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Official Journal
of the European Union


Series C



Publication of an application for a Union amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector pursuant to Article 97(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council


This publication confers the right to oppose the application pursuant to Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) within two months from the date of this publication.


‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’


Date of application: 20.5.2020

1.   Applicant and legitimate interest

Council of Wine Communities of the Etyek-Buda Wine Region

The Council of Wine Communities of the Etyek-Buda Wine Region (Etyek-Budai Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa), which is submitting the application for an amendment, submitted the application for registration of the ‘Dunántúl’ PGI.

The Council of Wine Communities of the Etyek-Buda Wine Region is representing the following wine communities and wine community councils, which have unanimously supported the amendment request: Badacsonyi Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Badacsony Wine Region); Balatonboglári Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Balatonboglár Wine Region); Balatonfelvidéki Hegyközségi Tanács (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Balatonfelvidék); Balatonfüred-Csopaki Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanács (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Balatonfüred-Csopak Wine Region); Etyek-Budai Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Etyek-Buda Wine Region); Móri Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Mór Wine Region); Nagy-Somlói Borvidék Hegyközsége (Wine Communities of the Nagy-Somló Wine Region); Neszmélyi Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanács (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Neszmély Wine Region); Pannonhalmi Borvidék Hegyközsége (Wine Communities of the Pannonhalma Wine Region); Pécsi Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Pécs Wine Region); Soproni Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Sopron Wine Region); Hegyközségi Tanács Szekszárd (Szekszárd Wine Communities Council); Tolnai Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Tolna Wine Region); Villányi Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Villány Wine Region); Zalai Borvidék Hegyközségi Tanácsa (Regional Council of Wine Communities of the Zala Wine Region).

2.   Heading in the product specification affected by the amendment(s)

Name of product

Category of the grapevine product


Marketing restrictions

3.   Description and reasons for amendment

Inclusion of the product category of aerated semi-sparkling wine (single document, section 3: Categories of grapevine products)

An amendment of the specification would allow the placing on the market of the product by product category for the ‘Dunántúl / Dunántúli’ PGI too.

Wineries began making aerated semi-sparkling wine in the demarcated area several decades ago. Over time, consumers have come to associate this wine closely with the Dunántúl (Transdanubia) region, and its outstanding quality has earned it a special reputation and recognition. This amendment is aimed at ensuring the further advancement of this product’s reputation, and at harmonising the conditions of production of wineries operating in the demarcated area. In recent years, market demand has shifted increasingly towards aerated sparkling wine.

Headings affected:

Heading II


Description of the wines (single document, point 4: Description of the wine(s))

Heading III


Specific oenological practices (single document, point 5.1.2.: Mandatory oenological practices; point 5.2.: Maximum yields)

Heading V


Maximum yield (single document, point 5.2: Maximum yields)

Heading VI


Permitted grape varieties (single document, point 7: Main grape variety (varieties))

Heading VII


Link with the geographical area (single document, point 8.2: Description of the links)

Heading VIII


Further conditions (single document, point 9.: Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)).


1.   Name of product

Dunántúli / Dunántúl

2.   Geographical indication type

PGI – Protected Geographical Indication

3.   Categories of grapevine products




Aerated semi-sparkling wine

4.   Description of the wine(s)

Wine – white

Light white wines ranging in colour from greenish yellow to golden yellow, with a medium aroma intensity and well-rounded acids.


The limits laid down in the EU legislation apply to the maximum total alcoholic strength and maximum total sulphur dioxide.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 g/l expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Wine – red

The red wines range in colour from crimson to ruby, and have a fruity aroma, medium tannin level, and well-rounded, harmonious acids.


The limits laid down in the EU legislation apply to the maximum total alcoholic strength and maximum total sulphur dioxide.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 g/l expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Wine – rosé

The rosé wines range in colour from salmon to light red, with a medium aroma intensity and well-rounded acids.


The limits laid down in the EU legislation apply to the maximum total alcoholic strength and maximum total sulphur dioxide.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 g/l expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Aerated semi-sparkling wine – white

These wines range from greenish white to golden yellow in colour. They have a fruity fragrance, mainly of citrus fruits, pear and green apple. These are light-bodied wines with a lightness of taste, in addition to fresh acids. The wine’s flavours and aromas are enhanced by the dissolved carbon dioxide which has been added.


The limits laid down in the EU legislation apply to the maximum total alcoholic strength and maximum total sulphur dioxide.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 g/l expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Aerated semi-sparkling wine – rosé

The wines may range in colour from pale onion-skin to light red. They have a fruity fragrance (mainly of cherry and strawberry), and a lively, fresh character. The wine’s flavours and aromas are enhanced by the dissolved carbon dioxide which has been added.


The limits laid down in the EU legislation apply to the maximum total alcoholic strength and maximum total sulphur dioxide.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 g/l expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


Aerated semi-sparkling wine – red

The wines may range in colour from pale onion-skin to light red. They have a fruity fragrance (mainly of plum, cherry and sour cherry), and a lively, fresh character. The wine’s flavours and aromas are enhanced by the dissolved carbon dioxide which has been added.


The limits laid down in the EU legislation apply to the maximum total alcoholic strength and maximum total sulphur dioxide.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4 g/l expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


5.   Wine making practices

(a)   Specific oenological practices

Rules on vine-training method

Vine-training practice

In the case of vineyards planted after 1 August 2010: umbrella, Moser, Sylvos, low, medium-high and high cordon, Guyot, single-curtain, head, gobelet and Lyra training

Planting density: min. 3 300 vines per hectare.

In the case of vineyards planted before 1 August 2010, vineyards using any previously approved method of cultivation and plantation density may be used as long as the vineyard is in operation.

Minimum sugar content of grapes expressed in potential alcoholic strength and Hungarian must grade (MM)

Vine-training practice

In the case of wine and aerated semi-sparkling wine: 8 %vol, 13,4 MM

Method and date of harvest

Vine-training practice

Method of harvest: both manual and mechanical harvests are permitted

Setting the date of the harvest: The earliest date of the harvest is 1 August each year.

Oenological practices not permitted

Specific oenological practice

The grapes used to produce ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ wine are processed according to general processing methods. The oenological practices listed in rows 11.1 and 11.3 of Table 2 in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/934 (2) are not permitted.

(b)   Maximum yields

Wines and aerated semi-sparkling wines

160 hl/ha

Wines and aerated semi-sparkling wines – manual harvest

22 700 kg of grapes per hectare

Wines and aerated semi-sparkling wines – mechanical harvest

21 700 kg of grapes per hectare

6.   Demarcated geographical area

The area to the right of the main branch of the River Danube in Baranya, Budapest and Pest Counties, and the areas of Fejér, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Komárom-Esztergom, Somogy, Tolna, Vas, Veszprém and Zala Counties that are classified as Class I and II of the cadastre of wine-producing regions.

7.   Wine grape variety(ies)






alicante boushet








blauer frühburgunder


blauer silvaner


budai – budai zöld


budai – zöld budai


budai – zöldfehér


budai – zöldszőlő


bíbor kadarka


cabernet franc – cabernet


cabernet franc – carbonet


cabernet franc – carmenet


cabernet franc – gros cabernet


cabernet franc – gros vidur


cabernet franc – kaberne fran


cabernet sauvignon


chardonnay – chardonnay blanc


chardonnay – kereklevelű


chardonnay – morillon blanc


chardonnay – ronci bilé


chasselas – chasselas blanc


chasselas – chasselas dorato


chasselas – chasselas doré


chasselas – chrupka belia


chasselas – fehér fábiánszőlő


chasselas – fehér gyöngyszőlő


chasselas – fendant blanc


chasselas – saszla belaja


chasselas – weisser gutedel


csabagyöngye – pearl of csaba


csabagyöngye – perla czabanska


csabagyöngye – perla di csaba


csabagyöngye – perle di csaba


csabagyöngye –perle von csaba


csabagyöngye – vengerskii muskatnii rannüj


csabagyöngye – zsemcsug szaba


cserszegi fűszeres


csomorika – csomor


csomorika – gyüdi fehér


csomorika – szederkényi fehér










ezerjó – kolmreifler


ezerjó – korponai


ezerjó – szadocsina


ezerjó – tausendachtgute


ezerjó – tausendgute


ezerjó – trummertraube


furmint – furmint bianco


furmint – moslavac bijeli


furmint – mosler


furmint – posipel


furmint – som


furmint – szigeti


furmint – zapfner




hamburgi muskotály – miszket hamburgszki


hamburgi muskotály – moscato d’Amburgo


hamburgi muskotály – muscat de hambourg


hamburgi muskotály – muscat de hamburg


hamburgi muskotály – muszkat gamburgszkij


hárslevelű – feuilles de tilleul


hárslevelű – garszleveljü


hárslevelű – lindeblättrige


hárslevelű – lipovina


irsai olivér – irsai


irsai olivér – muskat olivér


irsai olivér – zolotis


irsai olivér – zolotisztüj rannüj


juhfark – fehérboros


juhfark – lämmerschwantz


juhfark – mohácsi


juhfark – tarpai


kadarka – csetereska


kadarka – fekete budai


kadarka – gamza


kadarka – jenei fekete


kadarka – kadar


kadarka – kadarka negra


kadarka – negru moale


kadarka – szkadarka


kadarka – törökszőlő




királyleányka – dánosi leányka


királyleányka – erdei sárga


királyleányka – feteasca regale


királyleányka – galbena de ardeal


királyleányka – königliche mädchentraube


királyleányka – königstochter


királyleányka – little princess


korai piros veltelini – crvena babovina


korai piros veltelini – eper szőlő


korai piros veltelini – frühroter velteliner


korai piros veltelini – kis veltelini


korai piros veltelini – malvasia rossa


korai piros veltelini – piros malvazia


korai piros veltelini – velteliner rouge précoce


korai piros veltelini – veltlinske cervené skoré




kék bakator


kékfrankos – blauer lemberger


kékfrankos – blauer limberger


kékfrankos – blaufränkisch


kékfrankos – limberger


kékfrankos – moravka


kéknyelű – blaustängler


kékoportó – blauer portugieser


kékoportó – modry portugal


kékoportó – portugais bleu


kékoportó – portugalske modré


kékoportó – portugizer


kövidinka – a dinka crvena


kövidinka – a dinka mala


kövidinka – a dinka rossa


kövidinka – a kamena dinka


kövidinka – a ruzsica


kövidinka – steinschiller


kövérszőlő – grasa


kövérszőlő – grasa de cotnari


leányka – dievcenske hrozno


leányka – feteasca alba


leányka – leányszőlő


leányka – mädchentraube










olasz rizling – grasevina


olasz rizling – nemes rizling


olasz rizling – olaszrizling


olasz rizling – riesling italien


olasz rizling – risling vlassky


olasz rizling – taljanska grasevina


olasz rizling – welschriesling


ottonel muskotály – miszket otonel


ottonel muskotály – muscat ottonel


ottonel muskotály – muskat ottonel


pinot blanc – fehér burgundi


pinot blanc – pinot beluj


pinot blanc – pinot bianco


pinot blanc – weissburgunder


pinot noir – blauer burgunder


pinot noir – kisburgundi kék


pinot noir – kék burgundi


pinot noir – kék rulandi


pinot noir – pignula


pinot noir – pino csernüj


pinot noir – pinot cernii


pinot noir – pinot nero


pinot noir – pinot tinto


pinot noir – rulandski modre


pinot noir – savagnin noir


pinot noir – spätburgunder




piros bakator – bakar rózsa


piros bakator – bakator rouge


piros bakator – bakatortraube


piros veltelini – nagyságos


piros veltelíni – fleischtraube


piros veltelíni – somszőlő


piros veltelíni – velteliner rouge


piros veltelíni – veltlinské cervené


piros veltelíni – veltlinszki rozovij




pölöskei muskotály


rajnai rizling – johannisberger


rajnai rizling – rheinriesling


rajnai rizling – rhine riesling


rajnai rizling – riesling


rajnai rizling – riesling blanc


rajnai rizling – weisser riesling


rizlingszilváni – müller thurgau


rizlingszilváni – müller thurgau bijeli


rizlingszilváni – müller thurgau blanc


rizlingszilváni – rivaner


rizlingszilváni – rizvanac










sauvignon – sauvignon bianco


sauvignon – sauvignon bijeli


sauvignon – sauvignon blanc


sauvignon – sovinjon


semillon – petit semillon


semillon – semillon bianco


semillon – semillon blanc


semillon – semillon weisser


syrah – blauer syrah


syrah – marsanne noir


syrah – serine noir


syrah – shiraz


syrah – sirac


szürkebarát – auvergans gris


szürkebarát – grauburgunder


szürkebarát – graumönch


szürkebarát – pinot grigio


szürkebarát – pinot gris


szürkebarát – ruländer




sárga muskotály – moscato bianco


sárga muskotály – muscat blanc


sárga muskotály – muscat bélüj


sárga muskotály – muscat de frontignan


sárga muskotály – muscat de lunel


sárga muskotály – muscat lunel


sárga muskotály – muscat sylvaner


sárga muskotály – muscat zlty


sárga muskotály – muskat weisser


sárga muskotály – weiler


sárga muskotály – weisser




tramini – gewürtztraminer


tramini – roter traminer


tramini – savagnin rose


tramini – tramin cervené


tramini – traminer


tramini – traminer rosso




viktória gyöngye
















zweigelt – blauer zweigeltrebe


zweigelt – rotburger


zweigelt – zweigeltrebe


zöld szagos – decsi szagos


zöld szagos – zöld muskotály


zöld szilváni – grüner sylvaner


zöld szilváni – silvanec zeleni


zöld szilváni – sylvánske zelené


zöld veltelíni – grüner muskateller


zöld veltelíni – grüner veltliner


zöld veltelíni – veltlinské zelené


zöld veltelíni – zöldveltelíni

8.   Description of the link(s)

8.1.   Wine

Description of the demarcated area

The demarcated production area for the ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ protected geographical indication comprises the Transdanubia (in Hungarian ‘Dunántúl’) region of Hungary. Two factors add a sub-Mediterranean character to its continental climate: from the west, air flows bringing cool and moist oceanic and mountain air, and from the south, Mediterranean air flows transporting dry and warm air from the Mediterranean Sea to Transdanubia. As a result, summers are wetter and less hot than in the Mediterranean region, while autumns are sunnier and drier than in other regions with a continental climate.

The average annual temperature is 9–11 °C, and there are around 1 900 hours of sunshine annually. The annual amount of precipitation varies between 600 and 800 mm. The landscape of Transdanubia is articulated by hills and medium-high mountain ranges. An important feature of this landscape is that there are streams, rivers and, occasionally, lakes near most settlements. The soil of the demarcated production area is Ramann-type brown forest soil with clay illuviation.

Description of the wines

Whatever their type, all ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ wines are characterised by a discreet, medium-intensity aroma, well-rounded acids, and lightness and freshness.

Viticulture also played a key role in the life of the first Hungarian settlers in Transdanubia and was a major source of income for local inhabitants: as an important export product, wine was transported in large quantities to neighbouring countries.

Presentation and demonstration of the causal link

As a result of the westerly air flows that influence the climate of Transdanubia, there is sufficient rainfall even in the summer period, and the number of drought days is relatively low compared to other continental regions on the same latitude. Thanks to the water-retaining capacity of brown forest soils, vines have sufficient water supply even in the summer heat.

Typically, the producers of the production area plant the characteristic, medium-late (e.g. Kadarka, Kékoportó) and late-ripening (e.g. Olaszrizling, Kékfrankos, Szürkebarát) grape varieties of the ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ PGI on south, south-east and south-west-facing slopes. The sunrays reflected back from the water surface of the streams, rivers or lakes on the foothills of these slopes help grapes ripen in the long, sunny autumn attributable to Mediterranean anticyclones, giving ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ wines their well-rounded, mature acidity and richness of flavour, and rosé and red wines their silky, elegant tannins.

8.2.   Aerated semi-sparkling wine

Description of the demarcated area

The demarcated production area for the ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ protected geographical indication comprises the Transdanubia (in Hungarian ‘Dunántúl’) region of Hungary. Two factors add a sub-Mediterranean character to its continental climate: from the west, air flows bringing cool and moist oceanic and mountain air, and from the south, Mediterranean air flows transporting dry and warm air from the Mediterranean Sea to Transdanubia. As a result, summers are wetter and less hot than in the Mediterranean region, while autumns are sunnier and drier than in other regions with a continental climate.

The average annual temperature is 9–11 °C, and there are around 1 900 hours of sunshine annually. The annual amount of precipitation varies between 600 and 800 mm. The landscape of Transdanubia is articulated by hills and medium-high mountain ranges. An important feature of this landscape is that there are streams, rivers and, occasionally, lakes near most settlements. The soil of the demarcated production area is Ramann-type brown forest soil with clay illuviation.

Description of the wines

A specific feature of aerated semi-sparkling wines is that the added carbon dioxide makes the wines light-bodied and the fresh acids more intense in any given batch, which enhances the fresh, harmonious fruit sensation.

‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ aerated semi-sparkling wines have a harmonious and at least medium level of acidity, and a freshness, with notes reminiscent of fresh citrus fruits, apple and even pear.

Presentation and demonstration of the causal link

The climate of the Transdanubia region is suited to producing light and fresh white, rich rosé and light red wines, which form an excellent base for producing aerated semi-sparkling wines.

Having continuously monitored market demand and thanks to advances in competitive technology, wineries began making aerated semi-sparkling wine in the demarcated area several decades ago. Over time, consumers have come to associate this wine closely with the Transdanubia region, and its outstanding quality has earned it a special reputation and recognition.

As explained in the case of the wines, as a result of the westerly air flows that influence the climate of Transdanubia, there is a sufficient amount of rainfall even in the summer period, and the number of drought days is relatively low compared to other continental regions on the same latitude. Thanks to the water-retaining capacity of the brown forest soils, the vines have sufficient water supply even in the summer heat. This natural phenomenon ensures that the vine varieties grown in the area have a delicate and harmonious acid composition and retain their primary fruity aromas. The characteristic freshness and fruitiness of ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ aerated semi-sparkling wines can be traced back to this peculiar natural phenomenon and to the vine varieties grown there.

9.   Specific further requirements (packaging, labelling, other requirements)

Rules on the designation of the protection of origin category

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:

Rules on indications:

The expression ‘oltalom alatt álló földrajzi jelzés’ [protected geographical indication] may be replaced by the traditional expression ‘tájbor’ [country wine].

The English translation ‘Transdanubia’ may appear in the same field of vision as the ‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ protected geographical indication.

Rules on expressions that can be indicated

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:


Wine – white:

‘Virgin vintage’ or ‘első szüret’ [first harvest]

‘Muskotály’ [Muscat]

‘Cuvée’ or ‘küvé’

‘Szűretlen’ [Unfiltered]

‘Primőr’ [Primeur] or ‘Újbor’ [New wine]:

barrique, or ‘barrique-ban erjesztett’ [barrique-fermented], or ‘…hordóban erjesztett’ [… cask-fermented], or ‘barrique-ban érlelt’ [barrique-aged], or ‘…hordóban érlelt’ [… cask-aged]


Wine – rosé:

‘Virgin vintage’ or ‘első szüret’ [first harvest]

‘Cuvée’ or ‘küvé’

‘Szűretlen’ [Unfiltered]

‘Primőr’ [Primeur] or ‘Újbor’ [New wine]:


Wine – red:


‘Virgin vintage’ or ‘első szüret’ [first harvest]

‘Cuvée’ or ‘küvé’

‘Szűretlen’ [Unfiltered]

‘Primőr’ [Primeur] or ‘Újbor’ [New wine]:

barrique, or ‘barrique-ban erjesztett’ [barrique-fermented], or ‘…hordóban erjesztett’ [… cask-fermented], or ‘barrique-ban érlelt’ [barrique-aged], or ‘…hordóban érlelt’ [… cask-aged]


Aerated semi-sparkling wine – white:

‘Virgin vintage’ or ‘első szüret’ [first harvest]

‘Muskotály’ [Muscat]

‘Cuvée’ or ‘küvé’

‘Primőr’ [Primeur] or ‘Újbor’ [New wine]:


Aerated semi-sparkling wine – rosé:

‘Virgin vintage’ or ‘első szüret’ [first harvest]

‘Cuvée’ or ‘küvé’

‘Primőr’ [Primeur] or ‘Újbor’ [New wine]:


Aerated semi-sparkling wine – red:

‘Virgin vintage’ or ‘első szüret’ [first harvest]

‘Cuvée’ or ‘küvé’

‘Primőr’ [Primeur] or ‘Újbor’ [New wine]:

Rules on the expression ‘muskotály’

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:

As a restricted expression, ‘muskotály’ may appear only on the labelling of wines with the following varietal composition:


at least 85 % (excluding the quantity of products used in sweetening) must be Csabagyöngye, Hamburgi muskotály, Mátrai muskotály, Cserszegi fűszeres, Irsai Olivér, Nektár, Ottonel muskotály, Pölöskei muskotály, Sárga muskotály, or Zefír;


up to 15 % must be Bacchus, Piros Bakator, Bianca, Blauer Silvaner, Budai, Chardonnay, Chasselas, Csomorika, Ezerfürtű, Ezerjó, Furmint, Generosa, Hárslevelű, Juhfark, Karát, Kéknyelű, Királyleányka, Korai piros veltelíni, Korona, Kövérszőlő, Kövidinka, Leányka, Olasz rizling, Pátria, Pinot blanc, Pintes, Piros veltelíni, Rajnai rizling, Rizlingszilváni, Rozália, Rózsakő, Sárfehér, Sauvignon, Semillon, Szürkebarát, Tramini, Viktória gyöngye, Vulcanus, Zala gyöngye, Zengő, Zenit, Zeus, Zöld veltelíni, Zöld szagos, Zöld szilváni, or Viognier.

Production outside the demarcated production area:

Legal framework:

In EU legislation

Type of further condition:

Derogation on production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition:


‘Dunántúli / Dunántúl’ wine products may be produced only in the demarcated area or, on account of historical traditions, and in accordance with Article 5(1a) of Regulation (EU) 2019/33, in the following municipalities of two counties located in the immediate proximity of the demarcated area:

Bács-Kiskun County:

Akasztó, Apostag, Ágasegyháza, Baja, Ballószög, Balotaszállás, Bácsalmás, Bácsszőlős, Bátmonostor, Bócsa, Borota, Bugac, Császártöltés, Csátalja, Csávoly, Csengőd, Csikéria, Csólyospálos, Dávod, Dunapataj, Dunavecse, Dusnok, Érsekcsanád, Érsekhalma, Felsőlajos, Fülöpháza, Fülöpjakab, Fülöpszállás, Hajós, Harkakötöny, Harta, Helvécia, Imrehegy, Izsák, Jakabszállás, Jánoshalma, Jászszentlászló, Kaskantyú, Kecel, Kecskemét, Kelebia, Kéleshalom, Kerekegyháza, Kiskőrös, Kiskunfélegyháza, Kiskunhalas, Kiskunmajsa, Kisszállás, Kunbaja, Kunbaracs, Kunfehértó, Kunszállás, Kunszentmiklós, Ladánybene, Lajosmizse, Lakitelek, Mélykút, Móricgát, Nagybaracska, Nemesnádudvar, Nyárlőrinc, Orgovány, Páhi, Pirtó, Rém, Solt, Soltszentimre, Soltvadkert, Sükösd, Szabadszállás, Szank, Szentkirály, Tabdi, Tázlár, Tiszaalpár, Tiszakécske, Tiszazug, Tompa, Vaskút, Zsana,


Pest County:

Abony, Albertirsa, Budapest-Rákosliget, Cegléd, Ceglédbercel, Csemő, Dány, Dömsöd, Gomba, Hernád, Inárcs, Kakucs, Kerepes, Kisnémedi, Kocsér, Kóka, Mogyoród, Monor, Monori erdő, Nagykőrös, Nyársapát, Ócsa, Őrbottyán, Örkény, Pilis, Ráckeve, Szada, Szigetcsép, Szigetszentmárton, Szigetújfalu, Tápiószele, Tápiószentmárton, Tóalmás, Tököl, Újlengyel, Vác, Vácegres, Vácrátót, Veresegyház.

Link to the product specification

(1)   OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671.

(2)   OJ L 149, 7.6.2019, p. 1.


ISSN 1977-091X (electronic edition)