ISSN 1725-2423

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 299

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 49
8 December 2006

Notice No




2006/C 299/1


2006/C 299/2



I   Information



2006/C 299/3

List of titles of Written Questions by Members of the European Parliament indicating the number, original language, author, political group, institution addressed, date submitted and subject of the question






Official Journal of the European Union

C 299/s2

Note to readers

Written questions with answers tabled during the sixth parliamentary term are no longer available in all the official languages; the title only is translated into 19 languages (not Maltese).

P and E questions are translated by Parliament into the 11 ‘old’ languages and into the author's language if it is one of the 2004 enlargement languages.

As regards answers to questions, the situation is more complicated:

Answers prepared by the Commission are supplied only in the author's language and in either English or French, as requested;

The Council gives answers only in the 11 old Union languages.

In the light of this situation, readers seeking details of the substance of questions and answers should go to Parliament's website (Europarl) and, more specifically, the ‘Parliamentary questions’ heading:

Should the language version the reader is seeking not be available, Europarl will propose an alternative.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 299/s2



Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats


Socialist Group in the European Parliament


Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe


Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance


Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left


Independence and Democracy Group


Union for Europe of the Nations Group


Non-attached Members

I Information




Official Journal of the European Union

C 299/1

E-1529/04 (NL) by Ria Oomen-Ruijten (PPE-DE) to the Commission (17 August 2004)

Subject: The right for EU citizens resident in the Netherlands to vote

Preliminary answer from the Commission (4 October 2004)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (17 February 2006)

E-1899/04 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (8 September 2004)

Subject: Obstacles to personal borrowing

Preliminary answer from the Commission (15 October 2004)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (18 November 2005)

P-2265/04 (IT) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 September 2004)

Subject: High level of risk to workers and the general public at the Genoa oil terminal

Preliminary answer from the Commission (3 November 2004)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2392/04 (PL) by Konrad Szymański (UEN) to the Council (7 October 2004)

Subject: The exhibition at the Rond-Point Schuman in Brussels

Answer from the Council (9 December 2004)

E-2532/04 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (19 October 2004)

Subject: Subsequent employment of an outgoing Director-General

Answer from the Commission (14 January 2005)

E-2607/04 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (25 October 2004)

Subject: Equal status of majority regional languages in the EU and consequences for residents of multilingual Member States with linguistic boundaries

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2677/04 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (29 October 2004)

Subject: Recruitment of Commission officials between 16 April and 1 May 2004

Answer from the Commission (23 December 2004)

E-2969/04 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 November 2004)

Subject: Sanctions against an official of the Court of Auditors and a competition selection board

Answer from the Commission (5 January 2005)

E-2991/04 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (25 November 2004)

Subject: Contract staff: social irresponsibility on the part of the Commission towards its own staff

Answer from the Commission (11 January 2005)

E-3176/04 (DE) by Karin Resetarits (NI) to the Commission (7 December 2004)

Subject: Illegal state aid jeopardising the viability of private companies

Answer from the Commission (19 January 2005)

P-3333/04 (SV) by Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 December 2004)

Subject: Are Swedish collective agreements an obstacle to competition on the EU's internal market?

Answer from the Commission (27 January 2005)

E-3355/04 (ES) by Josu Ortuondo Larrea (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission (15 December 2004)

Subject: Protection of the ‘Serra da Capelada’ SCI (Galicia), part of the Natura 2000 network

Preliminary answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (13 January 2006)

E-3395/04 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (16 December 2004)

Subject: Back-door entry of a chef de cabinet

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-3398/04 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (16 December 2004)

Subject: Call for an inquiry into back-door appointments

Answer from the Commission (25 January 2005)

P-3539/04 (PL) by Bogdan Klich (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 December 2004)

Subject: Coal industry practices by RAG A.G. related to the choice of suppliers which breach Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty establishing the European Community

Answer from the Commission (27 January 2005)

E-3612/04 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: EU's legislative record

Preliminary answer from the Commission (21 February 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (1 March 2006)

P-3622/04 (EN) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (5 January 2005)

Subject: Stability and Growth Pact

Answer from the Commission (27 January 2005)

E-0001/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (12 January 2005)

Subject: Crime in Pordenone and other European cities

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0002/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 January 2005)

Subject: Crime in Pordenone and other European cities

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

E-0003/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (12 January 2005)

Subject: Privatisation of the Padua Trade Fair Centre

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

P-0004/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (6 January 2005)

Subject: Ensuring aid deliveries

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

P-0005/05 (IT) by Francesco Speroni (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 January 2005)

Subject: Incorrect commercial information from Telecom Italia

Answer from the Commission (4 February 2005)

P-0006/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 January 2005)

Subject: Export subsidies for cattle

Answer from the Commission (31 January 2005)

E-0007/05 (EN) by Giles Chichester (PPE-DE) to the Council (12 January 2005)

Subject: Referenda in Member States and foreign residents' voting rights

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0008/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (12 January 2005)

Subject: Team Europe

Answer from the Commission (14 February 2005)

P-0009/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 January 2005)

Subject: Disaster in South-East Asia

Answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

E-0010/05 (DA) by Ole Christensen (PSE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Situation in Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0011/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Labelling to show the origin of foodstuffs

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0012/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (13 January 2005)

Subject: Tsunami in south-east Asia

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0013/05 (EL) by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE-DE) to the Council (13 January 2005)

Subject: More effective civil protection in the EU

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0014/05 (EL) by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: More effective civil protection in the EU

Answer from the Commission (18 February 2005)

E-0015/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: EP resolution on gender equality, development and peace

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0016/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL) and Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Redundancies at Huntsman Tioxide

Answer from the Commission (7 February 2005)

E-0017/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Adjustments to the common market organisation (CMO) in market garden products

Answer from the Commission (14 February 2005)

E-0018/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Exe estuary SSI

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0019/05 (EN) by Riitta Myller (PSE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Determination of Member States' financial allocations from the point of view of sparsely populated and peripheral regions

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0020/05 (EN) by Riitta Myller (PSE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Calculation of regional population densities

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

P-0021/05 (DE) by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE) to the Commission (7 January 2005)

Subject: Italian import rules concerning abrasives (customs tariff numbers 6805 1000 and 6805 2000)

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

P-0022/05 (HU) by László Surján (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 January 2005)

Subject: Use of support funding in the 10 new Member States in 2004

Answer from the Commission (1 February 2005)

E-0023/05 (DE) by Markus Pieper (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: How the Interact programme under the Interreg initiative is working, and how well

Answer from the Commission (2 March 2005)

E-0024/05 (ES) by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Organ transplants in the EU

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

E-0025/05 (EN) by Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Health and safety requirements on EU civil aircraft

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0026/05 (FR) by Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Directive on medicinal products for human use — 2001/83/EC

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0027/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Traceability — new EAN 128 bar code — limitations of the system

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0028/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Action to combat global warming

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0029/05 (FR) by Bruno Gollnisch (NI) to the Council (18 January 2005)

Subject: Opening of accession negotiations with Turkey

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

P-0030/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 January 2005)

Subject: Greek ‘feta’ cheese

Answer from the Commission (3 February 2005)

P-0031/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 January 2005)

Subject: Ireland's planning objection fee

Answer from the Commission (2 February 2005)

E-0032/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Simplification of European agricultural legislation

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0033/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Working hours of junior doctors

Answer from the Commission (7 February 2005)

E-0034/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact assessment and GMO installations

Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0035/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact assessment and golf courses

Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0036/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact assessment and mobile phone masts

Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0037/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact assessment and the intensive rearing of cattle and calves

Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0038/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact assessments and national thresholds and screening

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0039/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: EU criteria for development aid

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

E-0040/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Irish Government charges and the Seveso II Directive

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

E-0041/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Legal personality of the European Union

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0042/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Redundancy benefits

Answer from the Commission (14 February 2005)

E-0043/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Transport and slaughter of equines

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0044/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Updated Commission guidelines on the preparation of environmental impact assessments

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0045/05 (EN) by Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: DAC reporting directives

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0046/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Victims of the tsunami — child abduction

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0047/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Guinea-Bissau — HIV/Aids

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0048/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (18 January 2005)

Subject: Ensuring efficency and transparency in the management of the funding provided by the EU as aid to the disaster-stricken countries of south-east Asia

Joint answer from the Commission (30 May 2005)

E-0049/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Ensuring efficency and transparency in the management of the funding provided by the EU as aid to the disaster-stricken countries of south-east Asia

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

P-0050/05 (DE) by Thomas Ulmer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Mail-order sale of pharmaceutical products

Answer from the Commission (2 February 2005)

P-0051/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Possible suspension of payments to Greece from the Third Community Support Framework

Joint answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

P-0052/05 (NL) by Anne Van Lancker (PSE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Tax on money flows to assist in structural approach to dealing with disasters

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0053/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: EU assistance for seismic monitoring in Greece

Answer from the Commission (1 March 2005)

E-0054/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Inaccurate and provocative map of Europe contained in a Commission publication

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0055/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: New method of calculating take-up of Community funds in Greece

Answer from the Commission (18 February 2005)

E-0056/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Small and large-scale self-funding projects in Greece

Answer from the Commission (18 February 2005)

E-0057/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: The use of fines for research into tobacco addiction

Answer from the Commission (2 March 2005)

E-0058/05 (EN) by Nirj Deva (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Early warning systems and tsunami

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0059/05 (EN) by Nirj Deva (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: General reserves and tsunami

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0060/05 (EN) by Nirj Deva (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Sir Lanka and the tsunami

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0061/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Chagos Islands

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

E-0062/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Education target

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

P-0063/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Community funding for the outer harbour of A Coruña (Spain)

Answer from the Commission (3 February 2005)

E-0064/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Maritime safety

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0065/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Maritime safety

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0066/05 (FI) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Position of the EU's thinly populated areas

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0067/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Protection of native breeds

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0068/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Support for the activities of the European Coordination of Film Festivals

Answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

P-0069/05 (FR) by Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Responsibility for training in sport, particularly in the case of football

Answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

P-0070/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Animal testing policy

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0071/05 (FI) by Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: Framework directive to prevent natural disasters and major accidents

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0072/05 (IT) by Francesco Speroni (IND/DEM) and Matteo Salvini (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Languages on the Italian Chamber of Deputies site

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

E-0073/05 (FI) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Economic discrimination against students of Hungarian church colleges

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0074/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (11 January 2005)

Subject: The German container deposit scheme

Answer from the Commission (7 February 2005)

P-0075/05 (EN) by Avril Doyle (PPE-DE) to the Council (11 January 2005)

Subject: Member State payments/commitments for humanitarian relief

Joint answer from the Commission (30 May 2005)

E-0076/05 (ES) by Josu Ortuondo Larrea (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Failure by the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) to comply with the principles of the Interreg initiative

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0077/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Air fresheners

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0078/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Alteration of the establishment plan of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry by the new Director-General

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0079/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Alteration of a Commission decision by a Director-General

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0080/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Abolition of commissions paid by airlines to travel agencies

Answer from the Commission (7 February 2005)

E-0081/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Distortion of the European freight forwarding market

Answer from the Commission (18 February 2005)

E-0082/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Pollution of D'Hoppebos

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0083/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Labelling of eggs

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0084/05 (NL) by Dorette Corbey (PSE) and Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: European action to increase the level of vaccination

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0085/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Effective and equitable protection of the Community's financial interests

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0086/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Transparency in the Commission's positions on fisheries

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

E-0087/05 (FI) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Flexible observance of the time limit and transitional period in the Food Supplement Directive

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0089/05 (EN) by Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Bycatch of sea turtles in longline fisheries

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

E-0090/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: WTO observer status

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0091/05 (PL) by Sylwester Chruszcz (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Modernisation of the E64 Gdynia-Warsaw railway line

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0092/05 (PL) by Sylwester Chruszcz (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Roaming in the EU and Poland

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0093/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: The European economy in 2005

Answer from the Commission (18 February 2005)

E-0094/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: Cape Verde — possible accession to the euro

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0095/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 January 2005)

Subject: December 2004 European Council — transatlantic partnership

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

P-0096/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 January 2005)

Subject: Monitoring of expenditure for the implementation of jointly funded programmes in Greece

Joint answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

P-0097/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 January 2005)

Subject: Treatment of the Turkish teachers' union Egitim Sen

Answer from the Commission (2 February 2005)

E-0098/05 (ES) by Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines (PPE-DE) and Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Council (18 January 2005)

Subject: Anti-dumping measures to deal with hand pallet truck imports from China

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0099/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Transport of animals

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

E-0100/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Aircraft emissions tax

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0101/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Council (19 January 2005)

Subject: Amendment of Directive 1999/62/EC

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0103/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: New European Fisheries Fund

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0104/05 (DE) by Andreas Schwab (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Principles of case allocation within competition policy

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0105/05 (DE) by Andreas Schwab (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Ne bis in idem in competition law

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0106/05 (DE) by Andreas Schwab (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Protection of witnesses in competition cases

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0107/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Air accidents: the ‘Martinair’ case

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

P-0108/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 January 2005)

Subject: Cohesion policy 2007-2013

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

P-0109/05 (IT) by Umberto Pirilli (UEN) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of the footwear market

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

E-0110/05 (CS) by Jana Bobošíková (NI) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Advance payments for the Community initiative Interreg III A programmes Saxony/Czech Republic, Bavaria/Czech Republic and Austria/Czech Republic

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0111/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Freedom of expression and the press and the right to information

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0112/05 (IT) by Umberto Pirilli (UEN) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Counterfeiting of the European Community's CE trademark

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0113/05 (IT) by Umberto Pirilli (UEN) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: EU staff sickness fund — reserve fund

Answer from the Commission (30 April 2005)

E-0114/05 (IT) by Umberto Pirilli (UEN) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Employment problems in the European textile industry — expiry of the multifibre agreement

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0115/05 (IT) by Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE), Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) and Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Contract for Line C of the Rome underground rail network and the opening of major works in 2005

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0116/05 (NL) by Toine Manders (ALDE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Problems relating to applications for grants from the ESF

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0117/05 (ES) by María Salinas García (PSE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Impact of introduction of tolls in Germany on Spanish fruit and vegetable exports

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

E-0118/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Digital terrestrial TV transmission

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0119/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Serious accident in Emilia Romagna and rail transport safety

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0120/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Low take-up rate of funds under the third CSF in Greece

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0121/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Earthquake in Southeast Asia

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0122/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: PEACE Funding

Joint answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-0123/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: PEACE Funding

Joint answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-0124/05 (FR) by Antoine Duquesne (ALDE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Free movement of persons and recognition of qualifications

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

P-0125/05 (CS) by Tomáš Zatloukal (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Incidence of personal accidents amongst children and young people

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0126/05 (DE) by Willi Piecyk (PSE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Problems for shipowners and seafarers at European ports in connection with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0127/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Classic cars

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0128/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: ID Cards

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0129/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Cyprus tourism

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0130/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Trafalgar

Answer from the Commission (8 February 2005)

E-0131/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Tsunami — debt

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0132/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Protection of low-lying and coastal areas in Europe against the possibility of seaquakes in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0133/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Investigation into the impact of a tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean to be caused by changes in the Earth's crust

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0134/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Late implementation by Belgium of Directive 2003/30/EC on biofuels

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0135/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Action to identify European victims buried in mass graves in Thailand

Answer from the Commission (1 March 2005)

P-0136/05 (IT) by Giorgio Carollo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Amendment of Regulation (EEC) No 1576/89 on spirit drinks

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0137/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Transport of animals within agricultural holdings

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0138/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: UK beef market

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0139/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Presidential elections in the Maldives

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0140/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Compatibility between Law No 69 of 3 February 1963 and workers' freedom of movement within the European Community

Answer from the Commission (17 February 2005)

E-0141/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Action to identify the European victims buried in mass graves in Thailand

Joint answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

P-0142/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: The use of structural funds for the development of regional airports

Answer from the Commission (17 February 2005)

P-0143/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Tackling illegal trade and strengthening the European textile sector

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

P-0144/05 (HU) by Péter Olajos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Does the Commission intend to give the green light to the withdrawal of Hungary's agri-environmental funding?

Answer from the Commission (14 February 2005)

E-0145/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Single audit model

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0146/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Debate on the use of nuclear energy

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0147/05 (CS) by Jana Bobošíková (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0148/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: European cotton policy

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0149/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Support for entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized commercial enterprises

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0150/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Renewable energy sources

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0151/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Repeated refusal by Germany to assist OLAF in its investigations

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0152/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: State of play of the case of adulterated butter exported from Italy to Belgium

Joint answer from the Commission (30 May 2005)

E-0153/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: State of play of the case of adulterated butter exported from Italy to France

Joint answer from the Commission (30 May 2005)

E-0154/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Commission's position in the Italburro affair in Italy

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0155/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: European Constitution

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0156/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Emissions trading scheme

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0157/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Health warnings on cigarette packets

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

E-0158/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Health, safety and fire standards

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

E-0159/05 (EN) by Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), James Elles (PPE-DE) and Avril Doyle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Medicinal products for bees under the Veterinary Medicines Directive

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0160/05 (IT) by Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE-DE), Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE) and Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Elections in Palestine — EU action to support the future peace process

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

E-0161/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Harassment of citizens in transit through Bulgaria

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0162/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Celebrations to mark the end of World War II in Russia

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0163/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Turkey's refusal to recognise Cyprus

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0164/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Turkey's refusal to recognise Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-0165/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Commissioner Michel's visit to Cuba

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

P-0166/05 (FR) by Filip Adwent (IND/DEM) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Direct subsidies for Polish farmers

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

E-0167/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Vehicle crime in the EU

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0168/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Security standards in European passports

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0169/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: GMOs

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0170/05 (FR) by Filip Adwent (IND/DEM) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Social aid programme to benefit young people from low-income families

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0171/05 (IT) by Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) and Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE) to the Council (24 January 2005)

Subject: Situation in Palestine

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0172/05 (IT) by Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) and Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Situation in Palestine

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

P-0173/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Rules applying to spicule in animal feed ingredients

Answer from the Commission (17 February 2005)

E-0174/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Disposal of bovine meat and bone meal

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0175/05 (IT) by Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Violation of Community law by the Italian Territorial Agency

Answer from the Commission (17 February 2005)

E-0176/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Continuation of the plans to destroy soils, the landscape and groundwater in Rosia Montana, in the Romanian province of Alba, by open-cast goldmining

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

P-0177/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Mobile phones and health

Answer from the Commission (15 February 2005)

P-0178/05 (FR) by Béatrice Patrie (PSE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Special European Action Plan to save the sturgeon

Answer from the Commission (7 March 2005)

E-0180/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Premium Internet Services — rogue diallers

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0181/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: The involvement of actively employed senior officials in AMFIE

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0182/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Intra-mural companies operating on Commission premises

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0183/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Prevention of infectious diseases

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

P-0184/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: Donors' Coordination Conference in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)

Answer from the Commission (14 February 2005)

E-0187/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Oil for food

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0188/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Animal transport

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

E-0189/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Cost of moving the European Food Safety Authority

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

P-0190/05 (EN) by Diana Wallis (ALDE) to the Commission (19 January 2005)

Subject: The second money laundering directive

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0191/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Amendment of the Schengen Agreement

Answer from the Commission (7 March 2005)

E-0192/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Commission action to reduce fish discards

Answer from the Commission (8 March 2005)

E-0193/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Entry into the Schengen area

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

E-0194/05 (DE) by Daniel Caspary (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Power stations throughout the world which are running projects to reduce CO2 emissions

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0195/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Council (26 January 2005)

Subject: Acts of destruction in the ancient city of Babylon

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0196/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Acts of destruction in the ancient city of Babylon

Joint answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0197/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Household disposable income

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0198/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: French incinerator

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0199/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Cost of corruption in the EU

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-0200/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (28 January 2005)

Subject: The Islamic states, including Turkey, are excluding themselves from the principles of the charter of human rights in the name of Sharia law

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0201/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: The Islamic states, including Turkey, are excluding themselves from the principles of the charter of human rights in the name of Sharia law

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0202/05 (IT) by Luigi Cocilovo (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Proposal for a directive on market access to port services

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0203/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Energy services which fall within the scope of the current version of the draft directive on services in the internal market

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

P-0204/05 (FR) by Bernard Poignant (PSE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Implementation of the common agricultural policy in the Member States

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0205/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Illegal trapping of birds in southern Europe

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0206/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Clinical trials in the EU

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0207/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Prawns and antibiotics

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0208/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Sighet bridge over the River Tisa

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0209/05 (NL) by Emine Bozkurt (PSE) and Thijs Berman (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Statements made by the Slovenian Minister for Social Affairs about homosexuals

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0210/05 (NL) by Emine Bozkurt (PSE) and Thijs Berman (PSE) to the Council (28 January 2005)

Subject: Statements made by the Slovenian Minister for Social Affairs about homosexuals

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

P-0211/05 (EN) by Philip Bushill-Matthews (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Use of E111 forms

Answer from the Commission (17 February 2005)

P-0212/05 (FR) by Véronique De Keyser (PSE) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Status of the ‘Euro-Fam’ NGO

Answer from the Commission (17 February 2005)

P-0213/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (20 January 2005)

Subject: Closure of the Thyssen-Krupp plant in Terni: failure to abide by trade union agreements

Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

P-0214/05 (DE) by Ursula Stenzel (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Hospital services — law on state aid

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0215/05 (FI) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Supplementary question concerning the Commission's answer to Question E-2711/04 on emissions trading

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0216/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Council (28 January 2005)

Subject: Adoptions in Romania: establishment of an international commission

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0217/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Adoptions in Romania: establishment of an international commission

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0218/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: EU ban on wearing of Nazi symbols

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

P-0219/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Terni steelworks

Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

P-0220/05 (NL) by Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2005)

Subject: Petten nuclear reactor

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

E-0221/05 (ES) by María Badía i Cutchet (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Preventing doping and encouraging sporting values

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0222/05 (FR) by Marie-Arlette Carlotti (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Donating European boats and equipment to the Asian populations hit by the tsunamis

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0223/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: National agricultural support

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0224/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Natura areas

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0225/05 (DA) by Anne Jensen (ALDE) to the Council (28 January 2005)

Subject: Location of agencies

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0226/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Water Framework Directive

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0227/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Council (28 January 2005)

Subject: Public Development Aid (PDA) — the fight against poverty

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-0228/05 (NL) by Marianne Thyssen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Use of languages on the website of the European Aviation Safety Agency

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0229/05 (NL) by Marianne Thyssen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Directive 2002/38/EC — registration in one Member State of VAT taxable persons not established in the EU who provide electronic services to non-taxable persons

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

P-0230/05 (PT) by Sérgio Marques (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Stage reached in implementing aid to Venezuela

Answer from the Commission (11 February 2005)

P-0231/05 (CS) by Jiří Maštálka (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Supplementary question concerning the answer to my Written Question E-2660/04

Answer from the Commission (16 February 2005)

P-0232/05 (EN) by Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Open Skies Agreement — Shannon Airport

Answer from the Commission (10 February 2005)

P-0233/05 (FR) by Marie-Arlette Carlotti (PSE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Political situation in Togo and cooperation with the European Union

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

P-0234/05 (FI) by Reino Paasilinna (PSE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Tenth Commission implementation review

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0235/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: KTEL subsidy

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0236/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Reasoned opinion of the Commission for Greece on the ‘Association of Greek Insurance Companies’

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0237/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Threat of Greece being required to return Community funds

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0238/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Third CSF in Greece

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0239/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: Punishment of football teams and their supporters in Greece

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0240/05 (EN) by Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: The fairness of the Russian Government's attitude to international business

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0241/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Cross-compliance in accordance with Article 6(2) of the Directive on the conservation of natural habitats

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0242/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Quick Start Programme of cross-border investment projects

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0243/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Freedom of the press in the Seychelles

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

E-0244/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Free movement of workers in the EU

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0245/05 (NL) by Toine Manders (ALDE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: European approach to retail crime

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0247/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Applying taxation to the lending of books and other documents

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0248/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Tovartex production cutbacks

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0249/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of international trade in textiles

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

E-0250/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Reduced VAT on nappies

Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2005)

E-0251/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: VAT-reduced nappies

Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2005)

E-0252/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: Social Platform involvement in the Troika meeting

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

P-0253/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: VAT on nappies

Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2005)

P-0254/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Work on upgrading the AS-213 motorway (Asturias-Spain)

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

P-0255/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Council (26 January 2005)

Subject: Indicators and Lisbon Strategy

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

P-0256/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: VAT exemption for health services

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

E-0257/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Promotion of pharmaceutical research

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0258/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Child labour on Indian cottonseed farms

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0259/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Destruction of the archaeological site of Babylon

Joint answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0260/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Private sewage and the Urban Waste Water directive

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-0261/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: EU and Burma

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0262/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: The EU and ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis)

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

E-0263/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Care, rehabilitation and social inclusion for mentally ill people in Bulgaria

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0264/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Brain drain in Bulgaria

Answer from the Commission (2 March 2005)

E-0265/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: Coordination of EU tax policy

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0266/05 (IT) by Sergio Berlato (UEN) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Importation of game from Serbia to Italy

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0267/05 (NL) by Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Castration of piglets without anaesthetic

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0268/05 (NL) by Ria Oomen-Ruijten (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Supplement payable in respect of insurance to cover medical expenses incurred abroad

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0269/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Consultations between the Brussels Region and the European Commission

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0270/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: EU arms embargo on China

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0271/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Quality of water for human consumption from the ‘El Güe’ spring (Asturias — Spain)

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0272/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Employment rights for the clergy

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

E-0273/05 (EN) by Hélène Flautre (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Maltreatment of detained immigrants in Malta

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0274/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Duties and taxes on fuels

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0275/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Asbestos contamination and incidence on causes of mortality

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0276/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Tax on tourism activities

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0277/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Unelected representation for third-country immigrants

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0278/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Candidacy of the ‘Torre Astura — Poligono Militare’ nature reserve and monument for Unesco world heritage site status

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0279/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Chinese taps and fittings and unfair competition

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0280/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Employment crisis

Answer from the Commission (7 March 2005)

P-0281/05 (DE) by Jörg Leichtfried (PSE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: Rescue aid of EUR120million paid by the Land of Nordrhein-Westfalen to LTU (Lufttransport-Unternehmen), definitely approved by the Commission in 2003 (N428/2002-LTU)

Answer from the Commission (28 February 2005)

P-0282/05 (IT) by Lorenzo Cesa (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 January 2005)

Subject: OLAF supervisory and monitoring committee

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0283/05 (DA) by Anne Jensen (ALDE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Churches in Germany and Sweden — bodies governed by public law

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-0284/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: DNA samples

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0285/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: Threat of military intervention in Iran

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-0286/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: Recognition of Kosovan independence

Answer from the Council (10 May 2005)

E-0287/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Common Agricultural Policy and the world trade system

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0288/05 (EN) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE), Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Verts/ALE), Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Verts/ALE), Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE), Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) and Helga Trüpel (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Euro-Med Youth Programme — phase III

Joint answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0289/05 (EN) by Avril Doyle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Leakage of refrigerants in the European Commission buildings

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0290/05 (FR) by Frédérique Ries (ALDE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: High-level permanent operational structure for combating racism and anti-Semitism

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0291/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Violent video games

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0292/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Food Safety Authority in Parma

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0293/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: Identification of European tsunami victims as a priority for the EU

Joint answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

E-0294/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Identification of European tsunami victims as a priority for the EU

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0295/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: WTO negotiations on Article XIII of the GATS

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0296/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Quality standards for bicycle locks

Answer from the Commission (23 February 2005)

E-0297/05 (NL) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Plant health checks on potatoes

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0298/05 (NL) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Interpretation of Directive 91/628/EEC (Annex, Chapter VII, Point 7) and Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 (Annex, Chapter V, Point 1 (7))

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0299/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: The so-called ‘country of origin principle’

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0300/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Elections in Mozambique — Commonwealth health

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0301/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Religious freedom

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

P-0302/05 (EN) by Jillian Evans (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 January 2005)

Subject: State aid

Answer from the Commission (18 February 2005)

E-0303/05 (DE) by Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Awarding of public contracts

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0304/05 (DE) by Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Compensation fund for accident victims

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0305/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Conscientious objection for soldiers in Greece

Joint answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0306/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Alternative service for conscientious objectors in Greece

Joint answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0308/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: EU involvement in the possible replacement in 2016 of the outdated high flux nuclear reactor in Petten in the Netherlands, which has now changed function

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

P-0309/05 (EN) by Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: The Single European Sky and Kosovo

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

P-0310/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Council (2 February 2005)

Subject: Reception facilities for refugees on the EU's eastern border

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0311/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: OLAF report into irregularities in connection with the renovation of the Berlaymont building

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0312/05 (DE) by Jan Ehler (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: EASA's scale of charges/fees

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0313/05 (DE) by Jan Ehler (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: US import duties on pliers/pincers

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-0314/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Construction of school buildings on unsuitable site

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0315/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Commission letter to the Greek authorities concerning football clubs

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0316/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Violation of the right to property of thousands of members of city bus cooperatives in Athens

Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0317/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE), Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE-DE) and Theresa Villiers (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Condemning the destruction of the cultural heritage in the part of Cyprus occupied by Turkey

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0318/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Brittany Ferries

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0320/05 (EN) by Richard Corbett (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Human rights violations in the Maldives

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0321/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (3 February 2005)

Subject: Al Qaeda infiltration of illegal immigration networks

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0322/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Al Qaeda infiltration of illegal immigration networks

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0323/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL) and Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) to the Council (3 February 2005)

Subject: US nuclear weapons in Italy

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0324/05 (NL) by Dirk Sterckx (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Impact of Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002 concerning motor vehicle distribution

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0325/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Living conditions of refugees at the EU's eastern border

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0326/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Problems due to lack of rain

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0327/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Wolves in Finland

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0328/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Compensation payments for Natura areas

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0329/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: The EU Constitution

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0330/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Wild Birds Directive

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

P-0331/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Support for projects to aid the disabled under the Comenius Programme 2001-2003

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

P-0332/05 (EL) by Maria Matsouka (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Monitoring mechanisms and timetables for eliminating delays in implementing European Social Fund programmes in Greece

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

P-0333/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Signing of the Protocol regarding the adaptation of the Ankara Agreement

Answer from the Commission (24 February 2005)

P-0334/05 (EN) by Mechtild Rothe (PSE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Renewable energy in the 5th and 6th Framework Programme

Answer from the Commission (1 March 2005)

P-0335/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Tax concessions on all-terrain and four-wheel-drive vehicles

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0336/05 (PT) by João Pinheiro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0337/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) and Ursula Stenzel (PPE-DE) to the Council (3 February 2005)

Subject: The role of Hezbollah in supporting Palestinian terrorist organisations and its current status on the EU list of proscribed terrorist organisations

Answer from the Council (21 June 2005)

E-0338/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Directive on copyright

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

P-0339/05 (IT) by Lapo Pistelli (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Conversion of the power station at Torre Valdaliga Nord, Civitavecchia, Italy

Answer from the Commission (8 March 2005)

P-0340/05 (PT) by Francisco Assis (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

P-0341/05 (PT) by Fausto Correia (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0342/05 (DE) by Klaus-Heiner Lehne (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Freedom of movement of goods and standardisation of toy guns

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0343/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Catalogue of errors in Commission publications

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0344/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Reassessment of 4500 co-funded projects in Greece and threat of the repayment of funds

Answer from the Commission (25 May 2005)

E-0345/05 (EN) by Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: European Humanist Federation

Joint answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0346/05 (EN) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: EU drugs strategy

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0347/05 (FR) by Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Interpretation of Council Decision 2003/33/EC relating to Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0348/05 (FR) by Frédérique Ries (ALDE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: User forum

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0349/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL), Lilli Gruber (PSE), Giulietto Chiesa (ALDE), Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL), Luisa Morgantini (GUE/NGL), Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) and Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: Democratic credibility of elections in Iraq

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0350/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL), Lilli Gruber (PSE), Giulietto Chiesa (ALDE), Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL), Luisa Morgantini (GUE/NGL), Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) and Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Democratic credibility of elections in Iraq

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0351/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL), Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) and Daniel Stroz (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Fresh start for the software directive legislative procedure

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0352/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: European programme for older persons

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0353/05 (PT) by Emanuel Fernandes (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

P-0354/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Advertising of the post of OLAF Director-General

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

P-0355/05 (FR) by Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: New technologies and the building sector

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

P-0356/05 (IT) by Carlo Fatuzzo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Incineration plant in Trento, Italy

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0357/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Public Procurement — the ‘Remedies’ Directive

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0358/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Nanotechnology

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0359/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Review of EU Action on Osteoporosis

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0360/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: Osteoporosis

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0361/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Practical implementation of the Chemical Agents Directive

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0362/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Light Pollution — Follow-up to the Green Light Programme

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0363/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: European Travel Pass

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0364/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: Homelessness and the National Action Plans on Social Inclusion

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0365/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Illegal logging

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0366/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

P-0367/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Large-scale international astronomy project ALMA — European industrial policy interests

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

P-0368/05 (FR) by Erna Hennicot-Schoepges (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: European School fees

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0369/05 (EL) by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: MEDA programme on the role of women in economic life

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0370/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: ALMA international large-scale astronomy research project — European industrial interests

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0371/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Mauritania

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

E-0372/05 (EN) by Kathy Sinnott (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Odour problem in Co Waterford

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0373/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: Burma

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0374/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Burma

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0375/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Common foreign policy

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0376/05 (NL) by Frederika Brepoels (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Commission inquiry into aid to ABX Logistics

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0377/05 (NL) by Jan Mulder (ALDE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Use of processed or converted manure to replace artificial fertiliser

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0378/05 (NL) by Dorette Corbey (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Vaccination rate in developing countries

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0379/05 (FI) by Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Introducing an EU-wide deposit for beverage cans and plastic drinks bottles which are not suitable for refilling

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0380/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Trials in Syria

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

P-0381/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Commission salaries

Answer from the Commission (1 June 2005)

E-0382/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Opening of negotiations in order to establish a fisheries agreement with Morocco

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0383/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Computer Studies as a subject taught in Spanish schools

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0384/05 (EL) by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Mental health of young people in the European Union

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0385/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Confusing information concerning the management of the 3rd CSF in Greece

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0386/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Racist laws in present-day Turkey

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0387/05 (EN) by Roger Helmer (PPE-DE), Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (PPE-DE), Monika Beňová (PSE), Jana Hybášková (PPE-DE), Peter Baco (NI) and Jacques Toubon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: New Slovak law which threatens to prevent EU higher educational institutes from offering their services in Slovakia

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0388/05 (FR) by Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Natura 2000 funding and the draft European regulation for rural development 2007-2013

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0389/05 (FR) by Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Directive 79/409/EEC — large numbers of cormorants in France

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0390/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Violations of the UN Convention on Refugees by the Cambodian government in respect of Vietnamese citizens belonging to the Montagnard ethnic group

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0391/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: Situation in the women's prison in Venice

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0392/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Situation in the women's prison in Venice

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0393/05 (NL) by Bastiaan Belder (IND/DEM) and Johannes Blokland (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Suspension of Euro-Med Youth Programme

Joint answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0394/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Support for independent news media in Romania, and the surprising withdrawal of a Netherlands initiative announced in this connection

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0395/05 (NL) by Corien Wortmann-Kool (PPE-DE) and Camiel Eurlings (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Group of Experts on strategy for dealing with accidents in the transport sector

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0396/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Cross-border forms of transport, storage and trade for works of art stolen from museums, and lack of European coordination in relation to checks and penalties

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0397/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Angola — Fisheries Agreement

Answer from the Commission (8 March 2005)

P-0398/05 (ES) by Gerardo Galeote Quecedo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Mistake in the information in the European Constitution information campaign

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0399/05 (EN) by Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Small Hive Beetles

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

P-0400/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Release of Colonel Hamid Pourmand

Answer from the Commission (2 March 2005)

E-0401/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Council (10 February 2005)

Subject: Law of the Sea and negotiations with Turkey

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0402/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Dam at Aposelemi in the Prefecture of Heraklion, Crete

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0403/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Environmental pollution from the pet coke factory in the Larissa region

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0404/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Natural gas pipeline between Greece and Italy

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0405/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Extension of natural gas network in Greece from Corinth to Patras

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0406/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Results of research programmes into renewable sources of energy and the importance of informing the public about the user-friendliness of renewable sources of energy

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0407/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: The textile and clothing sector in Europe

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0408/05 (EN) by Mary McDonald (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Beet

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0409/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0410/05 (FR) by Jean-Marie Le Pen (NI) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Motto of the European Union

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0411/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Does the agreement between Fiat and Iran undermine European production?

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0412/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Dams on the river Coruh (in north-east Turkish Kurdistan)

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0413/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: The use of additional tax revenue with a view to securing a majority, should it appear likely that the electorate will reject the proposed EU Constitution

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0414/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Fish caught by European vessels in the territorial waters of Western Sahara and the import of fish from the Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara to EU Member States

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0415/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Pressure exerted by Morocco, by means of information material, with a view to securing recognition in Europe of permanent Moroccan sovereignty over the occupied Western Sahara

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0416/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) and Luis Capoulas Santos (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Free gifts offered with food products

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

P-0417/05 (EN) by Ari Vatanen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Discriminatory treatment of non-professional car importers in Finland

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0418/05 (IT) by Alessandro Battilocchio (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Prevention of harassment

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0419/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Carrying out of study relating to postal services in accordance with Directive 2002/39/EC of 10 June 2002 amending Directive 97/67/EC with regard to the further opening to competition of Community postal services

Answer from the Commission (1 March 2005)

P-0420/05 (FR) by Hélène Flautre (Verts/ALE) to the Council (3 February 2005)

Subject: Disappearance of Florence Aubenas and Hussein Hanoun Al-Saadi in Iraq

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0421/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Public information about the European Constitution

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0422/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Tobacco advertising and sponsorship

Joint answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0423/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

P-0424/05 (DE) by Hans-Peter Martin (NI) to the Council (3 February 2005)

Subject: Scope for savings within the context of the financial perspective

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

P-0425/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Cambodia: removal of the immunity of various opposition members of parliament, including the leader Sam Rainsy

Answer from the Commission (4 March 2005)

P-0426/05 (IT) by Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Arrest of the lawyer Ayman Nur, member of the Egyptian People's Assembly

Answer from the Commission (1 March 2005)

P-0427/05 (EN) by Philip Bradbourn (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Funding project

Answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0428/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Council (10 February 2005)

Subject: Recruitment of the former President of the European Central Bank as a consultant by the private company Giesecke und Devrient GmbH

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0429/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Recruitment of the former President of the European Central Bank as a consultant by the private company Giesecke und Devrient GmbH

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0430/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Implementation in Greece of Directives 93/104/EC and 2000/34/EC

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0431/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Establishment of a hygienic waste disposal site close to the ancient theatre of Dodoni

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0432/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Fishing boat engines and safety

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0433/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Aquaculture

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0434/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Aquaculture and environmental labelling

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0435/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Size of fishing fleet

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0436/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Interreg Greece-Turkey

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0437/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Promoting competitiveness of the Mediterranean fishing fleet

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0438/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Measures to support young fishermen

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0439/05 (EL) by Ioannis Gklavakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Uniform and reciprocal binding conditions for fisheries

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0440/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Council (10 February 2005)

Subject: Absentee Property Law, East Jerusalem

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0441/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Absentee Property Law, East Jerusalem

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0442/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Consequences of the sex industry in the EU

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0443/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (10 February 2005)

Subject: Architectural barriers and people with visual disabilities

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0444/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Aid to fishermen during the sardine closed season

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

P-0445/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Anabolic substances in food supplements

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0446/05 (EN) by Philip Bushill-Matthews (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Commission's Strategic Objectives 2005-09 and the 2005 Work Programme

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0447/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Money-laundering impact assessment

Answer from the Commission (1 March 2005)

P-0448/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (3 February 2005)

Subject: Rye — intervention stocks

Answer from the Commission (11 March 2005)

P-0449/05 (EN) by Eluned Morgan (PSE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Internal market implementation

Answer from the Commission (25 February 2005)

P-0450/05 (IT) by Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Serious and persistent environmental pollution by the Bertolino Distilleries in Partinico (Sicily)

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

P-0451/05 (ES) by Carmen Fraga Estévez (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Contacts with Morocco

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0452/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (10 February 2005)

Subject: Action on Parliament's demands concerning cluster munitions

Joint answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-0453/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Action on Parliament's demands concerning cluster munitions

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0454/05 (DE) by Ingo Schmitt (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Distortions of competition on the European aviation market caused by the circumvention of provisions on temporary workers

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0455/05 (DE) by Horst Schnellhardt (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Obligation to list food allergens

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0456/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: US anti-terrorism measures and trade protectionism

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0457/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: Territorial waters and national airspace of the 25 Member States of the EU

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0458/05 (EN) by Philip Bushill-Matthews (PPE-DE) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: Better regulation

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-0459/05 (EN) by Kathy Sinnott (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Derrybrien landslide

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0460/05 (EN) by Nirj Deva (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Avian Flu

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0461/05 (EN) by Diana Wallis (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Tobacco advertising and sponsorship

Joint answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0462/05 (EN) by Eluned Morgan (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Lisbon directives

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0463/05 (EN) by Eluned Morgan (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Implementation of environmental legislation

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0464/05 (FR) by Astrid Lulling (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Entry into force of Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0465/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Counterfeit euros

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0466/05 (IT) by Emma Bonino (ALDE) and Marco Pannella (ALDE) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: Arrest in Egypt of the lawyer Ayman Nur, Member of the Egyptian People's Assembly

Answer from the Council (21 June 2005)

E-0467/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: Cambodia: removal of the immunity of various opposition members of parliament, including the leader Sam Rainsy

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0468/05 (IT) by Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Failure in Milazzo, Sicily, to comply with the Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC) of 9 December 1996

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0469/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: The ‘Mac Mini’ case: price disparity compared with the US market discriminates against the European market and its consumers

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0470/05 (NL) by Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Belgium-Netherlands early-retirement pension/Solidarity contribution for Belgian pensions

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0471/05 (NL) by Jules Maaten (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Interpretation of the term ‘incineration plant’ in the Directive on emissions trading

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0472/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Public list of airlines held to be safe

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0473/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Addition of water (and proteins) to (poultry)meat

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0474/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Europe's failure to support initiatives taken by local authorities and not-for-profit organizations for the laying of optical fibre networks for rapid Internet access

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0475/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: U-turn favour of focusing EU Structural Fund monies on Member States with the weakest economies and lowest incomes

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0476/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Drought in Portugal

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0477/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: ACHE — Militias

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0478/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: China — Tiananmen

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0479/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: The ‘Mar de Trafalgar’ marine wind park scheme (Cádiz — Spain)

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0480/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Dr Than Nyein's continued imprisonment in Burma

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0481/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Does the EU not feel it should thank the United States and the American people for the victory of freedom in the Iraqi elections?

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

P-0482/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Cuba — embassies and 9 May ceremonies

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0483/05 (DE) by André Brie (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Extensive clearing of trees and bushes in FFH areas in the Elbe-Elster district, Brandenburg, Germany

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0484/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Views of representatives of the ‘European Movement’ on politicians and errors on its website

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-0485/05 (EN) by Daniel Hannan (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Fishing allocations for boats under 10 metres

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0486/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: European rules on tuned cars

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0487/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Allocation of resources for the reconstruction of the areas devastated by the tsunami and restoration of natural protective barriers

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0488/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Sugar reform — relative competitiveness of European regions

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0489/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Sugar reform — compensatory measures

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

P-0490/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Construction of the Tamadaba road

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0492/05 (DE) by Mathieu Grosch (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Driving licences and driving licence tourism

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0493/05 (EN) by Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: MRSA and antibiotics in the agriculture industry

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0494/05 (EN) by Gary Titley (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Import tariffs on textile category 12 TARIC code 61159399

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

P-0495/05 (EN) by Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) to the Council (8 February 2005)

Subject: Application of the Inter-Institutional Agreement on better regulation

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0496/05 (ES) by Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Wind farm in the mountains around Almudaina and Alfaro, El Comtat (Valencia)

Joint answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-0497/05 (ES) by Luis Yañez-Barnuevo García (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Support for the request for the Japanese Government to extradite former President Fujimori to Peru

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0499/05 (IT) by Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Anna Lind Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for dialogue between cultures

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0500/05 (NL) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Dimethylhydrazine contamination caused by ESA space centre

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0501/05 (PT) by Emanuel Fernandes (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Mass exports of EU frozen chicken to Africa

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

P-0502/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Air passenger compensation information

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0503/05 (PT) by Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0504/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Upgrading of a navigable stretch of the Danube between Straubing and Vilshofen (Germany)

Answer from the Commission (14 April 2005)

E-0505/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Financial corrections to the Structural Funds

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0506/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Risk of pollution from biological treatment plant

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0507/05 (EN) by Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Appointment of Cypriot Administrators in the European Institutions

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-0508/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Competition in the postal sector

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0509/05 (EN) by Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE) and Nirj Deva (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Assistance to the Maldive Islands

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0510/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Illegal sale of animals on the Internet

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0511/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Financial assistance for the Middle East

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0512/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Sugar reform — measures on competitiveness at international level

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0513/05 (EN) by Marco Pannella (ALDE), Anders Samuelsen (ALDE), Malcolm Harbour (PPE-DE), Karin Riis-Jørgensen (ALDE), Diana Wallis (ALDE), Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Infringement of the supremacy of the Community Law by the Italian Court of Cassation

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0514/05 (EN) by Marco Pannella (ALDE), Anders Samuelsen (ALDE), Malcolm Harbour (PPE-DE), Karin Riis-Jørgensen (ALDE), Diana Wallis (ALDE), Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Infringement by the Italian Republic of the Community law concerning the provision of betting services

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0515/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Rights of victims of human trafficking

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0516/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: By refusing the request for a new statute for Euskadi Spain is violating the principle of the self-determination of peoples

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0517/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: By refusing the request for a new statute for Euskadi Spain is violating the principle of the self-determination of peoples

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0518/05 (NL) by Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: The report recently published in the Netherlands on environmental crime and whether or not the European Services Directive will encourage such practices

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0519/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Contamination of workers from various Member States in nuclear power stations which do not apply adequate safety measures and the consequences thereof at the power station in Mol, Belgium

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0520/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Felling, during the public inquiry procedure, of a unique 26-hectare stand of black alder and ash near Schinveld (NL) for the benefit of the nearby military air base in Geilenkirchen (D)

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0521/05 (ES) by Teresa Riera Madurell (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: The monastery of Santa María de la Real

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0522/05 (EL) by Nikolaos Sifunakis (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Regional distribution of funding under the Theseus programme by the Greek Government

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0523/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Creation of an artificial island at Nea Makri, Attica; destruction of antiquities and environmental degradation of the area

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0524/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: Suicide-bomber dolls freely on sale in Europe

Answer from the Council (23 May 2005)

E-0525/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Suicide-bomber dolls freely on sale in Europe

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-0526/05 (PT) by Emanuel Fernandes (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: GDP breakdown for the Madeira Region (Portugal)

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0527/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU aid to the Guadalquivir floodgate

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0528/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Implementation in Greece of Regulation (EEC) No 3577/92

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0529/05 (EN) by Jillian Evans (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Contaminated soil

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

P-0530/05 (PT) by José Silva Peneda (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Gifts in foodstuffs

Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2005)

E-0532/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Building of a dump in Torremendo

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0533/05 (EL) by Ioannis Matsis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Commissioning of private organisation to carry out checks on Structural Fund programmes

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0534/05 (EL) by Ioannis Matsis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Changing the object of the contract in projects co-funded by the Structural Funds

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0535/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Progress of the 3rd CSF in Greece

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0536/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Equal opportunities for the disabled

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0537/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Eurovision song contest

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0538/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Organ trafficking

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0539/05 (FR) by Bernard Poignant (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Use of mecoprop

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0540/05 (FR) by Bernard Poignant (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Traditional games and sports in the European Union

Joint answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0541/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 February 2005)

Subject: Severe measures in the Member States against the atrocities involved in Islamic slaughtering methods

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0542/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Severe measures in the Member States against the atrocities involved in Islamic slaughtering methods

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0543/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Importation into the EU of birds caught in the wild and risks of infection of birds and people

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0544/05 (EN) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: The situation of the Roma

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0545/05 (FR) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE), Martine Roure (PSE), Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE), Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL), Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE), Hélène Flautre (Verts/ALE), Giovanni Fava (PSE), Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) and Nicola Zingaretti (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Expulsions from Lampedusa

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

P-0546/05 (EN) by Bairbre de Brún (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Natura 2000 and the marine environment

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

P-0547/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (10 February 2005)

Subject: Unbelievable decision by Mr Barroso: no Italian spokesman

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0548/05 (ES) by María Herranz García (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Changes in the Spanish Government infrastructure plan, and their repercussion on La Rioja Autonomous Community

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0549/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0550/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0551/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0552/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0553/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0554/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0555/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0556/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0557/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Joint answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0558/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-0559/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0560/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0561/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-0562/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0563/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0564/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0565/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0566/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0567/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0568/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0569/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0570/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (17 March 2005)

E-0571/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0572/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0573/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0574/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0575/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: EU budget

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0576/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Competition and selective distribution

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0577/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: New Spanish Government position on the ‘Júcar-Vinalopó transfer’

Answer from the Commission (19 May 2005)

E-0578/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: ALA funds

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0579/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Arian II's offer of free access to a musical

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0580/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Irregularities in the former Communication Unit

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0581/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Investigation into the Cresson case

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0582/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Report on the Leonardo da Vinci case

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

P-0583/05 (FR) by Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Financing of Natura 2000

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0584/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Repairing the nuclear submarine ‘Sceptre’ in Gibraltar

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0585/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Links between a former Eurostat Director and a private firm

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0586/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Docks/Marina development, Exmouth

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0587/05 (EN) by Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Michael Cashman (PSE), Véronique De Keyser (PSE), Karin Resetarits (NI), Magda Kósáné Kovács (PSE), Marco Pannella (ALDE), Emma Bonino (ALDE), Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE) and Claire Gibault (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Advisers to Mr Barroso

Joint answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0588/05 (EN) by Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Michael Cashman (PSE), Véronique De Keyser (PSE), Karin Resetarits (NI), Emma Bonino (ALDE), Marco Pannella (ALDE), Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE) and Claire Gibault (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Budget 2005 — Funding of ‘Special events in 2005’

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-0589/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Shipping in the Gulf of Naples

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0590/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Project for personal development in the field of education

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0591/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Possible infringement of the provisions safeguarding the spa of Stigliano

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0592/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Possible return to using the additive E 141 in green table olives

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0593/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Funding to promote and popularise sacred music

Answer from the Commission (15 March 2005)

E-0594/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: EU strategy on education and information on blood donation

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0595/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Annual report to the discharge authority on the 2003 internal audit

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

P-0596/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Obstructing the exercise of the right to property and failure to implement court judgments

Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0597/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Staffing of EU decentralised agencies

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0598/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Reduction in funding for restoration of the Acropolis

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0599/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: ESF money to London boroughs

Answer from the Commission (14 April 2005)

E-0600/05 (EL) by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE-DE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Gender discrimination at the workplace owing to pregnancy and childbirth

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0601/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Clinical waste disposal

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0602/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Community initiatives in support of traditional sports

Joint answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

P-0603/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: European measures to tackle illegal street racing

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0604/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: The free loan of books from libraries

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0605/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Council (18 February 2005)

Subject: European approach to illegal road races

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0606/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (18 February 2005)

Subject: European approach to exorbitantly priced concert tickets

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0607/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (18 February 2005)

Subject: Payment delays in cases of inspection

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0608/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (18 February 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Greek National Day

Joint answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

P-0609/05 (IT) by Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Middle East peace process

Answer from the Commission (16 March 2005)

E-0610/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Carla Del Ponte's position vis-à-vis the Croatian Government

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0611/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Carla Del Ponte's position vis-à-vis the Croatian Government

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0612/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Statements made by Commissioner Rehn about the Croatian Government

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0613/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Closure of Bewley's cafes in Dublin

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0614/05 (IT) by Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE-DE) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Middle East peace process

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0615/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Small number of Italian senior officials and managers within the Commission

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0616/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Small number of Italian senior officials and managers within the Commission

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0617/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Combating infanticide: save the babies and save the mothers campaigns

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0618/05 (IT) by Nicola Zingaretti (PSE) and Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Italian-speaking officials within the Commission spokespersons' office

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

P-0619/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: ALA regulation and counter-terrorism

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

P-0620/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: The mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0621/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Co-funded projects in Greece

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0622/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Athens International Airport (AIA) Company — infringement of Regulations (EC) No 1260/99 and 1164/94 concerning the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0623/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Overcharging by the Athens International Airport (AIA) Company — irregularities regarding the investigation of allegations

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0624/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Creation of an EU Agency for Fundamental Rights

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0625/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy with regard to the employment of traditionally excluded workers

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0626/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Assessment or review by the Commission of EQUAL funding

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0627/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Mobile technology

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0628/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Water policy

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

P-0629/05 (IT) by Paolo Cirino Pomicino (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Asymmetries in the liberalisation of European markets

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

E-0630/05 (DE) by Karl von Wogau (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Customs checks at borders between Member States

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0631/05 (EN) by Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Citizens' right to check database

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0632/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Subvention to the Irish Postal Service

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0633/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Rise in oil prices

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0634/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Counterfeiting

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0635/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Pelts from tortured animals

Answer from the Commission (24 May 2005)

E-0636/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: European social model

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

P-0637/05 (EN) by Carl Schlyter (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2005)

Subject: Construction of the Aposselemis river dam in Crete

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

E-0638/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Religious persecution

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0639/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Religious persecution

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

E-0640/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Repatriation

Answer from the Council (21 June 2005)

E-0641/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Repatriation

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0642/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Statements by the President of the Hellenic Parliament concerning constraints on national sovereignty and the borders of Greece owing to European integration

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

E-0643/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Threshold for British teachers in the European Schools

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0644/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Transfer of production to low-cost countries — social dumping

Joint answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0645/05 (IT) by Lapo Pistelli (ALDE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Nationality of European Commission spokespersons

Joint answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

E-0646/05 (PT) by Luís Queiró (PPE-DE) to the Council (22 February 2005)

Subject: Tourism and the financial perspective

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0647/05 (PT) by Luís Queiró (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Tourism and the financial perspective

Answer from the Commission (31 March 2005)

E-0648/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Closure of the multinational-owned TRW Automobe plant in Quintanaortuño (Burgos, Spain)

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0649/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: The Cabanes-Oropesa road link (Castellón, Spain)

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0650/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: EU Peace and Reconciliation Fund

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0651/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (23 February 2005)

Subject: Movement of capital

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0652/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 February 2005)

Subject: Follow-up on Valencian land laws and disproportional effect on other EU nationals

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

P-0653/05 (FR) by Bernard Poignant (PSE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Purse-seine fishing

Answer from the Commission (9 March 2005)

P-0654/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Transfer of production to Hungary

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0655/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (23 February 2005)

Subject: Non-recognition by Greece of Braille script

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0656/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 February 2005)

Subject: Use of Community funds

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0657/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Follow-up in the case surrounding the Commission Representation in Vienna

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-0658/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Recognition of qualifications

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0659/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Recognition of driving licences

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0660/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Narcotics

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0661/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Loss of competitiveness of Italian producers of active ingredients of generic pharmaceutical products owing to different duration of Italian supplementary protection certificates and European SPCs

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0662/05 (NL) by Frederika Brepoels (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Organ donation at European level

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0663/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Denmark's salmon quota

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

P-0664/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Information on the draft Constitution

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

P-0665/05 (EN) by Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Council (17 February 2005)

Subject: Attacks on human rights defenders in Chechnya

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0666/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Cost and length of time involved in starting up a business in Greece

Answer from the Commission (31 March 2005)

E-0667/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Olympic Airlines

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

P-0668/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Cohesion policy 2007-2013

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

P-0669/05 (ES) by María Salinas García (PSE) to the Commission (17 February 2005)

Subject: Use of the Solidarity Fund to alleviate the effects of the agricultural disaster caused by frost in Spain

Answer from the Commission (14 March 2005)

E-0670/05 (NL) by Jules Maaten (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Avian influenza — Commission measures

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0671/05 (DE) by Lissy Gröner (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Suspension of assistance for projects in EuroMed countries

Joint answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0672/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Safety standards for lifts in the EU

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0673/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Greek public service procedures for the recruitment of scientific personnel

Answer from the Council (30 May 2005)

E-0674/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Greek public service procedures for the recruitment of scientific personnel

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0675/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Athens airport and the HOCHTIEF company

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-0677/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Revelations regarding Ministry of Finance report concerning the third CSF

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0678/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Destruction of documents relating to Athens Airport and other co-funded projects inside the DG Regio building

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0679/05 (FR) by Marie-Line Reynaud (PSE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Combating discrimination — recognition of the Roma

Answer from the Council (21 June 2005)

E-0680/05 (NL) by Jan Mulder (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: European directives with respect to the combating of TSEs in sheep

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0681/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Noise nuisance and night flights

Answer from the Council (21 June 2005)

P-0682/05 (NL) by Johan Van Hecke (ALDE) to the Council (18 February 2005)

Subject: Multiannual financial framework for development finance cooperation within the context of the Cotonou Agreement

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0683/05 (DE) by Elisabeth Schroedter (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Threat to a lake formed by the Havel in a nature protection area as a consequence of the building of holiday homes (on piles) with assistance from the European Structural Funds

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0684/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0685/05 (FR) by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: European Youth Pact

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

P-0686/05 (EN) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (18 February 2005)

Subject: SGP and estimates presented by the Italian Government

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0687/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: New US tariffs on canned peaches

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0688/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Nuclear power plants in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0689/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Mental health of young people

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0690/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Credit-card levy in Malta

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0691/05 (FR) by André Laignel (PSE) and Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Statement by Danuta Hübner on relocations

Joint answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0692/05 (FR) by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Defence — Community preference

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0693/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Draft directive on the banning of smoking in bars and restaurants

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0694/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) and Nicola Zingaretti (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Italian Government funding for DTT decoders

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

P-0695/05 (DE) by Thomas Ulmer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 February 2005)

Subject: Services directive

Answer from the Commission (14 April 2005)

P-0696/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 February 2005)

Subject: The treatment of asbestos waste

Answer from the Commission (18 March 2005)

P-0697/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 February 2005)

Subject: Financial support for airports

Answer from the Commission (10 March 2005)

P-0698/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Regulation (EC) No 1576/89: definition of spirit drinks and exclusive use of the designation ‘grappa’

Joint answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0700/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Expenditure on private coaching schools (‘frontistiria’) in Greece

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0701/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Eurostat and involvement of its staff in alleged scandal

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0702/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Preservation of the cultural heritage in the EU

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0703/05 (EN) by Dorette Corbey (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: WTO measures against states that refuse to ratify the Kyoto Protocol

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0704/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Free Port of Trieste and the new European Customs Code

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0705/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Start of the period when further global warming can be prevented only by means of more drastic measures than Kyoto and with a delay of 150 years

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0706/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Human rights organisation in Turkey

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-0707/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Admission by Turkey of the genocide against the Armenians

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-0708/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Referendums on the European Constitution

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0709/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Relations between the EU and Cuba

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0710/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Fundamental rights agency

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0712/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Recognition of university degrees

Answer from the Commission (23 May 2005)

E-0713/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Prize competitions at European level

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0714/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Exchange programme for apprentices

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0715/05 (IT) by Emma Bonino (ALDE) and Marco Pannella (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Approval by a section of the Italian Parliament of a domestic legislation law ‘on the coexistence of traditional and GMO crops’

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0716/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Repression in Belarus after the 17 October 2004 referendum

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0717/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Subsidised growth of Charleroi airport: an alternative to aircraft nuisance in Brussels, or artificial competition?

Answer from the Commission (14 April 2005)

P-0718/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Euro-Med Youth III

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

P-0719/05 (NL) by Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Plucking of down from live geese in Hungary

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0720/05 (ES) by Carmen Fraga Estévez (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Restrictions on the single market

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0721/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Killing of migratory birds on Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0722/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: City of Carlisle

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0723/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Important Birds' Areas on Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0724/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Berlaymont — Use of illegal timber

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0725/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Quarries in the Caserta area of Campania

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0726/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) and Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Guarantees concerning the financing of Brussels-Amsterdam HSL infrastructure

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0727/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: The unnecessary cutting off of electricity supplies and drinking water to enclaves inhabited by Serbians in Kosovo, and the way to restore their connections

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

P-0728/05 (EN) by Richard Falbr (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Article 92 of the draft Council Regulation laying down general provisions on the ERDF, the ESF and the Cohesion Fund

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

P-0729/05 (EN) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Appointment of an OLAF interim director

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

P-0730/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Taxation on biofuels

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

P-0732/05 (FR) by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 February 2005)

Subject: Air transport — tax on aviation fuel

Answer from the Commission (19 May 2005)

E-0733/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Gender mainstreaming in public support for sports

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0734/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Draft regulation establishing financial support and proposal for a regulation to facilitate trade with the Turkish Cypriot community

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0735/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Waste and environmental pollution

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0736/05 (EN) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Appointment of an OLAF interim Director

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0737/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Detention of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0738/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Mobile telephone international roaming charges

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0739/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: European Agency for Reconstruction

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0740/05 (FR) by Tokia Saïfi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: International commerce — textiles

Answer from the Commission (21 March 2005)

E-0741/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Disabled persons' right to mobility and the ‘mini driving licence’

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0742/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Disabled persons' right to mobility and the provisional driving licence

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0743/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Free library lending and infringement proceedings against Italy

Answer from the Council (2 June 2005)

E-0744/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Free library lending and infringement proceedings against Italy

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0745/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Senegal's granting of a diplomatic passport to a pro-terrorist imam

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-0746/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Senegal's granting of a diplomatic passport to a pro-terrorist imam

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0747/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: State aid for TVO EPR nuclear power station in Finland

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0748/05 (NL) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) and Bastiaan Belder (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: No opportunity for Christians to vote in the elections in Iraq

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0749/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Project to build a wind farm in the Comtat region of the Community of Valencia (Spain)

Joint answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-0750/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Clarification of Mr Verheugen's answer to written question P-3218/04

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0751/05 (FR) by Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Skin-care products — monopoly in Sweden

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0752/05 (EN) by Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE) and Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: UNODC official statement against harm reduction

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0753/05 (EN) by Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE) and Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: UNODC official statement against harm reduction

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0754/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Conflicts of interest

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-0755/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Being everywhere at once

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-0756/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Cardiovascular diseases

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0757/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Possibility of monitoring the Banca d'Italia's civic responsibility

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0758/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Is the Banca d'Italia an unconstitutional secret society?

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0759/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN), Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN), Alessandro Foglietta (UEN) and Sergio Berlato (UEN) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Recovery and recycling of plastic waste

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0760/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Casino in Campione d'Italia

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0762/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Greek ‘feta’ cheese

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0763/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Selection by interview of public servants in Greece

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0764/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Problems in the tomato processing sector

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0765/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Landfill site in the municipality of Dodoni in Greece

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0766/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Draft recommendation issued by the European Ombudsman regarding Hans-Martin Tillack

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-0767/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: EU imports from Burma

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0768/05 (IT) by Francesco Speroni (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Commission Decision 2004/595/EC establishing a model health certificate for the importation into the Community for trade of dogs, cats and ferrets

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0769/05 (IT) by Renato Brunetta (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Restrictions on transit via the Brenner motorway

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

P-0770/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 February 2005)

Subject: Distortion of competition and discrimination in connection with European Union remote sensing checks

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

P-0771/05 (IT) by Nicola Zingaretti (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Compliance with the directive on ceilings for polluting substances

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0774/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0775/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0776/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0777/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0778/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0779/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0780/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0781/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0782/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0783/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0784/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0785/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0786/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0787/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0788/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0789/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0790/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0791/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0792/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0793/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0794/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0795/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0796/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0797/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0798/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Hospitality

Joint answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0799/05 (EN) by Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: World Intellectual Property Organisation

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-0800/05 (EN) by Eoin Ryan (UEN) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Competitiveness and state aid in the European film industry

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0801/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Restriction on EU football players allowed to play in Maltese league

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0802/05 (NL) by Frederika Brepoels (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Correct application of ISO-3166

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0803/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Absence of cooperation over a period of more than ten years by authorities in the Republic of Croatia in shedding light on cases of persons who disappeared during the war of secession

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-0804/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: For a free Lebanon

Answer from the Commission (22 March 2005)

P-0805/05 (IT) by Alessandro Battilocchio (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Industrial restructuring at ABB Energy Automation — Ariccia (Rome) site

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0806/05 (CS) by Jan Zahradil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Legal implications of rejection of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe by one or more EU Member States

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-0807/05 (EN) by Christa Prets (PSE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between women and men in the access to and supply of goods and services — Article 16, Reports

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0808/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Coca Cola

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0809/05 (EN) by Jules Maaten (ALDE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Universal birth registration

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0810/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (2 March 2005)

Subject: Unacceptable exclusion of the Italian language from Commissioners' press conferences

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-0811/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Unacceptable exclusion of the Italian language from Commissioners' press conferences

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0812/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: The European social model

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0813/05 (IT) by Amalia Sartori (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Protection of Italian grappa

Joint answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0814/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Disposal of solid urban waste in Vieste (Italy)

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-0815/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Chinese footwear imports

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0816/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Global dimming: worldwide dimming of sunlight caused by particles, leading to less cloud formation and to drought in large parts of the world

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0817/05 (DE) by Paul Rübig (PPE-DE) to the Council (3 March 2005)

Subject: EASA charges

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-0818/05 (DE) by Paul Rübig (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: EASA charges

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0819/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Suspension of press distribution by the Commission

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0820/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Destruction of the natural environment on Corfu and the Greek authorities' indifference

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0821/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Traceability of GM ingredients in animal feedstuffs

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

P-0822/05 (FR) by Harlem Désir (PSE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Restructuring of the company Alstom Power Boilers

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

P-0823/05 (IT) by Francesco Speroni (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Identifying beneficiaries of the ‘entitlement to aid’ under Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 on agistment contracts

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

P-0824/05 (PL) by Bogdan Klich (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Creation of administrative barriers by some Member States to the setting up of firms and provision of services by operators from other Member States

Answer from the Commission (23 March 2005)

E-0825/05 (DE) by Ria Oomen-Ruijten (PPE-DE) and Karl von Wogau (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Compulsory health insurance for German students residing in Germany and studying in another Member State

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-0826/05 (DE) by Karl von Wogau (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Repercussions of liability without fault for the medical equipment sector

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0827/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Skinia national park in Greece endangered

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0828/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Implementation by Greece of the third CSF

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0829/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Council (3 March 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0830/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: EU Budget

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-0831/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Budget underspend

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0832/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: EC Packaging Directive

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0833/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Light Dues

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-0834/05 (EN) by Roger Helmer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Funding for Constitution information

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0835/05 (EN) by Mary McDonald (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Undergrounding

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0836/05 (FR) by Antoine Duquesne (ALDE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Development of world oil and gas production

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0837/05 (IT) by Luisa Morgantini (GUE/NGL), Giovanni Fava (PSE) and Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Euro-Med Youth

Joint answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0838/05 (IT) by Francesco Speroni (IND/DEM) to the Council (3 March 2005)

Subject: Identifying beneficiaries of the ‘entitlement to aid’ under Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 on agistment contracts

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0841/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Consequences of Turkish military intervention in Iraq

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0842/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Suspension of accession negotiations with Turkey

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0843/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Waste disposal site in Vergina

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0844/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Estonia and the sugar problem

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-0845/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: ECB decision to increase 500-euro banknotes

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0846/05 (FR) by Lydia Schenardi (NI) to the Council (4 March 2005)

Subject: REACH Directive

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-0847/05 (FR) by Lydia Schenardi (NI) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: REACH Directive

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

E-0848/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Elimination of Italian from the Commission's day-to-day working languages

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0849/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (4 March 2005)

Subject: Arms embargo against China, repercussions for cooperation with the United States

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-0850/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (4 March 2005)

Subject: Arms embargo against China — conditions

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-0851/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Replacing the cutting off of the tails of domestic animals running wild in Bosnia and Herzegovina by methods for curbing their breeding

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0852/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Stevioside

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0853/05 (PL) by Bogdan Golik (PSE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Buying BSE tests in Poland

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0854/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Relocation of manufacturing in Poland

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-0855/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) and Stavros Arnaoutakis (PSE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Establishment of European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) in Iraklion (Crete)

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0856/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Directive 98/35/EC on the minimum level of training of seafarers

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0857/05 (EN) by Jens-Peter Bonde (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Nitrite and nitrate in biodynamical meat

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0858/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Support for nuclear power and for development of renewable energy sources

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0859/05 (NL) by Toine Manders (ALDE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Structuring of business impact assessments and guaranteeing their quality

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

P-0860/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: IRA money laundering

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

P-0861/05 (EN) by John Bowis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Food labelling schemes

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

P-0862/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 March 2005)

Subject: Levying by Finland of health insurance contributions from pensioners

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

E-0863/05 (EL) by Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (PSE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Measures to combat sexual tourism in the developing countries

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0864/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Council (8 March 2005)

Subject: Response to the renewed outbreak of avian flu

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0865/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Response to the renewed outbreak of avian flu

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0866/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: European music industry — EC Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0867/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Development of on-line music and digital distribution

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0868/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Strategies to combat piracy

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0869/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: VAT rates on cultural products

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0870/05 (EN) by Péter Olajos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Monitoring of osteoporosis

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0871/05 (IT) by Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Competitive pharmaceutical market

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0872/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Amnesty for illegal immigrants — early warning system

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0873/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: EU mariners' employment in Australian and Canadian waters

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0874/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Council (8 March 2005)

Subject: Military operation in Zumsoj (Chechnya)

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-0875/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Military operation in Zumsoj (Chechnya)

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0876/05 (IT) by Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: MEDA 2005 funding — organisations operating in the Euro-Mediterranean area

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0877/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject:1 January 2005: liberalisation of import quotas in the textile sector — what guarantees for Italian and European products?

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0878/05 (EN) by Avril Doyle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Needlestick injuries

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0879/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Stipulation of exemptions for the EU and its Member States in connection with monitoring of compliance with European agreements concluded through the Council of Europe or OSCE

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0880/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Situation at the Tovartex company (Ovar, Portugal)

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-0881/05 (DE) by Hans-Peter Martin (NI) to the Council (1 March 2005)

Subject: Privileges enjoyed by MEPs

Answer from the Council (21 June 2005)

P-0882/05 (EN) by Diana Wallis (ALDE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Council Directive 2003/8/EC to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-0883/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 March 2005)

Subject: Trade barriers in Chile

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0885/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Safety at sea — places of refuge

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0886/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Hazardous chemicals in flavourings

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0887/05 (EL) by Katerina Batzeli (PSE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Measures to promote the market garden sector

Answer from the Commission (4 April 2005)

E-0888/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: The Dolomites as world cultural heritage

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

E-0889/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Solvent inks in screen and digital printing

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0890/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Controls on emission limit values in the new Member States

Joint answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0891/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Verification of emission limits

Joint answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0892/05 (EL) by Katerina Batzeli (PSE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Recognition of Community plant health certificates

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0893/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Council (9 March 2005)

Subject: Argentinian State Bonds

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0894/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Argentinian State Bonds

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0895/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Financing of voluntary return and housing of former residents of rural areas whose jobs have ceased to exist and who have not met with success in the towns of Central Europe

Answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

E-0896/05 (SV) by Ewa Hedkvist Petersen (PSE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Longer trucks to improve road safety and benefit the environment

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

P-0897/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Catarrhal fever (bluetongue) in sheep

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0898/05 (DE) by Mathieu Grosch (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Introduction of digital tachographs

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0899/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Lifelong learning in Greece

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0900/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Safety of the Rio-Antirio bridge in Greece

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0901/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Corporation tax regime in the Channel Islands

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0902/05 (NL) by Marianne Thyssen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Accreditation of journalists at the Commission

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

P-0903/05 (ES) by Carlos Carnero González (PSE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Language arrangements adopted by the Commission in its Press Room

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

P-0904/05 (EL) by Stavros Lambrinidis (PSE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Appointment of a new executive director of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0905/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: More research funds for rabies tests which produce faster results

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0906/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Secondment of a former Eurostat Director in the interests of the service

Answer from the Commission (23 May 2005)

E-0907/05 (NL) by Dirk Sterckx (ALDE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: European initiatives to promote information about, screening for and treatment of kidney failure

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0908/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE), Jana Hybášková (PPE-DE) and Jas Gawronski (PPE-DE) to the Council (10 March 2005)

Subject: Al-Manar Hizbullah Television

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-0909/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE), Jana Hybášková (PPE-DE) and Jas Gawronski (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Al-Manar Hizbullah Television

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0910/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Commission staff annual sickness leave

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0911/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (10 March 2005)

Subject: Protecting the independent channel NTDTV against Chinese Government pressure

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0912/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Protecting the independent channel NTDTV against Chinese Government pressure

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0913/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Council (10 March 2005)

Subject: Protecting the Italian language

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-0914/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Protecting the Italian language

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

P-0916/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Psyttalia biological treatment plant

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

P-0917/05 (FI) by Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 March 2005)

Subject: Interpretation of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0918/05 (DE) by Christoph Konrad (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Compatibility of German PETcycle system with EU directives

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0919/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Infringements of Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0920/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Infringement of directive on public access to environmental information

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

E-0921/05 (EN) by Thomas Wise (IND/DEM) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Service contract (TV)

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0922/05 (IT) by Mario Mauro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Use of Italian in working meetings of the EU Institutions

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0923/05 (NL) by Dirk Sterckx (ALDE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Report on the implementation of Directive 2003/39/EC concerning the internal market in postal services

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0924/05 (FI) by Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 March 2005)

Subject: Minimum requirements to guarantee representation of women and men on public bodies

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

P-0925/05 (DE) by Thomas Ulmer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Water shortage in Botswana

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

P-0926/05 (NL) by Frederika Brepoels (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Training grants in Wallonia: discrimination on grounds of nationality

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

P-0927/05 (ES) by Gerardo Galeote Quecedo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Discriminatory use of official languages

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

P-0928/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Death penalty case in Iran

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

P-0929/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Suspension of the requirement to vaccinate against bluetongue

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0930/05 (ES) by Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Endometriosis

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0931/05 (DE) by Mathieu Grosch (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Cabotage — Regulation (EEC) No 3118/93

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0932/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Council (14 March 2005)

Subject: Disenfranchisement of EU citizens

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-0933/05 (FR) by Thierry Cornillet (ALDE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Child immunisation in the ACP countries

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-0934/05 (NL) by Camiel Eurlings (PPE-DE) to the Council (4 March 2005)

Subject: The position of Christians in Iraq

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-0935/05 (DE) by Markus Pieper (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: European regional policy

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0936/05 (EN) by Mary McDonald (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Childcare

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0937/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Financing for the production of materials for foodstuffs

Answer from the Commission (13 May 2005)

E-0938/05 (NL) by Camiel Eurlings (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Registered Burmese migrants in Thailand affected by the tsunami

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

P-0939/05 (IT) by Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Opening of Italy's first privatised prison for drug addicts, run jointly with the ‘Comunità di San Patrignano’

Answer from the Commission (30 March 2005)

P-0940/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Practical results of the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan

Answer from the Commission (5 April 2005)

P-0941/05 (NL) by Johan Van Hecke (ALDE) to the Commission (4 March 2005)

Subject: Protectionist imposition by France of duty on alcoholic beverages containing more than 35 g sugar

Answer from the Commission (7 April 2005)

E-0942/05 (ES) by Antolín Sánchez Presedo (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: International adoption of Romanian children

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0943/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Aid to joint ventures in the fisheries sector

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0944/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Contravention of the EU framework directive on air quality (96/62/EC) by the city of Kassel

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0945/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Care for persons with multiple sclerosis

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0946/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: EU drug action plan

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0947/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Recruitment of a head of unit for the Dublin Foundation

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-0948/05 (FR) by Antoine Duquesne (ALDE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Processes for modifying the germ line genetic identity of human beings

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0949/05 (ES) by Antolín Sánchez Presedo (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Adequate sign-posting of entrances and exits to garages or other similar parking facilities

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-0950/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Ebro water transfer

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0951/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Programmes for persons with special needs in the second CSF

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-0952/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Council (14 March 2005)

Subject: North Korea and uranium enrichment

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

P-0953/05 (HU) by László Surján (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Utilisation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds in the 10 new Member States to 31 December 2004

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

P-0954/05 (NL) by Toine Manders (ALDE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Ban on smoking in European catering establishments

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

P-0955/05 (EN) by Richard Ashworth (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: REACH

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0956/05 (ES) by Antolín Sánchez Presedo (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Crisis in the European shipbuilding sector

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0957/05 (ES) by Antolín Sánchez Presedo (PSE) and Javier Moreno Sánchez (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Proposal for a Council regulation on applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-0958/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Impact of the ‘Residencial Golf Fontanars’ scheme on SCI No 62

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

E-0959/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: International Year of Microcredit

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-0960/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: European cutlery unites against Asian imitations

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0961/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Deductions for R&D investment

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-0962/05 (CS) by Hynek Fajmon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Restriction of the free movement of goods following the introduction of an electronic road toll in Germany

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-0963/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Violation of the rights of the Greek minority in Albania

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0964/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Cuts in Interreg III funding for Greece

Answer from the Commission (27 May 2005)

E-0965/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Equal treatment of people with disabilities in selection procedures for civil servants in Greece

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0966/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Right to freedom of expression in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0967/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Trouble at the European Court of Auditors

Answer from the Commission (8 April 2005)

E-0968/05 (EN) by Theresa Villiers (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: EU funding for disability projects

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0969/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: The Commission's invitation to Equatorial Guinea

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0970/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Travel in the EU

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-0972/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Breach of motor vehicle exemption Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-0973/05 (FR) by Bernard Poignant (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: WTO dispute on the classification of cured poultry in the nomenclature

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-0974/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Safeguard clauses in favour of the textile industry

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-0975/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Turkey: Christians accused

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-0976/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Plans for a waste dump in Cervera, Castellón (Spain)

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-0977/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) and Jillian Evans (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Waste incinerator Reggio Emilia

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0978/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Imprisonment of parliamentarians in Eritrea

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-0979/05 (EN) by Piia-Noora Kauppi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Distortive effect of new standards in UK public procurement of timber

Preliminary answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (23 January 2006)

E-0980/05 (IT) by Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Improved coordination and attention regarding the organisation of tourism in the Member States

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0981/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Recognition of Asperger's syndrome as a disturbance separate from autism

Answer from the Commission (14 April 2005)

P-0982/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Persecution of Iranian citizens for statements opposing the regime

Answer from the Commission (1 April 2005)

E-0983/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Operation of illegal quarries in Greece

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-0984/05 (EN) by Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: SCTEE opinion on the study into the health and environmental effects of TBT and other organotin compounds

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-0985/05 (NL) by Jan Mulder (ALDE) and Willem Schuth (ALDE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Zero tolerance with regard to the presence of fragments of bone in feed

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-0986/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Harmful containers

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

P-0987/05 (ES) by María Salinas García (PSE) to the Commission (8 March 2005)

Subject: Timetable for the reform of the COM in fruit and vegetables

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

E-0988/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Pollution of the River Kifissos in Athens

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

E-0989/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 March 2005)

Subject: The European School discriminates against Italian speakers

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-0990/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (15 March 2005)

Subject: Cuba — monthly meetings with the opposition

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-0991/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Ban on contacts with foreigners

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0992/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Tax applied to LPG, natural gas and methane used as motor fuel in Ireland

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0993/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Tax applied to unleaded petrol in Ireland

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0994/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Tax applied to low-sulphur diesel fuel

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0995/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (15 March 2005)

Subject: Tax applied to the production of alumina in the Shannon region

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0996/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Taxation on waste oils

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0997/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Excise duty on fuel for local public transport in Ireland

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0998/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Excise duties on fuel for motor vehicles used by people with disabilities

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-0999/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Taxation of private pleasure craft

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1000/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Taxation of air navigation

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1001/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Directive 2003/96/EC

Joint answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1002/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Commission support for an Aalborg+10 initiative by towns and cities

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1003/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Dissemination of urban research results

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1004/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Community framework for cooperation to promote sustainable urban development

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1005/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Assisting cities to set targets for urban environment issues

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1006/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Guidelines for local authorities on biodiversity in urban areas

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1007/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Community's role in local initiatives on waste

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1008/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Assisting cities to adapt to climate change

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1009/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: EU guidelines on urban design issues

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1010/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: EU guidelines on ‘high density, mixed use’ spatial planning

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1011/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: EU training and education policies and sustainable urban environment

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1012/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Sustainable construction

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1013/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Sustainable urban transport indicators

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1014/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Developing local authority guidelines on sustainable urban management

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1015/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: The urban environment thematic strategy

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1016/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Recommendation to local authorities on sustainable water management

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1017/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Impact on libraries of the Public Lending Rights Directive

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-1018/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Recognition of doctors' qualifications by Spain

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-1019/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Booking air tickets for travel in another country

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-1020/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: European Commission's proposals for a conversion scheme under its sugar regime proposals

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-1021/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Member States' responses to Commission sugar reform proposals

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-1022/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Controlling illegal movements of waste out of Ireland

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1023/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Compliance with ILO Convention 182 on Child Labour

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1024/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Information and consultation obligation of companies under EC law

Joint answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1025/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Complaints against national authorities with regard to compliance with Community information and consultation obligations on the restructuring of companies

Joint answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1026/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Au pair placements

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1027/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Report on the implementation of the 1999 Landfill Directive

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-1028/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Public lending rights

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

E-1029/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Proposal for the establishment of an international crisis-management force

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1030/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Details of structural funds and investment in health and healthcare

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2004)

E-1031/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Structural funds and investment in health and healthcare

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

P-1032/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 March 2005)

Subject: Galicia — an Objective 1 region

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

E-1033/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (16 March 2005)

Subject: Compliance with Parliament's requests concerning cluster munitions

Joint answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1034/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Compliance with Parliament's requests concerning cluster munitions

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-1035/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Equivalence of European university degrees

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

E-1036/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Maritime safety: obligation for vessels to carry black boxes

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-1037/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Network of European ‘sea motorways’

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1038/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Community funding for the outer harbour of A Coruña

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-1039/05 (DA) by Ole Christensen (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Handling and labelling of cosmetic products

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-1040/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Ceramic fibres: findings of research into long-term carcinogenic effects

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-1041/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (16 March 2005)

Subject: Turkish Religious Affairs Directorate against ‘crusaders’

Joint answer from the Commission (6 June 2005)

E-1042/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (16 March 2005)

Subject: Conviction of cartoonist in Turkey

Joint answer from the Commission (6 June 2005)

E-1043/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Transposition of EIA directives by Flanders

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-1044/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Colonel Hamid Pourmand

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-1045/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject:‘Primary shareholder’ law and visit of high-level government delegation to the Director-General for the internal market, Alexander Schaub

Joint answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-1046/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Council (16 March 2005)

Subject: Arms supplies to Tanzania

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-1047/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Arms supplies to Tanzania

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1048/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: Exclusive brewery contracts

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

P-1049/05 (FR) by Jacques Toubon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Invitations to tender issued by Community institutions

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

P-1050/05 (IT) by Francesco Speroni (IND/DEM) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Funding of terrorism

Answer from the Commission (18 April 2005)

E-1051/05 (DE) by Maria Berger (PSE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Austrian national law of Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediation

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

E-1052/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Anti-Christian activities of the Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs (DRA), which comes under the authority of the Prime Minister's Office

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-1053/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Conflicting information from the European Anti-Fraud Office

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1054/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Possible reasons for the different testimonies against the journalist Hans-Martin Tillack

Answer from the Commission (27 May 2005)

E-1055/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Questionable trustworthiness of OLAF in the Tillack case

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1056/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: The role of the Commission in the Tillack case

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1057/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (17 March 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Polish National Day

Joint answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

E-1058/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (17 March 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Netherlands National Day

Joint answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

P-1059/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Measures for improving air quality in the Inn valley (Tyrol)

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

P-1060/05 (DE) by Ulrich Stockmann (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Motorway building costs

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-1061/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Revision of Directive 94/45/EC

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-1062/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Repercussions of Turkish police brutality

Joint answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-1063/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Women's rights in Turkey

Joint answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-1064/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Fraud against the Community budget

Answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

E-1065/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Infringement of Directive 76/207/EEC on equal treatment of women as regards employment

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1066/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Ratio of dependent population to economically active population

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1067/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Complaints by Greek citizens against holiday home cooperatives in Greece

Answer from the Commission (13 April 2005)

E-1068/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: 5% cut in 3rd CSF on Greek initiative

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1069/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (21 March 2005)

Subject: Appointment of Turkish officials to Community institutions

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-1070/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (21 March 2005)

Subject: Transparent operation of Independent Administrative Authorities (IAA)

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-1071/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Member State compliance with ECJ rulings

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1072/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Export subsidies for animal transport

Answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

P-1073/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Aviation safety

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

P-1074/05 (EN) by Gary Titley (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Sale of match tickets for the World Cup

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-1075/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: European rapid-reaction force

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1076/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Subsidies to airlines

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-1077/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: EU-WTO relations

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

E-1078/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: The opening up of world markets

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-1079/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Commercial relations between the EU and China

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1080/05 (DE) by Maria Berger (PSE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Animal health and protection — EU animal passport

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-1081/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Reintroduction of the death penalty by Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-1082/05 (IT) by Luisa Morgantini (GUE/NGL), Luigi Cocilovo (ALDE), Pasqualina Napoletano (PSE), Enrico Letta (ALDE) and Lapo Pistelli (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Failure by the French authorities to respect the fundamental rights of a Union citizen

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

P-1083/05 (FR) by Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Violence in Turkey against women

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-1084/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Impact of the Formigal ski resort improvement and enlargement project

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

P-1085/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Lower rate of VAT on nappies — the case of Portugal

Joint answer from the Commission (3 June 2005)

E-1086/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Commission initiative to limit and/or reduce the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in the food chain

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-1087/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Duplicated separate customs controls on passenger traffic at the border between Slovenia and adjacent EU Member States

Answer from the Commission (22 April 2005)

E-1088/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: The furniture sector in Europe: the impact of REACH

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

E-1089/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: The furniture sector in Europe: trade deficit and loss of competitiveness

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1090/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: The furniture sector in Europe: the internal market

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-1091/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Furniture sector in Europe — Commission programmes

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-1092/05 (EL) by Evangelia Tzampazi (PSE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Teaching conditions in special education in Greece

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1093/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Environmental inspections in Greece

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-1094/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Non-governmental organisations

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1095/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: State aid

Joint answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1096/05 (EN) by Simon Coveney (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Life coaching profession

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-1097/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of the gambling sector

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1098/05 (NL) by Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Support for the army in Guatemala

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-1099/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Stagnation in the financing of an international long-distance high-speed rail network and an offer by Switzerland to cofinance it

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

P-1100/05 (DE) by Paul Rübig (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: European City of Culture in 2009

Answer from the Commission (6 April 2005)

P-1101/05 (IT) by Lorenzo Cesa (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 March 2005)

Subject: Reducing regulatory instruments on the European telecommunications market

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

E-1102/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Contributions by third states to the EU budget

Answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

E-1103/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) and Marie-Hélène Aubert (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Limit values for radionuclide contamination of foodstuffs

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1104/05 (EN) by Hélène Flautre (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Malta Government prohibits Maltese journalists from access to detention centres

Joint answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

E-1105/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Structural funding application from Galway County Council

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1106/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Child abduction in the EU

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-1107/05 (EN) by Christopher Huhne (ALDE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Ministry of Defence land sales

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1108/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Situation regarding Euratom security inspections

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1109/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Concentration of rail services on urban networks and on the busiest high-speed connections between major cities as a result of the disappearance of sources of funding

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1110/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Angola — donors' conference

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-1111/05 (FR) by Bernard Poignant (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Harmonisation of toxicological data

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1112/05 (DE) by Joachim Wuermeling (PPE-DE) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Central and Eastern European countries joining the Schengen Area

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-1113/05 (EN) by Richard Howitt (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Disability in emergency relief delivery

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

P-1114/05 (IT) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (16 March 2005)

Subject: The television programme ‘Punto e a capo’ broadcast on RAI 2 on 24 February 2005

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-1115/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (16 March 2005)

Subject: Police violence against a demonstration by women in Turkey

Joint answer from the Commission (6 June 2005)

E-1116/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Emergency call number in the new Member States

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

E-1117/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Access to journalists

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-1118/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Access to journalists

Joint answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

E-1119/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Future of the European Schools

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-1120/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Abolition of ‘subversive’ animal names in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1121/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Police violence against a women's demonstration in Turkey — Prime Minister Erdoğan's reaction

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-1122/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: IT as a school subject in Spain

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1123/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Invasion of the European market by Chinese textiles: what initiatives will the EU take?

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1124/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Invasion of the European market by Chinese textiles: what initiatives will the EU take?

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

E-1125/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Ban on Kurdish folksongs

Answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

P-1127/05 (EN) by Konrad Szymański (UEN) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Reduced VAT on babies' nappies

Joint answer from the Commission (3 June 2005)

P-1128/05 (IT) by Mario Mantovani (PPE-DE) to the Commission (17 March 2005)

Subject: Decommissioning of the JRC site at Ispra

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

P-1129/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Logging concession in a special conservation area

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1130/05 (CS) by Hynek Fajmon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: EU staff salary and pension levels

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1131/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Social security organisations' solidarity account

Answer from the Commission (27 April 2005)

E-1132/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Genocide and ethnic cleansing of the religious minorities in Bangladesh

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

E-1133/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Plans for a core Europe

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-1134/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: EU fishing vessels for South-East Asia

Answer from the Commission (19 May 2005)

E-1135/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Obsolete pesticides

Answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

E-1136/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Comments by the President of the European Parliament on the European Constitution

Answer from the Commission (21 April 2005)

P-1137/05 (CS) by Hynek Fajmon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Establishment of terms and conditions governing applications for agricultural funding under the CAP

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

E-1138/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Suspected terrorists transported by the CIA via EU airports

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-1139/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Project for a wind farm in the Region of Valencia

Joint answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1140/05 (CS) by Hynek Fajmon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Employment of Czech nationals in the EU institutions

Answer from the Commission (31 May 2005)

E-1141/05 (DE) by Elisabeth Jeggle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Road traffic, safety and emergency braking signal

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1142/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) in goats

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1143/05 (EN) by Philip Bradbourn (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Aviation security funding

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1144/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Human rights violations in Turkish Kurdistan

Answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

E-1145/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Investigation into the killing of the journalist José Couso

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-1146/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Investigation into the killing of the journalist José Couso

Answer from the Commission (26 May 2005)

E-1147/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Freedom of expression in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1148/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: OLAF: assessment of hearsay information

Answer from the Commission (25 May 2005)

E-1149/05 (EN) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: MEPs as source of allegations and support for urge for action by police

Answer from the Commission (2 May 2005)

E-1150/05 (FR) by Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission (23 March 2005)

Subject: Ban on the use of cadmium

Answer from the Commission (1 June 2005)

P-1151/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Shelf edge and deepwater fixed net fisheries in waters around the British Isles

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

P-1152/05 (PT) by Sérgio Marques (PPE-DE) to the Council (21 March 2005)

Subject: Exclusion of the outermost regions from former Objective 1 (future ‘convergence’ objective)

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

P-1153/05 (DE) by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Planned changes within institutional procurement, assault on national languages and undermining of transparency

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

P-1154/05 (SV) by Jan Andersson (PSE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Potential of Swedish snuff as a means of giving up smoking

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-1155/05 (ES) by María Herranz García (PPE-DE) to the Commission (29 March 2005)

Subject: Commission or Member State competence

Answer from the Commission (20 May 2005)

E-1156/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (29 March 2005)

Subject: Funding of Santa Maria da Feira water and sanitation concession

Answer from the Commission (3 June 2005)

E-1157/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (29 March 2005)

Subject: Aid for wine

Answer from the Commission (10 May 2005)

E-1158/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Opinion of the Court of Auditors concerning projects receiving co-funding in Greece

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1159/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Projected waste disposal site in the Grammatikon area of Attiki

Joint answer from the Commission (25 May 2005)

E-1160/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Sluggish take-up rate of Community appropriations in Greece

Answer from the Commission (25 May 2005)

E-1161/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Destruction of the Pikermi archaeological site in Attiki

Joint answer from the Commission (25 May 2005)

E-1162/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Local authority decisions in Greece

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1163/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Protection of animals in circuses

Answer from the Commission (19 May 2005)

E-1164/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Fishing bycatch in Norway

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-1165/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Human rights in Cuba

Answer from the Commission (26 May 2005)

E-1167/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Support for people suffering from arthritis

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

P-1168/05 (ES) by Joan Calabuig Rull (PSE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Moroccan imports of European ceramic products

Answer from the Commission (12 April 2005)

P-1169/05 (EN) by Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Rights of carers

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

P-1170/05 (EN) by Daniel Hannan (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 March 2005)

Subject: Euronews

Answer from the Commission (11 April 2005)

E-1171/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Oporto-Vigo rail link

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1172/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Closing of bilingual Greek schools in Germany

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1173/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Council (30 March 2005)

Subject: UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-1174/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Civilian control of intelligence services in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1175/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Plans for a ‘core Europe’ and equality of the EU Member States

Answer from the Commission (26 April 2005)

E-1176/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Population growth in Turkey and breakdown by ethnic groups and regions

Answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-1177/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Country of origin principle in directive on services

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1178/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 March 2005)

Subject: Directive on services

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

P-1179/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Regions losing their Objective 1 status as a natural effect in the 2007-2013 financial period and State aid

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

P-1180/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Gibraltar's tax system

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

P-1181/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Review of the method of testing for bovine spicule in animal feed

Answer from the Commission (29 April 2005)

P-1182/05 (IT) by Marta Vincenzi (PSE) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Corporate social responsibility

Answer from the Commission (20 April 2005)

P-1183/05 (EL) by Antonis Samaras (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Implementation in Member States of Directive 98/6/EC on consumer protection in the indication of the prices of products offered to consumers

Answer from the Commission (4 May 2005)

P-1184/05 (FR) by Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Blue tongue disease and bull-breeding ranches

Answer from the Commission (28 April 2005)

E-1185/05 (DE) by Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Monitoring of local transport contracts by the EU

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1186/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Monitoring the use of pesticides

Answer from the Commission (1 June 2005)

E-1187/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: National Marine Park of Zakynthos

Answer from the Commission (26 May 2005)

E-1188/05 (DE) by Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Safety devices for dogs in cars

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1189/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Preliminary infringement procedure against Greece as a result of ‘basic shareholder’ law

Joint answer from the Commission (3 May 2005)

E-1190/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: REACH, the environment and health

Answer from the Commission (11 May 2005)

E-1191/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: The Connemara pony breed standard

Answer from the Commission (1 June 2005)

E-1192/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Grant aid in respect of research for agricultural purposes

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1193/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Reform of the COM in sugar

Answer from the Commission (17 May 2005)

E-1194/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Designation of renewable fuels produced from organically grown crops

Answer from the Commission (12 May 2005)

P-1195/05 (EN) by Angelika Beer (Verts/ALE) to the Council (22 March 2005)

Subject: Medium Extended Air Defence System (MEADS), urgent decision expected in Germany

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

P-1196/05 (EN) by Kathy Sinnott (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: The O'Hara family's human rights?

Answer from the Commission (15 April 2005)

P-1197/05 (EN) by Avril Doyle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 March 2005)

Subject: Report of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR)

Answer from the Commission (25 April 2005)

E-1198/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Council (31 March 2005)

Subject: EU citizens held in Australia

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-1199/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: European citizens held in Australia

Answer from the Commission (2 June 2005)

E-1200/05 (DE) by Michael Gahler (PPE-DE) to the Commission (31 March 2005)

Subject: Languages used in the call for proposals on strengthening civil society in the 10 new Member States

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1230/05 (PL) by Filip Kaczmarek (PPE-DE) to the Commission (5 April 2005)

Subject: Direct subsidies for Polish farmers and growers of basket willow

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

P-1233/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: European picture library

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1236/05 (ES) by Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE-DE) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Balearic Islands — ultraperipheral region

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

P-1242/05 (IT) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Council (23 March 2005)

Subject: Negotiations with Croatia

Answer from the Council (6 June 2005)

E-1243/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: European Union directive on services in the internal market

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-1248/05 (EL) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Seizure of property

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1250/05 (EL) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Real number of Kurdish refugees resettled by the Turkish Government

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-1251/05 (EL) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Use of force by Turkish police

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-1254/05 (IT) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Ante Gotovina case

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-1258/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Postponement of the start of EU accession negotiations with Croatia, planned for 17 March 2005, and negative impact on peace and integration in the Balkans

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1264/05 (EN) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: The preparation of a common position on software patents on 7 March 2005

Joint answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

E-1265/05 (EN) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: The preparation of a common position on software patents on 7 March 2005

Joint answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

E-1266/05 (EN) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: The preparation of a common position on software patents on 7 March 1005

Joint answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

E-1267/05 (EN) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: The preparation of a common position on software patents on 7 March 2005

Joint answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

E-1268/05 (EN) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: The preparation of a common position on software patents on 7 March 2005

Joint answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

E-1270/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (5 April 2005)

Subject: Discretional indemnity in medical matters

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1274/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (5 April 2005)

Subject: Statement by Chancellor Schröder on FYROM and Turkey

Answer from the Council (27 June 2005)

E-1279/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (7 April 2005)

Subject: Special social benefits

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-1280/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (7 April 2005)

Subject: Changing religion in Turkey

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-1284/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (7 April 2005)

Subject: Immunity of staff of EU agencies

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1289/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Council (7 April 2005)

Subject: Posts for Austrian nationals in the European institutions

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-1300/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (7 April 2005)

Subject: Development aid funding for training armed forces

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1323/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Council (8 April 2005)

Subject: Accession of Croatia and Mrs Del Ponte

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1335/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (8 April 2005)

Subject: EU imports of meat from countries in Africa and Latin America

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1336/05 (NL) by Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (8 April 2005)

Subject: Importation of genetically modified maize which has not received approval

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1340/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (8 April 2005)

Subject: River pollution in Greece

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1347/05 (DE) by Paul Rübig (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 April 2005)

Subject: Accounting proof in connection with exports and intra-Community shipments, with reference to Written Question E-1782/04

Answer from the Commission (25 May 2005)

E-1361/05 (EN) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) and Hélène Flautre (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (12 April 2005)

Subject: Planned egg cell trade

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1362/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 April 2005)

Subject: Visa requirement by Member States to travel to the USA

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1372/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (12 April 2005)

Subject: Monthly meetings with the opposition in Cuba

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1374/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Council (12 April 2005)

Subject: Saharan students subjected to repressive measures in Morocco

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

P-1377/05 (FR) by Béatrice Patrie (PSE) to the Commission (6 April 2005)

Subject: The water shortage and its consequences for agriculture

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-1389/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 April 2005)

Subject: Ending of restricted admission for citizens of the new EU Member States to the former Yugoslav republics and of citizens of those republics to the EU

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1391/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (14 April 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Portuguese National Day

Joint answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1392/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (14 April 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Italian National Day

Joint answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1393/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (14 April 2005)

Subject: Cuba — Swedish National Day

Joint answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1394/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (14 April 2005)

Subject: Green Paper on economic immigration and the EUMC

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1395/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (14 April 2005)

Subject: Study of the integration policies of the old 15 EU Member States

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1404/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 April 2005)

Subject: GM foods and crops

Joint answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1409/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (14 April 2005)

Subject: Claims concerning dangerous Greek honey

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

P-1414/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Council (8 April 2005)

Subject: Measures against terrorism

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1417/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 April 2005)

Subject: Monitoring of genetically modified seeds

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1424/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 April 2005)

Subject: Applying safeguard clauses

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1425/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 April 2005)

Subject: Support for farmers affected by drought

Answer from the Commission (18 October 2005)

P-1434/05 (DE) by Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 April 2005)

Subject: Imports of Bt10 maize

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1437/05 (DE) by Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 April 2005)

Subject: Implementation of the rules laid down in Regulations (EC) Nos 2100/94 and 1768/95 concerning planting of the product of harvest

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1439/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 April 2005)

Subject: Problems of flooding along the river Evros

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1442/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (18 April 2005)

Subject: Important Commission publications not translated into Italian

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1446/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Council (18 April 2005)

Subject: The UN Commission on Human Rights and Cuba

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1449/05 (DE) by Horst Schnellhardt (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Heat treatment and compulsory labelling of milk

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1450/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Equitable Members Action Group

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1451/05 (EN) by Gisela Kallenbach (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Ljulin motorway, Bulgaria

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1453/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: The ‘Basse di Stura’ landfill in Turin

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1455/05 (EN) by Phillip Whitehead (PSE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Use of EU funds for tarmac upgrades of farming/hunting trails

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1456/05 (IT) by Guido Podestà (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Import duty arrangements for husked rice and milled rice

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1458/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Aid for uncultivated land and relevant representative organisations

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1459/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Financing Oporto's metropolitan railway

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1460/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Discrimination amongst workers on drilling platforms

Answer from the Commission (1 June 2005)

E-1461/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (20 April 2005)

Subject: Venezuela

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-1462/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (20 April 2005)

Subject: Cuba

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1464/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1472/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: European funding for the construction of the outer harbour of La Coruña (Galicia, Spain)

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1473/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Uranium limit values in drinking water

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1474/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Schinias

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1475/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Council (20 April 2005)

Subject: Human rights situation in Eritrea

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1476/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Reference by a Member State to obligations allegedly imposed by the EU with regard to calls for tender in respect of public urban transport but which do not actually exist

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-1478/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Secret contract concluded with a mainly Portuguese consortium for the construction of 188 km of the Trakia motorway running from west to east in Bulgaria

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1482/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Council (20 April 2005)

Subject: The Hungarian minority in Romania

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1485/05 (NL) by Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Possible ban on the import of sealskins at national and European level

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1486/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: The Bialowieza National Park in Poland

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1487/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Protection of animal welfare

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

P-1489/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Council (14 April 2005)

Subject: President Mugabe of Zimbabwe's recent visit to Italy and the Vatican for the Pope's funeral and the non-application of the EU travel ban

Answer from the Council (13 June 2005)

E-1498/05 (EN) by Richard Corbett (PSE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: European social work response to child migration issues

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1503/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Proposals to combat unsolicited e-mails

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1504/05 (IT) by Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Ways of contracting hepatitis C

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1508/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Improved integration and coordination of European science

Answer from the Commission (15 June 2005)

E-1510/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact of the M-30 by-pass project

Answer from the Commission (15 June 2005)

E-1511/05 (DE) by André Brie (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Information about the amounts of EU funding allocated to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (and the number of projects involved) under selected EU programmes

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1513/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: IT infrastructure in hospitals

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1514/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Oil pipeline Bourgas-Alexandroupolis

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1517/05 (EN) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (25 April 2005)

Subject: Export of equipment for overseas production of military goods

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1520/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Rules on airports handling cargo and cargo flights

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1523/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Council (25 April 2005)

Subject: Independent Protestant Churches in Eritrea

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1524/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Independent Protestant Churches in Eritrea

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1529/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Council (25 April 2005)

Subject: EU-Morocco fisheries agreement

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1530/05 (NL) by Thijs Berman (PSE) and Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Dumping on the world market of the largest European sugar surplus in 20 years

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1536/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Council (25 April 2005)

Subject: Costs incurred by the European Parliament for sittings in Strasbourg

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-1537/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Council (25 April 2005)

Subject: Transitional period for the Cohesion Fund

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1540/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: The roll-out of national pilot projects for the reform of state institutions in Romania

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1541/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (25 April 2005)

Subject: Commission's concerns regarding GM foods

Joint answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1542/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Transport of animals within agricultural holdings

Answer from the Commission (16 June 2005)

E-1543/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Making applications for youth programmes less bureaucratic

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1545/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Future regional policy

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1546/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Funding for the conservation of small mountain municipalities in the province of Rieti

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1548/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Export subsidies for transport of live animals to Egypt and Lebanon, on which no inspections can be carried out, and the bad experiences now recorded in a CIWF film

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1549/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Council (26 April 2005)

Subject: A priori acquiescence in the disappearance of the State of Belarus in 2006 or provision by the EU of alternative choices for the Belarus electorate

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

P-1550/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 April 2005)

Subject: Reactivation of ENEL's ‘Centrale del Mercure’ in the Pollino National Park

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1552/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Letter from Eurostat to the Italian Government

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1553/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Safeguarding of European cultural heritage

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1554/05 (PL) by Bogdan Golik (PSE) to the Commission (27 April 2005)

Subject: Recognition of the qualifications of Polish nurses and midwives in the EU under the Commission proposal for a Directive 2002/0061(COD)

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

P-1558/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Council (25 April 2005)

Subject: CIA planes

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-1559/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact of discharging sewage into the Albufera lake

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1560/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) and David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Imports of genetically modified Bt-10 maize seeds

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1562/05 (FR) by Brice Hortefeux (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Trafficking in human beings

Answer from the Commission (18 May 2005)

E-1563/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Transport of animals to the Middle East

Answer from the Commission (15 June 2005)

E-1564/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Discrimination against German native speakers in competitions at European level

Joint answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1566/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (28 April 2005)

Subject: List of terrorist organisations outside the EU

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-1567/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: EC/EU contribution to the European Schools

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1568/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Contributions by the Member States to the European Schools

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1569/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Miscellaneous revenue of the European Schools

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1570/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Contributions by non-Community organisations to European Schools

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1573/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject:‘Good practices’ for deporting illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers who have exhausted all procedures

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1576/05 (DE) by Agnes Schierhuber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Legislation on the coexistence of traditional and genetically modified organisms

Answer from the Commission (28 September 2005)

E-1578/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Threat of Greece being required to return Community funds

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-1579/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Exclusion from Greek higher education of Greek students from Northern Epirus

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1580/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Announcements by officials responsible for management of the third CSF in Greece

Answer from the Commission (26 September 2005)

E-1581/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Greek Stock Exchange scandal

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1582/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Distribution of farm subsidies

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1583/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Council (28 April 2005)

Subject: Distribution of farm subsidies

Answer from the Council (12 July 2005)

E-1584/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Antibiotics in yogurt

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1586/05 (FR) by Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Labelling of cars

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1587/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Council (28 April 2005)

Subject: Fifth anniversary of the killings of innocent school children in the Gambia

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-1588/05 (EN) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: European legislation in the field of health

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1589/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (28 April 2005)

Subject: Censorship of the film Submission: an infringement of the freedom of artistic expression

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-1590/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Censorship of the film Submission: an infringement of the freedom of artistic expression

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1594/05 (EN) by Ingo Friedrich (PPE-DE), José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) and Joachim Wuermeling (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: EU directives affecting the toy industry

Answer from the Commission (13 October 2005)

P-1597/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Safeguards against textile imports from China

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1598/05 (DE) by Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Directive 2003/97/EC — blind spot on lorries — possible solutions to amend legislation in force on which agreement can be reached

Answer from the Commission (15 June 2005)

E-1599/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Harmonisation of laws on gambling at European level

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1600/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Imports of illegally logged timber

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1603/05 (ES) by Manuel Medina Ortega (PSE) to the Council (2 May 2005)

Subject: Tax harmonisation and protection of citizens

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1604/05 (ES) by Manuel Medina Ortega (PSE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Tax harmonisation and protection of citizens

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1605/05 (CS) by Hynek Fajmon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Subsidised export of livestock to third countries

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1606/05 (DA) by Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Limit values for dioxin in salmon

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1608/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Paris hotel fire

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1609/05 (EN) by Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Jillian Evans (Verts/ALE), Dorette Corbey (PSE) and Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Great apes

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1614/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Proposals from Greek regions for innovative actions programmes

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

P-1616/05 (IT) by Matteo Salvini (IND/DEM) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1617/05 (ES) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Alternatives to the Granadilla and Arinaga regasification plants in the Canary Islands

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1618/05 (DE) by Mathieu Grosch (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Cabotage — relocation of companies' registered offices

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-1619/05 (EL) by Stavros Arnaoutakis (PSE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Statistical effect and ‘Objective 1’ countries

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1620/05 (EN) by Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE) to the Council (3 May 2005)

Subject: Transfer agreement of radioactive waste between Hungary and Russia

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1621/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Council (3 May 2005)

Subject: No to the amendment of Framework Law No 266/91 and the ensuing cuts in funding for the voluntary sector

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1622/05 (IT) by Antonio De Poli (PPE-DE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: No to the amendment of Framework Law No 266/91 and the ensuing cuts in funding for the voluntary sector

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

P-1625/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 April 2005)

Subject: Media concentration

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

P-1628/05 (SV) by Charlotte Cederschiöld (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 April 2005)

Subject: Citizenship and civil registration

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1630/05 (EN) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) and Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Road tunnel in the centre of Lisbon — Portugal

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1631/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Normalisation of irregular migrants in Spain

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1632/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Code of Conduct on Doping

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1633/05 (EN) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Western Sahara/EU Commission MEDA Programme

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1636/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Possible increase in European base rates

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1638/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Discrimination by the Iranian Government

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1639/05 (IT) by Renato Brunetta (PPE-DE) to the Council (3 May 2005)

Subject: Statements by Commissioner Joaquin Almunia on Italy's public finances

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

P-1641/05 (EL) by Antonios Trakatellis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 April 2005)

Subject: Patient mobility: cross-border cooperation in the field of healthcare, compensation and cross-border payment mechanism

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1642/05 (EL) by Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Trafficking in south-east Europe

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1643/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Registration of vehicles from abroad

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1644/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Poor legislative technique in Commission proposals

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1645/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Proposal for a regulation COM(2004)0687 final, processed products and incorporated products

Answer from the Commission (28 September 2005)

E-1646/05 (ES) by Luis de Grandes Pascual (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Cross-financing of means of transport and unfair competition

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1647/05 (ES) by Luis de Grandes Pascual (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Professional diesel

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1648/05 (ES) by Luis de Grandes Pascual (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Compensatory measures for goods carriers in the outermost countries

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1649/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Questionnaire on competition policy

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1651/05 (EN) by Jim Higgins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Alternatives to the use of fossil hydrocarbon fuels

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1652/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Council (11 May 2005)

Subject: Death penalty in Singapore

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1653/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Wrong information provided by the Commission

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

P-1654/05 (DE) by Renate Sommer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: Labelling thresholds for conventional seed

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1655/05 (DE) by Renate Sommer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Thresholds for the labelling of conventional seed

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1658/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Operation of third CSF control mechanisms in Greece

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1659/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Thessaloniki Cinema Museum

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1660/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Helmuth Markov (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Significant numbers of victims and high costs resulting from the continued non-installation of mirrors eliminating blinds spots on lorries manufactured before 2006

Answer from the Commission (15 June 2005)

E-1661/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Importing pets into Sweden

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1662/05 (DA) by Ole Christensen (PSE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Guidelines for measurement of tar and nicotine content of cigarettes

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1663/05 (EL) by Maria Matsouka (PSE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Disclosure of human rights abuse at factories manufacturing products for the multinational corporation Nike

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1664/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Availability of benefits outside the Member State of origin

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1665/05 (EN) by David Martin (PSE) to the Council (11 May 2005)

Subject: The Reverend Hamid Pourmand and the right to change one's religious beliefs

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1666/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Visas ‘dished out’ by a minister

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

P-1667/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 May 2005)

Subject: EU provisions on bank transfers

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1671/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Russian oil pipeline

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1672/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Turkish military intervention and stability in the Middle East

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1673/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Human rights watch in Transylvania

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1674/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Restoration of monuments and cultural symbols

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1678/05 (ES) by María Salinas García (PSE) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Possible infringement of the Treaty in the case of pensions paid in Gibraltar

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1679/05 (DE) by Helmuth Markov (GUE/NGL) to the Council (11 May 2005)

Subject: Route of the German motorway A14

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1680/05 (DE) by Helmuth Markov (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Route of the German motorway A14

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1681/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Hazardous chromium in the groundwater in Attica

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1682/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Credit cards levy in Malta

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1683/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Compagnie Algérienne de Banque

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1684/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (12 May 2005)

Subject: Urgent and effective measures against tobacco smuggling from China

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1685/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Urgent and effective measures against tobacco smuggling from China

Answer from the Commission (21 October 2005)

E-1686/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Responsibility of a State which wishes to accede to the EU for detention in order to question an EU citizen in territory controlled by the USA

Joint answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

P-1687/05 (EN) by Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE) to the Council (3 May 2005)

Subject: Illegal restrictions imposed on Dr Mordechai Vanunu's freedom and violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

P-1688/05 (NL) by Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Transparency of EAGGF subsidies

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

P-1689/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 May 2005)

Subject: Fraudulent Schengen visas, links between embassy personnel and criminals, failure to take action

Answer from the Commission (16 June 2005)

E-1691/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Spanish Environmental Ministry's new water supply schemes

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1692/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: The ‘La Tanguera’ town planning scheme in the Sierra de Escalona

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1693/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Building in the SBPA ‘El Valle y sierras de Altaona y Escalona’

Answer from the Commission (9 September 2005)

E-1694/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Plan to build four desalination plants in Mallorca

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1695/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Amendment of the decree requiring and regulating environmental impact assessments

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1696/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Reclamation of the Pinar de Grau woods (Castelló de la Plana, Spain)

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1697/05 (DE) by Albert Deß (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Impact of the promotion of renewable raw materials on the macroeconomy and the job market

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1698/05 (DE) by Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Second railway package — creation of an integrated European railway area/market

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1699/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Infringement of Directives 95/53/EC, 95/69/EC and 98/51/EC

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1700/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Pollution of the River Pinios

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1702/05 (NL) by Anne Van Lancker (PSE) and Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Illegal harvesting of timber and the Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT)

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1703/05 (NL) by Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Illicit international trade in exotic animals

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1704/05 (PT) by Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Eurojust

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-1705/05 (PT) by Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Eurojust

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1706/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Commission failure to comply with Court of Justice rulings

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-1707/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Introduction of a general rule to fit a specific circumstance

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1708/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Relocation of SCBO (Philips)

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1709/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Exploitation of Portuguese workers in Spain

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

P-1710/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Redundancies at Bosch in Tienen due to relocation

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1711/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Safety at sea: requirement for black boxes on board ships

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1712/05 (DA) by Anne Jensen (ALDE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Technical inspection of foreign vehicles

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1713/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Restrictions on access to the European job market, particularly in Austria, for Hungarian temporary agency workers

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-1714/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Colombia — Luis Miguel Gomez

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1715/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Sale of financial products by Equitable Life

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1716/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Rights of persons with reduced mobility as airline passengers

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1717/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Colombia

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1718/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Redundancies at Bosch in Tienen due to relocation

Answer from the Council (11 October 2005)

E-1719/05 (FI) by Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Funding of the European Institute for Gender Equality

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1720/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Export subsidies to European milk producers

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

P-1721/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (4 May 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of the market: implications for the European textile industry

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

P-1722/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 May 2005)

Subject: Pre-authorisation research into Bt11 maize

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

P-1724/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (10 May 2005)

Subject: EU monitoring of nuclear supplies to Iran

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1725/05 (DA) by Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Ensuring compliance with the Basel Convention with regard to the scrapping of ships

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-1726/05 (DA) by Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Ensuring compliance with the Basel Convention with regard to the scrapping of ships

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1727/05 (DE) by Horst Schnellhardt (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Poultry slaughtering

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1728/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Psytallia biological treatment facility

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1729/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Disposal of toxic and hazardous waste

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1730/05 (EN) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Driftnets in the Mediterranean

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1731/05 (EN) by Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Harmonisation of electricity plugs

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1732/05 (EN) by John Bowis (PPE-DE) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Polisario

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1733/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: EU monitoring of nuclear supplies to Iran

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-1734/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Incorrect application of the directive on the reception of asylum-seekers by the Netherlands State, as a result of which the basic needs of asylum-seekers are not met while a second asylum application is being processed

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1735/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Generating demand for ‘lifestyle drugs’ by means of advertising which highlights symptoms and circumvents the ban on advertising prescription drugs to the general public

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1736/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Erosion of the independence of evaluation committees, publications and research by commercial sales promotion by pharmaceutical companies

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1737/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: The change in the role of Dutch housing associations from idealistic to commercial and their prospects for survival if they are compelled to comply with EU rules on competitive tendering

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1738/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Growing likelihood that the new Betuwe railway line between the port of Rotterdam and the German hinterland cannot be used for freight transport

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1739/05 (NL) by Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Reclassification of eggs and complaints by the Netherlands to the Commission about it

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1741/05 (DE) by André Brie (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Kidnapping of the German national Khaled al-Marsi by US authorities in FYROM

Joint answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1742/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Services Directive

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

P-1743/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (10 May 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of import quotas for textile and clothing products from China

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1744/05 (DE) by Thomas Ulmer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Transparent bank accounts

Preliminary answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (17 March 2006)

E-1745/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Possible employment consequences for the EU textile industry

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1746/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Protective measures for the European wine industry

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

P-1747/05 (FR) by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Council (11 May 2005)

Subject: Purchase by Poland of US aircraft

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

P-1748/05 (IT) by Alessandro Battilocchio (NI) to the Commission (11 May 2005)

Subject: Adoptions in Romania

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1750/05 (EN) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Special Environmental Inspectors Service

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1751/05 (FR) by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Polish purchase of American aircraft

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1755/05 (DA) by Henrik Kristensen (PSE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Norwegian spring-spawning herring

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1756/05 (EN) by Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Right to vote in European elections

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1757/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: VHF radios

Answer from the Commission (19 October 2005)

E-1758/05 (FR) by Antoine Duquesne (ALDE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: European policy on sectarianism

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-1759/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Recognition of professional associations

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-1760/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Confiscation and return of driftnets

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1761/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: EU-US agreement on rice imports

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1762/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Reimbursement scheme for Parmalat bonds

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-1763/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Effects of the ECJ judgment on European football

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1764/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Safeguarding the railways against terrorism

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1765/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Minimum social standards in the whole of the European Union and candidate countries

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-1766/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Common fisheries policy and regional development

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1767/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Community funding for the outer harbour of A Coruña (Spain)

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1769/05 (FR) by Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Water voles threatened with extinction

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

P-1770/05 (IT) by Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 May 2005)

Subject: Violation by the EU of asylum seekers' human rights

Answer from the Commission (13 June 2005)

E-1772/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Basle Convention, Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 and the search for solutions following the collapse in February 2005 of international talks on ships for breaking up

Joint answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1773/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Large-scale export of waste to Turkey and Asia in the form of ocean-going vessels destined for the breaker's yard and measures to put an end to this practice at the earliest opportunity

Joint answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1774/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: The COWI report and the early resolution of the problem of the lack of green recycling capacity for single-hulled oil tankers

Joint answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1775/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) and Emanuel Fernandes (PSE) to the Council (23 May 2005)

Subject: European cabin crew licence

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1776/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) and Emanuel Fernandes (PSE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: European cabin crew licence

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

P-1777/05 (DA) by Ole Krarup (GUE/NGL) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Extension of Schengen cooperation and choice of legal basis

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-1778/05 (ES) by Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE-DE) to the Council (23 May 2005)

Subject: ERDF and the Territorial Cooperation objective

Answer from the Council (18 July 2005)

E-1779/05 (ES) by Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: ERDF and the Territorial Cooperation objective

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1780/05 (DA) by Ole Krarup (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Extension of Schengen cooperation and choice of legal basis

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1781/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Cuba — ban on contacts with foreigners

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

P-1782/05 (FR) by Martin Schulz (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Social rights of contract staff

Answer from the Commission (16 June 2005)

P-1783/05 (IT) by Renato Brunetta (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Measures to safeguard and indicate the origin of products sold by opticians

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

P-1784/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Discrimination in favour of English native speakers in job advertisements

Joint answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

P-1785/05 (IT) by Lilli Gruber (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Compatibility of Italian legislation in the audiovisual sector with Community competition law

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1786/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Consumers' right of information concerning pasteurised juices

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1787/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Traditional citrus-fruit growing and the reform of the COM in fruit and vegetables

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1788/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Unauthorised GMOs

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1789/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Surpluses in the sugar sector

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1790/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Council (23 May 2005)

Subject: Confiscation of a guesthouse owned by the Episcopalian Church of Sudan (ECS)

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1791/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Travel in the EU

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1792/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Funds to support production of processing of chestnuts

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1793/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Failure to respect an Italian citizen's right of access to his child

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1794/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Relocation of the Molex Automotive company

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1795/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Loans to SMEs

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1796/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Initiating emergency distillation

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1797/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Use of Community funding

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1798/05 (EL) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Council (23 May 2005)

Subject: Infringement by European Union (British) citizens of the property rights of Cypriot refugees

Answer from the Council (2 December 2005)

E-1799/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Contradictory data regarding Community funding for Greece in the first quarter of 2005

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1800/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Statements by former German Chancellor Schmidt concerning ethnic cleansing in Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

P-1801/05 (CS) by Jana Bobošíková (NI) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Ratification of the Treaty on the European Constitution

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

P-1802/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (18 May 2005)

Subject: Cape Verde — Special partnership with the European Union

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-1803/05 (CS) by Jana Bobošíková (NI) to the Council (23 May 2005)

Subject: Excise duty on still wine

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1806/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: International Day of the Family

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1807/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Cape Verde — Special partnership with the European Union

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

P-1808/05 (ES) by Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Footwear industry in Spain

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

P-1809/05 (FR) by Yannick Vaugrenard (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Relocations within the European Union

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1810/05 (ES) by Luis Yañez-Barnuevo García (PSE) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Bolivian access to the sea

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1811/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (23 May 2005)

Subject: Concentration of Turkish troops along the border with Iraq

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1812/05 (IT) by Mario Mauro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Provisional customs duties on imports of finished textile products from China

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1813/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Possible funding for remedial measures to combat noise pollution

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-1814/05 (EL) by Nikolaos Vakalis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Use of research findings concerning the construction of a hydrogen-powered aeroplane

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1815/05 (EL) by Nikolaos Vakalis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Shipping and emission trading

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-1816/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Exclusion of Epirus from natural gas pipeline

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1817/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Imports from China: European textile industry under threat

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

P-1818/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Xúquer-Vinalopó water-transfer project and the supply of water to the Valencia albufera (lagoon)

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

P-1819/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: EU trade preferences for Thailand

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1820/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Valencian Wind Park Plan

Preliminary answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (6 March 2006)

E-1821/05 (FI) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Emissions trading: question further to the Commission answers to Questions E-2111/04 and E-0215/05

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

P-1822/05 (FI) by Riitta Myller (PSE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Compliance with the Wild Birds Directive in all Member States

Answer from the Commission (16 June 2005)

P-1823/05 (DE) by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE) to the Commission (18 May 2005)

Subject: Failure on the part of the City of Trier to carry out an environmental impact assessment with regard to a nature reserve

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-1824/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Progress towards the recognition of professional qualifications

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1825/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Porxinos urban development project in Riba-roja, Valencia (Spain)

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1826/05 (DA) by Jens-Peter Bonde (IND/DEM) to the Council (24 May 2005)

Subject: Use of Danish in working parties

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-1827/05 (DA) by Jens-Peter Bonde (IND/DEM) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Use of Danish in working parties

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1828/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Compliance with EU environment rules

Answer from the Commission (8 September 2005)

E-1829/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Treatment of furred animals at Chinese fur farms

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-1830/05 (DE) by Daniel Caspary (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Solar thermal power station technology

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-1831/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Censorship and freedom of expression in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1832/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Historical contracts for the transport of electricity and the liberalisation of the energy market

Answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-1833/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Ousting of Dutch house-building companies in north-east Netherlands by German undertakings benefiting from unfair conditions of competition

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1834/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Consultation of workers

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1835/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Relocation of the company Cotesi, S.A.

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

P-1836/05 (EL) by Evangelia Tzampazi (PSE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Ecological disaster in pine forests in Greece

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

P-1837/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Orhan Pamuk affair and censorship in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1838/05 (DE) by Elisabeth Jeggle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Clarification of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1839/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: External Action Service

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1840/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: External Action Service

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1841/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Grounding of Flying Fortress aircraft

Joint answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1842/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Use of farm land for motor sports

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1843/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Public procurement contracts for the shipbuilding industry

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1844/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Temporary compensatory aid for the shipbuilding industry

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1845/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Shipbuilding industry in Poland

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1846/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Review of the Framework on State aid to Shipbuilding

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1847/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: State aid for shipbuilding

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1848/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: State aid for the EU shipbuilding industry

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1849/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: State aid to Scottish shipyards

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1850/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: State aid for Clydeside Shipyards

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1851/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: State aid in Scotland — successful applications

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1852/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: State aid in Scotland — unsuccessful applications

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1853/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject:‘Grey boats’

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-1855/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Slaughterhouses in remote and island areas

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-1856/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Imports of textile products from China

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-1857/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Construction of sea walls at the mouth of the Douro river

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1858/05 (SV) by Henrik Lax (ALDE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Consideration of Parliament's views in visa negotiations with Russia

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

P-1859/05 (DE) by Erika Mann (PSE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Implications for the EU of the mergers in the US between Verizon and MCI and between SBC and AT&T

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

P-1860/05 (NL) by Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Date of introduction of digital tachograph

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1862/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: European Arrest Warrant

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1863/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: The EU and whaling in Norway

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1865/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Pollution at the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer School in Hamm, Germany

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1866/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Statements made by Commissioner Rehn about the Croatian Government

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-1867/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Availability of AIMSPRO

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1868/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Extension of the validity of national pilots licences across EU airspace

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1869/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Provisional anti-dumping duties on polyester fabrics from China

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1870/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Progress in Commission proposals to prevent the misfuelling of vehicles (follow-up to Written Question E-0657/04)

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1871/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Offshore workers and European Working Time Directive

Joint answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1872/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Offshore workers and review of working time

Joint answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1873/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Offshore workers and working time

Joint answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

E-1874/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Cross-border mergers between EU companies with share capital

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1875/05 (EN) by Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE) to the Council (26 May 2005)

Subject: Northern Cyprus

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1876/05 (EN) by Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Northern Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1877/05 (IT) by Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Cea file

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-1878/05 (IT) by Alessandro Foglietta (UEN) and Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Consumer information campaign on Chinese imports

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-1880/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Angola — Donor Conference

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

E-1881/05 (FI) by Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia in the EU and its Member States

Answer from the Commission (23 June 2005)

P-1882/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Legal status of snus (Swedish snuff)

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1883/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Impact of oil prices on Member States' economic growth rates

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1884/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Plastic-wrapped cucumbers

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-1885/05 (FR) by Fernand Le Rachinel (NI) to the Council (26 May 2005)

Subject: Human rights in Poland

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-1886/05 (IT) by Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Failure to comply with EAGGF regulation in connection with the use of Community funds for afforestation of the Colle della Duolfa SCI in the Macchia di Isernia (IS) area

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

P-1887/05 (HU) by Péter Olajos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (19 May 2005)

Subject: Illegal harassment of Hungarian firms in Germany

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

P-1888/05 (PL) by Witold Tomczak (IND/DEM) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Discrimination against Polish nurses and midwives

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

P-1889/05 (EN) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Current implementation of the EC-Israel Association Agreement and the new Protocol on Rules of Origin

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

P-1890/05 (IT) by Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Breach of Community EIA regulations by the mining concession at the quarry located in ‘Colle della Duolfa’ in Macchia di Isernia (IS)

Answer from the Commission (27 June 2005)

E-1891/05 (ES) by Teresa Riera Madurell (PSE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: The Santa María de la Real Monastery

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1892/05 (DA) by Ole Krarup (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Financial incentives for automobile production in Sweden

Preliminary answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-1893/05 (DA) by Ole Krarup (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Situation in Andorra

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1894/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Authorisation to import medicine for the treatment of myopic macular degeneration

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-1895/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Mr Kyprianou's answer to Written Question E-1086/05

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1896/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Value Added Tax

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-1897/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Insolvency Directive and UK Pension Protection Fund

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1898/05 (EN) by Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (26 May 2005)

Subject: Greek conscientious objectors, basic rights

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-1899/05 (EN) by Mary McDonald (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Tendering procedures

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

P-1900/05 (EN) by Linda McAvan (PSE) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Links between Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and Crohn's Disease

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1901/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Report concerning cotton

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1902/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: International adoption procedures in Romania

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-1903/05 (IT) by Salvatore Tatarella (UEN) to the Council (30 May 2005)

Subject: Transparency of the European Central Bank (ECB)

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1904/05 (IT) by Salvatore Tatarella (UEN) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Chinese protectionism and undervaluation of the yuan

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1905/05 (IT) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject:‘Movimondo’ NGO and Commission investigation (development cooperation)

Answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

E-1906/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Export subsidies from the EU for transportation of live animals

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

P-1907/05 (NL) by Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 May 2005)

Subject: Investigation by Commissioner Kroes into subsidisation of the Artis and Blijdorp Zoos

Answer from the Commission (21 June 2005)

E-1908/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Council (30 May 2005)

Subject: Afghanistan

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-1909/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Afghanistan

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-1910/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Safety of humanitarian workers

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1911/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Third deepening of the Western Scheldt estuary and measures to compensate for the impact of the second deepening of that estuary on the natural environment

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1912/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1913/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1914/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1915/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1916/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1917/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1918/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1919/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1920/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1921/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1922/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1923/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1924/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1925/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1926/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1927/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1928/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1929/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1930/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1931/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1932/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1933/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1934/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1935/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1936/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Security

Joint answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-1937/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) and Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Human rights violations against the Montagnard people of the Vietnam Highlands

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1938/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Financial disadvantages for border municipalities whose educational facilities are heavily used by residents from across national borders

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-1939/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Independence of members of scientific committees and external experts

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

P-1941/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Fixed-term contract staff

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

E-1942/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Subsequent use of Olympic facilities

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-1943/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Council (30 May 2005)

Subject: Luis Posada Carriles

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

P-1945/05 (EN) by Roger Helmer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Services Directive

Answer from the Commission (14 June 2005)

E-1946/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Identity document for the disabled

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1947/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Protection of turtles on Zakynthos

Answer from the Commission (26 July 2005)

E-1948/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Conflicting information concerning the progress of the 3rd CSF

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-1949/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Strange methods of selecting personnel by ASEP in Greece

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1950/05 (EN) by Simon Coveney (PPE-DE) to the Commission (31 May 2005)

Subject: Statute of limitation on debt

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1951/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (31 May 2005)

Subject: Funding for the construction of a multi-purpose amphitheatre

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1952/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (31 May 2005)

Subject: Funding for the re-opening of the former paper mill in Subiaco

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1953/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 May 2005)

Subject: Extension of the Flemish Port Decree

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

P-1954/05 (DE) by Othmar Karas (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002 on block exemption for the motor vehicle sector — abolition of the location clause

Answer from the Commission (17 June 2005)

P-1955/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Double salary paid to President Barroso's bodyguards contrary to EU Staff regulations

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-1956/05 (DE) by Othmar Karas (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: European internal market for payments

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1957/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Italian regional tax on net production value (IRAP)

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1958/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Progress of projects financed by the Cohesion Fund in Greece

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1959/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Responsibility of the Commission's departments for faulty implementation of projects under the 3rd CSF in Greece

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1960/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Definition of ‘European State’ and eligibility of Israel and Armenia for Union membership

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-1961/05 (EN) by Kathy Sinnott (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Telecommunication Masts

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1962/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Serious situation in Eritrea

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

P-1963/05 (FI) by Esko Seppänen (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Recipients of agricultural support

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-1965/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Transport of pet animals

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1966/05 (EN) by Cecilia Malmström (ALDE) to the Council (1 June 2005)

Subject: Political prisoners in Iran

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-1967/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Mistreatment of Roma by police in Romania

Joint answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1968/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Adult education measures for Roma in Romania

Joint answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1969/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Capacity of the National Office for Roma in Romania

Joint answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1970/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Discrimination against Roma in Poland

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1971/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Forced evictions of Roma families in Czech Republic

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1972/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Healthcare for Roma in Romania

Joint answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1973/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Healthcare for Roma in Slovakia

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1974/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Housing conditions of Roma in Serbia and Montenegro

Joint answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-1975/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Roma without citizenship and identity documents in Croatia

Joint answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-1976/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Neglect of the Roma and Egyptian communities in Albania

Joint answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-1977/05 (EN) by Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Personal and ownership documents of Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Joint answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-1978/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Accessibility of SAFA reports to the general public

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-1979/05 (PL) by Konrad Szymański (UEN) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: German customs service operations in Opole and Lower Silesia

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

P-1980/05 (DE) by Elisabeth Jeggle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 — entitlement of Swiss farmers to payments under the CAP

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

P-1981/05 (EN) by Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject:‘Incident’ at THORP plutonium plant in the UK on 20 April 2005

Answer from the Commission (22 June 2005)

E-1982/05 (DE) by Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Tsunami relief aid

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-1983/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Tendering of Caledonian MacBrayne ferry services in the Clyde and Hebrides

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1984/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Future of Caledonian MacBrayne ferry services in the Clyde and Herbrides

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1985/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Caledonian MacBrayne ferry services in Scotland

Joint answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1986/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Pollution with industrial particles in Duisburg

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-1987/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Damage to the Parthenon Marbles

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-1988/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: ERDF funding for projects in Greece in 2004

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-1989/05 (EN) by Kathy Sinnott (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Lloyd's

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-1990/05 (EN) by Neil Parish (PPE-DE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Export refunds for cattle shipped to the Middle East

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-1991/05 (IT) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: EU-Nicaragua relations and the ‘Nemagon’ crisis in the banana sector

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

P-1992/05 (FI) by Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE) to the Commission (26 May 2005)

Subject: Working conditions of temporary workers and supervision of the use of temporary workers

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-1993/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (2 June 2005)

Subject: Fashion show with semi-naked models in a Christian church in Istanbul

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-1994/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Half-naked models at a fashion show held in a Christian church in Istanbul

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-1995/05 (EN) by Richard Corbett (PSE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: The situation of the Roma people in Romania

Answer from the Commission (9 September 2005)

P-1996/05 (PT) by Duarte Freitas (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Sea transport of live domestic animals

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-1997/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Frost and drought in Spain

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-1998/05 (DE) by Paul Rübig (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Resolution with a call for the ‘Bachelor Professional’ or ‘Master Professional’ degree to be awarded in recognition of the Austrian ‘Werkmeister’ or ‘HTL-Ingenieur’ qualification

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-1999/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE), Malcolm Harbour (PPE-DE) and Zuzana Roithová (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Information-sharing in relation to the Professional Qualification Directive

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-2000/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Use of driftnets by Italian vessels

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2001/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (6 June 2005)

Subject: Europe must defend itself against Chinese economic espionage

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2002/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Europe must defend itself against Chinese economic espionage

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2003/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Discrimination against native speakers of languages other than English

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-2004/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: EU fisheries policy

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-2005/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Application of the subsidiarity principle

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

P-2006/05 (DE) by Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: German-speaking minority in Slovenia

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

P-2007/05 (EN) by Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 and the grounding of an historic aircraft

Joint answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-2008/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Broadcasts on the Palestinian Authority's official television channel

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2009/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: EU seeks to oppose citizens' resistance to extreme violence

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-2010/05 (EN) by Sir Robert Atkins (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Increased insurance requirements with respect to vintage aircraft arising from Regulation (EC) No 785/2004

Joint answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

E-2011/05 (IT) by Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE), Giuseppe Gargani (PPE-DE), Armando Dionisi (PPE-DE) and Giuseppe Castiglione (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Statements made by Commissioner Kroes and the BNL and Antonveneta cases

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2012/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Allegations by the Greek Government concerning administrative irregularities and infringements of building regulations regarding projects under the third CSF

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2013/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: European Social Fund (ESF) projects in Greece

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-2014/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Price of milk in Greece

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2015/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Eutelsat — relaying of NTDTV television signal

Answer from the Commission (26 October 2005)

E-2016/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Selling-on of scrapped electrical equipment for dismantling in the Third World instead of submitting it for environmentally sound disposal

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2017/05 (EL) by Ioannis Varvitsiotis (PPE-DE) and Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Human rights in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2018/05 (EL) by Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Letter from Mr Barbaso to the newspaper ‘Fileleftheros’

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2019/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Air quality in East Lothian, Scotland

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2020/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Environment Programme and the Almada municipal authorities

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2021/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Aid granted to the Lear multinational

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2022/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Discrimination against women in sport

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

P-2023/05 (EN) by Elizabeth Lynne (ALDE) to the Commission (30 May 2005)

Subject: Working time

Answer from the Commission (20 June 2005)

P-2024/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Council (30 May 2005)

Subject: Complaints concerning the free movement of sportsmen and women

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2025/05 (ES) by Antolín Sánchez Presedo (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Interreg III Community initiative projects as part of the Spain-Portugal programme, subprogramme 1: Galicia-Northern Portugal

Answer from the Commission (8 September 2005)

E-2026/05 (ES) by María Badía i Cutchet (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: The European Union as a school subject

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2027/05 (DE) by Mathieu Grosch (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Distortion of competition — state aid

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-2028/05 (EN) by Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Impact assessment and industry consultation

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2029/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Naval auxiliary ships

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2031/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Air transport costs for Shetland, Orkney and Western Isles

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2032/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: EU assistance for lifeline air services for Shetland, Orkney and the Western Isles

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2033/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Flights to Shetland, Orkney and Western Isles from mainland Scotland

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2034/05 (FR) by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Doha — trade negotiations

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2035/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (6 June 2005)

Subject:15 000 illegal immigrants arriving on Italian shores — EU support to help Italy cope with the emergency

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2036/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject:15 000 illegal immigrants arriving on Italian shores — EU support to help Italy cope with the emergency

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2037/05 (IT) by Sergio Berlato (UEN) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Safety in road tunnels

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2038/05 (NL) by Edith Mastenbroek (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Impact of the amended Financial Regulation on grant applications under the Safer Internet Programme

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

E-2039/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Acceptance of the federal structure and diversity in Bosnia-Herzegovina as a permanent contributor to mutual reconciliation and peaceful integration into the EU

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-2040/05 (FI) by Riitta Myller (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Free movement of volleyball players within the European Union

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2042/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of the gambling services sector

Answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2043/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Europe's endangered flora

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2044/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Compulsory mobility in the case of sensitive posts

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2045/05 (EL) by Maria Matsouka (PSE) to the Council (7 June 2005)

Subject: China's record export performance and the wretched working conditions of Chinese workers

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2046/05 (EL) by Maria Matsouka (PSE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of shop opening hours threatening the survival of small and medium-sized businesses in Greece

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2047/05 (EN) by Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Exemption of risk-assessed flame retardant from EU Directive on electronics and hazardous substances

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2048/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: HIV/AIDS in Libya

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2049/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland

Joint answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2050/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Make Poverty History Campaign

Joint answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2051/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Malawi

Joint answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2052/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Written declaration on Make Poverty History

Joint answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2053/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Drop the debt

Joint answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2054/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Scottish beef and lifting of beef ban to Europe

Answer from the Commission (1 July 2005)

E-2055/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Lifting of ban on Scottish beef exports

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-2058/05 (EN) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Digital broadcasting

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-2059/05 (IT) by Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Funding for SMEs

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-2060/05 (IT) by Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) to the Council (7 June 2005)

Subject: Monsanto GMOs — a health hazard

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2061/05 (IT) by Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Monsanto GMOs: a health hazard

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2062/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Attempt by the Turkish Government to prevent the holding in Istanbul of a convention on the Armenian genocide

Joint answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-2064/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Fraudulent use of ERDF funding

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2065/05 (EL) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: European Union funding for demining operations in the buffer zone

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2066/05 (EL) by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: EU funding for the Nicosia Master Plan

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2067/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Italian regulations on driftnets

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2068/05 (EN) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Driftnet kills 13 dolphins and a small whale on the coast of Samothrace

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2069/05 (IT) by Romano La Russa (UEN) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Crisis in the fruit and vegetable markets

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2070/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Censorship in Turkey

Joint answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-2071/05 (NL) by Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) and Jan Wiersma (PSE) to the Council (7 June 2005)

Subject: The situation of North Korean refugees in China

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

P-2072/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 June 2005)

Subject: Compatibility of the Valencia region's urban development plans with the directives on water and environmental impact assessment

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

E-2073/05 (DA) by Jens-Peter Bonde (IND/DEM) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Regional aid

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2074/05 (EN) by Terence Wynn (PSE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Construction Products Directive

Answer from the Commission (14 December 2005)

E-2075/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Clearstream, Menatep and Bolkestein

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2076/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Council (7 June 2005)

Subject: Situation of Chechen refugees in Georgia

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2077/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: Situation of Chechen refugees in Georgia

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

P-2078/05 (NL) by Saïd El Khadraoui (PSE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Mercosur negotiations, import of sea salt from Brazil

Joint answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

P-2079/05 (NL) by Anne Van Lancker (PSE) to the Commission (2 June 2005)

Subject: Mercosur negotiations, import of sea salt from Brazil

Joint answer from the Commission (28 June 2005)

E-2080/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 June 2005)

Subject: Argentinian sovereign bonds

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-2081/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (8 June 2005)

Subject: ESF

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2082/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (8 June 2005)

Subject: Better legislation on arms exports and tracing and marking of weapons

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

P-2083/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Approval of the town planning project of the municipality of Domus de Maria in Sardinia, Italy, and the start of work on a golf course in the absence of an environmental impact assessment

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

P-2084/05 (DE) by Daniel Caspary (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Cigarette smuggling from China into the EU

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

P-2085/05 (FI) by Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Should there be common limit values for classifying TBT pollution in the EU?

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

P-2086/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Agreement within OTE (Greek Telecommunications Organisation)

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

E-2087/05 (DE) by Karin Jöns (PSE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Data transmission and storage during the completion of Europass document templates online (

Answer from the Commission (29 September 2005)

E-2088/05 (EN) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Council (9 June 2005)

Subject: Bulgaria's accession to the European Union

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2089/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Continental insurance charges

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2090/05 (NL) by Jules Maaten (ALDE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Air quality (Directive 96/62/EC and daughter directives)

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2091/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Kyoto, phasing out of nuclear power and the price of electricity

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2092/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Interreg and football

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2093/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Darwin's Nightmare and fisheries policy in Tanzania

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2094/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Detaining at the Polish-German border of a coach carrying Netherlands schoolchildren from immigrant families visiting the former Auschwitz concentration camp

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

P-2095/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Negotiating mandate for EU-Morocco fisheries agreement

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

P-2096/05 (IT) by Sebastiano Musumeci (UEN) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Safety in Parisian hotels

Answer from the Commission (24 June 2005)

P-2097/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Cuba — monthly meetings with the opposition

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

P-2098/05 (IT) by Emma Bonino (ALDE) to the Council (6 June 2005)

Subject: Costs arising from parliamentary part-sessions in Strasbourg

Answer from the Council (29 November 2005)

P-2099/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Costs arising from parliamentary part-sessions in Strasbourg

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2101/05 (DE) by Albert Deß (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Toll for using German motorways (compulsory charging under the Toll Collect system)

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2102/05 (EN) by Nigel Farage (IND/DEM) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Group of Political Analysis

Answer from the Commission (18 August 2005)

E-2103/05 (FR) by Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2104/05 (FR) by Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Progress in registration of Provence honey under the PGI system

Answer from the Commission (7 July 2005)

E-2105/05 (IT) by Marco Pannella (ALDE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Closure of the multiregional operational programme for water resources (Italy, Objective 1) under the 1994-1999 Community support framework

Answer from the Commission (1 September 2005)

E-2106/05 (IT) by Sebastiano Musumeci (UEN) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Tax concessions for investment in southern Europe

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2107/05 (IT) by Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Murder of Daniele Caiaffa — Erasmus scheme

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2108/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Council (13 June 2005)

Subject: Cuba — monthly meetings with the opposition

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

P-2109/05 (HU) by Béla Glattfelder (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Abuses in the fruit spirits trade in Romania

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

P-2110/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (6 June 2005)

Subject: Census of minorities living in Albania

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

P-2111/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Patent law in India

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-2112/05 (DE) by Karl-Heinz Florenz (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Waste oil regeneration in the Federal Republic of Germany

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2113/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Protests by various bodies in Evvia concerning the Schimatari-Chalkida road section

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2114/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Reasons why Greece has not taken up resources from the third CSF

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2115/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Monitoring of progress towards the MDGs

Answer from the Commission (8 July 2005)

E-2116/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) and Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Attacks on Shan civilians in Burma

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2117/05 (IT) by Marco Rizzo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Thalidomide

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-2118/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Capital gains tax on property sales in Spain

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

P-2119/05 (EN) by Joseph Muscat (PSE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Translation and interpreting

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

P-2120/05 (FR) by Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Emergency aid for Niger and Mali

Answer from the Commission (29 June 2005)

P-2121/05 (IT) by Armando Dionisi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 June 2005)

Subject: Peace Courts in Europe

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-2122/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Illegal imports of genetically modified maize from the USA

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2123/05 (EN) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Sulphur dioxide air pollution from the Maritsa East energy complex in Bulgaria

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-2124/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: New Turkish penal code — inspired by that of Mussolini (!)

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2125/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Registration of religious and other minorities in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2126/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Christians in Eritrea

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2127/05 (EN) by Robert Evans (PSE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Mennonite Christians in Vietnam

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2128/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Alarm about the new Turkish 1 lira coin

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2130/05 (DE) by Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Measures to tackle the drop in the maritime transport of goods

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2131/05 (DE) by Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Eligibility of ‘Stuttgart 21’ as a subproject of the Paris-Bratislava TEN project (No 17)

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2132/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Financial services

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2133/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Biocidal Products Directive

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2134/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 June 2005)

Subject: Entry into force of the new Turkish penal code, which maintains prison sentences for journalists charged with libel

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2135/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Entry into force of the new Turkish penal code, which maintains prison sentences for journalists charged with libel

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2136/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Gas (LNG) terminal in a Natura 2000 area (province of Rovigo)

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2137/05 (DE) by Daniel Caspary (PPE-DE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: European Schools

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2138/05 (FR) by Antoine Duquesne (ALDE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Transition to IFRS

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2139/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Council (15 June 2005)

Subject: Convention on the Law of the Sea and Estonia

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-2140/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Application by Greece of Directive 2003/9/EC laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2141/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Chertoff's meeting with senior EU representatives

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2142/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies

Answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

P-2143/05 (SV) by Christofer Fjellner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (7 June 2005)

Subject: The monopoly of Apoteket AB

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2145/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Charging of VAT by Opoce's network of sales offices

Answer from the Commission (30 June 2005)

E-2146/05 (FR) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Conflict of interests

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2147/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Konzo

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2148/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Project grants from Life-Environment

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

P-2149/05 (EN) by Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Working Time Directive

Answer from the Commission (5 July 2005)

P-2150/05 (EN) by Gary Titley (PSE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: TENs — Transport

Answer from the Commission (4 July 2005)

E-2151/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Lack of transparency in procedures at ASEP

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2152/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (15 June 2005)

Subject: Making Poverty History

Answer from the Council (2 December 2005)

E-2153/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (15 June 2005)

Subject: Drop the debt

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2154/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Permanent accessibility of archives of secret services as a source for researchers and historians studying opposition movements

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

E-2155/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Impairment of children's performance at school by aircraft noise, and scope for greatly increasing the distance between conurbations and airports

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2156/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Optimistic assumptions regarding environmental impact in connection with the promotion of the giant Airbus A380 aircraft and the need for substantial reductions

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-2157/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: The small contribution of nuclear power to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and financial incentives for the building of a new nuclear power station in Finland

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2158/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: European film industry

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2159/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: State aid reform and European film industry

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

P-2160/05 (ES) by Joan Calabuig Rull (PSE) to the Commission (9 June 2005)

Subject: Chinese footwear imports

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2161/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Fundamental freedoms in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2162/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Animal cruelty in Spain

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2163/05 (DA) by Jens-Peter Bonde (IND/DEM) to the Commission (16 June 2005)

Subject: Gifts/trips for Commissioners

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2164/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 June 2005)

Subject: Theological School of Halki

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2165/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 June 2005)

Subject: Dangerous toys from South-East Asia

Answer from the Commission (20 September 2005)

E-2166/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Council (16 June 2005)

Subject: Rejection by France and the Netherlands of the European Constitution

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2167/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (16 June 2005)

Subject: Rejection by France and the Netherlands of the European Constitution

Answer from the Commission (26 July 2005)

E-2168/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Green Paper on public-private partnerships

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2169/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Renewables in Scotland

Joint answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2170/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Renewable energy development in Scotland

Joint answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2171/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Scottish Executive participation in Council meetings

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2172/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Scottish Executive participation in Council working groups

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2173/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Representation of devolved governments at Council

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2174/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Scottish Executive representation in Council meetings

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2175/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Consumer protection: misleading beef advertising

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2176/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: The Hague Programme

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2177/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Recognition of Scottish legal system

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2178/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Human rights in Turkey

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2179/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Human rights in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2180/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: G8 Summit in Scotland

Answer from the Council (11 October 2005)

P-2182/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Waste Framework Directive

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

P-2183/05 (IT) by Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Immigration into the EU

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2185/05 (DE) by Richard Seeber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Property restrictions for foreign yacht owners in Croatia

Joint answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2187/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Toxic chemicals in the DIANA AVEE plant

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2188/05 (EN) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) and Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Funding for veterinary research

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2189/05 (NL) by Jan Mulder (ALDE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Levies on imports of salmon from countries outside the European Union

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2190/05 (CS) by Hynek Fajmon (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: The Czech Republic's entitlement not to accept certain applications for agricultural funding

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2191/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) and Umberto Guidoni (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Territorial symbols displayed in the office of a Commission employee

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2192/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) and Alfred Gomolka (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: The Valery Pasat Trial in Moldova

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2193/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN), Roberta Angelilli (UEN), Sergio Berlato (UEN), Alessandro Foglietta (UEN), Salvatore Tatarella (UEN) and Romano La Russa (UEN) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Euro, ECB and economic crisis

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2194/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN), Roberta Angelilli (UEN), Sergio Berlato (UEN), Alessandro Foglietta (UEN), Salvatore Tatarella (UEN) and Romano La Russa (UEN) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Euro, ECB and economic crisis

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2195/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Cultivating awareness of the use of antibiotics

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2196/05 (CS) by Sylwester Chruszcz (IND/DEM) and Jaromír Kohlíček (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Protection of ethnic minorities — ban on the use of the Sorbian language at the Maria-Martha-Haus care home in Panschwitz-Kuckau (Saxony, Federal Republic of Germany)

Answer from the Commission (1 September 2005)

P-2197/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Sugar in Estonia

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2198/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Destruction of the Playas de Sotavento de Jandía SCI (Fuerteventura)

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2199/05 (EL) by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Crisis in European footwear industry owing to imports of shoes from China

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2200/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Insurance directive and Lloyd's Names

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2201/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Kaliningrad

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

P-2202/05 (DE) by Karin Scheele (PSE) to the Commission (13 June 2005)

Subject: Radioactive waste at the IFIN in Bucharest

Answer from the Commission (11 July 2005)

E-2203/05 (FR) by Martine Roure (PSE), Giovanni Fava (PSE) and Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Abductions of persons on the territories of EU Member States and transfer to custody in third countries

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-2204/05 (FR) by Martine Roure (PSE), Giovanni Fava (PSE) and Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Abductions of persons on the territories of EU Member States and transfer to custody in third countries

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2205/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Implementation in Italy of Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-2206/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Gambling — study on ‘Gambling Services in the Internal Market’ (MARK/2004/12/E)

Answer from the Commission (18 November 2005)

E-2207/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Elections in Angola

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

P-2208/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 June 2005)

Subject: Single currency area and rising prices

Answer from the Commission (12 July 2005)

P-2210/05 (PL) by Urszula Krupa (IND/DEM) to the Commission (14 June 2005)

Subject: Report on patient mobility

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2211/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Transparency of the Council of Ministers

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2212/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) and Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE-DE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Risks for EU citizens involved in transactions on properties in the occupied part of Cyprus

Answer from the Council (14 February 2006)

E-2213/05 (EN) by Michael Cashman (PSE), Anders Samuelsen (ALDE), Csaba Tabajdi (PSE), John Bowis (PPE-DE), Thijs Berman (PSE), Lissy Gröner (PSE), Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Emine Bozkurt (PSE), Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE), Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), Alexander Stubb (PPE-DE), Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE), Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE), Åsa Westlund (PSE) and Holger Krahmer (ALDE) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: Cancellation of Equality March in Warsaw

Answer from the Council (8 November 2005)

E-2214/05 (EN) by Michael Cashman (PSE), Anders Samuelsen (ALDE), Csaba Tabajdi (PSE), John Bowis (PPE-DE), Thijs Berman (PSE), Lissy Gröner (PSE), Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Emine Bozkurt (PSE), Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE), Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE), Alexander Stubb (PPE-DE), Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE), Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE), Åsa Westlund (PSE) and Holger Krahmer (ALDE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Cancellation of Equality March in Warsaw

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2215/05 (EN) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: More detailed information on the awareness-raising activities of the commission on disability in EU development cooperation

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2216/05 (EN) by John Bowis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Preparedness for potential influenza pandemic

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2217/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Monitoring hedge funds on an EU level

Answer from the Commission (20 July 2005)

E-2218/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: GNI and GDP

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2219/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Shortcomings in security inspections conducted on nuclear materials

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2220/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Renewable energy from non-food agricultural products

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2221/05 (FI) by Piia-Noora Kauppi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Amendment of the regulation on de minimis State aid to the transport sector

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

P-2222/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (14 June 2005)

Subject: EU-China: distortion of competition

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2223/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Impact of the REACH directive on developing countries

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2224/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Constitutional crisis in Swaziland

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2225/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Technical impossibility, high costs and privacy protection aspects of the possible introduction of the requirement to store Internet data as advocated by four Member States

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

P-2226/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 June 2005)

Subject: Granadilla industrial port

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

P-2227/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (14 June 2005)

Subject: Commission compliance with a ruling of the Court of Justice

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2228/05 (EN) by Gerard Batten (IND/DEM) to the Council (21 June 2005)

Subject: European Space Council

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2229/05 (EN) by Gerard Batten (IND/DEM) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: European Space Council

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2230/05 (PL) by Sylwester Chruszcz (IND/DEM) and Jaromír Kohlíček (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Protection of national minorities — closure of Sorbian schools and schools with Sorbian classes in Saxony (Federal Republic of Germany)

Answer from the Commission (5 September 2005)

E-2231/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Chlamydial infection in the EU

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2232/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive in the Slovak Republic

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2233/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: ERDF funding

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

P-2234/05 (NL) by Mia De Vits (PSE) to the Commission (15 June 2005)

Subject: Discrimination on grounds of philosophical conviction practised by the European Commission

Answer from the Commission (23 September 2005)

P-2235/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Council (15 June 2005)

Subject: The EU Constitution

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2236/05 (DA) by Ole Christensen (PSE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: REACH and health and safety at work

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2237/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Effects on human health of cosmic radiation when flying

Answer from the Commission (18 August 2005)

E-2238/05 (DE) by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: Statistics on the number and origin of asylum seekers in the European Union

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2239/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: The 28-day rule on paragliding

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2240/05 (IT) by Amalia Sartori (PPE-DE) to the Council (22 June 2005)

Subject: Issuing of 1 and 2 euro banknotes

Answer from the Council (20 September 2005)

E-2241/05 (IT) by Amalia Sartori (PPE-DE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: Issuing of 1 and 2 euro banknotes

Answer from the Commission (14 July 2005)

E-2242/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: Effectiveness of voluntary partnerships in combating illegal logging

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2243/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: Impact and legislative studies concerning FLEGT

Answer from the Commission (22 July 2005)

E-2244/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Council (22 June 2005)

Subject: Committees on patenting of software

Answer from the Council (24 October 2005)

E-2245/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: Repeal of articles in the Turkish Penal Code

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2246/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: State pharmacy monopoly in Sweden

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-2247/05 (DE) by Jo Leinen (PSE) to the Council (22 June 2005)

Subject: Strengthening of the International Criminal Court and implementation of the Action Plan

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2248/05 (EN) by Sharon Bowles (ALDE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: EU subsidies

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2249/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: The use of primates in research

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

P-2250/05 (EN) by João Pinheiro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (16 June 2005)

Subject: Earthquake risk reduction

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2251/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Infringement of several EU directives with regard to current and planned gravel excavations

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2252/05 (DE) by Daniel Caspary (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Oligopoly in the international iron ore trade

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2253/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Condition of institutions for the mentally ill and disabled in Romania

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2254/05 (EN) by Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Simplifying tax calculation for SMEs

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2255/05 (EN) by Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Detention of Abdullah Ocalan

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2256/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Restriction on EU football players allowed to play in Maltese league

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2257/05 (EN) by Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Domestic transfers in the Maltese football league

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2258/05 (EN) by Piia-Noora Kauppi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Commission initiative for self-extinguishing cigarettes?

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2259/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Romania: children suffering from the moratorium and the law on international adoptions

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2260/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Protecting montado (cork oak and holm oak groves where pigs feed)

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2261/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Missing statistical data on Portugal

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

P-2262/05 (IT) by Lilli Gruber (PSE) to the Commission (16 June 2005)

Subject: Alternative fuels — natural gas for road transport — decision time

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2263/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Complaints concerning the ASEP Central Staff Recruitment Board in Greece

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2264/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Destruction of the Greek peach crop

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2265/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Planned demolition of houses in Silwan neighbourhood

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2266/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Situation regarding human rights and the environment in Guatemala

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2267/05 (FI) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Council (27 June 2005)

Subject: Situation of the Roma in Eastern Europe, particularly Slovakia

Answer from the Council (23 January 2006)

E-2268/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Reciprocity concerning religious practices between Saudi Arabia and the EU

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2269/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Commission's effort to address the EU public with greater clarity

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2270/05 (ES) by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: European drought monitoring centre

Answer from the Commission (14 September 2005)

E-2271/05 (HU) by Péter Olajos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: The EBRD and its links to the Kumtor gold-mine — EU funds subsidising environmentally damaging mining activity

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2272/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: European guarantee fund for road accident victims and establishment of a single European model for notification of accidents

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2273/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and André Brie (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Entry visa for residents of Belarus and obstacles to travelling by rail or road to meetings in Schengen countries

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2274/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Scientific preparation of the Commission's report on adulterated butter

Answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

P-2275/05 (ES) by José García-Margallo y Marfil (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: The footwear industry and imports from China

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

P-2276/05 (EN) by Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: Care of Europe's elderly

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

P-2277/05 (EN) by Simon Coveney (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: Aid for orphans in Zambia

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

P-2278/05 (NL) by Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: Energy labelling for televisions

Answer from the Commission (15 July 2005)

E-2279/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: 0.7 % target for development aid

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2280/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Avian flu

Answer from the Commission (5 September 2005)

E-2281/05 (NL) by Kathalijne Buitenweg (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Drilling for gas in the Wadden Sea

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2282/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: EU aid

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2283/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Aid to Jordan

Answer from the Commission (16 January 2006)

E-2284/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: EU aid

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

P-2285/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: Milennium Objectives

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

P-2286/05 (DE) by Ursula Stenzel (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: Installation of diesel particulate filters in motor vehicles

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

P-2287/05 (SK) by Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE-DE) to the Commission (20 June 2005)

Subject: Embryonic stem cell research

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

E-2288/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Discrepancies regarding the take-up of funding under the third CSF quoted by different Greek ministries and responsibility for the loss of EUR 738 million

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2289/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Danger of further cuts in funding for Greece under the third CSF

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2290/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Drowning of a child in a public swimming pool in Greece

Answer from the Commission (23 December 2005)

E-2291/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Responsibility of the Greek Government for the low take-up of funding by Greek municipalities and communities

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2292/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Danger of statute-barring in respect of illegal dealings on the Greek stock market between 1999 and 2001

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2293/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Belgium's comments on the Green Paper on economic migration

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2294/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (28 June 2005)

Subject: Sanctions against Cuba

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2295/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (28 June 2005)

Subject: Violation of human rights in China

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2296/05 (NL) by Frank Vanhecke (NI) to the Council (28 June 2005)

Subject: Legal basis for meetings of the ‘Space Council’

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2297/05 (NL) by Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) to the Council (28 June 2005)

Subject: Human rights abuses in Togo

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2298/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Fighting trafficking in illegal substances organised by the Iranian regime

Answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2299/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Council (28 June 2005)

Subject: Conserving montado (holm oak and cork oak groves where pigs feed)

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2300/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: European Union woodland strategy

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

P-2301/05 (EN) by Sajjad Karim (ALDE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Religious humiliation of Muslims in US custody

Answer from the Commission (13 July 2005)

P-2302/05 (NL) by Ivo Belet (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons

Answer from the Commission (19 July 2005)

P-2304/05 (PT) by Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE) to the Commission (21 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition of directives

Answer from the Commission (20 September 2005)

E-2305/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: CMO in sugar: a reform with a devastating impact

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2306/05 (IT) by Adriana Poli Bortone (UEN) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: MEDA funds for Euro-Mediterranean Area associations

Answer from the Commission (18 July 2005)

E-2307/05 (IT) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Right to health, and infected blood in Italy and Europe

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2308/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Cooperation with Eutelsat

Answer from the Commission (26 October 2005)

E-2309/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Directive 86/609/EEC with regard to tests to detect toxins in bivalve molluscs

Answer from the Commission (19 September 2005)

E-2310/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Childhood leukaemia and high voltage power lines

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2311/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation on public health and consumer protection

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2312/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation on taxation and customs union

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2313/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community environment legislation

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2314/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation on competition

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2315/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation on the information society

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-2316/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation on the internal market

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2317/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation in the fields of employment and social affairs

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2318/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation in the field of enterprise and industry

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2319/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation in the fields of energy and transport

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2320/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Transposition into Greek national law of Community legislation in the fields of justice and home affairs

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

P-2322/05 (EN) by Jillian Evans (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (22 June 2005)

Subject: Natura 2000 as a priority under the Cohesion Policy Community Strategic Guidelines

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

P-2323/05 (IT) by Mario Mantovani (PPE-DE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: The introduction of small denomination banknotes in the eurozone

Answer from the Commission (6 July 2005)

E-2324/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Free movement of goods in the European Union

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2325/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Turkish official discrimination against Syriac Christians who are naturalised European citizens

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2326/05 (EN) by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Detention of Christian Pastor in China

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2327/05 (EN) by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Scots Gaelic

Answer from the Commission (6 October 2005)

E-2328/05 (IT) by Mario Mantovani (PPE-DE) to the Council (29 June 2005)

Subject: The introduction of small denomination banknotes in the eurozone

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2329/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Use of inaccurate terms by Commissioner Rehn

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

P-2330/05 (EN) by Diana Wallis (ALDE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: EU Veterinary Medicine (2004/28/EC)

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2331/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Ticket sales

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2332/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: EU-Hamas contacts

Answer from the Commission (13 September 2005)

E-2333/05 (SV) by Cecilia Malmström (ALDE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Turkey's Supreme Court disbands Egitim Sen

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2334/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Infringement of Community environment law

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2335/05 (DE) by Anja Weisgerber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: EU funding for the relocation of jobs from Germany to the Czech Republic

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2336/05 (DE) by Anja Weisgerber (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds — hunting of Montagu's Harriers

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2337/05 (EN) by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Cross-border workers

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

P-2338/05 (EN) by Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Situation in Romanian care institutions

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2339/05 (ES) by Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Missing persons

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2340/05 (ES) by Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Rise in airfares for inter-island flights in Spain

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2341/05 (EN) by Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Missing persons

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2342/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Freedom of settlement within the European Union

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2343/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Increasing conflict between construction projects and mobility due to compliance by the Netherlands Council of State with EU standards for NO2 and fine particulates

Answer from the Commission (16 September 2005)

E-2344/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Isolation of Kosovo vis-à-vis foreigners due to restrictions on overland access as a result of interrupted and sharply reduced public transport services

Joint answer from the Commission (8 September 2005)

E-2345/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Collecting of data by Serbian customs officers on through passengers travelling overland, and possibility that this may be contributing to Kosovo's isolation vis-à-vis foreigners

Joint answer from the Commission (8 September 2005)

E-2346/05 (EN) by Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Enforcing Member State compliance with ECJ rulings

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2347/05 (EN) by Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: The phasing out of single hull oil tankers constitutes a clear point in time when a ship that is still able to sail also becomes ‘waste’

Answer from the Commission (7 October 2005)

E-2348/05 (EN) by Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Urgent appropriate action to ensure proper application of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 on phased-out single hull oil tankers and related joint enforcement programme

Joint answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2349/05 (EN) by Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Accelerated phasing-out of single hull vessels should not lead to an increase in the number of scrap vessels that are processed in an unsafe way

Joint answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2350/05 (IT) by Vittorio Agnoletto (GUE/NGL) to the Council (1 July 2005)

Subject: Continuous massacres in Iraq

Answer from the Council (8 November 2005)

P-2351/05 (FR) by Yannick Vaugrenard (PSE) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Commission attitude to countries outside the European Union which are guilty of unfair competition in the shipbuilding sector

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

P-2352/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (27 June 2005)

Subject: Unsuccessful transfer of the Food Safety Agency

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2353/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Maritime safety

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2354/05 (EN) by Peter Skinner (PSE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Exports of live cattle to Egypt and Lebanon

Answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

E-2355/05 (EN) by Claude Moraes (PSE) to the Council (1 July 2005)

Subject: Implementation of the Council draft framework decision on racist offences

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2356/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Funding for voluntary service organisations

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2357/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Selling alcohol over the Internet

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2358/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Contracting of firm of auditors for ESF projects in Greece

Answer from the Commission (25 July 2005)

E-2359/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Permanent holding of Olympic Games events in Greece and Commission initiatives

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2360/05 (EL) by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Insufficient information regarding the progress of technical assistance programmes in Greece

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2361/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Vintage aircraft

Answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2362/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Third driving licence directive

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2363/05 (NL) by Frederika Brepoels (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Assistance for measures to combat erosion

Answer from the Commission (23 September 2005)

E-2364/05 (DE) by Jan Ehler (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Renewable energy sources

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2365/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Culture 2000 programme

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2366/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Banana cartel

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2367/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 July 2005)

Subject: Evaluation of programmes for the social integration of the Roma in Greece

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2368/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Internal maritime transport

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2369/05 (EN) by Fiona Hall (ALDE) to the Council (4 July 2005)

Subject: Extra Regio

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2370/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Radioactive waste in Basicalata (Italy)

Answer from the Commission (10 October 2005)

E-2371/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Ethical conduct of Commission officials

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2372/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Council (4 July 2005)

Subject: Recognition of Irish as 21st official language

Answer from the Council (2 December 2005)

E-2373/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Media boycott in Belgium in connection with the debate on the European Constitution

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2374/05 (ES) by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Tax fraud concerning Chinese imports into the EU

Answer from the Commission (23 September 2005)

E-2375/05 (DE) by Bernhard Rapkay (PSE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject:‘Tank tourism’ and harmonisation of duties

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2376/05 (DE) by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Suspected corruption in connection with EADS contract in Romania

Answer from the Commission (8 September 2005)

E-2377/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Short-term money markets

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2378/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Analysis of use of public money

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2379/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Independence of Court of Auditors

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2380/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Data protection legislation

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2381/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: International accounting

Answer from the Commission (5 September 2005)

E-2382/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: National audits

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2383/05 (EN) by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Expenditure of public money

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2384/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Workings of Schengen

Answer from the Commission (18 August 2005)

E-2385/05 (NL) by Camiel Eurlings (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Contacts between Hamas and the EU

Answer from the Commission (9 September 2005)

E-2386/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) to the Council (4 July 2005)

Subject: Women murdered in Guatemala

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2387/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Women murdered in Guatemala

Answer from the Commission (18 August 2005)

E-2388/05 (FI) by Reino Paasilinna (PSE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Ideas: specific programme under the EU's seventh research framework programme to attract top-flight researchers back to Europe

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

P-2389/05 (CS) by Zuzana Roithová (PPE-DE) to the Commission (28 June 2005)

Subject: Delay in the realisation of information campaigns on consumer rights in the new Member States

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2390/05 (CS) by Zuzana Roithová (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Contribution towards projects (voluntary work) undertaken by consumer organisations

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2391/05 (DA) by Dan Jørgensen (PSE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Compliance with the Basel Convention

Answer from the Commission (20 September 2005)

E-2392/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: North Korea

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2393/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Council (4 July 2005)

Subject: Religious rights in Turkey

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2394/05 (EN) by James Allister (NI) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Religious rights in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2395/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Romania and Bulgaria

Answer from the Commission (27 July 2005)

E-2396/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Breaches of the Birds Directive in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2397/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Spring hunting in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2398/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: European fact finding mission to Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2399/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Infringements of Annex IV of the Birds Directive in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2400/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Infringements of Annex IV of the Birds Directive in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2401/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Continuation of trapping of birds in Malta after 2008

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2402/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Importation of protected species of birds in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2403/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Enforcement of the Birds Directive in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2404/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Progress on the implementation of the derogation on Nature Protection in Malta

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2405/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Selling of finches on local Maltese bird markets

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2406/05 (EN) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE), Marie Isler Béguin (Verts/ALE), Paulo Casaca (PSE), Dorette Corbey (PSE), Robert Evans (PSE), Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE), Karin Scheele (PSE), Caroline Jackson (PPE-DE), Péter Olajos (PPE-DE), Neil Parish (PPE-DE) and Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Maltese annual report on the progress achieved on the application of transitional measures on nature protection

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

P-2407/05 (EN) by Jeffrey Titford (IND/DEM) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Cost of the new EU server

Answer from the Commission (7 December 2005)

P-2408/05 (NL) by Toine Manders (ALDE) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Credit card fraud

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2409/05 (ES) by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Non-fulfilment of Directive 1999/22/EC at Valencia Zoo

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2410/05 (ES) by David Hammerstein Mintz (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Urban planning abuses in Cullera

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2411/05 (ES) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Scuppering of a frigate in an SCI and IBA

Answer from the Commission (5 September 2005)

E-2412/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Suppression of the freedom of expression in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2413/05 (DA) by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Pretending to open negotiations

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2414/05 (EL) by Stavros Arnaoutakis (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: European fisheries fund — remote islands

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2415/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Aarhus Convention

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2416/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: The right of Roma communities to housing in Greece

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2417/05 (EL) by Maria Matsouka (PSE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Continuously spiralling oil prices

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2418/05 (EL) by Evangelia Tzampazi (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Neglected diseases

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2419/05 (EN) by Richard Corbett (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Religion Column in Passports

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2420/05 (EN) by Jeffrey Titford (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Common Agricultural Policy payments in France

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2421/05 (EN) by Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Bulgaria's accession to the European Union

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2422/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Post-processed tyres

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

E-2423/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: The EU-Israel ‘technical arrangement’ and the Amendment of the Protocol on Origin of the EU-Israel Association Agreement

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2424/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: The Amendment of the Protocol on Origin of the EU-Israel Association Agreement

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2425/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Amendment of the Protocol on Origin of the EU-Israel Association Agreement

Joint answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2426/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: The ‘technical arrangement’ on EU-Israel customs operation

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2427/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: The ‘technical arrangement’ on EU-Israel customs cooperation

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2428/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Disappearance and unexplained death of a Kurdish religious leader in Syria and respect for human rights in the context of the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2429/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Emissions from private cars and ACEA voluntary agreement

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2430/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Illegal transport of, and trade/trafficking in, nuclear materials

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2431/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Threat of an epidemic

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2432/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Trade in instruments of torture produced by European manufacturers

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

P-2433/05 (EN) by Catherine Stihler (PSE) to the Commission (29 June 2005)

Subject: Debt advertising and children's TV

Answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

E-2434/05 (EL) by Maria Matsouka (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Serious health hazards to farmers and rural population from use of uncontrolled pesticides

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2435/05 (EN) by Simon Coveney (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Car taxation

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2436/05 (EN) by Richard Corbett (PSE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Mission expenses

Answer from the Council (2 December 2005)

E-2437/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Exodus from Istria — Fiume — Dalmatia

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

E-2438/05 (IT) by Luca Romagnoli (NI) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Exodus from Istria — Fiume — Dalmatia

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2439/05 (IT) by Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE), Mario Mauro (PPE-DE), Giuseppe Gargani (PPE-DE), Armando Dionisi (PPE-DE) and Lorenzo Cesa (PPE-DE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Initiatives on the euro

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2440/05 (IT) by Antonio Tajani (PPE-DE), Mario Mauro (PPE-DE), Giuseppe Gargani (PPE-DE), Armando Dionisi (PPE-DE) and Lorenzo Cesa (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Initiatives on the euro

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

E-2441/05 (IT) by Roberto Musacchio (GUE/NGL), Antonio Di Pietro (ALDE) and Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Malpensa 2000 airport — Complaint 2001-5129

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2442/05 (IT) by Roberta Angelilli (UEN) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Campaigns to safeguard health by raising the awareness of purchasers

Answer from the Commission (4 October 2005)

E-2443/05 (IT) by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: The turban to be brought back in Turkey

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2444/05 (IT) by Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: European Training Foundation

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2445/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: European registration point for sham marriages

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2446/05 (NL) by Mia De Vits (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Temporary registration of light motorcycles in another EU Member State

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2447/05 (NL) by Marianne Thyssen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Social impact of reform of the sugar sector in the Member States

Answer from the Commission (19 September 2005)

E-2448/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Improving road safety by laying down field of vision requirements instead of product requirements for systems for eliminating blind spots in the road freight sector

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

P-2449/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Ban on care labelling in Sweden

Joint answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2450/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Lignite-fired power station in Messinia

Answer from the Commission (26 September 2005)

E-2451/05 (EN) by Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: International train travel

Answer from the Commission (16 September 2005)

E-2452/05 (EN) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Situation of Roma communities in Patras

Answer from the Council (2 December 2005)

E-2453/05 (EN) by Bernat Joan i Marí (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Situation of Roma communities in Patras

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2454/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Traffic offences committed abroad

Answer from the Commission (13 September 2005)

E-2455/05 (NL) by Koenraad Dillen (NI) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Comments by European Commissioner Louis Michel

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2456/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: Treatment of writer Yousuf Azizi Bani Toruf

Answer from the Council (2 December 2005)

P-2457/05 (FR) by Marie-Arlette Carlotti (PSE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Food ingredients treated with radiation

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

P-2458/05 (PT) by José Silva Peneda (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: EU-China textiles agreement

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-2459/05 (EN) by Jeffrey Titford (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Legal and financial authority for Commission activities

Answer from the Commission (4 October 2005)

E-2460/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Care instructions on clothing

Joint answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

P-2461/05 (ES) by Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Bovine brucellosis in Spain

Answer from the Commission (28 September 2005)

P-2462/05 (NL) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) to the Commission (30 June 2005)

Subject: Joint approach by Mercosur countries to combating FMD

Answer from the Commission (29 July 2005)

E-2463/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Cases brought against Greece in the European Court of Justice

Answer from the Commission (20 September 2005)

E-2464/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Management of waste oils

Answer from the Commission (13 September 2005)

E-2465/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Greek contravention of Community environmental legislation

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2466/05 (IT) by Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Endometriosis — a social disease

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2467/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Avoiding a situation where heads of delegations might appear to have a conflict of interests

Answer from the Commission (3 October 2005)

P-2468/05 (IT) by Renato Brunetta (PPE-DE) to the Commission (4 July 2005)

Subject: Impact of Chinese imports on the cutlery industry

Answer from the Commission (15 September 2005)

E-2469/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Tropical hardwood timber — FSC certification

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2470/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Close-down of paedophile websites in Europe

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2471/05 (IT) by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Commitment to combating violence against women

Answer from the Commission (19 September 2005)

E-2472/05 (NL) by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Impact assessment study in relation to ports directive

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2473/05 (EN) by Glenys Kinnock (PSE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: FP7 and neglected diseases

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2474/05 (IT) by Salvatore Tatarella (UEN) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Democratic elections in Albania

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2475/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Accelerated depletion of natural gas reserves that are easy to extract and increasing dependence on imports as a result of companies keeping costs down

Answer from the Commission (14 September 2005)

E-2476/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Support measures to reduce the drought crisis in Portugal

Answer from the Commission (21 December 2005)

E-2477/05 (PT) by Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Cartridges abandoned in hunting grounds

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

P-2478/05 (FR) by Véronique De Keyser (PSE) to the Council (4 July 2005)

Subject: Frontiers between the European Union, Estonia and Russia

Joint answer from the Commission (23 November 2005)

P-2479/05 (FR) by Toomas Ilves (PSE) to the Council (4 July 2005)

Subject: Frontiers between the European Union, Estonia and Russia

Joint answer from the Commission (23 November 2005)

P-2480/05 (EL) by Nikolaos Vakalis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: New EU anti-smoking campaign: HELP — For a life without tobacco

Answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

P-2481/05 (EN) by Timothy Kirkhope (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Pechiney/Alcan and the seven officials at DG Competition helping the French authorities with regard to possible insider-share dealing

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

P-2482/05 (EN) by Joost Lagendijk (Verts/ALE) to the Council (6 July 2005)

Subject: The EU-Israel ‘technical arrangement’ and Protocol 4 to the EU-Israel Association Agreement

Joint answer from the Commission (17 October 2005)

E-2483/05 (ES) by Josu Ortuondo Larrea (ALDE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: ICT courses and teachers in Spain

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2484/05 (ES) by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Fontanars dels Alforins site of Community interest

Answer from the Commission (24 October 2005)

E-2485/05 (EL) by Manolis Mavrommatis (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Pirate copying of CDs, CD-Rs and films on DVD

Answer from the Commission (1 September 2005)

E-2486/05 (EL) by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: State of Cohesion Fund projects in the Greek regions in 2004

Answer from the Commission (28 September 2005)

E-2487/05 (EN) by Terence Wynn (PSE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Chagos Islanders

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

P-2488/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Seasonal workers from Poland

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

P-2489/05 (DE) by Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Accession of Croatia

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

P-2490/05 (EN) by Luigi Cocilovo (ALDE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: European Schools

Answer from the Commission (19 September 2005)

P-2491/05 (IT) by Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Legitimacy of the agreement between SS Lazio and the Italian tax authorities — request for a definitive answer in order to clarify the scope of the legislation on State aid

Answer from the Commission (1 August 2005)

P-2492/05 (ES) by María Salinas García (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Postponement of the cotton sector reform

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

P-2493/05 (EN) by Elspeth Attwooll (ALDE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: The removal of fins of sharks on board vessels

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2494/05 (DE) by Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Land acquisition in Northern Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

P-2495/05 (IT) by Pier Panzeri (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Drought in Italy

Answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

P-2496/05 (EN) by Caroline Lucas (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Amendment of the Protocol on Origin of the EU-Israel Association Agreement

Joint answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

P-2497/05 (DE) by Renate Sommer (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Environment Council upholding GMO ban

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2498/05 (ES) by Willy Meyer Pleite (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Non-compliance with Directive 93/37/EEC concerning the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts

Joint answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2499/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: Seasonal workers from Poland

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2500/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: Impact of CAP reform on farms in the German-Belgian border region

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2501/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Impact of CAP reform on farms in the German-Belgian border region

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2502/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: EU provisions on bank transfers

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2503/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Customs duties in Romania

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2504/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Construction of site for nuclear waste disposal in FYROM

Joint answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2505/05 (EL) by Georgios Papastamkos (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Provocative conduct of FYROM towards an EU Member State

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2506/05 (EL) by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE), Stavros Lambrinidis (PSE) and Nikolaos Sifunakis (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Ecumenical nature of the Orthodox Patriarchate in Istanbul and the Halki School of Theology

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2507/05 (EN) by Jana Hybášková (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Eurobarometer methodology

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2508/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: The Netherlands' real net contribution to the EU budget

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2509/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Extortionate rates charged by Internet service providers

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2510/05 (FR) by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Excessively high roaming charges

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2511/05 (IT) by Stefano Zappalà (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Training for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2512/05 (PT) by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Angola — elections and training of election officials

Answer from the Commission (18 August 2005)

E-2513/05 (SV) by Christofer Fjellner (PPE-DE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: State gambling monopoly

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

P-2514/05 (DE) by Werner Langen (PPE-DE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Endangered European eel

Answer from the Commission (4 August 2005)

E-2515/05 (EL) by Evangelia Tzampazi (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Change of working arrangements at OTE

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2516/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Drying out of Eastern and Southern Spain and continuation of projects which will generate an ever growing demand for fresh water for residential and occupational purposes

Answer from the Commission (20 September 2005)

P-2517/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Transposition into national law in Germany of the EU's anti-discrimination Directives

Answer from the Commission (2 August 2005)

P-2518/05 (EL) by Stavros Lambrinidis (PSE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: National legislation and practice in the collection, retention, storage and processing of personal data in the electronic communications sector

Answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

P-2519/05 (NL) by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (6 July 2005)

Subject: Luxembourg's payment position with the EU

Preliminary answer from the Commission (28 July 2005)

Supplementary answer from the Commission (11 November 2005)

E-2521/05 (EN) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Ban on Bt 176

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2522/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Logbook

Answer from the Commission (19 September 2005)

E-2523/05 (PT) by Paulo Casaca (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: The truth according to the Commission

Answer from the Commission (29 September 2005)

E-2524/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: EU fisheries agreements with third countries

Answer from the Council (6 October 2005)

E-2525/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: EU sugar sector

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2526/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: Possible ban on the teachers' union Egitim Sen in Turkey

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2527/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: African children used in rituals in the United Kingdom

Answer from the Council (23 January 2006)

E-2528/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: African children used in rituals in the United Kingdom

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2529/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) to the Council (12 July 2005)

Subject: Women murdered in Mexico

Answer from the Council (17 October 2005)

E-2530/05 (PT) by Edite Estrela (PSE) to the Commission (12 July 2005)

Subject: Women murdered in Mexico

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

P-2531/05 (IT) by Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Respect for civil and social rights

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

P-2532/05 (SV) by Hélène Goudin (IND/DEM) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Trade in goods and services over the Internet

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2534/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Council (14 July 2005)

Subject: Trade in drugs

Answer from the Council (23 January 2006)

E-2535/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Trade in drugs

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2536/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject:‘Black’ fish

Answer from the Commission (3 August 2005)

E-2537/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Nuclear reactor at Chernobyl

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2538/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Overloading of lorries

Answer from the Commission (9 September 2005)

E-2539/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Direct trade with North Cyprus

Answer from the Commission (16 September 2005)

E-2540/05 (EN) by Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Recruitment policy and the European Food Safety Agency

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2541/05 (EN) by Arlene McCarthy (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Treatment of animals in cages

Answer from the Commission (28 September 2005)

E-2542/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: GM human insulin

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2543/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: GM human insulin

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2544/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: GM human insulin

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2545/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: GM human insulin

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2546/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: GM human insulin

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2547/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Insulin analogues

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2548/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Insulin analogues

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2549/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Insulin analogues

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2550/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Insulin analogues

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2551/05 (EN) by Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Insulin analogues

Joint answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2552/05 (FR) by Miguel Portas (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Microcredit programmes in third countries

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2553/05 (NL) by Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Statements by Danuta Hübner on negotiations with Turkey

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2554/05 (DE) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Genetic structure of Bt 176

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2555/05 (EN) by Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE) to the Council (14 July 2005)

Subject: Freedom of the press in Zimbabwe

Answer from the Council (29 November 2005)

E-2556/05 (EN) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Independency of the EFSA

Answer from the Commission (5 August 2005)

E-2557/05 (EN) by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Long-term effects of GMOs

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2558/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Weight of school bags

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2559/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Accessibility of rural areas

Joint answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

E-2560/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Communication on minimum social protection

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2561/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Community initiatives on the right to access rural areas

Joint answer from the Commission (27 September 2005)

E-2562/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Controlling illegal movements of waste out of Ireland

Joint answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2563/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Cost transparency and landfills

Joint answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2564/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Detention of members of the Sudanese Social Development Organisation (SUDO) by the Sudanese Authorities

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2565/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Disposal of contaminated excavation material at the former Tynagh mines site in Galway in Ireland

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2566/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Economic Migration Green Paper

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2567/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Endometriosis

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2568/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Entitlement to parental leave in the Irish Civil Service

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2569/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Environmental impact assessments and access to justice

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)

E-2570/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: ESPON study on urban-rural relations in Europe

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2571/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Establishment of national enforcement bodies to protect air passenger rights

Answer from the Commission (15 September 2005)

E-2572/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: EU development aid criteria

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2573/05 (FR) by Francis Wurtz (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Future of the Ford production site at Blanquefort

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2574/05 (IT) by Monica Frassoni (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Combined-cycle power plant at Gissi in Italy

Answer from the Commission (13 September 2005)

E-2575/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: International lorry drivers increasingly being ousted by newcomers from other Member States or non-Member States who are paid considerably less

Answer from the Commission (11 November 2005)

E-2576/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Ways of getting round legislation which enable companies to recruit transport personnel cheaply outside their own Member State, and the moving of contracts

Answer from the Commission (23 September 2005)

E-2577/05 (SV) by Jonas Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL) to the Council (14 July 2005)

Subject: Children imprisoned in American jails

Answer from the Council (23 November 2005)

P-2578/05 (NL) by Mia De Vits (PSE) to the Commission (7 July 2005)

Subject: Liberalisation of the energy market

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2579/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Implementation of the Fixed Term Contract Work Directive in Ireland

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2580/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Implementation of the taxation of energy products directive

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2581/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Introduction of application fee to register as doctor in Ireland

Answer from the Commission (23 September 2005)

E-2582/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Ireland's national emissions plan for atmospheric pollutants

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2583/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Ireland's transposition of the Seveso Directive

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2584/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Irish reports on the use of ozone-depleting substances

Answer from the Commission (6 September 2005)

E-2585/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Irish stud fee tax exemption investigation

Answer from the Commission (29 August 2005)

E-2586/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Major-Accident Hazards Directive

Answer from the Commission (7 September 2005)

E-2587/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Major accidents occurring outside Seveso-governed plants

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2588/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Needlestick injury

Answer from the Commission (12 September 2005)

E-2589/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Nurseries and Hygiene of Foodstuffs Directive

Answer from the Commission (19 August 2005)

E-2590/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Pedestrian crossings and people with sight impairments

Answer from the Commission (31 August 2005)

E-2591/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Proposed gas pipeline in County Mayo, Ireland

Joint answer from the Commission (14 September 2005)

E-2592/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment Directive in Ireland

Answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2593/05 (IT) by Giovanni Pittella (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Siemens CNX research establishment (L'Aquila, Italy)

Answer from the Commission (30 August 2005)

E-2594/05 (NL) by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Year for Mobility of Workers and lack of data from new EU Member States for assessing competition between old and new Member States

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

E-2595/05 (PT) by Miguel Portas (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Legislative framework for the education of the children of migrant workers

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

P-2596/05 (NL) by Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Development of Regnet

Answer from the Commission (26 August 2005)

P-2597/05 (NL) by Albert Maat (PPE-DE) to the Commission (11 July 2005)

Subject: Problems in the fishing industry due to high diesel prices

Answer from the Commission (17 August 2005)

E-2598/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Recovery of landfill costs

Joint answer from the Commission (22 September 2005)

E-2599/05 (EN) by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission (14 July 2005)

Subject: Removal of waste and restoration of Boyne Estuary Wetlands

Answer from the Commission (21 September 2005)