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Document C:2006:331:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 331, 30 December 2006

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    ISSN 1725-2423

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 331

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 49
    30 December 2006

    Notice No




    I   Information


    Court of Justice



    2006/C 331/1

    Case C-380/03: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 12 December 2006 — Federal Republic of Germany v European Parliament and Council of the European Union (Action for annulment — Approximation of laws — Directive 2003/33/EC — Advertising and sponsorship in respect of tobacco products — Annulment of Articles 3 and 4 — Choice of legal basis — Articles 95 EC and 152 EC — Principle of proportionality)


    2006/C 331/2

    Joined Cases C-485/03 to C-490/03: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (State aid — Aid schemes — Incompatibility with the common market — Time-limit for execution of the Commission's decisions — Abolition of aid schemes — Cancellation of outstanding aid — Recovery of aid made available — Absolute impossibility of giving effect to a decision)


    2006/C 331/3

    Joined Cases C-94/04 and C-202/04: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 5 December 2006 (references for a preliminary ruling from the Corte d'appello di Torino and the Tribunale di Roma — Italy) — Federico Cipolla v Rosaria Fazari, née Portolese, C-94/04) and Stefano Macrino, Claudia Capodarte v Roberto Meloni (C-202/04) (Community competition rules — National rules concerning lawyers' fees — Setting of professional scales of charges — Freedom to provide services)


    2006/C 331/4

    Case C-306/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 7 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona — Spain) — Sociedad General de Autores y Editores de España (SGAE) v Rafael Hoteles SA (Copyright and related rights in the information society — Directive 2001/29/EC — Article 3 — Concept of communication to the public — Works communicated by means of television sets installed in hotel rooms)


    2006/C 331/5

    Case C-374/04: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 12 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the High Court of Justice of England and Wales, Chancery Division, United Kingdom) — Test Claimants in Class IV of the ACT Group Litigation v Commissioners of Inland Revenue (Freedom of establishment — Free movement of capital — Corporation tax — Payment of dividends — Tax credit — Separate treatment of resident and non-resident shareholders — Bilateral double taxation conventions)


    2006/C 331/6

    Case C-413/04: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 28 November 2006 — European Parliament v Commission of the European Communities (Directive 2003/54/EC — Common rules for the internal market in electricity — Directive 2004/85/EC — Temporary derogations in favour of Estonia — Legal basis)


    2006/C 331/7

    Case C-414/04: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 28 November 2006 — European Parliament v Commission of the European Communities (Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 — Conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity — Regulation (EC) No 1223/2004 — Temporary derogations in favour of Slovenia — Legal basis)


    2006/C 331/8

    Case C-446/04: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 12 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the High Court of Justice of England and Wales, Chancery Division, United Kingdom) — Test Claimants in the FII Group Litigation v Commissioners of Inland Revenue (Freedom of establishment — Free movement of capital — Directive 90/435/EEC — Corporation tax — Payment of dividends — Prevention or mitigation of a series of charges to tax — Exemption — Dividends received from companies resident in another Member State or a non member country — Tax credit — Advance corporation tax — Equal treatment — Claim for repayment or claim for damages)


    2006/C 331/9

    Case C-486/04: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 23 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic. (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Assessment of the effects of certain projects on the environment — Waste recovery — Installation for the production of electricity by the incineration of combustible materials derived from waste and biomass in Massafra (Taranto) — Directives 75/442/EEC and 85/337/EEC)


    2006/C 331/10

    Case C-5/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 23 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands)) — Staatssecretaris van Financiën v B.F. Joustra (Tax provisions — Harmonisation of laws — Directive 92/12/EEC — Excise duties — Wine — Articles 7 to 10 — Determination of the Member State in which duties are chargeable — Acquisition by a private individual for his own use and that of other private individuals — Transport to another Member State by a transport undertaking — Arrangements applicable in the Member State of destination)


    2006/C 331/11

    Case C-32/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 30 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Environment — Directive 2000/60/EC — Failure to notify implementing measures — Obligation to adopt framework legislation in national law — None — Incomplete implementation of or failure to implement Articles 2, 7(2) and 14)


    2006/C 331/12

    Case C-97/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 14 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Darmstadt — Germany) — Mohamed Gattoussi v Stadt Rüsselsheim (Euro-Mediterranean Agreement — Tunisian worker with permission to remain in a Member State and to work there — Principle of non-discrimination as regards working conditions, remuneration and dismissal — Curtailment of the period of validity of the residence permit)


    2006/C 331/13

    Case C-161/05: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 7 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 — Control system applicable to the common fisheries policy — Data concerning the species and quantities landed of fish — Failure to notify)


    2006/C 331/14

    Case C-170/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 14 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État, France) — Denkavit Internationaal BV, Denkavit France SARL v Ministre de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Freedom of establishment — Corporation tax — Payment of dividends — Exemption for dividends paid to resident companies — Withholding tax levied on dividends paid to non-resident companies — Double taxation convention — Possibility of setting off the amount withheld against tax due in another Member State)


    2006/C 331/15

    Case C-217/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 14 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo — Spain) — Confederación Española de Empresarios de Estaciones de Servicio v Compañía Española de Petróleos SA (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Agreements between undertakings — Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (subsequently Article 85 of the EC Treaty and now Article 81 EC) — Articles 10 to 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 1984/83 — Exclusive fuel purchasing agreements designated ‘sales guarantee commission arrangements’ and ‘agency contracts’ between service-station operators and oil companies)


    2006/C 331/16

    Case C-238/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 23 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain)) — Asnef-Equifax, Servicios de Información sobre Solvencia y Crédito, SL v Asociación de Usuarios de Servicios Bancarios (Ausbanc) (Competition — Article 81 EC — System for the exchange between financial institutions of information on customer solvency — Reference for a preliminary ruling — Admissibility — Effect on trade between Member States — Restriction of competition — Benefit for consumers)


    2006/C 331/17

    Case C-240/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 7 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d'appel — Luxembourg) — Administration de l'enregistrement et des domaines v Eurodental Sàrl (Sixth VAT Directive — Exemptions — Articles 13A(1)(e), 17(3)(b) and 28cA(a) — Right to deduct — Manufacture and repair of dental prostheses — Intra-Community transactions relating to transactions which are exempt within the Member State — Effect of the derogating and transitional arrangements provided for in Article 28(3)(a) in conjunction with point 2 of annex E — Principle of fiscal neutrality — Partial harmonisation of VAT)


    2006/C 331/18

    Case C-257/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Austria (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Infringement of Article 49 EC — Freedom to provide services — Obligation of establishment within the national territory in order to be able to provide an inspection service for boilers and pressure tanks (‘Kesselprüfstelle’))


    2006/C 331/19

    Case C-283/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 14 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberster Gerichtshof — Austria) — ASML Netherlands BV v Semiconductor Industry Services GmbH (SEMIS) (Jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters — Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 — Recognition and enforcement — Article 34(2) — Judgment given in default of appearance — Ground for refusal — Meaning of the requirement that it must be ‘possible’ for a defendant in default of appearance to commence proceedings to challenge the judgment — Failure to serve the judgment)


    2006/C 331/20

    Case C-293/05: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 30 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 91/271/EEC — Pollution and nuisance — Urban waste-water treatment — Province of Varese)


    2006/C 331/21

    Case C-300/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 23 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany)) — Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas v ZVK Zuchtvieh-Kontor GmbH (Directive 91/628/EEC — Protection of animals during transport — Watering and feeding intervals, journey times and resting periods — Definition of ‘travel’ (‘Transportdauer’) — Account to be taken of the time taken to load and unload the animals)


    2006/C 331/22

    Case C-306/04: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 16 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof te Amsterdam (Netherlands)) — Compaq Computer International Corporation v Inspecteur der Belastingdienst — Douanedistrict Arnhem (Customs value — Laptop computers equipped with operating systems software)


    2006/C 331/23

    Case C-315/05: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 23 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Giudice di pace di Monselice (Italy)) — Lidl Italia Srl v Comune di Arcole (VR) (Directive 2000/13/EC — Labelling of foodstuffs to be delivered as such to the ultimate consumer — Scope of the obligations under Articles 2, 3 and 12 — Compulsory statement of the alcoholic strength by volume for certain alcoholic beverages — Alcoholic beverage produced in a Member State other than that in which the distributor is established — ‘Amaro alle erbe’ — Actual alcoholic strength by volume lower than that appearing on the label — Overstepping of the tolerance — Administrative fine — Liability of the distributor)


    2006/C 331/24

    Case C-316/05: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 14 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta Domstolen — Sweden) — Nokia Corp. v Joacim Wärdell (Community trade mark — Article 98(1) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Infringement or threatened infringement — Obligation of a Community trade mark court to issue an order prohibiting a third party from proceeding with such acts — Definition of ‘special reasons’ for not issuing such a prohibition — Obligation of a Community trade mark court to take such measures as are aimed at ensuring that such a prohibition is complied with — National legislation laying down a general prohibition of infringement or threatened infringement coupled with penalties)


    2006/C 331/25

    Case C-357/05: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 16 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2003/55/EC — Internal market in natural gas — Failure to transpose within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 331/26

    Joined Cases C-376/05 and C-377/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 30 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof, Germany) — A. Brünsteiner GmbH (C-376/05), Autohaus Hilgert GmbH (C-377/05) v Bayerische Motorenwerke AG (BMW) (Competition — Distribution agreement relating to motor vehicles — Block exemption — Regulation (EC) No 1475/95 — Article 5(3) — Termination by the supplier — Reorganisation of the network — Entry into force of Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002 — Article 4(1) — Hardcore restrictions — Consequences)


    2006/C 331/27

    Case C-390/05: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000 — substances that deplete the ozone layer)


    2006/C 331/28

    Case C-401/05: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 14 December 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden — Netherlands) — VDP Dental Laboratory NV v Staatssecretaris van Financiën (Sixth VAT Directive — Exemptions — Article 13A(1)(e) — Scope of the exemption — Manufacture and repair of dental prostheses by an intermediary who does not have the status of dentist or dental technician — Subcontracting to a dental technician)


    2006/C 331/29

    Case C-452/05: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 23 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Pollution and nuisance — Urban waste-water treatment)


    2006/C 331/30

    Case C-13/06: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 7 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Sixth VAT Directive — Exemptions — Article 13B(a) — Insurance transactions — Body providing road assistance services)


    2006/C 331/31

    Case C-48/06: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 7 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/90/EC — Facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 331/32

    Case C-54/06: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 7 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2001/42/EC — Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 331/33

    Case C-78/06: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 7 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/49/EC — Assessment and management of environmental noise — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 331/34

    Case C-127/06: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 7 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/65/EC — Distance marketing of financial services — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 331/35

    Case C-138/06: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/49/EC — Assessment and management of environmental noise — Non-transposition within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 331/36

    Case C-156/06: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 23 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Sweden (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/87/EC — Credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate — Supplementary supervision — Failure to transpose within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 331/37

    Case C-198/06: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 1999/94/EC — New passenger cars — Consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions)


    2006/C 331/38

    Case C-218/06: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/87/EC — Supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate — Failure to implement within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 331/39

    Case C-223/06: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2003/51/EC — Company law — Annual accounts of certain types of companies — Failure to implement within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 331/40

    Case C-252/06: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/92/EC — Insurance mediation — Failure to implement within the prescribed period)


    2006/C 331/41

    Case C-418/05 P: Order of the Court of 7 November 2006 — Centro Provincial de Jóvenes Agricultores de Jaén (ASAJA), Salvador Contreras Gila, José Ramiro López, Antonio Ramiro López, Cristobal Gallego Martínez, Benito García Burgos, Antonio Parras Rosa v Council of the European Union (Appeal — Regulation (EC) No 864/2004 — Action for annulment — Support scheme in the olive oil sector — Natural and legal persons — Not individually concerned)


    2006/C 331/42

    Case C-42/05: Order of the President of the Court of 14 September 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation — Belgium) — Belgium State v Ring Occasions SA, in liquidation, Fortis Bank SA


    2006/C 331/43

    Case C-66/05: Order of the President of the Fifth Chamber of the Court of 22 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of the Netherlands


    2006/C 331/44

    Case C-105/05: Order of the President of the Fifth Chamber of the Court of 22 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Finland


    2006/C 331/45

    Case C-151/05: Order of the President of the Court of 7 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof — Allemagne) — F. Weissheimer Malzfabrik v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas


    2006/C 331/46

    Case C-65/06: Order of the President of the Court of 29 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium


    2006/C 331/47

    Case C-68/06: Order of the President of the Fifth Chamber of the Court of 24 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic


    2006/C 331/48

    Case C-75/06: Order of the President of the Court of 20 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2006/C 331/49

    Case C-88/06: Order of the President of the Court of 13 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Ireland


    2006/C 331/50

    Case C-90/06: Order of the President of the Court of 22 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Portuguese Republic


    2006/C 331/51

    Case C-108/06: Order of the President of the Fifth Chamber of the Court of 23 October 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of the Netherlands


    2006/C 331/52

    Case C-118/06: Order of the President of the Court of 29 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Commissione tributaria provinciale di Roma — Italie) — Diagram APS Applicazioni Prodotti Software v Agenzia Entrate Ufficio Roma 6


    2006/C 331/53

    Case C-164/06: Order of the President of the Court of 29 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Commissione tributaria provinciale di Roma — Italie) — Nissan Italia Srl v Agenzia Entrate Ufficio Roma 3


    2006/C 331/54

    Case C-165/06: Order of the President of the Court of 29 November 2006 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Commissione tributaria provinciale di Roma — Italie) — Leasys SpA v Agenzia Entrate Ufficio Roma 7


    2006/C 331/55

    Case C-216/06: Order of the President of the Court of 22 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain


    2006/C 331/56

    Case C-224/06: Order of the President of the Court of 23 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain


    2006/C 331/57

    Case C-235/06: Order of the President of the Court of 21 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Austria


    2006/C 331/58

    Case C-258/06: Order of the President of the Court of 22 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain


    2006/C 331/59

    Case C-318/06: Order of the President of the Court of 13 November 2006 — Commission of the European Communities v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg




    2006/C 331/60

    Case T-373/94: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006 — Werners v Council and Commission (Actions for damages — Non-contractual liability — Milk — Additional levy — Reference quantity — Producers who entered into a non-marketing undertaking — SLOM 1984 producers — Failure to resume production on expiry of the undertaking)


    2006/C 331/61

    Case T-304/01: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2006 — Julia Abad Pérez and Others v Council of the European Union (Common agricultural policy — Animal health — Bovine spongiform encephalopathy — Legislation relating to protection of animal health and public health — Action for damages — Non-contractual liability — Causal link — Formal defects — Association of traders — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/62

    Case T-217/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 23 November 2006 — Ter Lembeek v Commission (State aid — Aid granted to the Belgian Beaulieu Group — Debt waiver)


    2006/C 331/63

    Case T-228/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006 — Organisation des Modjahedines du peuple d'Iran v Council (Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities with a view to combating terrorism — Freezing of funds — Actions for annulment — Rights of the defence — Statement of reasons — Right to effective judicial protection — Action for damages)


    2006/C 331/64

    Case T-237/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau v Commission (Access to documents — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Procedure for controlling State aid — Exception relating to the protection of the purpose of inspections, investigations and audits — Implied refusal — Obligation to carry out a concrete, individual examination — Intervention — Intervener's claims, pleas and arguments)


    2006/C 331/65

    Joined Cases T-259/02 to T-264/02 and T-271/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2006 — Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich and Others v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Austrian banking market — ‘Lombard Club’ — Effect on trade between Member States — Calculation of fines)


    2006/C 331/66

    Case T-303/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber) of 5 December 2006 — Westfalen Gassen Nederland v Commission (Competition — Cartels — Dutch market for industrial and medical gases — Price fixing — Proof of participation in the cartel — Proof of distancing — Principles of non-discrimination and proportionality — Calculation of fines)


    2006/C 331/67

    Joined Cases T-81/03, T-82/03 and T-103/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2006 — Mast-Jägermeister v OHIM — Licorera Zacapaneca (VENADO with frame) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Applications for Community figurative marks VENADO with frame, VENADO and VENADO ESPECIAL — Earlier Community figurative marks representing a deer's head facing forward in a circle — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2006/C 331/68

    Case T-95/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006 — Asociación de Estaciones de Servicio de Madrid and Federación Catalana de Estaciones de Servicio v Commission (State aid — Legislation providing for urgent measures to promote competition in the sector for the retail supply of petroleum products — Decision not to raise any objections — Admissibility — Legal persons — Measure of individual concern to them — Manifest error of assessment — Duty to state reasons — Duty to initiate the formal investigation procedure — Reasonable period of time)


    2006/C 331/69

    Case T-138/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2006 — É.R. and Others v Council and Commission (Common Agricultural Policy — Animal health — Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (‘mad cow disease’) — New variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease — Action for damages — Non-contractual liability — Liability of the Community in the absence of wrongful conduct on the part of its bodies — Loss — Causation — Procedural defects — Parallel proceedings before national courts — Limitation — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/70

    Case T-146/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006 — Asociaciόn de Estaciones de Servicio de Madrid and Federaciόn Catalana de Estaciones de Servicio v Commission (State aid — Spanish law providing for measures in favour of the agricultural sector following the increase in fuel prices — Formal examination procedure provided for by Article 88(2) EC — Decision declaring that certain measures did not constitute aid — Action for annulment — Admissibility — Standing to bring proceedings — Duty to state reasons)


    2006/C 331/71

    Joined Cases T-217/03 and T-245/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2006 — FNCBV and Others v Commission (Competition — Article 81(1) EC — Beef and veal — Suspension of imports — Fixing of a trade union price scale — Regulation No 26 — Associations of undertakings — Restriction of competition — Trade union action — Affecting of trade between Member States — Duty to state reasons — Guidelines on the method of setting fines — Principle of proportionality — Gravity and duration of the infringement — Aggravating and mitigating circumstances — Non-aggregation of penalties — Rights of the defence)


    2006/C 331/72

    Case T-416/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 5 December 2006 — Angelidis v Parliament (Officials — Staff report — Action for annulment — No consultation of the previous immediate superior — Statement of reasons — Action for compensation — Late establishment — Non-material damage — Admissibility)


    2006/C 331/73

    Case T-47/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 28 November 2006 — Milbert and Others v Commission (Officials — Career development report — 2001/2002 appraisal procedure)


    2006/C 331/74

    Case T-155/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006 — SELEX Sistemi Integrati v Commission (Competition — Abuse of a dominant position — Concept of an ‘undertaking’ — Complaint — Rejection)


    2006/C 331/75

    Case T-162/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2006 — Branco v Commission (European Social Fund (ESF) — Reduction of financial assistance — Subcontracting — Reasonable time)


    2006/C 331/76

    Case T-282/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 22 November 2006 — Italy v Commission (EAGGF — Expenditure excluded from Community financing — Financial corrections — Rural development — Aid to the least well-off)


    2006/C 331/77

    Case T-310/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 December 2006 — Ferrero Deutschland v OHIM — Cornu (FERRO) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community word mark FERRO — Earlier national word mark FERRERO — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Similarity of goods)


    2006/C 331/78

    Joined Cases T-314/04 and T-414/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2006 — Germany v Commission (European Regional Development Fund — Reduction of financial assistance — Action for annulment — Act against which proceedings can be brought — Preparatory act — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/79

    Case T-379/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 30 November 2006 — J v Commission (Remuneration — Expatriation allowance and installation allowance — Conditions laid down in Articles 4(1)(a) and 5(1) of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations — ‘Work done for another State’ — Recovery of sums paid but not due)


    2006/C 331/80

    Case T-382/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 30 November 2006 — Heuschen & Schrouff Oriëntal Foods v Commission (Customs union — Rice paper from Vietnam — Remission of import duties — Equitable relief — Article 239 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 — Error of the customs authority — Definition of manifest negligence — Principle of equal treatment — Principle of sound administration — Principle of proportionality)


    2006/C 331/81

    Case T-392/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2006 — Gagliardi v OHIM — Norma Lebensmittelfilialbetrieb (MANŪ MANU MANU) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community figurative trade mark MANŪ MANU MANU — Earlier national word mark MANOU — Refusal to register — Scope and correction of the decision of the Board of Appeal — Restriction of the application for registration — Partial withdrawal of the opposition — Legal interest in bringing opposition proceedings — Proof of use of the earlier mark — Scope of the proof of use — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2006/C 331/82

    Case T-422/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance Chamber of 23 November 2006 — Lavagnoli v Commission (Officials — Promotion — 2003 promotion procedure — Refusal of promotion — Allocation of promotion points)


    2006/C 331/83

    Case T-424/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 5 December 2006 — Angelidis v Parliament (Officials — Staff report — Action for annulment — No consultation of the previous immediate superior — Statement of reasons — Action for compensation — Late establishment — Non-material damage — Admissibility)


    2006/C 331/84

    Case T-7/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 12 December 2006 — Commission v Parthenon (Arbitration clause — Fourth framework programme of activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration — Recovery of sums advanced)


    2006/C 331/85

    Joined Cases T-35/05, T-61/05, T-107/05, T-108/05 and T-139/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 29 November 2006 — Agne-Dapper and Others v Commission and Others (Officials — Pensions — Application of the weighting calculated by reference to the average cost of living in the country of residence — Transitional arrangements set up by the regulation amending the Staff Regulations of Officials from 1 May 2004 — Act adversely affecting an official — Objection of illegality)


    2006/C 331/86

    Case T-43/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 30 November 2006 — Camper v OHIM — JC (BROTHERS by CAMPER) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for Community figurative trade mark BROTHERS by CAMPER — Earlier national figurative trade marks BROTHERS — Inadmissibility — Relative ground for refusal — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2006/C 331/87

    Case T-135/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 29 November 2006 — Campoli v Commission (Officials — Pensions — Weighting calculated by reference to the average cost of living in the country of residence — Transitional arrangements set up by the new Staff Regulations of Officials from 1 May 2004 — Act adversely affecting an official — Objection of illegality — Legitimate expectations — Legal certainty — Equal treatment)


    2006/C 331/88

    Case T-173/05: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2006 — Heus v Commission (Officials — Access to an internal competition — Competition notice — Condition relating to length of service — Action for annulment — Principle of non-discrimination)


    2006/C 331/89

    Case T-225/02: Order of the Court of First Instance of 22 November 2006 — Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Zaragoza v Commission (European Social Fund — Regulation (EEC) No 4253/88 — Withdrawal of financial aid — Action for annulment — Directly concerned — Inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/90

    Case T-434/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 22 November 2006 — Milbert and Others v Commission (Officials — Promotion — 2003 promotion procedure — Refusal of promotion — Award of promotion points — Action for annulment — Legal interest in bringing proceedings — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/91

    Case T-436/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 22 November 2006 — Sanchez Ferriz v Commission (Officials — Promotion — 2003 promotion procedure — Refusal of promotion — Award of promotion points — Action for annulment — Legal interest in bringing proceedings — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/92

    Case T-115/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 15 November 2006 — Jiménez Martínez v Commission (Officials — Invalidity — Invalidity Committee — Preparatory measure — Legal interest in bringing proceedings — Irregularity in the pre-litigation procedure — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/93

    Case T-290/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 11 December 2006 — Weber v Commission (Access to documents of the Community institutions — Refusal — Application initiating proceedings — Manifest inadmissibility — No need to adjudicate)


    2006/C 331/94

    Case T-366/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 15 November 2006 — Anheuser-Busch v OHIM — Budějovický Budvar (BUDWEISER) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community word mark BUDWEISER — Earlier international word marks and figurative marks BUDWEISER and BUDWEISER BUDVAR — Refusal to register — Restriction of the goods covered — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law)


    2006/C 331/95

    Case T-392/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 11 December 2006 — MMT v Commission (Action for annulment — Time-limit for bringing proceedings — Objection of inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/96

    Case T-14/06: Order of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2006 — K-Swiss v OHIM (Parallel stripes on a shoe) (Community Trade Mark — Procedural issues — Plea of inadmissibility — Notification of the decision of the Board of Appeal — Time-limit for bringing an action)


    2006/C 331/97

    Case T-288/06 R: Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 11 December 2006 — Huta Częstochowa v Commission (Application for interim measures — Application for suspension of operation — State aid — Admissibility)


    2006/C 331/98

    Case T-409/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 20 November 2006 — Latino v Commission


    2006/C 331/99

    Case T-283/06 R: Order of the Court of First Instance of 17 November 2006 — Dairo Air Services v Commission




    2006/C 331/100

    Case F-17/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 13 December 2006 — de Brito Sequeira Carvalho v Commission (Officials — Sick leave — Placing on compulsory sick leave)


    2006/C 331/101

    Case F-22/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 13 December 2006 — Neophytou v Commission (Officials — Open competition — Selection Board — Composition — Equal treatment — Conditions for admission)


    2006/C 331/102

    Case F-74/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Caldarone v Commission (Officials — Appraisal — Career Development Report — 2003 appraisal procedure — Obligation to state reasons for report — Annulment of the report — Claim for damages)


    2006/C 331/103

    Case F-77/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 30 November 2006 — Balabanis and Le Dour (Officials — Promotion — Article 45 of the Staff Regulations — Amendment to the Staff Regulations — Temporal application — 2004 promotion procedure — Non-inclusion in the list of officials eligible for promotion — Taking into account the probationary period when calculating the minimum length of service of two years )


    2006/C 331/104

    Case F-88/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Kubanksi v Commission of the European Communities (Temporary staff — Article 5(3)(a) of the Staff Regulations — Article 82(2) of the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities — Withdrawal of the decision to employ the applicant as a member of the temporary staff in grade B*4 — Level of qualifications required to be employed in grade B* — New contract staff contract)


    2006/C 331/105

    Case F-122/05: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Ioannis Economidis v Commission. (Officials — Appointment — Post of Head of Unit — Rejection of applicant's candidature — Manifest error of assessment)


    2006/C 331/106

    Case F-10/06: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — André v Commission (Officials — Auxiliary staff — Contract Conference interpreter — Conditions for payment of the flat-rate travel allowance)


    2006/C 331/107

    Case F-118/05: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 14 December 2006 — Klopfer v Commission (Officials — Open competition — Non-admission to tests — Necessary professional experience — Part-time work)


    2006/C 331/108

    Case F-37/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 6 December 2006 — Strack v Commission (Officials — Social security — Sickness insurance — Occupational illness — Act adversely affecting an official — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2006/C 331/109

    Case F-47/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 13 December 2006 — Aimi and Others v Commission (Officials — Promotion — Career — Version of the Staff Regulations applicable on 1 May 2004 — Transition to a new career structure — Measure of general application — Equal treatment — Legal interest in bringing proceedings)


    2006/C 331/110

    Case F-78/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 19 December 2006 — Suhadolnik v Court of Justice (Officials — Recruitment — Appointment — Probationary period — Probationer — Establishment — Grading by grade and step — Transitional measures of Annex XIII to the Staff Regulations — Admissibility the action)


    2006/C 331/111

    Case F-120/06 R: Order of the President of the Civil Service Tribunal of 14 December 2006 — Dálnoky v Commission (Application for interim measures — Notice of competition — Admissibility of main action — Urgency — None)


    2006/C 331/112

    Case F-88/06: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 21 December 2006 — Pantalis v Commission



    III   Notices

    2006/C 331/113

    Last publication of the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European Union
    OJ C 326, 30.12.2006



