

Official Journal L 302 , 15/11/1985 P. 0158


( f ) Professional occupations

1 . Council Directive 75/362/EEC of 16 June 1975 ( OJ No L 167 , 30 . 6 . 1975 , p . 1 ) , as amended by :

- the 1979 Act of Accession ( OJ No L 291 , 19 . 11 . 1979 , p . 17 ) ,

- Council Directive 81/1057/EEC of 14 December 1981 ( OJ No L 385 , 31 . 12 . 1981 , p . 25 ) ,

- Council Directive 82/76/EEC of 26 January 1982 ( OJ No L 43 , 15 . 2 . 1982 , p . 21 ) .

( a ) The following is added to Article 3 :

" ( k ) in Spain :

" Titulo de Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugia " ( university degree in medicine and surgery ) awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science ;

( l ) in Portugal :

" Carta de curso de licenciatura em medicina " ( diploma confirming the completion of medical studies ) , awarded by a university , and the " Diploma comprovativo da conclusao do internato geral " ( diploma confirming the completion of general internship ) , awarded by the competent authorities of the Ministry of Health . "

( b ) The following is added to Article 5 ( 2 ) :

" in Spain :

" Titulo de Especialista " ( professional qualification of specialist ) awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science ;

in Portugal :

" Grau de Assistente " ( assistant grade ) , awarded by the competent authorities of the Ministry of Health , or " Titulo de Especialista " ( professional qualification of specialist ) awarded by the professional association for medical practitioners . "

( c ) The following entries are added to the indents indicated hereafter in Article 5 ( 3 ) :

anaesthetics :

" Spain : anestesiologia y reanimacion

Portugal : anestesiologia " ,

- general surgery :

" Spain : cirugia general

Portugal : cirugia geral " ,

- neurological surgery :

" Spain : neurocirugia

Portugal : neurocirurgia " ,

- obstetrics and gynaecology :

" Spain : obstetricia y ginecologia

Portugal : ginecologia e obstetricia " ,

- general ( internal ) medicine :

" Spain : medicina interna

Portugal : medicina interna " ,

- ophthalmology :

" Spain : oftalmologia

Portugal : oftalmologia " ,

- oto-rhino-laryngology :

" Spain : otorrinolaringologia

Portugal : otorrinolaringologia " ,

- paediatrics :

" Spain : pediatria y sus areas especificas

Portugal : pediatria " ,

- respiratory medicine :

" Spain : neumologia

Portugal : pneumologia " ,

- urology

" Spain : urologia

Portugal : urologia " ,

- orthopaedics :

" Spain : traumatoligia y cirugia ortopédica

Portugal : ortopedia " .

( d ) The following entries are added to the indents indicated hereafter in Article 7 ( 2 ) :

- clinical biology :

" Spain : analisis clinicos

Portugal : patologia clinica " ,

- biological haematology :

" Spain : hematologia y hemoterapia

" Portugal : hematologia clinica " ,

- microbiology - bacteriology :

" Spain : microbiologia y parasitologia " ,

- pathological anatomy :

" Spain : anatomia patologica

Portugal : anatomia patologica " ,

- biological chemistry :

" Spain : bioquimica clinica " ,

- immunology :

" Spain : immunologia " ,

- plastic surgery :

" Spain : cirugia plastica y reparadora

Portugal : cirugia plastica " ,

- thoracis surgery :

" Spain : cirugia toracica

Portugal : circurgia toracica " ,

- paediatric surgery :

" Spain : cirugia pediatrica

Portugal : cirurgia pediatrica " ,

- vascular surgery :

" Spain : angiologia y cirugia vascular

Portugal : cirurgia vascular " ,

- cardiology :

" Spain : cardiologia

Portugal : cardiologia " ,

- gastro-enterology :

" Spain : aparato digestivo

Portugal : gastro-enterologia " ,

- rheumatology :

" Spain : reumatologia

Portugal : reumatologia " ,

- general haematology :

" Spain : hematologia y hemoterapia

Portugal : imunohemoterapia " ,

- endocrinology :

" Spain : endocrinologia y nutricion

Portugal : endocrinologia-nutriçao " ,

- physiotherapy :

" Spain : rehabilitacion

Portugal : fisiatria " ,

- stomatology :

" Spain : estomatologia

Portugal : estomatologia " ,

- neurology :

" Spain : neurologia

Portugal : neurologia " ,

- psychiatry :

" Spain : psiquiatria

Portugal : psiquiatria " ,

- dermato-venereology :

" Spain : dermatologia médico-quirurgica y venereologia

Portugal : dermatovenereologia " ,

- radiology :

" Spain : electroradiologia

Portugal : radiologia " ,

- diagnostic radiology :

" Spain : radiodiagnostico

Portugal : radiodiagnostico " ,

- radiotherapy :

" Spain : oncologia radioterapica

Portugal : radioterapia " ,

- tropical medicine :

" Portugal : medicina tropical " ,

- child psychiatry :

" Portugal : pedopsiquiatria " ,

- geriatrics :

" Spain : geriatria " ,

- renal diseases :

" Spain : nefrologia

Portugal : nefrologia " ,

- pharmacology :

" Spain : farmacologia clinica " ,

- allergology :

" Spain : alergologia

Portugal : imuno-alergologia " ,

- gastro-enterological surgery :

" Spain : cirugia del aparato digestivo " .

2 . Council Directive 77/249/EEC of 22 March 1977 ( OJ No L 78 , 26 . 3 . 1977 , p . 17 ) , as amended by the 1979 Act of Accession ( OJ No L 291 , 19 . 11 . 1979 , p . 17 ) .

The following is added to Article 1 ( 2 ) :

" Spain : Abogado ,

Portugal : Advogado . "

3 . Council Directive 77/452/EEC of 27 June 1977 ( OJ No L 176 , 15 . 7 . 1977 , p . 1 ) , as amended by :

- the 1979 Act of Accession ( OJ No L 291 , 19 . 11 . 1979 , p . 17 ) ,

- Council Directive 81/1057/EEC of 14 December 1981 ( OJ No L 385 , 31 . 12 . 1981 , p . 25 ) .

( a ) The following is added to Article 1 ( 2 ) :

" in Spain :

" Enfermero/a diplomado/a ; "

in Portugal :

" Enfermeiro " . "

( b ) The following is added to Article 3 :

" ( k ) in Spain :

" Titulo de Diplomado universitario en Enfermeria " ( university diploma in nursing ) awarded by the Ministry for Education and Science .

( l ) in Portugal :

" Diploma do curso de enfermagem geral " ( diploma in general nursing ) awarded by State recognized educational establishments and registered by the competent authority . "

4 . Council Directive 78/686/EEC of 25 July 1978 ( OJ No L 233 , 24 . 8 . 1978 , p . 1 ) , as amended by :

- the 1979 Act of Accession ( OJ No L 291 , 19 . 11 . 1979 , p . 17 ) ,

- Council Directive 81/1057/EEC of 14 December 1981 ( OJ No L 385 , 31 . 12 . 1981 , p . 25 ) .

( a ) The following is added to Article 1 :

" - in Spain :

Licenciado en Odontologia ,

- in Portugal :

médico dentista . "

( b ) The following is added to Article 3 :

" ( k ) in Spain :

the diploma , the name of which will be notified by Spain to the Member States and to the Commission on accession .

( l ) in Portugal :

" carta de curso de licenciatura em medicina dentaria " ( diploma conferring official recognition of completion of studies in dentistry ) awarded by an establishment of higher education . "

( c ) The following is inserted :

" Article 19a

From the date on which the Kingdom of Spain takes the measures necessary to comply with this Directive , Member States shall recognize , for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in Article 1 of this Directive , the diplomas , certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in medicine awarded in Spain to persons who had begun their university medical training before accession , accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent Spanish authorities , certifying that these persons have effectively , lawfully and principally been engaged in Spain in the activities specified in Article 5 of Directive 78/687/EEC for at least three consecutive years during the five years prior to the issue of the certificate and that these persons are authorized to carry out the said activities under the same conditions as holders of the diploma , certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications referred to in Article 3 ( k ) of this Directive .

The requirement of three years " experience referred to in the first subparagraph shall be waived in the case of persons who have successfully completed at least three years of study which are certified by the competent authorities as being equivalent to the training referred to in Article 1 of Directive 78/687/EEC . "

5 . Council Directive 78/1026/EEC of 18 December 1978 ( OJ No L 362 , 23 . 12 . 1978 , p . 1 ) , as amended by :

- the 1979 Act of Accession ( OJ No L 291 , 19 . 11 . 1979 , p . 17 ) ,

- Council Directive 81/1057/EEC of 14 December 1981 ( OJ No L 385 , 31 . 12 . 1981 , p . 25 ) .

The following is added to Article 3 :

" ( k ) in Spain :

titulo de Licenciado en Veterinaria ( University degree in veterinary medicine ) awarded by the Ministry for Education and Science ;

( l ) in Portugal :

carta de curso de licenciatura em medicina veterinaria ( diploma conferring official recognition of completion of studies in veterinary medicine ) awarded by a University . "

6 . Council Directive 80/154/EEC of 21 January 1980 ( OJ No L 33 , 11 . 2 . 1980 , p . 1 ) , as amended by Council Directive 80/1273/EEC of 22 December 1980 ( OJ No L 375 , 31 . 12 . 1980 , p . 74 ) .

( a ) The following is added to Article 1 :

" in Spain :

" matrona " or " asistente obstétrico " ;

in Portugal :

" enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saude materna e obstetrica " . "

( b ) The following is added to Article 3 :

" ( k ) in Spain :

the diploma of " asistencia obstetrica " awarded by the Ministero de Educacion y Ciencia ;

( l ) in Portugal :

the diploma of " enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saude materna e obstetrica " . "