ISSN 1725-2555

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 171

European flag  

English edition


Volume 51
1 July 2008



I   Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory







Commission Regulation (EC) No 621/2008 of 30 June 2008 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables




Commission Regulation (EC) No 622/2008 of 30 June 2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 773/2004, as regards the conduct of settlement procedures in cartel cases ( 1 )




Commission Regulation (EC) No 623/2008 of 30 June 2008 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector applicable from 1 July 2008







Commission Directive 2008/66/EC of 30 June 2008 amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC to include bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine as active substances ( 1 )




Commission Directive 2008/67/EC of 30 June 2008 amending Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment ( 1 )




II   Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is not obligatory



ACP-CE Council of Ministers






Decision No 1/2008 of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers of 13 June 2008 regarding the revision of the terms and conditions of financing for short-term fluctuations in export earnings







Corrigendum to Regulation (EC) No 620/2008 of 27 June 2008 correcting Commission Regulation (EC) No 386/2008 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products ( OJ L 168, 28.6.2008 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.

I Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory




Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/1


of 30 June 2008

establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) (1),

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 of 21 December 2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No 2200/96, (EC) No 2201/96 and (EC) No 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector (2), and in particular Article 138(1) thereof,



Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the Uruguay Round multilateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the Commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the Annex thereto.


In compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the Annex to this Regulation,


Article 1

The standard import values referred to in Article 138 of Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 shall be fixed as indicated in the Annex hereto.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2008.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 30 June 2008.

For the Commission


Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 510/2008 (OJ L 149, 7.6.2008, p. 61).

(2)   OJ L 350, 31.12.2007, p. 1.


to Commission Regulation of 30 June 2008 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables

(EUR/100 kg)

CN code

Third country code (1)

Standard import value

0702 00 00









0707 00 05









0709 90 70







0805 50 10











0808 10 80



















0809 10 00







0809 20 95







0809 30 10 , 0809 30 90







0809 40 05





(1)  Country nomenclature as fixed by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1833/2006 (OJ L 354, 14.12.2006, p. 19). Code ‘ ZZ ’ stands for ‘of other origin’.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/3


of 30 June 2008

amending Regulation (EC) No 773/2004, as regards the conduct of settlement procedures in cartel cases

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty (1), and in particular Article 33 thereof,

Having published a draft of this Regulation (2),

After consulting the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions,



Commission Regulation (EC) No 773/2004 of 7 April 2004 relating to the conduct of proceedings by the Commission pursuant to Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty (3) lays down rules concerning the participation of the parties concerned in such proceedings.


Parties to the proceedings may be prepared to acknowledge their participation in a cartel violating Article 81 of the Treaty and their liability in respect of such participation, if they can reasonably anticipate the Commission's envisaged findings as regards their participation in the infringement and the level of potential fines and agree with those findings. It should be possible for the Commission to disclose to those parties, where appropriate, the objections which it intends to raise against them on the basis of the evidence in the file and the fines that they are likely to incur. Such early disclosure should enable the parties concerned to put forward their views on the objections which the Commission intends to raise against them as well as on their potential liability.


When the Commission reflects the parties’ settlement submissions in the statement of objections and the parties’ replies confirm that the statement of objections corresponds to the contents of their settlement submissions, the Commission should be able to proceed to the adoption of a Decision pursuant to Article 7 and Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 after consultation of the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003.


A settlement procedure should therefore be established in order to enable the Commission to handle faster and more efficiently cartel cases. The Commission retains a broad margin of discretion to determine which cases may be suitable to explore the parties’ interest to engage in settlement discussions, as well as to decide to engage in them or discontinue them or to definitely settle. Therefore, the Commission may decide at any time during the procedure to discontinue settlement discussions altogether in a specific case or with respect to one or more of the parties. In this regard, account may be taken of the probability of reaching a common understanding regarding the scope of the potential objections with the parties involved within a reasonable timeframe, in view of factors such as number of parties involved, foreseeable conflicting positions on the attribution of liability, extent of contestation of the facts. The prospect of achieving procedural efficiencies in view of the progress made overall in the settlement procedure, including any unreasonable delays, such as delays associated with the resources required to provide access to non-confidential versions of documents from the file, will be considered. Other concerns such as the possibility of setting a precedent may also be considered.


Complainants will be closely associated with settlement proceedings and be duly informed of the nature and subject matter of the procedure in writing to enable them to provide their views thereon and thereby cooperate with the Commission investigation. However, in the particular context of settlement proceedings, providing systematically a non-confidential version of the statement of objections to complainants would not always serve the purpose of enabling complainants to cooperate with the Commission's investigation and may occasionally discourage the parties to the proceedings from cooperating with the Commission. To this end, the Commission should not be obliged to provide a non-confidential version of the statement of objections to complainants.


Regulation (EC) No 773/2004 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Regulation (EC) No 773/2004 is amended as follows:


Article 2, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   The Commission may decide to initiate proceedings with a view to adopting a decision pursuant to Chapter III of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 at any point in time, but no later than the date on which it issues a preliminary assessment as referred to in Article 9(1) of that Regulation, a statement of objections or a request for the parties to express their interest in engaging in settlement discussions, or the date on which a notice pursuant to Article 27(4) of that Regulation is published, whichever is the earlier.’


In Article 6, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   Where the Commission issues a statement of objections relating to a matter in respect of which it has received a complaint, it shall provide the complainant with a copy of the non-confidential version of the statement of objections, except in cases where the settlement procedure applies, where it shall inform the complainant in writing of the nature and subject matter of the procedure. The Commission shall also set a time limit within which the complainant may make known its views in writing.’


In Article 10, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   The Commission shall inform the parties concerned of the objections raised against them. The statement of objections shall be notified in writing to each of the parties against whom objections are raised.’


The following Article 10a is inserted:

‘Article 10a

Settlement procedure in cartel cases

1.   After the initiation of proceedings pursuant to Article 11(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003, the Commission may set a time limit within which the parties may indicate in writing that they are prepared to engage in settlement discussions with a view to possibly introducing settlement submissions. The Commission shall not be obliged to take into account replies received after the expiry of that time limit.

If two or more parties within the same undertaking indicate their willingness to engage in settlement discussions pursuant to the first subparagraph, they shall appoint a joint representation to engage in discussions with the Commission on their behalf. When setting the time limit referred to in the first subparagraph, the Commission shall indicate to the relevant parties that they are identified within the same undertaking, for the sole purpose of enabling them to comply with this provision.

2.   Parties taking part in settlement discussions may be informed by the Commission of:


the objections it envisages to raise against them;


the evidence used to determine the envisaged objections;


non-confidential versions of any specified accessible document listed in the case file at that point in time, in so far as a request by the party is justified for the purpose of enabling the party to ascertain its position regarding a time period or any other particular aspect of the cartel; and


the range of potential fines.

This information shall be confidential vis-à-vis third parties, save where the Commission has given a prior explicit authorisation for disclosure.

Should settlement discussions progress, the Commission may set a time limit within which the parties may commit to follow the settlement procedure by introducing settlement submissions reflecting the results of the settlement discussions and acknowledging their participation in an infringement of Article 81 of the Treaty as well as their liability. Before the Commission sets a time limit to introduce their settlement submissions, the parties concerned shall be entitled to have the information specified in Article 10a(2), first subparagraph disclosed to them, upon request, in a timely manner. The Commission shall not be obliged to take into account settlement submissions received after the expiry of that time limit.

3.   When the statement of objections notified to the parties reflects the contents of their settlement submissions, the written reply to the statement of objections by the parties concerned shall, within a time limit set by the Commission, confirm that the statement of objections addressed to them reflects the contents of their settlement submissions. The Commission may then proceed to the adoption of a Decision pursuant to Article 7 and Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 after consultation of the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003.

4.   The Commission may decide at any time during the procedure to discontinue settlement discussions altogether in a specific case or with respect to one or more of the parties involved, if it considers that procedural efficiencies are not likely to be achieved.’


Article 11(1) is replaced by the following:

‘1.   The Commission shall give the parties to whom it addresses a statement of objections the opportunity to be heard before consulting the Advisory Committee referred to in Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003.’


Article 12 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 12

1.   The Commission shall give the parties to whom it addresses a statement of objections the opportunity to develop their arguments at an oral hearing, if they so request in their written submissions.

2.   However, when introducing their settlement submissions the parties shall confirm to the Commission that they would only require having the opportunity to develop their arguments at an oral hearing, if the statement of objections does not reflect the contents of their settlement submissions.’


In Article 15, the following paragraph 1a is inserted:

‘1a.   After the initiation of proceedings pursuant to Article 11(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 and in order to enable the parties willing to introduce settlement submissions to do so, the Commission shall disclose to them the evidence and documents described in Article 10a(2) upon request and subject to the conditions established in the relevant subparagraphs. In view thereof, when introducing their settlement submissions, the parties shall confirm to the Commission that they will only require access to the file after the receipt of the statement of objections, if the statement of objections does not reflect the contents of their settlement submissions.’


Article 17 is amended as follows:


paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   In setting the time limits provided for in Article 3(3), Article 4(3), Article 6(1), Article 7(1), Article 10(2), Article 10a(1), Article 10a(2), Article 10a(3) and Article 16(3), the Commission shall have regard both to the time required for preparation of the submission and to the urgency of the case.’


paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:

‘3.   The time limits referred to in Article 4(3), Article 10a(1), Article 10a(2) and Article 16(3) shall be at least two weeks. The time limit referred to in Article 3(3) shall be at least two weeks, except for settlement submissions, for which corrections shall be made within one week. The time limit referred to in Article 10a(3) shall be at least two weeks.’

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2008.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 30 June 2008.

For the Commission

Neelie KROES

Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 1, 4.1.2003, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1419/2006 (OJ L 269, 28.9.2006, p. 1).

(2)   OJ C 50, 27.10.2007, p. 48.

(3)   OJ L 123, 27.4.2004, p. 18. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1792/2006 (OJ L 362, 20.12.2006, p. 1).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/6


of 30 June 2008

fixing the import duties in the cereals sector applicable from 1 July 2008


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) (1),

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1249/96 of 28 June 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 in respect of import duties in the cereals sector (2), and in particular Article 2(1) thereof,



Article 136(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 states that the import duty on products falling within CN codes 1001 10 00, 1001 90 91, ex 1001 90 99 (high quality common wheat), 1002, ex 1005 other than hybrid seed, and ex 1007 other than hybrids for sowing, is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question. However, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the Common Customs Tariff.


Article 136(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 lays down that, for the purposes of calculating the import duty referred to in paragraph 1 of that Article, representative cif import prices are to be established on a regular basis for the products in question.


Under Article 2(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96, the price to be used for the calculation of the import duty on products of CN codes 1001 10 00, 1001 90 91, ex 1001 90 99 (high quality common wheat), 1002 00, 1005 10 90, 1005 90 00 and 1007 00 90 is the daily cif representative import price determined as specified in Article 4 of that Regulation.


Import duties should be fixed for the period from 1 July 2008 and should apply until new import duties are fixed and enter into force.


However, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 608/2008 of 26 June 2008 temporarily suspending customs duties on imports of certain cereals for the 2008/2009 marketing year (3), the application of certain duties set by this Regulation is suspended,


Article 1

From 1 July 2008, the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in Article 136(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 shall be those fixed in Annex I to this Regulation on the basis of the information contained in Annex II.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2008.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 30 June 2008.

For the Commission


Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 510/2008 (OJ L 149, 7.6.2008, p 61).

(2)   OJ L 161, 29.6.1996, p. 125. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1816/2005 (OJ L 292, 8.11.2005, p. 5).

(3)   OJ L 166, 27.6.2008, p. 19.


Import duties on the products referred to in Article 136(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 applicable from 1 July 2008

CN code


Import duties (1)


1001 10 00

Durum wheat, high quality

0,00  (2)

medium quality

0,00  (2)

low quality

0,00  (2)

1001 90 91

Common wheat seed


ex 1001 90 99

High quality common wheat, other than for sowing

0,00  (2)

1002 00 00


0,00  (2)

1005 10 90

Maize seed other than hybrid


1005 90 00

Maize, other than seed (3)

0,00  (2)

1007 00 90

Grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing

0,00  (2)

(1)  For goods arriving in the Community via the Atlantic Ocean or via the Suez Canal the importer may benefit, under Article 2(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96, from a reduction in the duty of:

3 EUR/t, where the port of unloading is on the Mediterranean Sea, or

2 EUR/t, where the port of unloading is in Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom or the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula.

(2)  In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 608/2008, application of this duty is suspended.

(3)  The importer may benefit from a flatrate reduction of EUR 24 per tonne where the conditions laid down in Article 2(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96 are met.


Factors for calculating the duties laid down in Annex I



Averages over the reference period referred to in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96:



Common wheat (1)


Durum wheat, high quality

Durum wheat, medium quality (2)

Durum wheat, low quality (3)








Fob price USA





Gulf of Mexico premium


Great Lakes premium



Averages over the reference period referred to in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96:

Freight costs: Gulf of Mexico–Rotterdam:

43,58  EUR/t

Freight costs: Great Lakes–Rotterdam:

48,70  EUR/t

(1)  Premium of 14 EUR/t incorporated (Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96).

(2)  Discount of 10 EUR/t (Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96).

(3)  Discount of 30 EUR/t (Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1249/96).




Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/9


of 30 June 2008

amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC to include bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine as active substances

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market (1), and in particular Article 6(1) thereof,



Commission Regulations (EC) No 451/2000 (2) and (EC) No 1490/2002 (3) lay down the detailed rules for the implementation of the third stage of the programme of work referred to in Article 8(2) of Directive 91/414/EEC and establish a list of active substances to be assessed, with a view to their possible inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC. That list includes bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine.


For those active substances the effects on human health and the environment have been assessed in accordance with the provisions laid down in Regulations (EC) No 451/2000 and (EC) No 1490/2002 for a range of uses proposed by the notifiers. Moreover, those Regulations designate the rapporteur Member States which have to submit the relevant assessment reports and recommendations to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in accordance with Article 10(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1490/2002. For bifenox the rapporteur Member State was Belgium and all relevant information was submitted on 4 July 2005. For diflufenican the rapporteur Member State was the United Kingdom and all relevant information was submitted on 1 August 2005. For fenoxaprop-P the rapporteur Member State was Austria and all relevant information was submitted on 2 May 2005. For fenpropidin and quinoclamine the rapporteur Member State was Sweden and all relevant information was submitted on 24 June 2005 and 15 June 2005 respectively.


The assessment reports have been peer reviewed by the Member States and the EFSA and presented to the Commission on 14 November 2007 for quinoclamine, on 29 November 2007 for bifenox and fenoxaprop-P and on 17 December 2007 for diflufenican and fenpropidin in the format of the EFSA Scientific Reports (4). These reports have been reviewed by the Member States and the Commission within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health and finalised on 14 March 2008 in the format of the Commission review reports for bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine.


It has appeared from the various examinations made that plant protection products containing bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine may be expected to satisfy, in general, the requirements laid down in Article 5(1)(a) and (b) of Directive 91/414/EEC, in particular with regard to the uses which were examined and detailed in the Commission review reports. It is therefore appropriate to include these active substances in Annex I, in order to ensure that in all Member States the authorisations of plant protection products containing these active substances can be granted in accordance with the provisions of that Directive.


Without prejudice to that conclusion, it is appropriate to obtain further information on certain specific points. Article 6(1) of Directive 91/414/EC provides that inclusion of a substance in Annex I may be subject to conditions. Therefore it is appropriate to require that bifenox should be subjected to further testing for confirmation of the risk assessment for consumers and the long-term risk to herbivorous mammals and that fenpropidin should be subjected to further testing for confirmation of the risk assessment for the long-term risk to herbivorous and insectivorous birds and such studies should be presented by the notifiers.


A reasonable period should be allowed to elapse before an active substance is included in Annex I in order to permit Member States and the interested parties to prepare themselves to meet the new requirements which will result from the inclusion.


Without prejudice to the obligations defined by Directive 91/414/EEC as a consequence of including an active substance in Annex I, Member States should be allowed a period of six months after inclusion to review existing authorisations of plant protection products containing bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine to ensure that the requirements laid down by Directive 91/414/EEC, in particular in its Article 13 and the relevant conditions set out in Annex I, are satisfied. Member States should vary, replace or withdraw, as appropriate, existing authorisations, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 91/414/EEC. By way of derogation from the above deadline, a longer period should be provided for the submission and assessment of the complete Annex III dossier of each plant protection product for each intended use in accordance with the uniform principles laid down in Directive 91/414/EEC.


The experience gained from previous inclusions in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC of active substances assessed in the framework of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3600/92 (5) has shown that difficulties can arise in interpreting the duties of holders of existing authorisations in relation to access to data. In order to avoid further difficulties it therefore appears necessary to clarify the duties of the Member States, especially the duty to verify that the holder of an authorisation demonstrates access to a dossier satisfying the requirements of Annex II to that Directive. However, this clarification does not impose any new obligations on Member States or holders of authorisations compared to the directives which have been adopted until now amending Annex I.


It is therefore appropriate to amend Directive 91/414/EEC accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


Article 1

Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC is amended as set out in the Annex to this Directive.

Article 2

Member States shall adopt and publish by 30 June 2009 at the latest the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table between those provisions and this Directive.

They shall apply those provisions from 1 July 2009.

When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.

Article 3

1.   Member States shall in accordance with Directive 91/414/EEC, where necessary, amend or withdraw existing authorisations for plant protection products containing bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine as active substances by 30 June 2009.

By that date they shall in particular verify that the conditions in Annex I to that Directive relating to bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine are met, with the exception of those identified in part B of the entry concerning that active substance, and that the holder of the authorisation has, or has access to, a dossier satisfying the requirements of Annex II to that Directive in accordance with the conditions of Article 13 of that Directive.

2.   By way of derogation from paragraph 1, for each authorised plant protection product containing bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine as either the only active substance or as one of several active substances all of which were listed in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC by 31 December 2008 at the latest, Member States shall re-evaluate the product in accordance with the uniform principles provided for in Annex VI to Directive 91/414/EEC, on the basis of a dossier satisfying the requirements of Annex III to that Directive and taking into account part B of the entry in Annex I to that Directive concerning bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine respectively. On the basis of that evaluation, they shall determine whether the product satisfies the conditions set out in Article 4(1)(b), (c), (d) and (e) of Directive 91/414/EEC.

Following that determination Member States shall:


in the case of a product containing bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine as the only active substance, where necessary, amend or withdraw the authorisation by 31 December 2012 at the latest; or


in the case of a product containing bifenox, diflufenican, fenoxaprop-P, fenpropidin and quinoclamine as one of several active substances, where necessary, amend or withdraw the authorisation by 31 December 2012 or by the date fixed for such an amendment or withdrawal in the respective Directive or Directives which added the relevant substance or substances to Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC, whichever is the latest.

Article 4

This Directive shall enter into force on 1 January 2009.

Article 5

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 30 June 2008.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 230, 19.8.1991, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 2008/45/EC (OJ L 94, 5.4.2008, p. 21).

(2)   OJ L 55, 29.2.2000, p. 25. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1044/2003 (OJ L 151, 19.6.2003, p. 32).

(3)   OJ L 224, 21.8.2002, p. 23. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1095/2007 (OJ L 246, 21.9.2007, p. 19).

(4)   EFSA Scientific Report (2007) 119, 1-84, Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance bifenox (finalised 29 November 2007).

EFSA Scientific Report (2007) 122, 1-84, Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance diflufenican (finalised 17 December 2007).

EFSA Scientific Report (2007) 121, 1-76, Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance fenoxaprop-P (finalised 29 November 2007).

EFSA Scientific Report (2007) 124, 1-84, Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance fenpropidin (finalised 17 December, revision of 29 January 2008 with corrections of miscalculations in the aquatic risk assessment).

EFSA Scientific Report (2007) 117, 1-70, Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance quinoclamine (finalised on 14 November 2007).

(5)   OJ L 366, 15.12.1992, p. 10. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 416/2008 (OJ L 125, 9.5.2008, p. 25).


The following entry shall be added at the end of the table in Annex I to Directive 91/414/ECC:


Common name, identification numbers

IUPAC name

Purity (1)

Entry into force

Expiration of inclusion

Specific provisions



CAS No 42576-02-3

CIPAC No 413

Methyl 5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate

≥ 970 g/kg impurities:


max. 3 g/kg 2,4-dichlorophenol


max. 6 g/kg 2,4-dichloroanisole

1 January 2009

31 December 2018


Only uses as herbicide may be authorised.


For the implementation of the uniform principles of Annex VI, the conclusions of the review report on bifenox, and in particular Appendices I and II thereof, as finalised in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health on 14 March 2008 shall be taken into account.

In this overall assessment Member States must pay particular attention to:

the operator safety and ensure that conditions of use prescribe the application of adequate personal protective equipment where,

the dietary exposure of consumers to bifenox residues in products of animal origin and in succeeding rotational crops.

The Member States concerned shall request the submission of:

information on residues of bifenox and its metabolite hydroxy bifenox acid in food of animal origin and on residues of bifenox in rotational crops,

information to further address the long-term risk to herbivorous mammals arising from the use of bifenox.

They shall ensure that the notifier provides such confirmatory data and information to the Commission within two years from the entry into force of this Directive.



CAS No 83164-33-4

CIPAC No 462

2′,4′-difluoro-2-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyloxy) nicotinanilide

≥ 970 g/kg

1 January 2009

31 December 2018


Only uses as herbicide may be authorised.


For the implementation of the uniform principles of Annex VI, the conclusions of the review report on diflufenican, and in particular Appendices I and II thereof, as finalised in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health on 14 March 2008 shall be taken into account.

In this overall assessment Member States must pay particular attention to:

the protection of aquatic organisms. Risk mitigation measures such as buffer zones shall be applied, where appropriate,

the protection of non-target plants. Risk mitigation measures such as an in-field no spray buffer zones shall be applied, where appropriate.



CAS No 113158-40-0

CIPAC No 484

(R)-2[4-[(6-chloro-2-benzoxazolyl)oxy]-phenoxy]-propanoic acid

≥ 920 g/kg

1 January 2009

31 December 2018


Only uses as herbicide may be authorised.


For the implementation of the uniform principles of Annex VI, the conclusions of the review report on fenoxaprop-P, and in particular Appendices I and II thereof, as finalised in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health on 14 March 2008 shall be taken into account.

In this overall assessment Member States must pay particular attention to:

the operator safety and ensure that conditions of use prescribe the application of adequate personal protective equipment,

the protection of non target plants,

the presence of the safener mefenpyr-diethyl in formulated products as regards operator, worker and bystander exposure,

the persistence of the substance and of some of its degradation products in colder zones and areas where anaerobic conditions may occur.

Conditions of authorisation should include risk mitigation measures, where appropriate.



CAS No 67306-00-7

CIPAC No 520


≥ 960 g/kg (racemate)

1 January 2009

31 December 2018


Only uses as fungicide may be authorised.


For the implementation of the uniform principles of Annex VI, the conclusions of the review report on fenpropidin, and in particular Appendices I and II thereof, as finalised in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health on 14 March 2008 shall be taken into account.

In this overall assessment Member States must pay particular attention to:

the operator and worker safety and ensure that conditions of use prescribe the application of adequate personal protective equipment,

the protection of aquatic organisms and must ensure that the conditions of authorisation include, where appropriate, risk mitigation measures such as buffer zone.

The Member States concerned shall request the submission of:

information to further address the long-term risk to herbivorous and insectivorous birds arising from the use of fenpropidin.

They shall ensure that the notifier provides such confirmatory data and information to the Commission within two years from the entry into force of this Directive.



CAS No 2797-51-5

CIPAC No 648


≥ 965 g/kg impurity:

dichlone (2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone) max. 15 g/kg

1 January 2009

31 December 2018


Only uses as herbicide may be authorised.


In assessing applications to authorise plant protection products containing quinoclamine for uses other than ornamentals or nursery plants, Member States shall pay particular attention to the criteria in Article 4(1)(b), and shall ensure that any necessary data and information is provided before such an authorisation is granted.

For the implementation of the uniform principles of Annex VI, the conclusions of the review report on quinoclamine, and in particular Appendices I and II thereof, as finalised in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health on 14 March 2008 shall be taken into account.

In this overall assessment Member States must pay particular attention to:

the operator, worker and bystander safety and ensure that conditions of use prescribe the application of adequate personal protective equipment,

the protection of aquatic organisms,

the protection of birds and small mammals.

Conditions of use shall include adequate risk mitigation measures, where appropriate.

(1)  Further details on identity and specification of active substance are provided in the review report.’



Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/16


of 30 June 2008

amending Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 96/98/EC of 20 December 1996 on marine equipment (1) and in particular Article 17 thereof,



For the purposes of Directive 96/98/EC, the international conventions and testing standards shall apply in their up-to-date version.


As amendments to the international conventions and applicable testing standards have entered into force since 1 July 2002, date on which Directive 96/98/EC was amended for the last time, these amendments should be incorporated into the said Directive in the interests of clarity.


The International Maritime Organisation and the European standardization organizations have adopted standards, including detailed testing standards, for a number of items of equipment which are listed in Annex A.2 to Directive 96/98/EC or which, albeit not listed, are considered relevant for the purpose of the said Directive. Therefore such items of equipment should be included in Annex A.1 or transferred from Annex A.2 to Annex A.1, as appropriate.


Directive 96/98/EC should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the COSS Committee established by Directive 2002/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council,


Article 1

Annex A to Directive 96/98/EC is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Directive.

Article 2

Where equipment listed as ‘new item’ under the heading ‘item designation’ of Annex A.1 or as having been transferred from Annex A.2 to Annex A.1 was manufactured before the date referred to in Article 3(1) in accordance with procedures for type-approval already in force before that date within the territory of a Member State, such equipment may be placed on the market and on board a Community ship during the two years following the said date.

Article 3


1.   Member States shall adopt and publish, by 21 July 2009 at the latest, the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table between those provisions and this Directive.

They shall apply those provisions from 21 July 2009.

When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.

2.   Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

Article 4

This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 5

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 30 June 2008.

For the Commission

Jacques BARROT


(1)   OJ L 46, 17.2.1997, p. 25. Directive as last amended by Directive 2002/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 53).



List of acronyms used

Circ., Circular.

COLREG, International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

COMSAR, IMO’s Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue.

EN, European Standard.

ETSI, European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute.

FSS, International Code for Fire Safety Systems.

FTP, International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures.

HSC, High Speed Craft Code.

IBC, International Bulk Chemical Code.

ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization.

IEC, International Electro-technical Commission.

IMO, International Maritime Organization.

ISO, International Standardisation Organisation.

ITU, International Telecommunication Union.

LSA, Life saving appliance.

MARPOL, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.

MEPC, Marine Environment Protection Committee.

MSC, Maritime Safety Committee.

SOLAS, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.

Reg., Regulation.

Res., Resolution.



Notes applicable to the whole of Annex A.1


General: in addition to the testing standards specifically mentioned, a number of provisions, which must be checked during type-examination (type approval) as referred to in the modules for conformity assessment in Annex B, are to be found in the applicable requirements of the international conventions and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO.


Column 5: Where IMO Resolutions are cited, only the testing standards contained in relevant parts of the Annexes to the Resolutions are applicable and exclude the provisions of the Resolutions themselves.


Column 5: International conventions and testing standards apply in their up-to-date version. For the purpose of identifying correctly the relevant standards, test reports, certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity shall identify the specific testing standard applied and its version.


Column 5: Where two sets of identifying standards are separated by “or”, each set fulfils all the testing requirements to meet IMO Performance Standards; thus testing to one of these sets is sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the relevant International Instruments. Conversely, when other separators (comma) are used all the listed references apply.


Column 6: Where module H appears, module H plus design-examination certificate is to be understood.


The requirements laid down in this Annex shall be without prejudice to carriage requirements in the international conventions.

1.   Life-saving appliances


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment









Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/7,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, II,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ. 980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Position-indicating lights for life-saving appliances:

for survival craft and rescue boats,

for lifebuoys,

for lifejackets.

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/7,

Reg. III/22,

Reg. III/26,

Reg III/32,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) II, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ 885,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

(Except for battery requirements as specified in EN 394 (1993) which only apply to lifejacket lights).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Lifebuoys self-activating smoke signals

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/7,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, II,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/7,

Reg. III/22,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, II,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.922,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

(Except for battery requirements as specified in EN 394 (1993) which only apply to lifejacket lights).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Immersion suits and anti-exposure suits not classified as lifejackets:

Insulated or not insulated.

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/7,

Reg. III/22,

Reg. III/32,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, II,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

EN ISO 15027-3 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Immersion suits and anti-exposure suits classified as lifejackets:

Insulated or non-insulated.

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/7,

Reg. III/22,

Reg. III/32,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, II,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

EN ISO 15027-3 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Thermal protective aids

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/22,

Reg. III/32,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, II,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Rocket parachute flares (pyrotechnics)

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/6,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, III,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Hand flares (pyrotechnics)

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, III,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Buoyant smoke signals (pyrotechnics)

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, III,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Line-throwing appliances

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/18,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VII,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Inflatable liferafts

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/13,

Reg. III/21,

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/31,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.811,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Rigid liferafts

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/21,

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/31,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.811,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.1006.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Automatically self-righting liferafts

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC 48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.809 including Add.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.811,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.809 including Add.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.1006.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Canopied reversible liferafts

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8, Annex 10,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8, Annex 11,

IMO MSC/Circ.809 including Add.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.811,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.809 including Add.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.1006.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Float-free arrangements for liferafts (hydrostatic release units)

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/13,

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.811,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/21,

Reg. III/31,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.1006.

B + D

B + F



Rigid rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/21,

Reg. III/31,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, V,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.1006.

B + D

B + F



Inflated rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/21,

Reg. III/31,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, V,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

ISO 15372 (2000).

B + D

B + F



Fast rescue boats

Reg. III/4.

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, V,

IMO MSC/Circ.809 including Add.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.980,

IMO MSC/Circ.1016,

IMO MSC/Circ.1094.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.1006,

ISO 15372 (2000).

B + D

B + F



Launching appliances using falls (davits)

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/23,

Reg. III/33,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Float free launching appliances for survival craft

Moved to A.2/1.3


Launching appliances for free-fall lifeboats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/16,

Reg. III/23,

Reg. III/33,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Liferaft launching appliances


Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/12,

Reg. III/16,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Fast rescue boat launching appliances


Reg. III/4.

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO MSC/Circ.809 including Add.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Release mechanism for

Lifeboats and rescue boats and


Launched by a fall or falls

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/16,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Marine evacuation systems

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/15,

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + F



Means of rescue

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70),

IMO MSC/Circ.810.

B + D

B + F


Embarkation ladders

Moved to A.2/1.4


Retro-reflective materials

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. A.658(16).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Survival craft two-way VHF radio telephone apparatus

Moved to A.1/5.17 and A.1/5.18


9 GHz SAR transponder (SART)

Moved to A.1/4.18


Radar reflector for lifeboats and rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV, V,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.164(78),

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

EN ISO 8729 (1998).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Compass for lifeboats and rescue boats

Moved to A.1/4.23


Portable fire — extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats

Moved to A.1/3.38


Lifeboat/rescue boat propulsion engine

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) IV, V.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Rescue boat propulsion engine-outboard motor

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) V.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Searchlights for use in lifeboats and rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV, V,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Open reversible liferafts

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8, Annex 10,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8, Annex 11,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) Annex 10,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) Annex 11.

B + D

B + F


Mechanical pilot hoist

Reg. V/23.

Reg. V/23,

IMO Res. A.889(21),

IMO MSC/Circ.773,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.

ISO 799 (2004).

B + D

B + E

B + F


(New item)

Winches for survival craft and rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/16,

Reg. III/17,

Reg. III/23,

Reg. III/24,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8.

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code),

IMO Res. MSC.81(70).

B + D

B + E

B + F



(New item)

Pilot ladder

Reg. V/23,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. V/23,

IMO Res. A.889(21),

IMO MSC/Circ.528/rev.1.

IMO Res. A.889(21).

B + D

B + E

B + F


2.   Marine pollution prevention


Item designation

Regulation MARPOL 73/78 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of MARPOL 73/78 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Annex I, Reg. 16(4),

Annex I, Reg. 16(5),

Revised Annex I, Reg. 14.6,

Revised Annex I, Reg 14.7.

Annex I, Reg. 16(1),

Annex I, Reg. 16(2),

Revised Annex I Reg. 14.1,

Revised Annex I Reg. 14.2,

Revised Annex I Reg. 14.3.

IMO Res. MEPC.60(33),

IMO Res. MEPC.107(49).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Oil/water interface detectors

Annex I, Reg. 15(3)(b),

Revised Annex I, Reg. 32.

Annex I, Reg. 15(3)(b),

Revised Annex I, Reg. 32.


B + D

B + E

B + F


Oil-content meters

Annex I, Reg. 16(5),

Revised Annex I Reg. 14.7,

Revised Annex I Reg. 14.7.

Annex I, Reg. 16(1) and (2),

Revised Annex I, Reg. 14.1 and 14.2.

IMO Res. MEPC.60(33),

IMO Res. MEPC.107(49).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Process units intended for attachment to existing oily water separating equipment (for and oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Item deleted


Oil discharge monitoring and control system for an oil tanker

Annex I, Reg. 15(3)(a),

Revised Annex I, Reg. 31.2,

Revised Annex I, Reg. 31.3.

Annex I, Reg. 15(3),

Revised Annex I, Reg. 31.2,

Revised Annex I, Reg. 31.3,

Revised Annex I, Reg. 31.4.

IMO Res. MEPC.108(49).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Sewage systems

Annex IV, Reg. 9.

Revised Annex IV, Reg. 9.

IMO Res. MEPC.2(VI).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Shipboard incinerators

Annex VI, Reg. 16(2)(a),

Annex VI, Reg. 16.

Annex VI, Reg. 16(2)(a),

Annex VI, Reg.16.

IMO Res. MEPC.76(40).

B + D

B + E

B + F


3.   Fire protection equipment


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Primary decks covering

Reg. II-2/4,

Reg. II-2/6,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/4,

Reg. II-2/6,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. A.653(16),

IMO Res. A.687(17),

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.916,

IMO MSC/Circ.1004.

B + D


Portable fire extinguishers

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 4.

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. II-2/19,

Reg. II-2/20,

IMO Res. A.951(23),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 4.

EN 3-3 (1994),

EN 3-6 (1995) including A.1 (1999),

EN 3-7 (2004).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire-fighter’s outfit: protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

EN 469 (2006),

EN 531 (1995),

EN 531/A1 (1998),

EN 1486 (1996).


ISO 15538 (2001).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire-fighter’s outfit: boots

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

EN ISO 20344 (2004),

EN ISO 20345 (2004).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire-fighter’s outfit: gloves

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

EN 659 (2003),

EN 60903 (2002) (for conductivity only).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire-fighter’s outfit: helmet

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

EN 443 (1997).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Note: For use in accidents involving dangerous goods a positive pressure type mask is required.

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

EN 136 (1998),

EN 137 (2007).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Air-supplied breathing apparatus for use with a smoke helmet or smoke mask

Note: For use in accidents involving dangerous goods a positive pressure type mask is required.

Reg. X/3.

Note. This item is not included in new Chapter II-2 Regulations [IMO Res. MSC.99(73)] or FSS Code [IMO Res. MSC.98(73)].

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

EN 14593-1 (2005),

EN 14593-2 (2005),

EN 14594 (2005).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Sprinkler systems components for accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations equivalent to that referred to in SOLAS 74 Reg. II-2/12 (limited to nozzles and their performance).

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 8.

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. II-2/9,

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 8.

IMO Res. A.800(19).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Nozzles for fixed pressure water spraying fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces

Moved to A.2/3.11


“A” & “B” Class divisions fire integrity

“A” class divisions,

“B” class divisions.

“A” Class:

Reg. II-2/3.2.

“B” Class:

Reg. II-2/3.4.

Reg. II-2/9, and,

“A” Class:

Reg. II-2/3.2.

“B” Class:

Reg. II-2/3.4.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Devices to prevent the passage of flame into the cargo tanks in tankers

Reg. II-2/4,

Reg. II-2/16.

Reg II-2/4,

Reg II-2/16.

EN 12874 (2001),

ISO 15364 (2000),

IMO MSC/Circ.677,

IMO MSC/Circ.1009.

B + F


Non-combustible materials

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/5,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Materials other than steel for pipes penetrating “A” or “B” Class division

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9.

IMO Res. A.754(18),

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil

pipes and fittings,


flexible pipe assemblies.

Reg. II-2/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/4,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7, 10,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7, 10.

IMO Res. A.753(18),

ISO 15540 (1999),

ISO 15541 (1999).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire Doors

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Fire door control systems components

Note: When the term “system components” is used in column 2 it may be that a single component, a group of components or a whole system needs to be tested to ensure that the international requirements are fulfilled.

Reg. II-2/9,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/9,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics

decorative veneers

paint systems,

floor coverings,

pipe insulation covers,

adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions,

combustible ducts.

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/5,

Reg. II-2/6,

Reg. II-2/9,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/5,

Reg. II-2/6,

Reg. II-2/9,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.916,

IMO MSC/Circ.1004,

IMO MSC/Circ.1036,

IMO MSC/Circ.1120,

ISO 1716 (2002).

Note: Where the surface material is required to have a certain maximum calorific value, this shall be measured in accordance with ISO 1716.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

(The designation is with regard to SOLAS requirements).

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/9,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/9,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Upholstered furniture

(The designation is with regard to SOLAS requirements).

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/5,

Reg. II-2/9,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/5,

Reg. II-2/9,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Bedding components

(The designation is with regard to SOLAS requirements).

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/9,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/3,

Reg. II-2/9,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire dampers

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Non-combustible duct penetrations through “A” class divisions

Moved to A.1/3.26


Electric Cable Transits through “A” class divisions

Moved to A.1/3.26


“A” and “B” class fire proof windows and side scuttles

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9,

IMO MSC/Circ.847,

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1004,

IMO MSC/Circ.1036,

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Penetrations through “A” class divisions

electric cable transits,

pipe, duct, trunk, etc penetrations.

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Penetrations through “B” class

electric cable transits,

pipe, duct, trunk, etc penetrations.

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Sprinkler systems (limited to sprinkler heads)

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 8.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 8.

ISO 6182-1 (2004).


EN 12259-1 (1999).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire hoses

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

EN 14540 (2004).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Portable oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

Reg. II-2/4,

Reg. VI/3.

Reg. II-2/4,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 15.

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 60092-504 (2001),

IEC 60533 (1999),

and as applicable to:


Category 1: (safe area):

EN 50104 (2002) including Amd. 2004 Oxygen,

EN 61779-1 (2000),

EN 61779-4 (2000).


Category 2: (explosive gas atmospheres):

EN 50104 (2002) including Amd. 2004 Oxygen,

EN 61779-1 (2000),

EN 61779-4 (2000),

IEC 60079-0 (2004),

IEC 60079-1 (2003),

IEC 60079-10 (2002),

IEC 60079-11 (2006),

IEC 60079-15 (2005),

IEC 60079-26 (2006).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Nozzles for fixed sprinkler systems, for high speed craft (HSC)

Reg. X/3.

IMO MSC/Circ.912,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.44(65).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Fire restricting materials (except furniture) for high speed craft

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire restricting materials for furniture for high speed craft

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire resisting divisions for high speed craft

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire doors on high speed craft

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. A.754(18),

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Fire dampers on high speed craft

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. A.754(18),

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Penetrations through fire resisting divisions on high speed craft

electric cable transits,

pipe, duct, trunk etc penetrations.

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO Res. A.754(18),

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. A.951(23),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV, V,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8.

EN 3-3 (1994),

EN 3-6 (1995),

EN 3-6 A1 (1999),

EN 3-7 (2004).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Nozzles for equivalent water based fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces of category “A” and cargo pump rooms

Reg. II-2/10.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 7.

IMO MSC/Circ.1165.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Low-location lighting systems (components only)

Reg. II-2/13,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 11.

Reg. II-2/13,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 11.

IMO Res. A.752(18).


ISO 15370 (2001).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)

Reg. II-2/13.

Reg. II-2/13.3.4,

Reg. II-2/13.4.3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3,

IMO MSC/Circ.849.

EN 402(2003),

EN 1146(2005),

EN 13794(2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Inert gas systems components

Reg. II-2/4.

Reg. II-2/4,

IMO Res. A.567(14),

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 15,

IMO MSC/Circ.847 Corr.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.

IMO MSC/Circ.353,

IMO MSC/Circ.450 Rev.1,

IMO MSC/Circ.485.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Nozzles for deep fat cooking equipment fire extinguishing systems (automatic or manual type)

Reg. II-2/1,

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/,

Reg. II-2/10.6.4,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

ISO 15371 (2000).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Fire-fighters outfit-lifeline

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Equivalent fixed gas fire extinguishing systems components (extinguishing medium, head valves and nozzles) for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 5.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 5,

IMO MSC/Circ.848.

IMO MSC/Circ.848.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Equivalent fixed gas fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces (aerosol systems)

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 5,

IMO MSC/Circ.1007.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 5,

IMO MSC/Circ.1007.

IMO MSC/Circ.1007.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Concentrate for Fixed High Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems for Machinery Spaces and Cargo Pump Rooms

Note: The fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing system for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms must still be tested with the approved concentrate to the satisfaction of the Administration.

Reg. II-2/10.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 6.

IMO MSC/Circ.670.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Fixed water based local application fire fighting systems components for use in category “A” machinery spaces

(Nozzles and performance tests).

Reg. II-2/1,

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/1,

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

IMO MSC/Circ.913.

B + D

B + E

B + F


Nozzles for fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems for special category spaces, ro-ro cargo spaces, ro-ro spaces and vehicle spaces

Moved to A.2/3.2


Protective clothing resistant to chemical attack

Moved to A.2/3.9


Ex A.2/3.5

Ex A.2/3.6

Ex A.2/3.7

Ex A.2/3.16

Ex A.2/3.17

Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems components for control stations, service spaces, accommodation spaces, machinery spaces and unattended machinery spaces

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 9.

Reg. II-2/7.2.2,-Reg. II-2/7.4,

Reg. II 2/7.4.1,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 9.

Control and indicating equipment. Electrical installations in ships:

EN 54-2 (1997) including AC(1999) and A1(2006).

Power supply equipment:

EN 54-4 (1997) including AC(1999), A1(2002) and A2(2006).

Heat detectors — Point detectors:

EN 54-5 (2000) including A1(2002).

Smoke detectors — Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization:

EN 54-7 (2000) including A1(2002) and A2(2006).

Flame detectors — Point detectors:

EN 54-10 (2002) including A1(2005).

Manual call points:

EN 54-11 (2001) including A1(2005).

And, as applicable, electrical and electronic installations in ships:

IEC 60092-504 (2001),

IEC 60533 (1999).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Ex A.2/3.1

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 4.

Reg. II-2/4,

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 4.

EN 1866 (1998).


ISO 11601 (1999).

B + D

B + E

B + F


Ex A.2/3.18

Alarm devices

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 9.

Reg. II-2/7,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 9.


EN 54-3 (2001) including A1(2002) and A2(2006),

IEC 60092-504 (2001)

IEC 60533 (1999).

B + D

B + E

B + F


(New item)

Fixed oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

Reg. VI/3.

Reg. II-2/4,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 15.

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 60092-504 (2001),

IEC 60533 (1999),

and as applicable to:


Category 4: (safe area):

EN 50104 (2002) including AMD 2004 Oxygen,

EN 61779-1 (2000),

EN 61779-4 (2000).


Category 3: (explosive gas atmospheres):

EN 50104 (2002) including AMD 2004 Oxygen,

EN 61779-11 (2000).

B + D

B + E

B + F

4.   Navigation equipment

Notes applicable to section 4: Navigation equipment.

Column 5: Wherever reference is made to EN 61162 series or IEC 61162 series, the intended item layout shall be taken into account to determine the applicable standard of EN 61162 series or IEC 61162 series.


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Magnetic compass

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.382(X),

IMO Res. A.694(17).

EN ISO 449 (1999),

EN ISO 694 (2001),

ISO 1069 (1973),

ISO 2269 (1992),

EN 60945 (2002).


ISO 449 (1997),

ISO 694 (2000),

ISO 1069 (1973),

ISO 2269 (1992),

IEC 60945 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Transmitting heading device THD (magnetic method)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. V/19,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.116(73).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series,

ISO 22090-2 (2004), including Corrigendum 2005.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series,

ISO 22090-2 (2004), including Corrigendum 2005.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Gyro compass

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.424(XI),

IMO Res. A.694(17).

EN ISO 8728 (1998),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


ISO 8728 (1997),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment

Moved to A.1/4.34, A.1/4.35 and A.1/4.36


Automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA)

Moved to A.1/4.34


Echo — sounding equipment

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.224(VII),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN ISO 9875 (2001),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


ISO 9875 (2000),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Speed and distance measuring equipment (SDME)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.824(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61023 (1999),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61023 (1999),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Rudder angle, rpm, pitch indicator

Moved to A.1/4.20, A.1/4.21 and A.1/4.22


Rate-of-turn indicator

Moved to A.2/4.26


Direction finder

Item deleted


Loran-C equipment

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.818(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61075 (1993),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61075 (1991),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Chayka equipment

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. A.818 (19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61075 (1993),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61075 (1991),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Decca navigator equipment

Item deleted


GPS equipment

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.819(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.112(73).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61108-1 (2003),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61108-1 (2003),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



GLONASS equipment

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.113(73).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61108-2 (1998),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61108-2 (1998),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Heading control system (HCS) (formerly autopilot)

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.342(IX),

IMO Res. A.694(17).

EN ISO 11674 (2001),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


ISO 11674 (2000),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Mechanical pilot hoist

Moved to A.1/1.40


9 GHz SAR transponder (SART)

Reg. III/4,

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. III/6,

Reg. IV/7,

IMO Res. A.530(13),

IMO Res. A.802(19),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8, 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8, 14,

ITU-R M.628-3(11/93).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61097-1 (1993).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-1 (1992).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment for high-speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.37


Rudder angle indicator

Moved to A.2/4.27


Propeller revolution indicator

Moved to A.2/4.28


Pitch indicator

Moved to A.2/4.29


Compass for lifeboats and rescue boats

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) IV, V,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8, 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8, 13.

EN ISO 613 (2001)

ISO 10316 (1990).


ISO 613 (2000),

ISO 10316 (1990).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA) for high-speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.37


Automatic tracking aid (ATA)

Moved to A.1/4.35


Automatic tracking aid (ATA) for high speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.38


Electronic plotting aid (EPA)

Moved to A.1/4.36


Integrated bridge system

Moved to A.2/4.30


Voyage data recorder (VDR)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. V/20,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/20,

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. A.861 (20),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series,

EN 61996 (2001).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series,

IEC 61996 (2000).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) with backup, and raster chart display system (RCDS)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.817(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

[ECDIS back-up and RCDS are only applicable when this functionality is included in the ECDIS. The module B certificate shall indicate whether these options were tested].

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series,

EN 61174 (2001-12).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series,

IEC 61174 (2001-10).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Gyro compass for high-speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.821(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

ISO 16328 (2001),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.


ISO 16328 (2001),

IEC 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Universal automatic identification system equipment (AIS)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.74(69),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

ITU-R M. 1371-1(10/00).

Note: ITU-R M. 1371-1(10/00) Annex 3 shall only be applicable in accordance with requirements of IMO Res. MSC.74(69).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series,

EN 61993-2 (2001).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series,

IEC 61993-2 (2001).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Track control system

(working at ship’s speed from minimum manoeuvring speed up to 30 knots)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.74(69).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series,

EN 62065 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series,

IEC 62065 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment with automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA)

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19.

IMO Res. A.278(VIII),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.823(19),

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

ITU-R M. 628-3(11/93),

ITU-R M. 1177-3(06/03).

EN 60872-1 (1998),

EN 60936-1 (2000),

EN 60936-1 A1 (2002),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.


IEC 60872-1 (1998),

IEC 60936-1 Ed.1.1 (2002),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment with automatic tracking aid (ATA)

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.278(VIII),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

ITU-R M. 628-3(11/93),

ITU-R M. 1177-3(06/03).

EN 60872-2 (1999),

EN 60936-1 (2000),

EN 60936-1 A1 (2002),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.


IEC 60872-2 (1998),

IEC 60936-1 Ed.1.1 (2002),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment with electronic plotting aid (EPA)

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.278(VIII),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

ITU-R M. 628-3(11/93),

ITU-R M. 1177-3(06/03).

EN 60872-3 (2001),

EN 60936-1 (2000),

EN 60936-1 A1 (2002),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.


IEC 60872-3 (2000),

IEC 60936-1 Ed.1.1 (2002),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment with automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA) for high speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

IMO Res. A.278(VIII),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.820(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

ITU-R M. 628-3(11/93),

ITU-R M. 1177-3(06/03).

EN 60872-1 (1998),

EN 60936-2 (1999),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.


IEC 60872-1 (1998),

IEC 60936-2 (1998),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar equipment with automatic tracking aid (ATA) for high speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

IMO Res. A.278(VIII),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.820(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

ITU-R M. 628-3(11/93),

ITU-R M. 1177-3(06/03).

EN 60872-2 (1999),

EN 60936-2 (1999),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.


IEC 60872-2 (1998),

IEC 60936-2 (1998),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Radar reflector

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.164(78).

EN ISO 8729 (1998),

EN 60945 (2002).


ISO 8729 (1997),

IEC 60945 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.2

Heading control system for high speed craft (formerly auto-pilot)

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.822(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

ISO 16329 (2003),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


ISO 16329 (2003),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.3

Transmitting heading device THD (GNSS method)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.116(73).

ISO 22090-3 (2004),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


ISO 22090-3 (2004),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.5

Searchlight for high speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

ISO 17884 (2004),

EN 60945 (2002).


ISO 17884 (2004),

IEC 60945 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.6

Night vision equipment for high speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

IMO Res.A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.94(72),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

ISO 16273 (2003),

EN 60945 (2002).


ISO 16273 (2003),

IEC 60945 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.12

Differential beacon receiver:




Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.114(73).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61108-1 (2003),

EN 61108-2 (1998),

IEC 61108-4 (2004),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61108-1 (2002),

IEC 61108-2 (1998),

IEC 61108-4 (2004),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.21

Chart facilities for shipborne radar

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.817(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60936-3 (2002),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60936-3 (2002),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/4.22

Transmitting heading device THD (Gyroscopic method)

Reg. V/18.

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.116(73).

ISO 22090-1 (2002),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


ISO 22090-1 (2002),

IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.

B + D

B + E

B + F



(New item)

Simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR)

Reg. V/20.

Reg. V/20,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.163(78).

EN 60945(2002),

EN 61162 series,

IEC 61996-2 (2006).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series,

IEC 61996-2 (2006).

B + D

B + E

B + F


5.   Radiocommunication equipment

Notes applicable to section 5: Radiocommunication equipment.

Column 5: In case of conflicting requirements between IMO MSC/Circ.862 and the product testing standards, the IMO MSC/Circ.862 requirements shall take precedence.

Wherever reference is made to EN 61162 series or IEC 61162 series, the intended item layout shall be taken into account to determine the applicable standard of EN 61162 series or IEC 61162 series.


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








VHF radio capable of transmitting and receiving DSC and radiotelephony

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.385(X),

IMO Res. A.524(13),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.803(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


ITU-R M.489-2 (10/95),

ITU-R M.493-10 (05/00),

ITU-R M.541-8 (10/97),

ITU-R M.689-2 (11/93).

ETSI ETS 300 162-1 V1.4.1 (2005-05),

ETSI EN 300338 V1.2.1 (1999-04),

ETSI EN 300828 V1.1.1 (1998-03),

ETSI EN 301925 V1.1.1 (2002-09),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-3 (1994),

IEC 61097-7 (1996),

EN 61162 series,

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

B + D

B + E

B + F



VHF DSC watch-keeping receiver

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.803(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,


ITU-R M.489-2 (10/95),

ITU-R M.493-10 (05/00),

ITU-R M.541-8 (10/97).

ETSI EN 300338 V1.2.1 (1999-04),

ETSI EN 300828 V1.1.1 (1998-03),

ETSI EN 301033 V1.2.1 (2005-05),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-3 (1994),

IEC 61097-8 (1998).

B + D

B + E

B + F



NAVTEX receiver

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.148(77),


ITU-R M.540-2 (06/90),

ITU-R M.625-3 (10/95).

ETSI EN 300 065-1 V1.1.3 (2005-5),

ETSI EN 301011 V1.1.1 (1998-09),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-6 (2005-12).

B + D

B + E

B + F



EGC receiver

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.570(14),

IMO Res. A.664(16),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,


ETSI ETS 300460 Ed.1 (1996-05),

ETSI ETS 300 460/ A1 (1997-11),

ETSI EN 300829 V1.1.1 (1998-03),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-4 (1994).

B + D

B + E

B + F



HF marine safety information (MSI) equipment (HF NBDP receiver)

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.699(17),

IMO Res. A.700(17),

IMO Res. A.806(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,


ITU-R M.491-1 (07/86),

ITU-R M.492-6 (10/95),

ITU-R M.540-2 (06/90),

ITU-R M.625-3 (10/95),

ITU-R M.688 (06/90).

ETSI ETS 300067 Ed.1 (1990-11),

ETSI ETS 300 067/ A1 Ed.1 (1993-10),

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series.

B + D

B + E

B + F




Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.662(16),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.696(17),

IMO Res. A.810(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


ITU-R M.633-2 (05/00),

ITU-R M.690-1 (10/95).

ETSI EN 300066 V 1.3.1 (2001-01),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-2 (2002),

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

Note: IMO MSC/Circ.862 is applicable only to the optional remote activation device, not to the EPIRB itself.

B + D

B + E

B + F




Moved to A.2/5.6


2 182 kHz watch receiver

Item deleted


Two-tone alarm generator

Item deleted


MF radio capable of transmitting and receiving DSC and radiotelephony

Note: In line with IMO and ITU decisions, the requirements for Two Tone Alarm generator and transmission on H3E are no longer applicable in the testing standards

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/9,

Reg. IV/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.804(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,


ITU-R M.493-10 (05/00),

ITU-R M.541-8 (10/97).

ETSI EN 300338 V1.2.1 (1999-04),

ETSI ETS 300 373-1 V1.2.1 (2002-10),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-3 (1994),

IEC 61097-9 (1997),

EN 61162 series,

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

B + D

B + E

B + F



MF DSC watch-keeping receiver

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/9,

Reg. IV/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.804(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,


ITU-R M.493-10 (05/00),

ITU-R M.541-8 (10/97),

ITU-R M.1173 (10/95).

ETSI EN 300338 V1.2.1 (1999-04),

ETSI EN 301033 V1.2.1 (2005-05),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-3 (1994),

IEC 61097-8 (1998).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Inmarsat-B SES

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.570(14),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.808(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-10 (1999),

IMO MSC/Circ 862.

B + D

B + E

B + F



Inmarsat-C SES

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.570(14),

IMO Res. A.664 (16), (applicable only if the Inmarsat C SES comprises EGC functions),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.807(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


ETSI ETS 300460 Ed.1 (1996-05),

ETSI ETS 300 460/A1 (1997-11),

ETSI EN 300829 V1.1.1 (1998-03),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-4 (1994),

EN 61162 series,

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

B + D

B + E

B + F



MF/HF radio capable of transmitting and receiving DSC, NBDP and radiotelephony

Note: In line with IMO and ITU decisions, the requirements for Two Tone Alarm generator and transmission on A3H are no longer applicable in testing standards.

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.806(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)- (2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


ITU-R M.476-5 (10/95),

ITU-R M.491-1 (07/86),

ITU-R M.492-6 (10/95),

ITU-R M.493-10 (05/00),

ITU-R M.541-8 (10/97),

ITU-R M.625-3 (10/95),

ITU-R M.1173 (10/95).

ETSI ETS 300067 Ed.1 (1990-11),

ETSI ETS 300 067/ A1 Ed.1 (1993-10),

ETSI EN 300338 V1.2.1 (1999-04),

ETSI ETS 300 373-1 V1.2.1 (2002-10),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-3 (1994),

IEC 61097-9 (1997),

EN 61162 series,

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

B + D

B + E

B + F



MF/HF DSC watch keeping receiver

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.806(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,


ITU-R M.493-10 (05/00),

ITU-R M.541-8 (10/97).

ETSI EN 300338 V1.2.1 (1999-04),

ETSI EN 301033 V1.2.1 (2005-05),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-3 (1994),

IEC 61097-8 (1998).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Aeronautical two way VHF radio telephone apparatus

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.80(70),


ICAO Convention, Annex 10, Radio -Regulations.

ETSI EN 301688 V1.1.1 (2000-07),

EN 60945 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Portable survival craft two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. III/6,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8, 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8, 14,

IMO Res. MSC.149(77),

ITU-R M.489-2 (10/95),

ITU-R M.542.1 (07/82).

ETSI EN 300225 V1.4.1 (2004-12),

EN 300828 V1.1.1 (1998-03),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-12 (1996).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Fixed survival craft two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. III/6,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.809(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8, 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8, 14,

ITU-R M.489-2 (10/95).

ETSI EN 301466 V1.1.1 (2000-11),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-12 (1996).

B + D

B + E

B + F



Ex A.2/5.3

Inmarsat-F SES

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/10,

IMO Res. A.570 (14),

IMO Res. A.808 (19),

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-13 (2003),

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

B + D

B + E

B + F


6.   Equipment required under COLREG 72


Item designation

Regulation COLREG 72 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of COLREG and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Ex A.2/6.1

Navigation lights

COLREG Annex I/14.

Annex I/14,

IMO Res. A.694(17).

EN 14744 (2005),

EN 60945 (2002).

B + D

B + E

B + F




1.   Life-saving appliances


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Radar reflector for liferafts

Reg. III/4,

Reg. III/34,

Reg. X/3.

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code).




Immersion suit materials

Reg. III/4,

Reg. III/34.

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code).




Float-free launching appliances for survival craft

Reg. III/4,

Reg. III/34.

Reg. III/13,

Reg. III/16,

Reg. III/26,

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 8,

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code) I, IV, VI,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 8,

IMO MSC/Circ.980.




Embarkation ladders

Reg. III/4,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. III/34,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

ISO 799 (1980).



Ex A.2/1.3

Public address & general emergency alarm system

(when used as fire alarm device item A.1/3.53 shall apply)

Reg. III/6.

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.48(66)-(LSA Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.808.



2.   Marine pollution prevention


Item designation

Regulation MARPOL 73/78 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of MARPOL 73/78 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








On board NOx monitoring and recording devices

Annex VI Reg. 13,

NOx Technical Code.

Annex VI Reg. 13,

NOx Technical Code.




On board exhaust gas cleaning systems

Annex VI Reg. 13.3 (b) (i),

Annex VI Reg. 14.4 (b).

Annex VI Reg. 13.3 (b) (i),

Annex VI Reg. 14.4 (b).

IMO Res. MEPC.130(55).



Equivalent methods to reduce on board NOx emissions

Annex VI Reg. 13.3 (b) (ii).

Annex VI Reg. 13.3 (b) (ii).




Other technological methods to limit SOx emissions

Annex VI Reg. 14.4 (c).

Annex VI Reg. 14.4 (c).




Ballast water management systems



IMO Res. MEPC.125(53),

IMO Res. MEPC.126(53).


3.   Fire protection equipment


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Non-portable and transportable extinguishers

Moved to A.1/3.52


Nozzles for fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems for special category spaces, ro-ro cargo spaces, ro-ro spaces and vehicle spaces

Reg. II-2/19,

Reg. II-2/20,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 7.

Reg. II-2/19,

Reg. II-2/20,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 7.

IMO Res. A.123(V),

IMO MSC/Circ.914.



Cold-weather starting of generator sets (starting devices)

Reg. II-1/44,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-1/44,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).




Dual purpose type nozzles

(spray/jet type)

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).




Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems components for control stations, service spaces, accommodation spaces, machinery spaces and unattended machinery spaces

Moved to A.1/3.51


Smoke detectors

Moved to A.1/3.51


Heat detectors

Moved to A.1/3.51


Electric safety lamp

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

IEC Publication 79.



Ex A.1/3.50

Protective clothing resistant to chemical attack

Reg. II-2/19.

Reg. II-2/19,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7.

EN 943-1 (2002),

EN 943-1 (2002)/AC (2005),

EN 943-2 (2002),

EN ISO 6529 (2003),

EN ISO 6530 (2005),

EN 14605 (2005),

IMO MSC/Circ.1120.



Low-location lighting systems

Moved to A.1/3.40


Nozzles for fixed pressure water spraying fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).




Equivalent fixed gas fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms

Moved to A.1/3.45


Compressed airline breathing apparatus

(High Speed Craft)

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code) 3.

EN 14593-1 (2005),

EN 14593-2 (2005).



Fire hoses (reel type)

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

EN 671-1 (1994) + AC (1995).



Sample extraction smoke detection systems components

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. II-2/19,

Reg. II-2/20,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

Reg. II-2/7,

Reg. II-2/19,

Reg. II-2/20,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).




Flame detectors

Moved to A.1/3.51


Manual call points

Moved to A.1/3.51


Alarm devices

Moved to A.1/3.53


Fixed water based local application fire fighting systems components for use in category “A” machinery spaces

Moved to A.1/3.48


Upholstered furniture

Moved to A.1/3.20


Paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers fire extinguishing systems components

Reg. II-2/10.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

IMO MSC/Circ.847.



Galley Exhaust Duct Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems components

Reg. II-2/9.

Reg. II-2/9.




Helicopter Deck Fire Extinguishing Systems components

Reg. II-2/18.

Reg. II-2/18.




Portable Foam Applicator Units

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. II-2/20,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. II-2/20,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).




“C” class Divisions

Reg. II-2/3.

Reg. II-2/3.

IMO Res. A.653(16),

IMO Res. A.799(19),

IMO Res. MSC.61(67)-(FTP Code),

ISO 1716 (1973).



Gaseous Fuel Systems Used for Domestic Purposes (components)

Reg. II-2/4.

Reg. II-2/4.




Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems (CO2) components

Reg. II-2/5,

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. X/3.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

pr EN 12094 Parts 1-20.



Medium Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems components — Fixed Deck Foam for Tankers

Reg. II-2/10.

Reg. II-2/10.8.1,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

IMO MSC/Circ.798.



Fixed Low Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems components for Machinery Spaces and Tanker Deck Protection

Reg. II-2/10.

Reg. II-2/10,

IMO Res. MSC.98(73)-(FSS Code).

IMO MSC/Circ.582 and Corrigendum 1.



Expansion Foam for Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for Chemical Tankers

IMO Res. MSC.4(48)-(IBC Code).

IMO Res. MSC.4(48)-(IBC Code).

IMO MSC/Circ.553,

IMO MSC/Circ.582,

IMO MSC/Circ.799.



Water Spraying Hand Operated System

Reg. II-2/10,

Reg. II-2/10,




4.   Navigation equipment

Notes applicable to section 4: Navigation equipment

Columns 3 and 4: References to SOLAS Chapter V are to SOLAS 1974 as amended by MSC 73 and entering into force on 1 July 2002.


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Gyro compass for high speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.31


Heading control system for high speed craft (formerly auto-pilot)

Moved to A.1/4.40


Transmitting heading device THD (GNSS method)

Moved to A.1/4.41


Daylight signalling lamp

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.95(72),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Searchlight for high speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.42


Night vision equipment for high speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.43


Track control system

Moved to A.1/4.33


Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).

Moved to A.1/4.30


Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) backup

Moved to A.1/4.30


Raster Chart Display System (RCDS)

Moved to A.1/4.30


Combined GPS/GLONASS equipment

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.74(69),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002).

IEC 61162 series.



DGPS, DGLONASS equipment

Moved to A.1/4.44


Gyro compass for high speed craft

Moved to A.1/4.31


Voyage data recorder (VDR)

Moved to A.1/4.29


Integrated navigation system

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.86(70).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series,

IEC 61924 (2006).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series,

IEC 61924 (2006).



Integrated bridge system

Moved to A.1/4.28


Radar target enhancer

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

IMO Res. A.694(17),

ITU-R M 1176 (10/95).

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Sound reception system

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.86(70),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.



Magnetic compass for high speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

IMO Res. A.382(X),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

EN ISO 449 (1999),

EN ISO 694 (2001),

ISO 1069 (1973),

ISO 2269 (1992),

EN 60945 (2002).


ISO 449 (1997),

ISO 694 (2000),

ISO 1069 (1973),

ISO 2269 (1992),

IEC 60945 (2002).



Track control system for high-speed craft

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.



Chart facilities for shipborne radar

Moved to A.1/4.45


Transmitting heading device THD (Gyroscopic method)

Moved to A.1/4.46


Transmitting heading device THD (Magnetic method)

Moved to A.1/4.2


Thrust indicator

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).




Lateral thrust, pitch and mode indicators

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).




Ex A.1/4.9

Rate-of-turn indicator

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.526(13),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 series.


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 series.



Ex A.1/4.20

Rudder angle indicator

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Ex A.1/4.21

Propeller revolution indicator

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17).

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Ex A.1/4.22

Pitch indicator

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17).

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Ex A.1/4.28

Integrated bridge system

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 13,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 13.

Reg. V/19,

IMO Res. A.694 (17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 15,

IMO Res. MSC.64(67),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 15.

EN 60945 (2002),

EN 61162 Series,

EN 61209 (1999).


IEC 60945 (2002),

IEC 61162 Series,

IEC 61209 (1999).



(New item)

Bearing Device

Reg. V/18.

Reg. V/19.

EN 60945 (2002).



(New item)

Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)


IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.128(75),

IMO MSC/Circ.982.




(New item)

Track control system

(working at ship’s speed from 30 knots and above)

Reg. V/18,

Reg. X/3.


EN 60945 (2002).


5.   Radiocommunication equipment


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment









Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).


IMO Res. A.662(16),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.805(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

ITU-R M.489-2 (10/95),

ITU-R M.693 (06/90).

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Radio reserve source of energy

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. IV/13,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),



EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Inmarsat-F SES

Moved to A.1/5.19


Distress panel

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. IV/6,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO MSC/Circ. 862,


EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Distress alarm or alert panel

Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code).

Reg. IV/6,

IMO Res.A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code),

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code),

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).



Ex A.1/5.7


Reg. IV/14,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14.

Reg. IV/7,

Reg. X/3,

IMO Res. A.662(16),

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. A.812(19),

IMO Res. MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 14,

IMO Res. MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 14,

IMO MSC/Circ.862,


ITU-R M.632-3 (02/97),

ITU-R M.690-1 (10/95).

ETSI ETS 300372 Ed.1 (1996-05),

EN 60945 (2002),

IEC 61097-5 (1997),

IMO MSC/Circ.862.

Note: IMO MSC/Circ.862 is applicable only to the optional remote activation device, not to the EPIRB itself.



(New item)

Ship security alert system


Reg. XI-2/6,

IMO Res. A.694(17),

IMO Res. MSC.147(77),

IMO MSC/Circ.1072.

EN 60945 (2002).


IEC 60945 (2002).


6.   Equipment required under COLREG 72


Item designation

Regulation COLREG 72 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of COLREG and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Navigation lights

Moved to A.1/6.1


Sound signal appliances

Annex III/3.

Annex III/3,

IMO Res. A.694(17).

EN 60945 (2002),

Whistles — COLREG 72 Annex III/1 (Performance),

Bells or Gongs — COLREG 72 Annex III/2 (Performance),

IEC 60945 (1996),

Whistles — COLREG 72 Annex III/1 (Performance),

Bells or Gongs — COLREG 72 Annex III/2 (Performance).


7.   Bulk carrier safety equipment


Item designation

Regulation SOLAS 74 where “type approval” is required

Regulations of SOLAS 74 and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO, as applicable

Testing standards

Modules for conformity assessment








Loading instrument

Reg. XII/11,

1997 SOLAS Conference Res. 5.

Reg. XII/11,

1997 SOLAS Conference Res. 5.




(New item)

Water level detectors on bulk carriers

IMO Res. MSC.188(79).

Reg. XII/12,

IMO Res. MSC.188(79).

IEC 60092-0504,

IEC 60529,

IMO Res. MSC.188(79).


II Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is not obligatory

ACP-CE Council of Ministers



Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/63


of 13 June 2008

regarding the revision of the terms and conditions of financing for short-term fluctuations in export earnings



Having regard to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 and revised in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (hereinafter referred to as the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement), and in particular Article 100 thereof,



The signatory countries of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, aware that the instability of export earnings could be prejudicial to the development of the ACP States, have set up a system of additional support to mitigate the adverse effects of any instability in export earnings, including those of the agricultural and mining sectors; they confirm that the aim of this support is to safeguard socio-economic reforms and policies that could be affected negatively as a result of a drop in earnings and to remedy the adverse effects of instability of export earnings from agricultural and mining products.


In accordance with Article 11 of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, the provisions of Chapter 3 of that Annex covering the financing of short-term fluctuations in export earnings are subject to review at the latest after two years and subsequently at the request of either Party.


The system of support to mitigate the adverse effects of any instability in export earnings was amended for the first time by Decision No 2/2004 of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers of 30 June 2004.


At the signing of the revised ACP-EC Partnership Agreement in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005, the Parties made a joint declaration that: ‘The ACP-EC Council of Ministers will examine, in application of the provisions contained in Article 100 of the Cotonou Agreement, the proposals of the ACP side concerning Annex II thereof on short-term fluctuations in export earnings’.


It is necessary to improve the functioning of the system of financing for short-term fluctuations in export earnings so that it responds more adequately to its objectives,


Article 1

Chapter 3 of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement is hereby amended as follows:


Article 9(1) shall be replaced by the following:

‘Eligibility criteria

1.   Eligibility for additional resources shall be established by:

a 10 % (2 % in the case of least-developed, landlocked, island, post-conflict and post-natural disaster States) loss of export earnings from goods compared with the arithmetic mean of the earnings in the four years preceding the application year, excluding the most extreme value, or

a 10 % (2 % in the case of least-developed, landlocked, island, post-conflict and post-natural disaster States) loss of export earnings from the total of agricultural or mineral products compared with the arithmetic mean of the earnings in the four years preceding the application year, excluding the most extreme value for countries where the agricultural or mineral export earnings represent more than 40 % of total export earnings from goods, or

a 10 % (2 % in the case of least-developed, landlocked, island, post-conflict and post-natural disaster States) loss of export earnings from the total of agricultural or mineral products compared with the arithmetic mean of the earnings in the four years preceding the application year, excluding the most extreme value for countries where the agricultural or mineral export earnings represent between 20 % and 40 % of total export earnings from goods, provided that total earnings do not increase more than proportionally with respect to the impact of the loss of export earnings from agricultural or mineral products as a proportion of total exports.’;


Article 9(2) shall be replaced by the following:

‘2.   The loss of export earnings defined in paragraph 1 must be 0,5 % of GDP or more for there to be entitlement to additional support. Entitlement to additional support shall be limited to three successive years.’;


Article 9(3) shall be replaced by the following:

‘3.   The additional resources shall be reflected in the public accounts of the country concerned. They shall be utilised in accordance with programming rules and methods, including the specific provisions of Annex IV “Implementation and management procedures”, on the basis of agreements drawn up in advance between the Community and the ACP State concerned in the year following the application year. By agreement of both Parties the resources may be used to finance programmes included in the national budget. However, a part of the additional resources may be set aside for specific sectors, in particular to develop market-based insurance schemes offering protection against the risk of fluctuations in export earnings.’;


An Article 9a shall be added to Chapter 3 of Annex II:

‘Article 9a

1.   The amount of additional financial support shall be equal to the loss of export earnings multiplied by the arithmetic mean of the “government revenue/gross domestic product” ratio of the four years preceding the application year, excluding the most extreme value and capping that ratio at 25 %.

2.   The Commission shall analyse the data provided by the ACP States for the purpose of establishing eligibility and additional financial support as defined in Article 9 in the local currency corrected for inflation. The Commission will then convert the potential amount of additional financial support into euro in accordance with its procedures.

3.   Each year, within the total financial allocation for national indicative programmes, the Commission shall establish an envelope covering all ACP countries to provide support in the event of short-term fluctuations in export earnings. If the amount of financial support calculated on the basis of the criteria defined in Article 9 exceeds the amount of that envelope, each ACP State’s share will be established in proportion to the potential amount of its additional financial support expressed in euro.’;


Article 10 shall be replaced by the following:

‘The system for allocating additional resources shall provide for advances to cover any delays in obtaining consolidated trade statistics and to ensure that the resources in question can be included in the budget of the second year following the application year at the latest. Advances shall be reserved for States where Flex financial support can be implemented by means of general budgetary support. They shall be mobilised on the basis of provisional export statistics drawn up by the government and submitted to the Commission. The maximum advance shall be 100 % of the amount of additional financial support for the application year. The amounts thus mobilised shall be adjusted in the light of the final consolidated export statistics. Those statistics shall be submitted no later than 31 December of the second year following the application year.’

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.

Done at Addis Ababa, 13 June 2008.

For the ACP-EC Council of Ministers

The President

Mohamed Ahmed AWALEH




Official Journal of the European Union

L 171/65

Corrigendum to Regulation (EC) No 620/2008 of 27 June 2008 correcting Commission Regulation (EC) No 386/2008 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products

( Official Journal of the European Union L 168 of 28 June 2008 )

On page 28, in the Annex, in the title:


‘Export refunds on milk and milk products applicable from 27 June 2008 ’,


‘Export refunds on milk and milk products applicable from 30 April 2008 ’.