

Az Európai Unió Hivatalos Lapja

C 366/55

Helyesbítés a következőhöz: Utas-nyilvántartási adatállomány (PNR) – Illetékes hatóságok – Az utas-nyilvántartási adatállománynak (PNR) a terrorista bűncselekmények és súlyos bűncselekmények megelőzése, felderítése, nyomozása és a vádeljárás lefolytatása érdekében történő felhasználásáról szóló, 2016. április 27-i (EU) 2016/681 európai parlamenti és tanácsi irányelv 7. cikkében említett illetékes hatóságok jegyzéke

( Az Európai Unió Hivatalos Lapja C 194., 2018. június 6. )

(2020/C 366/14)

A 12. oldalon, az „Egyesült Királyságban” franciabekezdésben:

a következő szövegrész:


„Department for Transport;


Home Office;


HM Revenue & Customs;


Metropolitan Police Service;


City of London Police;


Avon and Somerset Constabulary;


Bedfordshire Police;


Cambridgeshire Constabulary;


Cheshire Constabulary;


Cleveland Police;


Cumbria Constabulary;


Derbyshire Constabulary;


Devon & Cornwall Police;


Dorset Police;


Durham Constabulary;


Essex Police;


Gloucestershire Constabulary;


Greater Manchester Police;


Hampshire Constabulary;


Hertfordshire Constabulary;


Humberside Police;


Kent Police;


Lancashire Constabulary;


Leicestershire Police;


Lincolnshire Police;


Merseyside Police;


National Crime Agency;


Norfolk Constabulary;


North Yorkshire Police;


Northamptonshire Police;


Northumbria Police;


Nottinghamshire Police;


South Yorkshire Police;


Staffordshire Police;


Suffolk Constabulary;


Surrey Police;


Sussex Police;


Thames Valley Police;


Warwickshire Police;


West Mercia Police;


West Midlands Police;


West Yorkshire Police;


Wiltshire Police;


Dyfed-Powys Police;


Gwent Police;


North Wales Police;


South Wales Police;


Police Service of Scotland;


Police Service of Northern Ireland.”.



„The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority


Department for Transport;


Home Office;


HM Revenue & Customs;


Metropolitan Police Service;


City of London Police;


Avon and Somerset Constabulary;


Bedfordshire Police;


Cambridgeshire Constabulary;


Cheshire Constabulary;


Cleveland Police;


Cumbria Constabulary;


Derbyshire Constabulary;


Devon & Cornwall Police;


Dorset Police;


Durham Constabulary;


Essex Police;


Gloucestershire Constabulary;


Greater Manchester Police;


Hampshire Constabulary;


Hertfordshire Constabulary;


Humberside Police;


Kent Police;


Lancashire Constabulary;


Leicestershire Police;


Lincolnshire Police;


Merseyside Police;


National Crime Agency;


Norfolk Constabulary;


North Yorkshire Police;


Northamptonshire Police;


Northumbria Police;


Nottinghamshire Police;


South Yorkshire Police;


Staffordshire Police;


Suffolk Constabulary;


Surrey Police;


Sussex Police;


Thames Valley Police;


Warwickshire Police;


West Mercia Police;


West Midlands Police;


West Yorkshire Police;


Wiltshire Police;


Dyfed-Powys Police;


Gwent Police;


North Wales Police;


South Wales Police;


Police Service of Scotland;


Police Service of Northern Ireland.”