The Bologna process: setting up the European higher education area

The Bologna process, initiated with the Bologna Declaration (1999) and assessed every 3 years in ministerial conferences, aims to introduce a more comparable, compatible and coherent system for European higher education.


The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 - Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education (not published in the Official Journal).


The Bologna process, initiated with the Bologna Declaration (1999) and assessed every 3 years in ministerial conferences, aims to introduce a more comparable, compatible and coherent system for European higher education.



Countries subscribing to the European Cultural Convention (1954) are eligible for membership of the EHEA, provided that they declare their intention to incorporate the objectives of the Bologna process into their own higher education system. They should also provide information on how they will implement the principles and objectives.

The Bologna process is in line with the objectives of the EU’s education and training framework and its Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs.

Further information is available from the EHEA website.


The European higher education area in 2015: Bologna process implementation report.

Council conclusions on the global dimension of European higher education (OJ C 28 of 31.1.2014, pp. 2-5).

last update 23.07.2015