

Official Journal of the European Union

C 267/3

Lists for the purposes of determining the composition of the formations of the Court

2009/C 267/07

At its meeting on 8 October 2009, the Court drew up the list referred to in Article 11b(2) of the Rules of Procedure for the purposes of determining the composition of the Grand Chamber as follows:

Mr Timmermans

Ms Berger

Mr Rosas

Mr Šváby

Ms Silva de Lapuerta

Mr Safjan

Sir Konrad Schiemann

Mr Kasel

Mr Kūris

Ms Toader

Mr Juhász

Mr Arabadjiev

Mr Arestis

Mr von Danwitz

Mr Borg Barthet

Ms Lindh

Mr Ilešič

Mr Bay Larsen

Mr Malenovský

Mr Ó Caoimh

Mr Lõhmus

Mr Levits

At its meeting on 8 October 2009, the Court drew up the lists referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 11c(2) of the Rules of Procedure for the purposes of determining the composition of the Chambers of five Judges as follows:


First Chamber

Mr Borg Barthet

Ms Berger

Mr Ilešič

Mr Safjan

Mr Levits

Mr Kasel


Second Chamber

Mr Rosas

Mr Arabadjiev

Mr Lõhmus

Ms Lindh

Mr Ó Caoimh


Third Chamber

Ms Silva de Lapuerta

Mr Šváby

Mr Juhász

Mr von Danwitz

Mr Arestis

Mr Malenovský


Fourth Chamber

Mr Timmermans

Ms Toader

Sir Konrad Schiemann

Mr Bay Larsen

Mr Kūris

At its meeting on 9 October 2009, the Court drew up the lists referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 11c(2) of the Rules of Procedure for the purposes of determining the composition of the Chambers of three Judges as follows:


Fifth Chamber

Mr Borg Barthet

Mr Ilešič

Mr Kasel

Mr Safjan

Ms Berger


Sixth Chamber

Mr Rosas

Mr Lõhmus

Mr Ó Caoimh

Mr Arabadjiev


Seventh Chamber

Mr Juhász

Mr Arestis

Mr Malenovský

Mr von Danwitz

Mr Šváby


Eighth Chamber

Mr Timmermans

Sir Konrad Schiemann

Mr Kūris

Mr Bay Larsen