Transfer of businesses



Communication (COM (2006) 117 final) - Transfer of Businesses - Continuity through a new beginning



EU countries should systematically promote the transfer of businesses as an alternative to business creation. They should, for instance, consider introducing support measures for transfers similar to those available for business creation.

Succession contracts, partnership agreements, the establishment of limited liability companies and restructuring are all legal tools which can be used to prevent business closure. For example, the succession contract, which is prohibited in many countries, the partnership agreement or the establishment of limited liability companies make it possible to ensure business continuity in the event of the owner's or an associate’s death. When changing legal status, a business about to be transferred can undergo legal restructuring in order to avoid liquidation.

Although transfers within families have been made easier in many countries, transfers to third parties must receive greater encouragement through exemptions from tax on income generated by the sale of a business, specific tax relief on income reinvested in another business or used to finance the retirement of the business owner, or tax exemptions for employees investing in their own business.

The provision of impartial services to act as mediators between potential buyers and sellers should make it possible to organise transparent markets for business transfers. In some countries, the chambers of commerce take on this responsibility.

In order to implement all of these recommendations, a support infrastructure needs to be created to reach the hundreds of thousands of businesses which will be affected by a transfer over the next few years. This implementation infrastructure will make use of the EU countries, their national, regional and local administrations, and business support organisations. It will involve in particular the dissemination of information to those providing support, the training of trainers and the development of teaching material.



Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Implementing the Lisbon Community Programme for Growth and Jobs - Transfer of Businesses - Continuity through a new beginning (COM (2006) 117 final, 14.3.2006)

last update 01.12.2016