This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document C2022/382/01
Common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species Supplement 2022/9 (Text with EEA relevance) 2022/C 382/01
Catálogo común de variedades de especies de plantas agrícolas Suplemento 2022/9 (Texto pertinente a efectos del EEE) 2022/C 382/01
Catálogo común de variedades de especies de plantas agrícolas Suplemento 2022/9 (Texto pertinente a efectos del EEE) 2022/C 382/01
DO C 382 de 4.10.2022, p. 1–22
(BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)
4.10.2022 |
Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea |
C 382/1 |
Suplemento 2022/9
(Texto pertinente a efectos del EEE)
(2022/C 382/01)
Notas explicativas | 3 |
Lista de especies de plantas agrícolas | 4 |
I. Remolachas
1. |
Beta vulgaris L. Remolacha azucarera | 4 |
2. |
Beta vulgaris L. Remolacha forrajera | 4 |
II. Plantas forrajeras
6. |
Agrostis capillaris L. Agróstide tenue | 5 |
12. |
Dactylis glomerata L. Dactilo | 5 |
13. |
Festuca arundinacea Schreber Festuca alta | 5 |
16. |
Festuca pratensis Huds. Festuca pratense | 5 |
17. |
Festuca rubra L. Festuca roja | 5 |
20. |
Lolium multiflorum Lam. Ray-grass italiano | 5 |
20.1. |
Ssp. alternativum | 5 |
20.1. |
Ssp. non alternativum | 5 |
21. |
Lolium perenne L. Ray-grass inglés | 6 |
22. |
Lolium x hybridum Hausskn. Ray-grass híbrido | 6 |
25. |
Phleum pratense L. Fleo de los prados | 6 |
29. |
Poa pratensis L. Poa de los prados | 7 |
47. |
Medicago sativa L. Alfalfa | 7 |
54. |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) Guisante | 7 |
63. |
Trifolium pratense L. Trébol | 7 |
64. |
Trifolium repens L. Trébol blanco | 7 |
71. |
Vicia faba L. (partim) Haba/Haboncillo | 7 |
III. Plantas oleaginosoas y fibrosas
81. |
Brassica rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Briggs Nabo | 8 |
83. |
Brassica napus L. (partim) Colza | 8 |
88. |
Gossypium spp. Algodón | 9 |
89. |
Helianthus annuus L. Girasol | 9 |
90. |
Linum usitatissimum L. Lino | 10 |
93. |
Glycine max (L.) Merr. Soja | 11 |
IV. Cereales
94. |
Avena nuda L. Avena desnuda/Avena descascarillada | 12 |
95. |
Avena sativa L. (including A. Byzantina K. Koch) Avena y Avena roja | 12 |
96. |
Avena strigosa Schreb. Avena negra/Avena estrigosa | 12 |
97. |
Hordeum vulgare L. Cebada | 12 |
97.1. |
Cebada de dos carreras | 12 |
97.2. |
Cebada de seis carreras | 13 |
100. |
Secale cereale L. Centeno | 13 |
101. |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Sorgo | 14 |
103. |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf. Híbridos resultantes del cruce entre Sorghum bicolor y Sorghum sudanense | 14 |
104. |
×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus Híbridos resultantes del cruce de una especie del género Triticum con una especie del género Secale | 14 |
105. |
Triticum aestivum L. Trigo blando | 14 |
106. |
Triticum durum Desf. Trigo duro | 16 |
108. |
Zea mays L. (partim) Maíz | 16 |
V. Patatas
109. |
Solanum tuberosum L. Patata | 22 |
1. |
Este suplemento de la versión consolidada de 2021 del catálogo común de variedades de especies de plantas agrícolas (1) recoge las modificaciones que ha sido necesario introducir para tener en cuenta la información que ha recibido la Comisión de los Estados miembros. |
2. |
El presente suplemento mantiene la subdivisión que se adoptó en la versión consolidada de 2021. Pueden consultarse las notas explicativas de dicha edición. |
3. |
Este suplemento abarca las notificaciones recibidas del 1 de al 31 de julio de 2022. |
4. |
Las modificaciones que se introdujeron en la versión consolidada de 2021 se indican en la columna 4 como sigue:
5. |
El presente suplemento se refiere a las variedades notificadas a las que se aplican las disposiciones establecidas en el artículo 16, apartado 1, de la Directiva 2002/53/CE del Consejo (2). |
6. |
Cuando el código de un encargado del mantenimiento no aparezca en la versión consolidada de 2021, su nombre y dirección podrán solicitarse a la autoridad indicada en la lista del Estado miembro o del país de la AELC correspondiente. |
(1) Versión consolidada de 13 de diciembre de 2021:
1. Beta vulgaris L. - Sugar beet
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Bali |
*ES 1502, *NL 704 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
BTS 1195 |
(del.) |
BTS 2225 RHC |
(del.) |
BTS 3480 N |
*BE 701 |
D m (2) (mod.)(32) |
BTS 4235 |
(del.) |
BTS 4665 RHC |
*BE 701, (*)DE 9210 |
D m (2) (mod.)(32) |
BTS 6405 |
(del.) |
BTS Smart 9360 N |
(del.) |
Cambria |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Cumulus |
(del.) |
Delano |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Diadem |
(del.) |
Diver |
(del.) |
Karelia KWS |
(del.) |
Lakeba |
(del.) |
Lamiti |
(del.) |
Lipizzan |
(del.) |
Logan |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Melrose |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Mermaid |
(del.) |
Nautile |
*ES 1502, *FR S13115 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Piculet |
(del.) |
Quechua |
*ES 1502, *FR S13115 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Ragna KWS |
*SE 89 |
m (2) (mod.) |
Samoa |
(del.) |
Smart Jitka KWS |
*ES 6320 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Tampa |
(del.) |
Tonga |
*NL 704 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Tooka |
*NL 704 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Whisky |
*SE 143 |
(mod.) |
2. Beta vulgaris L. - Fodder beet
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Hawai |
(del.) |
6. Agrostis capillaris L. - Brown top
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ambition |
(del.) |
Denso |
(del.) |
Tracenta |
(del.) |
12. Dactylis glomerata L. - Cocksfoot
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Apelsvoll |
*EE 34 |
*IS 21 |
(mod.) |
13. Festuca arundinacea Schreber - Tall fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Jamboree |
*DK 14, *FR S14431 |
(mod.)(1) |
16. Festuca pratensis Huds. - Meadow fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Kalevi |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Salten |
*IS 13 |
(mod.) |
17. Festuca rubra L. - Red fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Blenheim |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Fryd |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Juliska |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Papilio |
(del.) |
Valdora |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Yahuna |
*SK 542 |
(add.) |
20. Lolium multiflorum Lam. - Italian ryegrass (including Westerwold ryegrass)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ssp. alternativum - |
Pollanum |
*DE 39, *ES 1035, (*)LU 6007, *PT 103 |
T (mod.) |
Ssp. non alternativum - |
Gizi |
(del.) |
21. Lolium perenne L. - Perennial ryegrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Asturion |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Aubisque |
(del.) |
Barkuper |
(del.) |
Fornido |
(del.) |
Lupita |
(del.) |
Mathilde |
*DK 14, *EE 13, *PL 161 |
*NO 29 |
T (mod.)(17) |
Mavuno |
(del.) |
Meiduno |
*IE 230 |
T (mod.)(17) |
Meltruck |
*NL 1072 |
D (add.) |
Nautica |
(del.) |
Option |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Paragon |
(del.) |
Paragon GLR |
(del.) |
Pensel |
(del.) |
Probus |
(*)FR S14431, *NL 1036 |
D (mod.) |
Sitala |
(del.) |
Svea |
*IS 19 |
D (mod.) |
Trenio |
(del.) |
Vilag |
(del.) |
Zifer |
(del.) |
22. Lolium x hybridum Hausskn. - Hybrid ryegrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Galaxias |
*CH 162 |
T (add.) |
Salaria |
*FR S11444 |
*CH 162 |
T (mod.) |
25. Phleum pratense L. - Timothy
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Donatello |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Saga |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Sleipnir |
f: 30.6.2024 |
29. Poa pratensis L. - Smooth-stalked meadowgrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Limousine |
*DK 202, *DE 39, *FR S8233, *NL 698 |
*NO 485 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Linares |
f: 30.6.2023 |
47. Medicago sativa L. - Lucerne
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Bar Alfa |
*PT 182 |
(add.) |
Osječka 100 |
f: 30.6.2025 |
54. Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Field pea
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Audit |
*CZ 1207, *EE 1, *LT 135 |
(mod.)(16) |
Blueman |
*FR S13804 |
(mod.) |
Letin |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Sohvi |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Spectral F |
f: 30.6.2024 |
63. Trifolium pratense L. - Red clover
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Bjursele |
*IS 19 |
D (mod.) |
Jokioinen |
f: 30.6.2024 |
64. Trifolium repens L. - White clover
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Galway |
(del.) |
71. Vicia faba L. (partim) - Field bean
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Vertigo |
*LT 44 |
(mod.)(16) |
81. Brassica rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Briggs - Turnip rape
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
SW Rebus |
f: 30.6.2024 |
83. Brassica napus L. (partim) - Swede rape
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Abakus |
(del.) |
Arizona |
*CZ 1405, *FR 44360, *HU 132938 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
Artoga |
*DE 1323 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Astronom |
*CZ 1405, *FR 44360, *HU 132938 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK EX352 |
(del.) |
DK Exalis |
(del.) |
DK Exclusiv |
f: 30.6.2024 |
DK Excursion |
(del.) |
DK Exe |
(del.) |
DK Exente |
(del.) |
DK Exflix |
(del.) |
DK Plastic |
(del.) |
ES Natalie |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Evolia |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Exotic |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Fenja |
*EE 51, *LT 91 |
(mod.)(16)(38) |
Hamilton |
*HU 106300 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
INV1066 |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Kaban |
*DK 178 |
(add.) ant. DK Excursion |
Kriter |
(del.) |
Lennon |
*LT 42 |
(mod.)(16)(38) |
LG Opal |
*DK 223 |
H (add.)(15)(38) |
Loki |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Majong |
f: 30.6.2024 |
PR44D06 |
*FR 10858, *SK 450, *FI 6218 |
(mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
PR44W29 |
*HU 166056, *SK 450 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
PT211 |
*HR 214, *SI 482 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(39) |
PT228CL |
*HR 214, *SI 482 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
PT234 |
*DK 87, *SI 482 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(39) |
PT240CL |
*BG 34, *SI 482 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
PT269 |
f: 30.6.2024 |
PX113 |
*IE 299, *SI 482, *SK 450 |
H (mod.)(15)(17)(32)(38) |
PX131 |
*DE 514, *AT 77 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
Sherpa |
*DE 147 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
SY Alibeat |
*DK 13 |
H (add.)(15)(38) |
SY Jack |
(del.) |
SY Loyd |
(del.) |
Thure |
*EE 31, *FI 6174 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Trinity |
*SK 443 |
(mod.)(15)(39) |
Turner |
*EE 46 |
(mod.)(16)(38) |
V 393 OL |
*DK 178 |
H (add.)(15)(32)(38) |
V275OL |
(del.) |
V295OL |
(del.) |
V345OL |
(del.) |
V363OL |
(del.) |
Vectra |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Xenon |
(del.) |
88. Gossypium spp. - Cotton
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Airlab |
(del.) |
Alexa |
*BG 161 |
(add.) |
Alexandros |
(del.) |
BA 440 |
*ES x |
(mod.)(32) |
ST478 |
(del.) |
ST488 |
(del.) |
89. Helianthus annuus L. - Sunflower
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Achena |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Alambra CS |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Artego |
*IT 345 |
S (mod.) |
CS Magenta |
*IT 345, *SK 858 |
S (mod.) |
ES Euromis CL |
f: 30.6.2024 |
ES Panama |
*FR S15312 |
S (mod.) |
ES Solano |
(del.) |
ESH10 |
(del.) |
HS03 |
*IT 639 |
S (mod.)(32) |
KWS Augustes CL |
f: 30.6.2024 |
KWS Kamales CL |
*IT 1787, *RO 2032, *SK 221 |
S (mod.) |
KWS Tirex |
f: 30.6.2024 |
LG5474HO |
f: 30.6.2025 |
LG5525 |
*CZ 1136, *RO 2111 |
S (mod.)(32) |
LG5534 |
*IT 1243 |
S (mod.)(32)(35) |
LG5591 |
(del.) |
MAS 91IR |
f: 30.6.2024 |
MAS 92F |
f: 30.6.2024 |
MAS 95IR |
f: 30.6.2024 |
MAS 95OL |
f: 30.6.2024 |
NS7009 |
(del.) |
P63LL06 |
*HR 214, *IT 1057, *AT 77 |
H S (mod.)(32) |
P64HE39 |
f: 30.6.2024 |
P64LE163 |
*RO 2122, *SK 450 |
S (mod.)(32) |
P64LE29 |
(del.) |
P64LL131 |
f: 30.6.2024 |
P64LP170 |
*RO 2122, *SK 450 |
S (mod.)(32) |
Porthos CLP |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Solady |
(del.) |
SY Argona |
*IT 1164 |
H S (mod.)(35) |
SY Asperio CLP |
*PT 586 |
S (add.) |
SY Cadenza |
*PT 586 |
S (add.) |
SY Fuerto |
*PT 586 |
S (add.) |
SY Ibisco CLP |
*PT 586 |
S (add.) |
SY Sultán |
(del.) |
Welcom |
f: 30.6.2025 |
90. Linum usitatissimum L. - Flax, Linseed
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Elan FD |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Helmi |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Star FD |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Tanghi Nicola |
f: 30.6.2024 |
93. Glycine max (L.) Merr. - Soya bean
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Adsoy |
(del.) |
AFZG Sanja |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Aztek |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Canyon |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Elyxir |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Frodo |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Frosty |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Naya |
*CZ 771, *AT 89 |
(mod.) |
Paradis |
*LT 138 |
*CH 41 |
(mod.) |
Regina |
*AT 124 |
(mod.) |
SG Havane |
f: 30.6.2024 |
SG Kea |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Sunrise |
(del.) |
Tamarix |
*CH 41 |
(add.) |
Tisa |
f: 30.6.2025 |
94. Avena nuda L. - Small naked oat / Hulless oat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Lisbeth |
f: 30.6.2024 |
95. Avena sativa L. (including A. byzantina K. Koch) - Oat and Red oat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Aarre |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Alku |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Chambord |
(del.) |
Gry |
(del.) |
Haga |
*NO 499 |
(mod.)(16) |
Ivory |
*DE 9056, *LV 46, (*)LU 6017 |
(mod.)(16) |
Noora |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Riina |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Rocky |
f: 30.6.2024 |
SW Ingeborg |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Vinger |
*NO 499 |
(mod.)(16) |
96. Avena strigosa Schreb. - Black oat / Bristle oat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Terra Alta |
*PT 371 |
(add.) |
97. Hordeum vulgare L. - Barley
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
- 2-row barley |
Annabell |
f: 30.6.2024 |
CB Celina |
*DK 203 |
(add.) |
Chameleon |
(del.) |
Champ |
(del.) |
Cheers |
(del.) |
Christopher |
(del.) |
Columbus |
*NL 749 |
(mod.)(16) |
Embrace |
*EE 69, *LT 105 |
(mod.)(16) |
Henrike |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Jaran |
f: 30.6.2025 |
KWS Chrissie |
*DK 230, *FR S13467, *LT 41, *SE 74 |
(mod.)(16) |
Loyola |
(del.) |
Luther |
(del.) |
Matros |
(del.) |
Ovation |
*CZ 1405 |
(mod.)(16) |
Overture |
*CZ 1405 |
(mod.)(16) |
Popekka |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Quench |
*DE 6880, (*)LU 6031 |
(mod.)(16) |
Rambler |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Salome |
*LT 60, (*)LU 6017, *HU 107747, *PL 306, *SK 295, *SE 41 |
(mod.)(16) |
SW Mitja |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Tocada |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Tolar |
f: 30.6.2024 |
- 6-row barley |
Artturi |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Chapoclac |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Gerlach |
*BG 21, *SK 448 |
(mod.)(15) |
Gunni |
*DK 109 |
(add.)(15) |
Jalmari |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Justus |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Kunnari |
(del.) |
Paso |
*CZ 1062 |
(mod.)(15) |
SY Laoos |
f: 30.6.2025 |
100. Secale cereale L. - Rye
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Amilo |
*DE 10480, *AT 26, *PL 153 |
(mod.)(15) |
Brasetto |
*DE 129, *AT 504, *SK 591 |
H (mod.)(15) |
Caspian |
f: 31.10.2025 |
Evolo |
f: 31.10.2024 |
Helltop |
*DE 9960, (*)LU 6064 |
(mod.)(15) |
Palazzo |
*DE 129, *SK 591 |
H (mod.)(15) |
Rogo |
f: 30.6.2024 |
101. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor - Sorghum
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ganymed |
*PT 120 |
H S (add.) ant. KWS Ganymed |
KWS Ganymed |
(del.) |
103. ‘Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor x Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. drummondii (Steud.) de Wet ex Davidse - Hybrids resulting from the crossing of Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor and Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Mavrik |
*IT 1321 |
(mod.) |
104. ×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus - Hybrids resulting from the crossing of a species of the genus Triticum and a species of the genus Secale
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Pisc |
f: 30.6.2024 |
105. Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum - Wheat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ag Gabi |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Alixan |
*FR 12814 |
(mod.)(15) |
Altigo |
*CZ 1405, *HU 132938, *SK 406 |
(mod.)(15) |
Arkeos |
*FR 44360 |
(mod.)(15) |
Ava |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Bandera |
*IT 1125 |
H (mod.)(15) |
Bastian |
*NO 499 |
(mod.)(16) |
Calabro |
*FR S13804 |
(mod.)(15) |
Caminada |
*CH 41 |
(add.)(15) |
Cian |
*CH 56 |
(add.)(15) |
Cruzado |
(del.) |
Diribia |
*CH 41 |
(add.)(15) |
Divana |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Draco |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Edelrun |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Egidius |
*HU 106630, *SK 508 |
(mod.)(16) |
Element |
*AT 5 |
(mod.)(15) |
Eneas |
(del.) |
Energo |
*AT 5 |
(mod.)(15) |
Federis |
*CH 41 |
(add.)(15) |
Flavor CS |
*FR S15312 |
(mod.)(15) |
Frisky |
*CZ 1405 |
(mod.)(15) |
Fructidor |
*FR S14288 |
(mod.)(15) |
Gloria |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Haruki |
*CH 56 |
(add.)(16) |
Janne |
*EE 99, *LT 176 |
(mod.)(15) |
Jesko |
(del.) |
Kubik |
*DK 220 |
(add.) |
KWS Dacanto |
(del.) |
KWS Magic |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Lazaro |
(del.) |
LCS Star |
(del.) |
Ludwig |
*CZ 411, *AT 26, *PL 676 |
(mod.)(15) |
Macaron |
*FR S14807 |
(mod.)(15) |
Mahti |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Mogador |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Pilatus |
*CH 41 |
(add.)(15) |
Pistoria |
(del.) |
Rehti |
f: 31.10.2024 |
Renan |
*BG 21, *FR 9504, *RO 2061 |
(mod.)(15) |
RGT Castelno |
(del.) |
RGT Solferino |
(del.) |
RGT Vivendo |
*IT 1125 |
(mod.)(15) |
Royssac |
(del.) |
Seance |
*CZ 172 |
(mod.)(16) |
SU Hymonta |
*CH 987 |
(add.)(15) |
Substance |
(del.) |
SW Tataros |
(del.) |
Vesna |
f: 30.6.2025 |
106. Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) van Slageren - Durum wheat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Gingão |
*PT 2 |
(add.) |
Lecitur |
(del.) |
Regur |
(del.) |
RGT Xiriur |
(del.) |
Sandur |
(del.) |
Sanodur |
*HR 80 |
(add.) ant. Sandur(15) |
Tussur |
(del.) |
108. Zea mays L. (partim) - Maize
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Index maturitas(25>) |
Forma H(26>) |
Aboni |
*IT x |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
Actura |
(del.) |
Altasio |
*CZ 69 |
230 |
S |
(add.) |
Arcadio |
*CZ 414 |
360 |
S |
(add.) |
Astardo |
*CZ 414 |
230 |
T |
(mod.) |
BC 582 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Bukur |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Charleston |
*IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Consuelo |
*IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) ex: PL (8.5.2006)*(32) |
Copernic |
400 |
S |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Cyrano |
*CZ 414 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
DA Scipio |
400 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DK287 |
(del.) |
DKC3871 |
(del.) |
DKC4010 |
*HU 108843, *SK 438 |
290 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4082 |
290 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC4127 |
*SK 438 |
270 |
S |
(add.)(32) |
DKC4213 |
(del.) |
DKC4442YG |
(del.) |
DKC4590 |
*ES x, *AT 930 |
360 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4795 |
*ES x, *FR 45483, *AT 930 |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4888 |
400 |
T |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC4950 |
(del.) |
DKC4974YG |
(del.) |
DKC4995 |
300 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC5170 |
*ES x |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5699 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC5707 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC5721 |
(del.) |
DKC5784YG |
(del.) |
DKC6089 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC6101 |
*ES x |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6120 |
700 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
DKC6442 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6451YG |
(del.) |
DKC6630 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6634 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6664 |
*IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6664YG |
*PT 374 |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32)(34) |
DKC6667YG |
(del.) |
DKC6678YG |
(del.) |
DKC6681 |
*IT x |
700 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6717 |
(del.) |
DKC6724 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6728 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6761YG |
(del.) |
DKC6795 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6815 |
(del.) |
DKC6897 |
*IT x |
800 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6903 |
(del.) |
Donerixx |
*SK 520 |
390 |
T |
(add.) |
Dragonstone |
*AT 939, *SK 858 |
250 |
T |
(mod.) |
EG5411KDDZ |
(del.) |
EG6510 |
(del.) |
EG6510KDDZ |
(del.) |
EH6206KDDZ |
(del.) |
EI6622 |
(del.) |
EL6515KDDZ |
(del.) |
Elbrus |
*IT 1164, *SK 219 |
390 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Antalya |
*FR 45483 |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Archipel YG |
(del.) |
ES Cortes |
*HU 102786, *SK 507 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Larhune |
*IT 1171, *SK 858 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Madagascar |
*FR S15312, *AT 939, *SK 858 |
290 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Midway |
*FR S15312, *PL 1273, *SK 858 |
250 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Myrdal |
*CZ 1684, *DE 3501, *LT 106 |
190 |
S |
(mod.)(16) |
ES Submarine |
*CZ 1684, *PL 1273 |
230 |
S |
(mod.) |
Gaetano |
230 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Galicio |
460 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Giancarlo |
220 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Glutexo |
*CZ 1100, *IT 254, *SK 604 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
Highland |
*SK 858 |
250 |
S |
(add.) |
Honoreen |
*CZ 1405, *IT 837 |
200 |
T |
(mod.) |
Jesko |
*DK 28 |
(add.) |
Juno |
*HU 149293 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kaligulas |
400 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Kamparis |
*BG 16 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kampius |
*PT 120 |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Karnevalis |
*SI 282 |
290 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kassandras |
300-399 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Kassius |
350 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Kenobis |
*IT 264, *SI 282, *SK 221 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kinemas |
*BG 16, *HU 149293, *RO 2032 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kirghis |
300 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Klimt |
*IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) ex: PL (8.5.2006)* |
Konfirmas |
350 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Konfites |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *IT 264 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Korimbos |
*ES x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Korvinus |
*HU 149293, *SI 282 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kreatos |
380 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Krebs |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Kristallo |
*CZ 414, *PL 264 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Bellavista |
340 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
KWS Continuo |
*CZ 69, *HU 149293 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Desmond |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
KWS Durango |
*BG 16, *RO 2032 |
470 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Gothic |
300 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
KWS Granturismo |
*CZ 69 |
220 |
S |
(add.) |
KWS Infinity |
300 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
KWS Inteligens |
*CZ 69, *FR S14995, *IT 264, *SK 221 |
410 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Magnifico |
*BG 16, *SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Rolando |
*CZ 69, *SK 221 |
290 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Selestino |
*CZ 69, *SK 221 |
320 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Servalo |
*CZ 69 |
270 |
T |
(add.) |
KWS2482 |
*SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
KWS4484 |
*BG 16, *RO 2032, *SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Labeli CS |
*IT 345 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Ladifference |
(del.) |
LBS2525 |
*SI 481, *SK 450 |
260 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
LBS2974 |
(*)FR S10858, *SI 481, *SK 450 |
250 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
LG31240 |
*CZ 1405, *FR S13724, *AT 905, *PL 738 |
260 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
LG31265 |
*BE 842, *CZ 1405, *IT 837 |
200 |
T |
(mod.)(32) |
LID2210C |
*PL 1273, *SK 858 |
240 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Lynxx |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Maredor |
(del.) |
MAS 39T |
370 |
D |
f: 30.6.2024 |
MAS 41WX |
300 |
S |
f: 30.6.2024 |
MAS 65YG |
*PT 560 |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32)(34) |
Mendy |
*IT 1171, *HU 102786, *SK 858 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Milandro |
*CZ 69, *FR S14995 |
220 |
T |
(mod.) |
Miloxan |
*IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Mirirom |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Mosso |
*LT 153 |
220 |
S |
(mod.) |
NK Columbia |
*IT 1164 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
NK Creator |
200 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
NK Helico |
550 |
T |
f: 30.6.2025 |
NK Kansas |
*IT 1164 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
NK Lucius |
*IT 1164, *HU 102335 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
NK Olympic |
300 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Norico |
*DE 1328, *SK 60 |
270 |
S |
(mod.) |
NS 5042 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
NS 6102 |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Olaf |
*LT 106, *SK 858 |
200 |
S |
(mod.)(16) |
Os 155 |
100 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 3999 |
400 |
T |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 430 |
400 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 4377 |
400 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 4378 |
400 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 499 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 5719 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 5721 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Os 6718 |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 552 |
500 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 602 |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 644 |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 654 |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 659 |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 661 B |
600 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Ossk 713 |
700 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
P1429 |
*IT x |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
P7054 |
*SK 450 |
170 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
P7818 |
*SK 450 |
210 |
S |
(add.)(32) |
P8240 |
*CZ 1252, *IT 53, *SI 481 |
260 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
P8683 |
*CZ 1252, *DE 514, *IT 53, *SI 481 |
260 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
P8688 |
200 |
T |
f: 30.6.2024 |
P8904 |
*CZ 1252, *IT 53, *AT 77, *PL 1029 |
250 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
P9025 |
*IT x |
200 |
T |
(mod.)(32) |
P9985 |
*CZ 1252, *IT 53 |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Perrero |
*CZ 1211, *AT 20 |
250 |
S |
(mod.) |
Pirro |
*CZ 414, *LT 153 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
PR33W82 |
*ES 116, *IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
PR36V52 |
*IT x |
430 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
PR38A79 |
*AT 513 |
340 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Prestoso |
*CZ 414, *SK 60 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Auxxence |
*CZ 1065, *IT 1125 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Azalexx |
*CZ 1065, *AT 775 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Decitexx |
*IT 1125, *PL 631, *SK 520 |
220 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Frixxby |
*CZ 1065, *IT 1125 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Lexxagri |
*CZ 1065, *IT 1125 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Lexxypol |
*CZ 1065, *FR S13804 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
RGT Xxaver |
*CZ 1065 |
220 |
S |
(add.) |
RGT Zanetixx Duo |
*CZ 1065 |
310 |
S |
(add.) |
RGT Zanetixx DUO |
*SK 520 |
320 |
S |
(add.) |
Rogoso |
220 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Rosaleen |
*CZ 1405, *SK 406 |
290 |
T |
(mod.) |
Rostello |
*CZ 414 |
250 |
S |
(add.) |
Sativo |
*CZ 414 |
270 |
S |
(mod.) |
Silvio |
*CZ 69 |
230 |
S |
(add.) |
Sumumba |
*CZ 1100, *DE 3351 |
280 |
S |
(mod.) |
SY Amfora |
*CZ 711, *DE 6880, *IT 1164 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
SY Flovita |
200 |
S |
f: 30.6.2025 |
SY Invictus |
*CZ 711, *DE 6880, (*)FR S14123, *IT 1164, *NL 1029 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
Toskano |
*FR S14995, *SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Turaco |
350 |
S |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Valdragon |
*SK 858 |
250 |
T |
(add.) |
Victoreen |
*CZ 1405 |
330 |
T |
(add.) |
109. Solanum tuberosum L. - Potato
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Bellefleur |
(del.) |
Bintje |
*FR 11191, *LU x, *NL x |
(mod.) |
Bridget |
(del.) |
Christian |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Faluka |
*NL 715 |
(mod.) |
Flair |
(del.) |
Ibiza |
(del.) |
Idole |
*NL 227 |
(mod.) |
Kastelli |
(del.) |
Labella |
*NL 515 |
(mod.) |
Laperla |
*NL 515 |
(mod.) |
Manitou |
*NL 326, *PL 238, *PT 752 |
(mod.) |
Matilda |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Natascha |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Osku |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Rosara |
*CZ 43, *DE 2352 |
(mod.) |
Sophie |
(del.) |
Tomppa |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Toscana |
*DE 2352 |
(mod.) |
Tucan |
f: 30.6.2025 |
Velox |
*CZ 43, *DE 2352 |
(mod.) |