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Document 02003R2042-20111117

Consolidated text: Ir-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (KE) Nru 2042/2003 ta' l-20 ta' Novembru 2003 dwar l-kapaċità kontinwata li jintużaw fl-ajru ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru u prodotti, partijiet u tagħmir ajrunawtiku, u dwar l-approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjonijiet u persunal involut f'dan ix-xogħol (Test b'relevanza għaż-ŻEE)


2003R2042 — MT — 17.11.2011 — 006.001

Dan it-test hu maħsub purament bħala għodda ta’ dokumentazzjoni u m’għandu l-ebda effett legali. L-istituzzjonijiet tal-Unjoni m'għandhom l-ebda responsabbiltà għall-kontenut tiegħu. Il-verżjonijiet awtentiċi tal-atti rilevanti, inklużi l-preamboli tagħhom, huma dawk ippubblikati fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea u disponibbli f’EUR-Lex. Dawk it-testi uffiċjali huma aċċessibbli direttament permezz tal-links inkorporati f’dan id-dokument



ta' l-20 ta' Novembru 2003

dwar l-kapaċità kontinwata li jintużaw fl-ajru ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru u prodotti, partijiet u tagħmir ajrunawtiku, u dwar l-approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjonijiet u persunal involut f'dan ix-xogħol

(Test b'relevanza għaż-ŻEE)

(ĠU L 315 28.11.2003, p. 1)

Emendat bi:



Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali





REGOLAMENT TAL-KUMMISSJONI (KE) Nru 707/2006 tat-8 ta’ Mejju 2006

  L 122




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUMMISSJONI (KE) Nru 376/2007 tat-30 ta’ Marzu 2007

  L 94




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUMMISSJONI (KE) Nru 1056/2008 tas-27 ta’ Ottubru 2008

  L 283




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUMMISSJONI (UE) Nru 127/2010 tal-5 ta’ Frar 2010

  L 40




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUMMISSJONI (UE) Nru 962/2010 tas-26 ta’ Ottubru 2010

  L 281




REGOLAMENT TAL-KUMMISSJONI (UE) Nru 1149/2011 tal-21 ta’ Ottubru 2011

  L 298



Ikkoreġut b'


Rettifika, ĠU L 076M, 24.3.2009, p.  528 (376/2007)



ta' l-20 ta' Novembru 2003

dwar l-kapaċità kontinwata li jintużaw fl-ajru ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru u prodotti, partijiet u tagħmir ajrunawtiku, u dwar l-approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjonijiet u persunal involut f'dan ix-xogħol

(Test b'relevanza għaż-ŻEE)

Artikolu 1

Għan u kamp ta' applikazzjoni

1.  Dan ir-Regolament jistabbilixxi l-ħtiġiet tekniċi komuni u l-proċeduri amministrattivi biex jiżguraw il-kapaċità kontinwata li jintużaw fl-ajru ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru, inkluż kull komponent li għandu jiġi mwaħħal miegħu, li huma:

(a) reġistrati fi Stat Membru; jew

(b) reġistrati f'pajiż terz u użati minn operatur li dwaru Stat Membru jiżgura superviżjoni ta' l-operazzjonijiet.

2.  Il-paragrafu 1 ma' għandux japplika għal inġenji ta' l-ajru li s-superviżjoni tas-sigurtà regolatorja tiegħu ġiet trasferita lil pajjiż terz u li ma humiex użati minn operatur komunitarju, jew għal inġenji ta' l-ajru msemmija fl-Anness II tar-Regolament bażiku.

3.  Id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' dan ir-Regolament rigward it-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru huma applikabbli għat-trasportaturi ta' l-ajru liċenzjati kif imfissra bid-dritt komunitarju.

Artikolu 2


Fl-iskop tar-Regolament bażiku, għandhom jgħoddu t-tifsiriet li ġejjin:

(a) “inġenju ta' l-ajru” tfisser kull makkinarju li jista' jikseb sostenn fl-atmosfera mir-reazzjonijiet ta' l-arja ħlief reazzjonijiet ta' l-arja kontra il-wiċċ ta' l-art;

(b) “persunal li jiċċertifika” tfisser persunal responsabbli għar-rilaxx ta' inġenju ta' l-ajru jew ta' komponent wara l-manutenzjoni;

(ċ) “komponent” tfisser kull makna, skrejjen, parti jew tagħmir;

(d) “kontinwità li tista' tintuża fl-ajru” tfisser il-proċessi kollha li jiżguraw li, f'kull ħin tal-ħajja operattiva tiegħu, inġenju ta' l-ajru josserva l-ħtiġiet dwar il-kapaċità li jintuża fl-ajru li jkunu fis-seħħ u jkun f'kondizzjoni ta' operazzjoni mingħajr periklu;

(e) “JAA” tfisser “l-Awtoritajiet Konġunti dwar l-Avjazzjoni”;

(f) “JAR” tfisser “il-Ħtiġiet Konġunti dwar l-Avjazzjoni”;

(g) “inġenju ta' l-ajru kbir” tfisser inġenju ta' l-ajru, klassifikat bħala ajruplan b'massa massima għat-tluq ta' 5 700 kg, jew elikotteru b'ħafna makni;

(h) “manutenzjoni” tfisser waħda minn dawn li ġejjin jew kombinament tagħhom: l-eżami bir-reqqa, t-tiswija, l-ispezzjon, is-sostituzzjoni, l-modifika jew ir-rettifika ta' difett ta' inġenju ta' l-ajru jew komponent, ħlief l-ispezzjon ta' qabel titjira;

(i) “organizzazzjoni” tfisser persuna fiżika, persuna legali jew parti minn persuna legali. Organizzazzjoni bħal din tista' tkun stabbilita f'aktar minn sit wieħed kemm jekk dan ikun jew ma jkunx fit-territorju ta' l-Istati Membri;

(j) “ispezzjon ta' qabel titjira” tfisser l-ispezzjoni li ssir qabel it-titjira biex tiżgura li l-inġenju ta' l-ajru hu kapaċi jagħmel it-titjira maħsuba;


(k) “ELA1 inġenju tal-ajru” jfisser l-Inġenji tal-ajru Ħfief Ewropej li ġejjin:

(i) ajruplan, sailplane jew sailplane bil-magna b’Massa Massima għat-Tluq (MTOM) ta’ inqas minn 1 000 kg li mhuwiex ikklassifikat bħala inġenju tal-ajru kumpless li jaħdem b’magna;

(ii) Ballun bi kwantità ta’ gass ta’ disinn massimu jew volum ta’ arja sħuna massima ta’ mhux aktar minn 3 400 m3 għall-blalen tal-arja sħuna, 1 050 m3 għall-blalen tal-gass, 300 m3 għall-blalen tal-gass marbutin (tethered);

(iii) airship” maħsub għal mhux aktar minn żewġ persuni u bi kwantità ta’ gass tat-tlugħ ta’ disinn massimu jew volum ta’ arja sħuna massima ta’ mhux aktar minn;

(l) “Inġenju tal-ajru LSA” (jiġifieri “Ajruplan Ħafif tal-Isports”) li għandu dawn il-karatteristiċi kollha:

(i) Massa tat-Tluq Massima (MTOM) ta’ mhux aktar minn 600 kg;

(ii) veloċità massima tat-twaqqif tal-magna fil-konfigurazzjoni tal-inżul (VS0) ta’ mhux aktar minn 45 knot fil-Veloċità fl-Ajru Kalibrata (CAS) għall-massa tat-tluq massima ċċertifikata u għaċ-ċentru tal-gravità l-aktar kruċjali tal-inġenju tal-ajru;

(iii) kapaċità massima ta’ postijiet għal mhux aktar minn żewġ persuni, inkluż il-pilota;

(iv) magna waħda, mingħajr turbina, mgħammar bi skrun;

(v) kabina mhux taħt pressjoni.


(m) “post ewlieni tan-negozju” tfisser is-sede ewlenija jew l-uffiċju rreġistrat tal-impriża li fih jitwettqu l-funzjonijiet finanzjarji ewlenin u l-kontroll operattiv tal-attivitajiet imsemmija f'dan ir-Regolament.


Artikolu 3

Ħtiġiet ta' kontinwità ta' kapaċita li jintuża fl-ajru

1.  Il-kapaċità kontinwata li jintużaw fl-ajru ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru u komponenti għandha tiġi żgurata skond id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness I.

2.  L-organizzazzjonijiet u l-persunal involuti fil-kapaċità kontinwata li jintużaw fl-ajru ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru u komponenti, inkluża l-manutenzjoni, għandhom josservaw id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness I u fejn xieraq dawk speċifikati fl-Artikoli 4 u 5.


3.  B'deroga mill-paragrafu (1), l-issuktar tal-ajrunavigabbiltà ta' inġenji tal-ajru li għandhom permess għat-titjir għandhom jiġu żgurati abbażi ta' arranġamenti speċifiċi dwar l-isskutar tal-ajrunavigabbiltà kif inhu mfisser fil-permess għat-titjir maħruġ skont fl-Anness (il-Parti 21) għar-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (KE) Nru 1702/2003.


4.  Għall-inġenji tal-ajru mhux użati għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, kwalunkwe ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew dokument ekwivalenti maħruġ skont ir-rekwiżiti tal-Istat Membru u validu fit-28 ta’ Settembru 2008 għandu jkun validu sad-data tal-iskadenza tiegħu jew sat-28 ta’ Settembru 2009, liema data tiġi l-ewwel. Meta jiskadi, l-awtorità kompetenti tista’ terġa’ toħroġ mill-ġdid jew testendi għal darb’oħra ċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew dokument ekwivalenti għal sena, jekk jippermettu r-rekwiżiti tal-Istat Membru. Meta jerġa’ jiskadi, l-awtorità kompetenti tista’ terġa’ toħroġ mill-ġdid jew testendi għal darb’oħra ċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew dokument ekwivalenti għal sena, jekk jippermettu r-rekwiżiti tal-Istat Membru. Mhu permess l-ebda ħruġ ieħor jew estensjoni mill-ġdid. Jekk id-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dan il-punt kienu użati, meta kienet ittrasferita r-reġistrazzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru lejn l-UE, għandu jkun maħruġ ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni ġdid skont M.A.904.


Artikolu 4

Approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjoni ta' manutenzjoni

1.  L-organizzazzjonijiet involuti fil-manutenzjoni ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru kbar jew inġenji ta' l-ajru użati għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, u ta' komponenti maħsuba biex jitwaħħlu magħhom, għandhom jiġu approvati skond id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness II.

2.  L-approvazzjonijiet dwar il-manutenzjoni maħruġa jew rikonoxxuti minn Stat Membru skond il-ħtiġiet u l-proċeduri JAA u li jkunu validi qabel il-bidu fis-seħħ ta' dan ir-Regolament għandhom jitqiesu bħala li ġew maħruġa skond dan ir-Regolament. Għal dan il-għan, b'deroga mid-dispożizzjonijiet ta' 145.B.50(2) taħt l-Anness II, is-sejbiet ta' livell 2 assoċjati mad-differenzi bejn JAR 145 u l-Anness II jistgħu jingħalqu fi żmien sena. Iċ-ċertifikati ta' rilaxx għas-servizz u ċertifikati ta' rilaxx awtorizzat maħruġa minn organizzazzjoni approvata taħt il-ħtiġiet JAA matul dak il-perjodu ta' sena jitqiesu li jkunu nħarġu taħt dan ir-Regolament.

3.  Il-persunal kwalifikat biex iwettaq u/jew jikkontrolla test dwar il-kapaċità kontinwata li jintuża fl-ajru ta' strutturi u/jew komponenti ta' inġenju ta' l-ajru u liema test ma jħarbatx dawk l-istrutturi u/jew komponenti, fuq il-bażi ta' xi standard rikonoxxut minn Stat Membru qabel il-bidu fis-seħħ ta' dan ir-Regolament bħala li jipprovdi livell ekwivalenti ta' kwalifika, jistgħu jkomplu jwettqu u/jew jikkontrollaw dawk it-testijiet.


4.  Ċertifikati ta’ ħruġ għall-użu u ċertifikati awtorizzati ta’ ħruġ għall-użu maħruġa qabel id-data li fiha jidħol fis-seħħ dan ir-Regolament minn organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata skont ir-rekwiżiti ta’ Stat Membru għandhom jitqiesu ekwivalenti għal dawk mitluba skont il-punti M.A.801 u M.A.802 tal-Anness I (parti M) rispettivament.


Artikolu 5

Persunal li jiċċertifika


1.  Il-persunal li jiċċertifika għandu jkun ikkwalifikat skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Anness III, barra minn kif stabbilit fil-punti M.A.606(h), M.A.607(b), M.A.801(d) u M.A.803 tal-Anness I u fil-punt 145.A.30(j) tal-Anness II (Parti 145) u l-Appendiċi IV ta l-Anness II (Parti 145).


2.  Kull liċenza għall-manutenzjoni ta' inġenji ta' l-ajru u, jekk ikun hemm, il-limitazzjonijiet tekniċi assoċjati ma' dik il-liċenza, maħruġa jew rikonoxxuti minn Stat Membru skond il-ħtiġiet u l-proċeduri JAA u li jkunu validi fil-ħin tal-bidu fis-seħħ ta' dan ir-Regolament, jiqiesu li jkunu ġew maħruġa skond dan ir-Regolament.

Artikolu 6

Ħtiġiet ta' organizzazzjonijiet li jipprovdu taħriġ

1.  L-organizzazzjonijiet li huma involuti fit-taħriġ ta' persunal imsemmija fl-Artikolu 5 għandhom jiġu approvati skond l-Anness IV biex ikunu intitolati:

(a) imexxu korsijiet rikonoxxuti ta' taħriġ bażiku; u/jew

(b) imexxu taħriġ ta' tip rikonoxxut; u

(ċ) jagħmlu eżamijiet; u

(d) joħorġu ċertifikati ta' taħriġ.

2.  Kull approvazzjoni għal organizzazzjoni ta' taħriġ fuq il-manutenzjoni maħruġa jew rikonoxxuta minn Stat Membru skond il-ħtiġiet u l-proċeduri JAA li tkun valida meta jibda' jseħħ dan ir-Regolament għandha titqies li tkun ġiet maħruġa skond dan ir-Regolament. Għal dan il-għan, b'deroga mid-dispożizzjonijiet ta' 147.B.130(b) taħt l-Anness IV, is-sejbiet tal-livell 2 assoċjati mad-differenzi bejn JAR 147 u l-Anness IV jistgħu jingħalqu fi żmien sena.

Artikolu 7

Dħul fis-seħħ

1.  Dan ir-Regolament għandu jibda' jseħħ fil-ġurnata wara l-pubblikazzjoni tiegħu fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea.


2.  B’deroga mill-paragrafu 1:

(a) id-dispożizzjonijet tal-Anness I, barra mill-punti M.A.201(h)(2) u M.A.708(c), għandhom japplikaw mit-28 ta’ Settembru 2005;

(b) il-punt M.A.201(f) tal-Anness I għandu japplika għall-inġenji tal-ajru li mhumiex involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru mħaddma minn trasportaturi ta’ pajjizi terzi sa mit-28 ta’ Settembru 2009.


3.  B'deroga mill-paragrafu 1 u 2, l-Istati Membri jistgħu jagħżlu li ma japplikawx:


(a) id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Anness I għal inġenji tal-ajru li mhumiex involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, sat-28 ta’ Settembru 2009;


(b) id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness I(I) għal inġenji ta' l-ajru involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, sat-28 ta' Settembru 2008;

(ċ) id-dispożizzjonijiet li ġejjin ta' l-Anness II, sat-28 ta' Settembru 2006:

 145.A.30(e), elementi ta' fatturi umani,

 jaotise 145.A.30 punkt g, mida kohaldatakse suurte õhusõidukite suhtes suurima stardimassiga üle 145.A.30(g) kif applikabbli għal inġenji ta' l-ajru kbar b'massa ta' tluq massima ta' iżjed minn 5 700 kg, kg,

 145.A.30(h)(1) kif applikabbli għal inġenji ta' l-ajru b'massa ta' tluq massima ta' iżjed minn 5 700 kg,

 145.A.30(j)(1), Appendiċi IV,

 145.A.30(j)(2), Appendiċi IV;

(d) id-dispożizzjonijiet li ġejjin ta' l-Anness II, sat-28 ta' Settembru 2008:

 145.A.30(g) kif applikabbli għal inġenji ta' l-ajru b'massa ta' tluq massima ta' 5 700 kg jew inqas,

 145.A.30(h)(1) kif applikabbli għal inġenji ta' l-ajru b'massa ta' tluq massima ta' 5 700 kg jew inqas,


(e) id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness III, kif applikabbli għal inġenji ta' l-ajru b'massa ta' tluq massima ta' 5 700 kg sat-28 ta' Settembru 2005;

(f) id-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness III, kif applikabbli għal inġenji ta' l-ajru b'massa ta' tluq massima ta' 5 700 kg jew inqas sat-28 ta' Settembru 2006;


(g) għal inġenji tal-ajru li mhumiex involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru minbarra inġenji tal-ajru kbar, il-bżonn tal-konformità mal-Anness III (Parti 66) fid-dispożizzjonijiet li ġejjin, sat-28 ta' Settembru 2011:

 M.A.606(g) u M.A.801(b)2 tal-Anness I (Parti-M),

 145.A.30(g) u (h) tal-Anness II (Parti-145);


(h) għall-manutenzjoni ta’ ajruplani mingħajr pressa b’magna bil-pistoni ta’ 2 000 kg MTOM jew inqas mhux involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru:

(i) sat-28 ta’ Settembru 2012, ir-rekwiżit għall-awtorità kompetenti sabiex toħroġ liċenzji għall-manutenzjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru f’konformità mal-Anness III (Parti-66), bħala ġodda jew mibdula skont il-punt 66.A.70 ta’ dan l-Anness.

(ii) sat-28 ta’ Settembru 2014, ir-rekwiżit li jkun hemm persunal li jiċċertifika kkwalifikat skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) li jinsab f’dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet:

 M.A.606(g) u M.A.801(b)2 tal-Anness I (Parti-M)

 145.A.30(g) u (h) tal-Anness II (Parti-145);

(i) għall-manutenzjoni ta’ ajruplani ELA1 li m’humiex involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, sat-28 ta’ Settembru 2015:

(i) ir-rekwiżit għall-awtorità kompetenti sabiex toħroġ liċenzji għall-manutenzjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru f’konformità mal-Anness III (Parti-66), bħala ġodda jew mibdula skont il-punt 66.A.70 ta’ dan l-Anness.

(ii) ir-rekwiżit li jkun hemm persunal li jiċċertifika kkwalifikat skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) li jinsab f’dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet:

 M.A.606(g) u M.A.801(b)2 tal-Anness I (Parti-M)

 145.A.30(g) u (h) tal-Anness II (Parti-145).


4.  L-Istati Membru jistgħu joħorġu approvazzjonijiet rigward l-Anness II u l-Anness IV għal perjodu ta' żmien limitat sat- ►M1  28 ta’ Settembru 2007 ◄ .

5.  Meta Stat Membru jagħmel użu mid-dispożizzjonijiet tal-paragrafi 3 jew 4 għandu javża lill-Kummissjoni u lill-Aġenzija.

6.  L-Aġenzija tista' tagħmel valutazzjoni ta' l-implikazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' l-Anness I ta' dan ir-Regolament bil-ħsieb li tissottometti opinjoni lill-Kummissjoni, inklużi emendi possibbli għalih, qabel it-28 ta' Marzu 2005.


7.  B’deroga mill-paragrafu 1:

(a) id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-punt M.A.706(k) tal-Anness I (Parti-M) għandhom japplikaw mit-28 ta' Settembru 2010;

(b) id-dispożizzjonijet tal-punt 7.7 tal-Appendiċi I għall-Anness III (Parti-66) għandhom jibdew iseħħu mit-28 ta' Settembru 2010;

(c) organizzazzjonijiet tal-manutenzjoni approvati skont it-Taqsima A tas-sottoparti F tal-Anness I (Parti-M) jew it-Taqsima A tal-Anness II (Parti-145) jistgħu jkomplu joħorġu ċ-Ċertifikati tar-Rilaxx Awtorizzat billi tintuża l-Formola 1 tal-EASA, il-ħarġa oriġinali, kif stipulat fl-Appendiċi II tal-Anness I (Parti M) kif ukoll fl-Appendiċi I għall-Anness II (Parti-145), sat-28 ta' Settembru 2010;

(d) l-awtoritajiet kompetenti jistgħu jkomplu joħorġu ċertifikati, fil-verżjoni preċedenti, kif stipulat fl-Appendiċijiet III, V u VI tal-Anness I (parti-M), l-Appendiċi III tal-Anness II (Parti-145), l-Appendiċi V tal-Anness III (Parti-66) jew l-Appendiċi II tal-Anness IV (Parti-147) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 2002/2003 fis-seħħ qabel id-dħul fis-seħħ ta’ dan ir-Regolament, sat-28 ta' Settembru 2010;

(e) ċertifikati maħruġa skont l-Anness I (Parti-M), l-Anness II (Parti-145), l-Anness III (Parti-66) jew l-Anness IV (Parti-147) qabel id-dħul fis-seħħ ta' dan ir-regolament jibqgħu validi sakemm jinbidlu jew jiġu rrevokati.


Dan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u japplika direttament fl-Istati Membri kollha.














Rappurtar tal-okkorrenzi



Ħidmiet ta' manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà


Programm ta' Manutenzjoni tal-Inġenji tal-Ajru


Direttivi dwar in-navigabbiltà


Dejta għal modifiki u tiswijiet


Sistema ta' reġistrazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenju tal-ajru


Is-sistema tar-reġistru tekniku tal-operatur


Trasferiment ta' reġistri tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenju tal-ajru



Dejta ta' manutenzjoni


Twettiq ta' manutenzjoni


Difetti tal-inġenju tal-ajru





Manutenzjoni tal-komponenti


Komponenti li jistgħu jintużaw għal żmien limitat


Kontroll ta' komponenti li ma jistgħux jintużaw aktar







Termini tal-approvazzjoni


Manwal tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni




Rekwiżiti tal-persunal


Persunal li jiċċertifika


Komponenti, tagħmir u għodod


Dejta ta' manutenzjoni


Ordnijiet ta' xogħol ta' manutenzjoni


Standards ta' manutenzjoni


Ċertifikat għall-inġenji tal-ajru sabiex jinħarġu għall-użu


Ċertifikat għall-komponenti sabiex jinħarġu għall-użu


Reġistri tal-manutenzjoni


Privileġġi tal-organizzazzjoni


Reviżjoni organizzattiva


Bidliet fl-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni


Validità kontinwata tal-approvazzjoni









Termini tal-approvazzjoni


Ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà




Rekwiżiti tal-persunal


Persunal għar-reviżjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà


Ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà




Reviżjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà


Privileġġi tal-organizzazzjoni


Sistema ta' kwalità


Bidliet fl-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà


Żamma ta' reġistri


Validità kontinwata tal-approvazzjoni





Ċertifikat tar-rilaxx għas-servizz għall-inġenji tal-ajru


Ċertifikat għall-komponenti għar-rilaxx għas-servizz


Awtorizzazzjoni għall-pilota-sid



Reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenju tal-ajru


Validità taċ-ċertifikat tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà


Trasferiment tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru fi ħdan l-UE


Reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenju tal-ajru importati fl-UE








Awtorità kompetenti


Mezzi aċċettabbli ta' konformità


Żamma ta' reġistri


Skambju reċiproku ta' informazzjoni






Programm ta' manutenzjoni




Sistema ta' monitoraġġ tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenju tal-ajru


Ir-revoka, is-sospensjoni u l-limitazzjoni







Approvazzjoni Inizjali


Ħruġ tal-approvazzjoni


Sorveljanza kontinwa






Ir-revoka, is-sospensjoni u l-limitazzjoni ta' approvazzjoni





Approvazzjoni Inizjali


Ħruġ tal-approvazzjoni


Sorveljanza kontinwa






Ir-revoka, is-sospensjoni u l-limitazzjoni ta' approvazzjoni




Valutazzjoni tar-rakkomandazzjonijiet


Reviżjoni tan-navigabbilità mill-awtorità kompetenti



Appendiċi I —Arranġament dwar il-Manutenzjoni tan-Navigabbiltà

Appendiċi II — Ċertfikat għar-Rilaxx Awtorizzat - Formola 1 tal-EASA

Appendiċi III — Ċertfikat għar-Reviżjoni tan-Navigabbiltà - Formola 15 tal-EASA

Appendiċi IV — Sistema ta' Klassijiet u Kategorijiużata għall-Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjonijiet tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M) Sottoparti F u fl-Anness II (Parti-145)

Appendiċi V — Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M), Sottoparti F

Appendiċi VI — Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Ġestjoni tal-Manutenzjoni tan-Navigabbiltà msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M) Sottoparti G

Appendiċi VII —Ħidmiet Kumplessi ta' Manutenzjoni

Appendiċi VII — Manutenzjoni Limitata tal-Pilota-Sid



For the purpose of this Part, the competent authority shall be:

1. for the oversight of the continuing airworthiness of individual aircraft and the issue of airworthiness review certificates the authority designated by the Member State of registry.

2. for the oversight of a maintenance organisation as specified in M.A. Subpart F,

(i) the authority designated by the Member State where that organisation's principle place of business is located.

(ii) the Agency if the organisation is located in a third country.

3. for the oversight of a continuing airworthiness management organisation as specified in M.A. Subpart G,

(i) the authority designated by the Member State where that organisation's principle place of business is located if the approval is not included in an air operator's certificate.

(ii) the authority designated by the Member State of the operator if the approval is included in an air operator's certificate.

(iii) the Agency if the organisation is located in a third country.

4. for the approval of maintenance programmes,

(i) the authority designated by the Member State of registry.

(ii) in the case of commercial air transport, when the Member State of the operator is different from the State of registry, the authority agreed by the above two States prior to the approval of the maintenance programme.


(iii) B’deroga mill-paragrafu 4(i), meta l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata ta’ inġenju tal-ajru li mhuwiex użat fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru jkollu ġestjoni minn organizzazzjoni ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwataezza għall-avjazzjoni kontiwata tiegħu approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) mhux suġġetta għas-sorveljanza tal-Istat Membru fejn hu rreġistrat, u biss jekk bi qbil mal-Istat Membru fejn hu rreġistrat qabel l-approvazzjoni tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni:

(a) l-awtorità indikata mill-Istat Membru responsabbli għas-sorveljanza tal-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, jew

(b) l-Aġenzija jekk l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata qegħda f’pajjiż terz.






M.A.101   Scope

This Section establishes the measures to be taken to ensure that airworthiness is maintained, including maintenance. It also specifies the conditions to be met by the persons or organisations involved in such continuing airworthiness management.



M.A.201   Responsibilities

(a) The owner is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft and shall ensure that no flight takes place unless:

1. the aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition, and;

2. any operational and emergency equipment fitted is correctly installed and serviceable or clearly identified as unserviceable, and;

3. the airworthiness certificate remains valid, and;

4. the maintenance of the aircraft is performed in accordance with the approved maintenance programme as specified in M.A.302.

(b) When the aircraft is leased, the responsibilities of the owner are transferred to the lessee if:

1. the lessee is stipulated on the registration document, or;

2. detailed in the leasing contract.

When reference is made in this Part to the “owner”, the term owner covers the owner or the lessee, as applicable.

(c) Any person or organisation performing maintenance shall be responsible for the tasks performed.

(d) The pilot-in-command or, in the case of commercial air transport, the operator shall be responsible for the satisfactory accomplishment of the pre-flight inspection. This inspection must be carried out by the pilot or another qualified person but need not be carried out by an approved maintenance organisation or by Part-66 certifying staff.


(e) Biex ikunu sodisfatti r-responsabbiltajet tal-paragrafu (a),

(i) Sid l-inġenu tal-ajru jista’ jagħti b’kuntratt il-ħidmiet assoċjati mal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata lill-organizzazzjoni approvata għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M). F’dan il-każ, l-organizzazzjoni għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata tassumi r-responsabbiltà għat-twettiq kif jixraq ta’ dawn il-ħidmiet.

(ii) Sid li jiddeċiedi li l-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata tkun ir-responsabbiltà tiegħu, mingħajr kuntratt skond l-Appendiċi I, jista’ madanakollu jagħmel kuntratt limitat ma’ organizzazzjoni approvata għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), għall-iżvilupp tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni u l-approvazzjoni tiegħu skond il-punt M.A.302. F’dak il-każ, dan il-kuntratt limitat jittrasferixxi r-responsabbilità għall-iżvilupp u l-approvazzjoni tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni għand l-organizzazzjoni għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata li għandha l-kuntratt.


(f) In the case of large aircraft, in order to satisfy the responsibilities of paragraph (a) the owner of an aircraft shall ensure that the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by an approved continuing airworthiness management organisation. A written contract shall be made in accordance with Appendix I. In this case, the continuing airworthiness management organisation assumes responsibility for the proper accomplishment of these tasks.

(g) Maintenance of large aircraft, aircraft used for commercial air transport and components thereof shall be carried out by a Part-145 approved maintenance organisation.

(h) In the case of commercial air transport the operator is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates and shall:

1. be approved, as part of the air operator certificate issued by the competent authority, pursuant to M.A. Subpart G for the aircraft it operates; and

2. be approved in accordance with Part-145 or contract such an organisation; and

3. ensure that paragraph (a) is satisfied.

(i)  ►M3  Meta operatur ikun mitlub minn Stat Membru biex ikollu ċertifikat ta’ operazzjoni kummerċjali, barra minn dak għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, dan għandu: ◄

1. be appropriately approved, pursuant to M.A. Subpart G, for the management of the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates or contract such an organisation; and

2. be appropriately approved in accordance with M.A. Subpart F or Part-145, or contract such organisations; and

3. ensure that paragraph (a) is satisfied.

(j) The owner/operator is responsible for granting the competent authority access to the organisation/aircraft to determine continued compliance with this Part.

M.A.202   Occurrence reporting


(a) Kull persuna jew organizzazzjoni responsabbli skond il-punt M.A.201 għandu jirraporta lill-awtorità kompetenti nominata mill-Istat tar-Reġistrazzjoni, lill-organizzazzjoni responsabbli għad-disinn tat-tip, jew għad-disinn tat-tip supplimentali u, fejn applikabbli, l-Istat Membru tal-operatur, kull kundizzjoni ta’ inġenju tal-ajru jew komponent tiegħu identifikata li tista’ tipperikola s-sikurezza tat-titjir.


(b) Reports shall be made in a manner established by the Agency and contain all pertinent information about the condition known to the person or organisation.

(c) Where the person or organisation maintaining the aircraft is contracted by an owner or an operator to carry out maintenance, the person or the organisation maintaining the aircraft shall also report to the owner, the operator or the continuing airworthiness management organisation any such condition affecting the owner's or the operator's aircraft or component.

(d) Reports shall be made as soon as practicable, but in any case within 72 hours of the person or organisation identifying the condition to which the report relates.



M.A.301   Continuing airworthiness tasks

The aircraft continuing airworthiness and the serviceability of both operational and emergency equipment shall be ensured by:

1. the accomplishment of pre-flight inspections;


2. Ir-rettifika skont id-dejta speċifikata fil-punt M.A.304 u/jew il-punt M.A.401, kif applikabbli, ta' kwalunkwe difett jew ħsara li teffettwa l-operat sikur, filwaqt li jitqies, għall-inġenji kollha tal-ajru kbar jew inġenji tal-ajru użati għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, il-lista tat-tagħmir minimu u l-lista tad-devjazzjonijiet tollerati kif applikabbli għat-tip ta' inġenju tal-ajru;


3. the accomplishment of all maintenance, in accordance with the M.A.302 approved aircraft maintenance programme;

4. for all large aircraft or aircraft used for commercial air transport the analysis of the effectiveness of the M.A.302 approved maintenance programme;

5. the accomplishment of any applicable:

(i) airworthiness directive,

(ii) operational directive with a continuing airworthiness impact,

(iii) continued airworthiness requirement established by the Agency,

(iv) measures mandated by the competent authority in immediate reaction to a safety problem;

6. the accomplishment of modifications and repairs in accordance with M.A.304;

7. for non-mandatory modifications and/or inspections, for all large aircraft or aircraft used for commercial air transport the establishment of an embodiment policy;

8. maintenance check flights when necessary.


M.A.302   Programm ta’ manutenzjoni

(a) Il-manutenzjoni ta’ kull inġenju tal-ajru għandha tkun organizzata skond programm ta’ manutenzjoni.

(b) Il-programm ta’ manutenzjoni u kull emenda sussegwenti għadhom ikunu approvati mill-awtorità kompetenti.

(ċ) Meta l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata hija f’idejn organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), il-programm ta’ manutenzjoni u l-emendi tiegħu jistgħu jkunu approvati permezz ta’ proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta.

(i) F’dak il-każ, il-proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta għandha tkun stabbilita mill-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata bħala parti mill-Espożizzjoni tal-Ġestjoni tal-Adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata u għandha tkun approvata mill-awtoritajiet kompetenti responsabbli għall-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata.

(ii) L-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata m’għandhiex tuża l-proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta meta din l-organizzazzjoni ma tkunx taħt is-sorveljanza tal-Istat Membru tar-Reġistrazzjoni, sakemm ma jkunx hemm ftehim skond il-punt M.1. paragrafu 4(ii) jew 4(iii), kif japplika, li jittrasferixxi r-responsabbilità għall-approvazzjoni tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni lill-Istat Membru tal-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata.

(d) Il-programm ta’ manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru jrid jistabbilixxi l-konformità ma’:

(i) l-istruzzjonijiet maħruġa mill-awtorità kompetenti;

(ii) l-istruzzjonijiet għall-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata maħruġa mid-detentur ta’ ċertifkat tat-tip, ċertifikat tat-tip ristrett, ċertifikat tat-tip supplimentali, approvazzjoni tad-disinn ta’ tiswija maġġuri, tal-awtorizzazzjoni tal-ETSO jew ta’ kwalunkwe approvazzjoni relevanti oħra maħruġa skond ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003 u l-Anness tiegħu (Parti 21);

(iii) istruzzjonijiet addizzjoniali jew alternattivi proposti mis-sid jew mill-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata meta approvati skond il-Punt M.A. 302, minbarra għal intervalli ta’ xogħlijiet relatati mas-sikurezza msemmija fil-paragrafu (e), li jistgħu jiżdiedu, suġġetti għal biżżejjed reviżjonijiet magħmula skond il-paragrafu (g) u biss meta suġġetti għall-approvazzjoni diretta skond il-punt M.A.302(b).

(e) Il-programm ta’ manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru għandu jkun fih id-dettalji, inkluża l-frekwenza, tal-manutenzjoni kollha li trid titwettaq, inkluż kull xogħol speċifiku marbut ma’ operazzjonijiet speċifiċi.

(f) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kbar, meta l-programm ta’ manutenzjoni huwa bbażat fuq il-loġika tal-grupp ta’ tmexxija tal-manutenzjoni jew fuq is-sorveljanza tal-kundizzjoni, il-programm ta’ manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru għandu jinkludi programm ta’ affidabbilità.

(g) Il-programm ta’ manutenzjoni għandu jkun suġġett għal reviżjonijiet perjodiċi u emendat kull meta jkun meħtieġ. Ir-reviżjonijiet għandhom jiżguraw li l-programm jibqa’ validu fid-dawl tal-esperjenza operattiva u l-istruzzjonijiet mill-awtorità kompetenti waqt li jieħu kont ta’ istruzzjonijiet ta’ manutenzjoni ġodda u/jew mibdula dwar il-manutenzjoni ppromulgati mid-detenturi taċ-ċertifikat tat-tip u ċ-ċertifikat tat-tip supplimentari u kull organizzazzjoni oħra li tippubblika dejta bħal din skond l-Anness (Parti 21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003.


M.A.303   Airworthiness directives

Any applicable airworthiness directive must be carried out within the requirements of that airworthiness directive, unless otherwise specified by the Agency.

M.A.304   Data for modifications and repairs

Damage shall be assessed and modifications and repairs carried out using data approved by the Agency or by an approved Part-21 design organisation, as appropriate.

M.A.305   Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system


(a) Mat-tlestija ta' kwalunkwe manutenzjoni, iċ-ċertifikat tar-rilaxx għas-servizz meħtieġ mill-punt M.A.801 jew il-punt 145.A.50 għandu jiddaħħal fir-reġistri tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenju tal-ajru. Kull entrata għandha ssir malli jkun prattikabbli iżda fl-ebda każ fi żmien li jaqbeż it-30 jum wara jum l-azzjoni tal-manutenzjoni.


(b) Id-dokumentazzjoni dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata għandha tikkonsisti minn:

1. il-ġurnal ta’ abbord l-inġenju tal-ajru, il-ġurnal(i) tal-magni jew il-kards tal-ġurnal tal-modulu tal-magna, il-ġurnal(i) tal-iskrun u kards tal-ġurnal għal kull komponent li jista’ jintuża għal żmien limitat, kif xieraq, u,.

2. meta jkun meħtieġ minn M.A. 306 għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru jew mill-Istati Membru għal operazzjonijiet kummerċjali barra dawk ta’ trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, il-ġurnal tekniku tal-operatur.


(c) The aircraft type and registration mark, the date, together with total flight time and/or flight cycles and/or landings, as appropriate, shall be entered in the aircraft logbooks.

(d) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the current:

1. status of airworthiness directives and measures mandated by the competent authority in immediate reaction to a safety problem;

2. status of modifications and repairs;

3. status of compliance with maintenance programme;

4. status of service life limited components;

5. mass and balance report;

6. list of deferred maintenance.


(e) Minbarra d-dokument tar-rilaxx awtorizzat, il-Formola 1 tal-EASA jew ekwivalenti, għandha tiddaħħal fil-logbook tal-magna jew tal-iskrejjen u fl-iskedi tal-moduli tal-magni jew karti tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-komponenti bi żmien limitat tal-użu l-informazzjoni rilevanti li ġejja għal kwalunkwe komponent installat (magna, skrejjen, modulu ta' magna jew karti tar-reġistrazzjoni tal-komponent bi żmien limitat tal-użu):

(1) l-identifikazzjoni tal-komponent, u;

(2) it-tip, in-numru tas-serje u r-reġistrazzjoni, kif xieraq, tal-inġenju tal-ajru, il-magna, l-iskrejjen, modulu ta' magna jew komponent bi żmien limitat tal-użu li ġie mmuntat fuqu l-komponent partikolari, flimkien mar-referenza għall-istallazzjoni u t-tneħħija tal-komponent, u;

(3) id-data flimkien mal-ħin tat-titjir totali akkumulat u/jew ċikli ta' titjir u/jew inżul u/jew żmien kalendarju, kif xieraq, u;

(4) l-informazzjoni kurrenti tal-paragrafu (d) applikabbli għall-komponent.


(f) The person responsible for the management of continuing airworthiness tasks pursuant to M.A. Subpart B, shall control the records as detailed in this paragraph and present the records to the competent authority upon request.

(g) All entries made in the aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall be clear and accurate. When it is necessary to correct an entry, the correction shall be made in a manner that clearly shows the original entry.


(h) Sid jew operatur għandu jiżgura li tkun ġiet stabbilita sistema li żżomm ir-reġistri li ġejjin għall-perjodi speċifikati:

(1) ir-reġistri dettaljati kollha tal-manutenzjoni fir-rigward tal-inġenju tal-ajru u kwalunkwe komponent bi żmien limitat tal-użu mmuntat fuqu, sa dak iż-żmien fejn l-informazzjoni fihom tiġi sorpassata minn informazzjoni ġdida ekwivalenti fl-ambitu u fid-dettall, iżda mhux anqas minn 36 xahar wara li l-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-komponent ikun ġie rrilaxxat għas-servizz, u;

(2) il-ħin totali tas-sevizz (sigħat, żmien kalendarju, cikli u nżul) tal-inġenju tal-ajru u l-komponenti kollha bi żmien limitat tal-użu, mill-inqas 12-il xahar wara li l-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-komponent ikun ġie irtirat għal kollox mis-servizz, u;

(3) il-ħin totali tas-servizz (sigħat, żmien kalendarju, cikli u nżul) kif xieraq, mill-aħħar manutenzjoni skedata tal-komponent soġġett għal limitu ta' żmien tal-użu, għallinqas sakemm il-manutenzjoni skedata tal-komponent tkun ġiet sorpassata minn manutenzjoni skedata oħra ta' ambitu u dettall tax-xogħol ekwivalenti, u;

(4) il-qagħda kurrenti tal-konformità mal-programm ta' manutenzjoni b'mod li l-konformità ta' programm approvat ta' manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-arju tista' tiġi stabbilita, għallinqas sakemm il-manutenzjoni skedata tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew tal-komponent tkun ġiet sorpassata minn manutenzjoni skedata oħra ta' ambitu u dettall tax-xogħol ekwivalenti, u;

(5) il-qagħda kurrenti tad-direttivi dwar in-navigabbiltà applikabbli għall-inġenju tal-ajru u l-komponenti tiegħu, mill-inqas 12-il xahar wara li l-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-komponent ikun ġie rtirat għal kollox mis-servizz, u;

(6) dettalji tal-modifiki u t-tiswijiet kurrenti lill-inġenju tal-ajru, il-magna/i, l-iskrun/ejjen u kull komponent ieħor vitali għas-sigurtà tat-tajran, mill-inqas 12-il xahar wara li l-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-komponent ikun ġie rtirat għal kollox mis-servizz.


M.A.306   Operator's technical log system

(a) In the case of commercial air transport, in addition to the requirements of M.A.305, an operator shall use an aircraft technical log system containing the following information for each aircraft:

1. information about each flight, necessary to ensure continued flight safety, and;

2. the current aircraft certificate of release to service, and;

3. the current maintenance statement giving the aircraft maintenance status of what scheduled and out of phase maintenance is next due except that the competent authority may agree to the maintenance statement being kept elsewhere, and;

4. all outstanding deferred defects rectifications that affect the operation of the aircraft, and;

5. any necessary guidance instructions on maintenance support arrangements.

(b) The aircraft technical log system and any subsequent amendment shall be approved by the competent authority.

(c) An operator shall ensure that the aircraft technical log is retained for 36 months after the date of the last entry.

M.A.307   Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records

(a) The owner or operator shall ensure when an aircraft is permanently transferred from one owner or operator to another that the M.A.305 continuing airworthiness records and, if applicable, M.A.306 operator's technical log are also transferred.

(b) The owner shall ensure, when he contracts the continuing airworthiness management tasks to a continuing airworthiness management organisation, that the M.A.305 continuing airworthiness records are transferred to the organisation.

(c) The time periods prescribed for the retention of records shall continue to apply to the new owner, operator or continuing airworthiness management organisation.



M.A.401   Maintenance data

(a) The person or organisation maintaining an aircraft shall have access to and use only applicable current maintenance data in the performance of maintenance including modifications and repairs.

(b) For the purposes of this Part, applicable maintenance data is:


1. kwlaunkwe rekwiżit, proċedura, standard jew informazzjoni applikabbli maħruġa mill-awtorità kompetenti jew l-Aġenzija,


2. any applicable airworthiness directive,

3. applicable instructions for continuing airworthiness, issued by type certificate holders, supplementary type certificate holders and any other organisation that publishes such data in accordance with Part 21,

4. any applicable data issued in accordance with 145.A.45(d).

(c) The person or organisation maintaining an aircraft shall ensure that all applicable maintenance data is current and readily available for use when required. The person or organisation shall establish a work card or worksheet system to be used and shall either transcribe accurately the maintenance data onto such work cards or worksheets or make precise reference to the particular maintenance task or tasks contained in such maintenance data.

M.A.402   Performance of maintenance

(a) All maintenance shall be performed by qualified personnel, following the methods, techniques, standards and instructions specified in the M.A.401 maintenance data. Furthermore, an independent inspection shall be carried out after any flight safety sensitive maintenance task unless otherwise specified by Part-145 or agreed by the competent authority.

(b) All maintenance shall be performed using the tools, equipment and material specified in the M.A.401 maintenance data unless otherwise specified by Part-145. Where necessary, tools and equipment shall be controlled and calibrated to an officially recognised standard.

(c) The area in which maintenance is carried out shall be well organised and clean in respect of dirt and contamination.

(d) All maintenance shall be performed within any environmental limitations specified in the M.A.401 maintenance data.

(e) In case of inclement weather or lengthy maintenance, proper facilities shall be used.

(f) After completion of all maintenance a general verification must be carried out to ensure the aircraft or component is clear of all tools, equipment and any other extraneous parts and material, and that all access panels removed have been refitted.

M.A.403   Aircraft defects

(a) Any aircraft defect that hazards seriously the flight safety shall be rectified before further flight.

(b) Only the authorised certifying staff, ►M3  skond M.A.801(b)1, M.A.801(b)2, M.A.801(c), M.A.801(d) jew l-Anness II (Parti 145) ◄ can decide, using M.A.401 maintenance data, whether an aircraft defect hazards seriously the flight safety and therefore decide when and which rectification action shall be taken before further flight and which defect rectification can be deferred. However, this does not apply when:

1. the approved minimum equipment list as mandated by the competent authority is used by the pilot; or,

2. aircraft defects are defined as being acceptable by the competent authority.

(c) Any aircraft defect that would not hazard seriously the flight safety shall be rectified as soon as practicable, after the date the aircraft defect was first identified and within any limits specified in the maintenance data.

(d) Any defect not rectified before flight shall be recorded in the M.A.305 aircraft maintenance record system or M.A.306 operator's technical log system as applicable.



M.A.501   Installation

(a) No component may be fitted unless it is in a satisfactory condition, has been appropriately released to service on an EASA Form 1 or equivalent and is marked in accordance with Part 21 Subpart Q, unless otherwise ►M3  speċifikat fl-Anness (Parti 21) għar-Regolmanet (KE) Nru 1702/2003, l-Anness II (Parti 145) jew s-Sottoparti F, Sezzjoni A tal-Anness I ta’ dan ir-Regolament ◄ .

(b) Prior to installation of a component on an aircraft the person or approved maintenance organisation shall ensure that the particular component is eligible to be fitted when different modification and/or airworthiness directive configurations may be applicable.

(c) Standard parts shall only be fitted to an aircraft or a component when the maintenance data specifies the particular standard part. Standard parts shall only be fitted when accompanied by evidence of conformity traceable to the applicable standard.

(d) Material being either raw material or consumable material shall only be used on an aircraft or a component when the aircraft or component manufacturer states so in relevant maintenance data or as specified in Part-145. Such material shall only be used when the material meets the required specification and has appropriate traceability. All material must be accompanied by documentation clearly relating to the particular material and containing a conformity to specification statement plus both the manufacturing and supplier source.


M.A.502   Manutenzjoni tal-komponenti

(a) Il-manutenzjoni tal-kompnenti għanhha titwettaw minn organizzazzjonijiet approvati skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F, ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) jew mal-Anness II (Parti 145).

(b) B’deoga mill-paragrafu (a), il-manutenzjoni ta’ komponent skond id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew, jekk aċċettat mill-awtorità kompetenti, skond id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-kompenenti, jista’ jitwettaq minn organizzazzjoni bil-grad A approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) jew mal-Anness II (Parti 145) kif ukoll minn personal li jiċċertifika msemmi fil-punt M.A.801(b)2 waqt li dawn il-komponenti jkunu mwaħħlin fl-inġenju tal-ajru biss. Madanakollu, dawn l-organizzazzjonijiet jew personal li jiċċertifika jistgħu jneħħu temporanjament dan il-komponent għall-manutenzjoni, biex itejbu l-aċċess għall-komponent, ħlief għal meta din it-tneħħija tiġġenera l-ħtieġa ta’ manutenzjoni addizzjonali li mhijiex eliġibbli għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dan il-paragrafu. Il-manutenzjoni tal-komponent imwettqa skond dan is-Sottoparagrafu mhijiex eliġibbli għall-ħruġ ta’ Formola 1 tal-EASA u għandha tkun suġġetta għar-rekwiżiti ta’ ħruġ għall-użu ta’ inġenju tal-ajru skond il-punt M.A.801.

(ċ) B’deroga mill-paragrafu (a), il-manutenzjoni ta’ komponent tal-magna/Ġeneratur Awziljari (APU) skond id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-magna/APU jew, jekk aċċettat mill-awtorità kompetenti, skond id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-kompenenti, jista’ jitwettaq minn organizzazzjoni bil-grad B approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) jew mal-Anness II (Parti 145) waqt li dawn il-komponenti jkunu mwaħħlin fl-inġenju tal-ajru biss. Madanakollu, dawn l-organizzazzjonijiet jew personal li jiċċertifika bi grad B jistgħu jneħħu temporanjament dan il-komponent għall-manutenzjoni, biex itejbu l-aċċess għall-komponent, ħlief għal meta din it-tneħħija tiġġenera l-ħtieġa ta’ manutenzjoni addizzjonali li mhijiex eliġibbli għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dan il-paragrafu.

(d) B’deroga mill-paragrafu (a) u l-punt M.A.801(b)2, il-manutenzjoni fuq komponent li jkun imwaħħal jew imneħħi temporanjament minn inġenju tal-ajru ELA1 li ma jintużax għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, u mwettqa skond id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni ta’ komponent, tista’ titwettaq minn personal li jiċċertifika msemmi fil-punt M.A.801(b)2 ħlief għal:

1. eżami bir-reqqa qabel it-tiswija tal-komponenti barra l-magni u l-iskrejjen, u,

2. eżami bir-reqqa qabel it-tiswija tal-magni u l-iskrejjen ta’ inġenji tal-ajru li mhumiex CS-VLA, CS-22 u LSA.

Il-manutenzjoni tal-komponenti mwettqa skond dan is-Sottoparagrafu mhijiex eliġibbli għall-ħruġ ta’ Formola 1 tal-EASA u għandha tkun suġġetta għar-rekwiżiti ta’ ħruġ għall-użu ta’ inġenju tal-ajru skond il-punt M.A.801.


M.A.503   Komponenti li jistgħu jintużaw għal żmien limitat

(a) Komponenti mmuntati li jistgħu jintużaw għal żmien limitat m'għandhomx jaqbżu ż-żmien limitat tal-użu approvat kif speċifikat fil-programm ta' manutenzjoni approvat u d-direttivi dwar in-navigabbiltà, ħlief kif ipprovdut fil-punt M.A.504(c).

(b) It-tul ta' żmien tal-użu approvat espress fi żmien kalendarju, sigħat tat-tajran, inżul jew ċikli, kif xieraq.

(c) Fi tmien iż-żmien approvat tal-użu, il-komponent għandu jitneħħa mill-inġenju tal-ajru għall-manutenzjoni, jew għar-rimi fil-każ ta' komponenti b'limitu tal-użu ċċertifikat.


M.A.504   Control of unserviceable components

(a) A component shall be considered unserviceable in any one of the following circumstances:

1. expiry of the service life limit as defined in the maintenance program;

2. non-compliance with the applicable airworthiness directives and other continued airworthiness requirement mandated by the Agency;

3. absence of the necessary information to determine the airworthiness status or eligibility for installation;

4. evidence of defects or malfunctions;

5. involvement in an incident or accident likely to affect its serviceability.


(b) Komponenti li ma jissewwewx għandhom ikunu identifikati u maħżuna f’post sigur taħt il-kontroll ta’ organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni sakemm tittieħed deċiżjoni dwar l-istatus ġejjieni ta’ dawn il-komponenti. Madankollu, għal inġenju tal-ajru mhux użat għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, barra minn inġenji tal-ajru kbar, il-persuna jew l-organizzazzjoni li ddikjarat li l-komponent ma jissewwiex tista’ tittrasferixxi l-kustodja tal-komponent, wara li tidentifikah bħala li ma jissewwiex, lil sid l-inġenju tal-ajru sakemm dan it-trasferiment ikun rifless fil-ġurnal tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew tal-magna jew tal-komponent.


(c) Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable defect shall be classified as unsalvageable and shall not be permitted to re-enter the component supply system, unless certified life limits have been extended or a repair solution has been approved according to M.A.304.

(d) Any person or organisation accountable under Part-M shall, in the case of a paragraph (c) unsalvageable components:

1. retain such component in the paragraph (b) location, or;

2. arrange for the component to be mutilated in a manner that ensures that it is beyond economic salvage or repair before relinquishing responsibility for such component.

e) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) a person or organisation accountable under Part-M may transfer responsibility of components classified as unsalvageable to an organisation for training or research without mutilation.




M.A.601   Ambitu

Din is-Sottoparti tistabbilixxi r-rekwiżiti li għandhom jintleħqu minn organizzazzjoni biex tikkwalifika għall-ħruġ jew il-kontinwazzjoni ta’ approvazzjoni għall-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru u l-kompenenti mhumiex elenkati fil-punt M.A.201(g).


M.A.602   Applikazzjoni

Applikazzjoni għall-ħruġ jew bidla fl-approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni għandha ssir fuq formola u b'mod stabbiliti mill-awtorità kompetenti.

M.A.603   Termini tal-approvazzjoni

(a) Organizzazzjoni involuta f'attivitajiet soġġetti għal din is-Sottoparti m'għandhiex teżerċita l-attivitajiet tagħha jekk ma tkunx approvata mill-awtorità kompetenti. L-Appendiċi V tal-Anness I (Parti-M) jipprovdi l-mudell taċ-ċertifikat għal din l-approvazzjoni.

(b) Il-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni msemmi fil-punt M.A.604 għandu jispeċifika l-ambitu tax-xogħol li huwa meqjus li jikkostitwixxi approvazzjoni. L-Appendiċi IV tal-Anness I (Parti-M) jiddefinixxi l-klassijiet u l-klassifikazzjonijiet kollha possibbli taħt is-Sottoparti F.

(c) Organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni tista' tiffabbrika, konformi mad-dejta tal-manutenzjoni, firxa ristretta ta' parts għall-użu waqt ix-xogħol li jkun għaddej fil-faċilitajiet tagħha, kif identifikat fil-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni.


M.A.604   Maintenance organisation manual

(a) The maintenance organisation shall provide a manual containing at least the following information:

1. a statement signed by the accountable manager to confirm that the organisation will continuously work in accordance with Part-M and the manual at all times, and;

2. the organisation's scope of work, and;

3. the title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in M.A.606(b), and;

4. an organisation chart showing associated chains of responsibility between the person(s) referred to in M.A.606(b), and;


5. elenku tal-personal li jiċċertifika bl-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tal-approvazzjoni tagħhom, u;

6. Elenku tal-postijiet fejn issir il-manutenzjoni, flimkien ta’ deskrizzjoni ġenerali tal—aċilitajiet;


7. procedures specifying how the maintenance organisation ensures compliance with this Part, and;

8. the maintenance organisation manual amendment procedure(s).

(b) The maintenance organisation manual and its amendments shall be approved by the competent authority.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) minor amendments to the manual may be approved through a procedure (hereinafter called indirect approval).

M.A.605   Facilities

The organisation shall ensure that:

(a) Facilities are provided for all planned work, specialised workshops and bays are segregated as appropriate, to ensure protection from contamination and the environment.

(b) Office accommodation is provided for the management of all planned work including in particular, the completion of maintenance records.

(c) Secure storage facilities are provided for components, equipment, tools and material. Storage conditions shall ensure segregation of unserviceable components and material from all other components, material, equipment and tools. Storage conditions shall be in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and access shall be restricted to authorised personnel.

M.A.606   Personnel requirements

(a) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager, who has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried out to the standard required by this Part.

(b) A person or group of persons shall be nominated with the responsibility of ensuring that the organisation is always in compliance with this Subpart. Such person(s) shall be ultimately responsible to the accountable manager.

(c) All paragraph (b) persons shall be able to show relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience related to aircraft and/or component maintenance.

(d) The organisation shall have appropriate staff for the normal expected contracted work. The use of temporarily sub-contracted staff is permitted in the case of higher than normally expected contracted work and only for personnel not issuing a certificate of release to service.

(e) The qualification of all personnel involved in maintenance shall be demonstrated and recorded.

(f) Personnel who carry out specialised tasks such as welding, non-destructive testing/inspection other than colour contrast shall be qualified in accordance with an officially recognised standard.

(g) The maintenance organisation shall have sufficient certifying staff to issue M.A.612 and M.A.613 certificates of release to service for aircraft and components. They shall comply with the requirements of Part-66.


(h) B’deroga mill-paragrafu (g), l-organizzazzjoni tista’ tuża personal li jiċċertifika kkwalifikat skond id-dispożizzjonijiet li ġejjin meta jipprovdu appoġġ ta’ manutenzjoni lil operaturi involuti f’operazzjonijiet kummerċjali, suġġetti għall-proċeduri xierqa li jridu jkunu approvati bħala parti mill-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni:

1. Għal direttiva ripetittiva dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni qabel it-titjira li b’mod speċifiku tiddikjara li l-ekwipaġġ tat-titjira jista’ jwettaq din id-direttiva dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, l-organizzazzjoni tista’ toħrġ awtorizzazzjoni limitata ta’ personal li jiċċertifika lill-kmandant tal-inġenju tal-ajru fuq il-bażi tal-liċenzja li jkollu l-ekwipaġġ tat-titjira, sakemm, l-organizzazzjoni tiżgura li twettaq biżżejjed taħriġ prattiku biex ikun żgurat li din il-persuna tista’ twettaq id-direttiva tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni skond l-istandard meħtieġ.

2. Fil-każ ta’ inġenju tal-ajru li jopera “l bogħod minn post appoġġjat, l-organizzazzjoni tista” toħrġ awtorizzazzjoni limitata ta’ personal li jiċċertifika lill-kmandant tal-inġenju tal-ajru fuq il-bażi tal-liċenzja li jkollu l-ekwipaġġ tat-titjira, sakemm, l-organizzazzjoni tiżgura li twettaq biżżejjed taħriġ prattiku biex ikun żgurat li din il-persuna tista’ twetttaq ix-xogħol skond l-istandard meħtieġ.


M.A.607   Personal li jiċċertifika

(a) Minbarra M.A.606(g), il-personal li jiċċertifika jista’ jeżerċita l-privileġġi tiegħu biss jekk l-organizzazzjoni tiżgura:

1. li l-personal li jiċċertifika jista’ juri li jissodisfa r-rekwiżiti tal-punt 66.A.20(b) tal-Anness III (Parti 66), minbarra meta l-Anness III (Parti 66) tirreferi għal regolament ta’ Stat Membru, u f’dak il-każ huma għandhom jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti ta’ dan ir-regolament, u,

2. li l-personal li jiċċertifika għandu għarfien adegwat tal-inġenju tal-ajru u/jew il-komponent(i) tiegħu li għandhom ikunu taħt manutenzjoni flimkien mal-proċeduri assoċjati tal-organizzazzjoni.

(b) Fil-każi mhux previsti li ġejjin, meta inġenju tal-ajru huwa miżmum milli jtir f’post differenti mill-bażi prinċipali fejn ebda personal li jiċċertifika xieraq mhu disponibbli, l-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni li għandha l-kuntratt biex tipprovdi appoġġ għall-manutenzjoni tista’ toħroġ awtorizzazzjoni ta’ ċertifikazzjoni ta’ darba:

1. lill-wieħed mill-impjegatli li għandu l-kwalifika tat-tip fuq ingenju tal-ajru b’teknoloġija, kostruzzjoni u sistemi simili; jew

2. lil xi persuna b’mhux inqas minn tliet snin esperjenza fil-manutenzjoni u li għandha liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenji tal-ajru ICAO valida ggradata għat-tip ta’ inġenju tal-ajru li għandu bżonn ċertifikazzjoni sakemm m’hemm ebda organizzazzjoni approvata skond din il-Parti f’dak il-post u l-organizzazzjoni li għandha l-kuntratt għandha evidenza fil-fajl tal-esperjenza u l-liċenzja ta’ dik il-persuna.

Kull każ bħal dan għandu jkun irrappurtat lill-awtorità kompetenti fi żmien sebat ijiem minn meta ħarġet din l-awtorizzazzzjoni ta’ ċertifikazzjoni. L-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata li toħroġ awtorizzazzjoni ta’ ċertifikazzjoni ta’ darba għandha tiżgura li kull manutenzjoni bħal din li tista’ teffettwa s-sikurezza ta’ titjira tkun iċċekkjata.

(ċ) L-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata għandha tirreġistra d-dettalji kollha rigward il-personal li jiċċertifika u żżomm eleku attwali tal-personal kollu li jiċċertifika, flimkien mal-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tagħhom bħala parti mill-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni skond il-punt M.A.604(a)5.


M.A.608   Components, equipment and tools

(a) The organisation shall:


1. iżomm it-tagħmir u l-għodda speċifikata fid-dejta tal-manutenzjoni deskritta fil-punt M.A.609 jew l-ekwivalenti vverifikati kif elenkat fil-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni kif meħtieġ għall-manutenzjoni ta’ kuljum fl-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tal-approvazzjoni; kif ukoll,


2. demonstrate that it has access to all other equipment and tools used only on an occasional basis.

(b) Tools and equipment shall be controlled and calibrated to an officially recognised standard. Records of such calibrations and the standard used shall be kept by the organisation.

(c) The organisation shall inspect, classify and appropriately segregate all incoming components.

M.A.609   Maintenance data

The approved maintenance organisation shall hold and use applicable current maintenance data specified in M.A.401 in the performance of maintenance including modifications and repairs. In the case of customer provided maintenance data, it is only necessary to have such data when the work is in progress.


M.A.610   Ordnijiet ta’ xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni

Qabel jibda x-xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni għandha tkun miftehma ordni ta’ xogħol bil-miktub bejn l-organizzazzjoni u l-organizzazzjoni li qed titlob il-manutenzjoni biex ikun stabbilit b’mod ċar ix-xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni li għandu jsir.


M.A.611   Maintenance standards

All maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of M.A. Subpart D.

M.A.612   Aircraft certificate of release to service

At the completion of all required aircraft maintenance in accordance with this Subpart an aircraft certificate of release to service shall be issued according to M.A.801.

M.A.613   Component certificate of release to service


(a) Mat-tlestija tal-manutenzjoni tal-komponenti meħtieġa kollha f’konformità ma’ din is-Sottoparti, għandu jinħareġ ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu tal-komponent skond il-punt M.A.802. Il-Formola 1 tal-EASA għandha tinħareġ barra għal dawk il-komponenti li l-manutenzjoni tagħhom issir skond il-punt M.A.502(b) u l-punt M.A.502(d) u l-komponenti ffabbrikati skond il-punt M.A.603(b).


(b) The component certificate release to service document, EASA Form 1 may be generated from a computer database.

M.A.614   Maintenance records

(a) The approved maintenance organisation shall record all details of work carried out. Records necessary to prove all requirements have been met for issuance of the certificate of release to service including the sub-contractor's release documents shall be retained.

(b) The approved maintenance organisation shall provide a copy of each certificate of release to service to the aircraft owner, together with a copy of any specific approved repair/modification data used for repairs/modifications carried out.


(c) L-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni għandha żżomm kopja tar-reġistri kollha tal-manutenzjoni u kwalunkwe dejta tal-manutenzjoni għal tliet snin mid-data relatata ma' meta l-inġenju tal-ajru jew lil-komponent tal-inġenju tal-ajru ġie rrilaxxat mill-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni.

(1) Ir-reġistri skont dan il-paragrafu għandhom jinħażnu b'tali mod li jiżgura li jitħarsu mill-ħsara, it-tibdil jew is-serq.

(2) Il-hardware kollu tal-kompjuter użat sabiex isiru kopji backup għandu jinżamm f'postijiet differenti minn dawk li fihom id-dejta dwar ix-xogħol, b'tali mod li tkun żgurata ż-żamma tajba tagħhom.

(3) Meta organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni ttemm l-operat tagħha, ir-reġistri kollha miżmuma tal-manutenzjoni li jkopru l-aħħar tliet snin għandhom jitqassmu lill-aħħar sid jew klijent tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew komponent rispettiv jew jinħażnu kif speċifikat mill-awtorità kompetenti.


M.A.615   Privileġġi tal-organizzazzjoni

L-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), tista’:

(a) tkompli manutenzjoni fuq kull inġenju tal-ajru u/jew komponent li għaliha tkun approvata fil-postijiet speċifikati fiċ-ċertifikat ta’ approvazzjoni u fil-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni.

(b) tagħmel arranġamenti għat-twettiq ta’ servizzi speċjalizzati, taħt il-kontroll tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni, għand organizzazzjoni oħra kkwalifikata b’mod adattat, suġġetta għal li jkunu stabbiliti proċeduri xierqa bħala parti mill-Manwal tal-Organizzazzjoni ta’ Manutenzjoni tagħha kif approvat direttament mill-awtorità kompetenti.

(ċ) tkompli manutenzjoni fuq kull inġenju tal-ajru u/jew komponent li għalihom tkun approvata fi kwalunkwe post suġġetta għall-ħtieġa li din il-manutenzjoni titnissel jew minn qagħda fejn l-inġenju tal-ajru ma jkunx jista’ jissewwa jew min-neċessità li jingħata appoġġ għal manutenzjoni ta’ kultant, suġġetta għall-kundizzjonijiet speċifikati fil-Manwal tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni.

(d) toħroġ ċertifikati ta’ ħruġ għall-użu mat-tlestija tal-manutenzjoni, skond il-punt M.A.612 jew il-punt M.A.613.


M.A.616   Organisational review

To ensure that the approved maintenance organisation continues to meet the requirements of this Subpart, it shall organise, on a regular basis, organisational reviews.

M.A.617   Changes to the approved maintenance organisation

In order to enable the competent authority to determine continued compliance with this Part, the approved maintenance organisation shall notify it of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes, before such changes take place:

1. the name of the organisation;

2. the location of the organisation;

3. additional locations of the organisation;

4. the accountable manager;

5. any of the persons specified in paragraph M.A.606(b);

6. the facilities, equipment, tools, material, procedures, work scope and certifying staff that could affect the approval.

In the case of proposed changes in personnel not known to the management beforehand, these changes shall be notified at the earliest opportunity.

M.A.618   Continued validity of approval

(a) An approval shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to:

1. the organisation remaining in compliance with this Part, in accordance with the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under M.A.619, and;

2. the competent authority being granted access to the organisation to determine continued compliance with this Part, and;

3. the approval not being surrendered or revoked;

(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the approval certificate shall be returned to the competent authority.

M.A.619   Findings

(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with Part-M requirements which lowers the safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety.

(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the Part-M requirements which could lower the safety standard and possibly hazard the flight safety.

(c) After receipt of notification of findings according to M.B.605, the holder of the maintenance organisation approval shall define a corrective action plan and demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of the competent authority within a period agreed with this authority.



M.A.701   Scope

This Subpart establishes the requirements to be met by an organisation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an approval for the management of aircraft continuing airworthiness.


M.A.702   Applikazzjoni

Applikazzjoni għall-ħruġ jew bdil fl-approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà għandha ssir fuq formola u b'mod stabbiliti mill-awtorità kompetenti.


M.A.703   Extent of approval


(a) l-għoti ta’ approvazzjoni huwa indikat mill-ħruġ taċ-ċertifikat inkluż fl-Appendiċi VI mill-awtorità kompetenti.


(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), for commercial air transport, the approval shall be part of the air operator certificate issued by the competent authority, for the aircraft operated.


(c) L-ambitu ta’ applikazzjoni tax-xogħol meqjus li jikkostitwixxi l-approvazzjoni għandu jkun speċifikat fl-espożizzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata skond il-punt M.A. 704.


M.A.704   Continuing airworthiness management exposition

(a) The continuing airworthiness management organisation shall provide a continuing airworthiness management exposition containing the following information:

1. a statement signed by the accountable manager to confirm that the organisation will work in accordance with this Part and the exposition at all times, and;

2. the organisation's scope of work, and;


3. it-titlu(i) u isem(ismijiet) tal-persuna(i) msemmija fil-punti M.A.706(a), M.A.706(c), M.A.706(d) u M.A.706(i); u


4. skema organizzattiva li turi l-ktajjen assoċjati tar-responsabbiltà bejn il-persuni kollha msemmija fil-punti M.A.706(a), M.A.706(c), M.A.706(d) and M.A.706(i); u

5. lista tal-persunal tan-navigabbiltà msemmi fil-punt M.A.707, li tispeċifika, fejn applikabbli, il-persunal awtorizzat li joħroġ permessi għat-tajran skont il-punt M.A.711(c); u


6. a general description and location of the facilities, and;

7. procedures specifying how the continuing airworthiness management organisation ensures compliance with this Part, and;

8. the continuing airworthiness management exposition amendment procedures;


9. lista tal-programmi ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru approvati, jew, għall-inġenji tal-ajru mhux involuti fil-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, il-lista tal-programmi ta’ manutenzjoni “ġeneriċi” u “bażiċi”.


(b) The continuing airworthiness management exposition and its amendments shall be approved by the competent authority.


(c) Minkejja l-paragrafu (b), emendi minuri għall-espożizzjoni jistgħu jkunu approvati indirettament permezz ta’ proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta. Il-proċedura indiretta għandha tiddefinixxi l-emendi minuri eliġibbli, għandha tkun stabbilita mill-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata bħala parti mill-espożizzjoni u tkun approvat mill-awtorità kompetenti responsabbli għal dik l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata.


M.A.705   Facilities

The continuing airworthiness management organisation shall provide suitable office accommodation at appropriate locations for the personnel specified in M.A.706.

M.A.706   Personnel requirements

(a) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager, who has corporate authority for ensuring that all continuing airworthiness management activities can be financed and carried out in accordance with this Part.

(b) For commercial air transport the paragraph (a) accountable manager shall be the person who also has corporate authority for ensuring that all the operations of the operator can be financed and carried out to the standard required for the issue of an air operator's certificate.

(c) A person or group of persons shall be nominated with the responsibility of ensuring that the organisation is always in compliance with this Subpart. Such person(s) shall be ultimately responsible to the accountable manager.

(d) For commercial air transport, the accountable manager shall designate a nominated post holder. This person shall be responsible for the management and supervision of continuing airworthiness activities, pursuant to paragraph (c).

(e) The nominated post holder referred to in paragraph (d) shall not be employed by a Part-145 approved organisation under contract to the operator, unless specifically agreed by the competent authority.

(f) The organisation shall have sufficient appropriately qualified staff for the expected work.

(g) All paragraph (c) and (d) persons shall be able to show relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience related to aircraft continuing airworthiness.

(h) The qualification of all personnel involved in continuing airworthiness management shall be recorded.


(i) Għall-organizzazzjonijiet li jestendu ċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni skond il-punti M.A.711(a)4 u M.A.901(f), l-organizzazzjoni għandha tinnomina persuni awtorizzati biex jagħmlu dan, suġġetti għall-approvazzjoni mill-awtorià kompetenti.

(j) L-organizzazzjoni għandha tiddefinixxi u żżomm aġġornat fl-espożizzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, it-titlu(i) u isem(ismijiet) tal-persuna(i) msemmija fil-punti M.A.706(a), M.A.706(c), M.A.706(d) and M.A.706(i).


(k) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kbar kollha u għal inġenji tal-ajru użati għat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, l-organizzazzjoni għandha tistabbilixxi u tikkontrolla l-kompetenza tal-persunal involut fil-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà, ir-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà u/jew il-verifiki tal-kwalità skont proċedura u sa standard maqbul mill-awtorità kompetenti.


M.A.707   Airworthiness review staff


(a) Sabiex tiġi approvata biex twettaq reviżjonijiet tan-navigabbiltà u, jekk applikabbli, toħroġ permessi għat-tajran, organizzazzjoni approvata tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà għandu jkollha persunal xieraq tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà biex joħroġ ċertifikati tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà jew rakkomandazzjonijiet imsemmija fit-Taqsima A tas-Sottoparti I u, jekk applikabbli, biex joħroġ permess għat-tajran konformi mal-punt M.A.711(c):

(1) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kollha użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, u l-inġenji tal-ajru ta' aktar minn 2 730 kg MTOM, barra blalen tal-arja, dan il-persunal għandu jkollu:

(a) mill-inqas ħames snin esperjenza fil-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà, u

(b) liċenzja xierqa konformi mal-Anness III (Parti-66) jew grad ajrunawtiku jew ekwivalenti, u

(ċ) taħriġ formali fil-manutenzjoni ajrunawtika, u

(d) pożizzjoni fl-organizzazzjoni approvata b'responsabbiltajiet adattati.

(e) Minkejja l-punti (a) sa (d), ir-rekwiżit stabbilit fil-punt M.A.707(a)1(b) jista' jinbidel ma' ħames snin esperjenza fil-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà b'żieda ma' dawk diġà meħtieġa fil-punt M.A.707(a)1(a).

(2) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kollha mhux użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru ta' 2 730 kg MTOM jew inqas, u blalen tal-arja, dan il-persunal għandu jkollu:

(a) mill-inqas tliet snin esperjenza fil-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà, u

(b) liċenzja xierqa konformi mal-Anness III (Parti-66) jew grad ajrunawtiku jew ekwivalenti nazzjonali, u

(ċ) taħriġ xieraq fil-manutenzjoni ajrunawtika, u

(d) pożizzjoni fl-organizzazzjoni approvata b'responsabbiltajiet adattati;

(e) Minkejja l-punti (a) sa (d), ir-rekwiżit stabbilit fil-punt M.A.707(a)2(b) jista' jinbidel ma' ħames snin esperjenza fil-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà b'żieda ma' dawk diġà meħtieġa fil-punt M.A.707(a)2(a).


(b) Airworthiness review staff nominated by the approved continuing airworthiness organisation can only be issued an authorisation by the approved continuing airworthiness organisation when formally accepted by the competent authority after satisfactory completion of an airworthiness review under supervision.

(c) The organisation shall ensure that aircraft airworthiness review staff can demonstrate appropriate recent continuing airworthiness management experience.

(d) Airworthiness review staff shall be identified by listing each person in the continuing airworthiness management exposition together with their airworthiness review authorisation reference.

(e) The organisation shall maintain a record of all airworthiness review staff, which shall include details of any appropriate qualification held together with a summary of relevant continuing airworthiness management experience and training and a copy of the authorisation. This record shall be retained until two years after the airworthiness review staff have left the organisation.

M.A.708   Continuing airworthiness management

(a) All continuing airworthiness management shall be carried out according to the prescriptions of M.A Subpart C.

(b) For every aircraft managed, the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation shall:

1. develop and control a maintenance programme for the aircraft managed including any applicable reliability programme,


2. Tippreżenta l-programm ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ inġenju tal-ajru u l-emendi tiegħu lill-awtorità kompetenti għall-approvazzjoni, sakemm ma tkunx koperta minn proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta skond il-punt M.A.302(c), u tipprovdi kopja tal-programm lis-sid tal-inġenju tal-ajru li mhux involut fi trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru,


3. manage the approval of modification and repairs,

4. ensure that all maintenance is carried out in accordance with the approved maintenance programme and released in accordance with M.A. Subpart H,

5. ensure that all applicable airworthiness directives and operational directives with a continuing airworthiness impact, are applied,

6. ensure that all defects discovered during scheduled maintenance or reported are corrected by an appropriately approved maintenance organisation,

7. ensure that the aircraft is taken to an appropriately approved maintenance organisation whenever necessary,

8. coordinate scheduled maintenance, the application of airworthiness directives, the replacement of service life limited parts, and component inspection to ensure the work is carried out properly,

9. manage and archive all continuing airworthiness records and/or operator's technical log.

10. ensure that the mass and balance statement reflects the current status of the aircraft.

(c) In the case of commercial air transport, when the operator is not appropriately approved to Part-145, the operator shall establish a written maintenance contract between the operator and a Part-145 approved organisation or another operator, detailing the functions specified under M.A.301-2, M.A.301-3, M.A.301-5 and M.A.301-6, ensuring that all maintenance is ultimately carried out by a Part-145 approved maintenance organisation and defining the support of the quality functions of M.A.712(b). The aircraft base, scheduled line maintenance and engine maintenance contracts, together with all amendments, shall be approved by the competent authority. However, in the case of:

1. an aircraft requiring unscheduled line maintenance, the contract may be in the form of individual work orders addressed to the Part-145 maintenance organisation.

2. component maintenance, including engine maintenance, the contract as referred to in paragraph (c) may be in the form of individual work orders addressed to the Part-145 maintenance organisation.


M.A.709   Dokumentazzjoni

(a) L-organizzazzjoni approvata għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata għandha żżomm u tuża dejta attwali tal-manutenzjoni skond il-punt M.A.401 applikabbli fit-twettiq tal-ħidmiet dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata msemmija fil-punt M.A.708. Din id-dejta għandha tkun ipprovduta mis-sid jew mill-operatur, sakemm kuntratt xieraq ikun stabbilit ma’ dan is-sid jew operatur. F’każ bħal dan, l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata biss għandha bżonn iżżomm din id-dejta għat-tul tal-kuntratt, minbarra meta mitlub mill-punt M.A.714.

(b) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru mhux involuti fit-trasport kummerċhali bl-ajru, l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata tista’ tiżviluppa programmi ta’ manutenzjoni “linji bażi” u/jew “ġeneriċi” biex tippermetti l-approvazzjoni inizjali u/jew l-estenzjoni tal-ambitu ta’ applikazzjoni ta’ approvazzjoni mingħajr ma jkollha l-kuntratti msemmija fl-Appendiċi I għal dan l-Anness (Parti M). Mandankollu, dawn il-programmi ta’ manutenzjoni “linji bażi” u/jew “ġeneriċi” ma jeskludux il-bżonn li jkun stabbilit Programm ta’ Manutenzjoni tal-Inġenju tal-Ajru adegwat f’konformità mal-punt M.A.302 fi żmien xieraq qabel l-eżerċizzju tal-privileġġi msemmija fil-punt M.A.711.


M.A.710   Reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà

(a) Sabiex ikun sodisfatt ir-rekwiżit għar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà ta' inġenju tal-ajru msemmi fil-punt M.A.901, reviżjoni dokumentata bis-sħiħ tar-reġistri tal-inġenju tal-ajru għandha titwettaq mill-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà sabiex din tkun sodisfatta li:

(1) is-sigħat tat-tajran u ċ-ċikli tat-tajran assoċjati tal-qafas, il-magna u l-iskrejjen ikun ġew reġistrati kif suppost, u

(2) il-manwal tat-tajran ikun applikabbli għall-konfigurazzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru u jirrifletti l-aħħar status tar-reviżjoni, u

(3) il-manutenzjoni kollha li kellha ssir lill-inġenju tal-ajru skont il-programm approvat tal-manutenzjoni tkun saret, u

(4) kull difett magħruf ikun issewwa jew, meta applikabbli, ġestit b'mod ikkontrollat, u

(5) id-direttivi kollha applikabbli tan-navigabbiltà jkunu ġew applikati u rreġistrati korrettament, u

(6) il-modifiki u t-tiswijiet kollha applikati lill-inġenju tal-ajru jkunu ġew irreġistrati u approvati skont l-Anness (parti-21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003, u

(7) il-komponenti kollha bi żmien limitat tal-użu installati fuq l-inġenju tal-ajru jkunu identifikati korrettament u ma jkunux qabżu l-limitu approvat taż-żmien tal-użu tagħhom, u

(8) il-manutenzjoni kollha tkun ġiet rilaxxata skont l-Anness I (Parti-M), u

(9) id-dikjarazzjoni attwali dwar il-massa u l-bilanċ tirrifletti l-konfigurazzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru u hija valida, u

(10) l-inġenju tal-ajru jikkonforma mal-aħħar reviżjoni tad-disinn tat-tip approvat mill-Aġenzija u

(11) jekk meħtieġ, l-inġenju tal-ajru jkollu ċertifikat akustiku li jikkorrispondi għall-konfigurazzjoni kurrenti tal-inġenju tal-ajru f'konformità mas-Sottoparti I tal-Anness (Parti-21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003.

(b) Il-persunal tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà għandu jwettaq stħarriġ fiżiku tal-inġenju tal-ajru. Għal dan l-istħarriġ, il-persunal tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà li mhuwiex ikkwalifikat kif xieraq skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) għandu jkun assistit minn dan il-persunal kwalifikat.

(c) Permezz tal-istħarriġ fiżiku tal-inġenju tal-ajru, il-persunal tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà għandu jiżgura li:

(1) il-marki u l-pjanċi kollha meħtieġ jkunu installatti korrettament, u

(2) l-inġenju tal-ajru jikkonforma mal-manwal approvat tat-tajran tiegħu, u

(3) il-konfigurazzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru tikkonforma mad-dokumentazzjoni approvata, u

(4) l-ebda difett evidenti ma jinstab li ma jkunx ġie indirizzat skont il-punt M.

(5) ma tkun instabet ebda inkonsistenza bejn l-inġenju tal-ajru u r-reviżjoni dokumentata tar-reġistri tal-paragrafu (a).

(d) B'deroga mill-punt M.A.901(a), ir-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà tista' tiġi antiċipata b'perjodu massimu ta' 90 jum mingħajr telf ta' kontinwità tax-xejra tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà, sabiex tkun tista' ssir ir-reviżjoni fiżika waqt verifika ta' manutenzjoni.

(e) Iċ-ċertifikat tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà (Formola EASA 15b) jew ir-rakkomandazzjoni għall-ħruġ taċ-ċertifikat tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà (Formola EASA 15b) msemmi fl-Appendiċi III għall-Anness I (Parti-M) jista' biss jinħareġ:

(1) minn persunal tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà awtorizzat kif xieraq skont il-punt M.A.707 f'isem l-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà jew minn persunal li jiċċertifika fil-każijiet previsti fil-punt M.A.901(g), u

(2) meta jkun sodisfatt li r-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà tkun twettqet għal kollox u li ma hemm l-ebda nuqqas ta' konformità magħruf li jipperikola s-sikurezza tat-tajran.

(f) Kopja ta' kwalunkwe ċertifikat tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà maħruġ jew estiż għal inġenju tal-ajru għandu jintbagħat lill-Istat Membru tar-Reġitsru ta' dak l-inġenju tal-ajru fi żmien 10 ijiem.

(g) Il-ħidmiet tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà m'għandhomx jiġu sottokuntrattati.

(h) Jekk l-eżitu tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà ma tkunx konklussiva, l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tkun infurmata malli jkun prattikabbli iżda f'kull każ fi żmien 72 siegħa minn meta l-organizzazzjoni tkun identifikat il-kundizzjoni li qed titratta r-reviżjoni.


M.A.711   Privileġġi tal-organizzazzjoni

(a) L-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), tista’:


1. il-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà tal-inġenji tal-ajru, ħlief għal dawk involuti fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, kif imniżżel fuq iċ-ċertifikat tal-approvazzjoni;


2. tmexxi l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata ta’ inġenji tal-ajru tat-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru meta elenkata kemm fuq iċ-ċertifikat tal-approvazzjoni tagħha kif ukoll fuq iċ-Ċertifikat tal-Operatur bl-Ajru tagħha (AOC);

3. tirranġa biex twettaq ħidmiet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata limitati ma’ kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni subappaltata, li tkun qiegħda taħdem skond is-sistema tal-kwalità tagħha, kif elekat fiċ-ċertifikat tal-approvazzjoni;

4. testendi, skond il-kundizzjonijiet tal-punt M.A.901(f), ċertifikat tar-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni li kien maħruġ mill-awtorità kompetenti jew minn organizzazzjoni oħra tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M);

(b) Organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata reġistrata f’wieħed mill-Istati Membri tista’ barra minn hekk, tkun approvata biex twettaq reviżjonijet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni msemmija fil-punt M.A.710 u;

1. toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni relatat u fi żmien adegwat testendih skond il-kundizzjonijiet tal-punti M.A.901(c)2 jew M.A.901(e)2, u,

2. tagħmel rakkomandazzjoni għal reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni.


(c) Organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbilità li l-approvazzjoni tagħha tinkludi l-privileġġi msemmija fil-punt M.A.711(b) tista' addizzjonalment tiġi approvata biex toħroġ permess tat-tajran skont il-Parti 21A.711(d) tal-Anness (Parti-21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003 għall-inġenju tal-ajru partikolari li għalih l-organizzazzjoni ġiet approvata biex toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbilità, meta l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbilità tkun qed tattesta l-konformità ma' kundizzjonijiet approvati tat-tajran, soġġett għal proċedura approvata xierqa fil-preżentazzjoni msemmija fil-punt M.A.704.


M.A.712   Quality system

(a) To ensure that the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation continues to meet the requirements of this Subpart, it shall establish a quality system and designate a quality manager to monitor compliance with, and the adequacy of, procedures required to ensure airworthy aircraft. Compliance monitoring shall include a feedback system to the accountable manager to ensure corrective action as necessary.

(b) The quality system shall monitor M.A. Subpart G activities. It shall at least include the following functions:

1. monitoring that all M.A. Subpart G activities are being performed in accordance with the approved procedures, and;

2. monitoring that all contracted maintenance is carried out in accordance with the contract, and;

3. monitoring the continued compliance with the requirements of this Part.

(c) The records of these activities shall be stored for at least two years.

(d) Where the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation is approved in accordance with another Part, the quality system may be combined with that required by the other Part.

(e) In case of commercial air transport the M.A. Subpart G quality system shall be an integrated part of the operator's quality system.


(f) Fil-każ ta’ organizzazzjoni żgħira li m’għandhiex il-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, reviżjonijiet organizzazzjonali soġġetti għall-approvazzjoni mill-awtorità kompetenti jistgħu jieħdu post is-sistema ta’ kwalità, minbarra meta l-organizzazzjoni toħroġ ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni għall-inġenji tal-ajru ta’ aktar minn 2 730 kg MTOM barra l-blalen. Fil-każ fejn m’hemmx sistema ta’ kwalità, l-organizzazzjoni m’għandhiex tagħmel kuntratti ta’ ħidmiet ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata lill-partijiet oħra.


M.A.713   Changes to the approved continuing airworthiness organisation

In order to enable the competent authority to determine continued compliance with this Part, the approved continuing airworthiness management organisation shall notify it of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes, before such changes take place:

1. the name of the organisation.

2. the location of the organisation.

3. additional locations of the organisation.

4. the accountable manager.

5. any of the persons specified in M.A.706(c).

6. the facilities, procedures, work scope and staff that could affect the approval.

In the case of proposed changes in personnel not known to the management beforehand, these changes shall be notified at the earliest opportunity.


M.A.714   Żamma ta' reġistri

(a) L-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà għandha tirreġistra d-dettalji kollha tax-xogħol imwettaq. Ir-reġistri meħtieġa minn M.A.305 u jekk applikabbli M.A.306 għandhom jinżammu.

(b) Sabiex l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà jkollha l-privileġġ imsemmi fil-punt M.A.711(b), għandha żżomm kopja ta' kull ċertifikat u rakkomandazzjoni maħruġin tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà jew, kif applikabbli, estiżi, flimkien mad-dokumenti anċillari kollha. Barra minn hekk, l-organizzazzjoni għandha żżomm kopja ta' kull ċertifikat tal-ġestjoni tar-reviżjoni tan-navigabbiltà li tkun estendiet bil-privileġġ imsemmi fil-punt M.A.711(a)4.

(c) Sabiex l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà jkollha l-privileġġ imsemmi fil-punt M.A.711(c), għandha żżomm kopja ta' kull permess għat-tajran maħruġ skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-punt 21A.729 tal-Anness (Parti-21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003.

(d) L-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà għandha żżomm kopja tar-reġistri kollha msemmija fil-paragrafi (b) u (c) sa sentejn wara li l-inġenju tal-ajru jkun tneħħa permanentament mis-servizz.

(e) Ir-reġistri għandhom jinħażnu b'tali mod li jiżgura li jitħarsu mill-ħsara, it-tibdil jew is-serq.

(f) Il-hardware kollu tal-kompjuter użat sabiex isiru kopji backup għandu jinżamm f'postijiet differenti minn dawk li fihom id-dejta dwar ix-xogħol, b'tali mod li tkun żgurata ż-żamma tajba tagħhom.

(g) Meta l-ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbilità ta' inġenju tal-ajru tkun ġiet trasferita lil organizzazzjoni jew persuna oħra, ir-reġistri kollha miżmuma għandhom jiġu trasferiti lil din l-organizzazzjoni jew persuna. Il-perjodi ta' żmien preskritti għaż-żamma tar-reġistri għandhom ikomplu japplikaw għal din l-organizzazzjoni jew persuna.

(h) Meta organizzazzjoni ta' ġestjoni tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbilità ta' inġenju ttemm l-operat tagħha, ir-reġistri kollha miżmuma għandhom jiġu ttrasferiti lil sid l-inġenju tal-ajru.


M.A.715   Continued validity of approval

(a) An approval shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to:

1. the organisation remaining in compliance with this Part, in accordance with the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under M.B.705 and;

2. the competent authority being granted access to the organisation to determine continued compliance with this Part, and;

3. the approval not being surrendered or revoked.

(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the approval certificate shall be returned to the competent authority.

M.A.716   Findings

(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with Part-M requirements which lowers the safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety.

(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the Part-M requirements which could lower the safety standard and possibly hazard the flight safety.

(c) After receipt of notification of findings according to M.B.705, the holder of the continuing airworthiness management organisation approval shall define a corrective action plan and demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of the competent authority within a period agreed with this authority.




M.A.801   Ċertifikat għall-inġenji tal-ajru sabiex jinħarġu għall-użu

(a) Minbarra għall-inġenji tal-ajru li nħarġu għall-użu minn organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata skond l-Anness II (Parti 145), iċ-ċertifikat sabiex jinħarġu għall-użu għandu jinħareġ skond din is-Sottoparti.

(b) Ebda inġenju tal-ajru ma jista’ jinħareġ sakemm ma jkunx maħruġ ċertifikat sabiex jinħareġ għall-użu mat-tlestija tal-manutenzjoni, meta jkun sodisfatt li l-manutenzjoni meħtieġa kollha twettqet b’mod adattat, billi:

1. personal li jiċċertifika xieraq għan-nom tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M); jew

2. personal li jiċċertifika f’konformità mar-rekwiżiti stabbliti fl-Anness II (Parti 66), minbarra x-xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni kumplessi elenkati fl-Appendiċi VII għal dan l-Anness li għalih japplika l-punt 1; jew

3. mill-polita-sid f’konformità mal-punt M.A.803;

(ċ) B’deroga mill-punt M.A.801(b)2 għal inġenji tal-ajru ELA1 mhux użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni kumplessi tal-inġenji tal-ajru elenkati fl-Appendiċi VII jistgħu jinħarġu mill-personal li jiċċertifika msemmi fil-punt M.A.801(b)2.

(d) B’deroga minn M.A.801(b), fil-każ ta’ sitwazzjonijiet mhux previsti, fejn inġenju tal-ajru jinżamm milli jtir f’post fejn ma jkunx hemm organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata skond dan l-Anness jew l-Anness II (Parti 145) u lanqas ma jkun hemm personal adegwat li jiċċertifika disponibbli, is-sid jista’ jawtorizza kwalunkwe persuna, b’mhux inqas minn 3 snin esperjenza adegwata fil-manutenzjoni u li jkollha l-kwalifiki adegwati, biex twettaq il-manutenzjoni skond l-istandards stipulati fis-Sottoparti D ta’ dan l-Anness u toħroġ għall-użu l-inġenju tal-ajru. Is-sid f’dak il-każ ghandu:

1. jikseb u jżomm fl-inġenju tal-ajru, id-dettalji tar-reġistri tax-xogħol kollu mwettaq u tal-kwalifiki ta’ dik il-persuna li ħarġet iċ-ċertifikazzjoni, u

2. jiżgura li kwalunkwe manutenzjoni bħal din tiġi eżaminata mill-ġdid u maħruġa minn persuna awtorizzata b’mod xieraq kif imsemmi fil-punt M.A.801(b) jew organizzazzjoni approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), jew l-Anness II (Parti 145) mal-ewwel opprtunità iżda fi żmien perjodu ta’ mhux aktar minn 7 ijiem, u

3. jinnotifika l-organizzazzjoni responsabbli għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata meta subappaltata skond il-punt M.A.201(e), jew l-awtorità kompetenti fin-nuqqas ta’ dan il-kuntratt, fi żmien 7 ijiem mill-ħruġ ta’ din iċ-ċertifikazzjoni ta’ awtorizzazzjoni.

(e) Fil-każ ta’ ħruġ għall-użu skond il-punt M.A.801(b)2 jew il-punt M.A.801(c), il-personal li jiċċertifika jista’ jkun megħjun fit-twettiq tax-xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni minn persuna jew persuni taħt il-kontroll dirett u kontinwu tal-personal li jiċċertifika.

(f) Ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu għandu jkun fih mill-inqas:

1. id-dettalji bażiċi tal-manutenzjoni mwettqa; u

2. Id-data meta tlestiet din il-manutenzjoni; u

3. l-identità tal-organizzazzjoni u/jew il-persuna li ħarġet dan il-ħruġ għall-użu, inklużi:

(i) ir-referenza approvata tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) u l-personal li jiċċertifika li ħareġ dan iċ-ċertifikat; jew

(ii) fil-każ ta’ ċertifikat tal-punt M.A.801(b)2 jew M.A.801(c) ta’ ħruġ għall-użu, l-identità u n-numru tal-liċenzja jekk ikun applikabbli, tal-personal li jiċċertifika li ħareġ dan iċ-ċertifikat.

4. il-limitazzjonijiet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew tal-operazzjoni, jekk hemm.

(g) B’deroga mill-paragrafu (b) u minkejja d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-paragrafu (h), fil-każ ta’ manutenzjoni li ma setgħatx titlesta, ċertifkat tal-ħruġ għall-użu jista’ jkun maħruġ fil-limiti approvati tal-inġenju tal-ajru. Dan il-fatt, flimkien ma’ limitazzjonijiet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew tal-operazzjoni, jekk hemm, għandhom ikunu miktuba fiċ-ċertifikat tal-ħruġ għall-użu tal-inġenju tal-ajru qabel il-ħruġ tiegħu bħala parti mill-informazzjoni meħtieġa mill-paragrafu (f)4.

(h) M’għandux jinħareġ ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu fil-każ ta’ kwalunkwe nuqqas ta’ konformità li jkun magħruf li tipperikola s-sikurezza tat-titjira.

M.A.802   Ċertifikat għall-kompenenti sabiex jinħarġu għall-użu

(a) Għandu jinħareġ ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu meta titlesta kwalunkwe manutenzjoni mwettqa fuq komponent ta’ inġenju tal-ajru skond il-punt M.A.502.

(b) Iċ-ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ awtorizzat, identifikat bħala l-Formola 1 tal-EASA, jikkostitwixxi ċ-ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu ta’ komponent ta’ inġenju tal-ajru, minbarra meta din il-manutenzjoni fuq komponent ta’ inġenju tal-ajru tkun twettqet skond il-punt M.A.502(b) jew il-punt M.A.502(d), fejn f’dak il-każ il-manutenzjoni se tkun suġġetta għall-proċeduri ta’ ħruġ ta’ inġenju tal-ajru skond il-punt M.A.801.

M.A.803   Awtorizzazzjoni għall-pilota-sid

(a) Biex persuna tikkwalifika bħala pilota-sid, għandha:

1. ikollha liċenzja ta’ pilota valida (jew l-ekwivalenti) maħruġa u vvalidata minn Stat Membru għat-tip jew rata tal-klassi tal-inġenju tal-ajru u;

2. tkun proprjetarja ta’ inġenju tal-ajru, waħedha jew ma ħadd ieħor; dan is-sid għandu jkun:

(i) wieħed mill-persuni fiżiċi fil-formola tar-reġistrazzjoni, jew

(ii) membru ta’ entità ġuridika rikreattiva mingħajr skop ta’ lukru, fejn l-entità ġuridika tkun speċifikata fid-dokument tar-reġistrazzjoni bħala s-sid jew l-operatur, u dak il-membru jkun involut direttament fil-proċess tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet tal-entità ġuridika u nnominat minn dik l-entità ġuridika biex iwettaq il-manutenzjoni tal-pilota-sid.

(b) Għal kwalunkwe inġenju tal-ajru mhux kumpless imħaddem b’magna ta’ 2 730 kg MTOM u inqas operat privatament, sailplane jew sailplane bil-magna u ballun, il-pilota-sid jista’ joħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu wara manutenzjoni limitata mill-pilota-sid speċifikata fl-Appendiċi VIII.

(ċ) L-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni limitata mill-pilota-sid għandu jkun speċifikat fil-programm ta’ manutenzjoni għal inġenju tal-ajru kif imsemmi fil-punt M.A.302.

(d) Iċ-ċertifikat ta’ ħruġ għall-użu jrid jiddaħħal fil-ġurnali u jkun fih d-dettalji bażiċi dwar il-manutenzjoni mwettqa, id-dejta użata fil-manutenzjoni, id-data meta tlestiet din il-manutenzjoni u l-identità, il-firma u n-numru tal-liċenzja tal-pilota, tal-pilota-sid li ħareġ tali ċertifikat.





M.A.901   Reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni

Biex tkun żgurata l-validità ta’ ċertifikat dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, minn żmien għall-ieħor trid titwettaq reviżjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru u tad-dokumentazzjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata tiegħu.

(a) Ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jinħareġ skond l-Appendiċi III (Formola 15a jew 15b tal-EASA) meta titlesta reviżjoni sodisfaċenti dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni. Iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jibqa’ validu għal sena.

(b) Inġenju tal-ajru f’ambjent ikkontrollat huwa inġenju tal-ajru (i) ta’ ġestjoni kontinwa matul l-aħħar 12-il xahar minn organizzazzjoni ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni unika approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottopart G, ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), u (ii) li kellu manutenzjoni matul l-aħħar 12-il xahar minn organizzazzjonijiet ta’ manutenzjoni approvati skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M), jew l-Anness II (Parti 145). Dan jinkludi x-xogħdolijiet ta’ manutenzjoni msemmija fil-punt M.A.803(b) imwettqa u l-ħruġ għall-użu skond il-punt M.A.801(b)2 jew il-punt M.A.801(b)3.

(ċ) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kollha użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, u l-inġenji tal-ajru ta’ aktar minn 2 730 kg MTOM, barra l-blalen, li huma f’ambjent ikkontrollat, l-organizzazzjoni msemmija f’(b) ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata tista’, jekk tkun approvata b’mod xieraq, u suġġetta għall-konformità mal-paragrafu (k)

1. toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni skond il-punt M.A.710, u;

2. għaċ-ċertifikati ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni li tkun ħarġet, meta l-inġenju tal-ajru jkun baqa’ f’ambjent ikkontrollat, testendi darbtejn il-validità taċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni għal perjodu ta’ sena kull darba;

(d) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kollha użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, u l-inġenji tal-ajru ta’ aktar minn 2 730 kg MTOM, barra l-blalen, li (i) mhumiex f’ambjent ikkontrollat, jew (ii) li l-ġestljoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata qegħdha għand organizzazzjoni li m’għandhiex il-privileġġ li twettaq revizjonijiet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, iċ-ċertifikat tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni għandu jkun maħruġ mill-awtorità kompetenti fuq valutazzjoni sodisfaċenti bbażata fuq rakkomandazzjoni magħmula minn organizzazzjoni ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata b’mod xieraq, skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) mibgħuta flimkien mal-applikazzjoni mis-sid jew mill-operatur. Din ir-rakkomandazzjoni għandha tkun ibbażata fuq reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni mwettqa skond il-punt M.A.710.

(e) Għall-inġenji tal-ajru ta’ 2 730 kg MTOM jew anqas li ma jintużawx fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru u l-blalen, kull organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) u magħżula mis-sid jew mill-operatur tista’, jekk tkun approvata b’mod xieraq, u suġġetta għall-konformità mal-paragrafu (k).

1. toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni skond il-punt M.A.710, u;

2. għaċ-ċertifikati ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni li tkun ħarġet, meta l-inġenju tal-ajru jkun baqa’ f’ambjent ikkontrollat fil-ġestjoni tagħha, testendi darbtejn il-validità taċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni għal perjodu ta’ sena kull darba;

(f) B’deroga mill-punti M.A.901(c)2 u M.A.901(e)2 għall-inġenji tal-ajru f’ambjent ikkontrollat, l-organizzazzjoni msemmija f’(b) li tmexxi l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, suġġetta għall-konformità mal-paragrafu (k), tista’ testendi darbtejn għal perjodu ta’ sena kull darba l-validità taċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni li kien inħareġ mill-awtorità kompetenti jew minn organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata oħra approvata skond is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti G ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M).

(g) B’deroga mill-punti M.A.901(e) u M.A.901(h)2, għal inġenji tal-ajru ELA1 mhux użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru u mhux affettwati minn M.A.201(i), iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jista’ jinħareġ ukoll mill-awtorità kompetenti li ssegwi valutazzjoni sodisfaċenti bbażata fuq rakkomandazzjoni, magħmula minn personal li jiċċertifika approvati mill-awtorità kompetenti u li jkun jikkonforma mad-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Anness III (Parti 66) kif ukoll mar-rekwiżiti stabbiliti fil-punt M.A.707(a)2(a), mibgħuta flimkien mal-applikazzjoni mis-sid jew l-operatur. Ir-rakkomandazzjoni għandha tkun ibbażata fuq ir-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni mwettqa skond il-punt M.A.710 u m’għandhiex tkun maħruġa għal aktar minn sentejn wara xulxin.

(h) Kull fejn iċ-ċirkustanzi juru l-eżistenza ta’ theddida potenzjali għas-sikurezza, l-awtorità kompetenti għandha twettaq reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni u toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni hija stess.

(i) Minbarra l-paragrafu (h), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha twettaq reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni u hija stess toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni fil-każijiet li ġejjin:


1. meta inġenju tal-ajru jkun amministrat minn organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tan-navigabbiltà approvata skont it-Taqsima A, Sottoparti G ta' dan l-Anness (Parti M) misjuba f'pajjiż terz.


2. għall-blalen u inġenji tal-ajru oħra ta’ 2 730 kg MTOM jew inqas, jekk dan ikun mitlub mis-sid.

(j) Meta l-awtorità kompetenti twettaq reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni u/jew hija stess toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, is-sid jew l-operatur għandu jipprovdi dawn lill-awtorità kompetenti:

1. id-dokumentazzjoni meħtieġa mill-awtorità kompetenti; u

2. akkomodazzjoni xierqa għall-personal tagħha fil-post xieraq; u

3. meta jkun meħtieġ l-appoġġ ta’ personal ikkwalifikat b’mod xieraq skont l-Anness III (Parti 66) jew ir-rekwiżiti tal-persunal ekwivalenti stabbiliti fil-punt 145.A.30(j)(1) u (2) tal-Anness II (Parti 145).

(k) Ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni ma jistax ikun maħruġ jew estiż jekk l-organizzazzjoni tagħraf jew ikollha raġuni biex temmen li l-inġenju tal-ajru ma jkollux l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni.


M.A.902   Validity of the airworthiness review certificate

(a) An airworthiness review certificate becomes invalid if:

1. suspended or revoked; or

2. the airworthiness certificate is suspended or revoked; or

3. the aircraft is not on the aircraft register of a Member State; or

4. the type certificate under which the airworthiness certificate was issued is suspended or revoked.

(b) An aircraft must not fly if the airworthiness certificate is invalid or if:

1. the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft or any component fitted to the aircraft does not meet the requirements of this Part, or;

2. the aircraft does not remain in conformity with the type design approved by the Agency; or

3. the aircraft has been operated beyond the limitations of the approved flight manual or the airworthiness certificate, without appropriate action being taken; or

4. the aircraft has been involved in an accident or incident that affects the airworthiness of the aircraft, without subsequent appropriate action to restore airworthiness; or

5. a modification or repair has not been approved in accordance with Part-21.

(c) Upon surrender or revocation, the airworthiness review certificate shall be returned to the competent authority

M.A.903   Transfer of aircraft registration within the EU

(a) When transferring an aircraft registration within the EU, the applicant shall:

1. inform the former Member State in which Member State it will be registered, then;

2. apply to the new Member State for the issuance of a new airworthiness certificate in accordance with Part 21.

(b) Notwithstanding M.A.902(a)(3), the former airworthiness review certificate shall remain valid until its expiry date.

M.A.904   Airworthiness review of aircraft imported into the EU


(a) Meta ssir l-importazzjoni ta’ inġenju tal-ajru għal ġor-reġistru ta’ Stat Membru minn pajjiż terz, l-applikant għandu:

1. jitlob lill-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni għall-ħruġ ta’ ċertifikat tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni ġdid skond l-Anness (Parti 21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003; u

2. għall-inġenji tal-ajru li mhumiex ġodda, għandha ssir reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni sodisfaċenti skond il-punt M.A.901; u

3. Titwettaq il-manutenzjoni kollha biex ikun konformi mal-program ta’ manutenzjoni approvat skond il-punt M.A.302.

(b) Meta tkun sodisfatta li l-inġenju tal-ajru huwa konformi mar-rekwiżiti rilevanti, l-organizzazzjoni ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, jekk japplika, għandha tibgħat rakkomandazzjoni ddokumentata għall-ħruġ ta’ ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni lill-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni.


(c) The owner shall allow access to the aircraft for inspection by the Member State of registry.

(d) A new airworthiness certificate will be issued by the Member State of registry when it is satisfied the aircraft complies with the prescriptions of Part-21.

(e) The Member State shall also issue the airworthiness review certificate valid normally for one year unless the Member State has safety reason to limit the validity.

M.A.905   Findings

(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with Part-M requirements which lowers the safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety.

(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the Part-M requirements which could lower the safety standard and possibly hazard the flight safety.


(c) Wara li tkun waslet in-notifika tar-riżultati skont il-punt M.B.903, il-persuna jew l-organizzazzjoni responsabbli msemmija fil-punt M.A.201 għandha tiddefinixxi plan ta' azzjoni korrettiva u turi azzjoni korrettiva għas-sodisfazzjoni tal-awtorità kompetenti fi żmien perjodu maqbul ma' din l-awtorità inkluża azzjoni korrettiva xierqa li żżomm milli terġa' sseħħ l-okkorrenza tar-riżultat u l-kawża tal-qofol tiegħu.






M.B.101   Scope

This Section establishes the administrative requirements to be followed by the competent authorities in charge of the application and the enforcement of Section A of this Part.

M.B.102   Competent authority

(a)   General

A Member State shall designate a competent authority with allocated responsibilities for the issuance, continuation, change, suspension or revocation of certificates and for the oversight of continuing airworthiness. This competent authority shall establish documented procedures and an organisational structure.

(b)   Resources

The number of staff shall be appropriate to carry out the requirements as detailed in this Section B.

(c)   Qualification and training

All staff involved in Part-M activities shall be appropriately qualified and have appropriate knowledge, experience, initial training and continuation training to perform their allocated tasks.

(d)   Procedures

The competent authority shall establish procedures detailing how compliance with this Part is accomplished.

The procedures shall be reviewed and amended to ensure continued compliance.

M.B.103   Acceptable means of compliance

The Agency shall develop acceptable means of compliance that the Member States may use to establish compliance with this Part. When the acceptable means of compliance are complied with, the related requirements of this Part shall be considered as met.

M.A.104   Record-keeping

(a) The competent authorities shall establish a system of record-keeping that allows adequate traceability of the process to issue, continue, change, suspend or revoke each certificate.

(b) The records for the oversight of Part-M approved organisations shall include as a minimum:

1. the application for an organisation approval.

2. the organisation approval certificate including any changes.

3. a copy of the audit program listing the dates when audits are due and when audits were carried out.

4. the competent authority continued oversight records including all audit records.

5. copies of all relevant correspondence.

6. details of any exemption and enforcement actions.

7. any report from other competent authorities relating to the oversight of the organisation.

8. organisation exposition or manual and amendments.

9. copy of any other document directly approved by the competent authority.

(c) The retention period for the paragraph (b) records shall be at least four years.

(d) The minimum records for the oversight of each aircraft shall include, at least, a copy of:

1. aircraft certificate of airworthiness,

2. airworthiness review certificates,

3. Section A Subpart G organisation recommendations,

4. reports from the airworthiness reviews carried out directly by the Member State,

5. all relevant correspondence relating to the aircraft,

6. details of any exemption and enforcement action(s),


7. kull dokument approvat mill-awtorità kompetenti skont l-Anness I (Parti-M) jew l-Anness III (EU-OPS) tar-Regolament Nru 3922/91.


(e) The records specified in paragraph (d) shall be retained until two years after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn from service.

(f) All records specified in M.B.104 shall be made available upon request by another Member State or the Agency.

M.A.105   Mutual exchange of information

(a) In order to contribute to the improvement of air safety, the competent authorities shall participate in a mutual exchange of all necessary information in accordance with Article 11 of the basic Regulation.

(b) Without prejudice to the competencies of the Member States, in the case of a potential safety threat involving several Member States, the concerned competent authorities shall assist each other in carrying out the necessary oversight action.



M.B.201   Responsibilities

The competent authorities as specified in M.1 are responsible for conducting inspections and investigations in order to verify that the requirements of this Part are complied with.



M.B.301   Maintenance programme

(a) The competent authority shall verify that the maintenance programme is in compliance with M.A.302.

(b) Except where stated otherwise in ►M3  punt M.A.302(c) ◄ the maintenance programme and its amendments shall be approved directly by the competent authority.

(c) In the case of indirect approval, the maintenance programme procedure shall be approved by the competent authority through the continuing airworthiness management exposition.

(d) In order to approve a maintenance programme according to paragraph (b), the competent authority shall have access to all the data required in ►M3  punti M.A.302(d), (e) u (f) ◄ .

M.B.302   Exemptions

All exemptions granted in accordance with ►M3  Artikolu 14(4) ◄ of the basic Regulation shall be recorded and retained by the competent authority.

M.B.303   Aircraft continuing airworthiness monitoring


(a) L-awtorità kompetenti għandha tiżviluppa programm ta' stħarriġ sabiex tagħmel monitoraġġ tal-istat tal-kapaċità li jintużaw fl-ajru tal-flotta tal-inġenji tal-ajru fuq ir-reġistru tagħha.


(b) The survey programme shall include sample product surveys of aircraft.

(c) The programme shall be developed taking into account the number of aircraft on the register, local knowledge and past surveillance activities.

(d) The product survey shall focus on a number of key risk airworthiness elements and identify any findings. Furthermore, the competent authority shall analyse each finding to determine its root cause.

(e) All findings shall be confirmed in writing to the person or organisation accountable according to M.A.201.

(f) The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions and recommendations.

(g) If during aircraft surveys evidence is found showing non-compliance to a Part-M requirement, the competent authority shall take actions in accordance with M.B.903.

(h) If the root cause of the finding identifies a non-compliance with any Subpart or with another Part, the non-compliance shall be dealt with as prescribed by the relevant Part.


(i) Biex titħaffef l-azzjoni ta’ infurzar xierqa, l-awtoritajiet kompetenti għandhom jagħtu lil xulxin tagħrif dwar in-nuqqasijiet ta’ konformità identifikati skond il-paragrafu (h).


M.B.304   Revocation, suspension and limitation

The competent authority shall:

(a) suspend an airworthiness review certificate on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety threat, or;

(b) suspend, revoke or limit an airworthiness review certificate pursuant to M.B.303(g).



(to be developed as appropriate)



(to be developed as appropriate)



M.B.601   Application

Where maintenance facilities are located in more than one Member State the investigation and continued oversight of the approval shall be carried out in conjunction with the competent authorities designated by the Member States in whose territory the other maintenance facilities are located.

M.B.602   Initial Approval

(a) Provided the requirements of M.A.606(a) and (b) are complied with, the competent authority shall formally indicate its acceptance of the M.A.606(a) and (b) personnel to the applicant in writing.

(b) The competent authority shall establish that the procedures specified in the maintenance organisation manual comply with M.A Subpart F and ensure the accountable manager signs the commitment statement.

(c) The competent authority shall verify that the organisation is in compliance with the Part-M.A Subpart F requirements.

(d) A meeting with the accountable manager shall be convened at least once during the investigation for approval to ensure that he/she fully understands the significance of the approval and the reason for signing the commitment of the organisation to compliance with the procedures specified in the manual.

(e) All findings shall be confirmed in writing to the applicant organisation.

(f) The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions (actions required to close a finding) and recommendations.

(g) For initial approval all findings shall be corrected by the organisation and closed by the competent authority before the approval can be issued.

M.B.603   Issue of approval

(a) The competent authority shall issue to the applicant an EASA Form 3 approval certificate (Appendix V) which includes the extent of approval, when the maintenance organisation is in compliance with the applicable paragraphs of this Part.

(b) The competent authority shall indicate the conditions attached to the approval on the EASA Form 3 approval certificate.

(c) The reference number shall be included on the EASA Form 3 approval certificate in a manner specified by the Agency.

M.B.604   Continuing oversight

(a) The competent authority shall keep and update a program listing for each M.A Subpart F approved maintenance organisations under its supervision, the dates when audit visits are due and when such visits were carried out.

(b) Each organisation shall be completely audited at periods not exceeding 24 months.

(c) All findings shall be confirmed in writing to the applicant organisation.

(d) The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions (actions required to close a finding) and recommendations.

(e) A meeting with the accountable manager shall be convened at least once every 24 months to ensure he/she remains informed of significant issues arising during audits.

M.B.605   Findings

(a) When during audits or by other means evidence is found showing non-compliance to the Part-M requirement, the competent authority shall take the following actions:

1. For level 1 findings, immediate action shall be taken by the competent authority to revoke, limit or suspend in whole or in part, depending upon the extent of the level 1 finding, the maintenance organisation approval, until successful corrective action has been taken by the organisation.

2. For level 2 findings, the competent authority shall grant a corrective action period appropriate to the nature of the finding that shall not be more than three months. In certain circumstances, at the end of this first period and subject to the nature of the finding, the competent authority can extend the three month period subject to a satisfactory corrective action plan.

(b) Action shall be taken by the competent authority to suspend in whole or part the approval in case of failure to comply within the timescale granted by the competent authority.


M.B.606   Bidliet

(a) L-awtorità kompetenti għandha tkun konformi mal-elementi applikabbli tal-proċess inizjali għal kull bidla fl-organizzazzjoni nnotifikata skond il-punt M.A.617.

(b) L-awtorità kompetenti tista’ tippreskrivi l-kundizzjonijiet li bihom l-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata tista’ topera matul dawn il-bidliet sakemm ma tiddeċidix li l-approvazzjoni għandha tiġi sospiża minħabba n-natura u l-firxa tal-bidliet.

(ċ) Għal kwalunkwe bidla fil-manwal tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni:

1. Fil-każ ta’ approvazzjoni diretta tal-bidliet skond il-punt M.A.6041(b), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tivverifika li l-proċeduri speċifikati fil-manwal huma konformi ma’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) qabel ma tinnotifika formalment lill-organizzazzjoni approvata dwar l-approvazzjoni.

2. Fil-każ li proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta tintuża għall-approvazzjoni tal-bidliet skond il-punt M.A.604(c), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tiżgura (i) li l-bidliet jibqgħu żgħar u (ii) li għandha kontroll adegwat fuq l-approvazzjoni tal-bidliet biex tiżgura li jibqgħu f’konformità mar-rekwiżiti ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M).


M.B.607   Revocation, suspension and limitation of an approval

The competent authority shall:

(a) suspend an approval on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety threat, or;

(b) suspend, revoke or limit an approval pursuant to M.B.605.



M.B.701   Application

(a) For commercial air transport the competent authority shall receive for approval with the initial application for the air operator's certificate and where applicable any variation applied for and for each aircraft type to be operated:

1. the continuing airworthiness management exposition;

2. the operator's aircraft maintenance programmes;

3. the aircraft technical log;

4. where appropriate the technical specification of the maintenance contracts between the operator and Part-145 approved maintenance organisation.

(b) Where facilities are located in more than one Member State the investigation and continued oversight of the approval shall be carried out in conjunction with the competent authorities designated by the Member States in whose territory the other facilities are located.

M.B.702   Initial approval

(a) Provided the requirements of M.A.706(a), (c), (d) and M.A.707 are complied with, the competent authority shall formally indicate its acceptance of the M.A.706(a), (c), (d) and M.A.707 personnel to the applicant in writing.

(b) The competent authority shall establish that the procedures specified in the continuing airworthiness management exposition comply with Part-M.A. Subpart G and ensure the accountable manager signs the commitment statement.

(c) The competent authority shall verify the organisation's compliance with M.A. Subpart G requirements.

(d) A meeting with the accountable manager shall be convened at least once during the investigation for approval to ensure that he/she fully understands the significance of the approval and the reason for signing the exposition commitment of the organisation to compliance with the procedures specified in the continuing airworthiness management exposition.

(e) All findings shall be confirmed in writing to the applicant organisation.

(f) The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions (actions required to close a finding) and recommendations.

(g) For initial approval all findings shall be corrected by the organisation and closed by the competent authority before the approval can be issued.

M.B.703   Issue of approval

(a) The competent authority shall issue to the applicant an EASA Form 14 approval certificate (Appendix VI) which includes the extent of approval, when the continuing airworthiness management organisation is in compliance with M.A. Subpart G.

(b) The competent authority shall indicate the validity of the approval on the EASA Form 14 approval certificate.

(c) The reference number shall be included on the Form 14 approval certificate in a manner specified by the Agency.

(d) In the case of commercial air transport, the information contained on an EASA Form 14 will be included on the air operator's certificate.

M.B.704   Continuing oversight

(a) The competent authority shall keep and update a program listing for each M.A. Subpart G approved continuing airworthiness organisations under its supervision, the dates when audit visits are due and when such visits were carried out.

(b) Each organisation shall be completely audited at periods not exceeding 24 months.

(c) A relevant sample of the aircraft managed by the M.B. Subpart G approved organisation shall be surveyed in every 24 month period. The size of the sample will be decided by the competent authority based on the result of prior audits and earlier product surveys.

(d) All findings shall be confirmed in writing to the applicant organisation.

(e) The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions (actions required to close a finding) and recommendations.

(f) A meeting with the accountable manager shall be convened at least once every 24 months to ensure he/she remains informed of significant issues arising during audits.

M.B.705   Findings

(a) When during audits or by other means evidence is found showing non-compliance to the Part-M requirement, the competent authority shall take the following actions:

1. For level 1 findings, immediate action shall be taken by the competent authority to revoke, limit or suspend in whole or in part, depending upon the extent of the level 1 finding, the continuing airworthiness management organisation approval, until successful corrective action has been taken by the organisation.

2. For level 2 findings, the competent authority shall grant a corrective action period appropriate to the nature of the finding that shall not be more than three months. In certain circumstances, at the end of this first period, and subject to the nature of the finding the competent authority can extend the three month period subject to a satisfactory corrective action plan.

(b) Action shall be taken by the competent authority to suspend in whole or part the approval in case of failure to comply within the timescale granted by the competent authority.


M.B.706   Bidliet

(a) L-awtorità kompetenti għandha tkun konformi mal-elementi applikabbli tal-proċess inizjali għal kull bidla fl-organizzazzjoni nnotifikata skond il-punt M.A.713.

(b) L-awtorità kompetenti tista’ tippreskrivi l-kundizzjonijiet li bihom l-organizzazzjoni ta’ ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata tista’ topera matul dawn il-bidliet sakemm ma tiddeċidix li l-approvazzjoni għandha tiġi sospiża minħabba n-natura u l-firxa tal-bidliet.

(ċ) Għal kwalunkwe bidla fl-espożizzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata:

1. Fil-każ ta’ approvazzjoni diretta tal-bidliet skond il-punt M.A.7041(b), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tivverifika li l-proċeduri speċifikati fl-espożizzjoni huma konformi ma’ dan l-Anness (Parti M) qabel ma tinnotifika formalment lill-organizzazzjoni approvata dwar l-approvazzjoni.

2. Fil-każ li proċedura ta’ approvazzjoni indiretta tintuża għall-approvazzjoni tal-bidliet skond il-punt M.A.704(c), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tiżgura (i) li l-bidliet jibqgħu żgħar u (ii) li għandha kontroll adegwat fuq l-approvazzjoni tal-bidliet biex tiżgura li jibqgħu f’konformità mar-rekwiżiti ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M).


M.B.707   Revocation, suspension and limitation of an approval

The competent authority shall:

(a) suspend an approval on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety threat, or;

(b) suspend, revoke or limit an approval pursuant to M.B.705.



(to be developed as appropriate)



M.B.901   Assessment of recommendations

Upon receipt of an application and associated airworthiness review certificate recommendation in accordance with ►M3  M.A.901 ◄ :

1. Appropriate qualified personnel from the competent authority shall verify that the compliance statement contained in the recommendation demonstrates that a complete M.A.710 airworthiness review has been carried out.

2. The competent authority shall investigate and may request further information to support the assessment of the recommendation.


M.B.902   Reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni mill-awtorità kompetenti

(a) Meta awtorità kompetenti twettaq reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoniu toħroġ il-Formola 15a tal-EASA (Appendiċi III), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha twettaq reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni f’konformità mal-punt M.A.710.

(b) L-awtorità kompetenti għandu jkollha personal adattat għar-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni biex twettaq ir-reviżjonijiet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni.

1. Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kollha użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru, u l-inġenji tal-ajru ta’ aktar minn 2 730 kg MTOM, barra blalen, dan il-personal għandu jkollu:

a. mill-inqas ħames snin esperjenza fl-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, u:

b. liċenzja adegwata f’konformità mal-Anness III (Parti 66) jew kwalifika adegwata tal-personal ta’ manutenzjoni rikonoxxuta f’livell nazzjonali għall-kategorija tal-inġenju tal-ajru (fejn l-Anness III (Parti 66) tirreferi għar-regolamenti nazzjonali) jew grad ajrunawtiku jew l-ekwivalenti, u;

c. taħriġ formali fil-manutenzjoni ajrunawtika, u;

d. pożizzjoni b’responsabilitajiet xierqa.

Minbarra l-punti “a” u “d” hawn fuq, ir-rekwiżit stabbilit fil-punt M.B.902(b)1b jista’ jinbidel ma’ ħames snin esperjenza fl-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata b’żieda ma’ dawk diġà meħtieġa fil-punt M.A.902(a)1a.

2. Għall-inġenji tal-ajru kollha użati fit-trasport kummerċjali bl-ajru ta’ 2 730 kg MTOM jew inqas, u blalen, dan il-personal għandu jkollu:

a. mill-inqas tliet snin esperjenza fl-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, u:

b. liċenzja adegwata f’konformità mal-Anness III (Parti 66) jew kwalifika adegwata tal-personal ta’ manutenzjoni rikonoxxuta f’livell nazzjonali għall-kategorija tal-inġenju tal-ajru (fejn l-Anness III (Parti 66) tirreferi għar-regolamenti nazzjonali) jew grad ajrunawtiku jew l-ekwivalenti, u;

c. taħriġ adattat fil-manutenzjoni ajrunawtika, u;

d. pożizzjoni b’responsabilitajiet xierqa.

Minbarra l-punti “a” u “d” hawn fuq, ir-rekwiżit stabbilit fil-punt M.B.902(b)2b jista’ jinbidel ma’ ħames snin esperjenza fl-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata b’żieda ma’ dawk diġà meħtieġa fil-punt M.A.902(b)2a.

(ċ) L-awtorità kompetenti għandha żżomm rekord tal-personal kollu tar-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, li għandu jinkludi d-dettalji ta’ kwalunkwe kwalifika adegwata li jkollu l-personal flimkien ma’ sommarju tal-esperjenza u t-taħriġ rilevanti fil-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata.

(d) L-awtorità kompetenti għandu jkollha aċċess għad-dejta applikabbli kif speċifikat fil-punti M.A.305, M.A.306 u M.A.401 fit-twettiq tar-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni.

(e) Il-personal li jwettaq ir-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni għandu joħroġ il-Formola 15a wara t-tlestija sodisfaċenti tar-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni.


M.B.903   Findings

If during aircraft surveys or by other means evidence is found showing non-compliance to a Part-M requirement, the competent authority shall take the following actions:

1. for level 1 findings, the competent authority shall require appropriate corrective action to be taken before further flight and immediate action shall be taken by the competent authority to revoke or suspend the airworthiness review certificate.

2. for level 2 findings, the corrective action required by the competent authority shall be appropriate to the nature of the finding.

Appendix I

Continuing Airworthiness Arrangement

1. When an owner contracts an M.A. Subpart G approved continuing airworthiness organisation in accordance with M.A.201 to carry out continuing airworthiness management tasks, upon request by the competent authority a copy of the arrangement shall be sent by the owner to the competent authority of the Member State of registry once it has been signed by both parties.

2. The arrangement shall be developed taking into account the requirements of Part M and shall define the obligations of the signatories in relation to continuing airworthiness of the aircraft.

3. It shall contain as a minimum the:

 aircraft registration,

 aircraft type,

 aircraft serial number,

 aircraft owner or registered lessee's name or company details including the address,

M.A. Subpart G approved continuing airworthiness organisation details including the address.

4. It shall state the following:

“The owner entrusts to the approved organisation the management of the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft, the development of a maintenance programme that shall be approved by the airworthiness authorities of the Member State where the aircraft is registered, and the organisation of the maintenance of the aircraft according to said maintenance programme in an approved organisation.

According to the present arrangement, both signatories undertake to follow the respective obligations of this arrangement.

The owner certifies, to the best of their belief that all the information given to the approved organisation concerning the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is and will be accurate and that the aircraft will not be altered without prior approval of the approved organisation.

In case of any non-conformity with this arrangement, by either of the signatories, it will become null. In such a case, the owner will retain full responsibility for every task linked to the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft and the owner will undertake to inform the competent authorities of the Member State of registry within two full weeks.”

5. When an owner contracts an M.A. Subpart G approved continuing airworthiness organisation in accordance with M.A.201 the obligations of each party shall be shared as follows:


5.1. L-obbligi tal-organizzazzjoni approvata:

1. ikollha t-tip ta’ inġenju tal-ajru fl-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tal-approvazzjoni tagħha;

2. tirrispetta l-kundizzjonijiet li twettaq il-manutenzjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata tal-inġenji tal-ajru elenkati hawn taħt:

(a) tiżviluppa programm ta’ manutenzjoni għall-inġenji tal-ajru, inkluż kwalunkwe programm ta’ affidabbilità żviluppat jekk ikun applikabbli,

(b) Tiddikjara x-xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni (fil-programm ta’ manutenzjoni) li jistgħu jitwettqu mill-pilota-sid skond il-punt M.A.803 (c),

(ċ) torganizza l-approvazzjoni tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni tal-inġenji tal-ajru,

(d) meta jkun approvat, tagħti kopja tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru lis-sid,

(e) torganizza spezzjoni li timla l-vojt mill-programm ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ qabel tal-inġenju tal-ajru,

(f) torganizza l-manutenzjoni kollha li trid titwettaq minn organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata,

(g) torganizza l-applikazzjoni tad-direttivi kollha dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni li japplikaw,

(h) torganizza biex id-difetti kollha li jkunu nkixfu matul manutenzjoni skedata, reviżjonijiet tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew irrappurtati mis-sid jiġu kkorreġuti minn organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata,

(i) tikkoordina l-manutenzjoni skedata, l-applikazzjoni tad-direttivi dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, il-bdil ta’ partijiet li jistgħu jintużaw għal żmien limitat, u r-rekwiżiti ta’ spezzjonijiet tal-komponenti,

(j) tinforma lis-sid kull meta l-inġenju tal-ajru jkollu jinġieb għand organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata,

(k) twettaq il-ġestjoni tad-dokumentazzjoni teknika kollha,

(l) tarkivja d-dokumentazzjoni teknika kollha;

3. torganizza l-approvazzjoni ta’ kull bidla għal-inġenju tal-ajru skond l-Anness (Parti 21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003, qabel iseħħ;

4. torganizzza l-approvazzjoni ta’ kull tiswija għal-inġenju tal-ajru skond l-Anness (Parti 21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003, qabel iseħħ;

5. tinforma lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni kull meta l-inġenju tal-ajru ma jkunx ippreżentat mis-sid lil organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata kif mitlub mill-organizzazzjoni approvata;

6. tinforma lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni kull meta l-arranġament attwali ma jiġix irrispettat;

7. twettaq ir-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni meta tkun meħtieġa u toħroġ iċ-ċertifikat jew ir-rakkomandazzjoni tar-reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni.

8. tibgħat fi żmien 10 ijiem kopja ta’ kull ċertifikat ta’ reviżjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni maħruġ jew estiż lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni.

9. twettaq ir-rapport ta’ kull avveniment kif ordnat bis-saħħa ta’ mandat mir-regolamenti applikabbli;

10. jinforma lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni kull meta l-arranġament attwali jiġi ddenunċjat minn xi waħda mill-partijiet.

5.2. L-obbligi tas-sid:

1. ikollu għarfien ġenerali tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni approvat;

2. ikollu għarfien ġenerali ta’ dan l-Anness (Parti M);

3. jippreżenta l-inġenju tal-ajru lill-organizzazzjoni ta’ manutenzjoni approvata bi qbil mal-organizzazzjoni approvata fi żmien xieraq indikat mit-talba tal-organizzazzjoni approvata;

4. ma jagħmilx tibdiliet fl-inġenju tal-ajru mingħajr ma jikkonsulta minn qabel mal-organizzazzjoni approvata;

5. jinforma lill-organizzazzjoni approvata dwar il-manutenzjoni kollha mwettqa bħala eċċezzjoni mingħajr l-għarfien u l-kontroll tal-organizzazzjoni approvata;

6. jirrapporta lill-organizzazzjoni approvata permezz tal-ġurnal id-difetti kollha misjuba matul l-operazzjonijiet;

7. jinforma lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni kull meta l-arranġament attwali jiġi ddenunċjat minn xi waħda mill-partijiet.

8. jinforma lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tar-reġistrazzjoni u l-organizzazzjoni approvata kull meta jinbiegħ l-inġenju tal-ajru.

9. iwettaq ir-rapport ta’ kull avvenimnet kif ordnat bis-saħħa ta’ mandat mir-regolamenti applikabbli.

10. jinforma fuq bażi regolari lill-organizzazzjoni approvata dwar is-sigħat ta’ titjir tal-inġenju tal-ajru u kwalunkwe dejta oħra dwar l-utilizzazzjoni, kif miftiehem mal-organizzazzjoni approvata.

11. idaħħal iċ-ċertifikat tal-ħruġ għall-użu fil-ġurnali kif jissemma fil-punt M.A.803(d) meta jwettaq manutenzjoni tal-pilota-sid mingħaj ma jaqbeż il-limiti tal-lista tax-xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni kif iddikjarati fil-programm ta’ manutenzjoni approvat kif stabbilit fil-punt M.A.803(c).

12. jinforma lill-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata responsabbli għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, mhux aktar tard minn 30 jum wara t-tlestija ta’ kull xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni magħmul mill-Pilota-sid skond il-punt M.A. 305(a).


Appendiċi II

Ċertifikat għar-Rilaxx Awtorizzat - Formola 1 tal-EASA

Dawn l-istruzzjonijiet jirrigwardaw biss l-użu tal-Formola 1 tal-EASA għal għanijiet ta' manutenzjoni. Tinġibed l-attenzjoni għall-Appendiċi I tal-Anness (Parti-21) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1702/2003 li jkopri l-użu tal-Formola 1 tal-EASA għal għanijiet ta' produzzjoni.


1.1. L-għan primarju taċ-Ċertifikat huwa li jiddikjara n-navigabbiltà tax-xogħol ta' manutenzjoni mwettaq fuq prodotti, parts jew apparat (minn issa “l quddiem 'oġġett(i)”).

1.2. Trid tiġi stabbilita korrelazzjoni bejn iċ-Ċertifikat u l-oġġett(i). L-oriġinatur għandu jżomm Ċertifikat f'forma li tippermetti l-verifika tad-dejta orġinali.

1.3. Iċ-Ċertifikat huwa aċċettabbli għal bosta awtoritajiet tan-navigabbiltà, iżda jista' jkun dipendenti fuq l-eżistenza ta' ftehimiet bilaterali u/jew il-politika tal-awtorità tan-navigabbiltà. Id-“dejta approvata tad-disinn” imsemmija f'dan iċ-Ċertfikat għalhekk tfisser li approvata mill-awtorità tan-navigabbiltà tal-pajjiż importatur.

1.4. Iċ-Ċertifikat mhuwiex nota ta' kunsinna jew ta' trasport.

1.5. L-inġenji tal-ajru m'għandhomx jiġu rrilaxxati permezz ta' dan iċ-Ċertifikat.

1.6. Iċ-Ċertifikat ma jikkostitwix approvazzjoni għall-installazzjoni tal-oġġett fuq inġenju tal-ajru, magna jew skrejjen partikolari, iżda jgħin lill-utent aħħari jiddetermina l-istatus tal-approvazzjoni tan-navigabbiltà.

1.7. Mhix permessa fuq l-istess ċertifikat taħlita ta' oġġetti rilaxxati mill-produzzjoni u mill-manutenzjoni.


2.1. Iċ-Ċertifikat għandu jkun konformi mal-format mehmuż inklużi n-numri tal-kaxex u l-pożizzjoni ta' kull kaxxa. Il-qisien tal-kaxxa jistgħu mandakollu jvarjaw skont l-applikazzjoni individwali, iżda mhux sal-punt fejn iċ-Ċertifikat ma jkunx jingħaraf.

2.2. Iċ-Ċertifikat għandu jkun orjentat orizzontalment fuq il-karta (format “landscape”) iżda d-daqs kumplessiv jista' jitkabbar jew jitnaqqas b'mod konsistenti sakemm iċ-Ċertfikat jibqa' jingħaraf u jinqara sew. F'dubju, ikkonsulta mal-Awtorità Kompetenti.

2.3. Id-dikjarazzjoni ta' responsabbiltà tal-Utent/Installatur tista' titqiegħed fuq kwalunkwe naħa tal-formola.

2.4. L-istampar kollu jrid ikun ċar u jinqara faċilment.

2.5. Iċ-Ċertifikat jista' jew ikun stampat minn qabel jew inkella ġġenerat minn kompjuter iżda f'kull każ l-istampar tal-linji u l-karattri jrid ikun ċar u leġibbli u skont il-format definit.

2.6. Iċ-Ċertifikat għandu jkun bl-Ingliż, u fejn xieraq, bi lsien ieħor jew aktar.

2.7. Id-dettalji li għandhom jiddaħħlu fiċ-Ċertfikat jistgħu jkunu jew stampati b'magna/kompjuter jew miktubin bl-idejn b'ittri kapitali b'tali mod li jinqraw faċilment.

2.8. Żomm għall-minimu l-użu tat-taqsiriet, għal raġunijiet ta' ċarezza.

2.9. L-ispazju li jibqa' fuq in-naħa ta' wara taċ-Ċertfikat jista' jintuża mill-oriġinatur għal kwalunkwe informazzjoni addizzjonali iżda ma jista' jinkludi l-ebda dikjarazzjoni ta' ċertifikazzjoni. Kwalunkwe użu tan-naħa ta' wara taċ-Ċertifikat għandu jkun refereznjat fil-kaxxa xierqa fuq il-parti ta' quddiem taċ-ċertifikat.

3.   KOPJI

3.1. Ma hemmx restrizzjoni fuq l-għadd ta' kopji taċ-Ċertifikat mibgħut lill-klijent jew miżmum mill-oriġinatur.


4.1. Jekk utent aħħari jsib żball fuq Ċertifikat, għandu jidentifikah bil-miktub lill-oriġinatur. L-oriġinatur jista' joħroġ Ċertifikat ġdid biss jekk l-iżball jista' jiġi vverifikat u kkoreġġut.

4.2. Iċ-Ċertifikat il-ġdid għandu jkollu numru tal-intraċċar ġdid, firma u data.

4.3. It-talba għal Ċertfikat ġdid għandha tiġi onorata mingħajr verifika mill-ġdid tal-kundizzjoni tal-oġġett(i). Iċ-Ċertifikat il-ġdid mhuwiex dikjarazzjoni ta' kundizzjoni kurrenti u għandu jirreferi għaċ-Ċertifikat preċedenti fil-kaxxa 12 b'din id-dikjarazzjoni: “Dan iċ-Ċertifikat jikkoreġi l-iżball(ji) fil-kaxxa(i) [daħħal il-kaxxi kkoreġġuti] taċ-Ċertifikat [daħħal in-numru oriġinal tat-traċċar] bid-data [daħħal id-data oriġinali tal-ħruġ] u ma jkoprix il- konformità/kundizzjoni/rilaxx għas-servizz”. Iż-żewġ Ċertifikati jridu jinżammu skont il-perjodu taż-żamma assoċjat ma' tal-ewwel.


Kaxxa 1    Awtorità Kompetenti tal-Approvazzjoni/Pajjiż

Iddikjara l-isem u l-pajjiż tal-awtorità kompetenti li taħt il-ġuriżdizzjoni tagħha ħareġ iċ-Ċertifikat. Meta l-awtorità kompetenti tkun l-EASA, niżżel “EASA” biss.

Kaxxa 2    Intestatura tal-Formola 1 tal-EASA



Kaxxa 3    Numru tal-Intraċċar tal-Formola

Daħħal in-numru uniku stabbilit mis-sistema/proċedura tan-numerar tal-organizzazzjoni identifikata fil-kaxxa 4; dan jista' jinkludi karattri alfanumeriċi.

Kaxxa 4    Isem u Indirizz tal-Organizzazzjoni

Daħħal l-isem u l-indirizz sħaħ tal-organizzazzjoni approvata (irreferi għall-Forma 3 tal-EASA) li qed tirrilaxxa x-xogħol kopert minn dan iċ-Ċertifikat. Logos, eċċ, huma permessi jekk il-logo joqgħod fil-kaxxa.

Kaxxa 5    Ordni tax-Xogħol/Kuntratt/Fattura

Sabiex tiġi ffaċilitata t-traċċabbiltà tal-oġġett(i), daħħal in-numru tal-ordni tax-xogħol, in-numru tal-kuntratt, in-numru tal-fattura, jew numru simili ta' referenza.

Kaxxa 6    Oġġett

Daħħal in-numru tal-oġġett skont il-linja meta jkun hemm aktar minn oġġett wieħed fil-linja. Din il-kaxxa tippermetti referenzjar inkroċjat faċli għall-kaxxa 12 tar-Rimarki.

Kaxxa 7    Deskrizzjoni

Daħħal l-isem jew id-deskrizzjoni tal-oġġett. Għandha tingħata preferenza lit-terminu użat fl-istruzzjonijiet għall-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà jew id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni (eż. Katalgu Illustrat tal-Parts, Manwal tal-Manutenzjoni tal-Inġenju tal-Ajru, Bullettin tas-Servizz, Manwal tal-Manutenzjoni tal-Komponenti).

Kaxxa 8    Numru tal-Part

Daħħal in-numru tal-part kif jidher fuq l-oġġett jew fuq it-tikketta/il-pakkett. Fil-każ ta' magna jew skrejjen, tista' tintuża t-tismija tat-tip.

Kaxxa 9    Kwantità

Iddikjara l-kwantità tal-oġġetti.

Kaxxa 10    Numru tas-Serje

Jekk l-oġġett huwa meħtieġ mir-regolamenti li jiġi identifikat b'numru tas-serje, daħħlu hawn. Barra minn dan, jista' wkoll jiddaħħal kwalunkwe numru ieħor tas-serje mhux meħtieġ mir-regolament. Jekk mhemmx numru tas-serje identifikat fuq l-oġġett, daħħal “N/A”.

Kaxxa 11    Status/Xogħol

Dan li ġej jiddeskrivi l-entrati permissibbli għall-kaxxa 11. Daħħal wieħed biss minn dawn it-termini – fejn jista' jkun applikabbli iktar minn wieħed, uża dak li jiddeskrivi bl-aktar mod preċiż il-biċċa l-kbira tax-xogħol imwettaq u/jew l-istatus tal-oġġett.


Żarmat . Tfisser proċess li jiżgura li l-oġġett huwa f'konformità totali mat-tolleranzi applikabbli kollha tas-servizz speċifikati fl-istruzzjonijiet tad-detentur taċ-ċertifikat jew tal-manifattur tat-tagħmir għall-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà, jew fid-dejta li hija approvata jew aċċettata mill-Awtorità. L-oġġett ikun mill-inqas żarmat, imnaddaf, imsewwi kif meħtieġ, immuntat mill-ġdid u ttestjat skont id-dejta speċifikata fuq.


Imsewwi . Rettifika tad-difetti bl-użu ta' standard applikabbli ( 5 ).


Spezzjonat/Ittestjat . Eżami, kejl, eċċ. skont standard applikabbli (5)  (eż. spezzjoni viżiva, test funzjonali, test fuq punt fiss, eċċ.).


Immodifikat . Alterazzjoni ta' oġġett biex jikkonforma ma' standard applikabbli (5) .

Kaxxa 12    Rimarki

Iddeskrivi x-xogħol identifikat fil-Kaxxa 11, jew direttament jew b'referenza għad-dokumentazzjoni anċillari, necċessarja għall-utent jew għall-installatur biex jiddetermina l-oġġett(i) b'relazzjoni max-xogħol li qed jiġi ċċertifikat. Jekk meħtieġ, tista' tintuża folja separata u rreferenzjata mill-Formola 1 ewlenija tal-EASA. Kull dikjarazzjoni trid tidentifika b'mod ċar liema oġġett(i) fil-Blokk 6 tirreferi għalihom.

Eżempji ta' informazzjoni li għandhom jiddaħħlu fil-kaxxa 12 huma:

(i) Id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni użata, inkluż l-istatus tar-reviżjoni u r-referenza.

(ii) Konformità ma' direttivi tan-navigabbiltà jew bulettini tas-servizz.

(iii) Tiswijiet imwettqa.

(iv) Modifiki mwettqa.

(v) Parts ta' sostituzzjoni installati.

(vi) Status tal-parts bi żmien limitat tal-użu.

(vii) Diskrepanzi fir-rigward tal-ordni tax-xogħol tal-klijent.

(viii) Dikjarazzjonijiet tar-rilaxx sabiex jiġi sodisfatt rekwiżit tal-manutenzjoni minn Awtorità tal-Avjazzjoni Ċivili barranija.

(ix) Informazzjoni meħtieġa sabiex tappoġġa spedizzjonijiet parzjali jew immuntar mill-ġdid wara l-kunsinna.

(x) Għall-organizzazzjonijiet tal-manutenzjoni approvati skont id-Sottoparti F tal-Anness I (Parti-M), iċ-ċertifikat tar-rilaxx għas-servizz tal-komponent imsemmi fil-punt M.A.613;

“Jiċċertifika li, sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor f'din il-kaxxa, ix-xogħol identifikat fil-kaxxa 11 u deskritt f'din il-kaxxa twettaq skont ir-rekwiżiti tas-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F tal-Anness I (Parti M) għar-Regolament (KE) Nru 2042/2003, u fir-rigward ta' dak ix-xogħol, l-oġġett jitqies bħala lest biex jinħareġ għall-użu. DAN MHUX ĦRUĠ GĦALL-UŻU SKONT L-ANNESS II (PARTI 145) GĦAR-REGOLAMENT (KE) NRU 2042/2003.”

Jekk tkun qed tiġi stampata dejta mill-format elettroniku tal-Formola 1 tal-EASA, kwalunkwe dejta li mhix xierqa għall-kaxex l-oħra trid tiddaħħal f'din il-kaxxa.

Kaxxa 13a-13e

Rekwiżiti Ġenerali għall-kaxex 13a-13e: Mhux użat għar-rilaxx mill-manutenzjoni. Ħażżeż, skura jew immarka mod ieħor sabiex tipprekludi użu involontarju jew mhux awtorizzat.

Kaxxa 14a

Immarka l-kaxxa/kaxex ix-xierqa billi tindika liema regolamenti japplikaw għax-xogħol imlesti. Jekk il-kaxxa “regolamenti oħra speċifikati fil-kaxxa 12” tkun immarkata, ir-regolamenti tal-awtorità/ajiet l-oħra tan-navigabbiltà għandhom jiġu identifikati fil-kaxxa 12. Trid tiġi mmarkata mill-inqas kaxxa waħda, jew jistgħu jiġu mmarkati żewġ kaxxi, kif xieraq.

Għall-manutenzjoni kollha mwettqa minn organizzazzjoniet ta' manutenzjoni approvati skont is-Sezzjoni A, Sottoparti F tal-Anness I (Parti M) għar-Regolament (KE) Nru 2042/2003, il-kaxxa “regolament ieħor speċifikat fil-kaxxa 12” għandha tiġi mmarkata u l-istqarrija taċ-ċertifikazzjoni tar-rilaxx għall-użu ssir fil-kaxxa 12. F'dak il-każ, l-istqarrija ta' ċertifikazzjoni “sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor f'din il-kaxxa” hija maħsuba biex tindirizza l-każijiet li ġejjin:

(a) Fejn il-manutenzjoni ma setgħetx titlesta.

(b) Fejn il-manutenzjoni kienet differenti mill-istandard mitlub mill-Anness I (Parti M).

(ċ) Fejn il-manutenzjoni twettqet skont rekwiżit differenti minn dak speċifikat fl-Anness I (Parti M). F'dan il-każ il-kaxxa 12 għandha tispeċifika r-regolament nazzjonali partikolari.

Għall-manutenzjoni kollha mwettqa minn organizzazzjoniet ta' manutenzjoni approvati skont is-Sezzjoni A tal-Anness II (Parti-145) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 2042/2003, l-istqarrija ta' ċertifikazzjoni “ħlief jekk speċifikat fil-kaxxa 12” hija maħsuba biex tindirizza l-każijiet li ġejjin:

(a) Fejn il-manutenzjoni ma setgħetx titlesta.

(b) Fejn il-manutenzjoni kienet differenti mill-istandard mitlub mill-Anness II (Parti-145).

(ċ) Fejn il-manutenzjoni twettqet skont rekwiżit differenti minn dak speċifikat fl-Anness II (Parti-145). F'dan il-każ il-kaxxa 12 għandha tispeċifika r-regolament nazzjonali partikolari.

Kaxxa 14b    Firma Awtorizzata

Dan l-ispazju għandu jimtela bil-firma tal-persuna awtorizzata. Għandhom permess jiffirmaw din il-kaxxa biss il-persuni awtorizzati speċifikament mir-regoli u l-politiki tal-Awtorità Kompetenti. Sabiex ikun hemm rikonoxximent aħjar, jista' jiżdied numru uniku li jidentifika l-persuna awtorizzata.

Kaxxa 14c    Numru taċ-Ċertifikat/Approvazzjoni

Daħħal in-numru/referenza taċ-Ċertifikat/Approvazzjoni In-numru jew referenza jinħareġ mill-Awtorità Kompetenti.

Kaxxa 14d    Isem

Daħħal isem il-persuna li qed tiffirma l-kaxxa 14b b'mod li jista' jinqara.

Kaxxa 14e    Data

Daħħal id-data li fiha ġiet iffirmata l-kaxxa 14b, id-data trid tkun fil-format jj = jum b'żewġ ċifri, xxx = l-ewwel 3 ittri tax-xahar, ssss = sena b'4 ċifri

Responsabbiltajiet tal-Utent/Installatur

Daħħal id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja fuq iċ-Ċertifikat sabiex tgħarraf lill-utenti aħħarin li mhumiex eżentati mir-responsabbiltajiet tagħhom fir-rigward tal-istallazzjoni u l-użu ta' kwalunkwe oġġett akkumpanjat minn din il-formola:





Appendiċi III

Ċertfikat għar-Reviżjoni tan-Navigabbiltà – Formola 15 tal-EASA



Appendiċi IV

Sistema ta' Klassijiet u Valutazzjonijiet li għandha tintuża għall-Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjonijiet tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M) Sottoparti F u fl-Anness II (Parti-145)

1. Ħlief jekk iddikjarat mod ieħor għall-iżgħar organizzazzjonijiet fil-paragrafu 12, it-tabella msemmija fil-punt 13 tipprovdi s-sistema standard għall-approvazzjoni tal-organizzazjoni tal-manutenzjoni taħt is-Sottoparti F (Parti-M) u l-Anness II (Parti-145) Organizzazzjoni għandha tingħata approvazzjoni fuq medda minn klassi u valutazzjoni unika b'limitazzjonijiet sal-klassijiet u l-valutazzjonijiet kollha b'limitazzjonijiet.

2. Minbarra t-tabella msemmija fil-punt 13, l-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni meħtieġa tindika l-ambitu ta' xogħolha fil-manwal/preżentazzjoni tagħha tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni. Ara wkoll il-paragrafu 11

3. Fi ħdan il-klassi(jiet) u l-valutazzjoni(jiet) mogħtija mill-awtorità kompetenti, l-ambitu tax-xogħol speċifikat fil-preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni jiddefinixxi l-limiti eżatti tal-approvazzjoni. Huwa għalhekk essezjali li l-klassi(jiet) u l-valutazzjoni(jiet) tal-approvazzjoni u l-ambitu tax-xogħol tal-organizzazzjonijiet ikunu jaqblu.

4.  Valutazzjoni ta' klassi A tfisser li l-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata tista' twettaq manutenzjoni fuq inġenji tal-ajru u kull komponent (inklużi magni u/jew ġeneratur awżiljari (APUs)) skont id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew, bi qbil mal-awtorità kompetenti, skont id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-komponenti, biss sakemm dawn il-komponenti jkunu mmuntati fuq l-inġenju tal-ajru. Madankollu, din l-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata vvalutata b'A tista' temporanjament tneħħi komponent għall-manutenzjoni, biex ittejjeb l-aċċess għal dak il-komponent, ħlief meta din it-tneħħija tiġġenera l-ħtieġa għal manutenzjoni addizzjonali li ma tkunx eliġibbli għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' dan il-paragrafu. Dan se jkun suġġett għal proċedura ta' kontroll fil-preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni li għandha tiġi approvata mill-awtorità kompetenti. It-taqsima tal-limitazzjoni se tispeċifika l-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni ta' din il-manutenzjoni biex b'hekk tindika l-firxa tal-approvazzjoni.

5.  Valutazzjoni ta' klassi B tfisser li organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata tista' twettaq manutenzjoni fuq magni u/jew APU u komponenti tal-magna/APU mhux installati, skont id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-magna/APU jew, bi qbil mal-awtorità kompetenti, skont id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni tal-komponenti, biss sakemm dawn il-komponenti jkunu mmuntati mal-magni u/jew l-APU. Madankollu, din l-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata kklassifikata B tista' temporanjament tneħħi komponent għall-manutenzjoni, biex ittejjeb l-aċċess għal dak il-komponent, ħlief meta din it-tneħħija tiġġenera l-ħtieġa għal manutenzjoni addizzjonali li ma tkunx eliġibbli għad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' dan il-paragrafu. It-taqsima tal-limitazzjoni se tispeċifika l-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni ta' din il-manutenzjoni biex b'hekk tindika l-firxa tal-approvazzjoni. Organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata kklassifikata f'kategorija B tista' wkoll twettaq manutenzjoni fuq magna installata waqt manutenzjoni tal-“bażi” u tal-“linja” suġġetta għal proċedura ta' kontroll fl-espożizzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni ta' manutenzjoni li għandha tiġi approvata mill-awtorità kompetenti. L-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tax-xogħol tal-espożizzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni ta' manutenzjoni għandu jirrifletti din l-attività fejn dan ikun permess mill-awtorità kompetenti.

6.  Valutazzjoni ta' klassi C tfisser li l-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni tista' twettaq manutenzjoni fuq komponenti mhux installati (esklużi magni u APUs) maħsuba għall-immuntar fuq l-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-magna/APU. It-taqsima tal-limitazzjoni se tispeċifika l-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni ta' din il-manutenzjoni biex b'hekk tindika l-firxa tal-approvazzjoni. Organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni kklassifikata f'kategorija C tista' wkoll twettaq manutenzjoni fuq komponent installat waqt manutenzjoni tal-“bażi” u tal-“linja” jew f'faċilità tal-manutenzjoni ta' magna/APU suġġetta għal proċedura ta' kontroll fl-espożizzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni ta' manutenzjoni li għandha tiġi approvata mill-awtorità kompetenti. L-ambitu tal-applikazzjoni tax-xogħol tal-espożizzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni ta' manutenzjoni għandu jirrifletti din l-attività fejn dan ikun permess mill-awtorità kompetenti.

7.  Valutazzjoni ta' klassi D hija klassi għaliha mhux neċessarjament marbuta ma' inġenju tal-ajru, magna jew komponent speċifiku. Il-klassifikazzjoni D1 - Non Destructive Testing (NDT) hija biss meħtieġa għal organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni li twettaq NDT bħala kompitu partikolari għal organizzazzjoni oħra. Organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata b'valutazzjoni ta' kategorija ta' A jew B jew C tista' twettaq NDT fuq prodotti li tkun qed tagħmlilhom suġġett għall-preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni li jkun fiha proċeduri NDT, mingħajr il-ħtieġa ta' valutazzjoni ta' kategorija D1.

8. Fil-każ ta' organizzazzjonijiet tal-manutenzjoni approvati skont l-Anness II (Parti-145), valutazzjonijiet ta' klassi A jinqasmu f'manutenzjoni “Bażi” jew “Linja”. Organizzazzjoni bħal din tista' tiġi approvata għal manutenzjoni “Bażi” jew “Linja” jew għat-tnejn. Ta' min jinnota li faċilità “Linja” misjuba fuq faċilità ewlenija ta' bażi teħtieġ approvazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni “Linja”.

9. Is-sezzjoni tal-limitazzjoni maħsuba biex tagħti lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti l-flessibbiltà li jadattaw l-approvazzjoni għal kwalunkwe organizzazjoni partikolari. Il-valutazzjonijiet għandhom jissemmew fuq l-approvazzjoni biss meta jkunu limitati kif xieraq. It-tabella msemmija fil-punt 13 tispeċifika t-tip ta' limitazzjoni possibbli. Filwaqt l-manutenzjoni hija elenkata l-aħħar f'kull valutazzjoni ta' klassi, huwa aċċettabbli li wieħed jisħaq dwar il-kompitu ta' manutenzjoni aktar milli l-inġenju tal-ajru jew it-tip ta' magna jew il-manifattur, jekk dan huwa aktar xieraq għall-organizzazzjoni (eżempju jista' jkun installazzjonijiet ta' sistemi avjoniċi u manutenzjoni relatata). Meta din tissemma fis-sezzjoni tal-limitazzjoni, tkun tindika li l-organizzazjoni tal-manutenzjoni hija approvata biex twettaq manutenzjoni sa u inkluż dan il-kompitu partikolari.

10. Meta ssir referenza għal serje, tip u grupp fis-sezzjoni tal-limitazzjoni ta' klassi A u B, serje tfisser serje ta' tip speċifiku bħal Airbus 300 jew 310 jew 319 jew serje Boeing 737-300 jew serje RB211-524 jew Cessna 150 jew Cessna 172 jew serjeBeech 55 jew serje kontinentali O-200 eċc; tip tfisser tip jew mudell speċifiku bħal tip Airbus 310-240 jew tip RB 211-524 B4 jew tip Cessna 172RG; jista' jiġi kkwotat kwalunkwe numru ta' tipi jew serje; grupp tfisser perżempju inġenju tal-ajru Cessna b'ċilindru wieħed jew magni biċ-ċilindri mhux pressurizzati Lycoming eċċ.

11. Meta tintuża lista twila ta' kompetenzi li taf tkun soġġetta għal emendi spiss, dawn l-emendi jistgħu jkunu skont il-proċeduri ta' approvazzjoni indiretta imsemmija fil-punti M.A.604(c) u M.B.606(c) jew 145.A.70(c) u 145.B.40, kif applikabbli.

12.  Organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni li timpjega persuna waħda biss biex sew tippjana u sew twettaq il-manutenzjoni kollha jista' jkollha biss ambitu limitat ta' kategorija tal-approvazzjoni. Il-limiti massimi permissibbli huma:

















C1 SA C22





Ta' min wieħed jinnota li organizzazzjoni bħal din tista' tkun ulterjorment limitata mill-awtorità kompetenti fl-ambitu tal-approvazzjoni abbażi tal-kompetenza ta' dik l-organizzazjoni partikolari.










Ajruplani A1 'il fuq minn 5 700 kg

[Kategorija rriżervata għall-Organizzazzjonijiet ta' Manutenzjoni approvati skont l-Anness II (Parti-145)]

[Għandu jiddikjara l-manifattur tal-ajruplan jew il-grupp jew is-serje jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]

Eżempju: Airbus serje A320

[IVA / LE]*

[IVA / LE]*

Ajruplani A2 5 700 kg u inqas

[Għandu jiddikjara l-manifattur tal-ajruplan jew il-grupp jew is-serje jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]

Eżempju: DHC-6 serje Twin Otter

[IVA / LE]*

[IVA / LE]*

Ħelikopters A3

[Għandu jiddikjara l-manifattur tal-ħelikopter jew il-grupp jew is-serje jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]

Eżempju: Robinson R44

[IVA / LE]*

[IVA / LE]*

Inġenju tal-ajru A4 għajr A1, A2, u A3

[Għandu jiddikjara s-serje tal-inġenju tal-ajru u jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]

[IVA / LE]*

[IVA / LE]*


Turbina B1

[Għandu jiddikjara s-serje tal-magna u jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni] Eżempju: Serje PT6A

B2 Piston

[Għandu jiddikjara l-manifattur tal-magna jew il-grupp jew is-serje jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]


[Għandu jiddikjara l-manifattur tal-magna jew is-serje jew it-tip u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]


C1 Arja kkundizzjonata u pressurizzazzjoni

[Għandu jiddikjara t-tip ta' inġenju tal-ajru jew il-manifattur tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-manifattur tal-komponent jew il-komponent partikolari u/jew jagħmel referenza inkroċjata għal lista ta' kompetenzi fil-preżentazzjoni u/jew il-kompiti ta' manutenzjoni]

Eżempju: Kontroll tal-Fjuwil PT6A

C2 Pilota awtomatiku

C3 Komunikazzjoni u Navigazzjoni

C4 Bibien - Sportelli

C5 Elettriku u dwal

C6 Tagħmir

C7 Magna - APU

C8 Apparat tal-kontroll tat-tajran

C9 Fjuwil

C10 Ħelikopters – Skrejjen

C11 Ħelikopters – Trażmissjoni

C12 Enerġija idrawlika

C13 Sistema ta' indikazzjoni - reġistrazzjoni

C14 Tagħmir għall-inżul

C15 Ossiġenu

C16 Skrejjen

C17 Sistema pnewmatiku u vakum

C18 Protezzjoni mis-silġ/xita/nar

C19 Twieqi

C20 Strutturali


C21 Żborra tal-ilma



C22 Awment tal-Propulsjoni



D1 Non Destructive Testing

[Metodi NDT partikolari għandhom jiġu speċifikati]

Appendiċi V

Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M), Sottoparti F



Appendiċi VI

Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Ġestjoni tal-Manutenzjoni tan-Navigabbiltà msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti M), Sottoparti G




Appendix VII

Complex Maintenance Tasks


Dan li ġej jikkostitwixxi x-xogħlijiet kumplessi ta’ manutenzjoni msemmija fil-punti M.A.502(d)3, M.A.801(b)2 u M.A.801(c):


1. The modification, repair or replacement by riveting, bonding, laminating, or welding of any of the following airframe parts:

(a) a box beam;

(b) a wing stringer or chord member;

(c) a spar;

(d) a spar flange;

(e) a member of a truss-type beam;

(f) the web of a beam;

(g) a keel or chine member of a flying boat hull or a float;

(h) a corrugated sheet compression member in a wing or tail surface;

(i) a wing main rib;

(j) a wing or tail surface brace strut;

(k) an engine mount;

(l) a fuselage longeron or frame;

(m) a member of a side truss, horizontal truss or bulkhead;

(n) a seat support brace or bracket;

(o) a seat rail replacement;

(p) a landing gear strut or brace strut;

(q) an axle;

(r) a wheel; and

(s) a ski or ski pedestal, excluding the replacement of a low-friction coating.

2. The modification or repair of any of the following parts:

(a) aircraft skin, or the skin of an aircraft float, if the work requires the use of a support, jig or fixture;

(b) aircraft skin that is subject to pressurization loads, if the damage to the skin measures more than 15 cm (6 inches) in any direction;

(c) a load-bearing part of a control system, including a control column, pedal, shaft, quadrant, bell crank, torque tube, control horn and forged or cast bracket, but excluding

(i) the swaging of a repair splice or cable fitting, and

(ii) the replacement of a push-pull tube end fitting that is attached by riveting; and

(d) any other structure, not listed in (1), that a manufacturer has identified as primary structure in its maintenance manual, structural repair manual or instructions for continuing airworthiness.


3. It-twettiq tal-manutenzjoni li ġejja fuq magna bil-pistuni:

(a) żarmar u armar mill-ġdid sussegwenti ta’ magna bil-pistuni ħlief (a) biex jinkiseb aċċess għall-immontaturi tal-pistuni/ċilindri; jew (b) biex jitneħħa l-għatu tal-aċċessorji ta’ wara għal spezzjoni u/jew il-bdil tal-immontaturi tal-pompa taż-żejt, fejn xogħol bħal dan ma jinvolvix it-tneħħija u t-twaħħil mill-ġdid ta’ gerijiet interni;

(b) żarmar u armar mill-ġdid sussegwenti ta’ gerijiet ta’ tnaqqis;

(ċ) iwweldjar u bbrejżjar ta’ ġonot, barra minn tiswijiet minuri bil-welding f’unitajiet tal-egżost imwettqa minn welder approvat jew awtorizzat kif jixraq imma mhux it-tibdil ta’ komponenti;

(d) it-taħwid ta’ partijiet individwali ta’ unitajiet li huma fornuti bħala unitajiet ittestjati fuq il-bank tax-xogħol, minbarra t-tibdil jew l-aġġustament ta’ oġġetti li normalment jinbidlu jew ikunu aġġustati waqt l-użu.

4. L-ibbilanċjar tal-iskrun, ħlief

(a) għaċ-ċertifikazzjoni ta’ bbilanċjar statiku fejn meħtieġ mill-manwal tal-manutenzjoni;

(b) ibbilanċjar dinamiku fuq skrejjen imwaħħla bl-użu ta’ tagħmir għall-ibbilanċjar elettroniku fejn ikun permess mill-manwal tal-manutenzjoni jew dejta oħra tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni approvata;

5. Kwalunkwe xogħol addizzjonali li jeħtieġ:

(a) għodda, tagħmir jew faċilitajiet speċjalizzati, jew

(b) proċeduri ta’ koordinament sinifikanti minħabba ż-żmien imtawwal tax-xogħlijiet u l-involviment ta’ diversi persuni.


L-Appendiċi VIII

Manutenzjoni Limitata tal-pilota-sid

B’żieda mar-rekwiżiti stabbilit fl-Anness I (Parti M), il-prinċipji bażiċi li ġejjin għandhom ikunu sodisfatti qabel jitwettaq kull xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni skond il-kundizzjonijiet tal-manutenzjoni tal-pilota-sid:

(a) Kompetenza u responsabbiltà

(1) Il-pilota-sid huwa dejjem responsabbli għal kull manutenzjoni li jwettaq.

(2) Qabel iwettaq kull xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni pilota-sid, il-pilota-sid għandu jissodisfa lilu nnifsu li huwa kompetenti biex iwettaq ix-xogħol. Hija r-responsabbiltà tal-piloti-sidien li jiffamiljarizzaw ruħhom mal-prattiki standard ta’ manutenzjoni għall-inġenji tal-ajru tagħhom u mal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni tal-inġenji tal-ajru. Jekk il-pilota-sid ma jkunx kompetenti għax-xogħlijiet li jridu jitwettqu, ix-xogħlijiet ma jistgħux jinħarġu mill-pilota-sid.

(3) Il-pilota-sid (jew l-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni kontinwata tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni li għandu kuntratt magħha msemmija fis-sottoparti G, Sezzjoni A ta’ dan l-anness) huwa responsabbli biex jidentifika x-xogħlijiet tal-pilota-sid skond dawn il-prinċipji bażiċi fil-programm ta’ manutenzjoni u biex jiżgura li d-dokument jiġi aġġornat fil-ħin.

(4) L-approvazzjoni tal-programm ta’ manutenzjoni għandha titwettaq skond il-punt M.A.302.

(b) Xogħlijiet

Il-pilota-sid jista’ jwettaq spezzjonijiet jew operazzjonijiet viżivi sempliċi biex jikkontrolla l-kundizzjoni ġenerali u għal ħsara evidenti u l-operat normali tal-qafas tal-ajruplan, il-magni, is-sistemi u l-komponenti.

Ix-xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni m’għandhomx jitwettqu mill-pilota-sid meta x-xogħol:

(1) ikun relatat b’mod kruċjali mas-sikurezza, li t-twettiq ħażin tiegħu jolqot drastikament l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata jew ikun xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni sensittiv li jolqot is-sikurezza tat-titjira kif speċifikat fil-punt M.A.402(a) u/jew;

(2) jeħtieġ t-tneħħija ta’ komponenti ewlenin jew armar ewlieni u/jew;

(3) jitwettaq f’konformità mad-Direttiva dwar l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni jew Oġġett ta’ Limitazzjoni l-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni, ħlief meta permess b’mod speċifiku fl-AD jew l-ALI u/jew;

(4) jeħtieġ l-użu ta’ għodda speċjali, għodda kkalibrati (minbarra t-torque wrench u crimping tool) u/jew;

(5) jeħtieġ l-użu ta’ tagħmir għat-testijiet jew testijiet speċjali (per eżempju NDT, testijiet tas-sistema jew testijiet operattivi ta’ tagħmir avjoniku) u/jew;

(6) ikun kompost minn xi spezzjonijiet speċjali mhux skedati (per eżempju test ta’ nżul f’daqqa) u/jew;

(7) qed jolqot sistemi essenzjali għall-operazzjonijiet IFR u/jew;

(8) ikun elenkat fl-Appendiċi VII jew ikun xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ komponenti skond il-punt M.A.502.

Il-kriterji 1 sa 8 elenkati fuq ma jistgħux jingħelbu minn struzzjonijiet anqas ristrettivi maħruġa skond “il-Programm ta’ Manutenzjoni M.A.302(d)”.

Kull xogħol deskritt fil-manwal tat-titjir ta’ inġenju tal-ajru li jħejji l-inġenju tal-ajru għat-titjir (Eżempju: it-twaħħil tal-ġwienaħ tal-sailplane jew ix-xogħol ta’ qabel it-titjir), jitqies bħala xogħol tal-pilota u mhux meqjus bħala xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ pilota-sid u għaldaqstant ma jirrikjedix Ċertifikat ta’ Ħruġ għall-Użu.

(ċ) Twettiq tax-xogħlijiet u r-reġistrazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni ta’ pilota-sid

Id-dejta tal-manutenzjoni kif speċifikata fil-punt M.A.401 trid tkun dejjem disponibbli matul it-twettiq tal-manutenzjoni tal-pilota-sid u trid tkun sodisfatta. Id-dettalji tad-dejta msemmija fit-twettiq ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ pilota-sid iridu jkunu inklużi fiċ-Ċertifikat ta’ Ħruġ għall-Użu skond il-punt M.A.803(d).

Il-pilota-sid għandu jinforma lill-organizzazzjoni tal-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata approvata responsabbli għall-ġestjoni tal-adegwatezza għall-avjazzjoni kontinwata, mhux aktar tard minn 30 jum wara t-tlestija ta’ kull xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni magħmul mill-Pilota-sid skond il-punt M.A. 305(a).













Termini tal-approvazzjoni


Rekwiżiti tal-faċilità


Rekwiżiti tal-persunal


Persunal taċ-ċertifikazzjoni u persunal ta’ appoġġ kategorija B1 u B2


Tagħmir, għodod u materjal


Aċċettazzjoni ta' komponenti


Dejta ta' manutenzjoni


Ippjanar tal-produzzjoni


Ċertifikazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni


Reġistri tal-manutenzjoni


Rappurtar tal-okkorrenzi


Politika ta' sigurtà u kwalità, proċeduri ta' manutenzjoni u sistema ta' kwalità


Preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni


Privileġġi tal-organizzazzjoni


Limitazzjonijiet fuq l-organizzazzjoni


Bidliet lill-organizzazzjoni


Validità kontinwata tal-approvazzjoni







Awtorità kompetenti


Organizzazzjonijiet misjuba f'bosta Stati Membri


Mezzi aċċettabbli ta' konformità


Approvazzjoni inizjali


Ħruġ ta' approvazzjoni


Kontinwazzjoni ta' approvazzjoni




Bidliet fil-Preżentazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni


Ir-revoka, is-sospensjoni u l-limitazzjoni ta' approvazzjoni




Żamma ta' reġistri



Appendiċi I — Ċertfikat għar-Rilaxx Awtorizzat - Formola 1 tal-EASA

Appendiċi II — Sistema ta' Klassifikar użata għall-Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjonijiet tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M) Sottoparti F u fl-Anness II (Parti-145)

Appendiċi III — Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness II (Parti-145)

Appendiċi IV — Kundizzjonijiet għall-użu ta' persunal mhux kwalifikat skont il-punti 145.A.30(j) 1 u 2


145.1   General

For the purpose of this Part, the competent authority shall be:

1. for organisations having their principal place of business in a Member State, the authority designated by that Member State, or;

2. for organisations having their principal place of business located in a third country, the Agency.





145.A.10   Scope

This Section establishes the requirements to be met by an organisation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an approval for the maintenance of aircraft and components.


145.A.15   Applikazzjoni

Applikazzjoni għall-ħruġ jew għall-bidla ta' approvazzjoni għandha ssir lill-awtorità kompetenti f'forma u manjiera stabbilita minn awtorità bħal din.

145.A.20   Termini tal-Approvazzjoni

L-organizzazzjoni għandha tispeċifika fil-preżentazzjoni tagħha l-ambitu tax-xogħol meqjus li jikkostitwixxi approvazzjoni (l-Appendiċi IV tal-Anness I (Parti-M) fih tabella bil-klassijiet u l-kategoriji kollha).


145.A.25   Facility requirements

The organisation shall ensure that:



1. For base maintenance of aircraft, aircraft hangars are both available and large enough to accommodate aircraft on planned base maintenance;

2. For component maintenance, component workshops are large enough to accommodate the components on planned maintenance.

(b) Office accommodation is provided for the management of the planned work referred to in paragraph (a), and certifying staff so that they can carry out their designated tasks in a manner that contributes to good aircraft maintenance standards.

(c) The working environment including aircraft hangars, component workshops and office accommodation is appropriate for the task carried out and in particular special requirements observed. Unless otherwise dictated by the particular task environment, the working environment must be such that the effectiveness of personnel is not impaired:

1. temperatures must be maintained such that personnel can carry out required tasks without undue discomfort.

2. dust and any other airborne contamination are kept to a minimum and not be permitted to reach a level in the work task area where visible aircraft/component surface contamination is evident. Where dust/other airborne contamination results in visible surface contamination, all susceptible systems are sealed until acceptable conditions are re-established.

3. lighting is such as to ensure each inspection and maintenance task can be carried out in an effective manner.

4. noise shall not distract personnel from carrying out inspection tasks. Where it is impractical to control the noise source, such personnel are provided with the necessary personal equipment to stop excessive noise causing distraction during inspection tasks.

5. where a particular maintenance task requires the application of specific environmental conditions different to the foregoing, then such conditions are observed. Specific conditions are identified in the maintenance data.

6. the working environment for line maintenance is such that the particular maintenance or inspection task can be carried out without undue distraction. Therefore where the working environment deteriorates to an unacceptable level in respect of temperature, moisture, hail, ice, snow, wind, light, dust/other airborne contamination, the particular maintenance or inspection tasks must be suspended until satisfactory conditions are re-established.

(d) Secure storage facilities are provided for components, equipment, tools and material. Storage conditions ensure segregation of serviceable components and material from unserviceable aircraft components, material, equipment and tools. The conditions of storage are in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to prevent deterioration and damage of stored items. Access to storage facilities is restricted to authorised personnel.

145.A.30   Personnel requirements

(a) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried out to the standard required by this Part. The accountable manager shall:

1. ensure that all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in accordance with 145.A.65(b) to support the organisation approval.

2. establish and promote the safety and quality policy specified in 145.A.65(a).

3. demonstrate a basic understanding of this Part.

(b) The organisation shall nominate a person or group of persons, whose responsibilities include ensuring that the organisation complies with this Part. Such person(s) shall ultimately be responsible to the accountable manager.

1. The person or persons nominated shall represent the maintenance management structure of the organisation and be responsible for all functions specified in this Part.

2. The person or persons nominated shall be identified and their credentials submitted in a form and manner established by the competent authority.

3. The person or persons nominated shall be able to demonstrate relevant knowledge, background and satisfactory experience related to aircraft or component maintenance and demonstrate a working knowledge of this Part.

4. Procedures shall make clear who deputises for any particular person in the case of lengthy absence of the said person.

(c) The accountable manager under paragraph (a) shall appoint a person with responsibility for monitoring the quality system, including the associated feedback system as required by 145.A.65(c). The appointed person shall have direct access to the accountable manager to ensure that the accountable manager is kept properly informed on quality and compliance matters.

(d) The organisation shall have a maintenance man-hour plan showing that the organisation has sufficient staff to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and quality monitor the organisation in accordance with the approval. In addition the organisation shall have a procedure to reassess work intended to be carried out when actual staff availability is less than the planned staffing level for any particular work shift or period.

(e) The organisation shall establish and control the competence of personnel involved in any maintenance, management and/or quality audits in accordance with a procedure and to a standard agreed by the competent authority. In addition to the necessary expertise related to the job function, competence must include an understanding of the application of human factors and human performance issues appropriate to that person's function in the organisation. “Human factors” means principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system components by proper consideration of human performance. “Human performance” means human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.

(f) The organisation shall ensure that personnel who carry out and/or control a continued airworthiness non-destructive test of aircraft structures and/or components are appropriately qualified for the particular non-destructive test in accordance with the European or equivalent Standard recognised by the Agency. Personnel who carry out any other specialised task shall be appropriately qualified in accordance with officially recognised Standards. By derogation to this paragraph those personnel specified in paragraphs (g) and (h)(1) and (h)(2), qualified in Part-66 category B1 may carry out and/or control colour contrast dye penetrant tests.

(g) Any organisation maintaining aircraft, except where stated otherwise in paragraph (j), shall in the case of aircraft line maintenance, have appropriate aircraft type rated certifying staff qualified as category B1 and B2 in accordance with Part-66 and 145.A.35.

In addition such organisations may also use appropriately task trained certifying staff qualified as category A in accordance with Part-66 and 145.A.35 to carry out minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification. The availability of such category A certifying staff shall not replace the need for Part-66 category B1 and B2 certifying staff to support the category A certifying staff. However, such Part-66 category B1 and B2 staff need not always be present at the line station during minor scheduled line maintenance or simple defect rectification.

(h) Any organisation maintaining aircraft, except where stated otherwise in paragraph (j) shall:

1. in the case of base maintenance of large aircraft, have appropriate aircraft type rated certifying staff qualified as category C in accordance with Part-66 and 145.A.35. In addition the organisation shall have sufficient aircraft type rated staff qualified as category B1 and B2 in accordance with Part-66 and 145.A.35 to support the category C certifying staff.

(i) B1 and B2 support staff shall ensure that all relevant tasks or inspections have been carried out to the required standard before the category C certifying staff issues the certificate of release to service.

(ii) The organisation shall maintain a register of any such B1 and B2 support staff.

(iii) The category C certifying staff shall ensure that compliance with paragraph (i) has been met and that all work required by the customer has been accomplished during the particular base maintenance check or work package, and shall also assess the impact of any work not carried out with a view to either requiring its accomplishment or agreeing with the operator to defer such work to another specified check or time limit.

2. in the case of base maintenance of aircraft other than large aircraft have either:

(i) appropriate aircraft type rated certifying staff qualified as category B1 and B2 in accordance with Part-66 and 145.A.35 or,

(ii) appropriate aircraft type rated certifying staff qualified in category C assisted by B1 and B2 support staff as specified in paragraph (1).

(i) Component certifying staff shall comply with Part-66.

(j) By derogation to paragraphs (g) and (h), the organisation may use certifying staff qualified in accordance with the following provisions:

1. For organisation facilities located outside the Community territory certifying staff may be qualified in accordance with the national aviation regulations of the State in which the organisation facility is registered subject to the conditions specified in Appendix IV to this Part.

2. For line maintenance carried out at a line station of an organisation which is located outside the Community territory, the certifying staff may be qualified in accordance with the national aviation regulations of the State in which the line station is based, subject to the conditions specified in Appendix IV to this Part.

3. For a repetitive pre-flight airworthiness directive which specifically states that the flight crew may carry out such airworthiness directive, the organisation may issue a limited certification authorisation to the aircraft commander and/or the flight engineer on the basis of the flight crew licence held. However, the organisation shall ensure that sufficient practical training has been carried out to ensure that such aircraft commander or flight engineer can accomplish the airworthiness directive to the required standard.

4. In the case of aircraft operating away from a supported location the organisation may issue a limited certification authorisation to the commander and/or the flight engineer on the basis of the flight crew licence held subject to being satisfied that sufficient practical training has been carried out to ensure that the commander or flight engineer can accomplish the specified task to the required standard. The provisions of this paragraph shall be detailed in an exposition procedure.

5. In the following unforeseen cases, where an aircraft is grounded at a location other than the main base where no appropriate certifying staff are available, the organisation contracted to provide maintenance support may issue a one-off certification authorisation:

(i) to one of its employees holding equivalent type authorisations on aircraft of similar technology, construction and systems; or

(ii) to any person with not less than five years maintenance experience and holding a valid ICAO aircraft maintenance licence rated for the aircraft type requiring certification provided there is no organisation appropriately approved under this Part at that location and the contracted organisation obtains and holds on file evidence of the experience and the licence of that person.

All such cases as specified in this subparagraph shall be reported to the competent authority within seven days of the issuance of such certification authorisation. The organisation issuing the one-off authorisation shall ensure that any such maintenance that could affect flight safety is re-checked by an appropriately approved organisation.

145.A.35   Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff

(a) In addition to the appropriate requirements of 145.A.30(g) and (h), the organisation shall ensure that certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff have an adequate understanding of the relevant aircraft and/or components to be maintained together with the associated organisation procedures. In the case of certifying staff, this must be accomplished before the issue or re-issue of the certification authorisation.

“Category B1 and B2 support staff” means those category B1 and B2 staff in the base maintenance environment who do not hold necessarily certification privileges. “Relevant aircraft and/or components”, means those aircraft or components specified in the particular certification authorisation. “Certification authorisation” means the authorisation issued to certifying staff by the organisation and which specifies the fact that they may sign certificates of release to service within the limitations stated in such authorisation on behalf of the approved organisation.


(b) Bl-eċċezzjoni ta' dawk il-każijiet elenkati f'145.A.30(j) l-organizzazzjoni tista' biss toħroġ awtorizzazzjoni għaċ-ċertifikazzjoni lill-persunal taċ-ċertifikazzjoni f'relazzjoni mal-kategoriji jew sottokategoriji bażiċi jew kwalunkwe kategorija tat-tip imniżżla fuq il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru kif meħtieġa mill-Anness III (Parti-66), soġġett li l-liċenzja tibqa' valida tul il-perjodu tal-validità tal-awtorizzazzjoni u l-persunal taċ-ċertifikazzjoni jibqa' konformi ma' dan l-Anness III (part-66).


(c) The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff are involved in at least six months of actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance experience in any consecutive two year period. For the purpose of this paragraph “involved in actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance” means that the person has worked in an aircraft or component maintenance environment and has either exercised the privileges of the certification authorisation and/or has actually carried out maintenance on at least some of the aircraft type systems specified in the particular certification authorisation.

(d) The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff receive sufficient continuation training in each two year period to ensure that such staff have up-to-date knowledge of relevant technology, organisation procedures and human factor issues.

(e) The organisation shall establish a programme for continuation training for certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff, including a procedure to ensure compliance with the relevant paragraphs of 145.A.35 as the basis for issuing certification authorisations under this Part to certifying staff, and a procedure to ensure compliance with Part 66.

(f) Except where any of the unforeseen cases of 145.A.30(j)(5) apply, the organisation shall assess all prospective certifying staff for their competence, qualification and capability to carry out their intended certifying duties in accordance with a procedure as specified in the exposition prior to the issue or re-issue of a certification authorisation under this Part.

(g) When the conditions of paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (f) and, where applicable, paragraph (c) have been fulfilled by the certifying staff, the organisation shall issue a certification authorisation that clearly specifies the scope and limits of such authorisation. Continued validity of the certification authorisation is dependent upon continued compliance with paragraphs (a), (b), (d), and where applicable, paragraph (c).

(h) The certification authorisation must be in a style that makes its scope clear to the certifying staff and any authorised person who may require to examine the authorisation. Where codes are used to define scope, the organisation shall make a code translation readily available. “Authorised person” means the officials of the competent authorities, the Agency and the Member State who has responsibility for the oversight of the maintained aircraft or component.

(i) The person responsible for the quality system shall also remain responsible on behalf of the organisation for issuing certification authorisations to certifying staff. Such person may nominate other persons to actually issue or revoke the certification authorisations in accordance with a procedure as specified in the exposition.


(j) L-organizzazzjoni għandha żżomm reġistru tal-persunal kollu taċ-ċertifikazzjoni u persunal tal-appoġġ kategorija B1 u B2, li għandu jkollu fih:

(1) id-dettalji ta' kull liċenjza tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru miżmuma skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) u

(2) kull taħriġ ikkompletat; u

(3) l-ambitu tal-awtorizzazzjonijiet taċ-ċertifikazzjoni maħruġa, fejn rilevanti; u

(4) id-dettalji tal-persunal b'awtorizzazzjonijiet limitati jew ta' darba.

L-organizzazzjoni għandha żżomm reġistru għall-aħħar tliet snin tal-persunal imsemmi fil-paragrafu li jkun temm l-impjieg mal-organizzazzjoni jew malli tkun ġiet irtirata l-awtorizzazzjoni. Barra minn hekk, fuq talba, l-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni għandha tforni lill-persunal imsemmi f'dan il-paragrafu b'kopja tar-resġistru personali tagħhom meta jħallu l-organizzazzjoni.

Il-persunal imsemmi f'dan il-paragrafu għandu jingħata l-aċċess fuq talba għar-reġistri personali kif spjegat fuq.


(k) The organisation shall provide certifying staff with a copy of their certification authorisation in either a documented or electronic format.

(l) Certifying staff shall produce their certification authorisation to any authorised person within 24 hours.

(m) The minimum age for certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff is 21 years.

145.A.40   Equipment, tools and material

(a) The organisation shall have available and use the necessary equipment, tools and material to perform the approved scope of work.

1. Where the manufacturer specifies a particular tool or equipment, the organisation shall use that tool or equipment, unless the use of alternative tooling or equipment is agreed by the competent authority via procedures specified in the exposition.

2. Equipment and tools must be permanently available, except in the case of any tool or equipment that is so infrequently used that its permanent availability is not necessary. Such cases shall be detailed in an exposition procedure.

3. An organisation approved for base maintenance shall have sufficient aircraft access equipment and inspection platforms/docking such that the aircraft can be properly inspected.

(b) The organisation shall ensure that all tools, equipment and particularly test equipment, as appropriate, are controlled and calibrated according to an officially recognised standard at a frequency to ensure serviceability and accuracy. Records of such calibrations and traceability to the standard used shall be kept by the organisation.

145.A.42   Acceptance of components

(a) All components shall be classified and appropriately segregated into the following categories:

1. Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on an EASA Form 1 or equivalent and marked in accordance with Part-21 Subpart Q.

2. Unserviceable components which shall be maintained in accordance with this section.

3. Unsalvageable components which are classified in accordance with 145.A.42(d).

4. Standard parts used on an aircraft, engine, propeller or other aircraft component when specified in the manufacturer's illustrated parts catalogue and/or the maintenance data.

5. Material both raw and consumable used in the course of maintenance when the organisation is satisfied that the material meets the required specification and has appropriate traceability. All material must be accompanied by documentation clearly relating to the particular material and containing a conformity to specification statement plus both the manufacturing and supplier source.

(b) Prior to installation of a component, the organisation shall ensure that the particular component is eligible to be fitted when different modification and/or airworthiness directive standards may be applicable.

(c) The organisation may fabricate a restricted range of parts to be used in the course of undergoing work within its own facilities provided procedures are identified in the exposition.

(d) Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable defect shall be classified as unsalvageable and shall not be permitted to re-enter the component supply system unless certified life limits have been extended or a repair solution has been approved according to Part-21.

145.A.45   Maintenance data

(a) The organisation shall hold and use applicable current maintenance data in the performance of maintenance, including modifications and repairs. “Applicable” means relevant to any aircraft, component or process specified in the organisation's approval class rating schedule and in any associated capability list.

In the case of maintenance data provided by an operator or customer, the organisation shall hold such data when the work is in progress, with the exception of the need to comply with 145.A.55(c).

(b) For the purposes of this Part, applicable maintenance data shall be any of the following:

1. Any applicable requirement, procedure, operational directive or information issued by the authority responsible for the oversight of the aircraft or component;

2. Any applicable airworthiness directive issued by the authority responsible for the oversight of the aircraft or component;

3. Instructions for continuing airworthiness, issued by type certificate holders, supplementary type certificate holders, any other organisation required to publish such data by Part-21 and in the case of aircraft or components from third countries the airworthiness data mandated by the authority responsible for the oversight of the aircraft or component;

4. Any applicable standard, such as but not limited to, maintenance standard practices recognised by the Agency as a good standard for maintenance;

5. Any applicable data issued in accordance with paragraph (d).

(c) The organisation shall establish procedures to ensure that if found, any inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous procedure, practice, information or maintenance instruction contained in the maintenance data used by maintenance personnel is recorded and notified to the author of the maintenance data.

(d) The organisation may only modify maintenance instructions in accordance with a procedure specified in the maintenance organisation's exposition. With respect to those changes, the organisation shall demonstrate that they result in equivalent or improved maintenance standards and shall inform the type-certificate holder of such changes. Maintenance instructions for the purposes of this paragraph means instructions on how to carry out the particular maintenance task: they exclude the engineering design of repairs and modifications.

(e) The organisation shall provide a common work card or worksheet system to be used throughout relevant parts of the organisation. In addition, the organisation shall either transcribe accurately the maintenance data contained in paragraphs (b) and (d) onto such work cards or worksheets or make precise reference to the particular maintenance task or tasks contained in such maintenance data. Work cards and worksheets may be computer generated and held on an electronic database subject to both adequate safeguards against unauthorised alteration and a back-up electronic database which shall be updated within 24 hours of any entry made to the main electronic database. Complex maintenance tasks shall be transcribed onto the work cards or worksheets and subdivided into clear stages to ensure a record of the accomplishment of the complete maintenance task.

Where the organisation provides a maintenance service to an aircraft operator who requires their work card or worksheet system to be used then such work card or worksheet system may be used. In this case, the organisation shall establish a procedure to ensure correct completion of the aircraft operators' work cards or worksheets.

(f) The organisation shall ensure that all applicable maintenance data is readily available for use when required by maintenance personnel.

(g) The organisation shall establish a procedure to ensure that maintenance data it controls is kept up to date. In the case of operator/customer controlled and provided maintenance data, the organisation shall be able to show that either it has written confirmation from the operator/customer that all such maintenance data is up to date or it has work orders specifying the amendment status of the maintenance data to be used or it can show that it is on the operator/customer maintenance data amendment list.

145.A.47   Production planning

(a) The organisation shall have a system appropriate to the amount and complexity of work to plan the availability of all necessary personnel, tools, equipment, material, maintenance data and facilities in order to ensure the safe completion of the maintenance work.

(b) The planning of maintenance tasks, and the organising of shifts, shall take into account human performance limitations.

(c) When it is required to hand over the continuation or completion of maintenance tasks for reasons of a shift or personnel changeover, relevant information shall be adequately communicated between outgoing and incoming personnel.

145.A.50   Certification of maintenance


(a) Ċertifikat ta’ ħurġ għall-użu għandu jkun maħruġ minn personal li jiċċertifika awtoriżżat għan-nom tal-organizzazzjoni meta dawn ikunu ċċekkjaw li l-manutenzjoni kollha mitluba twettqet sew mill-organizzazzjoni skond il-proċedura speċifikati fil-punt 145.A.70, u b’kunsiderazzjoni għad-dejta tal-manutenzjoni disponibbli u l-użu tagħha kif speċifikat fil-punt 145.A.45 u li m’hemm ebda nuqqas ta’ konformità li hu magħruf li jpoġġi s-sikurezza tat-titjira fil-periklu.


(b) A certificate of release to service shall be issued before flight at the completion of any maintenance.

(c) New defects or incomplete maintenance work orders identified during the above maintenance shall be brought to the attention of the aircraft operator for the specific purpose of obtaining agreement to rectify such defects or completing the missing elements of the maintenance work order. In the case where the aircraft operator declines to have such maintenance carried out under this paragraph, paragraph (e) is applicable.


(d) Ċertifikat ta' rilaxx għas-servizz għandu jinħareġ meta titlesta kwalunkwe manutenzjoni fuq komponent waqt li ma tkunx qiegħda fuq l-inġenju tal-ajru. Iċ-ċertifikat awtorizzat tar-rilaxx “Formola 1 tal-EASA” imsemmi fl-Appendiċi II tal-Anness I (Parti-M) jikkostitwixxi ċ-ċertifikat tar-rilaxx għas-servizz tal-komponenti. Meta organizzazzjoni tagħmel manutenzjoni fuq komponent għall-użu tagħha, il-Formola 1 tal-EASA tista' ma tkunx neċessarja, skont il-proċeduri interni tar-rilaxx tal-organizzazzjoni definiti fil-preżentazzjoni.


(e) By derogation to paragraph (a), when the organisation is unable to complete all maintenance ordered, it may issue a certificate of release to service within the approved aircraft limitations. The organisation shall enter such fact in the aircraft certificate of release to service before the issue of such certificate.

(f) By derogation to paragraph (a) and 145.A.42, when an aircraft is grounded at a location other than the main line station or main maintenance base due to the non-availability of a component with the appropriate release certificate, it is permissible to temporarily fit a component without the appropriate release certificate for a maximum of 30 flight hours or until the aircraft first returns to the main line station or main maintenance base, whichever is the sooner, subject to the aircraft operator agreement and said component having a suitable release certificate but otherwise in compliance with all applicable maintenance and operational requirements. Such components shall be removed by the above prescribed time limit unless an appropriate release certificate has been obtained in the meantime under paragraph (a) and 145.A.42.

145.A.55   Maintenance records

(a) The organisation shall record all details of maintenance work carried out. As a minimum, the organisation shall retain records necessary to prove that all requirements have been met for issuance of the certificate of release to service, including subcontractor's release documents.

(b) The organisation shall provide a copy of each certificate of release to service to the aircraft operator, together with a copy of any specific approved repair/modification data used for repairs/modifications carried out.


(c) L-organizzazzjoni għandha żżomm kopja tar-reġistri dettaljati kollha tal-manutenzjoni u kwalunkwe dejta tal-manutenzjoni għal tliet snin mid-data relatata ma' meta l-inġenju tal-ajru jew il-komponent tal-inġenju tal-ajru ġie rrilaxxat mill-organizzazzjoni.

(1) ir-reġistri skont dan il-paragrafu għandhom jinħażnu b'tali mod li jiżgura li jitħarsu mill-ħsara, it-tibdil jew is-serq.

(2) Il-hardware kollu tal-kompjuter użat sabiex isiru kopji backup għandu jinżamm f'postijiet differenti minn dawk li fihom id-dejta dwar ix-xogħol, b'tali mod li tkun żgurata ż-żamma tajba tagħhom.

(3) Meta organizzazzjoni approvata skont din il-Parti ttemm l-operat tagħha, ir-reġistri kollha miżmuma tal-manutenzjoni li jkopru l-aħħar sentejn għandhom jitqassmu lill-aħħar sid jew klijent tal-inġenju tal-ajru jew komponent rispettiv jew jinħażnu kif speċifikat mill-awtorità kompetenti.


145.A.60   Occurrence reporting

(a) The organisation shall report to the competent authority, the state of registry and the organisation responsible for the design of the aircraft or component any condition of the aircraft or component identified by the organisation that has resulted or may result in an unsafe condition that hazards seriously the flight safety.

(b) The organisation shall establish an internal occurrence reporting system as detailed in the exposition to enable the collection and evaluation of such reports, including the assessment and extraction of those occurrences to be reported under paragraph (a). This procedure shall identify adverse trends, corrective actions taken or to be taken by the organisation to address deficiencies and include evaluation of all known relevant information relating to such occurrences and a method to circulate the information as necessary.

(c) The organisation shall make such reports in a form and manner established by the Agency and ensure that they contain all pertinent information about the condition and evaluation results known to the organisation.

(d) Where the organisation is contracted by a commercial operator to carry out maintenance, the organisation shall also report to the operator any such condition affecting the operator's aircraft or component.

(e) The organisation shall produce and submit such reports as soon as practicable but in any case within 72 hours of the organisation identifying the condition to which the report relates.

145.A.65   Safety and quality policy, maintenance procedures and quality system

(a) The organisation shall establish a safety and quality policy for the organisation to be included in the exposition under 145.A.70.

(b) The organisation shall establish procedures agreed by the competent authority taking into account human factors and human performance to ensure good maintenance practices and compliance with this Part which shall include a clear work order or contract such that aircraft and components may be released to service in accordance with 145.A.50.

1. The maintenance procedures under this paragraph apply to 145.A.25 to 145.A.95.

2. The maintenance procedures established or to be established by the organisation under this paragraph shall cover all aspects of carrying out the maintenance activity, including the provision and control of specialised services and lay down the standards to which the organisation intends to work.

3. With regard to aircraft line and base maintenance, the organisation shall establish procedures to minimise the risk of multiple errors and capture errors on critical systems, and to ensure that no person is required to carry out and inspect in relation to a maintenance task involving some element of disassembly/reassembly of several components of the same type fitted to more than one system on the same aircraft during a particular maintenance check. However, when only one person is available to carry out these tasks then the organisation's work card or worksheet shall include an additional stage for re-inspection of the work by this person after completion of all the same tasks.

4. Maintenance procedures shall be established to ensure that damage is assessed and modifications and repairs are carried out using data approved by the Agency or by an approved Part-21 design organisation, as appropriate.

(c) The organisation shall establish a quality system that includes the following:

1. Independent audits in order to monitor compliance with required aircraft/aircraft component standards and adequacy of the procedures to ensure that such procedures invoke good maintenance practices and airworthy aircraft/aircraft components. In the smallest organisations the independent audit part of the quality system may be contracted to another organisation approved under this Part or a person with appropriate technical knowledge and proven satisfactory audit experience; and

2. A quality feedback reporting system to the person or group of persons specified in 145.A.30(b) and ultimately to the accountable manager that ensures proper and timely corrective action is taken in response to reports resulting from the independent audits established to meet paragraph (1).

145.A.70   Maintenance organisation exposition

(a) “Maintenance organisation exposition” means the document or documents that contain the material specifying the scope of work deemed to constitute approval and showing how the organisation intends to comply with this Part. The organisation shall provide the competent authority with a maintenance organisation exposition, containing the following information:

1. A statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the maintenance organisation exposition and any referenced associated manuals define the organisation's compliance with this Part and will be complied with at all times. When the accountable manager is not the chief executive officer of the organisation then such chief executive officer shall countersign the statement;

2. the organisation's safety and quality policy as specified by 145.A.65;

3. the title(s) and name(s) of the persons nominated under 145.A.30(b);

4. the duties and responsibilities of the persons nominated under 145.A.30(b), including matters on which they may deal directly with the competent authority on behalf of the organisation;

5. an organisation chart showing associated chains of responsibility between the persons nominated under 145.A.30(b);

6. a list of certifying staff and B1 and B2 support staff;

7. a general description of manpower resources;

8. a general description of the facilities located at each address specified in the organisation's approval certificate;

9. a specification of the organisation's scope of work relevant to the extent of approval;

10. the notification procedure of 145.A.85 for organisation changes;

11. the maintenance organisation exposition amendment procedure;

12. the procedures and quality system established by the organisation under 145.A.25 to 145.A.90;

13. a list of commercial operators, where applicable, to which the organisation provides an aircraft maintenance service;

14. a list of subcontracted organisations, where applicable, as specified in 145.A.75(b);

15. a list of line stations, where applicable, as specified in 145.A.75(d);

16. a list of contracted organisations, where applicable.

(b) The exposition shall be amended as necessary to remain an up-to-date description of the organisation The exposition and any subsequent amendment shall be approved by the competent authority.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) minor amendments to the exposition may be approved through an exposition procedure (hereinafter called indirect approval).

145.A.75   Privileges of the organisation

In accordance with the exposition, the organisation shall be entitled to carry out the following tasks:

(a) Maintain any aircraft and/or component for which it is approved at the locations identified in the approval certificate and in the exposition;

(b) Arrange for maintenance of any aircraft or component for which it is approved at another organisation that is working under the quality system of the organisation. This refers to work being carried out by an organisation not itself appropriately approved to carry out such maintenance under this Part and is limited to the work scope permitted under 145.A.65(b) procedures. This work scope shall not include a base maintenance check of an aircraft or a complete workshop maintenance check or overhaul of an engine or engine module;

(c) Maintain any aircraft or any component for which it is approved at any location subject to the need for such maintenance arising either from the unserviceability of the aircraft or from the necessity of supporting occasional line maintenance, subject to the conditions specified in the exposition;

(d) Maintain any aircraft and/or component for which it is approved at a location identified as a line maintenance location capable of supporting minor maintenance and only if the organisation exposition both permits such activity and lists such locations;

(e) Issue certificates of release to service in respect of completion of maintenance in accordance with 145.A.50.

145.A.80   Limitations on the organisation

The organisation shall only maintain an aircraft or component for which it is approved when all the necessary facilities, equipment, tooling, material, maintenance data and certifying staff are available.

145.A.85   Changes to the organisation

The organisation shall notify the competent authority of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes before such changes take place to enable the competent authority to determine continued compliance with this Part and to amend, if necessary, the approval certificate, except that in the case of proposed changes in personnel not known to the management beforehand, these changes must be notified at the earliest opportunity:

1. the name of the organisation;

2. the main location of the organisation;

3. additional locations of the organisation;

4. the accountable manager;

5. any of the persons nominated under 145.A.30(b);

6. the facilities, equipment, tools, material, procedures, work scope or certifying staff that could affect the approval.

145.A.90   Continued validity

(a) An approval shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to:


1. l-organizzazzjoni tibqa' konformi mal-Anness II (Parti-145), skont id-dispożizzjonijiet marbuta mat-trattament tar-riżultati kif speċifikat skont il-punt 145.B.50; u


2. the competent authority being granted access to the organisation to determine continued compliance with this Part; and

3. the certificate not being surrendered or revoked.

(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the approval shall be returned to the competent authority.

145.A.95   Findings

(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with Part-145 requirements which lowers the safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety.

(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the Part-145 requirements which could lower the safety standard and possibly hazard the flight safety.

(c) After receipt of notification of findings according to 145.B.50, the holder of the maintenance organisation approval shall define a corrective action plan and demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of the competent authority within a period agreed with this authority.



145.B.01   Scope

This section establishes the administrative procedures which the competent authority shall follow when exercising its tasks and responsibilities regarding issuance, continuation, change, suspension or revocation of Part-145 maintenance organisation approvals.

145.B.10   Competent authority

1.   General

The Member State shall designate a competent authority with allocated responsibilities for the issuance, continuation, change, suspension or revocation of a maintenance approval. This competent authority shall establish documented procedures and an organisational structure.

2.   Resources

The number of staff must be appropriate to carry out the requirements as detailed in this section.

3.   Qualification and training

All staff involved in Part-145 approvals must:

(a) be appropriately qualified and have all necessary knowledge, experience and training to perform their allocated tasks.

(b) have received training/continuation training on Part-145 where relevant, including its intended meaning and standard.

4.   Procedures

The competent authority shall establish procedures detailing how compliance with this Section B is accomplished.

The procedures must be reviewed and amended to ensure continued compliance.

145.B.15   Organisations located in several Member States

Where maintenance facilities are located in more than one Member State the investigation and continued oversight of the approval must be carried out in conjunction with the competent authorities from the Member States in whose territory the other maintenance facilities are located.

145.B.17   Acceptable means of compliance

The Agency shall develop acceptable means of compliance that the Member States may use to establish compliance with this Part. When the acceptable means of compliance are complied with, the related requirements of this Part shall be considered as met.

145.B.20   Initial approval

1. Provided the requirements of 145.A.30(a) and (b) are complied with, the competent authority shall formally indicate its acceptance of the personnel, specified in 145.A.30(a) and (b), to the applicant in writing.

2. The competent authority shall verify that the procedures specified in the maintenance organisation exposition comply with Part-145 and verify that the accountable manager signs the commitment statement.

3. The competent authority shall verify that the organisation is in compliance with the requirements of Part-145.

4. A meeting with the accountable manager shall be convened at least once during the investigation for approval to ensure that he/she fully understands the significance of the approval and the reason for signing the exposition commitment of the organisation to compliance with the procedures specified in the exposition.

5. All findings must be confirmed in writing to the organisation.

6. The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions (actions required to close a finding) and recommendations

7. For initial approval all findings must be corrected before the approval can be issued.

145.B.25   Issue of approval

1. The competent authority shall formally approve the exposition and issue to the applicant a Form 3 approval certificate, which includes the approval ratings. The competent authority shall only issue a certificate when the organisation is in compliance with Part-145.

2. The competent authority shall indicate the conditions of the approval on the Form 3 approval certificate.

3. The reference number shall be included on the Form 3 approval certificate in a manner specified by the Agency.

145.B.30   Continuation of an approval

The continuation of an approval shall be monitored in accordance with the applicable “initial approval” process under 145.B.20. In addition:

1. The competent authority shall keep and update a program listing the approved maintenance organisations under its supervision, the dates when audit visits are due and when such visits were carried out.

2. Each organisation must be completely reviewed for compliance with Part-145 at periods not exceeding 24 months.

3. A meeting with the accountable manager shall be convened at least once every 24 months to ensure he/she remains informed of significant issues arising during audits.

145.B.35   Changes

1. The competent authority shall receive notification from the organisation of any proposed change as listed in 145.A.85.

The competent authority shall comply with the applicable elements of the initial process paragraphs for any change to the organisation.

2. The competent authority may prescribe the conditions under which organisation may operate during such changes unless it determines that the approval should be suspended.


145.B.40   Bidliet fil-Preżentazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni

Għal kwalunkwe bidla fil-Preżentazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni ta' Manutenzjoni (MOE):

(1) Fil-każ ta' approvazzjoni diretta tal-bidliet skont il-punt M.A.145.A.70(b), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tivverifika li l-proċeduri speċifikati fl-espożizzjoni huma konformi ma' dan l-Anness (Parti 145) qabel ma tinnotifika formalment lill-organizzazzjoni approvata dwar l-approvazzjoni.

(2) Fil-każ li proċedura ta' approvazzjoni indiretta tintuża għall-approvazzjoni tal-bidliet skont il-punt 145.A.70(c), l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tiżgura (i) li l-bidliet jibqgħu minuri u (ii) li għandha kontroll adegwat fuq l-approvazzjoni tal-bidliet biex tiżgura li jibqgħu f'konformità mar-rekwiżiti ta' dan l-Anness (Parti-145).


145.B.45   Revocation, suspension and limitation of approval

The competent authority shall:

(a) suspend an approval on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety threat; or

(b) suspend, revoke or limit an approval pursuant to 145.B.50.

145.B.50   Findings

(a) When during audits or by other means evidence is found showing non-compliance with the requirements of Part-145, the competent authority shall take the following actions:

1. For level 1 findings, immediate action shall be taken by the competent authority to revoke, limit or suspend in whole or in part, depending upon the extent of the level 1 finding, the maintenance organisation approval, until successful corrective action has been taken by the organisation.

2. For level 2 findings, the corrective action period granted by the competent authority must be appropriate to the nature of the finding but in any case initially must not be more than three months. In certain circumstances and subject to the nature of the finding the competent authority may extend the three month period subject to a satisfactory corrective action plan agreed by the competent authority.

(b) Action shall be taken by the competent authority to suspend in whole or part the approval in case of failure to comply within the timescale granted by the competent authority

145.B.55   Record-keeping

1. The competent authority shall establish a system of record-keeping with minimum retention criteria that allows adequate traceability of the process to issue, continue, change, suspend or revoke each individual organisation approval.

2. The records shall include as a minimum:

(a) the application for an organisation approval, including the continuation thereof.

(b) the competent authority continued oversight program including all audit records.

(c) the organisation approval certificate including any change thereto.

(d) a copy of the audit program listing the dates when audits are due and when audits were carried out.

(e) copies of all formal correspondence including Form 4 or equivalent.

(f) details of any exemption and enforcement action(s).

(g) any other competent authority audit report forms.

(h) maintenance organisation expositions.

3. The minimum retention period for the above records shall be four years.

4. The competent authority may elect to use either a paper or computer system or any combination of both subject to appropriate controls.

145.B.60   Exemptions

All exemptions granted in accordance with Article 10(3) of the basic Regulation shall be recorded and retained by the competent authority


Appendiċi I

Ċertfikat għar-Rilaxx Awtorizzat – Formola 1 tal-EASA

Id-dispożizzjonijet tal-Appendiċi II tal-Anness I (Parti-M) japplikaw.

Appendiċi II

Sistema ta' Klassijiet u Kategoriji użata għall-Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjonijiet tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness I (Parti-M) Sottoparti F u fl-Anness II (Parti-145)

Id-dispożizzjonijet tal-Appendiċi IV tal-Anness I (Parti-M) japplikaw.

Appendiċi III

Approvazzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness II (Parti-145)




Appendix IV

Conditions for the use of staff not qualified to Part-66 in accordance with 145A.30(J)1 and 2

1. Certifying staff in compliance with the following conditions will meet the intent of 145.A.30(j)(1) and (2):

(a) The person shall hold a licence or a certifying staff authorisation issued under the country's National regulations in compliance with ICAO Annex 1.

(b) The scope of work of the person shall not exceed the scope of work defined by the National licence/certifying staff authorisation.

(c) The person shall demonstrate he has received training on human factors and airworthiness regulations as detailed in Part-66.

(d) The person shall demonstrate five years maintenance experience for line maintenance certifying staff and eight years for base maintenance certifying staff. However, those persons whose authorised tasks do not exceed those of a Part-66 category A certifying staff, need to demonstrate three years maintenance experience only.

(e) Line maintenance certifying staff and base maintenance support staff shall receive type training at a level corresponding to Part-66 Appendix III level 3 for every aircraft on which they are authorised to make certification. However those persons whose authorised tasks do not exceed those of a Part-66 category A certifying staff may receive task training in lieu of complete type training.

(f) Base maintenance certifying staff must receive type training at a level corresponding to at least Part-66 Appendix III level 1 for every aircraft on which they are authorised to make certification.

2. Protected rights

(a) 145.A.30(j)(1) and (2) personnel before the entry into force of Part-66 may continue to exercise their privileges without the need to comply with paragraph 1(c) to 1(f).

(b) However after that date any certifying staff willing to extend the scope of their authorisation to include additional privileges shall comply with paragraph 1 above.

(c) Notwithstanding subparagraph 2(b) above, in the case of additional type training, compliance with paragraph 1(c) and 1(d) is not required.

















Rekwiżiti bażiċi tal-għarfien


Rekwiżiti tal-esperjenza


Validità kontinwata tal-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru


Taħriġ u kategoriji skont it-tip/il-kompitu


Prova tal-kwalifika


Dispożizzjonijiet ta' konverżjoni












Awtorità kompetenti


Mezzi aċċettabbli ta' konformità


Żamma ta' reġistri


Skambju reċiproku ta' informazzjoni





Proċedura għall-ħruġ ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru mill-awtorità kompetenti


Proċedura għall-ħruġ ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru permezz tal-organizzazzjoni approvata tal-manutenzjoni Parti-145


Proċedura għall-bidla ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru biex tinkludi kategorija jew sottokategorija addizzjonali bażika


Proċedura għall-bidla ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru biex tinkludi tip jew grupp ta' inġenju tal-ajru


Proċedura għat-tiġdid tal-validità ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru



Eżamijiet mill-awtoritajiet kompetenti





Rapport ta' konverżjoni għall-kwalifiki nazzjonali


Rapport ta' konverżjoni għall-awtorizzazzjonijiet tal-organizzazzjonijiet tal-manutenzjoni approvati





Rapport dwar il-krediti tal-eżami



Revoka, sospensjoni jew limitazzjoni tal-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru

Appendiċi I — Rekwiżiti Bażiċi tal-Għarfien

Appendiċi II — Standard Bażiku tal-Eżami

Appendiċi III — Taħriġ skont it-tip u Standard tal-Eżami

Appendiċi IV — Rekwiżiti tal-esperjenza għall-estensjoni ta' Liċenzja tal-Manutenzjoni ta' Inġenju tal-Ajru Parti-66

Appendiċi V — Formola tal-Applikazzjoni – Formola 19 tal-EASA

Appendiċi VI — Liċenzja tal-Manutenzjoni tal-Inġenju tal-Ajru msemmija fl-Anness III (Parti-66) — Formola 26 tal-EASA



For the purpose of this Part, the competent authority shall be the authority designated by the Member State to whom a person applies for the issuance of an aircraft maintenance licence.







66.A.1   Scope

(a) This section establishes the requirements for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence and conditions of its validity and use, for aeroplanes and helicopters of the following categories:

 Category A

 Category B1

 Category B2

 Category C

(b) Categories A and B1 are subdivided into subcategories relative to combinations of aeroplanes, helicopters, turbine and piston engines. The subcategories are:

—  A1 and B1.1

Aeroplanes Turbine

—  A2 and B1.2

Aeroplanes Piston

—  A3 and B1.3

Helicopters Turbine

—  A4 and B1.4

Helicopters Piston


66.A.10   Applikazzjoni

(a) Applikazzjoni għal liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru jew għal bidla għal liċenzja bħal din għandha ssir fuq il-Formola 19 tal-EASA bil-mod stabbilit mill-awtorità kompetenti u ppreżentata lilha.

(b) Applikazzjoni għall-bidla ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru għandha ssir lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru li ħareġ oriġinarjament il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru.

(c) Minbarra d-dokumenti meħtieġa fil-punti 66.A.10(a), 66.A.10(b) u 66.B.105, kif xieraq, l-applikant għal kategoriji jew sottokategoriji bażiċi addizzjonali għal liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru għandu jippreżenta l-liċenzja attwali tiegħu tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru lill-awtorità kompetenti flimkien mal-Formola 19 tal-EASA.

(d) Meta l-applikant għal bidla fil-kategoriji bażiċi jikkwalifika għal bidla bħal din permezz tal-proċedura msemmija fil-punt 66.B.100 fi Stat Membru għajr l-Istat Membru li fih l-ewwel li kkwalifika, l-applikazzjoni għandha tintbagħat lill-Istat Membru tal-ewwel kwalifika.

(e) Meta l-applikant għal bidla fil-kategoriji bażiċi jikkwalifika għal bidla bħal din permezz tal-proċedura msemmija fil-punt 66.B.105 fi Stat Membru għajr l-Istat Membru li fih l-ewwel li kkwalifika, l-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata skont l-Anness II (Parti-145) għandha tibgħat il-liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru flimkien mal-Formola 19 tal-EASA lill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tal-ewwel kwalifika għat-timbru u l-firma tal-Istat Membru għall-bidla jew il-ħruġ mill-ġdid tal-liċenzja.


66.A.15   Eligibility

An applicant for an aircraft maintenance licence shall be at least 18 years of age.

66.A.20   Privileges

(a) Subject to compliance with paragraph (b), the following privileges shall apply:

1. A category A aircraft maintenance licence permits the holder to issue certificates of release to service following minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification within the limits of tasks specifically endorsed on the authorisation. The certification privileges shall be restricted to work that the licence holder has personally performed in a Part-145 organisation.

2. A category B1 aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service following maintenance, including aircraft structure, powerplant and mechanical and electrical systems. Replacement of avionic line replaceable units, requiring simple tests to prove their serviceability, shall also be included in the privileges. Category B1 shall automatically include the appropriate A subcategory.

3. A category B2 aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service following maintenance on avionic and electrical systems.

4. A category C aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service following base maintenance on aircraft. The privileges apply to the aircraft in its entirety in a Part-145 organisation.

(b) The holder of an aircraft maintenance licence may not exercise certification privileges unless:

1. in compliance with the applicable requirements of Part-M and/or Part-145.

2. in the preceding two-year period he/she has, either had six months of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges granted by the aircraft maintenance licence or, met the provision for the issue of the appropriate privileges.

3. he/she is able to read, write and communicate to an understandable level in the language(s) in which the technical documentation and procedures necessary to support the issue of the certificate of release to service are written.

66.A.25   Basic knowledge requirements

(a) An applicant for an aircraft maintenance licence or the addition of a category or subcategory to such an aircraft maintenance licence shall demonstrate, by examination, a level of knowledge in the appropriate subject modules in accordance with Appendix I to this Part.

The basic knowledge examinations shall be conducted by a training organisation appropriately approved under Part-147 or by the competent authority.

(b) Full or partial credit against the basic knowledge requirements and associated examination shall be given for any other technical qualification considered by the competent authority to be equivalent to the knowledge standard of this Part. Such credits shall be established in accordance with Section B, Subpart E of this Part.

66.A.30   Experience requirements

(a) An applicant for an aircraft maintenance licence shall have acquired:

1. for category A and subcategories B1.2 and B1.4:

(i) three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft, if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or

(ii) two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the competent authority as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or

(iii) one year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a Part-147 approved basic training course.

2. for category B2 and subcategories B1.1 and B1.3:

(i) five years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or

(ii) three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the competent authority as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or

(iii) two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a Part -147 approved basic training course.

3. for category C with respect to large aircraft:

(i) three years of experience exercising category B1.1, B1.3 or B2 privileges on large aircraft or as Part-145 B1.1, B1.3 or B2 support staff, or, a combination of both; or

(ii) five years of experience exercising category B1.2 or B1.4 privileges on large aircraft or as Part-145 B1.2 or B1.4 support staff, or a combination of both; or

4. for category C with respect to non large aircraft:

three years of experience exercising category B1 or B.2 privileges on non large aircraft or as Part-145 B1 or B.2 support staff, or a combination of both; or

5. for category C obtained through the academic route:

an applicant holding an academic degree in a technical discipline, from a university or other higher educational institution recognised by the competent authority, three years of experience working in a civil aircraft maintenance environment on a representative selection of tasks directly associated with aircraft maintenance including six months of observation of base maintenance tasks.

(b) An applicant for an extension to an aircraft maintenance licence shall have a minimum civil aircraft maintenance experience requirement appropriate to the additional category or subcategory of licence applied for as defined in Appendix IV to this Part.

(c) For category A, B1 and B2 the experience must be practical which means being involved with a representative cross section of maintenance tasks on aircraft.

(d) For all applicants, at least one year of the required experience must be recent maintenance experience on aircraft of the category/subcategory for which the initial aircraft maintenance licence is sought. For subsequent category/subcategory additions to an existing aircraft maintenance licence, the additional recent maintenance experience required may be less than one year, but must be at least three months. The required experience must be dependent upon the difference between the licence category/subcategory held and applied for. Such additional experience must be typical of the new licence category/subcategory sought.

(e) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), aircraft maintenance experience gained outside a civil aircraft maintenance environment shall be accepted when such maintenance is equivalent to that required by this Part as established by the competent authority. Additional experience of civil aircraft maintenance shall, however, be required to ensure understanding of the civil aircraft maintenance environment.


66.A.40   Validità kontinwata tal-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru

(a) Il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru ssir invalida ħames snin wara l-aħħar ħruġ jew bidla tagħha, sakemm id-detentur ma jippreżentax il-liċenzja tiegħu tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru lill-awtorità kompetenti li ħarġitha, sabiex tivverifika li l-informazzjoni li hemm fil-liċenzja hija l-istess bħal dik li hemm fir-reġistri tal-awtorità kompetenti, b'segwitu għall-punt 66.B.120.

(b) Id-detentur ta' liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru għandu jimla l-partijiet rilevanti tal-Formola 19 tal-EASA u jippreżentaha flimkien mal-kopja tad-detentur tal-liċenzja oriġinali għall-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru, sakemm id-detentur ma jkunx jaħdem f'organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata skont l-Anness II (Parti-145) li għandha proċedura fil-preżentazzjoni tagħha li biha organizzazzjoni bħal din tista' tressaq id-dokumentazzjoni meħtieġa f'isem id-detentur ta' liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru.

(c) Kull privileġġ taċ-ċertifikazzjoni bbażat fuq liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru ssir invalida malli liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru ssir invalida.

(d) Il-liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru hija biss valida (i) meta maħruġa u/jew mibdula milli-awtorità kompetenti u (ii) meta d-detentur ikun iffirma d-dokument.


66.A.45   Type/task training and ratings

(a) The holder of a category A aircraft maintenance licence may only exercise certification privileges on a specific aircraft type following the satisfactory completion of the relevant category A aircraft task training carried out by an appropriately approved Part-145 or Part-147 organisation. The training shall include practical hands on training and theoretical training as appropriate for each task authorised. Satisfactory completion of training shall be demonstrated by an examination and/or by workplace assessment carried out by an appropriately approved Part-145 or Part-147 organisation.

(b) Except as otherwise specified in paragraph (g), the holder of a category B1, B2 or C aircraft maintenance licence shall only exercise certification privileges on a specific aircraft type when the aircraft maintenance licence is endorsed with the appropriate aircraft type rating.

(c) Except as otherwise specified in paragraph (h), ratings shall be granted following satisfactory completion of the relevant category B1, B2 or C aircraft type training approved by the competent authority or conducted by an appropriately approved Part-147 maintenance training organisation.

(d) Category B1 and B2 approved type training shall include theoretical and practical elements and consist of the appropriate course in relation to the 66.A.20(a) privileges. Theoretical and practical training shall comply with Appendix III to this Part.

(e) Category C approved type training shall comply with Appendix III to this Part. In the case of a category C person qualified by holding an academic degree as specified in 66.A.30(a), (5), the first relevant aircraft type theoretical training shall be at the category B1 or B2 level. Practical training is not required.

(f) Completion of approved aircraft type training, as required by paragraphs (b) to (e), shall be demonstrated by an examination. The examination shall comply with Appendix III to this Part. The examinations in respect of category B1 or B2 or C aircraft type ratings shall be conducted by training organisations appropriately approved under Part-147, the competent authority, or the training organisation conducting the approved type training course.

(g) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), for aircraft other than large aircraft, the holder of a category B1 or B2 aircraft maintenance licence may also exercise certification privileges, when the aircraft maintenance licence is endorsed with the appropriate group ratings, or manufacturer group ratings, unless the Agency has determined that the complexity of the aircraft in question requires a type rating.

1. Manufacturer group ratings may be granted after complying with the type rating requirements of two aircraft types representative of the group from the same manufacturer.

2. Full group ratings may be granted after complying with the type rating requirements of three aircraft types representative of the group from different manufacturers. However, no full group rating may be granted to B1 multiple turbine engine aeroplanes, where only manufacturer group rating applies.

3. The groups shall consist of the following:

(i) for category B1 or C:

 helicopter piston engine

 helicopter turbine engine

 aeroplane single piston engine — metal structure

 aeroplane multiple piston engines — metal structure

 aeroplane single piston engine — wooden structure

 aeroplane multiple piston engines — wooden structure

 aeroplane single piston engine — composite structure

 aeroplane multiple piston engines — composite structure

 aeroplane turbine — single engine

 aeroplane turbine — multiple engine

(ii) for category B2 or C:




(h) Minkejja l-paragrafu (c), il-kategoriji għal inġenji tal-ajru għajr inġenji tal-ajru kbar jistgħu wkoll jingħataw, soġġetti għall-ikkompletar xieraq tal-eżami għat-tip ta' inġenju tal-ajru tal-kategorija rilevanti B1, B2 jew C u wirja ta' esperjenza prattika fuq dan it-tip ta' inġenju tal-ajru, sakemm l-Aġenzija ma tkunx iddeterminat li l-inġenju tal-ajru huwa kumpless, fejn it-taħriġ approvat skont it-tip tal-paragrafu (c) ikun meħtieġ.

Fil-każ ta' kateġorija C fuq inġenji tal-ajru li mhumiex inġenji tal-ajru kbar, għal persuna li għandha grad akkademiku kif speċifikat fil-punt 66.A.30 (a) 5, l-ewwel eżami tat-tip rilevanti tal-inġenju tal-ajru għandu jkun fil-livell tal-kategorija B1 jew B2.

(1) L-eżamijiet tat-tip approvat Kategorija B1, B2 u C jridu jikkonsistu minn eżami tal-mekkanika għall-kategorija B1 u eżami tal-avjonika għall-kategorija B2 u eżami sew tal-mekkanika sew tal-avjonika għall-kategorija C.

(2) L-eżami għandu jikkonforma mal-Appendiċi III tal-Anness III (Parti-66). L-eżami għandu jitmexxa minn organizzazzjonijiet tat-taħriġ approvati kif xieraq skont l-Anness IV (Parti-147) jew mill-awtorità kompetenti.

(3) L-esperjenza prattika dwar it-tip ta' inġenju tal-ajru għandha tinkludi għażla rappreżentattiva ta' attivitajiet ta' manutenzjoni rilevanti għal din il-kategorija.


66.A.55   Provi ta’ kwalifiki

Il-personal li jeżerċita privileġġi ta’ ċertifikazzjoni għandu jippreżenta liċenzja bħala prova tal-kwalifiki tiegħu fi ¿mien 24 sigħa, jekk dan jiġi mitlub lilu minn persuna awtorizzata.


66.A.70   Conversion provisions

(a) The holder of a certifying staff qualification valid in a Member State, prior to the date of entry into force of this Part shall be issued an aircraft maintenance licence without further examination subject to the conditions specified in 66.B.300.

(b) A person undergoing a qualification process valid in a Member State, prior to the date of entry into force of this Part may continue to be qualified. The holder of a qualification gained following such qualification process shall be issued an aircraft maintenance licence without further examination subject to the conditions specified in 66.B.300.

(c) Where necessary, the aircraft maintenance licence shall contain technical limitations in relation to the scope of the pre-existing qualification.



66.A.100   General

Until such time as this Part specifies a requirement for certifying staff of aircraft other than aeroplanes and helicopters, the relevant Member State regulation shall apply.



66.A.200   General

Until such time as this Part specifies a requirement for certifying components, the relevant Member State regulation shall apply.





66.B.05   Scope

This section establishes the administrative requirements to be followed by the competent authorities in charge of the application and the enforcement of Section A of this Part.

66.B.10   Competent authority


(a)   Ġenerali

L-Istat Membru għandu jaħtar awtorità kompetenti b'responsabbiltajiet allokati għal-ħruġ, il-kontinwazzjoni, il-bdil, is-sospensjoni jew ir-revoka tal-liċenzji tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru. L-awtorità kompetenti għandha tistabbilixxi struttura organizzattiva u proċeduri dokumentati għall-iżgurar tal-konformità mal-Anness III (Parti-66).


(b)   Resources

The competent authority shall be appropriately staffed to carry out the requirements of this Part.

(c)   Procedures

The competent authority shall establish procedures detailing how compliance with this Part is accomplished.

The procedures shall be reviewed and amended to ensure continued compliance.

66.B.15   Acceptable means of compliance

The Agency shall develop acceptable means of compliance that the Member States may use to establish compliance with this Part. When the acceptable means of compliance are complied with, the related requirements of this Part shall be considered as met.

66.B.20   Record-keeping


(a) L-awtorità kompetenti għandha tistabbilixxi sistema ta' żamma ta' reġistri, sistema li tkun tippermetti t-traċċabbiltà adegwata tal-proċess tal-ħruġ, taż-żamma, tal-bdil, tas-sospensjoni jew tar-revoka ta' kull liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru.


(b) The records for the oversight of the Part shall include:

1. the application for an aircraft maintenance licence or change to that licence, including all supporting documentation;

2. a copy of the aircraft maintenance licence including any changes;

3. copies of all relevant correspondence;

4. details of any exemption and enforcement actions;

5. any report from other competent authorities relating to the aircraft maintenance licence holder;

6. records of examinations conducted by the competent authority;

7. aircraft maintenance licence conversion reports;

8. examination credit reports.

(c) Records referred to in paragraph (b), 1. to 5. shall be kept at least five years after the end of the licence validity.

(d) Records referred to in paragraph (b), 6. shall be kept at least five years.

(e) Records referred to in paragraph (b), 7. and 8. shall be kept for an unlimited period.

66.B.25   Mutual exchange of information

(a) In order to contribute to the improvement of air safety, the competent authorities shall participate in a mutual exchange of all necessary information in accordance with Article 11 of the basic Regulation.

(b) Without prejudice to the competencies of the Member States, in the case of a potential safety threat involving several Member States, the concerned competent authorities shall assist each other in carrying out the necessary oversight action.

66.B.30   Exemptions

All exemptions granted in accordance with Article 10, 3. of the basic Regulation shall be recorded and retained by the competent authority.



This Subpart provides the procedures to be followed by the competent authority to issue or vary or to permit continuity of the aircraft maintenance licence.

66.B.100   Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence by the competent authority

(a) On receipt of EASA Form 19 and any supporting documentation, the competent authority shall verify EASA Form 19 for completeness and ensure that the experience claimed meets the requirement of this Part.

(b) The competent authority shall verify an applicant's examination status and/or confirm the validity of any credits to ensure that all required modules of ►M4  Appendiċi I ◄ have been met as required by this Part.

(c) When satisfied that the applicant meets the standards of knowledge and experience required by this Part, the competent authority shall issue the relevant aircraft maintenance licence to the applicant. The same information shall be kept on competent authority file.

66.B.105   Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence via the Part-145 approved maintenance organisation

(a) A Part-145 maintenance organisation which has been authorised to carry out this activity by the competent authority may prepare the aircraft maintenance licence on behalf of the competent authority or make recommendations to the competent authority regarding the application from an individual for a aircraft maintenance licence so that the competent authority may prepare and issue such licence.

(b) The Part-145 maintenance organisation shall ensure compliance with 66.B.100 (a) and (b). In all cases, the competent authority shall issue the aircraft maintenance licence to the applicant.


66.B.110   Proċedura għall-bidla ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru biex tinkludi kategorija jew sottokategorija addizzjonali bażika

(a) Mat-tlestija tal-proċeduri speċifikati fil-punti 66.B.100 jew 66.B.105, l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tapprova l-kategorija jew is-sottokategorija bażika addizzjonali jew il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru b'timbru u firma jew terġa' toħroġ il-liċenzja.

(b) Is-sistema tar-reġistri tal-awtorità kompetenti għandha tinbidel skont dan.

66.B.115   Proċedura għall-bidla ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru biex tinkludi tip jew grupp ta' inġenji tal-ajru

Mal-wasla ta' Formola 19 tal-EASA sodisfaċenti u kwalunkwe dokumentazzjoni anċillari li tixhed il-konformità mar-rekwiżiti applikabbli tal-kategorija tat-tip u/jew il-kategorija tal-grupp u l-liċenzja anċillari tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru, l-awtorità kompetenti jew tapprova l-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru tal-applikant mat-tip jew il-grupp tal-inġenju tal-ajru, jew inkella toħroġ mill-ġdid il-liċenzja msemmija biex tinkludi t-tip jew il-grupp tal-inġenju tal-ajru. Is-sistema tar-reġistri tal-awtorità kompetenti għandha tinbidel skont dan.

66.B.120   Proċedura għat-tiġdid tal-validità ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru

(a) L-awtorità kompetenti għandha tqabbel il-liċenzja għall-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru tal-applikant mar-reġistri tal-awtorità kompetenti u tivverifika kwalunkwe revoka, sospensjoni jew bidla skont il-punt 66.B.500. Jekk id-dokumenti huma identiċi u m'hemm l-ebda azzjoni pendenti b'segwitu għall-punt 66.B.500, il-kopja tad-detentur għandha tiġġedded għal ħames snin u l-fajl approvat skont dan.

(b) Jekk ir-reġistri tal-awtorità kompetenti huma differenti mil-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru miżmuma mid-detentur tal-liċenzja:

(1) l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tinvestiga r-raġunijiet għal dawn il-differenzi u tista' tagħżel li ma ġġeddidx il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru.

(2) l-awtorità kompetenti għandha tinforma lid-detentur tal-liċenzja u kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni magħrufa approvata skont l-Anness I (Parti-M) Sottoparti F jew l-Anness II (Parti-145) li jistgħu jkunu milquta direttament minn fatt bħal dan.

(3) l-awtorità kompetenti għandha, jekk meħtieġ, tieħu azzjoni skont il-punt 66.B.500 biex tirrevoka, tissospendi jew tibdel il-liċenzja inkwistjoni.




This Subpart provides the procedure for examinations conducted by the competent authority.

66.B.200   Examination by the competent authority

(a) All examination questions shall be kept in a secure manner prior to an examination, to ensure that candidates will not know which particular questions will form the basis of the examination. The competent authority shall nominate those persons who control the questions to be used for each examination.

(b) The competent authority shall appoint examiners who shall be present during all examinations to ensure the integrity of the examination.

(c) Basic examinations shall follow the standard specified in Appendix I and II to this Part.

(d) Type examinations must follow the standard specified in Appendix III to this Part.

(e) New essay questions shall be raised at least every six months and used questions withdrawn or rested from use. A record of the questions used shall be retained in the records for reference.

(f) All examination papers shall be handed out at the start of the examination to the candidate and handed back to the examiner at the end of the allotted examination time period. No examination paper may be removed from the examination room during the allotted examination time period.

(g) Apart from specific documentation needed for type examinations, only the examination paper may be available to the candidate during the examination.

(h) Examination candidates shall be separated from each other so that they cannot read each other's examination papers. They may not speak to any person other than the examiner.

(i) Candidates who are proven to be cheating shall be banned from taking any further examination within 12 months of the date of the examination in which they were found cheating.



This Subpart provides the requirements for converting national qualifications to aircraft maintenance licences.

66.B.300   General

(a) The competent authority may only perform the conversion specified in 66.A.70 in accordance with a conversion report prepared pursuant to paragraph 66.B.305 or 66.B.310, as applicable.

(b) The conversion report shall be either developed by the competent authority or approved by the competent authority.

66.B.305   Conversion report for national qualifications

The report shall describe the scope of each type of qualification and show to which aircraft maintenance licence it will be converted, which limitation will be added and the Part-66 module/subjects on which examination is needed to ensure conversion to the aircraft maintenance licence without limitation, or to include an additional (sub-) category. The report shall include a copy of the existing regulation defining the licence categories and scopes.

66.B.310   Conversion report for approved maintenance organisations authorisations

For each approved maintenance organisation concerned, the report shall describe the scope of each type of authorisation and show to which aircraft maintenance licence it will be converted, which limitation will be added and the module/subjects on which examination is needed to convert to the licence, or to include an additional (sub-)category. The report shall include a copy of the relevant approved maintenance organisation's procedures for the qualification of certifying staff, on which the conversion process is based.



This Subpart provides the requirements for granting examination credits in accordance with 66.A.25(b).

66.B.400   General

(a) The competent authority may only grant examination credit on the basis of an examination credit report prepared in accordance with 66.B.405.

(b) The examination credit report must be either developed by the competent authority or approved by the competent authority.

66.B.405   Examination credit report

(a) For each technical qualification concerned the report shall identify the subject matter and knowledge levels contained in Appendix I to this Part relevant to the particular category being compared.

(b) The report shall include a statement of compliance against each subject stating where, in the technical qualification, the equivalent standard can be found. If there is no equivalent standard for the particular subject, the report shall state such facts.

(c) Based upon paragraph (b) comparison, the report shall indicate for each technical qualification concerned the Appendix I subject matters subject to examination credits.

(d) Where the national qualification standard is changed, the report shall be amended as necessary.



66.B.500   Revocation, suspension or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence

The competent authority shall suspend, limit or revoke the aircraft maintenance licence where it has identified a safety issue or if it has clear evidence that the person has carried out or been involved in one or more of the following activities:

1. obtaining the aircraft maintenance licence and/or the certification privileges by falsification of submitted documentary evidence.

2. failing to carry out requested maintenance combined with failure to report such fact to the organisation or person who requested the maintenance.

3. failing to carry out required maintenance resulting from own inspection combined with failure to report such fact to the organisation or person for whom the maintenance was intended to be carried out.

4. negligent maintenance.

5. falsification of the maintenance record.

6. issuing a certificate of release to service knowing that the maintenance specified on the certificate of release to service has not been carried out or without verifying that such maintenance has been carried out.

7. carrying out maintenance or issuing a certificate of release to service when adversely affected by alcohol or drugs.

8. issuing certificate of release to service while not in compliance with this Part.

Appendix I

Basic knowledge requirements


Basic knowledge for categories A, B1 and B2 are indicated by the allocation of knowledge levels indicators (1, 2 or 3) against each applicable subject. Category C applicants must meet either the category B1 or the category B2 basic knowledge levels.

The knowledge level indicators are defined as follows:


A familiarisation with the principal elements of the subject.

Objectives: The applicant should be familiar with the basic elements of the subject.

The applicant should be able to give a simple description of the whole subject, using common words and examples.

The applicant should be able to use typical terms.


A general knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

An ability to apply that knowledge.

Objectives: The applicant should be able to understand the theoretical fundamentals of the subject.

The applicant should be able to give a general description of the subject using, as appropriate, typical examples.

The applicant should be able to use mathematical formulae in conjunction with physical laws describing the subject.

The applicant should be able to read and understand sketches, drawings and schematics describing the subject.

The applicant should be able to apply his knowledge in a practical manner using detailed procedures.


A detailed knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

A capacity to combine and apply the separate elements of knowledge in a logical and comprehensive manner.

Objectives: The applicant should know the theory of the subject and interrelationships with other subjects.

The applicant should be able to give a detailed description of the subject using theoretical fundamentals and specific examples.

The applicant should understand and be able to use mathematical formulae related to the subject.

The applicant should be able to read, understand and prepare sketches, simple drawings and schematics describing the subject.

The applicant should be able to apply his knowledge in a practical manner using manufacturer's instructions.

The applicant should be able to interpret results from various sources and measurements and apply corrective action where appropriate.


Qualification on basic subjects for each Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence category or subcategory should be in accordance with the following matrix. Applicable subjects are indicated by an “X”:

Subject modules

A or B1 aeroplane with:

A or B1 helicopter with:


Turbine engine(s)

Piston engine(s)

Turbine engine(s)

Piston engine(s)














































































































1.1  Arithmetic




Arithmetical terms and signs, methods of multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, factors and multiples, weights, measures and conversion factors, ratio and proportion, averages and percentages, areas and volumes, squares, cubes, square and cube roots.




1.2  Algebra








Evaluating simple algebraic expressions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, use of brackets, simple algebraic fractions;







Linear equations and their solutions;




Indices and powers, negative and fractional indices;




Binary and other applicable numbering systems;




Simultaneous equations and second degree equations with one unknown;








1.3  Geometry







Simple geometrical constructions;








Graphical representation; nature and uses of graphs, graphs of equations/functions;







Simple trigonometry; trigonometrical relationships, use of tables and rectangular and polar coordinates.










2.1  Matter




Nature of matter: the chemical elements, structure of atoms, molecules;




Chemical compounds.




States: solid, liquid and gaseous;




Changes between states.




2.2  Mechanics




2.2.1  Statics




Forces, moments and couples, representation as vectors;




Centre of gravity.




Elements of theory of stress, strain and elasticity: tension, compression, shear and torsion;




Nature and properties of solid, fluid and gas;




Pressure and buoyancy in liquids (barometers).




2.2.2  Kinetics




Linear movement: uniform motion in a straight line, motion under constant acceleration (motion under gravity);




Rotational movement: uniform circular motion (centrifugal/ centripetal forces);




Periodic motion: pendular movement;




Simple theory of vibration, harmonics and resonance;




Velocity ratio, mechanical advantage and efficiency.




2.2.3  Dynamics












Force, inertia, work, power, energy (potential, kinetic and total energy), heat, efficiency;








Momentum, conservation of momentum;








Gyroscopic principles;




Friction: nature and effects, coefficient of friction (rolling resistance).




2.2.4  Fluid dynamics








Specific gravity and density;








Viscosity, fluid resistance, effects of streamlining;




effects of compressibility on fluids;




Static, dynamic and total pressure: Bernoulli's Theorem, venturi.




2.3  Thermodynamics








Temperature: thermometers and temperature scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin; Heat definition.







Heat capacity, specific heat;




Heat transfer: convection, radiation and conduction;




Volumetric expansion;




First and second law of thermodynamics;




Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas;




Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps;




Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.




2.4  Optics (Light)



Nature of light; speed of light;




Laws of reflection and refraction: reflection at plane surfaces, reflection by spherical mirrors, refraction, lenses;




Fibre optics.




2.5  Wave Motion and Sound



Wave motion: mechanical waves, sinusoidal wave motion, interference phenomena, standing waves;




Sound: speed of sound, production of sound, intensity, pitch and quality, Doppler effect.










3.1  Electron Theory




Structure and distribution of electrical charges within: atoms, molecules, ions, compounds;




Molecular structure of conductors, semiconductors and insulators.




3.2  Static Electricity and Conduction




Static electricity and distribution of electrostatic charges;




Electrostatic laws of attraction and repulsion;




Units of charge, Coulomb's Law;




Conduction of electricity in solids, liquids, gases and a vacuum.




3.3  Electrical Terminology




The following terms, their units and factors affecting them: potential difference, electromotive force, voltage, current, resistance, conductance, charge, conventional current flow, electron flow.




3.4  Generation of Electricity




Production of electricity by the following methods: light, heat, friction, pressure, chemical action, magnetism and motion.




3.5  DC Sources of Electricity




Construction and basic chemical action of: primary cells, secondary cells, lead acid cells, nickel cadmium cells, other alkaline cells;




Cells connected in series and parallel;




Internal resistance and its effect on a battery;




Construction, materials and operation of thermocouples;




Operation of photo-cells.




3.6  DC Circuits



Ohms Law, Kirchoff's Voltage and Current Laws;




Calculations using the above laws to find resistance, voltage and current;




Significance of the internal resistance of a supply.




3.7  Resistance/Resistor







Resistance and affecting factors;




Specific resistance;




Resistor colour code, values and tolerances, preferred values, wattage ratings;




Resistors in series and parallel;




Calculation of total resistance using series, parallel and series parallel combinations;




Operation and use of potentiometers and rheostats;




Operation of Wheatstone Bridge.







Positive and negative temperature coefficient conductance;




Fixed resistors, stability, tolerance and limitations, methods of construction;




Variable resistors, thermistors, voltage dependent resistors;




Construction of potentiometers and rheostats;




Construction of Wheatstone Bridge;




3.8  Power



Power, work and energy (kinetic and potential);




Dissipation of power by a resistor;




Power formula;




Calculations involving power, work and energy.




3.9  Capacitance/Capacitor



Operation and function of a capacitor;




Factors affecting capacitance area of plates, distance between plates, number of plates, dielectric and dielectric constant, working voltage, voltage rating;




Capacitor types, construction and function;




Capacitor colour coding;




Calculations of capacitance and voltage in series and parallel circuits;




Exponential charge and discharge of a capacitor, time constants;




Testing of capacitors.




3.10  Magnetism







Theory of magnetism;




Properties of a magnet;




Action of a magnet suspended in the Earth's magnetic field;




Magnetisation and demagnetisation;




Magnetic shielding;




Various types of magnetic material;




Electromagnets construction and principles of operation;




Hand clasp rules to determine: magnetic field around current carrying conductor.







Magnetomotive force, field strength, magnetic flux density, permeability, hysteresis loop, retentivity, coercive force reluctance, saturation point, eddy currents;




Precautions for care and storage of magnets.




3.11  Inductance/Inductor



Faraday's Law;




Action of inducing a voltage in a conductor moving in a magnetic field;




Induction principles;




Effects of the following on the magnitude of an induced voltage: magnetic field strength, rate of change of flux, number of conductor turns;




Mutual induction;




The effect the rate of change of primary current and mutual inductance has on induced voltage;




Factors affecting mutual inductance: number of turns in coil, physical size of coil, permeability of coil, position of coils with respect to each other;




Lenz's Law and polarity determining rules;




Back emf, self induction;




Saturation point;




Principle uses of inductors;




3.12  DC Motor/Generator Theory



Basic motor and generator theory;




Construction and purpose of components in DC generator;




Operation of, and factors affecting output and direction of current flow in DC generators;




Operation of, and factors affecting output power, torque, speed and direction of rotation of DC motors;




Series wound, shunt wound and compound motors;




Starter Generator construction.




3.13  AC Theory




Sinusoidal waveform: phase, period, frequency, cycle;




Instantaneous, average, root mean square, peak, peak to peak current values and calculations of these values, in relation to voltage, current and power




Triangular/Square waves;




Single/3 phase principles.




3.14  Resistive (R), Capacitive (C) and Inductive (L) Circuits



Phase relationship of voltage and current in L, C and R circuits, parallel, series and series parallel;




Power dissipation in L, C and R circuits;




Impedance, phase angle, power factor and current calculations;




True power, apparent power and reactive power calculations.




3.15  Transformers



Transformer construction principles and operation;




Transformer losses and methods for overcoming them;




Transformer action under load and no-load conditions;




Power transfer, efficiency, polarity markings;




Calculation of line and phase voltages and currents;




Calculation of power in a three phase system;




Primary and Secondary current, voltage, turns ratio, power, efficiency;




Auto transformers.




3.16  Filters



Operation, application and uses of the following filters: low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop.




3.17  AC Generators



Rotation of loop in a magnetic field and waveform produced;




Operation and construction of revolving armature and revolving field type AC generators;




Single phase, two phase and three phase alternators;




Three phase star and delta connections advantages and uses;




Permanent Magnet Generators.




3.18  AC Motors



Construction, principles of operation and characteristics of: AC synchronous and induction motors both single and polyphase;




Methods of speed control and direction of rotation;




Methods of producing a rotating field: capacitor, inductor, shaded or split pole.










4.1  Semiconductors




4.1.1  Diodes







Diode symbols;




Diode characteristics and properties;




Diodes in series and parallel;




Main characteristics and use of silicon controlled rectifiers (thyristors), light emitting diode, photo conductive diode, varistor, rectifier diodes;




Functional testing of diodes.






Materials, electron configuration, electrical properties;




P and N type materials: effects of impurities on conduction, majority and minority characters;




PN junction in a semiconductor, development of a potential across a PN junction in unbiased, forward biased and reverse biased conditions;




Diode parameters: peak inverse voltage, maximum forward current, temperature, frequency, leakage current, power dissipation;




Operation and function of diodes in the following circuits: clippers, clampers, full and half wave rectifiers, bridge rectifiers, voltage doublers and triplers;




Detailed operation and characteristics of the following devices: silicon controlled rectifier (thyristor), light emitting diode, Shottky diode, photo conductive diode, varactor diode, varistor, rectifier diodes, Zener diode.




4.1.2  Transistors







Transistor symbols;




Component description and orientation;




Transistor characteristics and properties.






Construction and operation of PNP and NPN transistors;




Base, collector and emitter configurations;




Testing of transistors.




Basic appreciation of other transistor types and their uses.




Application of transistors: classes of amplifier (A, B, C);




Simple circuits including: bias, decoupling, feedback and stabilisation;




Multistage circuit principles: cascades, push-pull, oscillators, multivibrators, flip-flop circuits.




4.1.3  Integrated Circuits






Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits/operational amplifiers.






Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits;




Introduction to operation and function of an operational amplifier used as: integrator, differentiator, voltage follower, comparator;




Operation and amplifier stages connecting methods: resistive capacitive, inductive (transformer), inductive resistive (IR), direct;




Advantages and disadvantages of positive and negative feedback.




4.2  Printed Circuit Boards



Description and use of printed circuit boards.




4.3  Servomechanisms






Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop systems, feedback, follow up, analogue transducers;




Principles of operation and use of the following synchro system components/features: resolvers, differential, control and torque, transformers, inductance and capacitance transmitters.






Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop, follow up, servomechanism, analogue, transducer, null, damping, feedback, deadband;




Construction operation and use of the following synchro system components: resolvers, differential, control and torque, E and I transformers, inductance transmitters, capacitance transmitters, synchronous transmitters;




Servomechanism defects, reversal of synchro leads, hunting.













5.1  Electronic Instrument Systems





Typical systems arrangements and cockpit layout of electronic instrument systems.





5.2  Numbering Systems



Numbering systems: binary, octal and hexadecimal;





Demonstration of conversions between the decimal and binary, octal and hexadecimal systems and vice versa.





5.3  Data Conversion



Analogue Data, Digital Data;





Operation and application of analogue to digital, and digital to analogue converters, inputs and outputs, limitations of various types.





5.4  Data Buses



Operation of data buses in aircraft systems, including knowledge of ARINC and other specifications.





5.5  Logic Circuits








Identification of common logic gate symbols, tables and equivalent circuits;





Applications used for aircraft systems, schematic diagrams.







Interpretation of logic diagrams.





5.6  Basic Computer Structure








Computer terminology (including bit, byte, software, hardware, CPU, IC, and various memory devices such as RAM, ROM, PROM);





Computer technology (as applied in aircraft systems).







Computer related terminology;





Operation, layout and interface of the major components in a micro computer including their associated bus systems;





Information contained in single and multiaddress instruction words;





Memory associated terms;





Operation of typical memory devices;





Operation, advantages and disadvantages of the various data storage systems.





5.7  Microprocessors


Functions performed and overall operation of a microprocessor;





Basic operation of each of the following microprocessor elements: control and processing unit, clock, register, arithmetic logic unit.





5.8  Integrated Circuits


Operation and use of encoders and decoders;





Function of encoder types;





Uses of medium, large and very large scale integration.





5.9  Multiplexing


Operation, application and identification in logic diagrams of multiplexers and demultiplexers.





5.10  Fibre Optics




Advantages and disadvantages of fibre optic data transmission over electrical wire propagation;





Fibre optic data bus;





Fibre optic related terms;










Couplers, control terminals, remote terminals;





Application of fibre optics in aircraft systems.





5.11  Electronic Displays



Principles of operation of common types of displays used in modern aircraft, including





Cathode Ray Tubes, Light Emitting Diodes and Liquid Crystal Display.





5.12  Electrostatic Sensitive Devices





Special handling of components sensitive to electrostatic discharges;





Awareness of risks and possible damage, component and personnel anti-static protection devices.





5.13  Software Management Control




Awareness of restrictions, airworthiness requirements and possible catastrophic effects of unapproved changes to software programmes.





5.14  Electromagnetic Environment




Influence of the following phenomena on maintenance practices for electronic system:





EMC-Electromagnetic Compatibility





EMI-Electromagnetic Interference





HIRF-High Intensity Radiated Field





Lightning/lightning protection





5.15  Typical Electronic/Digital Aircraft Systems




General arrangement of typical electronic/digital aircraft systems and associated BITE





(Built In Test Equipment) testing such as:





ACARS-ARINC Communication and Addressing and Reporting System





ECAM-Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring





EFIS-Electronic Flight Instrument System





EICAS-Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System





FBW-Fly by Wire





FMS-Flight Management System





GPS-Global Positioning System





IRS-Inertial Reference System





TCAS-Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System











6.1  Aircraft Materials — Ferrous








Characteristics, properties and identification of common alloy steels used in aircraft;




Heat treatment and application of alloy steels;







Testing of ferrous materials for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue strength and impact resistance.




6.2  Aircraft Materials — Non-Ferrous








Characteristics, properties and identification of common non-ferrous materials used in aircraft;




Heat treatment and application of non-ferrous materials;







Testing of non-ferrous material for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue strength and impact resistance.




6.3  Aircraft Materials — Composite and Non-Metallic




6.3.1  Composite and non-metallic other than wood and fabric








Characteristics, properties and identification of common composite and non-metallic materials, other than wood, used in aircraft;




Sealant and bonding agents.







The detection of defects/deterioration in composite and non-metallic material.




Repair of composite and non-metallic material.




6.3.2  Wooden structures



Construction methods of wooden airframe structures;




Characteristics, properties and types of wood and glue used in aeroplanes;




Preservation and maintenance of wooden structure;




Types of defects in wood material and wooden structures;




The detection of defects in wooden structure;




Repair of wooden structure.




6.3.3  Fabric covering



Characteristics, properties and types of fabrics used in aeroplanes;




Inspections methods for fabric;




Types of defects in fabric;




Repair of fabric covering.




6.4  Corrosion








Chemical fundamentals;




Formation by, galvanic action process, microbiological, stress;








Types of corrosion and their identification;




Causes of corrosion;




Material types, susceptibility to corrosion.




6.5  Fasteners




6.5.1  Screw threads




Screw nomenclature;




Thread forms, dimensions and tolerances for standard threads used in aircraft;




Measuring screw threads;




6.5.2  Bolts, studs and screws




Bolt types: specification, identification and marking of aircraft bolts, international standards;




Nuts: self locking, anchor, standard types;




Machine screws: aircraft specifications;




Studs: types and uses, insertion and removal;




Self tapping screws, dowels.




6.5.3  Locking devices




Tab and spring washers, locking plates, split pins, pal-nuts, wire locking, quick release fasteners, keys, circlips, cotter pins.




6.5.4.  Aircraft rivets




Types of solid and blind rivets: specifications and identification, heat treatment.




6.6  Pipes and Unions








Identification of, and types of rigid and flexible pipes and their connectors used in aircraft;








Standard unions for aircraft hydraulic, fuel, oil, pneumatic and air system pipes.




6.7  Springs



Types of springs, materials, characteristics and applications.




6.8  Bearings




Purpose of bearings, loads, material, construction;




Types of bearings and their application.




6.9  Transmissions




Gear types and their application;




Gear ratios, reduction and multiplication gear systems, driven and driving gears, idler gears, mesh patterns;




Belts and pulleys, chains and sprockets.




6.10  Control Cables




Types of cables;




End fittings, turnbuckles and compensation devices;




Pulleys and cable system components;




Bowden cables;




Aircraft flexible control systems.




6.11  Electrical Cables and Connectors




Cable types, construction and characteristics;




High tension and co-axial cables;








Connector types, pins, plugs, sockets, insulators, current and voltage rating, coupling, identification codes.










7.1  Safety Precautions-Aircraft and Workshop




Aspects of safe working practices including precautions to take when working with electricity, gases especially oxygen, oils and chemicals.




Also, instruction in the remedial action to be taken in the event of a fire or another accident with one or more of these hazards including knowledge on extinguishing agents.




7.2  Workshop Practices




Care of tools, control of tools, use of workshop materials;




Dimensions, allowances and tolerances, standards of workmanship;




Calibration of tools and equipment, calibration standards.




7.3  Tools




Common hand tool types;




Common power tool types;




Operation and use of precision measuring tools;




Lubrication equipment and methods.




Operation, function and use of electrical general test equipment;




7.4  Avionic General Test Equipment



Operation, function and use of avionic general test equipment.




7.5  Engineering Drawings, Diagrams and Standards




Drawing types and diagrams, their symbols, dimensions, tolerances and projections;




Identifying title block information;




Microfilm, microfiche and computerised presentations;




Specification 100 of the Air Transport Association (ATA) of America;




Aeronautical and other applicable standards including ISO, AN, MS, NAS and MIL;




Wiring diagrams and schematic diagrams.




7.6  Fits and Clearances




Drill sizes for bolt holes, classes of fits;




Common system of fits and clearances;




Schedule of fits and clearances for aircraft and engines;




Limits for bow, twist and wear;




Standard methods for checking shafts, bearings and other parts.





7.7  Sistema tal-Interkonnessjoni tal-Wiring Elettriku (EWIS)

Kontinwità, iżolament u tekniki u ttestjar tal-irbit

Użu ta' għodod tat-tini: Operati bl-idejn u operati b'mod idrawliku;

Ittestjar ta' ġonot mitnija;

Tneħħija u tidħil tal-pinn konnettur;

Kejbils koassjali: prekawzjonijiet tal-ittestjar u l-installazzjoni;

Identifikazzjoni ta' tipi ta' wajers, kriterji tal-ispezzjoni u t-tolleranzi għall-ħsara

Tekniki tal-protezzjoni tal-wiring: Protezzjoni tal-kejbils u appoġġi relatati, klamps tal-kejbils, tekniki tal-protezzjoni bil-manki inkluż bil-heat shrink wrapping, shielding

Installazzjonijiet EWIS, spezzjoni, tiswija, manutenzjoni u standards ta' ndafa.





7.8  Riveting



Riveted joints, rivet spacing and pitch;




Tools used for riveting and dimpling;




Inspection of riveted joints.




7.9  Pipes and Hoses



Bending and belling/flaring aircraft pipes;




Inspection and testing of aircraft pipes and hoses;




Installation and clamping of pipes.




7.10  Springs



Inspection and testing of springs.




7.11  Bearings



Testing, cleaning and inspection of bearings;




Lubrication requirements of bearings;




Defects in bearings and their causes.




7.12  Transmissions



Inspection of gears, backlash;




Inspection of belts and pulleys, chains and sprockets;




Inspection of screw jacks, lever devices, push-pull rod systems.




7.13  Control Cables



Swaging of end fittings;




Inspection and testing of control cables;




Bowden cables; aircraft flexible control systems.




7.14  Material handling




7.14.1  Sheet Metal


Marking out and calculation of bend allowance;




Sheet metal working, including bending and forming;




Inspection of sheet metal work.




7.14.2  Composite and non-metallic


Bonding practices;




Environmental conditions




Inspection methods




7.15  Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Bonding







Soldering methods; inspection of soldered joints.






Welding and brazing methods;




Inspection of welded and brazed joints;




Bonding methods and inspection of bonded joints.




7.16  Aircraft Weight and Balance







Centre of Gravity/Balance limits calculation: use of relevant documents;






Preparation of aircraft for weighing;




Aircraft weighing;




7.17  Aircraft Handling and Storage




Aircraft taxiing/towing and associated safety precautions;




Aircraft jacking, chocking, securing and associated safety precautions;




Aircraft storage methods;




Refuelling/defuelling procedures;




De-icing/anti-icing procedures;




Electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic ground supplies.




Effects of environmental conditions on aircraft handling and operation.




7.18  Disassembly, Inspection, Repair and Assembly Techniques








Types of defects and visual inspection techniques.




Corrosion removal, assessment and reprotection.






General repair methods, Structural Repair Manual;




Ageing, fatigue and corrosion control programmes;







Non destructive inspection techniques including, penetrant, radiographic, eddy current, ultrasonic and boroscope methods.








Disassembly and re-assembly techniques.







Trouble shooting techniques




7.19  Abnormal Events








Inspections following lightning strikes and HIRF penetration.







Inspections following abnormal events such as heavy landings and flight through turbulence.




7.20  Maintenance Procedures




Maintenance planning;




Modification procedures;




Stores procedures;




Certification/release procedures;




Interface with aircraft operation;




Maintenance Inspection/Quality Control/Quality Assurance;




Additional maintenance procedures.




Control of life limited components










8.1  Physics of the Atmosphere




International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), application to aerodynamics.




8.2  Aerodynamics




Airflow around a body;




Boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow, free stream flow, relative airflow, upwash and downwash, vortices, stagnation;




The terms: camber, chord, mean aerodynamic chord, profile (parasite) drag, induced drag, centre of pressure, angle of attack, wash in and wash out, fineness ratio, wing shape and aspect ratio;




Thrust, Weight, Aerodynamic Resultant;




Generation of Lift and Drag: Angle of Attack, Lift coefficient, Drag coefficient, polar curve, stall;




Aerofoil contamination including ice, snow, frost.




8.3  Theory of Flight




Relationship between lift, weight, thrust and drag;




Glide ratio;




Steady state flights, performance;




Theory of the turn;




Influence of load factor: stall, flight envelope and structural limitations;




Lift augmentation.




8.4  Flight Stability and Dynamics




Longitudinal, lateral and directional stability (active and passive).










9.1  General




The need to take human factors into account;




Incidents attributable to human factors/human error;




“‘Murphy's’ law.”




9.2  Human Performance and Limitations












Information processing;




Attention and perception;








Claustrophobia and physical access.




9.3  Social Psychology




Responsibility: individual and group;




Motivation and de-motivation;




Peer pressure;




“Culture” issues;




Team working;




Management, supervision and leadership.




9.4  Factors Affecting Performance








Stress: domestic and work related;




Time pressure and deadlines;




Workload: overload and underload;




Sleep and fatigue, shiftwork;




Alcohol, medication, drug abuse.




9.5  Physical Environment




Noise and fumes;








Climate and temperature;




Motion and vibration;




Working environment.




9.6  Tasks




Physical work;




Repetitive tasks;




Visual inspection;




Complex systems.




9.7  Communication




Within and between teams;




Work logging and recording;




Keeping up to date, currency;




Dissemination of information.




9.8  Human Error




Error models and theories;




Types of error in maintenance tasks;




Implications of errors (i.e accidents)




Avoiding and managing errors.




9.9  Hazards in the Workplace




Recognising and avoiding hazards;




Dealing with emergencies.











10.1  Il-Qafas Regolatorju

Ir-Rwol tal-Organizzazzjoni Internazzjonali ta' Avjazzjoni Ċivili;

Ir-Rwol tal-Istati Membri u l-Awtoritajiet Nazzjonali tal-Avjazzjoni;

Ir-rwol tal-EASA;

Ir-Rwol tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea;

Ir-relazzjoni bejn Parti-21, Parti-M, Parti-145, Parti-66, Parti-147 u EU-OPS





10.2  Part-66 — Certifying Staff — Maintenance




Detailed understanding of Part-66.




10.3  Part-145 — Approved Maintenance Organisations




Detailed understanding of Part-145.





10.4  EU-OPS

Trasport Kummerċjali bl-Ajru/Operazzjonijiet Kummerċjali

Ċertifikati tal-Operaturi tal-Ajru

Responsabbiltajiet tal-Operaturi, partikolarment fir-rigward tal-manutenzjoni tan-navigabbiltà u l-manutenzjoni;

Dokumenti li gћandhom jinġarru abbord;

Pjanċi (Marki) fuq l-Inġenu tal-Ajru;





10.5  Aircraft Certification




(a) General



Certification rules: such as EACS 23/25/27/29;




Type Certification;




Supplemental Type Certification;




Part-21 Design/Production Organisation Approvals.




(b) Documents



Certificate of Airworthiness;




Certificate of Registration;




Noise Certificate;




Weight Schedule;




Radio Station Licence and Approval.




10.6  Part-M




Detailed understanding of Part-M.




10.7  Applicable National and International Requirements for (if not superseded by EU requirements)








Maintenance Programmes, Maintenance checks and inspections;




Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Minimum Equipment List, Dispatch Deviation Lists;




Airworthiness Directives;




Service Bulletins, manufacturers service information;




Modifications and repairs;




Maintenance documentation: maintenance manuals, structural repair manual, illustrated parts catalogue, etc.;







Continuing airworthiness;




Test flights;




ETOPS, maintenance and dispatch requirements;




All Weather Operations, Category 2/3 operations and minimum equipment requirements.










11.1  Theory of Flight




11.1.1  Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls



Operation and effect of:




— roll control: ailerons and spoilers;




—  pitch control: elevators, stabilators, variable incidence stabilisers and canards;




— yaw control, rudder limiters;




Control using elevons, ruddervators;




High lift devices, slots, slats, flaps, flaperons;




Drag inducing devices, spoilers, lift dumpers, speed brakes;




Effects of wing fences, saw tooth leading edges;




Boundary layer control using, vortex generators, stall wedges or leading edge devices;




Operation and effect of trim tabs, balance and antibalance (leading) tabs, servo tabs, spring tabs, mass balance, control surface bias, aerodynamic balance panels;




11.1.2  High Speed Flight



Speed of sound, subsonic flight, transonic flight, supersonic flight,




Mach number, critical Mach number, compressibility buffet, shock wave, aerodynamic heating, area rule;




Factors affecting airflow in engine intakes of high speed aircraft;




Effects of sweepback on critical Mach number.




11.2  Airframe Structures — General Concepts




Airworthiness requirements for structural strength;




Structural classification, primary, secondary and tertiary;




Fail safe, safe life, damage tolerance concepts;




Zonal and station identification systems;




Stress, strain, bending, compression, shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress, fatigue;




Drains and ventilation provisions;




System installation provisions;




Lightning strike protection provision.




Aircraft bonding







Construction methods of: stressed skin fuselage, formers, stringers, longerons, bulkheads, frames, doublers, struts, ties, beams, floor structures, reinforcement, methods of skinning, anti-corrosive protection, wing, empennage and engine attachments;




Structure assembly techniques: riveting, bolting, bonding;




Methods of surface protection, such as chromating, anodising, painting;




Surface cleaning.




Airframe symmetry: methods of alignment and symmetry checks.




11.3  Airframe Structures — Aeroplanes

11.3.1  Fuselage (ATA 52/53/56)



Construction and pressurisation sealing;




Wing, stabiliser, pylon and undercarriage attachments;




Seat installation and cargo loading system;




Doors and emergency exits: construction, mechanisms, operation and safety devices;




Windows and windscreen construction and mechanisms.




11.3.2  Wings (ATA 57)







Fuel storage;




Landing gear, pylon, control surface and high lift/drag attachments.




11.3.3  Stabilisers (ATA 55)







Control surface attachment.




11.3.4  Flight Control Surfaces (ATA 55/57)



Construction and attachment;




Balancing — mass and aerodynamic.




11.3.5  Nacelles/Pylons (ATA 54)











Engine mounts.




11.4  Air Conditioning and Cabin Pressurisation (ATA 21)




11.4.1  Air supply



Sources of air supply including engine bleed, APU and ground cart;




11.4.2  Air Conditioning



Air conditioning systems;




Air cycle and vapour cycle machines;




Distribution systems;




Flow, temperature and humidity control system.




11.4.3  Pressurisation



Pressurisation systems;




Control and indication including control and safety valves;




Cabin pressure controllers.




11.4.4  Safety and warning devices



Protection and warning devices.




11.5  Instruments/Avionic Systems




11.5.1  Instrument Systems (ATA 31)



Pitot static: altimeter, air speed indicator, vertical speed indicator;




Gyroscopic: artificial horizon, attitude director, direction indicator, horizontal situation indicator, turn and slip indicator, turn coordinator;




Compasses: direct reading, remote reading;




Angle of attack indication, stall warning systems;




Other aircraft system indication.




11.5.2  Avionic Systems



Fundamentals of system lay-outs and operation of;




Auto Flight (ATA 22);




Communications (ATA 23);




Navigation Systems (ATA 34).




11.6  Electrical Power (ATA 24)



Batteries Installation and Operation;




DC power generation;




AC power generation;




Emergency power generation;




Voltage regulation;




Power distribution;




Inverters, transformers, rectifiers;




Circuit protection.




External/Ground power;




11.7  Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)







Emergency equipment requirements;




Seats, harnesses and belts.







Cabin lay-out;




Equipment lay-out;




Cabin Furnishing Installation;




Cabin entertainment equipment;




Galley installation;




Cargo handling and retention equipment;








11.8  Fire Protection (ATA 26)







Fire and smoke detection and warning systems;




Fire extinguishing systems;




System tests.








Portable fire extinguisher



11.9  Flight Controls (ATA 27)



Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler;




Trim control;




Active load control;




High lift devices;




Lift dump, speed brakes;




System operation: manual, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, fly-by-wire;




Artificial feel, Yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, gust locks systems;




Balancing and rigging;




Stall protection/warning system.




11.10  Fuel Systems (ATA 28)



System lay-out;




Fuel tanks;




Supply systems;




Dumping, venting and draining;




Cross-feed and transfer;




Indications and warnings;




Refuelling and defuelling;




Longitudinal balance fuel systems.




11.11  Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)



System lay-out;




Hydraulic fluids;




Hydraulic reservoirs and accumulators;




Pressure generation: electric, mechanical, pneumatic;




Emergency pressure generation;




Pressure Control;




Power distribution;




Indication and warning systems;




Interface with other systems.




11.12  Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)



Ice formation, classification and detection;




Anti-icing systems: electrical, hot air and chemical;




De-icing systems: electrical, hot air, pneumatic and chemical;




Rain repellant;




Probe and drain heating.




Wiper systems




11.13  Landing Gear (ATA 32)



Construction, shock absorbing;




Extension and retraction systems: normal and emergency;




Indications and warning;




Wheels, brakes, antiskid and autobraking;












11.14  Lights (ATA 33)



External: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxiing, ice;




Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo;








11.15  Oxygen (ATA 35)



System lay-out: cockpit, cabin;




Sources, storage, charging and distribution;




Supply regulation;




Indications and warnings;




11.16  Pneumatic/Vacuum (ATA 36)



System lay-out;




Sources: engine/APU, compressors, reservoirs, ground supply;




Pressure control;








Indications and warnings;




Interfaces with other systems.




11.17  Water/Waste (ATA 38)



Water system lay-out, supply, distribution, servicing and draining;




Toilet system lay-out, flushing and servicing;




Corrosion aspects.




11.18  On Board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45)



Central maintenance computers;




Data loading system;




Electronic library system;








Structure monitoring (damage tolerance monitoring).










11.1  Theory of Flight




11.1.1  Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls



Operation and effect of:




— roll control: ailerons and spoilers;




—  pitch control: elevators, stabilators, variable incidence stabilisers and canards;




— yaw control, rudder limiters;




Control using elevons, ruddervators;




High lift devices, slots, slats, flaps, flaperons;




Drag inducing devices, spoilers, lift dumpers, speed brakes;




Effects of wing fences, saw tooth leading edges;




Boundary layer control using, vortex generators, stall wedges or leading edge devices;




Operation and effect of trim tabs, balance and antibalance (leading) tabs, servo tabs, spring tabs, mass balance, control surface bias, aerodynamic balance panels;




11.1.2  High Speed Flight — N/A

11.2  Airframe Structures — General Concepts







Airworthiness requirements for structural strength;




Structural classification, primary, secondary and tertiary;




Fail safe, safe life, damage tolerance concepts;




Zonal and station identification systems;




Stress, strain, bending, compression, shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress, fatigue;




Drains and ventilation provisions;




System installation provisions;




Lightning strike protection provision.




Aircraft bonding







Construction methods of: stressed skin fuselage, formers, stringers, longerons, bulkheads, frames, doublers, struts, ties, beams, floor structures, reinforcement, methods of skinning, anti-corrosive protection, wing, empennage and engine attachments;




Structure assembly techniques: riveting, bolting, bonding;




Methods of surface protection, such as chromating, anodising, painting;




Surface cleaning;




Airframe symmetry: methods of alignment and symmetry checks.




11.3  Airframe Structures — Aeroplanes




11.3.1  Fuselage (ATA 52/53/56)



Construction and pressurisation sealing;




Wing, tail-plane pylon and undercarriage attachments;




Seat installation;




Doors and emergency exits: construction and operation;




Window and windscreen attachment.




11.3.2  Wings (ATA 57)







Fuel storage;




Landing gear, pylon, control surface and high lift/drag attachments.




11.3.3  Stabilisers (ATA 55)







Control surface attachment.




11.3.4  Flight Control Surfaces (ATA 55/57)



Construction and attachment;




Balancing — mass and aerodynamic.




11.3.5  Nacelles/Pylons (ATA 54)











— Construction;




— Firewalls;




— Engine mounts.




11.4  Air Conditioning and Cabin Pressurisation (ATA 21)



Pressurisation and air conditioning systems;




Cabin pressure controllers, protection and warning devices.




11.5  Instruments/Avionic Systems




11.5.1  Instrument Systems (ATA 31)



Pitot static: altimeter, air speed indicator, vertical speed indicator;




Gyroscopic: artificial horizon, attitude director, direction indicator, horizontal situation indicator, turn and slip indicator, turn coordinator;




Compasses: direct reading, remote reading;




Angle of attack indication, stall warning systems.




Other aircraft system indication.




11.5.2  Avionic Systems



Fundamentals of system lay-outs and operation of:




— Auto Flight (ATA 22);




— Communications (ATA 23);




— Navigation Systems (ATA 34).




11.6  Electrical Power (ATA 24)



Batteries Installation and Operation;




DC power generation;




Voltage regulation;




Power distribution;




Circuit protection;




Inverters, transformers.




11.7  Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)







Emergency equipment requirements;




Seats, harnesses and belts.







Cabin lay-out;




Equipment lay-out;




Cabin Furnishing Installation (level 2);




Cabin entertainment equipment;




Galley installation;




Cargo handling and retention equipment;








11.8  Fire Protection (ATA 26)







Fire extinguishing systems;




Fire and smoke detection and warning systems;




System tests.







Portable fire extinguisher.




11.9  Flight Controls (ATA 27)



Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder;




Trim tabs;




High lift devices;




System operation: manual;




Gust locks;




Balancing and rigging;




Stall warning system.




11.10  Fuel Systems (ATA 28)



System lay-out;




Fuel tanks;




Supply systems;




Cross-feed and transfer;




Indications and warnings;




Refuelling and defuelling.




11.11  Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)



System lay-out;




Hydraulic fluids;




Hydraulic reservoirs and accumulators;




Pressure generation: electric, mechanical;




Pressure Control;




Power distribution;




Indication and warning systems.




11.12  Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)



Ice formation, classification and detection;




De-icing systems: electrical, hot air, pneumatic and chemical;




Probe and drain heating;




Wiper systems.




11.13  Landing Gear (ATA 32)



Construction, shock absorbing;




Extension and retraction systems: normal and emergency;




Indications and warning;




Wheels, brakes, antiskid and autobraking;












11.14  Lights (ATA 33)



External: navigation, anti collision, landing, taxiing, ice;




Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo;








11.15  Oxygen (ATA 35)



System lay-out: cockpit, cabin;




Sources, storage, charging and distribution;




Supply regulation;




Indications and warnings;




11.16  Pneumatic/Vacuum (ATA 36)



System lay-out;




Sources: engine/APU, compressors, reservoirs, ground supply;




Pressure control;








Indications and warnings;




Interfaces with other systems.




11.17  Water/Waste (ATA 38)



Water system lay-out, supply, distribution, servicing and draining;




Toilet system lay-out, flushing and servicing;




Corrosion aspects.












12.1  Theory of Flight — Rotary Wing Aerodynamics







Effects of gyroscopic precession;




Torque reaction and directional control;




Dissymmetry of lift, Blade tip stall;




Translating tendency and its correction;




Coriolis effect and compensation;




Vortex ring state, power settling, overpitching;








Ground effect.




12.2  Flight Control Systems



Cyclic control;




Collective control;








Yaw control: Anti-Torque Control, Tail rotor, bleed air;




Main Rotor Head: Design and Operation features;




Blade Dampers: Function and construction;




Rotor Blades: Main and tail rotor blade construction and attachment;




Trim control, fixed and adjustable stabilisers;




System operation: manual, hydraulic, electrical and fly-by-wire;




Artificial feel;




Balancing and Rigging.




12.3  Blade Tracking and Vibration Analysis



Rotor alignment;




Main and tail rotor tracking;




Static and dynamic balancing;




Vibration types, vibration reduction methods;




Ground resonance.





12.4  Trażmizzjoni

Gear boxes, rotors prinċiplai u tad-denb

Klaċċijiet, unitajiet bir-rota ħielsa u brejk tar-rotor

Drive shafts tar-rotor tad-denb, couplings flessibbli, bearings,vibration dampers u bearing hangers.




12.5  Airframe Structures




Airworthiness requirements for structural strength;




Structural classification, primary, secondary and tertiary;




Fail safe, safe life, damage tolerance concepts;




Zonal and station identification systems;




Stress, strain, bending, compression, shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress, fatigue;




Drains and ventilation provisions;




System installation provisions;




Lightning strike protection provision.







Construction methods of: stressed skin fuselage, formers, stringers, longerons, bulkheads, frames, doublers, struts, ties, beams, floor structures, reinforcement, methods of skinning and anti-corrosive protection.




Pylon, stabiliser and undercarriage attachments;




Seat installation;




Doors: construction, mechanisms, operation and safety devices;




Windows and windscreen construction;




Fuel storage;








Engine mounts;




Structure assembly techniques: riveting, bolting, bonding;




Methods of surface protection, such as chromating, anodising, painting;




Surface cleaning.




Airframe symmetry: methods of alignment and symmetry checks.




12.6  Air Conditioning (ATA 21)




12.6.1  Air supply



Sources of air supply including engine bleed and ground cart;




12.6.2  Air Conditioning



Air conditioning systems;




Distribution systems;




Flow and temperature control systems;




Protection and warning devices.




12.7  Instruments/Avionic Systems




12.7.1  Instrument Systems (ATA 31)



Pitot static:altimeter, air speed indicator, vertical speed indicator;




Gyroscopic:artificial horizon, attitude director, direction indicator, horizontal situation indicator, turn and slip indicator, turn coordinator;




Compasses: direct reading, remote reading;




Vibration indicating systems — HUMS;




Other aircraft system indication.




12.7.2  Avionic Systems



Fundamentals of system layouts and operation of:




Auto Flight (ATA 22);




Communications (ATA 23);




Navigation Systems (ATA 34).




12.8  Electrical Power (ATA 24)



Batteries Installation and Operation;




DC power generation, AC power generation;




Emergency power generation;




Voltage regulation, Circuit protection.




Power distribution;




Inverters, transformers, rectifiers;




External/Ground power.




12.9  Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)







Emergency equipment requirements;




Seats, harnesses and belts;




Lifting systems.







Emergency flotation systems;




Cabin lay-out, cargo retention;




Equipment lay-out;




Cabin Furnishing Installation.




12.10  Fire Protection (ATA 26)



Fire and smoke detection and warning systems;




Fire extinguishing systems;




System tests.




12.11  Fuel Systems (ATA 28)



System lay-out;




Fuel tanks;




Supply systems;




Dumping, venting and draining;




Cross-feed and transfer;




Indications and warnings;




Refuelling and defuelling.




12.12  Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)



System lay-out;




Hydraulic fluids;




Hydraulic reservoirs and accumulators;




Pressure generation: electric, mechanical, pneumatic;




Emergency pressure generation;




Pressure Control;




Power distribution;




Indication and warning systems;




Interface with other systems.





12.13  Protezzjoni mis-Silġ u mix-Xita (ATA 30)

Formazzjoni, klassifikazzjoni u lokalizzjoni ta' silġ

Sistemi kontra s-silġ u ta' tneħħija tas-silġ: elettriċi, tal-arja sħuna u kimika;

Repellent tax-xita u tneħħija;

Tisħin tas-sonda u tal-pajp tad-dranaġġ.

Sistema tal-wajpers




12.14  Landing Gear (ATA 32)



Construction, shock absorbing;




Extension and retraction systems: normal and emergency;




Indications and warning;




Wheels, tyres, brakes;








Skids, floats.




12.15  Lights (ATA 33)



External: navigation, landing, taxiing, ice;




Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo;








12.16  Pneumatic/Vacuum (ATA 36)



System lay-out;




Sources: engine, compressors, reservoirs, ground supply.;




Pressure control;








Indications and warnings;




Interfaces with other systems.










13.1  Theory of Flight




(a) Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls


Operation and effect of:




— roll control: ailerons and spoilers;




—  pitch control: elevators, stabilators, variable incidence stabilisers and canards;




— yaw control, rudder limiters;




Control using elevons, ruddervators;




High lift devices: slots, slats, flaps;




Drag inducing devices: spoilers, lift dumpers, speed brakes;




Operation and effect of trim tabs, servo tabs, control surface bias.




(b) High Speed Flight


Speed of sound, subsonic flight, transonic flight, supersonic flight,




Mach number, critical Mach number.




(c) Rotary Wing Aerodynamics






Operation and effect of cyclic, collective and anti-torque controls.




13.2  Structures — General Concepts






Fundamentals of structural systems.






Zonal and station identification systems;




Electrical bonding;




Lightning strike protection provision.




13.3  Autoflight (ATA 22)


Fundamentals of automatic flight control including working principles and current terminology;




Command signal processing;




Modes of operation: roll, pitch and yaw channels;




Yaw dampers;




Stability Augmentation System in helicopters;




Automatic trim control;




Autopilot navigation aids interface;




Autothrottle systems.




Automatic Landing Systems: principles and categories, modes of operation, approach, glideslope, land, go-around, system monitors and failure conditions.




13.4  Communication/Navigation (ATA 23/34)


Fundamentals of radio wave propagation, antennas, transmission lines, communication, receiver and transmitter;




Working principles of following systems:




— Very High Frequency (VHF) communication;




— High Frequency (HF) communication;




— Audio;




— Emergency Locator Transmitters;




— Cockpit Voice Recorder;




— Very High Frequency omnidirectional range (VOR);




— Automatic Direction Finding (ADF);




— Instrument Landing System (ILS);




— Microwave Landing System (MLS);




—  Flight Director systems; Distance Measuring Equipment (DME);




—  Very Low Frequency and hyperbolic navigation (VLF/Omega);




— Doppler navigation;




— Area navigation, RNAV systems;




— Flight Management Systems;




—  Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS);




— Inertial Navigation System;




—  Air Traffic Control transponder, secondary surveillance radar;




— Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS);




— Weather avoidance radar;




— Radio altimeter;




— ARINC communication and reporting;




13.5  Electrical Power (ATA 24)


Batteries Installation and Operation;




DC power generation;




AC power generation;




Emergency power generation;




Voltage regulation;




Power distribution;




Inverters, transformers, rectifiers;




Circuit protection;




External/Ground power.




13.6  Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)


Electronic emergency equipment requirements;




Cabin entertainment equipment.




Flight Controls (ATA 27)






Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler;




Trim control;




Active load control;




High lift devices;




Lift dump, speed brakes;




System operation: manual, hydraulic, pneumatic;




Artificial feel, Yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, gust locks.




Stall protection systems.






System operation: electrical, fly by wire.




13.8  Instrument Systems (ATA 31)














Pressure measuring devices and systems;




Pitot static systems;








Vertical speed indicators;




Airspeed indicators;








Altitude reporting/alerting systems;




Air data computers;




Instrument pneumatic systems;




Direct reading pressure and temperature gauges;




Temperature indicating systems;




Fuel quantity indicating systems;




Gyroscopic principles;




Artificial horizons;




Slip indicators;




Directional gyros;




Ground Proximity Warning Systems;




Compass systems;




Flight Data Recording systems;




Electronic Flight Instrument Systems;




Instrument warning systems including master warning systems and centralised warning panels;




Stall warning systems and angle of attack indicating systems;




Vibration measurement and indication.




13.9  Lights (ATA 33)


External: navigation, landing, taxiing, ice;




Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo;








13.10  On board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45)


Central maintenance computers;




Data loading system;




Electronic library system;








Structure monitoring (damage tolerance monitoring).










14.1  Turbine Engines






Constructional arrangement and operation of turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft and turbopropeller engines;






Electronic Engine control and fuel metering systems (FADEC).




14.2  Engine Indicating Systems


Exhaust gas temperature/Interstage turbine temperature systems;




Engine speed;




Engine Thrust Indication: Engine Pressure Ratio, engine turbine discharge pressure or jet pipe pressure systems;




Oil pressure and temperature;




Fuel pressure, temperature and flow;




Manifold pressure;




Engine torque;




Propeller speed.










15.1  Fundamentals



Potential energy, kinetic energy, Newton's laws of motion, Brayton cycle;




The relationship between force, work, power, energy, velocity, acceleration;




Constructional arrangement and operation of turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft, turboprop.




15.2  Engine Performance


Gross thrust, net thrust, choked nozzle thrust, thrust distribution, resultant thrust, thrust horsepower, equivalent shaft horsepower, specific fuel consumption;




Engine efficiencies;




By-pass ratio and engine pressure ratio;




Pressure, temperature and velocity of the gas flow;




Engine ratings, static thrust, influence of speed, altitude and hot climate, flat rating, limitations.




15.3  Inlet



Compressor inlet ducts




Effects of various inlet configurations;




Ice protection.




15.4  Compressors



Axial and centrifugal types;




Constructional features and operating principles and applications;




Fan balancing;








Causes and effects of compressor stall and surge;




Methods of air flow control: bleed valves, variable inlet guide vanes, variable stator vanes, rotating stator blades;




Compressor ratio.




15.5  Combustion Section



Constructional features and principles of operation.




15.6  Turbine Section



Operation and characteristics of different turbine blade types;




Blade to disk attachment;




Nozzle guide vanes;




Causes and effects of turbine blade stress and creep.




15.7  Exhaust



Constructional features and principles of operation;




Convergent, divergent and variable area nozzles;




Engine noise reduction;




Thrust reversers.




15.8  Bearings and Seals


Constructional features and principles of operation.




15.9  Lubricants and Fuels



Properties and specifications;




Fuel additives;




Safety precautions.




15.10  Lubrication Systems



System operation/lay-out and components.




15.11  Fuel Systems



Operation of engine control and fuel metering systems including electronic engine control (FADEC);




Systems lay-out and components.




15.12  Air Systems



Operation of engine air distribution and anti-ice control systems, including internal cooling, sealing and external air services.




15.13  Starting and Ignition Systems



Operation of engine start systems and components;




Ignition systems and components;




Maintenance safety requirements.




15.14  Engine Indication Systems



Exhaust Gas Temperature/Interstage Turbine Temperature;




Engine Thrust Indication: Engine Pressure Ratio, engine turbine discharge pressure or jet pipe pressure systems;




Oil pressure and temperature;




Fuel pressure and flow;




Engine speed;




Vibration measurement and indication;












15.15  Power Augmentation Systems


Operation and applications;




Water injection, water methanol;




Afterburner systems.




15.16  Turbo-prop Engines



Gas coupled/free turbine and gear coupled turbines;




Reduction gears;




Integrated engine and propeller controls;




Overspeed safety devices.




15.17  Turbo-shaft engines



Arrangements, drive systems, reduction gearing, couplings, control systems.




15.18  Auxiliary Power Units (APUs)



Purpose, operation, protective systems.




15.19  Powerplant Installation



Configuration of firewalls, cowlings, acoustic panels, engine mounts, anti-vibration mounts, hoses, pipes, feeders, connectors, wiring looms, control cables and rods, lifting points and drains.




15.20  Fire Protection Systems



Operation of detection and extinguishing systems.




15.21  Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation



Procedures for starting and ground run-up;




Interpretation of engine power output and parameters;




Trend (including oil analysis, vibration and boroscope) monitoring;




Inspection of engine and components to criteria, tolerances and data specified by engine manufacturer;




Compressor washing/cleaning;




Foreign Object Damage.




15.22  Engine Storage and Preservation


Preservation and depreservation for the engine and accessories/systems.










16.1  Fundamentals



Mechanical, thermal and volumetric efficiencies;




Operating principles — 2 stroke, 4 stroke, Otto and Diesel;




Piston displacement and compression ratio;




Engine configuration and firing order.




16.2  Engine Performance



Power calculation and measurement;




Factors affecting engine power;




Mixtures/leaning, pre-ignition.




16.3  Engine Construction



Crank case, crank shaft, cam shafts, sumps;




Accessory gearbox;




Cylinder and piston assemblies;




Connecting rods, inlet and exhaust manifolds;




Valve mechanisms;




Propeller reduction gearboxes.




16.4  Engine Fuel Systems




16.4.1  Carburettors



Types, construction and principles of operation;




Icing and heating.




16.4.2  Fuel injection systems



Types, construction and principles of operation.




16.4.3  Electronic engine control



Operation of engine control and fuel metering systems including electronic engine control (FADEC);




Systems lay-out and components.




16.5  Starting and Ignition Systems



Starting systems, pre-heat systems;




Magneto types, construction and principles of operation;




Ignition harnesses, spark plugs;




Low and high tension systems.




16.6  Induction, Exhaust and Cooling Systems



Construction and operation of: induction systems including alternate air systems;




Exhaust systems, engine cooling systems — air and liquid.




16.7  Supercharging/Turbocharging



Principles and purpose of supercharging and its effects on engine parameters;




Construction and operation of supercharging/turbocharging systems;




System terminology;




Control systems;




System protection.




16.8  Lubricants and Fuels



Properties and specifications;




Fuel additives;




Safety precautions.




16.9  Lubrication Systems



System operation/lay-out and components.




16.10  Engine Indication Systems



Engine speed;




Cylinder head temperature;




Coolant temperature;




Oil pressure and temperature;




Exhaust Gas Temperature;




Fuel pressure and flow;




Manifold pressure.




16.11  Powerplant Installation



Configuration of firewalls, cowlings, acoustic panels, engine mounts, anti-vibration mounts, hoses, pipes, feeders, connectors, wiring looms, control cables and rods, lifting points and drains.




16.12  Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation



Procedures for starting and ground run-up;




Interpretation of engine power output and parameters;




Inspection of engine and components: criteria, tolerances, and data specified by engine manufacturer.




16.13  Engine Storage and Preservation


Preservation and depreservation for the engine and accessories/systems.










17.1  Fundamentals



Blade element theory;




High/low blade angle, reverse angle, angle of attack, rotational speed;




Propeller slip;




Aerodynamic, centrifugal, and thrust forces;








Relative airflow on blade angle of attack;




Vibration and resonance.




17.2  Propeller Construction



Construction methods and materials used in wooden, composite and metal propellers;




Blade station, blade face, blade shank, blade back and hub assembly;




Fixed pitch, controllable pitch, constant speeding propeller;




Propeller/spinner installation.




17.3  Propeller Pitch Control



Speed control and pitch change methods, mechanical and electrical/electronic;




Feathering and reverse pitch;




Overspeed protection.




17.4  Propeller Synchronising


Synchronising and synchrophasing equipment.




17.5  Propeller Ice Protection



Fluid and electrical de-icing equipment.




17.6  Propeller Maintenance



Static and dynamic balancing;




Blade tracking;




Assessment of blade damage, erosion, corrosion, impact damage, delamination;




Propeller treatment/repair schemes;




Propeller engine running.




17.7  Propeller Storage and Preservation



Propeller preservation and depreservation




Appendix II

Basic Examination Standard

1.   Standardisation Basis For Examinations


All basic examinations must be carried out using the multi-choice question format and essay questions as specified below.


Each multi-choice question must have three alternative answers of which only one must be the correct answer and the candidate must be allowed a time per module which is based upon a nominal average of 75 seconds per question.


Each essay question requires the preparation of a written answer and the candidate must be allowed 20 minutes to answer each such question.


Suitable essay questions must be drafted and evaluated using the knowledge syllabus in Part-66 Appendix I Modules 7, 9 and 10.


Each question will have a model answer drafted for it, which will also include any known alternative answers that may be relevant for other subdivisions.


The model answer will also be broken down into a list of the important points known as Key Points.


The pass mark for each Part-66 module and sub-module multi-choice part of the examination is 75 %.


The pass mark for each essay question is 75 % in that the candidates answer must contain 75 % of the required key points addressed by the question and no significant error related to any required key point.


If either the multi-choice part only or the essay part only is failed, then it is only necessary to retake the multichoice or essay part, as appropriate.


Penalty marking systems must not be used to determine whether a candidate has passed.


All Part-66 modules that make up a complete Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence category or subcategory must be passed within a 5 year time period of passing the first module except in the case specified in paragraph 1.12. A failed module may not be retaken for at least 90 days following the date of the failed module examination, except in the case of a Part-147 approved maintenance training organisation which conducts a course of retraining tailored to the failed subjects in the particular module when the failed module may be retaken after 30 days.


The 5 year time period specified in paragraph 1.11 does not apply to those modules which are common to more than one Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence category or subcategory and which were previously passed as part of another such category or subcategory examination.

2.   Question Numbers for the Part-66 Appendix I Modules


Subject Module 1 Mathematics:

Category A-16 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 20 minutes.

Category B1-30 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 40 minutes.

Category B2-30 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 40 minutes.


Subject Module 2 Physics:

Category A-30 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 40 minutes.

Category B1-50 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 65 minutes.

Category B2-50 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 65 minutes.



Suġġett tal-Modulu 3: Prinċipji fundamentali tal-elettriku

Kategorija A-20 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 25 minuta

Kategorija B1-50 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 65 minuta

Kategorija B2-50 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 65 minuta.



Subject Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals:

Category A-None.

Category B1-20 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 25 minutes.

Category B2-40 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 50 minutes.


Subject Module 5 Digital Techniques/Electronic Instrument Systems:

Category A-16 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 20 minutes.

Category B1.1 & B1.3-40 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 50 minutes.

Category B1.2 & B1.4-20 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 25 minutes.

Category B2-70 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 90 minutes.


Subject Module 6 Materials and Hardware:

Category A-50 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 65 minutes.

Category B1-70 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 90 minutes.

Category B2-60 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 75 minutes.


Subject Module 7 Maintenance Practices:

Category A-70 multi-choice and 2 essay questions. Time allowed 90 minutes plus 40 minutes.

Category B1-80 multi-choice and 2 essay questions. Time allowed 100 minutes plus 40 minutes.

Category B2-60 multi-choice and 2 essay questions. Time allowed 75 minutes plus 40 minutes.


Subject Module 8 Basic Aerodynamics:

Category A-20 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 25 minutes.

Category B1-20 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 25 minutes.

Category B2-20 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 25 minutes.


Subject Module 9 Human factors:

Category A-20 multi-choice and 1 essay question. Time allowed 25 minutes plus 20 minutes.

Category B1-20 multi-choice and 1 essay question. Time allowed 25 minutes plus 20 minutes.

Category B2-20 multi-choice and 1 essay question. Time allowed 25 minutes plus 20 minutes.


Subject Module 10 Aviation Legislation:

Category A-30 multi-choice and 1 essay question. Time allowed 40 minutes plus 20 minutes.

Category B1-40 multi-choice and 1 essay question. Time allowed 50 minutes plus 20 minutes.

Category B2-40 multi-choice and 1 essay question. Time allowed 50 minutes plus 20 minutes.


Subject Module 11a Turbine Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems:

Category A-100 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 125 minutes.

Category B1-130 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 165 minutes.

Category B2-None.


Subject Module 11b Piston Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems:

Category A-70 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 90 minutes.

Category B1-100 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 125 minutes.

Category B2-None.


Subject Module 12 Helicopter Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems:

Category A-90 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 115 minutes.

Category B1-115 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 145 minutes.

Category B2-None.


Subject Module 13 Aircraft Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems:

Category A-None.

Category B1-None.

Category B2-130 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 165 minutes.


Subject Module 14 Propulsion:

Category A-None.

Category B1-None.

Category B2-25 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 30 minutes.


Subject Module 15 Gas Turbine Engine:

Category A-60 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 75 minutes.

Category B1-90 multi-choice and 0 essay questions. Time allowed 115 minutes.

Category B2-None.



Suġġett tal-Modulu 16: Magna biċ-Ċilindri

Kategorija A-50 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 65 minuta

Kategorija B1-70 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 90 minuta

Kategorija B2-Xejn.


Suġġett tal-Modulu 17 Skrejjen:

Kategorija A-20 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 25 minuta

Kategorija B1-30 mistoqsija b'għażla multipla u 0 esejs. Ħin: 40 minuta

Kategorija B2-Xejn.


Appendix III

Type training and Examination Standard

1.   Type training levels

The three levels listed below define the objectives that a particular level of training is intended to achieve.

Level 1   General familiarisation

A brief overview of the airframe, systems and powerplants as outlined in the Systems Description Section of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual.

1. Course objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to identify safety precautions related to the airframe, its systems and powerplant

2. Identify maintenance practices important to the airframe, its systems and powerplant

3. Define the general layout of the aircraft's major systems

4. Define the general layout and characteristics of the powerplant

5. Identify special tooling and test equipment used with the aircraft

Level 2   Ramp and transit

Basic system overview of controls, indicators, principal components including their location and purpose, servicing and minor troubleshooting.

Course objectives: In addition to the information contained in the Level 1 General Familiarisation course, at the completion of this Level 2 Ramp and Transit training, the student will be able to:

1. Recall the safety precautions to be observed when working on or near the aircraft, powerplant and systems.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of the main ramp and transit (through-flight) activities of the following:

(a) Doors, windows and hatches.

(b) Electrical power supplies.

(c) Fuel.

(d) Auxiliary power unit.

(e) Powerplant.

(f) Fire protection.

(g) Environmental Control Systems.

(h) Hydraulic power.

(i) Landing gear.

(j) Flight controls.

(k) Water/waste.

(l) Oxygen.

(m) Flight and service interphone.

(n) Avionics.

(o) Cabin equipment/furnishings.

3. Describe systems and aircraft handling particularly access, power availability and sources.

4. Identify the locations of the principal components.

5. Explain the normal functioning of each major system, including terminology and nomenclature.

6. Perform the procedures for ramp and transit servicing associated with the aircraft for the following systems: Fuel, Power Plants, Hydraulics, Landing Gear, Water/Waste, Oxygen.

7. Demonstrate proficiency in use of crew reports and on-board reporting systems (minor troubleshooting) and determine aircraft airworthiness per the MEL/CDL.

8. Identify and use appropriate documentation.

9. Locate those procedures for replacement of components for ramp and transit activities identified in objective 2.

Level 3   Line and base maintenance training

Detailed description, operation, component location, removal/installation and bite and troubleshooting procedures to maintenance manual level.

Course objectives: In addition to the information contained in Level 1 and Level 2 training, at the completion of Level III Line and Base Maintenance training, the student will be able to:

(a) Perform system, engine, component and functional checks as specified in the maintenance manual.

(b) Correlate information for the purpose of making decisions in respect of fault diagnosis and rectification to maintenance manual level.

(c) Describe procedures for replacement of components unique to aircraft type.

2.   Type training standard

Type training must include a theoretical and practical element.

2.1.   Theoretical element

As a minimum the elements in the Syllabus below that are specific to the aircraft type must be covered. Additional elements introduced due to technological changes shall also be included.

Training levels are those levels defined in paragraph 1 above.

After the first type course for category C certifying staff all subsequent courses need only be to level 1.

Introduction Module Title


General Aircraft (dimensions/weights MTOW etc)


Time limits/maintenance checks


Levelling and weighing


Towing and taxiing






Standard practices-only type particular


B2 module-safety items/mechanical interface


B1 module-safety items/avionics interface



Aeroplanes turbine

Aeroplanes piston

Helicopters turbine

Helicopters piston











Blade tracking and vibration analysis










Airframe structure






Main rotor





Tail rotor/rotor drive





Rotor flight control





Airframe Structure






Fuselage Doors










Fuselage Windows















Flight Control Surfaces










Zonal & Station Identification Systems










Air Supply










Air Conditioning














Safety & Warning Devices




Instrument Systems










Avionics Systems










Electrical Power










Equipment & Furnishings









Electronic Emergency Equip. Requir. & Cabin Entertainment Equipment



Fire Protection










Flight Controls










Sys. Operation: Electrical/Fly-by-Wire




Fuel Systems










Hydraulic Power










Ice & Rain Protection










Landing Gear










































On-board Maintenance Systems






Turbine Engines:

Constructional arrangement and operation


Engine Performance
















Combustion Section





Turbine Section










Bearings and Seals





Lubricants and Fuels





Lubrication Systems





Fuel Systems






Engine controls












Air Systems





Starting & Ignition Systems





Engine Indicating Systems






Power Augmentation Systems



Turbo-prop Engines



Turbo-shaft Engines



Auxiliary Power Units (APUs)




Powerplant Installation





Fire Protection Systems






Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation





Engine Storage and Preservation





Piston Engines:

Engine Performance






Engine Construction






Engine Fuel Systems











Fuel injection systems





Engine controls












Starting and Ignition Systems





Induction, Exhaust and Cooling Systems










Lubricants and Fuels





Lubrication Systems





Engine Indication Systems






Powerplant Installation





Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation





Engine Storage and Preservation






Propeller — General






Propeller Construction





Propeller Pitch Control





Propeller Synchronising





Propeller Electronic control






Propeller Ice Protection





Propeller Maintenance





2.2.   Practical element

The practical training element must consist of the performance of representative maintenance tasks and their assessment, in order to meet the following objectives:

(a) Ensure safe performance of maintenance, inspections and routine work according to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type of aircraft, for example troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, rigging and functional checks such as engine run, etc, if required.

(b) Correctly use all technical literature and documentation for the aircraft.

(c) Correctly use specialist/special tooling and test equipment, perform removal and replacement of components and modules unique to type, including any on-wing maintenance activity.

3.   Type training examination standard

Where aircraft type training is required, the examination must be written and comply with the following:

1. Format of the examination is of the multiple-choice type. Each multiple-choice question must have three alternative answers of which only one must be the correct answer. The time for answering is based upon a nominal average of 120 seconds per level 3 question and 75 seconds per level 1 or 2 question.

2. The examination must be of the closed book type. No reference material is permitted. An exception will be made for the case of examining a B1 or B2 candidate's ability to interpret technical documents.

3. The number of questions must be at least one question per hour of instruction subject to a minimum of two questions per Syllabus subject. The competent authority of the Member State will assess number and level of questions on a sampling basis when approving the course.

4. The examination pass mark is 75 %.

5. Penalty marking is not to be used to determine whether a candidate has passed.

6. End of module phase examinations cannot be used as part of the final examination unless they contain the correct number and level of questions required.

4.   Type examination standard

Where type training is not required, the examination must be oral, written or practical assessment based, or a combination thereof.

Oral examination questions must be open.

Written examination questions must be essay type or multiple-choice questions.

Practical assessment must determine a person's competence to perform a task.

Examination subjects must be on a sample of subjects drawn from paragraph 2 type training/examination syllabus, at the indicated level.

The examination must ensure that the following objectives are met:

(a) Properly discuss with confidence the aircraft and its systems.

(b) Ensure safe performance of maintenance, inspections and routine work according to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type of aircraft, for example troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, rigging and functional checks such as engine run, etc, if required.

(c) Correctly use all technical literature and documentation for the aircraft.

(d) Correctly use specialist/special tooling and test equipment, perform removal and replacement of components and modules unique to type, including any on-wing maintenance activity.

A written report must be made by the examiner to explain why the candidate has passed or failed.

Appendix IV

Experience requirements for extending a Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence

The table below shows the experience requirements for adding a new category or subcategory to an existing Part-66 licence.

The experience must be practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft in the subcategory relevant to the application.

The experience requirement will be reduced by 50 % if the applicant has completed an approved Part-147 course relevant to the subcategory.













6 months

6 months

6 months

2 years

6 months

2 years

1 year

2 years


6 months


6 months

6 months

2 years

6 months

2 years

1 year

2 years


6 months

6 months


6 months

2 years

1 year

2 years

6 months

2 years


6 months

6 months

6 months


2 years

1 year

2 years

6 months

2 years



6 months

6 months

6 months


6 months

6 months

6 months

1 year


6 months


6 months

6 months

2 years


2 years

6 months

2 years


6 months

6 months


6 months

6 months

6 months


6 months

1 year


6 months

6 months

6 months


2 years

6 months

2 years


2 years


6 months

6 months

6 months

6 months

1 year

1 year

1 year

1 year



Appendiċi V

Formola tal-Applikazzjoni – Formola 19 tal-EASA

1. Dan l-appendiċi fih eżempju tal-formola użata għall-applikazzjoni għal-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru msemmija fl-Anness III (Parti-66).

2. L-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru tista' timmodifika l-Formola 19 tal-EASA biss biex tinkludi informazzjoni addizzjonali meħtieġa biex issostni l-każ fejn ir-rekwiżiti Nazzjonali jippermettu jew jeħtieġu li l-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni tal-inġenju tal-ajru maħruġa skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) tintuża barra r-rekwiżit tal-Anness II (parti-145) għal għanijiet ta' trasport bl-ajru mhux kummerċjali.




Appendiċi VI

Liċenzja tal-Manutenzjoni ta' Inġenju tal-Ajru msemmija fl-Anness III (Parti-66)

1. Eżempju ta' liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru msemmija fl-Anness III (Parti-66) tista' tinstab fuq il-paġni li ġejjin.

2. Id-dokument irid ikun stampat fuq il-formola standardizzata murija iżda jista' jitnaqqsila d-daqs jekk hemm bżonn sabiex tiġi akkomodata l-ġenerazzjoni kompjuterizzata tagħha. Meta jitnaqqas id-daqs, wieħed għandu jieħu ħsieb li jiżgura li jkun hemm biżżejjed spazju f'dawk il-postijiet fejn huma meħtieġa siġilli/timbri uffiċjali. Dokumenti ġġenerati bil-kompjuter m'hemmx għalfejn ikollhom il-kaxxi kollha inkorporati meta xi kaxxa tibqa' vojta, dejjem sakemm id-dokument jista' jingħaraf b'mod ċar bħala liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru maħruġa skont l-Anness III (Parti-66).

3. Id-dokument jista' jiġi stampat bl-Ingliż jew bil-lingwa uffiċjali tal-Istat Membru kkonċernat, iżda jekk jintuża l-ilsien uffiċjali tal-Istat Membru kkonċernat, trid tinhemeż kopja bl-Ingliż għal kwalunkwe detentur ta' liċenzja li jaħdem barra dak l-Istat Membru sabiex jiġi żgurat il-fehim għall-għan tar-rikonoxximent reċiproku.

4. Kull detentur ta' liċenzja għandu jkollu numru uniku tal-liċenzja bbażat fuq identifikatur Nazzjonali u deżinjatur alfanumeriku.

5. Id-dokument jista' jkollu l-paġni f'kwalunkwe ordni u mhemmx bżonn ikollu linji li jifirdu sakemm l-informazzjoni tkun imqiegħda b'tali mod li kull paġna tista' tiġi identifikata mal-format tal-eżempju tal-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru misjub hawn.

6. Id-dokument jista' jitħejja (i) mill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru jew (ii) minn kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata skont l-Anness II (Parti-145) jekk l-awtorità kompetenti taqbel ma' dan u soġġett għal proċedura żviluppata bħala parti mill-preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni msemmija fil-punt 145.A.70 tal-Anness II (Parti-145), ħlief li fil-każi kollha l-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru se toħroġ id-dokument.

7. It-tħejjija ta' kwlaunkwe bidla lil liċenzja eżistenti tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru ssir (i) mill-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru jew (ii) minn kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni approvata skont l-Anness II (Parti-145) jekk l-awtorità kompetenti taqbel ma' dan u soġġett għal proċedura żviluppata bħala parti mill-preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tal-manutenzjoni msemmija fil-punt 145.A.70 tal-Anness II (Parti-145), ħlief fli fil-każi kollha l-awtorità kompetenti tal-Istat Membru se toħroġ id-dokument.

8. Darba li tkun ħarġet il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru, din meħtieġa tinżamm f'kundizzjoni tajba għand il-persuna li għaliha tapplika, u li tibqa' responsabbli biex tiżgura li ma jiddaħħlux dettalji mhux awtorizzati fiha.

9. In-nuqqas li wieħed jikkonforma mal-paragrafu 8 jista' jinvalida d-dokument u jista' jwassal biex id-detentur ma jkunx permess ikollu ebda awtorizzazzjoni għaċ-ċertifikazzjoni b'segwitu għall-punt 145.A.35 tal-Anness II (Parti-145) u jista' jirriżulta fi tħarrik skont il-liġi nazzjonali.

10. Il-liċenzja tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru mressqa skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) hija rikonoxxuta fl-Istati Membri kollha u mhuwiex neċessarju li d-dokument jitpartat meta wieħed ikun qed jaħdem fi Stat Membru ieħor.

11. L-anness għall-Formola 26 tal-EASA huwa fakultattiv u jista' jintuża biss biex jinkludi l-privileġġi nazzjonali mhux koperti mill-Anness III (Parti-66), fejn privileġġi bħal dawn huma koperti mir-regolament nazzjonali fis-seħħ qabel l-implimentazzjoni tal-Anness III (Parti-66).

12. Għall-informazzjoni, il-liċenzja attwali tal-manutenzjoni ta' inġenju tal-ajru skont l-Anness III (Parti-66) maħruġa mill-awtorità kompetenti ta' Stat Membru jista' jkollha l-paġni f'ordni differenti u jista' ma jkollhiex il-linji li jifirdu.

13. Fir-rigward tal-paġna tal-kategorija tat-tip tal-inġenju tal-ajru, l-awtorità kompetenti tista' tagħżel li ma toħroġx il-paġna sakemm l-ewwel kategorija tat-tip tal-inġenju tal-ajru tkun għadha trid tiġi approvata u jkun għad għandha tinħareġ aktar minn paġna waħda ta' kategorija tat-tip tal-inġenju tal-ajru meta jkun hemm numru li jkollu jiġi elenkat.

14. Minkejja l-punt 13, kull paġna maħruġa se tkun f'dan il-format u jkollha l-informazzjoni speċifika għal dik il-paġna.

15. Jekk mhemmx limitazzjonijiet applikabbli, il-paġna tal-LIMITAZZJONIJIET tinħareġ bl-istqarrija “L-ebda limitazzjoni”.

16. Meta jintuża format stampat minn qabel, kwalunkwe kategorija, sottokategorija jew kategorija ta' tip li ma fihiex entrata ta' kategorija għandha tkun immarkata biex turi li mhemmx kategorija.

17. Eżempju ta' Liċenzja tal-Manutenzjoni ta' Inġenju tal-Ajru msemmija fl-Anness III (Parti-66)

image image

















Rekwiżiti tal-faċilità


Rekwiżiti tal-persunal


Reġistri tal-għalliema, l-eżaminaturi u l-assessuri


Tagħmir għat-tagħlim


Materjal għat-taħriġ fil-manutenzjoni




Prċoeduri ta' taħriġ u sistema ta' kwalità




Preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tat-taħriġ fil-manutenzjoni


Privileġġi tal-organizzazzjoni tat-taħriġ fil-manutenzjoni


Bidliet fl-organizzazzjoni tat-taħriġ fil-manutenzjoni


Validità kontinwata





Il-kors approvat tat-taħriġ bażiku


Eżamijiet dwar għarfien bażiku


Valutazzjoni prattika bażika



Taħriġ skont it-tip ta' inġenju tal-ajru/kompitu


Eżamijiet skont it-tip tal-inġenju tal-ajru u valutazzjonijiet tal-kompiti






Awtorità kompetenti


Mezzi aċċettabbli ta' konformità


Żamma ta' reġistri





Proċedura għall-approvazzjoni u bidliet lill-approvazzjoni


Proċedura tal-validità kontinwata


Ċertifikat tal-approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjoni għat-taħriġ dwar il-manutenzjoni





Ir-revoka, is-sospensjoni u l-limitazzjoni ta' organizzazzjoni għat-taħriġ dwar il-manutenzjoni

Appendiċi I — Tul tal-Kors tat-Taħriġ Bażiku

Appendiċi II — Approvazzjoni ta' organizzazzjoni għat-taħriġ dwar il-manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness IV (Parti-147) — Formola 11 tal-EASA

Appendiċi III — Eżempju ta' Ċertfikat tat-Taħriġ



For the purpose of this Part, the competent authority shall be:

1. for the organisations having their principle place of business located in the territory of a Member State, the authority designated by that Member State;

2. for the organisations having their principle place of business located in a third country, the Agency.




147.A.05   Scope

This section establishes the requirements to be met by organisations seeking approval to conduct training and examination as specified in Part-66.

147.A.10   General

A training organisation shall be an organisation or part of an organisation registered as a legal entity.


147.A.15   Applikazzjoni

(a) Applikazzjoni għall-ħruġ jew bidla lil approvazzjoni eżistenti għandha ssir fuq formola u b'mod stabbilit mill-awtorità kompetenti.

(b) Applikazzjoni għal approvazzjoni jew bidla lil approvazzjoni għandha tinkludi l-informazzjoni li ġejja:

(1) l-isem u l-indirizz irreġistrat tal-applikant,

(2) l-indirizz tal-organizzazzjoni li teħtieġ l-approvazzjoni jew il-bidla lill-approvazzjoni,

(3) l-ambitu maħsub tal-approvazzjoni jew il-bidla lill-ambitu tal-approvazzjoni,

(4) l-isem u l-indirizz tal-amministratur responsabbli,

(5) id-data tal-applikazzjoni.




147.A.100   Facility requirements

(a) The size and structure of facilities shall ensure protection from the prevailing weather elements and proper operation of all planned training and examination on any particular day.

(b) Fully enclosed appropriate accommodation separate from other facilities shall be provided for the instruction of theory and the conduct of knowledge examinations.

1. The maximum number of students undergoing knowledge training during any training course shall not exceed 28.

2. The size of accommodation for examination purposes shall be such that no student can read the paperwork or computer screen of any other student from his/her position during examinations.

(c) The paragraph (b) accommodation environment shall be maintained such that students are able to concentrate on their studies or examination as appropriate, without undue distraction or discomfort.

(d) In the case of a basic training course, basic training workshops and/or maintenance facilities separate from training classrooms shall be provided for practical instruction appropriate to the planned training course. If, however, the organisation is unable to provide such facilities, arrangements may be made with another organisation to provide such workshops and/or maintenance facilities, in which case a written agreement shall be made with such organisation specifying the conditions of access and use thereof. The competent authority shall require access to any such contracted organisation and the written agreement shall specify this access.

(e) In the case of an aircraft type/task training course access, shall be provided to appropriate facilities containing examples of aircraft type as specified in 147.A.115(d).

(f) The maximum number of students undergoing practical training during any training course shall not exceed 15 per supervisor or assessor.

(g) Office accommodation shall be provided for instructors, knowledge examiners and practical assessors of a standard to ensure that they can prepare for their duties without undue distraction or discomfort.

(h) Secure storage facilities shall be provided for examination papers and training records. The storage environment shall be such that documents remain in good condition for the retention period as specified in 147.A.125. The storage facilities and office accommodation may be combined, subject to adequate security.

(i) A library shall be provided containing all technical material appropriate to the scope and level of training undertaken.

147.A.105   Personnel requirements

(a) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all training commitments can be financed and carried out to the standard required by this Part.

(b) A person or group of persons, whose responsibilities include ensuring that the maintenance training organisation is in compliance the requirements of this Part, shall be nominated. Such person(s) must be responsible to the accountable manager. The senior person or one person from the group of persons may also be the accountable manager subject to meeting the requirements for the accountable manager as defined in paragraph (a).

(c) The maintenance training organisation shall contract sufficient staff to plan/perform knowledge and practical training, conduct knowledge examinations and practical assessments in accordance with the approval.

(d) By derogation to paragraph (c), when another organisation is used to provide practical training and assessments, such other organisation's staff may be nominated to carry out practical training and assessments.

(e) Any person may carry out any combination of the roles of instructor, examiner and assessor, subject to compliance with paragraph (f).


(f) L-esperjenza u l-kwalifiki tal-għalliema, l-eżaminaturi tal-għarfien u l-assessuri prattiċi għandhom jiġu stabbiliti skont il-kriterji ppubblikati jew skont proċedura u sa standard maqbul mill-awtorità kompetenti.


(g) The knowledge examiners and practical assessors shall be specified in the organisation exposition for the acceptance of such staff.

(h) Instructors and knowledge examiners shall undergo updating training at least every 24 months relevant to current technology, practical skills, human factors and the latest training techniques appropriate to the knowledge being trained or examined.

147.A.110   Records of instructors, examiners and assessors

(a) The organisation shall maintain a record of all instructors, knowledge examiners and practical assessors. These records shall reflect the experience and qualification, training history and any subsequent training undertaken.

(b) Terms of reference shall be drawn up for all instructors, knowledge examiners and practical assessors.

147.A.115   Instructional equipment

(a) Each classroom shall have appropriate presentation equipment of a standard that ensures students can easily read presentation text/drawings/diagrams and figures from any position in the classroom.

Presentation equipment shall include representative synthetic training devices to assist students in their understanding of the particular subject matter where such devices are considered beneficial for such purposes.

(b) The basic training workshops and/or maintenance facilities as specified in 147.A.100(d) must have all tools and equipment necessary to perform the approved scope of training.

(c) The basic training workshops and/or maintenance facilities as specified in 147.A.100(d) must have an appropriate selection of aircraft, engines, aircraft parts and avionic equipment.

(d) The aircraft type training organisation as specified in 147.A.100(e) must have access to the appropriate aircraft type. Synthetic training devices may be used when such synthetic training devices ensure adequate training standards.

147.A.120   Maintenance training material

(a) Maintenance training course material shall be provided to the student and cover as applicable:

1. the basic knowledge syllabus specified in Part-66 for the relevant aircraft maintenance licence category or subcategory and,

2. the type course content required by Part-66 for the relevant aircraft type and aircraft maintenance licence category or subcategory.

(b) Students shall have access to examples of maintenance documentation and technical information of the library as specified in 147.A.100(i).

147.A.125   Records

The organisation shall keep all student training, examination and assessment records for at least five years following completion of the particular student's course.

147.A.130   Training procedures and quality system

(a) The organisation shall establish procedures acceptable to the competent authority to ensure proper training standards and compliance with all relevant requirements in this Part.

(b) The organisation shall establish a quality system including:

1. an independent audit function to monitor training standards, the integrity of knowledge examinations and practical assessments, compliance with and adequacy of the procedures, and

2. a feedback system of audit findings to the person(s) and ultimately to the accountable manager referred to in 147.A.105(a) to ensure, as necessary, corrective action.

147.A.135   Examinations

(a) The examination staff shall ensure the security of all questions.

(b) Any student found during a knowledge examination to be cheating or in possession of material pertaining to the examination subject other than the examination papers and associated authorised documentation shall be disqualified from taking the examination and may not take any examination for at least 12 months after the date of the incident. The competent authority shall be informed of any such incident together with the details of any enquiry within one calendar month.

(c) Any examiner found during a knowledge examination to be providing question answers to any student being examined shall be disqualified from acting as an examiner and the examination declared void. The competent authority must be informed of any such occurrence within one calendar month.

147.A.140   Maintenance training organisation exposition

(a) The organisation shall provide an exposition for use by the organisation describing the organisation and its procedures and containing the following information:

1. a statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the maintenance training organisation exposition and any associated manuals define the maintenance training organisation's compliance with this Part and shall be complied with at all times.

2. the title(s) and name(s) of the person(s) nominated in accordance with 147.A.105(b).

3. the duties and responsibilities of the person(s) specified in subparagraph 2, including matters on which they may deal directly with the competent authority on behalf of the maintenance training organisation.

4. a maintenance training organisation chart showing associated chains of responsibility of the person(s) specified in paragraph (a)(2).

5. a list of the training instructors, knowledge examiners and practical assessors.

6. a general description of the training and examination facilities located at each address specified in the maintenance training organisation's approval certificate, and if appropriate any other location, as required by 147.A.145(b).

7. a list of the maintenance training courses which form the extent of the approval.

8. the maintenance training organisation's exposition amendment procedure.

9. the maintenance training organisation's procedures, as required by 147.A.130(a).

10. the maintenance training organisation's control procedure, as required by 147.A.145(c), when authorised to conduct training, examination and assessments in locations different from those specified in 147.A.145(b).

11. a list of the locations pursuant to 147.A.145(b).

12. a list of organisations, if appropriate, as specified in 147.A.145(d).

(b) The maintenance training organisation's exposition and any subsequent amendments shall be approved by the competent authority.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) minor amendments to the exposition may be approved through an exposition procedure (hereinafter called indirect approval).

147.A.145   Privileges of the maintenance training organisation

(a) The maintenance training organisation may carry out the following as permitted by and in accordance with the maintenance training organisation exposition:

1. basic training courses to the Part-66 syllabus, or part thereof.

2. aircraft type/task training courses in accordance with Part-66.

3. the examinations on behalf of the competent authority, including the examination of students who did not attend the basic or aircraft type training course at the maintenance training organisation.

4. the issue of certificates in accordance with Appendix III following successful completion of the approved basic or aircraft type training courses and examinations specified in subparagraphs (a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(3), as applicable.

(b) Training, knowledge examinations and practical assessments may only be carried out at the locations identified in the approval certificate and/or at any location specified in the maintenance training organisation exposition.

(c) By derogation to paragraph (b), the maintenance training organisation may only conduct training, knowledge examinations and practical assessments in locations different from the paragraph (b) locations in accordance with a control procedure specified in the maintenance training organisation exposition. Such locations need not be listed in the maintenance training organisation exposition.



1. The maintenance training organisation may subcontract the conduct of basic theoretical training, type training and related examinations to a non maintenance training organisation only when under the control of the maintenance training organisation quality system.

2. The subcontracting of basic theoretical training and examination is limited to Part-66, Appendix I, Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.

3. The subcontracting of type training and examination is limited to powerplant and avionic systems.


(e) Organizzazzjoni ma tistax tiġi approvata biex tmexxi l-eżamijiet jekk ma tkunx approvata biex tmexxi t-taħriġ.


147.A.150   Changes to the maintenance training organisation

(a) The maintenance training organisation shall notify the competent authority of any proposed changes to the organisation that affect the approval before any such change takes place, in order to enable the competent authority to determine continued compliance with this Part and to amend if necessary the maintenance training organisation approval certificate.

(b) The competent authority may prescribe the conditions under which the maintenance training organisation may operate during such changes unless the competent authority determines that the maintenance training organisation approval must be suspended.

(c) Failure to inform the competent authority of such changes may result in suspension or revocation of the maintenance training organisation approval certificate backdated to the actual date of the changes.

147.A.155   Continued validity

(a) An approval shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to:

1. the organisation remaining in compliance with this Part, in accordance with the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under 147.B.130; and

2. the competent authority being granted access to the organisation to determine continued compliance with this Part; and

3. the certificate not being surrendered or revoked.

(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the approval shall be returned to the competent authority.

147.A.160   Findings

(a) A level 1 finding is one or more of the following:

1. any significant non-compliance with the examination process which would invalidate the examination(s),

2. failure to give the competent authority access to the organisation's facilities during normal operating hours after two written requests,

3. the lack of an accountable manager,

4. a significant non-compliance with the training process.

(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the training process other than level 1 findings.

(c) After receipt of notification of findings according to 147.B.130, the holder of the maintenance training organisation approval shall define a corrective action plan and demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of the competent authority within a period agreed with this authority.



147.A.200   The approved basic training course

(a) The approved basic training course shall consist of knowledge training, knowledge examination, practical training and a practical assessment.

(b) The knowledge training element shall cover the subject matter for a category or subcategory A, B1 or B2 aircraft maintenance licence as specified in Part-66.

(c) The knowledge examination element shall cover a representative cross section of subject matter from the paragraph (b) training element.

(d) The practical training element shall cover the practical use of common tooling/equipment, the disassembly/assembly of a representative selection of aircraft parts and the participation in representative maintenance activities being carried out relevant to the particular Part-66 complete module.

(e) The practical assessment element shall cover the practical training and determine whether the student is competent at using tools and equipment and working in accordance with maintenance manuals.

(f) The duration of basic training courses shall be in accordance with Appendix I.

(g) The duration of conversion courses between (sub)categories shall be determined through an assessment of the basic training syllabus and the related practical training needs.

147.A.205   Basic knowledge examinations

Basic knowledge examinations shall:

(a) be in accordance with the standard defined in Part-66.

(b) be conducted without the use of training notes.

(c) cover a representative cross section of subjects from the particular module of training completed in accordance with Part-66.

147.A.210   Basic practical assessment

(a) Basic practical assessments shall be carried out during the basic maintenance training course by the nominated practical assessors at the completion of each visit period to the practical workshops/maintenance facility.

(b) The student shall achieve an assessed pass with respect to 147.A.200(e).



147.A.300   Aircraft type/task training

A maintenance training organisation shall be approved to carry out Part-66 aircraft type and/or task training subject to compliance with the standard specified in 66.A.45.

147.A.305   Aircraft type examinations and task assessments

A maintenance training organisation approved in accordance with 147.A.300 to conduct aircraft type training shall conduct the aircraft type examinations or aircraft task assessments specified in Part-66 subject to compliance with the aircraft type and/or task standard specified in Part-66.A.45.





147.B.05   Scope

This section establishes the administrative requirements to be followed by the competent authorities in charge of the application and the enforcement of Section A of this Part.

147.B.10   Competent Authority

(a)   General

The Member State shall designate a competent authority with allocated responsibilities for the issuance, continuation, change, suspension or revocation of Part-147 certificates. This competent authority shall establish documented procedures and an organisational structure.

(b)   Resources

The competent authority shall be appropriately staffed to carry out the requirements of this Part.

(c)   Procedures

The competent authority shall establish procedures detailing how compliance with this Part is accomplished.

The procedures shall be reviewed and amended to ensure continued compliance.


(d)   Kwalifika u taħriġ

Il-persunal kollu involut fl-approvazzjonijet f'dan l-Anness għandu:

(1) Ikun kwalifikat kif suppost u jkollu l-għarfien, l-esperjenza u t-taħriġ neċessarju biex iwettaq il-kompiti allokati lilu.

(2) Ikun irċieva taħriġ u taħriġ ta' segwitu dwar l-Anness III (Parti-66) u l-Anness IV (parti-147) fejn rilevanti, inklużi t-tifsira u l-istandard maħsub tagħhom.


147.B.15   Acceptable means of compliance

The Agency shall develop acceptable means of compliance that the competent authority may use to establish compliance with this Part. When the acceptable means of compliance are complied with, the related requirements of this Part shall be considered as met.

147.B.20   Record-keeping

(a) The competent authority shall establish a system of record-keeping that allows adequate traceability of the process to issue, renew, continue, vary, suspend or revoke each approval.

(b) The records for the oversight of maintenance training organisations shall include as a minimum:

1. the application for an organisation approval.

2. the organisation approval certificate including any changes.

3. a copy of the audit program listing the dates when audits are due and when audits were carried out.

4. continued oversight records including all audit records.

5. copies of all relevant correspondence.

6. details of any exemption and enforcement actions.

7. any report from other competent authorities relating to the oversight of the organisation.

8. organisation exposition and amendments.

(c) The minimum retention period for the paragraph (b) records shall be four years.

147.B.25   Exemptions

(a) The competent authority may exempt a State education department school from:

1. being an organisation as specified in 147.A.10.

2. having an accountable manager, subject to the limitation that the department appoint a senior person to manage the training organisation and such person has a budget sufficient to operate the organisation to the standard of Part-147.

3. having recourse to the independent audit part of a quality system subject to the department operating an independent schools inspectorate to audit the maintenance training organisation at the frequency required by this Part.

(b) All exemptions granted in accordance with Article 10(3) of the basic Regulation shall be recorded and retained by the competent authority.



This Subpart provides the requirements to issue or vary the maintenance training organisation approval.

▼M4 —————


147.B.110   Proċedura għall-approvazzjoni u bidliet lill-approvazzjoni

(a) Malli tirċievi applikazzjoni, l-awtorità kompetenti għandha:

(1) teżamina l-preżentazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tat-taħriġ fil-manutenzjoni, u

(2) tivverifika l-konformità tal-organizzazzjoni mar-rekiwżit tal-Anness IV (Parti-147).

(b) Ir-riżultati kollha identifikati għandhom ikunu rreġistrati u kkonfermati bil-miktub lill-applikant.

(c) Ir-riżultati kollha għandhom jingħalqu skont il-punt 147.B.130 qabel ma tinħareġ l-approvazzjoni.

(d) In-numru tar-referenza għandu jkun inkluż fuq iċ-ċertifikat tal-approvazzjoni b'mod speċifikat mill-Aġenzija.

▼M4 —————


147.B.120   Continued validity procedure

(a) Each organisation must be completely audited for compliance with this Part at periods not exceeding 24 months.

(b) Findings shall be processed in accordance with 147.B.130.

147.B.125   Maintenance training organisation approval certificate

The maintenance training organisation approval certificate format shall be as detailed in Appendix II.

147.B.130   Findings

(a) Failure to complete the rectification of any level 1 finding within three days of written notification shall entail revocation, suspension or limitation by the competent authority, of the maintenance training organisation approval in whole or in part.

(b) Action shall be taken by the competent authority to revoke, limit or suspend in whole or part the approval in case of failure to comply within the time scale granted by the competent authority in the case of a level 2 finding.



147.B.200   Revocation, suspension and limitation of the maintenance training organisation approval

The competent authority shall:

(a) suspend an approval on reasonable grounds in the case of potential safety threat; or

(b) suspend, revoke or limit an approval pursuant to 147.B.130.

Appendix I

Basic Training Course Duration

Minimum duration of complete basic courses

Basic Course

Duration (in hours)

Theoretical training ratio (in %)



30 to 35



30 to 35



30 to 35



30 to 35


2 400

50 to 60


2 000

50 to 60


2 400

50 to 60


2 400

50 to 60


2 400

50 to 60


Appendiċi II

Approvazzjoni ta' Organizzazzjoni għat-Taħriġ dwar il-Manutenzjoni msemmija fl-Anness IV (Parti-147) – Formola 11 tal-EASA




Appendix III

Example of Training Certificate


Type training certificate

The Part-147 training certificate as detailed below may be used for recognition of completion of either the theoretical element or both the theoretical and practical elements.

The appropriate references should be deleted as applicable and the course type box should detail whether only the theoretical elements were covered or whether theoretical and practical elements were covered.

The training certificate must clearly identify if the course is a complete course or a reduced course based upon the applicant previous experience (e.g. A340 course for A320 technicians).


( 1 ) ĠU L 240, tas-7.9.2002 p. 1; ir-Regolament kif l-aħħar emendat bir-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (KE) Nru 1701/2003 (ĠU L 243, tas-27.9.2003, p. 5).

( 2 ) ĠU L 373, tal-31.12.1991, p. 4; ir-Regolament kif l-aħħar emendat bir-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (KE) Nru 2871/2000 (ĠU L 333, tad-29.12.2000, p. 47).

( 3 ) Opinjoni ta' l-Aġenzija dwar is-Sigurtà fl-Avjazzjoni Ewropea 1/2003, 1 ta' Settembru 2003.

( 4 ) Opinjoni tal-Kumitat ta' l-Aġenzija dwar is-Sigurtà fl-Avjazzjoni Ewropea, 23 ta' Settembru 2003.

( 5 ) Standard applikabbli tfisser standard, metodu, teknika jew prattika ta' manifattura / disinn / manutenzjoni / kwalità approvata minn jew aċċettabbli għall-Awtorità Kompetenti. L-istandard applikabbli għandu jiġi deskritt fil-kaxxa 12.
