

Official Journal of the European Union

C 111/8


Support for the implementation of Pilot Projects

2009/C 111/06

1.   Objectives and Description

This notice of Call for Proposals is based on Decision No 1718/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 concerning the implementation of a programme of support for the European audiovisual sector (MEDIA 2007).

One of the measures to be implemented under this Decision is to support the implementation of Pilot Projects.

The programme may support Pilot Projects to ensure that it adapts to market developments, with a particular emphasis on the introduction and utilisation of information and communication technologies.

2.   Eligible applicants

This notice is aimed at European companies whose activities contribute to the above mentioned objectives.

Applicants must be established in one of the following countries:

the 27 countries of the European Union

the EFTA countries



3.   Eligible actions

The following actions are eligible under this Call for Proposals:


Distribution: new ways of creating and distributing European audiovisual content via non linear services


Open Media Production Environment


Distribution — Promotion & Marketing: the use of web techniques to develop local Cinema Communities


Previously funded Pilot Projects: Actions which have received funding under a previous MEDIA Pilot Projects Call for Proposals

The maximum duration of the actions is 12 months.

The actions have to start on 1 January 2010 and finish on 31 December 2010.

4.   Award criteria

Each submitted eligible action will be assessed in the light of the following award criteria:

Relevance of the activity with respect to the Programme’s objectives (20 %)

European Dimension of the activity (20 %)

Clarity of objectives and target groups (15 %)

Clarity and consistency of the general design of the action and likelihood of attaining the desired goals within the action's period (15 %)

Cost effectiveness of the action (10 %)

Experience of the participating organisations and quality of the management plan of the action (10 %)

Quality and effectiveness of the plan for dissemination of the results (10 %)

5.   Budget

The total budget available is EUR 2 million.

There is no maximum amount.

The financial contribution will take the form of a grant. The financial contribution awarded will in no event exceed 50 % of the eligible costs.

The Agency reserves the right not to allocate all the funds available.

6.   Deadline for submission of applications

Applications must be submitted to the Executive Agency (EACEA) no later than 15 July 2009.

Only applications submitted on the official application form, duly signed by the person entitled to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant organisation will be accepted. Envelopes must clearly mention:

MEDIA 2007 — Pilot Projects — EACEA/01/2009

Applications sent by fax or email will be rejected.

7.   Full details

The detailed guidelines, together with the application forms, can be found at the following Internet address:


Applications must comply with all the terms of the guidelines and be submitted on the forms provided.