2.12.2019 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 310/39 |
of 28 November 2019
laying down a format for reporting of data on food waste and for submission of the quality check report in accordance with Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
(notified under document C(2019) 8577)
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (1), and in particular Article 37(7) thereof,
(1) |
Directive 2008/98/EC lays down an obligation for Member States to monitor and assess the implementation of their food waste prevention measures by measuring the levels of food waste on the basis of a common methodology and to report those data to the Commission. The data is to be accompanied by a quality check report. |
(2) |
The format to be used by Member States for reporting of data on food waste levels is to take account of the methodologies laid down in Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 (2), which provides the common methodology to measure the levels of food waste generated in Member States. |
(3) |
In Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597, Member States are provided with a range of methods for the measurement of food waste. There is a need to collect detailed information about the methods used in each Member States, in order to ensure harmonised reporting. |
(4) |
The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established by Article 39 of Directive 2008/98/EC, |
Article 1
Member States shall report the data and submit the quality check report concerning the implementation of Article 9(5) of Directive 2008/98/EC in the format laid down in the Annex to this Decision.
Article 2
This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 28 November 2019.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p. 3.
(2) Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 of 3 May 2019 supplementing Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards a common methodology and minimum quality requirements for the uniform measurement of levels of food waste (OJ L 248, 27.9.2019, p. 77).
1. Data on food waste amounts (in metric tons of fresh mass)
Stage of the food supply chain |
Food waste referred to in Article 1 of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 |
Food waste drained as or with wastewaters (referred to in Article 3(b) of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597) |
Total food waste |
Fraction of total food waste, composed of parts of food intended to be ingested by humans (referred to in Article 3(a) of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597) |
Primary Production |
Processing and manufacturing |
Retail and other distribution of food |
Restaurants and food services |
Households |
Sum |
2. Data on management of food surplus related to food waste prevention (in metric tons of fresh mass)
Stage of the food supply chain |
Food redistributed for human consumption (referred to in Article 3(c) of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597) |
Food placed on the market for transformation into feed (referred to in Article 3(d) of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597) |
Former foodstuffs (referred to in Article 3(e) of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597) |
Primary Production |
Processing and manufacturing |
Retail and other distribution of food |
Restaurants and food services |
Households |
Sum |
1. Objectives of the report
The objectives of the quality check report are as follows:
— |
evaluate the methodologies for measurement of food waste set out in Annex III and Annex IV to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597; |
— |
evaluate the quality of data on reported food waste amounts; |
— |
evaluate the quality of data collection processes, including the scope and validation of administrative data sources and the statistical validity of survey-based approaches; |
— |
give reasons for significant changes in reported data between reporting years and ensure confidence in the accuracy of that data. |
2. General information
Member State:
Organisation submitting the data and the description:
Contact person/contact details:
Reporting year:
Delivery date/version:
Link to data publication by the Member State (if any):
3. General information on data collection
Please indicate the methodology used to measure the amount of food waste generated in the given reporting year, for each stage of the food supply chain (mark with a cross the relevant cells to indicate if the data is collected using the methodology set out in Annex III or in Annex IV to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597).
Stage of the food supply chain |
Data collected using the methodology set out in Annex III to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 |
Data collected using the methodology set out in Annex IV to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 |
Primary Production |
Processing and manufacturing |
Retail and other distribution of food |
Restaurants and food services |
Households |
4. Information concerning measurement using the methodology set out in Annex III
4.1. General description of the sources of data for measuring food waste in the framework of the methodology set out in Annex III to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597
Please indicate the sources of data on food waste amounts for each stage of the food supply chain (mark with a cross all the relevant cells).
Stage of the food supply chain |
On the basis of the data collected for the purposes of Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) |
On the basis of a dedicated study (examples: scientific study, consultancy report)] |
Other sources or combination of different sources (please specify in point 4.2) (examples: administrative reporting, voluntary commitments of the industrial sector) |
Primary production |
Processing and manufacturing |
Retail and other distribution of food |
Restaurants and food services |
Households |
4.2. Detailed description of the methods for measuring food waste within the framework of the methodology set out in Annex III to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597
For each stage of the food supply chain, please describe the methods for measuring food waste amounts, by reference to Annex III to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597.
Stage of the food supply chain |
Short description of the methods used (including methods used to measure amounts of food waste in mixed waste, where relevant) |
Entities providing data on food waste [e.g. farmers, food companies (Food Business Operators), waste operators, municipalities, households] |
In case of sampling and/or scaling please provide information about the size and selection of the sample and describe the methods of scaling |
Description of the main issues affecting the accuracy of the data, including errors related to sampling, coverage, measurement, processing and non-response |
Description of the data validation process, including possible sources of uncertainty and their likely impact on the results reported |
Primary production |
Processing and manufacturing |
Retail and other distribution of food |
Restaurants and food services |
Households |
5. Information concerning measurement using the methodology set out in Annex IV to Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597
Please provide information for each stage of the food supply chain, for which calculations have been made in the reporting year.
Stage of the food supply chain |
Data on food waste amounts used as a basis for the calculations |
Socio-economic data used for the calculations |
Description of the methods used for the calculations |
Value [t] |
Year |
Type of data (e.g. population, food production) (2) |
Value (2) |
Year (2) |
Source (2) |
Primary production |
Processing and manufacturing |
Retail and other distribution of food |
Restaurants and food services |
Households |
6. Voluntary reporting
Please provide information for each set of voluntarily reported data.
Name of dataset (referred to in points (a) to (e) of Article 3 of Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597) |
Stage of the food supply chain |
Short description of the data collection method |
Source - link to the reference document (if applicable) |
Add rows as appropriate.
7. Methodological changes and problems notifications
7.1. Description of methodological changes (if applicable)
Please describe significant methodological changes in the calculation method for the reporting year, if any (please include in particular retrospective revisions, their nature and whether break-flags are required for specific reporting years). Please describe separately for each stage of the food supply chain and provide the precise location of the respective cell(s) (table name, stage of the food supply chain, column heading).
Add rows as appropriate.
7.2. Explanation of tonnage difference (if applicable)
Please explain the causes of the tonnage difference (which stages of the food supply chain, sectors or estimates have caused the difference, and what the underlying cause is) where the variation is greater than 20 % compared to the data submitted for the previous reporting year.
Stage of the food supply chain |
Variation (%) |
Main reason for the difference |
Add rows as appropriate.
7.3. Notification of problems (if any)
In case, you have experienced problems with the attribution of food waste to a given stage of the food supply chain please provide a description of the problems. For every specific problem, please provide the precise location of the respective cell(s) (table name, stage of the food supply chain, column heading).
8. Confidentiality
Please provide a justification to withhold the publication of specific parts of this report, if necessary. For every specific case, please provide the precise location of the respective cell(s) (table name, stage of food supply chain, column heading)
9. Main national websites, reference documents and publications
Please provide links to main national websites, reference documents and publications used in the collection of data on food waste amounts.
Stage of the food supply chain |
References |
Add rows as appropriate.
(1) Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2002 on waste statistics (OJ L 332, 9.12.2002, p. 1).
(2) In case of more sources of data used, add additional rows within the relevant stage of the food supply chain, as appropriate.