

Official Journal of the European Union

C 322/19

Call for proposals 2009 — Europe for Citizens Programme (2007-2013)

Implementation of the programme actions: Active Citizens for Europe, Active civil society in Europe and Active European Remembrance

2009/C 322/07


This call for proposals is based on Decision No 1904/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006, establishing for the period 2007 to 2013 the programme Europe for Citizens to promote active European citizenship (1). The detailed conditions of this call for proposals can be found in the Programme Guide for the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme published on the Europa website (see point VIII). The programme Guide constitutes an integral part of this call for proposals.

I.   Objectives

The Europe for Citizens programme has the following specific objectives:

bringing together people form local communities across Europe to share and exchange experiences, opinions and values, to learn from history and to build for the future,

fostering action, debate and reflection related to European citizenship and democracy, shared values, common history and culture through cooperation within civil society organisations at European level,

bringing Europe closer to its citizens by promoting Europe's values and achievements, while preserving the memory of its past,

encouraging interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries contributing to intercultural dialogue and bringing to the fore both Europe's diversity and unity, with particular attention to activities aimed at developing closer ties between citizens from Member States of the European Union as constituted on 30 April 2004 and those form Member States which have acceded since that date.

II.   Eligible applicants

The Programme is open to all promoters established in one of the countries participating to the Programme and being:

A public body, or

A non-profit organisation with a legal status (legal personality).

Each action of the Programme is however targeting a more specific range of organisations. The eligibility of applicant organisations is therefore defined in the Programme Guide specifically for each measure/sub measure.

Countries eligible under this Programme are:

EU Member States (2)




III.   Eligible actions

The Europe for Citizens programme supports projects promoting active European citizenship.

This call covers the following actions of the Europe for Citizens programme:

Action 1:   Active Citizens for Europe

Measure 1:   Town Twinning

This measure is aimed at activities that involve or promote direct exchanges between European citizens through their participation in town-twining activities.

Measure 1.1:   Town twinning citizens’ meetings

This measure is aimed at activities that involve or promote direct exchanges between European citizens through their participation in town-twinning activities. A project must involve municipalities from at least two participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The project must have a minimum of 25 international participants coming from the invited municipalities, with at least five participants from each invited municipality. The maximum duration of the meeting is 21 days. The maximum grant to be awarded is EUR 22 000 per project. A maximum of EUR 40 000 per project can apply if at least 10 towns participate in the project. The minimum grant awarded is EUR 2 500.

The grants for town twinning citizens’ meetings are targeted to co-finance the organisational costs of the host town and the travel expenses of the invited participants. The grant calculation is based on flat rates.

Measure 1.2:   Networks of twinned towns

This measure supports the development of networks created on the basis of town twinning links, which are important for ensuring structured, intense and multifaceted cooperation among municipalities, and therefore for contributing to maximizing the impact of the Programme. A project must foresee at least three events. It must involve municipalities from at least four participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The project must have a minimum of 30 international participants coming from the invited municipalities. The maximum project duration is 24 months; the maximum duration of each event is 21 days.

Maximum amount eligible for a project within this measure is EUR 150 000. The minimum amount eligible is EUR 10 000. The grant calculation is based on flat rates.

Measure 2:   ‘Citizens’ projects’ and ‘Support measures’

Measure 2.1:   Citizens’ projects

This measure addresses a major challenge of the European Union today: how to bridge the gap between citizens and the European Union. It aims at exploring original and innovative methodologies capable of encouraging citizens’ participation and stimulating the dialogue between European citizens and the institutions of the European Union.

A project must involve at least five participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. A project must involve at least 200 participants. The maximum project duration is 12 months.

The amount of the grant will be calculated on the basis of a balanced, detailed forecast budget, expressed in euro. The grant awarded may not exceed 60 % of the total amount of the project's eligible costs. The minimum grant will be EUR 100 000. The maximum grant eligible for a project within this measure is EUR 250 000.

Measure 2.2:   Support measures

This measure is a tool to develop the quality of projects submitted within Action 1 ‘Active Citizens for Europe’. It supports the exchange of experiences, expertise and good practice, as well as activities which may lead to the establishment of long-lasting partnerships and networks.

A project must involve at least two participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The maximum is 12 months. At least two events per project have to be foreseen.

The amount of the grant will be calculated on the basis of a balanced, detailed forecast budget, expressed in euro. The grant may not exceed a maximum rate of 80 % of eligible costs of the action concerned. The minimum grant eligible is EUR 30 000. The maximum grant eligible for a project within this measure is EUR 100 000.

Action 2:   Active civil society in Europe

Measure 3:   Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations

The aim of this measure is to support concrete projects promoted by civil society organisations belonging to different participating countries. These projects should raise awareness on matters of European interest and contribute to foster mutual understanding on different cultures and to identify common values through cooperation at European level.

A project must involve at least two participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The maximum duration of projects is 12 months.

The grant can be calculated following two different methods, corresponding to different approaches and to which specific rules apply:


Budget based on flat rates for ‘event projects’.


Budget based on real costs for ‘production and realisation projects’:The grant requested in that case may not exceed 60 % of the eligible costs of the action concerned. The maximum grant is EUR 55 000. The minimum grant eligible is EUR 10 000.

Action 4:   Active European Remembrance

The aim of projects supported under this action is to keep alive the memory of the victims of Nazism and Stalinism and to improve the knowledge and understanding of present and future generations about what took place in the camps and other places of mass-civilian extermination, and why.

The maximum duration of project is 12 months.

The grant can be calculated following two different methods:


Budget based on flat rates and lump sum for ‘event projects’.


Budget based on real costs for ‘production and realisation projects’: The grant requested in that case may not exceed 60 % of the eligible costs of the action concerned. The maximum grant is EUR 55 000. The minimum grant eligible is EUR 10 000.

IV.   Award criteria

Qualitative criteria (80 % of points available):

Relevance of the project to the objectives and priorities of the Programme (25 %)

Pertinence of the project and methods proposed (25 %)

Impact (15 %)

Visibility and Follow-up (15 %)

Quantitative criteria (20 % of points available):

Geographical impact (10 %)

Target Group (10 %)

V.   Budget

Foreseen budget 2010 for the following actions

Action 1 Measure 1.1.

Town twinning citizens’ meetings

EUR 7 000 000

Action 1 Measure 1.2.

The thematic networking of twinned towns

EUR 5 165 000

Action 1 Measure 2.1.

Citizens’ projects

EUR 1 500 000

Action 1 Measure 2.2.

Support measures

EUR 1 535 000

Action 2 Measure 3

Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations

EUR 3 400 000

Action 4

Active European Remembrance

EUR 1 800 000

VI.   Deadlines for applications


Deadline for submission

Action 1 Measure 1.1.

Town twinning citizens’ meetings

1 February

1 June

1 September

Action 1 Measure 1.2.

The thematic networking of twinned towns

1 February

1 September

Action 1 Measure 2.1.

Citizens’ projects

1 June

Action 1 Measure 2.2.

Support measures

1 June

Action 2 Measure 3

Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations

15 February

Action 4

Active European Remembrance

30 April

If the deadline for submission falls on a weekend or public holiday in the applicant's country no extension will be granted and applicants must take this into account when planning their submission.

Applications must be sent to the following address:


Unit P7 Citizenship

Applications — ‘Town Twinning Citizens’ Meetings’

Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR 01/17)

1140 Bruxelles/Brussel


Only proposals submitted using the official application form duly completed and signed by the person empowered to enter into a legal commitment on behalf of the applicant, will be considered.

Applications submitted by fax or directly by email will not be examined.

VII.   Further information

The detailed conditions for submitting projects proposals and the application forms can be found in the Europe for Citizens Programme Guide on the following websites:

Directorate-General for Education and Culture:


Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency:


(1)  OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. 32.

(2)  The 27 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.