ISSN 1725-2423

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 172

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 49
25 July 2006

Notice No




I   Information



2006/C 172/1

Council conclusions on the European Indicator of Language Competence




2006/C 172/2

Euro exchange rates


2006/C 172/3

Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.4283 — Fogeca/Mapfre/JV) — Candidate case for simplified procedure ( 1 )


2006/C 172/4

Invitation to submit comments on a draft Commission Regulation


2006/C 172/5

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises ( 1 )


2006/C 172/6

Notice concerning the countervailing measures in force in respect of imports into the Community of cotton-type bed linen originating in India: modification of the name of a company subject to an individual countervailing duty rate


2006/C 172/7

Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.4289 — Crédit Agricole/Emporiki) — Candidate case for simplified procedure ( 1 )


2006/C 172/8

Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.4324 — Blackstone/Travelport) — Candidate case for simplified procedure ( 1 )



III   Notices



2006/C 172/9

Call for proposals for indirect actions under the multiannual Community Programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable (The eContentplus Programme) ( 1 )


2006/C 172/0

Call for proposals — Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys


2006/C 172/1

Call for proposals — Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys




(1)   Text with EEA relevance



I Information




Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/1

Council conclusions on the European Indicator of Language Competence

(2006/C 172/01)


having regard to:

the strategic goal set for the European Union by the Lisbon European Council of 23-24 March 2000 and reaffirmed by the Stockholm European Council of 23 and 24 March 2001to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth, with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion;

the mandate from the Lisbon European Council to the Education Council to undertake a general reflection on the concrete future objectives of education systems, focusing on common concerns and priorities while respecting national diversity  (1);

the Council Resolution of 14 February 2002 on the promotion of linguistic diversity and language learning (2) which emphasised, amongst other things, that:

the knowledge of languages is one of the basic skills which each citizen needs to acquire in order to take part effectively in the European knowledge society and therefore facilitates both integration into society and social cohesion; and that

all European languages are equal in value and dignity from the cultural point of view and form an integral part of European culture and civilisation,

and which invited the Member States to set up systems of validation of competence in language knowledge based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages developed by the Council of Europe;

the Barcelona European Council conclusions of 15-16 March 2002 (3), which:

endorsed the detailed work programme on the follow-up of the objectives of education and training systems (4),

called for further action to improve the mastery of basic skills, in particular by teaching at least two foreign languages from a very early age; and

called for the establishment of a linguistic competence indicator in 2003;

the Council conclusions on new indicators in the fields of education and training of May 2005 (5)

the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council entitled The European Indicator of Language Competence  (6);

the draft recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on key competences for lifelong learning (7), which defines communication in a foreign language as a key competence;

the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled A New Framework Strategy for Multilingualism  (8),


foreign language skills, as well as helping to foster mutual understanding between peoples, are a prerequisite for a mobile workforce and contribute to the competitivity of the European Union economy;

periodic monitoring of performance through the use of indicators and benchmarks is an essential part of the Lisbon process, allowing good practice to be identified with a view to providing strategic guidance and steering for both short and long term measures of the ‘Education and Training 2010’ work programme;


measures are needed to remedy the current absence of reliable comparative data on the outcomes of foreign language teaching and learning;

such measures must be based upon the gathering of data through objective tests of language skills, developed and administered in such a way as to ensure the reliability, accuracy and validity of those data;

such data have the potential to help identify and share good practice in language education policies and language teaching methods through an enhanced exchange of information and experience;

Member States need a clearer picture of the practical and financial arrangements they will each need to make in order to implement the European Indicator of Language Competence;


the development of the Indicator should fully respect the responsibility of Member States for the organisation of their education systems and should not impose undue administrative or financial burdens on the organisation and institutions concerned;

the method for data-gathering should take account of previous work in the field at international, Union and Member State level, and be devised and implemented in a cost-effective manner;

the European Indicator of Language Competence shall be put in place as soon as possible, in accordance with the following terms of reference:

data should be gathered on competences in first and second foreign languages:

via a common suite of tests administered to a representative sample of the target population in each Member State;

from a representative sample of pupils in education and training at the end of ISCED level 2;

where a second foreign language is not taught before the end of ISCED 2, Member States may, in the first round of data-gathering, choose to gather data for the second foreign language from pupils at the level of ISCED 3;

for those languages for which there exists a suitable representative sample of learners in a given Member State;

test scores should be based on the scales of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (9);

because respect for linguistic diversity is a core value of the European Union, the Indicator should be based upon data concerning the knowledge of all the official languages of the European Union taught as foreign languages in the Union; but for practical reasons it would be advisable, in the first round of data-gathering, for tests to be made available in those official languages of the European Union that are most widely taught in the Member States, to the extent that they provide a sufficiently large sample of testees;

Member States shall themselves determine which of those official languages are to be tested;

the Indicator should assess competence in the four productive and receptive skills; but for practical reasons it would be advisable, in the first round of data-gathering, for tests to be made available in the three language skills which may be assessed most readily (i.e. listening comprehension, reading comprehension and writing);

the testing methodology should be made available to those Member States who wish to use it for their own development of tests in other languages;

appropriate contextual information to help assess underlying factors should also be gathered;

INVITES the Commission to:

set up, at the earliest opportunity, an Advisory Board (the ‘EILC Advisory Board’) composed of a representative of each Member State and one representative of the Council of Europe, whose mandate shall be to advise the Commission on technical matters, such as:

the specification of the tender for the creation of the testing instruments;

the assessment of the work of the contractor;

the appropriate arrangements, standards and technical protocols for data-gathering activities in the Member States, taking into consideration the need to prevent undue administrative and financial burdens for the Member States;

in order to assist Member States to define the organisational and resource implications for them, give this Board the initial task of bringing forward a timetable for the work and a more detailed description of the construction and administration of the tests, including:

sample size;

preferred testing method, and

preferred arrangements for administering the tests, taking the possibilities of e-testing into account;

the minimum sample size that should determine whether a test for a particular language shall be made available to Member States;

report back in writing to the Council by the end of 2006 on the progress of work and, if appropriate, on any issues outstanding;

INVITES Member States to:

take all necessary steps to carry forward the process of establishing the EILC.

(1)  Doc. SN 100/1/00 REV 1, paragraph 27.

(2)  OJ C 50, 23.2.2002, p. 1.

(3)  SN 100/1/02 REV 1.

(4)  adopted by the Education Council on 14 February 2002 (OJ C 142, 14.6.2002, p. 1).

(5)  OJ C 141, 10.6.2005, p. 7.

(6)  doc. 11704/05 - COM (2005) 356 final.

(7)  doc. 13425/05 - COM (2005) 548 final.

(8)  doc. 14908/05 - COM (2005) 596 final.

(9)  ‘Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment’, as developed by the Council of Europe.




Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/4

Euro exchange rates (1)

24 July 2006

(2006/C 172/02)

1 euro=



Exchange rate


US dollar



Japanese yen



Danish krone



Pound sterling



Swedish krona



Swiss franc



Iceland króna



Norwegian krone



Bulgarian lev



Cyprus pound



Czech koruna



Estonian kroon



Hungarian forint



Lithuanian litas



Latvian lats



Maltese lira



Polish zloty



Romanian leu



Slovenian tolar



Slovak koruna



Turkish lira



Australian dollar



Canadian dollar



Hong Kong dollar



New Zealand dollar



Singapore dollar



South Korean won

1 202,41


South African rand



Chinese yuan renminbi



Croatian kuna



Indonesian rupiah

11 603,41


Malaysian ringgit



Philippine peso



Russian rouble



Thai baht



Source: reference exchange rate published by the ECB.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/5

Prior notification of a concentration

(Case COMP/M.4283 — Fogeca/Mapfre/JV)

Candidate case for simplified procedure

(2006/C 172/03)

(Text with EEA relevance)


On 13 July 2006, the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (1) by which Fogeca Multiauto S.A. (‘Fogeca’, Portugal) and Mapfre Mutualidad de Seguros (‘Mapfre’, Spain) acquire within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Council Regulation joint control of a joint venture (‘JV’, Spain) by way of purchase of shares in a newly created company constituting a joint venture.


The business activities of the undertakings concerned are:

Fogeca: vehicle assembly, manufacture of car components, vehicle and spare parts retailing;

Mapfre: insurance, financial services;

JV: car retailing and after-sales servicing, vehicle insurance, property management, in Spain.


On preliminary examination, the Commission finds that the notified transaction could fall within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 139/2004. However, the final decision on this point is reserved. Pursuant to the Commission Notice on a simplified procedure for treatment of certain concentrations under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (2) it should be noted that this case is a candidate for treatment under the procedure set out in the Notice.


The Commission invites interested third parties to submit their possible observations on the proposed operation to the Commission.

Observations must reach the Commission not later than 10 days following the date of this publication. Observations can be sent to the Commission by fax (No (32-2) 296 43 01 or 296 72 44) or by post, under reference number COMP/M.4283 — Fogeca/Mapfre/JV, to the following address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Competition

Merger Registry


B-1049 Brussels

(1)  OJ L 24, 29.1.2004, p. 1.

(2)  OJ C 56, 5.3.2005, p. 32.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/6

Invitation to submit comments on a draft Commission Regulation

(2006/C 172/04)

Interested parties may submit their comments within one month of the date of publication of this draft Regulation to:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Competition

Consultation (HT 364)

State aid Registry

B-1049 Brussels

Fax (32-2) 296 12 42


Draft Commission Regulation (EC) No …/..

of […]

amending Regulations (EC) No 2204/2002, (EC) No 70/2001 and (EC) No 68/2001 as regards period of application


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 994/98 of 7 May 1998 on the application of Articles 92 and 93 of the Treaty establishing the European Community to certain categories of horizontal State aid (1)

and in particular points (a)(i), (ii),(iv) and b) of Article 1(1) thereof,

Having published a draft of this Regulation (2),

After consulting the Advisory Committee on State Aid,



Commission Regulation (EC) No 2204/2002 of 12 December 2002 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid for employment (3), Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid for small and medium-sized enterprises (4) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 68/2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to training aid (5) will expire on 31 December 2006. In its State Aid Action Plan (6) the Commission has proposed to regroup these Regulations, in one single block exemption Regulation and possibly add other areas mentioned in Article 1 and 2 of Regulation (EC) No 994/98.


The content of the future block exemption Regulation depends in particular on the results of the public consultations initiated by the State Aid Action Plan and by the Commission consultation document on State aid and Innovation (7). Discussions with representatives of Member States are also necessary in order to define the categories of aid which might be considered compatible with the Treaty. In order to proceed with the current consultations and the analysis of their results, it is appropriate to extend the validity of Regulations (EC) No 2204/2002, (EC) No 70/2001 and (EC) No 68/2001 until the end of 2007.


Regulations (EC) No. 2204/2002, (EC) No 68/2001and (EC) No 70/2001 should therefore be amended accordingly,


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Advisory Committee on State Aids


Article 1

In Article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No 68/2001, the second sentence is replaced by the following:

‘It shall apply until 31 December 2007’

Article 2

In Article 10(1) of Regulation (EC) No 70/2001, the second sentence is replaced by the following

‘It shall apply until 31 December 2007’.

Article 3

In Article 8(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2204/2002, the second sentence is replaced by the following:

‘It shall apply until 31 December 2007’.

Article 4

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States

Done at Brussels, […]

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)  0J L 142, 14.5.1998, p. 1.

(2)  OJ C ...

(3)  OJ L 337, 13.12.2002, p. 3.

(4)  OJ L 10, 13.1.2001, p. 33. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 364/2004 (OJ L 63, 28.2.2004, p. 22).

(5)  OJ L 10, 13.1.2001, p. 20. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 363/2004 (OJ L 63, 28.2.2004, p. 20).

(6)  COM/2005/0107 final.

(7)  COM/2005/0436 final.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/8

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises

(2006/C 172/05)

(Text with EEA relevance)

Aid No

XS 54/04

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid Regional Economic Development Plan:

Development of industrial laboratories

Legal basis

Delibera di Giunta n. 2824 del 30 dicembre 2003 — Bando per l'attuazione della misura 1, Azione A del programma Regionale della Ricerca Industriale, l'Innovazione e il Trasferimento tecnologico (PRRIITT) «Sviluppo di laboratori industriali»

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 3 million

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2005

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Emilia — Romagna


Via Aldo Moro 52

I-40127 Bologna

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 68/05

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Loans for SMEs undergoing rapid growth

Legal basis

Hipotēku bankas attīstības koncepcija 1999.—2005. gadam

MVK attīstības programmas 2004.—2006. gadam

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Overall amount (loans guaranteed)

LVL 20 (1) million (EUR 28.457 million)

Annual overall amount — average amount of loans granted in a year

LVL 3 million (EUR 4.268 million)

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

Pursuant to Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation


Not more than 15 %


Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2019

If the provisions of the aid programme no longer accord with the rules governing the control of aid for commercial activity, the provisions for granting aid within the framework of the aid programme will be reviewed in accordance with Article 88(1) of the EC Treaty.

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs




manufacture, processing and release for consumption of the products listed in Annex I to the EC Treaty


financial mediation and insurance




manufacture and supply of and trade in weapons


manufacture of and specialised trade in tobacco




Name and address of the granting authority


State stock company ‘Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka’


Doma laukumā 4

LV-Rīgā, LV-1977

Large individual aid grants

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 69/05

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Loans (including micro-credit) for business start-ups

Legal basis

Vienotais programmdokuments

Hipotēku bankas attīstības koncepcija 1999.—2005. gadam

MVK attīstības programmas 2004.—2006. gadam

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Overall amount

LVL 10.665 million (EUR 15 175 million (2))

of which:


in 2005: LVL 5 333 million (EUR 7 588 million)


in 2007: LVL 5 332 million (EUR 7 586 million)

Additional resources secured by means of a Government guarantee:

LVL 10.665 million (EUR 15 175 million)

Annual overall amount — average amount of loans granted in a year

LVL 3 million (EUR 4 268 million)

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

Pursuant to Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation


Not more than 15%


Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2019

If the provisions of the aid programme no longer accord with the rules governing the control of aid for commercial activity, the provisions for granting aid within the framework of the aid programme will be reviewed in accordance with Article 88(1) of the EC Treaty.

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs




manufacture, processing and release for consumption of the products listed in Annex I to the EC Treaty


financial mediation and insurance




manufacture and supply of and trade in weapons


manufacture of and specialised trade in tobacco




Name and address of the granting authority


State stock company ‘Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka’


Doma laukumā 4

Rīgā, LV-1977

Large individual aid grants

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 89/05

Member State



Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid Regional Economic Development Plan:

A European dimension for small businesses and concentration bonuses

Legal basis

Articolo 9 della legge 14 maggio 2005, n. 80 di conversione del Decreto Legge 14 marzo 2005, N. 35 — «Disposizioni urgenti nell'ambito del Piano d'azione per lo sviluppo economico, sociale e territoriale. Deleghe al Governo per la modifica del codice di procedura civile in materia di processo di cassazione e di arbitrato nonché per la riforma organica della disciplina delle procedure concorsuali»

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 34 million for 2005

EUR 110 million for 2006

EUR 57 million for 2007

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation

Yes (Article 5)


Date of implementation

From 17.3.2005

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 2007

(Italy undertakes to adapt the rules in line with the regulation which will replace Regulation (EC) No 70/2001)

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze


Via XX Settembre, 97


Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 138/05

Member State



Whole country

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Aid for small and medium-sized enterprises for expenditure on studies and consultancy fees as part of investment programmes covered by Law No 3299/2004 on incentives for private investment to promote economic development and regional cohesion.

Legal basis

Ν.3299/2004 (ΦΕΚ 261/23-12-2004) (Έχει εγκριθεί από την ΕΕ ως καθεστώς Περιφερειακών ενισχύσεων Ν573/04)

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR  40 million

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Article 4(2)-(6) and Article 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

From 15 June 2005

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31 December 2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SME



Economic sectors concerned

Limited to specific sectors


Motor vehicles


Other manufacturing


Other services


Name and address of the granting authority


Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών


Νίκης 5-7,

EL-ΤΚ 10180, Αθηνα


Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης


Μεσογείων 199,

EL-ΤΚ 10192, Αθηνα

Διευθύνσεις Σχεδιασμού και Ανάπτυξης των 13 Περιφερειών της χώρας

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 154/05

Member State



Regione Lombardia

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Single Programming Document (DOCUP) Objective 2 2000-2006 — Measure 1.5 ‘Supporting the creation of new businesses’, Submeasure (b) ‘Creation of businesses’: combined initiatives.

Legal basis

Docup ob.2 2000-2006

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

2005/2006: EUR 3 000 000

Maximum aid intensity

According to the ceilings allowed under Commission Regulation (EC) No 364/2004 of 25 February 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001.


Tangible and intangible investment:

small enterprises 15 % gge;

medium-sized enterprises 7.5 % gge;

in areas eligible for exemption under Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty the above intensities are:

small enterprises 8 % nge + 10 % gge;

medium-sized enterprises 8 % nge + 6 % gge;

Aid for the purchase of consultancy services:

small and medium-sized enterprises 50% gge

The overall contribution may not in any case exceed 30 % in nominal terms of the overall amount of expenditure on investment and acquisition of services. If this limit is exceeded, the contribution paid for the acquisition of services will be reduced to the 30 % limit.

Date of implementation:

Date of publication of the ranking list (3 August 2005)

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Aid may be granted up to 31 December 2006

Objective of aid

To aid investment in new business initiatives in industry, the craft industry, tourism and services via incentives for initial investment and the acquisition of back-up services in the category of combined initiatives.

Economic sectors concerned


Craft industry



There are restrictions or exclusions for the following sectors governed by Community rules

transport, the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products referred to in Annex I to the Treaty, the fishing industry.

Further restrictions apply to projects relating to steel, shipbuilding, synthetic fibres and motor vehicles.

The measures envisaged under the scheme are defined in accordance with Articles 2 and 5 of Regulation (EC) No 70/01.

Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Lombardia — Direzione Industria, PMI, cooperazione, UO Azioni per lo sviluppo delle imprese e PMI, Struttura Sostegno agli investimenti


Via Taramelli 12

I-20124 Milano

Other information

The aid is granted under the Single Programming Document (DOCUP) Objective 2 2000-2006

Aid No

XS 155/05

Member State



Regione Lombardia

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Single Programming Document (DOCUP) Objective 2 2000-2006 Measure 1.1 ‘Incentives for investment in businesses’, Submeasure (f) ‘Aid for the competitiveness of businesses’, Action 3: Integrated packages of incentives for investment in technological innovation and/or environmental protection (Law 598/94, Article 11) and for the corresponding acquisition or leasing of machine and/or production tools (Law 1329/65).

Legal basis:

Docup ob.2 2000-2006

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

2005/2006: EUR 3 500 000

Maximum aid intensity

According to the ceilings allowed under Commission Regulation (EC) No 364/2004 of 25 February 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001.



tangible and intangible investment:

small enterprises 15 % gge;

medium-sized enterprises 7.5 % gge;

in areas eligible for exemption under Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty the above intensities are:

small enterprises 8 % nge + 10 % gge;

medium-sized enterprises 8 % nge + 6 % gge;


expenditure for acquisition of services and consultancy:

small and medium-sized enterprises 50 % gge


pre-competitive development expenditure:

small and medium-sized enterprises 35 % gge


industrial research expenditure:

small and medium-sized enterprises: 60 % gge

The overall contribution may not in any case exceed 30% in nominal terms of the overall amount of expenditure on investment and acquisition of services, research and development.

Date of implementation

Rolling call for applicants: opened 18 April 2005

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Aid may be granted up to 31 December 2006

Objective of aid

To provide integrated aid for investment by enterprises that choose to take advantage of both Action 1 and Action 2 (Law 598/94, Article 11 and Law 1329/65) to carry out integrated technological innovation measures with corresponding acquisition of plant and machinery. Enterprises that intend to carry out such investment may benefit from the incentives by submitting a single application based on an investment plan covering both measures.

The measures envisaged under the scheme are defined in accordance with Articles 2 and 5 of Regulation (EC) No 70/01.

Economic sectors concerned

The extractive or manufacturing industries covered by Sections C and D of the ISTAT Classification of economic activities, construction covered by Section F of the ISTAT Classification, production and distribution of electricity, steam and hot water covered by Section E of the ISTAT Classification and production services that will have a favourable effect on the development of the above productive activities.

The following sectors are excluded: transport, the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products referred to in Annex I to the Treaty, the fishing industry;

under the Multisectoral Framework on regional aid for large investments (2002/C70/04) of 19 March 2003,

the steel industry (see Annex B to the Framework) and the synthetic fibre industry (Annex D) are excluded.

For projects that involve either eligible expenditure above EUR 50 million or an aid amount above EUR 5 million expressed in gross grant equivalent the maximum aid intensity will be 30 % of the corresponding regional aid ceiling.

Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Lombardia — Direzione Industria, PMI, cooperazione, UO Azioni per lo sviluppo delle imprese e PMI, Struttura Sostegno agli investimenti


Via Taramelli 12

I-20124 Milano

Other information

The aid is granted under the Single Programming Document (DOCUP) Objective 2 2000-2006

Aid No

XS 156/05

Member State



Regione Lombardia

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Single Programming Document (DOCUP) Objective 2 2000-2006 — Measure 1.2 ‘Supporting demand for high-quality business services’, Submeasure (e) ‘Incentives for innovation’: combined initiatives.

Legal basis

Docup ob.2 2000-2006

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

2005/2006: EUR 5 000 000

Maximum aid intensity

According to the ceilings allowed under Commission Regulation (EC) No 364/2004 of 25 February 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001.


Tangible and intangible investment:

small enterprises 15 % gge;

medium-sized enterprises 7.5 % gge;

in areas eligible for exemption under Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty the above intensities are:

small enterprises 8 % gge + 10 % gge;

medium-sized enterprises 8 % nge + 6 % gge;

Aid for the purchase of consultancy services:

small and medium-sized enterprises 50 % gge

The total contribution granted for investments and acquisition of services may not in any case exceed 30 % of overall eligible expenditure.

Date of implementation:

Date of publication of the ranking list: September 2005

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Aid may be granted up to 31 December 2006

Objective of aid

To aid innovation in SMEs via incentives for carrying out projects aimed at acquiring back-up services for organisational and commercial innovation, IT innovation, the expansion of e-business, technological innovation and research and development activities.

The initiatives undertaken by businesses must fall within the category of combined initiatives.

The measures envisaged under the scheme are defined in accordance with Articles 2 and 5 of Regulation (EC) No 70/01.

Economic sectors concerned

Business advisory services.

There are restrictions or exclusions for the following sectors governed by Community rules: transport, fisheries, the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products referred to in Annex I to the Treaty, steel, shipbuilding, synthetic fibres and motor vehicles.

Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Lombardia — Direzione Industria, PMI, cooperazione, UO Azioni per lo sviluppo delle imprese e PMI, Struttura Sostegno agli investimenti


Via Taramelli 12

I-20124 Milano

Other information

The aid is granted under the Single Programming Document (DOCUP) Objective 2 2000-2006

Aid No

XS 183/05

Member State



Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid Regional Economic Development Plan:

Incentives for SMEs to adopt industrial policy measures in support of competitive development projects

Legal basis

LR 4.3.2005, n. 4, Capo I

DPReg 0316/Pres. dd. 16.9.2005

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

2005: EUR 14.5 million

2006: EUR 9.5 million

2007: EUR 9.5 million

Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation


Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 30.6.2007

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs


Economic sectors concerned

Limited to specific sectors


Other manufacturing



All services


Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

Direzione centrale attività produttive

Servizio politiche economiche e marketing territoriale


Via Uccellis, 12/F

I-33100 Udine

Telefono 0039 0432 555971

Fax 0039 0432 555952


Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation


Aid No

XS 186/05

Member State

United Kingdom


West Wales and the Valleys Objective 1 Region

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Cotton Projects

Legal basis

Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/99

The Structural Funds (National Assembly for Wales) Regulations 2000 (No/906/2000)

The Structural Funds (National Assembly for Wales)

Designation 2000

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount


Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount

GBP 119 902

Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

From: 31st October 2005

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until: 31st December 2006

NB. As noted above, the grant was committed prior to 31 December 2006. Payments against this commitment will, potentially (in line with N+2) continue until 31st December 2007

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

Limited to specific sectors


Other services (Construction)


Name and address of the granting authority


National Assembly for Wales


C/o Welsh European Funding Office

Cwm Cynon Business Park

Mountain Ash CF45 4ER

United Kingdom

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 192/05

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Support for the purchase or leasing of new production machines and tools (‘Sabatini’ Law)

Legal basis

Deliberazione della Giunta Regionale n. 17-881 del 26 settembre 2005 (B.U.R.P n. 39, Supplemento, del 29 settembre 2005) «Funzioni delegate alla Regione in materia di incentivi alle imprese. Prescrizioni per l'accesso agli incentivi di cui alla L. 28.11.1965 n. 1329 ed all'art. 11 comma 2 lett. b) L. 27.10.1994 n. 598 e s.m.i.» attuativa della L. 1329/65 e s.m.i già approvata dalla Commissione con Lettera D/55254 del 18 ottobre 2000 Aiuto N 659/A97.

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 25 million (3)

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Piemonte — Assessorato all'Industria, Lavoro e Bilancio — Direzione Industria.


Direzione Industria

Via Pisano, 6

I-10152 Torino

Tel. 011.4321461 — Fax 011.4323483


Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 193/05

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Support for the purchase or leasing of new production machines and tools (‘Sabatini decambializzata’ Law)

Legal basis

Deliberazione della Giunta Regionale n. 17-881 del 26 settembre 2005 (B.U.R.P n. 39, Supplemento, del 29 settembre 2005) «Funzioni delegate alla Regione in materia di incentivi alle imprese. Prescrizioni per l'accesso agli incentivi di cui alla L. 28.11.1965 n. 1329 ed all'art. 11 comma 2 lett. b) L. 27.10.1994 n. 598 e s.m.i.». attuativa della L. 1329/65 e s.m.i già approvata dalla Commissione con Lettera D/55254 del 18 ottobre 2000 — Aiuto N 659/A97.

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 25 million (4)

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Piemonte — Assessorato all'Industria, Lavoro e Bilancio — Direzione Industria.


Direzione Industria

Via Pisano, 6

I-10152 Torino

Tel. 011.4321461 — Fax 011.4323483


Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 212/05

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid Regional Economic Development Plan:

Aid scheme for small enterprises active in the crafts, trade, services and tourism sectors.

Criteria and guidelines for the public notice on Integrated Projects for the Regional Parks

Legal basis

POR Campania 2000-2006

Complemento di Programmazione, misura 1.10

Disciplinare degli aiuti alle piccole imprese concessi in applicazione della Misura 1.10 del POR Campania 2000-2006 (Aiuti esentati dalla notificazione in conformità del Reg. (CE) n. 70/2001) approvato con Delibera di Giunta Regionale n. 1903 del 22.10.2004.

D.G.R.C. n. 180 del 15 febbraio 2005: Approvazione criteri ed indirizzi per la predisposizione dei bandi della Misura 1.10 per i Progetti Integrati dei Parchi Regionali con allegati.

P.O.R. Campania 2000 — 2006 Asse prioritario di riferimento 1 — Risorse Naturali — Misura 1.10 — Bandi pubblici per la concessione di aiuti alle piccole imprese nei settori dell'artigianato, commercio servizi e piccola ricettività turistica nei Parchi Regionali

Decreti Dirigenziali nn. 50 e 51 del 21.6.2005 pubblicati sul B.U.R.C. n. 48 del 26.9.2005;

Decreti Dirigenziali nn. 64, 65 e 66 dell'1.8.2005 e n. 67 del 2.8.2005 pubblicati sul B.U.R.C. n. 51 del 6.10.2005

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 17 488 433.50

Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

From 31.1.2006

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Campania

Area Generale di Coordinamento 05

Settore 02

Responsabile della Misura 1.10 del POR Campania 2000 — 2006


Via A. De Gasperi 28

I-80133 Napoli

Telefono: 081 7963050


Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



Aid No

XS 216/05

Member State



Entire country

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

State aid for non-agricultural small and medium-sized enterprises in the horse sector with a view to promoting and developing this sector

Legal basis

Real Decreto por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras de las subvenciones estatales destinadas al sector equino

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 0.5 million

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

Publication in the Official State Gazette and entry into force

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 30.6.2007

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

Limited to specific sectors


Other services


Name and address of the granting authority


Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

Dirección General de Ganadería


C/ Alfonso XII, 62

E-28014 Madrid

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation



(1)  2 1 EUR = 0.702804 LVL.

(2)  1 EUR = 0.702804 LVL.

(3)  The above annual expenditure also includes the budget of the other foreseen regulations as mentioned in the legal basis and relevant exemption notification.

(4)  The above annual expenditure also includes the budget of the other foreseen regulations as mentioned in the legal basis and relevant exemption notification.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/21

Notice concerning the countervailing measures in force in respect of imports into the Community of cotton-type bed linen originating in India: modification of the name of a company subject to an individual countervailing duty rate

(2006/C 172/06)

Imports of cotton-type bed linen, originating in India are subject to a definitive countervailing duty, imposed by Council Regulation (EC) No 74/2004 of 13 January 2004 (1).

Anunay Fab. Pvt. Ltd, a company located in India, whose exports to the Community of cotton-type bed linen are subject to a countervailing duty of 7.6 % imposed pursuant to Article 1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 74/2004, has informed the Commission that on 23 November 2005, as a result of a change in the company's legal form, it changed its name to Anunay Fab. Ltd.

The company has argued that the change of name does not affect the right of the company to benefit from the individual duty rate applied to the company under its previous name of Anunay Fab. Pvt. Ltd.

The Commission has examined the information supplied and concluded that the change of name in no way affects the findings of Regulation (EC) No 74/2004. Therefore, the reference to Anunay Fab. Pvt. Ltd. should be read as Anunay Fab. Ltd. in the Annex of Regulation (EC) No 74/2004.

The Taric additional code A498 previously attributed to Anunay Fab. Pvt. Ltd shall apply to Anunay Fab. Ltd.

(1)  OJ L 12, 17.1.2004, p. 1, as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 122/2006 of 23 January 2006 (OJ L 22. 26.1.2006, p. 3).



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/22

Prior notification of a concentration

(Case COMP/M.4289 — Crédit Agricole/Emporiki)

Candidate case for simplified procedure

(2006/C 172/07)

(Text with EEA relevance)


On 13 July 2006, the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (1) by which the undertaking Crédit Agricole SA (‘Crédit Agricole’, France) acquires within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Council Regulation control of the whole of the undertaking Emporiki Bank of Greece SA (‘Emporiki’, Greece) by way of public bid announced on 13 June 2006.


The business activities of the undertakings concerned are:

for undertaking Crédit Agricole: banking and insurance services;

for undertaking Emporiki: banking and insurance services.


On preliminary examination, the Commission finds that the notified transaction could fall within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 139/2004. However, the final decision on this point is reserved. Pursuant to the Commission Notice on a simplified procedure for treatment of certain concentrations under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (2) it should be noted that this case is a candidate for treatment under the procedure set out in the Notice.


The Commission invites interested third parties to submit their possible observations on the proposed operation to the Commission.

Observations must reach the Commission not later than 10 days following the date of this publication. Observations can be sent to the Commission by fax (No (32-2) 296 43 01 or 296 72 44) or by post, under reference number COMP/M.4289 — Crédit Agricole/Emporiki, to the following address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Competition

Merger Registry


B-1049 Brussels

(1)  OJ L 24, 29.1.2004, p. 1.

(2)  OJ C 56, 5.3.2005, p. 32.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/23

Prior notification of a concentration

(Case COMP/M.4324 — Blackstone/Travelport)

Candidate case for simplified procedure

(2006/C 172/08)

(Text with EEA relevance)


On 14 July 2006, the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (1) by which the Blackstone Group (‘Blackstone’ USA) acquires within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Council Regulation sole control of the whole of Travelport Inc. (‘Travelport’, USA), via purchase of shares.


The business activities of the undertakings concerned are:

Blackstone: a private merchant banking firm active mainly in financial advisory services, private equity and property investments;

Travelport: a geographically diverse collection of travel distribution brands and businesses.


On preliminary examination, the Commission finds that the notified concentration could fall within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 139/2004. However, the final decision on this point is reserved. Pursuant to the Commission Notice on a simplified procedure for treatment of certain concentrations under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (2) it should be noted that this case is a candidate for treatment under the procedure set out in the Notice.


The Commission invites interested third parties to submit their possible observations on the proposed operation to the Commission.

Observations must reach the Commission not later than 10 days following the date of this publication. Observations can be sent to the Commission by fax (No (32-2) 296 43 01 or 296 72 44) or by post, under reference number COMP/M.4324 — Blackstone/Travelport, to the following address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Competition

Merger Registry


B-1049 Brussels

(1)  OJ L 24, 29.1.2004, p. 1.

(2)  OJ C 56, 5.3.2005, p. 32.

III Notices




Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/24

Call for proposals for indirect actions under the multiannual Community Programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable (The eContentplus Programme)

(2006/C 172/09)

(Text with EEA relevance)

1.   Objectives and description

The European Commission has adopted a Work Programme and a call for proposals to implement the eContentplus Programme (1).

The present call is open for proposals for indirect actions addressing the following areas and the following activities:

Geographic information


Targeted projects for geographic information


A thematic network on geographic information

Educational content


Targeted projects for educational content


A thematic network on educational content

Digital libraries (Cultural and scientific/scholarly content)


Targeted projects for digital libraries


A thematic network on cultural content

Reinforcing cooperation between digital content stakeholders


A thematic network on public-domain and related issues

2.   Eligible applicants

Participation in the eContentplus programme is open to legal entities established in the 25 Member States.

It is further open to legal entities established in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, if a bilateral agreement with the relevant country has been concluded to this effect. It is open to legal entities established in EFTA States that are contracting parties to the EEA Agreement (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway), in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement (2).

The participation of legal entities established in third countries and of international organisations is possible, though without financial support from the Community.

3.   Budget

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of indirect actions is estimated at EUR 27,3 million.

4.   Deadline

The deadline for receipt of proposals by the Commission is 19 October 2006 at 17:00 (Luxembourg local time).

5.   Further information

The full text of the call for proposals and the application forms are available on the following web site:

All applications must comply with the specifications and conditions described in the full text of the call for proposals, the Work Programme and the Guide for proposers which are available in English on the Commission's above-mentioned internet site. These include information on how to prepare and submit proposals.

The evaluation of proposals will be based on the principles of transparency and equality of treatment. It will be carried out by the Commission with the assistance of outside experts. Each submission will be assessed on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in the eContentplus Work Programme.

All proposals received by the European Commission will be treated in strict confidence.

(1)  Decision No 456/2005/EC of 9 March 2005 of European Parliament and the Council adopting a multiannual Community Programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable (OJ L 79, 24.3.2005, p. 1).

(2)  Up-to-date information on which countries are part of the programme is published in the Official Journal of the European Union. An up-to-date list is also available on the programme web site at



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/26


Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys

(2006/C 172/10)


The European Commission is launching a call for proposals (ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-03) for carrying out surveys as part of the Joint Harmonised Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys (approved by the Commission on 29th November 2000) in the EU Member States and in the candidate countries. This call for proposals will cover Luxemburg, Malta, Croatia and Turkey.

The programme is designed to gather information on the state of the economies in the EU Member States so as to be able to compare their business cycles for EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) management purposes. It has become an indispensable tool in the EMU economic surveillance process, as well as for general economic policy purposes.


2.1   Objectives

The joint harmonised programme involves specialised bodies/institutes carrying out opinion surveys on a joint financing basis. The Commission is looking to conclude an annual grant agreement for the action with bodies and institutes suitably qualified to carry out one or more of the following surveys for the period May 2007 — April 2008:

Retail trade and services surveys in Luxemburg;

Investment, construction, retail trade and services surveys in Malta;

Investment, construction, retail trade, services and industry surveys in Croatia;

Investment, construction, retail trade, services, industry and consumer surveys in Turkey;

Ad hoc surveys on topical economic issues: These ad hoc surveys are by definition more occasional and are carried out in addition to the monthly surveys, using the same established samples as the monthly surveys, to obtain information on specific economic policy issues.

The surveys target managers in the industry, investment, construction, retail trade and services sector as well as consumers.

2.2   Technical specifications

2.2.1   Survey timing and reporting of results

The following table gives an overview of the surveys requested under this call for proposals:

Survey name

Number of sectors covered/size classes

Number of questions asked monthly

Number of questions asked quarterly

Industry survey




Investment survey


2 questions in March/April

4 questions in October/November

Construction survey




Retail trade survey




Services survey




Consumer survey




The monthly surveys must be carried out in the first two weeks of each month and the results must be e-mailed to the Commission at least 4 working days before the end of the month and in accordance with the calendar that will be included in the grant agreement.

The quarterly surveys must be carried out in the first two weeks of the first month of each quarter (January, April, July and October) and the results must be e-mailed to the Commission at least 4 working days before the end of January, April, July and October respectively and in accordance with the calendar that will be included in the grant agreement.

The six-monthly surveys of investment must be carried out in March/April and October/November and the results must be e-mailed to the Commission at least four working days before the end of May and December, respectively, and in accordance with the calendar that will be included in the grant agreement.

In the case of ad hoc surveys, the beneficiary must undertake to adhere to the specific timetables laid down for them.

A detailed description of the action can be downloaded from the following Internet address:

2.2.2   Methodology and questionnaires of the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys

Details on the methodology can be found in the user's guide on:


3.1   Administrative provisions

The body or institute is to be selected for a maximum period of 12 months. For this purpose an annual agreement will be concluded between the parties, which will specify the common objectives and the nature of the action planned. The grant agreement will cover the period May 2007 — April 2008.

3.2   Duration

The surveys run from 1 May 2007 until 30 April 2008. The duration of the action may not exceed 12 months (13 months for the investment survey).


4.1   Sources of Community funding

The operations selected will be financed from budget heading 01.02.02 — Coordination and surveillance of economic and monetary union.

4.2   Estimated total Community budget for this call

The total annual budget available for these surveys is in the region of EUR 360 000.

The number of beneficiaries will be maximum 17.

4.3   Percentage of Community co-financing

The Commission's share in the joint financing may not exceed 50 % of the eligible costs incurred by the beneficiary on each survey.

4.4   Funding of the action by the beneficiary and eligible costs incurred

Eligible costs can be incurred only after signature of the grant agreement by all the parties, save in exceptional cases and, under no circumstances, before submission of the application for a grant. Contributions in kind are not regarded as eligible costs.

The beneficiary will be requested to submit a detailed budget containing an estimate of the costs and funding of the action, expressed in EURO. The budget will be incorporated as an annex to the grant agreement. The Commission may subsequently use these figures for auditing purposes.


5.1.   Legal status of applicants

The call for proposals is open to bodies and institutes (legal entities) with legal status in one of the EU Member States, or in one of the acceding or candidate countries. Applicants must show that they exist as a legal entity and provide the required documentation by means of the standard legal entity form.

5.2.   Grounds for exclusion

Applications will not be considered for a grant if the applicants are in any of the following situations (1):


they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;


they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;


they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;


they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;


they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests;


following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations;


they are faced with a conflict of interest;


they have been guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required or have failed to supply this information.

Applicants must certify that they are not in one of the situations listed under points 5.2 by means of the standard declaration form on eligibility.

5.3   Administrative and financial penalties


Without prejudice to the application of penalties laid down in the contract, candidates or tenderers and contractors who have been guilty of making false declarations or have been found to have seriously failed to meet their contractual obligations in an earlier procurement procedure shall be excluded from all contracts and grants financed by the Community budget for a maximum of two years from the time when the infringement is established, as confirmed after an adversarial procedure with the contractor. That period may be extended to three years in the event of a repeat offence within five years of the first infringement.

Tenderers or candidates who have been guilty of making false declarations shall also receive financial penalties representing 2 % to 10 % of the total value of the contract being awarded.

Contractors who have been found to have seriously failed to meet their contractual obligations shall receive financial penalties representing 2 % to 10 % of the total value of the contract in question. That rate may be increased to 4 % to 20 % in the event of a repeat offence within five years of the first infringement.


In the cases referred to in points 5.2 (a), (c) and (d) the candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from all contracts and grants for a maximum of two years from the time when the infringement is established, as confirmed after an adversarial procedure with the contractor.

In the cases referred to in points 5.2 (b) and (e), the candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from all contracts and grants for a minimum of one year and a maximum of four years from the date of notification of the judgment.

Those periods may be extended to five years in the event of a repeat offence within five years of the first infringement or the first judgment.


The cases referred to in point 5.2. (e) shall be the following:


cases of fraud as referred to in Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests drawn up by the Council Act of 26 July 1995;


cases of corruption as referred to in Article 3 of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union, drawn up by the Council Act of 26 May 1997;


cases of participation in a criminal organisation, as defined in Article 2(1) of Joint Action 98/733/JHA of the Council;


cases of money laundering as defined in Article 1 of Council Directive 91/308/EEC.


Applicants must have stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out. They must have the professional competences and qualifications required to complete the proposed action or work programme.

6.1   Financial capacity of applicants

Applicants must have the financial capacity to complete the proposed action and must provide their balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the last two financial years for which the accounts have been closed. This provision does not apply to public bodies and international organisations.

6.2   Operational capability of applicants

Applicants must have the operational capability to complete the proposed action and should provide the appropriate supporting documentation.

The following criteria will be used to assess the applicant's ability:

At least three years proven experience in preparing and carrying out qualitative business and consumer surveys.

Proven experience in at least one of the following areas:


evaluating business and consumer survey results, methodological questions (samples, questionnaires and scheduling) and analysis;


construction of indicators based on business and consumer survey results;


use of business and consumer survey results for cyclical and macro-economic analysis and research, using statistical and econometric methods, including analysis by sector;


econometric models and other forecasting tools.

Ability to apply the methodology of the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys and to comply with the Commission's instructions: meet the monthly reporting deadlines, implement improvements and changes to the survey programme as requested by Commission services, in line with agreements reached at coordination meetings with representatives of collaborating bodies/institutes.


The following criteria will be used to award the agreement to successful candidates:

The candidate's degree of expertise and experience in the areas mentioned under point 6.2.

The effectiveness of the proposed survey methodology including sample design, sample size, coverage rate, response rate.

The candidate's level of competence and knowledge of the special survey features of the sector and country where they intend to carry out the survey(s).

The efficiency of the candidate's work organisation, in terms of flexibility, infrastructure, qualified staff and facilities for carrying out the work, reporting the results, participating in preparing the surveys under the joint harmonised programme and liaising with the Commission.

Value for money.


8.1   Drawing-up and submission of proposals

Proposals must contain the completed and signed standard grant application form and all supporting documents referred to in the form.

The proposals must be presented in three sections:

administrative proposal,

technical proposal,

financial proposal.

The following standard forms can be obtained from the Commission:

standard grant application form,

standard budget statement for providing estimates of the survey costs and financing plan,

standard financial identification form,

standard legal entity form,

standard declaration form on eligibility,

standard declaration form indicating willingness to sign the standard grant agreement,

standard form regarding subcontracting.

as well as documentation regarding the financial aspects of the grant:

aide-memoire for drawing up financial estimates and financial statements,

model of the grant agreement.


by downloading them from the following Internet address:


In case the previous option is not possible, by writing to the Commission at:

European Commission,

Directorate-General ECFIN

Unit ECFIN-A-3 (Business surveys)

Call for proposals — ECFIN/2006/A3-03

BU-1 3/146

B-1049 Brussels.

Fax (+32 2) 296 36 50


The Commission reserves the right to amend these standard documents in line with the needs of the joint harmonised programme and/or budget management constraints.

Proposals must be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Community together with a translation in English, French or German, where appropriate.

One signed original proposal and two copies must be supplied by the applicant.

Proposals must be sent in a sealed cover contained in another sealed envelope.

The outside envelope should bear the address given at point 8.3 below.

The sealed inner envelope containing the proposal must be marked ‘Call for Proposals — ECFIN/2006/A3-03, not to be opened by the internal mail department’.

The Commission will notify candidates that their proposal has been received by returning the acknowledgement of receipt slip submitted with the proposal.

8.2   Content of proposals

8.2.1   Administrative proposal

The administrative proposal must include:

A duly signed standard grant application form.

A duly completed and signed standard legal entity form and the requested supporting documentation proving the legal status of the body or institute.

A duly completed and signed standard financial identification form.

A duly signed standard declaration form of the applicant's eligibility.

The organisation chart of the body or institute, showing the names and positions of the management and of the operational service responsible for conducting the surveys.

A duly signed standard declaration form that it is willing to sign the grant agreement, if selected.

Proof of sound financial situation: balance sheets and profit and loss accounts from the previous two financial years for which the accounts have been closed, should be attached.

8.2.2   Technical proposal

The technical proposal must include:

A description of the activities of the body or institute, enabling the assessment of its qualifications and the scope and duration of its experience in the requested areas under point 6.2. This should mean any studies, service contracts, consultancy work, surveys, publications or other work previously carried out, indicating the name of the client and stating which, if any, were done for the European Commission. The most relevant studies and/or results should be attached.

A detailed description of the operational organization for carrying out the surveys. Relevant documentation should be attached regarding the infrastructure, facilities, resources and qualified staff (concise cv's) at the applicant's disposal.

A detailed description of the survey methodology: sampling methods, sampling errors and confidence intervals, sample size, coverage rate and estimated response rate.

A duly completed standard form regarding subcontractors involved in the action, including a detailed description of the tasks to be subcontracted.

8.2.3   Financial proposal

The financial proposal must include:

A duly completed and detailed standard budget statement (in euro), covering a period of 12 months, for each survey, containing a financing plan for the action and a detailed breakdown of the total and unit eligible costs for conducting the survey, including subcontracting costs.

A certificate of non-liability for VAT, if applicable.

A document certifying the financial contribution from other organisations (co-financing), if applicable.

8.3   Address and closing date for submission of proposals

Applicants interested in these grants are invited to submit their applications to the European Commission.

Applications may be submitted:


either by registered post or private delivery service postmarked no later than 25 September 2006 at the following address:

By registered post:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

For the attention of Mr Jean-Pierre RAES

Call for Proposals ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-03

Unit R2, Office BU1 — 3/13

B-1049 Brussels

By private delivery service:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

For the attention of Mr Jean-Pierre RAES

Call for Proposals ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-03

Unit R2, Office BU1 — 3/13

Rue de Genève, 1

B-1140 Brussels (Evere)


or by delivery to the central mail service of the European Commission (personal delivery or delivery by any authorised representative of the applicant, including private delivery services) at the following address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

For the attention of Mr Jean-Pierre RAES

Call for Proposals ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-03

Unit R2, Office BU1 — 3/13

Rue de Genève, 1

B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

no later than 25 September 2006 by 16h00 (Brussels time). In this case, proof of submission will be by means of a dated and signed receipt issued by the receiving official in the above mentioned department.

Applications received by the Commission after the closing date will not be taken into consideration.


All applications will be checked to assess whether they meet the formal criteria of eligibility.

Proposals considered eligible will be evaluated and given marks according to the award criteria specified above.

The process of selecting the proposals will take place during the months October/November 2006. A selection committee is to be set up for this purpose under the authority of the Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. It will be made up of at least three persons representing at least two different specialised units with no hierarchical link between them and will have its own secretariat responsible for handling communication with the successful candidate following the selection procedure. Unsuccessful candidates will also be notified individually.


This call for proposals does not constitute any sort of contractual obligation on the part of the Commission towards any body/institute submitting a proposal on the basis of it. All communication regarding this call for proposals must be in writing.

Applicants should take note of the contractual provisions which will be obligatory in the event of award.

(1)  In compliance with articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities.



Official Journal of the European Union

C 172/34


Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys

(2006/C 172/11)


The European Commission is launching a call for proposals (ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-02) for carrying out surveys as part of the Joint Harmonised Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys (approved by the Commission on 29th November 2000) in the EU Member States. This call for proposals will cover the Netherlands and Finland.

The programme is designed to gather information on the state of the economies in the EU Member States so as to be able to compare their business cycles for EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) management purposes. It has become an indispensable tool in the EMU economic surveillance process, as well as for general economic policy purposes.


2.1   Objectives

The joint harmonised programme involves specialised bodies/institutes carrying out opinion surveys on a joint financing basis. The Commission is looking to conclude a sixteen-monthly grant agreement for the action with bodies and institutes suitably qualified to carry out one or more of the following surveys for the period January 2007 — April 2008:

Retail trade and services surveys in the Netherlands;

Retail trade survey in Finland;

Ad hoc surveys on topical economic issues: These ad hoc surveys are by definition more occasional and are carried out in addition to the monthly surveys, using the same established samples as the monthly surveys, to obtain information on specific economic policy issues.

The surveys target managers in the investment, construction, retail trade and services sector.

2.2   Technical specifications

2.2.1   Survey timing and reporting of results

The following table gives an overview of the surveys requested under this call for proposals:

Survey name

Number of sectors covered/size classes

Number of questions asked monthly

Number of questions asked quarterly

Retail trade survey




Services survey




The monthly surveys must be carried out in the first two weeks of each month and the results must be e-mailed to the Commission at least 4 working days before the end of the month and in accordance with the calendar that will be included in the grant agreement.

The quarterly surveys must be carried out in the first two weeks of the first month of each quarter (January, April, July and October) and the results must be e-mailed to the Commission at least 4 working days before the end of January, April, July and October respectively and in accordance with the calendar that will be included in the grant agreement.

In the case of ad hoc surveys, the beneficiary must undertake to adhere to the specific timetables laid down for them.

A detailed description of the action can be downloaded from the following Internet address:

2.2.2   Methodology and questionnaires of the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys

Details on the methodology can be found in the user's guide on:


3.1   Administrative provisions

The body or institute is to be selected for a maximum period of 16 months. For this purpose a sixteen-monthly agreement will be concluded between the parties, which will specify the common objectives and the nature of the action planned. The grant agreement will cover the period January 2007 — April 2008.

3.2   Duration

The surveys run from 1 January 2007 until 30 April 2008. The duration of the action may not exceed 16 months.


4.1   Sources of Community funding

The operations selected will be financed from budget heading 01.02.02 — Coordination and surveillance of economic and monetary union.

4.2   Estimated total Community budget for this call

The total annual budget available for these surveys is in the region of EUR 90 000.

The number of beneficiaries will be maximum 3.

4.3   Percentage of Community co-financing

The Commission's share in the joint financing may not exceed 50 % of the eligible costs incurred by the beneficiary on each survey.

4.4   Funding of the action by the beneficiary and eligible costs incurred

Eligible costs can be incurred only after signature of the grant agreement by all the parties, save in exceptional cases and, under no circumstances, before submission of the application for a grant. Contributions in kind are not regarded as eligible costs.

The beneficiary will be requested to submit a detailed budget containing an estimate of the costs and funding of the action, expressed in EURO. The budget will be incorporated as an annex to the grant agreement. The Commission may subsequently use these figures for auditing purposes.


5.1.   Legal status of applicants

The call for proposals is open to bodies and institutes (legal entities) with legal status in one of the EU Member States, or in one of the acceding or candidate countries. Applicants must show that they exist as a legal entity and provide the required documentation by means of the standard legal entity form.

5.2.   Grounds for exclusion

Applications will not be considered for a grant if the applicants are in any of the following situations (1):


they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;


they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;


they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;


they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;


they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests;


following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations;


they are faced with a conflict of interest;


they have been guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required or have failed to supply this information.

Applicants must certify that they are not in one of the situations listed under points 5.2 by means of the standard declaration form on eligibility.

5.3   Administrative and financial penalties


Without prejudice to the application of penalties laid down in the contract, candidates or tenderers and contractors who have been guilty of making false declarations or have been found to have seriously failed to meet their contractual obligations in an earlier procurement procedure shall be excluded from all contracts and grants financed by the Community budget for a maximum of two years from the time when the infringement is established, as confirmed after an adversarial procedure with the contractor. That period may be extended to three years in the event of a repeat offence within five years of the first infringement.

Tenderers or candidates who have been guilty of making false declarations shall also receive financial penalties representing 2 % to 10 % of the total value of the contract being awarded.

Contractors who have been found to have seriously failed to meet their contractual obligations shall receive financial penalties representing 2 % to 10 % of the total value of the contract in question. That rate may be increased to 4 % to 20 % in the event of a repeat offence within five years of the first infringement.


In the cases referred to in points 5.2 (a), (c) and (d) the candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from all contracts and grants for a maximum of two years from the time when the infringement is established, as confirmed after an adversarial procedure with the contractor.

In the cases referred to in points 5.2 (b) and (e), the candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from all contracts and grants for a minimum of one year and a maximum of four years from the date of notification of the judgment.

Those periods may be extended to five years in the event of a repeat offence within five years of the first infringement or the first judgment.


The cases referred to in point 5.2. (e) shall be the following:


cases of fraud as referred to in Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests drawn up by the Council Act of 26 July 1995;


cases of corruption as referred to in Article 3 of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union, drawn up by the Council Act of 26 May 1997;


cases of participation in a criminal organisation, as defined in Article 2(1) of Joint Action 98/733/JHA of the Council;


cases of money laundering as defined in Article 1 of Council Directive 91/308/EEC.


Applicants must have stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out. They must have the professional competences and qualifications required to complete the proposed action or work programme.

6.1   Financial capacity of applicants

Applicants must have the financial capacity to complete the proposed action and must provide their balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the last two financial years for which the accounts have been closed. This provision does not apply to public bodies and international organisations.

6.2   Operational capability of applicants

Applicants must have the operational capability to complete the proposed action and should provide the appropriate supporting documentation.

The following criteria will be used to assess the applicant's ability:

At least three years proven experience in preparing and carrying out qualitative business and consumer surveys.

Proven experience in at least one of the following areas:


evaluating business and consumer survey results, methodological questions (samples, questionnaires and scheduling) and analysis;


construction of indicators based on business and consumer survey results;


use of business and consumer survey results for cyclical and macro-economic analysis and research, using statistical and econometric methods, including analysis by sector;


econometric models and other forecasting tools.

Ability to apply the methodology of the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys and to comply with the Commission's instructions: meet the monthly reporting deadlines, implement improvements and changes to the survey programme as requested by Commission services, in line with agreements reached at coordination meetings with representatives of collaborating bodies/institutes.


The following criteria will be used to award the agreement to successful candidates:

The candidate's degree of expertise and experience in the areas mentioned under point 6.2.

The effectiveness of the proposed survey methodology including sample design, sample size, coverage rate, response rate.

The candidate's level of competence and knowledge of the special survey features of the sector and country where they intend to carry out the survey(s).

The efficiency of the candidate's work organisation, in terms of flexibility, infrastructure, qualified staff and facilities for carrying out the work, reporting the results, participating in preparing the surveys under the joint harmonised programme and liaising with the Commission.

Value for money.


8.1   Drawing-up and submission of proposals

Proposals must contain the completed and signed standard grant application form and all supporting documents referred to in the form.

The proposals must be presented in three sections:

administrative proposal,

technical proposal,

financial proposal.

The following standard forms can be obtained from the Commission:

standard grant application form,

standard budget statement for providing estimates of the survey costs and financing plan,

standard financial identification form,

standard legal entity form,

standard declaration form on eligibility,

standard declaration form indicating willingness to sign the standard grant agreement,

standard form regarding subcontracting.

as well as documentation regarding the financial aspects of the grant:

aide-memoire for drawing up financial estimates and financial statements,

model of the grant agreement.


by downloading them from the following Internet address:


In case the previous option is not possible, by writing to the Commission at:

European Commission,

Directorate-General ECFIN

Unit ECFIN-A-3 (Business surveys)

Call for proposals — ECFIN/2006/A3-02

BU-1 3/146

B-1049 Brussels.

Fax (+32 2) 296 36 50


The Commission reserves the right to amend these standard documents in line with the needs of the joint harmonised programme and/or budget management constraints.

Proposals must be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Community together with a translation in English, French or German, where appropriate.

One signed original proposal and two copies must be supplied by the applicant.

Proposals must be sent in a sealed cover contained in another sealed envelope.

The outside envelope should bear the address given at point 8.3 below.

The sealed inner envelope containing the proposal must be marked ‘Call for Proposals — ECFIN/2006/A3-02, not to be opened by the internal mail department’.

The Commission will notify candidates that their proposal has been received by returning the acknowledgement of receipt slip submitted with the proposal.

8.2   Content of proposals

8.2.1   Administrative proposal

The administrative proposal must include:

A duly signed standard grant application form.

A duly completed and signed standard legal entity form and the requested supporting documentation proving the legal status of the body or institute.

A duly completed and signed standard financial identification form.

A duly signed standard declaration form of the applicant's eligibility.

The organisation chart of the body or institute, showing the names and positions of the management and of the operational service responsible for conducting the surveys.

A duly signed standard declaration form that it is willing to sign the grant agreement, if selected.

Proof of sound financial situation: balance sheets and profit and loss accounts from the previous two financial years for which the accounts have been closed, should be attached.

8.2.2   Technical proposal

The technical proposal must include:

A description of the activities of the body or institute, enabling the assessment of its qualifications and the scope and duration of its experience in the requested areas under point 6.2. This should mean any studies, service contracts, consultancy work, surveys, publications or other work previously carried out, indicating the name of the client and stating which, if any, were done for the European Commission. The most relevant studies and/or results should be attached.

A detailed description of the operational organization for carrying out the surveys. Relevant documentation should be attached regarding the infrastructure, facilities, resources and qualified staff (concise cv's) at the applicant's disposal.

A detailed description of the survey methodology: sampling methods, sampling errors and confidence intervals, sample size, coverage rate and estimated response rate.

A duly completed standard form regarding subcontractors involved in the action, including a detailed description of the tasks to be subcontracted.

8.2.3   Financial proposal

The financial proposal must include:

A duly completed and detailed standard budget statement (in euro), covering a period of 16 months, for each survey, containing a financing plan for the action and a detailed breakdown of the total and unit eligible costs for conducting the survey, including subcontracting costs.

A certificate of non-liability for VAT, if applicable.

A document certifying the financial contribution from other organisations (co-financing), if applicable.

8.3   Address and closing date for submission of proposals

Applicants interested in these grants are invited to submit their applications to the European Commission.

Applications may be submitted:


either by registered post or private delivery service postmarked no later than 25 September 2006 at the following address:

By registered post:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

For the attention of Mr Jean-Pierre RAES

Call for Proposals ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-02

Unit R2, Office BU1 — 3/13

B-1049 Brussels

By private delivery service:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

For the attention of Mr Jean-Pierre RAES

Call for Proposals ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-02

Unit R2, Office BU1 — 3/13

Rue de Genève, 1

B-1140 Brussels (Evere)


or by delivery to the central mail service of the European Commission (personal delivery or delivery by any authorised representative of the applicant, including private delivery services) at the following address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

For the attention of Mr Jean-Pierre RAES

Call for Proposals ref. ECFIN/2006/A3-02

Unit R2, Office BU1 — 3/13

Rue de Genève, 1

B-1140 Brussels (Evere)

no later than 25 September 2006 by 16h00 (Brussels time). In this case, proof of submission will be by means of a dated and signed receipt issued by the receiving official in the above mentioned department.

Applications received by the Commission after the closing date will not be taken into consideration.


All applications will be checked to assess whether they meet the formal criteria of eligibility.

Proposals considered eligible will be evaluated and given marks according to the award criteria specified above.

The process of selecting the proposals will take place during the months October/November 2006. A selection committee is to be set up for this purpose under the authority of the Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. It will be made up of at least three persons representing at least two different specialised units with no hierarchical link between them and will have its own secretariat responsible for handling communication with the successful candidate following the selection procedure. Unsuccessful candidates will also be notified individually.


This call for proposals does not constitute any sort of contractual obligation on the part of the Commission towards any body/institute submitting a proposal on the basis of it. All communication regarding this call for proposals must be in writing.

Applicants should take note of the contractual provisions which will be obligatory in the event of award.

(1)  In compliance with articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities.