ISSN 1977-091X

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 57A

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 64
17 February 2021




V   Announcements




Court of Auditors

2021/C 57 A/01

Vacancy notice ECA/2021/1 – Director — one post (AD function group, grade 14) – Secretariat-General — Directorate of Human Resources, Finance and General Services (SG1)




V Announcements


Court of Auditors



Official Journal of the European Union

CA 57/1


Director — one post

(AD function group, grade 14)

Secretariat-General — Directorate of Human Resources, Finance and General Services (SG1)

(2021/C 57 A/01)



The European Court of Auditors (ECA) is the European Union’s external auditor. Established in 1975, the ECA is one of the EU’s seven institutions. We are based in Luxembourg and employ around 900 audit, support and administrative staff of all EU nationalities.

The ECA operates as a collegiate body of 27 Members, one from each EU Member State. Our auditors check that the EU keeps good accounts and correctly applies its financial rules, and that its policies and programmes achieve their intended objectives and deliver value for money.

Through our work, we contribute to improving the EU’s financial management and promote accountability and transparency. We warn of risks, provide assurance, indicate shortcomings and successes and offer guidance to EU policymakers and legislators. We present our observations and recommendations to the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, and national governments and parliaments, as well as the general public.

Within the ECA’s Secretariat-General, the mission of the Directorate of Human Resources, Finance and General Services is to help the institution achieve its strategic objectives by ensuring effective and efficient use of its human and financial resources and verifying the accuracy of administrative and financial documentation.

To fulfil its mission, the Directorate deploys its staff effectively and efficiently, executes the relevant budget and facilitates the functioning of the ECA through reliable and high-quality security and safety, transport, mail delivery, events organisation and medical services.


The successful candidate will be recruited at grade AD 14. The basic monthly salary is EUR 14 838. Under the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations, certain benefits may be added to the basic salary, which is subject to EU tax and exempt from national tax.

The Director of Human Resources, Finance and General Services is a high-ranking civil servant responsible for:

drawing up and overseeing relevant policies, managing the Directorate and making operational decisions based on the Secretariat-General’s work programme,

drawing up and implementing the annual work programme, and preparing a report on its implementation,

supervising, monitoring and coordinating the use of human and financial resources within the Directorate and the Secretariat-General,

supervising, monitoring and coordinating the efficient use of HR, financial and service-specific tools,

representing the institution and the Directorate on matters of interinstitutional and international cooperation within his or her field of competence,

monitoring the quality of the Directorate’s internal control and management systems,

ensuring that the relevant rules, regulations and procedures are observed,

ensuring that quality standards are maintained and deadlines met.

She/He will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment, dealing with cutting-edge technologies and innovative working methods.



1.   Recruitment conditions

In accordance with Article 28 of the Staff Regulations, candidates must, on the date of their application:

be a national of one of the EU’s Member States,

enjoy their full rights as citizens,

have fulfilled any obligations imposed on them by the recruitment laws concerning military service, and

meet the character requirements for the duties involved.

2.   Qualifications

In accordance with Article 5 of the Staff Regulations:


a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more; or


a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma, and appropriate professional experience of at least one year, when the normal period of university education is at least three years; or


where justified in the interest of the service, professional training of an equivalent level.

3.   Professional experience

At least 18 years’ proven professional experience since obtaining the abovementioned qualification, including at least 4 years in managing human or budgetary resources.

4.   Knowledge of languages

As English and French are the official working languages of the ECA, a sound knowledge of one of these languages (minimum level C1 in understanding, speaking and writing) and a good knowledge of the other language (minimum level B2 in the same categories) are required.

To assess your foreign language skills, see:


Excellent ability to establish and implement strategy, and to define and report on objectives and the results to be achieved,

excellent command of management methods,

excellent capacity to lead and motivate multilingual, multicultural teams, identify and maximise staff potential and manage conflict,

excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to collect, synthetize and analyse information,

experience of innovative projects and implementing change,

excellent knowledge of internal control methods, tools and techniques, including principles and practical implementation of enterprise risk management,

proven ability to take and implement decisions independently,

knowledge of the Staff Regulation (1) and Financial Regulation of the European Union (2) will be a strong asset.


In line with Court Decision No 31-2015 on the procedures for the selection of principal managers and directors, a pre-selection board will be set up to assess the eligible candidates on the basis of the criteria given in this vacancy notice.

The board will assess and compare the qualifications, professional experience and skills of all eligible candidates on the basis of the information provided in their applications. Based on its comparative assessment, the board will then shortlist the 6 (six) most suitable candidates (3).

As this first selection is based on a comparative assessment of the individual merits, candidates who satisfy overall the criteria set out in this vacancy notice will not automatically proceed to the next stage of the procedure.

The board will assess the shortlisted candidates on the basis of an interview and a written assessment (see the selection criteria above).

The results of the interview and the written assessment will serve as the basis for establishing a list of the candidate(s) who is (are) considered to be best qualified for the post.

On the basis of the board’s report, the Court will adopt a decision to appoint one candidate.


Deadline for applications is on 17 March 2021 at 12.00 (midday) CET.

Applications must be submitted only via the online form provided at the bottom of the vacancy notice (EN or FR) available on the ECA’s Job Opportunities page (under ‘Open positions’):

The applications must comprise the following documents, drafted in EN or FR:

a letter of motivation (max. 3 pages),

an up-to-date CV (max. 7 pages) which must be in the ‘Europass’ format (see:,

for officials working outside the ECA: in addition to the two abovementioned elements, a document confirming your function group, grade and status as an official must be provided.

Successful candidates in open competitions or those placed on a reserve list must indicate the reference of the competition or reserve list in their application (CV/letter of motivation).

Please note that only the information provided in your CV, motivation letter and, when applicable, certificate of official status will be taken into account in evaluating your application.

Applications failing to adhere strictly to these instructions will be rejected.

If necessary, applicants must be able, on request, to provide written supporting documents relating to their qualifications, professional experience and current duties.

Interested applicants should complete their online application in time. We strongly advise applicants not to wait until the last few hours to apply. Experience has shown that the system may become overloaded closer to the closing date for applications. It may therefore prove difficult to apply on time.


The Court of Auditors has decided to launch the recruitment procedure for a post of Director (grade AD 14) in the Secretariat-General, in accordance with Article 29, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union (subsequently referred to as the ‘Staff Regulations’), aiming to increase the number of potential candidates for selection by the Appointing Authority.

In line with the ECA’s equal opportunities policy and Article 1d of the Staff Regulations, the ECA embraces diversity and promotes equal opportunities. The ECA accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds and takes steps to ensure that recruitment is evenly balanced between men and women, as required by Article 23 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Given the low representation of women in management, the ECA would particularly welcome applications for this position from female candidates. In the event of equal qualifications or merit, a female candidate will be chosen. The ECA also takes measures to reconcile working life with family life.

If you require any special arrangements (for specific handicap or disability) in order to take part in this selection procedure, please send an email in good time to


The ECA is committed to ensuring that candidates’ personal data are processed in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4).

For more information, see the specific privacy statement for employment vacancies which is available at the following address:


If, at any stage in the selection procedure, you believe that a decision adversely affects you, the following options are available:

I.   Request for the selection board to reconsider its decision

You may submit a written reasoned request for a board’s decision to be reconsidered. Such a request must be submitted to the following address within 10 days of notification of the decision:

II.   Complaints

Under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations, you may submit a complaint against the ECA’s decision to reject your application within three months of being notified thereof. This complaint should be sent to the following address:

The Secretary-General

European Court of Auditors

12, rue Alcide De Gasperi

L-1615 Luxembourg


III.   Judicial appeals

Under Article 91 of the Staff Regulations, you may appeal against a decision to reject your complaint, insofar as it adversely affects you, to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The action must be brought by a lawyer within three months of notification of the decision to reject the complaint.

IV.   Complaints to the European Ombudsman

If you believe that the handling of your application has involved maladministration by the European Court of Auditors, you may lodge a complaint with the European Ombudsman, having first contacted the Court with the aim of settling the dispute. You must submit your complaint in writing within two years of discovering the relevant facts. An online complaints form is available on the European Ombudsman’s website. Applying to the European Ombudsman will not suspend the appeal deadlines given above.



(3)  Provided there are sufficient eligible candidates.

(4)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).