

Official Journal of the European Union

C 51/16

Threshold values referred to in Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU and 2009/81/EC, expressed in the national currencies of the EFTA States

(2020/C 51/08)

Thresholds in EUR

Thresholds in NOK

Thresholds in CHF

Thresholds in ISK

80 000

771 036

91 563

10 429 009

139 000

1 339 676

159 091

18 120 403

214 000

2 062 522

244 931

27 897 599

428 000

4 125 045

489 863

55 795 199

750 000

7 228 467

858 404

97 771 961

1 000 000

9 637 957

1 144 539

130 362 615

5 350 000

51 563 071

6 123 288

697 439 993