | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 19/01/05 |

5383 | Gliceryna | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 19/01/05 |

5384 | Gliceryna | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 30/06/05 |

5385 | Gliclazide | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 25/05/05 |

5386 | Glicyna | Glycinum | Bladder irrigation | 2 % | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5387 | Glicyna 1,5 % | Glycinum | Solution for irrigation | 15 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 14/02/07 |

5388 | Gliklazyd | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/08/05 |

5389 | Glimepiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5390 | Glimepiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5391 | Glimepiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 4 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5392 | Glimepiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 2 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5393 | Glimepiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 3 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5394 | Glimepiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5395 | Glimepirode | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 3 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5396 | Glimepiryd | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5397 | Glimepiryd | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 2 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5398 | Glimepiryd | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 3 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5399 | Glimepiryd | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 4 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5400 | Glimeryl | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 3 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5401 | Glimeryl | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 4 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5402 | Glimeryl | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5403 | Glimeryl | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 2 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5404 | Glimpiride | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 2 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5405 | Glinormax | Gliclazidum | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 2/12/06 |

5406 | Glinowo-potasowy siarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/07/05 |

5407 | Glinu siarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/07/05 |

5408 | Gliper | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5409 | Gliper | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 3 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5410 | Gliper | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 2 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5411 | Gliper | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5412 | Glipid | Glimepiridum | Tablets | 1 mg , 2 mg , 3 mg , 4 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

5413 | Glipir | Pioglitazonum | Graver tablets | 15 mg ; 30 mg ; 45 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5414 | Glipizide | Glipizidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 23/03/05 |

5415 | Glipizide BP | Glipizidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/08 |

5416 | Glivec | Imatinib | Capsuels, hard | 100 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 25/10/06 |

5417 | Glivec | Imatinib | Capsuels, hard | 50 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 25/10/06 |

5418 | Glizipan | Gliclazidum | Modified release tablets | 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5419 | Glolfo | Immunoglobulinum humanum normale ad usum intravenosum | Solution for intravenous injection | 60 mg/ml | Laboratorium Frakcjonowania Osocza, Mielec | 31/12/08 |

5420 | Glonoin-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5421 | Glonoin-Homaccord N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5422 | Gloryfen | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections | 1 g | Help S.A. Pharmaceuticals Attica | 31/12/08 |

5423 | GlucaGen | Glucagonum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 1 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 18/10/06 |

5424 | GlucaGen 1 mg HypoKit | Glucagonum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 1 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 18/12/06 |

5425 | Glucalene | Wapnia glukonianMagnezu glukonianFosforylkolaminaCyjanokobalamina | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem S.p.A. | 5/01/06 |

5426 | Glucalvet | Wapniowy chlorek, Magnezowy chlorek, Glukoza, Wersenian dwusodowy, Żelazawy siarczan, Miedziowy siarczan, Manganawy siarczan, Kobaltawy chlorek, | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

5427 | Glucardiamid | Glucosum + Nicethamidum | Buccal tablets | 1500mg + 125mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5428 | Glucerna | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/04/04 |

5429 | Glucobay 50 | Acarbosum | Tablets | 50 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

5430 | Glucobay 100 | Acarbosum | Tablets | 100 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

5431 | Glucodiab | Glibornuridum | Tablets | 25 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5432 | Glucofen | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5433 | Glucophage 1000 | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 1000 mg | Lipha S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5434 | Glucophage 500 | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 500mg | Lipha Sante | 6/06/07 |

5435 | Glucophage 850 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 850 mg | Lipha Sante | 30/09/05 |

5436 | Glucosamin — Mip | Glucosaminum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | MIP Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5437 | Glucosamina | Glucosaminum | Powder | 1500 mg siarczanu glukozaminy | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5438 | Glucosamine Sulfate | Glucosaminum | Capsules | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5439 | Glucose 40 Braun | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

5440 | Glucose 50 Braun | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

5441 | Glucose 70 Braun | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 70 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

5442 | Glucosum 5 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5443 | Glucosum 5 % et Natrium chloratum 0,9 % (1:1) | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (25mg + 4,5mg)/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5444 | Glucosum 5 % et Natrium chloratum 0,9 % (2:1) | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (33,3mg + 3mg)/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5445 | Glucosum 5 % inj. | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5448 | Glucosum 10 % | Glucosum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5446 | Glucosum 10 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5447 | Glucosum 10 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5449 | Glucosum 10 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

5450 | Glucosum 10 % Inj. | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

5451 | Glucosum 20 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/05 |

5452 | Glucosum 20 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5453 | Glucosum 20 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous injection | 200 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5454 | Glucosum 20 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

5455 | Glucosum 20 % INJ. | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

5456 | Glucosum 40 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 400 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5457 | Glucosum 40 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous injection | 400 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5458 | Glucosum 5 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

5459 | Glucosum 5 % et Natrium Chloratum 0,9 % 1:1 inj. | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

5460 | Glucosum 5 % et Natrium Chloratum 0,9 % 2:1 inj. | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

5461 | Glucosum 5 % INJ. | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

5462 | Glucosum 50 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 500 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5463 | Glucosum 66 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous injection | 660 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5464 | Glucovance | Metforminum + Glibenclamidum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 2,5 mg | Lipha S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5465 | Glucovance | Metforminum + Glibenclamidum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 5 mg | Lipha S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5466 | Gluctam | Gliclazidum | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 16/05/07 |

5467 | Gluformin | Metformini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 850 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 23/11/05 |

5468 | Glukof | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Coffeinum + Glucosum | Buccal tablet | 100mg + 200mg + 880mg | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/01/06 |

5469 | Glukoza | Glucosum | Tablets | 1.9 g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5470 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/01/06 |

5471 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/01/06 |

5472 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Cefarm Wrocław | 31/01/06 |

5473 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Felix Pharma, Lublin | 31/01/06 |

5474 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Galena, Wrocław | 31/01/06 |

5475 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

5476 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/01/06 |

5477 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5478 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

5479 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 31/01/06 |

5480 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/01/06 |

5481 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Pliva Kraków | 31/01/06 |

5482 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/01/06 |

5483 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/01/06 |

5484 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 31/01/06 |

5485 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5486 | Glukoza | Glucosum | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/01/06 |

5487 | Glukoza 10 Braun | Glucosum | Solution for infusion | 100 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 24/04/06 |

5488 | Glukoza 20 Braun | Glucosum | Solution for infusion | 200 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 14/03/07 |

5489 | Glukoza 5 Braun | Glucosum | Solution for infusion | 50 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 26/04/06 |

5490 | Glurenorm | Gliquidonum | Tablets | 30 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/06/04 |

5491 | Glutarsin E | Acidum glutamicum + Arginini hydrochloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (31,61mg + 22,06mg)/ml | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/07/04 |

5492 | Glycine 1,5 % | Glycinum | Solution for irrigation | 15 mg/ml | Baxter S.p.A. | 27/04/06 |

5493 | Glycine max semen extractum siccum | Glycine max semen extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | | Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze "GAL" s.c. | 31/12/08 |

5494 | Glycophos | Natrii glycerophosphas | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 216 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi AB | 30/09/07 |

5495 | Glyoxal compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5496 | Gnaphalium Pentarkan | | Drops | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 4/07/06 |

5497 | Goats Butter Ointment- Maść z koziego masła | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/04/04 |

5498 | Gocillin | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

5499 | Gonal F | Follitropinum alfa | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 30 µg/0,75 ml | Serono Europe Limited | 31/12/08 |

5500 | Gonal F | Follitropinum alfa | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 70 µg/1,75 ml | Serono Europe Limited | 31/12/08 |

5501 | Gonal F 75 IU | Follitropininum alfa | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 75 j.m. | Industria Farmaceutica Serono Sp. A. | 31/12/04 |

5502 | Gonasyl | Gonadorelinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Syva | 31/12/08 |

5503 | Gopten 0,5 | Trandolaprilum | Capsules | 0.5 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/06/05 |

5504 | Gopten 2,0 | Trandolaprilum | Capsules | 2 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/06/05 |

5505 | Gopten® 1,0 | Trandolaprilum | Capsules | 1 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

5506 | Gordox | Aprotininum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 500000 KIU/50 ml (10000 KIU/ml) | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5507 | Gothaplast capsicum | Nonivamidum | Dressing with active substance | 13 mcg/cm2 kapsaicyny | Gothaplast Verbandpflasterfabrik GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5508 | Gracial | Desogestrelum, Ethinyloestradiolum | Tablets | | Organon | 31/12/08 |

5509 | Gramurin | Acidum oxolinicum | Tablets | 250 mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

5510 | Grandaxin | Tofisopamum | Tablets | 50 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5511 | Granocyte 34 | Lenograstimum | Lyophilisate for subcutaneous injection and intravenous infusion | 33.6 mIU | Chugai-Aventis | 31/12/07 |

5512 | Granudoxy | Doxycyclinum monohydratum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pierre Fabre Dermatologie | 31/12/08 |

5513 | Graphites-Dagomed 7 zmiany skórne | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

5514 | Graphites-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5515 | Graphites-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5516 | Gravibinon | Estradiolum + Hydroxyprogesteroni caproas | Solution for injection | | Schering AG | 27/09/06 |

5517 | Gravistat | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Film-coated tablets | | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

5518 | Gravistat 125 | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | | Schering AG | 30/06/05 |

5519 | Gricin | Griseofulvinum | Tablets | 125 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

5520 | Grinazole | Metronidazolum | Paste | 100 mg/g | Septodont | 24/07/06 |

5521 | Grindella complexe nr 58 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/01/07 |

5522 | Grindemel N | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Nova s.c. | 30/10/05 |

5523 | Grindesol | Grindeliae tinctura | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5524 | Gripar C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum, Paracetamolum, Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 300 mg + 200 mg + 300 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5526 | Gripex | Dextromethorphanum + Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/06 |

5525 | Gripex | Dextromethorphanum + Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Syrup | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 12/10/05 |

5527 | Gripex | Paracetamolum + Dextromethorphanum + Pseudoephedrinum | Capsules, soft | | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

5528 | Gripex N | Dextromethorphanum +Doxylamini succinatum + Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Syrup | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 11/10/06 |

5529 | Gripex Noc | Chlorpheniraminum + Dextromethorphanum + Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 20/06/07 |

5530 | Gripovac | Szczepionka przeciw grypie koni | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 17/08/04 |

5531 | GRIPOZIN O Smaku Cytrynowym | Loratadinum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg + 30 mg + 60 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5532 | Grippe comp. krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

5533 | Gripp-Heel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5534 | Gripp-Heel | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5535 | Grippokaps | Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrini hydrochloridum | Capsules, soft | 250 mg + 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5536 | Grippokaps | Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Capsules, soft | 250 mg paracetamolu; 30 mg chlorowodorku pseudoefedryny | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5537 | Grippostad | Paracetamolum | Powder for oral solution | 600 mg | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 30/04/05 |

5538 | Grippostad C | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 31/12/06 |

5539 | Gripsick Day Time | Paracetamolum + Dextromethorphanum + Pseudoephedrinum | Capsules, soft | 250 mg + 10 mg + 30 mg | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

5540 | Gripsick Night Time | Preparat złożony | Capsules, soft | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

5541 | Griseofulvin M | Griseofulvinum | Tablets | 125 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/06 |

5542 | Grisovet Granulat | Griseofulvinum | Granules | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

5543 | Grisovet Pasta | Griseofulvinum | Paste | for veterinary use | Norbrook Lab. | 31/12/08 |

5544 | Gro Spira 15 | Metronidazolum + Spiramycinum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5545 | Gro Spira 5 | Metronidazolum + Spiramycinum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5546 | Grobendazol | Fenbendazol | Granules | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5547 | Grodalat | Acebutololum + Nifedipinum | Film-coated tablets | 100mg + 10mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

5548 | Grofibrat | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

5549 | Grofibrat 200 | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 200 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

5550 | Grofibrat 67 | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 67 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 11/10/06 |

5551 | Grofilina | Pentoxifyllinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

5552 | Grofulwina | Griseofulvinum | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5553 | Grolincos | Lincomycinum + Spectinomycinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5554 | Gromeloksin | Meloxicanum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5555 | Gromeloksin 1mg | Meloxicanum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5556 | Gromeloksin 5mg | Meloxicanum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5557 | Groprazol | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/08/05 |

5558 | Groprinosin | Inosinum pranobexum | Tablets | 500mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

5559 | Groprofen | Wedaprofen | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5560 | Groseptol | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 100mg + 20mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

5561 | Groseptol | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 400mg + 80mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

5562 | Grotis | Miconazolum + Polimixinum B + Prednisolonum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5563 | Grovermina | iwermektyna | Paste | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

5564 | Grunamox | Amoxicillinum | Powder for suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Grünenthal GmbH | 30/06/07 |

5565 | Grunamox Tabs | Amoxicillinum | Tablets for suspension | 1 g | Grünenthal GmbH | 30/06/07 |

5566 | Grunamox Tabs | Amoxicillinum | Tablets for suspension | 750 mg | Grünenthal GmbH | 30/06/07 |

5567 | Gryka fix | Rutosidum | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5568 | GRYPA — ROS (Inaktywowana szczepionka przeciw grypie) 1 ml | Wirus grypy podtyp;A1X — 113/680/91/H1N1A2 Resviv — 8 94/762/H3N3Wirus grypy B (Chabvin 7/94) | 1 ml; szczepionka 2 — dawkowa | Państwowy Zakład Produkcji Preparatów Bakteryjnych, Sanktpetersb | 31/12/08 |

5569 | Grypol | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 350 mg | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

5570 | Grypolek | | Film-coated tablets | | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/06 |

5571 | Grypostop | Dextromethorphanum + Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 15mg + 325mg + 30mg | Perrigo Company | 12/10/05 |

5572 | Grypostop Mix o smaku cytrynowym | Preparat złożony | Powder for oral solution | | Perrigo Company | 12/10/05 |

5573 | Grypoxal | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5574 | Guajafit | Plantaginis lanceolatae folium+Verbasci flos+Kalii guaiacolosulfonas | Syrup | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5575 | Guajazyl | Guaifenesinum | Syrup | 125 mg/5ml | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/05 |

5576 | Guajazyl | Guaifenesinum | Syrup | 20 mg/g | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

5577 | Guajazyl | Guaifenesinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/05 |

5578 | Guajazyl Mint | Guaifenesinum + Dextromethrphanum | Syrup | 125 mg / 5 ml | Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy ESPEFA | 31/12/08 |

5579 | Guaralgan | | Tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

5580 | Guma arabska | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 4/10/07 |

5581 | Guma arabska | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 4/10/07 |

5582 | Guma arabska | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 4/10/07 |

5583 | Guma arabska | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 4/10/07 |

5584 | Gumbokal IM | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 20/04/05 |

5585 | Gumboral CT | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 17/08/04 |

5586 | Gumboriffa | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

5587 | Gumboro Vaccine MB. | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw chorobie Gumboro | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | ABIC | 27/09/05 |

5588 | Gutron | Midodrinum | Drops | 10 mg/ml | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5589 | Gutron | Midodrinum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | Nycomed Austria GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5590 | Gutron | Midodrinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Nycomed Austria GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5591 | Gutron | Midodrinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5592 | Guttae cardiacae | | Liquid | | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

5593 | Guttae stomachicae | | Drops | | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 31/12/08 |

5594 | Guttalax | Natrii picosulfas | Capsules | 2,5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5595 | Guttalax | Natrii picosulfas | Drops | | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5596 | Gutterin | | Drops | | Sp. NOVA, Swarzędz | 31/12/08 |

5597 | Gwajafen | Guaifenesinum | Syrup | 125 mg/5 ml | Aflopa Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe | 31/12/08 |

5598 | Gwajakolosulfonian potasowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

5599 | Gynacoheel N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5600 | Gynalgin | Chlorquinaldolum + Metronidazolum | Vaginal tablets | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5601 | Gynipral | Hexoprenalinum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 25 µg/5 ml | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5602 | Gynipral | Hexoprenalinum | Solution for injection | 10 µg/2 ml | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5603 | Gynipral | Hexoprenalinum | Tablets | 0,5 mg | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5604 | Gynobiotic | neomycyna, oksytetracyklina | Tablets | for veterinary use | Lek d.d. | 31/12/08 |

5605 | Gyno-Daktarin | Miconazoli nitras | Pessary | 100 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

5606 | Gyno-Daktarin | Miconazoli nitras | Vaginal cream | 20 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5607 | Gynodian Depot | Estradiolum + Prasteronum | Solution for intramuscular injection | | Schering AG | 11/08/05 |

5608 | Gyno-Femidazol | Miconazoli nitras | Vaginal tablets | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

5609 | Gynoflor | Lactobacillus acidophilus, Estriolum | Vaginal tablets | | Medinova Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5610 | Gyno-Pevaryl 50 | Econazolum | Pessary | 50 mg | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

5611 | Gyno-Pevaryl 150 | Econazolum | Pessary | 150 mg | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

5612 | Gyno-Pevaryl 150 Combipack | Econazolum | Pessary and vaginal cream | 150 mg + krem 10mg/g | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

5613 | Gyno-Pevaryl 50 | Econazolum | Vaginal cream | 10 mg/g | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

5614 | Gyno-Pevaryl Depot | Econazolum | Pessary | 150 mg | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

5615 | Gyno-Travogen | Isoconazolum | Vaginal tablets | 0.3 g | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

5616 | Gyno-Trosyd | Tioconazolum | Pessary | 300 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

5617 | Gynoxin | Fenticonazoli nitras | Pessary | 200 mg | Recordati Sp.A | 12/10/05 |

5618 | Gynoxin | Fenticonazoli nitras | Pessary | 600 mg | Recordati Sp.A | 12/10/05 |

5619 | Gynoxin | Fenticonazoli nitras | Vaginal cream | 2 % | Recordati Sp.A | 12/10/05 |

5620 | Haemate P 1000 | Coagulation factor VIII + Von Willebrand factor | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5621 | Haemate P 250 | Coagulation factor VIII + Von Willebrand factor | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5622 | Haemate P 500 | Coagulation factor VIII + Von Willebrand factor | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5623 | Haematoven Gel | Aescinum + Heparinum + Lecithinum | Gel for external use | | Rhone-Poulenc Rorer A. Natterman & Cie.GmbH | 30/04/04 |

5624 | Haemocomplettan P | Fibrinogenum humanum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 g | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

5625 | Haemocomplettan P | Fibrinogenum humanum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 2 g | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

5626 | Haemoctin SDH 250 | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 250 j.m. | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5627 | Haemoctin SDH 500 | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 500 j.m. | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5628 | Haemoctin SDH 1.000 | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1000 j.m. | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5629 | HAES — steril 6 % | Hydroxyethylamylum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

5630 | HAES — steril 10 % | Hydroxyethylamylum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

5631 | Hairkare | | Tablets | | Lifeplan Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

5632 | Halicar Maść | | | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 7/03/05 |

5633 | Halidor | Bencyclanum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

5634 | Halidor | Bencyclanum | Tablets | 100 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

5635 | Haloperidol | Haloperidolum | Oral drops, solution | 2 mg/ml | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

5636 | Haloperidol | Haloperidolum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/06 |

5637 | Haloperidol | Haloperidolum | Tablets | 1 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

5638 | Haloperidol | Haloperidolum | Tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/07 |

5639 | Haloperidol | Haloperidolum | Tablets | 5 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/07 |

5640 | Haloperidol 0,2 % | Haloperidolum | Oral drops, solution | 2 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 12/09/07 |

5641 | Haloperidol Decanoat | Haloperidolum | Solution for injection | 70,52mg/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

5642 | Halset | Cetylpyridinium | Buccal tablet | 1.5 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

5643 | Halset Strong | Cetylpyridini chloridum | Buccal tablets | 2,5 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5644 | Hamamelis-Heel S | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

5645 | Hamamelis-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5646 | Hamamelis-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5647 | Hämatopan 100 | Ferrosi sulphas | Film-coated tablets | 272 mg, (100 mg Fe2+) | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

5648 | Hämatopan 50 | Ferrosi sulphas | Film-coated tablets | 136 mg, (50 mg Fe2+) | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

5649 | Hansaplast Corn Plaster | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | 40 % | Beiersdorf AG | 31/12/08 |

5650 | Hapilux | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5651 | Hared | Rilmenidinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5652 | Harmonet | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/05/05 |

5653 | Harntee 400 | | | | TAD Pharmazeutical | 31/12/08 |

5654 | Harpacur | Harpagophyti radix extractum siccum, Urticae folium extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 175 mg; 87,5 mg | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5655 | Harpadol | | | | Lab. Arkopharma | 31/12/08 |

5656 | Harpagon | Harpagophyti radix | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/12/05 |

5657 | Harpasil | Harpagophytum extractum + Salicis extractum siccum + Urticae succus | Drops | | Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny "FARMAPOL" Sp. z o.o., Poznań | 31/12/08 |

5658 | Harpoon(poprzednia nazwa:harpago) | Harpagophyti radix pulv. | Capsules, hard | 435 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5659 | Hasceral | Acidum salicylicum + Urea | Ointment | (50mg + 100mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/05/05 |

5660 | Hascobaza | Podłoże maściowe | Ointment base | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

5661 | Hascoderm | Acidum azelaicum | Cream | 200 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/08/05 |

5662 | Hascofungin | Ciclopiroxum | Cream | 1 g/100 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 5/07/06 |

5663 | Hascofungin | Ciclopiroxum | Liquid for external use | 10 mg / 1ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5664 | Hascopar | Paracetamolum | Capsules, soft | 250 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5665 | Hascosept | Benzydamidum | Buccal tablets | 3 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5666 | Hascosept | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Oromucosal solution | 1.5 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/03/06 |

5667 | Hascosept AD | Benzydamidum | Oromucosal gel | 0,15 g / 100 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5668 | Hascovir | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 22/02/06 |

5669 | Hascovir | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg ; 400 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5670 | Hasco-Żel | Benzydamidum | Gel for external use | 5 g / 100 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5671 | Havrix 720 Junior | Hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for injection | 720 j.ELISA./0,5 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 30/06/07 |

5672 | Havrix Adult | Hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for injection | 1440 j.ELISA./1 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 6/02/06 |

5673 | Hay-Crom | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/04/05 |

5674 | H-B-Vax II | Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 40 mcg/ 1 ml | MSD Idea Inc. | 12/10/05 |

5675 | H-B-Vax II | Vaccinum hepatitidis B | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 10 mcg/1 ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 29/04/04 |

5676 | H-B-Vax II | Vaccinum hepatitidis B | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 5 mcg/0,5 ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 29/02/04 |

5677 | HBVax PRO | | Suspension for injection | 5 mcg/0,5 ml | MSD Idea Inc. | 29/08/07 |

5678 | HBVaxPRO | | Suspension for injection | 10 mcg/1 ml | MSD Idea Inc. | 29/08/07 |

5679 | HBVaxPRO | | Suspension for injection | 40 mcg/1 ml | MSD Idea Inc. | 29/08/07 |

5680 | Hc 45 | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 31/05/04 |

5681 | Healing Shampoo | | Shampoo | 10 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne Catzy of Poland | 31/12/05 |

5682 | Health Duet | Preparat złożony | Capsules + tablets | | Lysi Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5683 | Hedelicum | | Syrup | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

5684 | Hedelix | Hederae helicis extractum fluidum | Syrup | 100 mg/5ml | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH Eitorf | 21/06/05 |

5685 | Hedelix | Hederae helicis extractum siccum | Oral drops | 940 mg/ml | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH Eitorf | 21/06/05 |

5686 | Hedelix s.a. | Hederae helicis extractum spissum (1:1) | Oral drops | 100mg/ml | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5687 | Hedera complexe nr 120 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/01/07 |

5688 | Hederasal | Hederae helicis folium extractum siccum | Syrup | 26.6 mg/5 ml | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 24/08/05 |

5689 | Hederasal d | | Syrup | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5690 | Hederoin | Hederae helicis folium extractum siccum | Tablets | 15 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 9/08/06 |

5691 | Heksalen | Altretaminum | Capsules | 50 mg | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

5692 | Helarium | Hyperici herbae extractum sicc. | Coated tablets | 255-285 mg | Bionorica Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5693 | Helason | Heparinum + Hyaluronidasum | Ointment | (100 j.m. + 150 j.m.)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5694 | Helical | Hederae helicis extractum siccum | Syrup | 5mg/5ml | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5695 | Helicid 10 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 26/04/06 |

5696 | Helicid 20 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 31/07/04 |

5697 | Helicid 40 Inf | Omeprazolum | Powder for solution for infusion | 40 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

5698 | Helisec 10 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

5699 | Helisec 20 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

5700 | Helisec 40 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 40 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

5701 | HELLEBORUS/ALUMEN comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

5702 | HELLEBORUS/ALUMEN comp., granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

5704 | Hemcort-HC | Hydrocortisonum + Zinci sulfas | Rectal ointment | | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

5703 | Hemcort-HC | Hydrocortisonum + Zinci sulfas | Suppository | | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

5705 | Heminevrin | Clomethiazolum | Capsules | 300 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

5706 | Hemo LFO-B | Czynnik krzepnięcia IX ludzki | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 500 IU | Laboratorium Frakcjonowania Osocza | 31/12/08 |

5707 | Hemocal, czopki | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 21/09/06 |

5708 | Hemodermin Maść | | | | Asa, Głubczyce | 31/01/06 |

5709 | Hemofer | Ferrosi chloridum | Oral drops, solution | 44 mg Fe++/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/01/05 |

5710 | Hemofer F prolongatum | Acidum folicum + Ferrosi sulfas | Coated tablets | 0.105 g Fe++ | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5711 | Hemofer prolongatum | Ferrosi sulfas | Coated tablets | 105 mg Fe++ | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/01/05 |

5712 | Hemofil M Czynnik VIII antyhemofilowy (ludzki) Method M | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 250 j.m. | Taylor Pharmaceuticals | 31/12/08 |

5713 | Hemofil M Czynnik VIII antyhemofilowy (ludzki) Method M | Coagulation factor VIII (Czynnik VIII krzepnięcia oczyszczony za pomoca przeciwciał monoklonalnych) | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 1000 j.m. | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5714 | Hemofil M Czynnik VIII antyhemofilowy (ludzki) Method M | Coagulation factor VIII (Czynnik VIII krzepnięcia oczyszczony za pomoca przeciwciał monoklonalnych) | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 500 j.m. | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5715 | Hemofil M Czynnik VIII antyhemofilowy (ludzki) Method M | Coagulation factor VIII (Czynnik VIII krzepnięcia oczyszczony za pomoca przeciwciał monoklonalnych) | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 250 j.m. | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Hyland Immuno | 31/12/08 |

5716 | Hemohes 10 % | Hydroxyethylamylum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for infusion | (100mg + 9mg)/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 15/03/06 |

5717 | Hemohes 6 % | Hydroxyethylamylum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for infusion | (60mg + 9mg)/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 15/03/06 |

5718 | Hemore | Graphtophilli folium extractum | Capsules, hard | 200 mg | PT. Dexa Medica | 31/12/08 |

5719 | Hemorectal | Preparat złożony | Suppository | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

5720 | Hemorigen | Erigeronis canadense intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5721 | Hemorigen | | Tablets | 50 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5722 | Hemorik | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | Bright Future Pharmaceuticals Factory, Hongkong | 31/12/08 |

5723 | Hemoroflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

5724 | Hemoroidal | Hamamelis cortex extractum spissum, Lidocainum | Ointment | | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5725 | Hemorol | | Suppository | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5726 | Hemostin | | Cutaneous spray | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

5727 | Hepacholin | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | ELANDA Zakład Prod. Środków Farmaceutycznych,B. Kazub, A. Orłowski, Spółka jawna, Rozprza | 31/12/08 |

5728 | Hepacom | Timonacicum | Tablets | 100 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

5729 | Hepacynar | Cynarae folium extractum siccum | Capsules | 400 mg | Europlant Phytopharm , Sp. z o.o., Nowe Miasto nad Wartą | 31/12/08 |

5731 | Hepa-Merz | Ornithinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5730 | Hepa-Merz | Ornithinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 500 mg/ml | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5732 | Hepa-Merz | | Film-coated tablets | | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/01/05 |

5733 | Hepar compositum N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5734 | Hepar Sulfuris comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

5735 | Hepar/Stannum I | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

5736 | Heparegen | Timonacicum | Tablets | 0.1 g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

5737 | Heparen | Heparinum | Gel | 100.000 j.m. / 100 g | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

5738 | Heparin Biochemie | Heparinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 5000 j.m./ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/11/04 |

5739 | Heparin Forte | Heparinum | Gel | 100.000 j.m. / 100 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

5740 | Heparin Natrium-Braun 25.000 | Heparinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection or for intravenous infusion | 5000 j.m./ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 30/04/05 |

5741 | Heparin-Hasco | Heparinum | Gel | 250 j.m./g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 15/11/06 |

5742 | Heparinum | Heparinum | Cream | 30.000 j.m. /100g | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

5743 | Heparinum | Heparinum | Cream | 300 j.m./g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5744 | Heparinum | Heparinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 5000 j.m./ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/06 |

5745 | Heparinum | Heparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 25000 j.m./1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/06 |

5746 | Heparinum | Heparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 5000 j.m./0,2 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

5747 | Heparizen | Heparinum | Gel | 1000 j.m./g | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

5748 | Heparyl | Heparinum | Ointment | 300 j.m./g | ratiopharm GmbH | 11/10/06 |

5749 | Hepatect | Hepatitis B immunoglobulin | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 j.m./ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

5750 | Hepatect Cp | Immunoglobulinum hepatitis B humanum | Solution for infusion | 50 j.m./ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

5751 | Hepatil | Ornithinum | Granules for oral solution | 3 g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

5752 | Hepatil | Ornithinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 18/01/06 |

5753 | Hepatil | Ornithinum | Tablets | 150 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/04 |

5754 | Hepatil — Vit | | Tablets | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5755 | Hepatina | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

5756 | Hepatina | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

5757 | HEPATITIS B IMUNOGLOBULINE 300 J.M. | Immunoblobulinum humanum hepatitiois B | Solution for intramuscular injection | 300 j.m. | Sanquin, CLB Products Division | 31/12/08 |

5758 | HEPATITIS B IMUNOGLOBULINE 500 J.M. | Immunoblobulinum humanum hepatitiois B | Solution for intramuscular injection | 500 j.m. | Sanquin, CLB Products Division | 31/12/08 |

5759 | Hepatobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej BONIMED, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

5760 | Hepatodoron tabletki | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

5761 | Hepato-Drainol krople | | Drops | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

5762 | Hepatofalk Planta | | Capsuels, hard | | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 24/08/05 |

5763 | Hepaurik | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | PT. IKONG Pharmaceutical Industry CO | 31/12/08 |

5764 | Hepavax-Gene | Vaccinum hepatitidis B (ADNr) | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 10 mcg/0,5 ml | GreenCross Vaccine Corporation | 25/01/06 |

5765 | Hepavax-Gene | Vaccinum hepatitidis B (ADNr) | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 20 mcg/ 1 ml | GreenCross Vaccine Corporation | 25/01/06 |

5766 | Hepeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5767 | Hepeel | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5768 | Hepochron 3 g | Ornithini aspartas | Effervescent powder | 3 g | MIP Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5769 | Hepochron 5 g | Ornithini aspartas | Effervescent powder | 5 g | MIP Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5770 | Herbabiloba | Ginkgo bilobae folium extractum siccum | Capsuels, hard | 40 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 29/06/05 |

5771 | Herbadont B | Bergeniae extratum liquidum + Menthae piperitae oleum | Gingival paste | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

5772 | Herbamal | | Herbal tea | | HO VAN HOR SDN. BHD, Malezja | 31/12/08 |

5773 | Herbamelvit | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

5774 | Herbapect | Thymi extractum fluidum + Primulae tinctura + sulfogaiacolum | Syrup | ( 498 mg + 348mg + 87mg)/ 5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 1/04/06 |

5775 | Herbapect Dla Dzieci | | Syrup | | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

5776 | Herbarelax | | Tablets | | Ameri Vita LLC USA | 31/12/08 |

5777 | Herbaton | Preparat ziołowy | Drops | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 2/10/06 |

5778 | Herbi chol | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5779 | Herbogastrin | | Oral solution | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

5780 | Herbolen | Preparat ziołowy | Ointment | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5781 | Herbolen D | Preparat ziołowy | Ointment | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/05 |

5782 | Herceptin | Trastuzumabum | Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion | 150 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 14/12/05 |

5783 | Herpesin | Aciclovirum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 250 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

5784 | Herpex | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | HEXAL AG | 30/09/07 |

5785 | Hesmin | Diosminum + Hesperidinum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg + 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

5786 | Hesperynin | Hesperidinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Kenay A.G., Częstochowa | 31/12/08 |

5787 | Heviran | Aciclovirum | Cream | 5 % (50 mg/g) | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5789 | Heviran | Aciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/10/05 |

5790 | Heviran | Aciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/10/05 |

5791 | Heviran | Aciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 12/10/05 |

5788 | Heviran | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

5792 | Hevizos | Epervudinum | Ointment | 8 mg/g | Biogal Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. | 30/11/04 |

5793 | Hexadog | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym i parwowirusowym, leptospirozie i wściekliźnie | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/05/04 |

5794 | Hexamandin | Methenaminum | Tablets | 250 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/05 |

5795 | Hexaspral | Biclotymolum | Oromucosal spray | 25 mg/1 g | Laboratoires Doms — Adrian | 31/12/08 |

5796 | Hexavac | Szczepionka | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1 dawka 0,5 ml | Aventis Pasteur MSD SNC | 29/08/07 |

5797 | HEXAVIT — Multivitamin | Preparat witaminowy | | | KYIV VITAMIN FACTORY Co | 31/12/08 |

5798 | Hexiderm | Heksetydyna, Prednizolon, Benzokaina | Solution | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

5800 | Hialuronian | Acidum hyaluronicum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ 2ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5799 | Hialuronian | Acidum hyaluronicum | Vial | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5801 | Hiberix | | Powder and solvent for suspension for injection | 10 mcg | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/03/07 |

5802 | HibTiter | Hemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated | Solution for intramuscular injection | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 22/03/06 |

5803 | Hiconcil | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

5804 | Hiconcil | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

5805 | Hiconcil | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 0.1 g/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

5806 | Hiconcil | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

5807 | Hiconcil | Amoxicillinum | Substance for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

5808 | Hioscyny bromowodorek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/05/05 |

5809 | Hioscyny bromowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/05/05 |

5810 | Hioscyny bromowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/05/05 |

5811 | Hipertoniczny roztwór 7,2 % NaCl | Natrii chloridum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

5812 | Hipokrates | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5813 | Hipokrates fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5814 | Hiponervex | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5815 | Hiposem | Hippocastani semen pulv. | Tablets | 340 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

5816 | Hipotravex | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

5817 | Hipradoxi-S | Doxycyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

5818 | Hipragumbora-CH/80 | żywa liofilizowana szczepionka dla kur, przeciwko chorbie gumboro | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

5819 | Hipratifus — AV2 | szczepionka dla drobiu przeciwko salmonelozie | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

5820 | Hipraviar BPL2 | szczepionka dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

5821 | Hipraviar-Clon | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 24/06/07 |

5822 | Hipraviar-Clon/H-120 | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli i rzekomemu , pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 24/06/07 |

5823 | Hipuran — 131I do wstrzykiwań | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

5824 | HIRUDO comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

5825 | HIRUDO comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

5827 | Hirudoid | Heparynoidy, kombinacje | Gel | | Sankyo Pharma GmbH — München | 31/05/04 |

5826 | Hirudoid | Heparynoidy, kombinacje | Ointment | | Sankyo Pharma GmbH — München | 31/05/04 |

5829 | Hismanal | Astemizolum | Oral suspension | 1 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

5830 | Hismanal | Astemizolum | Oral suspension | 1 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5828 | Hismanal | Astemizolum | Tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5832 | Histac | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

5833 | Histac | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

5834 | Histac | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 5/07/06 |

5831 | Histac | Ranitidinum | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 25 mg/ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 5/07/06 |

5835 | Histadermin | | Ointment | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5836 | Histaglobin | Histaminum + Immunoglobulinum humanum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection subcutaneous or intramuscular | Biobasal AG | 17/01/07 |

5837 | Histaglobin Triplex | Histaminum + Immunoglobulinum humanum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection subcutaneous or intramuscular | Biobasal AG | 17/01/07 |

5838 | Histaglobina | Histaminum + Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 0,15mcg + 12mg | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/03/06 |

5839 | Histar | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5840 | Histar | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 180 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5841 | Histimerck 16 | Betahistinum | Tablets | 16 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 11/10/06 |

5842 | Histimerck 8 | Betahistinum | Tablets | 8 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 11/10/06 |

5844 | Histimet | Levocabastinum | Eye drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/03/06 |

5843 | Histimet | Levocabastinum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/03/06 |

5845 | Hivid | Zalcitabinum | Film-coated tablets | 0.375 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/03/07 |

5846 | Hivid | Zalcitabinum | Film-coated tablets | 0.75 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/03/07 |

5847 | Holetar | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

5848 | Holetar | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5849 | Holoxan | Ifosfamidum | Lyophilisate for injection | 3 g | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

5850 | Holoxan | Ifosfamidum | Powder for solution for injection | 1 g | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

5851 | Holoxan | Ifosfamidum | Powder for solution for injection | 2 g | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

5852 | Homatropiny bromowodorek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 19/01/05 |

5853 | Homatropiny bromowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/01/05 |

5854 | Homatropiny chlorowodorek | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

5855 | Homatropiny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

5856 | Homeodose 18 krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

5857 | Homeodose 20 krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

5858 | Homeodose 24 krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

5859 | Homeodose 3 krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

5860 | Homeodose 30 | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 30/10/05 |

5861 | Homeodose 4 krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

5862 | Homeodose 8 | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 30/10/05 |

5863 | Homeogene 46 | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

5864 | Homeogene 9 | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

5865 | Homeomag | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 30/06/07 |

5866 | Homeoplasmine | | Ointment | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

5867 | Homeoptic | | Eye drops | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 9/10/05 |

5868 | Homeotuss | | Syrup for children | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/08 |

5869 | Homeovox | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

5870 | Hoof-Pro | Siarczan miedzi pięciowodny, Siarka | Liquid | for veterinary use | SSI Corporation Production Facility | 12/07/07 |

5871 | Horacort | Budesonidum | Nasal spray, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

5872 | Horacort forte | Budesonidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 160 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 30/11/05 |

5873 | Horacort mite | Budesonidum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

5874 | Hormeel SN | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5875 | Hormeel SN | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5876 | Hostamox LA | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

5878 | Hotemin | Piroxicamum | Capsules | 10 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5879 | Hotemin | Piroxicamum | Capsules | 20 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5877 | Hotemin | Piroxicamum | Injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5880 | Hotigal | Preparat złożony | Cream | | Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego "CEFARM", Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

5881 | Hova | Lupuli flos extractum siccum + Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

5882 | H-Pantoten | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Carls-Bergh Pharma ab | 30/08/04 |

5883 | HumaJect M2 (20:80) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5884 | HumaJect M3 (30:70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5885 | HumaJect N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5886 | HumaJect R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5887 | Humalog | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 13/12/06 |

5888 | Humalog | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 13/12/06 |

5889 | Humalog Mix 25 | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum + Insulinum lisprum zinci protaminati injectio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m. | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5890 | Humalog Mix 25 | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum + Insulinum lisprum zinci protaminati injectio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5891 | Humalog Mix 25 HumaJect | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum + Insulinum lisprum zinci protaminati injectio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5892 | Humalog Mix 25 Pen | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum + Insulinum lisprum zinci protaminati injectio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5893 | Humalog Mix 50 | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum + Insulinum lisprum zinci protaminati injectio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5894 | Humalog Mix 50 Pen | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum + Insulinum lisprum zinci protaminati injectio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5895 | Humalog Pen | Insulini injectio neutralis lisprum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5896 | Human Albumin 5 % | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5897 | Human Albumin 5 % | Albuminum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Baxter AG | 31/07/04 |

5898 | Human Albumin 20 % | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/1 ml | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5899 | Human Albumin 20 % | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

5900 | Human Albumin 20 % | Albuminum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/01/05 |

5901 | Human Albumin 20 % | Albuminum humanum | Solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Baxter AG | 31/07/04 |

5902 | HUMAN HEMIN ORPHAN EUROPE 25 mg/ml | Hemina ludzka | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 25 mg/ml | Orphan Europe | 31/12/08 |

5903 | Humana SL | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Milchwerke Westfalen eG | 30/01/05 |

5904 | Humana z MCT | Dieta z MCT | Powder | | Milchwerke Westfalen eG | 31/12/04 |

5908 | Humatrope | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 j.m. (1.33 mg) | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5909 | Humatrope | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 5.33 mg (16 j.m.) | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/05 |

5905 | Humatrope | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for injection | 12 mg (36 j.m) | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5906 | Humatrope | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for injection | 24 mg (72 j.m.) | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5907 | Humatrope | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for injection | 6 mg (18 j.m.) | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5910 | Humegon | Human menopausal gonadotropin | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 75 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

5911 | Humoxal | Preparat złożony | Nasal drops | | Laboratoires URGO | 31/12/08 |

5912 | Humulin L | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5913 | Humulin L | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5914 | Humulin M2 (20/80) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m/ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5915 | Humulin M2 (20/80) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5916 | Humulin M3 (30/70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5917 | Humulin M3 (30/70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5918 | Humulin M3 (30/70) | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 30/06/05 |

5919 | Humulin M3 Pen | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j,m. | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5920 | Humulin N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5921 | Humulin N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5922 | Humulin N | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5923 | Humulin N Pen | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5924 | Humulin R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5925 | Humulin R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5926 | Humulin R | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5927 | Humulin R Pen | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m. | Lilly France S.A. | 31/12/04 |

5928 | Humulin U | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5929 | Humulin U | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Lilly France S.A. | 31/07/04 |

5930 | Husk | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Oral powder | | Werner Ratje Froskaller | 26/04/06 |

5931 | Hustagil | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Dentinox Gesellschaft fur pharmaceutische Praparate Lenk & Schuppan | 30/04/04 |

5932 | Hustagil -krople tymiankowe | Thymi extractum fluidum | Oral drops, solution | 900 mg/ml | Dentinox Gesellschaft fur pharmaceutische Praparate Lenk & Schuppan | 30/04/04 |

5933 | Hustagil -syrop przeciwkaszlowy | Thymi extractum fluidum | Syrup | 480 mg/5ml | Dentinox Gesellschaft fur pharmaceutische Praparate Lenk & Schuppan | 30/04/04 |

5934 | Husteel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

5935 | Hyalgan | Acidum hyaluronicum | Solution for articular injection | 10 mg/ml | Fidia S.p.A. Common Pharmaceutical | 30/06/04 |

5936 | Hycamtin | Topotecanum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 4 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/05/05 |

5937 | Hydacorn | Coffeinum + Dihydroergotaminum + Phenytoinum | Coated tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/12/06 |

5938 | Hydiphen | Clomipraminum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

5939 | Hydiphen | Clomipraminum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | AWDpharma GmbH & Co. KG | 30/09/07 |

5940 | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 6/11/05 |

5941 | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 25 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 6/11/05 |

5942 | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 25 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5943 | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5944 | Hydrocortisonum | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 0,50 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5945 | Hydrocortisonum | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 1 % | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

5946 | Hydrocortisonum | Hydrocortisonum | Tablets | 20 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

5947 | Hydrocortisonum | Hydrocortisonum + Lidocainum | Suspension for injection | (25mg + 5mg)/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5948 | Hydrocortisonum 0,5 % | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 5 mg/g | Aflofarm Farmacia Polska Sp. z o.o. | 27/06/07 |

5949 | Hydrocortisonum 1 % | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 1 % | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

5950 | Hydrocortisonum 1 % | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5951 | Hydrocortisonum 1 % | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Aflofarm Farmacia Polska Sp. z o.o. | 27/06/07 |

5952 | Hydrocortisonum hemisuccinatum | Hydrocortisonum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5953 | Hydrocortisonum hemisuccinatum | Hydrocortisonum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5954 | Hydrocortisonum hemisuccinatum | Hydrocortisonum | Solution for injection or for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

5956 | Hydrocortisonum Solubile | Hydrocortisonum | Powder and solvent | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5957 | Hydrocortisonum Solubile | Hydrocortisonum | Powder and solvent | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5958 | Hydrocortisonum Solubile | Hydrocortisonum | Powder and solvent | 25 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

5955 | Hydrocortisonum Solubile | Hydrocortisonum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 250 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 25/01/06 |

5959 | Hydrodiar | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Powder | for veterinary use | Biofaktor | 31/12/08 |

5960 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/07 |

5961 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/07 |

5962 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/07 |

5963 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

5964 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/07 |

5965 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | Polfa Pabianice | 31/12/07 |

5966 | Hydrokortyzon | Hydrocortisonum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/07 |

5967 | Hydroksyetyloskrobia 200/0,5 | Hydroxyethylamylum | Liquid for intravenous infusion | 6 % | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

5968 | Hydroksyetyloskrobia 200/0,5 | Hydroxyethylamylum | Liquid for intravenous infusion | 10 % | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

5969 | Hydroksyzyna | Hydroxyzinum | Syrup | 10 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

5970 | Hydroxoxyurea medac | Hydroxycarbamidum | Capsuels, hard | 500 mg | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 6/06/07 |

5971 | Hydroxycarbamid | Hydroxycarbamidum | Capsules | 500 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5972 | Hydroxyzidum | Hydroxizidum | Syrup | 10 mg /5ml | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

5977 | Hydroxyzinum | Hydroxyzinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

5978 | Hydroxyzinum | Hydroxyzinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

5975 | Hydroxyzinum | Hydroxyzinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5976 | Hydroxyzinum | Hydroxyzinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

5973 | Hydroxyzinum | Hydroxyzinum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

5974 | Hydroxyzinum | Hydroxyzinum | Syrup | 1.6 mg/g | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

5979 | Hygroton | Chlortalidonum | Tablets | 50 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

5980 | Hyo — 50 | sól sodowa dwasu hialuronowego | Solution | for veterinary use | Bexo Pharma Inc. | 31/12/08 |

5981 | Hyonate | Hialuronian sodu | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 11/03/07 |

5982 | Hyoresp | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakażeniom wywoływanym przez Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 25/08/05 |

5983 | Hypaque Meglumine 60 % | Meglumini amidotrizoas | Solution for injection | 600 mg/ml | Amersham Health AS | 31/12/08 |

5984 | Hypaque Meglumine 76 % | Meglumini amidotrizoas + Natrii amidotrizoas | Solution for injection | 760 mg/ml | Amersham Health AS | 31/12/08 |

5985 | Hypercaps | Hyperici extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

5986 | Hypercin | Hyperici herbae extractum sicc. | Tablets | 180 mg | Pharbio Medical Sverige AB | 31/12/08 |

5987 | Hypercin 270 | Hyperici extractum | Tablets | 270 mg | Pharbio Medical Sverige AB | 31/12/08 |

5988 | Hypercin 90 | Hyperici extractum | Tablets | 90 mg | Pharbio Medical Sverige AB | 31/12/08 |

5989 | Hyperherba | Hyperici herba | Tablets | 330 mg | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

5990 | Hyperiforce | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Tablets | 0.33 mg | Bioforce AG | 25/10/06 |

5991 | Hyperosedat | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Capsules, soft | 80 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 27/06/07 |

5992 | Hypertosan | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

5993 | Hypnogen | Zolpidemi tartas | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 14/02/07 |

5994 | Hypnomidate | Etomidatum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

5995 | HYPOPHYSIS/STANNUM ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

5996 | HYPOPHYSIS/STANNUM granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

5997 | Hytrin | Terazosinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5998 | Hytrin | Terazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

5999 | Hytrin | Terazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

6000 | Hytrin | Terazosinum | Tablets | | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

6001 | Hyzaar | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 12,5mg + 50mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/09/04 |

6002 | IBA-VAC | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | FATRO | 21/02/05 |

6003 | Iberogast | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6004 | Ibiprofenum Żel | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 5 % | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6005 | Ibu — Hepa | Ibuprofenum + Heparinoidum | Cream | (50 mg + 2 mg)/g | Leciva Inc. | 31/12/08 |

6010 | Ibufen | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 100mg/g | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 26/09/07 |

6009 | Ibufen | Ibuprofenum | Oral suspension | 0.1 g/5 ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6006 | Ibufen | Ibuprofenum | Suppository | 50 mg | TERPOL Przedsiebiorstwo Farmaceutyczne S.A | 31/12/08 |

6007 | Ibufen | Ibuprofenum | Suppository | 100 mg | TERPOL Przedsiebiorstwo Farmaceutyczne S.A | 31/12/08 |

6008 | Ibufen | Ibuprofenum | Suppository | 250 mg | TERPOL Przedsiebiorstwo Farmaceutyczne S.A | 31/12/08 |

6011 | Ibufen C | Ibuprofenum + Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg + 125 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6012 | Ibum | Ibuprofenum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/06/07 |

6014 | Ibum | Ibuprofenum | Gel for external use | 5 mg ibuprofen; 3 mg mentol / 100 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6013 | Ibum | Ibuprofenum | Oral suspension for children and infant | 100 mg/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/06/07 |

6015 | Ibum Extra | Ibuprofenum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg + 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6016 | Ibum Forte | Ibuprofenum | Capsules, soft | 400 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6017 | Ibumac | Ibuprofenum | Coated tablets | 200 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

6018 | Ibumetin retard | Ibuprofenum | Prolonged release tablets | 600 mg | Nycomed Danmark A/S | 31/12/08 |

6019 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze "GAL" s.c. | 31/12/08 |

6020 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

6021 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 29/06/05 |

6022 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6023 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 10 % | TERPOL Przedsiebiorstwo Farmaceutyczne S.A | 31/12/08 |

6024 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 10/05/06 |

6025 | Ibuprofen 200 | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6026 | Ibuprofen 400 | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6027 | Ibuprom | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 30/04/04 |

6028 | Ibuprom Max | Ibuprofenum | Coated tablets | 400 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/07 |

6029 | Ibuprom Max | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 26/09/07 |

6030 | IBUPROM® Przeziębienie i Grypa | Ibuprofenum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg + 30 mg | US Pharmacia International, Inc. | 31/12/08 |

6031 | Ibusan 200 | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/06/05 |

6032 | Ibusan 400 | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/06/05 |

6033 | Ibusan 600 | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/03/05 |

6034 | Ibustrin | Indobufenum | Tablets | 200 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/04/04 |

6035 | Ichtio | Zieleń malachitowa, błękit metylenowy, zieleń brylantowa, EDTA, sól dwusodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

6036 | Ichtio Forte | Zieleń malachitowa, błękit metylenowy, zieleń brylantowa, EDTA, sól dwusodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

6037 | Ichtioseptin | Akryflawiny chlorek, zieleń malachitowa, błękit metylenowy, EDTA, sól dwusodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

6038 | Ichtioseptin Forte | Akryflawiny chlorek, zieleń malachitowa, błękit metylenowy, EDTA, sól dwusodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

6039 | Ichtioxan | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 31/12/07 |

6040 | Iclopid | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6041 | Icy Rub Gel | | Gel | | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

6042 | Ideos | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Buccal tablet | 500 mg Ca++ | Laboratoire Innotech International | 30/09/05 |

6043 | Ifapidin | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

6044 | Ifosfamid | Ifosfamidum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 500mg i 1000 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6045 | Ignatia-Dagomed 14 stres | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

6046 | Ignatia-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

6047 | Ignatia-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

6048 | Ikapril | Moexiprilum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6049 | Ikapril | Moexiprilum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6050 | Ikapril Plus | Moeksprilum+ Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 7,5 mg + 12,5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6051 | Ilomedin | Iloprostum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mcg/0,5 ml | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

6052 | Ilomedin 20 | Iloprostum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mcg/ml | Schering AG | 13/05/07 |

6053 | Imaverol | Enilkonazolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica | 12/06/05 |

6054 | Imectin | iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

6055 | Imequyl 10 % | Flumechina | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 10/06/04 |

6059 | Imigran | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

6060 | Imigran | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/07 |

6061 | Imigran | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/05/05 |

6056 | Imigran | Sumatriptanum | Nasal spray, solution | 20 mg/0,1 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/05/05 |

6058 | Imigran | Sumatriptanum | Solution for injection | 12 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

6057 | Imigran | Sumatriptanum | Suppository | 25 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 30/09/07 |

6062 | Imipramin | Imipraminum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

6063 | Imipramin | Imipraminum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

6064 | Imipramin | Imipraminum | Solution for injection | 12.5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

6065 | Imivet | Imidachlopryd | Liquid | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

6066 | Imizol | Imidokarbu dipropionian | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 17/05/05 |

6067 | Immucox C1 | Szczepionka przeciw kokcydiozie kurcząt brojlerów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetech Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

6068 | Immucox C2 | Szczepionka przeciw kokcydiozie kurcząt hodowlanych | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetech Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

6069 | Immucox T1 | Szczepionka przeciw kokcydiozie brojlerów indyczych | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetech Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

6070 | Immucyst (Immunoterapeutyk BCG) | Vaccinum BCG | Powder and solvent for suspension for intrabladder use | 81 mg prątków BCG | Aventis Pasteur Limited | 31/12/08 |

6071 | Immunal | | Oral drops, solution | 800 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

6072 | Immunal® | Echinaceae purpureae herbae succus siccum | Tablets | 80 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6073 | Immunate STIM Plus | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 1000 j.m. | Baxter AG | 31/12/08 |

6074 | Immunate STIM Plus | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 250 j.m. | Baxter AG | 31/12/08 |

6075 | Immunate STIM Plus | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 500 j.m. | Baxter AG | 31/12/08 |

6076 | Immunine | Coagulation factor IX | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 1200 j.m. | Baxter AG | 31/12/08 |

6077 | Immunine | Coagulation factor IX | Lyophilisate for intravenous use | 600 j.m. | Baxter AG | 31/12/08 |

6078 | Immunofort | | Oral solution | | Dar Natury P.P.H. | 31/12/05 |

6079 | Immunoglobulina przeciwtężcowa Grifols 250 j.m. | Immunoglobulinum humanum tetanicum | Solution for injection | 250 j.m./ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6080 | Immunoglobulina przeciwtężcowa Grifols 500 j.m. | Immunoglobulinum humanum tetanicum | Solution for injection | 500 j.m./ml | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6081 | Immunoglobuline I.V. | Immunoglobulinum humanum normace ad usum intravenosum | Powder for solution for infusion | 5 g | Sanquin, CLB Products Division | 31/12/08 |

6082 | Immunosol | Jeżówka, wyciąg z róży | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

6083 | Immunostymulant BCG ImmuCyst | Tuberculinum | Lyophilisate for injection | | Aventis Pasteur Limited | 31/12/07 |

6084 | Immunovac | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez pałeczki Salmonella | Suspension | for veterinary use | Zakład Badawczo-Wdrożeniowy Ośrodka Salmonella Immunolab Sp.z o.o. | 15/05/04 |

6085 | Immunovit | Koncentrat z jeżówki purpurowej, koncentrat z korzenia żeńszenia, metionina, witamina e, c, b6 | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

6086 | Imocolibov | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla krów i owiec przeciw kolibakteriozie cieląt i jagniąt | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 28/02/05 |

6087 | Imodium | Loperamidum | Capsules | 2 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/04 |

6088 | Imodium Instant | Loperamidum | Tablets (oral lyophilisate) | 2 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 15/11/06 |

6089 | Imodium Plus | Loperamidum + Simeticonum | Chewable tablets | 2mg + 125mg | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 25/10/06 |

6090 | Imovane | Zopiclonum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 30/06/04 |

6091 | Imovax Polio | Poliomyelitis, trivalent, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 0.5 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

6092 | Impact | Dieta płynna | | | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

6093 | Implanon | Etonogestrelum | Implant | | Organon | 31/12/08 |

6094 | Imukin | Interferonum gamma | Solution for subcutanous injection | 200 mcg/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 28/10/06 |

6096 | Imuran | Azathioprinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

6097 | Imuran | Azathioprinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

6095 | Imuran | Azathioprinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

6098 | Indap | Indapamidum | Capsules | 2,5 mg | PRO. MED. C.S., Praha a.s. | 31/12/08 |

6099 | Indapamid Sr | Indapamidum | Prolonged release tablets | 1,5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6100 | Indapamid Sr | | Film-coated tablets | 1,5 mg | MARCPHARM S.p. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6101 | Indapamid SR Anpharm | Indapamidum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 1,5 mg | Anpharm S.A. | 4/07/07 |

6102 | Indapamide | Indapamidum | Prolonged release tablets | 1,5g | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6103 | Indapen | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 8/02/06 |

6104 | Indapres | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 27/09/06 |

6105 | Indapres | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 1,25 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6106 | Indapsan | Indapamidum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 31/12/08 |

6107 | Indium (111 In) Chloride | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

6108 | Indium (111 In) Oxinate | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

6109 | Indivina | Estradiolum + Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 1 mg/5 mg | Orion Pharma A/S | 31/12/08 |

6110 | Indivina | Estradiolum + Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 1 mg/2,5 mg | Orion Pharma A/S | 31/12/08 |

6111 | Indivina | Estradiolum + Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 2 mg/5 mg | Orion Pharma A/S | 31/12/08 |

6114 | Indobufen | Indobufenum | Powder and solvent | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6112 | Indobufen | Indobufenum | Powder for solution for intravenous injections | 100 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 25/04/07 |

6113 | Indobufen | Indobufenum | Powder for solution for intravenous injections | 200 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

6115 | Indobufen | Indobufenum | Tablets | 200 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6116 | Indobufen | Indobufenum | Tablets | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 25/04/07 |

6117 | Indocollyre 0,1 % | Indometacinum | Eye drops | | Laboratoire Chauvin | 31/12/08 |

6118 | Infacol | Simeticonum | Oral suspension | 40 mg/ml | Pharmax Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

6119 | Infanrix DTPa | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml (1 dawka) | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

6120 | Infanrix Hep B | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis + Hepatitis B, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 30/06/05 |

6121 | Infanrix hexa | | Suspension and powder for suspension for injection | 1 dawka | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 17/01/07 |

6122 | Infanrix IPV + Hib | Diphtheria-hemophilus influenzae B-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus | Suspension and powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 21/06/06 |

6123 | Infanrix penta | | Suspension for injection | | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 7/03/07 |

6124 | Infectoflam | Fluorometholonum + Gentamicinum | Eye drops | | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/10/04 |

6125 | Infectoflam | Fluorometholonum + Gentamicinum | Eye ointment | | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/10/04 |

6126 | Infectus | Triptolidinum + Pseudoephedrinum + Dekstrometorphanum | Syrup | (1,25 mg + 30 mg + 10 mg)/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6127 | Infektoten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

6128 | Infergen | Interferonum alfacon-1 | Solution for injection | 9 mcg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 25/05/05 |

6129 | Infludo krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6130 | Influtet | Szczepionka przeciw grypie i tężcowi koni | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

6131 | Influvac 2002/2003 | Influenza, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 45 mcg HA/0,5 ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 23/11/05 |

6132 | Infukoll-HES 10 % | Hydroxyethylamylum | Intravenous injection (solution for infusion) | 10 % | Serum Werk Bernburg AG | 31/12/08 |

6133 | Infukoll-HES 6 % | Hydroxyethylamylum | Intravenous injection (solution for infusion) | 6 % | Serum Werk Bernburg AG | 31/12/08 |

6134 | Ingelvac Aujeszky MLV | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw chorobie Aujeszkyego | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim | 30/06/04 |

6135 | Ingelvac M.hyo | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw mykoplazmowemu zapaleniu płuc | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health GmbH | 24/07/07 |

6136 | Ingelvac PRRS KV | Szczepionka przeciwko zakażeniom wirusem Zaspołu Rozrodczo-Oddechowego świń | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim | 31/12/08 |

6137 | Ingelvac PRRS MLV | Żywa, atenuowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw oddechowej i rozrodczej formie zespołu rozrodczo-oddechowego świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim | 17/05/05 |

6138 | Inhalator donosowy "arfix" | | Nasal spray | | Przeds. Prod.-Handl. Arf-Med S.C., Koszalin | 31/12/08 |

6139 | Inhal-Mix | | Inhalation drops | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

6140 | Inhalol | Preparat złożony | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

6141 | Inhalsept | | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

6142 | Inhibace | Cilazaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 0.5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

6143 | Inhibace | Cilazaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

6144 | Inhibace | Cilazaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

6145 | Inhibace | Cilazaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

6146 | Inhibace Plus | Cilazaprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/08/05 |

6147 | Inj. Adrenalini 0,1 % | Adrenalinium | Solution for injection | 1 mg / 1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

6148 | Inj. Adrenalini 0,1 % | Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

6149 | Inj. Oxytocini | Oxytocinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 30/06/04 |

6150 | Inj. Polocaini hydrochlorici 1 % | Procainum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

6151 | Inj. Polocaini hydrochlorici 2 % | Procainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

6152 | Inj.Glucosi 20 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6153 | Inj.Glucosi 40 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6154 | Inj.Glucosi Isotonica | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

6155 | Injectio Coffeini Natrii Benzoici 20 % | Coffeinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 3/09/04 |

6156 | Injectio Glucosi 5 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

6157 | Injectio Glucosi 5 % et Natrii chlorati 0,9 % 1:1 | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (25mg + 4,5mg)/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

6158 | Injectio Glucosi 5 % et Natrii chlorati 0,9 % 2:1 | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (33,3mg + 3mg)/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

6159 | Injectio Glucosi 10 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

6160 | Injectio Glucosi 20 % | Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

6161 | Injectio Glucosi 20 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 20/05/04 |

6162 | Injectio Glucosi 40 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 20/05/04 |

6163 | Injectio Glucosi 5 % | Glucosum | Solution for infusion | 50 mg/ml | Baxter Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

6164 | Injectio Glucosi 5 % | Glucosum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 20/05/04 |

6165 | Injectio Glucosi 50 % | Glucosum | Solution for infusion | 500 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6166 | Injectio Glucosi isotonica et Natrii chlorati isotonica 1:1 | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

6167 | Injectio Glucosi Isotonica et Natrii Chlorati Isotonica 1:1 | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

6168 | Injectio Glucosi isotonica et Natrii chlorati isotonica 2:1 | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

6169 | Injectio Glucosi Isotonica et Natrii Chlorati Isotonica 2:1 | Glucosum + Natrii chloridum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

6170 | Injectio Magnesii sulfurici 20 % | Magnesii sulfas | Solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

6171 | Injectio Magnesii sulfurici 25 % | Magnesii sulfas | Solution for injection | 250 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

6172 | Injectio Natrii chlorati 10 % | Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/01/05 |

6173 | Injectio Natrii chlorati isotonica | Natrii chloridum | Solution for injection | 9 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

6174 | Injectio Pyralgini | Metanizolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

6175 | Injectio Solutionis Ringeri | Calcii chloridum + Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

6176 | Injectio Solutionis Ringeri | Calcii chloridum + Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (0,48mg +0,3mg + 8,6mg)/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

6177 | Injectio Solutionis Ringeri | Chlorek sodu, Chlorek potasu, Chlorek wapnia , | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 26/06/07 |

6178 | Injectio Solutions Ringeri Lactate | Preparat złożony | Solution for infusion | | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6179 | Injeel-Chol | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6180 | Inmodulen | immunomodulator | Suspension | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

6181 | Inmunair 17,5 | propionibacterium acnes liposacharydy z ścian e.coli | Suspension | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

6182 | Inrektin fix | | Herbal tea | 6.6 mg antranoidów | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

6183 | Insectin płyn | Permetryna | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 21/06/04 |

6184 | Insectin proszek | Permetryna | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 26/04/04 |

6185 | Insektobójcza Zasypka PESS | Bioresmetryna | Powder | for veterinary use | Wytwórnia Chemiczna PESS | 9/11/04 |

6186 | Insol Dermathopython | szczepionka przeciwko klinicznej formie grzybicy skóry wywołanej przez grzyby z rodzaju Trichophyton spp. i Microsporum spp. | Suspension | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim | 31/12/08 |

6187 | Instillagel | Chlorhexidinum + Lidocainum | Gel | | Farco Pharma GmbH | 9/05/05 |

6188 | Insulatard HM | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/04/05 |

6189 | Insulatard HM | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/04/05 |

6190 | Insulatard HM Penfill | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/04/05 |

6191 | Insulatard Innolet | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 5/07/06 |

6192 | INSULATARD MC 100 J.M./Ml | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

6193 | INSULATARD MC 40 J.M./Ml | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

6194 | Insulatard NovoLet | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 8/01/06 |

6195 | Insulinum Iso-Mix 3 WO-S | Insulinum isophanum biphasicum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 26/04/06 |

6196 | Insulinum Iso-Mix 4 WO-S | Insulinum isophanum biphasicum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 26/04/06 |

6197 | Insulinum ISO-MIX 5 WO-S | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

6198 | Insulinum Isophanicum ChO-S | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

6199 | Insulinum Isophanicum WO-S alto depuratum | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

6200 | Insulinum Isophanicum WO-S alto depuratum | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

6201 | Insulinum Lente ChO-S | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

6202 | Insulinum Lente WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 24/03/07 |

6203 | Insulinum Lente WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

6204 | Insulinum Maxirapid ChO-S | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

6205 | Insulinum Maxirapid WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

6206 | Insulinum Maxirapid WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for subcutanous injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

6207 | Insulinum Semilente ChO-S | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

6208 | Insulinum Semilente WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

6209 | Insulinum Semilente WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

6210 | Insulinum Solutio Neutralis ChO-S | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

6211 | Insulinum Solutio Neutralis WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

6212 | Insulinum Solutio Neutralis WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

6213 | Insulinum Ultralente ChO-S | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

6214 | Insulinum Ultralente WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

6215 | Insulinum Ultralente WO-S alto depuratum | Insulini cum zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 80 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

6216 | Insuman Basal | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6217 | Insuman Basal | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6218 | Insuman Basal | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6219 | Insuman Basal OptiSet | Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 21/03/06 |

6220 | Insuman Comb 15 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6221 | Insuman Comb 15 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6222 | Insuman Comb 15 OptiSet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 21/03/06 |

6223 | Insuman Comb 15/85 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/04 |

6224 | Insuman Comb 15/85 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/04 |

6225 | Insuman Comb 25 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6226 | Insuman Comb 25 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6227 | Insuman Comb 25 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6228 | Insuman Comb 25 OptiSet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 21/03/06 |

6229 | Insuman Comb 50 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6230 | Insuman Comb 50 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6231 | Insuman Comb 50 OptiSet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m. | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 21/03/06 |

6232 | Insuman Comb 50/50 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/04 |

6233 | Insuman Comb 50/50 | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/04 |

6234 | Insuman Rapid | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6235 | Insuman Rapid | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m/ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6236 | Insuman Rapid | Insulini injectio neutralis | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/11/06 |

6237 | Insuman Rapid OptiSet | Insulinum isophanum | Solution for injection | 100 j.m/ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 21/03/06 |

6240 | Intal | Acidum cromoglicicum | Inhalation powder, hard capsule | 20 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

6239 | Intal | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nebuliser solution | 10 mg/ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 30/01/05 |

6238 | Intal | Acidum cromoglicicum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 5 mg/dawkę | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 30/01/05 |

6241 | Inteflos | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos, Płońsk | 31/12/08 |

6242 | Integral | | Film-coated tablets | | Merck KGaA | 30/06/05 |

6243 | Integrilin | | Solution for intravenous infusion | 0.75 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 25/01/06 |

6244 | Integrilin | | Solution for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 25/01/06 |

6245 | Intelektan,ginkofar® e/p | Ginseng radix extractum siccum, Ginko bilobae folium extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg + 60 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6246 | Intertocine-S | Oxytocinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

6247 | Intractum Crataegi | Crataegi inflorescentiae intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/11/05 |

6248 | Intractum Hippocastani | Hippocastani semen intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6249 | Intractum Hyperici | Hyperici herba intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6250 | Intractum Melissae | Melissae herba intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6251 | Intractum Valerianae | Valerianae radix intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6252 | Intractum Visci | Visci herba intractum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6253 | Intraglobin F | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

6254 | Intralgis | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 5 % | Laboratoires "URGO"S.A | 31/12/08 |

6255 | Intralipid 10 % | Emulsja tłuszczowa do odzywiania pozajelitowego | Emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/03/07 |

6256 | Intralipid 20 % | Emulsja tłuszczowa do odzywiania pozajelitowego | Emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

6257 | Intralipid 30 % | Emulsja tłuszczowa do odzywiania pozajelitowego | Emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/03/07 |

6258 | Intravit B12 | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 4/05/04 |

6259 | Intron A | Interferonum alfa-2b | Liophylisate for solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular injection,for use on sick changes and for intravenous infusion | 10 mln. j.m. | Schering-Plough Irland | 31/07/04 |

6260 | Intron A | Interferonum alfa-2b | Liophylisate for solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular injection,for use on sick changes and for intravenous infusion | 3 mln. j.m. | Schering-Plough Irland | 31/07/04 |

6261 | Intron A | Interferonum alfa-2b | Liophylisate for solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular injection,for use on sick changes and for intravenous infusion | 5 mln. j.m. | Schering-Plough Irland | 31/07/04 |

6264 | Intron A bez albumin | Interferonum alfa-2b | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 10 mln j.m./ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 23/03/05 |

6265 | Intron A bez albumin | Interferonum alfa-2b | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 25 mln j.m./ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 23/03/05 |

6266 | Intron A bez albumin | Interferonum alfa-2b | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 6 mln j.m./ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 23/03/05 |

6262 | Intron A bez albumin | Interferonum alfa-2b | Solution for subcutanous injection | 15 mln j.m./ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 23/03/05 |

6263 | Intron A bez albumin | Interferonum alfa-2b | Solution for subcutanous injection | 50 mln j.m./ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 23/03/05 |

6267 | Invanz | Ertapenemum | Powder for concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 g (100 mg/ml) | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

6268 | Invirase | Saquinavirum | Capsules | 200 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

6269 | Invivac 2000/2001 | Vaccinum influenzae | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 0,5 ml | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 31/12/08 |

6270 | Iodium TX | jod | Liquid | for veterinary use | Hypred | 31/12/08 |

6271 | Iodum complexe Nr 118 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/03/07 |

6272 | Iogen | Iohexolum | Intravenous injection | 240 mgI/ml, 300 mgI/ml, 350 mgI/ml | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

6273 | Iohexol | Iohexolum | Injection | 240 mg/ml (50 ml) | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6274 | Iohexol | Iohexolum | Injection | 350 mg/ml (50 ml) | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6275 | Iohexol | Iohexolum | Injection | 300 mg/ml (50 ml) | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6276 | Iohexol | Iohexolum | Injection | 300 mg/ml (20 ml) | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6277 | Iohexol | Iohexolum | Injection | 240mg/ml (100 ml) | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6278 | Iohexol | Iohexolum | Injection | 350mg/ml (20 ml) | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6279 | Iomeron 150 | Iomeprolum | Solution for injection | 150 mg jodu/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 31/12/08 |

6280 | Iomeron 200 | Iomeprolum | Solution for injection | 200 mg jodu/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 31/12/08 |

6281 | Iomeron 250 | Iomeprolum | Solution for injection | 250 mg jodu/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 31/12/08 |

6282 | Iomeron 300 | Iomeprolum | Solution for injection | 300 mg jodu/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 31/12/08 |

6283 | Iomeron 350 | Iomeprolum | Solution for injection | 350 mg jodu/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 31/12/08 |

6284 | Iomeron 400 | Iomeprolum | Solution for injection | 400 mg jodu/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 31/12/08 |

6285 | Iopamiro 200 | Iopamidolum | Solution for injection | 408 mg/ml | Bracco Industria Chimica-Byk Gulden | 31/07/04 |

6286 | Iopamiro 300 | Iopamidolum | Solution for injection | 612 mg/ml | Bracco S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

6287 | Iopamiro 370 | Iopamidolum | Solution for injection | 755 mg/ml | Bracco S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

6288 | Iopidine | Apraclonidinum | Eye drops | 0.5 % | Alcon Laboratories Inc. | 31/12/08 |

6289 | Ipeca Complexe Lehning nr 65 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

6290 | Ipeca compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

6291 | Ipertrofan | Mepartricinum | Film-coated tablets | 13 mg (50000 j.m.) | Takeda Italia Farmaceutici S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

6292 | Ipertrofan 40 | Mepartricinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg (150000 j.m.) | SPA Societa Prodotti Antibiotici SpA | 31/12/08 |

6293 | Iporel | Clonidinum | Tablets | 0.075 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

6294 | Ipowet — aerozol | Bromfenwinfos | Spray | for veterinary use | Zakłady Chemiczne Organika-Azot S.A. | 10/02/04 |

6295 | Ipro | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6296 | IPV SzCZpionka Inaktywowana | | Solution for injection | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek BIOMED | 31/12/08 |

6297 | Irenat | Natrii perchloratum | Oral drops, solution | 300 mg/ml | Bayer AG | 30/04/05 |

6298 | Irgamid | Sulfadicramidum | Eye ointment | 150 mg/g | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 28/08/05 |

6299 | Irigem | Methylis salicylas + Mentholum | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

6300 | Irinocetani Hydrochloridum | Irinocetanum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mg / ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6301 | Irinocetani Hydrochloridum | Irinocetanum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6302 | Irinotecam | Irinotecanum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6303 | Irrodan | Buflomedilum | Tablets | 300 mg | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

6304 | IRRODAN Retard | Buflomedilum | Tablets | 600 mg | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

6305 | IRS-19 | Antiinfectives, combinations | Nasal spray, solution | 60 dawek | Solvay Pharma — Suresnes Cedex | 10/03/04 |

6306 | Irtan 150 | Irbesortanum | Tablets | 150 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6307 | Irtan 300 | Irbesortanum | Tablets | 300 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6308 | Irtan 75 | Irbesortanum | Tablets | 75 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

6309 | Irubin | Idarubicinum | Capsules, hard | 10 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6310 | Irubin | Idarubicinum | Capsules, hard | 25 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6311 | Irubin | Idarubicinum | Capsules, hard | 5 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6312 | Irubin | Idarubicinum | Powder for solution for injection | 10 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6313 | Irubin | Idarubicinum | Powder for solution for injection | 5 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6314 | Iruxol Mono | Collagenasum | Ointment | 1.2 j./g | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/04/04 |

6315 | Irwan | | Liquid | | Irvan P.P.U. Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6316 | Iscador M amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6317 | Iscador P amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6318 | Iscador Qu amp. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6319 | Isicom 100 | Levodopum + Carbidopum | Tablets | | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6320 | Isicom 200 | Levodopum + Carbidopum | Tablets | | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6321 | Isiflu Zonale S.U. | Influenza, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | | Instituto Sierovaccinogeno Italiana — I.S.I. S.p.A. | 30/11/04 |

6322 | Isla-Mint | Lichenis islandici extractum | Lozenge | 100 mg | Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co KG | 9/08/06 |

6323 | Isla-Moos | Lichenis islandici extractum | Lozenge | 80 mg | Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co KG | 9/08/06 |

6324 | Iso Mack Retard 20 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release capsules | 20 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

6325 | Iso Mack Retard 40 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release capsules | 40 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

6326 | Iso Mack Retard 60 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release capsules | 60 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

6328 | Isodinit | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 20 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

6327 | Isodinit | Isosorbidi dinitras | Tablets | 10 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

6329 | Isoket | Isosorbidi dinitras | Oromucosal spray | 1.25 mg/dawkę | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

6330 | Isoket | Isosorbidi dinitras | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

6331 | Isoket 5 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Tablets | 5 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

6332 | Isoket Retard 20 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 20 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

6333 | Isoket Retard 40 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 40 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

6334 | Isoket Retard 120 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release capsules | 120 mg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

6335 | Isoket Salbe | Isosorbidi dinitras | Ointment | 100 mg/g | Schwarz Pharma AG | 30/04/05 |

6336 | Isomil | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 14/03/06 |

6337 | Isomil 2 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 24/08/05 |

6338 | Isomil Df | | Liquid | | Ross Products Division, Abbott Laboratories, USA | 31/12/08 |

6339 | Isomil RTF | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 11/10/06 |

6340 | Isomonit 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 20 mg | Hexal AG | 30/06/05 |

6341 | Isomonit 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 40 mg | Hexal AG | 30/06/05 |

6342 | ISOMONIT 60 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

6343 | Isoniazidum | Isoniazidum | Tablets | 300 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 15/11/06 |

6344 | Isoniazidum | Isoniazidum | Tablets | 50 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

6345 | Isonit 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 40 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6346 | Isoprinosine | Inosine pranobexum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Ewopharma AG | 31/07/04 |

6347 | Isoprivet | methisoprinol | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

6348 | Isoptimil | Verapamilum | Tablets | 40 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6349 | Isoptimil | Verapamilum | Tablets | 80 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6350 | Isoptimil | Verapamilum | Tablets | 120 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6351 | Isoptin | Verapamilum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

6352 | Isoptin 40 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

6353 | Isoptin 80 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

6354 | Isoptin SR | Verapamilum | Prolonged release tablets | 120 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/04/04 |

6355 | Isoptin SR-E 240 | Verapamilum | Prolonged release tablets | 240 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/12/08 |

6356 | Isopto-Carbachol 1,5 % | Carbacholum | Eye drops, solution | 15 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/04/04 |

6357 | Isopto-Carbachol 3 % | Carbacholum | Eye drops, solution | 30 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/04/04 |

6358 | Isopto-Carpine 1 % | Pilocarpinum | Eye drops | 10 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

6359 | Isopto-Carpine 2 % | Pilocarpinum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

6360 | Isopto-Tears | Hypromellosum | Eye drops | 5 mg/g | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

6361 | Isoratio 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 12/09/07 |

6362 | Isoratio 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 40 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 12/09/07 |

6363 | Isoratio retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Modified release capsules | 50 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 12/09/07 |

6364 | Isotrex | Isotretinoinum | Gel | 0.05 % | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

6365 | Isotrexin | Erythromycinum + Isotretinoinum | Gel | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 29/03/06 |

6366 | Isovist — 240 | Iotrolanum | Solution for injection | 512.59 mg/ml | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

6367 | Isovist 300 | Iotrolanum | Solution for injection | 640.75 mg/ml | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

6368 | Ispagul | Plantaginis ovatae semins tegumentum | Herb | | Herba Studio Mścisz i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna | 9/08/06 |

6369 | Itraconazole | Itraconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6370 | Itrax | Itraconazolum | Capsule | 100 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

6371 | Itrazol | Itraconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6372 | Itroconazole | Itroconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6373 | Ivelip | Emulsja tłuszczowa do wlewów dożylnych | Fatty emulsion for intravenous infusion | 10 % | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral Division | 31/12/08 |

6374 | Ivelip | Emulsja tłuszczowa do wlewów dożylnych | Fatty emulsion for intravenous infusion | 20 % | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral Division | 31/12/08 |

6375 | Ivermectinum 1 % inj. | iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

6376 | Ivermectinum 1 % inj. | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

6377 | Ivermina 0,6 % premix | iwermektyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

6378 | Ivermina 1 % inj. | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 15/01/06 |

6379 | Ivomec inj. | iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

6380 | Ivomec Pour-On | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/07/05 |

6381 | Ivomec Premix | Iwermektyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/07/05 |

6382 | Iwermektyna 0,6 % premiks | Iwermektyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 10/02/04 |

6383 | Iwermektyna 1 % iniekcja | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 10/02/04 |

6384 | Iwermektyna pasta dla koni | iwermektyna | Paste | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

6385 | Iwostin HC | Hydrocortisonum | Cream | 5 mg/g | Nepentes Sp. Z o.o. | 5/07/06 |

6386 | Ixel 25 | Milnacipranum | Capsules | 25 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 31/07/05 |

6387 | Ixel 50 | Milnacipranum | Capsules | 50 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 31/07/05 |

6388 | Izonit 10 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 10 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 6/06/07 |

6389 | Izonit 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 20 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 6/06/07 |

6390 | Izonit Prolongatrum 60 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Tablets | 60 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6391 | Izonit prolongatum 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 40 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/12/08 |

6392 | Izotek | Isotretinoinum | Capsules, soft | 10 mg | Blau — Farma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6393 | Izotek | Isotretinoinum | Capsules, soft | 20 mg | Blau — Farma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6394 | Izotertin | Isotretinoinum | Capsules, soft | 10 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6395 | Izotertin | Isotretinoinum | Capsules, soft | 20 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6396 | Izotren | Isotretinoinum | Gel | 0,5 mg/g | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

6397 | Jacutin | Lindanum | Cutaneous emulsion | 3 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 12/07/05 |

6398 | Jacutin | Lindanum | Gel | 3 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 12/07/05 |

6399 | Japanisches Heilpflanzenöl Knufinke | | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Divapharma-Knufinke Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 30/04/04 |

6400 | Japonisches heipflanzen-ol ihp-rodler | | | | Woelm Pharma | 31/12/08 |

6401 | Jatrosom N | Tranylcyprominum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Esparma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6402 | Jeanine | Ethinylestradiolum + Dienogestum | Film-coated tablets | 0,03 mg + 2 mg | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

6403 | Jenetten | Desogestrelum + Ethinylestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 30/11/04 |

6404 | Jevity | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/06/05 |

6405 | Jod | Iodum | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6406 | Jod | Iodum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

6407 | Jod | Iodum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6408 | Jod | Iodum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

6409 | Jod | Iodum | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 31/12/08 |

6410 | Jodek potasu | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/10/05 |

6411 | Jodek sodu Na 131I do wstrzykiwań | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

6412 | Jodek sodu, Na 131I płyn doustny | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Oral solution | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 31/01/06 |

6413 | Jodek sodu, Na 131I w kapsułkach | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Capsules | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

6414 | Joderm | PVP — Jodine | Spray | 500 mg/g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

6415 | Jodi Gel | Polividonum iodinum | Gel | 1 g/0,1 g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

6416 | Jodid 100 | Kalii iodidum | Tablets | 100 mcg J | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

6417 | Jodid 200 | Kalii iodidum | Tablets | 200 mcg J | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

6418 | Jodofoam | Kalii iodum + Iodum | Spray | for veterinary use | Duna-Coop Sp. z o.o. | 8/11/05 |

6419 | Jodoform | Iodoformium | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6420 | Jodoform | Iodoformium | | | Chema Elektromet, Rzeszów | 31/12/08 |

6421 | Jodoform | Iodoformium | | | El Virus, Siemianowice | 31/12/08 |

6422 | Jodoform | Iodoformium | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6423 | Jodoform | Iodoformium | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

6424 | Jodoform | Iodoformium | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 4/03/07 |

6425 | Jodostin | Kalii iodidum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mcg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 21/08/05 |

6426 | Jodox | Kalii iodidum | Tablets | 200 mcg J | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/07 |

6427 | Jodox 100 | Kalii iodidum | Tablets | 100 µg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

6428 | Jodthyrox | Kalii iodidum + Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | | Merck KGaA | 15/12/05 |

6429 | Jodyna | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/01/06 |

6430 | Jodyna | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/01/06 |

6431 | Jodyna 3 % | Kalii iodum + Iodum | Solution | for veterinary use | Galvet | 31/12/08 |

6432 | JONOSTERIL BASIC Z Glukozą | Preparat złożony | Solution for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6433 | JuBronchan C | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6434 | Jucardon | | Liquid | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6435 | Jucolon | Mesalazinum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/07 |

6436 | JuCor | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6437 | JuCystan S | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6438 | JuGrippan S | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6439 | JuHepan | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6440 | JuMenstran | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6441 | Jumex | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

6442 | Juniperus Complexe Nr 6 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

6443 | Juniperus/Berberis comp. | | Capsules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

6444 | Jusedan | | Capsules | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6445 | Jusedan | | Liquid | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6446 | Jutussan | | Syrup | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6447 | Juventin fix | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

6448 | Juvit | Acidum ascorbicum | Drops | 100 mg/ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/03/06 |

6449 | Juvit D3 | Colecalciferolum | Oral drops | 20000 j.m./ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6450 | Juvit Multi | Preparat złożony | Oral drops, solution | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6451 | Juvitan | | Liquid | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6452 | Kabikinase | Streptokinasum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1500000 j.m. | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/04/04 |

6453 | Kabiven | Preparat odżywczy | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 11/10/06 |

6454 | Kabiven Peripheral | Preparat odżywczy | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 17/01/07 |

6455 | KADE FUNGIN 3 COMBINATION Pack | Clotrimazolum | Vagnial tablets, ointment | 200 mg | Dr Kade Pharmaceutical Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

6456 | KADE FUNGIN 3 COMBINATION Pack | Clotrimazolum | Vagnial tablets, ointment | 100 mg | Dr Kade Pharmaceutical Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

6457 | Kafaspirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | 500mg + 50mg | Bayer AG | 29/10/06 |

6458 | Kalcyfediol | Calcifediolum | Capsules, soft | 20 mcg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 12/10/05 |

6459 | Kalcyfediol | Calcifediolum | Capsules, soft | 50 mcg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 12/10/05 |

6460 | Kalcytriol | Calcitriolum | Capsules, soft | 0.25 mcg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 12/10/05 |

6461 | Kalcytriol | Calcitriolum | Capsules, soft | 0.5 mcg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 12/10/05 |

6462 | Kaldyum | Kalii chloridum | Prolonged release capsules | 315 mg K+ | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/08/05 |

6463 | Kalenduliss | Preparat ziołowy | Ointment | 4 mg/g | Naturwaren OHG Dr Peter Theiss | 31/05/04 |

6464 | Kaletra | Lopinavirum + Ritonavirum | Capsules, soft | | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 16/05/07 |

6465 | Kaletra | Lopinavirum + Ritonavirum | Oral solution | | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 16/05/07 |

6466 | Kalimat prolongatum | Kalii chloridum | Prolonged release tablets | 393 mg K+ | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 27/06/06 |

6467 | Kalipoz prolongatum | Kalii chloridum | Prolonged release tablets | 391 mg K+ | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

6468 | Kalium | Kalii chloridum | Syrup | 391 mg K +/5ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

6469 | Kalium | Kalii chloridum | Syrup | 782 mg K+/10ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

6470 | Kalium chloratum 15 % | Kalii chloridum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 150 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

6471 | Kalium Chloratum Prolongatum | Kalii chloridum | Tablets | 750 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6472 | Kalium effervescens | Kalii chloridum + Kalii hydrogencarbonas | Effervescent granules | 782 mg K+/5g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

6473 | Kalium effervescens (bezcukrowy) | Kalii citras + Kalii hydrogencarbonas | Effervescent granules | 782 mg K+/3g | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/01/06 |

6474 | Kalium gluconicum | Kalii gluconas | Powder | 390 mg K+/5g | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/06 |

6475 | Kalium gluconicum | Kalii gluconas | Syrup | 260 mg K +/5ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

6476 | Kalium gluconicum | Kalii gluconas | Syrup | 312 mg/ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

6477 | Kalium guajacolosulfonicum | Guaiacolsulfonatum | Tablets | 500 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/05 |

6478 | Kalium hypermanganicum | Kali permanganas | Tablets | 0.1 g | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/04 |

6479 | Kalium iodatum Complexe Nr 84 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

6480 | Kalmia compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

6481 | Kalmia compositum | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

6482 | Kalms | Lupuli strobulus pulv. + Gentianae radix extractum siccum + Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Tablets | 45mg + 22,5mg + 33,75mg | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

6483 | Kamagel | | Gel | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/08/05 |

6484 | Kamfenol | | | | Chema-Elektromet, Rzeszów | 31/12/08 |

6485 | Kamfora | | | | A.C.E.F, Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6486 | Kamfora | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

6487 | Kamfora | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

6488 | Kamfora | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6489 | Kamfora | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

6490 | Kamfora | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6491 | Kamillen-Heel S | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 30/09/05 |

6492 | Kamiren | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/05 |

6493 | Kamiren | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/05 |

6494 | Kamiren | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/05 |

6495 | Kamiren | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6496 | Kamiren | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6497 | Kamiren | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6498 | Kamistad Gel | Lidocainum | Gel | | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 31/12/08 |

6500 | Kan jang | | Film-coated tablets | | Svenska Örtmedicinska Institutet AB, Szwecja | 31/12/08 |

6499 | Kan jang | | Syrup | | Svenska Örtmedicinska Institutet AB, Szwecja | 31/12/08 |

6501 | Kanamycyna 25 % inj. | Siarczan kanamycyny | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

6502 | Kanavet 25 % | Kanamycyny siarczan | Solution | for veterinary use | Alfasan International B.V. | 27/01/07 |

6503 | Kandesartan | Candesartanum | Tablets | 2 mg kandesartanu cileksetylu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6504 | Kandesartan | Candesartanum | Tablets | 4 mg kandesartanu cileksetylu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6505 | Kandesartan | Candesartanum | Tablets | 8 mg kandesartanu cileksetylu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6506 | Kandesartan | Candesartanum | Tablets | 16 mg kandesartanu cileksetylu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6507 | Kaomycin | Neomycyny siarczan, Kaolin, Pektyna | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 4/05/04 |

6508 | Kaopectate | Attalpulgitum | Tablets | 0.75 g | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 30/04/04 |

6509 | Kapanol | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

6510 | Kapanol | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 20 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

6511 | Kapanol | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

6512 | Kaprogest | Hydroxyprogesteroni caproas | Solution for injection | 125 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

6513 | Kapsiplast | | Pach | | Viscoplast S.A. | 31/01/06 |

6514 | Kapsiven | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny "FARMAPOL" Sp. z o.o., Poznań | 31/12/08 |

6515 | Kapsułki celulozowe HPMC | | | | Capsugel NV | 19/12/06 |

6516 | Kapsułki nasenne | Valerianae extractum siccum + Humuli extractum siccum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg + 35 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Spółka Akcyjna | 31/12/08 |

6517 | Kapsułki skrobiowe | | | | Pelikan, Żyrardów | 30/09/05 |

6518 | Kapsułki skrobiowe | | | | Spółdzielnia Pracy Usług Wielobranżowych, Żyrardów | 30/09/05 |

6519 | Kapsułki żelatynowe | | | | Associated Capsules Limited | 24/01/06 |

6520 | Kapsułki żelatynowe | | | | Capsugel NV | 24/01/06 |

6521 | Kapsułki żelatynowe | | | | Gelcap, Rumunia | 24/01/06 |

6522 | Kapsułki żelatynowe | | | | Scherer | 24/01/06 |

6523 | Kaptopril Denk | Captoprilum | Tablets | 12,5 mg | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

6524 | Kaptopril Denk | Captoprilum | Tablets | 25 mg | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

6525 | Kaptopril Denk | Nifedipinum | Tablets | 50 mg | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

6526 | Karex — Wolff 325 | Erythromycinum | Tablets | 325 mg | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6527 | Karex — Wolff 650 | Erythromycinum | Tablets | 650 mg | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

6528 | Karsivan | Propentofilina | Tablet | for veterinary use | Intervet GesmbH | 20/12/06 |

6530 | Karvol | Preparat złożony | Capsules for inhalation | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

6529 | Karvol | Preparat złożony | Inhalation drops | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

6531 | Katadolon | Flupirbinum | Capsules | 100 mg | AWDpharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

6532 | Katadolon Dual | Flupirtinum | Prolonged release capsules | 400mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6533 | Katar Homeoporady | | Granules | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 27/09/07 |

6534 | Katareksal | Loratadinum + Pseudoephedrinum | Prolonged release tablets | 5 mg loratydyny, 120 mg siarczanu pseudoefedryny | Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy GALENUS | 31/12/08 |

6535 | Katareksal | Loratidinum + Pseudoephedrinum | Prolonged release tablets | 5mg + 120 mg | Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy GALENUS | 31/12/08 |

6536 | Katen | Mexiletinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

6537 | Kavakaps | Piperis methystici rhizomae extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 160 mg | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6538 | Kavasedon | Piperis methystici rhizomae extractum siccum | Capsuels, hard | 50 mg kawa-pironów | Harras Pharma Curarina Arzneimittel GmbH | 26/04/06 |

6539 | Kedrovit | | Oral solution | | Interregional Center "Adaptogen" | 31/12/08 |

6541 | Keflex | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 0.25 g | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

6542 | Keflex | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 0.5 g | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

6540 | Keflex | Cefalexinum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

6543 | Kefloxin | Cefadroxilum | Tablets for oral suspension | 1 g | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

6544 | Kefzol | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

6545 | Kelicardina | | Oral solution | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6546 | Kelp | | Tablets | 500 mg | Power Health Prod. | 31/12/08 |

6547 | Kenalog 40 | Triamcinolonum | Suspension for injection | 40 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

6548 | Kephalodoron 0.1 % tabl. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6549 | Kephalodoron 5 % tabl. | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6550 | Kephalodoron D12 | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

6551 | Keppra | Levetiracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 1000 mg | UCB S.A. | 9/08/06 |

6552 | Keppra | Levetiracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | UCB S.A. | 9/08/06 |

6553 | Keppra | Levetiracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | UCB S.A. | 9/08/06 |

6554 | Keratolit | Acidum salicylicum + Urea | Ointment | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/04/05 |

6555 | Keratolysin | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

6556 | Kernosan | Preparat ziołowy | Oromucosal drops | | Kern AG/POLMED Christian Kotyrba | 30/06/05 |

6557 | Kervrans silica | | Tablets | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/12/08 |

6558 | Kestine | Ebastinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Laboratioria Almirall Prodesfarma B.V. | 31/12/08 |

6559 | Ketamidor 10 % | Ketaminum | Solution | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma AG | 27/03/07 |

6560 | Ketamina 10 % | Ketaminum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/01/07 |

6561 | Ketanest 10 | Ketaminum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/07/04 |

6562 | Ketanest 50 | Ketaminum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/07/04 |

6563 | KetaRiem 100 | chlorowodorek ketaminy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Riemser | 31/12/08 |

6564 | Ketek | Telithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Aventis Pharma S.A. | 7/03/07 |

6565 | Ketof | Ketotifenum | Capsules | 1 mg | Hexal AG | 30/01/05 |

6566 | Ketof | Ketotifenum | Syrup | 1 mg/5 ml | Hexal AG | 31/05/05 |

6567 | Ketofen 10 mg | Ketoprofenum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial | 24/07/07 |

6568 | Ketofen 10 % | Ketoprofenum | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 25/03/07 |

6569 | Ketofen 20 mg | Ketoprofenum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial | 24/07/07 |

6570 | Ketofen 5 mg | Ketoprofenum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial | 24/07/07 |

6571 | Ketokonazol | Ketoconazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

6572 | Ketokonazol | Ketoconazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6573 | Ketokonazole | Ketoconazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6575 | Ketonal | Ketoprofenum | Capsuels, hard | 50 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 11/10/06 |

6576 | Ketonal | Ketoprofenum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 13/03/06 |

6577 | Ketonal | Ketoprofenum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 13/03/06 |

6574 | Ketonal | Ketoprofenum | Suppository | 100 mg | Lek d.d. | 31/12/08 |

6578 | Ketonal forte | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 13/03/06 |

6580 | Ketoprofen | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6581 | Ketoprofen | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6582 | Ketoprofen | Ketoprofenum | Gel | 25 mg / g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6583 | Ketoprofen | Ketoprofenum | Gel | 25 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 29/06/05 |

6579 | Ketoprofen | Ketoprofenum | Suppository | 100 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 29/06/05 |

6584 | Ketoprofen 1 % inj. | Ketoprofenum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

6585 | Ketoprofen 2 % — Maść | Ketoprofenum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

6588 | Ketores | Ketoprofenum | Gel | 2.5 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 14/12/05 |

6586 | Ketores | Ketoprofenum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/05/05 |

6587 | Ketores | Ketoprofenum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/05/05 |

6589 | Ketosteril | | Film-coated tablets | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/01/05 |

6590 | Ketotifen | Ketotifenum | Syrup | 0,2 mg /ml | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

6591 | Ketotifen | Ketotifenum | Syrup | 1 mg/5ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

6592 | Ketotifen | Ketotifenum | Syrup | 1 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/06/06 |

6593 | Ketotifen | Ketotifenum | Tablets | 1 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

6594 | Kiddi Fizz | Prep. Witaminowy z minerałami | Effervescent tablets | | Pharmaton S.A. | 31/10/05 |

6595 | Kidrolase | Asparaginasum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10000 j.m. | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Bellon | 30/01/05 |

6596 | Kiltix dla dużych psów | Propoksur, Flumetryna | Collar | for veterinary use | Bayer | 12/06/05 |

6597 | Kiltix dla małych psów | propoksur, flumetryna | Collar | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

6598 | Kinder Biovital | | Oral solution | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

6599 | Kinder Biovital Toffy | | Tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

6600 | Kinetex | Dimenhydrinatum | Buccal tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiebiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego "CEFARM" | 31/12/08 |

6601 | Kinidin Durules | Chinidinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

6602 | KKV — ROS — szczepionka przeciw porażeniu dziecięcemu, doustna, typ 1, 2, 3 | Zawiesina atenuowanych szczepów wirusa polio typ 1,2,3 | Oral suspension | | Instytut Poliomyelitis i Wirusowego Zapalenia Mózgu Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych | 31/12/08 |

6603 | KKV — ROS — szczepionka przeciw porażeniu dziecięcemu, doustna, typ 1, 2, 3 | Zawiesina atenuowanych szczepów wirusa polio typ 1,2,3 | Oral suspension | | Instytut Poliomyelitis i Wirusowego Zapalenia Mózgu Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych | 31/12/08 |

6604 | KKV — ROS — szczepionka przeciw porażeniu dziecięcemu, doustna, typ 1, 2, 3 | Zawiesina atenuowanych szczepów wirusa polio typ 1,2,3 | Oral suspension | | Instytut Poliomyelitis i Wirusowego Zapalenia Mózgu Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych | 31/12/08 |

6605 | Klabion | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 5/07/06 |

6606 | Klabion | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 5/07/06 |

6610 | Klacid | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Abbott S.p.A | 31/01/05 |

6611 | Klacid | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 30/06/07 |

6607 | Klacid | Clarithromycinum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Abbott S.p.A | 31/12/08 |

6608 | Klacid | Clarithromycinum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Abbott S.p.A | 31/01/05 |

6609 | Klacid | Clarithromycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 500 mg | Abbott France S.A. | 22/11/05 |

6612 | Klacid Uno | Clarithromycinum | Modified release tablets | 500 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

6613 | Klaratio 250 | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6614 | Klaratio 500 | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6615 | Klarmin | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6616 | Klarmin | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6617 | Klato-Lan | Tylozyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Klat-Chemie | 31/12/08 |

6622 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg + 125 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6623 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 125 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6624 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Film-coated tablets | 875 mg + 125 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6620 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (125 mg + 31,25 mg)/5 ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6621 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (400 mg + 57 mg)/5 ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6618 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 500 mg + 100 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6619 | Klavocin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 1000 mg + 200 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6625 | KLAVOCIN Forte | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (250 mg + 62,5 mg)/5 ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6626 | Klimacin | | Capsule, hard | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6627 | Klimadynon | | Film-coated tablets | | Bionorica AG | 27/06/07 |

6628 | Klimafemin | Cimicifugae racemosae rhizomae tinctura (1:10) | Drops | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6629 | Klimafemin | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6630 | Klimakt-Heel | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

6631 | Klimaktin | | | | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company d.d. | 31/12/08 |

6632 | Klimaktobonisol | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "Bonimed" | 31/12/08 |

6633 | Klimaktoplant | | Tablets | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 31/08/05 |

6634 | Klimaren | Estradiolum + Levonorgestelum | Coated tablets | preparat złożony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6635 | Klimaren | | Film-coated tablet | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6636 | Klimasol | Cimicifugae extractum siccum | Capsule, hard | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6637 | Klimasol | Cimicifugae radix extractum | Oral drops | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 14/12/05 |

6638 | Klimax | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

6639 | Klimicin | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 150 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

6640 | Klimicin | Clindamycinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

6641 | Klimicin | Clindamycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 150 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

6642 | Klimicin | Clindamycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 150 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

6643 | Klimodien | Estradiolum + Dienogestum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg + 2 mg | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

6644 | Klimonorm | Estradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 30/04/04 |

6645 | Klindacin T | Clindamycinum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 6/06/07 |

6646 | Klindamycin | Clindamycinum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

6647 | Kliogest | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/01/05 |

6648 | Klitix dla średnich psów | Propoksur, Flumetryna | Collar | for veterinary use | Bayer | 12/06/05 |

6649 | Klofenil | Diclofenacum | Gel | 5 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

6650 | Klopidogrel | Clopidogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

6651 | Kloracef | Cefaclorum | Prolonged release tablets | 750 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6652 | Klosterfrau Activ Kapseln | | Capsules | | M.C.M. Klosterfrau Vetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H | 30/04/04 |

6653 | Klosterfrau beruhigungs-kapseln forte | | Capsules | | M.C.M. Klosterfrau Vertriebs GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6654 | Klotrigem | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

6655 | Klozapol | Clozapinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/06/04 |

6656 | Klozapol | Clozapinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

6657 | Kłącze imbiru | | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/09/07 |

6658 | Kłącze imbiru | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 24/09/07 |

6659 | Kłącze imbiru (Zingerek) | | Capsules | 220 mg | Herbapol Poznań | 9/01/07 |

6660 | Kłącze imbiru kaps. 250 mg Avioplant Junior | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 24/08/05 |

6661 | Kłącze imbiru kaps. 300 mg | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/01/06 |

6662 | Kłącze imbiru LOKOMOTIV | | Capsules | 300 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 14/06/05 |

6663 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

6664 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

6665 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Herbapol Lublin | 19/07/07 |

6666 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 19/07/07 |

6667 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 19/07/07 |

6668 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 19/07/07 |

6669 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

6670 | Kłącze perzu | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

6671 | Kłącze perzu 1 | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6672 | Kłącze perzu 1 | Agropyri rhizoma | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6673 | Kłącze pięciornika | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

6674 | Kłącze pięciornika | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 26/03/06 |

6675 | Kłącze pięciornika | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 26/03/06 |

6676 | Kłącze pięciornika | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 26/03/06 |

6677 | Kłącze pięciornika 1 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/05 |

6678 | Kłącze Pięciornika - Rhizoma Tormentillae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

6679 | Kłącze tataraku | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

6680 | Kłącze tataraku | | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/07 |

6681 | Kłącze tataraku | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

6682 | Kłącze tataraku | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

6683 | Kłącze wężownika | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/05/07 |

6684 | Kłącze wężownika | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 14/05/07 |

6685 | Kłącze wężownika | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/05/07 |

6686 | Kłącze wężownika | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 14/05/07 |

6687 | Kłopoty z zasypianiem HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

6688 | Koate DVI | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1000 j.m. | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/07 |

6689 | Koate DVI | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 250 j.m. | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/07 |

6690 | Koate DVI | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 500 j.m. | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/07 |

6691 | Koate HP | Coagulation factor VIII | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1500 j.m. | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/07 |

6692 | Koci pazur | Uncariae tomentosae cortex pulv. | Capsules, hard | 540 mg | MMS International Nature's Way Products Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

6693 | Kodeiny fosforan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 28/02/06 |

6694 | Kodeiny fosforan | | | | Polfa Kutno | 28/02/06 |

6695 | Koenzym Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules, soft | 30 mg | Puritan's Pride Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

6696 | Koenzym Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Tablets | 30 mg | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

6697 | Kofeina | | | | A.C.E.F, Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6698 | Kofeina | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

6699 | Kofeina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6700 | Kofeina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6701 | Kofeino-sodowy benzoesan | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 4/10/07 |

6702 | Kofeino-sodowy benzoesan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 4/10/07 |

6703 | Kofeino-sodowy benzoesan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 4/10/07 |

6704 | Kofeino-sodowy salicylan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/01/05 |

6705 | Koferina tabletki od bólu głowy | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethoxybenzamidum | Tablets | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne mgr farm. Zofia Sadowska | 12/06/07 |

6706 | Kofevit | Preparat złożony | Effervescent powder | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6708 | Kofex | Coffeinum | Buccal tablets | 40 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/01/05 |

6707 | Kofex | Coffeinum | Lozenge | 40 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 11/10/06 |

6709 | Koforan | Sulfadimetoksyny sól sodowa, Dimetylopirymidyna, Witamina A, Witamina K3 | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 25/05/04 |

6710 | Kogenate Bayer | Czynnik krzepnięcia VIII rekombinowany | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 250 j.m. | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

6711 | Kogenate Bayer | Czynnik krzepnięcia VIII rekombinowany | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 500 j.m. | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

6712 | Kogenate Bayer | Czynnik krzepnięcia VIII rekombinowany | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 1000 j.m. | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

6713 | Kokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Merck KGaA | 30/06/06 |

6714 | Kokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/06/06 |

6715 | Kokcisan 12 % granulat | Salinomycyna | Granules | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

6716 | Kokcisan 12 % granulat | Salinomycyna | Premix | for veterinary use | KRKA | 31/12/08 |

6717 | Kolistyny siarczan | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 19/08/05 |

6718 | Kolodium | Collodium | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6719 | Kolodium | Collodium | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

6720 | Kolodium | Collodium | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6721 | Kolpotex-230 | Nonoxinolum | Pessary | 230 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne M.Adamkiewicz | 31/12/05 |

6722 | Kolpotex-Oval | Nonoxinolum | Pessary | 75 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne M.Adamkiewicz | 31/12/05 |

6723 | Kompensan | Dihydroxyaluminii natrii carbonas | Tablets | 0.34 g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/07/04 |

6725 | Kompensan S | Dihydroxyaluminii natrii carbonas | Suspension | 3.4 mg/ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/07/04 |

6724 | Kompensan S | Dihydroxyaluminii natrii carbonas | Tablets | 0.34 g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/07/04 |

6726 | Koncentrat Czynnika IX | | Injection | 500 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

6727 | Koncentrat Czynnika IX | | Injection | 600 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

6728 | Koncentrat Czynnika IX | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 250 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

6729 | Koncentrat czynnika IX | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection and intravascular infusion | 400 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

6730 | Koncentrat octanowy do dializy pozaustrojowej | | Concentrate for extracorporeal dialysis solution | | Karima | 1/08/05 |

6731 | Koncentrat węglanowy do dializy pozaustrojowej. Typ BL (A+B) | | Concentrate for extracorporeal dialysis solution | | Karima | 1/08/05 |

6732 | Koncentrat węglanowy do dializy pozaustrojowej. Typ F (A+B) | | Concentrate for extracorporeal dialysis solution | | Karima | 1/08/05 |

6733 | Koncentrat węglanowy do dializy pozaustrojowej. Typ G (A+B) | | Concentrate for extracorporeal dialysis solution | | Karima | 1/08/05 |

6734 | Konsulfatrim | Sulphadiazinum + Trimethoprimum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/07 |

6735 | Konyne 80 | Coagulation factor IX | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 500 j.m. | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/08 |

6736 | Kopiryna | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne mgr farm. Zofia Sadowska | 25/01/06 |

6737 | Kora dębowa | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 30/11/05 |

6738 | Kora dębowa 1 i 2 | Quercus Cortex | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 10/04/06 |

6739 | Kora dębowa 1 i 2 | Quercus Cortex | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 10/04/06 |

6740 | Kora dębu | Quercus Cortex | Celluloid capsules | 375 g | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 19/03/07 |

6741 | Kora dębu | Quercus Cortex | Gelatin capsules | 375 g | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 19/03/07 |

6742 | Kora dębu | Quercus Cortex | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 19/03/07 |

6743 | Kora dębu | Quercus Cortex | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 19/03/07 |

6744 | Kora dębu | Quercus Cortex | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/03/07 |

6745 | Kora dębu | Quercus Cortex | Capsules | 350 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 29/10/05 |

6746 | Kora dębu 1 | Quercus Cortex | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6747 | Kora dębu 1 | Quercus Cortex | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6748 | Kora dębu Kapsułki ENTEROPLANT | Quercus Cortex | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6749 | Kora kaliny | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

6750 | Kora kaliny | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 13/05/06 |

6751 | Kora kaliny | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

6752 | Kora kaliny koralowej 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 16/06/06 |

6753 | Kora Kasztanowca | Hippocastani cortex | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 27/09/06 |

6754 | Kora kasztanowca | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6755 | Kora Kasztanowca - Cortex Hippocastani | Hippocastani cortex | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

6756 | Kora kruszyny | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 15/03/05 |

6757 | Kora kruszyny | | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 15/03/05 |

6758 | Kora kruszyny | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 15/03/05 |

6759 | Kora kruszyny 1 | | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 10/04/06 |

6760 | Kora kruszyny 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 10/04/06 |

6761 | Kora kruszyny 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 10/04/06 |

6762 | Kora kruszyny 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 10/04/06 |

6763 | Kora kruszyny 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

6764 | Kora kruszyny 1 i 2 (Frangulae fix, Kruszyna fix) | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

6765 | Kora kruszyny Linea | | Capsules | 200 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 24/11/05 |

6766 | Kora wierzby | Salicis cortex | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

6767 | Kora wierzby | Salicis cortex | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

6768 | Kora wierzby | Salicis cortex | | | Herbapol Kraków | 19/07/07 |

6769 | Kora wierzby | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

6770 | Kora Wierzby | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 19/07/07 |

6771 | Kora Wierzby | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 19/07/07 |

6772 | Kora Wierzby | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 19/07/07 |

6773 | Kornam | Terazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/05 |

6774 | Kornam | Terazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

6775 | Kornam | Terazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/05 |

6776 | Kornam | Terazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

6777 | Kortikol | Mometasoni furoas | Cream | 1 mg/g | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

6778 | Kortygem | Hydrocortisonum | Ointment | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

6779 | Korzeń arcydzięgla | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/01/06 |

6780 | Korzeń arcydzięgla | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 24/01/06 |

6781 | Korzeń arcydzięgla | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 24/01/06 |

6782 | Korzeń arcydzięgla | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 24/01/06 |

6783 | Korzeń arcydzięgla 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/03/05 |

6784 | Korzeń arcydzięgla 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/03/05 |

6785 | Korzeń Cykorii Podróżnika | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

6786 | Korzeń goryczki | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

6787 | Korzeń goryczki | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 13/05/06 |

6788 | Korzeń goryczki | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

6789 | Korzeń goryczki 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/06/06 |

6790 | Korzeń goryczki 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 24/06/06 |

6791 | Korzeń goryczki 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 24/06/06 |

6792 | Korzeń kozłka | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 28/02/06 |

6793 | Korzeń kozłka | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 28/02/06 |

6794 | Korzeń kozłka | | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 28/02/06 |

6795 | Korzeń kozłka | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 28/02/06 |

6796 | Korzeń kozłka | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 28/02/06 |

6797 | Korzeń kozłka 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6798 | Korzeń kozłka 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6799 | Korzeń lubczyka | Levistici radix | Herb | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

6800 | Korzeń lubczyka | Levistici radix | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

6801 | Korzeń lubczyka | Levistici radix | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

6802 | Korzeń lubczyka | Levistici radix | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

6803 | Korzeń lubczyka | Levistici radix | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

6804 | Korzeń lukrecji | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 14/09/07 |

6805 | Korzeń lukrecji | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 14/09/07 |

6806 | Korzeń lukrecji | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/09/07 |

6807 | Korzeń lukrecji 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/03/05 |

6808 | Korzeń lukrecji 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/03/05 |

6809 | Korzeń lukrecji 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

6810 | Korzeń Łopianu | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

6811 | Korzeń Łopianu | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

6812 | Korzeń Łopianu | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

6813 | Korzeń Łopianu | | Herb | | Zioła Lecznicze — Boguccy s.c. | 30/10/05 |

6814 | Korzeń mniszka | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

6815 | Korzeń mniszka | | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/07 |

6816 | Korzeń mniszka | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

6817 | Korzeń mniszka | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

6818 | Korzeń mniszka | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

6819 | Korzeń mniszka 1 | | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/08/05 |

6820 | Korzeń mniszka 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/08/05 |

6821 | Korzeń mydlnicy | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/07/06 |

6822 | Korzeń mydlnicy | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/07/06 |

6823 | Korzeń mydlnicy | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/07/06 |

6824 | Korzeń mydlnicy | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/07/06 |

6825 | Korzeń mydlnicy | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/07/06 |

6826 | Korzeń omanu | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/08 |

6827 | Korzeń omanu | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

6828 | Korzeń omanu | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

6829 | Korzeń omanu 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 25/08/06 |

6830 | Korzeń pierwiosnki | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/07/05 |

6831 | Korzeń podróżnika | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6832 | Korzeń pokrzywy | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6833 | Korzeń pokrzywy zweyczajnej | | Herb | | Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

6834 | Korzeń prawoślazu | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

6835 | Korzeń prawoślazu | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 26/03/06 |

6836 | Korzeń prawoślazu | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 26/03/06 |

6837 | Korzeń prawoślazu | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 26/03/06 |

6838 | Korzeń prawoślazu | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 26/03/06 |

6839 | Korzeń prawoślazu | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 26/03/06 |

6840 | Korzeń prawoślazu 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/06 |

6841 | Korzeń rzewienia | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

6842 | Korzeń rzewienia | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

6843 | Korzeń rzewienia | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

6844 | Korzeń rzewienia | | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

6845 | Korzeń rzewienia 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

6846 | Korzeń rzewienia 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/05/06 |

6847 | Korzeń wilżyny | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

6848 | Korzeń wilżyny | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 13/05/06 |

6849 | Korzeń wilżyny | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

6850 | Korzeń wilżyny 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/08/07 |

6851 | Korzeń żeń-szenia | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 31/01/05 |

6852 | Korzeń żeń-szenia | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 29/06/05 |

6853 | Korzeń ŻywokostU | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

6854 | Kosulvit | Sulfadimidyna, Trimetovit, Witamina A | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Bioweterynaryjnego "Polfa" | 21/05/04 |

6855 | Koszyczek arniki | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

6856 | Koszyczek arniki | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 13/05/06 |

6857 | Koszyczek arniki | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

6858 | Koszyczek arniki | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 13/05/06 |

6859 | Koszyczek arniki 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/05/07 |

6860 | Koszyczek nagietka | Calendulae anthodium | Bags | 1.0 g | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 14/05/07 |

6861 | Koszyczek nagietka | Calendulae anthodium | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 14/05/07 |

6862 | Koszyczek nagietka | Calendulae anthodium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/05/07 |

6863 | Koszyczek Nagietka | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 14/05/07 |

6864 | Koszyczek Nagietka | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/08 |

6865 | Koszyczek nagietka 1 i 2 | Calendulae anthodium | | | Herbapol Kraków | 9/11/06 |

6866 | Koszyczek Nagietka fix | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/08 |

6867 | Koszyczek rumianku | Chamomille anthodium | Bags | 2 g | PPH Biofluid | 14/03/07 |

6868 | Koszyczek rumianku | Chamomille anthodium | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 14/03/07 |

6869 | Koszyczek rumianku | Chamomille anthodium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/03/07 |

6870 | Koszyczek rumianku | Chamomille anthodium | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 14/03/07 |

6871 | Koszyczek rumianku | Chemomille anthodium | Bags | 1.2 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/03/07 |

6872 | Koszyczek rumianku (1 i 2) | Chamomille anthodium | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

6873 | Koszyczek rumianku (1 i 2) | Chamomille anthodium | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

6874 | Koszyczek rumianku (2) | Chamomille anthodium | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 30/04/06 |

6875 | Koszyczek rumianku 1 i 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

6876 | Koszyczek rumianku 1 i 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

6877 | Koszyczek rumianku 1 i 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Varia, Katowice | 31/12/08 |

6878 | Koszyczek rumianku 1 i 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/08 |

6879 | Koszyczek rumianku 1 i 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

6880 | Koszyczek rumianku 1 i 2 (Chamo fix, Rumianek fix) | Chamomille anthodium | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

6881 | Koszyczek rumianku 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 31/12/06 |

6882 | Koszyczek rumianku 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 31/12/06 |

6883 | Koszyczek rumianku 2 | Chamomille anthodium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/06 |

6884 | Koszyczek Rumianku -Anthodium Chamomillae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/08 |

6885 | Koszyczek Rumianku fix -Anthodium Chamomillae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/08 |

6886 | KoszyCZk nagietka fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

6887 | koszyczki nagietka | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6888 | Kredex | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6889 | Kredex | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6890 | Kredex | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6.25 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6891 | Krem ochronny >Chiet 6< | | Paste | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

6892 | Krem Ochronny z Witaminą A | Preparat złożony | | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

6893 | Krem propolisowy 1 % | | Cream | | Barć — Pasieka im. ks. dr Henryka Ostacha | 31/12/04 |

6894 | Kreon 10000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Capsules with pelets | 150 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/12/08 |

6895 | Kreon 25000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Capsules with microsphere | 300 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/05/05 |

6896 | Kreosotum complexe nr 62 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/08/06 |

6897 | Kromoglikan | Acidum cromoglicicum | Tablets for oral suspension | 100 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/05/05 |

6898 | Kromoglikan 2 % | Cromoglycate disodium | Solution for drink | | TERPOL Przedsiebiorstwo Farmaceutyczne S.A | 31/12/08 |

6899 | Krople miętowe | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 30/06/05 |

6900 | Krople miętowe | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 30/06/05 |

6901 | Krople miętowe | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 30/06/05 |

6902 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

6903 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Bonimed, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

6904 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

6905 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 31/12/08 |

6906 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/12/08 |

6907 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6908 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

6909 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6910 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

6911 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/12/08 |

6912 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6913 | Krople nasercowe | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6914 | Krople nasercowe | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6915 | Krople nasercowe Cardiacol | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 4/09/07 |

6916 | Krople nasercowe z Wyciągiem z zarodków kola Cardiacol C | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

6917 | Krople nasercowe z Wyciągiem z zarodków Kola SERCOFIT | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/11/06 |

6918 | Krople uspakajające | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/07 |

6919 | Krople uspakajające | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/07 |

6920 | Krople uspakajające | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/07 |

6921 | Krople uspakajające Nervosol-K | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/07 |

6922 | Krople uspokajające | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 4/09/07 |

6923 | Krople uspokajające | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 4/09/07 |

6924 | Krople uspokajające | | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

6925 | Krople walerianowe | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 30/06/05 |

6926 | Krople walerianowe | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 30/06/05 |

6927 | Krople żołądkowe | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/08 |

6928 | Krople żołądkowe | | Drops | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6929 | Krople żołądkowe | | Oral drops | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 22/05/06 |

6930 | Krople żołądkowe forte | | Oral drops | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6931 | Krople żołądkowe T | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 23/05/06 |

6932 | Krople żołądkowe T | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops, solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

6933 | Krople żołądkowe t | Preparat złożony | Oral drops | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6934 | Kryptoscan (81mkr) Generator | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

6935 | Kuterid | Betamethasonum | Cream | 0.64 mg/g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

6936 | Kuterid | Betamethasonum | Ointment | 0.64 mg/g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

6937 | Kw iat wrzosu | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

6938 | Kwai | | Film-coated tablets | 0.1 g | Lichtwer Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

6939 | Kwas acetylosalicylowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6940 | Kwas acetylosalicylowy | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

6941 | Kwas acetylosalicylowy | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6942 | Kwas acetylosalicylowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6943 | Kwas acetylosalicylowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6944 | Kwas acetylosalicylowy | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

6945 | Kwas askorbowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6946 | Kwas askorbowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6947 | Kwas askorbowy | | | | Pliva Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6948 | Kwas askorbowy | Acidum ascorbicum | Powder | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

6949 | Kwas benzoesowy | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

6950 | Kwas benzoesowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6951 | Kwas benzoesowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

6952 | Kwas benzoesowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6953 | Kwas borowy | | | | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 24/07/06 |

6954 | Kwas borowy | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 24/07/06 |

6955 | Kwas borowy | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 24/07/06 |

6956 | Kwas borowy | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 24/07/06 |

6957 | Kwas borowy | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 24/07/06 |

6958 | Kwas borowy | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 24/07/06 |

6959 | Kwas borowy | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/07/06 |

6960 | Kwas borowy | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 24/07/06 |

6961 | Kwas borowy | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 24/07/06 |

6962 | Kwas borowy | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 24/07/06 |

6963 | Kwas borowy | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 24/07/06 |

6964 | Kwas borowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/07/06 |

6965 | Kwas borowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/07/06 |

6966 | Kwas borowy | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 24/07/06 |

6967 | Kwas borowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/07/06 |

6968 | Kwas borowy | | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 24/07/06 |

6969 | Kwas borowy | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 24/07/06 |

6970 | Kwas borowy | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 24/07/06 |

6971 | Kwas cytrynowy | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 9/10/06 |

6972 | Kwas cytrynowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 9/10/06 |

6973 | Kwas cytrynowy | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 9/10/06 |

6974 | Kwas cytrynowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 9/10/06 |

6975 | Kwas foliowy | Acidum folicum | Tablets | 400 mcg | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 30/09/04 |

6976 | Kwas foliowy (Folvita) | Acidum folicum | Oral capsules | 400 mcg | Healthilife Limited | 31/12/08 |

6977 | Kwas mlekowy | Acidum lacticum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

6978 | Kwas mlekowy | Acidum lacticum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

6979 | Kwas mlekowy | Acidum lacticum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

6980 | Kwas mlekowy | Acidum lacticum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

6981 | Kwas mlekowy | Acidum lacticum | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

6982 | Kwas mlekowy 50 % | Acidum lacticum | | | Chema Elektromet, Rzeszów | 31/12/08 |

6983 | Kwas octowy | | | | A.C.E.F. , Włochy | 30/09/05 |

6984 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6985 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

6986 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6987 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

6988 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6989 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

6990 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

6991 | Kwas salicylowy | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

6992 | Kwas solny 10 % | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/10/05 |

6993 | Kwas solny 35 % | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

6994 | Kwas winowy | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

6995 | Kwas winowy | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

6996 | Kwetiapina | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6997 | Kwetiapina | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6998 | Kwetiapina | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

6999 | Kwiat ślazu | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

7000 | Kwiat Akacji | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7001 | Kwiat akacji białej | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 31/12/08 |

7002 | Kwiat bławatka | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 31/12/08 |

7003 | Kwiat Bławatka | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7004 | Kwiat bzu czarnego | Sambuci flos | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

7005 | Kwiat bzu czarnego | Sambuci flos | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 26/03/06 |

7006 | Kwiat bzu czarnego | Sambuci flos | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 26/03/06 |

7007 | Kwiat bzu czarnego | Sambuci flos | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 26/03/06 |

7008 | Kwiat bzu czarnego (1 i 2) | Sambuci flos | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/05 |

7009 | Kwiat bzu czarnego 1 | Sambuci flos | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/05 |

7010 | Kwiat bzu czarnego 1 i 2 | Sambuci flos | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 24/05/06 |

7011 | Kwiat bzu czarnego 1 i 2 | Sambuci flos | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 24/05/06 |

7012 | Kwiat bzu czarnego 1 i 2 (Sambucus fix, Bez czarny fix) | Sambuci flos | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

7013 | Kwiat bzu czarnego 2 | Sambuci flos | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/06/06 |

7014 | Kwiat dziewanny | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/05/07 |

7015 | Kwiat dziewanny | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 14/05/07 |

7016 | Kwiat dziewanny | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 14/05/07 |

7017 | Kwiat dziewanny | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/05/07 |

7018 | Kwiat Jasnoty | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7019 | Kwiat Jasnoty Bialej | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

7020 | Kwiat jasnoty białej | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7021 | Kwiat jasnoty białej | | Herb | | Herbapol, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

7022 | Kwiat jasnoty białej | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7023 | Kwiat jasnoty białej | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 31/12/08 |

7024 | Kwiat Jasnoty Białej | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/08 |

7025 | Kwiat jasnoty białej fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7026 | Kwiat Kasztanowca | Hippocastani flos | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7027 | Kwiat Kasztanowca | Hippocastani flos | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/07 |

7028 | Kwiat kasztanowca | Hippocastani flos | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 31/12/08 |

7029 | Kwiat kasztanowca | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7030 | Kwiat kasztanowca | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7031 | Kwiat krwawnika | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7032 | Kwiat Krwawnika | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7033 | Kwiat Krwawnika | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/01/06 |

7034 | Kwiat lawendy | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

7035 | Kwiat lawendy | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

7036 | Kwiat lawendy | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

7037 | Kwiat lawendy 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

7038 | Kwiat lawendy 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

7039 | Kwiat lawendy 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/05/07 |

7040 | Kwiat lipy | | | | Herbapol Łódź | 31/12/07 |

7041 | Kwiat Lipy fix -Inflorescentia Tiliae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7042 | Kwiat Lipy -Inflorescentia Tiliae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7043 | Kwiat malwy | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 18/12/05 |

7044 | Kwiat Malwy czarnej | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 19/05/06 |

7045 | Kwiat malwy czarnej | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/05/06 |

7046 | Kwiat malwy czarnej | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 19/05/06 |

7047 | Kwiat nagietka | | Herb | | Bydgoskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

7048 | Kwiat nagietka | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7049 | Kwiat Nagietka | | Herb | | Zioła Lecznicze — Boguccy s.c. | 30/10/05 |

7050 | Kwiat Nagietka | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

7051 | Kwiat Nagietka | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7052 | Kwiat Nagietka | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

7053 | Kwiat podbiału | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7054 | Kwiat przelotu | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7055 | Kwiat rumianku | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 5/02/05 |

7056 | Kwiat rumianku | | | | Herbapol Łódź | 5/02/05 |

7057 | Kwiat rumianku | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7058 | Kwiat Rumianku rzymskiego | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7059 | Kwiat ślazu | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/03/05 |

7060 | Kwiat wiązówki | Ulmariae flos | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

7061 | Kwiat wiązówki | Ulmariae flos | | | Herbapol Lublin | 19/07/07 |

7062 | Kwiat wiązówki | Ulmariae flos | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

7063 | Kwiat wiązówki | Ulmariae flos | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

7064 | Kwiat wiązówki | Ulmariae flos | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

7065 | Kwiat wiązówki 1 i 2 | Ulmariae flos | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/05/07 |

7066 | Kwiat Wiązówki -Flos Ulmariae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7067 | Kwiat wrzosu | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7068 | Kwiat wrzosu | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7069 | Kwiat Wrzosu | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7070 | Kwiat wrzosu fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7071 | Kwiat Wrzosu -Flos Ericae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7072 | Kwiatostan głogu | Crataegi inflorescentia | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 30/08/07 |

7073 | Kwiatostan głogu | Crataegi inflorescentia | Herb in bags | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/08/07 |

7074 | Kwiatostan głogu | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/08/07 |

7075 | Kwiatostan głogu | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Zioła Lecznicze, Boguccy, Kraków | 30/08/07 |

7076 | Kwiatostan głogu | Crataegi inflorescentia | Capsules | 243 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 28/02/06 |

7077 | Kwiatostan głogu (1 i 2) | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

7078 | Kwiatostan głogu (Crataegus fix, Kwiat głogu fix) | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Herbapol Lublin | 14/09/07 |

7079 | Kwiatostan głogu 1 i 2 | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

7080 | Kwiatostan głogu 1 i 2 | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 26/03/06 |

7081 | Kwiatostan głogu 2 | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 24/03/07 |

7082 | Kwiatostan głogu 2 | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 24/03/07 |

7083 | Kwiatostan głogu kaps.270 mg | Crataegi inflorescentia | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/01/06 |

7084 | Kwiatostan kocanek | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 28/02/06 |

7085 | Kwiatostan kocanek | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 28/02/06 |

7086 | Kwiatostan kocanek | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 28/02/06 |

7087 | Kwiatostan kocanek | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 28/02/06 |

7088 | Kwiatostan kocanek 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

7089 | Kwiatostan kocanek 1 | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/08/05 |

7090 | Kwiatostan kocanek 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

7091 | Kwiatostan Lawendy -Flos Lavandulae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7092 | Kwiatostan lipy | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

7093 | Kwiatostan lipy | Tiliae inflorescentia | Capsules | 400 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 28/02/06 |

7094 | Kwiatostan lipy (1 i 2) | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7095 | Kwiatostan lipy (1 i 2) | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

7096 | Kwiatostan lipy 1 | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/07/05 |

7097 | Kwiatostan lipy 1 i 2 | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Herbapol Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7098 | Kwiatostan lipy 1 i 2 | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 30/11/05 |

7099 | Kwiatostan lipy 1 i 2 | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/11/05 |

7100 | Kwiatostan lipy 1 i 2 (Tilia fix, Lipa fix) | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

7101 | Kwiatostan lipy 2 | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

7102 | Kwiatostan lipy 2 | Tiliae inflorescentia | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/11/06 |

7103 | Kybernin P | Antithrombinum III | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1000 j.m. | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7104 | Kybernin P | Antithrombinum III | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 500 j.m. | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7106 | Kytril | Granisetronum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/06/07 |

7105 | Kytril | Granisetronum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 1/04/06 |

7107 | L 25 | | | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

7108 | L 28 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

7109 | L 8 | | | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

7110 | L.52 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

7111 | L.72 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

7112 | L-114 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/10/05 |

7113 | Labufen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Labpharm Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7114 | Labufen Forte | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Labpharm Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7115 | LACHESIS comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7116 | LACHESIS comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7117 | Lachesis Complexe Nr 70 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

7118 | Lacidofil | Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus rhamnosus | Capsules | 2 mld CFU | Institut Rosell Inc. | 31/07/04 |

7119 | Lacipil | Lacidipinum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 4/01/06 |

7120 | Lacipil | Lacidipinum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 4/01/06 |

7121 | Lacrimal | Alcohol polivinylicus | Eye drops, solution | 14 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

7122 | Lactaclox | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook Lab. | 1/08/04 |

7123 | Lactiovit | Witaminy + Lactobacillus acidophilus | Buccal tablets | preparat złożony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7124 | Lactitol | Lactitolum | Powder | 10 g | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 29/06/05 |

7125 | Lactobac Plus | Bakterie | Capsules | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek BIOMED | 31/12/08 |

7126 | Lactobif | | Oral lyophilisate | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/09/05 |

7127 | Lactocin | Oxytocinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłądy Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" Sp. z o.o. | 22/05/07 |

7128 | Lactoderm | SBU 40 %, kwas mlekowy, glicerol, pioktanina | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 11/03/04 |

7129 | Lactolyte | Serwatka odwodniona, Sodu octan bezwodny, Sodu propionian bezwodny, Sodu chlorek bezwodny, Potasu chlorek bezwodny, Jednopotasowy fosforan bezwodny | Powder | for veterinary use | Virbac | 18/08/05 |

7130 | Lactosanol | Tilactasum | Capsules | 250 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

7131 | Lactovaginal | Lactobacillus rhamnosus | Vaginal capsules | ok. 10000 mln (w tym nie mniej niż 100 mln CFU) pałeczek L. Rhamnosus | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek "BIOMED" S.A., Kraków | 30/09/05 |

7132 | Lactovaginal | Organizmy produkujące kwas mlekowy | Pessary | 10 mld komórek | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/09/07 |

7133 | Lactulol | Lactulosum | Syrup | 2,5 g/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

7134 | Lactulose — Mip | Lactulasum | Syrup | 3,25 g/5 ml | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7135 | Lactulosum | Lactulosum | Syrup | 2.5 g/5 ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

7136 | Lactulosum | Lactulosum | Syrup | 7.5 g/15 ml | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/06 |

7137 | Lactulosum | Lactulosum | Syrup | 7.5 g/15 ml | Aflofarm Farmacia Polska Sp. z o.o. | 6/06/07 |

7138 | Lagosa | | Coated tablets | 150 mg | Waerwag Pharma GmbH & Co | 31/08/05 |

7139 | Laif 600 | Hyperici extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 612 mg | Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7140 | Lakcid | Lactobacillus rhamnosus | Lyophilisate for oral suspension | co najmniej 100 mln. CFU pałeczek Lactobacillus rhamnosus — 1 dawka | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/01/05 |

7141 | Lakcid L | | Powder for suspension | 1,2 mld bakterii | BIOMED Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Spółka z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7142 | Lakcid forte | Lactobacillus rhamnosus | Lyophilisate for oral suspension | co najmniej 400 mln CFU pałeczek Lactobacillus rhamnosus — 1 dawka | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

7143 | Lakcid forte 20 | Lactobacillus rhamnosus | Lyophilisate for oral suspension | co najmniej 8 mld CFU pałeczek Lactobacillus rhamnosus — 20 dawek | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

7144 | Laksen | Sennae fructus extractum siccum | Tablets | 75 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne COLFARM S.A., Mielec | 31/12/08 |

7145 | Laktomag | Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 70 mg Mg ++ | Chance — Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. | 31/01/06 |

7146 | Laktomag B6 | Magnesii hydroaspartas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | | Chance — Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. | 30/06/05 |

7147 | Laktoza | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

7148 | Laktoza | | | | El Virus, Siemianowice | 30/11/05 |

7149 | Laktoza | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

7150 | Laktoza | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7151 | Laktoza | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

7152 | Laktoza | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7153 | Laktoza | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 30/11/05 |

7154 | Lametta | Letrozolum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | VIPHARM S.A. Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7155 | Lamictal | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

7156 | Lamictal | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/04/05 |

7157 | Lamictal | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/05/05 |

7158 | Lamictal | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/05/05 |

7159 | Lamictal | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

7160 | Lamictal | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/04/05 |

7164 | Lamictal S | Lamotriginum | Tablets for oral solution | 2 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 6/06/07 |

7161 | Lamictal S | Lamotriginum | Tablets for oral suspension | 100 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

7162 | Lamictal S | Lamotriginum | Tablets for oral suspension | 25 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

7163 | Lamictal S | Lamotriginum | Tablets for oral suspension | 5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

7165 | Lamioflur | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7166 | Lamisil | Terbinafinum | Tablets | 125 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7167 | Lamisil | Terbinafinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7169 | Lamisilatt | Terbinafinum | Coutanous liquid | 1 % | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7168 | Lamisilatt | Terbinafinum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/04 |

7170 | Lamisilatt | Terbinafinum | Cutaneous spray, solution | 1 % | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7171 | Lamisilatt Dermgel | Terbinafinum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 30/06/05 |

7172 | Lamotirgine | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7173 | Lamotragine | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7174 | Lamotrigin | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7175 | Lamotrigin | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7176 | Lamotrigin | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7177 | Lamotrigine | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7178 | Lamotrix | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7179 | Lamotrix | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7180 | Lamotrix | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7181 | Lancetan | Plantaginis lanceolatae extractum fluidum | Syrup | 648 mg/5 ml | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 9/08/06 |

7182 | Lanceticum | Plantaginis lanceolatae extractum fluidum + Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | 318 mg/5ml | Naturwaren OHG Dr Peter Theiss | 31/05/04 |

7183 | Landicor | Metildigoxinum | Tablets | 0.1 mg | Nobilus Ent | 30/06/05 |

7184 | Lanolina | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

7185 | Lanolina | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 31/12/08 |

7186 | Lanolina | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/12/08 |

7187 | Lanolina | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

7188 | Lanolina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7189 | Lanolina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7190 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 5/08/05 |

7191 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 5/08/05 |

7192 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 5/08/05 |

7193 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 5/08/05 |

7194 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 5/08/05 |

7195 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 5/08/05 |

7196 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 5/08/05 |

7197 | Lanolina bezwodna | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 5/08/05 |

7198 | Lansone | Lansoprazolum | Capsules | 30 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 29/11/06 |

7199 | Lansoprazole | Lansoprazole | Capsules | 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

7200 | Lansoprazole | Lansoprazolum | Capsules | 15 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

7201 | Lantus | Insulinum glargine | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 7/03/07 |

7202 | Lantus | Insulinum glargine | Solution for injection | 100 j.m/ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 21/06/06 |

7203 | Lantus Optiset | Insulinum glargine | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 7/03/07 |

7204 | Lanvis | Tioguaninum | Tablets | 40 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

7205 | Lanzul | Lansoprazolum | Capsules | 30 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/07 |

7206 | Lanzul S | Lansoprazolum | Capsules | 15 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 15/03/06 |

7207 | Largal Ultra | Cetrimidum+ Natrii edetas | Liquid | (7,5mg + 150mg)/ml | Septodont | 30/04/04 |

7208 | Larvac | Atenuowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu krtani i tchawicy | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | FATRO | 29/08/06 |

7209 | LARYNX/APIS comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7210 | LARYNX/APIS comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7211 | Laspal | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 900 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/11/04 |

7212 | Lastet | Etoposidum | Capsules | 100 mg | Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

7213 | Lastet | Etoposidum | Capsules | 25 mg | Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

7214 | Lastet | Etoposidum | Capsules | 50 mg | Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

7215 | Lastet | Etoposidum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

7216 | Latensin D4 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

7217 | Latensin D4 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

7218 | Latensin D6 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

7219 | Latensin D6 Kapsułki | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

7222 | Laticort 0,1 % | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Coutanous liquid | 1 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7220 | Laticort 0,1 % | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cream | 1 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7221 | Laticort 0,1 % | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Ointment | 1 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

7223 | Laticort-CH | Chlorquinaldolum + Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cream | (30mg + 1mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7224 | Laticort-CH | Chlorquinaldolum + Hydrocortisoni butyras | Ointment | (30mg + 1mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7225 | Laudin | Tetracykliny chlorowodorek, Erytromycyny propionianu laurylosiarczan | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 30/06/04 |

7226 | Laurina | Desogestrelum + Ethinylestradiolum | Tablets | | Organon | 31/12/08 |

7227 | Lautecin | Erythromycinum + Tetracicllinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 10/05/04 |

7228 | Lautecin granulat 6,6 %/3,4 % | Estolan erytromycyny, chlorowodorek tetracykliny | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

7229 | Lawenol -spirytus lawendowy | Lavandulae oleum | Liquid | | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 31/12/08 |

7230 | Laxacur | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Granules for oral solution | 3250 mg/5 g | Biocur Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/11/04 |

7231 | Laxaflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 29/01/06 |

7232 | Laxalpin | | | | F.Joh. Kwizda GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7233 | Laxamix | Sennae folium pulv., Plantaginis ovatae testa pulv. | Capsules, hard | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7234 | Laxamix 1 | Plantaginis ovatae testa + Sennae folium | Capsuels, hard | 488mg + 122mg | Agropharm S.A. | 25/10/06 |

7235 | Laxantia Tea | | Herbal tea | | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 29/05/05 |

7236 | Laxantol | Frangulae cortex extr., Rhei radix extr. | Oral solution | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7237 | Laxitab | | Film-coated tablets | 0.2 g | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7238 | Laxol | Docusatum natricum | Suppository | 100 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/06 |

7239 | Laxopol | Docusatum natricum | Oral solution | 5 mg/ml | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

7240 | Laxopol | Docusatum natricum | Syrup | 4 mg/ml | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

7241 | Lecigal | | Capsules, soft | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 23/11/05 |

7242 | Lecitan | | Oral emulsion | 500 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

7243 | Lecithin 1200 | | Capsules | 1200 mg | Power Health Products Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

7244 | Lecrolyn 2 % | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 31/07/04 |

7245 | Lecrolyn 2 % | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops | 5 mg/0,25 ml | Santen Oy | 31/07/04 |

7246 | Lecrolyn 4 % | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 40 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 14/02/07 |

7247 | Lecrolyn 4 % | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 40 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 14/02/07 |

7248 | Lecur | Phospholipidum ex soja, Vitaminum E | Capsules | 100 mg + 200 mg | PT. Dexa Medica | 31/12/08 |

7249 | Lecyfort | Witamina a, d3, e, lecytyna sojowa, olej wiesiołkowy, olej lniany | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

7250 | Lecytyna E | | Film-coated tablets | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

7251 | Lecytyna Plus | | Oral solution | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

7252 | Lefax | Simeticonum | Chewable tablets | 42 mg | Asche AG | 31/08/05 |

7253 | Legalon 140 | | Capsules | 140 mg | Madaus AG | 31/01/05 |

7254 | Legalon 70 | | Coated tablets | 70 mg | Madaus AG | 31/01/05 |

7255 | Lekadol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/06 |

7256 | Lekobaza | | Ointment base | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

7257 | Lekoklar | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 29/11/06 |

7258 | Lekoklar | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 29/11/06 |

7259 | Lekomycin — P | Lincomycinum + Gentamicinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceuti-cal | 31/12/08 |

7260 | Lekomycin P — roztwór | Lincomycinum + Gentamicinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 10/02/04 |

7261 | Lekoprost | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7262 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 120 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

7263 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 120 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7264 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 40 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

7265 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 40 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7266 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 80 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

7267 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 80 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7268 | Lekoptin | Verapamilum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

7269 | Lekoptin Retard | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 240 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/04 |

7270 | Lekoptin Retard | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 240 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

7271 | Lekosen | | Film-coated tablets | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

7272 | Lekovit | | Buccal tablets | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

7273 | Lekovit | | Effervescent tablets | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

7275 | Lendacin | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 1 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/05/05 |

7276 | Lendacin | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 250 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/05/05 |

7274 | Lendacin | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 2 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/08 |

7277 | Lenograstinum | Lenograstinum | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous injection and intravenous infusion | 33,6 MIU | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7278 | Lente MC | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

7279 | LENTE MC 100 J.M./Ml | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

7280 | Leocard | | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7281 | Leponex | Clozapinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7282 | Leponex | Clozapinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7283 | Leptandra compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7284 | Leptandra compositum | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7285 | Leptoferm 5 | Szczepionka przeciw leptospirozie dla świń i bydła | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/03/04 |

7286 | Leptorabisin | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie i leptospirozie psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 24/05/04 |

7287 | Lerivon | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

7288 | Lerivon | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

7289 | Lerivon | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

7290 | Lescol | Fluvastatinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 29/05/05 |

7291 | Lescol | Fluvastatinum | Capsules | 40 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 29/05/05 |

7292 | Lescol XL | Fluvastatinum | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 21/06/06 |

7293 | Letin- Tran | Jecoris aseli oleum | Capsules, soft | 260 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

7295 | Letizen | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 15/03/06 |

7294 | Letizen | Cetirizinum | Oral solution | 1 mg/ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

7296 | Letrox 25 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 25 mcg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

7297 | Letrox 50 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 mcg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 4/10/05 |

7298 | Letrox 100 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

7299 | Letrox 150 | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 150 mcg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/08/05 |

7300 | Leucat | Szczepionka przeciw białaczce kotów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 2/03/04 |

7301 | Leucen | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Tentan AG | 23/11/05 |

7302 | Leucogen-Vet | Szczepionka przeciw białaczce kotów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 25/04/04 |

7303 | Leucomax | Molgramostimum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion or for subcutaneous injection | 150 mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

7304 | Leucomax | Molgramostimum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion or for subcutaneous injection | 300 mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

7305 | Leucomax | Molgramostimum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion or for subcutaneous injection | 400 mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

7306 | Leucorifelin | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom kotów wywołanym przez wirus panleukopenii, herpeswirus i kaliciwirus dla kotów | Lyophilisate + liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 21/05/04 |

7307 | Leucostim | Filgrastimum | Solution for injection | 0,3 mg / 1,2 ml | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7308 | Leucovarin Ca | Calcii folinas | Tablets | 15 mg i 25 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7309 | Leucovorin — Teva | Leucovorinum calcium + Calcii folinas | Amp. | 100 mg/10 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

7310 | Leucovorin — Teva | Leucovorinum calcium + Calcii folinas | Amp. | 200 mg/20 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

7311 | Leucovorin — Teva | Leucovorinum calcium + Calcii folinas | Amp. | 300 mg/30 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

7312 | Leucovorin — Teva | Leucovorinum calcium + Calcii folinas | Amp. | 350 mg/35 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

7313 | Leucovorin — Teva | Leucovorinum calcium + Calcii folinas | Amp. | 500 mg/50 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

7314 | Leucovorin Ca | Calcii folinas | Powder for solution for injection | 10 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

7315 | Leucovorin Ca | Calcii folinas | Powder for solution for injection | 25 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

7316 | LEUCOVORIN CA 10 Mg/Ml | Calcii folinas | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7317 | Leucovorin Ca Lachema | Acidum folinicum | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection or for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

7318 | Leukeran | Chlorambucilum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

7319 | Leukeran | Chlorambucilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

7320 | Leukocell 2 | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kotów przeciwko białaczce | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Inc | 22/05/07 |

7321 | Leuprorelin | Leuprorelinum | Subcutaneous injection | 14 mg/2,8 ml | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

7322 | Levacide | Lewamizolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook Lab. Ltd. | 8/11/05 |

7323 | Levamisol 1,5 % | Lewamizolum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

7324 | Levamisol 10 % | Lewamizolum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

7325 | Levamisol 5 % | Lewamizolum | Granules | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

7326 | Levamisole Injectio 7,5 % | Lewamizolum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

7327 | Levamizol 10 % | Lewamizolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziaskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 21/05/04 |

7328 | Levamizol 5 % | Lewamizolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziaskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 21/05/04 |

7329 | Levamizol 75 mg | Lewamizolum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Grodziaskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 21/05/04 |

7330 | Levico comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7331 | Levico comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7332 | Levisticum | | Eye drops | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7333 | Levonor | Norepinephrinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/05 |

7334 | Levopraid | Levosulpiridum | Tablets | 25 mg | Ravizza Farmaceutici S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

7335 | Levopront | Levodropropizinum | Oral drops, solution | 60 mg/ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 15/11/06 |

7336 | Levopront | Levodropropizinum | Syrup | 60 mg/10 ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 15/11/06 |

7337 | Levoroxin | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 1/08/05 |

7338 | Levoroxin | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 50 mcg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 26/04/06 |

7339 | Levovist | Galactosum | Granules and solvent for suspension for intravenous injection | Schering AG | 31/12/07 |

7340 | Lewamisan | Lewamizolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

7341 | Lewamisan dla gołębi | Lewamizolum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Grodziaskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 21/05/04 |

7342 | Lewamizol 4 % | Lewamizolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

7343 | Lewamizol 8 % | Lewamizolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

7344 | Lexotan | Bromazepamum | Tablets | 1.5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7345 | Lexotan | Bromazepamum | Tablets | 3 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7346 | Lexotan | Bromazepamum | Tablets | 6 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7347 | Lidocain | Lidocainum | Spray, solution | 10 % | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 21/03/07 |

7348 | Lidodent | Lidocainum | Gingival gel | 5 mg/g | Marmir S.C. Zakład Produkcji Leków | 30/10/05 |

7349 | Lidogel o smaku miętowym | Lidocainum | Oromucosal gel | 50 mg/g | Septodont | 30/11/04 |

7350 | Lidogel o smaku wiśniowym | Lidocainum | Oromucosal gel | 50 mg/g | Septodont | 30/11/04 |

7351 | Lidokaina | Lidocainum | Gel | 4 % | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7352 | Lidokainy chlorowodorek | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

7353 | Lidokainy chlorowodorek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

7354 | Lidokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

7355 | Lidokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7356 | Lidokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7357 | Lidokainy chlorowodorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7358 | Lidoposterin | Lidocainum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Dr Kade Pharmaceutical Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

7359 | Lidoprim | Cetylpirydinum chloridum + Lidocainum + Mentholum | Buccal tablets | 1,5 mg + 0,6 mg + 3,0 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7360 | Lien comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

7361 | Lien comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

7362 | Lifestream | Preparat złożony | Capsules, soft | | Sunrider Manufacturing L.P., USA | 31/12/08 |

7363 | Lifetonic | Ginseng radix extractum spir. spissum | Oral solution | 32.4 mg/ml | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 29/11/06 |

7364 | Lignadren | | Solution for injection | 20 mg lidokainy HCL + 0,01 mg wodorowinianu adrenaliny/ 1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

7365 | Lignocain 2 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 21/09/05 |

7366 | Lignocainum | Lidocainum | Spray | 100 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7367 | Lignocainum 5 % Grave | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

7368 | Lignocainum hydrochloricum 1 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

7369 | Lignocainum hydrochloricum 1 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 26/08/06 |

7373 | Lignocainum hydrochloricum 2 % | Lidocainum | Gel | 20 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7370 | Lignocainum Hydrochloricum 2 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

7371 | Lignocainum hydrochloricum 2 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/1ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 26/08/06 |

7372 | Lignocainum hydrochloricum 2 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

7374 | Lignocainum hydrochloricum 2 % c. noradrenalino 0,00125 % | Lidocainum + Norepinephrinum | Solution for injection | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

7375 | Limagin | | Cutaneous emulsion | 25 mg/g | Septoma — Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

7376 | Limagin | | Medicated powder | 20 mg/g | Septoma — Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

7377 | Linal | Lini seminis maceratio basicum + Aluminii carbonas | Oral suspension | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 30/01/05 |

7378 | Linamon | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 0.1 g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

7379 | Lincocin | Lincomycinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

7380 | Lincocin | Lincomycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 300 mg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

7381 | Lincocin 40 % | Lincomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 12/03/06 |

7382 | Lincocin forte | Lincomicinum + Neomycinum + Methylprednisolonum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7383 | Lincocin Forte S | Lincomycinum + Neomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

7384 | Lincomix 110 | Lincomycinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 28/03/06 |

7385 | Lincomycin | Lincomycinum | Capsules | 0.25 g | ZAO BRINSALOV A | 31/12/06 |

7386 | Lincomycin — Spectinomycin — VMD pulvis | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | VMD | 30/09/07 |

7387 | Lincomycine — Spectinomycine | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Alfasan | 21/05/04 |

7388 | Lincomycin-Spectinomycin-VMD injectablis | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | V.M.D. n.v./s.a. | 2/01/06 |

7389 | Lincomycin-VMD injectabilis | Lincomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | V.M.D. n.v./s.a. | 30/01/06 |

7390 | Linco-Spectin | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 11/03/04 |

7391 | Linco-Spectin 100 | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/12/04 |

7392 | Linco-Spectin Premix | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 17/03/04 |

7393 | Lindron | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 17/01/07 |

7394 | Lindynette 20 | Ethinyloestradiol, Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg + 0,075 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7395 | Lindynette 30 | Ethinyloestradiol, Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg + 0,075 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7396 | Linia | Preparat złożony | Instant herbal tea | | Agropharm S.A. | 6/06/07 |

7397 | Linia Maxi | Preparat złożony | Instant herbal tea | | Agropharm S.A. | 6/06/07 |

7398 | Linimentum Zinci | Zinci oxydum | Suspension | | Laboratorium Galenowe Katowice | 31/12/04 |

7399 | Linimer | Śluz z nasion lnu | Capsules, soft | 136 mg | Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze "GAL" s.c. | 31/12/08 |

7400 | Linkomicin 110 N | Lincomycinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 17/08/04 |

7401 | Linkomicin 44 N | Lincomycinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 15/10/04 |

7402 | Linkomicin F | Lincomycinum + Nemicinum + Dexamethasonum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical | 31/12/08 |

7403 | Linoeparol | Allantoinum + Oenotherae oleum + Tocopherolum | Cream | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/07 |

7404 | Linoeparol | Allantoinum + Oenotherae oleum + Tocopherolum | Ointment | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/07 |

7405 | Linoeparol | Preparat złożony | Liquid | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/07 |

7406 | Linola | Preparat złożony | Cream | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 23/11/05 |

7407 | Linola | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 23/11/05 |

7408 | Linola | | Bath additive | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

7409 | Linola D | Lithanthracis | Cream | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

7410 | Linola P | Prednisolonum | Cream | 4 mg/g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 30/04/05 |

7411 | Linola P | Prednisolonum | Ointment | 4 mg/g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 30/04/05 |

7412 | Linola P/N | Neomycinum + Prednisolonum | Cream | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

7413 | Linola® Gamma | Evening primose oil | Cream | 200 mg/g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

7414 | Linola® Urea | Urea | Cream | 120 mg/g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

7415 | Linoladiol | Estradiolum | Cream | 0,01033 g/100 g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

7418 | Linomag | Vitaminum F | Coutanous liquid | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

7416 | Linomag | Vitaminum F | Cream | 200 mg/g | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

7417 | Linomag | Vitaminum F | Ointment | 200mg/g | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

7419 | Lioton 1000 | Heparinum | Gel | 1000 j.m./g | A.Menarini Pharmaceutical Industries Group Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7420 | Lipancrea 16000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Gastr-resistant capsules | 16000 j.Ph.Eur. | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/07 |

7421 | Lipancrea 8000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Capsules | 8000 j.Ph.Eur. | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 8/02/06 |

7422 | Lipanor | Ciprofibratum | Capsules | 100 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 19/12/05 |

7423 | Lipanor | Ciprofibratum | Capsules | 100 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/06/06 |

7424 | Lipanthyl | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 100 mg | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/07/04 |

7425 | Lipanthyl 140M | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 140 mg | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/05/05 |

7426 | Lipanthyl 200 M | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 200 mg | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/07/04 |

7427 | Lipanthyl 267M | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 267 mg | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/05/05 |

7428 | Lipanthyl 67M | Fenofibratum | Capsules | 67 mg | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/05/05 |

7429 | Lipanthyl Supra 160 | Fenofibratum | Film-coated tablets | 160 mg | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 11/10/06 |

7430 | Lipart | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 14/02/07 |

7431 | Lipart | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 14/02/07 |

7432 | Lipart | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 14/02/07 |

7433 | Lipart | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 14/02/07 |

7434 | Lipigem | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 29/06/05 |

7435 | Lipobase | | Cream | | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/12/06 |

7436 | Lipofibrat | Fenofibratum | Prolonged release capsules | 250 mg | Pharmavit Kft. | 31/05/05 |

7437 | Lipofundin 10 % N | Preparat złożony | Fatty emulsion for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

7438 | Lipofundin 20 % N | Preparat złożony | Fatty emulsion for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

7439 | Lipofundin MCT/LCT 10 % | Preparat złożony | Fatty emulsion for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

7440 | Lipofundin MCT/LCT 20 % | Preparat złożony | Fatty emulsion for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/07/04 |

7441 | Lipohep | Heparinum | Lyposome gel | 300 j.m./g | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/12/08 |

7442 | Lipohep | Heparinum | Lyposome gel | 600 j.m./g | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/12/08 |

7443 | Lipohep | Heparinum | Lyposome gel for cutaneous spray | 1.200 j.m./g | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/12/08 |

7444 | Lipohep Forte | Heparinum | Lyposome gel for cutaneous spray | 2.400 j.m./g | Medicom International s.r.o. | 31/12/08 |

7445 | Lipolest® | Plantaginis ovatae testa + Guar gummi | Granules for oral solution | | Sana Care Aps | 31/12/08 |

7446 | Lipomal | Tiliae inflorescentiae extractum siccum | Syrup | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7447 | Liposic | Carbomerum | Eye gel | 2 mg/g | Dr Gerhard Mann | 31/12/08 |

7448 | Lipostat | Pravastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.A. Epernon | 30/11/04 |

7449 | Lipostat | Pravastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.A. Epernon | 2/07/06 |

7450 | Lipostat | Pravastatinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.A. Epernon | 21/03/07 |

7451 | Lipostatin | Atrovastatinum | Film-coated tablet | 10 mg, 20 mg i 40 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7452 | Lipovenös 10 % PLR | | Emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

7453 | Lipovenös 20 % | Phospolipidum essentiale + Soyae oleum + Glycerolum | Emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

7454 | Lipozil | Gemfibrozilum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

7455 | Liprox | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 12/10/05 |

7456 | Lipryl 10 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7457 | Lipryl 2,5 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7458 | Lipryl 20 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7459 | Lipryl 5 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7460 | Lipryzyd | Lizinoprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 10 mg + 12, 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

7461 | Lirebin | Cisapridum | Oral suspension | 5 mg/5 ml | Help S.A. Pharmaceuticals Attica | 31/12/08 |

7462 | Lisdene | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7463 | Lisdene | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7464 | Lisdene | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7465 | Lisinoratio 20 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 25/04/07 |

7466 | Lisinoratio 10 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 25/04/07 |

7467 | Lisinoratio 5 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 25/04/07 |

7468 | Lisiprol | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/08/05 |

7469 | Lisiprol | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/08/05 |

7470 | Lisiprol | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/08/05 |

7471 | Lisiprol Hct | Lisinoprilumj + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg + 25 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

7472 | Lisiprol Hct | Lisinoprilumj + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg + 12,50 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

7473 | Lisonid | Lisinoprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 10 mg + 12,5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7474 | Listek senesu | Sennae folium | Bags | 2.0 g | PPH Biofluid | 19/04/07 |

7475 | Liść babki lancetowatej | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7476 | Liść Babki lancetowatej | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

7477 | Liść Babki lancetowatej | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7478 | Liść Babki lancetowatej | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

7479 | Liść babki lancetowatej | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/06/06 |

7480 | Liść babki lancetowatej fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7481 | Liść Babki zwyczajnej | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7482 | Liść bobrka | Folium menyanthidis | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

7483 | Liść bobrka | Folium menyanthidis | | | Herbapol Lublin | 19/07/07 |

7484 | Liść bobrka | Folium menyanthidis | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

7485 | Liść bobrka | Folium menyanthidis | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

7486 | Liść bobrka 1 | Folium menyanthidis | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 25/08/06 |

7487 | Liść borówki brusznicy | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/05 |

7488 | Liść borówki brusznicy | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/05 |

7489 | Liść borówki brusznicy 1 | | | | Zioła lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

7490 | Liść borówki brusznicy 1 i 2 (Vitis fix, Brusznica fix) | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

7491 | Liść Borówki czernicy -Folium Myrtilli | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7492 | Liść brusznicy 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 25/08/06 |

7493 | Liść brusznicy 2 | | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 14/06/06 |

7494 | Liść brzozy | Folium betulae | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

7495 | Liść brzozy | Folium betulae | | | Herbapol Lublin | 19/07/07 |

7496 | Liść brzozy | Folium betulae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 19/07/07 |

7497 | Liść brzozy | Folium betulae | | | Varia, Katowice | 19/07/07 |

7498 | Liść brzozy | Folium betulae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

7499 | Liść brzozy | Folium betulae | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

7500 | Liść brzozy 1 | Folium betulae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

7501 | Liść brzozy 1 i 2 | Folium betulae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

7502 | Liść brzozy 1 i 2 | Folium betulae | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 26/03/06 |

7503 | Liść Jeżyny | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7504 | Liść Jeżyny | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

7505 | Liść jeżyny | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/06/06 |

7506 | Liść jeżyny fałdowanej | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/03/06 |

7507 | Liść maliny | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7508 | Liść Maliny | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7509 | Liść Maliny -Folium Rubi idaei | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7510 | Liść mącznicy | Uvae ursi folium | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

7511 | Liść mącznicy | Uvae ursi folium | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

7512 | Liść mącznicy | Uvae ursi folium | | | Herbapol Lublin | 19/07/07 |

7513 | Liść mącznicy | Uvae ursi folium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

7514 | Liść mącznicy | Uvae ursi folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

7515 | Liść mącznicy | Uvae ursi folium | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

7516 | Liść melisy | Melissae folium | Bags | 2 g | PPH Biofluid | 14/03/07 |

7517 | Liść melisy | Melissae folium | Herb | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 14/03/07 |

7518 | Liść melisy | Melissae folium | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/03/07 |

7519 | Liść melisy | Melissae folium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 14/03/07 |

7520 | Liść melisy | Melissae folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/03/07 |

7521 | Liść melisy | Melissae folium | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 14/03/07 |

7522 | Liść melisy (1 i 2) | Melissae folium | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

7523 | Liść melisy (1 i 2) | Melissae folium | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7524 | Liść melisy (1 i 2) | Melissae folium | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

7525 | Liść melisy (1 i 2) | Melissae folium | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/08 |

7526 | Liść melisy 1 i 2 | Melissae folium | | | Herbapol Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7527 | Liść melisy 1 i 2 | Melissae folium | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 30/11/05 |

7528 | Liść melisy 1 i 2 | Melissae folium | | | Varia, Katowice | 30/11/05 |

7529 | Liść melisy 1 i 2 | Melissae folium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/11/05 |

7530 | Liść melisy 1 i 2 | Melissae folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/11/05 |

7531 | Liść melisy 1 i 2 (Melissa fix, Melisa fix) | Melissae folium | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

7532 | Liść melisy 2 | Melissae folium | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

7533 | Liść Melisy fix -Folium Melissae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7534 | Liść Melisy -Folium Melissae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7535 | Liść melisy Melissa Tea | Melissae folium | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/10/05 |

7536 | Liść mięty | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herbapol Łódź | 31/12/07 |

7537 | Liść mięty pieprzowej | Menthae Piperitae Folium | Bags | 2 g | PPH Biofluid | 14/03/07 |

7538 | Liść mięty pieprzowej | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/03/07 |

7539 | Liść mięty pieprzowej | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 14/03/07 |

7540 | Liść mięty pieprzowej | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 14/03/07 |

7541 | Liść mięty pieprzowej | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/03/07 |

7542 | Liść mięty pieprzowej | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 14/03/07 |

7543 | Liść mięty pieprzowej (1 i 2) | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7544 | Liść mięty pieprzowej (1 i 2) | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/08 |

7545 | Liść mięty pieprzowej (2) | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 30/04/06 |

7546 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/08/05 |

7547 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 i 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

7548 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 i 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7549 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 i 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

7550 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 i 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Varia, Katowice | 31/12/08 |

7551 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 i 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

7552 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 1 i 2 (Mentha fix, Mięta fix) | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

7553 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 31/12/06 |

7554 | Liść mięty pieprzowej 2 | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/06 |

7555 | Liść Mięty pieprzowej fix | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7556 | Liść Mięty pieprzowej -Folium Menthae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7557 | Liść mięty pierzowej (1 i 2) | Menthae Piperitae Folium | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/07/05 |

7558 | Liść ortosyfonu | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 31/01/05 |

7559 | Liść Ortosyfonu groniastego | | Herb | | Herba Studio Mścisz i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna | 30/10/05 |

7560 | Liść Orzecha Włoskiego | Juglandis folium | Herb | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 11/03/06 |

7561 | Liść orzecha włoskiego | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7562 | Liść orzecha włoskiego | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7563 | Liść Orzecha Włoskiego | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

7564 | Liść Orzecha Włoskiego | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7565 | Liść Orzecha Włoskiego | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

7566 | Liść podbiału | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7567 | Liść podbiału | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/08 |

7568 | Liść podbiału | | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

7569 | Liść podbiału | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

7570 | Liść podbiału | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

7571 | Liść pokrzywy | Urticae folium | Herb | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

7572 | Liść pokrzywy | Urticae folium | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 30/10/05 |

7573 | Liść pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herbaflos, Płońsk | 30/10/05 |

7574 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

7575 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7576 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

7577 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7578 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

7579 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Zioła Lecznicze — Boguccy s.c. | 30/10/05 |

7580 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 19/07/07 |

7581 | Liść Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

7582 | Liść pokrzywy | | Herb | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

7583 | Liść pokrzywy 1 i 2 | Urticae folium | | | Herbapol Kraków | 19/12/06 |

7584 | Liść pokrzywy fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Bydgoszcz | 30/10/05 |

7585 | Liść pokrzywy fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Bydgoszcz | 30/10/05 |

7586 | Liść Pokrzywy fix | | Herb | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7587 | Liść Pokrzywy fix | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

7588 | Liść Porzeczki Czarnej | Ribei nigri folium | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

7589 | Liść porzeczki czarnej | Ribis nigri folium | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 27/09/06 |

7590 | Liść porzeczki czarnej | Ribis nigri folium | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7591 | Liść poziomki a | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7592 | Liść prawoślazu | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

7593 | Liść prawoślazu | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

7594 | Liść prawoślazu 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 25/08/06 |

7595 | Liść Prawoślazu -Folium Althaeae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7596 | Liść rozmarynu | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

7597 | Liść rozmarynu | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

7598 | Liść rozmarynu | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

7599 | Liść rozmarynu 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 25/08/06 |

7600 | Liść rozmarynu 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 25/08/06 |

7601 | Liść senesu | Sennae folium | | | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 14/06/05 |

7602 | Liść senesu | Sennae folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/06/05 |

7603 | Liść senesu (1 i 2) | Sennae folium | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

7604 | Liść senesu 1 | Sennae folium | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7605 | Liść senesu 1 i 2 | Sennae folium | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 16/06/06 |

7606 | Liść senesu 1 i 2 | Sennae folium | | | Herbapol Kraków | 16/06/06 |

7607 | Liść senesu 1 i 2 | Sennae folium | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 16/06/06 |

7608 | Liść senesu 1 i 2 (Senes fix; Sennae fix) | Sennae folium | | | Herbapol Lublin | 17/01/06 |

7609 | Liść senesu 2 | Sennae folium | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

7610 | Liść senesu 2 | Sennae folium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/11/06 |

7611 | Liść Senesu -Folium Sennae | Sennae folium | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

7612 | Liść senesu kaps. 300 mg | Sennae folium | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7613 | Liść senesu -liście rozdrobnione | Sennae folium | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 24/01/06 |

7614 | Liść szałwii | Folium salviae | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 30/08/07 |

7615 | Liść szałwii | Folium salviae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/08/07 |

7616 | Liść szałwii (1 i 2) | Folium salviae | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

7617 | Liść szałwii (1 i 2) | Folium salviae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7618 | Liść szałwii (1 i 2) | Folium salviae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

7619 | Liść szałwii (1 i 2) | Folium salviae | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/08 |

7620 | Liść szałwii (2) | Folium salviae | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 30/04/06 |

7621 | Liść szałwii 1 | Folium salviae | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 15/02/05 |

7622 | Liść szałwii 1 i 2 | Folium salviae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

7623 | Liść szałwii 1 i 2 | Folium salviae | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/08/05 |

7624 | Liść szałwii 1 i 2 | Folium salviae | | | Varia, Katowice | 31/08/05 |

7625 | Liść szałwii 1 i 2 | Folium salviae | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/08/05 |

7626 | Liść szałwii 1 i 2 (Salvia fix, Szałwia fix) | Folium salviae | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

7627 | Liść szałwii 2 | Folium salviae | | | Vitax, Dobrzyca | 24/04/07 |

7628 | Liść szałwii 2 | Folium salviae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 24/04/07 |

7629 | Liść Szałwii fix -Folium Salviae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7630 | Liść Szałwii -Folium Salviae | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

7631 | Lithium Carbonicum | Lithium | Tablets | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7632 | Lithiumeel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7633 | Litocid | Kalii citras | Modified release tablets | 680 mg | Labor Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 17/01/07 |

7634 | Litter Guard LT-C | inaktywowana szczepionka dla wysokoprośnych świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

7635 | Liv 52 | | Tablets | | The Himalaya Drug Co. | 31/12/04 |

7636 | Livacox Q | Atenuowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw kokcydiozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biopharm | 20/07/06 |

7637 | Livacox T | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw kokcydiozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biopharm | 18/09/05 |

7638 | Livial | Tibolonum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

7639 | Locacid | Tretinoinum | Cream | 0,05 % | Pierre Fabre Dermatologie | 26/09/07 |

7640 | Locatop | Desonidum | Cream | 1 mg/g | Pierre Fabre Dermatologie | 5/07/06 |

7641 | Loceryl | Amorolfinum | Medicated nail lacquer | 50 mg/ml | Lab. Galderma S.A. | 31/03/05 |

7642 | Locoid | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cream | 1 mg/g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

7643 | Locoid | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cuatneous solution | 1 mg/ml | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

7644 | Locoid Crelo | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Emulsion | 1 mg/g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 12/12/06 |

7645 | Locoid Lipocream | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cream | 1 mg/g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

7646 | Lodronat | Acidum clodronicum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 30 mg/1ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7647 | Loette | | | | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7648 | Lofenalac | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7649 | Lofenalac | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder for solution | | Mead Johnson Nutritional Group | 30/06/04 |

7650 | Logest | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

7651 | Logimax | Felodipinum + Metoprololum | Prolonged release tablets | 5mg + 47,5mg | AstraZeneca AB | 17/01/07 |

7652 | Logimax | Felodipinum + Metoprololum | Prolonged release tablets | 10mg + 95mg | AstraZeneca AB | 17/01/07 |

7653 | Lokomitiv Dla Dzieci | Wyciąg z kłącza imbiru | Syrup | | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

7654 | Lokren 20 | Betaxololum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

7655 | Lomac 20 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7656 | Lomaherpan cream | | Cream | | Lomapharm, Rudolf Lohmann GmbH Kb, Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

7657 | Lomexin | Fenticonazelum | Foam | 2 % | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7658 | Lomexin | Fenticonazelum | Shampoo | 2 % | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7660 | Lomexin | Fenticonazoli nitras | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/g | Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica Sp.A | 12/10/05 |

7659 | Lomexin | Fenticonazoli nitras | Cream | 20 mg/g | Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica Sp.A | 12/10/05 |

7661 | Lomexin | Fenticonazoli nitras | Medicated powder | 20 mg/g | Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica Sp.A | 12/10/05 |

7662 | Lomir SRO | Isradipinum | Capsules | 2.5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/01/05 |

7663 | Lomir SRO | Isradipinum | Capsules | 5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/04 |

7664 | Lomusol | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray, solution | 2.6 mg/dawkę | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

7665 | Lomusol Forte | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray | 4 % (40 mg/ml) | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

7666 | Lomustine Medac | Lomustinum | Capsules, hard | 40 mg | medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

7667 | Lomustinum | Lomustinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/07 |

7668 | Longamox | Amoxiciclinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

7669 | Longicillin | Benzynopenicylina benzatynowa, benzylopenicylina prokainowa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Chassot AG | 31/12/08 |

7670 | Loniten | Minoxidilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

7671 | Loniten | Minoxidilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

7672 | Lopatol 100 | Nitroskanat mikronizowany , | Tablet | for veterinary use | Novartis Produkte Inc. | 19/01/04 |

7673 | Lopatol 500 | Nitroskanat mikronizowany | Tablet | for veterinary use | Novartis Produkte Inc. | 19/01/04 |

7674 | Loperamid | Loperamidum | Tablets | 2 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

7675 | Lorafen | Lorazepamum | Coated tablets | 1 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7676 | Lorafen | Lorazepamum | Coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7677 | Loraratio | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7678 | Loratadin — 10 — Sl | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

7679 | Loratadyna | Loratadinum | Syrup | 10 mg /10 ml | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

7680 | Loratadyna | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/12/08 |

7681 | Loratadyna | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

7682 | Loratadyna | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7683 | Loratadyna 1 mg/1 ml | Loratidinum | Syrup | 1 mg / 1 ml | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 31/12/08 |

7684 | Loratan | Loratadinum | Capsules, soft | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 25/10/06 |

7685 | Loratan | Loratadinum | Syrup | 5 mg/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 24/08/05 |

7686 | Loratine | Loratadinum | Syrup | 5 mg/5 ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7687 | Loratine | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7688 | Loratio | Loratadinum | Syrup | 1 mg/ml | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7689 | Loravin | Loratadinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7690 | Lorinden A | Acidum salicylicum + Flumetasonum | Ointment | (30mg + 0,2mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7691 | Lorinden C | Clioquinolum + Flumetasonum | Cream | (30mg + 0,2mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7692 | Lorinden C | Clioquinolum + Flumetasonum | Ointment | (30mg + 0,2mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7693 | Lorinden lotio | Flumetasonum | Cutaneous emulsion | 200mcg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7694 | Lorinden N | Flumetasonum + Neomycinum | Cream | (0,2mg + 5mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7695 | Lorinden T | Acidum salicylicum + Flumetasonum + Pix litanthracis | Ointment | (10mg + 0,2mg + 15mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7696 | Lorista | Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/08/05 |

7697 | Loropoz | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7698 | Losacor | Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7699 | Losartan + Hct | | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7700 | Losec | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

7702 | Losec | Omeprazolum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 40 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/07/04 |

7701 | Losec | Omeprazolum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/09/04 |

7703 | Losec 10 | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 31/12/07 |

7704 | Losec MUPS | Omeprazolum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 10 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 23/11/05 |

7705 | Losec MUPS | Omeprazolum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 20 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 23/11/05 |

7706 | Losec MUPS | Omeprazolum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 40 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 23/11/05 |

7707 | LOSEPRAZOL 20 mg | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Liconsa S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7708 | Lotensin | Benazeprilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7709 | Lotensin | Benazeprilum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7710 | Lotensin | Benazeprilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

7711 | Lotensin HCT | Benazeprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 5mg + 6,25mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/04 |

7712 | Lotensin HCT | Benazeprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 10mg + 12,5mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/04 |

7713 | Lotensin HCT | Benazeprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Film-coated tablets | 20mg + 25mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/04 |

7714 | Lotriderm | Betamethasonum + Clotrimazolum | Cream | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/03/04 |

7715 | Lovastatinum | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 30/04/06 |

7716 | Lovastatinum | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

7717 | Lovastatinum 10 | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7718 | Lovastatinum 40 | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7719 | Lovasterol | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 29/06/05 |

7720 | Lovasterol | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 29/06/05 |

7721 | Lovasterol | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 29/06/05 |

7722 | Lovastin | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

7723 | Loveston | Ethinylestradiolum + Norethisteronum | Tablets | 0,05mg + 0,5mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

7724 | Lowastatyna | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg | P.P.W. "EURO — LEK", Sosnowiec | 30/09/07 |

7725 | Lowastatyna | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | P.P.W. "EURO — LEK", Sosnowiec | 30/09/07 |

7726 | Loxon | Minoxidilum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7727 | Loxon 5 % | Minoxidilum | Coutanous liquid | 50 mg/ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/08/05 |

7728 | Lozap 50 | Losartanum kalicum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

7729 | L-Spartakon | Lewamizolum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Janssen | 10/02/04 |

7730 | Lubex | Dinatrii undecylyloxyethylamidosulfosuccinas | Cutaneous emulsion | 30 mcg/g | Permamed Laboratories Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

7731 | Lubexyl | Benzoylis peroxydum | Cutaneous suspension | 40 mg/g | Permamed Laboratories Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

7732 | Lucetam | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 1200 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 24/05/06 |

7733 | Lucetam | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15/03/06 |

7734 | Lucetam | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15/03/06 |

7735 | LUCETAM Injection | Piracetamum | Solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7736 | Lucrin Depot | Leuprorelinum | Microgranules and solvent for suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 3.75 mg | Abbott Laboratories S.A. | 23/10/06 |

7737 | Lucrin Depot | Leuprorelinum | Microgranules and solvent for suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 11.25 mg | Abbott Laboratories S.A. | 30/06/04 |

7739 | Ludiomil | Maprotilinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

7740 | Ludiomil | Maprotilinum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

7738 | Ludiomil | Maprotilinum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

7741 | Luffa Compositum-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

7742 | Luffa-Comp. — Heel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7743 | Luivac | | Tablets | 3 mg lizatu bakteryjnego | Sankyo Pharma GmbH — München | 23/04/04 |

7744 | Lumbolin | | Ointment | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

7745 | Lumewal (poprzednia nazwa: ziołowe krople uspokajające) | Valerianae radix tinctura | Oral solution | | Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Prod. — Anal. — Handl. "PROLAB" s.c., Nakło | 31/12/08 |

7746 | Lumigan | Bimatoprostum | Eye drops, solution | 0,3 mg/ml | Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

7748 | Luminalum | Phenobarbitalum | Solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

7747 | Luminalum | Phenobarbitalum | Suppository | 15 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7749 | Luminalum | Phenobarbitalum | Tablets | 0.015 g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/11/05 |

7750 | Luminalum | Phenobarbitalum | Tablets | 100 mg | Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galenus | 31/01/06 |

7751 | Luminalum | Phenobarbitalum | Tablets | 100 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/09/05 |

7752 | Lunella | Medroxyprogesteronum + Estradiolum | Suspension for injection | | PHARMACIA & UPJOHN | 31/12/08 |

7753 | Lupulina | Lupulinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 24/09/07 |

7754 | Lupulina | Lupulinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Herbapol Kraków | 24/02/05 |

7755 | Lusopress | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Instituto Lusofarmaco D'Italia SpA | 31/12/08 |

7756 | Luteina | Progesteronum | Vaginal tablets | 50 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 4/07/07 |

7757 | Luteina 50 | Progesteronum | Sublingual tablets | 50 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

7758 | Lutenyl | Nomegestrolum | Tablets | 5 mg | Theramex Laboratory | 24/05/06 |

7759 | Luteosyl | d-kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Syva | 31/12/08 |

7760 | Lutrol | Meloxicamum | Suppository | 15 mg | Abbott S.p.A | 31/01/05 |

7761 | Lutrol | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 15 mg | Abbott S.p.A | 31/01/05 |

7762 | Lutrol | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 7.5 mg | Abbott S.p.A | 31/01/05 |

7763 | Luveris 75 | Lutropinum — alfa | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 75 IU | Serono Europe Limited | 31/12/08 |

7764 | Lycopodium similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

7765 | Lydium — KLP 2 mg | Dimer lizozymu | Solution | for veterinary use | Nika Health Products | 15/12/04 |

7766 | Lydium — KLP 5 mg | Dimer lizozymu | Solution | for veterinary use | Nika Health Products | 15/12/04 |

7767 | Lymphdiaral Maść | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

7768 | Lymphoglobuline | Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (horse) | Solution for intravenous infusion | 4250 j.m. | IMTIX SANGSTAT, Lyon | 30/04/04 |

7769 | Lymphomyosot | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

7770 | Lymphomyosot N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

7771 | Lymphomyosot N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

7772 | Lymphozil | Echinaceae pallidae radix extr. sicc. | Buccal tablets | 30 mg | Cesra — Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

7773 | Lymphozil | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 30/04/04 |

7774 | Lymphozil forte | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 30/04/04 |

7775 | Lyomarex | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

7776 | Lysvulpen | szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie dla lisów wolno żyjących | Blister form of vaccine in bait substance | for veterinary use | Bioveta a.s. | 31/12/08 |

7777 | M+Pac | szczepionka dla świń do czynnego uodparniania klinicznie zdrowych świń w celu obniżenia upadków oraz zmniejszenia nasilenia objawów związanych z mykoplazmowym zapaleniem płuc | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

7779 | Maalox | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | (35mg + 40mg)/ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Teraplix | 31/07/04 |

7778 | Maalox | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Tablets | 400mg + 400mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Teraplix | 31/07/04 |

7780 | Maasol — Zestaw do sporządzania makroagregatów ludzkiej albuminy znaczonych technetem 99m | | Powder for suspension for intravenous injection | 17.5 mg | Nycomed Amershan Sorin S.R.L. | 9/08/06 |

7781 | MabCampath | Alemtuzumab | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 10 mg/ml | Ilex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The Surrey Research Park | 7/03/07 |

7782 | Mabthera | Rituximabum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

7783 | Mabuson | Buspironum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/03/07 |

7784 | Mabuson | Buspironum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/03/07 |

7785 | Macdafen 0,5 | Ifosfamidum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 0.5 g | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/03/06 |

7786 | Macdafen 1 | Ifosfamidum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 1 g | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/03/06 |

7787 | Macdafen 2 | Ifosfamidum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 2 g | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/03/06 |

7788 | Macmiror | Nifuratelum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 30/04/04 |

7789 | Macmiror complex | Nifuratelum + Nystatinum | Vaginal ointment | (100mg + 40000 j.m.)/g | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 30/04/04 |

7790 | Macmiror complex 500 | Nifuratelum + Nystatinum | Pessary | 500mg + 200000 j.m. | Poli Industria Chimica S.p.A | 30/04/04 |

7791 | Macro — Albumon Kit | Seroalbuminum, Humanum, Macroaggregatum | | Fodor Józef National Center of Public Health | 31/12/08 |

7792 | MACRODEX 6 % z Chlorkiem Sodu | Dextranum 6 % + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mg/ml | Lithuanian, Ice-Landic & Swedish Joint Stock Company Closed Corporation "ILSANTA" | 31/12/08 |

7793 | Macromax — Inc | Azithromycinum | Capsules | 250 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7794 | Madopar 62,5 | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Capsules | 12,5mg + 50mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7795 | Madopar 62,5 | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Soluble tablets | 12,5mg + 50mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/08 |

7796 | Madopar 125 | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Capsules | 25mg + 100mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7797 | Madopar 125 | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Soluble tablets | 25mg + 100mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/08 |

7798 | Madopar 250 | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Capsules | 25mg + 100mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7799 | Madopar 250 | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Tablets | 50mg + 200mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

7800 | Madopar HBS | Benserazidum + Levodopum | Capsules | 25mg + 100mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 11/12/05 |

7801 | Magalphil 800 | Magaldratum | Chewable tablets | 800 mg | Philopharm GmbH Quedlinburg | 31/12/08 |

7802 | Magareductol | | | | Maga-Herba, Legionowo | 31/12/08 |

7803 | Magarisma | | | | Maga-Herba, Legionowo | 31/12/08 |

7804 | Magasedat | | | | Maga-Herba, Legionowo | 31/12/08 |

7805 | Magespan | Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 40 mg Mg ++ | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/11/05 |

7806 | Magium 10 | Magnesii oxidum | Effervescent tablets | 10 mmoli Mg2+ | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

7807 | Magium 5 | Magnesii oxidum | Effervescent tablets | 5 mmoli Mg2+ | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

7808 | Maglek B6 | Magnesii lactas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 5/07/06 |

7809 | Magmill | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Suspension | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

7811 | Magne B6 | Magnesii lactas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Film-coated tablets | 470mg + 5mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

7812 | Magne B6 | Magnesii lactas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Film-coated tablets | 470mg + 5mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

7810 | Magne B6 | Magnesii lactas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Oral solution | (186mg +10mg)/10ml | Sanofi Winthrop GmbH | 3/10/06 |

7813 | Magnefar | Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 34 mg Mg ++ | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

7814 | Magnefar B6 | Magnesii hydroaspartas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

7815 | Magnefar B6 — Junior | Magnesii hydroaspartas + Pyridoxinum | Tablets | 30 mg Mg2+ + 0,3 mg wit. B6 | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7816 | MAGNESIT/MAMMA comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7817 | MAGNESIT/MAMMA comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7818 | Magnesium Asparticum 0,6 | Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | 40 mg Mg ++ | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm", Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

7819 | Magnesium effervescens | Magnesii carbonas | Effervescent granules | 40 mg Mg++/5g | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/01/06 |

7820 | Magnesium phosphoricum comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7821 | Magnesium phosphoricum comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7822 | Magnesium sulfuricum | Magnesii stearas | Soluble powder | for veterinary use | Biofactor Sp. z o.o. | 7/02/07 |

7823 | Magnesium Sulfuricum 20 % | Magnesii stearas | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" | 29/09/05 |

7824 | MAGNESIUM SULFURI-CUM/OVARIA comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7825 | MAGNESIUM SULFURI-CUM/OVARIA comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

7826 | Magnesol 150 | Magnesii citras | Effervescent tablets | 150 mg Mg ++ | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

7827 | Magnevist | | Solution for intravenous injection | 469 mg/ml | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

7828 | Magnevist Enteral | | Concentrate for oral and rectal solution | 9.38 mg/ml | Schering AG | 31/12/04 |

7829 | Magnevit | | Granules | | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7830 | Magnez 120 | Magnesii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 120 mg Mg ++ | Pharmavit Kft. | 30/06/04 |

7831 | Magnezin | Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | 130 mg Mg ++ | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

7832 | Magnezin | Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | 52 mg Mg ++ | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

7833 | Magnezu chlorek | | | | Biochem, Warszawa | 30/11/05 |

7834 | Magnezu chlorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

7835 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/05 |

7836 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 31/12/05 |

7837 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

7838 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7839 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/05 |

7840 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/05 |

7841 | Magnezu siarczan | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/05 |

7842 | Magnezu siarczan wysuszony | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/03/06 |

7843 | Magnezu siarczan wysuszony | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/03/06 |

7844 | Magnezu siarczan wysuszony | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/03/06 |

7845 | Magnezu siarczan wysuszony | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/03/06 |

7846 | Magnezu siarczan wysuszony | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

7847 | Magnezu stearynian | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/02/05 |

7848 | Magnezu tlenek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

7849 | Magnezu tlenek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7850 | Magnezu tlenek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

7851 | Magnezu węglan | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

7852 | Magnezu węglan | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

7853 | Magnezu węglan | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

7854 | Magnezu węglan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7855 | Magnezu węglan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

7856 | Magnezu węglan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7857 | Magnezytki | Magnesii lactas | Film-coated tablets | | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

7858 | Magnokal | Kalii hydroaspartas + Magnesii hydroaspartas | Powder for oral solution | (17mg Mg ++; 54mg K+)/4g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/05 |

7859 | Magnokal | Kalii hydroaspartas + Magnesii hydroaspartas | Tablets | (17mg Mg ++; 54mg K+)/4g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/05 |

7860 | Magnosil | Magnesii silicas | Tablets | 0.5 g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/06 |

7861 | Magsolvit B6 | Magnesii gluconas + Magnesii lactas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Syrup | | Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galenus | 15/11/06 |

7862 | Magvit B6 | Magnesii lactas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Gastro-resistant tablets | 48 mg Mg ++ | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/05 |

7864 | Majamil | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

7865 | Majamil | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

7863 | Majamil | Diclofenacum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 25 mg/ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/10/05 |

7866 | Majamil prolongatum | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

7867 | Majorana | | Vaginal gel | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7868 | Makatussin saft zuckerfrei | | Liquid | | Roland Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

7869 | Makatussin tropfen | | | | Byk Roland Polska | 31/12/08 |

7870 | Malgacid | Hydrotalcitum | Buccal tablet | 500 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/05 |

7871 | Malgacid | Hydrotalcitum | Buccal tablets | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "Ziołolek" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7872 | Malia kaszel, syrop | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 14/11/05 |

7873 | Maltimal (poprzednia nazwa althamal) | | Syrup | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7874 | Malugastrin | Magaldratum | Buccal tablet | 400 mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 28/02/06 |

7875 | Malugastrin | Magaldratum | Oral suspension | 400 mg/5ml | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 28/02/06 |

7876 | Mandol | Cefamandolum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

7877 | Mangamag | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablets | | Łowicke Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA Łyszkowice | 31/12/08 |

7878 | Maninil 1,75 | Glibenclamidum | Tablets | 1.75 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/04 |

7879 | Maninil 3,5 | Glibenclamidum | Tablets | 3.5 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/04 |

7880 | Mannitol | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

7881 | Mannitol | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7882 | Mannitol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

7883 | Mannitol | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7884 | Mannitol 0,54 % + Sorbitol 2,7 % | Mannitolum + Sorbitolum | Solution for irrigation | (5,4mg + 27mg)/ml | Baxter S.p.A. | 21/06/06 |

7885 | MANNITOL 0,54 % i SORBITOL 2,7 % | Mannitolum + Sorbitolum | Solution for irrigation | (5,4 + 27)mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7886 | Mannitol 10 % | Mannitolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 27/01/05 |

7887 | Mannitol 20 % | Mannitolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

7888 | Mannitol 20 % | Mannitolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 27/01/05 |

7889 | Manti | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum + Simeticonum | Buccal tablets | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 30/09/04 |

7890 | Manti | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum + Simeticonum | Buccal tablets | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 30/09/04 |

7891 | Manti | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum + Simeticonum | Oral suspension | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 31/03/07 |

7892 | Manti Forte | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum + Simeticonum | Buccal tablets | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 30/11/04 |

7893 | Manti Forte | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum + Simeticonum | Buccal tablets | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 30/11/04 |

7894 | Manti Forte | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum + Simeticonum | Oral suspension | | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 31/03/07 |

7895 | Mapryl | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/04/06 |

7896 | Mapryl | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 20 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 25/10/05 |

7897 | Mapryl | Enalaprili maleas | Tablets | 5 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 25/10/05 |

7898 | Marbocyl 10 | Marbofloksacyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 12/03/06 |

7899 | Marbocyl 20 mg | Marbofloksacyna | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 8/05/06 |

7900 | Marbocyl 5 mg | Marbofloksacyna | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 20/04/06 |

7901 | Marbocyl 80 mg | Marbofloksacyna | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 8/05/06 |

7902 | Marcaine — Adrenaline 0,25 % | Bupivacainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (2,5mg + 0,005mg)/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

7903 | Marcaine — Adrenaline 0,5 % | Bupivacainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (5mg + 0,005mg)/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

7904 | Marcaine 0,25 % | Bupivacainum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

7905 | Marcaine 0,5 % | Bupivacainum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

7906 | Marcaine Spinal 0,5 % Heavy | Bupivacainum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

7907 | Marek — Vac | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka dla kurcząt | Suspension | for veterinary use | FATRO | 31/12/08 |

7908 | Mareol | Olej z tkanki ryb morskich | Capsules, soft | 500 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 16/05/07 |

7909 | Marigold Gel. Żel z nagietka | Preparat złożony | Gel for external use | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/04/04 |

7910 | Marigold Ointment. Maść nagietkowa | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/04/04 |

7911 | Marinyl Q10 | | Capsules | 50mg | HEALTH Purificato Molnlycke, Szwecja | 31/12/08 |

7912 | Mariomigran | Chrysanthemi parthenii succus | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7913 | Marmot Ointment. Maść z sadła świstaka | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 31/07/04 |

7914 | Marvelon | Desogestrelum + Ethinylestradiolum | Tablets | 0,15mg + 0,03mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

7915 | Masticef | Cefacetril sodowy | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady PrzemysłuBioweterynaryjnego | 24/09/04 |

7916 | Masticlox L | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillnum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

7917 | Masticlox Z | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillnum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

7918 | Mastiject Fort | Tetracyklina, neomycyna, bacytracyna, prednizolon | Ointment | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

7919 | Mastipen L | Sól sodowa benzylopenicyliny, siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny, sól sodowa nafciliny | Ointment | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

7920 | Mastipen Z | Sól prokainowa benzylopenicyliny, siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny, sól sodowa nafciliny | Ointment | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

7921 | Mastiprewent | Olejek eukaliptusowy, kamfora, mentol, wazelina żółta, euceryna | Ointment | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

7922 | Mastisan PN DC | Benzylopenicylina prokainowaNeomycyny siarczan | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | PW Vet-Agro | 4/08/04 |

7923 | Mastisan PN MC | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa, neomycyna | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

7924 | Mastizym | Trypsyna, Chymotrypsyna, Papaina, Witamina A, Octan a tokoferolu | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Veyx-Pharma | 10/02/04 |

7925 | Mastlek | Amoxicillinum + Neomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

7926 | Mastodynon | | Tablets | | Bionorica AG | 19/07/07 |

7927 | Mastodynon N | | | | Bionorica, Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

7928 | Mastycyd D | Bradophen, | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 30/06/04 |

7929 | Maść arnikowa | | Ointment | 200 mg/g | Elissa Wytwórnia Artykułów Kosmetycznych i Perfumeryjnych mgr farm. Irena Ocioszyńska | 30/10/05 |

7930 | Maść arnikowa | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/09/06 |

7931 | Maść borna | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 24/10/05 |

7932 | Maść borna | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 24/10/05 |

7933 | Maść borna | | | | Unia, Warszawa | 24/10/05 |

7934 | Maść borna | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 24/10/05 |

7935 | Maść borna | Acidum boricum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Herbafarm Sp. z o.o. | 22/11/06 |

7936 | Maść borna. Ung. acidi borici | Acidum boricum | Ointment | 10 % | Avena | 31/12/04 |

7937 | Maść borowinowa | | Ointment | | Sulphur Zdrój Exim — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/08/05 |

7938 | Maść bursztynowa | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/11/05 |

7939 | Maść bursztynowa | | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 24/11/05 |

7940 | Maść cholesterolowa | Cholesteroli unguentum | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Usługowo-Handlowe AUGMED | 19/04/07 |

7941 | Maść cholesterolowa | Cholesteroli unguentum | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 19/04/07 |

7942 | Maść cholesterolowa | Cholesteroli unguentum | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/04/07 |

7943 | Maść cholesterolowa | Cholesteroli unguentum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/04/07 |

7944 | Maść cholesterolowa | Cholesteroli unguentum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/04/07 |

7945 | Maść cholesterolowa | Cholesteroli unguentum | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 30/06/05 |

7946 | Maść cynkowa | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

7947 | Maść cynkowa | | | | Apipol-Farma, Myślenice | 31/12/08 |

7948 | Maść cynkowa | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 31/12/08 |

7949 | Maść cynkowa | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7950 | Maść cynkowa | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7951 | Maść cynkowa | | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7952 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/05 |

7953 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

7954 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 31/12/05 |

7955 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

7956 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

7957 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

7958 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/05 |

7959 | Maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

7960 | Maść do nosa | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7961 | Maść do nosa dla dzieci | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7962 | Maść Gemiderma | Acidum boricum | Ointment | 5 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/01/06 |

7963 | Maść glicerolowa | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/02/05 |

7964 | Maść gojąca z róży | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

7965 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Apipol-Farma, Myślenice | 31/12/08 |

7966 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

7967 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 31/12/08 |

7968 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

7969 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7970 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

7971 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

7972 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7973 | Maść ichtiolowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7974 | Maść ichtiolowo-kamforowa | | | | Labor, Wrocław | 19/09/06 |

7975 | Maść kamforowa | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

7976 | Maść kamforowa | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 31/12/08 |

7977 | Maść kamforowa | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

7978 | Maść kamforowa | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

7979 | Maść kamforowa | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

7980 | Maść kamforowa | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

7981 | Maść kamforowa | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

7982 | Maść kamforowa | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

7983 | Maść kamforowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

7984 | Maść kamforowa | Camphorum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Herbafarm Sp. z o.o. | 22/11/06 |

7985 | Maść kasztanowa | | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Farmal — Wytwórnia Farmaceutyczna | 31/05/06 |

7986 | Maść kasztanowa | | Ointment | | Alpine Herbs Produkte AG | 30/11/04 |

7987 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 4/08/07 |

7988 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 4/08/07 |

7989 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 4/08/07 |

7990 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 4/08/07 |

7991 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 4/08/07 |

7992 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 4/08/07 |

7993 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 4/08/07 |

7994 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 4/08/07 |

7995 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 4/08/07 |

7996 | Maść majerankowa | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 4/08/07 |

7997 | Maść majerankowa | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 4/08/07 |

7998 | Maść majerankowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 4/08/07 |

7999 | Maść majerankowa -ung. Majoranae | | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/04 |

8000 | Maść na odciski | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

8001 | Maść na odciski | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | (400mg + 100mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 10/05/06 |

8002 | Maść na odciski | Acidum salicylicum + meliloti emplastrum | Ointment | (500mg + 500mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/01/06 |

8003 | Maść na odciski Maggie | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | | Maggie — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/01/06 |

8004 | Maść na odle yny | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/09/06 |

8005 | Maść Nagietkowa | | Ointment | 100 mg/g | Farmal — Wytwórnia Farmaceutyczna | 9/02/05 |

8006 | Maść Nagietkowa | | Ointment | 200 mg/g | Elissa Wytwórnia Artykułów Kosmetycznych i Perfumeryjnych mgr farm. Irena Ocioszyńska | 9/02/05 |

8007 | Maść Nagietkowa | | Ointment | 700 mg/g | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 9/02/05 |

8008 | Maść nagietkowa | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 9/02/05 |

8009 | Maść nagietkowa | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 9/02/05 |

8010 | Maść ochronna z witaminą A | Retinolum | Ointment | 800 j.m./g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 10/05/06 |

8011 | Maść pielęgnacyjna dla dzieci Pupilek | Allantoinum + Zinci oxydum | Ointment | (20mg + 70mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/01/06 |

8012 | Maść pieprzowcowa | Capsici extractum spissum | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

8013 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 14/05/07 |

8014 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 14/05/07 |

8015 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Labor, Wrocław | 14/05/07 |

8016 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 14/05/07 |

8017 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 14/05/07 |

8018 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 14/05/07 |

8019 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 14/05/07 |

8020 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Unia, Warszawa | 14/05/07 |

8021 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 14/05/07 |

8022 | Maść pięciornikowa złożona | Tormentillae unguentum compositum | | | Ziaja, Gdańsk | 14/05/07 |

8023 | Maść Pięciornikowa złożona | | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 14/05/07 |

8024 | Maść Propolisowa 3 % | | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8025 | Maść Propolisowa 7 % | | Ointment | | Barć — Pasieka im. ks. dr Henryka Ostacha | 31/12/04 |

8026 | Maść przeciw odciskom | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

8027 | Maść przeciw odciskom | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8028 | Maść przeciw odciskom i zgrubieniom skóry >Rekord Łuszczy< | Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | 200 mg/g | Farmal — Wytwórnia Farmaceutyczna | 31/12/05 |

8029 | Maść Retynowa | Tretinoinum | Ointment | 0.5 mg/g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/01/06 |

8030 | Maść Rumiankowa | | Ointment | 200 mg/g | Elissa Wytwórnia Artykułów Kosmetycznych i Perfumeryjnych mgr farm. Irena Ocioszyńska | 31/05/06 |

8031 | Maść rumiankowa | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/09/06 |

8032 | Maść siarkowo-salicylowo-mydlana | Acidum salicylicum + Sulfur + Sapo kalinus | Ointment | | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

8033 | Maść szałwiowa | | Ointment | 200 mg/g | Elissa Wytwórnia Artykułów Kosmetycznych i Perfumeryjnych mgr farm. Irena Ocioszyńska | 31/05/06 |

8034 | Maść tranowa | | Ointment | 400 mg/g | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8035 | Maść tranowa | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

8036 | Maść tranowa | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 31/12/08 |

8037 | Maść tranowa | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

8038 | Maść tranowa | | | | Bartpol, Poznań | 31/12/08 |

8039 | Maść tranowa | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

8040 | Maść tranowa | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

8041 | Maść tranowa | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8042 | Maść tranowa | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8043 | Maść tranowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8044 | Maść tranowa | Olej wątłuszowy | Ointment | for veterinary use | Herbafarm Sp. z o.o. | 22/11/06 |

8045 | Maść witaminowa gojąca | Retinolum | Ointment | 800 j.m./g | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

8046 | Maść witaminowa ochronna | Retinolum | Ointment | 800 j.m./g | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

8047 | Maść witaminowa ochronna | Retinolum | Ointment | 800 j.m./g | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

8048 | Maść z salicylanem metylu | | | | Chema-Elektromet, Rzeszów | 31/12/08 |

8049 | Maść z salicylanem metylu | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

8050 | Maść z sulfobitumianianem amonowym | | | | Labor, Wrocław | 14/06/06 |

8051 | Maść z sulfobituminianem amonowym | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/05 |

8052 | Maść z sulfobituminianem amonowym | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 31/12/05 |

8053 | Maść z sulfobituminianem amonowym | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/05 |

8054 | Maść z sulfobituminianem amonowym | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8055 | Maść z sulfobituminianem amonowym | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

8056 | Maść z tlenkiem cynku | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 5/09/05 |

8057 | Maść z tlenkiem cynku | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 5/09/05 |

8058 | Maść z tlenkiem cynku | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 5/09/05 |

8059 | Maść z tlenkiem cynku | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 5/09/05 |

8060 | Maść z tlenkiem cynku | Zinci oxydum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Herbafarm Sp. z o.o. | 22/11/06 |

8061 | Maść z witaminą A | Retinolum | Ointment | 400 j.m./g | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

8062 | Maść z witaminą A | Retinolum | Ointment | 400 j.m./g | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. zo.o. | 31/12/04 |

8063 | Maść z witaminą A | Retinolum | Ointment | | Laboratorium Galenowe Katowice | 31/12/04 |

8064 | Maść zmiękczająca | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/02/05 |

8065 | Matefit fix | Preparat ziołowy | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Białystok S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8066 | Materna | Prep. Witaminowy z mikroelementami | Film-coated tablets | | Lederle Laboratories Division | 30/04/04 |

8067 | Materna z selenem | | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Ayerst Canada | 25/04/07 |

8068 | Matrax | Paracetamolum + Dextromethorphanum + Pseudoephedrinum | Capsules, soft | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8069 | Matrax | Paracetamolum + Dextromethorphanum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | preparat złoóżny | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8070 | Matrax Plus | | Capsules, soft | | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8071 | Matrax Plus | | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8072 | Max obroża przeciw pchłom i kleszczom dla kota | Permetryna | Collar | for veterinary use | NBO Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8073 | Max obroża przeciw pchłom i kleszczom dla psa | permetryna | Collar | for veterinary use | NBO Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8074 | Maxalt 10 | Rizatriptanum | Tablets | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/08/04 |

8075 | Maxalt 5 | Rizatriptanum | Tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/08/04 |

8076 | Maxalt RPD 10 | Rizatriptanum | Tablets (lyophilisate) | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/08/04 |

8077 | Maxalt RPD 5 | Rizatriptanum | Tablets (lyophilisate) | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/08/04 |

8078 | Maxaquin | Lomefloxacinum | Tablets | 400 mg | Searle | 31/12/08 |

8079 | Maxflu Syrop | Paracetamolum + Chlorpheniraminum + Pseudoephedrinum | Syrup | preparat złożony | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8080 | Maxiban 160 premix | Narazyna, nikarbazyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

8081 | Maxigra | Sildenafili citras | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8082 | Maxigra | Sildenafili citras | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8083 | Maxigra | Sildenafili citras | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8084 | Maxipime | Cefepimum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 0.5 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

8085 | Maxipime | Cefepimum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 1 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

8086 | Maxipime | Cefepimum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 2 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

8087 | Maxipiryn C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum, Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8088 | Maxitrol | Dexamethasonum + Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B | Eye drops, suspension | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

8089 | Maxitrol | Dexamethasonum + Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B | Eye ointment | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 31/12/08 |

8090 | MBE | Magnesii oxidum + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 150mg Mg ++, 7,29mg + 200mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 24/05/06 |

8091 | Mecortolon | Prednisolonum | Cream | 5 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8092 | Mecortolon N | Neomycinum + Prednisolonum | Cream | (5mg + 5mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/05 |

8093 | Medazepam | Medazepamum | Capsules | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8094 | Medigox | Metildigoxinum | Tablets | 0.1 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/08/05 |

8095 | Meditonsin Płyn | | | | Medice Chem.-Pharm. Fabrik Putter | 31/01/06 |

8096 | Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 2/10/06 |

8097 | Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Tablets | 16 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 2/10/06 |

8098 | Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Tablets | 32 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 2/10/06 |

8099 | Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 2/10/06 |

8100 | MEDULLA comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

8101 | MEDULLA comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

8103 | Mefacit | Acidum mefenamicum | Capsules | 250mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 26/09/07 |

8102 | Mefacit | Acidum mefenamicum | Suppository | 0.5 g | SecFarm — Towarzystwo Przemysłowo-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8104 | Mefacit | Acidum mefenamicum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8106 | Megace | Megestrolum | Oral suspension | 40 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 31/10/04 |

8105 | Megace | Megestrolum | Tablets | 40 mg | Bristol Myers Squibb GmbH | 30/06/04 |

8107 | Megace 160 | Megestrolum | Tablets | 160 mg | Bristol Myers Squibb GmbH | 9/07/06 |

8108 | Megalac | Hydrotalcitum | Chewable tablets | 500 mg | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8109 | Megalia | Megestrolum | Oral suspension | 40 mg / ml | VIPHARM S.A. Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8110 | Megavit | | Film-coated tablets | | Sun-Farm Sp.z o.o. Kołbiel | 14/12/05 |

8111 | Megesin | Megestrolum | Tablets | 160 mg | S.C. Sindan S.R.L | 4/07/07 |

8112 | Megesin | Megestrolum | Tablets | 40 mg | S.C. Sindan S.R.L | 4/07/07 |

8113 | Megestrol | Megestrolum | Tablets | 40 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8114 | Megestrol | Megestrolum | Tablets | 160 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8115 | Megestrol | Megestrolum | Tablets | 400 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8116 | Megestrolum | Megestrolum | Oral suspension | 40 mg/ml | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8117 | Megion | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 11/10/06 |

8118 | Meglumin 1000 | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 1000 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8119 | Meglumin 500 | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

8120 | Meladerm | | Gel | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol", Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

8121 | Melalthaeae | | Syrup | 1870 mg/5ml | Eko-Lek- Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8122 | Melalthaeae D | | Syrup | 1950 mg/5ml | Eko-Lek- Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8123 | Melatonin | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8124 | Melatonin | Melatoninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8125 | Melatonin | Melatoninum | Tablets | 1 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8126 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 1 mg | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 23/04/06 |

8127 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 23/04/06 |

8128 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 24/08/05 |

8129 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | Puritan's Pride Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

8130 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 1 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8131 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8132 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8133 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | K & K Medicplast | 31/12/08 |

8134 | Melatonina | Melatoninum | Tablets | 5 mg | K & K Medicplast | 31/12/08 |

8135 | Melatonina + B 6 | Melatoninum + Pyridoxini hydrochloridum | Tablets | (3 mg + 10 mg) | Phoenix Laboratories Inc., USA | 31/12/08 |

8136 | Melatonina o smaku pomarańczowym | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | Zakł. Chem.-Farm. "VIS" sp. z o.o., Katowice | 31/12/08 |

8137 | Melatoninum | Melatoninum | Tablets | 3 mg | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

8138 | Melfarfarae | | Syrup | | Eko-Lek- Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8139 | Melfoeniculi | | Syrup | 1890 mg/5ml | Eko-Lek- Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8140 | Meliacid | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Ointment | (100mg + 400mg)/g | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

8141 | Meliherp | | Ointment | 14 mg/g | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/05/05 |

8142 | Melilotus-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8143 | Melilotus-Homaccord N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8144 | Melipass | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 6/06/07 |

8145 | Melipass G | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops, solution | | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 14/03/07 |

8146 | Melisal | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8147 | Melisana Benediktinen Melissengeist | | Tincture | | Pharma-Zentrale GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8148 | Melisana Klosterfrau | | Oral solution | | M.C.M. Klosterfrau Vetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H | 30/04/04 |

8149 | Melissed | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/10/05 |

8150 | Melis-Tonic | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

8151 | Melitab | Dziurawiec, pasiflora, melisa, jeżówka | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

8152 | Mellinorm | Pentoksyfillinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

8153 | Meloksam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 7.5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 25/01/05 |

8154 | Meloksam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 15 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

8155 | Meloksykam 0,15 % per os | Meloxicanum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

8156 | Meloksykam 0,5 % inj. | Meloxicanum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

8157 | Meloxicam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 7,5mg i 15mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8158 | Meloxicam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 7,5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8159 | Meloxicam | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 15 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8160 | Memoaktyvit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

8162 | Memoplant | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. | 30/04/04 |

8161 | Memoplant | Ginkgo biloba | Oral drops, solution | 40 mg/ml | Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. | 30/04/04 |

8163 | Memorin | Ginkgo bilobae folium extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8164 | Memotropil | Piracetamum | Capsules | 400 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

8165 | Memotropil | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 1200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 15/03/06 |

8166 | Memotropil | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 15/03/06 |

8167 | Memotropil 20 % | Piracetamum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 12 g/60 ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 5/07/06 |

8168 | Menbutone"Werfft" | Menbuton | Solution | for veterinary use | Werfft Chemie | 30/06/04 |

8169 | Meningitec | Meningococcus, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen | Suspension for intramuscular injection | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 11/10/06 |

8170 | Menocaston | Agni casti fructus tinctura | Oral drops | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 27/09/06 |

8171 | Menocim | Cimicifuga racemosa rhizoma extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8172 | Menodoron N krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

8173 | Menofem | Cimicifugae racemosae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8174 | Menogon | Menotropinum humanum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 75 j.m. FSH + 75 j.m. LH | Ferring GmbH | 31/08/04 |

8175 | Menopace | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Vitabiotics Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8176 | Menopur | Menotrophinum | Powder and solvent for solution for itramuscular and subcutaneous injection | Ferring GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8177 | Mentho — Paraffinol | | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 30/10/05 |

8178 | MenthoBalm | | Ointment | | The Mentholatum Company Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

8179 | Mentho-Paraffinol | Paraffinum liquidum | Oral solution | 998.75 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/09/06 |

8180 | Mentho-Paraffinol | | Liquid | 100g + 125mg | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8181 | Mentho-Paraffinol | | Liquid | | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

8182 | Mentho-Paraffinol | | Oral solution | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/07/05 |

8183 | Menthosept | Cetylpyridinium | Buccal tablet | 1.5 mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 15/03/06 |

8184 | Mentisana | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 9/08/06 |

8187 | Mentoklar | | Gel for external use | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

8185 | Mentoklar | | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

8186 | Mentoklar | | Nasal stick | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

8188 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

8189 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 30/11/05 |

8190 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

8191 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

8192 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

8193 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

8194 | Mentol | Mentholum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

8195 | Mentol-żel | Mentholum | Gel | 25 mg/g | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8196 | Mentowal | Menthyli valeras | Oral drops | 650 mg/g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8197 | Mepaprost | R-kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | AniMedica West Chemische Produkte GmbH | 20/07/06 |

8198 | Mepatar | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 10/05/04 |

8199 | Mepatar granulat 20 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

8200 | Mepatar granulat 40 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

8201 | Mepidont 2 % z adrenaliną 1:100.000 | Epinephrinum + Mepivacainum | Solution for injection | (0,01mg + 20mg)/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

8202 | Mepidont 3 % | Mepivacainum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

8203 | Mepivastesin | Mepivacainum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | ESPE Dental AG | 30/06/04 |

8204 | Mepron | Atovaquonum | Suspension | | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

8205 | Mercaptopurinum | Mercaptopurinum | Tablets | 50 mg | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8206 | Mercilon | Desogestrelum + Ethinylestradiolum | Tablets | 0,15mg + 0,02mg | Organon Irlandia Ltd | 30/04/05 |

8207 | Mercurialis | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

8208 | Mercurialis krople do oczu | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8209 | Mercurius cyanatus complexe nr 43 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

8210 | Mercurius solubilis Complexe Lehning nr 39 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

8211 | Mercurius-Heel S | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8212 | Meridia 10 | Sibutraminum | Capsules | 10 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/03/04 |

8213 | Meridia 15 | Sibutraminum | Capsules | 15 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/03/04 |

8214 | Merilym | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw boreliozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Rhone Merieux Laboratoire | 31/12/08 |

8215 | Merional Hp | Gonadotropinum | Lyophilisate for solution for infusion | 75 IU | IBSA Institut Biochemique S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8216 | Meronem | Meropenemum | Intramuscular injection | 0.5 g | Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/06 |

8217 | Meronem | Meropenemum | Powder for solution for injection | 1 g | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 8/01/06 |

8218 | Meronem | Meropenemum | Powder for solution for injection | 500 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 8/01/06 |

8219 | Merz Spezial Dragees | Multivitamins and trace elements | Coated tablets | | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/08/04 |

8220 | Mesalazyna | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 250 mg | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8221 | MESALAZYNA 250 mg | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 250 mg | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8222 | Mesalin | Estradiolu benzoesan | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

8223 | MESENCHYM/CALCIUM CARB. comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

8224 | M-Eslon | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 10 mg | Ethypharm Industres | 31/12/07 |

8225 | M-Eslon | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | Ethypharm Industres | 31/12/07 |

8226 | M-Eslon | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 30 mg | Ethypharm Industres | 31/12/07 |

8227 | M-Eslon | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 60 mg | Ethypharm Industres | 31/12/07 |

8228 | Mesporin 2000 | Ceftriaxonum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 2 g | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

8229 | Mesporin 250 | Ceftriaxonum | powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 250 mg | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

8230 | Mesporin 500 | Ceftriaxonum | powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 500 mg | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

8231 | MESPORIN® 1000 I.M. | Ceftriaxonum | powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 1g | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

8232 | MESPORIN® 1000 I.V. | Ceftriaxonum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravascular injection | 1g | Mepha L.D.A. | 31/12/08 |

8233 | Mestinon | Pyridostigminum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8234 | Mestinon | Pyridostigminum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8235 | Mesulid | Nimesulidum | Granules for oral suspension | 100 mg | CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8236 | Mesulid | Nimesulidum | Tablets | 100 mg | CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8237 | Metabol. Species metabolicae | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 31/12/06 |

8238 | Metabol-fix | | Instant herbal tea | | P.P.H. "Eldex-Medical", Wiry | 31/12/08 |

8239 | Metacam | Meloxicanum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 8/11/05 |

8240 | Metacam 20 mg Bydło | Meloxicanum | Solution | for veterinary use | Boeringer Ingelheim | 31/12/08 |

8241 | Metacam Bydło | Meloxicanum | Solution | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 14/11/05 |

8242 | Metacam Pies | Meloxicanum | Solution | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 8/11/05 |

8243 | Metafen | Paracetamolum + Ibuprofenum | Tablets | 400 mg + 200 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8244 | Metaflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

8245 | Metajodobenzyloguanidyna- 123 I (MIBG-123 I) | Iobenguanum | Solution for injection | 92.5 MBq/ 5 ml | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 25/01/06 |

8246 | Metajodobenzyloguanidyna- - 131 I (MIBG-131 I) | Iobenquanum | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 25/01/06 |

8247 | Metalyse | Tenecteplasum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 6000 j (30 mg) | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8248 | Metalyse | Tenecteplasum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 8000 j (40 mg) | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8249 | Metalyse | Tenecteplasum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 10000 j (50 mg) | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8250 | Metamizol sodowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

8251 | Metamizol sodowy | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

8252 | Metamizol sodowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8253 | Metamizol sodowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8254 | Metamucil Citrus | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Powder for oral suspension | 3.29 g | Searle Pharmaceuticals | 31/07/05 |

8255 | Metamucil Orange | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Powder for oral suspension | 3.29 g | Searle Pharmaceuticals | 31/07/05 |

8256 | Metanabol | Metandienonum | Cream | 5 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8257 | Metanabol | Metandienonum | Tablets | 1 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8258 | Metanabol | Metandienonum | Tablets | 5 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8259 | Metastron | | Solution for intravenous injection | | Nycomed Amersham plc | 15/03/06 |

8260 | Metawetrim | Sulfadymidyna, Trimetoprim | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 30/06/04 |

8261 | Metazydyna | Trimetazidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/12/05 |

8262 | Metazydyna Mr | Trimetazidinum | Modified release tablets | 35 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

8263 | Metenamina | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 19/01/05 |

8264 | Metenamina | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/01/05 |

8265 | Metenamina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/01/05 |

8266 | Metenamina | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/01/05 |

8267 | Metenamina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/01/05 |

8268 | Meteoreisen/Phosphor/Quarz granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8269 | Meteoreisen/Phosphor/Quarz inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8270 | Meteospasmyl | Alverinum + Dimeticonum | Capsules | | Mayoly Spindler Laboratoires | 26/04/06 |

8271 | Metfogamm 500 | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

8272 | Metfogamma 850 | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 850 mg | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

8273 | Metforatio 500 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8274 | Metforatio 850 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 850 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8275 | Metformax 500 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 500 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8276 | Metformax 500 Mr | Metforminum | Tablets | 500 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8277 | Metformax 850 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 850 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

8278 | Metformin | Metformini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 500 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/01/05 |

8279 | Metformin | Metforminum | Tablets | 500 mg ; 850 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

8280 | Metformin | Metforminum | Tablets | 500 mg | Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy ESPEFA | 31/12/08 |

8281 | Metformin 850 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 850 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 17/01/07 |

8282 | Metformina Anpharm | Metforminum | Film-coated tablets | 850 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Anpharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8283 | Methadone hydrochloride | Methadonum | Syrup | 0.1 g/100 ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8284 | Methadone hydrochloride | Methadonum | Syrup | 1 mg/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 30/06/07 |

8285 | Methadone hydrochloride | Methadonum | Syrup | 10 mg/10 ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8286 | Methadone hydrochloride | Methadonum | Syrup | 20 mg/20 ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/12/07 |

8287 | Methadone hydrochloride | Methadonum | Syrup | 60 mg/60 ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8288 | METHADONE HYDROCHLORIDE Pulvis | Methadonum | | | Bufa B.V. | 31/12/08 |

8289 | Methimazol | Thiamazolum | Tablets | 5 mg | M. Philopharm | 31/12/08 |

8290 | Methiovit | | Film-coated tablets | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8291 | Methocarbamol | Methocarbamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/05 |

8292 | Methocel | Hypromellosum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/07/04 |

8293 | Methotrexaet-Teva | Methotrexatum | Vial | 50 mg/2 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

8294 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 1000 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8295 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8296 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8297 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8298 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8299 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8300 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8301 | Methotrexat | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

8302 | Methotrexate | Methotrexatum | Amp. | 50 mg/2 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 23/11/05 |

8303 | Methotrexate | Methotrexatum | Solution | 5 mg | THISSEN Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8304 | Methotrexate | Methotrexatum | Solution | 25 mg | THISSEN Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8305 | Methotrexate | Methotrexatum | Solution | 50 mg | THISSEN Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8306 | Methotrexate | Methotrexatum | Solution | 500 mg | THISSEN Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8307 | Methotrexate | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Pharmacia Upjohn Pty Ltd. Bentley | 23/11/05 |

8308 | Methotrexate Therabel | Methotrexatum | Injection | 50 mg/ml | Laboratoires Thissen | 31/12/08 |

8309 | Methotrexat-Ebewe | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/01/05 |

8310 | Methotrexat-Ebewe, Metotreksat-Knoll | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/01/05 |

8311 | Methotrexat-Ebewe, Metotreksat-Knoll | Methotrexatum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/01/05 |

8312 | Methotrexat-Ebewe, Metotreksat-Knoll 10 | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 10 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/04 |

8313 | Methotrexat-Ebewe, Metotreksat-Knoll 2,5 | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/04 |

8314 | Methotrexat-Ebewe, Metotreksat-Knoll 5 | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 5 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/04 |

8318 | Methotrexate-Teva | Methotrexatum | Intravenous infusion | 16 mg/40 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

8315 | Methotrexate-Teva | Methotrexatum | Vial | 200 mg/8 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

8316 | Methotrexate-Teva | Methotrexatum | Vial | 500 mg/20 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

8317 | Methotrexate-Teva | Methotrexatum | Vial | 100 mg/4 ml | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | 31/12/08 |

8320 | Methotrexatum | Methotrexatum | Liquid for injection | 20 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8321 | Methotrexatum | Methotrexatum | Lyophilisated substance | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8319 | Methotrexatum | Methotrexatum | Lyophylisate | 50 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8322 | Methotrexatum | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8323 | Methoxasol | Trimethoprinum + Sulphametoxasolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Eurovet | 31/12/08 |

8324 | Methyldopa | Methyldopum | Tablets | 250 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8325 | Methylergometrin | Methylergometrinum | Solution for injection | 0.2 mg/1 ml | Spofa a.s. | 30/06/05 |

8326 | Methylthiouracilum | Methylthiouracilum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

8327 | Metifor | Metformini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/08 |

8328 | Metifor | Metforminum | Tablets | 850 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8331 | Metindol | Indometacinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

8329 | Metindol | Indometacinum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8330 | Metindol | Indometacinum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8332 | Metindol Retard | Indometacinum | Prolonged release tablets | 75 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8333 | Metindonium | Cetrimonii bromidum + Indometacinum | Oromucosal solution | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8334 | Metizol | Thiamazolum | Tablets | 5 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8335 | Metocard | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8336 | Metocard | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8337 | Metocard prolongatum | Metoprololi tartas | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8338 | Metoclopramid 10 | Metoclopramidum | Suppository | 10 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8339 | Metoclopramid 20 | Metoclopramidum | Suppository | 20 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8340 | Metoclopramidum | Metoclopramidum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8341 | Metoclopramidum | Metoclopramidum | Tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8342 | Metohexal 50 | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 50 mg | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

8343 | Metohexal 100 | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 100 mg | Hexal AG | 31/12/08 |

8344 | Metohexal 200 retard | Metoprololi tartas | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Hexal AG | 25/04/07 |

8345 | Metoprolol | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 100 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/10/05 |

8346 | Metoprolol | Metoprololi tartas | Tablets | 50 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/10/05 |

8347 | Metoprolol | Metoprololum | Tablets | 50 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

8348 | Metoxan | Oxymetazolum | Nasal spray | 0,05 % | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8349 | Metral | Metforminum | Tablets | 500 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8350 | Metral | Metforminum | Tablets | 850 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8351 | Metricure | Cefapiryna | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

8352 | Metrihex | Chlorhexidinum | Intrauterine stick | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 17/08/04 |

8353 | Metrisan AN | Ampicillinum + Neomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

8354 | Metro-Adnex-Injeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8355 | Metrodin | Urofollitropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 75 j.m. (FSH) | Ares-Serono International S.A. | 30/08/04 |

8356 | Metrodin HP | Urofollitropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 75 j.m./ml | Industria Farmaceutica Serono | 31/08/04 |

8359 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8363 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Gel | | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 9/01/05 |

8364 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8360 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Oromucosal paste | 100 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8357 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Suppository | 1 g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8358 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Suppository | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/04/04 |

8361 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

8362 | Metronidazol | Metronidazolum | Vaginal tablets | 500 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

8365 | Metronidazol | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 9/01/05 |

8366 | Metronidazol | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 9/01/05 |

8367 | Metronidazol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/01/05 |

8368 | Metronidazol | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 9/01/05 |

8369 | Metronidazol 0,5 % | Metronidazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8370 | Metronidazol 0,5 % | Metronidazolum | Solution for intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

8371 | Metronidazol 20 % | Metronidazolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

8372 | Metronidazolum 20 % | Metronidazolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Sp z o.o. | 22/11/06 |

8373 | Metronigem | Metronidazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

8374 | Metrosept | Metronidazolum | Gel | 7.5 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 25/10/06 |

8375 | Metylu hydroksybenzoesan | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/08/05 |

8376 | Metylu salicylan | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 19/11/07 |

8377 | Metypred | Methylprednisolonum | Tablets | 16 mg | Orion Corporation | 30/01/05 |

8378 | Metypred | Methylprednisolonum | Tablets | 4 mg | Orion Corporation | 30/01/05 |

8379 | Mevacor | Lovastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/06/04 |

8380 | Mexicord | Mexiletinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8381 | Mexitil | Mexiletinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8382 | Mexitil | Mexiletinum | Capsules | 50 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8383 | Mexitil | Mexiletinum | Solution for injection | 25 g/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8384 | Mexitil Depot 360 mg | Mexiletinum | Prolonged release capsules | 360 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8385 | Mezereum | | Ointment | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 9/12/06 |

8386 | Mezereum-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8387 | Mezereum-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8388 | Miacalcic | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

8389 | Miacalcic | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for injection | 50 j.m./ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

8390 | Miacalcic Nasal 200 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray | 200 j.m./dawkę | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

8391 | Miansemerck 10 | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 24/05/06 |

8392 | Miansemerck 30 | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 24/05/06 |

8394 | Mianserin | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8393 | Mianserin | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

8395 | Mibalin | Methylthioninii chloridum + Naphazolinum | Eye drops, solution | (0,5mg +0,2mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8396 | Mibd (131 I) Injection | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

8397 | Micardis | Telmisartanum | Tablets | 20 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 6/12/06 |

8398 | Micardis | Telmisartanum | Tablets | 40 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/10/04 |

8399 | Micardis | Telmisartanum | Tablets | 80 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/10/04 |

8400 | Micardis Plus | Telmisartanum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 40 mg + 12,5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8401 | Micardis Plus | Telmisartanum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 80 mg + 12,5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8402 | Micetal | Flutrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | J.Uriach&cia S.A. | 31/12/04 |

8403 | Micetal | Flutrimazolum | Cutaneous spray, solution | 10 mg/ml | J.Uriach&cia S.A. | 31/12/04 |

8404 | Micetal | Flutrimazolum | Gel | 10 mg/g | J.Uriach&cia S.A. | 31/12/04 |

8405 | Miconal | Miconazolum | Gel | 2 % | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8406 | Miconal | Miconazolum | Gel | 20 mg/g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 14/02/07 |

8407 | Micotil 300 | Tylmikozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Eli Lilly Regional Operations Ges.m.b.H c/o Elanco Animal Health | 21/02/06 |

8408 | Microgynon 21 | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

8409 | Microser | Betahistinum | Tablets | 8 mg | Prodotti Formenti S.r.l | 31/05/05 |

8410 | Midanium | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 28/02/06 |

8411 | Midanium | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 28/02/06 |

8412 | Midazolam 1 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml; opakowanie 2 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8413 | Midazolam 1 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml; opakowanie 5 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8414 | Midazolam 1 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml; opakowanie 10 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8415 | Midazolam 5 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml; opakowanie 1 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8416 | Midazolam 5 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml; opakowanie 3 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8417 | Midazolam 5 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml; opakowanie 5 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8418 | Midazolam 5 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml; opakowanie 10 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8419 | Midazolam 5 mg/ml Torrex | Midazolamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml; opakowanie 18 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8420 | Miedzi siarczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8421 | Miedziowy siarczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/02/05 |

8422 | Miflonide | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder, capsules | 200 mcg | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd | 14/02/07 |

8423 | Miflonide | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder, capsules | 400 mcg | Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd | 14/02/07 |

8424 | Migea | Acidum tolfenamicum | Tablets | 200 mg | A/S GEA Farmaceutisk Fabrik | 27/06/07 |

8425 | Migpriv | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Metoclopramidum | Powder for oral solution | 1620mg +10mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 25/01/06 |

8426 | Migralgan | Carbasalatum calcium + Metoclopramidum | Effervescent powder for oral solution | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 17/01/07 |

8427 | Migranolina | Paracetamolum + Codeinum + Buclizini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8428 | Migrenol | | Coutanous liquid | | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

8429 | Migril | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8430 | Migril | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8431 | Mikonazol | Miconazoli nitras | Cream | 2 % | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/07 |

8432 | Mikonazol | Miconazoli nitras | Cream | 20 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 25/10/06 |

8433 | Mikonazol | Miconazolum | Cream | 2 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8434 | Mikrosol B-compositum | Witaminy z grupy B, witamina K3, witamina C, amid kwasu nikotynowego, pantotenian wapnia | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/06/04 |

8435 | Mikrosol E | Witamina E | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/06/04 |

8436 | Miksaj | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 0,4 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

8437 | Milgamma 100 | Benfothiaminum + Pyridoxinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg B1 + 100 mg B6 | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

8438 | Milgamma N | Thiaminum + Pyridoxinum + Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for injection | (50 mg + 50 mg + 0,5 mg)/ml | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

8439 | Milmag | Magnesii hydroxidum | Suspension | 8 % | Polon — Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/06 |

8440 | Milocardin | Preparat złożony | Oral drops | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

8441 | Miloxan | Szczepionka dla bydła I owiec przeciwko zakażeniom toksynotwórczymi bakteriami beztlenowymi z rodzaju clostridium | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

8442 | Miltex | Miltefosinum | Solution | 60 mg/ml | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

8443 | Milupa PKU 1 | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Granules | | Milupa GmbH and Co. KG | 11/10/06 |

8444 | MILUPA PKU 1 — Mix | Dieta | Granules | | Milupa GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

8445 | Milupa PKU 2 | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Granules | | Milupa GmbH and Co. KG | 15/03/06 |

8446 | Milupa PKU 3 | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Granules | | Milupa GmbH and Co. KG | 15/03/06 |

8447 | Milurit | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

8448 | Milurit | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 300 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

8449 | Milvane | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 30/09/04 |

8450 | Minadex | Preparat złożony | Oral emulsion | | Seven Seas Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8451 | Minaflex | Dieta | Powder for oral solution | | SHS International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8452 | MINAFLEX O Smaku Waniliowo — Ananasowym | Dieta | Powder for oral solution | | SHS International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8453 | Minallvit | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablet | | Carls-Bergh Pharma ab | 30/06/04 |

8454 | Minerasol | Micro and macro elements | Solution | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma | 11/03/04 |

8455 | Minesse | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | 0,15mg + 0,06mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 9/08/06 |

8456 | Minesulin | Nimesulidum | Powder for oral suspension | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

8457 | Minesulin | Nimesulidum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

8458 | Miniderm | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | 400 mg/g | 3M VISCOPLAST S.A. | 31/08/05 |

8459 | Minidiab | Glipizidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

8460 | Minipress | Prazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

8461 | Minipress | Prazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

8462 | Minipress | Prazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/06/04 |

8464 | Minirin | Desmopressinum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.1 mg/ml | Ferring AB | 31/08/05 |

8463 | Minirin | Desmopressinum | Nasal spray | 10 mcg/dawkę donosową | Ferring AB | 6/07/05 |

8465 | Minirin | Desmopressinum | Solution for injection | 4 mcg/ml | Ferring AB | 31/08/05 |

8466 | Minirin 0,1 | Desmopressinum | Tablets | 0.1 mg | Ferring AB | 31/12/08 |

8467 | Minirin 0,2 | Desmopressinum | Tablets | 0.2 mg | Ferring AB | 31/12/08 |

8468 | Minisiston | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 30/04/04 |

8469 | MINITRAN 10 mg | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal pach | | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

8470 | MINITRAN 5 mg | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal pach | | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

8471 | Minivita | Multivitamins and trace elements | Buccal tablet | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/07/04 |

8472 | Minolest | | | | Sanacare | 31/12/08 |

8473 | Minulet | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Coated tablets | 0,3mg + 0,75mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

8475 | Miocamen | Miocamycinum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutische Riunite S.R.L. | 31/12/08 |

8474 | Miocamen | Miocamycinum | Granules for oral solution | 6 g | A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutische Riunite S.R.L. | 31/12/08 |

8476 | Miostat | Carbacholum | Solution for intraocular use | 0.1 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 30/04/04 |

8477 | miód cebulowy | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

8478 | Miód prawoślazowy | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

8479 | Mirapexin | Pramipexolum | Tablets | 0.088 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.A. — Luxemburg | 30/04/05 |

8480 | Mirapexin | Pramipexolum | Tablets | 0.18 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.A. — Luxemburg | 30/04/05 |

8481 | Mirapexin | Pramipexolum | Tablets | 0.7 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.A. — Luxemburg | 30/04/05 |

8482 | Miraspryn | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 0.325 g | Time-Cap Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

8483 | Mirelle | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 9/08/06 |

8484 | Mirenil | Fluphenazinum | Coated tablets | 0.25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8485 | Mirenil | Fluphenazinum | Coated tablets | 1 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8486 | Mirenil Prolongatum | Fluphenazinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8487 | Miro Szampon przeciw pchłom i kleszczom dla psa | Tetrametryna | Liquid | for veterinary use | Laboratoires ICC | 31/12/08 |

8488 | Mirtal | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8489 | Mirtal | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 45 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8490 | Mirtazapin | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 45 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8491 | Mirtazapin | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8492 | Mirtazapina | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8493 | Mirtazapina | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 45 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8496 | Mistabron | Mesnum | Inhalation liquid and for endotracheopulmonary and bronchial instillation | 200 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

8495 | Mistabron | Mesnum | Inhalation solution | 200 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

8494 | Mistabron | Mesnum | Nasal spray, solution | 50 mg/ml | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8497 | Mitomycin C | Mitomycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 mg | Kyowa Hakko | 31/05/04 |

8498 | Mitomycin C | Mitomycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 2 mg | Kyowa Hakko | 31/05/04 |

8499 | Mitomycin C | Mitomycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 20 mg | Kyowa Hakko | 31/05/04 |

8500 | Mitoxantrone | Mitoxantronum | Solution for injection | 2 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

8501 | Mivacron | Mivacurii chloridum | Solution for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 25/10/05 |

8502 | Miwana Natrii chloridi 0.9 % aerozol do nosa | | | | MIWANA | 30/09/05 |

8503 | Mixtard 10 HM Penfill | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/06/05 |

8504 | Mixtard 10 NovoLet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 8/01/06 |

8505 | Mixtard 20 HM Penfill | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/06/05 |

8506 | Mixtard 20 NovoLet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 8/01/06 |

8507 | Mixtard 30 NovoLet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 8/01/06 |

8508 | Mixtard 30 HM | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

8509 | Mixtard 30 HM | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

8510 | Mixtard 30 HM Penfill | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

8511 | Mixtard 30 Innolet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 5/07/06 |

8512 | MIXTARD 30 MC 100 J.M./Ml | Isophanum insulinum biphasicum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

8513 | MIXTARD 30 MC 40 J.M./Ml | Isophanum insulinum biphasicum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

8514 | Mixtard 40 HM Penfill | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/06/05 |

8515 | Mixtard 40 NovoLet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 8/01/06 |

8516 | Mixtard 50 HM Penfill | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 30/06/05 |

8517 | Mixtard 50 NovoLet | Insulini injectio neutralis + Insulinum isophanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 8/01/06 |

8518 | Mixtura Pepsini | Acidum hydrochloricum + Pepsinum | Oral solution | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 30/06/07 |

8519 | Mizodin | Primidonum | Tablets | 250 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

8520 | Mizolastatyna | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

8521 | Mizollen | Mizolastinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/10/04 |

8522 | Młode Pędy Sosny | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

8523 | M-M-R II | Vaccinum morbillorum, parotitidis et rubellae vivum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/04 |

8524 | Mobemid | Moclobemidum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 27/06/07 |

8526 | Mobilat | | Gel | | Sankyo Pharma GmbH — München | 30/04/04 |

8525 | Mobilat | | Ointment | | Sankyo Pharma GmbH — München | 30/04/04 |

8527 | Moclobemid Torrex | Moclobemide | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8528 | Moclobemid Torrex | Moclobemide | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8529 | Mocloxil | Moclobemidum | Tablets | 150 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/06/06 |

8530 | Mocznik | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/01/06 |

8531 | Mocznik | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/01/06 |

8532 | Mocznik | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/01/06 |

8533 | Mocznik | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/06 |

8534 | Mocznik | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/01/06 |

8535 | Mocznik | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/01/06 |

8536 | Modafen | Ibuprofenum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | | Lečiva a.s. | 29/08/07 |

8537 | Moderan | Ibuprofenum | Capsules, hard | 300 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8538 | Modifilan | | Tablets | | Innowacyjny Fundusz Sachalina | 31/12/08 |

8539 | Modustatine | Somatostatinum | Lyophilisate for injection | 0.25 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 31/12/08 |

8540 | Moflox | Moxifloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8541 | Moklar | Moclobemidum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Biovena Pharma Sp z o.o. | 6/06/07 |

8542 | Molipsor R | Molsidominum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | IPSOR | 31/12/08 |

8543 | Molsidomina | Molsidominum | Tablets | 2 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8544 | Molsidomina | Molsidominum | Tablets | 4 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8545 | Molsidomina prolongatum | Molsidominum | Prolonged release tablets | 8 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8546 | Molsidomine | Molsidominum | Tablets | 4 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

8547 | Molsidomine | Molsidominum | Tablets | 2 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

8548 | Molybdan Compositum | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8549 | Mometazon | Mometasoni furoas | Cream | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8551 | Mometazon | Mometasoni furoas | Liquid | 1mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8550 | Mometazon | Mometasoni furoas | Ointment | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8552 | Momordica Complexe Nr 109 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

8553 | Momordica compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8554 | Monarc-M | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravascular injection and intravascular infusion | 1000 j.m. | American National Red Cross | 30/09/04 |

8555 | Monarc-M | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravascular injection and intravascular infusion | 250 j.m. | American National Red Cross | 30/09/04 |

8556 | Monarc-M | Coagulation factor VIII | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravascular injection and intravascular infusion | 500 j.m. | American National Red Cross | 30/09/04 |

8557 | Monazole 7 | Miconazolum | Vaginal cream | 2 % | Technilab Inc. | 31/12/08 |

8558 | Mondolar 100 Premiks | Monenzyna sodowa | Premix | for veterinary use | KRKA d.d. | 24/05/07 |

8559 | Mondolar 200 Premiks | Monenzyna sodowa | Premix | for veterinary use | KRKA d.d. | 24/05/07 |

8560 | Mono Mack Depot | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 20/05/06 |

8561 | Monobenzone | Monobenzonum | Ointment | 200 mg/g | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8562 | Monocard 10 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Capsules | 10 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 10/05/06 |

8563 | Monocard 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Capsules | 20 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 10/05/06 |

8564 | Mononit 10 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

8565 | MONONIT 100 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Sanofi — Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8566 | Mononit 20 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

8567 | Mononit 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/05 |

8569 | MONONIT 60 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Sanofi — Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8568 | Mononit 60 retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 23/07/06 |

8571 | MONONIT 80 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Sanofi — Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8570 | Mononit 80 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 24/05/06 |

8572 | Mononit100 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 24/05/06 |

8573 | Monopril | Fosinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8574 | Monopril | Fosinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8575 | Monotard HM | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

8576 | Monotard HM | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

8577 | Monotard MC | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

8578 | MONOTARD MC 100 J.M./Ml | Insulinum cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

8579 | Monovitan C 500 Prolongatum | Acidum ascorbicum | Prolonged release tablets | 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8580 | Monovitan C | Acidum ascorbicum | Tablets | 500 mg | Krakowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8581 | Monovitan C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8582 | Monovitan C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Coated tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8583 | Monovitan C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 23/11/05 |

8584 | Monovitan C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Tablets | 50 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 15/03/06 |

8585 | Monovitan C Cynk | Calcii lactas gluconas + Acidum ascorbicum + Zincum | Effervescent tablets | preparat złożony | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8586 | MONOVITAN C Forte | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8587 | MONOVITAN C Forte O Smaku Cytrynowym Bez Dodatku Cukru | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8588 | MONOVITAN C Forte O Smaku Pomarańczowym Bez Dodatku Cukru | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8589 | Monovitan C Plus | Calcii lactas gluconas + Acidum ascorbicum + Calcii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 260mg + 500 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8590 | MONOVITANC O Smaku Pomarańczowy | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Krakowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8591 | Monozide | Fosinoprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 10 mg + 12,5 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8592 | Monozide | Fosinoprilum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 20 mg + 12,5 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

8593 | Monteban 100 Premix | Narazyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 18/03/04 |

8594 | Monural | Fosfomycinum + Trometamolum | Granules for oral solution | | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/03/07 |

8595 | Monural | Fosfomycinum + Trometamolum | Granules for oral solution | | Zambon Group S.p.A. | 31/03/07 |

8596 | Morbital | Pentobarbital | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 10/02/04 |

8597 | Morfiny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8598 | Morfiny chlorowodorek | | | | Polfa Kutno | 31/12/05 |

8599 | Morphina Hydrochlorid | Morphinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Zdrowie Narodu | 31/12/08 |

8600 | Morphini sulfas | Morphinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

8601 | Morphini sulfas | Morphinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

8602 | Morphini Sulfas 0,1 % Spinal | Morphinum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

8603 | Moss 100 | Morphinum | Suppository | 100 mg | Cenes | 31/12/08 |

8604 | Moss 35 | Morphinum | Suppository | 35 mg | Cenes | 31/12/08 |

8605 | Moss 50 | Morphinum | Suppository | 50 mg | Cenes | 31/12/08 |

8606 | Moss 75 | Morphinum | Suppository | 75 mg | Cenes | 31/12/08 |

8607 | Motilium | Domperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/05 |

8608 | Motilium Lingual | Domperidonum | Oromucosal soluble tablets | 10 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/05 |

8609 | Mova Nitrat Pipette | Argenti nitras | Eye drops, solution | 10 mg/ml | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 25/05/05 |

8610 | Movalis | Meldesikamum | Solution for injection | 15 mg/1,5 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8611 | Movalis | Meloxicamum | Suppository | 15 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/01/05 |

8612 | Movalis | Meloxicamum | Suppository | 7.5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/01/05 |

8613 | Movalis | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 15 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/01/05 |

8614 | Movalis | Meloxicamum | Tablets | 7.5 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8615 | Movicol | Propyleno glycolum | Powder | | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

8616 | Moxenil | Nimesulidum | Tablets | 100 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8617 | MST Continus | Morphinum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8618 | MST Continus | Morphinum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 100 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8619 | MST Continus | Morphinum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 200 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8620 | MST Continus | Morphinum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 30 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8621 | MST Continus | Morphinum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 60 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

8622 | Mucedokehl D5 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

8623 | Mucedokehl D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

8624 | Mucilagosan | | | | Herba Oskar | 31/12/08 |

8625 | Mucispol | | | | Inter Aspol, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8626 | Mucivital | | | | Lab. Arkopharma | 31/12/08 |

8627 | Mucoangin® | Ambroxolum | Buccal tablets | 20 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8628 | Mucobovin | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla bydła przeciwko wirusowej biegunce i chorobie błon śluzowych wywołanej przez pestiwirusy | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 18/09/07 |

8629 | Mucofalk A | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Granules for oral solution | 3.25 g/5 g | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 24/08/05 |

8630 | Mucofalk O | Plantaginis ovatae testa | Granules for oral solution | 3.25 g/5 g | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 24/08/05 |

8631 | Mucofluid | Mesnum | Nasal spray, solution | 50 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

8632 | Mucokehl D3 | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

8633 | Mucokehl D5 | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 4/08/07 |

8634 | Mucokehl D5 | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 4/08/07 |

8635 | Mucokehl D5 | | Amp. | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

8636 | Mucopront | Carbocisteinum | Capsules | 375 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 31/07/04 |

8637 | Mucopront | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 250 mg/5 g | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 31/12/04 |

8638 | Mucosa compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8639 | Mucosiffa | Szczepionka dla bydła przeciwko wirusowej biegunce bydła I zapaleniu błon śluzowych | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

8641 | Mucosit | Preparat ziołowy | Gingival gel | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8640 | Mucosit | Preparat ziołowy | Mouth wash solution | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 10/05/06 |

8643 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 g/50 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8642 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Granules | 15 mg/3g | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 22/02/06 |

8644 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Nebuliser solution | 7.5 mg/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8645 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Solution for injection | 7.5 mg/ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8646 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/15 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8647 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 30 mg/5 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8648 | Mucosolvan | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/05/04 |

8649 | Mucotussin® | Dextometorphanum | Syrup | 5 mg/5 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8650 | Mucotussin® | Dextometorphanum | Syrup | 10 mg/5 ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8651 | Mukobron | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 22/11/05 |

8652 | Mukobron | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 30 mg/5 ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/07 |

8653 | Mukobron | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 22/11/05 |

8654 | Mukolina | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 20 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8655 | Mukolina | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 50 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8656 | Multavit Junior | | Powder for oral solution | | Polfarmex S.A | 28/02/06 |

8657 | Multavit Junior | | Powder for oral solution | | Polfarmex S.A | 28/02/06 |

8658 | Multavit Junior | | Powder for oral solution | | Polfarmex S.A | 28/02/06 |

8659 | Multavit Junior | | Powder for oral solution | | Polfarmex S.A | 28/02/06 |

8660 | Multavit Junior | | Powder for oral solution | | Polfarmex S.A | 28/02/06 |

8661 | Multavit o smaku pomarańczowym | Multivitamins and trace elements | Effervescent powder | | Polfarmex S.A | 30/09/07 |

8662 | MULTI — B Strong | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

8663 | Multibionta Plus Mineral | Multivitamins and trace elements | Film-coated tablets | | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

8664 | Multibiotic | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B | Ointment | (10mg + 5mg + 0,833mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 27/09/06 |

8665 | Multiektifo | Amitrazum, bromfenwinfos | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

8666 | MultiHance | Dimeglumini gadobenas | Solution for intravenous injection | 529 mg/ml | Bracco S.p.A. | 25/10/06 |

8667 | Multiminka Beta | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

8668 | Multiminka M | | Capsules | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

8669 | Multisal | | Film-coated tablets | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8670 | Multi-Sanostol | Preparat złożony | Syrup | | Altana Consumer Health GmbH | 30/04/04 |

8671 | Multi-tabs | Acidum ascorbicum | Buccal tablet | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/12/08 |

8672 | Multi-tabs | Multivitamins | Drops | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/12/08 |

8673 | Multi-tabs | Multivitamins and trace elements | Buccal tablet | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/12/08 |

8674 | Multi-tabs | Multivitamins and trace elements | Buccal tablets for chldren (1-6 years old) | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/07/04 |

8675 | Multi-tabs | Multivitamins and trace elements | Film-coated tablets | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/07/04 |

8676 | Multi-tabs Classic | Multivitamins and trace elements | Film-coated tablets | | Ferrosan A/S | 14/03/07 |

8677 | Multi-tabs z beta-karotenem | Multivitamins and trace elements | Film-coated tablets | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/12/08 |

8678 | Multivitamin Injection | Roztwór wielowitaminowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

8679 | Multivitaminum | Preparat witaminowy | Coated tablets | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8680 | Multivitaminum | | Film-coated tablets | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8681 | Multivitaminum forte | Preparat witaminowy | Coated tablets | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8682 | Multivitamol | | Syrup | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8683 | Mumpsvax | Vaccinum parotitidis vivum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 0.5 ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/04 |

8684 | Mupirocin | Muporicinum | Ointment | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8685 | Mupirocin-B | Muporicinum + Betamethasonum | Ointment | 20 mg, 0,5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8686 | Mupirox | Mupirocinum | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Blau Farma Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa | 9/08/06 |

8687 | Murine Tears | Alcohol polyvinylicus + Povidonum | Eye drops, solution | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 4/07/07 |

8688 | Murine Tears Plus | Alcohol polyvinylicus + Tetryzolinum + Povidonum | Eye drops, solution | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 4/07/07 |

8689 | Muscolan | Methylis salicylas + Mentholum | Ointment | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8690 | Muscoril | Thiocolchicosidum | Capsules | 4 mg | Sanofi — Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8691 | Muscoril | Thiocolchicosidum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 4 mg/2ml | Sanofi — Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8692 | Musculavit | Preparat ziołowy | Capsules, soft | | Bional International BV | 24/08/05 |

8693 | MUSE 1000 Ug | Alprostadilum | | | Vivus | 31/12/08 |

8694 | MUSE 125 Ug | Alprostadilum | | | Vivus | 31/12/08 |

8695 | MUSE 250 Ug | Alprostadilum | | | Vivus | 31/12/08 |

8696 | MUSE 500 Ug | Alprostadilum | | | Vivus | 31/12/08 |

8697 | MUSSOVIT B + C + E O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Preparat złożony | Effervescent tablets | | Krakowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8698 | Mustophoran | Fotemustinum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 208 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/04/05 |

8700 | Myclopir | Ciclopiroxum | Coutanous liquid | 1 % (10 mg/g) | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

8699 | Myclopir | Ciclopiroxum | Lacquer | 8 % (80 mg/g) | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

8701 | Mycobifen | Bifanazolum | Cream | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

8702 | Mycomax | Fluconazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Leciva Inc. | 30/09/07 |

8703 | Mycomax 100 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Leciva Inc. | 30/09/07 |

8704 | Mycomax 150 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Leciva Inc. | 30/09/07 |

8705 | Mycomax 200 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Leciva Inc. | 30/09/07 |

8706 | Mycomax 50 | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Leciva Inc. | 30/09/07 |

8707 | Mycophyt | Natamycyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Intervet | 4/05/04 |

8708 | Mycosalmovir | Szczepionka dla gołębi przeciw salmonelozie, paramyksowirozie, mykoplazmozie | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 7/02/05 |

8709 | Mycosolon | Mazipredonum + Miconazoli nitras | Ointment | (2,5mg + 20mg)/g | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

8710 | Mycospor | Bifonazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Bayer AG | 11/10/05 |

8711 | Mycospor | Bifonazolum | Shampoo | 1 % | Bayer Quimica Farmaceutica S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8712 | Mycospor Onychoset | Bifonazolum + Carbamidum | Ointment | | Bayer AG | 11/10/05 |

8713 | Mycosyst | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8714 | Mycosyst | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8715 | Mycosyst | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8716 | Mycosyst | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8717 | Mycosyst | Fluconazolum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8718 | Myc-Vac | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakażeniom Mycoplasma gallisepticum | Emulsion | for veterinary use | FATRO S.p.A. | 19/02/06 |

8719 | Mydło lecznicze | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/01/05 |

8720 | Mydło potasowe | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8721 | Mydło potasowe | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

8722 | Mydło potasowe | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8723 | Mydocalm | Lidocainum + Tolperisonum | Solution for injection | (2,5mg + 100mg)/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

8724 | Mydocalm | Tolperisonum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

8725 | Mydocalm forte | Tolperisonum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

8726 | Mydriacyl | Tropicamidum | Eye drops | 10 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

8727 | Mydriacyl 0,5 % | Tropicamidum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

8728 | Myelovax | Szczepionka przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

8730 | Mykodermina | | Coutanous liquid | 60 mg/g | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/01/06 |

8731 | Mykodermina | | Medicated powder | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/01/06 |

8729 | Mykodermina | | Ointment | 60 mg/g | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/01/06 |

8732 | Mykofar Forte | | Medicated powder | | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy FARKO | 27/09/05 |

8733 | Mykofar Mite | | Medicated powder | | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy FARKO | 27/09/05 |

8734 | Myleran | Busulfanum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

8735 | Myolastan | Tetrazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Sanofi-Winthrop | 26/10/05 |

8736 | Myolaxin 15 % | Griseofulvinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 15/01/06 |

8737 | Myomax | Tetrazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8738 | Myopam 100 | Tetrazepamum | Tablets | 100 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8739 | Myopam 25 | Tetrazepamum | Tablets | 25 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8740 | Myopam 50 | Tetrazepamum | Tablets | 50 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8741 | Myovan | Tetrazepamum | Tablets | 50 mg | Dr Kade Pharmaceutical Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

8742 | Myristica sebifera comp. | | Amp. | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8743 | Myristica sebifera comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

8744 | Mytelase | Ambenonii chloridum | Tablets | 10 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 30/04/04 |

8745 | Myxovac | Szczepionka przeciw myksomatozie królików | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

8746 | Nabumeton | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

8747 | Nabumetone | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

8748 | Nabuton | Nabumetonum | Tablets | 500mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 26/09/07 |

8749 | Naclof | Diclofenacum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 30/06/04 |

8750 | Nadmanganian potasu | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 12/10/05 |

8751 | Nadmanganian potasu | | | | Galena, Wrocław | 12/10/05 |

8752 | Nadmanganian potasu | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 12/10/05 |

8753 | Nafpenzal DC | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa, Sól sodowa nafcyliny, Siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 4/05/04 |

8754 | Nafpenzal DC | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa, Sól sodowa nafcyliny, Siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 28/04/04 |

8755 | Nafpenzal MC | Sól sodowa benzylopenicyliny, Sól sodowa nafcyliny, Siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 17/08/04 |

8756 | Nafpenzal MC | Sól sodowa benzylopenicyliny, Sól sodowa nafcyliny, Siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Intervet | 4/05/04 |

8757 | Naienie kozieradki | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 18/12/05 |

8760 | Naklofen | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

8761 | Naklofen | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8763 | Naklofen | Diclofenacum | Gel | 10 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/06/04 |

8762 | Naklofen | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

8759 | Naklofen | Diclofenacum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

8758 | Naklofen | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

8765 | Naklofen Duo | Diclofenacum | Capsules | 75 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8764 | Naklofen Duo | Diclofenacum | Modified release capsules | 75 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/05 |

8766 | Nakom | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | 25mg + 250mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

8767 | Nakom Mite | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | 25 mg + 100mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

8768 | Nalcrom | Acidum cromoglicicum | Capsules | 100 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 9/05/05 |

8769 | Nalergine | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb Products S.A. | 29/03/06 |

8770 | Nalewka Benedyktyńska | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/01/06 |

8771 | Nalewka bursztynowa | | | | Dobrynin, Łódź | 31/01/06 |

8772 | Nalewka gorzka | Amara tinctura | Tincture | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 21/05/07 |

8773 | Nalewka gorzka | Amara tinctura | | | Herbapol Kraków | 21/05/07 |

8774 | Nalewka gorzka | Amara tinctura | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 21/05/07 |

8775 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/05 |

8776 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8777 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/05 |

8778 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

8779 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

8780 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/12/05 |

8781 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8782 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

8783 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8784 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/05 |

8785 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 31/12/05 |

8786 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Rolnicza Sp-nia Prod.-Usługowa, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8787 | Nalewka kozłkowa | Tinctura valerianae | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8788 | Nalewka kozłkowa na eterze | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/02/05 |

8789 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/05 |

8790 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8791 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

8792 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/12/05 |

8793 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8794 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

8795 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8796 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/05 |

8797 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 31/12/05 |

8798 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Rolnicza Sp-nia Prod.-Usługowa, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8799 | Nalewka miętowa | Tinctura menthae piperitae | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

8800 | Nalewka z dębianek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8801 | Nalewka z dębianek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

8802 | Nalewka z dębianek | | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8803 | Nalewka z dębianek | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8804 | Nalewka z kłączy pięciornika | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/07 |

8805 | Nalewka z kłączy pięciornika | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

8806 | Nalewka z kłączy pięciornika | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/07 |

8807 | Nalewka z kłączy pięciornika | | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 31/12/07 |

8808 | Nalewka z kłączy pięciornika | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

8809 | Nalewka z kory chinowej | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8810 | Nalewka z kory chinowej | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

8811 | Nalewka z korzenia goryczki | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/02/05 |

8812 | Nalewka z korzenia ipekakuany | Ipecacuanhae tinctura | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

8813 | Nalewka z korzenia ipekakuany | Ipecacuanhae tinctura | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/10/05 |

8814 | Nalewka z korzenia ipekakuany | Ipecacuanhae tinctura | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

8815 | Nalewka z korzenia ipekakuany | Ipecacuanhae tinctura | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

8816 | Nalewka z koszyczka arniki | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 9/03/06 |

8817 | Nalewka z kwiatostanu głogu | Crataegi tinctura | Tincture | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/09/07 |

8818 | Nalewka z kwiatostanu głogu | Crataegi tinctura | Tincture | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 24/09/07 |

8819 | Nalewka z kwiatu arniki | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/07 |

8820 | Nalewka z kwiatu arniki | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/07 |

8821 | Nalewka z kwiatu arniki | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

8822 | Nalewka z kwiatu arniki | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/07 |

8823 | Nalewka z kwiatu arniki | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

8824 | Nalewka z liści pokrzyku | Belladonae tinctura | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8825 | Nalewka z liści pokrzyku | Belladonae tinctura | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

8826 | Nalewka z liści pokrzyku | Belladonae tinctura | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8827 | Nalewka z owocni pomarańczy gorzkiej | Aurantii amara tinctura | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

8828 | Nalewka z owocni pomarańczy gorzkiej | Aurantii amara tinctura | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8829 | Nalewka z owocni pomarańczy gorzkiej | Aurantii amara tinctura | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/12/08 |

8830 | Nalewka z owocni pomarańczy gorzkiej | Aurantii amara tinctura | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8831 | Nalewka z pieprzu tureckiego | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8832 | Nalewka z pieprzu tureckiego | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

8833 | Nalewka z pieprzu tureckiego | | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8834 | Nalewka z pieprzu tureckiego | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8835 | Nalewka z ziela glistnika | Chelidonii tinctura | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8836 | Nalewka z ziela glistnika | Chelidonii tinctura | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

8837 | Nalewka z ziela glistnika | Chelidonii tinctura | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8838 | Nalewka z ziela glistnika | Chelidonii tinctura | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8839 | Nalewka z ziela konwalii mianowana | | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 19/08/07 |

8840 | Nalewka z ziela konwalii mianowana | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/08/07 |

8841 | Nalewka z ziela konwalii mianowana | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/08/07 |

8842 | Nalewka z ziela konwalii mianowana | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 19/08/07 |

8843 | Nalewka z ziela konwalii mianowana PHYTOCARD | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/07 |

8844 | Nalewka z ziela mi ka wiosennego | Tinctura adonidis vernalis titrata | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 6/01/06 |

8845 | Nalewka z ziela mi ka wiosennego | Tinctura adonidis vernalis titrata | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 6/01/06 |

8846 | Nalewka z ziela mi ka wiosennego | Tinctura adonidis vernalis titrata | | | Pharma Zentrale | 6/01/06 |

8847 | Nalewka z ziela miłka wiosennego | Tinctura adonidis vernalis titrata | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

8848 | Nalewka z ziela piołunu | | | | Prac. Konf. Leków M.Napiórkowska, Warszawa | 5/11/04 |

8849 | Nalgesin | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 275 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 29/03/06 |

8850 | Nalgesin forte | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablets | 550 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 29/03/06 |

8851 | Naloxonum hydrochloricum | Naloxonum | Solution for injection | 400 mcg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

8852 | Naniprus | | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 30 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

8853 | Nanocoll | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | Radiopharmaceutical kit | | Nycomed Amersham Sorin S.R.L | 31/12/08 |

8854 | Naowocnia Fasoli | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

8855 | Naowocnia Fasoli | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

8856 | Naprosyn | Naproxenum | Tablets | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/05/04 |

8857 | Naprosyn | Naproxenum | Tablets | 250 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

8866 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

8867 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

8870 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 27/09/06 |

8871 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 27/09/06 |

8873 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 10 % | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

8874 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 100 mg/g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab.. Farm. Michał Oginski | 27/09/06 |

8875 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 27/09/06 |

8876 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/09/06 |

8877 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 12 mg/g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab. Farm. Michał Oginski | 27/09/06 |

8878 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 12 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/09/06 |

8879 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 30 mg/g (3 %) | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 27/09/06 |

8872 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8858 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Suppository | 250 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/09/06 |

8859 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Suppository | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/09/06 |

8860 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8861 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 200 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 27/09/06 |

8862 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8863 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 27/09/06 |

8864 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

8865 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 27/09/06 |

8868 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 200 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

8869 | Naproxen | Naproxenum | Tablets | 125 mg; 250 mg; 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 27/09/06 |

8880 | Naproxen 250 | Naproxenum | Suppository | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8881 | Naproxen 500 | Naproxenum | Suppository | 500 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

8882 | Naproxen E.C. 250 | Naproxenum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

8883 | Naproxen E.C. 500 | Naproxenum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Generics (UK) Limited | 31/12/08 |

8884 | Naproxen Sodium | Naproxenum | Film-coated tablet | 220 mg; 550 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

8885 | Naramig | Naratriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 2,5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

8886 | Naranotox plus | | | | Homoopatisches Laboratorium A.Pfluger | 31/12/08 |

8887 | Narcotan | Halothanum | Inhalation solution | 100 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 31/07/04 |

8888 | Narkamon 5 % | Ketaminum | Solution | for veterinary use | SPOFA | 7/05/04 |

8889 | Naropin | Ropivacainum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 23/11/05 |

8890 | Naropin | Ropivacainum | Solution for injection | 7.5 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 23/11/05 |

8891 | Naropin | Ropivacainum | Solution for injection or infusion | 2 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 23/11/05 |

8892 | Nasacort | Triamcinolonum | Nasal spray | 55 mcg/dawkę | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

8893 | Nasal spray | | Nasal spray, solution | | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8894 | Nasengel-ratiopharm | Xylometazolinum | Gel | 0.1 % | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/04 |

8895 | Nasienie gorczycy białej | Sinapis albae semen | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8896 | Nasienie gorczycy białej | Sinapis albae semen | Herb | | Zakład Zielarski "KAWON-HURT" S.C., Gostyń | 31/12/08 |

8897 | Nasienie gorczycy czarnej | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 18/12/05 |

8898 | Nasienie kozieradki | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/03/07 |

8899 | Nasienie kozieradki | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/03/07 |

8900 | Nasienie kozieradki | | | | Zioła lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 19/03/07 |

8901 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

8902 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/12/08 |

8903 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

8904 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

8905 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

8906 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Instytut Włókien Naturalnych, Poznań | 31/12/08 |

8907 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Jarosław Szczepańczyk | 31/12/08 |

8908 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Jarosław Szczepańczyk | 31/12/08 |

8909 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

8910 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 31/12/08 |

8911 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 31/12/08 |

8912 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

8913 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

8914 | Nasienie lnu | Lini semen | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8915 | Nasienie płesznika | Semen psyli | Herb | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/08 |

8916 | Nasiona Babki płesznika -Semen Psyllii | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

8917 | Nasiona Babki płesznika -Semen Psyllii | | Herb | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/07 |

8918 | Nasiona gorczycy czarnej | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

8919 | Nasiona gorczycy czarnej | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

8920 | Nasiona kozieradki | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

8921 | Nasiona kozieradki | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 13/05/06 |

8922 | Nasiona kozieradki | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 13/05/06 |

8923 | Nasiona kozieradki 1 -nasiona sproszkowane | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

8924 | Nasiona lnu | Lini semen | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

8925 | Nasiona lnu | | | | AGROPHARM, Tuszyn k/ Łodzi | 31/12/07 |

8926 | Nasiona lnu | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/07 |

8927 | Nasiona lnu 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

8928 | Nasiona Plantago ovata | | Herb | | Herba Studio Mścisz i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna | 30/10/05 |

8929 | Nasivin 0,01 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.1 mg/g | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

8930 | Nasivin 0,025 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.25 mg/g | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

8932 | Nasivin 0,05 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.5 mg/g | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

8931 | Nasivin 0,05 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.5 mg/g | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

8933 | Nasivin sanft 0,025 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.25 mg/ml | Merck KGaA | 27/09/06 |

8934 | Nasivin sanft 0,05 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Merck KGaA | 6/12/06 |

8935 | Nasivin soft 0,01 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.1 mg/ml | Merck KGaA | 27/09/06 |

8936 | Nasobec | Beclometasonum | Nasal spray, water suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę donosową | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

8937 | Naso-Heel SN | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

8938 | Nasonex | Mometasonum | Nasal spray, water solution | 0.05 % | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/12/08 |

8939 | Natack | Nimesulidum | Tablets | 100 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

8940 | Natacyn | Natamycinum | Eye drops, suspension | 50 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 30/04/04 |

8941 | Natamycyna | Natamycinum | Vaginal tablets | 25 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/09/05 |

8942 | Nateglinid | Nateglinidum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8943 | Nateglinid | Nateglinidum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8944 | Nateglinid | Nateglinidum | Film-coated tablets | 180 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8945 | Natrium bicarbonicum 8,4 % | Natrii hydrocarbonas | Solution for intravenous injection | 84 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

8946 | Natrium Chloratum 0,9 Inj. | Natrii chloridum | Solution for irrigation | 9 mg/ml; poj.: 5000 ml | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA Spółka Akcyjna | 31/12/08 |

8948 | Natrium chloratum 0,9 % | Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 9 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8947 | Natrium chloratum 0,9 % | Natrii chloridum | Solution for irrigation | 9 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 17/01/07 |

8949 | Natrium Chloratum 0,9 % | Natrii chloridum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

8950 | Natrium Chloratum 0,9 % | Chlorek sodu | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

8951 | Natrium Chloratum 0,9 % INJ. | Natrii chloridum | Solution for infusion | 9 mg/ml | Baxter S.p.A. | 23/11/05 |

8952 | Natrium chloratum 0,9 % inj. | Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 9 mg/ml | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

8953 | Natrium chloratum 0,9 % inj. | Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 9 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

8954 | Natrium chloratum 0,9 % OFTARINOL do przemywania oczu | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/06 |

8955 | Natrium chloratum 5.85 % | Natrii chloridum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 58.5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

8956 | Natrium citricum 3.8 % | | | | Pliva Kraków | 29/10/06 |

8957 | Natrium Fluoratum | Natrii fluoratum | Buccal tablets | 0,25 mg; 1mg fluoru | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

8959 | Natrium fluoratum | Natrii fluoridum | Buccal tablet | 452 mcg F | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/01/05 |

8958 | Natrium fluoratum | Natrii fluoridum | Tablets | 226 mcg F | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/01/05 |

8960 | Natrium nitrosum | Natrii nitris | Solution for intravenous injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

8961 | Natrium Sulfuricum | Natrii sulfuricum | Powder | for veterinary use | Biofaktor | 31/12/08 |

8962 | Natrium-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8963 | Natrium-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

8964 | Natrum carbonicum complexe nr 10 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 4/01/07 |

8965 | Naturalny Beta Karoten -Prowitamina A | Betacarotenum | Tablets | 20 mg | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

8966 | Naturapia | Valerianae officinalis + Melissa officinalis | Film-coated tablets | praparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8967 | Naturapia — menopauza | Cimicifugae rhizomae extr. sicc. | Film-coated tablet | 40 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o., Wrocław | 30/09/07 |

8968 | Naturapia — prostata | Serenoae fructus extr. sicc. | Film-coated tablet | 160 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o., Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

8969 | Naturapia Przeziębienie I Grypa | Rad. Echinaceae + Witamina C + Cynk | Film-coated tablets | praparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8970 | Naturapia Wzrok | Vaccini myrtillus + Zinc + Witamina A | Film-coated tablets | praparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

8971 | Naturapia-Osteoporoza | Związki wapnia | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 21/03/07 |

8972 | Naturkaps czosnek | Allii sativi maceratio oleosa | Capsules | 270 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

8973 | Naturkaps Koenzym Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules, soft | 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 9/08/06 |

8974 | Naturkaps Tran 500 mg | Oleum Jecoris Aselli | Capsules, soft | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 16/05/07 |

8975 | Naturkaps wiesiołek | Oenotherae biennis oleum | Capsules, soft | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

8976 | Naudicelle | | Capsules, soft | | Bio Oil International Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

8977 | Navelbine | Vinorelbinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 27/06/07 |

8978 | Navelbine | Vinorelbinum | Capsules | 30 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 27/06/07 |

8979 | Navelbine | Vinorelbinum | Capsules | 40 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 27/06/07 |

8980 | Navelbine | Vinorelbinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 30/06/04 |

8981 | Navoban | Tropisetronum | Capsules | 5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

8982 | Navoban | Tropisetronum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

8983 | Nebilet | Nebivololum | Tablets | 5 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/04/04 |

8984 | Nectiv | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur i indyków przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Water — oil emulsion | for veterinary use | ABIC Ltd. | 22/11/06 |

8985 | Nefopam | Nefopamum hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 17/01/07 |

8986 | Nefopam 1 % | Nefopamum hydrochloridum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 17/01/07 |

8987 | Nefopam 2 % | Nefopamum hydrochloridum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 17/01/07 |

8988 | Nefrecil | Phenazopyridinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Labor Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

8989 | Nefrobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/07/05 |

8990 | Nefrobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 5/07/05 |

8991 | Nefrobonisol | | Oral solution | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/03/06 |

8992 | Nefrofit fix | Betulae folium + Orthosiphonis folium + Solidaginis herba | Herbal tea | | Herbapol — Białostok S.A. | 31/12/08 |

8993 | Nefrol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

8994 | Nefrosept | | Oral solution | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

8995 | NeisVac-C | Meningococcus, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen (Vaccinum Meningococcale polysaccharidicum) | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1 dawka 0,5 ml | Baxter Vaccine AG | 29/08/07 |

8996 | Neloren | Lincomycinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 300 mg/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

8997 | Nemast DC | Erythromycinum + Neomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

8998 | Nemovac | Atenuowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw syndromowi wielkiej głowy | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 12/03/06 |

8999 | Nemutin | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Solution | for veterinary use | S.P.Veterina S.A. | 16/04/07 |

9000 | Neo — Bronchol | Ambroxolum | Lozenge | | Divapharma — Knufike | 31/12/08 |

9001 | Neo Vet-Cillin L.A. | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetem | 5/07/04 |

9002 | Neo-Aesculan | Aesculinum + Acidum tannicum | Rectal gel | (40mg + 45mg)/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9003 | Neo-Angin | | Buccal tablet | | Divapharma-Knufinke Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9004 | Neo-Angin | | Buccal tablet | | Divapharma-Knufinke Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9005 | Neo-Angin N | | Nebuliser solution | | Divapharma-Knufinke Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9006 | Neoazarina | | Tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/06 |

9007 | Neobiotyl 100 | Tylozyny zasada, Tylozyny winian | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 20/06/05 |

9008 | Neobiotyl 200 | Tylozyny winian, Tylozyny zasada | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 20/06/05 |

9009 | Neo-Capsiderm | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9010 | Neocardina | | Oral drops, solution | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9011 | Neocolipor | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw kolibakteriozie prosiąt | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/05/04 |

9012 | Neocones | Benzocainum + Neomycinum | Dental tablets | 5mg + 15400 j.m. | Septodont | 31/08/04 |

9013 | Neogilurytmal | Prajmalinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9014 | Neoglandyna | Boraginis officinalis oleum + Tocopherolum | Gelatin capsules | 370 mg | Tymofarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze | 30/09/05 |

9015 | Neolakcid | | Capsules | 1 mld bakterii / kps | K & K Medicplast | 31/12/08 |

9016 | Neomast | Neomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

9017 | Neomigran | Dihydroergotaminum | Nasal spray | 4 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

9018 | Neomycinum | Neomycinum | Cutaneous spray | 6.8 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9019 | Neomycinum | Neomycinum | Eye ointment | 0.5 % | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

9020 | Neomycinum | Neomycinum | Tablets | 250mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9021 | Neomycinum 70 % | Neomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 31/12/07 |

9022 | Neomycinum wet. Aerozol | Neomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

9023 | Neomycyna | Neomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 29/05/04 |

9024 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 19/08/05 |

9025 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 19/08/05 |

9026 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/08/05 |

9027 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/08/05 |

9028 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | Polfa, Tarchomin | 19/08/05 |

9029 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/08/05 |

9030 | Neomycyny siarczan | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 19/08/05 |

9031 | Neomyzen | Neomycinum | Ointment | 5 mg / 1 g | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

9032 | Neonormacol | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

9033 | Neonormosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9034 | Neonormovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

9035 | Neo-Pancreatinum | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg (Lipasum 4000j.m.) | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

9036 | Neopektosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9037 | Neopektosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/06/06 |

9038 | Neopen | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa, neomycyny siarczan | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

9039 | Neopoldanen | Pygeum africanum + Zea maydis | Capsules, hard | 20mg + 40mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 29/06/05 |

9040 | Neopropiowet | Sodu propionian, Sodu salicylan, Magnezu siarczan, Żelazawy siarczan, Manganu siarczan, Kobaltu siarczan, Aerosil, Siarczan miedzi | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

9041 | Neopyrin | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 29/06/05 |

9042 | Neopyrin ASA | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/06 |

9043 | NeoRecormon 1000 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 1000 j.m./0,3 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9044 | NeoRecormon 10000 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 10000 j.m./0,6 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9045 | Neo-Recormon 10000 do wstrzykiwacza Reco-Pen | Erythropoietinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 10000 j.m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/11/04 |

9046 | Neo-Recormon 100000 wielodawkowy | Erythropoietinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 10000 j.m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/11/04 |

9047 | NeoRecormon 2000 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 2000 j.m./0,3 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9048 | NeoRecormon 20000 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 20000 j.m./0,6 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9049 | Neo-Recormon 20000 do wstrzykiwacza Reco-Pen | Erythropoietinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 20000 j.m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/11/04 |

9050 | NeoRecormon 3000 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 3000 j.m./0,3 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9051 | NeoRecormon 4000 | Epoetinum | Solution for injection | 4000 j,m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 25/01/06 |

9052 | NeoRecormon 500 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 500 j.m./0,3 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9053 | NeoRecormon 5000 | Erythropoietinum | Solution for subcutaneous and intravenous injection | 5000 j.m./0,3 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/10/04 |

9054 | Neo-Recormon 50000 wielodawkowy | Erythropoietinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous and intravascular injection | 50000 j.m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/11/04 |

9055 | NeoRecormon 6000 | Epoetinum | Solution for injection | 6000 j,m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 25/01/06 |

9056 | NeoRecormon 60000 | Epoetinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 60000 j,m. | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 25/01/06 |

9057 | Neosol | Neomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 25/05/04 |

9058 | Neospasmina | | Syrup | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9059 | Neospasmol | | Drops | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/09/07 |

9060 | NeoSpect — Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku | | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 47 mcg | Nycomed Imaging AS | 11/10/06 |

9061 | Neostygminy metylosiarczan | | | | Pliva Kraków | 24/05/06 |

9062 | Neo-synephrine | Phenylephrinum | Eye drops | 100 mg/ml | Sanofi Winthrop Pharmaceutical Group | 30/06/04 |

9063 | Neotarchocin | Oxytetracyclinum + Neomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa S.A. | 18/08/04 |

9064 | Neotarchocin granulat 36 %/25 % | Neomycinum + Oxytetracicllinum | Granules | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

9065 | Neotarchomiocin | Benzathini benzaylpenicillinum + Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

9066 | Neotigason | Acitretinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/03/07 |

9067 | Neotigason | Acitretinum | Capsules | 25 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/03/07 |

9069 | Neoton | Phosphocreatinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 500 mg | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 31/03/05 |

9068 | Neoton | Phosphocreatinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 1 g | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

9070 | Neotopic | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B | Ointment | | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/08/05 |

9071 | Neo-Tormentil | | Ointment | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. zo.o. | 31/01/06 |

9072 | Neourosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9073 | Neourosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9074 | Nephrotect | Roztwór aminokwasów | Solution for intravenous infusion | 0.1 g/ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/08/04 |

9075 | Nepro | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 31/07/04 |

9076 | Nepro o smaku orzechowym | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/04/05 |

9077 | Nepro o smaku wisniowym | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/04/05 |

9078 | Neprox | Naproxenum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9079 | Nervendragees- ratiopharm | Preparat ziołowy | Coated tablets | | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

9080 | Nervinex-fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

9081 | Nervinkaps | Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Gelatin capsules, hard | 110 mg | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9082 | Nervinol | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

9083 | Nervinol | | Instant herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

9084 | Nervinol-fix | | Instant herbal tea | | P.P.H. "Eldex-Medical", Wiry | 31/12/08 |

9085 | Nervinolum | Lenouri cardieceae herba extractum, Lupuli strobulus extr, Melissae folium extractum, Lavandulae flos extractum | Oral solution | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9086 | Nervinum | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9087 | Nervinum — fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9088 | Nervobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/07/05 |

9089 | Nervobonisol | | Oral solution | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/03/06 |

9090 | Nervogem | preparat złożony | Tablets | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

9091 | Nervogran | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

9092 | Nervoheel N | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

9093 | Nervomix | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/07 |

9094 | Nervosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Granules | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/07 |

9095 | Nervosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9096 | Nervosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/04/06 |

9098 | Nervosol | preparat złożony | Coated tablets | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie HERBAPOL S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9097 | Nervosol | | Liquid | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/03/07 |

9099 | Nervostop | Valerianae radix | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/12/05 |

9100 | Nerwonal | | Oral drops | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 30/06/07 |

9101 | Nerwovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9102 | Nerwovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9103 | NESTLE MODULEN Ibm | Preparat złożony | Powder | | Nestle Nederland B.V. | 31/12/08 |

9104 | Netromycine | Netilmicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/04/04 |

9105 | Netromycine | Netilmicinum | Solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion | 25 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/04/04 |

9106 | Neupogen | Filgrastimum | Solution for injection | 30 mln j.m./ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/04 |

9107 | Neupogen | Filgrastimum | Solution for injection | 60 mln j.m./ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 23/03/05 |

9108 | Neupogen | Filgrastimum | Solution for injection | 96 mln j.m./ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 23/03/05 |

9109 | Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

9110 | Neurex | alfa — acidum lipoicum | Solution for injection | | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

9111 | Neurex 200 | alfa — acidum lipoicum | Tablets | 200 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

9112 | Neurex 600 | alfa — acidum lipoicum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

9113 | Neuroflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/05/05 |

9114 | Neuro-Injeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

9115 | Neurol 0,25 | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 30/04/04 |

9116 | Neurol 1,0 | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 30/04/04 |

9117 | Neurolipon — Mip 300 | Acidum lipoicum | Capsules | 300 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9118 | Neurolipon — Mip 600 | Acidum lipoicum | Capsules | 600 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9119 | NEUROMAX Forte | Thiamini hydrochloridum, Pyridoxini hydrochloridum, Cyanocobalaminum | Tablets | (100 mg + 200 mg + 0.2 mg) | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

9120 | Neurontin 100 | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9121 | Neurontin 300 | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9122 | Neurontin 400 | Gabapentinum | Capsules | 400 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9123 | Neurontin 600 | Gabapentinum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9124 | Neurontin 800 | Gabapentinum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9126 | Neurorubine | Thiamini hydrochloridum, Pyridoxini hydrochloridum, Cyanocobalaminum | Film-coated tablets | 200 + 50 mg + 1 mg | Mepha Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

9125 | Neurorubine | Thiamini hydrochloridum, Pyridoxini hydrochloridum, Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 10 mg + 100 + 1 mg | Mepha Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

9127 | Neurosina | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

9128 | Neurosina | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

9129 | Neurotop retard 300 | Carbamazepinum | Tablets | 300 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9130 | Neurotop retard 600 | Carbamazepinum | Tablets | 600 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9131 | Neutra-PMSG | Przeciwciała monoklonalne przeciw PMSG | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9132 | Nevigramon | Acidum nalidixicum | Capsules | 500mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9133 | Newcastle Vaccine Lasota | szczepionka dla kur przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

9134 | Newvaxidrop | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i syndromowi spadku nieśności dla kur | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

9135 | Nexium | Esomeprazolum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 20 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 27/09/06 |

9136 | Nexium | Esomeprazolum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 40 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 27/09/06 |

9137 | Niacyn | Acidum nicotinicum | Tablets | 250mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

9138 | Niar | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

9139 | Nicergolin | Nicergolinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

9140 | Nicergolinum | Nicergolinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

9141 | Nicergolinum | Nicergolinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

9142 | Nicerin | Nicergolinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9143 | Nicerin | Nicergolinum | Tablets | 10 mg; 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

9144 | Nicofree Capsules | Guaranae extractum | Capsules | 10 mg | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9145 | Nicorette | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 2 mg | Pharmacia A.B. | 31/01/05 |

9146 | Nicorette | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 4 mg | Pharmacia A.B. | 31/01/05 |

9147 | Nicorette | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 16.6 mg, 10mg/16h | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/06/04 |

9148 | Nicorette | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 24.9 mg, 15mg/16h | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/06/04 |

9149 | Nicorette | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 8.3 mg, 5mg/16h | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/06/04 |

9150 | Nicorette Inhalator | Nicotinum | Inhalation insert | 10 mg | Pharmacia AB | 14/02/07 |

9151 | Nicorette Inhalator | Nicotinum | Inhalation insert | 15 mg | Pharmacia AB | 14/02/07 |

9152 | Nicorette Microtab | Nicotinum | Sublingual tablets | 2 mg | Pharmacia AB | 6/06/07 |

9153 | Nicorette Microtab | Nicotinum | Sublingual tablets | 4 mg | Pharmacia AB | 6/06/07 |

9154 | Nicorette Mint | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 2 mg | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/04/04 |

9155 | Nicorette Mint | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 4 mg | Pharmacia A.B. | 30/04/04 |

9156 | Nicotiana comp. | | Amp. | 1ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

9157 | Nicotiana comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

9158 | Nicotinell | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 2 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/04 |

9159 | Nicotinell | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 4 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/04 |

9160 | Nicotinell | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 2 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/04 |

9161 | Nicotinell | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 4 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/04 |

9162 | Nicotinell TTS 10 | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 17.5 mg, 7mg/24h | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

9163 | Nicotinell TTS 20 | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 35 mg, 14mg/24h | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

9164 | Nicotinell TTS 30 | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 52.5 mg, 21mg/24h | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

9165 | Nicotol | Alcohol nicotynylicus | Tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

9166 | Niestrawność HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

9167 | Nifecard SR | Nifedipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 30 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 24/08/05 |

9168 | Nifecard SR | Nifedipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 24/08/05 |

9169 | Nifedicor retard | Nifedipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 20 mg | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/06/05 |

9170 | Nifedipine | Nifedipinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9171 | Nifedipine | Nifedipinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

9172 | Nifedypina Denk | Nifedipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

9173 | Nifedypina Denk | Nifedipinum | Tablets | 20 mg | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

9174 | Nifedypina Denk | Nifedipinum | Tablets | 40 mg | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

9175 | Nifegis, Cordaflex | Nifedipinum | Prolonged release tablets | 20 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 25/05/05 |

9176 | Nifuratio Retard | Nitrofurantoinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

9177 | Nifuroksazyd | Nifuroxazidum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

9179 | Nifuroksazyd | Nifuroxazidum | Oral suspension | 220 mg/ 5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/11/05 |

9180 | Nifuroksazyd | Nifuroxazidum | Oral suspension | 220 mg/5ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

9178 | Nifuroksazyd | Nifuroxazidum | Tablets | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 30/11/05 |

9181 | Nifuroxazide | Nifuraxozidum | Syrup | 220 mg /5ml | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

9182 | Nifursol 50 % | Nifursol | Premix | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

9183 | Nigersan D5 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

9184 | Nigersan D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

9185 | Nilogrin | Nicergolinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

9186 | Nilogrin | Nicergolinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

9187 | Nimbex | Cisatracurium | Solution for injection and for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/1ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/05/04 |

9188 | Nimbex Forte | Cisatracurium | Solution for injection and for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/1ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/05/04 |

9189 | Nimesil | Nimesulidum | Granules for oral solution | 100 mg | Laboratori Guidotti SpA (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

9191 | Nimotop S | Nimodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

9190 | Nimotop S | Nimodipinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 0.2 mg/ml | Bayer AG | 31/07/04 |

9192 | Ninghong | | Instant herbal tea | | Jiangxi Provincial Ninghong Group | 31/12/08 |

9193 | Nipas | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Dental tablets | 32 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 30/10/05 |

9194 | Nipoxime 100 soluble | Collistinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Andersen | 31/12/08 |

9195 | Nipoxime 40 premix | Collistinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Andersen | 31/12/08 |

9197 | Niquitin | Nicotinum | Buccal lozenge | 2 mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare Glaxo SmithKline Export Ltd. | 4/07/07 |

9196 | Niquitin | Nicotinum | Buccal lozenge | 4 mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare Glaxo SmithKline Export Ltd. | 4/07/07 |

9198 | Niquitin | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 14 mg/24 h | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/10/04 |

9199 | Niquitin | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 21 mg/24 h | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/10/04 |

9200 | Niquitin | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 7 mg/24 h | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/10/04 |

9201 | Niquitin o smaku miętowym | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 2 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

9202 | Niquitin o smaku miętowym | Nicotinum | Chewing gum | 4 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

9203 | Niquitin Przezroczysty | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 36 mg, 7 mg/24 h | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

9204 | Niquitin Przezroczysty | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 78 mg, 14 mg/24 h | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

9205 | Niquitin Przezroczysty | Nicotinum | Transdermal patch | 114 mg, 21 mg/24 h | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

9206 | Niratil 20 % pour-on | Lewamizolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Virbac | 23/11/04 |

9207 | Nitracor | Glyceroli trinitras | Intravenous injection (solution) | 10 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9208 | Nitracor | Glyceroli trinitras | Intravenous injection (solution) | 5 mg/2,5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9209 | Nitrazepam | Nitrazepamum | Tablets | 5 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9210 | Nitrendipine | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

9211 | Nitrendipine | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

9212 | Nitrendypina | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

9213 | Nitrendypina | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

9214 | Nitrendypina | Nitrendypinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

9215 | Nitrendypina | Nitrendypinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

9216 | Nitrocard | Glyceroli trinitras | Ointment | 20 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/06/06 |

9217 | Nitroderm TTS 5 | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal patch | 25 mg, 5mg/24h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

9218 | Nitroderm TTS 10 | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal patch | 50 mg, 10mg/24h | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

9219 | Nitro-Dur | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal patch | 120 mg (0,6mg/h) | Schering-Plough S.A. | 31/07/05 |

9220 | Nitro-Dur | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal patch | 40 mg (0,2mg/h) | Schering-Plough S.A. | 31/07/05 |

9221 | Nitro-Dur | Glyceroli trinitras | Transdermal patch | 80 mg (0,4mg/h) | Schering-Plough S.A. | 31/07/05 |

9223 | Nitrofurazon | Nitrofuralum | Medicated powder | 2 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/09/05 |

9222 | Nitrofurazon | Nitrofuralum | Ointment | 2 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/09/05 |

9224 | Nitroglycerinum 0,5 | Glyceroli trinitras | Sublingual tablets | 0.5 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 30/06/05 |

9225 | Nitroglycerinum prolongatum | Glyceroli trinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 2.6 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 25/04/07 |

9226 | Nitroglycerinum prolongatum | Glyceroli trinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 6,4mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

9227 | Nitroglycerinum prolongatum | Glyceroli trinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 6,4mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 25/04/07 |

9228 | Nitro-Mack | Glyceroli trinitras | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

9229 | Nitromint | Glyceroli trinitras | Sublingual spray | 0.4 mg/dawkę | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9230 | Nivalin | Galantaminum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/1 ml | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/06/04 |

9231 | Nivalin | Galantaminum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/06/04 |

9232 | Nizopol | Ketokonazolum | Shampoo | 20 mg / ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9233 | Nizoral | Ketoconazolum | Cream | 20 mg/g | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 24/05/06 |

9234 | Nizoral | Ketoconazolum | Shampoo | 10 mg/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/12/08 |

9235 | Nizoral | Ketoconazolum | Shampoo | 20 mg/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/04 |

9236 | Nizoral | Ketoconazolum | Shampoo and conditioner | 20 mg/g | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/11/04 |

9237 | Nizoral | Ketoconazolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

9240 | Nobaxin | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 125mg, 250 mg i 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9238 | Nobaxin | Azithromycinum | Mixture for oral suspension | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9239 | Nobaxin | Azithromycinum | Mixture for oral suspension | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9241 | Nobilis AE 1143 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 21/05/04 |

9242 | Nobilis AE+POX | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu mózgu i rdzenia kurcząt oraz ospie kur i indyków | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9243 | Nobilis CAV P4 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnej anemii kurcząt | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 29/09/05 |

9244 | Nobilis E.coli inac | Szczepionka przeciw kolibakteriozie kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 29/08/05 |

9245 | Nobilis EDS | Szczepionka przeciw syndromowi spadku nieśności dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9246 | Nobilis FC inac | Szczepionka przeciw pasterelozie dla kur, indyków, gęsi i kaczek | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9247 | Nobilis Gumboro 228 E | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9248 | Nobilis Gumboro D78 | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9249 | Nobilis IB 4-91 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 18/08/04 |

9250 | Nobilis IB D 1466 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 30/06/04 |

9251 | Nobilis IB D 274 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 21/06/04 |

9252 | Nobilis IB Ma5 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9253 | Nobilis IB multi + G + ND | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, chorobie Gumboro, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 14/08/05 |

9254 | Nobilis IB+G+ND | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, chorobie Gumboro, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9255 | Nobilis IB+ND+EDS | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, syndromowi spadku nieśności dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 22/03/05 |

9256 | Nobilis IB3+G+ND | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, chorobie Gumboro i rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 30/06/04 |

9257 | Nobilis ILT | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu krtani i tchawicy dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9258 | Nobilis Ma 5 + Hitchner B1 | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli i rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet Inc. | 27/03/05 |

9259 | Nobilis Ma5+Clone 30 | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9260 | Nobilis Marek THV lyo | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9261 | Nobilis Marexine — 89/03 | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw chorobie Mareka i chorobie Gumboro | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 31/12/08 |

9262 | Nobilis Marexine CA 126 | Szczepionka przeciwko chorobie Mareka dla kurcząt | Liquid | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9263 | Nobilis MG 6/85 | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez Mycoplasma gallisepticum | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 8/11/05 |

9264 | Nobilis MG inac | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez Mycoplasma gallisepticum dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9265 | Nobilis ND Clone 30 | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 14/06/04 |

9266 | Nobilis New Hatch C2 | szczepionka dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

9267 | Nobilis Pigeon POX | Szczepionka przeciw ospie gołębi | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9268 | Nobilis Reo + IB + G + ND | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakażeniom reowirusowym, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 22/03/05 |

9269 | Nobilis Reo 1133 | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom reowirusowym dla kur | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9270 | Nobilis Reo inac | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom reowirusowym dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9271 | Nobilis Rismavac | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka dla kurcząt | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9272 | Nobilis Rismavac + CA 126 | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9273 | Nobilis RT+IB multi +ND+EDS | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy indyków, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i syndromowi spadku nieśności | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 9/02/06 |

9274 | Nobilis RT+IB multi+G+ND | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy indyków, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, chorobie Gumboro i rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 9/02/06 |

9275 | Nobilis RTV 8544 | Atenuowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw syndromowi wielkiej głowy | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 14/11/06 |

9276 | Nobilis SG 9R | Szczepionka dla kur przekiwko zakażeniom Salmonella enteritidis | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

9277 | Nobilis TRT | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy indyków | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 7/09/04 |

9278 | Nobilis TRT + ND | Szczepionka przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy oraz rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla indyków | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 24/02/05 |

9279 | Nobilis TRT inac | Szczepionka dla kur i indyków przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez wirus zakaźnego zapalenia nosa i tchawicy indyków TRT | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 7/09/04 |

9280 | Nobivac DHP | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Rubartha i parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9281 | Nobivac DHPPI | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, parwowirozie, parainfluenzie i chorobie Rubartha | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9282 | Nobivac LC | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw zakażeniom koronawirusowym i leptospirozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 28/05/06 |

9283 | Nobivac Lepto | Szczepionka przeciw leptospirozie psów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 24/05/04 |

9284 | Nobivac Parvo C | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

9285 | Nobivac Puppy DP | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce i parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9286 | Nobivac Rabies | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

9287 | Nobivac Rabies | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9288 | Nobivac Tricat | Szczepionka przeciw wirusowemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy, kociemu kaliciwirusowi i panleukopenii | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

9289 | Noctofer | Lormetazepamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9290 | Noctofer | Lormetazepamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9291 | Noell | Ketoconazolum | Shampoo | 20 mg/g | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9292 | Noksid | Nimesulidum | Tablets | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

9293 | Noksid | Nimesulidum | Gel | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

9294 | Nolicin | Norfloxacinum | Tablets | 400 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

9295 | Noliprel | Indapamidum + Perindoprilum erbuminum | Tablets | 0,625mg + 2mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/05/04 |

9296 | Noliprel Forte | Indapamidum + Perindoprilum erbuminum | Tablets | 1,25mg + 4mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/12/08 |

9297 | Nolvadex | Tamoxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9298 | Nolvadex D | Tamoxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9301 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Capsules | 400 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

9302 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Capsules | 400 mg | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9307 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 1200 mg | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9308 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

9309 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9299 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Granules for oral solution | 1.2 g/2,5 g | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/12/08 |

9300 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Granules for oral solution | 2.4 g/5 g | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/12/08 |

9303 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Solution for injection | 3 g/15 ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/12/08 |

9305 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

9306 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9304 | Nootropil | Piracetamum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 12 g/60 ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9310 | Nootropil 20 % | Piracetamum | Oral solution | 200 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9311 | Nootropil 33 % | Piracetamum | Oral solution | 333 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

9313 | Norbactin | Norfloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 30/04/04 |

9312 | Norbactin | Norfloxacinum | Tablets | 800 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 30/04/04 |

9314 | Norcholesterol (131 I) Injection | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

9315 | Norcuron | Vecuronium | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 4 mg | Organon N.V. | 31/05/04 |

9316 | Norcuron | Vecuronium | Substance for solution for intravenous injection | 10 mg | Organon N.V. | 31/05/04 |

9317 | Norditropin Pen Set 12 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 12 j.m. | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

9318 | Norditropin Pen Set 24 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 24 j.m. | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/07/04 |

9319 | Norditropin Simplex Xx 10 mg/1,5 ml | Somatropinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/1,5 ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 25/05/05 |

9320 | Norditropin Simplex Xx 15 mg/1,5 ml | Somatropinum | Solution for injection | 15 mg/1,5 ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 25/05/05 |

9321 | Norditropin Simplex Xx 5 mg/1,5 ml | Somatropinum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1,5 ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 25/05/05 |

9322 | Norethisteron | Norethisteronum | Tablets | 5 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

9323 | Norfloksacyna | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 24/09/05 |

9324 | Norfloxacyna 10 % | Norfloksacyna | Solution | for veterinary use | PFO Vetos Farma | 8/03/06 |

9325 | Norit | Carbo medicinalis | Tablets | 125 mg | Norit Nederland B.V. | 31/12/08 |

9326 | Normacol Enema dla dorosłych | Natrii dihydrophosphas + Natrii hydrophosphas | Rectal infusion | (23,66 g + 10,4 g)/130 ml | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

9327 | Normacol Enema dla dzieci | Natrii dihydrophosphas + Natrii hydrophosphas | Rectal infusion | (10,92 g + 4,8 g)/60 ml | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

9328 | Normalac | Lactulosum | Syrup | 667 mg/ml | Molteni Farmaceutici Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/06/07 |

9329 | Normanol | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9330 | Normase | Lactulosum | Syrup | 667 mg/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

9331 | Normatens | Clopamidum + Dihydroergocristinum + Reserpinum | Coated tablets | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/06/06 |

9332 | Normin fix | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

9334 | Normix | Rifaximinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Medial Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9333 | Normix | Rifaximinum | Granules for oral solution | 100 mg/5 ml | Medial Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9335 | Normocard | Atenololum | Tablets | 100 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

9336 | Normocard | Atenololum | Tablets | 25 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 6/12/06 |

9337 | Normocard | Atenololum | Tablets | 50 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

9338 | Normodipine | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 29/11/06 |

9339 | Normodipine | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 29/11/06 |

9340 | Normoglaucon | Metipranololum + Pilocarpinum | Eye drops, solution | | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 30/01/05 |

9341 | Normogran | Preparat ziołowy | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

9342 | Normolax | Frangulae cortex + Sennae folium | Tablets for infuse | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/09/07 |

9343 | Normomix | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

9344 | Normosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9345 | Normosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/03/07 |

9346 | Normovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

9347 | Normovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

9348 | Norprolac | Quinagolidum | Tablets | 150 mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 25/09/06 |

9349 | Norprolac | Quinagolidum | Tablets | 75 mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 25/09/06 |

9350 | Norprolac | Quinagolidum | Tablets | 25mcg + 50mcg | Novartis Pharma AG | 25/09/06 |

9351 | Norsept | Norfloxacinum | Tablets | 400 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

9352 | Norserin | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9353 | Norserin | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9354 | Norserin | Mianserinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9355 | Norsulin | Gliclazidum | Tablets | 80 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 12/10/05 |

9356 | Norsulin Mr | Gliclazidum | Modified release tablets | 30 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

9357 | Nortril 10 % | Norfloksacyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bremer Pharma | 18/09/05 |

9358 | Norvasc | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pfizer Limited Of Ramsgate Road | 30/04/04 |

9359 | Norvasc | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pfizer Limited Of Ramsgate Road | 30/04/04 |

9361 | Norvir | Ritonavirum | Capsules | 100 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9360 | Norvir | Ritonavirum | Capsules, soft | 100 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 27/04/05 |

9362 | Norvir | Ritonavirum | Oral solution | 80 mg/ml | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9363 | NO-SPA | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 20 mg/1 ml | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9364 | NO-SPA | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 40 mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9365 | NO-SPA | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 40 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

9366 | No-Spa forte | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 14/12/05 |

9367 | No-Spa forte | Drotraverini hydrochloridum | Tablets | 80 mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 14/12/05 |

9368 | Nospicin | Drotaverinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

9369 | Nospicin Forte | Drotaverinum | Tablets | 80 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

9370 | Notakehl D5 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

9371 | Notakehl D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

9372 | Notis 20 | Omeprazolum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 20 mg | CEPA Schwarz Pharma S.L. | 24/08/05 |

9373 | Notta | | Drops | | Richard Bittner | 9/09/07 |

9374 | Nova — Dip | Jodyna | Liquid | for veterinary use | Novadan A/S | 31/12/08 |

9375 | Noval | Preparat ziołowy | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Nova s.c. | 30/10/05 |

9377 | Novalox | Aluminii glicynas + Magnesii oxydum | Oral suspension | | SANTA N Balanos S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9376 | Novalox | Aluminii glicynas + Magnesii oxydum | Tablets | 300 mg + 100 mg | SANTA N Balanos S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9378 | Novamox | Amoxicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Hexal AG | 15/03/06 |

9379 | Novamox 1000 | Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1 g | Hexal AG | 15/03/06 |

9380 | Novamox 500 | Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Hexal AG | 15/03/06 |

9381 | Novamox 750 | Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | Hexal AG | 15/03/06 |

9382 | Novasen | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 325 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9383 | Novasen | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 650 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9384 | Novaspryn | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 0.325 g | Time-Cap Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

9385 | Novate | Clobetasolum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | Blau Farma Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa | 6/12/06 |

9386 | Novate | Clobetasolum | Ointment | 0.5 mg/g | Blau Farma Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa | 6/12/07 |

9387 | Novatec | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

9388 | Novatec | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

9389 | Novatec | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

9390 | Noverban | Verbasci floris extractum fluidum | Syrup | 958 mg/5 ml | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 9/08/06 |

9391 | Noveril | Dibenzepinum | Modified release tablets | 240 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

9392 | Novesin | Oxybuprocainum | Eye drops | 4 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 22/05/05 |

9393 | Novo — Famotidine | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9394 | Novo — Famotidine | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9395 | Novofem | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Novo Nordisk A/S | 4/07/07 |

9396 | Novo-Gesic | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 325 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9397 | Novo-Gesic Forte | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9398 | Novo-Helisen Depot | Alergeny grzybów pleśniowych, dermatofitów i drożdży | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9399 | Novo-Helisen Depot | Alergeny pokarmowe | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9400 | Novo-Helisen Depot | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9401 | Novo-Helisen Depot | Alergeny roztoczy kurzu domowego | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9402 | Novo-Helisen Depot | Alergeny różne — mieszanina | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9403 | Novo-Helisen Depot | Alergeny sierści zwierząt | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9404 | Novo-Helisen Oral | Alergeny grzybów pleśniowych, dermatofitów i drożdży | Solution for oromucosal use | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9405 | Novo-Helisen Oral | Alergeny pokarmowe | Solution for oromucosal use | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9406 | Novo-Helisen Oral | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Solution for oromucosal use | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9407 | Novo-Helisen Oral | Alergeny roztoczy kurzu domowego | Solution for oromucosal use | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9408 | Novo-Helisen Oral | Alergeny różne — mieszanina | Solution for oromucosal use | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9409 | Novo-Helisen Oral | Alergeny sierści zwierząt | Solution for oromucosal use | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/12/08 |

9410 | Novomit (poprzednia nazwa royal travel aid) | | | | VITAMEX AB | 31/12/08 |

9411 | NovoMix 30 FlexPen | Insulinum aspartum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 27/06/07 |

9412 | NovoMix 30 Penfill | Insulinum aspartum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 26/04/06 |

9413 | NovoNorm 0,5 | Repaglinidum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9414 | NovoNorm 1 | Repaglinidum | Tablets | 1 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9415 | NovoNorm 2 | Repaglinidum | Tablets | 2 mg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9416 | Novo-Ranidine | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9417 | Novo-Ranidine | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9418 | NovoRapid | Insulinum aspartum | Solution for injection | 100 j.m. | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9419 | NovoRapid FlexPen | Insulinum aspartum | Solution for injection | 100 j.m/ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 27/06/07 |

9420 | NovoRapid NovoLet | Insulinum aspartum | Solution for injection | 100 j.m. | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9421 | NovoRapid Penfill | Insulinum aspartum | Solution for injection | 100 j.m. | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9422 | Novoscabin | Benzyli benzoas | Coutanous liquid | 300 mg/g | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

9423 | NovoSeven 60 KIU (1,2 mg) | Ludzki rekombinowany czynnik krzepnięcia VIIa, aktywowany, (Coagulation factor VII) | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 60 Kjm (1,2 mg) | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9424 | NovoSeven 120 KIU (2,4 mg) | Ludzki rekombinowany czynnik krzepnięcia VIIa, aktywowany, (Coagulation factor VII) | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 120 Kjm (2,4 mg) | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9425 | NovoSeven 240 KIU (4,8 mg) | Ludzki rekombinowany czynnik krzepnięcia VIIa, aktywowany, (Coagulation factor VII) | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 240 Kjm (4,8 mg) | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/12/08 |

9426 | Novothyral | Levothyroxinum natricum + Liothyroninum natricum | Tablets | | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

9427 | Novothyral 75 | Levothyroxinum natricum + Liothyroninum natricum | Tablets | | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

9428 | Novo-Veramil | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9429 | Novo-Veramil | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Novopharm Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9430 | Novoyesky | Żywa szczepionka dla świń przeciw chorobie Aujeszky'ego | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Laboratorios SYVA S.A. | 14/11/06 |

9431 | Novynette | Desogestrelum + Ethinylestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 0,15mg + 0,02mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

9432 | Noxoratio | Norfloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 12/10/05 |

9433 | Nuflor | Florfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 17/05/05 |

9434 | Nuflor Drinking Water Concentrate | Florfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

9435 | Nurofen | Ibuprofenum | Effervescent granules | 200 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 30/06/07 |

9437 | Nurofen | Ibuprofenum | Effervescent tablets | 200 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

9436 | Nurofen | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 30/06/07 |

9439 | Nurofen | Ibuprofenum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

9438 | Nurofen | Ibuprofenum | Suspension for children | 100 mg/5 ml | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/04 |

9440 | Nurofen Advance | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 342 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

9442 | Nurofen Antigrip | Ibuprofenum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

9441 | Nurofen Antigrip | Ibuprofenum + Pseudoephedrinum | Granules for oral solution | | Boots Healthcare International | 15/11/06 |

9443 | Nurofen Forte | Ibuprofenum | Effervescent granules | 400 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 31/05/05 |

9444 | Nurofen Forte | Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 31/05/05 |

9445 | Nurofen Gel-caps | Ibuprofenum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 27/06/07 |

9446 | Nurofen Menstrual | Ibuprofenum | Prolonged release capsules | 300 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 29/06/05 |

9447 | Nurofen Plus | Codeinum + Ibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 12,8mg + 200mg | Boots Healthcare International | 26/09/07 |

9449 | Nurofen Topss | Ibuprofenum | Oromucosal soluble tablets | 200 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 6/06/07 |

9448 | Nurofen Topss | Ibuprofenum | Tablets for childeren | 100 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

9450 | Nutramigen | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9451 | Nutramigen | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder for solution | | Mead Johnson b.v. a Bristol Myers Squibb Company | 30/06/04 |

9452 | Nutridrink | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 31/03/04 |

9453 | Nutridrink | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 31/03/04 |

9454 | Nutridrink (o smaku owoców tropikalnych) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 20/03/06 |

9455 | Nutridrink (o smaku truskawkowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 20/03/06 |

9456 | Nutridrink o smaku waniliowym | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 20/03/06 |

9457 | Nutriflex Basal | Zestaw aminokwasów i elektrolitów | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | B.Braun Medical AG | 31/01/05 |

9458 | NuTRIflex Lipid peri | Zestaw aminokwasów i elektrolitów | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 14/02/07 |

9459 | NuTRIflex Lipid plus | Zestaw aminokwasów i elektrolitów | Kit: 2 solutions and emulsion for infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 14/02/07 |

9460 | Nutriflex Peri | Zestaw aminokwasów i elektrolitów | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | B.Braun Medical AG | 31/01/05 |

9461 | Nutriflex Plus | Zestaw aminokwasów i elektrolitów | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | B.Braun Medical AG | 31/01/05 |

9462 | Nutriflex Special | Zestaw aminokwasów i elektrolitów | Kit: 2 solutions for intravenous infusion | | B.Braun Medical AG | 31/01/05 |

9463 | Nutrilan Energy Mct | Dieta | | | Nutrichem + Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9464 | Nutrilan Fibre | Dieta | | | Nutrichem + Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9465 | Nutrilan Peptid | Dieta | | | Nutrichem + Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9466 | Nutrilan Standard | Dieta | | | Nutrichem + Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9467 | Nutrini | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 30/06/07 |

9468 | Nutrison Energy | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 27/02/06 |

9469 | Nutrison Multi Fibre | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 27/02/06 |

9470 | Nutrison Standard | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 27/02/06 |

9471 | Nutrison w proszku | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 20/03/06 |

9472 | Nutrodrip Energy Vanilla | Dieta płynna | | | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

9473 | Nutrodrip Fiber Multifruit | Dieta płynna | | | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

9474 | Nutrodrip Fiber Toffee | Dieta płynna | | | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

9475 | Nutrodrip Protein Multifruit | Dieta płynna | | | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

9476 | Nutrodrip Protein Vanilla | Dieta płynna | | | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

9477 | Nuvelle Continuous | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

9478 | Nux Vomica Complexe Lehning nr 49 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

9479 | Nux vomica compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

9480 | Nux vomica similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

9481 | Nux Vomica-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9482 | Nux-vomica-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9483 | Nymfalon | Gonadotropinum + Progesteronum | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet | 4/05/04 |

9484 | Nyolol 0,1 % Gel | Timololum | Eye gel | 1 mg/g | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 16/05/07 |

9485 | Nystatin | Nystatinum | Film-coated tablets | 500000 j.m. | RAO Biopreparat | 31/12/04 |

9486 | Nystatyna | Nystatinum | Coated tablets | 500000 j.m. | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

9487 | Nystatyna | Nystatinum | Granules for oral suspension and for oromucosal use | 2.4e+006 j.m./5 g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9489 | Nystatyna | Nystatinum | Medicated powder | 100000 j.m./g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9488 | Nystatyna | Nystatinum | Powder for magistral formula | 2e+006 j.m./g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

9490 | Nystatyna | Nystatinum | Vaginal tablets | 100000 j.m. | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/11/05 |

9491 | Nystatyna | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/05/04 |

9492 | Nystatyna | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

9493 | Nystatyna | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

9494 | Nystatyna | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

9495 | Obroża owadobójcza PESS PER | permetryna | Collar | for veterinary use | Wytwórnia Chemiczna PESS | 31/12/08 |

9496 | Obroża owadobójcza przeciw pchłom dla kota | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Beaphar | 31/12/08 |

9497 | Obroża owadobójcza przeciw pchłom i kleszczom dla psa | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Beaphar | 31/12/08 |

9498 | Obstilax | | Tablets | | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9499 | Octagam | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 g/200 ml | Octapharma AG | 31/12/08 |

9500 | Octagam | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2.5 g/50 ml | Octapharma AG | 31/12/08 |

9501 | Octagam | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 5 g/100 ml | Octapharma AG | 31/12/08 |

9502 | Octanate 1000 | Coagulation factor VIII | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 1000 j.m. | Octapharma AG | 25/01/06 |

9503 | Octanate 250 | Coagulation factor VIII | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 250 j.m. | Octapharma AG | 25/01/06 |

9504 | Octanate 500 | Coagulation factor VIII | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 500 j.m. | Octapharma AG | 25/01/06 |

9505 | Octanine F 1000 | Coagulation factor IX | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 1000 j.m. | Octapharma AG | 29/03/06 |

9506 | Octanine F 500 | Coagulation factor IX | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 500 j.m. | Octapharma AG | 29/03/06 |

9507 | OCTAPLAS SD Blood Group A | Proteini plasmatis humani | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Octapharma Pharmazeutica Produtionges mbh | 31/12/08 |

9508 | OCTAPLAS SD Blood Group AB | Proteini plasmatis humani | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Octapharma Pharmazeutica Produtionges mbh | 31/12/08 |

9509 | OCTAPLAS SD Blood Group B | Proteini plasmatis humani | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Octapharma Pharmazeutica Produtionges mbh | 31/12/08 |

9510 | OCTAPLAS SD Blood Group O | Proteini plasmatis humani | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Octapharma Pharmazeutica Produtionges mbh | 31/12/08 |

9511 | Octreoscan | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

9512 | Ocuflur | Flurbiprofenum | Eye drops | 0.03 % | Pharm Allergan GmbH | 31/12/06 |

9513 | Oculoheel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

9514 | Oculoheel Lux | | Eye drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

9515 | Oculosan | Naphazolinum + Zinci sulfas | Eye drops | (0,05mg + 0,2mg)/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 30/06/04 |

9516 | Oculotect Fluid | Polyvidonum | Eye drops | 50 mg/g | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 30/04/04 |

9517 | Oculotect Fluid Sine | Polyvidonum | Eye drops | 50 mg/g | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 30/04/04 |

9518 | Oculotect Gel | Retinolum | Eye gel | 10 mg/g | Novartis Ophthalmics AG | 31/12/08 |

9519 | Odchudzanie Homeoporady | | Granules | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 19/09/07 |

9520 | Oeanthe Crocata Complexe Nr 78 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

9521 | Oedemosan | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Fenylbutazonum | Ointment | for veterinary use | PW Vet-Agro | 4/12/05 |

9522 | Oedemosan MC NF | Salicylan metylu, kamfora | Ointment | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

9524 | Oekolp | Estriolum | Tablets | 2 mg | Dr Kade Pharmaceutical Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

9523 | Oekolp | Estriolum | Vaginal cream | 1 mg/g | Dr Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH | 30/11/04 |

9525 | Oekolp forte | Estriolum | Pessary | 0.5 mg | Dr Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH | 29/06/05 |

9526 | Oeparol | Oenotherae semen oleum | Capsules | 510 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9527 | Oesclim | Estradiolum | Patch | 37,5 mcg | Laboratoires Fournier | 31/12/08 |

9528 | Oesclim | Estradiolum | Patch | 75,0 mcg | Laboratoires Fournier | 31/12/08 |

9529 | Oesclim 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 25 mcg/24 h | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9530 | Oesclim 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 50 mcg/24 h | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9531 | Oesclim 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 100 mcg/24 h | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9532 | Oesclim 37,5 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 7.5 mg (37,5 mcg/24h) | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 23/11/05 |

9533 | Oesclim 75 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 15 mg (75 mcg/24h) | Laboratoires Fournier S.A. | 23/11/05 |

9534 | Oestradiolum benzoicum | Estradiolum | Solution for injection | 2.5 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

9535 | Oestrodose | Estradiolum | Gel | 60 mg/100 g | Laboratoires Besins IscoVesco | 31/12/08 |

9536 | Oestrofeminal | Estrogena coniugata | Capsules | 0.3 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/11/04 |

9537 | Oestrofeminal | Estrogena coniugata | Capsules | 0.6 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/11/04 |

9538 | Oestrofeminal | Estrogena coniugata | Capsules | 1.25 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/06/04 |

9539 | Oestrogel | Estradiolum | Gel | 60 mg/100 g żelu | Laboratoires Besins IscoVesco | 31/12/08 |

9540 | Oestrophan | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Leciva A.S. | 31/01/05 |

9541 | Oflodinex | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

9542 | Oflodinex | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

9543 | Ofloxin 200 | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 17/01/07 |

9544 | Oframax | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1 g | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/08/05 |

9545 | Oframax | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 250 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/08/05 |

9546 | Oftagel | Carbomerum 974 P | Eye gel | 2,5 mg/g | Santen OY | 31/12/08 |

9547 | Oftalmolosa Cusi Chloramphenicol 1 % | Chloramphenicolum | Eye ointment | 10 mg/g | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/06/04 |

9548 | Oftalmolosa Cusi Erythromycin 0,5 % | Erythromycinum | Eye ointment | 5 mg/g | Alcon Cusi, S.A. | 30/06/04 |

9549 | Oftanex | Dipivefrinum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 31/12/08 |

9550 | Oftanex | Dipivefrinum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 31/12/08 |

9551 | Oftan-Timolol | Timololum | Eye drops | 2.5 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 30/06/04 |

9552 | Oftan-Timolol | Timololum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 30/06/04 |

9553 | Oftaquix | Levofloxacinum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Santen Oy | 31/12/08 |

9554 | Oftensin | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 2.5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

9555 | Oftensin | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

9556 | Oftipan | | Eye gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

9557 | Oilatum | | Emulsion for medicinal bath | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9558 | Oilatum | | Gel for medicinal bath | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/08/04 |

9559 | Oilatum Plus | | Emulsion for medicinal bath | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9560 | Okacin | Lomefloxacinum | Eye drops | 0,3 % (3 mg/ml) | Novartis Ophthalmics AG | 31/12/08 |

9561 | Okavax | Vaccinum varicellae vivum | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 1000 PFU żywego atenuowanego wirusa ospy wietrznej (szczepionka)/dawkę | The Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases of Osaka University (BIKEN) | 31/12/08 |

9562 | Okovit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

9563 | Oksam | Oxazepamum | Tablet | 10 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

9564 | Oksazepam | Oxazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/07 |

9565 | Oksytetracyklina 5 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

9566 | Oksytetracyklina 50 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 25/08/05 |

9567 | Oksytetracyklina 50 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

9568 | Oksytetracykliny chlorowodorek | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/01/06 |

9569 | Oksytetrin LA/KS | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Bimeda | 31/12/08 |

9571 | Olanzapine | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9572 | Olanzapine | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 10mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9570 | Olanzapine | Olanzapinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9573 | Olatrix | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9574 | Olatrix | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9575 | Olbas Inhaler | Preparat złożony | Nasal stick | | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 6/06/07 |

9576 | Olbas Oil | Preparat złożony | Inhalation vapour, solution | | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9577 | Olbas Pastilles | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablet | | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9578 | Olbetam | Acipimoxum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

9579 | Olbrot | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/01/05 |

9580 | Olej kakaowy | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

9581 | Olej kakaowy | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

9582 | Olej kakaowy | | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 31/12/08 |

9583 | Olej kakaowy | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

9584 | Olej kakaowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

9585 | Olej kakaowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

9586 | Olej kakaowy | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

9587 | Olej kakaowy | | | | Ziaja, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

9588 | Olej kakowy | | | | Cefarm Wrocław | 31/07/05 |

9589 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 10/06/06 |

9590 | Olej kamforowy | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 10/06/06 |

9591 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 10/06/06 |

9592 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 10/06/06 |

9593 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 10/06/06 |

9594 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Felix-Pharma, Lublin | 10/06/06 |

9595 | Olej kamforowy | | | | GAL, Poznań | 10/06/06 |

9596 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 10/06/06 |

9597 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 10/06/06 |

9598 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 10/06/06 |

9599 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 10/06/06 |

9600 | Olej kamforowy | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 10/06/06 |

9601 | Olej kamforowy | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 10/06/06 |

9602 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Semifarm, Gdańsk | 10/06/06 |

9603 | Olej kamforowy | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 10/06/06 |

9604 | Olej kmforowy | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 24/01/06 |

9605 | Olej lniany | Lini oleum | | | AGROPHARM, Tuszyn k/ Łodzi | 30/09/05 |

9606 | Olej lniany | Lini oleum | | | GAL, Poznań | 30/09/05 |

9607 | Olej lniany | Lini oleum | | | Instytut Włókien Naturalnych, Poznań | 30/09/05 |

9608 | Olej lniany | Lini oleum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

9609 | Olej lniany | Lini oleum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/09/05 |

9610 | Olej lniany | Lini oleum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/09/05 |

9611 | Olej Parafinowy | Parafina ciekła | Liquid | for veterinary use | PFO Vetos-Farma | 16/04/07 |

9612 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 30/11/05 |

9613 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 30/11/05 |

9614 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

9615 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Felix Pharma, Lublin | 30/11/05 |

9616 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | GAL, Poznań | 30/11/05 |

9617 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

9618 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 30/11/05 |

9619 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Medana Pharma Terpol Group, Sieradz | 30/11/05 |

9620 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

9621 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

9622 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/11/05 |

9623 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 30/11/05 |

9624 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

9625 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 30/11/05 |

9626 | Olej rycynowy | Oleum ricini | | | Semifarm, Gdańsk | 30/11/05 |

9627 | Olej rzepakowy | Rapae oleum | | | GAL, Poznań | 22/06/05 |

9628 | Olej rzepakowy | Rapae oleum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 22/06/05 |

9629 | Olej rzepakowy | Rapae oleum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 22/06/05 |

9630 | Olej rzepakowy | Rapae oleum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 22/06/05 |

9631 | Olej z malwy | | Oil | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

9632 | Olej z melisy | | Oil for rub (Rub oil) | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

9633 | Olej z nasion wiesiołka | | Capsules | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 30/10/05 |

9634 | Olej z Nasion Wiesiołka Dwuletniego | Oenotherae semen oleum+ Tocopherolum | Capsules | 500mg + 5mg | Vitamex AB | 30/04/04 |

9635 | Olejek anyżowy | | | | AVICENNA OIL, Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

9636 | Olejek anyżowy | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/05 |

9637 | Olejek anyżowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

9638 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | Apotheca Pacis, Rybnik | 31/07/05 |

9639 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | AVICENNA OIL, Wrocław | 31/07/05 |

9640 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/07/05 |

9641 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | Dullberg Konzentra | 31/07/05 |

9642 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/07/05 |

9643 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/07/05 |

9644 | Olejek eukaliptusowy | Eucalypti aetheroleum | | | PPHU KEJ s.c., Wieliczka | 31/07/05 |

9645 | Olejek kopru włoskiego | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

9646 | Olejek kopru włoskiego | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

9647 | Olejek lawendowy | | | | AVICENNA OIL, Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

9648 | Olejek lawendowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

9649 | Olejek lawendowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

9650 | Olejek mięty pieprzowej | Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | | | Apotheca Pacis, Rybnik | 31/07/05 |

9651 | Olejek mięty pieprzowej | Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/07/05 |

9652 | Olejek mięty pieprzowej | Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | | | Dullberg Konzentra | 31/07/05 |

9653 | Olejek mięty pieprzowej | Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/07/05 |

9654 | Olejek mięty pieprzowej | Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/07/05 |

9655 | Olejek mięty pieprzowej | Menthae piperitae aetheroleum | | | PPHU KEJ s.c., Wieliczka | 31/07/05 |

9656 | Olejek sosnowy | Pini silvestris oleum | | | Apotheca Pacis, Rybnik | 31/07/05 |

9657 | Olejek sosnowy | Pini silvestris oleum | | | AVICENNA OIL, Wrocław | 31/07/05 |

9658 | Olejek sosnowy | Pini silvestris oleum | | | Dullberg Konzentra | 31/07/05 |

9659 | Olejek sosnowy | Pini silvestris oleum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/07/05 |

9660 | Olejek sosnowy | Pini silvestris oleum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/07/05 |

9661 | Olejek sosnowy | Pini silvestris oleum | | | PPHU KEJ s.c., Wieliczka | 31/07/05 |

9662 | Olejek terpentynowy | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 19/06/06 |

9663 | Olejek terpentynowy | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/06/06 |

9664 | Olejek terpentynowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/06/06 |

9665 | Olejek terpentynowy | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/06/06 |

9666 | Olejek terpentynowy | | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 19/06/06 |

9667 | Olejek tymiankowy | | | | AVICENNA OIL, Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

9668 | Olejek tymiankowy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

9669 | Olfen | Diclofenacum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Mepha Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9670 | Olfen 25 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9672 | Olfen 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9671 | Olfen 50 | Diclofenacum | Rectal capsules | 50 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9673 | Olfen 75 | Diclofenacum + Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 37.5 mg/ml | Mepha Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9674 | Olfen 100 | Diclofenacum | Rectal capsules | 100 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

9675 | Olfen 100 SR | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9676 | Olfen 75 Sr | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 75 mg | Mepha Pharma AG | 30/09/07 |

9677 | Olicard 40 retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 40 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9678 | Olicard 60 retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 60 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9679 | Olicard retard 40 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 40 mg | Glaxo Wellcome S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9680 | Olicard retard 60 | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release capsules | 60 mg | Glaxo Wellcome S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9681 | Olopeg | Macrogolum | Concentrate for oral solution | 13,125 g/25 ml | MIP Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9682 | Olvac A+B | Inaktywowana szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, syndromowi spadku nieśności i zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Oil emulsion | for veterinary use | FATRO | 28/12/04 |

9683 | Olvac A+B+G | Szczepionka dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, syndromowi spadku niośności i zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fatro Włochy | 31/12/08 |

9684 | Olzapin | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablet | 5mg i 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9685 | Om 24 | Omeprazolum | Capsules, hard | 10 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

9686 | Omar | Omeprazolum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 20 mg | Hexal AG | 5/07/06 |

9687 | Omega — 3 | Olej rybi | Capsule, soft | 1000 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

9688 | Omega — 3 Alfa Glucasamine + Chondroitin | Olej rybi (kapsułki) Glukosominum sulfas + Chondroitini sulfas + Vit. C (tabletki) | Capsules, tablets | 1000 mg; (500 mg + 200 mg + 63,2 mg) | Lysi Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9689 | OMEGA + D And Calcium | Preparat złożony | Capsules + tablets | | Lysi Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9690 | Omega-3 | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules, soft | 1000 mg | Lysi HF | 23/11/05 |

9691 | Omegast | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9692 | Omegaven | | Emulsion for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 23/11/05 |

9693 | Omeprazole | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Stirolpharm Company of S.C. Concern Stirol | 31/12/08 |

9694 | Omeprazol-Egis | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 17/01/07 |

9695 | Omeral | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9696 | Omeral | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9697 | Omnadren 250 | Testosteronum | Solution for injection | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

9698 | Omnic 0,4 | Tamsulosinum | Prolonged release capsules | 0.4 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 30/06/07 |

9699 | Omnipaque | Iohexolum | Solution for injection | 302 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 31/07/04 |

9700 | Omnipaque | Iohexolum | Solution for injection | 388 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 31/07/04 |

9701 | Omnipaque | Iohexolum | Solution for injection | 518 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 31/07/04 |

9702 | Omnipaque | Iohexolum | Solution for injection | 647 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 31/07/04 |

9703 | Omnipaque | Iohexolum | Solution for injection | 755 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 31/07/04 |

9704 | Omniscan | Gadodiamidum | Solution for intravenous injection | 0.5 mmol J/ml | Nycomed AS | 20/10/05 |

9705 | Omnygram | Ampicillinum + Cloxacillnum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 4/12/05 |

9706 | Oncaspar | Pegasparagasum | Solution for intramuscular, intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 750 j.m./ml | medac Gesellschaft fur Klinische Spezialpraparate mbH | 27/06/07 |

9707 | OncoTICE | Tuberculinum | Powder for suspension for intravesical use | 500 mln CFU | Organon N.V. | 3/06/06 |

9708 | Ondansetron | Ondansetronum | Solution for intramuscular, intravascular injection and for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9709 | Onko BCG | Tuberculinum | Intrabladder suspension | 100 mg/ml prątków | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/05/06 |

9710 | Onko BCG 100 | Tuberculinum | powder and solvent for suspension for intrabladder use | 100 mg prątków BCG | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 28/02/06 |

9711 | Onko BCG 50 | Tuberculinum | powder and solvent for suspension for intrabladder use | 50 mg prątków BCG | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 28/02/06 |

9712 | Opacorden | Amiodaronum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

9713 | Oparzenia słoneczne HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 4/07/07 |

9714 | Ophticor H | Hydrocortisonum | Eye drops, suspension | 10 mg/ml | Continental Pharma Inc | 30/11/04 |

9715 | Opryszczka HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

9716 | Optibetol 0,5 % | Betaxololum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/02/07 |

9717 | Opticortenol S | Trójmetylooctan deksametazonu, Prednizolon | Suspension | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 11/03/04 |

9718 | Opticrom | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 16/06/05 |

9719 | Optiderm | Carbamidum + Polidocanolum | Cream | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

9720 | Optiderm F | Carbamidum + Polidocanolum | Cream | | Boots Healthcare International | 16/05/07 |

9721 | Optimark | Gadoversetamidum | Solution for injection | 0,5 mmol/ml | MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9722 | Optimmune | Ciclosporinum | Eye ointment | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 7/02/05 |

9723 | Optiray 240 | Ioversolum | Solution for injection | 240 mg/ml | MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9724 | Optiray 300 | Ioversolum | Solution for injection | 300 mg/ml | MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9725 | Optiray 320 | Ioversolum | Solution for injection | 320 mg/ml | MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9726 | Optiray 350 | Ioversolum | Solution for injection | 350 mg/ml | MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9727 | Optison | Mikrosfery albuminy ludzkiej zawierające oktafluoropropan | Suspension for injection | | MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9728 | Optivermin | Prazikwantel, fenbendazol | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

9729 | Oracef | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

9730 | Orajel Maximum Strength | Benzocainum | Oromucosal gel | 200 mg/g | Del Pharmaceuticals INC | 16/05/07 |

9731 | Orajel Mouth Aid Gel | Benzocainum | Oromucosal gel | 200 mg/g | Del Pharmaceuticals INC | 30/04/04 |

9732 | Orajel Regular Strength Gel | Benzocainum | Oromucosal gel | 100 mg/g | Del Pharmaceuticals INC | 30/04/04 |

9733 | Orange-vit | | Syrup | | Nycomed AS | 31/07/04 |

9734 | Oratest | | Solution | 1 % | DDD/Fleet Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

9735 | Orbax 25 mg | Orbifloksacyna | Tablets | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

9736 | Orbax 6,25 mg | Orbifloksacyna | Tablets | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

9737 | Orbax 75 mg | orbifloksacyna | Tablets | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

9738 | Orbenin D.C. | Cloxacillinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 20/08/04 |

9739 | Orbenin EDC | Cloxacillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I | 8/12/07 |

9740 | Orelox | Cefpodoximum | Film-coated tablets | 0.1 g | Laboratories Diamant Roussel Uclaf | 30/04/04 |

9742 | Orfiril | Acidum valproicum | Oral solution | 300 mg/ 5 ml | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9741 | Orfiril | Acidum valproicum | Solution for intravenous injection | 100 mg/ml | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/09/04 |

9743 | Orfiril 150 | Acidum valproicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 150 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9744 | Orfiril 300 | Acidum valproicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 300 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9745 | Orfiril 300 retard | Acidum valproicum | Gastro-resistant, prolonged release tablets | 300 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9746 | Orfiril 600 | Acidum valproicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 600 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

9747 | Orfiril Long | Natrii valproas | Prolonged release capsules | 150 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9748 | Orfiril Long | Natrii valproas | Prolonged release capsules | 300 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9749 | Orfiril Long 1000 | Natrii valproas | Prolonged release minitablets | 500 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9750 | Orfiril Long 500 | Natrii valproas | Prolonged release minitablets | 500 mg | Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9751 | Orgalutran | Octan ganirelixu | Solution for injection | 0.25 mg/ 0,5ml | Organon N.V. | 10/05/06 |

9752 | Orgametril | Lynestrenolum | Tablets | 5 mg | Organon N.V. | 30/04/05 |

9753 | ORGANUM QUADRU-PLEX amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

9754 | ORGANUM QUADRU-PLEX gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

9755 | Oridermyl | Neomycyny siarczan, Nystatyna, Triamcinolonu acetonid, Lindan, Lidokaina | Ointment | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 19/12/06 |

9756 | Ornicure | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Laboratoria Smeets BVBA | 6/06/05 |

9757 | Oroclean | | Ear wash, emulsion | | Inter Proma AG | 5/07/06 |

9760 | Orofar | Benzoxonii chloridum + Lignocainum chloratum | Buccal tablet | 1mg + 1mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 21/03/07 |

9759 | Orofar | Benzoxonii chloridum + Lignocainum chloratum | Oromucosal solution | (0,5mg + 0,5mg)/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 21/03/07 |

9758 | Orofar | Benzoxonii chloridum + Lignocainum chloratum | Oromucosal spray | (2mg + 1,5mg)/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 21/03/07 |

9761 | Oropivalone Bacitracine | Tixocortoloni pivalas + Neomycinum | Buccal tablets | | Jouveinal Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

9762 | Oros Pe-240 | Pseudoephedrinum | Tablets | 240 mg | Pfizer European Service | 31/12/08 |

9763 | Ortanol | Omeprazolum | Capsuels, hard | 20 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

9764 | Ortanol | Omeprazolum | Capsuels, hard | 20 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

9765 | Ortanol | Omeprazolum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

9766 | Ortanol | Omeprazolum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

9767 | Orthoclone OKT3 | Muromonabum-CD3 | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Ortho BIOTECH Inc. | 31/07/04 |

9768 | Orthocor Plus | Preparat złożony | Granules + capsules — set | | Orthomal Pharmaceutical Markieting Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9769 | Ortho-Gynest | Estriolum | Vaginal cream | 0.1 mg/g | Cilag AG | 30/01/05 |

9770 | Ortho-Gynest D | Estriolum | Pessary | 3.5 mg | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

9771 | Orthoimmun | Preparat złożony | Granules | | Orthomal Pharmaceutical Markieting Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9772 | Orthoimmun | Preparat złożony | Tablets and capsuls | | Orthomal Pharmaceutical Markieting Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9773 | Ortofosforan sodu Na2H32PO4 do wstrzykiwań | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 31/01/06 |

9774 | Orungal | Itraconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/03/04 |

9775 | Orungal | Itraconazolum | Concantrate for solution for infusion | 10 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica | 31/03/04 |

9776 | Orungal | Itraconazolum | Oral solution | 10 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/03/04 |

9777 | Orvac | Doustna szczepionka przeciw różycy świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

9778 | Osalen | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/05 |

9779 | Oscillococcinum | | Granules | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

9780 | Osmolite | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 14/03/06 |

9784 | Ospamox | Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

9785 | Ospamox | Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

9786 | Ospamox | Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

9781 | Ospamox | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

9782 | Ospamox | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

9783 | Ospamox | Amoxicillinum | Granules for oral suspension | 375 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/09/04 |

9787 | Ospamox 250 | Amoxicillinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

9788 | Ospen | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1500000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/04/04 |

9789 | Ospen | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1000000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/04/04 |

9790 | Ospen | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 500000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/04/04 |

9791 | Ospen 400 | Benzathini phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Oral suspension | 400000 j.m./5 ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/10/04 |

9792 | Ospen 750 | Benzathini phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Suspension | 750000 j.m./5 ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/06/05 |

9793 | OSSIPLEX Retard | Natrium fluoratum, Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9794 | Ossopan | | Film-coated tablets | | Robapharm AG | 31/05/05 |

9795 | Ost 70 | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 70 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9796 | Ostedron | Dinatrii etidronas | Tablets | 400 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/06/05 |

9797 | Ostedron Pag | Dinatrii etidronas | Tablets | 200 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/06/05 |

9798 | Ostelavit | Colecalciferolum | Tablets | 25 mcg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/05/04 |

9799 | Ostemax | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9800 | Ostemax | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9801 | Ostemax | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 70 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9802 | Ostenil | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/05 |

9803 | Osteo — Calperos D3 | Calcii carbonas + Vitaminum D3 | Lozenge | 500 mg + 400 iu | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9804 | Osteo — Calperos D3 | Calcii carbonas + Vitaminum D3 | Tablets | 500 mg + 400 iu | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9805 | Osteocynesine | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

9806 | Osteogel (Preparat wapniowo-magnezowy) | | Oral suspension | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/12/08 |

9807 | Osteogenon | | Film-coated tablets | | Robapharm AG | 31/05/05 |

9808 | Osteoheel S | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9809 | Osteotropin | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray | 200 j.m. | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9810 | Ostical | Calcii carbonas + Calcii lactas gluconas | Powder for oral solution | 500 mg Ca++ | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 28/02/06 |

9811 | Ostical® Complex | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablets | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9812 | Ostical®D | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Effervescent tablets | 400 mg Ca2+ + 200 j.m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9813 | Ostifem | Ipriflavonum + Calcium + Vit. D3 | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg + 125 mg + 150 j.m. | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9814 | Ostinor | Risedronatum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9815 | Ostinor | Risedronatum | Film-coated tablets | 35 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9816 | Ostolek | Acidum alendronicum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek-AM Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 27/06/07 |

9817 | Ostolek | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 70 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9818 | Ostostabil 100 | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 31/07/04 |

9819 | Ostowap D3 | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg, + 200 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9820 | Ostowap D3 | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg, + 400 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9821 | Ostowap D3 Plus | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablets | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9822 | Ostram | Calcii phosphas | Powder for suspension | 1200 mg Ca++ | Lipha Sante | 31/07/04 |

9823 | Ostram | Calcii phosphas | Powder for suspension | 600 mg Ca++ | Lipha Sante | 31/07/04 |

9824 | Oterna | Betametazon, Neomycyny siarczan, Monosulfiram | Ear drops | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East | 11/08/04 |

9825 | Otinum | Cholini salicylas | Ear drops | 0.2 g/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9826 | Otisan | Gentamicinum + Miconazolum + Prednioslonum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

9827 | Otomax | Gentamycyny siarczan, Betametazonu walerianian, Klotrimazol | Suspension | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 5/01/06 |

9828 | Ototalgin | Cholini salicylas | Ear drops | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9829 | Otrex 600 | Diosminum | Tablets | 600 mg | Stragen Pharma SA | 13/05/07 |

9830 | Otrębuski | Otręby pszenne preparowane | Film-coated tablets | | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 22/09/05 |

9832 | Otrivin 0,05 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 6/06/07 |

9831 | Otrivin 0,05 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 6/06/07 |

9834 | Otrivin 0,1 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 1 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 6/06/07 |

9833 | Otrivin 0,1 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal spray, solution | 1 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 6/06/07 |

9835 | Ovagen | FSH hormon | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Immuno-Chemical Products | 18/08/04 |

9836 | Ovaren | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | CP-Pharma | 31/12/08 |

9837 | OVARIA comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

9838 | OVARIA comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

9839 | Ovarium compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

9840 | Ovestin | Estriolum | Pessary | 0.5 mg | Organon N.V. | 30/04/04 |

9842 | Ovestin | Estriolum | Tablets | 2 mg | Organon N.V. | 30/04/04 |

9841 | Ovestin | Estriolum | Vaginal cream | 1 mg/g | Organon Irlandia Ltd | 30/04/04 |

9843 | Ovidrel | Choriogonadotropinum alfa | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 250 mcg | Serono Europe Limited | 31/12/08 |

9844 | OVO — 4 | Szczepionka przeciw zakźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, syndromowi spadku nieśności, syndromowi wielkiej głowy dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 10/05/04 |

9846 | Owoc anyżu | Anisi fructus | Bags | 2 g | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/03/07 |

9847 | Owoc anyżu | Anisi fructus | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/03/07 |

9848 | Owoc anyżu | Anisi fructus | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/03/07 |

9849 | Owoc anyżu | Anisi fructus | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 14/03/07 |

9850 | Owoc anyżu 1 i 2 | Anisi fructus | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

9851 | Owoc anyżu 1 i 2 (Anyż fix, Anisi fix) | Anisi fructus | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

9852 | Owoc anyżu 2 | Anisi fructus | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

9853 | Owoc borówki czernicy | Fructus myrtilli | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

9854 | Owoc borówki czernicy | Fructus myrtilli | | | Herbapol Lublin | 26/03/06 |

9855 | Owoc borówki czernicy | Fructus myrtilli | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 26/03/06 |

9856 | Owoc borówki czernicy | Fructus myrtilli | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 26/03/06 |

9857 | Owoc borówki czernicy 1 | Fructus myrtilli | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/10/05 |

9858 | Owoc borówki czernicy 1 | Fructus myrtilli | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/10/05 |

9859 | Owoc borówki czernicy 2 | Fructus myrtilli | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/06/06 |

9860 | Owoc bzu czarnego | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

9861 | Owoc bzu czarnego | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/08/05 |

9862 | Owoc bzu czarnego | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/08/05 |

9863 | Owoc bzu czarnego | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/08/05 |

9864 | Owoc bzu czarnego | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

9865 | Owoc bzu czarnego (1 i 2) | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

9866 | Owoc bzu czarnego 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

9867 | Owoc dzikiej róży (1 i 2) | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/05 |

9869 | Owoc głogu | Crataegi fructus | Herb | | Elanda S.C. | 29/09/07 |

9868 | Owoc głogu | Crataegi fructus | Herb in bags | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 29/09/07 |

9870 | Owoc głogu | Crataegi fructus | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 29/09/07 |

9871 | Owoc głogu | Crataegi fructus | | | Herbapol Kraków | 29/09/07 |

9872 | Owoc głogu | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 29/09/07 |

9873 | Owoc głogu | | Herb | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 29/09/07 |

9874 | Owoc Głogu | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 29/09/07 |

9875 | Owoc Głogu | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 29/09/07 |

9876 | Owoc Głogu | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 29/09/07 |

9877 | Owoc jałowca | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

9878 | Owoc jałowca | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

9879 | Owoc jałowca | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

9880 | Owoc jałowca 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

9881 | Owoc Jałowca -Fructus Juniperi | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

9882 | Owoc keli | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

9883 | Owoc kminku | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 18/12/05 |

9884 | Owoc kminku | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 18/12/05 |

9885 | Owoc kminku | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 18/12/05 |

9886 | Owoc kminku (1 i 2) | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

9887 | Owoc kminku 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

9888 | Owoc kolendry | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 28/02/06 |

9889 | Owoc kolendry | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 28/02/06 |

9890 | Owoc kolendry | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 28/02/06 |

9891 | Owoc kolendry | | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 28/02/06 |

9892 | Owoc kopru 2 | | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

9893 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/08/05 |

9894 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/08/05 |

9895 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/08/05 |

9896 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | | | Jukunda Naturarzneimittel | 31/08/05 |

9897 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/08/05 |

9898 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/08/05 |

9899 | Owoc kopru włoskiego | | Capsules | 400 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 14/12/05 |

9900 | Owoc kopru włoskiego (1 i 2) | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

9901 | Owoc kopru włoskiego 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

9902 | Owoc kopru włoskiego 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

9903 | Owoc kopru włoskiego 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

9904 | Owoc kopru włoskiego 1 i 2 (Foeniculi fix, Koper włoski fix) | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 4/06/07 |

9905 | Owoc kopru włoskiego 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 11/06/05 |

9906 | Owoc maliny 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 30/11/05 |

9907 | Owoc maliny 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/11/05 |

9908 | Owoc róży | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

9909 | Owoc róży | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

9910 | Owoc róży | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 13/05/06 |

9911 | Owoc róży 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/03/05 |

9912 | Owoc róży 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 30/04/05 |

9913 | Owoc Tarniny | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

9914 | Owocnia fasoli | Phaseoli pericarpium | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

9915 | Owocnia fasoli | Phaseoli pericarpium | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

9916 | Owocnia fasoli | Phaseoli pericarpium | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

9917 | Owocnia fasoli | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

9918 | Owocnia fasoli | | Herb | | Bydgoskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 19/07/07 |

9919 | Owulavit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

9920 | Oxalin 0,025 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops | 0.25 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

9921 | Oxalin 0,025 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal gel | 0.25 mg/g | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

9922 | Oxalin 0,05 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops | 0.5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

9923 | Oxalin 0,05 % | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal gel | 0.5 mg/g | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

9924 | Oxaliplatin | Oxiliplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9925 | Oxaliplatin 50 | Oxaliplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9926 | Oxazepam | Oxazepamum | Tablets | 10 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

9927 | Oxfenil | Oksfendazol | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/08 |

9928 | Oximag | Magnesii oxidum | Film-coated tablets | 66 mg Mg ++ | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/06 |

9929 | Oxis Turbuhaler | Formoterolum | Powder nebuliser | 4.5 mcg/dawkę | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

9930 | Oxis Turbuhaler | Formoterolum | Powder nebuliser | 9 mcg/dawkę | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

9931 | Oxsoralen | Methoxsalenum | Capsules | 10 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9932 | Oxsoralen | Methoxsalenum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/ml | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

9933 | OXY — 10 Lotion | Benzoylis peroxydum | Cutaneous suspension | 100 mg/g | SmithKline Beecham plc | 31/07/04 |

9934 | Oxy 10 Cover Up | Benzoylis peroxydum | Cream | 100 mg/g | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 23/11/05 |

9935 | Oxycardil 60 | Diltiazemum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

9936 | Oxycardil 120 | Diltiazemum | Prolonged release tablets | 120 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

9937 | Oxycardil 180 | Diltiazemum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 180 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

9938 | Oxycardil 240 | Diltiazemum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 240 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

9939 | Oxycontin | Oxycodonum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9940 | Oxycontin | Oxycodonum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9941 | Oxycontin | Oxycodonum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 40 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9942 | Oxycontin | Oxycodonum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 80 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9943 | Oxycort | Hydrocortisonum + Oxytetracyclinum | Cutaneous spray | (1,67mg + 5mg)/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

9944 | Oxycort | Hydrocortisonum + Oxytetracyclinum | Ointment | (10mg + 30mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

9945 | Oxycort A | Hydrocortisonum + Oxytetracyclinum | Eye ointment | (30mg + 30mg)/3g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

9946 | Oxyflex XLA | oksytetracyklina, fluniksyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

9947 | Oxyject 10 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Dopharma International B.V. | 3/11/05 |

9948 | Oxyject 20 % L.A. | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 30/06/04 |

9949 | Oxymed 50 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 31/12/08 |

9951 | Oxytac | Oxymetazolum | Nasal drops | 0,03 % | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

9950 | Oxytac | Oxymetazolum | Nasal spray | 0,03 % | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

9953 | Oxytac Junior | Oxymetazolum | Nasal drops | 0,01 % | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

9952 | Oxytac Junior | Oxymetazolum | Nasal spray | 0,01 % | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

9954 | Oxytac Max | Oxymetazolum | Nasal drops | 0,05 | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

9955 | Oxyterracyna 3 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

9956 | Oxytet 10 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 9/11/04 |

9957 | Oxytet LA | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 9/11/04 |

9958 | Oxytet XLA | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

9959 | Oxytetracycline 50 % | Oxytetracyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Dopharma B.V. | 31/12/08 |

9960 | Oxytetracyclinum wet. Aerozo | Oxytetracyclinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

9961 | Oxytetracyklina 20 % L.A. | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

9963 | Oxytocin | Oxytocinum | Solution for injection | 5 j.m./ml | Grindeks — Public Joint Stock Company | 30/06/05 |

9962 | Oxytocin | Oxytocinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 5 j.m./1 ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

9964 | Oxytocin pro.inj. | Oxytocinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Eurovet Animal Health B.V. | 15/02/07 |

9965 | Oxytocin-ject | Oxytocinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 31/12/08 |

9966 | Oxytocinum 10 j.m. | Oxytocinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro Sp. z.o.o | 28/05/06 |

9967 | Oxyvet | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 21/05/04 |

9968 | Oxywet 200 | Oxytetracyclinum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

9969 | Oystercal Dtm 500 | Calcii carbonas, Ergocalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg Ca2+ + 125 j.m. wit. D2 | Puritan's Pride Inc. | 31/12/08 |

9970 | P047 (Kloracef) | Cefaclorum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 500 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

9971 | PA — Olvac + PM + E | szczepionka dla indyków przeciwko pomorowi rzekomemu, cholerze drobiu, krwotocznemu zapaleniu jelit i infekcjom Rimerella anatipestifer | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fatro | 31/12/08 |

9972 | Pabialgin | Allobarbitalum + Propyphenazonum | Powder for magistral formula | (120mg + 880mg)/g | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 29/06/05 |

9973 | Pabialgin P | Allobarbitalum + Propyphenazonum | Tablets | 30mg + 220mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/07 |

9974 | Pabitan | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 65mg + 500mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 16/09/06 |

9975 | Paclitaksel WZF 30 | Paclitaxelum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 30 mg paklitakselu (fiolka) | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

9976 | Paclitaxel | Paclitaxelum | Solution for injection | 6mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9977 | Padma 28 | Preparat ziołowy | Tablets | | Tymofarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze | 31/01/05 |

9978 | Paeonia Complexe Lehning nr 104 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

9979 | Paeonia-Heel | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

9980 | Paeonia-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

9981 | Pagosid | | Tablets | 0.41 g | Dr Dűnner Kirchberg | 31/12/07 |

9983 | Palin | Acidum pipemidicum | Capsules | 200 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

9984 | Palin | Acidum pipemidicum | Capsules | 200 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

9982 | Palin | Acidum pipemidicum | Vaginal suppository | 200 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/04 |

9985 | Palladone- Sr | Hydromorphonum | Modified release capsules | 1, 78 mg hydromorfonu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9986 | Palladone- Sr | Hydromorphonum | Modified release capsules | 3,56 mg hydromorfonu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9987 | Palladone- Sr | Hydromorphonum | Modified release capsules | 7,12 mg hydromorfonu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9988 | Palladone- Sr | Hydromorphonum | Modified release capsules | 14,24 mg hydromorfonu | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

9989 | Palmivax | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Derzsyego | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

9990 | P-AM Maternal | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder for oral solution | | SHS International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9991 | P-AM Universal | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder for oral solution | | SHS International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

9992 | PAMIDRONAT TORREX 15 mg/ml | Natrii pamidronas | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 15 mg/ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

9993 | Pamifos-15 | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 15 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 21/03/07 |

9994 | Pamifos-30 | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 30 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 21/03/07 |

9995 | Pamifos-60 | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 60 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 21/08/07 |

9996 | Pamifos-90 | Acidum pamidronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for infusion | 90 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 21/03/07 |

9997 | Pana — Zink | Enzyme + Vitamins + Zinc | Suspension | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

9998 | Pana Veyxal | Pankreatyna, Trypsyna, Chymotrypsyna, Papaina, Witamina A, Octan tokoferolu | Ointment | for veterinary use | Veyx-Pharma | 10/02/04 |

9999 | Pana Veyxal Spray bezbarwny | Enzyme + Vitamins + Zinc | Suspension | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

10000 | Pana Veyxal Spray żółty | Enzyme + Vitamins + Zinc | Suspension | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

10001 | Panacur Granulat | Fenbendazol | Granules | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 30/04/04 |

10002 | Panacur Pasta | Fenbendazol | Paste | for veterinary use | Intervet | 30/04/04 |

10003 | Panacur tabletki | Fenbendazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | Intervet | 14/06/04 |

10004 | Panadol Baby & Infant | Paracetamolum | Oral suspension | 120 mg/5ml | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/04 |

10005 | Panadol Extra | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | 65mg + 500mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/04 |

10006 | Panadol Rapid | Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare Glaxo SmithKline Export Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

10007 | Panadol Soluble Tablets | Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/06/04 |

10008 | Panadol Tablets | Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/03/04 |

10009 | Panaxan | Ginseng radix | Capsules, hard | 9 mg ginsenozydów | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/08/05 |

10010 | Panaxan | Ginseng tinctura | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/11/05 |

10011 | Panclor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 17/10/06 |

10012 | Panclor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 17/10/06 |

10013 | PANCREAS/ ELAZO ME-TEORYTOWE amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

10014 | Pancreatin 10000 | Pancreatinum | Capsules | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10015 | Pancrosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

10016 | Pancuronium | Pancuronii bromidum | Liquid for injection | 4 mg/2 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

10017 | Pandex 1 % | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Biovet Joint Stodk Company | 29/08/06 |

10018 | Pangrol 10000 | Pancreatinum | Capsules | 10000 j.Ph.Eur. | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 16/05/07 |

10019 | Pangrol 25000 | Pancreatinum | Capsules | 25000 j.Ph.Eur. | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 16/05/07 |

10020 | Pankreaflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/03/05 |

10021 | Panolog | Nystatyna, Neomycyny siarczan, Tiostrepton, Triamcinolonu acetonid | Suspension | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 25/06/04 |

10022 | Panpiryna Tabletki od bólu głowy | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Cyntfarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/06 |

10023 | Pantazol | Pantoprazole | Modified release tablets | 20 mg i 40 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10024 | Panthenol | Dexpanthenolum | Cutaneous spray | 46.3 mg/g | Chauvin ankerpharm GmbH | 31/08/04 |

10025 | Panthenol | Dexpenthenolum | Cream | 5 % | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

10026 | Pantoprazole | Pantoprazolum | Solution for injection | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10027 | Pantoprazole | Pantoprazolum | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10028 | Panvitan — Zestaw witaminowy dla kobiet | | Film-coated tablets | | Bayer Corporation | 30/06/07 |

10029 | Panvitan — Zestaw witaminowy dla mężczyzn | | Film-coated tablets | | Bayer Corporation | 30/06/07 |

10030 | Panvitan — Zestaw witaminowy dla osób starszych | | Film-coated tablets | | Bayer Corporation | 30/06/07 |

10031 | Panvitan Baby | | Buccal tablet | | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/08 |

10032 | Panvitan dla aktywnych | | Film-coated tablets | | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/08 |

10033 | Panvitan Junior | | Buccal tablet | | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/08 |

10034 | Panzytrat 10.000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Capsules | 10000 j. lipazy | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/07/04 |

10035 | Panzytrat 20.000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Capsules | 20000 j. lipazy | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/07/04 |

10036 | Panzytrat 25.000 | Amylasum + Lipasum + Proteasum | Capsules | 25000 j. lipazy | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/06/04 |

10037 | Papaverinum hydrochloricum | Papaverinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

10038 | Papaweryny chlorowodorek | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 19/11/07 |

10039 | Papaweryny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/11/07 |

10040 | Papaweryny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/11/07 |

10041 | Papaweryny chlorowodorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/11/07 |

10042 | Para III | Żywa szczepionka dla bydła przeciw zakażeniom wirusem parainfluenzy typ 3 | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial | 22/11/06 |

10043 | Paracecofin | Paracetamolum + Coffeinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 65 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

10044 | Paracemol | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 0.12 g/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10045 | Paracenol | Paracetamolum | Granules for syrup | 0.125 g/5 ml | Sanofi Biocom Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

10046 | Paracenol | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 120 mg/5 ml | Sanofi Biocom Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

10047 | Paracenol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Sanofi Biocom Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/06 |

10073 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Oral suspension | 120 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

10059 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Powder for oral solution | 0.5 g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10048 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 125 mg | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10049 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 125 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

10050 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 250 mg | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10051 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 250 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

10052 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 500 mg | Farmjug Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10053 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

10054 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 80 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

10055 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 125 mg | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10056 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 250 mg | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10057 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 50 mg | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10058 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suppository | 500 mg | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10072 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Suspension | 120 mg/5 ml | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10060 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 120 mg /5ml | Aflofarm | 31/01/05 |

10061 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 0.12 g/5 ml | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/01/05 |

10062 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 120 mg/5ml | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/01/05 |

10063 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10064 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10065 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Marcmed s.c. | 31/01/05 |

10066 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/07 |

10067 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/01/05 |

10068 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

10069 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Chance — Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. | 31/01/05 |

10070 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/01/05 |

10071 | Paracetamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 15/03/06 |

10074 | Paracetamol 0,5 | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/03/07 |

10075 | Paracetamol 0,5 | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Filofarm Farmaceutyczna Spółdzienia Pracy | 31/03/07 |

10076 | Paracetamol 500 | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10077 | PARACETAMOL 500 mg Cyntfarm | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

10078 | Paracetamol o smaku malinowym | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 150 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 11/10/06 |

10079 | Paracetamol o smaku truskawkowym | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 150 mg | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 11/10/06 |

10080 | Paracevit | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg +100 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10081 | Paracevit | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | 500mg +200 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10082 | Paracillin | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Intervet | 14/03/04 |

10083 | Paracofen | Azitheomycinum | Tablets | 500 mg + 65 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10084 | Paracofen Plus | Paracetamolum + Coffeinum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 50 mg + 30 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10085 | Paracold | Paracetamolum +Coffeinum + Phenylephrinum | Film-coated tablets | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

10086 | Paracox | Żywa, atenuowana szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciwko kokcydiozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Ltd. | 7/02/05 |

10087 | Paracox-5 | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw kokcydiozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East Ag | 25/08/05 |

10088 | Paradentosol | | Oromucosal solution | | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 30/10/05 |

10089 | Paradex Plus | Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum + Dextromethorphanum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 30 mg + 15 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10090 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 19/01/05 |

10091 | Parafina ciekła | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 19/01/05 |

10092 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 19/01/05 |

10093 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 19/01/05 |

10094 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 19/01/05 |

10095 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Elissa, Warszawa | 19/01/05 |

10096 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 19/01/05 |

10097 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 19/01/05 |

10098 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Infarm, Gdynia | 19/01/05 |

10099 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 19/01/05 |

10100 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 19/01/05 |

10101 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 19/01/05 |

10102 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 19/01/05 |

10103 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 19/01/05 |

10104 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/01/05 |

10105 | Parafina ciekła | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/01/05 |

10106 | Parafina ciekła | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 19/01/05 |

10107 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Semifarm, Gdańsk | 19/01/05 |

10108 | Parafina ciekła | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 19/01/05 |

10109 | Parafina ciekła Marcol 352 | | | | Esso S.A.F. | 9/03/06 |

10110 | Parafina stała | | | | Infarm, Gdynia | 31/12/08 |

10111 | Parafina stała | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

10112 | Parafina stała | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10113 | Parafina stała | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

10114 | Parafina stała | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

10115 | Parafina stała | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10116 | Paragrippe | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

10117 | Paramectin Premix | iwermektyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

10118 | Paramol | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 120 mg/10 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

10119 | Paranalgin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | | Espefa Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 30/09/05 |

10120 | Parapasta | Cinchocainum + Paraldehydum | Paste | (350mg + 420mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

10121 | Paraplatin | Carboplatinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 6/12/05 |

10122 | Paraproxy | Paracetamolum + Dextropropoxypheni hydrochloridum | Tablets | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10123 | Paraquistel Plus | prazikwantel, pyrantel, febantel | Tablets | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

10124 | Parasitex Quick | Bendiokarbum | Collar | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/08/04 |

10125 | Paratex | prazikwantel, pyrantelu embonian | Tablets | for veterinary use | Lavet | 31/12/08 |

10126 | Paravir | Zidovudinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10127 | Paravir | Zidovudinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10128 | Paravitan | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum | powder for solution | 500 mg + 60 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

10129 | Paravitan Plus | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum+ Phenylephrini hydrochloridum | powder for solution | praparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

10130 | Paravitan Pp | Paracetamolum + Acidum ascorbicum+ Phenylephrinum | powder for solution | praparat złożony (inne proporcje składników) | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

10131 | Pareira-Dagomed 10 łagodny przerost prostaty | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

10132 | Parentamin 10 % | | Amino acid solution for intravenous infusion | | Serag-Wiessner KG | 30/06/04 |

10133 | Parentamin 10 % E | | Amino acid solution for intravenous infusion | | Serag-Wiessner KG | 30/06/04 |

10134 | Pariet | Rabeprazolum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 10 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/05 |

10135 | Pariet | Rabeprazolum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 20 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/05 |

10136 | Parkinil 10 | Selegilinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 26/04/06 |

10137 | Parkinil 5 | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 26/04/06 |

10138 | Parkopan 2 | Trihexyphenidylum | Tablets | 2 mg | Hexal AG | 31/05/05 |

10139 | Parkopan 5 | Trihexyphenidylum | Tablets | 5 mg | Hexal AG | 31/05/05 |

10140 | Parlazin | Cetirizinum | Oral drops, solution | 10 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10141 | Parlazin | Cetirizinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10142 | Parlodel | Bromocriptinum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

10143 | Parnaparyna | Parnaparinum natricum | Solution for injection | 3200 j.m. / 0,3 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10144 | Parnaparyna | Parnaparinum natricum | Solution for injection | 6400 j.m. / 0,6 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10145 | Parogencyl Bi — Actif o smaku cytrynowym | Dexpanthenolum + Metesculetolum | Toothpaste | (10mg + 2,5mg)/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

10146 | Parogencyl Bi — Actif o smaku miętowym | Dexpanthenolum + Metesculetolum | Toothpaste | (10mg + 2,5mg)/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

10147 | Parogencyl Bi-Actif | Dexpanthenolum + Metesculetolum | Mouth wash solution | (5mg + 1mg)/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/10/05 |

10148 | Paroplak | Chlorhexidinum + Natrii fluoridum | Mouth wash solution | (3mg + 0,5mg)/g | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

10149 | PAROXETINE PLIVA 20 mg | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10150 | PAROXETINE PLIVA 30 mg | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10151 | Partobulin — Inject | Anti-D (rh) immunoglobulinum (globulina ludzka anty Rh (D) | Solution for intramuscular injection | 250 mcg/ml immunoglobuliny przeciwtężcowej ludzkiej | Baxter AG | 30/06/07 |

10152 | Parvigen | Atenuowana szczepionka dla psów przeciw parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 24/06/07 |

10153 | Parvodog | Szczepionka przeciw parwowirozie psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

10154 | Parvoject | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakażeniom parwowirusowym | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 9/06/05 |

10155 | Parvoruvax | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw parwowirozie i różycy | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 24/06/07 |

10156 | Parvosorb | Szczepionka dla świń przeciwko parwowirozie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Hoechst Russel | 31/12/08 |

10157 | Parvosuin MR | inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciwko parwowirozie i różycy | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Hipra | 31/12/08 |

10158 | Parwoglobulina | Gamma-globulina przeciw parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 25/04/06 |

10159 | Pascodolor krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

10160 | Pascofemin krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

10161 | Pascosabal N krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

10162 | Passibil | Crataegi inflorescentiae extr. sicc., Ginkgo bilobae extr. sicc., Passiflorae extr. sicc. | Capsules | 80 mg + 40 mg + 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

10163 | Passibil | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

10164 | Passiflor | Passiflorae extractum fluidum | Liquid | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10165 | Passiflora | | Suppository | 1g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10166 | Passiflora | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10167 | Passiflora | | Suppository | 2g | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10168 | Passiflora compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

10169 | Passiflora G.H.L. | | | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/10/05 |

10170 | Passispasmin | | Syrup | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10171 | Passispasmol | | Drops | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10172 | Pasta borowinowa lecznicza | Preparat złożony | Cutaneous paste | | Michalik | 30/10/05 |

10173 | Pasta cynkowa | Zinci oxydum | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

10174 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/05 |

10175 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Apipol-Farma, Myślenice | 31/12/05 |

10176 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/05 |

10177 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/05 |

10178 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/05 |

10179 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/05 |

10180 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

10181 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/05 |

10182 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10183 | Pasta cynkowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

10184 | Pasta cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 3/09/06 |

10185 | Pasta Lassara — maść cynkowa z kwasem salicylowym | Acidum salicylicum + Zinci oxydum | Paste | | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/12/04 |

10186 | Pasta Z Balsamem Peruwiańskim | Preparat złożony | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne "Coel" Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10187 | Pasta Zinci | Zinci oxydum | Paste | | Ziaja Ltd. — Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/12/04 |

10188 | Pasta Zinci — Pasta Cynkowa | Zinci oxydum | Paste | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/06 |

10189 | Pasteryzowana ludzka immunoglobulina przeciwtężcowa 250 | Tetanus immunoglobulin | Lyophilisate for intramuscular injection | 250 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10190 | Pasteryzowana ludzka immunoglobulina przeciwtężcowa 500 | Tetanus immunoglobulin | Lyophilisate for intramuscular injection | 500 j.m. | Instituto Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10191 | Pastivac E | Szczepionka dla gęsi przeciw pasterelozie | Oil emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 15/01/06 |

10192 | Pastobov | Szczepionka dla bydła przeciwko zakażeniom układu oddechowego wywoływanym przez pasteurella multocide | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/09/07 |

10193 | Pastylki Wykrztuśne | Guaiacolsulfonatum + Glycyrrhizae extr. | Buccal tablet | 200mg + 10mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe "EWA" S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10194 | Patentex Oval N | Nonoxinolum | Pessary | 75 mg | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/07/04 |

10195 | Pathozone | Cefoperazon jako sól sodowa | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 4/03/04 |

10196 | Pausogest | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10197 | Pauzin M | Mesterolonum | Tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

10198 | Pavulon | Pancuronii bromidum | Solution for intravenous injection | 2 mg/ml | Organon N.V. | 31/07/04 |

10199 | Paxeladine® 0,2 % | Oxeladinum | Syrup | 2 % | Beaufour Ipsen Pharma | 31/12/08 |

10200 | Paxenor | Paclitaxelum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 6 mg/ml | Ivax Pharma Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

10201 | Paxeratio | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10202 | Pączki sosny | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/06/06 |

10203 | Pączki sosny | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10204 | Pączki topoli | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10205 | Pectobonisol | | Oral solution | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/03/06 |

10207 | PectoDrill | Carbocisteinum | Buccal tablet | 750 mg | Pierre Fabre Sante | 30/06/05 |

10206 | PectoDrill | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 5 g/100 ml | Pierre Fabre Sante | 30/06/05 |

10208 | Pectosol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

10209 | Pectus-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

10210 | Pediacel | Vaccinum diphtheriae tetani, pertussis sine cellulis ex elementis praeparatum poliomyelitidis inactivatum et haemophlili stripe b conjugatum adsorbatum | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0,5 ml | Aventis Pasteur Limited | 31/12/08 |

10211 | Pediasure | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 26/04/06 |

10212 | Pediasure (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 14/03/06 |

10213 | Pediasure o smaku bananowym | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 4/07/07 |

10214 | PEDIASURE PLUS O Smaku Truskawkowym | Odżywka | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 31/12/08 |

10215 | PEDIASURE PLUS O Smaku Waniliowym | Odżywka | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 31/12/08 |

10216 | Pediflos | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

10217 | Pedipur | Methenaminum | Liquid powder | 200 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 30/06/05 |

10218 | Peditrace | | Solution for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/12/07 |

10219 | Pedvax HIB | Vaccinum haemophili stripe b conjugatum | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/05/05 |

10221 | Peflacine | Pefloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

10220 | Peflacine | Pefloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 80 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/06/05 |

10222 | Pefloksacyna | Pefloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

10223 | Pefrakehl D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

10224 | Pefrakehl D6 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

10225 | Pegasys | Peginterferonum alfa — 2 a | Solution for injection | 135 µg; 135 µg/ml | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10226 | Pegasys | Peginterferonum alfa — 2 a | Solution for injection | 135 µg; 270 µg/ml (135 µg/0,5 ml) | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10227 | Pegasys | Peginterferonum alfa — 2 a | Solution for injection | 180 µg; 180 µg/ml | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10228 | Pegasys | Peginterferonum alfa — 2 a | Solution for injection | 180 µg; 360 µg/ml (180 µg/ml) | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10229 | PegIntron | Interferonum alfa-2b | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 100 mcg/0,5 ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 5/07/06 |

10230 | PegIntron | Interferonum alfa-2b | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 120 mcg/0,5 ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 5/07/06 |

10231 | PegIntron | Interferonum alfa-2b | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 150 mcg/0,5 ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 5/07/06 |

10232 | PegIntron | Interferonum alfa-2b | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 50 mcg/0,5 ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 5/07/06 |

10233 | PegIntron | Interferonum alfa-2b | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 80 mcg/0,5 ml | Schering-Plough Europe Bruksela | 5/07/06 |

10234 | Pektosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10235 | Pektovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

10236 | Pektovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

10237 | Pektynki | | Tablets | | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

10238 | Pelethrocin | Diosminum + Hesperydyna | Film-coated tablets | | HELP S.A. Pharmaceuticals | 14/03/07 |

10239 | Pelogel | | Gel | | Sulphur Zdrój Exim — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

10240 | Pendyst | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa, siarczan dihydrostreptomycyny | Suspension | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

10241 | Penester | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 9/08/06 |

10242 | Penicillin Dihydrostreptomycin 45 % (Streptopen 45 %) | Penicylina prokainowa, siarczan streptomycyny, prokaina | Suspension | for veterinary use | Bela-Pharm | 31/12/08 |

10243 | Penicillin G Sodium >Biochemie< | Benzylpenicillinum | Intramuscular / intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1000000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

10244 | Penicillin G Sodium >Biochemie< | Benzylpenicillinum | Intramuscular / intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 5000000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

10245 | Penicillin G Sodium >Biochemie< | Benzylpenicillinum | Intramuscular / intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 10000000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

10246 | Penicillin L.A. | Penicylina prokainowa lecytynowa, Penicylina benzatynowa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 15/10/04 |

10247 | Penicillin-S 20/20 | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | V.M.D. | 31/12/08 |

10248 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum | Benzylpenicillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 5000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/07/05 |

10249 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum | Benzylpenicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 1000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10250 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum | Benzylpenicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 3000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10251 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum | Benzylpenicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular and intramuscular injection | 600000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10252 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum — natrium | Benzylpenicillinum | Dry substance for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for intravenous infusion | 100000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10253 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum — natrium | Benzylpenicillinum | Dry substance for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for intravenous infusion | 1000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10254 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum — natrium | Benzylpenicillinum | Dry substance for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for intravenous infusion | 200000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10255 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum — natrium | Benzylpenicillinum | Dry substance for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for intravenous infusion | 3000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10256 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum — natrium | Benzylpenicillinum | Dry substance for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for intravenous infusion | 5000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10257 | Penicillinum Crystallisatum — natrium | Benzylpenicillinum | Dry substance for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for intravenous infusion | 600000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10258 | Penicillinum procainicum | Benzylpenicillinum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 1200000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10259 | Penicillinum procainicum | Benzylpenicillinum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 2400000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10260 | Penicillinum procainicum | Benzylpenicylina prokainowa | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

10261 | Penicillinum procainicum | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum | Lyophilisated substance | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

10262 | Penicillinum Procainicum L | Benzylpenicillinum procainum | Powder for solution for intramuscular injections | 1200000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10263 | Penicillinum Procainicum L | Benzylpenicillinum procainum | Powder for solution for intramuscular injections | 2400000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10264 | Penigra | Preparat złożony | Capsules, soft | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

10265 | Penillin 30 % | Penicylina prokainowa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 18/03/04 |

10266 | Penject 30 | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Dopharma B.V. | 25/03/07 |

10267 | Pen-Strep | Dihydrostreptomycyny siarczan, Penicylina prokainowa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 21/05/04 |

10268 | Pentact — HIB | Szczepionka przeciwko H.influenzae, Błonnicy, Tężcowi, Krztuścowi, Poliomyelitis typ 1, 2, 3 | Lyophilisate Act-HIB + suspension DTP-IPV | | Pasteur Merieux Connaught GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10269 | Pentaerythritol 100 | Pentaeritrityli tetranitras | Tablets | 100 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 25/01/06 |

10270 | Pentaerythritol compositum | Glyceroli trinitras + Pentaeritrityli tetranitras | Tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 31/07/05 |

10272 | Pentaerythritol Compositum | Pentaerithrityli tetranitrs + Glyceroli trinitras | Sublingual tablets | 20 mg + 0,5 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 31/07/05 |

10271 | Pentaerythritol Compositum | Pentaerithrityli tetranitrs + Glyceroli trinitras | Tablets | 80 mg + 5 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 31/07/05 |

10273 | Pentaglobin | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

10275 | Pentasa | Mesalazinum | Prolonged release granules | 1 g | Ferring A/S | 23/11/05 |

10276 | Pentasa | Mesalazinum | Prolonged release tablets | 500 mg | Ferring A/S | 21/03/06 |

10277 | Pentasa | Mesalazinum | Rectal suspension | 1 g/100 ml | Ferring A/S | 31/08/05 |

10274 | Pentasa | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 1 g | Ferring A/S | 27/02/06 |

10278 | Pentavir Suis | Szczepionka profilaktyczna dla prosiąt | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

10279 | Pentaxim | Vaccinum diphtheriae tetani, pertussis sine cellulis ex elementis praeparatum poliomyelitidis inactivatum et haemophlili stripe b conjugatum adsorbatum | Powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 0,5 ml (szCZpionka 1 — dawkowa) | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10280 | Pentazocinum | Pentazocinum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/05/05 |

10281 | Pentilin | Pentoxifyllinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/11/04 |

10282 | Pentilin | Pentoxifyllinum | Solution for injection and intravenous and intrarterial infusion | 20 mg/ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 27/09/06 |

10283 | Pentilin Retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 400 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/11/04 |

10284 | Pentohexal 300 | Pentoxifyllinum | Solution for intravenous injection | 20 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 30/01/05 |

10285 | Pentohexal 600 retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 600 mg | Hexal AG | 30/01/05 |

10286 | Pentomycin | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Univet Ltd. | 12/07/05 |

10287 | Pentosan Polysulfate Sp 54 | Sól sodowa polisiarczanu pentozanu | Solution for intravenous, intramuscular injection and for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Bene — Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10288 | Pentoxyfillyn 400 Retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Tablets | 400 mg | ALIUD Pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

10289 | Pentoxyfillyn 600 Retard | Pentoxifyllinum | Tablets | 600 mg | ALIUD Pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

10290 | Pentoxyverin | Pentoxyverinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

10291 | Peponen | Cucrbitae peponis oleum | Capsules, soft | 300 mg | Biogal Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. | 9/08/06 |

10292 | Peposterol | Sitosterolum | Capsules | 6 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10293 | Pepsyna | | | | BTL, Łódź | 14/11/05 |

10294 | Pepsyna | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 14/11/05 |

10295 | Pepsyna | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 14/11/05 |

10296 | Peptisorb | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | N.V. Nutricia | 27/02/06 |

10297 | Peptisorb | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 20/08/06 |

10298 | Peracef | Cefoperazonum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

10299 | Perative | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid diet | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

10300 | Perazyna 100 | Perazinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 25/05/05 |

10301 | Perazyna 25 | Perazinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galena | 25/05/05 |

10302 | Perfalgan | Paracetamolum | Solution for infusion | 10 mg/ml | Laboratoires UPSA | 31/12/08 |

10303 | Perfenil | Perphenazinum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10304 | Perfocrat | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10305 | Pergolide | Pergolidum | Tablets | 0,25 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10306 | Pergolide | Pergolidum | Tablets | 0,05 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10307 | Pergolide | Pergolidum | Tablets | 1 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10308 | Pergonal 500 | Human menopausal gonadotropin | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 75 j.m. | Laboratories Serono S.A. | 30/06/04 |

10309 | Perhip | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Capsules, soft | 137 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/05 |

10310 | Perindopril | Perindoprilum | Tablets | 4 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10311 | Perindopril | Perindoprilum | Tablets | 2 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10312 | Perindopril + Indapamid | Perindoprilum + Indapamidum | Tablets | 4 mg + 1,25 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10313 | Perindopril + Indapamid | Perindoprilum + Indapamidum | Tablets | 2 mg + 0,625 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10314 | PERIODONTIUM/SILICEA comp., ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

10315 | PERIODONTIUM/-STANNUM comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

10316 | Perionorm | Agni casti fructus extr. sicc., Chlorowodorek pirydoksyny, Tlenek magnezu | Capsules, hard | 8 mg + 20 mg + 200 mg | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10317 | Periplasmal 3,5 % z glukozą | Roztwór aminokwasów, glukozy i elektrolitów | Solution for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 5/08/06 |

10318 | Peritol | Cyproheptadinum | Syrup | 2 mg/5 ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

10319 | Peritol | Cyproheptadinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

10320 | Perizin | Kumafos | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer AG | 24/05/07 |

10321 | Perlinganit | Glyceroli trinitras | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

10322 | Perlinganit | Glyceroli trinitras | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1 mg/ml | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

10323 | Permammas | Metylu salicylan, Kamfora racemiczna, Mentol, Gwajakol | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 19/12/06 |

10324 | Permax | Pergolidum | Tablets | 0.05 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/12/07 |

10325 | Permax | Pergolidum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/12/07 |

10326 | Permax | Pergolidum | Tablets | 1 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/12/07 |

10327 | Permixon | | Capsuels, hard | 160 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 25/01/06 |

10328 | Permixon | | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 31/12/08 |

10329 | Pernazinum | Perazinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Labor Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

10330 | Pernazinum | Perazinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Labor Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

10331 | Pernazinum 0,025 | Perazinum | Tablets | 25 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 11/01/06 |

10332 | Pernazinum 0,1 | Perazinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 11/01/06 |

10333 | Perosall C | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Solution for sublingual use | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/12/05 |

10334 | Perosall D | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Solution for sublingual use | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/12/05 |

10335 | Perosall T13 | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Solution for sublingual use | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/12/05 |

10336 | Perosall T3 | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Solution for sublingual use | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/12/04 |

10337 | Peroxydental 0,5 | Hydrogenium peroxydatum | Gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

10338 | Peroxygel 2,0 | Hydrogenium peroxydatum | Gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

10339 | Peroxyl — Dental | Hydrogenium peroxydatum | Gel | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

10340 | Persantin 75 | Dipyridamolum | Coated tablets | 75 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/04/04 |

10341 | Persen | | Coated tablets | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

10342 | Persen forte | | Capsules | | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

10343 | Pertlenon | | Tablets for solution | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm", Bydgoszcz | 30/09/05 |

10344 | Pertudoron 1 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

10345 | Pertudoron 2 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

10346 | Pervivo | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Bittner Richard GmbH | 30/04/04 |

10347 | Peryndopryl | Perindoprilum | Tablets | 4 mg | MARCPHARM S.p. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10348 | Peryndopryl Anpharm | Perindoprilum erbuminum | Tablets | 4 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 14/02/07 |

10349 | Perystavit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

10350 | Pestikal B1 | Szczepionka przeciw, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kurczat, kur, niosek i indyków | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 11/02/04 |

10351 | Pestikal La Sota | Szczepionka przeciw, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kurcząt, kur, niosek, indyków | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pliva | 11/02/04 |

10352 | Pestikal+EDS+IB | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, syndromowi spadku nieśności, zakaźnemu zapaleniu skrzeli | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Pliva d.d | 2/01/06 |

10353 | Pestos | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur, indyków i perliczek | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

10354 | PETASITES comp. cum Quercu gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

10355 | PETASITES comp. cum Ve-ronica gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

10356 | Petinimid | Ethosuximidum | Capsules | 250 mg | Gerot Pharmazeutika GmbH | 31/07/04 |

10357 | Petroleum D-2, D-3, D-4 | | | | Kosmed II, Głubczyce | 26/02/06 |

10358 | Petroleum D5 | | | | Asa, Głubczyce | 30/05/06 |

10359 | Petroleum D-5 | | | | ANNA, Nowa Dęba | 28/02/05 |

10360 | Petroleum D-5 | | | | Kosmed II, Głubczyce | 28/02/05 |

10361 | Petylyl | Desipraminum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

10362 | Pevaryl Lipogel | Econazolum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Cilag AG | 31/07/04 |

10363 | Pevaryl P.V. | Econazolum | Shampoo | 10 mg/g | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

10364 | Pevazol | Econazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 6/06/07 |

10365 | Pevisone | Econazolum + Triamcinolonum | Cream | (10mg + 1,1mg)/g | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

10366 | Pevisone | Econazolum + Triamcinolonum | Ointment | (10mg + 1,1mg)/g | Cilag AG | 31/05/04 |

10367 | PG 600 | Gonadotropinum | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/07 |

10368 | PGF Veyx forte | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

10369 | Phapax | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

10370 | Pharmalgen Hymenoptera Venoms | Alergeny jadów błonoskrzydłych | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous injection | | Alk-Abello A/S | 31/03/04 |

10371 | Pharmasin 200 | Tylozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Antibiotic Co | 14/06/04 |

10372 | Pharmasin 50 | Tylozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Antibiotic Co | 30/06/04 |

10373 | Pharmasin pulvis | Tylozyny winian | Powder | for veterinary use | Antibiotic Co | 14/06/04 |

10374 | Pharmatex | Benzalkonii chloridum | Vaginal capsule | 18,9 mg | Laboratoire Innotech International | 31/12/08 |

10375 | Pharmaton | | Film-coated tablets | | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 17/01/07 |

10376 | Phaseolus similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

10377 | Phenazolinum | Antazolinum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10378 | Phenyl — Free 1 | Odżywka | Powder for oral solution | | Mead Johnson Nutritionals a Bristol Myers Squibb Company | 31/12/08 |

10379 | Phenyl Free 2 | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder | | Mead Johnson Nutritionals A Bristol-Myers Squibb | 10/05/06 |

10380 | Phenyl Free 2 HP | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder | | Mead Johnson Nutritionals A Bristol-Myers Squibb | 10/05/06 |

10381 | Phenyl-Free | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder | | Mead Johnson Nutritional Group | 30/04/05 |

10382 | Phenytoinum | Phenytoinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10383 | Phlebodia® | Diosminum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Laboratoire INNOTHERA | 31/12/08 |

10384 | Phloderm | Hamamelis cortex extractum spissum | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/04/05 |

10385 | phono Chol | | | | Phonix | 31/12/05 |

10386 | phono Chol | | | | Phonix | 31/12/05 |

10387 | phono Gripp | | | | Phonix | 31/12/05 |

10388 | phono Uren | | | | Phonix | 31/12/05 |

10389 | phono Ven | | | | Phonix | 31/12/05 |

10390 | Phospho-Laxative | Natrii phosphas + Natrii phosphas (32P) | Enema | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 30/10/05 |

10391 | Phosphor | Preparat złożony | Granules | 350 mg fosforu | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10392 | Phosphor-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10393 | Phosphor-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10394 | Phostal | Alergeny grzybów pleśniowych, dermatofitów i drożdży | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

10395 | Phostal | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

10396 | Phostal | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

10397 | Phostal | Alergeny roztoczy kurzu domowego | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

10398 | Phostal | Alergeny sierści zwierząt | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

10399 | Photofrin | Porfimer sodium | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 15 mg | Axcan Pharma Inetrnational B.V. | 5/07/06 |

10400 | Photofrin | Porfimer sodium | Powder for solution for intravascular injection | 75 mg | Axcan Pharma Inetrnational B.V. | 5/07/06 |

10401 | Physiodose | Natrii chloridi 0.9 % FP V | Liquid | | Laboratoires Gilbert | 19/04/07 |

10402 | Physiotens 0,2 | Moxonidinum | Film-coated tablets | 0,2 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/03/04 |

10403 | Physiotens 0,3 | Moxonidinum | Film-coated tablets | 0,3 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/03/04 |

10404 | Physiotens 0,4 | Moxonidinum | Film-coated tablets | 0,4 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/03/04 |

10405 | Physostigminum salicylicum | Physostigminum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/1 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

10406 | Phytodolor N | Preparat ziołowy | Oral drops | | Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 24/08/05 |

10407 | Phytolacca-Dagomed 24 bóle gardła, chrypka | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

10408 | Phytotux Ipeca complexe | | Syrup | | Lehning Laboratoires | 4/01/05 |

10409 | Piascledine 300 | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Laboratoires Pharmascience | 31/12/08 |

10410 | Pigmentum Castellani | | Coutanous liquid | | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

10412 | Pikovit | | Buccal tablet | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

10411 | Pikovit | | Syrup | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

10413 | Pikovit Forte | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

10414 | Pillkan 20 | Megesirolu octan | Medicated candy | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 30/06/04 |

10415 | Pillkan 5 | Megesirolu octan | Medicated candy | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 30/06/04 |

10416 | Pilocarpinum 2 % | Pilocarpinum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10417 | Pilocarpinum 3 % HEC | Pilocarpinum | Eye drops, solution | 30 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/03/07 |

10418 | Pilocarpinum ophtalm 2 % | Pilocarpinum | Eye ointment | 20 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

10419 | Pilogel | Pilocarpinum | Eye gel | 40 mg/g | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 30/04/04 |

10420 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

10421 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

10422 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

10423 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10424 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10425 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

10426 | Pilokarpiny chlorowodorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10427 | Pilomann 2 % | Pilocarpinum | Eye drops | 20 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 31/07/04 |

10428 | Piloxidil | Minoxidilum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/ml | Dr Włodzimierz Zgoda Chemical Research, Consulting, Production | 31/12/05 |

10429 | Pimafucin | Natamycinum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

10431 | Pimafucin | Natamycinum | Cream | 20 mg/g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

10432 | Pimafucin | Natamycinum | Oral drops | 25 mg/ml | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

10430 | Pimafucin | Natamycinum | Pessary | 100mg | Yamanouchi Europe N.V | 31/07/04 |

10434 | Pimafucort | Hydrocortisonum + Natamycinum + Neomycinum | Cream | (10mg + 10mg + 1750 IU)/ g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

10433 | Pimafucort | Hydrocortisonum + Natamycinum + Neomycinum | Cutaneous emulsion | (10mg + 5mg + 3500 IU)/ g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

10435 | Pimafucort | Hydrocortisonum + Natamycinum + Neomycinum | Ointment | (10mg + 10mg + 3500 IU) /g | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/07/04 |

10436 | Pini | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10437 | Pini Forte | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10438 | Pini gemmae | | Herb | | Z.K.Z. FLOS, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

10439 | PiniHelix | | Syrup | 101.9 mg/ 5 ml | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 27/06/07 |

10440 | Pinimentol | | Inhalation vapour, solution | | Apotheca Pacis | 31/03/05 |

10441 | Pinnacle IN | szczepionka do czynnego uodparniania zdrowych koni i źrebiąt przeciwko tzw. zołzom | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

10442 | Pinorubin | Pirarubicinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 10 mg | Mercian Corporation | 30/11/04 |

10443 | Pinorubin | Pirarubicinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 20 mg | Mercian Corporation | 30/11/04 |

10444 | Pinosol | | Nasal cream | | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/10/04 |

10445 | Pinosol | | Nasal drops | | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/10/04 |

10446 | Pinosol | | Nasal ointment | | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/10/04 |

10447 | Piogen | Pioglitazonum | Tablets | 15 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

10448 | Pioktanina | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 24/09/05 |

10449 | Pioktanina | | | | El Virus, Siemianowice | 24/09/05 |

10450 | Pioktanina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/09/05 |

10451 | Pioktanina | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/09/05 |

10452 | Pioktanina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/09/05 |

10453 | Pioktanina 3 % — roztwór spirytusowy | Pyoctaninum coeruleum | Solution | for veterinary use | Galvet | 31/12/08 |

10454 | Pioktanina roztwór etanolowy 1 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 27/03/06 |

10455 | Pioktisol | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/g | Cefarm Gdańsk Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 31/01/06 |

10456 | Piperacillin | Piperacillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 2 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10457 | Piperacillin | Piperacillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10458 | Pipril | Piperacillinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 2 g | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

10459 | Pipril | Piperacillinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection and for intravenous infusion | 4 g | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

10460 | Pirogalol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/01/05 |

10463 | Pirolam | Ciclopiroxum | Gel | 1 % | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10461 | Pirolam | Ciclopiroxum | Solution | 1 % | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10462 | Pirolam | Ciclopiroxum | Suspension | 1 % | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10465 | Piroxicam | Piroxicamum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10466 | Piroxicam | Piroxicamum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10467 | Piroxicam | Piroxicamum | Gel | 50 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10464 | Piroxicam | Piroxicamum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10468 | Piroxicam 10 | Piroxicamum | Suppository | 10 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10469 | Piroxicam 20 | Piroxicamum | Suppository | 20 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10470 | Pivalone Neomycine | Tixocortoloni pivalas + Neomycinum | Nasal suspension | | Jouveinal Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

10471 | Pivalone Neomycine | Tixocortoloni pivalas + Neomycinum | Sinus suspension | | Jouveinal Laboratories | 31/12/08 |

10472 | Pivepol | Dipivefrinum | Eye drops | 0.1 % | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

10473 | Placenta compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10474 | Planate | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Schering-Plough Central East AG | 15/01/06 |

10475 | Plantagen | Plantaginis herba extractum fluidum | Syrup | 12 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/12/08 |

10476 | Plantaginis lanceolatae folium | | Herb | | Z.K.Z. FLOS, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

10477 | Plantagis | | Syrup | 324 mg/5 ml | Microfarm s.c. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe | 30/10/05 |

10478 | Plantago | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10479 | Plantago | | Syrup | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10480 | Plantago-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10481 | Plantago-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10482 | Plantagolax | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10483 | Plantex — herbata dla niemowląt i dzieci | | Granules for oral solution | 476 mg/5g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

10484 | Plantifort | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

10485 | Plasmasteril | Hydroxyethylamylum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

10486 | Plaster na odciski | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | | Perfecta — Spółdzielnia Pracy | 23/09/07 |

10487 | Plaster nostrzykowy | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 20/02/07 |

10488 | Plaster rozgrzewający ABC | | Pach | 11 mg kapsaicynoidów | Beiersdorf AG | 31/12/04 |

10489 | Platamine | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

10490 | Platamine | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

10491 | Platidiam | Cisplatinum | Injection | 10 mg/20 ml | PLIVA — Lachema a.s. | 26/09/07 |

10492 | Platidiam | Cisplatinum | Injection | 25 mg/50 ml | PLIVA — Lachema a.s. | 26/09/07 |

10493 | Platidiam | Cisplatinum | Injection | 50 mg/100 ml | PLIVA — Lachema a.s. | 26/09/07 |

10494 | Platidiam | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

10495 | Platidiam | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 25 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

10496 | Platidiam | Cisplatinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg | PLIVA — LACHEMA a.s. | 31/05/04 |

10497 | Platinex | Cisplatinum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 11/12/05 |

10498 | Plavix | Clopidogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Sanofi Pharma BMS SNC | 30/04/04 |

10499 | Plendil | Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/04/05 |

10500 | Plendil | Felodipinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/04/05 |

10501 | Pleuro — suivax | Szczepionka dla świń przeciwko pleuropneumonii | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fatro Włochy | 31/12/08 |

10502 | Plexxo 100 | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 100 mg | Desitin Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 6/06/07 |

10503 | Plexxo 25 | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 25 mg | Desitin Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 6/06/07 |

10504 | Plexxo 50 | Lamotriginum | Tablets | 50 mg | Desitin Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 6/06/07 |

10505 | Plicet | Paracetamolum | Syrup | 120 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 23/11/05 |

10506 | Plidocain | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 27/09/06 |

10507 | Plidocain | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 27/09/06 |

10509 | Plimycol | Clotrimazolum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/05 |

10508 | Plimycol | Clotrimazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/05/05 |

10510 | Plimycol | Clotrimazolum | Vaginal tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

10511 | Plivasept foaming | Chlorhexidinum | Liquid | 4.5 % | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 31/12/04 |

10512 | Plivosept | 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol + Amylmethacresolum | Buccal tablets | 1,2mg +0,6mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10513 | Plixym | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and for suspension for intramuscular injection | 750 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10514 | Plixym | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 1.5 g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10515 | Plixym | Cefuroximum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection and solution for inravenous injection | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10516 | Plofed 1 % | Propofolum | Emulsion for intravenous injection | 10 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 6/07/05 |

10517 | Plusssz Junior | | Effervescent tablets | | Pharmavit/Bristol-Myers Squibb | 30/01/05 |

10518 | Plusssz Multiwitamina | | Effervescent tablets | | Pharmavit/Bristol-Myers Squibb | 30/01/05 |

10519 | Plusssz Witamina C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Riboflavinum (vit B2) | Effervescent tablets | 75 mg | Pharmavit/Bristol-Myers Squibb | 30/01/05 |

10520 | Płyn Burowa | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

10521 | Płyn Burowa | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 31/12/08 |

10522 | Płyn Burowa | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

10523 | Płyn Burowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10524 | Płyn do dializy otrzewnowej nr 1 | | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10525 | Płyn do dializy otrzewnowej nr 2 | | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10526 | Płyn do dializy otrzewnowej nr 3 | | Solution for peritoneum dialysis | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10527 | Płyn do jamy ustnej | | Liquid | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10528 | Płyn Fizjologiczny Wieloelektrolitowy Izotoniczny | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10529 | Płyn Fizjologiczny Wieloelektrolitowy Izotoniczny | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10530 | Płyn Fizjologiczny Wieloelektrolitowy Izotoniczny | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10531 | Płyn Fizjologiczny Wieloelektrolitowy Izotoniczny | Chlorek sodu, Chlorek potasu, Chlorek wapnia, Chlorek magnezu, Octan sodu, Cytrynian sodu | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

10532 | Płyn Jelitowy Zapobiegawczy Izotoniczny | Kalii chloridum + Natrii acetas + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10533 | Płyn Jelitowy Zapobiegawczy Izotoniczny | Kalii chloridum + Natrii acetas + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (0,45mg + 6,8mg + 5,5mg)/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10534 | Płyn na odciski | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

10535 | Płyn na odciski | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10536 | Płyn na odciski | | | | Labpharm-ATS, Brwinów | 31/12/08 |

10537 | Płyn na odciski | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10538 | Płyn na odciski -Radix | Acidum lacticum + Acidum salicylicum | Coutanous liquid | | Maggie — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/01/06 |

10539 | PŁYN NA OPARZENIA | | Liquid | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

10540 | Płyn nawadniajacy interwencyjny hipotoniczny | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10541 | Płyn nawadniajacy interwencyjny hipotoniczny | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10542 | Płyn pediatryczny wyrównawczy | Preparat złożony | Liquid for infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10543 | Płyn pediatryczny wyrównawczy | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10544 | Płyn przeciw pchłom dla kotów | Diazinon | Liquid | for veterinary use | Beaphar | 26/04/04 |

10545 | Płyn przeciw pchłom dla psów | Diazinon | Liquid | for veterinary use | Beaphar | 26/04/04 |

10546 | Płyn wieloelektrolitowy | Sodu chlorek, , Potasu chlorek, Wapnia chlorek, Magnezu chlorek, Sodu octan, Sodu cytrynian | Solution | for veterinary use | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" Spółka Akcyjna | 19/12/06 |

10547 | Płyn wyrównawczy | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10548 | Płyn żołądkowy zapobiegawczy izotoniczny | Ammonii chloridum + Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Lubelskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10549 | Płyn żołądkowy zapobiegawczy izotoniczny | Ammonii chloridum + Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | (3,74mg + 1,27mg + 3,68mg)/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10550 | Pm — Olvac | szczepionka dla kur i indyków przeciwko pomorowi rzekomemu drobiu i cholerze drobiu | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fatro | 31/12/08 |

10551 | PM-VAC | Szczepionka przeciw paramyksowirusowej chorobie gołębi | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 21/06/04 |

10552 | Pneumabort K+1b | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom układu oddechowego u koni i wirusowemu ronieniu klaczy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

10553 | Pneumo 23 | Pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen | Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injection | 0.5 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10554 | Pneumodog | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom układu oddechowego psów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

10555 | Pneumodoron 1 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

10556 | Pneumodoron 2 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

10557 | Pneumosuis III | Szczepionka przeciw pleuropneumonii dla świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/08/04 |

10558 | Pneumovax 23 | Vaccinum pneumococcale polysaccharidicum | Solution for injection | 0.5 ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 2/12/06 |

10559 | Pnu-Imune 23 | | Solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 17/01/07 |

10560 | Po46 (Kloracef) | Cefaclorum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 375 mg | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10561 | Podofilina | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

10562 | Podofilina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10563 | Podophyllum compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10564 | Podophyllum compositum | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10565 | Podtlenek azotu | | Gas | | Zach-Ciech Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

10566 | Podtlenek azotu | | Gas | | Linde Gas Ungarn AG | 31/12/07 |

10567 | Podtlenek azotu | | Medical gas | | Messer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

10568 | Podtlenek azotu N2O | | Medical gas | | AGA Gaz Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10569 | Pojedyncze leki homeopatyczne w potencjach decymalnych i centymalnych wg listy | | Granules | | Jelinowski Lab.Homeopatyczne, Syców | 31/08/07 |

10570 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeopatyczne (67 preparatów) | | | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/10/05 |

10571 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeo-patyczne (lista) | | | | Decymal, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

10572 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeopatyczne potencje 1DH do 30CH | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/08 |

10573 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeopatyczne potencje 30 CH — 200 CH; 6 K — 10 MK | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 9/01/06 |

10574 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeopatyczne TM | | Drops | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/08 |

10575 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeopatyczne: A. Causticum, A. Muriaticum, H. Lava, L. Operculata, T. cubenis, Thymuline, T. Persicolor, T. rubrum w potencjach TM do 200CH i 6K do 10MK | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/08 |

10576 | Pojedyncze preparaty homeopatyczne: potencje 2C do 200C i 6K do CMK | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

10577 | Polbicillinum | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Benzatylpenicillinum kalicum | Dry substance for solution for injection | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 31/12/08 |

10578 | Polcortolon | Triamcinolonum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

10579 | Polcortolon | Triamcinolonum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

10580 | Polcortolon 0,1 % | Triamcinolonum | Cream | 1 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

10581 | Polcortolon 0,1 % | Triamcinolonum | Ointment | 1 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

10582 | Polcortolon 40 | Triamcinolonum | Suspension for injection | 40 mg/1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10583 | Polcortolon TC | Tetracyclinum + Triamcinolonum | Cutaneous spray | 13,79mg + 0,34mg)/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/05 |

10584 | Polcrom | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/04/05 |

10585 | Polcrom 2 % | Natrii cromoglicas | Nasal spray, solution | 20 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

10586 | Poldanen | Pygeum africanum | Capsuels, hard | 30 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/04/05 |

10587 | Poldanen | Pygeum africanum | Film-coated tablets | 46 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10588 | Poldest | Benzathini benzaylpenicillinum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

10589 | Poldomet 100 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | 25mg + 100mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 21/10/06 |

10590 | Poldomet 250 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 21/10/06 |

10591 | POLDOMET Prolongatum 125 | Levodopum + Carbidopum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg + 25 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10592 | POLDOMET Prolongatum 250 | Levodopum + Carbidopum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg + 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10593 | Polfenon | Propafenonum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10594 | Polfenon | Propafenonum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10595 | Polfergan | Promethazinum | Syrup | 5 mg/5ml | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

10596 | Polfilin | Pentoxifyllinum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 300 mg/15 ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

10598 | Polfilin | Pentoxifyllinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

10597 | Polfilin | Pentoxifyllinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/5 ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

10599 | Polfilin prolongatum | Pentoxifyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

10600 | Polfungicid | Acidum salicylicum + Chlormidazolum | Coutanous liquid | (50mg + 10mg)/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10601 | Polfungicid | Chlormidazolum | Medicated powder | 50 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10602 | Polhumin | Insulinum isophanum humanum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10603 | Polhumin L | Insulini zinci suspensio humani | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10604 | Polhumin L | Insulini zinci suspensio humani | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10605 | Polhumin Mix — 3 | Insulinum humanum + Insulinum isophanum humanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10606 | Polhumin Mix — 3 | Insulinum humanum + Insulinum isophanum humanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10607 | Polhumin Mix-3 | Insulinum humanum, Insulinum isophanum humanum | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m. / ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10608 | Polhumin N | Insulinum isophanum humanum | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10609 | Polhumin N | Insulinum isophanum humanum | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10610 | Polhumin R | Insulinum humanum | Solution for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10611 | Polhumin R | Insulinum humanum | Solution for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10612 | Polhumin R | Insulinum humanum | Suspension for subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injection | 100 j.m./ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10613 | Polibar Acb | Barii sulfas | Powder | | E — Z — EM Inc. | 31/12/08 |

10614 | POLIO — ROS — szczepionka przeciw kleszczowemu zapaleniu mózgu | | Oral suspension | szczepionka 10 — dawkowa | Instytut Poliomyelitis i Wirusowego Zapalenia Mózgu Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych | 31/12/08 |

10615 | POLIO — ROS — szczepionka przeciw kleszczowemu zapaleniu mózgu | | Oral suspension | szczepionka 25 — dawkowa | Instytut Poliomyelitis i Wirusowego Zapalenia Mózgu Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych | 31/12/08 |

10616 | POLIO — ROS — szczepionka przeciw kleszczowemu zapaleniu mózgu | | Oral suspension | szczepionka 50 — dawkowa | Instytut Poliomyelitis i Wirusowego Zapalenia Mózgu Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych | 31/12/08 |

10617 | Polio Sabin — Oral | Szczepionka przeciwko Poliomyelitis | Oral suspension | szczepionka 1 dawkowa × 1,2550 i 100 fiolek plastikowych | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

10618 | Polio Sabin — Oral | Szczepionka przeciwko Poliomyelitis | Oral suspension | szczepionka 20 dawkowa × 1,2550 i 100 fiolek plastikowych | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

10619 | Polio Sabin — Oral | Szczepionka przeciwko Poliomyelitis | Oral suspension | szczepionka 25 dawkowa × 1,2550 i 100 fiolek plastikowych | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

10620 | Polio Sabin — Oral | Szczepionka przeciwko Poliomyelitis | Oral suspension | szczepionka 50 — dawkowa × 1,2550 i 100 fiolek szklanych | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

10621 | Polio Sabin — Oral | Szczepionka przeciwko Poliomyelitis | Oral suspension | szczepionka 100 dawkowa × 1,2550 i 100 dawek szklanych | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

10622 | Polio-Sabin oral | Poliomyelitis, trivalent, inactivated, whole virus | Oral suspension | | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

10623 | Polisacharydowa szczepionka meningokokowa A+C | Meningococcus A, purified polysaccharides antigen | Lyophilisate for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml (1 dawka) | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10624 | Polisacharydowa szczepionka meningokokowa A+C | Meningococcus A, purified polysaccharides antigen | Lyophilisate for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 5 ml (10 dawek) | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10625 | Polisepsin | Surowica odpornościowa przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez Pasteurella multocida | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przem. Biowet | 24/05/04 |

10626 | Polisulfalent | Sulfadimetoksyna, Sulfatiazol, Sulfadimidyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 26/04/04 |

10627 | Polisulfamid | Sulfametazyna sodowa, Sulfatiazol sodowy, Sulfacetamid sodowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

10628 | Polityphovac | Inaktywowana szczepionka przeciw salmonelozie bydła, świń, lisów i nutrii | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farm. Biowet | 25/05/04 |

10629 | Pollinex | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Allergy Therapeutics Limited | 31/03/04 |

10630 | Pollinex + Rye | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for injection | | Allergy Therapeutics Limited | 9/10/06 |

10631 | Pollinex Tree | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Suspension for injection | | Allergy Therapeutics Limited | 6/11/06 |

10632 | Pol-Mag | Magnesii hydroaspartas | powder for solution | 360.6 mg/g | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10633 | Polmantis | Magnesii hydroxidum + Alumini hydroxidum | Buccal tablets | 200 mg + 200 mg | POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10634 | Polmesilat | Pridinolum | Tablets | 4.18 mg | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10635 | Polmonte | Montelukastum | Chewable tablets | 4 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

10637 | Polmonte | Montelukastum | Chewable tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

10636 | Polmonte | Montelukastum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

10638 | Polnitrin | Glyceroli trinitras | Muco-adhesive buccal tablets | 5 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

10639 | Polocainum Hydrochloricum 2 % cum Adrenalino 0,005 % | Polokainy chlorowodorek, Adrenalina | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 28/04/04 |

10640 | Polocainum Hydrochloricum 5 % cum Adrenalino 0,005 % | Polokainy chlorowodorek, Adrenalina | Solution | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Biowet. | 28/04/04 |

10641 | POLOCALCIUM O Smaku Truskawkowym | Preparat złożony | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2 + 50 j.m. D3/5ml | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10642 | POLOCALCIUM O Smaku Ananasowym | Preparat złożony | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2+, 50 j.m. D3/5ml | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10643 | POLOCALCIUM O Smaku Jeżynowym | Preparat złożony | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2+, 50 j.m. D3/5ml | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10644 | POLOCALCIUM O Smaku Wiśniowym | Preparat złożony | Syrup | 114 mg Ca2+, 50 j.m. D3/5ml | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10645 | Polodina-R | Povidone-iodine | Solution for external use | 100 mg/g | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/06 |

10646 | Polomigran | Pizotifenum | Tablets | 500 mcg | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10647 | Polopiryna | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 0.5 g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10648 | Polopiryna C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10649 | Polopiryna Cardio | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 0.15 g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

10650 | Polopiryna Cardio | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 75 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

10651 | Polopiryna S | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 300 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

10652 | Polovital C | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10653 | Polovital C | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10654 | Polprazol | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 9/08/06 |

10655 | Polprazol | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

10656 | Polpressin | Prazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10657 | Polpressin | Prazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10658 | Polpressin | Prazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10659 | Polsen | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

10661 | Polseptol | Povidone-iodine | Ointment | 100 mg/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10660 | Polseptol | Povidone-iodine | Pessary | 200mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10662 | Polspiron | Spironolactonum | Tablets | 25 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/09/05 |

10663 | Polstatin | Pravastatinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

10664 | Polstatin | Pravastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

10665 | Polstigminum | Neostigminum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/1 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

10666 | Polstigminum | Neostigminum | Tablets | 15 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

10667 | Polsukralt | Sucralfatum | Oral suspension | 1 g/5 ml | Spółdzielnia Pracy Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej "POLON" | 31/12/08 |

10668 | Poltaxel | Paclitaxelum | Solution for injection | 6 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 25/10/06 |

10669 | Poltit | | | | Pharmacia & Upjohn Allergon AB | 31/12/08 |

10671 | Poltram | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10672 | Poltram | Tramadolum | Drops | 100 mg/ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10670 | Poltram | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10673 | Poltram | Tramadolum | Tablets for oral solution | 100 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10674 | Poltram 100 | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/2 ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10675 | Poltram 50 | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10676 | Poltram 50 | Tramadolum | Tablets | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10677 | Poltram Retard 100 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10678 | Poltram Retard 150 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10679 | Poltram Retard 200 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 30/09/07 |

10680 | Polvir | Denotivirum | Cream | 0.03 g/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10681 | Polvir | Denotivirum | Cutanous stick | 120 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10682 | Polypenject | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 18/08/04 |

10683 | Polytar AF | | Antidandruff | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10684 | Polytar Liquid | | Antidandruff | | Stiefel Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10685 | Polyvaccinum forte | Szczepionka wieloważna bakteryjna | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

10686 | Polyvaccinum mitte | Szczepionka wielowazna bakteryjna | Nasal suspension | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

10687 | Polyvaccinum mitte | Szczepionka wielowazna bakteryjna | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

10688 | Polyvaccinum submite | Szczepionka wielowazna bakteryjna | Suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

10689 | Polyverkan | Oksybendazol, Niklozamid | Sugar cube | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 8/01/07 |

10690 | Polzomycyna | Oleandomycinum + Tetracicllinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

10691 | Populus Compositum SR | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10692 | Porcilis APP | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw pleuropneumonii | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 12/01/06 |

10693 | Porcilis AR-T | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zanikowemu zapaleniu nosa u świń , | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

10694 | Porcilis Aujeszky | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Aujeszkyego | Liquid | for veterinary use | Intervet | 10/03/04 |

10695 | Porcilis Begonia | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Aujeszkyego | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/07 |

10696 | Porcilis BPM | szczepionka do uodparniania świń, w celu zapobiegania zapaleniu płuc i schorzenim dróg oddechowych | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

10697 | Porcilis Coli | Szczepionka przeciw kolibakteriozie prosiąt | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/07 |

10698 | Porcilis Ery | Szczepionka przeciw różycy świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

10699 | Porcilis Ery + Parvo | Szczepionka przeciw różycy i parwowirusowej chorobie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 17/06/07 |

10700 | Porcilis M | Inaktywowana szczepionka przeciw enzootycznej bronchopneumonii świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet Inc. | 3/04/05 |

10701 | Porcilis Parvo | Szczepionka przeciw parwowirozie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/07 |

10702 | Porcilis PRRS | Szczepionka przeciw zespołowi rozrodczo-oddechowemu świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 14/08/05 |

10703 | Porcilis Strepsuis | szczepionka dla prosiąt przeciwko zakażeniom streptococcus suis | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

10704 | Porost islandzki | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/05/07 |

10705 | Porost islandzki | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 14/05/07 |

10706 | Porost islandzki | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/05/07 |

10707 | Porost islandzki | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 14/05/07 |

10708 | Porost islandzki 1 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/05 |

10709 | Portagen | Preparat odżywczy z MCT | Powder for solution | | Mead Johnson b.v. a Bristol Myers Squibb Company | 30/06/04 |

10710 | Posorutin | Troxerutinum | Eye drops | 50 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH& CoKG | 31/12/07 |

10712 | Posterisan | Inaktywowane E. coli | Rectal ointment | | Dr Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH | 30/06/04 |

10711 | Posterisan | Inaktywowane E. coli | Suppository | | Dr Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH | 30/06/04 |

10714 | Posterisan H | Inaktywowane E. coli + Hydrocortisonum | Rectal ointment | | Dr Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH | 30/06/04 |

10713 | Posterisan H | Inaktywowane E. coli + Hydrocortisonum | Suppository | | Dr Kade Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH | 30/06/04 |

10715 | Postinor | Levonorgestrelum | Tablets | 750 mcg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10716 | Potacitrin | Acidum citricum + Kalii citras | Syrup | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 25/01/06 |

10717 | Potacitrin | Cytrynian potasu jednowodny 220 mg, Kwas cytrynowy jednowodny 66.8 mg | Syrup | 220 mg + 66,8 mg | Farmacom Sp. z o.o. | 25/01/06 |

10718 | Potasu azotan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/03/05 |

10719 | Potasu azotan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/03/05 |

10720 | Potasu azotan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/03/05 |

10721 | Potasu azotan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/05 |

10722 | Potasu bromek | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

10723 | Potasu bromek | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

10724 | Potasu bromek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10725 | Potasu bromek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10726 | Potasu bromek | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 31/12/08 |

10727 | Potasu chlorek | | | | Biochem, Warszawa | 30/11/05 |

10728 | Potasu chlorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

10729 | Potasu chlorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

10730 | Potasu chlorek | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/11/05 |

10731 | Potasu chlorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

10732 | Potasu jodek | | | | El Virus, Siemianowice | 31/12/08 |

10733 | Potasu jodek | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

10734 | Potasu jodek | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10735 | Potasu jodek | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

10736 | Potasu jodek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10737 | Potasu jodek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

10738 | Potasu jodek | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

10739 | Potasu jodek | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 31/12/08 |

10740 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | El Virus, Siemianowice | 31/12/08 |

10741 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

10742 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 31/12/08 |

10743 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10744 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

10745 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

10746 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

10747 | Potasu nadmanganian | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 31/12/08 |

10748 | Potasu n-admanganian | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

10749 | Potasu siarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/07/05 |

10750 | Potasu węglan | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

10751 | Potasu węglan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

10752 | Potasu węglan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

10753 | Potasu wodorowęglan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/01/05 |

10754 | Potasu wodorowęglan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 24/01/05 |

10755 | Potencil | Amoxicillunum + Colistinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/08/04 |

10756 | Poulvac AE | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu mózgu i rdzenia dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 30/06/04 |

10757 | Poulvac Bursa Plus | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 22/11/06 |

10758 | Poulvac Bursine 2 | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 30/01/05 |

10759 | Poulvac Chick V.A. | szczepionka do uodparniania kurcząt przeciwko zapaleniu stawów wywołanemu przez reowirusy ptasie | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

10760 | Poulvac IB Primer | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli dla kur | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 30/01/05 |

10761 | Poulvac i-EDS | Szczepionka przeciw syndromowi spadku nieśności | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 3/09/04 |

10762 | Poulvac i-INE | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i syndromowi spadku nieśności | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 14/11/06 |

10763 | Poulvac ILT | szczepionka do uodparniania kurcząt przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu krtani i tchawicy | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

10764 | Poulvac Marek CVI | szczepionka do uodparniania kurcząt przeciwko chorobie mareka | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

10765 | Poulvac Marek CVI+HVT | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw chorobie Mareka | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 22/11/06 |

10766 | Poulvac Marek HVT | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Mareka | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 19/01/04 |

10767 | Poulvac Marek HVT/CA | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw chorobie Mareka | Suspension + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 22/11/06 |

10768 | Poulvac ND LaSota | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur i indyków | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 30/01/05 |

10769 | Poulvac NDW | Szczepionka dla kur i indyków przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/08/05 |

10770 | Poulvac Past M | Szczepionka przeciw pasterelozie drobiu dla kur, indyków i kaczek | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/08/05 |

10771 | Poulvac Tri Reo | Szczepionka inaktywowana dla kurcząt przeciw reowirusowemu zapaleniu stawów i pochewek ścięgnowych, zespołowi złego wchłaniania oraz zespołowi martwicy główki kości udowej i kruchych kości. | Water — oil emulsion | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health | 3/11/05 |

10772 | Poulvac TRT | Szczepionka dla kur i indyków przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez pneumowirusy ptasie. | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge Animal Health B.V. | 17/07/05 |

10773 | Poxvac K | Szczepionka przeciw ospie kur i gołębi | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

10774 | Pparamectin Pasta | Iwermektyna | Paste | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

10775 | Pramidin 10 | Metoclopramidum | Nasal spray, solution | 200 mg/ml | Crinos Industria Farmacobiologica S.p.A | 10/05/06 |

10776 | Pramidin 20 | Metoclopramidum | Nasal spray, solution | 400 mg/ml | Crinos Industria Farmacobiologica S.p.A | 10/05/06 |

10777 | Pramolan | Opipramolum | Coated tablets | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

10778 | Pratel | Prazikwantel, Pyrantelu embonian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical and Chemical Company | 10/02/04 |

10779 | Pravastatin | Pravastatinum | Tablets | 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10780 | Prawastin | Pravastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10781 | Prawastin | Pravastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10782 | Prazinon | Praziquantelum | Solution | for veterinary use | Veterina | 31/12/08 |

10783 | Prazol | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 14/02/07 |

10784 | Prazol | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

10785 | Precedex | Dexmedetomidinum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mcg/ml | Abbott Laboratories | 25/10/06 |

10786 | Prednicarbat | Prednicarbatum | Cream | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10787 | Prednicarbat | Prednicarbatum | Cream | 0,25 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10788 | Prednicarbat | Prednicarbatum | Ointment | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10789 | Prednicarbat | Prednicarbatum | Ointment | 0,25 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

10790 | Prednisolonum | Prednisolonum | Cream | 2.5 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10791 | Prednisolonum 0,5 % | Prednisolonum | Eye drops, suspension | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

10792 | Prednizolon | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 28/02/05 |

10793 | Prednizolon | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 28/02/05 |

10794 | Prednizolon | | | | Polfa Pabianice | 28/02/05 |

10795 | Prednizolon | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 28/02/05 |

10797 | Preductal | Trimetazidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/01/05 |

10796 | Preductal | Trimetazidinum | Oral drops | 20 mg/ml | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/01/05 |

10798 | Preductal MR | Trimetazidinum | Film-coated, modified release tablets | 35 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 23/11/05 |

10799 | Pregestimil | Dieta eliminacyjna z MCT | Powder for solution | | Mead Johnson b.v. a Bristol Myers Squibb Company | 30/06/04 |

10800 | Pregnacare | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Vitabiotics Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

10801 | Pregnavit | | Capsules, soft | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

10802 | Pregnyl | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 1500 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

10803 | Pregnyl | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 500 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

10804 | Pregnyl | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 5000 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

10805 | Premarin | Estrogena coniugata | Film-coated tablets | 0.625 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10806 | Premarin | Estrogena coniugata | Film-coated tablets | 1.25 mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10807 | Premella 2,5 | Estrogena coniugata + Medroxyprogesteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 30/11/04 |

10808 | Premella 5 | Estrogena coniugata + Medroxyprogesteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 30/11/04 |

10809 | Premens® | Agni casti extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | EWOPHARMA AG | 31/12/08 |

10810 | Prenatal | | Film-coated tablets | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/12/08 |

10811 | Prenix | Perindoprilum + Indapamidum | Tablets | 2 mg + 0,625 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Anpharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10812 | Prenix Forte | Perindoprilum + Indapamidum | Tablets | 4 mg + 1,25 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Anpharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10814 | Preparation H | Saccharomyces boulardii | Ointment | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/12/08 |

10813 | Preparation H | Saccharomyces boulardii | Suppository | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 31/12/08 |

10815 | Preparation H żel | Hamamelidis aqua | Rectal gel | 500 mg/g | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH Division Whitehall | 29/11/06 |

10816 | Preparaty homeopatyczne typu Injeel — 1187 preparatów | | | | Heel GmbH | 28/02/05 |

10817 | Preparaty homeopatyczne wg listy na odwrocie | | | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10818 | Prepidil | Dinoprostonum | Vaginal gel | 0.5 mg/3 g | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

10819 | Presdopril | Perindoprilum | Tablets | 4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10820 | Pressocard | Labetalolum | Film-coated tablets | 0.1 g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10821 | Pressocard | Labetalolum | Film-coated tablets | 0.2 g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10822 | PRESSURAL Sugare Coated Tabletki | Indapamidum | | | Polifarma S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

10823 | Prestarium | Perindoprilum | Tablets | 4 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 30/06/04 |

10824 | Prevenar | | Suspension for injection | 1 dawka (0,5 ml) | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 21/06/06 |

10825 | Preventic | Amitrazum | Collar | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/08/04 |

10826 | Prewenit | Acidum folicum, Cyanocobalaminum, Pyridoxinum | Tablets | 800 µg + 4 µg + 4 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10827 | Prezerwer | Nonoxinolum | Liquid | 80 mg/g | Adamed Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne M.Adamkiewicz | 31/12/05 |

10828 | Pridinol | Pridinolum | Tablets | 5 mg | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10829 | Primacor | Lercanidipini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 14/02/07 |

10830 | PRIMADEX 20 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 20 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

10831 | PRIMADEX 40 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 40 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

10832 | PRIMADEX 60 Retard | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 60 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

10833 | Prime again | Preparat złożony | Capsules, soft | | Sunrider Manufacturing L.P., USA | 31/12/08 |

10834 | Primene 5 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

10835 | Primene 10 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

10836 | Primiza | Paracetamolum + Tramadolum | Tablets | 37,5 mg + 325 mg | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

10837 | Primodog | Szczepionka przeciw parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 2/03/05 |

10838 | Primolut-Nor | Norethisteronum | Tablets | 5 mg | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

10839 | Primucell FIP | Szczepionka przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu otrzewnej kotów | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/07 |

10840 | Prinivil | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

10841 | Prinivil | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

10842 | Prinivil | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

10843 | Priorix | Morbilli, combinations with parotitis and rubella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | SmithKline Beecham Pharma GmbH | 30/04/05 |

10844 | Pritor | Telmisartanum | Tablets | 40 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/01/05 |

10845 | Pritor | Telmisartanum | Tablets | 80 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/01/05 |

10846 | Pritor | Telmisartanum | Tablets | 20 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

10847 | Pritor Plus | Telmisartanum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 40 mg + 12,5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

10848 | Pritor Plus | Telmisartanum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | 80 mg + 12,5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

10849 | Proacid | Aluminii glycinas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | 450mg + 50mg | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

10850 | Probitor | Omeprazolum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 20 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10851 | Procainamidum | Procainamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

10852 | Procard | Crataegi flos cum folium extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 135 mg | Europlant Phytopharm, Sp. z o.o., Klęka | 31/12/08 |

10853 | Procomvax | Vaccinum haemophili stripe b conjugatum et Vaccinum hepatitidis B [ADNr] | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/06/05 |

10854 | Procortin | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cream | 1 mg/g | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 15/11/06 |

10855 | Procortin Lipocrem | Hydrocortisoni butyras | Cream | 1 mg/g | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 15/11/06 |

10856 | Proctheel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

10858 | Procto-Glyvenol | Lidocainum + Tribenosidum | Rectal cream | | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

10857 | Procto-Glyvenol | Lidocainum + Tribenosidum | Suppository | | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

10859 | Proctohemolan | Tribenozydum + Lidocainum | Cream | (5 g+2,12 g)/100 g | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10861 | Proctosone | | Rectal ointment | | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

10860 | Proctosone | | Suppository | | Polmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

10862 | Pro-Efferalgan | Propacetamolum | Powder for solution for infusion | 1 g | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/06/07 |

10863 | Profasi | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 10000 j.m. | Laboratoires Serono S.A. | 31/01/05 |

10864 | Profasi | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 2000 j.m. | Laboratoires Serono S.A. | 31/01/05 |

10865 | Profasi | Gonadotrophinum chorionicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 5000 j.m. | Laboratoires Serono S.A. | 31/01/05 |

10867 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Capsules | 50 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 30/06/04 |

10872 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/12/08 |

10873 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Gel | 25 mg/g | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 30/06/04 |

10868 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 100 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 30/06/04 |

10870 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Lyophilisated substance for solution for intravascular infusion | 100 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/12/08 |

10871 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/12/08 |

10869 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

10866 | Profenid | Ketoprofenum | Suppository | 100 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/05/04 |

10874 | Profenid prolongatum | Ketoprofenum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10875 | Profenorm | Propafenonum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | PRO. MED. C.S., Praha a.s. | 31/12/08 |

10876 | Proficar | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 75 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 29/06/05 |

10877 | Profilac Ioderm | Powidon jodu, Glicerol | Liquid | for veterinary use | FinkTec GmbH | 21/01/07 |

10878 | Profilac Iopre | Powidon jodu, Glicerol, | Liquid | for veterinary use | FinkTec GmbH | 21/01/07 |

10879 | Profilac Protec | Powidon jodu, Glicerol, Alantoina | Liquid | for veterinary use | FinkTec GmbH | 21/01/07 |

10880 | Progesteronum | Progesteronum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10881 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Amp. | 5 mg/ml | Fujisawa | 30/11/04 |

10882 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Capsules | 0,5 mg | Fujisawa | 30/11/04 |

10883 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Capsules | 1 mg | Fujisawa | 30/11/04 |

10884 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Capsules | 5 mg | Fujisawa | 30/11/04 |

10885 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Capsules | 1 mg | Fujisawa GmbH | 30/11/04 |

10886 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Capsules | 5 mg | Fujisawa GmbH | 30/11/04 |

10887 | Prograf | Tacrolimus | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/ml | Fujisawa GmbH | 30/11/04 |

10888 | Progressis | Szczepionka przeciwko zakażeniom wirusem Zespołu Rozrodczo-Oddechowego świń | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

10889 | Progynon C | Ethinylestradiolum | Tablets | 20 mcg | Schering AG | 11/08/05 |

10890 | Progynova 21 mite | Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Schering AG | 30/11/04 |

10891 | Progynova-21 | Estradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Schering AG | 30/11/04 |

10892 | ProHance | Gadoteridolum | Solution for intravenous injection | 279.3 mg/ml | Bracco-Byk Gulden | 6/07/05 |

10893 | Prokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Galenus, Warszawa | 9/07/07 |

10894 | Prokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 9/07/07 |

10895 | Prokainy chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/07/07 |

10896 | Prokainy chlorowodorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 9/07/07 |

10897 | Proktosanol Maść przeciw hemoroidom | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 14/10/06 |

10898 | Prolaxatan | Macrogolum | Powder for oral solution | 10 g | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 9/08/06 |

10899 | Prolaxatan o smaku cytrynowym | Macrogolum | Powder for oral solution | 10 g | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 9/08/06 |

10900 | Prolaxatan o smaku jabłkowym | Macrogolum | Powder for oral solution | 10 g | Polfa Łódź S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 9/08/06 |

10901 | Proleukin | Aldesleukinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection or for intravenous infusion | 18 mln. j.m. (1mg) | Chiron B.V. | 30/06/04 |

10902 | Prolipid | | Capsuels, hard | | P.T. Indofarma | 30/11/04 |

10903 | Proluton Depot | Hydroxyprogesteroni caproas | Solution for intravenous injection | 250 mg/ml | Schering AG | 31/03/05 |

10904 | Promazin | Promazinum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10905 | Promazin | Promazinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10906 | Promazin | Promazinum | Coated tablets | 50 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10907 | Promazin | Promazinum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

10908 | Promedol | Trimeperidinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Zdrowie Narodu | 31/12/08 |

10909 | Promethazine | Promethazinum | Syrup | 5 mg/5 ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10910 | Pro-miss | Coffeinum + Mepyraminum + Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 25/05/05 |

10911 | Promit | Dekstranum | Solution for intravenous injection | 150 mg/ml | Medisan (Mayrhofer Pharmazeutica GmbH, A) | 31/12/08 |

10912 | Promon Vet | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 10/02/04 |

10913 | Promote (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 30/06/07 |

10914 | Promycine Pulvis 4800 | Collistinum | Powder | for veterinary use | V.M.D. | 31/12/08 |

10915 | Pronoran | Piribedilum | Prolonged release tablets | 50 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 23/11/05 |

10916 | Prontobario Colon | Barii sulfas | Powder for rectal suspension | 940.15 mg/g | Bracco S.p.A. | 31/01/05 |

10917 | Prontobario HD | Barii sulfas | Powder for oral suspension | 984.5 mg/g | Bracco S.p.A. | 31/01/05 |

10918 | Prontoket | Ketoprofenum | Cutaneous spray, solution | 50 mg/g | Medicom International s.r.o. | 4/07/07 |

10919 | Prontopyrin Plus | Paracetamolum + Coffeinum | Tablets | 400 mg + 50 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

10920 | Propecia | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/04 |

10921 | Propess | Dinoprostonum | Rectal insert (transdermal system) | 10mg (5mg/12h) | Controlled Therapeutics (Scotland) Ltd | 14/02/07 |

10922 | Propisderm | Glukonian chlorheksydyny | Liquid | for veterinary use | Hypred | 31/12/08 |

10923 | Propofol 1 % Fresenius | Propofolum | Emulsion for injection or intravenous infusion | 10 % (0,01 g/1 ml) | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/01/05 |

10925 | Propolan | | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | 33 mg/ml | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10924 | Propolan | | Ointment | 40 mg/g | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10928 | Propolis | | Cutaneous and mucosa ligiud | 25 mg/ml | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/06 |

10929 | Propolis | | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | 25 mg/ml | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/06 |

10926 | Propolis | | Drops | 3 % | Farmatel Gdańsk | 31/12/07 |

10927 | Propolis | | Ointment | 3 % | Farmatel Gdańsk | 31/12/07 |

10930 | Propolis forte | Propolis extractum | Tablets | | Przedsiebiorstwo Pszczelarsko-Farmaceutyczne "APIPOL-FARMA" Sp. z o.o., Myślenice | 31/12/08 |

10931 | Propolis -krople z kitu pszczelego | | Cutaneous and mucosa membrane liquid | 26 mg/ml | Bartpol s.c. Z. Kostrzewski | 30/10/05 |

10932 | Propolisan | | Medicated powder | 30 mg/g | Apipol — Farma Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarsko — Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

10933 | Propranitrat | Isosorbidi dinitras + Propranololum | Tablets | 10mg + 20mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

10934 | Propranolol | Propranololum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10935 | Propranolol | Propranololum | Tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10936 | Propranolol | Propranololum | Tablets | 40 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10937 | Propranolol prolongatum 80 | Propranololum | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10938 | Propranolol prolongatum 160 | Propranololum | Prolonged release tablets | 160 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

10939 | Propycil | Propylthiouracilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/07/04 |

10940 | Propylu hydroksybenzoesan | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/08/05 |

10941 | Propyphenazonum 100 | Propyphenazonum | Suppository | 0.1 g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10942 | Propyphenazonum 300 | Propyphenazonum | Suppository | 0.3 g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10943 | Proscar | Finasteridum | Tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 22/06/05 |

10944 | Proscillaridin | Proscillaridinum | Film-coated tablets | 0.25 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/04 |

10945 | Proscillaridin | Proscillaridinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mcg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/06 |

10946 | Prosen | Zolpidemum | Tablets | 10 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10947 | ProSobee 1 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

10948 | ProSobee 1 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder for solution | 524 kcal/100 g | Mead Johnson b.v. a Bristol Myers Squibb Company | 30/06/04 |

10949 | ProSobee 2 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder | 1981 kJ/100 g | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/07 |

10950 | ProSobee 2 | Dieta eliminacyjna w nietolerancji pokarmowej | Powder for solution | | Mead Johnson b.v.a Bristol — Myers Company | 31/12/07 |

10951 | Prosolvin | Luprostiol | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

10952 | Prospan | Hederae helicis folium extractum siccum | Oral drops | 20 mg/ml | Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co KG | 31/07/05 |

10953 | Prospan | Hederae helicis folium extractum siccum | Syrup | 35 mg/5ml | Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co KG | 31/07/05 |

10954 | Prostafin (prostan-stara nazwa) | | Tablets | | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

10955 | Prostaflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

10956 | Prostaforce | Serenoa repens | Capsuels, hard | 320 mg | Bioforce AG | 21/06/06 |

10957 | Prostaherb N | Urticae radix extractum | Coated tablets | 230 mg | Julius Redel CESRA — Arzneimittelfabrik GmbH | 30/04/04 |

10958 | Prostalizyna | Urticae radix extractum fluidum | Paste for oral suspension | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/08 |

10959 | Prostamed | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Dr Gustav Klein-Arzneipflazen-Forchung, Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

10960 | Prostamer | Cucrbitae peponis oleum | Capsules, soft | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 14/03/07 |

10961 | Prostamol Uno | Sabalis serrulatae extractum | Capsules | 320 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/03/07 |

10962 | Prostandril | Flutamidum | Tablets | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/09/05 |

10963 | Prostaplant | Serenoa repens extractum | Capsules | 320 mg | Dr Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co | 31/12/08 |

10964 | Prostapol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

10965 | Prostasabal | Sabal fructus extractum spissum | Capsules, soft | 320 mg | R.P.Scherer GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

10966 | Prostasan fix | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10967 | Prostaserene | Serenoae repentis fructus extractum | Capsules, soft | 160 mg | Therabel Pharma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10968 | Prostaserene | Serenoae repentis fructus extractum | Capsules, soft | 320 mg | Therabel Pharma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10969 | Prostaten | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

10970 | Prostaten — fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

10971 | Prostatic | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 11/10/06 |

10972 | Prostatic | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 11/10/06 |

10973 | Prostatic | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 11/10/06 |

10974 | Prostatin | Finasteridum | Tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10975 | Prostatobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej BONIMED, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

10976 | Prostatol | | Drops | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

10977 | Prostatonin | Pygeum africanum + Urticae radix extractum | Capsules | | Pharmaton S.A. | 30/04/04 |

10978 | Prostatoziół | | Herbal tea | | Przetwórnia Ziół "Ziółmix", Łódź | 31/12/08 |

10979 | Prostavasin 20 | Alprostadilum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 20 mcg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

10980 | Prostavasin 20 | Alprostadilum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 20 mcg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

10981 | Prostavasin 40 | Alprostadilum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mcg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

10982 | Prostavasin 40 | Alprostadilum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mcg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/08/04 |

10983 | Prostavasin 60 | Alprostadilum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mcg | Schwarz Pharma AG | 31/08/04 |

10984 | Prostavasin 60 | Alprostadilum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 60 mcg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

10985 | Prostavit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

10986 | Prosterol | Sitosterolum | Capsules | 6 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

10987 | Prostin VR | Alprostadilum | Solution for injection | 500 mcg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

10988 | Prostogal | Cucrbitae peponis oleum | Capsules | 7 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 30/04/06 |

10989 | PROSURE O Smaku Waniliowym | Dieta | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 31/12/08 |

10990 | Proszek do płukanki (Gargarin ) | | powder for liquid for mouth wash | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

10991 | Proszek troisty | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/05 |

10992 | Proszek troisty | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

10993 | Proszek troisty | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 31/12/05 |

10994 | Protadina | Cyproheptadinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/09/05 |

10995 | Protaminum sulfuricum | Protaminum | Solution for intravenous injection | 10 mg/ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

10996 | Protaminum sulfuricum 2 % | Protaminum | Oromucosal gel | 20 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

10997 | Proten Plus o smaku czekoladowym | | Alimentation liquid | 420 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10998 | Proten Plus o smaku truskawkowym | | Alimentation liquid | 420 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

10999 | Proten Plus o smaku waniliowym | | Alimentation liquid | 420 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/07 |

11000 | Prothromplex Total TIM 4 | Koncentrat wszystkich ludzkich czynników zespół protombiny | Lyophilisate for intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 600 j.m. | Baxter AG | 31/12/07 |

11001 | Protifar | | Powder | | Nutricia Cuijk B.V | 30/06/07 |

11002 | Protokur | Hydrocortisonum + Cinchocainum + Neomycinum + Aesculinum | Rectal ointment | | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

11003 | Proursan | Acidum ursodeoxycholicum | Capsules | 250 mg | PRO. MED. C.S., Praha a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11004 | Provac i-3 | Szczepionka la kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 7/07/05 |

11005 | Provac I-4 | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, zakażeniom wywołanym przez reowirusy | Oil emulsion | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 30/01/05 |

11006 | Provasan | Nicametatum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

11007 | Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Granules for oral suspension | 1000 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/01/05 |

11008 | Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Granules for oral suspension | 500 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 31/01/05 |

11009 | Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

11010 | Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 100 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

11011 | Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

11012 | Provera | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablets | 500 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

11013 | Proviron-25 | Mesterolonum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

11014 | Provisc | Acidum hyaluronicum | Solution for intraocular use | 10 mg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 31/01/05 |

11015 | Provitina C forte | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | powder for solution | 0.5 g/4 g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/01/06 |

11016 | Provitina Cynk | Zinci gluconas | Tablets | 30 mg | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/08 |

11017 | Provitina Magnesium | Magnesii gluconas | Granules | 58 mg Mg++/4g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

11018 | Provitina Magnesium + B6 | Magnesii hydroaspartas + Magnesii lactoglubionas + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Buccal tablet | | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/08 |

11019 | Provitina Mangan | Manganesi gluconas | Syrup | 10 mg Mn2+/5 ml | Łowicke Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA Łyszkowice | 31/12/08 |

11020 | Proxacin 0,3 % | Ciprofloxacinum | Eye drops | 3 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 27/09/06 |

11021 | Proxacin 1 % | Ciprofloxacinum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/10 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11022 | Proxacin 1 % | Ciprofloxacinum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/20 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11023 | Proxacin 100 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11024 | Proxacin 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11025 | Proxacin 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11026 | Proxacin 750 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11027 | Prozac | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/07/04 |

11028 | PR-Vac Plus | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Aujeszkyego | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/07 |

11029 | Przeziębienie Homeoporady | | Granules | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 19/09/07 |

11030 | Pseudogravin | Bromokryptyny metanosulfonian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Werfft-Chemie | 5/07/04 |

11031 | Pseudophin | Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg + 25 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

11032 | Pseudovac | Szczepionka wiellowazna przeciw Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Suspension for intramuscular injection | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

11033 | Psoderm | Calcipotriolum | Gel | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11034 | Psorimed | Acidum salicylicum | Coutanous liquid | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

11035 | Psorinoheel N | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11036 | Psorinoheel N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11037 | Psorisan 5 % | Acidum salicylicum + Pix litanthracis + Zinci oxydum | Ointment | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

11038 | Psorisan 10 % | Acidum salicylicum + Pix litanthracis + Zinci oxydum | Ointment | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

11039 | Psorisan 20 % | Acidum salicylicum + Pix litanthracis + Zinci oxydum | Ointment | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

11040 | Psychotonin Forte | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Capsules, soft | 0.5 mg hiperycyny | Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH | 6/07/05 |

11041 | Psychotonisol | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/07 |

11042 | Puder Płynny | Benzocainum + Mentholum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous suspension | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

11043 | Puder płynny | Mentholum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous suspension | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

11044 | Puder Płynny | Preparat złożony | Cutaneous suspension | | Cefarm Lublin S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia Farmaceutycznego | 30/10/05 |

11045 | Puder płynny wysuszający | Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous suspension | 250 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 11/07/06 |

11046 | Puder płynny z anestezyną | Benzocainum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous suspension | (20mg + 240mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/03/07 |

11047 | Pudroderm | Benzocainum + Mentholum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous suspension | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 31/01/06 |

11048 | Pudrospan — Puder płynny | Benzocainum + Mentholum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous suspension | (10mg + 200mg + 20mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 15/10/06 |

11049 | Pularyl płyn | Karbaryl | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 25/05/04 |

11050 | Pulcox 12 % | sól sodowa salinomycyny | Premix | for veterinary use | Biovet Join Company | 31/12/08 |

11051 | Pulmex | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

11052 | Pulmex Baby | Rosmarini oleum + Eucalypti oleum + Balsamum peruvianum | Ointment | (50mg + 50mg + 60mg)/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

11053 | Pulmicort | Budesonidum | Nebuliser suspension | 0.125 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

11054 | Pulmicort | Budesonidum | Nebuliser suspension | 0.25 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

11055 | Pulmicort | Budesonidum | Nebuliser suspension | 0.5 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

11056 | Pulmicort Turbuhaler | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | AstraZeneca AB | 6/08/06 |

11057 | Pulmicort Turbuhaler | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder | 200 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | AstraZeneca AB | 6/08/06 |

11058 | PULMO/VIVIANIT comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11059 | Pulmobonisan | | Herbal tea | | Bonimed Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej | 5/07/05 |

11060 | Pulmobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 5/07/05 |

11061 | Pulmocare (o smaku truskawkowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/04/05 |

11062 | Pulmocare (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 30/04/05 |

11063 | Pulmocare (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Abbott Laboratories B.V. Ross Product Manufacturer | 30/04/05 |

11064 | Pulmodexane | Dextometorphanum | Oral solution | 300 mg/100 ml | Laboratories A. Bailly — Speeb | 31/12/08 |

11065 | Pulmodox Premiks 5 % | Doxycyclinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 22/05/06 |

11066 | Pulmonil | | Ointment | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 27/03/06 |

11067 | Pulmosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/01/05 |

11068 | Pulmotil 200 | Tilmikozyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 7/02/04 |

11069 | Pulmotil AC | Tylmikozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Eli Lilly Regional Operations Ges. m.b.H | 8/05/06 |

11070 | Pulmozen | Balsamum peruwianum, Rosmarini aetheroleum, Eucalipti aetheroleum | Ointment | | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

11071 | Pulmozen Baby | Balsamum peruwianum, Rosmarini aetheroleum, Eucalipti aetheroleum | Ointment | | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

11072 | Pulmozyme | Dornasum alfa | Nebuliser solution | 1 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 11/12/05 |

11073 | Pulpomixine | Dexamethasonum + Framycetinum + Polymyxinum B | Paste | (10mg + 16730 j.m. + 20000 j.m.)/g | Septodont | 30/04/04 |

11074 | Pulsaren 10 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11075 | Pulsaren 20 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11076 | Pulsaren 5 | Quinaprilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11077 | Pulsatilla compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11078 | Pulvis pro irrigatione | Acidum boricum + Zinci sulfas | Powder | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

11079 | Pumkin Seed Oil | Cucrbitae peponis oleum | Capsules | 0.3 g | Power Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

11080 | Pumpan | | Drops | | Richard Bittner | 9/09/07 |

11081 | Pumpkin Seed Oil | Cucrbitae peponis oleum | Capsules | 0.275 g | Bio Oil International Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

11082 | Puregon | Follitropinum beta | Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injection | 100 j.m./0,5 ml | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 21/06/06 |

11083 | Puregon | Follitropinum beta | Solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injection | 50 j.m./0,5 ml | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 21/06/06 |

11084 | Puregon 50 | Follitropinum beta | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 50 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 31/12/08 |

11085 | Puregon 75 | Follitropinum beta | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 75 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 31/12/08 |

11086 | Puregon 100 | Follitropinum beta | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 100 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 31/12/08 |

11087 | Puregon 150 | Follitropinum beta | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 150 j.m. | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 31/12/08 |

11088 | Purethal | Mieszanki wyciągów alergenowych pochodzenia roślinnego (pyłki roślin) | Suspension for injection | 500 µg modyfikowanych alergenów w 1 ml | Hal Allergen Laboratories B.V. | 26/09/07 |

11089 | Purethal | Wyciagi alergenowe pochodzenia roślinnego (pyłki roślin) | Suspension for injection | 500 µg modyfikowanych alergenów w 1 ml | Hal Allergen Laboratories B.V. | 26/09/07 |

11090 | Purex | Echinaceae extractum spissum | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

11091 | Purgansen | Sennae folium extractum fluidum | Paste for oral suspension | 10-15mg/3g | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/05/06 |

11092 | Purgaten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

11093 | Purinethol | Mercaptopurinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

11094 | Purisole SM diluted | Mannitolum + Sorbitolum | Bladder irrigation | (5,4mg + 27mg)/ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 30/04/05 |

11095 | PV Jod | Povidone-iodine | Cream | 100 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 24/08/05 |

11096 | PV Jod 10 % | Povidone-iodine | Solution | 100 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 28/02/06 |

11097 | PVP-Iodine | Povidone-iodine | Cream | 100 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 6/06/07 |

11098 | Pycnoven | Pinus cortex extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczno — Aerozolowe "UNIA" Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/12/08 |

11099 | Pylorid | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/05 |

11100 | Pyoctanini 3 % | Pioktanina | Liquid | for veterinary use | Chema-Elektromet | 7/06/04 |

11101 | Pyoctaninum coeruleum 1 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Ethane solution | 10 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/06/06 |

11102 | Pyoctaninum coeruleum 1 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Water solution | 1 % | Laboratorium Galenowe Katowice | 30/06/06 |

11103 | Pyoctaninum Coeruleum Solutum 0,5 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 5 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 10/05/06 |

11104 | Pyostacine | Pristinamycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 30/09/04 |

11105 | Pyostacine | Pristinamycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 30/09/04 |

11106 | Pyralgin | Metamizolum natricum | Solution for injection | 0.5 g/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

11107 | Pyralginum | Metamizolum natricum | Suppository | 750 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/06/06 |

11108 | Pyralginum | Metamizolum natricum | Tablets | 500 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/07/05 |

11109 | Pyralvex | Rhei radix extractu siccum, Salicylic acid | Oromucosal solution | | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

11110 | Pyralvex | Rhei radix extractum siccum, Salicylic acid | Oromucosal gel | | Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

11111 | Pyramidonum | Aminophenazonum | Tablets | 100mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11112 | Pyramidonum | Aminophenazonum | Tablets | 200mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11113 | Pyrantel — Pasta dla psów | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 3/09/04 |

11114 | Pyrantel pasta dla koni | Embonian pyrantelu | Paste | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

11115 | Pyrantel pasta dla kotów | Embonian pyrantelu | Paste | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

11116 | Pyrantel-Pasta | Pyrantelu embonian | Paste | for veterinary use | Eurovet Animal Health B.V. | 27/02/06 |

11118 | Pyrantelum | Pyrantelum | Oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

11117 | Pyrantelum | Pyrantelum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

11119 | Pyrantesan | Prantelu winian | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

11120 | Pyrantverm | Pyrantelu winian | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 29/04/04 |

11121 | Pyrazinamid | Pyrazinamidum | Tablets | 500 mg | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

11122 | Pyrilax | Bisacodylum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 30/06/04 |

11123 | Pyrimen | Pyrimethaminum | Tablets | 25 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

11124 | Pyromix | | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

11125 | Pyrosal | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11126 | Pyrosal® forte | Salicis cortex ext. sicc.,Extr. flu. (1:1,5) ex: Tiliae infl. 60cz., Sambuci fl. 40 cz. | Syrup | | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11127 | Pyrosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11128 | Pyrosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 8/02/06 |

11129 | Pyrotex-fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11130 | PYRSVAC-183 | Szczepionka przeciw płucnej postaci zespołu rozrodczo-oddechowego świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Syva S.A. | 28/07/05 |

11131 | Pz Shampo | Pyrithionum zincicum | Medicated shampoo | | Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne Farmaceutyczno — Kosmetyczne OCEANIC | 31/12/08 |

11132 | Qetin | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11133 | Qetin | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11134 | Qetin | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11135 | Quadractin | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza, zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli i reowirusowemu zapaleniu stawów | Water — oil emulsion | for veterinary use | ABIC Ltd. | 22/11/06 |

11136 | Quadramet | Natrii samarii (153 Sm) lexidronamum | Solution for intravenous injection (radioactive) | | Cis bio international B.P. | 25/04/07 |

11137 | Quadrasa | Natrii p — aminosalicylas | Powder for rectal soultion | 2 g | Laboratoires Norgine Pharma | 31/12/08 |

11138 | Quadricat | Szczepionka dla kotów przeciw panleukopenii, zakażeniom układu oddechowego powodowanym przez herpeswirusy i kaliciwirusy oraz wściekliźnie | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/05/04 |

11139 | Quadrisol 100 | Wedaprofen | Gel | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 20/10/05 |

11140 | Quadrisol 5 | Wedaprofen | Gel | for veterinary use | Intervet | 31/12/08 |

11141 | Quadropril | Spiraprilum | Tablets | 6 mg | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

11142 | Quamatel | Famotidinum | powder and solvent for solution for intravenous injection | 20 mg/5 ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/09/07 |

11143 | Quamatel | Famotidinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/03/07 |

11144 | Quamatel | Famotidinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/03/07 |

11145 | Quanpar 6 | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parainfluenzie, parwowirozie (liofilizat) i leptospirozie (zawiesina) | Lyophilisate + suspension | for veterinary use | Diamond Animal Health Inc. | 31/12/08 |

11146 | Quantum Dog DA2PPvL+Cv | szczepionka dla psów przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parainfluenzie, chorobie parwowirusowej, leptospirozie i chorobie koronawirusowej | Lyophilisate + liquid component | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

11147 | Quassia similiaplex krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

11148 | Quecor | Quercus cortex pulv. | Tablets | 370 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

11149 | Quentakehl D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11150 | QUERCUS | | Ointment | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

11151 | Questran | Colestyraminum | Powder for oral suspension | 4 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 21/05/06 |

11152 | Quinax | | Eye drops | 0.15 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 22/03/05 |

11153 | Quintor 250 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11154 | Quintor 500 | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11155 | Quolifex | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11156 | Rabdomun | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie dla psów, kotów i bydła | Liquid | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 30/06/04 |

11157 | Rabigen mono | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie psów, kotów, bydła i koni | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac | 25/04/04 |

11158 | Rabigen oral | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie lisów | Oral vaccine | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/04 |

11159 | Rabipur | Rabies, inactivated, whole virus | Lyophilisate for solution for intramuscular injection | 2.5 j.m./1 ml | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co. | 29/02/04 |

11160 | Rabisin | Szczepionka przeciw wściekliźnie dla psów, kotów, koni owiec, bydła, zwierząt futerkowych | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 31/12/08 |

11161 | Radirex | | Tablets | 513.5 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11162 | Ragastin | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11163 | Ragastin 0,05 % | Ranitidinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 0.5 mg/ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 27/04/05 |

11164 | Ramigen | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 1,25 mg , 2,5 mg , 5 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

11165 | Ramipril | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 1,25 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11166 | Ramipril | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11167 | Ramipril | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11168 | Ramipril | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 1,25 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11169 | Ramipril | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11170 | Ramipril | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11171 | Ramoclav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 375 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 30/09/05 |

11172 | Ramoclav | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 625 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 30/09/05 |

11173 | Ramphamax Compositum | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11174 | Raniberl | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 26/10/05 |

11175 | Raniberl 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 29/06/05 |

11176 | Ranic | Ranitidinum | Solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 23/11/05 |

11177 | Ranic 150 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Hexal AG | 23/11/05 |

11178 | Ranic 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Hexal AG | 23/11/05 |

11179 | Ranigasan 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11182 | Ranigast | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

11183 | Ranigast | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

11180 | Ranigast | Ranitidinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 0.5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/07/05 |

11181 | Ranigast | Ranitidinum | Syrup | 150 mg/10 ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

11184 | Ranigast Forte | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11185 | Raniratio 150 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 23/11/05 |

11186 | Raniratio 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 23/11/05 |

11187 | Ranisan 150 mg | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | PRO. MED. CS. Praha a.s. | 31/05/04 |

11188 | RANISAN 75 mg | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | PRO. MED. C.S., Praha a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11189 | Ranital | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

11190 | Ranitidin | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

11191 | Ranitidin | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

11192 | Ranitidine, Gastoren | Ranitidinum | Syrup | 150 mg/10 ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11193 | Ranitin — 150 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 9/09/06 |

11194 | Ranitin — 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 9/09/06 |

11196 | Ranitydyna | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11197 | Ranitydyna | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11200 | Ranitydyna | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11195 | Ranitydyna | Ranitidinum | Syrup | 75 mg/5 ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11198 | Ranitydyna | Ranitidinum | Tablets | 150 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11199 | Ranitydyna | Ranitidinum | Tablets | 300 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11201 | Ranitydyna 150 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11202 | Ranitydyna 300 | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11203 | Ranopril 10 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11204 | Ranopril 2,5 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11205 | Ranopril 20 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11206 | Ranopril 5 | Lisinoprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11207 | Rantagon | Ranitidinum | Drops for children | 25 mg/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11208 | Rantaksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1 g | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/08/05 |

11209 | Rantaksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 2 g | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/08/05 |

11210 | Rantaksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 500 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/08/05 |

11211 | Rantudil Forte | Acemetacinum | Capsules | 60 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/04 |

11212 | Rantudil Retard | Acemetacinum | Prolonged release capsules | 90 mg | Bayer AG | 31/05/04 |

11213 | Ranunculus-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11214 | Ranunculus-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11215 | Ranviran | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 14/12/05 |

11216 | Ranviran | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 16/05/07 |

11217 | Ranviran | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 400 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 16/05/07 |

11218 | Ranviran | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 800 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 16/05/07 |

11219 | Ranvit-C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Tablets | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Ireland Ltd | 26/04/06 |

11220 | Ranvit-C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Tablets | 50 mg | Ranbaxy Ireland Ltd | 26/04/06 |

11221 | Rapacholin forte | Kwas dehydrocholowy, Wyciąg suchy z czarnej rzodkwi z maltodekstryną, Olejek miętowy | Film-coated tablet | 250 mg + 75 mg + 10 mg | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11223 | Rapamune | Sirolimusum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11222 | Rapamune | Sirolimusum | Oral solution | 1 mg/ml | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 21/06/06 |

11224 | Raphacholin AC | | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 12/01/06 |

11225 | Raphacholin C | | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11226 | Raphaherb | Boldinum + Extractum Raphani siccum + Extractum Cynarae siccum | Capsules, soft | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

11227 | Raphamax | Raphani sativi extr. sicc., Curcumae rhiz. extr. sicc., Fumaraiae herb. extr. sicc. | Capsules, hard | 75 mg + 10 mg + 10 mg | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11228 | Raphamax Forte | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11229 | Rapicid | Jod aktywny, Kwas fosforowy , Kwas siarkowy, Środki powierzchniowo czynne | Concentrate for desinfection | for veterinary use | Evans Vandoline Inter. | 31/12/08 |

11230 | Rapifen | Alfentanilum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 30/06/04 |

11231 | Rastocin | Doxorubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

11232 | Rastocin | Doxorubicinum | Powder for solution for injection | 50 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 23/11/05 |

11233 | Ratiocord | Crataegi inflorescentia extractum | Capsules | 50 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

11234 | Raudiazin | Dihydralazinum + Reserpinum | Tablets | 10mg + 0,1mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11235 | Raupasil | Reserpinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11236 | Raupasil | Reserpinum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11237 | Raupasil | Reserpinum | Tablets | 250 mcg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11238 | Rauwolfia compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11239 | Re — Bone (Re — 186) Injection | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

11240 | Reasec | Atropinum + Diphenoxylatum | Tablets | 25mcg + 2,5mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

11241 | Rebetron | Interferonum alfa-2b + Ribavirinum | Set for association terapy: capsules, hard + solution for injection | Schering-Plough Corporation | 6/07/05 |

11242 | Rebetron | Interferonum alfa-2b + Ribavirinum | Set for association terapy: capsules, hard + solution for injection | Schering-Plough Corporation | 6/07/05 |

11243 | Rebif 22 | Interferonum beta-1a | Solution for subcutanous injection | 22 mcg/0,5 ml (6 mIU) | Serono-Ares (Europe) Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

11244 | Rebif 44 | Interferonum beta-1a | Solution for injection | 44 mcg | Ares- Serono (Europe) Ltd | 26/04/06 |

11245 | Recalcin | Chondroitinum | Capsules, soft | 400 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/05 |

11246 | Recarcin D4 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11247 | Recarcin D4 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11248 | Recarcin D6 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11249 | Recarcin D6 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11250 | Receptal | Busereliny octan | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 27/01/04 |

11251 | Recervin | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 1/08/06 |

11252 | Recombinate | Rekombinowany czynnik krzepnięcia VIIII | powder and solvent for solution for injection | 250 j.m. | Baxter S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11253 | Recombinate | Rekombinowany czynnik krzepnięcia VIIII | powder and solvent for solution for injection | 500 j.m. | Baxter S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11254 | Recombinate | Rekombinowany czynnik krzepnięcia VIIII | powder and solvent for solution for injection | 1000 j.m. | Baxter S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11255 | Reconvan | Dieta | Liquid | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11256 | Recox | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 15/11/06 |

11257 | Rectanal | Natrii phosphas + Natrii phosphas | Enema | | Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galenus | 20/06/07 |

11258 | Rectobol fix. Species antihaemorrhoidales | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 31/12/06 |

11259 | Rectobol. Species antihaemorrhoidales | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 31/12/06 |

11260 | Rectosec | Preparat złożony | Rectal ointment | | SecFarm — Towarzystwo Przemysłowo-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11261 | Rectosol-Cream | | Cream | | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 30/10/05 |

11262 | Redinac | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablet | | Polfarmex S.A. | 14/02/07 |

11263 | Redormin® | Valerianae radix extractum siccum + Lupuli strobili extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | (250 mg + 60 mg) | EWOPHARMA AG | 31/12/08 |

11264 | Red-Slim Tea | Hibisci flos + Sennae folium | Instant herbal tea | 800 mg/2 g | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 17/01/07 |

11265 | Reducenol | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

11266 | Reducenol | | Instant herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

11267 | Reducenol-fix | | Instant herbal tea | | P.P.H. "Eldex-Medical", Wiry | 31/12/08 |

11268 | Reducten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

11269 | Reduktin fix | | | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11270 | Redusan | | Capsules + Tablets | | Biokraft Pharma | 31/07/04 |

11271 | ReFacto | Moroctocogum — cz.VIII rekombinowany | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 1000 j.m.(250 j.m./ml) | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 31/08/05 |

11272 | ReFacto | Moroctocogum — cz.VIII rekombinowany | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 250 j.m.(62,5 j.m./ml) | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 31/08/05 |

11273 | ReFacto | Moroctocogum — cz.VIII rekombinowany | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 500 j.m.(125 j.m./ml) | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 31/08/05 |

11274 | Refen | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

11275 | Refen 1 % | Diclofenacum | Gel | 1 % | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

11276 | Refen Retard | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

11277 | Refludan | Lepirudinum | Powder for solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 50 mg | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 29/08/07 |

11278 | Regaine | Minoxidilum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/ml | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

11280 | Regaine | Minoxidilum | Gel | 20 mg/g | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 14/05/06 |

11279 | Regaine | Minoxidilum | Szolution for local use | 5 % | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11281 | Regalok | Minoxidilum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/g | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 24/05/06 |

11282 | Regla pH | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/07/04 |

11283 | Regla pH | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/07/04 |

11284 | Regla pH forte Suspension | Aluminii hydroxidum + Magnesii carbonas + Magnesii hydroxidum | Oral suspension | | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/07/04 |

11285 | Regranex | Becaplerminum | Gel | 100 mcg/g (0,1 %) | Cilag AG | 26/08/04 |

11286 | Regulatex-fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11287 | Regulavit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

11288 | Regulavit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

11289 | Regulax | Sennae folium pulver + Sennae fructus pulver | Buccal lozenge | 710mg + 300mg | Krewel Meuselbach GmbH Eitorf | 31/10/04 |

11290 | Regulon | Desogestrelum + Ethinylestradiolum | Film-coated tablets | 0,15mg + 0,03mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

11291 | Regumate Porcine | Altrenogestum | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 16/06/05 |

11292 | Rehydrat | Chlorek sodu, chlorek potasu, wodorotlenek sodu, siarczan cynkowy, glukoza | Powder | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

11293 | Rekostin | Acidum alendronicum | Tablets | 10 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 14/02/07 |

11294 | Rektin fix | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/07 |

11295 | Rektiolax | Laurilsulfate, incl. combinations + Natrii citras + Sorbitolum | Enema | | Marmir S.C. Zakład Produkcji Leków | 31/01/06 |

11296 | Rektosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11297 | Rektovit | Preparat ziołowy | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

11298 | Rektovit | Preparat ziołowy | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

11299 | Relaksan | Hypeici herba cum extractum siccum. | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Börner GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11300 | Relana | | Tablets | | Pharbio Medical International AB | 31/08/04 |

11301 | Relana forte | | Tablets | 200 mg | Pharbio Medical International AB | 31/08/04 |

11302 | Relanimal | Diazepamum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 17/04/05 |

11307 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11308 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11309 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Oral suspension | 2 mg/5 ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11303 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11304 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

11305 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Tablets | 2 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11306 | Relanium | Diazepamum | Tablets | 5 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11310 | Relax | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

11311 | Relax | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

11312 | Relaxen n | Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 441,35 mg | Whitehall — Much GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11313 | Relenza | Zanamivirum | Inhalation powder | 5 mg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 25/01/06 |

11314 | Relifex | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

11315 | Relisorm L-100 | Gonadorelinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 100 mcg | Laboratories Serono S.A. | 31/07/04 |

11316 | Relpax | Eletriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 27/06/07 |

11317 | Relpax | Eletriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 27/06/07 |

11318 | Relsed | Diazepamum | Rectal microclysmas | 10 mg/2,5 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11319 | Relsed | Diazepamum | Rectal microclysmas | 5 mg/2,5 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11320 | Remegel | Calcii carbonas | Chewable tablets | 800 mg | SSL International | 31/12/08 |

11321 | Remens krople | | | | Richard Bittner | 31/01/06 |

11322 | Remeron | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Organon N.V. | 31/03/04 |

11323 | Remeron | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Organon N.V. | 31/03/04 |

11324 | Remeron | Mirtazapinum | Film-coated tablets | 45 mg | Organon N.V. | 31/03/04 |

11325 | REMERON Soltab | Mirtazapinum | Oromucosal soluble tablets | 15 mg | N.V. Organon | 31/12/08 |

11326 | REMERON Soltab | Mirtazapinum | Oromucosal soluble tablets | 30 mg | N.V. Organon | 31/12/08 |

11327 | REMERON Soltab | Mirtazapinum | Oromucosal soluble tablets | 45 mg | N.V. Organon | 31/12/08 |

11328 | Remestyp | Terlipressinum | Solution for injection | 100 mcg/ml | Ferring-Leciva a.s. | 31/05/04 |

11329 | Remicade | Infliximabum | Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion | 100 mg | Schering-Plough Central East AG | 27/06/06 |

11330 | Remifemin | Cimicifugae racemosae | Tablets | | Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co. KG | 10/05/06 |

11332 | Reminyl | Galantaminum | Film-coated tablets | 12 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 12/10/05 |

11333 | Reminyl | Galantaminum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 12/10/05 |

11334 | Reminyl | Galantaminum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 12/10/05 |

11331 | Reminyl | Galantaminum | Oral solution | 4 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 12/10/05 |

11335 | Remotiv® | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | EWOPHARMA AG | 31/12/08 |

11336 | Renagel | Sevelamerum | Capsuels, hard | 403 mg | Genzyme B.V | 10/05/06 |

11337 | Renagel | Sevelamerum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Genzyme Europe B.V. | 30/09/07 |

11338 | Renagel | Sevelamerum | Film-coated tablets | 800 mg | Genzyme Europe B.V. | 30/09/07 |

11339 | Reneel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11340 | Renicin | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

11341 | Renicin | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/01/05 |

11342 | Rennie Aniseed | Calcii carbonas, Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablets | | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11343 | Rennie Antacidum | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablet | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 5/03/06 |

11344 | Rennie Deflatine | Calcii carbonas, Magnesii carbonas, Simeticonum | Buccal tablets | | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 30/09/07 |

11345 | Rennie Duo | Acidum alginicum + Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Oral suspension | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 15/03/06 |

11346 | Rennie Spearmint | Calcii carbonas, Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablets | | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11347 | ReoPro | Abciximabum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 10 mg/5 ml | Centecor B.V. | 31/12/08 |

11348 | ReoPro | Abciximabum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 40 mg/20 ml | Centecor B.V. | 31/12/08 |

11349 | Reparil | | Coated tablets | 20 mg | Madaus AG | 31/05/04 |

11350 | Reparil Gel N | | Gel for external use | | Madaus AG | 31/05/04 |

11351 | Repisan | | Drops | | Richard Bittner | 9/09/07 |

11352 | REPLAGAL 1 mg/Ml | Agalzydazum alfa | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 1 mg/ml | TKT Europe — 5S | 31/12/08 |

11353 | Requip | Ropinirolum | Film-coated tablets | 0.25 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/09/04 |

11354 | Requip | Ropinirolum | Film-coated tablets | 0.5 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/09/04 |

11355 | Requip | Ropinirolum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/09/04 |

11356 | Requip | Ropinirolum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/09/04 |

11357 | Requip | Ropinirolum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/09/04 |

11358 | Rescula | Isopropyli unoprostonum | Eye drops | 1.2 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/12/08 |

11359 | Resoferon | Ferrosi sulfas + Acidum succinatum | Film-coated tablets | 37mg Fe++, 185mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 30/01/05 |

11360 | Resonium A | Natrii polistyreni sulfonas | oral powder or for rectal suspension | 1.42 g Na+/ 15g | Sanofi Winthrop Ltd. — Guildford | 17/11/05 |

11361 | Resovist | Ferucarbatron | Solution for intravenous injection | 0,5 mmol Fe/ml | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

11362 | Resoxym | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops | 0.01 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11363 | Resoxym | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops | 0.025 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11364 | Resoxym | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops | 0.05 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11365 | Resoxym | Oxymetazolum | Nasal spray, solution | 0,05 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11366 | Respiporc | szczepionka przeciwko zakażeniom wywołanym przez bardetella bronchiseptica i pasteurella multocida typu a i d | Suspension | for veterinary use | IDT | 31/12/08 |

11367 | Respirovac | bakterie | Capsules | | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek BIOMED | 31/12/08 |

11368 | Respisure | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń, przeciwko mykoplazmowemu zapaleniu płuc | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 18/11/07 |

11369 | Respisure One | Inaktywowana szczepionki dla świń przeciw mykoplazmowemu zapalenia płuc | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Pfizer Inc. | 17/05/07 |

11370 | Restovar | Ethinylestradiolum + Lynestrenolum | Tablets | 0,0375mg + 0,75mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

11371 | Retardpen | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Benzathini benzatylpenicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | V.M.D. | 31/12/08 |

11372 | Retarpen 1,2 | Benzathini benzylpenicillinum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 1200000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

11373 | Retarpen 2,4 | Benzathini benzylpenicillinum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection | 2400000 j.m. | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 31/12/08 |

11374 | Retiazid | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Reserpinum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

11375 | Retiazid Forte | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Reserpinum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

11376 | Retin A | Tretinoinum | Cream | 0.5 mg/g | Cilag AG | 31/07/04 |

11377 | Retiven e | | | | Torf Corporation Fabryka Leków, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

11378 | Retrovir | Zidovudinum | Capsules | 0.1 g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

11379 | Retrovir | Zidovudinum | Capsules | 0.25 g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

11382 | Retrovir | Zidovudinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 20/06/07 |

11380 | Retrovir | Zidovudinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 200 mg/20 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

11381 | Retrovir | Zidovudinum | Syrup | 50 mg/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

11383 | Reumacor | Camphorum + Methylis salicylas | Ointment | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11385 | Reumacor | Extractum siccum compositum ex: Salicis cortex + Solidaginis herbae | Film-coated tablets | 181,8 mg | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11384 | Reumacor | Extractum siccum compositum ex: Salicis cortex + Solidaginis herbae | Oral drops | 95 mg/1 ml | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11386 | Reumador | Piroxicamum | Gel | 5 mg/g | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/05 |

11387 | Reumaflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

11388 | Reumaherb | Preparat ziołowy | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 25/01/06 |

11389 | Reumaphyt | Harpagophyti radix extractum aq. siccum | Capsuels, hard | 250 mg | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 23/11/05 |

11390 | Reumatik | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Dr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11391 | Reumobonisan | | Instant herbal tea | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej BONIMED, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

11392 | Reumobonisol | | Coutanous liquid | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej "BONIMED", Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

11393 | Reumogran | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11394 | Reumokaps | Melaleucae alternifoliae oleum | Capsule, soft | 50 mg | Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze "GAL" s.c. | 31/12/08 |

11395 | Reumoplast forte(poprzednia nazwa: plastry borowinowe) | Masa borowinowa, Wodny zagęszcz. wyciąg borowinowy | Poultice | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "SULPHUR — ZDRÓJ" EXIM Busko-Zdrój | 31/12/08 |

11396 | Reumosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11397 | Reumosol | Preparat ziołowy | Solution for medicated bath | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11398 | Reumovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

11399 | Reumovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 31/12/08 |

11400 | Reumpao | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | PT. IKONG Pharmaceutical Industry CO | 31/12/08 |

11401 | Reumpapai | | Capsuels, hard | | Ikong Pharmaceutical Industry Co. | 30/11/04 |

11402 | Revalid | | Capsules | | Ewopharma AG | 31/12/08 |

11403 | Revasc | Desirudinum | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 15 mg | Rhone-Poulenc Rorer S.A. | 12/10/05 |

11404 | REVIT — Multivitamin | Preparat witaminowy | | | KYIV VITAMIN FACTORY Co | 31/12/08 |

11405 | Revitan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11406 | Revitonil | | Tablets | | Pharbio Medical Sverige AB, Sweden | 31/12/08 |

11407 | Rewodina 25 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

11408 | Rewodina 50 | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 30/09/04 |

11409 | Rewodina Retard | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 100 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 30/01/05 |

11410 | Rexetin | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11411 | Rexorubia | | Granules | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

11412 | Rezorcyna | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 24/11/06 |

11413 | Rezorcyna | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 24/11/06 |

11414 | Rezorcyna | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/11/06 |

11415 | Rezorcyna | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/11/06 |

11416 | Rezorcyna | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/11/06 |

11417 | Rh0GAM poddany ultrafiltracji | Anti-D (rh) immunoglobulinum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 0.3 mg (1500 j.m.) | Ortho-Clinical Diagnostic, Inc. | 31/12/07 |

11418 | Rhelax | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11419 | RHEOMACRODEX 10 % z Chlorkiem Sodu | Dextranum 10 % + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ml | Lithuanian, Ice-Landic & Swedish Joint Stock Company Closed Corporation "ILSANTA" | 31/12/08 |

11420 | Rheotromb | Urokinasum | Lyophilisate for intramuscular injection or infusion | 500000 j.m. | Curasan Pharma | 31/12/07 |

11421 | Rhesogamma P | Immunoglobulinum Humanum Antu Rh — D | Solution for intramuscular injection | 1 ml (nie mniej niż 200 mcg (1000 j.m.)) | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11422 | Rhesogamma P | Immunoglobulinum Humanum Antu Rh — D | Solution for intramuscular injection | 1,5 ml (nie mniej niż 300 mcg (1500 j.m.)) | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11423 | Rheuma Denk | Etofenamatum | Gel | 1 % | E. Denk OHG | 31/12/08 |

11424 | Rheuma-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11425 | Rheumanol | Phenylbutazonum + Ramifenazonum | Film-coated tablets | 100mg + 200mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11426 | Rheuma-Pasc tabletki | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

11427 | Rheuma-Pasc-Forte krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

11428 | Rheumodoron 1 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

11429 | Rheumodoron 102A krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

11430 | Rheumodoron 2 krople | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

11431 | Rheumon | Etofenamatum | Cream | 10 % | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

11432 | Rhin — Bac | Preparat złożony | Nasal stick | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/10/05 |

11433 | Rhinafen | | Tablets | 200mg ibuprofenu 30mg chlorowodorku pseudoefedryny | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11434 | Rhinallergy | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 27/09/07 |

11435 | Rhinathiol | Carbocisteinum | Granules for oral suspension | 750 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/04 |

11436 | Rhinathiol | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 100 mg/5ml | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/04 |

11437 | Rhinathiol | Carbocisteinum | Syrup | 750 mg/15ml | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/04 |

11438 | Rhinazin | Naphazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11439 | Rhiniffa T | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakaźnemu zanikowemu zapaleniu nosa | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 9/06/05 |

11440 | Rhinocort | Budesonidum | Nasal spray, solution | 50 mcg/dawkę | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

11441 | Rhinocort | Budesonidum | Nasal spray, water suspension | 32 mcg/dawkę donosową | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

11442 | Rhinocort | Budesonidum | Nasal spray, water suspension | 64 mcg/dawkę donosową | AstraZeneca AB | 30/11/04 |

11443 | Rhinoflux | Oxymetazolinum + Flumethazonum | Nasal drops | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

11444 | Rhinophenazol | Acidum boricum + Antazolinum + Naphazolinum | Eye drops, solution | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

11445 | Rhinophenazol | Antazolinum + Naphazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | (5mg + 0,25mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11446 | Rhinopront | Carbinoxaminum + Phenylephrinum | Capsules | | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/09/04 |

11447 | Rhinopront | Carbinoxaminum + Phenylpropanolaminum | Suspension | | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 30/09/04 |

11448 | Rhinotek | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakaźnemu zanikowemu zapaleniu nosa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

11449 | Rhinoxym | Oxymetazolinum | Drops | 0,03 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

11450 | Rhinoxym Forte | Oxymetazolinum | Drops | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

11451 | Rhinoxymgel | Oxymetazolinum | Gel | 0,03 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

11452 | Rhinoxymgel — Forte | Oxymetazolinum | Gel | 0,05 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

11453 | Rhododendron Complexe nr 42 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/01/07 |

11454 | Rhododendroneel S | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11455 | Rhus toxicodendron complexe nr 80 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/01/07 |

11456 | Rhus toxicodendron compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

11457 | Rhus toxicodendron Pentarkan | | Drops | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 19/03/06 |

11458 | Rhus-Dagomed 6 bóle mięśniowo-stawowe | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

11459 | Rhusionormin | Surowica przeciw różycy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przem. Biowet | 31/12/08 |

11460 | Riamet | Artemetherum + Lumefantrinum | Tablets | 20mg + 120mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 22/02/06 |

11461 | Ribavir | Ribavirinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

11462 | Ribis | Risedronatum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11463 | Ribomunyl | | Granules for oral solution | | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 30/09/04 |

11464 | Ribomunyl | | Tablets | | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 30/09/04 |

11465 | Ribomunyl | | Tablets | | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 30/09/04 |

11466 | Rifamazid | Isoniazidum + Rifampicinum | Capsules | 100mg +150 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11467 | Rifamazid | Isoniazidum + Rifampicinum | Capsules | 150mg +300 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11468 | Rifampicyna | Rifampicinum | Capsules | 150 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11469 | Rifampicyna | Rifampicinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11470 | Riflux | Ranitidinum | Effervescent tablets | 75 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 27/09/06 |

11471 | Riflux, Ranigasan | Ranitidinum | Effervescent tablets | 150 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 23/11/05 |

11472 | Riflux, Ranigasan | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

11474 | Rigevidon | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Film-coated tablets | 0,15mg + 0,03mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 25/01/06 |

11473 | Rigevidon | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Tablets | 30mcg + 150mcg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

11475 | Rigevidon 21+7 | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestralum | Film-coated tablets | (0,03 mg + 0,015 mg) | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11476 | Rilexine 200 LC | Cefalexinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac SA | 31/12/08 |

11477 | Rilexine 300 | Cefalexinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 22/11/06 |

11478 | Rilexine 600 | Cefalexinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 22/11/06 |

11479 | Rilexine 75 | Cefalexinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 22/11/06 |

11480 | Rilutek | Riluzolum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Aventis Pharma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11481 | Rimadyl Iniekcja | Karprofen | Solution | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/04/04 |

11482 | Rimadyl Palatable Tabs 100 | Karprofen | Tablets | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

11483 | Rimadyl Palatable Tabs 20 | Karprofen | Tablets | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

11484 | Rimadyl Palatable Tabs 50 | Karprofen | Tablets | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

11485 | Rimadyl Tabletki 20 | Karprofen | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/04/04 |

11486 | Rimadyl Tabletki 50 | Karprofen | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 20/04/04 |

11487 | Rimevax | Morbilli, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 dawek | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

11488 | Rimevax | Morbilli, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 1000 TCID 50/dawkę | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

11489 | Rimevax | Morbilli, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 5 dawek | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

11490 | Rimevax | Morbilli, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 50 dawek | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 29/02/04 |

11491 | Ring N | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Coffeinum | Tablets | | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & C0. KG a company of Pfizer Group | 31/07/04 |

11492 | Rinipravac-DT | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakaźnemu zanikowemu zapaleniu nosa | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Hipra S.A. | 24/05/07 |

11493 | Rintal 10 % zawiesina | Febantel | Suspension | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

11494 | Rintal 2,4 % Premiks | Febantel | Premix | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

11495 | Rintal Plus | Febantel, Metrifonat | Paste | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

11496 | Risaxyl | Cholini salicylas + Lidocainum + Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11497 | Riselle | 17 ß estradiolum | Subcutaneous implant | 25 mg | Organon | 31/12/08 |

11498 | Risnia 1 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11499 | Risnia 2 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11500 | Risnia 3 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11501 | Risnia 4 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11502 | Risperatio 1 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11503 | Risperatio 2 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11504 | Risperatio 3 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11505 | Risperatio 4 | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11506 | Risperidon | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1mg, 2 mg, 3 mg , 4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11507 | Risperidone | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11508 | Risperidone | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11509 | Risperidone | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11510 | Risperidone | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11511 | RISPERIDONE 1 mg | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11512 | RISPERIDONE 2 mg | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11513 | RISPERIDONE 3 mg | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11514 | RISPERIDONE 4 mg | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11515 | Rispogen | Risperidonum | Tablets | 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

11517 | Rispolept | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 29/05/06 |

11518 | Rispolept | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 29/05/06 |

11519 | Rispolept | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 29/05/06 |

11520 | Rispolept | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 29/05/06 |

11521 | Rispolept | Risperidonum | Film-coated tablets | 6 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica | 30/09/07 |

11516 | Rispolept | Risperidonum | Oral solution | 1 mg/ml | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/08/04 |

11522 | Rivanol 0,1 % | Ethacridini lactas | Coutanous liquid | 1 mg/g | Prolab s.c. — Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Analityczno-Handlowe s.c. Paterek | 30/01/05 |

11523 | Rivanol 0.1 % roztwór | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 24/10/05 |

11524 | Rivanolum | Ethacridini lactas | Tablets | 100 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11525 | Rivanolum -M 0.1 | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 5/09/05 |

11526 | Rivanolum roztwór 0.1 % | Ethacridini lactas | Liquid | 0,10 % | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 19/03/07 |

11527 | Rivasen | Ethacridinum | Gel | 0,005 g / 1 g | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

11528 | Rivel | Ethacridini lactas | Gel | 5 mg/g | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab.. Farm. Michał Oginski | 9/08/06 |

11529 | Rivotril | Clonazepamum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/1 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

11530 | Rivotril | Clonazepamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

11531 | Rivotril | Clonazepamum | Tablets | 2 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

11532 | Rixative | Sennae folium extractum | Oral gel | 84 mg/g | Santana" N. BALANOS S.A., Grecja | 31/12/08 |

11533 | Roaccutane | Isotretinoinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

11534 | Roaccutane | Isotretinoinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

11535 | Robinia comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

11536 | Robinia comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

11537 | Robitussin Antitussicum | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 7.5 mg/5ml | Whitehall Laboratories Ltd. | 31/08/05 |

11538 | Robitussin Expectorans | Guaifenesinum | Syrup | 100 mg/5ml | Whitehall Laboratories Ltd. | 31/08/05 |

11539 | Robitussin Junior | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 3.75 mg/5 ml | Whitehall Laboratories Ltd. | 6/07/05 |

11540 | Roborante | Peptydy kazainowe, fosforo-wapniowy chlorek cholin, witamina b12 | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Calier S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11541 | Rocaltrol | Calcitriolum | Capsules | 0.25 mcg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

11542 | Rocaltrol | Calcitriolum | Capsules | 0.5 mcg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

11543 | Rocephin | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 0.25 g | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/04/04 |

11544 | Rocephin | Ceftriaxonum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/04/04 |

11545 | Rodanol S | Nabumetonum | Tablets for oral suspension | 1 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 14/12/05 |

11546 | Roferon-A | Interferonum alfa-2a | Solution for injection | 18 mln. j.m./3 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 16/10/06 |

11547 | Roferon-A | Interferonum alfa-2a | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 3 mln. j.m./0,5 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/01/05 |

11548 | Roferon-A | Interferonum alfa-2a | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 4.5 mln. j.m./0,5 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/01/05 |

11549 | Roferon-A | Interferonum alfa-2a | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 6 mln. j.m./0,5 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/01/05 |

11550 | Roferon-A | Interferonum alfa-2a | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 9 mln. j.m./0,5 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/01/05 |

11551 | Roferon-A | Interferonum alfa-2a | Solution for subcutanous injection | 30 mln j.m./ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 06-06-31 |

11552 | Roglit | Rosiglitazonum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg , 8 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

11553 | Rohypnol | Flunitrazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 1 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

11554 | Roletra 10 | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11556 | Rolicyn | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 12/10/05 |

11557 | Rolicyn | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 12/10/05 |

11558 | Rolicyn | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 12/10/05 |

11555 | Rolicyn | Roxithromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 50 mg / 5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11559 | Rometar 2 % | Chlorowodorek ksylazyny | Solution | for veterinary use | Spofa | 7/05/04 |

11560 | Ronaxan 100 | Doxycyclinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/05/06 |

11561 | Ronaxan 20 | Doxycyclinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/06/06 |

11562 | Ronaxan 20 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Merial | 7/05/06 |

11563 | Ronton | Ethosuximidum | Syrup | 250 mg/5 g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11564 | Roseneisen/Graphit | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

11565 | Rosmarinus complexe nr 24 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

11566 | Rota TS 100 | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 12/03/06 |

11567 | Rota TS 500 | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 12/03/06 |

11568 | Rotadin | Loratadinum | Syrup | 1 mg/ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

11569 | Rotadin | Loratadinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

11570 | Rotavec Corona | szczepionka dla bydła przeciwko zakażeniom wywoływanym przez rotawirus, koronawirus i e-coli | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Schering Plough | 31/12/08 |

11571 | Rouvax | Morbilli, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

11572 | Rouvax | Morbilli, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 10 dawek | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

11574 | Rovamycine | Spiramycinum | Film-coated tablets | 1,5 mln j.m. | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/05/04 |

11575 | Rovamycine | Spiramycinum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mln j.m. | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 12/12/06 |

11576 | Rovamycine | Spiramycinum | Film-coated tablets | 3 mln j.m. | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Sp. z o.o. | 12/12/06 |

11573 | Rovamycine | Spiramycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 1,5 mln j.m. | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 12/12/06 |

11577 | Rovenal® 100 | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11578 | Rovenal® 150 | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11579 | Rowachol | Preparat złożony | Capsules, soft | | Rowa-Wagner GmbH and Co. KG | 10/05/06 |

11580 | Rowachol | Preparat złożony | Oral drops | | Rowa-Wagner GmbH and Co. KG | 10/05/06 |

11581 | Rowatinex | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Rowa-Wagner GmbH and Co. KG | 31/10/04 |

11582 | Rowatinex | Preparat złożony | Oral drops | | Rowa-Wagner GmbH and Co. KG | 31/10/04 |

11583 | Roxee 150 | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11584 | Roxee 300 | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11585 | Roxiratio | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11586 | Roxitron | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11587 | Rozalin | Azithromycinum | Capsules | 125 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11588 | Rozalin | Azithromycinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11589 | Rozalin | Azithromycinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11590 | Rozex | Metronidazolum | Cream | 7.5 mg/g | Laboratoires Galderma S.A. Tour Europlaza | 15/11/06 |

11591 | Rozex | Metronidazolum | Gel | 7.5 mg/g | Laboratoires Galderma S.A. Tour Europlaza | 15/11/06 |

11592 | Roztwory do testów punktowych i skaryfikacyjnych | | Solution | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 31/03/04 |

11593 | Roztwory testowe Bencard stosowane w diagnostyce alergii | | Solution for skin test prick | | Allergy Therapeutics Limited | 14/11/06 |

11594 | Roztwór 0,9 % Chlorku Sodu | Natrii chloridum | Solution for injection and infusion | | Zakład Produkcji Sprzętu Medycznego RAVIMED Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11595 | Roztwór do testów prowokacyjnych Allergopharma | | Powder and solvent for solution | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 4/07/07 |

11596 | Roztwór do testów śródskórnych Allergopharma | | Powder and solvent for solution | | Allergopharma Joachim Ganzer KG | 4/07/07 |

11597 | Roztwór Elkintona nr 1 | Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

11598 | Roztwór Elkintona nr 2 | Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

11599 | Roztwór hibitanu 0.2 % w 70 % etanolu | | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 31/01/06 |

11600 | Roztwór propolisu 7 % | | Liquid | | Barć — Pasieka im. ks. dr Henryka Ostacha | 31/12/04 |

11601 | Roztwór Ringera | Calcii chloridum + Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 13/09/06 |

11602 | Roztwór rywanolu 0,1 % | Ethacridini lactas | Solution | 0.1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/06 |

11603 | Roztwór wodny jodu | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 28/02/06 |

11604 | Rtęciowy aminochlorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

11605 | Rtęciowy tlenek żółty | Hydrargyri oxydum flavum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/06/06 |

11606 | Rtęć | Hydrargyrum | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/10/05 |

11607 | Rub-Arom | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 14/09/05 |

11608 | Rubi fruticosi folium | | Herb | | Z.K.Z. FLOS, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

11609 | Rubia complexe nr 3 | | | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

11610 | Rubital | | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 7/05/06 |

11611 | Rubital — Compositum | Althaeae sirupus + Ephedrinum + Rubi sirupus | Syrup | 6.5 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 7/05/06 |

11612 | Rubital Forte | Althaeae radix | Syrup | 381 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/07/05 |

11613 | Rudistrol | | Cream | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

11614 | Rudivax | Rubella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

11615 | Rudivax | Rubella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 10 dawek | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

11616 | Rudotel | Medazepamum | Tablets | 10 mg | AWD.pharma GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/04 |

11618 | Rulid | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Laboratoires Roussel Diamant | 31/05/05 |

11619 | Rulid | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Laboratories Roussel | 30/04/04 |

11620 | Rulid | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Laboratoires Roussel Diamant | 31/05/05 |

11617 | Rulid | Roxithromycinum | Tablets for oral suspension | 50 mg | Laboratoires Roussel Diamant | 31/12/08 |

11621 | Rusarut C | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11622 | Ruscolan | Ruscogenin | Rectal ointment | 8 mg/g | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 15/03/06 |

11623 | Ruscolan | | Tablets | 120 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 27/06/07 |

11624 | Rusedal | Medazepamum | Tablets | 10 mg | Oranienburger Pharmawerk GmbH | 30/06/04 |

11625 | Rusedal | Medazepanum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Oranienburger Pharmawerk GmbH | 30/06/04 |

11627 | Ruskorex | Ruscogenin + Tetracainum | Ointment | (10mg + 10mg)/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 17/01/07 |

11626 | Ruskorex | Ruscogenin + Tetracainum | Suppository | (25mg + 25mg)/2g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 25/10/06 |

11628 | Rutacid | Hydrotalcitum | Chewable tablets | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 25/10/06 |

11629 | Rutinacea Forte | Acidum ascorbicum +Rutinum | Tablets | 50 mg + 200 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/08 |

11630 | Rutinosal c | Salicis cortex + Rutinum + Vitaminum C | Tablets | 300 mg + 20 mg + 40 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

11631 | Rutinoscorbin | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 100mg + 25mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11632 | Rutinoscorbin Junior | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablets | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Spółka Akcyjna | 31/12/08 |

11633 | Rutinoscorbin Plus | | Film-coated tablets | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11634 | Rutinoven | Troxerutinum | Gel | 20 mg/g | R & C — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne s.c. | 31/01/06 |

11635 | Rutokalc | Acidum ascorbicum, Calcium, Rutosidum | Effervescent tablets | 100 mg + 300 mg + 50 mg | N.P. Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11636 | Rutoven | Troxerutinum | Film-coated tablets | 0.15 g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11637 | Rutoven | Troxerutinum | Gel for external use | 20 mg/g | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11639 | Rutovit C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 100mg + 25mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/01/05 |

11638 | Rutovit C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Rutosidum | powder for solution | 50mg + 12,5mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 11/01/06 |

11640 | Rutovit C Forte | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 500mg + 25mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 11/01/06 |

11641 | Ruvax | Szczepionka dla świń przeciw różycy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 9/06/05 |

11642 | Rybasol | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules | | WIKI Norre Lokke | 30/11/04 |

11643 | Rythmodan | Disopyramidum | Capsules | 100 mg | Laboratories Roussel | 30/06/04 |

11644 | Rytmonorm | Propafenonum | Solution for injection | 3.5 mg/ml | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

11645 | Rytmonorm 150 | Propafenonum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

11646 | Rytmonorm 300 | Propafenonum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/05/04 |

11647 | Rywanol 0.1 % | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 9/03/06 |

11648 | Rzewex | Rhei radix pulvis | Tablets | 0.336 g | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11649 | Sabal-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11650 | Sabal-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11651 | Sabiprost | Sabal serrulatae fructus extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 160 mg | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11652 | Sabiprost-u | Sabal serrulatae fructus extractum siccum, Urticae radix extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | (160mg + 200mg) | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11654 | Sabril | Vigabatrinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Marion Merrell Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

11653 | Sabril | Vigabatrinum | Powder for oral solution | 500 mg | Patheon France S.A. | 24/08/05 |

11655 | Saccharinum | Saccharinum | Tablets | 12 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

11656 | Sachodent | Cholini salicylas + Cetalkonium chloratum | Dental gel | 87,1 mg salicylanu choliny ; 0,1 mg chlorku cetalkoniowego / 1 g | ZIAJA Ltd. Zakład Produkcyjny Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

11657 | Sachol | Cholini salicylas | Oromucosal solution | 87.1 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11658 | Sachol | Cholini salicylas | Syrup | 100 mg/g | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/01/06 |

11659 | Sachol żel stomatologiczny | Cetalkonii chloridum + Cholini salicylas | Oromucosal gel | (0,1mg + 87.1 mg)/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

11660 | Sacox 120 | Salinomycyny sól sodowa | Premix | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 6/12/04 |

11661 | Sadamin | Xantinoli nicotinas | Solution for injection | 150 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11662 | Sadamin | Xantinoli nicotinas | Tablets | 150 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11663 | Sadamin prolongatum | Xantinoli nicotinas | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 500 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11664 | Saizen 10 | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 10 j.m. | Laboratoires Serono S.A. | 14/09/05 |

11665 | Saizen 24 | Somatropinum | Powder and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 24 j.m. | Industria Farmaceutica Serono Sp. A. | 31/07/04 |

11666 | Saizen 4 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 j.m. (1.33 mg) | Laboratories Serono S.A. | 30/06/04 |

11667 | Sal Carolinum factitium effervescens | | Effervescent tablets | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11668 | Sal Ems Artificiale | | Effervescent tablets | | Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galenus | 31/07/05 |

11669 | Sal Ems factitium | | Effervescent tablets | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11670 | Sal Vichy factitium | | Effervescent tablets | | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11671 | Sal. Ems artificiale | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/05 |

11672 | Sal. Ems artificiale (factitium) | | Granules | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

11673 | Salagen | Pilocarpinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Chiron B.V. | 31/03/04 |

11674 | Salamol EB | Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

11675 | Salamol EB | Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

11676 | Salazopyrin EN | Sulfasalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Pharmacia A.B. | 8/02/06 |

11678 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11679 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11677 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Spray , suspention (chlorofluorocarbons free) | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11680 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Syrup | 2 mg/5 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/05 |

11681 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Syrup | 2 mg/5 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11682 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Tablets | 2 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11683 | Salbutamol | Salbutamolum | Tablets | 4 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

11684 | Salbuvent | Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Schering AG | 31/12/04 |

11685 | Saldiam | Diethylamini salicylas | Cream | 100 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

11686 | Saldiam | Diethylamini salicylas | Gel | 100 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 29/11/06 |

11687 | Salenvac | Szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom Salmonella enteritidis dla kurcząt. | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 8/09/05 |

11688 | Salenvac T | szczepionka przeciwko zakaźeniom salmonella enteritidis i salmonella typhimurium | Suspension | for veterinary use | Intervet International | 31/12/08 |

11689 | Salfazin | | Tablets | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/07/04 |

11690 | Salfuride 50 | Nifursol | Premix | for veterinary use | Solvay Pharmaceuticals | 21/02/07 |

11691 | Salicortex | Salicis cortex | Tablets | 330 mg | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 30/06/07 |

11692 | Salicylamid | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 19/11/07 |

11693 | Salicylol | Acidum salicylicum + Ricini oleum | Coutanous liquid | (50mg + 950mg) /g | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11694 | Saliderm — Gel | Acidum salicylicum | Gel | 100 mg/g | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11695 | Salimag | | Tablets | 681 mg | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

11696 | Salipax | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Mepha AG | 31/12/08 |

11697 | Salisal | Salicis cortex extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 143 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 14/02/07 |

11698 | SALIX/RHUS comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11699 | SALIX/RHUS comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11700 | Salixan | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11701 | Salixan C | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11702 | Salixan Junior | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11703 | SalmAbic | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla kur przeciw salmonelozie | Water — oil emulsion | for veterinary use | ABIC Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11704 | Salmonella comp. krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

11705 | Salmovir | Szczepionka dla gołębi przeciw salmonelozie i paramyksowirozie | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 15/11/05 |

11706 | Salofalk | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 250 mg | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

11707 | Salofalk 250 | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 31/03/04 |

11709 | Salofalk 500 | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 31/03/04 |

11708 | Salofalk 500 | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 500 mg | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 31/07/04 |

11710 | Salotannal | | Tablets | | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11711 | Salpirin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 12/10/05 |

11712 | Saltoral | Sole rehydratacyjne | powder for solution | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

11713 | Salubrious siberian ginseng, | | Capsules | 100 mg | Power Health Prod. | 31/12/08 |

11714 | Salumin | Preparat ziołowy | Oromucosal gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/06/06 |

11715 | Salvasept | | Buccal tablets | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11716 | Salvement | Salemterolum | Inhalation capsules | 50 mikrogramów | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11717 | Salvequick | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | | Cederroth Iberica | 31/07/04 |

11718 | Salvi Cal. E-G 24 | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

11719 | Salvi Cal. E-G 40 | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 31/07/04 |

11720 | Salvia — Medac | Mucinum | Oromucosal spray | 35 mg/ml | Medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

11721 | Salviamin Hepar | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Baxter Healthcare Corporation Clintec Parenteral S.A. | 30/01/05 |

11723 | Salviasept | | Buccal tablets | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 30/06/07 |

11722 | Salviasept | | Liquid for external use and inhalation | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/06/07 |

11725 | Samezil | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 400 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11726 | Samezil | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 800 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11727 | Samezil | Mesalazinum | Rectal suspension | 2 g/50 ml | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11728 | Samezil | Mesalazinum | Rectal suspension | 4 g/100 ml | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11724 | Samezil | Mesalazinum | Suppository | 500 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11729 | Sanaprox | Naproxenum | Tablets | 250 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/08 |

11730 | Sanaprox | Naproxenum | Tablets | 500 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/08 |

11731 | Sandimmun | Ciclosporinum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

11732 | Sandimmun Neoral | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/01/05 |

11733 | Sandimmun Neoral | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 25 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/01/05 |

11734 | Sandimmun Neoral | Ciclosporinum | Capsules | 50 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/01/05 |

11735 | Sandimmun Neoral | Ciclosporinum | Gelatin capsules | 10 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

11736 | Sandimmun Neoral | Ciclosporinum | Oral solution | 100 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/01/05 |

11739 | Sandoglobulin P | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for intravenous infusion | 1 g/50 ml | ZLB Laboratorium Krwiodawstwa Szwajcarskiego Czerwonego Krzyża | 31/12/07 |

11737 | Sandoglobulin P | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 3 g | ZLB Laboratorium Krwiodawstwa Szwajcarskiego Czerwonego Krzyża | 31/05/05 |

11738 | Sandoglobulin P | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 6 g | ZLB Laboratorium Krwiodawstwa Szwajcarskiego Czerwonego Krzyża | 31/05/05 |

11740 | Sandostatin | Octreotidum | Solution for injection | 0.05 mg/1ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

11741 | Sandostatin | Octreotidum | Solution for injection | 0.1 mg/1 ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

11742 | Sandostatin | Octreotidum | Solution for injection | 0.2 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/04/04 |

11743 | Sandostatin LAR | Octreotidum | Microgranules and solvent for suspension for intramuscular injection | 10 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/12/04 |

11744 | Sandostatin LAR | Octreotidum | Microgranules and solvent for suspension for intramuscular injection | 20 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/12/04 |

11745 | Sandostatin LAR | Octreotidum | Microgranules and solvent for suspension for intramuscular injection | 30 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 30/12/04 |

11746 | Sankombi D5 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11747 | Sannukehl Staph D5 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11748 | Sanofil | Preparat złożony | Cutaneous spray | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11749 | Sanosvit Calcium | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactobionas | Syrup | 114 mg Ca++/5 ml | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

11750 | Santaherba | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/10/05 |

11751 | Sanukehl Staph D6 krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11752 | Sanuvis iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11753 | Sanuvis krople | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

11754 | Sanval | Zolpidemi tartas | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/05 |

11755 | Sanval | Zolpidemi tartas | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/06/05 |

11756 | Saponarex | Saponariae et Plantaginis extractum fluidum + Thymi extractum fluidum | Oral solution | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/05/06 |

11757 | Sapoven | Hippocastani extractum siccum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/06/07 |

11758 | Sapoven AT | Benzocainum + Hippocastani semen extractum siccum + Troxerutinum | Suppository | (40mg + 200mg+ 100mg)/2g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 29/11/06 |

11759 | Sapoven t | Hippocastani extractum spissum + Troxerutin | Gel | (100 mg + 20 mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 30/09/07 |

11760 | Sapoven T | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum + Troxerutinum | Capsules, soft | 100mg + 200mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 23/11/05 |

11761 | Saridon | Coffeinum + Paracetamolum + Propyphenazonum | Tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

11762 | SAROTHAMNUS comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11763 | SAROTHAMNUS comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11764 | Satural | Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 208 mg Ca++/4g | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

11765 | Satural | Calcii lactogluconas | Effervescent powder | 200 mg Ca++/4g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

11766 | Satural GL | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas gluconas | Effervescent powder | 114 mg Ca++/4g | Byk-Mazovia Sp. z o.o. w Łyszkowicach | 31/12/05 |

11767 | Savarix | Benzocainum + Heparinum + Intractum Hippocastani | Gel | (10mg + 500j.m. + 50mg)/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/08/05 |

11768 | Scabiosa Compexe Nr 87 | | Liquid | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/05/07 |

11769 | Scaldex | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | Dermaphyt Sp. Z o.o. (Wadowice) | 31/08/05 |

11770 | Scaldex | | Cutaneous spray | | Dermaphyt Sp. Z o.o. (Wadowice) | 16/05/07 |

11771 | Scandonest 2 % Noradrenaline | Mepivacainum + Norepinephrinum | Solution for injection | (20mg + 0,01mg)/ml | Septodont | 30/11/04 |

11772 | Scandonest 2 % Special | Mepivacainum + Norepinephrinum | Solution for injection | (20mg + 0,01mg)/ml | Septodont | 31/01/05 |

11773 | Scandonest 3 % Sans Vaso-constricteur | Mepivacainum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | Septodont | 30/11/04 |

11774 | Scanoflox 10 % Oral | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Calier S.A. | 8/05/06 |

11775 | Scanohepar | Menbuton | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

11776 | Scanomectin | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Bomac | 31/12/08 |

11777 | Schwef-Heel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11778 | Scilla comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

11779 | Scilla comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

11780 | Sclerocalcine | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

11782 | Scopolan | Butylscopolaminum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/07/05 |

11781 | Scopolan | Butylscopolaminum | Suppository | 10 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/01/05 |

11783 | Scopolan compositum | Butylscopolaminum + Metamizolum natricum | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/06 |

11784 | Scorbolamid | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Rutosidum + Salicylamidum | Coated tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

11785 | Scorborutin | Acidum ascorbicum, Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg + 25 mg | Elanda S.C. | 31/12/08 |

11786 | ScourGuard 3 (K) | Szczepionka dla krów przeciw biegunkom cieląt wywoływanym przez rotawirus bydlęcy, koronawirus bydlęcy oraz e szczepy E.coli | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 30/06/04 |

11787 | Sea Kelp | | Tablets | 400 mg | Lifeplan Products Ltd. | 31/10/04 |

11788 | Seal and Heal | Acidum salicylicum | Gel | 125 mg/g | SSL International plc. | 31/05/04 |

11789 | Sebacil Pour — on | Foksym | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 24/01/07 |

11790 | Sebidin | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Chlorhexidinum | Buccal tablet | 50mg + 5mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11791 | Sebidin Plus | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Chlorhexidinum | Buccal tablets | 75mg + 5mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 21/03/07 |

11792 | Seboren | Preparat ziołowy | Coutanous liquid | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

11793 | SECALE/GALENIT comp. ampułki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11794 | SECALE/GALENIT comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11795 | Sectral | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

11796 | Sectral | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/05/04 |

11797 | Sectral | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

11798 | Sectral | Acebutololum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Specia | 31/05/04 |

11799 | Secural | Nonoxinolum 9 | Pessary | 75 mg | SecFarm — Towarzystwo Przemysłowo-Handlowe Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11800 | Securopen | Azlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 0.5 g | Bayer AG | 30/04/04 |

11801 | Securopen | Azlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 2 g | Bayer AG | 30/04/04 |

11802 | Securopen | Azlocillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 5 g | Bayer AG | 30/04/04 |

11803 | Sedacoron | Amiodaronum | Intravenous injection (solution) | 0.15 g/3 ml | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11804 | Sedacoron | Amiodaronum | Tablets | 200 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11805 | Sedafucon mite | | Coated tablets | | Pharma Funcke | 31/12/08 |

11806 | Sedalia | | Syrup | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 27/09/07 |

11807 | Sedalin 35 mg | Acepromazyny maleinian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 14/11/05 |

11808 | Sedalin 7 mg | Acepromazyny maleinian | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 14/11/05 |

11809 | Sedalin gel | Acepromazyny maleinian | Gel | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 14/11/05 |

11810 | Sedam 3 | Bromazepamum | Tablets | 3 mg | Hexal AG | 29/03/06 |

11811 | Sedam 6 | Bromazepamum | Tablets | 6 mg | Hexal AG | 29/03/06 |

11812 | Sedamel | | | | Farmaceutyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Prod. — Anal. — Handl. "PROLAB" s.c., Nakło | 31/12/08 |

11813 | Sedatif PC | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

11814 | Sedazin | Ksylazyny chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 06/02/29 |

11815 | Sedivet 1 % | Romifidyny chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 29/03/07 |

11816 | Sedomix | | Oral solution | | Dar Natury P.P.H. | 31/12/05 |

11817 | Segan | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

11818 | Selamer | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules, soft | 300 mg | Tymofarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Przetwórcze | 30/10/05 |

11819 | Selax o smaku czekoladowym | Sennosides | Buccal tablets | 25 mg | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

11820 | Selax o smaku waniliowym | Sennosides | Buccal tablets | 25 mg | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

11821 | Selcewet | Acidum ascorbicum + Natrii selenas | Powder | for veterinary use | Pliva Kraków | 17/08/04 |

11822 | Selecta obroża dla kotów | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Francodex | 25/04/04 |

11823 | Selecta obroża dla psów | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Francodex | 25/04/04 |

11824 | Selecta obroża dla psów dużych | Diazinon | Collar | for veterinary use | Francodex | 25/04/04 |

11825 | Selegiline | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Bioglan | 31/12/08 |

11826 | Selegiline | Selegilinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Bioglan | 31/12/08 |

11827 | Selenium and Zinc | | Tablets | | Power Health Products Ltd. | 30/08/04 |

11828 | Selenium Bonus | | Tablets | | Lifeplan Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

11829 | Selenium-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11830 | Selenium-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11831 | Selenor | Selegilinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11832 | Selenor | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11833 | Selerin | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

11834 | Selgin | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

11835 | Selgres | Selegilinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11836 | Selgres | Selegilinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11837 | Seliratio | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Ratiopharm GmbH | 24/05/06 |

11838 | Selofen | Zaleplonum | Capsules | 5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11839 | Selofen | Zaleplonum | Capsules | 10 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11840 | Selsun 2,5 % | Selenii sulfas | Shampoo | 25 mg/ml | Abbott France S.A. | 31/08/04 |

11841 | Selsun Blue (do normalnych włosów) | Selenii sulfas | Shampoo | 10 mg/ml | Abbott France S.A. | 31/01/05 |

11842 | Selsun Blue (do tłustych włosów) | Selenii sulfas | Shampoo | 10 mg/ml | Abbott France S.A. | 31/01/05 |

11843 | Senacon | Zopiclonum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11844 | Senalax | Sennae folium extractum siccum | Syrup | 50 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 23/11/05 |

11845 | Senalax K | Sennae folium extractum siccum + Frangulae cortex extractum siccum | Capsules, soft | 25mg + 67mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 23/11/05 |

11846 | Senefol | Sennae folium cum fructus | Tablets | 270 mg | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/05 |

11847 | Senes | | Herbal tea | | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 5/07/05 |

11848 | Senesfit fix | Hibisci flos + Sennae folium | Herbal tea | | Herbapol — Białostok S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11849 | Seniflor | | Film-coated tablets | Preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

11850 | Senlek | Valerianae radix, Lavandulae flos | Tablets | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

11851 | Sennfolax | Sennae folium | Tablets | 280 mg | "HERBAPOL — ŁÓDŹ" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11852 | Senovit | Preparat ziołowy | Capsules, soft | | Bional International BV | 24/08/05 |

11853 | Sensiblex | Danaweryna | Solution | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

11854 | Sensit | Fendilinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works Co. Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

11855 | Sepatrem 10 | Selegilinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11856 | Sepatrem 5 | Selegilinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Leciva a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11857 | Sepia compose krople | | | | Dolisos Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

11858 | Sepropol 1 % | Propolis extractum | Ointment | | Polska Fundacja Apiterapii | 31/12/08 |

11859 | Sepropol 3 % | Propolis extractum | Ointment | | Polska Fundacja Apiterapii | 31/12/08 |

11860 | Septalan | Allantoinum + Tripaflavinum | Ointment | (20mg + 1,25mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

11861 | Septanest z adrenaliną 1:100000 | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40mg + 0,01mg)/ml | Septodont | 2/09/06 |

11862 | Septanest z adrenaliną 1:200000 | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40mg + 0,05mg)/ml | Septodont | 2/09/06 |

11863 | Septin | | Herbal tea | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11864 | Septofervex | Chlorhexidinum | Buccal tablet | 2 mg | Pharmavit Kft. | 30/09/07 |

11865 | Septoflos | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/03/05 |

11866 | Septolete | | Lozenge | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

11867 | Septolete D | | Lozenge | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/01/05 |

11868 | Septolete Plus | Benzocainum + Cetylpirydinum chloridum | Lozenge | 5 mg + 1 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

11869 | Septopal minikette | Gentamicinum | łańcuch koralików | | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

11870 | Septosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11871 | Septosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

11872 | Septovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

11873 | Septovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

11874 | Septrin | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 0.96 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

11876 | Septrin | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Oral suspension | 240 mg/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 14/08/06 |

11875 | Septrin | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 480 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/07/05 |

11877 | Sera Baktopur | Glikol butylowy, Akriflawina, Błękit metylenowy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Sera GmbH | 24/08/06 |

11878 | Sera Baktopur Direct | Nifurpirinol, Sodu chlorek | Tablet | for veterinary use | Sera GmbH | 24/08/06 |

11879 | Sera Costapur | Potasu jodek, Szczawian zieleni malachitowej | Liquid | for veterinary use | Sera GmbH | 24/08/06 |

11880 | Sera Ectopur | Sodu nadboran, Sodu boran, Sodu chlorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Sera GmbH | 24/08/06 |

11881 | Sera Mycopur | Akriflawina, Miedzio(II)siarczan, Miedzio(II)chlorek | Liquid | for veterinary use | Sera GmbH | 24/08/06 |

11882 | Sera Oodinopur A | Miedzio(II)siarczan, Miedzio(II)chlorek | Liquid | for veterinary use | Sera GmbH | 24/08/06 |

11883 | Seractil | Dexibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 12/10/05 |

11884 | Seractil | Dexibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 12/10/05 |

11885 | Seractil | Dexibuprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 12/10/05 |

11886 | Serdolect | Sertindolum | Tablets | 4mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

11887 | Serdolect | Sertindolum | Tablets | 12mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

11888 | Serdolect | Sertindolum | Tablets | 16 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

11889 | Serdolect | Sertindolum | Tablets | 20 mg | H. Lundbeck A/S | 31/12/08 |

11890 | Seretide 125 | Fluticasonum + Salmeterolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 25/10/06 |

11891 | Seretide 250 | Fluticasonum + Salmeterolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 25/10/06 |

11892 | Seretide 50 | Fluticasonum + Salmeterolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 25/10/06 |

11893 | Seretide Dysk 100 | Fluticasonum + Salmeterolum | Inhalation powder | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 24/08/05 |

11894 | Seretide Dysk 250 | Fluticasonum + Salmeterolum | Inhalation powder | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 24/08/05 |

11895 | Seretide Dysk 500 | Fluticasonum + Salmeterolum | Inhalation powder | | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 24/08/05 |

11896 | Sereto 20 | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | A/S Gea Farmaceutisk Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

11897 | Sereto 40 | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | A/S Gea Farmaceutisk Fabrik | 31/12/08 |

11898 | Serevent | Salmeterolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 25 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

11899 | Serevent Dysk | Salmeterolum | Inhalation powder | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/10/04 |

11900 | Serevent Rotadisk | Salmeterolum | Inhalation powder | 0.05 mg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/01/05 |

11901 | Serevent Rotadisk | Salmeterolum | Inhalation powder | 50 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome S.A. | 30/01/05 |

11902 | Serlift | Sertralinum | Tablets | 50 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11903 | Serlift | Sertralinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11904 | Sermion | Nicergolinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

11906 | Sermion | Nicergolinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

11905 | Sermion | Nicergolinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 4 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

11907 | Serodin | Gonadotropinum | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 30/01/06 |

11908 | Serogonadotropin | Hormon gonadotropowy PMSG | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Biowet. | 24/05/04 |

11909 | Seromycin | Cycloserinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 29/06/05 |

11910 | Seronil | Fluoxetinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Orion Corporation | 1/09/05 |

11911 | Seronil | Fluoxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Orion Corporation | 1/09/05 |

11912 | Seroquel | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/08/04 |

11913 | Seroquel | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/08/04 |

11914 | Seroquel | Quetiapinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/08/04 |

11915 | Seroxat | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 31/12/05 |

11916 | Seroxat | Paroxetinum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals | 31/12/05 |

11917 | Sertralex | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Expharm Inc. | 31/12/08 |

11918 | SERTRALINE 100 mg | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11919 | SERTRALINE 50 mg | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11920 | Sertrif | Sertalinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

11921 | Sertrif | Sertalinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

11924 | Serviclor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 21/06/06 |

11925 | Serviclor | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 21/06/06 |

11922 | Serviclor | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 21/06/06 |

11923 | Serviclor | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5ml | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 21/06/06 |

11926 | Serviflox | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11927 | Serviflox | Ciprofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11928 | Serzone | Nefazodonum | Tablets | 100 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/05/05 |

11929 | Serzone | Nefazodonum | Tablets | 200 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/05/05 |

11930 | Serzone | Nefazodonum | Tablets | 300 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/05/05 |

11931 | Serzone | Nefazodonum | Tablets | 50 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A. | 31/05/05 |

11932 | Set Vac | Szczepionka dla kur przeciwko zakażeniom salmonella enteritidis I salmonella typhimurium | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Fatro | 31/12/08 |

11933 | Setegis | Terazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

11934 | Setegis | Terazosinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

11935 | Setegis | Terazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

11936 | Setegis | Terazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5/07/06 |

11937 | Setraline | Terazosinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11938 | Setron 4 | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11939 | Setron 8 | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

11940 | SETRONON 4 mg | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11941 | SETRONON 8 mg | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11942 | Sevitren | | Capsules, hard | | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 24/08/05 |

11943 | Sevorane | Sevofluranum | Pressurised inhalation solution for general aneasthesia | 250ml | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

11944 | Sevredol | Morphinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 15/03/06 |

11945 | Sevredol | Morphinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 15/03/06 |

11946 | Shen Chinese Garlic Tablets | Allii sativi bulbus pulv. | Coated tablets | | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

11947 | Shotapen | Benzathini benzaylpenicillinum + Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 19/06/05 |

11948 | Siarka strącona | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/11/05 |

11949 | Siarka strącona | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

11950 | Siarka strącona | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

11951 | Siarka strącona | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 30/11/05 |

11952 | Siarka strącona | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 30/11/05 |

11953 | Siarka strącona | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

11954 | Siarka strącona | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

11955 | Siarka strącona | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

11956 | Siarka strącona | | | | Siarkopol, Tarnobrzeg | 30/11/05 |

11957 | Siarka sublimowana | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

11958 | Siarka sublimowana | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

11959 | Siarka sublimowana | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

11960 | Siarka sublimowana | | | | Siarkopol, Tarnobrzeg | 31/12/08 |

11961 | Siberian Ginseng | | Tablets | 600 mg | Lifeplan Products Ltd. | 15/05/06 |

11962 | Sibutramine Hydrochloride | Sibutraminum | Capsule | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11963 | Sibutramine Hydrochloride | Sibutraminum | Gelatine capsule | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

11964 | Siccovet | Preparat złożony | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Werfft-Chemie | 14/06/04 |

11965 | Signopam | Temazepamum | Tablets | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

11966 | Sildenafil | Sildenafilum | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

11967 | Silenil | Hyperyci herba extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11968 | SILICEA COLLOIDALIS comp., żel | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11969 | SILICEA comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11970 | SILICEA comp. czopki dla dzieci 1g | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11971 | SILICEA comp. czopki dla dzieci 2g | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11972 | SILICEA comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

11973 | Silimax | Silymarin | Capsules, hard | 70 mg | Filofarm Farmaceutyczna Spółdzienia Pracy | 9/08/06 |

11974 | Silimax | Silymarin | Film-coated tablets | 70 mg | Filofarm Farmaceutyczna Spółdzienia Pracy | 9/08/06 |

11975 | Silitympakon | Dimetylopolisiloksan, Emulgator P-3 Extra | Suspension | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 29/04/04 |

11976 | Silkis | Calcitriolum | Ointment | 3 mcg/g | Laboratoires Galderma S.A. Tour Europlaza | 15/11/06 |

11978 | Silol 350 F | Dimeticonum | Coutanous liquid | | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11977 | Silol 350 F | Dimeticonum | Cutaneous spray | 366.7 mg/ml | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

11979 | Silol 1000 F | Dimeticonum | Coutanous liquid | | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

11980 | Silvercol | Argentum colloidale | Coutanous liquid | | Zakład Produkcji Sprzętu Medycznego RAVIMED Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11981 | Simaroline | Vaselinum album | Cream | | Rochler | 31/12/08 |

11982 | Simdax | Levosimendanum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 2,5 mg/ml | Abbott Laboratories Poland Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

11983 | Simepar ® | Preparat złożony | Capsules, hard | | Mepha Pharm Ltd., Szwajcaria | 31/12/08 |

11984 | Simet | Simeticonum | Chewable tablets | 80 mg | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 30/06/05 |

11985 | Simet-Al | Aluminii hydroxidum + Dimeticonum + Magnesii hydroxidum | Buccal tablet | | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

11986 | Simetikon | Simeticonum | Capsules, soft | 80 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

11987 | Simgal | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Ivax Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

11988 | Simgal | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Ivax Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

11989 | Simgal | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Ivax Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 23/11/05 |

11990 | Similac 1 | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories S.A. | 24/08/05 |

11991 | Similac 2 | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories S.A. | 24/08/05 |

11992 | Similac HH | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories S.A. | 26/04/06 |

11993 | Similac LF | Preparat odżywczy | Powder | | Abbott Laboratories S.A. | 15/11/06 |

11994 | Simpanorm | Karazololu chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | FATRO S.p.A. | 15/02/06 |

11995 | Simratio 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11996 | Simratio 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11997 | Simratio 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

11998 | Simredin 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

11999 | Simredin 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

12000 | Simredin 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

12001 | Simulect | Basiliximabum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 20 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/08/04 |

12002 | Simvacard 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 25/04/07 |

12003 | Simvacard 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 25/04/07 |

12004 | Simvacard 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 25/04/07 |

12005 | Simvachol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 16/05/07 |

12006 | Simvachol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 16/05/07 |

12007 | Simvachol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 16/05/07 |

12008 | Simvacor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12009 | Simvacor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12010 | SIMVAGAMMA 10 mg | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | A.P.C. Instytut Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12011 | SIMVAGAMMA 20 mg | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | A.P.C. Instytut Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12012 | SIMVAGAMMA 40 mg | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | A.P.C. Instytut Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12013 | SIMVAGAMMA 5 mg | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | A.P.C. Instytut Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12014 | Simvasterol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 14/02/07 |

12015 | Simvasterol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 14/02/07 |

12016 | Simvasterol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 14/02/07 |

12017 | Simvasterol | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 14/02/07 |

12018 | Simvax 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12019 | Simvax 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12020 | Simvax 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | HEXAL Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12021 | Simvor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12022 | Simvor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12023 | Simvor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12024 | Simwastatyna | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg ; 40 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

12025 | Sindaxel | Paclitaxelum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 30 mg/5 ml | s.c. Sindan SRL | 31/12/08 |

12026 | Sindaxel | Paclitaxelum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/16,67 ml | s.c. Sindan SRL | 31/12/08 |

12027 | Sindaxel | Paclitaxelum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 260 mg/43,33 ml | s.c. Sindan SRL | 31/12/08 |

12028 | Sindronat | Dinatrii clodronas | Capsules, hard | 400 mg | S.C. Sindan S.R.L | 4/07/07 |

12029 | Sinecod | Butamiratum | Oral drops | 5 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 30/06/07 |

12030 | Sinecod | Butamiratum | Syrup | 1.5 mg/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 30/06/07 |

12031 | Sinemet | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Tablets | 25mg + 250mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/07/04 |

12032 | Sinemet CR 100/25 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Modified release tablets | 25mg + 100mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 31/12/08 |

12033 | Sinemet CR 200/ 50 | Carbidopum + Levodopum | Modified release tablets | 50mg + 200mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/03/04 |

12034 | Sinequan | Doxepinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Pfizer S.A. — Bruksela | 18/10/06 |

12035 | Sinequan | Doxepinum | Capsules | 25 mg | Pfizer S.A. — Bruksela | 18/10/06 |

12036 | Sinex | Oxymetazolini hydrochloridum | Nasal drops | 0.05 % | Wick Pharma | 31/12/08 |

12037 | Singulair 10 | Montelukastum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

12038 | Singulair 4 | Montelukastum | Chewable tablets | 4 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 26/04/06 |

12039 | Singulair 5 | Montelukastum | Chewable tablets | 5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

12040 | Sinkast | Motelukastum | Tablets | 4mg, 5 mg i 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12041 | Sintopozid | Etoposidum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/ 5 ml | S.C. Sindan S.R.L | 4/07/07 |

12042 | Sintrom | Acenocoumarolum | Tablets | 4 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/07/04 |

12043 | Sinuc | Hederae helicis folium extractum siccum | Syrup | 45 mg/ 5 ml | Biocur Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12044 | Sinuc | Hederae helicis folium extractum siccum | Drops | | Biocur Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12045 | Sinupas krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

12046 | Sinupret | | Coated tablets | | Bionorica AG | 31/12/08 |

12047 | Sinupret | | Drops | | Bionorica AG | 31/12/08 |

12048 | Sinusitis comp. krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

12049 | Sinuspax | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

12050 | Siofor 500 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/04 |

12051 | Siofor 850 | Metformini hydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 850 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/04 |

12052 | Siraliden | Nitrofurantoinum | Oral suspension | 50 mg/5 ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 30/09/05 |

12053 | Sirdalud | Tizanidinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 4/06/06 |

12054 | Sirdalud MR | Tizanidinum | Modified release capsules, hard | 6 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 4/06/06 |

12055 | Sirupus Acidi e-aminocapronici | Acidum aminocaproicum | Syrup | 1 g/5ml | Ziołolek — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

12056 | Sirupus Althaeae | | Syrup | 131 mg/5ml | Microfarm s.c. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe | 31/01/06 |

12057 | Sirupus Kalii guajacolosulfonici | Guaiacolsulfonatum | Syrup | 60 mg/g | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

12058 | Sirupus Pini compositus | | Syrup | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12059 | Sirupus Plantaginis | Plantaginis extractum fluidum | Syrup | 647 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/03/06 |

12060 | Sirupus Tussipini | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/10/05 |

12061 | Sirupus Tussipini D | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

12062 | Sirupus Verbasci | Verbasci extractum fluidum | Syrup | 952 mg/5ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/03/07 |

12063 | Sirupus Verbasci | | Syrup | 253 mg/5ml | Rolnicza Spółdzielnia Produkcyjno-Usługowa | 30/10/05 |

12064 | Sitosterin Al. | Sitosteronum beta | Capsules | 65 mg | Aliud Pharma GmbH | 30/06/04 |

12065 | Sitosteronin | Betasitosterolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Kenay A.G.", Częstochowa | 31/12/08 |

12066 | Skelid | Acidum tiludronicum | Tablets | 200 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 31/12/08 |

12067 | Skenan | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 10 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/12/08 |

12068 | Skenan | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/12/08 |

12069 | Skenan | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 30 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/12/08 |

12070 | Skenan | Morphinum | Prolonged release capsules | 60 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/12/08 |

12071 | Skinoren | Acidum azelaicum | Cream | 200 mg/g | Schering AG | 31/01/05 |

12072 | Skinoren | Acidum azelaicum | Gel | 150 mg/g | Schering AG | 15/11/06 |

12073 | Skinsept Oral | | Mouth wash solution | | Henkel Hygiene GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12074 | Sklerosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12075 | Sklero-var | | | | Varia, Katowice | 31/12/08 |

12076 | Sklerovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

12077 | Sklerovit fix | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/07 |

12078 | Skorodit comp. | | Amp. | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12079 | Skorodit comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12080 | Skrobia pszeniczna | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 24/01/05 |

12081 | Skrobia pszeniczna | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 24/01/05 |

12082 | Skrobia pszeniczna | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/01/05 |

12083 | Skrobia pszeniczna | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/01/05 |

12084 | Skrobia ziemniaczana | | | | IŁAWA, Iława | 15/01/07 |

12085 | Skrobia ziemniaczana | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 15/01/07 |

12086 | Skrobia ziemniaczana | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 15/01/07 |

12087 | Sleepia | Diphenhydrominum | Capsules | 50 mg | Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

12088 | Slimossa | | Instant herbal tea | | Jiangxi Ning Hong Tea Group Co. Ltd | 31/12/08 |

12089 | Slim-Var | | Instant herbal tea | | Varia — Zakłady Zielarsko-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

12090 | Slim-var | | | | Varia, Katowice | 31/01/06 |

12091 | Slovadol | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Slovakofarma a.s. | 22/02/06 |

12092 | SLOVADOL Retard | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

12093 | Slovadol, Tramadol 50-Slovakofarma | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 27/04/05 |

12094 | Slovadol, Tramadol-Slovakofarma | Tramadolum | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/1 ml | Slovakofarma a.s. Hlodovec | 12/10/05 |

12095 | SLOVALGIN 100 Retard | Morphinum | Modified release tablets | | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

12096 | Slovalgin 30 retard | Morphinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 30 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/05/05 |

12097 | SLOVALGIN 60 Retard | Morphinum | Modified release tablets | | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

12098 | Slovit C 250 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 250 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

12099 | Slovit C 250 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 250 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

12100 | Slovit C 250 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 250 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

12101 | Slovit C 500 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

12102 | Slovit C 500 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

12103 | Slovit C 500 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/06/04 |

12104 | Slow-Mag | Magnesii chloridum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 64 mg Mg ++ | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 31/12/05 |

12105 | Slow-Mag B6 | Magnesii chloridum + Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 31/05/06 |

12106 | Sma Human Milk Fortifier | Odżywka | | | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12107 | Smalec | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12108 | Smalec | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

12109 | Smalec | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12110 | Smecta | Diomektyt | Powder for oral suspension | | Beaufour Ipsen Pharma | 30/04/04 |

12111 | Sodiofolin | Acidum folinicum | Solution for intravenous injection and infusion | 50 mg/ml | medac Gesellschaft medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH | 31/12/08 |

12112 | Sodium Iodide (I 131) Capsule D | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

12113 | Sodium Iodide (I 131) Capsule T | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

12114 | Sodowy czteroboran | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12115 | Sodowy dwuwodorofosforan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/09/05 |

12116 | Sodowy węglan | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 10/02/07 |

12117 | Sodu azotyn | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/02/05 |

12118 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

12119 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

12120 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

12121 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12122 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

12123 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12124 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

12125 | Sodu benzoesan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12126 | Sodu bromek | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wroclaw | 31/12/07 |

12127 | Sodu bromek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/07 |

12128 | Sodu bromek | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 31/12/07 |

12129 | Sodu chlorek | | | | Biochem, Warszawa | 30/11/05 |

12130 | Sodu chlorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

12131 | Sodu chlorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

12132 | Sodu chlorek | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/11/05 |

12133 | Sodu chlorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

12134 | Sodu chlorek | | | | Produkt-Sol, Wieliczka | 30/11/05 |

12135 | Sodu cytrynian | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12136 | Sodu cytrynian | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

12137 | Sodu dwowodorofosforan | Natrii dihydrophosphas | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

12138 | Sodu dwuwodorofosforan | Natrii dihydrophosphas | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/06/06 |

12139 | Sodu fluorek | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

12140 | Sodu jodek | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

12141 | Sodu jodek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12142 | Sodu jodek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12143 | Sodu octan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/09/05 |

12144 | Sodu octan | | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Chmiczne Odczynniki Sp. z o.o., Lublin | 30/09/05 |

12145 | Sodu salicylan | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

12146 | Sodu salicylan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/12/08 |

12147 | Sodu salicylan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12148 | Sodu salicylan | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/12/08 |

12149 | Sodu salicylan | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

12150 | Sodu siarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/09/05 |

12151 | Sodu siarczan bezwodny | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

12152 | Sodu siarczan bezwodny | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/09/05 |

12153 | Sodu tetraboran | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 19/11/07 |

12154 | Sodu tetraboran | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/11/07 |

12155 | Sodu tetraboran | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 19/11/07 |

12156 | Sodu tetraboran | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/11/07 |

12157 | Sodu tetraboran | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 19/11/07 |

12158 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/03/06 |

12159 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | Cefarm Wrocław | 31/03/06 |

12160 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

12161 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/06 |

12162 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/03/06 |

12163 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/03/06 |

12164 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/03/06 |

12165 | Sodu tiosiarczan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

12166 | Sodu wodorofosforan | Natrii hydrophosphas | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

12167 | Sodu wodorofosforan | Natrii hydrophosphas | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/09/05 |

12168 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

12169 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

12170 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Biochem, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

12171 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

12172 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

12173 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Karima, Łódź | 31/12/08 |

12174 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12175 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 31/12/08 |

12176 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12177 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

12178 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

12179 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 31/12/08 |

12180 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

12181 | Sodu wodorowęglan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12182 | Sodu wodorowęglan wkłady: Bio Carb B; Bio Carb G | | | | Konsan Hightech Medical | 24/08/05 |

12183 | Soft Corn | Acidum salicylicum | Patch | 125 mg/g | SSL International plc | 30/01/05 |

12184 | Sol. Iodi Spirituosa | jod | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

12185 | Soladen | Adenosinum | Solution for injection | 3 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 8/02/06 |

12186 | Solaren | Curcumae rhizomae extractum | Oral drops, solution | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

12187 | Solcogyn | | Solution | | ICN Switzerland AG | 15/11/06 |

12188 | SolcoKerasal | Acidum salicylicum + Urea | Ointment | | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 30/06/05 |

12195 | Solcoseryl | | Eye gel | 8.3 mg/1g | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/01/06 |

12193 | Solcoseryl | | Gel | | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/01/06 |

12194 | Solcoseryl | | Gel | | ICN Switzerland AG | 31/07/04 |

12189 | Solcoseryl | | Ointment | | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/01/06 |

12190 | Solcoseryl | | Ointment | | ICN Switzerland AG | 31/07/04 |

12191 | Solcoseryl | | Oromucosal paste | | ICN Switzerland AG | 31/07/04 |

12192 | Solcoseryl | | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 42.5 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/12/08 |

12196 | SolcoTrichovac | | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | ICN Switzerland AG | 30/04/04 |

12197 | Solfin | Chlorek sodowy, Octan sodowy, Cytrynian sodowy, Chlorek wapniowy, Chlorek magnezu, Octan potasowy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 29/04/04 |

12198 | Solganal susp. | Aurothioglucosum | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 50 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

12203 | Solian | Amisulpridum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 12/10/05 |

12199 | Solian | Amisulpridum | Oral solution | 100 mg/ml | Sanofi-Synthelabo France | 14/03/07 |

12200 | Solian | Amisulpridum | Tablets | 100 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 12/10/05 |

12201 | Solian | Amisulpridum | Tablets | 200 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 12/10/05 |

12202 | Solian | Amisulpridum | Tablets | 50 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 12/10/05 |

12204 | Solidago compositum S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12205 | Solnasin 0,65 % | Natrii chloridum | Nasal drops, solution | 6.5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 10/05/06 |

12206 | Solnasin 0,65 % krople do nosa | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

12207 | Sol-Opht | Preparat złożony | Eye liquid | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/07/05 |

12208 | Solpadeine | Codeinum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 8mg + 30mg + 500mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/07/05 |

12209 | Solpadeine Capsules | Codeinum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Capsules | 8mg + 30mg + 500mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/04/05 |

12210 | Solpadeine Tablets | Codeinum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | 8mg + 30mg + 500mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 30/04/05 |

12211 | Solpaflex | Ibuprofenum | Capsules | 300 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

12213 | Solpaflex | Ibuprofenum | Gel | | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

12212 | Solpaflex | Ibuprofenum | Tablets | 200 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/08 |

12214 | Solu Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Lyophilisate for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 250 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/04 |

12215 | Solu Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 1000 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

12216 | Solu Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 125 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

12217 | Solu Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 40 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

12218 | Solu Medrol | Methylprednisolonum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 500 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/06/04 |

12219 | Solu-Decortin H 25 | Prednisolonum | Lyophilisate for injection | 25 mg/1 ml | Merck KGaA | 31/12/08 |

12220 | Soludor | | | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

12221 | Soludox 50 % | Doxycyclinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Eurovet | 31/12/08 |

12222 | Solum | | Oil for rub (Rub oil) | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12223 | Solum Uliginosum comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml, 10 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12224 | Solum Uliginosum comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12225 | Soluprick SQ, Soluprick | Alergeny diagnostyczne | Solution | | Alk-Abello A/S | 7/02/05 |

12226 | Solutio Acidi Borici 3 % | Acidum boricum | Coutanous liquid | 30 mg/g | Ichem Ośrodek Badawczo-Produkcyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej | 31/01/06 |

12227 | Solutio Chlorhexidini, Spiritus 70° | | Desinfection solution | | Laboratorium Galenowe Katowice | 31/12/04 |

12228 | Solutio Iodi cum Glyceroli (Płyn Lugola) | Iodum + Kalii iodidum | Coutanous liquid | (10mg + 20mg)/g | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 30/04/05 |

12229 | Solutio Iodi Spirituosa 0,1 % | Iodine + Kalii iodidum | Liquid | | Laboratorium Galenowe Katowice | 31/12/04 |

12230 | Solutio Pyoctanini 1 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/g | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 13/07/05 |

12231 | Solutio Ringeri | Calcii chloridum + Kalii chloridum + Natrii chloridum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

12232 | Solutio Ringeri INJ. | Chlorek sodu, Chlorek potasu, Chlorek wapnia, | Solution | for veterinary use | Fresenius Kabi Polska | 31/12/08 |

12233 | Solutio Ringeri Lactate | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

12234 | Soluvit N | Multivitamins and trace elements | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

12235 | Solvertyl | Ranitidinum | Solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 25 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 14/12/05 |

12236 | Solvolan | Ambroxolum | Syrup | 15 mg/5 ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

12237 | Solvolan | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

12238 | Soma | | Oral solution | | Varia — Zakłady Zielarsko-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

12239 | Somatin | Somatostatinum | Powder for solution for injection and infusion | 3 mg | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12240 | Somatostatin-UCB | Somatostatinum | Lyophilisate for intravenous solution | 0.25 mg/1 ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/03/04 |

12241 | Somatostatin-UCB | Somatostatinum | Lyophilisate for intravenous solution | 3 mg/1 ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/03/04 |

12242 | Somatuline Autogel | Lanreotidum | Solution for injection | 60 mg | Ipsen — Biotech | 31/12/08 |

12243 | Somatuline Autogel | Lanreotidum | Solution for injection | 120 mg | Ipsen — Biotech | 31/12/08 |

12244 | Somatuline Autogel | Laureotidum | Solution for injection | 90 mg | Ipsen — Biotech | 31/12/08 |

12245 | Somatuline PR | Lanreotidum | Powder and solvent for prolonged release suspension for intramuscular injection | 30 mg | Ipsen Biotech | 31/07/04 |

12246 | SOMNOL 7,5 mg | Zopiclonum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | Public Joint Stock Company "Grindex" | 31/12/08 |

12247 | Somnoten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

12248 | Somnubovin | Surowica odpornościowa przeciwko Haemophilius somnus | Liquid | for veterinary use | Pro animali | 31/12/08 |

12249 | Somnuvac | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla bydła przeciw zakażeniom Haemophilus somnus | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pro Animali Przedsiębiorstwo Wdrożeniowo-Wytwórcze i Usługowe SP. z.o.o | 22/11/06 |

12250 | Sonata | Zaleplonum | Capsules, hard | 10 mg | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 30/04/05 |

12251 | Sonata | Zaleplonum | Capsules, hard | 5 mg | Wyeth-Lederle GmbH | 30/04/05 |

12252 | Songa | Melissae folium extractum siccum + Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Coated tablets | | Pharmaton S.A. | 31/01/05 |

12253 | Songha Day | Piperis methystici rhizomae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 45 mg kawa-pironów | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 27/09/06 |

12254 | Sonna stres, syrop | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 24/11/05 |

12255 | Sonol | | Coutanous liquid | | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 30/10/05 |

12256 | Sopodorm 15 | Midazolamum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 7.5 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/01/05 |

12257 | Sopodorm 2 | Midazolamum | Solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection | 1 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/01/05 |

12258 | Sopodorm 5 | Midazolamum | Solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection | 2.5 mg/ml | Solco Basel — Przedsiębiorstwo Zagraniczne | 31/01/05 |

12259 | Sorbifer Durules | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Ferrosi sulfas | Film-coated tablets | | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/01/05 |

12260 | Sorbonit | Isosorbidi dinitras | Tablets | 10 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

12261 | Sorbonit | Isosorbidi dinitras | Tablets | 5 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/05 |

12262 | Sorbonit prolongatum | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 20 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

12263 | Sorbonit prolongatum | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 40 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

12264 | Sorbonit prolongatum 80 | Isosorbidi dinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 28/02/06 |

12266 | Sorel | Calcipotriolum | Coutanous liquid | 0,01 % | Lek d.d. | 31/12/08 |

12265 | Sorel | Calcipotriolum | Ointment | 0,01 % | Lek d.d. | 31/12/08 |

12267 | Sorfox | Isosorbidi mononitras | Prolonged release tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

12268 | Sortis 10 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12269 | Sortis 20 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12270 | Sortis 40 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Parke Davis GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12271 | Sortis 80 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12272 | Sotahexal | Sotalolum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 23/07/06 |

12273 | Sotahexal 80 | Sotalolum | Tablets | 80 mg | Hexal AG | 31/12/04 |

12274 | Sotahexal 160 | Sotalolum | Tablets | 160 mg | Hexal AG | 31/12/04 |

12275 | Sotahexal 40 | Sotaloli hydrochloridum | Tablets | 40 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

12276 | Sotamerck 160 | Sotalolum | Tablets | | Merck Generics Limited | 31/12/08 |

12277 | Sotamerck 80 | Sotalolum | Tablets | | Merck Generics Limited | 31/12/08 |

12278 | Sotasec | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu dla kur, indyków i perliczek , | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

12279 | Sotret 10 | Izotretinoinum | Capsules, soft | 10 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12280 | Sotret 20 | Izotretinoinum | Capsules, soft | 20 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12281 | Soval | | Film-coated tablets | | Biokraft Pharma | 30/06/04 |

12282 | Soventol | Bamipini lactas | Gel | 20 mg/g | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/08/04 |

12283 | Soyacal 10 % | Sojae oleum | Emulsion for infusion | 100 mg/ml | Laboratorios Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12284 | Soyacal 20 % | Sojae oleum | Emulsion for infusion | 200 mg/ml | Laboratorios Grifols S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12285 | Soyaprotect | Soyae extractum | Tablets | 25 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 17/01/07 |

12286 | Soyaprotect-Meno | Soyae extractum | Tablets | 60 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 17/01/07 |

12287 | Soyaprotect-osteo | Sojae semen extractum siccum | Tablets | 25 mg izoflawonów | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12288 | Soyfem | Glycine semen extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 26 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 14/03/07 |

12289 | Soyfemina | Glicinum | Film-coated tablets | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

12290 | Soyvit | | Gelatin capsules, hard | 100 mg naturalnych izoflawonów sojowych | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12291 | Sól Glauberska | Natrii stearas | Powder | for veterinary use | Galvet | 31/12/08 |

12292 | Sól glauberska | Natrii stearas | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

12293 | Sól gorzka | Magnesii stearas | Powder | for veterinary use | PFO Vetos-Farma | 24/07/07 |

12294 | Sól jodobromowa iwonicka | | Crystilline powder | | Uzdrowisko Iwonicz — Spółka Akcyjna | 31/01/06 |

12295 | Spamilan | Buspironum | Tablets | 10 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12296 | Spamilan | Buspironum | Tablets | 5 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12297 | Spanidin | Gusperimus | Substance (lyophilisate) for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg | Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

12298 | Spartrix | Karnidazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | Janssen | 1/08/04 |

12299 | Spascupreel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12300 | Spascupreel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12301 | Spascupreel S | | Suppository | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12302 | Spasmalgon | Fenpiverini bromidum + Metamizolum natricum + Pitofenonum | Solution for injection | | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/05 |

12303 | Spasmex 15 | Trospium | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Dr R Pfleger Chemische Fabrik GmbH, Bamberg | 31/12/08 |

12304 | Spasmex 5 | Trospium | Tablets | 5 mg | Dr R Pfleger Chemische Fabrik GmbH, Bamberg | 31/12/08 |

12305 | Spasmium comp. | Karoweryny chlorowodorek, Metamizol sodowy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma | 31/12/08 |

12306 | Spasmo 6 | Drotaverinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Generox s.c. | 31/12/08 |

12307 | Spasmolina | Alverinum | Capsuels, hard | 60 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 30/06/06 |

12308 | Spasmophen | Oxyphenonii bromidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

12309 | Spasmophen duplex | Oxyphenonii bromidum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

12310 | Spaspar | Alverini citras + Paracetamolum | Gelatin capsules | 60 mg cytrynianu alweryny, 200 mg paracetamolu | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12311 | Spasticol | | Suppository | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

12312 | Spastochol | Preparat ziołowy | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 10/05/06 |

12313 | Species nervinae | | | | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12314 | Spectam | Spektynomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 11/10/05 |

12315 | Spectam Inj. | Spektynomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 24/06/07 |

12316 | Spectolin | Lincomycinum + Spektynomycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company d.d | 23/10/06 |

12317 | Spectolin 44 | Lincomycinum + Neomycinum | Premix | for veterinary use | Lek d.d. | 31/12/08 |

12318 | Spektoriem | Spectinomycinum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Riemser | 31/12/08 |

12319 | Speridol | Bisoprololum | Tablets | 5 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12320 | Speridol | Bisoprololum | Tablets | 10 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12321 | Spersadexoline | Chloramphenicolum + Dexamethasonum + Tetryzolinum | Eye drops | (5mg + 1mg + 0,25mg)/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/07/04 |

12322 | Spersallerg | Antazolinum + Tetryzolinum | Eye drops | (0,05mg + 0,04mg)/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 22/05/05 |

12323 | Spigella-Dagomed 20 bóle głowy | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

12324 | Spigelon | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12325 | Spigelon | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12326 | Spigelon | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12327 | Spiracol | Collistinum + Spiramycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 3/09/04 |

12328 | Spiritus Camphoratus | Camphorum | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zaklady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

12329 | Spiriva | Tiotropium | Inhalation capsules | 18 µg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12330 | Spirolac | Spironolactonum | Tablets | 25 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12331 | Spironol | Spironolactonum | Tablets | 25 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

12332 | Spironol 100 | Spironolactonum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 1/07/06 |

12333 | Spironolacton 25 | Spironolactonum | Tablets | 25 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12334 | Spiroratio | Spironolactonum | Tablets | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12335 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 5/08/05 |

12336 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 5/08/05 |

12337 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 5/08/05 |

12338 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 5/08/05 |

12339 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 5/08/05 |

12340 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 5/08/05 |

12341 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 5/08/05 |

12342 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Felix Pharma, Lublin | 5/08/05 |

12343 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 5/08/05 |

12344 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 5/08/05 |

12345 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 5/08/05 |

12346 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Labpharm-ATS, Brwinów | 5/08/05 |

12347 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 5/08/05 |

12348 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 5/08/05 |

12349 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 5/08/05 |

12350 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 5/08/05 |

12351 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 5/08/05 |

12352 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Semifarm, Gdańsk | 5/08/05 |

12353 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 5/08/05 |

12354 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 5/08/05 |

12355 | Spirytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy Farko s.c., Mrocza | 5/08/05 |

12356 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | Liquid | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 19/03/07 |

12357 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 19/03/07 |

12358 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/03/07 |

12359 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Felix Pharma, Lublin | 19/03/07 |

12360 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Herbapol Kraków | 19/03/07 |

12361 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 19/03/07 |

12362 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Nobilus Ent, Warszawa | 19/03/07 |

12363 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/03/07 |

12364 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 19/03/07 |

12365 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Septoma, Ząbki | 19/03/07 |

12366 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 19/03/07 |

12367 | Spirytus mrówczany | Spiritus Formicicus | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 19/03/07 |

12368 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | Liquid | | Herbapol, Kraków | 19/03/07 |

12369 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 19/03/07 |

12370 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 19/03/07 |

12371 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 19/03/07 |

12372 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Chema Elektromet, Rzeszów | 19/03/07 |

12373 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Eko-Lek, Łabowa | 19/03/07 |

12374 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/03/07 |

12375 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 19/03/07 |

12376 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Ichem, Łódź | 19/03/07 |

12377 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Infarm, Gdynia | 19/03/07 |

12378 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Jurbo-Agro, Wrocław | 19/03/07 |

12379 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Jarosław Szczepańczyk | 19/03/07 |

12380 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Labpharm-ATS, Brwinów | 19/03/07 |

12381 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 19/03/07 |

12382 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 19/03/07 |

12383 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Medana Pharma Terpol Group, Sieradz | 19/03/07 |

12384 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Nobilus Ent, Warszawa | 19/03/07 |

12385 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 19/03/07 |

12386 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 19/03/07 |

12387 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Sana, Kłobuck | 19/03/07 |

12388 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Semifarm, Gdańsk | 19/03/07 |

12389 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Septoma, Ząbki | 19/03/07 |

12390 | Spirytus salicylowy | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy Farko s.c., Mrocza | 19/03/07 |

12391 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 4/06/07 |

12392 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 4/06/07 |

12393 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Felix-Pharma, Lublin | 4/06/07 |

12394 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 4/06/07 |

12395 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 4/06/07 |

12396 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 4/06/07 |

12397 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 4/06/07 |

12398 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 4/06/07 |

12399 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 4/06/07 |

12400 | Spirytus salicylowy 2 % | Spiritus salicylatus | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 4/06/07 |

12401 | Spirytus skażony hibitanem 0.5 % | | | | Labpharm ATS, Brwinów | 30/11/05 |

12402 | Spirytus skażony hibitanem 0.5 % | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

12403 | Spirytus skażony hibitanem 0.5 % | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

12404 | Spirytusowy Roztwór 70 % Rywanolu 0,1 % | Ethacridini lactas | | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

12405 | Spirytusowy Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 1 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 30/01/05 |

12406 | Spirytusowy Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 2 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 30/01/05 |

12407 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 30/06/05 |

12408 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 30/06/05 |

12409 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 30/06/05 |

12410 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 30/06/05 |

12411 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Cefarm Szczecin | 30/06/05 |

12412 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/06/05 |

12413 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 30/06/05 |

12414 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 30/06/05 |

12415 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 30/06/05 |

12416 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 30/06/05 |

12417 | Spirytusowy roztwór jodu | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 30/06/05 |

12418 | Spisytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Jarosław Szczepańczyk | 14/05/07 |

12419 | Spitrytus kamforowy | Camphorae spiritus | | | Nobilus Ent, Warszawa | 24/03/06 |

12420 | SPONGIA comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

12421 | SPONGIA comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

12422 | Spongia-Dagomed 18 nadczynność tarczycy | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

12425 | Sporidex | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 26/06/07 |

12426 | Sporidex | Cefalexinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 20/06/07 |

12423 | Sporidex | Cefalexinum | Granules for suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12424 | Sporidex | Cefalexinum | Granules for suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12427 | Sportenine | | Tablets | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/05/06 |

12428 | Sportenine | | Powder for solution | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/05/06 |

12429 | Sportenine koncentrat napoju | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/05/06 |

12430 | Sportupac N | Aescinum + Heparinum + Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Ointment | | Terra-Bio-Chemie GmbH | 14/03/07 |

12431 | Sportupac N liquid | | | | Terra-Bio-Chemie GmbH, Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

12432 | Spraymadine C | glicerol monolaurynianu, kwas kaprynowy, kwas kaprylowy | Liquid | for veterinary use | Hypred | 31/12/08 |

12433 | Sputolysin | Dembreksyny chlorowodorek (sól jednowodna) | Powder | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim KG | 20/04/06 |

12434 | Squa-Med | Pyrithionuim Zincum + Dinatrii undecylyloxyethylamidosulfosuccinas | Cutaneous suspension | (15mg + 20mg)/g | Permamed Laboratories Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

12435 | Srebra azotan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 14/11/06 |

12436 | Srebra azotan | | | | Cefarm Wrocław | 14/11/06 |

12437 | Srebra azotan | | | | Farm Impex, Gliwice | 14/11/06 |

12438 | Srebra azotan | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 14/11/06 |

12439 | Srebra azotan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 14/11/06 |

12440 | Srebra azotan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/11/06 |

12441 | Srebra azotan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 14/11/06 |

12442 | Srebra azotan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 14/11/06 |

12443 | Srebra proteinian | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12444 | Srebra proteinian | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

12445 | Srebra proteinian | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12446 | Srebro koloidalne | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/09/05 |

12447 | Srebro koloidalne | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/09/05 |

12448 | Stagloban SHP | Surowica odpornościowa dla psów | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 18/12/05 |

12449 | Staloral | Alergeny — mieszanki | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

12450 | Staloral | Alergeny grzybów pleśniowych, dermatofitów i drożdży | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

12451 | Staloral | Alergeny pyłków roślin | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

12452 | Staloral | Alergeny roztoczy kurzu domowego | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

12453 | Staloral | Alergeny sierści zwierząt | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/08/05 |

12454 | Staloral 300 | Mieszanki wyciągów alergenowych pochodzenia roślinnego, roztoczy | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | dawki podstawowe: 10 IR/ml, 300 IR/mldawki podtrzymujące:300 IR/ml | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12455 | Staloral 300 | Wyciągi alergenowe pochodzenia roślinnego | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | dawki podstawowe: 10 IR/ml, 300 IR/mldawki podtrzymujące:300 IR/ml | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12456 | Staloral 300 | Wyciągi alergenowe pochodzenia zwierzęca | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | dawki podstawowe: 10 IR/ml, 300 IR/mldawki podtrzymujące:300 IR/ml | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12457 | Staloral 300 | Wyciągi alergenowe roztoczy kurzu domowego | Solution for oromucosal or sublingual use | dawki podstawowe: 10 IR/ml, 300 IR/mldawki podtrzymujące:300 IR/ml | Stallergenes S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12458 | Stamaril Pasteur | Vaccinum febris flavae vivum | Lyophilisate | 1 dawka | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/06 |

12459 | Stamaril Pasteur | Vaccinum febris flavae vivum | Lyophilisate | 5 dawkowa | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/06 |

12460 | Stamaril Pasteur | Vaccinum febris flavae vivum | Lyophilisate | 10 dawkowa | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/06 |

12461 | Starazolin 0,05 % | Tetryzolinum | Eye drops | 0.5 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12462 | Starlix | Nateglinide | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 27/09/06 |

12463 | Starlix | Nateglinide | Film-coated tablets | 180 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 27/09/06 |

12464 | Starlix | Nateglinide | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 27/09/06 |

12465 | STATEX 10 mg | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12466 | STATEX 20 mg | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12467 | Stator 10 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

12468 | Stator 20 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

12469 | Stator 40 | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

12470 | Statrol | Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B | Eye drops | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

12471 | Stavaktiv | Glucosaminum | Film-coated tablets | 750 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12472 | Staveran 40 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12473 | Staveran 80 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12474 | Staveran 120 | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12475 | Staveran prolongatum | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 240 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 24/03/07 |

12476 | Staveran prolongatum | Verapamilum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 120 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12477 | Stavin | Nabumetonum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12478 | Stediril 30 | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | 30mcg + 150mcg | Wyeth Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

12479 | Stenorol | Halofunginonu bromowodorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 6/12/04 |

12480 | Steral | Finasteridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12481 | Steri-Neb Ipratropium | Ipratropii bromidum | Nebuliser solution | 25 µg/ml | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12482 | Steri-Neb Salamol | Salbutamolum | Nebuliser solution | 2.5 mg/2,5 ml | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/09/07 |

12483 | Steri-Neb Salamol | Salbutamolum | Nebuliser solution | 5 mg/2,5 ml | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/09/07 |

12484 | Sterofundin | | Solution for infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 14/02/07 |

12485 | Sterovag | Formosulfathiazolum + Urea + Chloroxylenolum | Pessary | 300mg + 50mg + 10 mg | SecFarm — Towarzystwo Przemysłowo-Handlowe sp. z o.o. — Korkowa | 30/04/05 |

12486 | Stibium metallicum praeparatum Maść | | | | WELEDA | 24/08/05 |

12487 | Stieprox 1,5 % | Ciclopiroxum | Shampoo | 1,5 % (0,015 mg) | Stiefel Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

12488 | Stilnox | Zolpidemi tartas | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 30/04/04 |

12489 | Stimulon | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12490 | Stimuno | Phyllanthi herba extractum | Capsules, hard | 50 mg | PT. Dexa Medica | 31/12/08 |

12492 | Stocrin | Efavirenzum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc | 31/12/08 |

12493 | Stocrin | Efavirenzum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

12491 | Stocrin | Efavirenzum | Oral solution | 30 mg/ml | MSD Idea Inc. | 21/03/07 |

12494 | Stocrin 100 | Efavirenzum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/01/05 |

12495 | Stocrin 200 | Efavirenzum | Capsules, hard | 200 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/01/05 |

12496 | Stocrin 50 | Efavirenzum | Capsules, hard | 50 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/01/05 |

12497 | Stodal | | Granules | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

12498 | Stodal | | Syrup | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 31/12/07 |

12499 | Stomachol | | Oral drops | | Microfarm s.c. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe | 14/02/07 |

12500 | Stomasan | | Liquid | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12501 | Stomatosol | | Coutanous liquid | | Elanda s.c. — Zakład Produkcji Środków Farmaceutycznych | 30/10/05 |

12502 | Stomorgyl 20 | Metronidazolum + Spiramycinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Merial | 12/07/06 |

12503 | Stoperan | Loperamidum | Capsules, hard | 2 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12504 | Stopkatar | Tetrahydrozolinum | Nasal drops | 0,05 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

12505 | Stopkatar | Tetrahydrozolinum | Nasal drops | 0,10 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

12506 | Stoppot | Methenaminum | Coutanous powder | | Parafarm s.c. | 31/05/06 |

12507 | Strąki fasoli | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12508 | Strepfen | Flurbiprofenum | Buccal tablet | 8.75 mg | Boots Healthcare International | 24/08/05 |

12509 | Strepsils | Alcohol 2,4-dichlorobenzylicus + Amylmethacresolum | Lozenge | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/04 |

12510 | Strepsils bez cukru ziołowo-cytrynowe | Alcohol 2,4-dichlorobenzylicus + Amylmethacresolum | Buccal lozenge | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/12/08 |

12511 | Strepsils Menthol and Eucalyptus | Alcohol 2,4-dichlorobenzylicus + Amylmethacresolum | Lozenge | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/04 |

12512 | Strepsils with Honey and Lemon | Alcohol 2,4-dichlorobenzylicus + Amylmethacresolum | Lozenge | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/04 |

12513 | Strepsils with Vitamin C | Alcohol 2,4-dichlorobenzylicus + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Amylmethacresolum | Lozenge | | Boots Healthcare International | 31/07/04 |

12514 | Streptase 1500000 | Streptokinasum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection or for suspension for intramuscular injection | 1500000 j.m. | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/04/04 |

12515 | Streptase 250000 | Streptokinasum | Powder for solution for intravenous and intraartery injection or for infusion | 250000 j.m. | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/04/04 |

12516 | Strepto 25 % | Streptomycyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 18/03/04 |

12517 | Strepto 37,5 | Streptomycinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

12518 | Strepto 75 | Streptomycyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

12519 | Strepto Forte | Streptomycyny siarczan, Dihydrostreptomycyny siarczan | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook Lab. Ltd. | 7/08/05 |

12520 | Streptokinase-Braun 1.500.000 | Streptokinasum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 1500000 j.m. | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/03/05 |

12521 | Streptokinase-Braun 250.000 | Streptokinasum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 250000 j.m | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/03/05 |

12522 | Streptokinase-Braun 750.000 | Streptokinasum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 750000 j.m | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 31/03/05 |

12523 | Streptokinaza | Streptokinasum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 1.5e+006 j.m. | K and K medicplast | 22/02/06 |

12524 | Streptokinaza | Streptokinasum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intraartery infusion | 250000 j.m. | K and K medicplast | 22/02/06 |

12525 | Streptomycin Sulphate | Streptomycinum | Substance for intramuscular injection | 1g | Krasfarma S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12526 | Streptomycinum | Streptomycinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12527 | Streptomycinum | Streptomycyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 12/11/06 |

12528 | Streptomycyna | Streptomycyna | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetos Farma | 9/11/04 |

12529 | Streptomycyny siarczan | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/01/06 |

12530 | Stres HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

12531 | Stres i kłopoty z zasypianiem HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

12532 | Stresnil | Azaperonum | Solution | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica | 31/12/08 |

12533 | Stress — Plex — C | Witaminy i Zn | Film-coated tablets | preparat złożony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

12534 | Stresson | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Nutricia Export B.V | 15/03/06 |

12535 | Strix | Myrtilli frutus extractum + Betacarotenum | Tablets | | Ferrosan A/S | 31/12/08 |

12536 | Stronghold 12 % | Selamektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 8/09/05 |

12537 | Stronghold 6 % | Selamektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 8/09/05 |

12538 | Strophantus compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12539 | Structum | Natrii chondroitini sulfas | Capsules, hard | 500 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 31/12/08 |

12540 | Strumeel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12541 | Strumeel Forte N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12542 | Stullmisan | Kwiat rumianku, Liść melisy, Ziele tysiącznika, Ziele piołunu, Kwiat arniki, Igły szczytowe gałązek sosny | Powder | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma | 11/03/04 |

12543 | Suanovil 20 | Spiramycinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial | 25/05/04 |

12544 | Suanovil 50 | Spiramycyna/kwas adypinowy | Powder | for veterinary use | Merial | 25/05/04 |

12545 | Succus Bardanae | Bardanae radix succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12546 | Succus Betulae | Betulae folium succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12547 | Succus Echinaceae | Echinaceae purpureae herba succus | Oral drops | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12548 | Succus Farfarae | Farfarae folium succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12549 | Succus Hyperici | Hyperici herba succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12550 | Succus Millefolii | Millefolii herba succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12551 | Succus Plantaginis | Plantaginis herba succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12552 | Succus Taraxaci | Taraxaci radix succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12553 | Succus Urticae | Urticae herba succus | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12554 | Sucralan | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 1 g | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/04 |

12555 | Sucralfate | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 1 g | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

12556 | Sucralfate, Gastrem | Sucralfatum | Suspension | 1 g/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

12557 | Sucralfate, Gastrem | Sucralfatum | Suspension | 1 g/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

12558 | Sucralfate, Gastrem | Sucralfatum | Suspension | 1 g/5ml | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

12559 | Sudaclin | Sulindacum | Tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

12560 | Sudaclin | Sulindacum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

12561 | Sudafed | Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 12/10/05 |

12562 | Sufenta | Sufentanilum | Solution for injection | 0.005 mg/ml | Janssen-Cilag N.V. | 24/05/06 |

12563 | Sufentanil Torrex | Sufentanilum | Solution for injection | 5 µg/ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12564 | Sufentanil Torrex | Sufentanilum | Solution for injection | 10 µg/ml; ampułka 5 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12565 | Sufentanil Torrex | Sufentanilum | Solution for injection | 10 µg/ml; ampułka 20 ml | Torrex Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12566 | Suibicol | Zinci oxydum + Sulphaguanidinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/07 |

12567 | Suibiofer SE | Inaktywowana surowica świń z dodatkiem żelaza, selenu, miedzi i witamin z grupy B | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego Spółka Akcyjna | 19/03/06 |

12568 | Suidan | Choriogonadotropina, Serogonadotropina | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Werfft-Chemie | 21/05/04 |

12569 | Suidestran | Żelazo, Cjanokobalamina | Solution | for veterinary use | VETEM | 4/03/04 |

12570 | Suiferon | Inaktywowana surowica dla świń | Liquid | for veterinary use | Dniepropietrowska Państwowa Biologiczna Fabryka | 18/09/07 |

12571 | Suiferon | Inaktywowana surowica świń wzbogacona dodatkiem soli żelaza, miedzi, kobaltu, oraz witamin z grupy B, PP, pantotenianu wapnia | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farm. Biowet | 31/12/08 |

12572 | Suiferrin — pasta | Żelazo, witamina e, b12 | Paste | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

12573 | Suiferrovit | Surowica świń wzbogacona dekstranem żelaza, z dodatkiem soli miedzi, kobaltu i witamin z grupy B | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

12574 | Suigammin | Gamma-globulina świńska dla prosiąt | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/05/04 |

12575 | Suiglobin | Surowica odpornościowa dla prosiąt | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przem. Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

12576 | Suiherpesvac | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Aujeszky'ego dla świń | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny | 7/03/05 |

12577 | Suileptovac TPCI | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla świń przeciw leptospirozie | Suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 24/01/07 |

12578 | Suimicrovac | Szczepionka przeciw chorobom wychowu cieląt | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farm. Biowet S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12579 | Suisaloral | żywa liofilizowana szczepionka dla świń przeciwko zakażeniom salonella cholerasuis | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | IDT | 30/09/07 |

12580 | Sulfacetamidum | Sulfacetamidum | Eye drops | 100 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12581 | Sulfacetamidum 10 % H-E-C | | Eye drops | 100 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

12582 | Sulfacetamidum natricum | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/07 |

12583 | Sulfaguanidinum | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

12584 | Sulfaguanidinum | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12585 | Sulfaguanidinum | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

12586 | Sulfaguanidyna | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/07/06 |

12587 | Sulfaguanidyna | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 24/07/06 |

12588 | Sulfanilamidum | | | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polpharma SA, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/07 |

12589 | Sulfanizolon | Prednisolonum + Sulfacetamidum | Eye drops, suspension | (2,5mg + 100mg)/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

12590 | Sulfarinol | Naphazolinum + Sulfathiazolum | Nasal drops | | Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczna Spółdzielnia Pracy Galenus | 31/12/08 |

12591 | Sulfasalazin | Sulfasalazinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

12592 | Sulfasalazin EN | Sulfasalazinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

12593 | Sulfasalazin En | Sulfasalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 31/01/06 |

12594 | Sulfatrim dla kotów | Sulfametoksypirydazyna, Trimetoprim | Tablet | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 7/04/05 |

12595 | Sulfatrim dla psów | Sulfametoksypirydazyna, Trimetoprim | Tablet | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 7/04/05 |

12596 | Sulfatyf | Sól sodowa sulfachloropirazyny | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 11/03/04 |

12597 | Sulfazyna En | Sulfasalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

12598 | Sulfobituminiam amonowy | Ammonii bituminosulfonas | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 14/11/06 |

12599 | Sulfobituminian amnowy | Ammonii bituminosulfonas | | | Labor, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

12600 | Sulfobituminian amonowy | Ammonii bituminosulfonas | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 31/01/06 |

12601 | Sulfobituminian amonowy | Ammonii bituminosulfonas | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/01/06 |

12602 | Sulfobituminian amonowy | Ammonii bituminosulfonas | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/06 |

12603 | Sulfobituminian amonowy | Ammonii bituminosulfonas | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/01/06 |

12604 | Sulfoguaiatussin | Guaiacolsulfonatum | Syrup | | Łódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne POLON Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12605 | Sulfogwajakol | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/05 |

12606 | Sulfogwajakol | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/01/05 |

12607 | Sulfur complexe nr 12 | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 24/01/07 |

12608 | Sulfurcompositum-Heel | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12609 | SULPERAZON 1 g | Cefoperazonum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 500 mg + 500 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12610 | SULPERAZON 2 g | Cefoperazonum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 1 g + 1 g | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12611 | Sulphodent | | Toothpaste | | Sulphur Zdrój Exim — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 5/07/06 |

12612 | Sulpiryd | Sulpiridum | Capsules | 100 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

12613 | Sulpiryd | Sulpiridum | Capsules | 50 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

12614 | Sulpiryd | Sulpiridum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 100 mg/2 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/09/05 |

12615 | Sulpiryd | Sulpiridum | Syrup | 100 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

12616 | Sulpiryd | Sulpiridum | Syrup | 25 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

12617 | Sulpiryd | Sulpiridum | Tablets | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

12618 | Sul-Tridin | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 11/03/04 |

12619 | SUL-Tridin 24 % | Sulphadiazinum + Trimethoprimum | Solution | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 21/05/04 |

12620 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 31/05/04 |

12621 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/07 |

12629 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 29/06/05 |

12630 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/07 |

12631 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12622 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 21/06/06 |

12623 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Powder for solution for infusion | 500 mg | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 21/06/06 |

12624 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Syrup | 0.1 g/5 ml | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 31/05/04 |

12625 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Syrup | 0.2 g/5 ml | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 31/05/04 |

12626 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Syrup | 100 mg/5ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/07 |

12627 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Tablets | 125 mg | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 31/05/04 |

12628 | Sumamed | Azithromycinum | Tablets | 500 mg | Pliva Farmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic Industry Inc. | 31/05/04 |

12632 | Sumamed forte | Azithromycinum | Syrup | 200 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/07 |

12633 | Sumamigren | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 5/07/06 |

12634 | Sumamigren | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 5/07/06 |

12635 | Sumamigren | Sumatriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 5/07/06 |

12636 | Super primrose oil | Oenotherae paradoxa oleum | Capsules, soft | 1300 mg | PRO NATURA s.j. | 31/12/08 |

12637 | Supergestran | Lecirelina | Solution | for veterinary use | Ferring-Leciva a.s. | 5/08/06 |

12638 | Superoptim | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/12/05 |

12639 | Superossa | | Instant herbal tea | | Jiangxi Ning Hong Tea Group Co. | 31/07/05 |

12640 | Suplemag B6 | | Capsules | 82, 87 mg jonów magnezowych + 5,0 witaminy B6 | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

12641 | Suplena | Preparat odżywczy | Liquid | | Ross Products Division - Abbott Laboratories | 31/07/04 |

12642 | Supportan | | Alimentation liquid | 546 kJ/100 ml | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/12/08 |

12643 | Suppositoria antihaemorrhoidales | | Suppository | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

12644 | Supprestral | Medroxyprogesteronum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 25/08/05 |

12645 | Supracyclin Tabs | Doxycyclinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Grünenthal GmbH | 30/06/07 |

12646 | Supradyn | | Coated tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

12647 | Supradyn | | Effervescent tablets | | Roche Consumer Health Ltd | 31/05/04 |

12648 | Suprane | Desfluranum | Inhalation solution | | Baxter S.A. | 29/02/04 |

12649 | Supraviran | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/04 |

12651 | Suprax | Cefiximum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

12650 | Suprax | Cefiximum | Powder for oral suspension | 100 mg/5ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

12652 | Suprefact Depot | Buserelinum | Implant | | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12653 | Supremin | Butamiratum | Oral drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 27/06/07 |

12654 | Supremin | Butamiratum | Syrup | 4 mg/5 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 27/06/07 |

12655 | Suramox 50 % OSP | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

12656 | Suramox PM 5 % | Amoxicillunum | Premix | for veterinary use | Virbac S.A. | 20/10/05 |

12657 | Suratio 1000 | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 1 g | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/07/04 |

12659 | Surgam | Acidum tiaprofenicum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 200 mg | Roussel Laboratories | 30/04/04 |

12658 | Surgam | Acidum tiaprofenicum | Suppository | 0.3 g | Roussel Laboratories | 30/04/04 |

12660 | Surgam | Acidum tiaprofenicum | Tablets | 300 mg | Roussel Laboratories | 30/04/04 |

12661 | Surolan | Miconazolum + Polimixinum B + Prednisolonum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Janssen | 17/08/04 |

12662 | Surowica przeciw wściekliźnie | Rabies serum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 1000 j.m./5ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

12663 | Survanta | Beractantum | Endotracheopulmonary suspension | 0.2 g/8 ml | Abbott Laboratories | 31/12/07 |

12664 | Survimed Banane | | Powder | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

12665 | Survimed OchsenschwanzSuppe | | Powder | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg | 31/07/04 |

12666 | Survimed Opd | Dieta płynna | Alimentation liquid | | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12667 | Sustonit | Glyceroli trinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 15 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

12668 | Sustonit | Glyceroli trinitras | Prolonged release tablets | 6.5 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

12669 | Suvaxyn M.hyo | szczepionka dla świń przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez mycoplasma hyopneumonia | Suspension | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

12670 | Sweet dreams | | Tablets | | Ameri Vita LLC USA | 31/12/08 |

12671 | Swish Allorganic Instant Hand Sanitizer żel do dezynfekcji rąk | | | | Swish Maintenance | 14/05/06 |

12672 | Syginfar (poprzednia nazwa: immuplant) | Eleuterococci radix extractum siccum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12673 | Sylax | | Powder | 3 g | Krotex | 31/12/08 |

12674 | Sylax forte | Plantago ovatae testa, Sennae fructus extractum siccum | Powder for oral suspension | | Krotex Poland Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12675 | Sylax plus | | Powder | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12676 | Sylicholin | | Capsule, hard | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12677 | Sylicynar | Preparat ziołowy | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12678 | Sylidor | Sylibinum marinum | Film-coated tablets | preparat złożony | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

12679 | Syliflex | Phospholipidum ex soyae + Silymarynum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12680 | Syligran | Preparat ziołowy | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12681 | Syligranex | Preparat złożony | Tablets | | "HERBAPOL — ŁÓDŹ" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12682 | Sylimarol | Silibi mariani extractum | Oral suspension | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

12683 | Sylimarol 35 mg | Silibininum | Coated tablets | 35 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 1/04/05 |

12684 | Sylimarol 70 mg | Silibininum | Coated tablets | 70 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12685 | Sylimax 100 | Sylimarynum | Capsules | 149 mg | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12686 | Sylimax Comp. | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12687 | Sylimax Forte | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12688 | Syliverin | Silymarinum | Tablets | 70 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12689 | Sylivit | Prep. witaminowy z sylimaryną | Film-coated tablets | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/01/05 |

12690 | Sylivit 80 | Prep. witaminowy z sylimaryną | Capsules, hard | 80 mg | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/09/07 |

12691 | Sylivit 150 | Prep. witaminowy z sylimaryną | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/09/07 |

12692 | Symbicort Turbuhaler | Budesonidum + Formoterolum | Powder nebuliser | (80mcg + 4,5mcg)/dawkę inhalacyjną | AstraZeneca AB | 24/05/06 |

12693 | Symbicort Turbuhaler | Budesonidum + Formoterolum | Powder nebuliser | (160mcg + 4,5mcg)/ dawkę inhalacyjną | AstraZeneca AB | 24/05/06 |

12694 | Sympal 25 | Dexketoprofenum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

12695 | Sympathyl® | Eschscholtziae ext. sic + Crataegi inf. extr. siccum + Magnesium oxydatum | Film-coated tablets | (20 mg + 75 mg + 75 mg Mg) | Innothera Chouzy | 31/12/08 |

12696 | Symphytum comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12697 | Symphytum comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12698 | Synacthen | Tetracosactidum | Solution for injection | 250 mcg/1 ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

12699 | Synacthen Depot | Tetracosactidum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/1 ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

12700 | Synagis | Palivizumabum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 100 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/07/05 |

12701 | Synagis | Palivizumabum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 50 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 31/07/05 |

12702 | Synarel | Nafarelinum | Nasal spray, solution | 200 mcg/dawkę donosową | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 30/06/07 |

12703 | Synchromate | Kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Bremer Pharma | 18/09/05 |

12704 | Syncumar | Acenocoumarolum | Tablets | 4 mg | ICN Alkaloida Hungary Company Limited, Tiszavasvari | 31/07/04 |

12705 | Synercid | Dalfopristinum + Quinupristinum | Powder for solution for infusion | | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer | 23/03/05 |

12706 | Synergal Inj. | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

12707 | Synergal LC | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum + Prednisolonum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

12708 | Synergal Tabl. 250 mg | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

12709 | Synergal Tabl. 50 mg | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Tablets | for veterinary use | Norbrook | 31/12/08 |

12710 | Synparv-Syva | Szczepionka przeciw parwowirozie świń | Suspension | for veterinary use | Laboratorios Syva | 13/10/04 |

12711 | Synphase | Ethinylestradiolum + Norethisteronum | Tablets | 0,035mg + 0,5mg lub 0,035 + 1mg | Searle Division of Monsanto plc. | 31/12/08 |

12712 | Syntaris | Flunisolidum | Nasal spray, solution | 0.25 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

12715 | Syntarpen | Cloxacillinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12713 | Syntarpen | Cloxacillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 17/01/07 |

12714 | Syntarpen | Cloxacillinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12716 | Syntarpen | Cloxacillinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 3/09/04 |

12717 | Syntarpen prolongatum | Cloxacillinum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 22/10/04 |

12718 | Syntemucol, Acetylocysteina | Acetylcysteinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/07/05 |

12719 | Syntemucol, Acetylocysteina 0,2 | Acetylcysteinum | Capsuels, hard | 200 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 30/09/05 |

12720 | Synulox tabletki 50 mg | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 31/12/08 |

12721 | Synulox iniekcja | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 31/12/08 |

12722 | Synulox krople | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 31/12/08 |

12723 | Synulox L.C. | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum + Prednisolonum | Intramammary suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 6/08/05 |

12724 | Synulox Tabletki 250 mg | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer Italia S.r.I. | 31/12/08 |

12725 | Synulox tabletki 500 mg | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Pfizer S.r.I. | 31/12/08 |

12726 | Synvisc | Acidum hyaluronicum | Solution for injection | 16 mg/2 ml | Genzyme Biosurgery | 12/10/05 |

12727 | Syp cebulowy | | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

12728 | Syromin Forte | | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12729 | Syrop malinowy | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/08/05 |

12730 | Syrop moczopędny | | Syrup | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

12731 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | Syrup | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/04/07 |

12732 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 19/04/07 |

12733 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 19/04/07 |

12734 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 19/04/07 |

12735 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 19/04/07 |

12736 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 19/04/07 |

12737 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 19/04/07 |

12738 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Polfarmex, Kutno | 19/04/07 |

12739 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/04/07 |

12740 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/04/07 |

12741 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 19/04/07 |

12742 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Vis, Katowice | 19/04/07 |

12743 | Syrop prawoślazowy | Althaeae sirupus | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 19/04/07 |

12744 | Syrop prawoślazowy z miodem | | Syrup | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12745 | Syrop Prawoślazowy złożony | | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 31/12/07 |

12746 | Syrop sosnowy złożony | | Syrup | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/08/05 |

12747 | Syrop sosnowy złożony | | Syrup | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/08/05 |

12748 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/05/07 |

12749 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/05/07 |

12750 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/05/07 |

12751 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/05/07 |

12752 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/05/07 |

12753 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/05/07 |

12754 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/05/07 |

12755 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/05/07 |

12756 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Polfarmex, Kutno | 31/05/07 |

12757 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/05/07 |

12758 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 31/05/07 |

12759 | Syrop tymiankowy złożony | Thymi sirupus compositus | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/05/07 |

12760 | Syrop z babki | Plantaginis extractum fluidum | Syrup | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12761 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | Syrup | | Galena, Wrocław | 17/09/07 |

12762 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 17/09/07 |

12763 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 17/09/07 |

12764 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Farmapol, Poznań | 17/09/07 |

12765 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Galena, Wrocław | 17/09/07 |

12766 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 17/09/07 |

12767 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 17/09/07 |

12768 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 17/09/07 |

12769 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 17/09/07 |

12770 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Polfarmex, Kutno | 17/09/07 |

12771 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 17/09/07 |

12772 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 17/09/07 |

12773 | Syrop z sulfogwajakolem | Sulfogaiacoli sirupus | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 17/09/07 |

12774 | Syscor CC 10 | Nisoldipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 10 mg | Bayer AG | 31/01/05 |

12775 | Syscor CC 20 | Nisoldipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 20 mg | Bayer AG | 31/01/05 |

12776 | Syscor CC 30 | Nisoldipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 30 mg | Bayer AG | 31/01/05 |

12777 | Syscor CC 40 | Nisoldipinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 40 mg | Bayer AG | 31/01/05 |

12778 | Systamex | Oksfendazol | Suspension | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Biowet" | 7/07/04 |

12779 | Systen 100 | Estradiolum | Transdermal pach | | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

12780 | Systen 25 | Estradiolum | Transdermal pach | | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

12781 | Systen 50 | Estradiolum | Transdermal patch | 3,2mg; 50 mcg/24 h | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

12782 | Systen 75 | Estradiolum | Transdermal pach | | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

12783 | Systen Conti | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Transdermal patch | 3,2mg (50mcg/24h) + 11,2mg (170mcg/24h) | Cilag AG | 30/11/04 |

12784 | Systen Sequi | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Transdermal patch | 1) Systen 50 — 3,2mg (50mcg/24h), 2) Systen Conti 3,2mg (50mcg/24h) i 11,2mg (170mcg/24h) | Cilag AG | 30/11/04 |

12785 | Syzygium Compositum | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12786 | Szampon p/łupieżowy Kaja | | Shampoo | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

12787 | Szczepionka durowo-tężcowa (TyT) | | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 20 dawek | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

12788 | Szczepionka przeciw Cholerze | Cholera, inactivated, whole cell | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 30/10/05 |

12789 | Szczepionka przeciwgruźlicza BCG 10 | Tuberculinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for suspenision for intracutaneous injection | 10 dawek | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

12790 | Szczepionka przeciwgruźlicza BCG 20 | Tuberculinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for suspenision for intracutaneous injection | 20 dawek | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 31/08/05 |

12791 | Szczepionka tężcowa adsorbowana (T) | Tetanus antitoxin | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 40 j.m./0,5 ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 31/08/05 |

12792 | Szczepionka tężcowa adsorbowana (T) | Tetanus antitoxin | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 40 j.m./1 ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 31/08/05 |

12793 | Szczepionka tężcowa adsorbowana (T) | Tetanus antitoxin | Solution for subcutaneous injection | 40 j.m./1 ml | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek — Warszawa | 31/08/05 |

12794 | Sztyft do nosa VIPS | | Nasal stick | | Topchem — Przemysłowo-Handlowa Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/06 |

12795 | Szyszka chmielu | Lupuli strobilus | Herb | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

12796 | Szyszka chmielu 1 | Lupuli strobilus | | | Herbapol Kraków | 19/12/06 |

12797 | Szyszki Chmielu | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

12798 | Szyszki Chmielu | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

12799 | Szyszki Chmielu | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12800 | Szyszki Chmielu - Strobilus Lupuli | | Herb | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/06 |

12801 | Szyszkojagoda jałowca 1 | | | | Zioła lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/05 |

12802 | Szyszkojagoda jałowca 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 16/06/06 |

12803 | Świetlik krople do oczu | | | | Decymal, Gdańsk | 8/08/05 |

12804 | Tabcin | Paracetamolum | Powder for oral solution | 500 mg | Bayer AG | 31/08/04 |

12805 | Tabcin Impakt | Preparat złożony | Gelatin capsules | | Bayer Corporation | 31/08/04 |

12806 | Tabcin Trend | Chlorpheniraminum + Paracetamolum + Pseudoephedrinum | Gelatin capsules | 2mg + 250mg + 30mg | Bayer Corporation | 31/08/04 |

12807 | Tabex | | Film-coated tablets | 1.5 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 30/04/05 |

12808 | Tabitil | Pseudoephedrinum | Film-coated tablets | 60 mg | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

12809 | Tabletki od bólu głowy ANAPIRYNA | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Ethenzamidum | Tablets | 300mg + 50mg + 100mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

12810 | Tabletki przeciw grypie | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12811 | Tabletki przeciw grypie | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum | Tablets | | Cyntfarm Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

12812 | Tabletki Przeciw Grypie | Acidum acetylsalicylicum, Coffeinum | | | Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c. "CHANCE", Łomianki | 30/10/05 |

12813 | Tabletki przeciw niestrawnosci | | Tablets | | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12814 | Tabletki raunatiny | | Film-coated tablets | | ONP Borszczagowski Zakład Chemiczno Farmaceutyczny, Ukraina | 31/12/08 |

12815 | Tabletki Rzewieniowe | | Tablets | 0.5 g | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne mgr farm. Zofia Sadowska | 31/12/07 |

12816 | Tabletki tonizujące | | Tablets | | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

12817 | Tabletki uspokajające | | Tablets | | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12818 | Tabletki wyciągu kozłkowego | | | | ONP Borszczagowski Zakład Chemiczno Farmaceutyczny, Ukraina | 31/12/08 |

12819 | Tabletki z czosnku | Allii sativi bulbus | Tablets | 300 mg | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

12820 | Tabulettae laxantes | | Tablets | | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12824 | Taclar | Clarithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12821 | Taclar | Clarithromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12822 | Taclar | Clarithromycinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12823 | Taclar | Clarithromycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 24/05/06 |

12825 | Tad 300 | Glutathionum | powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 300 mg | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

12826 | Tad 600 | Glutathionum | powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 600 mg | Biomedica Foscama S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

12827 | TAD AE vac | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego ptaków | Suspension | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health GmbH & Co. KG | 6/06/07 |

12828 | TAD Gumboro vac | Szczepionka przeciw chorobie Gumboro dla kurcząt | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 6/12/04 |

12829 | TAD IB/ND vac La Sota | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

12830 | TAD ILT vac | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu krtani i tchawicy | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

12831 | TAD ND vac HB1 | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

12832 | TAD ND vac LaSota | Szczepionka dla drobiu przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

12833 | TAD Pox Vac | Szczepionka dla kur przeciwko ospie | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

12834 | TAD Reo Vac I | Szczepionka przeciw wirusowemu zapaleniu stawów i pochewek ścięgnowych dla kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

12835 | TAD Salmonella vac E | żywa, liofilizowana szczepionka przeciwko zakażeniom wywołanym przez salmonella enteritidis | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

12836 | TAD Salmonella vac T | żywa, liofilizowana szczepionka przeciwko zakażeniom wywołanym przez salmonella typhimurium | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

12837 | TAD Thymo vac | Żywa szczepionki dla kur przeciw zakaźnej anemii kurcząt | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health GmbH & Co. KG | 6/06/07 |

12838 | Tadenan 25 | Pygeum africanum | Capsules | 25 mg | Laboratoires Debat | 30/04/04 |

12839 | Tadenan 50 | Pygeum africanum | Capsules | 50 mg | Laboratoires Debat | 31/05/04 |

12845 | Tadroxil | Cefadroxilum | Capsules | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/06/05 |

12841 | Tadroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12842 | Tadroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12843 | Tadroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/2,5g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12840 | Tadroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral suspension | 500 mg/5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12844 | Tadroxil | Cefadroxilum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/2,5 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12846 | Tafen 200 Novolizer | Budesonidum | Inhalation powder | 200 µg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Lek Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12847 | Tafen Nasal | Budesonidum | Nasal spray, water suspension | 50 mcg/dawkę donosową | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 23/11/05 |

12848 | Tafril A, Sefril A | Cefradinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

12851 | Tafril, Sefril | Cefradinum | Capsules | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12849 | Tafril, Sefril | Cefradinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12850 | Tafril, Sefril | Cefradinum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12852 | Tagren | Ticlopidinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/11/04 |

12853 | Takatol | Sertalinum | Cream | 4,17 mikrogramów | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

12854 | Takatol | Sertalinum | Ointment | 4,17 mikrogramów | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

12855 | Taktic 12,5 % | Amitrazum | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet International B.V. | 20/12/06 |

12856 | Talcid | Hydrotalcitum | Buccal tablet | 0.5 g | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

12857 | Talcid | Hydrotalcitum | Suspension | 1 g/10 ml | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

12858 | Talcid Mint | Hydrotalcitum | Chewing gum | 500 mg | Bayer AG | 31/12/08 |

12859 | Taleum | Acidum cromoglicicum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 5 mg/dawkę | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

12860 | Taliamix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/05/06 |

12861 | Talion | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/03/07 |

12862 | Talk | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

12863 | Talk | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

12864 | Talk | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

12865 | Talk | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

12866 | Talk | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

12867 | Talk | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12868 | Talk | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

12869 | Talk | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

12870 | Talk | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

12871 | Talk | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12872 | Talk | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/08 |

12873 | Talk | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12874 | Talk | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12875 | Talk | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

12876 | Talk | | | | Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy Farko s.c., Mrocza | 31/12/08 |

12877 | Talovac 104 MG | Szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw zakażeniom Mycoplasma gallisepticum | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 4/01/04 |

12878 | Talovac 107 EDS | Szczepionka przeciw syndromowi spadku nieśności dla kur | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health GmbH & Co. KG. | 28/03/04 |

12879 | Talovac 401 ND/IB/IBD/REO | Szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu oskrzeli, rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, chorobie Gumboro oraz zakażeniom reowirusowym | Liquid | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

12880 | Talovac ND/IBD/EDS | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby Fabrycjusza, syndromowi spadku nieśności | Liquid | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health | 31/12/08 |

12883 | Taloxa | Felbamatum | Oral suspension | 120 mg/ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/06/07 |

12881 | Taloxa | Felbamatum | Tablets | 400 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/06/07 |

12882 | Taloxa | Felbamatum | Tablets | 600 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 30/06/07 |

12884 | Talso | Sabalis serrulatae fructus extractum | Capsules | 160 mg | Sanofi Winthrop GmbH | 31/05/04 |

12885 | Talso Uno | Sabalis serrulatae fructus extractum | Capsules | 320 mg | Sanofi Winthrop GmbH | 31/05/04 |

12886 | Talusin 0,25 | Proscillaridinum | Coated tablets | 0.25 mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/05/04 |

12887 | Talvosilen | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Syrup | (5mg + 200mg) / 5ml | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 17/02/05 |

12888 | Talvosilen | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 20mg + 500mg | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12890 | Talvosilen forte | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Capsules | 30mg + 500mg | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12889 | Talvosilen forte | Codeinum + Paracetamolum | Suppository | 60mg + 1000mg | Bene Arzneimittel GmbH | 30/06/04 |

12891 | Tambocor | Flecainidum | Tablets | 50 mg | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

12892 | Tambocor | Flecainidum | Tablets | 100 mg | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

12893 | Tamiflu | Oseltamivirum | Capsules, hard | 75 mg | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12894 | Tamiflu | Oseltamivirum | Powder for oral suspension | 12 mg/ml | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12895 | Tamofen | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 10 mg | Leiras Oy | 31/07/04 |

12896 | Tamofen | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 20 mg | Leiras Oy | 31/07/04 |

12897 | Tamofen | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 40 mg | Leiras Oy | 31/07/04 |

12898 | Tamosin | Tamsolusinum | Capsules | 0,4 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

12899 | Tamox | Amoxicillunum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 6/10/05 |

12902 | Tamoxifen | Tamoxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

12900 | Tamoxifen | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 10 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 31/12/05 |

12901 | Tamoxifen | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 20 mg | VIPHARM S.A. | 31/12/07 |

12903 | Tamoxifen | Tamoxiofenum | Tablets | 10 mg i 20 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/07 |

12904 | Tamoxifen 10 Hexal | Tamoxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

12905 | Tamoxifen 20 Hexal | Tamoxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

12906 | Tamoxifen 30 Hexal | Tamoxifenum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | Hexal AG | 31/01/05 |

12907 | Tamoxifen, Zitazonium | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 10 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

12908 | Tamoxifen, Zitazonium | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 20 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12909 | Tamoxifen, Zitazonium | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 30 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12910 | Tamoxifen, Zitazonium | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 40 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

12911 | Tamoxifen-Ebewe, Tamoxifen-Knoll 10 | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 10 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12912 | Tamoxifen-Ebewe, Tamoxifen-Knoll 20 | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 20 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12913 | Tamoxifen-Ebewe, Tamoxifen-Knoll 30 | Tamoxifenum | Tablets | 30 mg | EBEWE Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12914 | Tamsinal Sr | Tamsolusinum | Prolonged release capsules | 0,4 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

12915 | Tamsolusin | Tamsolusinum | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12916 | Tamsulosin Hydrochloride | Tamsolusinum | Prolonged release capsules | 0,4 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

12917 | Tamsulozyna | Tamsolusinum | Prolonged release capsules | 0,4 mg | POL-NIL Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

12918 | Tanacet-Heel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12920 | Tanakan | Ginkgo biloba | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Beaufour Ipsen Pharma | 30/04/04 |

12919 | Tanakan | Ginkgo biloba | Oral solution | 40 mg/ml | Beaufour Ipsen Pharma | 30/04/04 |

12921 | Tanatril | Imidaprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

12922 | Tanatril | Imidaprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

12923 | Tanatril | Imidaprilum | Tablets | 20 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

12924 | Tanina | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

12925 | Tanina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/03/06 |

12926 | Tanina | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/03/06 |

12927 | Tanina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/03/06 |

12928 | Taniny bia czan | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

12929 | Tanninum albuminatum | | Tablets | 0.5 g | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12930 | Tannosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12931 | Tanoxal | | Paste for oral suspension | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol", Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

12932 | Tantum | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 30/04/04 |

12933 | Tantum | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Gel | 50 mg/g | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 30/04/04 |

12934 | Tantum Rosa | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Powder for solution for irrigation | 53,2 mg/g | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 30/04/04 |

12935 | Tantum Verde | Benzydamidum | Oromucosal solution | 1,5 mg/ml | CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels GmbH | 30/04/04 |

12937 | Tantum Verde | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Mouth and gargle wash solution | 1,5 mg/ml | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 30/04/04 |

12936 | Tantum Verde | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Oromucosal and gargle spray | 1,5 mg/ml | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 30/04/04 |

12938 | Tantum Verde P | Benzydamini hydrochloridum | Lozenge | 3 mg | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 31/08/04 |

12939 | Tantum® Verde | Benzydamidum | Medicated toothpaste | 5 mg/g | CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12940 | Tao tao | Ginseng radix extractum | Granules for oral solution | 300 mg | TAN-VIET International Ltd., Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

12943 | Taracef | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 14/02/06 |

12944 | Taracef | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 14/02/06 |

12941 | Taracef | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg/5 ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

12942 | Taracef | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg/5 ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

12945 | Tarcefandol | Cefamandolum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/07/05 |

12946 | Tarcefandol | Cefamandolum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/07/05 |

12947 | Tarcefoksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

12948 | Tarcefoksym | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 14/09/05 |

12949 | Tarcevis | Cefetametum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 5/04/05 |

12950 | Tarcevis | Cefetametum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 5/04/05 |

12951 | Tarchocillin Forte | Penicylina G potasowa, Penicylina G prokainowa, Streptomycyna | Dry substance for suspension for injection | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" | 31/12/08 |

12952 | Tarchomiocin | Benzathini benzaylpenicillinum + Benzylpenicillinum procainicum + Dihydrostreptomycinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 10/05/04 |

12953 | Tardyferon | Ferrosi sulfas | Prolonged release tablets | 80 mg Fe++ | Robapharm AG | 30/01/05 |

12954 | Tardyferon-Fol | Acidum folicum + Ferrosi sulfas | Film-coated, modified release tablets | | Robapharm AG | 15/05/06 |

12955 | Tarfazolin | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 12/10/05 |

12956 | Tarfazolin | Cefazolinum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and infusion | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 12/10/05 |

12957 | Tarfenac | Diclofenacum | Gel | 1 % | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12958 | Targocid | Teicoplaninum | Lyophiliste and solvent for solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion | 200 mg | Marion Merrell Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

12959 | Targocid | Teicoplaninum | Lyophiliste and solvent for solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion | 400 mg | Marion Merrell Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

12960 | Tarivid | Ofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/04/04 |

12961 | Tarivid 200 | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/04/04 |

12962 | Tarka | Trandolaprilum + Verapamilum | Prolonged release capsules | 2mg + 180mg | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 31/12/08 |

12964 | Taromeg | Megestrolum | Oral suspension | 40 mg/ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12963 | Taromeg | Megestrolum | Tablets | 160 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12967 | Taromentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 125mg + 250mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

12968 | Taromentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 125mg + 500mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/02/06 |

12965 | Taromentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 200mg + 1g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/06 |

12966 | Taromentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Amoxicillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 100mg + 500mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/06 |

12972 | Taromentin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Film-coated tablets | 875 mg + 125) mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12969 | Taromentin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (125 + 31,25) mg / 5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12970 | Taromentin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (250 + 62,5) mg / 5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12971 | Taromentin | Amoxicillinum + Acidum clavulanicum | Powder for oral suspension | (400 + 57) mg / 5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12973 | Taropen | Benzathini phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Oral suspension | 400000 j.m./5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 29/08/07 |

12974 | Taropen | Benzathini phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Oral suspension | 750000 j.m./5 ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 29/08/07 |

12975 | Taropen | Benzathini phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Oral suspension | 400000 j.m./5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłądy Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 29/08/07 |

12976 | Taropen | Benzathini phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Oral suspension | 750000 j.m./5ml | Tarchomińskie Zakłądy Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 29/08/07 |

12977 | Taropen | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1500000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12978 | Taropen | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 1000000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12979 | Taropen | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 500000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12983 | Tarproxen | Naproxenum | Gel | 100 mg / g (10 %) | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12980 | Tarproxen | Naproxenum | Granules for oral solution | 125 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 21/06/06 |

12981 | Tarproxen | Naproxenum | Granules for oral solution | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 21/06/06 |

12982 | Tarproxen | Naproxenum | Granules for oral solution | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 21/06/06 |

12984 | Tarsime | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 1.5 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

12985 | Tarsime | Cefuroximum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection and solution for inravenous injection | 750 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/05/06 |

12986 | Tartephedreel N | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

12987 | Tartriakson | Ceftriaxonum | Dry substance for injection | 1 g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12988 | Tartriakson | Ceftriaxonum | Dry substance for injection | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

12989 | Tauredon 10 | Natrii aurothiomaleas | Solution for injection | 10 mg/0,5 ml | Altana Pharma AG | 30/06/04 |

12990 | Tauredon 20 | Natrii aurothiomaleas | Solution for injection | 20 mg/0,5 ml | Altana Pharma AG | 30/06/04 |

12991 | Tavanic | Levofloxacinum | Solution for infusion | 5 mg/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 26/04/06 |

12992 | Tavanic 250 | Levofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 26/04/06 |

12993 | Tavanic 500 | Levofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 26/04/06 |

12994 | Tavor Expidet | Lorazepamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12995 | Tavor Expidet | Lorazepamum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Wyeth — Lederle Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

12996 | Taxilan | Perazinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Altana Pharma AG | 30/06/04 |

12997 | Taxol | Paclitaxelum | Solution for injection | 6 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 31/12/06 |

12998 | Taxotere | Docetaxelum | Concentrate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 40 mg/ml | Aventis Pharma S.A. | 17/09/06 |

12999 | Tazamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 325 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

13000 | Tazamol | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

13001 | Tazocin | Piperacillinum + Tazobactamum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 2g + 250mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 17/10/05 |

13002 | Tazocin | Piperacillinum + Tazobactamum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 4g + 500mg | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 17/10/05 |

13003 | TCK-5 | Albuminum | Lyophilisate for suspension for intravenous injection | | Cis bio international B.P. | 31/01/05 |

13004 | Td-pur | Diphtheriae-tetanus | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | Chiron Behring GmbH & Co. | 12/10/05 |

13005 | Td-Szczepionka tężcowo-błonicza adsorbowana | Diphtheria toxoid+ tetanus toxoid | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 40 j.m. toksoidu tężcowego i nie mniej niż 5 j.m. toksoidu błoniczego (1 dawka — 0,5ml) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/08/05 |

13006 | Tears Naturale | Dextranum + Hypromellosum | Eye drops | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

13007 | Tears Naturale Free | | Eye drops, solution | | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 30/04/04 |

13008 | Tears Naturale II | Dextranum + Hypromellosum | Eye drops | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 14/03/07 |

13009 | Tecelac | Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (horse) | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 100 mg/5 ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 27/06/07 |

13010 | Technescan DMSA | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13011 | Technescan DTPA | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13012 | Technescan DTPA | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13013 | Technescan HDP | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13014 | Technescan HIG | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13015 | Technescan Lyomaa | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13016 | Technescan PYP | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13017 | Tectonic Pour On | Permetryna | Solution | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/08 |

13018 | Tegretol | Carbamazepinum | Syrup | 20 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/03/05 |

13019 | Tegretol CR 200 | Carbamazepinum | Modified release tablets | 200 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

13020 | Tegretol CR 400 | Carbamazepinum | Modified release tablets | 400 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

13021 | Telfast 120 | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13022 | Telfast 180 | Fexofenadinum | Film-coated tablets | 180 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13023 | Telmin KH | Mebendazol | Tablet | for veterinary use | Janssen | 30/06/04 |

13024 | Telmin Paste | Mebendazol | Paste | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica | 26/01/06 |

13025 | Telmin+Trichlorfon | Mebendazol, Metrifonat | Paste | for veterinary use | Janssen-Cilag | 19/01/04 |

13026 | Temar | Tamsolusinum | Prolonged release capsules | 0,4 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13027 | Temgesic | Buprenorphinum | Sublingual tablets | 0.2 mg | Reckitt&Colman Products Limited | 30/06/04 |

13028 | Temodal | Temozolomidum | Capsuels, hard | 100 mg | Schering-Plough Central East AG | 31/07/05 |

13029 | Temodal | Temozolomidum | Capsuels, hard | 20 mg | Schering-Plough Central East AG | 31/07/05 |

13030 | Temodal | Temozolomidum | Capsuels, hard | 250 mg | Schering-Plough Central East AG | 31/07/05 |

13031 | Temodal | Temozolomidum | Capsuels, hard | 5 mg | Schering-Plough Central East AG | 31/07/05 |

13032 | Tenasil | Terbinafinum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Homeofarm Sp. z o.o. Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 6/12/06 |

13033 | Tenaver | Niklozamid, Lewamizolu chlorowodorek | Tablet | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/07 |

13034 | Tenaxum | Rilmenidinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/12/07 |

13035 | Tenazym | chlorowodorek tetracykliny, siarczan neomycyny, octan prednizolonu, chymotropsa, trypsyna, papaina | Suspension | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma | 31/12/08 |

13036 | Tendo/Allium Cepa comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

13037 | Tendo/Allium Cepa comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

13038 | Tendosan | Olejek terpentynowy, Olej rycynowy, Kamfora, Jod, Jodek potasu | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 26/04/04 |

13039 | Tenican | Praziquantelum | Tablet | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne BiowetS.A. | 31/12/08 |

13040 | Tenormin | Atenololum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13041 | Tenox | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 5 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/07 |

13042 | Tenox | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/07 |

13043 | Tensin | Perindoprilum | Tablets | 4 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13044 | Tensin Plus | Perindoprilum + Indapamidum | Tablets | 2 mg + 0,625 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13045 | Teobromina | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

13046 | Teobromina | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13047 | Teobromina | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

13048 | Teobromina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13049 | Teobrominian sodowy z sodowym salicylanem | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/01/05 |

13050 | Teofilina | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

13051 | Teofilina | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13052 | Teofilina Jelfa | Theophyllinum | Solution for injection | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13053 | Teotard 200 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13054 | Teotard 350 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 350 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13055 | Tepasta | Preparat złożony | Paste | | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/10/05 |

13056 | Terbinafin | Terbinafinum | Tablets | 125 mg i 250 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13057 | Terbinafina | Terbinafinum | Cream | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13058 | Terbinafina | Terbinafinum | Gel | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13059 | Terbisil | Terbinafinum | Cream | 1 % | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13060 | Terbisil | Terbinafinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

13061 | Terbisil Kid | Terbinafinum | Tablets | 125 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 27/06/07 |

13062 | Terbutalin Stada Retard | Terbutalinum | Capsules | 7.5 mg | Stada Arzneimittel AG | 31/01/05 |

13063 | Termasil | Preparat ziołowy | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/10/05 |

13064 | Terpamid Sr | Indapamidum | Modified release tablets | 1,5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13065 | Terpichol | | Capsules | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13066 | Terramycin LA | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

13067 | Terrexine | Cefaleksyna, Kanamycyny siarczan | Suspension | for veterinary use | Univet | 3/08/04 |

13068 | Tertensif SR | Indapamidum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 1.5 mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | 31/12/07 |

13069 | Teslascan | Mangafodipirum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 0.01 mmol/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 12/10/05 |

13070 | Testarpen | | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 1× 10−7 reszt penicyloilowych | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

13071 | TESTES comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

13072 | TESTES comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

13073 | Testis Compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13074 | Testo -Żel | Terstosteronum | Gel | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13075 | Testosteronum prolongatum | Testosteronum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

13076 | Testosteronum propionicum | Testosteronum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/1 ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

13077 | Tetabulin | Tetanus immunoglobulin | Solution for intramuscular injection | 250 j.m. | Baxter AG | 30/04/04 |

13078 | Tetaglobuline | Tetanus immunoglobulin | Solution for injection | 250 j.m. | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 30/04/04 |

13079 | Tetagripiffa | Szczepionka przeciw grypie i tężcowi koni | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

13080 | Tetanin | Surowica przeciwtężcowa | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przem. Bioweterynaryjnego | 31/12/08 |

13081 | Tetanus Toxoid | Szczepionka dla koni przeciwko tężcowi | Liquid | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

13082 | Tetanusan 24 % | Glukonian wapnia , Kwas borowy, Chlorek magnezu, Chlorek manganu, Glukonian kobaltu, Glicerofosforan disodowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Atarost | 31/12/08 |

13083 | Tetanusan 50 % | Glukonian wapnia, Kwas borowy, Chlorek magnezu, Chlorek manganu , Glukonian kobaltu, Glicerofosforan disodowy, Glicerofosforan żelaza | Solution | for veterinary use | Atarost | 13/10/04 |

13084 | Tetesept Angidin | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Cetylpyridinium + Dequalinium | Buccal tablet | | Merz & Co. GmbH | 30/04/05 |

13085 | Tetracaini hydrochloridum | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

13086 | Tetracainy chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13087 | Tetracainy chlorowodorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

13088 | Tetracoq | | Suspension for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 20 dawek | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13089 | Tetracoq | | Suspension for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13090 | Tetract — HIB | Vaccinum diphteriae, teatni, pertussis et haemophili stripe b conjugatum adsorbatum | Powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | szCZpionka 1 — dawkowa | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13091 | Tetracyclinum | Tetracyclinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

13092 | Tetracyclinum 3 % | Tetracyclinum | Ointment | 30 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

13093 | Tetradog | Szczepionka przeciwko nosówce, zakażeniom adenowirusowym, parwowirozie, leptospirozie psów | Lyophilisate + liquid | for veterinary use | Merial | 3/09/04 |

13094 | Tetradox | Doxycyclinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 29/08/07 |

13095 | Tetradur LA 300 | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Merial | 31/12/08 |

13096 | Tetrakainy chlorowodorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/07/06 |

13097 | Tetralysal | Lymecyclinum | Capsules | 150 mg | Laboratoires Galderma | 19/09/07 |

13098 | Tetramutin CTC Premix | Chlortetracyklina, tiamulin | Premix | for veterinary use | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

13099 | Tetramutin OT | Oksytetracykliny chlorowodorek, Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Powder | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 31/12/07 |

13100 | Tetraratio | Tetrazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 29/11/06 |

13101 | Tetraseptin 100 mg | Tetracyklina | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 3/11/05 |

13102 | Tetraseptin 200 mg | Tetracyklina | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 3/11/05 |

13103 | Tetravet L.A. | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 8/09/05 |

13104 | Tetrazepam | Tetrazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13105 | Tetrazepam 50 Jelfa | Tetrazepamum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13106 | Tetrox | Oxytetracyclinum | Granules | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 16/01/05 |

13107 | Teveten | Eprosartanum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 8/02/06 |

13108 | Teveten | Eprosartanum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 8/02/06 |

13109 | TFX | Thymostimulinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injection | 10 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/04/05 |

13110 | Thalamus compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13111 | Thallous (201ti) Chloride Injection | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13112 | Theo-Caps, Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

13113 | Theo-Caps, Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

13114 | Theo-Caps, Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release capsules | 300 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

13115 | Theo-Dur | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

13116 | Theopaverin | Papaverinum + Theobrominum | Tablets | 40mg + 300mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

13117 | Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 1.2 mg/ml | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

13118 | Theophyllinum prolongatum | Theophyllinum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 250 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13119 | Theoplus | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 30/06/04 |

13120 | Theoplus | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 300 mg | Pierre Fabre Medicament | 30/06/04 |

13121 | Theospirex | Theophylinum | Solution for intravenous injection and infusion | 20 mg/ml | Gebro Pharma GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13122 | Theospirex retard | Theophyllinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 150 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13123 | Theospirex retard 300mg | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 300 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

13124 | Theovent 100 | Theophylinum | Prolonged release capsules | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13125 | Theovent 100, Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Suppository | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 15/07/06 |

13126 | Theovent 100, Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Tablets | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/05 |

13127 | Theovent 200 | Theophylinum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13128 | Theovent 300, Theophyllinum 300 | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 300 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

13129 | Theovent 350, Theophyllinum | Theophyllinum | Suppository | 350 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 29/05/05 |

13130 | Theovent 50 | Theophylinum | Prolonged release capsules | 50 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13131 | Theracalcium | Wapnia glukoheptonian, Wapnia glukonian | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 29/06/06 |

13132 | Theracap ∧131 | Natrii iodidum (131I) | Capsules | 37 do 2035 MBq | Nycomed Amersham plc | 21/06/06 |

13133 | Thermo-Rheumon | Benzyli nicotinas + Etofenamatum | Cream | (100mg + 10mg)/g | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

13134 | Thevalin | Propentoffylinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

13135 | Thiamphenicol 10 % | Tiamfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetos-Farma | 31/12/08 |

13136 | Thiocodin | Codeinum + Guaiacolsulfonatum | Tablets | | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

13137 | Thiogamma 600 | Acidum lipoicum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 600 mg/20 ml | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co.KG | 17/01/07 |

13138 | Thiogamma 600 | Acidum lipoicum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Wörwag Pharma GmbH Co.KG | 17/01/07 |

13139 | Thiomersal | | | | Caesar & Loretz GmbH Caelo | 31/12/08 |

13140 | Thiopental | Thiopentalum | Powder for solution for injection | 0.5 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/04/04 |

13141 | Thiopental | Thiopentalum | Powder for solution for injection | 1 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 30/04/04 |

13142 | Thioridazin | Thioridazinum | Coated tablets | 10 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

13143 | Thioridazin | Thioridazinum | Coated tablets | 100 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

13144 | Thioridazin | Thioridazinum | Coated tablets | 25 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

13145 | Thioridazin prolongatum | Thioridazinum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

13146 | Thrombate III | Antithrombinum III | Intravenous injection (lyophilisate) | 1000 j.m. | Bayer Corporation | 31/12/08 |

13147 | Thrombo ASS | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 0.1 g | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13148 | Thrombo ASS | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13149 | Thromboreductin | Anagrelidum | Capsules | 0,5 mg | Orphan Pharmaceutic AG | 31/12/08 |

13150 | Thymazen | Tymazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

13151 | Thymi | | Syrup | | Lek Pharmaceutical & Chemical Company d.d. | 31/12/08 |

13152 | Thymoglobuline 5 mg/ml | Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (królicza) | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 25 mg | IMTIX SANGSTAT, Lyon | 30/04/04 |

13153 | Thymovar | Thymolum | Plate | for veterinary use | Andermatt Biocontrol AG | 31/12/08 |

13154 | Thyrax Duotab | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 100 mcg | Organon N.V. | 30/06/07 |

13155 | Thyrax Duotab | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 150 mcg | Organon N.V. | 30/06/07 |

13156 | Thyrax Duotab | Levothyroxinum natricum | Tablets | 25 mcg | Organon N.V. | 30/06/07 |

13157 | Thyreoidea compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13158 | Thyreoidea/Ferrum | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

13159 | Thyreoidea/Ferrum | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

13160 | Thyreo-Pasc tabletki | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

13161 | Thyrogen | Thyrotropinum alfa | Powder for solution for injection | 0,9 mg | Genzyme Europe B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13162 | Thyrosan | Propylthiouracilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Sun Farm Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

13163 | Thyrozol 10 | Thiamazolum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck KGaA | 31/08/04 |

13164 | Thyrozol 20 | Thiamazolum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Merck KGaA | 31/08/04 |

13165 | Thyrozol 5 | Thiamazolum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Merck KGaA | 31/08/04 |

13166 | Tiacil | Gentamycyny siarczan, Deksametazonu fosforan sodowy | Eye drops | for veterinary use | Virbac | 24/08/04 |

13167 | Tiadil | Terazosinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13168 | Tiadil | Terazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13169 | Tiadil | Terazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13170 | Tiadil | Terazosinum | Tablets | (1 mg + 2 mg + 5 mg) | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13171 | Tiadil | Terazosinum | Tablets | (1 mg + 2 mg) | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13172 | Tialorid | Amiloridum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

13173 | Tialorid mite | Amiloridum + Hydrochlorothiazidum | Tablets | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 6/11/05 |

13174 | Tiamfenikol 25 % | Tiamfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

13175 | Tiamowet 200 | Tiamulina | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

13176 | Tiamowet 45 % granulat | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Granules | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/08/04 |

13177 | Tiamulinum 10 % + Oxytetracyclinum 30 % | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran, Oksytetracykliny chlorowodorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Spółka z o.o. | 19/12/06 |

13178 | Tiamulinum 2,5 % + Oxytetracyclinum 8 % | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran, Oksytetracykliny chlorowodorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet Spółka z o.o. | 19/12/06 |

13179 | Tiamulinum 45 % | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 17/06/06 |

13180 | Tiamulinum Premix 10 % | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Premix | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 17/06/06 |

13181 | Tiamulinum Premix 2 % | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Premix | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 17/06/06 |

13182 | Tiamutin 10 % Premiks | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Premix | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 31/12/08 |

13183 | Tiamutin 10 % Pro.inj. | Tiamulina | Solution | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 31/12/08 |

13184 | Tiamutin 12,5 % roztwór | wodorofumaran tamuliny | Solution | for veterinary use | Novartis | 31/12/08 |

13185 | Tiamutin 2 % Premiks | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Premix | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 31/12/08 |

13186 | Tiamutin 45 % Granulat | Tiamuliny wodorofumaran | Granules | for veterinary use | Novartis Animal Health Inc. | 31/12/08 |

13187 | Tiapridal | Tiapridum | Oral drops | 138 mg/ml | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 23/11/05 |

13190 | Tiapridal | Tiapridum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 23/11/05 |

13188 | Tiapridal | Tiapridum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/2 ml | Laboratoires Synthelabo | 31/12/08 |

13189 | Tiapridal | Tiapridum | Tablets | 100 mg | Synthelabo Group. Laboratoires Synthelabo | 23/11/05 |

13191 | Tibolon | Tibolonum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

13192 | Ticlid | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

13193 | Ticlipsor | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | IPSOR | 31/12/08 |

13194 | Ticlo | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/06 |

13195 | Ticlopidine Poli | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Monsanto Italiana S.p.A. | 24/05/06 |

13196 | Ticloratio | Ticlopidinum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 21/03/07 |

13197 | Ticlosan | Ticlopidinum | Tablets | 250 mg | Schwarz Pharma Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13199 | Tienam | Cilastatinum + Imipenemum | Powder for solution for intramuscular injections | 500mg + 500mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/04/04 |

13198 | Tienam | Cilastatinum + Imipenemum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 500mg + 500mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/04/04 |

13200 | Tifol | Acidum folicum | Film-coated tablets | 0,4 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

13201 | Tiger Balm Red | | Ointment | | Drug Houses of Australia (Asia) Ptc. Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

13202 | Tiger Balm White | | Ointment | | Drug Houses of Australia (Asia) Ptc. Ltd. | 31/12/04 |

13203 | Tiguvon 10 | Fention | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

13204 | Tiguvon 20 | Fention | Solution | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

13205 | Tikalutamid | Bicalutamidum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

13206 | Tikosyn | Dofetilidum | Capsules | 125 mcg | Pfizer European Service | 31/12/08 |

13207 | Tikosyn | Dofetilidum | Capsules | 250 mcg | Pfizer European Service | 31/12/08 |

13208 | Tikosyn | Dofetilidum | Capsules | 500 mcg | Pfizer European Service | 31/12/08 |

13209 | Tilade | Nedocromilum | Inhalation areosol | 2 mg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

13210 | Tilade Mint | Nedocromilum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 2 mg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 2/07/06 |

13211 | Tilarin | Nedocromilum | Nasal spray, solution | 1.3 mg/dawkę | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 31/03/07 |

13212 | Tilavist | Nedocromilum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Fisons Ltd. | 12/12/06 |

13213 | Tilclor | Tylozyny winian, Chlorotetracykliny chlorowodorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetem | 18/09/05 |

13214 | Tilinax | Tilidini hydrochloridum, Naloxoni hydrochloridum | Capsules | 50 mg + 4 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13215 | Tilinax | Tilidini hydrochloridum, Naloxoni hydrochloridum | Oral drops, solution | (50 mg + 4 mg)/0,72 ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13216 | Tiljet 20 | Tylozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem | 4/03/04 |

13217 | Tilsol 200 | Tylozyny winian | Powder | for veterinary use | Vetem | 31/01/05 |

13218 | Timentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Ticarcillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 100mg + 1,5g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

13219 | Timentin | Acidum clavulanicum + Ticarcillinum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 200mg + 3g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

13220 | Timo — Comod 0,25 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 2,5 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13221 | Timo — Comod 0,5 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13222 | Timo — Stulln 0,25 % Ud | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 2,5 mg/ml | Pharma Stulln GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13223 | Timo — Stulln 0,5 % Ud | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Pharma Stulln GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13224 | Timohexal 0,1 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 1 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

13225 | Timohexal 0,25 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 2.5 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

13226 | Timohexal 0,5 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Hexal AG | 31/05/04 |

13227 | Timolol-POS 0,25 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 2.5 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH& CoKG | 14/02/07 |

13228 | Timolol-POS 0,5 % | Timololum | Eye drops | 5 mg/ml | Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH& CoKG | 14/02/07 |

13229 | Timonil | Carbamazepinum | Oral suspension | 100 mg/5 ml | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13230 | Timonil 150 retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13231 | Timonil 200 | Carbamazepinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13232 | Timonil 300 retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 300 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13233 | Timonil 600 retard | Carbamazepinum | Prolonged release tablets | 600 mg | Desitin Arznemittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13234 | Timoptic 0,25 % | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 2.5 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/06/04 |

13235 | Timoptic 0,5 % | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/06/04 |

13236 | Timoptic-XE 0,25 % | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 2.5 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 14/03/06 |

13237 | Timoptic-XE 0,5 % | Timololum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 14/03/06 |

13238 | Tinctura Ammi visnagae — nalewka z Aminka egipskiego | Preparat ziołowy | Tincture | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

13239 | Tinctura Arnicae — nalewka z kwiatu Arniki | | Tincture | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

13240 | Tinctura Calendulae | Calendulae anthodium tinctura | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13241 | Tinctura Crataegi | Crataegi inflorescentiae tinctura | Oral solution | 925mg/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

13242 | Tinctura cynarae | Cynarae herbae extractum fluidum | Oral solution | | K.Z.Z. "Herbapol" S.A. w Krakowie | 31/12/08 |

13243 | Tinctura Ginkgo Bilobae | Ginkgo biloba tinctura | Oral solution | 935 mg/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/09/05 |

13244 | Tinctura Ginko Bilobae | Ginkgo bilobae folium tinctura | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13245 | Tinctura Hyperici | Hyperici herbae tinctura | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13246 | Tinctura Hyperici | Hyperici herbae tinctura | Oral solution | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

13247 | Tinctura Hyperici — nalewka z Dziurawca | Hyperici herbae tinctura | Tincture | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/07 |

13248 | Tinctura Salviae | Salviae folium tinctura | Oromucosal solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13249 | Tinctura Salviae | Salviae folium tinctura | Oral solution | 990mg/ml | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

13250 | Tinctura Salviae — nalewka z liści Szałwii | Salviae folium tinctura | Tincture | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/07 |

13251 | Tinidazolum | Tinidazolum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

13252 | Tinidazolum 0,2 % in Glucosi 5 % | Tinidazolum + Glucosum | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/05/05 |

13253 | Tiomersal | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/01/05 |

13254 | Tiquanis | Dichlorfos, Fenitotion | Spray | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol | 3/06/06 |

13255 | Tirotax | Cefotaximum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection and for infusion | 1 g | Biochemie GmbH — Kundl | 17/01/07 |

13256 | Tirsan 200 Solution | Tiamfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Fatro | 7/04/05 |

13257 | Tirsan Injection | Tiamfenikol | Solution | for veterinary use | Fatro | 7/04/05 |

13258 | Tirsan Premix | Tiamfenikol | Premix | for veterinary use | Fatro | 30/06/05 |

13260 | Tisercin | Levomepromazinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13259 | Tisercin | Levomepromazinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/1 ml | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13261 | Tissucol Kit | | Set for tissular glue | | Baxter AG | 31/07/04 |

13262 | Tlen Medyczny | Oxygenium | | | Eurogaz — Gdynia | 31/07/05 |

13263 | Tlen Medyczny | Oxygenium | | | Messer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/07/05 |

13264 | Tlen medyczny | | Gas | | ALKAT Sp. z o.o. | 31/07/05 |

13265 | Tlen medyczny | | Gas | | AGA Gaz Sp. z o.o. | 31/07/05 |

13266 | Tlen medyczny | | Gas | | Poligaz S.A. | 31/08/05 |

13267 | Tlen medyczny | | Gas | | Praxair Polska Sp.z.o.o | 28/09/05 |

13268 | Tlen medyczny | | Gas | | Linde Gaz Sp. z o.o. | 14/12/05 |

13269 | Tlen medyczny | | Gas | | BOC Gazy Sp. z o.o. | 6/12/06 |

13270 | Tlen Medyczny Sprężony i Ciekły | Oxygenium | | | Eurogaz Sp. z o.o., Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

13271 | Tlenek cynku | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

13272 | Tlenek cynku | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

13273 | Tlenek cynku | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

13274 | Tlenek cynku | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13275 | Tlenek cynku | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 31/12/08 |

13276 | Tobacoff | | Buccal tablet | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Colfarm | 4/10/06 |

13277 | Tobradex | Dexamethasonum + Tobramycinum | Eye drops, suspension | | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 16/05/07 |

13278 | Tobramycyna WZF 0,3 % | Tobramycinum | Eye drops | 3 mg / ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

13279 | Tobrex | Tobramycinum | Eye drops, solution | 3 mg/ml | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

13280 | Tobrex | Tobramycinum | Eye ointment | 3 mg/g | Alcon Couvreur N.V. | 30/06/04 |

13281 | Togal ASS 400 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Tablets | 0.4 g | Togal Werk A.G. | 31/12/07 |

13282 | Togrel | Clopidogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13283 | Tointex | Allantoinum + Heparinum | Cream | (20mg + 50j.m.)/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

13284 | Tokovit 100 | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 100 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 14/12/05 |

13285 | Tokovit 200 | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 200 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 14/12/05 |

13286 | Tokovit 400 | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 400 j.m | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 14/12/05 |

13287 | Tokovit A+E forte | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j.m. + 200 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 9/08/06 |

13288 | Tokovit A+E mite | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j.m. + 70 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 9/08/06 |

13289 | Tolargin | Atropinum + Metamizolum natricum + Papaverinum | Suppository | 0,8mg + 300mg + 40mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

13290 | Tolfedine 4 % | Kwas tolfenamowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 20/08/06 |

13291 | Tolfedine 6 mg | Kwas tolfenamowy | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vatoquinol | 6/08/06 |

13292 | Tolfedine 60 mg | Kwas tolfenamowy | Tablet | for veterinary use | Vatoquinol | 6/08/06 |

13293 | Tolfine | Kwas tolfenamowy | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol | 30/09/07 |

13294 | Tolperis | Tolperisonum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 27/06/07 |

13295 | Tołpa Chamosaldont Gel | | Gel | | Torf Corporation sp. z o.o. Fabryka Leków | 31/12/04 |

13296 | Tołpa Hypocalen Gel | | Gel | | Torf Corporation sp. z o.o. Fabryka Leków | 31/12/04 |

13297 | Tołpa procto-hypocalen gel | | Gel | | Torf Corporation, Kąty Wrocławskie | 31/12/08 |

13298 | Tomapyrin | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Coffeinum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 250mg + 50mg + 200mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13299 | Tomapyrin C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) + Paracetamolum | Effervescent tablets | 300mg + 300mg + 200mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/01/06 |

13300 | Tomapyrin Comfort | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Chewable tablets | 500 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13301 | Tomudex | Raltitrexed | Powder for solution for infusion | 2 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/08/05 |

13302 | Toncils | Benzocainum + Chlorhexidinum | Buccal tablets | | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

13303 | Tonico-Injeel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13304 | Tonicol | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

13305 | Tonicol | | Instant herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

13306 | Tonicol-fix | | Instant herbal tea | | P.P.H. "Eldex-Medical", Wiry | 31/12/08 |

13307 | Tonique vegetal | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 4/01/07 |

13308 | Tonocalcin | Calcitoninum salmonis | Nasal spray, liquid | 200 j.m./dawkę | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 26/04/06 |

13309 | Tonocalcin | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for injection | 100 j.m/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 26/04/06 |

13310 | Tonocalcin | Calcitoninum salmonis | Solution for injection | 50 j.m/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 26/04/06 |

13311 | Tonsilgon N | | Oral drops, solution | | Bionorica Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13312 | Tonsilla Compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13313 | Tonsillopas krople | | | | Pascoe Pharmaceutische Preparate GmbH | 30/11/05 |

13314 | Tonsiotren H | | Tablets | | DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG | 31/08/05 |

13315 | Top C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Tablets | | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13316 | Topamax | Topiramatum | Capsules | 15 mg | Cilag AG | 14/12/05 |

13317 | Topamax | Topiramatum | Capsules | 25 mg | Cilag AG | 14/12/05 |

13318 | Topamax | Topiramatum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

13319 | Topamax | Topiramatum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

13320 | Topamax | Topiramatum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

13321 | Topamax | Topiramatum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Cilag AG | 31/12/08 |

13322 | Topiramat | Topiramatum | Tablets | | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13323 | Toradol | Ketorolacum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

13324 | Toradol | Ketorolacum | Tablets | 10 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/05/04 |

13325 | Torasemide | Torasemidum | Tablets | 2,5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13326 | Torasemide | Torasemidum | Tablets | 20 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13327 | Torasemide | Torasemidum | Tablets | 10 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13328 | Torasemide | Torasemidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13329 | Torasemide | Torasemidum | Tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13330 | Torasemide | Tovasemidum | Tablets | 5 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13331 | Torbugesic Inj. | Butorfanolu winian | Solution | for veterinary use | Fort Dodge | 31/12/08 |

13334 | Torecan | Thiethylperazinum | Film-coated tablets | 6.5 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13333 | Torecan | Thiethylperazinum | Solution for injection | 6.5 mg/1 ml | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13332 | Torecan | Thiethylperazinum | Suppository | 6.5 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13335 | Tormentilla comp. | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

13336 | Tormentilla comp. | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

13337 | Tormentiol | Preparat złożony | Ointment | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/03/04 |

13338 | Torospar | Sparfloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Torrent Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13339 | Totocillin | Ampicillinum + Oxacillinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Bayer | 31/12/08 |

13340 | Tracrium | Atracurii besilas | Solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

13341 | Tractocile | Atosibanum | Concentrate for solution for infusion | 7.5 mg/ml | Ferring AB | 12/10/05 |

13342 | Tractocile | Atosibanum | Solution for injection | 7.5 mg/ml | Ferring AB | 12/10/05 |

13343 | Tracutil | | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 27/03/06 |

13345 | Tradol | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13348 | Tradol | Tramadolum | Effervescent tablets | 50 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13346 | Tradol | Tramadolum | Oral solution | 100 mg/ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13344 | Tradol | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13347 | Tradol | Tramadolum | Tablets | 50 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13349 | Tradol 100 | Tramadolum | Solution for intramuscular, intravenous and subcutaneous injection and for intravascular infusion | 100 mg/2 ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13350 | Tradol 100 Id | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13351 | Tradol 150 Id | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13352 | Tradol 200 Id | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13353 | Tradol 50 | Tramadolum | Solution for intramuscular, intravenous and subcutaneous injection and for intravascular infusion | 50 mg/ml | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

13354 | Tradolan Retard | Tramadolum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Lannacher — Centralne Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

13359 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

13360 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/03/06 |

13361 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 6/07/05 |

13362 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Drops | 100 mg/ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 30/06/04 |

13357 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Injection | 100 mg/2 ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 30/06/04 |

13358 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Injection | 50 mg/ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 30/06/04 |

13363 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/ml | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/03/06 |

13364 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Solution for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injection | 50 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/05 |

13355 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 30/06/04 |

13356 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

13365 | Tramadol | Tramadolum | Tablets | 50 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 30/06/04 |

13366 | Tramadol Stada | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13367 | Tramadol — Stada | Tramadolum | Drops | 100 mg/ml | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13368 | Tramadol — Stada | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/2 ml | STADApharm GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13369 | Tramadol Retard | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

13370 | Tramadol Retard | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

13371 | Tramadol Retard | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

13375 | Tramadol-Lannacher | Tramadolum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 29/06/05 |

13373 | Tramadol-Lannacher | Tramadolum | Oral drops | 100 mg/ml | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 29/06/05 |

13374 | Tramadol-Lannacher | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 29/06/05 |

13372 | Tramadol-Lannacher | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 29/06/05 |

13378 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Grunenthal GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13379 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Capsules | 50 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

13380 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/ml | Grunenthal GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13381 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13382 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13376 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 18/09/05 |

13377 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Suppository | 100 mg | Grunenthal GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13383 | Tramal | Tramadolum | Tablets for oral suspension | 50 mg | Grunenthal GmbH | 21/03/07 |

13384 | Tramal 100 | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/1ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13385 | Tramal 50 | Tramadolum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/1 ml | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13387 | Tramal Retard 100 | Tramadolum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 100 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13386 | Tramal Retard 100 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13389 | Tramal Retard 150 | Tramadolum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 150 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13388 | Tramal Retard 150 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13391 | Tramal Retard 200 | Tramadolum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 200 mg | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13390 | Tramal Retard 200 | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 200 mg | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13392 | Tramisal | | | | Beaufour-Ipsen | 31/12/08 |

13393 | Tramundin | Tramadolum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 6/06/07 |

13394 | Tran | Calcii lactogluconas | Liquid | | ICHEM Sp. z o.o. | 5/07/05 |

13395 | Tran | | Capsules | 0.57 g | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

13396 | Tran | | Capsules | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 5/07/05 |

13397 | TRAN W PŁYNIE O Smaku Pomarańczowym | Vitamin A, Vitamin B | | | VITAMEX AB | 31/12/08 |

13398 | Tran z olejem wiesiołkowym | | Capsules | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 31/12/05 |

13399 | Tran z watroby dorsza | | Oral solution | | Lysi HF | 31/07/04 |

13400 | Tran z watroby dorsza — o smaku miętowym | | Oral solution | | Lysi HF | 31/07/04 |

13401 | Tran z wątroby dorsza | | Capsules | | Lysi HF | 31/07/04 |

13402 | Tran z wątroby dorsza | | Liquid | | Lysi HF | 31/07/04 |

13403 | Tran z wątroby dorsza — o smaku owocowym | | Oral solution | | Lysi HF | 31/07/04 |

13404 | Trankwilina | Chlorhexidinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 26/04/04 |

13405 | Transilane® | Psyllii semen | Powder for oral suspension | 2,816g/7g | Laboratoire Innotech International | 31/12/08 |

13406 | Transilane® sugar free | Psyllii semen | Powder for oral suspension | 2,816g/7g | Laboratoire Innotech International | 31/12/08 |

13407 | Transpulmin S | | Cream | | Asta Medica AG | 30/06/04 |

13408 | TRANSTEC 35 µG/H | Buprenorphinum | Transdermal patch | 35 µg/h | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13409 | TRANSTEC 52,5 µG/H | Buprenorphinum | Transdermal patch | 52,5 µg/h | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13410 | TRANSTEC 70 µG/H | Buprenorphinum | Transdermal patch | 70 µg/h | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13411 | Tranvit | Omega-3-trójglicerydy | Capsules, soft | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 12/10/05 |

13412 | Tranxene | Dikalii clorazepas | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 25/01/06 |

13413 | Tranxene | Kalii clorazepas | Capsules | 10 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

13414 | Tranxene | Kalii clorazepas | Capsules | 5 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 30/04/04 |

13415 | Tranxene 10 | Dikalii clorazepas | Capsules | 10 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

13416 | Tranxene 100 | Dikalii clorazepas | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 100 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 19/12/05 |

13417 | Tranxene 20 | Dikalii clorazepas | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 20 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 19/12/05 |

13418 | Tranxene 5 | Dikalii clorazepas | Capsules | 5 mg | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

13419 | Tranxene 50 | Dikalii clorazepas | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 50 mg | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly | 19/12/05 |

13421 | Traskolan | Aprotininum | Oromucosal gel | 0,5 j.Ph.Eur/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 30/10/05 |

13420 | Traskolan | Aprotininum | Solution for intravenous injection and intravenous infusion | 500000 J.I.K/10ml | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13422 | Traumaplant | Symphyti herbae extractum | Cream | 25g | Harras Pharma Curarina Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13423 | Traumeel S | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13424 | Traumeel S | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13425 | Traumeel S | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13426 | Traumeel S | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13427 | Traumentol | | Gel | | M.C.M. Klosterfrau Vetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H | 31/12/05 |

13429 | Traumon | Etofenamatum | Gel | 10 % | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

13428 | Traumon | Etofenamatum | Spray | 0.1 g/ml | Bayer AG | 31/12/07 |

13430 | Travatan | | Eye drops, solution | 40 mcg/ml | Alcon Laboratoires UK Ltd. | 21/03/07 |

13431 | Travocort | Diflucortolonum + Isoconazolum | Cream | | Schering AG | 30/06/05 |

13432 | Travogen | Isoconazolum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

13433 | Trądzik młodzieńczy HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 4/07/07 |

13434 | Trempex | Glukonian chlorheksydyny | Liquid | for veterinary use | Hypred | 31/12/08 |

13435 | Trental | Pentoxifyllinum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

13436 | Trental 400 | Pentoxifyllinum | Coated tablets | 400 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

13437 | Trexan | Methotrexatum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Orion Corporation | 31/05/04 |

13438 | Tri — Regol | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Film-coated tablets | | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13439 | Triaklim | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13440 | Tri-alplucine | Jozomycyna, trimetoprim | Powder | for veterinary use | Virbac | 31/12/08 |

13441 | Triamteren | Triamterenum | Tablets | 50 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 30/11/05 |

13442 | Tribiotic | Bacitracinum + Neomycinum + Polymyxinum B | Ointment | | Kato LABS Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13443 | Tribux | Trimebutinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Biofarm Sp.z.o.o Przdsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno — Handlowo — Usługowe | 26/04/06 |

13444 | Tricho Plus | Ronidazol | Powder | for veterinary use | Laboratoria Smeets | 30/06/04 |

13445 | Trichomex | Metronidazolum | Tablets | 250 mg | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

13446 | Trichonidazol | Ronidazol dla gołębi | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 20/06/05 |

13447 | Triderm | Betamethasonum + Clotrimazolum + Gentamicinum | Cream | | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/03/04 |

13448 | Triderm | Betamethasonum + Clotrimazolum + Gentamicinum | Ointment | | Schering-Plough Farma Lda | 31/03/04 |

13449 | Tridox LA | Oxytetracyclinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetimex | 31/12/08 |

13450 | Trienyl | Omega-3-trójglicerydy + Tocopherolum | Capsules | 500 mg | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

13451 | Trifas 10 | Torasemidum | Solution for intravenous injection | 5 mg/ml | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

13452 | Trifas 10 | Torasemidum | Tablets | 10 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

13453 | Trifas 20 | Torasemidum | Solution for intravenous injection | 5 mg/ml | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

13454 | Trifas 200 | Torasemidum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 10 mg/ml | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

13455 | Trifas 200 | Torasemidum | Tablets | 200 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

13456 | Trifas COR | Torasemidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Berlin-Chemie AG (Menarini Group) | 31/01/05 |

13457 | Triherpine | Trifluridinum | Eye drops | 1 % | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/12/06 |

13458 | Triherpine | Trifluridinum | Eye ointment | 1 % | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 31/12/06 |

13459 | Trilac | Bakterie kwasu mlekowego | Capsules | 1.6 mld bakterii kwasu mlekowego | Allergon AB | 31/03/04 |

13460 | Trilafon | Perphenazinum | Coated tablets | 8 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

13462 | Trilafon | Perphenazinum | Film-coated tablets | 2 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/08/04 |

13463 | Trilafon | Perphenazinum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/08/04 |

13461 | Trilafon | Perphenazinum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

13464 | Trilafon enanthate | Perphenazinum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/1ml | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/05/04 |

13465 | Trileptal | Oxcarbazepinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 6/07/05 |

13466 | Trileptal | Oxcarbazepinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 6/07/05 |

13467 | Trileptal | Oxcarbazepinum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 6/07/05 |

13468 | Trileptal | Oxcarbazepinum | Oral suspension | 60 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/07 |

13469 | Trimebutine | Trimebutini maleas | Tablets | 100 mg | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "GALENA" | 31/12/08 |

13470 | Trimerazin | Sulfamerazyna, Trimetoprim | Powder | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 21/05/04 |

13471 | Trimerazin | Sulfamerazyna, Trimetoprim | Tablet | for veterinary use | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 31/12/08 |

13472 | Trimesan | Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 100 mg | Sun-Farm Sp.z o.o. Kołbiel | 31/12/08 |

13473 | Trimesan | Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 200 mg | Sun-Farm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13474 | Trimetaratio | Trimetazidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 25/10/06 |

13475 | Trimetazydyny Dichlorowodorek | Trimetazidinum | Film-coated tablets | 35 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13476 | Trimetoprim | | | | Polfa Pabianice | 31/12/08 |

13477 | Trimetoprim | | | | Scholz, Sowin | 31/12/08 |

13478 | Trimetosul 48 % Iniekcje | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pliva Kraków | 30/06/04 |

13479 | Trimetosul 48 % Zawiesina doustna | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pliva Kraków | 30/06/04 |

13480 | Tri-Minulet | Ethinylestradiolum + Gestodenum | Film-coated tablets | | Wyeth-Lederle Pharma GmbH | 30/11/04 |

13481 | Trimline | | Capsules | | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

13482 | Trimonit | Glyceroli trinitras | Sublingual spray | 400 mcg/dawkę | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/06 |

13483 | Trimovax R.O.R. | Morbilli, combinations with parotitis and rubella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/01/05 |

13484 | Trimsulfasol | Trimethoprinum + Sulphametoxasolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Dopharma | 31/12/08 |

13485 | Trinordiol 21 | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | | Wyeth Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

13486 | Trinovum | Ethinylestradiolum + Norethisteronum | Tablets | tabletki białe: 0,035 mg ethinylestradiolu i 0,5 mg norethisteronu; tabletki jasnomorelowe: 0,035 mg ethinylestradiolu i 0,75 mg norethisteronu; tabletki morelowe: 0,035 mg ethinylestradiolu i 1 mg norethisteronu. | Cilag AG | 30/06/04 |

13487 | Trioxyl L.A. | Amoxicillunum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Univet LTD | 19/01/04 |

13488 | Tripacel | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1 dawka | Aventis Pasteur Limited | 31/01/05 |

13489 | Tripoten | Muira Puama lignum extr. + Damianae folium extr. + Eleutherococci rhisoma extractum | Capsules, hard | (100mg + 100mg + 30mg) | PT. Dexa Medica | 31/12/08 |

13490 | Triprim | Sulfadimetylopirymidyna, Trimetoprim | Solution | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma AG | 23/11/05 |

13491 | Triquilar | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

13492 | Tri-Regol | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Tablets | tabletki żółte: 0,03 mg ethinylestradiolu i 0,05 mg levonorgestrelu; tabletki morelowe: 0,04 mg ethinylestradiolu i 0,075 mg levonorgestrelu; tabletki białe: 0,03 mg ethinylestradiolu i 0,125 mg levonorgestrelu. | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/03/04 |

13493 | Trisequens | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/01/05 |

13494 | Trisequens Forte | Estradiolum + Norethisteronum | Film-coated tablets | | Novo Nordisk A/S | 31/01/05 |

13495 | Trisiston | Ethinylestradiolum + Levonorgestrelum | Coated tablets | | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 30/04/04 |

13496 | Trisulfan — Vet | Sulphadiazinum + Trimethoprimum | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetem | 20/10/05 |

13497 | Trisulmix | Trimethoprium + Sulphadiazinum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Virbac | 21/03/05 |

13498 | Tritace 1,25 | Ramiprilum | Capsules | 1.25 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/11/04 |

13499 | Tritace 1,25 | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 1.25 mg | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/05 |

13500 | Tritace 10 | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 10 mg | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 6/12/06 |

13501 | Tritace 2,5 | Ramiprilum | Capsules | 2.5 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/11/04 |

13502 | Tritace 2,5 | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 2.5 mg | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/05 |

13503 | Tritace 2,5 comb | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Ramiprilum | Tablets | 12,5mg + 2,5mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 24/05/06 |

13504 | Tritace 5 | Ramiprilum | Capsules | 5 mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/11/04 |

13505 | Tritace 5 | Ramiprilum | Tablets | 5 mg | Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH | 31/03/05 |

13506 | Tritace 5 comb | Hydrochlorothiazidum + Ramiprilum | Tablets | 25mg + 5mg | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 24/05/06 |

13507 | Tritanrix HB | Diphtheria-hepatitis B-pertussis-tetanus | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

13508 | Trittico CR | Trazodoni hydrochloridum | Prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 29/11/06 |

13509 | Trittico CR | Trazodoni hydrochloridum | Prolonged release tablets | 75 mg | Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco | 29/11/06 |

13510 | Trivacton 6 | Inaktywowana szczepionka dla bydła przeciwko biegunkom nowonarodzonych cieląt wywołanych przez Escherichia coli, rotawirusy, koronawirusy | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 25/03/07 |

13511 | Trivermix | Prazikwantel, pyrantel, oksantel | Tablets | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

13512 | Trivirovax | Szczepionka przeciwko nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakaźnemu zapaleniu górnych dróg oddechowych i parwowirozie dla psów | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | Merial | 14/06/04 |

13513 | Trizivir | Abacavirum + lamivudinum + Zidovudinum | Film-coated tablets | 300mg + 150mg + 300mg | GlaxoWellcome Group | 27/06/07 |

13514 | Trobicin | Spectinomycinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 2 g | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 31/07/04 |

13515 | Trojanka | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | UAB Pharmacos | 5/07/06 |

13516 | Trollvita | | Buccal tablet | | Manhattan Drug Co. Inc. | 31/12/08 |

13517 | Trombina 400 | Thrombinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for local use | 400 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

13518 | Trombina 5000 | Thrombinum | Lyophilisate for solution for local use | 5000 j.m. | Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Sp. z o.o. — Lublin | 30/10/05 |

13519 | Trombocid | Sól sodowa polisiarczanu pentozanu | Gel | 1,5 g/100 g (1,5 %) | Bene — Arzneimittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13520 | Troparin | Certoparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 32 mg/0,3 ml (3000 j.m. anty-Xa) | Biochemie GmbH Kundl | 24/08/05 |

13521 | Troparin | Certoparinum | Solution for subcutanous injection | 32 mg/0,5 ml (3000 j.m. anty-Xa) | Biochemie GmbH Kundl | 24/08/05 |

13522 | Tropicamidum 0,5 % | Tropicamidum | Eye drops, solution | 5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

13523 | Tropicamidum 1 % | Tropicamidum | Eye drops, solution | 10 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

13524 | Trovan | Alatrofloxacinum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/1ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/05/04 |

13525 | Trovan | Trovafloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/05/04 |

13526 | Trovan | Trovafloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/05/04 |

13527 | Troxeratio 300 | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 0.3 g | ratiopharm GmbH | 30/04/04 |

13528 | Troxerutin | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/07 |

13529 | Troxerutin | Troxerutinum | Gel | 20 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 23/11/05 |

13530 | Troxescorbin | Acidum ascorbicum + Troxerutinum | Capsules | 200mg + 50mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 31/12/07 |

13531 | Troxevasin | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

13532 | Troxevasin | Troxerutinum | Gel | 20 mg/g | Pharmachim-Holding AD | 31/07/04 |

13533 | Tru Alo Aloe Vera Drinking Gel 85 % | | Oral solution | | Hi Tech Aloe Vera | 31/12/07 |

13534 | Tru Alo Aloe Vera Drinking Gel 90 % | | Oral solution | | Hi Tech Aloe Vera | 31/12/07 |

13535 | Tru Alo Aloe Vera Drinking Gel 99 % | | Oral solution | | Hi Tech Aloe Vera | 31/12/07 |

13536 | Trusopt | Dorzolamidum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 15/03/06 |

13537 | Trypaflawina | Trypaflawiny chlorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

13538 | Trypaflawina Forte | Akrylawiny chlorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

13539 | TS-11 | Żywa szczepionka przeciw zakażeniom Mycoplasma gallisepticum dla kur | Liquid | for veterinary use | Merial SAS | 2/01/06 |

13540 | T-Szczepionka tężcowa adsorbowana na wodortlenku glinu | Tetanus toxoid | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | nie mniej niż 40 j.m. toksoidu tężcowego (1 dawka — 0,5ml) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13541 | Tuberculin PPD RT23 SSI (do stosowania w próbie Mantoux) | | Solution for injection | 2 T.U./dawkę 0,1 ml | Statens Serum Institut | 30/06/07 |

13542 | Tubocurarin | Tubocurarinum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Orion Corporation | 31/07/04 |

13543 | Tucoprim 150 | Sulphadiazinum + Trimethoprimum | Premix | for veterinary use | Pharmacia & Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 21/02/06 |

13544 | Tulip | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lek Pharmaceutical d.d. | 31/12/08 |

13545 | Tulip | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Lek Pharmaceutical d.d. | 31/12/08 |

13546 | Tums | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 600mg + 125mg | SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare | 31/12/07 |

13547 | Tums | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii carbonas | Tablets | | SmithKline Beecham | 31/12/07 |

13548 | TUR-3 | Szczepionka dla indyków przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu, paramyksowirusowi typ 3, zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Merial | 19/07/05 |

13549 | Turinal | Allylestrenolum | Tablets | 5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

13550 | Turineurin | Hyperici herbae extractum siccum | Capsules | | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 31/12/08 |

13551 | Turiplex | | Capsules | 122.5 mg | Jenapharm GmbH & Co. | 31/12/08 |

13552 | Tussal Antitussicum, Tussal | Dextromethorphanum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/05 |

13553 | Tussal Expectorans, Mucoren | Ambroxolum | Tablets | 30 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/07/05 |

13554 | Tussicom 100 | Acetylcysteinum | Granules | 100 mg/5g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

13555 | Tussicom 200 | Acetylcysteinum | Granules | 200 mg/5 g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

13556 | Tussicom 400 | Acetylcysteinum | Granules | 400 mg/5 g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

13557 | Tussicom 600 | Acetylcysteinum | Granules | 600 mg/5 g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/07/05 |

13558 | Tussidex | Dextromethorphanum | Capsules, soft | 30 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 6/06/07 |

13559 | Tussidrill | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 5 mg/5 ml | Pierre Fabre Sante | 15/11/06 |

13560 | Tussiflos | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/07 |

13561 | Tussipect | Preparat złożony | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13562 | Tussipect | Preparat złożony | Syrup | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13563 | Tussiten — fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

13564 | Twinrix Junior | | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 0.5 ml (1 dawka) | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

13565 | Twinrix Adult | | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 1 ml (1 dawka) | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/12/08 |

13566 | TwoCal HN (o smaku orzechowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Oral solution | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 25/05/05 |

13567 | TwoCal HN (o smaku waniliowym) | Preparat odżywczy | Oral solution | | Ross Products Division- Abbott Laboratories | 25/05/05 |

13568 | Two-Septol | Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum | Tablets | 480 mg | Cyntfarm Sp. z o.o. | 29/06/05 |

13569 | Tylan 200 Injection | Tylozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 11/03/04 |

13570 | Tylan 50 Injection | Tylozyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 11/03/04 |

13571 | Tylan G 100 Premix | Tylozyny fosforan | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 11/03/04 |

13572 | Tylan Soluble Powder | Tylozyny winian | Powder | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 11/03/04 |

13573 | TYLASUL G 100 Premix | Tylozyny fosforan, Sulfametazyna | Premix | for veterinary use | Elanco Animal Health | 11/03/04 |

13574 | Tylbiacol | Tylozyny winian, Kolistyny siarczan | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 25/05/04 |

13575 | Tylbian | Tylozyny winian | Granules | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 30/06/04 |

13576 | Tylbian 20 % Injectio | Tylozyny winian | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 10/06/04 |

13577 | Tylenol forte | Paracetamolum | Tablets | 500mg | Cilag AG | 31/07/04 |

13578 | Tylosin 20 % | Tylozyny winian | Solution | for veterinary use | Bela-Pharm | 31/12/08 |

13579 | Tylosin 5 % | Tylozyny winian | Solution | for veterinary use | Bela-Pharm | 31/12/08 |

13580 | Tylosineject 20 % | Tylozyny winian | Suspension | for veterinary use | Dopharma B.V. | 27/02/06 |

13581 | Tylosulfan | Tylozyny winian, Sulfadimidyna sodowa | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego S.A. | 6/12/04 |

13582 | Tylovet 20 % | Tylozyny winian | Solution | for veterinary use | Alfasan | 18/03/04 |

13583 | Tylovet L.A. | Tylozyna | Suspension | for veterinary use | Norbrook Laboratories Ltd. | 29/08/06 |

13584 | Tymianek i Podbiał | Preparat ziołowy | Buccal tablets | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13585 | Tymol | | | | A.C.E.F., Włochy | 31/12/08 |

13586 | Tymol | | | | Chema Elektromet, Rzeszów | 31/12/08 |

13587 | Tymol | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13588 | Tymol | | | | Margo Corporation, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

13589 | Tymol | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13590 | Tymol | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

13591 | Tympachol | Żółć bydlęca, Formaldehyd, Etanol | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet Sp. z o.o. | 10/06/04 |

13592 | Tympasil | Simethiconum | Emulsion | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

13593 | Tymsal spray | Preparat ziołowy | Oromucosal spray | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

13594 | Typhim Vi | Vaccinum febris typhoidis polysaccharidicum | Solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 1 dawka | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 7/03/07 |

13595 | Typhim Vi | Vaccinum febris typhoidis polysaccharidicum | Solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection | 20 dawek | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 7/03/07 |

13596 | Tyrocil | Propylthiouracilum | Tablets | 50 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13597 | Ty-Szczepionka durowa | Typhoid, inactivated, whole cell | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 500 mln komórek, (1 dawka — 0,5ml) | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

13599 | Tytanoreina | | Cream | | Johnson & Johnson/Martin | 31/12/08 |

13598 | Tytanoreina | | Suppository | | Johnson & Johnson/Martin | 31/12/08 |

13600 | TyT-Szczepionka durowo-tężcowa | Vaccinum febris typhoidi et tetani | Suspension for subcutaneous injection | 20 dawek | Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek Biomed — Kraków | 30/10/05 |

13601 | Tyzine | Tetryzolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13602 | Tyzine | Tetryzolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 1 mg/ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13603 | Ubichinon Compositum | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13604 | UbiMax Q-10 | Ubidecarenonum | Tablets | 30 mg | VITABALANS Oy | 10/05/06 |

13605 | Ubistesin | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | | ESPE Dental AG | 31/03/05 |

13606 | Ubistesin Forte | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | | ESPE Dental AG | 31/03/05 |

13607 | Ubretid | Distigmini bromidum | Solution for injection | 0.5 mg/1 ml | Nycomed Austria GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13608 | Ubretid | Distigmini bromidum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/1 ml | Nycomed Austria GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13609 | Ubretid | Distigmini bromidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Nycomed Austria GmbH | 31/07/04 |

13610 | Uczucie zmęczenia i obrzęku nóg HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 4/07/07 |

13611 | UFT | Tegafurum + Uracilum | Capsules | 100mg + 224mg | TAIHO Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

13612 | Ukąszenia owadów HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 30/06/07 |

13613 | Ulceflos fix | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/12/07 |

13614 | Ulceran 250 | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 250 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13615 | Ulceran 500 | Mesalazinum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 500 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

13616 | Ulcetal | Hydrotalcitum | Buccal tablet | 500 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Colfarm | 12/08/06 |

13617 | Ulcogant | Sucralfatum | Granules for oral suspension | 1 g | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

13619 | Ulcogant | Sucralfatum | Oral suspension | 1 g/5 ml | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

13618 | Ulcogant | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 1 g | Merck KGaA | 31/07/04 |

13620 | Uldenol | | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13623 | Ulfamid | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

13624 | ULFAMID | Famotidinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13621 | Ulfamid | Famotidinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13622 | Ulfamid | Famotidinum | Tablets | 40 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13625 | Ulgamax | Calcii carbonas + Dimeticonum + Magnesii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 700mg + 20mg + 100mg | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 26/04/06 |

13627 | Ulgastran | Sucralfatum | Oral suspension | 1 g/5 ml | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

13626 | Ulgastran | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 1 g | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

13628 | Ulgix | Magnesii carbonas + Calcii carbonas + Simethiconum | Buccal tablets | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

13629 | Ulran | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 9/08/06 |

13630 | Ulran | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 9/08/06 |

13631 | Ultiva | Remifentanilum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 1 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

13632 | Ultiva | Remifentanilum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 2 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

13633 | Ultiva | Remifentanilum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection and intravenous infusion | 5 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

13634 | Ultra Tag Rbc | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13635 | Ultra Technekow FM | Preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | | | Mallinckrodt Medical B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13636 | Ultracain D-S | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40 mg + 6mcg)/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

13637 | Ultracain D-S | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40mg + 6mcg)/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 29/01/06 |

13638 | Ultracain D-S forte | Articainum + Epinephrinum | Solution for injection | (40mg + 12mcg)/ml | Hoechst Marion Roussel Deutschland GmbH | 30/06/04 |

13639 | Ultratard HM | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 100 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 10/05/06 |

13640 | Ultratard HM | Insulini cum Zinco suspensio | Suspension for injection | 40 j.m./ml | Novo Nordisk A/S | 10/05/06 |

13641 | Ultravist 240 | Iopromidum | Solution for injection | 498.72 mg/ml | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

13642 | Ultravist 300 | Iopromidum | Solution for injection | 623.4 mg/ml | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

13643 | Ultravist 370 | Iopromidum | Solution for injection | 768.86 mg/ml | Schering AG | 31/07/04 |

13644 | Ulvenduosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

13645 | Ulventrol | | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13646 | Ulventroten fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

13647 | Ulvesol-eldex | | Herbal tea | | Eldex Medical | 31/12/08 |

13648 | Ulvesolen-fix | | Instant herbal tea | | P.P.H. "Eldex-Medical", Wiry | 31/12/08 |

13649 | Ulzol | Omeprazolum | Capsules | 20 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 24/05/06 |

13650 | Uman Albumin 20 % | Albuminum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | butelka a' 50 ml | Farma Biagini S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

13651 | Uman Albumin 5 % | Albuminum humanum | Solution for intravenous infusion | butelka a' 250 ml | Farma Biagini S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

13652 | Unasyn | Ampicillinum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 1g + 500mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13653 | Unasyn | Ampicillinum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 2g + 1g | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13654 | Unasyn | Ampicillinum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 500mg + 250mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13655 | Unasyn | Ampicillinum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 0.75 g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13656 | Unasyn | Ampicillinum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 1.5 g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13657 | Unasyn | Ampicillinum + Sulbactamum | Powder for solution for intravascular, intramuscular injection and infusion | 3 g | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13659 | Unasyn | Sultamicillinum | Film-coated tablets | 375 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13658 | Unasyn | Sultamicillinum | Powder for oral suspension | 250 mg/5ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 30/04/04 |

13660 | Unat 10 | Torasemidum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/2 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

13661 | Unat 10 | Torasemidum | Tablets | 10 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

13662 | Unat 20 | Torasemidum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/4 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

13663 | Unat 200 | Torasemidum | Solution for injection | 200 mg/20 ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

13664 | Unat 200 | Torasemidum | Tablets | 0.2 g | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

13665 | Unat 5 | Torasemidum | Tablets | 5 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/12/07 |

13666 | Undestor | Testosteronum | Capsules | 40 mg | Organon N.V. — Kloosterstraat | 30/06/04 |

13667 | UNDEVIT — Multivitamin | Preparat witaminowy | | | KYIV VITAMIN FACTORY Co | 31/12/08 |

13668 | Undofen atomizer | Acidum undecylenicum + Cetylpyridinium | Spray | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/09/05 |

13669 | Unguentum acidi borici — maść borna | Acidum boricum | Ointment | 3 % | Coel s.c.- Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Wytwórnia Euceryny | 31/12/08 |

13670 | Unguentum Acidi borici cum Mentholo | Acidum boricum + Mentholum | Ointment | (40mg + 10mg)/g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/06/04 |

13671 | Unguentum Ammonii sulfobitumici | | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

13672 | Unguentum Ammonii Sulfobituminici | Sulfobituminian amonowy | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 13/10/04 |

13673 | Unguentum camphoratum | Camphorum | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

13674 | Unguentum Camphoratum | Camphorum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 11/02/06 |

13675 | Unguentum contra congelationem | | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

13676 | Unguentum Iodo-Camphoratum | Kalii iodum + Iodum + Camphorum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 10/02/04 |

13677 | Unguentum maioranae | | Ointment | | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

13678 | Unguentum Majoranae — Maść majerankowa | | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

13679 | Unguentum Neomycini | Neomycinum | Ointment | 5 mg/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 30/09/05 |

13680 | Unguentum Olei Jecoris Aselli | Tran | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego Spółka Akcyjna | 14/02/05 |

13681 | Unguentum undecylenicum | Acidum undecylenicum + Zinci undecylenas | Ointment | (50mg + 200mg)/g | Chema Elektromet Spółdzielnia Pracy- Przemysłowa | 31/01/06 |

13682 | Unguentum Zinci Oxydati | Zinci oxydum | Ointment | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 30/06/04 |

13683 | Unguentum Zinci salicylatum — Pasta Lassara | Acidum salicylicum + Zinci oxydum | Ointment | | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/04 |

13684 | Unibasis | | Cutaneous emulsion | | Pampa — Laboratorium Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetyczne | 30/06/05 |

13685 | Unicap Jr | | Buccal tablet | | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 30/06/04 |

13686 | Unicap M | | Tablets | | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13687 | Unicap T | | Tablets | | Pharmacia & Upjohn Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13688 | Unidox Solutab | Doxycyclinum | Tablets | 100 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13689 | Uni-Dur | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/08/04 |

13690 | Uni-Dur | Theophyllinum | Prolonged release tablets | 600 mg | Schering-Plough Labo N.V. | 31/08/04 |

13691 | Unifungicid | Chlormidazolum | Ointment | 50 mg/g | Unia Zakłady Farmaceutyczno-Aerozolowe Spółdzielnia Pracy | 31/01/06 |

13692 | Unilar | Theophylinum | Prolonged release capsules | 200 mg | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

13693 | Unilar | Theophylinum | Prolonged release capsules | 300 mg | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

13694 | Unilar | Theophylinum | Prolonged release capsules | 450 mg | 3 M MEDICA | 31/12/08 |

13695 | Unipres | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/04 |

13696 | Unipres | Nitrendipinum | Tablets | 20 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/01/05 |

13697 | Uprima | Apomorphini hydrochloridum | Sublingual tablets | 2 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 14/02/07 |

13698 | Uprima | Apomorphini hydrochloridum | Sublingual tablets | 3 mg | Abbott Laboratories Ltd. | 14/02/07 |

13699 | Upsarin 325 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Effervescent tablets | 325 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/03/07 |

13700 | Upsarin 500 | Acidum acetylsalicylicum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/03/07 |

13701 | Upsarin C | Acidum acetylsalicylicum + Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/06/04 |

13702 | Upsavit Calcium | Calcii carbonas | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg | Pharmavit Rt a Bristol — Myers Squibb Co. | 31/12/08 |

13703 | Upsavit Multivitamins | | Buccal tablet | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/09/05 |

13704 | Upsavit Multivitamins | | Effervescent tablets | | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 30/09/05 |

13706 | Upsavit Vitamin C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 500 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/07/04 |

13705 | Upsavit Vitamin C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | powder for solution | 1000 mg | UPSA Laboratoires Agen | 31/07/04 |

13707 | Urandil | Chlortalidonum | Tablets | 50 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 31/07/04 |

13708 | Urarthone | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

13709 | Urazy w sporcie HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 4/07/07 |

13710 | Urenil | Sulfacarbamidum | Tablets | 0.5 g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

13711 | Uresatin(poprzednia nazwa uresan) | | Tablets | | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

13712 | Urgo Cor Dressing | Acidum salicylicum | Pach | 400 mg/g | Urgo Laboratoires S.A. | 30/01/05 |

13713 | Urispas | Flavoxatum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Recordati S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

13714 | Uristan | Oxybutyninum | Tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13715 | Urkam | | | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

13716 | Urkam | | | | Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" | 31/12/08 |

13717 | Urocalcit | Kalii citras | Oral solution | 10 mEq/5 ml | Management & Consulting Group | 31/12/08 |

13718 | Uroderm | Urea | Cream | 100 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 23/11/05 |

13719 | Uroderm H Krem | Hydrocortisonum + Urea | Cream | 10 mg, 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

13720 | Urofort | | Oral solution | | Dar Natury P.P.H. | 6/06/07 |

13721 | Urografin 60 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | 600 mg/g | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

13722 | Urografin 76 % | | Solution for intravenous infusion | 760 mg/g | Schering AG | 30/04/04 |

13723 | Urogran | | Herbal granules | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 30/10/05 |

13724 | Urokinaza | Urokinasum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intra-arterial infusion | 250000 j.m. | K and K medicplast | 27/09/06 |

13725 | Urokinaza | Urokinasum | Powder for solution for intravenous or intra-arterial infusion | 500000 j.m. | K and K medicplast | 27/09/06 |

13726 | Urolin | Acidum pipemidicum | Capsules | 200 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

13727 | Urolitum | Acidum citricum + Natrii citras + Kalii hydrocarbonas | Effervescent tablets | 1197 mg + 835,5 mg + 967,5 mg | Labpharm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13728 | Uromiro 60 % | Acidum amidotrizoicum | Solution for injection | 477 mg /1 ml | Bracco S.p.A. | 6/07/05 |

13729 | Uromiro 75 % | Acidum amidotrizoicum | Solution for injection | 596 mg /1 ml | Bracco S.p.A. | 6/07/05 |

13732 | Uromitexan | Mesnum | Film-coated tablets | 400 mg | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

13733 | Uromitexan | Mesnum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Asta Medica AG | 31/12/08 |

13730 | Uromitexan | Mesnum | Solution for injection | | ASTA Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

13731 | Uromitexan | Mesnum | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Asta Medica AG | 31/07/04 |

13734 | Uromix | Betulae folium + Orthosiphonis folium + Solidaginis herba | Capsuels, hard | 100mg + 200mg + 200mg | Agropharm S.A. | 16/05/07 |

13735 | Uromix | | Herbal tea | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 16/05/07 |

13736 | Uropatina | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

13737 | Uropatina | | Instant herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

13738 | Uropolinum 60 % | Natrii amidotrizoas | Solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 600 mg/g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

13739 | Uropolinum 75 % | Natrii amidotrizoas | Solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 750 mg/g | Polpharma S.A. Starogardzkie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

13740 | Uroprost | Preparat ziołowy | Liquid | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/10/05 |

13741 | Urosal | Methenaminum + Phenyli salicylas | Tablets | 300mg + 300mg | VIS — Zakłady Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczne Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/05 |

13742 | Urosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13743 | Urosan fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13744 | Urosept | Preparat złożony | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13745 | Urosolid | Solidaginis extractum fluidum | Oral solution | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/05/06 |

13746 | Uroton | Oxybutyninum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13747 | Urotrim | Trimethoprimum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 12/10/05 |

13748 | Urotrim | Trimethoprimum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 12/10/05 |

13749 | Urotrim | Trimethoprimum | Oral suspension | 50 mg/ 5 ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 12/10/05 |

13750 | Uro-Vaxom | Antiinfectives, combinations | Capsules | 6 mg | OM Pharma (dawniej Laboratories OM) | 30/04/04 |

13751 | Urovit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

13752 | Urovit | | Instant herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

13753 | Urovit | | Capsules | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

13754 | Urożel | | Gel for urethral anaesthesia | 200 mg lidokainy HCl ; 5 mg diglukonianu chlorheksydyny / 10 g | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13755 | Ursocam | Acidum ursodeoxycholicum | Tablets | 250 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/05 |

13756 | Ursofalk | Acidum ursodeoxycholicum | Capsules | 250 mg | Dr Falk Pharma GmbH | 27/11/06 |

13757 | Ursopol | Acidum ursodeoxycholicum | Capsules | 150 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13758 | Ursopol | Acidum ursodeoxycholicum | Capsules | 300 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13759 | Urtica comp. granulki | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

13760 | Urtica comp. inj. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 31/08/05 |

13761 | Urtica fix | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13762 | Urtiron | Sitosterolum + Urticae radix extractum | Capsules | 0.3 g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/07 |

13763 | Urtix | Urticae radix | Tablets | 330 mg | Labofarm — Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne | 25/10/06 |

13764 | Uterotonic | Propranololu chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 21/05/04 |

13765 | Uterovet 2 | Propranololu chlorowodorek, Cymetydyna, Chlorheksydyny chlorowodorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 31/12/08 |

13766 | Utersol | PVP-Iodine | Foam | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

13767 | Utilin "S" D4 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13768 | Utilin "S" D4 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13769 | Utilin "S" D6 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13770 | Utilin "S" D6 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13771 | Utilin D4 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13772 | Utilin D4 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13773 | Utilin D6 iniekcje | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13774 | Utilin D6 kaps. | | | | Sanum-Kehlbeck | 31/12/05 |

13775 | Utrogestan | Progesteronum | Capsules | 100 mg | Laboratoires Besins IscoVesco | 31/12/08 |

13776 | Uva Ursi Complexe Nr 9 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

13777 | Uvacin | | Tablets | | Pharbio Medical International AB | 30/09/04 |

13778 | Uvalette | | Tablets | | Pharbio Medical International AB | 31/01/05 |

13779 | Uverex | | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13780 | Uversan | Uvae ursi folium extructum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 14/12/05 |

13781 | Uzara | | Coated tablets | | Stada, Niemcy | 31/12/08 |

13782 | Uzara | | Liquid | | Stada | 31/12/08 |

13783 | V — Superastin | Chlorowodorek chloropyraminy | Tablets | 25 µg | CYNTFARM Sp. z o.o., Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

13784 | Vaccin Rabique Inactive | Rabies, inactivated, whole virus | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 2.5 j.m./1 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 29/02/04 |

13785 | Vaccina L | Szczepionka przeciw rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 26/04/04 |

13786 | Vaccina VR2 | Szczepionka przeciw różycy świń | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

13787 | VAGICAL | | Pessary | 1.5 g | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/04/07 |

13788 | Vagifem | Estradiolum | Vaginal tablets | 25 mcg | Novo Nordisk A/S | 21/10/06 |

13789 | Vaginol | | Herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

13790 | Vaginol | | Instant herbal tea | | Eldex-Medical | 2/10/06 |

13791 | Vaginsept | | Liquid for vaginal irrigation | | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA — ŁÓDŹ S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13792 | Vagisan | Acidum lacticum | Pessary | 0,167 g + 0,1 g | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. Arzneimittel | 31/12/08 |

13793 | Vagoflos | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/04/05 |

13794 | Vagolavit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13795 | Vagolavit | | Herbal tea | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

13796 | Vagosan | Mieszanka ziołowa | Herbal tea | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13797 | Vagothyl | Policresulenum | Solution for external use | 360 mg/g | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

13798 | Vagothyl | Polikrezulen | Concentrate for infusions | for veterinary use | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 31/12/08 |

13799 | Vagothyl 2 % | Polikrezulen | Liquid | for veterinary use | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 4/08/05 |

13800 | Vaiol-Vac | Żywa szczepionka dla kur przeciwko ospie ptaków | Lyophilisate + solvent | for veterinary use | FATRO S.p.A. | 19/02/06 |

13801 | Valbazen 10 % | Albendasolum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 22/06/04 |

13802 | Valbazen 2,5 % | Albendasolum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 22/06/04 |

13803 | Valcyte | Valganciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 450 mg | F. Hoffmann — La Roche Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13804 | Valdispert | Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Coated tablets | 45 mg | Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH | 31/01/05 |

13805 | Valegran — granulat ziół uspokajających | Preparat złożony | Granules | | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

13806 | Valerianaheel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13807 | Valerin | Valerianae radix extractum siccum | Coated tablets | 200 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

13809 | Validol | Mentholum + Menthyli valeras | Buccal tablet | 60 mg | Farmak | 30/06/04 |

13808 | Validol | Mentholum + Menthyli valeras | Oral drops | | Farmak | 30/06/05 |

13810 | Vallup | Preparat ziołowy | Tablets | | Herbapol Łódź S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13811 | Valorum | | Film-coated tablets | | Blau Farma Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa | 26/04/06 |

13812 | Valtrex | Valaciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 1000 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

13813 | Valtrex | Valaciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/03/07 |

13814 | Valtrex | Valaciclovirum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

13815 | Valupol | Valerianae radix extractum siccum, Lupuli strobuli extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg, 50 mg /300 mg | Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie "Herbapol" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13816 | Valused | Preparat ziołowy | Capsules, soft | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 15/03/06 |

13817 | Valused | Preparat ziołowy | Oral solution | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

13818 | Vamin 14 Electrolyte-Free | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

13819 | Vamin 18 Electrolyte-Free | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

13820 | Vaminolact | | Solution for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 7/02/06 |

13821 | Vancocin | Vancomycinum | Capsules | 125 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/08/05 |

13822 | Vancocin | Vancomycinum | Capsules | 250 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/08/05 |

13823 | Vancocin CP | Vancomycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 1 g | Lilly Pharma Fertigung und Distribution GmbH & Co. KG | 30/04/04 |

13824 | Vancocin CP | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 500 mg | Lilly Pharma Fertigung und Distribution GmbH & Co. KG | 31/07/04 |

13825 | VANCOMYCIN — MIP 1 G | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion or for oral solution | 1 g | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13826 | Vancomycin — Mip 500 | Vancomycinum | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion or for oral solution | 500 mg | CHEPHASAAR GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13827 | Vanguard 5/CV-L | Szczepionka przeciw parwowirozie, koronawirozie, nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, zakaźnemu zapaleniu krtani i tchawicy, leptospirozie psów. | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/07 |

13828 | Vanguard 5L | Szczepionka przeciw nosówce, zakaźnemu zapaleniu wątroby, parwowirusowej chorobie psów, parainfluenzie i leptospirozie | Lyophilisate + suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 6/10/04 |

13829 | Vanguard Plus 5/CV-L | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez wirusy: nosówki, adenowirusy typu 1 i 2, wirus parainfluenzy, parwowirus, koronawirus oraz przeciw leptospirozie. | Lyophilisate + liquid | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/08 |

13830 | Vanguard Plus 5/L | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw zakażeniom wywołanym przez wirusy: nosówki, adenowirusy typu 1 i 2, wirus parainfluenzy, parwowirus oraz przeciw leptospirozie. | Lyophilisate + liquid | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 17/07/05 |

13831 | Vanguard Plus CPV | Szczepionka przeciw parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Liquid | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/07/05 |

13832 | Vanguard Plus CPV/CV | Szczepionka dla psów przeciw zakażeniom koronawirusowym i parwowirusowej chorobie psów | Suspension | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 29/06/06 |

13833 | Vanmixan 500 | Vancomycinum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous injection | 0.5 g | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 31/12/08 |

13834 | Vaqta 25 | Vaccinum hepatitidis A | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 50 U/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/07/04 |

13835 | Vaqta 50 | Vaccinum hepatitidis A | Suspension for intramuscular injection | 50 U/ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/07/04 |

13836 | Variderm | Benzocainum + Mentholum + Zinci oxydum | Cutaneous paste | (10mg + 10mg + 300mg) /g | Profarm — Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutyczno-Kosmetycznej Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

13837 | Varikopax B | | Cream | 300 mg/g | Florin Chemical and Trade Co.Ltd. 1 | 30/04/04 |

13838 | Varilrix | Varicella, live attenuated | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for subcutaneous injection | 2000 PFU/dawkę | SmithKline Beecham Biologicals | 31/01/05 |

13839 | Varitect | | Solution for intravenous infusion | 25 j.m./ml | Biotest Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

13840 | Vascor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13841 | Vascor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13842 | Vascor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13843 | Vascor | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | BIOVENA PHARMA Sp. z.o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13844 | Vasexten 10 | Barnidipini hydrochloridum | Modified release capsules, hard | 10 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 25/04/07 |

13845 | Vasexten 20 | Barnidipini hydrochloridum | Modified release capsules, hard | 20 mg | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 25/04/07 |

13846 | Vasilip | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/09/04 |

13847 | Vasilip | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. Z o.o. (Równoległa) | 29/11/06 |

13848 | Vasilip | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/09/04 |

13849 | Vasilip | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. Z o.o. (Równoległa) | 29/11/06 |

13850 | Vasilip | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 30/09/04 |

13851 | Vasolastine | | Solution for intramuscular injection | | Enzypharm B.V. | 31/03/05 |

13852 | Vasomax | Phentolaminum | Tablets | 40 mg | Schering-Plough Corporation | 31/12/08 |

13853 | Vasosan P | Colestyraminum | Granules | 740 mg/g | Felgenträger & Co. Oko.-Chem. Und Pharma GmbH | 30/01/05 |

13854 | Vasosan S | Colestyraminum | Granules | 740 mg/g | Felgenträger & Co. Oko.-Chem. Und Pharma GmbH | 30/01/05 |

13855 | Vastan | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13856 | Vastan | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13857 | Vaxidrop | Szczepionka przeciw syndromowi spadku nieśności dla kur | Suspension | for veterinary use | Merial | 30/06/04 |

13858 | Vaxigrip | Influenza, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular oraz deep subcutaneous injection | 0.5 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13859 | Vaxigrip | Influenza, purified antigen | Suspension for intramuscular oraz deep subcutaneous injection | 10 dawek | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13860 | Vaxigrip Junior | Influenza, inactivated, whole virus | Suspension for intramuscular and intravenous injection | 0.25 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 30/06/05 |

13861 | Vaxosin | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13862 | Vaxosin | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13863 | Vaxosin | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

13864 | V-cylina | Phenoxymethylpenicillinum | Tablets | 400000 j.m. | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13865 | Vecort | Flumetazon | Solution | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 28/12/04 |

13866 | Vectavir | Panciclovirum | Cream | 10 mg/g | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/08/04 |

13868 | Vegantalgin H | Butylscopolaminum + Paracetamolum | Film-coated tablets | 10mg + 500mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 17/01/07 |

13867 | Vegantalgin H | Butylscopolaminum + Paracetamolum | Suppository | (10mg + 800mg)/2,7g | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 17/01/07 |

13869 | Vegevit B12 | Cyanocobalaminum | Tablets | 5 mcg | G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

13870 | Velafax | Venlafaxinum | Tablets | 37,5 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13871 | Veliran | | Liquid | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13872 | Venacorn | | Coated tablets | | Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy "Filofarm" , Bydgoszcz | 31/01/06 |

13873 | Venactiv | | Capsules, hard | | Herbapol — Lublin S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13874 | Venagin | | Gel | | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

13875 | Venastat | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Prolonged release capsules, hard | 240mg-290mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 30/09/04 |

13876 | Venavit | | | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

13877 | Vendal retard | Morphinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 10 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13878 | Vendal retard | Morphinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 100 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13879 | Vendal retard | Morphinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 200 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13880 | Vendal retard | Morphinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 30 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13881 | Vendal retard | Morphinum | Film-coated, slow release tablets | 60 mg | Lannacher Heilmittel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13882 | Venescin | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum + Troxerutinum | Gel | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/10/05 |

13883 | Venescin | | Coated tablets | | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 23/11/05 |

13884 | Venescin — Forte | | Coated tablets | preparat złożony | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13885 | Venimmun N | Immunoglobulinum humanum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 50 mg/ml | Centeon Pharma GmbH | 30/04/04 |

13886 | Venitan | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Cutaneous cream | 50 mg/g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 30/04/04 |

13887 | Venitan | | Gel | 1 g/100 g | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/12/07 |

13888 | Venlax | Venlafaxinum | Tablets, capsules (modified release) | 37,5 mg, 75 mg, 75 mg, 150 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

13889 | Venobonisol | | Oral solution | | Laboratorium Medycyny Naturalnej BONIMED, Żywiec | 31/12/08 |

13890 | Venofer | Ferri hydroxydum saccharum | Solution for injection or intravenous infusion | 20 mg Fe+++/ml | Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d. | 31/07/04 |

13891 | Venoforton | | Liquid | | Dar Natury P.P.H. | 31/12/05 |

13892 | Venolan | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

13893 | Venomenhal Osa | Jad pszczoły | Test for diagnosis and immunoterapy | | Hal Allergen Laboratories B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13894 | Venomenhal Pszczoła | Jad pszczoły | Test for diagnosis and immunoterapy | | Hal Allergen Laboratories B.V. | 31/12/08 |

13895 | Venoplant | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Prolonged release tablets | 263.2 mg | Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. | 14/02/07 |

13896 | Venoruton 1000 | Troxerutinum | powder for solution | 1000 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13897 | Venoruton 300 | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

13898 | Venoruton 500 | Troxerutinum | powder for solution | 500 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13899 | Venoruton forte | Troxerutinum | Tablets | 500 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13900 | Venoruton Gel | Troxerutinum | Gel | 20 mg/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/07/04 |

13901 | VENOSMINE Forte | Diosminum | Tablets | 450 mg | Geymonat S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

13902 | Venotonin | Hippocastani semen extractum siccum | Capsules, hard | 100 do 125 mg | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 8/02/06 |

13903 | Venotrex | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 30/11/05 |

13904 | Venotrex | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny "ARGON" S.A. | 30/11/05 |

13905 | Venotrex | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 200 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

13906 | Venotrex | Troxerutinum | Capsules | 300 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/06/07 |

13907 | Venotrex | Troxerutinum | Gel | 2 % | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

13908 | Venotrop | Diosminum + Hesperidum | Tablets | 450 mg + 50 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13909 | Venożel | Escinum + Diclofenacum + Tribenosidum | Gel | | EMO Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych doc dr hab. Farm. Michał Oginski | 31/12/08 |

13910 | Venożel Forte | Diclofenacum + Tribenosidum | Gel | 1 g soli sodowej diklofenaku; 5 g trynbenozydu | Wytwórnia Artykułów Farmaceutycznych i Kosmetycznych "EMO" | 31/12/08 |

13911 | Venter | Sucralfatum | Granules for oral suspension | 500 mg/g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13912 | Venter | Sucralfatum | Tablets | 1 g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

13913 | Ventipulmin granulat | Klenbuterolum | Granules | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 14/11/06 |

13914 | Ventipulmin pro inj. | Klenbuterolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 14/11/06 |

13915 | Ventodisk | Salbutamolum | Inhalation powder | 200 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

13916 | Ventodisk | Salbutamolum | Inhalation powder | 400 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

13919 | Ventolin | Salbutamolum | Nebuliser solution | 1 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

13920 | Ventolin | Salbutamolum | Nebuliser solution | 2 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

13921 | Ventolin | Salbutamolum | Nebuliser solution | 5 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/04 |

13918 | Ventolin | Salbutamolum | Pressurised inhalation, suspension | 100 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

13917 | Ventolin | Salbutamolum | Spray , suspention (chlorofluorocarbons free) | 100 mcg/dawkę | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/10/04 |

13922 | Ventolin Dysk | Salbutamolum | Inhalation powder | 200 mcg/dawkę inhalacyjną | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 15/11/06 |

13923 | Ventrisol | Bismuthi oxydum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

13924 | Vepesid | Etoposidum | Capsules | 100 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/06/04 |

13925 | Vepesid | Etoposidum | Capsules | 50 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 11/12/05 |

13926 | Vepesid | Etoposidum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/06/04 |

13928 | Veral | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 25 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

13929 | Veral | Diclofenacum | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

13930 | Veral | Diclofenacum | Gel | 1 % | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

13927 | Veral | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

13931 | VERAL 75 Retard | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 75 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

13932 | Veramid | Aminophenazonum + Barbitalum | Tablets | | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/04 |

13934 | Verapamil | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 120 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

13935 | Verapamil | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Norton Healthcare Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

13936 | Verapamil | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

13933 | Verapamil | Verapamilum | Intravenous injection | 5 mg/2 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13937 | Veratens | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13938 | Veratens | Verapamilum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13939 | Veratrum-Homaccord | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13940 | Veratrum-Homaccord | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

13941 | Verazil | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 40 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

13942 | Verazil | Verapamilum | Coated tablets | 80 mg | HEMOFARM D.D. | 31/12/08 |

13945 | Vercef | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 250 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

13946 | Vercef | Cefaclorum | Capsules | 500 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/12/07 |

13943 | Vercef | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5ml | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 31/12/07 |

13944 | Vercef | Cefaclorum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/12/04 |

13947 | Vercef MR | Cefaclorum | Modified release tablets | 375 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd, New Delhi | 31/12/04 |

13948 | Vermisol | Lewamizolum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 31/12/07 |

13949 | Vermitan 10 % | Albendasolum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Ceva-PhylaxiaVeterinary Biologicals | 14/03/05 |

13950 | Vermitan 20 % | Albendasolum | Granules | for veterinary use | Ceva-PhylaxiaVeterinary Biologicals | 1/08/04 |

13951 | Vermox | Mebendazolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

13952 | Vermox | Mebendazolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 31/07/04 |

13953 | Vero | Naproxenum | Tablets | 220 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 24/08/05 |

13954 | VERORAB | Rabies, inactivated, whole virus | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for intramuscular injection | 2.5 j.m./0,5 ml | Aventis Pasteur S.A. | 31/12/08 |

13955 | Verospiron | Spironolactonum | Capsules | 100 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

13956 | Verospiron | Spironolactonum | Capsules | 50 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/05 |

13957 | Verospiron | Spironolactonum | Tablets | 25 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

13958 | Verovit | Sabal fructus,Ginseng | Capsule | 25 mg,50 mg | Kenay A.G., Częstochowa | 31/12/08 |

13959 | Verrumal | Acidum salicylicum + Fluorouracilum | Coutanous liquid | | Boots Healthcare International | 7/05/06 |

13960 | Vertigoheel | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13961 | Vertigoheel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13962 | Vertigoheel | | Sublingual tablets | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

13963 | Vesanoid | Tretinoinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 10/05/06 |

13964 | Vessel due F | Sulodexidum | Capsules | 250 LSU | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

13965 | Vessel due F | Sulodexidum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 300 LSU/ml | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/04/04 |

13966 | Vetacortyl | Methylprednisolonum | Suspension | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 27/11/05 |

13967 | Vetacyclinum Pulvis | Tetracykliny chlorowodorek | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 11/02/04 |

13968 | Vetaglan | d-kloprostenol | Solution | for veterinary use | Laboratiorios Calier SA | 31/12/08 |

13969 | Vetahepar | menbuton | Liquid | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 31/12/08 |

13970 | Vetalgin | Metamizolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Intervet | 30/04/04 |

13971 | Vetamectin | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Vet-Agro | 8/09/05 |

13972 | Vetaraxoid | Hydroksyzyna, Prednizolon | Tablets | for veterinary use | Pfizer | 31/12/07 |

13973 | Vetbutal | Pentobarbital | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 10/02/04 |

13974 | Veti PS | Dihydrostreptomycyna, penicylina prokainowa | Suspension | for veterinary use | Eurovet | 31/12/08 |

13975 | Vetisolon | Prednizolon, Dwumetylosulfotlenek | Liquid | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 29/04/04 |

13976 | Vetmedin 2,5 mg | Pimobendan | Capsule | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 18/09/07 |

13977 | Vetmedin 5 mg | Pimobendan | Capsule | for veterinary use | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | 18/09/07 |

13978 | Vetminth | Niklozamid, Oksybendazol | Paste | for veterinary use | Virbac | 28/08/04 |

13979 | Vetodexin | Dexamethasonum | Solution | for veterinary use | V.M.D. | 31/12/08 |

13980 | Vetoflok 10 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Veterina | 31/12/08 |

13981 | Vetoflok 5 % | Enrofloxacinum | Solution for injection | for veterinary use | Pliva Kraków | 3/02/07 |

13982 | Vetopen 30 | Benzylpenicillinum procainicum | Suspension | for veterinary use | V.M.D. | 31/12/08 |

13983 | Vetramox 80 % | Amoxicillunum | Powder | for veterinary use | Lavet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 8/05/06 |

13984 | Vetramycin | Benzylopenicylina prokainowa, Dihydrostreptomycyny siarczan, Pantotenian wapnia, Palmitynian retinolu | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Werfft-Chemie | 14/06/04 |

13985 | Vetrim | Sulfadimetoksyna, Trimetoprim glicerol | Solution | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 14/06/04 |

13986 | Vetrimoxin LA | trójwodzian amoksycyliny, hydroksybenzoesan metylu, | Suspension | for veterinary use | Ceva Sante Animale | 31/12/08 |

13987 | Veyxat | Kamfora, Salicylan metylu | Ointment | for veterinary use | Veyx-Pharma GmbH | 18/09/07 |

13988 | Veyxym M | Trypsyna, Chymotrypsyna, Papaina, Witamina A, Witamina E | Intramammary ointment | for veterinary use | Veyx Pharma GmbH | 23/10/06 |

13990 | Vfend | Voriconazolum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13991 | Vfend | Voriconazolum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13989 | Vfend | Voriconazolum | Powder for solution for intravenous injections | 200 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

13992 | VH | Żywa szczepionki dla kur I indyków przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | ABIC Ltd. | 4/12/06 |

13993 | VH + H — 120 | Żywa szczepionki dla kur przeciwko rzekomemu pomorowi drobiu i zakaźnemu zapalenia oskrzeli | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | ABIC Ltd. | 4/12/06 |

13994 | VI Bursa C.E. | szczepionka dla kur przeciw zakaźnemu zapaleniu torby fabrycjusza | Lyophilisate | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

13995 | VI Mark Serotyp 1&3, Rispens /HVT | szczepionka dla kurcząt przeciw chorobie mareka | Suspension | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

13996 | VI Mark Serotyp 3/HVT | szczepionka dla kucząt przeciwko chorobie mareka | Suspension | for veterinary use | Lohmann Animal Health International | 31/12/08 |

13997 | Viagra | Sildenafilum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/03/04 |

13998 | Viagra | Sildenafilum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/03/04 |

13999 | Viagra | Sildenafilum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 31/03/04 |

14000 | Vibovit Bobas | Multivitamins and trace elements | Powder for oral solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/12/05 |

14001 | Vibovit Junior | | Buccal tablet | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14002 | Vibovit junior | | Effervescent tablets | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14003 | Vibovit Junior | | Effervescent tablets | | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14004 | Vibovit Junior | | Effervescent tablets | | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14005 | Vibovit Junior | | Effervescent tablets | | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14006 | Vibovit Junior o smaku bananowym | Multivitamins and trace elements | Powder for oral solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/12/05 |

14007 | Vibovit Junior o smaku brzoskwiniowym | Multivitamins and trace elements | Powder for oral solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/12/05 |

14008 | Vibovit Junior o smaku cytrynowym | Multivitamins and trace elements | Powder for oral solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/12/05 |

14009 | Vibovit junior o smaku cytrynowym | | Buccal tablet | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 23/11/05 |

14010 | Vibovit junior o smaku grejpfrutowym | | Buccal tablet | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 23/11/05 |

14011 | Vibovit Junior o smaku pomarańczowym | Multivitamins and trace elements | Powder for oral solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/12/05 |

14012 | Vibovit Junior o smaku waniliowym | Multivitamins and trace elements | Powder for oral solution | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 28/12/05 |

14013 | VIBOVIT® Mama | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa Kutno S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14015 | Vibrocil | Dimetindenum + Phenylephrinum | Nasal drops, solution | (0,25mg + 2,5mg)/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14016 | Vibrocil | Dimetindenum + Phenylephrinum | Nasal gel | (0,25mg + 2,5mg)/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14014 | Vibrocil | Dimetindenum + Phenylephrinum | Nasal spray, solution | (0,25mg + 2,5mg)/ml | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14017 | Viburcol N | | Suppository | | Heel GmbH | 30/06/07 |

14018 | Vicalvit | Calcii carbonas | Buccal tablet | 500 mg Ca++ | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/07/05 |

14019 | Vicalvit D | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Effervescent powder | 500mg Ca + 200 j.m vit. D3 | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14020 | Vicalvit D | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Effervescent tablets | 500mg Ca + 200 j.m vit. D3 | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

14021 | Vicalvit D 400 | Calcii carbonas + Colecalciferolum | Buccal tablet | 500mg + 400 j.m. | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14022 | Vicefar 500 | Acidum ascorbicum | Tablets | 500 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14023 | Vicevit | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablets | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14024 | Vicevit 500 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Modified release capsules | 500 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/06 |

14025 | Vicevit Forte | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent powder | 500 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14026 | Videtrin | Colecalciferolum | Capsules, hard | 400 j.m. Witaminy D3 | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

14027 | Videtrin | Colecalciferolum | Capsules, hard | 1000 j.m. Witaminy D3 | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 31/12/08 |

14030 | Videx | Didanosinum | Chewable tablets or for suspension | 100 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 30/06/07 |

14031 | Videx | Didanosinum | Chewable tablets or for suspension | 150 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 30/06/07 |

14032 | Videx | Didanosinum | Chewable tablets or for suspension | 25 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 30/06/07 |

14033 | Videx | Didanosinum | Chewable tablets or for suspension | 50 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 30/06/07 |

14028 | Videx | Didanosinum | Powder for oral suspension | 2 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 31/01/05 |

14029 | Videx | Didanosinum | Powder for oral suspension | 4 g | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. | 31/01/05 |

14034 | Videx | Didanosinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Bristol — Myers Squibb | 14/02/07 |

14035 | Videx EC | Didanosinum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 125 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 14/02/07 |

14036 | Videx EC | Didanosinum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 200 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 14/02/07 |

14037 | Videx EC | Didanosinum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 250 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 14/02/07 |

14038 | Videx EC | Didanosinum | Gastro-resistant capsules, hard | 400 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 14/02/07 |

14039 | Vidibion | Kalii iodidum + Natrii iodidum | Eye drops, solution | (3 mg + 3 mg)/ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14040 | Vidisept | Polyvidonum | Eye drops, solution | 50 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 16/01/06 |

14041 | Vidisic | Carbomerum | Gel | 2 mg/g | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 31/03/07 |

14042 | Vigantol | Colecalciferolum | Oral drops, solution | 20000 j.m./ml (0,5 mg/ml) | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

14043 | Vigantol 50000 | Colecalciferolum | Solution for intramuscular injection | 50000 j.m./1 ml | Merck KGaA | 30/04/04 |

14044 | Vigantoletten 500 | Colecalciferolum | Tablets | 500 j.m. (0,0125mg) | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

14045 | Vigantoletten 1000 | Colecalciferolum | Tablets | 1000 j.m. (0,025mg) | Merck KGaA | 30/06/04 |

14046 | Vigil | Modafinilum | Tablets | 100 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 31/08/04 |

14047 | Vigor Complet | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14048 | Vigor Complet | Witaminy | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

14049 | Vigor Complete | | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14050 | Vigor Junior | | Buccal tablet | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/04 |

14051 | Vigor Senior | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/06 |

14052 | Vigor Senior | | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/05/06 |

14053 | Vigor Senior Plus | Witaminy | Film-coated tablets | | US Pharmacia | 31/12/08 |

14054 | Vigosal | Multivitamins and trace elements | Film-coated tablets | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/07/04 |

14055 | Vilcacora® | Uncaria Tomentosa | Capsules | | Laboratorios INDUQUIMICA s.a., Peru | 31/12/08 |

14056 | Vilpin | Amlodipinum | Tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14057 | Vimblastine Therabel | Vinblastinum | powder and solvent for solution for injection | 10 mg | Therabel Pharma (Laboratories Thisen) | 31/12/08 |

14058 | Vinblastin | Vinblastinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 5 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

14059 | Vincristin | Vincristinum | Lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection | 1 mg | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/05/04 |

14060 | Vincristin Liquid | Vincristinum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Gedeon Richter Ltd. | 31/07/04 |

14061 | Vincristine Sulfate | Vincristinum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn Pty Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

14062 | Vinicard | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/12/08 |

14063 | Vinpocetine | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | P.P.H.U. Biofarm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/07 |

14064 | Vinpocetine | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Aflofarm | 31/12/07 |

14065 | Vinpocetine | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/07 |

14066 | Vinpocetine | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Chemiczno — Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy ESPEFA | 31/12/07 |

14067 | Vinpocetine | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/07 |

14068 | Vinpoton | Vinpocetinum | Tablets | 5 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 10/01/06 |

14069 | Viokase 16 | Pancreatinum | Tablets | 16000 j. USP lipasy | Axcan Pharma Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14070 | Viokase 8 | Pancreatinum | Tablets | 800 j. USP lipasy | Axcan Pharma Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14071 | Viosept | Clioquinolum + Domipheni bromidum + Tripelennaminum | Ointment | (20mg + 20mg + 500mcg)/G | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/11/05 |

14073 | Vioxx 12,5 | Rofecoxibum | Oral suspension | 12.5 mg/5ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/11/04 |

14072 | Vioxx 12,5 | Rofecoxibum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/11/04 |

14075 | Vioxx 25 | Rofecoxibum | Oral suspension | 25 mg/5ml | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/11/04 |

14074 | Vioxx 25 | Rofecoxibum | Tablets | 25 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 30/11/04 |

14076 | Vioxx Forte | Rofecoxibum | Tablets | 50 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14077 | Viprinex | Ancrodum | Concantrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 70 j.m./ml | Abbott GmbH & Co KG | 30/04/04 |

14078 | Viprosal B | | Ointment | 0.05 j.m./g | Tallińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 21/06/06 |

14079 | Viprosal B | | Ointment | | Tallińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/06 |

14080 | Viracir | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 27/09/06 |

14082 | Viramune | Nevirapinum | Oral suspension | 50 mg/5ml | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 7/06/05 |

14081 | Viramune | Nevirapinum | Tablets | 200 mg | Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH | 31/10/04 |

14083 | Virbamax | Abamectinum | Solution | for veterinary use | Virbac do Brasil | 31/12/08 |

14084 | Virbamec Injectable | Iwermektyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Virbac do Brasil | 31/12/08 |

14085 | Viregyt K | Amantadinum | Capsules | 100 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30/01/05 |

14086 | Viridal | Benzydamidum | Liquid | 0,15 % | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14087 | Virlix | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14088 | Virlix® | Cetirizinum | Oral solution | 1 mg/ml | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14089 | Virolex | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

14090 | Virolex | Aciclovirum | Eye ointment | 30 mg/g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

14091 | Virolex | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 250 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

14092 | Virolex | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 31/07/04 |

14093 | Virostat | interferon alfa 2b + ribavirin | Capsules | zestaw | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14094 | Viru-Merz | Tromantadinum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Merz & Co. GmbH | 31/07/04 |

14095 | Visaflos | | Herbal tea | | Herbaflos, Płońsk | 31/12/08 |

14096 | Viscoat | Acidum hyaluronicum + Chondroitini sulfas | Solution for intraocular use | | Alcon Laboratoires Inc Texas | 30/04/04 |

14097 | Viscoten — fix | Mieszanka ziołowa | Instant herbal tea | | Herbapol — Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. — Zastawna | 30/10/05 |

14098 | VISCUM comp. amp. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

14099 | VISCUM comp. gran. | | | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 19/03/05 |

14100 | Viscum Compositum forte | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14101 | Viscum Compositum medium | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14102 | Viscum Compositum mite | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14103 | Viscum/Crataegus | | Amp. | 1 ml | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

14104 | Viscum/Crataegus | | Granules | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

14105 | Viscum-Dagomed 16 nieustabilizowane ciśnienie | | | | DAGOMED-Pharma Sp. zo.o., Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

14106 | Visine | Tetryzolinum | Eye drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Pfizer Canada Inc. Consumer Healthcare DIV | 30/06/04 |

14107 | Visipaque | Iodixanolum | Solution for intravenous and intraarterial injection | 305 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 30/04/05 |

14108 | Visipaque | Iodixanolum | Solution for intravenous and intraarterial injection | 550 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 30/04/05 |

14109 | Visipaque | Iodixanolum | Solution for intravenous and intraarterial injection | 625 mg/ml | Nycomed Imaging AS | 30/04/05 |

14110 | Visken | Pindololum | Tablets | 5 mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 31/01/05 |

14111 | Visken | Pindololum | Tablets | 5 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/01/05 |

14112 | Visolvit | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 12/10/05 |

14113 | Visolvit o smaku pomarańczowym | Preparat złożony | Effervescent granules | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14114 | VISOLVIT® O Smaku Truskawkowym | Preparat złożony | Effervescent granules | | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14115 | Visudyne | Verteporfin | Powder for solution for intravenous injection | 15 mg | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 9/08/06 |

14116 | Vit.E 50 + Se Pro inj. | Witamina E, Selenin sodu | Solution | for veterinary use | Eurovet International | 23/01/05 |

14117 | Vita — Gem C | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

14118 | Vita — Gem C | Acidum ascorbicum | Effervescent powder | 1000 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

14119 | Vita Buerlecithin | Multivitamins and trace elements | Oral solution | | Altana Consumer Health GmbH | 30/06/04 |

14120 | Vita Buerlecithin | | Coated tablets | | Altana Consumer Health GmbH | 30/06/04 |

14121 | Vita C | Witamina c | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol | 31/12/08 |

14122 | Vita C 100 | Acidum ascorbicum | Buccal tablets | 100 mg | HOVID Sdn. Bhd. | 31/12/08 |

14123 | Vita Care B-Long | Preparat złożony | Film-coated, gastro-resistant tablets | | Jemo — Pharm A/S | 31/12/08 |

14124 | Vita Care C-long | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Prolonged release tablets | 500 mg | Jemo-Pharm A/S | 6/12/06 |

14125 | Vita Care Koenzym Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Buccal tablets | 10 mg | Jemo — Pharm A/S | 31/12/08 |

14126 | Vita Care Neutral C-long | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 200 mg | Jemo-Pharm A/S | 6/12/06 |

14127 | Vita Care Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 30 mg | Jemo-Pharm A/S | 30/04/04 |

14128 | Vita Care Q10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 60 mg | Jemo-Pharm A/S | 30/04/04 |

14129 | Vita Care Q10 D | Ubidecarenonum | Buccal tablet | 30 mg | Jemo-Pharm A/S | 10/05/06 |

14130 | Vita Day | | Film-coated tablets | | America's Best Nutritional Products Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14131 | Vita E | Tocopherolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

14132 | Vita Es | Tocopherolum | Tablets | 200 mg | Vitabalans Oy | 31/12/08 |

14133 | Vita-Gem C | Acidum acsorbicum | Effervescent powder | 500 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "GEMI" | 31/12/08 |

14134 | Vita Kid | | Buccal tablet | | America's Best Nutritional Products Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14135 | Vita-B2 | Riboflavinum (vit B2) | Tablets | 3 mg | VITABALANS Oy | 14/12/05 |

14136 | Vitacalcin o smaku mandarynkowym | Calcii carbonas | Powder for oral suspension | 500 mg Ca++/3g | Slovakofarma a.s. Hlodovec | 12/10/05 |

14137 | Vitacalcin o smaku pomarańczowym | Calcii carbonas | Powder for oral suspension | 500 mg Ca++/3g | Slovakofarma a.s. Hlodovec | 12/10/05 |

14138 | Vitacare Q 10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 30 mg | Jemo — Pharm A/S | 31/12/08 |

14139 | Vitacare Q 10 | Ubidecarenonum | Capsules | 60 mg | Jemo — Pharm A/S | 31/12/08 |

14140 | Vitacitrol | Retinolum + Ergocalciferolum + Acidum ascorbicum | Syrup | wit.A 2500 j.m.+ wit. D3 | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14141 | Vita-Complete 29 | | Film-coated tablets | | Jamieson Laboratoires | 9/08/06 |

14144 | Vitacon | Phytomenadionum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14142 | Vitacon | Phytomenadionum | Solution for injection | 1 mg/0,5 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

14143 | Vitacon | Phytomenadionum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/10/05 |

14145 | Vita-Fem | | Film-coated tablets | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/07/04 |

14146 | Vitafort | Witaminy a, d3, e, m, pp, c, k3, witaminy z grupy B, magnez | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

14147 | Vitalipid N Adult | Multivitamins and trace elements | Concentrate for emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

14148 | Vitalipid N Infant | Multivitamins and trace elements | Concentrate for emulsion for intravenous infusion | | Fresenius Kabi AB Uppsala | 31/07/04 |

14149 | Vita-Merfen | Benzoxonii chloridum + Chlorhexidinum + Retinolum | Ointment | (1mg + 5mg + 2000j.m.)/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 30/09/04 |

14150 | Vitamin 15 | | Film-coated tablets | | ICN Switzerland AG | 31/07/04 |

14151 | Vitamin AD3E pro injectione | Witamina a, d3, e | Solution | for veterinary use | Bela-Pharm | 31/12/08 |

14152 | Vitamin D 5000 Slovakofarma® | Colecalciferolum | Capsules | 5000 j.m. | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

14153 | Vitamin D 800 Slovakofarma® | Colecalciferolum | Capsules | 800 j.m. | Slovakofarma a.s. | 31/12/08 |

14154 | Vitamin E 100 | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/04/04 |

14155 | Vitamin E 200 | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/04/04 |

14156 | Vitamin E 400 | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 400 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. | 30/04/04 |

14157 | Vitamina C | Acidum ascorbicum | Capsuels, hard | 500 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 7/05/06 |

14158 | Vitaminum A | Retinolum | Capsules | 12000 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

14159 | Vitaminum A | Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 5000 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14160 | Vitaminum A | Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 10000 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14161 | Vitaminum A | Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 6000 j.m. | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 12/10/05 |

14162 | Vitaminum A | Retinolum | Oral drops, solution | 27,5 mg / 1 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/01/06 |

14163 | Vitaminum A | Retinolum (vit A) | Capsules | 12000 j.m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14164 | Vitaminum A + E | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 30000 j.m., 70 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno — Chemiczne "Synteza" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14165 | Vitaminum A 12000 + E70 | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Gelatin capsules, soft | 12000 j.m. + 70mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/04/06 |

14166 | Vitaminum A 2000+D3 400 | Colecalciferolum + Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 400 j.m. + 2000 j.m. | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 29/03/06 |

14167 | Vitaminum A 2500 | Retinolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j.m | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 14/12/05 |

14168 | Vitaminum A solutio aquosa | Retinolum | Oral solution | 50000 j.m./ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14169 | Vitaminum A+D3 | Colecalciferolum + Retinolum | Capsules | 1000j.m. + 2000 j.m. | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14170 | Vitaminum A+D3 | Witaminy A i D3 | Solution | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 17/08/04 |

14171 | Vitaminum A+D3 solutio aquosa | Colecalciferolum + Retinolum | Oral solution | 20000 j.m + 10000j.m. | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14172 | Vitaminum A+E | Retinolum (vit A) + Tocopherolum | Capsules | 30000j.m. + 70mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14173 | Vitaminum A+E | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsuels, hard | | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

14174 | Vitaminum A+E | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 2500 j.m + 200mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14175 | Vitaminum A+E | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 14/12/05 |

14176 | Vitaminum A+E | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 30000 j.m. + 70mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 14/12/05 |

14177 | Vitaminum AD3E | Witamina a, d3, e | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Gorzów | 31/12/08 |

14178 | Vitaminum B compositum | Multivitamins and trace elements | Coated tablets | | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14179 | Vitaminum B compositum | Prep. Witaminowy | Coated tablets | | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

14180 | Vitaminum B compositum | Prep. Witaminowy | Film-coated tablets | | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/03/07 |

14181 | Vitaminum B compositum | | Film-coated tablets | | Polfarmex S.A | 12/10/05 |

14182 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Solution for intramuscular injection | 10 mg/1 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

14183 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Solution for intramuscular injection | 25 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/04/05 |

14184 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | 25 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

14185 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | 25 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 30/09/07 |

14186 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | 25 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/01/05 |

14187 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | 3 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/04/05 |

14188 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | 3 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 30/04/05 |

14189 | Vitaminum B1 | Thiaminum (vit B1) | Tablets | 3 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/04/05 |

14190 | Vitaminum B1 | Tiaminy chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 14/04/05 |

14191 | Vitaminum B12 | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for injection | 100 mcg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

14192 | Vitaminum B12 | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution for injection | 500 mcg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/01/06 |

14193 | Vitaminum B2 | Riboflavinum (vit B2) | Coated tablets | 3 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14195 | Vitaminum B2 | Riboflavinum (vit B2) | Film-coated tablets | 3 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14194 | Vitaminum B2 | Riboflavinum (vit B2) | Solution for injection | 5 mg/1 ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14196 | Vitaminum B6 | Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14197 | Vitaminum B6 | Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | 50 mg | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14198 | Vitaminum B6 | Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14199 | Vitaminum B6 | Pyridoxinum (vit B6) | Tablets | 50 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 31/12/07 |

14200 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum | Drops | 100 mg na 1 ml | Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 12/10/05 |

14201 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | 0,2 g | Ufimskie ZakŁady Witaminowe "UfaWita" S.A., UFA | 31/12/08 |

14202 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Capsules, soft | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 12/10/05 |

14203 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 12/10/05 |

14208 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 200mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

14209 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14210 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/01/05 |

14211 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14212 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/01/05 |

14213 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14204 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Oral drops, solution | 100 mg/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 7/03/07 |

14205 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Solution for injection | 100 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14206 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14207 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Tablets | 100 mg | ARGON Zakład Farmaceutyczny Spółka Akcyjna | 30/04/06 |

14214 | Vitaminum C | Acidum ascorbicum | Powder | for veterinary use | Interbiowet | 4/11/06 |

14215 | Vitaminum C 0,1 | Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14216 | Vitaminum C 0,1 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 21/03/07 |

14217 | Vitaminum C 0,1 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/06 |

14218 | Vitaminum C 0,2 | Acidum ascorbicum | Film-coated tablets | | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14219 | Vitaminum C 0,2 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 28/02/06 |

14220 | Vitaminum C 0,2 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 30/06/06 |

14221 | Vitaminum C 0,5 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent powder | 500 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

14222 | Vitaminum C 0,5 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent powder | 500 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

14223 | Vitaminum C 0,5 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent powder | 500 mg | AFLOFARM Fabryka Leków Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/06 |

14224 | Vitaminum C 10 % Inj. | Acidum ascorbicum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 14/02/05 |

14225 | Vitaminum C 100 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 100 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

14226 | Vitaminum C 200 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 200 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

14227 | Vitaminum C 5 % Inj. | Acidum ascorbicum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 7/02/05 |

14228 | Vitaminum C 500 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Buccal tablet | 500 mg | Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/06/06 |

14229 | Vitaminum C forte effervescens | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent powder | 0.5 g/4 g | Polfarmex S.A | 30/09/07 |

14230 | Vitaminum C-0,1 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/04/05 |

14231 | Vitaminum C-0,2 | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 30/04/05 |

14232 | Vitaminum D 1000 | Colecalciferolum | Tablets | 1000 j.m. = 0,0250 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14233 | Vitaminum D 500 | Colecalciferolum | Tablets | 500 j.m. =0,0125 mg | Polfarmex Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14234 | Vitaminum D3 solutio aquosa | Colecalciferolum | Oral solution | 15000 j.m./ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14237 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14238 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | US Pharmacia Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

14239 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 100 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 12/10/05 |

14240 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 200 mg | Synteza Sp. z o.o. — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczno-Chemiczne | 12/10/05 |

14241 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 200 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 23/03/05 |

14242 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 300 mg | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14235 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 100mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14236 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/12/08 |

14243 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 400 mg | Medana Pharma TERPOL Group S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14244 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 100 mg | Herbapol — Wrocławskie Zakłady Zielarskie S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14245 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | Gal s.c. Specjalistyczne Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno — Przetwórcze | 31/12/05 |

14249 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/01/05 |

14246 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Oral drops, solution | 300 mg/1 ml | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

14247 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Solution for injection | 0.3 g/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

14248 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Solution for injection | 30 mg/1 ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/11/05 |

14250 | Vitaminum E | Tocopherolum | Solution | for veterinary use | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa | 30/06/04 |

14251 | Vitaminum E — 100 S | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 100 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14252 | Vitaminum E — 200 S | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 200 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14253 | Vitaminum E 100 | Tocopherolum | Buccal tablet | 100 mg | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 29/03/06 |

14254 | Vitaminum E 100 | Tocopherolum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Polfarmex S.A | 14/12/05 |

14255 | Vitaminum E 200 | Tocopherolum | Buccal tablet | 200 mg | Curtis Healthcare Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe, Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyków | 29/03/06 |

14256 | VITAMINUM E 300 mg | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 300 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej "HASCO-LEK" | 31/12/08 |

14257 | Vitaminum E 400 mg | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 400 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/07/05 |

14258 | Vitaminum E liquidum | Tocopherolum | Oral solution | 0.3 g/ml | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 31/01/06 |

14259 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Solution for injection | 50 mg/ml | Pliva Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14260 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Tablets | 200 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/01/05 |

14261 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Tablets | 200 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14262 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Tablets | 50 mg | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 30/01/05 |

14263 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Tablets | 50 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14264 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Tablets | 50 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14265 | Vitaminum PP | Nicotinamidum | Tablets | 200 mg | Polfarmex S.A. | 30/11/05 |

14266 | Vitapil | | Film-coated tablets | | Puritan's Pride, Incorporated | 31/07/04 |

14267 | Vitaral | | Coated tablets | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

14268 | Vitaral | | Film-coated tablets | | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/01/06 |

14269 | Vitaral Senior | Vitamins and minerals | Film-coated tablets | praparat złożony | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

14270 | Vitarutin | Acidum ascorbicum + Rutosidum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg + 25 mg | Elanda S.C. | 31/12/08 |

14271 | Vitasan E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 200 mg | R.P. Scherer GmbH & Co. KG | 31/12/08 |

14272 | Vitasol C | Acidum ascorbicum | Solution | for veterinary use | Richter Pharma AG | 28/01/07 |

14273 | Vitazol AD3E płyn | Witamina A, Witamina D3, Witamina E | Liquid | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 28/04/04 |

14274 | Vitazol AD3E inj. | Witamina a, d3, e | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

14275 | Vitazol AD3E Proszek | Witaminy A, D3, E | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 5/08/04 |

14276 | Vitazol AD3EC | Witaminy C,A, D3, E | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 5/08/04 |

14277 | Vitazol B12 inj. | Cyanocobalaminum | Solution | for veterinary use | Biowet Drwalew | 31/12/08 |

14278 | Vitazol EC | Witamina E, Witamina C | Powder | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 28/04/04 |

14279 | VITIRON Suscaps | Preparat witaminowo — mineralny | Gelatin capsules, soft | | MEPHA Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14280 | Vitis fix | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 31/12/04 |

14281 | Vitole E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 100 j.m. | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 9/08/06 |

14282 | Vitole E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 200 j.m. | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 9/08/06 |

14283 | Vitole E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 300 j.m. | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 9/08/06 |

14284 | Vitole E | Tocopherolum | Capsules, soft | 400 j.m. | Medana Pharma Terpol Group S.A. | 9/08/06 |

14285 | Vitreolent | Kalii iodidum + Natrii iodidum | Eye drops | (3mg + 3mg)/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 30/06/04 |

14286 | Vitrum | | Film-coated tablets | | Unipharm Inc. | 31/03/07 |

14287 | Vitrum Calcium + Vit. D3 | Calcii carbonas, Colecalciferolum | Effervescent tablets | 500 mg + 200 j.m. | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14288 | Vitrum Calcium + Vitaminum D3 | Calcium związki + Colecalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | | Unipharm Inc. | 31/03/07 |

14289 | Vitrum Cardio | | Film-coated tablets | | Unipharm Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14290 | Vitrum Gastric | Calcii carbonas + Magnesii hydroxydum | Buccal tablets | 1430 mg + 122 mg | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14291 | Vitrum Junior | Preparat złożony | Buccal tablets | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14292 | Vitrum Mag | Calcii carbonas, Magnesii hydroxidum | Buccal tablets | 500 mg Ca2+, 50 mg Mg2+ | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14293 | Vitrum Osteomag + Vit. D3 | Calcii carbonas, Magnesii oxydum, Colecalciferolum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg Ca2+, 40 mg Mg2+ | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14294 | Vitrum Performance | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14295 | Vitrum Plus | Preparat złożony | Effervescent tablets | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14296 | Vitrum Plus Junior | Preparat złożony | Effervescent tablets | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14297 | Vitrum Plus Magnesium | Magnesii oxidum | Effervescent tablets | 300 mg Mg2+ | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14298 | Vitrum Prenatal | | Film-coated tablets | | Unipharm Inc. | 31/03/07 |

14299 | VITRUM Prenatal Forte | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14300 | Vitrum Senior | Preparat złożony | Film-coated tablets | | UNIPHARM INC. | 31/12/08 |

14301 | Vivacor | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 12.5 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

14302 | Vivacor | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 25 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

14303 | Vivacor | Carvedilolum | Tablets | 6.25 mg | Anpharm S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/08 |

14305 | Vividrin | Acidum cromoglicicum | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 31/03/07 |

14304 | Vividrin | Acidum cromoglicicum | Nasal spray, solution | 2.6 mg/dawkę donosową | Dr Gerhard Mann Chem. — Pharm. Fabrik GmbH | 31/03/07 |

14306 | Vividrin Iso Edo | Natrii cromoglicas | Eye drops, solution | 20 mg/ml | Dr Gerhard Mann | 31/12/08 |

14311 | Voltaren | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 25 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/05 |

14312 | Voltaren | Diclofenacum | Gastro-resistant tablets | 50 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/05 |

14310 | Voltaren | Diclofenacum | Solution for intramuscular injection or for infusion | 25 mg/ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/05 |

14307 | Voltaren | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 100 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/05 |

14308 | Voltaren | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 25 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/05 |

14309 | Voltaren | Diclofenacum | Suppository | 50 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/05 |

14313 | Voltaren Acti | Diclofenacum | Film-coated tablets | 12.5 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 27/06/07 |

14314 | Voltaren Emulgel 1 % | Diclofenacum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/05/04 |

14315 | Voltaren SR 100 | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 100 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

14316 | Voltaren SR 75 | Diclofenacum | Prolonged release tablets | 75 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 1/04/06 |

14317 | Voltenac | Diclofenacum | Gel | 10 mg/g | Sanofi-Synthelabo Sp. z o.o. | 31/01/05 |

14318 | Vomitusheel | | Drops | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14319 | Vomitusheel S | | Suppository | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14320 | Voxpax | | Tablets | | Lehning Laboratoires | 31/03/06 |

14321 | Vratizolin | Denotivirum | Cream | 30 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/10/05 |

14322 | Vratizolin | Denotivirum | Eye suspension | 20 mg/g | Jelfa S.A. Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 31/12/07 |

14323 | Vulketan | Ketanseryny winian | Gel | for veterinary use | Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. | 24/11/04 |

14324 | Vumon | Teniposidum | Solution for injection | 10 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb S.p.A, Latina | 30/06/04 |

14325 | Vupral | Acidum valproicum | Oral drops | 200 mg/ml | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14326 | Wagavit | | Capsules | | Bional BV | 31/12/08 |

14327 | Wagavit | | Capsules | | Bional Pharma BV | 31/12/08 |

14328 | Waleriana na Dzień | | Tablets | | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

14329 | Waleriana na Noc | | Tablets | | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

14330 | Walerianki | | Tablets | 0.5 g | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne mgr farm. Zofia Sadowska | 31/12/08 |

14331 | Wamag | Calcii glubionas + Calcii lactas + Magnesii lactas | Syrup | | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 31/01/06 |

14332 | Wapnia bromek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/11/05 |

14333 | Wapnia bromek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/11/05 |

14334 | Wapnia bromek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/11/05 |

14335 | Wapnia chlorek | | | | Biochem, Warszawa | 30/11/05 |

14336 | Wapnia chlorek | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 30/11/05 |

14337 | Wapnia chlorek | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/11/05 |

14338 | Wapnia chlorek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/11/05 |

14339 | Wapnia chlorek | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/11/05 |

14340 | Wapnia chlorek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/11/05 |

14341 | Wapnia glukonian | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14342 | Wapnia glukonian | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

14343 | Wapnia glukonian | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14344 | Wapnia mleczan | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14345 | Wapnia mleczan | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/12/08 |

14346 | Wapnia mleczan | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14347 | Wapnia tlenek | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/05 |

14348 | Wapnia tlenek | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 31/01/05 |

14349 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 14/06/07 |

14350 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Cefarm Wrocław | 14/06/07 |

14351 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Farm-Impex s.j., Gliwice | 14/06/07 |

14352 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 14/06/07 |

14353 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 14/06/07 |

14354 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 14/06/07 |

14355 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 14/06/07 |

14356 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 14/06/07 |

14357 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 14/06/07 |

14358 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 14/06/07 |

14359 | Wapnia węglan strącony | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 14/06/07 |

14360 | Wapnia wodorofosforan | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/09/05 |

14361 | Wapnia wodorowęglan | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 4/03/05 |

14362 | Wapno sodowane | Calcii hydroxydum cum Natrii hydroxydo granulatum | | Firma Chemiczna Dwory S.A. | 19/06/05 |

14363 | Wartec | Podophyllotoxinum | Cream | 1.5 mg/g | Stiefel Laboratories (UK) Ltd. | 23/11/05 |

14364 | Wartec — Wolff | Podophyllotoxinum | Liquid | 5 mg/ml | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/12/08 |

14365 | Wastan | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

14366 | Wastan | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

14367 | Wastan | Atorvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Instytut Farmaceutyczny | 31/12/08 |

14368 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 19/01/05 |

14369 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 19/01/05 |

14370 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 19/01/05 |

14371 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 19/01/05 |

14372 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 19/01/05 |

14373 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/01/05 |

14374 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 19/01/05 |

14375 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 19/01/05 |

14376 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 19/01/05 |

14377 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 19/01/05 |

14378 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 19/01/05 |

14379 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 19/01/05 |

14380 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 19/01/05 |

14381 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 19/01/05 |

14382 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 19/01/05 |

14383 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/01/05 |

14384 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 19/01/05 |

14385 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/01/05 |

14386 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 19/01/05 |

14387 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 19/01/05 |

14388 | Wazelina biała | Vaselinum album | | | Ziaja, Gdańsk | 19/01/05 |

14389 | Wazelina hydrofilowa | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 19/10/07 |

14390 | Wazelina hydrofilowa | | | | Ziaja, Gdańsk | 19/10/07 |

14391 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 5/08/05 |

14392 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 5/08/05 |

14393 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne HOMEOFARM Sp. z o.o. | 5/08/05 |

14394 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Laboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn Sp. z o.o. | 5/08/05 |

14395 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 5/08/05 |

14396 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 5/08/05 |

14397 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 5/08/05 |

14398 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 5/08/05 |

14399 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 5/08/05 |

14400 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 5/08/05 |

14401 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 5/08/05 |

14402 | Wazelina żółta | Vaselinum flavum | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 5/08/05 |

14403 | Wellbutrin Sr | Bupropionum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 150 mg | Glaxo Wellcome House, Glaxo Wellcome Group | 31/12/08 |

14404 | Wenlafaksyna Er | Venlafaxinum | Capsules | 75 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14405 | Wenlafaksyna Er | Venlafaxinum | Capsules | 150 mg | POLFA KUTNO S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14406 | Werten | Acidum ascorbicum, Rutosidum, Tocopherolum | Film-coated tablets | (200 + 200 + 50) mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14407 | Wetacyklina | Tetracykliny chlorowodorek | Intrauterine stick | for veterinary use | Drwalewskie Zakłady Przemysłu Bioweterynaryjnego | 13/09/04 |

14408 | Wetastymina | Ekstrakt z tkanek wątroby i śledziony zdrowych świń | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy Sp. z o.o. | 27/11/05 |

14409 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | Capsules | 200 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 24/05/07 |

14410 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | Capsules | 200 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 24/05/07 |

14411 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | Capsules | 200 mg | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 24/05/07 |

14412 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | Capsules | 200 mg | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 24/05/07 |

14413 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | Capsules | 200 mg | ICN Polfa Rzeszów | 24/05/07 |

14414 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 24/05/07 |

14415 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 24/05/07 |

14416 | Węgiel leczniczy | Carbo medicinalis | | | Pharma Zentrale | 24/05/07 |

14417 | Węgiel Leczniczy | Wegiel leczniczy | Powder | for veterinary use | PFO Vetos-Farma | 15/05/07 |

14418 | Węgiel leczniczy NORIT 200 mg | Carbo medicinalis | | | Norit | 31/12/05 |

14419 | Węglan Wapnia Strącony | Calcii carbonas | Capsules, hard | 200 mg Ca2+ | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14420 | Węglan Wapnia Strącony | Calcii carbonas | Capsules, hard | 400 mg Ca2+ | Laboratorium Galenowe "LEFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14421 | Wick Formula 44 Plus L | Guaifenesinum | Syrup | 200 mg/15ml | Procter & Gamble Operations GmbH & Co. Manufacturing OHG | 31/07/04 |

14422 | Wick Formula 44 Plus S | Dextromethorphanum | Syrup | 20 mg/15 ml | Procter & Gamble Operations GmbH & Co. Manufacturing OHG | 31/07/04 |

14423 | Wick Vapo Rub | | Ointment | | Procter & Gamble Operations GmbH & Co. Manufacturing OHG | 30/04/04 |

14424 | Wick vapo sirup | | | | Wick Pharma | 31/12/08 |

14425 | Wielka Pieniawa | Preparat złożony | Mineral medicated water | | Zespół Uzdrowisk Kłodzkich S.A. | 30/09/07 |

14426 | Wincoram | Amrinonum | Solution for injection | 5 mg/ml | Sanofi Winthrop-Gentilly Cedex | 30/06/04 |

14427 | Winian sodowo-potasowy | | | | Polskie Odczynniki Chemiczne, Gliwice | 30/09/05 |

14428 | WinRho SDF | Anti-D (rh) immunoglobulinum | Powder and solvent for solution for intramuscular or intravenous injection | 1500 j.m. (300 mcg) | Cangene Corporation | 16/07/06 |

14429 | Witagin | Ginseng radix extractum siccum | Tablets | 60 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

14430 | Witamina A +D3 naturalna | Olej z wątroby halibuta | Capsule, soft | 165 mg | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14431 | Witamina AD3E 80/40/20 pro.inj. | Palmitynian retynolu, Cholekalcyferol, Octan a-tokoferolu | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetimex Animal Health B.V. | 16/12/04 |

14432 | Witamina B Complex | Preparat złożony | Capsules | | Healthilife Limited | 31/12/08 |

14433 | Witamina C | Acidum ascorbicum (vit C) | Effervescent tablets | 1000 mg | Pharmavit Kft. | 31/03/07 |

14434 | Witamina C | | Effervescent powder | 500 mg | Farmina Sp. z o.o. | 31/03/07 |

14435 | Witamina C | Acidum ascorbicum | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 31/12/08 |

14436 | Witamina C + Glukoza | Witamina C, Glukoza | Powder | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 1/08/04 |

14438 | Witamina C 500 | Acidum ascorbicum | Chewable tablets | 500 mg | Healthilife Limited | 31/12/08 |

14437 | Witamina C 500 | Acidum ascorbicum | Tablets | | Sun — Farm Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14439 | Witamina E | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 335 mg | Healthilife Limited | 31/12/08 |

14440 | Witamina E forte | Tocopherolum | Capsules | 147 mg | Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co | 31/08/04 |

14441 | WITAMINA E Naturalna NS | Tocopherolum | Capsules, hard | 100 j.m. | Agropharm S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14442 | Witaminum A 30000 + E70 | Retinolum + Tocopherolum | Gelatin capsules, soft | 30000 j.m. + 70mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Hasco-Lek | 30/04/06 |

14443 | Witaminy dla Dzieci | Multivitamins and trace elements | Tablets | | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

14444 | Witkarnit | Witamina a, b1,b2,b6, b12, e,k3, pp, biotyna, cholina, L-karnityna | Liquid | for veterinary use | Biowet Puławy | 31/12/08 |

14445 | Woda demineralizowana | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 5/03/05 |

14446 | Woda do przepłukiwania | Aqua pro irrygatione | Aqua for rinse | | Baxter Terpol Sp. z o.o. | 7/03/07 |

14447 | Woda Do Wstrzykiwań | Aqua pro injectione | Solvent for parenteral use | 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml | Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. | 30/09/07 |

14448 | Woda do wstrzyknięć | Aqua pro injectione | Solvent for parenteral use | | B. Braun Melsungen AG | 17/01/07 |

14449 | Woda oczyszczona | | | | Felix Pharma, Lublin | 15/04/06 |

14450 | Woda oczyszczona | | | | Galenus, Rzeszów | 15/04/06 |

14451 | Woda oczyszczona | | | | Labpharm-ATS, Brwinów | 15/04/06 |

14452 | Woda oczyszczona | | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 15/04/06 |

14453 | Woda oczyszczona | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 15/04/06 |

14454 | Woda utleniona | Nadtlenek wodoru | Liquid | for veterinary use | Galvet | 31/12/08 |

14455 | Woda utleniona | | | | ANNA, Nowa Dęba | 31/12/05 |

14456 | Woda utleniona | | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 31/12/05 |

14457 | Woda utleniona | | | | Labpharm-ATS, Brwinów | 31/12/05 |

14458 | Woda utleniona | | | | PPF GEMI, Karczew | 31/12/05 |

14459 | Woda utleniona 3 % | nadtlenek wodoru | Liquid | for veterinary use | Felix Pharma | 31/12/08 |

14460 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | AUGMED, Dawidy Bankowe | 31/12/08 |

14461 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Avena, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

14462 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

14463 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Felix-Pharma, Lublin | 31/12/08 |

14464 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Hasco-Lek, Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

14465 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Ichem, Łódź | 31/12/08 |

14466 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Infarm, Gdynia | 31/12/08 |

14467 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Lefarm, Bydgoszcz | 31/12/08 |

14468 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Maggie, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14469 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Małgorzata Kacperska, Jan Kacperski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe MICROFARM s.c. | 31/12/08 |

14470 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Polon, Łódź | 31/12/08 |

14471 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14472 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Septoma, Ząbki | 31/12/08 |

14473 | Woda utleniona 3 % | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14474 | Woda wapienna | | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 28/02/06 |

14475 | Woda wapienna | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 28/02/06 |

14476 | Woda wapienna | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 28/02/06 |

14477 | Woda wapienna | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 28/02/06 |

14478 | Woda wapienna | | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 28/02/06 |

14479 | Woda wapienna | | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 28/02/06 |

14480 | Wodny Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 1 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 10 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 30/01/05 |

14481 | Wodny Roztwór Fioletu Gencjanowego 2 % | Methylrosanilinii chloridum | Coutanous liquid | 20 mg/g | Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Farmaceutycznej Gemi | 30/01/05 |

14482 | Wodorowęglan sodu | | | | Cefarm Gdańsk | 12/10/05 |

14483 | Wodorowęglan sodu | | | | PZF "Cefarm-Lublin" S.A. | 12/10/05 |

14484 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 24/03/06 |

14485 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Eko-Lek, Łabowa | 24/03/06 |

14486 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Farmina Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 24/03/06 |

14487 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Filofarm, Bydgoszcz | 24/03/06 |

14488 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Jarosław Szczepańczyk | 24/03/06 |

14489 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Polfarmex, Kutno | 24/03/06 |

14490 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Prolab, Paterek k/Nakła | 24/03/06 |

14491 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Res-Farm., Rzeszów | 24/03/06 |

14492 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Semifarm, Gdańsk | 24/03/06 |

14493 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Wytwórnia Euceryny Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne Coel, Kraków | 24/03/06 |

14494 | Wodoru nadtlenek 3 % (Hydrogenii peroxydum 3 %) | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Herbapol Kraków | 4/03/07 |

14495 | Wodoru nadtlenek 30 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/01/06 |

14496 | Wodoru nadtlenek 30 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Cefarm Częstochowa | 31/01/06 |

14497 | Wodoru nadtlenek 30 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Maga-Herba s.c., Legionowo | 31/01/06 |

14498 | Wodoru nadtlenek 30 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Pharma Zentrale | 31/01/06 |

14499 | Wodoru nadtlenek 30 % | Hydrogenii peroxydum | | | Zakład Farmaceutyczny Amara, Kraków | 31/01/06 |

14500 | Wolff Basis | Preparat złożony | Cutaneous emulsion | | Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co. | 31/08/05 |

14501 | Woodwards Gripe Water | Preparat złożony | Oral solution | | Seton Products Ltd | 30/06/04 |

14502 | Wosk biały | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/04/06 |

14503 | Wosk biały | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/04/06 |

14504 | Wosk biały | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/04/06 |

14505 | Wosk biały | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/04/06 |

14506 | Wosk żółty | | | | BUFA b.v. Pharmaceutical Products | 30/04/06 |

14507 | Wosk żółty | | | | Pharma Cosmetic, Kraków | 30/04/06 |

14508 | Wosk żółty | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 30/04/06 |

14509 | Wosk żółty | | | | PPH Galfarm Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 30/04/06 |

14510 | Wybielacz optyczny | Błękit metylenowy, dwusodowy wersenian | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 31/12/08 |

14511 | Wybielacz optyczny Forte | Błękit metylenowy, EDTA sól dwusodowa | Solution | for veterinary use | Przedsiębiorstwo Tropical | 18/09/07 |

14512 | Wyciąg lukrecjowy suchy | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 9/04/05 |

14513 | Wyciąg lukrecjowy suchy | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 9/04/05 |

14514 | Wyciąg tymiankowy płynny | | | | Aflofarm Farmacja Polska, Pabianice | 31/05/05 |

14515 | Wyciąg z liści pokrzyku suchy | | | | A.C.E.F, Włochy | 31/12/08 |

14516 | Wyciąg ze Skrzypu Polnego z Witaminami | Preparat ziołowy | Tablets | | Vitamex AB | 31/07/04 |

14517 | Xalacom | Latanoprostum + Timololum | Eye drops | (0,05 mg + 5 mg)/ml | PHARMACIA AB | 31/12/08 |

14518 | Xalatan | Latanoprostum | Eye drops, solution | 0.05 mg/g | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/05/04 |

14519 | Xanax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

14520 | Xanax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

14521 | Xanax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

14522 | Xanax | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 2 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 30/04/04 |

14523 | Xanax SR | Alprazolamum | Prolonged release tablets | 0.5 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14524 | Xanax SR | Alprazolamum | Prolonged release tablets | 1 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14525 | Xanax SR | Alprazolamum | Prolonged release tablets | 2 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14526 | Xanax SR | Alprazolamum | Prolonged release tablets | 3 mg | Pharmacia N.V./S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14527 | Xartan | Losartanum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 30/04/05 |

14528 | Xefo | Lornoxicamum | Powder for injection | 8 mg/2ml | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14529 | Xefo | Lornoxicamum | Tablets | 4 mg | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14530 | Xefo | Lornoxicamum | Tablets | 8 mg | Nycomed A GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14531 | Xeloda | Capecitabinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 21/06/06 |

14532 | Xeloda | Capecitabinum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 21/06/06 |

14533 | Xenical | Orlistatum | Capsules | 120 mg | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 31/07/04 |

14534 | Xenistat | Orlistatum | Tablets | 120 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "LEK — AM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14535 | Xenna | Sennae folium extractum siccum | Tablets | 217 mg | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 31/07/04 |

14536 | Xenna | Sennae fructus + Sennosides | Tablets | 8.6 mg | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 14/12/05 |

14537 | Xenna Extra | Sennae fructus + Sennosides | Tablets | 17 mg | US Pharmacia International Inc. | 14/12/05 |

14538 | Xigris | Drotrecogin alfa (aktywowany) | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 5 mg | Eli Lilly Company Indianapolis | 31/12/08 |

14539 | Xigris | Drotrecogin alfa (aktywowany) | Powder for solution for intravenous infusion | 20 mg | Eli Lilly Company Indianapolis | 31/12/08 |

14540 | Xitrocin | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 30/09/07 |

14541 | Xitrocin | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 30/09/07 |

14542 | Xitrocin | Roxithromycinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Pabianickie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLFA" | 30/09/07 |

14543 | Xorim | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for injection | 1,5 g | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14544 | Xorim | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution or suspension for injection | 750 mg | Biochemie GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14545 | Xorovir | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 26/04/06 |

14546 | Xorovir | Aciclovirum | Eye ointment | 30 mg/g | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 26/04/06 |

14547 | Xorovir | Aciclovirum | Powder for solution for infusion | 250 mg | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 26/04/06 |

14548 | Xorovir | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 26/04/06 |

14549 | Xorovir | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 400 mg | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 26/04/06 |

14550 | Xorovir | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 800 mg | F.Joh.Kwizda GmbH | 26/04/06 |

14551 | XP Analog | Dieta w fenyloketonurii | Powder for oral solution | | SHS International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14552 | Xp Analog Lcp | Preparat dietetyczny | Powder | | SHS International Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14553 | X-Prep | | Oral solution | | Mundipharma Medical Company | 31/07/04 |

14554 | Xylapan | Ksylazyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Vetoquinol S.A. | 10/07/06 |

14555 | XylaRiem 2 % | Ksylazyny chlorowodorek | Solution | for veterinary use | Rimser Arzneimittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

14556 | Xylavet 2 % | Ksylazyna | Solution | for veterinary use | Alfasan | 18/03/04 |

14557 | Xylestesin A | Epinephrinum + Lidocainum | Solution for injection | | ESPE Dental AG | 30/06/04 |

14558 | Xylocaine 10 % pump spray | Lidocainum | Mucosa spray | 10 mg/dawkę | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

14559 | Xylocaine 2 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

14560 | Xylocaine 4 % | Lidocainum | Mucosa solution | 40 mg/ml | AstraZeneca AB | 30/06/04 |

14561 | Xylodont 2 % | Lidocainum | Solution for injection | 20 mg/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

14562 | Xylodont 2 % z adrenaliną 1:50.000 | Epinephrinum + Lidocainum | Solution for injection | (0,02mg + 20mg)/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

14563 | Xylodont 2 % z adrenaliną 1:80.000 | Epinephrinum + Lidocainum | Solution for injection | (0,0125mg + 20mg)/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

14564 | Xylodont 2 % z adrenaliną 1:100.000 | Epinephrinum + Lidocainum | Solution for injection | (0,01mg + 20mg)/ml | L.Molteni & dei Elii Alitti Societa di Escercizio S.p.A. | 31/07/04 |

14565 | Xylogel 0,05 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal gel | 0.5 mg/g | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

14566 | Xylogel 0,1 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal gel | 1 mg/g | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 30/01/05 |

14567 | Xylometazolin | Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops | 0.1 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14568 | Xylometazolin 0,05 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops | 0.05 % | ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14569 | Xylometazolin 0,05 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

14570 | Xylometazolin 0,1 % | Xylometazolinum | Nasal drops, solution | 1 mg/ml | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/05 |

14571 | Xylonor 2 % Noradrenaline | Lidocainum + Norepinephrinum | Solution for injection | (20mg + 0,04mg)/ml | Septodont | 31/03/05 |

14572 | Xylonor 2 % Special | Lidocainum + Norepinephrinum | Solution for injection | (20mg + 0,0125mg)/ml | Septodont | 31/03/05 |

14573 | Xylonor 3 % Noradrenaline | Lidocainum + Norepinephrinum | Solution for injection | (30mg + 0,04mg)/ml | Septodont | 30/11/04 |

14575 | Xylorhin | Xylometazolinum | Nasal gel | 0.05 % | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14576 | Xylorhin | Xylometazolinum | Nasal gel | 0.1 % | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/04 |

14574 | Xylorhin | Xylometazolinum | Nasal spray | 550 mcg/ml | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14577 | Xyzal | Levocetirizini dihydrochloridum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | UCB Farchim S.A. | 6/12/06 |

14578 | Yasmin | Drospirenonum + Ethinylstradiolum | Film-coated tablets | | Schering AG | 31/12/08 |

14579 | Yasnal | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

14580 | Yasnal | Donepezilum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | 31/12/08 |

14581 | Yersi-Fishvax | Szczepionka przeciw jersiniozie pstrągów i innych ryb łososiowatych | Liquid | for veterinary use | FATRO | 27/03/05 |

14582 | Yewtaxan | Paclitaxelum | Amp. | 6 mg/ml | Yew Tree Pharmaceutical | 31/12/08 |

14583 | Yohimbinum hydrochloricum D4 | | | | Kosmed II, Głubczyce | 31/12/08 |

14584 | Ypsiloheel N | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/12/07 |

14585 | Yucca Complexe Lehning nr 110 | | Drops | | Lehning Laboratoires | 11/11/06 |

14586 | Zaart 25 | Losartanum | Tablets | 25 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14587 | Zaart 50 | Losartanum | Tablets | 50 mg | Cipla Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14588 | Zaditen | Ketotifenum | Eye drops, solution | 0,25 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG | 14/02/07 |

14589 | Zaditen | Ketotifenum | Eye drops, solution | 0.5 mg/ml | Novartis Ophthalmics AG Hettlingen | 14/02/07 |

14590 | Zaditen | Ketotifenum | Syrup | 1 mg/5 ml | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

14591 | Zaditen | Ketotifenum | Tablets | 1 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/05/04 |

14592 | Zafex | Zafirlukastum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | GENEXO Sp.z.o.o Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14593 | Zafiron | Formoterolum | Inhalation powder, capsules | 12 µg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14594 | Zalain | Sertaconazolum | Cream | 20 mg/g | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 31/08/04 |

14595 | Zalasta | Olanzapinum | Tablets | 5 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14596 | Zalasta | Olanzapinum | Tablets | 10 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14597 | Zalbion | Tetryzolinum | Eye drops, solution | 0,5 mg/ml | Bioton Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14598 | Zaldiar | Tramadolum + Paracetamolum | Tablets | 37,5 mg + 325 mg | Grünenthal GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14599 | Zanidip | Lerconidipinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Recordati S.p.A. | 31/12/08 |

14600 | Zanil- zawiesina | Oksyklozanid | Suspension | for veterinary use | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Biowet | 10/06/04 |

14602 | Zanocin | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

14603 | Zanocin | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated tablets | 200 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

14601 | Zanocin | Ofloxacinum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Ranbaxy Ltd. (Guangzhon China) | 14/02/07 |

14604 | Zanocin OD | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 400 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14605 | Zanocin OD | Ofloxacinum | Film-coated, prolonged release tablets | 800 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

14607 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Effervescent tablets | 150 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

14608 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Effervescent tablets | 300 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

14609 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Effervescent tablets | 75 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

14610 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 150 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

14611 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

14612 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 14/03/07 |

14606 | Zantac | Ranitidinum | Solution for injection | 25 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

14613 | Zavedos | Idarubicinum | Capsules, hard | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/11/04 |

14614 | Zavedos | Idarubicinum | Capsules, hard | 25 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/11/04 |

14615 | Zavedos | Idarubicinum | Capsules, hard | 5 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/11/04 |

14616 | Zavedos | Idarubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 10 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

14617 | Zavedos | Idarubicinum | Lyophilisate for solution for injection | 5 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A.-Milano | 30/06/04 |

14618 | Zawiesina Insektobójcza PESS | Bioresmetryna | Suspension | for veterinary use | Wytwórnia Chemiczna PESS | 9/11/04 |

14619 | Ząbkowanie HomeoPorady | | | | Laboratoires BOIRON | 4/07/07 |

14620 | Zdrój | | Mineral medicated shampoo | | Sulphur Zdrój Exim — Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne | 30/06/05 |

14621 | Zeel comp. | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

14622 | Zeel Comp. | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

14623 | Zeel comp. | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

14624 | Zeel T | | Amp. | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

14625 | Zeel T | | Ointment | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

14626 | Zeel T | | Tablets | | Heel GmbH | 31/07/05 |

14628 | Zeffix | Lamivudinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

14627 | Zeffix | Lamivudinum | Oral solution | 5 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/05 |

14629 | Zeldox | Ziprasidonum | Capsules | 20 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14630 | Zeldox | Ziprasidonum | Capsules | 40 mg | Pfizer European Service | 31/12/08 |

14631 | Zeldox | Ziprasidonum | Capsules | 80 mg | Pfizer European Service | 31/12/08 |

14632 | Zeldox | Ziprasidonum | Capsules | 60 mg | Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14633 | Zeldox | Ziprasidonum | Powder for solution for injection | 200 mg/ml | Pfizer Healthcare Products | 31/12/08 |

14634 | Zelixa | Sibutraminum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14635 | Zelixa | Sibutraminum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | P.P.H.U. "BIOFARM" Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

14636 | Zelmac | Tegaserodum | Tablets | 6 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 31/12/08 |

14637 | Zenapax | Daclizumabum | Concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion | 5 mg/ml | Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Bazylea | 30/11/04 |

14638 | Zencnil | Somatostatinum | Powder for solution for intravenous use | 3 mg | Ferring GmbH | 31/12/08 |

14639 | Žen-Šen Ginseng | | Capsules | 0.35 g | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 30/04/04 |

14641 | Zentel | Albendazolum | Oral suspension | 400mg/20ml | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

14640 | Zentel | Albendazolum | Tablets | 200mg | SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals-Brentford | 30/04/04 |

14642 | Zenusin 20 | Nifedipinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Mepha Ltd. | 30/06/04 |

14643 | Zerit | Stavudinum | Capsules | 15 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

14644 | Zerit | Stavudinum | Capsules | 20 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

14645 | Zerit | Stavudinum | Capsules | 30 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

14646 | Zerit | Stavudinum | Capsules | 40 mg | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 31/12/08 |

14647 | Zerit | Stavudinum | Powder for oral suspension | 1 mg/ml | Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Champ Lachaud | 31/12/08 |

14648 | Zestaw do otrzymywania 99mTc-HEDP | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 15 mg | Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Centralny Szpital Kliniczny Dział Prod. Radiofarm. | 25/01/06 |

14649 | Zestaw do otrzymywania kompleksu ∧99m Tc-EC | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 5 mg EC | Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Centralny Szpital Kliniczny Dział Prod. Radiofarm. | 31/03/05 |

14650 | Zestaw do otrzymywania kompleksu ∧99m Tc-ECD | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 5 mg ECD | Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Centralny Szpital Kliniczny Dział Prod. Radiofarm. | 31/12/08 |

14651 | Zestaw do otrzymywania kompleksu ∧99mTc-IgG | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 5 mg IgG | Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Centralny Szpital Kliniczny Dział Prod. Radiofarm. | 31/12/08 |

14652 | Zestaw do otrzymywania radiofarmaceutyku ∧99m Tc/Sn/HmPAO | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Powder for solution for injection | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 20/09/06 |

14653 | Zestaw do sporządzania kompleksu 99mTc-MIBI | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 1 mg MIBI | Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Centralny Szpital Kliniczny Dział Prod. Radiofarm. | 31/03/05 |

14654 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99 mTc-DMSA | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 1 mg DMSA | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/04/05 |

14655 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99 mTc-DTPA | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 10 mg DTPA | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/04/05 |

14656 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99m Tc-Tektrotyd | preparat radiofarmaceutyczny | Lyophilisate | 20 mikrogramów HYNIC-Tyr 3-Oktreotyd | Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów POLATOM | 31/12/08 |

14657 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99mTc-HEPIDA | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 10 mg HEPIDA | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

14658 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99mTc-Koloid | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

14659 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99mTc-MBrIDA | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 20 mg MBrIDA | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

14660 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99mTc-MDP | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 5 mg MDP | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/04/05 |

14661 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99mTc-MIBI | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 1 mg MIBI | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/01/05 |

14662 | Zestaw do sporządzania radiofarmaceutyku 99mTc-Pirofosforan | Preparat radiodiagnostyczny | Lyophilisate | 8 mg | Polatom Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotopów | 30/04/05 |

14664 | Ziagen | Abacavirum | Film-coated tablets | 300 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/05 |

14663 | Ziagen | Abacavirum | Oral solution | 20 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/05 |

14665 | Ziele bratka 2 | | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

14666 | Ziele Bylicy Bożego Drzewka | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14667 | Ziele Bylicy Pospolitej -Herba Artemisiae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

14668 | Ziele drapacza | Herba Cnici benedicti | | | Herbapol Lublin | 30/11/05 |

14669 | Ziele drapacza lekarskiego | Herba Cnici benedicti | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

14670 | Ziele drapacza lekarskiego | Herba Cnici benedicti | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

14671 | Ziele drapacza lekarskiego | Herba Cnici benedicti | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

14672 | Ziele drapacza lekarskiego | Herba Cnici benedicti | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

14673 | Ziele drapacza lekarskiego | Herba Cnici benedicti | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

14674 | Ziele Drapacza lekarskiego -Herba Cnici benedicti | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

14675 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 24/07/07 |

14676 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | | | Herbapol Łódź | 24/07/07 |

14677 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | | | Varia, Katowice | 24/07/07 |

14678 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 24/07/07 |

14679 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 24/07/07 |

14680 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | | | Zioła Lecznicze, Boguccy, Kraków | 24/07/07 |

14681 | Ziele dziurawca | Hyperici herba | Capsules | 280 mg | Herbalux, Warszawa | 9/05/06 |

14682 | Ziele dziurawca (1 i 2) | Hyperici herba | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14683 | Ziele dziurawca (1 i 2) | Hyperici herba | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/08 |

14684 | Ziele dziurawca (DEPRESPLANT) | Hyperici herba | Capsules | 425 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 28/02/06 |

14685 | Ziele dziurawca 1 | Hyperici herba | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 26/11/05 |

14686 | Ziele dziurawca 1 i 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

14687 | Ziele dziurawca 1 i 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14688 | Ziele dziurawca 1 i 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 31/12/08 |

14689 | Ziele dziurawca 1 i 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

14690 | Ziele dziurawca 1 i 2 (Hyper fix, Dziurawiec fix) | Hyperici herba | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

14691 | Ziele dziurawca 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

14692 | Ziele dziurawca 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 19/11/06 |

14693 | Ziele dziurawca 2 | Hyperici herba | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/11/06 |

14694 | Ziele Dziurawca fix -Herba Hyperici | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

14695 | Ziele Dziurawca - Herba Hyperici | | Herb | | Herbapol Pruszków — Warszawskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/04 |

14696 | Ziele dziurawca Hypericum Tea | Hyperici herba | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/10/05 |

14697 | Ziele dziurawca kaps. 250 mg HYPERPLANT | Hyperici herba | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14698 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego | Violae tricoloris herba | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

14699 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Varia, Katowice | 19/07/07 |

14700 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

14701 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

14702 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Zioła Lecznicze, Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

14703 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego (Viola fix, Bratek fix) | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Herbapol Lublin | 24/09/07 |

14704 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego 1 i 2 | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 30/04/05 |

14705 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego 1 i 2 | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 30/04/05 |

14706 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego 1 i 2 | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 30/04/05 |

14707 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego 1 i 2 | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/04/05 |

14708 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego 1 i 2 -Zioła w tor. do zaparzania | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14709 | Ziele fiołka trójbarwnego Viola Tea | Violae tricoloris herba | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/10/05 |

14710 | Ziele glistnika | | | | Herbaflos, Płońsk | 31/12/07 |

14711 | Ziele glistnika | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/07 |

14712 | Ziele glistnika | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

14713 | Ziele glistnika | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

14714 | Ziele glistnika | | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

14715 | Ziele Glistnika -Herba Chelidoni | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

14716 | Ziele jasnoty białej | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

14717 | Ziele karczocha | Cynarae herba | Herb | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół FLOS, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

14718 | Ziele krwawnika | Millefolii herba | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 30/08/07 |

14719 | Ziele krwawnika | Millefolii herba | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 30/08/07 |

14720 | Ziele krwawnika | Millefolii herba | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/08/07 |

14721 | Ziele krwawnika 1 | Millefolii herba | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/08/05 |

14722 | Ziele krwawnika 1 | Millefolii herba | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14723 | Ziele krwawnika 1 | Millefolii herba | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14724 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 30/09/05 |

14725 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 30/09/05 |

14726 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 30/09/05 |

14727 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Varia, Katowice | 30/09/05 |

14728 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 30/09/05 |

14729 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/09/05 |

14730 | Ziele krwawnika 1 i 2 (Achillea fix, Krwawnik fix) | Millefolii herba | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

14731 | Ziele krwawnika 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

14732 | Ziele krwawnika 2 | Millefolii herba | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/11/06 |

14733 | Ziele lebiodki | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 18/12/05 |

14734 | Ziele lebiodki | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 18/12/05 |

14735 | Ziele lebiodki | | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 18/12/05 |

14736 | Ziele lebiodki 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14737 | Ziele macierzanki | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

14738 | Ziele macierzanki | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/07 |

14739 | Ziele macierzanki | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/07 |

14740 | Ziele macierzanki 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14741 | Ziele macierzanki 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14742 | Ziele macierzanki 1 i 2 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 10/04/06 |

14743 | Ziele majeranku | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14744 | Ziele nawłoci | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

14745 | Ziele Nawłoci | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14746 | Ziele Nawłoci | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14747 | Ziele Nawłoci | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14748 | Ziele nawłoci pospolitej | | Herb | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14749 | Ziele nostrzyka | Herba meliloti | | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

14750 | Ziele nostrzyka | Herba meliloti | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/07/07 |

14751 | Ziele nostrzyka | Herba meliloti | | | Herbapol Lublin | 19/07/07 |

14752 | Ziele nostrzyka | Herba meliloti | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/07/07 |

14753 | Ziele nostrzyka | Herba meliloti | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

14754 | Ziele nostrzyka | Herba meliloti | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

14755 | Ziele Nostrzyka -Herba Meliloti | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

14756 | Ziele ogórecznika | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14757 | Ziele Pięciornika gęsiego | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14758 | Ziele piołunu | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

14759 | Ziele piołunu (Absinthium fix, Piołun fix) | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/08 |

14760 | Ziele piołunu 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 25/08/06 |

14761 | Ziele piołunu 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

14762 | Ziele piołunu 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

14763 | Ziele piołunu 2 | | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/12/06 |

14764 | Ziele podróżnika | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 30/06/06 |

14765 | Ziele podróżnika | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/06/06 |

14766 | Ziele pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 30/10/05 |

14767 | Ziele pokrzywy | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14768 | Ziele Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

14769 | Ziele Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14770 | Ziele Pokrzywy | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

14771 | Ziele pokrzywy fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

14772 | Ziele połonicznika | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 26/03/06 |

14773 | Ziele połonicznika | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 26/03/06 |

14774 | Ziele połonicznika | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 26/03/06 |

14775 | Ziele połonicznika | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 26/03/06 |

14776 | Ziele Połonicznika Herba Herniariae | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 31/12/04 |

14777 | Ziele poziewnika | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14778 | Ziele poziewnika | | Herb | | Zioła Lecznicze | 31/12/08 |

14779 | Ziele przetacznika | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 31/12/08 |

14780 | Ziele przywrotnika | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 30/06/06 |

14781 | Ziele przywrotnika | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 30/06/06 |

14782 | Ziele Przywrotnika | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/06/06 |

14783 | Ziele rdestu ostrogorzkiego | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14784 | Ziele rdestu ostrogorzkiego | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/12/08 |

14785 | Ziele rdestu ostrogorzkiego 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14786 | Ziele rdestu ostrogorzkiego 1 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/08/05 |

14787 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 15/03/05 |

14788 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 15/03/05 |

14789 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 15/03/05 |

14790 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego (1 i 2) | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14791 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego 1 | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/08/05 |

14792 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego 1 i 2 | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 30/09/05 |

14793 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego 1 i 2 | | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 30/09/05 |

14794 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/09/05 |

14795 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego 1 i 2 (Polygonum fix, Rdest fix) | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

14796 | Ziele rdestu ptasiego 2 | | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 9/04/06 |

14797 | Ziele rzepiku | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 30/06/06 |

14798 | Ziele rzepiku | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/06/06 |

14799 | Ziele Serdecznika | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14800 | Ziele Serdecznika | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14801 | Ziele Serdecznika | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14802 | Ziele Serdecznika -Herba Leonuri | Leonuri cardiaceae herba | Herb | | Herbapol Kraków S.A. — Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie | 31/12/06 |

14803 | Ziele skrzypu | Herba equiseti | Herb | | A-Z MEDICA Sp. z o.o., Sopot | 19/07/07 |

14804 | Ziele skrzypu | Herba equiseti | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/07 |

14805 | Ziele skrzypu | Herba equiseti | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 19/07/07 |

14806 | Ziele skrzypu (1 i 2) | Herba equiseti | | | Herba Oskar, Wierzbówiec | 31/12/08 |

14807 | Ziele skrzypu (1 i 2) | Herba equiseti | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14808 | Ziele skrzypu (2) | Herba equiseti | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 30/04/06 |

14809 | Ziele skrzypu 1 i 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Herbapol Kraków | 30/11/05 |

14810 | Ziele skrzypu 1 i 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Herbapol Wrocław | 30/11/05 |

14811 | Ziele skrzypu 1 i 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Varia, Katowice | 30/11/05 |

14812 | Ziele skrzypu 1 i 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Zakład DARY NATURY, Grodzisk | 30/11/05 |

14813 | Ziele skrzypu 1 i 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 30/11/05 |

14814 | Ziele skrzypu 1 i 2 (Equisetum fix, Skrzyp fix) | Herba equiseti | | | Herbapol Lublin | 2/11/07 |

14815 | Ziele skrzypu 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca | 19/11/06 |

14816 | Ziele skrzypu 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/11/06 |

14817 | Ziele skrzypu polnego 1 i 2 | Herba equiseti | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 30/11/05 |

14818 | Ziele srebrnika | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 30/10/05 |

14819 | Ziele Srebrnika | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14820 | Ziele szanty | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

14821 | Ziele Szanty | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14822 | Ziele szanty | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14823 | ziele świetlika | Euphrasiae herba | Herb | | Elanda S.C. | 30/10/05 |

14826 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14827 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

14828 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14829 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

14830 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/06/06 |

14831 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Zioła Lecznicze — Boguccy s.c. | 30/06/05 |

14832 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14833 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Herba Lux s.c. Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 30/10/05 |

14834 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Phytopharm Dobrzyca Sp. z o.o. | 30/10/05 |

14835 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Herbaflos Zakład Przetwórstwa Zielarskiego | 31/08/05 |

14824 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14825 | Ziele Świetlika | | Herb in bags | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14836 | Ziele tasznika | | Herb | | Bogucki, Kraków | 30/10/05 |

14837 | Ziele tasznika | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 30/10/05 |

14838 | Ziele tasznika | | Herb | | Kawon, Gostyń | 30/10/05 |

14839 | Ziele Tasznika | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14840 | Ziele Tasznika | | Herb | | Herbapol Lublin S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14841 | Ziele tasznika fix | | Herb | | Herbapol, Gdańsk | 31/12/08 |

14842 | Ziele tymianku | | | | Herbapol Białystok | 13/05/06 |

14843 | Ziele tymianku | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 13/05/06 |

14844 | Ziele tymianku | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 13/05/06 |

14845 | Ziele tymianku | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 13/05/06 |

14846 | Ziele tymianku | | Capsules | 350 mg | Aflofarm Fabryka Leków, Ksawerów | 9/10/05 |

14847 | Ziele tymianku (1 i 2) | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

14848 | Ziele tymianku 1 | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 15/02/05 |

14849 | Ziele tymianku 1 i 2 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 31/12/08 |

14850 | Ziele tymianku kaps. 250 mg Tussiplant | | | | Phytopharm Klęka S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14851 | Ziele tysiącznika | | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/03/05 |

14852 | Ziele tysięcznika | | | | Herbapol Lublin | 31/12/07 |

14853 | Ziele tysięcznika | | | | Zioła Lecznicze Boguccy, Kraków | 31/12/07 |

14854 | Ziele tysięcznika 1 | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 10/04/06 |

14855 | Ziele tysięcznika 1 | | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 10/04/06 |

14856 | Ziele wierzbówki kiprzycy | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14857 | Ziele wierzbówki kiprzycy fix | | Herb | | Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie "HERBAPOL" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14858 | Zifam 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14859 | Zifam 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14860 | Zifam 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14861 | Zifam 80 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA | 31/12/08 |

14862 | Zilden | Diltiazemum | Tablets | 60 mg | Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. | 30/06/04 |

14866 | Zinacef | Cefuroximum | Powder for solution for intravascular injection and infusion | 1.5 g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14863 | Zinacef | Cefuroximum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection and for solution for intravenous injection | 250 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14864 | Zinacef | Cefuroximum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection and for solution for intravenous injection | 750 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14865 | Zinacef | Cefuroximum | Powder for suspension for intramuscular injection and for solution for intravenous injection | 250 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 30/10/05 |

14867 | Zinaxin | | Capsules, soft | 255 mg | Eurovita International A/S | 31/10/04 |

14868 | Zincas | Zinci hydroaspartas | Tablets | 5.5 mg Zn++ | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

14869 | Zincas forte | Zinci hydroaspartas | Tablets | 27 mg Zn++ | Farmapol Sp. z o.o. Zakład Chemiczno-Farmaceutyczny | 31/01/06 |

14870 | Zincteral | Zinci sulfas | Film-coated tablets | 45 mg Zn++ | Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/05 |

14871 | Zincuprin | | Tablets | | Sun-Farm Sp.z o.o. Kołbiel | 31/03/07 |

14872 | Zincuprin Forte | | Tablets | | Sun-Farm Sp.z o.o. Kołbiel | 31/03/07 |

14873 | Zindaclin | Clindamycinum | Gel | 1 % | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

14874 | Zineryt | Erythromycinum | Powder and solvent for solution for external use | 40 mg/ml | Yamanouchi Europe B.V. | 31/03/04 |

14875 | Zingibir | Zingiberis rhizomae pulv. | Tablets | 500 mg | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

14881 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 125 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14882 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 250 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14883 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Film-coated tablets | 500 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14876 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14877 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Granules for oral suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

14878 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/11/04 |

14879 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/01/05 |

14880 | Zinnat | Cefuroximum | Granules for oral suspension | 250 mg/5 ml | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/03/05 |

14884 | Zioła żółciopędne | | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 19/07/07 |

14885 | Zioła do plukania gardła | Species ad gargarisma | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/07 |

14886 | Zioła do płukania gardła | Species ad gargarisma | Bags | 2.1 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 4/05/07 |

14887 | Zioła do płukania gardła | Species ad gargarisma | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 4/05/07 |

14888 | Zioła do płukania gardła 1 i 2 | Species ad gargarisma | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 29/08/07 |

14889 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi | Species reducentes | Bags | 2.0 g | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 14/05/07 |

14890 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi | Species reducentes | Herb in bags | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 14/05/07 |

14891 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi | Species reducentes | Herb in bags | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 14/05/07 |

14892 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi | Species reducentes | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/05/07 |

14893 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi | Species reducentes | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/05/07 |

14894 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi | Species reducentes | | | Varia, Katowice | 14/05/07 |

14895 | Zioła do zmniejszania nadwagi (1 i 2) | Species reducentes | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/07/05 |

14896 | Zioła metaboliczne | Species metabolicae | Bags | 2.0 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/05/07 |

14897 | Zioła metaboliczne (1 i 2) | Species metabolicae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 30/04/06 |

14898 | Zioła metaboliczne 1 i 2 | Species metabolicae | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 31/12/07 |

14899 | Zioła metaboliczne 1 i 2 | Species metabolicae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 31/12/07 |

14900 | Zioła metaboliczne 1 i 2 | Species metabolicae | | | Izis, Warszawa | 31/12/07 |

14901 | Zioła metaboliczne 1 i 2 (METABOLSON) | Species metabolicae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 4/07/06 |

14902 | Zioła moczopędne | Species diureticae | Herb | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 27/09/07 |

14903 | Zioła moczopędne | Species diureticae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 27/09/07 |

14904 | Zioła moczopędne | Species diureticae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 27/09/07 |

14905 | Zioła moczopędne | Species diureticae | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 27/09/07 |

14906 | Zioła moczopędne | Species diureticae | | | Varia, Katowice | 27/09/07 |

14907 | Zioła moczopędne 1 i 2 | Species diureticae | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 14/08/07 |

14908 | Zioła moczopędne 1 i 2 | Species diureticae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/08/07 |

14909 | Zioła moczopędne 1 i 2 | Species diureticae | | | Izis, Warszawa | 14/08/07 |

14910 | Zioła moczopędne 1 i 2 Urolson | Species diureticae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/01/05 |

14911 | Zioła poprawiające trawienie | Species digestivae | Bags | 2.3 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/05/07 |

14912 | Zioła poprawiające trawienie | Species digestivae | | | Bonimed, Żywiec | 24/05/07 |

14913 | Zioła poprawiające trawienie | Species digestivae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/05/07 |

14914 | Zioła poprawiające trawienie (1 i 2) | Species digestivae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/08 |

14915 | Zioła poprawiające trawienie 1 i 2 | Species digestivae | | | Izis, Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

14916 | Zioła poprawiające trawienie 2 Fito Mix VII Fix | Species digestivae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 10/02/06 |

14917 | Zioła przecikaszlowe | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/07 |

14918 | Zioła przeciw cukrzycy | Preparat złożony | Instant herbal tea | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół "Malwa", Lubiszyn | 31/12/08 |

14919 | Zioła przeciwbiegunkowe | Species antidiarrhoicae | Bags | 2.5 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 19/03/07 |

14920 | Zioła przeciwbiegunkowe | Species antidiarrhoicae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 19/03/07 |

14921 | Zioła przeciwbiegunkowe | Species antidiarrhoicae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 19/03/07 |

14922 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe | Species Antipyreticae | Bags | 2.3 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/05/07 |

14923 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe | Species antypyreticae | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 24/05/07 |

14924 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe | Species antypyreticae | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/05/07 |

14925 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe 1 | Species antypyreticae | | | Bonimed, Żywiec | 9/11/05 |

14926 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe 1 i 2 | Species antypyreticae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/06/07 |

14927 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe 1 i 2 Gryposon | Species antypyreticae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 31/01/05 |

14928 | Zioła przeciwgorączkowe 2 | Species antypyreticae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 28/02/06 |

14929 | Zioła przeciwgrzybiczne | Preparat złożony | Instant herbal tea | | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

14930 | Zioła przeciwkaszlowe | Species antibechicae | Bags | 2.0 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczneg LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/05/07 |

14931 | Zioła przeciwkaszlowe | Species antybechicae | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/05/07 |

14932 | Zioła przeciwreumatyczne | Species antirheumaticae | Bags | 2.3 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/05/07 |

14933 | Zioła przeciwreumatyczne | Species antirheumaticae | Herb | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 24/05/07 |

14934 | Zioła przeciwreumatyczne | Species antirheumaticae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 24/05/07 |

14935 | Zioła przeciwreumatyczne 1 | Species antirheumaticae | | | Bonimed, Żywiec | 9/11/05 |

14936 | Zioła przeciwreumatyczne 1 i 2 | Species antirheumaticae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/06/07 |

14937 | Zioła przeciwreumatyczne 1 i 2 | Species antirheumaticae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 24/06/07 |

14938 | Zioła przeczyszczające | Species laxantes | Bags | 2.0 g | PPH Biofluid | 19/04/07 |

14939 | Zioła przeczyszczające | Species laxantes | Herb | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 19/04/07 |

14940 | Zioła przeczyszczające | Species laxantes | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 19/04/07 |

14941 | Zioła przeczyszczające | Species laxantes | | | Herbapol Kraków | 19/04/07 |

14942 | Zioła przeczyszczające | Species laxantes | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 19/04/07 |

14943 | Zioła przeczyszczające | Species laxantes | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 19/04/07 |

14944 | Zioła przeczyszczające 1 i 2 | Species laxantes | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 29/08/07 |

14945 | Zioła przeczyszczające 1 i 2 REGULSON | Species laxantes | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 19/07/05 |

14946 | Zioła tonizujące | Preparat złożony | Instant herbal tea | | Innowacyjno Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM, Starogard Gdański | 31/12/08 |

14947 | Zioła ułatwiające gojenie ran | Species advulnantes | Herb in bags | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/05/07 |

14948 | Zioła ułatwiające gojenie ran | Species advulnantes | | | Herbapol Kraków | 14/05/07 |

14949 | Zioła ułatwiające gojenie ran 1 i 2 | Species advulnantes | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 4/08/07 |

14950 | Zioła uławiające gojenie ran | Species advulnantes | Bags | 2.0 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 14/05/07 |

14951 | Zioła uspakajające | Species sedativae | Herb | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 24/07/07 |

14952 | Zioła uspakajające | Species sedativae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/07/07 |

14953 | Zioła uspakajające | Species sedativae | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/07/07 |

14954 | Zioła uspakajające | Species sedativae | | | Varia, Katowice | 24/07/07 |

14955 | Zioła uspakajające | Species sedativae | | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół MALWA, Lubiszyn | 24/07/07 |

14956 | Zioła uspakajające | Species sedativae | | | Zioła Lecznicze-Boguccy, Kraków | 24/07/07 |

14957 | Zioła uspakajające (1 i 2) | Species sedativae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 31/12/07 |

14958 | Zioła uspakajające (1 i 2) | Species sedativae | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/07 |

14959 | Zioła uspakajające 1 | Species sedativae | | | Bonimed, Żywiec | 14/11/05 |

14960 | Zioła uspakajające 1 i 2 | Species sedativae | | | Izis, Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

14961 | Zioła uspakajające 1 i 2 (RELAKSON) | Species sedativae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 5/09/05 |

14962 | Zioła uspokajające 1 i 2 | Species sedativae | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 29/08/07 |

14963 | Zioła wykrztuśne | | | | Elanda, Rozprza | 4/08/07 |

14964 | Zioła wykrztuśne | | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 4/08/07 |

14965 | Zioła wykrztuśne | | | | Herbapol Kraków | 4/08/07 |

14966 | Zioła wykrztuśne | | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 4/08/07 |

14967 | Zioła wykrztuśne (2) | | | | Herbapol Pruszków | 31/12/05 |

14968 | Zioła wzmagające trawienie | Species Stomachicae | Bags | 2.0 g | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/05/07 |

14969 | Zioła wzmagające trawienie | Species Stomachicae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 24/05/07 |

14970 | Zioła wzmagające trawienie 1 i 2 | Species Stomachicae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 14/08/07 |

14971 | Zioła wzmagające trawienie 1 i 2 KALORSON | Species Stomachicae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 30/11/06 |

14973 | Zioła żółciopędne | Species cholagogae | Herb | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 24/07/06 |

14972 | Zioła żółciopędne | Species cholagogae | Herb in bags | | Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół Flos, Mokrsko | 24/07/06 |

14974 | Zioła żółciopędne | Species cholagogae | | | Herbalux, Warszawa | 24/07/06 |

14975 | Zioła żółciopędne | Species cholagogae | | | Herbapol Kraków | 24/07/06 |

14976 | Zioła żółciopędne | Species cholagogae | | | Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe Laboratorium Farmaceutyczne LABOFARM mgr farm. Tadeusz Pawełek | 24/07/06 |

14977 | Zioła żółciopędne | Species cholagogae | | | Varia, Katowice | 24/07/06 |

14978 | Zioła żółciopędne 1 i 2 | Species cholagogae | | | Izis, Warszawa | 31/01/06 |

14979 | Zioła żółciopędne 1 i 2 (HEPAROSON) | Species cholagogae | | | Zakład Zielarski Kawon-Hurt Nowak Sp. J. | 4/07/06 |

14980 | Znamię Kukurydzy | | Herb | | Flos Zakład Konfekcjonowania Ziół — Elżbieta i Jan Gołąb | 30/10/05 |

14981 | Znamię Kukurydzy | | Herb | | Kawon — Hurt s.c. — Zakład Zielarski | 30/10/05 |

14982 | Znamiona kukurydzy | | Herb | | HERBAPOL BIAŁYSTOK S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14983 | Zocor 10 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 20/07/05 |

14984 | Zocor 20 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 20/07/05 |

14985 | Zocor 40 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 31/12/08 |

14986 | Zocor 80 | Simvastatinum | Film-coated tablets | 80 mg | Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Inc. | 12/10/05 |

14987 | Zodac | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 20/06/07 |

14988 | Zofenil 30 | Zofenoprylum | Film-coated tablets | 30 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

14989 | Zofenil 7,5 | Zofenoprylum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

14995 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

14996 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 4 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14997 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

14998 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Film-coated tablets | 8 mg | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/08 |

14993 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection | 2 mg/1 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

14991 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Solution for intravenous injection | 4 mg/2 ml | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/07 |

14992 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Solution for intravenous injection | 8 mg/4 ml | GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. | 31/12/07 |

14990 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Suppository | 16 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

14994 | Zofran | Ondansetronum | Syrup | 4 mg/5ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/12/08 |

14999 | Zofran Zydis | Ondansetronum | Oral lyophilisate | 4 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 26/04/06 |

15000 | Zofran Zydis | Ondansetronum | Oral lyophilisate | 8 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 26/04/06 |

15001 | Zoladex | Goserelinum | Subcutaneous implant | 3.6 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 30/04/04 |

15002 | Zoladex LA | Goserelinum | Subcutaneous implant | 10.8 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

15003 | Zolafren | Olanzapinum | Capsules | 5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 25/10/06 |

15004 | Zolafren | Olanzapinum | Capsules | 7,5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

15005 | Zolafren | Olanzapinum | Capsules | 10 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 25/10/06 |

15006 | Zolafren | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 25/10/06 |

15007 | Zolafren | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Adamed Sp. z o.o. | 25/10/06 |

15008 | Zoleptil 100 | Zotepinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pharma Avalanche | 31/12/08 |

15009 | Zoleptil 25 | Zotepinum | Film-coated tablets | 25 mg | Pharma Avalanche | 31/12/08 |

15010 | Zoleptil 50 | Zotepinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pharma Avalanche | 31/12/08 |

15011 | Zoloft | Sertralinum | Concentrate for oral solution | 20 mg/ml | Pfizer European Service Center N.V./S.A.; Central and Eastern Europe Region | 14/02/07 |

15012 | Zoloft | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 100 mg | Pfizer Bruksela | 31/12/08 |

15013 | Zoloft | Sertralinum | Film-coated tablets | 50 mg | Pfizer Bruksela | 31/12/08 |

15014 | Zolpic | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15015 | Zolpic | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "POLPHARMA" S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15016 | Zolpid | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | HEXAL AG | 31/12/08 |

15017 | Zolpiden | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne POLFA S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15018 | Zolpix | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Zakład Produkcji Chemiczno — Farmaceutycznej s.c."CHANCE", Łomianki | 31/12/08 |

15019 | Zomacton 4 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for injection | 1.62 mg (4,86 j.m.) | Ferring GmbH | 31/12/08 |

15020 | Zomacton 12 | Somatropinum | Lyophilisate for injection | 4.32 mg (12,96 j.m.) | Ferring GmbH | 31/12/08 |

15021 | Zometa | Acidum zoledronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 4 mg | Novartis Pharma AG | 24/05/06 |

15022 | Zomifos | Acidum zoledronicum | Powder and solvent for solution for intravenous infusion | 4 mg | VIPHARM S.A. Warszawa | 31/12/08 |

15023 | Zomig | Zolmitriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

15024 | Zomig | Zolmitriptanum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | AstraZeneca UK Ltd. | 30/09/04 |

15025 | Zomiren | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 12/10/05 |

15026 | Zomiren | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 0.5 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 12/10/05 |

15027 | Zomiren | Alprazolamum | Tablets | 1 mg | Krka d.d., Novo mesto | 12/10/05 |

15028 | Zonadin | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15029 | Zonadin | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | PLIVA Kraków Zakłady Farmaceutyczne S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15030 | Zopiclon 7,5-SL | Zopiclonum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | Slovakofarma a.s. Hlodovec | 25/04/07 |

15031 | Zopiclone | Zopiclonum | Film-coated tablet | 7,5 mg | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne JELFA S.A | 31/12/08 |

15032 | Zopiratio | Zopiclonum | Film-coated tablets | 7.5 mg | ratiopharm GmbH | 21/06/06 |

15033 | Zopix | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 7,5 mg | Expharm Inc. | 31/12/08 |

15034 | Zopix | Zolpidemum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Expharm Inc. | 31/12/08 |

15035 | Zorac | Tazarotenum | Gel | 0.5 mg/g | Pierre Fabre Dermatologie | 15/11/06 |

15036 | Zorac | Tazarotenum | Gel | 1 mg/g | Pierre Fabre Dermatologie | 15/11/06 |

15037 | Zostex | Brivudinum | Tablets | 125 mg | BERLIN — CHEMIE AG (Menarini Group) | 31/12/08 |

15038 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Cream | 50 mg/g | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

15041 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Eye ointment | 30 mg/ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

15039 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 250 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

15040 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous infusion | 500 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

15045 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Oral suspension | 200 mg/5ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 27/06/05 |

15042 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 200 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/04/04 |

15043 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 400 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 27/06/05 |

15044 | Zovirax | Aciclovirum | Tablets | 800 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 27/06/05 |

15046 | Zovirax DS Forte | Aciclovirum | Oral suspension | 400 mg/5 ml | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

15047 | Zovirax S | Aciclovirum | Tablets for oral suspension | 800 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/07/04 |

15048 | Zoxon 1 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 1 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 5/07/06 |

15049 | Zoxon 2 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 2 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 5/07/06 |

15050 | Zoxon 4 | Doxazosinum | Tablets | 4 mg | Lečiva a.s. | 5/07/06 |

15051 | Zucon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 50 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

15052 | Zucon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 100 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

15053 | Zucon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 150 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

15054 | Zucon | Fluconazolum | Capsules | 200 mg | IVAX PHARMA POLAND Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

15055 | Zyban | Bupropionum | Film-coated, prologed release tablets | 150 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 31/05/05 |

15056 | Zyklomat pulse set Lutrelef 0,8 | Gonadorelinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 0.8 mg | Ferring GmbH | 31/05/04 |

15057 | Zyklomat pulse set Lutrelef 3,2 | Gonadorelinum | Powder and solvent for solution for injection | 3.2 mg | Ferring GmbH | 31/05/04 |

15058 | Zyllt | Clopidogrelum | Film-coated tablets | 75 mg | KRKA Polska Sp. z o.o. | 31/12/08 |

15059 | Zyloram | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

15060 | Zyloram | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

15061 | Zyloram | Citalopramum | Film-coated tablets | 40 mg | Ranbaxy Laboratoires Ltd. | 31/12/08 |

15062 | Zyloric | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 100 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

15063 | Zyloric | Allopurinolum | Tablets | 300 mg | Glaxo Wellcome Group Glaxo Wellcome House | 30/06/04 |

15064 | Zymafluor | Natrii fluoridum | Tablets | 0.25 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15065 | Zymafluor | Natrii fluoridum | Tablets | 1 mg | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15066 | Zymafluor 0,114 % | Natrii fluoridum | Drops | 0.114 % | Novartis Consumer Health S.A. | 31/12/08 |

15068 | Zyprexa | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/12/07 |

15069 | Zyprexa | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 15 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/12/08 |

15070 | Zyprexa | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 2.5 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 29/10/06 |

15071 | Zyprexa | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 20 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 29/10/06 |

15072 | Zyprexa | Olanzapinum | Film-coated tablets | 5 mg | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd | 31/12/07 |

15067 | Zyprexa | Olanzapinum | Powder for solution for injection | 10 mg | Eli Lilly Nederland B.V. | 21/03/07 |

15075 | Zyrtec | Cetirizinum | Film-coated tablets | 10 mg | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

15073 | Zyrtec | Cetirizinum | Oral drops, solution | 10 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 30/06/04 |

15074 | Zyrtec | Cetirizinum | Oral solution | 1 mg/ml | UCB S.A. Pharma Sector | 31/12/08 |

15078 | Zyvoxid | Linezolidum | Film-coated tablets | 600 mg | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 6/12/06 |

15076 | Zyvoxid | Linezolidum | Granules for oral solution | 20 mg/ml | Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. | 6/12/06 |

15077 | Zyvoxid | Linezolidum | Solution for intravenous infusion | 2 mg/ml | Pharmacia A.B. | 6/12/06 |

15079 | Żel borowinowy(proponowana nazwa: reumogel) | Wodny wyciąg borowinowy | Gel | | Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne "SULPHUR — ZDRÓJ" EXIM Busko-Zdrój | 31/12/08 |

15080 | Żel do jamy ustnej | | Gel | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

15081 | Żel na blizny | | Gel | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

15082 | Żel na oparzenia | | Gel | | WALA-Heilmittel GmbH | 24/05/07 |

15083 | Żel szałwiowy stomatologiczny | | | | Pampa, Piaseczno | 14/10/06 |

15084 | Żelatyna | | | | Interforum Pharma Sp. z o.o., Kraków | 19/07/05 |

15085 | Żelatyna | | | | Pharma Zentrale | 19/07/05 |

[*] Għat-test ta’ l-Anness XII, ara l-ĠU L 236 tas-23.9.2003, p. 875.

