

Official Journal of the European Union

C 31/15

Call for proposals 2009 — Preparatory Action MEDIA International

(2009/C 31/10)

1.   Objectives and description

The Preparatory Action MEDIA International is intended to examine and test cooperation activities between European film professionals and professionals of third countries. It covers:

support for training,

support for distribution,

support for promotion,

support for the development of cinema networks,

support for increasing audience demand.

Under the Work Programme for the Preparatory Action MEDIA International for 2009, the Commission hereby invites candidates to submit proposals.

2.   Eligible candidates

The call is open to proposals from legal entities in the 27 EU Member States and any third country. The specific conditions are set out in the Work Programme for the Preparatory Action MEDIA International for 2009.

3.   Budget for projects

The maximum amount available under this call for proposals is EUR 4,96 million.

The financial support from the Commission cannot exceed 50 %, 75 % or 80 % of the total eligible costs, depending on the nature of the activity.

The financial contribution will be awarded in the form of a grant.

4.   Evaluation and selection

Proposals received will be evaluated by the Commission with the assistance of independent experts. The criteria used in the evaluation are defined in the Work Programme for the Preparatory Action MEDIA International for 2009. Proposals that are successful in the evaluation process will be ranked in terms of quality.

The process for the evaluation of applications for grants awarded by the Commission is set out in the Financial Regulation applicable to the General Budget of the European Communities (1).

5.   Deadline for submission of applications

Applications must be sent at the latest by 2 June 2009 to:

Ms Aviva Silver

European Commission

Directorate-General Information Society and Media

Directorate A — Audiovisual, Media and Internet

Unit A2 — MEDIA programme and media literacy

Office BU33 02/005

B-1049 Brussels

6.   Full details

The full text of the call for proposals, together with the Work Programme for the Preparatory Action MEDIA International for 2009, guidelines and application forms, can be found at the following Internet address:


Applications must comply with all the terms of the call for proposals and be submitted on the form provided.

(1)  Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).