ISSN 1725-2555

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 114

European flag  

English edition


Volume 51
26 April 2008



I   Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory







Commission Regulation (EC) No 375/2008 of 25 April 2008 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables




Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 of 23 April 2008 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products (Codified version)




Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008 of 25 April 2008 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community as regards the codification to be used for data transmission from 2009 onwards, the use of a sub-sample for the collection of data on structural variables and the definition of the reference quarters ( 1 )




Commission Regulation (EC) No 378/2008 of 25 April 2008 on the issue of import licences for rice within the framework of the tariff quotas opened for the April 2008 sub-period by Regulation (EC) No 327/98




Commission Regulation (EC) No 379/2008 of 25 April 2008 determining the allocation of export licences for certain milk products to be exported to the Dominican Republic under the quota referred to in Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006







Directive 2008/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 amending Directive 2004/40/EC on minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)




II   Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is not obligatory












Commission Decision of 21 April 2008 requiring Member States to ensure that magnetic toys placed or made available on the market display a warning about the health and safety risks they pose (notified under document number C(2008) 1484)  ( 1 )







Commission Decision of 22 April 2008 amending Decision 2007/716/EC as regards certain establishments in the meat and milk sectors in Bulgaria (notified under document number C(2008) 1482)  ( 1 )







Commission Decision of 23 April 2008 amending the Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania as regards certain milk processing establishments in Bulgaria (notified under document number C(2008) 1572)  ( 1 )







Commission Decision of 24 April 2008 on financial aid from the Community for the year 2008 for certain Community reference laboratories in the field of animal health and live animals (notified under document number C(2008) 1570)




(1)   Text with EEA relevance


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.

I Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory




Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/1


of 25 April 2008

establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 of 21 December 2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No 2200/96, (EC) No 2201/96 and (EC) No 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector (1), and in particular Article 138(1) thereof,



Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the Uruguay Round multilateral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the Commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the Annex thereto.


In compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the Annex to this Regulation,


Article 1

The standard import values referred to in Article 138 of Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 shall be fixed as indicated in the Annex hereto.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on 26 April 2008.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2008.

For the Commission


Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 350, 31.12.2007, p. 1.


to Commission Regulation of 25 April 2008 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables

(EUR/100 kg)

CN code

Third country code (1)

Standard import value

0702 00 00











0707 00 05









0709 90 70









0805 10 20















0805 50 10

















0808 10 80























0808 20 50















(1)  Country nomenclature as fixed by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1833/2006 (OJ L 354, 14.12.2006, p. 19). Code ‘ ZZ ’ stands for ‘of other origin’.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/3


of 23 April 2008

laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products

(Codified version)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 of 29 September 2003 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), and in particular Article 9(2), Article 12(1) and (4) and Article 18 thereof, and the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organisation of markets in agricultural products,



Commission Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000 of 9 June 2000 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products (2) has been substantially amended several times (3). In the interests of clarity and rationality the said Regulation should be codified.


The Community Regulations which introduced import and export licences provide that all imports into the Community and all exports from it of agricultural products are to be subject to the production of such a licence. The scope of such licences should therefore be defined, with the express stipulation that they are not required for operations which do not constitute imports or exports in the strict sense.


Where products are subject to inward-processing arrangements, the competent authorities may, in some cases, allow products to be put into free circulation either with or without further processing. In such cases, to ensure that the market is properly managed, an import licence should be required for products actually put into free circulation. However, where a product put into free circulation has been obtained from basic products some of which have been imported from third countries and some of which have been purchased in the Community, only those basic products imported from third countries or obtained from the processing of basic products from third countries need to be taken into consideration.


The object of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates is the sound administration of the common market organisation. Some operations relate to small quantities and, in the interests of simplifying administrative procedures, import and export licences and advance-fixing certificates should not be required for such operations.


Export licences are not required for the victualling of vessels and aeroplanes in the Community. Since the justification is similar, this provision should also apply to deliveries to platforms and naval vessels and to victualling in third countries. For the same reasons, licences should not be required for the operations covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 of 28 March 1983 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (4).


In view of international trade practice in respect of the products or goods in question, certain tolerances should be allowed with regard to the quantity of products imported or exported as compared with the quantity indicated on the licence or certificate.


So that several operations can be carried out at the same time under one licence or certificate, provision should be made for extracts of licences and certificates to be issued which have the same effect as the licences and certificates from which they are extracted.


Under the Community rules governing the various sectors covered by the common organisation of agricultural markets, import and export licences and advance fixing certificates are applicable to operations effected in the Community. This arrangement requires common rules to be adopted for drawing up and using such licences or certificates and Community forms and methods to be established for administrative cooperation between Member States.


The use of computerised procedures is gradually replacing the manual input of data in the different areas of administrative activity. It should therefore also be possible to use computerised and electronic procedures when issuing and using licences and certificates.


The Community Regulations which introduced those licences and certificates provide that they are to be issued subject to the lodging of a security so as to guarantee that the undertaking to import or export will be fulfilled during the period of their validity. It is necessary to define when the undertaking to export or import is fulfilled.


In the case of licences with advance fixing of the refund, the licence to be used depends on the tariff classification of the product. In the case of certain mixtures, the rates of refund do not depend on the tariff classification of the product but on special rules laid down for that purpose. Therefore, where the component on which the refund applicable to the mixture is calculated does not correspond to the tariff classification of the mixture, such imported or exported mixtures should not qualify for the rate fixed in advance.


Import licences are sometimes used to administer quantitative import arrangements. This is possible only where knowledge of the imports effected under the licences issued is available within a fairly short period. In such cases, the requirement to produce evidence that licences have been used is not merely in the interest of sound administration but becomes essential for administering these quantitative arrangements. The evidence in question is supplied by producing copy No 1 of the licence and, where appropriate, the extracts therefrom. It is possible to supply such evidence within a fairly short period. Such a time limit should therefore be fixed for cases where the Community rules on the licences used to administer quantitative arrangements make reference thereto.


In some cases the amount of security required for a licence or certificate may be extremely small. In order to reduce the administrative load, no security should be required in such cases.


Since in practice the person using a licence or certificate may not be the holder or transferee, in the interests of legal certainty and administrative efficiency it should be specified which persons are authorised to use the certificate or licence. The necessary link between the titular holder and the person making the customs declaration should be established to this end.


An import or export licence confers the right to import or export and so it must be presented at the time when the import or export declaration is accepted.


When simplified import or export procedures are used, the requirement to present the licence to the customs authorities may be waived or the licence may be presented subsequently. However, the importer or exporter must be in possession of the licence on the date considered to be that on which the import or export declaration is accepted.


In the interests of simplification, the rules may be made more flexible so as to allow Member States to introduce a simplified procedure for the administrative handling of licences, under which licences are kept by the issuing body or, where applicable, the paying agency in the case of export licences with advance fixing of the refund.


In the interest of sound administration, licences or certificates and extracts therefrom may not be amended after issue. However, in cases of doubt relating to an error attributable to the issuing body or to obvious inaccuracies and concerning the items appearing on the licence, certificate or extract, a procedure should be introduced whereby inaccurate licences, certificates or extracts may be withdrawn and corrected documents issued.


Where a product is placed under one of the simplified arrangements provided for in Articles 412 to 442a of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code (5), or in Title X, Chapter I of Appendix I to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure, no formalities need to be carried out at the customs office of the frontier station in cases where transit begins inside the Community and is to end outside it. In the interests of administrative simplicity, where one of these procedures is applied, special arrangements should be adopted for the release of the security.


It can happen that, for reasons outside the control of the party concerned, the document constituting proof of departure from the Community's customs territory cannot be produced although the product has left the said territory or, in the case of operations as specified in Article 36 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 of 15 April 1999 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products (6), reached its destination. Such a situation may impede trade. In such circumstances other documents should be recognised as being equivalent.


The Community Regulations which introduced the licences and certificates concerned provide that the security is to be forfeit in whole or in part if import or export is not carried out, or only partly carried out, during the period of validity of the licence or certificate. The action to be taken in such circumstances should be specified in detail, in particular for cases where non-fulfilment of undertakings is due to force majeure. In such cases the obligation to import or export may be considered cancelled or the period of validity of the licence or certificate may be extended. However, in order to prevent possible disruption of the market, that extension should in any case be limited to a maximum of six months calculated from the end of the original period of validity.


In order to simplify administrative procedures, the security should be returned in full when the total amount to be forfeit is very small.


The security lodged at the time of the issue of the licences or certificates is to be released provided proof is supplied to the competent bodies that the goods concerned have left the Community's customs territory within 60 days from the date on which the export declarations are accepted.


It can happen that the security is released for various reasons without the obligation to import or export actually having been fulfilled. In such cases, the wrongly released security should be relodged.


In order to make full use of export possibilities for agricultural products eligible for refunds, a mechanism should be introduced to encourage operators to return quickly any licences and certificates which they will not be using to the issuing body. A mechanism should also be introduced to encourage operators to return certificates to the issuing body promptly after their expiry date so that the unused quantities can be reused as quickly as possible.


Under Article 3(4) of Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1182/71 of 3 June 1971 determining the rules applicable to periods, dates and time limits (7), where the last day of a period is a public holiday, Sunday or Saturday the period ends with the expiry of the last hour of the following working day. In certain cases, that provision results in the period of use of licences or certificates being extended. Such a measure, which is designed to facilitate trade, must not have the effect of changing the economic conditions of the import or export operation.


In some sectors of the common organisation of the agricultural markets there is provision for a period of reflection before export licences are issued. The purpose of this period is to allow the market situation to be assessed and, where appropriate, in particular where there are difficulties, to allow pending applications to be suspended, which amounts to rejecting those applications. It should be specified that such suspension is also possible in the case of licences applied for under Article 47 of this Regulation and that once the period of reflection has elapsed the licence application cannot again be suspended.


Under Article 844(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, products exported under a licence or advance-fixing certificate may qualify for treatment as returned goods only where the Community rules on licences and certificates have been complied with. Special rules should be laid down for applying the system of licences and certificates for products likely to qualify under these arrangements.


Under Article 896 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, goods which are put into free circulation under an import licence or advance-fixing certificate are eligible for the system of repayment or remission of import duties only where it is established that the necessary steps have been taken by the competent authorities to cancel the effects of putting those goods into free circulation as regards the licence or certificate.


Article 880 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 lays down certain detailed rules for applying Article 896 of that Regulation, in particular that the authorities responsible for issuing licences and certificates must provide confirmation.


This Regulation should lay down all the rules necessary for implementing Article 896 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93. In some cases it should be possible to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 without recourse to the confirmation referred to in Article 880 thereof.


When import licences are used to determine the preferential import duty under tariff quotas, there is a danger that forged licences may be used, in particular in cases where there is a large difference between the full duty and the reduced or zero duty. To reduce this danger of fraud, there should be a mechanism for verifying the authenticity of the licences submitted.


Where an import licence covering an agricultural product is also used to administer a tariff quota to which preferential arrangements apply, such preferential arrangements are to apply to importers by virtue of the licence or certificate which must, in some cases, be accompanied by a document from a third country. To avoid any overrun in the quota, the preferential arrangements must apply up to the quantity for which the licence or certificate was issued. However, in order to facilitate imports, the tolerance provided for in Article 7(4) should be permitted, provided that it is specified at the same time that the part of the quantity exceeding that shown on the licence or certificate but within the tolerance does not qualify under the preferential arrangements and full duty is payable thereon on import.


The measures laid down in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinions of all the management committees concerned,




Article 1

Subject to certain exceptions laid down in Community rules specific to certain products, this Regulation lays down common rules for implementing the system of import and export licences and advance-fixing certificates (hereinafter referred to as licences and certificates) established by or provided for in:

Article 8 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2759/75 (8) (pigmeat),

Article 3 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2771/75 (9) (eggs),

Article 3 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2777/75 (10) (poultrymeat),

Article 2 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2783/75 (11) (ovalbumin and lactalbumin),

Article 29 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 (12) (beef and veal),

Article 26 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 (13) (milk and milk products),

Article 59 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (14) (wine),

Article 13 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 (15) (sheepmeat and goatmeat),

Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 (cereals),

Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 (16) (rice),

Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 865/2004 (17) (olive oil and table olives),

Article 22 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1043/2005 (18) (agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty),

Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1947/2005 (19) (seeds),

Article 23 of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 (20) (sugar, isoglucose and inulin syrup),

Articles 28 to 32 and Article 40 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1182/2007 (21) (fruit and vegetables),

Section I of Chapters II and III of Part III of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (live plants and cut flowers, bananas and alcohol).



Article 2

A licence or certificate shall not be required and may not be presented in respect of products:


which are not placed in free circulation within the Community; or


in respect of which export is effected:


under a customs procedure which allows import free of the relevant customs duties or charges having equivalent effect, or


under special arrangements which allow export free of export duties, as referred to in Article 129 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92.

Article 3

1.   Where products which are subject to inward-processing arrangements and which do not contain basic products as referred to in paragraph 2(a) are placed in free circulation, then, insofar as the products actually placed in free circulation are subject to an import licence, such a licence must be produced.

2.   Where products which are subject to either of the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 and which contain both:


one or more basic products which came within the terms of Article 23(2) of the Treaty but no longer do so as a result of their incorporation in the products put into free circulation; and


one or more basic products which did not come within the terms of Article 23(2) of the Treaty,

are placed in free circulation then, notwithstanding Article 7(1) of this Regulation, for each basic product referred to in point (b) of this paragraph actually used and being a product subject to an import licence, such a licence shall be produced.

However, an import licence shall not be required where the product actually placed in free circulation is not subject to such a licence.

3.   The import licence or licences produced when a product as referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 is placed in free circulation may not provide for advance fixing.

4.   On exportation of a product subject to either of the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 and containing one or more of the basic products referred to in paragraph 2(a), then for each such basic product, being a product subject to an export licence, such licence shall be produced.

However, subject to the third subparagraph concerning the advance fixing of refunds, an export licence shall not be required when the product actually exported is not subject to such a licence.

On exportation of compound products qualifying for an export refund fixed in advance on the basis of one or more of their components, the customs status of each such component shall be the sole element to be taken into account when applying the system of licences and certificates.

Article 4

1.   A licence shall not be required and may not be produced for the purposes of operations:


as specified in Articles 36, 40, 44 and 45 and Article 46(1) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999; or


of a non-commercial nature; or


referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 918/83; or


relating to quantities not exceeding those set out in Annex II.

Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, a licence must be produced when the import or export is being made under preferential arrangements which are granted by means of the licence.

Member States shall take precautions against abuse when applying this paragraph, in particular when a single import or export operation is covered by more than one import or export declaration which are manifestly unwarranted for economic or other purposes.

2.   For the purposes of paragraph 1, ‘operations of a non-commercial nature’ shall mean:


imports by or consigned to private individuals, provided that such operations satisfy the requirements of Section II(D)(2) of the preliminary provisions of the Combined Nomenclature;


exports by private individuals, provided that such operations satisfy, mutatis mutandis, the requirements referred to in point (a).

3.   Member States are authorised not to require an export licence or licences for products and/or goods consigned by private individuals or groups of private individuals with a view to their free distribution for humanitarian aid purposes in third countries where all the following conditions are met:


no refund is applied for by the parties which wish to benefit from this exemption;


such consignments are occasional in nature, comprise varied products and/or goods and do not exceed a total of 30 000 kg per means of transport; and


the competent authorities have sufficient proof as to the destination and/or use of the products and/or goods and the proper execution of the operation.

The following indication shall be inserted in Section 44 of the export declaration: ‘No refund — Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 376/2008’.

Article 5

A licence or certificate shall not be required and may not be produced when products are placed in free circulation under Title VI, Chapter 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 governing the treatment of returned goods.

Article 6

1.   An export licence shall not be required and may not be produced at the time of acceptance of the re-export declaration for products for which the exporter provides proof that a favourable decision for repayment or remission of import duties has been given in respect of such products under Title VII, Chapter 5, of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92.

2.   Where products are subject on export to presentation of an export licence and the competent authorities accept the re-export declaration before deciding on the application for repayment or remission of import duties, an export licence must be produced. Advance fixing of the export refund or levy shall not be permitted.




Scope of licences, certificates and extracts

Article 7

1.   The import or export licence shall constitute authorisation and give rise to an obligation respectively to import or to export under the licence, and, except in cases of force majeure, during its period of validity, the specified quantity of the products or goods concerned.

The obligations referred to in this paragraph shall be primary requirements within the meaning of Article 20 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 (22).

2.   An export licence fixing the export refund in advance shall give rise to an obligation to export the specified quantity of the relevant product under the licence and, except in cases of force majeure, during its period of validity.

Where exports of products are subject to presentation of an export licence, the export licence with advance fixing of the refund shall determine the right to export and entitlement to the refund.

Where exports of products are not subject to presentation of an export licence, the export licence with advance fixing of the refund shall determine only the entitlement to the refund.

The obligations referred to in this paragraph shall be primary requirements within the meaning of Article 20 of Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85.

3.   In the cases specified in Article 47 and in cases where such requirement is provided for in the specific Community rules for the relevant sector, the issue of a licence or certificate shall give rise to an obligation to import from or export to the country or group of countries specified therein.

4.   Where the quantity imported or exported is greater by not more than 5 % than the quantity indicated in the licence or certificate, it shall be considered to have been imported or exported under that licence or certificate.

5.   Where the quantity imported or exported is less by not more than 5 % than the quantity indicated in the licence or certificate, the obligation to import or export shall be considered to have been fulfilled.

6.   For the purposes of paragraphs 4 and 5, if the licence or certificate is issued on a headage basis the result of the 5 % calculation referred to therein shall, where applicable, be rounded off to the next greater whole number of head.

7.   Where, under Article 3(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 1182/71, a licence or certificate fixing the export levy or export refund in advance is used on the first working day following the last day of its normal period of validity, the licence or certificate shall be considered to have been used on the last day of its normal period of validity for the purposes of the amounts fixed in advance.

Article 8

1.   Obligations deriving from licences or certificates shall not be transferable. Rights deriving from licences or certificates shall be transferable by their titular holder during the period of its validity. Such transfer may be made in favour of a single transferee only for each licence or certificate or extract therefrom. It shall relate to quantities not yet attributed to the licence or certificate or extract.

2.   Transferees may not further transfer their rights but may transfer them back to the titular holder. Transfers back to the titular holder shall relate to quantities not yet attributed to the licence or certificate or extract.

In such cases, one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part A, shall be made by the issuing agency in section 6 of the licence or certificate.

3.   In the event of a request for transfer by the titular holder or transfer back to the titular holder by the transferee, the issuing body or the agency or agencies designated by each Member State shall enter the following on the licence or certificate or where appropriate the extract therefrom:


the name and address of the transferee or the entry referred to in paragraph 2;


the date of such entry certified by the stamp of the body or agency.

4.   The transfer or transfer back to the titular holder shall take effect from the date of the entry.

Article 9

Extracts from licences or certificates shall have the same legal effects as the licences or certificates from which they are extracted, within the limits of the quantity in respect of which such extracts are issued.

Article 10

Licences or certificates and extracts issued and entries and endorsements made by the authorities of a Member State shall have the same legal effects in each of the other Member States as documents issued and entries and endorsements made by the authorities of these Member States.

Article 11

1.   When a licence fixing the refund in advance is used to export a mixture, such mixture shall not be eligible on export for the rate so fixed in advance where the tariff classification of the constituent on which the refund applicable to the mixture is calculated does not correspond to that of the mixture.

2.   Where a licence or a certificate fixing the export refund in advance is used to export goods put up in sets, the rate fixed in advance shall apply only to the component which has the same tariff classification as the set.


Application for and issue of licences and certificates

Article 12

1.   No application for a licence or certificate shall be accepted unless it is forwarded to or lodged with the competent body on forms printed and/or made out in accordance with Article 17.

However, competent bodies may accept written telecommunications and electronic messages as valid applications, provided they include all the information which would have appeared on the form, had it been used. Member States may require that a written telecommunication and/or electronic message be followed by an application on a form printed or made out in accordance with Article 17, forwarded or delivered direct to the competent body; in such cases the date on which the written telecommunication or electronic message reached the competent body shall be taken as the day the application is lodged. This requirement shall not affect the validity of applications forwarded by written telecommunication or electronic message.

Where applications for licences or certificates are submitted electronically, the competent authorities of the Member State shall determine how the handwritten signature is to be replaced by another method, which might be based on the use of codes.

2.   Applications for licences and certificates may be cancelled only by letter, written telecommunication or electronic message received by the competent body, except in cases of force majeure, by 1 p.m. on the day the application is lodged.

Article 13

1.   Section 16 of applications for licences with advance fixing of the refund and of licences themselves shall show the 12-digit code of the product taken from the nomenclature of agricultural products for use with export refunds.

However, where the rate of refund is the same for several codes in the same category, to be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations governing market organisations, these codes may be entered together on licence applications and on the licences themselves.

2.   Where rates of refund are differentiated according to destination, the country or area of destination, as the case may be, must be indicated in Section 7 both on applications and on the licences themselves.

3.   Without prejudice to the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, where a product group as referred to in the second indent of the first subparagraph of Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 is defined, the product codes belonging to the group may be entered in Section 22 of licence applications and licences, preceded by the statement, ‘product group referred to in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999’.

Article 14

1.   Applications containing conditions not provided for in Community rules shall be refused.

2.   No application for a licence or certificate shall be accepted unless an adequate security has been lodged with the competent body not later than 1 p.m. on the day the application is lodged.

3.   Where the security on a licence or certificate comes to EUR 100 or less, or where the licence or certificate is drawn up in the name of an intervention agency, no security shall be required.

4.   Where Member States avail themselves of the options referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85, the amount of the security shall be claimed on expiry of the time limit of two months following the date on which the validity of the licence expires.

5.   No security shall be required in the case of export licences issued in respect of exports to third countries in connection with non-Community food-aid operations conducted by humanitarian agencies approved for that purpose by the exporting Member State. The Member State shall inform the Commission immediately of such approved humanitarian agencies.

6.   Where paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 are applied, the third subparagraph of Article 4(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 15

Applications for licences and licences with advance fixing of the refund which are drawn up in connection with a food-aid operation within the meaning of Article 10(4) of the Agreement on Agriculture, concluded as part of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, shall contain in Section 20 at least one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part B, of this Regulation.

The country of destination shall be indicated in Section 7. This licence shall be valid only for exports in the context of such food-aid operations.

Article 16

1.   The day an application for a licence or certificate is lodged means the day on which it is received by the competent body, provided it is received not later than 1 p.m., regardless of whether the application is delivered direct to the competent body or forwarded to it by letter or written telecommunication or electronic message.

2.   An application for a licence or certificate received by the competent body either on a Saturday, a Sunday or a holiday or after 1 p.m. on a working day shall be deemed to have been lodged on the first working day following the day on which it was in fact received.

3.   Where a period of a specified number of days is laid down for the lodging of applications for licences or certificates and where the last day of the period falls on a Saturday, a Sunday or a holiday, the period in question shall end on the first following working day at 1 p.m.

However, such extensions shall not be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the amounts fixed in the licence or certificate or for determining its period of validity.

4.   The time limits specified in this Regulation are in Belgian local time.

Article 17

1.   Without prejudice to the second subparagraph of Article 12(1) and Article 18(1), applications for licences or certificates, licences and certificates and extracts therefrom shall be drawn up on forms conforming to the specimens set out in Annex I. Such forms must be completed following the instructions given therein and in accordance with the specific Community provisions applicable to the relevant product sector.

2.   Licence and certificate forms shall be made up in sets containing copy No 1, copy No 2 and the application, together with any extra copies of the licence or certificate, in that order.

However, Member States may require applicants to complete an application form only, instead of the sets provided for in the first subparagraph.

Where, as a result of a Community measure, the quantity for which the licence or certificate is issued may be less than the quantity in respect of which application for a licence or certificate was initially made, the quantity applied for and the amount of the security relating thereto must be entered only on the application form.

Forms for extracts of licences or certificates shall be made up in sets containing copy No 1 and copy No 2, in that order.

3.   Forms, including extension pages, shall be printed to white paper free of mechanical pulp, dressed for writing and weighing at least 40 grams per square metre. Their size shall be 210 × 297 mm, the permitted length ranging from 5 mm below the latter figure to 8 mm above; the type space between lines shall be 4,24 mm (one sixth of an inch); the layout of forms shall be followed precisely. Both sides of copy No 1 and the side of the extension pages on which the attributions must appear shall in addition have a printed guilloche pattern background so as to reveal any falsification by mechanical or chemical means. The guilloche background shall be green for forms relating to imports and sepia brown for forms relating to exports.

4.   Member States shall be responsible for having the forms printed. The forms may also be printed by printers appointed by the Member State in which they are established. In the latter case, reference to the approval by the Member State must appear on each form. Each form shall bear an indication of the printer's name and address or a mark enabling the printer to be identified and, except for the application form and extension pages, an individual serial number. The number shall be preceded by the following letters according to the Member State issuing the document: ‘AT’ for Austria, ‘BE’ for Belgium, ‘BG’ for Bulgaria, ‘CZ’ for the Czech Republic, ‘CY’ for Cyprus, ‘DE’ for Germany, ‘DK’ for Denmark, ‘EE’ for Estonia, ‘EL’ for Greece, ‘ES’ for Spain, ‘FI’ for Finland, ‘FR’ for France, ‘HU’ for Hungary, ‘IE’ for Ireland, ‘IT’ for Italy, ‘LU’ for Luxembourg, ‘LT’ for Lithuania, ‘LV’ for Latvia, ‘MT’ for Malta, ‘NL’ for the Netherlands, ‘PL’ for Poland, ‘PT’ for Portugal, ‘RO’ for Romania, ‘SE’ for Sweden, ‘SI’ for Slovenia, ‘SK’ for Slovakia and ‘UK’ for the United Kingdom.

At the time of their issue, licences or certificates and extracts may bear an issue number allocated by the issuing body.

5.   Application, licences and certificates and extracts shall be completed in typescript or by computerised means. They shall be printed and completed in one of the official languages of the Community, as specified by the competent authorities of the issuing Member State. However, Member States may allow applications only to be hand-written in ink and in block capitals.

6.   The stamps of issuing bodies and attributing authorities shall be applied by means of a metal stamp, preferably made of steel. However, an embossing press combined with letters or figures obtained by means of perforation may be substituted for the issuing body's stamp.

7.   The competent authorities of the Member States concerned may, where necessary, require licences or certificates and extracts therefrom to be translated into the official language or one of the official languages of that Member State.

Article 18

1.   Without prejudice to Article 17, licences and certificates may be issued and used using computerised systems in accordance with detailed rules laid down by the competent authorities. They are known hereinafter as ‘electronic licences and certificates’.

The content of electronic licences and certificates must be identical to that of licences and certificates on paper.

2.   Where titular holders or transferees of licences or certificates need to use the electronic form thereof in a Member State which is not linked to the computerised issuing system, they shall request an extract therefrom.

Such extracts shall be issued without delay and at no additional cost on a form as provided for in Article 17.

In Member States linked to the computerised issuing system, such extracts shall be used in the form of the paper extract.

Article 19

1.   Where the amounts resulting from the conversion of euro into sums in national currency to be entered on licences or certificates contain three or more decimal places, only the first two shall be given. In such cases, where the third place is five or more the second place shall be rounded up to the next unit, and where the third place is less than five the second place shall remain the same.

2.   However, where amounts expressed in euro are converted into pounds sterling, the reference to the first two decimal places in paragraph 1 shall be read as a reference to the first four decimal places. In such cases, where the fifth place is five or more the fourth decimal place shall be rounded up to the next unit and where the fifth place is less than five the fourth place shall remain the same.

Article 20

1.   Without prejudice to Article 18 relating to electronic licences and certificates, licences and certificates shall be drawn up in at least two copies, the first of which, called ‘holder's copy’ and marked ‘No 1’, shall be supplied without delay to the applicant and the second, called ‘issuing body's copy’ and marked ‘No 2’, shall be retained by the issuing body.

2.   Where a licence or certificate is issued for a quantity less than that for which the application was made, the issuing body shall indicate:


in Sections 17 and 18, the quantity for which the licence or certificate is issued;


in Section 11, the amount of the corresponding security.

The security lodged in respect of the quantity for which a licence or certificate has not been issued shall be released forthwith.

Article 21

1.   On application by the titular holder of the licence or certificate or by the transferee, and on presentation of copy No 1 of the document, one or more extracts therefrom may be issued by the issuing body or the agency or agencies designated by each Member State.

Extracts shall be drawn up in at least two copies, the first of which, called ‘holder's copy’ and marked ‘No 1’, shall be supplied or addressed to the applicant and the second, called ‘issuing body's copy’ and marked ‘No 2’, shall be retained by the issuing body.

The body issuing the extract shall, on copy No 1 of the licence or certificate, enter the quantity for which the extract has been issued, increased by the relevant tolerance. The word ‘extract’ shall be entered beside the quantity entered on copy No 1 of the licence or certificate.

2.   No further extract may be made of an extract of a licence or certificate.

3.   Copy No 1 of an extract which has been used or which is out of date shall be returned by the titular holder to the body which issued the licence or certificate, together with copy No 1 of the licence or certificate from which it derives, so that the body may adjust the entries on copy No 1 of the licence or certificate in the light of those appearing on copy No 1 of the extract.

Article 22

1.   For the purpose of determining their period of validity, licences and certificates shall be considered to have been issued on the day on which the application for them was lodged, that day being included in the calculation of such period of validity. However, licences and certificates may not be used until their actual issue.

2.   It may be specified that a licence or certificate is to become valid on its actual day of issue, in which case that day shall be included in the calculation of its period of validity.


Use of licences and certificates

Article 23

1.   Copy No 1 of the licence or certificate shall be submitted to the customs office which accepted:


in the case of an import licence, the declaration of release for free circulation;


in the case of an export licence or certificate of advance fixing of the refund, the declaration relating to export.

Without prejudice to Article 2(1)(i) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, the customs declaration must be made by the titular holder or, where applicable, the transferee of the licence or certificate, or their representative within the meaning of Article 5(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92.

2.   Copy No 1 of the licence or certificate shall be presented, or held at the disposal of the customs authorities, at the time of acceptance of the declaration referred to in paragraph 1.

3.   After the office referred to in paragraph 1 has made the attribution and endorsed copy No 1 of the licence or certificate, it shall be returned to the party concerned. However, Member States may require or allow the party concerned to make the entry on the licence or certificate; in all such cases the entry shall be examined and endorsed by the competent office.

4.   Where the quantity imported or exported does not correspond to the quantity entered on the licence or certificate, the entry on the licence or certificate shall be corrected to show the quantity actually imported or exported, within the limits of the quantity in respect of which the licence or certificate has been issued.

Article 24

1.   Notwithstanding Article 23, a Member State may allow the licence or certificate to be:


lodged with the issuing body or the authority responsible for payment of the refund;


in cases where Article 18 applies, stored in the database of the issuing body or the authority responsible for payment of the refund.

2.   The Member State concerned shall determine the cases in which paragraph 1 shall apply and the conditions to be met by the party concerned in order to benefit from the procedure laid down in that paragraph. In addition, the provisions adopted by that Member State must ensure equal treatment for all certificates issued within the Community.

3.   The Member State shall decide which authority is to make the entry on and endorse the licence or certificate.

However, the attribution and its validation and endorsement on the licence or certificate shall also be deemed to have been carried out where:


a document detailing the exported quantities has been generated by computer; this document must be attached to the licence or certificate and filed with it;


the exported quantities have been introduced in an official electronic database of the Member State concerned and there is a link between this information and the electronic certificate; Member States may choose to archive this information by using paper versions of the electronic documents.

The date of the entry shall be considered as the date of acceptance of the declaration referred to in Article 23(1).

4.   At the time of acceptance of the customs declaration, the party concerned must indicate on the declaration document that this Article applies and quote the reference number of licence or certificate to be used.

5.   In the case of a licence or certificate authorising import or export, the goods may be released only if the competent authority has informed the customs office referred to in Article 23(1) that the licence or certificate indicated on the customs document is valid for the product concerned and has been attributed.

6.   Where the products exported are not subject to the production of an export licence but the export refund has been fixed by means of an export licence fixing in advance the export refund, if, as the result of an error, the document used during export to prove eligibility for a refund makes no mention of this Article and/or the number of the licence or certificate, or if the information is incorrect, the operation may be regularised provided the following conditions are met:


an export licence with advance fixing of the refund for the product concerned, valid on the day of acceptance of the declaration, is in the possession of the authority responsible for payment of the refund;


sufficient proof is held at the disposal of the competent authorities to enable them to establish a link between the quantity exported and the licence or certificate covering the export.

Article 25

1.   Entries made on licences, certificates or extracts may not be altered after their issue.

2.   Where the accuracy of entries on the licence, certificate or extract is in doubt, such licence, certificate or extract shall, on the initiative of the party concerned or of the competent authorities of the Member State concerned, be returned to the issuing body.

If the issuing body considers a correction to be required, it shall withdraw the extract or the licence or certificate as well as any extracts previously issued and shall issue without delay either a corrected extract or a corrected licence or certificate and the corrected extracts corresponding thereto. On such further documents, which shall include the entry ‘licence (or certificate) corrected on …’ or ‘extract corrected on …’, any former entries shall be reproduced on each copy.

Where the issuing body does not consider it necessary to correct the licence, certificate or extract, it shall enter thereon the endorsement ‘verified on … in accordance with Article 25 of Regulation (EC) No 376/2008’ and apply its stamp.

Article 26

1.   At the request of the issuing body, the titular holder must return to it the licence or certificate and the extracts therefrom.

2.   Where a disputed document is returned or held in accordance with this Article or Article 25, the competent national authorities shall on request give the party concerned a receipt.

Article 27

Where the space reserved for entries on licences, certificates or extracts therefrom is insufficient, the authorities making the entries may attach thereto one or more extension pages containing spaces for entries as shown on the back of copy No 1 of the said licences, certificates or extracts. These authorities shall so place their stamp that one half is on the licence, certificate or extract therefrom and the other on the extension page, and for each further extension page issued a further stamp shall be placed in like manner across such page and the preceding page.

Article 28

1.   Where there is doubt concerning the authenticity of a licence, certificate or extract, or entries or endorsements thereon, the competent national authorities shall return the questionable document, or a photocopy thereof, to the authorities concerned for checking.

Documents may also be returned by way of random check; in such case only a photocopy of the document shall be returned.

2.   Where a questionable document is returned in accordance with paragraph 1, the competent national authorities shall on request give a receipt to the party concerned.

Article 29

1.   Where necessary for the proper application of this Regulation, the competent authorities of the Member States shall exchange information on licences, certificates and extracts therefrom and on irregularities and infringements concerning them.

2.   Member States shall inform the Commission as soon as they have knowledge of irregularities and infringements in regard to this Regulation.

3.   Member States shall communicate to the Commission the names and addresses of the bodies which issue licences or certificates and extracts therefrom, collect export levies and pay export refunds. The Commission shall publish this information in the Official Journal of the European Union.

4.   Member States shall also forward to the Commission impressions of the official stamps and, where appropriate, of the embossing presses used by authorities empowered to act. The Commission shall immediately inform the other Member States thereof.


Release of securities

Article 30

As regards the period of validity of licences and certificates:


the obligation to import shall be considered to have been fulfilled and the right to import under the licence or certificate shall be considered to have been exercised on the day the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(a) is accepted, subject always to the product concerned being actually put into free circulation;


the obligation to export shall be considered to have been fulfilled and the right to export under the licence or certificate shall be considered to have been exercised on the day when the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(b) is accepted.

Article 31

Fulfilment of a primary requirement shall be demonstrated by production of proof:


for imports, of acceptance of the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(a) relating to the product concerned;


for exports, of acceptance of the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(b) relating to the product concerned; in addition:


in the case of either export or supplies treated as exports within the meaning of Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, proof shall be required that the product has, within 60 days from the day of acceptance of the export, declaration, unless prevented by force majeure, either, in the case of supplies treated as exports, reached its destination or, in other cases, left the Community's customs territory. For the purposes of this Regulation, deliveries of any products intended solely for consumption on board drilling or extraction platforms, including workpoints providing support services for such operations, situated within the area of the European continental shelf, or within the area of the continental shelf of the non-European part of the Community, but beyond a three-mile zone starting form the baseline used to determine the width of a Member State's territorial sea, shall be deemed to have left the customs territory of the Community;


in cases where products have been placed under the victualling warehouse procedure provided for in Article 40 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, evidence shall be required that the product has, within 30 days of acceptance of the declaration of its placement under that procedure and unless prevented force majeure, been placed in a victualling warehouse.

However, when the 60-day deadline referred to in point (b)(i) of the first paragraph or the 30-day deadline referred to in point (b)(ii) of the first paragraph is passed, the security shall be released in accordance with Article 23(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85.

The security shall not be forfeited under the second paragraph in the case of quantities for which the refund is reduced in accordance with Article 50(1) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 for failure to meet the deadlines referred to in Article 7(1) and Article 40(1) of that Regulation.

Article 32

1.   The proof required under Article 31 shall be furnished as follows:


in the cases referred to in Article 31(a), by production of copy No 1 of the licence or certificate and, where applicable, of copy No 1 of the extract or extracts from the licence or certificate, endorsed as provided for in Article 23 or Article 24;


in the cases referred to in Article 31(b), and subject to paragraph 2 of this Article, by production of copy No 1 of the licence or certificate and, where applicable, of copy No 1 of the extract or extracts of the licence or certificate, endorsed as provided for in Article 23 or Article 24.

2.   In addition, in the case of export from the Community or of supplies to a destination within the meaning of Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 or the placing of products under the arrangements provided for in Article 40 of that Regulation, additional proof shall be required.

Such additional proof shall be furnished as follows:


where the following operations take place within the Member State in question, such additional proof shall be left to the choice of the Member State in which:


the licence or certificate is issued;


the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(b) of this Regulation is accepted; and


the product:

left the Community's customs territory. For the purposes of this Regulation deliveries of any products intended solely for consumption on board drilling or extraction platforms, including workpoints providing support services for such operations, situated within the area of the European continental shelf, or within the area of the continental shelf of the non-European part of the Community, but beyond a three-mile zone starting from the baseline used to determine the width of a Member State's territorial sea, shall be deemed to have left the Community's customs territory,

is delivered to one of the destinations listed in Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, or

is placed in a victualling warehouse under Article 40 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999;


in all other cases, the additional proof shall be furnished by:


production of the control copy T5 or copies referred to in Article 912a of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 or a certified copy or photocopy of such control copy T5 or copies; or


an attestation given by the agency responsible for paying the refund that the conditions of Article 31(b) of this Regulation have been fulfilled; or


equivalent proof as provided for in paragraph 4 of this Article.

Where the sole purpose of the T5 control copy is the release of the security, the T5 control copy shall contain in Section 106 one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part C, to this Regulation.

However, if an extract of a licence or certificate, a replacement licence or certificate or a replacement extract is used, that entry shall also state the number of the original licence or certificate and the name and address of the issuing body.

The documents referred to in points (b)(i) and (ii) shall be sent to the issuing body through official channels.

3.   Where, after acceptance of the export declaration as referred to in Article 23(1)(b), a product is placed under one of the simplified arrangements provided for in Articles 412 to 442a of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 or in Title X, Chapter I, of Appendix I to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure for carriage to a station-of-destination or delivery to a consignee outside the Community's customs territory, the T5 control copy required under paragraph 2(b) of this Article shall be sent through official channels to the issuing body. One of the entries listed in Annex III, Part D, to this Regulation shall be entered in section ‘J’ of the T5 control copy under the heading ‘Remarks’.

In the case referred to in the first subparagraph, the office of departure may permit the contract of carriage to be amended so that carriage ends within the Community only if it is established:


that, where the security has already been released, such security has been renewed; or


that the necessary steps have been taken by the authorities concerned to ensure that the security is not released.

Where the security has been released without the product having been exported, Member States shall take appropriate action.

4.   Where the T5 control copy referred to in paragraph 2(b) cannot be produced within three months following its issue owing to circumstances beyond the control of the party concerned, the latter may apply to the competent body for other documents to be accepted as equivalent, stating the grounds for such application and furnishing supporting documents.

The supporting documents to be submitted with the application shall be those specified in the second subparagraph of Article 49(3) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999.

Article 33

For the purposes of Article 37 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, the last day of the month shall be taken to be the day of acceptance of the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(b) of this Regulation.

Article 34

1.   On application by the titular holder, Member States may release the security by instalments in proportion to the quantities of products for which proof as referred to in Article 31 has been produced, provided that proof has been produced that a quantity equal to at least 5 % of that indicated in the licence or certificate has been imported or exported.

2.   Subject to the application of Articles 39, 40 or 47, where the obligation to import or export has not been met the security shall be forfeit in an amount equal to the difference between:


95 % of the quantity indicated in the licence or certificate, and


the quantity actually imported or exported.

If the licence is issued on a headage basis, the result of the 95 % calculation referred to above shall, where applicable, be rounded off to the next lesser whole number of head.

However, if the quantity imported or exported amounts to less than 5 % of the quantity indicated in the licence or certificate, the whole of the security shall be forfeit.

In addition, if the total amount of the security which would be forfeit comes to EUR 100 or less for a given licence or certificate, the Member State concerned shall release the whole of the security.

Where all or part of the security has been incorrectly released, it shall be lodged anew in proportion to the quantities concerned with the body that issued the licence or certificate.

However, an instruction for the released security to be lodged anew may only be given within four years following its release, provided the operator acted in good faith.

3.   With regard to export licences with advance fixing of the refund:


where the licence or an extract from the licence is returned to the issuing body within the initial two thirds of its term of validity, the corresponding amount of security to be forfeited shall be reduced by 40 %. For this purpose, any part of a day counts as a whole day;


where the licence or an extract from the licence is returned to the issuing body within a period corresponding to the last third of its term of validity or during the month following the expiry date, the corresponding amount of security to be forfeited shall be reduced by 25 %.

The first subparagraph shall apply only to licences and extracts thereof returned to the issuing body during the GATT year for which the licences have been issued and provided that they are returned more than 30 days before the end of that year.

The first subparagraph shall apply unless it is temporarily suspended. Where the refund for one or more products is increased, the Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 or the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organisation of the markets, may suspend the application of the first subparagraph for licences applied for before the refund is increased and not returned to the issuing body until the day before the increase.

Licences lodged under Article 24 of this Regulation shall be deemed to have been returned to the issuing body on the date on which the latter receives an application from the licence holder for the security to be released.

4.   The proof referred to in Article 32(1) must be produced within two months of the expiry of the licence or certificate, unless this is impossible for reasons of force majeure.

5.   Proof of departure from the customs territory or of delivery to a destination within the meaning of Article 36 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 or of the placing of products under the arrangements provided for in Article 40 of that Regulation, as referred to in Article 32(2) of this Regulation, must be produced within 12 months of the expiry of the licence or certificate, unless this is impossible for reasons of force majeure.

6.   The amount to be forfeited in respect of quantities for which proof concerning the export licence with advance fixing of the refund has not been provided within the time limit set under paragraph 4 shall be reduced:


by 90 % if the proof is provided in the third month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate;


by 50 % if the proof is provided in the fourth month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate;


by 30 % if the proof is provided in the fifth month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate;


by 20 % if the proof is provided in the sixth month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate.

7.   In cases other than those referred to in paragraph 6, the amount to be forfeited in respect of quantities for which proof is not provided within the time limit set in paragraphs 4 and 5, but is provided at the latest in the 24th month following the date of expiry of the licence or certificate, shall be 15 % of the amount which would have been forfeited completely if the products had not been imported or exported. Where, for a given product, there are licences or certificates with different levels of security, the lowest rate applicable to imports or exports shall be used to calculate the amount to be forfeited.

8.   The competent authorities may waive the obligation to provide the proof referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 if they are already in possession of the necessary information.

9.   Where a Community provision specifies, by reference to this paragraph, that an obligation is fulfilled by producing proof that the product has reached a specified destination, that proof must be produced in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999, failing which the security lodged for the licence or certificate shall be forfeited in proportion to the quantity concerned.

That proof shall also be produced within 12 months of the expiry of the licence or certificate. However, where the documents required under Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 cannot be submitted within the prescribed period although the exporter has acted with all due diligence to obtain them within that period, he may be granted an extension of time for the submission of those documents.

10.   In the case of import licences for which a Community provision makes this paragraph applicable, paragraphs 4 to 8 notwithstanding, the proof of utilisation of the licence as referred to in Article 32(1)(a) must be produced within 45 days of expiry of the licence, unless this is impossible for reasons of force majeure.

Where the proof of utilisation of licences as specified in Article 32(1)(a) is provided after the prescribed time limit:


where the licence has been used, taking account of the lower tolerance, within the term of validity, 15 % of the total amount of the security as indicated in the licence shall be forfeit by way of a flat-rate deduction;


where the licence has been partly used within the term of validity, the security shall be forfeit in an amount equal to:


the difference between 95 % of the quantity indicated in the licence and the quantity actually imported, plus


15 % of the security remaining after the flat-rate deduction made under point (i), plus


3 % of the amount of the security remaining after the deduction made under points (i) and (ii), for each day by which the time limit for provision of proof is exceeded.


Loss of licences and certificates

Article 35

1.   This Article shall apply where an export refund greater than zero has been fixed in advance and the relevant licence or certificate or extract therefrom is lost.

2.   The body issuing the licence or certificate shall issue at the request of the holder, or of the transferee in cases where the licence, certificate or extract has been transferred, a replacement licence or certificate or a replacement extract, subject to the second subparagraph.

The competent authorities in the Member States may refuse to issue a replacement licence or certificate or a replacement extract if:


the character of the applicant is not such as to guarantee that the aims of this Article will be respected; in each Member State this power shall be exercised in accordance with the principles currently applicable in that State governing non-discrimination between applicants and the freedom of trade and industry;


the applicant has failed to show that he has taken reasonable precautions to prevent the loss of the licence, certificate or extract.

3.   A refund determined in the context of a tendering procedure shall be considered a refund fixed in advance.

4.   A replacement licence, certificate or extract shall contain the information and entries appearing on the document which it replaces. It shall be issued for a quantity of goods which, with the addition of the tolerance margin, is equal to the available quantity as shown on the lost document. Applicants shall specify that quantity in writing. Where information held by the issuing body shows that the quantity indicated by the applicant is too high, it shall be reduced accordingly without prejudice to the second subparagraph of paragraph 2.

One of the entries listed in Annex III, Part E, underlined in red, shall be entered in Section 22 of replacement licences, certificates or extracts.

5.   Where the replacement licence or certificate or replacement extract is lost, no further replacement licence or certificate or extract shall be issued.

6.   The issue of a replacement licence, certificate or extract shall be subject to the lodging of a security. The amount of this security shall be calculated by multiplying:


the rate of the refund fixed in advance or, where applicable, the highest rate of refund for the destinations covered, plus 20 %; by


the quantity for which the replacement licence, certificate or extract is to be issued, plus the tolerance margin.

The amount by which the security is increased shall not be less than EUR 3 per 100 kilograms net weight. The security shall be lodged with the body which issued the original licence or certificate.

7.   Where the quantity of products exported under a licence or certificate and the replacement licence or certificate, or under an extract and the replacement extract, is greater than that which could have been exported under the original licence, certificate or extract, the security referred to in paragraph 6 corresponding to the excess quantity shall be forfeit, the refund being treated thereby as recovered.

8.   In addition, in cases where paragraph 7 applies and where an export levy applies on the date of acceptance of the declaration referred to in Article 23(1)(b) for the excess quantity, the export levy applicable on that day shall be collected.

The excess quantity:


shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 7;


shall be that for which the most recent declaration was accepted under the original licence or certificate, an extract of the original licence or certificate, a replacement licence or certificate, or a replacement extract. In cases where the quantity of the last export is less than the excess quantity, the export or exports immediately preceding shall be taken into account until the depletion of the excess quantity.

Article 3(1) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 120/89 (23) shall not apply to the cases covered in this paragraph.

9.   Insofar as the security referred to in paragraph 6 has not become forfeit by virtue of paragraph 7, it shall be released 15 months after expiry of the period of validity of the licence or certificate.

10.   Where the lost licence, certificate or extract is found, it may not be used and must be returned to the body which issued the replacement licence, certificate or extract. If in such a case the quantity available shown on the original licence, certificate or extract is equal to or larger than the quantity for which the replacement licence, certificate or extract was issued, plus the tolerance margin, the security referred to in paragraph 6 shall be released immediately.

However, if the available quantity is larger, the party concerned may request issue of an extract for a quantity, including the tolerance margin, equalling the remaining available quantity.

11.   The competent authorities of the Member States shall provide each other with the information needed to apply this Article.

Where the authorities provide this information by means of a control copy T5 as referred to in Article 912a of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 and issued for the purpose of obtaining proof of departure from the Community's customs territory, the number of the original licence or certificate shall be inserted in Section 105 of the control copy T5. Where an extract of a licence or certificate, a replacement licence or certificate, or a replacement extract is used, the number of the original licence or certificate shall be inserted in section 106 of the control copy T5.

Article 36

1.   With the exception of the cases referred to in paragraph 2, the competent authority shall refuse to issue a replacement licence or certificate or replacement extract where the issue of licences or certificates for the product in question is suspended or where the issue of licences or certificates is effected within the framework of a quantitative quota.

2.   Where the holder or transferee of an import or export licence or advance fixing certificate is able to prove to the satisfaction of the competent authority both that the licence or certificate or an extract therefrom has not been used wholly or in part and that it can no longer be used, particularly because it has been totally or partially destroyed, the body which issued the original licence or certificate shall issue a replacement licence, certificate or extract for a quantity of goods, including the tolerance margin where necessary, equalling the quantity remaining available. In this case the first sentence of Article 35(4) shall apply.

Article 37

Member States shall at quarterly intervals inform the Commission of:


the number of replacement licences, certificates or extracts issued during the previous quarter:


by virtue of Article 35;


by virtue of Article 36;


the nature and quantity of the goods concerned and the rate of any export refund or export levy fixed in advance.

The Commission shall forward that information to the other Member States.

Article 38

1.   Where a licence or certificate or extract therefrom is lost, and the lost document has been used wholly or in part, issuing bodies may, exceptionally, supply the party concerned with a duplicate thereof, drawn up and endorsed in the same way as the original document and clearly marked ‘duplicate’ on each copy.

2.   Duplicates may not be used to carry out import or export operations.

3.   Duplicates shall be presented to the offices where the declaration referred to in Article 23 was accepted under the lost licence, certificate or extract, or to another competent authority designated by the Member State in which the offices are situated.

4.   The competent authority shall make entries on and endorse the duplicate.

5.   The duplicate, thus annotated, shall replace the lost copy No 1 of the licence, certificate or extract in providing proof for the purpose or releasing the security.


Force majeure

Article 39

1.   Where, as a result of an event which the operator regards as constituting force majeure, import or export cannot be effected during the period of validity of the licence or certificate, the titular holder shall apply to the competent body of the Member State of issue either for the period of validity of the licence or certificate to be extended or for the licence or certificate to be cancelled. Operators shall provide proof of the circumstance which they consider to constitute force majeure within six months of the expiry of the period of validity of the licence or certificate.

Where they are unable to produce proof within that time limit despite having acted with all due diligence to obtain and forward it, they may be granted further time.

2.   Requests to extend the period of validity of a licence or certificate received more than 30 days after the expiry of such period of validity shall be refused.

3.   Where the circumstances relied on as constituting force majeure relate to the exporting country and/or the country of origin, in the case of imports, or to the importing country, in the case of exports, such circumstances may be accepted as such only if the issuing body or another official agency in the same Member State was notified as to the countries concerned in good time and in writing.

Notification of the exporting country, country of origin or importing country shall be considered as having been made in good time if the circumstances relied upon as constituting force majeure could not have been foreseen by the applicant at the time of notification.

4.   The competent body referred to in paragraph 1 shall decide if the circumstances relied upon constitute force majeure.

Article 40

1.   Where the circumstances relied upon constitute force majeure, the competent body of the Member State in which the licence or certificate was issued shall decide either that the obligation to import or export be cancelled and the security released, or that the period of validity of the licence or certificate be extended for such period as may be considered necessary in view of all the circumstances of the case. Such extension shall not exceed six months following the expiry of the original period of validity of the licence or certificate. Such extension may take place after the expiry of the validity of the licence or certificate.

2.   The decision taken by the competent body may differ from the decision requested by the titular holder of the licence or certificate.

Where the titular holder requests the cancellation of a licence involving advance fixing, even if this request was submitted more than 30 days after expiry of the period of validity of the licence, the competent body may extend that period of validity if the rate fixed in advance plus any adjustments is less than the current rate in the case of amounts to be paid out or greater than the current rate in the case of amounts to be collected.

3.   The decision to cancel or extend the licence shall relate only to the quantity of product which could not be imported or exported as a result of force majeure.

4.   When the period of validity of a licence is extended, the issuing body shall endorse the licence and its extracts and shall make the necessary adjustments thereto.

5.   Notwithstanding Article 8(1), where the period of validity of a licence involving advance fixing is extended, the rights arising from that licence shall not be transferable. However, where the circumstances of the case in question so warrant, such transfer shall be authorised when requested at the same time as the extension.

6.   The Member State to which the competent body belongs shall advise the Commission of the case of force majeure; the Commission shall inform the other Member States thereof.

Article 41

1.   Where, following a case of force majeure, an operator has applied for the period of validity of a licence involving advance fixing of the export levy or export refund to be extended and the competent body has not yet taken a decision on such application, the operator may apply to the body for a second licence. The second licence shall be issued on the terms applying at the time of application except that:


it shall be issued for no more than the unused quantity on the first licence for which extension has been applied for;


Section 20 thereof shall contain one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part F.

2.   Where the competent body decides to extend the period of validity of the first licence:


the quantity for which the second licence was used shall be entered on the first licence provided that:


the operator who is entitled to use the first licence has so used the second licence, and


such use has taken place during the extended period of validity;


the security for the second licence relating to quantity referred to in point (a) shall be released;


where applicable, the body which issued the licences shall inform the competent body of the Member State where the second licence was used so that the amount collected or paid out can be corrected.

3.   Where the competent body concludes that there was no case of force majeure or where it decides, under Article 40, that the first licence should be cancelled, then the rights and obligations arising from the second licence shall stand.



Article 42

1.   Products subject to a system of export licences or qualifying for a system of advance fixing of refunds or of other amounts applicable on exports may qualify for treatment as returned goods under Title VI, Chapter 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 only where the following provisions have been complied with:


if export was effected without an export licence or advance-fixing certificate, then where the information sheet INF 3 as provided for in Article 850 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 is used, it must bear in Section A one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part G, to this Regulation.


if export was effected under cover of an export licence or advance fixing certificate, Article 43 shall apply.

2.   If the returned goods are reimported:


through a customs office in a Member State other than the exporting Member State, proof that Article 43(1)(a) or (b) has been complied with shall be furnished by means of the information sheet INF 3 provided for in Article 850 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93;


through a customs office situated in the same Member State, proof that the provisions of paragraph 1(a) or Article 43(1)(a) or (b) have been complied with shall be furnished in accordance with the procedure determined by the competent authorities of the Member State in question.

3.   Paragraph 1(a) shall not apply in the cases provided for in Article 844(2)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.

Article 43

1.   Where the obligation to export is not complied with, in the cases referred to in Article 42, the Member States shall take the following measures:


if export was effected under cover of an export licence or advance fixing certificate and such licence or certificate has not expired on the date on which the party concerned declares his intention to avail himself of the returned-goods provisions of Article 42:


the entry on the licence or certificate relating to the export in question shall be cancelled;


the security relating to the licence or certificate shall not be released in respect of the export in question or, if it has been released, it must be furnished anew in proportion to the quantities concerned to the body which issued the licence or certificate, and


the export licence or advance fixing certificate shall be returned to the titular holder;


if export was effected under cover of an export licence or advance fixing certificate, and the licence or certificate has expired on the date on which the party concerned declares his intention to avail himself of the returned goods provisions of Article 42, then:


where the security relating to the licence or certificate has not been released in respect of the export in question, the security shall be forfeit, subject to the rules applicable in the particular case,


where the security has been released, the titular holder of the licence or certificate shall provide the body which issued the licence or certificate with fresh security in respect of the quantities in question, and that security shall be forfeit, subject to the rules applicable in the particular case.

2.   Paragraph 1 shall not apply if the goods have been returned owing to force majeure, or in the cases referred to in Article 844(2)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.

Article 44

1.   Where the security relating to the licence or certificate used for the export of products which have been reimported under the returned-goods system should be forfeit pursuant to Article 43, that security shall be released at the requests of the parties concerned if reimport is followed by the export of equivalent products falling within the same subheading of the Combined Nomenclature.

2.   The export operation:


must be one for which the declaration was accepted:


within no more than 20 days following the date of acceptance of the reimport declaration for the returned goods; and


under a new export licence if the initial export licence has expired by the date of acceptance of the export declaration for the equivalent products;


must concern products:


of the same quantity; and


addressed to the consignee indicated for the original export consignments, except in the cases referred to in Article 844(2)(c) or (d) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.

The exporter must provide to the satisfaction of the customs office of export all necessary information on the product's characteristics and destination.

3.   The security shall be released when proof is furnished to the body which issued the licence or certificate that the conditions laid down in this Article have been fulfilled. Such proof shall consist of the following documents:


the declaration of export of the equivalent products or a copy or photocopy thereof certified as such by the competent authorities and bearing one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part H; the entry must be authenticated by the stamp of the customs office concerned, applied directly to the document in question;


a document certifying that the products have left the Community's customs territory within 60 days of acceptance of the customs export declaration, except in case of force majeure.

Article 45

1.   For the purposes of Article 896 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, confirmation that measures have been taken to undo any effects of putting the goods into free circulation shall be provided by the authority that issued the licence or certificate, subject to paragraph 4 of this Article.

The importer shall inform the authority that issued the licence or certificate of:


the name and address of the decision-making customs authority referred to in Article 877(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 to which confirmation should be sent;


the quantity and nature of the products in question, the date of import and the number of the licence or certificate concerned.

If the licence or certificate has not been returned to the issuing authority, the importer shall submit it to that authority.

Before sending the confirmation referred to in the first subparagraph, the authority which issued the licence or certificate must ensure that:


the security covering the quantities in question has not been and will not be released; or


if the security has been released, it has been relodged for the quantities in question.

However, the security shall not be required to be relodged for quantities in excess of the quantity at which the obligation to import is considered to have been met.

The licence or certificate shall be returned to the party concerned.

2.   If repayment or remission of import duties is refused, the decision-making customs authority shall so inform the authority which issued the licence or certificate. The security covering the quantity in question shall be released.

3.   If repayment or remission of the duties is granted, the entry on the licence or certificate for the quantity in question shall be cancelled, even if the licence or certificate is no longer valid. The interested party shall return the licence or certificate to the issuing body as soon as it is no longer valid. The security for the quantity in question shall be forfeit subject to the rules applicable to the case in question.

4.   Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply where:


for reasons of force majeure the products must be re-exported, destroyed or placed in a customs warehouse or free zone; or


the products are in the situation referred to in the second indent of Article 900(1)(n) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93; or


the licence or certificate on which the quantity imported has been entered has not yet been returned to the party concerned when the application for repayment or remission of duty is lodged.

5.   The first sentence of paragraph 3:


shall not apply in the case referred to in paragraph 4(b);


shall apply only on the request of the party concerned in the case referred to in paragraph 4(a).

Article 46

1.   Where the effects of putting goods into free circulation have been undone and the security for the licence or certificate becomes forfeit under Article 45, the security shall be released at the request of the party concerned if the conditions set out in paragraph 2 of this Article are fulfilled.

2.   The party concerned must prove to the satisfaction of the competent authorities that, within two months of the date of initial import, the same quantity of equivalent products falling under the same subheading of the Combined Nomenclature has been imported from the same exporting country and from the same supplier to replace products to which Article 238 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 has been applied

Article 47

1.   This Article shall apply to licences fixing the export refund in advance applied for in connection with an invitation to tender issued in an importing third country.

The expression ‘invitation to tender’ shall be understood to mean open invitations issued by public agencies in third countries, or by international bodies governed by public law, to submit by a given date tenders on which a decision will be taken by those agencies or bodies.

For the purposes of this Article, the armed forces referred to in Article 36(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 shall be regarded as an importing country.

2.   Exporters who have submitted or wish to submit a tender in response to an invitation to tender as referred to in paragraph 1 may, provided the conditions specified in paragraph 3 are fulfilled, apply for one or more licences, which will be issued subject to their being awarded a contract.

3.   This Article shall apply only if the following particulars at least are specified in the invitation to tender:


the importing third country and the agency issuing the invitation to tender;


the closing date for the submission of tenders;


the specific quantity of products covered by the invitation to tender.

The party concerned shall communicate those particulars to the issuing body when applying for the licence.

An application for a licence may not be lodged more than 15 days before the closing date for the submission of tenders but must be lodged at the latest by 1 p.m. on that closing date.

The quantity in respect of which the licence or licences are applied for may not exceed the quantity specified in the invitation to tender. No account shall be taken of tolerances or options provided for in the invitation to tender.

Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of the particulars referred to in the first subparagraph.

4.   Notwithstanding Article 14(2), the security need not be lodged when the licence is applied for.

5.   Within 21 days of the closing date for submitting tenders, except in the case of force majeure, the applicant shall inform the issuing body by letter or by written telecommunication, to reach the issuing body no later than the date of expiry of the 21-day time limit, either:


that he has himself been awarded a contract;


that he has not been awarded a contract;


that he has not submitted a tender;


that he is not in a position to know the outcome of the invitation to tender within the time limit specified for reasons which may not be ascribed to him.

6.   Applications for licences shall not be accepted where, during the period of issue to which applications for licences for certain products are subject, a special measure has been taken which prevents the issue of licences.

No special measure taken subsequent to the expiry of the said period may prevent the issue of one or more licences issued in respect of the invitation to tender in question where the applicant has fulfilled the following conditions:


the information referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 are evidenced by the appropriate documents;


proof is furnished of the applicant's having been awarded a contract;


the security required for the issue of the licence is lodged; and


the contract is presented; or


where the absence of the contract is justified, documentation is submitted attesting the obligations entered into with the other contracting party or parties, including confirmation from his or their bank of the opening of an irrevocable letter of credit by the purchaser's financial institution to the agreed delivery.

The licence or licences shall be issued only for the country referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3. The invitation to tender shall be mentioned thereon.

The total quantity for which the licence or licences are issued shall be the total quantity for which the applicant was awarded the contract and has presented the contract or documentation referred to in point (e) of the second subparagraph of this paragraph; such quantity may not exceed the quantity applied for.

Moreover, where several licences are applied for, the quantity for which the licence or licences are issued may not exceed the quantity initially requested for each licence.

For the purposes of determining the period of validity of the licence, Article 22(1) shall apply.

No licence may be issued for a quantity for which the applicant has not been awarded a contract or has failed to comply with any of the conditions specified in points (a), (b), (c), (d) or (a), (b), (c), (e) of the second subparagraph of this paragraph.

The holder of the licence or licences shall be held primarily liable for the repayment of any refund incorrectly paid where it is established that the licence or licences was or were issued on the basis of a contract or obligation, specified in point (e) of the second subparagraph of this paragraph, not corresponding to the invitation to tender opened by the third country.

7.   In the cases referred to in paragraph 5(b), (c) and (d), no licence shall be issued in connection with the application referred to in paragraph 3.

8.   Where the applicant for a licence fails to comply with paragraph 5, no licence shall be issued.

However, where the applicant furnishes proof to the issuing body that the closing date for the submission of tenders has been deferred:


by no more than 10 days, the application shall remain valid and the period of 21 days for notifying the particulars specified in paragraph 5 shall run with effect from the new closing date for the submission of tenders;


by more than 10 days, the application shall no longer be valid.

9.   The following conditions shall apply to the release of the security:


If the successful tenderer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the competent authority that the agency that issued the invitation to tender has cancelled the contract for reasons which are not attributable to the tenderer and are not considered to constitute force majeure, the competent authority shall release the security in cases where the rate of the refund fixed in advance is higher than or equal to the rate of the refund valid on the last day of the validity of the licence.


If the successful tenderer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the competent authority that the agency that issued the invitation to tender has obliged him to accept changes to the contract for reasons that are not attributable to him and are not considered to constitute force majeure, the competent authority may:

where the rate of the refund fixed in advance is higher than or equal to the rate of the refund valid on the last day of the validity of the licence, release the security for the balance of the quantity not yet exported,

where the rate of the refund fixed in advance is lower than or equal to the rate of the refund valid on the last day of the validity of the licence, extend the validity of the licence by the period required.

However, where special rules governing certain products provide that the period of validity of a licence issued under this Article may exceed the normal period of validity of such a licence and the successful tenderer finds himself in the situation referred to in the first indent of the first subparagraph, the issuing body may extend the period of validity of the licence provided it does not exceed the maximum period of validity permitted under those rules.


If the successful tenderer furnishes proof that the invitation to tender or the contract concluded following the award provided for a downward tolerance or option of more than 5 % and that the agency that issued the invitation to tender is invoking the relevant clause, the obligation to export shall be deemed to have been fulfilled where the quantity exported is not more than 10 % less than the quantity for which the licence was issued, on condition that the rate of the refund fixed in advance is higher than or equal to the rate of the refund valid on the last day of validity of the licence. In such cases the rate of 95 % referred to in Article 34(2) shall be replaced by 90 %.


In comparing the rate of the refund fixed in advance with that of the refund valid on the last day of validity of the licence, account shall be taken, where applicable, of other amounts provided for under Community rules.

10.   In special cases, exceptions to the rules provided for in paragraphs 1 to 9 may be laid down following the procedure referred to in Article 195(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 or, as appropriate, in the corresponding Articles of the other Regulations on the common organisation of markets.

Article 48

1.   Where imports of a product are subject to presentation of an import licence and where that licence also serves to determine eligibility under preferential arrangements, the quantities imported within the tolerance in excess of the quantity shown on the import licence shall not qualify under the preferential arrangements.

Save where the regulations in particular sectors require special wording, Section 24 of licences and certificates shall indicate one of the entries listed in Annex III, Part I.

2.   Where licences as referred to in paragraph 1 also serve to administer a Community tariff quota, the term of validity of licences may not extend beyond the date on which the quota expires.

3.   Where the product in question cannot be imported outside the quota or where import licences for the product in question are issued subject to special conditions, the import licences shall not provide for any tolerance concerning quantities in excess.

The figure ‘0’ (zero) shall be shown in Section 19 of the licence.

4.   Where imports of a product are not subject to presentation of an import licence and where an import licence serves to administer preferential arrangements covering that product, import licences shall not provide for any tolerance for quantities in excess.

The figure ‘0’ (zero) shall be shown in Section 19 of the licence.

5.   The customs office accepting the declaration of release for free circulation shall keep a copy of the licence or extract presented giving entitlement to a preferential arrangement. On the basis of a risk analysis, copies of at least 1 % of licences presented, and at least two licences per year and per customs office, shall be sent to the issuing bodies indicated on the licences so that their authenticity can be verified. This paragraph shall not apply to electronic licences or licences for which another means of verification is laid down by Community rules.



Article 49

Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000 is repealed.

References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex IV.

Article 50

This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 23 April 2008.

For the Commission

The President

José Manuel BARROSO

(1)   OJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 78. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 735/2007 (OJ L 169, 29.6.2007, p. 6). Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1) as from 1 July 2008.

(2)   OJ L 152, 24.6.2000, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1423/2007 (OJ L 317, 5.12.2007, p. 36).

(3)  See Annex IV.

(4)   OJ L 105, 23.4.1983, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 274/2008 (OJ L 85, 27.3.2008, p. 1).

(5)   OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 214/2007 (OJ L 62, 1.3.2007, p. 6).

(6)   OJ L 102, 17.4.1999, p. 11. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 159/2008 (OJ L 48, 22.2.2008, p. 19).

(7)   OJ L 124, 8.6.1971, p. 1.

(8)   OJ L 282, 1.11.1975, p. 1. Regulation (EEC) No 2759/75 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(9)   OJ L 282, 1.11.1975, p. 49. Regulation (EEC) No 2771/75 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(10)   OJ L 282, 1.11.1975, p. 77. Regulation (EEC) No 2777/75 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(11)   OJ L 282, 1.11.1975, p. 104.

(12)   OJ L 160, 26.6.1999, p. 21. Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(13)   OJ L 160, 26.6.1999, p. 48. Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(14)   OJ L 179, 14.7.1999, p. 1.

(15)   OJ L 341, 22.12.2001, p. 3. Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(16)   OJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 96. Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 September 2008.

(17)   OJ L 161, 30.4.2004, p. 97, as corrected by OJ L 206, 9.6.2004, p. 37. Regulation (EC) No 865/2004 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(18)   OJ L 172, 5.7.2005, p. 24.

(19)   OJ L 312, 29.11.2005, p. 3. Regulation (EC) No 1947/2005 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 July 2008.

(20)   OJ L 58, 28.2.2006, p. 1. Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as from 1 October 2008.

(21)   OJ L 273, 17.10.2007, p. 1.

(22)   OJ L 205, 3.8.1985, p. 5.

(23)   OJ L 16, 20.1.1989, p. 19.




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Maximum quantities (1) of products for which import or export licences or advance-fixing certificates need not be presented pursuant to Article 4(1)(d) (provided import or export does not take place under preferential arrangements subject to a licence (2))

Product (Combined Nomenclature codes)

Net quantity


CEREALS AND RICE (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003 (3))



Import licence:


0709 90 60


5 000  kg


0712 90 19




With the exception of subheading 0714 20 10


1001 10 00



1001 90 91



1001 90 99



1002 00 00



1003 00



1004 00 00



1005 10 90



1005 90 00



1007 00 90



1006 10

With the exception of subheading 1006 10 10

1 000  kg


1006 20



1006 30



1006 40 00






1101 00












1106 20







With the exception of subheading 1108 20 00


1109 00 00



1702 30 51



1702 30 59



1702 30 91



1702 30 99



1702 40 90



1702 90 50



1702 90 75



1702 90 79



2106 90 55




With the exception of subheading 2302 50


2303 10



2303 30 00



2306 70 00



2308 00 40



ex 2309

Containing starch, glucose, glucose syrup, malto-dextrine, malto-dextrine syrup falling within subheadings 1702 30 51 to 1702 30 99 , 1702 40 90 , 1702 90 50 and 2106 90 55 and milk products (4), with the exception of preparations or foodstuffs containing not less than 50 % weight of milk products


Export licence with or without advance fixing of the refund:


0709 90 60


5 000  kg


0712 90 19




With the exception of subheading 0714 20 10


1001 10



1001 90 91



1001 90 99



1002 00 00



1003 00



1004 00



1005 10 90



1005 90 00



1007 00 90



1006 10

With the exception of subheading 1006 10 10

500  kg


1006 20



1006 30



1006 40 00






1101 00












1106 20







With the exception of subheading 1108 20 00


1109 00 00



1702 30 51



1702 30 59



1702 30 91



1702 30 99



1702 40 90



1702 90 50



1702 90 75



1702 90 79



2106 90 55




With the exception of subheading 2302 50


2303 10



2303 30 00



2306 70 00



2308 00 40



ex 2309

Containing starch, glucose, glucose syrup, malto-dextrine, malto-dextrine syrup falling within subheadings 1702 30 51 to 1702 30 99 , 1702 40 90 , 1702 90 50 and 2106 90 55 and milk products (4), with the exception of preparations or foodstuffs containing not less than 50 % weight of milk products





Import licence (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1345/2005 (5)):


0709 90 39


100  kg


0711 20 90






1510 00



1522 00 31



1522 00 39



2306 90 19



SUGAR (Commission Regulation (EC) No 951/2006 (6))



Import licence:


1212 91 20


2 000  kg


1212 91 80



1212 99 20



1701 11



1701 12



1701 91 00



1701 99



1702 20



1702 30 10



1702 40 10



1702 60



1702 90 30



1702 90 60



1702 90 71



1702 90 80



1702 90 99



1703 10 00



1703 90 00



2106 90 30



2106 90 59



Export licence with or without advance fixing of the refund:


1212 91 20


2 000  kg


1212 91 80



1212 99 20



1701 11



1701 12



1701 91 00



1701 99



1702 20



1702 30 10



1702 40 10



1702 60



1702 90 30



1702 90 60



1702 90 71



1702 90 80



1702 90 99








2106 90 30




2106 90 59







Import licence (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001 (7)):




150  kg





0403 10 11 to 0403 10 39



0403 90 11 to 0403 90 69






0405 10



0405 20 90



0405 90






1702 11 00



1702 19 00



2106 90 51



2309 10 15

Preparations of a kind used in animal feed; preparations and foodstuffs containing products to which Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 is applicable, directly or pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 1667/2006 (8), with the exception of preparations and foodstuffs to which Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 applies


2309 10 19


2309 10 39


2309 10 59


2309 10 70


2309 90 35


2309 90 39


2309 90 49


2309 90 59


2309 90 70


Export licence with advance fixing of the refund (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006 (9)):




150  kg





0403 10 11 to 0403 10 39



0403 90 11 to 0403 90 69






0405 10



0405 20 90



0405 90






2309 10 15

Preparations of a kind used in animal feed; preparations and foodstuffs containing products to which Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 is applicable, directly or pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1667/2006, with the exception of preparations and foodstuffs to which Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 applies


2309 10 19


2309 10 70


2309 90 35


2309 90 39


2309 90 70


Export licence without refund (second subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006):


0402 10


150 kg


BEEF AND VEAL (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1445/95 (10))



Import licence:


0102 90 05 to 0102 90 79


One animal




200  kg





0206 10 95



0206 29 91



0210 20



0210 99 51



0210 99 90



1602 50



1602 90 61



1602 90 69



Export licence with advance fixing of the refund:


0102 10


One animal


0102 90 05 to 0102 90 79





200  kg





0206 10 95



0206 29 91



0210 20



0210 99 51



0210 99 90



1602 50



1602 90 61



1602 90 69



Export licence without refund (Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1445/95):


0102 10


Nine animals


0102 90 05 to 0102 90 79





2 000  kg





0206 10 95



0206 29 91



0210 20



0210 99 51



0210 99 90



1602 50



1602 90 61



1602 90 69






Import licence (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1439/95 (11)):




100  kg


0210 99 21



0210 99 29



1602 90 72



1602 90 74



1602 90 76



1602 90 78



0104 10 30


Five animals


0104 10 80



0104 20 90






Export licence with advance fixing of the refund (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1518/2003 (12)):




250  kg










150  kg





Export licence with advance fixing of the refund and ex post export licence (Commission Regulation (EC) No 633/2004 (13)):


0105 11 11 9000


4 000 chicks


0105 11 19 9000



0105 11 91 9000



0105 11 99 9000



0105 12 00 9000


2 000 chicks


0105 19 20 9000





250  kg





Export licence with advance fixing of the refund and ex post export licence (Commission Regulation (EC) No 596/2004 (14)):


0407 00 11 9000


2 000 eggs


0407 00 19 9000


4 000 eggs

0407 00 30 9000


400  kg


0408 11 80 9100


100  kg


0408 91 80 9100



0408 19 81 9100


250  kg


0408 19 89 9100



0408 99 80 9100



WINE (Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/2001 (15))



Import licence:


2009 61


3 000  kg


2009 69



2204 10


30  hl


2204 21



2204 29



2204 30



Export licence with advance fixing of the refund:


2009 61


10  hl


2009 69



2204 21


10  hl


2204 29



2204 30






Export licence with advance fixing of the refund (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1961/2001 (16)):


0702 00


300  kg








0806 10 10












Export licence with advance fixing of the refund (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1429/95 (17)):


0806 20


300  kg








2006 00












Import licence (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2336/2003 (18)):


2207 10 00


100  hl


2207 20 00



2208 90 91


100  hl


2208 90 99


(1)  The maximum quantities of agricultural products that can be imported or exported without a licence or certificate correspond to an eight-digit subheading of the Combined Nomenclature and, if export refunds are involved, to a 12-digit subheading of the nomenclature for agricultural product refunds.

(2)  In the case of an import, for example, the quantities indicated in this document do not cover imports under quantitative quotas or preferential arrangements, for which licences are always required for all quantities. The quantities indicated here refer to imports under normal arrangements, i.e. with payment of full duties and with no limits on quantities.

(3)   OJ L 189, 29.7.2003, p. 12.

(4)  For the purposes of this subheading, ‘milk products’ means products falling within headings 0401 to 0406 and subheadings 1702 10 and 2106 90 51.

(5)   OJ L 212, 17.8.2005, p. 13.

(6)   OJ L 178, 1.7.2006, p. 24.

(7)   OJ L 341, 22.12.2001, p. 29.

(8)   OJ L 312, 11.11.2006, p. 1.

(9)   OJ L 234, 29.8.2006, p. 4.

(10)   OJ L 143, 27.6.1995, p. 35.

(11)   OJ L 143, 27.6.1995, p. 7.

(12)   OJ L 217, 29.8.2003, p. 35.

(13)   OJ L 100, 6.4.2004, p. 8.

(14)   OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 33.

(15)   OJ L 128, 10.5.2001, p. 1.

(16)   OJ L 268, 9.10.2001, p. 8.

(17)   OJ L 141, 24.6.1995, p. 28.

(18)   OJ L 346, 31.12.2003, p. 19.


Part A

Entries referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 8(2)

In Bulgarian


правата са прехвърлени обратно на титуляря на [дата] …

In Spanish


Retrocesión al titular el …

In Czech


Zpětný převod držiteli dne …

In Danish


tilbageføring til indehaveren den …

In German


Rückübertragung auf den Lizenzinhaber am …

In Estonian


õiguste tagasiandmine litsentsi/sertifikaadi omanikule …

In Greek


εκ νέου παραχώρηση στον δικαιούχο στις …

In English


rights transferred back to the titular holder on [date] …

In French


rétrocession au titulaire le …

In Italian


retrocessione al titolare in data …

In Latvian


tiesības nodotas atpakaļ to nominālajam īpašniekam [datums]

In Lithuanian


teisės perleidžiamos savininkui (data) …

In Hungarian


Visszátruházás az eredeti engedélyesre …-án/-én

In Maltese


Drittijiet trasferiti lura lid-detentur titolari fil-…

In Dutch


aan de titularis geretrocedeerd op …

In Polish


Retrocesja na właściciela tytularnego

In Portuguese


retrocessão ao titular em …

In Romanian


Drepturi retrocedate titularului la data de [data]

In Slovak


Spätný prevod na oprávneného držiteľa dňa …

In Slovenian


Ponoven odstop nosilcu pravic dne …

In Finnish


palautus todistuksenhaltijalle …

In Swedish


återbördad till licensinnehavaren den …

Part B

Entries referred to in the first paragraph of Article 15

In Bulgarian


Лицензия по ГАТТ — хранителна помощ

In Spanish


Certificado GATT — Ayuda alimentaria

In Czech


Licence GATT — potravinová pomoc

In Danish


GATT-licens — fødevarehjælp

In German


GATT-Lizenz — Nahrungsmittelhilfe

In Estonian


GATTi alusel välja antud litsents — toiduabi

In Greek


Πιστοποιητικό GATT — επισιτιστική βοήθεια

In English


Licence under GATT — food aid

In French


Certificat GATT — aide alimentaire

In Italian


Titolo GATT — aiuto alimentare

In Latvian


Licence saskaņā ar GATT — pārtikas atbalsts

In Lithuanian


GATT licencija — pagalba maistu

In Hungarian


GATT-engedély — élelmiszersegély

In Maltese


Ċertifikat GATT — għajnuna alimentari

In Dutch


GATT-certificaat — Voedselhulp

In Polish


Świadectwo GATT — pomoc żywnościowa

In Portuguese


Certificado GATT — ajuda alimentar

In Romanian


Licență GATT — ajutor alimentar

In Slovak


Licencia podľa GATT — potravinová pomoc

In Slovenian


GATT dovoljenje — pomoč v hrani

In Finnish


GATT-todistus — elintarvikeapu

In Swedish


Gatt-licens — livsmedelsbistånd

Part C

Entries referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 32(2)

In Bulgarian


Да се използва за освобождаване на гаранцията

In Spanish


Se utilizará para liberar la garantía

In Czech


K použití pro uvolnění jistoty

In Danish


Til brug ved frigivelse af sikkerhed

In German


Zu verwenden für die Freistellung der Sicherheit

In Estonian


Kasutada tagatise vabastamiseks

In Greek


Προς χρησιμοποίηση για την αποδέσμευση της εγγύησης

In English


To be used to release the security

In French


À utiliser pour la libération de la garantie

In Italian


Da utilizzare per lo svincolo della cauzione

In Latvian


Izmantojams drošības naudas atbrīvošanai

In Lithuanian


Naudotinas užstatui grąžinti

In Hungarian


A biztosíték feloldására használandó

In Maltese


Biex tiġi użata għar-rilaxx tal-garanzija

In Dutch


Te gebruiken voor vrijgave van de zekerheid

In Polish


Do wykorzystania w celu zwolnienia zabezpieczenia

In Portuguese


A utilizar para liberar a garantia

In Romanian


A se utiliza pentru eliberarea garanției

In Slovak


Použiť na uvoľnenie záruky

In Slovenian


Uporabiti za sprostitev varščine

In Finnish


Käytettäväksi vakuuden vapauttamiseen

In Swedish


Att användas för frisläppande av säkerhet

Part D

Entries referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 32(3)

In Bulgarian


Напускане на митническата територия на Общността под опростен режим общностен транзит с железопътен транспорт или с големи контейнери

In Spanish


Salida del territorio aduanero de la Comunidad bajo el régimen de tránsito comunitario simplificado por ferrocarril o en contenedores grandes

In Czech


Opuštění celního území Společenství ve zjednodušeném tranzitním režimu Společenství pro přepravu po železnici nebo ve velkých kontejnerech

In Danish


Udgang fra Fællesskabets toldområde i henhold til ordningen for den forenklede procedure for fællesskabsforsendelse med jernbane eller store containere

In German


Ausgang aus dem Zollgebiet der Gemeinschaft im Rahmen des vereinfachten gemeinschaftlichen Versandverfahrens mit der Eisenbahn oder in Großbehältern

In Estonian


Ühenduse tolliterritooriumilt väljaviimine ühenduse lihtsustatud transiidiprotseduuri kohaselt raudteed mööda või suurtes konteinerites

In Greek


Έξοδος από το τελωνειακό έδαφος της Κοινότητας υπό το απλοποιημένο καθεστώς της κοινοτικής διαμετακόμισης με σιδηρόδρομο ή μεγάλα εμπορευματοκιβώτια

In English


Exit from the customs territory of the Community under the simplified Community transit procedure for carriage by rail or large containers

In French


Sortie du territoire douanier de la Communauté sous le régime du transit communautaire simplifié par chemin de fer ou par grands conteneurs

In Italian


Uscita dal territorio doganale della Comunità in regime di transito comunitario semplificato per ferrovia o grandi contenitori

In Latvian


Izvešana no Kopienas muitas teritorijas, izmantojot Kopienas vienkāršoto tranzīta procedūru pārvadājumiem pa dzelzceļu vai lielos konteineros

In Lithuanian


Išvežama iš Bendrijos muitų teritorijos pagal supaprastintą Bendrijos tranzito geležinkeliu arba didelėse talpyklose tvarką

In Hungarian


A Közösség vámterületét elhagyta egyszerűsített közösségi szállítási eljárás keretében vasúton vagy konténerben

In Maltese


Ħruġ mit-territorju tad-dwana tal-Komunità taħt il-proċedura tat-tranżitu Komunitarja simplifikata bil-ferroviji jew b’kontejners kbar

In Dutch


Vertrek uit het douanegebied van de Gemeenschap onder de regeling vereenvoudigd communautair douanevervoer per spoor of in grote containers

In Polish


Opuszczenie obszaru celnego Wspólnoty zgodnie z uproszczoną procedurą tranzytu wspólnotowego w przewozie koleją lub w wielkich kontenerach

In Portuguese


Saída do território aduaneiro da Comunidade ao abrigo do regime do trânsito comunitário simplificado por caminho-de-ferro ou em grandes contentores

In Romanian


Ieșire de pe teritoriul vamal al Comunității în cadrul regimului de tranzit comunitar simplificat pentru transport pe calea ferată sau în containere mari

In Slovak


Opustenie colného územia spoločenstva na základe zjednodušeného postupu spoločenstva pri tranzite v prípade prepravy po železnici alebo vo vel'kých kontajneroch

In Slovenian


Izstop iz carinskega območja Skupnosti pod skupnostnim poenostavljenim tranzitnim režimom po železnici ali z velikimi zabojniki

In Finnish


Vienti yhteisön tullialueelta yhteisön yksinkertaistetussa passitusmenettelyssä rautateitse tai suurissa konteissa

In Swedish


Utförsel från gemenskapens tullområde enligt det förenklade transiteringsförfarandet för järnvägstransporter eller transporter i stora containrar.

Part E

Entries referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 35(4)

In Bulgarian


Заместваща лицензия (сертификат или извлечение) за изгубена лицензия (сертификат или извлечение) — Номер на оригиналната лицензия (сертификат) …

In Spanish


Certificado (o extracto) de sustitución de un certificado (o extracto) perdido — número del certificado inicial …

In Czech


Náhradní licence (osvědčení nebo výpis) za ztracenou licenci (osvědčení nebo výpis) — číslo původní licence (osvědčení) …

In Danish


Erstatningslicens/-attest (eller erstatningspartiallicens) for bortkommen licens/attest (eller partiallicens) — oprindelig licens/attest (eller partiallicens) nr. …

In German


Ersatzlizenz (oder Teillizenz) einer verlorenen Lizenz (oder Teillizenz) — Nummer der ursprünglichen Lizenz …

In Estonian


Kaotatud litsentsi/sertifikaati (või väljavõtet) asendav litsents/sertifikaat (või väljavõte) — esialgse litsentsi/sertifikaadi number …

In Greek


Πιστοποιητικό (ή απόσπασμα) αντικαταστάσεως του απωλεσθέντος πιστοποιητικού (ή αποσπάσματος πιστοποιητικού) — αρχικό πιστοποιητικό αριθ. …

In English


Replacement licence (certificate or extract) of a lost licence (certificate or extract) — Number of original licence (certificate) …

In French


Certificat (ou extrait) de remplacement d’un certificat (ou extrait) perdu — numéro du certificat initial …

In Italian


Titolo (o estratto) sostitutivo di un titolo (o estratto) smarrito — numero del titolo originale …

In Latvian


Nozaudētās licences (sertifikāta vai izraksta) aizstājēja licence (sertifikāts vai izraksts). Licences (sertifikāta) oriģināla numurs

In Lithuanian


Pamesto sertifikato (licencijos, išrašo) pakaitinis sertifikatas (licencija, išrašas) — sertifikato (licencijos, išrašo) originalo numeris …

In Hungarian


Helyettesítő engedély (vagy kivonat) elveszett engedély (vagy kivonat) pótlására — az eredeti engedély száma

In Maltese


Liċenzja (ċertifikat jew estratt) ta' sostituzzjoni ta’ liċenzja (ċertifikat jew estratt) mitlufa — numru tal-liċenzja (ċertifikat) oriġinali …

In Dutch


Certificaat (of uittreksel) ter vervanging van een verloren gegaan certificaat (of uittreksel) — nummer van het oorspronkelijke certificaat …

In Polish


Świadectwo zastępcze (lub wyciąg) świadectwa (lub wyciągu) utraconego — numer świadectwa początkowego

In Portuguese


Certificado (ou extracto) de substituição de um certificado (ou extracto) perdido — número do certificado inicial

In Romanian


Licență (certificat sau extras) de înlocuire a unei licențe (certificat sau extras) pierdute — Numărul licenței (certificatului) originale …

In Slovak


Náhradná licencia (certifikát alebo výpis) za stratenú licenciu (certifikát alebo výpis) — číslo pôvodnej licencie (certifikátu) …

In Slovenian


Nadomestno dovoljenje (potrdilo ali izpisek) za izgubljeno dovoljenje (potrdilo ali izpisek) — številka izvirnega dovoljenja …

In Finnish


Kadonneen todistuksen (tai otteen) korvaava todistus (tai ote). Alkuperäisen todistuksen numero …

In Swedish


Ersättningslicens (licens eller dellicens) för förlorad licens (licens eller dellicens). Nummer på ursprungslicensen …

Part F

Entries referred to in Article 41(1)(b)

In Bulgarian


Лицензия, издадена съгласно член 41 от Регламент (ЕО) № 376/2008; оригинална лицензия № …

In Spanish


Certificado emitido de conformidad con el artículo 41 del Reglamento (CE) no 376/2008; certificado inicial no

In Czech


Licence vydaná podle článku 41 nařízení (ES) č. 376/2008; č. původní licence …

In Danish


Licens udstedt på de i artikel 41 i forordning (EF) nr. 376/2008 fastsatte betingelser; oprindelig licens nr. …

In German


Unter den Bedingungen von Artikel 41 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 376/2008 erteilte Lizenz; ursprüngliche Lizenz Nr. …

In Estonian


Määruse (EÜ) nr 376/2008 artikli 41 kohaselt väljaantud litsents; esialgne litsents nr …

In Greek


Πιστοποιητικό που εκδίδεται υπό τους όρους του άρθρου 41 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 376/2008· αρχικό πιστοποιητικό αριθ. …

In English


Licence issued in accordance with Article 41 of Regulation (EC) No 376/2008; original licence No …

In French


Certificat émis dans les conditions de l’article 41 du règlement (CE) no 376/2008; certificat initial no

In Italian


Titolo rilasciato alle condizioni dell'articolo 41 del regolamento (CE) n. 376/2008; titolo originale n. …

In Latvian


Licence, kas ir izsniegta saskaņā ar Regulas (EK) Nr. 376/2008 41. pantu; licences oriģināla Nr. …

In Lithuanian


Licencija išduota Reglamento (EB) Nr. 376/2008 41 straipsnyje nustatytomis sąlygomis; licencijos originalo Nr. …

In Hungarian


Az 376/2008/EK rendelet 41. cikkében foglalt feltételek szerint kiállított engedély; az eredeti engedély száma: …

In Maltese


Liċenzja maħruġa skond l-Artikolu 41 tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 376/2008; liċenzja oriġinali Nru …

In Dutch


Certificaat afgegeven overeenkomstig artikel 41 van Verordening (EG) nr. 376/2008; oorspronkelijk certificaatnummer …

In Polish


Świadectwo wydane zgodnie z warunkami art. 41 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 376/2008; pierwsze świadectwo nr …

In Portuguese


Certificado emitido nas condições previstas no artigo 41.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 376/2008; certificado inicial n.o

In Romanian


Licență eliberată în conformitate cu articolul 41 din Regulamentul (CE) nr. 376/2008; licență originală nr. …

In Slovak


Licencia vydaná v súlade s článkom 41 nariadenia (ES) č. 376/2008; číslo pôvodnej licencie …

In Slovenian


Dovoljenje, izdano pod pogoji iz člena 41 Uredbe (ES) št. 376/2008; izvirno dovoljenje št. …

In Finnish


Todistus myönnetty asetuksen (EY) N:o 376/2008 41 artiklan mukaisesti; alkuperäinen todistus N:o …

In Swedish


Licens utfärdad i enlighet med artikel 41 i förordning (EG) nr 376/2008; ursprunglig licens nr …

Part G

Entries referred to in Article 42(1)(a)

In Bulgarian


Износът е осъществен без лицензия или сертификат

In Spanish


Exportación realizada sin certificado

In Czech


Vývoz bez licence nebo bez osvědčení

In Danish


Udførsel uden licens/attest

In German


Ausfuhr ohne Ausfuhrlizenz oder Vorausfestsetzungsbescheinigung

In Estonian


Eksporditud ilma litsentsita/sertifikaadita

In Greek


Εξαγωγή πραγματοποιούμενη άνευ πιστοποιητικού εξαγωγής ή προκαθορισμού

In English


Exported without licence or certificate

In French


Exportation réalisée sans certificat

In Italian


Esportazione realizzata senza titolo

In Latvian


Eksportēts bez licences vai sertifikāta

In Lithuanian


Eksportuota be licencijos ar sertifikato

In Hungarian


Kiviteli engedély használata nélküli export

In Maltese


Esportazzjoni magħmula mingħajr liċenzja jew ċertifikat

In Dutch


Uitvoer zonder certificaat

In Polish


Wywóz dokonany bez świadectwa

In Portuguese


Exportação efectuada sem certificado

In Romanian


Exportat fără licență sau certificat

In Slovak


Vyvezené bez licencie alebo certifikátu

In Slovenian


Izvoz, izpeljan brez dovoljenja ali potrdila

In Finnish


Viety ilman todistusta

In Swedish


Exporterad utan licens

Part H

Entries referred to in Article 44(3)(a)

In Bulgarian


Условията, определени в член 44 от Регламент (ЕО) № 376/2008, са изпълнени

In Spanish


Condiciones previstas en el artículo 44 del Reglamento (CE) no 376/2008 cumplidas

In Czech


Byly dodrženy podmínky stanovené v článku 44 nařízení (ES) č. 376/2008

In Danish


Betingelserne i artikel 44 i forordning (EF) nr. 376/2008 er opfyldt

In German


Bedingungen von Artikel 44 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 376/2008 wurden eingehalten

In Estonian


Määruse (EÜ) nr 376/2008 artiklis 44 ettenähtud tingimused on täidetud

In Greek


Τηρουμένων των προϋποθέσεων του άρθρου 44 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 376/2008

In English


Conditions laid down in Article 44 of Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 fulfilled

In French


Conditions prévues à l'article 44 du règlement (CE) no 376/2008 respectées

In Italian


Condizioni previste nell'articolo 44 del regolamento (CE) n. 376/2008 ottemperate

In Latvian


Regulas (EK) Nr. 376/2008 44. pantā paredzētie nosacījumi ir izpildīti

In Lithuanian


Įvykdytos Reglamento (EB) Nr. 376/2008 44 straipsnyje numatytos sąlygos

In Hungarian


Az 376/2008/EK rendelet 44. cikkében foglalt feltételek teljesítve

In Maltese


Kundizzjonijiet previsti fl-Artikolu 44 tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 376/2008 imwettqa

In Dutch


in artikel 44 van Verordening (EG) nr. 376/2008 bedoelde voorwaarden nageleefd

In Polish


Warunki przewidziane w art. 44 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 376/2008 spełnione

In Portuguese


Condições previstas no artigo 44.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 376/2008 cumpridas

In Romanian


Condițiile prevăzute la articolul 44 din Regulamentul (CE) nr. 376/2008 — îndeplinite

In Slovak


Podmienky ustanovené v článku 44 nariadenia (ES) č. 376/2008 boli splnené

In Slovenian


Pogoji, predvideni v členu 44 Uredbe (ES) št. 376/2008, izpolnjeni

In Finnish


Asetuksen (EY) N:o 376/2008 44 artiklassa säädetyt edellytykset on täytetty

In Swedish


Villkoren i artikel 44 i förordning (EG) nr 376/2008 är uppfyllda

Part I

Entries referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 48(1)

In Bulgarian


Преференциален режим, приложим към количеството, посочено в клетки 17 и 18

In Spanish


Régimen preferencial aplicable a la cantidad indicada en las casillas 17 y 18

In Czech


Preferenční režim na množství uvedená v kolonkách 17 a 18

In Danish


Præferenceordning gældende for mængden anført i rubrik 17 og 18

In German


Präferenzregelung, anwendbar auf die in den Feldern 17 und 18 genannte Menge

In Estonian


Lahtrites 17 ja 18 osutatud koguse suhtes kohaldatav sooduskord

In Greek


Προτιμησιακό καθεστώς εφαρμοζόμενο για την ποσότητα που αναγράφεται στα τετραγωνίδια 17 και 18

In English


Preferential arrangements applicable to the quantity given in Sections 17 and 18

In French


Régime préférentiel applicable pour la quantité indiquée dans les cases 17 et 18

In Italian


Regime preferenziale applicabile per la quantità indicata nelle caselle 17 e 18

In Latvian


Labvēlības režīms, kas piemērojams 17. un 18. iedaļā dotajam daudzumam

In Lithuanian


Taikomos lengvatinės sąlygos 17 ir 18 skiltyse įrašytiems kiekiams

In Hungarian


Kedvezményes eljárás hatálya alá tartozó, a 17-es és 18-as mezőn feltüntetett mennyiség

In Maltese


Arranġamenti preferenzjali applikabbli għall-kwantità indikata fis-Sezzjonijiet 17 u 18

In Dutch


Preferentiële regeling van toepassing voor de in de vakken 17 en 18 vermelde hoeveelheid

In Polish


Systemy preferencyjne stosowane dla ilości wskazanych w polach 17 i 18

In Portuguese


Regime preferencial aplicável em relação à quantidade indicada nas casas 17 e 18

In Romanian


Regimuri preferențiale aplicabile cantității prevăzute în căsuțele 17 și 18

In Slovak


Preferenčné opatrenia platia pre množstvo uvedené v kolónkach 17 a 18

In Slovenian


Preferencialni režim, uporabljen za količine, navedene v okencih 17 in 18

In Finnish


Etuuskohtelu, jota sovelletaan kohdissa 17 ja 18 esitettyihin määriin

In Swedish


Preferensordning tillämplig för den kvantitet som anges i fält 17 och 18


Repealed Regulation with list of its successive amendments

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000

(OJ L 152, 24.6.2000, p. 1)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2299/2001

(OJ L 308, 27.11.2001, p. 19)

Article 2 only

Commission Regulation (EC) No 325/2003

(OJ L 47, 21.2.2003, p. 21)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 322/2004

(OJ L 58, 26.2.2004, p. 3)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 636/2004

(OJ L 100, 6.4.2004, p. 25)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1741/2004

(OJ L 311, 8.10.2004, p. 17)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1856/2005

(OJ L 297, 15.11.2005, p. 7)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 410/2006

(OJ L 71, 10.3.2006, p. 7)


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1713/2006

(OJ L 321, 21.11.2006, p. 11)

Article 8 only

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1847/2006

(OJ L 355, 15.12.2006, p. 21)

Article 4 and Annex IV only

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1913/2006

(OJ L 365, 21.12.2006, p. 52)

Article 23 only

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1423/2007

(OJ L 317, 5.12.2007, p. 36)



Correlation table

Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 1

Article 2, introductory phrase

Article 2, introductory phrase

Article 2(a)

Article 2(a)

Article 2(b), introductory phrase

Article 2(b), introductory phrase

Article 2(b), first indent

Article 2(b)(i)

Article 2(b), second indent

Article 2(b)(ii)

Article 3

Article 3

Article 5(1), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 4(1), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 5(1), first subparagraph, first indent

Article 4(1), first subparagraph, point (a)

Article 5(1), first subparagraph, second indent

Article 4(1), first subparagraph, point (b)

Article 5(1), first subparagraph, third indent

Article 4(1), first subparagraph, point (c)

Article 5(1), first subparagraph, fourth indent

Article 4(1), first subparagraph, point (d)

Article 5(1), second subparagraph

Article 4(1), second subparagraph

Article 5(1), third subparagraph

Article 4(1), third subparagraph

Article 5(2) and (3)

Article 4(2) and (3)

Article 6

Article 5

Article 7

Article 6

Article 8

Article 7

Article 9(1)

Article 8(1)

Article 9(2)

Article 8(2)

Article 9(3), introductory phrase

Article 8(3), introductory phrase

Article 9(3), first indent

Article 8(3)(a)

Article 9(3), second indent

Article 8(3)(b)

Article 9(4)

Article 8(4)

Article 10

Article 9

Article 11

Article 10

Article 12

Article 11

Article 13

Article 12

Article 14, first and second paragraphs

Article 13(1), first and second subparagraphs

Article 14, third paragraph

Article 13(2)

Article 14, fourth paragraph

Article 13(3)

Article 15

Article 14

Article 16

Article 15

Article 17

Article 16

Article 18

Article 17

Article 19

Article 18

Article 20

Article 19

Article 21(1)

Article 20(1)

Article 21(2), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 20(2), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 21(2), first subparagraph, first indent

Article 20(2), first subparagraph, point (a)

Article 21(2), first subparagraph, second indent

Article 20(2), first subparagraph, point (b)

Article 21(2), second subparagraph

Article 20(2), second subparagraph

Article 22

Article 21

Article 23

Article 22

Article 24

Article 23

Article 25

Article 24

Article 26

Article 25

Article 27

Article 26

Article 28

Article 27

Article 29

Article 28

Article 30

Article 29

Article 31

Article 30

Article 32(1)

Article 31

Article 33(1)

Article 32(1)

Article 33(2), first subparagraph

Article 32(2), first subparagraph

Article 33(2), second subparagraph, introductory words

Article 32(2), second subparagraph, introductory words

Article 33(2), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 32(2), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 33(2), second subparagraph, point (b), introductory phrase

Article 32(2) second subparagraph, point (b), introductory phrase

Article 33(2), second subparagraph, point (b), first indent

Article 32(2), second subparagraph, point (b)(i)

Article 33(2), second subparagraph, point (b), second indent

Article 32(2), second subparagraph, point (b)(ii)

Article 33(2), second subparagraph, point (b), third indent

Article 32(2), second subparagraph, point (b)(iii)

Article 33(2) third subparagraph

Article 32(2) third subparagraph

Article 33(2) fourth subparagraph

Article 32(2) fourth subparagraph

Article 33(2) fifth subparagraph

Article 32(2) fifth subparagraph

Article 33(3) first subparagraph

Article 32(3) first subparagraph

Article 33(3) second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 32(3) second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 33(3), second subparagraph, first indent

Article 32(3), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 33(3), second subparagraph, second indent

Article 32(3), second subparagraph, point (b)

Article 33(3) third subparagraph

Article 32(3) third subparagraph

Article 33(4)

Article 32(4)

Article 34

Article 33

Article 35(1)

Article 34(1)

Article 35(2)

Article 34(2)

Article 35(3) first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 34(3) first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 35(3), first subparagraph, first indent

Article 34(3), first subparagraph, point (a)

Article 35(3), first subparagraph, second indent

Article 34(3), first subparagraph, point (b)

Article 35(3), second subparagraph

Article 34(3), second subparagraph

Article 35(3), third subparagraph

Article 34(3), third subparagraph

Article 35(3), fourth subparagraph

Article 34(3), fourth subparagraph

Article 35(4)(a), first indent

Article 34(4)

Article 35(4)(a), second indent

Article 34(5)

Article 35(4)(b), introductory phrase

Article 34(6), introductory phrase

Article 35(4)(b), first indent

Article 34(6)(a)

Article 35(4)(b), second indent

Article 34(6)(b)

Article 35(4)(b), third indent

Article 34(6)(c)

Article 35(4)(b), fourth indent

Article 34(6)(d)

Article 35(4)(c)

Article 34(7)

Article 35(4)(d)

Article 34(8)

Article 35(5)

Article 34(9)

Article 35(6), first subparagraph

Article 34(10), first subparagraph

Article 35(6), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 34(10), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 35(6), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 34(10), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 35(6), second subparagraph, point (b), introductory phrase

Article 34(10), second subparagraph, point (b), introductory phrase

Article 35(6), second subparagraph, point (b), first indent

Article 34(10), second subparagraph, point (b)(i)

Article 35(6), second subparagraph, point (b), second indent

Article 34(10), second subparagraph, point (b)(ii)

Article 35(6), second subparagraph, point (b), third indent

Article 34(10), second subparagraph, point (b)(iii)

Article 36(1)

Article 35(1)

Article 36(2), first subparagraph

Article 35(2), first subparagraph

Article 36(2), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 35(2), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 36(2), second subparagraph, first indent

Article 35(2), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 36(2), second subparagraph, second indent

Article 35(2), second subparagraph, point (b)

Article 36(3)

Article 35(3)

Article 36(4), first subparagraph

Article 35(4), first subparagraph

Article 36(4), second subparagraph

Article 35(4), second subparagraph

Article 36(4), third subparagraph

Article 35(5)

Article 36(5), first subparagraph, introductory wording

Article 35(6), first subparagraph, introductory wording

Article 36(5), first subparagraph, first indent

Article 35(6), first subparagraph, point (a)

Article 36(5), first subparagraph, second indent

Article 35(6), first subparagraph, point (b)

Article 36(5), second subparagraph

Article 35(6), second subparagraph

Article 36(6)

Article 35(7)

Article 36(7), first subparagraph

Article 35(8), first subparagraph

Article 36(7), second subparagraph, introductory words

Article 35(8), second subparagraph, introductory words

Article 36(7), second subparagraph, first indent

Article 35(8), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 36(7), second subparagraph, second indent

Article 35(8), second subparagraph, point (b)

Article 36(7), third subparagraph

Article 35(8), third subparagraph

Article 36(8)

Article 35(9)

Article 36(9)

Article 35(10)

Article 36(10)

Article 35(11)

Article 37

Article 36

Article 38, first paragraph, introductory phrase

Article 37, first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 38, first subparagraph, point (a), introductory phrase

Article 37, first subparagraph, point (a) introductory phrase

Article 38, first subparagraph, point (a), first indent

Article 37, first subparagraph, point (a)(i)

Article 38, first subparagraph, point (a), second indent

Article 37, first subparagraph, point (a)(ii)

Article 38, first subparagraph, point (b)

Article 37, first subparagraph, point (b)

Article 38, second subparagraph

Article 37, second subparagraph

Article 39

Article 38

Article 40

Article 39

Article 41

Article 40

Article 42(1)

Article 41(1)

Article 42(2), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 41(2), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 42(2), first subparagraph, point (a), introductory phrase

Article 41(2), first subparagraph, point (a), introductory phrase

Article 42(2), first subparagraph, point (a), first indent

Article 41(2), first subparagraph, point (a)(i)

Article 42(2), first subparagraph, point (a), second indent

Article 41(2), first subparagraph, point (a)(ii)

Article 42(2), first subparagraph, points (b) and (c)

Article 41(2), first subparagraph, points (b) and (c)

Article 42(2), second subparagraph

Article 41(3)

Article 43

Article 42

Article 44(1), introductory phrase

Article 43(1), introductory phrase

Article 44(1)(a), introductory phrase

Article 43(1)(a), introductory phrase

Article 44(1)(a), first indent

Article 43(1)(a)(i)

Article 44(1)(a), second indent

Article 43(1)(a)(ii)

Article 44(1)(a), third indent

Article 43(1)(a)(iii)

Article 44(1)(b), introductory phrase

Article 43(1)(b), introductory phrase

Article 44(1)(b), first indent

Article 43(1)(b)(i)

Article 44(1)(b), second indent

Article 43(1)(b)(ii)

Article 44(2)

Article 43(2)

Article 45(1)

Article 44(1)

Article 45(2), introductory words

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, introductory words

Article 45(2)(a), introductory words

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, point (a), introductory words

Article 45(2)(a), first indent

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, point (a)(i)

Article 45(2)(a), second indent

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, point (a)(ii)

Article 45(2)(b), first subparagraph, introductory words

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, point (b), introductory words

Article 45(2)(b), first subparagraph, first indent

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, point (b)(i)

Article 45(2)(b), first subparagraph, second indent

Article 44(2), first subparagraph, point (b)(ii)

Article 45(2)(b), second subparagraph

Article 44(2), second subparagraph

Article 45(3)

Article 44(3)

Article 46(1), first subparagraph

Article 45(1), first subparagraph

Article 46(1), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 45(1), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 46(1), second subparagraph, first indent

Article 45(1), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 46(1), second subparagraph, second indent

Article 45(1), second subparagraph, point (b)

Article 46(1), third subparagraph

Article 45(1), third subparagraph

Article 46(1), fourth subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 45(1), fourth subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 46(1), fourth subparagraph, first indent

Article 45(1), fourth subparagraph, point (a)

Article 46(1), fourth subparagraph, second indent

Article 45(1), fourth subparagraph, point (b)

Article 46(1), fifth subparagraph

Article 45(1), fifth subparagraph

Article 46(1), sixth subparagraph

Article 45(1), sixth subparagraph

Article 46(2)(3) and (4)

Article 45(2)(3) and (4)

Article 46(5), introductory words

Article 45(5), introductory words

Article 46(5), first indent

Article 45(5)(a)

Article 46(5), second indent

Article 45(5)(b)

Article 47

Article 46

Article 49(1) and (2)

Article 47(1) and (2)

Article 49(3), first subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 47(3), introductory phrase

Article 49(3), first subparagraph, first indent

Article 47(3)(a)

Article 49(3), first subparagraph, second indent

Article 47(3)(b)

Article 49(3), first subparagraph, third indent

Article 47(3)(c)

Article 49(3), second subparagraph

Article 47(3), second subparagraph

Article 49(3), third subparagraph

Article 47(3), third subparagraph

Article 49(3), fourth subparagraph

Article 47(3), fourth subparagraph

Article 49(4) and (5)

Article 47(4) and (5)

Article 49(6), first subparagraph

Article (47)(6), first subparagraph

Article 49(6), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 47(6), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 49(6), second subparagraph, points (a) and (b)

Article 47(6), second subparagraph, points (a) and (b)

Article 49(6), second subparagraph, point (c)

Article 47(6), second subparagraph, point (d)

Article 49(6), second subparagraph, point (d)

Article 47(6), second subparagraph, point (e)

Article 49(6), second subparagraph, point (e)

Article 47(6), second subparagraph, point (c)

Article 49(6), third to eighth subparagraphs

Article 47(6), third to eighth subparagraphs

Article 49(7)

Article 47(7)

Article 49(8), first subparagraph

Article 47(8), first subparagraph

Article 49(8), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 47(8), second subparagraph, introductory phrase

Article 49(8), second subparagraph, first indent

Article 47(8), second subparagraph, point (a)

Article 49(8), second subparagraph, second indent

Article 47(8), second subparagraph, point (b)

Article 47(9), introductory phrase

Article 49(9)(a) to (d)

Article 47(9)(a) to (d)

Article 49(10)

Article 47(3), fifth subparagraph

Article 50

Article 48

Article 51

Article 49

Article 52(1)

Article 50

Article 52(2)

Annex I

Annex I

Annex Ia

Annex III, Part A

Annex Ib

Annex III, Part B

Annex Ic

Annex III, Part C

Annex Id

Annex III, Part D

Annex Ie

Annex III, Part E

Annex If

Annex III, Part F

Annex Ig

Annex III, Part G

Annex Ih

Annex III, Part H

Annex Ii

Annex III, Part I

Annex II

Annex III, Parts A to I

Annex II, Parts A to I

Annex III, Parts K to N

Annex II, Parts J to M

Annex IV

Annex V



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/57


of 25 April 2008

implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community as regards the codification to be used for data transmission from 2009 onwards, the use of a sub-sample for the collection of data on structural variables and the definition of the reference quarters

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 of 9 March 1998 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community (1), and in particular Articles 1 and 4(3) thereof,



Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 577/98 requires that, in the case of a continuous survey, a list of the weeks making up the reference quarters for the survey is drawn up by the Commission.


In accordance with Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 577/98, implementing measures are necessary in order to define the codification of the variables to be used for the data transmission.


Under Article 4(4) of Regulation (EC) No 577/98, a list of variables, hereinafter referred to as structural variables, may be identified from among the survey characteristics which need to be surveyed only as annual averages with reference to 52 weeks rather than as quarterly averages. Therefore, the conditions for the use of a sub-sample for the collection of data on structural variables should be laid down.


In view of the importance of data on employment and unemployment, the totals for these indicators should be consistent whether they are produced from the annual sub-sample or on the basis of an annual average of the four quarterly full samples.


In view of the importance of data collected in ad hoc modules, this information should be combinable with any other variable from the survey.


Regulation (EC) No 577/98 as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1372/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council makes the transmission of the variable ‘wages from the main job’ compulsory. Therefore, the codification of the variables should be amended.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 430/2005 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community concerning the codification to be used for data transmission from 2006 onwards and the use of a sub-sample for the collection of data on structural variables (2) defines the codification to be used for the data transmission from 2006 onwards. However, it is necessary to amend the coding scheme from 2009 onwards in order to take account of changes in two variables (field of highest level of education or training successfully completed and monthly pay from main job), to adapt the transmission columns accordingly and to correct some filter errors and omissions for other variables. Commission Regulation (EC) No 430/2005 should therefore be repealed with effect from 1 January 2009.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Statistical Programme Committee established by Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom (3),


Article 1

Structural variables

The conditions for the use of a sub-sample for the collection of data on structural variables are laid down in Annex I.

Article 2

Reference quarters

The definition of the reference quarters to be applied from 2009 is laid down in Annex II.

Article 3


The codes for the variables to be used for the data transmission for the years 2009 onwards are laid down in Annex III.

Article 4


Regulation (EC) No 430/2005 shall be repealed with effect from 1 January 2009.

Article 5

Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 1 January 2009.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2008.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 77, 14.3.1998, p. 3. Regulation last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1372/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 315, 3.12.2007. p. 42).

(2)   OJ L 71, 17.3.2005, p. 36. Regulation last amended by Regulation (EC) No 973/2007 (OJ L 216, 21.8.2007, p. 10).

(3)   OJ L 181, 28.6.1989, p. 47.



1.   Yearly/quarterly variables

The word ‘yearly’ in the ‘Periodicity’ column of the Codification laid down in Annex III identifies structural variables which optionally need only to be surveyed as annual averages, using a sub-sample of independent observations with reference to 52 weeks, rather than as quarterly averages. Core variables to be surveyed each quarter are identified as ‘quarterly’.

2.   Representativeness of the results

For structural variables, the relative standard error (without taking design effect into account) of any yearly estimate representing 1 % or more of the working-age population shall not exceed:


9 % for countries with a population between 1 million and 20 million inhabitants and,


5 % for countries with a population of 20 million or more.

Countries with fewer than 1 million inhabitants are exempted from these precision requirements, and structural variables should be collected for the total sample unless the sample meets the requirements set out in (a).

For countries using a sub-sample for data collection on structural variables, if more than one wave is used, the total sub-sample used shall consist of independent observations.

3.   Consistency of totals

Consistency between annual sub-sample totals and full-sample annual averages shall be ensured for employment, unemployment and inactive population by sex and for the following age groups: 15 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 +.

4.   Ad hoc modules

The sample used to collect information on ad hoc modules shall also provide information on structural variables.




Quarters of each year refer to the 12 months of the year, so that January, February and March belong to the first quarter, April, May and June to the second quarter, July, August and September to the third quarter and October, November and December to the fourth quarter.


The reference weeks are allocated to the reference quarters so that a week belongs to the quarter as defined in (a) to which at least four days of that week belong, unless this results in the first quarter of the year consisting of only 12 weeks. When that occurs, the quarters of the year in question will be formed by consecutive blocks of 13 weeks.


When, according to (b), a quarter consists of 14 weeks instead of 13 weeks the Member States should attempt to spread the sample over all of the 14 weeks.


If it is not feasible to spread the sample to cover all 14 weeks of the quarter, the Member State concerned may skip one week of that quarter (i.e. not cover it). The week to be skipped should be typical with regard to unemployment, employment and average actual hours worked and should be part of a month containing five Thursdays.


The first quarter of 2009 shall start on Monday, 29 December 2008.

Until the end of 2011, Member States running the Labour Force Survey along with other surveys as one single integrated survey may define the start of reference quarters one week earlier than laid down in (a), (b) and (e).















Sequence number in the household (it should remain the same for all waves)



Two-digit sequence number allocated to each member of the household





Relationship to reference person in the household



Reference person


Spouse (or cohabiting partner) of reference person


Child of reference person (or of his/her spouse or cohabiting partner)


Ascendant relative of reference person (or of his/her spouse or cohabiting partner)


Other relative




Not applicable (HHTYPE≠1,3)





Sequence number of spouse or cohabiting partner



Sequence number of spouse or cohabiting partner in the household


Not applicable (person does not belong to a private household, or has no partner, or the partner does not belong to this private household)





Sequence number of father



Sequence number of father in the household


Not applicable (person does not belong to a private household, or the father does not belong to this private household)





Sequence number of mother



Sequence number of mother in the household


Not applicable (person does not belong to a private household, or the mother does not belong to this private household)















Year of birth



The 4 digits of year of birth are entered





Date of birth in relation to the end of reference period



Person's birthday falls between 1 January and the end of the reference week


Person's birthday falls after the end of the reference week





Marital status









Divorced or legally separated


No answer








For coding, see ISO country classification





Years of residence in this country



Born in this country


Number of years of residence in this country


No answer





Country of birth



For coding, see ISO country classification


Not applicable (col.19/20=00)


No answer





Nature of participation in the survey

everybody aged 15 years or more


Direct participation


Participation via another member of the household


Not applicable (child less than 15 years)


No answer







Labour status during the reference week

everybody aged 15 years or more


Did any work for pay or profit during the reference week — one hour or more (including family workers but excluding conscripts on compulsory military or community service)


Was not working but had a job or business from which he/she was absent during the reference week (including family workers but excluding conscripts on compulsory military or community service)


Was not working because on lay-off


Was a conscript on compulsory military or community service


Other (15 years or more) who neither worked nor had a job or business during the reference week


Not applicable (child less than 15 years)





Reason for not having worked at all though having a job



Bad weather


Slack work for technical or economic reasons


Labour dispute


School education or training


Own illness, injury or temporary disability


Maternity leave


Parental leave




Compensation leave (within the framework of working time banking or an annualised hours contract)


Other reasons (e.g. personal or family responsibilities)


Not applicable (WSTATOR=1,3-5,9)







Professional status



Self-employed with employees


Self-employed without employees




Family worker


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Continuing receipt of the wage or salary



Absent for up to and including 3 months


Absent for more than 3 months and receiving a wage, salary or social allowances corresponding to half or more of the salary


Absent for more than 3 months and receiving a wage, salary or social allowances corresponding to less than half of the salary


Don’t know


Not applicable (WSTATOR≠2 or NOWKREAS=04 or NOWKREAS=05 or STAPRO≠3) and WSTATOR≠3





Economic activity of the local unit



NACE Rev 2 coded at 2 or if possible 3 digit level


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer








ISCO-88 (COM) coded at 3 or if possible 4 digit level


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Supervisory responsibilities









No answer





Number of persons working at the local unit

STAPRO=1,3,4, blank


Exact number of persons, if between 1 and 10


11 to 19 persons


20 to 49 persons


50 persons or more


Do not know but fewer than 11 persons


Do not know but more than 10 persons


Not applicable (STAPRO=2,9)


No answer





Country of place of work



For coding, see ISO country classification


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Region of place of work





Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Year in which person started working for this employer or as self-employed



Enter the 4 digits of the year concerned


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Month in which person started working for this employer or as self-employed



Enter the number of the month concerned


Not applicable (YSTARTWK=9999, blank or REFYEAR-YSTARTWK>2)


No answer





Involvement of the public employment office at any moment in finding the present job

STAPRO=3 & has started this job in the last 12 months






STAPRO≠3 or has started this job more than 1 year ago


No answer





Full-time/Part-time distinction



Full-time job


Part-time job




No answer





Reasons for the part-time work



Part-time job is taken because:


Person is undergoing school education or training


Of own illness or disability


Looking after children or incapacitated adults


Other personal or family reasons


Person could not find a full-time job


Of other reasons


Not applicable (FTPT≠2)


No answer





Permanency of the job



Person has a permanent job or work contract of unlimited duration


Person has temporary job/work contract of limited duration


Not applicable (STAPRO≠3)


No answer





Reasons for having a temporary job/work contract of limited duration



Person has temporary job/work contract of limited duration because:


It is a contract covering a period of training (apprentices, trainees, research assistants, etc.)


Person could not find a permanent job


Person did not want a permanent job


It is a contract for a probationary period


Not applicable (TEMP≠2)


No answer





Total duration of temporary job or work contract of limited duration



Less than one month


1 to 3 months


4 to 6 months


7 to 12 months


13 to 18 months


19 to 24 months


25 to 36 months


More than 3 years


Not applicable (TEMP≠2)


No answer





Contract with a temporary employment agency







Not applicable (STAPRO≠3)


No answer







Shift work



Person does shift work


Person never does shift work


Not applicable (STAPRO≠3)


No answer





Evening work



Person usually works in the evening


Person sometimes works in the evening


Person never works in the evening


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Night work



Person usually works at night


Person sometimes works at night


Person never works at night


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Saturday work



Person usually works on Saturdays


Person sometimes works on Saturdays


Person never works on Saturdays


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Sunday work



Person usually works on Sundays


Person sometimes works on Sundays


Person never works on Sundays


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer







Number of hours per week usually worked in the main job



Usual hours cannot be given because hours worked vary considerably from week to week or from month to month


Number of hours usually worked in the main job


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Number of hours actually worked during the reference week in the main job



Person having a job or business and not having worked at all in the main activity during the reference week


Number of hours actually worked in the main job during the reference week


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Paid overtime in the reference week in the main job



Number of paid overtime hours


Not applicable (STAPRO≠3)


No answer





Unpaid overtime in the reference week in the main job



Number of unpaid overtime hours


Not applicable (STAPRO≠3)


No answer





Main reason for hours actually worked during the reference week being different from the person's usual hours



Person has worked more than usual due to:


variable hours (e.g. flexible working hours)




other reasons


Person has worked less than usual due to:


bad weather


slack work for technical or economic reasons


labour dispute


education or training


variable hours (e.g. flexible working hours)


own illness, injury or temporary disability


maternity or parental leave


special leave for personal or family reasons


annual holidays


bank holidays


start of/change in job during reference week


end of job without taking up a new one during reference week


other reasons


Person having worked usual hours during the reference week (HWUSUAL=HWACTUAL=01-98)


Person whose hours vary considerably from week to week or month to month and who did not state a reason for a divergence between the actual and usual hours (HWUSUAL=00 & HOURREAS#01-16)


Not applicable (WSTATOR=2-5,9 or HWUSUAL=blank or HWACTUAL=blank)


No answer





Wish to work usually more than the current number of hours







Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Way how person wants to work more hours



Through an additional job


Through a job working more hours than the present job


Only within the present job


In any of the above ways


Not applicable (WISHMORE≠1)


No answer





Number of hours that the person would like to work in total



Number of hours wished to work in total


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Working at home



Person usually works at home


Person sometimes works at home


Person never works at home


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Looking for another job



Person is not looking for another job


Person is looking for another job


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Reasons for looking for another job



risk or certainty of loss or termination of present job


actual job is considered as a transitional job


seeking an additional job to add more hours to those worked in present job


seeking a job with more hours worked than in present job


seeking a job with fewer hours worked than in present job


wish to have better working conditions (e.g. pay, working or travel time, quality of work)


other reasons


Not applicable (LOOKOJ≠1)


No answer







Existence of more than one job or business



Person had only one job or business during the reference week


Person had more than one job or business during the reference week (not due to change of job or business)


Not applicable (WSTATOR=3-5,9)


No answer





Professional status (in the second job)



Self-employed with employees


Self-employed without employees




Family worker


Not applicable (EXIST2J=1,9, blank)


No answer





Economic activity of the local unit (in the second job)



NACE Rev. 2


Not applicable (EXIST2J=1,9, blank)


No answer





Number of hours actually worked during the reference week in the second job



Person not having worked in the second job during the reference week


Number of hours actually worked in the second job during the reference week


Not applicable (EXIST2J=1,9, blank)


No answer







Existence of previous employment experience



Person has never been in employment (purely occasional work, such as vacation work, compulsory military or community service are not to be considered as employment)


Person has already been in employment (purely occasional work, such as vacation work, compulsory military or community service are not to be considered as employment)


Not applicable (WSTATOR=1,2 or 9)


No answer





Year in which person last worked



Enter the 4 digits of the year in which person last worked


Not applicable (EXISTPR=0,9, blank)


No answer





Month in which person last worked

YEARPR≠9999, blank & REFYEAR-YEARPR<=2


Enter the number of the month in which person last worked


Not applicable (YEARPR=9999, blank or REFYEAR-YEARPR>2)


No answer





Main reason for leaving last job or business



Dismissed or made redundant


A job of limited duration has ended


Looking after children or incapacitated adults


Other personal or family responsibilities


Own illness or disability


Education or training


Early retirement


Normal retirement


Compulsory military or community service


Other reasons


Not applicable (EXISTPR=0,9, blank, or EXISTPR=1 and did not work in last 8 years)


No answer



QUARTERLY only if having worked in the last 12 months,

YEARLY otherwise


Professional status in last job



Self-employed with employees


Self-employed without employees




Family worker


Not applicable (EXISTPR=0,9, blank, or EXISTPR=1 and did not work in last 8 years)


No answer



QUARTERLY if having worked in the last 12 months,

YEARLY otherwise


Economic activity of the local unit in which person last worked



NACE Rev. 2


Not applicable (EXISTPR=0,9, blank, or EXISTPR=1 and did not work in last 8 years)


No answer



QUARTERLY if having worked in the last 12 months,

YEARLY otherwise


Occupation of last job





Not applicable (EXISTPR=0,9, blank, or EXISTPR=1 and did not work in last 8 years)


No answer







Seeking employment during previous four weeks

(WSTATOR=3-5 or SIGNISAL=3) and Age<75


Person has already found a job which will start within a period of at most 3 months


Person has already found a job which will start in more than 3 months and is not seeking employment


Person is not seeking employment and has not found any job to start later


Person is seeking employment


Not applicable (WSTATOR=1,2 or 9 and SIGNISAL≠3) or Age equal or greater than 75





Reasons for not seeking employment



Person is not seeking employment because:


awaiting recall to work (persons on lay-off)


of own illness or disability


looking after children or incapacitated adults


of other personal or family responsibilities


of education or training


of retirement


of belief that no work is available


of other reasons


Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠3)


No answer





Type of employment sought (or found)



The employment sought (for SEEKWORK=1,2 the employment found) is:


as self-employed


as employee:


and only full-time job is sought (or has already been found)


and full-time job is sought, but if not available, part-time job will be accepted


and part-time job is sought, but if not available, full-time job will be accepted


and only part-time job is sought (or has already been found)


and person did not state whether full-time or part-time job is sought (or has already been found)


Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠1,2,4 and LOOKOJ≠1)


No answer





Duration of search for employment



Search not yet started


Less than 1 month


1-2 months


3-5 months


6-11 months


12-17 months


18-23 months


24-47 months


4 years or longer


Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠1,4 and LOOKOJ≠1)


No answer







Contacted public employment office to find work







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Contacted private employment agency to find work







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Applied to employers directly







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Asked friends, relatives, trade unions, etc.







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Inserted or answered advertisements in newspapers or journals







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Studied advertisements in newspapers or journals







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Took a test, interview or examination







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Looked for land, premises or equipment







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Looked for permits, licences, financial resources







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Awaiting the results of an application for a job







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Waiting for a call from a public employment office







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Awaiting the results of a competition for recruitment to the public sector







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Other method used







Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠4 and LOOKOJ≠1)





Willingness to work for person not seeking employment



Person is not seeking employment:


but would nevertheless like to have work


and does not want to have work


Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠3)


No answer





Availability to start working within two weeks



If work were found now:


Person could start to work immediately (within 2 weeks)


Person could not start to work immediately (within 2 weeks)


Not applicable (SEEKWORK≠1, 4 and WANTWORK≠1, blank and WISHMORE≠1)





Reasons for not being available to start working within 2 weeks



Person could not start to work immediately (within 2 weeks) because:


he/she must complete education or training


he/she must complete compulsory military or community service


he/she cannot leave present employment within two weeks due to period of notice


of personal or family responsibilities (including maternity)


of own illness or incapacity


of other reasons


Not applicable (AVAILBLE≠2)


No answer





Situation immediately before person started to seek employment (or was waiting for new job to start)



Person was working (including apprentices, trainees)


Person was in full-time education (excluding apprentices, trainees)


Person was conscript on compulsory military or community service


Person had domestic/family responsibilities


Other (e.g. retired)


Not applicable (SEEKWORK=3,9)


No answer





Need for care facilities



Person is not searching for a job or is working part time because:


suitable care services for children are not available or affordable


suitable care services for ill, disabled, elderly are not available or affordable


suitable care services for both children and ill, disabled and elderly are not available or affordable.


care facilities do not influence decision for working part time or not searching for a job


Not applicable (FTPTREAS≠3 and SEEKREAS≠3)


No answer





Registration at a public employment office

everybody aged 15 to 74 years


Person is registered at a public employment office and receives benefit or assistance


Person is registered at a public employment office but does not receive benefit or assistance


Person is not registered at a public employment office but receives benefit or assistance


Person is not registered at a public employment office and does not receive benefit or assistance


Not applicable (person aged less than 15 years or older than 75)


No answer



MAINSTAT (optional)




Main status

everybody aged 15 years or more


Carries out a job or profession, including unpaid work for a family business or holding, including an apprenticeship or paid traineeship, etc.




Pupil, student, further training, unpaid work experience


In retirement or early retirement or has given up business


Permanently disabled


In compulsory military service


Fulfilling domestic tasks


Other inactive person


Not applicable (child less than 15 years)


No answer







Student or apprentice in regular education during the last four weeks

everybody aged 15 years or more


Has been a student or an apprentice


Person in regular education but on holiday


Has not been a student or apprentice


Not applicable (child less than 15 years)


No answer





Level of this education or training















Not applicable (EDUCSTAT=2,9, blank)


No answer

EDUCFILD (optional)




Field of this education or training

EDUCSTAT=1 or 3 and EDUCLEVL=3 to 6


General programmes


Teacher training and education science


Humanities, languages and arts


Foreign languages


Social sciences, business and law


Science, mathematics and computing


Life science (including biology and environmental science)


Physical science (including physics, chemistry and earth science)


Mathematics and statistics


Computer science


Computer use


Engineering, manufacturing and construction


Agriculture and veterinary


Health and welfare






Not applicable (EDUCSTAT=2,9, blank or EDUCLEVL≠(3 to 6))


No answer





Did you attend any courses, seminars, conferences or receive private lessons or instruction outside the regular education system (hereafter referred to as taught-learning activities) within the last four weeks?

Everybody aged 15 years or more






Not applicable (child less than 15 years)


No answer





Number of hours spent on all taught-learning activities within the last four weeks


3 digits

Number of hours


Not applicable (COURATT=2,9, blank)


No answer

COURPURP (optional)




Purpose of the most recent taught-learning activity



Mostly job related (professional)


Mostly personal/social


Not applicable (COURATT=2,9, blank)


No answer

COURFILD (optional)




Field of the most recent taught-learning activity



General programmes


Teacher training and education science


Humanities, languages and arts


Foreign languages


Social sciences, business and law


Science, mathematics and computing


Life science (including biology and environmental science)


Physical science (including physics, chemistry and earth science)


Mathematics and statistics


Computer science


Computer use


Engineering, manufacturing and construction


Agriculture and veterinary


Health and welfare






Not applicable (COURATT=2,9, blank)


No answer

COURWORH (optional)




Did the most recent taught-learning activity take place during paid working hours?



Only during paid working hours


Mostly during paid working hours


Mostly outside paid working hours


Only outside paid working hours


No job at that time


Not applicable (COURATT=2,9, blank)


No answer





Highest level of education or training successfully completed

Everybody aged 15 years or more


No formal education or below ISCED 1






ISCED 3c (shorter than two years)


ISCED 3c (two years and more)


ISCED 3 a, b


ISCED 3 (without distinction a, b or c possible, 2 y+)


ISCED 4a, b




ISCED 4 (without distinction a, b or c possible)








Not applicable (child less than 15 years)


No answer





Field of highest level of education or training successfully completed

HATLEVEL=22 to 60


General programmes (1)


Teacher training and education science (1)


Humanities, languages and arts (1)


Foreign languages


Social sciences, business and law (1)


Science, mathematics and computing (1)


Life science, including biology and environmental science (1)


Physical science, including physics, chemistry and earth science (1)


Mathematics and statistics (1)


Computer science


Computer use


Engineering, manufacturing and construction (1)


Agriculture and veterinary (1)


Health and welfare (1)


Services (1)




Not applicable (HATLEVEL=00, 11, 21, 99, blank)


No answer





Year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed



The 4 digits of year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed are entered


Not applicable (HATLEVEL=00, 99, blank)


No answer







Situation with regard to activity one year before survey

everybody aged 15 years or more


Carries out a job or profession, including unpaid work for a family business or holding, including an apprenticeship or paid traineeship, etc.




Pupil, student, further training, unpaid work experience


In retirement or early retirement or has given up business


Permanently disabled


In compulsory military service


Fulfilling domestic tasks


Other inactive person


Not applicable (child less than 15 years)


No answer





Professional status one year before survey



Self-employed with employees


Self-employed without employees




Family worker


Not applicable (WSTAT1Y≠1)


No answer





Economic activity of local unit in which person was working one year before survey



NACE Rev. 2


Not applicable (WSTAT1Y≠1)


No answer





Country of residence one year before survey

Everybody aged 1 year or more


For coding, see ISO country classification


Not applicable (child less than one year old)


No answer





Region of residence one year before survey

Everybody aged 1 year or more




Not applicable (person who has changed country of residence or child less than one year old)


No answer







Monthly (take-home) pay from main job



Deciles order


Not applicable (STAPRO≠3)


No answer







Year of survey



4 digits of the year





Reference week



Number of the week running from Monday to Sunday





Interview week



Number of the week running from Monday to Sunday








For coding, see ISO country classification





Region of household








Degree of urbanisation



Densely populated area


Intermediate area


Thinly populated area





Serial number of household



Serial numbers are allocated by the national statistical institutes and remain the same for all waves


Records relating to different members of the same household carry the same serial number





Type of household



Person living in private household (or permanently in a hotel) and surveyed in this household


Person living in an institution and surveyed in this institution


Person living in an institution but surveyed in this private household


Person living in another private household on the territory of the country but surveyed in this household of origin





Type of institution



Educational institution




Other welfare institution


Religious institution (not already included in 1-3)


Workers' hostel, working quarters at building sites, student hostel, university accommodation, etc.


Military establishment


Other (e.g. prison)


Not applicable (HHTYPE=1,4)


No answer





Yearly weighting factor



Cols 177-180 contain whole numbers


Cols 181-182 contain decimal places





Quarterly weighting factor



Cols 183-186 contain whole numbers


Cols 187-188 contain decimal places





Yearly weighting factor of the sample for household characteristics (in the case of a sample of individuals)



Cols 189-192 contain whole numbers



Cols 193-194 contain decimal places






Sequence number of the survey wave



Sequence number of the wave





Questionnaire used



Only core variables


Whole questionnaire

(1)  Or subdivisions of ISCED 1997 — field of education — coded on 3 digits.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/85


of 25 April 2008

on the issue of import licences for rice within the framework of the tariff quotas opened for the April 2008 sub-period by Regulation (EC) No 327/98


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 of 29 September 2003 on the common organisation of the markets in rice (1),

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006 of 31 August 2006 laying down common rules for the administration of import tariff quotas for agricultural products managed by a system of import licences (2), and in particular Article 7(2) thereof,

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 327/98 of 10 February 1998 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice (3), and in particular the first paragraph of Article 5 thereof,



Regulation (EC) No 327/98 opened and provided for the administration of certain import tariff quotas for rice and broken rice, broken down by country of origin and split into several sub-periods in accordance with Annex IX to that Regulation and with Commission Regulation (EC) No 60/2008 opening a specific sub period in February 2008 for the import tariff quota for wholly milled and semi milled rice originating in the United States of America (4).


April is the second sub-period for the quotas provided for in Article 1(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 327/98 for rice originating in Thailand, Australia and countries other than Thailand, Australia and the United States. April is the third sub-period for the quota provided for in Article 1(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 327/98 for rice originating in the United States.


It follows from the notifications received under Article 8(a) of Regulation (EC) No 327/98 that, in the case of the quotas bearing serial numbers 09.4127 — 09.4130, the applications lodged in the first 10 working days of April 2008 in accordance with Article 4(1) of the Regulation relate to a quantity exceeding that available. The extent to which import licences may be issued should therefore be determined and the allocation coefficient laid down to be applied to the quantities applied for under the quotas concerned.


It also follows from those notifications that, in the case of the quotas bearing serial numbers 09.4128 — 09.4129, the applications lodged in the first 10 working days of April 2008 in accordance with Article 4(1) of the Regulation relate to a quantity less than that available.


The available quantities for the following quota sub-period should also be fixed in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 327/98,


Article 1

1.   Applications submitted during the first 10 working days of April 2008 for import licences for rice under the quotas bearing serial numbers 09.4127 — 09.4130, as referred to in Regulation (EC) No 327/98, shall give rise to the issue of licences for the quantities applied for, subject to the coefficients set out in the Annex.

2.   The total quantities available for the following sub-period under the quotas bearing serial numbers 09.4127 — 09.4128 — 09.4129 — 09.4130, as referred to in Regulation (EC) No 327/98, are set out in the Annex.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2008.

For the Commission


Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 96. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 797/2006 (OJ L 144, 31.5.2006, p. 1). Regulation (EC) No 1785/2003 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1) as of 1 September 2008.

(2)   OJ L 238, 1.9.2006, p. 13. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 289/2007 (OJ L 78, 17.3.2007, p. 17).

(3)   OJ L 37, 11.2.1998, p. 5. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1538/2007 (OJ L 337, 21.12.2007, p. 49).

(4)   OJ L 22, 25.1.2008, p. 6.


Quantities to be allocated for the April 2008 sub-period and quantities available for the following sub-period under Regulation (EC) No 327/98

Quota of wholly milled or semi-milled rice falling within CN code 1006 30 provided for in Article 1(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 327/98:


Serial number

Allocation coefficient for the April 2008 sub-period

Quantities available for the July 2008 sub-period


United States of America


90,214372  %

5 076 005




7 157 037




874 500

Other origins


1,204963  %


(1)  No allocation coefficient for this sub-period: no licence applications were sent to the Commission.

(2)  Applications cover quantities less than or equal to the quantities available: all applications are therefore acceptable.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/87


of 25 April 2008

determining the allocation of export licences for certain milk products to be exported to the Dominican Republic under the quota referred to in Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 of 17 May 1999 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1),

Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006 of 17 August 2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 as regards export licences and export refunds in the case of milk and milk products (2), and in particular Article 33(2) thereof,


Chapter III(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006 determines the procedure for allocating export licences for certain milk products to be exported to the Dominican Republic under a quota opened for that country. Applications submitted for the 2008/2009 quota year cover quantities greater than those available. As a result, allocation coefficients should be set for the quantities applied for,


Article 1

The quantities covered by export licence applications for the products referred to in Article 29(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006 submitted for the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 shall be multiplied by the following allocation coefficients:

0,699913 for applications submitted for the part of the quota referred to in Article 30(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006,

0,292810 for applications submitted for the part of the quota referred to in Article 30(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1282/2006.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on 26 April 2008.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2008.

For the Commission


Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 160, 26.6.1999, p. 48. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1152/2007 (OJ L 258, 4.10.2007, p. 3). Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1) as from 1 July 2008.

(2)   OJ L 234, 29.8.2006, p. 4. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 532/2007 (OJ L 125, 15.5.2007, p. 7).




Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/88


of 23 April 2008

amending Directive 2004/40/EC on minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 137(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),

After consulting the Committee of the Regions,

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (2),



Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) establishes minimum health and safety requirements to protect workers against the risks arising from exposure to electromagnetic fields. Article 13(1) of that Directive provides that Member States are to bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the Directive no later than 30 April 2008.


Directive 2004/40/EC provides for action values and limit values based on the recommendations of the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). New scientific studies on the impact on health of exposure to electromagnetic radiation, made public after the Directive was adopted, have been brought to the attention of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. The results of those scientific studies are currently being examined by the ICNIRP as part of the ongoing review of its recommendations on the one hand, and by the World Health Organisation as part of the review of its environmental health criteria on the other. Those new recommendations, due to be published by the end of 2008, are likely to contain elements that could lead to substantial amendments to the action and limit values.


In this context, the potential impact of the implementation of Directive 2004/40/EC on the use of medical procedures based on medical imaging and certain industrial activities should be reconsidered thoroughly. A study has been launched by the Commission to assess directly and quantitatively the situation regarding medical imaging. The results of that study, which are expected in early 2008, should therefore be taken on board, in addition to the results of similar studies launched in the Member States, in order to ensure a balance between the prevention of potential risks to the health of workers and access to the benefits available from the effective use of the medical technologies in question.


Article 3(3) of Directive 2004/40/EC provides that the assessment, measurement and/or calculation of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields are governed by harmonised European standards of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Cenelec). These harmonised standards, which are essential for ensuring smooth application of the Directive, must be taken into account and are expected in 2008.


The time required to obtain and analyse that new information and to draw up and adopt a new proposal for a directive justifies the four-year postponement of the deadline for transposition of Directive 2004/40/EC,


Article 1

In Article 13(1) of Directive 2004/40/EC, the first subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:

‘1.   Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive no later than 30 April 2012. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.’

Article 2

This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 3

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Strasbourg, 23 April 2008.

For the European Parliament

The President


For the Council

The President


(1)  Opinion of 12 March 2008 (not yet published in the Official Journal).

(2)  Opinion of the European Parliament of 19 February 2008 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Council Decision of 7 April 2008.

(3)   OJ L 159, 30.4.2004, p. 1 (corrected version in OJ L 184, 24.5.2004, p. 1). Directive as amended by Directive 2007/30/EC (OJ L 165, 27.6.2007, p. 21).

II Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is not obligatory





Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/90


of 21 April 2008

requiring Member States to ensure that magnetic toys placed or made available on the market display a warning about the health and safety risks they pose

(notified under document number C(2008) 1484)

(Text with EEA relevance)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 December 2001 on general product safety (1), and in particular Article 13 thereof,

Having consulted the Member States,



Pursuant to Directive 2001/95/EC and Council Directive 88/378/EEC of 3 May 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the safety of toys (2), as amended by Council Directive 93/68/EEC (3), producers are obliged to place only safe toys on the market.


Directive 88/378/EEC lays down the essential safety requirements that toys must meet to ensure the safety objectives of the Directive. In addition, the Directive provides that, in order to facilitate the proof of conformity with the essential safety requirements, European standards concerning the design and composition of toys should be drawn up by the standardisation bodies. Currently the risk posed by magnets is covered by the general safety requirement of Directive 88/378/EEC, but the Directive does not lay down particular safety requirements dealing with the risk posed by magnets.


The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) issued European standard EN 71-1:2005 ‘Safety of toys — Part I: mechanical and physical properties’ which is a consolidated version of harmonised standard EN 71-1:1998 and its 11 amendments. Toys complying with the standard are presumed to be in conformity with the essential requirements of Directive 88/378/EEC, as far as the specific requirements covered by the standard are concerned. The standard does not currently contain technical requirements for magnetic toys. In accordance with Article 8(2)(a) of Directive 88/378/EEC, producers must have recourse to EC type-examination when a harmonised standard does not cover all the risks that a toy may present.


In order to address the specific risks of magnetic toys, on 25 May 2007 the Commission gave a mandate to CEN (4), in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (5), to revise the European standard EN 71-1:2005 within 24 months. Pending the drawing up and entry into force of the revised standard, it is necessary to address immediately the risks posed by magnetic toys in order to minimise further accidents to children caused by these toys by improving the knowledge of the risks.


In addition to Directive 88/378/EEC, the safety of toys is covered by Directive 2001/95/EC which sets out the market surveillance framework for consumer products. According to Article 13 of Directive 2001/95/EC, if the European Commission becomes aware that certain products present a serious risk to the health and safety of consumers, it may, under certain conditions, adopt a decision requiring Member States to take temporary measures intended in particular to restrict or make subject to specific conditions the placing and making available on the market of such products.


Such a decision may be adopted if (a) Member States differ significantly on the approach adopted or to be adopted to deal with the risk concerned; (b) the risk cannot, in view of the nature of the safety issue, be dealt with in a manner compatible with the degree of urgency of the case under other procedures laid down by the specific Community legislation applicable to the product concerned; and (c) the risk can be eliminated effectively only by adopting appropriate measures applicable at Community level, in order to ensure a consistent and high level of protection of the health and safety of consumers and the proper functioning of the internal market.


A serious risk has recently emerged concerning magnets in toys. Even though magnets have been used in toys for a long time, in the last few years they have become increasingly powerful and they can become detached more easily if attached using the same techniques as those employed in the past. Moreover, given their increased strength, loose magnets or magnetic parts used in toys now pose a higher risk of serious accidents than in the past.


This serious risk has been established by a number of accidents that were reported worldwide in the course of 2006 and 2007 where children had swallowed magnets detached from toys or small parts of toys containing magnets. When more than one magnet is swallowed, the magnets can attract each other and may cause intestinal perforation, infection or blockage, which can be fatal. Inhalation of those magnets has also caused serious injuries, and aspiration into the lungs requires immediate surgery.


Besides one fatal accident reported in the United States, several occurrences of children swallowing at least two magnets or a magnet and a metal object, and requiring major surgery, have been reported worldwide since 2006. These incidents have involved children aged between 10 months and 12 years.


In 2006 and 2007, several toy producers launched major recalls of magnetic toys. In particular, over 18 million magnetic toys were recalled worldwide during the summer of 2007, and a significant proportion of these toys were on the European market. As a result of the accidents and the recent recalls, many producers have realised the risk and modified the design of the toys concerned, encapsulating or collaring the magnets in the parts containing them.


Some countries have already adopted measures to deal with the risk. In particular, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released, on 19 April 2007, a warning to parents concerning the health and safety risks posed by magnetic toys. The CPSC has also participated in the revision of ASTM F963-2007 ‘Standard Consumer Safety Specification on Toy Safety’ created under the auspices of the standardisation body, ASTM International, to deal with magnets in toys. In Europe, both France and Germany have informed the Commission of national measures.


In its resolution of 26 September 2007 on the safety of products and particularly toys (6), the European Parliament urged the Commission to use its powers to take restrictive measures, including bans, if consumer goods placed on the Community market are found to be unsafe.


Consultation of the Member States in the Committee set up by Article 15 of Directive 2001/95/EC has established that Member States differ significantly on the approach to deal with the risk posed by magnetic toys.


In the absence of Community rules, some Member States have adopted or are about to adopt divergent national measures to manage the risk posed by magnetic toys. The introduction of such national measures will inevitably result in an uneven level of protection and in intra-Community barriers to trade in magnetic toys. Several Member States have called for a Community measure.


There is Community legislation on small parts in toys meant for small children (7), but that legislation does not deal specifically and sufficiently with risks from magnetic toys to children who are over three years of age. In view of the nature of the hazard, the risk posed by magnetic toys cannot be dealt with effectively under other procedures laid down in specific rules of Community law in a manner compatible with the degree of urgency of the case. It is therefore necessary to have recourse to a temporary decision under Article 13 of Directive 2001/95/EC until the revised European standard EN 71-1:2005 provides a comprehensive solution to the problem identified. The targeted measure introduced by this Decision offers only a partial, temporary, short-term solution. The Commission has already clearly recognised the need for constructional requirements to deal adequately with the risks posed by magnetic toys when issuing the standardisation mandate to CEN to revise EN 71-1:2005.


In view of the serious risk from magnetic toys, and in order to ensure a consistent and high level of consumer health and safety protection throughout the EU as well as to avoid barriers to trade, it is urgent that a temporary decision pursuant to Article 13 of Directive 2001/95/EC be adopted. Such a decision should rapidly make the placing and making available on the market of magnetic toys subject to the condition that they are marked with an adequate warning of the risks linked to the presence of magnets or magnetic components of ingestible shape and size that are accessible to children. Such a decision should contribute to the prevention of further deaths and injuries.


In the light of the accident and hazard data and the pending permanent measure in the form of the revision of standard EN 71-1:2005, the scope of this Decision should cover magnetic toys.


This Decision is without prejudice to Articles 3(4) and 6 to 8 of Directive 2001/95/EC, and thus does not bar Member States from taking appropriate measures where there is evidence that a magnetic toy is dangerous, regardless of the conformity with the requirements in this Decision and other criteria designed to ensure the general safety requirement. Member States must carry out market surveillance and enforcement activities to prevent risks posed by unsafe products to the health and safety of consumers.


On the basis of the progress made with the revision of the European standard EN 71-1:2005 and with regard to the completeness of the revised standard and its adequacy to address fully the risks posed by magnetic toys, the Commission will decide whether to extend the validity of this Decision for additional periods and whether the Decision should be amended. In particular, the Commission will decide whether to introduce constructional requirements to supplement the warning required in this Decision.


A short transition period is necessary in the interests of both the Member States who must ensure that the Decision will be applied efficiently and also of the producers and distributors of magnetic toys who are subject to the obligation to place or make available on the market only magnetic toys that bear the appropriate warning. In this case, the shortest possible transition period should be laid down, consistent with the need to prevent further accidents and to ensure proportionality, taking into account that the measure consists of a marking only and does not require changes to the product design itself. Therefore, the requirement for a warning to be affixed to magnetic toys should apply shortly after the adoption of this Decision by the Commission.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established by Article 15 of Directive 2001/95/EC,


Article 1


For the purposes of this Decision the following definitions shall apply:

‘magnetic toy’ means a toy that contains or consists of one or more magnets or one or more magnetic components that are of ingestible shape and size and are accessible to children,

‘toy’ means any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children of less than 14 years of age,

‘of ingestible shape and size’ means fitting entirely into the small-parts cylinder defined in the standard EN 71-1:2005,

‘accessible to children’ means loose or able of becoming detached from the toy under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use by children, even if originally contained, encapsulated, recessed or collared in the toy,

‘making available on the market’ means any supply of a magnetic toy for distribution, consumption or use on the Community market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in return for payment or free of charge,

‘placing on the market’ means the first making available of a magnetic toy on the Community market,

‘withdrawal’ means any measure aimed at preventing the distribution, display and offer.

Article 2


1.   Member States shall ensure that magnetic toys which are placed or made available on the Community market display a warning:


with the following wording: ‘Warning! This toy contains magnets or magnetic components. Magnets sticking together or becoming attached to a metallic object inside the human body can cause serious or fatal injury. Seek immediate medical help if magnets are swallowed or inhaled.’;


or with an equivalent easily understandable wording that clearly conveys the same content.

2.   The warning shall appear in a clearly visible and legible manner, conspicuously displayed on the packaging or otherwise attached to the magnetic toy in such a way as to be visible to the consumer at the point of purchase.

3.   The warning shall appear in the official languages of the Member State in which the product is placed or made available on the market.

Article 3


1.   As of 21 July 2008, Member States shall ensure that magnetic toys which do not display the required warning are prohibited from being placed or made available on the market.

2.   As of 21 July 2008, Member States shall ensure that magnetic toys which do not display the required warning and are placed or made available on the market are withdrawn from the market, and that consumers are adequately informed of the risk.

3.   Member States shall inform the Commission without delay of the measures taken under this Article in accordance with Article 12 of Directive 2001/95/EC.

Article 4


Member States shall take the necessary measures to comply with this Decision, publish those measures and forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

Article 5

Period of application

This Decision shall be applicable until 21 April 2009.

Article 6


This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 21 April 2008.

For the Commission

Meglena KUNEVA

Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 11, 15.1.2002, p. 4.

(2)   OJ L 187, 16.7.1988, p. 1. Directive as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

(3)   OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1.

(4)  Standardisation mandate to CEN of 25 May 2007 to draw up standard for magnetic toy (M/410).

(5)   OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37. Directive as last amended by Council Directive 2006/96/EC (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 81).

(6)  Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2007)0412.

(7)  In accordance with Directive 88/378/EEC, toys, and their component parts, and any detachable parts of toys which are clearly intended for use by children under 36 months must be of such dimensions as to prevent their being swallowed and/or inhaled. This means that toys intended for children under 36 months must not contain any element liable to be swallowed or inhaled, whether magnets or not.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/94


of 22 April 2008

amending Decision 2007/716/EC as regards certain establishments in the meat and milk sectors in Bulgaria

(notified under document number C(2008) 1482)

(Text with EEA relevance)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania, and in particular Article 42 thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 89/662/EEC of 11 December 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-Community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular Article 9(4) thereof,



Commission Decision 2007/716/EC of 30 October 2007 lays down transitional measures for structural requirements of certain establishments in the meat and milk sectors in Bulgaria provided for in Regulations (EC) No 852/2004 and (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2). As long as those establishments are in transition, products originating from those establishments should only be placed on the domestic market or used for further processing in Bulgarian establishments in transition.


Decision 2007/716/EC has been amended by Decision 2008/290/EC.


According to an official declaration from the Bulgarian competent authority certain establishments in the meat and milk sectors have ceased their activities or have completed their upgrading process and are now in full compliance with Community legislation. Those establishments should therefore be deleted from the list of establishments in transition.


The Annex to Decision 2007/716/EC should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


Article 1

The establishments listed in the Annex to this Decision are deleted from the Annex to Decision 2007/716/EC.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 22 April 2008.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13. Directive as last amended by Directive 2004/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 33; corrected version in OJ L 195, 2.6.2004, p. 12).

(2)   OJ L 289, 7.11.2007, p. 14. Decision as amended by Decision 2008/290/EC (OJ L 96, 9.4.2008, p. 35).



Meat processing establishments


Veterinary No

Name of establishment

Town/street or village/region


BG 0401010

‘Bilyana’ OOD

s. B. Slivovo

obsht. Svishtov


BG 0901017

‘Musan’ OOD

s. Valkovich

obsht. Dzhebel


BG 1101012

OOD ‘Iv. Zyumbilski’

gr. Troyan

Industr. zona


ВG 1901003

‘Edrina’ EOOD

gr. Tutrakan

ul. ‘Silistra’ 52


BG 0302010

ET ‘ALEKS-Sasho Aleksandrov’

gr. Varna

zh.k. ‘Vazrazhdane’


BG 0402002

‘Pimens’ OOD

gr. Strazhitsa

ul. ‘Iv. Vazov’ 1


BG 0402011

ET ‘Filipov-Svilen Filipov’

gr. Svishtov

Zapadna promishlena zona


BG 0402013

‘Bani’ OOD

gr. Lyaskovets

promishlena zona ‘Chestovo’


BG 0405003

‘Merkuriy 2000’ OOD

gr. Veliko Tarnovo

ul. ‘Prof. Il. Yanulov’ 2


BG 0405006

ET ‘Kondor PSP-Petar Petrov’

s. B. Slivovo,

obsht. Svishtov


BG 0505002

ET ‘BIDIM – Dimitar Ivanov’

gr. Vidin

ul. ‘Knyaz Boris – I’ 1


BG 0505009

‘Dzhordan’ EOOD

gr. Vidin

ul. ‘Vladikina’ 58


BG 1105009

‘Mesokombinat Lovetch’ AD

gr. Lovetch

ul. ‘Bialo more’ 12


BG 1805004

ET ‘Venelin Simeonov-Ivo’

gr. Ruse

ul. ‘Zgorigrad’ 70


BG 1805016

‘Metika-2000’ OOD

gr. Ruse,

ul. ‘Balkan’ № 21


BG 0204020

‘Rodopa Nova’ OOD

gr. Burgas

ul. ‘Industrialna’ 25


BG 0204023

SD ‘Anada-Atanasov i sie’

gr. Nesebar

Industrialna zona


BG 0404001

ET ‘Stefmark-Stefan Markov’

gr. G. Oriahovitsa

ul. ‘Sv. Knyaz Boris I’ 86


BG 0404017

‘Tsentromes’ OOD

s. Momin sbor

obl. Veliko Tarnovo


BG 0404018

OOD ‘R.A.-03-Bobi’

gr. G. Oriahovica

ul. ‘St. Mihaylovski’ 16


BG 0404021

‘Stefanov. Iv. Stefanov – 04’ EOOD

s. Tserova koriya

obl. Veliko Tarnovo


BG 0404022

‘Merkurii-2000’ OOD

gr. Veliko Tarnovo

ul. ‘Ulitsa na uslugite’


BG 0504004

ET ‘Vitalis-Ilko Yonchev’

gr. Vidin

bul. ‘Panoniya’ 17A


BG 0504005

OOD ‘Dileks’

s. Borovitza,

obsht. Belogradchik


BG 0704010

‘Toni Treyding’ OOD

gr. Sevlievo

ul. ‘Marmarcha’ 14


BG 0804011

‘Tropik’ OOD

gr. Dobrich

ul. ‘Otets Paisiy’ 62


BG 0804021

‘Veselina Treyd’ EOOD

gr. Dobrich

ul. ‘Angel Stoyanov’ 6


BG 0904002

‘Kips’ EOOD

gr. Kardzhali

Promishlena zona


BG 1104010

‘Mesokombinat Lovetch’ AD

gr. Lovetch

ul. ‘Byalo more’ 12


BG 1304014


s. Velichkovo

obsht. Pazardzhik


BG 1404005

‘Kolbaso’ OOD

gr. Batanovtsi

ul. ‘Bratya Miladinovi’ 12


BG 1804018

‘Nadezhda-M’ OOD

gr. Byala

bul. ‘Kolyo Ficheto’ 25


BG 2204009

‘Solaris AS’ EOOD

gr. Sofia

ul. ‘Dimitar Spisarevski’ 26


BG 2404032

‘Rokar-1’ OOD

gr. Stara Zagora

bul. ‘Nikola Petkov’ 61


BG 2604021

‘Lotos’ OOD

gr. Dimitrovgrad

ul. ‘Sava Dobroplodni’

Milk processing establishments


Veterinary No

Name of establishment

Town/street or village/region


BG 2112028

‘Medina’ OOD

gr. Madan


BG 0212048

‘Bilding Zah’ EOOD

s. Shivarovo

obsht. Ruen


BG 0712008

‘Milkieks’ OOD

gr. Sevlievo

zh.k. ‘Atanas Moskov’


BG 2418008

‘Varbev’ EOOD

s. Medovo

obsht. Bratya



BG 1518006

‘Sirma Milk’ EOOD

gr. Pleven

Industrialna zona


BG 2418007

‘El Bi Bulgarikum’ EAD

gr. Kazanlak

kv. ‘Industrialen’ 2



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/97


of 23 April 2008

amending the Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania as regards certain milk processing establishments in Bulgaria

(notified under document number C(2008) 1572)

(Text with EEA relevance)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania, and in particular the first subparagraph of paragraph (f) of Section B of Chapter 4 of Annex VI thereto,



Bulgaria has been granted transitional periods by the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania for compliance by certain milk processing establishments with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin (1).


The Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession has been amended by Commission Decisions 2007/26/EC (2), 2007/689/EC (3) and 2008/209/EC (4).


Bulgaria has provided guarantees that one milk processing establishment will be delivered only with compliant raw milk. This establishment should therefore be deleted from Chapter II of the Appendix to Annex VI.


The Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


Article 1

The establishment listed in the Annex to this Decision is deleted from Chapter II of the Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 23 April 2008.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55, as corrected by OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1243/2007 (OJ L 281, 25.10.2007, p. 8).

(2)   OJ L 8, 13.1.2007, p. 35.

(3)   OJ L 282, 26.10.2007, p. 60.

(4)   OJ L 65, 8.3.2008, p. 18.


Milk establishment to be deleted from Chapter II of the Appendix to Annex VI to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania

Haskovo Region — No 26


BG 2612047

‘Balgarsko sirene’ OOD

gr. Haskovo bul. ‘Saedinenie’ 94



Official Journal of the European Union

L 114/99


of 24 April 2008

on financial aid from the Community for the year 2008 for certain Community reference laboratories in the field of animal health and live animals

(notified under document number C(2008) 1570)

(Only the Spanish, Danish, German, English, French and Swedish texts are authentic)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Decision 90/424/EEC of 26 June 1990 on expenditure in the veterinary field (1), and in particular Article 28(2) thereof,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (2), and in particular Article 32(7) thereof,



Pursuant to Article 28(1) of Decision 90/424/EEC Community reference laboratories in the field of animal health and live animals may be granted Community aid.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 of 28 November 2006 laying down detailed rules for the granting of Community financial assistance to Community reference laboratories for feed and food and the animal health sector (3) provides that the financial assistance from the Community is to be granted if the approved work programmes are efficiently carried out and the beneficiaries supply all the necessary information within certain time limits.


In accordance with Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 the relationship between the Commission and Community reference laboratories is laid down in a partnership agreement which is supported by a multi-annual work programme.


The Commission has assessed the work programmes and corresponding budget estimates submitted by the Community reference laboratories for the year 2008.


Accordingly, Community financial assistance should be granted to the Community reference laboratories designated to carry out the functions and duties provided for in the following acts:

Council Directive 2001/89/EC of 23 October 2001 on Community measures for the control of classical swine fever (4),

Council Directive 92/66/EEC of 14 July 1992 introducing Community measures for the control of Newcastle disease (5),

Council Directive 2005/94/EC of 20 December 2005 on Community measures for the control of avian influenza and repealing Directive 92/40/EEC (6),

Council Directive 92/119/EEC of 17 December 1992 introducing general Community measures for the control of certain animals diseases and specific measures relating swine vesicular disease (7),

Council Directive 2003/85/EC of 29 September 2003 on Community measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease repealing Directive 85/511/EEC and Decisions 89/531/EEC and 91/665/EEC and amending Directive 92/46/EEC (8),

Council Directive 93/53/EEC of 24 June 1993 introducing minimum Community measures for the control of certain fish diseases (9),

Council Directive 95/70/EC of 22 December 1995 introducing minimum Community measures for the control of certain diseases affecting bivalve molluscs (10),

Council Directive 92/35/EEC of 29 April 1992 laying down control rules and measures to combat African horse sickness (11),

Council Directive 2000/75/EC of 20 November 2000 laying down specific provisions for the control and eradication of bluetongue (12),

Council Decision 2000/258/EC of 20 March 2000 designating a specific institute responsible for establishing the criteria necessary for standardising the serological tests to monitor the effectiveness of rabies vaccines (13),

Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 for brucellosis,

Council Directive 2002/60/EC of 27 June 2002 laying down specific provisions for the control of African swine fever and amending Directive 92/119/EEC as regards Teschen disease and African swine fever (14),

Council Decision 96/463/EC of 23 July 1996 designating the reference body responsible for collaborating in rendering uniform the testing methods and the assessment of the results for pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (15).


Financial assistance for the operation and organisation of workshops of Community reference laboratories should also be in conformity with the eligibility rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006.


In accordance with Articles 3(2)(a) and 13 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 of 21 June 2005 on the financing of the common agricultural policy (16) animal disease eradication and control programmes (veterinary measures) are to be financed from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. Nevertheless, in the present cases and in the absence of duly justified exceptional cases, expenditure relating to administrative and personnel costs incurred by Member States and beneficiaries of aid from the EAGF shall be excluded from financing by the Fund. For financial control purposes, Articles 9, 36 and 37 of that Regulation are to apply.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


Article 1

For classical swine fever, the Community grants financial assistance to the Institut für Virologie der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex IV to Directive 2001/89/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that institute for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 241 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008, of which a maximum of EUR 18 000 shall be dedicated to the organisation of a technical workshop on classical swine fever diagnostic techniques.

Article 2

For Newcastle disease, the Community grants financial assistance to the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA), New Haw, Addlestone, United Kingdom, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex V to Directive 92/66/EEC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 78 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 3

For avian influenza, the Community grants financial assistance to the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA), New Haw, Addlestone, United Kingdom, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex VII to Directive 2005/94/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 414 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 4

For swine vesicular disease, the Community grants financial assistance to the AFRC Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory, Pirbright, United Kingdom, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex III to Directive 92/119/EEC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 135 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 5

For foot-and-mouth disease, the Community grants financial assistance to the Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory, of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Pirbright, United Kingdom, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex XVI to Directive 2003/85/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 312 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 6

For fish diseases, the Community grants financial assistance to the Statens Veterinære Serumlaboratorium, Aarhus, Denmark, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex C to Directive 93/53/EEC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 212 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 7

For diseases of bivalve molluscs, the Community grants financial assistance to the IFREMER, La Tremblade, France, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex B to Directive 95/70/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that institute for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 100 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 8

For African horse sickness, the Community grants financial assistance to the Laboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal de Algete, Algete (Madrid), Spain, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex III to Directive 92/35/EEC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 70 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 9

For bluetongue, the Community grants financial assistance to the AFRC Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory, Pirbright, United Kingdom, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex II(B) to Directive 2000/75/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 313 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 10

For rabies serology, the Community grants financial assistance to the AFSSA, Laboratoire d’études sur la rage et la pathologie des animaux sauvages, Nancy, France, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex II to Decision 2000/258/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 200 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 11

For brucellosis, the Community grants financial assistance to the AFSSA, Laboratoire d’études et de recherches en pathologie animale et zoonoses, Maisons-Alfort, France, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Article 32(2) of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that laboratory for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 246 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008, of which a maximum of EUR 26 000 shall be dedicated to the organisation of a technical workshop on brucellosis diagnostic techniques.

Article 12

For African swine fever, the Community grants financial assistance to the Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal, Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex V to Directive 2002/60/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that research centre for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 160 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 13

For collaborating in rendering uniform the testing methods and the assessment of the results for pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species, the Community grants financial assistance to the INTERBULL Centre, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, to carry out the functions and duties set out in Annex II to Decision 96/463/EC.

The Community’s financial assistance shall be at the rate of 100 % of the eligible costs as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1754/2006 to be incurred by that centre for the work programme and shall amount to a maximum of EUR 90 000 for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2008.

Article 14

This Decision is addressed to:

Institut für Virologie der Tierärztlichen Hochschule, Bischofscholer Damm 15 D-3000, Hannover, Germany,

Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) Weybridge, New Haw, Addelstone, Surrey KT15 3NB United Kingdom,

AFRC Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 ONF, United Kingdom,

Statens Veterinære Serumlaboratorium, Hangovej 2, 8200-Åarhus, Denmark,

Ifremer, B.P. 133 17390 La Tremblade, France,

Laboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal de Algete, Ctra. De Algete km. 8, Valdeolmos, 281100, Algete (Madrid), Spain,

AFSSA, Laboratoire d’études sur la rage et la pathologie des animaux sauvages, site de Nancy, Domaine de Pixérécourt, BP 9, F-54220 Malzéville, France,

AFSSA, Laboratoire d’études et de recherches en pathologie animale et zoonoses, 23 avenue du Général de Gaulle F-94706 Maisons-Alfort, Cedex France,

Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal, Ctra. De Algete a El Casar, Valdeolmos 28130, Madrid, Spain,

Interbull Centre, Institutionen för husdjursgenetik, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Box 7023, S-750 07.

Done at Brussels, 24 April 2008.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 19. Decision as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1791/2006 (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 1).

(2)   OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1; corrected by OJ L 191, 28.5.2004, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 301/2008 (OJ L 97, 9.4.2008, p. 85).

(3)   OJ L 331, 29.11.2006, p. 8.

(4)   OJ L 316, 1.12.2001, p. 5. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 2007/729/EC (OJ L 294, 13.11.2007, p. 26).

(5)   OJ L 260, 5.9.1992, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2006/104/EC (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 352).

(6)   OJ L 10, 14.1.2006, p. 16.

(7)   OJ L 62, 15.3.1993, p. 69. Directive as last amended by Directive 2007/10/EC (OJ L 63, 1.3.2007, p. 24).

(8)   OJ L 306, 22.11.2003, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2006/104/EC.

(9)   OJ L 175, 19.7.1993, p. 23. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 2007/729/EC.

(10)   OJ L 332, 30.12.1995, p. 33. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 2007/729/EC.

(11)   OJ L 157, 10.6.1992, p. 19. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 2007/729/EC.

(12)   OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 74. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 2007/729/EC.

(13)   OJ L 79, 30.3.2000, p. 40. Decision as amended by Commission Decision 2003/60/EC (OJ L 23, 28.1.2003, p. 30).

(14)   OJ L 192, 20.7.2002, p. 27. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 2007/729/EC.

(15)   OJ L 192, 2.8.1996, p. 19.

(16)   OJ L 209, 11.8.2005, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1437/2007 (OJ L 322, 7.12.2007, p. 1).