

Official Journal of the European Union

CA 418/1




(2017/C 418 A/01)

Deadline for registration: 16 January 2018 at 12.00 (midday), CET

The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising open competitions, based on qualifications and tests, to draw up reserve lists from which the Court of Justice in Luxembourg may recruit new members of the civil service as ‘lawyer linguists’ (function group AD).

This notice of competitions and its annexes form the legally binding framework for these selection procedures.

Please see ANNEX IV for the general rules governing open competitions.

Number of successful candidates sought:

EPSO/AD/354/17 — LV: 10

EPSO/AD/355/17 — MT: 10

This notice covers two competitions. You can only apply to one. You must make your choice when you apply online and you will not be able to change it after you have validated your online application form.


The general role of lawyer linguists at the Court of Justice is to translate legal texts into the language of the competition from at least two of the other official EU languages and to provide legal analysis in cooperation with the Registries and the other departments of the Court of Justice.

Please see ANNEX I for more information about the typical duties to be performed.


You must meet ALL of the following conditions when you validate your application:

1)    General conditions:

Enjoy full rights as a citizen of a Member State of the EU

Meet any obligations imposed by national laws on military service

Meet the character requirements for the duties concerned

2)    Specific conditions — languages:

You must have knowledge of at least 3 official EU languages . You must have knowledge of the language of the competition at minimum C2 level (perfect knowledge), of French at minimum C1 level (thorough knowledge) and of a third official EU language at minimum C1 level (thorough knowledge).

These competitions are intended for candidates who have a perfect command, both written and spoken, of the language of the competition (mother tongue or equivalent). If you are not up to this standard, we would strongly advise you not to apply.

Please see ANNEX II for the language combinations and qualifications sought

Please note that the minimum level required above for Language 1 must apply to each linguistic ability (speaking, writing, reading and listening) requested in the application form. These abilities reflect those of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr

In this notice of competitions we will refer to the languages as:

Language 1: language of the chosen competition ( Latvian or Maltese ). Language used for the application form, the translation tests and assessment phase tests.

Language 2 ( French ): language used for one of the translation tests and for communication from EPSO to the candidates who have submitted a valid application.

Language 3: language used for one of the translation tests. One of the official EU languages, different from languages 1 and 2.

Language 2 must be French.

The Court of Justice is a multilingual institution and the language rules under which it operates are defined in its Rules of Procedure. Once recruited, it is essential that the lawyer linguists be operational immediately.

The language option open to candidates for language 1, namely the language of their legal studies, corresponds to the target language of the translation unit concerned and the language of communication within the unit. A perfect command of that language is required for lawyer linguists who must translate complex legal texts into it. Also, on the basis of a perfect, active command of language 1, candidates need to demonstrate, for example, that they will be able to carry out the legal and terminological analysis in language 1 of references for a preliminary ruling submitted by national courts in that language. Owing to such specific constraints on lawyer linguists’ work at the Court of Justice, it is reasonable to require candidates to fill in the application form and take the general and specific competency tests at the assessment phase in the language of the competition. This offers the best guarantee that the candidates recruited will be of the highest calibre in terms of ability and efficiency.

The choice of language 2 reflects the significant volume of texts to be translated from this language, particularly judgments and orders of the Court of Justice and the General Court. In order to ensure that the case-law can be published in all the official languages of the European Union, it is essential that each lawyer-linguist in each of the translation units concerned can work from language 2. In those cases where the choice of language 3 is restricted, this restriction takes account of the language coverage requirements of the units in question, meaning that the lawyer-linguists to be recruited in those units need to be able to translate complex legal texts from one of the languages specified. Such texts include Opinions of the Advocates General, translated for the purpose of publication, and pleadings, translated for the benefit of the parties to proceedings and the Courts themselves.

Contrary to what is stated in points 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.3.1 of the General Rules governing open competitions (in Annex IV of this notice), for the purpose of these competitions candidates may submit requests and complaints in their Language 1 or Language 2 while EPSO will reply in Language 2 (French).


1)    Application process

You must fill in your application form in the language you have chosen as your language 1 (see section ‘Specific conditions — languages’).

When completing your application form, you will be asked to confirm your eligibility for the chosen competition and provide further information relevant to this competition (for example: diplomas, work experience and answers to field-specific questions (Talent Screener)). You will also have to select your language 1 (language of the chosen competition), your language 2 (French) and your language 3 (one of the official EU languages other than languages 1 and 2).

By validating your application form you declare on your honour that you meet all the conditions mentioned under the section ‘Am I eligible to apply?’ Once you have validated your application form, you will no longer be able to make any changes. It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete and validate your application within the deadline.

2)    Eligibility checks

The eligibility requirements laid down in the section ‘Am I eligible to apply?’ above will be checked against the data provided in candidates’ online applications. EPSO will check whether you meet the general eligibility conditions while the Selection Board will check compliance with the specific eligibility conditions.

3)    Pre-selection based on qualifications (Talent Screener)

If the number of candidates found to satisfy the eligibility checks is less than 20 times the number of successful candidates sought for each competition, a pre-selection based on qualifications will not take place and all eligible candidates will be invited to take the preliminary tests.

If the number of candidates found to satisfy the eligibility checks is equal to or higher than 20 times the number of successful candidates sought for each competition, the selection board will screen the applications of all the eligible candidates who validated their application form by the deadline.

In the latter case, and in order to allow the selection board to carry out an objective assessment of the comparative merits of all candidates in a structured way, all candidates in these competitions must answer the same set of questions in the ‘Talent Screener’ section of the application form. The selection based on qualifications will be carried out, only for those candidates deemed eligible as described above in point 2, using solely the information provided in this Talent Screener section. You should therefore include all relevant information in your Talent Screener answers, even if already mentioned in other sections of your application form. The questions are based on the selection criteria included in this notice.

Please see ANNEX III for the list of criteria.

To carry out the selection based on qualifications, the selection board will first assign each selection criterion a weighting that reflects its relative importance (1 to 3) and each of the candidate’s responses will be awarded between 0 and 4 points. The points are multiplied by the weighting for each criterion and added up to identify those candidates whose profiles best match the duties to be performed.

Only the candidates with the highest overall marks at the selection based on qualifications will go through to the next stage.

4)    Preliminary tests: translations

A maximum of 20 times the number of successful candidates sought for each competition will be invited to this phase. Candidates invited to the preliminary tests will take 2 computer-based translation tests without the help of a dictionary:


Translation into the competition language (language 1) of a legal text drafted in your language 2.


Translation into the competition language (language 1) of a legal text drafted in your language 3.

Each test lasts 110 minutes and each will be marked out of 80 (pass mark 40/80). If you fail test (a), your test (b) will not be marked.

The marks obtained in these tests, together with the marks obtained during the assessment phase, will count towards your overall mark.

5)    Assessment phase

A maximum of 4,5 times the number of successful candidates sought for each competition will be invited to this phase. If you meet the eligibility requirements according to the data in your online application and if you scored one of the highest overall marks at the preliminary tests, you will be invited to an assessment phase for 1,5 days, most probably in Luxembourg , where you will take tests held in your language 1 .

Unless instructed otherwise, you will have to bring your supporting documents (originals or certified copies) to your assessment phase. EPSO will scan these during your assessment phase tests and return them to you on the same day.

The assessment phase is comprised of a series of computer-based multiple choice questions and competency-based tests as indicated below:




Pass mark

Verbal reasoning

20 questions

35 min

No minimum pass mark required

Numerical reasoning

10 questions

20 min

Abstract reasoning

10 questions

10 min

One point is available per question and the overall score will be out of 40. The marks obtained in these tests will count towards your final overall mark.

Eight general competencies and the specific competencies required for these competitions will be tested during the assessment phase through three tests (group exercise and general and specific competency-based interviews) as described in the following matrices:




Analysis and problem solving

Group exercise



General competency-based interview


Delivering quality and results

General competency-based interview


Learning and development

Group exercise


Prioritising and organising

Group exercise



General competency-based interview


Working with others

Group exercise



Group exercise

Pass marks

3/10 per competency and 40/80 in total



Specific competencies

Specific competency-based interview to assess your specialist knowledge and command of the language in the field of national law and European Union law. During the interview, you will be asked to give an oral presentation.

Pass mark


The marks scored in the translation tests will be added to those scored during the assessment phase to give candidates their final overall score.

6)    Reserve list

After checking candidates’ eligibility against their supporting documents, the selection board will draw up a reserve list for each competition — until the number of successful candidates sought is reached — of those eligible candidates who have obtained all pass marks as well as the highest overall marks following the assessment phase. Names will be listed alphabetically.

The reserve lists and the competency passports, giving qualitative feedback from the Selection Board, of successful candidates will be made available to the EU institutions for recruitment procedures and future career development. Inclusion on a reserve list does not confer any right to or guarantee of recruitment.


Apply online on the EPSO website http://jobs.eu-careers.eu by:

16 January 2018 at 12.00 (midday), CET.



The Court of Justice recruits highly qualified lawyers, who must be able to translate often complex legal/legislative texts into the language of the competition from at least two other languages. The work of a lawyer-linguist involves the use of IT and other office tools.

The duties involve translating legal texts (judgments of the Court of Justice and General Court, Opinions of the Advocates General, written pleadings of the parties, etc.) into the language of the competition from at least 2 of the other official languages of the European Union, and providing legal analysis in cooperation with the Registries and the other departments of the Court of Justice.

End of ANNEX I, click here to return to main text




1.   Qualifications

You must have a level of education corresponding to completed university studies attested by one of the following qualifications in Latvian law:

Kandidātiem ir jābūt diplomam par augstāko juridisko izglītību Latvijas tiesību zinātnē, kas iegūts akreditētā studiju programmā, vai minētā līmeņa izglītībai pielīdzināmam diplomam un jurista kvalifikācijai.

Candidates who followed a 3-year degree course must also have obtained at least 1 year’s appropriate professional experience.

To determine whether a candidate has attained a level corresponding to completed university studies, the selection board will take into account the rules in force at the time when the diploma was awarded.

Please see ANNEX V for examples of minimum qualifications

2.   Knowledge of languages

Language 1:

Minimum level C2 (perfect command) in Latvian

Language 2:

Minimum level C1 (effective operational proficiency) in French for the purposes of translating legal texts

Language 3:

Minimum level C1 (effective operational proficiency) in one of the 24 official EU languages for the purposes of translating legal texts; must be different from languages 1 and 2

For details on language levels, see the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr)


1.   Qualifications

You must have a level of education corresponding to completed university studies attested by one of the following qualifications in Maltese law:

Dottorat fil-liġi (LL.D.) jew Master fl-Avokatura (M.Adv.);

Diploma ta’ Nutar Pubbliku (Dip.Not.Pub.) jew Master fl-Istudji Notarili (M.Not.ST.);

Baċellerat fl-Arti tal-Istudji Soċjo-Legali b’Diploma ta’ Prokuratur legali (B.A., L.P.) jew Baċellerat fil-Liġi b’diploma ta’ Prokuratur Legali (LL.B (Hons), L.P.)

Candidates who followed a 3-year degree course must also have obtained at least 1 year’s appropriate professional experience.

To determine whether a candidate has attained a level corresponding to completed university studies, the selection board will take into account the rules in force at the time when the diploma was awarded.

Please see ANNEX V for examples of minimum qualifications

2.   Knowledge of languages

Language 1:

Minimum level C2 (perfect command) in Maltese

Language 2:

Minimum level C1 (effective operational proficiency) in French for the purposes of translating legal texts

Language 3:

Minimum level C1 (effective operational proficiency) in one of the 24 official EU languages for the purposes of translating legal texts; must be different from languages 1 and 2

For details on language levels, see the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr)

End of ANNEX II, click here to return to main text



The selection board considers the following criteria for the selection based on qualifications:


Professional experience in the field of legal translation;


Professional experience of drafting legal texts;


Professional legal experience acquired in a law firm, as an in-house lawyer in a business, in a national administration, in an international organisation or in a university;


Diploma/certificate/qualification in translation or linguistic/language studies in relation to the languages required for the competition (language 1, 2 or 3);


Proven knowledge of additional official languages of the European Union other than the languages required for the competition.

End of ANNEX III, click here to return to main text




Any reference, in the framework of selection procedures organised by EPSO, to a person of a specific gender must be deemed also to constitute a reference to a person of any other gender.

Where candidates tie for the last available place at any stage of the competition, they will all go through to the next stage of the competition. Any readmitted candidates following a successful appeal will also be invited to the next stage.

Where candidates tie for the last available place on the reserve list, they will all be included on the reserve list. Any readmitted candidates following a successful appeal at this stage of the procedure will also be added to the reserve list.


1.1.   General and specific conditions

The general and specific conditions (including knowledge of languages) for each field or profile are indicated in the section ‘Am I eligible to apply?’.

Specific conditions regarding qualifications, professional experience and knowledge of languages vary depending on the profile requested. In your application, you should include as much information as possible regarding your qualifications and professional experience (where required) as described in the section ‘Am I eligible to apply?’ of this notice that is relevant to the duties .


Diplomas and/or certificates: Diplomas, whether issued in EU or non-EU countries, should be recognised by an official EU Member State body, e.g. an EU Member State’s education ministry. The selection board will allow for differences between education systems.

For post-secondary education and technical, professional or specialist training, indicate the subjects covered, the duration and whether it was full-time, part-time or an evening class.


Professional experience (if required) will be taken into account only if it is relevant to the required duties and:

constitutes genuine and effective work;

is remunerated;

involves a subordinate relationship or the supply of a service; and

subject to the following conditions:

voluntary work: if remunerated and involving similar weekly hours and duration to a regular job;

traineeships: if remunerated;

compulsory military service: completed before or after the required diploma for a period not exceeding the statutory duration in your Member State;

maternity/paternity/adoption leave: if covered by an employment contract;

doctorate: for a maximum of 3 years, provided the doctorate was actually obtained, and whether or not the work was remunerated; and

part-time work: calculated pro rata on the basis of the number of hours worked, e.g. half-time for 6 months would count as 3 months.

1.2.   Supporting documents

At different steps of the selection procedure, you will need to provide an official document proving your citizenship (e.g. passport or identity card) which must be valid on the closing date of your application (closing date of the first part of your application in the case of a 2-part application scenario).

All periods of professional activity must be covered by originals or certified photocopies of:

documents from former and current employer(s) stating the nature and level of duties performed, and start and end dates, with the official header and stamp of the company, and the name and signature of the person in charge; or

employment contract(s) and first and last pay slips, with a detailed description of the duties performed;

(for non-salaried work, e.g. self-employed, liberal professions) invoices or order forms detailing the work performed or any other relevant official supporting documents;

(for conference interpreters where professional experience is required) documents attesting the number of days, and languages interpreted from and into, relating specifically to conference interpreting.

In general, no supporting documents are required to prove your knowledge of languages, except for some linguist or specialist profiles.

You may be asked for additional information or documents at any stage of the procedure. EPSO will inform you of what supporting documents you need to provide and when.

1.3.   Equal opportunities and special adjustments

If you have a disability or a medical condition that may hinder your ability to sit the tests, please indicate this in your application form and let us know the type of special adjustments you need. If a disability or condition develops after the deadline for applications, you must inform EPSO as soon as possible using the information indicated below.

Please note that you will have to send a certificate from your national authority or a medical certificate to EPSO in order for your request to be taken into consideration. Your supporting documents will be examined, so that reasonable accommodation can be made where required.

For more information, please contact the EPSO-accessibility team by:

Email (EPSO-accessibility@ec.europa.eu),

Fax (+32 22998081); or


European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)

EPSO accessibility

Avenue de Cortenbergh/Kortenberglaan 25

1049 Bruxelles/Brussel



A selection board is appointed to compare candidates and select the best ones on the basis of their competencies, aptitudes and qualifications in the light of the requirements set out in this notice of competition. Its members also decide on the difficulty of the competition tests and approve their content on the basis of proposals made by EPSO.

To ensure the selection board’s independence, it is strictly forbidden for candidates or anyone outside the board to attempt to contact any of its members, except in the context of tests which require direct interaction between the candidates and the board.

Candidates who wish to state their case or assert their rights must do so in writing, addressing their correspondence intended for a selection board to EPSO, which will pass it on to the board. Any direct or indirect intervention by candidates that does not comply with these procedures is forbidden and may result in disqualification from the competition.

The existence of a family relationship or a hierarchical link between a candidate and a selection board member, in particular, gives rise to a conflict of interest. Selection boards are asked to declare any such situations to EPSO immediately when they become aware of them. EPSO will evaluate each case individually and take the appropriate measures. The non-respect of the above mentioned rules could make selection board members liable to disciplinary action and result in disqualification from the competition for candidates (see section 4.4).

The names of the selection board members are published on the EPSO website (www.eu-careers.eu) before the beginning of the assessment centre/phase.


3.1.   Communication with EPSO

You should consult your EPSO account at least twice a week to keep track of your progress during the competition. If you are prevented from doing so because of a technical problem on EPSO’s side, you must notify EPSO immediately

preferably via the ‘contact us’ section of the EPSO website (www.eu-careers.eu); or

by phone via Europe Direct (00 800 67 89 10 11); or

by post:

European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)

Avenue de Cortenbergh/Kortenberglaan 25

1049 Bruxelles/Brussel


EPSO reserves the right not to supply information that is already clearly stated in this notice of competition, its annexes or on the EPSO website, including under ‘frequently asked questions’.

In all correspondence relating to an application, please mention your name as given in your EPSO account, your application number and the reference number of the selection procedure.

EPSO applies the principles of the code of good administrative behaviour https://ec.europa.eu/info/about-european-union/principles-and-values/ethics-and-integrity/code-conduct-eu-staff_en (as published in the Official Journal). Accordingly, EPSO reserves the right to cease any improper (i.e. repetitive, abusive and/or irrelevant) correspondence.

3.2.   Access to information

Candidates have specific rights of access to certain information concerning them individually, granted in the light of the obligation to state reasons, in order to allow for an appeal against rejection decisions.

This obligation to state reasons must be balanced with the confidentiality of the selection board proceedings, which ensures the boards’ independence and the objectivity of the selection. Due to confidentiality, attitudes adopted by members of selection boards regarding the individual or comparative assessments of candidates cannot be disclosed.

These access rights are specific to candidates in an open competition and legislation on public access to documents may not confer on them rights broader than those specified in this section.

3.2.1.   Automatic disclosure

You will automatically receive the following information via your EPSO account after each stage of the selection process organised for a given competition:

MCQ tests: your results and a grid with your answers and the correct answers by reference number/letter. Access to the text of the questions and answers is explicitly excluded;

eligibility: whether you were admitted; if not, the eligibility conditions that were not met;

Talent Screener: your results and a grid with the question weightings, the points awarded for your answers and your total score;

preliminary tests: your results;

intermediate tests: your results if you are not amongst the candidates invited to the next phase;

assessment centre/phase: if you are not disqualified, your competency passport showing your overall marks for each competency and the selection board’s comment providing quantitative and qualitative feedback on your performance at the assessment centre/phase.

As a rule, EPSO does not communicate to candidates any source texts or test assignments, as these are intended for reuse in future competitions. For certain tests, however, it may exceptionally publish the source texts or assignments on its website if:

the tests have been completed;

the results have been established and communicated to candidates; and

the source texts/assignments are not intended for reuse in future competitions.

3.2.2.   Information on request

You may request an uncorrected copy of your answers in written tests where the content is not intended for reuse in future competitions. This explicitly excludes answers to case studies.

Your corrected answer papers and the details of the marking, in particular, are covered by the secrecy of selection board proceedings and will not be disclosed.

EPSO endeavours to make as much information available to candidates as possible, in accordance with the obligation to state reasons, the confidential nature of selection board proceedings and the rules on the protection of personal data. All requests for information will be evaluated in light of these obligations.

Any requests for information should be submitted via the ‘contact us’ section of the EPSO website (www.eu-careers.eu) within 10 calendar days of the day your results were published in your EPSO account.


4.1.   Technical issues

If, at any stage of the selection procedure, you encounter a serious technical or organisational problem, in order to allow us to investigate the issue and take corrective measures, please inform EPSO immediately:

preferably via the ‘contact us’ section of the EPSO website (www.eu-careers.eu); or

by post:

European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)

Avenue de Cortenbergh/Kortenberglaan 25

1049 Bruxelles/Brussel


In all correspondence, please mention your name (as given in your EPSO account), your application number and the reference number of the selection procedure.

For problems occurring outside test centres (e.g. concerning the application or booking process), please contact EPSO (see section 3.1) with a brief description of the problem.

If the problem occurs at a test centre, please:

alert the invigilators and ask them to record your complaint in writing; and

contact EPSO via the ‘contact us’ section of the EPSO website (www.eu-careers.eu) with a brief description of the problem.

4.2.   Internal review procedures

4.2.1.   Error in the computer-based multiple choice questions (MCQs)

The MCQ database is subject to permanent in-depth quality control by EPSO and selection boards.

If you believe that an error in one or more of the MCQs affected your ability to answer, you are entitled to ask for the question(s) to be reviewed by the selection board (under the ‘neutralisation’ procedure).

Under this procedure, the selection board may decide to cancel the question containing the error and to redistribute the points among the remaining questions of the test. Only those candidates who received that question will be affected by the recalculation. The marking of the tests remains as indicated in the relevant sections of this notice of competition.

Arrangements for complaints about the MCQ tests are as follows:

procedure: please contact EPSO (see section 3.1) only via the online contact form;

language: in the Language 2 you chose for the competition in question;

deadline: within 10 calendar days of the date of your computer-based tests;

additional information: describe what the question was about (content) in order to identify the question(s) concerned, and explain the nature of the alleged error as clearly as possible.

Requests received after the deadline or that do not clearly describe the contested question(s) and alleged error will not be taken into account.

In particular, complaints merely pointing out alleged issues of translation, and which do not clearly specify the problem, will not be taken into account.

4.2.2.   Requests for review

You can request a review of any decision taken by the selection board or EPSO that establishes your results and/or determines whether you can proceed to the next stage of the competition or are excluded.

Requests for review may be based on:

a material irregularity in the competition process; and/or

non-compliance, by the selection board or EPSO, with the Staff Regulations, the notice of competition, its annexes and/or case law.

Please note that you are not allowed to challenge the validity of the selection board’s assessment of the quality of your performance in a test or the relevance of your qualifications and professional experience. This assessment is a value judgment made by the board and your disagreement with the board’s evaluation of your tests, experience and/or qualifications does not prove that it has made an error. Requests for review submitted on this basis will not lead to a positive outcome.

Arrangements for requests for review are as follows:

procedure: please contact EPSO (see section 3.1);

language: in the Language 2 you chose for the competition in question;

deadline: within 10 calendar days of the date on which the contested decision was published in your EPSO account;

additional information: indicate clearly the decision you wish to contest and on what grounds.

Requests received after the deadline will not be taken into account.

You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 15 working days. The body which took the contested decision (either the selection board or EPSO) will analyse and decide on your request and you will receive a reasoned reply as soon as possible.

If the outcome is positive, you will be re-entered in the selection process at the stage at which you were excluded, regardless of how far the competition has progressed in the meantime.

4.3.   Other form of contestation

4.3.1.   Administrative complaints

As a candidate in an open competition, you have the right to address an administrative complaint to the Director of EPSO acting as the appointing authority.

You may submit a complaint against a decision, or lack thereof, that directly and immediately affects your legal status as a candidate, only if the rules governing the selection procedure have clearly been infringed. The Director of EPSO cannot overturn a value judgment made by a selection board (see section 4.2.2).

Arrangements for administrative complaints are as follows:

procedure: please contact EPSO (see section 3.1);

language: in the Language 2 you chose for the competition in question;

deadline: within 3 months of notification of the contested decision or of the date by which a decision should have been made;

additional information: indicate clearly the decision you wish to contest and on what grounds.

Requests received after the deadline will not be taken into account.

4.3.2.   Judicial appeals

As a candidate in an open competition, you have the right to submit a judicial appeal to the General Court.

If you wish to appeal against a decision taken by EPSO, you must first make an administrative complaint (see section 4.3.1).

Arrangements for judicial appeals are as follows:

procedure: please consult the website of the General Court (http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/).

4.3.3.   European Ombudsman

All EU citizens and residents can make a complaint to the European Ombudsman.

Before you submit a complaint to the Ombudsman, you must first make the appropriate administrative approaches to the institutions and bodies concerned (see sections 4.1-4.3).

Making a complaint to the Ombudsman does not extend the deadlines for lodging administrative complaints or judicial appeals.

Arrangements for complaints to the Ombudsman are as follows:

procedure: please consult the website of the European Ombudsman (http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/).

4.4.   Disqualification from the selection procedure

You may be disqualified at any stage in a selection procedure if EPSO finds that you:

have created more than one EPSO account;

have applied to incompatible fields or profiles;

do not meet all the eligibility conditions;

made false declarations or declarations unsupported by the appropriate documents;

have failed to book or sit your tests;

have cheated during the tests;

did not declare in your application form the language, or one of the languages, required as Language 2, or did not declare the minimum level required for Language 2;

attempted to contact a member of the selection board in an unauthorised manner;

failed to inform EPSO of a possible conflict of interest with a selection board member;

submitted your application in a language other than that/those specified in this notice of competition (allowances may be made regarding the use of another language for proper nouns, official titles and job titles as indicated in the supporting documents or labels/titles of diplomas); and/or

signed or wrote a distinctive mark on anonymously marked written or practical tests.

Candidates for recruitment by the EU institutions must show the highest possible integrity. Fraud or attempted fraud may render you liable to penalty and compromise your eligibility for future competitions.

End of ANNEX IV, click here to return to main text



Please click here for an easy-to-read version of these examples


AST-SC 1 to AST-SC 6

AST 1 to AST 7

AST 3 to AST 11

AD 5 to AD 16


Secondary education (giving access to post-secondary education)

Post-secondary education (non-university higher education course or short university course lasting at least two years)

University-level education (lasting at least three years)

University-level education (four years or more)

Belgique — België — Belgien

Certificat de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS)/Diploma secundair onderwijs

Diplôme d'aptitude à accéder à l'enseignement supérieur (DAES)/

Getuigschrift van hoger secundair onderwijs

Diplôme d'enseignement professionnel

Getuigschrift van het beroepssecundair onderwijs

Candidature — Kandidaat

Graduat — Gegradueerde

Bachelor/Professioneel gerichte Bachelor

Bachelor académique (180 crédits)

Academisch gerichte Bachelor (180 ECTS)



Diplôme d'études approfondies (DEA)

Diplôme d'études spécialisées (DES)

Diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées (DESS)

Gediplomeerde in de Voortgezette Studies (GVS)

Gediplomeerde in de Gespecialiseerde Studies (GGS)

Gediplomeerde in de Aanvullende Studies (GAS)


Ingénieur industriel/Industrieel ingenieur

Doctorat/Doctoraal diploma


Диплома за завършено средно образование

Специалист по …


Диплома за висше образование



Česká republika

Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce

Vysvědčení o absolutoriu (Absolutorium) + diplomovaný specialista (DiS.)

Diplom o ukončení

bakalářského studia (Bakalář)

Diplom o ukončení vysokoškolského studia




Bevis for:


Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF)

Højere Handelseksamen (HHX)

Højere Afgangseksamen (HA)

Bac pro: Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX)

Videregående uddannelser

= Bevis for = Eksamensbevis som (erhversakademiuddannelse AK)

Bachelorgrad (BA or BS)




Master/Magistergrad (mag.art)




Abitur/Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife

Fachabitur/Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife




Hochschulabschluss / Fachhochschulabschluss / Master

Magister Artium/ Magistra Artium


Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen



Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus + riigieksamitunnistus

Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta

Tunnistus keskhariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta

Bakalaureusekraad (min 120 ainepunkti)

Bakalaureusekraad (< 160 ainepunkti)

Rakenduskõrghariduse diplom

Bakalaureusekraad (160 ainepunkti)






Doktorikraad (120–160 ainepunkti)


Ardteistiméireacht, Grád D3, i 5 ábhar

Leaving Certificate Grade D3 in 5 subjects

Gairmchlár na hArdteistiméireachta (GCAT)

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

Teastas Náisiúnta

National Certificate

Gnáthchéim bhaitsiléara

Ordinary bachelor degree

Dioplóma náisiúnta (ND, Dip.)

National diploma (ND, Dip.)

Ardteastas (120 ECTS)

Higher Certificate (120 ECTS)

Céim onóracha bhaitsiléara (3 bliana/180 ECTS) (BA, B.Sc, B.Eng)

Honours bachelor degree (3 years/180 ECTS) (BA, B.Sc, B.Eng)

Céim onóracha bhaitsiléara (4 bliana/240 ECTS)

Honours bachelor degree (4 years/240 ECTS)

Céim ollscoile

University degree

Céim mháistir (60-120 ECTS)

Master’s degree (60-120 ECTS)




Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου Απολυτήριο Κλασικού Λυκείου

Απολυτήριο Τεχνικού Επαγγελματικού Λυκείου

Απολυτήριο Ενιαίου Πολυκλαδικού Λυκείου

Απολυτήριο Ενιαίου Λυκείου

Απολυτήριο Τεχνολογικού Επαγγελματικού Εκπαιδευτηρίου

Δίπλωμα επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης (IΕΚ)


Πτυχίο ΑΕI (πανεπιστημίου,

πολυτεχνείου, ΤΕI)

Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης

(2ος κύκλος)

Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα (3ος κύκλος)


Bachillerato + Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU)



Diploma de Técnico especialista

FP grado superior (Técnico superior)

Diplomado/ Ingeniero técnico




Título de Doctor



Diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires (DAEU)

Brevet de technicien

Diplôme d'études universitaires générales (DEUG)

Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS)

Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT)

Diplôme d'études universitaires scientifiques et techniques (DEUST)



Maîtrise des sciences et techniques (MST), maîtrise des sciences de gestion (MSG), diplôme d'études supérieures techniques (DEST), diplôme de recherche technologique (DRT),

diplôme d'études supérieures

spécialisées (DESS), diplôme

d'études approfondies (DEA),

master 1, master 2 professionnel,

master 2 recherche

Diplôme des grandes écoles

Diplôme d'ingénieur



Diploma di maturità (vecchio ordinamento)

Perito ragioniere

Diploma di superamento dell’esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio di istruzione secondaria superiore

Diploma universitario (DU)

Certificato di specializzazione tecnica superiore/

Attestato di competenza (4 semestri)

Diploma di laurea — L (breve)

Diploma di laurea (DL)

Laurea specialistica (LS)

Master di I livello

Dottorato di ricerca (DR)



Δίπλωμα = Programmes offered by Public/Private Schools of Higher Education (for the latter accreditation is compulsory)

Higher Diploma


Πανεπιστημιακό Πτυχίο / Bachelor




Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību

Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību

Diploms par pirmā līmeņa profesionālo augstāko izglītību

Bakalaura diploms (min. 120 kredītpunktu)

Bakalaura diploms (160 kredītpunktu)

Profesionālā bakalaura diploms

Maģistra diploms

Profesionālā maģistra diploms

Doktora grāds


Brandos atestatas

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas

Aukštesniojo mokslo diplomas

Profesinio bakalauro diplomas

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas

Bakalauro diplomas

Magistro diplomas

Daktaro diplomas

Meno licenciato diplomas


Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires et techniques


Brevet de maîtrise

Brevet de technicien supérieur

Diplôme de premier cycle universitaire (DPCU)

Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT)


Diplôme d'ingénieur technicien


Diplôme d'ingénieur industriel

DESS en droit européen


Gimnáziumi érettségi bizonyítvány

Szakközépiskolai érettségi — képesítő bizonyítvány

Felsőfokú szakképesítést

igazoló bizonyítvány (Higher

Vocational Programme)

Főiskolai oklevél

Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree 180 credits)

Egyetemi oklevél

Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree 240 credits)

Mesterfokozat (Master degree)

(Osztatlan mesterképzés)

Doktori fokozat


Advanced Matriculation or GCE Advanced level in 3 subjects (2 of them grade C or higher)

Matriculation certificate (2 subjects at Advanced level and 4 at Intermediate level including Systems of Knowledge with overall grade A-C) + Passes in the Secondary Education Certificate examination at Grade 5

2 A Levels (passes A-C) + a number of subjects at Ordinary level, or equivalent

MCAST diplomas/certificates

Higher National Diploma

Bachelor’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

Master of Arts



Diploma VWO

Diploma staatsexamen (2 diploma's)

Diploma staatsexamen voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs

(Diploma staatsexamen VWO)

Diploma staatsexamen hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs (Diploma staatsexamen HAVO)


Associate degree (AD)

Bachelor (WO)

HBO bachelor degree

Baccalaureus of ‘Ingenieur’

HBO/WO Master's degree

Doctoraal examen/Doctoraat



Reife- und Diplomprüfung


Kollegdiplom/ Akademiediplom

Fachhochschuldiplom / Bakkalaureus/Bakkalaurea

Universitätsdiplom / Fachhochschuldiplom/

Magister / Magistra


Diplomprüfung, Diplom-Ingenieur

Magisterprüfungszeugnis Rigorosenzeugnis



Świadectwo dojrzałości

Świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego

Dyplom ukończenia kolegium nauczycielskiego

Świadectwo ukończenia szkoły policealnej

Licencjat / Inżynier

Magister / Magister inżynier

Dyplom doktora


Diploma de Ensino Secundário/

Certificado de Habilitações do Ensino Secundário


Bacharel Licenciado




Republika Hrvatska

Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi

Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu

Stručni pristupnik/pristupnica

Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica)

Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica)

Stručni specijalist

Magistar struke

Magistar inženjer/magistrica inženjerka (mag. ing)

Doktor struke

Doktor umjetnosti


Diplomă de bacalaureat

Diplomă de absolvire

(Colegiu universitar)

învățământ preuniversitar

Diplomă de licenţă

Diplomă de licenţă

Diplomă de inginer

Diplomă de urbanist

Diplomă de master

Certificat de atestare (studii academice


Diplomă de doctor


Maturitetno spričevalo

(spričevalo o poklicni maturi)

(spričevalo o zaključnem izpitu)

Diploma višje strokovne šole

Diploma o pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi

Univerzitetna diploma / magisterij / specializacija / doktorat


Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške

Absolventský diplom

Diplom o ukončení bakalárskeho štúdia (Bakalár)

Diplom o ukončení vysokoškolského štúdia

Bakalár (Bc.)





Ylioppilastutkinto tai peruskoulu + kolmen vuoden ammatillinen koulutus – Studentexamen eller grundskola + treårig yrkesinriktad utbildning

Todistus yhdistelmäopinnoista

(Betyg över kombinationsstudier)

Ammatillinen opistoasteen tutkinto – Yrkesexamen på institutnivå

Kandidaatin tutkinto – Kandidatexamen / Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto – Yrkeshögskoleexamen (min. 120 opintoviikkoa – studieveckor)

Maisterin tutkinto – Magisterexamen / Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto – Yrkeshögskoleexamen (min. 160 opintoviikkoa – studieveckor)

Tohtorin tutkinto (Doktorsexamen) joko 4 vuotta tai 2 vuotta lisensiaatin tutkinnon jälkeen – antingen 4 år eller 2 år efter licentiatexamen



Slutbetyg från gymnasieskolan

(3-årig gymnasial utbildning)

Högskoleexamen (80 poäng)

Högskoleexamen, 2 år, 120 högskolepoäng


Kvalificerad yrkeshögskoleexamen, 1–3 år

Kandidatexamen (akademisk examen omfattande minst 120 poäng, varav 60 poäng fördjupade studier i ett ämne + uppsats motsvarande 10 poäng)

Meriter på grundnivå:

Kandidatexamen, 3 år, 180 högskolepoäng (Bachelor)

Magisterexamen (akademisk examen omfattande minst 160 poäng, varav 80 poäng fördjupade studier i ett ämne + uppsats motsvarande 20 poäng eller två uppsatser motsvarande 10 poäng vardera)



Meriter på avancerad nivå:

Magisterexamen, 1 år, 60 högskolepoäng

Masterexamen, 2 år, 120 högskolepoäng

Meriter på forskarnivå:

Licentiatexamen, 2 år, 120 högskolepoäng

Doktorsexamen, 4 år, 240 högskolepoäng

United Kingdom

General Certificate of Education Advanced level — 2 passes or equivalent (grades A to E)

BTEC National Diploma

General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ), advanced level

Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education, A level (VCE A level)

Higher National Diploma/Certificate (BTEC)/SCOTVEC

Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)

National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ)

Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) level 4

(Honours) Bachelor degree

NB: Master’s degree in Scotland

Honours Bachelor degree

Master’s degree (MA, MB, MEng, MPhil, MSc)


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