

Official Journal of the European Union

C 346/6


under the Erasmus+ programme

KA3 — Support for policy reform

Joint qualifications in vocational education and training (VET)

(2017/C 346/09)

1.   Objectives

The overall objectives of the call are, on the one hand, to increase the employability of young people and to contribute to the development of a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce from which companies should also benefit and, on the other hand, to support joint developments in VET in Europe and strengthen overall its quality, relevance and attractiveness.

The specific objective of the call is to support the preparation or setting up of joint VET qualifications including at higher level or the improvement of such existing qualifications.

The transnational qualifications should comprise strong work-based learning and a mobility component, address learning outcomes, quality assurance and proper recognition while making use of relevant European tools and instruments.

Against the background of high youth unemployment, skills mismatch and shortages as well as the need for higher level skills at sectoral level, joint VET qualifications have the potential to address these challenges and ensure that VET response better to labour market needs.

2.   Eligible partnerships

The partnership must be composed of partners from at least two different Erasmus+ programme countries (at least one of which must be a Member State of the European Union):

—   the 28 Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom (1),

—   the non-EU programme countries: former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey.

Moreover, the partnership shall include at least three partners, including the two following organisations:

a VET provider (at upper secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary or tertiary level),

an enterprise (public or private) or a chamber of industry, trade and crafts or a sectoral/professional organisation.

One of those partners will be the coordinating organisation, applying for the Erasmus+ grant on behalf of the consortium of partner organisations.

Other eligible participating organisations include:

relevant qualification authorities or equivalent (at national, regional, or sectoral levels). The involvement of such an organisation from each of the countries participating in the project will represent an asset in the evaluation of the quality of the project consortium and cooperation arrangements,

public local, regional or national authorities,

social partners (employers' and workers' organisations),

research institutes,

European umbrella organisations,

sector skills councils, or equivalent,

public employment services,

youth organisations,

parents' associations,

other relevant bodies.

3.   Activities and expected results

Activities must start between 1 September 2018 and 1 November 2018.

The duration of the projects is 24 months.

Beneficiaries should undertake the two main following activities:

Design or improve a joint qualification in VET, aimed at responding to concrete skill needs in the countries with mandatory partners, with a view to its recognition as qualification in each of these countries.

The joint qualification should be composed of clearly identified units:

defined through a detailed qualification profile, that is a comprehensive outline of the expected learning outcomes,

complemented by the design of a joint curriculum, with a strong work-based learning component, and supporting cross-border, transnational and interregional learner mobility,

complemented by assessment standards.

Set up new sustainable cooperation structures to ensure transparency, comparability, appropriate quality assurance systems and mutual recognition of qualifications, whilst making existing engagement more systematic and targeted.

Concrete results must be achieved within the project's duration:

Design or improve a joint qualification in VET

deliver tangible and sustainable outcomes in establishing a joint VET qualification including better transparency, comparability and recognition of those qualifications,

provide evidence on how specific skills' needs will be matched with labour market needs in the countries/regions participating in the partnership.

Set up new sustainable cooperation structures

show concrete efforts to increase employability of VET learners through enhanced work-based learning and inbuilt mobility opportunities,

implement long-term synergies to ultimately improve VET attractiveness.

Evidence must be demonstrated that the project deliverables will be pursued after EU funding has ended.

4.   Award criteria

Eligible applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:


Relevance of the project (Maximum 30 points — Threshold: minimum 16 points).


Quality of the project design and implementation (Maximum 25 points — Threshold: minimum 13 points).


Quality of the project consortium and the cooperation arrangements (Maximum 25 points — Threshold: minimum 13 points).


Impact and dissemination (Maximum 20 points — Threshold: minimum 11 points).

To be considered for funding, applications must score at least 60 points (out of 100 points in total), also taking into account the necessary minimum threshold for each of the four award criteria.

5.   Budget

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at a maximum of 6 million EUR.

The maximum EU co-financing rate will be 80 %.

Each grant will amount between 200 000 EUR and 500 000 EUR. It is expected to fund around 20 proposals.

The Agency reserves the right not to distribute all funds available.

6.   Deadline for submission of applications

Applications must be submitted no later than 31 January 2018, 12.00 noon (Brussels time).

Applications must comply with the following requirements:

they must be submitted online using the correct official application form (eForm),

they must be drafted in any official EU languages,

a detailed description of the project, a declaration of honour and a balanced estimated budget, presented on the official forms, must be annexed to the applications.

Failure to comply with those requirements will lead to the rejection of the application.

7.   Full details

The Applicants' Guidelines together with the application eForm can be found at the following internet address:


Applications must comply with all terms of the Guidelines.

(1)  For applicants from the United Kingdom: Please be aware that eligibility criteria must be complied with for the entire duration of the grant. If the United Kingdom withdraws from the EU during the grant period without concluding an agreement with the EU ensuring in particular that British applicants continue to be eligible, you will cease to receive EU funding (while continuing, where possible, to participate) or be required to leave the project.