ISSN 1977-091X

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 160A

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 66
5 May 2023




V   Announcements




European Parliament

2023/C 160 A/01

Recruitment notice PE/288/S – Director (function group AD, grade 14) – Directorate-General for Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships – Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments


2023/C 160 A/02

Recruitment notice PE/289/S – Director (function group AD, grade 14) – Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support – Directorate for Development and Support




V Announcements


European Parliament



Official Journal of the European Union

CA 160/1



(function group AD, grade 14)

Directorate-General for Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships – Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments

(2023/C 160 A/01)


1.   Vacant post

The President of the European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for filling the post of director (AD, grade 14) in the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships — Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, in accordance with Article 29(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union (1) (‘the Staff Regulations’).

This selection procedure, which is designed to give the appointing authority a wider choice of candidates, will be conducted at the same time as internal and interinstitutional recruitment procedures.

Recruitment will be to grade AD 14 (2). The basic salary is EUR 16 292,34 per month. In addition to the basic salary, which is subject to Union tax and exempt from national tax, certain allowances may be payable in circumstances laid down by the Staff Regulations.

Candidates should note that this post is subject to the mobility policy rules adopted by Parliament’s Bureau on 15 January 2018.

The post calls for flexibility and frequent contact with people inside and outside Parliament, including Members of the European Parliament. The director will be required to travel frequently between Parliament’s places of work and elsewhere.

2.   Place of employment

Brussels. This post may be transferred to one of Parliament’s other places of work.

3.   Equal opportunities

The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any ground such as gender, ethnicity, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

4.   Job description

As a senior official, the director will be required to carry out the following duties in the light of the guidelines and decisions laid down by the parliamentary authority and the director-general (3):

ensuring that a large department in Parliament’s Secretariat, comprising several units covering the directorate’s areas of activity, runs smoothly and in keeping with Parliament’s policies,

managing, leading, motivating and coordinating teams of staff; optimising the use of the directorate’s resources to provide a high-quality service (organisation, management of human and budget resources, innovation, etc.) in its areas of activity,

planning the directorate’s work (deciding on objectives and strategies); taking the decisions required to achieve the objectives set; assessing the performance of the departments within the directorate with a view to ensuring that high standards are maintained,

advising the director-general, the Secretary-General and Members in the directorate’s areas of activity,

cooperating with the other directorates in the Secretariat, representing Parliament and negotiating contracts and agreements in the directorate’s areas of activity,

managing and seeing through specific projects likely to involve financial responsibilities,

acting as authorising officer by subdelegation.

5.   Eligibility

The selection procedure is open to candidates who fulfil the following conditions on the closing date for applications:


General conditions

Under Article 28 of the Staff Regulations, candidates must:

be a national of one of the European Union’s Member States (4),

enjoy full rights as a citizen,

have fulfilled any obligations imposed on them by the laws on military service,

be able to produce the appropriate character references as to their suitability for the performance of the duties concerned.


Specific conditions


Qualifications required

when the normal period of university education is four years or more, a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the Union,


a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the Union and appropriate professional experience of at least one year (5), when the normal period of university education is at least three years.

Diplomas, whether issued in a Member State of the Union or in another country, must be recognised by an official body of a Member State of the Union, such as the ministry of education.

Candidates holding diplomas issued in a non-EU country (6) must enclose with their application an EU-equivalence for their diplomas. For further information on recognition of qualifications obtained in a non-EU country in the ENIC-NARIC networks, see


Professional experience required

Professional experience gained after obtaining the qualifications referred to above:

12 years, at least part of which must be in the directorate’s areas of activity, and including at least six years in a European and/or international environment, and at least six years in management positions in a large department.


Knowledge of languages

Excellent knowledge of one of the European Union’s official languages (7) is required, along with satisfactory knowledge of at least one other official language of the European Union.

The Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Senior Officials will take knowledge of other official languages of the European Union into account.

6.   Tests

To assist the appointing authority in its choice, the Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Senior Officials will draw up a list of candidates and make a recommendation to Parliament’s Bureau as to who should be called for interview. The Bureau will adopt the list, and the committee will conduct the interviews and submit its final report to the Bureau for a decision. At this stage, the Bureau may interview the candidates.

The interviews will be based on the job description as set out in point 4 above, focusing on the following:

strategic thinking;

management skills;

forward-planning skills;

ability to react appropriately to events;


communication skills.

7.   Submission of applications

The deadline for applications is:

12.00 (noon), Brussels time, on Friday, 26 May 2023.

Candidates are asked to send, by email only, a personal statement in pdf format (marked ‘For the attention of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Recruitment Notice PE/288/S’) and a curriculum vitae in Europass format (8), quoting the reference number for the procedure (PE/288/S) in the subject line, to:

The date and time of dispatch of the email will be taken to be the date and time of submission of the application.

Scanned documents must be legible.

Candidates called for interview must produce by the interview date copies or photocopies of supporting documents relating to their studies, professional experience and current responsibilities (9) . These documents will not be returned.

Personal data which candidates provide for the purposes of this selection procedure will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (10), in particular as regards their confidentiality and security.

(1)  See Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 723/2004 (OJ L 124, 27.4.2004, p. 1) and most recently by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1023/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 amending the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (OJ L 287, 29.10.2013, p. 15).

(2)  On recruitment the official will be placed in the appropriate step, in accordance with Article 32 of the Staff Regulations.

(3)  For description of main tasks, see annex.

(4)  The European Union’s Member States are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

(5)  This year of experience will not be taken into account when assessing the professional experience required under the next indent.

(6)  UK qualifications/diplomas obtained up until 31 December 2020 are accepted with no other recognition required. For diplomas obtained after that date NARIC recognition is required. In practice, this means that UK diplomas issued from 1 January 2021 must be accompanied by an equivalence issued by a competent authority of a current Member State of the EU.

(7)  The European Union’s official languages are: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.


(9)  This does not apply to candidates working for the European Parliament on the closing date for applications. Candidates are responsible for making sure that Parliament’s departments are in possession of their complete application file (where relevant documents are missing from the HRM portal (Streamline)).

(10)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).


Directorate-General for Parliamentary Democracy — Partnerships Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments

Main tasks

(Entity comprising 22 staff: 20 officials and two temporary staff members)


Coordinating the directorate’s main activities, in particular contacts and follow-up with Parliament’s political and administrative bodies (cabinets, Vice-Presidents, political groups, DGs, etc.);

Preparing notes and analyses for Members;

Liaising with the representatives of national parliaments in Brussels and in other European capitals;

Taking part in the activities of the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) network and the Interparliamentary EU Information Exchange (IPEX) (ECPRD Co-Director — IPEX Board member);

Carrying out follow-up: objectives, activity reports, Parliamentary Project Portfolio (PPP) projects, staff matters etc.;

Acting as authorising officer by subdelegation.


Assisting Parliament’s delegation to the Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees (COSAC) with preparing COSAC meetings, drafting notes and follow-up etc. and involvement in the work of the COSAC secretariat;

Arranging bilateral visits by members and officials of national parliaments, and organising and developing relations with national parliament representatives to the European Parliament; Organising the Presidency Parliament Support Programme (PPSP);

Assisting the President, Vice-Presidents and political bodies of Parliament in their relations with national parliaments, including the Conference of Speakers of EU Parliaments (EUSC), meetings of secretaries-general, etc.;

Providing the cosecretariat for the ECPRD and following up its activities, including in connection with the publication ‘Spotlight on Parliaments in Europe’; cooperating with DG PRES;

Participating on Parliament’s behalf in the IPEX platform;

Cooperating with DG EXPO, in particular coordination and events involving national parliaments in the area of democracy support, institutional capacity building, election observation and pre-accession assistance in connection with the PPP;

Managing the directorate’s budget appropriations.


Legislative dialogue and parliamentary scrutiny: organising interparliamentary committee meetings (ICMs) in cooperation with committee secretariats, including specialised interparliamentary conferences such as the Article 13 TSCG Conference, the European Semester Conference (EPW), the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) on Europol, and support for the CFSP/CSDP Conference; arranging bilateral visits to the European Parliament by members and officials of national parliaments;

Subsidiarity check: dealing with national parliament documents, managing the CONNECT database and drawing up a monthly note for the Conference of Committee Chairs and for Members on the Protocol 1 and 2 documents submitted by national parliaments (reasoned opinions and contributions); updating the electronic Directory of Corresponding Committees in the European Parliament and national parliaments (CORCOM) in collaboration with the representatives of national parliaments;

Coordination of interparliamentary activities: drawing up the six-month calendar of interparliamentary activities (European Parliament and national parliaments) for the Conference of Presidents, and circulating it in-house and externally; circulating the weekly agenda — within Parliament — of activities organised with national parliaments;

Arranging high-level interparliamentary meetings between the President of the European Parliament and the speakers of national parliaments;

Support for parliamentary bodies: assisting Parliament’s governing bodies and Administration by providing expertise in the area of interparliamentary cooperation, in particular by providing thematic briefings and political and socioeconomic background notes on countries in connection with bilateral visits and for committee delegations;

Support for rapporteurs: assisting Members, and in particular rapporteurs, with regard to Union legislative proposals that have prompted a large number of reasoned opinions and contributions from national parliaments (notes for rapporteurs, ad hoc meetings between rapporteurs and national parliaments, etc.);

Interparliamentary cooperation at administrative level: arranging meetings — in cooperation with directorates-general — in the form of seminars or working groups involving national parliament administrations and Parliament’s Secretariat on specific issues.



Official Journal of the European Union

CA 160/7



(function group AD, grade 14)

Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support – Directorate for Development and Support

(2023/C 160 A/02)


1.   Vacant post

The President of the European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for filling the post of director (AD, grade 14) in the Directorate-General for Innovation and Technical Support — Directorate for Development and Support, in accordance with Article 29(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union (1) (‘the Staff Regulations’).

This selection procedure, which is designed to give the appointing authority a wider choice of candidates, will be conducted at the same time as internal and interinstitutional recruitment procedures.

Recruitment will be to grade AD 14 (2). The basic salary is EUR 16 292,34 per month. In addition to the basic salary, which is subject to Union tax and exempt from national tax, certain allowances may be payable in circumstances laid down by the Staff Regulations.

Candidates should note that this post is subject to the mobility policy rules adopted by Parliament’s Bureau on 15 January 2018.

The post calls for flexibility and frequent contact with people inside and outside Parliament, including Members of the European Parliament. The director will be required to travel frequently between Parliament’s places of work and elsewhere.

2.   Place of employment

Luxembourg. This post may be transferred to one of Parliament’s other places of work.

3.   Equal opportunities

The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any ground such as gender, ethnicity, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

4.   Job description

As a senior official, the director will be required to carry out the following duties in the light of the guidelines and decisions laid down by the parliamentary authority and the director-general (3):

ensuring that a large department in Parliament’s Secretariat, comprising several units covering the directorate’s areas of activity, runs smoothly and in keeping with Parliament’s policies;

managing, leading, motivating and coordinating teams of staff; optimising the use of the directorate’s resources to provide a high-quality service (organisation, management of human and budget resources, innovation, etc.) in its areas of activity;

planning the directorate’s work (deciding on objectives and strategies); taking the decisions required to achieve the objectives set; assessing the performance of the departments within the directorate with a view to ensuring that high standards are maintained;

advising the director-general, the Secretary-General and Members in the directorate’s areas of activity;

cooperating with the other directorates in the Secretariat, representing Parliament and negotiating contracts and agreements in the directorate’s areas of activity;

managing and seeing through specific projects likely to involve financial responsibilities;

acting as authorising officer by subdelegation.

5.   Eligibility

The selection procedure is open to candidates who fulfil the following conditions on the closing date for applications:


General conditions

Under Article 28 of the Staff Regulations, candidates must:

be a national of one of the European Union’s Member States (4),

enjoy full rights as a citizen;

have fulfilled any obligations imposed on them by the laws on military service;

be able to produce the appropriate character references as to their suitability for the performance of the duties concerned.


Specific conditions


Qualifications required

when the normal period of university education is four years or more, a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the Union,


a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma officially recognised in one of the Member States of the Union and appropriate professional experience of at least one year (5) when the normal period of university education is at least three years.

Diplomas, whether issued in a Member State of the Union or in another country, must be recognised by an official body of a Member State of the Union, such as the ministry of education.

Candidates holding diplomas issued in a non-EU country (6) must enclose with their application an EU-equivalence for their diplomas. For further information on recognition of qualifications obtained in a non-EU country in the ENIC-NARIC networks, see


Professional experience required

Professional experience gained after obtaining the qualifications referred to above:

12 years, at least part of which must be in the directorate’s areas of activity, and including at least six years in a European and/or international environment, and at least six years in management positions in a large department.


Knowledge of languages

Excellent knowledge of one of the European Union’s official languages (7) is required, along with satisfactory knowledge of at least one other official language of the European Union.

The Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Senior Officials will take knowledge of other official languages of the European Union into account.

6.   Tests

To assist the appointing authority in its choice, the Advisory Committee for the Appointment of Senior Officials will draw up a list of candidates and make a recommendation to Parliament’s Bureau as to who should be called for interview. The Bureau will adopt the list, and the committee will conduct the interviews and submit its final report to the Bureau for a decision. At this stage, the Bureau may interview the candidates.

The interviews will be based on the job description as set out in point 4 above, focusing on the following:

strategic thinking;

management skills;

forward-planning skills;

ability to react appropriately to events;


communication skills.

7.   Submission of applications

The deadline for applications is:

12.00 (noon), Brussels time, on Friday, 26 May 2023.

Candidates are asked to send, by email only, a personal statement in pdf format (marked ‘For the attention of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Recruitment Notice PE/289/S’) and a curriculum vitae in Europass format (8), quoting the reference number for the procedure (PE/289/S) in the subject line, to:

The date and time of dispatch of the email will be taken to be the date and time of submission of the application.

Scanned documents must be legible.

Candidates called for interview must produce by the interview date copies or photocopies of supporting documents relating to their studies, professional experience and current responsibilities (9) . These documents will not be returned.

Personal data which candidates provide for the purposes of this selection procedure will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (10), in particular as regards their confidentiality and security.

(1)  See Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 723/2004 (OJ L 124, 27.4.2004, p. 1) and most recently by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1023/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 amending the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (OJ L 287, 29.10.2013, p. 15).

(2)  On recruitment the official will be placed in the appropriate step, in accordance with Article 32 of the Staff Regulations.

(3)  For description of main tasks, see annex.

(4)  The European Union’s Member States are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

(5)  This year of experience will not be taken into account when assessing the professional experience required under the next indent.

(6)  UK qualifications/diplomas obtained up until 31 December 2020 are accepted with no other recognition required. For diplomas obtained after that date NARIC recognition is required. In practice, this means that UK diplomas issued from 1 January 2021 must be accompanied by an equivalence issued by a competent authority of a current Member State of the EU.

(7)  The European Union’s official languages are: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.


(9)  This does not apply to candidates working for the European Parliament on the closing date for applications. Candidates are responsible for making sure that Parliament’s departments are in possession of their complete application file (where relevant documents are missing from the HRM portal (Streamline)).

(10)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).


Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support — Directorate for Development and Support

Main tasks

(Entity comprising 196 staff: 91 officials, 13 temporary staff members and 92 contract staff members)


Coordinating the Project Support Management Office and purchasing software;

managing, coordinating and supervising the Directorate’s units and departments; ensuring consistency of the units’ activities with the Directorate’s mission letter; deciding on managerial and technical strategic IT choices;

Ensuring consistency of the Directorate’s internal processes;

Liaising with the political and administrative authorities and user Directorates-General;

Managing the risks inherent in the Directorate’s activities;

Managing relations with current and potential suppliers;

Acting as authorising officer by subdelegation.


+ Operational Management

+ Service Management

+ Quality

Providing high-quality IT services to staff and other workers at the EP, APPF, EDPS and EDPB through the unit’s various operational teams (Service Desk, App Support, Local Logistics Support, Proximity Support, Mobility Support, Mobile Device Management, Workstation Management and Local Server Administration);

Providing support to the public and EP staff by transferring calls, and providing contact information and general information on Parliament’s places of work and EP events;

Providing and developing ICT service management tools for the Support Unit and other EP bodies; managing quality management processes within the framework of the ITIL recommendations; assessing the performance and efficiency of the unit’s services and user satisfaction, with a view to proposing improvements;

Providing technical documentation services; managing and drafting the unit’s documentation, including the catalogue of services; managing relations with users; running information and cooperation activities to keep users updated on the matters that affect them and to better understand their needs;

Safeguarding users’ interests and playing a cross-cutting role in the various teams involved in the provision of IT services so as to participate in the implementation of DG ITEC’s projects and objectives; attending to the security, compliance and data protection aspects of the services managed by the unit;

Researching and steering initiatives to improve the IT services provided, from the user’s standpoint, by facilitating cooperation between the various stakeholders; drafting and maintaining documentation for the IT services concerned, and updating the relevant intranet pages, collaborative sites, user guides and documentation on services.


+ Digital Workplace Assistance

+ Members’ IT Communication

Offering a targeted and local IT service for Members and their assistants; providing assistance for remote parliamentary work, including remote meetings and hybrids; monitoring quality, managing problems, incidents and requests, and maintaining a dialogue with users; distributing IT equipment provided for in the relevant allocations;

Helping to implement the DG’s projects concerning Members and their assistants; participating in the consolidation of a hybrid Parliament and greater cybersecurity for users (e.g. bolstering the spyware service for mobile devices);

Contributing to the updating of measures concerning IT equipment for Members and assistants and maintaining the guides drafted for them, including on the intranet; overseeing the rollout of Teams, and offering group training sessions and sessions tailored to the needs of individual Members’ offices;

Holding multilingual training sessions, for groups and individuals, on site and/or on line, and providing videos/tutorials for Members and their assistants to familiarise them with the IT equipment and means of communication at their disposal; responding to their new needs; preparing the equipment and training needed during the election transition period (from the end of one legislative term to the start of the next).


+ e-Parliament Suite

+ Solutions

+ Parliamentary Systems

+ Legislative Systems

Delivering the IT systems needed to ensure the smooth running of Parliament’s core legislative activities; developing and updating these systems with guidance from the governing bodies for legislative activities; applying Parliament’s IT Applications Strategic Framework, addressing obsolescence and managing the application life cycle to achieve optimum cost efficiency;

Managing and implementing the e-Parliament and e-legislation component of the Parliamentary Project Portfolio;

Selecting and deploying innovative technological solutions, and developing, maintaining and furthering those solutions while providing the related technical support; maintaining a cutting edge in the technological skills needed to develop projects, from design through to deployment, and hosting the development tools platform;

Implementing the IT facet of the ‘Open data’ component of the Parliamentary Project Portfolio based on a knowledge management approach;

Performing administrative tasks relating to: human and financial resources, activity reports, contracts and meetings;

Developing, supporting, updating, promoting and acting as a forum for collaborative solutions.


+ MEP Systems

+ Central Systems

+ HR Systems

+ Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

+ Communication Systems

Providing services on a large number of IT applications in the realm of central systems, ERP systems, Member-related services, interpretation, human resources, and Parliament’s internet presence;

Implementing Parliament’s IT Applications Strategic Framework and IT Programme, with an emphasis on the ‘share before buy before build’ strategy;

Rolling out a number of competence centres around common standard IT components (SAP, SAP BI, HERMES/Documentum, public websites and web accessibility, front-end development tools, etc.);

Participating in the ‘Cloud Adoption Program for Applications’ and ‘Optimizing the Software Lifecycle’ (DevSecOps & containers) programs in order to encourage the use of new ‘cloud’ technologies among development and maintenance teams;

Participating in the ‘Obsolescence’ programme to replace old applications and technical platforms that are no longer standard.


+ Project Support Management Office

+ Quality Assurance and Testing

+ Business Analysis and Architecture

+ Business Software Selection

Managing the IT portfolio of the EP and running the Agile IT Programme process;

Providing functional, security, mobile device and ergonomics testing for IT projects and maintenance activities throughout the EP;

Managing Business Software Selection Projects, with a view to reusing or buying IT solutions from the marketplace and integrating them in the EP IT landscape;

Managing and supervising ITEC’s integration test environment and testing services for unified test validation of large-scale application landscapes;

Managing the Software Selection Process, aiming towards the reuse or acquisition of simple desktop applications and technical tools;

Defining, sustaining and enhancing the Project Management methodologies for the EP, by providing guidance per project type and related knowledge areas;

Updating, maintaining and expanding the software catalogue.