ISSN 1977-0677

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 453

European flag  

English edition


Volume 64
17 December 2021



II   Non-legislative acts







Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2244 of 7 October 2021 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council with specific rules on official controls as regards sampling procedures for pesticides residues in food and feed ( 1 )




Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2245 of 12 October 2021 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 as regards the calculation of the value of marketed production of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetable sector




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2246 of 15 December 2021 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 on the temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the Union of certain goods from certain third countries implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/625 and (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2247 of 15 December 2021 amending Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 as regards fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2248 of 16 December 2021 specifying the details of the electronic interface between national customs systems and the information and communication system for market surveillance, and the data to be transmitted by means of that interface ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2249 of 16 December 2021 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 laying down special control measures for African swine fever ( 1 )







Council Decision (EU) 2021/2250 of 14 December 2021 appointing a member and two alternate members, proposed by the Republic of Finland, of the Committee of the Regions




(1)   Text with EEA relevance.


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.

II Non-legislative acts




Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/1


of 7 October 2021

supplementing Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council with specific rules on official controls as regards sampling procedures for pesticides residues in food and feed

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation) (1), and in particular point (a) of Article 19(2) thereof,



Regulation (EU) 2017/625 lays down rules for the performance of official controls and other official activities by the competent authorities of the Member States to verify compliance with Union legislation, inter alia, in the area of food safety at all stages of production, processing and distribution. It provides for specific rules on official controls in relation to substances whose use may result in residues of those substances in food and feed.


Regulation (EU) 2017/625 deletes Article 27(1) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2), which however remains applicable until 14 December 2022 unless an earlier date is set by a delegated act. That Article 27(1) lays down specific requirements for the performance of official controls as regards sampling procedures for the analysis of pesticide residues in food and feed.


Article 19(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 lays down the specific requirements on official controls in relation to the residues of relevant substances in food and feed to be performed at any stage of production, processing and distribution.


The aim of monitoring pesticide residues in food and feed is to ensure compliance with the maximum residue levels established by Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 as well as to assess the consumer exposure to pesticides residues. It requires food and feed samples to be taken in a sufficient number and range to ensure that they are representative of the market. It also requires those samples to be taken at the most appropriate sampling point in the food chain.


It is therefore appropriate to supplement Article 19(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 by laying down rules for the performance of the official controls as regards the relevant sampling procedures for pesticide residues in food and feed.


As the rules laid down in Article 27(1) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 regarding official controls for sampling will no longer apply as from 15 December 2022, this Regulation should apply from that date,


Article 1

For the purposes of the official controls on pesticide residues, as provided for in Article 19(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625, each Member State shall take a sufficient number and range of samples of food and feed to ensure that the results are representative of the market, taking into account the results of previous multiannual national control programmes.

The sampling provided for in the first paragraph shall be carried out as close to the point of supply as is reasonable.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 15 December 2022.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 7 October 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 95, 7.4.2017, p. 1.

(2)  Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/3


of 12 October 2021

amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 as regards the calculation of the value of marketed production of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetable sector


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 37, point (c)(i) and (iv), thereof,



Natural disasters or adverse climatic events have increasingly damaged the production of fruit and vegetables in the Union for several years. In 2017, the European Union Solidarity Fund, which was established by Council Regulation (EC) No 2012/2002 (2), was mobilised and a specific aid was granted to Latvia with the view to repairing damage caused by intense floods in the summer and autumn of 2017. In 2018, due to heavy rainfall and floods that occurred in some parts of the Union (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/108 (3) granted an emergency measure in the form of aid to farmers. In spring 2021, a severe period of frost occurred in certain regions of several Member States (especially in Spain, France, Italy) and for certain products (peaches, nectarines, apples and others). Consequently more than 50 % of the production is lost.


In view of more frequent natural disasters or adverse climatic events, a long-term solution regarding the calculation of the value of marketed production of producer organisations is needed, in order to reinforce their resilience for the future. It is necessary to amend Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 (4) by providing for flexibility in the calculation of the value of marketed production of producer organisations in the Union in case they face natural disasters and climatic events making the production unusable for consumption and processing.


Large losses in the value of marketed production caused by natural disasters or adverse climatic events have a major impact on the amount of Union aid received by producer organisations in the subsequent year, as the amount of Union aid is calculated as a percentage of the value of marketed production of each producer organisation. Where a large part or the entire harvest is lost, producer organisations risk losing their recognition, as one of the criteria for the recognition is reaching a certain minimum value of marketed production fixed at national level. This would entail a double economic loss, which would put at risk the long-term stability of producer organisations.


In view of the increased frequency of natural disasters or adverse climatic events and the resulting significantly larger production loss, the safeguard established by Article 23(4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 pursuant to which the value of marketed production of a product is to be deemed to represent 65 % of its value in the previous reference period, is insufficient.


Therefore, and due to the need to achieve economic and financial stability of producer organisations concerned by large losses in the value of marketed production caused by natural disasters and adverse climatic events, the threshold for the calculation of the value of marketed production for a given reference period should be increased. Taking into consideration the important damage caused by the recent adverse climatic events, the value of marketed production in case of natural disasters and adverse climatic events laid down in Article 23(4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 should be increased to 85 %.


Furthermore, a solution should be provided to avoid situations where producer organisations, that invest in preventive measures and nonetheless incur substantial damage due to natural disasters, adverse climatic events, plant diseases or pest infestation, not only incur losses of their value of marketed production but also see their Union financial assistance decreased. Therefore, the value of marketed production laid down in Article 23(4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 should be increased to 100 % for producer organisations, that prove that they have taken the necessary preventive measures against plant diseases, pest infestations, natural disasters and adverse climatic events such as heating systems or nets installed in fields, insurance schemes, or setting-up of mutual funds.


Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 should therefore be amended accordingly.


In view of the implementation of operational programmes by calendar years and considering that the calculation of the value of marketed production that determines the amount of maximum Union financial assistance is based on the previous calendar year, it is necessary that this Regulation enters into force as soon as possible, on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union,


Article 1

In paragraph 4 of Article 23 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891, the second subparagraph is replaced by the following:

‘Where a reduction of at least 35 % in the value of a product has occurred due to natural disasters, climatic events, plant diseases or pest infestations falling outside the responsibility and control of the producer organisation, the value of marketed production of that product shall be deemed to represent 85 % of its value in the previous reference period. The producer organisation shall prove to the competent authority of the Member State concerned that those reasons were falling outside its responsibility and control. In case the producer organisation proves to the competent authority of the Member State concerned that it has taken the necessary preventive measures against the natural disaster, climatic event, plant disease or pest infestation concerned, the value of marketed production of that product shall be deemed to represent 100 % of its value in the previous reference period.’.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 12 October 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671.

(2)  Council Regulation (EC) No 2012/2002 of 11 November 2002 establishing the European Union Solidarity Fund (OJ L 311, 14.11.2002, p. 3).

(3)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/108 of 23 January 2018 on an emergency measure in the form of aid to farmers due to the floods and heavy rainfalls in certain areas of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland (OJ L 19, 24.1.2018, p. 6).

(4)  Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 of 13 March 2017 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors and supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to penalties to be applied in those sectors and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 (OJ L 138, 25.5.2017, p. 4).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/5


of 15 December 2021

amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 on the temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the Union of certain goods from certain third countries implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/625 and (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (1), and in particular Article 53(1), point (b)(ii), thereof,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation) (2), and in particular Article 47(2), point (b), and Article 54(4), points (a) and (b), thereof,



Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 (3) lays down rules on the temporary increase of official controls at the entry into the Union on certain food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries listed in Annex I to that Implementing Regulation, and on the imposition of special conditions governing the entry into the Union of certain consignments of food and feed from certain third countries due to the risk of contamination by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, pesticide residues, pentachlorophenol and dioxins, and microbiological contamination, listed in Annex II to that Implementing Regulation.


Article 12 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 provides that the lists set out in Annexes I and II to that Implementing Regulation are to be reviewed at regular intervals not exceeding 6 months, in order to take into account new information related to risks to human health and non-compliance with Union legislation, such as the data resulting from notifications received through the rapid alert system established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, as well as data and information concerning consignments and the results of the documentary, identity and physical checks communicated by the Member States to the Commission.


The occurrence and relevance of recent food incidents notified through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (‘RASFF’) indicating the existence of a serious direct or indirect risk to human health deriving from food or feed, as established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, and information regarding official controls performed by Member States on food and feed of non-animal origin in the first semester of 2021 indicate that the lists set out in Annexes I and II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be amended in order to protect human health in the Union.


Groundnuts and products produced from groundnuts from Argentina have been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by aflatoxins since January 2019. The official controls carried out by the Member States and available information show improvement in compliance with the relevant requirements provided for in Union legislation. Those results provide evidence that the entry of those foodstuffs into the Union does not constitute a serious risk for human health. As a consequence, it is not necessary to continue to provide that each consignment is accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show compliance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4). At the same time, Member States should continue to carry out controls to ensure that the current level of compliance will be maintained. Therefore, the entry concerning groundnuts from Argentina in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be deleted and transferred to Annex I to that Implementing Regulation, maintaining the level of frequency of identity and physical checks at 5 % of consignments entering the Union.


Hazelnuts and products produced from hazelnuts from Azerbaijan have been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by aflatoxins since January 2019. The official controls carried out by the Member States and available information show improvement in compliance with the relevant requirements provided for in Union legislation. Those results provide evidence that the entry of those foodstuffs into the Union does not constitute a serious risk for human health. As a consequence, it is not necessary to continue to provide that each consignment has been accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show compliance with the Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. At the same time, Member States should continue to carry out controls to ensure that the current level of compliance will be maintained. Therefore, the entry concerning hazelnuts from Azerbaijan in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be deleted and transferred to Annex I to that Implementing Regulation, maintaining the level of frequency of identity and physical checks at 20 % of consignments entering the Union.


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) from Brazil has been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by Salmonella since January 2019. The official controls carried out on those foodstuffs by the Member States show a persistent high rate of non-compliance since the establishment of the increased level of official controls. Those results provide evidence that the entry of those foodstuffs into the Union constitutes a serious risk for human health.


It is therefore necessary, in addition to the increased level of official controls, to provide for special conditions in relation to the importation of black pepper (Piper nigrum) from Brazil. In particular, all consignments of black pepper from Brazil should be accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show the absence of Salmonella in 25 g. The results of the sampling and analysis should be attached to that certificate. Therefore, the entry on black pepper from Brazil in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be transferred to Annex II to that Implementing Regulation with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 50 % of consignments entering the Union.


In relation to consignments of Galia melons (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus) from Honduras, the data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by Salmonella Braenderup. It is therefore necessary to require an increased level of official controls on entries of those commodities from Honduras. Such commodities should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 % of consignments entering the Union.


Sweet peppers (Capsicum annum) from China have been subjected to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by Salmonella since January 2019. The official controls carried out by the Member States and available information show improvement in compliance with the relevant requirements provided for in Union legislation. Therefore, an increased level of official controls at the level of 20 % of consignments entering the Union is no longer justified for this commodity. However, Member States should continue to carry out controls to ensure that the current level of compliance will be maintained. The corresponding entry in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be modified and the frequency of identity and physical checks decreased to 10 % of consignments entering the Union.


Aubergines (Solanum melongena) from the Dominican Republic have been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by pesticide residues since January 2019. The official controls carried out on those foodstuffs by the Member States show a persistent high rate of non-compliance since the establishment of the increased level of official controls. Those results provide evidence that the entry of those foodstuffs into the Union constitutes a serious risk for human health.


It is therefore necessary, in addition to the increased level of official controls, to provide for the imposition of special conditions in relation to aubergines (Solanum melongena) from the Dominican Republic. In particular, all consignments of that commodity from the Dominican Republic should be accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show compliance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides for consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 due to the contamination risk by pesticide residues. The results of the sampling and analysis should be attached to that certificate. Therefore, the entry on aubergines (Solanum melongena) from the Dominican Republic in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be deleted and transferred to Annex II to that Implementing Regulation, with a frequency of identity and physical checks maintained at 50 % of consignments entering the Union.


Peppers of the genus Capsicum and Yardlong beans from the Dominican Republic have been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by pesticide residues since January 2010. The official controls carried out on those foodstuffs by the Member States show a persistent high rate of non-compliance since the establishment of the increased level of official controls. Those results provide evidence that the entry of those foodstuffs into the Union constitutes a serious risk for human health.


It is therefore necessary, in addition to the increased level of official controls, to provide for the imposition of special conditions in relation to peppers of the genus Capsicum and Yardlong beans from the Dominican Republic. In particular, all consignments of peppers of the genus Capsicum and Yardlong beans from the Dominican Republic should be accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show compliance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides for consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 due to the contamination risk by pesticide residues. The results of the sampling and analysis should be attached to that certificate. Therefore, the entry on peppers of the genus Capsicum and Yardlong beans from the Dominican Republic in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be deleted and transferred to Annex II to that Implementing Regulation, with a frequency of identity and physical checks maintained at 50 %.


In relation to consignments of drumsticks (Moringa oleifera) from India, the data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by pesticide residues. It is therefore necessary to require an increased level of official controls on entries of this commodity from India. Such commodities should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 %.


In relation to consignments of peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) from India, a high frequency of non-compliance with the relevant requirements provided for in Union legislation with respect to contamination by pesticide residues was detected during official controls performed by Member States in accordance with Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793. It is therefore appropriate to increase the frequency of identity and physical checks to be performed on such consignments to 20 %.


In relation to consignments of rice from India and Pakistan, the data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by aflatoxins and ochratoxine A. It is therefore necessary to require an increased level of official controls on entries of such consignments. Entries of those commodities from India and Pakistan should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 %.


In relation to consignments of gotukola (Centella asiatica) and mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis) from Sri Lanka, the data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by pesticide residues. It is therefore necessary to require an increased level of official controls on entries of such consignments. Entries of those commodities from Sri Lanka should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 %.


Hazelnuts and products produced from hazelnuts from Turkey have been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by aflatoxins April 2021. The official controls carried out on those foodstuffs by the Member States indicate an overall satisfactory degree of compliance with the relevant requirements provided for in Union legislation. Therefore, an increased level of official controls is no longer justified for this commodity and its entry in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be deleted.


In relation to consignments of grapefruits from Turkey, the data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by pesticide residues. It is therefore necessary to require an increased level of official controls on entries of such consignments. Entries of that commodity from Turkey should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 %.


Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids and oranges from Turkey have been subject to an increased level of official controls due to the risk of contamination by pesticide residues since January 2020. The official controls carried out on those foodstuffs by the Member States show a persistent high rate of non-compliance since the establishment of the increased level of official controls. Those results provide evidence that the entry of those foodstuffs into the Union constitutes a serious risk for human health.


It is therefore necessary, in addition to the increased level of official controls, to provide for the imposition of special conditions in relation to mandarins and oranges from Turkey. In particular, all consignments of mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids and oranges from Turkey should be accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show compliance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides for consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 due to the contamination risk by pesticide residues. The results of the sampling and analysis should be attached to that certificate. Therefore, the entry on mandarins and oranges from Turkey in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be deleted and transferred to Annex II to that Implementing Regulation with a frequency of identity and physical checks raised to 20 %.


In relation to consignments of cumin seeds and dried oregano from Turkey, the data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by pyrrolizidine alkaloids. It is therefore necessary to require an increased level of official controls on entries of such consignments. Entries of these commodities from Turkey should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 % of consignments entering the Union.


In relation to pitahaya (dragon fruit) from Vietnam, a high frequency of non-compliance with the relevant requirements provided for in Union legislation with respect to contamination by pesticide residues was detected during official controls performed by Member States in accordance with Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793. It is therefore appropriate to increase the frequency of identity and physical checks to be performed on such consignments to 20 %.


The risk arising from contamination of groundnuts by aflatoxins is associated as well with groundnuts paste. Therefore to ensure efficient protection against potential health risks arising from contamination of groundnuts paste by aflatoxins, in the columns referring to ‘Food and feed (intended use)’ and ‘CN code’ in Annex I and in Table 1 of Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, the category ‘groundnuts paste’ and relevant CN codes for groundnuts paste should be added for the entries relating to groundnuts for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Senegal and for the United States in Annex I and for Egypt, Ghana, Gambia, India and Sudan in Annex II.


Sesamum seeds from India have been subjected to an increased level of official controls in view of a risk of contamination by pesticide residues including ethylene oxide since October 2020. The official controls carried out by Member States and available information show improvement in compliance with the relevant requirements in Union legislation regarding pesticide residues other than ethylene oxide. Therefore, an increased level of official controls of consignments of sesamum seed for the possible contamination with pesticide residues that can be analysed with multi-residues methods is no longer necessary for this commodity. Therefore the corresponding entry in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should be modified accordingly.


Data resulting from notifications in the RASFF and information regarding official controls performed by Member States indicate the emergence of new risks to human health, due to a possible contamination by ethylene oxide, requiring an increased level of official controls. Ethylene oxide is classified as a mutagen, category 1B, a carcinogen, category 1B, and a reproductive toxicant, category 1B, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5). Moreover, ethylene oxide is not approved as an active substance for use in plant protection products in the Union.


In relation to consignments of locust beans (carob), mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans or locust bean seeds from Morocco, spice paste from Mexico and peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) from Uganda, results from official controls performed by Member States show occurrences of contamination by ethylene oxide.


Therefore, in order to ensure efficient protection against potential health risks arising from contamination of those commodities, consignments of locust beans (carob), mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans or locust bean seeds from Morocco, spice paste from Mexico and peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) from Uganda should therefore be included in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 10 %.


Taking into account the number of RASFF notifications received, it is appropriate to provide for special conditions for consignments of xanthan gum from China, locust beans (including mucilages and thickeners derived from locust beans), Guar gum, several spices, Calcium carbonate and food supplements containing botanicals from India, food supplements containing botanicals and instant noodles from South Korea, locust beans (including mucilages and thickeners derived from locust beans) from Malaysia and Turkey, and instant noodles from Vietnam. Due to the contamination risk by ethylene oxide, consignments of those products should be accompanied by an official certificate stating that all results of sampling and analysis show compliance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of ethylene oxide for consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793. The results of the sampling and analysis should be attached to that certificate. Therefore, entries of consignments of xanthan gum from China, locust beans (including mucilages and thickeners derived from locust beans), Guar gum, several spices, Calcium carbonate and food supplements containing botanicals from India, food supplements containing botanicals and instant noodles from South Korea, locust beans (including mucilages and thickeners derived from locust beans) from Malaysia and Turkey, and instant noodles from Vietnam should be included in Annex II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, with a frequency of identity and physical checks set at 20 %.


In order to ensure consistency and clarity, it is appropriate to replace Annexes I and II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 in their entirety by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.


It is appropriate to provide for a transitional period for consignments of black pepper (Piper nigrum) from Brazil, of aubergines (Solanum melongena), of sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum), of peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) and yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis, Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata) from the Dominican Republic and of mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids and oranges from Turkey, which are not accompanied by an official certificate, but which were already subject to official controls at the border control post in accordance with Union legislation in force at the time.


Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,


Article 1

1.   Article 14 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 14

Transitional period

Consignments of black pepper (Piper nigrum) from Brazil, of aubergines (Solanum melongena), of sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum), of peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) and yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis, Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata) from the Dominican Republic and of mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids and oranges from Turkey, which were already subject to increased official controls before the entry into force of this Regulation, may be authorised to entry into the Union until 26 January 2022 without being accompanied by an official certificate and the results of sampling and analysis.’;

2.   Annexes I and II are replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 15 December 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1.

(2)   OJ L 95, 7.4.2017, p. 1.

(3)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 of 22 October 2019 on the temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the Union of certain goods from certain third countries implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/625 and (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulations (EC) No 669/2009, (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2015/175, (EU) 2017/186 and (EU) 2018/1660 (OJ L 277, 29.10.2019, p. 89).

(4)  Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1).

(5)  Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1).



Food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts and control points


Country of origin

Food and feed (intended use)

CN code  (1)

TARIC sub-division


Frequency of identity and physical checks (%)


Argentina (AR)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00


Peanut butter

2008 11 10


Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98 ;



ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;


ex 2008 19 93 ;


ex 2008 19 95 ;


ex 2008 19 99


Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Azerbaijan (AZ)

Hazelnuts (Corylus sp.), in shell

0802 21 00




Hazelnuts (Corylus sp.), shelled

0802 22 00


Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts

ex 0813 50 39 ;


ex 0813 50 91 ;


ex 0813 50 99


Hazelnut paste

ex 2007 10 10 ;


ex 2007 10 99 ;


ex 2007 99 39 ;

05 ; 06

ex 2007 99 50 ;


ex 2007 99 97


Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;


ex 2008 19 95 ;


ex 2008 19 99 ;


ex 2008 97 12 ;


ex 2008 97 14 ;


ex 2008 97 16 ;


ex 2008 97 18 ;


ex 2008 97 32 ;


ex 2008 97 34 ;


ex 2008 97 36 ;


ex 2008 97 38 ;


ex 2008 97 51 ;


ex 2008 97 59 ;


ex 2008 97 72 ;


ex 2008 97 74 ;


ex 2008 97 76 ;


ex 2008 97 78 ;


ex 2008 97 92 ;


ex 2008 97 93 ;


ex 2008 97 94 ;


ex 2008 97 96 ;


ex 2008 97 97 ;


ex 2008 97 98 ;


Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts

ex 1106 30 90


Hazelnut oil


ex 1515 90 99



Bolivia (BO)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Brazil (BR)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Pesticide residues (3)


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


China (CN)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00

Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08

Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)

(Food – crushed or ground)

ex 0904 22 00


Salmonella  (6)


Tea, whether or not flavoured




Pesticide residues (3)  (7)



Egypt (EG)

Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)

0709 60 10 ;

0710 80 51


Pesticide residues (3)  (9)


Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59




Georgia (GE)

Hazelnuts (Corylus sp.), in shell

0802 21 00




Hazelnuts (Corylus sp.), shelled

0802 22 00


Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts

ex 0813 50 39 ;



ex 0813 50 91 ;



ex 0813 50 99


Hazelnut paste

ex 2007 10 10 ;



ex 2007 10 99 ;



ex 2007 99 39 ;

05 ; 06


ex 2007 99 50 ;



ex 2007 99 97


Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

ex 2008 19 12 ;



ex 2008 19 19 ;



ex 2008 19 92 ;



ex 2008 19 95 ;



ex 2008 19 99 ;



ex 2008 97 12 ;



ex 2008 97 14 ;



ex 2008 97 16 ;



ex 2008 97 18 ;



ex 2008 97 32 ;



ex 2008 97 34 ;



ex 2008 97 36 ;



ex 2008 97 38 ;



ex 2008 97 51 ;



ex 2008 97 59 ;



ex 2008 97 72 ;



ex 2008 97 74 ;



ex 2008 97 76 ;



ex 2008 97 78 ;



ex 2008 97 92 ;



ex 2008 97 93 ;



ex 2008 97 94 ;



ex 2008 97 96 ;



ex 2008 97 97 ;



ex 2008 97 98 ;


Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts

ex 1106 30 90


Hazelnut oil


ex 1515 90 99



Ghana (GH)

Palm oil


1511 10 90 ;


Sudan dyes (10)


1511 90 11 ;


ex 1511 90 19 ;


1511 90 99



Honduras (HN)

Galia melon (C.melo var.reticulatus)


ex 0807 19 00 ;

ex 0807 19 00



Salmonella Braenderup  (2)



India (IN)

Curry leaves (Bergera/Murraya koenigii)

(Food – fresh, chilled, frozen or dried)

ex 1211 90 86


Pesticide residues (3)  (11)



(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 99 90 ;

ex 0710 80 95



Pesticide residues (3)  (12)  (22)


Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera)


ex 0709 99 90


Pesticide residues (3)



1006 10 79 ;


Aflatoxins and

Ochratoxine A


Husked (brown) rice

1006 20 17 ;

1006 20 98


Semi-milled or wholly milled rice


1006 30 98



Kenya (KE)

Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)

(Food – fresh or chilled)

0708 20


Pesticide residues (3)



Cambodia (KH)

Chinese celery (Apium graveolens)

(Food – fresh or chilled herb)

ex 0709 40 00


Pesticide residues (3)  (13)


Yardlong beans

(Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis, Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen vegetables)

ex 0708 20 00 ;

ex 0710 22 00



Pesticide residues (3)  (14)



Lebanon (LB)

Turnips (Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)

ex 2001 90 97

11 ; 19

Rhodamine B


Turnips (Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)

ex 2005 99 80


Rhodamine B



Sri Lanka (LK)

Gotukola (Centella asiatica)


ex 0709 99 90

ex 1211 90 86


Pesticide residues (3)


Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis)


ex 0709 99 90


Pesticide residues (3)



Morocco (MA)

Locust beans (carob)

1212 92 00


Pesticide residues (22)


Locust beans seeds, not decorticated, crushed or ground

1212 99 41

Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds (Food and feed)

1302 32 10




Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00

Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Mexico (MX)

Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces (Food)

2103 20 00


Pesticide residues (22)



Malaysia (MY)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

(Food – fresh)

ex 0810 90 20


Pesticide residues (3)



Nigeria (NG)

Sesamum seeds


1207 40 90


Salmonella  (2)


ex 2008 19 19


ex 2008 19 99



Pakistan (PK)

Spice mixes


0910 91 10 ;

0910 91 90





1006 10 79 ;


Aflatoxins and

Ochratoxin A


Husked (brown) rice

1006 20 17 ;

1006 20 98


Semi-milled or wholly milled rice


1006 30 98



Sierra Leone (SL)

Watermelon (Egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products


ex 1207 70 00 ;

ex 1208 90 00 ;

ex 2008 99 99







Senegal (SN)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00

Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Syria (SY)

Turnips (Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)

ex 2001 90 97

11 ; 19

Rhodamine B


Turnips (Brassica rapa ssp. rapa)

(Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)

ex 2005 99 80


Rhodamine B



Thailand (TH)

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Pesticide residues (3)  (15)



Turkey (TR)

Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum)

( Food – fresh, chilled or dried )

0805 50 10


Pesticide residues (3)




0805 40 00


Pesticide residues (3)



(Food – fresh or chilled)

ex 0810 90 75


Pesticide residues (3)  (16)


Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

0709 60 10 ;

0710 80 51 ;


Pesticide residues (3)  (17)


ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Unprocessed whole, ground, milled, cracked, chopped apricot kernels intended to be placed on the market for the final consumer (18)  (19)


ex 1212 99 95




Cumin seeds

0909 31 00


Pyrrolizidine alkaloids


Cumin seeds crushed or ground


0909 32 00


Dried oregano


ex 1211 90 86

ex 1211 90 86



Pyrrolizidine alkaloids



Uganda (UG)

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Pesticide residues (3)


Pesticide residues (22)



United States


Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00

Peanut butter

2008 11 10

Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98

Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00

Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08




Dried apricots

Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved


0813 10 00

2008 50


Sulphites (20)



Vietnam (VN)

Coriander leaves

ex 0709 99 90


Pesticide residues (3)  (21)


Basil (holy, sweet)

ex 1211 90 86



ex 1211 90 86



(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)

ex 0709 99 90



(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 99 90 ;

ex 0710 80 95



Pesticide residues (3)  (21)


Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Pesticide residues (3)  (21)




Food and feed from certain third countries subject to special conditions for the entry into the Union due to contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, pesticide residues, pentachlorophenol and dioxins, and to microbiological contamination

1.   Food and feed of non-animal origin referred to in Article 1, point (1)(b)(i)


Country of origin

Food and feed (intended use)

CN code  (23)

TARIC sub-division


Frequency of identity and physical checks (%)


Bangladesh (BD)

Foodstuffs containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)


ex 1404 90 00  (32)


Salmonella  (28)



Brazil (BR)

Brazil nuts in shell

0801 21 00




Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing Brazil nuts in shell


ex 0813 50 31 ;

ex 0813 50 39 ;

ex 0813 50 91 ;

ex 0813 50 99





Black pepper (Piper nigrum)

(Food – neither crushed nor ground)

ex 0904 11 00


Salmonella  (24)



China (CN)

Xanthan gum

(Food and feed)

ex 3913 90 00


Pesticide residues (33)




Republic (DO)

Aubergines (Solanum melongena)

(Food – fresh or chilled)

0709 30 00


Pesticide residues (26)


Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)

0709 60 10 ;

0710 80 51


Pesticide residues (26)  (30)


Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis, Vigna unguiculata ssp. unguiculata)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0708 20 00 ;

ex 0710 22 00




Egypt (EG)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00


Peanut butter

2008 11 10


Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98 ;



ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;


ex 2008 19 93 ;


ex 2008 19 95 ;


ex 2008 19 99


Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Ethiopia (ET)

Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta





Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices

(Food – dried spices)


Sesamum seeds


1207 40 90


Salmonella  (28)


ex 2008 19 19


ex 2008 19 99



Ghana (GH)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00


Peanut butter

2008 11 10


Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98 ;



ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;


ex 2008 19 93 ;


ex 2008 19 95 ;


ex 2008 19 99


Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Gambia (GM)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00


Peanut butter

2008 11 10


Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98 ;


ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;



ex 2008 19 93 ;



ex 2008 19 95 ;



ex 2008 19 99


Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08


Indonesia (ID)

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

(Food – dried spices)

0908 11 00 ;

0908 12 00





India (IN)

Betel leaves (Piper betle L.)


ex 1404 90 00


Salmonella  (24)


Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)

(Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground)

0904 21 10 ;




ex 0904 22 00 ;

11 ; 19

ex 0904 21 90 ;


ex 2005 99 10 ;

10 ; 90

ex 2005 99 80


Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

(Food – dried spices)

0908 11 00 ;

0908 12 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00


Peanut butter

2008 11 10


Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98 ;



ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;


ex 2008 19 93 ;


ex 2008 19 95 ;


ex 2008 19 99


Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10

ex 2007 10 99

ex 2007 99 39



07 ; 08

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Pesticide residues (26)  (27)


Sesamum seeds

(Food and feed)

1207 40 90


Salmonella  (28)


ex 2008 19 19


Pesticide residues (33)


ex 2008 19 99


Locust beans (carob)

1212 92 00


Pesticide residues (33)


Locust beans seeds, not decorticated, crushed or ground

1212 99 41


Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans or locust bean seeds

(Food and feed)

1302 32 10


Guar gum

(Food and feed)

ex 1302 32 90


Pesticide residues (33)


Pentachlorophenol and dioxins (25)


Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta










Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers



Pesticide residues (33)


Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)





Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms





Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries





Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices






Sauces and preparations thereof; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard




Pesticide residues (33)


Calcium carbonate

(Food and feed)

ex 2106 90 92/98

ex 2530 90 00

ex 2836 50 00


Pesticide residues (33)


Food supplements containing botanicals


ex 1302

ex 2106


Pesticide residues (33)



Iran (IR)

Pistachios, in shell

0802 51 00







Pistachios, shelled

0802 52 00





Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios

ex 0813 50 39 ;


ex 0813 50 91 ;


ex 0813 50 99





Pistachio paste

ex 2007 10 10 ;


ex 2007 10 99 ;


ex 2007 99 39 ;

03 ; 04

ex 2007 99 50 ;


ex 2007 99 97




Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures

ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 93 ;


ex 2008 97 12 ;


ex 2008 97 14 ;


ex 2008 97 16 ;


ex 2008 97 18 ;


ex 2008 97 32 ;


ex 2008 97 34 ;


ex 2008 97 36 ;


ex 2008 97 38 ;


ex 2008 97 51 ;


ex 2008 97 59 ;


ex 2008 97 72 ;


ex 2008 97 74 ;


ex 2008 97 76 ;


ex 2008 97 78 ;


ex 2008 97 92 ;


ex 2008 97 93 ;


ex 2008 97 94 ;


ex 2008 97 96 ;


ex 2008 97 97 ;


ex 2008 97 98


Flour, meal and powder of pistachios


ex 1106 30 90



South Korea (KR)

Food supplements containing botanicals


ex 1302

ex 2106


Pesticide residues (33)


Instant noodles


1902 30 10


Pesticide residues (33)



Sri Lanka (LK)

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)

(Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground)

0904 21 10 ;




ex 0904 21 90 ;

ex 0904 22 00 ;

ex 2005 99 10 ;

ex 2005 99 80


11 ; 19

10 ; 90



Malaysia (MY)

Locust beans (carob)

1212 92 00


Pesticide residues (33)


Locust beans seeds, not decorticated, crushed or ground

1212 99 41


Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans or locust bean seeds

(Food and feed)

1302 32 10



Nigeria (NG)

Watermelon (Egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products


ex 1207 70 00 ;

ex 1208 90 00 ;

ex 2008 99 99







Pakistan (PK)

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)

ex 0709 60 99 ;

ex 0710 80 59



Pesticide residues (26)



Sudan (SD)

Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell

1202 41 00




Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled

1202 42 00


Peanut butter

2008 11 10


Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures

2008 11 91 ;

2008 11 96 ;

2008 11 98 ;



ex 2008 19 12 ;


ex 2008 19 13 ;


ex 2008 19 19 ;


ex 2008 19 92 ;


ex 2008 19 93 ;


ex 2008 19 95 ;


ex 2008 19 99


Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil

2305 00 00


Groundnut flours and meals

ex 1208 90 00


Groundnuts paste

( Food and feed )

ex 2007 10 10


ex 2007 10 99


ex 2007 99 39

07 ; 08

Sesamum seeds


1207 40 90


Salmonella  (28)


ex 2008 19 19


ex 2008 19 99



Turkey (TR)

Dried figs

0804 20 90




Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs

ex 0813 50 99


Dried fig paste

ex 2007 10 10 ;


ex 2007 10 99 ;


ex 2007 99 39 ;

01 ; 02

ex 2007 99 50 ;


ex 2007 99 97


Dried figs, prepared or preserved, including mixtures

ex 2008 97 12 ;


ex 2008 97 14 ;


ex 2008 97 16 ;


ex 2008 97 18 ;


ex 2008 97 32 ;


ex 2008 97 34 ;


ex 2008 97 36 ;


ex 2008 97 38 ;


ex 2008 97 51 ;




ex 2008 97 59 ;




ex 2008 97 72 ;


ex 2008 97 74 ;


ex 2008 97 76 ;


ex 2008 97 78 ;


ex 2008 97 92 ;


ex 2008 97 93 ;


ex 2008 97 94 ;


ex 2008 97 96 ;


ex 2008 97 97 ;


ex 2008 97 98 ;


ex 2008 99 28 ;


ex 2008 99 34 ;


ex 2008 99 37 ;


ex 2008 99 40 ;


ex 2008 99 49 ;


ex 2008 99 67 ;


ex 2008 99 99


Flour, meal and powder of dried figs


ex 1106 30 90


Pistachios, in shell

0802 51 00







Pistachios, shelled

0802 52 00





Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios

ex 0813 50 39 ;


ex 0813 50 91 ;


ex 0813 50 99





Pistachio paste

ex 2007 10 10 ;


ex 2007 10 99 ;


ex 2007 99 39 ;

03 ; 04

ex 2007 99 50 ;


ex 2007 99 97





Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures

ex 2008 19 13 ;




ex 2008 19 93 ;




ex 2008 97 12 ;


ex 2008 97 14 ;


ex 2008 97 16 ;


ex 2008 97 18 ;


ex 2008 97 32 ;


ex 2008 97 34 ;


ex 2008 97 36 ;


ex 2008 97 38 ;


ex 2008 97 51 ;


ex 2008 97 59 ;


ex 2008 97 72 ;


ex 2008 97 74 ;


ex 2008 97 76 ;


ex 2008 97 78 ;


ex 2008 97 92 ;


ex 2008 97 93 ;


ex 2008 97 94 ;


ex 2008 97 96 ;


ex 2008 97 97 ;


ex 2008 97 98





Flour, meal and powder of pistachios


ex 1106 30 90


Vine leaves


ex 2008 99 99

11 ; 19

Pesticide residues (26)  (29)


Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids

(Food – fresh or dried)

0805 21 ;

0805 22 ;

0805 29


Pesticide residues (26)



(Food – fresh or dried)

0805 10


Pesticide residues (26)


Locust beans (carob)

1212 92 00


Pesticide residues (33)


Locust beans seeds, not decorticated, crushed or ground

1212 99 41

Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans or locust bean seeds

(Food and feed)

1302 32 10


Uganda (UG)

Sesamum seeds


1207 40 90


Salmonella  (28)


ex 2008 19 19


ex 2008 19 99



Vietnam (VN)

Pitahaya (dragon fruit)

(Food – fresh or chilled)

ex 0810 90 20


Pesticide residues (26)  (30)


Instant noodles


1902 30 10


Pesticide residues (33)


2.   Food referred to in Article 1, point (1)(b)(ii)


Food consisting of two or more ingredients, containing any of the individual products listed in the table in point 1 of this Annex due to risk of contamination by aflatoxins in a quantity above 20 % of either a single product or as the sum of products listed


CN code  (34)

Description  (35)


ex 1704 90

Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, other than chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated


ex 1806

Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa


ex 1905

Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether or not containing cocoa, communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products

(1)  Where only certain products under any CN code are required to be examined, the CN code is marked ‘ex’.

(2)  The sampling and the analyses shall be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods set out in point 1(a) of Annex III.

(3)  Residues of at least those pesticides listed in the control programme adopted in accordance with Article 29(2) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1) that can be analysed with multi-residue methods based on GC-MS and LC-MS (pesticides to be monitored in/on products of plant origin only).

(4)  Residues of Amitraz.

(5)  Residues of Nicotine.

(6)  The sampling and the analyses shall be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods set out in point 1(b) of Annex III.

(7)  Residues of Tolfenpyrad.

(8)  Residues of Amitraz (amitraz including the metabolites containing the 2,4 -dimethylaniline moiety expressed as amitraz), Diafenthiuron, Dicofol (sum of p, p’ and o,p’ isomers) and Dithiocarbamates (dithiocarbamates expressed as CS2, including maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram and ziram).

(9)  Residues of Dicofol (sum of p, p’ and o,p’ isomers), Dinotefuran, Folpet, Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz and its metabolites containing the 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol moiety expressed as prochloraz), Thiophanate-methyl and Triforine.

(10)  For the purposes of this Annex, ‘Sudan dyes’ refers to the following chemical substances: (i) Sudan I (CAS Number 842-07-9); (ii) Sudan II (CAS Number 3118-97-6); (iii) Sudan III (CAS Number 85-86-9); (iv) Scarlet Red; or Sudan IV (CAS Number 85-83-6).

(11)  Residues of Acephate.

(12)  Residues of Diafenthiuron.

(13)  Residues of Phenthoate.

(14)  Residues of Chlorbufam.

(15)  Residues of Formetanate (sum of formetanate and its salts expressed as formetanate (hydrochloride)), Prothiofos and Triforine.

(16)  Residues of Prochloraz.

(17)  Residues of Diafenthiuron, Formetanate (sum of formetanate and its salts expressed as formetanate (hydrochloride)) and Thiophanate-methyl.

(18)   ‘Unprocessed products’ as defined in Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1).

(19)   ‘Placing on the market’ and ‘final consumer’ as defined in Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1).

(20)  Reference methods: EN 1988-1:1998, EN 1988-2:1998 or ISO 5522:1981.

(21)  Residues of Dithiocarbamates (dithiocarbamates expressed as CS2, including maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram and ziram), Phenthoate and Quinalphos.

(22)  Residues of Ethylene Oxide (sum of ethylene oxide and 2-chloro-ethanol, expressed as ethylene oxide).

(23)  Where only certain products under any CN code are required to be examined, the CN code is marked ‘ex’.

(24)  The sampling and the analyses shall be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods set out in point 1(b) of Annex III.

(25)  The analytical report referred to in Article 10(3) shall be issued by a laboratory accredited in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025 for the analysis of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in food and feed.

The analytical report shall indicate:

(1)  the results of sampling and analysis for the presence of PCP, performed by the competent authorities of the country of origin or of the country where the consignment is consigned from if that country is different from the country of origin;

(2)  the measurement uncertainty of the analytical result;

(3)  the limit of detection (LOD) of the analytical method; and

(4)  the limit of quantification (LOQ) of the analytical method.

The extraction before analysis shall be performed with an acidified solvent. The analysis shall be carried out according to the modified version of the QuEChERS method as set out on the websites of the European Union Reference Laboratories for Residues of Pesticides or according to an equally reliable method.

(26)  Residues of at least those pesticides listed in the control programme adopted in accordance with Article 29(2) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1) that can be analysed with multi-residue methods based on GC-MS and LC-MS (pesticides to be monitored in/on products of plant origin only).

(27)  Residues of Carbofuran.

(28)  The sampling and the analyses shall be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods set out in point 1(a) of Annex III.

(29)  Residues of Dithiocarbamates (dithiocarbamates expressed as CS2, including maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram and ziram) and Metrafenone.

(30)  Residues of Dithiocarbamates (dithiocarbamates expressed as CS2, including maneb, mancozeb, metiram, propineb, thiram and ziram), Phenthoate and Quinalphos.

(31)  The description of the goods is as laid down in the description column of the CN in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1).

(32)  Foodstuffs containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle) including, but not limited to, those declared under CN code 1404 90 00.

(33)  Residues of Ethylene Oxide (sum of ethylene oxide and 2-chloro-ethanol, expressed as ethylene oxide).

(34)  Where only certain products under any CN code are required to be examined, the CN code is marked ‘ex’.

(35)  The description of the goods is as laid down in the description column of the CN in Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/35


of 15 December 2021

amending Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 as regards fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 183(b) thereof,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 510/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 1216/2009 and (EC) No 614/2009 (2), and in particular Article 5(6)(a) thereof,



Commission Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 (3) lays down detailed rules for implementing the system of additional import duties and fixes representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin.


Regular monitoring of the data used to determine representative prices for poultrymeat and egg products and for egg albumin shows that the representative import prices for certain products should be amended to take account of variations in price according to origin.


Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 should therefore be amended accordingly.


Given the need to ensure that this measure applies as soon as possible after the updated data have been made available, this Regulation should enter into force on the day of its publication,


Article 1

Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 15 December 2021.

For the Commission,

On behalf of the President,



Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671.

(2)   OJ L 150, 20.5.2014, p. 1.

(3)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 of 28 June 1995 laying down detailed rules for implementing the system of additional import duties and fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin, and repealing Regulation No 163/67/EEC (OJ L 145, 29.6.1995, p. 47).



CN code

Description of goods

Representative price

(EUR/100 kg)

Security under Article 3

(EUR/100 kg)

Origin (1)

0207 14 10

Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, boneless cuts, frozen




(1)  Nomenclature of countries laid down by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1106/2012 of 27 November 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries, as regards the update of the nomenclature of countries and territories (OJ L 328, 28.11.2012, p. 7).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/38


of 16 December 2021

specifying the details of the electronic interface between national customs systems and the information and communication system for market surveillance, and the data to be transmitted by means of that interface

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on market surveillance and compliance of products and amending Directive 2004/42/EC and Regulations (EC) No 765/2008 and (EU) No 305/2011 (1), and in particular Article 34(8) thereof,



Article 34(7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 requires the Commission to develop an electronic interface (‘the interface’) to enable the transmission of data between national customs systems and the information and communication system referred to in Article 34(1) of that Regulation. That information and communication system is known as the Information and Communication System for Market Surveillance (‘ICSMS’). The interface is intended to facilitate communication between customs authorities and market surveillance authorities for the control of products entering the Union in accordance with Articles 25 to 28 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020. Its use is to remain voluntary pursuant to Article 26(4) of that Regulation.


In order to facilitate the preparation of the electronic systems and the consistent exchange of information, it is necessary to lay down the standard datasets to be transmitted, in the prescribed form and manner, by means of the interface. Those datasets should reflect the requirements set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 as regards the controls on products entering the Union market. They should nevertheless be flexible enough to allow Member States to deal with all relevant cases, using the data or data fields that are appropriate for each case.


To limit the administrative burden for customs authorities, the data transmitted from national customs systems to ICSMS should, whenever possible, be readily available from these systems. Nevertheless, verification of compliance of a product by the market surveillance authorities requires additional data elements to be entered in national customs systems.


Where Member States make use of the interface, they should be subject to specific procedural requirements in order to ensure the effective functioning of the electronic systems.


Where the application of this Regulation entails the processing of personal data, it should be carried out in accordance with Union law on the protection of personal data, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (2) and Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 (3) of the European Parliament and of the Council. This Regulation should lay down some specifications as regards the processing of personal data. These specifications should in the future be consistent with those laid down in the EU Single Window Environment for Customs, for which the Commission tabled a proposal on 28 October 2020 (4). The provisions of this Regulation on personal data protection may therefore be reviewed in light of the future legislative framework governing the EU Single Window Environment for Customs.


Data transmitted via the interface should be confidential and should not remain in the interface longer than necessary for its transmission.


In accordance with Article 34(7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, the interface should be in place within four years from the date of adoption of this Regulation. Setting up electronic systems is a complex technical task requiring Member States and the Commission to invest both financially and in terms of time. The development process of the interface is expected to take four years. The date of application of this Regulation should therefore be deferred until the interface is available.


The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted in accordance with Article 42(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and delivered an opinion on 22 October 2021.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the committee established by Article 43 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020,


Article 1


For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:


‘Information and Communication System for Market Surveillance’ or ‘ICSMS’ means the information and communication system on market surveillance provided for in Article 34(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020;


‘interface’ means the electronic interface to be developed by the Commission pursuant to Article 34(7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020.

Article 2

Data to be transmitted

1.   For the purposes of notification to market surveillance authorities of the suspension of release for free circulation of a product pursuant to Article 26(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, the data to be transmitted shall include:


relevant data available from national customs systems, including data from the customs declaration, as listed in Annex I, Section 1, to this Regulation;


additional data to be entered in national customs systems, as listed in Annex I, Section 2, to this Regulation.

2.   Where market surveillance authorities request customs authorities to maintain the suspension of the release for free circulation of the product, inform customs authorities of their approval for such release or require customs authorities not to release the product for free circulation pursuant to Articles 27 and 28 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, the data to be transmitted shall include:


the decision of the market surveillance authorities as regards the approval or refusal to release the product for free circulation, or their request to maintain the suspension, in accordance with Annex II to this Regulation;


follow-up to the communications referred to in point (a) of this paragraph, both by customs authorities and market surveillance authorities, in accordance with Annex III to this Regulation.

3.   For the purposes of a request by market surveillance authorities to suspend the release for free circulation of a product pursuant to Article 26(3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, and of the reply by customs authorities, the data specified in Annex IV to this Regulation shall be transmitted.

Article 3


1.   Where a Member State uses the interface, customs authorities shall connect the national customs systems with that interface, test the connection and ensure that these systems remain interoperable with that interface.

2.   Where the notifications and requests referred to in Article 26(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 take place by means of ICSMS and of the interface pursuant to Article 26(4) of that Regulation, the following provisions shall apply:


customs authorities shall enter in their national customs systems the data to be transmitted, where such data are not already present, and shall authorise the transmission of these data via the interface to ICSMS;


market surveillance authorities shall enter in ICSMS the data to be transmitted and shall authorise the transmission of these data via the interface to the national customs systems of the relevant customs authorities;


once the transmission of the data referred to in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph has been authorised, the interface shall transmit these data to the other system;


all subsequent data transmissions relating to the notifications and requests shall take place via the interface.

3.   Where the market surveillance authorities do not respond to the notification within the time limits set out in Article 27, point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, ICSMS shall transmit to national customs systems, via the interface, an automatic message indicating that the product may be released for free circulation where all the other requirements and formalities relating to such a release have been fulfilled.

Article 4

Processing of personal data

1.   Processing of personal data may take place in the interface only for the following purposes:


enabling information to be exchanged between national customs systems and ICSMS for the control of products entering the Union market in accordance with Articles 25 to 28 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020;


performing the transformation of data, where necessary, to ensure alignment of customs and non-customs terminology and thereby enabling the exchange of information referred to in point (a).

2.   The interface may process personal data only for the following categories of data subjects:


natural persons whose personal information is contained in the customs declaration;


natural persons whose personal information is contained in the supporting documents or in any other additional documentary evidence required for the verification of compliance with Union law of the products subject to the customs declaration;


authorised staff of customs authorities and market surveillance authorities or any other relevant authority or authorised body whose personal information is contained in any documents referred to in points (a) and (b);


Commission staff and third party providers acting on behalf of the Commission that perform operations and maintenance activities related to the interface.

3.   The interface may process only the following categories of personal data:


name and contact information (including address, country code, e-mail, telephone) or identification number of the natural persons referred to in paragraph 2, points (a) and (b);


name, contact information (including address, country code, e-mail, telephone) and signature of the authorised staff referred to in paragraph 2, points (c) and (d).

4.   The transformation of personal data referred to in paragraph 1, point (b), shall be performed using information technology infrastructure located in the Union.

Article 5

Joint controllership of the interface

1.   As regards the processing of personal data in the interface, the Commission shall be a joint controller within the meaning of Article 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, and customs authorities and market surveillance authorities shall be joint controllers within the meaning of Article 26(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

2.   The Commission shall enter into a joint controllership arrangement with the other joint controllers, to establish the respective responsibilities of the joint controllers and comply with the obligations under Regulations (EU) 2016/679 and (EU) 2018/1725.

3.   The joint controllers shall ensure that they:


work together to process the requests made by the data subject in a timely manner;


assist each other in matters involving the identification and handling of any data breach related to joint processing;


exchange the relevant information necessary to inform data subjects pursuant to Section 2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Section 2 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725;


ensure and protect the security, integrity, availability and confidentiality of the personal data processed jointly pursuant to Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 33 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

Article 6

Confidentiality of data

Data transmitted via the interface pursuant to this Regulation shall not remain in the interface longer than necessary for their transmission and shall be kept confidential by the Commission during the transmission. This data shall be used only for the purpose of implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020.

Article 7

Entry into force and application

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 16 December 2025.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 16 December 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 169, 25.6.2019, p. 1.

(2)  Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1)

(3)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).

(4)  Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Union Single Window Environment for Customs and amending Regulation (EU) No 952/2013, COM/2020/673 final.


Data referred to in Article 2(1)

The data referred to in Article 2(1) shall include the groups and elements laid down in Sections 1 and 2.

1.   Data from national customs systems, including data from the customs declaration where these are available

Information about the goods


Customs classification code, including the Harmonised System sub-heading code, the Combined Nomenclature code laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 (1) , and TARIC code;


Description of the goods;


Mass of the goods;


Quantity of the goods;


Relevant supporting documents.

Information about the economic operators











Origin and destination of the goods


Country of destination;


Country of origin;


Country of dispatch;


Country of exporter;


Mode of transport at the border.

Administrative information


Master reference number of the customs declaration;


Goods item number;


Date of acceptance of the declaration;


Indication of declarations containing a reduced dataset;


Responsible customs office, including customs office of presentation and supervising customs office where relevant.


Customs process data.

Where the data elements listed in this Section consist in numerical or alphanumerical codes commonly used by the customs authorities, the interface shall be set up in such a way that it can retrieve from customs systems and transmit to ICSMS the relevant textual information captured by those codes.

2.   Additional data to be entered in national customs systems


Reasons for suspension, in accordance with Article 26(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 (mandatory in all cases);


Information on the product, for example name, trade name or registered trade mark, model, EAN number, serial number (where available);


Union legal act(s) to which the assumed non-compliance relates (mandatory in all cases);


Main category of products concerned, in line with Article 1(1), point (c) (viii) of Commission implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1121 (2) (mandatory in all cases);


Information referred to in Article 4(4) of Regulation 2019/1020 concerning the economic operator (mandatory if the requirement is applicable and the data are available);


Pictures of the product and, where relevant, its packaging, for example showing product information, conformity marking, labelling or suspicious elements (where available);


Other relevant documents, for example invoices, declaration of conformity, test reports (where available);


Market surveillance authority or authorities to be notified, selected from the list of market surveillance authorities designated by Member States and entered in ICSMS in accordance with Article 10(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 (mandatory in all cases).

(1)  Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1)

(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1121 of 8 July 2021 specifying the details of the statistical data to be submitted by the Member States as regards controls on products entering the Union market with regard to product safety and compliance (OJ L 243, 9.7.2021, p. 37).


Data referred to in Article 2(2), point (a)

The data referred to in Article 2(2), point (a), shall include the following elements:


indication of whether the market surveillance authorities:


approve the release for free circulation of the product. The market surveillance authorities shall indicate the Union legal act(s) under which their assessment has been made, as well as the main category of products concerned in accordance with Annex I, Section 2, point (d);


request that the suspension of the release for free circulation be maintained to enable the market surveillance or customs authorities to carry out specific actions. The market surveillance authorities shall indicate the Union legal act(s) under which their assessment is being made, as well as the main category of products concerned in accordance with Annex I, Section 2, point (d); or


require the customs authorities not to release the product for free circulation because it presents a serious risk or it does not comply with applicable Union legislation. The market surveillance authorities shall indicate the reasons why the product is not compliant or presents a serious risk, the Union legal act(s) infringed, as well as the main category of products concerned in line with Annex I, Section 2, point (d). The market surveillance authorities may indicate whether they object to the product being subsequently declared for a customs procedure other than release for free circulation. They may also indicate whether and why they consider that the product should be destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable within the framework of Article 28(4) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020.


administrative information, including master reference number of the customs declaration, goods item number, ICSMS registration number and functional contact details of the responsible market surveillance authority.


Data referred to in Article 2(2), point (b)

The data referred to in Article 2(2), point (b), shall include the following elements:


where the suspension of release for free circulation was maintained to enable the customs authorities to carry out specific actions:

the outcome of such actions;


where the suspension of release for free circulation was maintained to enable the market surveillance authorities to carry out specific actions:

the data fields set out in Annex II;


where the market surveillance authorities required the customs authorities not to release the product for free circulation:

information by the customs authorities on the situation of the product following the refusal of release for free circulation, including whether they were destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable, placed under a customs procedure other than release for free circulation, or re-exported; or

if the economic operator appeals the refusal to release the product for free circulation, information about this appeal and, where necessary, request for re-assessment by the market surveillance authorities.


Data referred to in Article 2(3)

The data referred to in Article 2(3) shall include the following elements:


requests by market surveillance authorities to suspend the release for free circulation of a product, specifying the relevant authority, the master reference number of the customs declaration, the description of the product and the reasons for the request;


replies by customs authorities, specifying the relevant authority, and whether the product has been identified and its release for free circulation suspended.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/48


of 16 December 2021

amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 laying down special control measures for African swine fever

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’) (1), and in particular Article 71(3) thereof,



African swine fever is an infectious viral disease affecting kept and wild porcine animals and can have a severe impact on the concerned animal population and the profitability of farming causing disturbance to movements of consignments of those animals and products thereof within the Union and exports to third countries.


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 (2) was adopted within the framework of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, and it lays down special disease control measures regarding African swine fever to be applied for a limited period of time by the Member States listed in Annex I thereto (the Member States concerned), in restricted zones I, II and III listed in that Annex.


The areas listed as restricted zones I, II and III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 are based on the epidemiological situation of African swine fever in the Union. Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 was last amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2110 (3) following changes in the epidemiological situation as regards that disease in Germany and Poland.


Any amendments to restricted zones I, II and III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 should be based on the epidemiological situation as regards African swine fever in the areas affected by that disease and the overall epidemiological situation of African swine fever in the Member State concerned, the level of risk for the further spread of that disease, as well as scientifically based principles and criteria for geographically defining zoning due to African swine fever and the Union’s guidelines agreed with the Member States at the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed and publicly available on Commission’s website (4). Such amendments should also take account of international standards, such as the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (5) of the World Organisation for Animal Health and justifications for zoning provided by the competent authorities of the Member States concerned.


Since the date of adoption of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2110, there have been new outbreaks of African swine fever in kept and wild porcine animals in Poland and Slovakia, as well as new outbreaks in wild porcine animals in Germany and Latvia. In addition, the epidemiological situation in certain zones listed as restricted zones III in Latvia, Poland and Slovakia has improved as regard kept porcine animals, due to the disease control measures being applied by those Member States in accordance with Union legislation.


In November 2021, one outbreak of African swine fever in kept porcine animals was observed in the Świętokrzyskie region in Poland in an area currently listed as restricted zone I in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. This new outbreak of African swine fever in kept porcine animals constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Poland currently listed as restricted zone I in that Annex, affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone III in that Annex instead of as restricted zone I thereof and the current boundaries of restricted zone I also need to be redefined to take account of this recent outbreak.


Also, in December 2021, one outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal was observed in the Zachodniopomorskie region in Poland in an area currently listed as restricted zone I in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. This new outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Poland currently listed as restricted zone I in that Annex, affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone II in that Annex instead of as restricted zone I thereof and the current boundaries of restricted zone I also need to be redefined to take account of this recent outbreak.


Further, in December 2021, several outbreaks of African swine fever in wild porcine animals were observed in the Mazowieckie region in Poland in an area currently listed as restricted zone I in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. Those new outbreaks of African swine fever in wild porcine animals constitute an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Poland currently listed as restricted zone I in that Annex, affected by those recent outbreaks of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone II in that Annex instead of as restricted zone I thereof and the current boundaries of restricted zone I also need to be redefined to take account of those recent outbreaks.


In addition, in November and December 2021, several outbreaks of African swine fever in wild porcine animals were observed in the Podkarpackie and Dolnośląskie regions in Poland in areas currently listed as restricted zones II in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605, located in close proximity to areas currently listed as restricted zones I thereof. Those new outbreaks of African swine fever in wild porcine animals constitute an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, those areas of Poland currently listed as restricted zones I in that Annex, that are in close proximity to the areas listed in restricted zones II affected by those recent outbreaks of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zones II in that Annex instead of as restricted zones I thereof.


Additionally, in November and December 2021, several outbreaks of African swine fever in wild porcine animals were observed in the Podkarpackie and Wielkopolskie regions in Poland in areas currently listed as restricted zones III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605, located in close proximity to areas currently listed as restricted zones I thereof. Those new outbreaks of African swine fever in wild porcine animals constitute an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, those areas of Poland currently listed as restricted zones I in that Annex, that are in close proximity to the areas listed in restricted zones III affected by those recent outbreaks of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zones II in that Annex instead of as restricted zones I thereof.


Further, in November 2021, one outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal was observed in the Humenné district in Slovakia in an area currently listed as restricted zone II in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605, located in close proximity to an area currently listed as restricted zone I thereof. This new outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Slovakia currently listed as restricted zone I in that Annex, that is in close proximity to the zone listed in restricted zone II affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone II in that Annex instead of as restricted zone I thereof.


Also, in December 2021, one outbreak of African swine fever in kept porcine animals was observed in the Nove Zamky district in Slovakia in an area currently not listed as a restricted zone in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. This new outbreak of African swine fever in kept porcine animals constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Slovakia currently not listed as a restricted zone in that Annex, affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone III in that Annex and a new restricted zone I also needs to be defined to take account of this recent outbreak.


In addition, in December 2021, one outbreak of African swine fever in kept porcine animals was observed in the Rimavská Sobota district in Slovakia in an area currently listed as restricted zone II in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. This new outbreak of African swine fever in kept porcine animals constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Slovakia currently listed as restricted zone II in that Annex, affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone III in that Annex instead of as restricted zone II thereof and the current boundaries of restricted zone II also need to be redefined to take account of this recent outbreak.


Additionally, in December 2021, one outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal was observed in the Dienvidkurzemes county in Latvia in an area currently listed as restricted zone I in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. This new outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Latvia currently listed as restricted zone I in that Annex, affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone II in that Annex instead of as restricted zone I thereof and the current boundaries of restricted zone I also need to be redefined to take account of this recent outbreak.


Finally, in December 2021 one outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal was observed in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany in an area currently listed as restricted zone II in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605, located in close proximity to an area currently listed as restricted zone I thereof. This new outbreak of African swine fever in a wild porcine animal constitutes an increased level of risk, which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Germany currently listed as restricted zone I in that Annex, that is in close proximity to the area listed in restricted zone II affected by this recent outbreak of African swine fever, should now be listed as restricted zone II in that Annex instead of as restricted zone I thereof.


Following those recent outbreaks of African swine fever in kept and wild porcine animals in Poland and Slovakia, as well as the outbreaks in wild porcine animals in Germany and Latvia and taking into account the current epidemiological situation as regards African swine fever in the Union, zoning in those Member States has been reassessed and updated. In addition, the risk management measures in place have also been reassessed and updated. These changes should be reflected in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605.


In addition, taking into account the effectiveness of the disease control measures for African swine fever for kept porcine animals in the restricted zone III listed in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 being applied in Latvia in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, and in particular those laid down in Articles 22, 25 and 40 thereof, and in line with the risk mitigation measures for African swine fever set out in the OIE Code, certain zones in the Ludzas county in Latvia, currently listed as restricted zones III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 should now be listed as restricted zones II in that Annex, due to the absence of African swine fever outbreaks in kept porcine animals in those restricted zones III for the past three months. The restricted zones III should now be listed as restricted zones II taking account of the current African swine fever epidemiological situation.


Also, taking into account the effectiveness of the disease control measures for African swine fever for kept porcine animals in the restricted zone III listed in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 being applied in Slovakia in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, and in particular those laid down in Articles 22, 25 and 40 thereof, and in line with the risk mitigation measures for African swine fever set out in the OIE Code, certain zones in the Brezno and Velký Krtíš districts in Slovakia, currently listed as restricted zones III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 should now be listed as restricted zones II in that Annex, due to the absence of African swine fever outbreaks in kept porcine animals in those restricted zones III for the past three months. The restricted zones III should now be listed as restricted zones II taking account of the current African swine fever epidemiological situation.


Further, taking into account the effectiveness of the disease control measures for African swine fever for kept porcine animals in the restricted zone III listed in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 being applied in Poland in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, and in particular those laid down in Articles 22, 25 and 40 thereof, and in line with the risk mitigation measures for African swine fever set out in the OIE Code, certain zones in the Lubuskie and Wielkopolskie regions in Poland, currently listed as restricted zones III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 should now be listed as restricted zones II in that Annex, due to the absence of African swine fever outbreaks in kept porcine animals in those restricted zones III for the past twelve months. The restricted zones III should now be listed as restricted zones II taking account of the current African swine fever epidemiological situation.


Finally, taking into account the effectiveness of the disease control measures for African swine fever for kept porcine animals in the restricted zone III listed in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 being applied in Poland in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687, and in particular those laid down in Articles 22, 25 and 40 thereof, and in line with the risk mitigation measures for African swine fever set out in the OIE Code, certain zones in the Łódzkie, Opolskie and Wielkopolskie regions in Poland, currently listed as restricted zones III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 should now be listed as restricted zones I in that Annex, due to the absence of African swine fever outbreaks in kept and wild porcine animals in those restricted zones III for the past three months. The restricted zones III should now be listed as restricted zones I taking account of the current African swine fever epidemiological situation.


In order to take account of the recent developments in the epidemiological situation of African swine fever in the Union, and in order to combat the risks associated with the spread of that disease in a proactive manner, new restricted zones of a sufficient size should be demarcated for Germany, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia and duly listed as restricted zones I, II and III in Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605. As the situation as regards African swine fever is very dynamic in the Union, when demarcating those new restricted zones, account has been taken of the situation in the surrounding areas.


Given the urgency of the epidemiological situation in the Union as regards the spread of African swine fever, it is important that the amendments to be made to Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 by this Implementing Regulation take effect as soon as possible.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,


Article 1

Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 16 December 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)   OJ L 84, 31.3.2016, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 of 7 April 2021 laying down special control measures for African swine fever (OJ L 129, 15.4.2021, p. 1).

(3)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2110 of 30 November 2021 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 laying down special control measures for African swine fever (OJ L 429, 1.12.2021, p. 108).

(4)  Working Document SANTE/7112/2015/Rev. 3 “Principles and criteria for geographically defining ASF regionalisation”.

(5)  OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, 28th Edition, 2019. ISBN of volume I: 978-92-95108-85-1; ISBN of volume II: 978-92-95108-86-8.


Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/605 is replaced by the following:




1.   Germany

The following restricted zones I in Germany:

Bundesland Brandenburg:

Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald:

Gemeinde Alt Zauche-Wußwerk,

Gemeinde Byhleguhre-Byhlen,

Gemeinde Märkische Heide, mit den Gemarkungen Alt Schadow, Neu Schadow, Pretschen, Plattkow, Wittmannsdorf, Schuhlen-Wiese, Bückchen, Kuschkow, Gröditsch, Groß Leuthen, Leibchel, Glietz, Groß Leine, Dollgen, Krugau, Dürrenhofe, Biebersdorf und Klein Leine,

Gemeinde Neu Zauche,

Gemeinde Schwielochsee mit den Gemarkungen Groß Liebitz, Guhlen, Mochow und Siegadel,

Gemeinde Spreewaldheide,

Gemeinde Straupitz,

Landkreis Märkisch-Oderland:

Gemeinde Müncheberg mit den Gemarkungen Müncheberg, Eggersdorf bei Müncheberg und Hoppegarten bei Müncheberg,

Gemeinde Bliesdorf mit den Gemarkungen Kunersdorf - westlich der B167 und Bliesdorf - westlich der B167

Gemeinde Märkische Höhe mit den Gemarkungen Reichenberg und Batzlow,

Gemeinde Wriezen mit den Gemarkungen Haselberg, Frankenfelde, Schulzendorf, Lüdersdorf Biesdorf, Rathsdorf - westlich der B 167 und Wriezen - westlich der B167

Gemeinde Buckow (Märkische Schweiz),

Gemeinde Strausberg mit den Gemarkungen Hohenstein und Ruhlsdorf,

Gemeine Garzau-Garzin,

Gemeinde Waldsieversdorf,

Gemeinde Rehfelde mit der Gemarkung Werder,

Gemeinde Reichenow-Mögelin,

Gemeinde Prötzel mit den Gemarkungen Harnekop, Sternebeck und Prötzel östlich der B 168 und der L35,

Gemeinde Oberbarnim,

Gemeinde Bad Freienwalde mit der Gemarkung Sonnenburg,

Gemeinde Falkenberg mit den Gemarkungen Dannenberg, Falkenberg westlich der L 35, Gersdorf und Kruge,

Gemeinde Höhenland mit den Gemarkungen Steinbeck, Wollenberg und Wölsickendorf,

Landkreis Barnim:

Gemeinde Joachimsthal östlich der L220 (Eberswalder Straße), östlich der L23 (Töpferstraße und Templiner Straße), östlich der L239 (Glambecker Straße) und Schorfheide (JO) östlich der L238,

Gemeinde Friedrichswalde mit der Gemarkung Glambeck östlich der L 239,

Gemeinde Althüttendorf,

Gemeinde Ziethen mit den Gemarkungen Groß Ziethen und Klein Ziethen westlich der B198,

Gemeinde Chorin mit den Gemarkungen Golzow, Senftenhütte, Buchholz, Schorfheide (Ch), Chorin westlich der L200 und Sandkrug nördlich der L200,

Gemeinde Britz,

Gemeinde Schorfheide mit den Gemarkungen Altenhof, Werbellin, Lichterfelde und Finowfurt,

Gemeinde (Stadt) Eberswalde mit der Gemarkungen Finow und Spechthausen und der Gemarkung Eberswalde südlich der B167 und westlich der L200,

Gemeinde Breydin,

Gemeinde Melchow,

Gemeinde Sydower Fließ mit der Gemarkung Grüntal nördlich der K6006 (Landstraße nach Tuchen), östlich der Schönholzer Straße und östlich Am Postweg,

Hohenfinow südlich der B167,

Landkreis Uckermark:

Gemeinde Passow mit den Gemarkungen Briest, Passow und Schönow,

Gemeinde Mark Landin mit den Gemarkungen Landin nördlich der B2, Grünow und Schönermark,

Gemeinde Angermünde mit den Gemarkungen Frauenhagen, Mürow, Angermünde nördlich und nordwestlich der B2, Dobberzin nördlich der B2, Kerkow, Welsow, Bruchhagen, Greiffenberg, Günterberg, Biesenbrow, Görlsdorf, Wolletz und Altkünkendorf,

Gemeinde Zichow,

Gemeinde Casekow mit den Gemarkungen Blumberg, Wartin, Luckow-Petershagen und den Gemarkungen Biesendahlshof und Casekow westlich der L272 und nördlich der L27,

Gemeinde Hohenselchow-Groß Pinnow mit der Gemarkung Hohenselchow nördlich der L27,

Gemeinde Tantow,

Gemeinde Mescherin

Gemeinde Gartz (Oder) mit der Gemarkung Geesow sowie den Gemarkungen Gartz und Hohenreinkendorf nördlich der L27 und B2 bis Gartenstraße,

Gemeinde Pinnow nördlich und westlich der B2,

Landkreis Oder-Spree:

Gemeinde Storkow (Mark),

Gemeinde Spreenhagen mit den Gemarkungen Braunsdorf, Markgrafpieske, Lebbin und Spreenhagen,

Gemeinde Grünheide (Mark) mit den Gemarkungen Kagel, Kienbaum und Hangelsberg,

Gemeinde Fürstenwalde westlich der B 168 und nördlich der L 36,

Gemeinde Rauen,

Gemeinde Wendisch Rietz bis zur östlichen Uferzone des Scharmützelsees und von der südlichen Spitze des Scharmützelsees südlich der B246,

Gemeinde Reichenwalde,

Gemeinde Bad Saarow mit der Gemarkung Petersdorf und der Gemarkung Bad Saarow-Pieskow westlich der östlichen Uferzone des Scharmützelsees und ab nördlicher Spitze westlich der L35,

Gemeinde Tauche mit der Gemarkung Werder,

Gemeinde Steinhöfel mit den Gemarkungen Jänickendorf, Schönfelde, Beerfelde, Gölsdorf, Buchholz, Tempelberg und den Gemarkungen Steinhöfel, Hasenfelde und Heinersdorf westlich der L36 und der Gemarkung Neuendorf im Sande nördlich der L36,

Landkreis Spree-Neiße:

Gemeinde Peitz,

Gemeinde Turnow-Preilack,

Gemeinde Drachhausen,

Gemeinde Schmogrow-Fehrow,

Gemeinde Drehnow,

Gemeinde Teichland mit den Gemarkungen Maust und Neuendorf,

Gemeinde Dissen-Striesow,

Gemeinde Briesen,

Gemeinde Spremberg mit den Gemarkungen, Sellessen, Spremberg, Bühlow, Laubsdorf, Bagenz und den Gemarkungen Groß Buckow, Klein Buckow östlich des Tagebaues Welzow-Süd,

Gemeinde Neuhausen/Spree mit den Gemarkungen Kathlow, Haasow, Roggosen, Koppatz, Neuhausen, Frauendorf, Groß Oßnig, Groß Döbern und Klein Döbern,

Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz:

Gemeinde Grünewald,

Gemeinde Hermsdorf,

Gemeinde Kroppen,

Gemeinde Ortrand,

Gemeinde Großkmehlen,

Gemeinde Lindenau.

Landkreis Elbe-Elster:

Gemeinde Großthiemig,

Landkreis Prignitz:

Gemeinde Groß Pankow mit den Gemarkungen Baek, Tangendorf und Tacken,

Gemeinde Karstadt mit den Gemarkungen Groß Warnow, Klein Warnow, Reckenzin, Streesow, Garlin, Dallmin, Postlin, Kribbe, Neuhof, Strehlen und Blüthen,

Gemeinde Pirow mit der Gemarkung Bresch,

Gemeinde Gülitz-Reetz,

Gemeinde Putlitz mit den Gemarkungen Lockstädt, Mansfeld und Laaske,

Gemeinde Triglitz,

Gemeinde Marienfließ mit der Gemarkung Frehne,

Gemeinde Kümmernitztal mit der Gemarkungen Buckow, Preddöhl und Grabow,

Gemeinde Gerdshagen mit der Gemarkung Gerdshagen,

Gemeinde Meyenburg,

Gemeinde Pritzwalk mit der Gemarkung Steffenshagen,

Bundesland Sachsen:

Landkreis Bautzen

Gemeinde Arnsdorf,

Gemeinde Burkau,

Gemeinde Crostwitz,

Gemeinde Cunewalde,

Gemeinde Demitz-Thumitz,

Gemeinde Doberschau-Gaußig,

Gemeinde Elsterheide,

Gemeinde Frankenthal,

Gemeinde Göda,

Gemeinde Großharthau,

Gemeinde Großnaundorf,

Gemeinde Großpostwitz/O.L.,

Gemeinde Haselbachtal,

Gemeinde Hochkirch, sofern nicht bereits der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Königswartha, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Kubschütz, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Lichtenberg,

Gemeinde Lohsa, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Nebelschütz,

Gemeinde Neschwitz, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Neukirch,

Gemeinde Neukirch/Lausitz,

Gemeinde Obergurig,

Gemeinde Ohorn,

Gemeinde Oßling,

Gemeinde Panschwitz-Kuckau,

Gemeinde Puschwitz,

Gemeinde Räckelwitz,

Gemeinde Radibor, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Ralbitz-Rosenthal,

Gemeinde Rammenau,

Gemeinde Schmölln-Putzkau,

Gemeinde Schwepnitz,

Gemeinde Sohland a. d. Spree,

Gemeinde Spreetal, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Bautzen, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Bernsdorf,

Gemeinde Stadt Bischhofswerda,

Gemeinde Stadt Elstra,

Gemeinde Stadt Großröhrsdorf,

Gemeinde Stadt Hoyerswerda, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Kamenz,

Gemeinde Stadt Lauta,

Gemeinde Stadt Pulsnitz,

Gemeinde Stadt Radeberg,

Gemeinde Stadt Schirgiswalde-Kirschau,

Gemeinde Stadt Wilthen,

Gemeinde Stadt Wittichenau, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Steina,

Gemeinde Steinigtwolmsdorf,

Gemeinde Wachau,

Stadt Dresden:

Stadtgebiet, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Landkreis Görlitz:

Gemeinde Beiersdorf,

Gemeinde Bertsdorf-Hörnitz,

Gemeinde Dürrhennersdorf,

Gemeinde Großschönau,

Gemeinde Großschweidnitz,

Gemeinde Hainewalde,

Gemeinde Kurort Jonsdorf,

Gemeinde Kottmar,

Gemeinde Lawalde,

Gemeinde Leutersdorf,

Gemeinde Mittelherwigsdorf,

Gemeinde Oderwitz,

Gemeinde Olbersdorf,

Gemeinde Oppach,

Gemeinde Oybin,

Gemeinde Rosenbach, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Schönau-Berzdorf a. d. Eigen, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Schönbach,

Gemeinde Stadt Bernstadt a. d. Eigen, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Ebersbach-Neugersdorf,

Gemeinde Stadt Herrnhut,

Gemeinde Stadt Löbau, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Neusalza-Spremberg,

Gemeinde Stadt Ostritz, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Seifhennersdorf,

Gemeinde Stadt Zittau,

Landkreis Meißen:

Gemeinde Diera-Zehren östlich der Elbe,

Gemeinde Klipphausen östlich der S 177,

Gemeinde Lampertswalde, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Niederau,

Gemeinde Priestewitz,

Gemeinde Stadt Coswig, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Gemeinde Stadt Großenhain,

Gemeinde Stadt Meißen im Norden östlich der Elbe bis zur Bahnlinie, im Süden östlich der S 177,

Gemeinde Stadt Radebeul,

Gemeinde Weinböhla, sofern nicht bereits Teil der Sperrzone II,

Bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern:

Landkreis Vorpommern Greifswald

Gemeinde Penkun südlich der Autobahn A11,

Gemeinde Nadrense südlich der Autobahn A11,

Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim:

Gemeinde Balow mit dem Ortsteil: Balow

Gemeinde Barkhagen mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Altenlinden, Kolonie Lalchow, Plauerhagen, Zarchlin, Barkow-Ausbau, Barkow

Gemeinde Blievenstorf mit dem Ortsteil: Blievenstorf

Gemeinde Brenz mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Neu Brenz, Alt Brenz

Gemeinde Domsühl mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Severin, Bergrade Hof, Bergrade Dorf, Zieslübbe, Alt Dammerow, Schlieven, Domsühl, Domsühl-Ausbau, Neu Schlieven

Gemeinde Gallin-Kuppentin mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Kuppentin, Kuppentin-Ausbau, Daschow, Zahren, Gallin, Penzlin

Gemeinde Ganzlin mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Dresenow, Dresenower Mühle, Twietfort, Ganzlin, Tönchow, Wendisch Priborn, Liebhof, Gnevsdorf

Gemeinde Granzin mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Lindenbeck, Greven, Beckendorf, Bahlenrade, Granzin

Gemeinde Grabow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Böschungsbereich und angrenzende Ackerfläche an der Alten Elde (angrenzend an die Gemeinden Prislich und Zierzow)

Gemeinde Groß Laasch mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Waldgebiet zwischen der Ortslage Groß Laasch und der Elde

Gemeinde Kremmin mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Wiesen- und Ackerflächen zwischen K52, B5 und Bahnlinie Hamburg-Berlin

Gemeinde Kritzow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen:

Schlemmin, Kritzow

Gemeinde Lewitzrand mit dem Ortsteil und Ortslage:

Matzlow-Garwitz (teilweise)

Gemeinde Lübz mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Broock, Wessentin, Wessentin Ausbau, Bobzin, Lübz, Broock Ausbau, Riederfelde, Ruthen, Lutheran, Gischow, Burow, Hof Gischow, Ausbau Lutheran, Meyerberg

Gemeinde Muchow mit dem Ortsteil und Ortslage: Muchow

Gemeinde Neustadt-Glewe mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Flugplatz mit angrenzendem Waldgebiet entlang der K38 und B191 bis zur A24, Wabel

Gemeinde Obere Warnow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Grebbin und Wozinkel, Gemarkung Kossebade teilweise, Gemarkung Herzfeld mit dem Waldgebiet Bahlenholz bis an die östliche Gemeindegrenze, Gemarkung Woeten unmittelbar östlich und westlich der L16

Gemeinde Parchim mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Dargelütz, Neuhof, Kiekindemark, Neu Klockow, Möderitz, Malchow, Damm, Parchim, Voigtsdorf, Neu Matzlow

Gemeinde Passow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Unterbrüz, Brüz, Welzin, Neu Brüz, Weisin, Charlottenhof, Passow

Gemeinde Plau am See mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Reppentin, Gaarz, Silbermühle, Appelburg, Seelust, Plau-Am See, Plötzenhöhe, Klebe, Lalchow, Quetzin, Heidekrug

Gemeinde Prislich mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Neese, Werle, Prislich, Marienhof

Gemeinde Rom mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Lancken, Stralendorf, Rom, Darze, Klein Niendorf, Paarsch

Gemeinde Spornitz mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Dütschow, Primark, Steinbeck, Spornitz

Gemeinde Stolpe mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Granzin, Barkow, Stolpe Ausbau, Stolpe

Gemeinde Werder mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Neu Benthen, Benthen, Tannenhof, Werder

Gemeinde Zierzow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Kolbow, Zierzow.

2.   Estonia

The following restricted zones I in Estonia:

Hiiu maakond.

3.   Greece

The following restricted zones I in Greece:

in the regional unit of Drama:

the community departments of Sidironero and Skaloti and the municipal departments of Livadero and Ksiropotamo (in Drama municipality),

the municipal department of Paranesti (in Paranesti municipality),

the municipal departments of Kokkinogeia, Mikropoli, Panorama, Pyrgoi (in Prosotsani municipality),

the municipal departments of Kato Nevrokopi, Chrysokefalo, Achladea, Vathytopos, Volakas, Granitis, Dasotos, Eksohi, Katafyto, Lefkogeia, Mikrokleisoura, Mikromilea, Ochyro, Pagoneri, Perithorio, Kato Vrontou and Potamoi (in Kato Nevrokopi municipality),

in the regional unit of Xanthi:

the municipal departments of Kimmerion, Stavroupoli, Gerakas, Dafnonas, Komnina, Kariofyto and Neochori (in Xanthi municipality),

the community departments of Satres, Thermes, Kotyli, and the municipal departments of Myki, Echinos and Oraio and (in Myki municipality),

the community department of Selero and the municipal department of Sounio (in Avdira municipality),

in the regional unit of Rodopi:

the municipal departments of Komotini, Anthochorio, Gratini, Thrylorio, Kalhas, Karydia, Kikidio, Kosmio, Pandrosos, Aigeiros, Kallisti, Meleti, Neo Sidirochori and Mega Doukato (in Komotini municipality),

the municipal departments of Ipio, Arriana, Darmeni, Archontika, Fillyra, Ano Drosini, Aratos and the Community Departments Kehros and Organi (in Arriana municipality),

the municipal departments of Iasmos, Sostis, Asomatoi, Polyanthos and Amvrosia and the community department of Amaxades (in Iasmos municipality),

the municipal department of Amaranta (in Maroneia Sapon municipality),

in the regional unit of Evros:

the municipal departments of Kyriaki, Mandra, Mavrokklisi, Mikro Dereio, Protokklisi, Roussa, Goniko, Geriko, Sidirochori, Megalo Derio, Sidiro, Giannouli, Agriani and Petrolofos (in Soufli municipality),

the municipal departments of Dikaia, Arzos, Elaia, Therapio, Komara, Marasia, Ormenio, Pentalofos, Petrota, Plati, Ptelea, Kyprinos, Zoni, Fulakio, Spilaio, Nea Vyssa, Kavili, Kastanies, Rizia, Sterna, Ampelakia, Valtos, Megali Doxipara, Neochori and Chandras (in Orestiada municipality),

the municipal departments of Asvestades, Ellinochori, Karoti, Koufovouno, Kiani, Mani, Sitochori, Alepochori, Asproneri, Metaxades, Vrysika, Doksa, Elafoxori, Ladi, Paliouri and Poimeniko (in Didymoteixo municipality),

in the regional unit of Serres:

the municipal departments of Kerkini, Livadia, Makrynitsa, Neochori, Platanakia, Petritsi, Akritochori, Vyroneia, Gonimo, Mandraki, Megalochori, Rodopoli, Ano Poroia, Katw Poroia, Sidirokastro, Vamvakophyto, Promahonas, Kamaroto, Strymonochori, Charopo, Kastanousi and Chortero and the community departments of Achladochori, Agkistro and Kapnophyto (in Sintiki municipality),

the municipal departments of Serres, Elaionas and Oinoussa and the community departments of Orini and Ano Vrontou (in Serres municipality),

the municipal departments of Dasochoriou, Irakleia, Valtero, Karperi, Koimisi, Lithotopos, Limnochori, Podismeno and Chrysochorafa (in Irakleia municipality).

4.   Latvia

The following restricted zones I in Latvia:

Dienvidkurzemes novada Vērgales, Medzes, Grobiņas, Nīcas pagasta daļa uz ziemeļiem no apdzīvotas vietas Bernāti, autoceļa V1232, A11, V1222, Bārtas upes, Otaņķu pagasts, Grobiņas pilsēta,

Ropažu novada Stopiņu pagasta daļa, kas atrodas uz rietumiem no autoceļa V36, P4 un P5, Acones ielas, Dauguļupes ielas un Dauguļupītes.

5.   Lithuania

The following restricted zones I in Lithuania:

Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybė: Agluonėnų, Dovilų, Gargždų, Priekulės, Vėžaičių, Kretingalės ir Dauparų-Kvietinių seniūnijos,

Palangos miesto savivaldybė.

6.   Hungary

The following restricted zones I in Hungary:

Békés megye 950950, 950960, 950970, 951950, 952050, 952750, 952850, 952950, 953050, 953150, 953650, 953660, 953750, 953850, 953960, 954250, 954260, 954350, 954450, 954550, 954650, 954750, 954850, 954860, 954950, 955050, 955150, 955250, 955260, 955270, 955350, 955450, 955510, 955650, 955750, 955760, 955850, 955950, 956050, 956060, 956150 és 956160 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Bács-Kiskun megye 600150, 600850, 601550, 601650, 601660, 601750, 601850, 601950, 602050, 603250, 603750 és 603850 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Budapest 1 kódszámú, vadgazdálkodási tevékenységre nem alkalmas területe,

Csongrád-Csanád megye 800150, 800160, 800250, 802220, 802260, 802310 és 802450 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Fejér megye 400150, 400250, 400351, 400352, 400450, 400550, 401150, 401250, 401350, 402050, 402350, 402360, 402850, 402950, 403050, 403450, 403550, 403650, 403750, 403950, 403960, 403970, 404650, 404750, 404850, 404950, 404960, 405050, 405750, 405850, 405950,

406050, 406150, 406550, 406650 és 406750 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Győr-Moson-Sopron megye 100550, 100650, 100950, 101050, 101350, 101450, 101550, 101560 és 102150 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye 750150, 750160, 750260, 750350, 750450, 750460, 754450, 754550, 754560, 754570, 754650, 754750, 754950, 755050, 755150, 755250, 755350 és 755450 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Komárom-Esztergom megye 250150, 250250, 250450, 250460, 250550, 250650, 250750, 251050, 251150, 251250, 251350, 251360, 251650, 251750, 251850, 252250, kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Pest megye 571550, 572150, 572250, 572350, 572550, 572650, 572750, 572850, 572950, 573150, 573250, 573260, 573350, 573360, 573450, 573850, 573950, 573960, 574050, 574150, 574350, 574360, 574550, 574650, 574750, 574850, 574860, 574950, 575050, 575150, 575250, 575350, 575550, 575650, 575750, 575850, 575950, 576050, 576150, 576250, 576350, 576450, 576650, 576750, 576850, 576950, 577050, 577150, 577350, 577450, 577650, 577850, 577950, 578050, 578150, 578250, 578350, 578360, 578450, 578550, 578560, 578650, 578850, 578950, 579050, 579150, 579250, 579350, 579450, 579460, 579550, 579650, 579750, 580250 és 580450 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe.

7.   Poland

The following restricted zones I in Poland:

w województwie kujawsko - pomorskim:

powiat rypiński,

powiat brodnicki,

powiat grudziądzki,

powiat miejski Grudziądz,

powiat wąbrzeski,

w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim:

gminy Wielbark i Rozogi w powiecie szczycieńskim,

w województwie podlaskim:

gminy Wysokie Mazowieckie z miastem Wysokie Mazowieckie, Czyżew i część gminy Kulesze Kościelne położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez linię koleją w powiecie wysokomazowieckim,

gminy Miastkowo, Nowogród, Śniadowo i Zbójna w powiecie łomżyńskim,

gminy Szumowo, Zambrów z miastem Zambrów i część gminy Kołaki Kościelne położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez linię kolejową w powiecie zambrowskim,

gminy Grabowo, Kolno i miasto Kolno, Turośl w powiecie kolneńskim,

w województwie mazowieckim:

powiat ostrołęcki,

powiat miejski Ostrołęka,

gminy Bielsk, Brudzeń Duży, Bulkowo, Drobin, Gąbin, Łąck, Nowy Duninów, Radzanowo, Słupno, Staroźreby i Stara Biała w powiecie płockim,

powiat miejski Płock,

powiat ciechanowski,

gminy Baboszewo, Dzierzążnia, Joniec, Nowe Miasto, Płońsk i miasto Płońsk, Raciąż i miasto Raciąż, Sochocin w powiecie płońskim,

powiat sierpecki,

gmina Siemiątkowo w powiecie żuromińskim,

część powiatu ostrowskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

gminy Radzanów, Strzegowo, Stupsk w powiecie mławskim,

powiat przasnyski,

powiat makowski,

powiat pułtuski,

część powiatu wyszkowskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

część powiatu węgrowskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

część powiatu wołomińskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

gminy Mokobody i Suchożebry w powiecie siedleckim,

gminy Dobre, Jakubów, Kałuszyn, Stanisławów w powiecie mińskim,

gminy Bielany i gmina wiejska Sokołów Podlaski w powiecie sokołowskim,

gminy Kowala, Wierzbica, część gminy Wolanów położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 12 w powiecie radomskim,

powiat miejski Radom,

gminy Jastrząb, Mirów, Orońsko w powiecie szydłowieckim,

powiat gostyniński,

w województwie podkarpackim:

powiat jasielski,

powiat strzyżowski,

część powiatu ropczycko – sędziszowskiego niewymieniona w części I i II załącznika I,

gminy Pruchnik, Rokietnica, Roźwienica, w powiecie jarosławskim,

gminy Fredropol, Krasiczyn, Krzywcza, Medyka, Orły, Żurawica, Przemyśl w powiecie przemyskim,

powiat miejski Przemyśl,

gminy Gać, Jawornik Polski, Kańczuga, część gminy Zarzecze położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez rzekę Mleczka w powiecie przeworskim,

powiat łańcucki,

gminy Trzebownisko, Głogów Małopolski, część gminy Świlcza położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 94 i część gminy Sokołów Małopolski położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 875 w powiecie rzeszowskim,

gmina Raniżów w powiecie kolbuszowskim,

gminy Brzostek, Jodłowa, miasto Dębica, część gminy wiejskiej Dębica położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr A4 w powiecie dębickim,

w województwie świętokrzyskim:

gminy Nowy Korczyn, Solec–Zdrój, Wiślica, część gminy Busko Zdrój położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Siedlawy-Szaniec-Podgaje-Kołaczkowice w powiecie buskim,

powiat kazimierski,

część powiatu opatowskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

część powiatu sandomierskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

gminy Bogoria, Osiek, Staszów i część gminy Rytwiany położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 764, część gminy Szydłów położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 756 w powiecie staszowskim,

gminy Pawłów, Wąchock, część gminy Brody położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 9 oraz na południowy - zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi: nr 0618T biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania w miejscowości Lipie, drogę biegnącą od miejscowości Lipie do wschodniej granicy gminy i część gminy Mirzec położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 744 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do miejscowości Tychów Stary a następnie przez drogę nr 0566T biegnącą od miejscowości Tychów Stary w kierunku północno - wschodnim do granicy gminy w powiecie starachowickim,

powiat ostrowiecki,

gminy Fałków, Ruda Maleniecka, Radoszyce, Smyków, część gminy Końskie położona na zachód od linii kolejowej, część gminy Stąporków położona na południe od linii kolejowej w powiecie koneckim,

gminy Bodzentyn, Bieliny, Górno, Łagów, Masłów, Miedziana Góra, Nowa Słupia, Zagnańsk, część gminy Mniów położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 74, część gminy Sitkówka -Nowiny położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez droge nr 762, część gminy Morawica położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez rzekę Czarna Nida, część gminy Daleszyce położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 764, część gminy Raków położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 756 i 764, w powiecie kieleckim,

gminy Działoszyce, Michałów, Pińczów, Złota w powiecie pińczowskim,

gminy Imielno, Jędrzejów, Nagłowice, Sędziszów, Słupia, Wodzisław w powiecie jędrzejowskim,

gminy Moskorzew, Radków, Secemin w powiecie włoszczowskim,

powiat miejski Kielce,

w województwie łódzkim:

gminy Łyszkowice, Kocierzew Południowy, Kiernozia, Chąśno, Nieborów, część gminy wiejskiej Łowicz położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 92 biegnącej od granicy miasta Łowicz do zachodniej granicy gminy oraz część gminy wiejskiej Łowicz położona na wschód od granicy miasta Łowicz i na północ od granicy gminy Nieborów w powiecie łowickim,

gminy Cielądz, Rawa Mazowiecka z miastem Rawa Mazowiecka w powiecie rawskim,

gminy Bolimów, Głuchów, Godzianów, Lipce Reymontowskie, Maków, Nowy Kawęczyn, Skierniewice, Słupia w powiecie skierniewickim,

powiat miejski Skierniewice,

gminy Mniszków, Paradyż, Sławno i Żarnów w powiecie opoczyńskim,

powiat tomaszowski,

powiat brzeziński,

powiat łaski,

powiat miejski Łódź,

powat łódzki wschodni,

powiat pabianicki,

powiat wieruszowski,

gminy Aleksandrów Łódzki, Stryków, miasto Zgierz w powiecie zgierskim,

gminy Bełchatów z miastem Bełchatów, Drużbice, Kluki, Rusiec, Szczerców, Zelów w powiecie bełchatowskim,

powiat wieluński,

powiat sieradzki,

powiat zduńskowolski,

gminy Aleksandrów, Czarnocin, Grabica, Moszczenica, Ręczno, Sulejów, Wola Krzysztoporska, Wolbórz w powiecie piotrkowskim,

powiat miejski Piotrków Trybunalski,

gminy Masłowice, Przedbórz, Wielgomłyny i Żytno w powiecie radomszczańskim,

w województwie śląskim:

gmina Koniecpol w powiecie częstochowskim,

w województwie pomorskim:

gminy Ostaszewo, miasto Krynica Morska oraz część gminy Nowy Dwór Gdański położona na południowy - zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 55 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 7, następnie przez drogę nr 7 i S7 biegnącą do zachodniej granicy gminy w powiecie nowodworskim,

gminy Lichnowy, Miłoradz, Nowy Staw, Malbork z miastem Malbork w powiecie malborskim,

gminy Mikołajki Pomorskie, Stary Targ i Sztum w powiecie sztumskim,

powiat gdański,

Miasto Gdańsk,

powiat tczewski,

powiat kwidzyński,

w województwie lubuskim:

gmina Lubiszyn w powiecie gorzowskim,

gmina Dobiegniew w powiecie strzelecko – drezdeneckim,

w województwie dolnośląskim:

powiat oleśnicki,

gminy Jordanów Śląski, Kąty Wrocławskie, Kobierzyce, Mietków, Sobótka, część gminy Długołęka położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez droge nr S8, część gminy Żórawina położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez autostradę A4 w powiecie wrocławskim,

część gminy Domaniów położona na południowy zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez autostradę A4 w powiecie oławskim,

część powiatu miejskiego Wrocław położóna na północny zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez autostradę nr A8,

gmina Wiązów w powiecie strzelińskim,

powiat średzki,

miasto Świeradów Zdrój w powiecie lubańskim,

część powiatu wołowskiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

powiat miejski Legnica,

gminy Krotoszyce, Kunice, Legnickie Pole, Miłkowice, Prochowice, Ruja w powiecie legnickim,

gminy Pielgrzymka, Świerzawa, Złotoryja z miastem Złotoryja, miasto Wojcieszów w powiecie złotoryjskim,

powiat lwówecki,

gmina Ścinawa w powiecie lubińskim,

część powiatu trzebnickiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

gmina Wądroże Wielkie w powiecie jaworskim,

gminy Cieszków, Krośnice, część gminy Milicz położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 15 biegnącej od północnej granicy gminy do południowej granicy gminy w miejcowości Lasowice w powiecie milickim,

w województwie wielkopolskim:

powiat krotoszyński,

gminy Borek Wielkopolski, Gostyń, Pępowo, Piaski, Pogorzela, w powiecie gostyńskim,

gmina Osieczna, część gminy Lipno położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S5, część gminy Święciechowa położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 12 oraz na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S5 w powiecie leszczyńskim,

powiat miejski Leszno,

gminy Granowo, Grodzisk Wielkopolski i część gminy Kamieniec położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 308 w powiecie grodziskim,

gminy Czempiń, Kościan i miasto Kościan, Krzywiń, część gminy Śmigiel położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S5 w powiecie kościańskim,

powiat miejski Poznań,

gminy Buk, Dopiewo, Komorniki, Tarnowo Podgórne, Stęszew, Swarzędz, Pobiedziska, Czerwonak, Mosina, miasto Luboń, miasto Puszczykowo i część gminy Kórnik położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonych przez drogi: nr S11 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 434 i drogę nr 434 biegnącą od tego skrzyżowania do południowej granicy gminy, część gminy Rokietnica położona na południowy zachód od linii kolejowej biegnącej od północnej granicy gminy w miejscowości Krzyszkowo do południowej granicy gminy w miejscowości Kiekrz oraz część gminy wiejskiej Murowana Goślina położona na południe od linii kolejowej biegnącej od północnej granicy miasta Murowana Goślina do północno-wschodniej granicy gminy w powiecie poznańskim,

gmina Kiszkowo i część gminy Kłecko położona na zachód od rzeki Mała Wełna w powiecie gnieźnieńskim,

powiat czarnkowsko-trzcianecki,

gmina Kaźmierz, część gminy Duszniki położona na południowy – wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 306 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do miejscowości Duszniki, a następnie na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez ul. Niewierską oraz drogę biegnącą przez miejscowość Niewierz do zachodniej granicy gminy, część gminy Ostroróg położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 186 i 184 biegnące od granicy gminy do miejscowości Ostroróg, a następnie od miejscowości Ostroróg przez miejscowości Piaskowo – Rudki do południowej granicy gminy, część gminy Wronki położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez rzekę Wartę biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do przecięcia z droga nr 182, a następnie na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 182 oraz 184 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 182 do południowej granicy gminy, miasto Szamotuły i część gminy Szamotuły położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 306 i drogę łączącą miejscowości Lipnica - Ostroróg do linii wyznaczonej przez wschodnią granicę miasta Szamotuły i na południe od linii kolejowej biegnącej od południowej granicy miasta Szamotuły, do południowo-wschodniej granicy gminy oraz część gminy Obrzycko położona na zachód od drogi nr 185 łączącej miejscowości Gaj Mały, Słopanowo i Obrzycko do północnej granicy miasta Obrzycko, a następnie na zachód od drogi przebiegającej przez miejscowość Chraplewo w powiecie szamotulskim,

gmina Budzyń w powiecie chodzieskim,

gminy Mieścisko, Skoki i Wągrowiec z miastem Wągrowiec w powiecie wągrowieckim,

powiat pleszewski,

gmina Zagórów w powiecie słupeckim,

gmina Pyzdry w powiecie wrzesińskim,

gminy Kotlin, Żerków i część gminy Jarocin położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr S11 i 15 w powiecie jarocińskim,

powiat ostrowski,

powiat miejski Kalisz,

gminy Blizanów, Brzeziny, Żelazków, Godziesze Wielkie, Koźminek, Lisków, Opatówek, Szczytniki, część gminy Stawiszyn położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 25 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do miejscowości Zbiersk, a następnie na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Zbiersk – Łyczyn – Petryki biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 25 do południowej granicy gminy, część gminy Ceków- Kolonia położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Młynisko – Morawin - Janków w powiecie kaliskim,

gminy Brudzew, Dobra, Kawęczyn, Przykona, Władysławów, Turek z miastem Turek część gminy Tuliszków położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 72 biegnącej od wschodniej granicy gminy do miasta Turek a następnie na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 443 biegnącej od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 72 w mieście Turek do zachodniej granicy gminy w powiecie tureckim,

gminy Rzgów, Grodziec, Krzymów, Stare Miasto, część gminy Rychwał położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 25 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do miejscowości Rychwał, a następnie na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 443 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 25 w miejscowości Rychwał do wschodniej granicy gminy w powiecie konińskim,

powiat kępiński,

powiat ostrzeszowski,

w województwie opolskim:

gminy Domaszowice, Wilków, Świerczów i Namysłów w powiecie namysłowskim,

gminy Wołczyn, Kluczbork, Byczyna w powiecie kluczborskim,

gminy Praszka, Gorzów Śląski w powiecie oleskim,

gminy Grodków, Olszanka, miasto Brzeg , część gminy Lubsza położona na południowy wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 39, część gminy Skarbimierz położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 39 w powiecie brzeskim,

w województwie zachodniopomorskim:

gminy Nowogródek Pomorski, Barlinek, Myślibórz, część gminy Dębno położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 126 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 23 w miejscowości Dębno, następnie na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 23 do skrzyżowania z ul. Jana Pawła II w miejscowości Cychry, następnie na północ od ul. Jana Pawła II do skrzyżowania z ul. Ogrodową i dalej na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez ul. Ogrodową, której przedłużenie biegnie do wschodniej granicy gminy w powiecie myśliborskim,

gmina Stare Czarnowo w powiecie gryfińskim,

gmina Bielice, Kozielice, Pyrzyce w powiecie pyrzyckim,

gminy Bierzwnik, Krzęcin, Pełczyce w powiecie choszczeńskim,

powiat miejski Szczecin,

gminy Dobra (Szczecińska), Kołbaskowo, Police w powiecie polickim,

w województwie małopolskim:

powiat brzeski,

powiat gorlicki,

powiat proszowicki,

powiat nowosądecki,

powiat miejski Nowy Sącz,

część powiatu dąbrowskiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

część powiatu tarnowskiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I.

8.   Slovakia

The following restricted zones I in Slovakia:

in the district of Nové Zámky: Mužla, Obid, Štúrovo, Nána, Kamenica nad Hronom, Chľaba, Leľa, Bajtava, Salka, Malé Kosihy, Kolta, Jasová, Dubník, Rúbaň, Strekov,

in the district of Komárno: Bátorové Kosihy, Búč, Kravany nad Dunajom,

in the district of Veľký Krtíš, the municipalities of Ipeľské Predmostie, Veľká nad Ipľom, Hrušov, Kleňany, Sečianky,

in the district of Levice, the municipalities of Ipeľské Úľany, Plášťovce, Dolné Túrovce, Stredné Túrovce, Šahy, Tešmak, Pastovce, Zalaba, Malé Ludince, Hronovce, Nýrovce, Želiezovce, Málaš, Čaka,

the whole district of Krupina, except municipalities included in part II,

the whole district of Banska Bystrica, except municipalities included in part II,

in the district of Liptovsky Mikulas – municipalities of Pribylina, Jamník, Svatý Štefan, Konská, Jakubovany, Liptovský Ondrej, Beňadiková, Vavrišovo, Liptovská Kokava, Liptovský Peter, Dovalovo, Hybe, Liptovský Hrádok, Liptovský Ján, Uhorská Ves, Podtureň, Závažná Poruba, Liptovský Mikuláš, Pavčina Lehota, Demänovská Dolina, Gôtovany, Galovany, Svätý Kríž, Lazisko, Dúbrava, Malatíny, Liptovské Vlachy, Liptovské Kľačany, Partizánska Ľupča, Kráľovská Ľubeľa, Zemianska Ľubeľa, Východná – a part of municipality north from the highway D1,

in the district of Ružomberok, the municipalities of Liptovská Lužná, Liptovská Osada, Podsuchá, Ludrová, Štiavnička, Liptovská Štiavnica, Nižný Sliač, Liptovské Sliače,

the whole district of Banska Stiavnica,

the whole district of Žiar nad Hronom.


1.   Bulgaria

The following restricted zones II in Bulgaria:

the whole region of Haskovo,

the whole region of Yambol,

the whole region of Stara Zagora,

the whole region of Pernik,

the whole region of Kyustendil,

the whole region of Plovdiv, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Pazardzhik, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Smolyan,

the whole region of Dobrich,

the whole region of Sofia city,

the whole region of Sofia Province,

the whole region of Blagoevgrad,

the whole region of Razgrad,

the whole region of Kardzhali,

the whole region of Burgas excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Varna excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Silistra, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Ruse, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Veliko Tarnovo, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Pleven, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Targovishte, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Shumen, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Sliven, excluding the areas in Part III,

the whole region of Vidin, excluding the areas in Part III.

2.   Germany

The following restricted zones II in Germany:

Bundesland Brandenburg:

Landkreis Oder-Spree:

Gemeinde Grunow-Dammendorf,

Gemeinde Mixdorf

Gemeinde Schlaubetal,

Gemeinde Neuzelle,

Gemeinde Neißemünde,

Gemeinde Lawitz,

Gemeinde Eisenhüttenstadt,

Gemeinde Vogelsang,

Gemeinde Ziltendorf,

Gemeinde Wiesenau,

Gemeinde Friedland,

Gemeinde Siehdichum,

Gemeinde Müllrose,

Gemeinde Briesen,

Gemeinde Jacobsdorf

Gemeinde Groß Lindow,

Gemeinde Brieskow-Finkenheerd,

Gemeinde Ragow-Merz,

Gemeinde Beeskow,

Gemeinde Rietz-Neuendorf,

Gemeinde Tauche mit den Gemarkungen Stremmen, Ranzig, Trebatsch, Sabrodt, Sawall, Mitweide, Lindenberg, Falkenberg (T), Görsdorf (B), Wulfersdorf, Giesensdorf, Briescht, Kossenblatt und Tauche,

Gemeinde Langewahl,

Gemeinde Berkenbrück,

Gemeinde Steinhöfel mit den Gemarkungen Arensdorf und Demitz und den Gemarkungen Steinhöfel, Hasenfelde und Heinersdorf östlich der L 36 und der Gemarkung Neuendorf im Sande südlich der L36,

Gemeinde Fürstenwalde östlich der B 168 und südlich der L36,

Gemeinde Diensdorf-Radlow,

Gemeinde Wendisch Rietz östlich des Scharmützelsees und nördlich der B 246,

Gemeinde Bad Saarow mit der Gemarkung Neu Golm und der Gemarkung Bad Saarow-Pieskow östlich des Scharmützelsees und ab nördlicher Spitze östlich der L35,

Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald:

Gemeinde Jamlitz,

Gemeinde Lieberose,

Gemeinde Schwielochsee mit den Gemarkungen Goyatz, Jessern, Lamsfeld, Ressen, Speichrow und Zaue,

Landkreis Spree-Neiße:

Gemeinde Schenkendöbern,

Gemeinde Guben,

Gemeinde Jänschwalde,

Gemeinde Tauer,

Gemeinde Teichland mit der Gemarkung Bärenbrück,

Gemeinde Heinersbrück,

Gemeinde Forst,

Gemeinde Groß Schacksdorf-Simmersdorf,

Gemeinde Neiße-Malxetal,

Gemeinde Jämlitz-Klein Düben,

Gemeinde Tschernitz,

Gemeinde Döbern,

Gemeinde Felixsee,

Gemeinde Wiesengrund,

Gemeinde Spremberg mit den Gemarkungen Groß Luja, Türkendorf, Graustein, Waldesdorf, Hornow, Schönheide und Liskau,

Gemeinde Neuhausen/Spree mit den Gemarkungen Kahsel, Drieschnitz, Gablenz, Komptendorf und Sergen,

Landkreis Märkisch-Oderland:

Gemeinde Bleyen-Genschmar,

Gemeinde Neuhardenberg,

Gemeinde Golzow,

Gemeinde Küstriner Vorland,

Gemeinde Alt Tucheband,

Gemeinde Reitwein,

Gemeinde Podelzig,

Gemeinde Gusow-Platkow,

Gemeinde Seelow,

Gemeinde Vierlinden,

Gemeinde Lindendorf,

Gemeinde Fichtenhöhe,

Gemeinde Lietzen,

Gemeinde Falkenhagen (Mark),

Gemeinde Zeschdorf,

Gemeinde Treplin,

Gemeinde Lebus,

Gemeinde Müncheberg mit den Gemarkungen Jahnsfelde, Trebnitz, Obersdorf, Münchehofe und Hermersdorf,

Gemeinde Märkische Höhe mit der Gemarkung Ringenwalde,

Gemeinde Bliesdorf mit der Gemarkung Metzdorf und Gemeinde Bliesdorf – östlich der B167 bis östlicher Teil, begrenzt aus Richtung Gemarkungsgrenze Neutrebbin südlich der Bahnlinie bis Straße „Sophienhof“ dieser westlich folgend bis „Ruesterchegraben“ weiter entlang Feldweg an den Windrädern Richtung „Herrnhof“, weiter entlang „Letschiner Hauptgraben“ nord-östlich bis Gemarkungsgrenze Alttrebbin und Kunersdorf – östlich der B167,

Gemeinde Bad Freienwalde mit den Gemarkungen Altglietzen, Altranft, Bad Freienwalde, Bralitz, Hohenwutzen, Schiffmühle, Hohensaaten und Neuenhagen,

Gemeinde Falkenberg mit der Gemarkung Falkenberg östlich der L35,

Gemeinde Oderaue,

Gemeinde Wriezen mit den Gemarkungen Altwriezen, Jäckelsbruch, Neugaul, Beauregard, Eichwerder, Rathsdorf – östlich der B167 und Wriezen – östlich der B167,

Gemeinde Neulewin,

Gemeinde Neutrebbin,

Gemeinde Letschin,

Gemeinde Zechin,

Landkreis Barnim:

Gemeinde Lunow-Stolzenhagen,

Gemeinde Parsteinsee,

Gemeinde Oderberg,

Gemeinde Liepe,

Gemeinde Hohenfinow (nördlich der B167),

Gemeinde Niederfinow,

Gemeinde (Stadt) Eberswalde mit den Gemarkungen Eberswalde nördlich der B167 und östlich der L200, Sommerfelde und Tornow nördlich der B167,

Gemeinde Chorin mit den Gemarkungen Brodowin, Chorin östlich der L200, Serwest, Neuehütte, Sandkrug östlich der L200,

Gemeinde Ziethen mit der Gemarkung Klein Ziethen östlich der Serwester Dorfstraße und östlich der B198,

Landkreis Uckermark:

Gemeinde Angermünde mit den Gemarkungen Crussow, Stolpe, Gellmersdorf, Neukünkendorf, Bölkendorf, Herzsprung, Schmargendorf und den Gemarkungen Angermünde südlich und südöstlich der B2 und Dobberzin südlich der B2,

Gemeinde Schwedt mit den Gemarkungen Criewen, Zützen, Schwedt, Stendell, Kummerow, Kunow, Vierraden, Blumenhagen, Oderbruchwiesen, Enkelsee, Gatow, Hohenfelde, Schöneberg, Flemsdorf und der Gemarkung Felchow östlich der B2,

Gemeinde Pinnow südlich und östlich der B2,

Gemeinde Berkholz-Meyenburg,

Gemeinde Mark Landin mit der Gemarkung Landin südlich der B2,

Gemeinde Casekow mit der Gemarkung Woltersdorf und den Gemarkungen Biesendahlshof und Casekow östlich der L272 und südlich der L27,

Gemeinde Hohenselchow-Groß Pinnow mit der Gemarkung Groß Pinnow und der Gemarkung Hohenselchow südlich der L27,

Gemeinde Gartz (Oder) mit der Gemarkung Friedrichsthal und den Gemarkungen Gartz und Hohenreinkendorf südlich der L27 und B2 bis Gartenstraße,

Gemeinde Passow mit der Gemarkung Jamikow,

Kreisfreie Stadt Frankfurt (Oder),

Landkreis Prignitz:

Gemeinde Berge,

Gemeinde Pirow mit den Gemarkungen Hülsebeck, Pirow und Burow,

Gemeinde Putlitz mit den Gemarkungen Sagast, Nettelbeck, Porep, Lütkendorf, Putlitz, Weitgendorf und Telschow,

Gemeinde Marienfließ mit den Gemarkungen Jännersdorf, Stepenitz und Krempendorf,

Bundesland Sachsen:

Landkreis Bautzen:

Gemeinde Großdubrau,

Gemeinde Hochkirch nördlich der B6,

Gemeinde Königswartha östlich der B96,

Gemeinde Kubschütz nördlich der B6,

Gemeinde Laußnitz,

Gemeinde Lohsa östlich der B96,

Gemeinde Malschwitz,

Gemeinde Neschwitz östlich der B96,

Gemeinde Ottendorf-Okrilla,

Gemeinde Radibor östlich der B96,

Gemeinde Spreetal östlich der B97,

Gemeinde Stadt Bautzen östlich des Verlaufs der B96 bis Abzweig S 156 und nördlich des Verlaufs S 156 bis Abzweig B6 und nördlich des Verlaufs der B 6 bis zur östlichen Gemeindegrenze,

Gemeinde Stadt Hoyerswerda südlich des Verlaufs der B97 bis Abzweig B96 und östlich des Verlaufs der B96 bis zur südlichen Gemeindegrenze,

Gemeinde Stadt Königsbrück mit dem Ortsteil Röhrsdorf,

Gemeinde Stadt Weißenberg,

Gemeinde Stadt Wittichenau östlich der B96,

Stadt Dresden:

Stadtteile Gomlitz, Lausa/Friedersdorf, Marsdorf, Weixdorf,

Landkreis Görlitz:

Gemeinde Boxberg/O.L.,

Gemeinde Gablenz,

Gemeinde Groß Düben,

Gemeinde Hähnichen,

Gemeinde Hohendubrau,

Gemeinde Horka,

Gemeinde Kodersdorf,

Gemeinde Königshain,

Gemeinde Krauschwitz i.d. O.L.,

Gemeinde Kreba-Neudorf,

Gemeinde Markersdorf,

Gemeinde Mücka,

Gemeinde Neißeaue,

Gemeinde Quitzdorf am See,

Gemeinde Rietschen,

Gemeinde Rosenbach nördlich der S129,

Gemeinde Schleife,

Gemeinde Schönau-Berzdorf a. d. Eigen nördlich der S129,

Gemeinde Schöpstal,

Gemeinde Stadt Bad Muskau,

Gemeinde Stadt Bernstadt a. d. Eigen nördlich der S129,

Gemeinde Stadt Görlitz,

Gemeinde Stadt Löbau nördlich der B 6 von der Kreisgrenze Bautzen bis zum Abzweig der S 129, auf der S129 bis Gemeindegrenze,

Gemeinde Stadt Niesky,

Gemeinde Stadt Ostritz nördlich der S129 und K8616,

Gemeinde Stadt Reichenbach/O.L.,

Gemeinde Stadt Rothenburg/O.L.,

Gemeinde Stadt Weißwasser/O.L.,

Gemeinde Trebendorf,

Gemeinde Vierkirchen,

Gemeinde Waldhufen,

Gemeinde Weißkeißel,

Landkreis Meißen:

Gemeinde Ebersbach,

Gemeinde Lampertswalde mit den Ortsteilen Lampertswalde, Mühlbach, Quersa, Schönborn,

Gemeinde Moritzburg,

Gemeinde Schönfeld,

Gemeinde Stadt Coswig nördlich der S80 und östlich der S81,

Gemeinde Stadt Radeburg,

Gemeinde Thiendorf,

Gemeinde Weinböhla östlich der S81.

Bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern:

Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim:

Gemeinde Brunow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Bauerkuhl, Brunow (bei Ludwigslust), Klüß, Löcknitz (bei Parchim),

Gemeinde Dambeck mit dem Ortsteil und der Ortslage:

Dambeck (bei Ludwigslust),

Gemeinde Ganzlin mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Barackendorf, Hof Retzow, Klein Damerow, Retzow, Wangelin,

Gemeinde Gehlsbach mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Ausbau Darß, Darß, Hof Karbow, Karbow, Karbow-Ausbau, Quaßlin, Quaßlin Hof, Quaßliner Mühle, Vietlübbe, Wahlstorf

Gemeinde Groß Godems mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen:

Groß Godems, Klein Godems,

Gemeinde Karrenzin mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Herzfeld, Karrenzin, Karrenzin-Ausbau, Neu Herzfeld, Repzin, Wulfsahl,

Gemeinde Kreien mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Ausbau Kreien, Hof Kreien, Kolonie Kreien, Kreien, Wilsen,

Gemeinde Kritzow mit dem Ortsteil und der Ortslage: Benzin,

Gemeinde Lübz mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Burow, Gischow, Meyerberg,

Gemeinde Möllenbeck mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Carlshof, Horst, Menzendorf, Möllenbeck,

Gemeinde Parchim mit dem Ortsteil und Ortslage: Slate,

Gemeinde Rom mit dem Ortsteil und Ortslage: Klein Niendorf,

Gemeinde Ruhner Berge mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Dorf Poltnitz, Drenkow, Griebow, Jarchow, Leppin, Malow, Malower Mühle, Marnitz, Mentin, Mooster, Poitendorf, Poltnitz, Suckow, Tessenow, Zachow,

Gemeinde Siggelkow mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Groß Pankow, Klein Pankow, Neuburg, Redlin, Siggelkow,

Gemeinde Ziegendorf mit den Ortsteilen und Ortslagen: Drefahl, Meierstorf, Neu Drefahl, Pampin, Platschow, Stresendorf, Ziegendorf.

3.   Estonia

The following restricted zones II in Estonia:

Eesti Vabariik (välja arvatud Hiiu maakond).

4.   Latvia

The following restricted zones II in Latvia:

Aizkraukles novads,

Alūksnes novads,

Augšdaugavas novads,

Ādažu novads,

Balvu novads,

Bauskas novads,

Cēsu novads,

Dienvidkurzemes novada Aizputes, Cīravas, Lažas, Kalvenes, Kazdangas, Durbes, Dunalkas, Tadaiķu, Vecpils, Bārtas, Sakas, Bunkas, Priekules, Gramzdas, Kalētu, Virgas, Dunikas, Embūtes, Vaiņodes , Gaviezes, Rucavas pagasts, Nīcas pagasta daļa uz dienvidiem no apdzīvotas vietas Bernāti, autoceļa V1232, A11, V1222, Bārtas upes, Aizputes, Durbes, Pāvilostas, Priekules pilsēta,

Dobeles novads,

Gulbenes novads,

Jelgavas novads,

Jēkabpils novads,

Krāslavas novads,

Kuldīgas novads,

Ķekavas novads,

Limbažu novads,

Līvānu novads,

Ludzas novads,

Madonas novads,

Mārupes novads,

Ogres novads,

Olaines novads,

Preiļu novads,

Rēzeknes novads,

Ropažu novada Garkalnes, Ropažu pagasts, Stopiņu pagasta daļa, kas atrodas uz austrumiem no autoceļa V36, P4 un P5, Acones ielas, Dauguļupes ielas un Dauguļupītes, Vangažu pilsēta,

Salaspils novads,

Saldus novads,

Saulkrastu novads,

Siguldas novads,

Smiltenes novads,

Talsu novads,

Tukuma novads,

Valkas novads,

Valmieras novads,

Varakļānu novads,

Ventspils novads,

Daugavpils valstspilsētas pašvaldība,

Jelgavas valstspilsētas pašvaldība,

Jūrmalas valstspilsētas pašvaldība,

Rēzeknes valstspilsētas pašvaldība.

5.   Lithuania

The following restricted zones II in Lithuania:

Alytaus miesto savivaldybė,

Alytaus rajono savivaldybė,

Anykščių rajono savivaldybė,

Akmenės rajono savivaldybė,

Birštono savivaldybė,

Biržų miesto savivaldybė,

Biržų rajono savivaldybė,

Druskininkų savivaldybė,

Elektrėnų savivaldybė,

Ignalinos rajono savivaldybė,

Jonavos rajono savivaldybė,

Joniškio rajono savivaldybė,

Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė,

Kaišiadorių rajono savivaldybė,

Kalvarijos savivaldybė,

Kauno miesto savivaldybė,

Kauno rajono savivaldybė,

Kazlų rūdos savivaldybė,

Kelmės rajono savivaldybė,

Kėdainių rajono savivaldybė,

Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybė: Judrėnų, Endriejavo ir Veiviržėnų seniūnijos,

Kupiškio rajono savivaldybė,

Kretingos rajono savivaldybė,

Lazdijų rajono savivaldybė,

Marijampolės savivaldybė,

Mažeikių rajono savivaldybė,

Molėtų rajono savivaldybė,

Pagėgių savivaldybė,

Pakruojo rajono savivaldybė,

Panevėžio rajono savivaldybė,

Panevėžio miesto savivaldybė,

Pasvalio rajono savivaldybė,

Radviliškio rajono savivaldybė,

Rietavo savivaldybė,

Prienų rajono savivaldybė,

Plungės rajono savivaldybė,

Raseinių rajono savivaldybė,

Rokiškio rajono savivaldybė,

Skuodo rajono savivaldybės,

Šakių rajono savivaldybė,

Šalčininkų rajono savivaldybė,

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė,

Šiaulių rajono savivaldybė,

Šilutės rajono savivaldybė,

Širvintų rajono savivaldybė,

Šilalės rajono savivaldybė,

Švenčionių rajono savivaldybė,

Tauragės rajono savivaldybė,

Telšių rajono savivaldybė,

Trakų rajono savivaldybė,

Ukmergės rajono savivaldybė,

Utenos rajono savivaldybė,

Varėnos rajono savivaldybė,

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė,

Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė,

Vilkaviškio rajono savivaldybė,

Visagino savivaldybė,

Zarasų rajono savivaldybė.

6.   Hungary

The following restricted zones II in Hungary:

Békés megye 950150, 950250, 950350, 950450, 950550, 950650, 950660, 950750, 950850, 950860, 951050, 951150, 951250, 951260, 951350, 951450, 951460, 951550, 951650, 951750, 952150, 952250, 952350, 952450, 952550, 952650, 953250, 953260, 953270, 953350, 953450, 953550, 953560, 953950, 954050, 954060, 954150, 956250, 956350, 956450, 956550, 956650 és 956750 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye valamennyi vadgazdálkodási egységének teljes területe,

Fejér megye 403150, 403160, 403250, 403260, 403350, 404250, 404550, 404560, 404570, 405450, 405550, 405650, 406450 és 407050 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Hajdú-Bihar megye valamennyi vadgazdálkodási egységének teljes területe,

Heves megye valamennyi vadgazdálkodási egységének teljes területe,

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye 750250, 750550, 750650, 750750, 750850, 750970, 750980, 751050, 751150, 751160, 751250, 751260, 751350, 751360, 751450, 751460, 751470, 751550, 751650, 751750, 751850, 751950, 752150, 752250, 752350, 752450, 752460, 752550, 752560, 752650, 752750, 752850, 752950, 753060, 753070, 753150, 753250, 753310, 753450, 753550, 753650, 753660, 753750, 753850, 753950, 753960, 754050, 754150, 754250, 754360, 754370, 754850, 755550, 755650 és 755750 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Komárom-Esztergom megye: 250350, 250850, 250950, 251450, 251550, 251950, 252050, 252150, 252350, 252450, 252460, 252550, 252650, 252750, 252850, 252860, 252950, 252960, 253050, 253150, 253250, 253350, 253450 és 253550 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Nógrád megye valamennyi vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Pest megye 570150, 570250, 570350, 570450, 570550, 570650, 570750, 570850, 570950, 571050, 571150, 571250, 571350, 571650, 571750, 571760, 571850, 571950, 572050, 573550, 573650, 574250, 577250, 580050 és 580150 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye valamennyi vadgazdálkodási egységének teljes területe.

7.   Poland

The following restricted zones II in Poland:

w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim:

gminy Kalinowo, Stare Juchy, Prostki oraz gmina wiejska Ełk w powiecie ełckim,

powiat elbląski,

powiat miejski Elbląg,

powiat gołdapski,

powiat piski,

powiat bartoszycki,

powiat olecki,

powiat giżycki,

powiat braniewski,

powiat kętrzyński,

powiat lidzbarski,

gminy Jedwabno, Szczytno i miasto Szczytno i Świętajno w powiecie szczycieńskim,

powiat mrągowski,

powiat węgorzewski,

gminy Dobre Miasto, Dywity, Świątki, Jonkowo, Gietrzwałd, Olsztynek, Stawiguda, Jeziorany, Kolno, część gminy Biskupiec położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 57 w powiecie olsztyńskim,

powiat miejski Olsztyn,

powiat nidzicki,

gminy Kisielice, Susz, Zalewo w powiecie iławskim,

część powiatu ostródzkiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

w województwie podlaskim:

powiat bielski,

powiat grajewski,

powiat moniecki,

powiat sejneński,

gminy Łomża, Piątnica, Jedwabne, Przytuły i Wizna w powiecie łomżyńskim,

powiat miejski Łomża,

powiat siemiatycki,

powiat hajnowski,

gminy Ciechanowiec, Klukowo, Szepietowo, Kobylin-Borzymy, Nowe Piekuty, Sokoły i część gminy Kulesze Kościelne położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez linię kolejową w powiecie wysokomazowieckim,

gmina Rutki i część gminy Kołaki Kościelne położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez linię kolejową w powiecie zambrowskim,

gminy Mały Płock i Stawiski w powiecie kolneńskim,

powiat białostocki,

powiat suwalski,

powiat miejski Suwałki,

powiat augustowski,

powiat sokólski,

powiat miejski Białystok,

w województwie mazowieckim:

gminy Domanice, Korczew, Kotuń, Mordy, Paprotnia, Przesmyki, Siedlce, Skórzec, Wiśniew, Wodynie, Zbuczyn w powiecie siedleckim,

powiat miejski Siedlce,

gminy Ceranów, Jabłonna Lacka, Kosów Lacki, Repki, Sabnie, Sterdyń w powiecie sokołowskim,

powiat łosicki,

powiat sochaczewski,

powiat zwoleński,

powiat kozienicki,

powiat lipski,

gminy Gózd, Iłża, Jastrzębia, Jedlnia Letnisko, Pionki z miastem Pionki, Skaryszew, Jedlińsk, Przytyk, Zakrzew w powiecie radomskim,

gminy Bodzanów, Słubice, Wyszogród i Mała Wieś w powiecie płockim,

powiat nowodworski,

gminy Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, Naruszewo, Załuski w powiecie płońskim,

gminy: miasto Kobyłka, miasto Marki, miasto Ząbki, miasto Zielonka , część gminy Tłuszcz ograniczona liniami kolejowymi: na północ od linii kolejowej biegnącej od wschodniej granicy gminy do miasta Tłuszcz oraz na wschód od linii kolejowej biegnącej od północnej granicy gminy do miasta Tłuszcz, część gminy Jadów położona na północ od linii kolejowej biegnącej od wschodniej do zachodniej granicy gminy w powiecie wołomińskim,

powiat garwoliński,

gminy Boguty – Pianki, Brok, Zaręby Kościelne, Nur, Małkinia Górna, część gminy Wąsewo położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 60, część gminy wiejskiej Ostrów Mazowiecka położona na południe od miasta Ostrów Mazowiecka i na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę 60 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy miasta Ostrów Mazowiecka do zachodniej granicy gminy w powiecie ostrowskim,

część gminy Sadowne położona na północny- zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez linię kolejową, część gminy Łochów położona na północny – zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez linię kolejową w powiecie węgrowskim,

gminy Brańszczyk, Długosiodło, Rząśnik, Wyszków, część gminy Zabrodzie położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S8 w powiecie wyszkowskim,

gminy Chlewiska i Szydłowiec w powiecie szydłowieckim,

gminy Cegłów, Dębe Wielkie, Halinów, Latowicz, Mińsk Mazowiecki i miasto Mińsk Mazowiecki, Mrozy, Siennica, miasto Sulejówek w powiecie mińskim,

powiat otwocki,

powiat warszawski zachodni,

powiat legionowski,

powiat piaseczyński,

powiat pruszkowski,

powiat grójecki,

powiat grodziski,

powiat żyrardowski,

powiat białobrzeski,

powiat przysuski,

powiat miejski Warszawa,

w województwie lubelskim:

powiat bialski,

powiat miejski Biała Podlaska,

gminy Batorz, Godziszów, Janów Lubelski, Modliborzyce w powiecie janowskim,

powiat puławski,

powiat rycki,

powiat łukowski,

powiat lubelski,

powiat miejski Lublin,

powiat lubartowski,

powiat łęczyński,

powiat świdnicki,

gminy Aleksandrów, Biszcza, Józefów, Księżpol, Łukowa, Obsza, Potok Górny, Tarnogród w powiecie biłgorajskim,

gminy Dołhobyczów, Mircze, Trzeszczany, Uchanie i Werbkowice w powiecie hrubieszowskim,

powiat krasnostawski,

powiat chełmski,

powiat miejski Chełm,

powiat tomaszowski,

część powiatu kraśnickiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

powiat opolski,

powiat parczewski,

powiat włodawski,

powiat radzyński,

powiat miejski Zamość,

gminy Adamów, Grabowiec, Komarów – Osada, Krasnobród, Łabunie, Miączyn, Nielisz, Sitno, Skierbieszów, Stary Zamość, Zamość w powiecie zamojskim,

w województwie podkarpackim:

część powiatu stalowowolskiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

gminy Cieszanów, Horyniec - Zdrój, Narol, Stary Dzików, Oleszyce, Lubaczów z miastem Lubaczów w powiecie lubaczowskim,

gmina Stubno w powiecie przemyskim,

gminy Chłopice, Jarosław z miastem Jarosław, Pawłosiów i Wiązownice w powiecie jarosławskim,

gmina Kamień w powiecie rzeszowskim,

gminy Cmolas, Dzikowiec, Kolbuszowa, Majdan Królewski i Niwiska powiecie kolbuszowskim,

powiat leżajski,

powiat niżański,

powiat tarnobrzeski,

gminy Adamówka, Sieniawa, Tryńcza, Przeworsk z miastem Przeworsk, Zarzecze w powiecie przeworskim,

część gminy Sędziszów Małopolski położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr A4, część gminy Ostrów nie wymieniona w części III załącznika I w powiecie ropczycko – sędziszowskim,

w województwie pomorskim:

gminy Dzierzgoń i Stary Dzierzgoń w powiecie sztumskim,

gmina Stare Pole w powiecie malborskim,

gminy Stegny, Sztutowo i część gminy Nowy Dwór Gdański położona na północny - wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 55 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 7, następnie przez drogę nr 7 i S7 biegnącą do zachodniej granicy gminy w powiecie nowodworskim,

w województwie świętokrzyskim:

gmina Tarłów i część gminy Ożarów położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 74 w powiecie opatowskim,

część gminy Brody położona wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 9 i na północny - wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 0618T biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania w miejscowości Lipie oraz przez drogę biegnącą od miejscowości Lipie do wschodniej granicy gminy i część gminy Mirzec położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 744 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do miejscowości Tychów Stary a następnie przez drogę nr 0566T biegnącą od miejscowości Tychów Stary w kierunku północno – wschodnim do granicy gminy w powiecie starachowickim,

gmina Gowarczów, część gminy Końskie położona na wschód od linii kolejowej, część gminy Stąporków położona na północ od linii kolejowej w powiecie koneckim,

w województwie lubuskim:

gminy Bogdaniec, Deszczno, Kłodawa, Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Santok, Witnica w powiecie gorzowskim,

powiat miejski Gorzów Wielkopolski,

gminy Drezdenko, Strzelce Krajeńskie, Stare Kurowo, Zwierzyn w powiecie strzelecko – drezdeneckim,

powiat żarski,

gmina Cybinka w powiecie słubickim,

gminy Gozdnica i Wymiarki w powiecie żagańskim,

powiat krośnieński,

powiat zielonogórski

powiat miejski Zielona Góra,

część powiatu nowosolskiego niewymieniona w części III załącznika I,

w województwie dolnośląskim:

powiat zgorzelecki,

gminy Grębocice i Polkowice w powiecie polkowickim,

gminy Rudna, Lubin z miastem Lubin w powiecie lubińskim,

gminy Leśna, Lubań i miasto Lubań, Olszyna, Platerówka, Skierczyn w powiecie lubańskim,

część powiatu miejskiego Wrocław położona na południowy wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez autostradę A8,

gminy Czernica, Siechnice, część gminy Długołęka położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez droge nr S8, część gminy Żórawina położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez autostradę A4 w powiecie wrocławskim,

gminy Jelcz - Laskowice, Oława z miastem Oława i część gminy Domaniów położona na północny wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez autostradę A4 w powiecie oławskim,

w województwie wielkopolskim:

powiat wolsztyński,

gmina Wielichowo, Rakoniewice część gminy Kamieniec położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 308 w powiecie grodziskim,

gminy Wijewo, Włoszakowice, część gminy Lipno położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S5 i część gminy Święciechowa położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 12 oraz na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S5 w powiecie leszczyńskim,

część gminy Śmigiel położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S5 w powiecie kościańskim,

powiat obornicki,

część gminy Połajewo na położona na południe od drogi łączącej miejscowości Chraplewo, Tarnówko-Boruszyn, Krosin, Jakubowo, Połajewo - ul. Ryczywolska do północno-wschodniej granicy gminy w powiecie czarnkowsko-trzcianeckim,

gmina Suchy Las, część gminy wiejskiej Murowana Goślina położona na północ od linii kolejowej biegnącej od północnej granicy miasta Murowana Goślina do północno-wschodniej granicy gminy oraz część gminy Rokietnica położona na północ i na wschód od linii kolejowej biegnącej od północnej granicy gminy w miejscowości Krzyszkowo do południowej granicy gminy w miejscowości Kiekrz w powiecie poznańskim,

część gminy Duszniki położona na północny – zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 306 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do miejscowości Duszniki, a następnie na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez ul. Niewierską oraz drogę biegnącą przez miejscowość Niewierz do zachodniej granicy gminy, część gminy Szamotuły położona na wschód od wschodniej granicy miasta Szamotuły i na północ od linii kolejowej biegnącej od południowej granicy miasta Szamotuły do południowo-wschodniej granicy gminy oraz część gminy Obrzycko położona na wschód od drogi nr 185 łączącej miejscowości Gaj Mały, Słopanowo i Obrzycko do północnej granicy miasta Obrzycko, a następnie na wschód od drogi przebiegającej przez miejscowość Chraplewo w powiecie szamotulskim,

gmina Malanów, część gminy Tuliszków położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 72 biegnącej od wschodniej granicy gminy do miasta Turek, a następnie na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 443 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 72 w mieście Turek do zachodniej granicy gminy w powiecie tureckim,

część gminy Rychwał położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 25 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do miejscowości Rychwał, a następnie na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 443 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogę nr 25 w miejscowości Rychwał do wschodniej granicy gminy w powiecie konińskim,

gmina Mycielin, część gminy Stawiszyn położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 25 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do miejscowości Zbiersk, a następnie na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Zbiersk – Łyczyn – Petryki biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 25 do południowej granicy gminy, część gminy Ceków - Kolonia położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Młynisko – Morawin - Janków w powiecie kaliskim,

w województwie łódzkim:

gminy Białaczów, Drzewica, Opoczno i Poświętne w powiecie opoczyńskim,

gminy Biała Rawska, Regnów i Sadkowice w powiecie rawskim,

gmina Kowiesy w powiecie skierniewickim,

w województwie zachodniopomorskim:

gmina Boleszkowice i część gminy Dębno położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 126 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 23 w miejscowości Dębno, następnie na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 23 do skrzyżowania z ul. Jana Pawła II w miejscowości Cychry, następnie na południe od ul. Jana Pawła II do skrzyżowania z ul. Ogrodową i dalej na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez ul. Ogrodową, której przedłużenie biegnie do wschodniej granicy gminy w powiecie myśliborskim,

gminy Banie, Cedynia, Chojna, Gryfino, Mieszkowice, Moryń, Trzcińsko – Zdrój, Widuchowa w powiecie gryfińskim,

w województwie opolskim:

część gminy Lubsza położona na północny - zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 39, część gminy Skarbimierz położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 39 w powiecie brzeskim.

8.   Slovakia

The following restricted zones II in Slovakia:

the whole district of Gelnica,

the whole district of Poprad

the whole district of Spišská Nová Ves,

the whole district of Levoča,

the whole district of Kežmarok

in the whole district of Michalovce except municipalities included in zone III,

the whole district of Košice-okolie,

the whole district of Rožnava,

the whole city of Košice,

the whole district of Sobrance,

the whole district of Vranov nad Topľou,

the whole district of Humenné except municipalities included in zone III,

the whole district of Snina,

the whole district of Prešov,

the whole district of Sabinov,

the whole district of Svidník,

the whole district of Medzilaborce,

the whole district of Stropkov

the whole district of Bardejov,

the whole district of Stará Ľubovňa,

the whole district of Revúca,

the whole district of Rimavská Sobota except municipalities included in zone III,

in the district of Veľký Krtíš, the whole municipalities not included in part I,

the whole district of Lučenec,

the whole district of Poltár

the whole district of Zvolen,

the whole district of Detva,

in the district of Krupina the whole municipalities of Senohrad, Horné Mladonice, Dolné Mladonice, Čekovce, Lackov, Zemiansky Vrbovok, Kozí Vrbovok, Čabradský Vrbovok, Cerovo, Trpín, Litava,

In the district of Banska Bystica, the whole municipalites of Kremnička, Malachov, Badín, Vlkanová, Hronsek, Horná Mičiná, Dolná Mičiná, Môlča Oravce, Čačín, Čerín, Bečov, Sebedín, Dúbravica, Hrochoť, Poniky, Strelníky, Povrazník, Ľubietová, Brusno, Banská Bystrica,

the whole district of Brezno,

in the district of Liptovsky Mikuláš, the municipalities of Važec, Malužiná, Kráľova lehota, Liptovská Porúbka, Nižná Boca, Vyšná Boca a Východná – a part of municipality south of the highway D1.


1.   Bulgaria

The following restricted zones III in Bulgaria:

the whole region of Gabrovo,

the whole region of Lovech,

the whole region of Montana,

the Pazardzhik region:

the whole municipality of Pazardzhik,

the whole municipality of Panagyurishte,

the whole municipality of Lesichevo,

the whole municipality of Septemvri,

the whole municipality of Strelcha,

the Pleven region:

the whole municipality of Belene,

the whole municipality of Gulyantzi,

the whole municipality of Dolna Mitropolia,

the whole municipality of Dolni Dabnik,

the whole municipality of Iskar,

the whole municipality of Knezha,

the whole municipality of Nikopol,

the whole municipality of Pordim,

the whole municipality of Cherven bryag,

the Plovdiv region

the whole municipality of Hisar,

the whole municipality of Suedinenie,

the whole municipality of Maritsa

the whole municipality of Rodopi,

the whole municipality of Plovdiv,

the Ruse region:

the whole municipality of Dve mogili,

the Shumen region:

the whole municipality of Veliki Preslav,

the whole municipality of Venetz,

the whole municipality of Varbitza,

the whole municipality of Kaolinovo,

the whole municipality of Novi pazar,

the whole municipality of Smyadovo,

the whole municipality of Hitrino,

the Silistra region:

the whole municipality of Alfatar,

the whole municipality of Glavinitsa,

the whole municipality of Dulovo

the whole municipality of Kaynardzha,

the whole municipality of Tutrakan,

the Sliven region:

the whole municipality of Kotel,

the whole municipality of Nova Zagora,

the whole municipality of Tvarditza,

the Targovishte region:

the whole municipality of Antonovo,

the whole municipality of Omurtag,

the whole municipality of Opaka,

the Vidin region,

the whole municipality of Belogradchik,

the whole municipality of Boynitza,

the whole municipality of Bregovo,

the whole municipality of Gramada,

the whole municipality of Dimovo,

the whole municipality of Kula,

the whole municipality of Makresh,

the whole municipality of Novo selo,

the whole municipality of Ruzhintzi,

the whole municipality of Chuprene,

the Veliko Tarnovo region:

the whole municipality of Veliko Tarnovo,

the whole municipality of Gorna Oryahovitza,

the whole municipality of Elena,

the whole municipality of Zlataritza,

the whole municipality of Lyaskovetz,

the whole municipality of Pavlikeni,

the whole municipality of Polski Trambesh,

the whole municipality of Strazhitza,

the whole municipality of Suhindol,

the whole region of Vratza,

in Varna region:

the whole municipality of Avren,

the whole municipality of Beloslav,

the whole municipality of Byala,

the whole municipality of Dolni Chiflik,

the whole municipality of Devnya,

the whole municipality of Dalgopol,

the whole municipality of Provadia,

the whole municipality of Suvorovo,

the whole municipality of Varna,

the whole municipality of Vetrino,

in Burgas region:

the whole municipality of Burgas,

the whole municipality of Kameno,

the whole municipality of Malko Tarnovo,

the whole municipality of Primorsko,

the whole municipality of Sozopol,

the whole municipality of Sredets,

the whole municipality of Tsarevo,

the whole municipality of Sungurlare,

the whole municipality of Ruen,

the whole municipality of Aytos.

2.   Italy

The following restricted zones III in Italy:

tutto il territorio della Sardegna.

3.   Poland

The following restricted zones III in Poland:

w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim:

powiat działdowski,

część powiatu iławskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

powiat nowomiejski,

gminy Dąbrówno, Grunwald i Ostróda z miastem Ostróda w powiecie ostródzkim,

część powiatu olsztyńskiego niewymieniona w części II załącznika I,

gminy Barczewo, Purda, część gminy Biskupiec położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr w powiecie olsztyńskim,

gminy Dźwierzuty, Pasym w powiecie szczycieńskim,

w województwie mazowieckim:

część powiatu żuromińskiego niewymieniona w części I załącznika I,

część powiatu mławskiego niewymieniona w części I załącznika I,

w województwie lubelskim:

gminy Radecznica, Sułów, Szczebrzeszyn, Zwierzyniec w powiecie zamojskim,

gminy Biłgoraj z miastem Biłgoraj, Goraj, Frampol, Tereszpol i Turobin w powiecie biłgorajskim,

gminy Horodło, Hrubieszów z miastem Hrubieszów w powiecie hrubieszowskim,

gminy Dzwola, Chrzanów i Potok Wielki w powiecie janowskim,

gminy Gościeradów i Trzydnik Duży w powiecie kraśnickim,

w województwie podkarpackim:

powiat mielecki,

gminy Radomyśl nad Sanem i Zaklików w powiecie stalowowolskim,

część gminy Ostrów położona na północ od drogi linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr A4 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 986, a następnie na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 986 biegnącą od tego skrzyżowania do miejscowości Osieka i dalej na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Osieka_- Blizna w powiecie ropczycko – sędziszowskim,

gminy Czarna, Pilzno, Żyraków i część gminy wiejskiej Dębica położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr A4 w powiecie dębickim,

gmina Wielkie Oczy w powiecie lubaczowskim,

gminy Laszki, Radymno z miastem Radymno, w powiecie jarosławskim,

w województwie lubuskim:

gminy Górzyca, Ośno Lubuskie, Rzepin, Słubice w powiecie słubickim,

gminy Brzeźnica, Iłowa, Małomice, Niegosławice, Szprotawa, Żagań z miastem Żagań w powiecie żagańskim,

powiat sulęciński,

powiat międzyrzecki,

gminy Bytom Odrzański, Nowe Miasteczko, Siedlisko w powiecie nowosolskim,

powiat wschowski,

powiat świebodziński,

w województwie wielkopolskim:

gminy Krzemieniewo, Rydzyna w powiecie leszczyńskim,

gminy Krobia i Poniec w powiecie gostyńskim,

powiat rawicki,

powiat nowotomyski,

powiat międzychodzki,

gmina Pniewy, część gminy Ostroróg położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 186 i 184 biegnące od granicy gminy do miejscowości Ostroróg, a następnie od miejscowości Ostroróg przez miejscowości Piaskowo – Rudki do południowej granicy gminy, część gminy Wronki położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez rzekę Wartę biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do przecięcia z droga nr 182, a następnie na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 182 oraz 184 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 182 do południowej granicy gminy, część gminy Szamotuły położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 306 i drogę łączącą miejscowości Lipnica - Ostroróg w powiecie szamotulskim,

w województwie dolnośląskim:

powiat górowski,

gminy Prusice i Żmigród w powiecie trzebnickim,

powiat głogowski,

powiat bolesławiecki,

gminy Chocianów, Gaworzyce, Radwanice i Przemków w powiecie polkowickim,

gmina Chojnów i miasto Chojnów w powiecie legnickim,

gmina Zagrodno w powiecie złotoryjskim,

część gminy Wołów położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej prze drogę nr 339 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy gminy do miejscowości Pełczyn, a następnie na północny - wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 339 i łączącą miejscowości Pełczyn – Smogorzówek, część gminy Wińsko polożona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 36 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do miejscowości Wińsko, a nastęnie na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 36 w miejscowości Wińsko i łączącą miejscowości Wińsko_- Smogorzów Wielki – Smogorzówek w powiecie wołowskim,

część gminy Milicz położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 15 biegnącej od północnej granicy gminy do południowej granicy gminy w miejcowości Lasowice w powiecie milickim,

w województwie świętokrzyskim:

gminy Gnojno, Pacanów, Stopnica, Tuczępy, część gminy Busko Zdrój położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Siedlawy-Szaniec- Podgaje-Kołaczkowice w powiecie buskim,

gminy Łubnice, Oleśnica, Połaniec, część gminy Rytwiany położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 764, część gminy Szydłów położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 756 w powiecie staszowskim,

gminy Chęciny, Chmielnik, Łopuszno, Piekoszów, Pierzchnica, Strawczyn, część gminy Mniów położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 74, część gminy Sitkówka - Nowiny położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez droge nr 762, część gminy Morawica położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez rzekę Czarna Nida, część gminy Daleszyce położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 764, część gminy Raków położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 756 i 764 w powiecie kieleckim,

gminy Kluczewsko, Krasocin, Włoszczowa w powiecie włoszczowskim,

gmina Kije w powiecie pińczowskim,

gminy Małogoszcz, Oksa, Sobków w powiecie jędrzejowskim,

gmina Słupia Konecka w powiecie koneckim,

gminy Dwikozy i Zawichost w powiecie sandomierskim

w województwie małopolskim:

gminy Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Radgoszcz, Szczucin w powiecie dąbrowskim,

gminy Lisia Góra, Pleśna, Ryglice, Skrzyszów, Tarnów, Tuchów w powiecie tarnowskim,

powiat miejski Tarnów.

4.   Romania

The following restricted zones III in Romania:

Zona orașului București,

Județul Constanța,

Județul Satu Mare,

Județul Tulcea,

Județul Bacău,

Județul Bihor,

Județul Bistrița Năsăud,

Județul Brăila,

Județul Buzău,

Județul Călărași,

Județul Dâmbovița,

Județul Galați,

Județul Giurgiu,

Județul Ialomița,

Județul Ilfov,

Județul Prahova,

Județul Sălaj,

Județul Suceava

Județul Vaslui,

Județul Vrancea,

Județul Teleorman,

Judeţul Mehedinţi,

Județul Gorj,

Județul Argeș,

Judeţul Olt,

Judeţul Dolj,

Județul Arad,

Județul Timiș,

Județul Covasna,

Județul Brașov,

Județul Botoșani,

Județul Vâlcea,

Județul Iași,

Județul Hunedoara,

Județul Alba,

Județul Sibiu,

Județul Caraș-Severin,

Județul Neamț,

Județul Harghita,

Județul Mureș,

Județul Cluj,

Județul Maramureş.

5.   Slovakia

The following restricted zones III in Slovakia:

In the district of Lučenec: Lučenec a jeho časti, Panické Dravce, Mikušovce, Pinciná, Holiša, Vidiná, Boľkovce, Trebeľovce, Halič, Stará Halič, Tomášovce, Trenč, Veľká nad Ipľom, Buzitka (without settlement Dóra), Prša, Nitra nad Ipľom, Mašková, Lehôtka, Kalonda, Jelšovec, Ľuboreč, Fiľakovské Kováče, Lipovany, Mučín, Rapovce, Lupoč, Gregorova Vieska, Praha,

In the district of Poltár: Kalinovo, Veľká Ves,

The whole district of Trebišov’,

The whole district of Vranov and Topľou,

In the district of Humenné: Lieskovec, Myslina, Humenné, Jasenov, Brekov , Závadka, Topoľovka, Hudcovce, Ptičie, Chlmec, Porúbka, Brestov, Gruzovce, Ohradzany, Slovenská Volová, Karná, Lackovce, Kochanovce, Hažín nad Cirochou,

In the district of Michalovce: Strážske, Staré, Oreské, Zbudza, Voľa, Nacina Ves, Pusté Čemerné, Lesné, Rakovec nad Ondavou, Petríkovce, Oborín, Veľké Raškovce, Beša,

In the district of Nové Zámky: Sikenička, Pavlová, Bíňa, Kamenín, Kamenný Most, Malá nad Hronom, Belá, Ľubá, Šarkan, Gbelce, Nová Vieska, Bruty, Svodín,

In the district of Levice: Veľké Ludince, Farná, Kuraľany, Keť, Pohronský Ruskov, Čata,

In the district of Rimavská Sobota: Jesenské, Gortva, Hodejov, Hodejovec, Širkovce, Šimonovce, Drňa, Hostice, Gemerské Dechtáre, Jestice, Dubovec, Rimavské Janovce, Rimavská Sobota, Belín, Pavlovce, Sútor, Bottovo, Dúžava, Mojín, Konrádovce, Čierny Potok, Blhovce, Gemerček, Hajnáčka.




Official Journal of the European Union

L 453/88


of 14 December 2021

appointing a member and two alternate members, proposed by the Republic of Finland, of the Committee of the Regions


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 305 thereof,

Having regard to Council Decision (EU) 2019/852 of 21 May 2019 determining the composition of the Committee of the Regions (1),

Having regard to the proposal of the Finnish Government,



Pursuant to Article 300(3) of the Treaty, the Committee of the Regions is to consist of representatives of regional and local bodies who either hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate or are politically accountable to an elected assembly.


On 10 December 2019, the Council adopted Decision (EU) 2019/2157 (2), appointing the members and alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the period from 26 January 2020 to 25 January 2025.


A member’s seat on the Committee of the Regions has become vacant following the end of the national mandate on the basis of which Ms Satu HAAPANEN was proposed for appointment.


An alternate member’s seat on the Committee of the Regions has become vacant following the end of the national mandate on the basis of which Mr Joonas HONKIMAA was proposed for appointment.


The Finnish Government has proposed Ms Niina RATILAINEN, representative of a local body who holds a local authority electoral mandate, Turun kaupunginvaltuuston jäsen (member of a local assembly, Turku City Council), as a member of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025.


An alternate member’s seat will become vacant following the appointment of Ms Niina RATILAINEN as a member of the Committee of the Regions.


The Finnish Government has proposed the following representatives of local bodies who hold a local authority electoral mandate as alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025: Mr Manu HUUHILO, Kouvolan kaupunginvaltuuston jäsen (member of a local assembly, Kouvola City Council), and Ms Eeva-Liisa NIEMINEN, Tuusulan kunnanvaltuuston jäsen (member of a local assembly, Tuusula Municipal Council),


Article 1

The following representatives of local bodies who hold an electoral mandate are hereby appointed to the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025:


as a member:

Ms Niina RATILAINEN, representative of a local body who holds a local authority electoral mandate, Turun kaupunginvaltuuston jäsen (member of a local assembly, Turku City Council),



as alternate members:

Mr Manu HUUHILO, Kouvolan kaupunginvaltuuston jäsen (member of a local assembly, Kouvola City Council),

Ms Eeva-Liisa NIEMINEN, Tuusulan kunnanvaltuuston jäsen (member of a local assembly, Tuusula Municipal Council).

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

Done at Brussels, 14 December 2021.

For the Council

The President


(1)   OJ L 139, 27.5.2019, p. 13.

(2)  Council Decision (EU) 2019/2157 of 10 December 2019 appointing the members and alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the period from 26 January 2020 to 25 January 2025 (OJ L 327, 17.12.2019, p. 78).