1973L0361 — ET — 05.06.2003 — 005.001

Käesolev dokument on vaid dokumenteerimisvahend ja institutsioonid ei vastuta selle sisu eest



19. november 1973,

terastrosside, kettide ja konksude sertifitseerimist ja märgistamist käsitlevate liikmesriikide õigus- ja haldusnormide ühtlustamise kohta


(EÜT L 335, 5.12.1973, p.51)




Euroopa Liidu Teataja





COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 76/434/EEC of 13 April 1976 (*)

  L 122




NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV, 91/368/EMÜ 20. juuni 1991,

  L 198




NÕUKOGU MÄÄRUS (EÜ) nr 807/2003, 14. aprill 2003,

  L 122





Kreeka ühinemisakt

  L 291




  L 302




Käesolevat akti ei ole eesti keeles avaldatud.



19. november 1973,

terastrosside, kettide ja konksude sertifitseerimist ja märgistamist käsitlevate liikmesriikide õigus- ja haldusnormide ühtlustamise kohta



võttes arvesse Euroopa Majandusühenduse asutamislepingut, eriti selle artiklit 100,

võttes arvesse komisjoni ettepanekut,

võttes arvesse Euroopa Parlamendi arvamust,

võttes arvesse majandus- ja sotsiaalkomitee arvamust

ning arvestades, et:

mitmetes liikmesriikides on ette nähtud sertifitseerida ja märgistada teatud terastrossid, ketid ja konksud, mida kasutatakse tõstmiseks või teisaldamiseks; kõnealused sätted on liikmesriigiti erinevad; nimetatud erinevuste tõttu takistavad need kaubavahetust Euroopa Majandusühenduses;

nimetatud takistusi ühisturu rajamisele ja häireteta toimimisele on võimalik vähendada ja isegi kõrvaldada, kui kõik liikmesriigid võtavad seoses terastrosside, kettide ja konksude sertifitseerimise ja märgistamisega vastu samad sätted, mis täiendaksid või asendaksid kehtivaid siseriiklikke sätteid;

käesolev direktiiv piirdub vaid terastrosside, kettide ja konksude sertifitseerimist ja märgistamist puudutavate sätetega; sertifitseerimine ja märgistamine võimaldavad tõstevahendite tootjatel ja kasutajatel muu hulgas teada, millised on nende terastrosside, kettide ja konksude omadused; seoses konstruktsiooninõuetega järgnevalt vastu võetavad direktiivid erinevatele tõstevahenditele sisaldavad sätteid ka terastrosside, kettide ja konksude üksikasjaliku kasutamise kohta;

tehnika areng nõuab tõstevahendeid ja -seadmeid puudutavate tehniliste sätete kiiret korrigeerimist; selle saavutamiseks nõutavate meetmete rakendamise hõlbustamiseks tuleks sätestada menetlus, millega kehtestatakse liikmesriikide ja komisjoni vahel tihe koostöö komitee vormis, et korrigeerida vastavalt tehnika arengule direktiive, mis puudutavad tehniliste tõkete eemaldamist ühendusesisesele kaubavahetusele tõstevahendite ja -seadmete sektoris,


Artikkel 1

Käesolev direktiiv käsitleb tõsteseadmeid, välja arvatud:

 tõsteseadmed, mis ei ole uued,

 tõsteseadmed, mida kasutatakse laevade pardal ning raudteede, köisraudteede ja rippteede jaoks.

Tõsteseadmete all mõistetakse käesoleva direktiivi tähenduses terastrosse, ümarteraskette ja konkse, mis on mõeldud tõsteseadmete ja mehaanilise teisaldamise seadmete jaoks.

▼M2 —————


Artikkel 4

1.  Tõstevahendite ja -seadmete kaubanduses tehniliste tõkete kõrvaldamist käsitlevate direktiivide kohandamiseks tehnika arenguga luuakse komitee (edaspidi “komitee”). Komitee koosneb liikmesriikide esindajatest, komitee eesistujaks on komisjoni esindaja.

▼M3 —————


3.  Lisa sätete tehnika arenguga kohandamiseks vajalikud muudatused võetakse vastu vastavalt artiklis 5 sätestatud korrale.


Artikkel 5

1.  Komisjoni abistab tõsteseadmete ja -masinate kaubanduse tehniliste tõkete kõrvaldamist käsitlevate direktiivide tehnika arenguga kohandamise komitee.

2.  Kui viidatakse käesolevale artiklile, kohaldatakse otsuse 1999/468/EÜ ( 1 ) artikleid 5 ja 7.

Otsuse 1999/468/EÜ artikli 5 lõikes 6 sätestatud tähtajaks kehtestatakse kolm kuud.

3.  Komitee võtab vastu oma töökorra.


Artikkel 6

1.  Liikmesriigid jõustavad käesoleva direktiivi täitmiseks vajalikud sätted 18 kuu jooksul alates direktiivi teatavakstegemisest ning teavitavad sellest viivitamatult komisjoni.

2.  Liikmesriigid tagavad nende poolt käesoleva direktiiviga reguleeritavas valdkonnas vastuvõetud siseriiklike põhiliste õigusnormide teksti edastamise komisjonile.

Artikkel 7

Käesolev direktiiv on adresseeritud liikmesriikidele.





Every length of wire-rope and chain and every hook shall bear a mark or, if marking is not possible, a small plate or ring securely attached, which shall carry information as to the manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community and indentify the relevant certificate (cf. points 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1).


The manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community shall certify by means of the relevant certificate that every length of wire-rope and chain and each hook complies with the characteristics indicated (cf. points 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1).



The manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community shall issue for each wire-rope a certificate containing at least the following information:

(1) the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community;

(2) nominal diameter;

(3) nominal mass per linear metre;

(4) type of lay (ordinary lay, Lang's lay, alternate lay) and direction of lay (right hand, left hand);

(5) preformed or not preformed;

(6) construction (composition and type of wire-rope, number of strands, number of wires per strand, nature of core and composition if of steel;

(7) tensile grade(s) of the wires;

(8) minimum breaking load of rope (that is the minimum load which shall be reached in the tensile test to destruction). If a tensile test to destruction has been carried out information about the test shall be given;

(9) surface finish of wire: if wire is galvanized give grade or quality. If other protective finish give details;

(10) if the wires are not made of carbon steel, state specifications;

(11) if the wire-rope is made to a national or international standard, identify this standard;

(12) if tests have been carried out on the wires, and/or on the ropes state the standard or specification to which the tests comply. If not to a standard or specification, these tests should be detailed, as well as the results;

(13) if the construction or composition of the rope is such as to require special maintenance and/or inspection, instructions shall be supplied;

(14) signature in accordance with point 1;

(15) position of signatory in manufacturing company or the manufacturer's authorized agent;

(16) place and date.



The manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community shall issue for each chain a certificate bearing at least the following information:

(1) the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community;

(2) characteristics for non-calibrated chains:

nominal external length of the link, nominal external width, nominal diameter of the wire with indication of tolerances; enclose a schematic drawing of at least two consecutive links showing the dimensions;

(3) characteristics for calibrated chains:

nominal external length of the link, nominal external width, nominal diameter of the wire, nominal pitch, with indication of tolerances relating to all these dimensions; enclose a schematic drawing of at least two consecutive links showing the dimensions;

(4) nominal mass per linear metre;

(5) the method of welding the links;

(6) the value of the proof load applied to the whole chain after heat treatment;

(7) minimum breaking load of the chain (that is the minimum load which shall be reached in the tensile test to destruction);

(8) the minimum total ultimate elongation expressed as a percentage also state length of samples or number of links tested;

(9) material properties of the chain (e.g. international grade of the chain or alternatively specification of the steel of the chain);

(10) the type of the heat treatment applied;

(11) if the chain is made to a national or international standard, identify this standard;

(12) if tests have been carried out on the chain, state the standard or specification to which the tests comply. If not to a standard or specification, these tests should be detailed and the results given;

(13) if the properties of the chain require special treatment, maintenance and/or inspection information shall be given;

(14) signature in accordance with point 1;

(15) position of signatory in manufacturing company or the manufacturer's authorized agent;

(16) place and date.


Chain manufactured to a national or an international standard shall bear legible and permanent quality marks in accordance with the relevant standard. These quality marks shall be put on each length of chain: there shall be at least one mark per metre or one mark on one link in every 20 links, whichever is the lesser interval. The marks shall have the following dimensions:

Nominal diameter of the wire (in mm)

Minimum dimensions of the figures (in mm)

up to 8 inclusive


over 8 up to 12·5 inclusive


over 12·5 up to 26 inclusive


over 26




The manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community shall issue for each batch of hooks, or at the request of the user, for each hook, a certificate bearing at least the following information:

(1) the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community;

(2) if this certificate applies to a batch of hooks state how many were in the batch;

(3) the type of hook;

(4) the dimensional characteristics:

enclose schematic drawing of the hook showing principal dimensions;

(5) the maximum proof load which can be applied to the hook such that after removal of the proof load there is no significant permanent deformation; in no case shall the permanent deformation as measured across the opening of the hook exceed 0·25 %;

(6) the load at which the hook just opens or would open to such an extent that it is no longer capable of supporting the load; in the case of a hook the construction of which is such, that it is or would be likely to break rather than drop the load due to opening of the hook, the minimum breaking load should be stated;

(7) material properties of the hook (e.g. international grade of the hook or alternatively specification of the steel of the hook);

(8) type of heat treatment applied during manufacture of the hook;

(9) if the hook is made to a national or international standard, identify this standard and identify the hook according to this standard;

(10) if tests have been carried out on the hook(s) state the standards or specifications to which the tests comply. If not to a standard or specification, these tests should be detailed (in the case of batches the number of samples) as well as the results;

(11) if the properties of the hook require special treatment, maintenance and/or inspection information shall be given;

(12) signature in accordance with point 1;

(13) position of signatory in manufacturing company or the manufacturer's authorized agent;

(14) place and date.


A hook manufactured to a national or international standard must bear a legible and permanent quality mark in accordance with that standard.

( 1 ) EÜT L 184, 17.7.1999, lk 23.