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Document 52005DC0462

    Komisijas paziņojums Padomei un Eiropas Parlamentam - Likumdevēja vēl neizlemto tiesību aktu priekšlikumu izvērtēšanas rezultāts

    /* COM/2005/0462 galīgā redakcija */



    Briselē, 27.9.2005

    COM(2005) 462 galīgā redakcija


    Likumdevēja vēl neizlemto tiesību aktu priekšlikumu izvērtēšanas rezultāts


    Likumdevēja vēl neizlemto tiesību aktu priekšlikumu izvērtēšanas rezultāts

    Komisijas 2005. gada 16. marta paziņojumā „Labāks regulējums izaugsmei un darbavietām Eiropas Savienībā ”[1] paziņots, ka Komisija ir nolēmusi būtiski mainīt veidu, kā nodrošināt, lai Eiropas tiesību aktu kvalitāte veicinātu Partnerības izaugsmei un darbavietām mērķu sasniegšanu.

    Lai uzlabotu Eiropas konkurētspēju, Eiropas Savienības normatīvai videi ir jāatbilst visaugtākajiem iespējamiem standartiem. Lai šo mērķi sasniegtu, vajadzības gadījumā ir jāvienkāršo un jāaktualizē pastāvošais tiesību aktu kopums „ acquis communautaire ”, tādēļ ir paredzēti vairāki pasākumi, to vidū atzīmējams vienkāršošanas programmas jaunā posma sākums 2005. gada oktobrī.

    Komisija ir arī nolēmusi, ka labāks regulējums ir jāintegrē politikas veidošanā un ka Komisijas iesniegtajiem jaunajiem tiesību aktu priekšlikumiem ir jāsekmē labāks regulējums un jāveicina konkurētspēja. Tas ir īpaši ieviests praksē ar prasību, ka jaunām likumdošanas iniciatīvām tagad jāveic ietekmes novērtējums, kā paziņots Komisijas 2005. gada tiesību aktu un darba programmā, kurai nesen pieņemtas plašas un sīki izstrādātas vadlīnijas[2]

    Kas attiecas uz Komisijas agrāk iesniegtiem un tiesību aktu procesā vēl neizlemtiem priekšlikumiem, tad marta paziņojumā izteikts Komisijas nodoms izvērtēt Padomes/Parlamenta vēl neizlemtos priekšlikumus, novērtējot to vispārējo nozīmību, ietekmi uz konkurētspēju un citādu iedarbību. Šajā paziņojumā ir sniegti pirmā šāda veida izvērtējuma mērķi, norise un rezultāti.

    1. Vēl neizlemto priekšlikumu izvērtēšanas mērķi

    Izvērtējuma mērķis bija sniegt Komisijai iespēju nodrošināt to, ka visi vēl neizlemtie tiesību aktu priekšlikumi ir pilnīgi saskanīgi ar Komisijas politikas prioritātēm, un pārbaudīt, vai mainījušies apstākļi attaisno sākotnējās pieejas pārskatīšanu.

    Ja tika atzīts, ka pārskatīšana ir nepieciešama, tad izvērtējumā tika noteikti atbilstošie veicamie pasākumi, piemēram, neizlemto priekšlikumu grozīšana, aizstāšana vai atsaukšana un to ietekmes novērtējuma uzlabošana.

    Konkrēti, izvērtēšanas process bija vērsts trijos neizlemto priekšlikumu pārbaudes aspektos:

    Pirmkārt, neizlemtos priekšlikumus pārbaudīja, novērtējot to atbilstību ES Lisabonas stratēģijas mērķiem un īpaši konkurētspējas veicināšanas uzdevumam. Priekšlikumu vērtēšanas kritēriji šajā kontekstā bija tie, kuri norādīti „konkurētspējas testā”, kas ietverts nesen pārskatītajās ietekmes novērtēšanas vadlīnijās[3]

    Otrkārt, neizlemtos priekšlikumus pārbaudīja, novērtējot, vai ilgākā laika periodā ir bijis reāls progress tiesību aktu procesā. Šajos gadījumos pētīja arī lēnās virzības cēloņus un attiecīgo šķēršļu novēršanas iespējas.

    Treškārt, neizlemtos priekšlikumus pārbaudīja, lai noteiktu, vai tie atbilst pašreizējām labāka regulējuma prasībām, īpaši attiecībā uz pienācīgu ietekmes novērtējumu. Šis kritērijs īpaši ietekmē priekšlikumus, kas iesniegti tajā laikā, kad ietekmes izvērtējums nebija oficiāla prasība.

    2. Izvērtēšanas izpildes process

    Sākot izvērtēšanu 2005. gada aprīlī, pavisam bija 489 neizlemti priekšlikumi[4]. Marta paziņojumā bija skaidri noteikts, ka jāizvērtē neizlemtie priekšlikumi, kas iesniegti pirms 2004. gada 1. janvāra. Pavisam bija 183 šādi priekšlikumi.

    Priekšlikumus rūpīgi novērtēja un rezultātā noteica aptuveni 100 priekšlikumus, kuri pēc būtības ir jaunas likumdošanas iniciatīvas, un kurus tālāk novērtēja, apsverot to iespējamo nevēlamo ietekmi uz konkurētspēju un to plašākas ekonomiskās sekas. Atlikušiem priekšlikumiem varētu būt ierobežota ietekme uz konkurētspēju vai tādas nebūtu vispār. Tie galvenokārt ir priekšlikumi, kas izriet no starptautiskām saistībām vai veido acquis pielāgojumus zinātnes un tehnikas progresam. Daži no šiem priekšlikumiem ir tiešs ieguldījums labākā regulējumā, jo kodificē vai vienkāršo acquis .

    3. Izvērtējuma rezultāti

    Pēc veiktās neizlemto priekšlikumu sīkākas analīzes, Komisija paredz divus vispārējus darbības virzienus:

    1) Priekšlikumi, kuri ir jāatsauc. Komisija paredz atsaukt pavisam 68 priekšlikumus. Šie priekšlikumi ir atzīti par tādiem, kuri nesaskan ar Lisabonas stratēģijas mērķiem vai labāka regulējuma principiem, vai arī nav pietiekami pavirzījušies tiesību aktu procesā, vai arī nav vairs aktuāli[5] (piemēram, mērķi jau ir sasniegti ar citiem līdzekļiem vai tos sasniegs ar citiem līdzekļiem). Dažus no šiem priekšlikumiem var apspriest no jauna, ņemot vērā to papildu analīzi. Dažos gadījumos Komisija paredz pārskatīt likumdošanas pasākumu nepieciešamību, ņemot vērā vispusīga ietekmes novērtējuma rezultātus

    2) Priekšlikumi, kuri ir jāsaglabā tiesību aktu procesā, bet kopā ar ekonomisko analīzi jāiesniedz likumdevējam novērtējumam[6]. Tas attiecas uz 5 priekšlikumiem, par kuriem Komisija ir pārliecināta, ka tie joprojām ir svarīgi, bet kuru ietekmes papildu analīze varētu veicināt lēmuma pieņemšanu likumdevējas iestādē.

    Tādējādi pēc Komisijas veiktās izvērtēšanas attiecībā uz pavisam 73 neizlemtiem priekšlikumiem paredzēti dažāda veida turpmākie pasākumi. Tas attiecas uz priekšlikumiem, kuri pietiekami neatbilst konkurētspējas mērķiem, par kuriem jāiesniedz papildu ekonomiskā analīze likumdevēja izvērtēšanai, kā arī priekšlikumiem, kuri nav pietiekami pavirzījušies tiesību aktu procesā vai ir novecojuši.

    Atsauktie priekšlikumi veido 31%[7] no visiem vēl neizlemtajiem priekšlikumiem, kas iesniegti pirms 2004. gada 1. janvāra. Visas iejaukšanās, arī priekšlikumi, kas atlasīti papildu ekonomiskai analīzei, faktiski veido 33%[8] no šādiem vēl neizlemtiem priekšlikumiem.

    Turklāt vismaz 2 priekšlikumu izvērtējums sniedza rezultātus, kas nav tieši ierindojami iepriekšminētajās kategorijās. Pirmkārt, izvērtējot priekšlikumu par Padomes direktīvu par minimālajām veselības aizsardzības un drošības prasībām attiecībā uz fizikālu faktoru iedarbības radītiem riskiem, kam pakļauti strādājošie (optiskais starojums), 1992/0449/COD, attiecība uz kuru Komisija nonāca pie secinājuma, ka ir jānovērš apstākļi, kas rada strādājošo pakļaušanu dabiskajam optiskajam starojumam, kā to ir ierosinājis arī Eiropas Parlaments.

    Otrkārt, attiecībā uz priekšlikumu par pagaidu strādājošiem (2002/0072/COD) Komisija saglabā savu viedokli par otrreizēju caurlūkošanu, ņemot vērā turpmākās diskusijas par citiem priekšlikumiem.

    Šā paziņojuma pielikumā sniegts situācijas kopsavilkums un attiecīgo priekšlikumu konkretizējums.


    Neizlemto priekšlikumu izvērtējums ir pirmā tik plaša Komisijas veiktā izvērtēšana. Tā apliecina Eiropas Komisijas apņemšanos attiecībā uz Partnerību izaugsmei un darbavietām, kā arī to, ka tiek nodrošināta labāka regulējuma principu stingra ieviešana praksē.

    Darbības, kas izriet no izvērtējuma, t.i., plānotie turpmākie pasākumi pielikumā sniegto neizlemto priekšlikumu gadījumos ir paredzēti, lai, atbalstot konkurētspēju, gūtu pozitīvu rezultātu atbilstoši Lisabonas mērķiem, veidotu labāku tiesību aktu vidi un atsauktu priekšlikumus, kuriem nav reālas perspektīvas tikt pieņemtiem, vai kuri ir novecojuši.

    Neizlemto priekšlikumu atsaukšana atsevišķos gadījumos notiks politikas vispārējās pārskatīšanas ietvaros vai arī ar mērķi pārskatīt priekšlikumus, ņemot vērā jaunos politikas elementus un vispusīgu ietekmes novērtējumu.

    Saskaņā ar saistībām, kas ietvertas Pamatnolīgumā par attiecībām starp Eiropas Parlamentu un Komisiju (32. punkts), Komisija ar šo sniedz iepriekšēju paziņojumu Parlamentam un Padomei pirms savu priekšlikumu atsaukšanas.


    1- Proposals to be withdrawn


    - COM(88) 431/2: Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE establishing the terms and conditions of officially supported export credits for agricultural products

    - 1994/0254/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) on the crediting of securities, deposits and guarantees furnished under the common agricultural policy and subsequently forfeited, and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 352/78

    - 2000/0152/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops, in order to include rice

    - COM(2003) 89: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION authorising the offer and delivery for direct human consumption of certain wines imported from Australia which may have undergone oenological practices not provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999


    - 1997/0137/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No. 3975/87 laying down the procedure for the application of the rules on competition to undertakings in the air transport sector

    - 1997/0138/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreement and concerted practices in the air transport sector between the Community and third countries


    - COM(1999) 273: Proposal for a DECISION OF THE COUNCIL AND OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MEMBER STATES MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL authorising the Commission to open negotiations with the ACP States with a view to amending the third ACP-EEC Convention, signed at Lomé on 8 December 1984, the fourth ACP-EEC Convention, signed at Lomé on 15 December 1989, and the fourth ACP-EC Convention as revised by the Mauritius Agreement of 4 November 1995

    Economic and Financial Affairs

    - SEC(2004) 485/2: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on making public the recommendation with a view to giving early warning to Italy in order to prevent the occurrence of an excessive deficit


    - 1996/0153/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION concerning the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters in the area of certification of industrial products under the framework of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and its member states of the one part, and the Republic of Poland of the other part

    - COM(1999) 675: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Hungary, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 676: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 678: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Estonia, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 679: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 680: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Latvia, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 681 : Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Lithuania, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 682: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - COM(1999) 684: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of provisions for the co-ordination of social security schemes

    - 2002/0213/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL AND COMMISSION DECISION .../…/EC, ECSC on the conclusion of an additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part , with regard to an extension of the period foreseen in the provisions of Article 8(4) of Protocol 2 of the Europe Agreement with the Czech Republic

    - 2002/0027/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Committee established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, with regard to the adoption of a Regional aid map on the basis of which public aid granted by the Slovak Republic will be assessed

    - 2002/0145/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION relating to the conclusion of an Additional Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part, to take account of the outcome of the negotiations between the parties on new mutual agricultural concessions

    Enterprise and Industry

    - 1991/0386/COD: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the statute for a European association

    - 1991/0390/COD : Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the statute for a European mutual society

    - 1991/0387/COD: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council supplementing the Statute for a European association with regard to the involvement of employees

    - 1991/0391/COD: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council supplementing the Statute for a European mutual society with regard to the involvement of employees

    - SEC(90) 431: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 428/89 concerning the export of certain dangerous chemicals

    - 2000/0235/COD: Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 80/232/EEC as regards the range of nominal weights for coffee extracts and chicory extracts

    - 2003/0289/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Hungary, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 3 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Hungary

    - 2004/0005/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 3 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Slovak Republic

    - 2004/0006/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 3 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Slovenia

    - 2004/0015/ACC : Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Latvia, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 2 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Latvia

    - 2004/0021/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Estonia, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 2 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Estonia

    - 2004/0019/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Lithuania, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 2 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Lithuania

    - 2004/0034/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Malta concerning the improvements of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products

    - COM(2004) 1: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken by the Community in the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part, concerning the improvement of the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products provided for in Protocol 3 of the Europe Agreement between the European Community and the Czech Republic


    - 2001/0188/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION relating to the conclusion, on behalf of the Community, of the Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

    - COM(2003) 263: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the signature, on behalf of the European Community of the Protocol on civil liability and compensation for damage caused by the transboundary effects of industrial accidents transboundary watercourses

    Fisheries and Maritime Affairs

    - 2001/0096/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy

    - 2001/0299/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION establishing measures for the recovery of cod and hake stocks

    - 2002/0275/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms

    - COM(2004) 783: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EC) No 2287/2003 as concerns fishing opportunities for Norway lobster in the North Sea

    - COM(2004) 797: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION amending Regulation (EC) No 2287/2003 as concerns fishing opportunities for herring in the Baltic Sea

    Internal Market and Services

    - 2001/0227/COD: Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on sales promotion in the internal market

    - 1997/0356/COD: Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive approximating the legal arrangements for the protection of inventions by utility model

    Justice, Freedom and Security

    - 2001/0155/CNS: Proposal for a Council Directive relating to the conditions in which third-country nationals shall have the freedom to travel in the territory of the Member States for periods not exceeding 6 months

    - 2003/0311/COD: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (recast)

    External Relations

    - 2000/0027/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION to refer the dispute regarding the procedure of state registration (renewal of registration) of medicinal products and related fees in Ukraine and to determine the position to be adopted by the Community in the Co-operation Council to settle the dispute

    - 2000/0166/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION to supply the Cooperation Council with all relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation in respect of the import ban imposed by the Russian Federation on fresh eggs for human consumption originating in the European Community

    - 2000/0196/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION to supply the Cooperation Council with all relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation in respect of the failure by the Russian Federation to fulfil its obligations under the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement in regard to trade in alcoholic beverages

    - 2000/0247/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on countermeasures in response to the failure of the Russian Federation to fulfil its obligations under the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement in regard to trade in alcoholic beverages

    - 2002/0139/COD: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning Community cooperation with Asian and Latin American countries and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2258/96

    - 2003/0160/AVC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the signing of an agreement on the participation of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic in the European Economic Area and four related agreements

    - COM(2003) 255/2: Amended proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION approving the conclusion by the Commission, on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community, of an Agreement on a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federation and of its Protocol on Claims, Legal Proceedings and Indemnification


    - COM(2003) 149: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION amending the Council Decision of 16 December 1980 setting up the consultative committee for the fusion programme

    Health and Consumer Protection

    - 1997/0027/COD: Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 79/112/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs

    - 2000/0180/COD: Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL REGULATION laying down detailed rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption


    - 2003/0288/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION laying down general rules for the application of measures to improve the production and marketing of honey (consolidated version)

    Taxation and Customs Union

    - 2001/0266/CNS: Proposal for Council Directive amending Directive 92/81/EEC with regard to the possibility of applying a reduced rate of excise duty on certain mineral oils containing biofuels and on biofuels

    - 2002/0191/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 92/81/EEC and Directive 92/82/EEC to introduce special tax arrangements for diesel fuel used for commercial purposes and to align the excise duties on petrol and diesel fuel

    - 1998/0210/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) on verification measures, measures relating to the refund system and administrative co-operation measures necessary for the application of Directive 98/xxx/EC

    - 1998/0209/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 77/388/EEC as regards the rules governing the right to deduct value added tax


    - 2004/0101/ACC: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the application of certain guidelines in the field of officially supported export credits

    - COM(2004) 697: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION amending Council Decision 2001/855/EC of 15 November 2001 authorising the automatic renewal or continuation in force of provisions governing matters covered by the common commercial policy contained in the friendship, trade and navigation treaties and trade agreements concluded by Member States and third countries

    Energy and Transport

    - 1997/0212/COD: Proposal for a Council Directive on safety requirements and attestation of professional competence for cabin crews in Civil Aviation

    - 1998/0096/COD: Proposal for a Council Directive on a transparent system of harmonised rules for driving restrictions on heavy goods vehicles involved in international transport on designated roads (“weekend bans”)

    - 1996/0301/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the conclusion of the Agreement establishing conditions for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway between the European Community on the one hand, and the Czech Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic on the other

    - 1998/0349/COD: Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 of 16 December 1991 on the harmonisation of technical rules and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation

    - 2001/0225/CNS: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION to conclude for the European Community (EC) the “International Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management”

    2- Proposals to be withdrawn and EU action to be reconsidered in the light of further analysis of the impacts

    Justice, Freedom and Security

    - 2001/0154/CNS: Proposal for a Council Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of paid employment and self-employed economic activities

    3- Proposals to be maintained - economic analysis to be presented for the consideration of the legislative authority


    - 2003/0189/COD: Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases

    - 2003/0139/COD: Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on shipments of waste

    Justice, Freedom and Security

    - 2002/0312/ACC: Proposal for a Council Decision on the signing by the EC of the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocol on matters specific to aircraft equipment; adopted jointly in Cape Town on 16/11/2001

    Taxation and Customs Union

    - 2002/0041/CNS: Proposal for a Council Directive modifying directive 77/388/CEE on travel agents: special VAT scheme

    - 2003/0057/COD: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EEC) No 218/92 on administrative co-operation in the field of indirect taxation (VAT) as regards additional measures regarding supplies of travel services

    [1] KOM(2005) 97.

    [2] SEK(2005) 791.

    [3] Skat+[pic]t 2. parindi.

    [4] Komisija katru gadu izskata aptuveni 200/250 ties+[pic]bu aktu prieka[pic]likumu, kuri izriet no ES starptautiskajam saist+[pic]b[pic][pic]m, ne Skatīt 2. parindi.

    [5] Komisija katru gadu izskata aptuveni 200/250 tiesību aktu priekšlikumu, kuri izriet no ES starptautiskajam saistībām, nepieciešamības aktualizēt „acquis communautaire” un/vai izpildīt saistības pret likumdevēju.

    [6] Komisija ir regulāri atsaukusi priekšlikumus, tādējādi samazinot neizlemto priekšlikumu kopumu. 1997. gadā tā atsauca 34 priekšlikumus, 1999. – 58, 2001. – 108 un 2004. gadā 102 priekšlikumus.

    [7] Fluorētās gāzes, atkritumu transportēšana, Konvencijas par gaisa kuģu mobilajām iekārtām parakstīšana, ceļojuma aģentu PVN un administratīvā sadarbība PVN jomā.

    [8] No visiem 68 atsauktajiem priekšlikumiem 12 priekšlikumus Komisija pieņēma 2004. gadā.

    [9] Skatīt 7. parindi.
