
Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections

Official Journal C 100 , 25/04/2002 P. 0002 - 0002

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty

Cases where the Commission raises no objections

(2002/C 100/02)

Date of adoption of the decision: 22.3.2002

Member State: Spain (Murcia)

Aid No: N 83/02

Title: Aid for beekeeping

Objective: To maintain beekeeping and improve health conditions

Legal basis: Proyecto de orden por la que se establece la convocatoria y el régimen jurídico de la concesión de ayudas para el sector apícola de la región de Murcia

Budget: EUR 240404,84 in the first year

Aid intensity or amount: Varies according to the beneficiaries

Duration: Unspecified

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at


Date of adoption of the decision: 25.3.2002

Member State: Greece

Aid No: N 135/2000

Title: Financial aid for farmers whose potatoes were damaged due to adverse weather conditions

Objective: To compensate farmers for losses

Legal basis: Κοινή υπουργική απόφαση

Budget: EUR 1645000

Aid intensity or amount: Up to 40 %

Duration: One year

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at


Date of adoption of the decision: 26.3.2002

Member State: Finland

Aid No: N 294/01

Title: Aid for losses due to adverse weather conditions

Objective: To compensate farmers for losses due to adverse weather

Legal basis: Laki satovahinkojen korvaamisesta N:o 1241/2000

Budget: EUR 3,4 million per year

Aid intensity or amount: 70 % of the losses

Duration: Unlimited

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at


Date of adoption of the decision: 25.3.2002

Member State: Germany (Bayern)

Aid No: N 344/A/01

Title: Conversion programme for ethologically sound animal husbandry in agriculture

Objective: Convert existing animal husbandry systems to ethologically sound, natural and environmentally sound husbandry and production systems and to improve animal welfare, animal hygiene and environmental protection

Legal basis: Richtlinien des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Landwirtschaft und Forsten zur Durchführung des Bayerischen Umstellungsprogramms für artgerechte Tierhaltung in der Landwirtschaft

Budget: EUR 51129188

Aid intensity or amount: The maximum aid intensity is 35 %, the maximum aid amount does not exceed EUR 35000

Duration: Until 31 December 2005

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at
