ISSN 1977-091X

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 143

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 65
31 March 2022




II   Information




European Commission

2022/C 143/01

Communication on the publication of the amounts of raw milk production as referred to in Article 149(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council



IV   Notices





2022/C 143/02

Council Decision of 29 March 2022 appointing the members and alternate members of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work for Czechia, France and Sweden



European Commission

2022/C 143/03

Euro exchange rates — 30 March 2022




2022/C 143/04

Update of reference amounts for the crossing of the external borders, as referred to in Article 6(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code)





EFTA Surveillance Authority

2022/C 143/05

Threshold values referred to in Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU and 2009/81/EC, expressed in the national currencies of the EFTA States


2022/C 143/06

No state aid within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement


2022/C 143/07

State aid – Decision to raise no objections


2022/C 143/08

State aid – Decision to raise no objections



V   Announcements




European Commission

2022/C 143/09

Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33


2022/C 143/10

Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to the product specification for a name in the wine sector as referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33




II Information


European Commission



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/1

Communication on the publication of the amounts of raw milk production as referred to in Article 149(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1)

(2022/C 143/01)

Annual data (1000 t)

Amounts of raw milk production  (*2) as referred to in Article 149(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013







4 449,00










3 267,73

0,04  (*3)

0,10  (*3)



5 666,00





33 164,91










8 561,47










7 606,07





25 147,31










12 712,48















1 488,00










2 014,33



0,00 n







14 522,00





3 815,47





14 821,82





1 993,61





3 679,60















2 406,52





2 772,74





154 399,73

2 965,06

2 490,52


(1)  OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671.

(*1)  0,00: zero or less than 5 t

(*2)  2020 Milk Production on the farm EUROSTAT – NewCronos Products Obtained

(*3)  Communicated by Member State and/or estimated/calculated production

IV Notices





Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/3


of 29 March 2022

appointing the members and alternate members of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work for Czechia, France and Sweden

(2022/C 143/02)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to the Council Decision of 22 July 2003 setting up an Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work (1), and in particular Article 3 thereof,

Having regard to the lists of candidates submitted to the Council by the Governments of the Member States,



By means of its Decision of 24 February 2022 (2), the Council appointed the members and alternate members of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work for the period from 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2025.


The governments of Czechia, France and Sweden have submitted further nominations for several posts to be filled,


Article 1

The following are hereby appointed as members and alternate members of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work for the period ending on 28 February 2025:


Member State


Alternate members



Mr Nicolas BESSOT



Ms Anne-Sofie DALENG


Mr Magnus FALK


Member State


Alternate members





Mr Abderrafik ZAIGOUCHE


Mr Jean-Paul ZERBIB


Ms Cyrene WAERN




Member State


Alternate members


Mr Miroslav HORKÝ





Ms Nathalie BUET

Mr Patrick LEVY





Article 2

The Council shall appoint the members and alternate members not yet nominated at a later date.

Article 3

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

Done at Brussels, 29 March 2022.

For the Council

The President


(1)  OJ C 218, 13.9.2003, p. 1.

(2)  Council Decision of 24 February 2022 appointing the members and alternate members of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work (OJ C 92, 25.2.2022, p. 1).

European Commission



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/5

Euro exchange rates (1)

30 March 2022

(2022/C 143/03)

1 euro =



Exchange rate


US dollar



Japanese yen



Danish krone



Pound sterling



Swedish krona



Swiss franc



Iceland króna



Norwegian krone



Bulgarian lev



Czech koruna



Hungarian forint



Polish zloty



Romanian leu



Turkish lira



Australian dollar



Canadian dollar



Hong Kong dollar



New Zealand dollar



Singapore dollar



South Korean won

1 346,97


South African rand



Chinese yuan renminbi



Croatian kuna



Indonesian rupiah

15 957,24


Malaysian ringgit



Philippine peso



Russian rouble



Thai baht



Brazilian real



Mexican peso



Indian rupee


(1)  Source: reference exchange rate published by the ECB.




Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/6

Update of reference amounts for the crossing of the external borders, as referred to in Article 6(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) (1)

(2022/C 143/04)

The publication of reference amounts for the crossing of the external borders, as referred to in Article 6(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) (2), is based on the information communicated by the Member States to the Commission in conformity with Article 39 of the Schengen Borders Code.

In addition to the publication in the Official Journal, a monthly update is available on the website of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs.



Replacement of the information published in OJ C 486, 3.12.2021, p. 26.

Article 1 of Order PRE/1282/2007, of 10 May 2007, on the financial means that foreign nationals must prove in order to be able to enter Spain, establishes that ‘the amount to be proved must reach an amount that represents in euros 10 % of the gross minimum interprofessional gross salary or its legal equivalent in foreign currency multiplied by the number of days they intend to stay in Spain and by the number of persons travelling in their charge’.

Royal Decree 152/2022 of 22 February 2022, which sets the minimum interprofessional wage, published in the Official State Journal number 46 of 23 February 2022, establishes the amount of the minimum interprofessional wage that will be in force as of 1 January 2022, setting it at 33.33 euros/day or 1 000 euros/month, depending on whether the wage is fixed by days or by months.

According to the update of the amount of the minimum interprofessional wage fixed by RD 152/2022 of 22 February 2022, foreigners who intend to enter the national territory must continue to prove that they have a minimum amount of 100 euros per person per day, those they intend to stay in Spain with a minimum of 900 euros or its legal equivalent in foreign currency, provided that they are required by the officials in charge of carrying out the control of entry into Spanish territory, and under the terms established in the aforementioned Order.

List of previous publications

OJ C 247, 13.10.2006, p. 19.

OJ C 77, 5.4.2007, p. 11.

OJ C 153, 6.7.2007, p. 22.

OJ C 164, 18.7.2007, p. 45.

OJ C 182, 4.8. 2007, p. 18.

OJ C 57, 1.3.2008, p. 38.

OJ C 134, 31.5.2008, p. 19.

OJ C 331, 31.12.2008, p. 13.

OJ C 33, 10.2. 2009, p. 1.

OJ C 36, 13.2. 2009, p. 100.

OJ C 37, 14.2.2009, p. 8.

OJ C 98, 29.4.2009, p. 11.

OJ C 35, 12.2.2010, p. 7.

OJ C 304, 10.11.2010, p. 5.

OJ C 24, 26.1.2011, p. 6.

OJ C 157, 27.5.2011, p. 8.

OJ C 203, 9.7.2011, p. 16.

OJ C 11, 13.1.2012, p. 13.

OJ C 72, 10.3.2012, p. 44.

OJ C 199, 7.7.2012, p. 8.

OJ C 298, 04.10.2012, p. 3.

OJ C 56, 26.2.2013, p. 13.

OJ C 98, 05.04.2013, p. 3.

OJ C 269, 18.09.2013, p. 2.

OJ C 57, 28.2.2014, p. 2.

OJ C 152, 20.5.2014, p. 25.

OJ C 224, 15.7.2014, p. 31.

OJ C 434, 4.12.2014, p. 3.

OJ C 447, 13.12.2014, p. 32.

OJ C 38, 4.2.2015, p. 20.

OJ C 96, 11.3.2016, p. 7.

OJ C 146, 26.4.2016, p. 12.

OJ C 248, 8.7.2016, p. 12.

OJ C 111, 8.4.2017, p. 11.

OJ C 21, 20.1.2018, p. 3.

OJ C 93, 12.3.2018, p. 4.

OJ C 153, 2.5.2018, p. 8.

OJ C 186, 31.5.2018, p. 10.

OJ C 264, 26.07.2018, p. 6.

OJ C 366, 10.10.2018, p. 12.

OJ C 459, 20.12.2018, p. 38.

OJ C 140, 16.4. 2019, p. 7.

OJ C 178, 28.5. 2020, p. 3.

OJ C 102, 24.3. 2021, p. 8.

OJ C 486, 3.12. 2021, p. 26.

(1)  See the list of previous publications at the end of this update.

(2)  OJ L 77, 23.3.2016, p. 1.


EFTA Surveillance Authority



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/8

Threshold values referred to in Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU and 2009/81/EC, expressed in the national currencies of the EFTA States

(2022/C 143/05)

Thresholds in EUR

Thresholds in NOK

Thresholds in CHF

Thresholds in ISK

80 000

835 914

86 501

12 023 995

140 000

1 462 850

151 377

21 041 991

215 000

2 246 520

232 472

32 314 487

431 000

4 503 489

466 025

64 779 274

750 000

7 836 697

810 949

112 724 954

1 000 000

10 448 930

1 081 265

150 299 939

5 382 000

56 236 143

5 819 373

808 914 275



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/9

No state aid within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement

(2022/C 143/06)

The EFTA Surveillance Authority considers that the following measure does not constitute state aid within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement:

Date of adoption of the decision

15 December 2021

Case No


Decision No


EFTA State


Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

The Ocean Space Centre

Legal basis

Norwegian state budget 2022

Type of measure

Ad hoc


Research, development and innovation

Form of aid



Up to NOK 8 154 million (P85 estimate)


100 %


2022-2029 (estimate)

Economic sectors

P.85.4-Higher education

M.72.1-Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering

M.72.19-Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering

Name and address of the granting authority

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

PO Box 8090 Dep

0032 Oslo, Norway

The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

Postboks 8112 Dep

0032 Oslo, Norway

The authentic text of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found on the EFTA Surveillance Authority’s Internet:



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/10

State aid – Decision to raise no objections

(2022/C 143/07)

The EFTA Surveillance Authority raises no objections to the following state aid measure:

Date of adoption of the decision

14 December 2021

Case No


Decision No


EFTA State


Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

COVID-19 - Prolongation of and amendments to the Norwegian umbrella scheme for liquidity support for undertakings in municipalities hit by the COVID-19 pandemic

Legal basis

The Government’s budget proposition, Prop. 79 S (2020– 2021) approved on 23 February 2021

Terms and conditions for the measure are described in the letters of assignment to the municipalities, issued by the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

Chapter 6 of the Regulation on economic management for national authorities sanctioned by Royal decree as of 12 December 2003 is of relevance

Type of measure



To ensure access to liquidity for undertakings facing a sudden shortage/unavailability of liquidity due to the impact on the economy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting local or national infection control measures

Form of aid

Direct grants


Maximum estimated budget is NOK 4.55 billion


The measure provides all municipalities/regional counties with a framework within which they may aid local undertakings that experience increased costs or losses. The need for funds may therefore vary


Until 30 June 2022

Economic sectors

Sectors or undertakings may vary under the different municipal/county schemes. The measure does not apply to undertakings that are fully funded by public authorities and is not open to the finance sector however

Name and address of the granting authority

Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation is the authority responsible for the measure and for defining the framework within which the municipalities and regional counties may adapt and prioritise local schemes

Other information


The authentic text of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found on the EFTA Surveillance Authority’s Internet:



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/11

State aid – Decision to raise no objections

(2022/C 143/08)

The EFTA Surveillance Authority raises no objections to the following state aid measure:

Date of adoption of the decision

16 December 2021

Case No


Decision No


EFTA State


Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Renewal of COVID-19 Guarantee scheme

Legal basis

Forskrift om endring i forskrift 27. mars 2020 nr. 490 til lov om statlig garantiordning for lån til små og mellomstore bedrifter, FOR-2020-03-27-490

Type of measure



Ensure access to liquidity for undertakings facing a sudden shortage of liquidity due to the COVID-19 outbreak

Form of aid

Public guarantees


NOK 50 billion (for the scheme as amended)


Until 30 June 2022

Economic sectors

All sectors

Name and address of the granting authority

GIEK, The Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency

Pb 1763 Vika

N-0122 Oslo


The authentic text of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found on the EFTA Surveillance Authority’s Internet:

V Announcements


European Commission



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/12

Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33

(2022/C 143/09)

This communication is published in accordance with Article 17(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2019/33 (1).


‘Σαντορίνη’ (Santorini)


Date of communication: 31 January 2021


1.   In the production of dry white wine with the Santorini PDO, the minimum content of the grape variety Assyrtiko has been increased from 75 % to 85 %

The increased percentage of Assyrtiko improves the quality of the wine produced. Specifically, it produces very concentrated white wines, with delicacy and minerality of character. The Vinsanto wines made from raisined grapes, mainly Assyrtiko, are rich, complex and intense. The improved quality, and the various demands of today’s market, has led more winegrowers to use Assyrtiko in ever larger quantities. In the majority of cases, it exceeds 90 %. Furthermore, all the newly planted or restructured vineyards on Santorini are mono-varietal, the vast majority being Assyrtiko.

The chapters on ‘Oenological Practices’ and ‘Authorised Grape Varieties’ have been amended.

2.   The maximum yield of vineyards for the wine with the Santorini PDO has been reduced from 8 000 kilograms per hectare to 6 500 kilograms per hectare

Grape production statistics from recent years show that the average vineyard yield is around 3 000 kilograms per hectare and that, with modern wine-growing practices, the maximum yields do not exceed 6 500 kilograms per hectare. In order to protect and improve the product, it is necessary to adapt the maximum yield per hectare in light of the new data, and to reduce it to 6 500 kilograms per hectare.

The chapter on ‘Maximum yield(s) per hectare’ has been amended.

3.   The sugar content of the dry white wines with the Santorini PDO must not exceed 4 grams per litre, or 9 grams per litre under certain conditions.

The sugar content of dry white wines with the Santorini PDO has been brought into compliance with Part B of Annex III to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33. Specifically it does not exceed ‘4 grams per litre, or 9 grams per litre, provided that the total acidity expressed as grams of tartaric acid per litre is not more than 2 grams below the residual sugar content’. The exceptionally low pH of the wines with the Santorini PDO often results in wines that are unbalanced on tasting. The sugar content proposed, with the condition stated above, creates a successful balance of sugars and acidity.

The chapter on ‘Description of the wines’, specifically the part on ‘Analytical and organoleptic characteristics of the dry white wine’ has been amended.

4.   The form of the traditional term ‘Νυχτέρι’ in Latin characters has been replaced by ‘Nykteri’-‘NYKTERI’

Article 13 of Ministerial Decision No 235309/7.2.2002, approving traditional terms for wines, (Government Gazette, Series II, No 179/19.2.2002), lays down the conditions for using the traditional term ‘ΝΥΧΤΕΡΙ-Nykteri’ for dry white wines with the ‘Santorini Superior Quality Designation of Origin Santorini’. The amendment brings the product specification into compliance with national legislation.

The chapter on ‘Applicable requirements’, specifically the section on ‘Traditional terms’, has been amended.

5.   Words deleted from the chapter on oenological practices

In the chapter on oenological practices for dry white wine, the following description of a vinification method has been removed: ‘produced by means of pre-fermentation crushing, followed by settling and inoculation with pure selected yeasts which express the aromatic typicity’. It has been removed as it does not represent a specific oenological practice.

The chapter on ‘Oenological practices’ has been amended.

6.   Updating of the Santorini PDO technical file

In the context of updating the technical files, the following changes have been made to the product specification:


the link to the geographical area for liqueur wine from raisined grapes has been combined with the link to the geographical area for naturally sweet/raisined wine as there is no difference between them;


national provisions have been added and replaced on the requirements and controls applicable for PDO and PGI wines;


the details of the competent control authorities have been changed.

The chapters on ‘Link to the geographical area for naturally sweet/raisined wine’ and ‘Link to the geographical area for liqueur wine from raisined grapes’ have been combined.

The chapters on ‘Applicable requirements’ and ‘Details of control authorities and bodies’ have been amended.


1.   Name(s)

Σαντορίνη (Santorini)

2.   Geographical indication type

PDO - Protected Designation of Origin

3.   Categories of grapevine product




Liqueur wine


Wine from raisined grapes

4.   Description of the wine(s)

1.   Dry white wine


Appearance: bright greenish yellow colour.

Aroma: complex nose with aromas of citrus fruits, notes of orange and lemon peel and characteristic steely back-notes.

Taste: rich tasting with balancing acidity giving structure, ensuring a fresh aftertaste.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 12 %

Minimum total alcoholic strength: 12 %

Total sugar content: Total sugar content: 0-4 grams per litre, or up to 9 grams per litre, provided that the total acidity expressed as grams of tartaric acid per litre is not more than 2 grams below the residual sugar content.

Regarding maximum total alcoholic strength, the values provided for in the relevant EU legislation apply.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

5,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


2.   Liqueur wine from raisined grapes


Appearance: orange-yellow with gold tints which deepen to brown with ageing. In wines that undergo a long ageing, the colour deepens to shades of reddish brown.

Aroma: intense and complex aroma, with notes of spices, honey and raisins and subsequent notes of lemon blossom. During ageing, the aromas become more intense and complex.

Taste: taste effectively balanced with the acidity of the grape variety. A rounded, velvety wine, rich with notes of honey and lemon. The aftertaste is especially long and aromatic.

Minimum total alcoholic strength: 21 % volume

Maximum actual alcoholic strength: 22 % volume

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 400 milligrams per litre for sweet wines produced from raisined grapes with a residual sugar content, expressed as sugar, equal to or more than 45 grams per litre (in accordance with Part B of Annex I to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

5,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


3.   Naturally sweet white/raisined wine


Appearance: orange-yellow with gold tints which deepen to brown with ageing.

Aroma: intense and complex aroma, with notes of spices, honey and raisins and subsequent notes of lemon blossom.

Taste: sweet taste effectively balanced with the acidity of the grape variety. A rounded, velvety wine, rich with notes of honey and lemon. The aftertaste is especially long and aromatic.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength before raisining: 15 % volume

Minimum natural alcoholic strength after raisining: 21 % vol.

Minimum total alcoholic strength: 21 % volume

Regarding maximum total alcoholic strength, the values provided for in the relevant EU legislation apply.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 400 milligrams per litre for sweet wines produced from raisined grapes with a residual sugar content, expressed as sugar, equal to or more than 45 grams per litre (in accordance with Part B of Annex I to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

5,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


5.   Wine-making practices

5.1.   Specific oenological practices

1.   Production of dry white wines

Restrictions pertaining to vinification

Dry white wine with the Santorini PDO is made from at least 85 % Assyrtiko grapes. The remaining percentage is made up of Aidani and Athiri grapes. The classic vinification method for white wine is used. The temperature during alcoholic fermentation must not exceed 20 °C.

2.   Production of liqueur wine from raisined grapes

Restrictions pertaining to vinification

Liqueur wine from raisined grapes with the Santorini PDO is made from naturally sweet/raisined wine with the addition of:

neutral alcohol of vinous origin, including alcohol obtained from the distillation of dried grapes, having an actual alcoholic strength of not less than 96 % vol.;

wine or dried grape distillate, having an actual alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 52 % vol. and not more than 86 % vol.;

products of the two above with the addition of must of raisined grapes of the same varieties used to make the naturally sweet wine;

spirit distilled from wine having an actual alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 52 % vol. and not more than 86 % vol.;

raisin spirit having an actual alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 52 % vol. and not more than 94,5 % vol.

The aforementioned products are added by 31 May of the year immediately following the year of production.

3.   Vine training systems

Cultivation method

The vines are trained using the traditional gobelet forms of Santorini, coiled gobelet, also called crown-shaped, and gobelet with hooped and straight canes.

4.   Naturally sweet/raisined white wine

Restrictions pertaining to vinification

The naturally sweet/raisined white wine with the Santorini PDO is made from at least 51 % grapes of the Assyrtiko variety. The remainder is made up of grape varieties Aidani and Athiri with small amounts of ‘foreign’ white varieties traditionally grown on the island group of Santorini and Thirasia. Specifically these varieties are Gaidouria, Katsano, white Moschato, Monemvassia, Platani, Potamissi and the red variety Roditis. The grapes are harvested when overripe and left in the sun to partially dry out. Before raisining, the sugar content of the grape must is at least 260 grams per litre. After raisining, it is 370 grams per litre. The sugars and alcohol in the finished wine derive entirely from the vinified grapes. The addition before, during or after fermentation of the following is not permitted: concentrated grape must, rectified concentrated grape must, alcohol and products of distillation.

5.   Specific oenological practices used to make the wines

Specific oenological practice

In order to use the indication ‘Επιλεγμένος’ or ‘Réserve’ for dry white wines with the Santorini PDO, the wines must have undergone a total ageing process of at least 1 year, of which at least 6 months must be in oak barrels and 3 months in the bottle.

In order to use the indication ‘Ειδικά Επιλεγμένος’ or ‘Grande Réserve’ for dry white wines with the Santorini PDO, the wines must have undergone a total ageing process of at least 2 years, of which at least 12 months must be in oak barrels and 6 months in the bottle.

For Vinsanto wines, that is ‘naturally sweet/raisined wine’ or ‘liqueur wine from raisined grapes’, there is a minimum mandatory period of 24 months for oxidative ageing, which occurs while the wine is in oak barrels. The entire oxidative ageing period, however many years it lasts, occurs exclusively on the islands of Santorini and Thirasia.

The indications of ageing of Vinsanto wines are indicated:

‘Vintage [year]’, means that the grapes were harvested exclusively in the year stated, and the minimum requirement for 2 years oxidative ageing has been met.

‘Aged for x years’, where x refers to the number of years of minimum optional oxidative ageing, established at 4, 8, 12, 16, etc., with 4 years between them.

5.2.   Maximum yields


Maximum yield in hectolitres of end product per hectare

50 hectolitres per hectare


Maximum yield in kilograms of grapes per hectare

6 500 kilograms of grapes per hectare

6.   Demarcated geographical area

The demarcated production area for PDO wines covers the islands of Santorini and Thirasia.

7.   Main wine grapes variety(ies)


Aidani Aspro B


Athiri Β


Assyrtiko B


Gaidouria B


Katsano B


Monemvassia B - Monovassia, Monomvassitiko


Moschato Aspro B


Platani B


Potamissi B


Roditis Rs - Alepou

8.   Description of the link(s)

8.1.   Quality-related, historical, cultural and social link and geographical environment of the white wine


The vineyards of Santorini are among the oldest in the entire world, dating back to prehistoric times. The tradition of viticulture has existed for at least 3 500 years. The unique climate, together with the soil composition, mean that the grape varieties used in vinification produce wines of outstanding character. Descriptions of 19th century travellers tell of the outstanding organoleptic characteristics of the wine. These characteristics are due to the effect of the natural environment on the grapes and, by extension, on the wines of Santorini. At that time, the wine of Santorini was highly sought after abroad. Given its high alcoholic strength, for many years it was sold to fortify wines from other areas that were low in alcohol.

In addition to their historical significance, the vineyards are notable today for producing unique, high quality wines which, as they age, give expression to the very soil of Santorini, to that unique terroir of the island’s vineyards.

These days, wine producers put the local grapes to best use, honouring their organoleptic characteristics. They produce quality wines, recognised in international competitions, both in Greece and abroad.

In order to safeguard the link between the wines of the Santorini PDO and their quality, every year the wines are subjected to organoleptic examination by an established committee. Wines which do not comply with the relevant specifications cannot be made available as Santorini PDO wines.

A study by the Agricultural University of Athens showed that the wines of Santorini were especially rich in bioactive phenolics, owing to the unique training method that uses the traditional basket-shape. This characteristic vine-cultivation method has been employed in Santorini since antiquity, and is wholly consistent with the other features of cultivation, as follows: I) the characteristic soil, which is sandy, a mixture of pumice and ash, rich in magnesium, calcium and iron, with significant capacity to absorb water; II) the Mediterranean climate with mild winters and cool summers, when the sea breezes from the north cool the vineyards; and III) the significant difference in temperature between day and night, together with the sea-mist that descends on the vineyards, keeping the vines cool and protecting them from the strong sunshine, benefitting the development of the grape quality.

8.2.   Quality-related, historical, cultural and social link and geographical environment of the white wine

Historical link

On the trail of the wine-making tradition of Santorini, we journey back in time to the third millennium BC. In the excavations of Akrotiri, finds such as charcoal from vine wood and bunches of grapes as decorative motifs in vase-painting of the time show that wine-growing was one of the main activities of the population. The prehistoric vineyards were destroyed by the great eruption of the volcano, around 1650 BC, which obliterated all trace of human and plant life from the island for some three centuries.

Viticulture and wine production must have been a major component of the economy of Akrotiri at the time of its destruction. This is confirmed by the physical presence of charcoal from vine wood and grape pips, and also by the special system for treading the grapes and collecting the must. The treading trough and vat below are essential equipment. A large basket full of lime, which was found in the treading trough, led archaeologists to think that lime could have served as a type of filter for clearing the must.

The wine was stored in large pithoi (jars) which were sealed with wax. Indeed, on the neck of such a vessel, symbols scratched in Linear A script have been recognised as referring to wine. In general, the multiplicity of storage vessels, along with the stirrup jars, found in Akrotiri suggest not only significant wine production, but also a developed trade in wine. Bunches of grapes were used as decorative motifs in vase-painting of the time. There is evidence for wine-making and trade in wine in the form of certain types of vessels with spouts close to their narrow bases, as well as the multitude of stirrup jars: pots designed primarily for transporting liquids. Santorini has thus far furnished at least 50 % of all examples of this early type of vessel found in the Aegean region.

According to Herodotus, the Phoenicians were the first settlers following the catastrophe. They, and those who followed, had to cope with an extreme environment in order to survive. In order to meet their nutritional needs, they tried cultivating different species of plants which they brought with them and with which they were familiar. Only the vine succeeded in surviving through the centuries in Santorini’s hostile environment. It is an adaptable plant and especially resistant to the hot and dry conditions of the island, with a sturdy and well-developed root system that penetrates the soil of Santorini. Aspa is the name used by local people for the hard and compact soil formed from multiple layers of volcanic material: ash, lava, pumice and debris. This aspa covered the limestone and slate subsoil in the course of successive volcanic eruptions. Centuries of human toil are stamped on the island landscape and bear witness to the efforts of the people of Santorini throughout the ages to dominate their land.

From the archaic and classical periods, we do not have direct evidence of vine cultivation. But it would be strange if the inhabitants of Santorini did not practise it in such ideal ground. It is difficult to imagine the presence of rich landowners on Santorini if they were not growing a product that would bring them large profits. And, to date, such a product has proved to be none other than wine.

From the 12th to the 17th century, the Venetians ruled the island of Santorini. From the outset, Europeans appreciated Greek wines, not only for their quality, but also because they could withstand long sea voyages. Therefore, Frankish and Venetian ships began carrying ever more wine from Santorini. The golden age for the wines of Santorini under Venetian rule would come to an end with the final conquest by the Turks. The wines had had an extraordinary career, with illustrious moments, such as their fame in Paris.

8.3.   Quality-related, historical, cultural and social link and geographical environment of the white wine

Cultural, social and economic links

Vines and wine have been inseparably linked to the cultural, social and economic lives of the people of Santorini since ancient times.

Santorini has always combined great productivity with quality and an outward-looking disposition. Under Turkish rule, the lack of extensive croplands meant that Muslim populations did not settle. The people of Santorini organised their communities democratically and, taking full advantage of the peace that reigned in the Aegean following the Ottoman conquest, they developed trade and shipping, as in prehistoric times. Alexandria, Taganrog and Constantinople were the most important centres for the export of large quantities of wine from Santorini. It is known that, historically, there were exports to Russia from at least 1786. Indeed, the economy of Santorini declined when exports to Russia stopped on account of the October Revolution.

Evidence of the island’s ancient past is preserved today in the archaeological sites of Akrotiri and Mesa Vouno, in the archaeological museums of Santorini and Athens, and in the Gyzi Megaron Cultural Centre. Indeed, the entire island, with its caldera, volcanic rocks, traditional settlements, towers and caves, is a monument to living history.

These days, we find wineries with hi-tech equipment, fully dedicated to the production of quality wines.

This cultural, social and economic link has been confirmed in recent years by a series of events on the island, such as the Ampelos (‘Vine’) symposia. Santorini was selected as the venue for these international vine symposia as, apart from being among the world’s most beautiful and unique places, it has a 3 500 year tradition of vine cultivation and wine production. This tradition has been nurtured by the unique eco-system of this volcanic Aegean island.

The aim of the first symposium, ‘Ampelos 2003’ (5-7 June), was to make a material contribution to establishing the correct orientation for wine-growing in Greece, and to give wine-growers as many ‘tools’ as possible for modern and efficient viticulture. The symposium organisers invited viticulturalists, wine-makers, experts, researchers and business executives in the sector to share their knowledge and views on the subject. They were also invited to enjoy the rich social programme of the symposium in the perfect environment: the famous island of Santorini!

The aim of the second symposium, ‘Ampelos 2006’ (1-3 June), was to present the latest scientific and technical developments to participants, along with the latest market news. This provided an opportunity for fruitful discussion among experts from all over the world, together with representatives from the wine industry, wine journalists and oenophiles who attended the symposium. A basic objective of the symposium was to evaluate the combination of soil, climate and grape variety in the case of each vine, and to consider how to make best use of the raw material using the entire range of wine-making techniques. This would contribute to developing the specific, desirable aromas, along with the taste, of the wines of each region. Finally, special attention was given to the market strategies that could be adopted.

The third international symposium, ‘Ampelos 2013’, took place on Santorini on 30 and 31 May 2013. The objectives were: developments in viticulture adapting in the context of climate change; progress and innovation in wine-making; new strategies for promoting wine products in the new economic conditions which had come into effect at global level; and new trends in implementing good practice in viticulture and wine-making.

The theme of the fourth international ‘Ampelos’ symposium (12 to 14 May) was ‘The Mediterranean vineyard and climate change’. The presentations confirmed the significant effect of climate change, and especially the increase in average atmospheric temperatures, on the phenolic development, physiology and ripening periods of the grapes. It was noted that, over the last 40 years, a trend has been observed in European vineyards. Depending on the region and grape variety, budburst, flowering and ripening of the grapes has been occurring 2 to 3 weeks earlier. Meanwhile, the grapes are ripening fully at much higher temperatures. The main climate parameters are temperature, rainfall and sunlight. It was pointed out that, regardless of the predictive models for those parameters, the European vine and wine map will change significantly. Change will affect both the pattern of grape varieties, and the structural elements of the map. The outcomes will be rather negative for the quality of wines, especially those made from white grape varieties.

8.4.   Quality-related, historical, cultural and social link and geographical environment of the white wine

Geographical environment and geographical origin

In the production area for wines with the Santorini PDO, vineyards cover around 12 000 stremmata. Starting at sea-level, they extend to terraces up to 300 metres in height.

The region has a typical Mediterranean climate with strong sunshine, hot and dry summers and mild winters. The average annual maximum temperature is 23 °C, while the minimum is 14 °C. The total annual rainfall averages between 250 and 370 millimetres.

Santorini is mostly formed of deposits of local soil from the Tertiary period, pumice and lava. The soil of Santorini is sandy with very small amounts of clay. It is also low in organic matter and, with the exception of a small area around the hill of Profitis Ilias, does not contain calcium carbonate. For these reasons, despite the fact that the ground is rich in potassium, plants are unable to absorb the quantities required to neutralise tartaric acid to any great degree. This is the reason for the high level of acidity of the wines of Santorini. The climate, with the scarcity of rain, also contributes to the low absorption of potassium, as does the fact that vineyards are not irrigated.

The island is exceptionally dry. During the summer months, when the grapes are ripening, temperatures during the day are very high. During this prolonged dry period, the hydration needs of the plants are supplied by the mists resulting from the evaporation of the sea. These rise from the caldera and cover the island.

At the same time, during the summer months, the island is buffeted mercilessly by the north winds, known as ‘Meltemi’, which prevent the accumulation of moisture on the grapes during the day. At night, however, when temperatures fall and the climate conditions become relatively damp, the island’s volcanic soil absorbs the moisture and, in that way, nourishes the vines.

In places where the ground slopes steeply, the people of Santorini have constructed the famous pezoules (steps). In other words, they have shaped the land into terraces in order to facilitate cultivation and limit water loss.

As a result of this unique combination of climate and soil, the grapes of Santorini ripen quickly and maintain their acidity.

Like everything else in windswept Santorini, even the vines are unique in form. The plants are widely spaced and low to the ground. In order to protect the grapes from the relentless winds which buffet the island in winter, the people of Santorini have a method of pruning the vines into crown shapes with the grapes growing on the inside.

Serious afflictions by insects and diseases are rare. The only plant protection intervention is one or two preventive applications of sulphur in the spring.

The vineyards of Santorini are the most ancient in all of Greece. Some vines could be as much as 300 years old. The vines have their own roots. They are not grafted onto American rootstocks. This is because phylloxera, the harmful insect that continues to destroy vineyards around the world, never reached here. Fortunately, the island’s volcanic soil, with its scarcity of clay and very high sand content (93-97 %), does not support it.

Consequently, a number of factors create a microclimate like no other in the world. It helps the grapes to ripen fully, giving them special characteristics such as the refreshing high acidity and high alcoholic strength.

8.5.   Quality-related, historical, cultural and social link and geographical environment of the white wine

Product details

The vineyards of the islands of Santorini and Thirasia are veritable belvederes over the Aegean Sea. During summer, the northerly winds, the famous Meltemi, prevent high temperatures, thus creating a particular microclimate. This enhances the ripening of the grapes and their composition during the ‘analytical’ ripening stage, i.e. taking into account acidity, colour, aromatics, sugars, etc. The result is wines of exceptional quality. Wines with the Santorini PDO are made from local grape varieties Assyrtiko, Athiri and Aidani.

In particular, the dry white wine with the Santorini PDO is made from at least 85 % Assyrtiko grapes. The remaining percentage is made up of Aidani and Athiri grapes.

The combination of the climate, composition of the islands’ soils, grape varieties grown, care bestowed on the vines and the wine-making techniques used, contributes to the quality characteristics of the Santorini PDO wines. This combination enables them to age and improve their characteristics over time. The aged dry white wine is a deep golden yellow colour with orange tints. Its aromas are mainly floral, green fruit such as quince and various jammy fruits. Nutty notes such as roasted almonds and hazelnuts are also present. Spiced notes are often found, such as cumin and coriander, aromatic herbs such as geranium, thyme, sage, chamomile and a finish of dried fig. The aromas are also present as flavours, together with honey and dried fruits. The aged wines also have a buttery texture. As a result of the above, these wines are rich and complex with body, and an even longer aftertaste.

8.6.   Quality-related, historical, cultural and social link and geographical environment of the white wine

Causal interaction

As detailed in the sections above, the uniqueness of the wines with the Santorini PDO is due to the specific characteristics of the island and the specific cultivation techniques. These include:


‘Basket’ training. The characteristic vine cultivation method used in Santorini, it is a local practice which has survived from antiquity to the present day. To form the ‘baskets’, Santorini’s experienced wine-growers twist the canes together into large crowns, like natural baskets, which rest on the island’s volcanic soil. The grapes ripen within the protection of the baskets, where they are not at risk. Meanwhile, the vines are able to withstand the particularly difficult soil and climate conditions of Santorini. These are as follows:

very strong winds, especially in spring, the season in which the new shoots appear;

sharply whipping sands from the volcanic soil, driven by the wind;

blazing sunshine throughout the summer;

lack of water (except for the sea mists at night);


The characteristic soil, which is sandy, a mixture of pumice and ash, rich in magnesium, calcium and iron, with significant capacity to absorb water;


The Mediterranean climate with mild winters and cool summers, when the sea breezes from the north cool the vineyards; and


The significant difference in temperature between day and night, together with the sea-mist that descends on the vineyards, keeping the vines cool and protecting them from the strong sunshine, benefitting the development of the grape quality.

The distinctive microclimate of the islands in the demarcated area interacts with the relief of the land, and the grape varieties of the area produce wines of great aromatic complexity. Citrus fruit, and especially citrus flowers, predominate, such as citron, lemon, grapefruit and blood orange. White-fleshed fruits are also especially prevalent, as are green fruits such as pear and green apple. Next come stone fruits such as white peach, apricot and loquat. Then we find tropical fruit, for example mango, pineapple, lychee and melon. In the mouth, the first impression is the strong sense of acidity balanced with the warm and sweet sensation of the high level of alcohol. Citrus fruits, and especially flowers, predominate with citron, lemon, lime, grapefruit and blood orange, along with white-fleshed fruits such as pear, which is a principle characteristic of Assyrtiko, and green apple, and stone fruits such as white peach, apricot and green fruits (lychee, loquat). Depending on the quantities of Athiri and Aidani, we can also find tropical fruit such as mango and pineapples. Another feature found on Santorini is the intense salty tang. This is not related to the grape variety but rather to the proximity of the vineyards to the sea. Yet another intense flavour characteristic is minerality, meaning the taste of wet stones.

As a result of the above, the wines of Santorini are rich, with body and have an aftertaste that lingers for several seconds.

8.7.   Quality-related, historical, cultural link to the geographical environment of naturally sweet/raisined wine and liqueur wine from raisined grapes


The vineyards of Santorini are among the oldest in the entire world, dating back to prehistoric times. The tradition of viticulture has existed for at least 3 500 years. The unique climate, together with the soil composition, mean that the grape varieties used in vinification produce wines of outstanding character. Descriptions of 19th century travellers tell of the outstanding organoleptic characteristics of the wine. These characteristics are due to the effect of the natural environment on the grapes and, by extension, on the wines of Santorini. At that time, the wine of Santorini was highly sought after abroad. Given its high alcoholic strength, for many years it was sold to fortify wines from other areas that were low in alcohol.

In addition to their historical significance, the vineyards are notable today for producing unique, high quality wines which, as they age, give expression to the very soil of Santorini, to that unique terroir of the island’s vineyards.

These days, wine producers put the local grapes to best use, honouring their organoleptic characteristics. They produce quality wines, recognised in international competitions, both in Greece and abroad.

In order to safeguard the link between the wines of the Santorini PDO and their quality, every year the wines are subjected to organoleptic examination by an established committee. Wines which do not comply with the relevant specifications cannot be made available as Santorini PDO wines.

A study by the Agricultural University of Athens showed that the wines of Santorini were especially rich in bioactive phenolics, owing to the unique training method that uses the traditional basket-shape. This characteristic vine-cultivation method has been employed in Santorini since antiquity, and is wholly consistent with the other features of cultivation, as follows:


the characteristic soil, which is sandy, a mixture of pumice and ash, rich in magnesium, calcium and iron, with significant capacity to absorb water;


the Mediterranean climate with mild winters and cool summers, when the sea breezes from the north cool the vineyards;


the significant difference in temperature between day and night, together with the sea-mist that descends on the vineyards, keeping the vines cool and protecting them from the strong sunshine, benefitting the development of the grape quality.

8.8.   Quality-related, historical, cultural link to the geographical environment of naturally sweet/raisined wine and liqueur wine from raisined grapes

Historical link

On the trail of the wine-making tradition of Santorini, we journey back in time to the third millennium BC. In the excavations of Akrotiri, finds such as charcoal from vine wood and bunches of grapes as decorative motifs in vase-painting of the time show that wine-growing was one of the main activities of the population. The prehistoric vineyards were destroyed by the great eruption of the volcano, around 1650 BC, which obliterated all trace of human and plant life from the island for some three centuries.

Viticulture and wine production must have been a major component of the economy of Akrotiri at the time of its destruction. This is confirmed by the physical presence of charcoal from vine wood and grape pips, and also by the special system for treading the grapes and collecting the must. The treading trough and vat below are the essential equipment. Meanwhile, a large basket full of lime, which was found in the treading trough, led archaeologists to think that lime could have served as a type of filter for clearing the must.

The wine was stored in large pithoi (jars) which were sealed with wax. Indeed, on the neck of such a vessel, symbols scratched in Linear A script have been recognised as referring to wine. In general, the multiplicity of storage vessels, along with the stirrup jars, found in Akrotiri suggest not only significant wine production, but also a developed trade in wine. Bunches of grapes were used as decorative motifs in vase-painting of the time. There is evidence for wine-making and trade in wine in the form of certain types of vessels with spouts close to their narrow bases, as well as the multitude of stirrup jars: pots designed primarily for transporting liquids. Santorini has thus far furnished at least 50 % of all examples of this early type of vessel found in the Aegean region.

According to Herodotus, the Phoenicians were the first settlers following the catastrophe. They, and those who followed, had to cope with an extreme environment in order to survive. In order to meet their nutritional needs, they tried cultivating different species of plants which they brought with them and with which they were familiar. Only the vine succeeded in surviving through the centuries in Santorini’s hostile environment. It is an adaptable plant and especially resistant to the hot and dry conditions of the island, with a sturdy and well-developed root system that penetrates the soil of Santorini. Aspa is the name used by local people for the hard and compact soil formed from multiple layers of volcanic material: ash, lava, pumice and debris. This aspa covered the limestone and slate subsoil in the course of successive volcanic eruptions. Centuries of human toil are stamped on the island landscape and bear witness to the efforts of the people of Santorini throughout the ages to dominate their land.

From the archaic and classical periods, we do not have direct evidence of vine cultivation. But it would be strange if the inhabitants of Santorini did not practise it in such ideal ground. It is difficult to imagine the presence of rich landowners on Santorini if they were not growing a product that would bring them large profits. And, to date, such a product has proved to be none other than wine.

From the 12th to the 17th century, the Venetians ruled the island of Santorini. From the outset, Europeans appreciated Greek wines, not only for their quality, but also because they could withstand long sea voyages. Therefore, Frankish and Venetian ships began carrying ever more wine from Santorini. The golden age for the wines of Santorini under Venetian rule would come to an end with the final conquest by the Turks. The wines had had an extraordinary career, with illustrious moments, such as their fame in Paris.

8.9.   Quality-related, historical, cultural link to the geographical environment of naturally sweet/raisined wine and liqueur wine from raisined grapes

Cultural, social and economic links

Vines and wine have been inseparably linked to the cultural, social and economic lives of the people of Santorini since ancient times.

Vinsanto is seen continuing the tradition of passos, the name for the raisined wine of antiquity for which the Aegean islands were famed.

There are few wines today that have maintained the same form and production methods as in ancient Greek times. With a sweet taste on the tongue, Hesiod, in the seventh century BC, wrote: ‘Show the grapes to the sun for 10 days and nights, and leave them in the shade for 5’. In this way, he gives us the ancient recipe for wine-making.

Vinsanto delights us with the same taste of the wines drunk undiluted at the symposia of Plato and Socrates.

In the 12th century, the Venetian conquerors of the island renamed this wine, calling it ‘Vino di Santorini’ (wine of Santorini). This became ‘Vino Santo’ and subsequently ‘Vinsanto’. Under the name ‘Vinsanto’, it reached the ports of Constantinople, Russia, Trieste, Ancona and Venice. This famous sweet wine, which manifests the uniqueness of Santorini, complemented the sumptuous banquets of medieval rulers. For many centuries, it was the communion wine in the chalices of the Orthodox Church of All Russia.

The first known reference to the name ‘Vinsanto’ dates from 1729. In a letter to the Catholic Bishop of the island, some sea-captains wrote that a pirate ship had plundered two vessels from Santorini and taken ten barrels of wine and five of Vinsanto.

Santorini has always combined great productivity with quality and an outward-looking disposition. Exports of Vinsanto reached a peak during Venetian and Turkish rule, and again in the 19th century when Santorini exported more wines than the rest of Greece combined. Under Turkish rule, the lack of extensive croplands meant that Muslim populations did not settle there. The people of Santorini organised their communities democratically and, taking full advantage of the peace that reigned in the Aegean following the Ottoman conquest, they developed trade and shipping, as in prehistoric times. Alexandria, Taganrog and Constantinople were the most important centres for the export of large quantities of wine from Santorini. It is known that, historically, Vinsanto was exported to Russia since at least 1786. Indeed, the economy of Santorini declined when exports of Vinsanto to Russia stopped on account of the October Revolution.

Evidence of the island’s ancient past is preserved today in the archaeological sites of Akrotiri and Mesa Vouno, in the archaeological museums of Santorini and Athens, and in the Gyzi Megaron Cultural Centre. Indeed, the entire island, with its caldera, volcanic rocks, traditional settlements, towers and caves, is a monument to living history.

These days, we find wineries with hi-tech equipment, fully dedicated to the production of quality wines.

This cultural, social and economic link has been confirmed in recent years by a series of events on the island, such as the Ampelos (‘Vine’) symposia. Santorini was selected as the venue for these international vine symposia as, apart from being among the world’s most beautiful and unique places, it has a 3 500 year tradition of vine cultivation and wine production. This tradition has been nurtured by the unique eco-system of this volcanic Aegean island.

8.10.   Quality-related, historical, cultural link to the geographical environment of naturally sweet/raisined wine and liqueur wine from raisined grapes

Geographical environment and geographical origin

In the production area for wines with the Santorini PDO, vineyards cover around 12 000 stremmata. Starting at sea-level, they extend to terraces up to 300 metres in height.

The region has a typical Mediterranean climate with strong sunshine, hot and dry summers and mild winters. The average annual maximum temperature is 23 °C, while the minimum is 14 °C. The total annual rainfall averages between 250 and 370 millimetres.

Santorini is mostly formed of deposits of local soil from the Tertiary period, pumice and lava. The soil of Santorini is sandy with very small amounts of clay. It is also low in organic matter and, with the exception of a small area around the hill of Profitis Ilias, does not contain calcium carbonate. For these reasons, despite the fact that the ground is rich in potassium, plants are unable to absorb the quantities required to neutralise tartaric acid to any great degree. This is the reason for the high level of acidity of the wines of Santorini. The climate, with the scarcity of rain, also contributes to the low absorption of potassium, as does the fact that vineyards are not irrigated.

The island is exceptionally dry. During the summer months, when the grapes are ripening, temperatures during the day are very high. During this prolonged dry period, the hydration needs of the plants are supplied by the mists resulting from the evaporation of the sea. These rise from the caldera and cover the island.

At the same time, during the summer months, the island is buffeted mercilessly by the north winds, known as ‘Meltemi’, which prevent the accumulation of moisture on the grapes during the day. At night, however, when temperatures fall and the climate conditions become relatively damp, the island’s volcanic soil absorbs the moisture and, in that way, nourishes the vines.

In places where the ground slopes steeply, the people of Santorini have constructed the famous pezoules (steps). In other words, they have shaped the land into terraces in order to facilitate cultivation and limit water loss.

As a result of this unique combination of climate and soil, the grapes of Santorini ripen quickly and maintain their acidity.

Like everything else in windswept Santorini, even the vines are unique in form. The plants are widely spaced and low to the ground. In order to protect the grapes from the relentless winds which buffet the island in winter, the people of Santorini have a method of pruning the vines into crown shapes with the grapes growing on the inside.

Serious afflictions by insects and diseases are rare. The only plant protection intervention is one or two preventive applications of sulphur in the spring.

The vineyards of Santorini are the most ancient in all of Greece. Some vines could be as much as 300 years old. The vines have their own roots. They are not grafted onto American rootstocks. This is because phylloxera, the harmful insect that continues to destroy vineyards around the world, never reached here. Fortunately, the island’s volcanic soil, with its scarcity of clay and very high sand content (93-97 %), does not support it.

Consequently, a number of factors create a microclimate unique in the world, helping the grapes to ripen fully. In combination with the effects of exposure to the sun and of ageing, these factors result in the production of sweet wines with their concentrated characteristics and a wonderful velvety sensation in the mouth.

8.11.   Quality-related, historical, cultural link to the geographical environment of naturally sweet/raisined wine and liqueur wine from raisined grapes

Product details

The vineyards of the islands of Santorini and Thirasia are veritable belvederes over the Aegean Sea. During summer, the northerly winds, the famous Meltemi, prevent high temperatures, thus creating a particular microclimate. This enhances the ripening of the grapes and their composition during the ‘analytical’ ripening stage, i.e. taking into account acidity, colour, aromatics, sugars, etc. The result is wines of exceptional quality.

Furthermore, the combination of the climate, composition of the islands’ soils, grape varieties grown, care bestowed on the vines and the wine-making techniques used, contributes to the quality characteristics of the Santorini PDO wines.

The naturally sweet/raisined white wine and the liqueur wine from raisined grapes with the Santorini PDO are made from at least 51 % grapes of the Assyrtiko variety. The remainder is made up of grape varieties Aidani and Athiri with small amounts of ‘foreign’ white varieties grown in the traditional way on the island group of Santorini and Thirasia. Specifically these varieties are Gaidouria, Katsano, white Moschato, Monemvassia, Platani, Potamissi and the red variety Roditis.

After the harvest, the grapes intended to produce Vinsanto are laid out to dry in the hot Aegean sunshine, while the drainage properties of the soil protect them from rot. After 7 to 12 days, the grapes have lost most of their moisture while all of their characteristics have been concentrated. The grapes are then carefully crushed and pressed, and slow fermentation begins, which is monitored daily. Given the high sugar content, fermentation stops prematurely. The result is a naturally sweet wine without the addition of strong alcohol. The wine is then matured in oak barrels for at least 24 months. Time is kind to Vinsanto, and of incalculable value in bestowing aromas and flavour as the wine rests serenely in the islands’ dark cellars. Time concentrates the characteristics of Vinsanto, giving it a wonderful velvety feel in the mouth, and making ageing an integral part of its production.

Production of Vinsanto requires around 6 kilos of grapes per litre. This can rise to as much as 10, depending on evaporation during the long ageing. It is therefore extremely rare, as everything of great worth is.

The aforementioned local grape varieties used to produce Vinsanto contribute in their own ways to its greatness. Assyrtiko contributes the bracing acidity, nobility and mineral notes; Aidani, the body and depth, its heady aroma; and Athiri the finesse and delicacy of character. Together, they all contribute to the complexity of Vinsanto.

8.12.   Quality-related, historical, cultural link to the geographical environment of naturally sweet/raisined wine and liqueur wine from raisined grapes

Causal interaction

As detailed in the sections above, the uniqueness of the wines with the Santorini PDO is due to the specific characteristics of the islands and the specific cultivation techniques. Specifically:


‘Basket’ training. The characteristic vine cultivation method used in Santorini, it is a local practice which has survived from antiquity to the present day. To form the ‘baskets’, Santorini’s experienced wine-growers twist the canes together into large crowns, like natural baskets, which rest on the island’s volcanic soil. The grapes ripen within the protection of the baskets, where they are not at risk. Meanwhile, the vines are able to withstand the particularly difficult soil and climate conditions of Santorini. These are as follows:

very strong winds, especially in spring, the season in which the new shoots appear;

sharply whipping sands from the volcanic soil, driven by the wind;

blazing sunshine throughout the summer;

lack of water (except for the sea mists at night);


The characteristic soil, which is sandy, a mixture of pumice and ash, rich in magnesium, calcium and iron, with significant capacity to absorb water;


The Mediterranean climate with mild winters and cool summers, when the sea breezes from the north cool the vineyards; and


The significant difference in temperature between day and night, together with the sea-mist that descends on the vineyards, keep the vines cool and protect them from the strong sunshine, benefitting the development of the grape quality.

The interplay of all of these factors, combined with the effect of laying the grapes out in the sun, produces wines with an intense and complex aroma. There are notes of spices, raisin syrup, chocolate, coffee, tea, sour cherry, prunes and figs, cherry and sour cherry jam, and honeycomb. During ageing, the aromas become more intense and complex. In the mouth, the wine is rich, with a startling acidity balancing the sweetness. Rounded, velvety wine, rich with notes of honey and lemon. Wine with unique complexity of aromas and flavour, excellent structure and long.

9.   Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)


Additional provisions relating to wine labelling


Legal framework:


In national legislation


Type of further condition:


Additional provisions relating to labelling


Description of the condition:

1.   Terms referring to certain production methods

In Ministerial Decision No 280557/9.6.2005 laying down the time of ripening, ageing and placing on the market of wines with a Superior Quality Designation of Origin and Local Wines, and the terms used in the labelling of such wines that relate to their production method or preparation methods (Government Gazette, Series II, No 818/15.6.2005), Article 1 refers to the conditions for using the following indications:




2.   Stating the vintage on the labelling

Where the terms ‘ΝΕΟΣ ΟΙΝΟΣ’ or ‘ΝΕΑΡΟΣ ΟΙΝΟΣ’ (‘NEW WINE’) are used on the labelling of wines, it is mandatory to print the vintage year, in accordance with Article 1(2) of Ministerial Decision No 280557/9.6.2005 laying down the time of ripening, ageing and placement on the market of wines with Superior Quality Designation of Origin and Local Wines, as well as of the terms used in labelling thereof relating to their production method or preparation methods (Government Gazette, Series II, No 818/15.6.2005).

3.   Traditional terms

Traditional terms in accordance with Ministerial Decision No 235309/7.2.2002 on the approval of traditional terms used for wines which are linked to the designation or origin or the geographical indication (Government Gazette, Series II, No 179/6.2005).

Under the above Ministerial Decision, the traditional terms which can be used on the labelling of wines with the Santorini PDO are: ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΛΕΥΚΑ ΣΤΑΦΥΛΙΑ / Blanc de blancs, ΑΠΟ ΝΗΣΙΩΤΙΚΟ(ΟΥΣ) ΑΜΠΕΛΩΝΑ(ΕΣ) / Vin de vignoble(s) insulaire(s) [Wine from island vinyards], ΑΠΟ ΑΜΠΕΛΩΝΑ(ΕΣ) ΣΕ ΠΕΖΟΥΛΕΣ / Vin de vignobles en terrasses [Wine from terraced vinyards], ΟΙΝΟΣ ΛΟΦΩΝ / Vin de collines [Wine from hillsides], ΟΙΝΟΣ ΠΛΑΓΙΩΝ / Vin de coteaux [Wine from slopes], Λιαστός [Raisined], VINSANTO, ΝΥΧΤΕΡΙ/Nykteri.

Indication of traditional terms, as referred to in Article 112 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, which are linked to this designation of origin or geographical indication.

In accordance with Article 113 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, and as defined and recorded in the e-Ambrosia database, the traditional terms that can be used in the labelling of wines with the Santorini PDO, on condition of compliance with the relevant EU and national legislation, are as follows:

Ονομασία Προέλευσης Ανωτέρας Ποιότητας (ΟΠΑΠ) (Superior Quality Designation of Origin (SQDO)) instead of the PDO, Αγρέπαυλη (Agrepavlis), Αμπέλι (Ampeli), Αμπελώνας (ες) (Ampelonas(es)), Αρχοντικό (Archontiko), Ειδικά επιλεγμένος (Specially selected), Επιλογή or Επιλεγμένος (Selection or Selected), Κάστρο (Kastro), Κτήμα (Ktima), Μετόχι (Metochi), Μοναστήρι (Monastiri), Πύργος (Pyrgos) and Λιαστός (Raisined).

In addition:

Νυχτέρι (Nykteri): traditional name reserved for dry white wines with the Santorini PDO, with a minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume of 13.5 %, fermented either in tanks or barrels and then left to mature in wooden barrels for at least three months.

Vinsanto: traditional name reserved for the sweet wines with the Santorini PDO made from raisined grapes.


Legal framework:

In EU legislation

Type of further condition:

Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition:

Article 5(1) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33

supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards applications for protection of designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional terms in the wine sector, the objection procedure, restrictions of use, amendments to product specifications, cancellation of protection, and labelling and presentation

Link to the product specification

(1)  OJ L 9, 11.1.2019, p. 2.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 143/28

Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to the product specification for a name in the wine sector as referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33

(2022/C 143/10)

This communication is published in accordance with Article 17(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 (1).


‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’


Date of communication: 31.12.2021


1.   Addition of wording specifying that, for the production of red and white raisined wine, the grapes must be left to dry for 10-15 days

Reason: This is the time needed for the grapes, which are already overripe when harvested (sugar content above 270 g/l), to reach the desired sugar content (350-370 g/l) while still maintaining other characteristics, such as remaining intact, healthy and juicy, that enable them to be easily pressed and to produce a sufficient quantity of grape juice.

The ‘Wine-making practices’ section has been amended.

2.   Replacement of point (b) in the ‘Specific wine-making practices’ section

Point (b) under ‘Specific wine-making practices’ in the ‘Wine-making practices’ section has been replaced as follows:


The vines are trained either into a goblet shape or into a single or double cordon using a permanent cordon or a replacement cane.’

Reason: Vine cultivation in the Mount Athos area dates back to the 10th century AD, with winegrowers initially training the vines into traditional shapes such as goblets but also into freer shapes (including overhead trellises or as creepers grown at ground level etc.). Over time, as vine cultivation became more mechanised, more modern and efficient training systems were adopted, such as Cordon de Royat with a permanent cordon in drier, non-irrigated areas or Guyot with a replacement cane in more fertile, irrigated areas. Naturally, given the age-old wine-growing tradition, the goblet shape (although less productive) is still successfully used in several parts of Mount Athos, also because, in view of the area’s particular spiritual vocation, the commercial value is not the primary consideration.

The point on ‘Specific wine-making practices’ in the ‘Wine-making practices’ section has been amended.

3.   New varieties added to the variety mix for white wine and for raisined wine


For white wine (dry, semi-dry, sweet), the white grape varieties Malagouzia and Muscat of Alexandria have been added to the variety mix, in any proportion.


For raisined wine, the white grape varieties Malagouzia and Muscat of Alexandria have been added to the variety mix, in any proportion.

Reason: Post-1990, Malagouzia emerged as an intensively grown vine variety and was first planted on a large scale in the neighbouring peninsula of Sithonia. It soon became one of the most popular varieties in Greek vineyards and has been grown on Mount Athos for the past 15 years. It is a vigorous, productive variety. As it is sensitive to botrytis and excess moisture, it is grown at mid to higher levels of the vineyard, usually on sloping land where drainage is better. These conditions are characteristic of Mount Athos, where it is cultivated with the utmost care, including as regards fertilisation, irrigation and defoliation carried out in summer (debudding, leaf stripping). It is used either as a single variety or in combination with other varieties with different characteristics (e.g. Asyrtiko) to produce dry, medium dry and sweet white wines. The wines are characterised by moderate acidity and predominant lime and peach aromas if the vines are grown on parcels close to the sea, with additional green notes of basil and other aromatic herbs if the vineyards are situated at higher altitudes.

Muscat of Alexandria probably reached Mount Athos after 1922, when refugees brought the variety with them and planted it mainly in Northern Greece and on Limnos. In 1934, Eulogios Kourilas, a monk priest, wrote that the Monastery of Great Lavra had ‘lovely Alexandrina’. The Monastery of Simonos Petra was supplied not only with grapes from its lands on Limnos (in years when the grape harvest on Mount Athos was insufficient to meet the monks’ needs), but also with propagating material. The variety was finally officially registered in 1960. As it has been grown on the Athos peninsula for some 100 years, it has adapted perfectly to the area’s particular climate.

The variety thrives in the medium-textured, sandy clay soils of Mount Athos, which have a pH of 6-8. It is moderately vigorous, productive and drought-resistant and produces big grapes with a pale yellow skin. The harvest starts between the end of August and the 10th of September, depending on the year. On average the variety matures slightly earlier in the vineyards of Mount Athos than in other parts of Greece where it is grown.

Muscat of Alexandria produces wines of a clear yellow colour with golden and green glints, and with aromas where rose, jasmine, stone fruits and grape predominate, with notes of mint. These are wines of medium body and acidity with a good (medium+) finish owing to their rich aromatic potential. Due to their medium volume and acidity the wines are used in blends with other varieties, such as Asyrtiko, that have higher acidity. They have an ageing potential of no more than 4 years, except in very few cases, and are thus intended to be consumed young.

The ‘Authorised wine grape varieties’ and ‘Link with the geographical area’ sections have been amended by adding information under ‘Details of the geographical area’, ‘Product details’ and ‘Causal interaction’.

4.   New varieties added to the variety mix for red wine, rosé wine, red liqueur wine and raisined wine


For red wine (dry, semi-dry, sweet), the red grape varieties Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Agiorgitiko and Hamburg Muscat have been added to the variety mix, in any proportion.


For rosé wine (dry and semi-dry), the red grape varieties Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Agiorgitiko and Hamburg Muscat have been added to the variety mix, in any proportion.


For red liqueur wine, the red grape varieties Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Agiorgitiko and Hamburg Muscat have been added to the variety mix, in any proportion.


For raisined wine, the red grape varieties Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Agiorgitiko and Hamburg Muscat have been added to the variety mix, in any proportion.

Reason: Merlot and Cabernet Franc, which are international, polyvalent varieties, have been grown on Mount Athos for some years and have so far adapted very satisfactorily to its soil and climate conditions. The grapes ripen well, developing a uniform colour and a good concentration of sugars. Wines made from Merlot grapes are deep red in colour, full-bodied and of high alcoholic strength, whereas Cabernet Franc wines are tannic, of good alcohol content and suited to ageing for long periods. Agiorgitiko is a polyvalent Greek variety. It began to be cultivated in northern Greece relatively recently and appears to preserve its characteristics well in Halkidiki and on Mount Athos in particular. It is a productive and aromatic variety producing wines with soft tannins, thus enriching (together with Hamburg Muscat) the mix of varieties used to make red ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI wines, which are dominated by more robust and tannic varieties. Finally, Hamburg Muscat is a variety grown throughout Greece. Finally, Hamburg Muscat is a variety grown throughout Greece. On Mount Athos it is mostly used in dry and medium-dry rosé wines and in medium-dry, sweet and raisined red wines. It gives smaller yields than the typical productions of this area, resulting in special wines with a high alcoholic strength, very soft tannins and a pleasant, aromatic finish.

The ‘Authorised wine grape varieties’ and ‘Link with the geographical area’ sections have been amended by adding information under ‘Details of the geographical area’, ‘Product details’ and ‘Causal interaction’.

5.   Introduction of the traditional term ‘Nama’

Reason: ‘Nama’ is the name of the sweet red (raisined or liqueur) wine traditionally used in the celebration of Holy Mass. It is a specially produced type of wine with low acidity and low alcohol content that has been traditionally produced in the Mount Athos area for centuries.

The ‘Traditional terms’ section has been amended.


1.   Name(s)

Άγιο Όρος / Agio Oros

2.   Geographical indication type

PGI – Protected Geographical Indication

3.   Categories of grapevine product




Liqueur wine


Wine from raisined grapes

4.   Description of the wine(s)

1.   Dry red wine


Appearance: dark red colour with ruby glints.

Bouquet: intense aroma of forest fruit and spices, but that also has notes of vanilla or tobacco depending on how long it has been aged.

Taste: full palate with excellent structure, good acidity and soft tannins.

Total minimum alcoholic strength: 11,0 % vol.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,5 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): max. 9,0

Maximum total acidity: 7,0 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

Where the sugar content exceeds 4 g/l, the conditions laid down in Part B of Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 apply.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

4,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


2.   Medium dry red wine


Appearance: dark red colour with ruby glints.

Bouquet: pleasant aroma of red fruits (cherry, sour cherry).

Taste: fruity and soft on the palate with a velvety texture and a pleasant finish.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,5 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): min. 4,5 – max. 17,5

Maximum total acidity: 7,0 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

Where the sugar content exceeds 12 g/l, the conditions laid down in Part B of Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 apply.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 200 milligrams per litre for red wines with a sugar content, expressed as the sum of glucose and fructose, of at least 5 grams per litre (in accordance with the derogation laid down in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


3.   Sweet red wine


Appearance: dark red in colour with purple, ruby, violet or blueish glints, sometimes turning brick red with ageing.

Bouquet: complex and intensely aromatic nose with predominant notes of honey or dried fruit.

Taste: rich and sweet on the palate with balanced acidity.

Total minimum alcoholic strength: 15,0 % vol.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,5 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): min. 45

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 300 milligrams per litre for sweet wines with a total alcoholic strength by volume of 15 % vol. or higher and a sugar content of 45 g/l (in accordance with the derogation laid down in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


4.   Dry rosé wine


Appearance: pale pink colour, sometimes with orange glints.

Bouquet: scents of red fruit and roses, but also with green notes (peppers) depending on the variety used.

Taste: The bouquet translates into the taste, which has a long finish, is pleasant and fruity on the palate and has with a refreshing acidity.

Total minimum alcoholic strength: 11,0 % vol.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,0 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): max. 9,0

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

Where the sugar content exceeds 4 g/l, the conditions laid down in Part B of Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 apply.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


5.   Medium dry rosé wine


Appearance: deep pink or orange in colour, depending on the degree of extraction.

Bouquet: characteristic aromas of sweet red fruit (strawberry, raspberry and sweet cherry).

Taste: medium body characterised by unctuousness, balanced overall due to soft acidity balanced by sweetness.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,0 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): min. 4,5 – max. 17,5

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

Where the sugar content exceeds 12 g/l, the conditions laid down in Part B of Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 apply.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 250 milligrams per litre for rosé wines with a sugar content, expressed as the sum of glucose and fructose, of at least 5 grams per litre (in accordance with the derogation laid down in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


6.   Dry white wine


Appearance: crystalline, clear yellow in colour with green glints.

Bouquet: scents mainly of citrus fruits and white-fleshed fruits (peach, apple).

Taste: typically fresh and balanced with a long finish.

Total minimum alcoholic strength: 11,0 % vol.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,0 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): max. 9,0

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

Where the sugar content exceeds 4 g/l, the conditions laid down in Part B of Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 apply.

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


7.   Medium dry white wine


Appearance: bright golden yellow in colour.

Bouquet: lively and fruity, with predominantly floral aromas.

Taste: round, with pronounced acidity and good structure on the palate.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,0 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): min. 4,5 – max. 17,5

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

Where the sugar content exceeds 12 g/l, the conditions laid down in Part B of Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 apply.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 250 milligrams per litre for white wines with a sugar content, expressed as the sum of glucose and fructose, of at least 5 grams per litre (in accordance with the derogation laid down in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


8.   Sweet white wine


Appearance: yellow colour with green glints, which may turn deep yellow with ageing.

Bouquet: complex and intense nose with fruity, floral or sweet spicy notes, depending on the varieties used.

Taste: balanced and sweet taste with a full palate and long aromatic finish.

Total minimum alcoholic strength: 15,0 % vol.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 10,0 % vol.

Total sugar content (g/l): min. 45

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content is 300 milligrams per litre, and the total alcoholic strength by volume exceeds 15 % (in accordance with the derogation laid down in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


9.   Red liqueur wine


Appearance: deep purple in colour with ruby glints.

Bouquet: intense nose of nuts, dried red fruit, honey, wax and dark chocolate.

Taste: lively, exuberant and full on the palate with a balanced, sweet taste.

Maximum actual alcoholic strength: 22,0 % vol.

Total minimum alcoholic strength: 17,5 % vol.

Minimum sugar content: min. 221 g/l in must

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content of liqueur wines is 200 milligrams per litre, and the sugar content is at least 5 grams per litre (in accordance with the derogation laid down in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


10.   White wine from raisined grapes


Appearance: deep yellow in colour with coffee-coloured reflections, depending on the period of ageing.

Bouquet: complex nose where sweet spices, such as cinnamon and rose, combine with dried fruit such as apricots and raisins.

Taste: soft and sweet on the palate with crisp acidity and very good structure.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 16,0 % vol.

Minimum total sugar content (g/l): 45

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content of sweet wines made from raisined grapes is 400 milligrams per litre and the residual sugar content, expressed as sugars, is at least 45 g/l (in accordance with the derogation in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


11.   Red wine from raisined grapes


Appearance: deep caramel colour with glints of red coral.

Bouquet: complex bouquet of dried fruits - figs, apricots, raisins - and sweet spices.

Taste: complex, full palate with a balanced sweet taste and scents of dried fruits such as apricots and figs.

Minimum natural alcoholic strength: 16,0 % vol.

Minimum sugar content: 140 g/l

Maximum total acidity: 7,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid.

The maximum alcoholic strength must comply with the values laid down in the relevant EU legislation.

The maximum permitted sulphur dioxide content of sweet wines made from raisined grapes is 400 milligrams per litre and the residual sugar content, expressed as sugars, is at least 45 g/l (in accordance with the derogation in Part B of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/934).

General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume)


Minimum total acidity

3,5 grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre)


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)


5.   Wine-making practices

5.1.   Specific wine-making practices

1.   Vine training system

Cultivation technique

The vines are trained either into a goblet shape or into a single or double cordon using a permanent cordon or replacement cane.

2.   Production of white wines and white raisined wines

Wine-making restrictions

(a)   White wines

‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI white wine is produced using modern wine-making techniques. During the alcoholic fermentation the temperature must not exceed 20 °C.

(b)   White raisined wines

The grapes are harvested overripe (sugar content >270 g/l) and then left to dry in the sun for 10-15 days until the desired sugar content of 350-370 g/l has been reached. The grapes are then pressed to collect the must, followed by alcoholic fermentation at controlled temperatures of 16-18 °C.

3.   Production of red wines, red raisined wines, red liqueur wines and rosé wines

Wine-making restrictions

(a)   Red wines

‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI red wine is produced using traditional wine-making methods for red wine.

(b)   Red raisined wines

The grapes are harvested overripe (sugar content >270 g/l) and then left to dry in the sun for 10-15 days until the desired sugar content of 350-370 g/l has been reached. The grapes are then pressed and placed in a fermentation tank where alcoholic fermentation takes place at controlled temperatures of 20-22 °C.

(c)   Red liqueur wines

After they have been de-stemmed and slightly pressed, the grapes are placed in a fermentation tank where alcoholic fermentation begins. Alcoholic fermentation takes place at controlled temperatures of 20-22 °C. The wine is separated from the pomace once it has acquired the desired organoleptic characteristics. Neutral alcohol of vinous origin with an alcoholic strength of at least 96 % vol. is added to stop the alcoholic fermentation, and the yeasts are removed by filtration.

(d)   Rosé wines

‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI rosé wine is produced using modern wine-making techniques. During the alcoholic fermentation the temperature must not exceed 20 °C.

4.   Specific wine-making practices in the production of the wines

Specific wine-making practice


In the production of medium dry, semi-sweet and sweet wines, sweetening is permitted in accordance with the relevant provisions (Part D of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 2019/934).


Liqueur wine is produced from grape must that has undergone partial fermentation, with a natural alcoholic strength by volume of at least 12 %, or from wine, or from a mixture of both, to which neutral alcohol of vinous origin has been added either alone or in a mixture, including alcohol obtained from the distillation of dried grapes with an actual alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 96 %, or wine or dried grape distillate with an actual alcoholic strength by volume of not less than 52 % and not more than 86 %.


Raisined wine is produced from grape must left in the sun or shade for partial dehydration for 10-15 days. This must is vinified without adding – before, during or after alcoholic fermentation – must or rectified concentrated must or alcohol of agricultural origin or distillate, and without concentrating the must from raisined grapes in any way whatsoever. The sugar and alcohol content of the end product comes exclusively from the vinified grapes.

5.2.   Maximum yields

1.   Maximum yield(s) in hectolitres of end product per hectare

96 hl per hectare

2.   Maximum yield in kilograms of grapes per hectare

12 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

6.   Demarcated geographical area

The demarcated production area of ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI wines, situated at an altitude of between 10 and 400 metres, comprises the administrative area of Mount Athos and the neighbouring locality of Ouranoupoli in the municipality of Stageira-Akanthos, Prefecture of Halkidiki.

7.   Main wine grape varieties

Cabernet Franc N

Cabernet Sauvignon N

Chardonnay B

Grenache Rouge N

Merlot N

Sauvignon Blanc B

Syrah N

Agiorgitiko N

Athiri Β

Asyrtiko B

Limnio Ν

Malagouzia B

Muscat of Alexandria B

Hamburg Muscat N

Xinomavro N – Xinogaltso, Popolka, Mavro Naoussa

Roditis Rs – Alepou

8.   Description of the link(s)

8.1.   Historical, cultural and social link

1.   Historical link

Vineyards were well developed in the Mount Athos area, as evidenced by various written testimonies from monks. There are numerous references to vine cultivation in a book written by Eulogios Kourilas Lauriotis, a monk priest. The extent of vine cultivation by the Mount Athos monasteries, all of which, to this day, still have their own wineries, can be seen from historical records. It is worth highlighting that each monastery produced some 80-100 tonnes of wine each year. Apart from its 20 monasteries, Mount Athos is also home to dependencies – known as holy skites, or ascetic settlements, and holy cells – with their own vine cultivation and wine consumption. The varieties traditionally grown here are Limnio, Fokianos, Mavroudi, Roditis and Muscat of Alexandria. Foreign varieties such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah have been cultivated since the 1990s. Moreover, in the past 15 years there have been several new plantings with the Malagouzia, Agiorgitiko, Hamburg Muscat and Cabernet Franc varieties. These appear to be very well acclimatised and have started to produce the excellent wines typical of the area.

The founding of the Mount Athos monasteries led to organised vine cultivation and large-scale wine production. A trade ‘convention’ dating back to 972 A.D. first set out the rules for trading wine within the boundaries of Mount Athos, but monastery wines soon began to be traded also beyond those borders. Over the next millennium, in many parts of Greece, monasteries played the role of the custodians of viticulture and, as part of this role, operated well-run wineries.

2.   Historical link for liqueur wines and raisined wines

Liqueur wines and raisined wines were traditionally produced in this area as early as 1 000 years ago, when the monks, in addition to dry wines, also produced a quantity of sweet wine. This was a unique wine used to accompany the meals marking major Christian celebrations and festivals.

The high temperatures and long hours of sunshine in this area favour the accumulation of sugars in the grapes, which gives them the appropriate alcoholic strength and the aromatic components needed to produce quality (liqueur and raisined) wines.

Over time, these wines became famous even outside the production area and came to be renowned throughout Greece for their quality and unique organoleptic characteristics.

Around 20 years ago, local wineries began systematic production and distribution of these wines, using traditional techniques in conjunction with modern technology.

During this period their fame continued to spread and their names became inseparably linked to the production area, as they owe their specific characteristics to the varieties used in combination with the soil and climate conditions and the production method.

3.   Cultural, social and economic links

Vineyards and wine have been inseparably linked to the cultural, social and economic lives of the local people since ancient times. This link still exists today, as can be seen from the events and conferences organised to promote wine, as well as the local cultural traditions. Raisined and liqueur wines play a unique role at certain social, cultural and religious events.

8.2.   Geographical environment

1.   Geographical environment and geographical origin

The wine-growing area in which ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI wine may be produced is located within the administrative boundaries of the Athos peninsula. The vineyards are mostly situated by the sea or on slopes up to an altitude of 400 metres. The soils have good pH levels and are medium-textured, typically between sandy clay and clayey sand, and, in some places, sandy loam without excess salinity, with a high iron, copper and magnesium content and a sufficient phosphorus and manganese content.

Geologically, the Athos peninsula is a continuation of the Rhodope geological formation, with a predominance of metamorphic crystallised rock (gneiss, greenstone, limestone, crystalline limestone and marble) and igneous rock (granite, grandiorites and ophitolites).

In terms of morphology it is distinguished by steep slopes along the coast, rugged folds and the presence of the Mount Athos, which rises sharply like a pyramid to an altitude of 2 033 metres. The climate of the Athos peninsula is shaped by this rugged terrain, combined with the steep coast and the sea currents at its southern tip.

According to meteorological data from the Arnaia, Neos Marmaras and Stratoni meteorological station, the climate in the Mount Athos area ranges from coastal Mediterranean in the low areas to continental Mediterranean higher up and humid continental in the mountains. This transitional Mediterranean climate is characterised by mild winters and cool summers. Both the lowland and the mountain areas enjoy a microclimate where harmful frosts and excessively high temperatures are rare.

The warmest months are July and August, with average maximum temperatures during the day of around 31 °C. The coldest months are January and February, when average daytime temperatures are around 8 °C, but this does not cause any problems as the average minimum temperatures remain above 0 °C.

The average annual rainfall ranges from 470 mm (in the plains) to 850 mm (in the mountains), and October to April are the months when it rains most.

The winds are mainly north-north-easterly, except in the summer when southerly winds prevail. It is an exceptional feature of the Halkidiki climate that, although it lies in northern Greece, it is on the same isothermal curves for minimum and maximum temperatures as regions further south, such as Messinia, Etoloakarnania and Attica, owing to its long Aegean coastline (630 kilometres).

2.   Geographical environment and geographical origin – liqueur and raisined wine

The sloping, dry and light sandy soils, combined with the local Mediterranean climate with its cool winters, cool air currents and abundant sunshine in summer, create ideal conditions for growing grapes of a higher quality that ripen earlier, with a higher sugar content and better colour, satisfactory phenolic ripening and a high alcohol content, which are essential oenological characteristics for making liqueur or raisined wine.

The high temperatures in late summer, which favour the raisining of the grapes, combine with the abundant sunshine to create ideal conditions for producing raisined and liqueur wines of excellent quality and high commercial value.

8.3.   Product details

1.   Product details

The quality characteristics of ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI wines are a result of the area’s climate conditions and various soil types, combined with the vine varieties grown, the methods used to tend to the vines and the wine-making techniques.

2.   Product details for the ‘wine’ category

‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI white wines are clear yellow in colour with greenish glints, or intense golden yellow if the wine has been aged in oak barrels. Their aromas vary according to type, variety and ageing but are characterised by notes of exotic and summer fruits, jasmine, citrus and vanilla. The wines are round on the palate with refreshing acidity and have a complex, rich taste and a long finish, depending on how they are made.

‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI red wines have an intense, red colour with bluish glints and aromas of red fruit, spices, dried fruit and vanilla. They have a structured body with a balanced taste and soft tannins thanks to the ideal climate conditions prevailing in the area, which ensure good physiological and phenolic ripeness.

‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI rosé wines are rose or ruby to light red in colour with blueish or orange glints and red fruit aromas. They are characterised by their freshness, balanced taste and acidity.

3.   Product details for liqueur and raisined wines

In the case of red and white ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI raisined wines, the grapes are harvested from the vines at an advanced stage of ripening and then left to dry in the sun for 10-15 days to reach a higher concentration of sugars. Alcoholic fermentation is slow and stops by itself, leaving a sufficient amount of residual sugars to give the wine its characteristic sweet taste. The wine is matured in oak barrels for 1-2 years, which gives it a rich, smooth body and a complex taste. The main scents are of spices, dried fruit and nuts, figs, raisins and apricots.

The process is slightly different for ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI liqueur wines. In years when the weather conditions are propitious, the grapes are left to overripen on the vine to increase their sugar content, and alcoholic fermentation is interrupted by adding alcohol in order to reach the desired alcoholic strength. These are usually red wines of low to moderate alcoholic strength, with a dense, unctuous palate and rich nose with aromas mainly of raisins, dark chocolate and dried fruit.

8.4.   Causal interaction

1.   Causal interaction

The unique nature of ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI wines is due to the distinct characteristics of the area (the soil, the climate and the effect of winds in the summer), along with the varieties grown and the cultivation techniques used.

2.   Causal interaction for the ‘wine’ category

All the varieties have adapted perfectly to the Mount Athos area, producing wines with a rich bouquet of aromas characteristic of the area and a full and balanced taste. The warm and dry conditions prevailing in the area, combined with the soil type, allow the grapes to ripen between mid-August and mid-September, depending on the variety.

Apart from the traditional white grape varieties grown in the area (Roditis, Asyrtiko, Athiri) and the foreign varieties that have been tried out with success (Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc), the recently introduced Malagouzia variety is also well acclimatised to the area. As it is sensitive to excess moisture, it is grown at mid to higher levels of the vineyard. The grapes ripen at the end of August, giving wines of higher alcoholic strength, good acidity and aromas of tropical fruits, citrus fruits (mainly lime) and basil.

The red grape varieties are grown in the steepest parts of the vineyards for better drainage. As a result the vines retain less water, allowing better alcoholic and phenolic ripening of the grapes. Grapes grown on sandy soils produce wines with delicate aromas, whereas mainly clay soils result in wines with a distinct phenolic character.

The red grape variety traditionally used to produce ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ is Limnio, which is also considered to be the oldest registered Greek grape variety. Apart from Limnio, however, Xinomavro, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache Rouge and Syrah are also grown on a significant scale, giving high-quality, tannic red wines with a high alcohol content and a long finish. Additional varieties such as Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Agiorgitiko and Hamburg Muscat have also been tested in recent years. These produce wines with a good structure and intense varietal aromas of red fruits. The grapes begin to ripen in the second half of August in the case of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache Rouge and Cabernet Franc, while Syrah, Limnio, Agiorgitiko, Xinomavro and Hamburg Muscat ripen during the first 10 days of September.

Merlot gives wines of high alcoholic strength with soft tannins and scents of cherry and raspberry, while Cabernet Franc, which ripens later, gives wines with a robust structure, deep colour and suitability for long-term ageing. Cabernet Franc produces wines with spicy notes and characteristic aromas (mainly of small red fruit in addition to peppers) with good depth and concentration and a particularly high total anthocyanin content.

Agiorgitiko gives wines of high alcoholic strength, with soft aromas of cherry, chocolate and spices and aptitude for medium to long-term ageing.

Hamburg Muscat gives wines with intense aromas typical of the variety, reminiscent of rose. It is cultivated in the most fertile, deep soils, where the grapes best develop their organoleptic characteristics and their colour, size and scent.

3.   Causal interaction for liqueur and raisined wines

The liqueur and raisined wines produced on Mount Athos are unique due to the soil and especially the climate conditions of the area where they are produced, which combine to create an ideal environment. The production of these wines currently accounts for 10-15 % of the area’s total wine production.

Several varieties may be used to produce these wines, depending on which organoleptic characteristics the winemakers wish to bring out in their product. The varieties most often used include highly aromatic ones such as Malagouzia and Hamburg Muscat, whereas, traditionally, red grape varieties such as Merlot, Limnio, Xinomavro and Grenache Rouge would typically be used, resulting in liqueur or raisined wines of a caramel to red colour, a rich finish and a complex bouquet of dried fruit and sweet spices.

These wines are entered in national and international wine competitions.

9.   Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)


Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Derogation for production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition:

Article 4(c) of Joint Ministerial Decision No 392169/20.10.1999 laying down general rules concerning the use of the term ‘Local Wine’ in the description of table wine (Government Gazette, Series II, No 1985/8.11.99), as amended by Joint Ministerial Decision No 321813/29.8.2007, states:

‘The term “Local Wine” may be used with a geographical indication referring to a province, prefecture or wine-growing area which is smaller than a prefecture for table wines produced in wineries operating in that prefecture or in neighbouring prefectures.’


Legal framework:

In EU legislation

Type of further condition:

Derogation from production in the demarcated geographical area

Description of the condition:

Article 5(1) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/33 of 17 October 2018 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards applications for protection of designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional terms in the wine sector, the objection procedure, restrictions of use, amendments to product specifications, cancellation of protection, and labelling and presentation.

Additional provisions relating to wine labelling

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Supplementary provisions concerning labelling

Description of the condition:

A.   Terms relating to certain production methods

Articles 3 and 4 of Ministerial Decision No 280557/9-6-2005 laying down the time of ripening, ageing and placement on the market of wines with Superior Quality Designation of Origin and of Local Wines, as well as the terms used in labelling thereof relating to their production method or preparation methods (Government Gazette, Series II, No 818/15-6-2005) set out the conditions for using the following terms:

‘ΝΕΟΣ ΟΙΝΟΣ’ / ‘ΝΕΑΡΟΣ ΟΙΝΟΣ’ (new wine);

‘ΩΡΙΜΑΝΣΗ ΣΕ ΒΑΡΕΛΙ’ / ‘ΩΡΙΜΑΣΕ ΣΕ ΒΑΡΕΛΙ’ (matured in a barrel);




B.   Printing the vintage year on the labelling

Where the term ‘ΝΕΟΣ ΟΙΝΟΣ’ / ‘ΝΕΑΡΟΣ ΟΙΝΟΣ’ (‘new wine’) is used on the labelling of wines, it is mandatory to print the vintage year, in accordance with Article 1(2) of Ministerial Decision No 280557/9-6-2005 laying down the time of ripening, aging and placement on the market of wines with Superior Quality Designation of Origin and of Local Wines, as well as the terms used in labelling thereof relating to their production method or preparation methods (Government Gazette, Series II, No 818/15-6-2005).

C.   Traditional terms

Traditional terms in accordance with Ministerial Decision No 235309/7-2-2002 on the approval of traditional terms used for wines (Government Gazette, Series II, No 179/19-2002) which are linked to the designation of origin or the geographical indication.

In accordance with the above Ministerial Decision, the traditional terms which can be used on the labelling of ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI wines are:

ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΛΕΥΚΑ ΣΤΑΦΥΛΙΑ / Blanc de blancs (White from white grapes), ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΕΡΥΘΡΑ ΣΤΑΦΥΛΙΑ / Blanc de noir (White from red grapes), ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΕΡΥΘΡΩΠΑ ΣΤΑΦΥΛΙΑ / ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΑΠΟ ΓΚΡΙΖΑ ΣΤΑΦΥΛΙΑ / Blanc de gris (White from rosé grapes or white from grey grapes), ΚΟΚΚΙΝΕΛΙ / kokineli (Kokineli), ΟΙΝΟΣ ΛΟΦΩΝ / Vin de collines (Wine from hills), ΟΙΝΟΣ ΠΛΑΓΙΩΝ / Vin de coteaux (Wine from slopes).

Traditional terms in accordance with Article 112 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 which are linked to the designation of origin or geographical indication.

In accordance with Article 113 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, and as defined and registered in the electronic database ‘e-ambrosia’, the following traditional terms may be used and protected in relation to ‘Άγιο Όρος’ / ‘Agio Oros’ PGI, provided that the relevant conditions of EU and national legislation are complied with:

Τοπικός Οίνος (Local Wine) instead of the PGI

Αγρέπαυλη (Agrepavlis), Αμπέλι (Ampeli), Αμπελώνας (ες) (Ampelonas(es)), Αρχοντικό (Archontiko), Κάβα (Cava), Κάστρο (Kastro), Κτήμα (Ktima), Μετόχι (Metochi), Μοναστήρι (Monastiri), Πύργος (Pyrgos), and Νάμα (Nama) for sweet wines, wines made from raisined grapes and liqueur wines.

Link to the product specification

(1)  OJ L 9, 11.1.2019, p. 2.