ISSN 1977-0677

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 263

European flag  

English edition


Volume 64
23 July 2021



II   Non-legislative acts







Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1209 of 22 July 2021 initiating new exporter reviews of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2230 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of trichloroisocyanuric acid originating in the People’s Republic of China for three Chinese exporting producers, repealing the duty with regard to imports from these exporting producers and making these imports subject to registration







Council Decision (EU) 2021/1210 of 22 July 2021 on an assistance measure taking the form of a general programme for support to the African Union under the European Peace Facility in 2021




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1211 of 22 July 2021 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2323 establishing the European List of ship recycling facilities pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1212 of 22 July 2021 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 as regards alerts triggered by serious cross-border threats to health and for the contact tracing of exposed persons identified in the context of the completion of Passenger Locator Forms ( 1 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance.


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.

II Non-legislative acts




Official Journal of the European Union

L 263/1


of 22 July 2021

initiating ‘new exporter’ reviews of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2230 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of trichloroisocyanuric acid originating in the People’s Republic of China for three Chinese exporting producers, repealing the duty with regard to imports from these exporting producers and making these imports subject to registration


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union (1) (‘the basic Regulation’), and in particular Articles 11(4) and 14(5) thereof,

After having informed the Member States,




The Commission received three requests for a ‘new exporter’ review under Article 11(4) of the basic Regulation.


The requests were lodged by Hebei Xingfei Chemical Co., Ltd on 13 July 2020, by Inner Mongolia Likang Bio-Tech Co., Ltd (Likang) on 29 July 2019 and updated on 12 February 2021, and by Shandong Lantian Disinfection Technology Co., Ltd on 13 April 2021 (‘the applicants’), exporting producers of trichloroisocyanuric in the People’s Republic of China (‘the PRC’).



The product under review is trichloroisocyanuric acid and preparations thereof, also referred to as ‘symclosene’ under the international non-proprietary name (INN), currently falling under CN codes ex 2933 69 80 and ex 3808 94 20 (TARIC codes 2933698070 and 3808942020) and originating in the PRC.



The measures currently in force are a definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2230 (2) under which imports of the product under review originating in the PRC, including the product produced by the applicant, are subject to a definitive anti-dumping duty of 42,6 % with the exception of several companies specifically mentioned in Article 1(2) of that Regulation which are subject to individual duty rates.



The applicants provided sufficient evidence that they did not export the product under review to the Union during the investigation period on which the anti-dumping measures were originally based (1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004).


The applicants provided sufficient evidence that they are not related to any of the exporting producer of the product under review which are subject to the anti-dumping duties in force.


Finally, the applicants provided sufficient evidence that they have begun exporting the product under review to the Union after the end of the original investigation period.


5.1.   Initiation


The Commission examined the evidence available and concluded that there was sufficient evidence to justify the initiation of a ‘new exporter’ review pursuant to Article 11(4) of the basic Regulation, with a view to determining an individual margin of dumping for each of the applicants. Should dumping be found, the Commission will determine the level of the duty to which the imports of the product under review produced by each of the applicants should be subject.


In accordance with Articles 11(3) and 11(4) of the basic Regulation, normal value for the applicants shall be determined following the methodology laid down in Article 2(7) of the basic Regulation as it was in force on 19 December 2017 as the latest expiry review of the measures was initiated before 20 December 2017.


Union producers known to be concerned were informed of the request for a review on 8 April 2021 and were given an opportunity to comment until 23 April 2021.


The Commission also draws the attention of the parties that further to the COVID-19 outbreak a Notice (3) has been published on the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak on anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations that may be applicable to this proceeding.

5.2.   Repeal of the existing measures and registration of imports


Pursuant to Article 11(4) of the basic Regulation, the anti-dumping duty in force should be repealed with regard to imports of the product under review produced by the applicants. At the same time, such imports should be made subject to registration in accordance with Article 14(5) of the basic Regulation, in order to ensure that anti-dumping duties can be levied from the date of the registration of these imports should the review result in a finding of dumping in respect of each of the applicants. Furthermore, the Commission notes that it is not possible, at this stage, to provide a reliable estimate of the amount of possible future liability, without prejudice to Article 9(4) of the basic Regulation.

5.3.   Review investigation period


In view of the small number of transactions on file and in order to make representative findings, the investigation will cover the period from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2021 (‘review investigation period’).

5.4.   Investigating the applicants


In order to obtain information it deems necessary for its investigation, the Commission has made a questionnaire for the applicants available in the file for inspection by interested parties and on the website of the Directorate-General for Trade The applicants must submit the completed questionnaire within the time limit specified in Article 4(2) of this Regulation.

5.5.   Other written submissions


Subject to the provisions of this Regulation, all interested parties are invited to make their views known, submit information and provide supporting evidence. Unless otherwise specified, this information and supporting evidence must reach the Commission within the time-limit specified in Article 4(2) of this Regulation.

5.6.   Possibility to be heard by the Commission investigation services


All interested parties may request to be heard by the Commission investigation services within the time-limits specified in Article 4(3) of this Regulation. Any request to be heard must be made in writing and must specify the reasons for the request. For hearings on issues pertaining to the initiation stage of the investigation the request must be submitted within 15 days of the date of entry into force of this Regulation. Thereafter, a request to be heard must be submitted within the specific deadlines set by the Commission in its communication with the parties.

5.7.   Instructions for making written submissions and sending completed questionnaires and correspondence


Information submitted to the Commission for the purpose of trade defence investigations shall be free from copyrights. Parties, before submitting to the Commission information and/or data which is subject to third party copyrights, must request specific permission to the copyright holder explicitly allowing a) the Commission to use the information and data for the purpose of this trade defence proceeding and b) to provide the information and/or data to interested parties to this investigation in a form that allows them to exercise their rights of defence.


All written submissions, including the information requested in this Regulation, completed questionnaires and correspondence provided by interested parties for which confidential treatment is requested shall be labelled ‘Sensitive’ (4). Interested parties submitting information in the course of this investigation are invited to reason their request for confidential treatment.


Parties providing ‘Sensitive’ information are required to furnish non-confidential summaries of it pursuant to Article 19(2) of the basic Regulation, which will be labelled ‘For inspection by interested parties’. Those summaries should be sufficiently detailed to permit a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information submitted in confidence.


If a party providing confidential information fails to show good cause for a confidential treatment request or does not furnish a non-confidential summary of it in the requested format and quality, the Commission may disregard such information unless it can be satisfactorily demonstrated from appropriate sources that the information is correct.


Interested parties are invited to make all submissions and requests via TRON.tdi ( including scanned powers of attorney and certification sheets.


In order to have access to TRON.tdi, interested parties need an EU Login account. Full instructions on how to register and use TRON.tdi are available on


By using TRON.tdi or email, interested parties express their agreement with the rules applicable to electronic submissions contained in the document ‘CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION IN TRADE DEFENCE CASES’ published on the website of the Directorate-General for Trade:


The interested parties must indicate their name, address, telephone and a valid email address and they should ensure that the provided email address is a functioning official business email which is checked on a daily basis. Once contact details are provided, the Commission will communicate with interested parties by TRON.tdi or email only, unless they explicitly request to receive all documents from the Commission by another means of communication or unless the nature of the document to be sent requires the use of a registered mail. For further rules and information concerning correspondence with the Commission including principles that apply to submissions including principles that apply to submissions via TRON.tdi and by email, interested parties should consult the communication instructions with interested parties referred to above.

Commission address for correspondence:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Trade

Directorate G

Office: CHAR 04/039

1049 Bruxelles/Brussel






If any interested party refuses access to or does not provide the necessary information within the time limits, or significantly impedes the investigation, findings, affirmative or negative, may be made on the basis of facts available, in accordance with Article 18 of the basic Regulation.


Where it is found that any interested party has supplied false or misleading information, the information shall be disregarded and use may be made of facts available in accordance with Article 18 of the basic Regulation.


If an interested party does not cooperate or cooperates only partially and findings are therefore based on facts available in accordance with Article 18 of the basic Regulation, the result may be less favourable to that party than if it had cooperated.



Interested parties may request the intervention of the Hearing Officer for trade proceedings. The Hearing Officer reviews requests for access to the file, disputes regarding the confidentiality of documents, requests for extension of time limits and any other request concerning the rights of defence of interested parties and third parties as may arise during the proceeding.


The Hearing Officer may organise hearings and mediate between the interested party/-ies and Commissions services to ensure that the interested parties’ rights of defence are being fully exercised. A request for a hearing with the Hearing Officer should be made in writing and should specify the reasons for the request. The Hearing Officer will examine the reasons for the requests. These hearings should only take place if the issues have not been settled with the Commission services in the due course.


Any request must be submitted in good time and expeditiously so as not to jeopardise the orderly conduct of proceedings. To that effect, interested parties should request the intervention of the Hearing Officer at the earliest possible time following the occurrence of the event justifying such intervention. Where hearing requests are submitted outside the relevant timeframes, the Hearing Officer will also examine the reasons for such late requests, the nature of the issues raised and the impact of those issues on the rights of defence, having due regard to the interests of good administration and the timely completion of the investigation..


For further information and contact details interested parties may consult the Hearing Officer’s web pages on DG Trade’s website:



The investigation will be concluded, pursuant to Article 11(5) of the basic Regulation, within nine months of the date of the entry into force of this Regulation.



Any personal data collected in this investigation will be treated in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5).


A data protection notice that informs all individuals of the processing of personal data in the framework of Commission’s trade defence activities is available on DG TRADE’s website:


Article 1

1.   A review of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2230 is hereby initiated under Article 11(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 in order to determine if an individual anti-dumping duty should be imposed on the imports of trichloroisocyanuric acid and preparations thereof, also referred to as ‘symclosene’ under the international non-proprietary name (INN), currently falling under CN codes ex 2933 69 80 and ex 3808 94 20 (TARIC codes 2933698070 and 3808942020), originating in the People’s Republic of China (‘the product under review’), produced for export to the Union by Inner Mongolia Likang Bio-Tech Co., Ltd (Likang) (TARIC additional code C630).

2.   A review as referred to in paragraph 1 above is hereby also initiated concerning imports of the product under review produced for export to the Union by Hebei Xingfei Chemical Co., Ltd (TARIC additional code C629).

3.   A review as referred to in paragraph 1 above is hereby also initiated concerning imports of the product under review produced for export to the Union by Shandong Lantian Disinfection Technology Co., Ltd (TARIC additional code C695).

Article 2

The anti-dumping duty imposed by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2230 is hereby repealed with regard to the imports identified in Article 1 of this Regulation.

Article 3

The national customs authorities shall take the appropriate steps to register the imports identified in Article 1 of this Regulation, pursuant to Articles 11(4) and 14(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036.

Registration shall expire nine months following the date of entry into force of this Regulation.

Article 4

1.   Interested parties must make themselves known by contacting the Commission within 15 days from the date of entry into force of this Regulation.

2.   Interested parties, if their representations are to be taken into account during the investigation, must present their views in writing and submit questionnaire replies or any other information within 37 days from the date of the publication of this Regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union, unless otherwise specified.

3.   Interested parties may also apply to be heard by the Commission within the same 37-day time limit. For hearings on issues pertaining to the initiation stage of the investigation the request must be submitted within 15 days of the date of entry into force of this Regulation. Any request to be heard must be made in writing and must specify the reasons for the request.

Article 5

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 22 July 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)  OJ L 176, 30.6.2016, p. 21.

(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2230 of 4 December 2017 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of trichloroisocyanuric acid originating in the People’s Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 11(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 319, 5.12.2017, p. 10).


(4)  A ‘Sensitive’ document is a document which is considered confidential pursuant to Article 19 of the basic Regulation and Article 6 of the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994 (Anti-Dumping Agreement). It is also a document protected pursuant to Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43).

(5)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).




Official Journal of the European Union

L 263/7


of 22 July 2021

on an assistance measure taking the form of a general programme for support to the African Union under the European Peace Facility in 2021


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Articles 28(1) and 41(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,



In accordance with Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 (1), a European Peace Facility (EPF) was established for the financing by Member States of Union actions under the Common Foreign and Security Policy to preserve peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen international security in accordance with Article 21(2), point (c), of the Treaty. In particular, pursuant to Article 1(2), point (b)(ii), of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, the EPF can finance assistance measures to support the military aspects of peace support operations led by a regional or international organisation.


Assistance measures under the EPF may take the form of a specific measure or of a general programme for support with a given geographical or thematic focus.


The Council acknowledges the continued strategic importance of the Africa-EU Peace and Security Partnership, under the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, in particular the cooperation framework established under the African Peace Facility (APF) and the leading role of the African Union (AU) in preserving peace and security on the African continent as specified in Article 16 of the Protocol relating to the establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. The Council remains committed to building AU capacities in this area, providing assistance to African-led peace support operations and strengthening the African Peace and Security Architecture towards its full operationalisation, in line with the Memorandum of Understanding between the African Union and the European Union on Peace, Security and Governance of 23 May 2018, as well as to sustaining established cooperation mechanisms, in particular an integrated approach based on partnership, consultation and enhanced strategic coordination.


A seamless transition of Union support from the APF to the EPF should be ensured through the adoption of an assistance measure taking the form of a general programme for support to the AU, covering the second half of 2021 (the ‘Assistance Measure’). It is expected that the Assistance Measure is to be followed by further support to the African Union for the period 2022-2024. A general programme allows for the continued provision of reliable and predictable financing to African-led peace support operations mandated or authorised by the AU Peace and Security Council, while also ensuring the flexibility necessary to effectively and efficiently react to conflict developments on the African continent. It is expected that actions under the Assistance Measure might be implemented by entities that have experience in the implementation of actions under the APF. Actions under this assistance measure will be implemented taking into account the principles and requirements set out in Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 and in accordance with the Rules for the implementation of revenue and expenditure financed under the EPF.


By its letter of June 2021 addressed to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (the ‘High Representative’), the AU requested the Union to provide continued support from 1 July 2021 onwards to African-led peace support operations mandated or authorised by the AU Peace and Security Council.


The Council reaffirms its determination to protect, promote and fulfil human rights, fundamental freedoms and democratic principles, to strengthen the rule of law and good governance in compliance with the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international law, in particular international human rights and international humanitarian law,


Article 1

Establishment, objectives and scope

1.   An assistance measure taking the form of a general programme for support to the African Union is hereby established, to be financed under the European Peace Facility (EPF) (the ‘Assistance Measure’). The Assistance Measure shall finance actions approved by the Political and Security Committee (PSC) before 31 December 2021.

2.   The objectives of the Assistance Measure are to reduce the incidence, duration and intensity of violent conflicts in Africa and to strengthen the role of the African Union (AU) regarding peace and security on the African continent.

3.   To achieve the objectives set out in paragraph 2, the Assistance Measure shall finance the military aspects of African-led peace support operations mandated or authorised by the AU Peace and Security Council.

Article 2

Approval of support for actions under the Assistance Measure

1.   In accordance with Article 59(7) of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, support for any action under the Assistance Measure shall be preceded by a request from the AU Commission, as the beneficiary of the Assistance Measure (the ‘beneficiary’).

2.   Following a request as referred to in paragraph 1, the High Representative, following a consultation of the administrator for assistance measures appointed under Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 (the ‘administrator for assistance measures’) as regards matters of financial implementation, shall present a recommendation for the examination and approval by the PSC, outlining the proposed support, including its budget, the entity or entities selected among those listed in Article 5(2) of this Decision that are to implement the proposed support, and considerations relating to conflict sensitivity and risk analyses, as well as measures for monitoring and control as referred to in Article 6 of this Decision, as required.

Article 3

Financial arrangements

1.   The financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to the Assistance Measure shall be EUR 130 000 000. In accordance with Article 29(5) of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, the administrator for assistance measures may call for contributions following the adoption of this Decision, up to EUR 104 000 000, to the extent that the funds available for assistance measures are insufficient to finance payments in 2021. The funds called by the administrator shall only be used to pay expenditure within the limits approved by the Committee established by Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 in the 2021 amending budget corresponding to this assistance measure.

2.   All expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the rules for the implementation of revenue and expenditure financed under the EPF.

3.   Expenditure related to actions approved for implementation under the Assistance Measure shall be eligible for financing for 60 months as of 1 July 2021.

Article 4

Arrangements with the beneficiary

1.   The High Representative shall make the necessary arrangements with the beneficiary to ensure its compliance with the requirements and conditions established by the Council, including compliance with international law, in particular international human rights and international humanitarian law, as a condition for the provision of support under the Assistance Measure.

2.   The arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 shall include provisions obliging the beneficiary to ensure:


the proper and efficient use of any assets provided under the Assistance Measure for the purposes for which they were provided;


the sufficient maintenance of any assets provided under the Assistance Measure to ensure their usability and their operational availability over their life cycle;


that any assets provided under the Assistance Measure will not be lost, or be transferred without the consent of the Facility Committee established under Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 to persons or entities other than those identified in those arrangements, at the end of their life-cycle or at the expiry or termination of the Assistance Measure.

3.   The arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 shall include provisions on the suspension and termination of support under the Assistance Measure in the event of the beneficiary being found in breach of the obligations set out in paragraph 2.

4.   The administrator for assistance measures shall conclude a financing agreement with the beneficiary covering the Assistance Measure. The administrator for assistance measures shall inform the Committee established by Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 of the agreement to be concluded.

Article 5


1.   The High Representative shall be responsible for ensuring the implementation of this Decision in accordance with Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, and the Rules for the implementation of revenue and expenditure financed under the EPF and consistently with the Integrated Methodological Framework for assessing and identifying the required measures and controls for assistance measures under the EPF.

2.   The actions under the Assistance Measure as referred to in Article 2 may be fully or partially implemented by any of the following entities, including through grants that may be awarded without a call for proposals:


the AU Commission;


the Arab Maghreb Union;


the Community of Sahelo-Saharian States;


the Common Market for East and Southern Africa;


the East African Community;


the Eastern Africa Standby Force;


the Economic Community of Central African States;


the Economic Community of West African States;


the Intergovernmental Authority on Development;


the North Africa Regional Capability;


the Southern African Development Community;


the G5 Sahel;


the Lake Chad Basin Commission;


the United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;


the UN Secretariat;


the UN Office for Project Services;


the UN Support Office in Somalia;


such Member State ministries, government departments, or other public law bodies and agencies, or bodies governed by private law with a public service mission, as set out in the Annex, to the extent that the latter are provided with adequate financial guarantees.

3.   The administrator for assistance measures shall confirm the capacity of a specific entity to implement an action or part thereof before the approval of support for the action by the PSC.

Article 6

Monitoring, evaluation and control

1.   Measures for the monitoring, evaluation and control of actions under the Assistance Measure shall be established consistently with the Integrated Methodological Framework for assessing and identifying the required measures and controls for assistance measures under the EPF.

2.   The measures referred to in paragraph 1 shall serve in particular to ensure the compliance of the beneficiary and any other entities directly benefiting from support under the Assistance Measure with international human rights and international humanitarian law, as well as the compliance of the beneficiary with any other commitments and obligations established under the arrangements referred to in Article 4.

3.   Depending on the approved support for an action under the Assistance Measure, the measures referred to in paragraph 1 may include the monitoring of progress in relation to conditions and benchmarks agreed with the beneficiary, the establishment and monitoring of international human rights and international humanitarian law compliance frameworks and due diligence requirements, the post-shipment control of assets to ensure appropriate use and avoid diversion, and the identification of disengagement and exit strategies.

Article 7

Suspension and termination

1.   In accordance with Article 64 of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, the PSC may decide to suspend or terminate support to actions under the Assistance Measure, or to suspend the whole Assistance Measure, at the request of a Member State or the High Representative, in the following cases:


if the beneficiary is in breach of its obligations under international law, in particular human rights and international humanitarian law, or if it does not fulfil the commitments made under the arrangements referred to in Article 4;


if the contract with an implementing actor has been suspended or terminated following a breach of its obligations under the contract;


if the situation in the geographic area of concern no longer allows for the measure to be implemented while ensuring sufficient guarantees;


if the pursuit of the measure no longer serves its objectives or is no longer in the interest of the Union.

In urgent and exceptional cases, the High Representative may provisionally suspend wholly or partially the implementation of the Assistance Measure pending a decision by the PSC.

2.   The PSC may recommend to the Council the termination of the Assistance Measure.

Article 8

Consistency of Union action

In accordance with Article 8 of Decision (CFSP) 2021/509, consistency shall be ensured between actions under the Assistance Measure and other actions in the area of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and measures under instruments in other areas of Union external action, as well as other Union policies, including the Integrated Approach to external conflicts and crises.

Article 9

Entry into force

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

It shall apply from 1 July 2021.

Done at Brussels, 22 July 2021.

For the Council

The President


(1)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 of 22 March 2021 establishing a European Peace Facility, and repealing Decision (CFSP) 2015/528 (OJ L 102, 24.3.2021, p. 14).


List of Member State ministries, government departments, and other public law bodies and agencies, and bodies governed by private law with a public service mission that have been provided with adequate financial guarantees, that may fully or partially implement actions under the Assistance Measure (1):

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Expertise France

(1)  This list only relates to the assistance measure established by this Decision, and does not preclude the possibility that other entities may be designated for future assistance measures, including those taking the form of a general programme.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 263/13


of 22 July 2021

amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2323 establishing the European List of ship recycling facilities pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and Directive 2009/16/EC (1), and in particular Article 16 thereof,



Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 requires ship owners to ensure that ships destined to be recycled are only recycled at ship recycling facilities included in the European List of ship recycling facilities published pursuant to Article 16 of that Regulation.


The European List is set out in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2323 (2).


The Netherlands has informed the Commission that a ship recycling facility (3) located in its territory has been authorised by the competent authority, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. The Netherlands has provided the Commission with all information relevant for that facility to be included in the European List. The European List should therefore be updated to include that facility.


Spain has informed the Commission that a ship recycling facility (4) located in its territory has been authorised by the competent authority, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. Spain has provided the Commission with all information relevant for that facility to be included in the European List. The European List should therefore be updated to include that facility.


Norway has informed the Commission that a ship recycling facility (5) located in its territory has been authorised by the competent authority, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. Norway has provided the Commission with all information relevant for that facility to be included in the European List. The European List should therefore be updated to include that facility.


The authorisation of a ship recycling facility located in Portugal (6) expired on 26 November 2020. The Commission has received information from Portugal that the authorisation granted to that facility to conduct ship recycling has been renewed prior to its expiry, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. The date of expiry of the inclusion of that facility in the European List should therefore be updated.


The authorisation of a ship recycling facility located in Estonia (7) expired on 15 February 2021. The Commission has received information from Estonia that the authorisation granted to that facility to conduct ship recycling has been renewed prior to its expiry, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. The date of expiry of the inclusion of that facility in the European List should therefore be updated.


The authorisation of two ship recycling facilities located in Denmark (8) were due to expire on 30 June 2021 and 15 September 2021, respectively. The Commission has received information from Denmark that the authorisations granted to those facilities to conduct ship recycling have been renewed prior to their expiry, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. The date of expiry of the inclusion of those facilities in the European List should therefore be updated.


The authorisation of two ship recycling facilities located in The Netherlands (9) were due to expire on 21 July 2021 and 27 September 2021, respectively. The Commission has received information from The Netherlands that the authorisations granted to those facilities to conduct ship recycling have been renewed prior to their expiry, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013. The date of expiry of the inclusion of those facilities in the European List should therefore be updated.


The inclusion of two ship recycling facilities located in the United Kingdom (10) expired at the end of the transition period provided for under the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, namely on 31 December 2020. The European List should therefore be updated to remove these facilities.


France and Norway have informed the Commission of changes of the name and contact details of one ship recycling facility (11) located in each of those countries. The European List should therefore be updated accordingly.


Spain has informed the Commission of changes and updates to the information pertaining to a ship recycling facility (12) located in its territory. These concern the contact details of the facility in question, the method of recycling applied, the size of ships that can be recycled, as well as the maximum annual ship recycling output achieved at that facility. The European List should therefore be updated accordingly.


The Commission has received updated information on the limitations and conditions under which ship recycling facilities operate in Turkey, notably concerning hazardous waste management. The Ship Recycling Association of Turkey (SRAT) is no longer involved in hazardous waste management and handling. Furthermore, the Commission has received further details on the procedure, as referred to in Article 7(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013, for the approval of a ship recycling plan in Turkey. The European List should therefore be updated accordingly.


The Commission has been informed of changes of the name and contact details of a ship recycling facility (13) located in Turkey. The European List should therefore be updated accordingly.


Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2323 should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established by Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013,


Article 1

The Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2323 is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 22 July 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)  OJ L 330, 10.12.2013, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2323 of 19 December 2016 establishing the European List of ship recycling facilities pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on ship recycling; OJ L 345, 20.12.2016, p. 119.

(3)  ‘Hoondert Services & Decommissioning B.V.’.


(5)  ‘Green Yard Kleven AS’.

(6)  ‘Navalria — Docas, Construções e Reparações Navais’.

(7)  ‘BLRT Refonda Baltic OÜ’.

(8)  ‘Fornæs ApS’ and ‘Smedegaarden A/S’.

(9)  ‘Damen Verolme Rotterdam B.V.’ and ‘Scheepssloperij Nederland B.V.’.

(10)  ‘Able UK Limited’ and ‘Dales Marine Services Ltd.’.

(11)  ‘Les recycleurs Bretons’ (France) and ‘Kvaerner AS’ (Norway).


(13)  ‘Isiksan Gemi Sokum Pazarlama Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.’.



The European List of ship recycling facilities referred to in Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013


Ship recycling facilities located in a Member State

Name of the facility

Method of recycling

Type and size of ships that can be recycled

Limitations and conditions under which the ship recycling facility operates, including as regards hazardous waste management

Details on the explicit or tacit procedure for the approval of the ship recycling plan by the competent authority (1)

Maximum annual ship recycling output, calculated as the sum of the weight of ships expressed in LDT that have been recycled in a given year in that facility (2)

Date of expiry of inclusion in the European List (3)


NV Galloo Recycling Ghent

Scheepszatestraat 9

9000 Gent


Phone: +32(0)9/251 25 21


Alongside (wet berth), slope

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 265 meters

Width: 37 meters

Draught: 12,5 meters


Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 30 days

34 000  (4)

31 March 2025



Kystvejen 100

DK-5330 Munkebo


Phone: +45 7592 0000



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 415 meters

Width: 90 meters

Draught: 7,8 meters

The ship recycling facility is regulated in accordance with applicable legislation and with the conditions set out in Environmental Permit of 7 November 2018 issued by the Municipality of Kerteminde. The Environmental Permit includes conditions for operating hours, special operating conditions, handling and storage of waste and also includes a condition that the activity must be carried out in a dry dock.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 14 days.

0 (5)

7 November 2023

Fornæs ApS

Rolshøjvej 12-16

8500 Grenaa


Phone: +45 86326393


Alongside, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 150 meters

Width: 25 meters

Draught: 7 meters

GT: 10 000

The municipality of Norddjurs has the right to allocate hazardous waste for environmentally approved reception facilities.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 14 days.

30 000  (6)

12 May 2026

Jatob ApS

Langerak 12

9900 Frederikshavn


Phone: +45 8668 1689


Alongside, slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 150 meters

Width: 30 meters

Draught: 6 meters

Handling and storage of waste fractions is given by Environmental Authorization. Intermediate storage of hazardous waste may occur for up to one year at the site.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 14 days.

13 000  (7)

9 March 2025

Modern American Recycling Services Europe (M.A.R.S)

Sandholm 60

9900 Frederikshavn




Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 290 meters Width: 90 meters Draught: 14 meters

The conditions under which the ship recycling facility operates are defined in the Environmental Permit of 9 March 2018 issued by the Municipality of Frederikshavn.

The Municipality of Frederikshavn has the right to allocate hazardous waste to environmentally approved reception facilities.

The facility must not store hazardous waste for more than one year.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 14 days.

0 (8)

23 August 2023

Smedegaarden A/S

Vikingkaj 5

6700 Esbjerg


Phone: +45 75128888


Alongside, slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 200 meters*

Width: 48 meters

Draught: 7,5 meters

(*If length >170 meters,

acceptation from the

Municipality of Esbjerg

is required)

The conditions under which the ship recycling facility operates are defined in the Environmental Permit of 4 June 2015 issued by the Municipality of Esbjerg.

The Municipality of Esbjerg has the right to allocate hazardous waste to environmentally approved reception facilities.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 14 days

20 000  (9)

11 March 2026

Stena Recycling A/S

Grusvej 6

6700 Esbjerg


Phone: +45 20699190



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013.

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 40 meters Width: 40 meters Draught: 10 meters

The conditions under which the ship recycling facility operates are defined in the Environmental Permit of 5 October 2017 issued by Esbjerg Municipality.

Esbjerg Municipality has the right to allocate hazardous waste to environmentally approved reception facilities, as set out in the Environmental Permit for the ship recycling facility

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 14 days

0 (10)

7 February 2024


BLRT Refonda Baltic OÜ

Kopli 103, 11712 Tallinn, Estonia

Phone: +372 610 2933

Fax: +372 610 2444


Afloat at the quayside and in the floating dock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 197 meters

Width: 32 meters

Draught: 9,6 meters

Waste permit No. KL-511809. Hazardous waste management licence No 0546. Rules of the Vene-Balti Port, Manual on Ships Recycling MSR-Refonda. Environmental Management System, Waste management EP 4.4.6-1-13

The facility can recycle only the hazardous materials for which it has been licensed.

Taci5t approval, with a maximum review period of 30 days.

24 364  (11)

15 February 2026



Vega de Tapia, s/n

48903 Barakaldo-Bizkaia


Phone: +34 944 971 152


Dismantling ramp

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013.

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 120 meters

Width: 20 meters

Draught: 6 meters

The limitations are included in the integrated environmental authorisation.

Explicit approval - The competent authority for the approval decision is the Harbour Masters Office

2 086  (12)

3 March 2026


Port of "El Musel"



Phone: +34 630 14 44 16


Alongside, dismantling ramp

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013.

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 169,9 meters

(Ships above that size which can operate a zero rollover or negative ramp movement may be accepted depending on the outcome of a detailed feasibility study)

Width: 25 meters

The limitations are included in the integrated environmental authorisation.

Explicit approval - The competent authority for the approval decision is the Harbour Masters Office

3 600  (13)

28 July 2025


Démonaval Recycling

ZI du Malaquis

Rue François Arago

76580 LE TRAIT

Phone : (+33) (0)7 69 79 12 80

Email :

Alongside, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 140 meters

Width: 25 meters

Depth: 5 meters

Environmental limitations are defined in the prefectural authorisation.

Explicit approval – The competent authority for the approval decision is the minister of environment

0 (14)

11 December 2022


616, Boulevard Jules Durand

76600 Le Havre


Phone: +33(0)2 35 95 16 34


Floating and slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 150 meters

Width: 18 meters

Depth: 7 meters

LDT: 7 000

Environmental limitations are defined in the prefectural authorisation.

Explicit approval – The competent authority for the approval decision is the minister of environment.

16 000  (15)

30 December 2021

Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux

152, Quai de Bacalan - CS 41320 - 33082 Bordeaux Cedex


Phone: +33(0)5 56 90 58 00


Alongside, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 240 meters

Width: 37 meters

Depth: 17 meters

Environmental limitations are defined in the prefectural authorisation.

Explicit approval – The competent authority for the approval decision is the minister of environment.

18 000  (16)

21 October 2021

Recycleurs Bretons - Navaléo

170 rue Jacqueline Auriol

29470 Guipavas


Phone: +33(0)2 98 01 11 06


Alongside, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 225 meters

Width: 34 meters

Depth: 27 meters

Environmental limitations are defined in the prefectural authorisation.

Explicit approval – The competent authority for the approval decision is the minister of environment.

15 000  (17)

19 June 2025


San Giorgio del Porto S.p.A.

Calata Boccardo 8

16128 – Genova –


Phone: +39 (0)10 251561


Alongside, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 350 meters

Width: 75 meters

Depth: 16 meters

GT: 130 000

The limitations and restrictions are included in the integrated environmental authorisation.

Explicit approval

38 564  (18)

6 June 2023


“Galaksis N”, Ltd.

Kapsedes street 2D,

Liepāja, LV – 3414


Phone: +371 29410506


Alongside (wet berth), drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 165 meters

Width:22 meters

Depth: 7 meters

GT: 12 000

See national permit No. LI12IB0053

Explicit approval - written notification in 30 working days

0 (19)

17 July 2024



Minijos 180 (berth 133A), LT 93269, Klaipėda,


Phone: +370 (46) 365776

Fax: +370 (46) 365776


Alongside (wet berth)

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 130 meters

Width: 35 meters

Depth: 10 meters

GT: 3 500

See national permit No. TL-KL.1-15/2015

Explicit approval - written notification in 30 working days

1 500  (20)

12 March 2025

UAB Armar

Minijos 180 (berth 131A), LT 93269, Klaipėda,


Phone: +370 685 32607


Alongside (wet berth)

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 80 meters

Width: 16 meters

Depth: 5 meters

GT: 1 500

See national permit No. TL-KL.1-51/2017

Explicit approval - written notification in 30 working days

3 910  (21)

19 April 2022

UAB Demeksa

Nemuno g. 42A (berth 121), LT 93277 Klaipėda


Phone: +370 630 69903


Alongside (wet berth)

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 58 meters

Width: 16 meters

Depth: 5 meters

GT: 3500

See national permit No. TL-KL.1-64/2019

Explicit approval - written notification in 30 working days

0 (22)

22 May 2024

UAB Vakarų refonda

Minijos 180 (berths 129, 130, 131A, 131, 132, 133A), LT 93269, Klaipėda,


Phone: +370 (46) 483940 / 483891

Fax: +370 (46) 483891


Alongside (wet berth)

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 230 meters

Width: 55 meters

Depth: 14 meters

GT: 70 000

See national permit No. (11.2)-30-161/2011/TL-KL.1-18/2015

Explicit approval - written notification in 30 working days

20 140  (23)

30 April 2025


Damen Verolme Rotterdam B.V.

Prof. Gerbrandyweg 25

3197 KK Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)181 23 4353



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 400 meters

Width: 90 meters

Depth: 12 meters

Height: 90 meters

The site has a permit to operate; this permit contains limitations and conditions to operate in an environmental sound manner.

Explicit approval

0 (24)

21 May 2026

Hoondert Services & Decommissioning B.V.

Spanjeweg 4

4455 TW Nieuwdorp

Phone: +31 113352510


Preparatory actions along the quayside, lifted onshore for scrapping

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 175 meters

Width: 40 meters

Depth: 10 meters

The site has a permit to operate; this permit contains limitations and conditions to operate in an environmental sound manner.

Explicit approval

30 000  (25)

26 January 2026

Sagro Aannemingsmaatschappij Zeeland B.V.

Estlandweg 10

4455 SV Nieuwdorp

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 113 351 710


Preparatory actions along the quayside, lifted onshore for scrapping

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 120 meters

Width: 20 meters

Depth: 6 meters

The site has a permit to operate; this permit contains limitations and conditions to operate in an environmental sound manner.

Explicit approval

15 000  (26)

28 March 2024

Scheepssloperij Nederland B.V.

Havenweg 1

3295 XZ


Postbus 5234

3295 ZJ


The Netherlands

Phone: +31 18 046 39 90


Wet mooring and slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 200 meters

Width: 33 meters

Depth: 5,5 meters

Height: 45 meters (Botlekbridge)

The site has a permit to operate; this permit contains limitations and conditions to operate in an environmental sound manner.

Preparatory actions take place along the quayside, until the hull can be towed onto the slipway using a winch which has a pulling capacity of 2 000 tonnes.

Explicit approval

17 500  (27)

12 May 2026


ADRS Decom Gulen

Facility address:

Sløvågen 2,

5960 Dalsøyra,


Office address:

Statsminister Michelsens vei 38,

5230 Paradis,


Alongside, slipway, dry/wet-dock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013.

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 360 meters

Width: No limit

Depth: No limit

See national permit No. 2019.0501.T

Explicit approval

0 (28)

1 October 2024

AF Offshore Decom

Raunesvegen 597,

5578 Nedre Vats



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 290 meters

Width: no limit

Depth: no limit

See national permit No. 2005.0038.T

Explicit approval

31 000  (29)

28 January 2024

Green Yard AS


4485 Feda,


Drydock (indoors), slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 230 meters

Width: 25 meters

Depth: 20 meters

See national permit No. 2018.0833.T

Major dismantling operations must be performed indoors.

The only dismantling and cutting operations that are allowed outside in open air are minor operations necessary to fit ships to the indoor facility. See permit for further details.

Explicit approval

0 (30)

28 January 2024

Green Yard Kleven AS

6065 Ulsteinvik


Alongside, slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 170 meters

Width: 35 meters

Depth: No limit

See national permit No 2021.0011.T

Explicit approval

0 (31)

9 April 2026

Fosen Gjenvinning AS

Stokksundveien 1432,

7177 Revsnes


Phone: +47 400 39 479 Email:


Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013, with the exception of rigs or vessels used for extracting hydrocarbons

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 150 meters

Width: 20 meters

Depth: 7 meters

See national permit No. 2006.0250.T

Explicit approval

8 000  (32)

9 January 2024

Aker Solutions AS (Stord)

Eldøyane 59

5411 Stord


Alongside (wet berth), slipway

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 230 meters

Width: No limit

Depth: No limit

See national permit No. 2013.0111.T

Explicit approval

43 000  (33)

28 January 2024

Lutelandet Industrihamn

Lutelandet Offshore AS

6964 Korssund,



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: No limit

Width: No limit

Depth: No limit

See national permit

No. 2014.0646.T

Explicit approval

14 000  (34)

28 January 2024

Norscrap West AS

Hanøytangen 122,

5310 Hauglandhella,


Alongside, floating slipway, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 150 meters

Width: 34 meters

Depth: no limit

See national permit No. 2017.0864.T

Maximum 8 000 LDT on floating slipway. Ships exceeding 8 000 LDT need to be reduced prior to pulling in the slipway

Explicit approval

4 500  (35)

1 March 2024


Navalria - Docas, Construções e Reparações Navais

Porto Comercial, Terminal Sul, Apartado 39, 3811-901 Aveiro


Phone: +351 234 378 970, +351 232 767 700



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 104 meters

Width: 6,5 meters

Draught: 6,5 meters

Conditions applied to the activity are defined in specifications annexed to Title AL no 5/2015/CCDRC of 26 January 2016.

Decontamination and dismantling take place on a horizontal plane and inclined plane, according to the ship’s size. The horizontal plane has a nominal capacity of 700 tonnes. The inclined plane has a nominal capacity of 900 tonnes.

Explicit approval

1 900  (36)

31 December 2021


Turun Korjaustelakka Oy (Turku Repair Yard Ltd)

Navirentie, 21110 Naantali


Phone: +358 2 44 511


Alongside, drydock

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 250 meters

Width: 40 meters

Draught: 7,9 meters

The limitations are included in the national environmental permit.

Explicit approval

20 000  (37)

1 October 2023


Harland and Wolff (Belfast) Ltd

Queen’s Island



Phone +44(0)2890534189 Fax +44(0)2890458515


Dry dock and wet berth

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 556 meters

Width: 93 meters

Draught: 7,5 meters

DWT: 550 000

The site is authorised by way of a waste management licence, authorisation number LN/20/11 that limits the operations and places conditions on the operator of the facility.

Explicit approval

12 000  (38)

16 June 2025


Ship recycling facilities located in a third country

Name of the facility

Method of recycling

Type and size of ships that can be recycled

Limitations and conditions under which the ship recycling facility operates, including as regards hazardous waste management

Details on the explicit or tacit procedure for the approval of the ship recycling plan by the competent authority (39)

Maximum annual ship recycling output, calculated as the sum of the weight of ships expressed in LDT that have been recycled in a given year in that facility (40)

Date of expiry of inclusion in the European List (41)


Avsar Gemi Sokum San. Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti.

Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 5 Aliağa

İzmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 21 07 – 08 – 09



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013, with the exception of rigs

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 50 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

54 224  (42)

2 December 2025

Isiksan Gemi Sokum Pazarlama Ve Tic. A.Ş

Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 22 Aliağa

İzmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 21 65



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 75 meters

Draught: 17 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

91 851  (43)

7 July 2024


Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 10 Aliağa,

Izmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 21 62



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 50 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

55 503  (44)

12 February 2025



Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 3-4 Aliağa,

Izmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 20 30



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 100 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

55 495  (45)

9 December 2023


Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 25 Aliağa,

Izmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 20 65



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 63 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

50 350  (46)

9 December 2023


Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 23 Aliağa,

Izmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 21 05



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 70 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

62 471  (47)

12 February 2025

Simsekler Gida Gemi Sokum Insaat Sanayi Tic. Ltd.Sti

Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 11-12 Aliağa,

Izmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 20 36



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 95 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

51 569  (48)

2 December 2025

Sök Denizcilik Tic. Ltd. Sti

Gemi Söküm Tesisleri,

Parcel 8-9 Aliağa,

Izmir 35800,


Phone: +90 232 618 2092



Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: no limit

Width: 90 meters

Draught: 15 meters

The site has a Ship Dismantling Permit, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, and a Ship Dismantling Authorisation Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, which contain limitations and conditions under which the facility operates.

Tacit approval, with a maximum review period of 15 days

The ship recycling plan (SRP) is part of a set of documents, surveys and permits/licences that are submitted to the competent authorities in order to obtain permission to dismantle a ship. The SRP is neither explicitly approved nor rejected as a standalone document.

66 167  (49)

12 February 2025


International Shipbreaking Limited L.L.C

18601 R.L Ostos Road Brownsville TX, 78521

United States

Phone: 956-831-2299


Alongside (wet berth), slope

Ships as defined in point (1) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

Maximum ship dimensions:

Length: 366 meters Width: 48 meters Draught: 9 meters

The conditions under which the facility is authorised to operate are defined in permits, certificates and authorisations issued to the facility by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, the Texas General Land Office and the U.S Coast Guard.

The U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act prohibits the import into the US of foreign flagged vessels that contain PCB concentrations greater than 50 parts per million.

The facility has two slips with ramps for final vessel recycling (East Slip and West Slip). Ships flying a flag of EU Member States shall be recycled exclusively on the East Slip ramp.

There is currently no procedure in US law related to the approval of ship recycling plans

120 000  (50)

9 December 2023

(1)  As referred to in Article 7(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 on ship recycling

(2)  As referred to in the third sentence of Article 32(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

(3)  The date of expiry of inclusion in the European List corresponds to the date of expiry of the permit or authorisation granted to the facility in the Member State.

(4)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 50 000 LDT per year.

(5)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 30 000 LDT per year.

(6)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 50 000 LDT per year.

(7)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 30 000 LDT per year.

(8)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 200 000 LDT per year.

(9)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 50 000 LDT per year.

(10)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 45 000 LDT per year.

(11)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 36 000 LDT per year.

(12)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 6000 LDT per year.

(13)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 60 000 LDT per year.

(14)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 15 000 LDT per year.

(15)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 18 000 LDT per year.

(16)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 23 000 LDT per year.

(17)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 40 000 LDT per year.

(18)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 60 000 LDT per year.

(19)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 10 000 LDT per year.

(20)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 30 000 LDT per year.

(21)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 6 000 LDT per year.

(22)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 10 000 LDT per year.

(23)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 45 000 LDT per year.

(24)  According to its permit, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 100 000 LDT per year.

(25)  According to its permit, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 100 000 LDT per year.

(26)  According to its permit, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 100 000 LDT per year.

(27)  According to its permit, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 40 000 LDT per year.

(28)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 75 000 LDT per year

(29)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 75 000 LDT per year.

(30)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 30 000 LDT per year.

(31)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 30 000 LDT per year.

(32)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 10 000 LDT per year.

(33)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 85 000 LDT per year.

(34)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 200 000 LDT per year.

(35)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum 100 000 LDT per year

(36)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 5 000 LDT per year

(37)  According to the information submitted, the theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 40 000 LDT per year

(38)  According to its permit, the facility is authorised to recycle a maximum of 300 000 LDT per year.

(39)  As referred to in Article 7(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 on ship recycling

(40)  As referred to in the third sentence of Article 32(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013

(41)  The inclusion of a ship recycling facility located in a third country in the European List is valid for a period of five years from the date of entry into force of the relevant Commission Implementing Decision which provides for the inclusion of that facility, unless otherwise stated.

(42)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 60 000 LDT per year.

(43)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 120 000 LDT per year.

(44)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 60 000 LDT per year.

(45)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 80 000 LDT per year.

(46)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 60 000 LDT per year.

(47)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 90 000 LDT per year.

(48)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 70 000 LDT per year.

(49)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 100 000 LDT per year.

(50)  The theoretical maximum annual ship recycling capacity of the facility is 120 000 LDT per year.”



Official Journal of the European Union

L 263/32


of 22 July 2021

amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 as regards alerts triggered by serious cross-border threats to health and for the contact tracing of exposed persons identified in the context of the completion of Passenger Locator Forms

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Decision No 1082/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 on serious cross-border threats to health and repealing Decision No 2119/98/EC (1), and in particular Article 8(2) thereof,



Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/858 (2) amended Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 (3) by establishing a technical infrastructure meant to enable the secure, timely and effective exchange of personal data collected through a passenger locator form (‘PLF’) between the Early Warning and Response System (‘EWRS’) competent authorities of the Member States – called the ‘PLF exchange platform’. Such technical infrastructure allows the transmission of information from the Member States’ existing national digital PLF systems to other EWRS competent authorities, in an interoperable and automatic manner.


The PLF exchange platform allows the EWRS competent authorities of the Member States to exchange well-defined sets of data collected through PLFs, for the sole purpose of SARS-CoV-2 contact tracing of exposed persons by those authorities. It also allows for the exchange of other limited epidemiological data necessary for the contact tracing, in line with the minimisation principle of personal data processing.


Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 does not currently allow for the exchange of personal data of persons who have completed a PLF and have been in close contact (4) to an infected passenger who has also completed a PLF, even though the exchange of such data is necessary for an effective contact tracing following the identification of a positive case of COVID-19 required under Article 9(1) of Decision No 1082/2013/EU.


The exchange of data relating to such exposed persons is necessary where those persons stay for a limited time in a given destination and, as a result, the EWRS competent authorities of the Member State of destination are not able to contact and test those persons during their stay. Such data exchange is also necessary where the EWRS authorities of the Member State of residence are competent to contact and provide further instructions to the exposed persons. In such situations, and provided that those persons have also completed PLFs, the Member State which identified an infected passenger and initiated the contact tracing measures should use the PLF exchange platform to send alerts to the Member States of initial or last departure or the Member State of residence of those exposed persons. The personal data to be exchanged in such cases should be limited to identification and contact data.


In order to ensure that the personal data relating to infected passengers and the personal data relating to exposed persons are clearly distinguished, the EWRS competent authorities should indicate whether the exchanged data refer to an infected passenger or to an exposed person.


The exchange of personal data of exposed persons should be subject to the same personal data protection requirements as those that apply to the exchange of personal data of the infected passengers.


EWRS competent authorities should share the data they have, in relation to the legs for which Member States collect information in their PLFs, only where this is necessary to identify exposed persons. It should be clarified that there is no obligation for Member States to collect information for all legs of a journey.


The national PLF systems of Member States may be temporarily unavailable in certain situations, for example, due to technical disruptions. In those cases, the EWRS competent authorities should be able to exchange through the PLF exchange platform the same set of personal data stemming from sources other than their national PLFs, namely from the transport carriers, from the infected passenger or from exposed persons. The collection of personal data from these sources should be based on national law and comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5).


Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/858 defines in Annex I the minimum set of PLF data to be collected through the national PLF, which is necessary for effective cross-border contact tracing based on PLF data. It should be clarified in Annex I that the place of departure and arrival, as well as the time of departure, are not necessary where that information can be derived from the identification number of the transport means, as that information suffices for the purpose of contact tracing.


Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 should therefore be amended accordingly.


The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted in accordance with Article 42(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, and delivered an opinion on 13 July 2021.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on serious cross-border threats to health established by Article 18 of Decision No 1082/2013/EU,


Article 1

Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 is amended as follows:


in Article 2a(1), the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

‘A platform for the secure exchange of PLF data of infected passengers and of exposed persons for the sole purpose of SARS-CoV-2 contact tracing of exposed persons by the EWRS competent authorities (“PLF exchange platform”) is established under the EWRS as a complement of the selective messaging functionality existing within that system.’;


Article 2b is amended as follows:


in paragraph 1, the introductory sentence is replaced by the following:

‘1.   When notifying an alert in the PLF exchange platform, the EWRS competent authorities of the Member State where the infected passenger is identified shall transmit the following PLF data to the EWRS competent authorities of the Member State of the infected passenger’s initial departure, or residence where the place of residence is different from the place of initial departure, or to the Member State of the infected passenger’s last departure, where the Member State only requires the completion of a PLF for the last leg of a journey:’;


the following paragraphs are inserted:

‘1a.   The EWRS competent authorities shall also transmit, through the PLF exchange platform, the PLF data referred to in paragraph 1 of exposed persons to the EWRS competent authorities of the Member States of initial departure or residence of those persons, or to the Member State of the infected passenger’s last departure where the Member State only requires the completion of a PLF for the last leg of a journey, provided that such data were collected in the context of contact tracing measures carried out following the identification of an infected passenger, and provided that their transmission is necessary for the purpose of contact tracing.

1b.   The EWRS competent authorities transmitting the data referred to in paragraphs 1 and 1a shall indicate whether they refer to an infected passenger or to an exposed person.’;


paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

‘2.   The EWRS competent authorities of the Member State of initial or last departure of the infected passenger or of the exposed person may transmit the PLF data received to a Member State of departure other than the one declared in the PLF as Member State of departure, where they have additional information pointing to the Member State that should perform the contact tracing.’;


paragraph 3 is amended as follows:


the introductory sentence is replaced by the following:

‘If necessary to identify exposed persons, when notifying an alert in the PLF exchange platform, the EWRS competent authorities of the Member State where the infected passenger is identified shall transmit the following PLF data, in relation to each available leg of that passenger’s journey, to the EWRS competent authorities of all Member States:’;


points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following:


place of departure of each concerned transport, unless the place can be identified through the information under point (e);


place of arrival of each concerned transport, unless the place can be identified through the information under point (e);’;


point (g) is replaced by the following:


time of departure of each concerned transport, unless the time can be identified through the information under point (e).’;


the following paragraph is added:

‘6.   Where the national PLF system of a Member State is temporarily unavailable, the EWRS competent authorities of the Member State that collected the personal data referred to in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 from the transport carriers, from the infected passenger or from the exposed person on the basis of national law may transmit such data through the PLF exchange platform for contact tracing purposes, during the period of temporary unavailability.’.


Annex I is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 22 July 2021.

For the Commission

The President


(1)  OJ L 293, 5.11.2013, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/858 of 27 May 2021 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 as regards alerts triggered by serious cross-border threats to health and for the contact tracing of passengers identified through Passenger Locator Forms (OJ L 188, 28.5.2021, p. 106).

(3)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 of 13 February 2017 laying down procedures for the notification of alerts as part of the early warning and response system established in relation to serious cross-border threats to health and for the information exchange, consultation and coordination of responses to such threats pursuant to Decision No 1082/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 37, 14.2.2017, p. 23).

(4)  The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (‘ECDC’) has provided guidance on the definition of a close contact. See ECDC document on ‘Contact tracing: public health management of persons, including healthcare workers, who have had contact with COVID-19 cases in the European Union – third update’, dated 18 November 2020.

(5)  Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1).


Annex I to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/253 is amended as follows:


point (7) is deleted;


point (8) is amended as follows:


the introductory sentence is replaced by the following:

‘the following information for each leg of a journey for which the Member State requires the completion of a PLF:’;


sub-points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following:


place of departure, unless the place can be identified through the information under sub-point (f);


place of arrival, unless the place can be identified through the information under sub-point (f);’;


sub-point (e) is replaced by the following:


time of departure, unless the time can be identified through the information under sub-point (f);’.