

Official Journal of the European Union

C 171/37

Call for proposals — European Commission — DG REGIO

Pilot Project ‘Pan-European coordination of Roma integration methods’ — Roma inclusion

2009/C 171/08

1.   Objective and description

The European Commission envisages implementing the European Parliament Pilot Project through a call for proposals, including three independent separate themes corresponding to the following fields of intervention:


early childhood education and care (ECEC);


self-employment and microcredit;


information and awareness raising.

Applicants can present proposals linked to the objectives of only one of the three individual fields of interventions.

The pilot project will support innovative and integrated approaches to tackling the multidimensional problems facing Roma communities. It will explore ways to promote Roma inclusion through educational, social, and economic activities, cross-border cooperation and exchange of good practices while building on existing experiences.

The pilot project will be primarily implemented in Member States and candidate countries with high proportion of disadvantaged Roma communities.

2.   Eligible applicants

Applicants must be established in one of the 27 Member States of the European Union.

Proposals must be submitted by non-profit organisations. These organisations can be:

non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and networks,


public bodies.

The same applies to partner organisations.

3.   Exclusion and selection criteria

Applicants will be excluded in case they are in one of the situation referred to in Articles 93 and 94 of the Financial Regulation.

Selection criteria

The applicant must have the financial and operational capacity to complete the activity for which funding is requested. Thus the applicant must have access to solid and adequate funding to maintain activities for the period of the project and to help finance it as necessary and must have the operational resources (technical, management) needed to successfully complete the activity. Technical capacity will be assessed with regard in particular to expertise, knowledge, efficiency, experience and reliability of the proposed personnel.

4.   Award criteria per theme


Early childhood education and care (ECEC):

methodology and cost effectiveness (30 %),

assessment of the current situation, including awareness of existing experiences (20 %),

management structure and personnel allocation (30 %),

sustainability strategy (20 %).


Self-employment and microcredit:

methodology, objectives and cost effectiveness (35 %),

management structure and personnel allocation (35 %),

sustainability strategy (30 %).


Information and awareness raising:

methodology, objectives and cost effectiveness (45 %),

management structure and personnel allocation (35 %),

sustainability strategy (20 %).

5.   Budget and project duration

5.1.   Early childhood education and care (ECEC)

The budget will be allocated to a single applicant. The EU contribution (up to EUR 2 000 000) can represent no more than 95 % of eligible costs. The project duration may not be less than 12 months and not exceed 24 months.

5.2.   Self-employment and microcredit

The budget will be allocated to a single applicant. The EU contribution (up to EUR 1 500 000) can represent no more than 90 % of eligible costs. The project duration may not be less than 12 months and not exceed 24 months.

5.3.   Information and awareness raising

The budget will be allocated to a single applicant. The EU contribution (up to EUR 1 000 000) can represent no more than 90 % of eligible project costs. The project duration may not be less than 12 months and not exceed 18 months.

6.   Deadline

Applications must be sent to the Commission no later than 25 September 2009.

7.   Further information

The full text of the guide for applicants of the call for proposals and the application form are available on the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index_en.htm

Applications must comply with the requirements set out in the above-mentioned Guide and be submitted using the form provided.