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Document C:2002:065E:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Communities, CE 65, 14 March 2002

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    Official Journal
    of the European Communities
    ISSN 0378-6986

    C 65 E
    Volume 45
    14 March 2002
    English editionInformation and Notices

    Notice NoContentsPage
    I (Information)
    2001-2002 SESSION
    Sittings of 2 to 5 July 2001
    Monday 2 July 2001
    (2002/C 65 E/001)MINUTES
    1. Resumption of session 1
    2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 1
    3. Membership of Parliament 1
    4. Membership of political groups 1
    5. Verification of credentials 2
    6. Membership of committees 2
    7. Documents received 2
    8. Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council 10
    9. Petitions 10
    10. Written declarations (Rule 51) 12
    11. Transfer of appropriations 12
    12. Order of business 13
    13. Resale rights ***III (debate) 14
    14. Improving the legal protection of accident victims (debate) 14
    15. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes (debate) 14
    16. COM in fruit and vegetables (statement followed by debate) 14
    17. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) (statement followed by debate) 15
    18. Agenda for next sitting 15
    19. Closure of sitting 15
    Tuesday 3 July 2001
    (2002/C 65 E/002)MINUTES
    1. Opening of sitting 17
    2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 17
    3. Written declarations (Rule 51) 17
    4. Topical and urgent debate (announcement of motions for resolution tabled) 17
    5. European Council report and Commission statement - European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg (report and statement followed by debate) 19
    6. Company law concerning takeover bids ***III (debate) 20
    7. Budgetary Calendar 21
    8. New European labour markets open and accessible to all (request for consultation) 21
    9. Medicinal products for human use (codified version) ***I (procedure without report) (vote) 21
    10. Veterinary medicinal products (codified version) ***I (procedure without report) (vote) 21
    11. Quarterly non-financial accounts for general government ***I (procedure without debate) (vote) 22
    12. Measuring instruments ***I (procedure without debate) (vote) 22
    13. Recasting of legal acts (procedure without debate) (vote) 22
    14. Framework strategy on gender equality - Work programme for 2001 (procedure without debate) (vote) 22
    15. Resale rights ***III (vote) 23
    16. Improving the legal protection of accident victims (vote) 23
    17. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes (vote) 23
    18. Official welcome 24
    19. ECB Report/changeover to the euro (debate) 24
    20. Membership of Parliament 25
    21. Membership of committees 25
    22. Institutions for occupational retirement provision ***I (debate) 25
    23. Support for national strategies for secure and lasting pensions through the open coordination method (Commission communication) 25
    24. Question Time (questions to the Commission) 25
    25. Institutions for occupational retirement provision ***I (continuation of debate) 27
    26. Solvency margin requirements for life assurance undertakings ***I - Solvency margin requirements for non-life insurance undertakings ***I (debate) 27
    27. Electricity from renewable energy sources ***II (debate) 27
    28. Implementation of the Internet Top Level Domain .EU ***I (debate) 28
    29. Radio spectrum policy ***I (debate) 28
    30. Agenda for next sitting 28
    31. Closure of sitting 28
    Zimmerling report A5-0235/2001 - Joint text 30
    Wallis report A5-0134/2001 - Resolution 31
    1. Medicinal products for human use (codified version) ***I (procedure without report)
    Amended proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use (codified version) (COM(2000) 830 - C5-0763/2000 - 1999/0134(COD)) 33
    2. Veterinary medicinal products (codified version) ***I (procedure without report)
    Amended proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products (codified version) (COM(2000) 657 - C5-0550/2000 - 1999/0180(COD)) 33
    3. Quarterly non-financial accounts for general government ***I (procedure without debate)
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on quarterly non-financial accounts for general government (COM(2001) 100 - C5-0079/2001 - 2001/0056(COD)) 33
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on quarterly non-financial accounts for general government (COM(2001) 100 - C5-0079/2001 - 2001/0056(COD)) 33
    4. Measuring instruments ***I (procedure without debate)
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive on measuring instruments (COM(2000) 566 - C5-0478/2000 - 2000/0233(COD)) 34
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measuring instruments (COM(2000) 566 - C5-0478/2000 - 2000/0233(COD)) 42
    5. Recasting of legal acts (procedure without debate)
    European Parliament resolution on the draft interinstitutional agreement on a more structured use of the recasting technique for legal acts (2037/1/2000 rev. 1 - C5-0588/2000 - 2000/2266(ACI)) 42
    6. Framework strategy on Gender Equality - Work Programme for 2001 (procedure without debate)
    European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council and the European Parliament Framework Strategy on Gender Equality - Work Programme for 2001 (COM(2001) 119 - SEC(2001) 382 - C5-0193/2001 - 2001/2089(COS)) 43
    7. Resale rights ***III
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a European Parliament and Council directive on the resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of art (C5-0220/2001 - 1996/0085(COD)) 45
    8. Improving the legal protection of accident victims
    European Parliament resolution with recommendations to the Commission on a fifth European Parliament and Council directive on motor vehicle liability insurance to improve the legal protection of accident victims (2000/2126(INI)) 46
    Annex to the resolution
    Detailed recommendations as to the content of the proposal requested 47
    9. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
    European Parliament resolution on action taken on the Community policy on out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes (recommendation 98/257/EC and conclusions of the Tampere European Council) (SEC(2000) 405 - 2000/2209(INI)) 51
    Wednesday 4 July 2001
    (2002/C 65 E/003)MINUTES
    1. Opening of sitting 54
    2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 54
    3. Petitions 54
    4. Membership of Parliament 54
    5. Programme of the Belgian Presidency (statement followed by debate) 55
    6. Situation in FYROM (statements with debate) 55
    7. Anti-personnel mines in developing countries ***II (procedure without report) (vote) 56
    8. Anti-personnel mines in countries other than developing countries * (procedure without report) (vote) 56
    9. Marketing of fodder plant seed, cereal seed and seed potatoes * (procedure without report) (vote) 56
    10. Application of minimum reserves by the European Central Bank * (procedure without debate) (vote) 57
    11. Interest rate subsidies (procedure without debate) (vote) 57
    12. Company law concerning takeover bids ***III (vote) 57
    13. Electricity from renewable energy sources ***II (vote) 58
    14. Institutions for occupational retirement provision ***I (vote) 58
    15. Solvency margin requirements for life assurance undertakings ***I (vote) 59
    16. Solvency margin requirements for non-life insurance undertakings ***I (vote) 59
    17. Implementation of the Internet Top Level Domain .EU ***I (vote) 60
    18. European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg (vote) 60
    19. ECB Report (vote) 61
    20. Changeover to the euro (vote) 61
    21. Official welcome 63
    22. Human rights in 2000 and EU human rights policy - Fundamental Rights in the EU (2000) (debate) 64
    23. Bonn Conference on Climate Change (debate) 64
    24. Question Time (questions to the Council) 65
    25. Macro-financial assistance to Yugoslavia * (debate) 66
    26. DSABs 3 and 4/2001 - EU own resources in 2001 - 2002 budget: conciliation procedure (debate) 66
    27. Management of Community programmes * (debate) 66
    28. Safe operation of mining activities (debate) 67
    29. Coastal zone management in Europe ***I (debate) 67
    30. Agenda for next sitting 67
    31. Closure of sitting 67
    Lehne report A5-0237/2001 - Joint text 70
    Rothe recommendation A5-0227/2001 - Amendment 12 71
    Rothe recommendation A5-0227/2001 - Amendment 13 73
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Amendment 108 74
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Amendment 100 76
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Amendment 116 77
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Amendments 82 and 83 79
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Amendment 88 80
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Amendment 117 82
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Commission proposal 83
    Karas report A5-0220/2001 - Legislative resolution 85
    Ettl report A5-0211/2001 - Legislative resolution 86
    B5-0474/2001 - Joint resolution - European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg - Amendment 3 88
    B5-0474/2001 - Joint resolution - European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg - Paragraph 11 89
    B5-0474/2001 - Joint resolution - European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg - Paragraph 19 91
    B5-0474/2001 - Joint resolution - European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg - Resolution 92
    Randzio-Plath report A5-0225/2001 - Paragraph 5, 1st part 94
    Randzio-Plath report A5-0225/2001 - Paragraph 5, 2nd part 95
    Randzio-Plath report A5-0225/2001 - Paragraph 14, 1st part 97
    Randzio-Plath report A5-0225/2001 - Paragraph 14, 2nd part 98
    Randzio-Plath report A5-0225/2001 - Amendment 3 100
    Randzio-Plath report A5-0225/2001 - Resolution 101
    Maaten report A5-0222/2001 - Paragraph 17 103
    Maaten report A5-0222/2001 - Resolution 105
    1. Anti-personnel mines in developing countries ***II
    Common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council regulation concerning action against anti-personnel landmines in developing countries (7776/1/2001 - C5-0247/2001 - 2000/0062(COD)) 107
    2. Anti-personnel mines in countries other than developing countries * (procedure without report)
    Amended proposal for a Council regulation concerning action against anti-personnel landmines in third countries other than developing countries (COM(2000) 880 - C5-0053/2001 - 2000/0062(CNS)) 107
    3. Marketing of fodder plant seed, cereal seed and seed potatoes * (procedure without report)
    Proposal for a Council directive amending Directives 66/401/EEC, 66/402/EEC and 66/403/EEC on the marketing of fodder plant seed, cereal seed and seed potatoes (COM(2001) 186 - C5-0163/2001 - 2001/0089(CNS)) 107
    4. Application of minimum reserves by the European Central Bank * (procedure without debate)
    Recommendation of the European Central Bank for a Council regulation concerning an amendment to Council Regulation (EC) No 2531/98 of 23 November 1998 concerning the application of minimum reserves by the European Central Bank (ECB/2001/2 - C5-0141/2001 - 2001/0805(CNS)) 107
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the recommendation of the European Central Bank for a Council regulation concerning an amendment to Council Regulation (EC) No 2531/98 of 23 November 1998 concerning the application of minimum reserves by the European Central Bank (ECB/2001/2 - C5-0141/2001 - 2001/0805(CNS)) 108
    5. Interest rate subsidies
    European Parliament resolution on Special Report No 6/2000 of the European Court of Auditors concerning the granting by the Community of interest subsidies on loans by the European Investment Bank to small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of its temporary lending facility, accompanied by the Commission's replies and Special Report No 3/1999 on the management and control of interest-rate subsidies by the Commission accompanied by the Commission's replies (C5-0023/2001 - C5-0158/2001 - 2001/2015(COS)) 108
    6. Company law concerning takeover bids ***III
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a European Parliament and Council directive on company law concerning takeover bids (C5-0221/2001 - 1995/0341(COD)) 112
    7. Electricity from renewable energy sources ***II
    European Parliament resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market (5583/1/2001 - C5-0133/2001 - 2000/0116(COD)) 113
    8. Institutions for occupational retirement provision ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive on the activities of institutions for occupational retirement provision (COM(2000) 507 - C5-0596/2000 - 2000/0260(COD)) 116
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive on the activities of institutions for occupational retirement provision (COM(2000) 507 - C5-0596/2000 - 2000/0260(COD)) 135
    9. Solvency margin requirements for life assurance undertakings ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 79/267/EEC as regards the solvency margin requirements for life assurance undertakings (COM(2000) 617 - C5-0557/2000 - 2000/0249(COD)) 136
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 79/267/EEC as regards the solvency margin requirements for life assurance undertakings (COM(2000) 617 - C5-0557/2000 - 2000/0249(COD)) 141
    10. Solvency margin requirements for non-life insurance undertakings ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 73/239/EEC as regards the solvency margin requirements for non-life insurance undertakings (COM(2000) 634 - C5-0558/2000 - 2000/0251(COD)) 141
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 73/239/EEC as regards the solvency margin requirements for non-life insurance undertakings (COM(2000) 634 - C5-0558/2000 - 2000/0251(COD)) 146
    11. Implementation of the Internet Top Level Domain .EU ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on the implementation of the Internet Top Level Domain .EU (COM(2000) 827 - C5-0715/2000 - 2000/0328(COD)) 147
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on the implementation of the Internet Top Level Domain .EU (COM(2000) 827 - C5-0715/2000 - 2000/0328(COD)) 154
    12. European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg
    B5-0474, 0475, 0476 and 0477/2001
    European Parliament resolution on the European Council meeting of 15/16 June 2001 in Göteborg 154
    13. ECB Report
    European Parliament resolution on the 2000 Annual Report of the European Central Bank (C5-0187/2001 - 2001/2090(COS)) 159
    14. Changeover to the euro
    European Parliament resolution on means to assist economic actors in switching to the euro (2000/2278(INI)) 162
    Thursday 5 July 2001
    (2002/C 65 E/004)MINUTES
    1. Opening of sitting 167
    2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 167
    3. Documents received 167
    4. Written declarations (Rule 51) 170
    5. Commission statement - G8 summit (statement followed by debate) 170
    6. Recreational craft ***I (debate) 171
    7. Aid to uprooted people in developing countries ***I (debate) 171
    8. DSAB No 3/2001 (amendments) (vote) 172
    9. DSAB No 4/2001 (amendments) (vote) 172
    10. DSABs 3 and 4/2001(vote) 172
    11. EU own resources in 2001 (vote) 172
    12. Budget 2002: conciliation procedure (vote) 172
    13. Management of Community Programmes * (vote) 173
    14. Radio spectrum policy ***I (vote) 174
    15. Coastal zone management in Europe ***I (vote) 174
    16. Recreational craft ***I (vote) 175
    17. Aid to uprooted people in developing countries ***I (vote) 176
    18. Macro-financial assistance to Yugoslavia * (vote) 176
    19. COM in fruit and vegetables (vote) 176
    20. Human rights in 2000/EU human rights policy (vote) 176
    21. Fundamental rights in the EU (2000) (vote) 177
    22. Death penalty in the world (debate) 182
    23. Beijing's application to host the 2008 Olympic Games (debate) 182
    24. Human rights (debate) 182
    25. Illegal exploitation of natural resources in Democratic Republic of Congo (debate) 183
    26. Earthquake in Peru (debate) 183
    27. Communication of common positions of the Council 184
    28. Results of the multiannual guidance programmes for fishing fleets (debate) 184
    29. Cod stock in the Irish sea * (debate) 185
    30. Death penalty in the world (vote) 185
    31. Beijing's application to host the 2008 Olympic Games (vote) 185
    32. Human rights: UNGA special session on the rights of the child (vote) 186
    33. Human rights: Religious freedom in Vietnam (vote) 186
    34. Human rights: South Africa (vote) 186
    35. Human rights: Belarus (vote) 187
    36. Situation of refugees from Burundi in Tanzania (vote) 187
    37. Illegal exploitation of natural resources in Democratic Republic of Congo (vote) 187
    38. Earthquake in Peru (vote) 188
    39. Cod stock in the Irish sea * (vote) 188
    40. Conference on climate change (vote) 188
    41. Safe operation of mining activities (vote) 189
    42. Results of the multiannual guidance programmes for fishing fleets (vote) 189
    43. Membership of committees 190
    44. Referral to committees - Authorisation to draw up reports - Hughes procedure 190
    45. Written declarations (Rule 51) 191
    46. Follow-up to Parliament's opinions and resolutions 192
    47. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting 192
    48. Dates for next sittings 192
    49. Adjournment of session 192
    Haug report A5-0238/2001 - Amendment 3 194
    Haug report A5-0238/2001 - Amendment 6 195
    Haug report A5-0238/2001 - Paragraph 11 197
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 1 198
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 2, 1st part 199
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 2, 2nd part 201
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 3 202
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 6 203
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 7 205
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 12 206
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 14 207
    Costa Neves report A5-0241/2001 - Paragraph 16 209
    Niebler report A5-0232/2001 - Commission proposal 210
    Niebler report A5-0232/2001 - Legislative resolution 211
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 43 213
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 48 214
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 47, 1st part 216
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 47, 2nd part 217
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 47, 3rd part 218
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 46, 1st part 220
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Amendment 46, 2nd part 221
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Commission proposal 223
    McKenna report A5-0219/2001 - Legislative resolution 224
    Callanan report A5-0218/2001 - Amendment 21 225
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 20 227
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 13 228
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 9 229
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 40 231
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 26 232
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 10 234
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 11 235
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 17 236
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 18 238
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 30 239
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 38 240
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 8 242
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 58 243
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 62 244
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 33 246
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 78 247
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 12 248
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 82 250
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 83 251
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 22 252
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 84 254
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 119 255
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 120 256
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 7, 1st part 258
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 7, 2nd part 259
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 25, 1st part 260
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 25, 2nd part 262
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Amendment 19 263
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 135, 1st part 264
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Paragraph 135, 2nd part 266
    Cornillet report A5-0223/2001 - Resolution 267
    B5-0484/2001 - Joint resolution - Death penalty in the world - Amendment 1 268
    B5-0484/2001 - Joint resolution - Death penalty in the world - Amendment 2 269
    B5-0483/2001 - Joint resolution - Rights of the child - Amendment 13 269
    B5-0483/2001 - Joint resolution - Rights of the child - Amendments 1 and 3 270
    B5-0483/2001 - Joint resolution - Rights of the child - Amendment 14 271
    B5-0483/2001 - Joint resolution - Rights of the child - Amendments 2 and 4 271
    B5-0481/2001 - Joint resolution - Belarus - Resolution 272
    B5-0473/2001 - Climate change - Paragraph 3, 2nd indent 273
    B5-0473/2001 - Climate change - Paragraph 7 273
    Sjöstedt report A5-0214/2001 - Resolution 274
    Busk report A5-0188/2001 - Paragraph 4, 2nd part 274
    1. DSAB 3/2001(Amendments)
    Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 3/2001 of the European Union for the financial year 2001 - Section III - Commission, Section VI - Economic and Social Committee, Section VII - Committee of the Regions (9802/2001 - C5-0271/2001 - 2001/2049(BUD)) 276
    2. DSAB 4/2001 (Amendments)
    Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 4/2001 of the European Union for the financial year 2001 - Section III - Commission (9803/2001 - C5-0272/2001 - 2001/2094(BUD)) 278
    3. SAB 3 and 4/2001
    European Parliament resolution on Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 3/2001 of the European Union for the financial year 2001 - Section III - Commission, Section VI - Economic and Social Committee, Section VII - Committee of the Regions (9802/2001 - C5-0271/2001 - 2001/2049(BUD)) and on Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 4/2001 of the European Union for the financial year 2001 - Section III - Commission (9803/2001 - C5-0272/2001 - 2001/2094(BUD)) 278
    4. EU own resources in 2001
    European Parliament resolution on the situation concerning the European Union's own resources in 2001 (2001/2019(INI)) 281
    5. 2002 budget: conciliation procedure
    European Parliament draft resolution on the 2002 budget in view of the conciliation procedure before the Council's first reading (2001/2063(BUD)) 284
    6. Management of Community programmes *
    Proposal for a Council regulation laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of Community programmes (COM(2000) 788 - C5-0036/2001 - 2000/0337(CNS)) 288
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of Community programmes (COM(2000) 788 - C5-0036/2001 - 2000/0337(CNS)) 292
    7. Radio spectrum policy ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (COM(2000) 407 - C5-0449/2000 - 2000/0187(COD)) 293
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (COM(2000) 407 - C5-0449/2000 - 2000/0187(COD)) 301
    8. Coastal zone management in Europe ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council recommendation concerning the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe (COM(2000) 545 - C5-0474/2000 - 2000/0227(COD)) 301
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council recommendation concerning the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe (COM(2000) 545 - C5-0474/2000 - 2000/0227(COD)) 309
    9. Recreational craft ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive modifying Directive 94/25/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft (COM(2000) 639 - C5-0529/2000 - 2000/0262(COD)) 310
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive modifying Directive 94/25/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft (COM(2000) 639 - C5-0529/2000 - 2000/0262(COD)) 321
    10. Aid to uprooted people in developing countries ***I
    Proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on operations to aid uprooted people in Asian and Latin American developing countries (COM(2000) 831 - C5-0758/2000 - 2000/0338(COD)) 322
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on operations to aid uprooted people in Asian and Latin American developing countries (COM(2000) 831 - C5-0758/2000 - 2000/0338(COD)) 329
    11. Macro financial assistance to Yugoslavia *
    Proposal for a Council decision providing macro-financial assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (COM(2001) 277 - C5-0231/2001 - 2001/0112(CNS)) 330
    European Parliament resolution on the proposal providing macro-financial assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (COM(2001) 277 - C5-0231/2001 - 2001/0112(CNS)) 334
    12. COM in fruit and vegetables
    European Parliament resolution on the report from the Commission to the Council on the COM in fruit and vegetables 334
    13. Human rights in the world
    European Parliament resolution on human rights in the world in 2000 and the European Union Human Rights Policy (11317/2000 - C5-0536/2000 and C5-0628/2000 - 2000/2105(INI)) 336
    14. Fundamental rights in the EU (2000)
    European Parliament resolution on the situation as regards fundamental rights in the European Union (2000) (2000/2231(INI)) 350
    15. Death penalty in the world
    B5-0484, 0486, 0497, 0504 and 0512/2001
    European Parliament resolution on the death penalty in the world and the introduction of a European Day against the Death Penalty 364
    16. Beijing's application to host the 2008 Olympic Games
    B5-0487, 0498, 0505 and 0524/2001
    European Parliament resolution on Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games 365
    17. Human rights: UNGA special session on the rights of the child
    B5-0483, 0490, 0495, 0496, 0506 and 0513/2001
    European Parliament resolution on the EU positions in the Special Session on Children of the UN General Assembly 366
    18. Human rights: Religious freedom in Vietnam
    B5-0482, 0488, 0499, 0507, 0514 and 0521/2001
    European Parliament resolution on religious freedom in Vietnam 369
    19. Human rights: South Africa
    B5-0489, 0500, 0509, 0511 and 0522/2001
    European Parliament resolution on the situation in South Africa 371
    20. Human rights: Belarus
    B5-0481, 0491, 0501, 0508, 0516 and 0523/2001
    European Parliament resolution on Belarus 373
    21. Human rights: situation of refugees from Burundi in Tanzania
    European Parliament resolution on the situation of Burundian refugees in Tanzania 375
    22. Illegal exploitation of natural resources in Democratic Republic of Congo
    B5-0485, 0492, 0502, 0510 and 0517/2001
    European Parliament resolution on the illegal exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo 376
    23. Earthquake in Peru
    B5-0493, 0503, 0518, 0519 and 0520/2001
    European Parliament resolution on the earthquake of 23 June 2001 in Peru 378
    24. Cod stock in the Irish sea *
    Proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 2549/2000 establishing additional technical measures for the recovery of the stock of cod in the Irish Sea (ICES Division VIIa) (COM(2001) 165 - C5-0140/2001 - 2001/0083(CNS)) 379
    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 2549/2000 establishing additional technical measures for the recovery of the stock of cod in the Irish Sea (ICES Division VIIa) (COM(2001) 165 - C5-0140/2001 - 2001/0083(CNS)) 379
    25. Bonn Conference on Climate Change
    European Parliament resolution on the European Union's strategy for the Bonn Conference on Climate Change (COP-6, part 2) 380
    26. Safe operation of mining activities
    European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication on safe operation of mining activities: a follow-up to recent mining accidents (COM(2000) 664 - C5-0013/2001 - 2001/2005(COS)) 382
    27. Results of the multiannual guidance programmes for fishing fleets
    European Parliament resolution on the annual report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the results of the multiannual guidance programmes for the fishing fleets at the end of 1999 (COM(2000) 738 - C5-0107/2001 - 2001/2056(COS)) 386
    Key to symbols used
    *Consultation procedure
    ** ICooperation procedure: first reading
    ** IICooperation procedure: second reading
    ***Assent procedure
    *** ICodecision procedure: first reading
    *** IICodecision procedure: second reading
    *** IIICodecision procedure: third reading
    (The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed by the Commission)
    Information relating to voting time
    Unless stated otherwise, the rapporteurs informed the Chair in writing, before the vote, of their position on the amendments.
    Abbreviations used for Parliamentary Committees
    AFETCommittee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
    BUDGCommittee on Budgets
    CONTCommittee on Budgetary Control
    LIBECommittee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs
    ECONCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
    JURICommittee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market
    ITRECommittee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy
    EMPLCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs
    ENVICommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy
    AGRICommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development
    PECHCommittee on Fisheries
    RETTCommittee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism
    CULTCommittee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport
    DEVECommittee on Development and Cooperation
    AFCOCommittee on Constitutional Affairs
    FEMMCommittee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities
    PETICommittee on Petitions
    Abbreviations used for Political Groups
    PPE-DEGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
    PSEGroup of the Party of European Socialists
    ELDRGroup of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
    Verts/ALEGroup of the Greens/European Free Alliance
    GUE/NGLConfederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left
    UENUnion for a Europe of Nations Group
    TDITechnical Group of Independent Members - mixed group
    EDDGroup for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities
    NINon-attached Members
