ISSN 1977-091X


Official Journal

of the European Union

C 200A

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 56
12 July 2013

Notice No




V   Announcements




European Parliament

2013/C 200A/01

Recruitment notice PE/168/S



Please find below the list of C A published during the present year.

Unless otherwise indicated, OJs are published in all language versions.



































































































V Announcements


European Parliament



Official Journal of the European Union

CA 200/1


(2013/C 200 A/01)

The European Parliament has decided to organise a selection procedure on the basis of qualifications and tests for the purpose of establishing a list of suitable candidates to fill the post of



(female or male)

Before applying, please read carefully the guide for candidates attached to this recruitment notice.

The guide is an integral part of the recruitment notice and will help you to understand the rules governing selection procedures and how you should go about applying.











1.   General points

The European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for filling the temporary post of press officer (AD 5) — Directorate-General for Communication, Media Directorate, Media Services and Monitoring Unit.

The contract will be concluded on an open-ended basis. Recruitment will be at grade AD 5, first step, the basic salary for which is EUR 4 349,59 per month. This salary is subject to Community tax and the other deductions laid down in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS); it is exempt from national taxation. The successful candidate may, however, be recruited at a higher step, in accordance with his or her professional experience. Moreover, in certain circumstances allowances will be paid in addition to the basic salary.

The post entails frequent travel between and away from the European Parliament's places of work and involves frequent contact with people inside and outside Parliament.

The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

2.   Job description

Posted to Barcelona (1), the press officer will be responsible for performing, on the basis of programmes and priorities drawn up by parliamentary bodies and/or his or her superiors, the following tasks:

informing the national, regional and specialised media about Parliament's role and activities,

promoting structured relations with the written, audiovisual and electronic press and establishing direct and personal contacts with all media in the country,

continuously monitoring the interest in European affairs of Spain's media and reporting on that interest to the Director-General,

helping to organise visits, symposia and seminars for the national, regional and specialised press,

helping to carry out media activities and develop media products to promote awareness of Parliament's activities.

These duties call for the ability to anticipate, react and communicate, interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with information and focus on the essential issues.

3.   Eligibility (profile sought)

On the closing date for applications, candidates must meet the conditions set out below:

(a)   General conditions

Pursuant to Article 12(2) of the CEOS, candidates must:

be a national of one of the European Union Member States and enjoy full rights as a citizen,

have fulfilled any obligations imposed on them by the laws on military service,

provide character references appropriate to the performance of the duties concerned.

(b)   Specific conditions

(i)   Qualifications and skills required

Candidates must have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years, as certified by an officially recognised diploma, in an area relevant to the duties to be performed.

(ii)   Professional experience required

No professional experience is required.

(iii)   Knowledge of languages

Candidates must have:


a thorough knowledge of Spanish (language 1)



a very good knowledge of English and Catalan (languages 2 and 3).

The selection committee will take account of knowledge of other official languages (2) of the European Union.

The judgment handed down by the Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber) in Case C-566/10 P, Italian Republic/Commission, requires the European Parliament to give its reasons for imposing restrictions on languages 2 and 3.

Candidates are informed that languages 2 and 3 for this selection procedure have been chosen in keeping with the interests of the service, which require new recruits to the European Parliament Information Office in Barcelona to be immediately operational and to be able to communicate effectively in their day-to-day work. The effective functioning of the service might otherwise be severely hampered.

In the light of the approach taken by the European Parliament's information offices to the issue of languages of communication, and given the specific needs of the Information Office in Barcelona as regards knowledge of local civil society and media, English is the language most frequently used. What is more, the specific area in which this selection procedure is being conducted justifies the requirement that candidates must have a very good knowledge of Catalan.

The assessment of specific language skills enables the European Parliament to judge whether the candidates can be immediately operational by placing them in an environment similar to that in which they will be required to work.


The procedure will be organised on the basis of qualifications and tests .

The appointing authority will draw up a list of candidates who have submitted their applications in the form required by the closing date and who meet the general conditions set out in Section A.3(a). This will be forwarded to the selection committee with the application files ( for further details see the guide for candidates ).

1.   Admission to the selection procedure

The selection committee will consider the application files and draw up a list of candidates who meet the specific conditions set out in Section A.3(b) and can therefore be admitted to the selection procedure.

In so doing, the selection committee will base its decisions solely on the information given in the application form and substantiated by supporting documents enclosed with it ( for further details see the guide for candidates ).

2.   Assessment of qualifications

On the basis of criteria laid down in advance, the selection committee will assess the qualifications of the candidates admitted to the selection procedure and draw up a list of the six best candidates, who will be admitted to the tests.

When assessing candidates' qualifications, the selection committee will take particular account of their:

knowledge of the structure, organisation and environment of the European Parliament's Secretariat and of the various players involved,

general knowledge of European affairs,

knowledge of the Spanish and Catalan media industries (press and audiovisual, online and social media),

knowledge of methods of compiling and disseminating information,

administrative knowledge (human resources and/or management and/or budget and/or finance and/or IT and/or legal, etc.),

drafting skills, in particular as regards press releases, texts for online publications and texts intended for the general public.

Marking: 0 to 20 points.

3.   Tests

To assess the candidates' ability to perform the duties described in Section A.2, the following tests will be held:

Written tests


Drafting test in English (language 2), on the basis of a set of documents (maximum 20 pages) in English, Spanish and Catalan, to verify their ability to deal with a file and their drafting skills.

Time allowed: 3 hours

Marking: 0 to 40 points (pass mark: 20).


Drafting test in Spanish (language 1) to verify their ability to draft a press release.

Time allowed: 1 hour

Marking: 0 to 20 points (pass mark: 10).


Drafting test in Catalan (language 3) to verify their ability to draft an official letter.

Time allowed: 30 minutes

Marking: 0 to 10 points (pass mark: 5).

Oral tests


Interview with the selection committee in English (language 2) to enable the committee to assess, in the light of all the information contained in the application file, the candidates' ability to perform the duties described in Section A.2 (Job description). Knowledge of Spanish and Catalan will also be tested during the interview.

Maximum time allowed: 45 minutes

Marking: 0 to 40 points (pass mark: 20).


Group discussion in English (language 2) to enable the selection committee to assess the candidates' adaptability, negotiating and decision-making skills and performance in a group.

The selection committee will decide how long this test should last on the basis of the composition of the groups.

Marking: 0 to 20 points (pass mark: 10).

Candidates' attention is drawn to the fact that the tests may be held on one day or on two consecutive days.

4.   List of suitable candidates

The list of suitable candidates will contain, in order of merit, the names of the three candidates who obtained the highest overall scores in the procedure (assessment of qualifications and tests). They must also have obtained at least 50 % of the points available for the procedure as a whole and passed each of the eliminatory tests.

Candidates will be informed individually of their results, and the list of suitable candidates will be posted on the official notice boards in Parliament's buildings.

The period of validity of the list of suitable candidates will expire on 31 December 2017; it may be extended. In that event, the candidates whose names have been included on the list will be informed in good time.

Those candidates on the list to whom a post is offered will in due course be required to produce the originals of all necessary documents, in particular their diplomas and their employment certificates, for verification.


Candidates must use the official application form in English (original or copy) supplied with the recruitment notice and printed in this Official Journal by the Publications Office of the European Union.

Candidates are asked to read the guide for candidates carefully before completing their application forms.

The application form and photocopies of documents must be sent not later than 13 August 2013 (as evidenced by the postmark), by registered post  (3), to the following address:


Unité concours et procédures de sélection — MON 04 S 010

Procédure de sélection PE/168/S

(this selection procedure reference number must be quoted)

Rue Wiertz 60

1047 Bruxelles/Brussel


Please DO NOT TELEPHONE to ask about the timetable for the procedure.

In keeping with your responsibilities as a candidate, if you have not received a letter concerning your application by 30 October 2013 you should contact the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit by fax (+32 22831717), e-mail ( or post.

(1)  This post may be transferred to one of Parliament's other places of work.

(2)  The official languages of the European Union are: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.

(3)  Dispatch by private courier company will be accepted as equivalent to dispatch by registered post. In this case, the date appearing on the delivery form will be taken as the date of dispatch.



Guide for candidates in selection procedures organised by the European Parliament



What form does a selection procedure take?



Receipt of application files

Assessment for compliance with the general conditions

Assessment for compliance with the specific conditions

Assessment of qualifications


List of suitable candidates



General points

How should the complete application file be submitted?

What supporting documents should be enclosed with the application file?

General points

Supporting documents demonstrating compliance with the general conditions

Supporting documents demonstrating compliance with the specific conditions and assessment of qualifications





Equal opportunities

Requests from candidates for access to information concerning them

Protection of personal data

Travel and subsistence expenses




What form does a selection procedure take?

Selection procedures consist of a series of stages in which candidates compete against one another. They are open to all citizens of the European Union who, on the deadline for submission of applications, meet the relevant criteria. They give all candidates a fair opportunity to demonstrate their skills, with a view to discrimination-free selection based on merit.

Successful candidates in a selection procedure are placed on a list of suitable candidates, on which the European Parliament will draw in order to fill the post to which the recruitment notice applies.

A selection committee, consisting of members representing the Administration and the Staff Committee, is appointed for each selection procedure. The proceedings of the selection committee are confidential and are conducted in accordance with Annex III to the Staff Regulations of Officials.

Candidates may not under any circumstances approach the selection committee themselves, either directly or indirectly. The appointing authority reserves the right to disqualify any candidate who disregards this instruction.

The selection committee adheres strictly to the eligibility criteria set out in the recruitment notice when deciding whether or not each candidate should be admitted to the selection procedure. Candidates admitted to a previous competition or selection procedure will not automatically be eligible.

In order to select the best candidates, the selection committee compares the candidates' performance with the aim of assessing their suitability to perform the duties described in the recruitment notice. This means that it must not only assess the candidates' knowledge, but also identify the best-qualified individuals on the basis of their merit.

Please note that selection procedures take between six and nine months, depending on the number of candidates.


A selection procedure comprises the following stages:

receipt of applications,

assessment for compliance with the general conditions,

assessment for compliance with the specific conditions,

assessment of qualifications (admission to tests),


list of suitable candidates.

Receipt of application files

Should you decide to apply, you must submit a complete application file, including the application form specific to the recruitment notice, completed and signed and accompanied by all the requisite supporting documents showing that you meet the general and specific conditions set out in the recruitment notice. Failure to do so will result in your exclusion from the competition. The application file must be sent by registered post (dispatch by private courier company will be accepted as equivalent to dispatch by registered post; in such cases, the date appearing on the delivery form will be taken as the date of dispatch) by the date specified in the recruitment notice. The address and closing date for applications are given in Section C of the recruitment notice.

Assessment for compliance with the general conditions

The Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit will check applications in order to determine whether they are admissible, i.e. whether they have been submitted in the form and by the closing date indicated in the recruitment notice and whether each candidate meets the general eligibility conditions.

Candidates will therefore be automatically eliminated if they:

send their application after the closing date, as evidenced by the postmark or by the delivery form of a private courier company,

do not send their application form by registered post or by private courier company,

do not use and properly complete the official application form specific to the recruitment notice,

fail to sign the application form,

do not meet the general eligibility conditions.

After the closing date for applications , candidates will be individually informed if their application has been rejected.

A list of the candidates who meet the general conditions set out in the recruitment notice will be drawn up by the appointing authority and forwarded to the selection committee with the application files.

Assessment for compliance with the specific conditions

The selection committee will consider the application files and draw up a list of candidates who meet the specific conditions set out in the recruitment notice. It will base its decisions solely on the information given on the application forms and substantiated by supporting documents enclosed with it .

Your application must give full details of your studies, training, professional experience and knowledge of languages, as follows:

as regards your studies: the dates on which they began and ended and the nature of the diploma(s) obtained, as well as the subjects studied,

as regards your professional experience: the dates on which the periods of experience began and ended and the precise nature of the duties performed.

Candidates who have published studies, articles, reports or any other texts relevant to the duties set out in the job description should mention these on the application form.

Candidates who do not meet the specific eligibility conditions set out in the recruitment notice will be eliminated at this stage.

The selection committee will inform all candidates by post of its decision concerning their admission/non-admission to the procedure.

Assessment of qualifications

In order to select the candidates who will be invited to take part in the tests, the selection committee will assess the qualifications of those admitted to the selection procedure (see paragraph above). It will base its decisions solely on the information given on the application form and substantiated by supporting documents enclosed with it (see Section 3 below). The selection committee will base its work on criteria which it has laid down in advance, taking account in particular of the qualifications specified in Section B.2 of the recruitment notice.

The selection committee will inform all candidates by post of its decision concerning their admission/non-admission to the tests.


All the tests are compulsory and eliminatory. The maximum number of candidates who can be admitted to the tests is specified in Section B.2 of the recruitment notice.

For organisational reasons, candidates may be invited to all the written and oral tests. However, the tests will be marked in the order in which they appear in the recruitment notice. Consequently, if a candidate does not achieve the minimum mark required in one of the eliminatory tests, the selection committee will not mark the subsequent tests.

The tests of candidates who give up will not be marked.

List of suitable candidates

The maximum number of candidates who may be included on the list of suitable candidates is laid down in Section B.4 of the recruitment notice.

The inclusion of a candidate's name on the list of suitable candidates means that he or she may be called for interview by one of Parliament's departments, but it does not constitute either a right to, or a guarantee of, recruitment.


General points

Before applying, you should check carefully whether you meet all the eligibility conditions, both general and specific. To that end, you should first read the recruitment notice and this guide and take due note of the relevant requirements.

Although recruitment notices do not specify an age limit, you should note that the retirement age for staff is laid down in the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union (

Candidates are required to complete the application form (original or copy) which is specific to the recruitment notice and contained in this Official Journal published by the Publications Office of the European Union.

Documents sent after the closing date will not be taken into account.

If you have a disability or if your circumstances are such that they might cause difficulties during the tests (e.g. because you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, or because you have health problems or are undergoing medical treatment), you must state that fact on the application form and provide any relevant information so that the Administration can take appropriate measures, where possible. If appropriate, please enclose with your application form a separate sheet giving details of any arrangements which you consider necessary to help you take the tests.

How should the complete application file be submitted?


Complete and sign the application form specific to the recruitment notice for the selection procedure concerned.


Include a numbered list of all the supporting documents enclosed with your application.


Enclose all the supporting documents required, which you should first number.


Submit the application file as specified in the recruitment notice and before the closing date given therein.

What supporting documents should be enclosed with the application file?

General points

Do not send the originals of the documents required: you need only send photocopies, which do not have to be authenticated. References to websites will not be regarded as constituting supporting documents. Printouts of pages from websites will not be regarded as certificates, although they may be enclosed purely to provide additional information.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that successful candidates on the list of suitable candidates who are offered a job will be required to produce the originals of all the necessary documents before they can be recruited.

A curriculum vitae (CV) will not be regarded as a supporting document.

You may not refer to application forms or any other documents already submitted in connection with previous applications (1).

None of the documents submitted with the application will be returned to you.

Supporting documents demonstrating compliance with the general conditions

No document is required at this stage to show that candidates:

are nationals of a European Union Member State,

enjoy full rights as a citizen,

have fulfilled any obligations imposed on them by the laws on military service,

can provide appropriate character references for performing the duties concerned.

Candidates must sign the application form. By doing so, they declare on their honour that they meet these conditions and that the information supplied is true and complete.

Supporting documents demonstrating compliance with the specific conditions and assessment of qualifications

Candidates must provide the selection committee with all the information and documents it needs to verify the accuracy of the information given on the application form.

Diplomas and/or certificates attesting successful completion of studies

Candidates must supply photocopies of the diplomas or certificates attesting that they have completed studies of the level required by the recruitment notice.

The selection committee will take account of the different education systems in the European Union Member States.

In the case of post-secondary diplomas, the most detailed possible information must be provided, particularly concerning the subjects studied and the length of time for which they were studied, so that the selection committee can assess the relevance of the diplomas to the duties to be performed.

In the case of diplomas relating to technical or vocational training, further training or specialisation courses, candidates must state whether the course was full time or part time or consisted of evening classes, as well as the subjects covered and the official duration of the courses.

Professional experience

Professional experience will be taken into account only if it has been obtained more recently than the required diploma or certificate. The supporting documents must prove the duration and level of the professional experience, and the nature of the duties performed must be described in as much detail as possible, so that the selection committee can assess the relevance of your experience to the duties to be performed.

All such periods of work experience must be covered by supporting documents, for example:

statements from former employers and your current employer certifying that you possess the professional experience required for admission to the selection procedure,

if, for reasons of confidentiality, you cannot enclose the required evidence of professional experience, it is essential, as a substitute for that evidence, to enclose photocopies of the employment contract or letter of recruitment and/or the first and the most recent salary statements,

where the work has not been performed on behalf of an employer (as a self-employed person, member of the liberal professions, etc.), invoices or order forms detailing the services provided or any other relevant official supporting document will be accepted as evidence.

Knowledge of languages

Knowledge of the required languages must be confirmed by a diploma, a certificate or a declaration on the candidate's honour, to be made on a separate sheet of paper, explaining how that knowledge was acquired.

If, at any stage in the procedure, it is established that the information given in your application form is incorrect or is not substantiated by supporting documents, or that all the conditions set out in the recruitment notice are not met, you will be disqualified.


It is your responsibility to make sure that your application form (original or copy), duly completed and signed and accompanied by all the supporting documents, is sent by registered post (2) by the required deadline, as evidenced by the postmark.

Bearing in mind the time needed to deliver mail, it is your responsibility to send a letter, fax or e-mail (3) to the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit if you do not receive a letter of invitation or a letter informing you that you have not been admitted by the date given in the last paragraph of the recruitment notice.

Any correspondence from a candidate concerning an application must quote the name given in that application and the number of the selection procedure.

All correspondence sent by the European Parliament concerning a selection procedure, including invitations to tests, will be sent by ordinary post to the address given on the application form. You are responsible for checking your e-mail account (including the spam folder) regularly (at least twice a week) and for notifying the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit of any change in your particulars.

All communications concerning the selection procedure should be sent by e-mail to the following mailbox:

If you are no longer in a position to check your e-mail account it is your responsibility to inform the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit immediately and to provide a new electronic address.

In the interests of clarity and comprehension, all texts of a general nature, communications to or from candidates, invitations to the various tests and any correspondence between the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit and candidates will be in English, French or German. There will be no correspondence in a candidate's main language (language 1).

In order to safeguard the independence of the selection committee, candidates may not under any circumstances approach the selection committee themselves, either directly or indirectly; if they do so, they may be disqualified.

Any correspondence for consideration by the selection committee and any request for information or other correspondence concerning the procedure must be addressed solely to the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit (3), which will deal with all communications with candidates throughout the competition until it has been completed.


Equal opportunities

The European Parliament takes great care to avoid any form of discrimination during selection procedures.

It is an equal-opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

Requests from candidates for access to information concerning them

Candidates in selection procedures are entitled to be given certain information which specifically concerns them, as described below. The European Parliament may therefore supply the following additional information to a candidate on request:


those candidates who are not successful in the written tests and/or who are not among those invited to the oral test may, on request, obtain copies of their test papers as well as a copy of their personal evaluation sheet setting out the selection committee's remarks on their performance. All requests must be made within one month of the date on which the letter notifying a candidate of the decision ending his/her participation in the selection procedure was sent;


candidates who are invited to the oral tests but whose names do not appear on the list of suitable candidates will be informed of their results in the various tests only once the list of suitable candidates has been drawn up by the selection committee. These candidates may also obtain copies of their written tests in the same way as outlined under point (a);


successful candidates will be informed only that they have been included on the list of suitable candidates.

Requests will be dealt with in accordance with the requirement for the work of the selection committee to be secret, as laid down in the Staff Regulations (Annex III, Article 6), and in compliance with the rules on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

Protection of personal data

The European Parliament, as the body responsible for organising selections, ensures that candidates' personal data are processed in strict compliance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (4), particularly as regards confidentiality and security.

Travel and subsistence expenses

A contribution will be made towards the travel and subsistence expenses of candidates invited to the tests. You will be given details of the arrangements for this and the rates applicable in the letter inviting you to the tests.

The address given on the application form will be considered to be the place from which the candidate departs to attend the tests to which he or she has been invited. A change of address notified by a candidate after the European Parliament has sent the invitations to the tests will not be taken into consideration, unless Parliament considers that the circumstances invoked by the candidate amount to force majeure or are wholly exceptional.

(1)  These conditions apply to all candidates, including officials and other servants of the European Union.

(2)  Dispatch by private courier company will be accepted as equivalent to dispatch by registered post. In this case, the date appearing on the delivery form will be taken as the date of dispatch.

(3)  Address: Parlement Européen, Unité concours et procédures de sélection — MON 04 S 010, Procédure de sélection PE/168/S, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België.

Fax +32 22831717. E-mail:

(4)  OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1.


Indicative guide to qualifications giving access to Category AD competitions (1)


University course of at least four years' duration

University course of at least three years' duration


Licence — Licentiaat



Диплома за висше образование



Česká republika

Diplom o ukončení vysokoškolského studia/Magistr

Diplom o ukončení Bakalářského studia





Hochschulabschluss/Fachhochschulabschluss (8 Semester)/Master

Fachhochschulabschluss (6-7 Semester)/Bachelor


Bakalaureusekraad (160 ainepunkti)/Magistrikraad

Bakalaureusekraad (< 160 ainepunkti)


Céim Ollscoile (4 bliana)/University degree (4 years)

Céim bhaitsiléara/Bachelor's degree


Πτυχίο Α.Ε.Ι. (πανεπιστημίου, πολυτεχνείου, Τ.Ε.Ι. υποχρεωτικής τετραετούς φοίτησης)




Diplomado/Ingeniero técnico





Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea — Magistar/Magistra



Laurea specialistica-LS/Laurea

Laurea-L (breve)


Πανεπιστημιακό πτυχίο



Bakalaura diploms (160 kredīti)/Mağistra diploms

Bakalaura diploms (< 160 kredīti)


Bakalauras (160 kreditas)/Magistras

Bakalauras (< 160 kreditas)





Egyetemi oklevél

Főiskolai oklevél


University degree (4 years)

Bachelor's degree


Doctoraal examen/Master



Universitätsdiplom/Fachhochschuldiplom (8 Semester)/Magister (tra)

Fachhochschuldiplom (6-7 Semester)/Bakkalaureus(rea)


Magister/Magister inżynier






Diplomă de licență (4 ans)

Diplomă de licență


Univerzitetna diploma (4 leta ali več)

Univerzitetna diploma (najmanj 3 leta)


Diplom o ukončení vysokoškolského štúdia/Magister

Diplom o ukončení Bakalárského štúdia


Maisterin tutkinto — Magisterexamen/Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto — Yrkeshögskoleexamen (min 160 opintoviikkoa — studieveckor)

Kandidaatin tutkinto — Kandidatexamen/Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto — Yrkeshögskoleexamen (min 120 opintoviikkoa — studieveckor)


Magisterexamen (Akademisk examen omfattande minst 160 poäng varav 80 fördjupade studier i ett ämne + uppsats motsvarande 20 poäng eller två uppsatser motsvarande 10 poäng vardera)

Kandidatexamen (Akademisk examen omfattande minst 120 poäng varav 60 fördjupade studier i ett ämne + uppsats motsvarande 10 poäng)

United Kingdom

University degree (4 years)

Bachelor's degree

Qualifications obtained outside the European Union must have been validated by a competent national authority of a Member State by the closing date for applications.

(1)  Access to Grades 7 to 16 of function group AD is subject to the further condition of having acquired at least one year's relevant professional experience.



Candidates who consider that a decision has adversely affected them may request a review of the decision, launch an appeal procedure or lodge a complaint with the European Ombudsman (1).

Requests for review

You can submit a request for a review, giving your reasons:

either by e-mail to the mailbox for the procedure:

or by fax, to the following number: +32 22831717

within 10 calendar days of the date on which the Competitions and Selection Procedures Unit sent the e-mail informing you of the decision in question.

This option is available only at the following stages:

admission to the competition and admission to the written and oral tests.


You can lodge a complaint under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union, which should be addressed to:

M. le Secrétaire général

Parlement européen

Bât. Konrad Adenauer

2929 Luxembourg


This option is available at all stages of the selection procedure.

Your attention is drawn to the wide discretion enjoyed by selection committees, whose decisions are independently arrived at and cannot be changed by the appointing authority. The selection committee's decisions are subject to review only in the event of a clear violation of the rules governing their work. In that event, a decision by a selection committee may be challenged directly in the European Union Civil Service Tribunal without a complaint having first been lodged under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations.

You may submit a judicial appeal to the:

European Union Civil Service Tribunal

2925 Luxembourg


under Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Article 91 of the Staff Regulations.

This option is available only in relation to decisions taken by the selection committee.

In the case of administrative decisions denying admission to the selection procedure on the grounds that the application does not meet the eligibility criteria referred to in Section B.1 of the notice, it is possible to appeal to the European Union Civil Service Tribunal only after having first lodged a complaint as described above.

Appeals to the European Union Civil Service Tribunal may be made only through a lawyer authorised to practise before a court of a Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area.

The time limits laid down in Articles 90 and 91 of the Staff Regulations of Officials (2) which apply to these two types of appeal start to run either from the date of notification of the original decision adversely affecting you or, only in the case of a request for a review, from the date on which you are notified of the selection committee's original reply to the request.

Complaints to the European Ombudsman

Any European Union citizen can make a complaint to the European Ombudsman:

European Ombudsman

1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman — BP 403



under Article 228(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in accordance with the conditions laid down in Decision 94/262/ECSC, EC, Euratom of the European Parliament of 9 March 1994 on the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman's duties (3).

You should note that complaints made to the Ombudsman have no suspensive effect on the time limit laid down in Article 91 of the Staff Regulations for lodging appeals with the European Union Civil Service Tribunal under Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

(1)  Reviews, appeals or complaints to the European Ombudsman will not interrupt the work of the selection committee.

(2)  See Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1), amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 723/2004 (OJ L 124, 27.4.2004, p. 1) and most recently by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1080/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 amending the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of those Communities (OJ L 311, 26.11.2010, p. 1).

(3)  OJ L 113, 4.5.1994, p. 15.




