
Megállapodás az Európai Közösség és Macedónia Volt Jugoszláv Köztársaság között a tartózkodási engedéllyel nem rendelkező személyek visszafogadásáról - Együttes nyilatkozatok

Hivatalos Lap L 334 , 19/12/2007 o. 0007 - 0024




Brussels, 18 September 2007

Ms. Gordana Jankulovska,

Minister of Interior of the former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Dear Minister,

We have the honour to propose that, if it is acceptable to your Government, this letter and your confirmation shall together take the place of signature of the Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on readmission of persons residing without authorisation.

The text of the aforementioned Agreement, herewith annexed, has been approved for signature by a decision of the Council of the European Union of today's date.

Please accept, Minister, the assurance of our highest consideration.

For the European Community

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Republic of Macedonia



Courtesy translation

Brussels, 18 September 2007

Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 18th September 2007 regarding the signature of the Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation, together with the attached text of the Agreement.

I hereby declare that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia agrees with the provisions of the Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation and considers the Agreement as being signed with this Exchange of Letters.

However, I declare that the Republic of Macedonia does not accept the denomination used for my country in the above-referred documents, having in view that the constitutional name of my country is the Republic of Macedonia.

Please accept, Sirs, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Gordana Jankuloska

Dr. Rui Carlos Pereira

Minister of Internal Administration of the Republic of Portugal

Mr. Franco Frattini

Vice-President of the European Commission


Република Македонија



Брисел, 18 септември 2007 година

Почитувани Господа,

Во името на Владата на Република Македонија имам чест да го потврдам приемот на Вашето писмо датирано на 18 септемвpи 2007 година, кое се однесува на потпишувањето на Спогодбата помеѓу Република Македониja и Европсkата Заедница за преземаље на лица со незаконски престој, заедно со приложениот текст на Спогодбатa.

Изjавувам дека Владата на Република Македониjа е согласна со одредбите на Спогодбата помеѓу Република Македонија и Европската Заедница за преземање на лица со незаконски престој и смета дека со оваа размена на писма Спогодбата е потпишана.

Сепак, изјавувам дека Република Македонија не ја прифаќа деноминацијата употребена за мојата земја во погоре наведените документи, имајќи предвид дека уставното име на мојата земја е Република Мakедонија.

Пpимете ги Господа, изразите на моето највисоко почитување.

Гордана Јанкулоска

Г-дин Руи Карлос Переира

Министеp за внатрешната администрација на Република Португалија Совет на Европската унија

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Г-дин Франко Фратини

Потпретседател hа Европската комисија



Brussels, 18 September 2007

Ms. Gordana Jankulovska,

Minister of Interior of the former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Dear Minister,

We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date.

The European Community notes that the Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which takes the place of signature of the Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on readmission of persons residing without authorisation, has been accomplished and that this cannot be interpreted as acceptance or recognition by the European Community in whatever form or content of a denomination other than the "former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia".

Please accept, Minister, the assurance of our highest consideration.

For the European Community

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