ISSN 1725-2423

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 250

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 51
2 October 2008

Notice No




II   Information





2008/C 250/01

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections


2008/C 250/02

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections ( 1 )



IV   Notices





2008/C 250/03

Interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing operations: 4,65 % on 1 October 2008 — Euro exchange rates


2008/C 250/04

Important information for pension organisations providing pension savings services (the third pillar)




2008/C 250/05

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises ( 1 )





EFTA Surveillance Authority

2008/C 250/06

Communication from the EFTA Surveillance Authority under to Article 4(1)(a) of the Act referred to in point 64(a) of Annex XIII to the EEA Agreement (Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes) — Imposition of new public service obligations in respect of scheduled regional air services in Norway


2008/C 250/07

Scheduled regional air services in Norway — Invitation to tender



V   Announcements





2008/C 250/08

Operation of scheduled air services — Invitation to tender for contracts for the operation of nine scheduled air routes subject to public service obligations, issued by the Hellenic Republic under Article (4)(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 ( 1 )


2008/C 250/09

Operation of scheduled air services — Invitation to tender for contracts for the operation of ten scheduled air routes subject to public service obligations, issued by the Hellenic Republic under Article (4)(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 ( 1 )


2008/C 250/10

Call for proposals — EACEA/31/08 — Action 4.1 — Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth






2008/C 250/11

Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.5315 — STAK Van der Sluijs Groep/Frisol Beheer/North Sea Petroleum Holding) — Candidate case for simplified procedure ( 1 )






2008/C 250/12

Notice concerning a request under Article 30 of Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council — Deadline extension — Request made by a Member State



2008/C 250/13

Note to the reader(see page 3 of the cover)




(1)   Text with EEA relevance



II Information





Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/1

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty

Cases where the Commission raises no objections

(2008/C 250/01)

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 747/07

Member State




Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Aiuti alla ristrutturazione a favore delle imprese attive nel settore della produzione animale

Legal basis

Legge regionale n. 40/2003 «Nuove norme per gli interventi in agricoltura»; deliberazione della Giunta regionale 3486 del 6.11.2007: «Nuove norme per gli interventi in agricoltura, articoli 59 e 60. Aiuti per il salvataggio e la ristrutturazione»

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Aid to restructure small enterprises in the sector of animal production

Form of aid

Interest subsidy


EUR 2 500 000




Economic sectors

Agricultural sector

Name and address of the granting authority

Giunta regionale del Veneto

Dorsoduro 3901

I-30123 Venezia

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:



Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/2

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty

Cases where the Commission raises no objections

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2008/C 250/02)

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 21/08

Member State



Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Przedłużenie programu restrukturyzacji dla MŚP

Legal basis

Art. 18 i art. 20 ustawy z dnia 30 sierpnia 2002 r. o restrukturyzacji niektórych należności publicznoprawnych od przedsiębiorców (Dz.U. nr 155, poz. 1287 ze zm.) oraz rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 5 września 2006 r. w sprawie szczegółowych warunków udzielania małym i średnim przedsiębiorcom pomocy publicznej na restrukturyzację niektórych należności publicznoprawnych (Dz.U. nr 169, poz. 1202).

Art. 67a i art. 67 b § 1 pkt 3 lit. i ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. — Ordynacja podatkowa (Dz.U. z 2005 r. nr 8, poz. 60 ze zm.) — oraz rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 11 września 2007 r. w sprawie szczegółowych warunków udzielania niektórych ulg w spłacie zobowiązań podatkowych stanowiących pomoc publiczną na restrukturyzację (Dz.U. nr 179, poz. 1266)

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Restructuring of firms in difficulty

Form of aid

Tax advantage, Tax allowance, Tax base reduction, Reduction of social security contributions, Debt deferral, Debt write-off


Annual budget: EUR 125 million



Until 9.10.2009

Economic sectors

All sectors

Name and address of the granting authority

Naczelnicy urzędów skarbowych i dyrektorzy izb skarbowyc

Naczelnicy urzędów celnych i dyrektorzy izb celnych

Prezes Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych

Prezes Państwowego Funduszu Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych

Minister Środowiska

Wójt, burmistrz (prezydent miasta), starosta i marszałek województwa

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 209/08

Member State




Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)


Legal basis

Samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen Gemeente Oosterhout en Grondexploitatiemaatschappij Eiland Zwaaikom C.V.

Type of measure

Individual aid


Contract-related aid, Environmental protection, Regional development

Form of aid

Direct grant


Annual budget: EUR 3,7 million

Overall budget: EUR 3,7 million


Measure does not constitute aid



Economic sectors


Name and address of the granting authority

Gemeente Oosterhout

Postbus 10150

4900 GB Oosterhout


Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 251/08

Member State



Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Änderung der Beihilferegelung „Unternehmenserhaltende Maßnahmen“ für KMU in Kärnten

Legal basis

Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungsgesetz (K-WFG)

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)

Richtlinie Unternehmenserhaltende Maßnahmen

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Rescue of firms in difficulty, Restructuring of firms in difficulty

Form of aid

Direct grant, Soft loan


Annual budget: EUR 1,9 million

Overall budget: EUR 5,22 million



Until 9.10.2009

Economic sectors

All sectors

Name and address of the granting authority

Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 265/08

Member State

Czech Republic


Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Režim investiční podpory pro snížení emisí NOx a prachových částic z nespalovacích zařízení

Legal basis

Zákon č. 86/2002 Sb., o ochraně ovzduší a o změně některých dalších zákonů ve znění pozdějších předpisů.

Vyhláška Ministerstva životního prostředí č. 356/2002 Sb., kterou se stanoví seznam znečišťujících látek, obecné emisní limity, způsob předávání zpráv a informací, zjišťování množství vypouštěných znečišťujících látek, tmavosti kouře, přípustné míry obtěžování zápachem a intenzity pachů, podmínky autorizace osob, požadavky na vedení provozní evidence zdrojů znečišťování ovzduší a podmínky jejich uplatňování, ve znění vyhlášky č. 363/2006 Sb., a vyhlášky č. 570/2006 Sb.

Nařízení vlády č. 615/2006 Sb., o stanovení emisních limitů a dalších podmínek provozování ostatních stacionárních zdrojů znečišťování ovzduší.

Zákon č. 76/2002 Sb., o integrované prevenci.

Nařízení vlády č. 417/2003 Sb., kterým se mění nařízení vlády č. 351/2002 Sb., kterým se stanoví závazné emisní stropy pro některé látky znečišťující ovzduší a způsob přípravy a provádění emisních inventur a emisních projekcí.

Zákon č. 388/1991 Sb., o Státním fondu životního prostředí České republiky.

Programový dokument OP ŽP, 15. listopadu 2006 projednán a schválen vládou ČR. 7. března 2007 byl odeslán a přijat  Evropskou komisí k formálnímu hodnocení.

Implementační dokument OP ŽP, ze dne 28. června 2007.

Směrnice MŽP č. 07/2007 ze dne 29. června 2007 pro předkládání žádostí a o poskytování finančních prostředků pro projekty z Operačního programu Životní prostředí včetně spolufinancování ze Státního fondu životního prostředí České republiky a státního rozpočtu České republiky – kapitoly 315 (životní prostředí)

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Environmental protection

Form of aid

Direct grant


Annual budget: CZK 83,65 million


50 %, 60 %, 70 %


Until 31.12.2013

Economic sectors

All sectors

Name and address of the granting authority

Ministerstvo životního prostředí České republiky

Vršovická 65

CZ-101 00 Praha 10

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

IV Notices





Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/6

Interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing operations (1):

4,65 % on 1 October 2008

Euro exchange rates (2)

1 October 2008

(2008/C 250/03)

1 euro=



Exchange rate


US dollar



Japanese yen



Danish krone



Pound sterling



Swedish krona



Swiss franc



Iceland króna



Norwegian krone



Bulgarian lev



Czech koruna



Estonian kroon



Hungarian forint



Lithuanian litas



Latvian lats



Polish zloty



Romanian leu



Slovak koruna



Turkish lira



Australian dollar



Canadian dollar



Hong Kong dollar



New Zealand dollar



Singapore dollar



South Korean won

1 680,57


South African rand



Chinese yuan renminbi



Croatian kuna



Indonesian rupiah

13 370,85


Malaysian ringgit



Philippine peso



Russian rouble



Thai baht



Brazilian real



Mexican peso



Rate applied to the most recent operation carried out before the indicated day. In the case of a variable rate tender, the interest rate is the marginal rate.

(2)  Source: reference exchange rate published by the ECB.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/7

Important information for pension organisations providing pension savings services (the ‘third pillar’)

(2008/C 250/04)

All public and private organisations providing supplementary pension services based on voluntary contributions should be aware of the opportunity provided by the amendment of Article 12 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 723/2004 (OJ L 124, 27.4.2004, p. 1) adopted by the Council on 22 March 2004.

Whereas, prior to this amendment, officials leaving a Community institution without entitlement to a retirement pension could receive the pension rights acquired while working at the Communities in the form of a ‘severance grant’, the new rules require them in most cases to apply to transfer their rights to their new pension scheme, or to a private insurance company or pension fund.

The above-mentioned Regulation also made other amendments to the Staff Regulations, including the establishment of a new category of non-permanent staff members, the contract staff.

Because of these two amendments, and given that the period of service of non-permanent staff members is in principle limited, a considerable number of former staff members are already looking for pension organisations that can take over and manage permanently the pension rights they acquired while working at the Communities.

Although, pursuant to Article 11(1) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations, these former non-permanent staff members can transfer such rights to the pension system(s) to which they are affiliated by virtue of their new professional activities following the end of their period of service at the Communities, it is sometimes difficult for them to do so. Moreover, the persons concerned are encountering considerable problems finding a private pension organisation which will guarantee the fulfilment of the four conditions ((i) to (iv)) listed under Article 12(1)(b) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations, which are as follows:


the capital will not be repaid;


a monthly income will be paid from age 60 at the earliest, and age 65 at the latest;


provisions are included for reversion or survivors' pensions;


transfer to another insurance company or other fund will be authorised only if such fund fulfils the conditions laid down in points (i), (ii) and (iii).

One reason that could probably explain the problems former staff members are encountering is the fact that pension organisations are unfamiliar with the existence and potential implications of this particular provision in the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities. It must be emphasised that, since the said Staff Regulations are, as mentioned above, laid down by a Council Regulation, they are directly applicable in all Member States without any need for national legislation.

To make it easier for its (former) staff members to find an organisation to administer the pension rights they acquired while working at the Communities, the Commission would like to draw up a list of the pension organisations interested in offering them pension savings scheme, which satisfy the above-mentioned conditions.

For your information, at 1 September 2008, the Commission counted over 1 500 pension rights dossiers waiting to be transferred to a pension organisation, with the average amount to be transferred calculated at approximately EUR 18 000. Moreover, the number of staff members leaving all the Community institutions each year who must transfer the pension rights acquired there is around 900.

Pension organisations interested in appearing on the list, which will be made available, for information purposes, to former staff members of the European Communities, must submit a dossier to the European Commission comprising the following:

an official statement certifying that they undertake to comply with the four conditions ((i) to (iv)) laid down in Article 12(1)(b) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities with respect to all amounts representing pension rights transferred in this context, and also to facilitate the exercise of the right of supervision by the competent Community authorities in this connection,

a copy of the authorisation issued by the national authorities responsible for financial supervision to which the pension organisation is accountable,

a copy of the standard contract used to prepare individual contracts designed specifically for the permanent management of the amounts transferred pursuant to Article 12(1)(b) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities,

a clear description of any conditions applicable in terms of the residence of the former staff member (and any dependants/heirs) valid at the time the contract is entered into and/or at the time of payment.

The application should be sent to the following address:

Commission européenne

PMO 4 — secteur 3

Bureau 6/43

B-1049 Bruxelles

Any requests for additional information should also be sent to this address.

Annex: copy of Articles 11 and 12 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities.


Articles 11 and 12 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities

Article 11

1.   An official who leaves the service of the Communities to:

enter the service of a government administration or a national or international organization which has concluded an agreement with the Communities,

pursue an activity in an employed or self-employed capacity, by virtue of which he acquires pension rights under a scheme whose administrative bodies have concluded an agreement with the Communities,

shall be entitled to have the actuarial equivalent of his retirement pension rights, updated to the actual date of transfer, in the Communities transferred to the pension fund of that administration or organization or to the pension fund under which he acquires retirement pension rights by virtue of the activity pursued in an employed or self-employed capacity.

2.   An official who enters the service of the Communities after:

leaving the service of a government administration or of a national or international organization,


pursuing an activity in an employed or self-employed capacity,

shall be entitled, after establishment but before becoming eligible for payment of a retirement pension within the meaning of Article 77 of the Staff Regulations, to have paid to the Communities the capital value, updated to the date of the actual transfer, of pension rights acquired by virtue of such service or activities.

In such case the institution in which the official serves shall, taking into account the official's basic salary, age and exchange rate at the date of application for a transfer, determine by means of general implementing provisions the number of years of pensionable service with which he shall be credited under the Community pension scheme in respect of the former period of service, on the basis of the capital transferred, after deducting an amount representing capital appreciation between the date of the application for a transfer and the actual date of the transfer. Officials may make use of this arrangement once only for each Member State and pension fund concerned.

3.   Paragraph 2 shall also apply to an official who is reinstated after a period of secondment under the second indent of point (b) of the first paragraph of Article 37 of the Staff Regulations and to an official who is reinstated following expiry of a period of leave on personal grounds under Article 40 of the Staff Regulations.

Article 12

1.   An official aged less than 63 years whose service terminates otherwise than by reason of death or invalidity and who is not entitled to an immediate or deferred retirement pension shall be entitled on leaving the service:


where he has completed less than one year's service and has not made use of the arrangement laid down in Article 11(2), to payment of a severance grant equal to three times the amounts withheld from his basic salary in respect of his pension contributions, after deduction of any amounts paid under Articles 42 and 112 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants;


in other cases, to the benefits provided under Article 11(1) or to the payment of the actuarial equivalent of such benefits to a private insurance company or pension fund of their choice, on condition such company or fund guarantees that:


the capital will not be repaid;


a monthly income will be paid from age 60 at the earliest, and age 65 at the latest;


provisions are included for reversion or survivors' pensions;


transfer to another insurance company or other fund will be authorised only if such fund fulfils the conditions laid down in points (i), (ii) and (iii).

2.   By way of derogation from paragraph 1(b), officials under 63 years of age who, since taking up their duties, have, in order to establish or maintain pension rights, paid into a national pension scheme, a private insurance scheme or a pension fund of their choice which satisfies the requirements set out in paragraph 1, and whose service terminates for reasons other than death or invalidity without their qualifying for an immediate or deferred retirement pension, shall be entitled, on leaving the service, to a severance grant equal to the actuarial value of their pension rights acquired during service in the institutions. In these cases the payments made in order to establish or maintain their pension rights under the national pension scheme in application of Articles 42 or 112 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants shall be deducted from the severance grant.

3.   Where an official's service has been terminated by removal from his post, the severance grant to be paid or, as the case may be, the actuarial equivalent to be transferred shall be determined by reference to the decision taken in accordance with Article 9(1)(h) of Annex IX.




Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/10

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2008/C 250/05)

Aid No

XS 136/07

Member State



Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Regeling LNV-subsidies (onderdeel: Beroepsopleiding en voorlichting voor agro-MKB ondernemingen (niet zijnde primaire landbouwondernemingen) en bosbouwondernemingen, onderdeel demonstratieprojecten)

Legal basis

Regeling LNV-subsidies: artikel 1:2, artikel 1:3, artikel 1:20, artikel 2:14; artikel 2:16 tot en met 2:20;

Openstellingsbesluit LNV-subsidies

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Annual budget: EUR 11,32 million

Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation

Date of implementation





Small and medium-sized enterprises

Economic sectors

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs

Name and address of the granting authority

Ministerie van Landbouw Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit

Postbus 20401

2500 EK Den Haag



EFTA Surveillance Authority



Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/11

Communication from the EFTA Surveillance Authority under to Article 4(1)(a) of the Act referred to in point 64(a) of Annex XIII to the EEA Agreement (Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes)

Imposition of new public service obligations in respect of scheduled regional air services in Norway

(2008/C 250/06)


Pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes, Norway has decided to impose public service obligations as of 1 April 2009 in respect of scheduled air services on the following routes:


Lakselv-Tromsø v.v.;


Andenes-Bodø v.v., Andenes-Tromsø v.v.;


Svolvær-Bodø v.v.;


Leknes-Bodø v.v.;


Røst-Bodø v.v.;


Narvik (Framnes)-Bodø v.v.;


Brønnøysund-Bodø v.v., Brønnøysund-Trondheim v.v.;


Sandnessjøen-Bodø v.v., Sandnessjøen-Trondheim v.v.;


Mo i Rana-Bodø v.v., Mo i Rana-Trondheim v.v.;


Mosjøen-Bodø v.v., Mosjøen-Trondheim v.v.;


Namsos-Trondheim v.v., Rørvik-Trondheim v.v.;


Florø-Oslo v.v., Florø-Bergen v.v.;


Førde-Oslo v.v., Førde-Bergen v.v.;


Sogndal-Oslo v.v., Sogndal-Bergen v.v.;


Sandane-Oslo v.v., Sandane-Bergen v.v.;


Ørsta-Volda-Oslo v.v., Ørsta-Volda-Bergen v.v.;


Fagernes-Oslo v.v.;


Røros-Oslo v.v.


2.1.   Lakselv-Tromsø v.v.

2.1.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum three return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 690 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 135 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least two of the required daily services Monday-Friday and at least two of the required services Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Tromsø-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Tromsø shall be no later than 8.30 hours and last departure from Tromsø no earlier than 19.30 hours,

first departure from Tromsø shall be no later than 11.30 hours and last departure from Lakselv no earlier than 17.00 hours.

2.1.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.2.   Andenes-Tromsø v.v., Andenes-Bodø v.v.

2.2.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


Andenes-Bodø v.v., Andenes-Tromsø v.v. combined:

minimum four daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum five return services Saturday-Sunday combined,

the public demand for air travel shall be taken into account in the distribution of the number of daily return services between Andenes-Bodø v.v. and Andenes-Tromsø v.v.,

Andenes-Bodø v.v.:

minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum two return services Saturday-Sunday combined,

Andenes-Tromsø v.v.:

minimum one daily return service.

Seating capacity:

for Andenes-Bodø v.v. and Andenes-Tromsø v.v. combined, there shall in both directions be at least 615 seats offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 160 seats Saturday-Sunday combined.


in both directions at least three of the four required daily services Monday-Friday and at least four of the five required services Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

Andenes-Bodø v.v., Andenes-Tromsø v.v. combined:

At least three services Monday-Friday and at least four services Saturday-Sunday combined must be scheduled to connect with air services to/from Oslo,

Andenes-Bodø v.v.:

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 7.30 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 20.00 hours,

Andenes-Tromsø v.v.:

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Tromsø shall be no later than 10.00 hours and last departure from Tromsø no earlier than 16.30 hours.

2.2.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.3.   Svolvær-Bodø v.v.

2.3.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum six daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum seven return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 1 050 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 225 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in the Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least five of the required daily services Monday-Friday and at least five of the required services Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

At least five daily services Monday-Friday and at least five services Saturday-Sunday combined must be scheduled to connect with air services Bodø-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 7.30 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 20.00 hours.

2.3.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.4.   Leknes-Bodø v.v.

2.4.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum six daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum seven return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 1 250 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 265 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least five of the required daily services Monday-Friday and at least five of the required services Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

At least five daily services Monday-Friday and at least five services Saturday-Sunday combined must be scheduled to connect with air services Bodø-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 7.30 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 20.00 hours.

2.4.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.5.   Røst-Bodø v.v.

2.5.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum two return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 150 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 30 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least one of the required daily services Monday-Friday shall be non-stop. On Saturday-Sunday combined, at least half of the required flights shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

At least one daily service must be scheduled to connect with air services Bodø-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 10.00 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 17.00 hours.

2.5.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 15 passengers shall be used for the required flights.

2.6.   Narvik (Framnes)-Bodø v.v.

2.6.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 450 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 90 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 18.00 hours.

2.6.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 15 passengers shall be used for the required flights.

2.7.   Brønnøysund-Bodø v.v., Brønnøysund-Trondheim v.v.

2.7.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Brønnøysund-Bodø v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum three return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 350 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 90 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required flights shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 10.00 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 18.30 hours,

first departure from Bodø shall be no later than 8.30 hours and last departure from Brønnøysund no earlier than 19.00 hours.

2.7.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Brønnøysund-Trondheim v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 700 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 140 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required flights shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Trondheim-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Trondheim shall be no later than 8.00 hours and last departure from Trondheim no earlier than 20.30 hours,

first departure from Trondheim shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Brønnøysund no earlier than 18.00 hours.

2.7.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.8.   Sandnessjøen-Bodø v.v., Sandnessjøen-Trondheim v.v.

2.8.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Sandnessjøen-Bodø v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum three return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 350 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 90 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 10.00 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 18.30 hours,

first departure from Bodø shall be no later than 8.30 hours and last departure from Sandnessjøen no earlier than 19.00 hours.

2.8.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Sandnessjøen-Trondheim v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 450 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 110 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required flights shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Trondheim-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Trondheim shall be no later than 8.00 hours and last departure from Trondheim no earlier than 20.30 hours,

first departure from Trondheim shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Sandnessjøen no earlier than 18.00 hours.

2.8.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.9.   Mo i Rana-Bodø v.v., Mo i Rana-Trondheim v.v.

2.9.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Mo i Rana-Bodø v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum four daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum five return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 525 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 125 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 10.00 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 18.30 hours,

first departure from Bodø shall be no later than 8.30 hours and last departure from Mo i Rana no earlier than 19.00 hours.

2.9.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Mo i Rana-Trondheim v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 650 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 160 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required flights shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Trondheim-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Trondheim shall be no later than 8.00 hours and last departure from Trondheim no earlier than 20.30 hours,

first departure from Trondheim shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Mo i Rana no earlier than 18.00 hours.

2.9.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.10.   Mosjøen-Bodø v.v., Mosjøen-Trondheim v.v.

2.10.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Mosjøen-Bodø v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 250 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 60 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required flights shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bodø shall be no later than 10.00 hours and last departure from Bodø no earlier than 18.30 hours,

first departure from Bodø shall be no later than 8.30 hours and last departure from Mosjøen no earlier than 19.00 hours.

2.10.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Mosjøen-Trondheim v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 520 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 110 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Trondheim-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Trondheim shall be no later than 8.00 hours and last departure from Trondheim no earlier than 20.30 hours,

first departure from Trondheim shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Mosjøen no earlier than 18.00 hours.

2.10.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.11.   Namsos-Trondheim v.v., Rørvik-Trondheim v.v.

2.11.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Namsos-Trondheim v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 320 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 80 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least two of the required daily services Monday-Friday and at least two of the required services Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Trondheim-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Trondheim shall be no later than 8.00 hours and last departure from Trondheim no earlier than 18.30 hours,

first departure from Trondheim shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Namsos no earlier than 17.00 hours.

2.11.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Rørvik-Trondheim v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 300 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 70 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least one of the required daily services Monday-Friday and at least one of the required services Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder shall be through services with a maximum of one intermediate stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

The required services must be scheduled to connect with air services Trondheim-Oslo v.v.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Trondheim shall be no later than 8.00 hours and last departure from Trondheim no earlier than 18.30 hours,

first departure from Trondheim shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Rørvik no earlier than 17.00 hours.

2.11.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 15 passengers shall be used for the required flights.

2.12.   Florø-Oslo v.v., Florø-Bergen v.v.

2.12.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Florø-Oslo v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum four daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum five return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 820 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 205 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the carrier has not the opportunity to adjust the seating capacity on these routes, cf. the production adjustment clause publish in Appendix A to this notification.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Oslo shall be no later than 9.00 hours and last departure from Oslo no earlier than 21.00 hours,

first departure from Oslo shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Florø no earlier than 19.30 hours.

2.12.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Florø-Bergen v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum five daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 950 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 165 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the carrier has not the opportunity to adjust the seating capacity on these routes, cf. the production adjustment clause publish in Appendix A to this notification.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bergen shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Bergen no earlier than 20.00 hours,

first departure from Bergen shall be no later than 9.00 hours and last departure from Florø no earlier than 19.00 hours.

2.12.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.13.   Førde-Oslo v.v., Førde-Bergen v.v.

2.13.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Førde-Oslo v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum four daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum five return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 840 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 195 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Oslo shall be no later than 9.00 hours and last departure from Oslo no earlier than 19.00 hours,

first departure from Oslo shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Førde no earlier than 17.30 hours.

2.13.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Førde-Bergen v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum two return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 180 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 35 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


at least one of the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bergen shall be no later than 10.30 hours and last departure from Bergen no earlier than 17.30 hours,

first departure from Bergen shall be no later than 11.00 hours and last departure from Førde no earlier than 17.30 hours.

2.13.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.14.   Sogndal-Oslo v.v., Sogndal-Bergen v.v.

2.14.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Sogndal-Oslo v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum four daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum three return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 500 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 100 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first departure from Sogndal shall be no later than 7.30 hours and last departure from Oslo no earlier than 19.00 hours,

first departure from Oslo shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Sogndal no earlier than 17.30 hours.

2.14.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Sogndal-Bergen v.v.

The requirements apply to January-June and August-December. In July, there are requirements as to seating capacity only, with a minimum number of seats not less than 80 per cent of the minimum levels specified below.

Throughout the year a daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum two return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 140 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 30 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


at least one of the required services shall be non-stop


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bergen shall be no later than 11.00 hours and last departure from Bergen no earlier than 17.30 hours,

first departure from Bergen shall be no later than 11.30 hours and last departure from Sogndal no earlier than 16.30 hours.

2.14.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.15.   Sandane-Oslo v.v., Sandane-Bergen v.v.

2.15.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Sandane-Oslo v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum three daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum three return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 325 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 65 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least one of the required daily flights Monday-Friday and at least one of the required flights Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder may have a maximum of one intermediate stop, which may be entailed by a change of aircraft provided that the connecting time does not exceed 60 minutes and that the carrier serves the entire route to and from Oslo.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Oslo shall be no later than 9.00 hours and last departure from Oslo no earlier than 19.00 hours,

first departure from Oslo shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Sandane no earlier than 17.30 hours.

2.15.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Sandane-Bergen v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum two return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 100 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 25 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions the required services may have a maximum of one intermediate stop, which may be entailed by a change of aircraft provided that the connecting time does not exceed 60 minutes and that the carrier serves the entire route to and from Bergen.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bergen shall be no later than 11.00 hours and last departure from Bergen no earlier than 17.30 hours,

first departure from Bergen shall be no later than 11.30 hours and last departure from Sandane no earlier than 16.30 hours.

2.15.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.16.   Ørsta-Volda-Oslo v.v., Ørsta-Volda-Bergen v.v.

2.16.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Ørsta-Volda-Oslo v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum four daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum four return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 600 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 115 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions at least one of the required daily flights Monday-Friday and at least one of the required flights Saturday-Sunday combined shall be non-stop. The remainder may have a maximum of one intermediate stop, which may be entailed by a change of aircraft provided that the connecting time does not exceed 60 minutes and that the carrier serves the entire route to and from Oslo.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Oslo shall be no later than 9.00 hours and last departure from Oslo no earlier than 19.00 hours,

first departure from Oslo shall be no later than 9.30 hours and last departure from Ørsta-Volda no earlier than 17.30 hours.

2.16.2.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables Ørsta-Volda-Bergen v.v.

The requirements apply throughout the year. A daily service obligation applies in both directions.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum two return services Saturday-Sunday combined.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 150 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 35 seats Saturday-Sunday combined,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


in both directions the required services may have a maximum of one intermediate stop, which may be entailed by a change of aircraft provided that the connecting time does not exceed 60 minutes and that the carrier serves the entire route to and from Bergen.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first arrival in Bergen shall be no later than 11.00 hours and last departure from Bergen no earlier than 17.30 hours,

first departure from Bergen shall be no later than 11.30 hours and last departure from Ørsta-Volda no earlier than 16.30 hours.

2.16.3.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 30 passengers and with pressurised cabin shall be used for the required flights.

2.17.   Fagernes-Oslo v.v.

2.17.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. In both directions a service obligation applies daily except Saturday.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum one return service Sunday.

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 150 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 15 seats Sunday,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first departure from Fagernes no later than 9.00 hours,

last departure from Oslo no earlier than 15.30 hours.

2.17.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 15 passengers shall be used for the required flights.

2.18.   Røros-Oslo v.v.

2.18.1.   Minimum frequencies, seating capacity, routing and timetables

The requirements apply throughout the year. In both directions a service obligation applies daily except Saturday.


minimum two daily return services Monday-Friday and minimum one daily return service Sunday

Seating capacity:

in both directions at least 150 seats shall be offered Monday-Friday combined and at least 15 seats Sunday,

the number of seats offered shall be adjusted in accordance with the rules laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Appendix A to this publication.


the required services shall be non-stop.


Account shall be taken of the public demand for air travel.

In addition, the following apply to the required flights on Monday-Friday (local times):

first departure from Røros no later than 7.00 hours,

last departure from Oslo no earlier than 15.30 hours.

2.18.2.   Aircraft category

Aircraft registered for minimum 15 passengers shall be used for the required flights.


3.1.   Technical and operative conditions

Carriers' attention is especially drawn to technical and operative conditions applying at the airports. For further information, please contact:

Luftfartstilsynet (Civil Aviation Authority)

BP 243

N-8001 Bodø

Tel. (47-75) 58 50 00.

3.2.   Fares

Maximum basic fully flexible one-way fare (the maximum fare) in the operating year beginning 1 April 2009, must not exceed the following rates:



NOK 1 226



NOK 724


NOK 1 520



NOK 839



NOK 839



NOK 839


Narvik (Framnes)-Bodø

NOK 1 226



NOK 1 422


NOK 1 379



NOK 1 220


NOK 1 520


Mo i Rana-Bodø

NOK 894

Mo i Rana-Trondheim

NOK 1 684



NOK 1 220


NOK 1 520



NOK 943


NOK 1 199



NOK 1 722


NOK 1 057



NOK 1 722


NOK 1 057



NOK 1 487


NOK 1 057



NOK 1 722


NOK 1 270



NOK 1 722


NOK 1 460



NOK 844



NOK 1 880

For each subsequent operating year the maximum fare shall be adjusted on 1 April within the limit of the consumer price index for the 12-month period ending 15 February the same year, as made public by Statistics Norway (

The carrier shall offer tickets through at least one sales channel belonging to the carrier.

The carrier is responsible for making tickets available at a price not exceeding the maximum fare through all sales channels belonging to the carrier.

Maximum fare applies also to tickets offered by other companies controlled by the carrier. The carrier is responsible for the compliance of the maximum fare by such companies.

The maximum fare shall include all taxes and fees to the authorities, and all other extra charges the carrier adds on when issuing the tickets.

The carrier shall be party to the domestic interline agreements in force at any time, and shall offer all discounts available under such agreements.

The carrier shall offer tickets through a Computer Reservation system (CRS).


Following a tender procedure, which limits access to the routes to one carrier, these conditions apply in addition:


all connecting fares to/from other air services shall be offered on equal terms for all carriers. Exempted from this are connecting fares to/from other services carried out by the tenderer, provided that the fare is maximum 40 per cent of the fully flexible fare,

bonus points from frequent flyer programmes can neither be earned nor redeemed on the flights,

social discounts shall be granted in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and published in Appendix B to this notification.

Transfer conditions:

all conditions set out by the carrier for the transfer of passengers to and from other carriers' routes, including connecting times and through check-in of tickets and baggage, shall be objective and non-discriminatory.


These public service obligations replace those previous published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 166 of 7 July 2005 and the EEA Supplement No 34 of 7 July 2005.


Further information can be obtained from: The Ministry of Transport and Communications

BP 8010

N-0030 Oslo

Tel. (47-22) 24 83 53

Fax (47-22) 24 56 09



1.   Purpose of the production adjustment clause

The purpose of the production adjustment clause is to ensure that supplied capacity/seats offered by the operator is adjusted to changes in market demand. Whenever the number of passengers increases significantly and exceeds the following specified limits for the percentage of seats occupied at any time (the passenger load factor), the operator shall increase available seats offered. The operator may accordingly decrease available seats offered when the number of passengers decreases significantly. See specification below in 3.

2.   Periods for measuring passenger load factors

The periods during which the passenger load factor shall be monitored and assessed range from 1 January to 30 June inclusive and 1 August to 30 November inclusive.

3.   Conditions for changing production/available seats offered

3.1.   Conditions for increasing production


An increase in production/available seats offered shall take place when the average passenger load factor on each single route encompassed by public service obligations is higher than 70 per cent. When the average passenger load factor on these routes exceeds 70 per cent in any of the periods mentioned in 2, the operator shall increase production/available seats offered by at least 10 per cent on these routes, at latest from the start of the following IATA traffic season. Production/available seats offered shall be increased at least so that the average passenger load factor does not exceed 70 per cent.


When increasing production/available seats offered according to the above, the new production may take place by using aircraft with lower seating capacity than specified in the original tender, if preferred by the operator.

3.2.   Conditions for decreasing production


A decrease in production/available seats offered may take place when the average passenger load factor on each single route encompassed by public service obligations is lower than 35 per cent. When the average passenger load factor on these routes is lower than 35 per cent in any of the periods mentioned in 2, the operator may decrease production/available seats offered by no more than 25 per cent on these routes from the first day after the end of the above mentioned periods.


On routes with more than two daily frequencies offered in each direction, reduction in production according to 3.2.1 shall take place by reducing frequencies offered. The only exception from this is when the operator uses aircraft with larger seating capacity than the minimum specified in the imposition of public service obligations. The operator may then use smaller aircraft, however, not with lower seating capacity than the minimum specified in the imposition of public service obligations.


On routes with only one or two daily frequencies offered in each direction, reduction in available seats offered can only take place by using aircraft with lower seating capacity than specified in the imposition of public service obligations.

4.   Procedures for changes in production


The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has the responsibility for approving proposed time schedules submitted by the operator, including changes in production/number of provided seats. Reference is made to Circular N-3/2005 by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications, included in the tender file.


If production/number of provided seats offered shall be reduced according to 3.2, a proposal for a new traffic program shall be circulated to the affected county councils, and these shall have sufficient time to make a statement before the change is put into effect. If the proposed new traffic program includes changes violating any other requirements than the number of flights and seat capacity, laid down in the public service obligations, the new traffic program must be sent to the Ministry of Transport and Communications for approval.


When production/number of provided seats shall be increased according to 3.1, time schedules for new production/new seats should be agreed between the operator and the county (counties) as administrative unit affected.


If new production/number of provided seats shall be offered according to 3.1, and the operator and the county (counties) as administrative unit affected cannot agree upon time schedules according to 4.3, the operator can seek approval according to 4.1 for a different time schedule for the new production/provided seats from the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications. This does not mean that the operator may apply for approval of a time schedule that does not include the required increase in production. There must exist substantial reasons if the Ministry shall approve proposals that diverge from those which could be agreed by the counties.

5.   Unchanged financial compensation when changing production


The financial compensation to the operator remains unchanged when increasing production according to 3.1.


The financial compensation to the operator remains unchanged when decreasing production according to 3.2.




On routes where the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communication purchases air services in accordance with the public service obligations, the following groups of people are entitled to social discounts:


persons aged from 67 years at the day of departure;


blind persons aged from 16 years;


disabled persons aged from 16 years who receive disability pension according to the Norwegian Act No 19 of 28 February 1997 on National insurance ‘Folketrygdloven’ Chapter 12, or similar law in any EEA country;


students aged from 16 years attending special schools for people with hearing problems;


accompany spouse/partner irrespective of age, or a person who has to accompany persons included in (a)-(d). The person entitled to discount decides the need for escort;


travellers aged under 16 years at the day of departure.


The discount for people included in Section 1 shall be 50 per cent of the maximum fare.


This discount is not applicable when the travel is paid for by the government and/or social security office.


An adult (aged from 16 years) may carry a child aged under 2 years for free, provided that the child does not occupy its own seat and when travelling together on the entire journey.


Following documents may be required by the passenger:


persons mentioned in Section 1, letter (a) must show an official document with picture and day of birth;


persons mentioned in Section 1, letter (b) and (c) must provide proof of eligibility by means of official documentation from the Norwegian National insurance or ‘Norges Blindeforbund’. Persons from other EEA countries must provide similar documentation from their home country;


persons mentioned in Section 1, letter (d) must present a student certificate and a letter from the social security office stating that the student is receiving pension according to the Norwegian act of National insurance. Persons from other EEA countries must provide similar documentation from their home country.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/35

Scheduled regional air services in Norway

Invitation to tender

(2008/C 250/07)

1.   Introduction

Norway has decided to publish a new tender for operation of scheduled regional air services in Norway for the period 1 April 2009-31 March 2012.

With effect from 1 April 2009, Norway has decided to amend public service obligations on scheduled regional air services in Norway, previously published according to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes. The amended obligations were published in the Official Journal of the European Union  (1) and in the EEA Supplement No 59.

Insofar as by two months from the latest day of submission of tender (cf. Section 6) no air carrier has provided documentary evidence to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of commencing scheduled flights on 1 April 2009 in conformity with the amended public service obligation imposed on one or more of the tenders stated in Section 2 of this publication, the Ministry will apply the tender procedure provided for by Article 4(1)(d)-(h) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92, thereby limiting access as of 1 April 2009 to only one air carrier for each tender stated in Section 2.

The purpose of this invitation is to invite tenders which will be used as basis for assignment of such exclusive rights.

Below, the most important parts of the Conditions of Tenders will be reproduced. The complete Invitation to Tender, can be downloaded from:, or be obtained free of charge on application to:

Ministry of Transport and Communications

PO Box 8010 Dep

N-0030 Oslo

Tel. (47-22) 24 83 53

Fax (47-22) 24 56 09

All tenderers are obliged to acquaint themselves with the complete Invitation to Tender.

2.   Services covered by the invitation

The invitation comprises scheduled flights from 1 April 2009 until 31 March 2012, in accordance with the public service obligations mentioned in Section 1. The following route areas and corresponding tenders are covered by the competition:

Route area 1


Route area 2

Andenes-Bodø, Andenes-Tromsø

Route area 3


Route area 4


Route area 5


Route area 6

Narvik (Framnes)-Bodø

Route area 7

Brønnøysund-Bodø, Brønnøysund-Trondheim

Route area 8

Sandnessjøen-Bodø, Sandnessjøen-Trondheim

Route area 9

Mo i Rana-Bodø, Mo i Rana-Trondheim

Route area 10

Mosjøen-Bodø, Mosjøen-Trondheim

Route area 11

Namsos-Trondheim, Rørvik-Trondheim

Route area 12

Florø-Oslo, Florø-Bergen

Route area 13

Førde-Oslo, Førde-Bergen

Route area 14

Sogndal-Oslo, Sogndal-Bergen

Route area 15

Sandane-Oslo, Sandane-Bergen

Route area 16

Ørsta-Volda-Oslo, Ørsta-Volda-Bergen

Route area 17


Route area 18


For route areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, air carriers are invited to tender for permitted combinations of the route areas, particularly if this reduces the total compensation required for the route areas. In such case, tenderers are also obliged to submit tenders for each individual route area in case they are chosen for one area alone.

The following combinations are permitted:

Route area 1

Lakselv and 2 Andenes

Route area 3

Svolvær and 4 Leknes

Route area 5

Narvik and 6 Røst

Route area 7

Brønnøysund and 8 Sandnessjøen

Route area 9

Mo i Rana and 10 Mosjøen

Route area 14

Sogndal, 15 Sandane and 16 Ørsta-Volda

Route area 13

Førde, if also assigned 14 Sogndal, 15 Sandane and 16 Ørsta-Volda

Route area 17

Fagernes, if also assigned 14 Sogndal, 15 Sandane and 16 Ørsta-Volda

Route area 17

Fagernes and 18 Røros

If tenderers wish to submit tenders for permitted combinations of route areas, they must also submit tender budgets for each individual route area. The tender budget shall show the allocation of expenses and revenues for each of the tenders included in the combination and clearly state the compensation required for each individual tender.

In case a carrier submits a tender where the claim for compensation is NOK zero, it will be understood as a whish from the carrier to operate the route on an exclusive basis, but without any compensation from the Norwegian State.

3.   Eligibility to tender

All air carriers holding a valid operating licence pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air carriers are eligible to tender.

4.   Tender procedure

The invitation to tender is subject to the provisions of subparagraph (d)-(i) of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92, and Section 4 of the Norwegian Regulation No 256 of 15 April 1994 on tender procedures in connection with public service obligations to implement Article 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92.

The procurement will be effected by means of an open tender procedure.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications reserves the right to apply subsequent negotiations if only one tender is received at the closing date for submission of tender, or if only one tender is not rejected. Such negotiation shall be in accordance with the public service obligations imposed. In addition, the parties are not entitled to make substantial amendments to the original terms of contract during such negotiations. If the subsequent negotiations do not lead to an acceptable solution, the Ministry of Transport and Communications reserves the right to cancel the entire procedure. In that case, a new invitation to tender on new terms may be published.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications may make procurements through negotiations without publication in advance if no tenders are submitted. In that case, no substantial amendments must be made in the original public service obligations or in the remaining terms of contract.

In case reasonable grounds appear as a result of the tender, The Ministry of Transport and Communications reserves the right to refuse each and all tenders.

The tender is binding on the tenderer until the tender procedure is ended, or the award is made.

5.   The tender

The tender shall be framed in accordance with the requirements in Section 5 of the Conditions of Tender, including the requirements listed in the public service obligations.

6.   Submission of tender

The deadline for submission of tender is 3 November 2008 at 15.00 hours (local time). The tender must be received by the Ministry of Transport and Communications at the address mentioned in Section 1 not later than the deadline for submission of tender.

The tender shall be delivered either personally at the office address of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, or sent by post or courier services.

Tenders received too late will be rejected. However, tenders received after the deadline for submission of tender, but before the opening date, will not be rejected if it clearly appears that the dispatch is sent so early that it normally should have been received before the closing date. Receipt from the delivery of the dispatch is accepted as evidence for the delivery, and the time for delivery.

All tenders must be submitted in 3-three copies.

7.   Award of contract


For each route area the contract as the principle rule shall be awarded to the tender or the permitted combination of tenders with the lowest claim for compensation for the whole contract period from 1 April 2009 until 31 March 2012.


If, within any tender combinations permitted according to Section 2, there are tenders requiring no compensation, but only exclusive right in accordance with Section 2 last paragraph, the award shall, irrespective of Section 7(1), be made to such tenders, after which the provisions in Section 7(1) is applied to the rest of the tender.


In case award can not be made because there are tenders requiring identical amounts of compensation, the award shall be made to the tender, or, where relevant, to the combination of tenders offering the highest number of seats for the whole contract period.

8.   Contract period

All tender contracts will be entered into for the period from 1 April 2009 until 31 March 2012. The contract is non-terminable, except for those situations described in the contract provisions reproduced in Section 11.

9.   Financial compensation

The operator is entitled to financial compensation from the Ministry of Transport and Communications in accordance with the tender agreement. The compensation shall be specified for each of the three operating years, and for the entire contract period.

No adjustment of the compensation shall be made for the first operating year.

For the second and third operating year, the compensation will be recalculated on the basis of the tender budget adjusted for operating revenues and expenses. These adjustments must be within the limits defined by Statistics Norway's consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on 15 February the same year.

No change shall be made in the compensation as a result of the production volume being adjusted upwards or downwards pursuant to Section 5(1), second paragraph of the Terms of Contract.

This is subject to the proviso that the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament), when adopting its annual budget, makes the necessary funds available to the Ministry of Transport and Communications to cover the compensation requirements.

The operator shall retain all revenues generated by the service. If the revenues are greater or the expenditure smaller than the figures on which the tender budget is based, the operator may retain the balance. Correspondingly, the Ministry of Transport and Communications is not obliged to cover any negative balance in relation to the tender budget.

All public charges, including aviation charges, are payable by the operator.

Notwithstanding any action for damages, the financial compensation shall be reduced in proportion to the total number of flights cancelled for reasons directly attributable to the carrier, if the number of flights cancelled for such reasons during an operating year exceeds 1,5 per cent of the planned number of flights in accordance with the approved time schedule.

10.   Renegotiation

If, during the contract period, material or unforeseen changes occur in the assumptions on which this contract is based, each of the parties may request negotiations for revision of the contract. Such request must be made three months at the latest after the change has occurred.

Material changes in the public charges for which the operator is liable always constitute grounds for renegotiation.

If new statutory or regulatory requirements, or orders issued by the Civil Aviation Authority result in an airfield having to be used in a different manner than originally assumed by the operator, the parties shall endeavour to negotiate amendments in the contract that allow the operator to continue operations for the rest of the contract period. If the parties fail to reach agreement, the operator is entitled to compensation pursuant to the rules relating to shutting down or closure (Section 11) insofar as they are applicable.

11.   Termination of contract following breach of contract or unforeseen changes in important conditions

Subject to the restrictions following from insolvency law, the Ministry of Transport and Communications may terminate the contract with immediate effect if the operator becomes insolvent, initiate debt settlement proceedings, goes bankrupt or is subject to any other situation dealt with in Section 14(2) of the Norwegian Regulation No 256 of 15 April 1994 on tender procedures in connection with public service obligations.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications may terminate the contract with immediate effect if the operator loses, or is not able to renew, his licence.

If, due to force majeure or other circumstances beyond the operator's control, the operator has been unable to fulfil its contractual obligations for more than four of the last six months, the contract can be terminated by both parties by giving one month's written notice.

If the Storting decides to close an airfield, or if an airfield is closed as a result of an order issued by the Civil Aviation Authority, the parties' ordinary contractual obligations lapse from such time as the airfield is actually shut down or closed.

If the period of time between the operator first being informed about the shutting down or closure and the actual shutting down or closure is greater than one year, the operator is not entitled to compensation for any financial loss it incurs as a result of the termination of the contract. If the period mentioned is less than one year, the operator is entitled to be restored to the financial situation it would have been in had operations been continued for one year from the date it was notified of the shutting down or closure, or alternatively until 31 March 2012 if this date is earlier.

In the event of material breach of contract, the contract may be cancelled with immediate effect by the other party.

(1)  See page 11 of this Official Journal.

V Announcements





Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/39

Operation of scheduled air services

Invitation to tender for contracts for the operation of nine scheduled air routes subject to public service obligations, issued by the Hellenic Republic under Article (4)(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2008/C 250/08)

1.   Introduction

Pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes, the Greek Government has imposed public service obligations in respect of scheduled services on the following routes:










The requirements of the public service obligations were published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 249 of 1.10.2008.

If, by 28 February 2009, no air carrier has declared to the Civil Aviation Authority that it intends to operate scheduled flights on one or more of the above routes from 1 April 2009 in accordance with the requirements of the public service obligations for the route or routes concerned and without financial compensation, Greece has decided that, under the procedure laid down in Article 4(1)(d) of the said Regulation, it will initiate the procedure to limit access to one or more of the above routes (as stated in the next Article) to a single air carrier for three years and to offer the right to operate the routes concerned from 1 April 2009 by public tender.

2.   Object of the invitation to tender

The exclusive right to operate scheduled air services on the following routes subject to public service obligations for three years from 1 March 2009. The scheduled routes are the following:










Services on these routes are to be operated in accordance with the stipulations of the corresponding public service obligation, which was published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 249 of 1.10.2008.

Tenders may be submitted for one or more of the above routes. However, all tenders shall be submitted separately for each of the routes.

Because of the special nature of the air routes concerned, air carriers must be able to demonstrate that cabin crew serving passengers on the above routes speak and understand Greek.

3.   Participation in the tender procedure

All air carriers holding a valid operating licence issued by a Member State pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 on licensing of air carriers may take part in the tender procedure.

Air carriers covered by the restrictions or grounds for ineligibility set out in Law No 3310/2005 (Greek Government Gazette I 30 of 14 February 2005) ‘Measures for ensuring transparency and preventing infringements during the procedure for signing public contracts’, as amended by Law No 3414/2005 (Greek Government Gazette I 279 of 10 November 2005), are excluded from taking part in the tender procedure.

4.   Tender procedure

This tender procedure is subject to the provisions of Article 4(1)(d) to (i) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes.

In an emergency, if it is decided to repeat the tender procedure (on account of the unsuccessful outcome of the initial procedure), the Ministry of Transport and Communications may take the necessary measures to ensure that the vital air transport needs of a particular remote region are covered, provided such measures are in line with the principles of non-discrimination, proportionality and transparency and will not last for more than six months.

Moreover, should only one tender be submitted, and should that tender be considered financially unacceptable, the negotiations procedure may be followed.

Bidders shall be bound by the tenders they have submitted until the contracts are awarded.

5.   Tender dossier

The full tender dossier setting out the specifications, the supporting documents required for participation and other information is available free of charge from the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Directorate for Air Operations, Section II, Vas. Georgiou 1, GR-16604 Elliniko, tel. (30) 21 08 91 61 49 or 08 91 61 21, fax (30) 21 08 94 71 32.

6.   Financial compensation

Tenders must explicitly state the fee required per quarter for operating each route for three years from the proposed date of commencement of operations (with an annual breakdown of the accounts as stated in the specifications). The financial compensation will be paid on a quarterly basis 30 days after the date of the corresponding invoice issued by the air carrier by means of a transfer to the account which the air carrier shall hold at a bank recognised in Greece. The exact amount of the compensation will be determined on the basis of the flights actually operated, a certificate from the relevant bodies of the Civil Aviation Authority stating that the terms of the contract have been properly complied with, and the amount of compensation due pro rata.

7.   Selection criterion

The criterion for making a selection from among the air carriers judged to be in a position to provide the services for each route covered by the invitation to tender smoothly and in accordance with the stated requirements shall be the lowest figure for the total financial compensation sought in respect of the route concerned.

8.   Duration, amendment and annulment of the contract

The contract will apply from 1 April 2009 and expire on 31 March 2012.

Any amendment to the contract must comply with the public service obligations published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 249 of 1.10.2008. Amendments to the contract shall be made in writing.

If there is any unexpected change in the operating conditions, the amount of the compensation may be reviewed.

Each contracting party may terminate the contract by giving 6 months' advance notice. If there are particularly serious grounds or if the air carrier has failed to comply properly with the contractual terms relating to the public service obligations, the awarding authority may terminate the contract without giving advance notice. The contract shall also be deemed to have terminated automatically if the contractor's operating licence or air operator's certificate (AOC) is suspended or revoked.

9.   Penalties for failure to abide by the terms of the contract

The air carrier shall be responsible for complying properly with the terms of the contract.

The number of flights cancelled for reasons for which the air carrier is responsible may not exceed 2 % of the total annual number of flights. In such cases, the amount of the financial compensation shall be reduced pro rata.

In the event of failure to discharge all or part of the contractor's obligations under the contract for reasons which do not constitute force majeure (other than the case where the number of flights cancelled does not exceed 2 % of the total annual number of flights, referred to in the preceding paragraph), the awarding authority will be entitled to impose the following reductions in the financial compensation and additional penalties:

where the number of flights cancelled on a given route exceeds 2 % of the total annual number of flights scheduled, the financial compensation payable in respect of that route (for the flights actually operated during the quarter) will be further reduced by an amount equal to that which would have applied had the flights been operated normally,

where the failure concerns the weekly number of seats actually offered during the quarter, the financial compensation will be reduced in proportion to the number of seats not offered,

where the failure concerns the fares charged, the financial compensation will be reduced in proportion to the difference between the fares charged and the required fares,

in the event of any other failure to honour the terms of the contract, the fine provided for in the airport regulations will be imposed,

where the contractor commits the same error for the third time in the same quarter on the same route, in addition to the above penalties, the forfeiture in whole or in part of the letter of guarantee of proper performance of the terms of the contract corresponding to that route may be demanded as a forfeit clause, following written notification from the Civil Aviation Authority to the contractor and provided the contractor does not adduce sufficient evidence that he is not to blame. In deciding whether to impose the penalties provided for in this point, account will be taken of the seriousness of every failure which has been ascertained, and the principle of proportionality will be applied.

The awarding authority may also demand compensation for damage caused.

10.   Submission of tenders

Tenders must be sent in five copies by registered post with recorded delivery or be delivered by hand against receipt to the following address:


Ministry of Transport and Communications


Civil Aviation Authority


Directorate-General for Air Transport


Directorate for Air Operations, Section II

Postal address:

Vassileos Georgiou 1

GR-16604 Elliniko

The closing time and date for the submission of tenders shall be 12 noon on the 32nd day following the date of publication of this invitation to tender in the Official Journal of the European Union. Tenders sent by post must be received by the time and date stated above, as certified by the record of delivery.

11.   Validity of the invitation to tender

This invitation to tender shall be valid provided that, by 28 February 2009, no Community air carrier has declared (by submitting a flight plan to the Civil Aviation Authority) its intention of operating scheduled flights on one or more of the above-mentioned routes from 1 April 2009, in accordance with the public service obligations imposed and without receiving financial compensation.

In any event the invitation to tender shall continue to apply in respect of those routes for which no air carrier has declared an interest as above by 28 February 2009 on the terms stated above.

The Minister




Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/42

Operation of scheduled air services

Invitation to tender for contracts for the operation of ten scheduled air routes subject to public service obligations, issued by the Hellenic Republic under Article (4)(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2008/C 250/09)

1.   Introduction

Pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes, the Greek Government has imposed public service obligations in respect of scheduled services on the following routes:











The requirements of the public service obligations were published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 249 of 1.10.2008.

If, by 31 January 2009, no air carrier has declared to the Civil Aviation Authority that it intends to operate scheduled flights on one or more of the above routes from 1 March 2009 in accordance with the requirements of the public service obligations for the route or routes concerned and without financial compensation, Greece has decided that, under the procedure laid down in Article 4(1)(d) of the said Regulation, it will initiate the procedure to limit access to one or more of the above routes (as stated in the next Article) to a single air carrier for three years and to offer the right to operate the routes concerned from 1 March 2009 by public tender.

2.   Object of the invitation to tender

The exclusive right to operate scheduled air services on the following routes subject to public service obligations for three years from 1 March 2009. The scheduled routes are the following:











Services on these routes are to be operated in accordance with the stipulations of the corresponding public service obligation, which was published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 249 of 1.10.2008.

Tenders may be submitted for one or more of the above routes. However, all tenders shall be submitted separately for each of the routes.

Because of the special nature of the air routes concerned, air carriers must be able to demonstrate that cabin crew serving passengers on the above routes speak and understand Greek.

3.   Participation in the tender procedure

All air carriers holding a valid operating licence issued by a Member State pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 on licensing of air carriers may take part in the tender procedure.

Air carriers covered by the restrictions or grounds for ineligibility set out in Law No 3310/2005 (Greek Government Gazette I 30 of 14 February 2005) ‘Measures for ensuring transparency and preventing infringements during the procedure for signing public contracts’, as amended by Law No 3414/2005 (Greek Government Gazette I 279 of 10 November 2005), are excluded from taking part in the tender procedure.

4.   Tender procedure

This tender procedure is subject to the provisions of Article 4(1)(d)-(i) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes.

In an emergency, if it is decided to repeat the tender procedure (on account of the unsuccessful outcome of the initial procedure), the Ministry of Transport and Communications may take the necessary measures to ensure that the vital air transport needs of a particular remote region are covered, provided such measures are in line with the principles of non-discrimination, proportionality and transparency and will not last for more than six months.

Moreover, should only one tender be submitted, and should that tender be considered financially unacceptable, the negotiations procedure may be followed.

Bidders shall be bound by the tenders they have submitted until the contracts are awarded.

5.   Tender dossier

The full tender dossier setting out the specifications, the supporting documents required for participation and other information is available free of charge from the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Directorate for Air Operations, Section II, Vas. Georgiou 1, GR-16604 Elliniko, tel. (30) 21 08 91 61 49 or 08 91 61 21, fax (30) 21 08 94 71 32.

6.   Financial compensation

Tenders must explicitly state the fee required per quarter for operating each route for three years from the proposed date of commencement of operations (with an annual breakdown of the accounts as stated in the specifications). The financial compensation will be paid on a quarterly basis thirty days after the date of the corresponding invoice issued by the air carrier by means of a transfer to the account which the air carrier shall hold at a bank recognised in Greece. The exact amount of the compensation will be determined on the basis of the flights actually operated, a certificate from the relevant bodies of the Civil Aviation Authority stating that the terms of the contract have been properly complied with, and the amount of compensation due pro rata.

7.   Selection criterion

For each route covered by the invitation to tender, the criterion for choosing between the air carriers judged to be in a position to provide services on that route smoothly and in accordance with the stated requirements shall be the lowest figure for the total financial compensation sought in respect of that route.

8.   Duration, amendment and annulment of the contract

The contract will apply from 1 March 2009 and expire on 29 February 2012.

Any amendment to the contract must comply with the public service obligations published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 249 of 1.10.2008. Amendments to the contract shall be made in writing.

If there is any unexpected change in the operating conditions, the amount of the compensation may be reviewed.

Each contracting party may terminate the contract by giving 6 months' advance notice. If there are particularly serious grounds or if the air carrier has failed to comply properly with the contractual terms relating to the public service obligations, the awarding authority may terminate the contract without giving advance notice. The contract shall also be deemed to have terminated automatically if the contractor's operating licence or air operator's certificate (AOC) is suspended or revoked.

9.   Penalties for failure to abide by the terms of the contract

The air carrier shall be responsible for complying properly with the terms of the contract.

The number of flights cancelled for reasons for which the air carrier is responsible may not exceed 2 % of the total annual number of flights. In such cases, the amount of the financial compensation shall be reduced pro rata.

In the event of failure to discharge all or part of the contractor's obligations under the contract for reasons which do not constitute force majeure (other than the case where the number of flights cancelled does not exceed 2 % of the total annual number of flights, referred to in the preceding paragraph), the awarding authority will be entitled to impose the following reductions in the financial compensation and additional penalties:

where the number of flights cancelled on a given route exceeds 2 % of the total annual number of flights scheduled, the financial compensation payable in respect of that route (for the flights actually operated during the quarter) will be further reduced by an amount equal to that which would have applied had the flights been operated normally,

where the failure concerns the weekly number of seats actually offered during the quarter, the financial compensation will be reduced in proportion to the number of seats not offered,

where the failure concerns the fares charged, the financial compensation will be reduced in proportion to the difference between the fares charged and the required fares,

in the event of any other failure to honour the terms of the contract, the fine provided for in the airport regulations will be imposed,

where the contractor commits the same error for the third time in the same quarter on the same route, in addition to the above penalties, the forfeiture in whole or in part of the letter of guarantee of proper performance of the terms of the contract corresponding to that route may be demanded as a forfeit clause, following written notification from the Civil Aviation Authority to the contractor and provided the contractor does not adduce sufficient evidence that he is not to blame. In deciding whether to impose the penalties provided for in this point, account will be taken of the seriousness of every failure which has been ascertained, and the principle of proportionality will be applied.

The awarding authority may also demand compensation for damage caused.

10.   Submission of tenders

Tenders must be sent in five copies by registered post with recorded delivery or be delivered by hand against receipt to the following address:


Ministry of Transport and Communications


Civil Aviation Authority


Directorate-General for Air Transport


Directorate for Air Operations, Section II

Postal address:

Vassileos Georgiou 1

GR-16604 Elliniko

The closing time and date for the submission of tenders shall be 12 noon on the 32nd day following the date of publication of this invitation to tender in the Official Journal of the European Union. Tenders sent by post must be received by the time and date stated above, as certified by the record of delivery.

11.   Validity of the invitation to tender

This invitation to tender shall be valid provided that, by 31 January 2009, no Community air carrier has declared (by submitting a flight plan to the Civil Aviation Authority) its intention of operating scheduled flights on one or more of the above-mentioned routes from 1 March 2009, in accordance with the public service obligations imposed and without receiving financial compensation.

In any event the invitation to tender shall continue to apply in respect of those routes for which no air carrier has declared an interest as above by 31 January 2009 on the terms stated above.

The Minister




Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/45


Action 4.1 — Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth

(2008/C 250/10)

1.   Objectives and description

The purpose of this call for proposals is to provide support for the permanent activities of bodies active at European level in the field of youth and pursuing an aim which is of general European interest.

These activities must help encourage young people to participate as citizens in public life, in society and in the development and implementation of European cooperation actions in the broadly defined field of youth.

An annual grant may be awarded to help such bodies meet their operating costs. These bodies may be:

a not-for-profit organisation performing its activities on behalf of young people at European level,

a European network representing bodies working on behalf of young people.

The grant is awarded with due respect for the body's independence in the selection of its members and its autonomy in the detailed definition of its activities.

The present call for proposals does not concern organisations having concluded a Framework Partnership Agreement with the Agency for 2008-2010.

The call for proposals aims to the selection of organisations for the conclusion of annual operating grant agreements covering the budget year 2009. Organisations selected under the call EACEA/20/07 for the reception of an annual operating grant for 2008, as well as organisations which did not apply or were not selected under the call EACEA/20/07 are welcome to apply if their profile corresponds to the description below.

2.   Eligible candidates

2.1.   Eligible bodies

To be eligible for an operating grant, a body must:

be non-governmental,

have been legally established for at least one year on the date of submission of applications,

be non-profit-making,

be a youth organisation or one having a broader scope but including a section dedicated to youth,

involve young people in managing activities developed with them in mind,

have at least one (salaried or non-salaried) permanent member of staff. An exception is granted to bodies that have never received grants under this action and that intend to employ a permanent member of staff if this grant is awarded.

2.2.   Eligible countries

Bodies established in any one of the following countries are eligible to apply:

the Member States of the European Union,

the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries in the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway,

the countries applying for membership of the European Union and benefiting from a pre-accession strategy: Turkey,

the countries of the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia,

some East European countries: Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine.

Applicant bodies must have active organisations in at least 8 of the aforementioned countries.

3.   Eligible activities

Organisations must schedule within their annual work plan for 2009 (1 January 2009-31 December 2009) a series of activities which comply with the principles underpinning Community action in the field of youth.

The activities likely to contribute towards strengthening and improving the efficiency of Community action are as follows:

—   Group 1: representing the views and interests of young people in their diversity at European level,

—   Group 2: youth exchanges and voluntary services,

—   Group 3: non-formal and informal learning and activity programmes targeted at young people,

—   Group 4: promoting intercultural learning and understanding,

—   Group 5: debate on European matters, EU policies or youth policies,

—   Group 6: dissemination of information on Community action,

—   Group 7: actions promoting participation and initiative by young people.

4.   Award criteria

Applications for funding will be evaluated in the light of the following qualitative criteria:

their suitability in terms of the programme's objectives,

the quality of the activities planned,

the impact and multiplier effect of these activities on young people,

the geographical impact of the activities planned,

the involvement of young people in the organisation of the bodies concerned,

and of the following quantitative criteria:

The number of:

activities planned,

groups of activities involved,

topics covered,

young people taking part in the activities, in particular those with fewer opportunities,

the countries involved.

5.   Budget

The total budget earmarked for cofinancing the operation of bodies active at European level in the field of youth is estimated, for 2009, at EUR 1 400 000. Community financial assistance cannot exceed 80 % of the total operating costs.

The maximum Community grant for each body will be EUR 35 000 for an annual operating agreement.

For the calculation of the amount of the operating grant, applicant organisations can choose between two systems of financing:


a flat rate financing;


the traditional eligible costs budget financing (budget based calculation).

6.   Submission of applications

Only applications submitted on the correct form, duly completed, dated, submitted in duplicate (1 original), and signed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant body will be accepted.

Grant applications should be sent to the following address by 1 December 2008:

Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency

Youth Unit (P6)

Grant application ‘Youth in Action’ — Action 4.1 — 2009

Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR — 1/01)

B-1140 Brussels

by post (date of postmark),

by courier service (date of receipt by the courier service).

Applications sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.

7.   Additional information

Applications must comply with the provisions contained in the Application Guidelines — Call for proposals EACEA/31/08 —, be submitted on the application form provided for this purpose and contain the relevant annexes. The said documents can be found on the Internet at the following address:





Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/47

Prior notification of a concentration

(Case COMP/M.5315 — STAK Van der Sluijs Groep/Frisol Beheer/North Sea Petroleum Holding)

Candidate case for simplified procedure

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2008/C 250/11)


On 23 September 2008, the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (1) by which the undertakings Stichting Administratiekantoor Van der Sluijs Groep Holding (‘STAK Van der Sluijs Groep’, Netherlands) and Frisol Beheer BV (‘Frisol Beheer’, Netherlands) belonging to the group Reggeborgh Groep (Netherlands) ultimately controlled by Mr D. Wessels acquire within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Council Regulation joint control of the undertaking North Sea Petroleum Holding BV (‘North Sea Petroleum Holding’, Netherlands) by way of purchase of shares in a newly created company constituting a joint venture.


The business activities of the undertakings concerned are:

for STAK Van der Sluijs Groep: trade in petroleum products for land use, i.e. non-retail sales, transport, operation of depots and logistical services,

for Frisol Beheer: trade with petroleum products for ships and bulk sales on the spot market for petroleum products and derivates,

for Reggeborgh Groep: in addition to energy, mainly the construction industry,

for North Sea Petroleum Holding: the combination of the activities of STAK van der Sluijs Groep and Frisol Beheer.


On preliminary examination, the Commission finds that the notified transaction could fall within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 139/2004. However, the final decision on this point is reserved. Pursuant to the Commission Notice on a simplified procedure for treatment of certain concentrations under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (2) it should be noted that this case is a candidate for treatment under the procedure set out in the Notice.


The Commission invites interested third parties to submit their possible observations on the proposed operation to the Commission.

Observations must reach the Commission not later than 10 days following the date of this publication. Observations can be sent to the Commission by fax ((32-2) 296 43 01 or 296 72 44) or by post, under reference number COMP/M.5315 — STAK Van der Sluijs Groep/Frisol Beheer/North Sea Petroleum Holding to the following address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Competition

Merger Registry


B-1049 Bruxelles/Brussel

(1)  OJ L 24, 29.1.2004, p. 1.

(2)  OJ C 56, 5.3.2005, p. 32.





Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/48

Notice concerning a request under Article 30 of Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council — Deadline extension

Request made by a Member State

(2008/C 250/12)

On 3 July 2008, the Commission received a request under Article 30(4) of Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors (1).

This request, made by the Czech Republic, concerns electricity production in that country. The request was published in OJ C 178, 15.7.2008, p. 29. The initial deadline was 4 October 2008.

Since the Commission needs to obtain and examine additional information, the period within which the Commission must take a decision on this request has been extended by three months, in accordance with the second sentence of Article 30(6).

The final deadline is therefore 4 January 2009.

(1)  OJ L 134, 30.4.2004, p. 1.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 250/s3


The institutions have decided no longer to quote in their texts the last amendment to cited acts.

Unless otherwise indicated, references to acts in the texts published here are to the version of those acts currently in force.